#originial writing
localplaguenurse · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Original Characters Additional Tags: Horror, Psychological Horror, Murder, Blood, Blood and Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Murderers, Kidnapping, Original Fiction, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Graphic Description, Serial Killers, POV Second Person, Reader-Interactive, I Wrote This While Listening to Ethel Cain's Music, Inspired by an Ethel Cain Song, Song: Ptolemaea (Ethel Cain), Song: August Underground (Ethel Cain), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Summary:
A walk through a serial killer's house after he's been arrested.
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hessdalen-globe · 6 months
I haven't done any writing on Cozar in months, and I could really use some writing prompts to get back into the grove of things. Does anyone have any ideas for me?
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neptune-scythe · 1 year
I wanna know y'all's worst most concerning Google searches, like the most FBI is definitely watching you now level shit
I'll go first- "Can you get an infection from ingesting and drowning in your own blood?"
Aight everyone reblog with yours
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girlfromthecrypt · 8 months
Introducing the Such Happy Campers ROs:
𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓵 𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓻
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gender: male [trans, ftm]
age: 27
height: 5 ft 8 (172 cm)
occupation: none/volunteer/camp counselor
faith: Wiccan, pagan, spiritualist
physical description: Basil is slim, athletic and prone to moving with a measured, uncanny grace. He has fair skin that tans easily in the sun. His chin-length hair is artfully shaggy and dyed in brown and gold layers to resemble a tiger eye gemstone. 
notable: Faded top surgery scars. A red and blue lightning bolt tattooed on his sternum. Multiple small, simple gold earrings.
clothing style and aesthetic: Basil always dresses in either bright, cheerful colors or various natural hues. He prefers his clothes to be layered and airy, often sporting vests or flowy shirts with boho-style patterns. Sometimes, he wears several beaded necklaces and rings.
hobbies and interests: folklore, woodwork, true crime, traveling
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Basil is harmonious, optimistic and outgoing. He appreciates humor and puns (even if they're at his expense). He takes neither himself nor others very seriously. 
When romanced however, a lot of his confidence turns into stricken stupidity. If you want to see a cocksure, assertive character losing his cool and tripping over himself, look no further.
Though it might just be a challenge to get him there.
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rainestormscloud · 3 months
The Shifters! A species created by the overlord! Before he was betrayed and tossed to be evil man
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leaawrites · 1 year
"He's an endless soul; you and I both know that nothing could ever truly kill him."
-Endless Soul
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ryehouses · 1 year
There where a few mentions/hints from asks you shared that you are working on a few projects. Would you mind to share on how many projects you are working? And IF you do, how do you manage working on more than ONE thing? Do you have a routine or is it random working on a thing?
ah hello! thanks for stopping by! and OOF, loaded question!
the number of projects that i'm actively working on varies. i am definitely a big ideas person and less of a big see the ideas to completion person, so my gdocs, several notebooks and various other word processing platforms are scattered with about a billion scraps.
as for what i'm actively working on right now (fanfiction-wise, at least), i've got blackiron as my current #1 priority, then i have a what-if-din-had-been-a-jedi au called sideways that i've been slooooowly chewing on for a while. i also have wet hot mandalorian summer, various bits and bobs in the ast 'verse, and i am trying so hard not to pursue expanding on "what if din and boba had met earlier and fucked nasty about it," but it looks like the answer is "teamed up w/ fennec and accidentally took over tatooine about two decades ahead of schedule, so.)
outside of star wars i have a witcher/temerarie au that is VERY stupid and VERY dear to my heart. we'll see if witcher s3 kills all passion i had for the franchise or if i get mad enough to finish the thing out of spite.
i am ignoring the urge to write about 1,000 canon divergence aus for one piece. i love thinking about that kind of shit and one piece has so many shatterpoints that if i start down that particular rabbit hole i won't ever come back out!
for the other part of your question: i don't manage anything, unfortunately. my gdocs manages me. i do set aside at least half an hour to write or revise every day, but aside from that i am utterly at the mercy of The Dopamine, and go where it goes.
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certainvictori · 1 year
The first chapter of the prequel fic of the dc Au my friend and i’ve been working on! gonna be a fun ride hehe enjoy!
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moonlightjeno · 2 years
mismatch of a month
its always right person wrong time missed by a slim month of easy smiles and quick banter. never the right person at the right time when we first met, hair not curled but that same ease. ease that remains when two ppl talk but its never right. never when one thinks of the other, in those corners of their mind. thoughts that wander what it would be like, to have hand in hand, callouses pressed against smooth skin from articifial rocks and copper strings.
its always right person wrong time, with changing watercolored eyes, and simple ways of knowing.
first time. right person wrong time and it feels like the world stops. the first when ghosts no longer come out. when they slink back into their rooms and stones to find other souls to haunt. second when its missed by the twining of copper and brass. when the notes and reverations of strings still humm in my ears and the melodies u play haunt my dreams. the second is when the world feels quiet until u play, show with agile joints and it feels like a trick. one the light plays, when u smile.
same person still wrong time. and u wonder when the world will want u to have the right person right time. when it wont b muddled in crushes and unstrung promises. not mixed in hugs that last one second too long, holding tight that the hope flares until your told they’re with someone. someone that makes em happy and all u can do is remain in that place. arms wrapped around yours, frozen by memories and what ifs. while the world keeps spinning and time never stops.
right person wrong time. and its saturday and two o’clock. and a nice boy is before u, but u cant get a goofy one out of yours, and texts that were dismissed with fear and panic. maybe saturday’s is right person right time. maybe the world has a way of making things right. 
for i cannot live in a right person wrong time heart strung and battered another time. third times the charm. 
maybe she’ll learn. maybe she wont run away, face that panic and bile that rises. keeps her heart beating with too much weight against her chest. a compression of simple folds called lungs that crush like leaves. she hopes this time when that feeling comes, and he smiles she wont do what she always does and will take it for what it is. wont hesitate for dissapointing the one before her. 
she hopes she gets her right person right time. 
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residentxangel · 2 years
finally finished my mini profiles for my oc's for my current wip
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Twenty: I Go on my First Cruise (Read on AO3 here)
The day came for our mission, and there was still no sign of Percy. I couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not. I walked to breakfast in a trance, taking one last glance at my cabin as the door shut behind me. We would be leaving once our meal was over and all the other campers had begun their morning activities so that we wouldn’t raise too much suspicion. But even so, I got strange glances as I sat down at the Poseidon table alone. Or should I say, more strange glances than I usually got. I found myself looking at the Athena table, an old habit I’d picked up, and then remembered the girl I was looking for wasn’t there. Annabeth was still on her own mission. I wouldn’t be getting any help from her, either. 
Eventually, the only people left at our tables were those of use going on the mission. We pulled on our backpacks and met on the edge of the pavilion as Chiron clomped over us. 
“It is time.” He said, and I tried to ignore how grave he sounded. “You all are secure on the plan?” 
We nodded. We had gone over it a million times in the last two days, we knew it backwards and forwards. The centaur’s words rang through my head, this cannot fail. 
“Very good. You had better get going, then. May the gods go with you.” 
Cady and Rosie gave him quick hugs, Evan shook his hand, and he and I shared a nod. Then we all made our way to the edge of the Sound without a word. 
“Are we ready?” I asked as the water lapped at my feet. 
“I guess we have to be.” Cady answered, and the other two nodded. That answer didn’t instill great confidence in me, but I crouched down and put my hands in the waves anyways. 
“Hey, umm, if we could get some rides, that would be great. Please. This is Angie, by the way.” I had never called upon the creatures of the sea for help before, although I knew Percy had done it. I wasn’t sure if there were specific words I was supposed to say, but soon enough four Hippocampi popped their heads up about ten feet from the shoreline, and I broke into a smile. Rosie giggled, and Cady and Evan shared uneasy looks. “There’s our rides.” I said, wading into the waves. 
“Do we have to travel over the sea?” Cady asked as she struggled to get onto the creature. 
“The Princess Andromeda is a ship, Cady. How else do you wanna get there?” I answered as I pet the neck of my animal. 
“I don't know! We could fly.” 
“And risk them seeing us? Uh uh, this is the only way.” 
She finally got her other leg around the Hippocampi’s back as the creature let out a whinny. 
“Plus,” I continued, “Me and flying don’t mix.” 
She grumbled something that sounded like “me and swimming don't mix”, but I ignored it. 
“Hey buddy, could you take us to the Princess Andromeda? You know what that is?” 
Big scary boat in the middle of the ocean with monsters on it? The hippocampus spoke in my head. 
“Yeah, that one.” I responded. 
The creature shuddered, but nodded its head up and down quickly. Yes, we know where that is. Anything for our Lady.
I smiled and petted its neck. “Thank you, we appreciate it.” My creature took off first. “Hold on!” I yelled to the others as their animals followed suit. Cady gave a small yelp, Rosie hollered, and Evan broke into a smile. 
Riding on the waves, I felt happier than I had in weeks. The salt spray in my face made me feel more alive than ever, and feeling the water on my skin made me stronger and healthier than ever before. I didn’t stop smiling the whole time. Schools of fish would come up to the surface to ask me questions, and a curious pod of dolphins followed us for a while, telling me the latest gossip from my father’s kingdom. I wasn’t sure what I looked like to my friends, talking to sea creatures they couldn’t hear, but I figured they didn’t mind. I was finally in my element—the sea was where I belonged. In a lot of ways, the sea felt like my true home. 
I never felt closer to my father, or my brother, than when I was on the water. I missed them more than ever. 
The sun was dipping in the sky as the hippocampi slowed down. I guessed it was nearing mid afternoon. 
The scary boat is close. My creature spoke to me. Sure enough, I could see a small speck on the horizon in the shape of a cruise ship. 
“Stay here.” I replied to mine and told the others. “I’ll be right back.”
The plan had begun. 
I slipped off my hippocampus, dipping into the water and letting the salt water fill my senses. I knew exactly where we were, the precise nautical coordinates. I could sense how far away the ship was, and I knew exactly how long it would take me to get there. Poseidon stuff. 
I began swimming, compelling the currents to push me forward and speed me along. I could feel the coldness of the water, but I was unaffected, a weird sensation I never quite knew how to describe. Soon enough, I was at the hull of the ship. 
I stuck my head out of the water slowly, looking up the metal sides. My job was to scout the ship and see where a good entry point would be, somewhere my friends could enter where there were no monsters or patrolling soldiers. I swam around the ship a few times, silent as any sea creature, and finally found a good spot. 
One of the lowest decks was left completely unguarded, and it had a ladder leading upwards. I didn’t know how long our luck would hold, so I raced back to where my friends were waiting for me. 
I popped out of the water next to them, making them jump. I would’ve been winded, but I could feel the water healing me as I bobbed up and down. 
“I found our entry point, but we have to move quickly.” 
Between the hippocampi and me affecting the currents, we made it to the boat in no time. I showed them the deck, and luckily there were still no monsters on the platform. I manipulated the water to lift me onto the ship, and then threw down a rope we had brought with us. The others climbed it quickly, and I leaned back over the side. 
“Don’t go far! We’ll need you to get out of here, and it might have to be fast.” I whispered to the creatures. Mine nodded. 
Don’t worry, my Lady. We understand.
I thanked them again and then turned to my friends. “Okay, phase two. Rosie, it's your time to shine.” 
The daughter of Aphrodite smiled widely and then looked around, like she was suddenly nervous. “Could you guys, umm, turn around? It’s weird to shift when people are watching.” 
We all did as she asked, stifling our giggles. After a minute, she spoke again. 
When we faced her again, my breath caught. I had never seen Luke in person before, I only knew what he looked like from descriptions Percy would tell me. What struck me the most was how normal he looked, well, besides the glowing golden eyes. Rosie had met with Chiron multiple times to get a detailed description of any changes that might have occurred since she saw him last, and she had been practicing for days to get it perfect. Even his, I mean, her, voice had a new, sinister edge. 
“What do you think?” Rosie asked. It was weird to see and hear Luke, who was actually Kronos, but knowing it was Rosie underneath it all. 
“I think it’s perfect.” 
“You definitely look like Luke.” Evan said, his voice sounding hollow. I suddenly realized how much harder this must’ve been for my friends—by the time I got to camp, Luke's betrayal was in full swing. I had never known him before Kronos had manipulated him and used him for his own devices. But my friends had known him before, they knew who he really was. I felt a pang of guilt. 
“You know what to do.” I said. 
Rosie nodded. “Give me a few minutes to get everyone away from the lower and main decks. And remember, there are a ton of demigods roaming around the ship. Just walk like you’re supposed to be here, and if anyone stops you, tell them you’re new. We’ve got this.” She gave us a dazzling smile, and for the first time that day, I felt a surge of hope. I was pretty sure she wasn’t charmspeaking us, but even if she was, I would’ve welcomed it. I needed all the help I could get just then. 
She turned and disappeared around a corner, leaving the three of us to wait. 
“What if this doesn’t work?” Cady asked as she tugged on her braid. 
“It will. It has to.” I said quickly. I couldn’t afford to think like that.
“We have it on good authority that Kronos isn’t actually on board, so Rosie just has to make up a reason he came back and give them their orders. She’ll be great. She can be very convincing.” 
Cady cracked a smile—it was good to keep a child of Aphrodite around when you needed the powers of persuasion. 
While we waited, we put on the pieces of armor we brought with us to hopefully look like some of the demigods of Kronos’ army. It was the first time in my life seeing Cady without her orange camp T-shirt and her camp necklace, and it was a strange sight. Once ten minutes had passed, we started to move. I took a deep breath, whispered a prayer to my dad, and put one foot in front of the other. 
I led Evan and Cady down the winding hallways and passages, somehow knowing exactly where I needed to go. Evan took notes as he walked, hastily drawing a map that actually didn’t look half bad. That was the thing about the child of Hephaestus—if he cared about something, he was excellent at it. 
We didn’t pass another living being until we made it to the hallway with the engine room. It was another demigod, and they didn’t say anything as we passed. I didn’t recognize them, but I heard a small gasp from Cady as they walked by. My heart twisted for her. I didn’t even consider the possibility of the older campers knowing kids who had joined Kronos. The thought of that made me want to cry. 
Rosie must’ve been doing a good job, because the engine room was completely empty when we got there. Evan got to work right away, taking meticulous notes and writing down everything he could. We stayed there for a while before I started to get antsy. 
“Don't you think this has all been too easy?” I asked as I paced across the small room. 
“Honestly, I'm grateful. Ros must be doing a scarily good Luke impression.” Cady answered. Evan either hadn’t heard me, or was actively ignoring me. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore. 
“I’m gonna go out and do more scouting.” I began to march towards the door. 
“Whoa, I don’t think it's a good idea to split up.” Cady blocked my path. 
“But we’re already split up. Plus, this way we can get a better layout of the ship.” 
Cady tugged on her braid, a tell-tale sign of her nerves. “Umm, well, I just dont think—” 
Whatever she was going to say was interrupted by a faint shimmering near my head, and I recognized it as the beginnings of an Iris message. For a split second, my heart leapt into my throat as the hazy vision of Luke/Kronos came into view. Then I remembered the plan—Rosie was supposed to message us from a private place thirty minutes after she started her rounds. 
“Updates?” She whispered in the Titans voice. 
“We’re in the engine room, no trouble so far.” 
She visibly relaxed. “Good. I haven’t had trouble either. Everyone I've talked to has believed me without a second thought.” 
“Thank the gods.” I breathed out. 
“Thank Ros’ acting teacher.” Cady added. I didn’t disagree. 
“I was about to go up to the main deck and get the lay of the land.” I said, ignoring Cady’s glare. “Is it clear?”
“Should be.” Rosie replied. “I sent everyone I could to the upper decks or to their cabins. ‘Emergency preparedness drills’ I said. No one batted an eye.” 
I had never been scared of a child of Aphrodite before, but now I was beginning to think I had seriously misjudged them. 
“Great. Stick to the plan. Meet back on the platform in twenty minutes.”
Rosie nodded. “See you soon.” Then she waved her hand in the mist, and her image disappeared. 
“Angie, I still think—” Cady started. 
“You heard her! There's no one on the main deck. It's completely safe! I’ll be fine. You stay with Evan.” I sidestepped her so quickly she barely had time to react. I was out the door in an instant, and despite her protests, I shut it quickly behind me. 
The hallway was still empty, so I steeled my nerves and walked as calmly as I could. I made my way through winding staircases and down narrow hallways until I found myself on a large deck that was open to the ocean on one side. I was taking notes the whole time and making a crude map that I would have to have Evan redraw later. And so far, I hadn't run into a soul. Something in the small of my back started tingling as I looked around. This is definitely too easy, I thought. But even so, I kept walking and exploring, charting the way as I went. I was about to head back down to the platform where we would meet, assuming my twenty minutes was almost up, when I felt the ship shift ever so slightly. The engines kicked on and we increased speed. To anyone else, the change would’ve been imperceptible. To me, it was unmissable. The Princess Andromeda was changing course, and I knew exactly where it was heading now. 
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momibrokeaglass · 1 year
how do i stop missing you after your gone?
after your energetic soul has shed the meer skin that grounded you to this earth.
how do i comprehend that what i’m yearning for is physically impossible,
how do i connect my conscience to my heart ;
for it is crying for something inexistent.
- momibrokeaglass
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niki-phoria · 6 months
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sweet moments with fushiguro megumi, itadori yuuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuuta
notes: gn reader (no pronouns used), first jjk reaction post !! this was so hard to write ngl, header from pinterest, title from tom odell - black friday
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI is in love with you.
dusk is filled with golden rays and city lights. you walk side-by-side with megumi in a comfortable silence. these quiet moments with you had always been rare but cherished moments - a small amount of time when you both could finally breathe. 
years of fighting curses had taken its toll on you. with death always just one wrong move away, megumi had grown accustomed to cherishing the little moments with you: when you made him coffee in the morning before he woke up; when you waited at his bedside after he was injured in a fight; when you forcefully put some of your food on his plate after noticing that he wasn’t eating enough.
megumi had never grown up with a view of a real romantic relationship - all of his experience came from side plots in manga and being dragged into watching movies with yuuji - but he was smart enough to realize why his heart beat so fast around you. why he blushed so easily when your hand brushed against his. why he desperately wanted more.
megumi stops when you pause in your steps, stretching out your shoulders. a content sigh escapes you as you look out towards the shore. “the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?” you say, your eyes trained on the hues of pink and blue filling the sky. 
megumi glances at the skyline, only taking in the sight momentarily before he turns back to you. all the beautiful things he’s heard about “golden hour” seem to come true. the sun peeks out from behind various buildings, illuminating your silhouette. you softly smile as you look up at the clouds above.
“yeah,” he smiles; his gaze remains trained on you. “beautiful.”
fushiguro megumi is in love with you. now, he just has to tell you.
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ITADORI YUUJI is - surprisingly - not a bad cook. over his months at jujutsu high, he had become the unofficial chef in the dorms. so when you fell ill, it was no surprise when he took on the responsibility of nursing you back to health.
your body is little more than a mound of blankets when yuuji creeps into your room; a bowl of steaming soup in his hands. he moves with the utmost care as he makes his way across the room before setting the bowl down on your bedside table. despite your puffy eyes and red-tipped nose he smiles, reaching up to push a stray strand of hair away from your face.
you stir awake at his touch before slowly blinking up at him. “hi y/n,” yuuji whispers. “feeling any better?”
he receives a groan in response. “i feel like death,” you rasp out. 
yuuji reaches over, resting the back of his hand against your forehead. “you’re still really warm,” he mumbles. “i don’t think your fever has gone down at all.”
his cheeks flush slightly when you reach over, taking his hand into your own. your skin is overly warm and slightly clammy, but yuuji doesn’t mind. instead, he intertwines your hands together. 
“here,” he says, using his free hand to hold up a spoonful of the soup he made. “try it. maybe it’ll make you feel better.”
the metal spoon burns your tongue and the broth is a little too salty, but it soothes your throat all the same. “thank you,” you murmur. “it’s delicious.”
yuuji simply smiles brightly, holding out yet another spoonful for you. “of course.”
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“do you know japanese sign language?”
INUMAKI TOGE stares at you with wide eyes, surprised by your sudden question. it shouldn’t have been all that surprising, but it was something no one had bothered to ask before. 
finally, after a short period of silence, he nods. “salmon.”
toge had grown accustomed to being left out. even while around the most supportive people, he often found himself struggling to be heard - both literally and metaphorically. after all, it was difficult to communicate with others through origini ingredients. 
that didn’t make it any less hurtful, though. 
you smile brightly, hesitantly signing along to your words as you speak. “i’ve been practicing a little. i wanted to surprise you.”
toge’s face flushes; his jacket does little to hide the way his blush spreads across his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears. your movements are a little sloppy and you’re clearly nervous, but he doesn’t comment on it. no one had ever put in this much effort to speak to him before. to not only listen, but understand what he means. 
“thank you,” he signs in return. he pauses for a second, hesitating slightly before he continues. “i love you.”
“i don’t think i know that one.” toge simply smiles, leaning in to pull you into a kiss. he’ll tell you what it means soon enough. but for now, his flushed cheeks and soft smile tell you everything he means to say.
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the safest place in the world is within OKKOTSU YUUTA’S arms. you can’t remember when it became a routine for the two of you. he would return home and immediately seek you out; his fingers curl around your waist and tug you closer until your back reaches his chest. 
a soft sigh escapes his lips as he rests his chin against your shoulder. the pieces of your bodies fit together like a puzzle - from the way yuuta intertwines his fingers with your own to how seamlessly his arms wrap around you. 
messy strands of ink black hair brush against the side of your neck when yuuta nuzzles himself even closer against you. his breath ghosts against your shoulder as he leans down, pressing a few lazy kisses over the fabric of your shirt. “i missed you.”
“i missed you, too.” your fingertips trace along little cuts and deep bruises decorating yuuta’s hands. “do they hurt?”
he catches his bottom lip between his teeth. it feels trivial to be in pain over such minor injuries, but yuuta has never been the best liar. “only a little,” he murmurs.
you frown slightly, raising your intertwined hands up to your lips. the soft kisses you press against the fresh wounds leave him breathless. with a flushed face and a soft smile, yuuta presses a chaste kiss against your cheek in return. “thank you.”
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taglist (open! send an ask/dm to be added): @sunoooism @vamxpi @sad-darksoul @kamote-kuneho
if you liked this fic, please consider leaving a like, comment, feedback, or rebloging !! and if you want to support me, check out my jjk masterlist <33
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lythea-creation · 4 months
I'm Nothing Like You - Remus Lupin x daughter reader (alternative ending)
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Originial Version
summary: So this is basically like my original Oneshot, but with a turn in the middle. I don't wanna tell you too much here.
warnings: Basically just angst ig
word count: 1.589
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
I had always lived in the shadow of my younger twin sister Amy. Growing up in an orphanage you quickly learn if you are sociable.
Amy never had any difficulties to make new friends. She was the center of attention. Beautiful, charismatic, smart, funny. She had it all.
Meanwhile I was rather a quiet and shy person, mostly overlooked.
The only thing I was good at was drawing. But nobody seemed to be interested in that.
Whenever I scribbled into my notebooks because I was overwhelmed with a task, I got scolded for playing around, ruining my expensive devices. Then they would blame my bad grades on drawing instead of paying attention in class.
They had no idea, did not even want to understand that it was hard for me to learn. Theory simply was not my strength. But instead of helping me they mocked me.
Amy had tried to support me, explain it to me. But she had given up after some time. I was a hopeless case.
I thought that might all change when we got an acceptance letter for Hogwarts. We were both absolutely excited to get to study magic, live in a literal castle instead of a run down, underfunded house.
But it turned out that I was a failure at either school.
I transformed only one half of an object, accidentally invented new potions, did not manage to fly higher than three feet above the ground.
Amy attempted to encourage me, told me that I only needed more time, but it felt hopeless. No matter how hard I tried, how much longer I trained, how many times I practiced, I just did not get any better.
What was I supposed to do?
It all took a turn for the worse in our second year, when Remus Lupin became our teacher. None of us had known that he was our father until Dumbledore had revealed it. In contrast to me Dumbledore appeared to know everything.
Amy and Remus quickly came along. Amy's easy-going nature and her awesome grades were making it hard for people not to love her.
I, on the other hand, was having difficulties to bond with Remus. Ironic that I was even failing in that matter.
We just did not have anything in common.
Instead of having a greater support system, it felt like I was falling behind my sister even more. I felt like an outcast when the three of us spend time together, even though they tried to integrate me.
I wondered if they also turned away from me if we were not blood-related.
“Now it's time to get your grades”, Professor McGonagall announced.
I was anxiously scribbling away at a piece of parchment. Remus had bought me a pencil set for my birthday.
When the professor handed me my grades, she sent me a disappointed look. I had barely managed not to fail, all thanks to Amy's help and my endless hours of studying and practicing when everybody else had been out and having fun together.
“I'm so excited to visit dad again”, Amy rejoiced during the train ride.
We had just finished our fourth year at Hogwarts. So we only knew Remus for three years now. When had Amy started calling him dad?
I was torn between being happy for her and feeling even more like an outcast.
When the train arrived I watched Amy hugging Remus from afar. They looked like a picture perfect father-daughter-duo.
I felt my heart sink at the sight. Somehow it felt like I had even lost my sister all of a sudden.
My hands tightened around the straps of my backpack. Amy and I were used to not carrying around to much. So instead of a suitcase like most of the other students we were usually just taking a backpack with us.
Remus had not spotted me yet. Amy had not noticed that I had stayed behind. Why was I even here? I was always feeling out of place anyway.
My feet moved on their own, away from the platform. The piece of paper in my backpack was only spurring me on in not wanting to go to Remus' place.
Back in my muggle time Amy and I had been wandering around the city a lot as nobody really cared if we were gone or not. So I was used to the labyrinth of streets and did not even have to think about the way to Jenny's place.
Jenny was the only muggle friend I had left. She understood me. So it was intuitive to go over to her. Where else was I supposed to go anyway?
After about two hours of walking around I finally arrived at her apartment. Ringing the doorbell was natural. I had spent a lot of time with her after all.
“Hey, (f/n)”, Jenny greeted me surprised but excited, immediately enveloping me in a hug.
“Hey, Jen. Can I come in?”, I inquired.
“Of course”, she assured me and took a step to the side to let me in.
Thanks to the laws she did not know about the literally magical aspects of my life. But I was just leaving that part out when telling her how I was doing.
“Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Remus' place?”, she wondered.
By now we were in her room, a full tea cup in our hands.
“Yeah, it's just … I kinda feel like I don't belong there, ya know?”, I confessed. “I also barely passed school again.”
“But you did pass, didn't you?”, she questioned.
“Yes, but with so much effort that pathetic would be an understatement”, I proposed.
“I've known you for quite some time now”, Jenny recalled. “And trust me when I say that I've never met anyone that's more hard-working than you. That's a skill as well. Don't think it's a weakness. It's not your fault that learning is hard for you.”
“Thanks, Jen”, I whispered.
“So how about some video games to get your mind off of things?”, she suggested.
She did not just manage but excelled at that. I had no idea when I had laughed so much the last time.
After eating breakfast together the next morning we both settled that I should return to Remus and my sister, although I was reluctant about it.
Ringing Remus' doorbell was not even nearly natural. My whole body was feeling paralyzed as I could not muster the courage to lift my arm.
“(f/n)”, Amy exclaimed and ran into my arms.
She had been so fast that I had barely realized her opening the door.
“Where the hell have you been? We were looking for you the whole day and were just about to leave again”, she enlightened me.
Suddenly guilt was creeping up inside of me. I had not expected them to recognize my absence. They seemed truly upset. It looked like they had not slept at all.
“I'm so glad you're back”, Remus joined in, hugging us both.
He let go again and gently pushed us into the house. “Come on in, first. We can talk about it while sitting down”, he considered.
I did as he said, taking a seat next to Amy on the couch.
The mood was tense and uncomfortable, none of us knowing how to break the silence right now. Even my outgoing sister was silent for once.
“So ...”, Remus uttered. “Where have you been?”
“I was over at Jenny's place”, I enlightened them.
“You're still talking? I thought you hate each other now”, Amy declared.
“No, we made up about a year ago”, I revealed.
“Why didn't you tell me?”, she wondered.
“Well, I was kinda busy”, I brushed it off.
“(f/n)”, Remus intervened. “Of course, it's completely fine if you wanna meet your friends, but please tell at least one of us where you are. We were worried sick.”
I was taken aback by his statement. Worried?
“I thought you'd be thrilled to have some quality time alone”, I thought aloud.
“What?”, Amy mumbled dumbfounded.
“You two are getting along so well. I didn't wanna pull you down”, I claimed.
“Is that really what you're thinking?”, Amy questioned.
“I'm just nothing like you, neither of you. I feel like I don't belong here”, I admitted.
“I'm so sorry”, Remus muttered, his head hanging low. “I had no idea you were feeling left out. I should have paid more attention.”
“No, I'm not saying you're at fault”, I justified him.
“You might not. But I do. No matter how long we've known, I am your dad. It's my responsibility to take care of you, make you feel loved and supported. And I know I'm not the best at it. But I'll definitely try to work on myself to show you how much you matter to me”, he promised.
“I ...” I was overwhelmed. To me his words were feeling absolutely surreal. How could he love me?
“You have a bad habit of underestimating yourself”, Amy pointed out. “We wanna be here for you, but you have to let us in.”
“I guess … I just don't know how”, I assumed.
“We'll figure it out”, Remus assured me, pulling me into his arms. “How about doing something you love? Present your world to us.”
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leaawrites · 1 year
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'The thing is I wasn't even aware their story existed'
The thing is, there is no such thing as an originial thought. It's not possible. They don't own the idea of the AU. Just like you don't own the idea of Adam opening an garden centre. Anybody could have the same thought. It's insane they thought they owned Adam becoming an succubus. They really don't. It's stupid to even assume they do. Not when succubus in general exist outside Hazbin Hotel - OH! Right, succubus exist inside Hazbin Hotel as well. Using their logic, Vizi owns people becoming succubuses because the succubus as a concept in Hazbin Hotel belong to her...so you know....
Vizi owns the concept...
I know. And yeah I don't own the Garden Centre Au just the story I wrote for it. If anyone is inspired by that au to want to write something they can.
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