#parental oobleck
peterparkersnose · 1 year
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: pregnancy, before the outbreak, established relationship with joel, sarah is a little snitch, denial, age gap (not really specified), descriptions of childbirth, money insecurity, 2003 references
a/n this was too good to give up. lets pretend that the outbreak never happened and the miller’s got to live happily ever after :)
summary Sarah finds Y/N’s hidden pregnancy tests
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read time: 6 mins 14 seconds
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The phone was new. Joel had installed it a few weeks ago. No more cord! Your opposite hand felt awkward not having something to fidget with while your sister told you the horror stories of her giving birth. Something Mandy had brought up numerous times after confiding in her that you were pregnant.
It was your first; you were in your mid-20s. War was happening overseas, the world seemed to be going to shit. What a perfect time to bring a child into the world, huh? Your husband would be ecstatic, you just knew it. But the mere thought of something growing inside of you made you sick. “And then the feet came out instead! Ripped me open like-” You jumped a little. Facing the front door, you didn’t hear your husband come in from the back. His hands wrapped around your stomach as your shoulders pressed against his chest as your sister went on about telling you how her third kid cost her sixteen stitches.
A sharp gasp came from your mouth. “Are you alright? Is it the baby?” your sister yelled from the phone. Panicked, you quickly said your goodbyes to your older sister, assuring her everything was alright. You decided to give in to the kisses Joel was placing on your neck.
“What was she going on about now? Babies? Please tell me she’s not having another one.” Joel groaned. “Nope. Nine was enough for her,” you sarcastically answered. Four nieces and five nephews were enough for you to handle. Sarah enjoyed having kids her age to play with, but Uncle Joel was getting a bit too old for the rough play the younger ones enjoyed.
“What time is it?” you asked him, grabbing at his wrist. His hands were placed on your stomach almost like he knew. His watch read a little before three. “Sarah?” you asked him, swaying with him slowly. “Tommy’s coming over and we’re going to go work on a job,” he sighed.
 “Again? Joel-”
“I’m sorry, It’s a quick one. Just a little steel door frame and I’ll be home late for dinner. I promise,” he said, kissing you on the cheek. You would need more cash once the baby came.
“I’ll go get her.” you sighed, but not in an angry way. You loved your stepdaughter more than anything in the world. You have known her since she was a small girl and have gotten along with her since the day you met her. She is going to be the best big sister.
Joel handed you the truck keys. Tommy’s car beeped in the driveway. “Give Tommy my love,” you called to Joel as you heard the screen door shut. --- A mainstream pop song quietly played in the truck as you waited in line at Sarah’s middle school. Parents were eager to leave and the San Antonio traffic was bound to be crazy on a Friday afternoon. You spotted your curly-haired stepdaughter as she left the school doors with some friends. You recognized a few from the sleepover she had last week. “Do you have any hairspray?” she asked, throwing her backpack in the back seat. “Yes?”
“Perfect.” Sarah responded. “May I ask why?” “Tiffany and Ashley gave me the recipe for a new oobleck!”
Sarah excitedly waved a loose-leaf piece of paper with a sparky pink gel pen scribbled all over the paper in her stepmom's face. “Hairspray is the main ingredient,” she explained, going over all the ingredients she needed. You smiled to yourself, carefully exiting the middle school parking lot as Sarah rambled about her day.
Sarah burst into the house, setting her backpack down and heading straight towards the kitchen. “Do we have any… flour?” she asked, reading off her list. “Red jar, babes.” you stated the obvious. The flour had been in there for years. “And the hairspray?” She asked. You sat down on the couch, fatigued by what you assumed was your pregnancy. Rubbing your temples, you replied, “Under my sink.”
Sarah burst into the bathroom, whipping open the cabinet door under your sink. In her excitement, the jolting movement of the door opening vaulted the zip-loc bag of pregnancy tests you had taped to the top of the cabinet out on the floor. Confused at first, she held up one of the blue sticks. Then she got it. “Y/N?” she yelled from the bathroom. Sarah was old enough to know what these were, and what two lines meant. Once she realized she was holding a stick of what you peed on, she threw it back in the pile of the rest of them sprawled out on the floor.
Sighing, you kicked your feet back on the ground. You had just gotten comfortable when Sarah called for you.
“Hm?” you asked, causally walking into your bedroom. Your tired state seemed to do a complete 180 when you saw Sarah on the ground with your tests. You froze, unsure of what to say to her. Rapidly blinking your eyes a few times to stop tears, you realized that there was no going back from this. Without a single word spoken you crouched down, collected the pregnancy test strips, and put them back in the bag. Seeing the loose pieces of tape, you used them to adhere the bag back where it was. You handed Sarah the red printed bottle of your hairspray.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked cautiously, sitting at the edge of the bathtub. “A-are they yours?” she anxiously asked. A small laugh came from you. “Yes,” you smiled. “I’m going to be a sister?” she asked you. You shook your head yes.
“Does Dad know?”
The world seemed to blur a bit when she asked that. You could feel your heartbeat increase at the thought. “No. Not yet.” “What!” Sarah gasped. “How long have you known?” “About three weeks.” “Three weeks!” Sarah yelled, throwing her hands in the air. “It’s difficult to… come to terms sometimes,” you said, trying to come up with the best way to explain this to Sarah. “You have to tell him. Tonight!” Sarah exclaimed.
You hated to admit that she was right.
“I don’t know Sarah, he’s out on a job with your Uncle and…” “I will call him. Try me.”
You looked at her, unsure of her new aggressive demeanor. She was always a natural leader. “Sarah, this is serious.”
“I know.” she said simply, exiting the bathroom. You followed her, watching her like a hawk for the rest of the night. And the rest of the night consisted of you making dinner, ravioli. Sarah was in the kitchen and made her ooblek and when that was done she finished her homework.
  You sighed when the clock rang eight. He was more than late for supper. Sarah was asleep in your lap, the mindless cartoons played on. You watched them, trying to calm your anxious mind.
  You heard Tommy’s truck pull into the driveway and saw its headlights as he left the driveway. Sarah stirred a bit, but a simple smoothing of her hair soothed her back to sleep. Joel quietly made his way into the house, only noticing the two of you when he locked the door.
  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. You shrugged. Joel sat down next to you. “How is she? Is her homework done?”
  “Yup.” you said coldly. “Look Y/N, I’m sorry I was late but the hardware store was out of the screws we needed and Tommy’s car was having an issue so we had to stop and get some-”
You couldn’t listen to Joel’s rambling any longer. You frankly didn’t care about some damn screws. It had to be done, and it had to be done now. Sarah was right, he deserved to know.
  “I’m pregnant.”
Joel’s ramblings ended. A moment of silence lasted between the two of you. “Really?” he asked, a tiny awkward squeak coming from his voice at the end. “Mhm. Sarah found the tests. Under the sink, taped to the top of the cabinet if you want to see for yourself.”
Joel sat. “Huh,” he said, getting up from the couch and heading into the shared bathroom you guys had. He came back a moment later, his face was white as a sheet of paper.
  “Can we financially do this?” you whispered, knowing Sarah was well faking her sleep and listening. Joel shrugged, plopping back down next to you. He knew this was a big issue and it would have to be discussed later. They were doing well, but Joel knew firsthand a baby on a small income was expensive. “I’m happy, if you couldn’t tell.” he said, a little bit of hope rang in his tone. “I could. My reaction was the same.” you assured him. You rested your head on his shoulder. “Everything will be okay.” he said, entwining his fingers with yours. “How long have you known?”
You seethed. “Don’t kill me.” “Maybe,” he said flirtatiously. You loved when he still flirted with you, even though you had been together forever and you were his wife. “Three weeks.”
He sighed audibly. “How far along are you?” “Don’t kill me.” you reiterated. “I have no clue. I haven't even been to a doctor yet, Mandy’s horror stories are traumatizing enough.”
  “We’re making an appointment first thing tomorrow,” he assured you. You shook your head in agreement.
  “Does she know?” he whispered, looking down at his daughter. He was so excited to be able to give Sarah a sibling. His bond with Tommy was unmatchable. Even though there would be a significant age gap between them, he still loved his little brother like no other. Even if they were six years apart, they were close. “She’s the one who found the tests.” you quietly chuckled, reminding Joel of what you said earlier. “She was threatening to call you at work and ‘expose me’,” you told Joel. He rolled his eyes. “Jeez, that damn kid.” he smiled, giving Sarah’s fluffy hair a pat just like you did moments before. He brought his hand back to yours and moved the back of your hand up to his lips and kissed it. “I love you,”
“I love you too,”
“And our little family.” you added. “Yes, and our little family.” Joel confirmed.
(if this story was spaced weirdly, apologies)- tag list
@dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy @milly-louise @mxtokko​ @undeniableadrenaline @evyiione @qualitypudding @jmillerswife @kittenlittle24
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deep-sea-anemone · 9 months
I know Zeff taught Sanji all about cooking and fighting, but like. He was also a dad. A dad who knew his way around a kitchen. And what do 10 year old kids love?
Science experiments!
Zeff making play dough for Sanji, teaching him how to make oobleck, heck even the icing-glue and recipes for making sturdy gingerbread houses.
And then Sanji joins the strawhats. And one day it's pouring buckets and the crew is stuck inside, bored, and without any entertainment, so Sanji remembers what Zeff showed him as a child. He makes them oobleck. He cooks some play dough. He makes some baking soda volcanoes and he starts doing cookie decorating and egg dying parties.
And so everything he learned from Zeff, the fighting, the cooking, and even the parenting skills, all that Zeff taught him is something that he shares with his crew
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rachetmath · 5 months
Everything that could've gone right
Jaune: Okay, so from all the information you all have shown me, again thank you all, I think we should discuss some things.
Winter: Indeed. 
Ruby: We need to do something.
Jaune: Okay, first let's discuss the Crown. As Coco told me they were a horrible organization. They target people, especially with valuable semblances. Not to mention they are now partner with Tyrian. A wild card that we may not be able to predict.
Qrow: Yeah he is a slipper guy.
Jaune: We have no idea what their next move will be so we need to be prepared. So I think we send Emerald Sustrai in to infiltrate and spy on them. 
Ruby: What- No!
Jaune: I’m sorry, what's wrong, Ruby?
Nora: Emerald is still a villain, we can't trust her.
Jaune: What? But she helped in the evacuation, I think -
Winter: I agree. Especially considering her past crimes.
Jaune: Fair point but she's the only one who gets in and out while filling us in on what our enemies can do. Plus, if that's the case she can prove herself by helping us. 
Ruby: No Jaune that's too risky.
Winter: I agree.
Qrow: Same.
Raven: Yep.
Jaune: Okay. Next is the Grimm attacks. They are skyrocketing. This may be due to our mistake of bringing too many people to Vacuo. Not to mention Vale citizens. So… I am afraid we need to escort some of them out.
Robyn: What?! Objection!
Obleck: I agree, Mr.Arc. That is cruel.
Jaune: Huh. Cruel? Some of these people want to leave this city and kingdom altogether. Some of the people don't get along with each other as well. Not to mention food and other resources. 
Robyn: We'll find another way to provide. Plus how would get them out?
Jaune: I mean we have ships. We have hunters ready to fight. I mean, yeah, they’ll still have the Grimm to deal with but still. They should spread instead of being cramped up like animals.
Winter: Jaune, these people are our responsibility. We must protect them. Plus if we send hunters around on escort missions our numbers will thin. 
Jaune: I mean we have students who are being trained to fight. Let them go along and shadow the pros. Or stay and help us.
Ren: Jaune that won't help.
Jaune: They will gain experience and probably survive. I think we need to consider our resources.
Ruby: No Jaune. We need a different approach.
Winter: Agreed.
Obleck: Well said, Ms.Rose.
Jaune: Alright. Mm. Okay, so about the tribes. Some of them aren't willing to offer assistance. So, what do we do about them?
Ruby: We try to reason with all of them.
Robyn: Yes!
Jaune: What-?
Obleck: Indeed. We ask for assistance and if they don't provide it-
Raven: We crush them.
Jaune: Shouldn't we be careful though? I mean, we can do that but doesn't that give us more enemies than allies? We can't simply side with anyone and crush those who oppose us. Especially with no research or information on what they could have that we could use.
Raven: This is Vacuo, kid. It's all about dominance.
Jaune: Are you- oh my- okay, okay, breath. Breath. Guys… look. I know this is hard. But… l do need to remind all of you of what's up. First off Tyrian is still on the loose. And he has new allies. Allies who know this kingdom and its people more than we do. Due to the amount of problems many requests for hunters have been skyrocketing.  We have children with no parents. Parents who lost their children. Families whom we can’t feed or provide for. A war could happen at any time and you wish to start one before a greater threat arrives.
Ruby: Jaune we need hunters. We need to tighten security. 
Jaune: No. What we need is resources so we can help people and stop them from killing each other. And even after that, we need to get some of these people out of the kingdom. Do you not know what’s happening with them? Violence. Kidnapping. Rape. Extortion. We are having too many victims. And with more victims, MORE NEGATIVITY.
Oobleck: We understand but we can’t involve the students.
Jaune: My team. Team RWBY. We were first years. We’re still first years. We have been involved in this for months. And remember, these kids are here for the same reason we’re here. To be hunters. And what is needed when being a hunter? Experience. We have missions on the board, too many for us to work with. If we research every or as many teams as we can, we can divide the work among them. And it’s not like they’ll be alone. We have pros who aren’t doing anything. Let them work.
Raven: Then how do we handle the tribes?
Jaune: Not all tribes need to be dealt with. Some we can leave alone. Some might need help. Or we can talk with them. Who knows they may be willing to take some of the citizens off our hands. 
Winter: I understand.
Jaune: I highly doubt that.
Winter: But need our people here.
Jaune: Again some of them don’t want to be here. We might as well be imprisoning them.
Theodore: It seems we are in conclusion. Very well done everyone. Meet achured.
Jaune: We are so f****.
After weeks
Theodore: Oh my god the relic is gone.
Jaune: Probably because we had no guardian it. 
Ruby: Theirs too many Grimm to fight.
Jaune: Maybe because of so many people fighting, stealing and hating each other.
Raven: Too many tribes are against us. They sided with the Crown. 
Jaune: Maybe if we negotiated and made compromises with them we could have turn some of them into allies.
Qrow: Tyrian just killed a Summer maiden. Now Gillian has the maiden powers.
Jaune: If only we had someone to hide among them who could have fed us information so we had a counterattack. Or maybe save our maiden.
Emerald: Merury, please.
Mercury: It’s too late Emerald. Maybe if you found me and tried to help me earlier, I would have teamed up with you.
Jaune: Wow.
Mercury: In fact, I don’t know why they didn’t send you. Probably they didn’t trust you enough. I don’t know why you’re still working with them. Join us.
Jaune: You might be right.
Ruby: Jaune, com on, help us.
Jaune: What’s the point? We already lost.
After the battle
Ruby: A lot of people died.
Theodore: The relic is gone.
Oobleck: Our numbers are thin.
Winter: The people have abandoned us.
Jaune: Really?
Raven: Okay kid, you were-
Jaune: The proof is in the pudding. I know I was right.
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howlingday · 27 days
RWBY as Bo Burnham
Summer: I wasn't sure about leaving him alone with my girls, but then I noticed his facial hair. Phew~!
Oobleck: I believe there is nothing more manly than five men showering together. It's true! Look back through the ages to our ancestry to the days of Cro Magnum, all wandering through the fog and scrubbing each other's backs. No homo~.
Jaune: Yeah, I wrestled in Beacon and there was this one match that I lost... my virginity~.
Cardin: Fellas, don't you hate it when you're blowing a dude and he turns out to be gay?! UGH! You mean I've been blowing a gay dude this whole time?! THIRD TIME THIS WEEK!
Ren: In the name of the father, son, and holy ghost, heads, shoulders, knees, and toes, turn up your nose, strike that pose! Eyyy, macarena~!
Nora: Woo!
Ren: Fuck you!
Yang: Don't act like you're ahead of me! I will maintain my advantage over you! I still hold the element of surprise! (Tugs cheeks) BLEH~!
Weiss: Thank you, that's called "Dad".
Blake: I'm...
Blake: ...horny.
Pyrrha: What did I do last night~?
Penny: According to my calculations, and let me crunch the numbers one more time- Yep! You're a pussy!
Whitley: What?
Winter: I'm sorry!
Whitley: I'm not.
Qrow: Women are stupid! (Crowd cheers)
Cinder: And I masturbate because I'm the only one whose standards are low enough to FUCK ME!
Kali: Tell me what you think of this; professional writer, actor, producer, director, dancer, crab fisherman, slut~!
Ilia: I put a chameleon on a red dildo~!
Oscar: Where are all the sour patch parents~?
Mercury: Haters gonna hate. Lovers gonna love. You need to reject both sides of the spectrum and find a healthy middle.
Emerald: Everyone hates moist. It's unoriginal. And it's stupid. And stop saying that like it's interesting. My least favorite word, by the way, is INJUSTICE.
Neo: I feel like shit~!
Neos: OH SHIT~!
Neo: Feelin' like a saggy, massive sack of shit~!
Neos: Oh! Shit!
Neo: Big ol' motherfuckin' duffel bag of shit~!
Neos: Oh... Shit...
Ozpin: Ah, yes, Hamlet! Shakespeare! Yes! The young prince whose father died at the hands of his uncle with whom his mother lied. Sound familiar? IT'S THE FUCKING LION KING!
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bestworstcase · 2 months
In general I'm far more partial to your thoughts on whatever Ruby & Yang's dad is up to than the fanon-consensus fall vault guard angle, though I do wonder about, say: Oz having the crown stashed somewhere outside said vault so whomever else is in on this could play keep-away with it. Of course that has no shortage of logistical drawbacks, though Raven sort of rejoining the fold does open up handy rapid-evac options so long as Salem doesn't catch her directly. Still, the 'dragon dad has totes noble rational Reasons, not that deep' conclusion does seem damn simplistic.
tbh i think the fanon presumption that tai MUST be guarding the crown is equal parts
1. the fandom completely failing to engage seriously with the (very obvious by now) factor of summer rose being alive – by which i mean, a huge swath of the fandom has grokked she’s still around in some capacity and treats this as little more than a trivial detail meant to twist the knife for ruby (and to a lesser extent, yang) in a shocking way, rather than, you know, the load-bearing pillar it clearly is in this given how her fate has been one of the central narrative questions since the beginning. which is to say that i think a lot of people are just brushing past the possibility that tai’s absence in vacuo is directly related to summer being at beacon, because they’ve either not added two and two to figure out where she is or they have but don’t consider that to be salient to the question of tai’s motives.
2. kneejerk backlash to the cyclical tai parenting discourse, with people who read him as a decent-to-good father getting defensive in reaction to the discussions that circulated after B4 revealed that his whereabouts are more or less unknown. it does in fact look Really Bad for tai to not be in vacuo for unclear reasons! which is why the subset of fans who read him as a good parent were predisposed to assume that he has a justifiable, crucial reason to stay in vale, namely guarding the crown. and then any other speculation on the subject of why he isn’t in vacuo was instantly conflated with the tai-is-neglectful reading and thence dismissed out of hand as "character bashing."
eyeroll. the point being, i think this defensive reflex toward tai resulted in a lot of people circling the wagons around the first snap assumption they made even though tai guarding the crown doesn’t make a whole lot of sense even if one accepts the fanon presupposition that he’s The Best Dad.
because he quit working for ozpin after summer disappeared (and to judge by the 9.10 flashback, didn’t have much respect for oz before that!) – we know this because,
it’s a notable enough change for ruby to comment on it when tai starts going on missions again; he’s been off active huntsman duty for over a decade, meaning he wasn’t taking any assignments from oz during this time (which is a point in his favor re: the question of his parenting and i think it’s really funny that people in the “good dad” camp were the loudest voices pointing out that tai clearly wants nothing to do with ozpin right up until the boba incident)
ruby and yang had no idea that ozpin had any particular connection to their family beyond having been headmaster when their parents were in school; they didn’t even know that qrow worked for him. tai kept him so much at arms length that he was just a random public figure to the girls.
tai is explicitly not involved in glynda’s effort to reclaim beacon, nor do port and oobleck seem to have any expectation that he should or will be once yang is back on her feet. they’re his friends, but there is zero professional or collegial relationship.
and frankly after tai watched his team implode and lost not one but two of his loves at least indirectly because of ozpin, why in hell would he want anything to do with that man ever again? did we forget him seething at qrow in v3? did we forget how palpably he wanted to just smack ozpin in IQ? hello?? if we’re starting from “tai is a loving dad who would move mountains for his kids” then i simply do not believe he’d stay in vale while qrow led ruby to round two with salem just because that’s what ozpin’s “in case i die” plan said he should do. like that’s flat nonsense.
the only way i could even consider that as a possibility with any seriousness is if i were convinced that tai straight up just Didn’t Care That Much about his kids, because that kind of coldly pragmatic decision-making—i’ll let my teenage children fight on the front lines while i putter around home keeping an eye on things for a dead man, because the crown is the most important thing—does not track with a man who gives a shit about his kids.
but i think tai does in fact care a lot about his kids, however dysfunctional the family relations may be, so like
the explanation that makes the most sense to me is that he figured out summer was alive and with salem in some capacity sometime in v2-3 and he’s been torn between the two sides of his family ever since. does he go after ruby or does he try to save summer? <- isn’t that a lot more balanced. a lot more understandable. potentially a lot more sympathetic, depending upon exactly what the circumstances are and how much he’s learned. for him to be Just Some Guy having to choose between His Kids and His Wife?
like?? i firmly believe that if the good-parent-tai crowd hadn’t immediately dismissed every other theory besides dragon-guarding-the-crown as hysterical character bashing then within a few weeks at most someone in that camp would’ve remembered that tai fucking hates ozpin and they would’ve eventually landed on “oh. duh. he’s staying in vale for summer” – because it is both obvious and casts him into a much more tragic, sympathetic light versus the stiff upper lip sorry kids it’s for the greater good crown guard angle.
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tatteredtoby · 2 months
so incredibly sleepy. But. Ftm reader (Highschool au) with unsupportive parents x Simon (theater/theatre au as well)
A Panic/Anxiety attack will be described, so will transphobia and very uncomfortable sensations. Self misgendering, as well. (This is targeted towards myself!) If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to click the back button.
Angst that turns into fluff
You had bought a binder without your parent’s permission, and had been keeping it in the dressing room for the show. It was opening night, and you were playing a male character. Nothing could go wrong. You felt the adrenaline pumping, you were shaking out of excitement, then you remembered, your parents would be in the crowd that night.
Your chest starts heaving. Your vision blurs after it darts around. You land on the ground, backing into a set piece and hiding behind it. The happy shaking turns to terror induced shaking.
Your director yells out “5 minutes before show people!” Before noticing you. Oh Ms. Emily. She was so incredibly supportive. She gasps as she notices you, since you startled her with your heavy breathing.
She shuffles out onto stage, taking center and facing the audience.
“We have a small problem backstage. The show will be held back a few minutes, I am very sorry for this inconvenience.”
This was not small. Your world was closing in on you. It felt like Jell-O or Oobleck was being poured over you, or you were being cemented into a wall against your will. The binder only made it worse. It tightened around your armpits and sucked in your chest, which made the caving feeling worse. You fiddled with your costume before throwing off the excess pieces.
You barely notice the tall stature coming into view before you’re pulled out of deep water by two costumed hands.
“Hey, hey, im here, it’s me. It’s Simon. What’s wrong, can you say it or is it too much to talk about?” He gently utters, kneeling closer to you.
You barely babble out, “‘s too much..” Before your vision starts to go in and out. He notices. You’re swaying too much for it to be your normal rocking. He latches his hands onto you and pulls you into his chest, like a life raft after drowning at sea for centuries.
“I’m right here. It’s okay. Your parents won’t even notice. You can tell them that it was a casting issue, and you were just cast because of how they liked your auditions performance, alright?” He whispers, rubbing your back very gently.
“I gotcha. I gotcha.” He mutters, holding you closer to him. It feels like this hold is meant for a wounded dog, not a 17 year old gir-boy.
He cups your face like he would a wounded pigeon. He’s got eyeliner on. Specifically on his waterline. His cheeks are dusted with powdered blush. His arms are covered in black cloth, specifically for his role as a Crow. The entire show was written by you, only taken up by Ms. Emily and practically blocked by you in its entirety. You played Satans Cat. (Two little city animals who are a contrast difference to eachother go on a journey that changed them forever, or smth. Idk. Sleepy.) He wore big wings with straps on his thumbs to keep in place. You wore cat ears and a tail. You felt so good in your costume. You had many costume pieces to hide your chest, and you just looked so boyish all around.
“You alright now?” He asks, tone in his voice evident he’s trying to hide the fact he noticed you glancing for a prolonged period of time.
“Yea. I’ve got some time..I’ll go splash my face with water.”
“You’ll be alright, Felid.”
“That I will be, Corvus.”
very sleepy atm. I’m projecting as well. Felid comes ffrom the name for cat in fancy. Look up cat. And for “Corvus” look up Crow. I don’t got time to explain it.
Cramps kicking me in my stomach ballsack. This some bullshit.
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strqyr · 4 months
Hi question about a litter thing I've noticed as a reasoning for the tai has always been a terrible parent, and wanted to get your opinions on ot
People tend to use the line in v4 where tai uses the lose of braincells/arm comparison he uses towards yang within the argument he has with yang and how the comment visibly shows to hurt yang.
I myself feel a bit icky about the comment itself, but I always looked at as a spure of the moment comment something tai didn't really mean but accidentally let slip during the minor confrontation, as I have had moments myself like that with my own mother where we've been arguing and she's said something hurtful without meaning too, she alwasy apolgised for it later.
Anyway, tangent aside, what are your opinions? (You don't have to answer if you dont want too)
to me, it's just how this family speaks; not pulling any punches or speaking like they're professional therapists. it's hardly any different to yang's "yikes! meltdown already?", or qrow's "so either you're lying or you're crazy" while smirking, or ruby playfully mocking how "dumb" yang sounds in terms of sensitiveness.
i honestly don't even think the comment hurt yang bc... that's not what her face conveys—and if it had, i'd expect the writers to have addressed it in the moment as yang is not one to hide her emotions. there's just shock which then fairly quickly turns into a smile and laughter, yang playfully punching tai (like she did ruby in beyond) and calling him a jerk, tai joining her in laughter.
and when oobleck whispers "are we finally talking about the goliath in the room?", yang and tai dumbfoundedly look at each other before bursting into laughter again.
it's "breaking the ice" moment. everyone keeps talking about yang getting back to normal, but she has a new normal now; there's no going back to the old, and change like that is always scary. it's also much, much scarier when no one seems to be willing to talk about, walking on eggshells around her like, waiting for the "right" time to talk about "the goliath in the room."
there's a wall between yang and everyone else, and tai's comment breaks right through it like a sledgehammer. more importantly, it gets yang to laugh again. after who knows how many months—winter has certainly come and gone—, yang is laughing when her first scene in the volume made it seem like a thing in a far, far future.
could the topic have been approached in different way? sure. but you gotta also remember that yang doesn't like to be coddled, treated like she's some fragile thing about to break at any moment. and considering her reaction to the prosthetic arm, i doubt she would have brought it up herself; oobleck and port certainly wouldn't have, treating it as the goliath in the room.
so what you could have very easily ended up with is the situation getting nowhere; yang with a new normal that no one else is willing to acknowledge. yet, with one single comment, tai brings the old normal—as per the way this family talks to each other—to the new, and it opens the floor for further conversation.
frankly, it's one of the main things i love about this very fictional, "no real feelings were hurt" family: they're very, very blunt at times. there's no therapy speak that makes them sound like wooden dolls, they feel real; the kind that's saying the first thing that comes to mind, no filter, giving and receiving punches in same amount.
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verydeadaten · 11 months
Jaune's Sixth Sense: Pyrrha Addition
The highly unanticipated sequel to this post!
Jaune and Pyrrha were hanging out in Jaune’s old room in Ansel. They were on break, and Jaune wanted to show his girlfriend the village where he was raised. Pyrrha was sitting on the surprisingly comfortable bed, looking at the wall covered with posters of rock bands and superheroes. Jaune was at his small bookshelf, picking something up. He walked towards the bed, and spoke.
“Pyrrha, you know how you asked me about my favorite fairytale a while ago?”
She looked at him. “I can recall that, yes”
Jaune handed her something. A book. “Well, this is it.”
The book in her hands was heavy, and red. There was an illustration on the cover, what seemed to be a knight in a field. The back had a very scary looking wolf on it. The cover had the book’s title in big, shiny letters. The Great Hunt. Pyrrha looked up at her lover, surprised.
“Jaune, this isn’t a fairytale. This is an epic poem.”
“Yeah, I know, but-”
Pyrrha was laughing now. “I had to read an excerpt from it in combat school, then write an essay about it!”
Jaune was laughing too. “Really? How’d you do?”
“I think I did okay. I don’t remember the exact grade. You probably could’ve done better.”
“Jeez, Pyrrha. My writing isn’t that good.”
Pyrrha had a serious look in her eyes. “Beloved, I got an eighty-six on the last essay Oobleck gave us.”
“You got one-hundred and ten. You got a perfect score with extra credit on an assignment that nearly everyone else failed. Even Weiss didn’t get a perfect score. Your writing is leagues better than mine will ever be. Now…”
She slammed her hands on the book on her lap. “Tell me about this!”
Jaune exhaled. “Alright. So, I think my mom read it to me as a bedtime story when I was three.”
Pyrrha stifled a laugh. “Really?! I’m pretty sure most parents would read their toddlers childrens books. Not millenia old poems about warriors fighting monsters.”
Jaune snorted. “My parents are not most parents.”
Pyrrha chuckled. “I can tell. Alright, continue.” 
“When I was five, I started reading it by myself. I only had the first part, so I just read it over and over. My Dad bought me the rest of it, and I read that over and over. I actually would bring all three parts to school in my backpack. It was so heavy, my back started to hurt. So to stop me from getting permanent back issues, on my 9th birthday, my parents gave me this.” He picked up the book from Pyrrha’s lap. He looked at the cover, seemingly hypnotized by the shiny drawing.
“This is a collectors edition version of the whole poem. That’s why it’s so big, it’s all three parts of the story.” 
“It looks amazing, Jaune.”
“I don’t know how many times I’ve read this whole poem. I’ve read it front to back, back to front. I’ve gone online and read analyses about it. I translated a part of it to Octavian (latin) once as a project. At one point, I even started writing essays about it in my spare time.”
Pyrrha was extremely surprised. “Really?”
“Yeah. I had to do an essay about it in middle school. I started and finished it in two days. I had to revise it twice because I kept going over the word limit.”
“Brothers, Jaune.”
They fell into a comfortable silence. Jaune felt a bit embarrassed. He liked writing, sue him. At least she didn’t see the typewriter he had under his bed. Or his journals. His many, many, journals.
Nobody could know about those.
Pyrrha then broke the silence. “Can I read it?”
“Of course. Let me clean up, this room is a mess.”
“Thank you beloved.” She gave him a chaste kiss, then opened the book.
As Pyrrha began reading, Jaune looked around the room for things to clean. Dirty clothes (how did he forget to put those away before he left?), music magazines, comic books, and… his bible. 
Well, his grandma’s bible to be precise. It was white, covered with a thick layer of dust. He hasn’t read any religious text in a while. His mind swirled with memories. Memories of reading with his grandparents. Memories of church, of sermons. Memories of prayer, and chanting. But his thoughts were interrupted by a sound most horrible.
His mind went blank. His vision, going dark.
Pyrrha was horrified. How could she do this? Ripping one of her beloved’s most prized possessions, after he most graciously gave it to her to read. What was wrong with her? She had to apologize. But before she could even mutter the words “I’m sorry,” she heard something fall to the ground. 
She looked up to see Jaune standing before his bookcase, completely still. There was a white book near his feet. 
“Jaune? Jaune, are you okay?”
No response.
Jaune turned around, and started walking towards the bed. 
“Jaune, I didn’t mean to tear your book. I’m so sorry.”
Jaune got his knees on his bed. He took the book out of her hands, and put it on the nightstand to the right of his bed.
“Jaune, are you okay? I’m sor-MMMMMPH?! MMMmmm, mmmmhhh~.”
All thoughts had left Pyrrha’s head, as she was pulled in for a searing kiss!  Jaune had her pinned, holding her hands above her head. He wasn’t usually this forward in his affection. Jaune was a shy lover, always nervous, always asking. Today, however, he wasn’t asking, he just took. And Pyrrha didn’t mind that one bit.
Hours later…
Jaune woke up sweaty. His head was pounding. What happened? All he could remember was giving Pyrrha The Great Hunt, then cleaning up his room, then… nothing. It was dark out now. How long has he been out? He looked down on himself, and noticed something. He was naked. Completely naked. He gave a shriek of surprise, and then something to the right of him moved.
“Beloved… Just five more minutes…”
It was Pyrrha, also naked, completely passed out. She was a mess. Her hair was out of its usual ponytail. She was sweaty, and breathing heavily. And she was covered in… fluids…
What the hell happened?
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lipeg · 6 months
Team RWBY had arrived in a village where there were several creatures made of crystal that resembled a star shape.
Ruby: What are those things
???: We are Genial Gems
One of these crystal series appeared next to the girls.
Weiss: What is it called and where are we?
Ren: My name is Ren and this is the Gems village
The girls looked at each other.
Until the girls' bellies started growling.
They were all ashamed.
Ren: I see you are hungry, come with me
Weiss: Thank you very much
Ren: No problem
Team RWBY started following the Ren gem, as they walked through the village they noticed something peculiar.
A statue made of stone of a knight riding Jackalope, with the sword in his left, an expression of pure HATE on your face.
Blake: Jaune?
The girls looked at the statue and were surprised to see that it was Jaune but older.
Weiss was impressed, as well as the statue being very well made, full of details. Jaune's face showed "new things" the first was that he had a cut on his right cheek, he had a goatee and his hair had grown past his neck.
Ruby: Ren, Can you tell where Jaune is?
Ruby completely ignored Weiss.
Ren: The knight left these lands a long time ago. He and his wife left a long time ago
The girls looked at the Ren gem.
RWBY: Wife?
Ren: Yes. A woman with pink, white and brown hair
There was only one person with these hair colors.
In Remmant
In a city that was growing quickly, this city was very close to become a kingdom, this city was in Vale but this city was east of the city of Vale but far east between the city of Vale there was a mountain that awaited the two cities.
Tumblr media
Both cities were on the coast, but there is a stark difference, this city called Orleans and was located in the Meuse valley region.
Orleans was founded by Agravein Arc known as Black Knight ( Particular the knight of misogyny ) before the great war.
After the monarchy ended, he came to this place that used to be just a farm but it became a refuge for those who didn't believe Councilmen would be of any use because there would be a lot of corruption.
Over time more and more people came to this place that strangely didn't attract so many Grimms.
After the destruction of Vale ( Now this shit is official hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahauayayahahhahahahahahahahayayayayayahahahahahahahauuahahuahuahahhauahahauahauauauau)
Many people came here, this only happens because Michelangelo Arc, Jaune Arc's father went to the rescue of the population after learning that Councilmen ran away.
Michelangelo, as soon as he heard that Vale was attacked, was the first to leave the village and go to the aid of the people of Vale.
It was difficult to convince people to move even though Vale was destroyed, it was still their home.
But thanks to teacher Peter Port, Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck and Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch. He managed to get people to move to Orleans.
But now Orleans could already be considered a kingdom but the situation in the world doesn't "allow it" because everything is in chaos .
But........ Always a but not everything is black and white, there are shades of gray.
With the return of "communications" and after Ruby Rose's disastrous warning, Orleans was preparing for the worst faster than ever.
But (again ) a light appeared amidst the chaos.
Jaune Arc and Neo Arc
The family reunion was beautiful, there was a slap in the face, swearing for everyone, father vs son, mother vs son.
After all that, let's get to what really matters.
House of Arc
Jaune was sitting in an armchair and his wife was sitting on his lap.
His parents and sisters were on the sofa to the left of the armchair.
" So.... " Michelangelo Arc was sitting on the couch looking at his son, beside him was his wife Angelica Arc and behind the sofa were his daughters
" How they both met " Angelica Arc has already cut her husband out of the conversation.
" She tried to kill me " Jaune said with the greatest calm in the world.
The whole family was silent.
" This is a family thing " When Michelangelo said this his wife's face turned red and she slapped his arm.
" Why? " Jaune asked.
" Your mother and I were on the same team, I was a leader even though I didn't want to be but she wanted to be the leader and she tried to kill me to steal my position as leader " Michelangelo told, while Angelica was embarrassed by her past.
" My old interesting loving also wanted to be the leader of your team and she couldn't either, but she and I are not on the same team " Jaune said remembering Weiss in their first year at Beacon Academy.
" She won't say anything " Angelica asked looking at Neo.
" She is mute mother " Jaune said looking at his wife.
Neo smiled.
Letters appeared in front of both of them as if it were a caption.
It's true, I was speechless after trying to swallow the colossus he has between
Jaune and his family's eyes widened.
" NEO! " Jaune screamed in anger.
After this scene where Neo was laughing, the Arc couple's daughters noticed that the atmosphere changed.
" Jaune— " Before Michelangelo could have his question.
" Vale was completely destroyed, we already know we came from there. We took advantage of the fact that we went and picked up some things from Vale and then we went to Vacuo and picked up something very special "
Around Neo's head reality shattered like glass, revealing a golden crown with a peculiar form.
Crocea Mors the family heirloom began to disappear like smoke. Then, next to the armchair, the air began to rotate, revealing a large sword that was being hidden.
The Arc family stayed because that sword looked a lot like Crocea Mors but only bigger and the scabbard that could become a shield looked very different looked more like a blade than a sheath.
" Dad, we have a lot to talk about. I have revelations about our family "
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
Something I'm curious about is whether Taiyang got off of Patch in the aftermath of everything with the upcoming Epilogue to 9. Because if he didn't - it puts him and Raven at an interesting cross section. Raven admits she's a terrible mother - and her leaving the Team is not yet determined to be one to one with her leaving for the bandits or whether that was a later development (say aftermath of the Summer mission)
And leaving a kid who doesn't even know you yet with three capable care takers is not the worst thing in the world. Refusing to come back when everything fell to pieces is worse because that's when Raven failed to come when needed.
Meanwhile Taiyang... look he sends Zwei to his daughters without warning in Volume 2 and the abrogation of responsibility never stops. Yet he likes to pretend that he doesn't do it (basically everything Port and Oobleck witnessed where he's the adult and Yang's just a kid)
Add in what we see from RWBY Beyond and there's many questions to say the least. All I can say with confidence is he is not serving as the Crowns bodyguard unless he's literally just there to ping Raven so the real defense can be portal-ed in. Cos he 100% cannot fight Tyrian, let alone a Maiden or Salem.
But yeah, excellent points ala Raven. We don't know if she went back to the bandits or was just doing her own thing and fighting Salem post leaving. & if someone really does feel they aren't cut out to be a parent ensuring the child has competent caretakers then leaving is indeed the responsible thing to do.
As to not coming back when it fell apart, yeah definitely not good. If Summer dying or turning is what sent her back to the bandits then I can see her head-space being fucking terrible. But that doesn't make it better on the kids.
But yeah, a big thing is Raven is shown having felt guilt however much she denies it. While Tai seems to think he's done everything right, even while his kids are both emotionally repressed, heavily traumatized and have a deeply messy relationship cos of his negligence.
The Abdication of responsibilities is a good way to phrase it. Tai, post "recovery" was seemingly the "Fun parent" he sends dogs in care packages, he buys bobba, he... Exists. But he's not someone Ruby goes to for things you would normally seek a parent for like emotional support or guidance & Yang views it as her responsibility t take care of her sister. Meanwhile he just hangs at home.
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Thinking of Pride at Beacon
Qrow strutting in a ridiculously long rainbow cape.
Oz making a speech about how love is love, this kingdom was forged in war and if we wish to live in peace we cannot do so without love and kindness.
Blake sharing stories of Faunus tales, how love has always existed in many forms.
It's Weiss's first true pride because Atlas isn't big on the whole, having your own identity and being proud.
Yang and Jaune wearing free big sis/big bro hugs shirt and hugging and comforting those who come from unsupportive families.
Nora taking names to punch homophobes and squeezing Rens hand who squeezes hers back.
Oobleck talking about how burials have been found of two women curled up in each others arms, of letters that spoke of loving a man and diaries of "spinsters."
Port doing safe sex workshops, also giving flirting tips.
Him and Qrow teaching how to tie ties, dress masc, how to apply make up, how to shave.
Glynda and Peach giving tips on how to dress femme, how to walk in heels, changing your name and pronouns on official paperwork, self defence.
Oz guiding students to safe places, both social and for healthcare.
Signing documents there parents won't.
Teachers holding students who come out, who can't go home and finding them places to go after graduation.
Who fight tooth and nail for these kids because they are their kids.
Beacon being illuminated in rainbow lights because it is a Beacon of hope.
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lemonlightt · 1 year
qsmp hcs because i am so normal and not hyperfixated
(consisting of mariana, slimecicle, jaunaflipa, tilin, philza, chayanne, missa but i will add some of other streamers once i catch up on them & if i don't get flamed by the qsmp community. once qsmp expands more i may make another one of these (i will make another one of these in 2 weeks i have no thoughts but qsmphELPME!11!!1!!))
(i also have added some hcs i've seen on tumblr/twitter because they're all i can think about. btw looking for qsmp friends plsplspls i'm so lonely)
qcharlie is a demon and has absolutely no idea of it and progressively gains little demonic traits everytime he makes a deal
meanwhile qmariana is an angel and hold onto your seats guys this one is an absolute shocker! has absolutely no idea of it
everytime something awful happens to charlie (jauna dies, brutally scrambles tilin) his humansona becomes a little more unstable and he gets a little more sloshy - overtime he becomes straight up oobleck and gunks up the smp
qcharlie was raised in an environment that seemed like hell and it's responsible for the fact he doesn't really know how to be dad (his dad treated him like shit) and he's had no examples of healthy romantic relationships
qcharlie and qmariana are absolutely head over heels for eachother they're just losers and find it hard to express it adequately or meaningfully (this does not make them any less dysfunctional and annoying but they are my parental figures your honor)
qcharlie sews and knits and sewed a trans flag into each of their iconic clothing (qmariana's cape thingy, qcharlie's hearts and jauna's bows) he does the same for tilin as soon as he finds out they have the binary of none
qcharlie has been plotting qmariana's murder but qmariana is blind to it and all he cares about is hot steamy gay minecraft sex. they remind me of something but i can't put my finger on exactly what so if you can think of it tell me HJAHA
qcharlie would ADORE radiohead (specifically "nice dream" and "no surprises") (yes i am projecting, yes he is my favourite person and yes he is the only member to me i cant take it anymore)
jauna has golden highlights from her revival (think revivebur but stop thinking about revivebur)
jauna has vitiligo
jaunaflippa is allergic to dandelions but she will not hesitate to give them a blow and makes a little wish (usually about wanting her mom and dad to get along and be happy)
the jauna family get their glasses mixed up so they have to go through trial and error to find which prescription is theres (this takes 30 minutes because qcharlie and qmariana typically fight to the death over it/j)
when tilin died, jauna shared half of their bow with qquackity and keeps it tied neatly around her tail as a sentiment to her best friend but sometimes you'll catch her wearing it on one of her fingers. usually her pinkie (pinkie promise) or index finer
qcharlie and qmariana don't know how to braid in contrast to qwilbur who has spent hours experimenting with talullah to style her hair
qwilbur gives talullah a little walkman(?) thing for talullah to customise and records her cute little songs for her to listen to on the tapes when he's away from home
when qwilbur comes back from his travels, he will never ever fail to comes back with stories to tell, oneofakind gifts for talullah, songs for talullah to sing when she misses him, etc because that is simply how he loves
there is always music coming from talullah and qwilbur's home and it always brings joy to those who pass even if for just a moment
talullah has albinism
tallulah is disabled (canon examples: she has a different model to the rest of the eggs, she's clumsy and a little slow, her wings are underdeveloped) (she's basically just like me fr)
qmissa and qphilza are literally eldritch creatures. they look like the mothman fucker. they are a terrifying duo. here's a perfect example
qmissa is like 9'5 and qphilza is 5'2
qphil tells qmissa about his giant wife who is the god of death and is beautiful and qmissa doesn't believe his platonic husband could pull (spoiler alert he is proven wrong)
chayanne despises qwilbur because qmissa can play guitar better
chayanne dyes his hair pink to match techno and/or wears a little skull. techno is his hero and he is JUST like him frfr
speaking of which, when chayanne first killed a mob, qmissa helped turn it into a skull mask like his own and techno's. chayanne feels more confident wearing it and therefore never takes it off / alternatively qmissa made him a little mask from chayanne's eggshell
chayanne's favourite time of the day is when qphil tells him stories about techno
chayanne is nv like the rest of the eggs but is definitely more vocal than tilin for example (flaps his hands, exclaims excitedly, laughs a lot)
talullah and tilin are twins
tilin is part of the qquackity x qcharlie club upon finding out about the millions of failed attempts of qcharlie trying to flirt with qquackity
i dont think tilin hates qcharlie for what he did but i think they sure make his life a living hell/t
also tilin and jauna are in heaven with techno and they all bully trump. they make a circle around his cowering body and run around in circles while holding hands (this is a joke but not really)
general hcs that apply to all members/eggs:
there's few resources for clothing so the egg parents pass down their clothes to their eggs and the eggs mixnmatch it
the eggs use sign language to communicate as well as signs and doodles or use those little tablets with tts that nv people often use to communicate
extra: techno because he's my favourite character and isn't even in the smp!11!!11!1
techno is a sort of spirit and haunts his family, especially chayanne. he watches over all of the eggs. he hears all the little stories phil tells about him to his eggs. he'll hear chayanne say something he'd say and he goes YOOOOOOOOOOOOO excitedly and goes THATS MY BOY!!! uncle techno takes the eggs in when they get scrambled. when chayanne and talullah died techno gave them their lives back because it broke his heart to see them die just like that.
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citadelofmythoughts · 5 months
No offense taken from Tumblingxelian. It more comes from a place of frustration at Tai than anything. I really want all of STRQ to try harder for Ruby and Yang.
Qrow and Raven are in Vacuo helping and Summer is dead, so Tai is the only one frustratingly absent without explanation right now. It’s also the fact that Raven could just bring him to Vacuo meaning he’s choosing to stay away or he’s “gone” like Glynda.
I know it’s a false hope, but if he and Glynda do have the crown maybe it’s to keep Salem’s forces divided as much as possible. After all, if the crown was taken to Vacuo then there would not be any reason to occupy Beacon/Vale anymore and those Grimm (including Salem and Cinder) might head straight for Vacuo. So maybe it’s a reluctant bid to give Vacuo more time.
Also, I do want to say that Tai being the guardian is stupid. If anything I think Glynda left Port and Oobleck to retrieve the crown cause she’s probably the only person Oz trusted with its location.
I get it. And It get the frustration.
It's not like I get any satisfaction from disliking Tai. I...just want him to be a proper parent for the girls and at least admit he screwed up.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Hi how your day going and I heard from someone you do Rwby and Avatar
Can I have yandere Salem Glenda Good witch neo and Jean and cinder x baby bat fawns reader
Like They found her and take her in as there own
Sure! And I love rwby! And I’m guessing the autocorrect corrected jaune to Jean by accident? Sorry if I’m wrong 😅 oh, also to clear up any confusion, i had taken off cinder with the permission of the requester!
Warning: noob author, female reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: salem, glynda, neo, jaune.
Tyrian had found you and brought you to his majesty, salem. You were a little thing, all alone s she decided to take you in as you reminded her of her daughters when they were as small as you are now.
If salem was busy to keep you with her then you were babysat by hazel, and on some occasions watts, but mostly hazel and if both were busy then emerald would babysit you to the dismay of mercury.
She teaches that grim are the good guys while her ex husband is the bad guy, plus she created a little playmate for you to keep you busy yourself and distract you on when she need to do her duties as queen of grim.
Though one time you did meet ozpin by accident from mercury as he lost you when he somehow was put in charge of babysitting you as the others that are usually the one to take care of you was busy and Tyrian was a definite no from salem so you went to mercury albeit hesitant on Salem’s part as he’s sort of a brat.
(Sorry if you like mercury.)
Anyway, ozpin was surprised to see a baby bat Faunus on a bench with no parent or guardian anywhere, after hew brought you with him until he contacted the police you disappeared via with the help of one of salems many grims, good thing she had watts put a tracker on you beforehand or else mercury b in even more trouble than he already was in fact he would’ve been dead if you haven’t taken a shine to him for some reason.
You unlocked your semblance which was (s/n) (semblance/name) and some created chaos that was unintentional to happen, most of the unfortunate events fall on mercury funny enough which she and the others get a laugh about and now they all hold it over his head as he is forced to hold you or he gets punished for not holding you like you had requested from him by salem.
She would find a way to keep you to her, either by killing you both after she gets rid of the immortality curse or make you immortal as well, it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay with her then she was fine with anything, not even ozpin can fight against her on this.
Glynda had found you in a box like shelter and after having no luck on finding the parents or guardian of you she decided to adopt you.
She made a small spot in her classroom so she can watch you while she works on teaching the kids on grim and other things. The kids all loved you, they make sure Cardin stays away from you and if he doesn’t then they’ll get Glynda and she give him one hell of a punishment for even thinking of messing with her child.
You’ve met her colleagues, oobleck, port, and the principal ozpin. Ozpin is the godfather, oobleck is the crazy uncle and port is the grandfather that can make you fall asleep by just saying one word.
They all take turns babysitting you though it’s mostly ozpin as oobleck will go overboard and port will go on with his stories and forget about you entirely, sometime even ironwood and qrow would babysit you when they visit, not for long though as ironwood is a very busy man and qrow doesn’t want his bad luck to rub off on you.
Qrow is your favorite along with ozpi even if qrow don’t show up as much as you liked him to. One time you made both of them kissed by ‘accident’ when in reality you did it on purpose even with your baby mind not fully maturing yet.
(I’m a qrow x ozpin shipper so please respect my option and don’t post hate comment as i will report and block as you can simply m,I’ve on from this post if you don’t like it.)
Sometimes when all teachers are busy along with qrow and ironwood, team rwby and team jnpr would babysit you and get extra credit by Glynda but they mostly did it so they could get to see you and spend time with you.
She wil make sure to keep you safe from the grim and all the other things that come with it.
Neo was given to you by one of the thugs of roman after she spotted you in the corner of her eye.
Roman became the grandfather after that, he openly complains how he’s too young to be a grandpa but secretly likes it especially cause it means he gets to help raise sweet little you with your new mother, neo.
Neo doesn’t care that if you’re biological parents are around, alive, or dead, better dead than alive cause if they were then they would i she’d they were dead before she and Roman got their hands on them.
She shares her ice cream with you once you’re old enough to eat it.
You are spoiled by Roman and neo as they want you to have a good life with the support of them, all you have to do in return is stay with them so they can keep you safe from all the terrible people and grim.
She will make sure that you stay with her and don’t wander off when you two go out in public, sometimes Roman either joins or take you with him when he’s by himself though he can’t stay for long with how the fuzz is on his tail
Neo makes sure he doesn’t smoke around you as she doesn’t want you getting sick, neither does Roman so he makes sure to remind himself to not smoke in your presence as he knows that abides shouldn’t be around to get second hand smoking plus with how your enhanced smell is with you being a Faunus might make second hand smoking even more harmful to yo.
He had found you when he and the rest of team jnpr, aka Nora, prryha, and ren was out to spend time together and was advise by Pyrrha and ren to show ozpin and asked if they should bring you to the authorities or if they need todo something else.
Ozpin shocking enough had said that he can adopt you and take care of you if they aren’t able to find your parents, which endeded up being what happened as they never found any signs of your parents which made them think of the worst.
Jaune takes up being the father to you while ren is sort of the mom as he kinda take care of the group with Pyrrha, speaking of Pyrrha she is the godmother and aunt, Nora is also a aunt as well.
(I ship jaune x ren, i hope you can respect my opinion and not post hate comments as you can either ignore it or leave, thank you.)
For babysitters it’s usually team rwby as jaune doesn’t have anybody else at beacon to take care of you though Glynda and ozpin do babysit you when team jnpr and team rwby can’t take care of you because of missions that are handed to them as there is no on else that team jnpr trusts or are friends with that stay at beacon and they don’t want to give you to professor oobleck or port.
You had called ren ‘mama!’ Which shocked all but Nora who laughed her but off at ren getting called mom by a baby and started making jokes along with telling team rwby what had happaened.
Jaune shows and introduce you to her sister and wife along with their child who immediately took a shine to you through the scroll (phone).
He’ll make sure that he and his friends will make this a safe place to live without the fear of any bad guys or grim just stay near him and you’ll be safe, okay?
(A/n: i hope y’all like it!! I don’t think i have much to say so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!)
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howlingday · 7 months
Do you think the huntmens and huntress schools have kids write last wills? That be a disturbing class but a good reminder of what can happen. What you think. (This an idea prompt but I like hearing your thoughts)
You know, based on my personal experience, I'll summarize as it being the same as the military (US); the option is there, and it is highly encouraged, but it is an option nonetheless.
"And who would you like your remains delivered to?"
"My parents." Jaune replied, pointing at the paper on the desk of Doctor Oobleck. "The same address that I put down there."
"And would you like a Huntsman's burial? The kingdom will provide the funds and services if you'd like."
Jaune was quiet for a moment. Did he want to be buried like a huntsman when he died? Did he deserve to be buried like one? Thinking on it, did any of those girls get the same treatment that he'd been offered? Asking that was probably taboo, so he held his tongue.
"Are you certain?"
"...No? I... I don't know."
"Hm..." Doctor Oobleck looked over the document once more. "Unfortunately, as it is, this document cannot be signed, let alone notarized until that block is filled in. However, it will be maintained here, in our filing system until you are ready with your decision."
"Am I the only one who didn't have a will ready?" Jaune asked, feeling kinda guilty for leaving empty-handed.
"Of the first-year students, I believe that should go without saying." Jaune sunk a little. "However, I will say that you are not the first student, though I sincerely hope you are the last to arrive without documents such as these. This is a dangerous life we huntsmen live. Every day could be... Khm. Excuse my candor, Mr. Arc. Force of habit for those as aged as myself."
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bestworstcase · 8 months
Hmm Yang - Cinder parallels
Prosthetics - easy
Adoption/Step mothers - quality of such isn't because Glass Unicorn is uniquely bad in a way that has no comparison with Yang
Mother figure who is terrible at vocalizing care. Raven popping up as a bird in Yellow Trailer and volume 3 instead of taking Luke a normal person, Salem being very very bad at talking. This gets even more pronounced if that theory of Raven and Qrow (from STRQYR I think) being used as an additional lock on the Vault at Beacon is correct and Raven sending Yang to ask Qrow about what Ozpin did to them was intended to get that information from Qrow. As opposed to just catching the two not mentioning the bird thing.
Summer Rose modeling (probably). Yang in being stunningly similar in mannerisms of the little we've seen of Summer. Cinder in presumably being taught further by Summer how to fight.
Fire connotations... Possibly extending to Fenghuang (Chinese Phoenix, and the female counterpart to the masculine Chinese dragon) and Cinder's Phoenix imagery though I think there's actually very little similarity between European phoenixes and Fenghuang. This I think actually just happens to reflect the next point very well
Ozpin's mistakes and collateral damage. Cinder is explicitly failed by Ozpin's order, slavery and a huntsman turning a blind eye. Yang is a more personal variation of Ozpin's personal attention on Team STRQ. Raven is looking more and more like whatever had her leave was rooted in her disagreeing with Ozpin. She and Taiyang separating/not being partners was possibly to probably always on the table but her having no interaction with Yang instead of co-parenting or non primary caregiver? The disagreement over Ozpin with Qrow being Ozpin's man, Summer being a trusted agent until she suddenly stopped, and Taiyang (??? If he's done or doing anything for Oz but the fact the team being torn apart was specifically done by Raven is a bit telling to my mind given the cultist vibe with Ozpin. Has Raven made mistakes - yes. Drawing a line with Oz I suspect won't be one of them). If Ozpin made her and Qrow keys to the Vault without telling her and she only found out after she had Yang who would thus have hostage situation written on her forehead if it ever came out? Cause. If Raven was giving a Gretchen Spring Maiden sanctuary and lying that she had no clue where Gretchen was when everyone knows she had a bond to the girl (see speculation about Gretchen being the person the other side of the portal) - that could really tear a team apart. Summer joining Salem tips the collateral from the War in abstract to specifically Oz. Qrow wasn't around as much as he was needed because working for Oz as a spy. Taiyang... I have opinions about Taiyang but he's divisive so skipping over the past to volume 4. Port and Oobleck ask if he'll go after Ruby. IE - things aren't so bad that he can't. He says he's looking after "Things" as to why he hasn't. Yang takes things to mean her. If Things were actually the Vault... Taiyang is forced to let his barely recovered to "stable-ish" with a new prosthetic arm eldest daughter go after RWBY to guard the Vault. To do so even when the world congregates in Vacuo for a fight, even after his daughters presumably died in that fight. This gets WORSE if Qrow and Raven are additional keys to the Vault because he's superfluous in a way he isn't if Cinder having the Maiden powers means the only defenses left are him and secrecy. Which he wouldn't know because Oz is synonymous with self decorating secrecy. Yang is left taking care of Ruby in the ashes of team STRQ which are directly traceable to Oz.
Mistral heritage but not majority raised within
And that's all I got. Is there anything you'd like to add or disagree with?
yang's and cinder's recoveries in V4 are inverses of each other: watts and tyrian needle cinder mercilessly but salem tells them to cut it out while praising cinder to high heavens / port and oobleck give yang the patience and compassion she needs to feel comfortable expressing her feelings in spite of tai's very harsh "tough love" approach. there is also overt mirroring between cinder+salem vs yang+tai on at least two occasions off the top of my head:
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<- these are non-arbitrary, with the first reflection being tai finally giving yang information about raven (which she's desperately wanted and been denied for years) vs cinder desperately wanting salem to do something that will fix the Ruby Problem and salem er, not doing that; and the second occurs after both tai and salem talk about yang's and cinder's failings before offering a hand, with the reversal being that tai faults yang and salem faults herself.
which suggests an interesting contrast between taiyang and salem in that he says he needs to take care of some stuff (implicitly, yang) and that's why he hasn't gone after ruby (implicitly, yet) but then after "some stuff" leaves he just… continues to stay home, versus salem talking a big game about leaving cinder to "toil in her isolation" for all of five minutes before dropping everything to rush to atlas with an army of grimm after finding out where cinder will be and that ozpin is back. what it means depends a bit on why tai is still hanging around patch but it's. something i ponder now and then. words vs deeds.
here's the og branwen keys theory, for posterity. i stand by it, although i think if ozpin did this he probably did not let the twins in on that detail and raven maybe figured it out herself—which would widen the fissure between her and ozpin in a big way and also makes sense as something she wouldn't dare tell anyone, because if salem finds out it paints a target on both her back and qrow's (and qrow is frankly not great at keeping secrets from family, even sober).
(regarding fenghuang, this is silly and not really textually relevant i just cannot let it pass without noting the minor detail that, bc raven has custody, tdt/burnt roses!yang's full name is yangwu branwen. for bird mcbird reasons.)
there is i think also something to the comparison between cinder's life in the glass unicorn and yang's childhood in that—while cinder's situation was certainly far more extreme—on the one hand, we have a young girl enslaved and forced to wait on her abusers hand and foot while the closets thing she has to a real parent trains her to fight in secret but otherwise doesn't lift a finger to help her, and on the other we have a young girl essentially co-parenting her younger sister while her mother watches over her as a bird which probably did keep yang safer than she would have been otherwise (<- i do not for a second believe raven wasn't in the regular habit of killing grimm who got too close to the cabin while tai was away) but is also equally if not more inadequate than how rhodes handled cinder.
if i'm right that summer is the stepmother in the cinderella narrative then yang's contextual role as one of the stepsisters is also complicated in an interesting way by summer being her stepmother too (esp. in conjunction with tai's favoritism of ruby and parentification of yang) and the multiple layers of twistiness rwby brings to the "evil stepmother" trope. though it remains to be seen exactly how that will shake out. (& as always i'm obsessed with the likelihood that summer has known cinder longer than she knew either of her actual daughters.)
i do question what tai is still doing in patch and if he actually has some sort of job that he's doing as opposed to perhaps being—similar to raven—soured on ozpin altogether and determined to stay out of it. it's definitely made clear that raven leaving and then losing summer too broke something in him and, while he was evidently involved with ozpin's circle before summer disappeared, no one connected to ozpin or salem has mentioned him in the present aside from the dig raven makes about him trusting ozpin Before. i wouldn't be… surprised if he's just been carrying on teaching at signal and refusing to get sucked back in to the vortex.
(<- & if that's the case his extreme passivity would also be in juxtaposition with salem)
this is all sort of scattershot but there's a lot of emotional and thematic confluences to chew on. i also think it's interesting that salem's quasi-familial relationship with cinder frequently is mirrored by or juxtaposed with father-daughter relationships (tai and yang, pietro and penny, ironwood as a surrogate fatherly figure to winter) given salem's own parental situation (mother dead in childbirth + abusive father who, reading between the lines of the fairytale, treated her like a replacement for her mother when he wasn't locking her away to punish her for 'killing' her mother) and consistent prioritization of cinder over her own plans. to the point that i sort of wonder if a conscious desire to not be her father plays into salem's decision-making wrt cinder in V8 at all
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