#please lighten your shows TT
flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
Hi, it’s me again… here to talk about more inconsequential Warframe observations! So I was looking at the Operator Somatics options, and I noticed something a little unusual about a couple of them. I figured I might as well make a post about it because I found it interesting (and maybe I kind of hope DE will address it lol). Somatics Asa-23 and Tt-11 have what I can only describe as “ghost” insets, meaning that you can see a slightly lightened area where the metal component in the middle of the forehead would be in other somatic designs. This effect is best seen in motion, so I made gifs.
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Modeling this season’s Warframe curiosity is my operator Jasper, whose hair has been removed for easy viewing. (His somatics are normally Asa-03. References for him—hopefully—coming soon.) I can’t tell for sure if this is intentional or not. It’s possible they just erased the somatics texture layer and forgot to change the skin texture layer beneath that. But it’s also possible that they decided to keep this “ghost” inset there, as if to say “this operator used to have that inset piece but it has been removed and has left a light scar/discoloration in its place.”
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(Alternate skin tone used in case it makes it easier to see.) The same two somatic options also have what seem to be damaged/partially erased metal insets at the operator’s temples. You can see half of the metal still protruding from the face normally while the other part falls flush against the skin, as if the metal is disappearing or digging in. I’ll be honest, it seems more likely that these things are just design errors. This is Warframe, after all. But no matter the reason for the existence of these details, I think it still offers fans an interesting opportunity to come up with some personal operator lore! So I’m curious. To people who have chosen these somatics: Did you notice these details? And if you did, how did you interpret them? And a question for everyone: how do you imagine your operator’s somatics? Do they look exactly like the somatic option you have chosen in-game, or do you imagine them a little bit different? Does your operator have any more or less somatic scarring than the game shows? I would love to know more about other people’s operators! Seriously, please info-dump on me! And I would love to hear any thoughts you have in general!
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longinglook · 4 years
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Do you want to go home? To be honest, I’m okay with staying anywhere.
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 6
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Even if she tried to downgrade her reaction to learning that the class was held hostage, Marinette was still nervous. No amount of rationalizing that they were mean or that they didn’t care one bit about her helped. She just couldn’t help but worry about them.
Damian tried his best to understand her, but he really didn’t feel any empathy toward them. Idiots brought it upon themselves. He wouldn’t cry after them. Instead, he took it upon himself to distract his beloved from her stress. They were in the middle of the second Disney movie when she finally dozed off in his arms. Given his luck, that was the moment Selina decided to enter the room. 
“Oh. I’m sorry to interrupt.” She said with a face that clearly meant she wasn’t even a bit sorry. 
“Tt. You’re lucky Angel’s asleep.” He scoffed, making sure not to be too loud. 
“Angel huh? The best I ever got from Bruce was ‘Kitty’, and even that was only out of the suit. You’re moving fast.” 
“Shut up.” The scowl on his face was evident. 
“Why aren’t you roof-running with the rest of them?” She asked, dropping the teasing (for now).
“I told father I would no longer carry the mantle of Robin.” He revealed. It wasn’t much of a secret, but beyond Bruce, only Alfred knew. Their butler knew everything and then some more. 
“Whoa!” Seline looked genuinely surprised. “What brought this on? Don’t tell me you’re planning on settling down with a wife.” Her grin returned. 
“Tt. Will you people stop?”
“No. Now answer the question pip-squeak.”
“For the record, I’m almost your height now.” He sighed before taking a sneaky gaze at his wife. “Did Bruce tell you about Paris?”
“Not really.” She made a pensive face.
“Then I am honor-bound to withhold any more information.” 
She looked at him, trying to judge what it was really about, but Selina kept getting distracted by how cute the two teens looked. If she didn’t know, she would assume they were dating for at least two years, not barely a semester. There was this trust that Damian refused to show anyone else, maybe beside Dick sometimes. 
“Fine. But I hope when the time comes, you’ll speak to us.” She was about to leave, but something stopped her. “And if you want to avoid more teasing, try not to have your ‘beloved’ fall asleep in your arms where the cameras can see.” She smirked and left the teens alone. Damian groaned. He was really digging his own grave.
“Dami…” Marinette murmured. For a moment, he thought that he woke her up, but she just snuggled closer and returned to sleep. 
A cloaked figure was making strides through the city, trying to keep to the shadows. The streets of Gotham were mostly empty at that hour, but those who still dwelled usually didn’t have good intentions. And even in a city where a group of people in fancy suits was more efficient than the police, someone in a full black cloak with a hood to boot would attract attention sooner or later. 
“Hey! Look at that, boys. Someone’s trying to play bat.” A group of burly men stepped their way. 
They received no answer.
“What? Bat’s got your tongue? What say you drop the costume and we can see who’s there,” the supposed leader taunted.
They received no answer.
“Oh come on! We can play too!” One of them smiled. He was more perceptive and noted that the figure’s body was not only small but slightly more curvaceous. “Come on, don’t be shy.” 
Still, no reaction.
Angered by the lack of any reaction (and slightly tipsy), one of the men tried to push the cloaked person. Their supposed victim reacted by stepping to the side. What happened next froze all of the onlookers’ blood. 
With one swift motion, the figure brought a blue weapon down on their companion and it went right through his neck. When she pulled it out, the fancy fan unfolded. From under the black hood, a blue face looked at the would-be attackers. It was definitely female, but it was impossible to make out the age.
“You’re not worthy to even lick my boots, peasant,” she sneered before looking at the others. “Neither are you.” 
She folded her fan and rushed forward. 
The next day started mostly normal for Marinette. She did wake up curled into Damian’s side, which was nice. Her mother then showed her at least twenty pictures of them sleeping cuddled together, which was embarrassing. She promised to save them for when she was older, which was a dreadful image. Damian brought her coffee in the morning, which was great. He was so thoughtful.
“Mari? Mari? Sweetie?” Her mother waved her hand in front of the girl. “When you stop daydreaming about your lover-boy, can you pay attention?”
“Sorry, Maman.” 
“Don’t worry. I was once young too.” Her mother nodded understandingly. “But could you please pay attention? That goes to you too, young man.” She raised her head to send Damian a light glare. 
“I apologize for my lack of attention.” 
“Today the class is having a trip to the mall, to buy anything they did not bring with them. Caline forced this when it turned out that several girls had nothing to wear for the Gala, which they were apparently ‘not informed about’,” Sabine scoffed.
“Tt. They were. It was that Angel refused to give them free clothes,” Damian interluded. 
“I offered to make them the dresses. I even caved and offered a discount.” She grinned. “It’s not my fault all my prices are adjusted to my usual clients.” 
“And the fact that your usual clients are celebrities who deemed anything lower an insult to their persona is irrelevant,” Chloé added, walking into the room. She barely managed to get to the chair before collapsing. Whatever possessed her to ask Cassandra Cain for training?
“They didn’t!” Mari protested, but she didn’t put much heart into it. 
“Shush! I’m your agent now.” 
“I know Chlo. You don’t need to flaunt it.”
“You’re kidding? I’m the girl behind MDC. Suck it, mother!” She shouted at the ceiling, even though it was physically impossible for Audrey to hear her. 
“Tt. Moving back to the subject?”
“Oh! Don’t mind me now. I’m having fun.” Sabine smiled at the kids. “But yes, the class is going to be visiting the mall. In theory, you three should be joining them.”
“But I would prefer if you kept your distance from them,” Sabine responded harshly. “I don’t want you mixing yourself with a bad crowd Sweetie.” 
“Got it, Mom. We will be visiting a smaller shopping district then. I need to fashion masks for all three of us.” 
“Won’t masks be provided at the gala?” The woman asked, surprised.
“Tt. Only for those who don’t bring theirs.” Damian clarified. 
“Good. One more thing.” She turned to the only boy in the room. “Damian, I trust you to keep both of them safe today. Otherwise, you will have three angry assassins on your neck for the rest of your short life.” She threatened, ignoring the exasperated expression on Mari’s face and Chloé who was checking her nails. 
“Three?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I told you that Sandra adores Marinette. And Cassandra shares our feelings toward her newest cousin.” 
It took all of Damian’s willpower to remain calm. The idea of Cass, Lady Shiva, and Sabine chasing him was terrifying. “Of course, Madame. I will guard them with all my strength.” 
“Then have fun kids! Tom promised to drop you off when he goes to the market and Bruce let him take one of the cars.”
“I’ll go pack up,” the two girls said at the same time. They giggled before running to their respective rooms. Damian just stared after them for a moment, shrugged, and left for his room  to get dressed. 
When he opened his wardrobe, a line full of ready sets consisting of black turtlenecks and dark-gray jeans, all already ironed and fresh. Together with the morning toilet, it took him a total of seventeen minutes and forty-three seconds to get ready. When he arrived in the main hall, he saw Tom sitting leisurely and reading through the newspaper.
“Tt. Sir, shouldn’t we be leaving?”
“Oh! Damian!” The baker lightened up. “Why would we need to be leaving? The girls left to get ready only a… fifteen minutes ago.” He looked like he was looking for another word, but changed his mind when he couldn’t find it. 
“Closer to twenty,” the boy couldn’t help but correct, “but it means they will be ready soon.” 
Tom laughed loudly. Damian sent the older man a questioning look, but he had to wait for him to calm down. “You never had to wait for a girl to get ready in the morning, did you?” Tom questioned once he calmed down.
“I do not see the relation…”
“Find yourself somewhere to sit. Most likely we won’t be leaving in at least an hour.” The baker cheerfully suggested. 
“It’s how the universe works and the sooner you get used to it, the better. A piece of advice: don’t rush them or it will get worse.” 
“Um… I still want to know why…” 
“Everyone does, but some questions don’t have answers.” Tom laughed. 
“Damian! Look at that fabric! I’ve never seen it in stores before!” Marinette dragged her beloved toward the wall of various bales. She showed him yet another fabric, that he couldn’t really separate from three previous ones. Unless you count the color that is. 
“It is indeed interesting…” He tried to find the word, but Mari was too far gone to pay him any attention. When he used to listen to his brothers whining after shopping trips with the girls, he always dismissed it as fairy tales. Now, he regretted that he didn’t listen to Tom’s warning and hadn’t brought a wireless earset. The kind that only uses one ear so he could still hear what Marinette and Chloé talked about. 
“Mari! Look at that one!” The blonde in question pointed to one that was placed quite high. It was black and when reflected light, seemed to glow purple and dark-gold. Interesting, but it held little tactical value. 
“Perfect. Dami, could you reach it?”
“Sorry, Angel, you’re the one with wings here.” He said the first thing that came to his mind. 
His beloved blushed. Chloé just shook her head and muttered something about diabetes. 
After shopping for fabrics, a new sketchbook, several sets of sketching pencils, and some wires, Damian finally got them to go grab a bite. The whole way he kept skulking. Marinette had forbidden him from paying for any materials or clothes. He wanted to!
Of course, the moment their order was brought had to be the moment a villain made an entrance. Firefly zoomed into the calm street and immediately started to set things on fire. The girls immediately jumped into action, herding the panicking crowd and accelerating the evacuation. Damian took cover and sent a quick text to Oracle before joining Marinette and Chloé with crowd control. It was quite impressive to see the blonde grab the guy twice her size and force him to run the other way. Marinette focused on gathering as many stray kids as possible and guiding them away. There went his hope of not ending up like Father. 
It was going okay, the villain seemed more focused on making the buildings burn than attacking the defenseless civilians. Up until he flew over the entrance dropping napalm and cutting them off. Marinette immediately jumped between Firefly and the group of kids she was leading. Damian and Chloé were by her side faster than one could say ‘wedding dress’. 
“I told you Katana is a viable accessory.” He grumbled. That reminded Mari. He noticed that her red dress (his favorite) gained a broad red sash tightly wrapped around her. It had no noticeable clip holding it in place, so he assumed she just made some adjustments. Now he watched her unroll it to reveal her Christmas rope dart wrapped around her. She quickly grabbed the end and allowed it to fall loose on the ground.
“At least now we aren’t entirely defenseless.” She stated confidently. This was not Marinette the Parisian girl. This was Marinette the Ladybug, with or without a suit.
“And what do we have here?” Firefly floated not so far away. “A whole collection of new…” He didn’t get to finish. Marinette immediately attacked, hoping to attract his attention away from the kids. Damian cursed loudly. He wanted to leap into action, but he knew that Chloé stood no chance to protect the kids alone. 
The rope dart stuck Firefly in the arm, making a deep cut and letting some blood out, but the heat of his surrounding cauterized the wound. It didn’t seem to bother him. Instead, the villain aimed his flame gun at the girl who was already away from the group. 
“I will make you burn!” He shouted and opened fire. The girl he was aiming at used her rope to pull herself away faster and avoid the flames. 
In the distance, one could hear the sound of sirens, announcing the arrival of the police and fire department. They were still several minutes away and even then Firefly was probably too hard to capture without specialized gear. Or a rope dart. 
Marinette spun it several times in circles before releasing her weapon like a deadly projectile. Thanks to a quick flick of her wrist, the rope wrapped around the criminal’s ankle. He didn’t expect it, and when she yanked hard, he lost control over his jetpack for just a moment. It was enough for her to release the ties and gather the rope back. By the time Firefly managed to regain stability, she was already launching another projectile. This time, the dart flew straight and went right through his gun. There were several sparks, but as the rope was isolated she stood her ground. Yanking on the rope, she made him let go of the flame thrower before it exploded. The item fell on the ground and she pulled the now-free dart back while dodging for cover. 
Damian saw the gun sparking and without thinking picked the loose sewer cover and jumped in front of the kids. Chloé used a nearby trash can to form a wall between them while the lid served as her shield. The barricade would be useless if someone aimed at them, but it did a fine job shielding the group of eight kids from exploding a flamethrower. They had to drop their defense as soon as the explosion passed, and their hands still got hurt regardless. But they probably saved eight kids from heavy scarring. 
Firefly did not have the same luck. The explosion caught him in the middle and the knockback pinned him to the wall. When he got over the daze, he was met with several police guns aimed at him. 
Watching the reunion of kids caught in the fire with their parents was heartwarming for Marinette. She was proud of her husband and best friend. Their quick action definitely saved several lives. 
“Excuse me, miss?” A policeman in a long brown coat came to her. The paramedics already cleared her and one gave her the number of a trusted therapist if she needed to talk with someone. “Commissioner Gordon.” He introduced himself. “I was told you were the one that took down the villain…”
“It was an accident.” She spoke quickly. “I mean I didn’t try to take him down. He came over to where I was hiding with the kids. I thought he was about to burn us so I just acted on instincts. Get attention, move away from the group, keep attention, strike with everything at your disposal.” She recited. 
“That… Where did you learn that?” He stared at her. She was very young but spoke with the experience of someone who dealt with this on a daily basis. 
“Paris was dealing with a supervillain for the last four years. My class was a hotspot for his possessions.” She took a deep breath to calm down. “Even before the attacks started, I was taking martial arts classes. I upped the intensity after that.”
“Hm… I see. And your weapon…?” Commissioner asked, pointing at the rope dart now wrapped around her waist. She didn’t yet have time to put the sash back on. 
“Oh! Rope Darts are my weapon of choice. Easy to carry around, fast, good for non-lethal takedowns, and can be made into a fashionable accessory.” She smiled.
“Indeed. Even before that, you and your friends were herding the stray children and directing adults to the nearest exit.” 
“Same. I’m not sure how it works in Gotham, but in Paris, it was important to get people away from the ak… possessed person.” She corrected herself for the sake of not explaining everything. “Some of them tended to make civilians into puppets.”
“It was still brave of you. I didn’t get your name.”
“It’s Marinette, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Nice to meet you, Commissioner.” She gave him a bright smile.
“Thank you for your service, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” He saluted the girl before walking away, muttering about reports. Now she only had to explain things to the adults at the Wayne Manor.
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cherry-writings · 4 years
author note: hello!! it's me again; cherry! rather than this being a request, it's kinda more self indulgent. i just couldn't stop thinking about what could possibly be the troupes love language and how they prefer to be shown love most. so i decided to make a post about it! i hope you enjoy reading ♡ (by the way, does anyone know how to enable anonymous asks?? bc i'm having trouble with that TT)
disclaimer; this is only my interpretation of what i think would be the spring and summer troupe's love language―this is in no way canon. (though it should be)
-ˏˋ the spring and summer troupes primary love language ˊˎ-
sakuya's is most definitely words of affirmation. he doesn't outrightly beg for praise or anything, but complimenting and talking about how much you appreciate him is one of his most favorite ways to be shown love. it also makes it easier for him to know that he's doing the right thing in the relationship. (though being complimented too much tends to fluster him)
i've gotta go with quality time for masumi. words of affirmation is a close second, though. however, just as much as he enjoys being praised―spending time with his s/o (with 100% of their attention on him and vice versa) is all he really wants.
acts of service for tsuzuru. why? because you doing those tiny yet meaningful deeds for him―it truly makes him feel loved. as a college student and scriptwriter (+ actor), he tends to get pretty stressed and overwhelmed. by lightening the load for him, it feels as though you especially care. and he does the same for you―helping out whenever he can.
hear me out―recieving gifts for citron. though he's nearly the perfect balance of them all, this one fits him most. it makes him feel appreciated―to know that he's on your mind even when the two of you aren't together. he'll return the favor (by ten folds)―buying little gifts and knick knacks that remind you of him.
now itaru's was a hard one. i'll have to go with physical touch. i've mulled it over―and i really think it suits him. he may show no actual interest in showing affection―but please pay that no mind. give the man a hug or rub his back while he's gaming―kiss his cheek―show how much you appreciate and love him with your actions alone. and i swear―he will break. (whoops―that was kinda deep.)
tenma's love language is most definitely words of affirmation. verbally expressing your love is most effective with him. while he may put on a front and isn't very open about his feelings for you―even he has his soft moments where he'd murmur a tender "i love you". know that it is not at all selfish to want to be appreciated in a relationship ♡
i'm feeling acts of service for yuki. but recieving gifts is close behind. showing that you're helpful and care enough to assist him with little things warms his heart. he may not admit―but he definitely knows you care when you give him things or help him out when he doesn't even ask for it. though he's too stubborn to often buy you things, he'll most definitely sew something just for you. (saying that "he couldn't fit it so you might as well have it")
muku's love language is quality time. you cannot believe how happy he feels just being around you―reading manga with you or simply doing nothing at all and merely enjoying your company. he may be shy, but it grows more obvious over time that having one on one time with you is his designated way of feeling most loved.
quality time for kazunari. taking selfies with you, going on dates―just doing activities in general with his s/o is his way of making sure you both enjoy yourselves. it's obvious that he's an extroverted and active individual, so naturally―he wants to be out and about. but he also wants to make sure that you're comfortable and having fun as well.
misumi was another difficult one. but alas, i came to the idea that he's a mix of both, physical touch and recieving gifts. he's a huge giver and is constantly giving you "triangles" that he's found and he makes sure to compliment you. but make sure to also give him "special triangles" and praise him for all that he does―it'll make him glow so bright.
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siodium · 4 years
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came across this korean mystery vn and i knew i had to get it bc someone commented that it had a similar feel to danganronpa/zero escape O: seems like i have a type
i usually don’t prefer to get digital copies of games but there was really no choice... i heard the physical copy is sold out in korea and resales are going for 200 USD ain’t nobody got money for that
i don’t think anyone i know is gonna purchase this game and play for themselves and i can’t share the game either bc it’s a digital copy sooo i’m gonna write a review~ please enjoy!!
basically the plot goes as such: the survival reality tv show Buried Stars was about to commence the finals of its current season with the remaining five contestants when the building suddenly collapses. most of the audience and staff members were safely evacuated except for seven ppl (the five contestants and two staff members) who are trapped in the wreckage with just their smartwatches that connects them to the outside world via calls (problematic bc they can only call a restricted number of ppl and the signal inside is shit) and phater (bootleg twitter). after trying to make some calls, everyone was then told that the rescue team would take around six hours to break into the collapsed building to get them out.
ok so they just have to wait it out... in an unstable building that can come down at any moment. cool.
then!!! they find the producer’s dead body, seemingly a victim to the falling debris!! they’re down to six survivors now.
despite the circumstances, voting is still ongoing and some rando on phater claims that the contestant in the last place will die as if the atmosphere wasn’t bad enough.
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this is your smartwatch interface!! most of the functions are pretty useless with regards to the actual gameplay but it’s just fun to play around with them i guess
for e.g. you can change the background and ringtone but they don’t affect anything
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there’s this feature that keeps track of changes that occur when you pick certain conversation topics during communication rounds and it’s really useful for replays!! too bad it doesn’t keep track of sanity changes in mc
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this is the mc!! even though he looks like he would be a tsundere punk he’s actually very soft?? kinda like saihara but with a bit more spine
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i lowkey ship them bc of their interactions alsjdkasjs jUST LOOK AT THIS
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i was expecting there to be a lot of mysteries but given the circumstances i guess it makes sense to not have that many... there’s no murder mystery if it happened in an accident site and looked like an accident you see
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a lot of conversation topics focus on the character’s backstory and stuff so you get to learn more about the characters while waiting for rescue (one of the goals of this game is actually to collect characters’ profiles!)
bonding through a shared traumatic experience sounds reasonable
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did i mention that the cutscenes are fully voiced (either in korean or japanese depending on your preference)?? i played it in korean for my first gameplay for ~Optimal Experience~ but i switched to japanese in subsequent plays bc i wanted to be able to understand what the characters were saying without reading the text
the only thing that throws me off is that characters are given japanese names in the japanese dub but the in-game text still uses their korean names??? why
my boi gyu-hyuk is voiced by takuya eguchi and hyesung is voiced by shimono hiro (i actually doubted my ears at first bc hyesung sounds angry 24/7 and i only know shimono’s derpy zenitsu and troll ouma voices sweats;;) wOW 👍👍👍
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the first ending is the same for everyone even if you picked the best options
they call it a “normal end” but tbh it’s a bad end bc everyone dies and nothing is resolved
after you clear the game for the first time you will get to replay from the start but your options will change so you can proceed towards other routes!! yay
oh yeah in case anyone is wondering this game is rated T and bodies are shown in the form of a silhouette with non-explicit close-ups during investigation so if you can’t handle graphic stuff it’s not too bad
warning: from here on there will be spoilers for the true ending and other endings!! stop scrolling if you have even the slightest intention to play the game
collected all the endings after 30ish hours of gameplay!! i wanted to strive for 100% completion in achievements but i’m not sure how to get some stuff... might go back and try other options in the future
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in the true route you receive help from this random phater user plughole aND I JUST LOVE THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN HIM AND DO-YOON LMAO
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idk if anyone tried to guess who the real culprit is but it turned out to be
my boi gyu-hyuk......
he had his reasons (not trying to say he did no wrong) and it’s just unfortunate that things turned out this way
while playing, i thought to myself... if there was one person i would glue do-yoon to throughout the entire game it would be gyu-hyuk... bc i was certain he wouldn’t hurt do-yoon
i was right tho... even in some routes where do-yoon catches him in the act, gyu-hyuk didn’t try to silence him
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i don’t know much about korean law but he has THREE murder charges on him whicH SOUNDS LIKE DEATH SENTENCE
i’m sad bc there’s no way to save my boi even in his best ending
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plughole visits you in the hospital in the true ending!! he is also a troll irl it seems
he was kinda sus in the beginning but i really hoped that he was a Good Guy to keep do-yoon sane in the wreckage
and i’m glad he was
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do-yoon looks super baby in his hospital clothes
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he was not kidding when he said that his actions were bc of his sister (who is a hardcore fan of do-yoon) lmao
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aaa the girls are doing great after their treatment!! they visit do-yoon too!!
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yeah i also want to know why do-yoon is the only one still hospitalised with all those bandages when everyone else is fine but i guess maybe he got injured when he protected gyu-hyuk from falling debris at the start of the game
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if you don’t find out the true culprit of the murders gyu-hyuk goes free and he visits you every day in the hospital aND SAYS STUFF LIKE THIS
ugh it hurts me
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there’s also a joke ending (when you pick the “i’m the attacker” option lmao) which i appreciate a lot!! something to lighten the tense mood is what i crave for in games like this
somehow i feel like it’s even scarier than the usual atmosphere bc of how ooc everyone acts
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there’s a horror route that you can enter by using the “laboratory” conversation topic on everyone and expressing how much it creeps you out
and the entire game shifts in genre to actual horror (like with paranormal activities)
IT WAS REALLY SCARY AND THERE WERE HANDS EVERYWHERE AND EVERYONE WAS ACTING WEIRD ASLJELKASJ i had my eyes closed half the time and i regret playing on my monitor
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i didn’t take many screenshots bc as i mentioned my eyes were not looking at the screen for most part but i hope that you can kinda understand where i’m coming from with these two screenshots
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the game is actually split into two major routes (A and B) which differ in who gets saved and who dies
you can only start on the B route after you get the true ending which is in the A route
unfortunately there is no route where everyone (even if you exclude the producer bc she dies before do-yoon regains consciousness at the start of the game) survives TT
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if hyesung and seil survive then gyu-hyuk kills himself and leaves a note but do-yoon tears it up so we don’t know what he wrote
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overall a solid mystery vn with beautiful graphics and enough routes to keep you occupied for many hours!! i highly recommend following a walkthrough bc it’s not an easy game if you want to collect all the possible endings and achievements
cuz there are minor changes to the epilogue depending on how close you are with the characters
i actually don’t play a lot of VNs but i feel like all VNs need the route map thingy in AI: the somnium files
my only gripe about this game is prob the derpy translations which usually isn’t a big issue (imo at least) but for a game priced this high?? i expected better
anyway that’s all from me!! thanks for reading til the end hahah i wanted to write a srs review but i just ended up simping for gyu-hyuk
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utazawa · 6 years
The Ties That Bind
Thank you @chibinightowl for beta-reading this. :)
This is going to be fantastic Dick thinks as he lays a long, thin box on Tim’s desk. He then goes to Damian’s room to drop a similar package off on his bed.  I should have enough time to run this one last errand before I have to get ready for the gala. With that thought, Dick exits the manor and gets on his bike to go into Gotham proper.
Dick is adjusting the cufflinks on his sleeves when Damian barges into his room.
“Grayson, what is this…thing?”
“It’s a tie.” Dick smirks, already enjoying his youngest brother’s reaction.
“Tt. I can see that. Why is it glowing?” The boy proceeds to pull the tie out of the box to show that it is indeed glowing green from small LEDs that are lining the back edges of the tie.
Dick chuckles. “There’s no reason to look at it like it’s going to possess you, Little D. They’re just LEDs.”
Damian raises a brow, clearly done with his brother’s idiocy. “What nonsense, of course I don’t think it will possess me.”
“Good. Now that that’s settled, put it on, the gala starts in half an hour.” Dick takes the tie from Damian and pops his shirt collar to start tying it on him.
“I don’t see why I should wear this when you get to wear a plain black tie,” Damian sulks.
“Oh, mine lights up too.” Dick finishes tying Damian’s tie and then presses a hidden button on his tie. “See?” He smiles gently as it lights up a deep blue.
“Father will not approve.”
When does he ever? “You leave that to me, Little D.” He ruffles Damian’s hair. “Now go fix up this mop of hair before the gala starts.”
Damian scoffs as he exits Dick’s room. “My hair was fine, Grayson.”
Dick puts on his suit jacket and checks to make sure everything is straight, then heads to Tim’s room and knocks on the door.
“Come in,” Tim mumbles from within.
He walks in and smiles when he sees that Tim is wearing his gift, even if it isn’t lit up yet.
Tim takes in the look on Dick’s face and connects the dots. “I assume this,” he gestures at his tie, “is your doing?”
“Of course!” Dick pushes the button on Tim’s tie. “Lighten up!”
Tim covers his eyes from the pun as his tie begins to glow red.
You can hide your face, Tim, but I still see that smile.
“You bought these just so you could say that, didn’t you?”
“I can’t deny it’s a perk, but come on. These are fantastic.” Dick gestures at his own tie. “Besides, now we can easily spot one another in the gala and get each other out of any unwanted cheek pinching or boring conversations much quicker.”
“Fine, I’ll wear it for now.” Tim shakes his head. “Alfred will never allow it though.”
Dick puffs up with a big grin on his face. “I planned ahead. These already have the Alfred seal of approval!”
“Really?” Tim lifts a sceptical brow.
“I may have mentioned something about showing brotherly solidarity against some of the more negative minded guests…” Dick scratches his cheek a little sheepishly.
“Of course, you did.” Tim shakes his head as he puts his phone in his pocket, but he still grabs Dick’s arm to lead them both out of the room.
Dick watches Bruce try to school his features when he spots the three of them waiting at the foot of the stairs for him to arrive. He’s always the last to arrive, even when he’s the one hosting the event in the first place.
“What are you wearing?”
Dick smiles and plays up being oblivious. “We’re wearing suits. You did remember the gala, didn’t you?” He gives Bruce a once over in his own suit and boring tie. At least this isn’t a tuxedo event, otherwise these ties would never have passed muster.
Bruce gives him a dead-pan look. “Are you implying I’m senile?”
Tim replies for him. “Well, you do need to wear those facial recognition contacts to put names and faces together with the guests. Maybe he’s right.”
“Hey!” Dick’s eyes widen and he looks between Tim and Bruce. “I didn’t say that!”
“What else would you have been implying with such a declaration, Grayson?” Damian shares a glance with his father, trying to indicate he’s on his side rather than his brothers, even if he is still wearing the tie Dick gave him. “I told him you would not approve father. Shall I go change?”
Dick sees Alfred give Bruce a pointed look as he enters the main hallway. There is no way Bruce will force the issue with the old butler watching.
“No, that won’t be necessary, Damian.”
“This attire is acceptable, Father?”
“Yes, it’s fine. Let’s go meet the guests,” Bruce replies and starts walking towards the ballroom.
Dick sneaks a peak at Damian and sees him smile a small smile while looking down at his tie. It disappears in a flash, but he still counts it as a success.
Dick barely manages to keep himself from choking on his drink when the comm in his ear suddenly comes to life after two hours of silence. “No sign of Penguin yet,” Jason says, sounding rather bored. “Can you get Alfred to sneak me some food?”
“Are you alright?” the businessman he has been conversing with asks in concern.  
Clearing his throat, Dick nods to both Jason and his guest. “Will you excuse me for a moment?” He lightly coughs a couple of times for good measure.
“Of course, my boy, we can discuss this later.”
Not very likely, but Dick smiles politely and walks off to an empty hallway. “You did that on purpose,” he quietly hisses at Jason through the comm.
Jason chuckles. “You caught me. I was serious about you sending Alf up to the balcony with some food though.” He continues, mumbling, “I almost wish I wasn’t legally dead so I could go to this shindig, just to wear one of those ties.”
Did he just say what I think he said? “What was that last part?”
“Come on Little Wing, what did you say?”
“I said I almost wish I wasn’t legally dead, just so I could eat the food.”
“That has never been enough incentive for you to want to come to one of these events. I know that’s not what you said. Tell me or I won’t give Alfred your message.”
“You’re evil.”
Dick grins. “I’m waiting.”
There’s a few minutes of silence and then Jason huffs. “I said I like the ties. Where did you find them?”
Dick preens, pleased that he got his brother to cave. “That’s my little secret.”
“Oh, come on!”
“Sorry, no can do! I’ll give Alfred your message though, then I have to get back before Bruce notices I’m gone and comes looking. You know he’ll use any excuse to leave himself.”
Dick smiles to himself at Jason’s responding groan as he goes to find Alfred. It’s clear his brother hasn’t been to his current apartment yet tonight and he can’t help but wonder what Jason will think of his gift when he finds it later.
The next morning, Dick watches the video feed he set up in Jason’s safe house last night.
Jason walks into his room, taking off his gear and dropping it to the floor when he stiffens, spotting the long, thin box sitting on his dresser. He carefully examines the box and pulls out a note from underneath it.
“Sorry you couldn’t come to the gala. You’ll have to wear this when you’re the distraction in one of our undercover missions. – D.”
Eyeing the box warily, he mutters “What the hell?” and opens it. His shoulders relax as he pulls out a black tie. He pushes a hidden button and it lights up a teal blue colour. Jason looks around the room until he looks directly at the camera. He gives a smirk and a thumbs up before he deactivates it.
Dick sends a quick text, feeling very pleased with himself, and heads back upstairs for breakfast. “Thanks for letting me know about those ties, Babs. They were perfect.”
AN: This is the picture that started it all. Click here to see where you can buy the ties. I don’t have any association with the business, just giving credit where it is due.
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Can you do 8 or 11 for Choni? And is there anyway you can involve Veronica somehow? Thanks!
Thank you for being the first (and so far only) request I got. I ended up doing both 8: “H-how long have you been standing there?” and 11: “You came back!”. I hope you like it! 
Veronica hated Archie. Well, not really, but at the moment she did. She hated him because he was the one who had signed them both up as volunteers to the yearbook staff, which, at first, didn’t seem so bad. In fact, it seemed fun. Then, she found out, her volunteer time would be during class, which at the time also seemed like a pro. She got to ditch class and got to take photos of everyone! But then it turned out that the class period the yearbook staff was pulling them out of was Veronica’s hardest class, and of course, the time she was pulled out was when they were going over answers to the study guide for the way-to-many-points-to-not-freak-a-girl-out-test they were having the next day. So, all in all, she didn’t hate Archie but rather the timing of his stupid group.
Veronica was also having problems with the school printer that she had to use. She didn’t understand why the one printer that wasn’t working was the only printer she was allowed to use. So she had to resort to using the only polaroid camera the school had to go around and take her pictures, which, she couldn’t do with Archie because he had been assigned a different part of the school to patrol.
That was the long version of explain why Veronica was still in the yearbook staff room, rummaging through drawers looking for extra film on the off chance her terrible luck made her run out. That was how she noticed the door connecting the yearbook staff room to one of the extra class rooms was slightly ajar. She also heard voices in their. Familiar voices. The raven haired girl thought about her options, then quietly made her way to hide by the door, peeking in. There, she found Toni and Cheryl, having just walked in themselves. The two were holding hands.
“I think we have five minutes at most before we need to head back to class,” Toni stated to Cheryl after shutting the door they used.
“The fact that our only solitude together must come during school hours is a rather depressing tale,” Cheryl mused, leaning against the old green couch in the weirdly shaped and frankly unnecessary room.
“Well maybe we might have more time if that annoyingly pretty Vixens captain were to cut practice a little shorter sometimes,” Toni replied with a smile, stepping closer to the red head.
“‘Annoyingly pretty’? Does somebody have a crush?” Cheryl teased with a smirk.
“Well how could I not. She’s beautiful, brave, strong, caring,” Toni held out a finger for each adjective, “the list just goes on.”
Cheryl scoffed and rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.
“Is somebody jealous?” Toni said with a grin.
“Of myself? Hardly,” Cheryl huffed.
Toni gasped in fake surprise. “Oh that’s right! Your the Vixens captain! And I just admitted my crush to you! How embarrassing!”
Cheryl rolled her eyes again, but took half a step towards her. “Why do I like you?”
“Because I’m quirky and charming.”
“Perhaps.” Cheryl crooned. She then leaned down to kiss the shorter serpent.
Veronica kinda felt bad about spying on the perfectly cute Choni moment, especially considering how she had interrupted the last kiss Veronica knew of between the couple, so she did hesitate before this next move. In her defense, she needed more pictures for the ‘Cutest Couple Page’ then just a bunch of selfies of her and Archie. Veronica snapped a photo of the couple with her loud, polaroid camera that had flash on permanently.
The two jumped apart before the picture even came out of the camera. Both girls had their own reactions.
“What the hell Lodge?” Cheryl spat.
“H-how long have you been standing there?” Toni stuttered out.
Veronica smiled sheepishly. “Sorry to scare you. I think the picture turned out pretty well though.” She said slowly. The raven haired girl then held out the photo for the pair to inspect. Toni leaned over a bit to study it while Cheryl just crossed her arms and looked away. Once again the pair responded with very different messages at the exact same time.
“I don’t care.”
“It’s actually pretty good. You know, for an amature.”
Toni gave the irritated red head a playful shove. “Lighten up Cher and look at the photo. The light from the window makes your hair seem to have a glow near the top and the angle of the shot-”
“You know, your pretty nerdy for a gang member TT,” Cheryl interrupted, her mouth turning into the smallest of smiles at the beginning of Toni’s photography rant.
“I try,” Toni replied with a smile so big it was contagious. Cheryl soon found herself grinning stupidly at the other girl, their hands interlocked again. The flash ruined the moment.
“You came back!?” Cheryl yelled at Veronica.  
“She never left,” Toni chuckled.
“Well then shoo shoo Lodge. I would much appreciate if you get a life outside of me.” Cheryl advised with a wave of her hand.
“But before you go, why are you photo stalking us?” Toni asked, still holding Cheryls hand and gently tracing her thumb in a circle.
“Because I need more pictures of couples for the ‘Cutest Couple’ section I was assigned to. Mostly it’s just me and Archie and I feel like that’s a little too biased.” Veronica admitted, studying her new photo.  
“Yes, because taking a picture of the head of the yearbook staff and her editor isn’t just as biased,” Toni sarcastically replied.
“Since when am I the head of the gross yearbook staff? And when did I ask you to be my editor?” Cheryl questioned in a way that heavily implied she knew the answer that was coming and don’t like it.
“Other way around babe. I’m the head of the yearbook staff and I would like it if you were to be my editor.”
“Why are you even part of the disgusting yearbook hippie squad?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
After a moment of the two staring at each other, Toni finally caved with a sigh. “Jughead insisted that I should at least be on the staff what with my photography skills and my interest in the subject. So, he pulled a few strings and I ended up as head of the staff. When I asked he said something about Serpents being equals. I don’t really get that part, but now I’m in charge of the yearbook staff. Do you want to be?”
There was a heartbeat worth of silence until:
“Please?” Toni begged, dropping Cheryl’s hand to put her own two together against her mouth in a pleading motion.
Two more heartbeats.
“That’s all I’m asking,” Toni answered with another grin.
Veronica focused on the two girls with the camera, and put her finger on the bottom. Just before she could take the shot, Cheryl dramatically whipped around to face Veronica, making the shot Veronica just took eighty percent Cheryl’s hair.
“I swear to whatever being you believe in, if you take one more photograph of me and my beloved you stalking, wanna be Dorothea Lange, you will regret it. Now I am of the opinion that it is in your best interest to depart the area immediately and if you take one more photo-” Veronica interrupted Cheryl’s speech with the flash of her camera.
A very pissed off looking Cheryl stood up, but she had barely taken one step towards the raven haired girl before she had bolted out the door and locked it. Veronica then bolted towards the girls bathroom. Once she had saftly arrived, she reviewed her four pictures.
The first one was Toni approved, so Veronica didn’t need to put much thought into whether it was going in or not. Like Toni had said, the light from the small window at the end of room was shining like a spotlight to the top of Cheryl’s head, with her hair messed up just a tiny bit from Toni’s hand which was deeply buried in red hair. Cheryl’s hands were firmly on Toni’s waste, as if trying to pull the other girl closer somehow.
Veronica pulled out the next photo and studied it just as closely as the first. This was one of the rare moments Cheryl ‘Bombshell’ Blossom was caught on camera smiling. Like, genuinely smiling, not some creepy smirk. The two of them were staring at each other smiling like that. Looking at each other and smiling like they were the only two people in the world that mattered. This one would also be going in if Veronica could help it.
The third one might have turned out to be just like the second, but apparently Veronica had become too predictable of Cheryl and she ruined it. Cheryl had turned to face the camera so quickly that her normal glowering stare was looking dead ahead and her hair was still flying. It happens to be flying right in Toni’s face, blocking most of the other girl. What little that could be seen of Toni was a blurred view of her shut eyes scrunched up from the red head’s hair attack. Maybe she could use this one as part of the yearbook staff close ups if Cheryl accepted the job. That would be funny.
The fourth and final picture was taken entirely to spite Cheryl, so she wasn’t expecting it to be all that good. Cheryl was giving the camera an evil glare as she talked. Her arms were crossed and she was sitting on the arm of the old green couch just like in all the other photos. In other words, Cheryl looked like the Ice Queen she was often called. Veronica was about to toss the photo but then she noticed something. Or rather, someone. Toni. The raven haired girl had almost forgotten she was in the shot at all, but she was. Toni was staring at The Ice Queen with such a loving look on her face, almost as if she wasn’t giving a menacing speech. With that look on the Southside Serpents face, Veronica couldn’t bring herself to toss it. It just showed how in love Toni was with Cheryl, and Veronica couldn’t possibly lose a chance to remind people that.
So maybe Veronica didn’t hate Archie, and, in fact, might send him some kind of thank you for signing her up for this. Because Veronica really did love love and showing people the love her friends had. So after carefully putting the four pictures away, Veronica walked off with her camera looking for more couples to harass with pictures. They’d all thank her later.
Hope you liked it and just FYI the room Toni and Cheryl are in is a room that was in my school so I kinda had that room pictured in my mind and I don’t think I did a good job describing it. Sorry if that was confusing. Thanks for reading!
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choicesfanatic86 · 6 years
TTS: Part 23 - Part 1/2  (Liam x MC)
DISCLAIMER:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except characters unique to my story.  Those belong to me. ;)
PAIRINGS:  Riley (MC) x OC, Riley (MC) x Liam, Liam x Riley (MC) x OC, Olivia x Drake, Bertrand x Savannah, Maxwell x OC
SUMMARY:  Are you talking about Andy? Or are you talking about yourself?
If you are new to the series and would like to catch up by reading previous parts, please check out my master fan fiction listing.  CATCH UP HERE
TAGS:  @herladyshipxx  @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @devineinterventions2 @hopefulmoonobject @captainkingliam @pbchoicesobsessed @cocomaxley @queencatherynerhys @mfackenthal @boneandfur @spetstoof @bobasheebaby @grapefrults @pessimystic-fangirl @dralenamax @mspaigemoore @drakelover78 @kaitycole @jayjay879 @hhiggs @umccall71 @penguininapinktuxedo @topsyturvy-dream @decisso @pnhanga @ladynonsense @mrs-simmy @jamielea81
5/6/18 - Hi everyone! I needed to split Part 23 in half because it was so long.  I didn’t intend for it to be this long, but here we are. =/ I’m going to release Part 2 at 12:00 pm HST. Thank you as always for following along and allowing me to bring you into this TRR AU.  I hope you like it. :) And sorry in advance for the roller coaster ride. =P
EDITED - Thank you to all who caught the duplicate text.  Especially for  @bobasheebaby @hopefulmoonobject @umccall71 @mfackenthal for letting me know! Eeek, so embarrassing. =P It should be corrected now!
PART 23 - Where Are We Going? (Part 1)
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Riley spent an hour and a half getting ready for the rehearsal.  It was a good distraction from thinking about her relationship with Liam.  .  She had decided she wasn’t going to think about it tonight.  With Liam gone, she was going to focus on spending time with her friends and celebrating Bertrand and Savannah’s soon to be wedding.  She looked herself over in the floor-length mirror.  She had chosen an elegant green dress for the night’s festivities.  She had been obsessing over how she looked for the last twenty-minutes.  Savannah had casually mentioned that there’d be a few members of the press at the rehearsal tonight as they’d be doing an article about the wedding.  She’d be lying if she didn’t admit to being a tad bit nervous with the news about the press’ presence.  Savannah had assured her that they’d already been told they were not to harass her; otherwise they’d be removed from the estate.  That did little to alleviate her worries.  They were the press after all . . . freedom of speech and all that jazz . . . she doubted they’d heed the couple’s warnings.  She just hoped that they’d be civil and wouldn’t mention the trashy article that had been published in the newspaper last week.  Things had stayed relatively calm in scandal land, and Riley had hoped to keep things that way.
She wandered down the staircase, searching for Andy or Maxwell or anyone really - anyone to help lighten the tension brewing inside of her.  The estate was already bustling with activity.  Caterers were moving hot plates and large buffet tables into the ballroom.  Staff members were decorating various parts of the estate with beautiful floral arrangements.  The Beaumont Estate had been transformed into something out of a bridal magazine.  Riley had design-envy.  She’d done her fair share of weddings in New York, but nothing of this magnitude.  Everything was absolutely stunning.  
She ambled toward the courtyard still searching for her friends.  The courtyard was where the rehearsal and subsequent cocktail party was going to take place.  Bertrand and Savannah had spared no expense for their wedding celebration.  That much was clear.  Not that she should have been surprised; everything leading up to the big day had been phenomenal.  They deserved it, of course.  The road to their happily ever after hadn’t been easy, and to celebrate it as grandly as they were, was well-deserved.
Not paying attention, she turned a corner outside and bumped into someone.  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she started to say, a glimpse of redhead caused her to bite her tongue.  She braced herself for the storm of screams that would surely follow.  When none occurred, she mustered up enough courage to look up at her.   “Olivia, it’s nice to see you again,” Riley paused, waiting for the inevitable snarky retort.
Instead, Olivia greeted her with a tight smile.  “Lady Riley, that green dress looks quite lovely on your skin tone,” she said politely, a bit too much teeth still bared.
Riley was startled.  Had Olivia actually paid her a compliment?  “Oh . . .” she stumbled over her words. “Thank you so much,” she murmured softy, inclining her head toward her direction.
“Don’t look surprised,” she said impassively.  “Drake told me I’m supposed to be on my best behavior,” she narrowed her eyes at Riley.  “For Savannah’s sake, I said I would, but that doesn’t mean we’re friends,” she snapped back.
“I would make no mistake on that,” Riley nodded, raising her hands up in defeat.  “I’ll happily take cordialness over friendship with you any day.”
Olivia lingered, which alarmed Riley.  Hadn’t she just said that they weren’t friends?  She eyed the redhead suspiciously.  “Was there something else?”
“I saw Liam before I left the palace today,” she said quietly, looking around to ensure that no one was within earshot.
“Oh,” Riley paused, unsure where she was going with the conversation.
“He seemed happy,” she said honestly.
Riley smiled lightly.
“Considering he was gone for an extended period of time, and upon his return he’d looked happier than he had in years, I’m assuming you’re the cause?” Olivia asked, looking her up and down.
Riley blushed.  “I’d like to think we made each other happy,” she shrugged.
Olivia’s eyes darkened a bit.  “Are you going to break his heart again?” she asked sternly.
Riley blanched.  “What?”
“Am I going to have to endure watching my oldest, dearest friend be torn to bits over you again?”
Riley hesitated.  “I thought we were being cordial,” she murmured.  
“We are.  If I wasn’t on my best behavior, I’d have you cornered somewhere with my finger in your face,” she said coolly.  “I just need to know that you’re not going to hurt him again.”
“I don’t want to hurt him again,” Riley said quickly.  That was the truth, after all.  She had never wanted to hurt him.  
“That’s not the answer I’m looking for,” Olivia said, a slight sneer threatening to break through her calm face.
“That’s the only answer I have for you, Olivia,” she said honestly.  “We’re still figuring things out, okay?”
“Hmph,” she murmured indignantly
She was miffed.  She made that pretty clear, but Riley could care less.  She could play the same game.  “So, speaking of relationships . . . how are you and Drake doing?” she asked, a slight insinuation in her tone.  
“I’m not having that conversation with you, of all people,” she sneered.
“Hey now, you get to play twenty questions about my life, but I don’t get to ask you about yours?  What kind of reciprocity is that?”
“Don’t assume to know what’s going on between us, just because of your friendship with him,” she hissed out.  “We know where we stand with one another, and that’s all that matters,” she huffed.
“Really?  Because I think your relationship is probably the worst kept secret at court,” Riley smirked, “But okay, we can play the don’t ask, don’t tell game, Olivia,” she shrugged.  “I need to find Andy.  As usual, it’s been a pleasure,” she sighed, as she went back into the house.
Olivia was left mouth-gaping in the courtyard, still stunned that Riley had the audacity to speak to her that way.  So much for being cordial, Riley thought to herself.
As she walked back into the house, she noticed that there were far less staff members rushing around.  Clearly, it was getting close to show time, which meant that people would start arriving soon.  She really needed to find Andy and Maxwell.  She needed back up when it came to dealing with any little courtly or media-related issues that developed.
She felt someone grab her elbow, maneuvering her over to the staircase.  “Where have you been?” Andy fumed at her.
“I’ve been butting heads with Olivia, you know the usual,” Riley shrugged.  “She got critical, I got critical and sarcastic.  It was a mess.  I’m sure I’ll hear about it from Drake later,” Riley mused.  “Why, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing, just the fact that Maxwell wants me to introduce me to everyone he knows,” she said in a panic.
“What?”  Riley said, confused.
“He wants people to meet his girlfriend.  Me!”  She sat down on the steps, her hands shaking.
“And that’s a problem because?”  Riley still wasn’t following.  Just a few days ago, Andy had been over the moon about being his girlfriend.  Now, she was freaking out about it.
“Because I’m going to mess things up.  Apparently, that’s what I do.  I say the wrong thing . . . or use the wrong utensil  . . . or greet someone the wrong way,” she sighed.  “I can’t do anything right,” she said sadly.
“Andy, you’ve got this.  You’re endearing,” Riley said encouragingly.
“According to you.  According to Bertrand, I’m a thorn in his side that won’t go away,” she huffed.
“He did not say that,” Riley eyed her pointedly.
“He didn’t have to.  He tried to quiz me on fork etiquette this afternoon, Riley.  Fork etiquette.”
Riley cringed.  “I take it that it didn’t go well?”  Riley shouldn’t have asked, because she already knew the answer.
“He looked at me like I was a moron.  My mom went to Julliard, my father went to Berkley.  I come from good genes, Riley.  Yet, he gives me this look like I’m some unworthy peon,” she grumbled.
“Do you want me to talk to him?” Riley asked sincerely.
“No . . . that’s not a good idea.  Not today at least.  Or tomorrow of course,” she sighed.  “Am I being ridiculous?”
“No, you’re not,” Riley assured her.
“How did you survive this, Ri?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but she couldn’t.  Had she survived?  She put on a good act.  She was pretty good at faking it, but did she really survive court?  She’d run away . . . and upon her return she had done everything in her power to avoid any sort of uncomfortable court experienced.  
“I . . . I honestly don’t know,” she whispered.
“I don’t know if I can handle the constant scrutiny,” she said honestly.  “I’m the kind of girl that lounges about all day eating junk food.  I don’t know how these ladies have their “a game” on around the clock.”
Riley hummed in agreement.  “I know, but at least you’ve got Maxwell, and he’s definitely not like Bertrand when it comes to this sort of thing.  You know that right?  Maxwell doesn’t care about court propriety and the like.  What I do know is he cares about you quite a bit.  Why don’t you just focus on that for right now, yeah?”
Andy nodded uncertainly.
“Let’s go find your guy so that we can get this party started, huh?  Maxwell makes everything ten times better.  Promise,” she smiled reassuringly.
True to Riley’s word, Maxwell did make everything better or at least distracted from the worry that was on both women’s minds.  When they found him, he was setting up a very elaborate champagne display with a very large sword resting at its side.  It looked as if he were preparing for one of his champagne fountain tricks.
“Maxwell, I thought Savannah said no swordplay . . .” Riley trailed off.  “This very much looks like swordplay.”
“I honestly don’t think she meant it . . . did she?” A look of concern flitted across his face, but only for a moment.  “Of course she didn’t mean it.  This is magnificent,” he looked on his creation proudly.  “It isn’t a Beaumont party without some swordplay.”
Andy looked on bemused.  “What’s going on?”
“I think we may be witnessing the motive behind Maxwell’s murder,” Riley whispered tersely.
Andy’s eyes widened.  “Should we stop him?”
“I’m not sure he’d listen,” Riley shrugged honestly.
An hour later, as guests started to gather in the entryway, Maxwell announced his gift of a toast in Savannah and Bertrand’s honor. Bertrand’s face during the entire exchange could be described as pained . . . not for fear of what was about to occur, but in the fact that he had to restrain himself from throttling Maxwell in front of all of his esteemed guests.  Savannah, although she had been the one to nix the entire idea, looked on intrigued about the entire set up.  He executed the breaking of the champagne bottles flawlessly as guests looked on in reverence.  The champagne flowed freely into the set up of glasses that he arranged just perfectly.  
Photographers snapped photos and were riveted by the performance.   Riley later overheard Bertrand speaking to a reporter from the CBC.
“Why of course, Maxwell has always been a bit on the theatrical side, but my goodness, was that show not just amazing?  Leave it to my brother to wow a crowd,” he said with a broad grin on his face.
Riley couldn’t help but laugh.  It was such a typical Bertrand reaction.  As long as the image was positive, he’d embrace it.
Riley, Andy and Maxwell mingled for the rest of the time.  She recognized a few people from court who she interacted with during her social season, and they politely greeted her.  Thankfully, she hadn’t found herself in any sort of uncomfortable situation with the press, for which she was very grateful.  She didn’t think she’d be in the mood to deal with any of that tonight.  Just as she was about to suggest they get another drink, Maxwell spotted someone across the room.  He grabbed Andy’s hand before turning to Riley.
“If you’ll excuse us, Riley.  I want Andy to meet by Great-Aunt Mildred,” he said quickly, leading Andy off in the other direction.  Andy’s eyes looked at her pleadingly, but Riley just shook her head at her friend, waving her off.  
Riley picked up another glass of wine, when she spotted Drake out of the corner of her eye.  He was approaching her fast and looked none too pleased.
“Did you harass Olivia this afternoon?” He said angrily.
She raised an eyebrow at him.  “Hi Drake, I’m fine thanks.  How are you doing?” She smirked as she took a sip from her wine glass.
“I’m serious, Lawson.  She went on and on about how you verbally attacked her in the courtyard earlier.”
Riley snorted.  “Really?  Olivia Nevrakis needs you to fight her battles for her?  So much for crushing one’s enemies huh?”
“Come on Lawson.  I’m catching enough flack as it is.  She said you were bombarding her with questions about our relationship,” he explained.
“I did not harass her.  It was the other way around.  She started getting all defensive about Liam so I gave her a little taste of her own medicine.”
Drake closed his eyes, miserable.  “What did you do?”
“Nothing that she didn’t do first,” she snipped.  “I just asked her about your guys relationship is all,” she shrugged.  “I didn’t realize she was going to run and tattle on me,” she shook her head in disbelief.
“Lawson, will you just leave it alone?”
“What? I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true,” she exclaimed.  “Look, I’m not one to be handing out advice.  I mean, my own life is pretty screwed up, but I’m just saying if you care about her . . . if you love her . . . why the hell are you beating around the bush?  Just be out with it.  Love each other.  Cherish each other.”
“I’m not exactly marriage material, Lawson.  The set up we have going on is fine.  We’re not hurting anyone,” Drake tried to brush her off.
“Except maybe yourselves,” she said honestly.  “You know what I would have given to be able to have a public relationship with Liam.  Don’t you realize how fortunate you guys are?”
“I never really thought of it that way,” he shrugged.
“Why the hell wouldn’t you want to shout it from the rooftops if you could, Drake?”
“I don’t have a title,” he said simply.  “That’s all anyone would ever look at.  The commoner with the Duchess.  And yeah, that never mattered to me before, but when you have somebody like Olivia . . . it’s kind of important.”
“A title is a title, it doesn’t determine who you are as a person, Drake.  You of all people should understand that.  Besides, if it mattered that much, why is she even with you?  And don’t say it’s just about the fooling around, because we both know it’s more than that.”
He bowed his head in defeat.  “Anyone ever tell you that you’re annoying when you’re right?”
Riley smiled in victory.  “Maybe once or twice,” she winked at him, and as she was going to say a bit more, she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Lady Riley, you’re looking stunning this evening,” Liam murmured from behind her.  “Drake,” he nodded at his friend.
“Liam,” she said in surprise.  “I didn’t think you’d be attending tonight.”
“And that’s my cue to go find Olivia,” Drake said.  “Thanks, Lawson.  I’ll catch you later,” he waved as he went searching for his redhead.
Riley and Liam nodded as he left, their attention turning back to one another.  “Francesco was kind to me tonight.  He didn’t chatter my ear off about sports or the like,” he chuckled.  “Figured I’d take my chances and see how the Beaumont rehearsal was going,” he said.  “How’s everything going?”
“Well, the rehearsal lasted all of ten minutes, and then it turned into just another Beaumont party,” she laughed.  “I’m really glad you came,” she whispered.
“Me too,” he winked at her.
They walked around the courtyard, chatting quietly, careful not to draw too much attention to themselves.  They found themselves in one of the corners of the courtyard where they firmly planted themselves.  Thankfully, no one seemed to pay them any attention.
“So, why aren’t you off mingling?  Usually I wouldn’t have the luxury to see you until much later in the evening,” she asked, seeing that there were many noblemen and diplomats that he probably should schmooze with, at lease for the sake of propriety.
He glanced over, shrugging slightly.  “I’m not in the mood for idle small talk,” he said, taking as sip of hi scotch.
She frowned noticing that he wasn’t able to meet her eyes.  “Liam, don’t lie to me,” she said sternly.
He inhaled a deep breath.  “I get to see these people all the time,” he said coolly.  “I ran into Maxwell this morning as I was leaving . . . he reminded me that our time together is growing short.,” he explained.
“Oh,” she paused taking a sip from her wine glass.  “You’re talking about me going back to New York.”
He frowned, giving a slight nod.  “We haven’t talked much about what happens after you leave . . . if there’s anything after . . . I just don’t want to squander any more time than I already have.”
“Oh, Liam,” she said sadly.  She wanted to reach out to him, to pull him into her arms and tell him that she had the same fears; that she, too, was worried about what was going to happen between them.  She can’t.  Not here, there were too man prying eyes.  People from court, members of the press.  Even them talking to openly could be misconstrued. One wrong picture with the right story could cause another scandal to break.  She didn’t want that added worry on his mind.  “Do you want to go somewhere to talk?” she asked.
He looked around, checking to see if they’d be missed.  “Yes, but perhaps you should go on ahead and I’ll follow after,” he nodded.
“My room then?”
He nodded, walking off toward the opposite end of the courtyard.
It took around fifteen minutes before he came to her room.  She was certain he did a quick round around the courtyard to assuage any indication that they’d be meeting with one another.
“Hey,” she murmured nervously as he knocked at her door.  She couldn’t pinpoint why she was feeling so nervous.  It was just Liam after all.
“Hi,” He whispered as he entered her bedroom.
“So, let’s talk,” she said softly.  “What’s bothering you?”
He hesitated for a moment, almost as if he had suddenly regretting coming into he bedroom.  He stared hard at her for a moment, before finally clearing his throat.
“I know you didn’t come back for me, Riley,” he acknowledged.  “I also know that you had no intention of letting me know you were even back . . . and I can’t help but wonder if Bertrand hadn’t told me about you being here . . . would we even be at this point? Wondering what we’re going to do about us?  Wondering about the future?”
Riley looked at him carefully.  He looked so vulnerable, so uncertain.  That wasn’t like Liam at all.  He always came across to collected, so self-assured.  It was hard for her to take this Liam in..  “Liam . . . I know what you’re saying . . . I didn’t not want to see you  . . . I was scared to see you again, because I knew what would happen.  I knew this would happen, but now that it has, I’m so happy that we found each other again,” she said honestly.  “I was confused before . . . and honestly, I’m still a little confused.  Not about my feelings for you.  I love you . . . but the future . .  . it scares the hell out of me.  I don’t know what to do,” she said honestly.  
He ran his hands through his hair.  “So what do we do then? Play it by ear?”
She shrugged.  “Well, at least we’re not alone in this conundrum,” she said wistfully.  “I’m sure Maxwell and Andy are having just as difficult of a time discerning what they’re going to do in the next few days.”
“Maxwell’s thinking of marrying her,” he said simply, catching her off guard.
She nearly choked.  “W-what?”
“Bertrand talked him out of it course,” he explained.  “Lectured him about propriety and how grossly negligent it would be without a proper period of courting,” Liam smirked.  “Leave it to Bertrand to knock any sort of romance out of the situation,” he scoffed.  
“Good God, don’t do that to me.” She put her hand over her heart.  “I could have died right here, Liam.”
“You don’t approve of them marrying?” Liam asked, a bit surprised by her reaction.
“Marrying . . . no.  Definitely not,” she shook her head vehemently.  “Of course I approve of them being together.  They’re great for one another, but marriage . . . that’s a big commitment,” she emphasized.  “They’ve just met and they’re still learning about all of their little quirks.  Getting married . . . that’s a forever kind of deal, you know what I mean?  I just . . . I don’t want either of them to get hurt,” she said sincerely.  “Besides, Andy has her future to think about.  She’s in grad school, working on her thesis.  She’s got all of these amazing plans for her future.  I don’t’ want her to forget about all of that because she made a guy.”
“Are you talking about Andy, or are you talking about yourself?” He asked with a pained expression on his face. ht here, Liam.”
“You don’t approve of them marrying?” Liam asked, a bit surprised by her reaction.
“Marrying . . . no.  Definitely not,” she shook her head vehemently.  “Of course I approve of them being together.  They’re great for one another, but marriage . . . that’s a big commitment,” she emphasized.  “They’ve just met and they’re still learning about all of their little quirks.  Getting married . . . that’s a forever kind of deal, you know what I mean?  I just . . . I don’t want either of them to get hurt,” she said sincerely.  “Besides, Andy has her future to think about.  She’s in grad school, working on her thesis.  She’s got all of these amazing plans for her future.  I don’t’ want her to forget about all of that because she made a guy.”
“Are you talking about Andy, or are you talking about yourself?” He asked with a pained expression on his face.
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jangbyul · 7 years
I was debating whether I should post this here but i decided that I would because more than anything I want to be able to remember this experience and for those who continue to read this post, maybe it can provide them with more insight on how things operate at Kpop concerts. also, I hope this post can provide some laughter and that whoever reads it, will fall in love with vixx even more because heck I sure did <3 
warning: the following blurbs you are about to read contains many many grammatical error and may not even make sense because I wrote it after the concert at around 2am in an attempt to remember everything so please bear with me OTL I also didn't go into too much detail about the format and setlist because I mainly wanted to remember the things VIXX did and their cute interactions with one another. enjoy! 
They came out in their casual clothes and omg they looked so freaking fluffy!!! And can I just say that they have such amazing skin like holy they didn’t have makeup on but they still looked pretty and glowy and flawless like how? Hongbin was in this navy long zip hoodie and a plain white shirt paired with blacked jeans? Damn he looked so good in such a simple outfit! Poor bb looked so sleepy though :( hyukkie omg I feel bad because I don’t remember exactly what he was wearing but I think he was wearing a white shirt as well? I was too focused on him being adorable and teasing Leo haha so they performed 2 songs during rehearsal - good night and good morning as well as dynamite and during dynamite hyuk playfully tapped Leo’s cap xD so yeah Leo was wearing a baseball cap with Chicago on it? And his outfit was mostly white, I would say his was the most laid back for sure! Ravi was in a black tee and black pants and a black beanie as well (all black lol) i am sad to say that Ravi looked tired as well and didn’t smile much but he still killed his rap parts though! Next is hakyeon! That boy was dressed up looking chic as hell! He was also in an all black outfit but he had a leather? jacket on and black skinny jeans. He looked like he was in a good mood because he smiled quite often and said some things to the audience. Last but definitely not least is jaehwan. He was in a black hoodie which this scary picture of a doll on it lol as well as black jeans. He was sooo freaking smiley and there were times where he kinda bounced around on stage? He waved a lot to the audience and when rehearsal was over he was the last to leave the stage ^_^
Actual concert
this was such a blur! I was so sad we were only allowed to record 3 songs so I don’t even have a video for on and on (which is my fave song). But they all killed it! 100% killlllled it and they sound just as good live as they do on their CDs, no joke. since Im a hongbin stan I glued my eyes to him the majority of the time but seriously when it comes to dancing, hakyeon draws so much attention. Just the way he effortlessly moves and theres just so much passion when he dances. I couldn’t help but stare *_* jaehwan dances with a lot of power and confidence and he might not be the main dancer but I still think he did an amazing job! hyuk when he dances he’s freaking MANhyuk! he also has a lot of power when he dances like I don’t know how to explain it like his moves are just so intricate? hongbin my precious bean sweated so much LOL it was to the point that he grabbed a towel every chance he got and turned away from the crowd to wipe it xD I could tell he was super focused when dancing and damn he moves fast like one sec he was on the left side of the stage and then the next he was already on the floor on the right side of the stage! Judging by the amount of sweat and how he kept wiping his upper lip cuz of the sweat, he really worked hard <3 (he also freaking did a lip lick thing that drove me into a frenzy ugh) during to us, all the fans held up a banner and just enjoyed the song together. it was such a good feeling, to have so many starlights in one room and have vixx right in front of us ;;;;
Apart from the songs they also did this interactive-ish thing with us! Like prior to going into the concert we were allowed to write something we would like them to do on a sticky (ex. Jaehwan please do aegyo) etc and so hyuk designated himself to be the “MC” and how it worked was that each member would choose one of the stickies for the member on their right. Leo chose first and he chose one for jaehwan and what he had to do was sing a part from his musical. He did so without using his mic and at that moment I knew exactly what an angel sounded like *_* everyone in the crowd was in awe that I think we cheered too early because it looked like jaehwan wanted to continue still but stopped and clapped and then went back to his seat. Hakyeon even pointed out that the crowd was just waiting to scream because we went from “ahhhhh” to “WOOOOOODFGDFGDFGD” real quick haha next jaehwan chose a sticky for hakyeon! He took his time choosing and hakyeon actually got off his seat and went up to jaehwan (I guess to make sure he isn’t choosing something too difficult for hakyeon to do lol) and while jaehwan was choosing he beatboxed a little which drove us insane <3 hyuk said somethings like “oh choose for your love N, you bro N, your mother father N” XDD jaehwan finally chose one which was also for hakyeon to perform a song from his upcoming musical? I wasn’t too sure if it was from a musical because the translator there sucked lol hakyeon said he had to prep because he doesn’t rmr some lines but in the end he sang beautifully like he never ceases to amaze me with his voice that is just so suitable for ballads & lullabies yenno he kept going until hyuk had to intervene and tell him to stop he still kept going and it got crazy when ken started singing as well haha such cuties!! Anyway so next hakyeon chose for hongbin and omgosh I saw my sticky and was really hoping hakyeon would choose it but he didn’t OTL i wrote it for hongbin, asking if he could sing a ballad because precious bb has a lovely voice and deserves to sing more! In the end hakyeon chose one in which hongbin had to do aegyo and boy did he struggle! The first time he did it it was pretty quick but still adorable nonetheless because his voice went all high pitched eeee so hyuk actually made him do it a second time and it was slightly longer and his voice went from high back to his usual lowish voice cuz he got so embarrassed.. hongbin said something and the translator said hongbin was sad because starlights didn’t understand his true feelings TT I guess he really didn’t want to do aegyo :( hongbin chose for Ravi and my Rabin feels were reignited because hongbin took two stickies and allowed Ravi to choose one! Ravi chose to also do aegyo I think? And he ended up doing the “oppa song”??? some cute music played and Ravi had to do aegyo to it but it seems like he was prepared and did it without hesitating that even the members joked and commented that he was really good at it LOL our Ravi may be the badass rapper and has tats to prove it....but he is too cute when he wants to be :3
Somewhere in there Ravi had to do an eye battle with hakyeon and lol hakyeon was so pumped and ready, being so confident he was gonna win and had that smug look on his face while provoking ravi by playfully hitting him on the chest. In the end hakyeon did win (but I feel like thats because he purposely made Ravi blink HAHA). Ravi chose for hyuk and hyuk had to dance to chained up double speed! That of course was too easy so it got ramped up to triple speed and I think later to quadruple speed?? Triple/quadruple speed was hella fast and hyuk was moving so fast that by the end of it he was so exhausted and joked that he can never do a concert again! He looked a bit frazzled afterwards so ken was like are you ok??? Oh yeah and we somehow got ken to do triple/quadruple speed as well but he didn’t even try to go super fast because srsly it’s killer! Hyuk was still recovering so Leo asked if he could chose his own and hyuk let him. Leo chose to perform a bit of whisper with Ravi!!!!! It was just the chorus but they did a bit of the chore and leo sang without the music and Ravi rapped without the music as well *_* because leo cheated by basically making it into a joint mission with Ravi, hyuk later chose another sticky for leo LOL this required leo to write each of the members name with his belly button xD poor leo didn’t want to do it at all and kept saying its weird!! He struggled so much and actually did his signature collapse onto the floor dying from embarrassment HAHA he managed to complete it but he did so by moving his entire body across he stage like he sat right next to hyuk on the right side but by the end of it he was all the way to the left side standing right in front of Ravi haha ken and hyuk demonstrated that you don’t have to move ur entire body but just your upper body xD then they wrapped up that segment and performed some more songs! after the final song when they were bowing and exiting the stage, ken did not want to leave and kept waving and blowing kisses ahhh those bbkins <333 hongbin legit had to come out, and drag him off the stage LOL then hongbin popped back out and did a heart with his hands ahhhh
I also just wanted to note that jaehwan was just a ball of sunshine throughout the entire concert. He constantly waved enthusiastically and smiled his puppy smile. he was just so playful and when fans shouted I love you to him he would immediately say I love you too back and jokingly act like yeah the fans love me most XD jaehwan definitely climbed up my bias list after this and I’m just so glad I got to witness his playful humorous side in real life. it made me think back to vixx’s reality shows and how the members always mention that theyre thankful for ken because ken jokes around and does his best to lighten up the mood after a stressful day ;A; Hyuk also made such a big effort speaking English to us and although it was just short sentences, I was still extremely proud of him and thankful that he made that effort <3 hakyeon too said a lot of sweet things to us and his humble self kept thanking us when really we should be thanking him for gracing us with his presence!!!!! Leo kept his cool demeanour for the majority of the concert, It wasn’t until the very last few songs where they came out not in their usual stage outfits that I saw leo being extra smiley and literally jumping and spinning on stage XD he went right next to jaehwan and started jumping with him (KEO IS REAL OK) hakyeon also made sure to go left to right and say bye to the fans and wave! Same with jaehwan hehe hongbin was mainly on the opposite side of me and oh how I wish he was on my side more during the last few songs!
I noticed that jaehwan was the most popular here like so many people I met that day were jaehwan stans hehe Ravi was also really popular and hakyeon too! Whenever hongbin sang I screamed extra hard because I really want him to feel just as loved and appreciated and same goes for hyuk too because those two have so much to offer!
Photo Op
I was such a nervous wreck LOL my friends and I were all strategizing a plan, trying to make sure we’d end up in front of our biases. it was 15 people per group so when it was our group’s turn I legit blanked out and just tried to navigate towards hongbin. So the order was N, Hyuk, Hongbin, Ravi, Ken, and Leo. I stepped onto the stage and was immediately greeted by N’s smiling face and wave. I waved back automatically and seriously couldn’t do anything but wave Lol i was way too stunned by his 6 foot beauty and that small eye contact! *_* I ended up somewhat in front of hongbin but like on the floor and not on a seat but its okay! The photo op was super quick like they took 2 pics and that was only like 20 seconds! the staff rushed us and kept telling us to move move move -.- As we got up to leave I quickly turned back and looked at hongbin and told him I love you ahhhh he looked at me and smiled and waved and that was all I needed to turn into a big pile of mush ffghfghfghf *_* I think I was able to catch eye contact with jaehwan after and I tried to say bye to leo but failed LOL as I got off the stage I still couldn’t believe I was able to muster up the courage to say something to hongbin eeeep! Oh and vixx is known to be giants right so I was expecting them to tower over me because I’m only 5’4…but up close they weren’t as tall as I expected. yeah they were impressive in height but not what I imagined I guess xD But yeah the photo op went by so quickly and I’m praying to god I look somewhat descent in the pictures they took lol rip
Im so sad that the concerts over and you bet I’m going to suffer from PCD for the next few weeks T_T but I’m just so thankful to have been able to experience this and to finally see them live! all the while meeting some pretty awesome people along the way! It was definitely a memorable concert that I hope to remember many years from now :)
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Acrobat’s Sister [Jason Todd x Reader]
Requested by anon: “Could you do one where reader is dick's sister but didn't get adopted by Bruce when dick did and they are reunited when Jason introduces her to the rest of the batfam as his girlfriend”
A/N: I’m finally finishing off my requests! I actually started this yesterday but ended up zonking out before I could finish, so sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. I’m planning out my last few requests and hopefully will get them done. But I hope you all enjoy this my loves!
(Part 2 - Blessing)
Your life hasn't always been the greatest. You love being in the circus but after losing your parents everything just felt dark. Your parents and brother were the acrobat trio ‘The Flying Graysons.’ You on the other hand weren't one for acrobatics. Yes, your family taught you some techniques but you were always more interested in the animals. Especially the lions. And they in turn were quite fond of you.
It's not like you have a superpower with animals or anything, you're just good with them. So instead of training to be an acrobat, you became the youngest lion tamer in the circus world. The lions treated and still treat you as one of their own, thinking of you as superior even though lion prides don't really have a leader.
After losing your parents you became very withdrawn and what didn't help was when Dick was adopted after your parents funeral. It was a closed adoption meaning you have no idea where he went. Making you not only grieve your parents but your brother as well. He didn't call or write so it felt like he fell off that trapeze as too. Your last name didn't help much either, “Grayson” was well known in the circus world, whenever people heard your last name they immediately questioned you about the loss of your parents. Making the grieving process that much harder. Eventually you couldn't take anymore of that reminder and changed your last name, becoming [F/n] [L/n] instead of [F/n] Grayson. Not that you aren't proud of your heritage, it was just becoming emotionally and mentally unhealthy for you.
You always seemed to be in some sort of slump, even after it being so many years. Around 15 years since it all happened, Dick has to be 25 now. 14 years you had trouble being happy, but this last year, things changed.
You met Jason one year ago, he saved you as Red Hood from a gang that targeted the circus. They attacked during your act and Red Hood protected you as he and Arsenal took out the gang members. You actually ended up saving him as well, the lions thought he was a threat to you and one of them managed to claw him in the leg before you could calm them down.
Later the next day he came to you as Jason Todd and you recognized the wound. He used the excuse of a motorcycle accident but you’d know an injury like that anywhere. God knows you’ve had a few.
Jason came clean to you about a month into your relationship, knowing you’d already figured it out. You weren’t mad, in fact you found it cute. Just like how he was being now.
“Come on” he whined pulling you onto his lap. You giggled, “If we’re going to be on time for me to meet your family, you have to let me go shower.” Pecking his lips. His arms wrapped around your waist tighter, “We can be late” digging his face in your neck.
You unwrapped his arms, “No we can’t, you know how I am about first impressions” turning to him once you were standing. He threw his head back groaning, head resting on the back of the couch. Laughing you walked around behind the couch and looked down at him, “You’re a child.” Playing with the ends of his hair. “But you love me” he grinned up at you. Pecking his lips you responded “That I do” before pulling away and going to get ready.
Jason watched as you went to the bathroom in his apartment. Once you were through the door he stood up and picked up his phone. Sliding out of the window, onto the fire escape. He pulled out his phone and dialed Alfred.
He listened to it ring until Alfred answered, “Hello Master Jason, of what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hey Alfred, I was curious of how things are at the manor. I just want to make sure everything will be okay for tonight.” Jason asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Everything's been taken care of Master Jason. I have made the recipe you asked for and everything. No need to worry.”
“Alright, thanks Alfred we’ll be there in a few hours” Jason leaned against the railing of the fire escape. “My pleasure Master Jason, I look forward to meeting Miss [F/n].” Alfred said before hanging up the phone.
Coming back into the apartment he heard the shower turn off. Hearing that he decided he should get ready too so he’d be ready when you are.
It didn’t take long for the both of you to get ready and soon you were out the door. During the ride to the manor you began to feel a bit anxious, nervously shifting in your seat.
“You okay?” Jason asked while taking your hand. Letting out a deep breathe you ran your thumb over his knuckles, “Just a bit uneasy is all. Do you think they’ll like me?” You watched a grin grow on his face, he pulled your hand to his lips, kissing the back of it, “They’ll love you.” Feeling relief you relaxed in your seat, giving his hand a light squeeze.
Pulling into the manor Jason put the car in park. “You ready?” squeezing your hand. Nodding you opened your door as Jason opened his. He wrapped an arm around your waist as you both walked up to the door. After knocking an older man opened it, “Hello Master Jason, and you must be Miss [F/n]. A pleasure to meet you, I’m Alfred Pennyworth” he introduced himself. You shook his hand before the both of you came in. “It’s nice to meet you too Alfred, Jason has told me a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope” he chuckled. “There aren’t any bad things” Jason laughed, Alfred told you both that the others were in the living room. Jason showed you the way. Walking in you were overwhelmed by the number of people. “Hey everyone” Jason caught the attention of the room. They all smiled at you, “Guys this is my girlfriend [F/n]. [F/n] there’s Bruce my adoptive father. Then there’s the madhouse that are my siblings, Tim, Damian aka Demon Spawn, Cass, Stephanie, Barbara, and where’s Dickie?” Jason had pointed to each family member.
The one you learned was Barbara spoke up, “He’s running late but texted and said he’s five minutes away about five minutes ago. He’ll be here soon.”
When she finished Bruce stood up and walked over to you, “[F/n] it’s wonderful to meet you.” he held out his hand. You took it, “It’s an honor to meet you Mr. Wayne.” He smiled before saying “Please, ‘Bruce’ is fine.”
You grinned and nodded in understanding. Jason hadn’t left your side when your attention turned to his siblings once Damian spoke up, “Tt. How did Todd get a woman like you? Did Pennyworth put you up to this?” raising an eyebrow at you. You giggled as Jason sent him a death glare. “No, Jason is actually quite the gentleman.”
“Are you sure that’s the Jason you’re talking about?” Tim pointed at Jason as the others nodded, Bruce was laughing to himself. “Wow, thanks guys.” Jason rolled his eyes. “Aw, we’re just teasing. Lighten up.” Steph threw a pillow at him, which he caught with ease. He was about to throw it back when everyone heard the door open.
“Hey guys sorry I’m late. Traffic was a bit--” Dick began but stopped when he met your eyes. “Oh my god” you breathed out covering your mouth. You left Jason’s side and immediately threw your arms around your older brother, leaving everyone with shocked expressions.
“How did? What are you doing here?” He asked while hugging you back. “Me? You’re the one who disappeared” you pulled away to look at your now adult brother. “I know I’m sorry. I wanted Bruce to adopt us both but he said he could only adopt me.” Dick kept your eyes. “So that meant you couldn’t call or write? It’s been 15 years Dick. It felt like you fell off that trapeze too.”
“Okay! Hold on! What is going on here?” Jason interrupted the reunion, everyone equally confused. “[F/n]’s my little sister.” Dick answered walking away from you and up to him.
“You’re what?!” They all yelled. “You never told us you had a sister!” Steph yelled from her spot. Jason looked at you, “You said your brother abandoned you.” Dick felt a pang in his chest hearing Jason say that. He witnessed as Jason walked over to you, seeing you whisper “I did.”
“Wait, are you two?” Dick gestured between the both of you. You exchanged a look with Jay, “A couple, yes.” wrapping your arms around Jay’s waist. “You’re dating my sister?!” Dick asked, shocked. “In my defense I didn’t know you have a sister.” Jason countered, his arm wrapped around your back.
He went to say something more before letting himself relax. Allowing a smile on his face, “I’m happy for you.” Walking over, Dick put a hand on your shoulder, “Jay is a great guy and I trust him to protect you.”
You released Jay and hugged your brother, “Thank you Dick” hearing Jason say behind you. Letting him go you smiled at him before returning back to Jay placing a kiss on his cheek. As soon as you did so Alfred called for dinner.
You and Jason followed behind the group, your eyes widened when seeing your favorite meal beautifully prepared. Looking up at Jason you beamed “I seriously love you” hugging his waist tighter. He chuckled “Yeah I know, I love you too,” before pecking your lips. You giggled, not noticing the endearing smile on Dick’s face.
Dick really did want to stay in touch with you after leaving but becoming Robin would put you in danger. Little did he know you’d end up with the Red Hood himself, but he knows Jason will never let anything happen to you. Plus he can see the love you both share, he’s never seen Jason this happy. Hell, he’s never seen you this happy. In all this makes him happy too, seeing two people he loves joyful and in love. What more could an older brother ask for?
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“The family’s girl” (Batfam x reader) Part6
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Hello, my little wings!!!! Sorry for not updating but i’m in my finals in college and didn’t have the time, but now I have a week off! I’ll update new stories this week!
@hamsterforlive asked to be tagged, also I love reading the coments you make! If any of you wish to be tagged in any imagines feel free to ask!
Don’t be shy! I love chatting with you!
I love reading your coments, your prompts and chatting with you! So feel free my ask box and messages are always open!
Part1 Part2  Part3 Part4   Part5 Part6 (Here we are!) [Interlude] Part7  Part8  Part9  Part10
Tim grabbed your phone and illuminated the intruder’s face.
“YOU” Tim said outraged.
“me” It smirked evilly
It was-
“Well Drake, if I had know you were gonna scream like a pig I would have video taped it. And send it to your….friends.”
“WHAT.ARE.YOU.DOING.HERE.DEMON.SPAWN” Tim snarled at Damian Wayne’s smirking face.
“Well, it’s rather obvious my presence in this place as Father is on a meeting in Europe, Pennyworth is in England on some sort of vacations and Grayson was supposed to “take care” of me. Even thought I’m old enough to take care of myself.”
“Yes, but what are you doing in my flat?” You asked, as you let a breath you didn’t know you were still holding.
“Grayson isn’t home and he left this note” Damian gave you a rather wrinkled note.
Hello (y/n)!
Sorry but I will be away for a few days. My…friends got in a problem and I have to go for a short period of time. Can you take care of Damian for me, please??
He can be a bit problematic in the beginning but he is a good kid. Thanks! I’ll make it up for you when I get back!!
Dick Grayson.
PD. Keep all the pointy utensils or anything that can become a wepon, away from Dami when Tim is there.
Trust me
You’ll thank me later.
 “You owe me, Grayson. You owe me big time…” You whispered. Suddenly a loud sound startled you, when you looked at the two Waynes, Damian was attacking Tim with a wooden spoon and Tim was protecting himself with a friying pan and attacking with a saucepan.
Their fighting only got worse as minutes passed, they began breacking glass and china until you got fed up.
They stopped in mid air, weapons ready mouth open in mid shout.
“Damian, you can stay here, only if you behave. Dick told me many times how mature you can be.”
“I am” Damian said.
“Didn’t look like it” Damian wasn’t pouting, no way.Niet, Nuhu, nyeh,no pouting
Suuuure Dami, whatever helps you sleep at night.
“AND TIM, I expected better of you! How can you fight like a 10 year old??? Worse, with a 10 YEAR OLD?!”
“I’M 13!” Dami grumbled
“You don’t know him, (n/n)! He’s a demon! Psycotic! A maniac! I tell you”
“How can you say those things about your little brother!!?”
“Yea, Drake. How can you say those horrible things about me”    Damian faked a pained and hurt face and hugged your waist, the smirked at Tim, who looked red as his uniform.
Tim sighed, “Please (y/n), let me help you. Let me stay with you.”
“I don’t know-”
“Pleease (Y/N)! Don’t let Drake near me! He’s always insulting me! please! He’s a bully!” Damian said, faking a teary expression, making you feel bad for him. As he saw how you hugged him towards you, he let himself be smashed against your chest. Tim looked murderous at his little brother, who in turn hugged you harder and buried his face in your chest.
Man, his drama classes sure payed off.
Tim then looked at you heartbroken.
“He’s lying, (n/n). You know me better than that. I may be an ass sometimes but i’m not like that” He grabbed your hand and put it in his face.” You know i’m better than that.”
You looked at Tim serious face and felt Damian’s hands fisting your shirt. His face hidden in your chest.
“How about you come in the afternoons after college?” You agreed and Tim’s face lightened.
“Great” Tim smiled.
Damian grumbled in your shirt, glaring angrily. But he felt really warm and safe hugging you,  so he didn’t let go.
Tim’s watch started beeping and he looked at it, a frown took the place of the soft smile he was giving you.
“I need to go.” He said
“Timmy, is 4 am. Stay the night” You grabbed his arm, Damian clutching your waist.
Tim had a unsure look in his face.
He wanted to stay with you
But the Titans needed him.
Decisions, Decisions
“I’m sorry, (y/n). I-I’ll make it up to you. T-Tomorrow. We’ll go anywhere you want.”
“Alright Timmy. See you tomorrow.”
You went to kiss Tim’s cheek when his face turned and your lips touched.
Your first real kiss
Tim deepened the kiss, as his hands cradled your face. His tongue laped at your lips making them open to let a moan escape them. Tim’s tongue entered your mouth, licking your tongue, and then started fighting for dominance.
The kiss was filthy as hell, kiss dancing against each other’s, tongues lapping and fighting. Your hands in Tim’s medium length hair and his cradling your face.
All was hot and beautiful and Tim didn’t want to stop. Not even to breath.
Until your friendly neighborhood demon spawn punched him in the shin
I would better say unfriendly-
Shush Timmy, let me narrate. As I was saying:
Tim groaned in pain as he stopped kissing you. You opened your eyes half dizzy half aroused and looked at Tim’s face, the slim strand of spit licking your mouths broke when Damian pushed Tim away, opened the door and pushed him out of your home, closing the door after.
“Now, show me my room for the week.” Damian said.
The next morning, when Damian waked up, after dressed himself he made his way to your kitchen, he smelled the air, the delicious smell of (f/b) greeted him. His eyes widened at the sight, in the kitchen, clad in your  short (f/c) pants and a robin shirt, were you dancing at the music blasting from the radio.
Damian felt a blush rising to his cheek, he cleared his throat, and you turned around and smiled at him..
“Good morning Damian! I hope you like (f/b), it’s my favorite. So I hope you’ll like it.”
Damian sat in front of you  and started eating, his blank face stared at you as you eated.
He sure was intimidating.
“S-So, Damian, Do you like your breakfast?” You said to break the ice.
“ehh, It’s alright” Damian said as he sipped his orange juice. He saw the crestfallen look on your face at you failed try of conversation with him, and his heart strained for some weird reason.”Way better than Grayson abuse of sugar-coated cereals”
You smiled at him and Dami’s eyes couldn’t look at you without his body feeling tingly. When he finished, he grabbed his dishes and left them in the sink. You followed behind him.
“We’re do you study, Damian?”
“Gotham Academy”
“That’s too far from Bludhaven! Do you need money to grab a train or something?? I don’t have a car or I could drop you off! OH wait! I think I got some cash in my socks drawer!” You started looking around for something to give the 13 year old. Meanwhile Damian looked at your predicament rather amused.
“I have the week off.” Damian said and you let yourself fall on your counch.
“Thank god!” As your hand fell over your eyes you remembered something.
As you were having a mental breakdown, Damian somehow found it under a pile of books from the ‘Haven’s library.
“It’s this your assignment?” Dami said, handing you a 30 pages long essay.
“IT IS! OH DAMIAN! YOU’RE MY SALVATION! GOD, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW I COULD KISS YOU!” Even thought, Damian will deny it when he reads this, he kinda waited for that promised kiss.
See? I told you he would deny it.
You kissed his cheek sweetly before going changing to your normal clothes.
Leaving a blushing, emotionally constipated 13 year old boy  feeling like he never had before.
“TT’” Damian tutted, the blush darkened as he thought of your previous night hug. Even though he just did it to spit Drake, he must admit he liked it. It felt like when his mother would hug him after a well done assignment when he was little.
Only better.
Then we remembered yours and Drake’s passionate goodbye kiss, he felt an spit of anger grown in his belly. He didn’t know what it was, but we surely didn’t like it.
And if Drake wanted you for himself…
Oh boy, was he on for a fight.
Only the best Robin will win.
And We all know who that is, don’t‘cha?
Damian smirked at your silhouette on the wall.
This is war.
To be continued….
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gosungji · 8 years
Ooh. A tag post thing
Got tagged by @marklee-didthat
1. Who was your first bias and who is your current one? My first bias in: Twice - Dahyun (she’s still my bias woop woop NCT - Taeyong, Mark, Johnny and Jisung (again, still my biases) Seveteen - Woozi (My current is Seungkwannie and The8) BTS - Jimin (My current is Suga) Sf9 - Chani (still my bias, bless) Gfriend - Yerin (Still my bias) Red Velvet - Irene (I’m slowly leaning towards Yeri wat) EXO - Tao (My current is Xiumin) 2. Why did you get into kpop? Get ready for a long ass ride in this story lol So in 6th Grade my friend liked EXO and told me to watch their Wolf MV and tell her what I thought. So I did and I was hooked so I learned the choreo for the chorus and we danced to it at lunch. I got so into EXO I had a couple of postcards (although I can’t really find the rest TT) and posters and even found a repackaged version of XOXO album in the mall (it was like a miracle lol). I kept supporting EXO and then on 7th grade I discovered vocaloid and temporarily forgot about Kpop. So fast forward to 9th grade where I’m stanning more groups other than EXO. And the rest is now. 3. If you could join any other kpop group, which group would you choose? I’d choose NCT but it’s only for boys 😂 so Gfriend it is! Because I just really love their choreo and their singing is heaven (but nothing beats Mamamoo) and overall I would just tail behind. That’s alright tho. 4. If all of your biases proposed to you, who would you choose? Jesus I think I’d die. Okay, let’s do a bias evaluation: Taeyong - so from all the knowledge I have stuck in my head, he’s definitely the most perfect candidate. He can cook (he just makes minor mistakes but he knows what he’s doing), he loves organizing (I’m a huge klutz so I need someone who can help me with that.), he’s a neat, caring and lovely person. If I married him I’m pretty sure (pushing aside he’d probably have less time with me) he’ll be a great husband. But he needs someone to comfort him and tell him he’s not his past self. We all know he cried and apologized for what he’s done but he’s still hard on himself. So the pillar needs a pillar once it finally falls down. Johnny - Oooh boy. Johnny. Let’s see. So Johnny is also a neat person. I’m not that knowledgeable of his cooking skills but I know he used a tutorial to make chocolate cups with Ten. And that’s not bad. I personally think he’d be the fun type too. When he’s at practice and having a break he’d text you screenshots of memes that he finds really amusing or a screenshot of their groupchat where everything is just wild. He’d tell you about his day, how tiring it was, how fun it was etc. But you’d definitely question his closeness to Ten. It seems the two are in a relationship when they’re together 😂. If I was his wife (that would be a miracle) he’d act more like a bestfriend than a husband tbh. Mark - We all know Mark is fully capable. Except in cooking. He’s diligent, hardworking, and cares for his younger members. He works hard and it shows through their songs and albums. He’s a charming boy definitely. I think he’d be a great father someday. (Bless this boy) He’d be really fun to be with. He can get affectionate too but I guess when you two are alone. I think he’d be loyal. He’ll make up to everything he missed and I think he’ll do it. Seungkwan - THIS BOY. He’s the definition of a sweetheart. He’s insecure, he’s passionate, he’s caring. He’s scared of not being noticed and would do everything just to get your attention. He’ll sing, he’ll dance to whatever the fuck you’re blasting and etc. He’s insecure because the beauty standards in Korea is strict and it pressures him a lot. He needs someone who can tell him that he’s enough. That sometimes he doesn’t need to work himself up just to please everyone. (Just like Taeyong actually.) He loves his mom, he can cook, he’s entertaining and passionate of his work. Despite being bullied by the staff, he’ll keep his head up even if it hurts. He’ll hide it from you because he doesn’t want you to worry. But I’m worried one day he’ll snap and breaks down. He needs someone to hold him up once he breaks. After all this personality analysis I think Taeyong won this time. Seungkwan is close second and Johnny is third and Mark is last. I don’t know Jisung and Chani that well and I think The8 is just about to let on more bec his Korean has improved (he even called Hoshi a punk, lol). 5. If you could be in any facfic, what would it be? My Slytherin Boyfriend by iamnotaprodigy in Archive Of Our Own I think? But looking for an idol compatible for Slytherin is hard. Seungkwan is probably a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff so. Maybe a side character which is also capable of turning into a snake.(An Animagus) 6. What mythical creature would you be if you had a chance? 
A phoenix or a dragon. 7. Supernatural!au or mafia!au ? I actually haven’t thought about that. And I’m not that familiar with Supernatural. So both. 8. Which kpop idol would you switch bodies with? I don’t want to ruin their image by switching bodies with any idol. But I think this idol needs a lot of rest the most. So Mark. He could fuck up my life but I don’t care. As long as he’s well rested. 9. If you could have any idol as a pocket size companion, who would you choose? I love this question. I pick Seungkwan for good comebacks, Mark for encouragement and Taeyong + Rap Mon + Suga for decision making. 10. Which idol would you want to have as a sibling? Mark - because he cares a lot for his dongsaengs and I feel he’d do the same to a younger sibling. He’s hardworking and that could inspire me to do the same. J-hope - because he can lighten up the mood and he could cheer you up when you’re sad. He knows when to make jokes and when to be serious. Suga - because he’s wise and he can help to make decisions. He may look indifferent outside but he is very soft hearted and warm inside. 11. If you were only able to say 5 words to your bias, what would they be? Thank you for working hard. (This goes for each and everyone of my biases) Aight on to the tagging: @minpuffs @johnny-finally-made-it @chimchams @sugagi and anyone who wants to do it ^^
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