#people on twitter were overreacting tho
confidentlycringe · 2 years
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nanatia · 3 months
After rewatching charles interview I find even more crazy that people got so mad, because it honestly wasn't that bad. Petty and a bit bitchy sure. But nothing other drivers hadn't already done before. Especially some of the more popular ones like carlos; max and lando. So it's weird that some fans of these drivers are acting like charles did something horrible. Like some of the things that max said about checo before were way more savage and those people thought it was funny. Carlos going on the media last year calling Oscar immature was funny.
Lando has direspected other drivers (including lewis hamilton) multiple times but hey is just british humor, you guys don't get it.
But with charles why the overreaction?
I think it's overall a huge hypocrisy. And you are right to point out those drivers especifically, because their fans (especially on twitter) were probably the ones making the biggest drama about charles words even tho their drivers are always at the scene of the crime.
I also think while charles words weren't nice people start to exaggerate in a way as if they want more reasons to be mad, you know? Taking his words and twisting into something worse that they were.
Like that part he said "I wasn't the right person for him to do that" I saw people reacting to that saying things like "who he thinks he is???" "He thinks he's so important".
When to me is very obviously what he mean is that I wasnt the right person for him to do that, because I'M HIS FREAKING TEAMMATE. and yknow trying a risky move in the first laps of the race on your own teammate is not ideal, you're risking a double dnf when the race barely started.
I think it's very obvious but they think he was being super arrogant or whatever.
So like people were upset and started to twist his words to mean something worse. I also find hilarious how they're demanding an apology when this was never expected for any of the times other drivers did or say some shit. And when carlos himself also made petty comments about charles in the media, saying he complains too much, but that I guess doesn't need an apology, because carlos has a permit to say or do whatever he wants because people think it's hot.
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batpoisonz · 7 months
My experience as a 2S gaybian:
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Before all this, I was exclusive to "contradictory" labels all the way up until early 2023. I then labeled myself as an mspec lesbian, because as a 2S person, my gender and sexuality are impacted by my cultural experiences way beyond that of someone's binary thinking. Most white transphobes couldn't even comprehend my experiences with me being 2S.
When I was exclu; it was simply just my own ignorance. I was influenced by those around me who did not understand the labels themselves. I listened to their arguments and at the time it made sense. Until inclu people came by and explained the labels to me.
I was the only one in my friend group who sat down to have a discussion with these people. and their arguments made even more sense and disputed all the arguments my friends came up with!! It was an insane and confusing experience. When you want to be loyal to your friends but something they do is just so morally wrong, you wouldn't know what to do either!
This is where I start to understand, and when I started to become critical of both sides. I thought exclu people were "radical" as well, but being "radinclu" simply just wasn't "radical" to me just for including queer people in the QUEER community, ya know?
At the time even tho my stance was changing and developing, I still fought against mspec lesbians and gays; simply because I was scared of being an outcast, that I'd get harassed by exclu people, that people would be racist to me, etc etc. but I soon learned it was the complete opposite.
AS SOMEBODY WHO IS GAYBIAN, when I was exclu I experienced MASS AMOUNTS of racism; to the point I felt like I had to leave twitter (even after I made my account private). I had people questioning my validity as a native american simply because I was an ignorant homophobe.
I even had people calling me a chimp, a creature, I've been called a chimera, I got mass reported, I got called multiple racial slurs, of which not all I could even reclaim, I got called a hermaphrodite, way way more happened. my cc got filled with racism and homophobia too!! all because I was ignorant on the subject.
Not once did I call an inclu person (while I was exclu) any of these horrible things or harass them; I just blocked them and moved on with my day.
I will admit I was a bigot for sure but I would NEVER wish any of these things on anyone.
It doesn't stop there though. when I came out as gaybian, I lost almost ALL of my online friends. I also was closeted irl because I had people at my college getting VERY hostile whenever somebody mentioned you can be a bi lesbian.
Those same people were okay with the idea of being a biplatonic lesbian.
basically, my point here is that even as you evolve and grow as a person, become more accepting of not only others but also yourself; the queer community is extremely divided. Even IF everyone agreed that "contradictory" labels weren't an issue, it still wouldn't stop the heartless attacks we all get as queers on the daily. exclus said the SAME THING about neopronouns and xenogenders 7 years ago that they're saying about mspec lesbians and gays today. AND THAT'S A PROBLEM.
The US is climbing towards eradicating all of us as queers; starting with trans people, and they're slowly inching on towards homosexuality. People WITHIN the queer community are more concerned about how we label ourselves, when we all have our own unique oppression as queers, AND SHARED OPPRESSION AS WELL!!
I've legit heard people saying the hate crimes I've experienced as a gaybian don't actually exist and that I'm overreacting because my identity isn't real.
You know who gets the same thing told to THEM?
Most queers will hear that same quote; ESPECIALLY nonbinary people and trans people in general.
everyone who is queer, is queer. whether you "agree" with the labels or not. we are QUEER for a reason.
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wienersmosh · 8 months
rapid fire list of my smosh-related opinions:
noah grossman needs to have been phased out 3 months ago. people acting like FREELANCER contracts are so fucking ironclad and that's why smosh couldn't do anything are so disingenuous. they phased out saige in 2022, they could've very easily done the same to noah -- they just didn't want to.
eat it or yeet it was fun for the first few episodes, but they ran it to the ground when they realized it was a hit with the locals/casual viewers and they needed those numbers. it's SO absurd that they made 89 episodes and it got really boring, really fast. (i'm glad anthony got to be on it before they got rid of it tho)
i've always found garrett annoying and unfunny for the most part. he's maybe said one or two funny things in all of my time watching smosh and i will never understand how some people stan him or find him attractive.
to be clear even if they replaced garrett as host on eioyi, it would still be boring and stale to me.
i miss kimmy being on camera. she wasn't the funniest and the smiley sunshine persona can be a bit much but she was one of the better sketch actors imo.
i do not want the og smosh games cast back. it's also weird they keep bringing up smosh on their ogsog content. i'm glad they appear to be on good terms with ian and anthony but unless there's ACTUALLY a future collab in the works they need to stop namedropping smosh so much.
i don't necessarily miss saige on smosh but i do miss damien and saige as a couple.
i don't care if people don't like anthony or don't find him funny, but the way a LOT of fans (mostly on twitter and reddit) blatantly disrespect him, the fact that he started smosh, and him literally reuniting with his best friend, just bc they got rid of the unscripted series on main really pisses me off. also he's not to blame for EVERYTHING wrong with smosh today.
HOWEVER, that being said, i do believe there was a better way to transition smosh main. they could've had anthony do a speed run of all of their unscripted series to give them a proper goodbye, and THEN uploaded the sketches.
EBE was a hit or miss, but when they did it well they did it REALLY well.
other than ian, anthony, and finnerty, syd and olivia were their best sketch writers.
people who are genuinely mad that they have memberships now are overreacting. i get that paying for anything sucks but if you're an adult with a job in a first world country $10 USD a month *maximum* really isn't that much. also, they're independent now, that's just the reality of capitalism.
people who act like smosh is above any and all criticism genuinely terrify me. they're a youtube channel and a company, and as audience members we're allowed to critique them.
the old smoshcast was better than smosh mouth, but i might be biased bc ian did host most of them.
agree to disagree was a good series, but they botched it when they started using more serious prompts which caused a lot of viewers to lose respect for some of the cast for problematic opinions.
i used to like olivia but considering she was only in 30 videos last year and she really doesn't seem like she cares anymore, i don't get how they expect any of us to still care about her. also she posted something in support of israel on her story, but hardly anyone knows about it.
i love the guy but shayne doesn't need to be in every video. i get that he brings in the views, but jesus christ.
smosh pit theater is their best pit series, followed closely by beopardy.
i find a lot of their defy era series on pit eg sleepover, show with no name, put it in my mouth, etc to be really boring and i’m glad they got out of defy and sarah whittle was more in charge of pit.
i didn’t like angela at first but i love her now.
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lexstellaris · 2 years
ngl kinda glad I hadn't nuked my twitter accounts yet bc I wanted to make sure I could chase up contact info for everyone I care about, and now I get to see how quickly it's imploding holy fuck.
I am actually sad to see it die this quickly. I've been on there since 2009 when a bunch of my lj friends decided to join and follow each other. Those people are still the people I want to keep in touch with the most now that twitter is dying.
I've seen some ppl be like, you're overreacting! It's not gonna die! Well, maybe not tomorrow, or next week, but like, at a certain point, there just literally won't be enough staff with enough knowledge or skills to keep the business operating at any capacity. It's just a numbers game at that point. Maybe it'll be a week or two before something crashes and it can't be restored properly. But you can't gut like potentially 90% of the workforce and expect things to still function normally. There just aren't enough people left, and the implosion has been SO PUBLIC that they'll have a hard time recruiting for replacements. They're fucked.
Twitter was the only social media platform where it just worked for my brain in way facebook or insta or anywhere else never really did. tho I will say, tumblr didn't work for me the first time round bc I tried to do Religion on there and it's really, really not the platform for that at all. So I won't be doing any religious posting here. I'll save that for dreamwidth. Follow me over there if that's your kinda scene.
The weird thing is, I ended up following such a diverse range of people on twitter that deciding who I wanted to keep in touch with outside of twitter has proved an interesting decision. I'm surprising myself with who I care about enough to follow, and who I'm prepared to let go.
There are things I'm definitely not going to miss about twitter though, and even a few days off the site has freed my brain for so many other things. I think, much as I will miss it, that ultimately twitter had become bad for my brain and I needed to kick it to stop myself incessantly checking it every five minutes.
There is a lot I will miss though. It was a good place, when it wanted to be, in the right corners. There were so many people I found that I wouldn't have otherwise. It had a great sense of community for marginalised folks that's not really easy to replicate anywhere else, because it was such a central meeting place. Everyone is scattering now, and so are those communities.
Also one of the primary reasons I came here and not mastodon was the shitposting lmao. This place is just more me. And I don't feel anywhere near as much pressure to market and brand myself as I did on twitter. I can just be a feral fucko over here and that's perfectly fine. And I think coming back for fandom rather than religion has been a much better decision. I feel the culture and how I fit into it a lot better and it doesn't feel weird. It feels comfy, like I should have been here the whole time, but came for the wrong reasons and gave up on it.
Is tumblr perfect? No. Am I gonna disconnect myself from a bunch of ppl I got news from and kept up to date on important stuff? Yeah. But I realise now I don't actually need a constant flood of information into my head, and much as I'll miss twitter, it's much more peaceful in my head without it.
Besides, I've been through this kinda site migration so many times already that I'm not THAT sad about it, even though it does suck to lose contact with so many ppl. Ahh well. Time to rebuild communities again and enjoy going back to smaller niche spaces again where I don't feel so Publicly Perceived as I did on twitter.
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shinakugo · 3 years
i just logged on to tumblr and people were being so nice and complimenting my sketch of kevin and i'm overreacting but the community is so damn nice??😭 not just on tumblr, even on insta and youtube and twitter (probably, i'm not going to that hell site ever again) all of them are just so kind🥺💕
like i said, i'm probably just overreacting but i'm so proud of to be part of the cult community, and i'm sure kevin loves having fans as great as you guys!!
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i am not being held at gunpoint, i repeat i am not being held at gunpoint and definitely not being forced to eat pufferfish by a sexy and charming old man🤠🤙🏼
but seriously tho guys y'all are awesome mwah
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samiwok · 4 years
Do you take requests? If you do, then Aoba Joshai, Nekoma, and Karasuno reaction to walking in on y/n changing. If you can't do them all, then just the main players.
haikyuu characters walking on you changing.
> Oikawa : he’ll scream to everyone he saw you naked bc i quote “stoopid forgot to lock the door” but dw everyone will tell him to stfu as always
> Iwaizumi : wide eyes. probably in state of shock and shame so intense that he’ll take a few seconds seeming like an eternity to leave the room
> Matsukawa : “woopsiiies close the door next time” then he’ll leave without saying anything bc he’s a gentleman; no remarks in an awkward moment like this one but be sure he’ll flirt with you the days after
> Hanamaki : he opens the door; and he looks at you and you look at him and he looks at you and you look at hiiiim (lmao sorry) no seriously he’ll just raise his eyebrows, no words, just his smirk as he leaves the room
> Watari : lil babyyyyy omg he’s too ashamed to say anything actually; he’s just standing, hiding his mouth in shock and closing his eyes so hard
> Kyoutani : he opens the door aggressively, making you jump in surprise so yeah he absolutely saw every inch of your body now. but he’s much more respectful than we can think so he’ll leave immediately and he won’t say anything after (don’t talk ab what happened to him pls, he’ll be sooo uncomfortable)
> Yahaba : he opens the door, he sees your body “ah..okay, well, yeah well, uhm, yeah bye” basically he’s stuttering but not taking his eyes off you (he’s visibly attracted which makes it even more awkward) and then he realizes and he closes the door, running away (pretty sure he wants to hide)
> Kindaichi : he makes that ghost face yk screaming “OH MY GOD I’M TERRIBLY SORRY (Y/N) !” and omg he feels soooo bad, like it’s his fault when it was just an accident and bby will probably excuse himself every day
> Kunimi : he probably didn’t notice you were changing since his eyes are glued to his phone “hey (y/n) did you see this on Twitter ?” then he’ll look at you, showing his phone and then he realizes that you’re naked “...yeah that’s awkward”
> Kuroo : “owww I see” he says as he opens the door to your naked body. Wide eyes, he looks at you from your head to your toes and then he apologizes and closes the door. It may seem like he teased u but trust me he’s sooo ashamed of his reaction
> Yaku : he’s upset ?? But bby is not upset bc of you or anything no he’s just upset bc anyone else could’ve seen you that way (he feels bad for being the one who saw you but well) and he closes the door loudly saying “lock the god damn door (y/n) !”
> Kai : quiet??? Like awkwardly quiet. He opens the door, he smiles on reassurance and he apologizes with a soft gaze and then he closes the door. He won’t talk about it to anyone and I’m pretty sure he’ll even forget it bc for him it was nothing
> Kenma : he opens the door and he sees you half naked. He blushed instantly, likes, was even his face that red in his whole life?? He does not say anything and he just closes the door and leaves quietly looking like he just seen a ghost lol
> Yamamoto : the boy clearly falls for any girl but you, you’re beautiful it’s much more and when he sees you he totally loses his mind. Like- he can’t think clearly and he’s just a mess, falling on the floor and probably falling unconscious lmaooo
> Fukunaga : he makes a joke, as if nothing happened and then he leaves the room like normal. He’s not asking himself if he offended you or if he didn’t react correctly actually he’s only asking himself if the joke he made was funny enough since you didn’t laugh
> Shibayama : he apologizes instantly, he was already closing his eyes so hard to forget what he saw (didn’t see anything except your shoulders actually) and then he leaves and he’ll feel guilty everytime he sees you
> Lev : A W H O L E MESS. No for real, he opens the door and he’s hitting himself bc he’s too tall lmaooo so you laugh at it completely forgetting you’re changing and he looks at you and sees your body and he leaves running and hits himself again yeah that’s a mess that’s Lev 🚶🏽‍♀️
> Daichi : he stays in the room, eyes closed of course bc it’s Daichi he would never disrespect you but he stays only to scold you “(y/n) close the door next time that was embarrassing as hell !”
> Sugawara : he scolds you but unlike Daichi he does it softly. He’s like “ugh y/n seriously, you should lock the door! I’m saying this for you because people can see you and not react correctly” and then he leaves and repeats you to lock the door
> Azumane : he obviously overreacts. Like yeah he saw u half naked and he’s acting like he’s done something horrible, he doesn’t say anything to you except that he’s sorry and when he leaves the room you can totally hear him “are you idiot? God you’re idiot” (yes he’s talking to himself)
> Nishinoya : first he’s happy bc he saw a naked woman and not anyone, you! But then he realizes he still has to be a gentleman ab it so he leaves the room immediately “don’t worry (y/n)-san, I’m staying in front of the door to make sure no one sees” okay that was awkward but he’s cute
> Tanaka : he stays silently looking at you, in the eyes of course he’s not an asshole. he still saw your body tho. “is that how kiyoko’s body look?” And then he realizes he said it out loud and he runs FAR FAR away
> Ennoshita : he enters the room and stays immobile to the view of you half naked body. “N-nice body” He shakes his head and he just knows he didn’t react correctly and he feels soooo bad I think he could cry tbh 🧍🏽‍♀️
> Kinoshita : eyebrows furrowed, wide eyes, and his mouth open as if he just seen something awful. Actually he doesn’t know how to apologize so he stutters dkekfkejej bby is kinda cute and when he finally manages to say sorry he leaves and he stays hidden all day 💀
> Narita : he doesn’t speak a lot sooo the fact that you don’t really know each other and he saw you that way will reaaaally makes him uncomfortable. so uncomfortable that no one will know about it actually and if you’re making a joke ab it he’ll run away
> Kageyama : he was sure it was the place to eat so you see him entering with his food, he sees you and he stays standing and staring with wide eyes “so it’s not here to eat I guess ?” and he doesn’t move until you push him out the room
> Hinata : he’s a babyyy 🥺 so yeah when he saw you he was surprised at first bc he never saw a woman’s body before and then he apologizes and he claps the door when he leaves (you can hear him screaming of shame)
> Tsukishima : he laughs??? a mocking laugh but then istg he’ll feel so guilty bc he didn’t mean to laugh at you it was more like a nervous laugh fkekej so he comes back and opens the door without entering or looking just for you to hear his apologies
> Yamaguchi : he apologizes first!!! Then he hits himself bc he feels like he just made a mistake when it’s actually not his fault at all but bby feels so bad he even tells tsukki who probably mocks him telling him it’s nothing but he still feels guilty 🥺
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420pogpills · 3 years
Okay, so I was scrolling through tiktok and I came across a cute Georgenap drawing😊 but when I opened the comments.. they were all like,
"I don't really ship it dnf is better"
"What about dnf????"
"Dream crying rn"
"Dnf is better lol"
"Why is this not dnf? dnf is better than this, no hate tho lol"
(sorry this is probably worded very poorly, I'm pretty tired)
oh don’t even get me started on tiktok. i love the cute edits and i have to force myself not to look at the comments because i know i will get mad lmao. in  my opinion, there are far more people on tiktok than tumblr and twitter put together, who have reduced george and dream just to their ship. they don't care about their content, they don’t care about what they do on stream, they only care when george and dream are interacting. and god forbid either of them interact with someone else, the ‘dnf is better’ comments come barreling in
but now that we’ve brought up tiktok i have to rant on something i have seen so many times now that infuriates me. and that is when people bring up dream and george’s ages when they talk about how old they are when they met. i’ve seen people saying like ‘whaaat that’s illegal’ and ‘that’s wrong’ and ‘i wish i hadn’t of known that’ and..... when i tell you nothing infuriates me more. 
how are they sitting there, with a supposedly fully functioning brain, leaving comments like that, that are insinuating something like george is some sort of predator?? what the hell is illegal about a 15 year old and a 19 year old meeting on a minecraft server and playing games together? philza is in his 30s, playing the game with people who are 16, 17, 18. age is an issue when intimacy is involved. not when people are just forming friendships?? like i cannot stand that attitude. i know i’m probably just overreacting but it’s one of the things that make me so upset, because they just make it sound like it’s something so wrong. idk it infuriates me lmao sorry for the negative rant :’)
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bisluthq · 2 years
Tbf with Zoe I think people on twitter, from what I observed at least, were calling her out at first for her hypocrisy since she's friends with Alexander Wang who has sexual assault allegations and yet she chose to call out Will Smith instead for defending his wife (well, not in the best way) when she could've just idk posted photos of her Oscars' outfits and stopped there. And then it went out of control when people dig about her more and then they found out about her weird comments on 14yo Jaden Smith. I agree with you regarding Jaden though I don't think she's a predator but I do think her comments do come off as a lil bit creepy. I'm shocked there are so many important people in the industry (celebs, etc) coming for Will Smith though I didn't think The Slap was gonna be that big of a deal? For a bunch whose majority likes to complain against cancel culture the way they're treating him right now comes off like they're canceling him lol, though I'm sure he will be fine
Ya idk why this is such a huge watershed moment and everyone is so horrified. Like bruh a dude told a nasty joke about a man’s wife and the man slapped him. I’ve never seen that happen on live TV but we’ve all seen that happen irl right like not to us necessarily but like in the bar/club/vibe like someone makes a nasty joke and the dude overreacts like a dickhead (or legit protects - here it was overreaction tho).
Zoë shouldn’t have said anything but her cancellation is also overdramatic.
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Can I have dialogue prompt 30. I want Peter to say it idk to who maybe Harley but like I just want it to be peter who says it lmfao
I sent this as a text at some point during election week because I managed to blow off 5 different people at once bcuz I had a nervous breakdown one night and thank GOD one of my friends told me they were having a coloring event at the building across the street. still managed to ignore the entire rest of the world tho
ao3 link here
30. “Sorry I got stressed so I went to a different building to color.”
“Where the hell have you been?”
“Huh?” Peter looked up.
Harley tackled his boyfriend the second he walked into their shared dorm. “Where. Have you been? I’ve been worried sick.”
“Oh, sorry, I got stressed so I went to a different building to color.”
“You could have texted me!”
Peter sighed. “I turned off my phone. Didn’t want to talk to anyone, and it was the best way to avoid my Twitter notifications.”
Harley started pacing. “You still could have told me before! Relationships are supposed to be about communication, Peter.”
He closed his eyes. “Harley, honey, you know I love you. You also know that sometimes I need to be completely alone. I’m here now. Isn’t that enough?”
“I guess,” Harley sighed. “You’re okay?”
“Good.” He paused. “Do you need to talk about it?”
“Do you want to?”
Peter shook his head.
“That’s okay too. Want to wash up and watch a movie while we cuddle?”
Peter nodded and grabbed his pajamas before heading into the bathroom.
He came back out in sweatpants, hair still slightly damp. Harley met him half way with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn. Netflix was already open on his laptop, and once they were in bed, he selected a movie for them to watch.
“Is Hugo okay?”
“Yeah. I love that one.”
“I know sweetheart. Now be quiet, I want to cuddle you.”
Halfway through the movie, Peter reached up and paused it.
“Everything okay?” Harley asked.
“Yeah,” he answered. “I think I can talk about it now.”
Harley nodded, and adjusted so that Peter could sit up and face him.
“I don’t think there was one thing that made me freak out, but today… wasn’t good.” He paused and took a deep breath.
“I woke up antsy, and social media is giving me a massive headache right now, plus Tony’s been on my ass about writing that speech about training to take over R&D. Then I completely forgot about my History of Technology exam, so I’m 80% sure I bombed it. My grade in that class will be fine I think, but I’m still pissed I forgot. After that I wandered around for a little bit because I didn’t want to come home and bring that mess to you, but I remembered that the Health Center has coloring books, so I shut off my phone and went and colored. I should have texted you first. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too baby,” Harley said, pulling him in for a hug. “I overreacted when I didn’t know where you were. I know you can take care of yourself, and I’m glad that you did what was best for your own sanity. I’m proud of you darling.”
Peter let out a shuddering breath. “I love you, Harley.”
“I love you too, angel. Wanna keep watching?”
“Yeah, but I might fall asleep on you.”
“That’s perfectly fine, dear. I’ll try not to wake you if you do.”
Peter nodded in acknowledgment before placing his head back on Harley’s chest, unpausing the movie as he did so.
By the end of the movie, Peter had in fact fallen asleep. Harley looked down to see his angel breathing steadily, and he kissed his forehead gently before closing the laptop and carefully adjusting them so he was lying down with Peter on top of him.
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rubyneo · 4 years
i think in terms of the top wildest things that have happened to me in the rvvby fandom the top two HAVE to be
1) when i was on my old blog and i made a post "bl/ake should have been brown". i went to bed and woke up to a thousand notes from GROWN ADULTS telling me how stupid and racist i was. i got death threats. because i said b/lake should have been visibly brown. i want to say this was during the time volume 4 came out? so i was 15/16. with 24+ year olds telling me how i should k*ll myself for saying a character shouldnt have been Paper White when she was obviously asian coded AND her parents were inspired by indian characters
2) when i said i would have to put a certain ship as a discomfort because the fans were getting REALLY annoying and insisting that it was gonna be canon and people had to respect that it was gonna be canon and they HAD to like it. and i made this post a) on my private vent twt account that had like 2 followers and b) on here where it was censored AND tagged so none of my friends/followers that enjoyed the ship had to see me venting. a mutual saw the posts and got so angry they started spamming their accounts with the ship AND made multiple threads vagueing me. i had THREE panic attacks. i finally soft blocked them because i couldnt deal with the stress anymore. they then vagued about me because of THAT and started talking about k*lling themself on their vent acc that i hadnt sb'd yet and talking about how i would probably like it if they did that (because...i soft blocked them. for vagueing me). the ship was an f/f ship and i got told by a friend i shouldnt criticize the ship or its fans or i could look homophobic even tho im literally wlw (and mlm but lets not get into my gender shit). and THEN they accused me of just disliking any ship that got in the way of a ship i like AND just hating popular ships because theyre popular. other people were vagueing me! people i didn't know were talking about me! i deactivated my twitter for a few hours because of it! and then it turned out the mutual had a misunderstanding about the content of my posts. and even then they didnt take full responsibility because somehow?? me making tagged vent posts means that i was at fault??? also their excuse for the vagueing and overreaction was their rsd.
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mgkconfessions · 4 years
Howard Stern Interview
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I haven’t seen the whole almost two hours interview according to someone on Twitter, but seen the clips that you’re talking about and read many reactions to it on Twitter, as well as one article about it. I assume that the Twitter reactions were justified and that not all of them were overreacting about how hard it was to follow Kells’ speaking and that he was more whispering and Howard had a hard time to get some information out of him. However I’ve also seen one or two positive tweets tho, where people thought that they found out more about Kells as a person and in the clips Kells wasn’t that bad either. But those were only two moments and not nearly long enough to judge the whole interview based on them. By the way I think that his voice was kinda gone, because they celebrated the nomination for the Billboard award the day before and because of the time difference the other boys were likely still asleep, so he spoke automatically more quiet. Now to the content. When Howard brought up Megan and marriage there was at first no reaction in Kells’ face and his first comment after Howard said that he sees them getting married, was “that’s awesome” as if Howard was speaking about someone else who was getting married and not about Kells himself. Kells didn’t say that he thinks as well that they will or that he would love that and him saying later that he likes the idea, I took as a comment about Kells being his best man, but not about marrying Megan. Kells knows best that he can’t marry her yet, so every time the media brings this topic up they put him in a very uncomfortable position, but Kells also didn’t react in a way where I though that he’s really thinking about their future and sees them getting married. But it doesn’t surprise me because both of them only live in the present anyway and don’t think about their future together, because there isn’t any. Then I didn’t know that Kells paid for Pete’s rehab, but I wished that his friends would also be there for him now as much as he was there for them, because I don’t get the impression that they are. Not even Mod Sun who spends so much time with Kells. Even he thinks it’s funny and steps into the car, when Kells’ is driving on shrooms! His environment apparently doesn’t signal him that he needs help and that it isn’t ok how he’s acting. I feel like many of them only focus on the good things as well and when they connect on a deeper level and talk about darker moments then it doesn’t go anywhere. Sadly, I don’t believe that Kells will change anything before life isn’t forcing him to either.
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
i hate when that happens oop sorry! but i had said people on twitter were like renjun is so gay for covering troye tho. and the person is lgbt and i know they’re joking and stan twitter makes that joke often but it just rubs me the wrong way like idk i really dislike when they make jokes like that maybe i’m overreacting tho
tumblr was hungry today 😔 and you have every right to dislike a joke, if it bothers you then it’s obviously for a reason and you don’t have to pretend it’s not a big deal if you feel like it is
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fuckyeahasexual · 6 years
I'm a very open person. If someone wants to know something about me, I'll tell them. When it comes to Tumblr, though, I've decided to not share the fact I'm ace aro with my followers. I've seen what people say on here about us and I don't want the hate over something so stupid. But it kinda feels like I'm overreacting, you know. I mean, I'm sure no one following me will care, but I'm still afraid of losing followers. Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?
Are up making a mountain of a mole hill? Yes and no, I’m going to start with the yes so I can spend the rest of the ask validating your concern.
You aren’t enmase going to lose followers people if you put aro ace in your bio. Nor is there a way for bigots to search out what’s on a bio so people have to already like you to follow so it makes it unlikely you’ll have a big problem. Tumblr is actually pretty chill about unfollows. It buries your count so you aren’t constantly aware of how you lose people. Also on tumblr people are just as likely to unfollow you for a posting a fandom they aren’t in. It’s your blog, you should feel free to make it whatever you want.
Here’s the no side of it. 1) You don’t have to be out everywhere. I run this blog and my twitter bio just says queer because on twitter I had a lot more problems with this sort of thing. 2) I have gotten hate mail here over the years on my personal account because I was ace (those people were never following me tho) and sometimes you just wantta avoid trouble even if it’s unlikely and there’s no shame in that.
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alwaysxyou · 5 years
Ok so basically I joined the fandom completely last year around the same time when school got over ie my 10th grade (in my country after 10th you can either continue in your school, another school or join a junior college) I joined junior college and so did another friend of mine (a different college tho) from my friend group. most of my friends from school continued there so they’re all close and stuff. the friend who also joined junior college bunks most of the time (1)
and she didn’t make many friends at her college so she hangs out with my school friends too. I don’t bunk classes a lot and I have only like one friend here so I’m kinda stuck. And now I’m hardly in touch with my friends and I miss them and most of the times when I ask them to meet they say they’re busy (i always *over*think about “you’re never too busy for important people”) and our schedules are always clashing but whenever we do meet it’s only occasionally and I feel left out. (2)
Even during school the said friends would sometimes hang out without me and call me last minute and when I would react a bit offendedly they would say it was impromptu so I would console myself thinking okay maybe I’m overthinking and overreacting. Now too when they meet I ask them about it indirectly and then they make excuses and insinuate that I was in college so I wouldn’t have been able to make it anyway but still asking makes a difference you know. (3)
So idk if it’s my fault because I’m always on twitter/tumblr posting about the boys or because of them or both. Basically I have 2/3 friends only who I meet kinda regularly and i feel somewhat friendless idk what to do. I feel like I’m drifting away
Wait I forgot to apologise *heavily* and thank you in advance dksjsjsn if you don’t answer it’s totally fine I ranted like a lot and wrote a bit of a thesis
okay first I am so sorry it took me so long to respond and also you do not need to apologize!!!
I think to start, you liking and posting about the boys has nothing to do with this - or at least it shouldn’t if these friends truly care about you. I have a group of friends still from high school and the majority of them absolutely do not care about 1d at all. but they all follow me on this blog and my twitter even though they aren’t interested in that stuff. and I live the entire length of the US away from them, and I’m still told about all the times they hang out and big events just in case I happen to be coming back or am able to. the last time they were all together they facetimed me just to say hi.
so i do think unfortunately it is a thing of the right people are never too busy, they will make time. they’re being completely insensitive and you’re absolutely valid to be upset and frustrated. just because you went to a different school and aren’t always able to hang out doesn’t mean they shouldn’t ask, especially because a lot of the time you are able to.
i think one option you have would be to talk to someone in the group if you think that would go well - i wouldn’t try to like confront the entirety because that can be awkward. but if there’s one friend you’re closer to or more comfortable talking to, maybe see if there’s a way to bring it up. and if you’re able to talk through it with them, they might be able to help make sure you’re always invited and integrated. maybe the friend who also went to a different school would understand cause they understand what it’s like going elsewhere.
if that doesn’t work or if it’s not really an option, if you still want to be friends with them, I’d just try to reach out and make sure they know when you’ll be around and free, and reach out to check in and see how they are and that kind of thing. and in the meantime see if there are options for getting involved at school, or maybe if there’s anyone in the fandom near you.
it can be really hard for friendships when people go to school and move away, ik that when i went to college and when i moved after college I grew apart from a ton of friends. And it took me a really really long time to realize that if I had a few close friends I was okay with not having a bunch of friends. and there were times i didn’t have many at all and I was lonely. but it does get easier and you will find your people who love you regardless of where you are or how busy you all are, and support you and all of your interests, I promise ❤️
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niallynwa · 3 years
This will very much age me but I distinctly remember being at an *NSYNC concert (first concert) and waiting in line to get in and some girl having a poster that said “hey Britney hands off my man” (bc Justin and Britney were publicly out as a couple) and I thought it was so strange and I have since then always found it so bizarre to go straight to hatred and anger and bitterness when someone’s fave celebrity (usually male celebrity) is dating someone. And also??? There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a cute couple. There’s a reason why people read/write romance stories or watch romantic films. The man wrote two albums about heartbreak, we can be happy he’s happy - why is this such a hard thing to grasp? Like if you’re really sitting on your phone waiting for niall or whoever to be on Twitter like “she’s right my gf sucks I’m gonna date this stranger talking shit about a woman she doesn’t know”…you have some soul searching to do…
the way i've gotten 3 hate messages just cause i've TAGGED them lmaooooo like there is no convincing me this absurd overreaction about anything positive re: her/them is not based out of jealous and the urge to block anything out about them cause you wanna have him live in your fantasies only??
and again i ask, why is it only when things are POSITIVE?? they dont say shit about the negative people?? no one is allowed to appreciate them or how happy he seems cause some moron on anon is gonna have a problem with it. or idiots on twitter purposely obtuse.
whatever tho i know i'm gonna blog the way i want and the anons who have nothing better to do than stalk my blog and send me hate messages can die mad about it
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