#panels from bombshells 3
dieantik · 3 months
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🔍🌙♥️ here’s the tim sticker sheet i designed for the @timdrakeflipzine , with all sorts of alternative media and universe robins and red robins and—
🫶 if you’re interested in the exhaustive list of tim’s included…
young justice 2019 drake (ft. earth 3 ginger tim)
dark knights of steel
unternet tim
bat kid from the animated batman under the red hood movie
regular tim in a fun outfit vaguely based on some older panels :3
lego tim
futures end tim in his batman beyond run
dunce cap red robin from batman unlimited
rebirth robin
new 52 red robin
preboot/2009 red robin
90’s robin
gotham by gaslight
dc bombshells batgirl tim
another set of two silly tims (one w his motorcycle and red robin base suit, the other with his skateboard and camera and superboy shirt)
bald arkhamverse tim
mister sarcastic
superboy mourning/red and black robin costume
young justice animated tim
savior/titans tomorrow tim
gotham knights robin
wayne family adventures
a silly tim as ceo of wayne enterprises :3
if you can believe it, this was after i had to cut down on some other ideas :]
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ssprouttz · 1 month
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Hi guys how is your day going!!
This stemmed from the realization that Yaz likely was already in Wyoming when Brooklynn died so she and Sammy werent together to comfort each other. Sammy may have been out working on the ranch so she didnt see the news so when Yaz called she was so happy, just to be hit with this bombshell.
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The rest of the page (B bonding with Yaz (getting matching piercings) and Sammy (dying hair), Yaz in Kausar’s panel fit, and a silly doodle) plus extra as an apology :3
I have been SO ILL about yasamlynn (/p and /r) this week its crazy.
I hc that Yaz and B got matching piercings and after B’s death, Yaz still wanted to get more piercings but couldnt bc every time she would try to schedule a time or make an appointment she would remember her and B getting piercings together and get physically ill. SAMMY on the other hand CANNOT BEAR to let her hair fade bc Brooklynn was the one who first dyed her hair and helped her re-dye it when it faded when she was living with her.
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chuuya-kisser · 2 months
im finally free so that i can fucking scream abt bsd 117 and tell my thoughts on this heartbreaker of a chapter (will def make another post feeding my delusions)
(spoilers utc)
Uh yeah so anyways basically heart broken for multiple reasons so we'll go in order
1- aya. oh my gosh aya. shes what, a ten year old?????? and in the span of a day, she has found out about a vampire lord who is responsible for destroying or saving the whole world, shouldered the responsibility of getting said vampire lord away from the enemy to save the world, developed a father-daughter relationship with said vampire lord, sacrificed herself and got saved by him, believed that the world could be saved now, saw her new father figure's body be torn apart and replaced by a greasy ratass who wants to destroy everything or whatever, with said new father's last words telling her to run to save herself, being saved by said father, then having him dissolve and die again in front of her eyes again. shes a ten year old. what the actual fuck. oh and don't forget, she doesn't know that she lost her other father figure too!
gosh she is going to be SO traumatised and even that is an understatement i really hope she has the strength to recover
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2- so akutagawa is back huh? about time, about time (though im not very happy about the cost it took- but atleast he's back?)and he has agreed to protect aya on brams wish? thats surprising honestly, so im wondering if the stuff atsushi told him while fighting him at the airport or whatever affected his subconscious or something so that he consciously wants to start protecting people?
OR maybe! he sees a bit of himself in aya or smth? i mean look i dont exactly remember what happened before he met dazai and was taken in by him okay, dont come at me. but maybe he sees that terrified little kid and something stirs in him or smth anyways go akutagawa go you're her third father figure please dont die again ‼️
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(also he looks so good-)
3- and the biggest bombshell
just- THINK ABOUT EVERYONE. think about atsushi and tanizaki. who saw him disappear slowly in front of their eyes, to buy them time. think about fukuzawa. who wished for kunikida to be the next president because he was the most ideal. who cares so much, even if he doesnt show it as much. think about aya. she has such a deep bond with kunikida, and now she'll have to face the devastating news that one of the only people who truly believed in her is gone too. think about ranpo and yosano.
think about dazai. who is much too far away to do anything right now, who miscalculated once which led to him being too far to stop fyodors rampage in any way. who was truly doing all this because he wanted to keep the detective agency safe. who, when he realises what will happen next, his first thought is to warn them. who was his new partner, kept him alive, even made him a part of his schedules. who i think he must have to care for, even a little bit.
dazai, who thinks that anything worth wanting is always lost the moment he obtains it. and its happened again. and by the looks of it, it will happen again.
i genuinely want to know how he'll react but i dont want to at the same time. gods i cant fucking do this man
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like huhhh asagiri are you tryna make me cry or some shit???? Because youre succeesing SPECTACULARLY
also- are we gonna see tanizaki get liquefied too next chapter? because this panel sure looks like it
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im scared for september now like what else are you gonna throw at us, huh asagiri? and what do you mean i have to wait a whole month this is crazy
and i am STILL in denial and will continue to be in denial guys wdym, ofc kunikida is alive and well! hes coparenting aya with bram, having fun at the agency and stuff ‼️‼️ hes perfectly peachy theres no helicopter singularity out for everyone's lives!!! (wow this post is LONG)
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afrotunada · 2 months
incomplete list of fun and interesting things I've learned about Jason Todd through my scattered readings and late night googling
One time, he was sooo desperate for affection and validation, he was willing to risk it all after an accidental, spur of the moment kiss with Barbara Gordon in Three Jokers Issue #2. Alas, he was thwarted by a janitor, the poor bastard...(much to everyone's relief I'm sure) (Batman: Three Jokers)
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Batman: Three Jokers Issue #3
In addition to statuesque amazons (Artemis), blonde bombshells (Isabel Ardila), white-haired beauties (Essence and Rose Wilson), and Dick's ex-girlfriends, Jason also likes smart, curvy ladies ;) selfshippers rejoice! (although I myself am not so curvy, his love of normal girls is a positive in my book<3) (Red Hood: The Hill)
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Jason hooking up with Dana's friend and employee Carmen Ortega while Dana herself (as Strike) gets her shit rocked by her other (former) friend and employee Omar (as Slayer) on the other side of town - as one does. Red Hood: The Hill Issue #2
One of Jason's first overtures at rejoining the Batfam was made in the New 52 relaunch of the 2011 comic Batman Incorporated, where he takes on the persona of Wingman at the behest of Bruce. He even teams up with Damian Wayne (going by Redbird at the time), forming their own very brief Batman & Robin-esque pair! Also, they both looked kind of ridiculous... [apparently, takes place sometime during Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1 (2011-2015), around issues 17 and 18 and Death of A Family, but before Damian's death and his own Joker-induced gas coma. weird ass timeline!] (Batman Incorporated (2012))
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Yes, that is, in fact, Jason in that getup. It's giving Cybercop Owlman. Peak fashion, actually. Batman Incorporated (2012) Issue #4
(as an additional aside, post New 52 and into the Rebirth era, Jay and Bruce start patching things up (kinda) and enter a truce of sorts starting in the Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth one-shot from 2016. Yay!)
In the Elseworld of Batman: White Knight (also known as the Murphyverse for it's creator - Sean Murphy), Jason Todd is the eldest son instead of Dick Grayson, meaning that he was actually both the first Robin, and Bruce's first adopted son! He was still captured and tortured by the Joker tho....he escaped alive, but was presumed dead and given a burial and tombstone - as in the main universe - and Dick was taken on as Robin in his "absence." Poor guy! He can't catch a break even in AUs! BUT!! He does gets his own Robin sidekick in this universe - Gan! (also known as Robin IV, a young woman of Mongolian descent who took up the mantel herself with a homemade costume (similar to Stephanie Brown)). In fact, she's the one who encourages him to become Red Hood in the first place! (Batman: White Knight)
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Harley Quinn is a primary protagonist of this universe, btw, and pretty much saves Jason from being killed Batman: White Knight Issue #2
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Gan is my adorable daughter and Jason (the messy bitch as she calls him) deserves his own chaos gremlin apprentice<3 Panel 1 - Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Issue #1 Panels 2 & 3 - Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Issue #2
Speaking of AUs and elseworlds, in 2002's World Without Young Justice, Jason Todd was a circus acrobat, as per his original pre-crisis origin (minus the red hair). In this AU, he's dating fellow circus member Anita Fite (normally Empress, but here known as Voodoo Princess), but she ends up assassinating him at the behest of his step-mom, Catherine Todd, because he discovered his parents dirty business dealings with Killer Croc. What the hell Catherine? (Young Justice Vol. 1 - World Without Young Justice, Part 1: The World What Once We Knew)
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Young Justice (1998) Issue #44 - World Without Young Justice, Part 1: The world What Once We Knew
Anyway! This isn't comprehensive or anything, just a post made in fun to put together some things about Jason that I think were funny/interesting that the fandom doesn't know/talk about much. Might add more later if I come across other stuff during my readings (maybe not for a while tho; I am currently consumed by World's Finest and following the Absolute Power event).
But yeah! Feel free to add on if you like! :)
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mutantjellybeans · 1 month
Not to go on about this again but like it does get a little frustrating sometimes when people incorrectly announce that something is 100% canon for real in the comics based solely on like a single panel they saw someone else post online, it’s mostly harmless because, yeah, they’re fictional comic books but yall should know by now people can make jpegs do anything they want so next time you see a panel with someone insisting that its contents are 100% canon for real:
Have you read the comic the panel came from? The panel could be taken out of context and have an entirely different meaning within the story itself or it could actually say something completely different all together
Did the OP provide a comic name and issue number? If OP doesn’t provide an issue number that’s a major sign that the panel could be edited, especially if the character is saying something particularly outlandish
Speaking of outlandish: is the text in the panel a reference to another piece of media or do you think it might be a reference to another piece of media? This could be a sign it’s taken from an incorrect quotes account and not an actual comic
Does the text look weird? Is the text different sizes/fonts or weirdly spaced in the bubble? This one might be hard to notice if you’re not into graphic design or typography so no judgement if you don’t but things like letter/word spacing, text size, font, bubble shape, etc is something that’s taken very seriously, bubbles need to be easy to read, pleasing to the eye, and take up as little space as possible, that’s why lettering is a whole separate job in the comic book industry. For example, in these panels “sons…” would not be left on it’s own in one line, “ya basic” would be given more impact, and all the text in the bubbles on the second panel are way too squished together (notice how the words are basically touching the outside of the bubble and how “devastating” is squished and small)
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Similarly, is the text a higher quality than the rest of the image? In the infamous “I know you’re here Dracula, where’s my goddamn money?” Moon Knight image that a lot of people thought was real, for example, there’s a certain graininess to the image that doesn’t extend to the text bubble, which is notably clean-looking, in higher quality versions of the image you can even see the pixels of the text bubble that was slapped over the original text (which shouldn’t be possible considering the comic came out in the 80’s)
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Did you look at OP’s page? Are they a fanartist? Some extremely talented fanartists dedicate a lot of time and effort to mimicking the comic book style, and they can be really good at it, though unfortunately these fanartists’ work are often reposted without credit which can lead others to believe they’re canon when they’re not, in this case remember: 1. look for an issue number, 2. reverse image search to see if you can find where the panel came from, and 3. keep in mind…
An A-list superhero being canonized as queer is a huge fucking deal, like mainstream news big deal, if an A-list character was confirmed as queer it would be absolutely goddamn everywhere, from IGN and comic book YouTubers to fucking Joe Rogan and late night talk shows, you wouldn’t be able to hear the end of it, so if you think “hey, shouldn’t this be a bigger deal?” stop and investigate further
And finally, the most annoying question: are you sure this is the right version of the character? Comics are filled with alternate timelines, parallel universes, clones, shapeshifters, and so on, are you absolutely positive that the panel you’ve found is the classic character from the main timeline? For example, people frequently used to use Harley and Ivy’s kiss in Bombshells as proof that their relationship was canon in the main DC timeline (it wasn’t, but it is now!), and people still use Logan and Hercules’s relationship in X-Treme X-Men #10 as proof that Wolverine is bisexual in the main 616 universe, which he is not, though it is kind of implied sometimes
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I know a major part of this is me being an annoying, nit-picking comic book elitist and, yes, this is all mostly harmless BUT I also think this could be a really great way to exercise your media literacy skills as well as a good, harmless lesson in not taking everything you see online at face value and, hey, it might even get you to read some really great comic books in the process!
Improve your media literacy and critical thinking skills one edited comic book panel at a time! K thx, love you, bye!
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 11 months
One Piece Chapter 1096 - Kumachi
i know that chapter 1096 was hyped up a lot, but goddamn it delivered. the last 2-3 chapters have been absolute BOMBSHELLS in terms of lore and i love it. One Piece is genuinely at it's best right now with the Kuma backstory going on.
i just LOVE everything about this story, from Kuma's parents and childhood to his tie-in with Nika and God Valley. We now also know the third race which Big Mom stated was absent in her kingdom, the Buccaneers. (also, how much worse can the Celestial Dragons get? Oda finds a way to always break expectations with how morally bankrupt the CD's can get. Such brutal and twisted death competitions can only be hosted by these mfs 😭)
While I was reading the chapter, this moment in particular broke my heart when i remembered what happened at Marineford 😭
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also I WANNA SEE MORE GOD VALLEY LORE!! MORE ROCKS AND HIS CREW MORE ROGER AND MORE GARP!! im literally begging Oda for more stuff on this pivotal incident 😭😭😭. I'm really really curious about Rocks D. Xebec now. WHAT IF he's revealed to be a direct blood descendant of JoyBoy??? that's just a crack theory of mine but IT COULD LOWKEY BE TRUE with how blood descendants of great people become slightly warped versions of their biological parents and don't really inherit their will in the truest sense.
also, you CANNOT tell me this is not one of the most hype panels in the series. THREE OF THE FOUR EMPERORS, ALL ON ONE SHIP??
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also, interestingly enough, one of the women on Whitebeard's side looks like the Snake Princess of that time. GRANDMA NYON???
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overall though, I find this lore really interesting. I wanna see how the Kuma lore expands on Bonney's life, since I'm pretty sure Bonney is the child of Kuma and Jinney.
What do y'all think of the past 2-3 chapters? What are y'alls speculations and theories? My brain is too fried to theorize but I LOVE One Piece theories and I wanna hear more of them!!!
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mikeys-bike-slut · 8 months
Untitled - Sequel - PT.6 -EDITED/fixed
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey darlings, I apologise for the long delay things been just chaotic lately and trying to find the right picture to edit stressed me out so for my own sake I decided to stop doing my fake panel edits. I'm sorry :( I hope you will still read it &lt;;3
Here's part 6 hope you will enjoy! Thank you for @kokonoiscoconut for being my muse and for letting me use Monica <3 we stan Monica in this house.
Previous Part
T.W: n/a
The next day Monica and I met up quite early and spent the entire day together. It was nice to be away from the whirlpool I had back at home with Wakasa and just have fun and be free of those drowning thoughts.
The day went by quite quick and neither of us wanted it to end so Monica came up with the idea to go out clubbing, apparently she knew a good place for it. Of course we did a last minute dress shopping, I let Monica pick my dress out; it's been way too long since I went out without Waka and I always dressed to impress him and to keep his reputation up. Even if I still wasn't the most feminine woman ever it still felt nice to look pretty for my own accord. Not gonna lie I actually liked the dress she picked out; short, tight, black with a low cleavage decorated with some thin chains and crystals. I actually felt very confident and surprisingly comfortable.
"Are you ready?" Monica asks excited as she leans into the bathroom to check on me.
"Hell yeah" I grin and she gives me a thumbs up. "Drinks are on me" she winks at me as she holds Kokonoi's black card between her delicate fingers.
"Sounds good to me" I return her wink then grab my phone and place it in the small clutch bag Monica let me borrow.
Of course Kokonoi called a limo for us, he couldn't join us but he reassured Monica he'll be at the club. After getting to the club we found Kokonoi quite quickly and he lead us to the top floor of the club aka the VIP section. The beautifully decorated terrace had different booths most filled with rich men and young women on their lap, nothing I was not used to from Wakasa. As we walked to the corner where the biggest booth were I noticed weapons laying around and many of these men wearing either guns or swords which made me slightly uneasy.
"You're safe with us" Kokonoi reassures me as we sit down at the booth. "What would you like to drink?" 
"Whiskey, straight, please" I nod with a smile.
"Oh by the way I might have invited my two single friends" Monica leans to me with a grin and I just shake my head with a smile. "They're idiots but they have a good heart, and as I said, they're very cute and very single" she winks at me and I just chuckle. 
"So you're my new wingman, huh?" I chuckle. "I am fine though, but thank you"
"Say that when you meet them" she winks. "Darling, get me my usual please" she says to Kokonoi who nods and kisses her before standing up and going to the bar. 
I watch Kokonoi walk off and suddenly starting to feel a bit awkward, it has been a long time since I had a night out with friends so I wasn't really sure what to do, but thankfully Monica took over. Her and I started talking about men and exes and shared our weird and funny experiences, we continued the chat until I suddenly hear someone spoke up behind me.
"Alright Moni, we're here, where's this bombshell you were talking about?" I turn around and I almost choke on my drink as I find the Haitanis standing there. Monica notices me choking and just chuckles.
"Told you they were hot" she winks at me.
"Sweetheart?" Ran's eyes widen along with his younger brother's as we just stare at each other. 
"Wait... you guys know each other?" Monica cocks a brow as she look at us then her eyes widen. "WAIT, ARE THEY THE GUYS???" she blurts out excited and my face goes red.
"Oh, you've been talking about us, sweetheart?" Ran asks with a smirk as he leans down to me. "What was she saying, Moni?" he asks with a grin as he looks over at Monica. 
"Not my place to say, you three maybe should have a nice long chat" she winks. 
"I support that idea" Rindou speaks up. "Let's go to our spot" he nudges his brother. 
"Sounds good" Ran grins as he extends his hand to me. "M'lady?"
"Suck up.." I roll my eyes with a smile as I take his hand and he helps me up.
"See you guys later" Monica grins at us and waves as I walk off with the Haitanis. 
The brothers lead me to an empty secluded booth that has their initials on the side of it. Once we sit down Rindou pulls me close to him and gives me a tight hug, without hesitation I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest inhaling his scent, that scent that I missed so much. For a second the world stop spinning and the blasting music is drowned out by his rhythmic heart beat. I let out a soft sigh then pull away from him while I reach up and caress his cheek. 
"My beautiful Rin" I smile softly and his lips curl into a small smile as he closes his eyes and rubs his face against my hand. 
"We missed you, you have no idea how much" he says then motions to his brother. 
"Hey, sweetheart" Ran smiles as I turn to the older brother. "You look stunning, as always. The red really suits you" he smiles as he runs his softly runs his fingers through my red hair.
"Thank you, you both look very handsome. What happened to your locks Ranny?" I ask softly as I play with his short hair. 
"Got bored of being mistaken for Wednesday Addams" Rindou answers with a grin and Ran just flips him off with a laugh. 
"It was getting to be a pain, long hair not really practical when fighting" he chuckles. "You don't like it?" he asks as he runs his hand through his navy blue and lavender locks with a flash of worry in his tone. 
"No, it looks really good, it suits you. You look like a gentleman" I bite my lip as I caress his lips. "You both do" I glance back at Rindou who offers me a smile. "So does this mean, I can see you guys again?" I ask but both of them goes quiet as the smile disappears from their faces. 
"I don't know..." Ran sighs. 
"What if we meet in hotels? I can even wear a disguise" I suggest as I look at back and forth between them.
"Maybe. We have to think this through properly. You're in a lot of danger" Rindou says and I look at them confused.
"What do you mean? Rin, Ran, just what is going on?" I look at them confused and they once again go quiet. "Please... Or if you guys don't wanna see me just say that..." I say with a slightly annoyed tone to which both of them picks their heads up. 
"God no!" Rin blurts it out then groans. "It's not easy for us. You think it was easy for us to leave you at the pet shop?" 
"So it did happen... I knew it wasn't a fucking dream" I say gritting my teeth in annoyance, unsure if I'm more annoyed at the brothers or Wakasa.
"Don't blame Wakasa... we asked him to lie to you, because we knew if you knew we're back you'd look for us and God forbid you ever show up at Bonten HQ" Rindou explains. 
"Look the only reason I wanted to know more about Bonten because of you, but now that I have found you I can stop looking, unless you guys disappear then I have know other choice but to investigate Bonten more" I shrug my shoulders with a smile being fully aware I got them.
"You're so fucking bothersome..." Rindou groans then shakes his head with a smile.
"If we promise we're back in your life, will you promise to stop look into Bonten?" Ran cocks his brow as he looks at me.
"I promise" I smile as I draw an X over my heart with my finger. 
"Then it's a deal" Rindou smiles then sighs as his smiles suddenly disappears. "What about Wakasa?"
I suddenly go quiet. What about him? Suddenly my head turns into a whirlpool as I'm trying to figure out what and how I feel but all I can think about is having my brothers back. 
"I don't know..." I admit it quietly as I look down.
"If you're happy with him, we respect your wishes and we can leave you be" Ran explains. 
"I don't know. Lately the butterflies he used to give me just turned into raging moths that turns my stomach..." I say with a sigh as I lean against Rindou.
"Have you talked to him about this?" Ran ask as he caresses my back, giving me comfort. 
"Not yet, I don't even know how to start to be honest... Honestly? I miss the old days, the fights, the excitement, the last minute rides and races to the beach... I feel like I'm just a shell of who I used to be. I'm no longer Toman's Angel" I say quietly and sniffles as tears start to form in my eyes. 
"Oh petal..." Rindou sighs as he holds me close. "Wait... if you're the girl Monica meant then does that mean you're the one who's personal friends with Jekyll & Hyde?" he cocks a brow.
"Yeah.. that's me" I nod quietly.
"I swear to God..." Ran chuckles. "You just turn everyone into lapdogs aren't you?" he nudges me with a smile making me let out a chuckle. 
"I wasn't planning on it, I swear!" I chuckle as I wipe my eyes. "Hyde used to know my brother, and we bonded over that" 
"You have a brother?" Ran asks and Rindou just punches him in the arm making him exclaims in pain. "What?!"
"Ignore him, Petal" Rindou says and I chuckle softly as I shake my head. 
"No, it's okay. I used to, but I was quite young when I lost him, he died because of me, so I have just buried his memory deep hoping I can just forget it, no one knew about this except Mikey" I explain and Ran just gives me a short hug.
"Sorry for bringing it up. But on the positive side; good to know that Ginza's two psychopath are your bodyguards" he chuckles. 
"Yeah, at least we know you're in safe hands" Rindou shakes his head with a smile. 
"But I missed my other psychos" I smile as I hug them both.
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jewishcissiekj · 2 years
Cassie outside of interior and cover art
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A collection of Cassie Sandsmarks outside of regular panels/covers I've collected lately, separated by eras/costumes (there’s a lot so brace yourselves):
1998-2003 Cassie (Young Justice era) -
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All by Todd Nauck, all straight from his Tumblr over various years. ( @toddnauck​ ) Official artist, unofficial art. 
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Cassie by Francis Manapul, source unclear (if you know, please tell me). Official artist, unofficial art.
2003-2011 Cassie (Pre New 52 Teen Titans era) -
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Cassie design(s) for Geoff Johns’ 2003′s Teen Titans book by Mike McKone, brought from Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book 1 (2017). Official art and artist.
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Future Cassie designs by Mike Mckone from Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book 1. Official art and artist.
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Cassie by Sean Galloway, source unclear (if you know, please tell me). Official artist , unofficial art.
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Cassie by Jim Lee, a charity piece posted via Twitter @/Jimlee. Official artist, unofficial art.
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Cassie by Jim Lee, brought from DC Comics - The Art of Jim Lee Volume 1. Official artist, unofficial art (published officially).
2011-2016 Cassie (New 52 Teen Titans era) -
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Cassie designs by Brett Booth from Teen Titans Volume 1 (2011). Official art and artist.
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Alternative Cassie designs by Jim Lee from Teen Titans Volume 1 (2011). Official art and artist.
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Cassie by Cully Hamner from The New 52 10th anniversary Deluxe Edition. Official art and artist. 
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Silent Armor Cassie designs by Brett Booth from Teen Titans Volume 2 (2011). Official art and artist.
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Cassie design/sketch by Eddy Barrows from Teen Titans Volume 3 (2011). Official art and artist.
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Cassie designs by Johnboy Meyers via his Facebook page. Official artist, unofficial art.
2016-Now Cassie (Bendis Young Justice->Infinite Frontier->Dawn of DC era) -
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Cassie design sketches by Patrick Gleason from Young Justice Volume 1 (2019). Official art and artist.
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Cassie sketch by John Timms from Young Justice Volume 1 (2019). Official art and artist.
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Cassie in promo art for Batman and Superman: Battle of The Super Sons (source unclear).
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Cassie commission by Adriana Melo via her Instagram. Official artist, unofficial art.
Other -
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Cassie design by Bruno Redondo for the Injustice 2 comics via his Instagram (?). Official art and artist.
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Cassie designs by Andy McDonald from Teen Titans Earth One Volume 2. Official art and artist. 
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Wonder Girl Cassie designs by Terry Dodson from Bombshells - United volume 1. Official art and artist. 
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Wonder Woman Cassie sketch by Trevor Hairsine from DCeased - Dead Planet Trade Paperback. 
Going to be adding on to this every time I find a new one (art at the beginning by Steve Rude).
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dailycass-cain · 2 years
Cassandra Cain Reading Guide Part 4: Alternate Universe Cass
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We've had DCU Cass. We've had Rebirth Cass. But what of Cass from another reality? Well, here's Part IV, a reading list of Alternate Universe Versions of Cassandra Cain!
Part I reading guide you can find here.
Part II reading guide (Modern) you can find here.
Part III reading guide (Random) you can find here. 
Part V reading guide (PAIN) you can find here.
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Teen Titans #52-53
- Honorable mention to Titans Tomorrow Cass aka Batwoman, but-- she only shows up in three panels. She is Starroed like many Tomorrow Titans but does cry out to "Huntress" aka an older Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe who gets possessed first).
The curious thing about Titans Tomorrow Universe it is always in flux. Originally, her death (along with others by the hand of Duela Dent) caused the "bad tomorrow". Then the sequel well, cloning happened and Cass came back or the future still happened but now she was alive.
A further "revised" Tomorrow timeline shows up in Detective Comics #979 right after Titans Tomorrow Tim escape Jor-El alongside our Tim and then the two battle for a lengthy period in the present day DCU. #979 shows us the current variant of that future with Cass dying to Ra Al Ghul's hand. But-- we're told this by an unreliable narrator in General and Brother Eye.  As they say, Steph died too, but when we are reintroduced to this timeline (showing how Tomorrow Tim is snatched by Jor-El) she is very much alive.
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-DC Bombshells Black Bat-
DC Bombshells United #8, #18-19
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- We don't really get a feel for Cassandra's character in this. Other than we see her for a few panels and learn both she and Katana overthrew their corrupt governments and rebuilt them from scratch. Cass leads a group called the "Bats of Blood and Iron" and goes by the Black Bat moniker. 
She's not much a character in this, more a footnote in this story. I feel like if there ever was a spinoff series. We really should get to see Cassandra/Katana more do these things that are mentioned. But.. I probably doubt we ever will. Or amazing variant covers by Ant Lucia.
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DCeased: Unkillables #1-3 
 DCeased: Dead Planet #1-7
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1-8
-  Though Cass doesn't appear in #1 and #4 of Dead Planet. Because the survivors don't come back to Gotham until #2 (when we see Cass again), and #4 (the journey to New Genesis). Cass shows up in #1 and #4 (War of the Undead Gods) so far. 
Unkillables features the first full-on return of Cass's Batgirl costume in over ten years (2009 was the last time she wore it). It also explores the complicated mother/daughter relationship of Shiva/Cass.
Something big happens to Cassandra in Dead Planet. No spoilers (save Stephanie, who's over in DCeased: Hope at World's End), you're just gonna have to enjoy the moment like we did.
A curious little fact is this is the first DC Comic that has a universe that has Cass and Babs both as Batgirl (An infected Batgirl Babs is shown in the original DCeased), and her body is found by Cass and Jim Gordon in Unkillables #1 with both mourning the loss of her.
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods has Cass in the issues throughout but unlike the prior series doesn’t have a key role. Save for two noteworthy things in #1 and #7. That and has an AMAZINGLY gorgeous cover in #6 (a 1:50 variant and good luck finding one of those).
Interestingly, Cass is one out of two Bat-Family members to survive DCeased. Sadly, there could’ve been ONE MORE survivor if only writer Tom Taylor could give us the answer to that. Perhaps one day he will answer that subplot since he hasn’t SPOILED it.  
- Amanda Conner Universe
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Wonder Woman #600
Harley Quinn & the Birds of Prey (Black Label) #1-4
   - A DCU similar but different as husband/wife team of Amanda Conner/Jim  Palmiotti various DC books (Power Girl, Harley Quinn, Terra, Starfire, and suggestions related). 
If you were disappointed with the way Cassandra was handled in the live-action Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey movie this comic gives us a more traditional Cass.
Not only does she steal the series from everyone, but there are exceptionally sweet moments in the final issue. A highly recommended mini to pick up! Cass embarrassing the Joker is worth the price alone!
It’s possible this story takes place either probably after Wonder Woman #600 (which also features Cass by Conner).
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Future State 
Future State: The Next Batman #2, 4
Batman: Urban Legends #7
- Alternate future Gotham City where it is ruled tyrannically by a group known as the Magistrate. Rogues and Vigilantes alike are outlawed and hunted by the Magistrate’s chosen deputies and soldiers. Cass is the lone warrior who still follows Bruce’s ideology but is broken with Barbara missing and Stephanie breaking her heart (it is HEAVILY suggested the two had a relationship in this reality).To be entirely truthful, I was massively disappointed with this story. It was like being thrown into the middle of a story. 
Once again, we get Dick acting like a dick to boot.  “Hunter.. or Hunted...” on the other hand features Cass hunted by the Magistrate with exceptional art. Of the two stories THIS IS THE ONE TO READ. Even if it throws you again of not knowing what’s going on. At the very least “Hunter... or Hunted...” gives Cass more pathos and a better overall showing.
There are TWO more tales with this version of Cass in Future State: Gotham. But.. the only important things of those to note is the gorgeous variant cover #6). But please do avoid the other tale that involves FS Cass at the tail end of Future State Gotham. Unless you want PAIN.
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Shadow of the Batgirl 
- Literally this comic other than the OG Puckett/Scott run is a remarkable tale that nails the character of Cassandra Cain perfectly. Like literally, you just want a complete origin and character study of Cass/ Why... why is it suddenly raining in my room again? This graphic novel is that good for long time fans of the character. Newbie fans might be interested as it is a one and done (so far). 
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures
Episode 1 "Moving In" (mentioned and acknowledges her adoption)
Episode 2 "The Last Cookie" (first appearance in the series)
Episode 5 "Arm Day"
Episode 7 "Vigilante Bingo" (mentions she's been Batgirl, Black Bat, and Orphan in this universe)
Episode 10 "Crush 3/3" 
Episode 13 "Stupid Traditions" 
Episode 14 "Unaccompanied"
Episode 15-16 "Family Ties"
- First Cass-centric arc in the series. Focuses on Cassandra's love for ballet, and Bruce trying to balance his life as a father and vigilante.
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Episode 17 "Top Chef" (Thanksgiving episode)
Episode 19 "Bat-Cow's Day Out"
Episode 21 "Holiday Spirit" (Christmas episode)
Episode 22 "The Tournament"
Episode 32-33 "All Seeing"
- Second major arc focuses solely on Cass. The episodes showcase the many qualities of the character on why are a fan of the character. A good starting point for new readers on the character.
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Episode 36-37 "Belonging"
Episode 48 "Shovel Talk"
- Cass and Duke centric episode with the family dealing with the possibility she has a boyfriend. Wackiness ensues.
Episodes 49-50 "One More" (mentioned only) 
Episode 51 "Night In" (Season 1 finale)
Episode 52 Assassin (Season 2 Premiere)
Episode 56 “Why We Fight Part 2″
Episode 57 “Picture Day”
Episode 61 “What Matters Most Part 2″
Episode 66 “No Doors Allowed”
Episode 67 “Branching Out” (Cass/Steph meet Harley/Ivy wackiness ensues)
Episode 68 “Thankful”
Episode 70 “Hunted Part 2″
Episode 72 “Snowfall Part 1″ (part one of Holiday episode)
Episode 73 “Snowfall Part 2″ (part two of Holiday episode)
Episode 78 “Outlaws” (slight tie-in to Red Hood: Outlaw spinoff webtoon comic)
Episode 82 “Sneak Attack”
Episode 90 “What I Want Part 1″
Episode 91 “What I Want Part 2″ (first appearance of David Cain in series, first full appearance of Cass’s Batgirl costume, origin of Cass in this universe.) 
Episode 93 ”Alarm Bells”
Episode 98 “Power Outage”
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- Episodes 66-67, and 70 are the Cass-related episodes (so far). We get some amusing sister/brother antics in Episode 66 with Jason/Cass trying to impart their “wisdom” of dramatic entrances to Duke. Only for the later to give his own inclusion how make an entrance. 
Episode 67 has Cass/Steph are watching over a bedridden Harley Quinn and meet Poison Ivy. Amusing adorable hijinks ensue.
Episode 70 reveals Babs making sure Cass/Steph are in on her mission. Showing the trust and bonds the three have with one another. 
- Cass is mentioned in the spinoff series to WFA, Red Hood: Outlaws in episode 46.5 Like Son Part II, Damian records Bruce confessing and then hugging Jason that “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” To save himself, Damian says if Bruce does anything to him, he’ll tell Cass. Bruce relents. 
- Episode 90-91 is Cass’s first central dramatic story in Season 2. She and Damian run afoul of Mad Hatter who brainwashes her to attack her sibling. In part 2 we see Cass’s origin in WFA, as it uses Pre-New 52 David Cain (in his first appearance in the series). Cass breaks free and Damian/her share a cute brother/sister moment afterward.  
DC Vs. Vampires
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DC vs. Vampires #2, #4-6
DC vs. Vampires: Hunter #1 (one panel)
DC vs. Vampires #10-11, #12 (in shadow)
- Cass is one of the few heroes in the DCU not taken over or killed by the vampires in this elseworlds story. Problematic art though for the main series sadly given the artist turned out to be very icky.
The writing is a mixed bag as well as Cass was a main character of the plot in the first half of the comic, before being dropped and randomly showing up in the latest issue.
One interesting tidbit of this version of Cass is that she moonlights as both Batgirl and Orphan (but only donning this identity with the Outsiders) in this universe.
Second interesting note is at the end of DC vs. Vampires #12, Cass is one of two people in the Bat-Family in #2 (the other being Alfred) to not have been killed or become a vampire. 
Steph and Helena are also the only other Bat-Family members to have survived as well being human. 
Young Justice
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Young Justice: Targets #2-3
- Expands on the Cass introduced in Young Justice cartoon by revealing she knows ASL (I wish this was introduced in the main series). She has a few kickass moments in the comic as well.
However, she only appears in these two issues and that’s it. Only recommended if you enjoyed this version of Cass, and desire to see her storyline somewhat continued. 
Dark Multiverse
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Tales of the Dark Multiverse: Hush #1
Batman/Superman Authority Special #1
Dark Knights Death Metal: Robin King #1
In the “Dark Multiverse” there have been three variants of Cass that have appeared. The most “prominent” one among them is the one in Hush. Cass, Tim, and Barbara go down a darker path as they openly rebel against Thomas Elliot and his iron grip over Gotham with not Batman or Bruce Wayne to stop him.
Cass’s costume is a mixture of her Orphan and Kasumi costume. We never get much of her codename as she’s quickly killed by the Gray Son (Dick Grayson who’s been recruited by the Court of Owls). It is implied that this version of her and Tim had a relationship as his name is the last word she utters before collapsing dead.
We’re teased another evil Cass (along with the rest of the Bat-Family) who is part of the Empire of Shadows. Lead by Ra’s Al Ghul (Bruce Wayne) the Empire has taken over their respective Earth and learns of the multiverse. We see this version of Cass once near the end as her silhouette is quite clear in the shadows.
The final Dark Multiverse Cass is the one shown briefly in Dark Knights Death Metal Robin King #1. As the Batman Who Laughs gives Robin King a tour of an Earth where he “tortures” numerous Dark Multiverse Batmen and the survivors become his minions. One of those shown bears a strikingly resemblance to Cass, but the appearance has never been confirmed. 
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Injustice: Year Zero #2
Though not fully appearing, Cass is namedropped in the prequel story to Injustice comics. It isn’t really known what became of this version of the character. But from the dialogue suggested by Superman to Batman, Bruce/Barbara having mentored her presumably as Batgirl (Babs is Oracle at the start of Injustice).
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 Batman: Last Knight on Earth
Batman: Last Knight on Earth Book Three
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- Cassandra was originally one of the survivors of Omega’s original assault on the world. She (along with the rest of the Bat-Family) changed their personas to resemble Owls with Cass taking a more Talon-esque costume as shown here (they believed Omega had tainted the Bat mantle/symbol at this point). 
We don’t know much else about this variant of Cass as she along with Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd, and Kate Kate all perish by Omega’s hand right before a revived Bruce Wayne shows up. 
But hey! Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon survive. 
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Look I get it they live because they have a kid (who also lives). But it just feels so darn cheap to have the most of the “Bat Family” to die right before Bruce shows up.
It feels so wrong to me and just like a certain someone high up above this creative team had this wet dream to kill them all off to tick off fans. Well, congrats! It worked! 
Dark Knights of Steel
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Dark Knights of Steel #6, 9
- No I didn’t forget this alternate Cass. It’s just that well.. we don’t know much fully about her yet save three things. #1 She’s the only Cass who was ever a Robin (a Robin in this universe are the “agents” who serve under Bruce Wayne (aka the Bat Knight) around this world. #2 She’s different then the rest of the Robins (as detailed in Dark Knights of Steel: Tales of the Three Kingdoms #1 they were all a crew of thieves until they caught the attention of Bruce but there was 0 Cass among them) in that we know next to nothing about her connection to Bruce here. #3 She’s placed in a position to free Prince Ka-El as she is the medical professional addressing his wounds but also keeping an eye on him.
Sure enough, she freed Ka-El to prevent the war between the three kingdoms. 
Batman: Knightwatch
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Batman: Knightwatch #5
- This one just feels more like an Easter Egg than an actual reference. Though not with the Bat-Family, this Cass is just a normal little girl, who just happens to really like Batman and the Bat-Family. Probably the only normal Cass of them all. But the sass is still there with this one.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series
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Harley Quinn & the Legion of Bats #4-6
- So far recently introduced only in the comics. This Cass is unique among other variants being she’s the same age as Damian. There’s not much know about her yet. Save we know Vixen/Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) were working on a case together that involved Cass.
She bonds with Damian, who in turn opens up being ACTUALLY friendly toward her. This Cass also makes friends with Tiffany Fox (who was targeted in the series by Black Mask). 
Cass adopts her Orphan persona joining Dick, Damian, and Babs on a mission to stop Black Mask from taking over the Gotham Underworld while also having to deal with Poison Ivy and the Legion of Doom. 
After Black Mask is defeated, Wonder Woman is called in to escort this Cass to Themyscira. This Cass is second to one other variant that is raised by the Amazons (the other being the Dark Knights of Steel version).
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ctrl-salt-delete · 6 months
honestly the smartest thing they could do. their game systems and storytelling chops were all already there in Divinity: Original Sin 2; they turned that around and made a big branded game and paid Hasbro for the privilege, and now whatever they make next is almost certainly going to be an original property "from the studio that brought you Baldur's Gate 3", and Hasbro won't get a cent.
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garebearandnan · 7 months
Love Island: EP16 Aftersun 2
At the VIP table is Gary's Nan, Helen.
Gary's nan, Helen: I’m pretty sure if any of us had a camera on us 24/7 at 20-23, there’d be some pretty damning footage.
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Helen: I reckon when he gets home, I'll send him to the freezer for a bit.
SUMMARY: Love Island: Aftersun is filmed at BT Studios in Stratford, East London with a live audience. It airs live every Sunday at 10pm for an hour and five minutes, straight after the main show. The show consists of interviews with dumped Islanders, friends and family members and also features celebrity guests.
HOST: O.M.G. with an extra-G. What a week our Islanders have had! There’s been some spicy drama, from Operation Nope to secrets revealed, dumpings, dates, a recoupling, and new bombshells. But before we get into all of that, tonight we have a S1 Love Island legend behind the bar. Give it up for Talia, everyone! And keeping those barstools warm, we’ve got Henrik and Rocco, who will be giving their first interview since leaving the villa. And at our VIP table, we have Gary’s nan, Helen, and his best mate, Dickie.
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New Bonue Chapter on A03 and wattpad
TEASER SCRIPT- read full script on A03 or Wattpad. Links above.
The camera pans to Talia, behind the bar and the two ex-Islanders sitting at the bar, who all smile and wave. And at our VIP table, we have Gary’s nan, Helen, and his best mate, Dickie.
Caroline: While 3 may be a crowd as far as Hope is concerned, but for us, it’s the magic number. Please welcome my naughty trio; it’s our panel: Superfans AJ Odudu, HRVY, and Mollie King.
Chelsea: Oh my goodness! I’m on my way to the Villa. I can’t believe I’m actually going in there. I’m just so excited to see the villa and meet everyone. Gosh, they all seem so lush.
Jakub: I’m buzzing to get into the villa. These guys have been here for like ten days. Obviously, they’re a bit comfortable, but you know, hopefully when I come in, they’ll get a bit of me stepping on a few toes, which I am used to. I got really big feet. (He laughs.)
Caroline: Well, he did say, HRVY, that he’s willing to step on toes. Whose toes do you think he'll step on?
HRVY: Yeah! I’m going to curveball. I think he’s gonna step on Noahs.
AJ: Let’s just be honest. I mean Jakub makes the rest of the guys look like preschoolers. 
Caroline: AJ, what were your first impressions of Chelsea?
AJ: I like her and her high-energy! She’s bubbly and sweet. I think she’s gonna do really well.
Caroline: Just when one drama calms down, along comes Chelsea dropping the news about a secret kiss. Let’s remind everyone of that moment when she dropped the truth bomb.
Chelsea: Lottie, I thought you were supposed to be the loyal one?
Lottie: I am!
Chelsea: Then how did you end up snogging Gary when you knew that Grace had something going on with him?
Grace: What the hell! So, that night, when Gary had to choose between Marisol and Hannah at the recoupling, Lottie cracked on with him!
Marisol: Wait, you kissed Gary when we’d only just couple up?
Caroline: Well, tonight we have two people who know Gary very well indeed. Please welcome his nan, Helen, and best friend, Dickie. 
Caroline: I got to ask: What’s on everyone’s lips. Helen, is your Sunday roast as good as Gary says?
Helen: I am a good cook. My roasties are up there. I think Gordon Ramsay-
Caroline: Do you feel there is any hope for Bobby and Lottie in the romance section? The girls keep saying he’s a nice, sweet guy, he’s certainly attractive.
AJ: I like Bobby. He has such a playful and boyish energy. I think he still has a crush on Grace. Maybe Priya too.
HRVY: I think Bobby has good chemistry with several of the girls, and after a night in the hideaway, maybe something a little bit more than that with Lottie. He’s still trying to figure it all out.
S1 Talia at the Bar
Caroline: Talia, You know what it's like to be in there at the start. Especially if you haven’t found the right person. Is it important to lay it on thick and pick one person quite quickly or should you be holding back and waiting?
Talia: I think, early doors for many Islanders still, it’s good to keep your options open. If you put all your eggs in one basket, it can be very difficult and it can end up shooting you in the foot.
Caroline: What are your thoughts on Bobby and Lottie?
Talia: I think now it’s very much a friendship vibe. He does seem to care about her well-being. I like seeing that fun side of her when she’s just chilling with him.
In The Beach Hut
Caroline: Live from the Beach Hut, it’s Gary, everyone!
Gary appears on the big screen sitting in the wicker chair in the Beach Hut.
Caroline: How is life in the villa treating you?
Gary: Oh, amazing. I can’t moan can I? I’m in paradise. It’s probably gonna be one of the best summer’s of my life, to be honest.
Caroline: So, we thought we’d play a quick game of Rate Your Mate, since there seems to be a lot of bromances this year. Are you ready to spill the tea?
Gary: Yeah, I’m up for it. Let’s do it.
Caroline: Who is the messiest?
Gary: Me.
Caroline: Gary, who has the best banter out of the boys?
Gary: Er, the best banter has got to be Bobby. I feel like he’s been my favourite on ‘ere.
Caroline: Who has the best gym bod?
Gary: Erm… Jakub, the lad’s a beast.
Caroline: Moving on. Tell me, who takes the longest to get ready?
Gary: Oh. (he groans) Aw, mate! I’d say probably Lucas. All the hair gel.
Caroline: What do you think about Marisol and Lucas?
AJ: I think they make an attractive couple. They're both attractive and intelligent, but I think that’s it for commonality. I don’t see any chemistry between them. I think they're both place holders for each other.
Caroline: Ouch!
Caroline: It’s Henrik and Rocco!
Rocco: I didn’t think I’d be going today, to be honest. I was meant to be making Marisol breakfast tomorrow morning.
Henrik: I think I was supposed to be having a bubble bath with Lucas tomorrow.
Caroline: I know, it's not even been a week, but as you said, it feels like a long time. People already have connections. You’ve kinda got to be Mr. Steal Your Girl.
Henrik: Mm-hm. Some were pretty closed off, so it was definitely hard. It’s tough to come in and try to make an impact. You know, a few started to crack a little bit towards the end. But nonetheless, I had a lot of fun and still did what a bombshell should do.
Caroline: All right. Rocco, you were getting to know Marisol. Are you disappointed that you didn’t have more time to explore that further?
Rocco: Yeah, definitely. Time is always so fleeting when you don’t want it to be. Hopefully, I’ve given her something to remember me by. Our spirits are really aligned, like, cosmically.
Caroline: Alright, let’s get back to our couples. Obviously, tonight we’ve seen things kick off between Hope and Noah. But let’s go back a couple of days and talk about ‘Operation Nope.’ AJ, you want to start?
AJ: It's Love Island. You don't have to make excuses to graft! Just admit you’re into Noah and own your shit.
HRVY: And poor Ibrahim! He's just sitting there, like, "okay.” 
AJ: I was truly baffled by Bobby's underlying motivation for doing this. He seems to be close with every girl, so it could be that he is simply showing his support for her.
Caroline: Just wondering, does anyone fancy another quick trip to Mallorca? We have a special treat now. Welcome to Aftersun, Chelsea and Grace!
Both girls wave both hands excitedly and smile brightly.
Caroline: Chelsea, you’ve settled in really, really well. How have the Islanders made you feel welcome?
Chelsea: Yeah. Oh, my God, they’re all diamonds. Honestly, straight away, I feel like I’m just part of the weird family.
Caroline: Let’s find out how well you know your fellow Islanders. Are you ready?
Caroline: Jakub’s worst habit is biting his nails. Is that true or false?
Caroline: Lottie… had a Justin Bieber poster under her bed. Is that true or false?
Caroline: Hope’s secret talent is playing the guitar. Is that true or false?
Caroline: it’s time for another week of quickie with our islanders.
Chelsea: What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Lucas: That’s top secret! We have to maintain some mystery. 
Bobby: What superpower would you choose?
Chelsea: I’d wanna read minds, so totes. Think of the gossip you’d hear! I’d love to know what goes through peoples heads.
Bobby: Invisibility—imagine all the cool pranks you could do with this, like pretending to be a poltergeist.
Caroline: There seems to be another love triangle forming between Noah, Hope, and Priya. The latest challenge led to some saucy revelations. Priya revealed Noah is considering choosing her at the next recouple, leaving Hope and Noah questioning their relationship. Hope and Noah are on the rocks at the moment.
AJ: Yeah, it’s the moment Priya goes, “Your relationship is falling apart. Noah and I would be a better couple, and she’s gonna fight for that to happen." War declared. The moment those words come out, savage.
Caroline: It’s like the Battle of Noah, isn’t it?
HRVY: It’s great telly, innit it?
Caroline: Talia, what is it like in there when tensions are running high? Can you escape it?
Talia: You can’t escape it. You can’t get out. Literally. But, me, personally, I would just go to the daybed. Get my favourite snack and just ignore people.
Caroline: Unbothered queen. That’s why we love you.
Caroline: Our Islanders are having the summer of a lifetime in their very own sun-kissed paradise, and no two days are ever the same. This season, a separate villa called Casa Amor will be introduced. Existing couples will be temporarily separated, and the Islanders will have the opportunity to form connections with the new arrivals. 
The screen flashes to six new attractive boys and six new beautiful girls.
Caroline: After a few days, there will be a recoupling ceremony where they will decide whether to stay loyal to their original partners or switch to a new Casa Amor connection. Will the Islanders stay loyal, or will their heads turn?
HRVY: I think it’s gonna be an issue for a few people.
Caroline: Do you think our Islanders haven’t really been tested enough, Talia?
Talia: I think this type of separation will test all their loyalties and might dredge up prior relationship baggage and trust issues.
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pluralsword · 2 years
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ID (1 of 10): A custom of IDW1 Arcee from Legacy Elita, painted in light and deep pink, gray, cyan, white, and black resembling her 2014-2018 color scheme. She standing in front of a sci-fi polityscape backdrop eith knees slightly bent and holding two 3d print from shapewats energy blades resembling her swords from the comics. Her head is also a 3d print- but modified with 'green stuff' sculpting paste to give her helm guards, and her crest tail (not visible). Her painted lips are smiling with wide optics. End ID.
IDW1 Arcee is mostly done! Identifying transforming spots that scrape & may paint up assymetries, also looks nice like this. Love her, having her makes us so happy. Her (trans) story means so much to us it's relatable & beautiful ty for the she pronouns
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ID (2 of 10): Aforementioned IDW1 Arcee custom in combat in front of the same backdrop, one saber bebind her striking Siege Ion Storm with a blast effect, her other sword swept forward and upwards to meet CW Motormaster's downward striking longsword . Behind Ion Storm a deceased bot (sparkless car mold) lies on the floor holding a rifle, and in front of Arcee CW Bombshell collapses to a kneel with a blue blast effect around his head, and Frenzy waves his arms holding a eifle with a fire egfect coming out near the firing chamber and pistol grip. End ID.
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ID (3 of 10): Behind the same backdrop (inaccurately), Arcee leaps on a flight stand with a red jetpack like the one she used in the comics given by Sideswipe, and she is carrying Bumblebee in tow by his hands with one of her own, and in her left hand she is holding a sword swept at her side. This was meant to resemble a panel from Trsnsformers Unicron #1 Last Stand, you can find the image on the Arcee(G1)/2005_IDW_continuity page on tfwiki! End ID.
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ID (4 of 10): Arcee shares an embrace and a with a custom Aileron (from TR Topspin), the two in turn hugged by Anode (from RID 15 warrior Windblade), Greenlight (from CW Brawl), Lancer (from CW Swindle), and Lug (from TR Rewind). End ID.
Bonus round #1!! If they ever make a 2014-2018 Arcee with the alt mode inspired by the Lotus Elite (which is what Andrew Griffith based her on) we would be thrilled.
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ID (5 of 10): Arcee, sitting in front of a scifi polityscape backdrop, with an open book in her hands held as if reading. Seated around her are Gauge (SonicBlue Bumble custom), Sideswipe II (IF Heavy Metal) S86 Wheelie, Kingdom Vertebreak, and Armada Sureshock. End ID.
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ID (6 of 10): Arcee in a duel facing away from the camera and towards her twin sibling (Kingdom) Galvatron, her left sword blocking his downward ax strike, her her right sword snuck under his left ax striking arm, while his right arm fires his fusion cannon with a blue blast effect. End ID.
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ID (7 of 10): Arcee stepping forward with her blades outwards, on her right Nautica (wfc Chromia custom) is flourishing her wrench, and on her left  T30 Chromia strides with an unlicensed shield and halberd, while behknd the three TR Windblade hovers on a flight. stand, arms outstretched, her T30 Windblade sword Stormfall in her right hand. End ID.
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ID (8 of 10): The IDW1 Arcee custom of these posts in her alt mode (a buggy because that was Elita's) seen at a leftwards angle from the front, with a blue windshield, headlights, and a pink and white armor paint scheme based on the comics. End of ID.
Bonus round #2: why do we love her? In short, she has a complex gender journey grappling with side effects, androcentrism, hierarchy, needing more than one try, and love. She’s a trans sword sapphic sage who attached herself to a movement she doesn't fully trust in order to do some good while still doing things her own way, and we honestly think Arcee’s intentional trans and/or sapphic iterations and arcs in the IDW comics are some of the best things to have come out of the license. (wow we somehow kept that to a paragraph we guess we are getting used to talking about her outside of prose or conversations).
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ID (9 of 10): Arcee standing sidewards in a front stance holding her two handed one edged and back of blade spiked pink and black sword she used with her Combiner Hunter/stealth deco (this one is from an unlicensed weapon set not the official one). End ID.
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ID (10 of 10): A group of Arcees holding each other in front of a scifi polityscape backdrop. From left to right: S86 Arcee, Armada Sureshock, Energon Arcee, Studio Series movie triplets Arcee, Elita-One, and Chromia, Animated Arcee, PRID Arcee... MMC Avenger Azalea, T30 Arcee, IDW1 Arcee (custom from Legacy Elita), non reformat Arcee (custom from Selects Galvatron), and behind them a mythfit creations pink Arcee pkushie... TR Arcee holding up Q-Transformers Arcee, beside MMC Ocular Max Azalea, IDW2 Arcee (custom from WFC Nightbird), and Wizkids Deep Cuts Arcee (painted in a combo of idw, g1, and animated colors with an orange pistol and a hexagonal wooden base painted with part of the xenogender flag)... RED Prime Arcee, BBM Arcee, BBM model kit Arcee, Cyberverse Deluxe Arcee, Legacy Prime Arcee, and Earthrise/Kingdom Arcee with swords tucked into her back stacks. End ID.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 5/3
Free Comic Book Day is THIS WEEK!! 
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The Amazing Camel Toe GN -  Claire Duplan
Constance, a modern, young illustrator, takes revenge for the thousands of attacks suffered daily by women with a comic of her own, titled The Amazing Camel Toe, celebrating the adventures of an anti-macho vigilante in tight, panther leggings: A hero who battles against sexism, harassment, slut-shaming, and unrealistic standards of beauty. A form of release that could materialize in a publishing deal for Constance... But in order for that to happen, the author, often full of doubt, must dare to assert herself more. Luckily, she's supported by her gang of girlfriends, her boyfriend, her favorite band, and not to mention Camel Toe herself: who says this comic-book bombshell can't exist in real life?
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Ariel & The Curse Of The Sea Witches HC   
 This new kids graphic novel stars Princess Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid! Princess Ariel joins Prince Eric on his trip to the Arctic to oversee the construction of a new port. But when Ariel discovers that the project is endangering the coral reefs below-and the merfolk who live there-can she convince the team to stop work before the merfolk take matters into their own hands? This hardcover graphic novel contains exciting full-color comic panels, as well as pages taken from the princess's very own journals from their adventures.
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The Art Of Haikyu!!: Endings And Beginnings HC -  Haruichi Furudate
The Art of Haikyu!! collects the dynamic and lush color art from the hit manga series, including chapter title pages, illustrations, bonus sketches, and more from creator Haruichi Furudate!
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Astrobots #1 (of 5) -  Simon Furman, Hector Trunnec & Phillip Knott
Pathfinders, Pioneers...breaking new ground in the furthest reaches of the galaxy...they are - ASTROBOTS.
The clock is ticking for planet Earth and the race is on to find a new world capable of sustaining human life. New, sophisticated machine lifeforms called Astrobots are dispatched to scout far-flung worlds in the hope of crafting a new home. With food and raw materials running out and climate disasters escalating, the evacuation of the entire human population is the only slender hope remaining. On Colony World 1, a catastrophic power struggle forges a new - all-Astrobot - society, and presiding over this nascent civilization is Atlas, an evolved mech with a futureproof plan. A plan that does not include humankind.
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Bandita: A Dominican Superhero GN -  Kayden Phoenix & Ari Navarette 
Bandita is the Dominican gunslinger from New York. When Bandita hears about a Broadway theatre gang taking advantage of the talent, she tryouts for them and lands a job as a custodian. There, she befriends Chyanne, the new lead singer, and learns all about the Cientificos abusive ways. On opening night, Bandita faces off against the boss of the Cientificos, Luna Loca.
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Basil & Oregano TP -  Melissa Capriglione
Porta Bella Magiculinary Academy is the finest school for the art of cooking with magic, and Basil Eyres is determined to be the top student. On the first day of her senior year, Arabella Oregano, the daughter of a renowned chef, joins the academy for her senior year as well. The two are instantly smitten with each other, but Basil senses there's something Arabella is hiding from her. Still, the two work together to stand out from the class as the end of year culinary festival approaches. But when Arabella's secret is reveled, Basil is faced with the hardest decision of her life, which has the potential to throw her future aspirations in jeopardy.
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Blood Of The Virgin HC -  Sammy Harkham
Set in and around 1971 in Los Angeles, Blood of the Virgin follows an immigrant film editor named Seymour who is desperate to make his own movies. Without money or clout, he has no choice but to spend his days slumming it for the worst and most exploitative production company in town. When Seymour is given the chance to make a film of his own, his unbending principles and relentless drive violently clash with an industry that rewards everything but these traits. As Seymour's blind ambition pushes the movie along, his home life grows increasingly fraught. Using the film's production as a means to spiral out into time and space, Harkham creates an epic novel that explores the intersection of parenthood, 20th-century America, sex, the immigrant experience, and the era of grindhouse movies. Like a kaleidoscope, Blood of the Virgin shifts and evolves with each frame, allowing the reader to zoom out and see that at its core, this book is about the making of a man.
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Lost Summer One-Shot -  Casey Gilly, Lauren Knight & Mirka Andolfo
Spike is determined to keep the last copy of his embarrassing poetry from being discovered, sending Buffy and the Scooby Gang on a faux-supernatural goose chase to New Orleans to cover his tracks. At an antiques fair, the group is fascinated by The Casquette Girls' clothes on display. When Dawn utters a wish she most likely should have kept to herself, the gang gains a firsthand account of the sisters' identities... beyond what they could have imagined.
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Desegregating Comics: Debating Blackness In The Golden Age Of American Comics -  Qiana Whitted
Some comics fans view the industry's Golden Age (1930s-1950s) as a challenging time when it comes to representations of race, an era when the few black characters appeared as brutal savages, devious witch doctors, or unintelligible minstrels. Desegregating Comics assembles a team of leading scholars to explore how debates about the representation of blackness shaped both the production and reception of Golden Age comics. Some essays showcase rare titles like Negro Romance and consider the formal innovations introduced by black comics creators like Matt Baker and Alvin Hollingsworth, while others examine the treatment of race in the work of such canonical cartoonists as George Herriman and Will Eisner. Golden Age comics artists, writers, editors, distributors, and readers engaged in heated negotiations over how blackness should be portrayed, and the outcomes of those debates continue to shape popular culture today.
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Every Day GN -  David Levithan & Dion MBD
Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. There's never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that-even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere. It's all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone they want to be with-day in, day out, day after day. But can Rhiannon love someone who is destined to change every day? For the first time on the page, A's epic story will be brought to life as a graphic novel with illustrations by Dion MBD.
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Fairest Of All GN -  Serena Valentino & Fiona Marchbank
Disney's New York Times-bestselling Villains series comes to life in this graphic novel adaptation of the book that started it all! The tale of the young princess, Snow White, and her evil stepmother, the Wicked Queen, is widely known-the Queen was jealous of the girl's beauty, and this jealousy culminated in the Queen's attempt on the sweet, naive girl's life. But what caused the Queen to become so, well, wicked? Perhaps the Queen hated her stepdaughter for her resemblance to the King's first wife. Perhaps she resented the girl for her beauty. Could the Queen simply have been born that cruel? Or does it have to do with a mysterious mirror, gifted to her upon her wedding and swirling with dark magic? And who is the man in the mirror? Is he the reason for the Queen's downfall?
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George’s Run: A Writer’s Journey Through The Twilight Zone GN -  Henry Chamberlain
George Clayton Johnson was an up-and-coming short story writer who broke into Hollywood in a big way when he co-wrote the screenplay for Ocean's Eleven. More legendary works followed, including Logan's Run and classic scripts for shows like The Twilight Zone and Star Trek. Late in life, Johnson befriended comics journalist and artist Henry Chamberlain, and the two had long chats about his amazing life and career. Now Chamberlain pays tribute to his late friend in the graphic novel George's Run, which brings Johnson's creative milieu to life in vividly illustrated color panels. The result feels less like reading a conventional biography and more like sitting in on an intimate conversation between friends as they recollect key moments in pop culture history.
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Haunthology GN -  Jeremy Haun
From creatures of the night to even more terrifying creatures of the day, HAUNTHOLOGY is an anxiety-inducing collection of 28 short stories and vignettes from the mind of JEREMY HAUN, the writer and artist behind THE BEAUTY, THE REALM, The Red Mother, The Approach and other nightmarish mindscapes. Whether exploring a claustrophobic old house full of nefarious entities or the heavy thoughts one has during the pending end of the world, this very personal project was written and drawn entirely during the COVID lockdowns.
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Impossible People: A Completely Average Recovery Story GN -  Julia Wertz
In her keenly observed graphic memoir, celebrated cartoonist Julia Wertz chronicles her haphazard attempts at sobriety and the relentlessly challenging, surprisingly funny, and occasionally absurd cycle of addiction and recovery. Opening at the culmination of a disastrous trip to Puerto Rico, Julia stands stupefied in the middle of the jungle beside a rental Jeep she's just crashed. From this moment, the story flashes back to the beginning of her five-year journey towards sobriety that includes group therapy sessions, relapses, an ill-fated relationship, terrible dates, and an unceremonious eviction from her New York City apartment. Impossible People portrays the lesser told but more common story of addiction: That the road to recovers is not always linear.
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Lo & Behold GN -  Wendy Mass & Gabi Mendez
When you're named after a 250-year-old tortoise, you grow up believing life is full of possibilities and wonder. But ever since Addie's family got turned upside down, those things have been harder for her to see. The last thing Addie wants to do is make a new friend, but when her dad's summer job takes them across the country, she meets Mateo and finds herself caught up in an exciting project. With the help of a virtual reality headset, she's suddenly scaling castle walls, dodging angry kittens, and seeing the world in whole new ways. Plus, she has an idea that could be bigger than anything she's imagined before, but can she right some wrongs first... or is it too late?
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Lovely Muco! GN Vol 1 -  Takayuki Mizushina
Lovely Muco! is a story that depicts the lovely everyday life of Komatsu-san, a glassmith, and his pet dog Muco. Shiba breed Muco's wish is that Komatsu-san could become a dog!
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Maple Terrace: Tales From One Dirty Tree #1 (of 3) -  Noah Van Sciver
From a multiple-award-winning cartoonist, Noah Van Sciver comes the brand new three-part autobiographical comic series, Maple Terrace. Hilarious and forlorn stories from the author's childhood, surrounded by 90s comics, cartoons, toys, deprivation, and painful nostalgia. Noah was a regular contributor to MAD Magazine and has written and drawn numerous bestselling graphic novels including One Dirty Tree (Uncivilized), the Fante Bukowski: Struggling Writer (Fantagraphics), and Joseph Smith and The Mormons (Abrams).
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Monomyth #1 (of 6) -  David Hazan & Cecillia Lo Valvo
Magic is all but extinct. When the last ailing wizard casts a final desperate spell to summon the descendants of ancient bloodlines to a school for magic now in disrepair...those chosen ones find a horror of the likes they've never experienced. They will have to confront the deepest parts of themselves, their tragic pasts, and defeat each other to survive the ordeal.
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The Princess & The Grilled Cheese Sandwich GN -  Deya Muniz
Lady Camembert wants to live life on her own terms, without marriage. Well, without marrying a man, that is. But the law of the land is that women cannot inherit. So when her father passes away, she does the only thing she can: She disguises herself as a man and moves to the capital city of the Kingdom of Fromage to start over as Count Camembert. But it's hard to keep a low profile when the beautiful Princess Brie, with her fierce activism and great sense of fashion, catches her attention. Camembert can't resist getting to know the princess, but as the two grow closer, will she be able to keep her secret?
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Quality Assurance In Another World GN Vol 1 -  Masamichi Sato
You think you're living a quiet life in the countryside. Then, one day, a dragon shows up, and everything changes-not because of the fire-breathing serpent, but because of Haga, the man who shows up and "debugs" the situation. Can it be that your life is nothing like what you thought? And what, exactly, is "QA?" A thrilling isekai action fantasy from a fresh, new perspective!
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Star Signs #1 -  Saladin Ahmed, Megan Levens & Kelly Fitzpatrick The constellations of the zodiac fall to earth, granting twelve ordinary people from very different walks of life the superhuman powers of the Starsigns. But each of them is about to learn that power always comes with a price...  
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Survival #1 (of 5) -  Sean Lewis, Bryndon Everett & Tom Coker
When Emma Reed journeyed back to her hometown in Alaska, she was expecting little more than a tense family reunion at the annual military alumni get together. But early that morning, a plane crash landed in the thick woods near the mountain. And the creature within brings an ancient terror to the last American frontier, and will turn this unspoiled wilderness into a killing ground.
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The Twilight Man: Rod Sterling & The Birth Of Television HC -  Koren Shadmi
We recognize him as our sharply dressed and charming guide to The Twilight Zone, but the entertainment business Rod Sterling got his start in saw him as something very different. This "angry young man" pushed the boundaries of television through the lens of science fiction stories that explored the nature of humanity while rejecting notions of war, censorship, and racism. But the monsters he crafted for the screen were far from the only ones that inhabited Sterling's life, from PTSD to the struggles of working in the entertainment industry.
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Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-Kun! GN Vol 1 -  Osamu Nishi
Iruma Suzuki has always been eager to please, even at the cost of his well-being. Worst yet, he's the son of two selfish parents who end up selling him to a demon. Thanks to their totally irresponsible actions, Iruma has found himself living in the Netherworld, where he must live and attend school as the grandson of an older demon. Luckily, his new, doting grandfather is there to help, but Iruma will have to figure out how to blend in with his demonic classmates or risk getting eaten. All he needs to do is subjugate rival classmates, summon familiars, and do other typical demon things while never revealing that he's human... Piece of cake, right?
Whatcha picking up this week, Fantom Fam? 
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boaringoldguy · 8 months
Trump Co-Defendant Wins 3-Month Delay in Georgia Case
A Georgia judge on Thursday granted a co-defendant in the Georgia election case that also ensnared former President Donald Trump a three-month delay in his proceedings.
“All aspects of the case” will be halted for Sen. Shawn Still, a Republican, until April 18 because he’s a member of the Georgia General Assembly, the judge wrote on Thursday. But “provisions, including initial reciprocal discovery obligations, remain in place” for the meantime, the brief order said.
“Additional extensions will only be considered upon filing of a particularized motion containing a detailed, fact-based explanation of the need for the extension including the amount of time needed,” wrote Judge Scott McAfee.
In the case, Mr. Still was charged in Fulton County, Georgia, for stating that President Trump had won the state and declaring themselves the state’s “duly elected and qualified” electors. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Mr. Still was the secretary of that meeting and is one of only three members of that group who was indicted. He faces seven counts, including the main racketeering charge as well as felony counts of impersonating a public officer, forgery, and attempting to file false documents and false statements and writings, all stemming from the elector meeting.
In arguing that his case should be delayed, Mr. Still wrote to the judge that he needs to perform his duties as a member of the state Legislature.
“All other provisions, including initial reciprocal discovery obligations, remain in place,” his filing said. “Additional extensions will only be considered upon filing of a particularized motion containing a detailed, fact-based explanation of the need for the extension, including the amount of time needed.”
He was not in public office in December 2020 when the Republican electors met. He was elected in 2022 and is serving his first term.
Previously, Mr. Still and two other electors who were charged in the case alongside the former president attempted to move their charges to a federal court but were denied in September 2023. A district judge wrote in several rulings that Mr. Still, Cathy Latham, and David Shafer could not assert that they were acting as federal officials during the time that the electors document in late 2020.
Also in September, a three-person Georgia panel didn’t recommend that Mr. Still be temporarily removed from office while the case is pending, Garrison Douglas, a spokesman for Gov. Brian Kemp, said at the time.
As is required by state law, Mr. Kemp appointed Attorney General Chris Carr, as well as Republican state Senate Majority Leader Steve Gooch and Republican state House Majority Leader Chuck Efstration. That group held a closed hearing several months ago to consider whether Mr. Still should be suspended, issuing a confidential recommendation to the Republican governor.
The state constitution requires that the commission recommend and the governor suspend an official if the panel “determines that the indictment relates to and adversely affects the administration of the office of the indicted public official and that the rights and interests of the public are adversely affected thereby.”
Case Derailed?
Mr. Still’s court victory comes as Michael Roman, another co-defendant in the Trump case in Georgia, alleged in bombshell court filings that the chief prosecutor, District Attorney Fani Willis, allegedly engaged in an “improper” relationship with a top prosecutor in the case, Nathan Wade. The filings also accuse Ms. Willis of potentially violating the law when her office allegedly provided more than $650,000 to Mr. Wade’s private law firm and took Ms. Willis on vacations.
The court filing provided few details about the alleged relationship, although neither Mr. Wade nor Ms. Willis have publicly denied the claims. The Epoch Times has contacted both parties for comment.
“Willis and Wade have engaged in a personal relationship both before and after Willis appointed Wade as the special prosecutor in the instant case,” Mr. Roman’s motion stated. “Willis and Wade were romantically involved prior to Willis awarding a contract for legal services with Wade. It is not entirely clear when the relationship began, but it began while Wade was married.”
Pallavi Bailey, a spokeswoman for Ms. Willis, said her office will respond to the claims “through appropriate court filings” in the coming days.
Mr. Wade, meanwhile, was seen at his law office near Atlanta on Thursday and answered at least one question from a New York Post reporter. He was photographed allegedly carrying a pistol in his hand.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.) this week filed a criminal misconduct complaint against Ms. Willis, a Democrat, after the allegation was made against her and Mr. Wade. The new allegations suggest there is an “unlawful partisan pattern” on behalf of Ms. Willis that may “illegally politicize and weaponize her public office” against the former president and the other co-defendants, Ms. Greene wrote.
As of Friday, Ms. Willis has not publicly responded to the Republican congresswoman’s referral.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
From The Epoch Times
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oraclesclocktower · 2 years
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have you ever loved someone so much your heart goes quiet and still? that was my sister.
DC Bombshells - 2015
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
Anime only watchers, beware... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 62 Part 3 (and not Mission 63 like I originally thought)... You have been warned...! 👌
Okay... First off, we pick up where we left off in Part 2 and Twilight stops trying kill Franky (for the moment...) And we then get Franky spitting out the facts...:
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I don't how many times it has to said, but... War really is pointless, and I wish it didn't have to happen... I just hope that one day everyone will stop fighting with each other and just live peacefully together... 😔
Anyway, back to the chapter...
After Twilight gets injured by some Ostanian soldiers and Franky escapes, THIS HAPPENS:
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And then, this happened...:
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There's no possible way for this to end bad--
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And after that second wave of heartbreak, we get probably one of my new favorite panels:
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Everything about this panel is amazing and I just love it, even though it's quite sad...
Then, we finally got to meet the one that recruited Twilight (and it's not Sylvia...) It's a man that we don't know anything about yet, but I do hope that we see him again...!
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And then Twilight wakes up...! And we get THIS BOMBSHELL:
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I've been wondering since Mission 62 Part 1 why we were suddenly getting Twilight's backstory...! My theory was it was because of him fainting at the end of Mission 61, AND I WAS RIGHT!!! 😄
Anyway, this was fantastic conclusion to Twilight's backstory and I'm so excited to see what happens next!!! But until then I'll leave you with the final image this chapter! Until next Mission!! Bye! ✌😁
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