#pjo dsmp
cgogs · 8 months
Oneshot #1 - Nothing / dsmp pjo au (c!dnf) 2k
this is a little bit of an experiment to see if i like writing this pjo dsmp au, and if people like reading it. its super short, but i wanted to get out a little bit of writing to see if i was into it. if i like it i'll start working on more :] so basically feedback is APPRECIATED
“You’re awake.”  “How could you tell?” “I can always tell. Idiot.”
“You’re awake.” 
Dream blinks. The bottom of the top bunk comes into focus in all its wooden glory. He’d been staring at a blur for the past half hour, desperately trying to stay awake. 
Okay, that really is George talking, and not some sleep deprived delusion. George’s head peeks over the side of the bunk facing the window, moonlight eclipsed by his hair. He can barely see his features, but he knows exactly the look George is giving him. Something between judgmental and concerned. 
“How could you tell?” Dream whispers back. 
“I can always tell. Idiot.”
George likes to tease him for sleeping like a corpse, hands laced together over his stomach. Dream moves his hands to his sides before George gets the chance to mention it.
“D’you want me to do the thing?”
“No.” The last time he let George use his sleep magic, he had a nightmare worse than the ones he was running from in the first place.
“I’ve gotten better at it!” George promises, sounding a tad desperate. “Let me try.”
Some of their cabin mates begin to shuffle in their sleep. There’s a quiet, ‘shut up’ thrown their way, sounding a little bit like Tommy. Probably Tommy.
Dream lowers his voice further. “I’m going for a walk.”
There’s a pause. But it doesn’t seem like he hates the idea. “We’ll get in trouble.”
Dream sits up, swiveling his head around the room to see if anyone’s paying attention. From the back, he can see everyone sound asleep in their beds. When George was claimed, the Hermes cabin elected to put George in the very back corner of the room. The general sentiment seemed to be that they were afraid of George emanating some kind of sleep stink or something. George seemed sad being ostracized, which was understandable.
It was easy for Dream to swap with his new bunkmate, which delighted the boy. George had said he was only pulling long faces because he wasn’t able to bunk with his best friend anymore, which. Dream had no particular emotional reaction to. Please trust him on this.
(Later, Hypnos would claim more sons, and the Hermes cabin would get over it, and Dream will just have to seethe in silence.)
With the coast clear, he stands carefully.
“Mr. D is going to turn you into a tree.” George rolls to the other side of the bed to watch, glaring at him through the wood railing. 
“Come with me.” 
“What? I don’t want to get in trouble. Can’t you just lay back down?”
Dream holds out his hand, reaching up. “Just trust me.”
He’s aware that it isn’t exactly a convincing argument. George tentatively takes his hand, anyway. His hands are soft like they haven’t worked a day in their lives, which might be a little true. But they’re only kids, so time will tell.
George keeps hold of his hand even as he climbs down the ladder. It makes Dream sort of feel like, a knight or something.
“You’re, like, my princess.” Stupid thing to say. Whatever, he already said it, and George is already trying not to laugh so he doesn’t wake everyone up. He holds his breath through a snort, which makes a silly noise, which makes Dream struggle not to laugh as well. Domino effect of stupidity.
Dream tries to communicate with his hands that they could be careful of the creaks in the floor, which he’s previously memorized. George sleepily nods his head like he understands, still smiling dumbly, and immediately steps on one of the loose boards, letting out a very long and tedious creak. 
Okay, fine. If any of the kids in the cabin snitch, they’ll know they aren’t truly Hermes’ child, and the unclaimed ones can cross him off their list.
Outside, the air is warm and perfect, like it always is. Or should be, anyway. George’s hand is cold.
“Okay, so, where are we going?”
Dream points up to the roof, and George’s expression sours. 
“You didn’t say anything about climbing.”
“Well, I’m not gonna take you to the woods if you can’t be quiet.”
“Is that where you go? Won’t nymphs catch you?”
“We’re the babies, they think we’re cute. They just tell me to go back.”
“We’re twelve, not babies.”
“Yeah? Then get climbing.”
George stomps the ground petulantly, but doesn’t go back inside. Dream has to let go of his hand to show him how to climb up. The breeze sifts through his hair gently, the cool air clings to his skin. He’s made this climb a few times, not that it’s hard. But he can hear his friend groaning with every new foothold he has to take.
It’s a big cabin, it’s got to hold a lot of kids. He pities the kids who have to sleep in the top rungs, they have to climb up and down at least two ladders to get in and out of bed. Maybe the ones on top are, like, the strong half-bloods. Ares and Hephaestus and stuff.
Dream pulls himself up on top of the roof with ease. 
“Not so hard.” Dream gloats, smiling at George still struggling on the last edge. 
“Help?” George frowns pitifully, voice small and winded. He holds out his hand. “Please?”
Dream takes his hand and pulls him up. “I’ve gotcha.”
He wobbles a bit on his feet, but steadies. George is only in his pajamas, his own sacred artifact. Sometimes he’s seen him walking around camp in his pajama bottoms. There’s only two beads on his necklace, opposed to Dream’s six. He thinks he’ll have to turn his necklace into a bracelet and get a new one pretty soon. 
“I’m so tired.” George whispers, rubbing his eyes with force.
“You’re always so tired. Do you mean it this time?”
George moans grumpily. He’s standing like he’s waiting for Dream to tell him what to do. So he does. 
Dream takes his hand and guides him to lay down on one of the flat parts of the roof, above a protruding window. The wood is old and creaky, and tomorrow Sapnap (who sleeps at the top of Cabin 11, though Dream thinks it's pretty obvious who his godly parent is) will tell Dream to stop going up there in the middle of the night for what is probably the tenth time.
Together, they look at the night sky. There's few clouds, like always, and somehow all of the world’s constellations are clear. Like New York isn’t right next door.
That one is Andromeda, next to Cassiopeia. He learned that in class the other day. “Class” used loosely– they try hard to have stuff for kids to do around here. 
“Is this what you do?”
Dream looks at him. “Hm?”
“Like. When you leave your bunk you just come up here? When you don’t go to the woods.”
“Yeah. I like the silence.”
There’s a long pause. Then, George asks another question, sounding even more sleepy than before. Something unnatural tugs at Dream’s eyelids when George comes near. 
“Did your nightmares come back?” His voice is quiet, so quiet, so not even the sky may hear. 
Dream didn’t want to say as much in front of so many people. Even if they were asleep. He nods. “Let me help.” George pokes his shoulder. 
“I’m scared!” Dream laughs quietly, “You did a terrible job last time.”
“Okay, whatever, I’ve been practicing.” George says, accent really peeking through. His mother is from Oxford, if he’s remembering correctly. Work visa. Not that Dream really understands what that means. He just understands George sounds very British, and it’s fun.
“Really? And who have you been practicing on.”
“Sam.” George seems rather proud of himself. “Sam, and it was good and I did good. So you should let me help.”
“Oh.” Dream really thought he’d catch him in a lie. “What does Sam even dream about?”
George rubs his eyes, moaning in thought. Which is a strange way to describe it, but that’s what George does. He rolls away, attempting to yawn away from him. He’s been trying not to yawn near people. It’s cute, but doesn’t make much of a difference. Dream yawns, despite his best efforts. George rolls back when he’s through. 
“Sheep.” Is all he says. He leans his head on Dream’s shoulder. “Let me help.” “Why are you so adamant?”
“Because it’s, like, the only thing I can even do. Everyone can like, make cool plants or be super smart. I just sleep.” George hesitates, but follows through. “And I like you. You’re my best friend.”
Dream’s heart swells, enough to melt his apprehension. Or, maybe it’s the desperation that comes with sleep deprivation. It occurs to him he never changed out of his jeans. 
“Do it.”
“You’re scared?” George looks up. His eyes are the kind of blue you see in the scariest parts of the ocean. The color of trenches that touch the center of the Earth. “Don’t be scared. You’ll wake up no matter what.”
“I wasn’t scared of that, but, I guess now I am?” It’s hard to keep eye contact. Something about the sleepy glaze of George’s eyes makes Dream’s soul want to give up. Whatever that means, he’s not sure.
“Sorry. It comforts me to think about.” George holds his arm gently. “You have to look at me. Remember?”
Truthfully, he didn’t. He doesn’t remember anything about how George lulled him to sleep. But he follows his instruction, and soon enough he can feel darkness creeping in all around him. It feels like having the biggest, heaviest quilt gently laid over him. It feels like getting dragged underwater. The sound of the wind in the trees melts into pure silence.
He’s vaguely aware of the sound of a yawn, his or George’s, he’s not sure. And then there was nothing at all.
For the first time in weeks, he doesn’t dream. No nightmares about green fire and the earth swallowing him whole. No death, no inevitable fates and failures he can’t avoid. Just, cold nothing.
He’s woken up by someone poking his cheek. He’s slow on the uptake, which is unlike him, but it’s so early in the morning some of the sleep lingers like a shroud. It’s a nymph. She’s not very happy. You can’t keep doing this. 
And when George is asleep, he’s really asleep. And using magic tuckers him out– he’s only just started trying to use it. There’s like, a meter he’ll have to level up. At least that’s what George said. 
Bottom line, he’s hard enough to wake up when he hasn’t exhausted himself. Dream is tasked with the impossible job of carrying George back down and into bed. 
It’s a good thing he weighs nothing. 
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dsmp characters's godly parents (pjo)
from my personal favorite to other options
c!tommy - im personally fond of him being the kid of a minor god like tyche. though him being a zeus kid who fucking hates zeus is also funny. demeter would work as well. also aphrodite in the like. platonic love way?
c!tubbo - okay yes satyr but like. also strong contender for hephaestus. could also see demeter or athena
c!ranboo - to me they are SO a kid of aphrodite. however i could also see athena or hectate or like lethe or something. or like not a demigod but something else
c!wilbur - very definite apollo. like maybe some athena lineage but like. def apollo. cmon guys.
c!techno - athena . i am so so so so so firm on this c!techno is athena. NOT ares.
c!phil - he works so much better as a not demigod but something else. however is we have to go the demigod route then kid of zephyrus. uhm yeah no duh. if not that then zeus but c!phil really just isn't a kid of zeus
c!kristin - again much rather not demigod but if not then hades obviously. if not that then thanatos and if not that then a clear sighted mortal
c!purpled - i like the idea of him being the kid of nemesis. however if not that then him being the kid of zeus and tommy not being him but tommy taking the spotlight anyway would be v funny
c!quackity - hermes
c!slime - not a demigod.
c!fundy - erm. hypnos?? i also like him being not a demigod.
c!niki - athena probably. or nemesis.
c!hannah - dryad??? or something like that?? if not then demeter for sure
c!puffy - im thinking again not a demigod. maybe satyr? if not then either athena or posedien but idk.
c!bbh - again most definately not a demigod but if we must,,,, nyx
c!tina - demeter
c!sam - hephaestus. obviously. if not then athena
c!ponk - apollo
c!karl - hypnos??? also could be a clear sighted mortal
c!schlatt - satyr. or like dionysus
okay thats all i got
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existosis · 8 months
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ive fallen into the rabbit hole like a fool
(bg text mostly from achilles come down by gang of youths x)
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beelittle · 9 months
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c!tommy sketches ft. benchtrio
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mioakem · 3 days
is it safe to say that after walker got casted as percy and everyone started switching over to that design i fully thought some of yall were drawing tommyinnit’s dream smp character
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winter-rossie · 1 month
Technoblade: So, you have voices too? Frank: Yep, there my father's. Technoblade(excited): Do they ask for blood too? Frank: Yea, sometimes they do, It's pretty annoying. . . ----------A few moments later----------- Hazel, Entering with Tubbo: Wut?? Are you guys good???? Frank and Technoblade: Bestie Bonding.
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Fandoms I'm in!!!
Mcyt/dsmp (I do not support Wilbur soot/Georgenotfound)
Cardcaptor sakarua
School bus graveyard
Dc (specifically wayne family adventures)
Scooby doo
Harry potter (I do not support jkr)
Marauders era
and i think that's it? I might update it lol
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w3ndytheraccoon · 2 months
The day everyone realised that explaining DOES NOT EQUAL excusing a character & you can like a shitty character and still acknowledge that they are shitty is the day I can die happily
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lavenderstarsx · 3 months
wearing a yankees hat not in an annabeth chase way but in a jschlatt way
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C!tommy after reading pjo
C!tommy: yes I have truama. But I could have had truama AND have super powers? I was scammed.
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savebatsartedition · 3 months
And So We Fall - Fully Animated Fandom AMV
Warnings: Eyestain, flashing lights, minor injury, and minor spoilers for SOME of the fandoms included. (All of them are listed below in order.) 
There are unfortunately two small visual glitches and an audio glitch in this recording. You play have more luck with the scratch link (IF you have a beefy computer). The other recordings I tried to do crashed my computer. 
I ran out of tags to tag everything so I picked four random fandoms to not tag.
Scratch link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/504709298 Originally shared: Jul 12, 2024 
(More notes under the cut.) 
Instructions: If you couldn't tell from the DSMP part, I've been working on this for a WHILE. ^-^' (For reference: As of 2024, I have been working on it for at LEAST four years.) 
 It's a little off time, and it's kind of scuffed but yeah.
Please don't steal or recolor or trace or anything! None of that! 
Fandoms: Dream SMP (Ranboo lore) Pokemon DPA (Koya) Hetalia (Germany, Italy, Japan, England, Russia, France, China, America.) 3rd Life SMP (Grian) Warrior Cats (Jayfeather) Gameknight999 (Gameknight999, King of Griefers) Pokespe (That part where Gold got thrown in the lake) Miraculous Ladybug (Cat Noir and Ladybug) HTTYD Books (Windwalker) PJO (Percy + Hades and Persephone) Magic Tree House (Jack and Annie) Beowulf (Grendel's Mother and Beowulf) Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (Link + the gate of time) Kirby's Epic Yarn (Prince Fluff and Kirby) Servamp (Litch and Lawless) Series of Unfortunate Events (Sunny) Norigami (Yato +Yukine in sword form) Pokemon Anime (Ash) Brother Bear (Kenai, Bear Form, then human form) My Little Pony (Rainbow Dash) Hamlet (Hamlet) Spiderwicks Chronicles (Mallory, Simon, Jared) Animaniacs (Yakko, Dot, and Wakko) A to Z Mysteries (Josh, Ruth Rose, and Dink) Warrior Sheep (All of them, focus on Wills, the phone) Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog) Dungeon Meshi (Chilchuck)  Hermitcraft 8 (Impulse, Pearl, Mumbo, Scar, Grian) Prodigy Math Game (The Puppet Master) Disney's Fairies (Vidia + Mushroom with pixie dust) How To Train Your Dragon Movies (Toothless pre film) Scratchcraft (Mallonations, Stormlordzeus) The Iliad (Achilles and Patroclus) Shark Wars (Velenka, Goblin) Me :3 
Sorry to Cleopatra in Space, Amulet, Narnia, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter, Wild Cratts, The Hobbit, Foxcraft and all the other things I like very very much but didn't even get into this amv. Also sorry to the parts, Pokespe in particular, which are way too short for how much I love them. :") 
Notes and Credits: @savebatsfromscratch (me) for the animation and code. Scratch bitmap is the program of choice. The Stupendium on YT for the song. The creators of the characters.
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watermelonfrog2 · 7 months
Thinking about my favorite characters being traumatised blondes
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lunasaysmoneyisbest · 2 months
Hi I am lunasaysmoneyisbest
or Luna/Moon
I use all pronouns
I usually post ideas of fanfics
Some I do not have the ability to write without sounding insane
and others Are ideas of fanfics I am making
I focus solely on Lout of the Count Family
But I do other fandoms as well
Such as
(Fandoms and favorite Characters-Some another list is like on another post)
MCU-Loki and Peter and Deadpool
DEMON SLAYER-Giyuu and Genya
TCF-Raon and Alver and Rasheel
ORV-Yoo Jooghyuk and Kim Dokja
Debut Or Die-Park Moondae
Sander Sides-Roman and Remus Sanders
Moon Knight-Moon Knights
Shazam-Billy Batson and his Divine Twitch Chat
Batfamily-Damien and Bruce
PJO-Apollo and Leo Valdez-also Nico and Will
the scum villain's self saving system-Shang Qinghua and Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu
MDZS-Jiang Cheng
TGCF-Mu Qing
Genshin Impact-Wanderer and Kaeya
Danny Phantom-Danny and Tucker
Bungo Stray Dogs-Atsushi and Chuuya-Also Sigma and Akutagwawa
My Hero Academia-Bakugo Katsuki and Aizawa Shota
DSMP-Tommy and Ranboo
Spy x Family-Anya
Eleceed-Jiwoo and his animals
The Umbrella Academy-Five - Klaus and mostly from fanfics Dave
(More will be added in future)
My explanations of my ideas will either be insane and nonsense
with horrible english because it is my first language and im horrible at it. I am also incredibly awkward so that would not help
My mind sometimes may make it seem sadder or insaner then it actually would be
Fandoms will forever be added
I will always welcome comments or questions
If you want to use my ideas
Please ask and send a link
I have a wattpad account and AO3 account
both share the same name as LunaSaysMoneyIsBest
Ao3 if more of my planned ideas
and Wattpad
has everything else
I hope you enjoy my posts
Have a great day and I hope your entire day makes you smile
or at least a post of mine does
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asher-woods · 4 months
oooh, intro post!
My fandoms are Welcome Home, FNAF, PJO, TADC, TCOAAL, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Littlest Pet Shop (2014), DSMP, QSMP, MCYT, Hermitcraft, Disney, MCU, Gravity Falls, OHSHC, DC (sometimes, mostly in relation to Batman and the Batfam or Harley Quinn,) and many more! (I'll add them as I think of them.) My general aesthetics are soft punk, nerdcore, kidcore, batcave, and mooncore! (that one weird one that's all night-themed and stuff idk-) My music taste consists mostly of CG5, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber's Micropop, fansongs, and other weird niche stuff I decided I like. (Blu on Spotify!) I am a self-shipper, mostly for the reasons of being a hormonal teen with not enough outlets to give and receive affection. my pronouns change, but she/they should work
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pineapplecrushhh · 3 months
Hey guys! We have officially opened up fanfiction requests.
We have started up an A03 account and you can DM us either on Tumblr or on Discord (pineapplecrushh) to request a fic! Made a carrd for it as well, so you can see our do’s and don’ts:
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somesimpformen · 9 months
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