#physical fatigue
Where could refuge be When even daydreams have Become too daunting?
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hydeingpurples · 9 months
Jeez, people really don't understand fatigue, and muscle and joint pain.
I try to tell them that I don't want to or can't do something because I'm horribly exhausted and that my legs hurt, all I get back is 'well I'm tired too so' in a moaning voice.
Ok I guess I won't bother next time.
This is probably why I find it near impossible to look out for myself and my needs because I've been shut down for so many years. When I actually really need time to rest, I don't ask because I think I'm being a nuisance.
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beanie-babie-vents · 10 days
I keep forgetting to use this account -
Alright so vent time :
For starters, I was feeling sick on Monday. Worried I had Covid, I went to the emergency clinic nearby. Thankfully, I do not have Covid or even Strep Throat. Unfortunately, I have a UTI.
The thing is, I had actually seen that written in my health notes after my previous doctors appointment. I just wasn't directly told about it? Which is stupid, because what the fuck? I need antibiotics. I have them now, but who's bright idea was it to go "Oh, they have a UTI" and NOT tell the patient?!
So yeah, I've been incredibly exhausted, sleepy, and achey, which are apparently symptoms of the UTI, but I also haven't had my period yet, so it's likely on the way.
And right now, I am incredibly irritable.
I'm assuming it's because I haven't taken my meds yet, and it's past 11 am.
Well, aside from the antibiotic, I took that at 6 am.
But my regular morning meds I always take after breakfast.
Which I didn't eat yet.
Because I was looking for the chocolate chips (I gave up, wouldn't be surprised if mom threw them out...), and when I was finally making my 'overnight' oats (am just leaving it in the fridge for a few hours til lunch) I did not have the energy - mental or otherwise - to make eggs as I planned.
So, hooray -
In any case, I took my meds and am eating some pretzels, and Imma at least TRY to do my assignments.
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crippledpunks · 5 months
i wanna say fuck you to anyone who shame disabled, chronically ill & neurodivergent people, especially homebound folks, for "spending too much time on their phone/on the internet/etc." when it's the only (Somewhat) accessible way for them to experience the world. many people don't get to get out much even if they want to because of their disabilities. shaming someone for trying to connect with the world, make friends and engage with hobbies in ways that are accessible to them is beyond cruel and unnecessary
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2thinktalk · 4 months
Physical Fatigue
Physical Fatigue What is Physical Fatigue? Physical fatigue is a state of extreme tiredness and decreased capacity to perform physical activities. It occurs when the muscles and the body are overworked or under significant strain, leading to a reduction in performance and an increase in the perception of effort required to perform tasks. Causes of Physical Fatigue Overexertion: Engaging in…
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tumble-tv · 1 year
"kill them with kindness" WRONG run them over in your wheelchair 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽
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a-sassy-bench · 9 months
do able-bodied people not understand that if disabled people call out of work every time they don't feel good that we would call out of work every fucking day?
like honestly. what do you think being disabled means?
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chronically-mars · 2 months
I never truly knew the meaning of friendship until I became chronically ill and disabled. When my health declined I had people leaving left and right because I couldn’t keep up with other teenagers. I stopped having people check on me, I stopped getting invited to stuff, stopped being included, until I just got left behind. Now as an adult I found friends who check up on me, make sure whatever we do is accessible to me, always making me feel included, they are my support system.
Check up on your chronically ill and disabled friends, keep including them in stuff even if they have to end up canceling it. Being excluded for something you have no control over is horrible and no one should go through that.
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cr-pplepunx · 10 months
if youre considering using a mobility aid, youre probably thinking about getting a cane. even if it seems like youre issues arent bad enough, you should probably still consider other mobility aids. please look into the pros and cons of several different mobility aids, especially in conjunction with your specific disability/diagnosis/needs.
i got a cane at first because i thought my issues were "mild" and therefore i needed a "mild" mobility aid. but canes are moreso for stability than support. i damaged my wrist and worsened my scoliosis by deciding to use a cane without an educated opinion.
i now use forearm crutches primarily, a rollator for longer outings, and a wheelchair for worse days and longer events. dont make the same mistake as 16-year-old me. dont choose your mobility aid based on palatability, consider your needs and address your internalized ableism if need be.
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violet-phoenix-nebula · 6 months
When someone has a chronic illness or is disabled and can't work, they say a few common things.
It must be nice to sit around all day/sleep all day.
I wish I could sit around all day and not work.
I wish I could sleep all the time.
They don't want to sleep as much as we have to. They'd feel sick and sluggish.
They don't want to sit around the house all day not doing anything. They'd be bored out of their fucking skull.
It's so unbelievably fucking frustrating, but there's a fundamental lack of understanding.
They liken our lives to a vacation, imagining that it's fun and relaxing and we can do whatever fun things we want to all the time.
In reality, it should be likened to an extended hospital stay. You can't do anything and you feel like shit.
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I know its kind of silly to say “don’t feel bad for canceling because of pain, fatigue, etc” because I know guilt is a reflex you can’t easily refrain from. But you can reason with yourself so instead I’ll say this:
Nobody can feel what you’re feeling but you. Nobody knows the severity of what you would be putting yourself through if you were to “tough it out.”
If you do “tough it out,” the purpose for you doing the thing will most likely not be fulfilled anyway. You probably will not be mentally present or engaged. You probably will not have a good time or get much out of it. Etc.
If people really have such a problem with it, thats a huge red flag. Being transparent about your needs and boundaries is a great way to weed people like that out of your life.
If you have any kind of chronic illness or disability, remember that you probably have a very warped judgement of what is “reasonable” to endure in terms of pain, fatigue, burnout, etc.
You didn’t ask for this, you don’t deserve this, there is no reason you should have to bear the weight of it alone. I bet if someone else was in your position, you wouldn’t mind helping accommodate for them?
Low energy days are truly sacred, take them seriously. Please respect your body’s signals. “If you do not choose times to rest, your body will choose for you” or however the saying goes
It is so much pressure to have to deliberate what sacrifices are necessary for proper self care. Give yourself extra credit for having to deal with that stress on top of whatever is putting you in that position in the first place. Thats a lot at once
You are leading by example and showing others that you would never expect them to hurt or overextend themselves for your benefit. Putting yourself first always inspires other to do the same.
Please be proud of yourself for even considering canceling and putting your needs first. That is so strong of you <3
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matchakuracat · 4 months
being chronically ill with fluctuating symptoms is so annoying because when it's at it's worst im like "okay i desperately need some type of mobility aid right now, i haven't been able to leave my house in days" but then i'm able to go for a walk one day and suddenly i feel like im exaggerating my symptoms and that i actually can walk fine and it would just be embarrassing and pointless to ask for a mobility aid assessment
but like ... not struggling as much one day doesn't take away from the days that i struggle the most
our pain is valid even when it's not at it's worst and we deserve the accommodations we need even if we don't always need them at all times
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hydeingpurples · 9 months
I'm so fed up of muscle and joint pains, being sore, fatigued, exhausted, achey, can it all go away?
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I think the reason why people want to know what's "wrong" with disabled people is because they want to reassure themselves.
They want you to say you were in a horrific accident or that you have a well known and treatable disease because they think they can stop it happening to them.
They think their health is a given because they aren't a dangerous driver/ an alcoholic/a drug user/obese/an unhealthy eater etc. Obviously this isn't true but it's easier for them to think of it like that.
Until one day they meet someone who did nothing. They're not really asking "what's wrong with you". They're asking "what went wrong" because they think they can avoid it.
So when they meet someone who made all the right choices, who was healthy, who was safe and one day woke up sick and never got better, it scares them because some part of them realises that it could happen to them.
They can exercise and eat a balanced diet and be as careful as possible and it doesn't do a thing and they can't do a thing about it. That terrifies able bodied people.
People like to look for something or someone to blame and they hate it when there's nothing there.
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decora-kai · 17 days
Ive seen posts about how disabled people should be able to have hobbies and how we should be able to do things that we like if we enjoy it and if it doesnt hurt us, and yeah I totally agree, but like unpopular opinion ig, let disabled people do things they enjoy even if it hurts them.
I, as a chronically ill person, have things I enjoy doing that arent that good for my pain levels. For example, I enjoy going on walks, just for like an hour or so around my town and in the forest. I will most likely have a flare up the day after/for a couple days after and my legs will be aching most of the way through walking but I love it, not the pain but the walking and seeing places (specifically the woods, i love the woods so much omdddd). Another example is video games, which may sound like an odd thing to flare from for some, but with fast paced video games on console or pc, my fingers get very stiff and achey from moving around so much so quickly, and it tires me to have to even use my eyes sometimes but I really like playing them.
Obviously there are way more examples that I've missed but the point still gets across. Let disabled people have hobbies, even ones that may mess up their pain levels, or make them extremely fatigued etc.
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tumble-tv · 16 days
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