#pathfinder 1
thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © @chimeride​, accessed at their blog here
[Mpaca is a forest spirit in the lore of the Nyange, a people in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo who have a rich and mostly still extant oral tradition. The Epic of Mwindo is the most famous of their sagas in English, and Mpaca appears in that story in passing, as a point of reference and comparison. The folktale in which he plays a starring role is collected in The Dictionary of African Mythology, and is online for free . Something I think is interesting is how closely the story “Mpaca’s Very Long Fingernail” maps to the davalpa/himantopus. It is a greedy, parasitic creature that rides on its victims’ backs, and can be defeated by getting it drunk. I’ve talked before about how I don’t hold a lot of stock in diffusionism, but part of me does wonder if the voyages of Sinbad made it to east/central Africa, or Nyange epics made it to the Middle East. There was a lot of trade between the regions, after all.]
Mpaca CR 4 CE Monstrous Humanoid This little man has long, wild hair and long fingers. The middle finger on each hand is extremely long compared to the others, ending in a single claw. His face is elongated, ending in a mole-like snout.
An mpaca is a twisted little humanoid that delights in enslaving other creatures. They can control the behavior of humanoids by jabbing them with their long middle finger, and then ride atop them. They do not treat their slaves well, forcing them to do exhausting work on long hours, and restricting their food and water. An mpaca may even ride such slaves into combat as a mount. Such slaves are controlled repeatedly and often worked to death if the mpaca can manage it.
In seeking out new slaves, an mpaca can shapechange, often favoring the shape of young women and girls. They can also extend their magical fingers to extreme distances, spying on their charges from afar though the nail. If their fingers are severed, the mpaca cannot use its charming ability, and so almost always only extends the finger on one hand and keeps the other in reserve.
Most mpacas live as parasites of humanity, taking over small villages to use as their personal dens of iniquity. The mpaca keeps the community in line with threats and magical charm, alternating between hosts while draining the wealth and happiness from everyone who lives there. When not finding victims, mpacas are lazy and slovenly. They are prone to indulging in drugs and drink, and victims of an mpaca have been known to dislodge the creature by getting it intoxicated.
Mpaca                  CR 4 XP 1,200 CE Small monstrous humanoid Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +5, scent Defense AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural) hp 37 (5d10+10) Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +8 (1d4+2 plus grab) or charm claw +8 (3 plus charm) Special Attacks grab (Medium) Statistics Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14 Base Atk +5; CMB +6 (+10 grapple); CMD 20 Feats Deceitful, Dodge, Mounted Combat, Undersized Mount (B) Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +7, Climb +8, Disguise +7 (+15 using change shape), Perception +5, Ride +14, Stealth +9, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Ride Languages Common, Sylvan SQ change shape (humanoid, alter self), probing finger Ecology Environment warm hills Organization solitary or ward (1 plus 1 humanoid) Treasure standard Special Abilities Charm Claw (Su) As a standard action, or as part of an action made to maintain a grapple, a mpaca can jab a humanoid creature with its long clawed finger. A creature so struck must succeed a DC 14 Will save or be charmed for 24 hours. A creature that resists is immune to the charm claw of that mpaca for the next 24 hours. Feats An mpaca’s Undersized Mount feat allows it to ride Medium bipeds without penalty. Probing Finger (Su) An mpaca can extend its middle fingers and see through them. A finger extended in this way can stretch out to 600 feet long, extending or retracting as much as 30 feet a round. The mpaca can see and hear through the finger, and make charm claw attacks with it. While using its finger in this fashion, the finger can make Stealth checks as if it were a Diminutive creature, and fit through cracks as narrow as 1 inch. The mpaca can still use its normal senses while extending a finger in such fashion, but it is distracted; treat the mpaca as being flat footed. The finger can be destroyed through damage (AC 18, 5 hp, DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing). An mpaca regrows a destroyed finger over the course of 1 month, and if both of its fingers are destroyed, it cannot make charm claw attacks. 
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yourplayersaidwhat · 3 months
The Monk Attacks a Bird
The Party Is fighting an Eagle in combat. It is the Monk’s turn
Monk: Now time for me to say the most awkward thing, “Time to choke the chicken”!
*Rolls a 15 (misses) followed by a natural 1*
Gunslinger: Man with rolls that bad you basically missed your cock.
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wetsocksinbed · 5 days
the true mass effect experience is spending ages making a personalised character just to run into a random npc that looks almost identical to them
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silversiren1101 · 5 months
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Oh we're having a real one this morning
(bonus points Arue in the Regill mask)
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secretsimpleness · 8 months
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I figured this out somewhere along the second-to-last act. Octavia, the Baroness / Pathfinder Kingmaker (c) Owlcat Games
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samirafamily · 7 days
👋🤍Hello friends ⛔
🛑Don't skip please 🛑
I am Samira. My account has been banned by Tumblr. Please support me on this account and share my account so that it reaches everyone.💔😭🙏🇵🇸
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I am a mother of three 🥺🥺🧑‍🍼🚑🚑children and I am seven months pregnant.🧑‍🍼🚑😮‍💨😷🙏😭 I suffer from oxygen deficiency and asthma. My tent was burned 🎪❌❌because of the occupation and now it is destroyed 😭💔💔💔💔and flooded because of the rain. I cannot stand the cold. Please support me and stand with me. Every dollar you donate makes a difference.In my life and the lives of my children who face death, malnutrition and skin diseases due to water pollution and our suffering in the war.😭😭😭💔💔
@shadesof-cool-blr @shade-of-blue
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
Monster Spotlight: Merlucent
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CR 3
Chaotic Neutral Medium Aberration
Adventure Path: Hell's Vengeance: Wrath of Thrune, pg. 90-91
These beautiful drifters spend the majority of their lives living simply, capturing shellfish, small fish, and sea birds to consume, their hunter-gather lifestyle interrupted only by bursts of artistic inspiration as they carve strange glyphs into living coral, causing it to grow into bizarre but beautiful shapes. Enclaves of Merlucent can turn normal reefs into alien art galleries over the generations, though they only rarely allow anyone but their own inside. If they did, people might see the farms! But we'll get to that in just a moment.
Most of the time, a colony of Merlucent near a settlement is both a boon and a bane. The jellyfish-people are almost invisible in water, their bodies becoming hazy and indistinct while submerged and granting them concealment, which is excellent when they're trying to sneak up on meals or avoid unwanted attention, but terrible for fishermen who may not see what they're dropping a net on until it's brought up and starts stinging people. Merlucent also eagerly consume what human fishermen need to survive, and vice-versa, reducing the overall amount of food available for everyone involved... but at the same time their presence wards away threats that are even worse and more gluttonous.
Their primary power lays in their stinging tentacles, which act as a painful deterrence. Though they are capable of wielding weapons (not that many are effective underwater) and wands (which they enjoy as keepsakes instead of tools; more on that below!), a basic Merlucent is dangerous enough with its ability to lash out three of its tentacles to a distance of 15 feet. Their considerable reach gives them an edge over most sea-dwelling races, especially the warmongering sahuagin and expansionist sea elves, both of which can be pests to shore-dwelling civilizations and neither of which are immune to the painful, debilitating sting the Merlucent can deliver.
In addition to dealing 1d4+1 damage each, the three stings of these jellyfolk infuse the victim with a paralytic poison that deals 1d3 Dex damage a round for up to 4 rounds. The saving throw is only 14, but remember there's three attacks, and poison in Pathfinder stacks in a unique way: Every dose of identical poison beyond the first raises the save DC by +2 and the duration by 1/2 the base, so another +2 rounds per sting in the Merlucent's case. Each tentacle strike also automatically pulls the victim 5ft closer to the jellyfish and into range of whatever weapon it's wielding; while this has its uses in undersea combat, it's even more dangerous if they're attacking something above the water and dragging it downwards towards them, or pulling a vulnerable party member or NPC out of position in cases when the party comes into conflict with them.
And they will. Merlucent see men and elves as strange and fascinating creatures, in much the way mankind might see an ape or a shrimp as fascinating and strange. Though they are intelligent and can speak via telepathy, their own thought patterns are so alien that there may as well be a second language barrier in front of everything! This means they see little problem with stealing from humanity... even going so far as stealing humans for two equally disturbing purposes. The first is aesthetics: Merlucent see the world in a unique way, their constant Detect Magic and own unusual senses letting them see the weft and weave of magic as a beautiful, entrancing lightshow. They especially love magic items of any sort, going as far as to incorporate magic items they find or steal into their coral creations to both coax them into new forms and enjoy watching the magic course through them and into the coral.
So you can imagine how overjoyed they are when they find a living creature capable of USING magic! They're entranced by it, often gathering in large groups to watch casters cast. While normally content to just watch, a caster who doesn't tread lightly around such gatherings may end up captured and added to their living art galleries. Even worse, when they want to get in on the action, their dangerous Arcane Echo ability allows them to replicate casting simply by reshaping nearby magic up to three times a day, copying the effects of any spell cast within 20ft of them at any time during the day. Merlucent cannot copy spells with a level higher than twice their Hit Dice, typically meaning the average one is limited to 2nd level spells, but this does mean the Sorcerer slinging around Burning Hands is even more dangerous to their party than usual, since Merlucent can simply copy what they see.
The second reason Merlucent wish to capture people, though, happens once every 3 to 5 years: reproduction. It's unfortunately not as fun as it looks or sounds, because Merlucent reproduce in a way that evokes the Mind Flayers/Illithids of D&D lore, implanting a polyp into the victim's ear that slowly makes its way into--and swiftly replaces--the victim's brain. Such unfortunates take 1d4 Int damage each day until they either resist the polyp disease (a DC 12 Fortitude save), have it cured by magic, or fall to 0 Int and be wholly transformed into a brand new Merlucent. Though such transformed creatures are NOT the former victim and possess none of their skills or memories, there IS a small chance that they'll assimilate some of their victims' spellcasting abilities if they had any. Such apexes of jellykind are far more dangerous than their lesser kin, both for the power they wield and the ambition with which they wield it.
While normal Merlucent simply catch what they need, be it food or people to incubate their young, it is jellyfolk born with magical talent who possess the knowledge and foresight needed to construct entire underwater farms/prisons where they simply keep captured victims alive and fed until breeding season arrives. You know, every few years.
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2minutetabletop · 8 months
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WW1 Trench Map Assets
I've just published my WW1 Trenches: tiling trench assets with all sorts of battlefield debris. How might you use these in a fantasy setting, DMs?
→ Download them here!
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cat-cosplay · 2 years
Here's what rolling a Nat 1 on your first attack looks like.
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theenpcbracket · 1 year
Round 1: Hellen Highwater vs Chronos Goodman, Time Attorney at Law
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Image ID included, click to see the full image please!
More about each NPC below the cut!
Character 1
Name: Hellen Highwater Party: Team Kill Relationship to party: A party member's girlfriend, a party member
What makes them the best NPC: She's very silly and makes so many puns, she's a dragonblood sorcerer whose dad is a copper dragon. For most of her life she could spit acid and thought it was just because of the specific ancestry she had and had no clue it could have been related to her copper-y scales. She was the first person to really get to know the party's resident edgy man. Originally she was supposed to be a minor part of the plot, sending the party letters from her home, but the party and the DM liked her so much she managed to stay in the party.
Any extra propaganda under the tag Hellen Highwater, to be found here
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Character 2
Name: Chronos Goodman, Time Attorney At Law Party: Pandeia Boys Nite Relationship to party: The party's legal aid after our psychic was caught breaking the time-space continuum
What makes them the best NPC: He is an unfathomably powerful time walker with unknown power who opted to help 3 gay men beat the temporal anomaly allegations. He also wears a white dragon scale suit and generally fucks severely. Yes he is corrupt but he is corrupt for us <3
Any extra propaganda under the tag Chronos Goodman, to be found here
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fisherkn1ght · 2 months
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a question
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I finally finished it 🙈 (if I spent even a second longer on this I would've cried out of pure frustration)
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yourplayersaidwhat · 7 months
Swashbuckler: "I don't like the squishy wood."
Druid: "Yeah, we like our wood hard."
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vivi-the-goblin · 1 month
Of all the spells I found while researching, Favorable Review might be my favorite. Like you force someone to only say nice things about a person, location, or specific piece of media for a week. They can notice this is happening, and they can just shut up, but anything mean they say twists into praise. And on a crit fail you legitimately change thier opinion. Even more hilarious is that it's a rank 4 spell, you don't get this until level 7!
I adore this thing, idk when I'd use it productively in game but its shot to the top of "spells I wish I had IRL." Not even to make people praise my videos, I'd just love to fuck with people! Make your friends praise a show they hate! Make bigots unable to scream about thier political enemies! And to you, oh familial Michiganders who scorned me, I cast the most terrible spell I can imagine. BEHOLD! CURSE OF COMPLIMENTING OHIO!
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ex-textura · 2 years
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AHHHHHHHH!! It’s Pathfinder Day!!!
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jellisdraws · 7 months
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More of these friends because I have the brainrot
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𝘕𝘢𝘸, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦! 😂👍
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