#personal problems because my whole life whenever i try my mom screams at me until i stop
fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Btw I’ve never talked to an actual medical doctor about my mental health issues so I have no idea how to go about it. Lol
#never been to therapy never been medicated. i just freeball my reality and my emotions and my mind#i did go to grief counselling briefly but the guy who did that was a volunteer. i mean i assume he had a certificate in something and he#absolutely did help me but he couldn’t diagnose or prescribe#i want to be diagnosed and prescribed if at all possible but i don’t know how and i don’t know if they will. i don’t know how to approach it#i mean i guess i should first address the biggest problem i’m having right now which is my mood swings and suicidal thoughts#i am worried though. like will i get sectioned if i mention the latter#like i don’t think i’ll actually do it and i specifically want help because i DON’T want to do that. but is me reassuring them of that#going to be seen as a red flag. because…#i also really don’t want to spend the whole time sitting there crying unable to talk but i probably will because i can’t talk about my#personal problems because my whole life whenever i try my mom screams at me until i stop#especially if i’m calm or apologise to her in any way. it just seems to make her angrier#it’s just like. i’m ngl the thing that’s probably helped my mental state the most was being on microgynon but i didn’t enjoy the other side#effects; and also my blood pressure is too high for it. and like.. i don’t need to take a birth control pill when what’s wrong with me#is my mood. like who cares if it’s just because of hormones. treat it all the time anyway#idk. idk! i don’t know what happens when you talk to doctors about this kind of thing. i don’t even know how bad my symptoms are#for all i know i’m entirely mentally stable. OR i could have ten disorders. i don’t KNOW#personal
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creedslove · 8 months
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: this is so personal it hurts, my relationship with my mother is terrible and today was one of the days she pushed me to the edge and I thought I was going to explode with negative feelings until I broke down and I sobbed. Also, just proving my point that my life problems would decrease by half if I were married to Joel Miller 😢
TW: Shitty mom
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• Joel knows damn well the reason why people often tell mean mother-in-law jokes or why their reputation is so bad; and the truth is that it is not even because of the way your mom treats him, but because of how she treats you
• it just infuriates Joel at the same time it breaks his heart to see what she does to you; the way she's so manipulative and mean, the way she acts innocent after saying the worst things a mom could say to a daughter and pretend she didn't really mean that way, or you are overreacting
• and it absolutely shatters his heart to see that even after all the emotional pain she puts you through, he sees how you somehow look for her approval affection, no matter if he has already told you to ignore her, he knows it's deeper than that, it's just the result of a lifetime of emotional damage she's done
• being unable to help you more effectively, he does what he can: he holds you, he soothes you, dries your tears and reminds you you are more than what your mom says, he reminds you he knows you are telling the truth and that you aren't just overreacting, he knows that whenever she says "it wasn't that bad" it was indeed that bad and whenever she insists on saying that whatever traumatic experience she caused you she doesn't remember because it never happened, he is aware it left a deep scar on your mental health
• and even if Joel thinks this is not very effective at all, he has no idea of how precious and important this is to you, because it validates your feelings, it shows you you aren't alone, it shows that you are respected as an adult and overall as a person, it shows you that he loves you, the good kind of love, not the supposed kind of love that burns your mom insists on giving you
• Joel doesn't give a shit if your mom says she has anxiety or whatever other crap she uses as an excuse, no mental problem in the world gives anyone the right to treat another person, let alone a daughter, the way she treats you; it doesn't matter if she wants to pass as mentally unstable, he can see right through it, she is only unstable when it's convenient for her, so that leaves Joel with another adjective for her: cruel
• he knows your relationship with her has ups and downs, sometimes you are able to spend the whole day together shopping or just hanging out and having fun, but there are days she makes a living hell out of your mind
• and even if Joel isn't the most educated guy in psychology, he knew it wasn't healthy to bottle up these feelings like you often did, because sometimes you would explode
• and today was one of those days: something small suddenly became a huge thing and before you knew it, your mom was already screaming at you as if you were a child, making you feel worse and worse and all that rage you had bottled up exploded, because you were so tired of having to walk on eggshells, never knowing if you would have an easy day or if you'd have your mental health ruined again
• so when Joel got home from work, he immediately noticed something was off; you were sniffling and trying to hide your red puffy eyes, you were so sad and you'd completely lost your appetite and the moment he questioned you what had happened - having a pretty good idea of what you were going to say, you simply broke down and sobbed
• and at that moment he didn't think of anything else other than holding you into his arms, his body was so warm and comfortable and you felt relieved to have a grip on him, to feel his muscles, his beard, to smell his scent, everything reminding you of what a loving person really was
"shh it's okay darling, you'll be fine, you don't have to tell me what happened, it's gonna be okay, I'm here and I believe you"
• Joel whispered against your ear and simply didn't move until you broke the hug, seemingly to calm down for a while; and not only that, while you took the relaxing shower he suggested you to, he made you tea, because cooking might not be his strongest suit, but you take such good care of him, he wants to at least pay you back a small portion of it
• even after shower, he can tell the tears are easily going to spill at any minute, so he decides not to talk about it, instead, he suggests watching something to distract you, it doesn't matter to him if it's a movie, a tv show or that low quality soap opera you found on Netflix you swear you only watch it ironically but you got too invested in it, he just wants to see you smile for a bit
• cuddles all the way while you both watch tv, even if you're not paying attention because honestly why does he like to watch cars exploding so much? but the important thing is that you love Joel and you're so thankful for everything he does for you
• and to finally finish a terrible day, you both make love, not fucking, but making love. It's slow, gentle, sexy and intimate. Exactly what you needed, a full dose of Joel to make you feel better ❤️
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totallynoteggos · 1 month
lol hey this is just a vent post abt my life rn I don’t really expect any on u to read this
Tw if you do read this: talk of Anxiety, ppl not understanding neurological limitations, talk of vauge self exit and SH (its very minor) overall vent post shit
Sorry u have to see me in such a shifty mental state but I need to get this off my chest before I resort to violence
Once again, not KND stuff this is a Vent Post
I’m not neurotypical by any means I'm on some spectrum but all we know so far is that I have OCD and Anxiety. Also I'm going into the 9th grade which that In of itself is a stressful situation but in the last four years I've never stayed in the same school so seeing the same people is hella new to me. I have this really bad habit of going no contact with people after the school year is over because I usually never see them again. My mom can't seem to understand that there are simply things I can't do because of the anxiety & OCD (and I'm not using this as a reason to act out or defy her) abt 2 weeks ago we went to get food, now usually I order my food to make sure I get what I like and not have a mixup. And pls notice this was after a week long “vacation” that ended up being stressful and draining. But anyways there was a mixup and I ended up with a burger with all toppings instead of plain, which caused me to panic because I was hungry and stressed before already. And instead of trying to accommodate she stood firm in her beliefs that I need to get over it and just eat the damn burger. And I heavily insisted on not eating it and eating the fries instead. After a argument (and at the instance of my grandma) she bought me another burger and while in line I told her outright that there are some things that I physically can't do or else they send me into a panic. She that said that she “gets that” but I don't have to act out In front of my grandma which she idolized. And now like I said with the whole start of school she's saying “it wont be your best years if you don't let it be your best years” but I don't think she understands that I don't know how to do that. I've moved around a lot and I've been made fun of a lot due to my interests, hobbies and simply just to be the clown. Most of the people I befriend end up getting annoyed or just keep me around until I say something that doesn't make me the dumb and “quirky” one. And like I said I suck at keeping contact and now everyone still has their old friend groups and mine just see me as a joke or weirdo now. Its stressing me out so much and its only been two days, hell yesterday I would have thrown up from the stress but because I was so stressed I didn't eat shit so I didn't throw up. School stresses me out so much it's unimaginable, its the people, the sounds, the halls, the fact that people won't leave you alone, someone always talking or screaming, just please shut the fuck up so I can learn and be out of here. And god its so fucking hard not feeling what everyone else around you feels. My moms getting upset at me for not wanting to go on the busses when I have gone on one and it left 20 fucking minutes from my house cus the lady was screaming and I got scared as was about to cry. And now she wants me to try again with kids I don't fucking know who some how don't know personal space or manners. And back to the emotions things, why the fuck don't I feel the same as them, god I feel so fucking robotic compared to my mother and everybody else but they also make me feel like a god damned mutt. On one hand they think it's weird that I don't want to talk or to Interact but somehow don't realize that it's their fault I don't want to, and on the other hand whenever I'm upset or angry and actually show it its MY fault. Because apparently since I'm the youngest of my family im supposed to have the personality of pinkie pie and I have no problems. And because I'm quiet, friendly or just shy and I'm supposed to control my emotions because I'm a “young lady”. I've tried talking to my mom about home school because my school has that as a option but she says that I can't hide when she's been doing that too. Sometimes I feel like she cares more for the happiness of those she wants to impress rather than that of her family. But god if all of life feels like this then count me out cus its too much to be alive right now. I think ima take a shot or three of night quill and hopefully sleep until ITs to late to go to school
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fireladybuckley · 1 year
Ooooh your mum!!! Sorry to butt in but you need a hug and I’m a mum so have one from me - that’s so not ok to say to you. I’m so sorry you have to go through that and from someone whose supposed to be on your side and be there for you makes it more painful.
If you need a cane bloody well use one - why are people like that! We have things to make life easier for a reason , suffering is not noble. Help existís in all forms and should be used whenever needed.
In fact get or take help before it’s needed if you can, before it goes from bad to worse to unbearable
I’m mad on your account - hugging you tight
Hope you don’t mind me chipping in and that the rest of your day improves a little
Thank you, Nonnie. This had me crying by the end. I’m not sure who you could be but I appreciate you so much.
My heart hurts today. My dad is trying to play diplomat and pretend our upset is equal, but it’s fucking not. I didn’t do anything wrong. She made my disability about her, told me my Grandma (who had horrific arthritis and other bone problems from the age of 65 or so) didn’t get her cane until she was 80. I pointed out she didn’t have arthritis in her mid 30s like I do and my mother just lost it, screaming about how much my grandmother suffered and how I can’t compare us (I didn’t, she did….) and just going on about how dare I talk about her and how much she suffered and how she didn’t get a cane until after years and years of pain she couldn’t handle walking anymore, and I said yeah, that’s why I wanted to get one while I was starting to have issues, to hopefully prevent it from getting worse…
(And I’d like to point out for absolute clarity that I did not say ANYTHING about Grandma and her actual suffering, it was horrible what she had to go through. Literally all I responded to was the 37 thing, and she somehow took that as a personal insult against Grandma’s issues, which I’m honestly quite offended by because I was Grandma’s favourite person and she was mine, I would NEVER downplay what she went through…)
To her, canes/mobility aids are endgame. In both that she thinks canes are for old folk going into their end, declining mobility part of life, or for people with very debilitating physical conditions like CP or others like it. I think she was trying to insinuate that I shouldn’t have a cane because I haven’t suffered years and years with excruciating pain yet (debatable), that it should be a last resort and if I actually need one well, I must be REALLY messed up.
And she’s just so saaaaaaad that her girl has soooo many issues and she’s soooo young. She said she was sad I had a cane 2 or 3 times before I pointed out that I’m the one dealing with my problem, and she full on told me “it’s not just about you, it’s about me too, my feelings…”. Like no it fucking isn’t. My decision to get a cane before I could no longer walk (a wise decision on the whole, prevention is best!) has nothing to do with her, and the simple fact that her 37 year old has a cane “makes [her] sad :(“ just feels really shitty because like I’m the same person as always, I just have some trouble walking. Doesn’t mean my life is over or worth less or something.
Anyway I’m feeling really crappy. But thank you so much for this post. You are very sweet and i really appreciate the mom hugs <3
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saphirered · 3 years
Drowned Sorrows (Vagrant pt2.)
Caleb settles at the table in your shared room, ink and paper ready to go to work and you grab your stuff making way to leave when Caleb stops you, stepping in your path to the door, arms crossed and eyes burning into you. You try to step around him but he just moves with you until you give up. Apparently He’s adamant on talking.
“What the hell do you want?” You roll your eyes at his childish means from preventing you from leaving the room.
“This has gone on long enough.” Caleb states.
“What has?” You play dumb and Caleb gives you a disapproving look akin to a teacher scolding a student and you could just wring the life out of him for for it. Gods, can he just leave you be?
“You know exactly what.”
“Please, by all means, enlighten me, oh grand master Widogast.” You mock and now it’s Caleb’s turn to roll his eyes. Do you have to be so annoying? Why can’t you just act like an adult?
“If you insist. Why do you run out of the room whenever I study? Why do you feel the need to cringe and cower whenever I do anything even remotely magic related?” Caleb asks as you shake your head biting your tongue. This man… This man has some guts to call you out like he has but you suppose maybe this whole thing between the two of you wouldn’t have been as much of an issue if the two of you could just talk about your issues instead of bottling it up until you burst in moments like these, usually ending in some kind of shouting match followed by the silent treatment until Nott makes you ‘kiss and make up’ like she’s your mom.
“It’s none of your business, Caleb. Now let me out.” You once again try to push past him but he doesn’t let you. “Try me, Widogast or I’ll-“ You threaten but are cut off.
“Do what? You won’t use your magic beyond rudimentary practices. What could you possibly do?” Caleb pushes. You know he’s pushing your buttons, your anger only another means to get answers for himself and you hate yourself for falling for his calculated move but you still do.
“You don’t want to find out, Widogast. It didn’t end well for the last people.” There it is. That’s what he’d been waiting for. Those words alone, that threat is not an empty one. You wouldn’t harm him, not permanently at least but there’s a truth to your words and Caleb knows his calculated move to piss you off is paying off. He’ll have to tread carefully if he wants more answers and not actually provoke your wrath.
Shit. Shit shit shit. ‘It didn’t end well for the last people’. Shit. You didn’t want those words to leave your lips at all. Ever. Stupid Caleb fucking Widogast. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You can’t deal with this right now and try to push him out of the way but Caleb hardly budges. You half contemplate leaving through the window just to make a point but you’d rather not draw that kind of attention to yourself.
“Veiled threats and half truths. Those are a coward’s words who doesn’t intend to make true on their promises.” Oh you’re this far away from kicking his ass.
“Well it takes one to know one.” You hiss. “You might want to think twice. We still share a room and I will not hesitate to smother you with a pillow while you sleep. Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.” You feel a tingling in your fingertips, frustration running through your face with just a tiny hint of fear. You ball your hands into fists, your nails digging into your palms. Last thing you need is to lose control right now but Caleb doesn’t have to know that.
Caleb steps out of the way, allowing you to pass. He stares you down until you close the door behind you, sharing one last glare before you’re off doing whatever you can to not be in any proximity of that room.
Hours later Nott has fallen asleep at the foot of Jester’s bed, the tiefling herself curled up comfortably. Beau’s sprawled out across her own bed limbs dangling off each side as she snores. You’d fallen asleep sitting against Beau’s bed until her hand slapped you in the face rudely pulling you from your not so comfortable sleeping position. You get up and stretch your limbs, cracking your back. Hopefully Caleb will have gone to sleep himself and you’ll be able to make it to your own bed without dealing with the wizard at this late, or rather early hour.
Exiting the girls’ room you see Fjord slumped against the wall near to his room, giggles and moans coming from the room he shares with Mollymauk. This time he had the sense to bring a pillow but Fjord still looked about as comfortable as anyone could be sleeping against the wall of one of the most expensive places in all of Zadash. You contemplated waking him and telling him to take your bed instead but you don’t doubt you’ll lose your comfy bed forever if you switched roommates. Don’t want to set any precedents because in all honesty, rather him than you having to deal with the lavender tiefling living his life to the fullest. Still, you take your cloak, throwing it over the half-orc gently as you move on to your room.
You don’t see any candle light bleeding through the narrow slit beneath the door so you count yourself lucky as you quietly open the door and slide in, tiptoeing over to your bed, putting your things down and beginning to get ready to sleep. You pull the silk covers back and lay down, making yourself comfortable and close your eyes. You can still smell the scent of that fine parchment and ink. You can almost hear the phantom scribbling of a pen over that paper, dipping into the ink vial every so often to replenish. It’s pure torture. The sound needs to stop. The smell needs to go and despite you trying to use some prestidigitation to get rid of the smell, changing it to those overly fragrant flowers at the shop you passed by a few days ago, the smell is still stuck in your nostrils, the sound still trapped in your ears, the damage already done.
You turn over onto your back, pulling the pillow from beneath you and pulling it over your head, releasing a frustrated but soft muffled scream more akin to a sigh into the plush feathers. The darkness behind your eyelids doesn’t help as you feel a vision of a room creep in, one etched into your memory just as that scent and sound are. Accompanied by feelings of pain and fear, desperation and helplessness, is the feeling of being completely and utterly trapped. No matter your tossing and turning, it all remains and the walls close in, sleep couldn’t be further out of your reach. That is until the lights turn on. A gentle orange glow fills the room and you’re pulled away from your memories and back into the room you share with Caleb.
“Would you stop your tossing and turning, please.” Caleb asks groggy, the sound of moving fabrics and endless sighs having awoken him from his own sleep. Caleb turns over to see you sitting, elbows on your bent knees and head in your hands as you try to stabilise your breathing, counting under your breath like its a life line. You may not exactly be friends and quarrel more often than not, that doesn’t mean he can’t be worried for you. Something’s clearly wrong and it doesn’t take an expert to see that.
“Are you alright?” He asks carefully turning to a half seated position to get a better view of you.
“Just go back to sleep, Caleb.” You grumble not moving from your position. No quip back, no witty remark, not even actual annoyance or a half threat to let Jester draw dicks in his precious books. The position you’re in, the traits you’re displaying are also familiar to him. He’s found himself in a similar situation many times and while you may have said it before as an offence, it’s true no less; takes one to know one. You’re reliving trauma, or at least coming back from reliving a traumatic memory of some kind. Triggered by what exactly?
“I’ll go back to sleep when I’m sure I won’t be awoken again every ten minutes.” In other words; talk.
“Piss off.” You spit raising from your bed, reaching for your bag. Instead you find an orange tabby raising it’s back and hissing at you, by the command of his master no doubt. You have half the mind to pick the cat up by the scruff and toss him at the wizard but right now you just want out.
“You can’t keep running away from your problems forever.” The words hit hard. Caleb’s right but why does it sound like a statement not solely directed at you? You know exactly why. You might not exactly have had any bonding moments with Caleb and he’s been shifty about his past but you know the words of someone who tries to deny that same truth themself.
“It seems to work just perfectly for you. Hypocrite.” It sounded like a curse. Hypocrite. Caleb had known for a long time but having it thrown so bluntly at his face, it hurt. He doesn’t lash out in anger or hit back with an equally venomous retort but instead just stares at you with pity. He really does pity you. He may not know the story but he knows that pain and no one should have to endure that. Still it’s your choice to keep it to yourself. It’s your choice to keep it all bottled up and locked away. No matter what he says, or does for that matter, he can’t change your mind, or even help you despite your differences, if you don’t allow anyone in, regardless of your like, or dislike in his case, for the person. He can’t help someone who won’t help themselves. And that’s exactly what makes him the biggest hypocrite here. His pain is his punishment.
“Where are you going?” Caleb asks as you push Frumpkin aside just enough to reach for your coin pouch, the cat hissing and clawing at your hands until he falls silent again. You open the door looking back one last time.
“To find a rooftop with a good view and drown my sorrows.” You close the door behind you and do exactly that. A bottle or two of good booze acquired and a nice rooftop found. The view would have been nice weren’t it cloudy. Halfway through your first bottle the gods decided to shit in your dish by the sound of rolling thunder and rain pouring down from the skies by the buckets, drenching you to the bone in a matter of seconds. You debated going back inside but you’re stubborn and stayed on that rooftop watching the water spill over the drains until you were shaking from the cold. Maybe suffering from hypothermia isn’t worth making a statement.
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falcqns · 4 years
Pairing: Post Endgame!Bucky Barnes x Barton!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are sent on a mission to the 1950′s, and you come face to face with Steve Rogers for the first time. 
Warnings: mention of Thanos, swearing, Steve being protecting, Y/N being more protective, The Winter Soldier makes an appearance, insinuation to smut. 
A/N: We love stories based off shifting experiences lol. also it was hella exhilarating to scream and swear in America’s Ass’s face LOL. Also If there are any chronological errors with the whole Hank Pym thing, just ignore it I haven’t seen Ant Man yet
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You were hiding behind an overturned desk, your gun in one hand, both batons in another. You, Bucky, and Sam had been sitting on the couch enjoying your Saturday, when it was raided by rogue S.H.I.E.L.D operatives from 1951, hell bent on preventing the avengers from forming. But, they didn't have time-space GPS’s like you guys did, so they were thrust into 2024, a year after the events of the final Thanos fight. They had held the three of you at gun point, until you threw a lamp at them, and Bucky reflected their bullets with his vibranium arm while you and Sam ran, you to your gun and batons, and Sam to get his wing suit on. A fight ensued, and everyone had eventually spread across the compound, to where you took refuge behind the overturned desk of Tony Stark. No one had touched his desk since he passed, but that changed today.
You felt someone approach from behind, and you flicked your wrist holding your batons to turn on the taser function, and went to knock out the person behind you, when you were met with Bucky, an amused look on his handsome face. He had two time-space GPS’s in his hand, and well as the bracelets that contained the suit. 
“Don’t electrocute me yet, doll,” He said, and you rolled your eyes. “We can fix this. We go back in time, we prevent them from taking the Pym Particles. It’s risky, but I see it as our only option right now. They’re not going down. We need to do something.” He whispered. 
“What about Sam?” You whispered, and Bucky looked over his shoulder. 
“I knocked a few of them out and told him to get the hell out and I had an idea. He escaped while I covered him. They won't notice anything happening because it might be minutes or hours for us, but it's seconds for them. Trust me?” He asked, and you nodded before taking the suit bracelet and the GPS he offered you, and slipping them on. You put your batons in the holster on your lower back, and your gun in its holster on your thigh. You double tapped the suit bracelet, and took a deep breath as the nanotech quickly covered your body, and head. Bucky programmed his GPS, and you programmed yours to go back to February 23, 1951. 
You looked at Bucky and nodded, before you felt the helmet covering your face, and a pull behind your navel, seconds before you entered the quantum realm. You watched as the colours of the quantum realm sped by you as you traveled, and you glanced to your side, sighing as you saw Bucky right there with you. You were nervous, but as long as he was there, you'd be fine. 
You felt a stronger pull behind your navel, and you were thrust into 1951. Luckily, the two of you landed in a supply closet, where there were janitors uniforms. You two didn't say anything while you pulled the uniforms on, and slipped out of the closet.
You two kept your heads down, determined to not get recognized while you figured out the plan. 
“So, this specific building changed considerably since before I fell off the train, but the labs are this way, just passed the offices in this coming hallway, which is where I’m guessing they put Pym’s lab and office,” He said, and you nodded. 
You two turned the corner to the office hallway, and you heard Bucky swear. You looked up at him in confusion before following his eye line and biting back a swear word. 
Peggy was standing outside her office, talking to a rather tall, broad shouldered, blonde haired man. Before you could process who it was, Peggy noticed Bucky, and her eyes widened. She exclaimed, and the blonde haired man turned around, to reveal himself as Steve Rogers. 
“B-Buck?” He said in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“You’re alive?” Peggy said right after. 
Bucky sighed, but the two of you walked up to the couple. You shifted so you were standing slightly behind Bucky. You had quite a few words for Steven Grant Rogers, none of them good things. 
“We’re here on a mission. We’re trying to stop 5 rogue agents from coming to 2024, and killing me, Sam, and my girlfriend Y/N.” he said, and you stepped put from behind him, giving Steve a tight lipped smile.
Steve looked over at you, and looked you in the face intently. “How did you meet Bucky?” he asked seriously.
“I met him when my dad introduced me to the remaining Avengers when we went to see Wanda after-” You were going to say ‘the Westview incident’ but didn't want to risk screwing up the timeline so you changed it slightly. “An unfortunate incident.”
He crossed his arms. “Who’s your dad?” He said, his chin tipping up slightly. 
“Clint,” You said simply, and he eyed you again, as if he didn't quite believe you, but chose to let it go, wisely. You rolled your eyes, and heard Peggy giggle, to which you gave her a smile. 
Steve turned to Bucky and dropped his arms. “Who are these agents?”
“George Peterson, Charles Collins, William White, Robert Gomez, and Paul Cox.” You said, and Bucky looked at you in confusion.
You rolled your eyes and looked at your boyfriend. “Their names were on their uniforms. Where were you looking when they had their guns pointed at our heads?” You said. “AT THE GUNS!” Bucky exclaimed and you rolled your eyes again. 
He turned back to Steve. “We need to get to Hank Pym’s lab.” He said, and Steve sighed. “What?”
“Pym’s lab hasn't been moved to this building yet, it’s still in downtown New York. Do you guys have a car?” He asked, and you scoffed. 
“Oh yeah, we had time to shove on of those in our pockets while being attacked by psycho’s.” You said, sarcastically.
Bucky looked at you. “Y/N.” 
You glanced up at him.    
“Sorry. No we did not Capsicle-OW!” You exclaimed when Bucky elbowed you in the side.
Steve sighed, and turned to Peggy. “I might be home late. Gotta help him,” he said, and Peggy gave him an understanding smile.
“It’s okay. Go help,” She said, and after they shared a kiss, Steve was leading you and Bucky out of the building.
“How’ve you been Buck?” He asked. Bucky sighed.
“Oh, y’know. Compound got rebuilt, met the love of my life, been on a few missions with her and Sam. The usual,” To which Steve chuckled.
You three reached Steve’s car a few moments later, and you climbed in the back, while Bucky sat in the passengers seat. You weren't as tall as him, and you were afraid you'd cause an accident if you put next to the literal ass of America. 
“Wait,” Steve said, pulling out of the parking lot. “How’d you get on the team,” He said to you. You rolled your eyes but answered. 
“I’m the daughter of two super soldiers, Hawkeye and Mockingbird. My mom has multiple serums, which were passed to me, and I got both their strengths, but I prefer to use batons rather than stupid ass arrows that can only be used once,” You said, crossing your arms over your chest, and slumping against the leather seats of his car. Steve nodded, and gave Bucky a look, which Bucky knew meant ‘she doesn't like me does she?’, to which Bucky gave him a look that said ‘this is her being nice to people she despises.’ Steve nodded, and focused on the road.
As the car drove into the city, you looked at how different the buildings looked. It looked exactly like the pictures you had seen, but you were in awe. There were a few skyscrapers, but they certainly didn't look the ones you were used to seeing whenever you went to New York. Bucky and Steve were talking in the front, and you blocked out the conversation to gaze at New York in a time when your father wasn't even born. 
You felt the car come to a stop moments later, and you looked up to see you were outside a bland looking building that said “Pym Technologies”. You stepped out of the car, and Bucky immediately took your hand in his. The two of you followed Steve into the building, and made it about a third of the way down one hallway before Bucky pushed you into a room, and pulling Steve with him. 
“What the f-” you started to say before Bucky covered your mouth with his vibranium hand. 
“That was them. The guys.” Bucky said, and Steve went to the door to see the guys Bucky was referring to walk down the hallway and turn right, in the direction of the offices. 
“Okay,” Steve said, turning around to face you two. “Do you have your weapons?” he asked. You unzipped the janitor suit and pointed to the gun and baton holsters on your leggings. Steve nodded, and looked to Bucky who was taking off his janitors uniform and pulled out his gun as well. 
“Okay, good.” Steve said. “Now, I left the shield at home because I barely use it, and the kids prefer to use it as a sled in the winter.” 
At the mention of his kids, you rolled you eyes again, and Steve had had it with that. 
“You keep that up and your eyes will stick,” He said, and you stuck your tongue out at him. He furrowed his eyebrows at you and spoke again. “What is your problem?” He asked, looking over at Bucky for help, who just raised his hands in defeat. He had tried many times to figure out why you had such a problem with Steve but eventually let it go and knew you would tell him when you were ready.
But, you finally decided you were ready. “My problem? What about your problem?”
Steve scoffed. “I don't think I have a problem.”
You laughed. “Oh, you don't have a problem? Do you feel any guilt, AT ALL, for leaving Bucky behind? Did you stop for one second to think about how this might effect him? He risked everything, multiple times for your stupid ass, and when the world was finally safe, at least for a while, you ditched him for a girl you kissed once? I get it, you ‘loved’ her, but she had her own life, her own husband, and everything. You left Bucky with Sam. THEY BARELY GET ALONG! I’m not saying you should have taken him with you, because then I wouldn't have met him. I’m saying that you should have stayed. You could've gotten with Sharon, gotten married and had a few kids with her. Instead, you chose to say ‘fuck it’ and abandon Bucky when he needed you most. And believe me, I know Sharon isn't Peggy, but you liked her as well. It’s called a compromise. Also, don't you think it's pretty shitty that Bucky DIED FOR YOU, came back to life, walked through a goddamned portal, fought aliens with a gun, all without a break, and you didn't have the fucking decency to talk to him, at least once before the fight was over? For the greatest soldier in history, you sure are pretty fucking selfish.” You stated, and walked out the door with your batons in hand without a second look.
“Wow.” Bucky said, looking at Steve. Steve just shook his head and motioned for Bucky to follow you. 
“Follow her and help. I gotta find something to fight with,” He said, looking around him. Bucky nodded, and walked out. He raced to catch up with you, and saw the men huddled together in a conference room, probably planning what to do next. He pulled you to the side before you reached the room to talk to you. 
He pulled out into a little alcove in between the offices, and pressed his forehead against yours. “Baby,” He breathed out, and looked up at you when you sniffed. “What’s wrong?”
“I couldn't let him sit there and think that what he did was okay. It wasn't. he left you when you needed him most. After he came out of the ice and found out you were still alive, his main goal was to find you, and save you. But when he finally gets the ‘big defeat’ he wanted with Red Skull but didn't, he immediately abandons you for Peggy? Nothing against her, she seems nice I just hate his guts for putting you through all of that and I know you’re gonna say that I shouldn’-,” Bucky cut off your rambling with a kiss. He pulled away and smiled at you.
“He needed to hear it. Now, let’s finish our mission so we can get back to 2024, and finish The Sound of Music because I really wanna know how the Von Trapps escape Austria.” he said, making you smile, your grip on your batons tightening. The door to the conference room opened just as Steve was coming around the corner, a shield slightly smaller than his own in his hand. He pressed back against the same wall you and Bucky were pressed against.
“Looks like they're trying to recreate everything about me,” Steve said, and Bucky chuckled. He glanced down the hallway, and saw it deserted. The 5 men continued down the opposite direction, towards the labs. 
“Y/N, corner them. Steve, go around to the opposite hallway and block off the exit there. I’ll do the same with the opposite exit. After that, we should be good, and we can fight them, and hopefully stop them.” Bucky said, and Steve nodded. 
“How do you know so much about this building?” You asked, and Bucky blushed. 
“The Soldier has more than one mission that involved breaking into Pym Industries,” he said. “Now let’s do this.”
“Didn't think you were one for leading,” Steve said, tightening the shield just before he walked off. 
“Yeah well, sometimes you have to step put when it comes to Sam Wilson.” You said, walking off. You pressed your back to the wall before turning the corner, giving Steve and Bucky time to get into position. 
Through the reflection on the mirrored ceiling, you saw the men come face to face with Steve, and turn around and head the other way. They passed by you without a glance, only to be faced with Bucky, who had ripped the sleeve off his metal arm. You heard them swear. 
“Fuck. He’s The Winter Soldier.” one of them said, and when you glanced up at the ceiling again, you saw Steve charging at them, Bucky following seconds later.
The men realized what was happening, and turned around to escape down the hallway where you were, and you flicked your wrists to turn on the taser function on your batons, and hitting an agent in the head.
He fell to the ground and you kicked him in the face for good measure. You looked up and saw Bucky in a chokehold by an agent with his back to you. You stood up and ran towards him. You planted the batons on either side of the agents neck and watched as his whole body convulsed, releasing Bucky. He turned around and swore. He pulled you off to the side and let Steve keep fighting.
“W-What are you doing?” You asked. 
“Theres more rogue agents coming. I need you to bring out The Winter Soldier.” He stated. Your eyes widened.
“Shuri got rid of him.” 
Bucky shook his head. “Remember when you went on vacation with your dad, stepmom and the kids and I visited T’Challa?” You nodded. “Well, it wasn't to see the Wakandan kids like I said. I went to Shuri and I asked her to put a version of him back inside. I can take down and kill people, but YOU are the only one who can control me. I won’t hurt you, or Steve, I’ll know who you are, but you need to say my trigger words. I know you know what they are. I fight, you and Steve get to the lab, take the Pym Particles and run,” He said, glancing back at Steve, who was holding his own fairly well against multiple agents.
You nodded. “Fine. But I don't like that you lied to me, and we will be talking about this when we get back.” You stated, and Bucky nodded.
You cleared your throat, and started speaking. “Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car,” You said in Russian. 
Bucky became very stiff, his eyes shutting. His whole body spasmed, and his eyes opened, brown eyes replacing his steel blue. 
“Ready to comply,” He answered, and you gave him his orders. 
“Take down anyone who gets in our teams way,” You said, and the Soldier nodded before rejoining Steve to fight, with him, instead of against him.
You ran back to Steve and him and watched as the Soldier took down agent after agent with no difficulty. Steve’s mouth dropped open as he stood and watched. “What did you say to him?” He asked, and you smiled.
“I brought out the Soldier. Now, let’s finish this,” You said, allowing Steve to lead the way.
You two ran down the hall and turned to corner. “I thought Shuri got rid of him,” He said as the two of you continued running.
You glanced behind you before answering. “She took one Soldier out and put a different one in,” You said, and the two of you skidded to a stop when you came face to face with the Pym Particles storage room. 
“I know Hank only keeps a certain amount here, but no one but me and him know that at this point in time. Let’s go in, grab them, and destroy them. I’ll take the blame for it but I couldn't give less of a shit,” Steve said, and the two of you burst in the room. 
There were only 10 vials of Pym Particles, each of you grabbing 5. You ran out of the room, and back the way you came. You made it to the hallway where the Soldier was still fighting.
“SOLDAT!” You shouted. He stopped and turned to look at you. “Let’s go!”
He nodded and ran towards you. Steve burst through the door, and the three of you ran towards Steve’s car. The three of you hopped in, Bucky and you in the back, Steve in the drivers seat and speeding away. 
“D-do you know how to get Bucky back?” You asked Steve. He looked at you.
“Remind him who he is. That’s the only thing that worked for me, but this Winter Soldier programming is different.” 
“Wouldn't hurt to try,” You said, and took Bucky’s hand in your own. “Bucky, look at me,” The Soldier turned to you. “You’re James Buchanan Barnes. You were born March 10, 1917. Your best friend is Steve Rogers. Y/N Y/L/N is your girlfriend. Your favourite food is plums. You absolutely despise Sam Wilson,” You said, and watched as he came back to himself slowly. Steve cackled at the last part, before pulling into an abandoned parking lot.
“We gotta destroy these particles,” You said, looking down at them resting in your lap. 
“That’s what we’re doing. Take these,” He said, handing you the rest of the particles. “And put them on the ground in front of my car. We’re gonna run them over.” You nodded, took the vials out of his hand and hopping out of the car. You placed them on the ground and got back in. 
Bucky groaned, just as Steve accelerated, and ran the vials over, a satisfying crunching noise coming from under the tires. You turned and gave him a smile. He groaned again, and buried his head in your neck. Steve chuckled and turned the car around to head back. 
He glanced at the time on his watch. “Theres no point in going back to Lehigh, Peggy’s at home now. Where do you guys want to go to head back?” He asked, and Bucky pointed towards a small clump of trees in a park. Steve nodded, and pulled over. 
You walked up to Steve while Bucky got his tired body out of the car. “Thank you for helping us. I’m sorry for what I said.” You admitted, and Steve smiled.
“Don’t be. I needed to hear it. I was incredibly selfish, and I should have stayed with him. But, thank you for helping him.” He said, and you nodded. He gave you a hug, and you walked towards the trees to allow Bucky and Steve to say goodbye. They talked a little, shared a laugh, and hugged. Steve walked over to where you were standing. 
“Come back whenever you guys want to. I’d visit you, but that’s not my time anymore. Plus I don't have a suit or a GPS. I’d probably end up in the Sokovia fight again if I tried.” He said, and you and Bucky laughed. 
“We will. I know the fairs coming up soon, so maybe we’ll come back then?” Bucky asked and Steve nodded. They shared a smile again, and Steve watched as the two of you tapped your bracelets, the nanotech covered you and programmed your GPS’s. You waved at Steve, and he waved back. Bucky nodded at him, which Steve returned at the two of you locked eyes as you felt that familiar pull behind your navel, and your were thrust into the quantum realm again. 
You returned to 2024 seconds later, and glanced around at the untouched compound, and Tony’s desk, which was completely fine. Bucky looked around in confusion.
“What happened? Wasn’t it only a few seconds here? Why is everything fixed?” Bucky asked and you smiled.
“The chronological timeline where we were attacked was erased by us when we destroyed the particles, so the attack never happened.” 
Bucky nodded, before scooping you up and carrying you into the living room. “Good. Now, let’s finish the movie, and maybe have a quickie before Sam gets back.” Bucky said, sitting on the couch, and lifting your shirt over your head. 
You laughed, but agreed. “Sounds like a plan.” 
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ptergwen · 4 years
you’ll still have me | p.p.
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: angst, mentions of death and a toxic living situation
summary: in a life filled with uncertainty, peter is your constant
a/n: the idea for this was sitting in my mind and writing it out made me feel better about some stuff? i hope it does the same for all of you <3
you were only kids the first time you and peter met. it was the summer before fourth grade. you’d just moved in to his building because your parents wanted a fresh start. new neighborhood, new school, new family. the last one didn’t work out. they fought about the same old things in an unfamiliar apartment. you were really hoping something would change.
anything to make them go one night without a screaming match.
your mom and dad never had a great relationship, but they used to at least tolerate each other. or, they pretended to for you. you picked up on it as you got older. they also stopped hiding it as you got older. the place and people you used to call home became unlivable. you were tired of being forced to choose sides. you couldn’t take the tension between everyone.
so, you’d sit on the steps outside your apartment until the yelling stopped. sometimes, you cried. you usually brought headphones to drown them out. there were also the occasional times you roamed the hallways of your building. your parents never showed you around it like they said they would. you might as well have given yourself a tour.
may found you one day walking around her floor. she was never one to pry, but she couldn’t ignore a kid in distress. you were frowning at a wall when she came up to you. “hi, what’s your name?” she asked sweetly. you glanced over at her. “y/n.” “y/n, huh? i’m may.” there was a beat of silence that you didn’t fill. the fight your parents were having that day was worse than usual. it was about you.
“what are you doing up here all alone?” may furrowed her eyebrows, pushing her glasses up on her nose. tears filled your eyes before you could explain. her heart broke for you. she waited until you calmed down to ask what happened. you told her everything the best you could. she couldn’t let you go back home after knowing what was going on there. she invited you over to her apartment.
“you’re the same age as my nephew,” may told you on the way over with a small smile. you perked up a little. “i think you’ll like him.”
she knocked on peter’s door and said he had a guest. peter closed the book he was reading and told her to come in. when he saw you standing behind her, he gasped. a girl? in his room? he’d been shy about these types of things his whole life. may quietly filled him in on your situation, and his look of terror became one of empathy. he cleared his throat.
“do you like legos?”
the parker’s became part of your life after that day. may, ben, and peter. you met ben the next time may took you in. he was really funny and helped you and peter make ice cream sundaes. being with the three of them made you forget about your problems for a little while. they were the family you wished you could go home to.
peter eventually started inviting you over himself. you went to different schools, but you got out at the same time. he’d walk you up to your apartment. if the two of you heard fighting, he’d ask if you wanted to come upstairs. you didn’t even have to tell him yes.
may was right. you did like him. you became friends fast, and he was one of your first in the neighborhood. he had this lighthearted and happy kind of energy that rubbed off on you every time you came over. he’d cheer you up right away. you two laughed all afternoon long at whatever shows were playing on nickelodeon. peter made weird faces to get a smile out of you.
he really enjoyed spending all this time together. he didn’t see you as some random girl to feel bad for. you were his friend.
you got your own key to his apartment when you turned thirteen. he convinced may because you were “already over all the time. she basically lives here.” she couldn’t argue with that. plus, she loved you like her own. why shouldn’t you let yourself in?
ben’s passing changed everything.
you came over after the funeral. peter and may were still dressed in black. the air felt heavy. she kept on a brave face for him, even when you hugged her tight. you said how sorry you were, how incredible of a person her husband was. peter couldn’t do the same. he broke down the second you took him into your arms.
he hid his face in your neck, his tears dripping down your shirt. it was you who cried on his shoulder all these years. now, the roles were reversed. the sob he let out made you tear up yourself.
“he’s gone, y/n. he’s gone.”
there was nothing you could say. all you did was hold him close. you knew peter never had it easy. he lost his parents, then his uncle. it wasn’t fair. he had to grow up when he was little.
you both did.
high school was a blur. you barely spent time at home anymore, either busy with clubs or over at peter’s. you liked it that way. your parents were fighting with each other and now you. they were on you about never being there, saying you broke this family. you just took their shit, then let peter make you forget about it later.
peter turned from an awkward little boy to an awkward young man in front of your eyes. he learned to cover up his sweat stains with body spray. his voice dropped a bit. he’d actually managed to ask a girl out at one point. they went to homecoming together.
you helped him get ready. you found yourself having to choose support over jealousy. why you were jealous, you didn’t know. peter asked if you wanted to come, but you said your school was having a dance next week. that was a lie. it had already happened the day before.
you also found yourself relieved when he said there wasn’t going to be a second date. again, you had no idea where this was coming from.
it didn’t seem like it was only on your end. peter had started keeping an arm around your shoulders when you watched movies. he added your favorite snacks to the grocery list every week. he gave you his hoodies, and didn’t care if you took them home.
the gestures were sweet. sudden, but sweet. you appreciated him more than he probably knew. one day, it all just becomes too real.
“you know what i realized?” peter asks you, hanging upside down on the top of his bunk bed. you’re on the bottom. you poke his shoulder with a pencil. “don’t fall.” he rolls over with a huff, then hops onto the floor. he sits down perpendicular to you. smiling smugly, you close your notebook. “you know what i realized?” he asks again. “what?” peter turns his head to look at you.
“we’ve known each other for eight years, and we only hang out here.” you purse your lips. “so?” peter furrows an eyebrow with a curious smile. “isn’t it kind of weird? like, i never see you outside of this building.” you’d never thought about it before. now that you are, it does seem strange. “i guess, but we’ve never had anywhere else to go.” he looks you up and down. “not true.”
something tells you you’re not going to like what he says next. it’s getting too serious.
“i was thinking, maybe we could go for dinner?”
the corners of your mouth twitch into a frown. peter doesn’t realize. he keeps going on. “on a date, i mean. i saw this place the other day that you-“ you put up a hand to cut him off. “i can’t, peter.” he shrugs. “it doesn’t have to be today. whenever you’re free.” your throat feels tight. you start getting your things together. “no, i can’t go out with you. i... i’m sorry.”
you hurry to the door. peter shoots up from his bed. “it’s fine. we don’t have to, y/n. please stay.” a hot tear streams down your cheek before you can blink it back. you turn around and grab the handle. “i have to go.” “y/n-“
you’re out the door. he wants to go after you, but it doesn’t feel right. you need some time alone.
the second you get into your bedroom, you burst into tears. your breathing is heavy and fast. if only peter was here to hug you through it. but, that’s the whole reason you’re crying. you wish you would’ve said yes. you’d be trying each other’s food or holding hands down the street.
only, it’s not that easy. what you have going would never be the same. peter is the stability you’ve always longed for, the safe place you could always go to. you can’t lose that. even if things worked out between you two, you can’t risk it. you can’t lose him or may. a night out isn’t worth that. he’ll never be in your life the way you want him to, but at least you’ll still have him.
you haven’t been over to peter’s in weeks. you’ve thought about texting him, explaining why you said no. that never happened. you bump into may sometimes in the mailroom. she offers sad smiles, which you awkwardly return. peter must have told her.
there was one time he saw you wandering around his floor. it was like you were kids again, peter shy around a girl and you feeling lost without him. he tried to talk to you, but you were down the stairs before he could say hi.
he’s had enough. he needs to understand what he did. he needs to fix this. forget the crush, you’re one of his closest friends. he misses you.
you open your door after three knocks. you’re not sure who it could be. your parents aren’t exactly well liked around here, and you’d never invite someone over. peter is standing outside getting ready to knock again.
he lets his hand drop, clenching his jaw out of nerves. you only poke your head out. “um, hey.” his voice is soft, high. you squint at him in confusion. he takes that as his cue to keep talking. “i haven’t seen you in a while. thought i’d check in.” “yeah, i...” your eyes drop down to his feet. he’s shifting his weight. “i’ve been busy.” “everything okay over here?”
he thought maybe your parents got that divorce you were always suggesting. that would explain why you’ve been home more. you nod quickly. “it’s just me right now. i’ve been going to the library after school.” so, they didn’t. you’re just avoiding them and him. he tries not to sound hurt. “oh, okay. can i come in?”
peter can count on one hand the amount of times he’s been over. it was usually to pee or get a snack on your way up to his place. you’ve never spent much of your time here.
“uh, sure. they’ll be back soon, though.” you pull the door open fully, stepping aside so he can come in. you’re still not looking at him. “this won’t take long,” he tells you lowly.
you’re in your room. you on your bed, peter standing in front of you. you finally meet his eyes. they’re glossy. he wants to say something, blurt something out. you can tell. the longer you look at him, the closer he gets to coming out with it.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i put you in a weird place,” peter gets out, eyes pleading with you. you rub your arm distractedly. you don’t say anything. “i thought... i thought you liked me back.” shaking your head, you take in a breath. “it’s not about that, peter. i do.” “then what is it? what did i do?” he’s on the verge of tears. you can hear it in his voice, see it on his face. you have to look away again.
“nothing.” peter closes his eyes to keep the tears in. his lip quivers. “n- nothing? i don’t understand.” “what if...” you let out a shaky breath. “sit.” he takes the spot next to you. he’s not sure if you want him too close right now, so he leaves space between you two. “what if we do end up dating, and one day we break up?” you give him a knowing look. “i think that’s how relationships work,” he murmurs.
“but we’re different, peter. i’d... i’d have no where to go.” your voice gets quieter when you say the last part. he’s confused for a second, then he realizes what you’re talking about. he instantly grabs your hand. “you never have to worry about that. no matter what happens between us, you’ll still have me. may, too.” a hopeful smile pulls at your lips, but it doesn’t meet your eyes. you’re scared.
peter squeezes your hand once, then again when you turn away. he moves closer to you so your legs are touching. you need him. you drop his hand so you can wrap your arms around his neck. he holds you close, arms around you as tight as they can be.
“promise?” you whisper, your chin on his shoulder. he nods and pulls you into his chest. “i promise, y/n. i’m not going anywhere.”
four years later and he hasn’t broken it. you both stayed in the city for college, and now you’re moving in together. it’s your last year.
this wasn’t easy for you at first. you kept getting the urge to leave, to end things before they got messy. peter was patient. he reassured you whenever you had your doubts. he made sure to kiss you a little harder if you hadn’t seen each other for a while. he cuddled a little closer to you after the rare fights you had. you eventually started to believe it. peter loved you, and the bad days wouldn’t change that.
you’ve never felt more at home than in your cute little apartment on the upper east side. the two of you decorated it the way you’d imagined as kids when you played with barbies. only, your dream house was smaller. smaller, but definitely you and peter. may is your first guest. she brings you a cactus as a housewarming gift, which goes right by the front door. your friends and peter’s come over the next few weeks.
you don’t need to escape to peter’s place anymore, or spend every night listening to muffled yelling from your kitchen. you’re safe in his arms forever. he’s so happy he gets to hold you.
they say everyone needs a place to live, but love is what builds a home.
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icedthoma · 4 years
Hello hello, I really like your stuff (especially Todoroki’s) 💖 Okay so I was thinking, maybe Bakugou realizing he has this really big crush on a childhood friend? I’m a sucker for childhood prompts 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
AHH A QUEEN HAS GRACED MY INBOX 🥺🥺 Thank you!! I love childhood prompts too omg
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Your parents were really close with his, and that’s how the two of you met despite the fact you went to a different elementary school and eventually middle school.
Gatherings with both your families used to be awkward, but over time you bonded over the fact you had wit to match his explosive personality and were just as stubborn/passionate as he was about being a hero.
The two of you always hated whenever your parents teased him about how well the you got along.
“So, when’s the wedding?”
“SHUT UP,” you and Bakugou would yell at the same time, glaring up at your parents, the good old days when you two were shorter than them, as your mom would say, before latching hands and angrily running out of the room.
“You don’t want to get married to me, right?” you ask once the two of you are safe from any teasing jabs.
“Of course not,” Bakugou yells, knocking your hand away from his. “That’s disgusting, and you’re annoying. And you have a stupid face.”
“Did you just say I was ugly?” Your eyes begin to water with tears, and Katsuki feels himself groaning internally. He hates whenever you cry, whether from a fight you had with your parents or scraping your knee, because he always feels like crying whenever you do, and it’s stupid because he‘s eight years old and crying isn’t something he’d stoop so low to resign himself to.
“I’m telling on you,” you say, face lighting up at the fact of Bakugou getting a lecture from his mom, and race back towards where your parents were chatting in the kitchen.
“Wait—no!” Katsuki shouts, charging toward you and grabbing your wrist before you could exit the room. “You can’t tell on me.”
“Why not? I can do what I want.” You stick your tongue out him sassily, one hand on your hip.
“I didn’t even say you were ugly,” he mutters. “You’re my best friend. That’s better than being married, anyway.” He hates how his face uncomfortably prickles with heat, but it‘s worth it because you aren’t crying anymore, and are instead glaring at him with the beginnings of a smile on your face and calling first dibs on the hero role in your heroes and villains game. He’d rather have you somewhat mad at him than crying because of him, he reasons.
Maybe just this once he’ll let you play the hero first.
After you graduate middle school, both of you apply to UA and walk together to take the entrance exam. He waves all your anxious thoughts away in a way that’s borderline complimenting you. You appreciate the thought.
You call him as soon as you get your acceptance message, screaming into your phone with such joy he can barely make out what you’re saying.
He can’t resist the little rush that floods through his chest when thinks about being able to actually see you at school.
I mean, who wouldn’t want to see their best friend more?? That’s all it is.
You come over to his house multiple times a week to “study” (y’all just end up playing video games because he can never focus with you around, not that he minds, anyway)
When the dorms are put into place it’s even better! You’re almost always in his room in your free time, even if the two of you just do your own thing separately the whole time. Just being together is enough.
There are no problems until you come to him one day during lunch with the biggest grin he’s ever seen.
“What’s got you so happy?” he snarks, and you explain that you were just asked out from someone in class 1B, Bakugou doesn’t remember their name.
“Well that’s just stupid,” he says after you’re done gushing, and again when you leave his table early to eat with your date? He doesn’t know, only that he hates the twisting feeling of jealousy in his chest that has no reason to be there because the two of you are comfortably friends, best friends, and that’s better than anything else, even marriage...
Katsuki says it one more time from the comfort of your bed when you try on yet another outfit and once again ask his opinion about it.
“It’s not stupid,” you say calmly, looking at yourself in the mirror from every angle. “I want to look nice.”
“You never put this much effort when we go out,” Bakugou grumbles, arms folded and neck craned to watch you dig through your closet.
You sigh. “It’s different with you, Kacchan.”
“How, though?”
“I don’t care if I look messy when we hang out,” you say matter-of-factly. “You’re just going to make fun of me, anyway.”
“What? You and your stupid face?”
You emerge from your closet, brow raised skeptically. “You calling me ugly?”
Bakugou sits up from your bed as he looks you up and down in your final chosen outfit. There’s a quiet allure in the way you flush under his full attention, hands awkwardly held behind your back as you await the inevitable snarky comment he’ll throw your way...
His palms are damp with sweat for some reason, and he swallows hard. You look beautiful.
“Oh. That was unexpected.”
Did he really just say that out loud? Someone please kill him now.
Long after you’ve gone, he can’t get that image of you out of his head. He wonders what it would be like to have you dress up that nicely for him whenever the two of you go to see a movie or hang out at the mall.
It’s...not a bad thought.
Well, he had practically known you his whole life, so why is he getting all confused over something as trivial as this? Unless...
No. No. It couldn’t be.
...but it was.
And he had realized it all too late.
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thescreamingraven · 3 years
Promise 3
Dabi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff and angst, mentions of injury, swearing.
Words: 7 510
Summary:  Trying to fix what’s broken is not always easy.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Hey, hey, so sorry this took so long I had a bit of a writers block but here it is, I’m thinking of doing part four soon. I think this turned out pretty well tho.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾I
It was already quite dark  outside, bright street lights added to the scenery as small snowflakes began to slowly decorate the sidewalks. Inside the cozy home, the smell of deliciously cooked food still lingered. It would’ve been a peaceful night if it weren’t for your loudly pouting son, who refused to listen to you.
  “Enji told me I’m strong enough to come…” your son pestered you.
  You put back one plate in the sink, looking down at the boy in front of you if you could call him that… he was soon going to be fourteen and in agreement with Endeavor will be starting U.A in only a couple of weeks. He was so eager to get into action that he wouldn’t stop pestering about letting him start patrols early.
You saw Hawks walking out of the bathroom with his hero suit on.
  “Give the kid a chance Y/n, it’s not like he will be doing it alone.” he chirped.
  “See, even Hawks agrees with me.”
  You crossed your arms, and leaned on the kitchen counter, giving Hawks a death stare, which he tried to soften up with his casual smirk.
  “It could be an early birthday present?” Your son suggested.
  You sighed and let your hands fall in defeat, his puppy eyes taking a toll on you.
“Be back by midnight or you’re grounded.”
  You could see his face light up with joy as he gave you the tightest hug imaginable.
You gave him an encouraging smile, before gesturing him to go get ready, as he was rushing to his room you shouted. “Don’t forget your jacket angel, it’s quite chilly tonight.”
  “He’s grown up so fast…” Hawks walked closer to you and leaned on the counter.
  “That he did…” you smiled before looking back at him. “Are you sure it’s safe? Criminal activity has skyrocketed recently and-”
  “He’ll be fine, we won’t let anything happen to him… promise.” He gave your hand a light squeeze.
  You both stayed silent for a moment before Hawks spoke yet again.
  “So… when are we going to tell him?”
  Your smile slowly faded away as you slipped your hand away from Hawks.
  “You’ve been saying that for almost 5 months now-”
  Hawks was interrupted by an opening door from your son’s room as he quickly rushed back to the kitchen.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Hawks, you ready to go?”
  Hawks concerned look was replaced by his usual wit and charm as he yammered.
  “Always ready for you, kid.” He turned back to you. “We’re heading out.”
  You nodded, saying a quick goodbye and getting back to the dishes you were doing.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Hawks quietly closed the front door and caught up to S/n, who was casually standing near the sidewalk. “Ready to fight crime?” Hawks asked as he approached him.
  “Hell yeah I am, I still can’t believe she allowed me to go.”
  “Your mom’s just worried about you, kid.”
  “I know, but she can be a bit overbearing sometimes… I’m not five years old anymore, I can fight now…”
  “It’s better to have that kind of parent than none at all.” Hawks murmured.
  “I know.”
  “Anyway… ready to go?”
  “Hell yeah.” your son grinned.
  “I like your enthusiasm, kid.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  It’s been fourteen years since that day….
    You were sitting on a nearby chair near the receptionist, patiently waiting for Endeavor to arrive with your daughter. You thought about your conversation with Dabi and silently prayed that he would only make the right choice. Your thoughts were interrupted by your daughter’s excited screams as she dragged the tall figure across the hall.
She let go of Endeavor’s hand when she saw you and leaped into your arms with a huge grin on her face.
  “Mommy, daddy’s not asleep anymore.”
  You gently brushed strands of hair from her face, softly purring.“I know angel… and he can’t wait to see you.”
  You looked up at Endeavor.
“Will you-”
  “I think I’d be better if I stayed back for a bit…. I don’t want Tou—Dabi to get the wrong idea.”
  You gave him a nod, setting your daughter down on the ground, taking her hand in yours as you took a deep breath before opening the door. Your eyes wandered to the bed Dabi was lying in moments ago, but yet you found nothing.
Your daughter stood there confused, tugging on your hand and asking for her father.
Endeavor saw the way you froze and came to investigate, when he saw the bed empty he called the nurses to ask if they’d seen him leave. But you assured him you were sitting near the door the whole time and didn’t see him leave, the window wasn’t open either.
You walked over to the nearby stand and found a brief note with only two words on it.
  I’m sorry.
Ever since that day, your daughter changed. She became closed off and cold, whenever you tried talking about her father you were met with silence until one day you mentioned his name, and she responded with a shocking answer.
  “Dabi… who’s that?”
  The doctors said it was something called dissociative amnesia, and that’s why she couldn’t remember her father, her brain blocked him out, it being a traumatic event. You were scared that she may forget everything else, but the doctor quickly calmed you down.
After her amnesia started she became her old self again, the same warm, hopeful person you once knew. She never asked for her father’s whereabouts, she just enjoyed life, spending the days with Endeavor, completely forgetting about her father's quirk.
Endeavor had suggested for her to become a hero like him, but your daughter just brushed it off. Instead, your daughter left the country  to follow her dreams, she got into a good college and made her own life… she even met someone special...
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  After you had your son, life became a bit more complicated, him being born with your quirk and having the number one pro hero as his grandfather really boosted his confidence; he began to train in secret when he was only seven years old, but it didn’t stay hidden for long. At first, you were a bit skeptical about the thought of him becoming a hero... but when you saw how your son’s face lit up when Endeavor suggested training him, well how could you say no?
  Your son hated Dabi, ever since he first saw one of his victims appear on the news he vowed to himself to at least destroy him if not all villains.
So when he asked about his dad…it got a little awkward, you would brush it off saying you’d explain it to him when he’s older. After a few years, he just gave up accepting the fact that he didn’t have a father… well, not a biological one.
  Ever since Dabi left, Hawks stayed glued to your side like a magnet, attending to your every need and satisfying your every craving. He even took some time off work, of the last few weeks of your pregnancy, whenever you would ask him about his generosity he would just brush it off with “I guess it’s my bird instincts” But you knew it was something deeper than that, he never had a normal family before maybe this was his way of establishing one.
When your son was born, Hawks didn’t leave his side, you didn’t know why he did what he did, taking the father role in his life as he did, he was there when he said his first words and took his first steps. He used to get up in the night to feed him and babysat him while you worked. While his actual father was doing god knows what... you tried calling him and texting him several times yet to no avail. Endeavor suggested to go out and find him, yet you declined the offer. If a villain is what he wanted to be, then so be it.
  You were furious at him for being such a stubborn person that he was, if only he would’ve stayed and actually solved the problems together rather than taking them on himself… maybe things would’ve been different...
Your thoughts were interrupted by a notification from your phone, you stood up from the couch and walked over to it and were met by a concerning message from Hawks.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Hawks and S/n were walking through an empty valley, dim street lights barely lighting up their path.
“So… this is patrolling, huh.”
  “You don’t sound very excited, what... is this too boring for you?” Hawks leered.
  “I just thought there would be more action is all.”
  “The league has been really quiet recently, they’re probably planning something big.” Hawks stated before he caught a glimpse of curiosity from the boy beside him. “Don’t look at me like that…if your mother learned that I put you in danger in any way, she would make me a flightless chicken with that death stare of hers.”
  “You’re such a sap, ya know.” S/n chuckled.
  “Y/n this, Y/n that… just go kiss her already.”
  “I don’t think you understand how relationships work.” Hawks scratched his head nervously.
  “You’ve been doing this for years, Hawky it’s time to make a move.”
  Hawks coughed, speeding up his pace, trying to hide the embarrassment so clearly written all over his face.
  “Is it because of him?” S/n wondered, catching up.
  “My dear old dad… you shouldn’t be discouraged, he’s probably dead, anyway.”
  “Wh—why do you think so?”
  “Well, I assume since neither one of you are telling me about him.”
  “He’s—it’s complicated-”
  “And we’ll tell you when you’re older, right, right. I know the poem.” S/n mocked.
  “But isn’t it the perfect reason to confess soon? If the guy is still alive, who knows she might get back with him… so you should make a move while she’s still single.”
  “Ya know, when I thought about what I’d be doing with my life, I certainly did not imagine getting dating advice from a kid. Have you ever even seen a girl?” Hawks teased.
  “Of course I have, you ass…”
  Both of them walked in silence for a while, before S/n mumbled. “I think you’d make her really happy… and I-” Hawks saw the way S/n hesitated before continuing. “I wouldn’t mind having you for a father.” he quickly added.
“If you tell anyone I said that I’ll make sure you suffer a worse fate than being a flightless chicken.”
  “Kid I-”
  Hawks stopped himself from speaking any further when he heard a noise coming from behind them. He turned around shushing S/n and trying to listen in to the noise, which now became clearer...
At least 10 figures appeared from the shadow covered corners surrounding the two of them.
Hawks stepped closer to S/n, pulling him against himself, and mumbled.
“Stay close kid.”
  The pursuiters stayed quiet, letting out a few maniacal laughs.
  “Why are we not attacking?” S/n whispered, his question being ignored by the hero as he scanned the situation thoroughly.
  Suddenly another shadowy figure appeared, yet this one was a bit taller and muscular than the others.
  “Well, colour me impressed, here I thought you were dead already.” Hawks remarked as the figure slowly stepped into the light.
S/n froze upon seeing the scared men clearer, he looked even more monstrous in person.
  “The league wants to have a word,” Dabi spoke, looking at Hawks who was trying to keep S/n from his piercing eyes.
“They always do, sadly I don’t have time for a tea party at the moment… how does next Tuesday sound?”
  Dabi only rolled his eyes and gestured to the goons. “Get the bird, I don’t care what you do with the kid.”
  The ten figures let out several chuckles before slowly beginning to walk closer.
“It seems it’s your lucky day, kid. I’ll take the right side and you take the left.”
  “This will be fun.” S/n grinned.
  It all happened very quickly, the five figures on the left attacked S/n. He could tell they were inexperienced, so it didn’t take that long for him to defeat them, yet Hawks had a more tough time fighting, trying to dodge Dabis attacks which were thrown randomly for his amusement, no less.
Yet he wasn’t careful enough, one single slip up, caused Hawks to lose balance as he tripped and landed near S/n. He tried to get up again, but his muscles weren’t complying. He looked back up to Dabi who’s blue fire seemed to get uncomfortably closer by the second. He closed his eyes, shielding himself with his wings for the upcoming attack…. And yet nothing came, he quickly let his wings fall onto the ground and saw S/n standing before him with his arm raised, fresh steam coming from it, his hand burnt, now purplish and Dabi standing there frozen.
Dabi let his flames dive down, slowly walking forwards.
  “You’re-” S/n mumbling was interrupted by sharp, throbbing in his hand, he fell to the ground screaming in pain as Hawks rushed to his side.
Endeavor must have heard the commotion as S/n could hear his voice in the distance yelling something he couldn’t comprehend. He saw Dabis eyes hesitate before he slowly backed away, back into the shadows he came from; he saw Hawks who was shouting for Endeavor to hurry and restrain the remaining goons and he slowly fell into darkness.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  The two heroes quietly sat in the waiting room, anxiously looking at the staff that were passing by, before a familiar voice casually spoke. “He’ll be fine mister Endeavor, whatever caused his hand to burn up like that did some serious damage but with some stitches, we were able to fix it.”
“Thank you, doc we appreciate it.” Hawks sighed. “Could we… see him now?”
  The doctor gave them a quick nod before walking away, both of them followed close behind as Hawks tried to calm down his shaking heart.
They walked over to one of the rooms on the right wing before the doctors opened the door.
  “He should be awake soon, and whatever you have the time, there are some forms that I need you to sign.”
  “That’s fine, just give us a minute?” Hawks asked, walking over to the boy’s side.
  The doctor mumbled something under their breath before walking out.
Hawks scanned the boy’s hand, which was now heavily bandaged. “Y/n is going to kill us.” he looked back at Endeavor. “Did you call her already?”
  “No… not yet.”
  “Good, let’s… just wait a little while longer…”
  Both were quiet for a moment before Hawks mustered up the courage to ask.“Do you think he knows…?”
  “I’m sure he does, it isn’t that difficult to figure it out.”
  “So what do we do about him ? If he tells the league-”
  “He won’t, you and I both know that.” Endeavor cut him off.
  “We don't, he isn’t a very predictable person Enji and even if he doesn’t, those goons of his will. Didn’t you tell me one got away?”
  “Yeah… I’ll take care of it, in the meantime...I think we should postpone his U.A training…”
  Hawks looked down on S/n unconscious body remembering the endless tiring training sessions the two of them had.
“There has to be another way… he worked so hard for it, maybe we can take certain precautions-”
  “We’ll talk about this at home… I better go and tell Y/n,” Endeavor declared, pulling out his phone.
  “I’ll do it, you’re not exactly too subtle with words, you stay here.” Hawks stood up from his seat, pulling his phone out of his pocket, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
  Endeavor sat there quietly, thoughts racing of what he should do, a thought of moving you two out even further away from the city flashed his mind, but he quickly shook it off. When he lifted his gaze from the ground he saw S/n laying awake, examining his hand.
“It’s good to have you back, son… how are you feeling?”
  “I’m fine… can we go home?” He asked with a gloomy sigh.
  “I don’t think that’s…”
  The door suddenly opened, revealing a slightly irritated Hawks, with the doctor following behind him.
“He’s all free to go if he wishes, just try to be careful with that hand of yours… it will sting for a while…”
  “Thank you, doc.” Hawks asserted. “What would we do without you?”
  “Do you seriously want me to answer that?”
  Hawks chuckled, walking over to S/n bed and giving him an apologetic smile.
“Ready to go home, champ?”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  You sat patiently waiting on the couch as the door finally opened and your son walked in holding his bandaged hand. You rushed to his side, pulling him into your arms, trying not to squeeze too hard. “S/n… are you okay? Does your hand hurt?”
  “How… how could you keep this away from me….” he mumbled, pulling back.
  “Kid-” Hawks tried putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
  “Don’t touch me, don’t you fucking touch me.” your son choked.
  “Shut up, you’re no better.” he snapped. “I need an honest answer and you’re going to give me one.”
  “Is he—Is that sociopath, murderous bastard, really my father?”
  You and Hawks looked at each other before murmuring “I… yes he is....look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I just-”
“We didn’t want you to overreact,” Hawks added.
  “Oh… oh… you thought I would overreact? Yeah, okay, so instead of just straight up saying hey you have a sociopath for a father, you hide and keep it a secret from me. Well, you got your overreaction, I hope you’re happy, bursting with fucking joy no doubt.” S/n mocked.
“So for how long were you planning to keep this to your deary selves?”
  Endeavor finally decided to join in the conversation.
“As long as we had to… if the public found out--if the league found out you’d not be only putting all of us in danger but yourself as well. The league could use you as their trumpet card.”
  Your son stood silent for a minute, thinking if he should continue to stand his ground or walk away, he decided he needed to cool off first before continuing this conversation and walked away, shutting himself in his room with a loud slam.
“I need to go talk to him…”
  “No, what you need to do is give him some space… he’s confused and hurt, adding more fuel to the fire won’t make it go out faster.” Hawks reassured you, wrapping one of his arms around your waist and leading you into the kitchen.“Let’s sit down and I’ll make you some tea, alright? Enji do you want some?”
  “Can’t... I need to go to my agency, explain what happened and all.”
  “I… alright try not to take too long.”
  Endeavor only hummed before walking back to the entrance.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  “I’m sorry…” Hawks said with a sense of guilt.”I should’ve listened to you. I feel like such an asshole for convincing you to let me bring him along.”
  “You’re not the one to blame, I should have told him sooner.” you stammered.“What if he never forgives us… what will we do… I’m so scared Keigo… I-”
  He pulled another kitchen chair beside yours, wrapping his wings around and holding you close. “He will... just give the kid some time.”
  “How can you say that so confidently, look at Endeavor, and… he never forgave him.”
  “Different situation.” Hawks assured. “What’s the saying? Time heals all wounds.”
  You hugged him tighter and mumbled into his shoulder. “How did—how did he look?”
  Hawks sighed. “He hasn’t changed much… maybe a bit more scarred.”
  “I see… did he… you know...”
  “No, he didn’t say much.”
  “Why was he even there? You told me that area was secure.”
  “The league really wanted to have a word, whatever that means.”
  You pulled away from his warm comforting embrace and cupped his cheek
“I’m… I’m glad that you’re okay, you are okay, right?”
  “Yeah, a few cuts and bruises here and there but I’m fine… I should probably go clean up now that you mention it, don’t want them to get infected.”
  “I’ll help,” you muttered.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  When S/n slammed his door, he immediately fell against it. He sat there, his hands on his knees, staring at the mirror in front of him, his mind racing empty but at the same time full of thoughts.
He sat there for a long time, listening in on your conversation with Hawks. He sighed, finally getting up, and walked up to the mirror. Standing there, he looked over his features. He looked at his face and couldn’t help but finally see how similar the two of them actually were; he remembered Dabi's sharp eyes smiling at the amusement of Hawks struggle... how did he not see it sooner . He looked down at his hands, flashbacks coming back, the blue flame consuming it, consuming him.
You’re just like him.
  How could you ever be a hero?
  His mind raced to every possible possibility of his future, is he destined to become like him?
  It’s in your blood…
  That will be you someday, and everyone will hate you.
  Your family hates you, that’s why they lied.
  They fear you...
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud shattering noise, as he looked up, he saw his fist covered in blood, the mirror shattered, shards all scattered around the room. But yet there was still one small piece hanging up. He looked at it, and when he did, he didn’t see himself; he saw a broken, battered figure that so clearly resembled him.
S/n stumbled back, his breathing becoming quicker and quicker. He reached for his phone that was laying next to him on the ground and tried calling the only person he thought could help. It was already almost two am, so he could only pray to get a response in return.
After a few tries, the person finally picked up, with a sleepy undertone in his voice.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  S/n walked through an almost empty street when the playground finally came into view. On the swings sat a slouched figure, slowly rocking back and forth, his head was fixated on the ground, as he tried to push the sleepiness away.
The figure’s gaze quickly left the ground as he heard someone's footsteps approach his direction. He gave S/n a small wave and gestured for him to take a seat at the swing next to him, and so he did.
  “I’m sorry I called so late…” S/n mumbled.
  Shoto looked over at the kid, who was tapping his boots nervously. His eyes quickly made their way to the freshly bandaged hand.
“It is quite alright, you didn’t sound good on the phone… Did something happen?”
  S/n shook his head as he stayed quiet, trying to muster and find the right words to say.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  “And done…” you chirped, gesturing Hawks to stand up from the chair.
  “Thanks… see I told you it wasn’t that bad,” he replied, putting his shirt back on.
  You put away the bloodied towel and looked back in the direction of your son’s room.
Hawk’s eyes softened as he approached you. “I’ll go check on him, okay?”
  Your eyes snapped back to Hawks as you let out a sigh.
“I’d appreciate it,” you muttered.
  Hawks mustered a smile as he stood up and gave you a few pats on the head, before walking away and heading to your son’s room direction.
It was only but moments before he was standing at your son’s door, trying to listen in on any movements from his side. Not hearing a sound, he took a deep breath in and slowly turned the doorknob.
  He stopped, freezing up as he scanned the room. The window was open; the mirror laid shattered, shards scattered around everywhere, he saw S/n phone lying on the floor, and a few drops of blood on it.
  “Y/n we have a problem, ” He yelled, running back to the kitchen to pick up his phone.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  S/n told Shoto everything that happened in great detail, trying to muster the strength against his bottled up emotions. After the whole story was told, the both of them remained silent, before Shoto finally spoke.
  “I know how you feel.” he trailed off. “I’m sorry this happened to you S/n… But you have nothing to fear, the two of you are nothing alike, you might have his quirk but you’re still your own person.”
  S/n stayed quiet as he kept his eyes on the ground.
  “You should go home now, the others might worry where you’ve gone.”
  S/n sighed before, humming in agreement, he got up from the swing, stretching out his arms. He turned back to Shoto.
“Can you… not tell them that I was here?”
  “I don’t think-” Shoto stood up and glanced at S/n who seemed exhausted from the evening’s events.“I… alright, let’s go I’ll walk you home.”
  “Nah, It’s fine, it’s just 10 minutes away I’ll be fine,” S/n reassured.
  “It’s still quite late. I don’t think that it would be safe to let you go home alone.”
  “Oh cmon, I have a murderer’s quirk on my side, what can go wrong?”
  “I’m just joking Sho, trying to brighten the mood a bit, anyway I’ll be fine.”
  Before Shoto could disagree, S/n was already walking away and waving him off.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  He walked on a nearly empty street, the cars around him rushing, while he kept his hooded head down on the road.. His mind became a little calmer, like an ocean after a storm everything was calming down. He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn’t notice a quiet figure following him like a cat. He stopped near a crosswalk, looking up and waiting for the light to change, before he suddenly got grabbed and pulled roughly, a hand covering his mouth, he didn’t have any time to respond, everything became fuzzy as he was fastly pulled into what looked like a portal and thrown out the other side.
He moved onwards before quickly getting up into his fighting stance, ready to use his quirk on whatever or whoever grabbed him. Yet he wasn’t met by his kidnapper, only by a white haired man, who had some sort of hand on his face. S/n stood there for a second, trying to figure out if he should make a run for it or attack.
The quiet man poured another glass of whiskey, lifting one of his fingers from it, careful not to dust it. After the glass was half full, he murmured something under his breath before taking off his mask and giving the kid a creepy grin.
  “Come, take a seat…” the man gestured to a nearby bar stool.
  “Who are you and what do you want?” S/n hesitantly asked while he looked around the room.
  The man stopped his drink halfway to his mouth.
  “Ah, where are my manners, I’m Shigaraki… and you are?”
  “I’m joking, I already know who you are, you’re Dabi's little creation…” Shigaraki grinned. “You know, as Endeavor's grandson, he didn’t do a good job of protecting you… I mean you were just wandering around like a lost puppy.”
Shigaraki once again gestured to the empty seat next to him.
  “It’s not nice to reject a drink ya know.” Shigaraki looked at him, his grin slowly being replaced by a frown “Anyway, you must be thinking, why are you here? Well, I have a very appealing proposition for you, a deal of some sorts.”
  “Let me guess, you want me to join your evil boy club, is that it?”
  “Don’t call it that, ” Shigaraki snarled. “But yes, I want you to join the league ... now I can tell you’re hesitant, but think about it you’ll be accepted here.”
  “Oh, really?”
  “Why do you think they kept it away from you for so long?”
  “How do-”
  “They’re afraid of you like everyone else will be when they learn the truth…”
  That will be you someday, and everyone will hate you.
  “Shut up.” S/n hissed.
  “What about your dear old dad? You wouldn’t want to disappoint him now would you?”
  “He’s no father of mine.”
  You’re just like him.
  Shigaraki spun around on the chair, drink still in hand.
  “You might deny it now, but you’ll be crawling back here in no time… it’s in your blood, the hero society is broken enough, help me make it better.”
  It’s in your blood…
  “Shut up.”
  S/n wanted to walk away, he tried blocking out every word thrown his way, his eyes desperately looking for the exit, Shigaraki only stared at him, wondering what the kid will do next when the door of the hideout suddenly opened and an irritated Dabi walked in the room “Shiggy I’m back from-” he spotted his son in the room and immediately hissed. “Why is he here?”
  “Oh, him? I just wanted to have a brief chat with the kid, welcome him into the family.” Shigaraki grinned, turning back to face the bar.
  “I’m sure you did.” Dabi scoffed, making his way to S/n, grabbing him by the color and dragging him away while he struggled.
  Before Dabi could open the door, he heard Shigaraki quietly mumble to him.
“Didn’t think you were so soft Dabi.”
  Dabi rolled his eyes while his son kicked him and babbled. “Let go of me you freak.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Dabi followed S/n close behind, stealing glances at the unfamiliar place he was leading him to, before he suddenly stopped on some old bridge, not budging to go any further.
  “Why did you stop?” Dabi asked, looking around at the old factory.
  “I’m not going to show a villain where I live.” your son returned going near the rails and leaning on them. “So leave me the hell alone, alright?”
  Dabi took a deep breath in, feeling slightly irritated, yet he couldn’t contain the drip of proudness rising in his chest, the kid might be stupid but at least you taught him well he thought. He approached S/n calmly, not trying to start a fight, as he could see the kid was on edge before he leaned against the rails next to him.
  “I don’t want to hear it…” S/n responded immediately.
  A painfully awkward silence filled the air as the two stood under a poorly light street light looking at the slowly moving water.
“I hate you”  S/n murmured.
  “I know.”
  “So that’s it? You won’t say anything else?”
  “I don’t think it will change much even if I did,” Dabi said casually.“You look… a lot like Y/n… is she—how is she doing?” he added, gripping the railing a bit too tight for comfort.
  “She’s doing good, a lot better without you no doubt.” your son smeared.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Dabi's heart painfully ached, after so many years the memories of your warm touch still lingered in his mind. A few days later after he left the hospital he came back to your old burnt house, your future home as you used to call it, he walked around the ashed trying to calm down the stinging feeling in his chest, he could’ve gone back, hell part of him screamed and begged him to, but he was too much of a coward, running away seemed easier them facing his father and facing the reality of crimes he committed, going back to that house filled the shadows of the past. Part of him also knew that betraying the league never ended well for anyone, and no matter how far or how long he would run, they’d always catch up. So he decided to suffer in silence and finally do something else than be selfish with his life.
  He walked around in ruins of what was once his home, spotting a cabinet that was badly burnt but still standing in what seemed to be your bedroom. He carefully opened it and shivered, looking at the slightly burnt photo. He recalled the event like it was yesterday; it was your daughter’s sixth Christmas; she was babbling and rambling all day, while you both tried putting up Christmas decorations, Christmas music played in the background and the smell of cookies filled your small little home. At the end of the day, you pestered him into taking a photo with the three of you. He so desperately wanted to disapprove but your daughter’s puppy eyes convinced him otherwise. You printed it out, and kept it close, calling it a good luck charm, and here it was still okay. Dabis hands trembled as he reached for it, carefully wiping the ashes from the photo, trying not to make it dirtier than it already was, and put it in his pocket, walking away with his lost treasure.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  “I’m glad,” he whispered, a sad smile plastered on his face, before looking back at his son. “Whatever you think of me, it wasn’t easy for me to just leave.”
  “Mhm, right, because you care so much.”
  “Watch it,” Dabi growled before softening up once more. “How’s… D/n?”
  Your son froze, looking back at him before mouthing. “Wait… you’re her father too?”
  Dabi didn’t say anything before pulling out and carefully showing him the photo.
S/n hesitantly took it and mouthed, looking over it. “Are you kidding me…?”
A revengeful thought came to him as he looked it over, still trying to comprehend it. He could see this little picture meant a lot to the poor villain who was carefully observing him, anytime S/n would move it, he could see him grow a bit on edge. Yet he took pity on the monster standing near him and shoved it back into his hand.
  “Well, you can be happy then, she doesn’t remember you,” he murmured, returning his hand on the railing.
  Dabi froze, giving him a doubting look.
“Yeah, she has some sort of traumatic amnesia or so I’ve heard.”
  “Amnesia… what happened?”
  “I don’t know I wasn’t told much,” S/n remarked. “But hey now you have one less burden to worry about, don’t want to mess up your future plan.”
  “Is that why you think I left?” Dabi spoke, tightly gripping the photo which remained in his hand. “I did it to keep all of you safe and give you a good shot at life, not because you’re some burden.”
  “No, you left because you’re a coward, stop trying to justify it with some sacrificial bullshit.”
  “Listen here-”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Hawks has been flying around the city for almost 2 hours now, frantically searching every nick and cranny he could think of, he felt like ripping his feathers out, how did he not pick up the mirror breaking, how could he let S/n leave, or worse, maybe he was taken?
So many thoughts were rushing through his head as he finally allowed himself to breathe. He landed on a nearby rooftop pulling out his phone with intention of calling Endeavor to report the update, before he spotted a familiar figure on a bridge near an old factory, the bridge was on the brink of collapsing so no one bothered to light it up properly. Two figures were standing under a badly cleaned street light, which now began to frantically flicker.
Hawks quickly dialed Endeavor, explaining his suspicion and telling his location. Endeavor asked him to wait, not knowing if it could be a trap, but Hawks with a foggy mind and his protective instincts didn’t listen, he murmured a simple “see ya soon” and hung up the phone. He looked back in the direction of the bridge and let himself glide off the rooftop.
Dabi stopped talking when he saw Hawks approach them, he only looked at S/n, stuffing the photo back into his pocket, and mumbled. “Looks like our time is up.” before S/n was fastly carried by Hawks feathers away from the dangerously close villain.
Hawks landed near S/n, surprising him as he frantically searched for any kind of injuries.
  “You okay kid?” he looked back at Dabi with a nasty look. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
  S/n pushed himself out of Hawks grasp. “I’m fine.”
  Hawks looked at him with sadness and guilt in his eyes, which turned into fury and hatred when they fell on Dabi, who was now casually leaning on the bridge railing. Hawks pulled away from S/n and approached Dabi with a feather blade in hand and pointed it at his throat.
  “Why did you take him?” Hawks barked, trying to search Dabi's cold demeanor for any kind of tricks.
  “I didn’t take shit, he was the one that found me.”
  Hawks looked back at S/n, who only looked away with guilt running across his face. Hawks gave him a disappointing glare before turning back at Dabi, who was unfaced with the deadly weapon pointed at his throat.
“I know what you’re trying to do.”
  Dabi cocked his eyebrows. “Do you now?” he jeered.
  “S/n doesn’t need a screw up like you for a father nor does he need your baggage, leave him be.”
  “Playing the father role well I see,” Dabi responded ignoring Hawks’ sudden outburst.
  “I couldn’t let a child be fathered by a scoundrel like you, now could I?”
  How Dabi wanted to tear down the oversized chicken limb from limb, finally take his revenge for ruining his family, for taking you away from him. His hands were beginning to itch and beg him to give in to his little temptation. He looked past Hawks at his son, god he looked just like you , his mind replayed your voice trying to calm him down as the temptation quietly disappeared into a pile of mush.
Dabi furrowed his eyebrows, turning around from the confrontation, and stepped back.
“I don’t have time for this.” He stoically stated, trying to hold back any kind of resentment towards Hawks.
  “Running away like always?” Hawks remarked, getting no response from the grim figure who slithered away in defeat.
  After he disappeared from view, Hawks turned back to S/n, who was standing nearby, tapping his feet nervously. Hawks approached him, throwing his jacket over the boys shoulders, and growled.
“We’re going home.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  You were pacing around the living room, phone in hand, waiting for any news on S/n whereabouts, when suddenly the front door opened up. You rushed to the door.
  “Did you—Angel hey are you okay? You’re not hurt, right?” you blubbered, scanning his face for any cuts or bruises.
  “How’s your hand?”
  “It’s fine, mom,” he responded shamefully, looking at the ground.
  “You really scared me sweetheart… where were you?” you hugged him tightly, massaging his back, and mouthed a quiet “thank you” to the heroes patiently standing nearby.
  “I don’t want to talk about it… can I go now? I’m really tired,” he mumbled, pushing you away.
  “Good night.” Your son said as he walked off to his room, quietly closing the door behind him.
You looked back at Endeavor and Hawks, who moved over to the couch.
  “What happened? Where did you find him?”
  “He was with Dabi.”
  “Dabi… what? Why? Did he kidnap him?”
  “No, it seems the kid found him first.” Endeavor tried calming you down.
  “Why would he-”
  “We’re not sure...but right now we should all go rest it’s been a tough night.” Endeavor stated.
  Hawks stood up and got ready to head to S/n room to give him the speech he thought of in the car before Endeavor stopped him.
“I’ll talk to him, you go rest.” He looked back at you, nodding to Hawks, who hesitantly took a seat next to you, wrapping one of his wings around you, slowly massaging your back.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Endeavor approached the door and knocked a few times, not hearing a response he pressed on the handle and the unlocked door opened with ease.
He stepped inside closing the door behind him, spotting your son, laying in his bed with his back turned, as he was slightly shaking behind the covers, clearly trying to calm himself down.
Endeavor sighted, not bothering to turn on the light, and sat beside him. He sat there for a while, his mind racing with all the things he wanted to say, or should’ve said, yet nothing came up.
  “You won’t be going to U.A.” he finally stated.
  Your son froze, and quickly sat back up, now facing Endeavor. “You can’t do that.”
  “I already called the school.”
  Your son ran his hand through his hair trying to come up with a valid argument.
“I also think that you should stay homeschooled for a while, seeing as there is a high chance of probability that the league knows you exist.”
“I know you worked hard, but your safety is far more important,” he added tapping S/n gently on the shoulder.
  Your son was too tired to answer but gave Endeavor a little nod.
  “Good, now get some sleep.” Endeavor said as he stood up from the bedside. He walked over to the door and looked back with a serious gaze.
“Don’t run away again, am I understood?”
  “Yes sir” your son responded letting his head fall onto the comfortable pillow.
  “Good.” Endeavor muttered closing the door behind him.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
It’s been almost a week and your patience was starting to run out, six days with only blunt responses from your son, him denying to eat your food or even come out of his room, and tonight you decided enough is enough and walked over to your son’s room with Hawks following close behind.
You turned back to him, trying to justify your sudden outburst. “I just want to see if he’s doing alright…”
  “I’ll go with you,” he reassured, giving your hand a light squeeze.
  You gave him a thankful nod before gently pressing on the handle and cracking the door open. Your son was sitting on his bed, with his earphones on, listening to something, paying no mind to your sudden entrance. His cheerful demeanor now became grim, dark circles under his eyes were too big for comfort, his bandage hand now bare.
Hawks hand fell on your shoulder as he gave you an encouraging glance. You took a deep breath in, before approaching his bedside and sitting next to him. Your son immediately looked up to you and Hawks who was leaning against a nearby wall, looking at him with his soft eyes. S/n took off his headphones and mumbled. “Please leave, I really don’t want to talk to any of you.”
“It’s been a week, kid, you can’t just keep ignoring us like this.” Hawks lilted.
  “Honey…” you tried reaching for his hand but he pulled away instantly. “I know--it's hard and I shouldn’t have kept something like that from you… and I’m deeply sorry.”
  “Good to know, the doors right there you can leave now.” your son jeered.
  “Can you at least come out of your room and eat something? I don’t like when you hurt yourself like this,” you said, once again reaching out to him.
  “Don’t touch me,” he said, pulling away. “You kept it from D/n as well didn’t you?”
  “D/n… her situation is different from yours…”
  “How?” he asked, not sparing you a glance.
  “She knew who he was… but after your d—Dabi left she couldn’t handle it, so her brain locked him out of her memory,” you explained in a simple manner.
  “And you let her leave just like that... “ your son scoffed as he got off from the bed. “Were you going to do the same with me?”
  “You know what, don’t answer that… I don’t think it’s good for me to hang around you two right now.”
  Your son walked towards the door but Hawks moved, blocking it. “You need to calm down, kid.”
  “Get out of my way Hawks.” your son warned, his sleep deprived, and angered mind getting the best of him.
  “You need to stop throwing tantrums and listen-”
  Hawks was interrupted by a loud explosion, he felt like he was falling before he hit something hard, his ears began to ring, he felt limb trying to gasp for air and he desperately fought to keep his eyes open as he felt warm like wood liquid falling down his face. He could see you desperately run to him, tripping over the fallen door, your soft touch masking the terrible pain he felt, he slowly reached for your cheek, accidentally smearing it with his blood, trying to wipe away your tears that wouldn’t stop coming.
He slowly shifted trying to spot the boy he carefully tried to father throughout his life, only to see him, standing there in the smoke of a now destroyed corridor, dark smoke surrounding him, as his sight got worse he could swear the little boy turn into a monstrous shadowy figure, who was now darting away. Hawks tried reaching out to him but he seemed to be getting further and further away by the second, he mumbled something under his breath as he let his body and mind succumb to the dark slumber he so craved.
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foriland · 3 years
12 with Dick, Jason and sensory overload and /or noise sensitivity, for the angst prompt? 👀 ♥
Prompt 12: “Don’t! Just, stop. Stop talking.”
Hope this hits what you wanted Gem! <3
Warning for mild-ish panic attack.
Jason’s ears were ringing as he brushed away his family’s concerns. He’s fine, he tried to convince them. He really was. Just because Joker was part of an Arkham breakout doesn’t mean that he would automatically have a panic attack. He’s not that pathetic. He just needed some time to himself.
If only Dick wasn’t blocking his way and Tim and Damian weren’t arguing somewhere in the Cave.
The latest Arkham breakout has set Joker, Scarecrow and Ivy on the loose, the latter two had already been rounded up earlier which only left the clown himself. And Jason was not freaking out. His heart was just running a bit too fast was all, lingering effects of that mild fear toxin that had managed to pushed through the cracks in his helmet. But no one knew that, and no one had too. The thing was diluted enough to hardly affect him at all.
Damian was yelling  from his place at the showers, “I could have had him if you-”
“If I hadn’t saved your head?” One could hear the eyes roll in Tim’s voice.
“If you hadn’t tried to put your nose where you shouldn’t!”
Jason could tell that it was just their regular banter, even if they started to call each other some... undesirable words. That was just how they bond.
He rubbed his palm over his ear to hopefully stave away the panic in his chest and ringing in his ears. His other hand was busy trying to literally brush Dick away from him. This guy really needed to learn personal space.
“Jay, c’mon. You were hit by the gas, weren’t you?” Welp, so much for no one knowing. “Just stay for a while and let us look you over.”
Jason shook his head. “No no. Just get off me, Dick.”
Dick was apparently stubborn tonight and Jason was too tired and frayed to try to be intimidating. “No. Jason, please.”
Jason bit his tongue as he heard Damian screaming something in response to Tim’s ‘friendly’ insult. Control your breathing, he repeated to himself, control your breathing. “Fine. I’ll stay at the manor,” he bargained. “Happy?”
Dick wasn’t. “Jason, are you hiding an injury from us?”
“Then please just let us check-”
Jason barely suppressed a flinch, breath stuttering for a moment as there was a loud slam from Tim and Damian’s argument followed by Bruce’s loud “Enough!” stopping the fight.
Apparently, he wasn’t subtle enough for Dick, whose eyes sharpened. “Jay something’s wrong.” Like he didn’t already know that. He had been having this problem since he was a kid! “Are you sure-”
His panic finally snapped into anger as he snarled, “Yes, Dick. I am fine. And I will continue to be so if. You. Move.”
Dick seemed stupefied enough to not stop Jason this time and he marched up the stairs to the grandfather clock, rounding it before running to his temporary room. At least he tried.
Energy seemed to have left his as soon as he reached the bedroom corridor, panic seizing up his throat. He dug his nails into his palms as he pressed down on his ears. There was still screaming, yelling- laughing- talking- voices just echoing into his ears no matter what he tried. He sucked in a breath as he pressed himself into a dark corner- he didn’t know where, he didn’t care.
He never understood why he always had panic attacks when this happens. Why his throat always closed up whenever his family fight, even if it was a playful banter that just sounded vicious. It had been happening even when he was still living with Willis and his mom.
In his defence, he had been getting better at controlling it, learning how to counter it, how to best calm himself down without attracting any sort of attention to himself. No one had ever notice it even if he was there, on the verge of a panic attack, because they didn’t need to know. He didn’t want them to. And it wasn’t his fault that he lost control this one time, it was the mild fear toxin slightly messing up his brain.
He swallowed another gulp of air, willing the ringing and yelling in his ear to just stop as he pulled himself up, stumbling to his temporary room. He fumbled to turn the doorknob, leaning against the doorframe before walking in. He didn’t get to close the door, however, as Dick was suddenly there following him in. Lips were moving but Jason couldn’t make out the words. There was just voices and yelling getting louder and louder-
Dick was holding his arms, blue eyes wide with concern and- It wasn’t supposed to be this way- Dick wasn’t supposed- No one was supposed to know. And Dick was still talking and-
“Don’t!” Jason blurted out, pulling back deeper into the darkness of his room, hoping that the darkness would bring him comfort today. It always was a hit and miss ever since he came back to life.
He finally was able to catch Dick’s words over the piercing ringing and echo in his mind. “Jay, it’s alright. It’s just me.”
He shook his head, willing Dick to understand. To just stop talking. He wasn’t experiencing a flashback. He’s just... He didn’t really know what was wrong with him. But he’ll be fine as soon as Dick stop talking and leave him alone.
“Little Wing, come here... fine... the manor, remember... okay...”
What little control he was starting to have over himself spiralled back out. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to just ignore. He’s with no one, hearing no one, seeing no one.
Except for Dick. Who was still there. Talking, blabbering.
“Shut up!” Jason finally snapped, a sob fighting its way out of him.
Luckily, Dick did.
Jason sucked in a breath, once, twice, thrice. His mind had started to clear slightly. The full impact of the knowing that Dick just saw him panicking tried to take his control away but he ignored it.
He felt hands on his arms, raised to press his palms into his ears, fingers clawing at his hair.
“Don’t,” Jason cut him off, eyes opening to see Dick’s; wide, uncertain and concerned. “Just... stop. Stop talking. Don’t.”
Dick visibly swallowed, and Jason took that as a sign that Dick would stop making any sort of noises, as he turned away to his bed, dropping heavily onto the mattress. He pulled up his legs to his chest resting back against the headboard as he took another deep breath, closing his eyes and letting the panic subside. He could really use a cigarette right now. Too bad he was trying to stop smoking for his family’s sake. No need for them to suffer second-hand smoking, especially since he’s hanging around them so much now.
Dick had never been the one to sit still as he, predictably, started to approach him, albeit slowly, feet making only the slightest shuffle across the wooden floor, the sound purposely done for Jason’s sake. The mattress dipped slightly as Dick sat in front of him.
He cracked an eye open to his brother staring at him, lip pulled slightly between his teeth, nervous. And Jason’s automatic reaction to people staring at him after of during his panic attacks, was anger. He sometimes hated himself for it. “What?” he snapped.
Dick’s eyes flickered with a flinch. “What happened? Are you okay?”
Jason scowled. “I said I was fine, didn’t I?” He didn’t want to have this conversation with anyone, much less Dick.
“That- That wasn’t just fine, Jason.”
“So what? I freaked out, big deal. Not the first time, Goldie, and it ain’t gonna be the last.”
“But, Jay-”
“Forget that happened, Dick. Just go, leave me alone and let me sleep.” Jason rested his forehead onto his knees as he wrapped his arms loosely around his legs. He was tired, exhausted. But he’d be lying if he said that he could sleep right now. But a little lie had never hurt anyone. Not always.
There was a sigh. “I’m not leaving, Jay. I’m not. You’re obviously not fine and... it’s okay to not be and ask for help.”
“I don’t need help,” Jason mumbled, trying to ignore the cornered-trapped feeling in his chest. “I’m fine.”
He felt Dick shifting across the bed to rest beside him, the warmth and comfort of his brother was inviting. “Jason, can you at least tell me what is going on?”
No!, Jason wanted to scream. But he didn’t. He didn’t even realise he was talking until the words were falling out of his mouth and he couldn’t stop them. “I don’t know. I just get... freaked out when there are loud noises, voices specifically. I don’t know why but it always just... happens.”
Dick was quiet for a moment, and small, younger part of Jason was scared, of judgement, of disapproval, of rejection. “Is it just any... voices?”
Jason gave a half-hearted shrug. “Not really. Generally, it is when... you guys fight. Or even sometimes when you all are joking around and I... feel it. I never had a problem when patrolling, though, even before I died.”
“You mean this had been happening even before... How long has it been, Jay?”
“I don’t know.” He lifted his head to rest his chin on his knees, staring at the door they had left open. He hoped his other siblings hadn’t seen him earlier. He hoped Bruce hadn’t. “It’s been happening for as long as I can remember.”
“Anything I can help you with? Like... Can I do anything to help you with it?”
With another shrug he mumbled, “I don’t know.” Other than stop talking when Jason tells him to and leaving him alone when he wanted it, there really wasn’t much Dick could do.
“Can you at least tell me whenever you-”
He scoffed, finally turning to Dick. “And tell the whole family that I am more problematic than they think? That I cannot hold my head together just because someone decided to talk louder than a normal volume?”
“No, Jason. That’s not what I meant. Just... I cannot always tell whether or not you are... affected by something. Just do something to tell me if you are ever feeling overwhelmed. A signal, something.
Or maybe you can just pay more attention to your surroundings, Jason didn’t say. Instead, he breathed a quiet, “Okay.”
“Thank you,” was Dick’s unexpected reply. There was a beat, before he asked again, “Can I... hug you?”
Jason found himself giggling, a soft laughter flooding out of him. He understood and appreciated the gesture, but a lot of permission-asking in this family still amused him. “Of course, dimwit.”
His own smile was reflected on Dick, who did a gentle version of tackling him and Jason let himself be dragged under the sheets, Dick’s array of limbs cocooning him, for once making him feel safe, protected.
A thought struck him and he glanced at the door. Huh, when did it close? Who closed it?
He couldn’t pay it much attention as Dick’s fingers were starting to comb his hair. He hated and loved that his family knew just what he liked. His eyes closed as he felt Dick pressing a quick kiss to his forehead and he was too tired to protest the childish action, only burrowing into his brother’s shoulder.
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yunkiwii · 4 years
messy room
Pairing: BF!Yunho x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff დ
Warnings: Language, anxiety
Word Count: 1.7K
DISCLAIMER: Please remember that mental disorders need professional treatment and having a s/o isn’t the solution for those problems. Yes, having someone to support you might help a lot but again, not the solution! If you’re in this situation please please try to get some help, and stay safe! ♡
A/N: reposted from my side blog lemonadewritings (which will be deleted)
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I do not own this pic, credits to owner.
Summary: basically (y/n) is having an existencial crisis (same lol) because she just finished college and doesn’t know what to do next. Yunho is the amazing bf who showed up and is a cutie. (I don’t know a better way to put this without spoiling the whole thing).
“It’s the first Monday at home, with nothing to do since college is over. You graduated last friday, but since we're in the middle of a pandemic you couldn't even celebrate it. It was just over.
“Now go find a job” said your mom enthusiastically, who certainly was tired of being your money provider.
But it is not that simple, and you felt powerless just imagining how hard it would be. Even getting the internship to finish your last year was hard as fuck, imagine trying to get a paid job. You tried to get these thoughts out of your head so that you could get some more sleep.
Pointless. The moment you felt your eyes almost shutting another wild thought popped up.
“I can’t go back to my parents’ house. I cannot go back to that shitty hometown of mine. I won’t be able to handle all that stress and fuss about all aspects of my private life. I need to find a job here, and as soon as possible!!”. You let out a loud sigh and scream into your pillow. It was too frustrating, not knowing what to do next. No one prepared you for this. You were way too focused on graduating and never thought about what you would do next, now you have to deal with your existential crisis.
You turn around again in bed and try to sleep a bit more, once again. You don’t even know what time it is but you’re pretty sure you should be up already, assuming by the sunbeams that have been reflecting into your mirror and back to your face for a while now.
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You don’t know how much more time you’ve slept until your doorbell started ringing furiously, but you felt like a truck ran over you and did reverse and ran again. You still got up, this time the frustrating feeling of before is gone. Now you just do not feel a thing. It’s like you’re not there but you’re aware of everything, it’s like someone had put you in automatic mode.
You finally got to the door, and the doorbell only stopped when you opened it. A small feeling of warmth ran over your body as soon as you saw that it was Yunho, your boyfriend. You’ve never seen that expression on his face though. It was a mixture of worry and relieve.
“(y/n) are you okay?? Did something happen? It’s already 2 pm and you haven’t texted me back nor answered the phone!” As he says this, with a bit of panic in his voice, he gives you the biggest hug ever. You reluctantly hug him back, resting your forehead in his shoulder.
“My phone must have died during the night.. I-I was sleeping..”, you stutter feeling a bit dizzy and out of yourself.
Yunho pulls away to look at your face and gives you a little smile. He shuts the door and walks with you to your bedroom, his hand on your lower back guiding you and giving the soft feeling of support. You still feel like you’re not there, so you don't even notice the face Yunho makes when he sees the mess your room is. He immediately realises that you are in fact not okay. Hell, he realised it as soon as you opened the door but the state of your bedroom and the fact you were sleeping until now, those were major indicators of an anxiety crisis attacking you.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” the tall boy holds your arm helping you onto the bed again, seeming even taller now, “You wanna talk?”
He sat next to you in your bed and held your hands, giving you a look of comprehension and empathy. You looked at him and in your mind your thoughts started running a 1000 miles per hour and you couldn’t focus on one. But you knew that externally you just looked blank. The panic going on inside your mind didn’t trespass to your skin and you were living it alone. You wanted to tell Yunho but you didn’t know how, so you just shook your head negatively and snuggled next to him.
You both stayed like that for a while. His left arm over your shoulder, your face buried in his chest and his right hand caressing your thigh softly. Yunho knew you well enough to not talk or do anything else until you were ready for it.
The smell of your boyfriend's freshly washed clothes mixed with his calm heartbeat helped you to calm your mind a bit, and a couple of minutes later you finally found the guts and the words to talk.
“I’m not feeling well Yunho.. but.. I.. I.. don’t know how to explain.. and…”, your thoughts started rambling again and you couldn’t finish your sentence.
“It’s okay (y/n)..”, Yunho held you tighter and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, resting his chin over your head while you let a tear slip and roll down to his light blue hoodie, your heart racing.
“Have you eaten anything yet?” you shook your head, still buried in his chest. “So I assume you didn’t take your meds either…?” once again, you don’t look at him, only shook your head no. You notice that he is clearly worried, and you know he is also a bit mad that you didn’t take your medicine. And yet he keeps talking to you in a calm tone, knowing too well that getting angry at you wouldn’t do any good.
He gets up holding your hand and the biggest smile he could pull off, indicating that he wants you to go with him. You groan, not wanting to leave the only place where you can feel comfort even when this big storm his happening inside you.
“Come on, (y/n)! Your room stinks, we need to open a window!” He chuckled and that actually made you smile for a second. Looking up to his adorable puppy eyed face you couldn’t just say no, so you stood up. “And you have to eat!”
Yunho led you all the way to the couch in your living room, way tidier than your bedroom which made you realise that you had been living in a big fat mess the past couple of days. Your boyfriend worked over the weekend and your roommate had moved out last week, leaving you all alone to your thoughts.
In the meantime, you asked Yunho to order pizza from your favourite place, and he made you promise you would take your meds and keep your phone alive for now on. You kissed his cheek as a way of sealing the deal and both of you smiled. Your heart was still racing and your mind a mess, but you decided that you would never want to leave your boyfriend this worried about you again, it wasn’t fair. So, you took your meds, ate pizza with him and fell asleep (again) while watching a random movie that was on at the time.
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When you woke up, for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day, you were alone, the TV was pitch black and you had a warm cozy red blanket wrapped around you like a burrito. You felt so comfortable and calm, all your thoughts of before settled down. You were still a bit overwhelmed, but nothing compared to this morning. You concentrated to try and figure out any sound that would give away Yunho’s presence in your apartment. But nothing. All you could hear was the raindrops hitting the window.
It was darker now, and you picked up your phone from the coffee table, now fully charged. You don’t remember putting it there nor charging it, so you assumed Yunho did it for you. The thought of him taking care of you made you blush and your heart skipped a beat, even though you have been dating for almost a year now. He simply had that much power over you, and every time you’re with him you still feel like it’s the first time, falling for him over and over again.
You texted your boyfriend thanking him for everything and apologising for your behaviour. You get embarrassed whenever this happens and you can’t get out of it for yourself. You never wanted to feel dependent on someone else and had always taken care of your problems alone, so having someone else to help you always makes you feel guilty, like you’re a burden to them.
Your phone lit up.
Yunho: Sorry for yelling at you.
Yunho: I love you (y/n)! I just came to the dorm to pick up some of my stuff. I’ll sleep at your place tonight ;)
Yunho: Oh, and I’ll cook dinner! Don’t do anything until I get there! See you soon babe xx
You smiled like a little kid and a bunch of butterflies battled each other inside you. “I love you, Yunho.”, you texted back.
You felt bad for him doing all this for you and wanted to give something back, so you headed to the kitchen to bake him his favourite dessert. You left the cake cooking in the oven and went to take a shower and clean your bedroom. When you got to your room you couldn’t believe your eyes. Your bed was neatly made with clean sheets, the bowl of old cereals was gone, your books were all organized as well as your desk. The clothes that were all scattered around the room before were also gone. It looked so clean and smelled like vanilla, your favourite scent. You were indeed really lucky.
You were about to call Yunho when you hear the front door open, he must have taken your keys. You ran to him and threw your arms around his neck kissing him like there was no tomorrow. He was caught of guard and stumbled back into the closed door, letting the bags in his hands fall onto the floor. You could feel him smile during the kiss and his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you even closer.
“I don’t deserve you Jeong Yunho.” You say as you pull back to look at the most beautiful man you’ve ever met. Both of you all smiles and giggles.
“Glad to know I have my girl back.”
It still amazes you how the simple presence of one person could make you feel this good, all your worries pushed aside for later.
net: @ateezlovenet
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prorevenge · 4 years
[Long] How we destroyed our teacher and principal:
Apologies in advance if some details are blurry as this happened almost 14 years ago. Also, this is going to be a long one, so bare with me, I swear the result is worth it, at least it is to me.
The beginning: It all started when I (M25) was 12 years old. My grade 7 teacher (M46 at the time) was infamous for being intimidating and, in my opinion, abusive to his students. He was the disciplinarian of the school. He was in charge of keeping track of detentions and announcing who will be sitting every Friday during assembly.
We suspected at that time that the reason why he never got fired was either because his students were too scared to report him, or because of the fact that the principal was his brother-in-law.
Reasons why I hated him: He was constantly making vaguely racist remarks, complaining about the "New South Africa" and constantly bringing up how his life was better during the Apartheid regime (He's a white guy who was raised on a farm).
I always felt like he had an issue with me as a person because I'm a practising Muslim. He would make the class laugh at how "funny" Muslim women looked with their heads "wrapped up". His jokes about Muslims missing out on eating bacon were endless, in fact, he one day purposely stood in front of my desk eating a cheese and bacon panini.
He used to often rant about how the school is no longer a "pure Christian institution as it once was back in the day". He would say these things and glance at either me, my twin sister, or the black students in the class who practiced their own African religions.
When it was his birthday, my mom encouraged me to buy him a gift. I spent of my pocket money, which was already limited (my parents didn't believe in allowances) to buy him a big slab of chocolate and a long piece of Droëwors (dried sausage). Throughout the day, he would get gifts from students in his class and others.
He would get up from his desk to greet and thank them, and then shake their hand. I remember noticing this because I always found it weird when students shook hands with teachers because of how small our hands were compared to theirs.
However, when I gave him my gift, all he did was look at me for like a second, look away and nod his head slightly. I remember being thankful for not offering my hand out for him to shake because I thought he might have ignored it in front of the entire class. To say I felt like shit is an understatement.
The experience that made me hate him the most happened just before we wrote 2nd or 3rd term exams. I was walking with my friend David (fake name) back from the tuck shop during interval. We took a shortcut between the English and Afrikaans kindergarten classes and saw a group of boys huddled together.
One of them walked towards us and I saw that he had one of those camping multi-tools with the folding knife out, and instantly got a fright. He told us "Give me your stuff before I cut your neck" and then started laughing and walked back to his friends. It was clearly a joke but David looked close to tears and I had a very bad fright because of what he done. I told the guy (Fake name Xander) that he's not allowed to have knives at school and that I'm going to tell my teacher.
We walked straight to our teacher and when we spoke to him, David burst into tears.
We told him what happened and David was sobbing when he said he felt like he was going to die. Our teacher barely looked up from his computer while we were speaking and when he asked for the guy's name. We told him the name and he said he will deal with it and for us to go out for interval again.
I went home and told my mom who I felt didn't fully believe me at the time.
The next day we saw Xander were basically making fun of him for getting into trouble with our teacher and likely getting expelled at worst, or sitting a Saturday detention at best. He laughed back at us and said our teacher just came to his class, asked to speak to him and told him to never bring it to school again. No detention. No suspension. Basically nothing. He still had the knife on him for the rest of the day before.
We were so upset we went back to our teacher and I told him that Xander said that he didn't get into trouble for having the knife. He gave me the ugliest look as if I was bothering him, and coldly said to me that maybe I should fix my late-coming problem before I try to get other people in trouble.
I would come late 4 or 5 times a month because my mom's car's battery terminals were broken so the battery would run flat and she couldn't afford to have it fixed. She had to put the neighbour's battery in her car, start it, and then idle it while she took that battery out and put her own battery back in to charge up. My mom taught me the value of always having a number 10 spanner in your car lol.
I felt betrayed by my teacher. The person who was supposed to make us feel safe while we were away from home.
When I spoke to my friends about it, they told me that Xander was actually the principal's son, meaning he was my teacher's nephew. I decided to take the opportunity to speak to my friends about getting evidence that our teacher is treating students unfairly.
3 of my 4 close friends had camera phones. I sat in the far left corner, my one friend sat in the opposite corner by the door, our other friend sat in the middle, and the last friend was right at the back of the class by the window on the left. One thing about our teacher: he did not give a fuck about where we sat as long as we answered him when he done roll call and didn't bother anyone when we swapped seats.
We came to an agreement that whenever our teacher would sound like we was going to say something vaguely racist or islamophobic, we would all discreetly take videos of him.
Any private conversation we had with him was voice recorded on our phones. We caught him on camera telling a really racist joke about black people, and saying that Hindus must have a lot of problems since they have so many Gods. We caught him saying a lot of bad things, but a lot slipped through our fingers because we weren't fast enough.
It was extremely difficult to keep our friend group motivated to record him and not tell anyone else about it. It was especially difficult because at the time I had a hand-me-down Samsung D900 which was seen as an expensive phone at the time.
My mom prohibited me from taking it to school. She instead bought a cheap R79 ($5) phone for us that could only make calls and send SMS's. This was in case she needed to reach us in an emergency. I got caught several times sneaking my camera phone to school. My biggest mess up at school was when my mom phoned me on my Samsung and I answered it. Big oof but I was a dumbass.
After I think a month we decided that we couldn’t let it go any further.. One of our friends was a black guy named Tatenda (fake name). Tatenda was a problem child. His mom died when he was four and his dad was an alcoholic. He was raised mostly by his uncle who up until today I think was a pimp. He used to act out at school because of undiagnosed ADHD, his dad and uncle didn't believe in learning disabilities and always assumed he was just lazy and badly behaved.
Tatenda especially got onto our teachers nerves because not only was he black, but because he would bring broken calculators from home and take them apart during class. One day our teacher told him to clear his desk and throw away the bits of plastic and calculator shit. He ignored the teacher. The teacher then started screaming at him, and Tatenda done the only logical thing an 12/13 year old would do in such a situation: he mockingly put two pencils into his ears.
Our teacher lost his shit, grabbed Tatenda and threw him against the door. The narrow window pane cracked and Tatenda's head was bleeding. He told us he was fine during interval afterwards and we put money together to buy him a Sprite. I almost cried when my friend who sat way behind me said he got the whole thing on camera. We didn't even trust that the whole class' testimony would get him into trouble. We decided that enough was enough.
The revenge: First we showed the video to Tatenda's uncle, who showed it to his father. Then I showed my mom all the other videos and recordings.
She. Lost. Her. Mind.
One of my friends sent all of it to his older sister who had a Facebook account and she posted it there and tagged the school and as many parents as she knew. It blew up. Parents and people from around the province phoned the school demanding answers as to what is going to happen to our teacher. He was immediately suspended.
There were rumours circulating that he had to go into hiding because Tatenda's uncle and his friends were looking to kill him. I even met Tatenda's dad for the first time in the weeks after the whole thing exploded. He liked to joke that his dad sobered up especially for this lol.
The principal pulled Xander out of the school. We never saw him again. My mom told me an investigation was launched against the school because of the improper handling of bullying complaints. If I remember correctly, 3 English kids in my class alone spoke out against teachers dismissing their complaints of bullying by the Afrikaans kids. We were a mostly white, Afrikaans speaking school with 3 Afrikaans classes but only 1 English class per grade.
They called us"souties" which was short for "soutpiel" which literally tranlates as "salty dick". It's a derogatory term for English speaking, white South Africans. It means your one leg in is South Africa, your other leg is in England, so your dick is hanging in the ocean.
We only saw our teacher once after he was suspended. He looked badly beaten up, and was accompanied by a policeman and two other male teachers so he could gather the rest of his stuff from his class.
But it didn't end there.
Because so many kids needed the evidence that they were being bullied and nothing was done because of it, the CCTV footage was brought up. My friend's mother who was part of the school governing body that time, told us a few years ago that when they reviewed the footage, it became apparent that the principal was having an affair with one of the grade 2 teachers.
He could be seen grabbing her ass at the furthest point away from the camera. They slipped up a few times and kissed in clear view of the camera, but I guess once you're surrounded by the cameras everyday at work, you forget that they're there. It was very apparent that sometimes they thought they couldn't be seen.
My mom's friend's sister (basically my aunt) sells Tupperware and one of her regular customers and close friend's is the principal's ex wife. Not only did she leave him, but they were not married in community of property due to a prenup agreement. The house they lived in was in her name since before marriage, so she effectively made him homeless because none of his family wanted to take him in.
He ran into severe debt from staying in guesthouses and burned many bridges from overstaying his welcome at friends. As for my teacher, his reputation was destination fucked. He served jail time, don't know how long, and eventually left the country because it seemed everyone knew his face from the media attention he received.
The reason why I made this post: I was never going to tell this story on Reddit as I've told it over and over through the years since primary school. But I felt I had to because of what I experienced at the beginning of this year.
My family is part of a non profit organisation that has feeding schemes all over the country. The last Friday feed of February I'm standing security as I usually do since we're few volunteers and there's many homeless people and most are on drugs and can get violent.
I'm walking down the line to make sure there are no fights or anything that could start a riot, and I see a familiar face. My old principal is standing in the line, waiting for a bowl of stew and bread, with absolutely no idea who's standing beside him. Obviously he wouldn't have recognised me, but I never forgot his face. I'm not gonna lie, I cried quite a bit behind my sunglasses. Seeing him brought back the feelings I had when I was 12 years old in 7th grade, trying absolutely every excuse in the book to not have to go to school and be bullied by my teacher.
So yeah, for those of you who are still reading, this is the end of how my friends and I destroyed the lives of my teacher and principal.
If you got this far and are feeling depressed, worthless, or less than your peers, I love you. I appreciate you, and you, are seriously fucking awesome. Bye Bye..
(source) story by (/u/Mobi_Wan_Kenobi786)
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Breaking in Grey
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A/N: Like forreal I know this someone requested with an URL and I tried finding that someone but I couldn’t find her but I finished it and I hope she likes it. It’s not long and it’s how I felt when I was going through similar things. 
REQUEST:Hi! Can you make a story that has to do with a gryffindor reader who has a rough past(her parents divorced at a young age, shes lived with mom and her mom keeps trying to find someone else but never finds someone), and last time she saw her mom, her mom was drunk and started talking about how disappointed she in in the reader, making the reader slowly start to break. Sorry if this is too much detail lol, also i feel like either Sirius or James would work for this, whichever fits! Love your books
WARNING: Idk really how to say it but this fic can be triggering to some people who have a problem with mental health or any suicidal thoughts, or alcholism so I advise that if any of the topics makes you feel uncomfortable just don’t read it. 
It felt as if your world was grey. Not black, nor white but grey. Grey as in seeing the dead roses on the shelves, faltering into depths of sorrow. Grey as in the room smelt of alcohol, not much of a flavor, more plain alcohol and dullness.
“Mom!” you called out from the hall, only a sports bag over your shoulder as you opened the door to the living room. 
The reek entered your nostrils like a wave and you took a step bag, just trying to pull yourself together. You fixed your grimace into a straight face and saw her in the arms of a man. 
You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t. 
Not thinking twice, you just went through the door. You’ll call a taxi but will you have enough money? It’s better to just wait for the bus but what if you’re going to miss the train?
“Fuck!” you ran your hands through your hair and gritted your teeth. You wanted to dig your nails into your scalp and peel the skin off. You were so angry! So furious and sad at the same time that you just plopped yourself on the stoop and let your head fall on your knees.
Everything. Everything was shit. Your whole life! 
Your dad- where was your dad? WHERE!? 
You wanted to cry. No, you wanted to scream. No, you wanted to run into a wall but no, not that either. You just wanted to hurt yourself because you couldn’t hurt the person who made you hurt. You wanted to release some of the tightness and the pain inside of you because it damn hurt. 
You didn’t have a ride. You didn’t have anything really.
“I’ll be damned!” you heard someone shout but you only nuzzled closer into your arms. It wasn’t meant for you anyway. “My pretty transfiguration partner.” you shot your head up, finding blue eyes and a matching grin looking at you. 
“Great.” you said, quickly wiping off the sorrow and the pain, placing allmighty smile on your face. “Lolly?” he offered you one from his hands as one was already in his mouth, throwing itself from one side to the other. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to the choo choo?” he started to joke as he sat down next to you, looking at you and noticing something about your smile. 
“Yeah, I am.” you stood up and slung the sports bag over your shoulder, walking away. 
You really weren’t in the mood to joke around with someone who has only been your transfiugration partner in your fourth year and most of the time just played around, making rucus with his friend. 
He really wasn’t anybody to you except some asshole. 
“Hold up, girly.” he ran after you, catching up and walking by your side. 
You felt your throat go sore, your eyes wanting to tear up but you didn’t let them. 
Can’t he just leave you alone?! It’s not like you had enough last night! It’s not like you’re a worthless, unintelligent freak! It’s not like you were the biggest mistake ever made! It’s not like you’re just a burdon to everybody and everything and just wish to evaporate into disappointment that you are! 
Your throat squeezed but you swallowed the dry feeling back inside. 
He noticed. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” your voice was raspy, barely creating any sound at all.
“I can give you a ride?” he asked, eyes watching yours but you only shook your head, walking faster.
“No, thanks. I’ll walk.” it wasn’t much stronger but it was understandable and you hoped he got the hint to just leave. 
Yet, he didn’t. 
He stepped in front of you, holding you still in his arms. 
“Ger’ off me!” you pushed his hands away and took a step back. “Don’t you get it! Leave me the hell alone!” you stared at him, eyes watering as if you’re about to break into a thousand little pieces. Your legs became numb, as if somebody cut you under your knees. He could see you barely standing and he could see you breaking in front of him but all he could see was how this fourteen year old girl, who sat next to him in Transfiguration with bright eyes and adorable laugh, pushing and shoving him away whenever he made a snarky remark about other students in the class. The girl who shot him a glare whenever he was too mean to someone. The girl who shushed him one too many times but never enough to keep him quiet. The girl he thought was cute but never much interested in him. The girl that was his Transfiguration partner one whole year until that year passed and they went back into being strangers. 
That girl he thought he didn’t know at all. The girl he thought would be just another face to remember in the future was now the girl he saw breaking just as he broke once upon a time ago.
That girl. The girl breaking. 
He took a step forward, despite all the stares passers gave him. “I won’t leave until you-”
“Why do you care!” it was more of an accusation than a question and he could feel it in your tone. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” you turned around and started running with a heavy bag on your shoulder that kept dragging you down. 
You could hear him calling out but the tears were already falling and you didn’t want him to see you. You didn’t want anybody to see you. This was embarrasing. You losing it on the streets was embarrasing. 
So you dropped the bag and you ran faster than you ever did in your life. And you ran- you ran so fast until your legs made you fall into the wet grass underneath you, somewhere in the nowhere. 
You looked up, crying and weeping like a child. Hell, you were still a child. 
You didn’t ask for magical powers. You didn’t ask dad to leave. You didn’t ask to have a mother to hate you. You didn’t ask for Sirius Black to be there when you were at your lowest. You didn’t ask to be alive so why the hell were you! 
All alone in this grey world. 
You couldn’t stop. You couldn’t stop wailing and weeping into the existance. You dug your fingers into the dirt, feeling it gather under your nails. The grass got slick among your fingers and the leaves were so sharp they cut. 
You didn’t hear the sound of a motorbike. You didn’t hear the call of your name and you didn’t hear him approaching until he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. 
A girl he didn’t know and he was holding her in his arms as if she was the most important being in the world for him. As if it was fragile and he was keeping it from breaking. 
“It’s alright. I’m here.” he whispered and you cried, holding onto his arms.
Because at first you didn’t believe it. That he was there, Sirius Black. The boy who sat next to you in Transfiguration class but never exchanged a word after that. You had somebody to hold and somehow that made it better. 
And like your heart was filling up the space in your throat, you heard yourself speak. “I’m alone!” you sobbed, crying and holding onto him. “She hates me! My own mother hates me and my dad doesn’t even care!” you cried and cried and you didn’t know but those words hit home with the boy. 
Yet he didn’t break. He already broke once and once was enough. He had James. You have him now. 
“You’re not alone, you hear me.” he whispered, almost ordered you to listen. “It’s not about them. It’s about what she thinks, what he thinks. You’re stronger without them. You’re stronger because of them. You’re strong.” 
“How would you know? You don’t even know me.You don’t even notice me.” you looked up as he offered you a comforting smile. Not the one he usually gives you but the one that just gives you the feelign of empathy. 
“The hell are you talking about? I know you.” he looked far at the distance. “I may not know your background but I have a feeling of how it feels. I know you like to hit me with a book- and one of the thick ones. Quite harshly too.” he started to joke a bit and you let out a laugh. 
Merlin, you hated when somebody could make you laugh when you were angry.
“And I do notice you. I notice when you come down in the morning, you seem to run back up because you always forget something. You wear buns most of the time because they are the easiest thing to do. Just plop your hair up but there are days you come down with braids and I like those days. Back in Transfiguration I could see you wearing this parfume that was really nice- I don’t know which one it was but it always smelled so nice and you always smelled nice. You had that parfume for a while but then it stopped and I could only smell the cheap ones whenever we passed by. I didn’t mind the cheap ones. They didn’t smell bad but the one you had before was really great. Sometimes you would smell like a fresh summer breeze and I would always try to get closer to you in Transfiguration because you always smelled so good. It’s one of the things I really took notice in and noticed that you always smelled good.” 
You were speechless. You haven’t expected that at all from him. Not from him and not so bluntly. He just said it like it wasn’t odd or creepy. It wasn’t thought. If somebody told you that one normal day, you’d think it’s odd but he told you now and it felt... it made you feel better. You were noticed. You still are. 
And you didn’t do anything except continue to look up at him and then follow his gaze into the field of nothingness. 
“You’re not alone. Not anymore.” he squeezed you gently. “You may think you are but you’re not. It’s always like that with us.”
“The family disappointments.” he quirked an eyebrow. “We are so used to being talked down on. For not following simple rules or obeying but that’s just an excuse for their pathethic decisions and pride. They put all of their flaws and faults on us but we’re not them. “ he looked into your eyes, ordering you to listen one more time. “You’re not what they say you are. You’re not what they make you believe you are. You’re better and stronger. You’re all they can’t be.” he kept looking into your eyes as you kept looking up into his.
And there was this moment of just you, him and the field of nothingness. The wet grass was damping your clothes and his words cleared your enough to realize that. You’re not alone. Not anymore. Not when he’s here and his eyes were the exact proof you needed to feel that. 
He removed himself from you and offered you his hand, grinning. “So are we going to catch this train or not?” 
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Uninviting Cataclysm (Alastor x Reader) Chapter 6
Warning: Homophobia and period typical racism
Part 1: link
Part 2: link
Part 3: link
Part 4: link
Part 5: link
Alastor only saw red in that moment, his mind was taken over by a barrage of constant, annoying static noise filled his ears. Throbbing pain from his temple irritated him to no end, clutching at the spot to soothe the already splitting headache. Alastor couldn’t stop the numerous tremors exploding from his body, getting hit on the head by that bastard really set him into a state of shock, but quickly switched around into a state of fury. At this point he’ll be arriving at the party with grey hairs and crows feet.
    Struggling to stand up Alastor grasped at the wooden wall to catch himself from dropping to the hard floor. The only problem he had was seeing straight, getting hit on the temple would do that and he should know he did it to a lot of past victims before. They always had that far away look in their eyes whenever he struck them upside the head.
    His current prey at the moment bewildered him, taking her only a minute for her to grab one of his spare knives and luckily for him the dumb dora grabbed the blade instead and swung at him with the handle. No matter how idiotic it sounded it did bid her enough time to run up the stairs to the main house. She wouldn’t get far, he knew that much, since he figured that if she was skittish enough to only hit him with the handle she would try to hide instead of escaping. Alastor regained his composure promptly, with a slight provoked twitch of the eye, he leisurely strolled up the stairs taking notice of the front door. The lock was still intact and the two pennies he had between the door crevice were still tucked away nicely in place. The back door wasn’t tampered with either, the same type of coins shoved into the crevices haven’t moved an inch since placed there. Strolling back into the living room he noticed the turned up rug leading up to the second floor.
     Listening he could hear the light thumps of bare feet on hardwood coming from the second floor. Why the second floor? He questioned himself. She could’ve easily ran through the kitchen and into the backyard. Where she could have ran for help, which would be rather troubling for him that a white woman running in the slums of New Orleans clearly injured. Even if his reputation was good with the community it was still a man of color word against the word of a white woman. That would be a horrible outcome, considering he still had to finish his story and he was long from it being over just yet.
     But, instead she ran upstairs to where the only means of escape are the windows. Which in her state is a pretty dumb decision. He was so far in thought that it nearly slipped his mind that his mother is still resting on that same second floor of the house. And all caution flew straight from his mind as he bolted to the staircase, tripping on the first step and skipping three or four stairs just to get to his mother’s room.
     Long strides zeroed in on his mother’s bedroom door, opening the door swiftly and the old door squealed with a lowered howl. Doing a quick once over he glanced around the whole room, making sure that he didn’t cause too much noise to wake her. The comforting noise of his mother’s snores dimmed down his delusions in his head, but something lingered in the back of his brain once more. He tried to think of why he felt so paranoid, and then it struck him, he realized she never dropped that knife downstairs. On the contrary she still had that knife equipped on her. He should have brought a weapon, but brushed it off that she probably didn’t have much strength to hold the knife with her dominant hand. Now that he thought of it she was probably one of those people who can’t function right, without thinking about the situation as it’s happening. A loud and harsh thump from behind him caught him off guard, and he briskly turned around to search the room, eyes falling on the small frame crawling from under the bed. Her body trying to stand upright, but before she could pull the rest of her body out from under his mother’s bed, he grabbed her shoulder, his hold tight enough that she yelped in pain and dragged her out the room. Her cries of help fell on faint ears, but he couldn’t risk his mother waking up to her constant whining and so he threw the rest of her body out the door swiftly closing it behind him.
          “Leave. . .me alo-” A proper slamming of her head against the hallway table cut the rest of her screaming to mute itself. Her body curled up and she tried her damn hardest to crawl away from me. She was in such a state of shock that it was so effortless of a job of taking the knife she still closely held to her chest. He contemplated on killing her right then and there, nevertheless he decided on the ladder.
         “Now, miss your death would’ve been fast, but now I want to take my time with you.” He grinned, yanking her head to an angle that looked rather uncomfortable. “Hitting me on the head was one thing and I could’ve let it slide, however you fucked with my mama. She needs her sleep ya know, so it was very unkind of you to intrude on an old woman making all that unnecessary noise.” Dragging his hand on his face, pulling the skin from under his eyes to relieve some stress, but only getting more agitated. He reached for her ankle, dragging her back down the stairs and back into the basement, where he pushed her. Her back hit the stairs first, a cracking noise came with it and next was her arm, she landed on it when trying to catch herself. It bent at a weird angle and she screeched in agony, but nobody besides him would hear her. The neighbors at this time are usually outside singing, dancing or eating together which would be helpful in her case if she just ran outside like a sensible person in harm's way.
      She hit the bottom with a resounding thump, her body laying stiff at the end of the staircase. He knew that he would be terribly late to the party, which is something he would not be attending if it wasn’t for one particular person. His precious little dame, who’s been waiting for him to arrive over an hour ago. He figured he could have waited until next week to snuff the life of the “up and coming” song bird, but she just had to keep pushing his buttons. Her flirting was horrendous and her constant touching, on which he has to correct her on every time he’s near. But, now here he is dragging her unconscious body back to the slab of hard cement and pushing her dainty frame on the table, strapping her in tighter than earlier. The skin constricting with the restraints left them redden and will later bruise from all the thrashing she loves to do. By the time he was done with her straps, he noticed that she was still unconscious and from the look of it she wasn’t going to come out of it anytime soon.
      You know he could’ve left right then and there and he could be having a swell time at the party, but he just couldn’t risk the matter of her escaping again. She was far too close to his mother and he didn’t want to take that risk her health or life because his prey slipped from between his fingers. With that aim in order he decided to stay until she woke up and when she did rise from her wake, he was going to give her hell.
           “Al, can you hear me.” A small voice interrupts his train of thought from all the irritating events that took place tonight. “Did you hear me, Ally.”
    He masked his twitching eye with his signature, charming grin, but behind that masked smile he hated that nickname, ever since the school boys heard his mother use it. They called him a faggot and grinded his face into the concrete, he could still feel their filthy hands clutching his skin, leaving visible bruises the next day. His father wasn’t much better either, the day he saw those kids beating on him he took him hunting. Those seven days of hunting were just his father’s excuse to get him alone without his mom there. His father would hit him for missing a shot, gutting a fish wrong or for leaving his shoes inside the tent.
   A few too many kicks and slaps to the back of the head steered into a direction he regretted. His vision turned red on the third slap that day and what drove him to giving a square hit to his old man’s chin. His father stumbled, dazing off at the sky for a few seconds, before sluggishly dropping his head, his cold and empty eyes trained on his small frame. Following, soon after was a constant session of air trying to escape his throat and taking deep breaths before his esophagus closed up again. It took him over a full minute and half to pry off his father’s hand, afterward they went home, father coaching him not to say a damn thing to his mama.
   Groaning he sat straight upright,“I would like it if you didn’t call me that, dear.” a slight tone of annoyance very subtle in his voice. “What were you saying again, love.”
        “I was just thinking since you already met my family. Can I please meet your mother?” Big doe eyes peered up at him in the moonlight dimmed room.
   Meeting his mom was something he always thought about, but he keeps imaging her going into the basement or finding some of the bloody jars of organs in the downstairs freezer. But, he knows how to guilt trip, manipulate and lead her down the path that he wants that’s how he got her to stay with only him. He could easily handle (Y/n), she was very obeying even if she was a little hard headed and little too carefree for his taste.
   Her big eyes curiously gazed up at my face, and a quick flash of her face flickered in his mind caved in and mashed like a bowl of ground beef. He didn’t know why, but he thought of killing her in that moment, getting her out of his hair and not having to worry about a curious dame. But, he wanted to ride this out long enough to see where this ended, even if he does end up killing her later in life. At least he was the one to kill this young barecat before anyone else could even think of it.
        “Right now might not be a great time, she’s has a rather weak immune system and I can’t have her getting sick on me.” His hand ran through her tousled hair and gently caressed her cheek, his body heating up with the thought of her blood smearing these bed sheets. “Sorry, love.”
        “Well, if that's the case can I talk to her on the phone. This way I won’t get her sick and I get the chance to talk to your mama.” A sleepy smile graced her lips and heavy eyelids threaten to close any minute now. He could have said no, but why not this way he didn’t have to die of embarrassment from his mother showing her any unnecessary photos lying around. “So, can I baby?” At least she changed that annoying pet name.
        “Oh, fine.” An exasperated sigh left his body and gave a playful glare down at her. “But,only if I get a kiss first.”
  (Y/n) leisurely sat up and climbed in my lap, entangling our legs while at it. She softly puckered her lips and lightly pecked his cheek, lying her head on his chest soon after.
       “Tired, my dear.”
     He already knew the answer to that question, she won’t say it out loud, but he knew that she was feeling intense pain ever since that small spell he placed on her.
     Every time he felt such fierce hatred or anger she would feel this unbearable pain in her chest and he knows that sounds weird for putting a spell on a young bim he loves. Yet, he loved the facial expressions on her face when she’s in great pain. It brings him so much enthusiasm to know he’s giving her this unbearable agony. He especially finds it very amusing when she tries to cover it up, like in the boiler earlier. He was in a deep thought of that dumb dora he killed and was slowly getting more pissed by the second of just thinking about her and her stupidity of failing to escape. He didn’t even realize until he looked over at her that she was clutching at her dress very tightly, moving from side to side in her seat and asking him small questions from time to time. Well, that was just another side effect from the spell, needing the attention of the spellcaster's eyes on them to feel. . . “special” in a sort of way.
    This was just a quicker way of acquiring his lovely dame all to himself, manipulating her into a thoughtless little lady soon enough.
   Smirking to himself he raked his fingers down her hair and back before repeating the process. “Well, I hope you have a very peaceful rest my dear (Y/n).” She was already asleep by the time he said this, her slowed down breathing giving her away that she was past the state of early sleep. When she awoke the following morning she would most likely forget about this whole ordeal and would be too busy in her autopilot day to day lifestyle.
        “You’ll meet mother when she deems it right to finally see you. No need to rush it, you'll both meet soon enough.”
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burgerkang000 · 4 years
Email for better love lives
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im doing the read more thing, cuz u know scrolling ugh
@beyoncesdragon @aixy-hpsa (if anyone else wanna be tagged, let me know!!!)
This is a Yunho fic!
You met San at a compulsory public speaking class, where only you both had to attend for grades; it was filled with nerds who came voluntarily. And your bond begin with bored out glances at each other and loud sighs exchanged. And after that you guys hung out a lot, went to get coffee while doing homework, caught rides with each other, and waved whenever your paths crossed.
You met Yunho when San wanted you to meet his friends that he wouldn’t stop talking about, which made you slightly jealous; you yearned for a bond like that. You pushed that thought away, nothing good comes with jealousy. And while San and his friends would go about their own business, you would stick to the side-lines, not knowing what to say or do, even though they try their best to include you.
Yunho would be the one to keep you company, actively telling you about his day and attentively listen when you were asked about yours. He would also help you study and take you out to grab coffee when San would be too busy.
Anyone would be a fool to not fall for Yunho, with his smile that make his eyes crinkle at the corners, teeth on display, fluffy hair. Who wouldn’t fall for him, at least you could keep it inside, and no one had to know.
“Look at Yunho in this picture, he looks so handsome” San shows you the pictures from your quick break before the exams to the arcade. You take a glance, damn. You know that the moment you open your mouth, you’re screwed.
“I don’t like it when you’re vague” 
“Yes Yunho is cute” That’s all you plan on saying anyways, but you had to panic, because what if San thinks you’re not commenting on it too much and picks up that you’re crushing on Yunho? Ok, so you were overthinking.
“Too cute that it’s impossible he exists, I mean I see him every day but it’s not like I believe he’s real, there is a limit to being cute and all. I mean a recreation of a Greek god- I mean he should be a Greek God himself-”
You were cut short by San’s exploding laughter and as you voice your confusion to him, he still laughs until you violently shake him-
“Yah! Why are you laughing?”
He finally calms down enough to tell you-
“Just say you have a crush on him”
You open your mouth to deny-
“Admit it~” He says scrolling through his phone again.
You huff out, San was your best (read: only) friend, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him, so you nod the tiniest bit, and San grins from ear to ear.
“I mean, I didn’t see it coming, but when you started rambling off like that, it was obvious.”
You sigh.
“You tell this to anyone, I will personally murder you”
“Sure sure”
And after that, he thankfully let you change the topic.
Ever since then, whenever you’d meet Yunho, right after that, you’d whip out your phone to text San; something vague like-
“He’s wearing a red sweater”
“He dyed his hair blue!”
“Kill me”
And then you’d go home and text San about how a person; a human, cannot simply be so beautiful, and ramble off about him.
“But sir, I don’t have an email” You tell the professor, who has just asked to submit your assignment by mail.
“Don’t whine to me, and make one, is there a student your age without email? How do you have social media accounts?”
“I don’t have them” you reply
“Just make one, it’s extremely useful, and won’t take much of your time” He said, in a brushing off manner, guess he doesn’t believe you.
You nod and sigh as you leave to the next class. If you can’t whine to your professor, you can whine to Yunho. Who listens to the whole thing like the god damn angel he is, and as you open your phone to create one, he gently coaxes it out of your hand, asks you if it’s okay if he creates one for you instead and when you nod he turns his attention to the phone, while you’re just dumbly staring at your hand, where Yunho’s hand made contact with yours.
“Look, I sent my self a mail using yours, lets chat on mail for a while, you can get used to it” He says, you nod, and talk for a while, and then Yunho had to go. You wave at him while he leaves and you text San.
“What’s your mail?”
And when you finally get it, you send him a mail.
[Image attached]
Later that day you get a reply from San saying that you’re too dramatic and an email from Yunho, which you didn’t think much about the time. He was the one who wanted to talk in mail, so you open it and-
And you realise you accidently send it to him too.
*cue freak out*
“So I must have send it to him too-” San blinks at you for a while and then-
Laughs at your face saying random things like
“This is gold”
“Never in my life- never”
At this point, you think he’s just spewing English vines that he’s been watching a bit too much to be considered healthy. And now you’re overcome with sadness, and as soon as he notices, he starts apologising and you bow you head, you think you look like a rag doll, and then cry. And san runs circles on you back, occasionally tucking strands of hair behind you ear and wait till you finish.
After a good while of snot- running type of crying, puffy eyes and ringing ears, you start to ramble, a habit that got you here in the first place.
“I don’t think I’m ready for rejection, I mean I was perfectly fine watching him from the side-lines. Heck I would watch him get married and I’d probably say nothing, like I’m not dying inside, proceed to get married, I’m crying tears of happiness-”
“What makes you so sure that he’s going to reject you?”
“I don’t know ok? But this isn’t a movie, he sees me as a friend and I had to go and catch feelings for him.”
San sighs.
“So, what’re you going to do now?”
It was hard, but you finally managed to blackmail San to help you avoid Yunho situations.
“And how long do you plan to do this?”
“Until my plane ticket and Visa to Alaska are approved and I change my name to Veronica Fall”
He looks at you, and the look speaks for itself, you’re being dramatic. You raise your arms in mock surrender and flop on top of the bed.
“Tomorrow everyone is hanging out, Yunho will be there, you coming?”
You pointedly grin at his cheeky expression, and he mimics the way you had surrendered just a few moments ago.
You stare at the response you had given to all the missed calls from Yunho.
I’m busy
Sorry, I was showering
I’m going to be busy for a while.
And you watch as the three dots move, and then stop and then move again, you feel as if your heartbeat moves along with those dots, stopping when it disappears, and then finally a response.
We need to talk, I gave you your time, and it’s not fair.
You feel like this is a new side of Yunho you haven’t seen, an assertive one. And you realise, just because you’re a coward, doesn’t mean that you can leave Yunho in the dark, even though you have fears of Yunho leaving you, getting awkward; deep down, you know, that Yunho, he’d never treat your feelings as something useless. And that makes you feel more in love.
And who knows unrequited love may not be so bad, maybe, just maybe; for Yunho it might not be so bad.
After sending the last text, you get up to clean the place, take out boxes littered about, and books and papers all lying about that you haven’t cared to put away. You do the dishes, and tie your hair into a pony, you’re distracting yourself from the real problem of facing him, for now you let yourself do it; later, you can scream at yourself.
And a right when you reach for the broomstick that you had tucked in deep behind the storage room; you hear a knock at your door.
You don’t think much about it, until you open the door. Low and behold; Yunho was standing at the doorway, a determined look on his face and he walks past you into the house.
You can’t help but think; geez, come on in. But you’re just salty.
And he opens his phone and shows it at your face, too close to read, practically in between your eyes, its touching your nose too. And you’re the dramatic one.
“Explain; explain this email, that was, I figure, supposed to be sent to San, explain why you’ve been avoiding me and my calls, and wherever I go right after I replied to this, I’m not going or letting you go until you do.”
And his voice cracks at the end bit, but you don’t notice, you’re in a bubble of thinking; thinking how to phrase this, just overthinking; maybe.
And moments which feel like hours pass, and you decide to do this the ripping off the band aid way. But it turned out more like the ramble it off way
“I like you? No, no that came out wrong… I love you? Yes, I’m pretty sure I love you, and don’t worry I know you’re not into me that way-”
And you don’t know what really happened; there was a hand on your face, right under your nose, and he was right in front of you.
“Sometimes, everything you say is nonsense.” He breathes, you open your mouth to respond, and he applies more pressure with his palm, to keep you quiet. You can’t help but think of the way your lips mouthed at his palm, not the time; not the time at all.
And then he continues.
“You don’t know how relieved I am to hear that, the moment I got that email, it took me a few minutes to understand, but when I did, I already pictured our five adopted cats, not gonna lie”
Your eyes widen in shock, did he just indirectly say he like you back, in the form of cats? This is why you fell for him in the first place.
“Did I creep you out? I must have creeped you out, forget I said that.”
And you laugh behind his palm, and he slowly removes it, moves it to your shoulder, drags it down the length of your arm, and interlocks it with your hand, a sweet smile on his face, the contagious one, so it’s only law that you smile back, teeth and all, since you can’t hold it back.
“We should go on a date.”
“That; we must.”
You were on one of your many dates, too wind up in each other to not notice the others who also wanted to hang out with you, you totally kept the news from San; you and Yunho are in this together, so he needs to also be comfortable with telling San, after a lot of thinking, you both settle on letting them find out, which may take years to get in their daft heads, but for now, you both have put fate in them.
San caught on way too quickly, the moment you enter the café and sit down, he says-
“So you’re not moving to Alaska? Or is your husband; Yunho moving with you?”
You blush and look down-
“Look, I can explain-”
And he breaks into a wide grin,
“I’m happy for ya”
You and Yunho were scrolling through many of the messages you have send to San; the ones fawning over Yunho, as much as he likes to get you flustered, he himself also gets flustered, so it’s a win-win situation.
“They haven’t caught on yet” you suddenly say.
It’s true, other than San none of them have caught on yet that you both have been dating, and that’s kind of weird, since it’s been almost a whole year.
But it’s not like you’re gonna sit them down and tell them. You and Yunho have a better plan.
Well you have a better plan.
“-and they walk in on us!”
“Or not?”
You end up inviting them over for dinner, and as they take their first bites, you happily chirp in that you’re dating and Yunho adds that you’re moving in with, leaving everyone to choke on their food, except San, who had a cocky expression, which soon turned into a choking fit, who’s cocky now?
And Wooyoung looks up, and goes “Wait, you’re serious” and continues choking, this time on nothing.
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hallowgracie · 3 years
Villain Story Excerpt: The Day He Disappeared
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author’s note | Villain Story is a future project set in the Atomic-verse as a standalone and direct sequel to the events of Atomic Rebooted following a new protagonist, a girl called Laura who quickly finds herself in a precarious relationship with the new greatest threat to the city, Titanio. 
This is one of the flashbacks to Laura’s childhood—and one of the most important ones. Her childhood best friend, Nikola, disappeared under mysterious circumstances when they were both fourteen years old. This is Laura’s recollection of that night. 
I hope you’ll enjoy this little preview of the next project I’ll be working on when Crystal Magic is done!
content warning | implied kidnapping, gore, violence, and murder 
The night before Nikola went missing will always be imprinted into my mind. I could forget his face and his name before I’d forget that night. 
I remember the night air, hot and humid compared to the cold, arid chambers of first the movie theater and then the monorail we’d just stepped off of.
By the suburbs, fireflies darted about, blinking their secret messages to one another and anybody who cared enough to listen. 
We were laughing, allegedly about the movie, the latest Eternal Seas film and what was supposed to be the last one. But that wasn’t really what we were laughing about. It was the kind of laughter you can only give when you’re with your favorite person in the whole world. It comes from the joy of being together, of just being in each other’s company. 
We were just strolling down the blocks of our neighborhood. Most parents wouldn’t let their fourteen-year-olds out late at night in our city—especially because Dr. Electra was still active at the time. Much less let us return whenever we wanted.
But my childhood wasn’t like that. You can have all sorts of adventures when you have a super-powerful best friend willing to follow you to the ends of the Earth. 
Because my parents and Nikola’s knew that he would do anything to protect me.
I don’t think any of us knew what ‘anything’ would entail, however. 
Not until that night. 
It was supposed to be another perfect night in our idyllic childhood. Another one to file away with video games in the treehouse, ice cream trucks, and daring each other off the high dive at the public pool.
Everything was like that—up until a car stopped behind us and a man in black stepped out. 
Nikola turned his back to me and stuck his hand out. The man went flying, skidding onto the pavement. There was blood on the road.
I screamed, my hands flew to my mouth—just as someone came up behind me and grabbed me, wrenching my arms behind my back. I cried out in pain, tears stinging my eyes. I kicked and screamed as more of them came out of the bushes, surrounding Nikola. 
I screamed louder, trying to get anybody to hear us, to help us, to save us.
But no one was coming.
Nikola must’ve realized that about when I did. Because that was when he showed his true power. 
He threw out his hands in wide, frantic arcs—and his power cut through them all, a scorching energy blade. It ended at the man holding me captive, cutting off his head. He crumpled to the ground, and I pulled away. 
But I couldn’t pull my eyes away from what Nikola had done.
I might’ve started crying there, if I hadn’t somehow been able to look him in his shell-shocked eyes. He needed me. 
Specifically, he needed me to be calm now, to be in control.
“Are you okay?” I think we ere both shaking, just standing there in the summer air. 
“Yeah.” His voice was a million miles away. “You?”
“I’m going to be okay.” I nodded. 
He looked over his shoulder all of a sudden—he must’ve heard something. 
A stray cat walked on past the abandoned car.
“Someone probably heard that—and if they see this, then—“ His green eyes darted about in a panic. “Then Atomic Energy will come and—“
“Well, then we’d better get out of here before someone finds out.” I grabbed his hand. “Come on!”
We’d never run faster in our entire lives. Not even when we raced in the park, or on the playground in elementary school. Not even when we were running late to a family dinner my mom was holding for some of my dad’s co-workers. 
Instead of going back to either of our houses, we hopped the perfect picket fence separating the backyard from the rest of the world.
By the time we heard sirens in the distance, we were safely in the treehouse.
It was only then that I became aware of the blood splatters on my tank top.
“I think if I wash this out, then we should be able to get away with this.” I plucked at the stained fabric, surprised at my own even tone. 
Nikola said nothing. He sat curled into a little ball, knees to his chest, rocking slowly as he looked off into the distance with those shell-shocked eyes. 
After a long silence, he looked up to me. The light still did not return in his eyes. 
“Do you think anyone saw us?”
“No.” I shook my head. “It’s nearly eleven, all the windows were dark.”
“I killed them.” His voice cracked. “Oh my god, I—“
“They were trying to hurt us, it was just self-defense, right?” I placed a hand on his arm. “It was just self-defense, no one would be mad at you if they knew.”
I paused. “And no one’s going to know. This can stay our secret.”
“Another one.” 
I shrugged. “One of many.”
He closed his eyes, burying his face in his knees. 
“You also saved my life.” My voice went soft, like falling snowflakes. “And I’m grateful.”
He looked back up at me. “I guess that makes it worth it.”
“And for what it’s worth, I thought it was a good night. Before those guys came.”
He managed a smile. “I should probably get you back home, then.”
I shook my head. “No, I want to make sure you get back safe.”
“It won’t be a problem.” He grinned, like everything was back to normal. “I can take care of myself.”
Like he hadn’t killed five men. 
Like everything wasn’t about to change. 
But I was stupid and I wanted to believe in him.
So I reluctantly nodded. “Fine. But only because you’re just hopping the fence next door.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Ashling.”
With that, we both went out of the treehouse and hopped back over the fence. I went inside, and looked back once, to make sure he was going in the right direction.
After all, it was just to the house next door.
Satisfied, I closed the door and ran upstairs. Mother had told me she wouldn’t stay up before she left, because she trusted Nikola would get me back home safe.
She was right about that.
But I wasn’t the one she needed to worry about all along. 
I remember washing out my tank top, switching into pajamas, how I passed into such a deep sleep, the rest of the night only felt like a second passed.
When I woke up the next morning, I’d gotten dressed and headed over to the Faradays’ house, rang the doorbell and everything.
Mrs. Faraday cracked open the door, with circles under her eyes and wearing her favorite old pink bathrobe. 
That’s when I knew, before she even put it to words.
“Nikola never made it home last night.”
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