#oracle steel swords
damnablehumbuggery · 5 months
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Shitty Movie Detail: Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire
Just to be clear, Nemesis' swords have molten metal blades. They are similar but legally distinct from lightsabers.
More tomfoolery at Damnable Humbuggery.com
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hootgrowlbears · 4 months
Adaine's melee abilities in combat have mesmerized me. The bonus action True Strike with the Sword of Sight. Destiny guiding her blade as she struck true four of the shatter stars at once with a swift Steel Wind Strike. Around her, she can see everything. Through invisibility, into the Ethereal Plane. Never again will mages, like her kidnappers from Fallinel, ever get the drop on her. If they try, she is now a certified Mage Slayer, and they'll have to contend with an opportunity attack from the Oracle herself for even daring to cast a spell within her reach.
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breadandblankets · 1 month
here's something no one asked for: bats fallout 4 au
cass: made as an institute courser and the best of the best with a perfect clear record until she was ordered to execute a traitor and she bounced, she drifts for years anywhere and everywhere, eventually ending up in goodneighbor and through Coincidences into the office of one Barbara Gordon
babs: a doctor in goodneighbor specializing in human/machine interface and neurobiology, aka railroad agent oracle she and her partner Dinah run the memory den, part therapeutic establishment part front for synth liberation activities Babs helps deprogram synths and let them lead normal lives
Jason: he was taken into bruce's vault after his parents died, he was born human but turned into a ghoul thanks to a near death experience and a radiation bath, by the time we meet him, he's a drifter blown into goodneighbor hiring out his services as a merc, steadily moving in organized crime through some maneuvering
duke: a psyker (kinda like the forecaster if you played NV), he has the ability to see into the future if he concentrates, however it leaves him with huge migraines, his parents went missing after a raider attack and he joins the minutemen (honestly what is more MM than WAR) to try and find them
steph: both she and her mom are prewar ghouls (all of the cluemaster stuff still happens but he doesn't survive the bombs in jail), they used to live in diamond city until all the ghouls got kicked out, they lived in goodneighbor for a time, with steph working at the local clinic, run by leslie, eventually they both moved north to the slog (a settlement run by ghouls in an old swimming pool) when crystal wanted to get clean, steph works there as basically the town doctor
tim: (spoilers for a ten year old game but:) kinda like synth shaun he is a permanently stuck at the age of like ten, still a tech genius but like.... litol (did I say this just cause I thought it was funny.... yes)
alfred: a fuckin mr handy
bruce: vault dweller that imprinted on said mr handy like a duckling after his parents died
dick: you can literally keep his backstory intact and he makes perfect sense, haley circus is just from new vegas, after his parents murder he joined up with lyons pride and moved east with the brotherhood of steel, when the new elder rose to power after the lyons' death dick started to see the writing on the wall of fascism and jumped ship leaving that life behind, joining up with duke's new and improved MM to protect people from people he swore brotherhood to
damian: obv still bruce and talia's kid, talia is a pre war scientist and businesswoman, keeping herself and her half siblings alive and young as long as they keep their father and his weird artifact locked up. damian grows up in the closest thing to pre war luxury the post apocalypse has to offer. Eventually he wants to go out and see the world, meet his dad, write a guide to wasteland fauna. talia hires jason to guard him so he stops trying to rush down feral ghouls with a sword.
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pianostrings · 2 months
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Rebel Moon Technology: Nemesis’s Swords & Gauntlets
When Nemesis’s village was destroyed and her family killed, she reverted to the ancient martial ways of her people, took up her family’s heirloom swords, and vowed revenge on the Motherworld. “Those were the swords of her father’s father, and when she chose the life of a warrior, she didn’t even know how to fight,” Zack Snyder explains. “Somehow, there’s a bio-link that when she cuts off her arms and puts the mechanical arms on, she breathes in the life of her ancestors’ knowledge and she’s able to fight at their level.”
The fighting skill is multiplied by the properties of oracle steel, the incredibly rare metal from which her blades were forged. In addition to being amazingly sharp, the blades receive power from her body and movements, channeled through the conduit of her prosthetic gauntlets, to become super heated. At that point, there is nothing Nemesis can’t slice through.
- Rebel Moon Wolf: Ex Nihilo: Cosmology & Technology
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ultranerdygirl · 4 months
Backbiter being able to open doorways in space is cool and all, but what they should really have included was the fact that it’s literally a double-edged sword.
From the PJO wiki: Backbiter is a double-edged sword made of two metals: tempered steel and Celestial Bronze. This means that it can wound or kill mortals, demigods, and immortals alike and sever their souls, which makes it similar to Stygian Iron.
It really hammers home just how fucked Luke’s mindset and his situation are.
I would also add this little snippet from “The Last Day of Summer” from The Lightning Thief musical, which really nails that message: “So I’ll do anything— I don’t care if I hurt anyone—”
Luke won’t let anyone or anything stand in his way. That’s how broken he became over the course of the first nineteen years of his life.
That is what the gods and Kronos (and May Castellan, bless her deluded soul for trying to become the Oracle) did to Luke.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Kleo + Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader - Storyteller Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome to my another experiment trying to find out what’s actually possible with tarot and oracle cards.
This time I have asked myself, what if I became a part of my favourite story and could actually meet my favourite fictional characters? What role would I play in the story? How would the original story change if I were a part of it? What kind of relationship would I have with my favourite fictional character? And how would our story end?
This type of tarot reading is similar to the hypothetical scenario of I, Villain tarot readings I did recently, only it simply portrays a full story and interactions with already existing fictional characters. Obviously I wouldn’t be able to be my true self in the story, I would have to be a fictional character, too, to be able to interact with other fictional characters, so this reading might only include some of my real life traits and some of my qualities have to completely change for the sake of the story.
You would probably think, I will go for Mr. Darcy first, but nope! My Mr. Darcy was Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader from the Star Wars universe and so I’m here today to show you how my test round went when I asked my cards what it would look like if I were a part of Anakin’s / Vader’s story.
Let me know what you think! Let me know whether you want to become my next test subject!
P.S. Yes, I know I have a mile long to-do request list but you have to understand that my mind never stops and never rests and if I don’t let at least some ideas out, my head will explode. But don’t worry. I work on the requests, too.
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P.P.S. Yes, I'm aware I can't do edits. Shut up! 😂
Kleo + Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
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What would be our story about?
Cards: Alchemist (Archetype Cards), Knight of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Cups (Dark Wood Tarot), 4 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, 5 of Wands (Edgar Allan Poe Tarot)
It looks like our story wouldn’t lack some drama. It’s possible that I would clash with Anakin or Darth Vader on intellectual or wit bases. We might struggle to find a common ground, him being the ego driven and fast thinking and acting villain using all his knowledge to assert his dominance and gain more and more power. While I would be the curious one trying to dig through all the smoke and steel and find the real man, probably made of smoky grey steel, underneath. It’s very likely for me to find myself imprisoned and in danger at one point. Anakin / Vader could really consider having me executed in the story, thus those swords hanging over the motionless body. As we would be more or less rivals, but more on the personal level than professional one, arguing and fighting, he might be tempted to just remove me from the picture. On the other hand, the ace of cups suggests I would have something highly desired by him, a holy grail he wants and obsesses about. I can’t really be sure what this ultimate treasure could be - it could be something tangible as a real treasure or something more philosophical as a redemption for his soul through an actual bond with someone. It’s obvious I can see more than he can see, I can read the circumstances with a certain wisdom he’s lacking and might get into trouble due to his short sightedness. 
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What relationship would we have?
Cards: Prince (Archetype Cards), 7 of Swords, XVI The Tower, 5 of Swords (Erotic Fantasy Tarot), 10 of Cups (The Slavic Legends Tarot), Mother / Queen of Pentacles, III The Empress (The Wild Unknown Tarot)
Lol! Prince card right from the bet! Anyway! It looks like he would try to hide his romantic feelings slowly building up through the quarrels. You see the prince figure is hiding the flowers behind their back denoting a secret romance, something that’s suppressed. Because this is supposed to describe the relationship from my perspective, it’s possible I’m unaware of his feelings for a long time in the story (especially when he wants to kill me) and I’m trying to get upper hand over him, sneak away, battle him and gain some freedom (the ankle shackles are broken on the 7 of Swords). There’s obviously a breaking point, a plot twist, probably when I think he died and I lost him forever when I realise the true feelings which are far from animosity. The Empress card shows a white tree suddenly blossoming red in the middle of the night, something beautiful emerging from darkness and growing into abundance. Both the Empress and Queen of Pentacles cards suggest connection with nature and healing. It’s possible that the plot twist includes me bringing Anakin / Vader back from death, healing him with my power and ultimately falling in mutual love as depicted in the 10 of Cups (which also show a lot of nature).
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What would be the ending of our story?
Cards: Pioneer (Archetype Cards), 7 of Wands, 4 of Shields / Pentacles, 10 of Shields / Pentacles (The Runic Tarot), X The Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords, 4 of Wands (Tarot of Tales)
Seriously, what are the chances of getting cards which show the higher ground (7 of Wands), flames (4 of Shields) and lava similar to the scene from Star Wars III when Anakin is defeated by Obi-Wan and reduced to like a half of a man, in a tarot reading that’s connected to him? Lol! Okay! Let’s rewrite the Star Wars III ending in this reading. In this story Anakin has me by his side which turns the wheel of fortune to his favour. Obviously. I’m basically a living lucky charm. Anakin’s and mine story ends with us defeating any opposition by working towards goals together, riding the lucky wave and avoiding lava by stepping on the stones and progressing quickly. As the Page of Swords show, together we are more than just a sum of our traits, we are bigger together. Together we can face the thunderstorm and instead of being hit by lightning, utilise its power for our benefit. The end of the story seems to be an open one, though. Actually an opening for more adventures to come.
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Okay! This is it.
Thanks for reading this far. Don't be shy to hit my inbox anytime. 😊
Kleo 🦄
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harmony of tarot
if you are flint then call me steel
let me break you off in intentional flakes
make your blades sharper so when you cut me off
I can hardly feel the cut and I'll just stem the bleeding
reforge me in whatever fires you stoke up
in this fool of a heart of mine
for you know exactly how to light my candle
smash us together and we spark
I'd call you steel for your intellect
and remind you that your mind
cuts you more than it protects you
but you've never really been able to take the heat
your flesh is sensitive like your carefully hidden emotions
I had to be so gentle with you
one time I sent my little static barbs under your skin
overwhelmed you lashed out at me
ashamed at your anger
furious with how your danger sparked
a curious delight in my eyes
you like control and don't like misplacing it
remember when you worshipped me helplessly
good chance I could make you do it again
the volcano and the tornado
did I tell you my favorite volcano is named Kilauea?
she seethes and seeps all her creative wrath
consistently and in a rhythm that pulses like
the deepest core of mother earth
there is this way our solitary frequencies
blend colors together like how water and fire make steam
you only got the best of me because you kept me in the dark
but I'm the wild oracle that divines my inner empress
I see and feel everything just like you know
any proximity would give me leisure to understand
every little secret you tried to keep from me
it seems the one thing you couldn't control
was betraying your fear of me
which saddens me but my universe will tell me
where to take my passion and wrath and my sword
so let's have a moment my sweetest friend
just one moment of honesty
I'll listen first and consider to hold my sting
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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Action Comics #351, June 1967.  Cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.
During that time when the original Captain Marvel was in limbo - after Fawcett Comics had ceased publishing in 1953, and before DC Comics licensed the character in 1972 (before eventually purchasing him outright) - DC Comics tried their hand at having a version of Cap battle Superman.
Created by writer Otto Binder (one of the writers for Captain Marvel) and artist Wayne Boring, Zha-Vam was a being formed out of clay by the Greek gods to battle Superman because they believed the Man of Steel to be a rival god.
 Captain Marvel’s magic word “Shazam” was an anagram of the gods and heroes bestowing their powers upon him (Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury).  Zha-Vam’s name was also an anagram for the principal gods that gave him his powers (Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, Vulcan, Apollo and Mercury).
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As if that didn’t make him tough enough, Zha-Vam was also outfitted with a belt that endowed him with powers of additional mythological gods and creatures just by touching the letters on his belt.  Those included:
C changed Zha-Vam into a cyclops with a ray beam eye
I gave him the magic bow of Iris
J gave him Jason’s dragon-teeth, which could become warriors or dragons
M would give him the powers of Morpheus (make people sleep) or Mars (war-like abilities)
O was for Orion’s shield, which was impenetrable and could expand faster than Superman could fly
P was for Pluto’s Cap of Darkness, or the Sun Chariot of Phaethon
S gave him the four arms and swords of Shiva (who is by no means a Greek god, but hey this is comics)
T would cause him to grow to 100 feet tall as a Titan; and 
G changed him into a gorgon, with the ability to turn people to stone - a power he totally used on Superman
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Action Comics #352, July 1967.  Cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.
Needless to say, with all these magic-based powers, Zha-Vam was a tough opponent for Superman.  In fact, he kept defeating Superman and eventually drove the Man of Steel off of Earth.
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Action Comics #353, August 1967.  Cover by Wayne Boring and Ira Schnapp.
Superman then travels back in time to learn why the Greek gods created Zha-Vam in the first place.  He then meets with the oracle of the gods to try to figure out a way to defeat Zha-Vam.  The oracle directs Superman to a rival group of gods, who create a belt similar to Zha-Vam’s.  Superman utilizes the belt to finally defeat Zha-Vam.
Superman returns the villain to ancient Greece and confronts the gods with their failure.  The gods revert Zha-Vam back to the clay he was made from (I wonder if that makes him related to Wonder Woman), and Superman returns home.
This three-part trilogy was the one and only time that Zha-Vam battled Superman, perhaps because he so completely overpowered the Man of Steel and it might be difficult to think up a way to defeat him (a complaint many writers have about Superman himself).
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Superman (vol. 1) #214, February 1969.  Cover by Neal Adams.
Zha-Vam made a reappearance of sorts a year-and-a-half later in Superman (vol. 1) #214.  He, along with the “ghosts” of two other deceased enemies - Metallo and the Composite Superman - bedevil the Metropolis Marvel until he determines that they are not real.  The “ghosts” were illusions created by a young alien who was trying to defeat Superman in order to join a super-team somewhere in space.
This issue marked the final appearance of Zha-Vam.  I guess once DC acquired Captain Marvel they did not think there was any need for the villain again.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 months
okay, so I know it's been half a year, but back in September I participated in the Swordtember drawing challenge, and I figured I'd post my swords here!
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descriptions of each sword under the cut!
I. Witch: This sword actually only a hilt and a crossguard with an enchanted jewel attached to it. The blade of the sword is created by the witch channeling their magic through the gemstone.
II. Wizard: A regular steel sword, enchanted by light magic using the blue gemstone.
III. Rogue: This is a simple dagger that fits into a sheath in the rogue's boot. The loop makes it easier to pull out of your shoe.
IV. Dragon Slayer: This sword has slightly curved crossguard to account for the curve of the body of the dragons he fights. The spikes on the sword are the horns of the dragons he's slayed.
V. Spymaster: This sword extends out like a deadlier form of a plastic lightsaber. The canister it exists in contains a memory-loss spray, which partly serves to camouflage the sword among his spy-equipment.
VI. Knight Errant This flashy sword has inlaid gems and bright red feathers, to attract the attention of the damsels in distress he's out to save!
VII. Oracle: Nothing fancy, just. sword.
VIII. Jester: a simple dagger, small enough to fit with all his comical props.
IX. Royal Hunt Leader: This sword is more ceremonious than practical. It's decorative and used to signify the start of a hunt
X. Healer: This sword is enchanted with healing magic and made out of a healing tree
XI. Queen's: This sword has a fancy handle and has gems!
King:: This one matches the queen sword. If you put them next to each other, it makes a heart shape
XIII. Royal Heir: This sword is lowkey based on princess peach.
XIV: Royal Guard: Nothing too fancy!
XV. Enchanter: has a magic orb in the back!
XVI: Water Spirit: Has a blue gem and water enchantment
XVII. Forest Spirit: Has a green gem and forest enchantment, and is made of an enchanted tree.
XVIII. Bard: It's just really extra!
XIX. Alchemist: Has chambers in the back to include alchemical potions that enchant the sword.
XX. Summoner: To use this sword, just hold it in the air and say "[animal,] I choose you!"
XXI. Mermaid: This sword is enchanted so it doesn't rust, and the hilt is made of a shell. The pearls in the blade help enchant it!
XXII. Vampire: The vampire's blade is enchanted with a black magic that automatically cauterizes the wound- so that none of the precious blood is wasted, and its smell doesn't distract the vampire mid-fight.
XXIII. Vampire Hunter: The blade is made of pure silver. The hilt is a cross that's also a wooden stake.
XXIV. Barbarian: A wooden sword with spikes that doubles as a club!
XXV. Inquisitor: Just a regular sword- ¡Apuesto a que no esperabas eso!
XXVI. Artificer: The hilt has an interchangable tool- currently it has a magnifying glass attachment. The hilt also contains a secret chamber.
XXVII. Assassin: This blade is small but deadly and menacing!
XXVIII. Druid: This large sword contains a series of magic blue gems.
XXIX: Paladin sword: This sword isn't anything out of the ordinary, but it's made of some of the nicest materials.
XXX: Necromancer: This is an enchanted, two-handed sword!
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alyjojo · 10 months
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August 👨🏽‍🏫 2023 Monthly - Cancer
Whole of your energy: 9 Wands
It looks like your person is trying to fix the relationship with you this month, I’ve been getting a similar story for just about every sign, probably due to the Venus retrograde. Old problems come to light, ex’s come back around for some, all retrograde issues exist to heal issues that have overstayed their welcome or have been swept under the rug and need to be dealt with. Venus deals with relationships, friendships, money, and all matters of the heart. You are extremely resistant to someone that’s hurt you, 9 Wands. You’ve built a whole castle of steel around you that they can’t break through with their bs, and you go back and forth whether you’re doing the right thing or not. You do come out as a divine pair, King & Queen of Cups, and this heavily mirrors the Gemini reading I just did, you could be dealing with one or have it in your own chart.
What’s going on in August:
2 Swords:
You don’t trust this person, that much is clear. I’m not sure what they’ve done, end of the reading shows friends, family, or other outside people have caused problems between you, I assume on their side. They are making efforts towards you, to have a new beginning, and you are sitting over here with a blindfold on because you refuse to give into their trickery and mind games…assuming there are some. You’re afraid they’re fooling you. So you wait. For…🤷‍♀️
3 Pentacles:
You do cooperate with each other, I’m not sure if you you live together, have kids together, could literally work together. You’re in contact, and you’re keeping a pleasant appearance that the two of you work well together, at least to everyone else. Inside though, you’re in 9 Swords. Sleepless nights, constant stress, rumination, worry, upset, possibly giving yourself physical symptoms due to your mental state. And this Hanged Man is an energy of observation of what’s going on around you with this person, sniffing for clues it feels like, rather than communicating on both sides…which your Oracle is telling you to do. You can’t stay in this energy forever, it’ll drive you insane.
King of Cups:
This is your person. They’re not deceitful, mean, arguing, competing, none of that. They’re just calm, loving, and extremely patient, maybe they’ve already been extremely patient for some time and they’re just coasting along at this point, waiting for you to give them a chance, a date, a something. I don’t see them moving in any other directions, they’re just waiting around on you, waiting for things to change.
Ace of Cups:
A beautiful new beginning in love, with you, that’s what they want. 7 Wands comes out to show they’re willing to fight for this connection, if you’re trying to end it, they’re not having that. They want everything else to end though, the whole next row. No more drama, chaos, lack of trust, worry about being bamboozled, whatever this issue is they’re tired of that, not you. They’d rather take you out and trust that y’all can leave the rest of this baggage behind you for good.
10 Wands:
A card of baggage, all of these emotions, worries and fears you’re carrying behind you in a giant suitcase. They’re like “we are going to Hawaii, leave that shit behind”. It’s possibly you’re going out somewhere with them, and then choosing THAT moment to have some deep meaningful heart-wrenching kind of conversation about “where are we going” when they just wanna show you and actually get there. I can feel their impatience from this row, and hopefully that doesn’t hurt you, but it seems like you may take that the wrong way. It’s hard for you to be vulnerable, so if they’re shutting you down impatiently when you do, it feels like 10 Swords. I don’t think they intend to make you feel that way. They’re just like look we’ve got candles, music, a beach, strawberries, can you put the baggage down and just enjoy this PLEASE? I really get neither side being wrong here. It’s possible whatever you say really pisses them off too, especially if it has to do with their friends or people in their lives…it may be more your problem than theirs, in their mind, and they don’t know how much more they have to do for you to give them an Ace. They are very much “I’m not even asking for the 10”. None of these being major arcana, this reading could just be a way to show you how things are moving, give you some validation on their part, and you can decide to change whatever you don’t want or like in this dynamic.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini & Pisces
Oracles: ✨
63 Passion
It will take passion for you to push through your self-criticism to get to a place of confidence.
31 Communication
The clarity, interactivity, and timing of communications is critical.
34 Ancient Wisdom 🙏
Nature is the perfect place to center yourself and ground out any excessive noise in your head. In nature, all the secrets of the universe are held: from the fiercest energy of a raging sea in a storm to the nurturing and loving energy of a hundred year old grove of trees. Get out in nature and listen to what she has to tell you. There is much to learn from nature. Trees just want to be trees. They’re not trying to be boulders. Deer are just deer 🦌 and they accept that. Wolves are wolves, they do not know any other way, they do not get an extreme makeover to become a bear. This energy vibration can be so different from the human experience. It is pure love, non judgement, and acceptance. When you tap into the ancient wisdom of the natural world, you find peace within yourselves. You get to “know thyself”. By drawing this card, you are asked to come to peace with who you are and what you have to offer this situation.
We enter into August as:
Cool Lemonade 🍋
“My dreams got answered.”
There are times when chasing dreams leaves us winded and unhappy. If this gift has been given, it’s to remind you there is always a plan. If you fear you’ve been sidetracked from your right path, have faith you’ll be guided back to it. There is not always a complicated reason why things didn’t work out how you wanted them to, it may be simpler than you think. Are you sure your prayers weren’t answered? Or was it a reply you refused to hear? You will find total peace when you appreciate the gifts you have, rather than pining for what you lack. Sometimes, we all need to be reminded that the point of prayer isn’t to get what we want, but to ask to be of service. Cool Lemonade reminds us to only seek to be of service in our lives, closeness with Spirit must always be put before what we’d like to have.
What is to be learned in August:
Princess of Amber 👸🏽:
“I quietly sizzle and shine.”
You are connecting with your passion. It is time to focus on the task at hand and not divert your attention. If you are being of service to others, you will reap great rewards. This is a sign of great abundance with selflessness. Put your eye on the work and not the rewards. You’re also being urged to stand up for what you believe in. If you are being asked to compromise yourself, you must not. You are correct to feel passionate about your position, you know intuitively what a fair request is. When your intentions are good and true, you will always land with two feet on the ground. You may be up against pretty big odds, but you mustn’t give in to what you know is not correct. Others see your worth, it’s time for you to, and have faith that you are doing the right thing.
Orange may be a lucky color 🧡
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tarosophical-tarot · 10 months
OK, so when it comes to UFOs or whatever you want to call them, I am the biggest sceptic.
Because I have never seen one or had an ET experience (not counting the fact that I DID once have the classic alien abduction dream!).
Yeah, I believe all that esoteric stuff because it's actually happened to me.
I've seen ghosts/spirits/whatever you want to call it, I've had paranormal experiences with spirits and encountered cryptids via the spirit of a Blemmyes which lived in the garden of my old house.
But I've never seen a UFO or encountered grey men or anything.
I once experienced a faux_UFO sighting, a public park miles away was holding an event with a laser show (this was back in '91 when it wasn't so common), I'd just finished a late shift at the library I worked in - walking home I saw all these flashing lights in the sky, zooming around in patterns.
The local radio stations were jammed with callers as it was also Halloween (no internet to check up with).
I was like, yes - that's it, there here (until the explanation came through).
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And the worlds of paranormal activity rarely cross over into the UFO sphere despite the obvious parallels.
With all the extraterrestrial revelations being in the news recently, I decided to put it to the test...
Do aliens exist, are UFOs a real thing?
I consulted my Spirit Guides and they pulled the following cards...
The Chariot - An exploratory craft: The Chariot is all about going to new places, exploration, the vehicle doesn't (usually) seem to be connected to the animal/being that pulls it - it's literally moving without any form of propulsion and always shown with the figure in the cockpit operating without any reigns (mind control).
6 of Wands (visually referencing) the X-Files: a pop culture reference, the open reading meaning (Yoav Ben-Dov) talks of collaboration. Are the "authorities" in cahoots with the little green men?
7 of Swords (again visually)a flying saucer shape, turn the card on its side you get the lozenge shape UFO with flashing red lights- the seven of Wands (can) mean combating many opponents, a struggle - do they not align with all the governments or is difficult to get to earth? The inner Sword hints at some form of unconventional travel in the way it links between the outer mesh of blades, yet passes through - do alien craft use inter-dimensional travel?
Finally, The Emperor - Ming The Merciless. The Emperor lives in a cold, steel-like environment. He lives for battle and conquest, his world is all about the struggle to win. Are the aliens aggressive or is it the humans who are battling them? Either way, he is not to be crossed.
So, that's fairly obvious then - aliens DO exist and are at war with "some" of the governments of the world but collaborating with others.
Until I see one for myself, I'm staying open-minded about it but the tarot oracles are wiser than me...
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beautytreats · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flashy Labradorite & Blue Topaz Multi Gemstone Handmade Pendant.
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dawn-of-worlds · 11 months
Building and Rebuilding
On the post-flood central Occident, new cultures in Incarien, and underwater developments.
Corobel started turn 18 with 17 points: 9 (roll) + 3 (nonhoarding) + 5 (left over)
Corobel starts turn 19 with 21 points: 4 (roll) + 17 (left over)
Command Avatar (-1): In the wake of the Great Flood, chaos stalks the land. Cults thrive. Some menace the lunar passage, or the Secret below, or the temples of great Azimuth. The Two Stars grant the fearsome Sun-Diver warrior Qaheb, who survived the expedition and the flood, an immortal mission to guard the holy places. He bears the terrible sword Decision, which is a sliver of the razor-sharp present. His countenance is the white-freckled blue of twilight; pink-gold butterfly’s wings grace his back. His company is the Evenguard, who patrol the blood-red swamps and ruined towns rooting out bandits, rogue calyptra, and the myriad indecently proportioned shapes that menace travel.
The blood does not rot, for it is not permitted to die; nor will the earth admit it, so foul it is. Only inconstant water will dilute it, and so it perdures in attenuated pools of unnatural red, still bright as if fresh-taken from a living artery, but thin as iron-fouled water. In these, the sun will not show his face, nor will any happy visage be perceived—all reflections frown in horror, whatever the expression of the face itself.
Other than that, it’s a pretty chill place, sort of picturesquely post-apocalyptic. The flowery and vivacious life of the Occident springs eternal, if somewhat strangely. The survivors want to reclaim and improve the ruined land, but this will be the work of generations. Azimuth still stands, somewhat reduced, and the blow in the rest of the continent is more spiritual than material.
Command Avatar (-1): The House of Faces, with the inspiration of the ever-changing moon, builds an insurance policy against Kilkanaqa—hidden chambers in which souls can be regrown from pruned-off thoughts and memories implanted in an unconscious host. These slowly warp the host’s mind into an (imperfect) facsimile of that of the original donor. If the worst happens, the House’s highest echelons will be restored from backup.
Command Avatar (-1): The Oracles instigate the construction of the Temple of the Charism on the hill above the Nak valley where the Prophetic Twins are supposed to have received their vocation.
Command Civilization (-3): The socially marginal, the pioneers, the runaway slaves of the coastal Lunar civilizations disperse into the continental interior, forming hardy civilizations of nomadic herders and stubbornly independent farmers. These are the Pale Hosts. They ride moon-adapted mvao and silvery reptilian creatures, braving terrible storms of regolith and the punitive expeditions of the coastwise kingdoms. Often seen in more civilized regions as merchants and mercenaries, they are recognizable by their distinctive customs and pallid dress.
Command Civilization (-3): Around the Isthmus of Incarien, human/Sun-Diver kingdoms grow in power and wealth. Their culture is vibrant, fusing ideas and aesthetics from both sides of the continent, and half a dozen major states war intermittently. The richest is proud Vayak, of the thousand bolts of cloth, so called because that, at one point, was its price. In its palace, there is a great menagerie, where the trapped souls of executed criminals (small, furry, scurrying creatures) are denied the polar solace of Laneth. Its legendary founder, Ulam, supposedly came from the Nak ten generations before the pilgrimage of the Prophetic Twins.
Command Civilization (-3): Near the Gulf of Azmit, trading emporia traffic the goods of the northern regions, the Glass Steppe, and the more developed regions of Incarien, even as they fend off (or buy off) periodic incursions from western nomads. The markets offer fur, ivory, amber, ice keener and stronger than steel, the golden frost-rime of frozen souls, sky-flowers, slaves. The land is dotted with chiefdoms, only some of whom control emporia; the marginal, especially, are eager to pledge themselves to a slow parade of steppe hegemons as convenience demands. The greatest emporium is Olavern, of the Amber Citadel. Its doughty oarsmen brave the breadth of the Sea of Isles, and the priests of the great church are given to obscure contemplative rituals involving amber, glass, ice, candles, whale-fat, burning pine. Popular fancy imputes to it the sin of cannibalism, brought home in the empty holds of ill-fated northern expeditions.
Command Avatar to Found City (-1): The False-Fire Trance of Evening, bolder than his fellows in seeking the solace of icy depths, founds a new city on the edge of the Abyss, planning to dive further after various arcane preparations. His polymorphic retinue, Aphotic drones and overseers and servant-broods, settles into the muck and builds. The silt itself, and the luminous microbiota within, seem drawn to the great deep, streaming among the rooftops like gently glowing waterfalls. The fauna of the deepest places—endless forms, most terrible—flits the lightless streets. This is Barathron, the Poised. Its streets flirt with the great depths, subaquatic shanties looming, aurora-shadowed, in piles above the yawning fathoms. Its inhabitants are drawn to flights of fancy, to self-destructive longing, and to that final and most vertiginous fall. Some say they see lights in the deep. All feel the awful gravity of night; and, when they sicken or grow old, many simply float away, avoiding a mundane and natural death in favor of one infinitely more sublime.
Command Civilization (-3): Aphotics gradually begin to disperse beyond the control of the Fires, forming independent bands and villages nestled in the coral and kelp of the shallows.
5 points remain.
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diabodobem · 1 year
All stories begin with a hero, but they rarely end with them. Prophecies come and go, fulfilled or not, and the heroes, leftovers of fate, are abandoned by their destinies. Some resent this, some go for the hand that wrote their stories. Some even manage to kill god. This is the story of one of those heros who managed to see, find, and kill his god.  
Seconds after the last flames were extinguished, Lanan stood on the battlefield victorious. The great evil once prophesised had just been defeated and there the hero stood over its ashes. That victory came only through a much greater sacrifice, one that only Lanan could have done. While all others cheered and celebrated, he kept his silence. Others had not lost what he had, others had not given what he had, for they were not the chosen one, he was. The thing about chosen ones is that they are never the ones to choose, only to be chosen. So as Lanan saw every smile on every face on that battlefield, his gut was filled with disgust and anger. Of course, everyone there had suffered under the great evil, but so had him, but more. Way more. Not only suffered, but fought, sacrificed. Lanan realised on that moment that he also lost. The chosen one was never meant to be a hero. He was nothing but a lamb put to slaughter. Someone had to be. He was the unlucky bastard. That’s it. The day the people of that land came to know as the Day of Victory was later remembered by him as the first day of his vengeance.
For there to be a chosen one, there must be something, someone choosing. If he was such chosen one, the warrior from the prophecy, someone had written it. Lanan then gathered all the powers he had conquered and learned through his journey and set sail to the Island of Manifest where the oracle had first told him about his prophecy. His supposed debt of responsibility to the world was paid. The war was over. Now is time for retribution. The long nights on board of his ship were spent imagining. Calculating, rehearsing. What would he ask? How would he make the oracle speak in straight terms? Was he guilty enough to deserve a drop of his vengeful poison? All those were carefully pondered before the sunrise. At noon, he was once again at the doors of the temple. He knocked and the servants came to his assistance. “What a wonderful surprise, milord!” they hissed. “Surprise? I thought I had knocked on the door of an oracle,” scarn in his voice, sword on his hip. “Well, what can I do for you, hero of the land?” The oracle stood in the usual dark spot, covered in a crimson veil. “Surely you do not come for another prophecy, there is no greater evil than the one you have just slayed,” he continued. “I come for your prophecy, yes. Not a new one, but the fulfilled. I must know who wrote it.” The crimson figure waived at a servant who hastily brought a book. Its cover was black as the new moon, its pages many and just as dark. Turning its pages produced a terrible sound, as if the book cried from being opened. “This,” the oracle solemnly said, “is the Book of Lies. Every oracle writes down every dream they have ever dreamt, every foreign thought lying in their heads, every whisper, every vision, every single thing out of the ordinary, all the signs we are taught to perceive. If it is to become truth, the page will cleanse it of its lies and become brighter, legible, fated. It was on this book that your prophecy was written by an oracle before me, many years ago. And it was I who saw its pages bleaching, demanding to be heard. So, if you search for the writer of your misfortune, you came to the wrong place, warrior. Oracles hear, they do not create. It was not here where your fortune was first conceived.” Lanan heard his words and stayed silent. The oracle had seen through him, his rage. Indeed, he was there to kill him for writing such prophecy, but now he stood enemyless. “If not you or your forefather, then who shall feel the steel of my blade?” For his surprise, the oracle laughed. A genuine laugh as one of an adult who hears a child babbling. “Your enemy, milord, is no other than God himself. Oracles hear his intention, write his will. We are his hands. We are his tools. If you bear suffering, it was his machination. Do you find yourself mighty enough to face your creator on the battlefield? Do you think you can make him bleed?” The warrior drew his sword that shone under the colourful lights of the vitrails. “Maybe if a start by cutting off one of his hands.”
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comparativeoracle · 1 year
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Fear. Art by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, from the Dreamdance Oracle.
When Fear traps us in its razor-bladed hell, escape often seems impossible. Yet as long as we're alive, we're never truly hopeless. Courage is our weapon in such situations, and while we must eventually surrender to mortality, we can still carve out a life worth remembering before we go.
Sword-dancing turns the art of war into a spectacular skill. Sharp edges cut both ways, and a little bloodshed is inevitable when learning how to use a blade. Still, a person who's determined (or desperate) enough to master such arts can weave a glorious trail of steel and blood and fire in their wake. To do so, you must learn to face terror on its own terms and make yourself an instrument of change. Literally and symbolically, blades divide one state from another; where one passes through, the landscape gets transformed. In the hands of someone who knows how to use them, blades can cut new paths through apparent hopelessness, lighting a way through the darkness of Fear.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Can I get a check-in around my gender transition from the dice oracle? (Thank you!)
"Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 1 - Sign: Aquarius - Planet: Moon - Cards: 7 of Swords + the Star
You have an unfair advantage. It’s your choice whether you use it or thwart it. Take care to consider others and your own wellbeing. Be sure you take care to put it to good use."
It's okay you have access to things other people might not. Using them doesn't steel from other people. Pursue all the avenues you feel lead to pursue.
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