#overwatch fanfic idea
namelessknight · 1 year
Random Overwatch Writing Idea.
I love the idea of if Gerard survived the encounter with WidowMaker that Gerard would do anything to take down not just Talon but also WidowMaker without thinking of the implications that holds.
He just wants revenge at Talon & destroying their weapon WidowMaker and avenging his wife Amélie would bring him peace…or at least he thinks it would.
(Basically he separated WidowMaker from Amélie) He tries not to put too much thought into it, all he does is try focus on the mission and that anger.
If you want a comparison, he’s more akin to OW1 WidowMaker with no feeling replaced with just anger & resentment.
I also imagine that if WidowMaker (Overwatch 2 specially) ever saw Gerard again she would be floored. Flabbergasted and honestly show that side of emotion again.
Compared to OW1 she is showing more emotion…more anger at Talon and when it comes to Gerard. A lot. (Example when she’s all sassy to Solider 76 when telling him that Gérard preferred roses to lilies)
So I imagine this confused WidowMaker hiding her new found emotion to Talon so she doesn’t go through that trauma again and finding out Amélie isn’t totally dead…then encountering a angry supposed to be dead French man bashing through a window and throwing a dagger at her.
I imagine those interactions in game being damn interesting.
Here’s some ideas of how that would go-
“Still angry at the fact I threw that dagger at you?”
“Very well.
“You’re alive…”
“What about it?”
“I killed you.”
She sounds pissed off here in both of her statements.
“Oh pff, You’re just mad that the whole reason that your the way that you are is now a lie. Don’t worry SpiderBuilder…you are still a killer.”
//Laughs at seemingly nothing when in reality it’s a certain someone making her laugh//
“Well that’s not disturbing…”
“What? You used to love my laugh~”
“That was before you murdered me in my sleep.”
//hums a soft melody//
“I remember liking your singing voice…why not sing a little song before we go into battle.”
“No can do. My voice is sore.”
A WidowMaker eye roll can be heard.
“From what exactly?”
“Next time when you shoot, can you not shoot near me?”
“Maybe try not heading in with no plan first.”
“You have to get the job done right away. You made that very clear.”
“And I will make it very clear. Again.”
“//Laughs// Remember that time you got super happy hitting that target at the fair?”
“What? Are you gonna tell me that I was a terrible shot and you would do better?”
She stays very silent a moment. As though in thought or even hurt at that comment.
“…yes. I never miss.”
“Well you missed me, faiseur de veuves!”
“Stop standing so close to me, woman!”
“Must you start every fight when we’re near each other?”
“yOu sTarTeD iT fIrsT!”
//Gets killed by Gérard//
“I guess I’m the new WidowMaker!”
//Gets killed by WidowMaker//
“You should’ve stayed dead.”
//Gets killed by Gérard//
“I wAs aFrAiD oF sPiDERs-“
//Gets killed by WidowMaker//
“I wish…I wish things were different my love.”
//Gets killed by Gérard//
“I’m sorry…but history tends to repeat itself…”
//Gets healed by WidowMaker//
“Don’t expect a thank you!”
//Gets healed by Gérard//
“Merci, espèce de porc.”
//Gets healed by WidowMaker//
“Wow! You being nice!”
//Gets healed by Gérard//
“You still care? Pathetic.”
I want to make a separate post about my version of what Gérard would be like if he was in game and also other interaction with other characters!
But this was fun to think, write and experiment with! :DD
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crunchywhitepaper · 1 year
cw: self-hatred, self-blame, nausea, skipping meals (brief thought), inability to start tasks, insomnia, suicidal ideation, breakdown, sleep deprivation, anxiety (tell me if i forgot to tag something)
summary: jack morrison struggling from sep to overwatch to the fall of overwatch and its rise
hear me out
jack morrison had troubles with tasks when he entered the military. any paperwork that needed to be passed? laughed off until a day before he needs to submit it as he stays up on the verge of a breakdown typing the thing with lights out.
gabriel being his buddy at the time and always trying to get jack to do his deadlines early on but jack just cant do it. he tries for like an hour but never does anything substantial.
gabriel ends up offering to work with jack on their shit and jack slowly ends up having a semi decent work ethic.
until overwatch happened and the shitstorm that happened there
jack wakes up to a lot of tasks and gabriel isn't there. he goes back to staying up all night. the anxiety running through his veins, tears pouring down his face as he types whatever bullshit he can.
it's the only way he can do it.
he's thankful for the serum that it allows him to do this for weeks on end. he doesn't sleep he just passes out in his bed when he gets the chance to lie down from the exhaustion. he invests in eyedrops and ice packs just so the sleep deprivation isn't noticeable. makeup as well to hide his pallor face.
he does this just so the others don't worry.
when ana dies, when gabriel isn't looking for him anymore except for work, he stops doing that as well. no one will look anyway, why bother?
when overwatch falls and soldier 76 emerges in the ashes, he thought, 'that was the best sleep he'd had in years'
without the paperwork and now moving to action, a part of him thinks, he shouldn't be running on so little sleep.
a major part of him goes, you've spent years with no sleep, why stop now.
he goes without sleep. he continues the same habits, unable to fall asleep even if he wanted to anyway. unable to move without the tension running under his skin.
the days where he needed to rest for his wounds were the worst. he'd lie in whatever place he found himself in and just sleep, uncaring of the hours that pass. he wakes up hungry, remembers the nausea that followed him throughout the day and eats a ration bar
he remembers the past and he cries, wondering how much he didn't notice because he was always so tired. maybe if he did better. maybe if he would just sleep properly, maybe-
he finishes the bar and curls back to sleep, the voices screaming in his head.
when he first meets reaper, when he meets gabriel again as an enemy, he wonders just what happened. reaper blames him and 76 can only accept it, knowing its the truth.
when ana arrives, 76 is both filled with relief and dread. he doesn't join ana. he doesn't want her to know that he can't take care of himself. he makes up some bullshit reason they fight. ana wants to help him. 76 tells her he doesnt need it. it's a lie but he won't drag her to his issues.
ana sighs and offers him a way to contact her. he takes it and leaves.
he doesn't sleep that night as well.
he finds more information about overwatch. about talon. about reaper. it's faster with ana. he thinks of giving up. with every intel, he finds it harder and harder to fall asleep. his mind keeps screaming at him.
he remembers when overwatch first fell and he remembers how it felt to actually feel rested. his whole body stung with burns and cuts and his eyes were shot to shot but he could hear himself think. a decent tradeoff, honestly.
how hard would it be to do the same now? what does he need so he can finally sleep? he chases the thought in his mind, thinking it over and over and-
death was also sleep, wasn't it?
a hush settles over his thoughts and 76 closes his eyes and grips tightly on his weapon. don't think about it, he thinks. it continues to follow him.
he gets invited to overwatch. 76 only knows of suffering and pain during overwatch. he supposed it was nice early on but it didn't last. he denies the invitation.
he ends up fucked while chasing one of the leads. 76 ends up running more and more on gas. that one thought that visited him continued to haunt him.
he faces reaper and reaper gives him no mercy. under the barrel of a shotgun, 76 thinks, this is it but his consciousness fades with a sharp pain on the side of his head.
he's caught. talon wants dibs on a body that survived the soldier enhancement program.
funny enough, they put him through sleep deprivation. 76 laughs. he can do this anytime. he hasn't tested the limits of what his body can handle considering he always passed out on the two week mark at most, he wonders now.
overwatch ends up saving him on the first week. somehow, for some reason, reaper and sombra are in tow. he should care, he thinks. he doesn't. it's too tiring to care. too tiring to think.
he ends up sleeping days away as he heals. angela tells him the results of his checkup, he isnt surprised. she pinpoints his shit habits. he doesnt know himself if he can change it.
genji visits him. he holds a conversation. cole visits him. he does the same. ana visits him. he just nods as she scolds him.
he's actually doing this, the thought visits him. being a functional human being and talking! wow!
then reaper arrives and he doesnt take any of his bullshit. no, not reaper. gabriel, the mask he adorned is gone and what faces him, even as wispy as his body is, is gabriel.
"ana already gave me the speech," he says, forcing his body to relax as he stretches.
"that's not what im here for." gabriek takes a seat and stays silent. jack leaves him be, leaning back and staring at the ceiling.
oh, he didn't think about his sleep. it didn't feel like one. not deep enough, maybe. one second, he was in that room and another, he wakes in the clinic.
"don't you have anything to ask me?" gabriel starts. when jack looks over at him, gabriel is frowning. ask? maybe, he thinks. maybe he could ask why he was with talon. maybe he could ask what happened with overwatch. maybe he could ask about them, what happened to them, what made them like this? maybe he could ask, but did it matter?
the ache in his chest is familiar and jack ignores it. did it matter if he had the answers? he can't do anything anyway. he went searching for answers because he couldn't do anything about it. he didn't do a single thing. his actions were always for answers but now, now when reaper, when gabriel is in front of him, did the answers really matter?
jack opens his mouth, closes them and stares at gabriel's eyes. it's black, unlike the red light that seemingly seeped out of his mask whenever he fought him as reaper. he could also ask him that, what made him reaper but-
"no," he shrugs, "i don't have anything. you?"
"i don't have anything," he repeats, "is that all or?"
"you were searching for answers!" gabriel hisses, "about reaper? about talon? about overwatch?"
"i don't need to know," jack tells him. it feels like he's watching his body. it moves without input. "you're back here in overwatch, so you've finished what you need to do, right? so i don't need to know what happened."
"you-!" gabriel jerks, his teeth bared into a snarl before pulling himself back. he turns to the side, the light in his eyes have turned red. jack watches him as he stands up, the chair skidding back from the force and he says, "i'll-"
he takes a deep breath. jack notices wisps of black coming from his body. gabriel continues, "i'll come back later"
jack doesn't know what happened to gabriel. just that he became whatever he is because of him. because of what happened in overwatch.
maybe he should know about it. torture himself with the information as he doesn't sleep but exhaustion is already etched in his bones. what else can it do to him that he haven't already? kill him? he scoffed at the thought. his body won't accept it even as he tries.
he closes his eyes and lets his thoughts scream at him endlessly. since whatever he was searching for was useless considering gabriel and ana are back, he wonders what to do. help overwatch? he can't do it again. they need a better leader. be a soldier for overwatch? he's fucking useless as a soldier, barrelling through every fight with just willpower.
he'll just go lie down quietly, somewhere else. maybe then he can sleep. maybe then. he spends several long days in the clinic before he is discharged.
the others offer him a place in overwatch. he declines. ana and gabriel comes. he declines.
he'd love to say he slept great but he didn't. he's itching to leave and just get lost somewhere.
he doesn't get the chance. he wants to leave. he does! but he's assigned a room in the base until he recovers and he just, stays there. he sleeps. he thinks of his plans, of packing up, of leaving, of telling everyone else but he doesn't.
he doesn't sleep. that should be enough. usually it was enough. daybreak comes, noon comes and night comes. he's hungry and he's still thinking about it.
it's not enough. the panic is familiar. he pushes his body up, he wants to pack up. he doesn't. he sits on his bed, exhausted but doesn't move. he wants to leave. he needs to leave. why can't he move? it was always fixed when he didn't sleep.
a robotic voice speaks up in his room, "commander morrison, the others have left a meal in front of your room."
he moves towards the door, the motion is easy and he takes the chance, "can you tell them that i want to leave the base?"
"i shall relay your message."
there's no one outside and a meal sits there on the floor. he takes it and closes it again.
"the others wish to talk with you before you leave."
he sits back on the bed with the tray on his thighs. he stares at it. he can't eat it. he eyes the banana on the side and puts the tray down on the floor. he eats the banana and goes back to sleep. he doesn't reply to athena.
he wakes up and just leaves the base. a moment of clarity and he doesn't bring anything. he doesn't get far as he just stumbles through the forest with no idea where he is.
gabriel finds him.
jack is sitting next to a tree with his face buried in his arms and knees. he doesn't know what to do. he left and for what? he left with nothing. what did he expect?
maybe he should stay with overwatch. be a soldier. continue following orders. god knows where the fuck his life is right now.
"jack." gabriel calls out. jack grips tighter on his clothes and curls in. gabriel stares at him then sits down besides him. he sends a message to the others that he's found him and to leave it to him.
they sit in silence.
"why are you here?" jack's voice is a whisper that gabriel can barely hear over the forest.
"everyone was worried when you suddenly left. if you wanted to leave, we could help you."
"jack, please, say something, anything."
"do you remember back in sep?" jack starts. gabriel keeps quiet, listening. "no, nevermind."
"sep? what do you mean?"
"just leave me alone, ga-," jack's breath hitches, not gabe, gabriel, reaper, "gabriel. i'll be fine."
he will be. he thinks even as he's absolutely fucking lying. enough to function, be normal.
"jack. jack?"
jack doesn't want to be here. jack just wants to sleep. stop making them worry, you worthless piece of shit. stop being like this! STOP, JUST STOP! make them stop worrying. everything's fine. you're being a fucking big baby.
his fists tighten to a grip, the pain noticeable. there's a lump in his throat that he forces himself to swallow. his eyes are welling with tears. he takes a deep breath and stretches his lips to a smile. he repeats it again and again. smiling in the darkness. making it as genuine as he can.
he was just overwhelmed. it won't happen. show a hint of exhaustion. it's alright. i just wasn't used to this. sorry. thank you for this. it's... just been a while. let the smile fall.
he takes another deep breath and lifts his head.
"hey gabe," he remembers the nickname. he stares at his eyes. he doesn't want to, "sorry about that." casual is fine "i'm fine now." like that, perfect. "let's get back to base?"
gabriel is staring at him with a pinched expression. his mouth open and jack interrupts him with gritted teeth, "please."
they return back to the base in silence. jack's miserable as he faces the others, excuses lined with truths.
"it won't happen again."
"jack, it's alright," ana's understanding voice was the exact opposite of what he wanted. he didn't need it.
the other's voices went in one ear and to the other as jack spoke of nonsense platitudes, already knowing what he needed to work on, his own flaws and weaknesses. gabriel had only watched him from afar until jack was free to go back in his own room.
sleep did not come for him that day either.
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legitchase · 1 year
Overwatch Idea
The reader (a human) is adopted by Omnic parents and their S/O had no idea (maybe they knew they were adopted but didn't know it were omnics).
But imagine like Ramattra would be one of the funniest to experience this with.
Like imagine this:
Ramattra: "sure I will meet your parents though I am not sure they will be fond of an Omnic"
Reader: "oh it will be fine!"
*meeting the parents*
Ramattra: "what?"
Reader: "I told you I was adopted didn't I?"
Ramattra: "you forgot to mention they were Omnics"
Reader: "oh. Well.. Surprise?"
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
I would like to request headcanons about Ramattra meeting a human who works in a flower shop. Can be romantic or platonic. Super cheesy I know but it sparks joy xD Thanks!
i just wanted to let you know anon, i love you. this is literally one of the best ideas ever and i had to get right to it when i saw it in my inbox. thank you so so so much! have a wonderful day/night and please stay hydrated! <333
Ramattra Headcanons with a Human S/O who works in a flower shop
Pairing - Ramattra x reader
Warnings - super cheesy lmao
Notes - thank you so much again anon, i absolutely loved doing these headcanons and i really hope you enjoy them! have a super awesome day everyone and please stay hydrated!! <333
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we all know mr snobby pants over here doesnt trust a single human
when zenyatta said that he had to pick a couple more plants for his room and invited ramattra to come with, that's when he met you
at first he kept his distance
but after a while of just some browsing, he watched as you were careful with every single plant and nothing but kind to every omnic who walked in
when zen let him know that it was time to leave, ramattra's eyes were still glued to you and zen just giggled pushing him to talk to you
when he finally got the guts to say something, you ended up talking for a while
he was super standoffish and shy at first, almost as if he was scared that you would attack him any second
he ended up visiting the flower shop more than you thought he would
he would carefully browse and then end up just staying to talk to you
it moved from talking about plants to talking about life
this is gonna be super cheesy, so bear with me lmao: one time, he comes in and puts in an order for a bouquet of flowers. you're building the whole thing in front of him and he's smiling as you're adding more and more flowers. when you finally ask for the name on the order, he says your name. at first you just laugh until he points at them and then points at you. you cant stop blushing for the rest of the day
he lets you put flowers in his wire hair and in between his ribcage to spruce him up a bit
one time he found his staff covered in flowers and couldnt help but smile
he wouldnt tell ANYONE about your interactions
and he would literally BEG you not to tell anyone lmaoooo
he's so in denial about the both of you, but becomes a cuddly teddy bear whenever he's actually around you
he will 100% braid your hair while you're working on some bouquets or something
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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maltesegeek96 · 8 months
I dreamt of a fanfic idea of roadhog and Junkrat being dads.
Specifically they accidentally save a kid from a gang that kidnapped them, only to keep the kid for years and raise them (I think junker name would be ‘ScrapMouse’?)
Cut to dream where roadhog and junkrat get arrested with the kid ‘returned’ to their ‘real’ family, only the kid is miserable as this isn’t their life anymore. They don’t want the mansion or the ‘proper’ things. They want to make bombs and travel and be with their dads.
Cut to kid running away and break their dads out of the temporary prison they were put in
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daemonchainz · 11 months
Fanfic Idea #1
Fandom: Overwatch
Ship: Yeehan (Cassidy/Hanzo)
Cassidy is one of those guys that owns a Ford F150 with his own HVAC, Painting, Towing, Extermination, Heating & Cooling whatever--business. Hanzo needs said business and of course Cassidy finds a way to keep coming back to see this handsome man
The image of Cassidy with his arm hanging outside of the pickup truck while he's listening to country music is just so charming
Just imagine him taking Hanzo out to see the sunset in the middle of the desert and then when it gets cold...they snuggle
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riken-leather-co · 10 months
“To Genji, to the clan, and to the world, Hanzo had killed his brother. Hanzo knew that wasn’t all. He’d killed his brother multiple times - on purpose or on accident. It ended with blood staining his hands or another claiming his brothers life. And everytime it happened, Hanzo was brought back to the beginning.”
Just a little idea of Hanzo being stuck in a ground hog day situation that whenever Genji dies he has to relive that day. Or weeks, months, whatever up until Genji dies again.
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the-sinking-garden · 1 year
i desperately want to write an overwatch fan fiction that is just completely 100% agatha christie ripoff, murder mystery in a storm and everything. i have so many ideas and oh my god the OUTFITS the EARLY 1900S OUTFITS I COULD PUT THEM IN AAAA
picture this:
A dinner party occurs at a mansion on a snowy winter’s night, with an unusual selection of guests. The gunslinger, his businessman husband, the prodigy doctor, the musician, the french ballerina, the bright-eyed scientist, the jubilant war hero, and the daughter of a legend. By the end of the night, one is dead, and their lives are revealed to connect in impossible ways.
remind me to do this when i finish my high school yeehan fic
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odessastone · 10 months
no promises but I Might be ready to premiere the first chapter of my Sym and Lifeweaver Novella (the 6 months of work I've put into crafting this fic from start to finish instead of just writing whatever and hitting publish grants me the right to call this monster a novella, lol) this weekend. :o So if you're in the market for fics about mutual healing after abuse and rekindling a relationship with someone you feared you'd lost forever. it's on its way
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Overwatch + Marvel/Ghost Rider writing prompt
Jack Morrison becomes Ghost Rider.
What happens is that the Swiss HQ explodes like canon.
The difference?
Gabriel Reyes actually dies. Jack ends up finding his body and is devastated. But who else shows up but Mephisto in the guise of a ‘familiar face’ (whose face? Who knows. Jack just knows it’s not actually them). And so, a deal is struck: Jack becomes the spirit of vengeance in exchange for Gabriel’s life. The catch? Gabriel’s ‘condition’ via Moira becomes even worse, as well as making him more easily angered and sadistic (can also cause him to hate Jack, just for the angst).
Meanwhile, Jack becomes Ghost Rider for a bit. He only stops when he realizes what his deal has actually done to Gabe. So while saving the day as Soldier 76, he is also looking for a way to help Gabe and potentially reverse the deal he made with Mephisto to get his soul back (although he is less inclined to do that, seeing it as ‘punishment’)
This is also why he always wears his visor, to stop himself from transforming into Ghost Rider via eye contact with ‘evil’. Still doesn’t stop Zarathos (aka, the demon that is tied to the Ghost Rider) from speaking to Jack and trying to convince him to return to being Ghost Rider. It’s also why he tries to stay away from the other Overwatch operatives when the group reforms, as he doesn’t want to risk having the Ghost Rider come out while near them.
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there are two Overwatch fanfics I want to write. Both of them involving Lena "Tracer" Oxton.
The first is a crack/hurt/comfort story where she gets captured, tortured, and broken both physically and emotionally. Then she is rescued and nursed back to health, stronger than ever. The crack comes in when I want her to form a close relationship with every female character in the franchise. And I mean every
The second one is an epic of multiple timelines with each having its own version of Tracer in different circumstances. All of which, separate stories they were, get tangled together by an OC of mine who lives in multiple universes at the same time. Despite that, it is still Tracers' story.
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genavere · 2 years
Fanfic Dream????
I had a dream last night of this fanfic I was reading. It was published in 2021 and stated it was completed with 2/2 chapters. Published on AO3
To be fair, it could have been a Fairy Tail (NaLu) or Overwatch (Gency) since that is what I have been reading lately.
I remember the first chapter being really good and left on a cliffhanger. I pressed "Next Chapter" eager to read the next chapter and...all I found was a note from the author saying that due to lack of interaction, they wouldn't continue it.
When I looked at the kudos and comments, there had only been a max of 10 kudos and no comments. I was incensed! How could this be!
To make matters worse, though...I could not say I left a review cause I don't remember if it was an actual dream or if I actually read the fic and fell asleep!
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Moral of the story: Show your love by giving a review. The writer will be overjoyed, and maybe this nightmare won't happen as much!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I'd like headcanons for Ramattra crushing on a reader that is flirty with him and likes to try to get him flustered please
Ty :)
Ramattra with a flirty reader
notes - OMG ANON THIS IS SO CUTE?!?! Like my big flustered robo boy is everything to me! Thanks for being so patient as I get requests out and I hope you have an amazing day!
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you started flirting with him when you first met him
which obviously was so off putting to him since human contact was difficult for him in the first place
he would try to shove you away until your flirts were getting to him
if he could've blushed, he would've
and you loved that
so you kept doing it
every mission, you would be on his ass, trying to tell him how hot he was or how strong he was and he would totally act annoyed in public for sure
but after a long while of you knowing each other, you would hang out after missions to take a breath and you would still be going on and on making him very flustered, but he never pushed you away
"do you like it when I flirt with you, Ramma?" you asked him
"of course not", which I guess means yes in omnic
you never stopped and he would actually really miss you when you were gone on missions
but omg one day he flirts back and you are so taken aback where you just stare at him like 0-0
he just gives you a little pat on the back and wishes you luck on your next mission
overwatch masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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audweefics · 1 year
Writing a rly long Ramattra fic that i've been scheming for a while.......maybe ill write a JQ one too if i get tired but i have like no ideas
I'm abt 500 words into the first chapter for Ramattra's, and im so nervous abt uploading it anywhere. It'll be baby's first large fanfic post
My goal is to write at least two 10k+ fanfics/headcanons/outlines by the end of july!
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blorbobutworse · 2 years
Cole went by Jesse during Overwatch. This leads to a very fun series of events culminating in Genj thinking he's ignoring him when really he's not used to being called that anymore
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riken-leather-co · 10 months
Zombie Apocalypse AU where a zombie apocalypse breaks out during the 10 years Hanzo is on his self imposed isolation. He takes up refugee in the woods and lives out his days. Genji finds him, and depending on where during the ten years it’ll probably be still Blackwatch Genji or maybe freshly Overwatch? Either way maybe it’s just Genji left since he’s an cyborg and all. They struggle to coexist since they’re all they have left as brothers but there’s still the whole “I killed you/You killed me thing”
For clarification: This would be a brotherly bonding unless adding another character for romance. Before you FREAKS come in here shipping Hanzo and Genji
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