#original star wars character
binkyisonline · 1 month
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Howzer is a true gentleman, very demure in kissing the hand of his sweetheart in their secret place ...
(his fiancé's name is Rhy) 💜
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The Call of Resistance Chapter 9
I know it's been a long time, but I still love this story and will keep adding to it whenever I have time! So here's the next chapter!
Read on AO3
Chapter 9: The Stardestroyer
It took everything in me to keep walking towards the Millennium Falcon, my head was screaming at me to turn around. But my heart was steady, set, determined. It had waited for this moment my entire life, and I could hear it pounding in my ears as I took each step. The suns were already beginning to scorch the sands, reminding me with every moment beneath their wrathful gaze why I was leaving this planet behind. The suns represented everything Tatooine was–unforgiving, relentless, unbearable, barren, vengeful–and everything I wanted to escape. I let the sweat on my brow fuel me and remind me why I was leaving. Just a few more steps…
“Good morning!” Poe’s voice called me out of my head and made me look up at the ship I was walking towards. 
“I was beginning to worry you got lost.” 
“Me getting lost? You’ll learn that never happens.” The extreme bravado and swagger in his voice made me wonder if he was covering for something, and this suspicion was only strengthened as Chewie said something to him that seemed to be a chastisement. I shared a knowing look with the Wookiee after Poe quickly shushed him. 
“And why don’t I believe you?” Poe glared at Chewbacca once more. 
“You should always believe me, Sweetheart.” I raised my eyebrows at the pilot as I took my first steps onto the platform. 
“For some reason, that doesn't reassure me.” Poe just shook his head, but I could see a glimmer in his eye. 
“You’ll see.” Was all he said until I was standing in front of him. “Well, don’t just stand there. Come on in.” The pilot and the Wookiee turned around, not before Chewie gave me a welcoming greeting, and walked into the Falcon. It seemed so natural for them, so mundane. As common as walking into a cantina. How could they not see that this was not the same as walking into any old ship, this was walking into history. This was walking into my future. 
I took a shaky breath, stole a glance at the sands behind me and the suns above me, said a silent goodbye, and followed their lead into the ship. 
It was just as I remembered it, if not a little messier. 
“Been doing a lot of repairs?” I called into the empty open space just inside the doors. I couldn’t see where the two of them went. 
“We’re always doing repairs on this ship.” I heard Poe’s voice call from one of the hallways, followed by a disgruntled phrase in Shyriiwook. “I know, I know. Sorry Chewie, but you gotta admit this bucket of bolts has seen better days.” This time Poe’s voice was gentler, clearly trying to right any offense that had just taken place. Chewie seemed to agree with this, and I found the two just as he was replying. I cleared my throat as I entered the hallway. “Ah, there you are.” Poe turned to me and I was struck all over again by his deep eyes. 
“Sorry, I was…” how could I explain that I was taking a moment to say goodbye to everything I had ever known? That I was bidding farewell to the suns that had raised me, the sands that had shaped me? The only being in the galaxy who truly knew me? “Lost.” 
“Ya, the Falcon can be a bit confusing. Sorry about that, we should’ve waited for you.” 
An interjection by the Wookiee. 
“Actually, I thought I asked you to wait for her, so who's fault is it really?” 
“Oh it's okay, I didn’t mind.” I could tell the two were about to argue, and I didn’t want to be caught in the middle of it. This didn’t stop Chewbacca from grumbling out one last defense, to which Poe just sighed deeply and quickly shook his head. 
“Well, regardless, welcome back. We should be ready to take off pretty soon, are you good to go?” 
“I was ready twenty three years ago.” the pilot broke into a smile. 
“That’s what I like to hear. Follow us.” The two led the way to the cockpit and settled into the pilots chairs. I felt odd as I sat in the empty seat behind Chewbacca, I had never been in a ship without being the one in control, even when I was little I sat on my mother’s lap and put my hands over hers as she steered. Poe and the Wookiee began making the preparations to take off, the two falling into their routine like it was second nature to them. It was fascinating to watch both of them work. Chewbacca had the nonchalance and confidence of someone who had been in this position a thousand times, it was so routine to him that he flipped every switch and checked every screen almost as if it were an old habit. Poe, on the other hand, had the ease of someone who was a complete natural. It wasn’t the assured confidence that comes with time, but the innate instinct that comes from deep inside someone. Watching him settle into his position as a pilot was mesmerizing, and I almost forgot I was about to leave the only place I had ever known. It was the pilot's voice that brought me back to reality. 
“Flight prep complete, hyperspace calculations running, ready for launch on your go.” 
A confident reply from Chewbacca. 
“Great, let's leave these sands behind us.” 
Suddenly my stomach was doing flips and everything inside of me was telling me to run off the falcon and bury myself in the sands and stay there forever. But despite the fear and uncertainty, despite my churning stomach, I felt a still, small pull inside like a magnet drawing me up, to the stars. A still, small voice whispering so faint I almost missed it, “finally”. 
“Say your final goodbyes, Nova, because we’re about to go.” As soon as he finished those words I felt the Falcon roar with energy, with life. With a jerk, we were off the ground and I could see it get farther and farther as the sky became closer and closer. I pushed down the knot in my stomach and breathed out one final goodbye, and to my surprise the faintest “thank you” escaped my lips. The two in front of me pretended not to hear, although I could see Poe’s face morph into the slightest smile. I didn’t know who I was thanking, the earth I grew up on? The suns that baked me into who I am? The sand that was a part of my very being? The desert that flowed through me? Lux for being my best friend? Maybe all of it. I was so overwhelmed as we lifted higher and the sky around us became darker. A part of me wished I could’ve seen my home as we ascended, but another part was glad I couldn’t so that I was only focused on my next steps, my future. Before long we were making the unmistakable transition from atmosphere to space, my favorite thing about flying, and I was hit all at once with the reality and finality of my actions. I couldn’t do anything but stare at the stars ahead. 
After a while, Poe spoke again. 
“Hyperspace calculations complete. Course set for the base.” He then turned to look at me, “have you ever been in hyperspace before?” I could only shake my head, hoping he couldn’t tell that I was exploding inside. “Oh, you’ll love it. Some people get a little sick, but I think you’ll be fine. Hold on!” He looked to Chewbacca who nodded before letting out an excited exclamation and activating the lever that sent us into hyperspace. I couldn’t do anything but gasp as the stars stretched around me, forming the most beautiful tunnel of blue streaking light I had ever seen. It was like a million shooting stars all at once were frozen yet in constant motion around me. For what seemed like the embarrassing millionth time today, I felt a tear roll down my cheek that I quickly wiped away. I told myself it was because of the beauty, but I knew it was really because this marked the end of my life on Tatooine and the beginning of my new one. In a moment, we were already thousands of lightyears away, in an instant we were an incomprehensible distance from the only home I had ever known.
Suddenly it was all very, very real. And I knew there was no going back. 
We sat in silence for a while, my eyes fixed on the swirling blue around me, occasionally watching the two pilots as they worked. Before long, Poe took his headset off and turned his head to Chewbacca, 
“We should be good to put it on autopilot for a while, our path is pretty clear.” The Wookiee responded in agreement before pushing some buttons and then taking his own headset off. Poe swirled around in his chair to look at me.
“How are you feeling? Still good?” It took all my willpower to pull my eyes away from the hyperspace swirling outside the cockpit window. 
“More than good, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” A wide smile crept onto Poe’s face. 
“I knew you’d love it.” He stood up and then extended his hand towards me. “Wanna tour?” I took his offer before even realizing it, ignoring the fireworks in my fingers as my hand touched his and he helped me out of the seat. 
“Of course!” I didn’t try to mask my giddiness, just being in this ship made me feel like all of my childhood dreams were becoming real and it was as if I was a little kid again, listening as my mothers stories came alive. 
He showed me around the Falcon for a while, I didn’t try to keep track of time as we wandered through the winding hallways and cluttered rooms. He told me stories from his adventures on the ship, and I asked question after question. I kept having to pinch myself to remind myself I was really there, standing on the same floor that countless heroes of the rebellion have stood on before me. I was beaming the whole time. 
  After a while Poe led me to an open room with a Dejarik table, a bench, and mismatched equipment strewn about. I gladly sat down on the bench behind the holochess board, I had been on my feet for quite some time.
“Do you play?” Poe sat on the other side of the bench and put his hands on the table. 
“I never have, no. They have these at a few of the cantinas but they’re not exactly friendly spaces to learn.” He let out a small chuckle. 
“You don't have to tell me that. Do you want to play? I can teach you.” 
“Oh I know how, I’ve watched a lot of matches. I’ve just never gotten the chance to practice.” 
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” He gave me a wicked smile as he flipped a switch and holographic monstrous creatures appeared on the board. “Pick four.” Was all he said. 
“Bring it on.” 
It was a close game, but Poe won on the last move and was not at all a humble victor. I swore that I would beat him next time and reminded him that it was only my first time playing and I had already almost beaten him. 
“Well, we’ll see about that, sweetheart.” I instinctively crinkled my nose at the nickname, as it was one of my least favorite things in the galaxy to be called. “What?” The pilot asked with genuine concern. 
“It’s just that…” I hesitated for a moment, not sure how to say what I was feeling. “I hate being called that. “Sweetheart”. Just some bad memories, I guess.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Poe’s eyes softened as he looked at me. “I’ll think of something else to call you, then.” The playful gleam in his eye had returned, but the softness was still there. 
“Or you could just call me Nova, you know like, my name?” He scoffed as he stood up. 
“But where’s the fun in that?” I rolled my eyes at him but let out a small laugh. “I’m gonna go work on some minor repairs, they shouldn’t take long. Feel free to wander around, just don’t get lost. And don't break anything.” 
“Are you sure you don’t need help with the repairs?” Poe smiled kindly, if not a little arrogantly. 
“I’ll be fine. See you in a bit, Tatooine.” I cocked my head at him and narrowed my eyes. 
“I’m not sure if I like that one either.”
“Too bad, because I love it.” And without looking back, he walked out of the room and down a hallway. 
I sat there for a few minutes just processing all that had happened today before getting up and walking down a hallway that I thought would lead me back to the cockpit. At the moment that was the only spot I knew on the ship where I could see out into space, so I wanted to go back there and watch the stars. I took a couple of wrong turns and had to backtrack quite a bit, but eventually I found my way back. It was empty when I walked in, so I sat in the right pilot's seat, where Poe had sat during take off. My preferred seat. We were still in hyperspace so there wasn’t much to look at besides the tempestuous blue and white tunnel all around me, but I was still mesmerized by it. I sat there for a long while, letting the beauty and enormity of it wash over me, thinking about how every step I had ever taken had led me to this very moment. If I was quiet enough, and I listened hard enough, it was almost as if I could hear my mothers voice, faint but undeniable, whisper that she was proud of me. It was almost as if–
Suddenly lights were flashing and beeping erupted in the cockpit. There was an error message blinking on one of the screens in a strange dialect of binary I had never seen before, but I could still read. I had just figured out that it said we were making an emergency jump out of hyperspace when the streams of blue around me shortened, froze, and then suddenly vanished. Seemingly out of nowhere I was surrounded by darkness, stars, and the largest starship I had ever seen in my entire life. 
I knew what it was the moment I saw it. 
A star destroyer.
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amarcia · 5 months
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My ocs Cirz and Enah. [previous comic with them]
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
Text is based from an end scene of the movie Mandala 1981
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getooine · 7 months
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DarthFett redraw of the iconic comic panel iykyk
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skybreakprimeonao3 · 2 months
With the amount of Clones created, there was always going to be an overlap of names.
Marshall Commander Cody of the 212th was not the only Cody.
Jesse of the 501st shared a name with many soldiers across many battalions.
There were so many Foxes, younger Clones naming themselves after the Marshall Commander of the Coruscant Guards in a bout of hero worship.
But there was a set of Clones on each Venator that, after passing their normal tests and combat training, went into specialized training before their assignments. A majority of them didn’t have names before the specialized training, and those that did, weren’t really attached to their names and chose their new names amongst the others they worked with.
Obi-Wan met them on the flight deck, the group disembarking from the drop ship and saluting the Jedi.
All of them would join in on the battles and train with the others during hyperspace flight, but it was fairly quick to see that these soldiers worked together in a specific way.
“May I know your names?” Obi-Wan asked. He was still hesitant in asking, knowing names could be a private thing amongst the soldiers.
“My name is Spoon, sir!”
“Cup, sir!”
“I’m called Whisk!”
Eyebrows rose, and a glance to Cody told Obi-Wan that this group was a bit of a surprise to him.
“Are all of you working in the mess hall?” Obi-Wan, not bothering to hide his amusement.
“Of course, sir,” Whisk answered. “We’re all trained in ways to make the nutripaste more appealing, and not to give the soldiers food poisoning. We also know how and what to hunt and forage in case we run low on supplies during a campaign.”
“I see,” Obi-Wan said. And it did make sense. Many Padawans got the same training, especially if their missions took them to the more remote planets.
Obi-Wan continued to smile as he got the names of Fork, Lid, Pan, Pot, and Kettle, but he paused when he heard a second Spoon. He glanced back at the first one for a moment before looking at the second one.
“It’s not often that squad mates share a name,” he offered.
The second Spoon shrugged. “You can call me little Spoon if it helps, sir, but it’s silly if a kitchen only has one Spoon in it.”
The snort of amusement from Cody was more surprising than anything, and Obi-Wan accepted the explanation with a nod and chuckle of his own.
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zeenmrala · 10 months
being obsessed with your own OC is the most magical feeling
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mirxndatano · 1 month
No one is going to silence me
No, Star Wars The Acolyte wasn’t perfect, and it’s not the best of Star Wars. In fact, nothing in this franchise has been perfect, not even The Mandalorian (I’ve just thrown three scorpions at myself, but oh well).
The Acolyte was like breathing fresh air after YEARS of repetitive content focused on: The Empire, Skywalker family, Rebellion, and that’s it.
The Acolyte was a series that reignited a spark and charm in people who had distanced themselves a bit—or a lot—from SW due to the toxicity or simply because they no longer connected with the new content.
The Acolyte made MANY women interested in Star Wars thanks to the fact that it was made and written by a woman who KNOWS what we really like, and that’s why it delivered a tremendous Female Gaze.
The Acolyte DOES deserve or deserved a second season. But as always, they’ve shown what their priorities are: to continually cater to the toxic crowd and the 40+ men who want to keep living in nostalgia and are stuck in The Empire Strikes Back."
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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palpipeen · 2 years
One Year, Eight Weeks, Two Days: Days -9 through -365
They didn't wake up in prison, only somewhere they've never been before, and they also don't remember the names of their family or the planet they're from. But lucky for them, some generous benefactor left holo-recordings for them to watch when they woke up. So, all things considered. Waking up in a room they’d never been in their entire life could have gone a lot worse! Rating: R for Language, Canon-Typical Violence Future Ratings: NC-17 for Sexual Themes Warnings: Amnesia, corrupt police, mentions of drugs/weapons smuggling, mention of slavery/trafficking, mentions of violence/war, a Mandalorian being big and scary and imposing This is an OC centric fic where the MC is AFAB Non-Binary and goes by They/Them pronouns WC: 2122 AN: Part two! This was actually all one chapter, but it got up to over 6k words. And that is just too many IMO. This one introduces the secondary MC - our Mandalorian. But not the Mandalorian. This fic is ENTIRELY OC centric, it is set during the events of The Mandalorian. The Mandalorian featured in this is not Din - he's his own guy. Hope y'all enjoy!
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It wasn’t a jolt of panic or a wave of nausea that woke them up every morning. It was usually something slightly pointed jabbing them in the leg, over and over again, that once they recognized they pointedly tried to ignore. Keyword being ‘try’ of course. Because once their droid companion got her mind set on something, she wasn’t likely to let it go. 
And most of the time she set her mind on getting under Rigby’s skin. Multiple times a day.
A year later and Rigby was certain the droid was still a little pissed, but things could be worse. They’d held down a steady job. And they had friends now. Okay so they had coworkers, but when Rigby knew no one else in the entire universe, they counted as friends. Whether they liked it or not.
Somehow they got the distinct impression that it was the latter.
Regardless, Rigby wasn’t going anywhere. Against all odds, they actually sort of liked their job at the diner. The work kept them busy, they actually got to see and talk to people, they got free food when Kaati was in a good mood.
Oh, there was also the bounty hunter that became one of Rigby’s regulars.
Needless to say: plenty happened in the diner. A lot more than most would give the place credit for. Rigby had seen firsthand the dissolving and reforming of relationships. Heard stories that would make the most hardened and experienced individual blush. Laughed until they thought they’d broken a rib at some of the stories. And they’d experienced genuine connections with the permanent or temporary residents of the station.
In fact, the diner was probably the key to them learning all there was to know about Mahak Orbital Station after Kaati’s quick crash course on the lift.
She was an older model - made sometime near the end of the Galactic War. What most in recent years called ‘the clone wars.’ For years the station had been orbiting what was now the shell of a planet that was inhospitable, but had a great deal of resources that could be mined from below its surface. All of those resources had been taken now, but the station still remained. One of the last bastions of civilization before one got past the furthest major civilization recorded in any starmap. It wasn’t the nicest place to live. The law was a lot looser here, the local law enforcement were more prone to looking the other way after an exchange of credits than actually doing the right thing. Or committing crimes themselves.
Now that the planet had been mined out, it was no wonder crime rates started to increase. No resources to process and export meant that everyone had to turn to other means to make ends meet. There was good money to be found in repairing the ships that docked here before flying out into Wild Space, and manufacturing parts from the scraps. But other than that, there wasn’t much. So the population had depleted by a lot, but for some, there was nowhere else to go. People got bored. People got desperate. Spice rings, weapons smuggling, slave trafficking.
Even knowing next to nothing, Rigby knew this place was definitely not somewhere they belonged.
It was a fact they were made keenly aware of on a near daily basis. Life on the station had hardened them somewhat, but Rigby was still afflicted with something that was very…unfortunate this far out from the Center Rim. That being compassion, and an unhealthy dose of gullibility. ‘Soft’ was a word that those who Rigby got closer to called them, and there had been more than one attempted robbery.
Fortunately for them, there always happened to be someone within earshot who looked out for Rigby (much to their chagrin) to intervene.
Rigby knew they were lucky. Kaati had given them a safe place to be as they floundered. Everyone who worked at the diner looked out for each other, as distant as they all tried to keep themselves from one another. It was dangerous to get too close. People disappeared often, or got murdered, or shipped off to the nearest prison barge. Or worse. The diner was something of a safe haven to patrons and employees alike, one of very few in this cold, dangerous corner of the galaxy.
Like it or not, though, this was Rigby’s home until they figured out something.
And, frustratingly, they were no closer to figuring anything out than the first week they’d been conscious on this station. Who knew how long they’d been asleep in that apartment for? They certainly didn’t. Which was frustrating, and terrifying, and instilled Rigby with a deep urge to do…well.
A good seven months had passed until Rigby knew they would need something with more to offer than the diner by way of credits. They had no idea where Nugget had come from, but they knew how to perform basic and a few major repairs on the droid. And they’d done minor repairs on some of the ovens and deep freezers at the diner. So they’d gone looking for a job at one of the garages.
The many, many garages.
It had taken an additional month to find anyone willing to even hear them out. But Rigby was nothing if not stubborn when they had a feeling about anything. The crotchety old Bothan who ran the garage near one of the bottom levels of the station hadn’t been happy about it. But, Rej had no one else to help out. And when asked to perform a basic repair on one of his pit droids, Rigby had completed the task with...well, not flying colors.
Gliding colors. Barely touching the ground colors. That counted for something, apparently.
“‘Sides,” he’d gruffed as he drafted up a contract for Rigby, “got a high-paying customer paying for services I can’t do on my own.” His yellow eyes had narrowed at Rigby, “And if you keep your mouth shut, you’re getting half.”
“That’s mighty generous of you.” 
Rigby hadn’t bothered trying to hide the suspicion from their voice. They’d learned some things - kindness offered rarely came without strings attached, and Rigby had played the part of sucker way too many times. It would happen again, but on good days, it was rare. And this would turn out to be one of their last good days.
“Let me finish.” His teeth had flashed, reminding Rigby that any and all individuals on this station could be just as deadly as the next. “You’ll get half…once you’ve finished your apprenticeship.”
Well, they already had a steady source of income, paltry though it was. Rigby didn’t have it in them to argue. As difficult as Rej could be, learning his trade would pay off in the end. Rigby could just feel it. They didn’t feel that way all of the time.
Especially not when they’d met Rej’s mysterious customer, or seen his ship.
A customer that had quickly become their customer at the diner, through a series of embarrassing events.
He’d cut a very imposing figure when Rigby crawled out from under his ship a week into their apprenticeship. Mainly because he’d decided that the best place for him to stand was directly in the path of their exit, which meant when Rigby wriggled from under his ship they were sprawled out between his boots. Causing Rigby to freak out. Which had meant their skull clipped the edge of the underside of his ship when their body instinctively tried to shoot up to escape. 
Rej had really ripped them a new one for that. Their customer paid a lot of money for silence, and Rigby shouting loud enough to wake the dead would likely bring undue attention. Plus, them shooting up like a womp rat touching a live wire and maybe giving themself a concussion on his ship might’ve caused them to bleed all over it.
But how could a walking, talking, breathing suit of armor not draw undue attention?! Or not scare the shit out of Rigby when he just popped out of nowhere?! It defied all logic and reason, both of which Rigby only had so much of. For one thing, the man was huge. 
Rigby had left that part out when they’d tried to defend their reaction, feeling their customer’s eyes on them from behind a jet black, T-shaped visor. Something told them he wouldn’t appreciate them pointing that out. Or pointing anything about him out. Rigby wasn’t particularly keen to actually do that, so as Rej had reemed them, they’d studied Rej’s strange benefactor. Figuring it would be the last time they ever saw him, after their less than professional first impression.
It would take months until Rigby wasn’t convinced that the armor was covering some sort of droid. It almost entirely covered the man from head to toe with bits of his dark flight suit showing. Making his already broad figure even larger, but he seemed to move like it barely affected him. 
Honestly the whole ensemble spoke volumes of how stealth was on this man’s side more often than not. The majority of his armor was a muted, storm-cloud gray, and they got the idea in their head that it might make staying hidden easy for the very large man. Accents of deep gold along his vanbraces, gloves and bordering the visor were the only splashes of color that stood out. 
The armor looked well worn, at least to Rigby. Countless scours from various weapons, mysterious stains. This person had been in many, many fights. Probably a war or two, even. And come out, huge and somehow unscathed. Or in one piece, if there was anything humanoid under all that armor. Which made an altogether terrifying package. Alarm bells kept ringing in the back of their head the longer they’d studied him surreptitiously out of the corner of their eye.
Only for that alarm to be cemented when they’d tuned back in to Rej’s tirade.
“- bounty hunter pays for your silence, you stay. Fucking. Silent.” Rigby’s head had snapped around to gape at Rej. “Understand?”
“He’s a bounty hunter?!” 
The words came out in a barely audible squeak. All the exasperation on Rej’s face that had been commonplace when it came to dealing with Rigby seemed to add a decade of age to his features. But could he blame them? As little as they knew about their life, the concept of bounty hunters wasn’t new to them. Thanks to asking Kaati about it, after seeing someone getting caught by one months ago. 
But knowing now that this man was a hunter of people on the run brought back Teb’s words with a wicked vengeance.
Don’t leave the room.
“Yes, and a Mandalorian at that.” Okay, that word meant exactly nothing to Rigby. Grasping their upper arm, Rej had steered them out of his office and back into the main work room in the garage. Shoving them forward, he’d waved a hand impatiently as he stalked past Rigby, “Go apologize and get out of here. Don’t have time for your shenanigans.” Before he’d started work on the ship again, he’d whirled around and jabbed a finger at them. “And if you bled on this ship, that’s a week’s worth of pay!”
“Y-yessir.” Rigby nearly yelped again when they turned to the bounty hunter to find him standing right next to them. Watching them. Waiting. “Uhhh.”
Don’t talk to anyone.
“S-sorry, uhh, for before.” Rigby clutched the front of their shirt, taking a step back so they weren’t anywhere near the Mandalorian’s space. Only for him to take a step forward. So they took another step back. Another step forward. This continued as Rigby rambled out whatever apologies they could think of, but they couldn’t think so it was a lot of nonsense and bullshit. Backing away from the bounty hunter as he followed them, his movements slow and measured while Rigby was struggling to keep themself upright. Eventually their brain caught up with their own words, and they wanted to swallow their own fucking tongue. “ - sure you get tired of scaring the piss out of people, I bet it really sucks having that happen with the person who’s helping fix up your ship --”
“Dammit, Rigby!” Rej’s voice echoed through the garage, making them nearly jump out of their skin. “I told you to apologize, not talk the man’s ear off! Get the hell outta here!”
“R-right, sorry!” And just before they turned to scramble away, they heard the low, modulated voice from the man towering next to them.
“You don’t get out much, do you?”
It was a foolish hope that they would never, ever see that man again.
Taglist: @seeking-kharis@jabbas-lightsaber@rain-on-kamino Wanna be added to the Taglist? Go fill out the form here!
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soranatus · 2 months
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Pride of the Galaxy | Illustrations by character animator, Niq Ducote
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an-old-lady · 2 months
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I made some friends for Fingo.
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anakinstwinklebunny · 29 days
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TW: at some point it contains extremely filthy sexual content, so if you're sensitive to that or don't feel comfortable with it, please do not read it for your own safety and comfort. Daddy kink, breast play, praise kink, reader is younger than anakin but she's also off the age! (which means i won't give her specific age, but she's definitely NOT a minor). Lightly relationship with benefits (at first)
Author's note: and he happened to be the rich CEO 🤭
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is at the restaurant for a high-stakes business meeting with some important clients. He’s there to close a deal, his mind fully focused on the negotiations, but the moment he spots you, his attention falters. You’re the one serving his table, and despite the chaos of the busy restaurant, he can’t take his eyes off you. Your charm, your smile, the way you carry yourself—it’s all incredibly enticing to him. He’s captivated by the way you interact with customers, maintaining grace under pressure. After the meeting, Anakin leaves an exorbitant tip, much larger than necessary. Along with it, there’s a business card with just his name and number, a subtle but unmistakable invitation for you to contact him.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, after you muster the courage to text him, he invites you out for coffee, a subtle test to see if you’re interested. He’s direct but not pushy when he suggests an arrangement—offering financial support in exchange for your company. At first it surprises you, since it's uncommon for you to gain interest from older men..but, he was polite, very polite (you couldn't help but compare him to guys your age). Seemed like a true gentleman with specific needs you were suggested to fullfil
Sugardaddy!Anakin who makes it clear that he’s not interested in just a transactional relationship. He wants to spoil you, yes, but he also craves your genuine presence, your wit, and your warmth.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who made you sign NDA before any further actions. And after that, the first few dates involved extravagant dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, shopping trips where he insists you pick out anything you like, and even trips to luxurious resorts. He loves seeing you adorned in the finest things that his wealth can buy.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, despite his powerful position, Anakin values privacy and keeps your relationship under wraps. He’s protective of you, not wanting the media or his corporate world to interfere.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who often sends his private driver to pick you up, whether it’s for a date or just to bring you to his penthouse after a long day. He makes sure you’re always comfortable and safe.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a soft spot for you that his colleagues would be shocked to see. He’s attentive to your needs, whether it’s something simple like remembering your favorite coffee order or something more intimate, like understanding when you need space or affection.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is fiercely protective
Sugardaddy!Anakin who takes a genuine interest in your ambitions and goals. Whether you’re in school, pursuing a career, or exploring new hobbies, he’s there to support you—financially and emotionally. He offers advice, mentorship, and even opportunities within his vast business empire.
What starts as a sugar daddy arrangement quickly grows into something deeper. Anakin finds himself genuinely falling for you. The way you challenge him, care for him, and bring a sense of normalcy to his chaotic life makes you more than just a 'sugar baby'
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, the stoic CEO, surprises himself with how open he becomes with you. He shares his fears, his past, and his hopes for the future. You’re the only one who gets to see the man behind the powerful exterior.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who doesn't mind age gap although, when you're sometimes showing him something he has no idea what it is (like social media and stuff). So he's kind of a boomer..just a tiny bit..
Sugardaddy!Anakin who takes you on spontaneous trips to the most exotic destinations. Private jets, luxury yachts, and five-star hotels are the norm. He loves the idea of you experiencing the best life has to offer, especially when you’re together
Sugardaddy!Anakin who often works late into the night, but he makes time to talk to you before bed (sometimes it'd be a call but sometimes it'd be a small talk face-to-face);
He sighed as the door clicked shut behind him, the exhaustion of the day slipping through him as he loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. Despite the fatigue, the thought of coming home to you brought a sense of peace. “How’s my favorite girl doing?” he asked softly, tilting your chin up after walking into the living room.
“I’m alright… just dying to get some sleep,” you murmured with soft voice.
A smile tugged at his lips as he took you in—curled up on the couch, wearing one of his oversized shirts that nearly swallowed you whole. The sight was enough to erase any lingering stress. “Poor girl,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Sorry I’m so late.”
“S’okay…” your eyes heavy with sleep.
“Let’s get you to bed,” he murmured, his arms slipping around your waist to lift you effortlessly. With your legs wrapped around his waist, your face snuggled to his shoulder z he couldn’t help but notice how precious and absolutely beautiful you looked, wrapped in his shirt, with no make-up on. It was a simple moment yet with you in his arms, nothing else mattered.
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Sugardaddy!Anakin who is attentive and loves to make you feel special in every way. He’s dominant yet caring (so it makes him a soft dom), always ensuring your needs are met. So the intimacy between you two is intense;
you'd had sex almost daily over the last two months but you, nor him, would never initiated it in half-public before. It wasn't something you'd do, you were more of a private person however...the slight possibility that the driver could glance in the mirror and see you sent a strange thrill cursing down your stomach..
Well, you live once..
It wasn't your first time giving Anakin a blowjob, yet, you still couldn't fully get used to how big he was. How thick and long.
With your watery eyes, you whimpered, tasting the salty sweetness of him before swirling your tongue around his head. Slowly, softly at first, as if checking the territory, them you did it with more confidence, falling into the rhythm of just sucking, licking and bobbing till you were soaked
It shouldn't turn you on like it did. But yet, the feeling of his member filling your mouth, his large hand sank in your hair, his soft groans and whimpers made you twist yourself in pleasure.
Your eyes watery, your underwear wet, your nipples hard and this sensitive skin that burned with never ending fire for this man made you completely forgot how you got here, where you are or even where you're supposed to go
"That's right baby..take every inch like a good girl.." the words slipped through his lightly opened mouth in a moan
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He grips your ass cheeks tightly, spreading them apart to get a better angle as he thrusts into you from behind. "Look at this ass, baby...so fucking perfect... gonna fucking own this ass..." He growls, his hands moving to slap your right cheek hard.
You were a mess; holding for dear life to the kitchen counter with nothing but moans leaving your mouth. Not even your eyes could stay open anymore, as they rolled or closed automatically in the feeling
He hisses through his teeth as he feels your squishy walls clench around him, gripping him tightly "That's it, baby...take it all...You're being such a good girl..." h his hands moved to grip your hips tightly as he continues to thrust with more intensity, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the kitchen.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves having you ride him;
His fingers dug into your hips, encouraging you to set a faster pace as his own hips lifted to meet yours, the two of you falling into a rhythm. "just like that, baby...you look so good on top of me"
"yeah?" You whimper out, feeling like going crazy with his member deep inside you
His hands slide up your waist to your breasts, cupping them gently as he praises you. "Definitely..riding me like a real cowgirl.."
your mouth opened to let a moan escape your lips and, to feel more, you sped up a little bit
He grins wickedly up at you, his hips bucking upwards to meet yours while he toys with your peaks "You like that, baby? Like daddy playing with your pretty little toys?"
"love it" your mouth lightly opened in pleasure
"Good girl...gosh..could stay buried inside of you forever." Anakin lets out a groan, his eyes rolling back as the feeling of you sinking down onto him once more and it suddenly gets too much to bear. "Fuck, baby...you feel so good...such an eager girl to please me..keep that pace, baby...want to watch you fall apart on top of me"
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves when you visit him at the office, especially after hours when most of his employees went home
Sugardaddy!Anakin who even if makes love to you a bit roughly sometimes, he can for sure be very gentle;
He slowly enters you, his touch gentle as he cups your face tenderly. "gonna go nice and slow, alright?" He whispers softly, his hips moving in a gentle rhythm. "if you wanna stop just say the word.."
"okay" you whimper
He enters you inch by inch, his touch gentle as he kisses you passionately. "You're so tight, baby...feels so good..." his pace slow and gentle. He leans down and kisses you slowly as if you were a ceramic doll he was scared to break "my beautiful girl.. doing so good for me"
your warmth enveloped his senses and it only made him more crazy for you. You just seemed so perfect to him. Even your flaws were something he deeply cherished, found captivating, irresistible
"you okay, baby?" He whispers softly, his voice laced with autonomical concern. "wanna go slower?"
"yes, please" you whisper-moan
He slows down even more, his movements almost imperceptible as he carefully makes love to you. "there we go...so slow and gentle...just for you, baby..." He leans down to kiss your neck softly, his breath warm against your skin. "love you so much, you know? Gosh, could do anything for you.. you have me wrapped around your finger.."
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a particular obsession with lingerie. He frequently buys you the most luxurious pieces—silk, lace, and satin—in colors he knows you look stunning in. Seeing you dressed up in something he chose just for you ignites a fire in him, and he loves taking his time to remove each piece, savoring the reveal of your body
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a possessive streak, and it shows in how he wants to leave marks on you—not just hickeys, but subtle reminders that you belong to him. He’ll trace his fingers over the marks later, a satisfied smirk on his face as he sees the evidence of your passion..but stil..;
He was laying on his side with his arm wrapped securely around your waist, holding you close as if you might slip away in the night. You were slowly drifting off to sleep, in comparison to anakin, whose sleep eluded him. He lay there quietly, his eyes tracing the familiar curves of your body in the darkness, as if rediscovering them for the first time.
His gaze lingered on the spots where his touches had left their mark. Faint hickeys dotted your upper thighs and hips, and a few more adorned your neck and collarbone. He couldn’t help but admire the evidence of his desire for you, the way he’d claimed your body as his own. The possessive satisfaction he felt was undeniable, yet there was also a tender need to ensure that his passion hadn’t caused you any pain.
"Does it hurt?" he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet room.
"No... I'm fine," you murmured half-asleep
"You sure?" His fingers brushed over one of the darker marks, tracing gentle circles on the sensitive skin of your hip.
"Mhm... it's nothing serious"
He hummed in acknowledgment, though the worry still lingered. He couldn't shake the need to make sure you were truly okay. His hand slowly moved up to gently push your hair aside, exposing the smooth skin of your neck and shoulder. Leaning in, he nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck, his lips brushing against the tender spot he had marked earlier. "Sorry," he whispered, his voice a mix of apology and affection
"It's okay, really" you whispered back, your hand finding its way into his messy curls. Your fingers gently stroking through them as if to soothe both him and yourself.
He pressed another soft kiss to your skin, letting his lips linger against it. The warmth of your body, the steady rise and fall of your chest, and the feel of your hand in his hair finally began to ease his mind. Holding you close, he let the lingering guilt fade, quickly replacing it by the comforting knowledge that you were safe and okay
Sugardaddy!Anakin who enjoys the thrill of teasing you in public settings, knowing you have to keep your composure. A subtle hand on your thigh under the dinner table, his fingers tracing dangerously close to your inner thigh, or whispering in your ear about what he plans to do to you later, all heighten the anticipation for when you’re finally alone.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, over time, begins to consider a more permanent relationship with you. He starts dropping hints about you moving in, or even starting a family someday.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who's definitely into some roleplay (but mostly you surprise him with them)
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is open to exploring new things in the bedroom, and he enjoys introducing toys into your sex life. Whether it’s a silk blindfold, a vibrator, or even some light bondage, he knows exactly how to push your boundaries while making you feel safe and loved.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, despite his dominant and sometimes intense nature, Anakin is always attentive to your needs afterward. He makes sure you’re comfortable, bringing you water, wrapping you in soft blankets, and holding you close. His fingers gently stroke your hair as he whispers sweet words, grounding you after an intense session.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who's more of a type of guy to send you flowers when he's out for business trip or etc
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a habit of giving you jewelry that symbolizes his ownership. A necklace with his initials, a bracelet that matches his watch
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves playing with your breasts;
"Dirty little thing, aren't you? You just love when daddy plays with your big tits, hmm?" his fingers pinching and rolling your nipples
"Mhm.." you lightly wriggled on his lap, feeling the well known hardness poking between your legs
"And you're mine, aren't you, love? This beautiful girl wouldn't leave me, now would you angel?"
Sugardaddy!Anakin who had an actual conversation with you about taking things more seriously, if you even wanted. And soon later he proposed to you
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @erosmutt @haydensprettyprincess @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @fuckmyskywalker @slutforfinnickodair
(if you want to be removed or added then don't be shy and let me know 💋)
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momojedi · 9 months
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i was bored and i needed to draw
they’re not a ship btw, just really good friends
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amarcia · 8 months
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Jedi were not meant for war.
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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getooine · 8 months
More Space Twins- from ESB
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Almost forgot about these as they’re a bit older : Pencils, gouache paint and a bit of digital touch up on my phone
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
Which of the Last (4) Jedi teachers tell Nymie the students no when they bring home random animals? Which ones do they go to after first being told no bc they know they’ll say yes?
the jedi saying no isnt her biggest concern
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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