#plus I fell like everyone would call her this as a joke and she doesn't realize it til later
agrebel18 · 1 year
Look what you’ve done to me
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soupinaboot · 1 year
You know what, fuck your Henry Potter headcannons here's some of the girls headcannons that doesn't involve any of the boys + fancast
Played DnD together
They all knew the passwords to get into each other's dorms
Had a book club
Favorite hangout spot was by the lake
Would pull a lot of pranks, but no one ever knew it was them
After Hogwarts they all got matching tattoos
Lived close by so that they could walk to each other's houses
Many girls trips
They were called the Crusaders
Lily Evans
Working class Midlands accent
Short but slouchs so she looks shorter than she actually is
Loves romance books
Favorite author is Jane Austen
Also loves to read muggle comics
Her favorite superhero is Spider-Man
Has ADHD and OCD but didn't get diagnosed till later in life
Freckles, everywhere
Bisexual and totally had a crush on Mary when she was younger
Plus Size
Sarcastic and snarky as fuck
Amazing writer but horrible handwriting
She tried really hard to be the wingman for Marlene and Dorcas
<3 ABBA <3
Was everyone's gay awakening
Wanted to grow her own food and garden more but hated dirt
Greek Mythology nerd
Had a lot of plants but never knew how to care for them
Doesn't like to watch Quidditch but read a lot about it
Favorite color is Green
Hates the cold and loves summer
Hibiscus tea lover
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Mary MacDonald
Has a lot of siblings, is the oldest
Owns a lot of cameras and loves taking photos of her friends
Bisexual and had a crush on Lily
Best class was charms
Loves doing makeup
Plans all the sleepovers
Makes jewelry
Coffee > Tea
Pink was her favorite color
Loudest and most contagious laugh
Friends with almost everyone
Plays the trumpet, I have no reason she just has the vibes of a trumpet player
Paints her nails a different color every week
Dog person
Owns a record player that is covered in stickers
Hippie fashion sense
Grew up in a poorer area
Sewed a lot of her own clothes and makes things for her friends
Best friends with her mom
Christmas is her favorite holiday
Loves to listen to Lily rant about books even when she has no idea what she's saying
<3 Fleetwood Mac <3
Favorite flower is an Iris
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Marlene McKinnon
Lily made her realize she was a Lesbian
Thick scottish accent
Was Minerva's favorite student
Beater for Gryffindor Quidditch team
Really good at art
Does her own piercings
Ambivert but it depends on who she's with
Tallest in the group
Doesn't like anyone touching her hair other than Dorcas
Is the only one Mary let's do her makeup
Favorite color is red
LOVES leather
Ur mom jokes
Nazareth lover
Also Stevie Nicks fan
She cut her hair the same as Stevie Nick
Loves watching horror movies with Lily
Never wears her uniform the right way
Puts hot sauce on EVERYTHING
Bass player
I'm sorry but she is a lightweight
Pins and buttons on all her clothes
Really wanted a dog growing up but they couldn't afford one
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Dorcas Meadowes
Has a lot of crystals
Best friends with Pandora and they talk a lot about astrology
Fell in love with Marlene at first sight
Slytherin, I'm not sure if it's cannon but she just is
Quidditch chaser
Favorite weather is cloudy and rainy
Punk hippie
Taught Lily how to care for her plants
Has a nose piercing
Horrible flirt
Might of had a crush on Pandora at some point
New about the tunnels and used them regularly
Favorite subject was potions but sucked at them
Very mixed friend group with a lot of Ravenclaws, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Gryffindor friends
Played Quidditch with her parents when she was younger
Makes tea with Lily while they gossip
Draws with Marlene
Second tallest in the group and hates that Marlene uses it against her(secretly loves it)
Loves coconut flavored things but hates coconut
Dolly Parton fan
Owns a lot of rainbow things
Loves psychological horror books
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Pandora Lovegood
Very important to me that Xenophilius took her last name
Obviously hippie
Made friendship bracelets for all her friends
Had a lot of pets. A lot
A few consisted of three cats, four frogs, two snakes, and a bird(yes she had more)
Grew up in a small cottage with a single mother
Marlene gave her a few piercings
Trans mtf
Was really good friends with Lily
She and Lily planed out play dates for Harry and Luna while Pandora was pregnant and before Lily died
Was the one that had the idea for a book club
Flower crown enthusiast
Always wore skirts no matter the occasion
Helped the house elves clean
Painted her nails with Mary
Drove a Volkswagen Beetle that Marlene painted on
Youngest in her group
Hyperfixation on dragons
Asked the sorting hat to put her in Ravenclaw because her favorite color was blue(not to say she wasn't smart enough to be in it)
Hung out a lot with Sybill Trelawney
Lily introduced her to muggle comics and Pandora's favorite hero was Startfire
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spikybanana · 2 years
your regular hogwarts shenanigans. marylily, plus wolfstar just here to set them up ;)
Lily's brows tightened, and she continued calmly flipping through her Transfiguration Today as the boys broke down into helpless laughter next to her, over a dumb inside joke about a penis-shaped carrot, or something.
"You too, Remus?" Lily muttered, sounding disappointed, but a smile twitched at her lips.
"I'm sorry," Remus got out between a chain of coughs, and wiped a tear from his eyes, "It's funny."
Sirius and James had started tackling each other on the grass, cackling like there's no tomorrow. Then, James pulled out his wand to charm the carrot into the air.
"Oy, Padfoot! Catch!"
"For fuck's sake!"
James guffawed, Sirius shoved him back onto the ground. And Remus was bit back a smile while staring at the two interestedly indeed. James set the offending vegetable flinging through the air in slow motion and everyone suddenly craned their necks to follow the projectile. The image was hilariously absurd.
Sirius pushed off James. "Bloody Merlin," he whistled, and turned to Remus with a Grin and a Wink. "Come on, Moons, I'll run if you'll race me."
Lily raised an eyebrow at Remus, wondering if he really would.
Remus groaned. "Oh what the hell." He hesitated for but a moment, then actually started picking himself up from the ground.
"Pathetic, Re." Lily called after him, and laughed when Remus threw her the finger before he ran to chase after Sirius.
"What a load of queer losers."
Lily started in hearing Mary's voice. She turned her head to see Mary sitting down close by her side, and her pulse took this as the sign to immediately begin racing.
"Hey you," Mary greeted, smiling sweetly.
"Hey." Lily smiled back, feeling woozy with a heady rush. This was ridiculous. They lived together, Lily saw her every day. But presently, with the afternoon sun catching in her hair and bouncing from her eyes, the very sight of Mary made Lily's heart skip a beat. She had to blink to refocus on what Mary was saying next.
"Honestly, the way they go on," she contemplated, "I don't understand how they managed to convince anyone they're cool."
Lily laughed lightly. "Me neither." She started twirling a strand of hair around her finger, and distracted herself from Mary by watching Sirius and Remus instead. Predictably, they were wrestling each other in the grass again. Remus ended up on top of Sirius, where they paused panting together for a moment too long, before Remus rolled off hurriedly, looking flushed and flustered.
"Oh, Re." Lily sniggered. If Remus was at all looking, he'd see that Sirius was a little shell shocked, himself. "Do you think he's ever going to realise? Or do anything about it?" Lily mused absently.
"Hmm." Mary hummed, a significant lilt in her voice. "Would they? I wonder too." She said carefully, as though she was no longer just talking about the boys.
For a moment, Lily stopped breathing. Surely, Mary hasn't realised that her own roommate— Lily snapped around, to find that Mary looked straight at her with an eye-crinkling smile. Lily gasped, her lips fell open but no words of denial came out. Her cheeks flushed, good as an admittance itself. She chuckled nervously, brought a hand to her mouth, as a brilliant, razor-sharp grin appeared on Mary's face. Mary leaned in a little, and all Lily could see were the full lips the smiling curve of her cheeks and the light in her eyes.
"Hypocrisy doesn't look good on you, Lily-love," Mary murmured, "no matter how good you look yourself." She winked, then stood up, and swiftly left down the lawn to her last class. Her steps were rushed, almost giddy, and Lily could only wonder if Mary's heart was hammering as quickly as her own. She dropped her book, hugged her legs to her chest and laughed to herself, feeling lightheaded with hopeful glee. She couldn’t wait to see Mary again. Dinner could not come sooner.
"Have you finally gone 'round the bend yourself, Evans?" Sirius quipped, coming back with the stupid carrot in hand.
"Shut up, loser." Lily glared, but the grin they shared was full of understanding.
A load of queer losers, all of us. Lily thought, happily.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
So I also headcanon that Steve chose not to go to college. In s2 at the beginning he was already not sure about it, saying he would like stay back for Nancy because she's a year younger and he could just start working at his dad's business. After the breakup he got a severe concussion, which made it hard to keep up with his sports. Plus with Billy being there and him taking over, essentially, he just didn't care enough. I also think his connection with Dustin played into him staying back, he definitely views him as his brother and similar to Jonathan he's also protective of the people he loves, so I think he just wants to keep an eye out for Dustin and partially Max (after the Billy fight in my universe he offered her to come over when Billy was being the worst to her). Also after the breakup he went into a sorta crisis, literally everything around him came crumbling down. Nancy was the only normalcy he clung on, he changed his ways partially for her and lost his friends. I think he just doesn't know what he wants to do rn so he stayed back. Wish we could have gotten this instead of hey Steve is so dumb and such loser let's make every single character he considers important fun of him.
i honestly think that after s2 steve kinda just fell into this weird pit of like… idk, hopelessness? he has no close friends anymore because he dumped them for nancy, and sure he probably has people he’s friends with, but no close friends. nancy calls him bullshit and they breakup. he’s gets beaten so badly he’s unconscious for at least 20 minutes, which means brain damage. he likely had to drop basketball. and he never managed to send off for early application!
like, the poor boy has it rough. i think by the time he needs to send off an application, he just can’t be bothered to, like what’s the point now? he already thinks he won’t get in, and he’s got a job with his dad after school (or so he thinks). and now he’s got dustin to think about (and in my version of stranger things he also has max. and to a lesser extent lucas. lucas has a good family life, so he’s not quite as involved, but he defo still wants to keep him safe). i definitely think helping dustin out and driving him around helped give steve a bit of purpose, made him want to stick around. and if the upside down ever popped it’s head back around, he’d want to be there to keep everyone safe!!
so yeah. i totally think he just never ended up applying. and i will continue to believe that despite all the dumb jokes the duffers shove in.
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Swan Lake is a classic for a reason. Beautiful story. Amazing music. Incredible choreography. I do wish Ireland had... Literally any other ballet playing. Our cultural scene is incredibly stagnant. Just Swan Lake and the Nutcracker. Anyways this is musing from the production I saw today (technically yesterday)
The set for this production was very Greek (???) to me, especially in Act 1. (Not in the sense of the phrase but actually like Greece). There was a lot of pillars, and marblesque seats and fancy pots full of flowers. The lake was a lake in the even acts and the Act 3 ballroom is very plain. However the costume design was normal, which is to say they could be from anywhere in western Europe. But they were all sparkly so that's a plus
Act one. That's a pas de trois. You cannot convince me that that dance with the bestie and the two girls is not a valid Grand Pas de Trois. A dance together, everyone gets a solo, then they are together again. Swan Lake says polyamoruos rights. And this polyamory really want a fourth, but Seigfried keeps being like "nah it's alright, you go ahead I'm going to stay here". He is NOT interested in their advances.
Random half-joking headcannons aside, the crossbow was like really pathetic. It was pure white with what looked like delicate carvings and gems and I genuinely thought it was a pickaxe for a second before I remembered the plot. It's just.... My dude that's not going to hurt a fly it looks like your mum bought you a nice decoration. Also, if your mum gives you a crossbow in the first scene I expect you to have shot it at the evil wizard by the last one. Chekhov's gun,,,, or what I like to call it, Seigfried's stupid little crossbow
Anyway MIME STRIKES BACK. We all know that ballet is incredibly tied to mime as an artform and so the only way I'll my communicating the concept of marriage from now on is by laying one hand over the other and giving loaded looks. Anyways ballet is so silly and I love it
Act 2. Cygnets. I love cygnets. Give me more cygnets. I've also performed a lot of act 2 so the music is a little burned into my brain. Watching it made my feet hurt from remembering standing still for 3 solos
Anyways, here we meet Seigfried's first, but certainly not last, cringfail moment. He is the lands worst marksman. God help us all.
Also he proves himself to be an absolute wife guy. Odette has this lovely solo and he's just on the sidelines giving her heart eyes.
Act 3 <3 I've said it before and I'll say it again. I LOVE WHEN BALLET IS CLOSER TO ITS FOLK DANCE ROOTS. Character dance? Yummy. 3/5 of the folk dances were character. AND TARANTELLA. I LOVE SPAINISH DANCES. Rad grade 4 dance f (maybe. Possibly) is my favorite dance I have ever done for a ballet exam. If you take nothing of this watch RAD grade 4 dance f. The tamberines in the fourth dance were clearly missing their cymbals though. You can hear the dancers pointe shoes clunking against the stage, you would be able to hear the tamberines. And when they smack the thing there was the merest clink. Again as I have done the tarantella in rad grade 4, I can tell you that dancing with tamberines is LOUD
And then we have Odile. My boy you're so fucking stupid. I love you, but you are good of heart, dumb of ass. But the dance was breath taking. Of course. Fouttetes<3 and then Seigfried's pirouettes à second<3 I do think the ballerina fell out of the last fouette so she might not have done the full 32, or if she did she needs to work on her technique of stopping. Show stopping though. And? Then? At the end of the grand pas de deux????? The way Seigfried gripped Odile's hand and pressed it to his cheek. Raw devotion. It made my heart wrench. My boy is just so fucking stupid.
It's also really interesting to me that the Grand Pas de Deux goes to Odile. Odette does not get the dignity other tragic heroines get. The main dance in her story doesn't even go to her. She doesn't get the fouettes. Her love, her spotlight, her story was stolen from her. I think that's what made this veiwing of swan lake different from my earlier ones, as I understand the structure of ballets now. Also this one I'm seeing live
Act 4. May have laughed when Wizard Man crawled off stage. He was so wet and pathetic. Can neither confirm or deny.
Alright back to the idea of devotion. Seigfried to his last breath looks to the sky for Odette. He tries to give her what he gave Odile by mistake, his declaration of undying love. He presses he head to her hands with a desperation. He would try a thousand times over if they had the time. Odette for her part forgives him. She raises him from the ground when he feels the weight of his sins pressing down on him. She does not hold a grudge, but that doesn't change that she is scared. She knows Rothbart is coming, and the other swans are anxious with her. But they stay together, because that's what love is, right? Staying by someone's side, through good and bad, and forgiveness.
I'll be honest, I was not expecting a kiss. Not every romance needs one yanno. Sometimes pressing one's cheek to their loved ones hands communicates just as well as a smackeroonie. And if someone never kissed me but did the hand thing, I'd believe they liked me (note to self, possible solution to icks the idea of kissing gives you.). But then they did kiss and :D tbf it's implied that they are both super dead and on the way to heaven but that's a happy end in my books
Anyways watch swan lake. It good.
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joonberriess · 2 years
s u g a r
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p a i r i n g : namjoon x reader
g e n r e : boyfriend au.
t a g s : cunnilingus, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, morning sex, creampies, breeding kink, pregnancy, possessive namjoon, sweet!reader, reader’s cute, daddy kink, fooling around in a car, LOTS of domesticity, fluffy, dirty talk, sex tapes were made
s u m m a r y : you have a long history with your gentle giant, there’s a lot more to come in the future. alternatively you’re the light of namjoon’s life.
w o r d c o u n t : 10.8 k
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It all began the moment he laid eyes on you sitting so pretty with nowhere to go. You were in a pretty flower dress with your cardigan discarded next to you on the bench. On your lap you had a sketch book, pencil, and your phone. He'd never seen someone so beautiful like you..
Namjoon liked to tell everyone he fell for your pretty charm and calm nature. Truth was it was fate that brought him to you. Like gravity pulled him to you, he slowly approached and stood in front of you with his bike by his side. You at first mistook him for wanting to sit so you hurried to move your book.
"No, no," He rushed out, waving a hand in the air as a coy smile overcame his features, "I just came over here because... you were sitting by yourself." He finished lamely, shoulders slumping a little.
You stared up at him, hand frozen in the air. "Oh. Did you want to keep me company?"
"Yeah, if you want though."
A slow smile crept up on your face, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear with a timid nod. "I would love that actually." You softly whispered and made room for him to sit.
From there on your relationship blossomed. Things were slow because of his work. You knew he felt bad about not being able to take you on dates or see you as often but truth to be told you didn't mind. He made up for it with the effort he put in to make it work. Plus it was even better when he did have the time to see you.
Namjoon didn't pop the question until after four months of talking. He sat you down and asked if this was something you were willing to risk. He warned you about his busy schedule, his fans, and many other things but you said yes. You were deeply in love by then, call you silly but Namjoon really made your heart run wild.
He became your first serious boyfriend, you had never felt this way with your previous partner. He made you feel like you were the only girl in the world. Always put you first before anything, cared deeply about your problems, and was always there during your off days. He was perfect to you.
If you asked anyone to describe Namjoon they'd all say the same thing. "Whipped." But you didn't care though, you wouldn't have it any other way.
"Wait–you didn't tell me you were coming!"
You snapped your head towards the van door, eyes widening when you saw it was Yoongi's girlfriend. "Oh my god you're here!" You wrapped your arms around the girl, hugging her tightly and rocking slightly side to side, "How have you been?"
"Good, good," she laughed softly, "just getting by you know? Trying not to lose my marbles with all this crazy hectic stuff. How about you?"
"I'm well, doing my own thing and trying not to lose it like you said." You grinned, scooting over and making room for her to sit with you, "So is this like a getaway trip? Kinda like the Bon Voyage trips no?"
She nodded and pulled her phone out to snap a photo of you two, "Kinda yeah, Yoongi told me they basically do nothing. It's like a vacation for them, just filmed and all."
"Oh wow... doesn't sound like much of a vacation if you have to film it." You joked softly, "Before you say anything no, Joon doesn't know I'm coming yet. I told him I was going to be leaving my mom's today and that I'd see if I could make it."
"Oh," her eyes widened, "he thinks you aren't coming?? And you guys haven't seen each other for like what four weeks now?"
You nodded slowly, "Yep. I feel bad not telling him like ughhh seeing him so disappointed made me all sad but it's a surprise and I know he'll be really happy when he sees me."
The ride to the filming location seemed very long to you. You imagined what his reaction would be like to see you, each leaving you smiling like a school girl. You checked your messages with Namjoon, scrolling through them and giggling like a idiot at each one.
Sometimes you wondered what the hell you two were on. One minute he was talking about Moni, another he was sending you pictures of his plants and then asking you to name them. You were no different though, sending him out of context videos and weird pictures of Moni.
It slowly hit that you missed him deeply, pout settling on your face. "Are we there yet?" You asked like a child, making the driver laugh and confirm to you, "We are? Oh my goodness." You giggled hiding behind your hands as you watched the van slowly pull up into the driveway.
"Apparently they already told Yoongi and Joon that there's a surprise for them coming in the van."
You smiled happily at her and whined, "Open the doorrrr."
Laughter filled the van as it came to a stop. You watched as the girl pulled the door open, stepping out as she waved at Yoongi who sported the biggest smile. The other guys had came along to see this so called surprise, eagerly greeting her until they saw you pop out.
"y/n!" Jimin yelled out, arms waving like crazy.
You happily waved back, noticing the way Namjoon's eyes went wide in shock as he looked at his members then at you. It made you laugh because he looked like he didn't know what to do. So you decided to run towards him, happy giggles leaving you as he opened his arms.
"Baby!" He grinned and lifted you up into his arms, spinning you in a circle, "I thought you weren't gonna make it."
"Surprise?" You leaned forward and planted soft kisses to his lips, "You should have seen your face, you looked so clueless."
Namjoon chuckled, eyes closing as he let you peck his lips over and over again. "I mean I was really bummed out the whole time thinking you weren't gonna come so can you really blame me?" He softly mumbled, arms tightening around you.
You smiled and gently poked his dimple, "Well now you can be happy. Help me with my luggage please?" You pouted and wiggled around until your feet touched the floor once again. "I brought a lot of stuff to keep me busy, I feel like I brought more puzzles and books than clothes."
"Babe I can't have you walking around in nothing. That's for me only," Namjoon whined quietly whilst slipping his hand down to your waist, sneaking in a few cheeky ass grabs. "As much as I love seeing you naked I can't have anyone lookin' at my girl." He finished in his deep voice, English accent popping out just a tiny bit.
"Hush, hush I brought enough to get me through the filming. Might steal your hoodies or sweats who knows. Maybe even go commando," you teased with a giggle as you felt his hand swat your ass gently, "kidding, kidding."
Namjoon gave a long 'hmm', going to the trunk and grabbing your bags, "You got everything? Charger? Phone?" He said as he watched you look into your purse and nod when you found your items, "Okay let's get going," he kissed your forehead gently and carried the luggage away.
Happily you trailed after your boyfriend, waving and greeting the boys politely. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Jimin called out, winking at you. Of course leave it to Jimin to make a comment like that.
You rolled your eyes yelling back, "Yes mom." It caused the boys to erupt into laughter that faded as you stepped into the mansion. You and Namjoon made small talk about your trip as he led you to his bedroom. It was nice and spacious, sunlight entering in all the right areas. It felt cozy.
"Joon what a mess, don't even try and deny it cause I know how you are." You teased softly whilst going to clean the small coffee table which had empty chip bags lying around.
Namjoon groaned quietly, setting your bags down and trying to drag you away from the mess, "Stop that, I just wanna lay down on you." He grunted.
A squeal left your lips, hands coming down to grip his arms as he suddenly carried you to the bed. He tossed you on it like a sack of potatoes, you bounced a little off the mattress with a: "Joon!"
"Shh," he climbed over you, lips gently covering your own as he cupped your cheek, "the trash can wait for later." He mumbled out, lips slowly moving against yours.
You softly giggled, a slow smile spreading over your lips, "Missed me that much?"
Namjoon nodded, "You know I did baby," he growled quietly, "left me for four whole weeks.. with only a few pictures thinking that was gonna satisfy me. We both know I need your pussy baby."
Your cheeks flushed feeling a bit warmer with his dirty talk. You parted your legs to which he happily slotted himself between. He pressed his hips to yours, letting his hard cock rest against your inner thigh near your pussy. "Feel that? That's how much I missed you baby," he slowly swirled his hips, letting you feel every inch of his hard cock.
"Joon," you quietly whimpered, pawing at his biceps and knocking your knees against his sides, "don't tease me please."
"Why not baby? You teased me so much with that pretty ass and your little moans in those filthy videos you sent me." Namjoon managed to pin your wrists down, "baby girl's all talk and no bite. Ain't that right?" He rolled his hips a bit more forceful.
You mewled softly, head leaned back in frustration from the thin barrier of your panties separating you from his cock. "Yes," you softly panted, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed over with lust.
"Yes what?" He rose a brow.
"Yes Daddy."
A satisfied smile spread across his face, hand letting your tiny wrist go. He gently cupped your chin and stroked your bottom lip slowly, "That's my baby, hips up." He softly ordered, free hand creeping around.
You obeyed, hips lifting upwards and pressing closer to his throbbing cock. You bit your lip and watched in curiosity as he slid a pillow down under your hips. "Hold your dress for me baby, Daddy wants to have a taste." He huskily said, hands already tugging your wet panties down.
Slowly you hiked your dress up to expose your lower half, pussy clenching around nothing as the cool air hit you. You eagerly watched as he slid down the bed coming eye-level with your cunt. "Pretty little pussy," Namjoon chuckled, tongue coming out to lick a stripe up your soft folds.
He moaned softly in appreciation, arms wrapping around your thighs to keep them spread. His eyes shot up to watch your blissed out face, if anything he could get off to the faces you made whenever he pleasured you. He let his tongue circle around your clit, pressing into it and moving side to side.
"Joon–" your back arched as you let the hem of the dress go, letting it pool around your hips.
Namjoon hummed in question, eyes closing and mouth working on your pussy. He pulled back to spit and used that to make things messier. Your hands buried in his hair, holding it gently as his tongue slid down to your slicked up hole. A breathless moan left you when his tongue had slowly slipped in.
Namjoon moved a hand up to flick his thumb at your clit, rubbing the small nub from side to side and then rolling it around gently. This combined with his tongue inside had you moaning uncontrollably. "Yes–please," you softly whispered, eyes closed and lips parted, "oh god baby just like that."
He pressed down firmer on your clit, your breath hitching as he wiggled his tongue around. Your eyes snapped open and you looked down to watch him closely. His eyes were closed as he ravished you like it was his last meal. He slipped his tongue out and pulled back to softly pant, eyes trained on your cunt as he licked the slick off his lips.
"Fuck baby, fucking missed you." He breathed out and leaned back down, mouth latching on to your clit.
Your mouth fell open as he sucked the utter life out of your sensitive clit. It had your toes curling, back arching once more as you tightened your grip on his hair. "Joon–yes, yes, yes, please." You sobbed out.
Namjoon opened his eyes to watch you, hand going up to gently grip yours. He happily slurped you up, quiet moans leaving him as he breathed harshly through his nose. What took the cake was when Namjoon decided to move his head back and forth, mouth still attached to your clit. You cried out, your fingers tightening around his as you trembled.
"Keep going please–so close," your hips canted upwards towards his tongue, chasing more pleasure.
He laid his tongue flat against your clit, letting you grind on him and get off. He snaked his free hand down to prod at your slicked up hole. "In, in," you begged softly to which he obliged.
His long fingers filled you up just right, pussy clenching down as he worked another finger in. You half expected he was going to go slow but you were so wrong.. Namjoon immediately picked the pace up with his fingers, sliding them in and out of you with ease. Not to mention he curled them just right to hit your g-spot dead on with each movement.
A sweet cry bubbled its' way out of your throat, eyes welling with tears. The stimulation was too much, having his hot mouth on your clit sucking harshly at the engorged flesh and his fingers deep in had you seeing stars. All you could really do was cry, whimper, or choke up on your moans. It was just that good.
"I'm gonna cum–" you whispered, "J-Joonie!" You cried softly.
The tears ran down your cheeks, brows scrunched together as you slowly reached your orgasm. Your pussy wildly pulsed, Namjoon decided it was a good time to climb up your body and force his tongue into your mouth. You moaned loudly and wrapped your legs around his body and arm around his neck.
Your hips were desperately grinding on his fingers, the palm of his hand now striking your swollen slicked-up clit. As you were on the brink of your orgasm you felt his fingers leave you, a small spurt of slick following in suit. You whined loudly, about to ask why he stopped when all off a sudden you felt the tip of his cock against your folds.
"C'mon," Namjoon panted out against your lips, "cum for me baby."
Your teary eyes opened, watching as he began to stroke his cock over your sensitive clit. Your mouth fell open in a silent cry, eyes meeting his as he quickly pumped his cock. He was panting, lip between his teeth as he worked his cock. Slowly your orgasm hit, thighs shaking as your pussy lightly squirted.
"That's a good girl," he praised softly, lips finding your neck and sucking hickeys into the soft flesh, "did so well for me." He moaned out.
You went completely silent, more tears streaming down your cheeks as the orgasm left you boneless. Namjoon took the chance to slip inside the mess he had created between your thighs, cock pushing deep against your wet heat. You jumped a little, hand coming down to grip his wrist as you sobbed loudly.
Namjoon hissed at the tightness, pinning your wrists on either side of your head. He rolled his hips in quick strokes, pelvis bumping into your clit as weak spurts of cum left you. "Fuck," he bit his lip, "missed fucking this pussy." He dropped down on his elbows, caging you in as he worked his thick cock in and out of you.
"Gonna make me cum–shit," Namjoon's lips parted as he shakily breathed, "ohh god," he grit his teeth, "not gonna last baby." He said this as his cock throbbed inside of you.
You pulled Namjoon down for a kiss, hands holding his face as you rolled your hips up despite the overstimulation hitting you. Namjoon moaned loudly into your mouth, hips stopping as he let you grind on him. His orgasm hit seconds later, hips jerking in surprise as he gripped your hair tightly.
"Shit," he sighed out, eyes drooping a little as his cock weakly throbbed inside of you.
Your pussy clenched down to keep his cum inside of you, a satisfied smile on your face. "I'm sleepy now." This was the magic his dick held over you, he could literally send you to sleep with just how good the sex was.
"Me too," Namjoon mumbled as he rolled off of you, soft cock slipping out as he laid on his back next to you.
You both stared at the ceiling of the room. No one said a thing, and right as you dozed off you could hear him speak. "You want ramen?"
"Get out." You muttered rolling away as he laughed.
It was extremely peaceful and relaxing being with Namjoon again. The two of you made up for the time lost within those four weeks. Whether it was you cooking for him and watching a movie afterwards or him dragging you along to work out, the two of you were inseparable. It was just so nice to have peace and quietness, all relaxation and no work.
You were sitting outside with Jimin in the grass, gossiping like usual. You enjoyed his company greatly, he was like the best friend and brother you never had.
"I'm surprised," he softly mumbled while playing with the grass, "I would have assumed it would be you and Namjoon being loud but damn, Yoongi goes at it like she's gonna fucking leave him or something." Jimin snorted.
"Oh yeahh.." you awkwardly smiled, trying not to laugh, "Last night I couldn't sleep cause all I could hear was the bed creaking."
Jimin gently elbowed you, "Girl don't act like you don't get your back blown out, you just do it quietly." He laughed with his head thrown back.
You whined in embarrassment, hiding your face and elbowing Jimin back, "Shut up! Oh my god you're so freaking–ugh. Fine but I'm just trying to save myself from the embarrassment of getting teased okay?! It's so freaking weird knowing you guys can hear it at night."
"Please," Jimin scoffed, "we hear everything. Kook was complaining the other night about Yoongi and her cause they were so loud Bam kept barking thinking something was happening in the damn room. Jin's all pissy too cause he said he heard Namjoon, he wanted to ask you to gag him."
"Jin stay being bitter." You softly smiled, throwing a little grass at Jimin, "I guess we're just excited is all. I mean past all the sex and stuff I can tell Joon missed me. We haven't really ever been apart for long, max was a week before but this time it was four weeks.. I don't know, is it bad?"
Jimin shook his head slowly, "No, that man loves you and I know you do too. It's a normal thing to miss your boyfriend, I would miss my lover too if they left me for more than a week. And I get you, you don't need to explain anything to me. I'm just glad you make him happy."
You leaned your head on his arm, pout settling on your features, "Yeah, but I like 'love love' him Jimin. He's the man I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I figured this out when my mom sat me down and talked to me." You perked up a little when you saw your boyfriend wave at you from afar, volleyball in hand as you smiled softly, "He makes me so happy my heart just hurts."
"I can tell," Jimin softly replied, "if anything I already called dibs on you two getting married or something. I mean c'mon, how could he not? You really make him happy too, you're there for him whenever he needs someone and you take care of him. I'm glad Joon has someone like you. I'm serious." He finished quietly, watching as Namjoon jogged up to you two.
"You guys wanna play?" Namjoon said as he held the ball out, "Taehyung and Kook dragged me out so I figured might as well."
You shook your head, "No not really, I was gonna actually head inside these damn mosquitos are biting me."
"You want me to come baby?" Namjoon softly murmured as he pulled you up into his arms.
"Please." You said and looked back at Jimin, "Bye Min, I'll see you around okay?" You waved to him and followed Namjoon as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You could hear Taehyung and Jungkook whine about Namjoon leaving them but your boyfriend could care less.
The two of you decided on a nice lunch before your retreat. You hummed 'Dynamite', hips swaying lightly as you grabbed ingredients for the tteokbokki you wanted to make. Namjoon didn't really help much, opting to hold you as he leaned his chin on your shoulder. "You sure you don't need anything else?"
"No, it's okay I got the stuff I needed in one go. This should be enough for everyone don't you think?" You softly asked, head leaned back as you pout your lips for a kiss.
Namjoon quickly pecked your lips, eyes flickered to the ingredients before him, "Yeah I think so." He said in-between pecks, "Mix mines with the ramen? Please?" He softly asked.
You nodded turning back to the stove, "Get the pot then please I'm gonna start cutting the vegetables, bring for the others too." You softly finished, searching through the drawers for the knife you had seen Jin using on many occasions.
Occasionally the boys dropped by to see what you were cooking. Seokjin had stayed to watch after offering help and being denied by you. You had Namjoon attached to your back just holding you and following your movements. Every time he laughed you could feel the rumble in his chest. It made you smile to see him this happy.
"So when can we expect mini Namjoon running around?" Seokjin softly asked, amusement in his eyes.
"Not now Jin," you snorted softly, "let us enjoy being boyfriend-girlfriend first before any of that."
Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Please you've been enjoying boyfriend-girlfriend for years now, at this rate I'll be heading to the damn army before you even give me a nephew."
You giggled softly, leaning back into Namjoon's chest as he wrapped his arms around you, "Just say you're getting old, no shame in that you grumpy man."
The two idols laughed with Seokjin growing embarrassed as he covered his pink face. "Yah! I can't believe you fucking called me old! Sure I'm almost in my thirties but damn don't kill a man's self-esteem!" Seokjin stuttered out in-between his laughter.
"You aren't getting any younger... When are YOU gonna bring us a nephew or niece huh?" Namjoon smirked, "Talking about us being boyfriend-girlfriend for years look at you. Don't come for my girlfriend–EVER." He sassed, finger pointing accusingly at Seokjin.
You shook your head slowly, covering your face as you lowered the temperature of the stove. "I'm so done with you two. Food's ready now quit arguing. Joon help me with the plates please?" You softly said, opening the cupboard to bring out the bowls.
Seokjin by then had stopped laughing and practically demanded you let him help. You gave in begrudgingly as the three of you set the plates and cutlery out. Of course you ended up serving Namjoon because he was a big baby around you. This in turn led to the others whining for the same treatment.
"No go away, she's my girlfriend not yours." Namjoon huffed quietly, carrying your plates to the table, "I'm already letting you taste her cooking that's all you get."
"Possessive bastard." Jimin stuck his tongue out, bowl in his hand as he waited for Jungkook to serve himself. 
You happily hummed, deciding to help the boys despite your boyfriend whining about it. When you saw that Yoongi's girlfriend was handling hers and Yoongi's you decided your work there was done. You sat down at the table with your chair close to Namjoon's. You threw yours legs over Joon's lap, opting to let your food cool down.
"Don't burn yourself." You softly chided, hand coming up to wipe some sauce off his cheek.
"Won't." Namjoon softly mumbled, blowing on his food and then taking a big bite.
The lunch went by smoothly, occasionally you played with Bam who would come over to snuggle into your leg. All nine of you enjoyed the meal, talking amongst yourselves and telling embarrassing stories to pass the time. It was a fun time for you, you couldn't remember the last time you enjoyed a meal like this with friends.
"We can wash the plates, and no y/n you can't help. You did enough by cooking this for us." Seokjin sternly said, everyone else agreeing and throwing their 'thank yous' in.
You gave into their demands, pout on your features as you leaned your head on Namjoon's shoulder, "Fine. Let's go?" You said softly.
Namjoon nodded, clearing his throat as he stacked your plates up, "Yeah hold on let me get a water real quick."
The two of you said your farewells and left to the bedroom. You went to sit on the couch, groan leaving you as you curled up, "I feel so full." You muttered quietly, watching as Namjoon downed his water.
"You're bloated how cute." He teased, palming your stomach with big hands, "Babe why can't you always be like this. So squishy and soft." He teased softly.
You rolled your eyes, leaning back and letting him do as he pleased. Seokjin's words began to creep back into your mind. While you and Namjoon did hope to have kids one day you weren't so sure when that day would come. Was it possible that maybe you two were ready? Like Seokjin had said you both have been dating for a long time..
"What are you thinking about baby?" Namjoon's gentle voice brought you out of your thoughts.
Slowly your eyes met his, "Joon," you whispered, "do you think.. that maybe we're ready..? Ready for a baby?" Your heart wildly thumped in your chest, you were scared of what he was gonna say but it was now or never.
He stayed quiet for a few seconds, looking into your eyes disbelieving of what you had just said. You watched how he struggled to form a proper response. He sighed softly, leaning back on the couch, staring back at you. "I honestly think so," he softly said, "I never wanted to push you towards that because it's a big decision we both have to make. But yes, I can see myself having a family with you. I think we're way past ready baby."
You smiled up at him, hands coming to cup his cheeks, "I love you so much Joonie."
"I love you too," he chuckled, lips finding your own as a promise for your future.
The birds chirped and cool air seeped in through the open window. It was barely seven o'clock in the morning, not a single soul up and about other than you and Namjoon. You had been sleeping on your side, ass pressed to your boyfriend's crotch. He had an arm around you, hand under your shirt as he held your bare tit.
At first it started with Namjoon grinding his morning wood, not looking to get off but rather stimulate it. You could feel the curve of his cock pressed up against your cheeks. Then he switched to playing with your nipple, fingers gently twisting the nub and rolling it around.
You softly sighed in your sleep, eyes slowly opening with drowsiness kicking in. "Joon.." you mumbled softly, "Stop teasing."
He quietly chuckled, sleepy smile spreading over his lips as he let your nipple go. He slid his hand out of your shirt, tugging your flimsy shorts and panties down, "Baby... I want some." He murmured.
"Hm." You wiggled your ass against him, "Go ahead."
With your permission Namjoon dipped his fingers down between your legs, gently gliding up and down your soft folds. He pressed gently on your clit, circling around the nub and teasing it. You relaxed further into the bed, eyes fluttering and lips parting. Pleasure boiled in your tummy, not a lot but enough to have you enjoying it.
Gradually your pussy grew wetter, cunt pulsing from the touches and nipples hardening under his shirt. Namjoon mouthed at your neck, sucking hickeys on to your soft skin, "Gonna give you a baby," he softly whispered, "you'd like that wouldn't you?"
Your tongue darted out to lick your upper lip, nodding at his words and rolling your hips forward. He moved his finger in fast circles, "You want everyone to know how well I bred you don't you baby? How my cock is the reason you're all knocked up?" He purred in your ear.
"God yes–don't stop," you moaned out, hand coming down to grip his wrist, "please Joonie, give me a baby. Let them all know who bred my pussy, who I belong to."
Namjoon groaned quietly at your dirty words, fingers dipping low to see how wet you were. The soft wet noise your cunt made was enough to tell him you were ready. "Lift your leg up for me baby." He gently guided you, hand grasping the back of your knee, "Hold it real quick."
You heard shuffling behind you, excitement bubbled in your tummy as your pussy throbbed at the idea of being pregnant. You felt him rub against your folds slowly, his cock tapping against your clit. "I got you baby," he replaced your hand and held your leg up.
Slowly he rolled his hips forward, cock slipping past your wet folds and into your wet pussy. Your mouth fell open as you relished in the feeling of his cock penetrating you. Namjoon grunted softly, head burying in your neck as he pressed forward. His hips were flush against your ass, balls nestled against your folds.
"So good," he breathed out, hips swirling around in a slow circle, "just like that baby, let Daddy fuck your pretty pussy. Gonna fill you with cum till you catch."
A soft moan left your lips, cunt clenching at the thought of his cum. It was much more thrilling now because he wasn't going to cum in you for the hell of it anymore, he was doing it with purpose. The sole purpose of getting you nice and round with his baby, and that aroused you to no end.
His hips slowly drew back and then forward. He lingered in you for a few seconds before repeating the same motion. The pleasant slide of his thick cock against your walls left you yearning for more. You gently pressed your face into the pillow, soft and quiet moans leaving you. "Right there," you mumbled.
Namjoon groaned softly, eyes shut as he rolled his hips. "Yeah? Tell Daddy what you need baby." He emphasized his words by pressing into you.
"Need Daddy to fuck me into the sheets, want him to give me a baby." You replied softly with a whine, hand coming down to rub your neglected clit in slow circles.
"You want Daddy to fuck you hard with his cock? Till your pussy's creaming?" Namjoon picked up the pace slightly, hips rocking a bit faster as a soft squelching noise was created.
You nodded eagerly, lips parting in a small 'o' shape as you shuddered. Your pleasured spiked up when his thrusts picked up the pace, you rubbed your clit in time which sent you into a spiral. "Yes, yes, yes," you whimpered, toes curling and your hand gripping the sheets.
Namjoon deep moans began to grow in volume, his thighs smacked against your ass as he went a bit harder. He kissed over your old hickey and planted his lips on it, sucking on your bruised skin. His grip on your leg slipped with how he was getting lost in the throes of pleasure. "Fuck baby lie on your stomach for me," he said, hissing when he pulled out with a wet smack as his cock slapped against his stomach.
You whined at the empty feeling and slowly turned to lie on your stomach, lifting your hips for him. He loomed over you, hands gripping your hips as he positioned his cock once more and slid in. A long moan bubbled out of your throat, eyes closing as you buried your face in the pillow.
"Good girl," he huffed out, brows pinching in concentration as he began to roll his hips again.
His thrusts were now faster, hands gripping you tightly to move you like a rag doll on his cock. Your sopping pussy created a filthy noise along with the sound of his balls slapping against your clit. Your mouth had fallen open, short whimpers and moans leaving. You could only focus on the long drag of his cock, tip hitting your g-spot just nicely.
"Daddy," you whined out, eyes squeezed shut as you struggled to keep your legs spread open and hips lifted. " 's too much." You slurred out.
"Babygirl got fucked stupid? All she cares about is cum in her filthy little pussy, ain't that right?" He panted out, hand coming down to smack your ass and grab the cheek afterwards.
You moaned a bit too loud, hand coming back to grip the back of his thigh. "Yes!"
"Yes what?" He softly growled.
"Yes Daddy." You mewled, free hand reaching down between you two to rub at your clit.
The pleasure increased again with how hard and fast he was going. That and the way his cock was hitting all the right spots had you seeing stars. Your orgasm slowly built, pussy quivering and toes curling. You chanted his name softly, fingers gently slapping against your clit as you desperately tried to reach your blissful orgasm.
Namjoon sensed this, jaw slack as he watched the way his cock disappeared inside of you. He moaned at the sight of slick you left on his cock. His hands grabbed at both of your cheeks, smacking and groping the jiggly flesh. "C'mon, cum for me baby," he leaned his head back, long groan leaving him.
You whimpered one last time, mouth falling open as you came silently. Your pussy absolutely gushed around his cock, making it a bit slippery between your legs as your fingers rubbed fast circles on your clit. You throbbed around his cock, thighs quaking as you tried to push your legs together to ease the sensitivity there.
"Oh fuck," he mumbled out and went faster, chasing his orgasm.
Namjoon's mouth fell open when he felt you start to rock back against him. He stayed still watching as you worked your hips on him, ass slapping against his pelvis with each movement. "I'm gonna cum baby," he moaned loudly, "yes–y/n..!" He gasped out and grabbed your hips, stopping you as he rolled his hips three times in quick grinds.
You quietly whined as his cock throbbed inside of you. He filled you to the brim, deep sighs and groans leaving him as he pat your ass in appreciation. "Shit, it's really messy." He murmured out, voice thick and hoarse.
"Who made the mess?" You murmured back, head slumping on the pillow, biting back a smile when he slapped your ass as a warning, "Yeah, yeah whatever." You smirked.
Namjoon flopped face down in the sheets, hand stroking over your ass, "Don't start something you can't finish baby." He warned softly, noticing how relaxed you were. He smiled to himself, "..... And you fell asleep didn't you?" He chuckled going to wrap his arms around you with the promise of cleaning you up later after a much needed nap.
You slumped forward in the car, pout finding its' way to your lips. "You're gonna be gone for the whole month though!" You whined, balancing your phone between your shoulder and ear.
"I know, I know baby but I promise I'll fly you out as soon as I'm finished with the concerts here. We can head down to Texas or anywhere else you wanna go to okay?" Namjoon chuckled on the other line.
"Sucks I can't make it though, I really wanted to see you perform live again. But it's okay I'll stream it and support you from my laptop."
"I really wanted you to be there too, but I'll make sure to face time you as often as I can. And call too. Speaking of call get off the damn phone you're about to drive over here I need my girlfriend very much alive."
You rolled your eyes and started up the car, making sure your phone connected to the car, "There you drama queen, you're on speaker now speak or forever hold your peace."
"And this is how you wanna have my kids? Driving like a maniac on the phone? I'm gonna have to take a raincheck on that one." Namjoon laughed.
"I am not a maniac! How dare you even suggest that? Because you're laughing a little too hard for someone who can't drive at your big age." You scoffed, smirking when he went quiet on the other side, "Uh-huh that's right, what I thought. Now here's some kisses I'm gonna get on the freeway. Love you." You softly said.
"I love you too baby be careful and I'll see you when you get here."
The line cut off and you found yourself smiling. The whole not being able to make it situation was another surprise of yours. You in fact did plan on going to the concert and spending time with him in LA. You just didn't want to tell him in order to give him the surprise. Again.
You drove silently to where your boyfriend lived, a low hum leaving your lips. You made it there in no time, pulling in to see your boyfriend already stepping out of the building. You rolled your window down with a giggle, "Get in loser we're going shopping."
"I can't with you." Namjoon laughed shaking his head as he went over to the passenger side, "Babe! What the hell? I put our picture here for a reason cause I like how it looked!" He said scandalized.
You rolled your eyes, "Baby I literally had to take it down cause it fell from there. I'll buy glue to keep it there okay? Don't worry about it." You leaned over to smooch his cheek and start the car.
The both of you went shopping and out to eat, enjoying the slightly warm weather and sunny day. "It's not that I can't, I just get worried I might crash or something. If you want I can drive but I'm just saying when I start yelling in fear don't be so surprised." Was what Namjoon said as he held his hand out for your car keys.
He was a good driver contrary to everyone else's beliefs. He had his hand on your thigh as he drove you two down the freeway. You had your head out the window, enjoying the breeze and vibes. You could feel his hand squeeze you occasionally, thumb running over your thigh slowly. It made your pussy throb just a little from arousal.
"Where are we going?" You softly asked.
Namjoon hummed with his eyes focused on the road, "You'll see baby, just hang on tight." He pat you.
The conversation was left at that. You watched as the city somewhat disappeared, nature rolling in a few seconds later. He pulled into a empty parking lot that sat outside the woods covering the lake ahead. You turned to give Namjoon a questioning look but he sent you a dimpled smile in return.
"Wanted to try something. I've been here with the guys and usually I end up imagining all the shit we could do out here." Namjoon confessed softly, hand trailing upwards and sneaking into your skirt.
Oh. So he had wanted to try having sex out in public? The idea was thrilling, excitement bubbles within you as wild thoughts ran through your head. "There isn't any space here." You quietly whispered, eyes meeting his dark hooded ones.
"Yeah? Get in the back baby." Namjoon grinned softly.
That's how you found yourself on your knees in the back, tucked between Namjoon's legs as you worked his cock. Your lips were wrapped around the tip, head bobbing slowly as your hands twist and turned around the shaft. It was sloppy, saliva dripping on to his cock and making a slobbering mess on his jeans.
Namjoon had his head leaned back, lip tucked between his teeth as he held your hair tightly. "Fuck," he sighed out, his hips lazily rolling upward.
Your eyes slowly peeked up at him, staring into his eyes as you let his cock go and slid all the way down. Tears welled up when he hit the back of your throat, you wanted to stay like that but your gag reflex wasn't having it. More slobber covered his cock as you pulled away to cough a little, "Joonie..."
"What is it baby? You want me to fuck your pretty mouth?" Namjoon softly whispered and carded his hand through your hair.
"Please." You let your jaw go slack as you enveloped his cock again.
He pushed your head down slowly until your nose touched his pelvis. A satisfied moan left his lips eyes closing and mouth falling open, "Oh god baby, I'll never get over that mouth of yours." He said and cracked open a eye to look at you.
Your teary eyes met his as you moaned around his cock. He bit his lip and grabbed your hair. He slowly guided you up and down his cock, the tip hitting the back of your throat each time. You focused on breathing through your nose to calm down, you let your tongue flatten to make the glide smoother.
His moans were a bit loud, filling the car alongside the nasty slobbering. It was no secret your boyfriend liked it sloppy, he wouldn't have it any other way. He hissed softly, hips stiffening and hands stopping you when he felt you hit the spot just right. "Fuck, fuck baby hold on," he gasped out and sat up straighter, "right there, keep going."
You were more than happy to keep going, hand trailing between your legs to gently touch your clit through your panties. Namjoon's mouth fell open, "Oh god." He rolled his hips slowly, the sensations being a little too much for his sensitive cock.
He nearly lost it when you made a loud sucking noise, tongue against the head of his cock. "Good girl," he breathed out, "such a good fucking girl." He grit his teeth and bucked upwards harshly.
It caught you off guard and had you pulling back, the car was filled with your harsh panting now. You hurriedly got your hand around his cock and began to stroke him at a fast pace, watching as his hands gripped the car seat for dear life. You brought the tip of his cock into your mouth, sucking harshly as your hand gripped his cock tightly.
"Gonna cum," he moaned out, "y/n." He forced his eyes open and looked downwards.
You tongued at the tip, tasting the mess you left all over him. Your eyes slowly looked upwards to meet his as he cursed loudly. You watched as his back hunched a little, hand coming to grip your hair. His cock throbbed in your hold and spurts of warm cum shot out on to your waiting tongue.
"Ohhh fuck," he mumbled out, body slumping as he rode out his orgasm.
A giggle left you, letting the tip of his cock rub over your plump lips. You smeared his cum on your lip, swallowing what you could. He groaned quietly, hand lazily waving, "No more baby, you literally drained me." He grunted softly.
"But Joonie," you slowly wiped your mouth with a nearby towel, "I need you here." You said and gently slapped his twitching cock against your mound.
Namjoon slowly leaned his head back and gulped, "Fuck, yeah okay baby ride me good." He said softly.
Before Namjoon left for his tour in LA you both had gone at it like crazy. You even forgot for a minute that you were off birth control now. For a while actually. At first you were mildly surprised and paranoid but then realized the two of you had already discussed this. Your potential pregnancy that is.
At first you were laid back about this, not paying much mind. But then it felt like the universe was trying to tell you something when baby related ads and stuff appeared in your life. You weren't stupid enough to ignore them and decided to take a test just in case.
The first test came back negative and you were a bit disappointed. The second negative as well, were you two not trying hard enough..?
The final was positive, but he was now in LA. You were shocked of course, ecstatic even. A trip to the doctors confirmed your dream and you found yourself clutching the sonogram close to you as you waited to land in LA. It was a exhausting flight there but you didn't have time his show was hours away.
You had made it late to LA, landing around five pm. Yoongi's girlfriend had texted you the whereabouts of the hotel and had a manager come pick you up to escort you. "What time is the show again?" You softly asked, head leaned against the window as you relaxed with your eyes closed.
"It starts at seven-thirty, you have time to unload your bags and get ready if you need to. I'll take you directly there myself so you're set up in the private booth." She replied softly.
"Thank you." You ended up taking a nap on the way to the hotel.
The first person you saw when you got there was Yoongi's girlfriend. The girl happily smiled at you as she hugged you gently, "Again, you're here." She teased.
"I am exhausted, jet lag is a bitch." You grunted out.
She laughed softly in response and brought you closer as the two of you headed up, "Honestly. How are you though? Doing good enough for the show or what?"
You nodded slowly, "I'm good to go, just let me take a bubble bath and I'll be out brand new. I brought a whole bunch of cute clothes I recently shopped for, can't wait to wear that." You smiled, "I should probably not buy much it won't fit in a few months you know?" You casually said.
"Oh yeah I buy a lot of clothes that end up not fitting–wait what?" She paused looking you in the eye with confusion all over her face, "Few months..?" She trailed off and then watched as your hand came to gently pat your tummy, "No way... no! You're lying!" She said as a laugh escaped her, "Oh my god congratulations!" She squealed and hugged you tightly.
"I'm not lying," you laughed, "it's happening. I'm pregnant!" You cheered softly.
This all felt like a fever dream. You had a stupid smile on your face the entire time you were in the bath and then getting ready for the show. You tucked the sonogram away safely in your bag, excited for Namjoon's reaction. You knew how much of a father that man wanted to be, it was like his dream practically.
You made it thirty minutes before the show began, sitting comfortably in the booth with a glass of orange juice in your hand. A staff had gone to inform Namjoon of your arrival, anxiety bubbled in your stomach as you sat on pins and needles. You heard the telltale signs of Namjoon making his way over as you turned around in time to shoot him a dazzling smile.
Namjoon strode over quickly, wrapping you in his arms tightly and hiding his face in your neck, "Hi baby." He softly mumbled, "I missed you."
"I did too." You grinned softly, burying your face in his chest and just standing there with his arms around you. You could hear him mumbling words and talking to you but the happiness you were feeling right now blocked it out. "Namjoon," you called out, snapping him out of his thoughts, "here."
He pulled away in confusion and watched as you gently set the folded sonogram in his hand. He peered at you in confusion before opening the paper. His eyes went wide, hand shaking slightly as he looked at you, "Is this..? Are you really..?" He croaked out feeling tears well up a little.
You were a sucker for his tears, your own welling up as you nodded, "Yes, you're gonna be a dad." You whispered.
Suddenly he lifted you into his arms, spinning you around with a shaky laugh leaving him. "I love you so much," he whispered and kissed you, "thank you baby."
"I love you too." You smiled, wiping at your tears and his, "God I'm a mess, my makeup's gonna be all ruined." You wryly laughed.
Namjoon smiled at you and pressed his forehead to yours, "And you'd still look beautiful to me.. I can't wait," he whispered and set his hand on your stomach gently, "You make me the happiest man on earth." He whispered to you.
"Same goes for you Namjoon," you softly replied, "more than you will ever know.."
You remember watching the show fondly, wanting to cry when he had suddenly stopped what he was saying to reveal your pregnancy. "I have something I want to say," he softly said in English, going silent as he looked around the stadium, "I'm going to be a father!" He yelled into the mic as the stadium erupted into screams. He turned around to tell the members in Korean as they all began to jump around and yell on stage.
A happy smile found its way to your lips as Namjoon pointed to your booth, "I love you baby!" He yelled out.
"I love you too.." you softly whispered.
You're half asleep when you feel Namjoon shuffle around in bed. At first you brush it off and try to get some more sleep but then his shuffling is causing the bed to lightly move. It's irritating you now, but for the sake of being nice you ignore it one more time. What really gets you going is when Namjoon tosses a leg over your hip and hugs you from behind.
"Kim Namjoon," you growled into the pillow, "there better be a good reason as to why you're wiggling around like you got worms in your ass."
Namjoon breaks out into a deep laugh his body lightly shakes against you. You don't find this funny at all and your annoyance only builds up even more. With a huff you push against him and wiggle out from beneath the warm covers. You sit up in bed with a glare settled on your face, "So this is funny now?"
Namjoon's laughter dies down slowly, "I wanted to see if you want to head out to eat something? We can hit the beach it's pretty hot and sunny today."
"Namjoon what the heck is wrong with you? You woke me up because you want to go to the damn beach? Unbelievable." You whined and got out of bed, "I would have never done this to you," you fake cried while heading to the bathroom.
Your boyfriend snorted as he followed you in, leaning against the doorway with a fond smile, "Quit being a drama queen, you're gonna end up having fun anyways so might as well get over it now."
"Can't believe you done this," you muttered as Namjoon burst out laughing again.
The two of you showered and got ready for the day. Lunch went by, it was a peaceful affair filled with giggles and smiles. You were kind of glad the restaurant was nearby Santa Monica. "As I was saying," you huffed, "you should invest in a switch so you can play Animal Crossing with me. My little town is so cute you'll love it and we can have fun on there." You whined shaking his arm a little.
Namjoon chuckled softly as he pulled you closer to him, "Babe I don't play much you know this. Plus the switch will probably end up being lost in my room or something."
"But-but Namjoon! Think of how cute our characters will look wearing matching clothes!" You squeezed his hand gently and then swung your arm back and forth as the two of you walked down to the pier.
"Baby," he laughed, "I'll look into it later okay? Let's go over there they're selling churros." He back hugged you and directed you towards the stand.
You went around the pier hopping into photo booths to take picture after picture. Namjoon had even taken you on a few rides and won some prizes from the games. You were cuddling up to the large bear he had won you as a soft smile graced your lips. He was walking behind you just watching with fond eyes.
"Is my baby happy she got her bear?" Namjoon teased, phone raised as he snapped photos of you.
You spun around with a giggle, "Yess," you posed, lips pursed as you smooched your new teddy bear's cheek.
"C'mere," he tugged you into a tight hug, "you're so fucking cute." He rocked you side to side, "What am I gonna do with you hm? Can't have nobody thinking they can get lucky with my pretty girl." He smooched your cheeks over and over again.
"You can tie my shoe." You cheekily replied. Namjoon of course didn't say no nor playfully whine as he got down to tie your shoe. You watched him work diligently on making sure your shoe lace wasn't too tight but not too loose. "I love you," you softly smiled.
Namjoon looked up, a slow smile stretching on his lips, "I love you too baby." He stood, bringing you into a slow kiss.
You stayed out with him until it was really late, the reason being that Hoseok had invited the two of you out for drinks with Taehyung. Of course you weren't allowed to drink, it didn't bother you before anyways because you weren't a drinker. You sat this one out with a glass of water to keep you company.
"Babe," Namjoon slurred out in a serious tone, "you know I love you? Not like 'oh yeah I love you' but like love you, love you."
"Yes Joonie I know you love me love me." A soft smile graced your lips, "I love you, love you too okay?"
Namjoon gave you a cheeky smile as he leaned away from you, "You do...? But like do you love, me love me as in you wanna marry me?"
You laughed at how childish yet cute he was being, it seriously made your heart hurt just how cute he was acting right now. "If this is your way of proposing you can do better than that baby," you squeezed his cheek gently, "but yes, if you asked me to marry you I would."
He hid his face behind the drink in embarrassment, "Guys she wants to marry me." He said to Taehyung and Hoseok, "I have like the best baby mama in the world." He stuck his tongue out.
"Aw that's cute." Taehyung burped.
Hoseok sighed wistfully, "Wish I had that kind of love.. Instead I have me, myself, and this drink. Cheers Tae, oh. You have a bit of drool." He mumbled out.
You watched the three men with amusement in your eyes, if only Jimin was here to see this with you. He probably would have made fun of them too..
"I'm sorry what now? You're telling me you and Namjoon made a sex tape? That is disgusting, give it to me now." Jimin pursed his lips and held his hand out with a smug smirk.
“Jimin–” you laughed, “no, you can’t have it or watch it. We made that like during the peak of our relationship, pretty old.”
Jimin’s jaw dropped in disbelief, “You mean during your hot girl summer? When you decided to choose violence and drive Namjoon crazy with your little shorts and open slit dresses? All the more reason to watch it!”
You rolled your eyes not believing the nerve Jimin had to bring up the one summer you don’t talk about. You were proud of yourself but it was something you didn’t like talking about. All the partying, drinking, and late night hook-ups you and Namjoon had were forever laid to rest.
“You’re a pervert, as much as I love you I am not showing you my sex tape. We’re close but not like that,” you gave him the hand.
Jimin smacked your hand away, “Get that hand outta my face and show me now.” He growled playfully as he did grabby hands.
You contemplated whether you should or not.. if you showed Jimin he would see a whole lot of his band mate’s dick and his friend’s ass or tits. Then again you were sure it wouldn’t bother Jimin, he was a different breed. “You have to swear on your fucking life you won’t talk about this.” You glared.
“I swear, I’ll take this to the grave.” Jimin swore as he gave you a serious look and held his pinkie out.
You stared at him for a few minutes, this could go two ways and you just hoped it ended well. “Okay… come with me it’s in my laptop.” You mumbled as you held Jimin’s hand.
The two of you ran to your bedroom and cuddled up together on the bed sitting side by side, “Okay, here it is.” You murmured, “I’m just warning you now, it’s wild.”
Jimin grinned, “Ooh-la-la,” he wiggled his brows at you, “now you can’t say I’m not your best friend after this.”
With an eye-roll you clicked play on the video and sat back. The memories of that summer hit hard.
“Oh fuck,” you whimpered, “Namjoon–” you choked up as your hips picked up the pace and you bounced harder on his lap.
Namjoon’s head was thrown back on the pillow, his eyes closed and mouth agape. Low moans and grunts fell from his lips while his hands gripped the fat of your ass. “C’mon baby,” he huffed out, “faster.” He swallowed.
You threw your head back and set your hands on his sweaty chest, “J-Joonie, so big,” you whined out and threw your ass back on him, soft clapping noises resonating.
Your thighs burned from the effort you were putting into riding him. His cock was throbbing deep inside of you, rubbing against that special spot that had you seeing stars. Namjoon’s mouth fell open in pleasure, he tried to roll his hips upward but the way you bounced distracted him.
“Fuck baby,” he lifted his head from the pillow to watch his cock disappear into your sopping pussy. “Mmm–right there,” he panted.
His hands smacked your cheeks and kneaded the fat flesh. You were so wet he could feel it dripping down to his balls. A needy whimper bubbled up from your throat and you switched your bouncing to grinding. Namjoon let a louder moan out at the switch, eyes slipping shut as he tightening his grip on your ass.
“Fuck, yes,” he whispered out.
You mewled softly and ran your hands down his chest to rest on his abdomen. You slowed down, hips rolling smoothly as soft squelching noises came from between the two of you. “I’m gonna cum–uhn there–Joonie,” you whimpered out, head rolling back as your hips stuttered in their movements.
Namjoon slapped your ass as he bucked his hips, “Cum for me baby, let me feel your pussy cream around my cock.” He hissed out as he rocked into you.
You shuddered, lips forming an ‘O’ as your orgasm hit you like bricks. You quietly whimpered, falling forward to lie on top of Namjoon as you panted. Your body jostled from his harsh thrusts, embarrassingly wet as your pussy squelched around his throbbing cock.
Namjoon groaned into your neck, hips speeding up as he fucked you through your orgasm in efforts to get to his own orgasm. He was harshly breathing against your sweaty skin, his pace got sloppy towards the end thrusts a bit uncoordinated. “Mmm, fuck, baby I’m gonna cum.”
He spilled into you with a low moan, hips stuttering as he pressed deep into you. “Fuckkkkk,” he whispered out, panting heavily as his body slumped on to the mattress.
“His ass kinda fat.”
“Be quiet Jimin.”
“Joonie,” you cried out.
You’re lying flat on the bed with your ass up in the air. Namjoon’s pounding you from behind, he’s holding your garter tightly and using that as leverage to bring your ass back and fuck into you. Soft growls and grunts leave his lips, he’s just watching the way your ass ripples when his pelvis makes contact.
“Such a good. fucking. girl.” He grit his teeth slamming upwards to emphasize each word.
You wail in pleasure, hands tightening on the sheets as you hold on for dear life. You’re sure this is going to leave you shaking and unable to walk. “Oh god..! Yes, yes, yes please right there,” you sobbed out.
Namjoon bit his lip as he rolled his hips, aiming to hit that spot inside of you. His thrusts landed a perfect hit on your g-spot each time, coaxing more wetness out of you. He huffed quietly, pulling your thong aside when it got in the way as he snapped it in place. “C’mon baby, fuck yourself on cock. Show me you’re my good girl,” he growled out.
Obediently you adjusted your grip on the sheets and began to fuck yourself back. Your ass bounced each time you fucked back in his cock. You thank the gods your boyfriend lived in seclusion and no one could ever hear you two go at it.
“Joonie please, ‘s not enough.” You whined out.
Namjoon licked his lips slowly, he pushed you back down and held your hair tightly. He snapped his hips brutally into you, groaning whenever your pussy tightening up around him. “Greedy little slut, cock got you fucked silly huh? Can’t even fuck yourself on my cock, gotta have Daddy pound you stupid.” He whispered in your ear.
You let out a long moan, pussy getting wetter from his words as you creamed around him. “Mmmm–yes, can feel it here,” you moaned deliriously, “right here.” You moved his free hand to your lower stomach where you could feel a small bulge from his cock.
He growled and lost his shit as he moved with fervor, fucking you so hard the bed snaps against the wall. You let out a surprised scream from the change of pace and how he’s literally rearranging your guts. “Oh god–Namjoon..!” You call out.
“Girl,” Jimin turned to look at you in awe, “you telling me he fucks your shit up and you still walk? How is that possible..? Like?? I’m so confused.” He whispered in shock. “Nonetheless this is hot, quality porn might I say.” He said giving you a chefs kiss.
You roll your eyes fondly and close the laptop, “Listen, he didn’t tell me he was that crazy when we got together so imagine my surprise when we had sex for the first time. I couldn’t walk for a whole day. I literally limped.”
Jimin made a face and shook his head, “Well, I’m not gonna look at him the same way for at least a week or so. Lived with the man for what nine to ten years? And this is how he fucks? Goddamn,” he sighed leaning back on your headboard, “well that was nice, you wanna go get food?”
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kkusuka · 3 years
Haikyuu poly headcannons!! <33
 Pairs: Kageyama & Hinata, Oikawa & Iwaizumi, Ushijima & Tendo, Sakusa & Atsumu, Kurro & Kenma, and finally Bokuto & Akaashi. 
part 2
Sfw AND Nsfw 
Slight time skip spoilers!!!
let me know what you want to see next
word count: 2.6K I got a bit carried away. lol
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Kageyama Tobio  and Hinata Shoyo
It's a constant fight for attention
They are polar opposites, Hinata is warm and energetic while Kageyama is confused and awkward, but  they both love you so much it hurts.
How you got together was kind of a funny story, you and Hinata knew each other from middle school and reconnected when you met at a local mall in tokyo. So when you and Hinata started hanging out more he couldn't help but brag to Kageyama about it, which led to him wanting to meet you and thus began the year long fight for your love. 
You couldn't choose between them so they came to the decision that they would just share you!
Your dynamics are pretty simple, you spend as much time with whoever is not at practice at the time, lucky they have two completely different practice schedules, Hinata in the morning and Kageyama in the afternoon.
That meant cuddling with Kags in the morning and cooking lunch with Hinata in the afternoon. 
You guys also have a weekly date night! You have a rotation of who gets to choose what they want to do. 
Unsurprisingly Hinata likes volleyball inspired dates, but he also likes the movie and picnic dates!
Kageyama is a bit more romantic, shockingly (he read a dating book), like romantic dinners and late night walks , shopping, anything to see you happy.
They also love anything you want to do, stay in? They make popcorn for movies. Dinner? Where, what and when should they make a reservation. 
They are literally so whipped for you.
Oh~ ho ho~
I am a firm believer that these two are switches. 
Hinata is a bit more submissive than Kags (for the most part), but he has his moments. 
And i have this thing where Kags makes you and Hinata fuck while he watches biut votgh of you are power bottoms.
Toys toys toys
I'm talking double ended dildos and vibrators galore.
Punishments are usually for Hinata and consist of you riding Kags while he watches, and its absolute torture.
They also have nights where they have you alone and those are sweet and romantic, rose petals and candles. 
It's never boring <33
“Tobio, doesn't she look so pretty?” 
“God Shoyo you’ll cum in your pants if you grind like that” 
“ go fuck yourself on the fucking dldo like a slut” 
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Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime 
There are two ways that this happened
1. You grew up with them and slowly fell in love through your life, and you all got together in highschool
2. You met Oikawa in Argentina, literally fell in love at first sight, stars in your eyes. This led to him bringing you back to Japan, which led to you meeting “Iwa-chan” (who looked much more beautiful in person). After hanging out everyday for about 3 weeks Oikawa bright up the idea of sharing
And here you are! 
You guys are all similar but you share personal things with each boy
With oikawa you have the obsession with aliens and you too even have a beauty routine that you do every night before bed.
With Iwaizumi you, of course, make fun of Oikawa at every waking moment. But! You also do all different kinds of exercise with him. You have a monthly yoga class and a swim aerobics program every other tuesday! 
These two spoil you so much it's ridiculous.
Perfumes, jewelry, clothes and even gaming things.
They will get you anything even if you don't want it (and they are rolling in cash so it doesn't really matter.) 
Iwaizumi rules the bedroom.
And as much as Oikawa pretends to be the top, he falls apart the second you kiss him neck. 
Favorite position?
Simple. It can go two ways.
Oikawa laying on his back, Iwa fuking him into heaven and you sitting on his face OR you on your stomach ass up with Iwa between your legs and Oikawa's dick in your mouth. 
The only real times Oikawa is in you is when Iwazumi wants to see both of you be pathetic sluts, or when Oikawa is being punished, mostly cockwarming while he is tied and not able to thrust in you.
 Double penetration?
 Your punishment.
Whine and cry all you want neither of them are slowing down, this is really the only time Oikawa is dominant in the bedroom
“Aw, Tooru, look at her! So pathetic!”
“You look like two whores trying to fuck, Harder brats” 
“Oh! Iwa her throat gets tighter when you do that!” 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendo Satori
Oh bby how did you get so lucky?
You have the best of both worlds!
Tendo, who you can joke around and cook with.
And Ushijima, your pillar and voice of reason. 
This relationship was 100% started by Tendo. No question. He saw you and decided right then and there that you were his, and what kind of best friend would he be if he didn't share with Wakatoshi! 
Thank god you were willing to do this, it would have Broken Satori AND Wakatoshis heart :((
This WAS the best decision of your life. 
Your first date as a threesome was so cute, it started with walking around tokyo and you stopped and ate in a small cafe. You begged them to pay and they didn't let you so this became a game to see if you could ever find a way to pay before them.(you're still failing to this day) 
After the cafe they took you to a small beach that had a little volleyball net set up. Insert uwus here
They taught you how to play, the basics if you didn't already know, and you guys played around until it was 2am 
All of your dates are different but they either end like that or cuddling on the couch wachting movies. OR you know ;))
UHHH there are two ways this could go. 
You being absolutely ruined by these two. Both being pretty big, they easily overpower you. 
Tendo also has the obsession with being in your ass while ushijima rips your poor pussy apart. 
Sadist tendo also makes a slight appearance, not letting yu cum for hours then making you cum over and over and over again
Mr. Tendo controls what you and Toshi do! 
Trust me Wakatoshi is still controlling you every waking second, but having Tendo tell him what to do (being slightly unaware of what to do anyway) gets him off just as much as you. 
And when he’s feeling more adventurous, Tendo has kept you and Ushijima on literal leashes at his feet while he just chilled out. (i literally love this so much-)
You guys do a lot of exploring!
“Harder Toshi, the slut can take it”
“” we don't have enough dicks to fill all your holes” 
“Satori! Please!” “Shhh, floor whores don't get to talk” 
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Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu
My #2 pair 
DAMN, i can't even put how whipped they are for you in words. 
You defiantly knew Sakusa first. 
You two met in the supermarket, much to his displeasure he had to shop for himself, it was the classic strangers to lovers trope 
You both reached for the same countertop cleaner! 
To both of your shock you touched his hand and immediately started to apologize to him (he couldn't even reply because he was so stunned by your beauty) 
He snapped back and started to interrogate you about what cleaning products you use, you both didn't even realize how much time passed with you just talking about how you clean.
Eventually you exchanged numbers and texted almost all day.  
This led to him texting you back every chance he had during practice breaks, but he never told you he was a professional volleyball players AND happened to be on one of the top teams in the country, (you found out when he randomly followed you on instagram)
Eventually he got sloppy and Atsumu looked at his phone and found your number! Aren't you lucky ;) almost immediately after he started to question Sakusa about you
Who is she?
Where did you meet?
Is she pretty?
Gimmie her number Omi, i wanna know her too!
Eventually Atsumu just stole his phone and started to non-stop call you. 
“Uh Kiyo? This guy keeps calling me and asking me questions about you.”
“Ignore it” 
It got so bad that when you officially met atsumu he had followed Sakusa to your meeting spot, and you hit it off! (much to Kiyoomi’s disdain) 
After a few months, and a lot of talks, all three of you entered a relationship!
Your dynamic was great! You were clean like Sakusa and fun like Atsumu!
Another spoiling group, it's like they just know what you want. It doesn't even matter what you think :// no take backs :))
Plus you have girl time when they are at practice, a good time to plan surprises ;)
You even got Atsumu into skin and hair care (kiyoomi approves) 
You are literally perfect (and the hottest couple in the planet) 
Sakusa is in control.
No question.
He wants ti fuck you? Done.
He wants to watch you play with yourself. Already rubbing circles on your clit. 
He wants you to ride Atsumu until you squirt? You're bouncing on Atsumu Cumming and cumming. 
Believe it or not Sakusa AND Atsumu love messy blowjobs, seeing you slobber all over yourself and their cocks is the most beautiful thing to them. 
Atsumu also has the dirtiest most vulgar mouth on earth, will not spare your feelings one bit. 
But that doesn't even measure up to how Kiyoomi speaks to you. He has no shame is telling you that they are going to let everyone on the team fuck you senseless. 
Sakusa also loves to punish you and Atsumu for literally anything, he will tie you to each other and put vibrators in your holes and just watch you  two desperately grind on each other to get relief that just won't come. 
(they both love to ruin your orgasm too) 
“Go Whore i know you can bounce faster than that” 
“Look at her Omi! Isnt she the best little cumdump? Yes you are! Yes you are!” (pls he treats you like a pet) 
“Hey Miya. Wouldn't shugo just love to have her on her knees for him? I think we should let her sometime” 
I would do anything for these two- 
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Kuroo Tetsuro and Kozume Kenma
Oh? You're the most spoiled pet in the world?
You definitely grew up together, aka you've had both of them wrapped around your finger since you were 8.
 You guys probably started dating after you accidentally let it slip that you were in love with the both of them. 
After you all confessed and talked for hours, you were officially dating!
Not much has changed, but they were more affectionate and loving and more physical with you. 
Your dates are really random, all the varying schedule and all. 
They take you to anime cafes and gaming cafes and ALL the different cafes. 
They always tell you you don't have to work but you feel bad so you started a makeup channel on youtube! And of course you were a sensation! 
You and Kenma make little collab videos and were voted as the cutest couple of the year! 
But that doesn't1 mean you aren't involved in Kuroos life just as much! 
You help him get ready every morning, he just “can't” tie his tie even after doing it since highschool. 
You make him a unique bento everyday! 
You even buy him little chemistry sets whenever you see that a new model was released!
Plus living with two cuddle bugs is a dream for any girl ;)
The way that both of them are into cockwarming- 
Whenever Kenma is not streaming he wants you to sit on his cock, just be a good kitten and do it. 
No worries! Between rounds he'll start to pound you for as long as he can, but it's never enough  for you to cum :// too bad you'll just have to wait until he’s done, or when Kuroo some home. 
With Kuroo it's usually when he is doing more work in his home office. This is pure torture.
He won’t even pay attention to you until HE wants to cum. 
To add on to that neither of them are afraid of fucking you infront of people. 
Kenma has no fear of keeping you at his feet while he streams so you can suck him off whenever he wants. 
One time he was on a zoom call with his PR team and they had no idea you were deepthroating his cock under where the camera could see. 
Kuroo is the worst with this too, he’ll start fucking you when he knows he ahs a work call in a few minutes, so in the middle of fucking he’ll just answer the phone and make you shut up :((
Both of them together? You’re fucked. (literally haha) 
Kenma a bottom , 100%, just not as much as you.
Sex mostly means kuroo fucking you and sucking kenma off. 
“I wonder if everyone would still follow you if they  knew what a slut you are” 
“Kitten you have to be quiet for Daddy now, this call is important” 
“Look at that kenma, she’s cumming all over the place while drooling all over you!” 
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Bokuto Kotaro and Akaashi Keji
The owl nest?  Yes Ma’am.
You were akaashis girlfriend first, but that meant you were practically dating Bokuto anyway. 
Akaashi? He loved it, you were just so cute when you tled to Kotaro! 
When he got excited, you got excited and you were just the cutest two babies in the world!
 The way you would talk for hours about nonsense and laugh about the stupidest things. 
Slowly but surely Akaashi braugh Bokuto into the relationship, and you had no objections! 
It started with small things like movie nights that turned into sleepovers that became full dates! 
Dates? Oh man you go on one almost every night! 
The movies! Bookstores! Restaurants! 
Even to the volleyball gym.
Sometimes Akaashi takes you to Bokuto’s games and you two just Cheer your lungs out!
This seems crazy but one time on your anniversary that took you to an owl farm! 
It was probably the funnest night of your life, and that was it all three of you knew that this was how you wanted to spend the rest of your lives. 
Bokuto might be the driving force but Akaashi is the real mastermind behind the bedroom life. 
Sex mostly includs being railed by Bokuto for hours while Akaashi whispers sweet praises in your ears, telling you how good your gtaking Bokuto. 
Akaashi is also a firm believer in punishing people with toys,aka Bokuto getting ahead of himself and ignoring Akaashis commands which lands him tied up and a vibrator pressed to his sild until his orgass are dry :)
 Of course you are no better, cumming before your told or vene worse masterbating without permission. 
That lands you with a bunny vibrator, unable to move and just watching as Akasshi fucks Bokuto with your favorite dildo :( 
But if you'd just listen this would have never happened, just promise not to do it again! 
“Keji please, pease, wanna cum s-so bad” 
“Gee, you're just sucking him in huh? After all this time you still want more!” 
“You are just the prettiest little thing huh.” 
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otomes-world · 3 years
Happily Ever After
@yo-grrrl said: Yuu starts dating Neige. At first everything, it would seem, is perfect, but the further, the more obsessed he behaves. She dumps him and after a while starts dating someone else. And in the end, the opponent is killed, and Yuu is kidnapped. At the same time, Neige behaves as cute and innocent as possible.
You know.. I`m very weak woman, especialy to soft yanderes... Plus I added prompt 7. “We are meant to be together”. I think it`s kinda fit to idea~
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No matter how many difficulties life presents you, in the end good will surely triumph over evil. A happy ending awaits the prince and princess, and the villains will get what they deserve. A simple truth that doesn't require confirmation was reflected in many fairy tales. The fact that everything in his story will be exactly the same, Neige didn't doubt.
This wasn't necessary. After all, from the very beginning LeBlanche was the protagonist of his own story. A ballad to be passed from mouth to mouth.
The young man wasn't naive, expecting that the meeting with his future lover would happen unexpectedly. However, the fact that it definitely would be "fateful", he doesn't allow anyone to doubt. A girl from another world, at the behest of circumstances, a student at the college of villains. Who but her best fits the description of a damsel in distress? The lady who is waiting for her prince on a white horse. Prince who will rescue her from the clutches of the dragon?
It may seem to someone that Neige was too rushed events, but if you look at the situation from his side, everything becomes clear. Is there a young man in the world who can resist a gaze directed somewhere into the distance? Is there a knight whose heart doesn't bleed at the sight of a sad smile?
How could he not fall in love at first sight with girl who same tragic and painfully strong?
At first, Yuu sincerely didn't understand how she attracted a famous model. She wasn't critical, but even so, she knew that even if she was pretty, only a blind person would call her a beauty of the level of Vil Schoenheit. Nevertheless, seeing in front of her brunette, who hold gently her hands, she cannot refuse.
Perhaps deep down she wanted to be needed for someone. Perhaps loneliness tormented her more than it initially seemed. Perhaps... she was just tired of everything and fell in love with the first one who showed her genuine concern.
So it was until the behavior of the sweet young man began to change. He still behaved like a true gentleman, always asking permission. However, it felt like he was touch starved. At first, the girl wrote off everything to job as an idol. Being a popular celebrity, the young man couldn't have a close relationship with everyone.
Yuu wonder if she hadn't come up with an excuse for Neige's behavior, would it have turned out differently?
Light, meaningless touches have become bolder. She could refuse the brunette, but the next moment he was already on the verge of tears. As if the whole world had just collapsed into pieces before his eyes. At such moments, all she could do smile and write it off as a joke. Then Neige immediately embraced her in a bone-breaking embrace - Yuu wondered where such a fragile guy had so much strength from - and didn't let go for the next half hour.
Instead of the expected rest, the girl became even more tired. The prefect didn't doubt the veracity of LeBlanche's feelings, but that was what frightened her. She was struck by their strength and unshakable confidence of the brunette. How far would he come in his plans.
Sitting on the bench next to Jack, Yuu, mentally exhausted, shared what was happening with a friend. The words left a bitter aftertaste on the tongue. If she close eyes to everything, Neige always made time in a busy schedule to spend with her. He always wrote to her and sent one of his animals with a small but cute gift. And so she repaid him for his kindness: she complained to a friend.
"Hmm... I don't understand relationships," Jack's calm voice distracted the girl from her heavy thoughts. “But everything you have told me doesn't sound like love. If in a relationship someone should always give in, why it needed in first place?"
"...I don't know anymore..." voice of Yuu sound like whisper.
“He didn't seem like a bad guy to me. I think you just need to talk to each other. It won't get any worse "
The words of a friend instilled confidence in the prefect, making an appointment with LeBlanche she began to wait for it with hope. As a last resort, she can always say that she tried, that she did her best.
"Sorry! Shooting the commercial took longer than I expected!" A few minutes later, Neige appeared. Gasping from a brisk run, he tried to catch his breath for a while. This gave Yuu a moment to see how he looked like: makeup, mask, fashionable clothes. It seems that the young man was in such a hurry to the meeting that, without changing his clothes, he grabbed the mask and hurried to her. Awareness stung again with guilt, but the girl tried to drive away the unpleasant emotions.
“Nothing, I just came too. I wanted-…"
“How impolite of me! You must be frozen!" The young man didn't let her finish, immediately taking off his jacket and putting it over her shoulders. Making sure that the girl was saved from the cold wind, he immediately smiled. "There is a cozy cafe nearby, we could have tea there."
“I wanted to talk, and this needs to be done right now” Confidence melted before her eyes from sincere care and attention. However, Yuu knew that if she didn't bring it up now, she might not get another chance. “I don't think we are very suitable for each other. Maybe it means for both of us, we're just too different."
"What are you talking about?" Neige turn his head in misunderstanding. “We are meant to be together. I understood this from our very first meeting!"
"Wait- ..." Yuu felt herself sinking deeper into the swamp with each phrase. She uttered, but her thoughts refused to form words from shock.
“We are the perfect couple! Perhaps you have doubts about the fact that we do not spend enough time together? Or have I greatly neglected you?" LeBanche seemed lost in thought, oblivious to Yuu's startled face. "I've been thinking about this for a long time, but can you transfer to the Academy?" He allowed himself to take her hand and look into her eyes. "So we don't have to part anymore!"
Fear overcame and the prefect pulled out her hand, confusing the brunette.
“Sorry- .. I… we need to break up. This cannot go on. "
Her words struck Neige like a bolt from the blue, absolutely everything testified to this: a frozen posture, eyes rounded in surprise, a slightly opened mouth. The young man extended his hand again, but Yuu stepped back a few steps, not allowing herself to be touched. It's time to end this. Without giving time for respite, she immediately turned around and left as quickly as she could. She may have acted ungratefully and cruel... but this is better than sacrificing herself.
Two weeks have passed since the "parting". The prefect was ready for LeBlanche to appear at her door and mentally prepared herself, but he didn't come. She wanted to believe that, having considered everything, he understood or at least accepted her answer. However, intuition told her that this was by no means the case. During the relationship, Yuu more or less recognized the character of the young man. Therefore, most likely, now Neige was too broken.
At first, the girl wanted to write him a message, explaining everything as it should be. However, sprinkling salt on the wound was the least she wanted. Perhaps in the future, if they meet again, they will be able to talk heart to heart. Although Yuu hoped it wouldn't happen soon.
Her life gradually began to bounce back. Unless, of course, take into account the fact that in college she was avoided. The prefect would not call herself dependent on communication, she was quite enough with the company of first-year friends, but this fact still unsettled her a little. Especially when she noticed that everyone with whom she became friends gradually disappeared.
The student who gave her a cake. The young man who helped carry heavy books. The guy she accidentally bumped into in the hallway.
It became more and more difficult to write off everything as an accident, as well as to deny the feeling of guilt towards the families of the victims. All the threads led to her suspiciously. It is only a matter of time until others figure it out.
Perhaps she was just tired of everything and decided to go with the flow. Perhaps she really was a "damsel in distress" dreaming of salvation. Perhaps Yuu by this time was too broken to take away the hand of her former lover, who, despite her cruel refusal, still smiled affectionately at her and looked with unchanging love.
Perhaps everything that happened is only for the best.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Something so right
Pairing: Alive! Luke x Fem reader
Summary: A date with the golden boy of the school reveals Y/N’s and Luke's true feelings for each other and they have no choice but to face what they feel. Who will take the first step?
(The fragments of the song are from Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift)
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Luke Patterson was more impatient than usual. 7:30 pm and no sign of his best friend, the one who had never missed a Sunset Curve rehearsal in these two years that they had been playing together.
“Am I the only one worried about Y/N? She is not usually late."
Reggie slaps his forehead, a memory snapping back into his head. "I forgot to tell you she won't be here today, she said something about a date."
The guitarist feels a punch in the stomach, he tries to hide how bitter the news fell on him, but his friends know him better than that.
“A date? With who?” Alex asks, genuinely curious.
“Austin Grayson.”
“Ugh, really Y/N?” But of course it had to be the school's golden boy. Luke can't help not feeling insecure. Austin Grayson is everything Luke Patterson isn't, and that scares him. What if that's what she's really looking for in a partner? He just wouldn’t stand a chance.
“Nice, he really has to like her to invited her despite what everyone says." Bobby responds as he takes advantage of the short break to rest his hands. Reggie and Alex nodding in agreement.
“What do they say?” Luke asks, completely lost.
“Oh please, most of the school thinks you guys are dating. There isn't a day that I don't hear someone call her Patterson’s girl." Alex replies, and Luke looks even more lost.
He can somehow understand why they would think that, he always enjoys having her and feeling her close. Usually touching her hand or arm in some way, hugging her whenever he sees fit. Carrying her books in the hallways or supporting her at her basketball games, just like she accompanies them to all the band's rehearsals and performances, or how she sometimes wears to school the clothes that he 'accidentally' leaves at her home when her mom invites him to dinner. On second thought, it’s easy to understand the confusion.
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You don’t know what is happening. Austin is sweet, handsome, smart, and yet you feel nothing. Forced yourself to laugh falsely all night, and couldn't help but think that it would have been more fun to join the boys in rehearsal, especially when they were only a few days away from Sunset Curve's first performance at school.
When you finally get home, you walk with your head on the floor, trying not to make eye contact with your date. Austin gently grabs your chin so you turn to see him.
A fake cough from behind causes you both to jump away from each other. You don't even have to turn to find out who owns that perfect timed cough.
“What are you doing here?” You refuse to turn around, but you know he's smirking anyway.
“It’s movie night, love.” You force one more smile towards Austin as you curse Luke under your breath, who emphasized the last word in that seductive deep voice he sometimes does when he sings and that secretly melts your legs.
“Patterson." Austin tries to get past the awkward moment by participating in the conversation, and Luke responds by approaching and placing his arm on your shoulder.
"Grayson. Thank you for bringing her safe and sound." He sounds sincere, and that makes you smile for real for the first time of the night.
“It was nothing... I should go. Goodnight Y/N, I had a great time.”
Luke lowers his arm from your shoulder and leans back, ashamed of his rare moment of insecurity and letting you say goodbye to the boy.
As soon as he leaves, you turn to see your best friend, who looks sadly at the ground, and you hug him tightly.
Luke has been through very difficult months, and it is easy for someone who is vulnerable to feel insecure, especially in situations new to them. Not to mention that you are definitely not going to fight with the person you love for putting his arm on your shoulder or calling you in an affectionate way, which are things that he usually does, guy in your doorstep or not. You decide that he showing a little jealousy for once is not the end of the world.
“I missed you so much, rockstar.” You murmur still against his chest, your statement only makes him hold you tighter. You can't help but think about how just hugging him for a few seconds makes you so much happier than the whole date you just had.
“I’m sorry for making a scene. No wonder everyone thinks we are dating.“
“I don’t mind. I couldn't wear your cool flannels or your necklaces if I was dating someone. Plus it would take away valuable time that I can use as the president of the Sunset Curve fan club.” He chuckles. You can feel his body relax and his heartbeat begins to calm down. He gives you a sweet kiss in your hair before letting you go.
Best friends walk into the house, and as Y/N goes to change into something more comfortable Luke sits at the kitchen counter to chat with his second female best friend.
"You have to do something quick, I don't want to have you here crying and eating ice cream while she's on some date with some graceless snob.”
The guitarist can't help but laugh. Y/N's mom has always been a music lover and one of his greatest inspirations. She gave him his first guitar and taught him how to play, always supporting him in each of his steps as a musician. She has always loved him like a son, believing in him with all her might and always blindly entrusting him with what she loves most in the world, her daughter Y/N.
“I know, I will I promise. What I felt today when I saw Grayson touch her face and so close to her lips... I never want to experience that again. I was thinking maybe at homecoming? Sunset Curve is going to perform.”
She wrinkles her nose in response and Luke laughs again.
"Yeah too much information, I’m sorry. And I know, but we have to start somewhere. As soon as we get booked at a good enough club you'll be the first guest.”
They both make a pinky promise and smile.
“I’ll make you proud someday. I swear.”
“I’m always proud of you, my sweet boy. I know you’ll do amazing things, just take good care of my princess during tours.”
“You know I will.” They pinky promise again and reunite with Y/N in the living room to watch movies til the teens fall asleep cuddling.
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Homecoming day arrived and you don’t have a partner. It is not hard to imagine why, being surrounded by at least one of the Sunset Curve members 24/7, especially Luke who tries to be close to you as much as possible, as if he is afraid that you will forget him if you spend too much time separated. Which is actually something you like, if you are honest with yourself. Is not something you would tell him but feeling him close and having his attention devoted to you most of the time feels quite special.
The date with Austin didn’t feel right and only confirmed what you've been trying to deny yourself for months. You are in love with freakin Luke Patterson. And you are in really deep, loving the good, bad, fun, boring, charming, and annoying parts, absolutely every side of him. And now is the time to finally do something about it.
After the guys show tonight, even more girls will be raining down on them than usual and things could get really messy, it's best to make your move first. Inside your heart you know that he feels the same, and if he doesn't have the courage to act on it then you will.
The first and most important thing you need to do to get the operation going is to kidnap Reggie, Alex and Bobby.
After a little threatening session everyone sang about Luke's idea for tonight, which made you grin like an idiot and feel more confident about your plan. The surprise that he will get when he sees how you sabotaged his plan.
Convincing Luke that it was best for you to come on your own so that they would have more time to prepare was not easy, but in the end you succeeded.
He's not a suit kinda person, but you went along with him to get a dark blue one that looked unreal on him just a few weeks ago, and you knew he would find a way to wear it sleeveless so he will look even more irresistible. You opted for a black dress that fades beautifully to blue towards the bottom of the skirt and in which you really look pretty good If you can say it yourself.
Sunset Curve finishes singing the first song, Now or never. It's time for the song Luke wrote for you, but he turns to see his friends scared when he still can't find you in the crowd. They smile at him and start to play the song they practiced with you just a few hours before.
“The way you move is like a full on rainstorm, and I'm a house of cards. You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kinda know that I won't get far.”
You walk onto the stage as you start the first verse, Luke is shocked for a few seconds but then grins from ear to ear.
“And you stood there in front of me just... close enough to touch.” He recovers much faster than expected and pulls you by the waist towards him, just the microphone separating you two while he looks at you with the most seductive face you’ve ever seen.
“'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile... Get me with those green eyes, baby as the lights go down.” He blushes a little and smiles while his eyes are locked on your lips, capturing every move.
After what seems like an eternity, the song ends and before you can even say thank you, Luke's lips crash against yours, and it’s even better than what you’ve dreamed plenty of times. All the people start screaming, but you especially hear Reggie and Alex a few steps away who sound pretty happy for you.
“Reggie, an issue occurred, I have to go, sing home is where my horse is if you want to.” Luke whispers to his friend, before effortlessly carrying you off the stage.
“Admit it, you just want to touch my legs.” You joke while he walks with you on his shoulder.
“I’m in love with a really smart girl.” You stay quiet, your heart wants to jump out of your chest and you don’t even want to imagine how red your face is right now.
The guitarist finally brings you down when you leave the building, and you both walk to the park next door, where you met when you were just kids.
"Do you remember exactly how we met?" He asks while taking your hand.
“Reggie and Alex teamed up to destroy you in a game they invented and I was the only one in the park, so you invited me to join your team. And when we managed to win you said that we were the best duo on the face of the earth, that we had to be best friends forever."
“I sound very intense.”
“You are.”
They both laugh at the memory.
"You were still right."
“When did you finally realize that you loved me?” Luke asks, smirking playfully.
“I've known for a long time, but I didn't dare to admit it until recently.”
He completely accepts my answer and sincerity and smiles at me.
“I always knew that we would end up together, you eat me with your eyes when I'm not wearing a shirt.”
His teasing takes effect and you blush just remembering him in that situation.
He smiles cheekily and then takes mercy on you and changes the subject.
“So, we are the best duo on the face of the earth, best friends forever, and now an official couple?”
“That’s right, handsome and smart. Nice.”
Both approach until their lips touch, the kiss begins calm but quickly becomes more passionate, his tongue claiming every inch of your mouth, his arms strong on your hips. You let this amazing sensations envelop you and you lose yourself in him, happier than you've ever been.
When you are with the right person, everything feels just right.
Thank you for reading!
@siennanoelle01 , @totomoshi , @kiss-themoongoodbye , @writerinlearning
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xo-alie-xo · 3 years
You can only choose one poison.🍷
Listen up my Wildcats.🐱
We all ship each character with happiness. No matter how much you love to hate them, a majority of us simply adores the characters and want the best for them. Then comes relationships and it's okay to ship our favorites.⛴
I'm a diehard Rina shipper and I know in my heart that they are series endgame. The set up, the natural chemistry, their mutual understanding, the surprises and angst literally put me on chokehold. So I'm 100% a Rina shipper till the end. I'm here for the slowburn and their development rather than one shots. They are worth the pain. 😭❤
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Let me start with Ricky Bowen now.
Ricky shouldn't to be with Gina because he's hurting her mentality. He's not insensitive on purpose. Like when he tried to stop Big Red from telling her his message to Nina because he KNOWS it'll hurt her.
If you think, that Ricky didn't understand clearly when Gina confessed, think again. He shushed her. Kept their thing a secret from everyone. He knows he feels some type of way and she feels something too. But this boy is so used to safeguarding his childhood norms and has very little adaptability. Hence, he pretended to ignore everything between them because his home stability was falling apart and he clinged on to Nina, his constant childhood love.
He's a traumatised 16-17 year old boy that needs to heal and grow. This episode was heartbreaking because he had to accept that he had to let Nina go because their once upon a time fairytale had become toxic.
People change. I'm not the same person I was when I was 16 lmao. Being together as childhood lovers means growing together and accepting each other's growth. Which Ricky couldn't. He clutched to the idea of Nini. Even his love confession. It was sooo sweet but all he did was focus on their history.
This boy needs time to heal and maybe seek professional therapy. It would be so DAMN HISTORIC if Disney decides to take psychological issues seriously and show how he's dealing with his anxiety, pills and psychotherapy. He needs to breathe before he can be with any girl for that matter. He's hurting and isn't trying to hurt anyone on purpose. Including Gina.
Him asking her for advice on Nini was a dumb, insensitive move. But he's trying to find a way to build some supportive friendship that they shared in early season one.
As for now, this boy needs to get his own grip on life and heal.
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As for our Queen Gina
In Gina's confession, she focuses on their future. She basically said, "I wouldn't quit on a possible future of us being together despite obstacles. Because I never quit. But moving away isn't in my control." Ricky deep down knows this, encouraged her to say it, teary eyed, despite right after getting back together with Nini. Gina is his future. She went to his new house. And I also have this feeling that when she was given a chance to stay, she stayed partly because of Ricky. She left a chance to be with her mom because she prioritised their relationship. Because she never quits. 💪🏼
But she came back and found out Ricky has gotten back together with Nini.😭 What she doesn't know is Ricky got together with Nina before her confession, and after Gina kept dodging his messages. She's hurt and questions why she returned because she isn't particularly close to anyone. Hence, she was so silent at the after party. She thinks it'll be fine, "she'll live", and finds other reasons to find permanence. Her arc this season has been settling down in East High, despite the pain of losing and being 'betrayed' by Ricky, she finds other reasons to stay. 🏡
This kind of contrasts her with Nina. Nina left her dream school and came to Salt Lake because she missed her established home, and not just because of Ricky. Nina returned and was loved and embraced by Ricky Bowen.💕 Gina came back to a semi new place called Salt Lake because of her promise of a future to Ricky. But she got stabbed and she bled. 💔🗡
Think about her situation. She feels confused, alone, heartbroken, out of place and seperated from her mom. She's broken and hurting too. And she doesn't need more from Ricky's accidental or intentional 'sick burns'. That's the one line where he was such a jerk and I can't defend him here. 😠
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Here comes the Caswells.
Her second family. A place of healthy stability. A home that accepted her. Ashlyn, her roomie and her confidante. EJ, the misunderstood boy who saw her value and bought her plane ticket.
Let's get to EJ.
At first, I wasn't too keen on seeing Portwell's development. But then that video chat where they talk about the possibility of her staying and him convincing her. Had me sold for a solid brother-sister relationship. Few episodes later, when Gina's pain seemed to be oblivious to everyone, he was the only one who asked her how she was, and saw her glow. The comfort she must've felt.
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Not that she needs a man's validation, but she must be feeling like a second choice and feeling a little insecure because of Ricky. But EJ lifts her up and I genuinely saw her smile. This boy has her back whenever. The man she can lean on and truly sees how special she is. She no longer feels alone now that she has his entire fam and other friends. She genuinely feels a place of belonging and happiness when she's the apple of his eye. Notice how happy she is? How happy this boy is? She's going through her own issues and she has found ground with EJ.
I was very doubtful when they started hinting at a romantic direction. Because EJ would be used as plot device again for a girl to get to Ricky.😤 This man doesn't deserve to be second best to anyone, just like Gina.😑 That's why I'm still hesitant on shipping them at least temporarily. EJ needs to be something even more special to Gina. They need to show each other how special and treasured they are to each other despite feeling like rejects. They are each other's source of comfort.
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I'm sure they can keep EJ at East High for the next season. Whether it's the drama club, or the AV club or going to a local college. So he will be there for Gina. I don't know how they can work out a relationship with much distance as Rini's fell out when she moved away. So, if EJ leaves again, it'll again shake up Gina. Her being worried whether he'll date college girls, second thoughts, etc. I don't want them to go through that. And if they do move on to romantic Portwell, make sure it's not plot device for Rina. So you can either have Portwell endgame or Rina Endgame.
Basically I want Gina to be treated so right that she understands she doesn't need Ricky. And when he does ask her out, and he makes her feel like a second choice or a rebound, she says NO. Because EJ has helped regain her self assurance. Eventually I want Gina to confide in EJ about her and Ricky. EJ is jealous but also angry about how Ricky has been hurting her. And becomes damn protective of his 'babe'. Ricky gets jealous of their relationship, restarting Ricky and EJ's old rivalry. But this time, it's not because Gina is his girlfriend, but because she's EJ's best friend who he has a crush on and wants what's best for her.
If it's meant to be Rina endgame
EJ- RICKY, YOU IDIOT! You have no clue how to treat her right. You don't put her first. You mislead her. Get the hell away from her! She's too powerful and beautiful, she doesn't deserve your scraps. I know how she feels for you. I wish I were you. I would treat her like a queen. I don't mind even waiting years till she's ready. She deserves that. You're so lucky you have even a small chance that I may never have. So get your act together, prove you're worth it to win her over. All I want is for her to be happy. Even if it's with someone else. And maybe then I'll stop threatening you to stay away from her.😠
Ricky- .....I don't know what I'm more scared of. Change, or losing the girl I fell for or YOU. Okay, losing her but you're a close second.😬
If it's Portwell endgame.
Ricky- I messed up. Make sure you don't mess up with her. You'll regret it forever.
EJ- I'd rather get hit by thousand basketballs than ever hurt her. I'll be her plus one and her best friend until she's ready to be with me. I know she's ready now too. But I want her to know I'm willing to wait till she graduates before we make it official. I'm in it for the long game.
As for their age gap. I'm 100% sure Portwell won't kiss this season. If they do, it'll be next when Sofia turns 18. They are professional actors who are cast because they are the perfect fit for the role and are expected to carry out the storyline. But I suppose fearing some outbursts, they might delay Sofia kissing anyone till next season. It's so weird because Olivia was maybe 17 when Matt was 21-22 when they kissed in season one. But no one had a problem with that. But for this, they do. Remember, they are professional actors. They are acting! Sometimes, actors are over 10 years apart (but above 18) and act as romantic partners.
As for their characters, they are only two years apart. That's hardly any difference once you're over the age of 18. Age of consent is 16. But adults above 18 are only allowed to have sex with adults above 18. So, age isn't a problem here because EJ is a gentleman and is genuinely interested in her and isn't trying to get in her pants. So age isn't the issue when it comes to dating. It's the maturity. Gina is very mature and gives very sound advice. But I can see EJ being patient enough till she turns 18 just to kiss her because he loves her. 😚
As for the Ashlyn remark, "You look like a kid to me rn". He was JOKING.😂 Don't take things out of context. I tell my cousin sister that all the time. But she's three years younger than me and a grown adult. I don't see her as a kid but it's just a cousin teasing her younger cousin that's she's a little immature. I'm Matt's age and I'm very mature for my age and since I was a teenager, I always matched up with boys a little older than me. Now that I'm in my early 20s, I've dated boys even close to 30. So age is just a number.
EJ dating Gina and giving her quick kisses is fine. But to have a strong sexual element in their relationship (including making out), he'll have to wait till she's 18+. And I'm sure for that he'll wait till she's ready even past her early 20s. Age is really just a number and we can't help who we fall in love with. Trust me, I've been there.😂 So I can see EJ feeling conflicted about his feelings that are clear at this point.
They might not be a perfect fit, but they make each other sooo happy. They deserve a lot more than a short lived fling.😟 They are either endgame or Rina is. You can't have both as a Rina unless you're an EJ hater who wants him to exist as plot device. Nope! He's sooo much more precious than that.
But Jack on the other hand....I'm okay if he's the one to make Ricky or EJ jealous. Because he's just been introduced and it's okay if a character is used, but only once, for someone else to realize their feelings. 💁🏽‍♀️
In short.
Ricky needs help and needs to be on his own. No girlfriends allowed.🙅🏽‍♀️🚫
Needs to give both Gina and Nina space for them to grow on their own too.🌳
Ricky needs to understand the core of his problems and become more adaptable via therapy. Maybe the psychologist will point out his unresolved feelings for Gina, or he will conclude it himself. And in comes Ricky-pining-for-Gina season three.
Ricky needs to fully get over Nina before he moves on to anyone. Same for Gina if Portwell were to happen. No one deserves to be second choice.
Gina isn't Ricky's cushion. She's a living person with strong feelings for him and shouldn't be subjected to share his pain. She already struggles with her own issues.
Ricky needs to stay single till he wins back Gina and prove he's worth it. He needs to show even if another girl wants him, he'll never quit on Gina ever again. Even if he has to watch her be with someone else. *cough parallels*.
It's either romantic Rina then Portwell endgame OR Portwell flirty besties but Rina endgame. You and I can choose only one because my boy EJ shouldn't be used as plot device for a girl to leave for Ricky ever again.
Portwell's age difference can be practically solved and isn't much of an issue unless they get hot and heavy before Gina turns 18 which is impossible considering this is Disney. 🤣🤣
Jack and Gina will be plot device material and purely so sentimental to us OG Andi Mack fans. More than any ship, this is what I'm looking for. Sort of an Andi Mack crack ship for season 3a. It's gonna be soooo funny. 😍😂
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I respect everyone's ship. I see what you're seeing. And I'm not going to invalidate your ship. But unless it's done right, I won't jump from the Rina ship. I liked Rini. I like Portwell. I like AU Juffy crackship haha.😂 But as for me, I'm still holding on to Rina slowburn.
Preparing myself for the pain. 😭🔥
(But if I had to pair two characters without Disney getting in the way, it would be Gini. The power duo. Undeniable chemistry. They can be written so well because of their layered relationship and contrasting personalities.🤩 The classic rivals to friends to lovers. But that's a talk for another day lmao.)
Thanks for reading my opinion, Wildcat!🐱❤
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deexchanel · 3 years
Don't do this to me.
Word Count:
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Angst, Sadness.
Summary: Charmaine's first mission with the team but it doesn't end well and the team loses a member.
Go to the series masterlist before you read this chapter, if this is your first time: Charmaine
A/N: Okay so I feel way more comfortable posting this chapter after I said I wasn't going to post the rest. Let me know if this cringy, I love feedback.
The day was Friday and it was the same as any other day, Charmaine was back home from her class, Peter was getting out of school, the team either train or helped find the location of the Hydra base that held the scepter. One month after the avengers been staying in the tower. The relationship between Charm and Bucky was growing every day, at times they act like a couple without even noticing.
"Did you enjoy dinner?" Charm questioned while washing the few dishes that were in the sink. Bucky walked over placing a kiss on her cheek and putting his dirty plate in the water.
"I loved it, that lobster mac and cheese was amazing."
She blushed at the comment and his boldness of him kissing her on the cheek. He winked then walked over to the couch sitting down beside Sam, joining him in the movie that was playing. Bucky let go of the nervous breath he was holding,  he seemed confident on the outside but on the inside, he was scared as fuck.
Charmaine wasn't no easy girl that he would flirt and take home the same night in the '40s. She was the girl that he wants to get to know fully, learn the little things about, be himself around. So most time he was around Charm, he was nervous as hell praying that he wouldn't say something dumb.
Charmaine hummed one of her favorite songs while cleaning up the last dish thinking about a certain long-haired brunette. She turned around coming face to face with spiderman who was hanging upside down.  The 21-year old let out a yelp clutching her heart.
"Peter don't do that !! What the hell dude."
"You okay Charm?" Bucky questioned from the couch looking over at her. He saw Peter hanging down so his concerns washed away. "Oh, Peter just scared her."
"Yeah, you alright?" Sam asked as well not taking his eyes off the screen, ignoring what Bucky just said.
"Sorry Champagne, I just came back from patrol and I rushed in here before you left to ask you this. Can you make brownies? I wasn't here the last time you made them and everyone said they were good. " Peter rambled as he let himself come down, sitting on top of the perfectly clean marble countertop.
"They were!" Sam chimed in.
"See! I want to try them." Peter pout poking out his lip.
"I be spoiling you guys I swear. I'll make some just for you Peter."  Charm groaned playfully, opening the cabinet grabbing the brownie box. "Get your ass off my counter, I just cleaned it."
Peter hopped off happily," So? You and Bucky?"
"Peter if you continue to say something about that topic, I'm not making the brownies." She warned looking in the fridge for the eggs.  Maria walked in from the elevator with a serious face grabbing everyone's attention.
"They found the base. Cap said suit up and meet them in the lab in 5. Peter, Happy is downstairs waiting for you."
Everyone nodded and Charm hugged Peter. Tony had let slide with one of his kids going on the mission, not both so Peter was going home until they got back. She kissed his forehead.
"This mission shouldn't take long, I'll be back to make your brownies. Be good for Aunt May."
" I am Champagne, be safe and please come back. "
"I will Petey. I'll always come back."
Charmaine walked in beside Sam as they were the last two to join the rest in the lab. She found a spot beside Scott. Everyone was in full armor ready to go except Bruce and Tony because you know.
"Glad of you two to finally make it," Tony said sarcastically then started swiping away on his tablet. It projects a hologram of what seems to be Rome. "We are going to Rome. Intel tells us that hydra has a camp in the countryside."
The hologram shows a huge vineyard with a building that looked abandoned with little buildings surrounded.
"Inside sources tell us that the person who is over this organization called M.A.Z.E is supposed to be visiting any moment now. We're taking down two operations at once so be prepared for this mission to be one of the hardest." Maria said reading something off her tablet. Charm snuck a glance at Bucky who was in his winter soldier attire. She hoped that this mission wasn't going too hard for him.
"Brief explanation. Stay focused at all times, take out as many as you can, feeling overwhelmed? Walk it off. Get in, Get out. Anyone that has the chance grabs the scepter." Steve spoke with determination.
"When we get there we fight anyone that comes our way. Sam or Stark will find a way to get us in. Charm you stay by someone at all times okay? first mission and we don't want to lose you."
"Gotcha." Charm nod her head understanding his rule.
Inside the quinjet, she sat beside Bucky. Both had their mask off to communicate with each other. Everyone was in either their own zone or in a conversation. Bucky closed his eyes so he could converge on how to not lose control of himself, he didn't want to completely turn back into the winter soldier.
"You like my suit?" Charmaine asked softly taking him out of his trance.
Bucky turns his head giving a smile, "I like it. You make it look good and very badass."
"I feel like a badass." She jokes making them laugh. As their laughter died down, Charm grabbed his hand pulling it in her lap. "Are you okay about this whole mission? I know history with you and hydra isn't really that good."
"I should be good, I just don't want to be captured again, you know? Steve and I are still working on me not reacting to my trigger words. It's hard but it's working. Plus I got you fighting by my side so we are going to be the coldest duo."
"Well I'm not going to let that happen, you protect me so I'm going to always protect you . If you don't mind, I could help with the trigger words? I'll be there to hold your hand or something." Charm said with quiet empathy giving him a soft smile. " Coldest duo? Well, this mission should be over in no time. When we get back can we finish watching Legally Blonde? You fell asleep before it started leaving me up by myself."
"I'll check with Steve when we do it the next time, I wouldn't want you to get hurt if anything happened," Bucky said nodding his head towards Steve. " And I told you that I was tired! You didn't listen and put on the movie anyway."
"I'm not going to get hurt and I thought you were playing!" Charm said in defense then calmed down. "Hey, Bucky?"
"I'm always going to be here for you okay? You mean the world to me and I don't want to lose you under no circumstances." She said holding his hand to her face. Charmaine looked him in the eyes, showing that she was serious. A world without Bucky is a world that she can't live in. She needs him.
His hand opened and Charm cuddled to it. Bucky looked at her in admiration rubbing his thumb against her cheek. He admits it, Buchanan was head over heels for her,"You mean the world to me as well so don't think you're going anywhere. You're my lucky charm."
In the next four hours, they had arrived Rome's countryside and everyone prepared for landing. Charm stood next to her dad as his Iron Man suit connects over his body. Before his helmet covered his face, Tony turned to Charm.
"Kiddo, be safe alright? Don't get hurt or anything."
"I will." She reassured and he kissed her forehead. 'Now thinking about it Tony has a weird way of expressing his feelings' Charmaine thought to herself. The doors to the jet opened and Steve spoke up, "Stark, Sam you're up!"
A/N: I am not good with action so skipping to the juicy part.
Charmaine ran down the hallway trying to find the exit to the big building. Thor didn't retrieve the scepter and they were still looking but time was winding down. She ran into this room where there were big computer screens on the wall with a closed-cell in the corner.
"Ahh, I have been looking for you." A female voice came from behind her making Charmaine turn around swiftly. "I'm Mazikeen and you are going to be on in my unit."
The room filled with tension as they circled each other not losing sight of one another. "Unit? I'm not going to be anyone's slave. Let alone let you lay a finger on me, so let go of that stupid ass idea you have." Charmie snapped holding her fist up. Mazikeen winked getting in defense mode as well.
"Snarky? I like that. Let's do this shall we?"
She swings on Charm who easily blocks it. The two fight hand-to-hand combat for a couple of minutes, none stop. Charmaine was getting tired but she held her weight up. She kicked Mazikeen on her back, placing her foot on her neck. The Demon grabbed her ankle smirking then rolled over making Charm fall on her side. She gets on top, pulling out her knife.
"This won't hurt one bit. Well, maybe just a little."
"Anyone have eyes on Charmaine? The building is going to blow in 3 minutes." Tony's voice came through the comm.
"I'm busy at the moment!" Charm yelled pushing Mazikeen's arms up so she wouldn't get stabbed in the face. The dark skin girl moved one of her hands to the side grabbing the demon's hair yanking it.
Mazikeen fell off and it gave her enough time to get back to her feet. Charm kicked her to stay down but Mazi grabs her foot mid-air then twist it making her body twirl, falling on the ground.
"I will have you to myself and make you my eternal flame. Right along with the other 3 elements. You are going to be the most powerful." Mazikeen leans down grabbing her hair yanking it making Charmaine cry out in pain. The demon moved her mouth close to Charm's ear with a sinister smirk.
"I'm going to have you kill anyone that stands in our way."
A guard's body flew in the door from someone kicking him through. Bucky walks into the room angrily seeing Mazikeen holding a handful of Charm's brown hair.
He runs over punching her in the face making the demon drop his lover. Bucky grabbed Mazikeen by the neck with his metal hand dragging her towards the closed-cell.
The bounty hunter's eyes widen from the pressure that was on her throat, she hit his arm repeatedly but that didn't do anything. Bucky flings her into the closed cell like she was discarded trash.
Charm sits on the ground rubbing the back of her head, the words haunting her mind. Bucky goes back over to help his best girl onto her feet.
"We need to out of here now."
But it was muffled because of the mask. She nodded putting her weight on him as they walked to the exit. On the roof, the two ran to the middle.
"We're on the roof! Bring the Quinjet!" Bucky yelled taking off his mouth cover. Charm was hunched over trying to catch her breath, she literally just fought 5 minutes straight now she doing a full-out run. She needed more exercise.
The explosion sounded off and the building shook. Just in time, the Quinjet hovered down lowly so they could get on. A huge crack in the roof separated the two.
The building was going to collapse.
They looked around frantically as Charm's side start to slowly but gradually fall.
"Jump!" Bucky yelled, holding out his hand.
Charm did as told, not even second-guessing, leaping off the fallen building. She catches the side of the broken roof, barely holding on with one hand. All she needed to do was use her upper body to lurch her forward so her other hand could grab his. Bucky bends over, reaching for her hand, not taking his blue eyes off her brown ones.
Charmaine's eyes were filled with fear, feeling herself slowly losing grip, "I can't reach it!"
"Use your strength, Charmaine. Grab my hand!"
"I can't, Bucky; my body is too tired. I feel myself slipping!"
"Charm, grab his hand! Bucky, you need to need to grab Steve's hand. That building is going to collapse any second! He will pull you guys up." Natasha said in the comms but was ignored by both.
Bucky leans forward more without noticing that he might fall himself, "I'm not leaving without you charmaine. grab my hand!"
"I'm trying!" Charm yelled when she tries to lift herself; it aches in pain. She drops her hand down in pain. Tears clouded her vision as she knew this was it; Bucky stared at her scratched-filled face knowing what she was thinking.  He shook his head; He can't lose her, not now, " No Charm, you're leaving with me!"
Charmie could feel the building she was holding on to began to fall, sobbing; she looked into Bucky's blue eyes one last time. "I'm sorry Bucky."
"No Charmie, you have time. Just grab my hand! P-Please." Bucky yelled as tears clouded his vision. "You're my lucky charm. I need you!"
The building collapsed, and his feet slip from under him. A hand grabs his keeping Bucky from falling in the rubble; Natasha lowered it down in time just for Steve to grab the back of his armor from falling with her.
"No!" Bucky stared in horror watching Charmaine screamed, falling into the explosion reaching out for him.
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Steve gasp as tears fell down his face seeing the horrible fate of his sister.
There was nothing either could do.
With the help of others, Steve pulled Bucky into the quinjet.
Bucky laid on his stomach sobbing with heartache.
Tears weld in Thor's eyes as he saw that Charmaine wasn't on the jet. This didn't seem real to him; he couldn't accept it, "Where is Charmie? Why isn't my sister on this jet?!"
"Steve, where is Charmie?" Natasha asked, slowly getting up from the pilot seat as Clint took over. Her heart raced, hoping that he would say that Tony has her or something. Bruce grabbed her waist, but she snatched away from his touch.
"Natasha, sit down."
"Don't tell me to sit down! Where is she?!"
Steve couldn't say anything as he drops to his knees, breaking down. Sam catches him before he hit the floor. "I got you man."
The jet doors opened as Tony flew in; he raised an eyebrow to see the team in tears. He was getting files in this underground room but got out in time just as the building collapsed. He noticed someone was missing.
"What's going on? Where is Charmaine?"
No one answer, which made Tony panic.
"Where is my daughter?!"
"Tony, she died; she f-fell into the explosion," Scott informed him while wiping his tears.  Her falling replayed in Bucky's mind like it was his personal hell. Charm reached out for him, and he couldn't save her. He failed.
Tony's world crumbled as tears blurred his vision looking around the jet as if she was hiding, "What? Barnes tell me he's lying! Where the hell is my daughter!"
Bucky sat up now with his knees to his chest; he couldn't stop crying no matter how much he tried. He lost the one person that meant the most to him other than Steve, the person he saw a future with. His best girl is no longer here.
Tony sat down in a seat in disbelief; for once in his life, he cried. He completely broke down, not being able to hold it. She filled the lonely hole in his heart; everyone he ever loved was gone, and the person who made him happy.
Was gone too.
It was evening time when they got back; they had been gone all day.
The living room was silent; the avengers sat down sulking and mourning. Bucky squeezed his eyes tightly closed as the memory of her falling hit his mind like a truck. Tony had his head in his hands, just letting his mind run all over the place. The elevator ding, and a frantic Peter walked out looking for Tony.
"Mr. Stark, I'm here! What happened? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" Peter rambled, walking into the living room. He noticed everyone's sad behavior, then looked around for Champagne. "Guys?  Did something happen? Where is Charmaine?"
Tony gets up from the couch, going to Peter, engulfing him in a hug. Peter hugged back, shock that he did that but was still confused about what happened. "Mr. Stark, what's wrong?"
"She n-not co-coming back, kiddo."
"I'm s-sorry, kid."
"N-no, you're lying! This isn't a joking matter, Mr.Stark; everyone can put smiles on their fucking faces, and Champagne can pop up from under the couch." Peter said abruptly, pulling back from Tony's arms; doing a 360 to look around for a camera. Steve rubbed his hand over his mouth to keep from crying again.
"Queens, it's not a jo-joke."
Peter's face reddens from anger and sadness," She said she was coming back! She promised! What happened to her?!" Charmaine promised without even promising him because she always comes back. Peter prayed that this a sick ass joke; she was his best friend. Him and Her against the world.
"She fe-fell into the explosion Peter," Bruce said sadly; with that, Natasha broke down in his arms. Peter wasn't taking this well, and that broke everyone's heart even more.
"N-no guys, stop this, pl-please."Peter cried, shaking his head, then he looked Tony in the eyes. Her father nodded his head as a way of saying that it's true. Peter broke down mentally, " My Champagne is su-supposed to be here with me. My best friend is.."
Tony pulls his son into his arms; tears threaten to spill.
Peter sobbed his heart out.
2:43 a.m.
Bucky's body lurched forward after grabbing the gun that was kept under his pillow for 'emergency purposes' raised at...
"Bucky, drop the gun. It's me."
"Shit, I'm sorry, Steve." His fingers slowly lost grip of the gun, and the weapon dropped to his lap. His chest drew up sharply with each breath as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. Steve sat on the edge of his bed.
"It's fine Buck, you were yelling, so I came in here to see if everything was alright."
"I should be fine."
"Okay, I'm going back to bed and try to get some sleep before my morning exercise." Steve sighs, getting up from the bed. He wasn't getting any sleep at all, but he didn't want to tell Bucky that.
"Steve?" Bucky called before he could leave out the room. Steve stopped in his tracks looking at him.
"Can you stay with me and watch Legally Blonde? I was supposed to watch it with Ch-Charm when we came back, but..."
"I'll stay Bucky; I don't mind."
Bucky gave a small smile getting out of bed, grabbing some pillows and the comforter. Steve grabbed his laptop from the desk to find the movie. 5 minutes later, the two super soldiers were lying on the floor, eyes glued to the computer enjoying the movie.
Awe this is a filler and it's long so bonus.
Give feedback plsss😂. If this is cringy let me knoww!
Next Chapter: Eternal Flame
stay slutty my friends!
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squiggledrop · 4 years
Birthday Confessions - Spencer x Reader
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Summary: Reader (gender neutral) and Spencer are both secretly in love with each other. Reader is going to be alone for their birthday, so Spencer comes up with a plan to surprise them.
Word Count: 4k
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Kissing
Note: Written based on this request: “Spencer knows the reader doesn't have family near and celebrates it with her?” by @amofbebbanburg​. So sorry this literally took me forever.
The low rumble of the jet lulled you to sleep, your head falling to rest on Emily’s shoulder. Spencer sat across from you, his eyes fixated on the slight curve of your lips as your chest rose and fell with every breath you took, in tandem with the fluttering of his heart. The orange hue of his reading light dusted your cheeks, and the soft sounds you made resonated between his ears. He was so transfixed on your angelic, sleeping form, that he was unaware of the smirk plastered across Emily’s face as she watched him look at you. When he noticed her staring, he cleared his throat and abruptly returned his gaze back towards his book. Her light chuckle at his actions brought a harsh blush to his cheeks, only causing him to sink behind his book even further. 
“You know, you’re not being very subtle”, Emily teased, “(Y/n)’s going to catch on sooner or later”. Spencer felt his lungs constrict as panic coursed its way through his body.
“Wha-what do you mean?”, he confoundingly replied, having realized just how obvious he had been.
“Spencer”, she said with a knowing look, “We all know how you feel about (Y/n)-”
“Emily!”, he hissed. His eyes growing tenfold as he looked back at you to make sure you were still asleep. “They’re right there!”, he pleaded, turning his head to gesture towards your unconscious form.
“Relax”, she grinned. “They’re asleep, and trust me, (Y/n) can sleep through anything”, she said, rolling her eyes fondly. Spencer fought back a smile, trying to maintain his stoic composure, as he thought of how annoyed Emily would get on cases when your absurdly loud alarm would go off and not even wake you up. You would always joke that the point of your alarm wasn’t to wake yourself but to wake up Emily so that you could be woken up by the smiling face of your best friend. Emily would always glare at you in the mornings while on cases, and you would return the favor by laughing Oh hush, you love me, as the rest of the team shook their heads at your comical antics. 
Spencer bit his bottom lip as he thought about how he wouldn’t mind being woken up every morning to an air horn in his ear if it meant he got to wake up next to you. He would wake you up with gentle kisses across your face while holding you tightly to his chest. He would make sure to always have a huge smile on his face as he told you how much he loves you, just so you would start each day knowing how wonderful he thinks you are.
When the jet landed Emily gently shook her shoulder, causing you to groggily awake from your sleep. “Morning sleeping beauty”, she joked. You took in a deep breath, lifting your head and taking in your surroundings. It was dark, save for an amber halo peeking through Spencer’s deep curls. An inaudible gasp left your lips at the sight of him smiling down at you with his dark eyes that still managed to shine brighter than all the stars in the night sky. To quell the augmented flutter of your heart, you quickly turned away, hiding your flushed cheeks, before putting your head back down on Emily’s shoulder.
“Mmm, goodnight”, you sighed, closing your eyes as a smile crept its way to your lips.
“Nice try”, she laughed as she took her arm out from under you, placing a teasing pout across your face, “I’ve hit my sleeping (Y/n) quota for the week”. You reluctantly sat back up and were face to face with the man you had been hiding from. Your eyes met, and you lingered slightly too long looking at each other, completely unaware of Emily’s smirk.
“Right”, you cleared your throat, standing up. Spencer jolted his eyes back down to his book as he turned to place it in his satchel. You took this opportunity to make your way off the jet, not daring to look back at the man you were hopelessly in love with.
As you rode the elevator up to the sixth floor, you were hyper-aware of Spencer’s presence behind you. You kept sneaking glances at him, only to see he was looking at you each time you did. And each time you would both avert your eyes, just to look back a moment later.
After the team debriefed in the conference room, everyone went back to their respective desks to finish up some paperwork for the case before heading home. Luckily for you, this meant having to sit across from Spencer and using every fiber in your body to not look up at him. Spencer, however, couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He watched as you flipped through the files on your desk, and admired how you ran your fingers through your hair, a habit of yours when you were deep in thought. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when you began to chew on your lip, and he couldn’t get the idea of kissing your tender, plump lips out of his mind. You were killing him. He couldn’t focus on his work, and all he wanted was to hear your voice, he needed to.
“So, are you doing anything for your birthday this weekend?”, Spencer inquired. Your head shot up from your desk, your mind having gone blank at his question. He furrowed his eyebrows at you, while his musky brown eyes searched your face. Spencer’s face fell as he slowly turned back to the open file on his desk, figuring he said something to make you uncomfortable. Your eyes were fixated on him, as his words, that hung in the awkward silence, finally caught up to you.
“Uh, h-how did you know it was my birthday?”, you questioned, genuinely confused. You had been at the BAU for seven months, after having transferred from the San Francisco office, and you were sure your birthday, of all things, had never been the topic of conversation. It’s not that you hated your birthday, but seeing as your family lived on the other side of the country, you felt silly celebrating it beyond a text from your mom. Truth be told, you had almost forgotten it was coming up with how hectic everything has been at your new job. It was a lot different than your previous job in California, which mostly consisted of doing paperwork at your desk. But, you couldn’t be happier than where you were: doing your dream job with people that were slowly becoming your family. Emily quickly became your best friend, and your crush on the very man sitting across from you formed not long after. So, imagine your surprise when he looked at you, through dark circles that framed glazed over eyes, hazy from sleepless nights during long cases, and asked you if you had any plans for your birthday.
“Oh, um, well”, he looked away from you and scratched the back of his neck as his plump lips formed a slight smile, “i-it was in your file from when you joined, and you know, eidetic memory”. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled innocently at you before staring back down at his desk.
“Right, of course”, you forced a smile as his head shot back up and nodded. “Well”, your face brightened in an attempt to break the palpable awkwardness that had formed between you two, “probably just going to spend it watching David Tennant on my tv while curled up on the couch with some ice cream.”
“What? For your birthday? You aren’t going out to celebrate?”, he questioned, appearing genuinely concerned.
“Well, normally I would, but drinking at a bar alone doesn’t scream ‘Happy Birthday’, you know”, you chuckled.
“You should at least have cake, everyone should get to have cake on their birthday. Actually, birthday cakes date back to ancient Rome, where people would have cakes made out of flour, nuts, yeast, and honey. However, birthday cakes became popularized in the 15th century in Germany when bakeries began making one layered cakes for people to buy to celebrate birthdays”, he said as he raised his eyebrows while his lips formed a thin smile. You couldn’t help but look at him with complete adoration as he rambled. “But, um, you aren’t even doing anything with Emily or Garcia?”, he hesitantly questioned. Your lips pressed together as you shrugged your shoulders.
“Emily treated me to lunch earlier in the week because she has plans this weekend”, you reassured him and he nodded, “Plus, it’s the first year I won’t be with my parents and I just miss them so I don’t really feel like celebrating alone”, He gave you a sympathetic smile as you shrugged. “But, I promise I’ll at least get cake batter ice cream”, you smiled while winking, eliciting a laugh from him.
“Okay good”, he said, smiling back. His warm chuckles still reverberated throughout your chest, swirling around your heart. Once again you found yourself frozen, knowing you should turn away, but not finding an ounce of strength to do so as you both just gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Well uh, goodnight”, you said, forcing yourself to look down to grab your bag and head towards the elevator. Your stomach clenched as you kept your gaze ahead, not daring to look back at him. Spencer, however, couldn’t keep his eyes off of you as you left. His eyes caressed each of your curves as you walked further and further away from him. He bit his bottom lip, smiling to himself as he watched you leave. 
“Goodnight”, he murmured to an empty room with an obnoxious smile plastered on his face. 
You woke up the next morning, the sun glaring in through your blinds. You turned over in your white, crinkled sheets, shutting your eyes in an effort to avoid the intruding rays. The ding of your phone pierced the quiet room as you sighed and rolled back over to check your phone. You groaned as you squinted at the screen, the harsh light it emitted illuminating your face. 
From Derek: Hey sweet cheeks, sorry to bother you on our day off, but Hotch called a meeting. He said it’s urgent. 
Great, you thought, Happy Birthday to me. You forced yourself out of bed and wasted no time getting ready before heading over to the BAU. You grabbed a granola bar on your way out, rolling your eyes, dreading having to spend your birthday working instead of sleeping all day. 
When you walked into an empty bullpen, you were even more confused. You got out your phone, ready to text Morgan, but you got a text from Garcia.
From Penelope: Good morning and happy happy birthday my sweet sweet (Y/n). Everyone is in the conference room! :)
When you opened the door to the conference room, instead of seeing grotesque crime scene photos of victims, you found the whole team there, each sporting a very cliché party hat. You couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face as everyone shouted Happy Birthday! You made your rounds hugging and thanking everyone, however, you couldn’t help but notice that someone was missing. 
“Hey, Pen, where’s Spence?”, you asked as everyone else was distracted in conversations.
“Oh, he um, he had something to do today, so he couldn’t make it”, she said sympathetically, noticing that the smile you were trying to force was gradually falling.
“Oh okay”, you said, looking around trying to appear happy. 
“But um”, she said, turning to Derek, who raised his eyebrows and shook his head before stepping out of the room, “he gave us very special instructions on what to do”, she reassured. Your heart fluttered at her words, knowing that Spencer did this for you. Just as you were about to ask her what he said, the lights turned off. Derek came in holding a cake adorned with candles as everyone sang “Happy Birthday”. When he held the cake in front of you, you read what it said: Outside those doors, we might see anything. We could find new worlds, terrifying monsters, impossible things. And if you come with me… nothing will ever be the same again! Happy Birthday (Y/n)! You felt a tear slip down your cheek as you blew out the candles. The tenth doctor was drawn on the cake and you couldn’t stop rereading the quote of his that was written on top. You smiled back up at your team and thanked them for such an amazing birthday.
Despite the love and appreciation you felt from the rest of the team, you couldn’t help but spend the rest of the party overthinking, hiding it behind a façade. You didn’t want to read too much into the quote, but Spencer, who could probably, no definitely, recite every line from Doctor Who, had chosen this one for your birthday cake. You desperately wanted it to mean something, but if he hadn’t even shown up to your party, clearly you weren’t that important to him. When everyone had finished eating, you thanked them again and gave your hugs goodbye. You drove home and blasted your music, loudly singing along, in hopes of drowning out the thoughts of Spencer that swarmed your head.
When you reached your door, there was nothing you wanted more than to put on your sweats and sink into your couch. You slid your key into the deadbolt and pushed open the door. Expecting to walk into your desolate apartment, tears were brought to your eyes at what you found when you walked in. The lights were off and the windows had trash bags taped over them to prevent any sun from breaking the barrier and entering your apartment. You looked all around and were met with string lights adorning your ceiling as if there were a thousand glass stars littering your apartment. A projector sat on the floor near the entryway, projecting galaxies that were currently orbiting around the room. The twinkling lights drew your gaze onto the figure standing in the middle of the dimly lit room. You couldn’t make out his face, but you could tell who it was by the way his dark curls were illuminated by the intertwining auburn and cream-colored swirls of Jupiter that spun around him. 
“Spence…”, you whispered, his name slipping out as you felt yourself being pulled towards him. You had missed him so much today, and at the sight of him, you couldn’t contain the relief that washed over you. You placed your hands on his arms, the soft fabric of his pinstriped suit felt so right under your light grasp. You looked down at his converse, laughing as you realized he was dressed as the tenth Doctor. Looking up at him and meeting his gaze, you suddenly realized how close you two were and that you were practically holding him in your arms. “This is amazing”, you chocked out as you quickly pulled away, wiping the tear that rolled down your cheek as you sheepishly smiled. 
“That’s Doctor to you”, he teased, matching your smile tenfold. 
“Sorry”, you laughed, “this is amazing, Doctor.” You looked around your apartment again, still stunned at how captivating it was. “Um, how did you do all this?”, you asked amazed.
“W-well, you mentioned you were going to spend your birthday watching David Tennant on your television, and I figured having the Doctor in person would be an even better way to spend your birthday… And then I figured what kind of Doctor would I be if I didn’t show you outer space”. You opened your mouth but were swiftly cut off by him, “And, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to celebrate with everyone, but, I had to get you out of here and I thought you would enjoy spending some time with the team. Oh!”, he abruptly interjected, “did you um, get your cake?”, he timidly asked with a sheepish smile.
“Yes, I-I did. It was delicious by the way”, he nodded, “I missed you, but thank you for the party”, you said, just above a whisper, “but um, this, is amazing. I-It’s beautiful, Spence”, you smiled, admiring all the twinkling lights and planets that orbited the two of you, “really. Thank you”, you said, finally looking into his eyes that bore into you. 
“You are beautiful”, he said, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. You were speechless. Your mouth opened a few times as you struggled to find a response. “I just thought you should know”, he added after your prolonged silence. 
“The quote, on the cake. Did you um…”, you broke the silence between you two looking up at him expectantly.
“Yeah um”, he scratched the back of his neck as he smiled to the ground, “I uh, that line always makes me think of you”, your eyes widened at his words, “At work, we come across the most ‘terrifying monsters’, but, when I’m with you, I feel safe and when I look at you, I’m reminded that there are still amazing, beautiful things in the world, because, I-I think”, he cleared his throat, trying to hold back tears, “Because you are beautiful and amazing, and I am so lucky to have you in my life”. You were stunned. Your heart was beating so fast you feared he could hear it. Your silence, however, scared Spencer, because he didn’t want to lose you just because he had decided to spill his heart to you after breaking into your apartment. “I thought we could watch Doctor Who together”, he paused, still looking for any hint of a reaction from you, “but if not, I can just go. I didn’t mean to barge in like this and-”, he was cut off as you flung yourself into him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he latched onto you, breathing a sigh of relief.
“No! Um, that, that sounds amazing”, you whispered into his neck. “I’d love nothing more than to be th-the Doctor’s companion”, you said, smiling against his soft skin.
“Good”, he laughed, “that’s, that’s very good”. You lifted your head off his shoulder, just enough to look into his eyes. Your smile slowly dropped as you moved in closer to his mouth, lightly brushing your lips against his. His eyes fluttered shut as you spoke against his mouth.
“But, as much as I love the Doctor, I would much rather be with my favorite doctor,” you smiled against his lips as you looked up, searching his eyes. 
“I think that can be arranged”, Spencer mumbled against your lips, opening his eyes as your noses brushed up against each other. You looked into his velvet eyes and swore you could see the entire universe in them as they reflected the warm glow of every star hanging above your head. You moved in closer, finally connecting your lips. Warmth rose within you, radiating out through your chest as his lips moved against yours. His arms moved up and down your back, mapping every curve of your body as if he were drawing constellations onto your flushed skin. Your fingertips ran across his supple skin as you cupped his cheek, deepening the kiss. His tongue grazed your bottom lip and you gladly opened your mouth, granting him more access. With every breath you took, you inhaled him in even deeper, getting high off the notes of cinnamon and coffee that flooded your senses. He pulled you impossibly closer, pushing you flush against his chest, and the moan you elicited only intensified his grip. Your thighs clenched and your knees felt week as he began to kiss along your jaw. The warmth of his mouth trailing its way down your neck, caused your eyes to roll to the back of your head. “So beautiful”, he murmured against your sensitive skin, saying it to himself more than anything else. Each kiss caused a string of electricity to shoot throughout your system, as you ran your fingers through his deep curls, tugging lightly. His kisses gradually became less intense, and your breathing began to even out. He gave a final peck to your neck and then to your cheek and finally your lips, before leaning back to look you in the eyes. “Happy Birthday”, he said smiling at you, while his eyes gleamed with adoration.
“Thank you”, you replied, your brain still fuzzy from the kiss you two just shared, “for, um, everything.”
“Of course”, he smiled, still holding your gaze, “So um, do you want to watch Doctor Who…”.
“Yeah, yes”, you nodded, finally getting some grip back on reality. You walked over to the couch, Spencer’s hand still laced in yours. You sat down first and Spencer sat next to you, still grasping onto your hand as if you would disappear if he let go. You grabbed the remote from the coffee table and leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder as you both relaxed into the couch. As you were getting Doctor Who set up on the tv, Spencer took your hand into both of his and ran his fingers over your knuckles.
“I know I’m no David Tennant”, he said, causing you to turn and look up him, “but um, I-I just wanted to be clear that I, I like you, a lot”. 
“I like you too Spence”, you smiled, “a lot”, you teased. “And, Dr. Spencer Reid is way better than any other Doctor in my book”, you kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush.
“Really?”, he asked, biting his lip.
“Really”, you reassured him.
“Even Matt Smith?”, he joked.
“Oooh I don’t know about that”, you said coyly, raising your eyebrows. Despite your joking manner, Spencer’s face still fell.
“Oh. Sorry. Yeah, he’s um-”, he rambled, looking down at his shoes.
“Spence”, you stopped him and put your hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at you, “I was just joking”, you said earnestly, making sure he understood. You searched his eyes as he slowly nodded. “When I said I like you, I meant I really like you, and only you, okay?”, he nodded again but remained silent, “I’ve kind of had a crush on you since my second day at the BAU”, you said smiling as a blush found its way to your cheeks, “and there is no one I would rather be with than you”. Spencer couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Your angelic voice echoed in his head as he pulled you towards his chest, enveloping you in a hug.
“You are the only person I want to be with too”, he said, pulling back so he could see your beautiful face. “And I’ve liked you since your first day at the BAU”, he smiled, crinkling his eyes. You let out a breathy laugh as you gave him a quick peck before snuggling back into him on the couch.
“Always have to one-up me, don’t you doctor”, you teased, and this time he laughed as he pulled you in closer to him, running his fingers along the side of your hip. As the episode began, you turned up to him again and pondered, “Speaking of one-upping, you took me to outer space on our first date, so I am very excited to see what you plan to do for our second”. You both giggled as he kissed the top of your head. 
Finally feeling confident after your many reassurances, Spencer quipped back, “Someone’s eager, and who said anything about a date?”, he smiled, “this is just a birthday present”. You feigned being hurt by his words as you laughed.
“Dr. Spencer Reid”, you shook your head, “I told you, I’m your companion”, you smirked, causing him to laugh, “you are stuck with me”.
“Good”, he said, peppering your face with kisses as you giggled, “Because I am never letting you go”. He looked into your eyes as the Doctor Who theme song played in the background and you both smiled like idiots. You turned your attention back to the tv and held onto each other for the rest of the night. You fell asleep in each other’s arms as the stars twinkled above your heads and you spun in orbit with the planets that danced throughout the apartment.
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
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Summary: The so-called chemistry between you two is superbly deadly, so why not take it to the next level?
Pairings: Testurou Kuroo x fem!reader
Word count: 5.3k
Tags, Genre: fake lovers! trope, slight angst
A/N: 🤺 stay back🤺feelings🤺
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Maybe you should've disagreed on the 10th time or maybe the 8th or 11th?
Honestly, there was no stopping the couple of the year.
"She didn't really say yes at first but with a little push of love she finally did." Kuroo comments, a drink in hand as you smiled against his side, with his arm around you.
"Please, I didn't need a push. I was too in love with the dumbass to say no." Your relatives practically awe at your comment while Kuroo kisses the top of your head, as you smile to sell the deal.
"What are you guys planning on after you graduate? I hope you two continue to stay like this." One of your relatives says as you both recall the plan.
"Moving in doesn't sound so bad, right babe?" He asks you while you sip your drink, feeling his hand slide down to your waist while they cheer at his dialogue.
"I wish young love looked like this when I had it!"
"Y/N is so lucky!"
"Tetsu is the best man for Y/N!"
Sighing with pain to your gums, you spoke.
"Excuse me, I'm just going to refill my drink. Coming babe?"
"Of course, bub." He says before excusing himself as well, while he walks away, his hand loses contact with your waist knowing there wasn't a sight of anyone else in the kitchen apart from you and him.
And cut.
"I thought our fourth line was that we would take things slow—what you said was literally our fifth line, Tetsu. It's too early." You say as you actually refilled your cup as Kuroo sighs but he smiles, leaning on the wall looking at you.
"Well might as well go all out, I'm not an actor for nothing, babe." You sigh as you drank as Kuroo pats your hair, after a sip, you let out a chuckle.
"Actually, their reactions were everything." You say as Kuroo smiles before setting down the cup on the table.
"Did you see your grandmother? She's going to beg you to wear her wedding dress now." He jokes while you shake your head, denying the offer.
You introduced your relatives to him last year, he was thankful that you trusted him this well to get this far in your family. You hated how they fell into this little trap of yours but it was still entertaining to see them act like this, even if guilt trailed alongside it.
"Seriously, do we go over line 5 now?" You asked with a slight smirk as Kuroo intertwined his hands with yours, with the other ready to open the door.
"We'll see how our audience reacts first, babe."
"You did not— you guys are taking this too far. How are you feeling?" Yaku asks through the phone as you bit down on your finger as you tried to come up with another excuse to why you keep allowing yourself in this position.
"I'm fine Yaku seriously! Me and Kuroo are staying at this hotel because of the whole family event earlier." You ran a hand through your hair, feeling the stress set in that you were actually sleeping in the same room as him.
This faux relationship has never led to this point. Kuroo has asked you for permission in case he were to kiss your cheek, hand, or forehead and you allowed yourself every time because this is what you got yourself into in the first place.
You agreed because it didn't bring your heart leaps of excitement—not even a sight of a butterfly in your system.
No matter how many times he's held your hand or planted a kiss on your temple, it didn't feel like Cupids touch— the arrows of love purposely hitting you in the wrong places. You initially thought that it was actually risky, to find yourself falling sooner than expected but a year into this 'relationship' you actually enjoyed the experience without having your heart miss a beat because of it all.
Your bond with Kuroo can only be described by the words bickering and platonic. Because of the way you interact with each other and how you constantly visit each others places, everyone could see where this friendship could end up so you took this advantage just for people to avoid the both of you which turns out to be the opposite, now everyone wanted to dig themselves in the news that you actually got together.
"Y/N- Kuroo please explain your work here on the table." You had your experiment carefully in your hands as Kuroo guides you to the table as you went on with your explanation. The teacher was well impressed with the two of you with how prepared you are, you can thank Kuroo for that and your ability to act like you've got your shit together.
"This is why we-" You two said it in sync making the two of you stare at each other as Kuroo chuckles continuing the explanation while you were left to stay silent with the glares from the girls who admired him—and the boys who liked you sent their threats to Kuroo just by glancing at him.
"Thank you, good job you two. I see that chemistry suits the both of you." Your teacher comments and as you walked away you rolled your eyes, disgusted at the corny joke.
"It's working too well actually."
Someone shut him up. You think as you felt the urge to give him a punch to shoulder. Kuroo was dragging more attention to the two of you and you hated it. You knew they were all jokes from your classmates but Kuroo kept feeding and responding to these claims, now you were the center of curiosity.
"Tetsu, I will shove a foot down your throat." You threatened when you were back to your chairs he shrugged making you more irritated.
"It shut them up didn't they? Let's fake it instead." He suggests, now making you slap his arm but his smirk remained on his lips.
"Dumbass, we'd be surrounded with questions and attention- I hate this idea already."
"What about the free couple food and drinks at the mall? You don't wanna experience that?"
"You are not using that card on me, Tetsurou." You said pouting as your chemistry teacher sends a suspicious eye to the both of you, also signalling for you two to stay quiet.
"I know you and you know me well enough that this isn't gonna lead into an actual relationship plus my dad has been bugging me about a girlfriend for weeks." You sigh as Kuroo extends his hand to you, to finalize this outrageous deal.
Looking at where you are now, you wouldn't have it any other way even if it was odd to fake date your best friend. You wouldn't agree if you didn't trust Kuroo to an extent. He would never do anything that makes you uncomfortable, he dragged you into this so he was always careful with his actions. It was always your feelings before his even if his jokes didn't show it.
Kuroo enters the room with a yawn just as you ended the call with Yaku. You patted the space next to you as he plops down on the bed, his head on your lap as you ran your hair through his dark locks.
"Is my boyfriend exhausted from the attention?" You asked him with a giggle as he closes his eyes, in a trance at your fingers doing him magic as you continued.
"Isn't that the girlfriends job to comfort me?" He says, making you smile. There really wasn't any meaning to his words, you were glad that the two of you were sure that everything is a joke. If not, then maybe you two are absolutely fucked.
"Is it okay for you to sleep here? I can always drive us home if you want." You shake your head no as you leaned your back in the soft pillow, relaxing a bit.
" 'S fine, Tetsu. Looks like we're gonna have to sleep here for a while huh?" He sighs before sitting up and leaning on a pillow as well before planting his head on your shoulder, his hand comfortably resting on your knee. It was a habit he had whenever he comforted you in your sorrow but it grew when he does it under the table when you sat next to each other.
Kuroo denies that he's doing this because he just wants to feel close to you. He may be in a sea of people but if he holds onto you, he forgets them in a second. There's always a possibility for him to feel lonely in a crowd but this feeling washes away when he has a chance to feel you around him.
"Tell me if somethings wrong yeah?" He says softly as you nod and he leans to your body more, feeling drowsy at the warmth you gave.
"I do find you annoying, that's a problem right there." You joke as he rolls his eyes and pulling away from you and transferring to the right side of the bed.
"Good night then." He says stubbornly, covering his ears with the pillow while you laugh before going to the right side and drowning in the blankets.
"Night, Kuroo." You bid him as you turn off the lights.
The next morning you really wished you didn't give in to him.
Tangled in each others arms, the blankets scattered everywhere as Kuroo was snuggled into your neck when you woke up. It's difficult to move without worrying about him waking up, so you had to move little by little. First, you slowly remove his arm that was on your waist. Second, you tried to rest his head on the pillow instead of you. Third, you scurry away from him successfully.
All of these were disregarded when he pulls you back into his arms, mumbling something while you mentally groan. Kuroos fingers continued to gaze itself on your skin while you sighed, accepting it as it is.
"Five minutes." He whispers not minding the state he's in. He moves away from you when he realizes the sleepiness in him has faded. He stretches, making you stand up and fix your appreance. He sits up after a few seconds and you turn to look at him and his bed hair which never fails to make you laugh.
"I don't allow bullying this early." He says as he throws on a proper shirt. You decided to fix the bed while he brushes his teeth.
"Tonight's the party right?" You asked him as he nods before spitting out the residue of the toothpaste. You went through your bag plotting out the outfits you could wear later. The event was a wedding week of your relatives and it was also an opportunity to set out your weekly episode of a relationship.
It's currently Saturday and the wedding is tomorrow. Tonight was basically a party for both sides of the family. One for the bride and one for the groom. You gave Kuroo a fair warning about their traits when they were drunk but you guys are third years—you've seen how people acted when they were intoxicated.
"Should we just drop line 6?" He jokes, making you throw a pillow directly to his face.
Let's do a role call on these lines.
Line 1 was the backstory of your lovestory. Silly as it may come to others, all these excellent lies were planned beforehand. Each and every one of them. To the date where you confessed, to the exact details on each memory, to the date you officially started dating and of course it included the story that Kuroo has told one too many times already, like a script he remembers with no trace of mistake.
Line 2 were the filler memories. Random come ups of dates and embarrassing stories to grab their attentions in each gathering. Though, this line is the most truthful then the rest. Some of these stories are actually true to life but those that are too romantically disgusting? You can thank your imaginations for that.
Line 3 is the talk of seriousness. Love has actually blossomed by then. It consisted of stories of who said "I love you" first and who actually fell first in the relationship. Mentions of what moment made them realize how in love you were and precious memories that could make everyone long for a companion like yours.
Line 4 is fake maturity at its finest. Why not look like the perfect couple there is to exist? This was sort of a pit stop in your 'relationship'. This is where Kuroo narrows down the pace of you two by throwing some lines like "We're too young to decide for something that big." And "We never know what happens in the future."
Line 5 is moving in with each other. God, you even looked for proper apartments just so you don't mess up a question. You were graduating after all so it was inescapable to talk about your upcoming plans together.
Line 6 shouldn't be used. That's talks of marriage and god— adulting. You two inserted this line as a mere joke knowing once you've gone through college, all these lines would simply disappear because they could never ask about you two anymore. If parents loved something about couples, it's the talk of marriage. Luckily, you and Kuroo hate the topic and simply agreed that this should be avoided at all costs.
"Never." You say as he hands you the pillow you threw before setting it back on the bed. You share a look to each other while you head out of your room to meet with his family.
Hours later, you got distracted in the sensation of his hands intertwined with yours.
Kuroo has subconsciously done it again. Underneath the table, swiping his thumb on the palm of your hand while his expression doesn't even show the slightest bit of interest in what he's doing below. Occasionally, Kuroo would send you a text on how boring the conversation was going so you'd bring up a topic for the both of you.
"You ok?" He asks while you smile at him before leaning your head on his shoulder, suddenly exhausted with wondering about him.
"I'm fine, babe." You say while he forgets the noise in the background. The nickname slipping of your lips so easily, even when you didn't need to call him that.
"Wanna go back to our room?" That was what you wanted anyway but was it rude to walk out of gatherings like this?
"Is that fine with you?" You asked looking up to meet his eyes.
"As long as your okay." He says, making your heart give out a pocket of panic.
You stood up with him following behind you. He was genuinely concerned with you so he catches up to you, slinging his arm around your shoulder bringing you close to him.
"Thanks, Tetsu." You bid him as he opens the door for you. You lied down on the bed as Kuroo sits beside you.
"You sure you're okay? I can tell them that you can't attend the party if you're sick."
"I just got really bored and distracted back there. I'm sorry if I made you worry." Kuroo flicks your forehead with his finger making you say "ow."
"Stop saying sorry, dumbass. You're my priority either way."
Stop. No. Never, remember? You think to yourself.
"Is it because I'm your 'girl?' "
"You've always been my girl, what are you talking about?" He says raising an eyebrow at you while you hit him with a pillow, confused to why your cheeks became warm at his statement.
"Oi, what was that for!" He says before throwing a pillow at you as an act of revenge. Still flushed from earlier, you threw another pillow at him. You couldn't even respond to him without telling your heart to calm down.
"You know what? Let's just watch a movie to pass some time." You suggested taking your laptop while Kuroo stares at you, bewildered at how swift your mood changes.
"Women confuse me. Especially you, god- you remind me of Bokuto. Now scooch over, lady."
I really am lucky.
Kuroo thinks to himself while he watches you twirl around the mirror for the 5th time just to temporarily assure your insecurities.
Your outfit fits you like a glove. Hugging every curve of your body, the fabric decorating you with its design. Shades of dark colors on your eyes and a tempting lip color that drives Kuroo insane with this new found thought.
"Before you can ask me, you look amazing Y/N- I don't think that's enough to describe how you look tonight." He says, almost out of breath. You quickly get flustered, turning to notice his outfit. Eyes daring up and down, taking in every bit of the stunning middle blocker.
"Hopefully I can remind you that my eyes are up here." He takes a step towards you, inches away from your nose as he studies your appearance. You just stand out, like a star blinding him. Dangerous as it is, he stares the longest at your lips.
"Y/N? Honey, our ride is here! Tell Kuroo that the guys are looking for him as well!" Your aunt shouts making Kuroo step back, not wanting a problem to surface upon the deal.
"We can meet here at 10pm if you ever feel bored okay?" You nod at him as he places a kiss on your forehead.
"Noted." You said smiling at him, you honestly forgot to thank him for the compliment but the way your eyes danced around him gave him an answer already.
"I'll see you in a bit."
Kuroo feels the need to step out of this party. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy the stories of your uncles but this wasn't a circle he could fit into. Sure, the karaoke was humourous to watch but there was a need for him to be alone with you instead.
So, he dials your phone.
"Kuroo? What is it?" You asked him, escaping the noise of your aunties laughing as you went to the balcony.
"Just checking in on you, you good?"
"Is this a signal that you wanna leave babe?" You said chuckling, Kuroo smiles while he stands up to meet with your relatives to bid them goodbye.
"Sadly, yes and you?"
"I'll be there."
Few minutes passed as Kuroo got to your location. He couldn't allow you to commute when you looked that stunning, he was there to keep you safe at all times so you spent your time with silence in a cab back to the hotel. Kuroo didn't wanna talk about the party because he felt too drained to do it.
He takes his jacket and places it on your shoulders while you pull them closer to your body.
You two were seated on the bed while Kuroo removes your heels and setting them on the floor next to your other pairs of shoes. After removing them, you travel to the kitchen and sit on the sink as you drank water. Kuroo follows you with him beside you, leaning on it.
Why is it so quiet? You wondered.
Usually, Kuroo would make remarks or just bring up a conversation with you but you two just sat there with thoughts lingering around each other. While you set down the glass, Kuroo sets himself between your legs making your eyes widen while he sets his hands on either side your hip.
"What's on your mind? You do know that your silence is too loud for me." He says stroking your sides, making you trapped in a heated moment.
"You've been off all morning. What's going on, Y/N?" He asks with sincerity. Ever since breakfast, all he's noticed is how your eyes never dared to stare back at his. How fidgety you were with his hand in yours, the way you'd gaze off into a state of thinking for a few seconds and your hands would feel cold compared to his.
"I- I don't know." You said honestly. There was a block in your mind and your heart. You couldn't notice how you were acting because there's a certain discussion that you unintentionally avoid. Was it the panic Kuroo set your heart in? Is it the way his skin on yours makes you wanna melt?
Was it the butterfly fluttering in you when he said you were his?
"Maybe you're just falling in love with me." Kuroo whispers leaning his face close to yours. God, he was joking. He should be but with his body moving without his system functioning before his orders, he was doomed already.
Unexpectedly, you leaned closer.
You could feel how Kuroo held his hand firmer to your hip while he continues to take away the centimeters in the space you had left. Tilting his head, his lips were impeccably close to yours, threatening you with how you wished they'd be on you already.
But what if I am?
"Isn't that part of the game?" You whispered back, as he steps away. The moment washes over him making his knees almost give out at what he just wanted to do. You sighed as he walks away, leaving you stranded in a pool of questionable feelings.
Your hearts were screaming. What foolishness did you insert yourself in? Kuroo felt like he shouldn't have walked away and chose the fatal move by kissing you the way he always wanted to do but he had to avoid the tightening of his chest.
No one can win in a battle of temptations, especially when your lips were calling his name.
You removed yourself from the sink while you entered your shared bed seeing Kuroo tucked in the sheets, obviously hiding.
You hopped on the either side of the bed with a sigh as you tried to silence out the voices in your head.
I don't want to be in this with you anymore.
It wasn't a surprise to see the left side of the bed empty. The moment you woke up, the both of you weren't ready to converse what happened last night, especially the middle blocker. It was his move and you couldn't even manage to move on your own after it. Now what surrounds the room is unresolved tension.
You finally got out of bed, stepping into the bathroom to brush your teeth, locking the door to leave you at peace with your mind. You decided to take a shower knowing the time of the wedding.
Kuroo comes back from grabbing your breakfast. He sees the impact of what happened last night. It was his fault for leaving without explanation now he has to endure the coldness of it all.
He hears the water running so he leans his forehead on the door, his heart wanting nothing more then for everything to be the way it was before.
"If only you knew." He whispers before gathering his tux for the event, sighing to himself.
When you walk out with a towel on, hair dripping droplets, he turns away immediately while you felt the frustration grew in how he was acting.
During your shower, you chose to base your actions with your brain instead of your heart. It can never lead you to proper decisions. Kuroo was making the situation worse—you had expected him to act like nothing happened the next day, maybe then things would have been easier.
"Have you eaten breakfast?" You asked him while he gives you a nod.
Speak to me please.
"I'll go get ready then." There was no point in hoping for a response from him and you grew tired because of it.
His mouth couldn't agree with his mind. He was caught up on if he wanted to apologize or act like nothing happened. He couldn't read your emotions properly even if he feels like he should 'cause if not then this going to grow into something you could both hate.
He's in between of thinking if you want things to be 'normal' or if you want some sort of explanation from him. He also feels like you'd escape the conversation seeing that you leaned in as well, which surprised him. He just can't face it, he can't bring up the words to express how right it felt even if it was wrong.
Still, both ways has his heart still long for you. The regret hasn't died in his body and he wishes it would.
"What time do you think they'll take us to the venue?" Your voice makes him awake somehow, he turns to see applying your makeup in the dress that the bride suggested you'd wear. Just like yesterday, he was struck again. The way the white stood out with the faint details of the dress had you glow like a star he wishes on.
"I don't know." He responds, he fell short on his words and there was still a clear state of hesitation that follows him.
You were fueled by him, yet this fire couldn't be held back.
Kuroo sees the way you drop the brush, leaving a sound echo through the silence he made, the way your heels clicked when you walked right up to him, a weak feeling setting in him knowing your stare was digging holes in his head as he looks at you.
"I think you're forgetting that you moved first."
You say, making him sweat under the confrontation but you let your words show how he managed to place your heart in your hands.
"So why act like we didn't want the same thing?"
You had him stunned. There weren't proper thoughts that ran in his mind, some parts of him still bringing him back to what happened last night and the other wanted to look into the future which was looking unsteady.
"We wouldn't want to ruin our deal, right?" His tone was laced with a threat. He couldn't even set his decisions right. Just blurting out words he thought was enough for the both of you.
"Kuroo, that wasn't an act." You argued making him crumble with another mistake in his response. You both felt it and there wasn't a way to act all blind to it. You were aware and admitted it to him face to face. That was the confirmation he needed to get his heart removed from its knots.
You step closer to him, a firm finger on his chest while your eyes stayed on
"If the show is more important to you, then let's call it like nothing happened."
While you give a push to his chest, you turned your back to him hoping it'd make him walk to you and tell you his genuine feelings.
But your heels lead you away from him and his feet remained glued to the floor.
They say weddings brought people together to celebrate love.
That is- the love that circled between you two is an experiment you'll never understand.
As you went to the wedding, everyone looked at this perfect couple who radiated silent rage with each other.
Kuroo feels the sting in his heart when you were forced to hold his hand and stick around him. Your voice portrayed it so easily- like this role of being his girlfriend was a reflex, something that you know by the back of the hand.
Meanwhile, he's forgotten his lines.
His expressions, the nicknames guardedly falling off his lips, the shaking hands that roamed around your waist, he was falling apart.
Suddenly, forgetting his role and searching for the script of reality.
Everyone can see it. The way you smiled and tried to avoid questions of why you both seems so close but feel so distant with each other. You'd laugh it off or change the topic to the lovely couple instead, even the bride could sense it.
While the ceremony begins, Kuroo couldn't stop looking at your direction. How could he not when his eyes loved the sight of you? Disregarding the tone of your voice earlier that scared the wits out of him, the way you strutted in that dress of yours still had his heart held captive.
Meanwhile, you kept your eyes busy by trying to focus on the couple. If you didn't control yourself, you would drown in him. Did that tux really have to be perfect in him? The way his hair was actually swept back with gel, exposing a new level of attraction for you.
For a second, Kuroo looks away knowing you'd never look his way the same way again.
And Cupid was sure to hit you right this time.
"Honey, you've shown me love in ways I never knew you could do. At first, I was scared. You know me- love is a deadly road but you drove me to the safest place. Love is scary but with you— I'm willing to fear it as long as I'm yours." The bride vows making some of your relatives form tears in their eyes at the beautiful choice of words.
You bit your lip, finding it ironic how it fits you. You were sure as hell scared. Knowing Kuroo and having to experience a bond with him and it could all end because of a mere kiss. You weren't ready to lose, both in love and in this level of fate.
"I've never said it before but I was scared too. It doesn't show- I know. Losing you is something that haunts me for the rest of my life, it's cliche but what's love without you? Even if I'm having some trouble in saying it, I love you and I don't think I can ever lie about that." The groom says while the bride wipes away her tears, fanning her eyes.
Didn't that just took the words right out of Kuroo?
He gulps, looking at you as you also turned to look at him. An antsy feeling settling in your bodies, the number of butterflies swarming around you was increasing with every word that replays in your minds.
Minutes pass as the newly married couple kiss, making you both awaken at the sound of cheers from your relatives. You stood up from your seat, joining the crowd as they watch the two walk down the path smiling at each other.
Kuroo was on the other side, joined by your male relatives while you were on the side with your aunties. Both of you were tremendously nervous. You decided to avert your eyes on the bride as she readies herself to thow the boquet of bright flowers.
You sighed as you decided to walk away but destiny tugs on your motives.
Time slows down as the boquet thrown in the air was circling around while they all watched on whose lucky hands it lands on. They all tried to reach it, believing in the myth that surrounded it.
Dropping an item from your bag, you bent down to pick it up but what made your eyes widen was the sight of the fallen flowers in front of you and everyone that surrounded you, disappeared in your mind.
Picking it up slowly, the boquet resting in your hand as you admired each flower but your heart was struck like an arrow hittings its target point.
Kuroo held his breath, clenching his hands as he stood there.
Giving one last glance to the boquet, your eyes finally met Kuroos astounded ones and the world goes into a blur while he remained to stay focused in your line of sight.
Just like that, Cupid lands a bullseye to both hearts.
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 3 years
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In the Name of Love
To everyone around them, what was about to happen had been a complete surprise and not to mention unexpected. But, everyone else didn't know about the secret the two shared. The months of sneaking around Hogwarts just to avoid being seen together, the stolen kisses, the insults they didn't mean, and the fear of what they felt. For if it became public, they'd surely be killed..or worse.
You see, to everyone else, that two despised one another just as they seemingly had for years before now. Even their closest friends didn't have a clue about what they were hiding.
But soon, everyone would know.
The students and staff of Hogwarts gathered around in the courtyard while the Death Eaters were on the other side. Something odd caught most of their eyes though, it was Hagrid. Hagrid, in the midst of the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself, not only that but he was carrying someone.
"Who is it that Hagrid is carrying?" Hermione Granger's panicked voice was heard.
"Who is Hagrid carrying?!" Hermione said louder and in more panic than before.
She got no answer, until..
"Harry Potter is dead," the voice of Voldemort rang out. His voice alone was enough to cause someone's skin to crawl, but for him to say that their Chosen One, their friend, was dead?
No!" Ginny Weasley exclaimed as she tried to rush to the body of the boy she loved.
But her father, Arthur Weasley, held her back as she sobbed uncontrollably as he knew that now wasn't the time to grieve.
They were all still in danger.
Hermione knew this, that's why the only reaction she had was hot, burning tears were running down her face. Harry Potter is practically her brother but he wouldn't want her to put herself or others in danger due to her emotions.
"Harry Potter is dead!" he repeated to the students and staff with grief filled expressions. There were earsplitting screams from those who were close to The Chosen One. Even Draco Malfoy was greatly affected by the loss. Not that he had liked the boy much, but he knew what it meant for him and the rest of the Wizarding World.
"Harry Potter is dead!" He repeated once more but to those on his side of the courtyard, and they laughed.
Draco Malfoy had at this point, not paid much attention to anything else. Lost in the realization that the Light had lost and all was doomed, even he who was on the side who won had still lost. For he had a secret that, once revealed, would make him no different to the ones who had been on the other side the entire time.
He was in love with a muggleborn.
It wasn't until he had heard his father beckoning him across the courtyard that he was snapped back into reality.
"Draco!" His father said gesturing for him to come by his side.
The blond boy hesitated, he could stay. He could be among all the other he would eventually die with, he could stay here and get it over with sooner and not have to live without his love. Then again, what about his family? What would happen to them? Weren't they the ones he had done all of this for, weren't they the ones who got him into all of this in the first place?
"Draco!" His father persisted.
Draco was torn, his family or his beliefs. He I surely took a step forward when a small hand caught his and his grey eyes locked with brown ones.
"Don't do it Draco," Hermione Granger begged him, "stay with us, stay with me."
He paused holding his love's fragile hands tight in his own. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he had made his final decision. He stood tall and more confident in himself then he had been in a long time.
Draco would stay. He would stay for her.
He gave her hand a squeeze and small smile to reassure her of his decision, she smiled tearfully and engulfed him in a hug to which he returned. "Anything for you," he whispered in her ear.
"Thank you," she whispered back before breaking the hug but still held his hand firmly.
"The Malfoy boy has become a filthy blood traitor!" Some Death Eater Draco didn't know called out angrily.
"What is this?" Voldemort called after seeing the exchange, "surely you have raised him better than this, Lucius?"
"Yes, my Lord, we did," Lucius said without emotion.
"It appears you hadn't done a well enough job at it. So few remaining pure families and with even less heirs to carry on their legacy," Voldemort mused, "the mudbloods have ruined so many good family names, Potter's pet has snuck in and now soiled the Malfoy's name."
"Hermione didn't 'soil' the Malfoy name, I did," Draco spoke up, "it was me who fell in love with her and it is me who will gladly choose her over your worthless cause."
"Love," he said in disgust, "what a foolish choice, I thought you were smarter than that. You should be ashamed."
"Just because you've never had it doesn't mean it's foolish," Draco argued, "and I'm not ashamed, I'm doing all this in the name of love. I'm done hiding from it."
"What a disappointment, I had such hopes for this one," Voldemort said sounding hardly disappointed or even surprised, "I'll give you one more chance, young Malfoy. Join me and you family and live a life like you deserve or you can die here and now right after Potter's whore."
"Don't call her that," Draco growled now seething with anger, "my mind is made up, I'd rather be under the cruciatus than live whatever life you would have planned."
"The cruciatus? I do think that can be arranged," Voldemort said casually right before pointing his wand at the boy.
Draco closed his eyes in anticipation for the pain he was about to experience, it wouldn't be his first experience with the curse, but it never came. He looked up just in time to see Neville Longbottom cut the head off of Voldemort's snake, Nagini. Voldemort roared at the sight knowing what it meant even when Draco didn't quite understand.
Moments later the fighting resumed, though now Draco Malfoy was known to be fighting on the other side. They had ran back into Hogwarts, if only for their last time. He and Hermione were fighting the death eaters side by side when they heard Hagrid.
"Harry! Where's Harry?" He cried.
While Hermione instantly looked to where his body had been mere seconds before only to find it gone, Draco cast a spell to prevent her from being injured due to her badly timed distraction.
Everything was happening so fast that, before they knew it, everything suddenly stopped when one voice was heard throughout the Great Hall.
"Protego!" Harry Potter shouted.
Everyone watched as Harry and Voldemort dueled for the final time.
And just like that, Voldemort was dead.
Draco had been helping to heal the wounded, he couldn't help but be angry at himself for previously causing a few of them before changing his side but at least he was making it right. He had actually found that he sort of liked helping people like this. Perhaps it was from the exhilaration of it all finally being over, he could finally have the life he wanted. It was after finishing with a sixth year Ravenclaw he didn't recognize that his Mother approached him.
She had gathered him into a hug, which was quite unusual for her especially in a public place, and he recuperated it. "My baby boy," Narcissa kept repeating. When the embrace ended she looked at him with glassy eyes, "I'm so proud to call you my son. You stood for what you believed in and even found love," she told him.
"Mother-" Draco began, truly moved by her words, when she interrupted.
"Speaking of which, I want you to have this," Narcissa told him taking out a small black box, "I'm sure you know what this is and if you care for her as much as you've displayed today, then I'm sure you won't waste any time in using it."
Now Draco was walking with Hermione down the halls of Hogwarts nervously fiddling with the box in his pocket.
"What is it you wanted to talk about? There's no one around anymore I'm sure," Hermione said.
"So impatient," he joked.
"Well while I do love it being just the two of us, there is a lot going on right now," she said in a similar tone.
"I know, I know you'd rather be with your friends than me," he said not unkindly.
She lightly pushed him, "you know that's not true."
"You're right," Draco said trying to stall.
"Plus the anticipation is killing me," Hermione told him.
"In that case maybe I'll wait until later to tell you," Draco teased.
"No! Please just tell me now," she begged and he chuckled.
He got down on one knee.
"I love you more than life itself as I've shown you today and I want to spend the rest of my existence with you. Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?" Draco said pulling out the black box to reveal a beautiful golden ring with both red and green gems in it.
The next words will change both of their lives forever.
"Of course I will!"
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lokis-astvinur · 3 years
Follow You.
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One Shot: Loki x Reader.
Prompt: You only see colours when you are in love... or not.
Word Count: 1686.
Warnings: language and fight.
You sighed tiredly you couldn't feel your body, you were sore and you wanted to finish training right there and then.
"C'mon, HYDRA won't give you much time to recover," Bucky hissed.
"Can you calm down for a second?" you asked, tiredly.
"Stand. UP." Bucky snarled.
"God, you're impossible," you cried.
Bucky launched himself into you and you avoided his fists, you jumped and flipped around kicking and punching, Bucky avoided each of your movements. You growled slamming hard into his chest with your knee, he fell back and stood to hit you, you jumped and punched, he stopped your hands and you fell back. You growled and kicked him doing a flip which ended with you flying across the room when Bucky grabbed your leg and launched you away. Your side hurt and you let out a cry.
"Ouch," you heard across the room. Steve and Sam watching.
"I can't," you cried, sore and tired.
"Stand up," Bucky snarled, walking to you.
"Bucky, I can't," you object.
"STAND UP," he shouted.
You cried, tears filling your eyes but stood up, you prepared yourself to be kicked again.
"Enough," Loki snarled, behind you. You jumped and let yourself fall on your ass. Loki appeared out of nowhere and stopped Bucky.
"She needs to train," Bucky said.
"She's done," Loki replied, helping you stand.
"You're not her mentor," Bucky spat.
Loki smiled sweetly at you and murmured a low "wait", he kissed your forehead softly and spun around punching Bucky straight in the face and made him fall a few feet away.
"Loki!" you shouted, shocked.
"Son of a bitch!" Bucky growled, rushing to hit him back but Sam and Steve stopped him.
"Hey, hey," Sam said.
"We are not doing this," Steve tried to calm them down.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Bucky growled, pissed off.
"You need to rest," Loki murmured to you. He carried you away and you gave Bucky, Sam and Steve an apologetic look. Ever since Bucky rejected you a year ago Loki has been protective of you. You were close friends, besties you always said. Loki supported and helped you as much as he could and he even started joining your team on missions. The last mission didn't go well, Bucky and you argued and you ended bleeding. Bucky was a good friend and you knew at some point he had a crush on you. You heard him that's why when he rejected you it hurt but you decided to let it go.
Now, looking at Loki adding bath salts and a bath bomb in the tube made you smile. You liked Loki more than you should but you wouldn't say a thing. Loki had made clear he would never be with a Midgardian.
"You shouldn't have punched him," you murmured.
"He is a dick," Loki growled.
"Don't be too harsh on him," you whispered, stroking his arm.
"He broke your heart," Loki hissed, clearly upset.
"That was long ago," you murmured, "plus, I forgave him," you added.
"Have your bath," Loki said, "I'll come back with dinner, you need to rest,"
He left you alone and you relaxed in the hot water. He even added your essentials oils, he cared. You thought about the nights you spent with Loki. The date nights around downtown, the cinema nights, the watching the stars night, karaoke nights, walk in the park and sit with hot chocolate in your hands. God, you loved Loki, endlessly.
"He didn't mean to hurt you," Steve said, sweetly.
"I know," you smiled, "Loki can be cutthroat sometimes," you murmured.
"Loki wants to protect you," Steve added.
"He punched Bucky," you said.
"80 times," Steve smirked and you laughed.
"He said Bucky broke my heart so he wants to break his limps," you joked.
"And I would help him," Steve joked. You smiled. "Loki loves you,"
"Steve, don't," you murmured.
"Listen for a second," Steve said.
"I know what you want to say but it's not real," you interrupted.
"Loki," Steve said.
"Yes?" Loki asked, from the door.
"Loki!" you called. Loki walked to your bedside and left a package on your lap. You opened the package and smiled, more books, "thank you,"
"You mentioned you wanted them," Loki murmured.
You nodded and you caught a glimpse of Steve smiling suggestively, you rolled your eyes.
"Loki," Steve said, "A friend asked if you wanted to join dinner with us?"
"No," Loki answered.
"You sure?" Steve continued, "She's the blonde..."
Loki cut him off, "No," he focused on you, "Anything else you need?"
"Sweetcheeks is coming, too," Steve added. Loki inspected you for a second.
"Okay," Loki said, "I will take you to the place,"
"But," you murmured.
"But nothing," Steve added, "I'll see you the location,".
You bounced from one leg to another, you waited for Loki in the living room. Barton has already joked about the two of you and you knew he was trying to contact Tony.
"Wow," you heard Sam behind you.
"Sam!" you smiled.
"You look amazing," Sam said, making you spun around.
"Thank you," you murmured, shyly. Wanda picked the outfit for you. A jean black dress, converse and a dark green and gold coat. "Are you coming?"
"Oh," Sam murmured, "I'll see you there, got to pick up flowers," he half grinned.
"Let's go," Loki said, fixing his watch. Your mouth fell open, he wore black tux trousers hugging his long legs, a white shirt, a black tie and a leather jacket, perfectly polished shoes.
"Damn," Sam murmured.
"Let's... let's go," you babbled.
Loki opened your car door and you walked into the nice restaurant. He gave Steve's name and the waiter walked you to your seats. A table for two.
"But Steve..." you murmured.
"Ah," Loki sighed, checking his phone, "Rogers had to cancel, the ladies weren't feeling alright,"
"All of them?" you asked, unamused.
"He said we left early so they didn't want to ruin our night," Loki added.
You nodded at him and ordered some wine. You waited for your food while Loki went quickly to the restroom. You texted Steve telling him you would kill him if you caught a glimpse of him. He laughed and said you would thank him later.
Whatever Steve had in mind did not happen. You stormed in the living room to your quarters while Loki shouted behind you.
"What happened?" Steve asked, confused.
"Hey doll," Bucky asked, following you.
"Barnes if you touch her," Loki spat.
"Go to hell, Loki!" you yelled from the hall.
Loki growled and sat angrily on the sofa. Sam and Steve observed him and waited for him to explain what happened.
"None of your business," Loki snarled.
"We haven't said anything," Sam hissed back.
"Steve is thinking too loud," Loki growled, his body tense and he sighed.
"I'll check on her," Steve added. Sam nodded and he waited for Loki.
"But what happened?" Bucky asked, concerned.
"Loki is an ass," you growled.
"But why?" Bucky asked, again.
You denied tears filled your eyes rage taking over you, "I hate him,"
"Doll," Bucky tried to get closer.
"He said men don't find me attractive," you spat.
"What?" Bucky paled.
"What happened?" Steve walked in, checked you and sat in your bed.
"You and your stupid ideas!" you shouted.
"What did I do?" Steve asked.
"Loki," you murmured, you denied and you fell on your knees and cried.
"Oh no," Steve murmured rushing to you. He tried to calm you down and Bucky didn't know what to do.
"He didn't mean to," Steve murmured.
"Ha," you laughed, "Why whenever any man hurts me you say they don't mean to?" you spat angrily. Bucky gulped remembering a year ago, back when he did the stupidest thing ever.
"It's Loki," Steve murmured, "he follows you around,"
"He doesn't even see me as a FRIEND," you laughed, hurt.
"Loki..." Steve tried to speak.
"I love you," Loki said standing in the door.
"You don't," you babbled, confuse and hurt.
"I follow you around," Loki said, "I do whatever you do, I chase you, I do whatever you need or you wish, I do my best to make you happy," he added.
"Loki," you murmured, "If you think for a single second you can play with..." Bucky punched Loki in the face and you screamed in horror.
"You hurt her," Bucky snarled.
"You hurt her first!" Loki yelled back, ready to fight back.
"Stop, you morons!" Steve yelled.
"Get out!" you yelled, "All of you!"
"I love you," Loki said, "And I mean every word," he walked to you and kissed your forehead. He walked out alongside Steve and Bucky.
"Steve," you stopped him.
"He is not lying," Steve murmured when they left.
"What am I going to do?" you murmured.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked.
"I saw his colours," you babbled.
"He stopped hiding them from you," Steve smiled.
"Bucky," you whispered. Steve paled.
"What?" he asked.
"Both," you babbled, "Bucky and Loki have mixed colours,"
"Oh God," Steve murmured, "do you think?"
"Loki," you babbled.
"Why did you do it?" you murmured.
"I don't know," Loki murmured, "I guess I wasn't thinking,"
"You knew I liked him," you whispered.
"I thought I was only hiding mine," Loki rasped.
"Bucky," you sighed.
"I'm sorry I took him from you," Loki murmured. You could hear the sincerity in his voice.
"Do you mean it?" you asked, you looked at the stars above you.
"I think everyone knows I follow you," Loki laughed, softly.
"But.." you murmured. His lips crashed into yours and he kissed you softly as if the kiss would break you.
"You, it's always been you," Loki whispered slightly apart from you. You starred into his eyes you felt relief and then you saw them. The explosion of colours in his eyes, in his chest, in his brain, in his heart, in his soul. The colours that you saw in Wanda and Vision. Tony and Pepper. Thor and his pop-tarts.
"Colours," you babbled.
"I see them, too," Loki murmured and kissed you again.
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stubbedbakutoes · 4 years
Ignorance is Bliss
*TW: body image issues* (y/n) overhears Todoroki badmouthing a certain insecurity of hers in front of his friends.
pairing: todoroki x fem reader
genre: angst i guess
word count: 1.3k
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(y/n)’s the type of person who'll go "Holy shit I’m an irresistible human being" one moment and then she's going, "ha ha who am I kidding I've got zero attractive traits," but it’s all a part of growing up and slowly learning to accept herself, she suspected.  
She's progressively learning to love herself, because she's got Todoroki as a boyfriend, a man who’s the expert in telling her that she's "so, so perfect," and whenever Y/N says as much, she'd get a disbelieving scoff and then a list, almost, about why she's apparently so good-looking inside out whenever Y/N started to doubt herself, doubt him, doubt everything and anything.
Todoroki's the one who's been all "you're so sexy," and "I don't understand how you don't see it, baby," and "if I'm a six then you're literally off the charts". He's been the one to slowly but surely coax her into loving herself, to making her do things (like going on a diet, or to the gym) because she wants to – not for the sake of fitting into society's standards of beauty.    
One day Y/N entered his house whilst making sure that her presence remained unknown for the surprise visit to be successful. Then, the sound of some video game echoed around the house, followed by the voices of Todoroki's best friends.
"Not really, guys." She heard Todoroki scoff obnoxiously. "I mean, her legs though. Sometimes her thighs takes so much space, more than me, even when I'm manspreading since it flattens out to the size of an island, or something." He complained, and just laughed like he hadn't just said something insensitive and heartbreaking thing for (y/n) .  
Usually they'd be laughing with her – not at her – but shit happens and now they're too preoccupied laughing over her for them to have noticed her come in.
She can tolerate criticism from some strangers online or even face to face. (y/n) takes those words in her stride, beaming at them, even, as they spit out their insensitivity to her. When it comes from Todoroki, who was all cold on the outside but is dimpled grins and endless, selfless love for everyone around him – that. That she can't handle.
Y/N can't help but think if all his body positivity been a joke all along. Like a bad fan fiction, where Todoroki actually has a split personality wherein he's a massive playboy who'd lost a bet and had to be all lovey-dovey with her until a certain length of time. (y/n) hoped that in the process he saw through her flaws and fell for her, hard. But god damn, it seemed to far-fetched from how passionate Todoroki sounded while hating on her earlier.
If he did turn out to be a massive twat, then (y/n)'s made a grave mistake by falling for this asshole's cheap tricks, hasn't she? She'd been too blinded by love that she's never thought there would come a day where she would regret falling for him. Looking back at how she believed that Todoroki and her were going to last was too naive of her. This must be one of the most gut-wrenching feelings she's ever experienced. It's true when they say ignorance is bliss.
Y/N inhaled deeply. I've got to be logical about this. She contemplated, bringing a hand to her forehead. Can't just immediately jump to conclusions, right?    
She took a couple steps into the house, plastering on a grin. whilst hiding her thighs with the tote bag placed near the front porch, for some reason. With a glance to the wall clock, she realised that she's been gone far longer than she thought and that the guys he was previously chatting with are out of the picture.
"Hey," (y/n) greeted, almost nervously, before she yelled at herself internally because she's got to be all nonchalant about this, afraid of blowing up her cover. Didn't want to give her boyfriend more things to list about things he hated about her, did she?  
"(y/n)! Come here, baby." Todoroki called from the living room, head tilted back and lips immediately lifting into a grin as she came into his line of vision. He lovingly grabbed onto her hands and tugged her down to sit her on his lap like how they routinely do. But if he thinks that my thighs are big as fuck, he must also think that I'm, like, too heavy.   
So with a forced laugh, she refused his offer and sat on the sofa beside him, rushing to a rest a square pillow on her thighs as she gave him a tight-lipped smile, earning a small laugh from him.
"Cuddle." He demanded, almost, much like a greedy child, making grabbing hands towards her.   
Y/N poked her tongue out at him, "Not now," she said in a playful tone – so practiced and perfect. Normally she'd agree right away, but it's obviously different this time because she's cross with him and also doesn't want to accidentally squash him or something.    
Minutes later, he's clearly waiting for her to let her guard down and then come cuddle him. But it never came. He's frowning now, “Ok, what’s wrong?”
“What?” (y/n) asked, pulling herself out of her day dream. "Oh I’m just-”
“And don’t say you’re just tired, we’ve been together long enough for me to know there’s something bothering you.” He said, cutting her off from the usual excuse she would give to anyone.
(y/n) breathed in slowly, eyes darting to the pillow on her lap, "I, uhm. I heard you talking about me just now."  
"You were here earlier?"  
"Went in, then stayed there for awhile, 'cos I – doesn't matter. I was just a bit... I guess, hurt, is all. I'm fine now, though, honestly."  
"Why were you – " he started, then his shoulders are tensing and his eyes are widening as his eyes dart down to the pillow on her lap and he's instantly cursing. "You heard me say that thing about you – about your – fuck. Baby, I'm sorry. I'd take it all back in a heartbeat. I didn't mean it like that, I didn't mean it at all. I just — It just. I'm sorry, baby, please don't be dissapointed. I love you so much," He looked at her from head to toe, his eyes glimmering with adoration. "I love all of you. Every bit of you."  
"It's no big deal, anyway," Y/N mumbled quietly in response.    
"Ofcourse it is," Todoroki insistently shook his head and then scooted so much closer to her, literally hauling her into his lap. (y/n) choked out a squeal, trying to get out of his hold, but he held her down, hands on either sides of her hips like she's weighing nothing more than a leaf, or something. "Baby, please." His lips moved against her skin and she stopped struggling because he's so much stronger than her. "I'm so sorry. I'm a shitty boyfriend to even think that way about you, to my friends, too, but — I just." Todoroki sighed, dropping his forehead onto her shoulder.    
"This is some bullshit excuse but, but. I wanted to– pride. It was a pride thing 'cause they were saying shit like I was whipped, 'cause I kept praising you infront of them by going on and on about you being the epitome of beautiful and how I was insecure about you leaving me one day and how I don't think I'd be able to physically and emotionally cope with that. And I just... you get the gist. Fuck. Being a male is infuriating, honestly," Todoroki huffed out, pouting at the idea of his girlfriend in agony with a pained expression after hearing his insensitive words earlier.
He lifted his head up, placing a chaste kiss to her lips, "What I said – that thing about your thighs, or whatever, I don't even remember what I said 'cause they're right — I talk about you like you hung the moon and the stars and other sappy shit like that. Plus I literally find no fault with you. I love everything about you, baby. I bet I always will."  
She scoffed, then she's smiling, letting out a little laugh, this time it's genuine. I'm definitely in love with him. definitely don't regret it, either.   
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