#platonic!peggy carter x reader
captainsophiestark · 9 months
Girls' Night
Platonic!Peggy Carter x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 6 Prompt: "I can't wait for you."
Requested: Yes by @flowers-and-fichte! Hope you like it!
Summary: Summary: Peggy and her bestie are having a much-needed night out on the town.
Word Count: 1,520
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Peggy, come on!" I shouted, hammering on the door of her apartment at the Griffith. "I can't wait for you, let's go!"
"Don't you have to wait for me?" I heard her voice call from inside. A second later, the door opened, Peggy grinning at me with her hair, makeup, and outfit done to perfection. "Unless you intend to go dancing and drinking alone."
I crossed my arms and huffed. "I'll go get Angie. She'd be willing to come. And I get the feeling she wouldn't be intentionally slow in getting ready to avoid going out on the town."
Peggy sighed, stepping back from the door long enough to grab her purse before finally joining me completely in the hallway.
"We both know Angie's busy, otherwise she'd be coming with us right now."
"I probably could've gone to the Automat, gotten her out of her shift, and gotten to the club in the time it took you to get ready."
Peggy just shook her head with a small smile as she locked her door and the two of us finally headed out. After months of stress and work at the SSR, especially as the only two female agents, I'd decided Peggy and I needed a night out. Little miss workaholic hadn't been particularly on board, and she'd been dragging her feet the whole time, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. Now, finally, I'd officially managed to get her out of the house.
"So, where to?" asked Peggy, tightening her coat a little as we stepped into the cool night air.
"Sousa told me about a place he likes last week," I said. "We're going to go see whether or not he's got good taste."
Peggy gave a noncommittal grunt as I stepped out into the street and hailed a taxi. We climbed in and I gave our driver the address, then settled into the back seat with Peggy.
A few minutes into the ride, I caught her eyes scanning our surroundings as we drove. I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes before fixing Peggy with a look.
"What?" she demanded.
"Seriously? You're canvassing and scanning for threats. You need to cut that out right now. We're supposed to be having a fun, relaxing night on the town, we can't do that if you're constantly looking for threats to take down and improvised weapons to take them down with."
She huffed a sigh, breaking her vigilant scan to meet my eyes.
"I'm sorry. I know. It's just... we've been on red alert for months. It's a little hard to turn it off, isn't it?"
"I know what you mean. But you've got to try, Peggy. We're both going to go completely crazy if we don't take a little break now and then."
She hummed her agreement as she turned back to looking out the window, this time with less of an agent's edge. I smiled to myself. At least it was progress.
A few minutes later, the cab pulled up outside of a swanky-looking club, people smiling and chatting in incredible outfits outside. Peggy and I stepped out, and I was happy to say, we fit right in.
We got a few appreciative looks as we headed into the club shoulder to shoulder, to find the place absolutely swinging. People swirled around the dancefloor, the music boomed from the live band across the room, and people were laughing and chatting at tables all across the bar. I smiled.
"Well, what should we do first?" I asked, leaning in towards Peggy and raising my voice a little to be heard over the noise. "Drinks, dancing, or finding a place to sit?"
"Drinks," Peggy called back. "And then dancing."
"Yes ma'am!"
I started off through the crowd in the direction of the bar, holding one hand behind my back for Peggy to take if she needed it to keep from getting separated. I couldn't help moving to the beat a little as we snaked through the crowd, bobbing my head and smiling at everyone else. When we made it to the bar and Peggy stepped up next to me, I was happy to find her with a smile on her face, too.
"First round's on me!" I said. "What're you drinking?"
"Jim Beam," she said. "On the rocks."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, even as I flagged down the bartender. "You're very predictable, Peggy. Next time, I'm gonna get you to try one of the signature drinks with me."
Peggy snorted, but I ignored her as I placed our orders. A moment later, our drinks arrived, and I raised mine in toast as I turned more fully to face my friend.
"To us!" I said, yelling a bit to be heard over the noise. "The two best agents the SSR could've asked for, no matter what any of those idiots in the office might say, and to getting a well-deserved night to have fun!"
Peggy smiled, and we clinked our glasses together, locking eyes before taking a small sip. Peggy sighed and leaned back against the bar, surveying the crowd before us.
"Thank you for dragging me out tonight," she said. I grinned, leaning against the bar next to her. "I don't know how I managed to keep from going insane in that office before you came along, but I'm so happy we can face things together now."
"Me too, Peg. Me too."
We stood together in comfortable silence for a few moments, sipping our drinks and enjoying watching the crowds and taking in the music. Finally, I sighed and set my mostly-empty glass on the bar behind me, then turned to Peggy.
"Alright, Peg. I don't know about you, but I think it's time to dance."
The corner of her mouth quirked up, and she set her glass down next to mine.
"I'd say I agree."
I grinned, then took her hand and dragged her out onto the dancefloor with me. She followed along, laughing, and we wove our way through the crowd until we found a good dance space. As soon as we found it, we faced each other and held hands, taking turns spinning each other around and dancing like maniacs to the beat.
I laughed as Peggy spun me, poorly, and I almost went knocking into a couple dancing next to us. They looked to be here on a date, and gave Peggy and I a dirty look, but we ignored them.
"Are you trying to go bowling for the people around us?" I called, laughing over the music as I came back towards Peggy and spun her out and away from me next. She laughed too, a carefree smile on her face that I hadn't seen in far too long.
"Maybe! Or maybe I'm trying to keep your reflexes sharp."
"Oh gee, thanks," I scoffed, rolling my eyes as we launched into the lindy hop. "Really Peg, I appreciate it."
"Good! You can repay me by doing my filing tomorrow."
I threw my head back and laughed, and after a minute, Peggy joined in. We lost track of time whirling across the floor together, both of us putting unique spins on the dances, since neither of us were very used to dancing the guy's part. We had more fun as a result, and while a few people shot us judgey looks as we flew across the floor, most people just smiled good-naturedly at the fun we were clearly having.
Once we both started sweating enough, we stumbled off the floor together, massive grins dominating both our faces. Peggy took a detour to the bar while I found us a table in the back to rest and catch our breath for a few moments, scanning the crowd again as I did. Sousa had absolutely hit it out of the park with this recommendation.
"Two waters, and two signature cocktails," Peggy announced, setting the drinks down before sliding into the booth with me. I smiled.
"Thanks, Peg. Cheers."
We toasted, then settled in together, laughing and talking the night away as we observed everyone around us. We made a few more trips to the dancefloor, spinning around with the same reckless abandon as when we'd started, and when we finally piled into a cab a little after one in the morning, we both knew the judgey looks from Ms. Fry would be worth it.
"We really need to do this more often," I mused, stumbling down the hallway with my shoes in one hand, my bed calling to me. Still, I paused with Peggy outside her door as she took out her keys.
"I actually think I agree with you," she said, shooting me a smile. "I haven't had fun like that since before the war. And maybe not even then."
"Likewise. We'll have to tell Sousa his recommendation was fantastic."
"That we will. But not until Monday. For once in my life, I'm going to do absolutely nothing tomorrow."
I grinned. "I support you in that, Peggy. In fact, I support you so much, I think I'll join you in solidarity."
We shared beaming smiles, then both disappeared into our own apartments. I immediately fell into bed, not bothering to change, a smile on my face. Sometimes, you just really needed a girls' night.
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
in the shadows | 1 |
a/n: look…ik this isn’t a request or part of any of my series’s but…i just couldn’t not write this idea that burst into my head in my genetics course alright?? (Ik what you’re thinking ‘oh great another series for her to abandon’ lol, ive never abandoned a series I’m just extremely slow and self conscious about my writing
word count: 1.4k
warning(s): author recently got over her extreme dislike for steve rogers so if anything feels forced it probably is - timeline might not make sense but whatever its my timeline now - nazis (WWII) - canon death - reader burns someone alive but its a nazi so its fine - this is literally like if Y/N was in every movie and participated in the plot - not explicitly stated in this part but reader is the mythological inspiration for the devil, bc I’m extra - slow? - lots of time jumps I’m sorry - i do not remember much of CA:FA soooo - Y/N is an eternal but they are not explicitly mentioned in this chapter
prompt: while the others separated after the supposed defeat of the Deviants, you immersed yourself into the world, it’s people, it’s culture. you love earth and would do anything to defend it but the celestials stand in your way. this is the story of how, in the shadows, you were the driving force protecting the world. (I’m sorry if this prompt is confusing - I couldn’t quite gather my thoughts)
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Across the room, you gave Erskine a questioning stare. The scientist was looking at a clipboard, his brows furrowed together in a way that indicated the wheels of his mind were turning rapidly. Brushing off the soldier that was so boldly flirting with you, you made your way towards your friend, startling him once you came to look over his shoulder. Your eyebrows shot up at the list you read, every imaginable disqualifier for the military written in harsh black ink.
“This is a joke, right?”
Admittedly, your voice was hard, weighed down with the exhaustion of the war, tired of each candidate you presented being dismissed. Erskine sighed, looking at you with a similar exhausted expression but his eyes held hope.
“He has proven to be a good man, a perfect candidate!”
You raised a singular eyebrow, pressing your pointer finger down on the picture paper clipped to the file.
“He looks like a gust of wind could knock him over. I could take him with one arm tied behind my back, blindfolded, and walking on a tight rope.”
You watched as the scientist held back a smirk, determined not to encourage your words.
“Y/N, my dear, we both know you could do exactly that with any competitor.”
You shrugged, nodding your head in agreement. Still, you took the clipboard from him, looking over the file hesitantly.
“So, why is this boy the one?”
Erskine’s eyes lit up.
“Besides the determination and strength I see in him, he also exhibits selflessness. Today, he jumped onto a false grenade to protect his squad, not knowing it was a faux.”
Blinking, you gave your old friend a blank stare.
“So, your grand idea is to give this boy super serum…instead of therapy?”
Erskine made to argue but you held up a hand, passing him back the file.
“Aside from the asthma and the heart palpitations, you just said he jumped onto an actual bomb. I’ll approve of your selection, Abe, because we are running out of time, but let me speak with him first.”
Erskine sighed, nodding his head.
“Fine, but be quick, the General wants the demonstration soon.”
As he walked away, you leaned against the wall, flexing your hands in an attempt to calm your nerves. This had to work. Setting your shoulders, you adjusted your blouse and slacks before setting off to the medical room where Erskine’s candidate waited. You pulled back the curtain, shooing away the doctor inside with a look. The boy looked even thinner in person, you took into account, before smiling and holding out your hand. He took it with slight hesitation, confusion sparkling in his blue eyes.
“Is everything alright, ma’am? The doctor told me I could be released to my barracks before tomorrow.”
You nodded, apparently calming the nerves of the man as he relaxed slightly.
“I only have a few questions, then you’re ready to go Mr. Rogers.”
Peggy smiled at you as you took your place beside her, surrounded by a variety of military men. She grasped your hand tightly before clasping her hands together.
“This’ll work right?”
She spoke through her smile, voice hushed. You nodded reassuringly, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“It better but don’t worry, Steve is completely safe.”
Peggy sighed and the experiment started.
The next few moments were ingrained in your mind forever. The serum working, revealing a completely changed Steve Rogers. Howards excited cheer, Peggy’s blush as she ‘examined’ the man, Erskine’s proud expression.
Then came the explosion, the gunshots. Erskine falling to the ground, blood staining his shirt. Steve being the last person he saw. Steve looking over at you, almost gasping at the fire he saw in your eyes. You nodded, your silent permission setting off the soldier as he ran after the HYDRA agent, anger and grief fueling his pace. You knelt next to your friend, silent tears streaming down your face, grief coursing through your veins. This wasn’t the first loss you’d experienced, 7,000 years of being on this planet meant thousands of funerals, thousands of heartbreak. But no matter how many, each death chipped away your control, threatening to release the celestial power residing within you.
Steven Grant Rogers was an idiot. A complete and utter dimwit. No brain cell in sight. Absolutely none. And you made sure he knew.
“You’re an idiot.”
You hissed into his ear as you felt the plane rattle in the air. You heard Peggy’s muffled laugh and let yourself smirk a bit before returning to glare at the super soldier.
“I’m an idiot for wanting to save my best friend?”
Damn him.
“Oh shut up. You’re an idiot for going into an active war zone, against orders, barely any training or experience under your belt, and wearing a helmet meant for a showgirl.”
Steve had the decency to look slightly embarrassed before raising a cocky eyebrow and turning to face your fiery gaze.
“You came with me though.”
He sounded like he had won the argument, a small smile on his face. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed.
“To keep your stupid ass from dying. Howard, we’re almost there.” You halted your insult to inform the pilot, your senses sharpening as the plane crossed into enemy territory.
You were sick of this war, sick of these monsters parading as men, sick of their stupid symbol, sick, sick, sick.
Steve had saved Bucky.
Bucky had died.
Steve and the Commandos were inside the headquarters of the Skull, each fighting their own battle. The Captain was against the Red Skull and you weren’t there to help, to protect. Instead, you were stuck fending off these pests that continued to fire their guns at you, no matter how little damage the bullets seemed to cause. One soldier seemed to grow balls, flipping his gun around to make it more of a baton. Yelling, he charged at you, swinging his weapon. The wood and metal splintered, shattering towards the ground. In a split second, you had him on his knees, hand on his throat. All bullets shot at you suspended in the air, creating some sense of a shield. Your grip tightened as you watched the soldier fumble for breath. Cocking your head to the side, you let the fire return to your eyes, the flames igniting the fear of the doomed man.
“sie Teufel!” He gasped out, lips rapidly chapping as the heat radiating from your body over took him. You let the fire running through your veins be released, swirling around the nazi soldier in a hellish cloak. His screams shocked his comrades, the smell of his burning flesh radiating through the air. When his burnt bones crumpled, the ash fell through your fingers and you turned towards the remaining men. As they slowly stepped backwards, prepared to run, your celestial energy burst from you, disintegrating any life form in its way.
Sighing, you reeled your power back in. As you walked towards the compound, you felt dread settle in your stomach. Something had happened, you could feel it in the air. You ran until you found Peggy, tears running down her face as she sobbed into a radio. When she looked up, you sagged against the doorway, closing your eyes.
He was gone. You had failed.
It wasn’t everyday you got a text from the Director of SHEILD while having lunch with the worlds most famous man. Sighing, you opened your phone, prepared to see a failed mission report to find Natasha’s sister. But what it said shocked you, causing the fork to fall out of your hand and clatter onto the plate. Tony startled a bit, looking at you above his sunglasses. Pepper and Rhodes also paused, sending you concerned looks. You swallowed, your potstickers losing their flavor. When Tony’s eyes met yours, you sent him a quiet apology, excusing yourself from the table.
“They found him.”
You had tried to explain all the problems with room Steve would wake up in, but you found your words dismissed. Fury sent you an apologetic glance as the two of you made your way through the crowded streets of New York City, chasing after a solider from another time. Nick was the first to speak with him, standing silent as Steve mourned his lost date. When he turned back around, however, you had made yourself known, coming to stand next to the Director.
“It’s about damn time, Rogers. Did you have a nice nap?”
a/n: look, ik this wasn’t the greatest fic i’ve ever written but I’m just proud of myself for actually writing something. i’m going to continue this series bc i just feel like its personal for some reason. Next part will be explaining Y/N’s relationship with Tony Stark and the IronFam!!
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
My Work In Progress (WIPs) List
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This post is for me to keep track of my WIPs and for all of you to see what I’m working on! I’ll try and update this as much as I can ♥️ Let me know if you have any questions about a particular WiP! If you ask nicely, I might just give you a little snippet of them… Find my navigation page here—>
Mommy… Master List
Sherlock Holmes xFem Reader smut
Platonic!Lady Lesso xFem Reader fluff
Morticia x Larissa Daughter— request from @chaoticstateofaffairs
Marilyn Thornhill xFem Reader fluffy smut
Marilyn Thornhill fluff, sick fic
More Platonic!Lady Lesso xFem Reader fluff
Nebula xFem Reader smut
Wolfstar and Quillkiller fic— collab with @nic-writes-it-all
Mommy!Morticia Addams Headcanons
First Jan Stevens fic
An Alrissa fic
One more Alrissa fic…
Lady D x Donna xFem Reader
Another Alrissa fic!
Lady Dimitrescu xFem Exmilitary!Reader
First Times Chapter 7 ~Larissa Weems
The Morally Grey Ch 6 ~Peggy Carter
Anderperry Angst— request from @rrcenic
Chrisginny request from @rrcenic
Clarissa Dovey xFem Reader content
You Make Submitting So Easy Part 2
Kate Woodstock content
Maria Hill content
Elle Greenaway Content
Brienne of Tarth xFem Reader (maybe lady!Reader…)
When the Heat is Mutual Part 2~Alpha!Larissa Weems x Omega!Marilyn Thornhill xFem Beta!Younger!Student!Reader (A/B/O{Omegaverse} Au)
Elizabeth Keane Content
That’s all for now, ciao ciao lovelies! <33
Thanks for sticking around 🤍✨🫰🏻 Leave a comment, reblog a post, message me—I want to hear your thoughts!!
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
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alpineglow · 11 days
HEY GUYS! I know I technically never closed my requests (in my defence I stopped getting them so I let nature take course), BUT I am officially on semester break from uni, so I am announcing they are now open again! A few new faces to the eligible lineup - if you request THG or Bly I think I'll love you forever!!
I can deny requests at my discretion!
I'd prefer not to write PWP, or anything heavily smutty
General no-go-zones are the usual culprits - noncon, incest, etc.
x Readers are fine by me!
Generally I prefer to write female or non binary readers, I can occasionally dip into male reader territory though!
The more detailed the request the better!
* I also write character/character ships! Most male characters I don't tend to write for, so they're not listed, but if it's character x character, I probably will! Pls specify romantic/platonic in the ask!
The Last of Us: Joel Miller Ellie Williams Dina Abby Anderson
Mean Girls (2024): Janis Imi'ike Regina George Gretchen Wieners Cady Heron
Marvel: Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Peggy Carter Kate Bishop Yelena Belova Carol Danvers Valkyrie
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Jamie Taylor Dani Clayton Hannah Grose (with Owen) Owen Sharma (with Hannah)
The Hunger Games/TBOSAS: Katniss Everdeen Peeta Mellark Tigris Snow Lucy Gray Baird Coriolanus Snow Sejanus Plinth Johanna Mason Finnick Odair
Criminal Minds: Emily Prentiss Jennifer Jareau/JJ Penelope Garcia
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
A not so bad Idea 3/3
Summary; Sharon is back and y/n is certain that's it for her and Steve's relationship... He will always choose a Carter woman. Right?
Warnings; some angst, swears, Sharon's a bitch. Fluff.
Pairings; Platonic Bucky x Reader.
Steve x reader.
Part 3 to Bad Idea and Very Bad Idea
She doesn't want to see Sharon and Steve together and immediately takes refuge in her room.
Bucky follows her and closes the door behind him gently.
"Doll, come here". He motions to her and she lets him hold her.
"Why didn't you tell me how you felt sweetheart? I heard you say to Steve?".
"You didn't feel the same so I kept quiet, got drunk one night slept with Steve then ended up falling for him. Sure can pick 'em right?"
Bucky softens.
"I love you doll, not in that way but I do love you. I'm sorry I was a dick about you and Stevie. You're beautiful inside and out and I want you to be happy, Steve too".
She wipes her eyes.
"Did you miss the part about Sharon being back? You know what he's like with Carter women Buck". He sighs and presses a gentle kiss on her hair.
"It's going to be okay doll, I promise you".
She really wishes she could believe that.
Sharon corners her the minute she's alone. God, can she just catch a break? What the hell did she want now?
"You know I worried about you when I was with Steve. He told me not to be but I fucking saw the way he looked at you, not that you noticed. Too busy simping over Barnes to notice".
She's stunned at Sharon's revelation but barely gets a word in when Sharon is on the offence again.
"Oh, don't give me that innocent act. Get this into your thick skull. He may fuck you but he will always choose me".
Anger spikes inside her and she's fed up with Sharon talking to her like shes a piece of shit.
"I don't know what Steve sees in you. From what Steve told me about Peggy she sounded wonderful. You're nothing like her so don't sit getting high and mighty with me. Leave me alone".
She storms past Sharon liking the way that smug smirk falls from her face and walks straight into Steve.
He steadies her. Blue eyes full of concern.
"Honey?". Sharon walks up to them both, glaring at her with complete viciousness then bats her eyes at Steve.
"Steve baby, tell her you've made your choice. She needs her to know her place". Steve stares at Sharon with an unreadable expression on his features.
"You're right. I have made my choice". She tenses knowing what's going to happen and doesn't want to face the humiliation of finding out in front of Sharon.
"Well, we can't win them all sweetie can we Bye-bye now". Sharon tells her triumphantly and she's this close to slapping the bitch.
"Sharon, leave". Steve replies firmly. Wait... What?
"Oh, you want to tell her in private babe? Okay, I get it". She nods and Steve scowls.
"No. I want you to leave. I told you. I've made my choice". Sharon's smile is wiped off her face and y/n stares up at Steve hardly daring to believe what's happening.
"You're choosing her!". Sharon shrieks and Steve nods.
"What we have doesn't work Sharon, it never has. I'm tired of pretending it does. Being with y/n these last few weeks... It's opened my eyes to what and who I want".
Sharon gapes at him.
"It's sex. It's just sex, Steve. It's clouding your mind". Sharon huffs folding her arms and glowering at him.
"It isn't just sex. I'm in love with her Sharon, you can't just come crawling back every fucking time expecting me to just be waiting for you. I fell in love with y/n and she's who I want to be with. You and me? We're done for good".
Sharon screams in fury and moves towards Steve raising her hand but y/n captures it fuming.
"Don't you dare, leave Sharon. Now!". Sharon tugs her hand away.
"You used me, Steve, just to feel close to Peggy again! Just as well you can't get Peggy back because y/n and I would be left in the dust". Sharon snaps and Steve scowls.
"Sharon I could have stayed with Peggy when I returned the stones. I didn't, she moved on and was happy, like how happy I am now".
This shuts Sharon up and she storms out cursing along the way.
Steve swears under his breath and y/n giggles.
"Language Cap". His furious expression melts and he strokes her cheek.
"I'm sorry about all of that sweetheart". He pulls her into his arms and kisses her.
"S'kay. You didn't know she would show up".
"I'm still sorry sweetheart, should have told you before how I felt. Made it romantic, I love you honey so much".
She kisses him tenderly, heart soaring in happiness.
"I love you too Steve, I've fallen so in love with you". His lips meet hers in sweet, soft butterfly kisses.
"Get your coat baby, I'm taking you out, get some dinner with my best girl". Beaming she hurries to get her coat and takes Steves's hand passing a smiling Bucky and Natasha as she does.
Finally, she has her happy ending.
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kieranwritess · 1 year
fandoms n stuff
all hidden BTC but have more Keanu for your troubles; a strikethrough means I'm not writing for that fandom atm
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Agent Carter - Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson x reader, peggysous
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Daisy Johnson, Daniel Sousa, pre-tws/framework!Grant Ward x reader, philinda, Elena/Mack, platonic!Coulson
COD: MW (reboot) - 141, Alejandro, Graves, Valeria, König x reader
Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy/fem!V, River/V, Panam/V, Saul/fem!V, platonic!Vik
Detroit: Become Human - deviant!Connor, North x reader, platonic!Hank
Main MCU - Bucky Barnes, Kate Bishop, Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff x reader, platonic!Kamala Khan
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Sadie Adler, Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan x reader
VALORANT - Brim, Cypher, Harbor, KJ, Neon, Skye, Sova x reader, nanobomb
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pennytoffee · 1 year
Hello, my wonderful people! I’m new to writing on tumblr. Here is just a list of things that I can write for, if requested. (Which probably is not likely, but okay-) As I write on Tumblr, I will add any new works to this post.
Demon Slayer
Hashira with an Older-Sibling Figure Pt. 1
Hashira with an Older-Sibling Figure Pt. 1
Hashira with an Older-Sibling Figure Pt. 1
My Hero/Boku no Hero Academia
Any of the 1-A students
How you spend the weekend with them Pt. 1
Present Mic
Any LoV members
Ouran High School Host Club
Any Host Club member
(More will be added to this category at a later date.)
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Peggy Carter
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Q.
Peter P. (Rami/Garfield/MCU)
Basically, for this category, ask and you’ll more than likely receive.
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Mike Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Max Mayfield
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
At the moment, I will not write smut or angst. However, I wil write fluff, drabbles, headcanons, slow burn, etc. I am perfectly fine with male, female, and or gender neutral/non-binary reader. Also, I will only write adult/child (example: Aizawa x Student Reader) if it is platonic.
I believe that is all for now. If there are any questions, feel free to ask. (@^-^)
-Val (any pronouns)
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
May Fic Recs!
This was a dummy busy month, so I didn’t read a whole lot, but here’s what I did read! These were all fantastic, so please go check out the works and their creators!
Rec’s are below the cut 😄
If you want to see what else I’ve read, you can find all my fic rec masterlists in my pinned post or here
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Dumb Luck by @ghostofskywalker
This was such a cute and chaotic fic with Anakin!! His relationship with the reader and all their relationships with the other Clone Wars characters are SO fun and sweet - this is a fantastic read!
Daniel Sousa
Only A Fool For You by @ghostofskywalker
My actual favorite fictional man Daniel Sousa, written in such a sweet and hopeful and slightly angsty (but with a happy ending) fic by one of my favorite people who writes for him! It’s got everything, including one of my favorite tropes, Jack Thompson being sneaky and playing matchmaker a little bit
No Pairing Agent Carter
Untitled by @sholiofic
This is a really adorable hurt/comfort fic with the Agent Carter chaos trio, and it’s absolutely fantastic. Jack, Peggy, and Daniel are my FAVORITES, and seeing them take care of Jack after he’s been hurt was a really fun scenario to read through. All three of them are written so well and so perfectly in character, it’s a great fic
Platonic!Bucky Barnes
Days Like This by @ghostofskywalker
An adorable fic of Bucky having the reader’s back and comforting them in the midst of a ton of academic stress, which is SO self-indulgent for where I’ve been at in my personal life for the past four months that it’s amazing someone else wrote it. Low key a therapy read lol, it’s excellent
Star Trek
Jim Kirk
Something Stupid by @girl-next-door-writes
A cute Jim Kirk x reader fic! He’s another of my favorite fictional men, so this was a really sweet and fun one to read. It includes some excellent best friend behavior from Chekov and Bones too, and is all around a very sweet fic!
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Hello! I write fanfiction. Typically Character X Reader, but I will be willing to try Character x Character.
Requests Are: OPEN
Below Is Information On
Link to Masterlists
Link to Works In Progress
What fandoms and characters I write for
MCU/ Marvel Cinematic Universe Masterlist:
Twilight Masterlist:
Coming Soon
The Santa Clause Masterlist:
Five Nights At Freddy’s Masterlist:
Stranger Things Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Harry Potter Masterlist:
Coming Soon
The Hunger Games Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Anne With An E Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Julie And The Phantoms:
Coming soon
Works In Progress
What Fandoms I Write For & Which Characters
It’s easier for me to write for characters I like versus ones I do not. It is also easier for me to write romantic stories for characters I personally fancy/like.
If the character that you want isn’t there, I’m not doing a certain type of request for them, etc. You can still ask, but please be nice about it if I say I won’t write it.
Characters that are minors/under 18 will NOT be shipped with readers who are over the age of 18. If a character ages throughout (example: Harry Potter) specify which age you want that character. Honestly please, please, PLEASE specify in general!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
40s Steven “Steve” Rodgers (Pre Serum)
40s Steven “Steve” Rodgers (Post Serum)
40s James “Bucky” Barnes
40s Margaret “Peggy” Carter
40s Howard Stark
Avengers & Family
Anthony “Tony” Stark/Iron Man
Steven “Steve” Rodgers
Natalia “Nat” Romanoff
Clinton “Clint” Barton
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Samuel “Sam” Wilson
James “Bucky” Barnes
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Lila Barton
Cassie Lang (Child)
TASM Peter Parker
TASM Gwen Stacey
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Samuel “Sam” Wilson & James “Bucky” Barnes
Natalia “Nat” Romanoff & Clinton “Clint” Barton
Steve Rodgers & Bucky Barnes
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Renesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Jasper Whitlock/Hale
Bree Tanner
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Charlie Swan
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Emmett Cullen & Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen & Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen & Emmett Cullen
The Santa Clause
The Elves
Bernard The Head Elf
Curtis The Elf
Judy The Elf
Abby The Elf
The Claus Family
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus
Carol Newman/Mrs. Claus
Buddy Calvin-Claus
Sandra Calvin-Claus
Charlie Calvin
Lucy Miller
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Bernard The Head Elf & Curtis
Sandra Calvin-Claus & Bernard The Head Elf (What I Imagine Their Relationship Would Be Like)
Sandra Calvin-Claus & Lucy Miller (What I Imagine Their Relationship Would Be Like)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Afton Family
William Afton (Games)
Mrs. Afton
Michael Afton/Mike Schmidt (Games)
Michael Afton (Teen) (Games)
Elizabeth Afton
Crying Child
The Emily Family
Henry Emily
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily (Games)
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily (Books)
Sammy Emily
Missing Children’s Incident
Cassidy MCI
Susie MCI
Fritz MCI
Jeremy MCI
Gabriel MCI
Five Nights At Freddy’s One
Bonnie The Bunny
Chica The Chicken
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Five Nights At Freddy’s Two
Toy Freddy
Toy Bonnie
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
Five Nights At Freddy’s Four
Nightmare Freddy
Nightmare Bonnie
Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Foxy
Nightmare Mangle
Nightmare Fredbear
Sister Location
Funtime Freddy
Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
Pizzeria Simulator
Security Puppet
Mr. Hippo
Happy Frog
Security Breach
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Mini Music Man
DJ Music Man
Vanessa (Games)
Gregory “Fazbear”
Shattered Freddy
Shattered Chica
Shattered Roxy
Shattered Monty
Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie
Mike Schmidt (Movie)
Vanessa (Movie)
Abby Schmidt
Garrett Schmidt
Fredbear’s Family Diner
Spring Bonnie
Golden Freddy
Golden Freddy
Glamrock Bonnie
Shattered Bonnie
Glamrock Foxy
Shattered Foxy
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Michael Afton & Charlie Emily
Charlie Emily & Elizabeth Afton
Michael Afton & Crying Child (Especially With The GlamMike And GregBot Theories in mind)
Stranger Things
The Kids
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair
The Teens/Young Adults
Steve Harrington
High School Steve
Robin Buckley
High School Robin
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Eleven/Jane Hopper & Max Mayfield
Dustin Henderson & Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Harry Potter
Harry’s Year
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Below Harry’s Year
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Above Harry’s Year
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Minerva Mcgonagall
Rubeus Hagrid
Severus Snape
Remus Lupin (Adult)
Sirius Black (Adult)
Molly Weasley
Marauders Era
Remus Lupins (Teen)
Sirius Black (Teen)
James Potter (Teen)
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Luna Lovegood & Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley & Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley & George Weasley
The Hunger Games
District 12
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose “Prim” Everdeen
District 11
District 7
Johanna Mason
District 4
Finnick Odair
Annie Cresta
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Katniss Everdeen & Finnick Odair
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta
Haymitch Abernathy & Effie Trinket
Anne With An E
The Kids
Anne Shirley
Ruby Gillis
Diana Berry
Tillie Boulter
Josie Pie
Jane Andrews
Minnie May Berry
Cole Mackenzie
Jerry Baynard
Gilbert Blythe
Moody Spurgeon
Billy Andrews
The Adults
Marilla Cuthbert
Matthew Cuthbert
Sebastian Lacroix
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Anne Shirley & Jerry Baynard
Ruby Gillis & Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley & Diana Berry
Julie And The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reginald “Reggie” Peters
Alex Mercer
Flynn Taylor
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Julie Molina & Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer & Julie Molina
Luke Patterson & Alex Mercer
And a couple others
What I Will Write And Will NOT Write
What I Will Write
Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships
What I Will Not Write
Anything that I am uncomfortable with
Side note: I am okay with requests for Depression, s3lf !njury, Su!c!de, Anxiety, P@n!c attacks, Autism (Meltdowns, Shutdowns, Etc), ADHD, and things like that, so don’t be afraid to ask!
If you are ever unsure of if something is okay or not, feel free to ask.
PLEASE Request! <3
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yearofcreation2023 · 7 months
Year of Themed Creations: December 2023 Collection (in progress)
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Lost Pizza Delivery Guys by @captainsophiestark - Year of Olympians Percy’s cousin and friend on Sally’s side helps him celebrate his 21st birthday right. (Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader)
Hum a Song by @never--doubt - Year of Soulmates Soulmates can hear each other sing and hum, but Matt Murdock had never really thought twice about his soulmate. Until he hears the new tenant of the apartment building humming the same song his soulmate is. (Matt Murdoc x GN!Reader )
His Strength by @flightlessangelwings - Year of Protectiveness Dialogue prompt- “ hey! get away from them! “ and “ don’t worry about me; are YOU okay? “ Action prompt- [ SACRIFICE ]: sender sacrifices themselves, either fatally or otherwise, in order to save the receiver’s life. (Din Djarin x fem!reader)
A Light at the End of the Tunnel by @artemiseamoon - Year of Whump As Ezra struggles post recovery, Cee plays cupid and finds his lost love. (Ezra x ofc , ft Cee)
Here's to a New Year by @ghostofskywalker - Year of Flowers Working the night shift on New Year's Eve isn't really that bad, especially not when it's Peggy you're spending time with. (Peggy Carter/Fem!Reader)
A Quiet Night In by @keldabe-kriff - Year of Small Joys Nothing much. Just a quiet night in with Joel. (Joel Miller x reader)
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Others Masterlist
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Here you can find all my works for those who don't have their own master list post. 
✨ = Fluff | 💥 = Angst | 🧸 = Domestic Family Life | 🥰 = Platonic | 😈 = Smut
Unpacking (Carol Danvers x Reader) | ✨
The Woman From The Bar (Maria Hill x Reader) | 💥
Chase That Dream (Hawkeye x Reader ) | 🥰
Never Enough (Dani Ardor x Reader) | 💥
Sorry, Your What?! (Alpha Jane Banner x Omega! Reader) | ✨
Another Block? (Melina Vostokoff x Reader) | ✨ | 🧸
Sweet Thing (Agatha Harkness x Reader) | ✨ | 😈 |
Meet The Carters (Peggy Carter x Daughter! Reader, Dottie Underwood x Daughter! Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader) | 💥 | ✨
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alpineglow · 3 months
Hey y'all! First time I'm opening up my requests bc I'm itching to write and have 0 ideas! I normally write around 1k words, possibly more if I'm super into a request!
I can deny requests at my discretion!
I'd prefer not to write PWP, or anything heavily smutty
General no-go-zones are the usual culprits - noncon, incest, etc.
x Readers are fine by me!
* I also write character/character ships! Most male characters I don't tend to write for, so they're not listed, but if it's character x character, I probably will! Pls specify romantic/platonic in the ask!
The Last of Us: Joel Miller Ellie Williams Dina Abby Anderson
Mean Girls (2024): Janis Imi'ike Regina George Gretchen Wieners Cady Heron
Marvel: Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Peggy Carter Kate Bishop Yelena Belova Carol Danvers Valkyrie
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Jamie Taylor Dani Clayton Hannah Grose (with Owen) Owen Sharma (with Hannah)
The Hunger Games/TBOSAS: Katniss Everdeen Peeta Mellark Tigris Snow Lucy Gray Baird Coriolanus Snow Sejanus Plinth Johanna Mason Finnick Odair
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rose-l-20 · 1 year
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What I write:
♥️Female Reader
♥️mild spice (not 100% comfortable with writing smut)
What I will NOT write:
TW (just incase)
🥀Pedophile related topics
🥀graphic/detailed Abuse
🥀Rape/Non con/Dub con
Contents ~
Harry Potter
Characters (you can request/I will write for):
Draco/Lucius/Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black.
Fixed ~ Lucius Malfoy x Reader (fluff)
Top Gun (Maverick)
Characters (you can request/I will write for):
Iceman, Maverick, Goose, Slider, Phoenix, Bob, Rooster.
Home sweet home ~ Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x female reader (fluff)
Dad HC’s ~ Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x female reader (fluff)
Crazy for you ~ Tom “iceman” Kazaksky x female reader (fluff)
Characters (you can request/I will write for):
Helmut Zemo, Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier, Loki, Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Peggy/Captain Carter, Sam Wilson, Norman Osborne, Dr Otto Octavius.
Characters (you can request/I will write for):
Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin/Nightwing), Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood), Rachel Roth, Cory Anders, Garfield Logan.
Characters (you can request/I will write for):
Clark Kent (superman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), The Joker, Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
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Hello, followers and new people. I’m not going to lie I never thought I’d ever post many thing that I have written or even at all. But I have posted a lot so to help new comers or those who want to read something again and don’t want to go look through everything, I have made this masterlist to make life a little easier. Anytime I make new content I will be sure to put it here. Also as I start writing different people I will also put that here. HAPPY READING😁
Romantic Relationship
Carol Danvers
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Needy Babygirl (x fem!Reader) 🔞
When you come home Carol is playing a game. At first it’s fine, but what happens when you start getting needy?
Natasha Romanoff
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Just Let Her Explain (x fem!Reader)🚨💞
After knowing each other for 5 years Natasha finally tells you straight up her feelings for you.
The Bookworm And The Assassin (Clingy! x Fem!Reader)💞
After not talking for so long and Natasha following you around since you got there you finally start talking.
Find Red (Intoxicated!Fem!Reader)💞
While drunk people try to flirt with you but you just want to find Natasha, who the entire time is watching this happen.
Get Eggs (x Fem!Reader)💞
Natasha asks Y/N to just get eggs and when she comes home from work she gets way more just eggs.
The Most Beautiful Person (Intoxicated! x Insecure!Fem!Reader)🚨🔮💞
When someone flirts with Natasha you go to the bathroom where you get a pick me up. When you come back out you’re in a daze.
The Therapist Friend (x TherapistFriend!Fem!Reader) 🚨🔮💞
Almost everyday has been like this for Y/N but what will happen when Natasha find out and gets mad at everyone?
Peggy Carter
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Lovely Sparring (x Fem!Reader)💞
You have so much pent up energy. So you decide to spar with Peggy. But it ends much differently then you thought it would.
Sharon Carter
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You Wanted This (Powerbroker! x Fem!Reader)🔞💞
You wanted her to pay attention to you, and you got her to do just that.
Hell Of A Story (Agent! x ArtifactTheif!Fem!Reader) 💞
Sharon has been trying to catch for the longest time. Every time you meet you manage to slip away. What happens when she has something up her sleeve?
Wanda Maximoff
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Not Your Call (CEO! x Bratty!Assistant!Fem!Reader) 🔞
When a egotistical misogynistic man starts rambling on about how amazing he is and how Wanda is nothing, you go off on him. But there are consequences to every action, yours are just special.
Poly Relationship
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Something Amazing (CEO! x Assistant!Mom!Fem!Reader) (Still On-Going)
You’ve been Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff’s assistant for the last three years. When they finally make a move it give you many moments that you wouldn’t change for anything.
Answer Us (Fem!Reader)🚨💞
When you don’t reply to any calls or texts your girlfriends get worried and are surprised when they find you.
Bright Scarves (x Crocheting!Fem!Reader)💞
When your grandma teaches you crocheting among other thing you become an Avenger. In turn you meet you girlfriends and tend to make the very bright objects at not the best of times.
Platonic Relationship
Steve Rogers
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Meeting Her (x Fem!Reader) 💞
How you met Steve, and leading up to the other meeting you. (Takes place before ‘Just Let Her Explain’ a Natasha x Reader one-shot)
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enemymarkus · 2 years
winter Solider pt 1
AU were bucky isn’t the winter Solider but his boyfriend is
summary: bucky and M/n carter were sweethearts until M/n had to go to war and never came back. Bucky thought that M!reader left him, but when bucky freezes with steve in the ice he meets his first love in 2011, but he is being controlled, bucky couldn’t believe his eyes. His first love in front of him
you are Peggy’s older brother (p:24, Sr:23 b:27-28 M!r: 28-29)
paring: bucky x male reader 
genre: angst ,fluff and some smut
warning: homophobia, secret dating, crying, kinda bottom!bucky
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  final part
4 years earlier  (1936)
“ hey M/n “ my sister said to me “ yeah peg?” what would you think if we worked with howard?” “howard? howard stark?” i said to her “yerah who else” she said in a duh tone “why are you asking?, did he want us” i said to her ignoring her duh tone “more like he wants you�� me i said to myself “why me?” he knew that you were in the army and he asked me if i wanted to try the super solider serum” the super solider serum? i have never heard of that before, but i trust my sister so i agreed
present time (m/n pov)     (1940)
“hey howard” i heard steve say, i know steve since he joined a few months ago, he is very skinny but i don't say anything because he might be able to get the super solider serum but i don’t say anything to him because i don't want to get his hopes up, i know steve has a crush on my sister but my sister is very hard to get so i think he is going to howard to see when peggy is off work.
steve invited me to his apartment because he wanted to ask me about peggy, i agreed and drove him to his apartment. “ steve is that you?” i heard somebody say “ yeah im here buck” whos that? i asked in my head. We walked into the kitchen and i saw him, “hey steve when do you think-” the guy said cutting himself off when he saw me in my uniform “evein” i said to him, he looked flustered but i only thought of it because it was hot from the cooking “uh- hi sergeant carter” he said his voice cracking slightly “ no need to call me that just call me M/n” i said flashing him a smile. He smiled back and went back to cooking “ so um- it might be weird but i have taking a liking to your sister-” “ i know” “wait- what?” “ its very obvious,” he looked away embarrassed that i already knew but i ignored it.
we talked abit and then james came and gave us food, after eating i said that i need to get back to peggy, i bid them good night and went to my car. What i didnt know that was bucky was staring at me when my head was turned away, who knew talking to james would start something so lovely.
the next chapter will be tomorrow 12:50 pm (NZ,Auckland) time
and i will post my rules and everything im writer atm ! hopefully the next chapter comes out better than this
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Hey!!!!! yes it's me again; and this is for the April Requests! maybe either a pairing with Steve or Bucky where the reader is one of the Howling Commandos? OR: a platonic Captain Carter fic where the reader is Peggy's equivalent of Bucky? I just love the 40s gang so much (because I'm a history nerd hehe). Thanks!
Duuuuude omg ok I'm absolutely obsessed with this idea 🙌 I think I'm gonna combine them a little and do Bucky x Reader, where the reader is Peggy's Bucky! Thanks for sending this in! It'll be super fun to write!
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