#platonic; partners in crime
humming-fly · 1 year
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Transcending platonic or romantic affection is the camaraderie of sneaking food during boring meetings or state dinners
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escespace · 13 days
Merlin: It's no big deal if we don't agree.
Lancelot: Correct!
Merlin: We will still try to make them see our point.
Lancelot: Correct!
Merlin: And if it doesn't work we can still kill them
Lancelot: Corr... Wait, no, what?
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corvase · 1 year
platonic partners in crime
feel free to use:)
“i give you ten minutes until you realize i’m literally right.” “i give you two until you stop talking.” “…….. alright.”
“i am just so fond of you.” “i am quite great, aren’t i?” “never mind.”
i just <3333 when they’re verrrry diff ages as well! like a stern elderly woman and a twenty something who get along well
“i failed the test.” “same…” “TWINNN!!?!?”
being apart and thinking of them everywhere
^ like that cute doll reminds me of them, and this food reminds me of them
that late night call just cause they’re bored
one character is literally insane and does the most random and unserious things and the other is just like yeah haha normal day around these parts
“you are the bane of my existence.” “and you love me still.” “….. and i love you still.”
the vows if one of them gets married, and them just both sobbing
^^ also when they’re best friends with their best friends s/o as well… let’s let the “they can’t be just friends trope” go!
being best friends with their best friend’s children… bonus if the child refers to them as “aunty/uncle name”
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years
20 partners in crime prompts
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - always looking out for the other's safety
#2 - anticpiating the other's next words and moves
#3 - finishing each other's sentences
#4 - calling the other out on their shit
#5 - getting aggravated whenever the other does something slightly different from their plan
#6 - to outsiders, it looks like they don't along at all
#7 - knowing the other's weaknesses better than their own
#8 - picking on the other for their defeats
#9 - spurring each other on to better performance
#10 - having each others' backs unconditionally
#11 - yelling at them because they thought they'd lose them
#12 - romance getting in the way of their missions
#13 - showing off their skills to impress the other
#14 - getting turned on when they see the other succeeding
#15 - kisses in the 'workplace'
#16 - using their affiliation to get further in their mission
#17 - denying their relationship strongly
#18 - falling asleep in each other's arms after a stressful mission
#19 - vowing to protect the other from all harm
#20 - being inspired to master every challenge because their love makes them strong
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cammy-mcspammy · 1 year
If I said reagan was part Hispanic would I get stabbed
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Also they both equally infodump about stupid shit to eachother bc nobody else will listen long enough
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mangofanarts · 9 months
Thinking about how Aypierre saw Bad's list of pranks and said how Bad really wanted to see the world burn and then a couple of minutes later, Bad's asking Aypierre if he would be down to help with a specific one and Aypierre saying that if he was available that day then he would.......
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hype-blue-fixation · 4 months
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Going on with that kid AU. Surely it's alright to steal some food from unsuspecting campers with your forest monster friend, right??
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Kidnapper: I have your partner.
Diluc: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
Diluc: Oh my god, you have Kaeya.
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kazookat · 6 months
hi!! saw your post!! would love to hear you talk more about house md! what was it you said about qpr house?
Hello!! Thanks for asking! :D
so personally I see hilson as a queer platonic relationship, and this hc has tons of canon ammo for it! House and wilson are a lot closer than most best friends are, and usually people think of this as because they are romantically attracted to each other, and thats cool and all but I feel like people are missing the huge potential for a queer platonic hilson
Throughout the whole show, house and wilson are there for each other in a way that nobody else is, they support and understand the other half of the relationship in a way that no other person throughout the whole show is ever able to do
Wilson in particular is time and time again shown to be more dedicated and loyal to house than any of his wives, I strongly think that wilson's last 2 marriages broke because of this dedication. In typical romantic relationships having that level of devotion to a friend is hugely frowned upon, many considering it to be an emotional affair. Wilson's ex-wives wanted to know that they were his number 1 priority, but instead they knew that house was.
Through the whole show, house puts up a stony asshole exterior, never letting anyone see his care for what it is. Instead, he tries to help while also trying to make himself look like as much as a jerk as possible. The only person who can see that for what it is without calling it out is wilson. Wilson knows that house would be disturbed if anyone picked up on it and commented on it, so wilson doesnt.
One example that comes to mind is when house hires a child actor to pretend to be wilson's son (ok but why does nobody ever talk about that episode???) wilson is regretting that he doesnt have a child of his own, and any other person from the hospital would have a reassuring conversation with him about it, but house cannot allow himself to be seen as a comforting, nice, or "soft" figure. (possibly due to his trauma from his father, but honestly i could make a whole post about that) so house does the most insane thing he can think of. in any other person it would be considered extremely mean, or cruel, and many other people in the show would interpret it that way. but wilson understands house better than he understood any of his wives, and so when it is revealed that the kid is an actor he is barely mad at house, wilson knows that house loves him (platonically in this hc) and house knows that wilson understands. many people say that there is no platonic explanation for their commitment to each other, but I find that interpritation very limiting from my aromantic point of view. While romantic perspectives on hilson are super fun, all the potential for a qpr is already canon and I have yet to see anyone talk about it
I could probably say a lot more about this hc, this post is already pretty long so I am going to wrap it up here ^_^ I am so glad people wanted to hear about this!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
I have a new AU based on a dream I had last night: Partners-In-Crime AU!
Where Reader is best friends and a fighting team with Gambit, in an AU where they were both kinda captured at a young age to fight enemies, but Gambit is platonic yandere over Reader, and Reader isn't sure anything is wrong because Gambit is their only friend. So, Gambit gets captured eventually, and Reader goes through a traumatic experience while getting him free, resulting in his more yandere traits to make themselves known. He never meant to get caught, and he's sorry Reader got their hands bloody, more bloodied than they ever wanted, just to free him... But he's also more yandere now, because they didn't abandon him, or leave him behind when they could have. And during the entire time they've been a team, he's secretly killed off enemies who almost killed Reader, while Reader was none the wiser. When Reader frees him, he gets vengeance for the both of them, and now Reader and him are joining the X-Men, who will hopefully be a better team than the people who used the two of them...
(And Rogue is here, too, and makes their duo a trio!)
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scaredstupid · 2 months
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sam eagle......my best friend sam eagle........
(this ship is PLATONIC)
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worstloki · 4 months
I saw the Tesseract at California Adventure park and thought of your account :)
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Loki special mention on the Tesseract description plaque ..... YEAH BOIIIII!!!!!!!!
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withoutalice · 2 months
anyone else annoyed when you can't find your favorite character characterized outside of ship context? like they're a character too lmao
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noctisvixen · 9 months
The Earth
//Secret Life Spoilers\\
Warnings: Minor character death
The Watchers always favored Scar; it was why they made him a Witness to begin with. To toy with him in a way that they couldn’t with the other players. To pick and choose between his locked away memories and give them to him in pieces in each new life. He wasn’t a winner or a Watcher, so he only received fragments that he would have to piece together. Then he would forget, and the cycle repeats itself with each new game.
But now he’s won Secret Life.
“Pearl, I’m coming for you!” Scar yelled as he ran to the edge of the small ravine. He hadn’t heard the fading thunder or saw the flash of lightning; his crimson gaze was too focused on killing his final target.  “I’m coming for you!” He yelled again when she didn’t respond. He swapped out his bow for his diamond sword, the once brilliant blue now stained red.
He leapt down into the ravine, swinging his head around as he searched for the brunette. “Where'd you go?!” He called, the grip on his sword tightening. Had she ran? After everything that had happened?! No, even with the faded memories of former lives, Scar knew Pearl. She wouldn’t have run. She was here and he was going to kill her, finally cure the itch in his hands by covering them in the final survivor’s blood. “Where'd you go?!” He called again, this time frustration dripping into his tone.
He wanted to end this now. He wanted his sword tearing into her. He wanted to see one more body bleeding out from his hand, to finally be the villain They wanted him to-
“She’s dead,” A voice- an all so familiar voice- echoed behind him. He spun around, sword at the ready as bloodied sand and awful screams before abrupt silence flooded his senses. He was ready to strike, to fulfill that want for more death. But the want left him, as if an ocean’s tide swept over him and left him on the shore, alive.
Grian smiled softly at him, as if sensing the tension leaving the other man. The avian looked different as a ghost, his wings white as a canvas and waiting to be painted to something new again. His brown eyes were a deep shaded purple, somehow lacking and still holding warmth at the same time. He wasn’t just a ghost, Scar remembered. He was one of Them. But good. Loving and kind, in his own ways.
“Scar...” He breathed, a gentle look of joy and pride dancing in his eyes. “You won.”
Scar stared at him, dumbfounded. It took him a moment to even register the words that left Grian’s mouth. “Oh.” He breathed before looking around. This wasn’t what he was expecting. Wasn’t there supposed to be some kind of feeling of victory? Of grief?
Why did Scar feel nothing?
“Really?” He asked, looking back at the Watcher in front of him. Grian said nothing, but his smile faded, especially when the sword in Scar’s hand fell from his grasp. He brought his hand to his forehead, his fingers brushing against his hair. “Oh my God.” He said. Then he cracked a smile, the only thing seeming appropriate even with the empty feeling in his chest. “How did that happen?” He moved his hand from his head to motion it to Grian. He tried to ignore how it was trembling. How Grian’s gaze flicked to it and then back to him, frowning and eyes showing concern. He tried to ignore it.
“How’d the guy with no friends win?” He asked, his smile broadening and a little snicker leaving his lips. “How did-” His laughter interrupted him. “H-how did the guy w-with no fri-friends win?” He laughed more, letting it echo off the walls. It really was ridiculous- How did he win with the odds so stacked against him? The whole server hated him, for his tasks and who he was. They wanted him dead because of it.
His eyes burned. His laughter stuttered, changing into something broken and rough. His breathing hitched, turning uneven and jagged. Something like a sob broke out from his mouth and his cheeks grew damp, tears flowing along them and falling to the ground. He gripped at himself in a makeshift hug, as if he could pull this horrible feeling out of him and feel victory or guilt. Anything but this.
But, void, he wasn’t feeling emptiness. He was feeling hate. His friends’ hate towards him. His hate towards himself and his actions. He had won, but at what cost? He killed Pearl, the only teammate he was truly able to get out of this mess. She had given the one thing he had wanted the whole game, and he killed her! She’ll never want to see him again, not after a betrayal like this.
His sobs wracked his body, his knees almost ready to give out until a set of arms wrapped around him and a small body pressed against his. Instinctively, his arms shifted and latched onto the person, just as he felt wings wrap around him and shield him from the world.
“It's okay.” Grian whispered by his ear, letting Scar hunch into him and sob. The wings around him pulled tighter while the avian’s arms held him as if he was fragile and precious. “We don’t hate you. We don’t blame you.” His voice remained soft, but firm.
“Y-you should.” Scar argued weakly. He didn’t deserve to be forgiven.
“We don’t.” Grian repeated, firmer this time. “These games make us do things that are hard to forgive, Scar. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be forgiven.” As he spoke, he pulled away and met Scar’s gaze. His eyes revealed understanding at a level that Scar couldn’t comprehend. But deep down he knew that he would soon.
“I’m tired.” Scar settles on saying instead of what he should be asking. It isn’t a lie though. He was tired. He’s been tired for a long time during this game. This is just the first time since this game started that he felt safe enough to let the exhaustion flood his body. The crying probably didn’t help either, even if it left him feeling a bit lighter than before.
Grian gave him an understanding smile. “That's okay.” The avian said, bringing a hand to Scar’s cheek. The newest winner leaned into his hand, closing his eyes and just enjoying the warmth that Grian’s skin produced. He hadn’t even noticed it before and when he opened his eyes to ask, Grian was no longer a ghost or Watcher. He was standing in front of him, his wings the wonderful design of Scarlet Macaws, the only kind of wings he ever saw on him in Hermitcraft. He saw gentle brown eyes and an even gentler smile. “Let’s go home then.” His voice was full of warmth and Scar couldn’t help himself.
A genuine smile graced his lips and he brought a hand up to hold Grian’s. “Let’s go home.” He whispered. The world around them was fading to white as the wind picked up around them, but Scar couldn’t find himself to care. Instead, he closed his eyes and let Grian pull him into another embrace.
He had won Secret Life, but his real victory was this. Finally being able to let his guard down. Finally getting to go home and rest.
And, after everything, finally being held in the arms of someone who loves him.
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txrtxglix-lvver · 3 months
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who tryna be in my sims family 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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starlightsugar · 7 months
Reblog if you ship Zutara platonically
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