#pls don’t do this is weird
gldnstrngs · 7 days
whenever i see colin and bradley in behind the scenes or interviews im just like… 🤨 in the least weirdest way possible like they just have a Certain Energy to them
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nuppu-nuppu · 8 months
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Blue and red are my least favorite colors Idk how this happened
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
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Simple observation I made from reading these comics. DC, stop making their dad an asshole and make him hug them more.
Also, the hugs in these comics:
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Tim's hug is not in Red Robin but it's during the run and when Bruce comes back in time.
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Cass' hug is weird because they're suicidal freaks who think fighting is therapy. They fought while being drugged, and blew up a brigde. It makes sense for them only.
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Jason's first hug (Outlaws) is after he tries to apologize for his crimes and Bruce refuses to let him to do it, because his boy is innocent for him 🥺 (and then, they fucked it up with Ethiopia because they cannot let them have nice things 🙄). The second one (Red Hood & Arsenal) is started by Jason, who is just very happy to see that Bruce is alive, even if he has lost his memory.
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watmalik · 1 month
Petition for Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) to react to poolverine. I NEED this—I’m down on my knees 😩
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buddiesmutslut · 7 months
LISTEN. If we get a bisexual!Buck arc, I will ACTUALLY LITERALLY CRY, I’m already emotional just thinking about it, it will literally bring me so much joy
I don’t want it at the expense of an Eddie coming out arc…
Bc listen, I read a post talking abt how the writers probably won’t give both of them a really flushed out Queer Realization Arc bc it would be redundant, which like, okay sure, yes, I can see why you wouldn’t want to have two main, male characters going through the exact same thing, so sure, whatever, BUT -
I feel like, out of Buddie, Eddie is going to be the one that really struggles with coming to terms with his sexuality.
Eddie, who had to be The Man Of The House at 10 years old. Eddie, who grew up in the Deep South. Eddie, whose family is Catholic. Eddie, who already had a strained relationship with his judgmental parents. Eddie, who had a WIFE. Eddie, who says that what he had with Shannon was magic & compares every relationship he had to her. Eddie, who was in the military, which is infamous for DADT. Eddie, whose aunt constantly pushes him at random women because he needs to not be alone. Eddie, who canonically suffers from comp-het, saying that dating women feels like putting on a performance, not that he understands why. Eddie, who dated Ana & was planning on staying with her, even though he was unhappy, for his son.
I think Buck would be way chiller with realizing he’s queer - if he doesn’t already know, which is my fav head-cannon - & I feel like he wouldn’t struggle as much bc it’s Eddie, & Eddie is his best friend, and gender wouldn’t play as big a part for him as I think it would for Eddie.
I would love for them both to have an arc where they worked through their expectations when it comes to relationships & realize that they’re queer, but idk man, I feel like Eddie is going to be the one to really struggle & he deserves to really have that flushed out.
Idk, I’ve been thinking about this ever since I saw that post & nobody I know watches 9-1-1 😭
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alohaasaloevera · 1 month
guys I’m honestly happy that klance didn’t become canon because I love how as a collective group of people we utilize our right to explore what could have been and create the most smoking hot scenarios ever and yes I obviously wanted more of their friendship growing into this bond stronger than anything else in the universe especially since Voltron has teamwork and family as one of their main lessons but that’s more of a development issue all around…ok besides that there’s something about klance where it provides this PERFECT environment for shippers to inhabit and FEAST upon. With klance, there’s a solid, engaging dynamic between the two set up, which is this weird one-sided rivalry that stems from Lance’s insecurity and his need to prove himself of his worth and Keith literally being one of the best pilots for his age but since they’re flung into space and chosen to become child soldiers in this 10,000 year old intergalactic war so they have to work as a team which surprise surprise forces them to put aside their differences and work as a team which is shown a bunch when Keith needs to become a leader and Lance steps up as his right hand and and they have some kinda tender moments that won’t definitely drive shippers into a shipping craze (or worse) SO YEAH you could see why people loved it with all the classic tropes and mutual growth all that schmooze (ALSO THEY KNEW EACHOTHER BEFORE THE MAIN PLOT??? Well maybe not like friends or even acquaintances probably BUT HELLO?????? EVEN MORE SHIT TO EXPAND ON????), and they share multiple scenes that could be interpreted as romantic but there’s no explicit romance. This environment is fucking dripping drenched flash flooded cornered by 1000ft tsunamis in all directions with potential for shipping, so when people saw this relationship between two bros with this sort of homoerotic (IM JOKING. Kinda.) unresolved tension towards each other and the POTENTIAL for a good slow burn rivals to friends to lovers, it was to no one’s surprise that they went APESHIT. Klancers made countless different ways where they get together whether it be pre-Kerberos, post-gettingthefuckoutofearth, the start of the show, the end of the show, after the end of the show, right smack in the middle, anywhere, anytime, for who the fuck knows why just ANY REASON DAMN IT it doesn’t really matter because people were pumping out fanfiction or fan art or any fan media of klance faster than I spit out a raw baby carrot after chewing it for one second and now we’re all wallowing about how it should have been KICK but the thing is that if VLD did KICK all the way to Altea, the production of these beautiful stories that so many people have and still are coming up with about klance kissing in midst of a battle, helping each other with their crippling nightmares, smiling for the stars or some other sad premise, and whatever is nestled in his pulse…just like uhhh the amount of fics like these that go into great detail about Keith and Lance in these random situations that end up with them getting together being produced would go down to some degree because of the fact that if the people’s beloved sharpshooter and samurai had ended up together like we had wanted, and the majority was satisfied with the ending the creators had given, people would have shifted from writing about “How could Lance and Keith get together?” to writing about “What could Lance and Keith do now that they’re together?” And like. There’s nothing wrong with that honestly I would be HYPED if klance was ever canon but there is profound beauty in the way the community is able to create more from less and turn a show that went to shit in the last few seasons shine even brighter than it did at its prime. Like I wouldn’t trade my favorite fics 4 anything.
Ok another little thing I’m going to put here: With Klance, all I wanted was for them to be great friends 😭😭😭. I tend to prefer klance becoming canon in later seasons or at the end or even an open ending with no confirmed romantic relationships because I am a sucker for character development and the idea of Keith and Lance both harboring these feelings that at first are just admiration and respect but then escalate to yearning for one another or becoming close friends at the end of the show and getting to imagine anything I want post canon is EVERYTHING if you give me S7 Garrison klance I’ll keel over and thank you like I was a second away from dying of thirst and your gift was a truck load of water
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i feel myself thinking “hey guys maybe don’t be weird to sean about beatles rpf? that’s kinda gross.” and then i think “he did just post the most conservative brain rot fox news woke mob bullshit you’ve ever seen in your life.” so….maybe this is divine retribution actually
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autistic-katara · 3 months
i’ll be like “i’m being so normal about them” then i’ll blink and it’s half 2am and i just made an intraship chart of my ot4 with bad drawings and added headcanons
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(the lukanette one is a mix of dating and exes but friends bcz idk which idea i like more)
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h-didanart · 12 days
Musical au
Musical au
Musical au :D
Ok so context, I’ve had this idea for a while now but wanted to explore it more with the whole au combo thing I did for a bit
BUT THEN I got a new idea, one that combined more than two aus…
So I present to you this Musical AU, it contains characters from my three main aus (currently, tho I am very inclined to add some others), and it’s basically two of the main stories as musicals!
Let’s meet the main characters shall we?
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From Get in Losers: Musical Edition, Sunrise Rays and Crescent Moondrop Celestial as Sun and Moon! The twins that started it all, you won’t believe how unlucky these guys get, watch as Sun and Moon fumble through dimensions, the plans of their enemies, and their own relationship in their way to collect as many family members as possible.
These two were very surprised when they not only got accepted but were actually casted as the main characters. Even more so when their other triplet wasn’t included with them since the start. They were certainly nervous about this all, but knowing the rest of the cast and their family members are right next to them puts them at ease.
And from The Sunset and Moonlight Musical, Waning Moonlight and Sunset Sky Galaxia as Moonlight and Sunset! The tale we all know and kinda love reimagined with the classic character swap, watch the twins face every challenge coming their way while they try to keep the rift between them from increasing further.
These two gave it their all in their auditions, and they got in! They weren’t aware of the fact that the other had auditioned as well though, it was meant to be a surprise from both of their ends. They laughed about it after finding out. Since the musical is still being written (I don’t have enough songs for the story yet :() they have some extra time to get to know their fellow cast members and get familiarized with the theatre.
Both these main character sets have an extra member however, with being two sets of triplets and all. Nem and Morningstar, while not exactly jealous of their sibling’s roles, aren’t exactly thrilled about missing out on all the fun. At least at first. They used to joke with one another about how they’d make their own musical behind everyone’s backs.
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And that’s the lore for now! Check in next time for some character movement notes!
We hoped you enjoyed this little peak at Sunrise Arc Theatre and we hope to see you soon!
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quinn-pop · 6 months
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ell-begins · 1 month
I’m gonna get absolutely slaughtered for this one but it’s been bothering me for ages so I need to say it 😭😭
I cannot see eddie being gay, like,,,at all
I mean, there is obviously the possibility of bi or pan etc, but I just cannot see him being gay (or tbh even liking men - STAY WITH ME HERE OK READ THE REST BEFORE YOU GET MAD 🙏)
like you’re gonna sit here and tell me that the man who just got walked in on with a woman cosplaying his dead wife is a homosexual and is in love with his best friend? like do not get me wrong at all, I love buddie, and if they were to ever become a couple I would be ecstatic - but I genuinely cannot see eddie being romantically or even sexually involved with a man (especially not at the minute with where he’s at) 😭😭
I could definitely see buck and eddie having a queerplatonic relationship, but at this point I don’t know if I could see them being in a romantic relationship, at least not right now. Eddie is going through it as of the end of season 7, even if they were to decide to make buddie cannon, eddie isn’t in a good place right now, and realistically it wouldn’t be happening anytime soon (and if it did I Imagine it would be slightly unhealthy)
I know some people are gonna be like ‘oh, he can have a revelation like buck’ but (although I am aware lou said it was initially gonna be eddie x tommy, meaning yes that is entirely possible and I completely understand why people think this will happen) the difference is that Oliver has being playing into buck being bi for years, this has been a widely accepted headcanon that even he has agreed with, so it made sense that it happened, and wasn’t just something that came out of nowhere. Ryan has consistently said that Eddie is straight (and while I understand that he isn’t the one who decides that + he has limitations on what he can say publicly) I feel like him having some form of revelation might not work (similar to why it was buck x tommy instead of eddie, as ryan didn’t think it would work for eddie + the whole marisol arc). And, as I said earlier, eddie realistically isn’t in a good place right now, and trying to push buddie after everything that happened at the end of s7 will likely cause it to fail before it truly starts, especially as it’s likely that it could be seen as Eddie using Buck as a rebound of sorts, rather than truly wanting to pursue a relationship
I have been a buddie shipper since late s3 so yall better not come for me for saying this 😭🙏 (Before anyone asks, yes I am a bucktommy shipper too - I am simply happy because BUCK is happy, I think they are cute and Buck is clearly doing well. And no, I am not ‘jumping ship’, I am doing this crazy thing called multishipping, which is common fandom practice 🥰 so if I have anyone trying to call me out for abandoning buddie or whatever I might actually end it cuz there is no way 😭)
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satoruzlove · 10 months
not to be a hater or anything but adults who write about minors/ characters that are minors having sex.. without aging up the MINORS…and then get mad when MINORS INTERACT WITH THE POST.. like… who’s gonna tell them
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
im at school and cant see streams, what is the bunny x gabe thing?
When you say you’re at school I really hope you mean college 🤨
If you mean high school then this post ain’t for you get outta here
The bunny. This is the Bnnuy. Name: Big Buff Bunny with a Huge Cock. Aka: Bnnuy with a huge Schlongus. Greatest OC and character design of all time. He’s the confident as you can see.
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Idk where it originated from..? Or maybe I just completely blanked out when he did it the first time. He just started drawing it on some of the prints (as a request) and then people started drawing fan art of it
And now the bunny is a DnD character?? I didn’t watch those streams idk what’s going on with that tbh
Anyway during the February print signing stream someone said “say hi to gabe for me” and he said something along the lines of “he’s dick deep in the bunny right now”
it’s up to a brave and courageous soul to create this image.
I don’t have the exact wording cause it was like a whisper and im at work………… I have headphones on but I don’t want to put the volume up lol
A little while later he goes back to “check on gabe” and he said “gabriel is the type of guy to nut in a bunny and then go watch jerma”. Of course.
That’s the end of that story.. so far. As far as I’ve watched the stream at least.
Clearly bunnriel is the best ship of all time.
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smokbeast · 11 months
weird question but, are ink, nightmare and dream sanses?,, like I find them so off canon to be considered one but I know they’re called sans
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calciferstims · 3 months
tiktokers be like “I am going to create the most beautiful, relaxing, aesthetically pleasing video ever, with gorgeous lighting, and deeply satisfying content”. …….. “and then I’m going to cut the video fifty thousand times in thirty seconds-”
#chatting tag#WHY. WHY. PLEASE.#I swear like every gifset I ever see that comes from tiktok is like the most gorgeous shit I’ve ever seen in my life#(specifically those videos of food that have really sunny lighting. OUGH that’s my SHIT)#but then EVERY TIME there’s like 5 cuts in every single individual gif. and it drives me crazy#don’t get me wrong they are good gifsets and it is not the gif makers fault. and obviously I know why the tiktok makers do that#bc there’s such a short time limit on the videos and they want to keep their attention and what not#but I swear to god they will make cuts that are SO FUCKING UNNECESSARY like just cutting literal milliseconds out of a satisfying shot.#which makes it no longer as satisfying. why. why do you do this to me.#listen I just have this secret rule that I never use gifs that have any cuts in them at all in my boards#unless they’re like really really nice. but even then like only two cuts max or I go crazy. I don’t like how weird and choppy it looks!!!!#so then like all of the prettiest gifs ever. I can’t use. BC THERES SO MANY GIDDAMN CUTS#like there’s so many videos I’d want to make gifs of but you can’t even get like a millisecond long gif out of it without including cuts 😭😭#ugh. anyways. that was my unnecessarily petty and extensive rant that I’ve just been holding in for a while. sorry.#also sorry but the other thing that bothers me is that stupid logo taking up half the gif.#one of my othe hyper specific secret rules is that I cannot use any gif that has a visible logo or watermark on it bc it drives me nuts#and like. not to rag on gif makers. bc gif makers are the most wondrous thing in the entire world and everything they do is great.#but I DO know a REALLLYYY easy way to download TikTok’s without the watermark it’s so simple it would take like two seconds. please. for me#just look up tiktok video downloader there’s like four good functional websites immediately. it’s so easy#let’s all start doing this pls we could make the most perfect gifsets ever without that ugly ass logo#(again not mad at gifmakers. I love u gifmakers. muah.)
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Guys don’t be weird but Matt is so bf coded
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