#please for the love of god direct your hate towards something else
tidal-chaos · 30 days
the online system community sucks so bad lmao
#(not talking about any of my system friends/mutuals)#vent#vent post#free to interact/reblog whatever though#anyway it sucks because there isnt actually a cohesive community. it is so divided#there is so much infighting its actually fucking wild#and i wish i could say all the infighting is coming from kids who dont know any better but... its not#adult systems have been poisoned by the infighting too. and it never fucking matters#we arent even accomplishing anything#what. exactly. is the point#the syscourse is hell and its constant and it rarely changes anyones minds#not that it matters if anyones minds change or not because it DOESNT. FUCKING. MATTER.#you go into the system community and everyones just DUKING IT OUT WITH EACH OTHER#i genuinely dont fucking care what side of syscourse youre on#you have better things to fucking do!!!!!!#syscourse doesnt MEAN ANYTHING it is one of the most pointless and yet somehow the most dramatic and hateful debates on the internet#WHO FUCKING CARES.#please for the love of god direct your hate towards something else#this is the most dumb and meaningless thing to waste your energy on#none of this matters irl ever#anti syscourse#tw syscourse#anyway yeah if you're plural i am not going to ask questions because it is none of my fucking business and frankly it is nobody elses either#i am unlikely to ever post anything like this again just because i also have better things to do#but i wanted to get it off my chest#we used to engage in syscourse and it was so draining and got us harassed#and in the end we just realized that it is not worth the energy or the fucks to give#again if you say you are plural i will treat you as plural and thats it. i have shit to do man
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luminecent-sky · 15 days
Divinely ordained
A/n: yes this is for my birthday, i mean it's also sagau sooo
I did not finish neuvi's part, feel free to request more
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Did… did he just hear you right? He's your favorite?
His heart soars, he feels warm and giddy, like a hearth giving warmth to a home, it's almost too much, to hear the words again falling from your lips, reaffirming your earlier statement, before he jolted, wilting like a flower deprived of sunlight. Hadn't you once abhorred him? Ignored him for some petty reason after he had caught that glimmering golden star in his hand.
To gaze upon your flustered visage as you admit how petty and immature it had been to be angry at him for such a trivial thing… he thinks it was all worth it. Every bit of suffering and pain, the scars that marr his form, all for your gaze, your attention.
Keep looking at him like that, with that flustered gaze and those apologetic words,
Keep looking at him.
He puts a hand to block his face, hoping that the blush on his cheeks isn't that obvious —it clearly isn't working, his whole face is almost as red as his hair— that he isn't looking like a fool in front of his deity.
Both of you are just staring, tension building as the silence goes on for longer than either of you would like,
You break first, a nervous chuckle bubbling from your throat as you approach, holding his face gently, repeating yourself.
"I- i guess i can stop hating you for that… you are my favorite after all."
She may just die here, held in your embrace as the sun bears down on you both.
A light blush creeps its way onto her pale skin, obscured by her fan while she tries to wade through the thoughts flooding her mind.
She always knew of your favor towards her, evident in the blessings and artifacts she was bestowed with. All she is, and will ever become is for her deity. And this blatant admittance is something she will treasure forever, like the first and last falling petals of the sakura trees.
So please, if it isn't much of a bother… Please keep telling her that, keep speaking in that lovely voice, those utterly captivating words that even the Archons would beg and grovel for.
If only time could stop at this very moment.
Keep talking, keep those words of praise flowing from your divine mouth, and allow her to bask in it.
It's all she needs, all she's ever craved. What else was there in life to achieve now that she holds your favour?
You move to repeat your words, letting them wash over her like the cool stream water.
Her worries seem so far away now, all her duties pushed to the side for something that has now become a routine.
The people of inazuma can wait just this once, she has given her all to her duty, her family and the nation.
Rest has never been more alluring than now.
“...i think we can rest for just a little longer, no?”
He must be dreaming, he muses, relishing in the way your breath fans his face.
After all, how else could he justify your sleepy murmurs, the serene declaration of the obvious favouritism he had witnessed directed only at him.
His day had been too good to be true, he thinks.
Kaveh had not woken him up with the usual clamour, in fact, the blonde was asleep, not in a hangover way, but honest to god asleep.
His work was also light, even if he barely did much anyways. It seemed like the universe itself decided to smile upon him and give him this.
And then he was summoned, aparently you had decided that perusing through the house of daena and looking through old tomes and various stories was the retinue for the day.
He never imagined that you would be quite interested in the old books, but as the scribe and only available person that day — never mind the fact that you had asked for him, he would never know — he supposed that his work was light enough that he could help you.
But here the both of you were, in a private room, with bookes piled up to your noses and your sweet whispers gracing his ears.
The library's curfew could be broken, just for once, just for you, he hummed,
After all who would question the creator on why they were here so late anyway?
Hours would pass and he would just sit there, admiring your face.
“I- uhh i didn't say anything embarrassing while i slept right?”
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rainsoakedphoenix · 8 months
lights, please
pairing: f!reader x matt sturniolo
wc: 702
summary: you and matt watch a horror movie and now you're scared to be in the dark
requested?/notes: no! - i just watched a scary movie with a friend tonight and came up with this, enjoy (this came out a lot longer than i thought it would, wow)
you covered your face with your hoodie-clad hands for what felt like the millionth time tonight. you were watching a horror movie that your boyfriend matt picked out for your weekly date night. most date nights you'll go out to eat, go for a walk in the park and talk while you hold hands, or even take a late night drive while you sing off-key to each other. but tonight was just a simple cozy night in with a few movies. at least, as cozy as it could be with you jumping out of your skin every few minutes.
matt lightly chuckles at you each time, gently taking you by the arms and pulling you into his chest as he murmurs a "are you sure you're fine watching this, baby? i can put on something else."
but you, as much as even the tamest horror movie terrifies you, are determined to finish what you've already started. you curl yourself into his side, cautiously peeking through your fingers which cover your face for most of the movie, and nod your head at him with a "yeah, i'm okay. it's almost over right?" he quickly assures you it is, wrapping his arms around your neck and laying his head over yours as you finish the rest of the movie.
"that monster was ugly as fuck."
matt laughs at your words, smiling down at you as you begin to untangle yourself from him to get off the couch. he gets up after you, turning the tv off and folding up the blanket you used as you walk to the hallway bathroom.
you pause as you reach the beginning of the darkened hallway, an uneasy feeling arising in your stomach. "hey matt?"
"yes love?" he looks up at the sound of his name, having just placed the folded blanket on the back of the couch.
you point in the direction of the bathroom, your other hand playing with the strings of your hoodie in comfort. "can you go turn a light on for me please?"
he smiles in amusement, making his way towards the bathroom to turn the light on for you.
your body moves to face him as he's walking, and just before you begin to step after him, he turns around suddenly with his fingers lightly curled. "boo!"
you let out a short scream, covering your mouth afterwards as you let your body sink to the floor in shock for a few seconds.
"matt, fuck you! i can't believe you would do that to me," you yell, but you couldn't hide the slight amusement on your face. as much as you hated being scared, especially right after watching a scary movie, you had to admit he got you good.
he started to apologize, but you didn't stick around to hear it since you really had to use the bathroom now.
upon walking out you see matt standing up against the kitchen counter, and he immediately puts his phone away and looks up at you when he hears the door open, arms outstretched to hold you as he helps close the gap between you two.
"i'm really sorry angel." he kisses the top of your head before briefly resting his on yours once more.
"yeah that was mean. you should really make it up to me." you lift your head up to look at him, causing him to do the same.
"anything you want, i'll do it."
you purse your lips in thought for a minute, even though you already know what you want. "i wanna watch shrek, and you can play with my hair until i fall asleep."
"how did i know?" he smiles at you, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to your lips.
"you can go first, since you're braver. but if you scare me like that again matt, so help me god i will smite you." you point at him with your finger on his chest in mock anger, causing him to breathe a laugh as he takes your hand off his chest and presses a gentle kiss to your knuckles before interlocking your fingers, staring into your eyes as he does so.
"i won't do it again, i promise."
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
Can i request childe and diluc with shy reader? Reader hides behind them whenever someone approaches them and gets flustered easily!
Your wish in my command dear anon~
The more I write about Childe the more my conflicted feelings towards him grow. Like I hate that dumb donkey but I love him so much aaAAAAAA.
Warnings: fluff, gn!reader, swearing? I didn’t check through so I can’t remember if there is or not 💀, not proof-read.
Character: Childe, Diluc.
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God he finds everything about you precious
The second you’re out in public and you hide behind him when someone decides to ask for directions
Oh boy
He’s kicking, screaming, crying, giggling-
Ok I’ll stop
But seriously his little heart can’t handle it!
He knows how anxious you get in public but he’ll still “accidentally” pull you into scenarios where you find yourself tripping over your words and slinking behind him
He just finds it adorable!
And something about you seeking his protection even if it’s from unwanted social interaction boost his never ending ego~
He loves the feeling of being your big strong boyfriend who can protect you no matter what!
But if it genuinely makes you too uncomfortable he’ll stop!
If you suddenly find yourself getting overwhelmed and his silhouette doesn’t provide enough concealment he’ll promptly excuse himself from whatever he was previously doing and take you away to a calmer, quieter place!
Being a big brother and a surprisingly good one at that he’s more than used to dealing with this kind of stuff!
He also finds it a strangely refreshing change compared to his usual charismatic and outgoing personality
He always makes sure to remind you that you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about!
He genuinely finds you so precious and he adores everything you do so please never be anything but yourself around him!
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He’s such a sweetheart!
I can not emphasise how much of a gentleman he is ;-;
The second he notices you going into yourself and hiding behind him he’ll immediately excuse himself and take you somewhere else!
He’s used to talking to people and dealing with social events
He has to be!
But he knows how overwhelming and uncomfortable it can be when put into those situations
He’d be lying if he didn’t find it absolutely adorable though!
He just wants to scoop you up in his arms and surround you so you always feel safe and secure~
The first time you did it to him after establishing your feelings for each other he just kinda stood there for a moment like
Where’d Y/N go?
When he felt your hands clinging onto his arm like he was your only life line
Oh boy
His face matched his hair istg
He knows he’s strong
And he knows that he’s more than capable of being seen as a protective figure!
But something about you wanting his protection even if it’s just from uncomfortable social interactions just makes his heart melt faster than when he uses his pyro vision vision in dragonspine!
Always reassures you as well
The occasional “it’s alright. I’m here” can be caught slipping out of his mouth
Not to mention head pats ;-;
He never wants you to feel embarrassed or ashamed by it!
He adores you and he’ll always be there to protect you from anything that makes you feel scared or uncomfortable~
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Yoooo I’m on a roll!!! Dies for a whole week
I might post some sketches I’m doing of Scara cuz I found the funniest fucking bit of lore in the game and I can’t stop wheezing over it.
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licorice-tea · 5 months
When The Tide Comes Out
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x reader
Content: angst, fluff, h/c kind of… also kissing😽
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: first time writing about Ace!! also i LOVE orville peck and this scenario just fit perfectly with this part of his song, “Blush”! Ace is so like… cowboy adjacent, too, so i think this kind of music is fitting for him! please enjoy and lmk what you think <3
There’s something ‘bout men that I don’t understand
You never would know how Ace did it. The constant solo traveling, having to find a new place to sleep every night, and not knowing where home is. Because, well, his home is a ship. He’s brave and responsible enough to take care of himself- you know that much- but still…
It’s a lifestyle that makes no sense to you.
On the other hand, you’ve never been one to stray far from home. You prefer to stay on your island, only going on the occasional vacation with family or friends. Still, you’ll always know where to come back to when the fun is over. And even then; you’re surrounded by people who carry the same feeling of comfort as your bed would.
Ace doesn’t have that. And he doesn’t seem to need it, either. He races around the globe in search of revenge. He calls it justice, but when you see the fire in his eyes- normally so full of warmth and comfort- you’re confused. It’s a scary look, one that you’d hate to ever see directed towards yourself. But, Ace could never direct such rage toward you. He barely gets to see you, why waste any time on bitter feelings?
Yet, he always leaves you. You’ve opened your door to him countless times; told him he was welcome to stay for as long as he wants. And every time, he chooses to leave after a night or two.
They’re always leaving wherever they’ve been
For what must be the hundredth time, you walk Ace to your front gate. You live in a nice rural area near the beach, and your front yard has its own garden and fish pond. It’s picturesque, and a home that most people (couples, specifically) could only dream of owning someday.
He hugs you tightly, burying his face in your hair with no shame.
“I miss you already.”
“Then stay.”
Ace shakes his head, surely messing up your styling, before he pulls back to face you. “You know I can’t.”
A thought tries to escape your mind, but your lips press together after a second thought. His hands brush a strand from your cheek- and you let him for a moment- but then you catch his wrist. “But you can, Ace.”
Brush it off with a shrug, I don’t know much about love
He sighs and a wince passes over his features; as if he’s in pain. “Let’s not do this right now, baby, please.”
“Don’t you baby me, Ace. You leave me alone for months on end and- and what? I’m supposed to just be content with seeing you for a few weeks out of the whole year?”
“… I’m sorry, I really am.”
This time, you’re the one to sigh and shake your head with a pained expression. “No it’s… I know what you’re doing is important to you.”
“But you’re important to me, too. You’re where home is.” The sentiment squeezes your heart- it feels like it’s about to burst.
“I know.” You try and offer a smile, so at least your last few moments together for god knows how log will be happy ones.
He laughs dryly at your obviously forced smile. Ace feels like he’s failing you, in all honesty, with no solution or viable compromise that will suit both his career as a pirate and the love he wishes to continue growing with you. “I’m not doing too great at this, am I?”
“You’re doing your best.” You pull him back in for another hug, and whisper against him. “I love you, Ace.”
He smiles into your neck. “I love you too.”
Still I give it a try now and then
You’re the first one to let go, pushing him away gently. “Go, before I try and stop you.”
His smile is strained, yet still bright and handsome. “I’ll come back sooner next time, okay?”
“You better. Or else I might have to find a replacement.”
Ace laughs and you giggle along with him. “Nah, I’m not too worried about that.” He presses a sweet kiss into your lips. “I mean it though. I want to make this work, and I want to be here with you.”
This time around, your smile is more genuine. “Then I can’t wait.”
Your hands turn his hips away from you as you playfully push him out the gate and toward the beach. “Now go so you can hurry back!”
The two of you laugh as you run down to where his raft is stationed on the shoreline.
Saddle up and ride on down
“You have my vivre card?”
“Mhm,” you pull it out of your pocket, “and you have mine?”
Ace lifts his hat to show you the card stitched onto it. “Always.”
He pushes the small boat out of the sand, and it floats in place. It’s powered by his own devil fruit, so there’s no concern of it drifting away without its owner. Who, as he turns back to you, gives you a look of longing. After a moment his face moves closer to yours, so you’re both smiling softly and nearly connected at the lips. Ace grips your waist and kisses you. It’s more passionate this time, and full of all the love and desire he has for you that he can fit into one action.
You huff in amusement. “Be safe.”
Ace nods. “I will.”
Maybe when the tide comes out
With reluctance, Ace releases his hold on your sides and wades in the shallow water. First he throws his bag on it, then lifts himself onto the deck of the Striker.
You wave goodbye, and he waves back. Theres a halo of sunlight cast from behind his dark curls and broad shoulders. Then, with a few sparks so as to get further from you and not accidentally burn you, the Striker moves further into the rising water. The realization that it’s high tide washes over you much like the waves themselves. You’re soaked up to your knees by now, but it’s no matter. You would swim across the whole ocean if only to get closer to him.
Ace and the Striker grow smaller and smaller in the distance, but you can still see his arm waving high in the air. You wave back with equal zeal, hopping up and down. His shouts of “I love you!” and “I’ll see you soon!” grow quieter, so you’re not even entirely sure when he stops.
Eventually, once he’s out of your field of vision, you turn back. You walk the same path up the beach- 2 pairs of footsteps still visible in the sand from your trip down to the shore just moments before.
Without your lover’s laughter in your ears, the creak of the gate is nearly deafening.
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jayke0 · 8 months
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Pairing: Blue Jones and Cecil Dennis x fem reader
Summary: kinktober day 15, Free Use
Rating: 18+
Warnings/content: Free use (though probs not as much as expected), drunkeness, alcohol mentions, degrading, blowjob/facefucking, p in v, protected sex (condom), oral (f receiving), squirting, threesome, hair pulling, crying, Blue is his own warning, name calling, Cecil just being an overall dummy and saying funny things, lmk if there's anything else i should add :).
Word count: 1,982
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
As much as Blue hates to admit it, you don't belong to him. You've had enough other men's cocks inside you by now for it to quite frankly be stupid of him to say it; yet he still does, he still tells you every time he's balls deep inside you that you belong to him and him only.
You have someone else that says the same kinda thing, but it's just the other way round. Cecil likes knowing that he's yours, and unlike yourself, he actually sticks to it… not that he could find any other girl that'd take his pathetic ass anyway.
The man comes stumbling into the club as usual, bottle in one hand and red stained cloth wrapped around the other. He asks around for you of course, but when he's directed towards the head of the club's office he's faced with something he didn't want to see in a million years; you, cheek pressed harshly against the desk as Blue Jones pounds you from behind, and the worst part is that you seem to be loving it.
Cecil bursts in, making both of you stop in your tracks.
"Heyy! You can't do that! She said she's for me!" The disheveled man protests.
Oh my god.
"Cecil– ah– get outta here! You dunno what you're getting yourself int—" you're silenced by a hard thrust from Blue, who'd only seemed to stop for a second at the disruption before continuing to slam into you harshly.
The sight makes Cecil wince, and he can already feel the tears welling in his eyes as he wipes his face on his sleeve.
"This your other man huh?" Blue leans over you and sneers in your ear. "The one you like to just give yourself too? Without even a care for the money he doesn't make me?" Blue eyes the other man before gesturing for him to come over to the both of you. "She's told me how pathetic you are, you're just a bumbling moron looking for a quickie, ain't you?"
Cecil shakes his head quickly, but the tears start falling down his face as he sniffles and tries to hide it in his jacket. His cheeks are so rosy and flushed, strands of curls falling in his face as his shoulders shudder. It's a sight that you're quite familiar with, and one that makes you more aroused than it probably should.
You manage to look up at Cecil despite the other man's hand wrapped around the back of your neck and pressing you against the hard wood. "Cecil baby, c'mere." You gesture for him to come closer after smacking Blue's wrist to slow down, which he surprisingly obliges to.
Cecil stumbles towards you and puts the bottle on the desk. Feeling your arms wrap around his waist is somewhat reassuring to the man and he sighs shakily, showing you his bloody hand with a pout. "I tried fucking some other girl, but she got pissed when I swallowed one of her rings by accident when I was sucking on her fingers."
You try not to laugh, but it's incredibly hard when the man just naturally gets himself into moronic situations.
Blue isn't as ashamed to hide his laughter, a raucously snarky chuckle coming from behind you.
You manage to prop yourself up on your elbows and you stroke his wrists, carefully running your fingers over his. "I want you to join, Cecil, will you do that for me?"
You know he's a sucker for pleasing you… and for getting his cock sucked whenever he can.
"Only if he shuts the fuck up." He points at Blue, which warrants a hard thrust from the club owner.
You gasp and nod. "He will baby, he will. C'mere, lemme make you feel better."
Your hands start working on Cecil's trousers, which is hard to do when you're getting your back blown out by your boss, especially one that favours you the most. Eventually you pry his slacks open to paw at his cock. You wrap your hand around the clothed flaccid length while the other holds onto his good hand; you know he loves that too, it makes him feel wanted.
It doesn't take very long for Cecil to get hard, despite being face to face with his 'contender', and soon he's rolling his hips into your hand and begging for your mouth.
"Damn, you get excited quick don't you?" Blue mocks, which makes Cecil whine and buck his hips into your hand.
You feel him rest his bad hand on your head and a little part of you hopes he doesn't get any fucking blood in your hair. Your attention is drawn back to the pathetic man that's now whaling for you to suck his dick.
"Please baby! Please please, I've been good— well apart from earlier but that don't count 'cause I didn't even get to stick it in."
You moan softly, since you love it when he tells you he's been good, before you pull his cock free of his underwear, the tip throbbing and leaking already.
Blue's pace seems to stop for a moment as he watches you take the blunt head in your mouth, wrapping your lips around Cecil's shaft while the man in question whimpers.
The club owner's cock twitches as he observes you taking it deeper and deeper till your nose is pressed against the scruffy man's abdomen, unkempt pubes tickling your skin.
"Shit, honey, you're so good at taking it in the throat aren't you?" Blue's hand runs over your head and you nod dumbly, loving the feeling of being full at both ends.
"Let's see how you fair while I'm fucking your brains out."
You whine and choke as Blue starts thrusting again. The way you get pushed forward only pushes you further down on Cecil's cock, who lets out a strangled moan.
Eventually you get your bearings and you're able to wrap your hand around the other's cock and pull off of him, just to take him all into your mouth once again.
Both the men moan at that and you feel Blue's hips start to stutter as he struggles to hold himself together, curses and moans coming out through clenched teeth.
"God, I love watching you being used, you like it don't you? Like having both your greedy holes filled? Just like the whore you are." Blue tugs your hair, which in turn pulls your mouth off of Cecil with a loud pop and a gurgled moan from you.
"I do, Blue! Fuck I love both your cocks." You whine, scrambling to get your mouth on the other man again.
Cecil tries to rock his hips forward with desperate cries, but the club owner keeps your head firmly pulled back.
"Beg for it, beg to suck his cock again."
"Oh c'mon! I thought you said you were gonna be quiet—" Cecil complains.
You whimper and whine, but Blue's grip is tight on your hair, and if you wait any longer you're going to cum all over the harsher man's cock before you even get your mouth on Cecil.
"Please Blue— please lemme help him— ah— he's so desperate for it I can't help it!"
That seems to work, the man letting go of your head to let you go back to what you were doing.
Cecil feels like he's going explode if he doesn't feel the warmth of your mouth soon, but finally your lips are wrapped around him again and he can hold the back of your head; this time going not so easy on you.
He fucks into your wet heat with staggered thrusts, his head tilted back in pleasure as he uses your throat for his own gain, loud pathetic whimpers coming from his lips.
" 'atta girl, all for us to use—" Blue pants. You can hear in his voice that he's getting close too, which you're relieved about, because you think if he continues fucking you like this your legs are going to give out and he'll have to hold you up.
"I wanna use you like this more— please lemme do this more, it's so nice." Cecil begs, but you're unsure if it's for you or for Blue.
"Wonder how many others I can get to fuck you, maybe one in this tight little hole here—" your boss runs his thumb over your other hole and it makes you choke out a moan.
The constricting of your throat is enough to make Cecil spill suddenly, his cock buried so deep in your throat that it bypasses your taste buds and pumps straight down your esophagus.
Blue is next to fill you up, his growls and moans making you whimper as he grips your hips and fills the condom with his arousal, his head tilting back to enjoy the feeling.
Your legs are shaking by the time the men both pull away, but you're left still strung high on that cliff, hoping to God that one of them will take mercy on your poor throbbing cunt.
Your prayers are answered sooner than you expect.
Blue's arms wrap underneath your knees and pull you up against his chest, your legs crushing against your own chest with your throbbing heat on show for Cecil.
All you can do is scramble a little in Blue's grasp; if you know him well enough, you know what he wants, and it's going to make you scream and claw at his arms from being so sensitive.
"I see you looking at her. Go on, use that stupid mouth for something good."
Cecil is drooling at the sight of your cunt spread for him like that and he drops to his knees, gazing up at you as if you're some kind of deity blessing him with your presence.
Your arms hold onto Blue's, bracing yourself for the way Cecil's tongue is going to make you squirm, but before you can, you feel hardness bumping against your cunt.
How the fuck is he hard again already?
You don't have time to contemplate before your boss is shoving his thick cock inside you once more, fucking you open by bouncing you on himself.
"Shit, I love this cunt, honey."
All you can do is shriek and clench around him, the feeling being enhanced when you feel Cecil's tongue working on your clit… He may not be the best at holding his load or fucking, but he definitely knows how to use his tongue.
You're driven closer and closer to ecstasy each time you're brought down on Blue's cock, Cecil's tongue waiting for you mercilessly every time the other is buried deep inside your cunt.
Your body feels like it's on fire, and it's only a matter of a few more thrusts before you're crying out for both of them, your body squeezing and tensing on Blue so much that you're pretty sure it winds him for a second. You feel pleasure rush through your body and out of your cunt, and it's only once you open your eyes that you realise what happened.
"Oh sh–shit... I'm sorry, Cecil..."
The man looks up at you in pure awe before shaking his head, pushing his dampened curls out of his face as he wipes your dripping arousal from his skin. "I had a girl actually piss on me once, so that was a much better surprise."
You aren't able to hold back a laugh this time, though it's definitely a shaky one... and you even hear Blue let out a quiet chuckle.
You're about to let yourself down, but the harsher man tightens his grip on your thighs, and that's when you realise he didn't cum. "Ah ah, where'd you think you're going, honey? You still owe me another orgasm, and I think I got a lot more friends that would wanna get in on this too, sweetheart."
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Prompts by: @/flightlessangelwings
Tagging people: @cowboymarcs @sad1st1c-wh0re @poopoobuttsy @boredzillenial @mllover260 @simpforbritgents @saevenswelt @partssoldseparately @keira-kaz2y5 @theincredibleinkspitter @l-lune @red-hydra @queerponcho @summonthesoups @motleyfolk @steven-grants-world @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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the confession- Julien Baker x lacy!reader
jj chats: y'all it is finally here. i would like to personally thank who ever first requested the jb x lacy!reader storyline!!! it has been so much fun to write these past few weeks. i think they'll be one more part after this, but maybe more if requested.
i love this couple so much so if you want certain scenarios with them please dm me or lmk!!!
part 1: linked
part 2: linked
part 3: linked
word count: around 2200 words i believe
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, pet names (princess), lots of cursing!!, argument,
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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You stormed into your tour bus, smashing the door behind you. You thanked God that no one was on your bus because you knew as soon as the door closed that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from crying. You were so confused and frustrated. 
Why did Julien hate you so much? 
Why did she never want to talk to you? 
Why couldn’t you just get along?
The truth was that ever since the first time you met Julien Baker, you were enthralled by her. Her presence commanded respect, her songs were soul-crushing in the best way possible, and it didn’t help that she was gorgeous. You wanted to be her friend(or more than her friend) so bad you must have done something wrong, something to irk her when you first met. Because why else would she continue to hate you so?
Julien was addicting, as much as you knew she didn’t like you, as much as she made it alarmingly clear, you kept going back to her, trying to win her over, trying to make her laugh. As you paced around your trailer your heart started to ache, and a feeling of unease overcame your senses. You tried to put a name to this feeling, yet all you could think of was how you felt like an out-of-tune guitar sounded. 
You rushed over to your sink, turned on the faucet, and collected a palm full of freezing water, then threw it all over your face. The cold rush felt like little daggers impaling your skin a dozen times over, but it was just what you needed. Something to direct you back to your senses, something that, momentarily: made you forget about the woman you were beguiled with. It also helped grant you a moment of respite from the scorching heat of the day.
You stood in front of the sink for a few minutes, trying to collect yourself before leaving the trailer to meet up with the others for your annual after-concert dinner. That was until you heard a series of rapid knocks at your door. Your head quickly turned in its direction, eyes widening. You took in a deep breath before grabbing a towel and wiping off your face in one clean swoop. You approached the door, hand resting on the knob before pulling it toward you.
If someone had asked who was standing there facing you, you wouldn’t have been able to tell them. Even though your mind chanted her name over and over again, as if you were being hypnotized by her indubitable beauty, you were not able to speak her name.
“(Y/N), we need to talk.” She spoke. It was then you noticed her button-up had been unbuttoned a little more since the last time you saw her. Her cheeks were redder, her knuckles white as they were made into tight fists. Even her hair was a little messier. None of this made it easier for you to speak, yet you managed to get 2 words out.
“Please leave,” the words came sprawling out your mouth before you even had a chance to think, and your arms reacted before your brain could tell them to stay still. You slammed the door in her face. Standing there still, you leaned your head against the door, trying to regain your composure.
On the other side, you heard Julien groan before calling out “Just open the door, we need to talk!”
On instinct you opened the door again, Julien’s face was red, flushed with anger. Before you even had a chance to think she stepped into your trailer, closing the door behind her. She started to pace around, not looking at you.
“What the hell Julien?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
Julien turned around to face you, her eyes piercing into yours. “What do you mean ‘what the hell?’” 
“You stormed into my tour bus? I have every right to be pissed!”
Julien scoffed, then mumbled something you could barely hear.
“What was that?” You asked, voice laced with angst.
“I said, you are such a hypocrite!” Julien was fuming, “You call me out for acting weird around you when you act weird around me too!” 
You were taken aback by her sentence, you shot out a quick “What the hell are you talking about?”
Julien took a step towards you, “Do you think I don’t notice how all the damn time you are just a bundle of sunshine,” she threw her hands in the air, “How perfect you try to act around me?” 
“No! Let me finish! You offer me help, you never say a bad thing about anyone around me, you’re so fucking nice it's driving me insane!”
“Have you ever thought that maybe I am a naturally nice fucking person? That I’m not acting a part around you?”
Julien scoffed, “Nobody is that perfect (Y/N).”
“I never said I was!” You countered back.
Julien moved her fingers towards her temple, massaging the skin on the bridge of her nose. “Ugh God don’t lie!”
“Why are you making me out to be the bad guy here?” You asked head tilted to the side.
“I am not, you're digging yourself your own little perfect ditch,” Julien smirked, proud of herself for her comment.
Groaning you said, “God why won’t you stop it with that?”
Again with a smirk: “What, something bothering the perfect little princess?”
“Julien maybe if you opened your goddamn eyes you’d see you fucked up your logic is right now.” You took a step away, hand flying to grab the countertop.
“My logic is perfectly fine, princess,”
“Stop calling me that!” You yelled.
Julien huffed out, “Stop being so perfect!”
“I am not perfect!” You snarled.
Julien was frustrated, “You are infuriating, you know that?”
The laugh that left your lips was one of confusion and anger, its message clear.  “Why are you so mad? You seemed fine ignoring me a couple of hours ago!”
“Why am I mad? Why am I mad?” Julien breathed out, if this were a cartoon you would have seen smoke pouring out her ears.
You looked at her disgruntled, “Yes Julien! Why are you mad? I have been nothing but kind to you, and yet you hate me!”
“I don’t hate you.” Julien snapped
A scoff left your lips and then “Then what is it?”
“I love you!” All of a sudden the world went quiet. Julien's face whitened, your grasp on the counter wavered and you felt your stomach sink. 
“What?” You asked for the comparison from your voice but 10 seconds ago varied so much to the volume it was at now. 
Julien looked at you, her eyes wide. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. 
You could feel the anger you held dissipate when you took in Julien’s deflated form. You started to reach out to her, “Julien-” She cut you off by walking towards your trailer door, ready to leave. Instead of letting her walk away, you ran after her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from the door. 
Julien looked into your eyes, her own filling with tears. You had no clue what was going through her mind at that moment but you could tell she was extremely upset. “(Y/N) I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” 
Quickly your hand moved into her hand, squeezing lightly. “Shhh, you didn’t. I swear, it’s just-” You stopped talking, feeling anxious when you looked into Julien’s eyes, her gaze was potent. 
Julien tilted her head confused at your sudden stop “Just?”
You looked at her, and swallowed the lump in your throat. In a hushed tone, you asked “Why did you say that?”
Julien looked between your eyes and then pulled you to a couch, sitting you both down. She sighed before saying “Because it’s the truth.” Her features held a fear, fear that you would reject her.
“You love… me?” Your question came out in a whisper. You were desperate for the answer.
Julien laughed a bit as if your question was funny. “Yes, I do.”
“Why?” You asked, straightening your back. Your brain worked overtime, trying to come up with a reason as to why she would say this to you, you couldn’t believe these words were anything but a fabrication meant to cause you more heartbreak.
Julien scoffed at your question, “Why? Are you kidding me?”
You shook your head.
Julien looked at you, confused “Because you’re you! You’re kind and you’re funny, and you just like saved a random girl's life tonight because you could!-”
“I didn’t save her life she was just a little dehydra-”
Julien moved her index finger out to your face, resting it on your lips. Immediately you shut up. She continued “You are infuriating, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I know I’ve been shitty recently, but I- I don’t have a good excuse. The best I could come up with was that I was scared of falling for you. I mean- God- look at you! You’re perfect! And I’m me!-”
“-Julien-” you started to speak but were cut off again by the tattooed woman in front of you. 
“-And I thought there was no way someone like you could ever love someone like me. So I tried to push my feelings down and I ended up hurting you in the process and I am so sorry. So I completely understand if you hate me and want me to leave. I just- I guess I just wanted to tell you that I- that I- that I love you.” Julien stuttered, her nerves getting the better of her. “I should probably just leave now, again I am so sor-”
“Julien if you say sorry one more time!” Cutting her off she looked at you with shock, terrified of your response. She had just laid her heart out to you on a platter. Now it was your decision to keep it safe and treat it like a prize, or throw it away like a piece of junk. “Julien, if you would just stop talking for one minute, please. I need to say something.” 
Julien nodded at you, you had almost forgotten her hand was in yours, the feeling felt so right, so familiar. “Do you not think you infuriate me as well? Why do you think I keep coming back to you? I want you. I feel like I need you to breathe.” You let every thought in your head out and watched as Julien’s face morphed from scared to confused. “It pains me to hear you say you feel like I could never love you. Please stop saying that, it-it hurts.” You paused again, waiting for an indication of what was going through Julien’s head. She looked at you, eyes wide like a deer caught in the middle of the road. Again, you found your voice and added “Because I do. I do love you. Possibly even more than you love me.”
Julien’s eyes finally had a look of relief on them, her shoulders slumped a bit as she lowered her head, a tear falling down her cheek. She took a deep breath before looking up at you, a smile growing on her face as she said, “I don’t think that is possible.”
Cocking your head you stared at her blankly, uttering a “What?” 
Julien’s demeanor changed from crying to cocky as she said“There's no way you could love me more than I love you.” Julien said with a smirk.
You could feel your heart swell, you felt like you were high on adrenaline, just beyond confused yet excited at how the night had led to this. You and Julien, sitting together, hands interlocked and faces just inches from each other. “Really? Because I can prove it.” You smirked back, your body felt electric like you could do anything.
“I’d like to see that.” Julien giggled, squeezing your hand.
“I bet you would, Jay.” you smiled
You heard a sharp inhale from Julien after you spoke her nickname, and in an instant Julien's demeanor changed, and like magnets her lips connected with yours. Your hands moved to grasp Julien’s cheek and upper arm, feeling her warm skin beneath your fingers. You could feel her soft lips intertwined with yours, brushing past each other. And when you pulled away you rested your foreheads together, catching your breath. 
“Thank you,” you heard Julien whisper, her breath fanning against your lips.
Bewildered, you pull away from Julien, looking at her confusedly, “Huh? What for?” 
“For proving that you are perfect,” Julien’s face wrinkles up as she smiles wide. She’s glowing and you think to yourself, if anyone is perfect…it's Julien.
“Awww Jay, stop!” you playfully frown at her, however, your face turns as red as a strawberry at Julien’s blatant compliment.
Julien shakes her head at you before muttering out 5 infuriating words “Never in a million years,” She pauses and then smirks again, “Princess.” You scoff and roll your eyes at her as she pulls you into her again. Hands running up and down your arms.
As you ease into her touch you can only think of how this
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bellyorro · 6 months
ot3, fluff, sfw, pregnancy, mc is expecting, no use of y/n
“How is she?” Ominis asked as soon as he heard the healer open the door. He heard her rustle a bit, a comforting hand on his elbow. 
“She is absolutely fine Mr. Gaunt, just needs to rest. Was nothing but low sugar levels and mild dehydration something completely normal when one is expecting twins.” 
Ominis nodded, thanking all the gods above and letting relief slowly wash over him. Oh, how he wished his husband was there next to him as well. 
“Could I come see her?” He asked, voice a little strained.
“Of course, but I would like to advise you not to startle her for now.” 
“Understandable, thank you” Ominis nodded and stepped ahead, extending his right hand for the door as his wand pulsed red on his left. 
“Ominis?” Her weak little voice said and Ominis heart broke in a million pieces but he remembered the healer's instructions. No startling her so he opted for smiling reassuringly and reaching out for her to grab his hand. Once she did he leaned over and graced her forehead with his lips.
“Hello my love, how are you feeling?” 
“Ominis… I'm sorry…” 
“No, love. None of that. You are fine, all three of you are fine and that's what matters” 
“Ominis…” She said again, this time her voice wobbled enough to let him know she was crying. 
“My love, please. You did nothing wrong, let yourself rest my dear.” He reassured her now speaking into her ear, his free hand coming down to rub her swollen belly over the sheets. 
“Where is Sebastian?” She asked after a couple of minutes of breathing along with Ominis. 
“He was notified of your situation my love but you know how his work is, can hardly get out of it fast enough and much less on such a short notice.” 
She nodded, understanding but still hating the fact that he couldn't be there with her as well. 
“WHERE IS SHE?! OMINIS!” A recognizable voice was yelling from the hallway and Ominis stood up as Sebastian struggled out of the grasp of the Hospital security and barged into their room looking absolutely mental. 
“Darling! Ominis love, what happened? Is she alright?” He asked in a voice strained with pain and teary eyes. 
“She's alright Sebastian, please calm down dear.” Ominis said, walking towards his voice until he felt Sebastian grab his hand, then he heard a faint cry from her and the unmistakable sweet sound of a kiss. 
“I'm alright, Sebastian” She started trying to calm him down further. “Growing two children in me is proving to be quite a challenge for my body. I just need to take my bed rest more seriously” 
“Merlin's beard, I was told that you were here and nothing else. I thought the worst…” 
Ominis had to shut him up before he could upset her further. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. 
“Nothing that a little rest won’t fix, dear. That’s all it is.” Ominis said, rubbing Sebastian’s back as he kissed the bump over the sheets. His hunched figure and her shape lying on the hospital bed coming to him through his wand pulses. They were there, solid and their magic returning to him like an echo, a beautiful, physical reminder that everything was going to be okay. 
“I’m so sorry for scaring you both. I was fine until I fainted.” She sniffled, causing Ominis and Sebastian to shush her reassuringly. 
“None of that darling, please rest some before we get to take you home. I’ll take a few days out of work.” 
“No, Sebastian!” She protested. “I know how important your position is right now… I don’t want to be a burden…” 
“Love, my dearest.” Sebastian said, his voice firm and laced with so much love that it even made Ominis chest flutter. “I was planning on it already. You need us both next to you. You are carrying our children, two of them. I’m afraid there’s nothing I could ever do to repay you for this sacrifice.” 
Ominis nodded, smiling in their direction, standing right next to Sebastian he also placed one big, comforting hand on the bump. “You know dear, it’s not very often that our husband is able to string his sentences so eloquently and so honestly as today. I’d say it’s best to take his word, don’t you think?” 
“Hey…” Sebastian protested but his heart wasn’t on it, of course. He smiled as she let out a small giggle, a sound that made Ominis smile real big for the first time that day. 
“You are absolutely right, Ominis dear. I won’t object anymore” She replied with a smile on her voice. Ominis loved it. 
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Darling, It’s a Winter Wonderland
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader, Eddie Munson x You
Summary: Decorating for the holidays with your best friend and roommate Eddie Munson leads to some boundaries being overstepped when the power gets knocked out by a winter storm.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Friends to lovers, dry humping, dry orgasm, masturbation, thigh riding, if I missed anything lemme know!
Word Count: 2,690
“Please explain again , why are we decorating the house for the holidays? It’s too much work to just be up for a month!” Eddie huffs, his eyebrows furling together as he untangles a string of Christmas lights.
“Because I like feeling festive!” you giggle, holding up two wreaths trying to decide which one to put on the door to your room and which one to hang on your front door. “And, I never complain when you go all out for Halloween!”
“Touché,” Eddie smiles and finger guns toward you before directing his attention back to the tangled mess of lights. He curses at the difficulty of getting out of a particularly stubborn knot.
“Plus, here. I made a special wreath for your door.”
Eddie takes the wreath you held out to him. “Bats and skulls with red and green Christmas ornaments? Fuck yeah!” He fist pumps and you laugh as he jumps up and rushes to attach the wreath to his bedroom door.
Eddie has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. Ever since that day in kindergarten when you had won against him in a race across the playground, the two of you had been inseparable. Now, as college freshmen, you were roommates in your own little apartment down the street from your school and you couldn’t ask for anyone better to live with. In fact, the two of you were pretty inseparable; Eddie would barely even let you go to the bathroom alone and there had been many nights where he sat down on the floor chatting away while you took a shower.
Eddie’s heavy footsteps returning to the living room wake you out of your daze.
“The snow’s starting. How many inches are we supposed to get?” you ask, peeking through the blinds to view the snow drifting down outside.
“Six, I believe,” Eddie says nonchalantly, not looking up as he sorts through the Christmas tree ornaments and attaches hooks to them.
“Fuck, we are going to be snowed in aren’t we?”
“Ugh!” you groan. “Thank god we stocked up on groceries yesterday.”
“I fucking hate the snow,” Eddie shivers just thinking about it.
“Same,” you agree, collapsing onto the couch.
“Oh! Where do you want these lights?” Eddie asks, holding up the newly untangled lights with a smile. He had almost forgotten he had finished untangling them since you had distracted him by handing him his snazzy new Christmas wreath. He was always like that; forgetting to finish one thing when something else came his way and distracted him. You are pretty certain he has a raging case of ADHD but the bastard won’t go get any help for himself.
“We can finish up tomorrow. I’m tired.”
‘... and horny,’ you think, not daring to say it out loud.
Apparently, you didn’t even have to say it, something about the faraway look in your eyes tells Eddie all he needs to know.
“Oh, come on.” Eddie hums your name. “I know that look. Who were you supposed to bang tonight?”
“Fuck off, Eddie!” you scowl. Of course, Eddie is correct. You did have a date tonight and planned on getting laid but your phone had buzzed early this morning with a text calling it off. Whether they had canceled due to the snow or because they felt things weren’t working out, you don’t know.
“Woah! Easy there!” Eddie throws up his hands defensively. “You know I’m right,” he taunts with a wink.
“I hate you.”
Eddie dramatically falls to the ground where he pretends he’s bleeding out. “No, you don’t! You know you love me!” he exclaims, through narrowed eyes still lying on the floor. His tongue falls out of his mouth as he plays dead.
“Whatever, Eddie,” you huff.
Eddie sits down on the couch next to you as you pull yourself up into a seated position with your arms holding your legs to your chest. “I could… help you out,” he mumbles, his eyes flickering to you and then to the floor.
“Ed, that’s unnecessary,” you say, waving him off but his offer has you squeezing your thighs together a bit and he takes notice. “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”
“I don’t doubt that you can. These walls are pretty thin, sweetheart. I’ve heard you plenty of times. I just figured I’d offer,” he shrugs with a little chuckle. He pats his lap, “Come here if you wanna, otherwise go take care of it yourself,” he smirks.
You shake your head; you know you shouldn’t but it’s been too long. You try to say no and wander off to your room, but your body seems to have a mind of its own right now.
“Fine,” you huff, straddling him. Your hips immediately begin rocking into him, searching for some relief.
“That’s right. Be a good girl and use me,” Eddie whispers into your ear and his words light a fire deep within you. He knows exactly what he is doing to you and his own breathing grows a bit irregular as you continue grinding on him. He does his best to hold back his own hips from bucking along in rhythm with yours but he fails.
You close your eyes and focus on the growing sensation in your stomach as you feel Eddie’s hard cock rub against your clit. Even through the layers of clothing, the pressure feels so good that you let out a little moan. The sound is music to Eddie’s ears and he has to swallow down his own moan out of fear of scaring you off. He doesn’t know if you’ll ever take him up on this opportunity again and he’s sure as hell going to savor every moment of it.
“Fuck, this feels so good,” you mutter. You bury your face in Eddie’s neck as you approach your climax before pulling back with a jolt as it pulses through you. You ride out your orgasm on his thigh with your forehead resting against his, your eyes screwed shut and your mouth slightly agape.
Your euphoria doesn’t last long and it quickly turns into a bit of panic as you practically jump off of him when you feel a bit of your climax gushing out of you and begins to seep through your pants. You sprint to the shower hoping that Eddie hasn’t noticed, but he decides to follow you anyway.
“Where you running off to?” he jokes but there’s an underlying tone of worry in his voice. “Was it that bad?” He blocks your way to your bedroom so you can’t get to your bathroom within it.
“I need to shower, Ed.” You attempt to brush him off; you’re embarrassed that you just got off on your best friend's lap and that you actually liked it so much that you require a shower now.
“Shit. Are you a squirter? Fuck, I never knew that about you,” he taunts, licking his lips and eyeing you up and down with a seriousness you can’t quite place.
“That is none of your business,” you snarkily reply as you push past him and lock yourself in your bathroom for a quick shower.
Eddie can’t help himself; as soon as you are out of his sight he retreats to his room and immediately shoves his hand down his pants to take care of his leaking cock. He digs around in his bedside table and lathers himself up generously with lube, pretending that he’s coated in your slick. He works himself mercilessly, pumping his length quickly. He’s never come in his pants from just dry humping before but your pretty face had him holding his breath so that he wouldn’t. He comes with a loud grunt and his come streaks out hot and thick into his underwear. He takes a moment to calm his shaky breaths before he tidies himself up and hopes to god that he can play it cool and you won’t notice the sweat-soaked hair around his face.
To his relief, you don’t seem to notice when you arrive back to the living room fresh out of the shower.
“Come on, let’s get back to decorating. You could use a distraction.” Eddie pulls you off the couch despite your protests and shoves the Christmas lights into your hands. He himself could also use the distraction before he does something he might regret and changes the status of your friendship forever.
“All done?”
“All done.”
“Darling, it’s a winter wonderland in here and it’s making me sick to look at it,” Eddie playfully gags.
You can’t help but laugh at his theatrics, it’s not that decorated. All you did was put up the tree, fitted with white lights and ornaments, a Christmas wreath on the front door, some lights strung up in the hallway, a set of decorative placemats and dish sets on the table, and of course the two wreaths on both of your bedroom doors; it’s not as over the top as Eddie is making it out to be.
Eddie is sitting down next to you on the floor as you finish stacking up the gifts under the Christmas tree when suddenly, a loud POP goes off outside and the house goes dark. Your eyes meet in the darkness, and you both rush to the window to see what is happening. Peering through the blinds reveals that one of the power poles on the street seems to have been knocked down and the trees along your road are swaying violently in the wind.
“Jesus H. Christ! Really?” Eddie shouts, clearly annoyed.
“Shit,” you mumble. “Ed, it’s late. How soon do you think they can send a crew out to get this fixed?”
“I’d say first thing tomorrow morning… if we are lucky.”
“Fuck. It’s freezing outside and we don’t have a generator. We are going to freeze to death tonight. We better go put on some more layers,” you say rolling your eyes.
Once you've put on several more layers of clothing, you and Eddie are both sitting on the couch, cozy under blankets and eating a warm and quick dinner that Eddie prepared with his propane stovetop out of his van, which he usually uses when you go camping together. It’s really surprising how quickly your house chilled down without the heat on and how deathly quiet it is as well but at least the warm food is helping you stay semi-warm right now.
“If you would get your cold-ass feet out from under my ass, I would highly appreciate that!” Eddie screeches, halfway joking but also very annoyed.
“Never!” you laugh. “My toes are about to fall off!”
“Then go put on some socks, shithead!”
“Eddie, that hurt my feelings,” you fake sob.
“Shut up,” he taunts, gently hitting you on your shoulder.
You snuggle down on the couch closer to him, craving any sort of warmth. “I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight. You know I can’t sleep if it’s too cold.”
“Looks like we are going to be bunking together tonight,” Eddie smiles devilishly.
“No way in hell! You are an awful bedmate.”
You cringe thinking back to all the times the two of you had shared a bed before when you absolutely had to. Eddie stole the covers whenever there was a sleepover or a camping trip, and he literally suffocated you by lying on top of you. You don't really find the offer out of the ordinary, but there's something different about it tonight that makes you slightly turned on.
“It’s either we share a bed or we freeze to death, sweetheart. It’s your call,” he shrugs.
“God, I wish you weren’t right.”
Eddie smirks. “I’m always right.”
“Not always!”
“Fine. 80% of the time, then,” he laughs.
Reluctantly, you follow Eddie to his room after supper. Much to your disappointment, the electrical company had sent both of you texts with an estimated time for the power to be fixed and it wasn’t what you had hoped for. Yet again, Eddie had been right; the company was suspected to have it fixed by early tomorrow morning.
“Stay on your side of the bed, Eddie, or I swear to god you won’t wake up in the morning,” you jeer, rolling over on your side to face the wall.
“But, babe! You know I like to snuggle,” he pouts, immediately spooning you and wrapping an arm around your waist.
“If I wake up and you are on top of me, we are going to fight. Goodnight, Ed.”
“Night, sweetheart.”
A few hours later you both wake up shaking from the cold and attempt to stay warm by piling on more blankets, but it doesn’t seem to help.
“You know what we could do?” Eddie asks in a low voice.
“We could… sleep naked,” he suggests with a smirk.
“Hhhhmmm. Lemme think…,” you put on your best fake thinking face before dropping it as you continue, “fuck no, Eddie!”
“Come on! More skin-on-skin contact means more heat! I would like to not freeze to death tonight! I’m still so young! I can’t die yet! You really wanna be the cause of both of our deaths?”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” you respond, scooting as far away from him as you can but he follows you and hugs you tightly in his arms.
“It won’t change anything between us, princess if that’s what you’re worried about. This is about survival.” Eddie nuzzles his chin on your shoulder.
“Edward Munson! If you get any funny ideas, I will personally kill you myself. Got it?” you taunt, rolling over to look him in his chocolate eyes and pointing your finger at him. Judging by how wide they are, he is terrified. He knows all too well what you are capable of having sent quite a few boys who tried to make unwantad advances on you to the hospital sporting various injuries.
You leave both of your underwear on as your strip and snuggle back up together, clenching your teeth in annoyance at how Eddie was somehow right - yet again. It really is a whole lot warmer with more skin-on-skin contact. You are really growing tired of him being right about everything lately.
Somehow you both manage to sleep most of the night until you are awoken sometime later to gentle rocking on your backside. Your eyes snap open as you realize that Eddie is humping you in his sleep. Boy, are you going to give him hell for this in the morning! Or at least that was the plan until he starts uttering short moans into your ear and you find your hand wandering to rub gentle circles around your own clit. The sounds he is making are just too delicious to ignore.
You try - you really do try - to keep your hands to yourself, but as Eddie’s noises and rocking increase you find your hands wandering his body. Its innocent light touches at first; his hips, stomach, and back, but he soon wakes from his slumber catching you in the act.
“Hmm, it seems I should have been worried about you keeping your hands to yourself, you naughty girl,” he chuckles in a deep, sleepy voice.
“Ed, you were the one humping me in your sleep!”
“Shit, sorry,” he says sheepishly.
“It was kind of… hot,” you reply hesitantly. “The noises you were making… eh forget it.” You roll over and close your eyes, praying sleep takes you over and Eddie won’t remember this conversation later. It seems that Eddie is fully awake now though and your luck has run out.
He peppers a few light kisses on your bare back. “What was that now, beautiful?”
“Nothing,” you whine as he continues kissing up your neck. Your breath catches in your throat when he nuzzles closer to you and whispers in your ear.
“Tell me to stop and I will,” he growls, nipping at your ear.
There’s something so seductive about the way he purrs in your ear.
And, you don’t tell him to stop.
To hell with your friendship. That's a problem for future you.
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
get close to me (c.jh) ~ kinktober week two
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summary: you're pretty sure he hates you. and you know you hate him, until a night out turns upside down.
note: 18+ content, minors DNI. happy kinktober week two!! i'm so grateful for the positive response my first fic of the month received, and i hope you all like this one as well! it's my first time writing jongho like this, so i hope you feel like i captured him well! happy reading x
warnings: non idol!jongho, fem!reader, other members present or mentioned, public sex, exhibitionism, low key enemies to lovers, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), oral sex (m receiving), quickies, idiots talking past each other so much until they just have to make out. please let me know if i missed any.
pairings: jongho x reader
genre: smut smut smut
word count: 8.9K
my masterlist || read it on AO3!
At the bar your night starts fine, cocktails in thin little glasses with perfect curls of fruit that cost too much but taste just right. It’s payday, the Friday night ahead of you is long and the hangover tomorrow is already promising to be longer if you keep up this pace. You’re on your third drink, and desperate to find a dance floor when the night turns to shit. 
You always find it hard to say no to Nari, so when she knocks back a shot of soju and tells you and Jisoo that her boyfriend and his friends are just down the road at karaoke and you should all go, you say yes. Before she picked up her phone, it really was all going perfectly. 
“Come on,” Nari whines, tugging on your arm and dragging you towards the door as you toss the leather billfold back onto the bar, “you love Sannie, I know you do.” 
Choi San is not the problem, he’s not the Choi you take issue with. 
“Please,” Jisoo rolls her eyes, cutting into the middle of your attempt to communicate very sternly with your eyes to Nari that you don’t want to go. Jisoo hangs off your shoulder as you make it out into the street, “I want to go,” 
“You just want to flirt with all of San’s friends again.” You roll your eyes. 
“No,” Jisoo corrects, “I want to flirt with Mingi,” 
“Right,” You nudge her playfully with your shoulder, “of course, how could I forget.” 
Jisoo’s nose scrunches up at your words, “Stop, I really like him,” 
“Last month you came home singing someone else’s praises,” You smirk, letting Nari lead you both down the road, “which one was it?” 
“Seonghwa,” She sighs, “and I mean, he’s great, look at him for God’s sake.” 
Nari lets out a sharp laugh, “Seonghwa likes this girl at his work,” 
“That’s beside the point,” Jisoo shakes her head, “no, I actually talked to Mingi last time. He’s kind of quiet sometimes but, I don’t know, I thought we hit it off a little.” 
“Oh,” You twist to look at her face, “you’re serious?” 
Jisoo, the historically bold flirt, seems to wilt a little under your direct gaze and shrugs, “I like him, okay?” 
“Shit,” You stop dead, shrugging of her arm and sighing heavily, “you’re going to give me those eyes until I agree to wing woman you, aren’t you?” 
“No,” Jisoo trails off, “but you know, you could just strike up a conversation.” 
“And then leave?” You quirk an eyebrow. 
“Exactly!” She claps her hands. 
“I can’t believe you,” You sigh, “you can talk to every guy except this one?” 
“He’s smart,” Jisoo chews her lip, “I always feel like I don’t know what to say.” 
“Guys,” Nari groans, “are we going or not?” 
Jisoo’s eyes soften, a pleading puppy pout, and you throw up your hands, “Let’s go and let’s sing our fucking hearts out.” 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Jisoo throws her arms around you again, and you tug her along. 
“You owe me,” You pat her arm, but you can’t help but smile at her.
Nari looks elated at the prospect of seeing her boyfriend, still in the glowy honeymoon period of the first year, but she is right, you do like San. Out of any guy she’s dated, he’s far and away the best one and looks at Nari like she’s something to be treasured. You may not love all his friends, but he gets a pass for treating her so right. 
At the karaoke bar, San meets you out front with a grin and a little haze of alcohol in his eyes, pulling his girlfriend in for a kiss. 
“We made it,” Nari grins, “are you ready to be wowed, baby?” 
“Always, jagi,” San cups her cheek, and you would roll your eyes at how tooth-rottingly sweet it all is except you know he means it. 
“Let’s do this,” You cut in, shaking Jisoo off. 
“Hey y/n,” San gives you a grin, “Jisoo, you both look great,” 
“Thank you, San,” Jisoo smiles, “now tell me who’s here,” 
“Who are you looking for?” San narrows his eyes as he pulls open the door for you. 
“Nobody,” She answers immediately. 
“Mingi,” You tell him. 
“Hey!” Jisoo slaps your arm, “Not cool,” 
“If anyone is going to help besides me, it’s San,” You point out. 
San laughs, sharp and with a shake of his head, “I’m staying out of this one,” 
“Good idea,” Nari leans into him. 
San directs you all towards one of the large, private rooms and opens the door, the sound of a packed room immediately greeting you. Your stomach is tense and full of knots, but you follow him in. 
For a minute, you think he isn’t here and your shoulders relax immediately. You scan the dark karaoke room and when you find Choi Jongho missing, the night starts to seem a bit brighter.
“Alright, let’s go,” You pull Jisoo by the hand and slot yourselves deftly between Mingi and Yunho as all the guys greet you and offer drinks. Wooyoung is mid-song, so you keep quiet but say your hellos and tune into the performance.  
When he finishes with a flourish and there’s a brief break in performances, you nudge Mingi and turn to him, feeling Jisoo paying close attention at your side, “Mingi,” you get his attention, “how’s the album?” 
“Ah!” His smile goes wide, “It’s great! Finally almost there,” 
“Are you still keeping it locked away or can someone other than Yunho and Hongjoong hear it?” You tease him a little. 
Mingi laughs, “No, no, I think it’s just about ready,” 
“Hmm,” You smile, “because Jisoo was telling me,” 
Light spills into the room from outside when someone opens the door and you know who it is before you can even turn your head, your words dying in your throat. 
“Where’s the music?” Jongho says, “I left for five minutes,” 
You turn to look and your jaw tightens. He looks crisp and clean like he always does, well fitting trousers and a perfectly cut jacket to fit his broad shoulders. As always, he says hello to the room but doesn’t spare a single glance in your direction. 
“You were saying something about Jisoo?” Mingi’s voice drags you back. 
“Oh!” You nod, now acutely aware of how Jisoo’s hand is tight on your leg, “Right, I was saying that she was just telling me she really wants to hear your music.” 
“You do?” Mingi’s eyes dart to Jisoo’s, and you’re immediately forgotten. 
“Yeah,” She grins next to you, “I’d love to hear your work,”
It’s easy now that the ice is broken to step away, and you slip out from between them under the guise of grabbing a drink from the table. You collapse next to Nari, who’s watching San, Wooyoung, and Jongho flip through the catalog of karaoke music. 
“Get ready,” You elbow Nari and gesture towards Jisoo and Mingi, who have slid together easily like you were never there, “he’s definitely into her.” 
“Oh boy,” Nari grimaces, “they’ll be a pair.” 
“If they don’t kill each other,” You note. 
“If they don’t kill each other.” She nods, taking a swift swig of her beer. 
Music starts, and the attention breaks, everyone shifting around with renewed drinks to see what’s next. Jongho takes the hand mic from San and your teeth lock together. A deep ballad begins, a love song from the late nineties you haven’t heard since your parents used to play it when you were young. 
His voice is perfect, which you already know, but it still annoys you every time nonetheless, every honeyed saranghe twisting the knot tighter inside you. 
San claps when Jongho begins really singing, a deep supportive shout, “Choi Jongho!” The rest of the boys respond to the call, various hype noises and cheers. 
Karaoke is supposed to be fun, and in your opinion everyone should be pretty bad at singing to even the playing field. If you’re as good of a singer as Jongho you’re not supposed to belt it out, you’re supposed to sheepishly agree to take the mic and then do something comedic instead. You’re not supposed to look handsome and talented at karaoke, that’s just not the point. 
You knock back a shot of soju, and as the energy in the room racks up higher, he gets more theatrical, turning towards Nari first and taking her hand, singing to her like she’s his great long lost love. San dies laughing at the joke, and Nari plays along, feigning a swoon. As he moves into the second chorus, he crosses the room and sweeps Jisoo up, spinning her with ease like a ballroom dancer until he guides her back to the arm of the sofa by Mingi. 
You watch as Jisoo stumbles a little, and Mingi braces her easily with one hand on her back and the other catching her hand. If Jongho were a little less self involved, you might interpret that as an intentional maneuver to get Mingi and Jisoo closer. 
You reach for another drink and when he turns to you, extending out a hand and gesturing you towards him, you have the sudden urge to slap him. He’s ignored you for months, so casual and cold, always looking past your eyes to meet one of his friends instead. Embarrassed anger curls in your belly and you wave him off with a tight smile. Jongho’s eyes narrow for just a moment, beckoning you, and you look away. You don’t look up as he drags Wooyoung away from Yeosang’s side to spin him around, still singing passionately and with fervor. 
You keep your eyes down, nervous energy flickering under your skin and you bounce your leg as you wait out the end of the song. When he’s done, everyone claps, and so do you, but you keep your eyes away and breath steady through your nose. You really don’t know why he dislikes you so much, but ever since the beginning it’s been palpable. The way he usually avoids your eyes, talks past you and not to you, always finds something to study on his phone instead of participating with you. The way he sang to you feels like a painful dig. If he hates you so much, you can hate him right back. 
The night continues, Mingi singing a ballad, and San and Yunho taking a duet. You do your best to be present, and to ignore the way you feel like eyes are boring into you. When Jisoo finally exclaims that what the night needs is dancing, you jump on it, desperate to get out of this tiny room. 
In the club you can finally relax, let yourself slip into the crowd and just focus on the music. Nari and San latch onto each other immediately, and you watch as Mingi tugs Jisoo out onto the dance floor too, using the crowded floor as an excuse to sidle close to her back and wrap his arms around her. The other boys move for drinks, spreading out to find dance partners of their own, and you do the same. 
Sinking into the crowd, you move to the music. 
When a hand coasts up your hip, settling on your waist, you turn your head and find an unfamiliar stranger. He’s a bit taller than you, good looking and well dressed, and it catches you completely off guard. 
“Alone?” The man asks, and normally you’d say no. Normally you’d walk away and find your friends, but the tense knot of irritation in your chest changes your mind. 
“Maybe,” You smile. 
“Need a dance partner?” He steps a little closer, the heat of his chest on the bare skin of your back where your dress parts open. 
“Maybe,” You repeat. 
He presses against you, his hand sliding further to cup your hip fully and he drops his lips to your ear, “Need a drink, beautiful?” 
“That I do need,” You nod. 
“I’ll be right back then,” He steps back, “what’s your drink?” 
He’s cute enough and charming enough, but there’s not a chance in hell you’re letting any man you just met get you a drink from the bar. You shake your head and smile, “I got it, what’s yours?” 
He smiles, appreciative, his eyes flicking over you, “Vodka soda,” 
“Got it,” You keep it light, flirty. 
“Here,” He reaches into his jacket pocket for his wallet and you wave him off. 
“I got it,” You assure him, “just don’t run off.” 
“Definitely not,” His lip quirks into a smile, “I’ll get the next one.” 
You can feel the way he watches you walk away, and for a minute you thank yourself for wearing this dress. Champagne and satin, the front dipping into a cowl, and the rest of it clinging to your curves in just the right ways. Nari and Jisoo had practically forced you into buying it, but now that you’re here you’re grateful for it. 
You squeeze through the crowd towards the bar, trying to locate the right little gap to push yourself through and catch the attention of the bartender. There’s a gap between two groups, tight, but it’ll do and you turn yourself sideways to fit as best you can between them. 
The bartender who catches your eye holds up a hand, gesturing for your order as they tip a cocktail shaker back. 
“Vodka soda and a gin and tonic,” You order, raising your voice up for the bartender to hear you over the group of loud men to your right. 
The bartender nods, shouts out your total, and rushes to the other side of the bar. You turn, still squished between bodies, and fish through your purse for the cash you have tucked into the side. 
“Do you know him?” His voice startles you and you jump, “sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jongho presses closer so you can hear him more clearly over the loudness of the club. 
“What?” Your head snaps up. 
“The guy you were dancing with,” Jongho clarifies, “do you know him?” 
“Not really,” You shake your head, quickly counting bills and snapping your purse closed, “why?” 
“You looked close,” He observes, and it’s a little startling all of a sudden how long he’s been holding your eye contact. 
A little angry flame sparks inside you, “So?” you bite back. 
“I’m just checking on you,” He leans in, “you had a couple of drinks at kareoke,” 
“You’re checking in on me?” You can’t even hide the irritated incredulity in your tone, “Why?” 
“Hey!” The bartender behind you catches your attention, repeating your total again and you twist away from Jongho to reach over and pass off the bills. 
You’re mid-lift of the drinks on the bar when the man to your right stumbles back with a laugh, knocking directly into your hands. The drinks tip instantly, over half of each of them spilling directly down your front. The icy cold hits you abruptly and you yelp in surprise, “Hey! Come on!” 
The man barely glances back, and you’re left with nothing but two nearly empty glasses and an incredibly wet front. You drop the glasses back on the bar and reach for a small stack of cocktail napkins but from the sopping wet feeling of the fabric you know it’s fully unsalvageable. 
Jongho jumps forward quickly, and you don’t know what he’s doing at first, but he steps close and stands tall, perfectly square with your front, and he tucks you into him. “Here,” He shrugs his blazer off and drops it around your shoulders, “don’t worry.” 
As he pulls the blazer over you, you look down and blush scarlet. The dress that was already thin and revealing is now relatively see through, and the cold snap of ice down your chest has your nipples standing hard at attention. “Oh my god,” You tug his jacket closed around you even though you haven’t even put your arms through the sleeves, “this is just perfect.” 
“Here,” He wraps an arm around your shoulders, “there’s a restroom near the back sidewall,” 
“Thanks,” You manage, the feeling of his hand on your shoulder heavy and warm. 
“It’s fine,” He assures, and you’ve never heard his voice so soft in tone, not an ounce of teasing. 
Jongho stretches out his other arm to make a barrier, pushing through the tight throng of people and keeping you tucked into his side. He walks with purpose, knowing exactly the most efficient route through and around to get you towards the back restrooms. 
“Here,” He says as you make it out of the thickest part of people packed together, “they’re just there,” 
You follow the direction of his hand, and you duck out from under his arm to rush forwards, pushing through the door of the restroom. It’s blissfully empty, and you lock the door behind you and shrug off Jongho’s jacket with a heavy sigh so you can assess the damage. 
It’s most definitely worse than you even thought a moment ago. Once you see yourself in the wide mirror above the sinks, your blush darkens and you clap a hand over your mouth. The fabric clings to every inch of you, all the way down your front, and you can clearly see the dark shadow of your areolas and even make out the lines of your panties where the dress sticks to your hips. 
Checking the door once more to ensure that it is locked and you won’t be interrupted, you pull your dress up over your head and ring it out into the sink, getting as much of the liquid out as possible. Once the fabric is mostly just damp to the touch, you situate yourself in front of the warm hand dryer and do your best. All you can think about while the warm air passes over the fabric is how Jongho had seen you. 
It’s embarrassing to say the least, but the way he stepped close to you and kept you from view flickers through your mind. His hand anchored on your lower back to pull you into him until he figured out what to do and gave you his jacket. You’ve never heard his voice so gentle, or felt his touch like that before. 
It takes time for the dress to dry, but eventually it’s a little less obviously soaked and just a little damp to the touch, like taking clothes out of the dryer too early. You slip the dress back on, and while it isn’t completely back to normal, it’s less see through. You pull Jonho’s jacket back on and make sure it’s covering the parts of you that are still a little exposed. 
When you pull the door open, you don’t expect to see him still here. Jongho leans against the opposite wall, scrolling on his phone, but when he hears the sound of the door his head snaps up. 
“Any better?” He asks, realizing you’re still wearing his jacket. 
“A little,” You nod, “but not great. Do you mind if I hang onto your jacket for a little longer?” 
He shakes his head, “Keep it,” 
“Thanks,” You chew the inside of your lip, not sure where to go from here, especially now that he’s being so nice to you. 
“Do you want to go back out there? Get another drink?” He asks, glancing over to the dance floor. 
“Um,” You honestly can’t think of anything worse at the moment, the tone of the night is completely different now, “not really.” 
“Should I take you home?” He offers, taking another step closer. 
“You don’t have to do that,” You assure him, “I can just wait a bit for Nari and Jisoo to tire themselves out. I just don’t know that I’m up for dancing now,” 
He swallows, tight and a little nervous looking, but finally he sighs and says, “I know a spot that’s a little more quiet if you want?” 
“Oh,” You follow the glance of his eyes towards the end of the hall past the restrooms, “sure, I guess that beats sitting at the bar.” 
He smiles, wide, his eyes crinkling up and you’re a little struck. He’s never smiled at you like that, only his friends, and you suddenly have no idea what he’s thinking. “Come this way,” He gestures for you to follow, and you do. 
He leads you down the dim hall, until you reach a metal staircase cordoned off with a velvet rope, a sign hanging over the front that reads Employees Only. He unclips it with ease, “They haven’t re-opened the top floor since quarantine ended,” he explains, “I don’t think they have the headcount to maintain it, and no one really checks.” 
“How do you even know this is here?” You hesitate by the foot of the stairs. 
“I used to come here years ago, it was the VIP section.” He says simply, like that’s all the information you need. 
Your eyes widen, “VIP?” 
“You know how Wooyoung makes friends with everyone?” He gestures for you to fill in the blanks. 
“Got it,” You smile, glancing up the steps, “but are you sure we won’t get in trouble?” 
“I wouldn’t put you in trouble,” Jongho waves you up, “but if we stand here long enough someone’s bound to see us.” 
“Right,” You jog forwards and up the steps, Jongho chuckling behind you as he secures the no entry rope and follows you up the steps. 
When you finally hit the landing, you can see why he brought you up here. The landing is long and wide, a full balcony overlooking the club but somewhat quieter and divorced from the bustle below. The lights are dim, probably intentionally kept low since the floor isn’t being used, and rows of long, plush couches and tables line the wall opposite to the railing. 
“Nice, right?” He says, drawing you further into the space. 
“Definitely,” You agree. 
Silence hangs between you, and while Jongho approaches the railing, you keep a bit of distance and sit on one of the couches, watching him as he checks down over the railing and the people below. You’re still cold, especially up here without the warm crush of bodies, and you tuck Jongho’s jacket around you a little more tightly. 
“Is your dress ruined?” Jongho asks, his voice still soft as he takes a seat next to you, leaving several inches between you. 
“No,” You tell him, “I can get it cleaned, I think.” 
“That’s good,” He smiles a little, “it looks very good on you.” 
Your stomach flips at his words, “Thanks,” 
“Are you cold?” He asks. 
The words slip out before you can stop them, “Why are you being so nice to me right now?” 
His brow furrows, “I’m always nice?” 
“You’re never nice.” 
“What?” His mouth drops, “You’re the one who’s never nice.” 
“That’s only because you clearly don’t like me.” You state it simply, like a fact.
“I like you,” He responds. 
Confusion floods you, a curl of anger deep inside you, “You never talk to me.” 
“We’re talking right now,” He counters, an unexpected edge to his voice as he meets your level of tension. 
“No,” You shake your head, pushing yourself up off the couch to step away from him, “you talk to people around me. You don’t look at me. You don’t say hi to me, you don’t smile at me, you don’t joke around with me, you basically treat me like I don’t exist.” 
“y/n,” His voice is soft, if a little shaky. 
“That’s fine,” You press on, “if you and I don’t get along, that’s fine. We can see each other from time to time with friends and you can do your thing and I’ll do mine, but please don’t lie to me and make this awkward. I appreciate you helping me out tonight, you’re a decent guy, but,” 
His face scrunches at your words and he stands, “A decent guy,” He shakes his head, “y/n, you’ve got this all wrong.” 
“Sure I do,” You sigh, “It’s really not worth it, Jongho, honestly. Maybe I should just get a cab,” 
“No,” He grabs your hand as you move to walk towards the stairs again, “no, please wait.” 
“What?” You turn on your heel, exasperated.
“God,” He rolls his eyes, “can you just listen for two seconds?” 
“I’m leaving,” You pull your hand out of his grip and shrug off his jacket, tossing it to him and turning again, not even waiting to see if he caught it. 
As you hit the top stair his words stop you, “I do like you, I don’t know how to talk to you.” 
You look back at him, frozen, jacket hanging from his fingertips and a stricken expression on his face. You step back up and hold his gaze, “What does that mean?” 
“It means I like you,” Jongho repeats, swallowing hard, “a lot. But you’re loud, and you’re opinionated, and you're very protective of your friends, and I just didn’t know how to talk to you.” 
“I’m loud?” You ask evenly, “You like me but I’m too much, is that it?” 
“That came out wrong,” He admits, tossing his jacket back on the couch and running a hand over his face, “listen, please,” 
“I’m listening now,” You tell him, but you keep your hand on the railing of the stairs, ready to dash down them at any moment. 
“You haven’t let a single one of us near you,” Jongho presses, “San and Nari have been dating for months, I don’t know if any of us even have your phone number.” 
Your stomach twists up at his words, and you cross your arms over your chest, “I don’t know what that has to do with you being an asshole to me,” 
“You’re hard to get close to,” He says, taking another step or two forwards, but making sure he doesn't rush you away, “at least for me. That doesn’t mean I don’t like you, or wouldn’t like to try.” 
“I thought you hated me,” You press again. 
“I’m sorry for that,” He says immediately, his face softening, “I know I can be cold sometimes.” 
“Well,” You were waiting for him to say but, for him to shrug things off, but he’s right. He can be cold, you know that all too well. 
“It takes me a long time to warm up to people,” He admits, “but I liked you when I met you. I just didn’t know what to say to you, and then I thought it was you who didn’t like me very much.” 
“So, this is my fault?” Your hand slips off the railing. 
“No!” He insists, frustrated now, “I’m sorry,” He repeats. 
Something he said a moment ago is stuck inside you, like a thorn or a bad song, and you take a step towards him, “I’m not hard to get close to.” 
“Harder than you think,” Jongho says, his jaw setting hard. 
“If you had just talked to me, or looked at me for a single second,” You step close, getting into his space and looking up at him, “but I think you judged me.” 
“And you didn’t judge me?” Jongho scoffs, “I heard you.” 
“Heard me when?” 
“What was the word you used?” Jongho’s angry now, a moment ago apologetic and ready to let it all be water under the bridge, and he steps toe to toe with you, “Self aggrandizing.”
You remember the moment, a few months ago on the balcony of San’s apartment while you talked to Jisoo. You had thought he didn’t hear you, but as usual, you’re wrong. There’s no turning back now though, while you’re getting it all off your chest, “Well maybe you are.” 
“And you’re not hard to get close to,” He shakes his head. 
“Why are we even talking anymore?” You bite, “This clearly isn’t helping.” You push away from him, but his strong hand closes over your forearm and pulls you back into his chest.
Jongho catches your jaw with his hand, and pulls you up to secure his mouth to yours. You’re stifling - his mouth hot and your body pressed tight against his now as he stumbles back with you in his hands, kissing you hungrily all the while. Your brain stays frozen, but when he groans softly against your lips and tightens his hand on your hip you crumble into him. 
Something else takes over your brain, someone that isn’t you. There’s no world in which you would be kissing Choi Jongho and loving it, but you do, and you are. You lock your hands behind his neck and meet his kisses, his tongue probing yours and you moan sharply when your back connects with the supporting beam behind you. 
Jongho’s fingers slide up your back, dipping under the strap of your dress, his mouth moving down your jaw and his breath warm down your throat. 
You gasp as he leans further into you, “I thought you were mad at me,” 
“Oh, I am,” He says between kisses down your neck, “but you’re fucking killing me tonight,” 
A hot strike of need lances down your body and you grip onto his shoulders as he sucks on your pulsepoint, “Tonight?” 
“Always,” He says, “but this dress?” 
“Fuck,” Your eyes slip closed as he works his way back up to your lips. 
“And you looked so fucking gorgeous giving me hell,” He says, diving back to your mouth. 
“What is happening?” You mumble against him. 
He breaks the kiss with a sigh, and his forehead leans on yours as he catches his breath. His thumb strokes across your neck where he holds you and finally he says, “I said I do like you,” 
“Oh,” Your voice is small. 
“I don’t know how to talk to you,” He reiterates, “because every time I look at you and even think about opening my mouth I want to tell you how insane you make me.” 
“You what?” 
His hands hold you close, and you watch his eyes slip closed, “You make me crazy,” he admits, “every time I see you I want to drag you off somewhere and fuck you until you can’t walk,” 
Your breath hitches at his words, a rush of warmth through your belly at the thought. “That’s why you couldn’t talk to me?” 
“This is the first conversation we’ve ever properly had,” He chuckles, “and listen to me.” 
“Every time you talk to my friends or some guy in a bar,” His hands tighten on you. 
Your body moves before your brain, but when his mouth is back on yours, and you pull him closer, it all feels right. “Don’t stop,” You pant against his mouth between kisses. 
“Come here,” He dips, reaching down and hoisting you up in one fluid motion, keeping your back pinned on the wall and settling your legs around his waist. You whine at the sudden press of his body between your legs, your dress ruched up around your hips. “Fuck,” He sighs, “I knew you would sound so pretty,” 
Your brain is dizzy, foggy and light and you cling onto him, one hand popping the topmost button on his shirt. “Jongho,” You groan, and he presses further against you, his hard cock now nestled tight against your clit. 
“Do you want me?” He says in your ear between kisses, “Or should we stop?” 
“More,” You nod, your head falling back to the wall. 
“Are you sure?” His hand presses up under your dress and cups your backside. 
Your hips jerk, rocking against him and he groans, but you pant out, “Yes, fuck,” 
“You’re mine, then,” He kisses you fast, and then drops you back down to your feet, not even giving you a second to realize what’s coming next. He turns you with ease, and crowds you forwards against the railing, his lips trailing over your neck again and his hands roaming over your body. 
Twenty minutes ago, you really thought you hated him. You were so sure you had him pinned - every little smug thing about him from the way his lip twitches whenever you say anything to the way he crosses his legs and rests his hands on his knee. The way he’s too smart, reads too much, sings too well when all you’re doing is going out for some drunk karaoke on a Saturday night. Twenty minutes ago before he had your legs around his waist, you were pretty sure you’d never, ever let him touch you. 
But being sure and being where you are now, are two very different things. 
His body presses up against yours, pinning you into the balcony railing, and you’re grateful it’s dark up here because if it wasn’t you’re pretty sure everyone below you would be able to see. Your breathing tightens as he slides his hands over your bare hips, flipping the back of your dress up to give him the access he needs. 
“Jongo,” Your voice is breathy and hushed when he cups the curve of your ass in his warm hand, “god, what are we doing?” 
“Fucking,” His laps latch onto your bare shoulder, one hand spreading wide over your stomach, “I thought that was clear.” 
“Oh my god,” Your body trembles, deep anticipation running through you and now that he’s touching you, you hope he never stops. 
“Changing your mind?” His hands still and he lifts his lips. 
“What?” You turn your head towards him, slivers of his face light up with every pulsing color that illuminates the dark club. 
“What, what?” He locks eyes with you. 
“If you want to fuck me, you should just fuck me.” You can’t help but push his buttons, the fight between you fully unfinished. 
A smile pulls at the corner of his lips, that look you just hate, hated, a feeling you can’t quite work out now that his hot hands are on you. His fingers hook into the top of your thong and he tugs down, pushing them down so they fall to catch around your ankles. “Be quiet,” He murmurs, and you feel him unbuttoning his trousers behind you, the zipper pulling along the soft flesh of your ass. 
He chuckles when you jump in his arms at the cool sensation of the metal, and he repositions himself just far enough so he can slip a hand behind you. 
Your core tenses as he maneuvers you with ease, and he drags his hand over the swell of your backside until he reaches under, his middle finger sinking into your folds with expert direction. 
“Cute,” He kisses your shoulder tenderly, a stark contrast to his teasing tone, “is this all for me?” 
“Shut up,” You groan, but you slide your stance a little wider for him. 
“Mm,” He kisses across your shoulders, rocking his hand back and forth, “not yet,” 
“Jongho,” You gasp as he presses down on your clit, “we don’t have a lot of time, they’ll notice we’re gone,” 
“So?” He murmurs. 
“What if they look for us?” Your hands tighten on the railing as pleasure bubbles inside you. 
“No one’s going to come up here,” He assures you. 
“What if they can see us?” You lean back into his touch, your hips jerking into his hand. 
“So let them see,” He pushes your legs open wider, “now stop worrying and let me fuck you,” 
Your core flutters and spasms, and you grip onto the railing as you watch the crowd below. Were you friends there somewhere or did they go home? If they glance up at the balcony would they see you? How much would they see? Do you even care?
“Please,” You push yourself back into him, throwing caution out the window and arching your back. 
“Perfect,” He sighs, and you’re about to protest when his fingers slip away from your clit, but when his hands lock down on your hips and you feel his tongue sink between your folds, dipping deep into your aching entrance you shudder a groan and drop your head. 
He’s on his knees now between your legs, holding you open wide and tilted up so he can lap strong stripes up the length of you. 
You moan, tight, losing control as Jongho delivers a strong suck to your clit and you feel a puff of warm air as he sighs into you. He lifts his mouth to murmur, “You taste like heaven,” 
You grip the railing, leaning over it now and losing control, your eyes unfocused and only seeing the wash of colorful lights, his tongue lapping at you as the music thrums through your chest. You didn’t know he could be like this at all, always seeming so buttoned up he was almost prudish, but you’ve never been so happy to be wrong. 
Jongho separates your folds with his index and middle fingers, his opposite hand kneading the soft flesh of your ass, and he picks up the pace, working you with strong flicks and sucks so expertly that you can’t quite believe who you have between your legs. 
“Jongho,” You gasp, dropping your head to your forearms, “please, please,” 
Your body grows hotter, tense curls of pleasure bubbling up in your core and you bite down on your forearm to keep from crying out as he feels you start to shake and doubles down. His hand on your ass grips tight, and when his tongue passes over your clit in just the right way and he feels you jerk, he circles his tongue back on the spot and sucks hard. 
Heat floods your chests, and with your free arm you reach back and grip his hand where he holds you, silently begging him not to change a thing. With just a little more, you’ll be putty in his hands. Jongho doesn’t falter, listening to your steady pants and whines, and when he presses closer your body snaps apart for him. Your knees buckle in and you hang onto the railing for support as you come hard and shaking, your dress slipping back down over your ass as you ride it out. 
Behind you, Jongho quickly fishes a condom out of the inside pocket of his jacket and hurries back to you. As your breathing evens out, he lifts your hips and brings your legs back up so that you’re back in an almost ninety degree position, presented and ready for him. 
“Fuck,” He sighs as he pushes your dress back up and caresses your hips, “you’re so beautiful,” 
His voice is warm and low, and he drags his hand up and down your back. You’re pretty sure you’ll start to melt if he doesn’t touch you again and you push up to hold the railing and turn your head towards him, “Jongho,” 
“Hmm?” He looks up from your body and meets your eyes. 
“Touch me,” You push your hips back into him, the head of his cock bumping you, “fuck me,” 
He licks his lips and swallows hard, shifting his hands to hold your hips firmly, “Come up a little,” he says, stepping close and you groan as his cock passes over your folds. 
You’re already in heels, but his hips are still a little higher than yours, so you press up on your tiptoes, heels rising out of your shoes and leaving your leaning most of your weight on the railing. The adjustment leaves you in the perfect spot, and he settles himself between your legs, guiding his cock to your wet entrance. 
“Fuck,” he breathes as he presses himself forwards, slowly sinking his cock inside you, “y/n,” 
Your mouth drops open as he pushes in, stretching you perfectly and filling you just right. “Oh my god,” Your head hangs down as you focus on the feeling. 
You can feel that he started off with control, but the deeper inside you he moves, the tighter his hands get on your hips and you can hear a groan on his lips. With a sharp jut of his hips he thrusts deeply inside you now, and you bite your lip to keep yourself from crying out. 
“You’re so,” Jongho pants, picking up the pace of his thrusts and surging in and out of your tight channel with every rolling rock of his hips, “y/n,” 
His hips connect with yours in time with the thrumming bass and you grip down hard on the railing, hands shaking and body aching as you try to hold yourself up for him. “Harder,” you beg him, “more,” 
Jongho’s hand claps down on your shoulder, holding you in a vice grip, and he uses the leverage on your body to bounce you steadily on his cock. He pulls you back to meet every forward snap of his hips and you whine tightly in his grip. Where some men hear harder and speed up, Jongho reads your needs perfectly. He keeps his pace but with every move he connects with firm snaps, a hard drumbeat of his hips on yours. 
“Yes, yes,” You moan, the expanding knot of pleasure building as his cockhead pounds again and again into the perfect spot inside you. 
“I want to feel you,” He pants, “are you close?” 
You nod, frantic and with a whine, and when you feel his hand leave your shoulder you’re startled that the pace might change when you’re so close, but it does for the better. He leans over you, reaching around and locking his fingers down onto your swollen clit, rubbing circles fast and hard into your nub as he keeps his hips jutting into you. Your orgasm crests, fast and sudden, and you can feel yourself close to tumbling straight over the edge. 
“Don’t stop,” You beg him, “please, please,” 
He presses a little harder, “Come on my cock, baby, come for me,” 
The music cuts low as a song blends into another and your mouth falls open, your orgasm washing over you at his words. You hold yourself as silent as possible, just heavy breath fluttering out of you while you tighten your hands on the railing, your walls spasming around his hard length. 
He pushes into you fully and holds you tight down on his cock, holding you up now as your legs shake, “Shh, shh,” he soothes you, “there you go, fuck, there you go,” 
A tight whine leaves you as the music picks back up, “Jongho,”
“Mhm,” His hands coast over your skin, soft and gentle now as you recover. After a moment he slips his cock out of you and you shudder, and he takes the back of your dress and smooths it down to cover you again, “here, come here,”
You’re still collapsed against the railing, but you let him pull you up into him, kissing you softly and caressing your back. He holds you while your brain clears, and you sigh against him, “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” you nuzzle into him. 
“Us at all or up here?” He glances over the side down at the throng of bodies. 
“Both,” You kiss him again. 
“Hmm,” He squeezes your arms and nods, “I’m not done with you yet,” 
You smile, and shake your head, “It’s my turn,” 
“Oh?” He teases. 
“Yeah,” You pull away from him, your legs finally solid under you and you push him backwards until his back connects with the supporting beam he had hoisted you up against earlier.
He chuckles at your sudden pushiness and smiles, “Where are we going?” 
“Right here,” You shrug, flirting now fully, and you can barely believe that the man who you hated at the beginning of the night has turned out to be the man in front of you now. The man making you come twice in a fast and dizzy rush, the man whose cock was about to be down your throat. 
“Mhm,” He murmurs, watching you carefully. 
His eyes widen when you slide down to your knees, your hands running down his thighs to steady you. With sure hands you roll the condom off and drop it to the side, taking his hot length in your hand and stroking, getting accustomed to the feeling of him. 
“Oh fuck,” He leans back on the beam and runs a hand through his hair, “y/n,” 
“Yeah?” You grip him a little more, stroking steadily and letting your hand sweep up and over the smooth velvet of his cockhead, collecting the beads of precum with your thumb to stroke along the bottom of his shaft. 
“God,” He mutters, eyes on you. 
“Watch me,” You tighten your hands on his thighs, and look up at him as you run your tongue over the head of his cock, soft flicks at first and then a steady drag of your tongue up the length of him. 
“Mm,” He leans forward, “wait,” 
You rock back, dropping your hands away, confusion flooding you, “What?” 
“Here,” He pulls the straps of your dress free, dropping them over your shoulders and revealing your breasts and you watch him bite his lip and sigh at the sight of you. 
“Oh,” You smile, “so that’s what you want.” 
Jongho swallows, watching you with wide eyes, pupils blown wide and looking hungry. 
You slide the straps down and let your dress pool at your waist, naked now from the hips up, and you drag your hands up your sides, cupping your breasts and pinching your hard nipples. He leans back against the wall, watching, and his cock twitches, desperate for something to touch it. 
It feels like something’s possessing you, doing this out in the open, a breath away from someone just wondering where you are and looking up to the balcony, but you can’t stop yourself. After months of wishing he would spare you a single glance, you’re starving for the way his eyes stay focused on you, studying your every move. You rock back from your knees and settle on the cold concrete floor, separating your legs wide and easing back onto your elbows. 
“Do you like to watch?” Your brow quirks up, and you continue teasing your nipples for his eyes. 
He nods, wetting his lips again and bringing his hand to his cock, stroking it slowly. 
“You do,” You sigh, dragging the hem of your dress up and sinking your fingers into your wet core, “have you been watching me this whole time?” 
He nods again, matching the pace of his hand to yours as you start to slowly sink two fingers inside yourself, bobbing them in and out. 
“Why tonight?” You ask, moaning a little at the heat stirring inside you again. 
“I don’t know,” He groans, “I just couldn’t ignore it anymore,” 
You let him watch you a little longer, alternating between thrusting your fingers and circling your clit, kneading your breast with your opposite hand and panting a little wantonly, just for him. His cock is desperately hard, leaking and red, and you decide finally that it’s time to stop teasing him. 
In one fluid motion you push back up to your knees and push his hand away from his cock, wetting your lips as you do and sinking your mouth down over him as far as you can, your nose pressed up against his pubic bone as you take him, his cock heavy on your tongue and bumping the back of your throat. 
“Fuck, fuck,” He shudders, “y/n,” 
“Mhm,” You murmur around him, gripping onto his thighs as you start to drag your head back and forth, using the pressure of your tongue to tighten the feeling for him. 
“Yes,” He urges you, his hands sweeping your hair back and gathering it at the back of your head, holding you steady, “fuck, you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” 
A flutter runs through you, his words making you blush and while you work him, you return your hands to yourself, teasing your nipples and making sure he can see as you flick your clit. You’re taking him home, there’s no question. You want him for dinner and dessert, you want him for breakfast, you want him until you can’t stand the sight of him anymore. 
“God,” You hear him groan above you, and you up your pace, bobbing your head now at a fast clip and moaning around his cock in your mouth. Hollowing out your cheeks and sucking, taking him deep. His hands grip your hair harder and you feel his hips jerking, and from the sound of his little hissing pants he’s close. 
You suck hard, applying more pressure with your tongue and he curses, trying to pull you off him, but you make a noise of protest and sink further down onto him, gripping his thighs and letting him thrust himself into your mouth twice more before he groans and releases, hot and salty down the back of your throat. You steady your breathing, swallowing every drop until you’re sure he’s satisfied and then you let his cock slip out of your warm mouth.
Jongho leans back against the beam, shaking and his hands still locked in your hair, sweat slipping down his temples. You sit back on your heels, his hands falling away from you as do and you watch him above you. It’s the calmest you’ve ever seen him, a small smile on his lips and a serene expression on his face. With a deep sigh he comes back to reality, and drags a hand through his hair to smooth it back into place before pulling his trousers back up and securing his belt. 
He smiles warmly at you when he crouches down, kissing you softly and pulling the top of your dress back up to its proper place, “You alright?” 
“Mhm,” You assure him, “you?” 
“I’m great,” He grins, and his smile sends a fluttering warmth through you. 
“You’re perfect,” He kisses you again, “I’m so sorry I was an ass, you’re perfect,” 
His words are tender, and so are his hands and you melt under his attention, “It doesn’t matter, I don’t care,” 
He chuckles against your mouth and shakes his head, “It does,” he sighs, “but it doesn’t have to tonight,” 
He’s right of course, and when the hazy glow of your orgasms clear and you’re back to real life you might feel differently, but right now you want nothing more than to curl up on his lap and breathe in the scent of his cologne. Jongho finally breaks the kiss and looks you over, checking the time on his watch, “We should get back,” 
“Jongho,” You catch his hand, keeping him close. 
“Yeah?” His eyes are soft, a little hopeful, and you never want him to stop looking at you like that. 
“Can you just take me home, please?” You squeeze his hand, “I’ll text them and tell them I wasn’t feeling well or something, can you just…”
“Whatever you want,” He assures you, assuaging your sudden nerves, “here,” 
You watch as he finds his phone, sending a series of texts and ordering you both an Uber. He stands, offering you his hands and helping you backup your feet, straightening your dress again and then dropping his jacket back over your shoulders, “Are you hungry?” 
“So hungry,” You smile. 
“You want to get dinner?” He smooths your hair down and sweeps his thumb under one of your eyes to clear away the smudged mascara, “Maybe we can start over.” 
“I think I’d like that,” You murmur. 
“Alright then,” He grins. He buttons his jacket around you once your arms are in the sleeves, and then finishes straightening himself out. He grabs your purse that lays discarded on the ground and passes it to you, and then with a laugh he takes your panties that never made it back on and tucks them into his trouser pockets. 
Your eyebrows raise and you blush. 
He pulls you in, kissing you again and squeezing the soft swell of your ass, “I might want you again, these will just be in the way,” 
“Oh my god,” You sigh against his mouth, “why haven’t we been doing this the whole time?” 
“I’m an idiot,” He says, like it’s obvious. 
“Ah,” You tease, “right, of course.” 
“Come on,” He checks his phone and sees the Uber only a minute or two away, “let’s get out of here.” 
“Jongho,” You catch his hand as you descend the stairs. 
“Hmm?” He smiles back at you, so much more at ease now that the wall of ice between you is broken. 
“Let’s order in,”
He tugs you into his arms, kissing your temple as you stumble out into the night air. To anyone watching you’d look like a couple, lovers who can’t keep their hands to themselves, the rest of the world faded away around them. No one would know at the start of the night you’d barely spoken to each other, that the tension between you was so thick you could have cut it. Jongho keeps a hand on you while you wait, through the drive to your apartment, all through dinner, and he sinks back into you the moment it’s done. Now that he’s touching you, it feels like he may never stop, and if you're being honest, you really don’t mind. 
the third installment of kinktober will be up next tuesday.... thank you all for reading x
💌 taglist - @x0cherrytattoo0x @just-here-to-read-01 @simeonswhore @rielleluvs @ourbabies-bts @mingkiyoo @belletiny @moonseonghwa @jwying @treasure-jackpot @thirstiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @seonghwaxtoothless @matzstars @lenireads @parkthothwa8 @halotopicecream @8tinytings @kiwibaekie @sunasleftball @tannie13 @camilacastro @phoenix-karma @atinymonbebestay @kpopslittles1ut @lucentchan @seobtak @jlm92 @side-angel @mywooyo @halesandy @sophxom @lydiairl @seokjins-condoms @y2keigo @kpoplover718 @heart-coiored @blckbianxious @oippang @atinytease @minkysmilk @becauseiloveyunho @asjkdk
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space-helen · 9 months
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Words: 812
Pairing: Jack Thompson x Reader
Request: Hey! Can I send in a request? Maybe Jack Thompson or Captain Kirk with the prompt "Of course we're best friends. No one else would put up with our shenanigans."? No worries if you're not feeling it! Hope you're doing wonderful! - @captainsophiestark
“Remind me why we’re here again?” Jack’s voice came from beside you.
“To work?” you replied as you shifted in the car seat.
“This is the most boring stakeout I’ve ever been on.”
“Are you calling me boring?” you joked, turning towards him.
“The company isn’t boring but the stakeout is.” he re-phrased “Happy now?”
“You know me. Of course I am.” you fixed your eyes back on the building in front of you “How about we just go inside?”
“Y/N, no.”
“Why? We’re clearly getting so much information from here.” you said sarcastically.
“And how would we go inside? What would we even do?”
“We could pretend to be looking for directions. Look.” you pulled out a map from the glove compartment “We can just say we’re looking for somewhere random on the map and hope they give us directions.”
“You forget they’ve seen me before.”
“Just shove some sunglasses on and take off your jacket. Perfect disguise.”
The man rolled his eyes “How the hell are we best friends?”
“No one else would put up with our shenanigans so we have each other.”
“Our shenanigans huh? Please as if I contribute-”
“Remember when it was your idea to prank the whole office with the out of date milk-”
“Alright, alright.” he tried to shush you with a smile on his face “but you agreed to help me.” he pointed his finger at you playfully.
“That’s what I mean, our shenanigans. We couldn’t really do it without each other.”
“How did we even end up friends in the first place?” he questioned how it all started but soon remembered. “That’s right, you hated me.”
“No, I’m pretty sure that you hated me. You couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me. Saw me as dirt, the same way you first reacted to Peggy.”
“I’ve never seen you as dirt. It just took me way longer than it should have to realise that women can work just as well, or even better than men in this sort of work.”
“Thanks Jack, you’re a real charmer there.”
“At least I’m admitting I was wrong.” he nudged you slightly “That’s a big one for me.”
“I suppose.” you laughed remembering the early days “then we worked together a bunch and practically became inseparable.” 
“I wouldn’t change it for the world. I think you’re probably one of the best colleagues I’ve worked with.”
“Alright, no need to go that far Chief Thompson. That’d be favoritism in the workplace.”
“I think they already know we're friends Y/N.God some of them even think we’re something more.”
You genuinely laughed “I knew it was only a matter of time. Hey why can’t a man and woman be friends without people assuming they’re dating each other? If it were two men or two women they wouldn’t bat an eyelid.”
“I suppose it’s because they can’t see themselves being friends with the opposite sex without anything else happening.”
“Gross.” you huffed.
There was a silence as the two of you watched the building but Jack was the first to break it. “How about we grab dinner?”
“Are you asking me on a date!”
“Y/N, god no. I’m just hungry alright? Would it even be that bad if I did?”
“Did you not just hear our last conversation?” 
“I did alright. I like you Y/N but we’re friends.” he was panicking, he did like you slightly more than a friend sometimes but to him your friendship was more important and he’d never want to do anything to jeopardize it. 
“Best friends I think you’d find.” you smiled at the man sincerely, you liked the man, of course you how could you not? There had been nights the two of you had been in the office late and you’d fallen asleep and he’d tucked you up. He’d saved your life on multiple occasions and you’d saved his. He’d also been very protective of you when other men had made seedy moves on you. Honestly, you’d love to be in a relationship with him and it was probably the reason none of your relationships had worked out so far.
“We can go for food, or a date or whatever if we get this stakeout over and done with sooner rather than later.” you offered.
His heart bounced out of his chest. What did you just say? “How about we just go inside then? Get this over with?”
“I love the change of heart.” you passed the man his sunglasses and gave him a tap on the shoulder before getting out of the car. 
He scrambled out and flung his jacket from his body frantically before popping the glasses on and linking his arm with yours. “Let's go ask for directions darling.”
You laughed, you had to admit you did love undercover work with him “Sure thing.”
Tag List: (open)
Marvel: @coffeeandcrimeshows @spunky-89 @heyitsaloy @captainsophiestark
59 notes · View notes
winchesterwild78 · 5 months
Chance Meeting pt 5
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Part 1, 2, 3, 4
18+ Minors DO NOT interact
This is my first ever fan fiction. I adore Jensen Ackles and have no hate towards his family. In this he’s single. I’m not sure exactly how to do this so any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Please be kind and all mistakes are my own. All work is mine. Please don’t copy it.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, Jensen being a sweetheart
Chapter Warnings: implied teen pregnancy, Jensen being a sweetheart, plus sized reader body issues, Things continue to heat up
A/N: I’m working hard on making sure the chapters get done quickly. I don’t want to leave you hanging for too long. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Reader is older-not trying to alienate anyone, but I wanted the reader close to Jensen’s age and with children. This will make more sense in later chapters.
As you opened your room door you looked at your phone. 6 missed calls from y/f/n and 10 texts. “Oh great, I forgot to call her back last night.” You immediately called her back and as soon as she answered the phone you quickly said “Oh my god, y/f/n I am so sorry I forgot to call you. I was incredibly busy and it slipped my mind.” “Well y/n it better have been a good reason. I’ve been worried sick.” She said. “Did you end up going to karaoke?” “Yes I did, and I sang a song with Jensen. His voice is even more beautiful in person.” “So, y/n tell me everything.” She said with excitement in her voice. You started at the beginning and you told her how it felt like a magnet was pulling you to him. You could hear her giggle as you continued telling her about everything. Well maybe not every single detail, but enough to make her squeal with delight. “So are y’all just fuck buddies or something else?” She said after you finished. “God, y/f/n crude much?!?” “I don’t know what we are right now. I just know when I’m with him I feel safe, loved and protected. I feel like I’ve known him for years. I can’t explain it. Trust me, once I know I’ll let you know.” You told her. After talking for a few minutes you told her you needed to get ready for the panels and photo ops. You both said your goodbyes with you promising to text or call her later.
You changed into your Radio Company t-shirt, grabbed your flannel and finished off your outfit with your comfy shoes. You fixed your hair into a messy bun and put on light makeup. One last look and you were headed out the door passes for the day in hand. The anticipation of the day gave you butterflies. You wondered how Jensen would act towards you and since Jared saw you how would he be towards you.
The first panel was with Jared, Jensen and Misha. You took your seat on the 2nd row on the far right. You were in the first seat and could see the stage clearly. The guys were introduced and took to the stage. Deafening applause and screams filled the room. They sat down on their chairs, of course Jared turned his around. You saw Jensen scanning the crowd looking for you. When he made eye contact with you he smiled. You smiled and bit your lip. He bit his bottom lip and licked his lips. Jared noticed and smiled, tipping his head to you. He leaned over to Misha and whispered something to him that caused him to look your direction and smile. He gave Jensen a playful slap on his arm with a big grin on his face. Jensen blushed a little. You thought he was absolutely adorable with slight pink cheeks.
The panel started with the guys talking and cracking jokes. The crowd was in the palm of their hands. These guys really love their fans and know how to really work the crowd. You hardly took your eyes off Jensen. He was breathtaking and so sweet answering questions about any and everything people asked him. You decided to jump in line to ask a question before Jensen turned back your way. He saw you weren’t in your seat and you saw his face fall a little. The next question came from the other side of the room so Jensen turned to listen and answer the question. Your turn was next. Your heart was racing and you had no idea what you were going to ask, so you decided to wing it.
You took the microphone and when Jensen saw you he started smiling. Jared and Misha both grinned. Jared said hello first followed by Misha and then Jensen. You said “hey guys! My name is y/n it’s really great to meet you three.” Jared said “hello y/n I’m Jared, that’s Misha and the goof down there is Jensen.” You giggle when Jensen whips his head around and said “oh I’m the goofy one?!?” Everyone started laughing. You looked at Jensen and said “um my question is for Jared” giving Jensen and smile a wink while Jared starts laughing and says go on. You ask him “Since he was Deans little brother, if he could pick the perfect girl for Dean what would her personality be and would it be similar to someone he would approve of for Jensen? Why or why not?” Jared said “Well y/n I’m glad you asked that question. Hmm the perfect girl for Dean would be very similar to the perfect girl for Jensen. They would have to be strong willed, loving, family oriented, could cook and put up with his moods .” “So let me ask you something, y/n. Are you a Sam girl or a Dean girl?” He asked you wiggling his eyebrows. Jensen spoke up and said “well obviously she’s a Dean girl because she wanted to know about his perfect girl.” He said smiling at you. “You looked between the both of them and smiled then said “Well, actually I’m a Cas girl.” Everyone erupted in laughter. Jared and Misha both jumped up to hug you. Jared grabbed you and pulled you into a hug and whispered “so glad to finally meet you officially.” Misha hugged you and said “I knew I was going to like you.” Jared jumped back on stage and said “best answer ever!” You thanked them and took your seat looking at Jensen and you’re both smirking at each other.
Before the end of the panel one of the staff members came over and tapped you on the shoulder. “Ma’am, Mr Ackles would like you to join them in the green room. If you could please follow me.” You grabbed your stuff and got up to follow her. She took you behind a curtain and into a room with seating, food and drinks. There was also a tv that showed the current panel. A few minutes later the panel was done and the guys were walking off the stage. The next thing you knew the door was opening with Jared, Jensen and Misha walking in. They all greeted you with hello’s and smiles. Jensen walked up to you and took you in his arms. He hugged you and backed away. You leaned in for a kiss and he said “oh I thought you were a Cas girl?” You playfully hit his chest and he softly kissed your lips. “Awwwww” Both Jared and Misha said at the same time. Jensen shot them a smirk and put his arm around you. You all sat around talking and getting to know each other. All the guys showed you recent pictures of their kids and they talked about how fast they were growing. You showed pictures of your kids and talked about how they have both grown up too fast. Your oldest is in their 20s and your youngest is almost 18. Everyone looked at you and said there was no way you had a kid in their 20s. You laughed and said “I started early.” Jensen sat staring at you and you were worried you just blew it with him. Yes he has kids, but they weren’t teenagers yet. You kinda held your breath until Jared and Misha got up to leave and told Jensen and you they would give y’all a few minutes alone before Jensen was due for his next thing.
When the door closed you looked at Jensen who was still staring at you. He whispered to you “I kinda like the idea of a MILF.” He growled in your ear and you were on each other like a couple of teenagers. You were panting and hands roaming over each other. Deep passionate kisses and Jensen leaving love bites down your neck. His lips were intoxicating and his touch was electric. You knew you couldn’t get too hot and heavy but damn did your body crave him. Between kissing and heavy petting you told him he needed to get ready for the next thing. You didn’t want him to be late. He kept kissing you and finally pulled himself away. “You know I just realized I don’t have your number.” Jensen said with a chuckle. You smiled and gave him your number then said “well I think we had more pressing things on our minds.” He texted you and you saved his number under “J” just in case someone saw your phone. You didn’t have a clue what this was between you two and you really didn’t know how to explain it yet. Keeping this between you two right now was the best decision for both of you. With one last kiss you both sighed and left the green room. He went to his photo ops and you went to get in line. You were looking forward to getting the pictures done and hopefully seeing Jensen later tonight.
Part 6 soon
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theluciansystem · 1 year
Moon Knight - "what's an avatar to a god?" - Ask game, prompt 14
Summary: When you're walking home from a store, about to celebrate the boys' release from Khonshu, things get a little messy as someone follows you home.
Warnings: mentions of blood, alcohol, some creep, and a knife. + dying Y/N.
Word count: 890
Notes: hope you enjoy :)
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They were free as of 2 months ago, free of Khonshu, free to not do his bidding anymore, and I am so proud of them for leaving him behind. I knew it was hard to leave, but my boys did it.
Steven and Marc had been encouraging Jake to finally leave Khonshu since the end of Ammit, near when I first met them. Jake later told me he hated ‘that maldito pollo’ anyway, and didn’t like being told what to do.
I’m walking with a box of chocolates and some wine for me and Steven. Tonight was our night to celebrate, I set up a night for me and each of the boys. Today Steven, tomorrow Jake, and then the day after Marc.
I start to hear footsteps behind me after I leave the store. I continue to walk for a while, waiting for them to turn off somewhere. But the steps continue, continue, continue…   I start to worry, I’m about a two blocks from home, I just can’t have something else happen. I pull out the pocket knife Marc gave me, I turn to face whoever’s following me and-
“Y/N isn’t picking up, guys…” Steven says out loud, and he tries to call again, only to get voicemail again Trying to fidget with a rubik’s cube in one hand, phone in the other.  
She’s most likely just picking up extra stuff at the store or just got distracted, it’s fine. Marc says, attempting to comfort, almost sounding like he’s trying to convince himself of that too.
Why so worried, hermano?  Jake asks. 
“I dunno, I just got a bad feelin’.” Steven replies, still fidgeting, he looks over to the mirror.  Trust that feeling, go get ‘em!   Jake gives a light smile then gestures to his jacket..
“Yeah.. yeah!” Steven puts on his jacket, and grabs his keys. Jake turns to look back at Steven while he’s not looking, Jake looks mildly concerned.
Finally on the streets, Steven begins to walk toward the direction of the store you were supposed to be at. Not even a block in, he sees a form on the ground, a flashing streetlamp gently illuminating it. He stops, he knows that jacket that’s cuddled around the body—your body-…  he rushes toward you, flipping you onto your back.
There’s so much blood..  Marc says, and that’s all it took. Steven starts sob, “fuck fuck… love, please,” he checks, and you’re breathing, but just barely. He takes out his phone and dials for emergency.
You can faintly hear him… his voice, you cling to that.
You open your eyes as much as you can, to a poor sight; one of your boys, crying like it’ll make you not be bleeding, phone to his ear, talking.. you can barely hear out his words now, but you can read his lips one more time, “stay with me, mi amor”. 
 You cling to him.  Him, his quirks, his hand holding yours, the feeling he gives you every time you look at him, all of him.
Steven switched out with Jake while connecting to emergency, as he was too panicked to talk. Eventually connecting to services, a man comes on the line. “It would take the closest ambulance twenty-minutes to get out there,” questioning if he it’d be faster to carry you to the nearest hospital or to wait, Jake hears voice too familiar behind him and you.
“Well, well. Appears as though we’ll lose another traveler tonight.”
“Khonshu. No- this.. this won’t be it, this can’t be the end.” His normally confident voice is shaking with nervousness.
“There’s almost no way out of this one, boy.”
“Almost?”  Jake asks, and he is silent. “Respóndeme!!”
Khonshu chuckles, “They would make a great avatar.”. Jakes faces drops, “you.. you surely wouldn’t?”, Marc’s voice echoes in their head,  i-it’s Khonshu, you can’t trust him to-
“Do whatever it takes.” Jake says, without listening, and steps out of the way. Khonshu moves toward their Y/N.  Your eyes open once more, and it’s like you finally see him.  Leaning down, he asks the question, “Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?”
You don’t answer.
Jake looks at your chest, just making sure you’re still breathing, and you are.
“Do you swear–“  “yes” it comes out a small whisper, but the word means more than it should.
Khonshu laughs, then returns to his monologue, “then rise. Rise and live again. As my fist of vengeance,” with each word, Jake feels his heart break for you. “As my Moon Knight”
With a sudden glow in your eyes, and the suit comes on… you raise up into a sitting position.
“..Mi amor?” Jake gets down on one knee, you turns toward him. The head part of the suit goes back down, with tears in their eyes, “Jake…” You practically jumps into his arms, “I’m so sorry–“ 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby.” you start to bawl, you don’t even recognize that it’s probably now Marc you’re talking to. There’s short whispers of “i’m sorry”’s from you and “it’s okay”’s from him until he kisses you and just holds you, leaning in, and whispering sweet nothings in your ear, while Khonshu just watches over his new avatar..
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sunnynwanda · 1 year
Wedding date: Part 3
Part 1    Part 2        Part 4
Villain’s determination is close to failing as the ceremony nears its end. They could feel the gazes directed at them the moment they walked into the church with their ‘date’. They were lucky the bride was about to walk down the aisle, so no one made any comments. The looks, however, said it all. 
The only people smiling from ear to ear were the bride and Hero. And if the bride's smile was understandable and expected, Hero was simply an idiot. An idiot with a survival instinct nonexistent in their system.
“Jesus, read the room, Hero,” Villain whispers, tilting their head to the side so no one can see their lips. Their jaw is tense, lips barely parting as they speak.
“What is it, honey?“ Their archnemesis is unfazed, still grinning like the Cheshire cat. Villain can’t decide if they’re oblivious, overly confident or plain dense. “Your grandmother seems nice - she winked at me when we walked in.”
“God, are you serious?” Exasperation laces Villain’s voice. They pinch the bridge of their nose with ice-cold fingers before speaking through gritted teeth. “Don’t let your guard down, Hero.“
“Aw, don’t worry about me,” Hero is serene as if they’re not surrounded by their rival’s entire family. This was a mistake, Villain thinks. Their hands flex anxiously, and Hero can’t help the fond smile tagging at the corners of their lips. “I’m your enemy, not theirs, remember? You’re the only Villain I ever battle.”
That’s news to Villain. News that makes something inside them flutter with joy. They suppress a growl of protest, closing their eyes for a short moment to calm the insects inside their stomach. 
When Villain finally speaks, their voice is small as they utter the only phrase that comes to mind. “Excuse me?” 
“All I’m saying is I’ll be fine as long as you don’t cause a riot, love,” Hero’s comment puzzles Villain further as they force their attention back to the ceremony, clapping along as the couple walks past them.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Villain can’t even remember who’s getting married at this point. The perspiration covers their forehead. What the hell is going on?
“We should move,” Hero prompts, nodding towards the exit. Villain’s eyes roam over the faces in the crowd as they pass them, searching for any hostility towards their date, but no one dares to look them in the eye. 
The reception hall is quite large, but the dim lighting creates a cosy ambience. Villain swirls the wine in their glass, trying hard to focus their attention on anything other than Hero’s palm spread on their thigh. The wedding’s been going smoothly so far, with only a few strange glances from their family members. So far, Hero’s managed to charm their way into every single conversation around their table of siblings and cousins. Disgusting. Cute.
Ugh, I hate you.  
Villain would sooner die than admit that having Hero next to them felt painfully natural. They were starting to understand why the city loved this bright-eyed puppy of a hero so much. Sunshine personified. Probably why they are the hero. Villain would very much like to slap that cheerful grin off. Probably why they are the villain. 
Deep in thought, Villain fails to notice that Hero has left their side and someone else has taken the place. 
“When I said fuck Hero, I didn’t mean it that way.” Villain chokes on their wine, head whipping around and eyes wide with terror. 
Then dawns the recognition. “Grandma!“
“But you do you, I guess...” Their grandmother ignores the plea completely, shaking her head with the slyest smile possible. “Or should I say, you do them?”
“Grandma, please,” covering their face in embarrassment, Villain presses their palms against their burning cheeks. Why is it so hot in here?
Villain wishes the ground to open up and swallow them whole. Or a bolt of lightning to strike them dead. Or a goddamn comet to crush the venue. Anything, really.
“I’m kidding, darling,” Grandma chuckles, pleased with the effect. “I’m glad you found someone who cares about you.”
“You think they care about me?” Villain can’t help the hopeful intonation, but they pray their grandma won’t notice. She does, of course, smiling from ear to ear and winking at someone behind Villain’s back.
“Can’t you see how their eyes light up when they look at you?" Grandmother doesn’t wait for an answer, standing up and placing a hand on her grandchild’s rigid shoulder. "Especially in battle."
Villain blinks, their gaze absent as they turn in slow motion. The ringing in their ears blocks the music, leaving them in a strange vacuum-like state. “Gran, you know who they are, right?”
“Hero, yes. So what?” Grandma asks, offering them a knowing smile. Villain’s concerns must be evident on their face since she continues almost immediately. “When did you ever follow the conventional ways, darling?”
She pats Villain’s shoulder before walking away and leaving them in the deafening silence of their thoughts. Villain can feel nothing but their heart beating hard against their temples and the walls of their throat. They take several deep breaths and squeeze their eyes shut to ground themselves, only to be reeled off into panic upon opening them and noticing Hero waltzing towards them.
Part 1    Part 2        Part 4
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We Don't Have To Dance
Summary: Following the near kiss on Solstice, all Elain wants is to make Azriel a little jealous.
Putting the Shadowsinger on his knees proves far more dangerous than Elain ever intended.
Day 2 of @sjmromanceweek: Love Language
Read on AO3
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It was infuriating to see him. Infuriating to watch him walk the halls like nothing happened, to nod in her direction without actually looking at her.
Mistake. Mistake. Mistake.
Elain would show him a mistake. The plan was, perhaps, only half considered when she asked Feyre if her sister minded if she looked through her wardrobe. Feyre had waved her off, likely unconcerned as to what Elain might find. Feyre had the sort of polite gowns Elain was likely to choose any other day.
She also had spooling ribbon so sheer Elain might as well be naked. In between was a form-fitting dress of the deepest midnight, with a plunging neckline and an open back that offered up more skin than Elain had ever allowed before. 
They were going to Hewn City, after all. Nesta and Feyre would still be dressed far worse, along with every other lady at court—or, that’s how Elain consoled herself when she stared in the mirror. Her heart raced, nerves tingling up and down her spine. She’d twisted her hair off her face, leaving little tendrils draped over the curve of her neck. No jewelry–no distractions from her skin. 
Feyre’s eyebrows shot skyward when she saw Elain march in, chin lifted in defiance. Say something, I dare you.
Gods, please don’t say anything.
She didn’t look at him, standing in the foyer with everyone else, though she could feel his eyes on her. Elain only looked ahead, forcing herself to remain unbothered and cool. 
Everything okay? Feyre’s voice floated through her mind.
Why wouldn’t it be? she asked in response. 
Feyre only hesitated another moment before turning to a truly bored looking Rhys. “I’ll winnow us in,” she said, reaching for both Nesta and Elain. “We’ll meet you there.”
“Wait for me outside,” he all but purred. Both Elain and Nesta cringed, though chose not to comment on the implications of his tone. Feyre’s cheeks warmed—from embarrassment or pleasure, Elain chose not to speculate—before they vanished in a cloud of star-flecked wind. 
She heard the music before she ever saw those carved stone beasts or the heavy doors. Elain’s heart thudded in time with the heavy bass, causing her palms to sweat.
Everyone was going to see her. 
“See you inside,” Feyre murmured, not looking at any of them. Cassian’s smile was positively wolfish as he slung a heavy arm over Nesta’s slim shoulders. He looked every inch a conquering hero and Nesta his haughty prize. Elain was so tempted to look at Azriel and only spared at the last moment by pretty Mor nodding to her. 
“Come with me?” she asked. Elain nodded, lifting her chin like before. It was too late to back down or change her mind. She was here, and Mor led her inside with sure, confident steps. 
The doors opened seemingly of their own accord and everything stopped. Mor grinned, eyes sweeping over the place she hated. Elain couldn’t make her face look that cruel, but she could look bored—above the whole place, above everyone in it. Untouchable, if nothing else. Not just to Hewn City, but to him, too. She could see the flashing blue of his siphons just on the edge of her periphery, as though he was trying so hard to catch her attention. She was above him, too, she decided. In this game of making him regret ignoring her, she’d ignore him, too. 
“Your High Lord and High Lady are on their way,” Mor announced, examining her nails with utter boredom. Elain and Nesta made their way towards the raised platform, where they always had a seat just a little lower than the High Lord. “Prepare yourself.”
The resounding boom of Feyre and Rhys’s power made the crowd of revelers quake. Elain rolled her eyes without meaning to, turning her head to look away. And there he was—Azriel, in his dark armor, with truthteller strapped to his thigh. He watched her with those predatory eyes—like he might devour her just for fun. 
Elain might have looked away—she certainly wanted to. But this was the game, wasn't it? He raked his eyes down her form, a cold smile forming and Elain held his stare when it returned to her face. She willed herself to project nothing but disinterest. He was nothing, a mere annoyance lusting after something he could never have. 
She looked away first, pleased she’d managed not to give herself away despite how dry her throat was. He was so beautiful and every inch of her wanted to touch him. To taste him. She was spared another long look by Rhys and Feyre, who sauntered into court so they could put on their little show. 
Elain couldn’t recall the circumstances that had driven them all into the mountain. Only that they were to spend the evening there before returning early in the morning. Elain disliked her room in Hewn City—too dark, too cramped, and the bed was far too big and cold. As the music began and the revelers returned to their grinding, Elain began to count the minute until she could escape. 
You can say no, Feyre’s voice floated through Elain’s head. Elain, who’d been staring blankly at one of the dark pillars, jerked her head toward her sister just in time to see a male approaching. Not approaching—sauntering, with all the swagger of someone certain he wasn’t about to be brutally rejected. Elain expected him to go for Nesta—she was always far more popular under the mountain, while Elain reigned in Velaris. She’d forgotten Nesta was drenched in Cassian’s scent and any male who tried to touch her was likely to have their arm broken.
Elain was the only one among them unclaimed. 
“Lady,” he murmured, bowing so deeply Elain thought he might be mocking her. “Do you dance?”
Elain cocked her head, about to politely decline but here he was again. Gone was his feral smile promising a devouring—instead, the coldness brewing in his eyes promised nothing but pain. Elain doubted it was directed at her. Was he jealous? 
“You’ll have to teach me,” she said as the male straightened. His hair was that same shade of blue-black Rhys favored, with pale blue eyes set in unblemished, fair skin. He was handsome enough, she supposed. Tall and lean, and when he offered her his hand, it was smooth and cool, just like the stone around her.
“I would be delighted to teach you something.”
Elain ignored the innuendo in his voice in favor of a delighted smile. She was still being watched, and as long as Azriel was fixated on her, Elain intended to see her game through. He wanted to ignore her? Well, he could do so while she let other male court her. Elain didn’t need to look at him to know he’d never considered that possibility—that he might have to watch. 
If Azriel had been anyone else, he might have picked any of the females eyeing him. Might have decided two could play this game, that he could give just as well as he got. Elain was so grateful Azriel was not that kind of male. He might not have considered she would one day choose another, but she’d certainly thought about it.
Worrying that there was someone else, that he’d moved on or would move on and she’d spend an eternity staring at that female's beautiful face, both hating her and wishing she was her. 
Elain was swept up in the nameless male's arms. Did he have one?
Did she care?
“You don’t visit often enough,” he murmured, his breath uncomfortable against her cheek. Her first instinct was to draw back, to pull out of his arms. Elain steeled herself, remembering all the training she’d had as a human. She’d danced with far worse, even if this male was gripping her hips and swaying them slowly in time with the music. 
“Oh?” she replied coyly. Her skin was crawling, though she didn’t let on. She hated the way his fingertips skimmed up her bare spine, pulling her close enough that she could feel just how interested he was in her. 
“Why don’t you?”
Because you disgust me. “I didn’t realize anyone was interested in my presence.”
“When you’re the most beautiful female at court?” he practically purred, grinding his body against her own. That was how everyone was dancing and Elain couldn’t pretend even to like it. She wrinkled her nose with disdain.
“Is this how you convince a female to spend more time with you?” she asked as he spun her around. One hand slid up the front of her body, fingers trailing just between her breasts. Elain was going to elbow him in the face, was—
“Get your fucking hands off her.”
A thrill shot up her spine at the cold words spoken just behind her. The male froze, dropping his arms quickly while they both turned. Azriel looked like death incarnate, like he might rip that male's throat out with his very teeth. 
He just…melted away. No words of contrition, no apologies or explanation. He just turned abruptly, leaving Elain to face off with Azriel. 
“You’re welcome,” he murmured, taking the pressure off forcing her to say something first.
And just like that, she was angry with him all over again. Did he want her to thank him? “Who asked for your help?” she replied, arching a brow. And then, just to piss him off, Elain took a step away, scanning the crowd as if she might track him down.
Azriel’s fingers curled around her bare upper arm, holding her just firmly enough to keep her rooted in place without hurting her. 
“We both know you weren’t enjoying that.”
“Do we?” Elain asked, forcing herself to keep that haughty tone. Azriel’s cheeks flushed, despite his open amusement—to anyone watching, they merely looked like Azriel was getting dressed down by Elain and not a continuation of Solstice. “Do we both know what I do and don’t enjoy?”
His eyes flashed a warning she chose to ignore. “You’re not like this.”
“You don’t know anything about me,” Elain retorted, yanking her arm from his grasp. “And you don’t know anything about what I enjoy. Purposefully, as I recall.”
Azriel looked as if she’d slapped him. Elain felt a hollow sort of victory, the kind that felt good in the moment but Elain knew would fill her with dread the moment she was alone again.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me—”
“And if I won’t?” Azriel replied, taking a towering step toward her. “What if I won’t excuse you, Elain?”
Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods— “You will,” she replied, her voice so soft it was a wonder he heard it over the music. “Because this is a mistake, remember?”
A growl slipped between his teeth, eliciting another shiver of want. She’d forgotten where they were, and clearly, so had he. 
“Azriel,” Rhys snapped, descending from the steps of his throne with an angry expression. Two beckoning fingers pulled them from the bubble they’d been trapped in. Azriel’s expression darkened.
“This isn’t over.”
But it was and she knew it. Elain turned on her heel, aware her breasts bounced the second she did it—and Azriel’s eyes had tracked the movement. Good. 
“Off you go, then,” she dismissed, her heart racing. Azriel’s rage rippled over his features, though she didn’t think it was directed at her. Not when he lifted his hazel eyes to look at Rhys, his back to them both as he strolled away. Azriel tucked his wings in tightly and strode after his High Lord, leaving Elain to take an almost frantic breath of air. 
Curling and uncurling her fingers as she walked numbly back to her seat, Elain wondered what would have happened if Rhys hadn’t interrupted when he had. The night wore on, and though Rhys eventually returned, Azriel did not. Elain thanked the mother for small mercies and when the clock struck midnight, she murmured polite excuses before all but running from that hall. 
No one paid her an ounce of attention, too lost to the drinking and dancing of the night. Even Rhys and Feyre seemed like they were having fun, though Elain knew later they would swear they hadn’t. Nesta and Cassian were on the dance floor, swaying to the thudding music with matching expressions fogged with lust.
Elain was grateful for the reprieve. She was tired of eyes on her body, undressing her in their minds without even the good manners to pretend they weren’t. She was grateful when she reached her bedroom, fingers curling over the cool silver handle.
Elain pulled open the door and there he was. Legs spread ever so slightly, wings flared, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest. And his face—oh, his face. He radiated cold, cool intensity that made her want to shrink right back out into the hall.
Elain swallowed quietly and closed the door behind her. She locked it, listening to that clicking latch reverberate through the small, dark room lit only by the fire burning in the hearth.
“You have no right to my private room,” she said, trying—and failing—to sound angry.
“Try that again, Elain,” he replied, cocking his head to the side. A lock of his dark hair fell into his eyes, and Elain thought she might die from the sight of him. 
“Get out before you do something I regret,” she all but whispered. 
An amused smile slid over his beautiful features. “You want me to leave?”
Elain looked up at him, well aware he knew what a liar she was. “Yes.”
“Is that why you locked the door?”
She didn’t have a response to that. Azriel took a step closer, his nostrils flaring. “I guess that scent is for the other male, too?”
“Even if it was for you,” she began, her heart leaping in her throat, “what makes you think I’d ever let you find out?” 
“Tell me what you want, then? Would you like me to grovel? To get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?”
Elain didn’t believe for a second he’d do it. Azriel said the words with that same cold amusement—like he expected her to tell him no, because the thought was so absurd.
“Yes,” she said, letting her defiance win. “Get on your knees and beg.”
Neither of them moved for a moment and then Azriel closed the gap between them, sinking to his knees in a smooth, fluid motion. Elain couldn’t breathe at the sight of him, his handsome face tilted toward hers with worshipful eyes. Her fingers itched to touch the carved edge of his jaw and so she did, hooking one finger just beneath his chin.
Azriel’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment, his hands sliding over the sides of her calves. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he whispered, dragging the silken material of her gown up with his slow, warm fingers. “I thought if I kept my distance, I’d get over how badly I want you.”
“And?” How she managed to keep her voice from wavering, Elain had no idea. “Is it working?”
His chuckle was low and deep. “There’s no getting over you, Elain.”
She couldn’t breathe. “If this is groveling, you’re doing a terrible job.”
He huffed a soft laugh. “Of course, my lady. Please, Elain,” he breathed, ruching her dress over her hips. “Let me taste you.”
Elain pressed her head against the back of the door. “And if I say no?”
“Do you want to watch me cry, too?”
Elain was silent for so long that Azriel’s eyes flicked to her face. “Cruel,” he whispered against her bare thigh, kissing her skin. “My lady is cruel.”
“I think you like that,” she whispered, heart banging against her rib cage as his lips trailed higher and higher. 
One of Azriel’s elbows nudged at her, pressing her legs further apart. She knew he could see everything, that she was fully on display for him. His wings brushed against her shoulders, nearly cocooning her within them, Elain could have counted each vein, illuminated by the orange glow behind him. A shadow curled over his throat, shrouding his face for just a moment. Elain was struck by how beautiful he was, even on his knees, his eyes round and reverent. 
“I like you,” was Azriel’s reply just before brushing his nose through the soft curls covering her sex. “I–”
His fingers gripped her tighter, as though his control was held wholly in his hands. 
Elain waited, holding her breath. 
“Please,” he all but whimpered. He was waiting for her permission. Elain reached for his hair, carding her fingers through the thick, soft strands.
“You may.” She hadn’t been sure what else she could say to him—nothing sensual came to mind, not when her mind was simply filled with a high-pitched scream begging him to touch her before she melted at his feet. 
Azriel yanked her closer, risking sending her topping to the ground had not one strong arm wrapped itself around her waist. Elain yelped, the sound twisting in her throat when his tongue ran the length of her. 
Oh. It was the only coherent thought she could manage. Azriel moaned loudly, the sound low and dark like rumbling thunder at midnight. She thought he said her name but she might have imagined it. His mouth was hot, his tongue soft and eager and hungry. That look in the hall, when she’d thought he wanted to devour her? She hadn’t imagined it. Azriel was ravenous, all but rabid as he pushed her hard against the door, lifting one leg, and then the other until her body was braced in his large hands and her cunt was fully against his face. 
Elain pulled at his hair to keep herself steady, which drew another moan of pleasure from Azriel’s throat. His hips bucked, rattling the frame behind her. Elain half hoped he fucked her against it, letting her cries of pleasure echo into the hall where anyone might hear. 
His fingers kneaded at her, pulling her ass cheeks apart over and over as his tongue worked her. Azriel must have tasted every inch of her, teasing and circling her clit before sliding down to plunge into her wet opening and fucking her with his mouth. Elain was on fire, was certain nothing had ever felt half as good as his mouth against her.
He was building her too quickly in his eagerness. Elain forced herself to open her eyes, to stare up at the ribbed ceiling and count. One, two—gods his mouth—that male in the hall, his breath, his fingers—- “Azriel,” she pleaded, unable to focus on anything but his hungry desperation. 
He didn’t slow. If anything, Azriel sped himself up, working her into a near frenzy until Elain was only able to say his name. There was no other words available to her, no language sufficient for what she wanted, what she needed—
“Ride my face, sweetheart,” he gasped and though Elain wasn’t sure what he meant, when she rolled her hips against him, he groaned so loud the sound reverberated against her bones. Elain did so again as pleasure coiled low, threatening to unwind all at once. Azriel was all but demanding her release, with his needy fingers and his hungry mouth. 
She reached not for his hair, but for one of the edges of his wings. Azriel moaned again, his whole body jerking as if she’d touched him intimately.
“Not yet,” he breathed, pulling away with glistening lips and wild eyes. “Not yet.”
Elain only nodded, her body exploding with static at the loss of his tongue. She was about to beg him to return, but Azriel didn’t require a word from her. With his hair standing up in strange angles from her tugging, Azriel had the look of someone truly undone. He replaced his face back between her legs, and all at once, Elain was lost again. She was so close, was building up, up, up—
“Az—” Elain didn’t manage the rest. She came apart, arching so hard she heard her spine crack. Azriel didn’t stop, lapping up her orgasm like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. Elain let him ride her through it, until pleasure became edged with pain, and she found herself squirming against his eager mouth.
“Stop,” she panted, disappointed when all at once her feet were back on the cold marble. When had she lost her shoes? Azriel was still on his knees, panting with his hands resting on his powerful thighs. 
Waiting, she realized. 
“What happens when I touch your wings?” she asked, her voice rougher than she’d ever heard.
Azriel’s pupils were blown out, his eyes big and dark. “You might as well have your mouth wrapped around my cock.”
“Take off your clothes,” she whispered, swallowing hard. They were far past pretending now. Azriel’s eyes fluttered closed, as if he’d dreamed of hearing her say those words. Elain waited, watching him lift his broad, scarred hands to pull at the straps and buckles of his armor. It was almost magic, watching them slide off his body. Inch by inch revealed toned, golden brown skin. Elain didn’t think it was possible for Azriel to be any lovelier until his chest was on full display, framed by his powerful wings peeking over the carved slab of his back. 
He towered over her, though Elain was certain she had all the power at that moment. She studied his fingers while he watched her, still throbbing from her orgasm mere seconds before. Elain could feel the phantom touch of his tongue, of his fingers kneading her skin, opening her wider for his pleasure. 
Azriel’s pants seemed to whisper away into nothing, though in fairness she was pretty sure he pushed them off. Elain was transfixed by the jutting appendage between his own legs. It didn’t seem possible anything could be so large, so thick and prominent and all at once, she had to readjust her plans. 
She’d meant to put him in her mouth. Elain doubted her hand would fit around him, though as she crept closer, she was desperate to find out. Elain heard him swallow, saw his wings tuck tighter and tighter as she came closer. 
“Elain,” he whispered, that toned chest rising and falling rapidly. “You don’t have to do this.”
She pressed her fingertips into his pectorals, forcing him back a step, and then another and another, until he back of his knees hit the frame of her bed. She supposed tonight it wouldn’t be too large and too cold. Not with him in it. The very idea that she might wake up curled beside Azriel thrilled her.
“I want to do this,” Elain informed him, pushing lightly. Azriel flopped backward like she’d shoved. She was well aware he could have held his ground against a room of battle-hardened males, and yet with one feather-light touch, Azriel’s back was pressed to her mattress. 
Elain almost hesitated. 
She was so out of her depth here. Nowhere in her limited education had she ever been prepared to take control, to take exactly what she wanted. She’d been born to yield, to be consumed.
Not here.
Not with him. 
Azriel’s chest rose and fell rapidly and when he swallowed the knot in his neck, Elain suspected it was both anticipation and fear that was riding him. She came forward, willing herself to be confident. 
“You do what I say,” she said, her voice soft. Azriel’s eyes rolled up into his head.
“Yes,” he agreed. Lust bolted through her, made her knees tremble. She gripped the bedpost to steady herself, eyes never leaving his form. 
“You come when I say you can.”
He swore softly, nodding his head all the same. His cock twitched against his taut stomach, weeping clear fluid against a dark trail of hair just beneath his navel.
“Show me how you like to be touched.”
It was selfish—she was still coming down from her earlier release and wanted to come again. She needed this little buffer. If Azriel knew that or if he just liked someone else taking control for once, Elain couldn’t say.
Didn’t care. 
He wrapped a broad, scarred hand around his cock, letting her see how her own hand might fit. She doubted she’d get her fingers around him, doubted with even two hands she’d cover him. It was thrilling to watch him, to see the male she’d once watched delve into battle without a backward glance slowly coming apart under nothing but her own words. 
“Stroke,” she whispered when he didn’t move. 
Azriel groaned, hips lifting off the bed ever so slightly. He might have had that hand around her throat for how hard it was to breathe, to think. Night chilled air mixed with cedar and something dark, something salty and musky filled her senses until the only thing keeping Elain on her feet was her grip on the wood post. 
“Elain,” he whispered—no, pleaded. Her eyes practically rolled up into her skull. She was tempted to give in, to walk back everything she’d just said and let him have her however he wanted.
There’d be time. She could see it burning in his hazel eyes that this wasn’t the last time they’d touch. She forced a breath of cool air into her lungs and then reached behind her for the little buttons pressed against her spine.
Azriel’s hand worked slow, his eyes glazed and unfocused right until he realized what she was doing. It wasn’t like when he’d had his head beneath her dress, pressed against the door. Five hundred years of being honed into an apex predator suddenly fell on her. She swore every inch of him tightened, as if forcing himself to remain on his back, wings spread beneath him. 
“Elain,” he practically whimpered, watching that black dress pool like inky shadows at her feet. Oh, gods. He seemed to just realize there had been nothing on beneath her gown, that in his haste to have her, he hadn’t appreciated how little stood between his mouth and her body. He was realizing it now. 
His hips bucked in his hand. Elain would have given anything to know what he was thinking. 
“Don’t stop,” she murmured, even as she crawled onto the bed with deliberate slowness. Some of that was just the result of her own nerves, and her awareness that the second he got his hands on her, she’d lose all her leverage. 
They hadn’t even kissed. 
“Elain,” he pleaded when she settled between his spread thighs. She dragged her nails lightly over his skin, admiring the smooth muscle covered in a fine dusting of hair. 
“What do you taste like?” she asked, certain it would destroy him to see her lick him the same way he’d done her. 
Azriel groaned, arching his back off the bed. “You don’t…please, Elain, let me—”
His words choked to nothing when she pried his fingers from his cock and licked the trailing vein on his undershaft. 
There’s time, she tried to say with her eyes, but Azriel was too far gone to understand. He was panting, fingers fisting the sheets. The shadowsinger was desperate. Undone. 
She held his gaze, marveling that she had managed to do this with so few touches. Elain swirled her tongue over the head of his cock, tasting his arousal with glee. Azriel’s fingers plunged into her hair, holding her to either keep her going or stop her—she wasn’t sure. 
“That male in the throne room,” he babbled, arching again when she teased the skin of his cock, licking everywhere but where she suspected he wanted her. “When he—fuck Elain, stop, please—I would have killed him if he hadn't walked away. I still might.”
She’s taken him into her mouth, sliding down his shaft until his blunt head hit the back of her throat. She gagged softly, which was what seemed to have derailed him. Elain’s eyes flickered to his face, her theory proven true.
Azriel was utterly ruined. He’d risen up on his elbows to look at her, eyes as wide as saucers. She pulled back as he pulled at her hair, and then sank back down, taking an inch or so more—and gagging again.
His eyes rolled up into his head.
“I can’t do this,” he said, pulling her off him and flipping her to her back with such speed, such finesse it robbed her of breath.
He was hovering over her, his nose brushing her own. “Another night you can tease,” he rasped, one hand slowly sliding up her bare stomach. “But if you suck me like that again, I’m going to explode.”
“Maybe I want you to.”
“That’s the problem,” he growled as callused fingers found her breast. “But I need to finish inside you.”
“Says who?” she asked breathlessly. 
He lowered his mouth, teeth nipping at her bottom lip. “Says me.”
Waiting almost seemed worth it. While one powerful knee pushed apart her legs, his mouth pressed itself firmly against her. Devouring. Elain could merely cling to his broad shoulders, feeling the heaviness of his wings just overhead. And when she tried to touch them, perhaps a little too wickedly, Azriel grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head without ever breaking the kiss. 
His tongue swept against the seam of her lips as his cock slid against her slick heat. Elain moaned and Azriel gasped, surprisingly vocal for someone who was typically so quiet. He tasted like her, she realized, digging her nails into his skin and parting wider to give him the access he wanted.
He wanted to finish inside her? Well, Elain wanted to know what it felt like to share a body. To be so close they might very well share a heart—share a soul. Azriel thrust, missing the mark thanks to how wet Elain still was. He moaned again, allowing her to swallow the sound greedily. Elain was drowning in the taste of him, her body consumed by heat with each pass of his tongue. 
The next thrust met its mark, seating him fully though she could see from how he jerked back, that he hadn’t meant to do that all at once. She gasped, her back leaving the bed involuntarily.
“Fuck,” he whispered by way of apology, still pinning her to the bed as he looked between their now joined bodies. The stretch was edged in the sweetest pain, filling her until she was breathless.
He held himself still, allowing her to adjust for just a moment. This was what she wanted—but not like this. Not like him treating her like she was fragile.
Elain met his wide-eyed stare, could see he was holding himself back. 
She swallowed, forcing herself to say the words. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
Azriel snarled, his wings flaring behind him. Shadows danced around him like smoke, curling between their conjoined bodies with a feather-soft touch. 
He withdrew nearly to the tip before he thrust himself back into her. Elain barely had time to catch her breath before he did it again. And again. And again. 
“This is what you wanted,” he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek. His other hand wrapped gently around her throat, a reminder that he’d stop if she told him to.
That she still had the upper hand, even if she didn’t want it. 
“Yes,” she agreed, arching into his touch until he pressed those fingers gently against her windpipe—not enough. Elain squeezed tight against him, pushing against the other hand restraining her wrists.
She was rewarded by a dark, ragged moan and teeth nipping against her ear. 
“This is how I take care of my good girl,” Azriel said, his voice dripping with heat. “Is this how you want to be fucked, Elain? Rough? Hard?”
She captured his mouth with her own, wishing she could pull at the thick strands of his hair. She settled for grazing her teeth against his lips, just hard enough they both tasted blood. Azriel let out a snarl of approval, his snapping into her hard enough the bed frame rattled against the wall. 
She was unspooling, was going to come apart around him. Azriel, too, was panting roughly, their kisses quickly losing the slick finesse they’d had when they began. She remembered how close he’d been, and wondered how much effort he needed to keep himself from spilling into her before she came first? 
“More,” she begged, and when he pressed his head into the crook of her neck, Elain took the opportunity to bite his shoulder, too. Azriel’s fingers tightened, constricting her air. Another glide of his cock, teasing her sensitive cunt was all it took. Elain broke apart with a scream loud enough she was certain the whole mountain must have heard. 
"I love you," he whispered against her neck, teeth grazing at the skin. "Do you know how much I fucking love you?"
Azriel released his hold on her to push up, greedily watching her unravel in pulsating waves of darkness around him. He didn’t stop pumping, wild—practically an animal as he fucked her.
Elain reached for one of his wings, sliding a finger over the edge.
He came, too, panting her name like she was a god he prayed to. She could hear his heart beating, synced with her own even as he collapsed against her, cocooning them with his dark wings. 
“I…” he trailed off, his come sliding between their still conjoined bodies. Elain kissed just behind his ear, his cheek, his jaw. “I need to do that again.”
“When?” she asked, laughing when his hips snapped again. There was no amusement on his face. “Oh.”
Azriel copper her cheek. “No more separation, Elain. Swear it.”
“I swear,” she said, because she meant it. Because it was easy.
Because it was him.
And she loved him. 
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hazelhearts · 2 years
The Darkness Creeps In
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: no matter how bad your demons may be, eddie is always there to fight them
content: fluff, angst, nightmares, hurt/comfort
word count: 1.1k
A/N: i recently finished stranger things and have had a bunch of different eddie concepts on my mind and this one seemed like a proper first
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I have to keep running.
That was the only thought that echoed throughout your head as you ran down the old dirt road. You didn't know what you were running from, you didn't know where you were running to, you just kept running. You would expect your muscles to ache, but it seemed as if more adrenaline pumped every time you took a step. You couldn't see anything ahead of you but the road.
You tried to remember what put you into this circumstance. Yet, no matter how hard you thought about it, you couldn't. The only thing you knew was that you needed to run. You needed to run as fast as you can, as far as you can, and as long as you can.
It was coming. Whatever it was, it was coming. You continued running, not stopping even for a second. Risking a glance towards your attacker could put you in more danger than you already were. So you kept running.
"Y/N, wake up!"
What? Was this thing trying to draw you in to some sort of delusion? Was it trying to convince you that you were hallucinating long enough for it to strike?
"Y/N, baby, please wake up!"
Suddenly, you were in Eddie's trailer. You were drenched in sweat and your hair was plastered to your skin. You couldn't quite catch your breath. As you tried to ground yourself in reality, you felt Eddie's hands on your arms and his eyes locked on you. In not too long, you had completely returned to consciousness, trying your hardest to leave your fears behind you.
"Baby? Are you okay? What happened?" You finally spared a glance towards Eddie, seeing his face was one of confusion... and something else. Fear? The sight of it made you sick to your stomach.
You fell into his arms, finally releasing the sobs you hadn't realized you were holding in. Eddie quickly wrapped his arms around you. He began drawing circles on your back, knowing it was one of the many things he did that could instantly comfort you. Quiet whispers of 'you're okay' and 'i'm right here' were echoed into your ears.
You slowly calmed down, pulling out of his hold a few minutes later. Your attention was suddenly directed to a burn in your arms and legs. You spared a glance down at them, noticing marks covering nearly every inch of skin.
"You were clawing at your arms and legs. I was convinced you were gonna claw out of your skin if you didn't wake up." Eddie's explanation gave you a level of comfort, now knowing that the marks weren't from running down some abandoned dirt road. Yet, you felt terrible for putting Eddie through that. He shouldn't have to face your nightmares with you. You should be able to handle them on your own. God knows you've had them long enough to have discovered mechanisms to cope with them.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You could feel the hesitance in his words. Eddie wasn't one to really have the emotional talks, he didn't really know how to comfort people due to his lack of love and comfort throughout his life. He had gotten better at it since he met you, but he still struggled.
"I had a nightmare. Well, I don't even know if you'd consider it a nightmare. All I was doing was running." You knew it was bad to invalidate fears, but what really was there in your dream to be afraid of? Not to mention, you felt like a bother when you told him about feelings like that.
"Running? Running from what sweetheart?" There it is. The dreaded question. The question you didn't really have an answer to.
"That's the thing, I don't really know. All I really remember is that I was running. I was running, and if I stopped it would get me." You hated that you couldn't explain it better. You felt so stupid for panicking over something when you didn't even know what it was. Nothing that scary even really happened.
"Well, all I know is that you're safe now. You're safe with me." With those words, he pulled you into his chest. You nuzzled into his shoulder, seeking the comfort of his warmth. Yet another aspect of him that could calm you in seconds. Regardless of his fear of emotional conversations, he has really quickly learned what the right things to say are.
"How about we get you changed out of those sweaty clothes, get you cleaned up, then go back to bed, hm?" God, he's perfect. You got so lucky with him.
"Okay." He quickly got out of the bed, going to your shared closet. He threw a pair of comfy sweatpants he owned on the bed along with his hellfire t-shirt.
You slowly began to remove your clothes, struggling to unstick them from your drenched body. Eddie noticed and rushed over to help you remove them, taking extra time to make sure that it wasn't hurting you in any way.
You followed him into the bathroom, wrapping yourself in a towel until he could get the water ran. Soon enough, the tub was filled and Eddie was helping you in. He helped you wash your hair and then your body, focusing on the places you had scratched, getting them as clean as possible while also trying not to hurt you.
When you had finally gotten all clean, he helped you out of the tub and started drying your body with a fluffy towel. He dried your body and hair as thoroughly as possible, hoping it would help you to be more comfortable when you finally lay back down. He also wrapped your arms and legs as comfortably and cleanly as he could, hoping to keep you from hurting yourself any further and also preventing any infections or further bleeding. He even went so far as to braid your hair for you which he had learned how to do so that you didn't have to stress about styling your hair every morning.
After he helped you get changed, he threw you dirty clothes in the hamper, turned off the lights, and settled down beside you on his bed. You cuddled into his chest, already half-asleep.
"Go back to sleep, baby. I'll be here the whole time." You were so happy you had him. Very few people would have been this understanding about a nightmare. Much less, one with such a vague explanation.
"Love you, Eds." Your sleepily whispered words had him falling for you more, if that was even possible. You were so cute.
"I love you more, sweetheart."
Eddie looked down at your face, admiring your serene expression. Suddenly, he saw a dark liquid leaking from your nose. He quickly wiped it away, careful not to wake you. He had heard of the signs from max hundreds of times, he just refused to believe it. He couldn't lose you. Not when you were the only thing in this world that's ever made him genuinely happy. Vecna could take anyone he wanted, anyone but you.
tagging some mutuals:
@benedictsmuse @deadravenclaw @goldensonlyangel @hotchgan @cas-gendered
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