#pc: grayson
thebearking · 1 year
Manipulation starters - 8. "I can make all your problems disappear. Just do as I say, and I'll take care of everything."
"Ya te lo he dicho, has lo que te digo y nunca tendrás que volver a preocuparte en tu vida de nada. ¿Acaso quieres seguir sufriendo?" @ninjiwriter95
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pedanticat · 6 months
I need for this to be Debbie when she sees Nolan in S3 😂
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Do you think people in Gotham have Batfam Photocards?!
like you know the ones peeps have for Kpop idols that they keep in decorated holders? Cuz I would've had a Dick Grayson Robin PC as a tween and I would've kept that shit in a Sanrio holder.
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like just imagine a batman one, plz
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camilez · 2 years
Honest opinion guys,
Are you guys upset about the set 30fps on consoles for Gotham Knights or not?
Like I really don’t care about it cause I bought the game for my PC anyways so I’m not affected, but are you guys still going to buy it?
Also the hate the devs are getting is unacceptable and disgusting. Stop comparing a game that is singleplayer to a multiplayer co-op untether OPEN WORLD game that is Gotham knights.
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dracomonarchy · 1 year
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it's all fun and games until you get trapped in the torture labyrinth with the most dysfunctional team of mech pilots in the dawnline shore a.k.a i was becoming the joker at work and filled a canvas with lancer pc struggleposting to cope
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dungeonsandblorbos · 3 months
OC Headcanon Tag
thanks for the tag, @somethingclevermahogony!
Rules: Use this headcannon generator to create some headcannons for your OCs. This will either be super accurate, super wrong, or somewhere in-between, but certainly fun!
because i can, i'm gonna do three of these for each of my big four OCs :D
If Ariel likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
i mean, gift-giving is one of his primary love languages (the other one being physical touch). i wouldn't put it past him.
Ariel is a dog person.
Ariel is a horse person.
Ariel killed Princess Diana.
bahahahahahahaha considering he's currently a fugitive from his home country because he's suspected of killing a duke, this is the funniest possible thing the generator could've given him
Cerris is tumblr famous.
that's the goal! lol (half-joking)
Cerris is a great artist.
he's not a great artist when it comes to things like drawing or painting, but he does enjoy woodworking and is pretty good at whittling
Cerris is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them.
he's actually generally pretty good at telling when someone is romantically or sexually interested in him and he often gets very flustered when this happens
Jun tells dad jokes.
yeah, sometimes. although she wouldn't call them dad jokes, because the kinds of jokes her dad told when she was growing up were . . . not appropriate ones
Jun is a middle child.
i mean, probably. she's her mom's only child, but her dad is a manwhore with a bunch of bastard children of various races, so there's a good chance there's one or two younger than her. and her best friend is her half-brother Tim, who's four years older than her. so yeah, she's probably technically a middle child in theory, but in practice she's an only child or estranged youngest of two.
Jun cries while watching Disney movies.
Disney obviously doesn't exist in her world, but she would. she'd get really high or drunk with Tim and binge watch Disney movies and get super emotional about them. and if you showed her a classic Pixar movie? forget it! she'd be an emotional wreck for the entire rest of the day
Nina could easily survive The Hunger Games.
yeah she'd absolutely be capable of winning the Hunger Games. she's nigh-unkillable, a skilled combatant who doesn't have any qualms about fighting dirty, and (as a rock climber) decently good at outdoor survival. her big issues would be charming sponsors because she's can be extremely blunt and tactless, and also dealing with her ADHD in such an intense setting
Nina desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
yes. canonically true.
Nina bullies kids on Roblox.
hahaha she would
man, this was really fun! i'll leave this as an open tag so anyone can share in the fun, including my fellow TTRPG bloggers who might want to do something like this for their parties!
(i might also have to do this again myself but for other player characters and NPCs just because doing this with, for example, Strahd would be really funny)
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evilelirium · 11 months
Is nightwing year one any good????? Should i buy that?
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purple-obsidian · 4 months
miscommunication; option 1 (18+, dick grayson x fem titan reader)
⭓ !PLEASE READ! this is part of a choose-your-ending story. it will not make sense unless you start from here.
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"No! Dick, please!" You stand from your chair, cloth napkin falling to the floor, watching him stalk past you towards the exit of the restaurant, anxiety filling your stomach with dread.
You feel frozen in place, watching him leave and disappear through the front doors of the nice restaurant. The older couple seated at the table next to you watch curiously, and you suddenly feel very aware of all the eyes on you.
Your heart feels heavy. You don’t call a cab. You can’t bring yourself to.
He probably hates me now, I can’t believe he really likes me and I just blew it.
You decide to walk home, ignoring the rumble of thunder booming overhead as you hastily exit the restaurant, before you can hear anyone else whisper about you and the scene you just caused. The rain starts just a minute or so into your long trek home.
You want to call him, but part of you thinks it may be best to wait until the morning. He didn’t seem receptive to an explanation right now, anyways. Your mind goes over the events of this evening again, through a new lense. You tear up when you remember how sweet he was. Picking you up, bringing you flowers, getting the door for you, taking you out for Italian, which he knows is your favorite. Wallowing in self-loathing and regret, you barely pay attention as your feet stomp over the discarded trash and cigarette butts that litter the dirty sidewalks of Gotham.
The rain gets heavier, soaking your clothes and chilling you to your core. People are rushing inside, getting umbrellas and trying to stay dry. Still several blocks from your apartment, you let the cold consume you. You wonder how long he’s felt like this for. His angry words echo in your mind, making you feel even more awful about yourself.
‘I really wanted this to be a chance for us to get better acquainted outside of work. I wanted to get to know you better.’
‘I thought we had chemistry. Real chemistry.’
You honestly had no idea he was interested in you. Dicks kind of a flirt, but he’s like that with everyone, for the most part. Outgoing, friendly, quick to compliment and always uplifting those around him. You try to think about your interactions with him since joining the titans. Has he really treated you any differently than Donna? Or Raven?
Hugging your arms to your body, you decide you’ll try and call him when you get home, hoping your phone isn’t too messed up from the rain water.
“So… How did it go last night?” Donna asks, a smug smile adorning her kind face.
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” Dick grumbles.
Donna frowns, walking over to where Dick is sitting, his blue eyes glued on the computer screen in front of him. “That bad, huh?” She puts her hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing in a show of support. “Well, don’t worry. As soon as Wally gets here, the three of us can go get some lunch and talk about it.”
“I literally just said I don’t want to talk about it.” He retorts, shrugging her hand away.
“Don’t want to talk about what?”
A rush of air hits Dicks face and ruffles some loose papers on the table next to him. Dick shifts to look over at Wally, who somehow always manages to be late, despite his abilities.
Donna curses under her breath and fixes her hair that was disturbed by their friend’s abrupt arrival. “Good morning, Wally.” She says sarcastically. “Nice of you to join us.”
The speedster takes a seat on Dicks sofa, kicking his feet up in the coffee table and making himself at home. “You know I’ll never pass up on plans that involve food. But- fill me in, what did I miss?”
Dick chooses to ignore his friend, and focuses on saving his open files so he can shut down his PC.
“Well, someone finally asked a certain someone else out on a date.” Donna explains. She takes a seat next to Wally, still finger-brushing her hair. “But apparently it didn’t go too well.”
“Aww, shit. That’s rough, man. You've been wanting to ask her out for a while. When did this happen?” Wally asks.
“Last night.” Dick mutters under his breath.
Wally cocks his head in confusion. “I thought you and her were going on a mission last night. Some stakeout or something.”
“Why would you think that?” Dick closes his laptop, swiveling his desk chair so he's facing his friends.
“She told me. Said you two had work to do, that was two days ago, I called her to ask about Gar's food allergies. She brought it up then, I’m sure of it.”
“Hm.” Dick scratches the back of his neck, the pieces finally falling into place. “…fuck.”
"Yeah! Turns out, he's not allergic to shit. He just chooses not to eat meat. Which, hey, I mean, fair enough, right? But why does he insist of having his food cooked completely separate, a little cross contamination never hurt anyone..."
“Diiiick…..” Donna draws out his name in warning. “How did you ask her out? What did you say, exactly?”
“Over text.” Dick anxiously unlocks his phone, hastily pulling up his last text conversation with you.
Donna holds out her hand expectantly, and Dick begrudgingly hands it over. The amazon’s eyes quickly read through the message history. “Dick, you know how she is, you have to be more clear with her. She totally thought you were asking for her help with a mission.”
“What?” He grabs his phone back, and re-reads it for himself. “What are you talking about? I even said ‘it’s a date’. Look, right there!”
“Yeeeeeaah, I’m with Donna on this one.” Wally chimes in. “You say that all the time, Dick. You’re a flirt. How was she supposed to know?”
Dick glances between his best friends, a look of exasperation in his face. “Oh, come on! You can’t seriously read that conversation and tell me I was not crystal clear with my intentions!”
“Maybe not, but you know how clueless she can be sometimes.” Wally argues, relaxing back into the couch. “Remember a few weeks ago? At the bar? That one guy with the hat was flirting with her all night and it went right over her head.”
Dick groans, holding his head in his hands. “Fuck, I need to go talk to her.”
“Yeah, you do.” Donna agrees sympathetically.
“Does this mean no lunch?” Wally asks, visibly deflating in disappointment at the change in plans.
Dick taps on your contact photo in his phone to call you. He tugs his jacket on, cursing again when it goes straight to voicemail.
A familiar knock on your door startles you, causing you to jump a little. You were on your computer, trying to make an appointment with your cell phone provider to see if they can fix your waterlogged phone that's buried in a bowl of rice next to you.
You look in the peephole of the old wooden door just to be sure, and your stomach does a flip when you confirm that it’s Dick again.
“Hey. I’m glad you’re here.” You open your door wide for him, your heart hammering in your chest, hoping he’s willing to hear you out. “Come in.”
Dick says your name, closing the door behind him, and reaching for your hand. “I owe you an apology.”
The sincerity of his tone eases a bit of the nervousness you’re feeling. “Yeah, me too.” Squeezing his hand a little, you look down at the floor, trying to find the right words to say. “Dick, I’m an idiot. I realize that now. I thought you were asking me out to help with Titans business, I didn’t even realize-“
“I know.” His voice is pained and apologetic, reflected also in his expression.
“I probably sounded so shallow, when I said I was up for an all-nighter, I didn’t mean-“
“I know.” He says again, entwining his fingers with your own. “I’m at fault here too. I never should have asked you out via text. Too much room for misinterpretation. I was so nervous for our date, I wanted everything to be perfect, and... I’m not proud about how I behaved. I shouldn't have left you there alone. I’m sorry.”
You let out a relieved sigh, closing your eyes and shaking your head. “Dick, I have so much respect for you. And I enjoy your company, I really do. But I legitimately thought we were there to meet someone or follow a person of interest. If I would have known-”
“Then let’s start over.” He smiles down at you, tilting your chin up with his finger so his ocean blue eyes can stare into yours. “I like you. A lot. I want to take you out. A romantic evening, just you and me. So we can get to know each other better. How does that sound?”
“That sounds wonderful.” Your voice is quiet, but the excitement in your eyes makes Dick’s heart soar. Its the look he was hoping to see last night. “I’d really like that, Dick. I promise I’m into this, into you, and not just because you’re hot.”
He chuckles, letting his hand fall to cup your neck. “For the record, I’m not opposed to pulling an all-nighter with you.” His hand feels warm against your neck, and you feel that fluttering sensation in your stomach again. “I just… I think there’s something more here. Don’t you?”
You answer him with a nod, keeping your eyes on his. “Yeah, I do.”
Your heart beats faster, seeing him lean in slowly, his face gets closer and closer to your own. You let your eyes flutter shut and lean forward to meet his lips in a slow kiss. His touch feels electric, sending goosebumps up and down your spine. You release his hand and go on your tiptoes so you can snake your arms around his neck. His own hands find your waist, pulling you closer while his mouth moves against your soft lips.
After a minute or so, lightheaded from both lack of air and excitement, you break off the kiss and look up at him, trying to keep yourself from smiling too much. "I'm so glad you don't hate me. I thought I really fucked this up."
Dick caresses your cheek and laughs under his breath. "Well, you can be a little dense at times. But I'm glad we could clear the air. I tried to call you earlier-"
"Oh, yeah. My phone got wet. It was raining pretty hard last night."
You gesture towards your coffee table, where your phone is barely visible in the glass bowl of dry rice.
"Please don't tell me you walked home all alone." Dick sounds disappointed, searching your face for confirmation.
"Okay... I won't tell you, then."
"You're stubborn as hell, you know that?"
Dick notices a sparkle in your eyes as you reply, his arms keeping your body pressed against his. "Dense, stubborn, and yet... you still want to take me on a date."
"Yeah," He says back in agreement. "I do."
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⭓ go back ⭓ masterlist ⭓
which ending did you choose first? let me know here, or leave a like/comment.
don’t steal my work. don’t repost it somewhere, upload it to another site, use it to train ai, or claim it as your own.
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bunnyathy · 4 months
my favorite and funny silly headcannons (not rlly) and ooc ideas about the batfamily:
Damian Wayne:
- has a dedicated social media accounts for his pets. he gets income and sponsorship from luxury pet brands all the time because of it. he doesn’t really care about the money he’s just happy his pets get to have free stuff that give them a better and spoiled life.
- bro’s a gen alpha he’s probably a brainrot humor kind of kid but he hides it well but it comes out at random times
- he’s a dedicated hater, he loved kendrick lamar’s drake diss songs
- his personal/ official Damian Wayne tiktok account is literally just a hate page for his brothers (but in an endearing way he still loves them)
- prefers watching reels over tiktok bcs of the funny comments and the unhinged reels that come out there
- Damian Wayne is a weeb… he was absolutely there during the Anime tiktok lockdown era (if he was even born yet idk) so he knows all the cringe weeb shit.. he quotes it at random times….
- Damian was strictly shoujo mangas and anime but Jon showed him My Hero Academia and he LOVED it. he respects Koda and likes his quirk. MHA was one of the only mangas he read that’s not shoujo lol. (lets ignore the part where there was official damian wayne art where there was a chainsaw man manga with him (i dislike csm))
- he probably did one of those kpop pc decora things out of a printed picture of his fave anime character cough bakugo and tamaki suoh cough (he got influenced by flatline nika)
- he most likely listens to Twice bcs Flatline suggested it to him (this is not bcs I am a once (yes it is))
- to be able to keep up with Brucie Wayne’s diva it boy appearance he occasionally does those derma clinic facials and time to time he invites his kids. Stephanie absolutely is always with him, Cass as well but she’s only there because Steph seems to love it so she’ll always do what Steph loves. It came to a point where Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Duke Thomas started to become pretty boys (Jason is not there he could not stand Brucie persona)
- there has been rumors of Brucie Wayne having a bbl and to prove them all wrong Brucie posted a gym workout where his focus was his ass. lets just say BRUCIE JUICY ASS?? on twitter was trending and the kids HATED it. maybe haha certain heroes liked it a little more than others lmfao
- Damian got hyperfixated on into the spiderverse and across the spiderverse he forced his whole family to rewatch it with him
- Jason got asked to come over to the manor by one of the siblings and took a sneaky pic of his whole body just to put it in one of those “dance if you love your family” ai dancing thing on tiktok. he never came back to the manor….
- Tim and Damian have this online feud in tiktok where they comment unhinge and insulting comments to their public official account each other but ofc its filtered so it can cross the tos. Damian once commented “I hope to see you hanging in the streets” and almost got banned from tiktok
- whenever any of the fam asks something from Cass that she doesn’t wanna do she goes “sorry I’m mute” (she takes advantage of her not so disability) Stephanie taught her that she said it would be funny. it works sometimes bcs the other was probably too tired to notice or just goes along bcs they think Cass learning gen Z humor is funny.
aight ive ran out of ideas they were just mostly damian and batfam AHAHAHAH
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elecilaombre · 7 months
Dick : Why is my PC shut down ?
Tim : Maybe your out of battery.
Damian : * mimicking Tim * MayBe Your PC iS oUt Of BaTerRy. Of course Grayson would have noticed that kind of problem.
Dick : Plus I forgot to take my charger for the trip ! :)
Damian & Tim : * groans*
Dick : don't worry it's the same cable than the one for your phone !
Duke : * waking up, misehearing* it's a Covid charger ?
Jason : * cooing * Of course it's a without contact charger, a Covid charger.
Duke : * still half asleep, firmly* a COVID charger. * Go back to sleep *
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porcelana-r0ta · 1 year
The Curse of Sight
[Part 1] Part 2 [Part 3] 
Ao3 Link: [Part 2] (Ao3 link is available only to Ao3 users)
Summary: When Wes Weston meets Tim Drake-Wayne, the dots start connecting. And those dots form a Bat.
Wes wasn’t 100% positive about whether or not Tim was joking when he said to get him a coffee on his next coffee run, but he’s nothing if not a (reluctantly) efficient worker. Well, that, and Jade was always looking for any reason to complain about him, so it’s best to not give her a reason. 
So when he’s sent on his daily coffee run the next day, he orders one trenta Death Wish coffee. He even remembers to request blond espresso since that kind has more caffeine than dark. 
When he makes his way back to WE, he’s able to slip into the elevator after one of the scientists, who pityingly presses the floor button when Wes asks. He thanks her, and is luckily left alone when she gets off twenty floors before him. Blessedly, no one joins after her, and he’s able to get off at Floor 73 in peace. 
He’s immediately assaulted by the caffeine-starved workers just like yesterday, and he luckily doesn’t have to worry about figuring out where to drop off Tim’s coffee, because Rebecca Gray, one of the younger employees who actually treats Wes like he’s human, spills some tea to him, and even presents it in such a way that she’s just helping him with his delivery: “Kid, your mom’s in the Grayson Conference Room with the Waynes and some people from the Board. There was a break-in last night. They’re trying to come up with a press plan. You’ll have to take her and Jade’s order in there. Remember to knock.”
See, Wes didn’t need to know all that. He only needed the last two sentences. But Rebecca is a decent human being who gives other human beings basic human respect, even if they are lowly interns that double as unwilling nepo-babies. He appreciates that about Rebecca. 
“Thanks,” he tells her, and she doesn’t ask questions about why he has three coffees left instead of two. 
“No problem,” she chirps, then rubs her hand roughly through his hair. He has a free hand now, so he swats at her, but she’s already frolicking off to her cubicle. Probably to make memes and then come up with a pitch to his mom on why they should be posted on the Wayne Enterprises official Twitter. 
They were good memes. Wes liked them, anyway. But he’s not sure it’d be very PC of a corporation to post a supposedly “joke” Tweet about giving one million dollars to the first person to kill the Joker and provide proof. 
Wes walks over to the conference room and knocks on the solid mahogany. A few seconds pass, and then a man’s voice calls out, “Come in.” 
Wes opens the door to a group of men and women in suits that are more expensive than any amount of money he will ever have in his bank account at one time surrounding a table that overlooks a flat screen TV. He’s quick to spot his mom and Tim, and unfortunately, quick to spot Jade and Bruce fucking Wayne, who’s, you know, the fucking Batman. 
Wes sweeps his gaze away and smiles nervously, hoping he just looks like a dorky intern who is scared to piss off the Actual Big Boss™. “I have coffee,” he offers, raising the coffee holder a bit higher, as if they couldn’t see from where it was. 
“Thank you, Wes,” his mom says, and he takes that as his cue to enter in farther, distributing the coffee first to his mom, then Jade (who glares at him, ugh), and finally, Tim, who takes it with a look of surprise that forces his eyebrows up his forehead. 
“It’s got every shot of espresso they can legally sell,” he tells him, an anxious smile tugging at his lips a little too hard. He is so stressed right now. 
Tim takes a sip, and then says with the expertise of an addict, “This is blond espresso.”
“Blond has more caffeine, so….” 
Tim looks at him with wide eyes, “You are a coffee god.”
“Ahaha, I’m just the intern,” he says tightly, feeling Bruce Wayne’s gaze bore holes into him. He wonders if anyone else can feel it when he’s just Brucie, or if he’s only noticing because he knows. “Anyway, I’m just gonna….” He gestures to the door, and as he does so, his eyes catch on the screenshot displayed on the wide flatscreen TV. 
It’s clearly been pulled from security cameras, and police have definitely already had a look at it (and the Bats, obviously) if the Waymes are letting the PR team look at it. The camera is surprisingly clear—or maybe not, given the Waynes’ nightlife—and has been zoomed in, so Wes can make out the villain in all their suited up glory, Kevlar(?) and green mask and all, and even their laptop that’s hooked up to some scientist’s desktop computer (if Wes had to wager a guess, anyway). There’s also a shadow behind the villain, indistinct but invariably human. Probably Batman right before interrupting the villain. 
Batman’s definitely smart enough to avoid showing a picture of himself in a cape and cowl to his closest coworkers while in his Brucie persona. 
Huh. That’s odd: the laptop is covered in distinctive stickers. He can even read one of the stickers that quotes an old but widely known fanfiction: “Why couldn’t Satan have made me less beautiful?”
Well, that’s a stupid move. Why go through the trouble of having a whole entire super villain costume made if you’re just going to pull out your personalized laptop? What a dumbass. If Wes were a villain, he’d at least be smart enough to have two laptops: one for business and one for personal use. 
And God, not the My Immortal quote. Embarrassing, really. (And, honestly, a little intimidating. Talk about having no shame!)
Oh, well. It’s not his business. He’s not the super intelligent, super paranoid vigilante. The Bats can figure this one out, thank you very much. 
He walks out of the conference room and rushes to Rebecca’s cubicle, throwing his body onto the stool that he’d brought over one day while helping make memes and then never removed.
“Rebecca, guess what.”
Rebecca jumps, choking on her iced latte. “Christ, kid, what?”
“You have to guess!”
“Uh, I dunno, Jade said that she’s sorry for being a bitch?”
“Maybe when the Bats make friends with the Joker,” he says, and she snorts.
“Wow, already picking up on the Gotham lingo,” she compliments. 
“I had my first mugging a week ago. I think that counts for me being a Gothamite, right?”
“Maybe after your first big time villain attack, kid.” She shakes her head at him, then asks, “Okay, so what is it?”
“They had some security camera screenshot in the conference room,” he tells her excitedly. “The villain who broke in was on it. They had this laptop to hack some computer, and—God, this is hilarious—they had a My Immortal sticker on their laptop.”
Rebecca’s face flushes in delight and abhorrence all at once, “Holy outdated Internet references, Batman, you’re kidding.” 
“I’m absolutely not, Rebecca!” he insists. “I saw it, clear as day! Brucie Wayne doesn’t skimp on his security. It was right there in print: Why couldn’t Satan make me less beautiful?”
“Dear God.” She shakes her head, then asks, “Aren’t you a little young to know the sacred texts?” 
“You’re never too young for culture, Rebecca.” 
She nods sagely, “You have a point, kid. You have a point.” She clears her throat. “Hey, do you wanna help me with a project?” 
“What kind of project?”
“A pitch to your mom to convince her to get Wayne Enterprises an official TikTok account. It’s criminal that we don’t have one yet! Did you know that the New York City branch has one? We’re the headquarters! Why don’t we have one? It doesn’t make any sense!” 
It’s Wes’s turn to nod, “Yes, that is a grievous mistake. We need to make social media amends, and quickly. Before someone becomes a social media villain and attacks corporations that don’t have TikToks.” 
“You’re being sarcastic—”
“I’m really not—”
“But you shouldn’t joke about that in Gotham because it’ll happen if you speak it.”
Wes wants to laugh that notion off as paranoia, but then he remembers Desiree. 
“Okay, you have a point.” He knocks his hand on her head, “Knock on wood.” 
“That’s it, brat. You’re fired from my project.” She sticks her tongue out at him. 
“Wait, no. I take it back. I take it back!” 
Rebecca spins her swivel chair around, leaning back and humming, “Hmmm, maybe…. But it’ll cost you.” 
“I wanna right this social media injustice, Rebecca. Please!” 
“Okay, you’ve convinced me. But!” She raises a finger when he looks too excited, “You have to agree to be in the first TikTok.” 
Well, now he’s wary. 
He wrinkles his nose, “I don’t know about that.”
“Then no social media for you.” Her voice is a taunting singsong, and something in Wes breaks. 
“Ugh, fine. I’ll do it.”
An evil, smug grin cracks through Rebecca’s face, and Wes’s stomach curdles. What did he just agree to?
“Excellent,” she says. “Then let’s get started.”
An hour into their project, the meeting in the conference room comes to an end. Wes knows this because it’s when Jade decides to butt her head in his business.
“Weston,” she barks as soon as she sees him crouching next to Rebecca while they debate the merits of “Connecting to the Youth” as a topic for just one slide or multiple. “Stop distracting Rebecca from her work. I need you to deliver a file to IT.”
“Wes isn’t distracting me,” Rebecca politely corrects Jade, even though she shouldn’t because Jade doesn’t like her much, either. “I needed a second opinion on—”
“Another meme?” Jade asks spitefully. “That’s a waste of company time, Reb—”
But Jade is interrupted by the grand appearance of Timothy Drake, who waltzes up and asks, “Something wrong, Mrs. Oswald?” 
“Nothing, really.” Jade is quick to become all smiles. “Weston here is just interrupting Rebecca’s fine work.” 
“I heard something about a meme?” He raises an eyebrow, and Wes has to smother giggles. Red Robin is standing here, asking after a meme. 
“Oh, yes,” Rebecca jumps at the chance to discuss her memes, which are only accepted to be posted on the company Twitter about 25% of the time. She deftly switches from the slideshow tab to Canva, where she has a meme ready to go. 
Wes is impressed with her resolve. 
“As you can see, sir,” she gestures to the computer, where a meme in the Drake format is shown, but with Batman in his place. Instead of the bottom Batman being accepting of the proposal to the right, both images of Batman are grimacing. “I am using a classic format, but stylized to fit our very own vigilantes. As he is the Batman, he doesn’t really smile, so it’s just the same picture of Batman frowning like an angst lord. The top text reads, ‘When the Batburger is out of jokerized fries,’ and the bottom text reads, ‘But their ice cream machine is running.’”
Batburger is Gotham’s “not like other girls” version of McDonald’s, Wes has discovered. 
Tim cracks a laugh at the meme in front of him, and the light dies from Jade’s eyes. Wes feels just a little warmer for it, and not guilty at all. 
“That’s pretty good,” he compliments. “You think you could photoshop an ice cream cone on the Batman on the bottom?”
Rebecca lets out a gasp of delight, “Genius! That’s why you’re the CEO, sir!”
Tim laughs, his eyes crinkling, and he says, “Photoshop it in, then send it to Ms. Rolland. I want to see it on WE’s Twitter tonight.” 
Rebecca gives a two-fingered salute, then swivels back around to face her computer. 
“Wes, can I speak with you for a second? I won’t take long.” Tim may make it sound like a request, but he’s the CEO, so it’s more of an order, and Wes stands on uneasy legs as Jade storms off without a word to her boss. 
“Yeah, sure,” he agrees, and follows Tim. 
Was I obvious? Do they know that I know? Surely not, right? I mean, I’ve been in Gotham for barely three weeks. Who figures out that kind of thing in that kind of time? Who figures out that someone has figured it out in that kind of time?
Wes is about to work himself into a panic attack when Tim stops at the conference room door and holds it open for him. He gulps. Is Bruce Wayne waiting behind the door to question him? Fuuuuuuck me.
He crosses the threshold and has to hold in a sigh of relief, as well as keep from just straight up collapsing to the ground. No Brucie Wayne. No Batman confrontation. 
“W-what did you need to talk about?” Wes asks as Tim steps in after him, the door clicking shut.
Tim pauses to collect his thoughts, then says, “I wanted to ask you about Jade Oswald. She seems… aggressive with her coworkers.”
Peace, I knew thee too quickly. 
“She’s just intense,” Wes says, even though he’d kind of like to see Jade get some HR hell rained on her. “And stressed. And I kinda got this job through my mom, so she sees me as this kid who doesn’t deserve to be here when she probably had to, like, work for everything, and I’m just, like, here because my mom wants to keep an eye on me so I don’t get mugged. Again.” 
Oh, sure. Great idea! Bring up the mugging! Definitely not suspicious at all! Maybe I would be stupid enough to bring a personalized laptop with me on an intelligence heist.
Tim’s face is concerned. Wes would applaud his acting skills if he wasn’t more stressed than a 15th Century serf in Russia. “Mugged? Are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah, totally. I was rescued by Red Robin. That part was kinda cool, honestly.” Good, good, give him subtle compliments so if he does ever find out, he can remember that you think he’s cool and will hopefully give you pity. 
Tim still doesn’t look reassured, and his instinct is to tell him about wacky Amity Park hijinks, like when he joined Fenton’s teen militia to take down Youngblood and save all the adults, but he clamps down on that hard. Don’t talk about Amity to a fucking Bat, you dumbass.
“You’re sure?” His voice is soft and caring, and Wes suddenly feels suffocated. 
“U-uh, yeah. I’m sure. I appreciate you asking, though!” 
“Of course,” Tim says. “I’ve had my fair share of Gotham scares.”
“I bet,” Wes laughs. This is safer territory. “You grew up here, right? You probably know all the protocol for living here.”
“Ohhh, yeah,” Tim joins him in laughter, his tone fond for the cesspool he knows so well. It’s something only Gothamites have perfected because most people with common sense react with revulsion to this filth they call a city. “Word of advice? Get a gas mask.”
“Mom has that covered, believe me.” Wes scoffs. “Mom went and had mine fitted. I get the concern, but wow.”
“Bruce did the same to me when I first moved in,” Tim says, and Wes doesn’t ask why the Drakes didn’t already have one fitted for him since they were also rich. There’s a reason why Brucie Wayne adopts every black haired child he sees, after all. “That’s just what parents do, I guess.”
The good ones, Wes thinks grimly to himself. 
“Haha, yeah. That’s true.” He thinks of Rebecca, then thinks, Well, in for a penny…. “Hey, me and Rebecca were wondering—why doesn’t Wayne Enterprises have a TikTok?”
Tim blinks, caught off guard, then answers, “Well, we don’t really use social media for traditional advertisement, I suppose. Usually, we do social media sponsorships with influencers…. Huh. I guess I never really thought of it? I know the New York branch has an unofficial account that we haven’t shut down since it’s been rather harmless.”
That makes sense. The teenager who spends his nights parkouring across the rooftops of Gotham is too sleep deprived to remember the marketing potential of TikTok. 
“Right,” Wes says. “Well, Rebecca is working on a pitch to my mom about it. She’s, like, super into it. She has at least a dozen scripts written for the first TikToks she wants to post, and has a bunch of emails drafted to get some departments in on it. She says it’s important to humanize a company before posting ads so we have an audience who is sympathetic to the company. Which, like. Wow. Kinda messed up. But good business tactics.” 
“Huh.” Tim blinks again, and Wes is starkly aware of how wired but tired he must be. “Okay. Have Rebecca go ahead and make the account, but keep it private, and film a first TikTok. Send it to me before posting it. I’ll have filming equipment sent down. Work on it with her, yeah?” 
“O-okay! I can do that,” Wes agrees. “Are we sending this through email, or…?”
“Right.” Tim nods, then grabs a sheet of paper from a notepad left behind on the conference table. He pulls a pen out from his suit jacket and scribbles something down, tears the page out, and then hands it to Wes. 
It’s his work email. And also his personal phone. And Wes knows it’s Tim’s personal phone number because the number has “personal #” written next to it. 
Cool cool cool cool cool. No need to freak out. It isn’t like Tucker would kill him to have this opportunity or anything. It isn’t like he has the personal number of the literal Red Robin superhero or anything. 
“Oh, thanks!” is all Wes can squeak out, and Tim sends him a charming smile. 
“Today was just luck. Text me next time you’re getting coffee so you know where to meet me.” 
“Will do!” Wes agrees, and Tim nods, opening the door for Wes to exit, then follows him through. 
They say a quick goodbye, and Wes beelines for Rebecca. 
“You were in there for a while,” she comments, not looking up from her screen when he collapses onto his stool. She’s currently manipulating a photo of a Batbucks ice cream cone. “Did you two make out? I won’t rat you out. I may be in my twenties but I’m still cool like a teen.”
“No!” Wes blushes redder than his hair. “And that was, like, the lamest sentence ever. You’re lame. I regret scoring a Wayne Enterprises TikTok account for you now.”
This tidbit of knowledge rips Rebecca from her computer screen. “You’re kidding!”
He grins widely, “Nope! Our CEO says that you can go ahead and make an account, but keep it private. He says that he’ll send filming equipment down, and that he wants to personally approve of the video before posting.” 
Rebecca lets out a squeal of excitement, “You’re the best intern ever! Does your mom have to send you back to Illinois in August? Are you sure we can’t keep you?”
“Sorry, but I’m in high demand.” 
“Clearly. Ugh, you’re a little genius.” She looks at the meme on her screen. “Wow, this is boring now that I know we’ll be getting a TikTok.” 
“Tim wants to see it by the end of the day,” he reminds her. 
“Eugh. I knooowww, but still. Boring.” She sighs. “Do you think Batman is more of a vanilla or a chocolate kind of guy?” 
Before figuring out that Batman was technically one of his Actual Big Bosses™, Wes might have cracked a joke about someone who dresses up in a BDSM fursuit to fight crime having no chance of being vanilla. With his current knowledge, Wes winces, and says, “Oh, vanilla all the way. He doesn’t have the creativity for anything else. I mean, the Bat Signal? The Batmobile? C’mon.” 
Rebecca nods like this is totally rational reasoning, “You’re right, you’re right. Besides, I can’t spend the time on changing the ice cream now. Now, we have a TikTok to plan.” 
And suddenly, Wes remembers his promise to be in the very first TikTok that Wayne Enterprises posts. 
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes.”
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@blankliferain @amercurio @gin2212 @starscreamlover @hoarder-of-gender
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pedanticat · 6 months
While the breakup was inevitable (especially if you read the comics), I think the show handled it phenomenally with it being even better than how it was done in the comics. Steven Yeun and Zazie Beetz absolutely killed it in this scene with you really being able to hear the heartbreak in both of their voices as Mark and Amber realize that for as much as they love each other, they can't make this relationship work. Then you have the "I can't live in your world, I want to, but I can't." which👏👏👏. That is some absolute peak writing. I haven't consumed many stories that actually treat the breakup as a heartbreaking moment for both characters involved since it's usually just treated as a minor obstacle to prevent the main romance from happening sooner. While I'm fine with that in some cases, I feel like it's a disservice when the main character's temporary love interest is a genuinely interesting and fun character who has a good rapport with them. In that same regard, it has been a nice change of pace to see characters who do care for each other attempt to make things work and talk about the issues before accepting that what they have just isn't going to work.
It's also a good commentary on the nature of superhero/civilian relationships since while someone like Debbie was able to handle the stress of it, Amber isn't able to do so. And that doesn't make her weak or a pushover, it makes her human because not everyone is built to handle that kind of life and it's totally understandable.
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year
Top 10 most chaotic Tim Drake headcanons?
1) (stealing this from audreycritter) his parents lied about his age to get him into school a year early for "bragging about their genius kid" purposes, and he doesn't realize this until at the age of eighteen he digs up his birth certificate and it's like oops, I'm still only seventeen!
2) Tim didn't fool Bruce with the fake uncle but he did fool Bruce with the fake "school fundraiser, idc just write a check or smth" routine, which is what he uses to sneak his own personal Batmobile into the budget
3) was an early investor in crypto (bought it as a kid on the dark web) but is now hesitant to cash in because that would mean admitting to Dick Grayson that he's cryptobro adjacent
4) ran habbo hotel scams as a child
5) paid his way into being one of the voice sound effects in Tony Hawk: Ride (aka, the alleged worst Tony Hawk game in the franchise). He's the "ouch!" sound. In an article criticizing the game, they specifically call out the "ouch!" sound as being so annoying they purposely turned the sound effects off.
6) has a YouTube channel where he does "tutorials" on how he built his gaming PC, but the tutorials are impossible for anyone to follow because every single thing he uses is custom made and obscenely expensive. only the best for Tim Drake-Wayne
7) has paid over a thousand dollars for "organic designer weed". The weed was actually cilantro. The drug dealer was actually Jason in disguise
8) Cass doesn't like driving and will crash cars on purpose to get out of the task. Tim is her assigned chauffeur because he's the only one who lets himself get bullied by her whims
9) has a self-destruct button on his phone, which you would think is for normal "don't let bat data fall into the wrong hands" reasons, but it's actually because he wanted at least one grenade at hand at all times. The data-wipe functionality was a bonus, and did not occur to him until Bruce approved his design
10) has requested his dinner be seasoned with "a dash of cocaine" before. Alfred was not amused
EDIT: I guess I had this saved in my drafts for [indeterminate] and never posted this oops
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
So Danny runs away with Haly's Circus. He sorta becomes like a big brother to Dick over the course of a year or two. When they hit Gotham the Graysons die aydda yadda. No they don't become ghosts.
When Gotham refuses to let Dick leave Danny stays too. He also promises to run away with Dick the moment they can. He doesn't get a good chance. Running away with a child is much harder than alone. He doesn't know the city. Or even where he'd find Haly's.
So they spend maybe a week in separate centers before Danny finds Dick and dips. They're homeless now. But Danny can protect Dick fine. He's got powers. And Dick is surprisingly capable at fighting. Not that Danny would let him near an adult.
Dick wants his parents killer dead. Danny's never killed anyone but Mary and John were kind of his parents too. And the kids not letting up. He promises to kill Zucco as long as Dick doesn't try.
They meet Batman while he's trying to find Zuccos killer. They meet "Bruce" while he's volunteering at a soup kitchen. Eventually he lets Bruce take them in because Danny figures out he's rich rich.
Now Danny's not too fond of kabizzilion airs. But he knows someone like that would probably have a PC. (Takes place in 03/06 depending on Danny's current age so computers are rarer) And between that and swiping a few thousand dollars he could probably get them back to Haly's.
That's how a half ghost teen and a weird little circus kid end up in Wayne manner with no intention to stay more than a week.
(no ghost king or obsessions or cores) (the only fanon I'm accepting is trans Danny)
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slutouttanowhere · 2 months
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LA Knight x GM!oc
Warnings: none
Summary: LA Knight happened to wander into your office thinking he could charm his way into a one on one match with Grayson Waller after he’s said some choice words about you behind your back. Even though you used to be his girl, he still won’t let that fly.
A/n: I missed writing about LA Knight, and recently watching some of his promos from nxt kinda got me in a mood. Maybe I’ll continue something with this oc, maybe not, it I hope you enjoy this little WIP. This would be during his NXT run. Also I know Knight is portrayed as this loud mouth brawler, but I just feel like he’s really just baby girl. ps. divider from @anitalenia
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I leaned my butt against the front of my office desk, it was early in the day for the PC, so I wasn’t expecting to see any of the talent till later. Usually I took this time to have fun, this time I was dead set on finishing my comic, and I was right at the end of Captain America when a knock from the other side of my door pulled me away. I groaned as the knocking persisted, “What?” I snapped, my lips pressed together, and my arms folded over my chest as I tried to swallow my attitude.
“Bad time?” LA Knight, my ex, poked his head in the doorway. A playful grin stretched across his lips, my body somewhat relaxed knowing he came to just nag me rather than talk business; it’s not like any of our conversations were ever serious, I just wasn't in the mood to be professional at this moment. He looked good, which is an everyday occasion, but tonight he was wearing his signature yellow leather jacket. He had a fresh fade, and his beard was neatly trimmed. I could tell he was feelin himself by the way he stood far enough away so I could take him in, I had no shame in it.
I let out a huff of air, then through my comic onto the couch, I turned my gaze back to him. “What do you want, I was busy.” I complained halfheartedly, he took his time answering, stretching out his bullshit as long as I allowed it. His eyes sparkled with a hidden agenda, slowly he closed the door behind him, and locked it. Despite me feeling weak in the knees, and wanting nothing more than to use his face as a seat right now, I held it together.
“Don't be such a brat Kassie, what I want from you is to set up that one on one with Grayson. I owe him a receipt from about…two weeks ago.” It was no secret the two of us were together, it’s a small family here in Florida, which means it was painfully obvious when LA Knight, and I broke up. Cue Grayson Waller wasting zero time sliding in my DMs, we went on a few dates, and I was enjoying my time with him. Mr. Megastar put his foot all in that, Waller didn't find me interesting enough to put up with Knights relentless petty behavior, so we called it quits. Too selfish to be with me, and too selfish to be without me.
“When are you going to let that go?” I breathed out, and rolled my eyes, which I knew he hated. He pressed his lips together, a look of disdain on his handsome face, he casted his gaze downward momentarily as he thought about his words.
“I don't like the way he talked about, now I dont give a damn who else he flaps his crusty ass gums about. Not you, you belong to me.” He proclaimed confidently, his face twisted into a look of disgust as if the mere thought of another man being in the picture with me was physically making him ill. Now that the door was closed, both of our scents engulfed the room, there was about a foot of space between us, but that was enough to make me fidgety. It’s been too long since I’ve had the length of him stretch me out proper, and just the thought of it right now, made my nipples harden painfully as the fabric of my cotton blouse rubbed against them.
I smacked my lips, “Love how you claim me when we've been broken up for like two months.” I mumbled, my eyes finding interest in the designs painted on my nails, instead of looking him in the eyes. He came into my space, leaving no more room between us, and trapped me between his hips, and my desk. He leaned forward, his hands placed on the desk, and our faces mere inches apart. I could feel my heart thudding in my chest, my knees feeling weak, and the sensation of fluttering in the pit of my stomach was a concoction that told me I should just give the man whatever he wanted. “I’m not giving you that match, you can’t just abuse my power of authority whenever you want.”
“I can persuade you.” He hummed, his eyes staring down at my glossed lips, then slowly made their way back to my eyes. I was met with a look of yarning, he was so good at tugging at my strings I barely noticed it happening, and by then it’s usually too late.
I was tilting my head back trying to put some space between us so that I could think clearly, but he kept leaning forward, his face damn near in my titties. “Knight-
“That’s the necklace I got for your birthday…you’re wearing it.” He sounded shocked, and so was I because in just that small amount of time I had forgotten everything about myself. I reached my hand up to my chest, and sure enough there it was. A small diamond encrusted teddy, hanging off a 24k gold chain. “Why a teddy bear?” I had asked him, he looked at me with the softest smile. “Because, you’re soft, cuddly, and sweet like a teddy gram.”
“Duh, it was a gift.” I mumbled, my heart working overtime now, he got me all worked up. At this point I wasn't above begging if I had to, LA Knight looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read, then a look of determination had settled onto his face.
He pressed his lips to the base of my neck where the gold chain touched my skin. He took his time moving up to my neck, and I knew when my back arched that this was going to end up being a mistake. “Knight we shouldn’t.” I pressed my palm to his chest, he pulled away, and looked me in the eyes. He was so close I could see just how blue his irises were, they looked something more like a clear spring sky. My hands slid up to his neck, and rested at the back of his head. One of his hands rested on his waist, and the other still planted on the desk.
“Tell me you don’t miss this…us.” He pleased gingerly, his gaze unrelenting, and it reminded me of when we first crossed paths all those years ago in our audition. His eyes wouldn’t leave me, and he sure as hell had no shame in me catching him.
I couldn’t lie, my body needed him, and my heart yearned to be held all night in his arms again. “You know I do, but not like this.” I confessed, we broke up the first time because all the passion we had for each other was drained by our passion for the business, and we were crap at balancing the two. Soon it became less about our relationship, and more about just sex. Then when we didn’t even have time for sex anymore it just became bland, and we fell apart.
Suddenly his mood shifted, the grin on his lips spread across his face, “okay, new plan. I’ll kick Grayson Waller's narrow ass, and then I’ll win you back.” He spoke confidently, pulled away from me, then turned to leave. Everything was all happening so quickly that I barely had time to process the last thing he had said to me. I never said yes to that match which meant he was going to get himself in trouble, again, and I was going to have to clean it up afterwards.
“Hey, don’t go starting fights, I'll have to finish.” I warned him, I was already exhausted from that little bit of foreplay, I somewhat regret rejecting him, but it was for the best for now.
LA Knight turned back to me, his hand held onto the doorknob, and a devious expression on his face. “Who said I’d start anything? See ya later tonight teddy graham.” Before I could find the words to argue back, he had already left my office, and on his way to start some shit. I shrugged, plopped myself down onto the sofa, and picked up my comic where I left off.
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gaypleasantview · 2 years
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(i don't even know if this is gonna be successful but let me try)
This is a series of polls dedicated to popular TS2 premades! Let's see who can get the most votes 😎 Featuring most PC characters from Pleasantview, Strangetown, Veronaville (and some from Downtown). Adults and elders, some still alive, some dead, some you might not even know (neither did I).
The polls will last a week each because I want as many people to see this as possible 🙏
You can (hopefully) see all the posts tagged under #simblrsexyman2023, links to round one below!
Round 1
Match 1: Don Lothario vs. Darren Dreamer (Pleasantview)
Match 2: Mortimer Goth vs. Daniel Pleasant (Pleasantview)
Match 3: Gordon King vs. Skip Broke (Pleasantview)
Match 4: Michael Bachelor vs. Herb Oldie (Pleasantview)
Match 5: Ajay Loner vs. Lazlo Curious (Strangetown)
Match 6: Pollination Technician #9 Smith vs. Pascal Curious (Strangetown)
Match 7: General Buzz Grunt vs. Nervous Subject (Strangetown)
Match 8: Vidcund Curious vs. Loki Beaker (Strangetown)
Match 9: Oberon Summerdream (Veronaville) vs. John Burb (Pleasantview)
Match 10: Patrizio Monty vs. Consort Capp (Veronaville)
Match 11: Antonio Monty vs. Albany Capp (Veronaville)
Match 12: Kent Capp vs. Cornwall Capp (Veronaville)
Match 13: Claudio Monty vs. Caliban Capp (Veronaville)
Match 14: Ichabod Specter (Strangetown) vs. Jon Smith Tricou (Downtown)
Match 15: Remington Jitmakusol vs. Grayson Butler (Downtown)
Match 16: Goopy GilsCarbo (Pleasantview) vs. Pollination Technician
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