#plus i do like like having all my toys in one corner it’s fun
phannibal · 5 months
so do i make a 911 blog orrrrr
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kittyfrisk9 · 4 days
IdeaDpxDc: A nice moment with a sleep demon.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
Dead On Main.
Danny accidentally absorbed some of Nocturn's powers (like in the Vortex episode), and now, with these new temporary abilities, why not take advantage of them? Like a kid with a new toy, Danny (or should I say Phantom: with a new design) has fun every night going from dream to dream.
The dream world is so strange! Without the constant threat of a dream entity trying to take over the world and all that. Now he has fun exploring the most unusual parts of his classmates' subconscious, or anyone's in general.
Even though he knows he shouldn't be doing this (after all, he's a responsible adult now), spying on other people's dreams isn't exactly something a mature person would do.
On the other hand, Danny is the responsible adult; Phantom is the one who uses his new powers recklessly. Plus, no one in Gotham knows who Phantom is, and at the end of the day, he's not hurting anyone. Point in his favor!
It was all fun and games… until he felt it: the unpleasant taste of a nightmare, distressing and desperate. Phantom knows he has to intervene, because, unlike Nocturn, he does not delight in the suffering of others.
So he goes. And what he sees shocks him.
Resonant laughter of a psychopath, the constant pain of flesh being beaten, and the devastating reminder that no one came to help. Phantom doesn't just see it, he feels it. Gross. What is this? Why would anyone be hurting a child? Then he understands: this is not just a nightmare, it's a memory, and someone is suffering from reliving it.
He absolutely will not allow this nightmare to continue.
Jason hasn't been having good days lately, mostly because instead of going to therapy, he's chosen to sweep his trauma under the rug and aggressively throw himself into crime-fighting. He's not good at dealing with his emotions, especially when he's been tormented by the same damn nightmare over and over again.
He knows the script by heart, he knows how it will end, but he still feels the same fear as the first time.
His head hurts.
"No, not again," he thinks in terror. Once again, he's tied up, unable to move or call for help. It's colder than he remembers. The walls have a grotesque tint, with laughter written in every corner. But the worst thing is the silence… until the sound of clashing metal begins to resonate.
Everything is a thousand times worse. He's sure the original scenario wasn't like this, but his terrified mind refuses to accept it.
The metallic sound resonates louder, each crash rumbling in Jason's chest. His breathing quickens, and then he hears it: that laugh.
A deep, distorted echo of laughter that seems to come from every direction. The laughter snakes around the grotesque walls, filled with the same letters that repeat his agony. “Ha… ha… ha…” fills the air, louder with each invisible step that approaches.
Then, he appears.
It’s not the Joker he remembers from that fateful night. This one is worse. Bigger, more deformed, with a smile that seems to tear at his own face. The colors of his suit are darker, more twisted. It’s as if his mind has amplified him, made him more monstrous.
“My, my, how little Robin has grown? But… something remains the same, doesn’t it? No matter how many times you live it, it always ends the same way. And to think that you were my greatest work of art!”
His voice is mocking, but behind the mockery is pure cruelty, a wicked amusement that lights up in those crazy eyes.
The Joker leans towards Jason, his face invading the small distance between them. The sound of metal continues to echo, and Jason knows what's coming next.
"Oh, I almost forgot…" he says, pulling out of nowhere an iron crowbar that gleams in the dim light of the nightmare. "It wouldn't be a good memory without this, would it?"
That's when the pain begins. Jason doesn't want to scream, and he won't. Even though that abominable creature is just a representation of his killer, he won't give him the luxury of listening to him suffer. The blows continue, and Jason bites his tongue. It's just a nightmare, it's not real… it's not real.
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not-
"Hey… Are you okay?" he hears him ask. His shocked gaze turns to where the clown should be and discovers that he's gone. In his place, there's a handsome young man: short, slightly messy black hair, expressive purple eyes, and a body almost completely shrouded in dark shadows.
The mysterious man had a cosmic air about him, surrounded by a mix of special effects of stars and galaxies. Something magical.
And new.
Jason honestly doesn't know what he's seeing, or why he's seeing it. "What?" he says, unable to find another word to describe his situation.
The entity laughs at his stunned state, a reassuring echo very different from the joker's laughter. Then he snaps his fingers, and suddenly he's no longer in that ugly room. He's now in a field of flowers, beautiful and vibrant, looking out at a starry sky.
Okay, this is the part where he asks his brain how he went from being in a nightmare to being with a handsome guy under the stars, hands free and untethered.
"Relax, you're not crazy," the being says as he lies back in the grass. “You were in pain, and I didn’t like it, so I got you out of there. Don’t worry, that abomination won’t bother you again.”
Jason blinks twice, bewildered, not understanding anything. “You… saved me?”
“You could say yes.”
“Why?” He shakes his head. “No, wait, that’s not the question. Who…?” Looking back at the being, he decides to change his question: “What are you?”
He seems to have taken the being by surprise.
It clasps its hands together as it looks up at the sky, trying to act normal. Jason narrows his eyes. “You can call me Void.”
“Did you just make up that name?”
The being looks away, seemingly embarrassed at being found out. “Yeah…” And suddenly exclaims, “Ah, ancients! I'm not supposed to be doing this, much less with one of the bats."
That last sentence had given away more than it should have.
"Hey, how about we admire the night view and then pretend this never happened?" Void suggested with a hopeful smile, turning to Jason.
Maybe it was the soft scent of the flowers, the calm atmosphere, or just the tiredness after so many nights of endless nightmares, but Jason, without thinking too much about it, walked over, lay down next to Void on the grass, and said, "No."
He needed a break.
And that's how Jason befriended a dream demon. And how Danny pretended to be a dream demon until Nocturn's powers wore off. He couldn't let the bats find out his identity.
After that, they spent more time together, fell in love, there was drama and there was closure. In the middle of all that, Danny started having tea with Alfred in the dream world, and at other times, he had fun bothering the other bats in their dreams.
But that's another story.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
Part 2
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callooopie · 2 months
The night, she calls me.. // Vampire!HOTD men
Come with me to the other side. Make the girl in black your bride — The Night // Aurelio Voltaire
It took all my willpower to not make this like a What We Do in the Shadows bit. No one asked for this either.. so that’s why I’m writing it. Is this gonna be a series of headcannons? No… no. No no… no no nono. I’ve started tooooo many writing projects I cannot… or can I �� (I actually can’t I have too many requests I need to lock in on)
Did you know what land you were walking on? Did you see the figure watching you from the top floor window? Was that a shadow you saw out the corner of your eye?
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Davos Blackwood // Bloody Lord of Raventree Hall
A manor buried in the dark forests of Blackwood Vale, an urban legend surrounded the woods and the semi-ghost town beside it. Locals would talk of a figure that walked the empty streets at night, and the older residents would sometimes speak of an old estate once owned by a wealthy family that could be found in the heart of the forest. But no one has seen this place, or perhaps no one has ever returned alive to tell the tale.
The ever playful lord of Raventree Hall likes toying with his victims before they meet their bloody demise. If a fool ever gets lost on his land, Davos will follow them around in the form of a raven, acting as if he was leading them to the help they desperately called out for. Some would fall for it; the ‘guiding’ corvid that had brought them to this dusty manor. Little did they know, they wouldn’t be leaving that place.
He’s the type to make Raventree Hall look appealing and safe to the unwitting person, sometimes even playing the part of a humble boy who lives in his family’s old home. He’d learn all about a person as he feeds them food, bloody meat cooked to perfection for any human. Eat up, Davos would say, it’s a good cut of meat.. he’d hate for it to go to waste. Oh? The red wine tastes metallic? Strange.. perhaps a bottle gone bad?
He’d keep his lover human, not out of admiration of their humanity—but as more of a ‘pet’. The only reason Davos would turn a human into a vampire would be for his own entertainment purposes. It’s more fun when you can handle him and not pass out every time he does something. Plus, he wants the security of knowing you won’t be leaving him anytime soon. Forever stuck by his side, living forever in a world of night and pleasure by his doing and his doing alone.
Before you become his lovely lady, perhaps you’re one of those lost souls who stumble upon the estate. Either by poor luck or poorer fortunes, you catch the attention of Davos. He scares you from the shadows, setting candles alight with just a gust of wind, slamming doors and sending phantasms to spook you with howls and haunting steps, sending ravens and crows to caw and peck at you. It’s only when you get to the main atrium of the manor does he strike. A sinister smile on his pale face as he lunges at you from out of nowhere, teeth sinking into the skin of your neck as hands travel up and down your torso.
A master of shadows and tricks, Davos isn’t one to meet his adversaries head on. He doesn’t think they deserve his attention. He can deal with vampire hunters and celebrity ghost hunters with a wave of his hand from his bed chambers at the very top of the manor. He can make it as if ghouls are chasing around those idiots, birds seemingly attacking them on sight, if he’s feeling funny he might summon a demon or two. Why does he have the title of bloody lord? Well, he’s just a messy eater, and the corpses he leaves behind are unrecognizable from what they once were.
Jacaerys Velaryon // Draconic Prince of the Night
The picturesque village that the castle of Dragonstone sits next to has gained a plethora of tourists. However, no one has ever been allowed inside. From a mixture of local superstition, and simply because the wooden gates and doors will not open. Nothing can break, or even burn, the wood. Cursed or blessed, many have stayed away from that castle said to have been forged by dragon fire.. if local legends are to be believed.
Local legends also speak of how beautiful women are kidnapped from their homes and beds, never to be seen ever again. As a tourist, you believe you’re safe.. and you don’t really believe in those tales.. at least you don’t believe them until you awaken in a bed that’s not the hostel’s.
Jacaerys is a vampire who is easily bored. He wants someone who’ll keep up with him. A pretty princess to take care of and to simply sit like a doll, but also one who has a bit of wit and brain to them. Someone to go hunting with, or to fly around in the dead of night together. Someone to chase, someone to have intellectual conversation with.
A little more serious than a certain bloodthirsty lord, Jacaerys will turn his lover almost immediately. What’s the use in keeping you human and mortal? There is no use! Now you’re just like him, and you two can bond and be merry together in that lonesome stone castle. All the others he had spirited away were awfully dull, perhaps you will be different?
Like a dragon, he hoards his treasures. He’ll keep you close, too close almost. Jacaerys will hand feed you blood, lifting someone’s arm up to your mouth and praising you for dining on the thick liquid and flesh. He’ll hover near you, you two are royalty after all. It’s good for a prince like him to check up on his princess. He’ll dress you in gold and red fabrics, or maybe nothing at all! Jacaerys does like it when you’re only clad in gold and gems, sit yourself down on his mountains of treasure and make your nest; he’ll show he’s a good dragon who takes care of his mate.
A scholar of dragon magic, the only thing that can destroy his castle is what made it in the first place. Dragon fire. And dragons died out long long ago sweet thing (or never existed at all…). He’s perhaps the only one that remains! Believe whatever you will, Jacaerys will happily prove to you that dragons are real. And you believe it as you watch him transform into one to deal with trespassers who had somehow broken into the castle. Sure there’s ways in if your crafty enough, but what people don’t say is that there’s no way out once you’re in. The charred piles of bones that litter the treasure room are a testament to that.
Cregan Stark // Vampiric King in the North
Perhaps the only one out of the trio to be semi-normal. An urban legend surrounds the snowy mountains of a large wolf that leads lost wanderers to an empty yet warm and alive stone keep. It’s said if you stay for one night and leave the next day, you’ll find your way back to civilization. However, overstay your welcome and you won’t be heard from ever again…
Your car had broke down, and you hadn’t expected such a large snowstorm to sweep through. You’re on the brink of hypothermia, however you spot something in the distance. The howl of a wolf reaching your ears as the wild beast walks toward you. It almost seems to gesture toward you with its head, beckoning for you to follow. You’ve heard this legend, and so when you find yourself in the safety and warmth of a stone fortress you do your best to remain courteous and respectful. The plan was to leave in the morning, however when you try to open the large wooden door to leave—it slams shut on you before locking tightly.
Cregan likes your humanity, wishing only to learn from you. He would not covet you like a prize, nor would he treat you like a pet. To turn you without your consent? Unfathomable. If you wish to be turned, he would gladly do so at your request. Although he would tell you what you’ll miss, what you will be letting go of in exchange for this eternal life of coldness and blood. Perhaps it’ll all be worth it in the face of his love and companionship?
Teach him everything about you, and he’ll teach you all he knows. Cregan’s an old soul who’s lived more lifetimes than he can remember. He’s powerful, ancient; that uppity prince and cocky lord answer to him! He’s their overlord, they are his mere sons subordinates. All that aside, Cregan has vast collections of knowledge from throughout the ages. Although do remember, he scratches your back, and you will scratch his. Or he’ll show you what happens to those who’ve forgotten such an important lesson.
Unlike his underlings, Cregan can control his appetite for blood. He’s learned, and so he keeps a stockpile of it. Some of it ages like wine in a cellar, other bottles he keeps near and close. A special cabinet is reserved for special blood of course. What? You’ve never tried the blood of a priest? It’s heavenly.
Unlike the other two, Cregan lives more on red meats. Which he can get from almost anything. Although due to the coldness of the region, not many animals venture out. For a special occasion, you’ll find your plate full of fresh organs and fatty raw meat. A glass of thick red liquid right next to your plate. Cheers and eat your fill, it’s fresher than fresh. And who knows when an unsuspecting person will come up these mountains again?
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donutz · 7 months
yeah fs! It would be alr if you did one where reader continuously like rub Catnap's ears! ^.^
Okay! ^_^
Catnap x touchy(not weirdly) reader
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—☆You are a human in this
Being a little kid, who’s an orphan, at a big place with a bunch of toys can make you quite interested in things. There’s a lot to explore, people to meet, toys to see, and a bunch of colors to look at.
When you’re basically living in this factory, you can get bored. Even with everything that’s going on.
But if you’re being taken care of by some toys? You can’t really get bored.
Especially at 5 years old.
There’s these animals, called Smiling Critters. And they take care of you! They all love and cherish you. You were shy, but they really brought out your social side.
Anyways let me stop rambling, there was this cat. That cat didn’t interact with the children, unless it was bedtime. But during the day, he was gone.
Well, not completely. Sometimes he was but you have no idea where he was at those times. When he was actually here, just not interacting with kids, you’d always see him in a high place. Watching everybody.
But when you stare at him for too long, he moves. Yet you still find him every single time.
You wished he didn’t run away from you :(.
Since you’re a good kid, you went to sleep at the times you were supposed to.
But since he came out when you’re supposed to sleep. One night, you decided to stay up and roam the halls.
“Why are you gonna stay up?”
“Because I wanna see the kitty!” You whispered to your friend.
“What kitty?”
“The one that comes out at night!”
Your friend was a little wary after hearing that, they didn’t know that!
“That’s spooky…”
“Well I like cats!”
“Are you gonna come with me?”
They shook their head, making a mumbled, ‘auh auh’ (Idk, I tried my best trying to give that a word)
“I’m too sleepy…”
Then, after that you waited, until it was bedtime. You opened the door, looking at both sides, making sure there wasn’t any other critter lurking around.
Then, you stepped out.
It was quite cold in the halls, but it was fine you had your robe, long pants and slippers.
You looked back one second, turned around and there he was!
You let out a gasp, “Kitty!” And gave him a hug.
He looked at you, processing. Why were you hugging him?
Whatever. You needed to sleep. But they said to not use the gas. He doesn’t care about what they say, but he didn’t want to give you nightmares.
Plus, you were pretty warm.
So to not let go of that warmth, he picked you up.
“Oh! Kitty you’re so strong—!” He looked up at you, carrying you with one arm, he put a finger over his wide smiling mouth.
“Oops, sorry.. ^_^” He carried you over to your room, wait. Where was your room?
Great, now he had to ask.
“Where’s… Your room..?”
“Oh, I don’t know!”
He could take you up to the ‘adults’ but—
You started petting his ears. “Your ears are so fluffy!” You said while whispering.
Out of his control,(kind of) he started purring. You let out another gasp, “You purr too?”
“You really are a kitty!”
Fun fact, you loved cats.
Another one, you just might be his favorite kid.
Since he didn’t want to take you to the adults, and didn’t know your room number(even if your friend tells you multiple times) he took you to his critter room. Even if no kids were allowed in there.
All of the critters were asleep, except for him, of course.
He placed you on his bed, and went on it too.
And he stared. Waiting for you to sleep.
“Oh yeah, what’s your name kitty?”
“... Theo…”
“(°〇°), Theo.. That’s a cool name..”
He got off his bed and started to leave. Because of this, you did it too, and followed him. Though he knew you were doing this he didn’t stop.
He randomly sped up and ran to another place. It was so abrupt, you weren’t able to catch up!
By the time you turned a corner, he was gone. But his lavender scent wasn’t. You followed and followed it. 
Until it led to the school. Even if you’re not supposed to go there at bedtime, you wanted to catch up with Theo.
And you can want to catch up with Theo at any time!
Oh great! You found him!
But he was bigger. Lankier. He wasn’t the smaller and plush cat you just saw.
That’s still Theo.
So you didn’t care, you followed and followed, until it led you to a big play area, with different colored soft blocks used as a structure.
This place is really big. Anyways, Theo!
You saw him go to this smaller area, you went inside and saw him. Sitting, bending over just to see you.
“Theo!” You exclaimed, raising your hands in celebration.
Of course, you gave him a big hug.
“That was a nice game of tag! But I’m sleepy…”
Theo used his long tail to grab you, gently. He brought you to his bed, and sat you there.
“Oof!” Then he wrapped himself around you, cuddling against you.
You turned around and laid against him.
“You’re so warm, Theo.” You softly held his tail. And as you went to sleep, you could hear a loud purr.
After that, you found Theo every time he was hiding, but instead of just looking you called his name.
But every time you did, he left.
A day after that he told you to not call him out. Just stare at him. But when he’s down, actually on the ground, you could come to him, but call him Catnap.
He doesn’t want them to get mad at him again.
And now almost routinely, because sometimes you wanted to just sleep, you went out of your room at bedtime just to see him.
It got so bad that he even allowed you to just hug, rub his ears, and play with his tail whenever.
He even started coming down even more. Just for you.
The critters noticed, Dogday even asked about it but Theo stayed silent.
You were special. Special to him.
Even after all these years. Even after getting adopted. Even after you arrived.
Coming back to the place that was once called home.
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
im so interested in what u think the moon boys would be like as dads???
Ohhhhh, this is gonna hurt my heart. In a good way. I have a lot of feelings about Moon Dads and I've not yet written fics about it so yeah...
I'm gonna jump right in with Marc.
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I think if Marc had a child, he would be all in: attentive, tender, affectionate.
I don't actually believe Marc would be afraid of parenting. I know that can be a popular hc/fic plot and I totally understand why, and love reading those.
But I think Marc would be one of those people that would try to do the opposite of what was done to him. Example: his parents were married and that went well... (sarcasm)
Yet Marc got married. He and Layla were together for years and, according to her, had "adventures together", meaning they worked as a (likely successful) team. Marc bailed on Layla once his mom passed and he could no longer control or hide his disassociations (plus Khonshu's threats for Layla to be his next avatar).
Point being: Marc did get married and seemed pretty successful at it, for the most part.
Marc is in charge of bath time. This includes little toy boats, fish that squirt water, bubbles. He's going to wash their hair, or whatever hair needs they have, depending on race and hair types. If it is a hair type he isn't as familiar with, he is going to be talking to his partner, looking up vids, whatever it takes. Touch is going to be so important to him. He is the dad who will know how to do french braids or styles for textured hair.
He's never going to react in anger. If he is angry, he's going to hand the reins to Steven or sometimes Jake (if he is able, it's obviously not a parlor trick), or he will just say to his little one, "Daddy is going to take a time out. I'll be back in a minute and we can have a talk." The idea of putting himself in time out is so endearing to his child that they end up calming from whatever misbehavior they were attempting, wanting to join him in the corner for time out, touching a plushie or reading a book in his lap.
They learn very young that their father's expressions can be stern but his hands are safe. They will not want to disappoint him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Steven can converse naturally with children, this we see in the first episode. Steven's open, engaging nature is great for children. His own childlike wonder will shine in fatherhood. He was also able to quickly redirect the behavior of the girl who was littering at the museum. So a spunky child in a doctor's office waiting room will be easily wrangled by a distracting toy, quick game or wonderful story.
Steven is your go-to guy for bedtime stories. With a young child, Steven will share how wondrous the world around them is. He'll always have a anecdote or a fun fact for tweens or teens.
He will offer choices. "Do you want to put on 'jammies now or after a story?" "Do you want to help Dad set the table or feed the cat?" Steven has lacked agency in his life, so he is going to give it to his child. He will teach them to speak up for their needs.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Jake is going to be such a little shit as a dad. I'm sorry but there is no nicer way to say it lol. Jake's used to operating in the background and he's a night owl. He's the fun dad. He's the "don't tell mom" dad (or don't tell dad, dad). Kid wants stay up 15 extra minutes? It's Jake that's gonna sneak them some of the popcorn he popped after they were supposed to be asleep. As a partner, you'd find your little one on Jake's knee in the most comfy chair, watching the Yankees play baseball.
You give them The Look™ and they know they are busted. They exchange guilty glances and then Jake starts repeating words in Spanish. Baseball, Popcorn, very good! If you are already all Spanish speakers then Jake pretends to be practicing in both Spanish and English.
Either way, he and his little twin, with their adorable curls, give you shit eating grins.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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d6volution · 10 months
Reader who is just as much of a jackass as Jax is. Both of you are competing for the “best prank” on the rest of the circus members. However, one day Jax decides to ask Caine for a “massager” claiming you complained about muscle aches. Jax gives it as a gift, the reader not knowing the outfit contains the toy. He wants you to wear on the next adventure and hopes to push your buttons. Whether the reader gets revenge is up to you.
i think i get it! hopefully this is okay 🫶🏽
tags: make shift vibrator, fingering, outdoors, cursing cause i didn't feel like censoring it.
more below the cut. | minors dni.
"You're kiddin' ... there's no way Zooble would sleep through that." Jax grinned, at you .. a hand on his hip as you both walked through the halls at a moderate pace.
"Mhm, wait til you see them." Was all you said, clearly confident of your own doings.
Like clockwork, Zooble appeared, "What are you two assholes staring at?" Zooble squinted.
Jax couldn't help it, a thunderous roar of laughter erupted from his mouth and held his stomach. Pointing at Zooble with the opposite hand.
"What the hell is so funny?" Zooble didn't notice , they were so used to switching and swapping parts on their body that they failed to notice the comically bouncing googly eye on their face, replacing their usual left eye.
"N—Nothing, Zoobs. You look great.." You giggled and yanked Jax away before he gave away the joke before it had its time to play out.
You guys rounded the corner, "That puts me ahead three points, bunny boy." You said smugly.
"What? No way." He rolled his eyes, and the laughing fit quickly wore off.
"What do you mean, no way? Those were the rules !" You huffed, and relished in your frustration.
"The rules, of my game, dollface."
"Should've known you'd cheat.."
"Look, how about this, next adventure we go on. Double the points. Whoever comes out on top wins. Simple." He shrugs his shoulders.
"Hmp. Fine, you've got a deal." You were planning to get the one up on him. Even if it meant humiliating the other members in the process. There was nothing else to do in this digital world, so why not have some fun at the expense of others?
You two parted ways for the night, and unbeknownst to you Jax had a devious plan already cooked up.
"Hey, Caine."
The ringmaster was cleaning up the mess from the last adventure, "Oh , hello there Jax! What can I do for you?" His voice boomed like usual.
"You know, y/n said they've been havin' some trouble with... uh, back aches. real bad back aches. Needs, I dunno.. a massager or something. Got anything like that?" He gestured.
"Hmm.. I suppose I can cook something up!" He pretened to dig in his pocket, his arm disappearing all the way down to the forearm until he pulled out a make shift massager that had multiple vibrating parts.
Jax's grins grew wide, it was almost creepy how narrow his eyes got. "Thanks , Caine. You're the best." He caught the massager such Caine tossed to him. Jax waved and quickly went to his room. He spent the entire night carefully crafting an outfit for you, though right in the crotch the vibrator was hidden inside the cloth. The things you could make happen here we almost comical. But, Jax took whatever advantage he could get. No matter how ridiculous.
Now lastly. The remote. He'd be able to control whenever the "massager" turned on and off , plus fluctuate its intensity.
The next morning came in a flash, maybe because he was up throughout the night.. no matter. It's not like they get tired anyways.
He showed up at your door, outfit in hand. He knocked until you opened it.
"Jeez, Jax first thing in the morning and— ..... whats that..?" You pointed at the clothes folded in his hands, it was a one piece outfit but it cut off to make shorts at the bottom.
"For you, dummy." He teased and shoved it into your arms.
"You must be out of your mind if you think I'm wearing this Jax." You scoffed and held it up in front of you. It wasn't too provocative..  you just didnt trust him.
"C'mon doll, don't be a loser. Just wear it,— wear it and successfully pull one prank on a member and the winning title is all yours." He spiced up the deal, grinning at you.
You knew there had to be a catch, but if he thought you weren't going to take advantage of this he'd be wrong. "Fine. I'll win, and when I do. You have to anything I say for the entire day."
"Deal." He responded a little too quickly and you shut the door in his face. His smile remained and he hummed to himself as he went looking for the others while you changed.
It was odd how well this outfit fit you, snug but not too tight.. just when did he get your measurements..? Ugh, whatever. It was a little uncomfortable in certain areas , but what were you expecting? Jax to be some master tailor?
"I can't believe I'm doing this.." You muttered before exiting your room, meeting up with the rest of the lot just in time. Caine was explaining the ins and outs of todays adventure. Something about fishing at the digital lake. You weren't paying attention, trying to figure out a quick prank to pull on an unsuspecting member so you could get out of this outfit.
You jumped and yelped, covering your mouth as you felt something vibrating against your clit. Your cheeks went red and you tried to keep still as a few eyes darted to you, but only for a moment. 'What the, fuck?' You thought, and immediately looked at Jax. Unfortunately he wasn't even looking at you.
"Alright, now go on my little superstars! Good luck!" Caine ended his speech and disappeared in puff of smoke.
You all exited the tent and headed towards the lake.. just then you fell another buzz and stumbled to a stop, Kinger and Gangle walked past you with concerning looks... followed by Jax. You walked with him , cheeks still red.
"Jax. I'm taking this stupid outfit off."
"Fine, you'll lose immediately though.. don't say I didn't warn ya." He said and seemed completely unbothered, clearly aware of how competitive you can be.
"Th.. That's not fair and you know it." You growled under your breath.
"Lighten up doll, maybe this is just what you need. A little fun and pleasure." He shrugged before the buzzing started again, and you let a whine slip past your lips before biting down on your bottom lip.
"Whoops.. hand slipped."
"You're going down you, little pervert."
You felt like steam was going to erupt from your ears. You pushed past him, flustered and frustrated. He just chuckled as you stormed off. Clearly pleased with himself.
The buzzing stopped and you breathed , you had to come up with something.. maybe you'd hook Gangle's fishing line to one of her ribbons so when she tries to cast it, it'll go all wrong and make her unravel.
The plan was nearly perfect .. except everytime you tried to distract gangle Jax pressed that damn button and the vibrator buzzed against your thobbing clit.
Every time you tried to initiate your plans , it was always interrupted. The buzzing didn't even stay on long enough for you to reach your climax so you were constantly being edged.. you had to take a break, you could feel your lewd jucies running down your inner thighs..
"I'm going to kill him.." You said, but the words left your mouth pathetically. You leaned against a tree, far from the others.. maybe if you came then you could .. function at least.
"Oh, wondered where you ran off to. Havin' some trouble there doll?"
"N.. No, Jax you'd better not—"
You almost crumpled to your knees but Jax was right in front of you, holding you against the tree. "Poor thing, can't even stand. How ya gonna win like this, huh?"
Your eyes were glassy, legs shaking. "Y.. You asshole.." Your legs were trembling and you could feel Jax's hand sliding up your torso.
"How about this, give up and I'll let ya cum dollface. No strings attached." He stared at your helpless form. Eyes clearly foggy with lust.
"N.. No way, hhck..!" The buzzing got more intense and you finally collapsed to the floor.
".. O..Okay , please..! please let me cum, Jax.." You whined, your cunt puffy and throbbing with need.
"Heh, that's what I thought.. good game, y/n." He croutched down in front of you. His body pretty much blocking yours fron any eyes that could possibly end up seeing you two.. he pushed aside the shorts and your panties and plunged two fingers inside of you without a second thought.
You yelped and instinctively scooted back but the tree kept you in place.
"Shh.. someone might hear ya, babe. Just cum on my fingers real quick yeah?" He whispered into your ear and your cunt convulsed around his fingers at the thought. You grabbed his arm but he didn't stop, still hammering his fingers in your squelching cunt.
"Fuck... you're so wet." He muttered and stared at your cunt as it swallowed up his fingers.
"Jax!" You yelped and your body jolted as you came on his fingers, panting a little.
"Ya good , doll?" He asked, slowly removing his fingers from your dripping snatch.
You nodded and helped you adjust your clothes, before assisting you to your feet. "How about you go get changed.. I'll make up an excuse if the others say something." He said in a more gentle voice now, his eyes were still wild with lust but he figured now may not be the time.
"R..  Right .. thanks, Jax." You still felt numb down there, your legs still a bit shaky.
"Oh, you still lost by the way. Heh."
Of course you did.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
it's sweet (explicit)
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genre: a fluffy lil sickfic
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: you forgot to call out sick from your dick appointment, but he stays anyway.
word count: 4.3k
contains: no smut just fluff????? new year new me 😎 but as this is fuckbuddies to maybe-lovers and there are certainly a few references in here to sex, because of who i am as a person, it's enough that i'm tagging it explicit anyway lmao. but this is all fluff! reader has the flu, tae is a sweet sweet boi and takes care of her, it's all a bit sappy~ 🤧
A/N: happy new year!!! and a very happy belated birthday to my capricorn prince 💜 this soft little idea got stuck in my brain and wouldn't let go, and i had a lot more fun writing it than expected. plus i feel like i only wrote tae as a menace in 2022 (sorry to tae 👹) so i had to right my wrongs with this one lmao. it was a nice interlude before i jump into LDOMLT ch11 (the final chapter 😭) - i hope you all enjoy and that your 2023s are off to a pleasant start!!!
read on AO3!
You genuinely enjoy being single.
With your last relationship officially in the trash, you’ve found yourself settled into a comfortable peace. There’s no man in your life to mess up your plans, to force you to have to compromise or share anything, to suck up your energy and domestic labor like some kind of emotional vampire. You can do what you want, whenever you want, and you have a reliable rotation of both sex toys and fuckbuddies to keep you physically satisfied when the need arises.
Being single, you have come to learn, is fucking great.
Except when you get sick.
A knock at your apartment door drags you out of your DayQuil-induced slumber. You move to sit up with a sniffle before letting yourself drop back into your veritable nest of blankets on the couch, struck with the immediate recollection: it’s just the food you ordered. You’d specifically put in a request that they leave it at the door, but maybe the delivery person is just being nice and letting you know it’s there.
Except then they knock again.
And ring the doorbell.
“Jesus,” you groan to yourself, aggressively enough that you’re nearly sent into a fresh coughing fit, but you manage to choke down the spasm in your lungs as you drag yourself to standing. You cross the short distance from your couch to the front door, sure you look like death warmed over, and swing the door open.
At first, you’re certain it’s the DayQuil fucking with you.
The corner of his mouth pulls up as he blinks sweetly at you, expressive almond eyes peeking out beneath untidy dark hair— extra fluffy today, like he’s just washed it and waltzed out of the house without any styling. His clothes tell the same story, a plain gray hoodie and joggers, creased a little like he’d just pulled them off his bedroom floor, though everything looks fresh off the runway on him.
As your eyes trail down his frame, you take in the container of ramen you ordered, held easily in one of his large hands, his long fingers hooking over the side.
His presence is typically a welcome one, particularly on Friday nights like tonight, but those are circumstances where you tend to be a little more… put together. So why is he here tonight?
“When did you start working for D—”
The food delivery service name dies on your tongue as your thoughts finally catch up with your mouth. He’s here tonight because it’s Friday, and this is what you do on Fridays. He’s here because you didn’t cancel. You’d had the thought in a drowsy half-awake state between naps, then had promptly rolled over and pressed your face into the pillow, telling yourself you’d remember to text Taehyung when you woke up.
Which of course, you did not. And so here he is, having clearly intercepted your delivery. And, it now occurs to you, having to witness how absolutely godawful you must look in your stained sweatpants, your hair surely a mess from a day spent napping on the couch.
“Oh fuck,” you mutter, quickly crossing your arms over your baggy t-shirt, suddenly very aware of the fact that you’re not wearing a bra. Why that matters when you’re standing in front of a man who regularly leaves hickeys all over your tits, you’re not sure, but in this moment it somehow feels like it does.
“Tae,” you take a step back, trying to keep him out of your germ radius. “I’m so sorry, I forgot to text you. I’m super sick, I think it’s the flu. You should go.”
He frowns a little, his eyes jumping from you down to the takeout container in his hands. “This is like, barely warm.”
That makes you smile a little despite yourself. A very Taehyung greeting.
“Yeah, well.” You roll your eyes. “I pay twice as much so it can take an hour and be cold by the time it gets here. Makes sense, right?”
His dazzling smile at your sarcastic remark only heightens your own self-consciousness, and you quickly extend a hand for the container.
“Sorry to make you come all this way. Hopefully next week I’ll be back to normal.”
Taehyung nods, yet makes no move to hand over the soup he’s currently holding hostage. “You should rest. Let me heat it up for you.”
You can’t help but wonder what he expects to happen when he crosses the threshold, and that makes you heave a sigh, then quickly bury the cough that chases after it into the crook of your elbow.
Thankfully your voice doesn’t give out when you manage to answer him. “I’m serious, Tae. I’m not—” you pause, considering how to phrase it: desperate to be railed? “—you know, the way I usually am on Fridays. Nothing’s gonna happen tonight. Except maybe you’ll get sick.”
He shrugs, like there are worse things. “I get it. But you shouldn’t be alone.”
At least he’s been sufficiently warned, you think to yourself, and then you relent, leaving the front door of your apartment swung wide as you step back across the living room to promptly collapse onto the couch again. You bury your face in the blankets with a muffled groan as you hear Taehyung shut the door behind him, then make his way into the kitchen.
As is typical with any man that enters your kitchen, you expect to have to walk Taehyung step-by-step through how to do everything. But, to your surprise, he asks no questions: he seems to find a good-sized pot and figure out how to work the stove all on his own, and you can hear him humming softly to himself as he goes.
Truly a credit to the male species, you think to yourself with a bitter laugh.
You collapse back against the cushions, a little too aware of the fuckbuddy in your kitchen to be able to drift off to sleep entirely. Nevertheless, you still find yourself slipping into a haze, your eyes dropping shut just to snap open again at the tap of a bowl being set down on the coffee table in front of you.
Your eyes widen as you sit up and stare down at your ramen, only to find two halves of a soft-boiled egg staring back up at you. You’d ordered from your favorite place in the city, which is easily the best ramen you’ve had in your life, but you know those fuckers charge extra for an egg. Which is why your cheap ass never orders one.
But here one is. So that means…
Taehyung drops down onto the couch next to you before you can even finish compiling the thought in your brain, but he must be able to read the look on your face. “Oh, do you not like eggs?”
“I— no,” you answer quickly. “I mean yes. I mean, I like them, I just… Thank you.”
You glance up in time to see him shrug, his mouth twisting a little, like he’s suddenly made shy by his own kindness. “Gotta get your protein in,” he offers casually, and you laugh over the steam rising up from your bowl.
He keeps a tentative cushion’s distance away from you, but you can feel his eyes watching as you take your first sip of the rich, warm broth. While you slurp it down, you tell yourself not to get greedy with Taehyung’s time: you expect this will be it, that with his act of kindness done for the day, he’ll get to his feet and be on his way. As soon as your front door slams shut behind him, he’ll probably be pulling up his text messages with one of the many other options that must be available to him.
You try to ignore the way that thought makes your stomach twist, to just eat your damn soup and not think about it. It’s fine. It doesn’t matter.
But to your surprise, Taehyung leans forward and snatches the TV remote off your coffee table with a triumphant sigh before slumping back against the couch, like he’s settling in. “Do you wanna watch something?”
You shake your head as you take another sip before answering. “You really don’t have to stay, Tae. I can appreciate that I’m not a lot of fun to be around tonight. And obviously you didn’t come here to watch me eat ramen.”
Already starting to scroll through your streaming services, Taehyung runs his free hand through his hair with a knowing, slightly horny smile. “Depends on what you mean by eat ramen.”
You nearly choke on a noodle, but he’s otherwise distracted, mouth dropping open a little as he clicks into one of the options.
“Oh, I know what we can watch.”
When he pulls up A Charlie Brown Christmas and promptly presses play, you can’t help smirking. “Christmas? You’re, what, five days late?”
Taehyung’s mouth opens again, like he’s going to say something, and then he just smiles that same self-conscious smile. “Ah, I just like the music.”
His long fingers splay out in front of him, miming along to the opening melody while he adopts the faux-cool expression of a jazz pianist. You hide a giggle in another sip of broth, and he quickly shrugs the impression off, crossing his arms over his chest as if to keep his limbs under control.
“And it’s cute,” he adds, voice halfway between shy and sentimental. “The little tree.”
It occurs to you now that you’ve never seen Taehyung so… your brain can’t find the right word. He’s just different tonight.
You nod as you slurp up a strand of noodles, and you can’t deny that he’s right as the movie plays on. It’s been years since you’ve seen it, not since you were a kid, but it’s just as enjoyable now, somehow timeless. You find yourself smiling softly as you finish your meal and settle back against the couch, tugging the blanket up to your chin.
All at once, Taehyung jumps up, and you watch dumbfounded as he silently scoops up your dishes and disappears off to the kitchen. When you hear the tap switch on, your jaw drops in sheer disbelief, and you sit up again, peeking over the back of the couch to get a glimpse of him: he’s pulled on the dishwashing gloves you keep tucked next to the sink and is making short work of not just the bowl and the pot, but the takeout container too, and your various other sick-person dishes you’d regrettably let pile up. Humming to himself along with Vince Guaraldi, like it’s something he does every day.
Your head spins as you drop back down against the cushion. What is happening? Did you take too much cold medicine?
That thought only reverberates louder in your brain when he returns, still humming the last few notes of the song. This time he chooses to settle in right beside you on the couch, as if entirely unconcerned about the contagious virus running rampant in your body— he just pulls you into his side, one arm wrapped over your shoulders, fingertips casually starting to play with the ends of your hair. Like it’s that easy.
You glance up at him, shaking your head a little, and Taehyung looks down to meet your gaze. “What?”
“This is just…” An incredulous laugh cuts off the end of your sentence. It’s hard to believe you’re looking at the same person. This can’t be the man who wraps his hand around your throat as he spits into your mouth, who will keep you in his bed for hours until you’re crying from overstimulation, who fucks you so good you can hardly walk the next day.
“I didn’t expect you to be like this,” you admit, pairing the words with a finger driven gently into Taehyung’s ribs. He squirms a little. “You’re… sweet.”
Taehyung’s lips part, and then he pauses, clearly considering how exactly to answer you. His mouth turns up soft at the corners, hesitant, as if he’s embarrassed to say what comes next. And then he says it. “You didn’t seem like you wanted sweet.”
The words settle over you, offered quietly in the low, rich tones of his voice, and as you keep gazing up at him, it strikes you: he’s not wrong. If he’d pulled this cozy domestic housewife act on you any earlier, on a normal Friday, you would’ve sent him packing without hesitation.
That thought makes you a little sad.
You tuck back in against Taehyung’s side, trying to refocus on the TV screen as you snuggle in under the blanket. Pressed close like this, you can feel the sturdy thud of his heartbeat in his chest, at a rhythm not dissimilar to yours.
“Well, I won’t tell anyone,” you breathe, and you swear you can hear him smile.
His touch lingers as the last few minutes of the movie play on: slipping from the ends of your hair to trace over the fabric of your shirt, then sliding further up to dip beneath the collar of it. The talented fingers you’ve become well-acquainted with work their magic in a new way, pressing firm circles into the muscles of your shoulders, muscles you didn’t realize were pinched so tight until he starts to work them open.
“Fuck,” you murmur, shifting a little to allow him better access as he continues. “That feels so good.” You can’t quite help the laugh that flutters out after your words; it’s certainly not the first time he’s made you say them.
There’s a small huff of breath from Taehyung beside you, and then his hand moves up to cup the back of your neck and give a gentle squeeze. It’s a comforting motion, and just arousing enough to make you sigh a note, your eyes briefly dropping shut. When they flutter open again, you realize the movie has ended, that he’s looking down at you, a knowing smirk toying at his lips.
“Don’t start,” you warn, unable to keep your voice entirely serious. “I meant what I said, I’m tapped out for the night.”
Taehyung raises his palms in the air, as if to claim his innocence, and you find yourself instantly missing the heat of his hand on your skin. “All I was thinking is that I kinda want dessert. Too tapped out for that?”
“I’ll never say no to dessert,” you admit with a soft smile. “I think I have ice cream in the freezer.”
Something glints in Taehyung’s eyes at your words. All at once he untangles himself from you and, rather than standing up and walking the long way around like a normal human, chooses instead to vault himself over the back of the couch, as if to get your freezer as fast as possible. You tip back against the cushions, momentarily overcome with laughter, and thankfully, it doesn’t trigger a cough attack.
After a second, you cocoon the blanket around yourself, then get up to follow after him, dropping unceremoniously down onto one of the barstools tucked on the far side of your kitchen island.
Taehyung glances up, clearly surprised, then continues trying drawers until he finds the silverware and retrieves two spoons.
“Just want to keep you company,” you say by way of explanation as he hands you one, and you reach down to pry off the lid of the pint of chocolate ice cream he’s set down on the counter. It’s only as you glance up again that you realize he’s grabbed something else, too, and is continuing to rummage through your cupboards. “Wait, what are you doing?”
There’s an innocent look on Taehyung’s face as he rights himself, the handle of a pan clutched in one hand. “I found something when I was looking for the ice cream. It’s my favorite. And I thought it might make you feel better, too.”
“Uh huh,” you intone, though your mouth is already starting to tick up, endeared. “A completely selfless act, I’m sure.”
“Of course it is,” he answers with an over-exaggerated wink, flipping the pan cooly in his grip. You squint at the bag as he thuds it down on the counter beside him, then sets the pan on the stove and flips on the burner beneath it.
Hotteok. You’d completely forgotten you’d even picked the bag of frozen sweet pancakes up a few weeks ago, that you had purposefully tucked them into the back of your fridge for a particularly good— or bad— day.
“Chef Kim,” you ask, feigning the tone of a journalist conducting an important interview as you fish your phone out of the pocket of your sweatpants. “Can I interest you in some background music, or do you prefer to cook in absolute silence?”
Taehyung glances back over his shoulder at you, his grin nearly too big for his face. “How about Sinatra?”
You raise one eyebrow at the admittedly unexpected suggestion. “Frank or Nancy?”
He pauses for a moment, as if considering. “Either.”
It’s only a few taps, and then Come Fly With Me is floating out of your Bluetooth speaker, and Taehyung is singing along to himself as he drops a frozen disc onto the heated pan, occasionally turning back to deliver lines to you with an extended hand.
You roll your eyes as you drag your spoon through the top layer of softening ice cream, sucking it into your mouth in an attempt to hide the grin that’s spread over your face.
By the third song you find yourself humming along too, trying not to put too much strain on your still-weak throat. The kitchen has started to smell of sweet, toasted dough as Taehyung works diligently at the stove, and he finally flips the burner off before turning back to you, a plate in each hand and a thick pancake stacked atop each plate.
“Sous chef, will you please apply the ice cream?” he asks, eyes wide and blinking as he sets the dishes down.
Quickly playing along, you nod as you begin to scoop a healthy amount onto each plate. “Yes, chef!”
“And sous chef, do you, uh… have any chocolate sauce?”
You bite back a laugh as his roleplay falls apart as quickly as it began. “It’s in the fridge.”
Taehyung promptly turns and pulls the door open, eyes searching the shelves before he finally spots the dark brown bottle and lets out a triumphant hum. He nudges the fridge shut again with his hip before striding back toward you.
“Plating is key,” he muses. You answer with an appreciative nod and a giggle when he uncaps the sauce, then leans down close to the plates, feigning intense focus as he drizzles each dollop of ice cream with stripes of chocolate.
Once his artful design is complete, he steps back, his tongue toying at the corner of his mouth as he spins one plate to admire his handiwork.
“What do you think, chef?” you tease, and he nods once, decisive.
“It’s perfect.” He glances up, shooting you a grin that knocks the breath from your lungs, and you try to collect yourself as he nudges a plate toward you, encouraging you to take a bite.
You carve your spoon through the pastry, right down the middle where it’s stuffed full of sweet brown sugar syrup. The flaky layers pull apart at the impact, warm enough that you can see steam rising off of the golden dough. You pair a small piece of pancake with a wedge of ice cream on your spoon, then bring both into your mouth at once, and the contrasting mixtures linger on your tongue: hot and cold, sticky sugar chased by rich chocolate. It’s so good that you can’t help but make a soft, appreciative noise as you press your hand to your mouth and chew.
“Do you want to know something?” Taehyung’s voice pulls your attention back, and you look up at him.
“Today’s my birthday.”
There’s a split second where you wonder if this is another imagined scenario, and then your eyes widen as you take in the look on his face and realize he’s entirely serious.
“Wait, Taehyung, really?”
He nods once, bringing a spoonful of ice cream to his lips.
“I-I had no idea,” you stammer, suddenly feeling like an asshole. His birthday, and he’s here waiting on you hand and foot, while you haven’t so much as said a word of felicitations. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he’s waving away your apology with his spoon, then proceeding to answer around his bite of food. “It’s not like I expected you to know. I don’t really make a big deal of it.” He shrugs. “I tend to… I don't know. I get sort of melancholy this time of year. The holidays, my birthday. It’s a lot all at once. A lot of pressure. To be happy. To have everything figured out.”
Nodding slowly, you let his words fully wash over you before you respond. “I get that,” you finally murmur, working off another piece of hotteok. “Nobody ever talks about it, but I feel like birthdays are kinda weird as an adult. You have enough of them and it just starts to feel like a day, you know? Not special.”
“I usually find myself just hiding out, waiting for it to be over,” Taehyung admits.
You take a second to think back. “Yeah. I didn’t even do anything on my birthday this year.” A self-pitying laugh rises up before you can stop it. “Honestly, this whole year was such a flop. I’m glad it’s nearly done.”
Taehyung makes a face like he can’t disagree. “Hey, sometimes that’s life.” He pauses, brow furrowing slightly, then reaches a palm across the table. “Can I play a song?”
“Go ahead,” you offer, pushing your phone into his hand. You scrape your spoon along your dwindling dessert, and haven’t even managed to bring the assembled bite to your mouth before the music changes— from one Frank Sinatra song to another, this one with a driving blues rhythm.
Taehyung is already on his feet, hips starting to sway. “Ah, come on. You have to dance with me.”
He’s closed the distance between you before you can even protest, his hands smoothing across the blanket still wrapped over your shoulders.
“Let me take your coat, ma’am.”
You shift off the stool and onto your feet with a smile as he unwraps the blanket from around you and tosses it toward the back of the couch, missing by at least a foot.
“Why thank you,” you tease, feigning some kind of Transatlantic lilt to your voice that makes him really laugh. “Such a gentleman.”
Taehyung turns to face you again, and then you feel his large hand pressing to the small of your back, warm even through the fabric of your shirt, and your heart stutters a little. You take his other hand in yours and let him lead, let him pull you all the way in until you can turn your head and press your cheek to the firm plane of his chest.
Frank Sinatra croons on about how you can’t let life get you down, and suddenly there’s a weight settling in the pit of your stomach.
“I feel bad, Taehyung,” you admit, and when you glance up at him, he’s looking right back down at you. “That you’re here with me tonight.”
“Why?” he asks, like he really doesn’t know.
“Because,” you shake your head. “I don’t know. There’s a million better places you could be. I can’t even give you birthday sex.”
“I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t want to,” he answers simply, then leans back, guiding you under his arm for a spin.
A little giggle bubbles up in your chest, catches on the first syllable of your reply as you twirl. “A-are you sure?”
Taehyung nods, thoughtful, when you come back to center again. “This is a good reminder that… I like taking care of people. It’s been a while since anyone’s let me.” The hand holding yours gives a gentle squeeze, and you can’t help but squeeze back.
“Well, thank you for taking care of me,” you answer softly. “You did a good job. Pretty sure I’m on the mend already.” You blink up at him through your lashes, and the way his eyes are fixed on you makes your heart squeeze, too.
It’s nearly overwhelming, taking him in like this, close enough that you can see every stray beauty mark kissed over his handsome features. Fluffy-haired, big-dicked Kim Taehyung— who would’ve thought?
Taehyung’s adam’s apple jerks in his throat as he swallows, and you feel a sudden rush of heat all over, one you don’t quite think you can blame on a fever. It hardly even occurs to you that the two of you have come to a complete standstill now, barefoot in the middle of your kitchen, Taehyung’s palm pressed to your back, the fingers of your joined hands now shifting to lace together.
“Taehyung,” you’re breathing his name before you even realize it. “Would you… want to stay here tonight? Like, sleep together, literally?”
The smile that flashes over his face is nothing short of brilliant. “Yeah, okay.”
Your voice dips a little lower, teasing, as you smile back. “I really do think I’m feeling better, so. Maybe in the morning I can take care of you, too.”
Taehyung’s fingers brush the length of your jaw, then reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you continue.
“I’ve got this spray that makes my throat totally numb, so.”
He pauses, his mouth so close to yours that you can feel his breath ghosting over your skin, but he can’t quite keep a straight face. “Fuck, why is that so sexy?”
You’re laughing against his lips when he kisses you.
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sugahbunnies · 8 months
Saiki slightly wishes he left the fight between you two dragged out a little bit as he watches you point at the build your own buddy store. The excitement is basically radiating off your body as you jump and down, reaching for Saiki’s hand but he pulls away the second your hand wraps around his pinky.
“Just because we made up doesn’t mean we get to hold hands like a couple” Saiki says, his tone drilling into your brain. You frown, tugging at his sleeve and pulling towards the other side of the mall.
“You promise we’d do anything I want to make up for what you did, let’s do something that symbolizes our friendship” You smile, your tired eyes crinkling at the corners. Saiki looks away as you smile, not wanting to show that he notices your dark eye circles. Did you really lose that much sleep over the fight? He honestly feels bad, and this is his way to apologize.
To bringing you to this childish store and let’s say he’s not a big fan.. maybe.
“Friendship” He repeats, and you nod.
“Yes?” You raise an eyebrow and Saiki slightly scoffs.
“Alright” He replies, gesturing towards the store.
“Go ahead”.
You squint at him, suspicious that he might walk off and hide from you.
“I won’t leave, if that is what you are thinking” He explains, making a fist and hitting the top of your head softly.
“Okay, cool!” You exclaim, attempting to grab his hand away and yes, he avoids it completely. As you both walk into the store, Saiki can’t help seeing the burn marks on your knuckles. You’re scanning the available toys with excitement and all Saiki can think about how is..
Why did you go out of your way to make him dinner?
He feels pretty bad, two days ago you had called him. Asking him if he wants to come over, and sadly he couldn’t he had .. some business to do. That business having to do going to this coffee jelly sale that he couldn’t turn away. Even if he wanted to. You sighed loudly into the phone as he said no, you had prepared this dinner for hours because you suck at cooking. Plus, burning yourself with boiling water wasn’t exactly ideal, and having to eat this whole dinner by yourself was just upright depressing. You wanted to have this dinner as a way to apologize to him, but he did tell you that you guys can reschedule.
Saiki shakes his head, picking up the ridiculously mini clothes meant for the stuffed toys. He turns to you and realizes you are right up to his face. He leans back a bit, as you lift a yellow dog with a brown hat.
“How cute is this? Give me your brutal opinion” You say, swaying the dog side to side. Saiki reaches out and pulls on the hat, when it doesn’t come off he pulls harder.
You smack his hand lightly, going “Bad Saiki!”. He blankly looks at you, reaching for a brown cardigan and grabbing the plush from your hands.
“Go for a brown palette, eccentric clothing hurt my eyes” He comments, putting the cardigan on the dog.
You stifle a laugh, tugging at Saiki’s sleeve.
“What is it now? Saiki asks, and you press your lips together in an attempt to not make fun of him.
“You’re wearing a neon green and bright blue vest, I wouldn’t say eccentric clothing hurts you in any way” You cross your arms with a grin, which Saiki doesn’t return.
Although, he really does. It’s really hard not to smile about you in general, and he finds it odd when he feels fuzzy when you do something endearing.
“I like the white dog with black ears” Saiki comments, trying not to admit he will like a toy of his own.
He holds your golden dog in his hands as you gently grab the one he pointed out.
“Let’s give him a silly hat” You suggest, and once again, Saiki gets that fuzzy feeling in his chest.
“I guess” He blurts out in such a plain voice, he wishes he said it in a more nicer way. Although, it doesn’t seem to bother you in any shape or form.
“I like the way you talk”.
Okay, that definitely made Saiki feel something. he is not used to compliments and this one hit hard. He always thought he talked too bluntly and his tone was always off.
“What about it” Is the only words that he can choke out, and he avoids eye contact as you place odd yet unique looking clothes on his choice of toy.
“You get straight to the point, you don’t sugarcoat” You start counting on your fingers and Saiki shakes his head.
“Let’s not get into it” Saiki interrupts once you’re about to say the third reason.
“Let’s pay and go” He suggests, still avoiding eye contact and walking past you. You nod, following him like a lost puppy.
Once you both get out of the store, Saiki decides to invite you over to his place. You gladly accept and you suggest a splurge of food again. Saiki sighs, knowing you both are about to have sugar high once again.
Yet he agrees.
Saiki doesn’t particularly like this gas station since he knows your classmates come here often and he doesn’t want to run into them. Especially with you.
You never admitted it but you are quite popular within the third years, obviously because you’re a transfer student and that you are so lively.
Saiki also never admits it but he likes that you are lively, it’s just your socialness can be a bit draining at times. So once you both enter the gas station, he scans the entire store to search for anyone he knows. You slip out of Saiki’s sight to get a tub of ice cream, while Saiki is having a crisis in choosing what chips he should get.
“Fuck it, I’ll get all of Y/n’s favorites” He reaches for three bags and pauses.’
Did he just curse? He never does so, and it’s out of character for him to do so. Maybe your intense cursing that only his ears hear is rubbing off on him. He cocks his head to the side quickly and grabs about four bags of sour candy. He stands there in the aisle and begins to think, “What if it isn’t good for your condition to eat all this?”. He starts getting deep in thought, a shriek breaking his train of thought and he shoots his head up.
“Y/n?” He says outloud, turning the corner and seeing you with a tub of ice cream and two liters of soda. Saiki’s eyes linger to the person you are facing and see..
Ugh, Toritsuka.
“Toritsuka! I didn’t expect to see you here” You exclaim, your eyes lighting up and Saiki feels a bang to his chest.
“Me neither, I expected to see you on our date next week” Toritsuka says, patting your head and ruffling your hair.
Saiki senses his body tense up and freeze. There’s no way he heard Toritsuka right, a date? With Y/n?
He feels his heart drop to his stomach and looks at you for an answer, but all you do is nod. He hears the conversation going on and it’s obvious the purple haired scumbag is flirting. Saiki rolls his eyes in annoyance, though he is not sure why.
Maybe he feels slightly off because you’re his best friend? Wait, best friend is too much of an intense label, Saiki thinks.
Friend, he corrects himself in his head. He impatiently waits on your side, stealing glances at you. He doesn’t like how your face seems to be radiating happiness, and your smile is so big he can see ninety percent of your teeth.
“Well, I’ll see you later cutie, uhm Saiki” Toritsuka awkwardly waves at Saiki before tapping your cheek twice. Once he leaves, you turn to Saiki who is absolutely deadpan in the face.
“What’s wrong?” You question, obviously oblivious to Saiki’s feelings. “Nothing, let’s get to my house, alright?” He walks past you and his shoulder bumps into yours. You frown, oh how much you hate when he does that!
When you arrive at his house, you feel he is a bit off. Like.. his whole vibe is off and he seems more stoic than usual.
Ten minutes into splurging once again, you chug down a cup of soda and burp loudly. This would typically make Saiki smile maybe a little bit, but now nothing.
“Hey what’s wro-”
“You're actually going on a date with Toritsuka?” Saiki asks, it’s crystal clear he’s ticked off but you are not sure why?
“Yes!” You answer, wanting to push Saiki off the edge to see if he blows up on you.
He doesn’t.
“Well, good luck with that” Saiki sucks his teeth and chews on a rainbow strip, his eyes on his cup of soda.
“Aren’t you happy?” You question, and Saiki shrugs.
“You have awful taste in men” Saiki points out, a smug smile threatening to break out on his face but he succeeds to hold it in.
You scowl, grabbing a handful of lime lays and sticking your tongue out at him.
“Atleast I have a love life” You comment, waiting for Saiki to reply as he chews up more sour candy.
“Not interested”.
“Whatever you say Kusuo Saiki”.
Saiki feels a tingly sensation in his stomach as you say his name, and he slightly punches his stomach. You don’t notice as you are too invested in your brownie fudge ice cream. Saiki grimaces at the chocolate piling up at the corners of your mouth. You never learned how to properly eat, did you?
“You’ll be the first to know what happens after that date, okay? You are my best friend after all” You say with an upbeat tone and honestly? That hurts Saiki a bit more.
Saiki simply nods, not knowing why he is so upset at that label, it is true you both are friends.
He leans back into his chair and thinks to himself, “Always a best friend to you huh”.
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galaxyedging · 23 days
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College Max Phillips x f!reader. Friends to enemies to lovers.
Max is the ideal roommate until he isn't.
Warnings: Smut. Male and female masturbation. P in V sex. Dub con if you really squint. Overstimulation.
Roommate Agreement
“Max Fucking Phillips!” The roar leaves you as soon as you slam the door.
It echoes through the stylish yet modest off-campus apartment you can afford now that you have a roommate. An apartment that you will sorely miss when you can't afford it because you've murdered your roommate.
“If you're going to summon me like that, at least use my correct full name, Maxwell Fuckington-Phillips.” A head of over gelled hair comes around the corner to narrowly miss being hit by one of your shoes. “The third.”
“Don't! Just don't! Did you tell my date that I have baby fever and I'm just in college to earn my MRS?” Your tone is even and calm despite you wanting to rip Max's head off. He'll get what's coming to him, first you want confirmation.
“I was joking with the guy. You know, like when you told my date I was a STD ridden man whore.” He shrugs sliding onto the sofa.
“I told you that I didn't know she was your date. I know her from one of my classes. Plus, I wasn't joking. I saved her a course of medication and probably months of therapy from the serious regret she would have the next morning.” Your dig didn't even phase Max. 
The endless to and fro of barbs had started about three months after Max moved in. Before that the two of you were practically inseparable. Max had tutored you for a few months. To break up the monotony of studying, you would go grab something to eat and idly chat. For some reason, even though you were very different people, you got on well. When your friend pulled out of renting the apartment the day you needed to sign the lease, Max was the first person you offered it to. He took one look at the place and signed on the spot. The owner was an older lady who was just happy to have someone living above her store. The people who rented that from her commuted from the suburbs, leaving the whole building empty at night. Perfect for a couple of college kids. Until you realised that you couldn't stand each other.
“So what? You're just going to punish me?” You huff at him.
“Hey, if I don't get laid, why should you?” There was an undercurrent of genuine annoyance in his tone.
“What do you mean?”
“I don't know if you know this….but women talk. My dick is blacklisted.” He looked sorry for himself at his admission.
It only takes about two seconds for the laughter you were trying so hard to keep in bursts out. “I'm sorry. It's just funny.”
“I'm glad I've found some way to amuse you rather than you being an uptight bitch to me.” 
“I meant the blacklisted dick part was funny. Not the situation, asshole. So is that why you're ruining my dates? You're jealous that someone else might get some? Fuck you, Max.”
“Maybe that would solve the problem. You caused this dry spell. Maybe you should moisten it.”
Trying hard not to gag at the imagery or the word moisten, all you can think to do is flip him off while you find your words.
“Oh, so you're the other kind of jealous. Not of me, of the guys I might bring home? Do you want me that bad Max?” Your pout at him leaning over in your date night dress so he can see right down the front of it and your lack of a bra.
“Please, if I wanted you. I would have had you months ago.” Max tells your cleavage.
“Yeah, right. My eyes are up here.” Walking deeper into the apartment, you head for your room. “Since my date didn't go well, I'm getting my best toy out. Her name is Jessica. I usually wait until you are out but I guess you'll just have to wear earplugs to bed.”
“You have fun with Jessica, try not to think about me too much.” Max bites at your heels as he catches up and brushes past you down the short corridor to his own bedroom.
Jessica glistens in the low candle light, fully covered in lube and ready to go. Even the scented candles and relaxing oils hadn't loosen you up enough to be able to give Jessica the welcome she deserves. 
‘Fuck. Who does he think he is?’ Trying your best to calm your thoughts you undo your robe and let it fall from your body. Licking your fingertips, you idly trace one of your nipples until it reacts under your touch. The other one gets the same treatment before you take the full breast in each hand and knead them gently. Eventually you feel the pull of your pussy needing your attention. As soon as you reach your folds, you find that Jessica might be up to bat sooner than you thought. Now that you're looser, your pussy is practically dripping. As you slick up your clit and begin to circle it, you tell yourself your arousal has nothing to do with Max. Nothing to do with the thought of him being all pent up and how easily he would come apart underneath you. Nothing to do with the thought of taking his pretty cock in your mouth. And it was pretty. You accidentally walked in on him getting out of the shower and may have dragged your feet, just a little, getting out of there. There is no denying that Max is hot but he is still such an asshole. Fresh anger flares in you as Jessica nestles deep inside you. The first button you tap brings her head to life rotating inside you. The second makes her ears twitch against your clit. Usually you would let the woman work and build you to a steady, satisfying climax. Tonight was different, gripping the base of her, you angle her where you need her and begin to pump her in and out, hard. With your free hand gripping the metal bed frame above your head the whole thing begins to squeak with your movements. There is not one single fuck to be spared for Max as your moans sound out just as loudly. It barely takes any time at all for you to reach the edge. Going over it a litany of curses spill from your lips. Laying there, head thick from your high time seems irrelevant until you need to pee and have to gingerly remove faithful Jessica from being tightly gripped inside your body. After you get the two of you cleaned up, you slip back into bed. Sleep tugs at you until you hear the rhythmic thud of a headboard against a wall.
Max already had a chub on at the sight of you poured into that dress but once he got a good view of the swell of your tits and a peek of your nipples, he was fully hard. He did intend to jerk off quickly, so he could just get to sleep and forget your fight. Then he heard it, the distinct low buzz of a vibrator. Fuck. He thought about your teasing your cunt until you came writhing and twitching on the cheap substitute for his dick. He listened as he raided his bedside drawer for some toys of his own. He filled his sleeve with some lube and pumped his long, thin dildo inside of it ensuring they were both covered. His pillows became makeshift pillowy thighs as he placed his cock sleeve between them in the middle of his bed. His cock twitched with interest as your moans grew louder. His own utterances of fuck and shit as he sheathed he cock were hidden under yours as you came. Max had to take a moment to squeeze his cock so he didn't blow his load there and then. When he felt the need pass he spread his legs to push his own dildo between his asscheeks into his greedy hole. He lays flat to catch his sleeved cock between his body and the bed. While his hips work back and forth he keeps the dildo still so he's either fucking or being fucked with each thrust. He doesn't give a shit if his moans sound pitiful. They are. He's so pent up and this feels so good. The sounds of your enjoyment still free in his ears and the sight of your tits still on his eyelids is the icing on the cake. He pants, moans and whines his way to his peek as he jack rabbits into the mattress. 
“Oh! God!” he moans when his eyes roll back in his head and his balls empty into the toy. 
He's so loud, he doesn't hear the door open or your footsteps on the floor. He only realises you're there when the bed dips next to him. In his blissed out state he doesn't care that he's laying completely naked with a dildo sticking out of his ass. He cares a little more when you nudge it further into him.
Whatever Max says is lost in his pillow. 
“Don't say a fucking thing. Don't spoil it, just shut up.” You make it clear that the last thing you want to hear is his voice. Unless it's whining in pleasure.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He grins stupidly.
“What did I say?!”
“Don't be so grumpy.” He teases. “Are you going to play with my ass or what?”
You answer by pressing the tip right up to his prostate and rolling it up and down over the gland. 
“Fuck. Stop. I can't…” Max pants.
“Oh, poor baby. Are you over-stimulated?” You tease right back working the toy harder.
“Fuck. I'm serious. I…” his annoying complaints are cut off by your lips. 
As Max's lips melt into the kiss, the rest of his body tenses. His head snaps away from yours to bite down on his pillow as he comes again.
“‘uck me!” Is all he can grit out until he releases the thick material. “Fuck. That was…fuck. How did you…? Come on.” Max's earlier bonelessness dissipates as he drags you toward him while turning over and simultaneously removing the toy from his twice spent cock. 
“Come on. Sit on my face. Suffocate me with your cunt until I'm hard again then you can show me how to do that.” Half of that shouted from between your legs.
“Max! I…oh!” You almost squeal as his hot muscle goes straight for your hole. His tongue swirls through your release while he drinks it down like some crazed mythological creature who feeds on bodily fluids. He only pauses to beg you to blow him. Which you oblige to since the sight of his cock getting hard just from eating you out makes you eager to bounce on it. He grows bigger and thicker in your mouth while you do your best to suck in-between moans. Max has moved to sucking on your clit now the sudden intrusion of two thick fingers has you coming on them. 
Max might be a loser in the personality department but he's definitely a winner in refractory period stakes. His cock is rigid again in an impressively short amount of time. Swinging your leg back over his head you shuffle down the bed ready to straddle his hips and eagerly ride his cock.
“I want to be on top.” Max complains.
His length drags against the heat of your core as he tries to buck you off. “Max!” You half moan, half chide. “No!”
It's Max's turn to moan when you trap his cock between your wet core and his body. He can't help but grind against you a little.
“This is getting us nowhere.” You huff. “Speak for yourself.” Max sighs, gripping your hips to slide you on his length.
“Max! Come on. Guess we could compromise. Doggy?” You supply.
“Fuck, yes.” Max ungraciously bucks you off of him to scramble behind you while you get on all fours.
Just as you get your balance, Max slides home in one fluid motion. For the first time in a long time the two of you seem to be in agreement. Both letting out sighs of contentment. Max starts to thrust and you stay firm to meet every one. It's rough and nasty, and everything you both need. The sounds of skin slapping and fluids gushing fills the room. The two of you moan, grunt and swear like vulgar animals. Sweat covers both of you from the effort of trying to out fuck the other. In the end the two of you climax in perfect sync. Max doesn't ask before finishing inside of you. His cum fills you deeply as he works you both to draw out your highs. 
“Looks like we found something we can agree on.” Max pants sprawling out over the bed.
Shoving past him to go pee you add “Yeah. Plus you are like seventy five percent less annoying during sex.”
“Wow. You keep flattering me like that and I'll think you're sweet on me.” Max called after you.
For a moment in the post coital haze, you think back to when things between you were good. At one point, you really did like Max. He was good company. Smart. Even sweet on occasion. He’s handsome, driven, great in bed. Entering the bathroom and not even stopping to flip on the light or close the door you move on muscle memory while the urge to pee gets stronger. You lower yourself down to the toilet….and almost fall in because the toilet seat is up. “Maxwell Fuckington Phillips…the third!”
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koithelittle · 10 months
cg!cc!wilbur moodboard + headcanons!!
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note; so like half of these? were from a hc post that was unformatted and turns out i messed up the request but i am- i can’t fix it without feeling absolutely horrible so. i turned them into this and just added like way more! i have plans for a couple new fics plus absolutely endless moodboards so be looking out for that! this moodboard was my first and has been collecting dust in my drafts for months. love it tho! otay das aww.
paci creds; littlemothshop on ig!
other moodboards
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo (ask or do to be added!)
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- he makes sure your regression is completely private, only the band knows and whoever of your friends knows.
- barely anyone even knows you're dating him, let alone that he's your cg when you're little. it's all very private!
- he has pacis, sippys, and toys all scattered around the house. although there's a special spot for it all, it's just sort of floats around !
- he's big on cuddling you when you're little, especially if you're having a hard time ! he'll hold you, calling you soft names to help you slip into or stay in little space.
- doesn't really mind any name but prefers daddy/dada!
- he likes to set up corners around his house that are safe spaces. pillows and blankets and one of your many favorite stuffies. he also likes to put a basket that has some coloring stuff n toys!
- when he's streaming and you're regressed, he'll usually set you up under his desk, blankets and a stuffie, paci and the switch with your headphones. he'll ruffle your hair and rub your back while he streams, making sure to keep an eye on you while he's talking.
- he's got pretty set boundaries with you. bedtime at a certain time, with quiet time before. baths are always fun! and they're always after playtime so you're a bit calmer !
- loves getting you custom pacis from shops, managed to get a lovejoy themed one and couldn't stop smiling at how happy you were.
- speaking of Lovejoy! he'll take you to band practice alot, little or big! the guys love to help care for you. hold you and play with you! Joe is your favorite, since he likes to let you sit in his lap and play with his beard.
- wil really likes to color with you, but he's also always up to play pretend too!
- keeps close tabs on you and knows your habits pretty well, so he catches when you slip way before you do!
- loves cooking for you all of the time, he knows your safe foods like the palm of his hand so he'll give you a few options to pick from at each meal
- holds you when you sleep, and rubs your back
- favorite names to call you are bunny, baby, and little one!
- his kitchen is packed full of all of your safe foods and favorite utensils and plates! it’s mostly in your favorite color, but he knows it helps you eat and enjoy eating so he doesn’t mind
- he has a little note on his phone that lists your favorite things, big and little. movies, shows, snacks, foods, sweaters of his— etc. he wants to remember everything he can!
- he’s very patient and soft with you, careful with his words and tone.
- he likes it when you lay across him, your head on his shoulder or his lap so he can rub your cheeks and hair. just loves giving you mindless affection!
- favorite part of the day for him is when he’s getting you to sleep. sometimes it’ll be through a vod he puts on, a cartoon or he’ll just sing to you.
- loves sitting behind you with you in his lap as you play. he likes to join in too, of course but sometimes he just likes to watch.
- he likes to color with you and help you find all the colors you need, handing them off to you whenever you ask
- piggy back rides!! although his favorite method of travel for you is holding you on his hip or carrying you when you face him. he just feels safer doing that, like he can keep closer tabs on you.
- whenever you pout or you’re sad, he’ll get you to laugh and giggle by making silly faces or noises but especially likes tickling you!
- reads you a story at every nap and bed time. sometimes he’ll make them up but he really likes the books since he can show you pictures!
- he sits you on the counter or on a stool while he cooks so he can keep an eye on you but still have you involved without you getting hurt or feeling obligated to help. he can do it just fine on his own, but he doesn’t mind you being there!
- he’s more strict when it comes to routines above all else. he just wants to make sure you’re healthy and well cared for.
- he likes to have some age appropriate and easy workbooks on hand, just to give you a few pages to work on while he works. you feel involved and you like filling them out (and he likes checking them so he can put stickers on it and draw a smiley face for good work!)
- he’s a picnic guy, so he’ll gather up a lunch in a picnic basket, pack your little bag and take you out to the park or an empty field or even a pebble beach and just have a lil picnic with you. he’ll read a book or write some music while you color and draw or play with whatever you brought!
- he loves it when you kiss his cheek to make him smile. if he’s ever sad a lil kiss on his nose or cheek or chin will just make him absolutely beam! and then subsequently attack you in kisses and tickles.
- loves calling you baby, but baby bear has a nice ring to it to him.
- jokes he’s your papa bear
- adores when the guys come over to work on music but end up playing with you and indulging you in your pretend play! mark gets really invested when your toy of choice is blocks, he’ll try to build the highest tower but joe always knocks it over. cue a very long bicker match!
- ash likes to color and draw with you. he’ll teach you cool techniques and show you all the fun stuff he can draw!
- joe really likes to play with your calico critters with you, coming up with silly scenarios or putting silly outfits on them.
- wil likes to watch from the sidelines, just gushing at how cute it all is. he has good friends, but an even better love!
- sometimes when he’s bored or lonely (when he’s on tour mostly) he has a habit of doing a bit of online shopping and ordering whatever thing you last mentioned. sometimes a stuffy, sometimes a paci but more often than not, a new toy. he just loves you and the thought of getting to see your face when he finds something for you just makes it even better.
- just overall a very attentive and sweet cg!
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bunnypeew · 7 months
Under star lit skies -Moon/sun x reader part 2
WARNINGS: kind of depictions of violence
They are just lil guys
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it was finally the saturday where you started your job at the pizzaplex, as you were getting ready you got another email from Fazbear, it said what you needed to do:
-clean up the daycare toy containers
-organise said toys
-put the kids to sleep
it was a short todo list but it seemed pretty normal until the last one. Wasn’t there moon putting the children to sleep? why did you need to do it? A lot of question flooded your mind but you tried to sho them away and continue getting ready.
you didn’t have a car, so you’d have to take the bus there, fortunately for you there was a bus specifically for getting to the pizzaplex, some sort of tourist trap you thought, but it was convenient for you so it’s a win.
As you arrived at the pizzaplex you noticed how many people actually came to this place on a whim, there were a bunch of families and teenagers alone as well, it was kinda nice to see everyone having fun in a way. It was a little crowded at the entrance so it took you a while to get inside but when you did you were hit by warmth and a smell of pizza in the air and the slight sound of music playing from the speakers on the roof. People were walking around the lobby either in group or alone, you were making your way though these people when you get grabbed by a cold metal hand and pulled out the crowd. You gather your surroundings turning around you see who pulled you, tall white animatronic, it was who you knew as Chica.
“hello sweets, you must be the new daycare attendant! welcome in hun!,,
she spoke in a eager voice, and with even an eager expression, she then gives to you a little freddy theme sack.
“here is your uniform! there is also a daycare themed jacket in there as a plus, have a good first day sugar,,
and with that she waved at you and runs towards a group of people that was waiting for her, you open the sack to see your uniform being really colourful and not at all what you expected but you didn’t complain (it probably had to do with the fact you were actually working in the daycare)
You still had the map from the last time you were here so you knew how to navigate yourself more or less. Fuck that it actually took you forever to get to the fucking daycare so when you actually arrived at the door you groaned out loud scaring a family that was probably leaving their kid there, you recomposed yourself tried then to find a changing room of some sorts. Not finding one you decided to just go to the bathroom and just change yourself in a stall, the uniform was rather colourful, it was divided in a blue and yellow way and full of stars and stripes, it also had the jacket that you decided to put on since it was pretty cool.
You then entered the Daycare finally, pushing your way through families and kids, you finally made your way towards the security desk, moving your belongings on top of it, you then look around: The place was full of kids running around and having fun and in all that chaos you finally saw Sun. He was doing arts&crafts with some kids on top of a playmat in the corner of the daycare, it was full of colours all around with toys and other things all displays in containers and shelves. You also noticed that the walls were full of kid-made drawings all around the daycare, you thought it was sweet.
You started approaching Sun and the kids, looking around the drawings that were already displayed and then stopped when you reached the playmat. Sun craned his head up from where he was sitting, sensing that someone had come closer to them.
“Oh my stars! You must be the new helper they sent our way! Golly it is truly a pleasure to meet you new friend! But I do advise you to take off your shoes, it gets yucky when you walk around on the playmats!,,
he says eagerly waging his tail around like a happy puppy at the same time he was moving around the pen he was holding. You looked shamefully at your shoes remembering that this morning you put on mismatched socks cuz you couldn’t find any pair (you were a real mess) but alas you had to take them off, so that you did putting them with the kids shoes on the specific shelves made for it.
You then got to work, spilling the toy containers to clean them and then putting the toys back in accordingly. To be honest it was a pretty easy job you weren’t complaining, the only thing that bothered you was you last task, getting the kids to sleep. Full disclosure you weren’t the best with kids so the thought that had to put each one of them to sleep was terrifying, you thought Moon was supposed to do that, thinking about it made you even more curious about what the fuck was going on so went to ask Sun about it
“hey Sun! can I ask you something?,,
“anything go ahead!,,
he said while wrestling some kids out the jungle gym, tail waging with some kids attached to it, seemed like they were having fun
“why did I get tasked with putting the kids to sleep isn’t Moon supposed to do that?,,
you ask very nonchalantly, smiling, waiting for a response. Sun tho stops smiling and his tail stops waging sending the kids in a sadden state, you got confused at this and tried to reach for him, but then he snapped back, tail waging again and smile back on his face
“oh don’t worry about that Sunshine! Moon is just currently out of service for no specific reason! not to worry, not to worry!,,
you were very confused at this sudden change of emotions, but you didn’t wanna snoop in even more than you had to.
Hours had passed since you had finished your first tasks and since then you just hang out at the security desk, napping really, it wasn’t until Sun came to wake you up gently.
“hey, I know this is your first day and some stuff is hard, so i decided to help you out in putting the children to sleep! It’s not really in my programming but I could always try!,,
he spoke with a soft but still eager voice, you could tell he was trying his best to being quiet since so far he had been extremely loud. You smiled at that thinking it was sweet and then got up and stretched, you had some work to do.
You and Sun started to clean up some toys and colouring stuff that the kids had left around so you had space to put down the mattresses and blankets, when you were done with that the lights turned off all of a sudden making you gasp and making Sun stop what he was doing midway, he put the blanket down tucking in one of the kids and then started fidgeting with his hands looking away from you
“I’m sorry friend, i can’t help you further than this, be carful and have a nice nap time!,,
he mutters fatally under his breath and then starts running away, tripping over something and almost falling, he then gets hooked by a rope and pulled up to what you assumed was his room. He was quite a strange animatronic, he acted very human to you but you didn’t really mind it, it was cute. You tried to understand what he meant with be careful, you weren’t that bad to the point were you could lose the children (you probably were actually) so what did he mean by that?
You finished tucking in all the kids after half an hour of work, some kids were still in the jungle gym so you had to crumble yourself in two to get in and find them.
It was dark so you couldn’t see much but you started moving forward, calling for them in a low voice as not to wake the others.
you started hearing like something was crawling outside the jungle gym, right on top of it too, you thought it was impossible for a kid to get there so you just assumed it was the natural sound it’d make (or something like that)
You were startled by the loud noise and stumbled back, something was on top of the tube you were in, you got scared looking up trying to understand what it could be, until you felt something grab your leg forcefully and pull you out of the jungle gym all in one. You felt pain in all your body, it wasn’t until you were you pulled up in the air that you opened your eyes.
you screamed and then heard someone in a low voice say that next to you, you tried to turn around but were only spinned around the other way
“why are you snooping around in things that don’t concern you, brat,,
the low voice said again, it was until then that it clicked in your head that the only other thing that was were here with you it was either Sun or Moon, and Sun definitely didn’t sound like that.
you say all in one breath and surprisingly he did lower you down only to then flip you and take you by your throat slamming you against the security desk.
“no one asked for your help, leave,,
he started squeezing harder, making you lose breath you put your hands on his hand trying to get it off, it wasn’t until Sun appeared out of no where to stop his counterpart
“MOON! STOP they are a friend!! Please don’t hurt them,,
he shouted taking moon by the shoulder making his hand looser on your neck, making you fall on the ground coughing.
“Sun you are not supposed to be here,,
Moon says in a growl and looks at you then looks at Sun
He starts fidgeting and looks at you with sorry eyes, you started gathering your stuff ready to leave
what the fuck just happened.
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kryannoy · 1 year
are we having fun yet?
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genre: nsfw, smut characters: sub!gojo x dom!reader summary: only toys, chasing it with his hips warnings: use of sex toys (dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps), orgasm control, overstimulation, bondage
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The bed was a mess. Ruffled sheets, some corners are tugged off, wet and stained. All because of this tall, lanky man's doings.
But all because of you who turned him like this, sprawled and desperate. Whining and squirming for more.
"I fucking hate you right now!" He hisses. You've been at it for hours now. His asshole is stuffed with a plug and you're dangling a vibrator above his hard and aching cock.
"Yeah? But your movements show otherwise," you reply. You're sitting in between his spread thighs while resting your chin on your hand, watching his hips bucking up for more of the vibrating pink toy.
Poor Satoru. Every time he moves his hips up, the dangling vibrator keeps moving too. He couldn't get a proper orgasm like this. He pants but he's still working hard to chase his selfish desires. However, you're seeking for more entertainment.
You set down the toy after pressing it down on his cock for a moment, making Satoru yelp from the sudden pleasure. He watches you with curious eyes but couldn't help to feel nervous that you might leave him untouched like this. It's not the first time you've done something like that.
He was so glad that that wasn't it. You pick up two smaller oval-shaped pink toys and place them on either side of his angry cock. Then, you take some nipple clamps that have ribbons and bells on each clamp, both are chained together. His chest is heaving as you hover over him to put on the nipple clamps. You attach one on his left nipple first and the cold metal causes him to flinch away. You chuckle at him and attach the second on his other nipple.
"S-Shit . . ." He mutters from the stimulation. You feel his legs are closing under you for some friction. His red cheeks and drooling lips are so endearing to look at, plus the newly cute ribbons clamped on his nipples. You brush his bangs out of his face and kiss his forehead before leaning away again. Oh, your sweet gesture complementing your cruel actions driving him crazy.
You turn on both vibrators at a low setting first and his back arches almost immediately. He moans as his body squirms left to right. He can't do much because you've already bound his hands above his head to the bed.
You watch him writhe a little more before setting the vibrators up to the highest, not letting him catch a breath. He moans loudly and almost all of his body is lifted off the bed.
"Haa . . . . mmm," he lets out the deepest groan coming from his chest then a high pitched cry. The bells from the nipple clamps jingle harshly. All of it is music to your ears.
"Fuck! Baby, please! I'm gonna cum . . . Ohh, gonna cu—!" He cut himself off with thick white liquid spurting out nonstop from his cock, painting his pale abdomen. "Cumming! Cumming!"
"Hmm yes, I can see that," you say, unbothered but turned on by it, of course. You don't stop the toys though nor slowing it down. You don't give him a chance to ride his orgasm out, instead you pull out the plug and replace it with another that can vibrate too.
"No, no, no, no!" He shakes his head roughly, ruffling his sweaty white hair. "Pleaseee! No more!" His begs go into deaf ears as you switch on the dildo in his ass.
His hips start thrusting the air as his head tilted and his pretty blue eyes rolled to the back of his head. His hands are red from tugging on his bindings. Soon, his cries turn into a mix of laughing.
"More! Haa . . . Please, fuck! Stop!" His words are contradicting each time you aren't sure what he truly wants but it makes you smile devilishly.
"Don't worry, baby. I won't stop. Not after you came with my permission."
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slashers-and-rats · 1 year
You know those kandi bracelets? Slashers being gifted these bracelets. I saw someone write about this once and it hasn’t left my brain since
rat chat: dude i love those bracelets!! if they didn’t distract me so much i’d wear them more often.
Slashers Receiving Kandi Bracelets from GN!Reader
featured slashers: billy lenz, jason vorhees, micheal myers
Billy Lenz :
i think this would be one of billy’s favourite gifts ever!!
you’d give him something chunky, with blue and green beads and little kitty charms, and maybe some squishy rubber bobbles thrown on too. for awhile, he’d just roll it around in his palms and not even wear it. he’d just feel up the textures and listen to the way it jingled in his hands. it’s really a stim thing for him, i think he’d really enjoy using it to fidget with.
he’s feral, he’d chew on it too. you’d catch him wearing the bracelet, gnawing on it without even thinking about it. whenever he’s focused on something, or you aren’t in the mood to be his chew toy, he’d use the bracelet instead.
he’d never take it off. it’s his now, why would he? plus YOU gave it to him. that makes it even more special. no, he’d always wear it, and when he doesn’t have it on, it would be tucked away into a pocket. he keeps it as close to him as possible.
billy would wanna make new ones too. it would become a little activity for you both to bond over. you’d buy cool beads and pieces, and bring them home, and watch him sort through them all and find the stuff he likes. and then you would make a bracelet for him, and he’d make a matching one for you.
he’d want you two to match. you’d have the same bracelet except in your favourite colours, or maybe with your initials on them. if you managed to get him out of the house, he’d make you wear it, so people knew you were all his.
Jason Vorhees :
jason would definitely see it as a craft for you two to do together. you’d bring up one day that you missed making friendship bracelets at summer camp, and that you’d bought all the stuff to make some. you two would sit for a bit, and once you’ve finished the one you made for him, he’d wear it everywhere.
jason loves seeing you happy he’s wearing it. that’s his favourite part. whenever he’s outside, cutting wood for your fire pit, and you see the big shiny beading sparkling in the sun, you get so excited. and he sees it. he’ll be watching from the corner of his eye, smiling underneath his mask, all proud that he’s making you so smily.
jason would tie it to his belt loop if he couldn’t wear it. maybe he’s working with power tools or the like, and can’t have loose things hanging off of his arms, so he’d connect it to his pants. he wants to keep it on him, since it’s a nice little reminder of you.
you catch him playing with it a lot. his bracelet has red and black beads, and charms that look like little hearts. you’d have put his initials on it too, and it took you awhile to make it fit his thick wrist right. you’d only make him one or two, since bracelets weren’t really his thing, but he’d appreciate them nevertheless.
he has more fun making them for you, actually. you’d have dozens from him. while you were out doing errands or work, he’d be at home making you little bracelets in his free time. you’d come home and they’d be lined up, all decorated in your favourite colours and charms. he just likes making you things, i think.
Micheal Myers :
very confused by the concept at first. micheal isn’t the biggest on jewellery, obviously, and tends to keep pretty plain in what he wears. when you suddenly give him something so chunky and bright, he’s a little off put.
at first, he doesn’t wear it. he’s not trying to insult you at all. you can see it in the breast pocket of his jumpsuit, and he always makes sure to take it out and put it on the nightstand beside the bed before he takes his things off for the night. he cherishes it, since it’s from you, but it’s harder for him to get used to.
once you make a matching bracelet, and start wearing it around so that he notices, he starts wearing it much more often. he never mentions it either. you just see him one day wearing it with you, and when you try to say something, he just covers your mouth and continues whatever he’s doing. he gets flustered when he’s called out on his sweeter actions.
the one you make for you both is navy blue and white, and has little skulls and knives hanging off of it. the beads spell out “y/n + micheal” in sparkly bubble letters. that’s his favourite part. he never really got that sweet teenage romance phase, so getting to do silly little things like this make his heart flutter.
i think he’d also use it as a fidget thing. i think when he’s anxious, maybe out running errands without his mask, he’d be rubbing at the charms in his pocket to keep himself calm. he’d like having a little reminder of you close to him, since you make him feel safe.
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starsurface · 7 months
Can you please do Nightwolf caregiver headcanons?? I haven't seen a single agere post with him yet 😭
I love Nightwolf!! He'd made an AMAZING CG, fr!
Also on the side note: I do not know much about Native American culture, so if I do get any of these either incorrect or ‘eeeeeeeeh’ tell me and I'll make sure to change or alter them!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Nightwolf Hcs
🐺 Would be amazing with ANY age, fr
🐺 Tiny soft baby? Oh my goodness of course!! Wrapping you up in soft furs, rocks you gently
🐺 Toddler that just likes sitting around, watching cartoons and coloring? Cartoons might not be entirely his thing, but of course he'd love to watch an episode or 17 with you!!
🐺 Excited kid that likes running around and doing things? He's all up for some tag and arts and crafts!!
🐺 Emo or Moody preteen? He use to have a emo phase back in middle school too, what's your favorite band? Do you wanna share eyeliner secrets?
🐺 ^ If your not Moody preteen (i really project on that sometimes), he still likes hanging out with you. Whether its gossiping over making those kanji (?) bracelets or letting you rant about your favorite current thing in the entire world
🐺 Adores pet regressors!!! Playing tug-in-war with a puppy, letting a kitty curl up on his lap, finding yummy treats for a bunny, etc etc
🐺 Will highly encourage you to spend some time outside with him
🐺 Outside is good for you!! Plus you can go on a nice walk, or play hopscotch, or sit on his lap and play with the grass or whatever toys you brought
🐺 If you can't handle outside for whatever reason, such as sensitivity to grass or lightness sensitivity, he is very understanding and won't force you outside
🐺 Even five minutes is good for him, but if you really can't or just don't wanna, he will never force you to
🐺 If you do like going outside, that's great!! But if your too fearful about going outside because your small and someone might judge or see, he'll make sure to find secluded spots like the Motako Woods or Fujin's Temple Garden
🐺 If Nightwolf is busy hell most likely leave you with Fujin because thats who he trusts the most
🐺 Off topic, Fujin would so spoil you if Nightwolf dropped you off to him (he's gotta keep the fun Uncle title!! Otherwise he might get the Grandpa title, like Raiden!! 😨)
🐺 I feel like he'd make you wooden toys, hand crafted
🐺 I don't know a ton about Native culture, but I know there's a BUNCH of really cool stories/legends!!
🐺 He'd love story time, sharing one's passed down from his Mama and Auntie
🐺 He doesn't mind reading from a book either, but does prefer legends passed down
🐺 Favorite CG nicknames would be Nighty Wolf (I dunno why, but it sounds cute), Cloudy (based off his true name), Papa, Bubba, and any other one you wanna call him
🐺 His favorite nicknames for you would be Little One, Young One, Cuddle Bug, Moonlight, Starlight, Baby Bear, and more
🐺 Although truly his favorite nicknames for you are your favorite nicknames because you perk up at them and have the biggest smile and ugh- His heart!! 🥺
🐺 He's a stickler for the rules though >:/
🐺 Doesn't like seeing you pout and whine but will put his foot down on very certain rules (if you use your acting skills and tear up a bit you can get past half of them)
🐺 Not a health nut, but does give you mostly healthy snacks . . . >:(
🐺 But if you ask for it, he'll give you a piece of candy on the side, he's not that mean
🐺 Doesn't let you eat too many sweets though, tries to explain that it's not the best and you might get a tummy ache
🐺 (Although one look of ‘🥺’ and he'll probably crack)
🐺 The most he's ever done for punishments is the naughty corner, and that's only if you've hurt someone or did something really, really bad
🐺 Firmly believes in talking about what you did and how to fix it
🐺 Doesn't ever yell but he has this stern voice that you know your testing his limits
🐺 And he knows it's a scary stern voice (will only use it if he must must)
🐺 Any boo-boos you have get a band-aid and a kiss, you don't have much arguing room
🐺 (^ Also kisses make everything better anyways 🥺)
🐺 On the topic of band-aids, if you have a favorite show or something, he'll try his hardest to find band-aids with that specific design!!
🐺 Really likes cuddle time because it's time to relax and he can ‘protect you’
🐺 Man has big arms, feels like he's protecting you whenever you two hug
🐺 If you ask for permission and he grants it, he'll let you play with his hair
🐺 But you must use soft hands!! No tugging whatsoever pretty please
🐺 He'd love to do hairstyles on you though!! Even if its a super complicated, he'll try his hardest to do it perfect!!!
🐺 If you babble when regressed, most of his reply are ‘Hm?’ or ‘Is that so?’ but his tone is always very gentle and loving
🐺 Feels like the type of CG that if you place something in his hands, unless it's trash that he'll throw away, he'll hold it until you need it again (even if you already forgot and two hours went by)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all there were so many amazing gifs for Windwolf. Also like 97% of Nightwolf gifs have Fujin in them??
I love this man, he's so Dad coded. 🥺
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡꜱ || ᴘᴛ. ꜰɪᴠᴇ ||
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[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
“For someone who claims to be a scientist, you sure aren’t very smart.”
You glance down at Hiro’s messy notebook filled with scrawls and doodles, even a simple two-plus-two equation scribbled on one side. The boy in question just groans in response, his head on his desk.
“Shut up,” He grumbles, trying to swat you away with an annoyed hand. “Don’t you have a job or something?”
“In fact, I do! And I’m getting paid by my boss to bring coffee up to you, so be grateful, you stinkbug.” You practically push him off the chair, and he slides onto the floor with a defeated and very drawn-out groan of complaint.
“Tadashiiiii, get her away!” Hiro whines loudly. His brother is stretched on his bed in a relaxed position, typing away on his phone, seemingly engrossed in a conversation. 
“Mmhm, have fun, kids,” He hums in response, not even bothering to look up. You smirk, sitting on Hiro’s chair and flipping through his notebook. He doesn’t do anything to stop you, merely moving to sit cross-legged on the floor as he absentmindedly toys with his MegaBot.
It’d been over a week since you started working at the Lucky Cat cafe, having gotten to know the two Hamada brothers a little more since your first few days there. Over time, you’d learnt that Tadashi was the go-to for anything under the sun while Hiro…is there. 
Well, he does have some merit to him, you suppose. He’d helped you fix the espresso machine when it broke down during a shift once without a grumble, though he did express repayment in the form of many cups of coffee provided by you. However, the two of you were somewhat like oil and water — you just didn’t mix well. 
There were occasions where you did share the same view, of course, such as Tadashi’s love life and, likewise, your love for coffee. Hangouts during your break time were mainly spent in their room, talking gaily about trivial things ranging from their go-to WackDonald’s order, to heavy topics such as the discovery of mummies.
Conversations were never dull, to say the least.
“I understand nothing,” You hand back the notepad with a blank smile, having leafed through pages and pages of equations and barely legible handwriting. Hiro scoffs, taking it from you. 
“For a self-proclaimed journalist, you’re not very bright.” 
“Whatever,” You roll your eyes, taking a sip from the mug on his desk you’ve claimed as yours. Hiro’s own cup sits snugly in a corner, and dried coffee stains are all that’s left after he’s chugged it all down in the span of an hour.
It’s your shift's break time, and you decided to hang out with Hiro and Tadashi because why not? You’re bored, and one is significantly better to be around. (It’s Tadashi.)
“Tadashi, you need a refill?” You ask, hesitating when you see his cup is still filled to the brim with his mocha. Hiro snorts at his brother’s gaze that’s trained solely on his phone screen, shaking his head no in response to your unanswered question. 
“It’s fine. He’s busy flirting.” 
“I am not!” Tadashi huffs when he registers Hiro’s words, setting down the phone and glaring at the little punk with cheeks so red they could rival even the neon signboard opposite the cafe. 
“Oooo, does Tadashi have a crush?” You remark with a cheeky grin, giggling mischievously as Hiro snickers with you. You fist bump him subtly, eyes filled with pure intrigue and evil curiosity directed at the oldest. “So, who’s she?”
“ ‘She’ is none of your business.” He lays back down, turns his phone off and grabs a book from his bedside shelf. He opens it to a random page, furiously reading the words as if it’d help to ignore whatever expressions are on your face. “I swear, the only time the two of you work together, and it’s to mess with me.” He mutters under his breath.
“Mmhm.” Hiro chooses to let it go, but only for now. You chuckle, getting back up and dusting off your jeans. You check your watch, only to see that it’s reaching the end of your break time. “You staying for dinner?” You hum in thought at the question, recalling Sakura saying something about being out tonight. 
“Sure,” You reply with a shrug, “I don’t think anyone’s gonna be home. Why? You’ll miss me that much already?” You tease with a toothy grin, knowing full well that it’d be the opposite. Hiro gags in response, sticking his tongue out in disgust. 
“You wish. Cass just asked us to tell you to stay for dinner anytime. But I’d prefer it if you didn’t.” He says snarkily, crossing his arms.
“Well, it’s your lucky day. I’ll be staying for dinner the whole week!” You cheer, doing jazz hands to irritate him even further. Hiro rolls his eyes, getting back up from the floor and reclaiming the chair. 
“See you later!” You call over your shoulder as you exit their room, heading back downstairs to the cafe, where you resume your usual duties. Cass welcomes you with a smile, and you tie your apron back on before stepping behind the counter, falling back into your regular routine of handling the espresso machine with expertise. 
The hours pass quickly, but you can feel the subtle ache in your muscles gradually builds up. You hand another cup of coffee to a customer with an automatic smile, your cheeks numb to the sensation. Once they leave, your shoulders sag in relief. Leaning back with a weary smile, your back longs for the sweet comfort of your bed and a massage. 
“You alright, hon’?” Looking up at Cass, you send her a weary smile in response to her concerned question. “I’ll be fine, but I might go back home right after dinner,” You reply with a breathy chuckle.
“Okay, just make sure to text us when you’re back.” You follow her up the stairs once she’s done closing the cafe, having helped clear and wipe down the tables. The kitchen is familiar to you now, having grabbed many meals from the fridge and heated them up in the microwave. 
“I think you’ll really like the menu tonight. It’s gonna be mac n’ cheese!” She cheers, heading over to the stove and starting to prepare dinner. Opening the drawers that store the cutlery and plates, you lay them on the table in their usual spots. One for Hiro, one for Tadashi, one for Cass, and one for you.
“Could you call the boys down for me? My hands are a little full right now,” She chuckles, nodding her chin to the container of flour in her arms, a spoon in her free hand to scoop out the needed amount. You send her a silly two-fingered salute, skipping back up the stairs to summon the two Hamada brothers.
“I’m comin’ in, don’t be naked, please!” You warn playfully with a single knock on their door before entering. 
“Didn’t know you were such a pervert.” 
“Am not! I just prefer to keep my eyes untainted by your hideous self,” You gasp, offended by Hiro’s words. He merely laughs in response, turning his chair to face you and getting up. 
“What’s for dinner tonight?”
“Mac n’ cheese.” Tadashi beams at your response, slinging an arm around your shoulders. He does the same to Hiro, the sudden weight almost knocking the breath out of you. “Now, now, children. Get along during dinner, and don’t leave any leftovers.”
Hiro bats his arm away with a glare. “I can behave myself. I’m not a child, unlike a certain someone.”
“You’re literally the same age as me!”
“And yet, so much more mature.” He smirks. Your jaw drops at his reply, struggling to fire back a retort. 
“Drop dead.” You grumble instead, returning down the stairs with your mood instantly soured. 
“Don’t you think that might’ve been a little much?”
“What? I was just stating facts!” 
Tadashi raises a brow. Hiro holds his defiant stare for a few moments, only to groan exaggeratedly with a roll of his eyes as he relents. “Fine. I’ll be nicer. But she can take it; that’s our whole thing!”
“Really? Being mean is your go-to conversation starter?”
“It works, doesn’t it?”
Unable to hide his amused smile, Tadashi grabs Hiro and ruffles his hair roughly with a soft laugh. “Be nicer.” He reminds before letting go and heading downstairs. 
“Ugh,” Hiro mutters, trying to use his fingers to comb his hair back into his usual style. 
“Something wrong dear?” Cass asks as you slide into your seat. You take a deep breath and exhale, calming yourself before perking up and shaking your head. “I’m fine, don’t worry!”
“If you say so…” 
You’re cheered up by the pot of mac ‘n cheese she sets down in the middle of the table, the heavenly smell filling the room and making your stomach rumble. Tadashi slides into the seat on your left while Cass sits on your right, placing down a plate of garlic bread and a small bowl of salad at the same time. 
Spotting Hiro walking down the stairs, you turn your head away, pretending not to see him as he sits opposite you. You ladle a portion of the cheesy goodness onto your plate, beginning to crunch down on a slice of garlic bread after. A happy hum alerts Cass to your bright smile, 
her heart practically melting at how much you’re enjoying the simple home-cooked meal. 
“Since you’re staying for dinner the whole week, is there anything you’re craving? Just let me know so I can drop by the grocery store and grab whatever I need.” 
You shake your head, not wanting to inconvenience her further than you already have. Being hired as a part-timer and even having meals for free is more than enough for you. 
Swallowing down the last of your garlic bread, you clear your throat. “I crave just about anything you make, Cass.” 
You’re suddenly engulfed in a warm side hug, smiling awkwardly until she finally lets go. Her fingers grip your shoulders excitedly, eyes sparkling with excitement. “Got it. I’ll pull out all the stops for some hot wings on Wednesday!”
“Are those the ones so hot they’ll melt our faces off?” Hiro asks, suddenly interested in the conversation. He looks up from shovelling spoonfuls of mac n’ cheese in his mouth, talking through his chews.
Cass reaches over and smacks his arm lightly. “No talking with food in your mouth, young man.” She scolds lightly, “But yes, they’ll melt your faces off, so make sure you’re prepared!”
“Can’t wait.” Hiro grins widely, chomping down on some garlic bread. “To see you cry from the spice.” 
“Oh no. I can handle my spice, little one. You’re the one who should prepare a carton of milk when your tongue’s practically melting.” You shake your head with a scoff.
“Says you, loser.”
“You’re the loser.”
“I know you are, but what am I?”
“A loser.”
“Okay, what did we say about behaving?” Tadashi reprimands you both. Your cheeks warm, slouching in your seat from embarrassment at how immature you were being. The Hamada family (save for Hiro) welcomed you with open arms, only for you to repay them by acting like a child. 
“He started it….” You protest weakly, only to purse your lips into a pout when Tadashi gives you a stern look. Hiro is slumped in a similar position, only to pick up his spoon to eat another mouthful of mac n’ cheese.
“Fine,” Hiro heaves an exaggerated sigh. “I’m sorry.”
Tadashi looks back at you, raising his brows expectantly. You look back at Hiro, who’s also waiting for you to reciprocate his apology. You straighten your back, sitting upright. “I’m sorry.” 
Yeah, you could be the bigger person here. Besides, your aching muscles were already screaming at you for slouching. Tadashi sits back with a satisfied smile, continuing to eat while Cass watches the entire thing go down, stunned and unable to interject.
The rest of the meal continues in peace, with Cass making small talk and you responding in kind. Once the dinner is over, you stand up to do the dishes, wincing when your shoulders groan in protest. Cass spots your expression, gently moving you to sit back down.
“Hiro, would you be a dear and walk her back home?” 
He parts his lips to protest, only to falter when he sees his brother’s pointed stare, recalling the conversation from earlier. “Fine,” He sighs, standing up and going downstairs.
“Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow!” You wave goodbye to both of them who're cleaning up, walking downstairs and grabbing your bag along the way. To your surprise, Hiro holds the door open for you, exiting after you do.
“So, which way, loser?” 
You glare at him. “That way, loser.” 
Hiro has to jog to catch up to you, chuckling at your reaction. You walk side by side in silence and navigate the familiar streets before your steps slow to a halt. You look up at the sky, sniffing the air and spot dark clouds gathering in an ominous cluster above you.
“I smell rain.” You interrupt him. True enough, a loud rumble echoes through the sky and it starts to rain. “Damn it, I didn’t bring an umbrella.” You mutter, digging through your bag while Hiro automatically shifts his hoodie to cover his head.
“You didn’t bring an umbrella with you?” He frowns at your raised voice though he knows it’s because of the sound of rain pelting against hard surfaces, making it hard to hear, crossing his arms as the rain starts to come down harshly on the both of you. “Hey, it’s not like they said it was gonna rain tonight!” He defends himself.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s just find a shelter.”You spot a bus stop a short distance away, your shirt quickly getting soaked through. Hiro’s no better, his hoodie practically drenched by the time the both of you jog to the bus stop. He takes it off with a disgusted shiver, letting the soaked hoodie rest in a pile on the bus seat. 
Luckily, no one else is around. You wring your hair, getting as much rainwater out of it as possible. “So, you can smell the rain?” 
You glance up, nodding briefly. “Well, it’s kinda more like a weird sixth sense, but it only works moments before it starts raining.” 
“That’s actually kinda cool,” He comments absentmindedly, twisting the end of his shirt to squeeze out the excess water from the rain. The rain continues drumming against the plastic roof and walls of the sheltered bus stop with force so harsh you’re almost sure the plastic will break. 
Hiro’s subtle shiver doesn’t escape your notice, your body reacting automatically to the cold breeze that brushes past your bare skin. It’s chilly, you realise, sparing him a quick glance. Your arms wrap around yourself in a small hug, teeth chattering slightly as you try to control the involuntary shivers. Hiro’s no better off than you, sitting a short distance from you. He’s shivering nonstop, trembling hands clutching his thin shirt. 
Should you?
There’s really nothing to lose, so may as well.
“Hey, loser.” His head snaps up, turning to look at you with a raised brow. “Get over here.” You order, gesturing for him to move closer. He purses his lips in thought, regarding you with a suspicion-filled gaze. “I’m not gonna hit you, so scooch your butt over here.”
He ignores the roll of your eyes, slowly moving over till he’s right next to you. Instead of pushing him away, however, you press yourself against his side. The sensation of his wet shirt sticking to the side of your arm makes you shudder, Hiro flinching away in surprise. 
“What are you doing?” He says indignantly, using his elbow to shove you away. You scoff. “Calm down; I’m trying to conserve both our body heat. I thought you were a ‘scientist’, albeit fake.”
“I am a scientist.” Hiro retorts. 
“Whatever you say, now get back over here so we both don’t freeze.” 
He reluctantly gives in with a soft grumble, moving to sit next to you again. Your positions are awkward, but you decide it’d make do for now. San Fransokyo is beautiful, but the night weather can get unreasonably cold during the change of seasons. The rain continues to pelt against the sturdy plastic, and you watch it drip off the leaves of a tree nearby. The howling wind brushes against your ears again, and you instinctively draw closer to the boy next to you.
You feel his arm wrap around you, looking up in curiosity only to see him wince. “It’s freezing,” He allows himself to admit through a quick breath. Nodding in agreement, a sudden thud against the roof makes you both flinch. Looking up, you spot a branch that landed on top, having broken off from the nearby tree.
You glance at Hiro, meeting his eyes before the both of you dissolve into relieved laughter. Your shoulders shake with chuckles, wiping the tears that form in the corner of your eyes with a soft giggle. “Guess we’re both kinda scaredy cats, huh?”
“Says you; I wasn’t affected at all.” Hiro jokes with a grin, nudging your side. You narrow your eyes at him playfully. “Oh, I see where this is going, Einstein.”
“Einstein? Aren’t you admitting your inferior intelligence a little too soon?”
The bite in his words is less distinct than before, the usual harsh and condescending tone now softer, almost playful. “Mmhm, keep dreaming.” You hum in return, a relaxed smile on your lips as the once harsh rain starts to let up.
“How’s the progress on your microbots coming along?”
“You know about that?”
“Of course. Tadashi keeps me updated when he helps out at the cafe.” Hiro’s wide eyes elicit a gentle chuckle from you, shrugging nonchalantly at his surprise. “You ask about me?”
“No,” He frowns. “But it looks like it’s going well for you.”
“Yeah, well. What can I say? I’m just too smart for my own good sometimes.” 
“Yeah, sometimes.” You snort, shaking your head. “Anyway, how’s it coming along?”
“It’s actually going pretty good,” He admits, “I got the base stuff down; I’m just having trouble with the headband configurations. Gotta code it out and everything. Luckily Tadashi offered to help look it over, and Wasabi offered to check my design.”
“Wasabi’s pretty cool. God, that day we met was a mess, wasn’t it?” You laugh, looking up at the clouds that are slowly parting, the rain slowing to a drizzle. 
“Don’t even remind me. Carbon metal embrittlement was sick, but not sick enough for me to be covered in pink.” Hiro shakes his head.
“I thought it was pretty cool, actually.” 
“ ‘Course you did.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean, huh?” You shove him lightly, and he falls onto the bench with an amused laugh. You stand up, offering your hand to him. “Looks like the rain’s stopped. C’mon, I’ll wash your hoodie at my place - it’s the least I can do since you agreed to walk me back.” You grab the mentioned hoodie, nose scrunching when you register precisely how wet it is, the material heavy in your arms.
The road back to your apartment is riddled with puddles, and you sneak him a glance before jumping into one with a carefree smile, splashing Hiro slightly. He shoots you an annoyed glance, only to reciprocate the action and spray your jeans as he jumps into a giant puddle.
“Hey!” you protest, though his mischief-filled eyes are now searching for another puddle to jump in. The tension between you two has dissolved chiefly to some extent, and you find yourself actually enjoying the walk home. Maybe you’ll even bump him up into friend status if he continues being this nice.
“So, how’s your ‘journalism’ going?” He chooses to ask after the both of you have splashed each other to your fill, balancing himself along the side of the pavement with ease. The lack of cars on the road doesn’t help your worries, choosing to tug him back into the safer inner corner of the walkway. 
“My ‘journalism’ is going fine, actually. I’ve been interviewing Tadashi about Baymax for a while now, and I think it’s gonna be a really solid article.” You say, pride stirring in your chest at the reminder of the various open tabs on your laptop back home, the Word document with your nearly complete article just waiting for you to conclude it.
“Sure, like he needs any help getting the word out there with your ‘journalism’.” 
Your steps slow to a stop in the middle of a shallow puddle, brows furrowing in confusion at Hiro’s words. They weren’t filled with malice by any means, but they weren’t exactly pleasant to hear either.
“What?” Hiro turns to look at you with a cheery smile, beckoning for you to continue walking. You take a step toward him, crossing your arms.
“What do you mean ‘my journalism’?” You mimic his air quotes, your arms returning to cross over your chest as you wait for his answer.
“Uh”, He chuckles, “I just mean that Tadashi doesn’t need journalism to get the word out there about his awesome invention. Look, I’m not trying to insult you or anything, but…journalists can be kinda dumb sometimes.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Look, take it from me. They write boring articles that ask Tadashi about his partner, the nerd lab, but never about his invention and the correct details. Journalists are dumb. ‘Cept for you, of course, but you’re gonna have to prove yourself.” He punches your side lightly jokingly, waiting for you to laugh at his joke. 
Except you don’t.
You stand there with your arms crossed and narrowed eyes, glaring at the boy before you. “Journalism isn’t dumb.” You say slowly, stressing every word. 
“Sure,” He shrugs it off. “But can we go now? My legs are kinda getting numb.”
“God, you’re such a jerk. How did I even think you were decent for a single second?”
“Woah, jerk? Dude, if this is about the journalism comment, I said except you, okay? Plus, I was only half-joking. Don’t take it seriously.” He raises his hands in mock surrender, only to yelp when you punch his arm harshly. 
“What was that for?!” 
“For being such a jerk. And for calling journalism dumb. I seriously can’t believe I was gonna bump you up into friend status.”
“Well, don’t then. It’s not like I asked to be your friend. And to be clear, you’re definitely never getting friend status from me either.” The both of you are glaring at each other now, the hostile tension rising with every passing second.
You storm off with a scowl, not even bothering to look behind you to check if Hiro’s still following. A few streets down, and you finally calm down somewhat, glancing behind you to see no one except the bright streetlights. Guess he hadn’t bothered to continue walking you home.
A sudden sneeze sneaks up on you, doubling over as you sneeze not once, not twice, but thrice. Your nose feels stuffy, and your fatigued body feels sluggish. You look down at your hand, only to sneeze once more. You stand back up, sniffling. 
— — — — — — — — —
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lowlights · 2 years
You Belong with Me
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This is dedicated to my beloved @ezrasbirdie who let me force my way into their life and demand to be their friend. Birdie, you are a gift and one of the kindest people I have met. You make every day better!
You Belong with Me
W.C.: 3.1k, no beta sorry
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x female, plus size reader (descriptions are fairly blank though)
Warnings: sex toys, masturbation, praise, rim job and anal play, lingerie, Dieter’s real name is used, P in V sex, cum play, cum eating, lots of dirty talk, reader is in control and the softest dom, Dieter is a subby boy, everyone gets to cum a lot, a smidge of cockwarming, lots of "good boy" talk, reader is female and plus size. Filth and feelings.
“Is this a sex thing?”    
“Can’t a guy just blindfold you without it being for sex?” Dieter asks with extra big puppy dog eyes. He knows exactly how to work you after all these months together. 
You scoff. “I mean, not usually, Bravo.” 
“Alright, baby, you got me there,” Dieter chuckles. “Just let me do this? Please?” 
You sigh and turn around so he can wrap the black silk over your eyes, obstructing your view of his sprawling, open-concept living room. He kisses the back of your neck before tying the silk, sending a shiver up your spine. 
He guides you around the corner and through the door into the small study with a pointless Los Angeles fireplace. It was staged perfectly, most likely by some top celeb designer who loved a client with no opinion and a black AmEx card. You had been inside the room precisely one time when Dieter had given you a tour of the house more than eight months ago. 
“Did you blindfold me to walk me 12 feet into the next room?” you wonder as Dieter guides you to a stop. So dramatic. 
He pulls your blindfold off with a soft flourish. “Tada!” he announces. 
Your jaw drops open as you look around the room. Apart from the floor-to-ceiling shelves of books that no one will ever read, and an artfully arranged desk with a sleek Mac, there were several small tables draped in luxurious plummy purple silks and blood-red velvets. 
And every surface is covered in sex toys. 
Vibrators, dildos, and plugs in every shape and color. Riding crops, nipple clamps, and what you have to assume is a harness for a strap-on dildo are also on display, along with several items you’ve never seen in your life. You pick up a set of silver handcuffs, lined in black fur, and hold them up for inspection. 
“Dieter, what the fuck is going on?” you question, eyes wide. 
Dieter looks a little unsure as he reaches out to rub his hand nervously along your hip. “Well, I wanted to do something special for your birthday tomorrow. I know you’re not big on getting photographed out together, and thought we might get papped walking out of a sex shop. So, I had them bring the sex shop…here,” he says, gesturing with his head. 
Your heart goes gooey. “Dieter, this is the most bizarrely sweet thing I think you’ve ever done for me,” you confess, still looking around with eyes the size of dinner plates. “Are we supposed to…use all these things?” 
He smiles, a cockeyed grin that’s won you over again and again since your first date. “You remember a couple of weeks ago when you said you wanted to get an assortment of toys and use them on me?” 
As if you could forget that morning he had you sprawled out underneath him, sweaty and boneless after a string of unforgettable orgasms. He had used your toys on you (basically all of them) and you lovingly threatened to get him back. The sensation of his length hardening against your thigh had told you that he loved the idea, although you couldn’t have imagined it happening like this. 
“Yeah,” you say with a coy smile, “I remember.” 
“Wanna pick some out together?” 
You and Dieter walk hand in hand around the room, inspecting every toy and setting aside the ones that look like fun. He explains to you a few of them that you haven’t seen before, and you pick out some items that he’s never tried either. It’s thrilling, and the anticipation of using them makes you giddy with excitement. 
It’s romance, Dieter style. 
Dieter never had a problem letting you take the lead. Some days you needed to be in control, and he loved it. There were times when he liked to pull you apart piece by piece instead. It always worked, the two of you, from the very beginning. You both valued open communication and prioritized each other’s needs, something that still shocked Dieter
Your birthday had been perfection; Dieter had taken care of everything. Spa services brought to the house, lunch with friends at your favorite little cafe, and a movie marathon on the gigantic bean bag in his living room that could easily fit four people. You both know what’s coming next.
“I feel bad now,” he admits, long after the credits have rolled. “I should be making you feel amazing on your birthday. Why did I think this was a good idea?” 
You push his unruly brown curls away from his face, kissing his forehead. “You listened to me and are giving me exactly what I want. How is that not a good idea?” He hums an acknowledgment. 
“Besides, I know exactly what I want to do to you tonight. I’m excited, babe. Are you?” you ask him as you hug him close to you. 
“Fuck yeah I am. Can I make you cum after?” 
“Yes, you can,” you reply with a grin. 
Now, it was time for your final birthday present: Dieter, naked and scrubbed clean, waiting for you on his bed. 
You changed into one of the presents that Dieter had gotten for you: a high-cut black teddy with a cinched waist that made your tits look amazing. You look yourself over in the large mirror, confidence oozing from every pore. This was a newer feeling for you and something for which Dieter was directly responsible. 
You flip off the light and walk out of the bathroom, stopping in the doorway. “Hey, baby. You like?” you inquire, doing a little twirl for the sweet man waiting for you. 
“Oh shit. Yeah.” Dieter has done exactly what you told him to do: he’s made himself comfortable on his bed with not a stitch of clothing on. Despite your instructions that he isn’t allowed to touch himself, he is already half-hard. You might have made him wait out there a few minutes, just to edge him a teeny bit. 
Set out neatly on the bedside table are all the toys that you selected. You saunter over to them, giving Dieter a show as you bend at the waist to inspect them. You hear Dieter murmur expletives under his breath when you give your ass a little wiggle before picking up a tiny bullet vibe. 
You kneel next to him on the bed and kiss him deeply. He’s already hungry, grabbing at your big tits when you lean into him. “Hands at your side, baby,” you command gently. He immediately complies, sending shockwaves of excitement through your body. You’re in control now, fully and completely, and fuck- it feels good. 
“I’m going to tell you exactly what to do, Dieter. If you do everything just as I say, I’m going to reward you. It’s my birthday and I’m in charge, right?” He nods excitedly in response as you straddle his thighs. “Good boy. You’re so good, giving me just what I want.” 
You turn the small silver vibe on, a low rumbling setting, and drag it up from his navel to his collarbone. Goosebumps blossom on his gorgeous skin when you circle his nipples with the vibrating toy. His hands shoot up to your thighs, kneading into the thick flesh there. You immediately pull the vibe up and he whimpers. 
“No touching, remember? I’ll tell you when you can move,” you remind him. “What’s your color, baby?”
“Gr-green. I’m sorry,” he says. 
You immediately bring the vibe back down, much to his relief. “That’s my good boy.” You drag the vibe down across his belly and down the trail of hair to the base of his cock. Dieter whines and does his best to keep his hips still, trying so hard to be good for you. He craves your praise more than he ever has before. His cock is almost fully hard, and you drag the vibe along the underside of it as you watch pre-cum start to bead at the tip. Your teasing is agonizingly slow. 
“Baby, I- if you keep that up I will cum right now,” he moans. He starts to thrust, little stuttered motions, thighs starting to shake. 
You remove the toy and shut it off, tossing it on the bed next to you. Dieter’s hips still their movement but his flushed red cock, nestled against the soft slope of his belly, throbs with need. “Not yet. I wanna show you something else,” you say as you reach for a little blue plug and a bottle of lube.
“Is that for me?” Dieter asks in an excited voice. 
You stand up move to the end of the bed, putting one foot up on the tall mattress so that Dieter can fully see you. You pull your teddy to one side, showing off your gorgeous little pussy as you squeeze some lube on the short plug and position it between your legs. “No, it’s for me. This isn’t just for your ass; I read that you can use it for a vaginal plug too. So I’m going to slide it…ooh, into my warm cunt and stay nice and stretched out for when I let you fuck me tonight. Sound good, Dietz?” 
“Yes. Yes. Oh god, yes.” 
You replace the crotch of your teddy and crawl back over to him, the satisfying fullness making you smile like the cat who caught the canary. “Besides,” you whisper in his ear, “I want it to taste good when you eat me out. That stuff is flavored like cotton candy.” 
Dieter wants to touch himself to badly, it’s evident. His eyebrows furrow in concentration and you see his fists balled at his sides. You lie down next to him, head propped up on your hand, wiggling slightly on your plug. “Look at me,” you command. He obeys. “Look at me and touch yourself.” 
Relief floods his face. “Really? Thank you, oh my god, thank you.” He starts stroking his large cock, swirling his thumb around his thick head. 
“Tell me how it feels, Dieter.” 
“So fucking good. I wish it was your hand.” 
“I know, baby boy. But I wanna watch you. Keep going. So good for me.” 
Dieter never breaks eye contact, hand moving swiftly up and down his cock. His cheeks are tinged pink and as more praise falls from your lips, he gets closer and closer to his peak. You lean over and fit a small little device on your finger, barely bigger than a thimble, and switch it on. 
“Hold on til I say, alright?” you say. 
“I wanna cum, please can I cum? Can I cum? Can I…can I…I’m gonna…” 
You lean over him, kissing him deeply. He moans into your mouth, a filthy pleading sound. You reach down with the tiny finger vibrator and press on that spot right behind his balls. “Dieter Matthew Bradford, you will cum for me right now.”
Your decisive tone, coupled with the use of his real name, sends him over the edge. He spills all over his belly, hips jerking, still never breaking eye contact with you. 
“Yes, good job, my sweet boy. Look at how pretty you look, painted with your pretty cum. Love you so much,” you coo, peppering his lips and perfect nose with kisses. He pants under you and you let him catch his breath before giving him his next command. He tries to speak several times, but the words die in his mouth. He reaches out to you, hands roaming everywhere over your body, and you let him touch all he wants. 
After several minutes, you grab the bottle of lube and another toy. “You did so good, I think you need that reward. Get on your knees, baby boy.” 
Dieter flips over and rests heavy on his forearms, his little ass presented to you. You squeeze a tiny bit of the cool lubrication gel on his skin, watching him shudder as it runs down and collects in the dip of his sweet hole. “Color?” you ask. 
“So green.” 
“Good. Let’s see how that cotton candy lube tastes, hm?” You circle your tongue around his opening before licking a long, wide stripe. He almost collapses at the sensation, and if he could find the words he would praise you himself. But he’s too lost in the sensation of your deft lips and tongue, kissing and licking into him so sweetly. Months ago, he asked if you would ever do something like this- never thinking it would come to fruition. 
Fuck, is it his birthday or yours he wonders to himself. 
It’s filthy, what you’re doing. It feels like it should be wrong, like one of you should protest. But you like it, and you love what it’s doing to Dieter. He’s a writhing, wriggling mess under you. You didn’t have to tell him not to touch his cock, he just knows he isn’t allowed yet. Nevermind the fact that his cock is weeping, further staining the sheets below him. He doesn’t need to touch himself yet, not with your mouth on him like this. Seconds stretch into minutes, both of you lost in pleasure.
You’re not going to let him come like this, though. No, this is just the preamble to what you really want to do. 
When you pull away, depositing one final kiss on his non-existent asscheek, his head whips around. His bottom lip is pouting even more than normal. 
“Don’t worry, it’s just time for the next part,” you reassure him, once against pulling your teddy to the side so that you can remove the plug from your pussy. “Look at how wet you’ve made me, baby. Look how sopping wet this toy is. I bet it would slip right in to your ass so good right now.” 
Dieter lets out a filthy moan as you collect the remaining lube from around his asshole before pushing the toy in to the hilt. He rocks back into the toy, over and over, fucking himself on it while you hold it. 
“Fuck, so filthy. I never knew you were so filthy, I fucking love it,” he babbles. Making sure the toy is secure for the moment, you tell him how you really want to see him. 
“Get on your back and spread your legs for me, okay?” He does so immediately, willingly opening up for you so that you can settle between his thighs. You tuck a thick pillow under his hips so that you have good access, and gently pull the toy out. Dieter is nice and stretched for you. 
“So I read about this one here,” you explain, showing him the next and most expensive toy. “It massages your prostate.” Dieter’s eyebrows shoot up. “But, there’s a twist. I’ll show you.” 
You lube up the toy liberally, wanting to make it as comfy for Dieter as possible. The toy slips in easily, and you take a moment to appreciate how vulnerable this man is for you. It took him a while to be fully open and honest with you, to share every dream and insecurity, and talking about your feelings with someone was never the most comfortable thing for you either. Until he came along, that is. Something just clicked with you both, a cosmic connection that made you want to work through hardships together instead of alone. 
And here he is, as physically vulnerable as possible, waiting for you to tell him what to do next. Looking at you like he wants you, like he would die for you. He loves you, and you love him. Is there anything more vulnerable than that? Probably not. 
You take advantage of the moment and kiss along his thigh. “Alright, baby. See this remote? It controls the toy inside. It doesn’t just control the intensity, but look.” You turn it on low and he immediately moans. “Turn it to one side, or the other,” you demonstrate. “It will vibrate whatever way you tilt it.” 
“Holy shit, where did- who came up with this? Jesus, it feels so good.” You pass the remote over to him and he tries it out. His eyes go wide. 
“Yes, just like that. Baby, you’re in control of it. I want you to find the right spot while I ride you,” you tell him, positioning yourself over his still-hard cock and sinking down onto his thickness. 
“Finally, finally, yes. Oh my god you feel so fucking good, I can’t…oh my god, I can’t last. It feels too good with this,” he says, words tumbling out faster and faster. 
You drag yourself up and down on his cock, over and over. Your thighs already burn and you don’t care at all. He feels amazing, better than any toy, better than any combination of toys. Even after wearing the plug, he still stretches you out to your maximum. 
“Good, you don’t have to last. I want your cum, Dieter. I want you to fill me up and then use that gorgeous mouth of yours to clean up your mess. Do you hear me?” you ask him, breathless. You cunt clenches around him right when he hits the perfect spot with his toy, and he cries out as his seed fills you. You drape yourself over his torso as he comes down, pulling the remote from his hand so you can shut off the toy. You warm his softening cock inside of you until he slips out. 
You leave a trail of kisses along his neck. “You did so good, Dieter. So good. Fuck, that was amazing.” 
Dieter looks down at you, confused. “Wait, are we done? I was looking forward to eating my good girl out. I made a mess of her, and I need to clean up my mess.” He smiles at you, pupils lust-blown. “If you want, that is,” he adds sweetly. 
“Yeah, I want,” you say, rolling off of him and onto your back. He immediately flips over and settles between your legs. 
“Mmm, cotton candy,” he moans as he dives into your slick folds. You blindly reach out, patting the bed until you can reach the remote to the toy again, flipping it on. Dieter jerks upwards. 
You grin impishly at him. “Good boys get to feel good, right, baby?” 
Dieter’s smile matches your own. “Yes ma’am,” he replies, dipping his had back between your legs. He knows just what you like, quickly working you to the edge of your orgasm. 
“Best birthday ever,” you think to yourself, as light explode behind your eyes. 
You tell him that, out loud, somewhere between orgasms three and four. Or maybe it was four and five. 
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