#plural dating
red-like-ruby-rose · 4 days
It's really sad that there's no plural spaces dedicated to, like, dating and such. Like &4& spaces.
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livingfictionsystem · 3 months
that is great and really helpful advice, but we actually meant between alters. as in headmate a dating headmate b.
Ope pfft. Apparently, Xanthe read that post too fast. Apologies.
I don't see much difference in dating within the system or outside of it. Xanthe dated Kaspar for years without even realizing they were an alter; just knew that sometimes, not everyone could see Kaspar. But---as someone who has dated both outside and in, yourself and your alter is going to feel more like dating a coworker. You have to make sure that your duties in the system and your relationship are kept separate. Aluciel, my girlfriend, and Xanthe, our co-host, are locked into a battle of wills somewhat regularly and I know I can't intervene in that. Cinder does.
So, I suppose it's a trick of knowing what would be a conflict of interest. But other than that, I find dating inside and outside remarkably similar.
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possessed-pack · 1 month
In-system relationships can be so intimate.
Waking up together, opening the same eyes, and stretching the same limbs. Yawning in time and saying a good morning that only you who are involved can understand what it's for.
Sharing a meal, not only from the same plate, but with the same hands and the same senses. Deciding what to eat together, something that fits all of your tastes.
Curled in the same bed, in the same blankets, in the same body, drowzily mumbling about nothing and everything to each other. Joking around and feeling their sleepy laugh as if it were your own.
Living life, and inviting them to share yours and your time in it--performing your daily tasks in the unison of cofront. Seeing and hearing and feeling everything together.
Feeling them blush when you flirt or compliment them. Feeling their joy when you get them a gift, or how safe you make them feel simply when you're around them.
Enveloped in the same love, from the same brain, with the same feeling of care for each other palpable between you. Feeling the emotions you feel yourself, coming from the other person. Feeling their love for you, in the rawest, most direct possible way.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 13 days
There's honestly nothing funnier than spitefully kissing in headspace in front of a homophobic person. Like haha fuck you take that!! But they literally do not know
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Like I've infiltrated. You don't even realize I'm gay kissing in front of you and your kids and your dog right NOW!!!!!! Bitch
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chronicallyleggless · 10 days
MC userboxes (Full pack)
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undercover-horn-blog · 7 months
I have another scenario to share!
You're on a date with an attractive man. Let's say you're at a pub. He is really handsome and charming and is really trying to make the date fun for you. The issue is... he is clearly coming down with a cold. And the thing is... it came on really suddenly, over the course of the evening! Otherwise he would have rainchecked, but no, he woke up feeling fine, but now his nose is drippy and he can't stop sneezing.
And, like, he's trying desperately not to make it awkward and not make a big deal out of it. The first three times he sneezes... he doesn't say anything about it, just kind of tries to keep the conversation going. When you bless him shyly, he goes "Ah, don't mind me. Anyway, you were saying, about your job...?"
As it continues, he kind of has to address it, though, so he sheepishly says "I'm so sorry, I might be coming down with something/I think I've caught a cold", trying to laugh it off.
And, like, just that mix. 🥰 Of him feeling progressively worse, having to procure a napkin or something eventually to wipe and blow his nose with... trying to fight off the sneezes but failing, slowly edging from mildly embarrassed to mortified. He thinks you're really cute, too, so the timing is really just the worst.
And, like, just picture the details!
You're perceptive, so you can spot his build-up face. The tiny hitch, the small frown, fluttering eyelids... This happens a few times. He always keeps the conversation going, all casual, but you can tell he's fighting the sneeze so hard. And yet again and again, he succumbs to it. And maybe when he starts sneezing he, like, motions for you to keep talking? Or he talks around his sneezes? "Don't... hh!... sorry, don't mind... hehh!... me. Keep go- hhh'IKSHH!"
Maybe when the date ends, you both address it sort of shyly. "Maybe you can... drink some tea when you get home", you say, blushing.
"Haha, yeah I better. Gosh, I'm so sorry about... this", as he vaguely gestures to his face, nose now distinctly pink.
You agree to go on a second date but maybe... when he's feeling better.
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in-sys relationship culture is being so down bad and in love with each other that you feel like the body is going to explode
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Here’s some positivity for fictives who are dating other fictives!
Fictives and introjects are parts and people too, just like any other headmate in a system! Fictives are capable of loving, dating, forming relationships, and having romantic connections as much as anyone else. This post goes out to fictives who are dating or in relationships with other fictives!
💖 Shoutout to fictives who are in in-system relationships with another fictive or fictives in their own system!
🥰 Shoutout to fictives who are dating fictives from different sources!
💓 Shoutout to fictives who are in QPRs with other fictives or otherwise are in non-amatonormative relationships!
😍 Shoutout to fictives who are in relationships that don’t look anything like the relationships of their sources!
💞 Shoutout to fictives who are married or otherwise in committed life partnerships with other fictives!
😘 Shoutout to fictives who don’t let others’ expectations dictate their relationships or how they interact with their partners!
💗 Shoutout to fictives whose identities as introjects affect their romantic relationships in some way!
☺️ Shoutout to fictives whose relationships look nothing like the relationships that their source might have had!
💘 Shoutout to fictives who are in relationships with OCtives, fuzztives, or other headmates with fictional introjected identities!
Fictives, it is okay to love who you want and express your love through relationships that are affirming and uplifting for you and your partners. Please don’t feel any sort of pressure to only date or form relationships with sourcemates. You deserve to have deep, complex, and fulfilling relationships in your lives, and there is nothing wrong with forging these connections with other fictives!
For all fictives in relationships with other fictives, we are wishing you peace, comfort, and happiness in your futures. Know that your relationships are valid and beautiful, and your love is worth celebrating! We’re wishing a bright future for you and the fictives you love, and hope you all can have a wonderful day today!
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armydreamersys · 2 months
So, when in headspace I seem to rapidfire switch between 1st and 3rd pov and at first I thought that I was faking or I just suck at immersion and can't have a headspace but while I was scrolling through Pluralpedia apparently there are others out there like me that see their inner world in third pov!!? I thought I was the odd one out! So, while building my home last night (I think the other headspace is open now but ya boy was on a mission) I just let my brain do it's thing instead of forcing myself to visualize it the "proper" way, and it came out well!
Bullseye seemed to like it:3 we still gotta decorate but I'm pretty happy with what we got. I'm glad we have a place of our own now.
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cold--carnage · 8 months
"and they were headmates."
"oh my god they were headmates."
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hydor-coining · 3 months
could wei request a term for a median system that feels like a venn diagram in that each facet is a circle on the diagram and the conciousness can be in any point on the venn diagram?
name doesn't matter and wei don't need a flag (though feel free to make one if you want)
Venn(d)ian / Venn System
Vennian, or venndian or Venn System, is a term for a median system that feel like, functions like or is best represented as or by a Venn Diagram due to each facet/alter/headmate/part/etc. being its own circle with the consciousness falling in any point on the diagram.
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Term and flags coined by Exe B.C. of SOA on 28 June 2024. Requested by birdiestbugbuddy.
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pluralprompts · 1 month
Prompt #1,938
Fictive A is from a very cutesy, for-kids source, while Fictive B is from a very difficult and bloody game. People are always surprised by the fact that they're dating.
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a-dragons-journal · 7 days
12 for the plural ask game :3
Send us plural asks!
Sorry for the delay!
12: have you drawn anyone in the system? here's a chance to show off that art!
Wei've drawn everybody, as a matter of fact!
Rani (I kind of slide back and forth between fully dragon and fully human in self-image and thus in headspace; I can appear anywhere on that spectrum):
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Viridian Caldwell (loosely prefers Caldwell from strangers):
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Loretta (mostly stays in human form because that's the one she was born in, but can and sometimes does transform fully in headspace even though she can't yet in-source):
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and our newest addition Roshan:
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and of course bonus Locke, ft a particularly stupid moment from the VtM game Viridian's a part of:
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Followed up a few months later by:
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chronicallyleggless · 2 months
Obey me! Satan userboxes
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in sys relationship culture is the body holding it's own hands as you hold your partners hand on the inside 💕💖
in sys relationship culture is going on a date and not caring that it looks like you're alone because you know the truth
in sys relationship culture is being able to feel your partners every want and need and desire (she wants coffee, id better finish up writing this 🙈)
but my favourite thing about sharing a body with the love of my life is that my heart is her heart. in external relationships yeah maybe you get to hug them in a way we will never experience, but likewise, people in external relationships hold each other as tight as possible to feel their partner's heartbeat, but it will never overlap and be truly one like ours is.
Posting this, but please send culture asks one at a time from now on! ^^
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candycryptids · 3 months
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It's my birthday today (6/14) so I get to be mindlessly and shamelessly self-indulgent and pose myself with my speece's characters Kizuna and Setsuna Shader is I think from [Kore - Pearl's Dream] but I might be wrong, I downloaded that shader before I realized I should make creator folders so I'm not 100%
Kizuna is @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight Also Sir Cash is here ;v; (the dog)
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