#pansexual Kaminari
poly-pan-0118 · 2 years
Spark Of Intuition
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Artist: @yina_wolf.raven
Words: 5955K MDI 18+
After seven months of dating your gorgeous hot-headed boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki. He shares something he's been curious about. As if you didn't already figure him out.
After a long night of studying with Katsuki and Denki you happily took the offer to nap while your boyfriend prepared supper in your tiny kitchenette. You were comfy and warm in your slumber when Katsuki tried waking you. The first time, you agreed and he came back to find you snoring. “Oi’, wake up you bum” he yelled from the doorway. “I’m up, I’m up.” you mumbled and sitting up. Ten minutes later Katsuki noticed he hadn't heard a sound from you. This time when he found you fast asleep again. He walked over with a growl and kicked the frame causing the bed to shake. “Just a few more minutes Kat” you begged. Katsuki quickly rolled you over and pinned you to the mattress. "Why you little shit, after I slaved away all day cooking in the kitchen." You're giggling quickly halted as he ran his hand under your shirt to grab one of your breasts tightly and squeeze your nipple. You couldn't help but let out a moan as your head jerked to the side. You looked up to catch his crimson eyes staring at you like a predator, but before you could retaliate with a snarky comment his lips landed on yours and then made their way to your neck where he proceeded to leave a mark.
Ring, the doorbell chimed. 
Katsuki let out a long sigh and his body went limp, his face buried in the crook of your neck. "Fuck I forgot for a minute dunce face was coming over for dinner, damn it." he mumbled. You lightly slapped the blonde in his arm. "I told you to stop calling Denki that, Blasty, " you said sarcastically. Bakugou absolutely hated being called that by Kaminari all throughout school and he still wasn't too fond of it. "If I remember correctly, you're the one who wanted this dinner get together." He leaned down to quickly give you a succession of chaste kisses which made you giggle again and then rose up to look at you. Neither of you said anything as you stared into each other's eyes full of want, full of need and so full of love. As soon as your lips parted to say something, Katsuki placed a finger over your lips. "Thank you for doing this." he said with adoring eyes, "You're so fucking perfect for me." All you wanted to do was please the man that you watched let his walls down slowly show you his vulnerable side only for you. 
When Katsuki approached you with his little fantasy, you'd like to say that you were surprised, but if you were being honest, you read him like a book. Denki, fucking, Kaminari was the biggest flirt you ever met. And your angry, sometimes explosive, Tsundere boyfriend was not immune to the blonde's charm. Yeah, you saw this coming the last time the Bakusquad got together. You sat at the end of the couch watching Kirishima and Sero sitting on the floor playing a game on the Switch when Denki came over to flop next to you. Almost tripping over his own feet and landing in your lap, he sat extremely close. You steadied him to sit upright. 
"Why are you so dang cute y/n?" he slurred. Yeah, poor guy was already three sheets to the wind after drinking only 2 cups of Kirishima's "secret recipe" Denki has always been a lightweight, always the first to pass out. You just giggled and continued to watch the game. Soon you felt a cold nose nuzzle into your neck. "You smell really good" You snapped your head at the inebriated blonde and found you were nose to nose with him. Denki grinned as he looked down to your lips. Blushing, you quickly turned your head and found Katsuki standing in the doorway watching you both. Your eyes went wide, and your heart was racing expecting him to yell. What you saw was a gleam in Katsuki's eyes and what you could have sworn was a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. You kept your eyes on the tall ash blonde as he walked to the couch and sat on the other side of Denki. You furrowed your eyes and watched him carefully as he could be an evil little shit sometimes. Katsuki caught your gaze and gave you a subtle wink. It wasn't flirtatious or devious. It was just a simple ‘I love you’ He put his arm on the back of the couch which happened to put him closer to Denki. "Well, hey there Kacchan”  Denki said in a flirty voice. 
Katsuki scoffed and rolled his eyes, "So you like the way my girl smells huh?" he asked with a mischievous grin trying to tease the man in the middle. "Babe come on," you pleaded hoping he wouldn't blow things out of proportion, "he doesn't know what he's saying" Katsuki ignored you and continued to tease the drunken mess that was Denki. You rolled your eyes and hoped that whatever game Katsuki was playing didn't backfire. The tables were turned on the cocky man though as Denki just leaned in closer to Katsuki, his nose buried in the crook of his neck. "You smell hella good too Kacchan" he said softly, then gave him a small kitten lick on the neck, just below his ear. 
Katsuki's nose flared and his face reddened. You screwed shut your eyes and your hands flew to your ears preparing for a huge outburst. When you didn't hear anything, you opened them to find Katsuki wide eyed and staring directly at you. The look you saw on his face was not one of anger but a look you were more familiar with. It’s the look he'd give you when you dropped to your knees. The look of hunger he'd give you before you took his cock in your mouth. You didn't think Katsuki's face could get any darker shade of red as you smiled at him knowing he knew that you knew he was turned on. The trance wasn't broken until you heard a loud holler from Sero because he won the game of Mario Kart. Which kind of surprised you because Kirishima always kicked ass at that game. Looking over at the big red gentle giant you knew why. He was staring at Katsuki with Denki's face still nuzzled in the crook of the man's neck. Kirishima's eyes seemed to pop out their sockets and as you followed his gaze you understood why. Katsuki had a visible hard on. His thick cock easily showed itself standing at attention through his basketball shorts he wore around the dorm rooms. Your hand covered your mouth not realizing how turned on your boyfriend got. 
"Dude," Kirishima bellowed from across the room at what he was witnessing. "Dios Mio" Sero said, finally catching on to things. "Dang Bakubro, y/n not enough for you anymore?" You knew Sero meant no disrespect towards you behind those words. It was merely to tease Katsuki, but your boyfriend thought otherwise. With a menacing growl Katsuki quickly stood up to yell at the raven-haired man but immediately stopped when he looked between his legs and saw his huge boner. The sudden realization of what all the fussing had been about hit him like a train and he made a beeline for the stairs. “Kat!” you yelled out for him, but Katsuki took the twelve steps to the second floor in only three, then he disappeared from sight.  “Princesa” Sero said to you with sad eyes, “I’m sorry, I didn't m-” 
“It’s okay Sero.” You gave him a soft look, “I’ll talk to him” you said then headed to the stairs. “Hmm, where’d blasty go?” you heard from Denki as you climbed the stairs. You found Katsuki sulking in his bedroom and before you could say anything he had you pinned up against the wall, hands above your head and his tongue exploring your skin. Needless to say, whatever thoughts that were going through his head he worked them out on you. Well, those he could anyway. After a long conversation he admitted he was bisexual and was scared to tell you. “Hey handsome, look at me” you told him as you both laid in bed in a post orgasm haze. You explained how you were pretty sure all of the Bakusquad fell somewhere along the spectrum of the rainbow and that was nothing wrong with that. You fell in love with Katsuki Bakugou, and that included everything about him. Even his desires and fantasies. You both made a promise to be open with each other about everything, which days later led to another even longer conversation where you both agreed to add another person to the bedroom. You've never had a threesome and neither has he, plus this way Katsuki could fulfill a fantasy of his. He was apprehensive to ask you at first. Stating how he didn't want you to think he was wanting something or someone else or that he was tired of you. You assured him that you knew he would never do something like that. You both had to be on the same page moving forward. No apprehensions. No regrets. You were all grown adults. You were both comfortable and safe in the relationship and trusted each other. So, it was settled. Now came the part to talk to Denki, which you knew he would jump at this offer, but you told Katsuki he had to ask. After some grumbling, he relented and agreed.
So here you both were. Sitting at the table enjoying the delicious Chicken Katsu don your amazing boyfriend prepared. Time passed and tummies full, you offered Denki some more juice and he asked if you had any wine. “I know you have some Stella Rosa Y/N.”. He wasn't wrong, you always had a bottle in the fridge. “We want to keep a clear head tonight” you told him. “Umm, okay” Denki said, giving you a puzzled look. Anxious and tired of beating around the bush, Katsuki spoke up. “Look dun- Denki” he corrected himself, “We need to talk to you about something serious” Denki got a pale look on his face. “If this is about your mp3 player Kacchan I’m sorry” he whined. “No, this isn't about my mp3 pla-” Katsuki stopped, “Wait, what did you do to my mp3 player?” he asked. “You didn't know?” Denki said with a surprised look. A deep growl rising from Katsuki prompted him to explain. “I accidentally overcharged it and fried it” he said meekly. “You did what?” Katsuki yelled, slamming a hand on the table. “I think we’re getting off track here.” you said glaring over at Katsuki. “Fuck this” he said pushing his plate back and standing up. He hated not being in control, especially of his emotions. He just wanted this awkward conversation over with. “Wait Kacchan, I, I’ll buy you another one!” Denki exclaimed, jumping out of his seat, throwing his hands out in front of him. “Come here dumbass” Denki was slowly stepping backwards when his back hit the wall. “Please Ka-” He was interrupted by Katsuki’s tongue being shoved into his mouth. Denki’s body went rigid and his eyes were wide staring at the angry blonde kissing him. Feeling Katsuki’s hands grab at his waist and grind into him, pushing him harder against the wall, he relaxed a bit. Katsuki pulled away to breathe. “Fuck” he said, staring down at the other blonde's lips, “I’m sorry. I should have asked if you were okay with this.” 
Denki was in a cloudy gaze. He didn't hear a word that just came out of Katsuki’s mouth. He chased after Katsuki’s lips wanting to taste more of him but caught your heated stare from the table. “Wait, what’s going on right now?” he questioned. You had a scary look on your face and Denki was worried. If he only knew how fucking turned on you were though. You didn't even know you would get turned on like that. Watching Katsuki kiss him like he did, you were fucking soaked. “Y/N?” Denki called your name again pulling you out of your lustful high. “It’s okay Denks” you said standing up walking towards the man. Denki’s eyes darted back and forth between you and Katsuki. He was confused but mostly he was so turned on hoping he wasn't dreaming what he thought was about to happen. He had a hard on and he knows for sure Katsuki did as well. He felt it. His memory went back to when he caught a glimpse of what Katsuki was packing a couple years back at a camp shower room. “We want this.” you said not meaning to sound cryptic, “that is if you do to?” You placed a hand on the side of his face and he automatically leaned into your touch. Realizing Denki was a bit slow, Katsuki decided to be blunt. “For fucks sake dumbass we want to have a threesome with you.” he said with his cheeks turning pink hearing what he just blurted out. After realizing he wasn't dreaming and everyone’s hormones settling down a bit, the three of you sat at the table to talk things out. Katsuki wanted to set some boundaries. “You have to wear a condom,” Katsuki told Denki, who in turn whined at the thought. ‘But-” he started. “No buts!” Katsuki said glaring at the other man, “I’m the only one who fucks my girl raw.” You winced at his words, “So crude Kat” 
“You can cum in my ass,” Katsuki mumbled. He may be crude with his words but fuck, the thought of Denki pounding away at your boyfriend's ass soaked your panties once again. Denki was once again left in shock. “You want me to..to top you?” he finally managed to get the words out after stumbling. For the umpteenth time tonight, Katsuki’s face turned red. You thought it was so cute how easily he blushed. “I, I ...yeah I do” Katsuki finally said. The three of you continued to talk about a few more things. Words that were okay to say to each other. You were okay with a bit of degradation, but only okay coming from Katsuki. Denki was okay with this stating he was a ‘lover not a fighter’. You and Katsuki broke out in laughter at his cheesiness. But that’s just one of the things that made you both like Denki. You all agreed to use the stoplight system because it was the simplest to convey. Green = everything is good. Yellow = slow things down, maybe think about it. Red = Everything stops. If for any reason either of you wanted to stop, no matter how far into things you were, everyone would immediately stop. “Umm'' Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you, “I think that's it?” the statement coming out more as a question. “I have nothing else to add.” you said, both of you looked at Denki. “I’m good,” he said. His knees bounced under the table excitedly like a child waiting to open a present. Katsuki stood up, reaching his hand out for yours. You happily took it and also stood. You held your hand out to Denki.  “Shall we then?” 
You held both men's hands as you led them over to your bed. You started to remove your shirt, but Denki stopped you. "May I?" He asked as he ran his hands along your arms. You gave him a nod and raised your arms for him to remove your shirt. Denki wrapped his arms around you as if we're to hug you but worked to unclasp your bra. You stood touching nose to nose staring into each other's eyes not blinking once. The tension grew as you were so close you felt the hard on Denki had poked at you. You felt your bra drop and he took a step back. "Fuck" he said under his breath looking down at your chest. "That's not all" Katsuki said, moving behind you. You felt his warm hands on your hips as he kissed your neck sensually. He worked his thumbs under the waistband of your sweats and pulled them down. You gasped at the sudden cool air. "Angel, look at you." Katsuki said grinning. "I'm not sure if you need to be punished for not wearing your panties or if I should praise you for being prepared." Your body shivered at both of the thoughts. Katsuki pulled your head by the chin up to kiss him as his hands kneaded your breasts. You heard a moan escape Denki’s mouth and you both turned to see him stroking his cock. Like a flash of lightning, he had stripped and was standing there naked. Your breath hitched as your eyes gazed upon what Denki was working with. You felt a harsh breath on your neck and looked up at Katsuki to see him looking at Denki’s dick like he wanted to devour it. Denki had a really nice cock. Although not as long as Katsuki's, it had a good girth to it and was heavy and it curved a bit to the left when it was hard. "Well, what are you waiting for?” Katsuki asked, bringing his eyes to meet the other man. “Don't you wanna a taste?” he asked, sitting you on the bed.  Denki was speechless as he watched Katsuki lay you down before him, presenting you like you were a five-star meal prepared just for him. He had never seen anything so beautiful. You raised your arms beckoning him to join you on the bed. Denki could feel his body vibrate as he laid on top of you, holding himself up just barely touching skin. Just enough to tease. His mouth devoured yours as he palmed one of your breasts. Denki’s hands were soft and feminine like compared to Katsuki’s callused ones. It was a contrast, but you loved both sensations. “I wanna taste more of you.” he said parting from your lips for air, “Can I cutie? Taste more?” he said, breathing heavily. You nodded your head, but Katsuki quickly reminded you to use your words as he began undressing. Another thing you all agreed on. Everything had to be verbalized so nothing would be misunderstood. 
Denki gently spread your legs and looked at your folds, dripping wet and awaiting attention. “Ohmyfuckinggods” he said quickly under his breath but you and Katsuki both heard it. “You’d think he never saw a tasty cunt before,” Katsuki scoffed. Denki ignored the man and dived right in, flicking his tongue over your aching clit and licking along your folds. “Ahh” you moaned then glared over to where Katsuki was standing. “I told you to stop being so, ahh, crude.” The look you got in return from the man standing above you, you knew you were in for it. “Looks like our little Angel ” he emphasized the Angel, “needs something in her mouth to keep her from smarting off.” Kneeling on the bed near your head, Katsuki smacked your face with his now stiff dick. Pre smearing over your cheeks. “You gonna be our good little girl tonight and let me fuck your face?” You couldn't answer him. Denki was relentlessly devouring your cunt like a starved man. Katsuki didn't like not being answered. “Guess it’s naughty girl tonight” he said, grabbing your chin causing you to open your mouth which he quickly used the moment to stick his cock between your lips. “Open wider, now” he growled. “Oh, fuck Kacchan, that’s hot.” Denki said, his mouth still lapping at your juices, but his eyes were watching you and Katsuki. 
“Don’t call me that while we’re doing this,” Katsuki said angrily. It reminded him of that damn Deku, and he didn’t want to think of that nerd at the moment. You licked his slit and then took him to the base. Katsuki let out a long moan hanging his head back. “Fuck, that’s it.” Yeah, he wasn't thinking of anything else right now other than your mouth. Denki whined at the sight of your throat expanding with the size of Katsuki’s cock being shoved in and out. Katsuki noticed the other man pining and gave him a smirk. He was happy to show off what his girl could do. He felt proud, or he was just cocky, knowing another person was wanting what he could get at any time. Denki shoved a finger in your lonely cunnie making you moan around Katsuki’s cock. Feeling you grind up against his face Denki slipped in another finger, hooking around the curve and hitting that spongy spot that made your eyes roll to the back of your head. Denki was no virgin, he knew what he was doing. He thrusted his fingers faster as he lapped at your throbbing bean and watched you come undone. “That’s right cutie” he said, working you through your orgasm, “cum for me. I wanna taste everything you can give me.” Denki removed his hands and slowly gave you kisses. He was taking his time exploring your body when Katsuki grunted pulling his cock from your mouth. You whined at the loss but Katsuki just grinned down at you. “Needy little thing, aren't you?” You licked your lips and whimpered causing him to chuckle. “What’s the matter angel? Need daddy to fuck you stupid?” You quickly nodded but remembered to add a ‘yes’. Katsuki looked over at Denki to see his pupils blown out with lust. “Daddy’s gotta prep first sweetheart” That caught Denki’s attention. “Ka-, um are you sure? I mean have you ever bottomed before?” Katsuki turned red again. “I-” he choked on air. He couldn't get the words out. He motioned for his bottom drawer but you both looked at him puzzled. “I have toys!” he blurted out. 
“Katsuki,” you said in shock. “Why didn't you say anything?” You felt a little hurt that he kept this from you. “I was embarrassed okay” he shouted. You understood where he was coming from. It was something you both were working on. “Look, just use your fingers and ease into me” Katsuki told Denki, “I can do this.” Denki tried to say something again, but Katsuki grabbed him by the nape of the neck and attacked his lips. Denki’s hand quickly grabbed Katsuki’s hard dick and started pumping, causing the ash blonde to moan in his mouth. Katsuki's body felt like electricity was flowing through it. Denki’s hand gripped his cock tightly, stroking him relentlessly. “I wanna taste you too Kat” Denki said swiftly dropping to his knees and stuffing his mouth with Katsuki’s fat cock catching the man off guard. “Oh fuck” is all Katsuki could mutter. His hands fisted the tiny blonde's hair as he made slurping and gagging noises. Neither man paying mind to you until they heard you moaning. Stopping what they were doing to look at you they saw you playing with your clit and massaging a breast. Katsuki immediately felt guilty. “Shit babygirl, I’m so sorry.” he said moving over to scoop you to lay against his chest. “Katsuki it’s okay really” you made sure he knew that you weren't mad and that you were enjoying yourself. “I was enjoying the show” you smirked pulling his head down to kiss him. “Tonight, is about you baby” you assured him. “No, it’s about us” he sat up and looked at Denki. “Nightstand. Top drawer. Lube.” his voice commanded. 
Katsuki crawled between your legs and kissed your thighs. He heard the bottle of lube open and Denki standing behind him and froze for a second then relaxed. “Let me fuck my girl for a minute.” he said. You simply smiled with a sigh. Gods you loved this crude sexy man. Vermillion eyes met yours as he ran his cock through your wet folds. “Can I help?’ Denki asked from behind Katsuki, placing kisses on his neck. You didn't think his dick could get any harder, but it did. Denki reached around Katsuki and grabbed his cock causing the other man to hiss. Denki slapped your pussy lips causing you to jolt then pressed against your opening. His other hand went to the small of Katsuki’s back and slowly pushed him forward causing him to enter you. No matter how many times you’ve had sex these past months you've been together, each time felt like the first time. Katsuki’s dick made your walls stretch around him, molding to his shape. You moaned as his pelvis hit your ass, fully sheathed by your slick pussy. Denki’s thumb rubbed circles on your clit. “I can feel you fluttering around me already, angel” Katsuki said, taking deep breaths trying to steady himself. “Fuck her Katsuki”
Both eyes were glued to Denki. Neither of you ever heard him call Katsuki by his given name. It was always ‘Kacchan’ or every once in a while, when he had a death, wish he’d call him ‘Kit Kat’. Katsuki’s jaw dropped and he just stared at the man. “Did I stutter?” Denki said with a serious voice, an octave lower. Oh fuck, if this is what top Denki Kaminari looked like, you wanted more of him. His gaze back on you, Katsuki started thrusting faster. He pulled your legs up on his shoulders, angling you so he could hit you deeper. Within minutes you were crying out that you were going to cum. “That’s it Katsuki. Fuck her stupid like you said you would.” Hearing Denki talk with such dominance and the feeling of Katsuki’s balls slap against you as his cock kissed your cervix, sent you over the edge. Both men watched your body tremble. It was such a beautiful sight. Katsuki leaned over to kiss you. “Doing okay?” he asked you softly. You smiled and nodded, whispering ‘yes’. Your throat was dry. “You are doing so good for us tonight baby.” he told you, peppering your jaw and neck with kisses. You felt Katsuki go still and saw his eyes widen a bit. Denki's hands rubbed along his ass. A finger trailing down over his perineum and cupping his balls. “You have to relax baby.” you told him cupping his cheeks with both hands. “Tell me what you want Kats” Denki said, squeezing some lube in his hands and rubbing them together to make sure it was warm. “You know what the fu- ahh” Denki gently circled his puckered hole with a finger.  
“Use your words Katsuki” you told him and he glared down at you to see you smirking. “You little shit” he managed to get out before Denki pressed his finger at his hole and added pressure. Katsuki stayed quiet, only hissing through his teeth. Denki sighed. Slap Katsuki’s body jolted forward. You then realized, Denki just slapped Katsuki’s ass, and hard. “I’m really tired of bratty Bakugou.” 
"I want you to fuck me dammit" Katsuki snarled. You felt his cock head glide along your thigh, spreading his pre along your skin. "Now was that hard?" Denki asked sarcastically. Katsuki was gonna snap back at the man but took a huge gasp. Denki slowly pushed a finger in his tight puckered hole. "Relax Kat" Denki told the man beneath him. He leaned down, "It'll feel good once you relax." he said, placing kisses on his spine. You ran your hands through his hair and Katsuki moaned through your kiss. "Just like that." Denki hummed, "Open up for me baby boy" Katsuki opened his mouth to whimper but you quickly swallowed it. You looked over Katsuki's shoulder to Denki silently communicating. Denki understood. Katsuki loved praise.
"Mmm, fuck" Katsuki groaned as Denki pushed a second finger in. "You're doing so good for me Kat" Denki said as he rubbed and kneaded at the man's ass cheeks. "Fuck I love your ass" he said as he continued to scissor his hole. "So fucking plump. Bootylicious" he added. "Tsk, dumbass" Katsuki snickered. "What was that, Katsuki?" Denki asked pushing his fingers deeper, caressing the sweet spot against his prostate. "I, ahhh" Katsuki's head fell to your chest and he moaned deeply. It was such a sweet moan. Your pussy was gushing yet again at the scene you were watching. You yourself let out a needy moan. Katsuki looked at your eager face. "Want my cock back sweetheart, hmm?" He had removed himself after you came, he wouldn't last if you were to cock warm him. 
Katsuki pushed his cock in until he bottomed out and kissed you hard. "Keep that back arched for me baby boy" Denki said, removing his fingers from Katsuki's ass leaving a gaping hole. Denki added more lube to his cock and placed it at his entrance. "What's your color Katsuki?" he asked, getting a green in answer. "What about you cutie?" he asked, looking at you. After giving the greenlight, Katsuki attacked your lips again and Denki very slowly pushed his aching cock in Katsuki’s tight ring causing the man to bite your lip. "Damn Kat you havta," Denki took a deep breath and hissed, "you have-to relax." You kissed along his neck and whispered praises in his ear. Denki watched Katsuki's shoulders slump and felt his ass muscles loosen. He also praised the blonde beneath him as he pushed further inside. You could feel Katsuki’s dick throb inside you as Denki reached as far as he could go. 
Denki steadied himself for a moment, letting Katsuki get used to him.  Katsuki could no doubt feel the prominent vein that ran under it drag along his walls. Denki started thrusting at an agonizing slow pace causing Katsuki to do the same by motion. His face still buried in your chest as he got used to the feeling. "Gre-green" Katsuki answered after you asked his color. Fuck he was in absolute heaven. Your walls clenched around him as Denki's cock split him open. "I, I need more" he whined, "Fuck me. Fuck my ass Kami" 
Denki groaned at Katsuki’s words and reached down for your legs. "comere cutie" he said, hooking his elbows under your calves. "We're gonna work together to please our baby boy." A shiver went through Katsuki's body as your walls clamped around him tightly, making him moan. Denki started thrusting at an even pace. Every time he pushed deeper; Katsuki’s cock would hit your cervix. Before long you were gushing around him. Both men moaned as they watched you unravel from your third orgasm tonight. "So fucking beautiful" Katsuki said almost out of breath. He was getting so close. "Gorgeous," Denki replied, watching you. Katsuki pinched one of your nipples as his mouth found its way to the other. "You're so fucking amazing baby girl. So perfect for me" Katsuki mumbled with a tit in his mouth. 
"Oh gods," Denki grunted, "this ass is perfect." He pounded harder into Katsuki. "Not sure, how much longer, I'm gonna last in this tight ass" Katsuki groaned at the thought of Denki spilling his seed inside him. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer either. "I want you to cum inside me Kats," you begged him, "Please, please, I need to feel it." Katsuki growled as he sucked on your neck. "Oh, that's so fucking hot. Fuck." Denki thrusted faster, "Do you want that too Kat, huh? Do you want me to fill you up with my cum?" Katsuki arched his ass and pushed back more, meeting every thrust. "Fuck yeah you do" Denki let go of your legs and grabbed Katsuki's hips, they fit so perfect on the man's tiny waist. Denki set a relentless pace, pounding into Katsuki's ass. His balls smacking the other man's. 
Katsuki held one of your legs up to your chest and hit you at an angle that you were about to come undone again. Curses left his mouth in jumbles as he focused on you. He fucking loved you so much. You were his everything. He didn't think he could get any closer to you than he is now, not just physically. You knew him better than himself sometimes. "You feel so good clamping down on me like that princess" You both moaned when Denki snapped his hips hard against Katsuki. "Gonna fill you up good baby. Gonna breed you." Neither of you were ready for kids, that's why you were on birth control, but fuck did you both have a massive breeding kink. "Too bad I can't breed you Katsuki" Denki said breathlessly, "All the cum I'm about to fill you up with. Fuck you'd look so cute with a swollen belly" 
"Ahhh, nghh" That was it. He couldn't hold on anymore. "Fuck," Katsuki growled, his nails digging into your thigh he was gripping, "I'm, I'm gonna cum" His mouth met yours and devoured your moans as you convulsed. Your pussy clenching and gushing juices, making such wet and lewd sounds. "That's it Kat, fill her up. I wanna little one running around calling me uncle Denks" You could feel Katsuki’s dick spurting and throbbing. You milked him for every bit of cum he had. 
"Fuck, Mmm" Denki grabbed a tuft of the blonde hair and pulled him back causing him to arch. His other handheld onto his waist as if Katsuki would float away. You watched Katsuki’s face as Denki chased for his release. His nose crinkled and eyes were screwed shut but you knew he was absolutely cock drunk. "Ah, fuck baby" he cried as you flicked your tongue on one of his nipples. A pink hue flushed his cheeks as he looked down at you watching him intensely. You both began to whine at the overstimulation. 
"Fuuuck" A deep growl ripped from Denki's chest. You didn't even know he could make such a noise. Katsuki collapsed forward against your chest, propping himself on his arm so as not to crush you. His entire being seemed to hum with pleasure. You kissed his forehead as he nuzzled into your neck. Denki slowly stilled, his cock still spurting hot ropes of cum in your boyfriend's ass. Denki looked down at the both of you, "You both look so hot, totally blitzed out your minds" he said trying to catch his breath. Denki hissed as he pulled out. Watching his cum flowing out of Katsuki's ass he used his fingers to push some back in. Katsuki moaned into your neck. Denki caught your intense stare and thought of an idea. 
Scooping some of his cum up on his fingers, he moved forward and brought them to your lips. "Eat up cutie, don't want any of this going to waste" You opened your mouth and he slid his finger in. You sucked on them as if you needed his cum to survive. You turned your head to see Katsuki watching you curiously. Before you swallowed the last bit of Denki's cum you kissed him. Keeping your eyes open to watch his reaction, your hunch was right as you watched him swallow the bit of Denki's cum you just had in your mouth. "Mmm, you dirty slut" your lips ghosted his. Katsuki slapped your as hard causing you to jolt closer to him. He hissed as he was still inside you. "Your slut" he whispered and gave you a small kiss. 
"Ahh," Denki said flopping down to lay next to you both. "Is there any Katsu left? I'm starving" You busted out laughing and Kats rolled his eyes. "Can we send him home now?" he asked with a playful smirk. "Nu-uh" Denki said sitting up giving you both a serious look, "You're both stuck with me now" Katsuki growled, "That's what I'm afraid of" 
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wranrihallon · 9 months
My Hero Academia Characters Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
U.A. Class 1-A Part 1/2
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Denki Kaminari is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Eijiro Kirishima is a bisexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns but wouldn't mind they/them
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Fumikage Tokoyami is a heteroromantic, cupiosexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Hanta Sero is a straight cisman who goes by he/they pronouns
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Izuku Midoriya is a heteroromantic, asexual cisman who goes by they/he pronouns
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Katsuki Bakugo is a demirose, gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Koji Koda is a panromantic, asexual cisman who goes by it/any pronouns
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Kyoka Jirou is a bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/they pronouns but wouldn't mind others
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Mashirao Ojiro is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Mezo Shoji is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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northlight14 · 2 years
Someone: so are any of you straight?
Kaminari: *slowly raises hand*
Shinso: *lowers Kaminari’s hand*
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galaxyweebart · 9 months
Trans and Pan Denki Kaminari
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i-liek-potatoes · 1 year
once again…. fic recs!!!!!
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this first one is great, its multichapter and long (ish), its mainly centered around the bakusquad and is rly fluffy with angst, the notes usually have small cw in the notes in the begining BUT if you want the cw and or tw then go to the end notes bc they will usually write them down
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this NEXT fic is shorter but rly sweet!! im not gon spoil to much so read it to find out!!
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Hi again!!! Could you do a M!reader x bakugou Where does Bakugou find out he's gay? he never worried about sexualities, and after meeting the reader he discovered that he liked guys and started ignoring him for fear of being rejected 😭 but then at the end the reader admits that he is pansexual and is in love with Bakugou and has a fluff ending!!!
les gooooo im so happy im getting so many requests tbh--
characters: Bakugo
reader: Male
summary: every since Y/n walked into that class bakugo immediately knew he hated(fell in love with) him.
warnings: coming out, swearing, hinted shinkami
other details: bakugo being in denial about being in the closet, Pan!reader, fluff, confession.
les gooo
(hope you dont mind the headcannon format! trying to get through my requests and headcannons make it easier :') )
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-this man fell head over heels for you the second you stepped in the door. you could feel his face heating up just at the sight.
-of course, like any other person bakugos first thought was, "Oh I probably fucking hate this guy if I'm reacting like this right?"
-you both got to know each other better due to being paired up in training a lot.
-bakugo was honestly annoyed with himself to learn he didn't hate you, he wanted to be "friends"
-he swears just friends.
-you two hung out a lot, mostly with the others.
-others being; Kirishima, denki, sero, and Mina, yknow the group.
-the topic of Bakugo possibly having a crush didn't pop up until a bit after school one day. Bakugo was forcibly dragged along with the rest of the group to go to a restaurant together.
-kaminari was ranting about some purple-haired mind controller he was crushing on.
-bakugo didn't think much of it until Mina pointed out one thing.
-"You know, the way you talk about shinsou and what you guys do together sounds awfully a lot like Bakugo and Y/N..."
-"Wait! You're totally right! bakugo do you like him?!"
-"he totally likes him!"
-they were both met with a small explosion of anger and almost real explosions to the face.
-"im not gay!"
-everyone just kinda stared at him in disbelief for a second.
-finally, sero actually spoke up to break the silence.
-"Wait... youre not...?"
-ultiple explosions were fired causing the group to get kicked from the store.
-once they got back to the dorms bakugo immediately shut himself into his room.
-he was intending to actually sleep but his mind was clouded purely with thoughts of You..
-he actually began questioning himself.
-the next day bakugo couldn't keep his brain from focusing on you.
-he noticed every time you spoke, sighed, yawned, walked, breathed, he was way too focused.
-he tried to keep his mind off of you.
-it was all fine until kirishima was trying to talk to him.
-'bakugo you're listening right?"
-"hey man--- you good-?"
-it took a few moments before kirishima looked to see what bakugo was so focused on.
-he was staring you down.
-"ohhhhh, yknow, I'm starting to think Mina and kaminari were right-"
-somehow that out of everything snapped bakugo out of his thoughts.
-"I don't like him!"
-kirishima stiffled a laugh
-"Uh-huh, sureeeee you don't."
-bakugo had a weird look on his face as he turned back to look at you.
-his ears turned a bright red when you noticed him staring and smiled slightly in his direction.
-kirishima looked between you two for a moment.
-"okay kaminari and mina were definitely right."
-"For the last time shitty hair- Im not gay!'
-class a was lucky with how high quality these desks were, otherwise, bakugos would have been burnt to a crisp with that explosion that came out of his hands.
-bakugos small fit of yelling caught a lot of students' attention, usually they ignored bakugos rants but this one seemed to interest a few.
-"I- why are you looking at me like that! go die."
-he shoved past kirishima leaving the room.
-you assumed he had left for the dorms.
-you learned just how wrong you were when you left the classroom and immediately someone grabbed your hand dragging you to a slightly secluded area behind the school.
-he didn't reply and shoved you against the wall. you could feel your face heat up at the position but then you realised Bakugo's expression.
-he was pissed
-like, if you don't run then just pray for your survival pissed.
-"The hell is with your quirk!? it's making me feel all weird these past few months!"
-"Bakugo the hell are you talking about--"
-"Your quirk dumbass! it-- it's making me feel all these weird emotions whenever I look at you- i- it makes me feel warm in shit! like- like I actually like you! So tell me! What the hell is your quirk!?"
-you didn't know whether to laugh or confess at this point.
-"Bakugo- my quirk is (quirk), which is very much not related to what you're feeling--"
-you could see bakugos whole face flush red.
-yet for once he didnt look mad, he looked almost embarrassed.
-his mind was racing with thoughts realizing; "oh shit I'm actually gay."
-there was a very long awkward pause. you could see Bakugo's thoughts racing purely in his expression.
-after almost a minute he finally spoke up.
-"Then.. go out with me dumbass."
-What he said caught you by surprise, your face heating up at these words.
-"Wait what--
-"I said go out with me! Are you deaf or just not interested!?"
-"I mean I am interested... just- a little surprised that's all."
-he pulled away so you weren't shoved against the wall anymore.
-"It's late as hell- let's get back to the dorms."
-"Ah! right-"
-"Of course someone like you is gay."
-"I'm pan.. but- close enough I guess."
-"What the hell does that mean?!"
-not only did you learn about Bakugo's feelings towards you. you also learned he had no clue about the large list of sexualities outside of gay and straight.
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ngl struggles once again, mainly with the confession part
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love-fictional-ppl · 3 months
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Summary: reader is apart of the Bakusquad and they all r stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x reader, platonic!pansexual!Denki Kaminari x reader, platonic!Hanta Sero x reader, platonic!mina ashido x reader, romantic!Eijiro Kirishima x Mina Ashido, past!mina ashido x Hanta Sero, (Kinda)Mina ashido x reader (yall made out)
Warnings: language, marijuana and vaping, alcohol, mentions of sex specifically high sex, masturbation mentioned, plug!sero
The most chaotic yet iconic smoke circle ever.
Twice a week everybody goes to Sero’s apartment for the smoke sesh
Usually hangouts are held at bakugou’s except he doesn’t like the smell trapped around his place
Bakugou actually has came to rely on the ritual. He lowkey gets annoyed whenever plans are cancelled
Sero smokes a lot it’s ridiculous
Sero and Mina both get horny when they’re high
one time before Mina and Kiri got together, Mina was so high and horny that she hooked up with Sero(who was also also high and horny)
All hangouts are pretty lowkey but Denki always tries to turn it into a party by bringing his speakers and a couple bottles of booze
You, Denki, and Mina are usually the ones who drink
Bakugou only drinks after a rough day, he claims the liquor makes him feel “vulnerable”
Kirishima doesn’t smoke too often but he loves the hangout vibes
When Kirishima and Mina got together he started smoking more except usually him and Mina left early so they could go home and fuck
Bakugou is actually really cute when he’s high don’t tell him that tho. He gets really giggly but if u annoy him he will quickly snap at you.
Denki usually winds up getting the munchies really bad and makes the group go to whatever fast food joint he’s craving that time
Everybody has a slightly different music taste so you guys pull straws each hangout to decide who gets control, somehow kirishima almost always wins
Sero likes to prank call when he’s high. No explanation necessary.
You and Mina play fight when your drunk, occasionally you make out
When you all were really stoned one time Denki confessed that he thought about all of you while masturbating atleast once
Sero makes weird food combos when he has the munchies
Sero also definitely sells weed and Denki buys off him
One time Denki convinced you all to host a party. It was a disaster. Bakugou was mad since you guys were at his apartment.
Overall a 9.8/10 💨 ⭕️
Only sorta proofread😭🤞
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tootiecakes234 · 4 months
MHA men and my Headcanons of their sexuality:
Katsuki Bakugo: man is pansexual but isn’t attracted to most people. Very picky!!
Izuku Midoriya: mostly gay, but sometimes he’ll find himself attracted to a women occasionally and question if his sexuality is 100% gay…. It is.
Eijirou Kirishima: demisexual/pansexual. Doesn’t matter how the person identifies but he needs that connection to really be into it.
Shota Aizawa: present mic sexual….. lmao but honestly bisexual king, but mainly attracted to men.
Shoto Todoroki: fluid… honestly whatever happens, happens.
Denki Kaminari: Bi-curious. Once he experiments with guys… if he ever works up the courage, becomes bisexual and that would lead him down a rabbit hole….. this man is pansexual as well.
Present Mic: Aizawa sexual…. Not kidding. Only has eyes for that man.
Hawks: idk why but I feel like hawks is closeted. Dates women in public but actually loves men.
*leave a comment if you want to be added to the tag list
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm
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random bnha headcanons because theres worms in my brain. (more under the cut)
- Kaminari, Midoriya, Kirishima, Sero and Hagakure have ADHD
- Kirishima is a gay transman (started transitioning in middle school)
- Midnight is a wlw transwoman
- Shirakumo was pansexual and used he/they pronouns
- Kaminari has lightning scars and does his best to hide them (they're mostly in his back, chest and arms)
- Bakugou genuinely has anger issues and is in the process of getting diagnosed
- Ojiro, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure have body dysmorphia
- Jirou, Bakugou and Present Mic are all either HoH or fully deaf (i.e.: Present Mic has hearing aids and Bakugou needs them as well)
- Uraraka has an anxiety disorder (GAD, likely)
- Iida has restless leg syndrome
- Kaminari gets seizures when he overuses his quirk
- Shinsou, Uraraka, Jirou and Kaminari deal with migraines often
- Shoji and Midoriya have chronic pains
- Mineta got fucking expelled.
- he got his ass beat by like half of the class for the shit he was doing to the girls and some crap he said to Kirishima (who's openly trans)
- Asui, Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou and Yaoyorozu are autistic
- Aoyama is gay and under the nonbinary umbrella
- Bakugou and Midoriya are also transmasc
- Midoriya's first binder was a birthday gift from the Bakugous (Bakugou half-jokingly wanted to make matching All Might binders for them)
- Tokoyami, Bakugou, Jirou, Todoroki and Shinsou often hang out together (either going to Hot Topic or just listening to music)
- the band/Jirousquad play whenever they have free time
- Satou stress bakes (Aizawa has walked in on him baking cakes at 2am several times)
- "... hey Mr Aizawa. Red velvet?" *deep sigh*
- most of the class has nightmares often and it's not new when they're awoken by or run into each other in the middle of the night
- Tokoyami having a nightmare, waking up with a scared Dark Shadow and then deciding to watch TV in the common room VS Asui curled up with a couple blankets on the couch because she also had a nightmare
- Jirou being hyperaware of her classmates' shallow breaths and shakes, feeling bad for not knowing what to do
- Bakugou wakes up the entire dorm by accident because he caused an explosion while waking up from a nightmare
- Koji uses sign language most the time and is semi verbal (autism and anxiety)
- Mirko is a lesbian
- Mr Compress is mlm
- Shinsou goes to sleep at 5am while Midoriya wakes up at 5am
- Shinsou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu are insomniacs
- Magne was like a big sister to Dabi (and he misses her. it was nice to know what it would've felt like to be the little sibling.)
- Bakugou is (stubbornly) teaching himself sign language
- Midoriya, Present Mic, Aizawa also know sign language (the Bakusquad are getting lessons from Midoriya)
- Monoma is on the aromantic spectrum
- Midoriya uses wrist braces and needs a cane (All Might and Recovery Girl are trying to get him to)
- Bakugou also needs wrist braces but refuses to get them
- Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou are "Rich Kids With Family Issues" solidarity
- Natsuo used to the dye bits of red in his hair, but as he grew older, the red stopped growing
- it reminded him of Touya and he couldn't look in the mirror for the longest time
- Sero dislocates his shoulders often
- class 1a are banned from playing dodgeball (Recovery Girl had a really busy day the one time they played it)
- Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are gay-lesbian solidarity
- Kirishima, Uraraka, Tetsutetsu and Bakugou are gym buddies
- Midoriya learned English because of All Might
- Bakugou, Jirou, Kaminari and Shinsou are also fluent in English
- Midnight talked to Ashido, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure about their hero costumes and if they were truly comfortable wearing them; they ended up getting they fixed
- Shinsou sometimes uses his quirk to brainwash his classmates into doing self care
- "What're you doing, Sero?" "Oh, not much, just-" "Go drink water."
- Monoma, Midoriya, Kirishima, Denki and Bakugou have imposter syndrome
- if Yaoyorozu is caught off guard, she creates tiny figurines by accident
- Aizawa has had to catch Uraraka with his capture weapon a few times due to her sleep floating
- Shiozaki has extreme religious guilt
- Present Mic does his hair up while in his hero costume out of spite because high school kids used to make fun of Aizawa's hair when he used his quirk
- Kendo is bisexual
- she/they Fuyumi. you agree. reblog
- class 1a has sleepovers sometimes; blanket forts, movies, snacks, everything!
- (Aizawa knows and allows it every time. they deserve and need to be kids)
- sometimes they invite class 1b as well
- Monoma, Shinsou and Midoriya get along well to everyone's surprise
- Kirishima once ran into Dabi while buying hairdye but it was his day off and it looked like it was Dabi's day off too so he just pretended he never saw him grab a box of jetblack hairdye, shove it in his hoodie pocket and leave
- for the sake of his own sanity
- Hagakure can 'turn her quirk off' but only does so when she feels completely safe and comfortable, or when she's totally worn out
- when she did it for the first time around the rest od the class everyone was shocked
- "... is something wr-" "YOU'RE SO PRETTY???,?"
- Ashido, Uraraka and Kaminari hold Shoji's hands while crossing the street (mostly for fun, but he doesn't mind)
- Kaminari absent mindedly braided the hair on Ojiro's tail one day and he just let him
- Koji's bunny is an emotional support animal named Cotton
- Shigaraki decays door handles on purpose just to mess with the rest of the LOV
- he gets bored, okay?
- Aizawa teaches Eri sign language as a surprise for Mic (as well just so Eri has a way to communicate when she doesn't feel comfortable talking)
- Uraraka makes a casual comment about not having enough money to buy something for herself or her parents and Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou hand her their credit cards like its nothing
- she is startled by that Every Time without fail
- Twice and Toga paint each other's nails
- Mr Compress lets Twice borrow his masks sometimes
- Himiko is a vegetarian, funnily enough
- Mt. Lady has chronic pains and stretch marks
- Bakugou has scars and burns from his own explosions (he wasn't born with perfect control over his quirk, and sometimes he takes his anger out on himself)
- Fuyumi and Natsuo's quirks are extremely powerful ice quirks, but Endeavor never bothered to train them and never let Rei teach them how to control their quirks
- while Fuyumi has Frost, Natsuo's quirk is called Subzero; he can lower his body temperature dangerously low and when he does so, whatever he touches freezes
- if he's emotional or focused enough, he can create icicles and wield them
- Todoroki considered dying his hair several times (black was on top of the list but after Dabi revealed he was Touya, he decided against it)
- the LOV took turns helping Dabi dye his hair
- Kurogiri helped Dabi with his staples (the only other person willing to do that was Himiko but everyone agreed it was a bad ideia)
- Spinner sticks around Dabi during winter because he's a human heater
- no one in the LOV liked Overhaul
- like, killing Magne was bad enough. but straight up child abuse? come on
- they know what it's like to be a kid and to be scared and hurt and they don't want that
- Himiko has nervous tics
- Hatsume is autistic and will infodump about her babies to anyone that will listen
- she and Midoriya infodump to each other
- sometimes, Kurogiri's gaze lingers on the morning sky. he finds clouds strangely amusing for some reason
- Aizawa and Present Mic have been together since they were 17 and have been married for nearly six years (they wear their rings on necklaces underneath their clothes)
- they officially adopted Eri first, then Shinsou
- (It's Free Real State Children)
- "I'm having another kid." "That's great, sensei-" "it's you. Mic and I have the papers already."
- Bakugou, Iida and Yaoyorozu tutor the class before tests
- Kaminari has dyscalculia and dyslexia
- Satou always has snacks on him (especially ones the made himself)
- he keeps an eye on Yaoyorozu and makes sure to give her something if he notices she's looking particularly pale
- most if not the whole class 1a has PTSD (this doesn't shock anyone. Aizawa is desperately trying to get them to talk to Hound Dog sometime)
- Aizawa needs reading glasses and refuses to wear them
- Aizawa and Present Mic & Midnight share custody of Sushi unironically (the cat Shirakumo rescued)
- Aizawa and Mic own other cats (Mochi and Tessie) (it's short for Tshirt, Mic thought it was funny)
- Iida and Yaoyorozu were at Aizawa and Mic's wedding due to their family status, everyone else was clueless to their marriage
- no one was aware they adopted Eri and Shinsou though
- like yeah Aizawa-sensei's taking care of Eri, BUT ADOPTION??
- "oh, Shinsou's in our class- HITOSHI AIZAWA-YAMADA?"
- Aizawa may have only two (2) legal children but by god does he love his other nineteen little bastards.
- Iida made a groupchat for class 1a for "school purposes" but it quickly descended into madness and he gave up
- the gc is now named something incoherent and incomprehensible and there's like seven other chats for different purposes (such as "dekusquad", "bakusquad", "the band" and "is this fucked up or are all parents like this?")
- Iida and Yaoyorozu keep note of everyone's allergies
- so does Aizawa
- Yaoyorozu has a bad relationship with food and often has trouble using her quirk due to it
- Tetsutetsu is a stealth transman (only Kirishima is vaguely aware)
- Kuroiro was extremely afraid of the dark as a child
- Ashido gets acid burns often (they're not too bad and mostly in her hands, but if it's a particularly bad day, she gets burns in her face)
- Kirishima has trouble walking/moving in general when he overuses his quirk
- Present Mic is mlm
- Aizawa is a gay transman
- Jirou and Kaminari are both bisexual
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neonscandal · 11 days
Okay, if you were asked who are in JJK & BNHA that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they?
For me satoaugu and bakudeku are definitely not straight (yes, I ship them but I don't think they "must be into women only" like a post I just saw). Also, kaminari, jirou, toga, nobara, megumi, kenjaku....
Ah yes, a person with discerning tastes. ✨ While this feels like a sure fire way to get me into some hot water, let's dive right in.
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✨🌈 Happy pride to the queer people in my phone 🌈✨
But especially these
Megumi "Only Interested in Compassion" Fushiguro - pansexual (very much choosing to overlook very subtle implications of siscon as a red herring to, of course, further contextualize ItaFushi). See also Gojo and the uncharacteristic Miwa agenda.
Satoru Gojo - Let's be so for real. Man is down astronomical for Suguru but I think there's still evidence/reason to believe he could be ace or demisexual. Can strength be conflated with love?
Kinji Hakari - waving the white flag on this one considering I'm 4 weeks behind and I don't know if there's been further clarification that might swing this verdict one way or another but support Hikari's love regardless of Kirara's gender expression/identity. Also, given current events, it'd be pretty weird if Gege slipped that in out of nowhere.
Kenjaku - 🗣️ IF GIVEN ENOUGH TIME, DO WE NOT ALL BECOME A LIL GAY!? I understand straight people probably don't have such realizations so I'm just going to sit with that reflection.
Nobara Kugisaki - be so for real. I think she had a misplaced crush in her idolization of Saori that made more sense when she left the bumble fuck countryside and could live her best life, out and proud with her muscle mommy girlfriend, Maki. Also explains, a bit, why Saori was ostracized where Nobara may have lacked understanding/context.
Maki - Plenty of gay icons without last names, queen. This one just happens to also be gay.
Eijirou Kirishima is almost so straight that he unintentionally makes a hard U-turn into flirting with queerness. His phrasing is baffling as he tends to pop up in those threads frequently with assumingly unintended innuendos but it is also reminiscent about how no one third wheels harder than a dude's girlfriend when he's with his best friend? I don't know if that makes sense but I'm throwing him in the mix as someone who maybe just needs some time ✨ regardless of the BakuDeku to KiriMina parallels.
Denki Kaminari - This kid has eyes and he uses them, gender be damned. A bi-disaster if I've ever seen one.
Minoru Mineta - IDK if his Deku confession was a translation faux pas or if Mineta, too, has fallen for the male lead's quintessential charm that wins over hearts and minds. While the Council on Bisexuality would fight me on this one... his membership is still pending.
Izuku Midoriya - I have it on good authority that Izuku is Bakusexual. Flustered by girls in the same way that any awkward and bullied kid might when encountering the opposite sex but his heart has always had its allegiance to one person. Whether that makes him gay, demi or even bi, I think it tracks.
Katsuki Bakugo - bi, pan or gay, the consensus is he is Not Straight.
Kyoka Jiro - in Smash, Jiro is a total fujoshi (she just like us fr). If you'll allow submitting MHA Smash into evidence, coupled with the canon main story, I say bi. A girl who knows Momo is stacked but also reasonably wants the attention and company of a Class 1A boy as a girl would at that age.
Himiko Toga - one thing about Toga. She is going to know and live her truth. Confidently bi ✨
Ochaco Uraraka - SPEAKING OF LIVING TRUTHS. She a little late but she has the right spirit.
Bonus, if including Kirishima didn't some how get me booed, I was going to add Yuta Okkotsu too but I thought better of it. 👉🏾👈🏾
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akitsukihikaru · 5 months
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Akitsuki Hikaru's MHA character sheet is here!!
Art by @socialllyawkwardalien
When Aki moves his hand he can create small gust of wind which is amplified to becoming strong enough to throw people around.
- Can fight almost anywhere
- Can make slashes of wind that can cut through bricks and some metals
-Can make their breath into a concentrated blast of wind
- Kicks and punches can be used during quirk activation increasing strength and force
- Super useful when using a blade
- Cannot fight underwater or a place where there is no air currents
- If the natural wind is not strong enough for him to amplify he can't beat durable opponents like Kirishima
- Takes stamina to increase the winds power
Akitsuki is the son of a teenage pregnancy by Hana Hikaru and Oboro Shirakumo. Oboro was dead before he was born. Hana had to give him up after birth due to her parents convincing and he was later on adopted.
- Huge fan of Tophamhat-Kyo (fav song: Princess) and Tevin Campbell (fav song: Can We Talk)
- Best friends are Izuku, Jiro, Yayorozu, and Mina, and Shinso
- Rivals are Bakugo, Kaminari, and Uraraka
- Is pansexual
- Is at times very bratty (loves attempting to get what he wants)
- Smooth talker
- Likes to be called Aki
- Hopeless Romantic
- Favorite Pro Heroes: Hawks, Miruko, Aizawa, and Present Mic
- Originally wanted his hero name to be the "Aerial Assassin" but Izuku suggested Wind Walker and he took to it
- Habitual Flirt
- Got pipes (He can sing)
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modharvest · 5 days
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Happy Pride Month!!
I was gonna make full art bur i just do not have time for that! So have a list!!!
Some of these are solid and wont include all characters
Izuku - Nonbinary Man(Demiboy) Bisexual [He/They]
Katsuki - TransMan Demisexul Gay [He/Him]
Ochako - Nonbinary Girl Bisexual [She/They]
Toga - Bisexual [She/They]
Aoyama - Bisexual Transmasc/nonbinary [He/They/She]
Tsuyu - aroace Trans Woman [She/They]
Mina - Lesbian [She/Her]
Momo - Lesbian [She/Her]
Jiro - Bisexual Demigirl [She/They]
Kaminari - Pansexual Agender [He/They/.. she in specific moods]
Iida - Bisexual Ace [He/Him]
Kirishima - Bisexual [male leaning] transmasc [He/They]
Sero - Transmasc stoner type [He/They]
Tokoyami - Agender like men? [He/They/It]
Todoroki - Bisexual [He/They]
All Might - BISEXUAL [He/Him]
Aizawa - Transman Gay [He/Him]
Present Mic - Bisexual [He/Him]
Hawks - Transmasc ? Pansexual [He/They]
Mirko - Lesbian [She/They]
Rody - Bisexual [He/Him]
Monoma - Theatre kid Gay man [He/Him]
Shinso - Also a Gay man nonbinary man [He/They]
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fumiyami · 17 days
Momo Yaoyorozu
•pronouns: she/her
Tenya Iida
•straight (idk I just feel like it!!)
•pronouns: he/him
•i’ve seen some people shipping him with mei hatsume so maybe that!!
Katsuki Bakugo
•Doesn’t think about his sexuality often buttt i’m getting gay vibes
•pronouns: he/him
•one sided bakudeku!!
Izuku Midoriya
•bisexual with a female preference probably!! (uraraka x midoriya🫶🏻🫶🏻)
•pronouns: he/him
Shoto Todoroki
•unlabelled maybe!! probably has some sort of thing for dudes
•pronouns: he/him
Tsuyu Asui
•pronouns: she/they
Kyoka Jiro
•she gives off such bisexual vibes
•pronouns: she/they but has went by all pronouns before
Mashirao Ojiro
•pronouns: he/him
•I know nothing about ojiro so idk😰😰
Minoru Mineta.
•pansexual honestly (definitely loves girls with like big boobs cuz that’s just his character😨 but he’d go for anyone if he wants ‘em enough)
•pronouns: he/him
Mezo Shoji
•gay. what more can I say!?
•pronouns: he/they
Koji Koda
•aroace/aromantic&asexual (I just get that sorta feeling for him!!)
•any pronouns
Rikido Sato
•bisexual honestly???
•pronouns: he/him
Ochaco Uraraka
•pronouns: she/her
•can u guys tell that I like fumi😔
•gay. we need more gays in this world🤩🤩
•pronouns: he/they
•dark shadow I feel like would get mini crushes on like anyone but obviously wouldn’t act on it since like they’re a shadow😣
•dark shadow’s pronouns: he/it (cannon) but I like to use they/them pronouns for them
Eijiro Kirishima
•pronouns: he/him
Toru Hagakure
•I barely knew how to spell her name :((
•pronouns: she/her
Hanta Sero
•pronouns: he/him
Yuga Aoyama
•pronouns: any pronouns and also probably neopronouns maybe but idk??
•cupioromantic!! (i’ve seen people say this is cannon but I don’t actually know :(()
•pronouns: she/they and probably neopronouns
Denki Kaminari
•pronouns: he/him
if this does bad u guys im literally gonna get eri to rewind me into non-existence :(( ANYWAYS MY GAY ACADEMIA
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bnhabeans · 1 year
Class 1a pride headcanons let's gooooo 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Going by seat order bc I'm autistic and it makes good sense
Also no mineta bc I don't know what to do with him
1. Aoyama 🌟🩶
Nonbinary and aspec. They aren't sure if they have a definitive gender one way or another but if anyone asks they just say "sparkling of course!! ✨️" as for sexuality/romantic attraction they are asexual and still questioning their romantic alignment. Honestly they would be happy going through life with maybe some qpps and not really thinking too much about it
2. Mina 👽🩷
Bi as hell babey!! Everyone is gorgeous in their own way!! Mina falls in love so fast and with so many people she's just like. Everyone deserves love and if she's gotta be the one to give it then so be it.
3. Tsu 🐸💚
Distinguished lesbian. Not afraid to tell the other 1a girls what makes them attractive. Tsu loves complimenting ppl and feels very proud of herself whenever the other girls get flustered bc she knows it means she's made their entire day.
4. Iida ⏩️💙
Bisexual and doesn't know what to do about it. Has many panicked conversations with Tensei over finding people attractive and feeling very weird about it bc they all live together and also puberty hormones hit him like a truck about a month or so after meeting everyone.
5. Ochako 🌌🩷
Pansexual. Very proud of it. Often seen very loudly validating her classmates identities and making sure that any potential homophobes and transphobes know that they will be punted into the stratosphere if they so much as breathe wrong in the general direction of anyone ochako cares about
6. Ojiro 🐒🤎
Token cishet. Great ally tho.
7. Kaminari ⚡️💛
Nonbinary and bisexual. Pronouns vary by the day. Often jokes that they've never made a decision in their entire life because of this. When they go pro there ends up being an official line of Chargebolt merch that has the slogan "gender? I don't even know'er!" On it.
8. Kirishima 💪❤️
Bisexual but kind of oblivious to it. Equates attraction to admiring someone for being "manly." It is discovered at some point during his years at UA that his personal definition of manly just encompasses all the traits that he finds attractive in a person plus other traits he admires but isn't necessarily into. This makes for a very confusing journey of self-discovery.
9. Kouda 🐇🤍
Grey ace. Questions his gender sometimes but is not overly concerned with what gender is the right one. More interested in solid friendships than dating too and so he ends up with qpps as his most meaningful relationships
10. Sato 🍫💛
Stereotypical cake loving aro ace. He doesn't care what everyone else is doing, he's busy perfecting his ganache.
11. Shouji 🤝🩵
On the ace spectrum but still figuring out exactly where. He has body image issues due to trauma and that kind of effects his views on attraction and romance.
12. Jirou 🎵💜
She thinks she's bi but she's still figuring it all out. Honestly anyone that can vibe to music with her could catch her eye, and she especially likes people that have slightly odd tastes such as listening to classical music or pre-quirk pop*
*(this is based on the headcanon that bnha takes place a couple hundred years into the future. Pre-quirk pop would just be the pop of the 80s up to about now in her view)
13. Sero 🩹🩶
(I couldn't find a tape emoji so bandaid it is)
Pansexual. He and ochako get along very well bc not only do they share an identity in this way, they also both feel like they're parenting their respective neurodivergent friend groups lol.
14. Tokoyami 🐦‍⬛🖤
Homoromantic ace. Sometimes does Bird Things to show his affection like bringing gifts and trinkets to ppl he is interested in or like nesting with their stuff. He finds these urges embarrassing but everyone else thinks it's cute and adores him for it.
15. Todoroki ❄️🔥❤️🤍
Gay gay homosexual gay. Has absolutely no idea how romance or crushes or teenage hormones or anything is supposed to work so he just does not realize that it isn't normal to daydream about cuddling his male classmates. Ochako gently explains the concept of a crush to him after he mentions something about this offhand and it blows his fucking mind.
16. Hagakure 🌫🤍
Bisexual and a very proud member of the Loving Women Club. Has a huuuuggeee crush on Mirko (which like, same girl).
17. Bakugou 💥🧡
Gay. Has a very specific taste in men but he won't tell anyone what it is because like three people on the entire planet fit the criteria (in his mind anyway) and he does not want anyone figuring out who he might be into because he sees it as weakness. Even after he goes to therapy he describes his type as "certain dumbasses who have issues and can't take a single fucking hint" so.
18. Deku 🐰💚
Bisexual disaster and everyone around him knows it. Has like 3 crises a day over finding random classmates attractive and overthinks everything there is to overthink in the situation. Luckily for him everyone knows what he's like and how his brain works and they find it endearing (even if certain classmates won't say it out loud)
19. Yaomomo ⚛️❤️
Lesbian. Momo recognizes that all the girls around her are so pretty and talented and it's a win for her bc they have such a culture of uplifting each other so she's constantly getting compliments from very pretty girls. She's living her best life as the president of the loving UA women club.
Bonus: shinso!!! 🐱💜
Shinso uses the Queer umbrella label. He has a preference for men but is generally attracted to any gender. When he transfers into class A the first two weeks are like a constant crisis bc he's like. Getting attention from all these attractive and talented people??? And they like him for who he is??? Paralyzing.
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mogai-headcanons · 7 months
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Casey from Dark Canival is a canon lesbian!
Her girlfriend Alex is also a canon lesbian!
Tara Jones from Heartstopper is a canon lesbian!
Her girlfriend Darcy Olsson is also a canon lesbian!
Ghoul from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is a transmasculine biromantic gay man!
Elle Argent is a canon trans woman who currently identifies as abrosexual!
Barney Guttman from Dead End: Paranormal Park is a transmasculine gay man!
Uraraka Ochaco from My Hero Academia is a bisexual demigirl!
Denki Kaminari is a polyamorous pansexual person!
Mina Ashido is a questioning panromantic genderfluid demigirl!
Kyle from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a gay demiboy!
Perfuma is a transfemme demilesbian!
Rabbid Peach from Mario + Rabbids is a polysexual transfemme rabbid!
Rotor Walrus from Sonic Archie is gender questioning and queer!
Trixie Kitsune from Pirates of the Foggy Waters is a polyamorous bisexual cisfemme person!
Serena from Pokemon is a gender questioning bisexual demigirl!
Silver from Sonic IDW is a panromantic demiboy!
Valentine de Villefort from Gankutsuou is a heteroflexible gender questioning demigirl!
Samson Rodgers from The Mystery in Crimson is an unlabeled panromantic asexual trans guy!
Beth Taylor from Monkart is a transfemme nonbinary aroace trixic spring/bambi lesbian!
Willow Park from The Owl House is a demipansexual demigirl!
Hunter is a bisexual nonbinary person!
Gus Porter is a biromantic moon bi asexual demiboy!
Dick Grayson from The Lego Batman Movie is a gender questioning trans demiboy!
Varian from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure is a demiromantic bisexual nonbinary demiboy!
Darcy from Amphibia is a nonbinary demirose bi lesbian!
Cody Gizmody from Paw Patrol is a polyamorous pansexual demigirl!
Pakas from Miniforce: New Heroes Rise is an aroflux omnisexual intersex nonbinary transmasculine libraflux xenogender intramasculine demiboy!
Leo from Dinocore is a pansexual intersex nonbinary boy who uses they/them, she/her, and he/him pronouns!
Vee is an unlabeled asexual intersex nonbinary libraflux enby who uses they/them, she/her, and it/its pronouns!
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl from The Batman (2004) is a bisexual cisfeminine person who uses she/her pronouns!
Skara is a questioning demigirl who uses she/her pronouns!
Sous Roas from Dragon Ball Super is a polyamorous demipansexual gyneromantic transfemme lovegender softgender nonbinary genderfae demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, love/loves, and ae/aer pronouns!
Hop is a futch nonbinary intrafeminine genderfluid libraflux bi lesbian who uses she/her, it/its, and claw/claws pronouns!
Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls is a pansexual xenogender demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, and he/him pronouns!
Gia Moran from Power Rangers Super Megaforce is a bisexual cisfeminine person who uses she/her pronouns!
Luka Millfy from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger is a pansexual cisfeminine person who uses she/her pronouns!
Tracey Sketchit is a bisexual demiboy who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Sophocles is an unlabeled demiboy who uses he/him, volt/volts, it/its, and they/them pronouns!
Lillie is a demirose questioning demigirl who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
They are all in a friendship group!
dni link | requested by @in-an-oddballs-imaginative-mind
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MHA Headcannons, part 2
Part one
This is a headcannon series, some of what I'm thinking/writing about may be true, but not all is. Thank you for your understanding.
Let's talk about Sero and Deku in this one. Sero, who always likes to goof around with Kaminari, Mina, Jirou, Kirishima and Bakugo. And Deku, who likes to study with Iida, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Shoto. Let's talk about them.
Sero Hanta, Cellophane, or just Sero, is a very nice and chill dude, but I think that he is often being looked at as some 'plain' guy. Sure, he might've flirted with a few people here and there, but it was mostly smalltalk they did. I guess he was more like a tape dispenser than a real person to them.
I often think about that maybe, Sero also feels as if he's being treated like an object, mainly because of his quirk, but I also think that he's being taken advantage of pretty often too. For example, he and Denki like to ogle at pretty girls, right?
Well, some p(r)etty girls like to use him for his quirk or money or for him to run some errands and then dissappear out of thin air. Maybe because of that, he stays cautious around girls in general.
I also don't think that he meant it when he compared Yaoyorozu's eating habits for producing more things to pooping. I think he was just muttering his thoughts out loud and was being blunt. But he didn't really deserve that punch from Jirou.
Another thing I'd like to say is that he could be bi- or pansexual, why? Because he likes hanging out with both boys and girls and doesn't mind it. He also enjoyed being carried like a princess by Deku.
Speaking of Deku, he may have the exact problem, being called plain by Uraraka and all. I think that he got bullied not only by Bakugo, but also by many girls.
For example, Izuku never really talked to girls except his mother, so he had quite a lot of crushes to the girls in his or other classes. Too bad they didn't like him, too bad he didn't have a quirk back then.
So, they pulled pranks on him, laughing at him when he wanted to confess to somebody. "eeeeeww"ing when he tried to compliment them. So, Izuku gave up.
I also headcannon that Izuku tries to be as polite as possible towards his female classmates, and trying not to overstep any boundaries. Even around Uraraka, who is one of his best friends, he tries to be as polite as possible. In my opinion, he doesn't really see Uraraka how she is. He may be bracing himself. Counting the days until she- or any other girl he has grown friends- makes fun of him. So he doesn't really do anythign except trying to keep that 'friendship'.
He still often thinks that he is looking weird and stuff like that, wanting to just have somebody who is nice and sweet, not judging by looks or icks, just the personality. uthem a chance you wouldn't regret it. :)
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