#perhaps he hired someone to accompany him?
galedekarios · 11 months
According to the forgottenrealms wiki, the city that the mindflayers are attacking in the trailer is Yartar, not Baldur's Gate like many assumed. Yartar is northeast from Waterdeep and it isn't very far from it, so it could be possible that Gale was looking for artifacts in that city or nearby and that's were he got abducted.
[continuing on from my post about when and where gale might have been abducted by the nautiloid]
this is actually a really interesting idea, anon! thank you for sharing it with me!
i took the time to look up how long it would take to travel from waterdeep to yartar and i think it would be feasible:
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[source for the travel time. it's an interactive map of faerûn.]
Yartar was an important way stop for caravans and traders traveling between its allied city of Silverymoon, and the great metropolis of Waterdeep. As such, many of its business catered to caravaneers, merchants and other Faerûnians that regularly traveled the roads of the North. [source]
the only thing that i'm not sure about is if he would have been able to travel alone such a great distance. for two reasons, mainly:
a) we do know that his condition affects things that are very important for him to defend himself as a wizard (general biological deterioration, muscle spasms, ringing in the ears, disorientation, concentration issues and varying levels of physical discomfort / pain). and it's something that gale admits as well:
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player: i fail to see why you need me to help you this. you’ve done fine without me so far. gale: A fair point - however, until recently I was able to rely on a supply of artefacts stored in my tower in Waterdeep. A supply that has now run dry. The reality of the matter is that a lone wizard with a chronic impairment such as my own is not in the most ideal of situations with regards to self-defence. The manner of artefacts I need are not often found waiting patiently on a shop-keep’s shelf. One usually has to lift them delicately from trap-filled tombs or prise them from the hands of violent ne'erdowells.
so he would have been--if we assume he was suffering the effects of the orb after leaving his tower which housed no more artefacts to consume--essentially defenseless as a wizard and having no combat training, which is something that even during the game's events, he doesn't seem interested in (see his banters with lae'zel).
and b) the route would have taken him along a road that is probably a prime target for thieves and bandits, with it being a trading route and all.
as a small aside, we do have this line though:
gale: I've been threatened with the sharp end of a dagger before, but never with such a monster as Orin holding the blade. 
sooo... maybe?
desperation might have driven him to the point of making such a dangerous decision.
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suntoru · 9 months
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✧˚ · . NAGI SEISHIRO loves sleeping, soccer, and gaming. he also doesn’t mind you coffee too.
— warnings: coffee shop! au, fluff, crackfic, reo hating on readers barista skills, downbad nagi (hes oblivious af), maybe ooc?
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"…so… this was the coffee shop you were talking about?” reo probes nagi tentatively, face crinkled in slight confusion. the small café nestled in the hidden corner of some obscure street— nothing extravagant, and certainly not what he expected. it’s a quiet sanction, only a few patrons savoring the quiet ambience of the modest establishment.
"mhm," nagi hums in affirmation. his eyes are glued to his screen, fingers violently tapping his phone as he skillfully maneuvers through the critical attack from the boss battle. reo doubts he was listening to a word he was saying. he raises his eyebrows skeptically, surveying the surroundings of the quaint little shop. he’s well aware nagi sacrifices fifteen whole minutes of his precious sleep on wednesdays and saturdays to walk all the way here— there must, has to be something special about this place. yet all he can spot are a couple of worn-down couches, cute decorations, and the smell of grinding beans in the air; nothing particularly stands out.
'is the coffee just that good?' reo wonders to himself, his thoughts interrupted when you hastily set a tray down at their table. your hair is tied in a messy bun, name tag displayed largely at the side of your stained apron. "i'm so sorry— morning rush! two triple foam lattes, half a shot of espresso with a dash of cinnamon, right?" the words tumble out, an apology and a question all in one, accompanied by a warm aura that absolutely nobody else in customer service seemed to carry.
…that’s… not…. even close… he deadpans. “um, actually—” he starts, but is quickly interrupted by nagi cutting him off. “t’s good. thanks.” he mutters, hazy half-lidded grey eyes boring into your oblivious, starry-eyed ones. the tips of his ears turn the slightest bit pink as he blows a tuft of his hair out of his eyes. his phone is completely discarded, ‘GAME OVER.’ pixelated largely on his screen as reo’s eyes widen slightly. …did he… die on purpose? no way. but… he was just about to beat the whole game…?
you smile giddily. finally, you got an order right!! “really? i’m so glad! enjoy your drink!” you eagerly exclaim as you walk away, feeling encouraged to pump out the other orders.
“…we ordered two large macchiatos.” nagi shrugs lazily, fiddling with the plastic straw in his drink. “tastes the same. ‘t’s too much of a hassle to correct them.”
“whatever,” reo sighs, “we’ve been waiting thirty minutes for this— it better make my mouth orgasm.” thirstily taking a huge slurp of the drink, he lets the coffee settle for a moment before not so subtly gagging at the aftertaste. how can someone possibly screw up this badly? it tastes like… tepid brown water. this should be a war crime. no offense, but who thought it was a good idea to hire you? “uhm… it’s *retches* certainly an acquired flavour…” he represses another gag as the fluffy white haired male tunes him out once again.
as reo contemplates the questionable quality of his latte, nagi remains blissfully unaware of his own feelings, doing what he does every wednesday and saturday morning— unconsciously admire you from a distance, his attention shifting from reo to you. his fingers idly trace the ridges on the rim of the cup, distractedly watching as you struggle to get the coffee to start brewing.
and he can’t exactly understand why his heart is beating out of his chest (perhaps he’s having a stroke), why his face is tinted red (is it the cold nipping at his cheeks?), or why he only seems to want coffee when you’re there (it simply tastes different). it all doesn’t make sense to nagi’s simple little life, a simple repetition every day; sleep, soccer, game.
nagi seishiro finds the easiest of tasks to be a hassle. yet for some strange reason, waking up early on wednesdays and saturdays isn’t one of them.
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©kaeffeinee 2023. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
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escespace · 21 days
Merlin and Arthur but maybe this continues like this:
Arthur doesn't believe shit. What do you mean Merlin doesn't remember him? HIM?! Who does he think he is? He's been looking for him for weeks like a jilted lover (not that he is one) and when they meet again he doesn't remember anything of what they have experienced but he does remember that Gwaine once split eight apples with his head?
As expected, Arthur lashes out. The guy tends to be a brute when his emotions get too much. Obviously, he clashes with Merlin who doesn't let anyone walk all over him. So the knights are forced to endure a back and forth of sarcasm and bad temper.
«You can't talk to me like that, I'm a prince»
«How could I be sure of that? Memory loss, remember, you royal idiot?»
«I couldn't forget it because you keep repeating it to me!»
«I wouldn't repeat it if it didn't seem like the one with head problems is someone else who isn't me. Could you tell me if there have been many blows to your head or if it's just the nobility inflating it so much that it doesn't allow anything new to enter?»
«I'll show you lots of blows to the...»
I don't need to say that they didn't manage to do much that day. The knights looked for an inn and rested with their hearts heavy with worry for the young ex-servant who seemed to have forgotten parts of his life.
The next day, Arthur goes out to find his knights already talking to Merlin. Everyone seems very happy, chatting and laughing like any other time, but from what he understood from the previous day, it's just him that he doesn't seem to remember. Again, what kind of memory loss is that?
Talking to the knights, Merlin finds out why they are there and offers to accompany them to talk to someone who other townspeople have pointed out as a possible witness and this is because, SURPRISE, coincidentally, he is on his way there. He is a hard-working man whose elderly mother is ill and Merlin has been hired to prepare the medicine she requires.
The truth is that the man was in the area where the whole incident against those who went to look for the sorcerer happened because moments before he had met with Merlin to exchange the brew. And now Merlin wants to know if he really saw something that could incriminate him or endanger the sorcerer he helped escape.
They go to the man's house, do what they have to do, get nothing because the man didn't see anything (bullshit but he believes in Merlin)
So they keep searching and investigating, and Merlin accompanies them because he needs to make sure they don't find the people he's helped move (not just in that town) so he bombards them with verbose until they spill the beans, and no one believes anything bad about it because this is sweet and naive Merlin, please...
And more verbal challenges are exchanged between Arthur and Merlin because Arthur can't stand the tall man acting like nothing happened with everyone but him and he must find a way to get Merlin to admit that everything ut's either a bad joke (which will earn him a few nights of polishing every brick in the castle) or he says something that finally makes sense of how he forgot Arthur and if this way irritates him to the point of his ears glow from how red they get, that's just a bonus
«If I don't remember that he's a noble and I stab him, is it really illegal?»
"What if no one sees it? Is it still illegal?»
«Now you're just playing dumb»
«No, no, Lance, I do think he has a couple of good points»
«Don't encourage him, Gwaine»
Anyway, somehow they end up discovering that the men who were sent to find the accused are a group that every time they are sent they return to Camelot with stories sufficiently disturbing to avoid too many questions since the sorcerers this group Usually look for never make it to Camelot.
Perhaps they find out while they are divided. One group is at the inn eating and it is there that they meet the derailed knights (we would call them the haters)... So the round table connects the dots and a fight breaks out.
On the other hand, half of the round table that was not looking for food finds out about the haters from a survivor who explains to them that these so-called knights seek to exterminate sorcerers by his own hand.
«It is not their right to judge. The king's law must be given by the king» Arthur says
«It's not as if the judging part happens much in front of the king either» Merlin attacks. «more like simply sentence and death. Even if they are not really sorcerers or even if there was no harm or injury»
Lancelot is the one who silences Merlin before a fight breaks out, calming him down by speaking comfortingly because there is no time to waste.They must meet up with the others because if they are lucky perhaps the group of haters will still be around and they can catch them there instead of in Camelot where the situation is still tense as to prove that there are even weaknesses within the army...
The problem is, as we know, that the haters are fighting at that very moment with the other members of the round table and they outnumber them.
So as he opens the door of the inn a dagger immediately flies towards Merlin, who is the one who is going ahead. But it does not hit him but Arthur who somehow quickly got in the way.
Blood blooms like a dam that overflows before Merlin's eyes, eyes that instantly turn golden, causing every Rebel knight (every hater) to fall unconscious. And isn't Arthur supposed to be unconscious at times like this too? Because he definitely shouldn't have seen that, he didn't want to see it and now that he has he must acknowledge that Merlin has magic
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Career Perks
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader (Ominis pov with she/her)
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Tags: explicit | dark!Ominis | rough sex | dub-con | parseltongue | legilimency
3k words. Accompanying audio.
Summary: Ominis' career leaves little room for excitement or challenge, but his unique brand of legilimency makes for a more interesting job when he finds himself in the company of a lonely witch.
A/n: This is a sort-of sequel to Legilimens where his skill has made him bitter and jaded. Also just random stalking and hunting for shits and giggles I guess.
Ominis enjoyed his job as much as the next wizard, but lately he felt…unchallenged. Most of his clients were small businesses and affluent households who required some extra security on their properties, meaning Ominis would throw up the same wards and shields he did day in, day out, every day. Rarely did he sink his teeth into anything different, a large event or complex case. Whilst the staleness of his chosen career could be somewhat disappointing at times, his job did have certain perks. He'd made his own entertainment over the years, honing other skills amongst the drudgery.
His unique brand of legilimency came in useful, though years of hearing others' thoughts, whether intentionally or not, had made him somewhat jaded. He'd learned early on that most people were liars, the words they uttered in direct contrast to their judgemental thoughts. To his shock, he'd also found that the most common thoughts that seeped into his were of the more amorous kind. With years of practice, he found himself less likely to accidentally probe someone else's mind when concentrating on their voice, but sometimes the lure was too strong to resist dipping his toe into the murky waters of their consciousness.
Ominis had arrived at his most recent client's manor with the intention of keeping his curiosity behind lock and key—it had been causing too much trouble of late. The wizard who had hired him was influential; a politician with a good family name and heaps of ill-gotten gold lining his pockets. He'd paid upfront, requesting the very best magical protection and citing a need to protect his family; from what, he didn't venture, but Ominis had been in this game long enough to make an educated guess that he'd gotten mixed up with the wrong sort. He even wondered whether his dear brother was somehow involved.
The manor was an impressive building with gardens and woodland surrounding it, and very isolated. His smart shoes crunched along the gravel path as he approached, his wand making him aware of the vastness of his surroundings. He'd expected a servant, perhaps a house elf to answer the door when he rang the bell, but instead he was greeted warmly by a woman who's tone and well-spoken manner indicated her status as lady of the household.
"Mr Gaunt, hello. Please come in."
Ominis gave his best smile, the one he knew would charm her and put her at ease. Walking into the hallway, the echo of the hard floor underneath his heels pointed to the grandiosity of the estate. No doubt it was lavishly decorated by the woman standing next to him.
"Thank you," Ominis replied with a dip of his head.
"My husband is away on business but I can direct you to anywhere you need to go," she said sweetly. "Would you like a cup of tea whilst you work?"
Well, he was never one to turn down tea.
"Yes, please. I'll start on the external wards."
She departed, heels clicking and dress swishing, leaving Ominis alone with his thoughts. His wand was already out, so he started the basic defensive spells…Muggle repelling charm…intruder charm… The mundanity was interrupted by the return of his host. The waft of tea hit his nose and he perked up as he noticed the Darjeeling blend amongst the clattering of china.
"Do you not have a house elf?"
"No, I don't agree with keeping a…slave," she replied, somewhat bitterly.
"So you take on all of the domestic tasks by yourself? It can't be an easy feat," he replied, gesturing to the house.
"Unfortunately, yes. I never intended for this to be my life."
Ominis suppressed a smirk; that would have been inappropriate, of course. These trapped housewitches were often the product of bad decisions and unhappy marriages. He sipped his tea as he heard her do the same, using the distraction to concentrate on the sound of her gentle slurping. There she was. She had a powerful magical aura, wasted in a place like this. Ominis reached out, finding her thoughts laid bare, ripe for perusing—she clearly hadn't expected his invasion, her guard was down, as they always were.
"Lovely tea," he commented.
"Thank you, I make my own blend."
Of course you do. The thoughts at the forefront of her mind were nothing to do with the beverage, in fact they were nothing short of scandalous. Oh, these housewitches had such lewd fantasies. She knew exactly who he was, and her daydreams reflected her particular wants. The wet slaps that filled his mind and her salacious moans were rather distracting, but Ominis continued to sip his tea and nod along to her occasional commentary. Every whispered command that he uttered in her mind had her keening, and the twitch in his trousers was a very real consequence.
"The wards are done," he said, draining the last of his drink and placing it on the table beside him. "Nobody can get in or out until I lift them. Not you, nor your husband."
The last few words were laced with insinuation, and her fantasy ended abruptly, her thoughts scrambling and fearful.
Ominis moved quickly, his body pressing her into the table behind her, hand around her neck as her teacup fell to the floor with a crash of breaking china. Her hand went to her wand, but Ominis had already thrown it to the floor.
"This is what you wanted, wasn't it?" he asked.
"He's going to kill me," her first thought.
"I won't hurt you, not if you do as I say. If you obey me, I'll give you exactly what you want."
"Why…?" she whispered weakly, and Ominis loosened the grip on her throat.
"Because I've heard your thoughts, and I'm most curious…," he whispered into her ear.
She could have used his slackened grip to attempt to break free, but she didn't, only writhed between his body and the furniture behind her. Her pulse pounded against his fingers and warm, hastened breath brushed his cheek, prompting a dark surge of hunger and a throbbing swell of his cock.
"Take me," her second thought.
Ominis cast a silent summoning charm on her wand, tucking it into his unused holster.
"You heard me."
The second teacup crashed to the floor as Ominis relented his grasp around her neck and she fell back against the table. She scrambled, and he listened to her frantic footfalls as she ran, her terrified thoughts fading as the connection to her mind broke. She seemed to be unsure just what his intentions were, but the faint flicker of excitement told him all he needed to know about this particular witch.
"Homenum Revelio."
Ominis muttered the incantation, his wand guiding him in her vague direction. He walked quickly, but she really had nowhere to go as long as his charms held. She was fast, always moving along the winding corridors that made up the large manor house. So many bedrooms and drawing rooms, and nowhere to hide.
Ominis concentrated once again on the creak of the floorboards and receding footsteps in front of him until he found her. She was too far away to be able to use his legilimency, but now he'd probed her mind once before, her presence stuck out like a sore thumb—it was almost another sense, like a familiar scent that he could follow. His heart raced as he stalked through the house, adrenaline pumping, providing the excitement that his job couldn't.
"I've heard what you want me to do to you," Ominis called.
No reply.
"Tell me—do you kiss your husband with that mouth? The obscenities that spilled from it shocked even me, and I'm far from chaste."
Ominis threw up more detection charms, getting closer as she slowed—intentionally, he was sure. His ears remained pricked for any movement, when he heard her inhale before shouting an incantation.
Ominis shielded himself just in time, her wandless but nevertheless powerful spell glancing off the protective sphere. There was the feisty witch he'd sensed below the delicate façade. A devilish grin crossed his face as she broke into a run again and he followed. The slam and click of a door up ahead echoed through the hallway, and Ominis smirked through heavy breaths. He knocked on the door, the gesture absurd, but it got her attention.
"Leave, and I'll not tell anyone about this."
Ominis pressed his ear against the wood, his fingers sliding around the door knob as he held his wand steady.
"I don't think you want me to leave," he replied, unlocking the door with but a simple unlocking charm.
He'd half expected a barrage of wandless magic aimed at him, but then again he'd half expected not. She was waiting, silently, except the ragged breaths that filled the large room. Ominis kept a shield up, but his wand sensed no danger from the situation.
"Is this your bedroom?" he asked.
"Yes," came her breathy voice.
He dropped his shield and walked towards her, following the sound and reaching out with his mind once again.
"You led me here."
She remained quiet, but she confirmed it for him anyway. Into her mind he delved again, not bothering to be careful or inconspicuous as he waded through her present jumbled thoughts and tore into her memories. He saw every bad decision ever made, the regret and longing of a woman trapped, walking in the shadow of a man utterly undeserving of her.
"You want me to take you here, where your husband sleeps? Of all the rooms in this vast house?" he asked, his fingers finally making contact with her.
She hadn't attempted to conceal the reason she'd stopped running. Knelt at the foot of the bed, she let his hands roam over her lightly-clothed shoulder, the delicate silk blouse leaving every curve free to caress. She gasped as he once again skimmed her neck, his hand continuing its journey to her face. Her lips were plump, and as his thumb brushed against them he felt her warm breath that stuttered as he started to unbuckle his belt.
His digit parted her lips, slipping inside her warm and inviting mouth as she sighed and allowed the invasion. His cock twitched again in anticipation of filling her mouth, his barely disguised arousal springing free from his trousers as the last of the fastenings fell away.
"Open your mouth for me, darling," Ominis whispered.
She did as she was told, her hands tentatively gripping his thighs as Ominis felt her jaw slacken against his fingers. He muttered a praise as he lined himself up with her inviting lips, pushing the tip of his cock inside her waiting mouth. Perfect. Her tongue eagerly met him with a swirl around his head and he groaned, lacing his fingers through her soft hair that he just now realised hung loose and smelled pleasantly of vanilla.
He tightened his grip as she took more of him, guiding her head with a rhythm that sent his head spinning. Though muffled, her moans filled his ears amongst the sounds of her exuberant sucking. She felt fantastic, a little sloppy perhaps, but she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm. Whether or not the enthusiasm was genuine or a product of his threat, he didn't much care.
Ominis sighed softly as her head bobbed back and forth, deciding to move along to what she'd really wanted from him. He pulled her hair back a little harder than was necessary, her mouth popping off his length and causing a yelp of pain. A rush of affirmation flooded her thoughts, spilling into Ominis' as his control over his legilimency weakened, and he smirked down at her before lowering his head to meet her in a greedy kiss. Her tongue met his, firm and demanding, the taste of tea still lingering.
"Such a lovely mouth," Ominis praised as they parted, relinquishing the hold on her hair. "Now, strip."
"What are you going to do?" she asked shakily over the rustle of fabric.
"Exactly what you wanted of me the moment I stepped through that door."
Ominis stroked her face gently as she undressed, and when she wriggled out of her underwear he got to work on ridding himself of his own bottoms. His pulse raced and cock throbbed with need, desperately wanting to hear her keening again, flooding his ears and not just his mind.
"How do I compare to your filthy thoughts?" he asked, pushing her back onto the bed.
"You're…better. Much better," she sighed.
He positioned himself between her legs, running his hands over her soft skin pricked with goosebumps and towards his prize. She was already squirming by the time he pressed his fingers to her entrance, dipping a digit inside the well of slick arousal.
"Such a naughty witch."
She whimpered, her walls fluttering around his finger, pulling an amused chuckle from his throat. Retreating slightly, he dragged his finger between her folds and found her swollen clit, eliciting another pathetic whine as he began rubbing circles around the nub.
"You really are so needy," Ominis chided. "How long since you've been touched?"
"A while," she replied meekly. "Fuck…"
"There's that filthy mouth I've heard."
Ominis moved his hand faster, listening to her sweet moans as his hips instinctively rocked, his erection rubbing on the bed sheet and providing barely enough relief. He couldn't control his urges forever, and his patience was wearing thinner by the second, no matter how lovely the noises she made. His fingers left her clit to a protesting whine, delving back into her soaking wet entrance.
"P-please don't stop."
"Ah, no, I'm afraid your fantasies were quite specific about how you wanted to come undone."
Ominis pumped his hand, rougher than was needed as his lust threatened to overcome his waning self restraint. Once he slipped a third finger inside her, he knelt up on the mattress before withdrawing his hand and dragging her along the sheets by her thighs towards him.
He was frenzied, rock hard and aching for her cunt. With no more than a flick over her clit with the tip of his cock as warning, he pushed inside her to the sound of her wails and the sting of nails scraping down his back. Ominis growled his feigned disapproval, seating himself deep inside her as his head dipped to the crook of her neck and kissed up towards her ear. He started thrusting, and his breath almost deserted him.
She felt incredible, as if she were made for him, and the way she gripped him felt as if she were clinging onto him with the intention of never letting go. Ominis moaned and muttered praises in her ear as a string of expletives dripped from her lips with every roll of his hips.
"Harder, fuck!"
"So needy," Ominis said, though what left his mouth was a high pitched hiss that made her wail and scream his name.
That's what she'd wanted, in her sick little fantasy of being ruined by the heir of Slytherin. Not a particularly inventive one, but he was happy to indulge when the product was such a beautiful cacophony of moans. He continued whispering parseltongue against her neck as he attacked her skin with his teeth and hands groped greedily at every soft handful of flesh he could reach. Her curves were truly delicious, and the smack he delivered to her backside as she drew her legs up reverberated around the huge room and only spurred him on. Faster and harder he fucked her, until she was practically hysterical.
The way she gripped his cock, he knew she was close and his own release was imminent. His arms shook as he lifted himself, kneeling above her and gripping her waist to pull her down deeper onto his cock. Ominis moaned as the tension built to unbearable levels, still continuing to pound into her relentlessly in the new position.
"Oh shit…oh fuck…"
She could only manage garbled words and to dig her fingers painfully into his thighs as her body turned limp. Ominis placed a hand on her abdomen, groaning as he felt his cock hitting her deep under his palm.
"Come for me," Ominis hissed, unable to hold back his own release any longer.
He wasn't sure who succumbed first, but as Ominis let his load spill inside her, he felt her contract around his length, teasing out ropes of cum with every pulse of her orgasm. They sighed and moaned together, his thrusts slowing and eventually dying as they came off their highs and the pleasure made way for the realisation of what had occurred.
Ominis' face fell back into neutrality, pulling his flaccid cock from her with a squelch. He worked quickly, scooping up his wand and cleaning the mess before redressing and throwing her wand from his holster into the bed.
"Was that okay?" she spluttered.
He almost laughed, that she were so eager to secure his approval after what he'd put her through.
"Get showered and dressed. I'll wait."
She mumbled something incoherent but slid off the bed and padded to the ensuite bathroom. Ominis heard the lock of the door and running water, only just disguising the soft sobs emanating from the room. He had no time to fuss over her emotional wellbeing, he had work to do—with careful and deliberate flicks of his wand, he removed the wards that trapped her in the house, recasting the protective enchantments just as he'd been requested to do. He even made the bed.
By the time she'd returned to the bedroom, he told her to dry her hair and make sure she was properly presented, not using the exact words to ask her to stop crying. In silence he led her back to the hallway where the shattered teacups lay, fixed with a simple Reparo. There could be nothing left out of the ordinary.
"What should we do now…," she directed towards him, unease in her voice.
She was panicking. Ominis didn't give her time to finish her sentence, pointing his wand at her and twisting his wrist slowly in the air.
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nichirinpen · 2 years
DILF for Hire
Can also be read here on Ao3
Synopsis- You hired a stranger to accompany you to an event your Ex is attending. One thing leads to another and the next thing you know he's come home with you.
Content Warning- AFAB reader descriptions, Smut, cunnilingus, Edging, vaginal penetration
~Minors DNI~
You knew it was risky using an app to find a date. There were all those horror stories about  'ChadsList'  and weirdos who kidnapped women or killed them. You hadn’t wanted to use a dating app for obvious reasons, one unsolicited dick pic was enough to have you delete them forever. But this new app that had taken the world by storm seemed reputable. At least to you it did.  Called "  Don’t Sweat It " it touted itself as a reliable and safe network that did everything right. 
Background checks? They did it. Social media checks? Also done. Hell to even sign up to the app you had to provide your driver's license and wait a month to hear back. But you got it and got in. The level of security you knew other users had to go through put you at ease. 
Maybe too much at ease. Looking at the man looming over you, the thick scar near his mouth, the way his lips curled as if he were annoyed. Perhaps it was just as bad as internet rumors said. 
"You're  Name . Right?" His voice was deep, the tone of annoyance sending a shiver down your spine. The man was tall, so tall he was half titled to look down at you as he waited. You nodded stiffly, looking at the app confirmation that sat cheerfully on your phone. The clean shaven smiling man in the photo was for sure him.
"You're Toji?" Your voice came out as a squeak, the words half strangled. Clearing your throat you blushed, looking back down at the app. It was indeed Toji, he looked exactly like the photo on his ad space. 
That's how the app worked. They knew people wanted a reputable site for odd jobs and requests so one was built.  Part of it functioned for the buying and selling of goods, the other half for finding someone to fulfill a request. Need a babysitter for a night, they had hundreds. Need someone to take grandpa to the doctor? Pick your driver. And for you, sadly, you had entered a search for a companion. Specifically one who would go to a company party with you and play boyfriend for a few hours. After scrolling past people who were definitely way too young to use the app, you had found Toji. Profile had stated he was a single dad, 34. The ad in question, " Anything goes ".
You sincerely hoped not. More so for his sake and his kid. Toji looked like he could crush someone with his bare hands but you still found the ad a tad reckless. 
"So what's the plan?" His gruff voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you blinked rapidly to clear your head. 
"Well. Tonight at 8 pm there's a company dinner I have to attend. Like I messaged earlier, I don't want to go alone." 
Toji nodded, leaning back against the glass display he was next to. The fake cakes glittered obnoxiously, their cheerful sign telling you to ‘ check out the third floor! ’ You waited nervously, glancing about the busy space. Being smart was one thing you had wanted to do, so the local mall had seemed like the best place to meet him. Shoppers bustled about the well lit stores, chatter over-layed the low music that seeped from the old speakers. It wasn’t as packed as it normally was but that suited you just fine. There were security cameras and other people if he tried anything.
"Is that why you're all dressed up?" His question sounded judgmental. You flushed, looking down at your dress and heels. The elegant black dress paired with your favorite black heels was a muted choice. You wanted to look good but not stand out. Even so. The neckline swooped low, your breast pushed up nicely by the built in bra. And the dress hugged your form, leaving rather little to the imagination. It had been custom tailored after all, a gift of sorts meant for another occasion. You bit your lip in frustration. It made you feel like a clown wearing it in the middle of a mall where kids bustled past, pizza in hand. 
"It is indeed." It was also why you had asked him to dress nice. Apparently Toji's interpretation was a tight black shirt and sweatpants. They complimented his form, but not at all what you had in mind. He looked like he was ready to go to the gym, not sit at a 5 star hotel bar and down liquor. 
"We need to get you a suit." Your words seemed to annoy the man slightly. His eyebrows twitching as if he were trying to suppress a nasty comeback. Toji simply nodded and gestured for you to lead the way.
You did so, wobbling slightly in the heels as you made your way across the mall to a suit shop. It was the oldest store in the mall, it's elderly owner, one you knew well unfortunately. As you made your way to his shop you glanced at your wrist watch.  6:58 pm . Would that be enough time? You hoped so.
The bell above the door signaled your entry, the little old man scurrying from the back with a huge smile on his face. Mr. Itadori looked tired, the lines on his face deep. You noted the lack of his grandson in the shop. Poor old man must be working overtime.
"Ms.  Name !!" How pleasant to see you again!" Mr. Itadori’s cheerful countenance made you feel guilty for some reason. The old man took your hands with a smile. His dry hands felt like cold paper against yours. Squeezing them gently you shot him a small smile.
"Picking up a suit for Gojo?" 
You shook your head slowly. "Uh no. Gojo is. Gojo bro..." You paused, finding the words stuck in your throat. The old man looked at you worriedly, his fluffy eyebrows pinching as he waited.
"I need a suit for my friend!" You went for the easy route, gesturing to Toji. Mr. Itadori shot you a look before turning and sizing up the tall man. Your companion towered over him, his face stoic.
"Silly Toji here forgot about the company dinner tonight. So we rushed over here!". The forced cheerfulness in your voice was so blatant. You winced, knowing you had no one here fooled. Just a little longer and you could be out of here. Away from the questions that lingered in Mr. Itadori’s gaze. He would never ask, he was far too polite, but you could see he knew exactly what you weren’t saying. And he pitied you for it. 
You waited as the old man took measurements and hummed over the fabric. He moved like lightning back and forth from one suit rack to the next. Toji watched impassively, his green eyes occasionally flicking over to where you sat. You hoped he would just quietly accept this and that the night would go over well. Paying 1,000 dollars for essentially a glorified escort was going to make a dent in your savings. Part of you was ashamed, the thought of using funds for such a stupid reason made you want to curl into a ball from embarrassment. But the part of you that was angry, hurt and betrayed, was stronger. 1,000 was a small price to pay if it would make Gojo Satoru jealous and maybe even hurt.
“I'm thinking we play off the black you are wearing dear.” You jumped slightly at Mr. Itadori’s voice. Nodding, you quickly focused, shoving the anger that had welled up back down. The small old man stood in front of Toji, holding a black suit with a dark red button up underneath. You tilted your head at the combo, but nodded. Mr. Itadori had been making suits for 60 years according to him. You were not about to question a master tradesman. Mr. Itadori quickly closed the curtains around the dressing area, scurrying over to you as you both waited. 
“He’s a nice looking fellow.” His statement had a question hidden under it. You hummed, deciding to not open that can of worms. Mr. Itadori hummed back, his keen eyes peering at you from under bushy eyebrows.
“I’ll never give him another discount on suits.” You turned at the words, frowning slightly. Mr. Itadori jerked his head towards the shop front, gesturing to nothing in particular.
“You’re a nice woman, Gojo was lucky you ever gave him the time of day.” Mr. Itadori’s brows were furrowed as he scowled up at the ceiling. He seemed genuinely disappointed in the other man. You smiled, patting his hand gently. “You don’t have to change your business up because of me. I know he’s one of your top clients.” 
Mr. Itadori grumbled, crossing his arms, “Well maybe I'll just stick him with a pin now and then.” 
You laughed at that, shaking your head at the old man. He seemed pleased by your reaction, his expression clearing into a cheerful grin. Both of you turned in surprise as the curtain was roughly shoved back, revealing Toji fully dressed. The suit looked good on him, really good. You weren’t sure if it was just him or if Mr. Itadori was that good at his job. The black fabric clung in all the right places, emphasizing the muscles that sat tense beneath. 
“Hmmm which tie.” Mr. Itadori held up a few, all of which Toji brushed away. 
“This is good.” He unhooked the first 3 buttons of his shirt, exposing his collarbone and neck. You pretended not to see, turning to Mr. Itadori and digging through your clutch. Pulling your debit card from its spot, you handed it over with reluctance. A new suit was not on your list of monthly expenses. But hey you had come this far right? 
“Ah, no.” You nearly jumped out of your skin as Toji pressed against you, the hard plane of his chest snug against your shoulder. The man knocked your hand from its outstretched position, offering up his card instead. Your eyebrows raised at that and you looked up questioningly. Toji said nothing, his nostrils flaring slightly as he looked at you.
No, not quite. You felt your cheeks and neck flush, he was very blatantly staring down your dress. The angle from his height gave him a nice view of the tops of your breasts and the hidden skin of your sternum that the dress was covering. Pretending not to notice you shifted, tucking your debit card away in your clutch. 
After paying you hurriedly left the store, your watch said  7:20 . That was the perfect amount of time to get a cab to the venue. You wobbled your way down the stairs to the first floor, hell bent on making it to the front doors. Toji followed behind slowly, his hand stuffed deep in his suit pockets. He seemed unbothered whereas you were all nerves. Your stomach clenched and you again began wondering if this was a bad idea. The quest for revenge or at least a small slice of it seemed to be paved with stupidity. You chewed at your bottom lip as you pulled up the cab app. It cheerfully asked for your destination which you input with slightly trembling fingers. Pushing through the front doors of the mall, you input your address and almost immediately got a ride confirmation. Thankfully there was one a block away and you sighed as you stood at the curb waiting. 
“So how bad did this guy fuck up?” Toji’s voice was low and even, his eyes roaming over your form as you turned to look at him. The question confused you for just a moment, but one look at his smug, almost cat-like smirk, you knew what he meant. Toji knew exactly why he was hired without you being forthcoming.
“Uh well.” You tapped your foot nervously against the sidewalk. The cab turned into the mall parking lot and you waited, not sure what to say. It skidded to a halt near you, the back doors unlatching. Toji opened your door for you, allowing you to slide in before he made his way around the other side. Once he was settled the cab was off, the driver quietly ignoring the two of you. With the divider in between, you knew that he couldn’t hear, not that it mattered. 
“We dated for 6 years.” You leaned back in the seat with a sigh, tilting your head to look up at Toji. The man nodded, his expression apathetic. 
“I bought this dress for an evening that was planned.” You paused, feeling that icy clench in your heart. It hurt to say these things out loud. You had barely acknowledged them the past few weeks, drowning your feelings with too much work and way too much pizza. But you had to confront them, that was the whole point of tonight. 
“Uh three weeks ago we were supposed to sit down and he was going to propose.” You looked away from the man, your gaze locked on your reflection in the window. Toji was reflected as well, his eyes skipping over your form as he waited. 
“Instead the day before I get a text. All it said was  ‘It’s over ’.” You clenched your fists, your fingernails biting into your palms as you thought of the message. Of the calls being denied and then eventually you being blocked. It was as if 6 years hadn’t happened. As if you were a stranger pestering him. No goodbye, no explanation. Just over.
“Sounds like a pretentious prick.” Toji huffed. You glanced at him, slightly surprised. The older man shrugged at you, his expression impassive. 
“He told you when he was going to propose?” The man shook his head, dark hair obscuring his eyes slightly. “Tacky.” 
You shrugged, looking down at your hands. Truth be told you had disliked the fact that he had told you, that it had been so planned out. But that was Gojo Satoru. He was the son of a successful CEO, his life wasn’t just handed to him but also meticulously planned out. Every last detail, including breaking up with you. Your stomach churned at the thought of seeing him. What was that saying? Don’t date coworkers. You were feeling the consequences of ignoring that big time. 
“It is what it is.” You sighed, glancing back out the window. A large rough hand was on your thigh, thick fingers squeezing gently. You jumped slightly, heat rushing through your veins as you stared at him. Toji shot you a smirk, fingers tightening again as he squeezed your thigh.
“Hey you paid me for the night. Let’s give the little bastard a good show eh?”
You laughed in surprise, one hand pressing against your mouth as a snort left you. Out of all the things he could say, all the reactions, this was different. Everyone else had given you sympathy mixed with a hint of  ‘I told you so  ’. It had infuriated you to no end the sorry and the looks that said that you should have seen this coming. Even worse, your mother making that face you knew meant ‘  What did you do wrong? ’. 
But Toji? The man had withdrawn his hand but his smirk stayed the same. He looked like he lived for fucking around with people. Your eyes went to his hand, now resting in his lap. Toji had nice hands, the skin was nicked with small scars here and there, but they were charming. In an odd way.
The cab lurched to a halt and you felt your heart drop. There was the hotel, in its shiny glory. Bright lights flashed outside, a small group of press loitering around the entrance. Of course they were. Gojo posed for the camera like no other high society figure. He reveled in it. You hated it, the flashing lights, the lewd questions. Always entertained by the white haired man but never you. Nothing was worse than being splashed across the front page of a tabloid. What had they called you? ‘ The Mouse.’  You grimaced, unbuckling your seat belt. 
Toji had already exited the car, yanking your door open and extending his hand. You raised an eyebrow as you stepped out, gently sliding your arm around his. Toji took the lead, his large shoulders easily punting a reporter aside as he made his way up the stairs. You kept your head ducked slightly, hoping that the unfamiliar man and your lack of flair would keep them disinterested.
“Hey, it's Ms. Mouse!” You flinched at the shout, your hand tightening on Toji’s arm. He looked down at you, taking in your pinched expression and tense body. From behind you could hear the reporter shouting again, the man’s greasy voice drawing the attention of the other reporters. 
God this was a nightmare. You should have never come out.
Your heart dropped as you felt Toji’s arm leaving yours. Was this too much? You hadn’t exactly been upfront with the man. The request was simply  ‘Need a date for a work event.’ . 
“What the fuck did you just call my girl?” Toji barked. You watched, flabbergasted as his large hand whipped out, grabbing the weasel looking reporter by the scruff of his jacket. Toji shook the man slightly, snapping the question again. The reporter looked mortified, his waxy face going pale as he stuttered excuses and apologies. Toji merely scoffed, shaking his head before letting the man go. You watched as the reporter fell on his ass, sliding a few steps down before he caught himself.
“Let’s go.” Toji placed his hand against your waist, guiding you up the last few steps. The doormen swung the heavy gilded doors in, bowing as the two of you entered. You flashed your work badge to the security detail, Mr. Panda. The large man smiled at you, his signature hair buns wiggling slightly as you were let into the event. It was packed, event staff and your company's many employees bustling about. You recognised a few faces here and there, but the place was so packed it was hard to get anyone’s attention. Not that you necessarily wanted to at the moment. No, the target of tonight's actions would suffice.
“Ms. Mouse.” Toji snatched a champagne glass from a nearby waiter, downing it in one gulp. You nodded at his words, feeling slightly awkward. He was a stranger and yet, he was being shown the most awful and anxiety-inducing parts of your life.
“You act more like a mink.” He shot you a smile, the words and action making your heart swell for some reason. You coughed, trying to think what to say. The skin of your ears burned slightly and you hoped he hadn’t noticed. Words failed you as you trailed to the large gilded bar. Sliding up to the counter, you signaled the bartender. The young woman flashed a smile nodding dutifully as you asked for a Bailey’s. 
“Irish liquor?” Toji leaned against the bar, not bothering to leave much space between the two of you. His hip pressed against yours, the warmth spreading across your skin. You nodded in response to his question, shoulders shrugging. As your drink was passed to you, you nearly spat it out as Toji asked for vodka, no ice. Shooting him a look, he merely smiled. 
“I like the strong stuff, puts hair on your chest.” 
You snorted in response, taking another sip of your drink, “Oh yeah you can attest to that?” The words were teasing, playful, but you could see Toji’s pupils dilate slightly at the words. He leaned in, one large finger playfully sliding down your right bicep. “Wouldn’t you like to know, Mink.”
You hummed in response, the lack of words more due to you attempting to regain composure. His teasing tone and finger had your stomach fluttering. A low heat pooling in your nethers as he slid the finger back up to your shoulder.
“Oh My God!” You both flinched at the loud squeal that rang out across the venue. It was so shrill the sound somehow was louder than the rest of the party. You knew that voice all too well, with a sinking heart, you turned, glancing over your shoulder at the commotion. It was Gojo of course, his new shiny pink haired fiance plastered to his side. She was the one squealing, her shiny skin and lips reflecting the party lights all too well.
“Jesus how much plastic is pumped into that bimbo?” Toji’s question made you chuckle. He wasn’t wrong, the woman looked like she was three surgeries away from being on one of those botched surgery shows. Not that it mattered to her, no being the heiress of a large makeup company meant she had little to worry about. Especially so with her future husband secured before any surgery could go wrong.
The squealing was apparently about jewelry, because of course it was. The man was laughing, his stupid suit sparkling slightly under the bright light. It made him look ethereal, as always. Gojo was larger than life, otherworldly looking. And he knew it.
Part of you felt incredibly insulted. Had you not been dumped by him, had you never dated him and this was just a regular work event? Incredibly uncomfortable and inappropriate. No one would stop him of course, Son of the CEO and all that. But you could see the discomfort rippling through the ground, the shared glances and small grimaces. 
You flinched as his gaze shifted, his fiance chattering away with one of her friends. Gojo’s icy blue eyes met yours, eyebrows lifting slightly. He was surprised you were here. You took a small step back as he started cutting across the crowd, your back hitting the bar.
“Can I touch you?” Toji’s odd question pulled you from your frozen state, you gaze lifting to his. The man was leaning awfully close, his warm breath tickling your forehead. His eyes crinkled in the corner and the grin he was wearing was definitely a shit eating one. Toji was up to something. 
Your gaze went back to Gojo, the man stopped by a few coworkers and blessedly still several feet away. His eyes kept flicking to you however, the blue you once loved making your stomach cramp with worry. Looking back at Toji, you nodded once, wondering what he was up to. It wasn’t like he had asked to touch you early on the stairs. 
Toji leaned in, one hand sliding around your waist while the other tugged your chin up, tilting your head towards his. You gasped in shock as his warm lips met yours. His tongue slid into your mouth, teeth clicking together slightly at the passion in which he kissed. Toji pressed against you, the hand at your waist sliding lower until he was grabbing a handful of your ass. It made your knees weak. His rough kiss was breathtaking, literally. You flushed, pulling away to catch your breath. 
Toji smirked, his eyes not on you but over your head. Without turning you knew he was staring down Gojo. Something very few people had the balls to do around here. 
“I am going to freshen up in the bathroom.” You stated shakily, your face tomato red. Also regain your composure, how many coworkers had just seen him grab your ass like that? 
Toji merely smirked at your words, downing his vodka in a single gulp. You scurried away, slipping down the back hall and into the ladies room. There was no makeup to fix, you had opted for a simple lip gloss. You dabbed a wet paper towel around your lips, taking off the excess gloss that had been smeared there. There was nothing to do about the bright red of your face, time would cool your flushed cheeks. You were tempted to splash cold water on your face, but that would lead to drippy mascara. 
Opting to not stress about it, you took a deep breath, puffing out your chest slightly as you fixed your dress. You looked good and you had successfully gotten in a little jab at Gojo. It wasn’t much, but it was as good as it was going to get. He was a spoiled rich boy, he would forget you and forget this moment in a matter of days.
Stepping from the bathroom, you started down the hall, back to the loud noise of the party. Your head felt slightly foggy still from the kiss, like Toji had somehow stolen your breath. Cheeks burning brighter, you felt your stomach tighten at the thought of his lips against yours again, his hands sliding over your skin.
“So who is the meathead?” You spun around, the train of thought broken. To your dismay the worst case scenario was playing out. Gojo, in his bright blue suit, stupid dark shades nestled in his hair, stood in the hall. Hands shoved deep in his pockets, he sauntered up to you. He was upset, despite his large grin. There were creases near his eyes, a slight twitch in the right corner of his mouth. Gojo was just barely keeping it together.
Toji had really gotten under his skin. You swallowed the urge to smirk, leaning against the hallway wall casually. Feigning disinterest, you gestured down the hall, back to the large crowd.
“You mean my date? Toji?”
Gojo nodded, “Yeah, since when have muscle heads been your type?” He was definitely irritated and as he took another step forward, you shrank back. The super angry part of you wanted to ask what was so great about his new bimbo fiance. But you didn’t have the heart. She wasn’t the one who broke your heart, she wasn’t the one who had ignored your texts and calls for answers. Just because she had chosen an unfortunate set of surgeries didn’t mean you could be nasty about her. It would make you no better than Gojo. 
“I'm surprised a guy like him even has a suit.” Gojo laughed, the sound slightly strangled. You took another step back, lips pulling in a straight line as you attempted to swallow the small pang of fear that bubbled up in your chest. Gojo was known for always getting his way, known for jealousy. You had seen it while dating him, the anger and stonewalling he would direct at you when someone dared glance at you the wrong way. As if the glances of strangers were your fault.
“Kinda soon after a breakup to let another man shove his tongue down your throat?” His voice was much too loud, a half yell that felt like it echoed around you.
“Says the man who dumped me for a heiress.” You snapped back, crossing your arms against your chest as you leaned back, trying to avoid his advancing pace. Your words irked him, his thin white eyebrows dancing slightly as he tried and failed to hide the snarl that flashed across his face.
“You know I was going to be nice.” Gojo laughed, brushing a hand through his hair roughly. His stupid small glasses were flung off, skittering across the floor behind him. The man paid no mind, leaning forward as he spoke. He looked almost manic and as he opened his mouth again you caught a whiff of alcohol. 
Just great. Drunk Gojo was a persistent asshole who would whine, yell and cry until he got his way.
“After Hillary and I got married, I was going to let you be my mistress.” He spoke with such sincerity it was laughable. You snorted, one hand coming up to cover your mouth as your brain tried and failed to think of a snappy response. 
“No thank you.” A simple answer, but your words upset him, the man swaying as he took another step forward. His brow crinkled and you could see tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. He would cry, then yell until finally you crumbled. Or at least that was what he was expecting. But you were no longer dating him, no longer giving him your heart on a silver platter.
“No one else is gonna give you what I can.” His words slurred slightly, a single tear sliding down his cheek. What he was giving you was the start of a migraine. But you had no time to respond, a warm hand sliding around your waist. It was Toji, glaring at the other man. You relaxed slightly, pressing against him with a small sigh. He was a stranger but still more welcome than the sniveling man that stood in front of you.
Gojo stood up straight, his jaw clenching as he took in the tall man. His blue eyes shifted back to you, once again shining with tears.
“Please, no one else can give you what you want. Just me.” Gojo’s lips trembled as he looked at you, his eyes begging you for an answer. Instead of tugging at your heart, it made you angry. You clenched your fists, trying to think of an appropriate response. 
“Full offense pal but you don’t strike me as the pussy eating type.” You let out a shriek of mixed shock and delight at Toji’s words. The man smirked at you, his fingers tightened slightly on your waist and you became painfully aware of just how warm he was. Gojo for his part was standing in shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“Speaking of, let’s get outta here.” Toji laughed this time at your look of disbelief. You allowed him to shepard you away from Gojo, your face burning red at his words. Gojo was shouting something as you made your way to the front door, but you couldn’t hear it. Rather your mind didn’t bother to pick it up. You were too focused on Toji’s hand, it had slid back down to your ass, thick fingers squeezing the flesh gently as you walked. 
“Fuck that guy.” You nodded numbly at Toji’s words, blinking as he shoved something in your hands. It was your clutch, you must’ve forgotten it at the bar. You took it gratefully, fishing your phone out clumsy. 
“Your place?” Toji asked, his voice low. You blinked at him in surprise, your hands freezing mid air.  What did he mean?  You tilted your head, brow furrowing as you waited for him to elaborate. 
“I was serious.” He gestured back towards the hotel venue. Your frown deepened. Serious about what? 
“You look stressed, getting eaten out might relax you.” He spoke so matter of factly, no trace of teasing or sarcasm. His expression was genuine for the first time that night. You felt your mouth drop open as you sputtered, unsure of how to respond.  Was he serious? Part of you hoped so, the thought of his head between your legs, green eyes watching as his tongue lapped at your folds. It made your knees weak.
You shook your head, snapping yourself out of that train of thought. He was still a stranger. Toji waited, a small smirk on his lips as if he knew the internal battle you were having. Plucking your phone from your hands, he opened your messaging app. You watched as he clicked on your most frequent contact, Nobara. Toji lifted the phone slightly, snapping a selfie of the two of you. In it you looked slightly dumbfounded, cheeks flushed and eyes bright. He sent the photo, then handed the phone back to you.
“Now your best friend knows how I look.” 
This guy was too smooth. You bit your lip, looking down at your phone as you thought. To your place or not? As if to give you a nudge, Nobara responded.  ‘Please tell me you got a piece of that beef cake.’ 
You opened the Cab app, quickly typing in your address. Looking back up, you wiggled the phone at the man. He smiled, slipping his arm around your waist and escorting you down the stairs. There was no more press outside blessedly, they had either left or slipped into the venue uninvited. Looking up at the night sky, you chewed at your bottom lip, heart racing as you thought of what you were about to do. This was utterly unlike you. And yet, you found yourself incredibly thrilled. 
The cab arrived and as you sat in the back, you couldn’t help but bounce your leg. You could hear your heartbeat as the cab turned on familiar streets and made its way towards your apartment. Toji looked calm, leaning back against the seat as he watched you. His gaze was almost predatory, green eyes narrowed to slits. It made your heart skip a beat.
The cab stopped and for a moment you were frozen. Then you were out, walking shakily up the stairs to your apartment building. Your key card got you inside and then the two of you were making the long trek up to the 8th floor. The excitement waned slightly as you stumbled up a step, your heels catching on the metal stairs. 
“Which floor?” You looked up at his question, wiggling your heel from the stupid gap between the metal slats. Toji motioned up the stairs, wordlessly asking his question again.
“Oh! 8th Floor.” He nodded, then swooped in, lifting you with ease. You squawked in surprise, the hard planes of his shoulder digging into your stomach. Toji bolted up the stairs, easily clearing the long trek in a matter of moments. You stared, impressed as he set you down. The man wasn’t even winded. He seemed to know what you were thinking, flexing his chest, the buttons of the suit visibly strained, just barely keeping together.
Your hands trembled slightly as you swiped your key-card again, your heart pounding so hard you could hear it. The thrill of doing something like this was making you dizzy with excitement. Opening the door, you tiptoed past your two neighbors to your apartment at the very end of the hall. The door creaked as you opened it and slipped inside. Toji followed, his eyes roaming around your rather messy apartment. You felt a twinge of embarrassment, the pile of clothing near the door was meant for donation, yet you hadn’t had the time or the heart to take them away just yet. Nearly everything in that pile was gifted by Gojo or something he had mentioned as his favorite. It was a sad reminder of the past, one you wished never happened.
Kicking off your heels, you crouched, rubbing at your feet. The shoes while amazing looking pinched your toes way too much. You wiggled the appendages as blood rushed back into your pinky toes. 
“Did you pick this or him?” Toji’s voice sounded judgmental and as you turned to look you felt your face heating up again. He had plucked the light blue lace lingerie that had been sitting on the top of the pile. Shaking your head, you stood and snatched it from him. 
“Him.” You tossed the garment back on the pile, your shoulders slightly tense. It was hitting you again that Toji was a complete stranger. You felt nervous, fingers twisting together slightly as you stared up at him. 
“What do you prefer?” Toji leaned in as he asked the question, his eyes narrowed to slits. He was teasing you, his pupils dilating as he took in your look of questioning surprise.
“Honestly?” You picked at the fabric of your dress, unsure of where to look but not wanting to meet his intense gaze. “Nothing. No fancy lace, no leather or anything like that.” 
Toji smiled at that, nodding. He didn’t comment on your opinion as you expected. Most men did, asking why you didn’t feel sexy or what was wrong with looking good. You thought you did look good, no wrappings or decoration needed. 
“So. We’re doing this?” You gestured lamely towards your bedroom. The open door showing your black comforter and the closed blinds beyond. Toji shrugged, reaching up to undo his suit jacket buttons.
“Only if you want to. If not, I can leave.” His words hung in the air, green eyes locked on your face as he waited for your decision. You chewed at your bottom lip, gaze flicking between him and your bedroom. It wasn’t like you were drunk, quite the opposite you were fully lucid. And as odd as he was, Toji didn’t scare you, didn’t set off any alarms. In fact the only thing he set off was your arousal. The man had teased you already to the point of being wet. 
Taking his large hand in yours, you led him to the bedroom, closing the door behind you. The apartment complex was touted as being sound proof, but you still didn’t want your floor neighbors hearing anything. 
Turning back to him, you held your arms awkwardly to your sides, unsure of the next step. You had never had sex randomly with a stranger. It was always with a partner that you had been dating for a good amount of time. This was new and you were feeling slightly insecure. You shifted nervously, biting your lip as you tried to think of the first move.
Toji sat on the bed, shrugging his suit jacket off and tossing it on the floor. You watched, slightly mesmerized as he rolled up his sleeves. His muscles rolled under the tight shirt, their outlines tantalizing beneath the red fabric. Toji caught your glance, smirking slightly as he shifted his leg, spreading them open as he patted his thigh.
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, head tilting as you watched him pat his thigh again. Slowly, you shuffled over, face burning as you sat on his right thigh.
“What do you like?” His question had you pause, eyes searching his face as you pondered. Had any of your previous partners ever asked you that before? You didn’t think so.
Cheeks burning, you ducked your head slightly, eyes locked on your hands which sat limply in your lap. Toji’s chest was warm against your side, his large hand resting against your waist gently. You shivered as his lips brushed against the skin of your neck, the sensation exhilarating. He bit the skin gently, your heart rate picking up at the action.
“Im not sure.” You answered honestly. Gojo hadn’t been the best of partners, despite 6 years together you could easily count the few amount of times he had made you orgasm on your hands. He had been very selfish in the bedroom, often leaving you feeling like a glorified sex doll rather than a partner. Before him had been partners as inexperienced as you, awkward fumbling, not quite figuring things out. You had yet to be with anyone who was experienced. The thought had you blushing deeper, more so from embarrassment at the unspoken revelation.
“Can I take the lead then?” Toji nibbled at your ear, his grip on your waist tightening. You nodded slowly, your heart rate picking up again as a shiver ran down your spine. His hand slid to the zipper at the back of your dress, fingers quickly tugging it down. You shivered as the dress opened, the warmth it had been holding being replaced by cool air. 
Toji’s large hand moved to your back, fingers pressing against your spine as he drew his hand downwards. You sat, eyes wide and lips slightly parted as you waited for his next move. His eyes weren’t on you, not quite. Toji was focused on your skin, his lips moving so softly against your shoulder that it tickled. 
The man had come off earlier as impatient and slightly crass. But now he was moving achingly slow. He smirked at his expression and you felt your face flush deeper. Toji was doing this on purpose, he was teasing you. 
“No bra?” His thick fingers tugged at the back of the dress, the fabric quickly sliding down to your waist. You shivered, goosebumps cropping up as the cool air hit your chest. Nipples standing on end, you let out a small sigh as you shook your head. “Built into the dress.” 
Toji hummed at this, his eyes locked onto your breasts. If you didn’t know any better you would think this was his first time seeing a pair. His eyes were wide, pupils dilated. A puff of air left his lips and you laughed, deciding to tease him back.
“So you’re a boob man huh?” Your words set forth a flurry of motion. Toji’s movements were so fast and fluid you barely had time to register the fact that he had indeed moved until you were on your back on the bed. Your mouth dropped open, heart racing as you stared up at the man crouch on top of you.
“I am an everything man.” Toji practically purred, his voice so low you almost didn’t hear it. Part of you wanted to laugh at the words, but he spoke with such conviction all you could do was nod, lips parting as you stared up at him. You shivered as he shifted, tugging your dress from your hips and tossing it aside. Both of you paused, you from embarrassment, Toji looking near feral. With how tight the dress had been, wearing underwear really wasn’t an option. You pressed your thighs together, your face burning as you looked away, not wanting to look at Toji.
The older man laughed, licking his lips as he straightened. His fingers deftly undid the buttons on his shirt, the red fabric flying to the far corner of your bedroom. The white undershirt quickly followed, leaving his chest exposed. You swallowed at the sight. 
Beefcake indeed. Toji was built, his broad shoulders and chest complimented by his rather slender looking waist. Scars littered his skin, the small marks scattered about wildly. His muscles rippled beneath his skin, making you wonder just how he worked out to be that in shape.
‘Triangle Shaped’ Popped into your mind and you giggled. Toji squinted at the noise, his belt half undone. You bit your bottom lip, watching as the belt slowly slid from the pant loops. It too was tossed, the sharp noise of his zipper following the sound of the belt hitting your dresser. Bright green boxers made your eyebrow lift slightly and you stifled another giggle. Not at all what you had expected. 
Leaving just his boxers on, the nice suit pants quickly lay draped across the floor. Toji joined them, to his knees at the edge of your bed. You lifted yourself on your elbows to see him better, waiting for his next move.
“OH!” You gasped as he grabbed both of your ankles, tugging you to the very edge of the bed. His head was positioned right above your cunt, warm breath fanning across your skin. You shivered in excitement, eyes wide as you watched him.
Toji spread your legs, warm breath tickling the sensitive wet flesh of your pussy. You shivered again in his grip, the warm puffs of air feeling teasing as they slid over your skin. His grip shifted from your ankles, sliding tantalizingly slow down your calves, then thighs. He finally rested his thick fingers on your waist, pinning your legs in place on either side of his head. 
“You like teasing?” Your question was slightly shaky, your heart beat making your lungs feel breathless and head hazy. Toji smirked, nodding as he licked his lips. His dark hair obscured his eyes slightly, the green hue of his pupils nearly hidden beneath the dark curtain. It was like being stared at by a hungry predator. You wanted to urge him to start, to stop staring so intensely, but your words sat trapped in your chest. The anticipation was too thrilling, your body angled towards him as you waited, breathless. 
Toji bent his head, lips gently caressing your inner thigh. The touch was barely there, each one butterfly light as he trailed down to the apex of your thighs. A strand of dark hair tickled against your other thigh, the sensation matching his infuriated soft kisses. You squirmed slightly in his touch, stilling as his hands tightened their hold. Toji paused, looking at you through his lashes.
“Be still darling.” You nodded, suppressing the shiver that ran down your spine. The man smiled at you, his grin sharp and catlike. 
“Good girl.” He pressed a kiss against your clit, sending a wave of pleasure deep through your core. You gasped, trying your best not to let your hips buck into his face. Toji chuckled, tongue sliding roughly across your clit. You moaned quietly, clamping a hand over your mouth as he dragged his tongue across your folds. His tongue was burning hot against your pussy, the warmth he radiating seeming to all spill out through his mouth. Your fingers tightened over your mouth, a strangled moan slipping out.
Toji bent forward, his nose rubbing against your clit as one hand slid up your side, tugging your elbow and pulling hand from your mouth. He wanted to hear you, a fact that had your face bright red.
His hand slid back down your side, rough fingertips teasing as he slid the hand up your thigh then down. You whined low as you felt a finger slide against your folds, the finger resting at your entrance. His lips were on your clit again, sucking harshly as the finger gently circled your entrance. You wiggled your hips slightly, breath coming in pants as he continued with the slow torturous pleasure. Toji chuckled again, the vibrations making you whine.
He pulled away from your clit with a pop, pressing his tongue flat against your folds as he slipped a finger inside you. The thick digit was met with slight resistance, your walls tightening around the finger slightly. 
You shivered as Toji began pumping his finger achingly slow, the pleasure a dull burning in your stomach. He ran his tongue up your pussy, laving at your clit before turning suddenly and biting the inside of your thigh. You yelped in surprise, hips bucking up in response.
The action shoved his finger deeper, your walls fluttering slightly as his finger scraped against the sensitive flesh. 
Toji slipped in a second finger, the action stretching you. He chuckled at your red face and the short panting breaths you let you. The man was reveling in teasing you. He spread his fingers wide, the ache of feeling overly stretched starting up. You let out a whine, hips moving as he began rhythmically pumping his fingers. His rough skin felt heavenly, the friction building the tight heat coiling in your abdomen. Toji hadn’t broken his intense gaze, his eyes drinking in your gentle writhing as he pushed his thick fingers in deeper with each stroke. It was erotic in an odd way, you liked how he looked at you.
Toji’s teeth scraped over your clit, the action sending you over the edge. You gasped as you came, your walls spasming around his still pumping fingers. 
Toji pulled back, letting your legs dangle limply over the edge of the bed. He smirked as he licked his fingers clean, eyes crinkling with amusement as he took in your relaxed form.
“Feeling better?” Toji teased, nudging your leg with his knee. You nodded, it had been a while since you had orgasmed. Toji smirked, turning and grabbing his slacks from the ground. You sat up, confused as he started tugging his pants on.
“You’re leaving?” You tilted your head as you asked, brow furrowing. Toji paused, one eyebrow raising as he looked at you. 
“I said I’d eat you out and I did.” 
You nodded slowly, gesturing with one hand to his very tented boxers. “What about you?” 
He narrowed his eyes slightly, glancing down briefly before back up at you. “I didn’t want to impose. I'm not a horny teen, I’m not pushy with women I barely know.” 
You blushed at his words, they rang true. He was right, you were just strangers. Still, you felt the heat in your stomach coiling again, not quite wanting the night to end. “Well, I wouldn’t mind.” You bit your lip as you spoke, “If you were a little pushy.” 
He stood for a moment, hands on the waist of his slacks as he decided. To your delight, the pants were dropped, Toji kicking them off with a grin.
“I can blow you?” You suggested, feeling slightly embarrassed to utter the words. Toji shook his head. “Gagging is a turn off.”
You opened your mouth to state you wouldn’t gag, and found yourself speechless as he dropped his boxers. Maybe you would gag, the man was thick, much thicker than you thought possible. What he lacked in length he made up for in girth. You shivered as he gave himself a quick pump, his thumb rubbing against the beads of precum that sat on the head.
“Ready?” Your nod of affirmation was jerky, your eyes locked on his cock. The man slid onto the bed and you wiggled backwards to give him room. He nestled between your legs, warm skin pressing against you. 
Toji grasped both of your thighs, pulling your hips up to meet his. You gasped as he entered you, eyes wide as you struggled to accept his length. Toji was surprisingly gentle, his hips still as he waited for your body to relax. You did so slowly, moaning as he pushed further in, the stretching of your overstimulated walls making you nearly cum again. Twisting your hands in the comforter beneath you to ground yourself, you mewled as he stretched your walls further.
“Almost there.” He grunted, teeth clenched in a partial snarl as he slid in another inch. His broad chest was flushed, large arms shaking slightly as he held still again. The sight was divine, Toji looked like he was holding himself back just barely. You shifted, canting your hips into his and allowing for the last bit of him to slide in. The man grunted in surprise, hands tightening their hold on your thighs.
The grip was intense and you knew you would have bruises the next day. You found yourself shivering at the thought, walls fluttering around his cock as you drank in the sensation. Never before had you had a partner like him in your bed. It was exhilarating. 
Toji drew back slightly, his thick cock rubbing against your walls as he pulled nearly all the way back. There was a small pause and then he was slamming back into you, the force mind numbing. 
You let out a long gasp, head lolling back as the tip of his cock hit your cervix. The mix of pain and pleasure added to the fire in your stomach and you matched his pace as Toji began thrusting into you. Toji spat out a curse, the word strangled. You shuddered as he leaned over, biting your calf. He was like a wild animal, the odd composure from earlier slipping away as he thrust into your wet heat.
You felt your release building again, each thrust pushing you closer and closer to a second release. Walls fluttering around him, you softly let out his name, hips canting to meet his. Toji tilted his head back at his name, eyes narrow slits as he took in your light panting and sweat soaked skin. 
He moved, again faster than you had time to comprehend. You cried out as he flipped you, still fully seated within your heat. You found yourself face down in the comforter, cunt aching as he pulled back and began thrusting again. Moaning into the blankets, you scrabbled to ground yourself, feeling his heavy weight pushing you further into the bed. His broad chest pressed against your back, pinning you in place as he continued his almost desperate thrusting. 
You felt one of his large hands slid beneath you, roughly grabbing your breast. Toji shifted slightly, putting his weight on one elbow, the other hand pulling your hips closer roughly.
“Where?” The question confused your pleasure-addled mind. You moaned in response, pushing your hips back into him. Your walls fluttered wildly as a smaller orgasm hit you. Toji groaned, head resting against your back as he continued his pace, thrusting through your orgasm. It was too much, tears of over stimulation leaking from the corners of your eyes. Your cunt ached, each thrust scrapping harder and harder against your cervix.
“Where little mink?” His voice was strained, words coming out in a gasp. The fog in your mind cleared slightly and you pressed your hips against him. “Inside.” The word was whispered, barely audible, but Toji heard. 
The man’s grip on your hip tightened painfully, his thrusting becoming erratic and sloppy as he chased his release. You moved weakly with him, feeling as though your bones were made of jelly. Toji came suddenly, his teeth latching onto the skin of your back as he thrust his cock deep within your walls. You whined at the sensation, the warm feeling of being utterly filled was erotic.
For a moment the two of you lay, locked together. You quickly caught your breath, head pressing into the comforter as the urge to sleep washed over you. 
Toji rolled off of you, his limp cock slipping out. You shifted, rolling on your back to look at him. The man smirked at you, one large hand reaching out to pinch your nipples. You swatted at his hand, a laugh weakly leaving your lips.
“We should do this again.” Toji sat up, reaching to snag his boxers from the floor. You nodded quietly in response. It would be nice, maybe you could become something other than strangers.
“It’s late, so I need to get back.” He was standing now, reaching for the rest of his clothing. You sat up, feeling slightly dizzy as you watched him dress. Sluggishly you tugged on a bathrobe, ignoring the sensation of his cum sliding across your thighs. 
Walking Toji to the door, you paused, looking up at the man. He leaned down, pressing a kiss against your forehead. 
“If you don’t mind kids, you’re more than welcome to join me tomorrow morning for breakfast.” 
You raised an eyebrow at his offer, smiling in response. “I’d love that. Where should we meet?”
Toji smirked, opening the apartment door before turning to you. The look on his face was one of extreme amusement.
“How about the lobby?” You tilted your head, eyes narrowing at his teasing tone. Toji jerked his thumb to the stairwell that sat across the long hallway. “I live on the 5th floor. See you at 8?” 
Your mouth fell open and you nodded stupidly as the older man laughed. He leaned in again, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before sauntering down the hall. You watched him leave, rolling your eyes at his perfectly sculpted behind. The night had not really gone as planned. But you were just fine with that.
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blueparadis · 2 years
+. CWs —» female reader, s!her pronouns, edging, marking,cunnilingus, implied polyamory ; word count — 1.5k
+. PRECIS —» Ayato has always shown leniency to Thoma but lately there has been another person to have part in it.
+. NOTES —» finally it's here. I've been so restless to post this :>. It feels good to write and finish something after a break. you can read my works via NAVIGATION LINKS.
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THOMA has always been a man of morals and loyalty. He was the butler of the Kamisato family and did his work devotedly, that is, to serve the Kamisato siblings. Not only that, he was loved by all for his easygoing behavior and showering kindness to everyone.
But one thing that did not seem to sit at par with his heart was your arrival. It is true that Thoma occasionally fell ill due to his work. Being the butler of such a renowned family was indeed a great honor but he often forgot to take proper care of himself.
He never gave anyone a chance to express any dissatisfaction, and AYATO was undeniably satisfied with his devotion. It was AYAKA who brought light to the fact that they need someone in case Thoma fell ill. Besides, it would help him for a speedy recovery if Thoma had someone to take care of him.
Ayato not only agreed but also hired a new servant for the works of his household, y/n l/n. At first, Ayato was surprised when Thoma warmed up to you quickly. He thought Thoma would have been very difficult to convince given his pride and praise for his work but he caved in so easily.
Ayaka was delighted that his elder brother was thoughtful enough to bring a lady instead of a lad. She thinks Thoma would have been a slacker if he got a new partner. Besides, She got a pal at her beck and call too.
Within a week you blended well with the house rules and the people that made Thoma’s work easier. You always had for him in high spirits. Honestly, what was Ayato thinking? Thoma has never been a guy to loath anyone, and how could he hate such an Angel like you? That's right, he could not, or instead, Ayato was not aware of the emerging dislike for you after he praised you personally for your cooking. 
Thoma was busy checking the appointments of the day of his master. The aroma of cooking accompanied by your low humming dragged Thoma into the kitchen. He leaned against the door frame watching you while being submerged in thoughts; how amazing it is that he got used to the new house rules and you too, how you never complain about anything or do not bear the wrinkles of annoyance over your eyebrows whenever Ayato mercilessly keeps ordering, one after another. Maybe you’re not so bad after all.
“Smells delicious. What are- and it would have been such a disaster if Thoma haven't had such quick reflexes. Your pretty face that brought smiles and joy to many hearts in Kamisato mansion would have been ruined forever if Thoma did not grab your arm and pulled you closer to his body as the hot curry spilled on the floor. Body pressed against each other, heart thumping against one another you slowly peer through your eyelashes at him. Probably, this is the first time he has looked you in the eye properly. You could only recall him stealing glances in your memories.
“Miss L/N, are you alright?”, a staff asked rushing to the door making both of you fly away from each other. “Yes, we are fine. Mr.Thoma saved me in the nick of time.”, you responded after clearing your throat. The staff felt assured upon seeing Thoma beside you and left the kitchen with a nod. 
“Thoma”, he uttered, “just call me Thoma”, you smiled at him as he reluctantly left the place. You looked at the nasty nutritive mess and sighed thinking you have to prepare the meal again. Gladly, Thoma helped you. He was not at all like you imagined he would be. Perhaps, you misread his glances, his behaviors. But now is not the time to think about it. You should focus on cooking because Ayato might not be very happy if he does not get his meal on time.
Early in the morning, you heard a little uproar from your master’s room. So, naturally, you did not want to be another reason to add up to his sour mood. As you served the dish to him, Thoma became busy rehearsing today’s schedule to Ayato. With the first bite, all your worries were washed away. Ayato was not particularly a man who would openly give you credit for your chores rather he hid it in little things. The food was almost finished so did Thoma’s rescheduling of certain appointments. Before you were about to leave the room, you glanced at Thoma and beamed which did not go unnoticed by Ayato.
It was late at night when Master Ayato returned from his work along with his personal assistant, Thoma. You haven't had dinner since you secretly wished to thank Thoma for all his aid this morning. Ayato went to bed since the last meeting was a dinner invitation. Thoma passed by your room before hitting the kitchen and you had to follow him. He found a perfectly layed plate with food covered and prepared. At first, he thought it was for his master but then again, he remembered how Ayato directed him to inform you that he won’t be having dinner at home today. 
He felt odd at such a caring gesture. As he was about to fetch a bottle of wine, he noticed you standing against the door frame. To your surprise he was not startled by your presence rather amused that you were still awake, perhaps waiting for him to come home. 
“Did I wake you? Sorry, I was in such a haste to make it here.”, Thoma said as he took a bite of a sandwich he just made for himself. You could lie given how he did not pay any regard to your caring gestures. 
“No. You did not. I had a troubled sleep.”, you responded with a gleam, too bothered why he did not have the meal you prepared for him. You two sat in silence for a while making you almost ready to leave the place as soon as he would finish his last bite. And when he did he blurted out, “I can help with that.”
With a strong release of breath, you scoffingly smiled at him unable to believe what you just heard. “Well, sing me a lullaby then.”, you interlaced your fingers inclining towards him sitting on the edge of the table. Thoma chuckled before rolling his tongue inside the cavity of his mouth. He casually walked towards you maintaining his gaze. He felt his cock almost twitch at the sight of your excited nipples that was visible throught your thin ivory night gown. 
As he positioned himself infront of you, he chinned you so as to graze his thumb over your lips. You sharply inhaled opening your eyes earning his dialting stares. Maybe he wanted you as much as you wanted him. His hands that were caressing your body a moment ago is now rested over your thighs bunching up the fabric. You watched him meticulously as he crouched infront of you and slowly spreading your legs before diving in between them.
You gasped and moaned as his tongue lapped over your folds. Your hands were clamped at the edge of the table as he suckled on your bud making you bite your lower lip. You hummed as your mind went empty and knuckles turned white as he pushed his finger inside you, pulling in and out rashly while licking your pussy lips. As you struggled to keep your voice down, you could hear his huffs and pants, sometimes hums when he was just fingering you. You could not take it anymore. It was too much, you could feel your orgasm closing in yet you pulled him by cupping his face and kissing those very lips that tasted you.
Thoma did not anticipate this. Of course, he wanted to make you cum but he could not deny the kiss. He curled his hands around your body deepening the kiss not pulling away until you wanted. He smirked noticing your half-lidded eyes as he pushed you down on the table top wanting to give you more. His hands carefully slipped under your dress squeezing your your boobs before tossing the clothing on the floor.
“Please, please have me.”, you pleaded as Thoma’s lips worked around your pebbled nipples. Eyes shut closed, lips sucking and kissing your chest as his hands wrapped around your waist while your arms cliged to his shoulders, then onto his arms desperately searching to grab something yet not be a hindrance to his devotion. He was nowhere to be aware of your plea or so he thought. He pulled out with a ‘pop’ staring down at your half-clad body with doe-eyes and then diving back into your neckline. 
“I want you”, you gasped as he pulled down your panty, “ I want you in me.” Thoma stopped kissing, head still tucked in the nook of your shoulders. All you heard was a short-lived smirk before he whispered into your ears, “Sir Ayato would not like that.”
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akutasoda · 7 months
hello, may I request some platonic sunday hcs with a teen!reader?
under his wing
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synopsis - sunday with a teen reader
includes - sunday - platonic
warnings - gn!teen!reader, fluff, wc - 316
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↪as a influential and rather important figure within the family, sunday is often extremely busy - alot of his time is also spent accompanying his sister to her duties. so whenever it's within the dreamscape or not, sunday often has some kind of business to attend to.
↪he has extremely little time for much else. but perhaps you were a new hire under the oak branch of the family and as the leader, sunday felt it was right to introduce himself - especially because they normally wouldn't hire someone as young as you.
↪ because you were younger than most of the oak family members, he found himself taking you 'under his wing' and inviting you along to show you your duties personally. most would assume that he was ensuring you learnt the basics properly.
↪and while that was partly true, he did want to ensure you adjusted to your new duties in the oak family well, he also cared about you. he was used to caring for his younger sister and in some way you reminded him of her and so he started treating you as another younger sibling.
↪you would be blind to these changes in behaviour, merely passing them off as his previous kindness. but their would be slight changes that you would eventually come to learn.
↪ perhaps he invited you to join him for his duties, or maybe even just to hang around him and robin. maybe your work would start lessening and you found yourself with more free time that you still spent with sunday.
↪ he'd always be available if you needed anything, no matter how many duties he had he'd gladly push them aside to assist you. your life in the oak family definitely became easier when you had the leader looking out for and making you feel like you were his second sibling.
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vampiric-hunger · 7 months
⊱─ 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟: 𝕔𝕙.𝟙 - 𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕥 ─⊰
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➺ 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Ascended Astarion x f!reader
➺ 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕤: no y/n is used, rating - E, TW: mentions of childhood sexual abuse, general sexual abuse and mentions of sexual slavery (all of those happened in the past AA is not doing this to reader). PIV, creampie, blood drinking.
➺ 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: you're skilled, driven and most importantly - ambitious. but even as someone in your position, a trained assassin and a leader of your own Guild, you still lend yourself to jobs that are of importance. even if those jobs sometimes mean attending parties. tonight - it's a masquerade and you're bored out of your mind, until the man who hired you to protect him leaves you alone, at the mercy of a stranger who suddenly took a keen interest in you.
this is a 7 chapter fic exploring Ascended Astarion through a lens of 7 deadly sins.
➺ 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4,129
𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖: as voted by my readers - here's Ascended Astarion and my take on 7 deadly sins that i looked at through his character. enjoy! <3
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➺ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: [link]
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Another boring party, another boring masquerade.
Your eyes sweep over the crowd but nothing seems unusual for the time being. People dancing, people chatting, people drinking. Most of them you recognize even behind their masks. Simple mannerisms, voices or even who they are spending time with tells you more than they probably would want to let on. It’s not hard for you to tell who’s who. After all, you worked for so many of them already.
Tonight you work as a guard for especially paranoid noble. Normally you don’t let yourself get hired for tasks, you have your whole Guild of experienced thieves and assassins to do all the minor and major works, but when the richest of Baldur’s Gate want your services specifically – you comply. Not only they pay handsomely, you also make connections among the patriars that do pay off in a long run.
No, you’re no Nine-fingers Keane, not yet at least, but you have gathered a respectable resume of deeds that are well known in the underbelly of Baldur’s Gate. You have a goal and that goal is simple – to control every Guild by taking over and uniting them. You’ve been working for years to make this happen and you built yourself from the ground up. Just like you escaped slavery in Hells, so will you become what you want to be – the ultimate ruler of Guilds of this godsdamned city that betrayed you before.
But you won’t let these thoughts distract you, not tonight. Not that you expect anything to happen in the first place. It’s a masquerade after all, who would even target the patriar you’re accompanying is beyond you. He’s a man who is scared to step on anyone’s toes, let alone anyone’s who could be a danger to him. Alas, he hired you and he’s paying so well you couldn’t refuse the offer. So now you’re here, in your best dress, with a domino mask on your face and a glass of wine in your hand. And, of course, couple daggers hidden under your dress. You are always prepared.
The patriar in question, one exalted Lord Goldbrith, is by your side and chatting with gusto to a young man. You suspect he brought you here not only to guard his life, but perhaps to help him disperse the rumors surrounding his sexuality. Not that most would judge in the first place, nobles and patriars probably are the most relaxed people when it comes to sexual liberty. However, Goldbrith’s issue is that his father wants an heir and if your little ‘prince’ over there leaves no such possibility by admitting that he’s not interested in women, well… then he risks losing the inheritance. And you’re not sure this man knows how to tie his own shoes, being pampered like a child all his life.
You almost roll your eyes, thinking how this is the worst some people have to deal with. No, they will never know what it is to be molested by their father and brother, no, they won’t know what it is to be sold to a brothel as a ten-year old and used. No, they won’t know what it’s like to be sold to Hells only to continue being a slave of desires of others just as you have been up here. You don’t scowl, but when you look at these spoiled men and women you feel disgust and anger.
No, stop, inhale… exhale. Your past is your past, but you’re stronger now, better. And you will have Baldur’s Gate by the throat eventually. You just have to be patient, have to spread your connections wider and have as many people indebted to you as possible. So that you can use them when the right time comes.
Again you inhale and slowly exhale, calming yourself. When you become the Guild Leader of Baldur’s Gate then each and every person in this room will have to treat you with respect. And most of them already do because you have made a name for yourself in these past years, for what it counts.
“Dearest, do you mind if I accompany this fine gentleman to the restroom? He says he cannot find it.” Lord Goldbrith is now talking to you, making you snap out of your bitter thoughts, and you look at him.
“Alone?” you ask and the man now seems flustered.
“Yes. There’s no need for you to come along, I think I will be perfectly safe. And it’s not far, if something happens - I’ll shout for you.” a nervous smile, intertwined fingers, yes, you know exactly what he’s going to be doing with this so-called fine gentleman. After all, he hired you to protect him and if he temporarily doesn’t need it…
“Very well, find me when you return, I shouldn’t stray too far.” you respond and Goldbrith pats your hand holding the glass of wine.
“I’ll be fine. Go, dance, mingle. Seems this event is quite safe for me.”
Sure it is, you think to yourself. You see his anxious desire to depart immediately from your company and you have no reason to hold him. He paid you already, after all.
“Of course, Lord Goldbrith.” you nod again and a smile of relief forms underneath his mask, you can see it in how the corners of his eyes crinkle.
“I’ll find you when I’m back.” his hand leaves yours and you watch Goldbrith navigate the crowd with his newest boy toy.
You can’t help but smile to yourself. At least he’ll be happy tonight and it won’t harm you to assure others he’s here with you if anybody asks. When you are paid so handsomely - you will tell people the sky is brown and grass is red.
“I saw your companion leave. Curious to ask why.” a voice you don’t recognize asks for your attention.
You turn to see a man standing close to your left side. His silver hair is immaculate with flowing locks and the domino mask that he’s wearing is bejeweled with what like looks actual gems. Behind the mask you see red piercing eyes. The man smiles and it’s more of a smug smirk than a heartfelt expression. It looks so natural on him that you are sure this is his default expression. A dangerous smile. A smile that spells ruin for those who scorn him; you’ve seen smiles like this before. 
“If you’re curious, why don’t you follow him and ask yourself?” you lift your glass to your lips and take a sip, keeping your eyes on him. 
“I’m not in a habit of following men.” elf responds, his tone of voice is cocky and the implication of his words is clear - he’s the one who leads and not the one who follows. 
Problem is, you don’t recognize him. Even with the mask on, you can tell that he’s a man of beauty, surely you must’ve heard of him even if you haven’t met him. But this is a masquerade, people don’t share names until midnight and there’s still couple hours left on the clock for that. You think how you can get his name out of him but your thoughts get interrupted because this mystery man steps even closer to you and glances at your glass. 
“More wine, my dear?”
Tsk. How much you despise nobles thinking they can use pet names on you. But you bite your tongue.
“I can serve myself if needed.” you step back from him and see his curious eyes examine your masked face. What does he even want?
Your gaze snaps down the moment you see him reach out. His fingers bear silver rings, some of them have gems, you recognize each and every one of those gems even before he steps closer again just to take your hand in his slender, manicured fingers.
“I thought maybe you could grant me a dance since your partner seems to be busy with a gentleman.” a pointed tone that his words carry tell you everything – he knows about the arrangement you have with Lord Goldbrith. How - you have not even a slightest idea, but he knows.
Except you’re not concerned that he knows, instead you notice his warm and soft touch when he raises your hand and leans down to meet it with his lips. Something that should be only a small peck gets prolonged and it’s as if he’s testing you because his eyes meet yours while his lips are still on your hand. It’s a long moment. Too long to be appropriate but you don’t pull your hand away.
“A dance? Perhaps I can do that.” you answer and offer the mysterious white-haired man a smile. He smiles too and straightens his back but keeps holding your hand.
“Wonderful. I think a waltz is about to start.” he says in a voice like honey. He’s interested in you, you can tell that much.
So maybe you could use him, just to relieve some pressure. It doesn’t have to be serious, these types of trysts never are. And you have been with couple other patriars like this before. Sneaking away from the main room, finding an empty study or an unused stairwell, quickly satisfying your needs and his without any need to talk about it afterwards. No strings attached, just pure carnal lust being gratified with a willing partner. This handsome elf could become this type of partner, if only for tonight.
You nod to him and put away your goblet to a nearby table, then feel him tug at your hand. You follow him to the ballroom and instead of staying at the edges of the dance floor as not to interrupt other twirling couples, this noble leads you right to the center. You don’t shy away when there’s attention placed on you, but tonight you are on the job and you would prefer if you weren’t noticed. Nonetheless, once more you let him do as he pleases and don’t pull your hand from his firm grasp or don’t try to hide away.
If he wants a dance with everyone watching – you will give him that dance.
When people part giving him and yourself the way to the center of the floor, this mysterious man finally stops and looks at you with a smirk. Even with the mask covering half his face you can see confidence, no, arrogance etched in every expression he makes. You don’t mind that. Something about arrogant men always intrigued you. Maybe because you too are full of pride, and you think that if only these men knew what you’re capable of, they wouldn’t be so self-assured around you. It gives your ego a boost, feeding your own arrogance, making you almost fearless no matter the situation, no matter the opponent or, just like in this case, no matter the partner. A dancing partner, at that, at least for now.
The man pauses, the music stops for a moment while musicians adjust for the upcoming tune and he steps closer, now pulling you closer with practiced ease. His hand on your lower back push you against his chest and you raise your eyebrows even though he cannot see it because of your own mask. Waltz is not danced chest to chest but it looks like he doesn’t care about etiquette or social manners. You don’t mind that at all, you like a man who knows what he’s doing.
And then the music starts again.
Your partner eases into the music with grace, his steps are easy, fluid and you follow him with as much grace as you can. It’s not your first waltz but he’s obviously a better dancer than you can ever hope to be.
“You know people are watching, right?” you say to the elf, bringing attention to how close he’s holding you and he scoffs arrogantly.
“We’re beautiful together, of course they are watching.” his hand on your lower back pushes slightly harder and you nearly lose your step.
A cocky grin on his face tells you that it was intentional. You smirk back to him because you know what he’s doing or at least trying to do. He’s sparring, trying to establish himself as superior to you in this setting. Maybe he’s trying to show that he’s superior over everyone in this ballroom. You’re not sure nor you care.
“I would like to know your name, darling.” your dancing noble says again when you don’t reply quick enough and you slightly smile, he’s getting impatient.
“It’s a masquerade, Lord. My name’s a mystery just as yours.” your reply rewards you with a chuckle that you feel reverberating from his chest against yours.
“Very well.” the man says and you can feel his fingers give yours a short squeeze. “But I will want to see what’s behind that mask once midnight strikes.” again his eyes pierce into yours and for just a split second the world around you melts away.
The chatter and laughter of patriars disappears, the music is all you hear. You feel the fabric of your dress brush against your legs and his as you both spin in motion to the rhythm of waltz. His hand so warm on yours, so warm even through your dress on your back. At last it feels like you both dance with the grace of gods themselves as he leads your steps. And you realize that you don’t want to wait until midnight to rip his mask off and see what’s underneath.
Yes, he will serve well to satisfy your lust, to help you take off the edge. You smile to him.
“Maybe we don’t have to wait for midnight after all.” you tell him and see a flash of surprise that turns into smugness. You also realize that waltz is coming to an end, perfect timing.
Before the elf replies the music tapers off and you step back from him despite his attempt to keep your body close to his, then you do a proper curtsey in thanks for the dance. Mystery man bows too, one hand behind him, but his eyes never leaving yours.
After you both stand tall again, you turn from him and walk off, sensing rather than knowing that he’s following. No one seems to be paying attention anymore, now that your dance is over and another one begins, and you weave through the crowd with easy expertise of an assassin. Passing unnoticed and uninterrupted. But you do quickly glance back to the spot where you were standing earlier, to check if Lord Goldbrith returned but seeing no sign of a man you turn your attention to the hallway for which you are aiming.
Soon enough you turn a corner but don’t get far before you feel yourself being pulled back by your wrist. You stop and look behind you only to see that the elf indeed has followed you. He tugs at your arm just like he did when leading you to the middle of a ballroom and you smirk, pressing your palms against his chest to soften the impact of your body against his.
He leans closer, his lips seeking yours yet you push away from him, seeing questions in his eyes, but instead of answering you grab his hand and make him trail after you in hurried footsteps. To your relief the elf doesn’t utter a word and you pass couple of doors before you stop and push at the third one, hoping that this room is potentially unoccupied, since you assumed the first two would be. That’s how it usually goes during these types of noble parties.
Yes, the room is empty and the silver-haired man follows you inside hurriedly, pushing the door closed behind him. When you stop he stops too and you release his hand, turning to him. For a moment you look each other in the eyes, you feel your heart beating heavy and fast in your chest. And then both of you step to each other at the same time as if you both heard a silent permission.
He grabs at your mask and you grab at his, pulling them away from your faces just a split second before your lips meet. You kiss him almost harshly, your desire taking control of you and he responds with same passion, pushing his tongue into your mouth in an instant. The masks drop to the floor and he steps forwards with you, pushing you backwards with his hands on your hips and your arms around his neck, until you bump into the bookshelf behind you.
Elf’s hands begin clawing at your dress, lifting the skirts up in a hurry and your hands blindly find their way to the buttons of his pants. The kiss is deep, the wine you taste on his tongue is even better than one from a glass. For a moment your tongue catches on his fang but you don’t have the time to wonder what’s that about. No, this moment is about getting and giving in equal measure.
The kiss breaks for a moment, you feel elf’s breath on your mouth and gasp softly when you feel his fingertips trace the outline of your underwear. You open your eyes and find him looking at you with intense lust-filled gaze, at the same time you finally manage to slip your hand into his pants. As you reach down, his precum stains your fingers and you smirk, palming his hard erection.
But your smile gets wiped off your face as the handsome elf pulls at the hem of your panties and slides two fingers down your slit, dipping just the tips of them into your core. He exhales with obvious lust and removes his hand, grabbing your hips as if preparing to lift you. You don’t waste time and you free his cock out of its confines. The moment you do that, the man lifts you by the hips. Immediately you wrap your legs around his waist, your hands gripping his shoulders for purchase. Without delay you feel your panties being pulled to the side and smooth tip of elf’s erection pressing against your soaked cunt.
No words are needed and no time is wasted. He thrusts into you with force and you moan, throwing your head back from the pleasure of him filling you and stretching you in most wonderful way. You quickly bite your lip down, trying to silence any forthcoming cries but you are not successful because when he starts pumping - it’s hard and demanding.
The room fills with pants and groans and you close your eyes, feeling the man’s lips on your neck, kissing and tasting your skin with his tongue. You whine with each snap of his hips, with each claim of his to your body, and you let go of his shoulders, your fingers reach over your head and to your sides, looking for a shelf to grasp onto, but for a while you only find the spines of books, pulling at them and making them drop to the floor with silent thuds.
Then your eyes snap open as pain briefly shoots through your shoulder but you immediately realize what’s going on. Of course he’s a vampire. The crimson eyes, the fangs, strange you didn’t realize it earlier. You let your eyelids drop as the vampire sucks on your blood while relentlessly pounding into you at the same time, and you have to clench your teeth to prevent yourself from shouting into the ceiling. It’s not your first time sleeping with a vampire so you’re not afraid, if anything it gives you a thrill of danger that you never get from other patriars in such short-term arrangements.
You feel the fangs leave your neck and a greedy tongue laps at the bite marks left behind while you finally manage to grasp onto the shelves, clinging for your dear life. You crane your head and look at the elf, seeing that his eyes are on you, then he catches your lips in a scorching kiss, his teeth tugging at your bottom one and you mewl at that, it’s harder and harder for you to keep silent as your pleasure begins to build. Your partner in this quick tryst pounds himself so religiously into you that you are beginning to feel sore already and that only adds to the pleasure.
For a moment the elf just keep thrusting while biting on your lower lip and when you look at him he keeps an eye contact with you, but then his teeth part and he presses his face to the side of your neck that doesn’t have his fresh bite mark. You hear him gasp for air and you know he’s close too. You release the shelf with one hand to tangle your fingers into his hair, grasping firmly just before you close your eyes again and let go.
A deep thrust, another one, then another one - your mewls follow each other of them and your mind swims just before your orgasm overwhelms your senses. You don’t know how loud you are or how hard you are gripping vampire’s hair, all you know is pleasure and his cock pushing you to your limits. You don’t even know how long the waves of pleasure rip through you, making your cunt clench on his shaft so deliciously, as if on a quest to milk him sooner than he wishes. You hear him grunt something, a word, maybe two, you’re not sure and it doesn’t matter.
When your bliss begins subsiding and your mind starts to clear you find yourself still being fucked. You whimper, sore and satisfied, but pull at elf’s hair, making him look at you. His face is sweaty, his teeth are clenched, showcasing his fangs, and you see that he’s close. You heavily kiss him but he doesn’t respond. Instead he grunts against your mouth and then moans, his thrusts becoming erratic at the same moment as he begins spilling himself deep inside of you. You slide your tongue against his teeth, your eyes heavy-lidded from your own pleasure and additional satisfaction seeing that he seems to be enjoying this too, like it’s a compliment to you. And then his hips finally stop, his grip on your hips is slippery and he’s digging his fingers into your flesh, leaving bruises for the future.
The elf opens his eyes to look at you, he’s utterly out of breath but you don’t let him say anything, you just kiss him again and he responds, albeit less energetically now. You had a moment to recover while he just rode out his orgasm to the fullest. With a smirk you lean your head back and push at him slightly, making him set you on the floor. The white-haired man looks disheveled and you most likely look the same, but you just smirk to him, taking in his appearance, the messy hair, the open pants and his softening erection, still leaking last drops of cum. A wonderful view and a state that you like seeing men in.
With sweaty palms you smoothen out skirts of your dress and pick up your domino mask from the floor, then give him a wink, walking out of the room. You don’t see the look the man gives you: one of shock and partial anger that you’re leaving without another word. As if he’s realizing it is you who used him and not the other way around. Your arrogance leaves him stumped. But you finally know who he is: Lord Astarion Ancunin.
With a satisfied grin you walk back to the ballroom, trying to ignore your underwear that’s getting soaked with his seed and your own arousal, but you know he won’t follow you right now, most likely too insulted that you used him to get relief. You put on your mask again and enter the ballroom, immediately seeing Lord Goldbrith impatiently tapping his foot at the same spot where he stood last before leaving with a young gentleman. When you approach him he looks irritated.
“Let’s leave.” he demands and you raise your eyebrows but you don’t argue. If you can leave early and go home to wash up that’s all the better. After all, the moment Lord Goldbrith is in his carriage your job is done and you won’t argue against a short night.
“As you say.” you nod and Goldbrith curtly nods in response, then marches towards the main exit.
You follow him but give one more glance behind you before you leave the room. You notice white curls and a crimson-eyed intense, angry gaze in your direction just before dancing couples hide all of it away.
You smirk to yourself. You have a suspicion you will meet him again.
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byeuijoo · 10 months
fake a kiss and heal a heart 𐀔 han dongmin
⠀⠀⠀chapter one. : a broken heart and an unexpected gesture.
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warnings : alcohol consumption, kissing, angst if you squint, a kind of panic attack ⋆ word count : 4,034
serie masterlist ✩ boynextdoor masterlist
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MAYBE DONGMIN SHOULDN'T HAVE LISTENED TO JAEHYUN THIS TIME, perhaps he should have taken it upon himself to endure all the sadness in the world without taking action. what a clever idea it had been to hire someone totally unknown to him to play the role of his fake girlfriend and accompany him to an unimportant student party.
on your side, the end of the month was pretty hard on the money, so an extra income wouldn't go amiss. donghyun suggested this idea after stumbling across this unreliable site : a complete directory of people willing to be paid just to look pretty and stand next to random people for one occasion or another. at first, you didn't give it much thought. but since you knew your favorite artist was coming to your town, you had to save every penny you could to pay for your concert ticket. that's why you decided to take the plunge and create your profile, hoping that at least one person would find you attractive enough to hire you.
and that's what led you to your current situation, walking briskly through the crowded city streets, under the light of the streetlamps, to reach the person who had contacted you earlier in the day. it was probably a bit hasty, and you probably wouldn't have time to learn much about why you ended up accompanying him, but it shouldn't have been too complicated. looking again at the photo of himself that he had kindly sent you earlier, a small smile spread across your face as you realized that, at least, he didn't seem to be an old pervert dude interested in young female students. after a few last minutes of walking, you found yourself at the rendezvous point, looking around for any sign of his presence. furrowing your eyebrows to get a better look at the faces of the people around you, you finally spot him, leaning against a stone wall, headphones on.
trotting over to him, you finally tapped his shoulder, which caught his attention and created a look of surprise on his face. « hey, you're han dongmin, am i right? » you asked softly, tilting your head to the side with a smile as he dropped his headphones around his neck. the black-haired boy nodded, and you could see the tips of his ears redden slightly — cute, you think. « i'm y/l/n y/n, nice to meet you. » you added, leaning forward slightly to greet him, before he did the same.
he seemed shy and unsure of himself, and you could easily guess that the idea of hiring you didn't come from him. his honeyed eyes seemed lost and unsure of themselves — as if they were trying to figure out what to say or what emotion to use. « what time do we have to be at this student party? » you say, changing the subject so as not to make him uncomfortable, while looking at the time on your watch. a small, almost inaudible oh escaped his lips before he looked down at his phone, holding out his hand as if to guide your path, « you follow me? »
his voice was soft, like the lullabies sung by mothers when you're little. it was as if he was afraid to speak too loudly. nodding as you began to walk, dongmin followed your movements, staying close to you. « so.. your name is dongmin and you're 19, right? » you asked, tucking your hands into your jacket pockets to keep the cold from attacking your skin. « uh? oh, yea. » he replied, staring at the road ahead. « we're the same age, » you suddenly felt his gaze settle on your side, which prompted you to continue, « i'm glad you're not a weirdo.. i was a little afraid i'd run into an old pervert. »
dongmin nodded positively, raising his hands and shaking them as if to claim his innocence, « i promise i'm not weird, » he said, insisting that he really wasn't weird at all, « i'm just a little unsettled, i'm not used to doing thing like this. »
you understood how he felt. so you nodded in turn, turning your benevolent gaze on his face, offering him the sincerest of smiles. « i could feel it, » you admit, shrugging your shoulders, « but that's normal since we don't know each other and i'm literally here to play your fake girlfriend. »
his cheekbones flushed, a light red-pinkish shade on it, in contrast to his eyes, which were painted with a glint of sadness. so the subject must have been a sensitive one — but you needed to know a little more. « can you tell me why i'm here, dongmin? » he wasn't surprised by your question, but a sigh left his pretty heart-shaped lips right after it.
« my girlfriend broke up with me a month ago, and i don't want her to see that i'm still moping about our breakup, » he let slip this explanation from his lips, as he carelessly tucked his headphones into the backpack he was carrying, « well, my now ex girlfriend. » you hummed in reply, nibbling your bottom lip as you look away from his face. he seemed really devastated by the situation, you could tell by the way his demeanor had suddenly changed. he seemed to close in on himself, looking all around him as if he were panicking, and the way his thumb played frantically with his rings. you had to do something to divert his attention and help him relax, otherwise his plan would fall through completely.
then you suddenly stopped walking, hooking your fingers into his sleeve to prevent him from advancing any further. and when his questioning gaze landed on your face, you offered him a gentle smile. « everything will be fine, » you started, letting his arm fall back along his chest, « i'll be there to help and support you, okay? »
dongmin took the time to observe you properly, for the first time since you two met a few minutes ago. you were smaller than he was, you sounded fragile, yet your voice exuded boldness and unparalleled assurance. he was slightly jealous — you wore so much confidence on your face, when he could barely look you in the eye. he wasn't usually so shy, so reserved, but the reason for your meeting made him nervous without knowing why. it was probably the fact that he'd spent all his savings on a fake girlfriend, with the sole aim of making his ex-girlfriend jealous. it's ridiculous, he thought, finally looking away from your gentle, kind face. however, he had really chosen the prettiest girl on the website to accompany him.
« yea, thank you. » he finally says, gesturing you to walk again with a simple nod of the head. sliding in beside him with a smile, you didn't dare ask any more questions, as you didn't want to accentuate the sadness that was currently occupying the whole of his heart.
after many long minutes and a dark sky, dongmin stopped moving forward, staring at a point in front of him. following his gaze, your eyes landed on a house that seemed crowded with people — loud music blared from the open windows and people chatted on the porch just in front. finally raising your eyes to the boy beside you, you watched his gaze suddenly devoid of all confidence.
he was on the verge of running away and turning back, but your hand on his shoulder drew his attention to you. « eh, you can do it, » you announced softly, like a whisper that only he could hear, « i'll be by your side from beginning to end. »
he couldn't explain why he found a certain reassurance in your low voice, or how the way you spoke didn't make him doubt your sincerity. you had to play a role, sure, but why were you such a good actress? he didn't know what to answer : he was caught between the desire to show everyone that he was not the sad and depressed boy they all thought, and the desire to run away from all this charade which only accentuated the pain in his chest. and anyway, what was he going to do if he suddenly found himself face to face with her? sure, you were there, but what was really your role in this situation? stay silent by his side and smile at his ex? he couldn't put you through this when you had been so nice to him from the beginning. biting his lower lip while juggling his gaze between your reassuring face and this big house, a shiver ran down his arm when suddenly your cold fingers intertwined with his. and for the first time, his eyes looked into yours.
« eh, han dongmin, » you started to say, taking a step forward towards him, « i'm here to help you, okay? » then, your thumb mechanically caressing his skin caused a comforting warmth to rise along his spine, « we're going to show her together what she lost. »
the boy observed you for a few seconds, before sighing, closing his eyes while applying pressure around your hand clinging to his — then he nodded, gently pulling on your arm to pull you in with him. he didn't notice the little victorious smile on your lips after that, way too busy not to chicken out until he get through the front door. he didn't bother to ring the bell or even knock, immediately going inside and dragging you with him. a few glances landed on both of you, and where dongmin completely ignored them, you responded with a charming smile of which only you held the secret. his hand didn't let go of yours until you reached what you assumed was the kitchen — where he hastened to serve you two glasses of alcohol. which he swallowed in one gulp.
you quickly grabbed his hand, removing the now empty red plastic cup from it, sad eyes settling on your face. « eh there, slow down a bit okay? » a scoff left your lips, placing his glass on the counter next to you, as he lowered his head in a defeatist gesture, « hiding yourself in alcohol won't help you anything. » you explained to him, patting the top of his head with your free hand.
« did you see her? » you asked, taking a sip of your drink as you watched him settle into one of the high stools around the counter. dongmin nodded negatively, rubbing the bridge of his nose without bothering to respond to you verbally. « do you want to play a game? » you said suddenly, pushing your arms up to sit comfortably on the counter, next to his stool. the black-haired boy looked up, his eyes meeting yours as you shook your shoulders, « to pass time. it could be funny. »
he didn't hate the idea of ​​playing a game with you — but he didn't have the faith to make the slightest effort to move. so after a few ideas, you suggested the game of twenty questions with the simple aim of getting to know each other. after all, even as a fake girlfriend, it would be safer to know some details of his personality. « alright.. i'll let you start. » he declared, turning around to pour himself a second cup of alcohol, without you stopping him this time. pretending to think, you stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before returning your gaze to him, « what are your hobbies? »
swallowing a few sips of his drink before answering you, dongmin gave you the opportunity to look at him silently. you had to admit that he was very handsome — and a boy as handsome as him would not be common in the streets. when he finally spoke, you leaned forward slightly to hear him more clearly, not wanting to let the music disturb your conversation. « i like to make music. i like writing songs and composing melodies, » he explained, and you saw the little flame of excitement in his eyes disappear as quickly as it had appeared, « it's the only thing i'm good at anyway.. »
wrinkling your nose as you jostle his shoulder, dongmin ignored you as he continued downing his glass of alcohol. « okay, my turn, » he said, staring at the ground, « why are you doing this? »
rolling your eyes at his question, not finding it interesting in your opinion, you placed your hands against the surface behind you. « i give you three reasons, you choose the one that suit you best, » you replied, and before he could protest, you cut him off by continuing, « one, because you're pretty hot. two, i need some money. and three, because i was bored. which of the three do you prefer? » — tilting your head to look at his face, he rolled his eyes before finishing his second drink, « the second is the most plausible. »
what a shame, you would have preferred that he chose the first one. you weren't going to complain — especially since he seemed to have relaxed since you arrived at the party. a smile took place on your lips as you thought about your next question : part of you wanted to ask him what happened to make him so sad, but on the other, you feel like it was an intrusion into his private life that concerned you in no way. so you simply changed your mind, not wanting to appear intrusive. « why did you choose me? » you asked, as he leaned back so that his back was against the counter. you watched him shrug as he played with the rim of his cup, « you didn't look like a psycho. and it was my friend who chose you, all i did was contact you. »
a sulky pout played on your lips as you looked away from his silhouette — you couldn't say why, but the fact that the idea of choosing you didn't come from him made your heart sink. sniffing before finishing your drink and leaving the cup on the side, dongmin raised his chin towards you and stared at the profile of your face without saying a word. trying to avoid meeting his gaze, you puffed up your cheeks and chattered on the marble with your fingernails — until his delicate fingers encircle your wrist, suddenly attracting your attention. « what? » you say, pulling slightly on your arm to loosen his grip, but your eyes met the pretty smirk on his lips, making you stop moving.
« are you disappointed? » he said suddenly, a scoff leaving his tongue right after. turning away and looking up at the ceiling, you decided to ignore his remark and continue sulking in your corner. a crystalline laugh escaped from his mouth, which somehow filled you with happiness — it was the first sincere laugh you'd ever heard from him. dongmin swiveled around again to pour himself a third glass, but you didn't understand how he could do it without letting go of your wrist. you could still feel the warmth of his fingers around your skin as he took a sip of his beverage. he seemed reassured and in a better mood than earlier in the evening — which was a good thing.
not wanting to disturb him further, you raised your eyes to look around you, until your gaze falls on a face so pretty you could have fallen backwards. « do you know this girl? » you asked innocently, not thinking for a single second that it could be the girl who haunted the young boy's thoughts. dongmin raised his head slowly, his eyes filled with apprehension — and suddenly, his hand around your wrist tightening slightly. he felt like he was running out of air, like he was suffocating, as if all the oxygen in the room had disappeared. the pressure on your muscle caught your attention, and you hastened to place your alcohol on the counter to help him. « eh, eh, what is going on? » you asked, placing your hands on his cheeks in panic, lifting his face tenderly so his eyes locked on yours, « han dongmin, look at me. »
he was trying not to panic, to breathe properly and not to juggle so quickly between your two eyes — but his heart in his chest hurt so much that he felt like someone was tearing it away. his jerky breathing was of great concern to you, so you stepped down from the counter to find yourself closer to him, placing one of your hands on his distraught heart. « eh, listen to me, » you started, looking him directly in the eye, « do as i do. breathe in... breathe out... breathe in, breathe out... that's it, that's good. »
after a long minute of controlled breathing, you felt his heartbeat return to a steady speed under your fingers. he seemed to have come back to his senses. « how do you feel? » you asked softly, tucking the strands of his hair back correctly on his forehead. dongmin nodded, patting your shoulder in thanks, « awful. but.. thank you, y/n. »
just as you were ready to answer him, a smile tugging at your lips, a voice suddenly came from behind you. you could see his face turn as white as a sheet, and his eyes slowly move up to stare at a point — a person, behind you. turning to face the voice, you came face to face with the pretty smile of the girl you understood to be the ex-girlfriend of the boy beside you. « hey, taesan. it's been a long time. » she said suddenly, making you frown. taesan? is this a nickname they used between each other?
dongmin rose from his stool, now standing beside you and scratching the back of his neck. « hey jieum, how have you been? » his voice was much more confident than you'd expected, and the look she gives him doesn't seem to frighten him. so.. her name is jieum, that's pretty, you think. there was nothing about her that seemed ugly : her face was flawless, her smile was to die for, she was tall and slender, she had lovely pianist's hands, and her voice sounded like those used in children's night show, the kind of soft voice that grazes your heart with a gentle kiss. you could almost be jealous of the soft, gentle aura emanating from her, but you remembered that she had to have one little flaw that led her to lose possession of dongmin's heart.
you hadn't followed the conversation in front of you, far too busy analyzing the girl as if she were an object of experience, until you hear your name roll off your new friend's tongue, « this is y/n. y/n this is jieum. »
arming yourself with your best smile, you leaned forward slightly to greet her, looking her straight in the eye, « nice to meet you, jieum. dongmin told me a lot about you. » — a sparkle suddenly appeared in her eyes, and her warm hand came into contact with your shoulder, as she gave you this look full of innuendo, « for the better, i hope ! »
you didn't have time to reply when a fourth person joined the conversation : another boy. glancing at him, then at dongmin, you can see something break in his eyes, as if someone had just thrust a dagger deeper into his heart. diverting your eyes from his face, you subtly slipped your hand into his, squeezing his fingers between yours in a reassuring and comforting gesture.
« ah, guys, meet my boyfriend, his name is sungho ! sungho, this is taesan, and his friend y/n. » she explained, smiling broadly as if the sun had just come into the room. you understood why dongmin had trouble getting over the breakup : jieum was mesmerizing. but what worried you most right now was how he must have felt after learning that this guy was the one to replace him. your hand gripped his more firmly, as you made small talk with the two new people so he doesn't have to worry about it. then after long minutes that seemed like years to the young boy, jieum and sungho waved goodbye and wandered further into the room, leaving you alone with a dongmin even more broken than before.
you tore your gaze away from jieum to meet the boy's devastated face, emotionless eyes staring into space as if nothing mattered anymore. then, when he felt your hand tug on his, his tear-filled gaze locked with yours, « don't cry.. » you whispered, your thumb tenderly caressing his pale skin.
but a hiccup escaped his lips, as he tried at all costs to hold back his tears. « she looks at you. don't cry now, she doesn't deserve your tears. » you explained, bringing your free hand up to his cheek to brush away the pearl of salt water that had just escaped from the corner of his eye. then, biting your lower lip, you looked him straight in the eye, « do you trust me? »
dongmin didn't know what to say : how could he trust a girl he'd only just met? but part of him felt that you were good for his heart's well-being. those last few hours with you proved to him that you wanted nothing more than his well-being. so he nodded, briskly, up and down, looking into the whites of your eyes. and in the madness of the moment, it took him a few seconds to realize that something warm was suddenly against his lips.
your hand against his cheek held his face in place, as you dared to kiss an almost stranger for the sole purpose of making his ex-girlfriend jealous. dongmin's lips tasted like alcohol — which you sensed even more when the pressure of his lips against your mouth grew stronger. his previously empty hand was now placed behind your neck, holding your face close, as he closed his eyes to appreciate the exchange more fully. it was pleasant to kiss han dongmin — but what wasn't, however, was feeling all the sadness of his heart against your lips. he seemed to want to get rid of everything that was eating him up inside, as if all his emotions were too hard to feel on his own.
then, after a few seconds, he finally pulled away from you, his pupils juggling back and forth in the depths of your eyes. « you don't cry anymore.. » you whispered, your index finger tenderly caressing his cheekbone. dongmin nodded slightly, not willing to move one millimetre away from you, before speaking in a broken, weak voice, « we're getting out of here, um? »
nodding positively in turn, you took a step back to retrieve your jacket, putting it on in a hurry, before pulling dongmin by the hand to the front door. passing by jieum, you unintentionally gave her a provocative look, knowing full well that she had witnessed your entire kiss scene. you didn't want to get angry with her, you just wanted to know and understand what she could have done to break this poor boy's heart into a million little pieces. for the little you knew, it was she who had decided to end this relationship, and it was also she who already had a fresh new little boyfriend. perhaps she'd lost her love for him, in which that case, she'd done nothing wrong? but it seemed far too easy, bearing in mind that dongmin was really devastated. nodding politely to her, you end up continuing your walk to the door, before leaving this place and taking a disturbed han dongmin with you.
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becauseicantdecide · 2 years
The Harder They Fall
Aemond Targaryen x Reader x Aegon II Targaryen
Warnings: Non-Con/Dub-Con, Smut, Oral (F receiving), Knife Kink, Spitting Kink, Biting Kink, Enemies to Lovers.
Summary: Aemond and Aegon both yearn for their mother's approval. It angers them when she immediately meets and favours the Princess of Dorne. They come up with a plan that ensures their mother never says your name out loud again.
Dedicated to @pluvialpoet, @bitch-biblioklept
Merry Christmas 😘😘
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"I wish she'd choke on that olive and die." Aegon utters viscously.
From his spot beside his brother, Aemond almost spits his mead. If he was a man with any less self control, he might have laughed.
Instead, he turns to where his brother is watching sourly, to his mother, talking animatedly with the Princess of Dorne.
He can't deny your beauty, though he may hate you with every fiber of his being, he cannot deny that dornish dress was made for you, that your expanse of exposed skin and well done hair is anything other than breathtaking.
It's a shame that he indeed, also wanted to squeeze the breath out of you.
"Mother lets her get away with too much," Aegon continues, breaking into his brother's thoughts, "She tried to suggest to me how I should ride my own dragon."
Aemond raises a precarious eyebrow in shock and amusement.
"The worst part is the fucking bitch was right."
You were truly, proof that the gods had a sense of humour. Why else would they send someone so blood- boiling and so beautiful?
Though Aemond doesn't supply any verbal agreement of his dislike for you, he acknowledges it silently. He ached to wipe that smug smile from your face.
You liked to torment, and the Princes of the seven kingdoms had made themselves easy targets.
Like now, Alicent had promised you her younger son would accompany you through the shopping districts of King's Landing, and you were having a fun time reminding him at every moment that he'd been lent out like a hired sword.
You stayed beside him, looking up with triumphant smiles as he looked needlessly bored.
"What do you think of this colour?" You say, raising a light blue fabric to your face so that Aemond could compare them.
The Targaryen simply sighs, doesn't glance at you and turns away.
You pout.
"You're not being a very good help, Prince Aemond." You say, walking around to stand in front of him. Under his eye twitches once in annoyance.
"Ah, perhaps the import of wine and rare fruits are not as important to the Royal Family as I thought." You say in sorrow, turning away, only to grin when you feel Prince Aemond grip your upper arm to pull you back.
"Is that a threat, Princess Martell?"
"Gracious no!" You exaggerate with a smile, "I'm simply pointing out that Dorne's supplies can't be that important with the way you treat me."
You think you could hear his teeth crack with the frustration.
A shiver of pleasure floats down your spine.
Finally, he looks at the fabric in your hand.
"I hate it." He says finally, releasing your arm.
You hum in appreciation, putting it back.
"What is your favourite colour?" You ask, moving to keep up with his lengthy strides, shaking your head politely when someone tries to beckon you into their shop.
Again, he doesn't respond.
"Prince Aemond-"
"-Princess Martell." He says in a clipped tone, stopping to turn to you, "I am just a protective hand. If you require an opinion, I suggest you ask your ladies in waiting. It is their purpose."
Oh, you loved playing games.
You keep your eyes on his, wondering what's under his eyepatch.
"Leila," you call to one of your ladies' maids, you hear her step forward expectantly, ready to assist.
You don't stop looking at Aemond.
"Can you inquire as to the Prince's favourite colour?"
If only looks could kill.
There's a moment before Leila decides to open her mouth to speak on your behalf.
"Pardon me, my Prince-"
Aemond cuts her off with a look.
Pushed too far, he turns, and leaves you in the streets, disappearing into the crowds before you can say another word. You admire the sway of his hair as he walks away.
Aemond wasn't surprised that you'd told his mother. Sitting in his room, staring out at King's Landing, he's not fazed by his mother's sudden intrusion.
"I can't believe you," she starts, "the Martell house is a well respected and important family, the least you could do is treat her accordingly."
"You're lucky I didn't kill her." He says easily, studying the people below. Her silence speaks volumes.
"I had sought to make a match of you two, but maybe I should spare her the trouble." Alicent informs.
Aemond swivels on his mother.
"You would wed me to that spoiled brat?" He asks in disbelief.
"She is nothing of the sort!" Alicent's voice heightens as she approaches, "She is kind, and well learned and incredibly creative and if you could see that you would-"
"-Never. I would never." He spends a moment deep in thought before quietly asking, "Why do you like her so much?"
Alicent moves to his side, tucking her hand under his chin to tilt his head up from where he's sitting. He allows it to happen, because this is his mother, his blood.
She looks at him, Aemond watches some type of sorrow move over the planes of her face.
"I think she could love you. Aegon- has been forced to marry for duty, and you get the chance to marry for something else."
Aemond rolls his eye.
"I would have been happier marrying for duty." He responds.
Her grip on his jaw tightens.
"Consider it your duty to me then."
"I'll think about it." He appeases. He'd already thought about it. He would marry you when hell freezes.
Aegon was not faring any better with you.
He'd been having his merry time with a serving maid when you'd walked into the small nook they'd been hidden in.
You'd cleared your throat, and the maid- whose name he couldn't care to remember- had slipped away and ran past you with a rushed excuse.
An annoyed sigh slips past his mouth, looking at you with droll irritation.
You didn't even flinch, smiling at him when he approached you to walk past.
"Can I ask, Prince Aegon," you blurt, humour deepening when he pauses to give you an annoyed glance, "Have you ever been with a willing woman?"
The silence is both amusing and poisonous.
You don't expect it, but it doesn't surprise you when he grips your shoulder tightly, slamming you into the same wall he'd had the other maiden pressed against.
"Do you have any idea who I am?" He growl, leaning into your space, till your breaths intermingle, "I am a Prince of the seven kingdoms and you will not speak to me as if I am your equal." He hisses, and not for the first time, the anger in his violet eyes stirs something delightful within you.
You soften your voice, tilting your head up and continuing to meet his eyes in an attempt to look more alluring.
"I meant no disrespect, Your Highness, but there's only so many times you can have your cock sucked by an inexperienced, unwilling woman before it gets boring."
He moves a hand from pinning your shoulder to the wall to wrap his fingers around your throat. Your eyes flutter with the pleasure it brings.
"Perhaps I like my women unwilling and inexperienced."
"A shame," you hit back, "When the opposite could incite pleasure you've only ever dreamed of."
His fingers tighten around your neck.
"Are you offering?" He asks, reducing his grip to allow you to speak.
"You wish." You respond, and before another word can be said, you're raising your hands to knock his away from your body, pushing him back to a respectable distance.
He hits the opposite wall with a muffled thud.
"I'll remind you, Prince Aegon, that I am a lady, and I am capable of removing your hands from your wrists should you touch me again without permission." You move to walk away, pausing in afterthought to turn back to him.
"So, have a nice day, Your Highness." You say, bowing your head respectfully, giving him a small smile, before backing away.
Aegon doesn't understand how he feels for hours after. On one hand, how dare you threaten him? On the other hand, why did it make him feel giddy on the inside?
He blames it on his mother.
He knows what's coming when Alicent storms into his room while he's taking a bath.
"You will not touch Princess Martell again, do you understand?"
Aegon huffs, wiggling his fingers in the warm water.
"It was harmless really, I can't believe she told you that."
"Except that she didn't tell me, the maid you'd been forcing yourself onto did."
Aegon can't help the smile that grows on his face.
Alicent leans forward angrily to dash water into the prince's eyes. He grunts in displeasure, wiping at his stinging eyes.
"I am trying to create a union between her and Aemond, I would appreciate if you would keep your filthy hands to yourself." Alicent hisses.
Aegon laughs long and hard.
"Aemond will kill her the second they are wed, mother, she is a nuisance- so- well- wait- I don't know what I'm saying, go right ahead and wed them." He smiles deviously.
She frowns, sighing, she leans against the bathtub, deep in thought.
Awkwardly, Aegon looks down at his cock, thinking that having his mother here did not inspire the debauched activities he was hoping to get along with.
"Why do you both dislike her? She is exactly the type of person I'd hoped for."
Which was the entire premise of the problem. That you had walked into the castle and earned the favour of the Queen, affection her sons could never hope to attain.
What could Aegon say? That he despised you because she loved you? The words would only get him slapped harder.
Instead, a dangerous idea rears its head. One so dark and twisted that the very thought of it had probably damned his soul.
He waits until dinner, to speak it aloud to the only other Targaryen who understands.
You sit at the opposite end of the table, clothed in emerald green. A colour that emphasised the way Aegon and Aemond felt about you.
Aemond hated the way the jewels sat on your skin, he wanted to cover them in your blood, slit your throat open and watch in satisfaction as you struggled to speak another word.
You laugh at something King Viserys says, and Aegon yearns to watch you cry.
Finally, he turns to his brother.
"Killing her is not enough. I want her very name tainted." Aegon whispers.
Aemond smiles at the thought.
"What do you have in mind?" He asks.
Aegon thinks for a minute.
"What's worse that getting her pregnant out of wedlock?" Aegon asks.
Aemond already has the answer prepared.
"Making her want it." Aemond supplies easily.
Aegon looks over at his brother in surprise.
"I don't know why I get called mother's worst child when you're more devious than me."
Aemond sips his mead, deep in thought.
"That's because you always get caught."
Aegon laughs.
You'd managed to ignore the princes tonight, having tormented them enough for the day, you only sit back and enjoy dinner peacefully.
You listen to the stories Alicent's father, Otto, weaves, and you smile along or laugh politely where necessary. You explain the landscape of Dorne when asked, and you tell them about some of the customs.
You leave out the customs you know they'd find appalling, they could never hope to understand the way Dorne holds the pleasures of the body as an important aspect of life. That you'd read books on pleasure enhancement alongside your history books when you were ready for it. Your virginity had only remained intact because of your status, as a formality to your future husband, should he be someone outside of Dorne. You knew that these people would never understand that. There was too much currency placed on a young woman's maidenhead for your liking.
You blink, refocusing, realising that your eyes have been locked onto Aegon's face the entire time. He smiles, leaning in to say something to his brother while still looking at you.
It makes you a little nervous. What could they possibly be talking about? No doubt some plot to get back at you.
You liked the idea more than you cared to admit. Aemond was gorgeous and calculating, Aegon made you burn with your desire for him. You shouldn't be thinking this way of either man.
When dinner is finished, you find your way to the library with a cup of ale. The place is almost empty at this time of night, and you enjoy the feeling of being alone and reading books by candlelight.
The words are funnier when you're inebriated, and you enjoy reading the thoughts of maesters who have clearly missed the points of the subjects they're speaking about.
When you hear the door to the library close and locks, you look up in surprise.
"Prince Aemond." You greet, standing, bowing your head in acknowledgement. When you notice his older brother behind him, you nod your head again, "Prince Aegon."
Both men look like they're up to no good.
"Princess Martell," Aegon says happily, "reading so late at night?"
"Uh, yes, I'm- actually I was just finishing up." You say, looking back at the books sitting on the table.
"Oh, there's no need, sit with us, we'd like to see what you're reading."
You don't get a chance to protest, finding yourself sitting on the wooden bench with Aemond on your left and Aegon on your right, both men closing you in.
"Is this yours?" Aegon asks, gripping the half filled cup of ale, taking a sip before you can open your mouth to affirm. He puts it down beside you, and you swallow when he leans closer.
You try to lean away but Aemond is a solid wall behind you, and you find that you can't move too far away from Aegon.
"Don't you hate when people don't know their place, Princess?" Aegon asks, and you swallow when he rests his warm hands on your knees. You don't push them off, not wanting to be disrespectful too soon.
"I'm not sure what you mean." You say softly.
"No? I can give an example." He sighs, smiling still, when you try to turn away from him, his fingers hold onto your knees harder to keep your attention.
"Aemond here is a Prince of the seven kingdoms. Third in line to the throne, rides the largest dragon in the world." Aegon's eyes illuminate with amusement, "Do you think he should act as a sellsword because the Princess of little shithole wills it so?"
You swallow, the level of trouble you're in finally sinks into your head.
"I only asked-"
"-You only asked," Aegon hisses, "and my mother agreed." He reaches up to grip your jaw, "What sway you must have on her, what influence."
You raise your hands to push him away, but before you can, Aemond has grabbed your wrists and pinned them behind you. You make a little sound of surprise, wiggling in an attempt to get out of his iron grip to no avail.
You turn your head to the side, taking your jaw out of Aegon's grip angrily.
"How dare you put your hands on me." You say lowly, struggling still in Aemond's grip, his breath in your ear, "Let me go."
Aegon laughs.
"It's time you learned, Princess, that you cannot have everything you want."
When Aegon kisses your collarbone, you gasp in surprise. He tugs your night dress a little lower so that he can trail his mouth from one clavicle to the other.
"Stop this, Aegon." You plead, trying to pull away from him.
"What's the matter, Princess?" Aemond whispers in your ear, your heart picking up its pace at the sound of his voice, "Don't like being taken advantage of?"
You whine.
"A little help, brother?" Aegon asks, and you feel Aemond's hand grip your jaw, turning your head.
You make a quiet sound of displeasure when Aegon presses his lips to yours. You try to shake both men off but it doesn't work.
Aegon laughs into your mouth, clearly enjoying your discomfort. Automatically, you begin to kiss back, trying to grab any semblance of control you have.
Aegon's lips are soft and plush, he's gentle and commanding with his mouth all at once. It's easy to get lost in it, to forget where you are when you have his tongue pressing into your mouth to trace over yours.
You hum in bliss, getting lost and enjoying it,  only being brought back into your body when Aemond laughs in your ear.
"She likes it." He says when Aegon breaks the kiss, "What a whore." Aemond teases.
Your mouth drops open, you begin to struggle in his grip once again.
"Let me go." You grunt, and you try to pretend that hearing both brothers laugh lowly at you doesn't bring on a spike of arousal.
Aegon's eyes devour you, roaming over your body. His tongue traces over his bottom lip, and you feel like nothing more that a feast for the prince.
"Aemond," he says, eyes still caught on your chest, "Your knife."
Fear squeezes your throat.
"No way," you breathe, beginning to struggle when Aemond pulls a knife from his belt and gives it, hilt forward to Aegon.
You're panting, swearing, wriggling, but Aemond's grip is too tight, and you can't seem to get away.
It doesn't take much for Aegon to rip the front of your dress open. You suck in a deep breath to scream and Aemond quickly claps a hand over your mouth. You grunt behind it as you feel your nipples pepple in response to the open air.
"Fuck." Aegon breathes, and you close your eyes shut to avoid the way he admires you.
The knife drops on the table, you whimper behind Aemond's hand when you feel his brother cup your breasts.
"She is... as magnificent as I thought she'd be." He whispers in reverence.
You jerk when he pinches one of your nipples gently.
You don't see his head dip, but the next thing you know, his tongue laves lazily over your breast.
You can't resist a muffled moan.
You give another shake of your shoulders, not trying as hard to escape Aemond's grip.
You can feel your toes curl in your shoes, Aegon is gentle and precise and you shiver at the feel of his hands and his tongue on your body.
When you can do nothing more than relax, Aemond takes the opportunity to tilt your head to the side so that he can meld his lips to yours too.
It's almost too much, one Prince licking over your breasts, swirling his tongue over your skin, the other, delving his tongue deep into the hollows of your mouth, redefining every thought in your head. Your eyes closed shut, trying not to enjoy the rapt attention you're being given.
Aegon pinches your nipples firmly and you gasp in pain, swiveling your head to meet his eyes in betrayal, but all he does is lean forward and capture your lips.
"You don't have to do this." You whisper, as Aemond kisses your throat and Aegon kisses your lips.
"I do, Princess. You give me no choice." Aegon answers and you don't get a chance to respond as you feel Aemond's teeth sink into the skin of your neck.
Your entire body shudders, with bliss you can't process, you shake violently, pressed between both men.
"I think the whore likes being marked." Aemond observes. You whimper in disagreement.
Aegon cups your cheek, leaning in so that he's almost hovering above you. You look up at him with pleading eyes, he tilts your head so that he can see the mark Aemond has placed on you.
"What will they think, Princess," Aegon tuts, "When they see you all marked up tomorrow? How quickly my mother will cast you out."
"N-no. Please-"
"If only you'd been nicer, less of a brat. Maybe we could have gotten along."
He turns your head back to face him.
"Open your mouth."
You frown, shaking your head.
"Aemond." He says, and you feel a hand on your jaw, squeezing tightly and you can't help the little sob that leaves your throat.
Aegon reaches for the cup of mead. He takes a long sip just as Aemond works your jaw open.
Aegon leans in, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he lets the mead from his mouth slip past his lips and into yours.
Aemond chuckles behind you, clamping your mouth shut, and covering your mouth and nose with his large hand in an attempt to force you to swallow.
You do, gasping for air when he takes his hand away, not liking the sound of their devilish laughter at all.
"I'm going to kill you both." You hiss.
It only makes them laugh more.
"Hear that, brother?" Aegon says, reaching to cup your breasts in both hands and press them together, "She just threatened us."
"I do believe that counts as treason." Aemond murmurs.
"To which the punishment is death, but I'm sure we can come to some arrangement, can't we, Princess?" Aegon follows, his fingertips tracing down your ribs.
He grips the material of your skirt in his hands, bunching it up until it sits on your waist. Though you wriggle, he puts his weight on your legs, stopping you from kicking him away.
He pulls at your undergarments, reaching for the knife to cut them away, you whine, trying to garner some pity.
Next, he's pulling at your legs, until you're lying on the bench, Aemond holds your hands above your head, your body situated between his spread thighs.
You try to kick at Aegon, worried that he's about to take your virginity, but all he does when he spreads your legs is look.
After a moment, he laughs.
"How wet you are, Princess." He praises, you gasp when his thumb swipes over your little bud.
He takes his time, which is way worse that him being rough, his thumb rubbing at your center, pleasure swimming through your senses, until your thoughts are muddled. You sigh, mewling when he leans down, kissing the tops of your thighs.
This wasn't something you were aware men outside of Dorne could do.
Aegon is soft, doesn't rush his kisses on your skin and you wished you could pull your skirts out of the way to get a proper look at him between your thighs.
You definitely stop struggling when he presses his tongue to your center. Your mouth parts in surprise. Was this supposed to be a punishment?
You look up at Aemond, who hovers above, looking down at you with something akin to amusement. You close your mouth, trying to mask the way you feel from him.
As if that was ever possible.
"How does she taste?" Aemond asks, and you burn with the way he talks about you like you're not in the room.
It takes Aegon a moment to raise his head from between your legs.
"Like nectar." Is all he says, burying his face in your cunt once more.
He licks you till you're trembling, his tongue dancing on your heated centre, your thighs wrapped around his head. The candles that you'd brought in with you have been significantly burned down, and you can only speculate that it's somewhere near midnight, and yet, Aegon keeps tasting you, drinking from your centre in an almost desperate manner that makes you want to moan.  You bite your lip so hard to stop from making any sound that you can almost taste the iron of your blood.
All the while, Aemond looks at you, his eyes devour every expanse of your skin and you think that his eyes alone is stimulating enough, but then he's reaching out, fingertips tentatively grazing your soft breast.
His touches grow more firm, and he's rolling one stiff nipple between his fingers before moving over to the next.
You whimper, kicking your legs in useless frustration. Aegon's tongue begins moving faster and you can't fight either brother and at this point you don't want to.
Your orgasm knocks the breath from your lungs, you feel your womb clench deliciously as pleasure swims through your system. You make pitiful noises of pleasure, hands in tight fists, trembling as both boys pause their torment.
After a moment, you feel your senses slowly begin to come back to you.
"The way you gush Princess," Aegon murmurs, eyes still locked on your center, "puts whores to shame."
A sad, needy sound leaves your lips. You can feel an indent on the inside of your lip where you'd been biting a little too forcefully.
"What do you think, Aemond?" The prince asks, "Has she been used well enough today?"
The man in question looks down at you, finally releasing his grip on your arms.
You don't move, confused at what they planned to do now. Would they take turns fucking you?
"I think she has." Aemond says, breaking you out of your desperate thoughts.
Before you can register anything, both Princes have stood, leaving the room with soft steps, closing the door behind them.
You sit up, confused and disgruntled and wondering what happened to make them stop. It takes you a moment before the horror of realisation overtakes you.
What had just happened?
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months
⚜ 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕎𝕙𝕠 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 - ℂ𝕙. 𝕍𝕀𝕀: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕤 𝕍𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕕𝕖 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕥 ⚜
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚ ✧.*★ Thank you to @evren-sadwrn for the beta read!
Summary: In the wake of the attack on the Gramont estate, Chidi waits for his fate to be decided - and to learn whether Vincent will survive.
TW: forced sedation, hospital, grief, crying, aftermath of trauma, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Perhaps, if Chidi had made a different decision, the Marquis Àlderic would have survived. It was a close battle – the last few of Mrs. Harkan’s hired guns finished off the master of the house. The Myrmidon who had announced Àlderic’s death was killed shortly afterwards, but he took a half dozen of the enemy with him, leaving only a handful who scattered once they realized Mrs. Harkan had been killed. Within another few hours, reinforcements arrived to retake the palace. So if only Chidi had obeyed orders, the Marquis Àlderic de Gramont would probably be alive.
But the Marquis Vincent de Gramont would be dead.
Chidi had no way of knowing what Vincent would think of that when he finally awoke. He was placed in a medically induced coma, in a private hospital just outside Paris. The best doctors in the world saw to his needs, but Chidi could not be with him. The rest of the household did not know what he’d think of Chidi’s decision either, so they insisted that Chidi be confined for disobedience. As soon as they reached the hospital, the staff pried the young master out of Chidi’s death grip (which took multiple tries and eventually he had to be sedated before he’d let go).
Chidi barely remembered any of that. It was all a blur of rage and adrenaline. He awoke handcuffed, in a makeshift holding cell somewhere in the hospital. Day after day passed by. He paced, listening at the door to try to catch even the smallest hint of news about Vincent’s condition, despite the fact that any doctors strolling past his room could be talking about any number of other patients. Every time the door opened to bring him a meal, he tried to reason with the attendants, insisting that this was the perfect opportunity for someone to make an attempt on Vincent’s life and that he had to be by his side for that reason if not for any other. But they just assured him that Vincent was well guarded. Not well enough.
His mind tore itself apart in those long hours. He scratched lines into the paint on the wall to count the days. Guards or not, conscious or not, Vincent was up there alone, with no one who truly understood or cared about him. And even now, before they could see each other again, he could – no, Chidi couldn’t think that, couldn’t even bring himself to consider Vincent’s death.
And it wasn’t just Vicent. Fritz was dead, Eric was dead. All of his colleagues had been wiped out. He wished he could reach his brother, tell him what had happened and that they both might not be safe. But Àlderic had been the sole keeper of the contact information that allowed the Myrmidons to speak to their families, and Vincent would not receive access to it until he awoke.
Almost two weeks passed before there was a knock at Chidi’s door at something other than a mealtime. He had both dreaded and hoped for that knock for so long. It either meant that Vincent was awake, or dead. He stood at attention and waited.
A moment later, a bored-looking attendant threw the door open and gestured him forward. “The Marquis wishes to speak to you.”
Vincent was housed on the top floor of the hospital, in a lavish suit overlooking green hills and the distant Paris skyline. Chidi could smell it before they entered: an overpoweringly sweet mixture of flowers wafting down the hall and into the adjoining rooms. All those who had reason to wish for the Marquis’ favor had sent their condolences. Gianna had sent a whole arch of lilies that stood over the doorway to accompany her extra guards and her offer of assistance with legal work and funeral arrangements. With disgust, Chidi noticed a three-foot-tall bouquet of what was probably a hundred red roses with a card signed by Santino. It gave him a little satisfaction to see that it was tucked into the corner farthest from the bed.
Vincent himself almost faded away into the floral chaos around him, pale in his hospital gown, but still with his hair groomed neatly. He looked both better and worse than Chidi could have expected. He was sitting up in bed, nestled among far more pillows than he probably needed and looking out the window. Although an IV drip still trailed from his delicate wrist, he didn’t seem to be on full life support. Chidi guessed that he had come out of the coma a few days ago. But he was horribly gaunt, with deep bags under his eyes and a redness around them as if he’d been crying. There was a heart-wrenching sort of hollowness to his gaze and he didn’t look at them when they entered.
The attendant called out to him. “Marquis, vous avez un invité. [Marquis, you have a guest.]” He nodded, but still didn’t turn his head. She waited a while, and then whispered to Chidi. “He’s on heavy pain medication. He didn’t talk at all for the first few days. You were the first person he asked for. After – after he stopped asking for the elder Marquis…”
At last, Vincent’s eyes shifted to her with profound disdain, an instant of red-hot fire that died back into blankness a moment later. “I’m right here.”
“Ah. Je m'excuse, monsieur [I apologize, sir.]” She bowed.
He ignored her and looked, at last, to Chidi. Chidi had so much to ask, so much to say to satisfy his own guilt or his own curiosity. How are you feeling? What can I bring you? Do you know how worried I’ve been for you, how I’ve been thinking of you every moment? I’m so sorry for what happened. But he put all of that aside. “Monsieur, je ne peux pas vous dire à quel point je suis heureux de vous voir vivant. [Sir, I cannot tell you how glad I am to see you alive.]”
Something shifted in Vincent’s expression. There wasn’t happiness, but perhaps a softening. “Qui t'a enfermé? [Who locked you up?]” A dangerous question.
“Je ne sais pas, monsieur. J'étais sous sédatif. [I don’t know, sir. I was sedated.]”
“Sous sédatif? [Sedated?]”
“Oui. Parce que je ne le ferais pas… [Yes. Because I wouldn’t…]” he cleared his throat. “Je ne te lâcherais pas. [I wouldn’t let go of you.]”
At that, Vincent’s mouth flickered. Almost a smile. Then, like the flash of fire, it was gone again, drowned in that sea of blankness. “Vous avez désobéi à un ordre direct. On vous a dit – [You disobeyed a direct order. You were told - ]” He had to stop, suddenly overwhelmed without warning, and breathed deeply until it passed. “On t'a dit de rester avec mon père et tu l'as laissé mourir. [You were told to stay with my father and you left him to die.]”
“Oui je l'ai fait. [Yes, I did.]”
Another long silence. “Vas-tu même t'excuser? [Are you even going to apologize?]”
“…Non, monsieur.”
Vincent raised an eyebrow, a shadow of an old gesture. “Êtes-vous sûr? Un Myrmadon devrait être renvoyé pour désobéissance. Viré par un peloton d’exécution, bien entendu. [Are you certain? A Myrmadon ought to be fired for disobedience. Fired by firing squad, that is.]”
Chidi just tilted up his chin. “Je ne te mentirai pas. Je le ferais à nouveau. Je mourrais pour vous, monsieur. [I won’t lie to you. I would do it again. I would die for you, sir.]” His voice held nothing but devotion.
The Marquis considered him for a long moment, and finally gave a small but decisive nod. “Bien. Un Myrmidon sera exécuté pour désobéissance, mais vous n'êtes pas qu'un Myrmadon. Tu es mon garde du corps personnel. Tu viens quand je t'appelle, tu me dis la vérité que ce soit facile ou non, tu fais ce que je dis et, surtout, tu fais ce dont j'ai besoin. Qu'il ait été commandé ou non. Acceptez-vous cette mission, Chidi ? [Good. A Myrmidon will be executed for disobedience, but you are not just a Myrmadon. You are my personal bodyguard. You come when I call for you, you tell me the truth whether or not it is easy, you do what I say, and, above all, you do what I need. Whether or not it has been ordered. Do you accept this assignment, Chidi?]” His voice was commanding all the way through, until the end, when it wavered almost imperceptibly upward a note. He was desperate. Chidi could feel the other occupants of the room exchanging glances, almost as surprised as Chidi.
A perfect life had fallen into his lap. Everything he wanted. To be at Vincent’s side always, to look after him as he truly saw fit. He exhaled in disbelief. “Il n'y aurait pas de plus grand honneur que de protéger votre vie. Mais monsieur… en êtes-vous certain ? Ce que j'ai fait… vous a coûté très cher. [There would be no greater honor than to guard your life. But sir…are you certain? What I did…cost you very dearly.]”
“L'a fait? Je pense – [Did it? I think – ]” Vincent cut himself off. His pale face had gone suddenly red and he looked back towards the window. Chidi’s heart skipped as he realized what was happening.
Hurriedly: “Laisse-nous tranquille. [Leave us alone.]” He shut the door behind the attendant and other guards and came to Vincent’s side at once. His whole body was turned away towards the window, white knuckles clutching the bars of the hospital bed, trembling with the effort of holding back sobs.
To hell with it. “…Monsieur, puis-je vous tenir ? […Sir, may I hold you?]”
By way of answer, frail arms shot out to pull Chidi down almost on top of him. And Vincent broke down in his arms and grieved. And grieved. And grieved.
They stayed that way for minutes that turned to hours, and then to days, sometimes talking and sometimes not. It was a strange kind of honeymoon, a sudden elimination of all barriers between them. Vincent could not bear to be left alone. Sometimes Chidi slept in the chair beside the bed and sometimes lying next to him. Sometimes he laced their arms together around the terrible clear vein that pumped painkillers into Vincent’s battered body, and sometimes he held his whole torso while it shuddered with tears. Sometimes he shut tired eyes with soft kisses and sometimes he shook Vincent out of nightmares. There was no such thing as obligations, work, life. They kept everyone else away, aside from doctors, but what did it really matter who saw them together? The world as they knew it was broken, routine was broken, time was broken. Vincent was broken. And Chidi held the pieces together, waiting as long as it took for him to heal.
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‘ Lovers rock,’
The arcana! Royalty AU! X Reader blurbs. 
( Let me know if you’d like for me to make this into a fic! )
Asra Alnazar - The foreign viscount.
He was sent on behalf of his king to meet you, and strike an alliance of some kind. As a duke/duchess yourself, you had to often deal with ‘foreign affairs’. Unfortunately for you, most of these foreign affairs consisted of you having to deal with old boring royalty from other countries talk about how marvelous they are to their people, and how beneficial they’ll be to you. 
That’s why you weren’t expecting to see such a handsome and polite stranger walk into your hall for one of your ordeals. You assumed he was a servant or a chamberlain, surely not someone with such a title. 
“Greetings, I’m Viscount Asra Alnazar, your highness.” You shook his hand, and for the first time - he looked up to see your face from his bowing posture. 
“ – they weren’t lying when they said your beauty was a vision like no other..” The way his lips curled into a smirk and he looked so deeply into your eyes told you all you needed to know. 
You would be seeing him again soon. 
Muriel the outsider - The knight. 
You had known Muriel just about your entire life. When your parents had been too busy serving the country to help you, the little boy accompanied you. You don’t remember when your family first hired him, but he’s been there. Always. That sweet, quiet, human teddy bear, always five paces behind you.
But something had changed. All this talk of suitors for you, and alliances that could come out of your dating life. It was so confusing, and so you went to the only person you could truly confide in. 
“ Muriel?” 
He was shocked for a moment, before bowing to you and speaking. “ Yes, ____?”
You loved the way he said your name. He was the only servant or palace guest who called you by your name and not your title, you adored it. 
“ All this talk of my marriage is driving me mental! What do you think about it, Muriel? You know me well.. Who do you think would be a good option for me?” 
“ .. well, there’s someone..” He said absent-mindedly. 
“ Who?” 
“ .. “ He doesn’t respond, and just stares at you. Did he always look at you so lovingly?
Julian Devorak - The thief.
You rubbed sleep away from your eyes, holding up the candle. You walked through the silent, dimly lit halls of your castle. It was so late, even the most devoted servants were asleep. You kept hearing a clang coming from one of the rooms. You opened the door to the room at the end of the hall. 
There was a man, covered in black apart from his face. He was lit only by the pale moonlight, holding various bits of gold jewelry to his chest. He was.. Beautiful. He seemed to be stunned at you as well, 
You thought it was because you had caught him stealing, but you hoped it was because he thought you were just as beautiful as he was to you. Neither person dared to move, until eventually he spoke. 
He walked over, slowly. He took your hand, and kissed it. It seemed he was unsure of what to do in royal presence. 
“ Dear, forgive me. You must understand I steal with good reason,” He muses. 
“ who.. Who are you?” is the only thing you manage to say. 
He doesn’t know what came over him. You stirred something within him,  He knows better than to incriminate himself, and yet he spoke anyways. 
“ Julian..” 
“ Will I see you again?” You murmur, suddenly grabbing his gloved hand. 
“ perhaps. I must go now, my dear.”  He opened the window, you were left in a trance.
You have the sinking feeling you’ll be meeting him once more.
Portia Devorak - The Jester.
Sometime in your teen years, your family hired Portia to try and be of some entertainment to you. Despite never knowing her before, she always seemed to know exactly what was bothering you and how to fix it. 
You couldn’t help but be burnt out. Everything was fine with you physically, but you just felt tired mentally. Being a royal took it’s toll on you, and Portia noticed that it was particularly bad this week.
She skipped over to you, smiling and singing.
“ Hellooo your majesty! How’s the most perfect person in the whole of the kingdom?” You sigh, trying to stay grumpy - you can’t help but smile. Portia’s joy is infectious to you, you can’t help it. 
“ I’m fine, Portia.” She skips alongside you, before.. Tickling you? She tickles the back of your neck, your arm, everywhere! You erupt into laughter.
“ haha– Portia, Portia! Stop it– haha!” She doesn’t stop grinning and tickling you until you’re almost crying of laughter. 
“ Nuh-uh! Not until you tell me you feel GREAT, not just ‘fine’!” 
“ I’m great, I’m great– Portia, stop!” Even once she stops, you're still giggling. 
“ Good! I love it when my favorite person is happy,” She pulls you into a big bear hug.
You could’ve sworn she said ‘I love you’ under her breath.
Lucio Morgasson - The Prince. 
In the royal hierarchy, there were very few higher than yourself. But alas, there were people in higher rank than you. And Lucio happened to be one of them.
He was known for his lavish parties, and his ability to sway all kinds of guests. You thought you were an exception, you wouldn’t succumb to his charms. You didn’t like the way he did what he pleased when he pleased purely because no one stopped him.
“ Ah, the duke/duchess!” He walks over, and laces his hand through yours, twirling you. Before you can collect yourself, he’s shouting. 
“ Come here, come here!” He says, smiling widely.
In drunk fun, plenty of strangers lift their glasses. He flashes that drunken grin at you, and speaks again. 
“ The people have spoken, darling!” He wraps his arm around your shoulders. “ We should do it!” 
“ ugh, Lucio–” You peel him off you, “ no! You’re drunk!” 
But when you step away and really look at him, his golden hair and bright blue eyes, a thought occurs to you. What if you had said yes?
Nadia Satrinava - The teacher.
After failing several plans, and not coming up to grade with the necessary royal knowledge - the kingdom sent out for the best, a princess from culturally rich and important Prakra to tutor you. It was a win-win, you learned more and the alliance your country had with Prakra only tightened. 
When the princess finally arrived, you overheard her talking to her servants from downstairs. “ I do not understand why I must refine some – some fool! This is coming out of personal time, I’ll have you know, I just can’t understand why I am being forced to do this instead of serving my country.” 
You sigh.. Already she doesn’t like you. You decide to just take a breath and head down the stairs, it couldn’t possibly get any worse..
You walked down the banister in your formal clothing, clearing your throat at the top of the stairs. Nadia stops and notices you, going to introduce herself before stopping. 
You were beautiful. Truly wonderful. She blushes but then quickly recollects herself, 
“ Your majesty, I am Nadia Satrinava.. It’s the highest honor to meet you.” 
Maybe tutoring wouldn’t be so bad…
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count-lucio · 10 months
a series of ramblings on what Lucio's life looked like after losing his arm
all headcanon, of course. i wanted to touch on what Lucio's life looked like between losing his arm and commissioning his current prosthetic, as it's never directly touched on what he did with himself during that period. enjoy!
- i'd like to preface this by saying that it infuriates me how this is never touched on in the game because god! i cannot even articulate what a devastating blow that was to him
- i mean, quite literally, obviously, because he was injured to the point of needing amputation, but in a much deeper sense- Lucio turned to mercenary work after being chased away from his clan and homelands by his mother with nothing but the clothes on his back and a sword still stained with his father's blood the only skill he could really implore to, you know, survive, was what he had been trained to do his entire life, fight - and kill.
- so facing a substantial amount of healing time in which he would be heavily incapacitated, and knowing that even after that he would be incapable of returning to the only life he knew, he was nothing short of devastated. this was the second time in an incredibly short period where he was losing everything all over again and would have to claw his way back to a semi-comfortable life
- however, this time Lucio wasn't quite as alone. for the past few months Lucio had been employed under the previous count of Vesuvia- count Spada. Spada had taken a liking to Lucio, impressed by his skills in battle and charismatic personality- even moreso impressed at Lucio's dedication to his work, especially after seeing him lose an arm because he was too headstrong (or perhaps too arrogant) to desert the battlefield even when most of the men fighting alongside him had already been defeated.
- Lucio's first few weeks after his amputation were spent at camp, healing under the care of Nazali and Julian. however, no mercenary band stays stationary for more than a few weeks at a time, and Lucio was forced to admit he wasn't fit to fight - or travel anymore. as he was packing his things, Spada came to speak with Lucio, and asked Lucio to accompany him back to Vesuvia, offering him a place to stay at the palace for the foreseeable future. Lucio, equally fond of Spada, accepted immediately.
- Lucio healed quickly once in Vesuvia, becoming more and more invested in Spada's work and the comings and goings of the city as he did. Spada took quick notice of this and wasted no time in taking Lucio under his wing- he was an older man, with no heir or close family in Vesuvia, and admired Lucio's capability to be both ruthless and charismatic- traits he himself shared that made him an effective and respected leader.
- however, despite his fascination with Vesuvia, Lucio was still heavily impacted by the loss of his arm and was clearly not the same confident, boisterous man Spada had once hired. his newfound disability had taken a noticeable hit on his confidence and autonomy, and both out of concern for his friend and out of a desire to shape Lucio into someone fit to rule Vesuvia after his death, he took it upon himself to commission a prosthetic for Lucio.
- this arm was incredibly different than Lucio's current golden prosthetic- it was fashioned in a way that closer resembled his appearance during his mercenary days, made of a darker, more bronze-tinted gold and leather, with a much more practical design. additionally, Spada knew no magicians as powerful as Asra's parents, so Lucio didn't have nearly as much control over this prosthetic as his current- although it was still crafted with a few small enchantments that allowed for basic movements and crude fine motor skills.
- with this new prosthetic Lucio regained much of his confidence; and although he still struggled with many delicate tasks, he was no longer quite as defenseless. he was, of course, endlessly grateful to Spada- the two of them growing incredibly close, very nearly like father and son. it took little time for Spada to propose that Lucio inherit rule of Vesuvia after his death and Lucio, ever in search of power, gladly accepted. Spada took it upon himself to spend the next few years training Lucio, teaching him everything he knew in the hope that Lucio would one day become as powerful of a ruler as Spada was.
- eventually, Spada did pass, as his age and declining health caught up to him. in his death, he left full control of Vesuvia to Lucio, naming him his sole heir and entrusting him to rule the city. shortly after becoming count, Lucio commissioned himself a new arm- his current ornate golden one. Lucio felt both as if he needed a more powerful prosthetic to be an effective leader, and that he deserved such now that he was the count. however, his old prosthetic has remained safely in his room ever since, a small reminder of his friendship with the previous count. (Lucio could still wear it if he chose to, and perhaps even would if he needed to disguise himself! it certainly stands out much less than his golden one does)
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starlightsugar · 2 months
Heck yeah bad fanfiction
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Clotted Cream
5:27 PM (17:27)
The crisp sea breeze wafted in through the tall windows. The House Custard Estate was one of the more inland buildings of the Upper City, but the reach of the sea over a coastal nation was a far one. Nonetheless, it blended with the cool night air as the fiery sun dipped its toes into the cool water below, a gentle reminder that Clotted Cream had better get dressed soon. You see, today just so happened to be the anniversary of establishment of the Grand Cream Musical Association, an organization established by Sable Cookie herself. So, of course, she had invited some of the Republic’s elite to a grand ball. So, here Clotted was, pulling out his more ornate suits for the occasion. Gold embroidery of blossoming flowers and delicately curling leaves bordered the edges of his overcoat, with silky fabric in his favorite shade of light, minty green. He pulled up his matching pants over his socks. Clotted tied on his lacy jabot, and pinned a small emerald brooch onto the center, shining the same shade as his eyes in the soft light of the setting sun. He fixed its position as he looked into the mirror, hands just a little shaky and palms sweating a bit under his crisp white gloves. Yet, despite the summer heat, there was a different reason as to why Clotted felt a little sweatier than usual.
You see, it had been around three months since he had hired a new advisor onto his political board: the charming and cunning Affogato. Perhaps hiring him was a bad decision, seeing Affogato’s history of manipulating people to get his way and allying himself with rather villainous groups. “But those days are behind me now,” he’d said that day when he showed up looking for a job, “I’m a changed man.” But even aside from his treasonous past and suspicious present, there was one other reason the Consul felt a little strange around his advisor. Affogato had made a point to get to know his employer better, often having little conversations with him over some kind of food or drink. And they did get to know each other better, but now Clotted had a new problem on his hands— his respect for the advisor’s intelligence and charm slowly evolving into something resembling a crush. Look at you, Clotted thought, Blushing in the mirror like a schoolboy. This is humiliating. And of course you had to go and fall for… him… instead of some nice noblewoman you won’t be completely shunned for liking. Nonetheless, Clotted rather uncharacteristically had let his emotions get the better of him. And now he’s combing his hair, trying to mentally stabilize himself for a night that he could only hope didn’t end in shambles.
5:39 PM (17:39)
He had no idea that Clotted was into men. Specifically him. Maybe he wasn’t into him, and just wanted to invite his friend/work associate to this fancy ball because he had no “special someone”. It would be much easier to invite Financier, considering he knew that she and Clotted were close. She was his literal bodyguard, after all. Either way, Affogato was ecstatic. About a week ago, he had been asked by the Consul to personally accompany him to Sable Cookie’s ball. This brought two excitingly convenient opportunities for Affogato: the opportunity to obtain information on the Republic’s political elite, and to enjoy a night of dancing, sweets, and all other things he missed out on due to being born and raised in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Finding information about the Elders was a specifically important task for Affogato, being the main reason Dark Enchantress sent him here in the first place. He was rather amused by the Council of Elders’ gullibility, having completely fallen for one of Affogato’s trademark ruses. But he could worry about picking up information when he was actually at the ball. It didn’t start until 6:30, so he, thankfully, had plenty of time to prepare.
He slipped himself into a slim yet full-looking gown with a neckline encrusted with small jewels, tulle layers fading from deep violets to soft lavenders like a waterfall. It wouldn’t be exaggeration to say he felt like a princess in it— all the more ironic, considering that he intends to conquer this land as a king by the time this whole affair ends. But he couldn’t get too excited about this. He had a job to do, and had been instructed to report back to Pomegranate at the end of the month. And judging by her reaction at last month’s little regrouping, he was going to have to really find something out. Luckily, all of the elders— except for that pain-in-the-arse Clotted called a father, thank god— would be there. Perfect. He sat himself down on the chair in front of his small vanity, pulling out an eyeshadow palette of various violet hues, striking blacks, and glittery silvers. I think by now you could definitely tell what Affogato’s favorite color is. But he had to make a good impression, so he had to look good, especially if he was going to be accompanying such an influential and charismatic figure tonight. And, speak of the devil, but soon the advisor heard a knock on his door.
“Who is it?,” Affogato called.
“It’s me, Clotted.”
“Come in.”
As he reached into his mess of a drawer for his new lipstick, the door opened and Clotted walked in, only to stop in his tracks for a split second. Affogato turned to him, a confused expression on his face. “What?”
5:50 PM (17:50)
Oh great divines, if Clotted didn’t think Affogato looked good already. The long, slightly slim, violet gown Affogato had chosen for the occasion had no right to look that good on him. The sheer sight of the way his hair cascaded down his shoulders, rich espresso brown flowing into creamy white like clouds against the night sky could have given the consul a heart attack. It was almost like Affogato was glowing. He kept his composure though, or at least tried to, instead opting to awkwardly clear his throat. “Nothing, I was just wondering if you were ready to go yet. The coach will be here shortly, and it takes a while to get to the Sable estate, you know.” Affogato chuckled. “You worry too much, consul,” he said, “I’m sure we’ll be fine. After all, isn’t it rather on-brand for a man as exquisite as yourself to be a little fashionably late?” Affogato would never admit it, but he’d been looking Clotted up and down in the reflection of the mirror. And damnation, did he look nice in that suit. Maybe the advisor could flatter his way into getting more information. Clotted couldn’t help but flush a little at the compliment, a shade of pastel pink lightly dusting his cheeks. “Thank you, Affogato. I’ll be waiting downstairs if you need anything.” The consul turned to head out the door, only for Affogato to call out, “Wait.” Clotted paused. Affogato turned to Clotted and asked him, “Could you help me with the back of my dress please?” “Sure.” Clotted strode over to where Affogato was now standing, having moved his hair out of the way. Clotted grabbed the hook-and-eye fasteners at the back of the dress, gently snapping them into place while trying to be subtle about feeling Affogato’s smooth skin. He’s so soft, the consul thought to himself. Once he was done, he stepped away and Affogato thanked him. He did a little twirl, letting the tulle of his dress swish and flow around his body. The advisor smiled a little. Clotted smiled at seeing Affogato’s smile. “I still have to finish up my makeup, so I’llll be up here for a bit,” Affogato chirped. “Well,” Clotted said, letting a little idea form in his head. He took Affogato’s hand in his own, holding it up to his lips and planting a soft kiss on the back of his hand. ‘I’ll see you then.” It was Affogato’s turn to blush now.
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UGH now I’m TWO DAYS LATE????????? TOT anyways I’m prolly gonna do a drawing for today (and probably yesterday T^T) I tried to combine the prompts for days 4 and 5 on this one, but I wasn’t able to get to the ACTUAL ball part because I wrote this at way too late in the night and I needed to sleep. Anyways tomorrow’s another ficccc! <3 imma try to have 5 and 6’s drawings out today tho. Also pls send writing tips if u want in case I mischaracterized them or smth T~T remember to drink water today
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norrisreads · 1 year
delicate - yt #22
PAIRING: yuki tsunoda x reader!
SUMMARY: inspired by delicate - Taylor Swift
WARNINGS: fluff, hinge of angst! cheater! ex !!!!!! insecure reader!
FC: karina from aespa
“ hi! you mentioned drawing inspiration for your fic from songs. can you write Yuki fic based on Delicate by Taylor Swift where they are both into each other but the reader is so afraid to mess up because of her problematic past? maybe a little angsty to spice it up? thank you xx”
love love the idea of this, hope you’re happy with my take on it <3 yuki needs more love and fics 😭🙏🏻
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Being friends with the scuderia alphatauri driver, yuki tsunoda has it’s pros and cons. Having met on a cooking class and being closer to each other after one dinner ‘date’ made you realise the both of you have tons of similarities. you’ve never realised yuki was a driver racing for the formula one, not until you’ve realised you were stopped in the streets by fans asking for a picture with him.
pros are you’re well contented with his presence, not having a single dull moment whenever you’re around him
and cons are being scared to confessing your feelings to the said driver, with a fear of rejection and letting him in your life permanently.
It's okay to consider confessing; what scares you is your fear of being rejected. Rejection and you are not compatible, and neither is maintaining people in your life on a long-term basis.
A terrible memory has to be the day your friends and ex-boyfriend publically humiliated you. It seems like everyone, including their mothers, knew about his affair with your ex-best friend, which made the entire year unbearably monotonous and depressing.
It's safe to assume that you never truly had someone there for you during your difficult times because you were never great with people—that is, until you met Yuki.
Despite his hectic schedule, he was there for you when you were hired for your dream company and even celebrate your 22nd birthday. You've come to realize that you were no match for him because he was there for you through everything.
You were simply a typical lady...a regular person who works for a company and relies upon that job for her income—someone he had met while taking cookery classes during his downtime. You weren't a well-known figure in the industry or an influencer. Perhaps this explains why, unseen to you, Yuki Tsunoda has a major crush on you.
“hey what has gotten you thinking so hard, that you’re not listening to me?” yuki snaps his fingers trying to get your attention which made you realised you’ve been daydreaming
smiling at yuki, “nothing just thinking on what we should get for dinner later”
he took a seat beside you, “i was thinking of this ramen store that i used to go when i was a kid, i wanna bring you there. I’m sure you’ll love the ramen”
yuki pleaded you for a 2 weeks off from your work to attend the Japanese Grand Prix, and you agreed as he was super persistent on making sure you’re on board with the plan.
other than that, yuki planned a whole guided trip (of course him being the tour guide) for you. Showing you places that had meant a-lot to him, bring you to the harry potter house (you’re a huge fan of it, and yuki could tell as you had a raven-claw phone case on when he first met you) and of course bringing you to meet his friends.
“i’m almost done with everything, just give me 30 minutes and i’ll be back. you can walk around with Michael if you’re scared, or i can call over josh to accompany you?”
you had met michael and josh countless times, whenever you’re over at yuki’s house they’ll never fail to be there too. The four of you had surprisingly gotten closer, but with the recent shifting of josh to Ferrari, the outings weren’t rlly quite often anymore.
“yeah i’ll visit josh, i’ve just seen him outside a few minutes ago. Text me when you’re done yuki”
walking around the paddock with josh made you realised that he was a great listener, he listened to you rambling on and on about your life and your feelings towards Yuki.
“give it a try, y/n” josh stopped walking and faced you, shrugging his shoulders
“i’m scared, what if he leaves like the others josh? he’s not someone i would want to let go off”
then you heard laughters, looking at josh in confusion
“him? leaving you? yeah that’s never happening. Have you seen the way he look at you?”
shaking your head , “i shouldn’t be telling you this, if Yuki hears this from me, i’m dead y/n but the way he looks at you? it’s unbelievable but that gaze was a look of a man in love”
with you..?
“don’t joke around josh, it’s not funny!”
but with the seriousness of josh look, it was never a joke
“well it’s up to you to believe me y/n, come on let’s go! Michael just texted me yuki is done for the day”
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“why did you not let me know we’re going to a restaurant? i’m too dressed down for this yuki” walking side by side with yuki towards the restaurant
“it’s a family business, i doubt they’ll care of our dress-codes further more you’ll still look beautiful even with a trash bag on”
arriving at the restaurant, the both of you were guided to a table, and a few minutes later, yuki’s uncle greeted the both of you.
“it’s such an honour meeting yuki’s girlfriend, we heard sooo much about you from yuki! we were super excited that you’ve decided to visit japan!”
yuki’s girlfriend…?
“oh no i’m just a friend! it’s an honour in meeting you too, i can’t wait to try the food here!” smiling sweetly to yuki’s uncle and what you’ve missed was the red flush cheeks on yuki’s face.
in the midst of eating and talking, yuki took out a small bag and handed it to you
confused, accepting the bag and you took a look, you were surprised.
it was a locket necklace with a picture of the both of you that he had taken after the first dinner ‘date’ with a date engraved on the other side of the locket.
“y/n, i’ve been thinking and i’ve realised that with you in my life, i’ve looked forward to it everyday. You made me realise that life was worth living and i can’t imagine a life without you. I must say my anger management has been really well after i’ve met you”
the both of you laughed, but yuki was looking forward to your answer
apparently, after the talk that you had with josh. He had raise his concerns about you to yuki, and yuki’s goal for tonight is for you to feel loved.
“i know you’re having thoughts if i will ever leave you, but I promise you i won’t. I’ll stay by your side till we’re old, I’ll celebrate every milestone with you, i’ll never get sick of you y/n. There’s no one else that i would want to live my life with, it does not matter that you’re just a typical girl because what matters at the end of the day is you’re the only one i’ve had my eyes on, so would you be the honour of being my girlfriend?”
and by the end of his sentence, you were tearing up.
“you’re driving me crazy yuki tsunoda”
Yuki holds while stroking your hands, saying, " that’s what i do best, love”
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y/n__01 just shared a photo
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liked by yukitsunoda0511 krusectrl michaelitaliano and 20 more
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
y/n__01 handsome, you’re mansion with a view
krusectrl thanks to me
y/n__01 thankyou josh 🙏🏻🥹
pierregasly welcome to the club yukitsunoda0511
yukitsunoda0511 will always love you 💙
y/n__01 🥹💙
yukitsunoda0511 just shared a photo
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liked by pierregasly danielricciardo y/n__01 and 302,749 others
tagged: y/n__01
yukitsunoda0511 you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts ❤️😇
gaslied22 WHAT? YUKI HAS A GF?
yukifans it was just confirmed today! I’m so happy for them!
tsunodays stop im actually sobbing, they’re so adorable
gaslied22 STOP! the taylor swift song references !!!!!!!
danielricciardo so this is the reason you’re smiling every day
yukitsunoda0511 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
y/n__01 are you quoting a taylor swift song rn tsunoda
yukitsunoda0511 well of course…
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another yuki oneshot added to the list, i hope this was a great read! added in a lil ig post of their reveal 🤭🙏🏻
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blueparadis · 2 years
[ synopsis ] — Rei Suwa some how accepted advent of Miri in his life, had made peace with the presence of his partner, Kazuki long before Miri walked into their life. He was not willing to do it anymore, not under any circumstances but hearts does not align with our minds, does it now?
[ content & themes ] — undertones of fluff cuz i love miri, f!reader ( s!her pronouns ), canon typical violence, death, murder, profanity, mention of smoking, alcohol, sexual tension, mutual pinning,rei is so fvcking oblivious that I wanna bang my head on a pillow. characters include :: Kazuki Kurusu, Kyutaro Kugi, Miri Unasaka, Anna Hanyu. word count :: 1.5k
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One. Two. Three. . . and four. Four turns it took for Rei to adjust the lens of his sniper. His eyebrows which were already congested seemed to become more devoted to the cause. Kazuki might not have packed the most comfortable sniper Rei likes to use. That fucking dim wit. A low grunt escapes past his lips as he aligns the nozzle upon the railing of the rooftop. 
The weather is sunny yet sultry, not particularly of what Suwa prefers to have while executing his job, that is to scratch off another name from the list Kyutaro has given him. On any other day, Kazuki would have accompanied him but not today. Today is special. . . special because Miri claims that she is turning six years old. 
It was so random that both the assassins thought that it was one of the other tactics to have a chocolate cake that she was denied the other day. Lately, Kazuki has been strict and he is nothing less than an angry bird as imagined by Miri. But Miri can be stubborn sometimes and hence Kazuki stayed behind to cook chocolate cupcakes for her. She does not crave gigantic three layered cakes, just small cupcakes that would perfectly fit in her small dainty hands. How odd ! How childish!
“Are you ready?” Kazuki conjectured from the other side. Rei can not recall anything happy of sort about his birthdays or birthdays in general. In all honesty, he never really understood the undying joy on birthdays. What exactly is there to celebrate? We're all gonna die at some day or it could be at the next moment. We're just getting closer to it each day, each month, each year. What's the point of celebration? 
“Hm.” That was . . . inert for someone who never liked babysitting. Kazuki even proposed that he can go and do the job in his way while Rei could sit at home, look after Miri and play video games. Was he mad about getting hired for this job? Who can tell? Well, definitely not Rei since he rarely speaks his mind.
“Alright. I’m going to call.” Kazuki clears his throat before dialing the number of their target. One. two and a half ring — “hello”
“Hello. Good Morning.We are calling from the pollution center. I would like to inform you that the car registered under your name has been . . . 
“But I don't remember sending my car for a pollution check.”
“Perhaps it was your daughter. . . Naomi Kento.”
And those dull black eyes are now watching the target like an eagle hunting for its prey. The lens zooms in. The target, Mr. Kento Fujiwara is now loitering from one end of his room to the other. Rei could have easily taken a shot through his neck but his bodyguard is quite persistent, maybe a little too good for her job. Rei moves his eyes from the lens while two sets of his fingers reach up to his ears, “ Kazuki. What’re ya doin? He is moving too much. Talk less.” God, the sun is burning his skin and thinning his patience. He is not particularly aware of the reason behind his edgy mood and now is definitely not the time to think about it.
“Oh! It wasn’t your daughter. I see. I apologize. There must be some sort of mistake in your system. We will send one of our staff to . . .
And Mr.Kento Fujiwara is still standing in front of his gigantic glass window but his bodyguard is keeping Rei from getting a clean shot. Does she know? Or was she planted by Kyutaro to test his skills? The other day he commented how rei had become a little rusty and needed to get back on his track. Wouldn’t be surprised if he were to do this. Rei moves away from the sniper lens once again and exhales deeply, long enough to make a decision : death or deaths.
The girl turned around on her heel and was approaching the gigantic window. Suwa thought she might have been asked to draw in the curtains which meant he had to wait another two hours for getting a good clean shot. Needless to say, he was not going to settle for it. Still he chose death. He watches the bodyguard to keep her hostler on the table nearby and adjusts her body suit. God, he can’t wait to put a bullet through that man’s heart. Kyutaro was right about him. He is a shark as well as a parasite. BANG!
Rei watches the target fall to the floor like a tree chopped from its root. Tsk! His eyebrows grow flat for a few seconds when he hears Kazuki saying, “Mr. Fujiwara? Mr.Fujiwara? . . .Are you there?” He isn’t. Kazuki disconnects the call. The number he used belonged to one of the staff from the pollution center, as provided by their friendly bartender : Kyutaro Kugi. 
“Odd.”, Suwa comets watching all the guards in black suits flood the room that has a corpse lying on the ground.
“What is?” more than him, Kazuki is on edge. Suwa is glad that Kakuki did not tag along in this job. It would have taken more time to take out the target.
“Well, not our problem.”, Suwa amends. He is already lighting his cigarette, having his sniper rifle on his back. He is fast. He has always been fast. 
‘Breaking news : Kento Fujiwara, one of the leading business tycoons, was murdered yesterday morning. It seems that he died because of the injury in the head. . .
The news continues to broadcast further details, clarifying what is going to happen to his estates as well as his family members but none of that registers into Suwa’s brain. He is stuck at the ‘injury in the head’ part , which means, ‘shot at the head’  Sure, he is having a tough time but he is not too weak to miss his shot that was aimed at the belly, not the head. He can not be that reckless. Plus, it has been a long time since he shot someone right in the head. It can’t be. Something just doesn't fit.
“Rei. . .” Kazuki draws in the curtains of the room basking the room with the rays of azure noon. 
“What?” Rei utters with the same bored expression that he always has on his face, but this time he bothers to tilt his head with a furrow in between his brows. Its unlike him. He is annoyed. He does his job with the least possible muscle movements, at all times, and most of his energy investment goes to games and Miri.
“I’m going to pick up Miri. I got a call from daycare. So, you have to pay a visit to the bar.” Kazuki shuts the door behind him before leaving. What a drag!
The bar has never been crowded, and has not been lonely either. The reason he hates coming here is of course Kugi’s horde of questions. More than that, he thinks he should not be collecting money for killing people, in certain cases but not all. He does not regret killing Kento Fujiwara even though it was not his bullet that caused the death. He takes a deep breath before entering the bar and his reason of irritation is not there, Kugi is not there.
“Welcome. . . ehh—
“Rei Suwa.”, his voice pitches in. With casual steps, hands inside the pocket of his hoodie he walks in and sits in front of the new face, the new bartender, a girl . . . no! a lady. “I’m here for Kyu- . . . Kyu-chan.” He averts making eye-contact instead focuses his mind to light a cigarette.
“I’m sorry. . . but you can’t smoke— 
So, She is not a newcomer or perhaps really needed this job or perhaps a normal person. I don’t think he is okay with a woman working in his bar . . . without actually knowing what he does.
The smoke swirls in the form of a circle as Rei lets out a drag. His eyes are on hers, watching, thinking how come he has never heard of a girl related to this obsidian world. He takes in another drags and quickly scans her. 
“I can.” Suwa boldly remarks with his eyes settled on her relaxed posture with his harmless bored expression that he thinks is quite infuriating, enough to get a reaction out of her.
She is still not annoyed . . . not even repeating herself. Kyu must have a tough time putting up with her. . . mood. She turns her head towards the door that leads to the wine cellar. One. . .two . . .she blinks and Kyutaro emerges from the room with two flagons.
“Had a feeling I'd be seeing you.”, he remarks, keeping the box of wine bottles on the counter. “Why did you let him smoke, y/n ?” Kyutaro shifts his eyes on the lady who stands still with a face that seems apologetic in so many ways. 
Bingo. y/n. y/n is her name. breaking the rule was worth it.
“Moreover. . .” , his eye brows ran closer. “Why’re you smoking?” 
“Sorry. My bad. Had a rough day.”, Suwa quips, putting off the fire on the ashtray that y/n slided while ago. Smart and swift.
Kyutaro adjusts his spectacles. He proceeds to the inner side of the counter. “Here.” he hands over two envelopes to Suwa, a smile of gratitude visible on his face. Suwa bows and leaves the bar within a minute.
It’s not a surprise that he has a girl by his side. After all, he has always been popular among girls, that lucky fucker.
[ notes ] — might ( emphasis on might ) have a part ii ( if it does, i'll continue on ao3) but feel free to send me thoughts about them. I love the characters so much that I could write four page essays on them. This fic was a bit rushed but I had the idea after watching the first episode so I got time to prepare it in my head ( yeah thanks to my insomnia ). If you want to read more of my writings click here. And, if you like reading it, please like & reblog, leave a comment. thank you :›
⌗ — @planetxiao @semisgroupie @cherrykamado
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