#cons i do not know how long this is going to last / if it’s worth it to start a whole new blog
phannibal · 5 months
so do i make a 911 blog orrrrr
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perlelune · 10 months
Oxytocin | Coriolanus Snow | i.
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One act of kindness from a peacekeeper may be your salvation or your doom. Possibly both.
Warnings: NON-CON, Blackmail, District 8 Reader, Stalking, Kidnapping
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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Bitterness burns in your gut as you watch the yellowed pages of one of your favorite books curl and blacken amidst the weak flames of the hearth.
You want to cry. You really do. But it wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last. The winters of District 8 are infamously harsh and long.
You wouldn’t have survived it. So you stare with dry eyes and an empty chest as your childhood memorabilia turns to ash.
A wheezy cough tears through your melancholy. Panic rips through you as you get up and whirl. You dash to a small bed across the room and hunker down near your cousin.
You hold her hand, despising how tiny and feeble it feels in yours. 
It wasn’t always like this. She used to drag you around the cabin, eager to play, her high-pitched laugh bouncing off its molded walls.
Tears you managed to quell before now rush to your eyes.
You cup her face. Sickness has drained the color from it.
“You’re gonna get better, I swear.”
She gives a weary smile, but it’s interrupted by another fit of wet coughs that makes her entire frail frame shake. Your stomach plummets at the sight. Even you struggle to believe the words that crossed your own lips.
Everyday your younger cousin seems worse off than the one before it. Her medicine has long since run out. So has the food. Your modest wages from working in the factory won’t come for another fortnight. And there are little to no wares left to trade in the rickety wooden cabin. 
Nothing except you. 
The mere thought sends a shudder through you.
Though the virtue of some lowly district 8’s guttersnipe isn’t worth much, you bet you could easily find a buyer. A warm body is as good as any after all. Besides, you haven’t missed the lascivious glares wandering your way sometimes when you hasten through the streets of the city at night. 
You shake your head.
While your virtue isn’t worth much in this awful world, you will hold on to it for as long as you can. Some modicum of dignity. Maybe it’s too much to ask for someone like you, too…greedy. But it’s the one thing you get in this life. Your one gift. You belong to yourself and no one else.
“Hungry…” your cousin whispers between pained exhales. The orange glow from the chimney outlines the sickly grayness of her skin and the sweat dotting her forehead.
You squeeze her hand, rubbing her fingers against yours. Maybe some of your warmth will seep into her. You can only hope.
“I know, Tilly… but there isn’t any food left anymore.”
At the mention of food, your shriveled up stomach reminds you of its unfortunate existence. Hunger twists your insides, vicious and relentless. As always.
Determination sparks inside you, tiny embers shifting into a furnace of iron hot will.
You rise to your feet. 
Tilly will not die. You will not die.
You plant a soft kiss on her forehead. Her eyes flutter closed as she drifts away, her glassy gaze finding the cracks and webs scattered across the ceiling.
She seems to look at nothing at all. It worries you. Tilly’s all you have left, the rest of your family having succumbed to disease, failed uprisings or some accident at the factory.
“I promise to bring food, and something to cure your cold.”
A cold. 
Another lie. For her or for you… who knows this time. Deep inside, you’re aware no common cold lasts this long or is this nasty. 
But you cling to the lie. Because you need it. Because without it you have nothing. 
Nothing to wake up for, nothing to go work another unending, grueling day at the textile factory, nothing to suffer another day in the hell that District 8 is. 
A few minutes later, you’re at the door. 
Outside, the winter winds swaddle you in their cool embrace. White clouds surround you as you unleash a deep breath. Through the thin soles of your shoes, you can feel the icy stones with each step. You slither through the narrow alleys, hood low on your brow as you ponder the plan you hatched less than an hour ago. 
It’s beyond stupid. You could get thrown in jail if caught. Or worse. 
But what else is there to do? 
You’re past the age to sign up for tesserae, and you’d never subject your cousin to the disturbing possibility of being chosen in the next reaping just to fill your stomach. 
You finally reach the grand marketplace. It’s crowded with folks, like every morning. You remain hidden by a brick wall, a strategic spot where shadows engulf you, where you can survey the place as you wish. The perfect way to begin enacting your stupid plan. 
Anticipation has your fingertips twitching against the stones.
You note how easy it’d be to mingle with the crowd, how some of the merchants don’t keep a perpetual eye on their wares.
And most importantly, you note the lack of peacekeepers. You squint, seeking a glimpse of the terrifying blue uniforms. Disbelief flutters through you at the realization none of them is here.
Such a chance never presents itself…yet it’s prancing right before you today. 
As your eyes land on a luscious spread of colorful fruits sitting on a stand a few feet away, your mouth waters.
How easy it would be.
When’s the last time you ate anything solid? You can hardly recall.
Slow, ginger steps drag you right before the stand. Busy chatting with a customer, the merchant doesn’t see you. 
Hope blooms inside you. This is your shot. You just need to be quick, so quick he won’t even notice before you’re long gone.
Your tremulous hand creeps out of your coat. The uproarious drumming of your heart fills your ears, louder as your fingers get closer to the tantalizing skin of the fruit.
Just a few inches. 
“What are you doing, little bird?” 
Startled, you release a sharp breath. Long, pale fingers cinch around your wrist, causing you to drop the fruit. It hits the wet cobblestones with a soft thud, sending your hopes crashing down alongside it.
You whirl to the stranger beside you.
“You little thieving whore…”
Numb with fear and shock, the merchant’s irate curses dwindle to a faint echo. 
The stranger’s towering frame forces you to lift your gaze to the sky, and you are met with eyes bluer than its expanse. 
Lost in his unsettling stare, you take entirely too long to notice his uniform. The gear is unmistakable. You have threaded your fair share of the fabric over the years, sewn hundreds of uniforms just like the one before you.
A peacekeeper. 
A wave of snow ripples through your back. 
Your entire body turns to stone in his grip, your eyes as wide as plates.
This is exactly what you feared would happen. And now it has.
As stormy irises take you in, you see your miserable life melt in a smoldering sea of blue.
It’s the only thought in your head as you jerk your hand away from his fingers.
Your body leaps into action, adrenaline pumping through your veins. White puffs of your short breaths flow around you as you dive into the nearest dark alley, hoping to disappear through a drain hole and lose your pursuer. 
But you don’t get far. 
Only a few minutes into your panicked race, the hard sole of a boot connects with the back of your knee. A shriek of pain tears from your throat as you tumble to the floor. 
Wincing, you lift your head.
The tall, lanky figure of the peacekeeper looms over you. Your chest seizes. He holds up the bright red fruit you tried to steal in his right hand. Sunlight limns his frame, threading silver in his white hair, making him appear almost angelic.
How deceptive when he is your doom.
If it weren't for him, you’re convinced you’d have gotten away with it. 
“Hey, I think you forgot this,” he deadpans.
Your brows knit at his casual tone. You wonder if he’s toying with you.
“Please, I… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
Mirth illuminates his cerulean gaze as he scoffs, “So you meant to pay?”
Unsure what to respond, you choke on your words.
Silence expands, its oppressive weight clogging your airways. 
You could lie, or try to. But he saw you, stopped you. He knows exactly what you attempted to do.
So instead of stating your case, you bolt to your feet. Ignoring the needles pricking at your knee where he kicked you, you attempt to flee again.
This time it’s barely seconds before he catches you.
He picks you up and slams you against the wall with frightening ease. Fighting him would be for naught. There is no strength left in you. Still, you try.
The pitiful attempts to claw at his bicep leave the peacekeeper unfazed.
His deathly grip on your neck doesn’t relent.
“Where do you think you’re going, birdie?”
“Please, my cousin needs me.”
He studies you and your stomach sinks at how empty his eyes are. An errant tear makes a slow descent down your cheek.
He plucks it, the soft pad of his finger tracing the salty trail.
“Stop crying. I’m not like them. You can trust me.”
“You’re a peacekeeper,” you retaliate, forehead creased in confusion. Peacekeepers exist to enact the Capitol’s will by any means necessary. Their name couldn’t be more misleading, as peace is rarely how they go about solving an issue. 
The blond’s cheek flares ever-so-slightly.
To your utter shock, his hold on your neck slackens.
You gulp a wide lungful of air, rubbing your throat where he held so tight. It’s sore. You wouldn’t be surprised if it were to bruise the next day. 
“My name’s Coriolanus. What’s yours?”
While he backs away, he’s still crowding your space in a way you don’t like. 
Stubborn lips remaining sealed, you glare at him. He steps away from you.
“You don’t want to say?” The corner of his plump lips twists upwards. “I’ll keep calling you bird then, since you keep trying to fly away from me.”
You gasp when he suddenly tosses the crimson fruit in your hands.
His steely inflection is more order than suggestion. You scowl down at the fruit. Every cell in your body longs to take a bite of it…but you don’t.
“What?” you reply dumbly.
It has to be some kind of trap. Is the apple even safe to eat? Maybe this peacekeeper is the sadistic type and he wants to watch you wither in agony for his sick pleasure.
Still, the longer you peer at the luscious, colorful flesh of the fruit, the more your stomach growls, begging you to just take a bite even if it means running headlong towards your possible death.
Coriolanus heaves out a deep sigh.
“I can tell from the way you were eying that apple earlier that it’s been a long time, right?” he guesses, all too accurately for your liking.
His gaze holds yours.
“I know what it’s like to be hungry, sweet bird…” You go statue-still as he bends over to whisper in your ear, “So hungry, you’d do anything for it to stop.”
The faint scent of roses tickles your nose. You smelt it once before, on a lavish dress you spent hours sewing meant for one of the fancy ladies at the Capitol. You recall shoving the tiniest piece of the silk in your pocket and smelling it every chance you got. But the nice scent quickly faded.
Yet that same scent, that crisp, delicate, slightly dizzying aroma…It clings to the boy in front of you.
You glower at him.
“How would you even know? You’re one of them.”
His jaw ticks as his eyes flicker.
“Eat,” he insists, this time more firmly.
Your insides wrench. You could fight him on it, again. But you have an inkling that this boy, this Coriolanus, usually gets his way.
So you bite into the apple. 
The sweet juice that coats your tongue and chin afterwards is heaven. The savors explode in your mouth. You could weep. It’s been an eternity since you ate something this fresh and delicious.
But once you realize his curious stare is on you, you stop eating and hastily wipe your mouth and chin. 
“See? Isn’t it better?” he inquires smugly.
You don’t tell him how good it felt, especially after so long. Days, maybe weeks. You don’t know anymore. Every day tends to blend into the other here.
Instead, heated words pour out of you.
“Why are you helping me?”
He shrugs. “Why not?”
You don’t like his cryptic demeanor. Nor his nice smell. Nor his striking eyes. Nor his sharp, handsome features.
Everything about Coriolanus seems so out of place in District 8.
After a few minutes of silence, he nods and walks away.
“See you around, sweet bird.”
A shiver travels along your spine.
You wish for the opposite, to never ever see him again. And though the words never escape the confine of your lips, it’s as if he could hear the unspoken venom sizzling the tip of your tongue.
Coriolanus smiles at you as he leaves.
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renthony · 4 months
On Cosplay, Fast Fashion, & Waste
Fast fashion and disposable outfits in cosplay community spaces give me anxiety. Seeing people openly talk about throwing their "trashed" cosplay away after a single con makes me sad. Some costumes are crafted with such low durability that they fall apart beyond repair if you look at them the wrong way. I've met a ton of other cosplayers whose idea of "cosplay repair" ends with a stapler and some hot glue.
I never ever ever ever want to shame people for not knowing something. Crafting is hard. Making a low-quality costume isn't a sin or a crime. If you're new and still learning and don't really know what you're doing yet, that's fine! No harm, no foul, no bruise.
The cosplayers who do make me grouchy, however, are the ones who are unwilling to try. The ones who are flippant about throwing away a cosplay without trying to mend it, repurpose it, reuse it, or pass it along. The ones who intentionally make a costume just durable enough to last a single day, then toss it in the trash with zero thought.
My sewing and costuming experience started when I joined the ren faire, and I had to make my costumes sturdy enough to survive multiple weeks of heavy use, with the durability and freedom of movement to allow sword fighting on the living chessboard. I was taught how to shop for inexpensive fabrics and materials, but use high-quality, long-lasting techniques so that my costumes didn't disintegrate after a single day of performing. I have made extremely durable, cost-effective costumes out of bedsheets and thrift store fabric, as have many of my friends.
That experience has carried over into my cosplay. I am not happy with a costume unless it can go through three consecutive days of stage combat and high-intensity walking around outside in the heat, go through the washer and dryer, and come out completely unscathed.
Again, I never want to needlessly shit on other people's cosplay. Cosplay gatekeeping sucks and is no fun for anyone. At the same time, fast fashion is just as rampant in cosplay as it is everywhere else, and it sucks to see how wasteful it is.
You can make things durable even with cheap materials. Stop making flimsy costumes that you're just going to toss. Stop making piles and piles of waste. Please stop buying fabric just to slap a costume together with glue and throw it in the trash. If you are going to invest time and money into making something by hand, make it durable and comfy and worth the effort.
Even if you only want to personally wear it once, you can sell it, give it away, trade it, do something other than toss it in the trash. Show some love to your costumes, show some love to the planet, pick one action you can take to make your cosplay a little less wasteful. Being obsessed with the myth of a "personal carbon footprint" isn't helpful, but we as cosplayers should try to at least make things that'll last longer than 24 hours.
I understand that sewing can be incredibly intimidating, but basic stitching really isn't that complicated if you have a guide and the right tools. I personally need assistive devices for sewing thanks to my hand tremors and tendonitis, but those tools do exist, and can make things easier for both disabled and newbie sewists. I use rotary cutters instead of scissors, I keep a supply of needle threaders on hand, I have multiple little gadgets that help me sew in a straight line so my shaking hands don't screw everything up. There are tons of tools available, tons of tutorials online, and if you're interested in learning, there's a whole world out there to explore.
If you don't want to do all the crafting yourself, that's totally fine, but if you are going to hand-make your costume, you should try and make it durable. It's better for the planet and it's way less stressful to go to an event when you know your costume won't fall apart on the con floor.
If you have zero idea where to start, here are some books with crafting techniques I've found very useful, both in cosplay and regular household sewing I do for my family:
Make, Sew and Mend: Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes, by Bernadette Banner (who also has an incredible YouTube channel)
Cosplay Fabric FX: Painting, Dyeing & Weathering Costumes Like a Pro, by Julianna Franchini
Creative Cosplay: Selecting & Sewing Costumes Way Beyond Basic, by Amanda Haas
Level Up! Creative Cosplay: Costume Design & Creation, SFX Makeup, LED Basics & More, by Amanda Haas
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bbyleiah · 6 months
| Part 3 to smoke-you-out & breakfast. Connie catches the reader and eren in the act, things unfold and then eren and the reader are left to decide to continue things or consider it a mistake and move on.. |
cw: black fem shy sub!reader, dom!eren, cheating, degrading, slut shaming, smoking, smut, lots of kissing, oral sex (m! receiving), unprotected sex, missionary position, prone bone position, fingering, praise, lots of pet names, breath play, choking, fluids, masochism, scratching, crying, whining, lots of dirty talk, creampie, spit, pwp, etc.
word count : longer than I expected 😭
sn : I know this is LONG overdue my loves and I apologize 🥹 I hope it’ll be worth the wait though and that I live up to y’all’s expectations with this part <3 I tried my best to finish it off strong ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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“Yo ren, open up! it’s me, con!” Connie called out as he knocked on the door, the sounds of his fisted hand pounding against the hard surface enveloping your eardrums and coinciding with the current pounding of your heart. You felt like your whole world was crashing down as your mind and body just short circuited to a pause; lost on what to do about the detrimental situation at hand.
Eren’s eyes widened just slightly when he heard Connie’s voice outside his door, now understanding your current panicked state. “H-He’s gonna kill me..” you muttered shakily. “I lied to him ‘ren! oh my god! He’s gonna find out how terrible I am!” You rambled as tears began to flow down your cheeks; your hands trembling and your nerves growing worse the more the knocking continued.
“shh, shh. calm down sweetheart. It’s okay. It’s all my fault, alright?. don’t you dare beat yourself up about this.” Eren comforted you as he held you close and wiped your tears. “Do you want to let him find out now? or do you want to prolong the inevitable?” He asked you softly and seriously as he looked into your eyes. You didn’t know how to answer him. You knew it was best to just rip the band-aid off and let Connie find out now.
But, you were so terrified of his reaction that you didn’t want to face the reality of the situation. Suddenly everything you did with Eren didn’t seem worth it at all. Even if it did feel really great while it lasted. “L-Let’s just get it over with..it’s for the best.” You sniffed as you tried to breathe and mentally prepare yourself somewhat for this confrontation. ���I’m gonna be right there with you the whole time, okay?. Just follow my lead. I won’t let him hurt you, ever.” Eren reassured as he gently stroked your cheeks with his thumbs.
You appreciated his comfort and reassurance because you definitely needed it at the moment and it was helping you calm down. Eren leaned in to kiss you but you turned your head away. “Not right now..please.” You muttered as you looked down at his shiny wooden floors. He sighed, “no problem.” He uttered as he pulled away. He was disappointed but he understood why you pulled away.
He then went to go open the door and welcome in the dreaded guest. “What the fuck took you so long ‘ren? had me out there knocking for damn near thirty minutes.” Connie immediately complained — irritated. Him already being in a bad mood was the cherry on top of a fucked up pie. “My bad. Had to take care of something.” You heard Eren respond. You were still hidden in Eren’s bedroom, eavesdropping by the door.
“Got your dick wet last night or somethin?” Connie questioned him. “Something like that.” Eren muttered. “Lucky you. I couldn’t find my bitch anywhere after she scurried off with you. Honestly she gives me a damn headache sometimes.” Connie expressed with a sigh. Eren’s jaw ticked in annoyance at the way Connie spoke about you. It wasn’t out of the normal for him to speak of you so degradingly and it always bothered Eren, but today it particularly struck a nerve.
Meanwhile, you were in disbelief at Connie’s choice of words. A sob catching in your throat as you felt your heart breaking in half. You always knew Connie didn’t care for you as much as you believed a boyfriend should, but this was beyond a lack of care. It was just complete disrespect. “Actually, I was meaning to tell you something about ‘your girl’” Eren announced with an edge creeping into his tone.
You had a bad feeling about this conversation now. “Oh? What is it?” Connie inquired as he perked up. “I fucked her last night. I fucked her twice actually. Made her feel real good so she’d stop crying over your dumbass.” the silence after Eren’s admission was deafening. You felt like you were holding your breath as you awaited Connie’s reaction.
“You’re fuckin’ with me, right?” Connie replied, deadpanned as he looked into Eren’s eyes. “Nah. I don’t need to lie about who I fucked.” Eren shrugged. You suddenly grew the courage to reveal yourself. You felt that Connie needed to see the actual physical proof. “Con’…I’m so sorry…” you told him genuinely as tears filled your eyes again. He stared at you in disbelief; taking in your disheveled state with Eren’s marks all over you.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I knew that whole innocent act was bullshit. Just a fucking whore like the rest of them.” He snapped at you in disgust. “I knew she was a whore, but you’re supposed to be like my brother? you really fucked me over for some pussy?” He turned to Eren. “She ain’t even all that.” He scoffed as he shook his head; still trying to process the newfound situation in front of him.
“And you fucking lied to me. Stupid bitch. I should’ve known that ‘family emergency’ shit was fake.” He turned back to you; his words harsh as he grew angrier with the situation. “Watch your fucking mouth when talking to her.” Eren defended you. You appreciated it, but also you couldn’t help but to let Connie’s words get to you. Feeling like everything he was saying about you was true. “Oh so now you’re her savior or somethin’?. You got a little piece of pussy and now you think you own her or somethin’?” Connie let out a bitter laugh.
“I still fucked her plenty of times before you did. All you did was get my sloppy seconds. So don’t act all high and mighty over some used up pussy.” the more he spoke the more uncomfortable you felt. You felt disgusted with yourself at how he described you like you were some kind of object. “Honestly, you can have her. I been tryin’ to get rid of her anyways.” He continued as he roughly grabbed your arm and shoved you towards Eren. Eren caught you before you could fall, asking you if you were okay.
You sniffled and nodded in response. “She isn’t a whore and you know that. You never deserved her and so I rightfully took what should’ve been mine in the first place. I don’t give a shit about the whole being your ‘brother’ thing either. You’ve always been an asshole and I’m sick of listening to you act like a little bitch.” Eren’s words were a shock to you and clearly they also caught Connie off guard as well.
“a little bitch? oh you got me fucked up-“ Connie started but Eren cut him off. “Nah, shut the fuck up. I’m talking now.” He was angry now and you suddenly felt very out of place in between these two men who seemed seconds away from fist fighting. “You always bitch about the same shit. You’re like a damn child. I’ve been tired of your ass. You only care about yourself and treat everyone like shit.”
“You’re a sad excuse for a man. Honestly taking your girl was easy. Should’ve fucked her sooner. Showed her what a real man feels like” Eren was taunting him now and it was working. You were quick to move out of the way when Connie came charging towards him to punch him in the face. You cringed at the sound of the impact. This whole situation seemed way above you now, and out of your hands as you watched in shock as the two of them fought.
You didn’t want them hurting each other, but part of you was satisfied to see that Eren was winning the fight even though it was a close match up. You gasped once seeing blood and that’s when you jumped in to stop the fight. “Stop!” You shouted. “‘rennie stop!” You grabbed Eren’s arm before he could throw another punch. Connie stared at you in disbelief. “‘rennie’? what the fuck?. since when-..you know what I’m done with this shit. Fuck both of y’all.” He grumbled as he wiped his bloody nose with his hand.
He stormed out of Eren’s penthouse and you jumped slightly at the sound of the front door slamming behind him. “Are you okay?” Eren asked you softly as he turned his attention on you. “Yeah..I’m alright. Are you okay?” You returned the question, frowning as you observed his busted lip and slightly bruised up face. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. That’s not the first time me and Connie have fought.” He said honestly. “Plus I like pain, remember?” He attempted to lighten the mood, winking at you.
It did bring a small smile to your face, but you still felt terrible about everything that happened. “I should probably go too..” you uttered softly as you looked away from him. He was the one frowning now. “Why?. You can stay here. I don’t mind. I can take care of you.” He hummed as he gently grabbed your face to bring your eyes back to his. You chewed on your bottom lip, “I know but..I think it’s best if we had some space. I need time to figure all of this out.” You told him honestly. You were nervous as you waited for his response.
“Oh..that’s fine. I understand. You’ll contact me if you need me though, right?” He didn’t want the two of you to be apart, but he knew that this was all sudden for you and that you were technically going through a breakup. He was going to give you all the space you needed and hope that you’d come back to him eventually. You nodded, “I’ll stay in touch.” You reassured him prior to pulling away to gather your things.
Eren silently watched you as you prepared to leave. He wanted to ask you if you’d at least let him kiss you again before you left, but he figured it was best to just leave it be. “Thank you for everything.” You told him softly and gave him a small quick hug. You didn’t look up at him once; afraid to see that disappointed look in his eyes. You left without turning back.
The ‘space’ you asked for ended up lasting over a month. You didn’t keep much contact with Eren either. You felt bad because he’d always send a text to check up on you every week but you barely responded to him. You just wanted time to focus on yourself for a while and not a man. Connie was enough to deal with, and you didn’t know if you were ready to hop into another situation with another guy. Even if Eren was really sweet.
During your time to yourself, you couldn’t help but to do a little stalking on Connie. It didn’t surprise you to see that he quickly moved on in less than a week with another girl. It hurt to see further confirmation of how little you meant to him though. You didn’t dwell too much on your breakup with him though. It honestly felt like a weight lifted off of you. You realized that you fell out of love with him long before the situation with Eren.
You missed Eren but you tried not to think about him. Unable to escape the guilt still eating away at you. You also didn’t want Eren to feel as if he was just a rebound for you. If things ever did get serious with him, you wanted it to be done properly. You didn’t think you’d see him again anytime soon, but apparently fate had other plans.
You rushed to clock in to your part time shift at the diner you currently worked at. “Oh thank god!. I was wondering when you were going to get here. There’s a few stragglers left but closing shouldn’t be too hard for you.” Your coworker said to you as she clocked out so you could take her place. You two bid goodnight to each other and you tied on your apron and got to work.
You hadn’t paid much attention to the customers so you were unaware of who had spotted you. “Yo, ain’t that Connie’s girl?” a voice questioned from one of the tables near the back. Eren was high currently but he perked up at that; focusing his eyes through the haze and looking around to find you cleaning tables. “Fuck up, Ony. Her and Connie broke up.” Eren grumbled, his attention solely focused on you now.
He felt like he was almost imagining you since he hadn’t seen you in so long. “Little one!” He called out. You felt your heart stutter hearing that nickname and that voice that only belonged to one person. The man who hasn’t left your mind since the day you walked out of his place. You turned to see him already staring at you. “It really is you..” Eren muttered to himself. “Why haven’t you called or texted me back?” He was talking so loudly that the other customers were starting to stare.
You scurried over to his table to hush him. “Shh, quiet down. You’re causing a scene..” you told him; embarrassed as you blushed. You then noticed he was sitting with someone you’d never met before. “What’s good, I’m Ony.” He greeted you with a head nod and a smile. “Nice to meet you ony.” You replied politely. You then focused your attention back on Eren when he grabbed your hand. “You didn’t answer me. Why did you go ghost on me?. You told me that we’d stay in contact with each other.”
“I..I didn’t mean to. Just had a lot on my mind still..” you knew it was a sad excuse, but you didn’t know how to answer him. “You could’ve told me that instead of just ignoring me.” He had a point. You could’ve just told him that but you felt it was best to stop contacting him. You figured he’d eventually forget about you. Apparently you were wrong. “I know I could’ve..but you know…the situation just got out of hand..” you muttered and chewed on your lip as you tried to find the right words.
He sighed and pulled you into his lap, making your eyes widen in shock. “I missed you though. A lot.” He murmured as he held you close, burying his face in your neck. “‘ren..I’m supposed be working right now..” you tried to remind him. You even tried to glance at his friend Ony in search of help to get Eren off you, but he only smirked and sat quietly — watching things unfold between you two.
“I know but just let me have this moment.” He hummed as he held you tighter. You sighed but you honestly didn’t have much complaints. It felt nice to be in Eren’s arms again. You couldn’t resist the natural urge to wrap your arms around his neck and gently play with his hair. He pulled back slightly to look at you, “Did you miss me too?” He asked you with a small pout. It was then that you noticed how faded he was — with his low very red eyes staring up at you.
“‘ren you’re high..you don’t know what you’re talking about..” you tried to avoid the question. “I do know what I’m saying. I’m still thinking straight.” He clarified. “Did you miss me as much as I missed you?” He repeated softly as his nose brushed against yours. Both of your breaths mingling together due to how close his face was to yours. Your breathing was starting to turn shallow now, getting lost in moment with Eren.
“You’re giving me that look.” He pointed out with a smug grin. “You know what that look does to me..” he muttered as he brushed his lips against yours and adjusted his hands to grip your thighs. You moved to go in for the kiss but he pulled away completely, chuckling once seeing the frown on your face. “Tell me you missed me and then I’ll give you a kiss.” the ultimatum caught you off guard.
“That’s not fair!” You huffed as you grew shy and embarrassed again. “Seems fair to me.” He shrugged with a small laugh. “You know you missed me. You just have to say it sweetheart. Be good and use your words for me, hm?” He always knew exactly what to say and how to say it to turn your brain into mush. “Fine..I missed you too..” you admitted without much of a fight as you looked away from him in embarrassment. “Good girl.” He grinned.
He then leaned back in to kiss you. You really felt how much you missed him now. You instantly relaxed and let out a contented sigh against his lips as the two of you kissed. The kiss started off slow and sweet but it gradually grew more intense and messy. Eren pushed his tongue into your mouth; his hands moving to grip your ass as he kissed you deeply. His tongue tangled messily with yours as the sound of spit swapping grew more apparent in the small booth.
A throat clearing and a hand slamming down hard against the table made you jump away from Eren — breaking the kiss. “Ight bro, if you’re gonna fuck her please don’t do it in front of me.” Ony commented bluntly and you gasped and instantly climbed off of Eren. You were completely embarrassed now. “Sorry! We were not going to do..that..by the way..” you awkwardly rambled to Ony, trying to ease the situation but only making it worse.
Eren was highly amused; cackling behind his palm as he watched you animatedly and shyly try to explain the obvious situation to Ony. “Stop laughing!” You whined as you swatted Eren on his buff arm multiple times. It was honestly an adorable sight from Ony’s perspective. “You two are cute. Must be nice.” He complimented and your eyes widened. “Mhm, it is. This is my girl.” Eren replied smoothly with a toothy grin as he wrapped an arm around your waist possessively.
You were just at a loss for words now. These two were going to send you into a heart attack. “I-I need to get back to work..” you reminded, using it as your escape from Eren and his intimidating friend. “I’ll wait for you until your shift is over.” Eren stated as he let you go. “Oh you don’t have to-“ “I’m not leaving here without you. So yes, I am going to wait until your shift is over and we’re going to go home together. Okay?”
The tone of voice he used and the way he stared at you left no room for objections. “Okay..” you settled. “Good girl. Now go get back to work.” He shooed you off gently. There wasn’t many customers during the night shift so you mostly lingered around rather than doing much other than cleaning up and preparing for those who worked the morning shift. You kept an eye on Eren, unable to stop yourself from watching him.
He caught your stare sometimes, making you instantly look away due to being flustered. You noticed when his friend Ony eventually left. You gave him a polite wave and put on your customer service voice to tell him to have a ‘great rest of his night’. Not long after that, the only people who were left in the diner were you and Eren. “You want me to help you close up, little one?” He asked you as he got up from his booth to walk over to you.
“no no, I’ve got it. I’m fine.” You assured as you gathered your things and grabbed the keys to the diner. You locked the door behind you and Eren after the two of you left. He then grabbed your hand and led you to his car, opening the door for you like a gentleman. You had something on your mind that you really wanted to ask him, but you didn’t know how to say it. You nervously fidgeted with your hands and glanced at him as you debated speaking up.
Eren was focused on driving but he could sense your energy was off. He looked over at you and placed his hand on your thigh, “What is it baby?” He asked with a small hum as he gently caressed your thigh with his thumb. You opened your mouth and then closed it, still hesitant. He raised a brow at you, “Talk sweetheart. You don’t ever have to be scared to speak your mind to me. I’ll always listen.” He reassured you.
You appreciated the reassurance a lot, letting out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in. “Did you really mean what you said earlier..? about me being your girl?..” you finally asked what’s been weighing on your mind since you walked away from his table. “Of course I meant it. I’ve meant it since that night.” He answered with zero hesitation. “Did you really think I would just say that without meaning it?”
“I mean..you haven’t officially asked me so I didn’t know..” you muttered as you looked away and out of the window since you were starting to feel self-conscious. It’s not like you wanted Eren to ask you out, but you also wanted him to be more direct to avoid confusion. Eren bit down on his tongue to hold back the small laugh that threatened to creep up. You were just too precious. “Did you want me to ask you?”
You didn’t know how to answer him. You didn’t want to let him go this time around but you were hesitant. Even though it was so clear and obvious that Eren wanted you and wanted to be with you. That fear of rejection and those small doubts took over your brain. “Come back to me baby. Stop thinking.” He interrupted your thoughts with a gentle squeeze to your thigh. You instantly focused your attention back on him.
He really did have a way of silencing your racing mind — Filling it with only thoughts of him. He was staring back at you. His attention also solely on you now that the two of you were stopped at a red light. “Do you want to be with me? yes or no?.” He asked you directly. “Don’t feel pressured to say anything other than what your heart is telling you.” He added for more reassurance. You tried not to overthink it this time. Following your heart as Eren told you.
“I do want to be with you.” You answered him genuinely. Being with Eren felt right and even though you were unsure about how things would turn out; you still wanted to give it a shot. Eren instantly grinned and leaned in to peck your cheeks and your lips. “I want to be with you too. I know this isn’t the most romantic way to ask you out but I’ll make up for it. I promise.” He smiled. You smiled back at him, “this is enough for me for now.” You reassured him honestly as you moved to hold his hand.
The two of you ended up at Eren’s house. Being back in his place gave you a weird sense of Deja vu mixed with nostalgia. It felt like it’d been so long since you were in his space even though it had only been a month or so. “You can make yourself comfy.” He told you with a small hum as he walked to his bedroom with you tailing behind him. “Uhm..is it okay if I use your shower?” You asked him. Even though he said you could get comfortable; you still felt it’d be rude not to ask.
He nodded, “of course baby. what’s mine is yours.” He said and you smiled before skipping off into his bathroom. He had a really nice bathroom so you gawked at it for a few minutes prior to actually undressing and getting into the hot shower. You always wondered what Eren did for work to have such a nice place but you didn’t know if you should ask. You had a feeling it was better left unknown.
After your long relaxing shower, you walked out to find eren sitting up in his bed in just his black boxer briefs. He was lighting up a blunt when he spotted you. “Didn’t you already smoke earlier?” You questioned him as you walked over to his closet. “Mhm, but I have a high tolerance baby. It’s only my third one today.” He explained but you didn’t know if that made it any better. Then again you didn’t know much about smoking weed.
You could feel Eren’s eyes boring into you as you dried off and moisturized your body. You avoided looking back at him though due to feeling shy. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty, you know that?” based on that sentence you knew where this was going. Once Eren got started, he didn’t stop. “I do. It’s hard not to know with you constantly reminding me.” You giggled. “I can’t help it, I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of looking at you. I’ve always loved that pretty face of yours. I can’t believe you’re mine now.”
You felt your heart swoon at his words and the contented sigh he let out. He seemed so genuinely happy to be with you and that made you feel so adored and seen. “c’mere princess.” He called you over. You put on one of his t-shirts before walking over to him. He instantly pulled you up onto his lap. “Had to get a closer look at my pretty girl.” He flattered you and you were blushing — though luckily it wasn’t noticeable due to your dark complexion. “You’re my pretty girl, right? All for me?”
You bit back a smile and nodded, “yes, I’m all yours.” You indulged him. He seemed satisfied with your answer based on the pleased grin on his face. “That’s right. You and me were always meant to be together.” He murmured as he stared at you adoringly and cupped your face with his large hand. You perked up at that, “You really believe that?” You questioned with a doe eyed stare. He nodded, “I do. You’re everything I ever wanted and more.”
You didn’t think you could possibly fall for this man even more, but he was proving you wrong. Everything he said had butterflies fluttering in your tummy and your eyes turning heart shaped for him. “I feel the same way.” You reciprocated with a giddy smile. He chuckled at the delighted look on your face, “You’re so damn cute.” he uttered with a small head shake as he grinned. He then took another hit from his blunt and grabbed you by your neck.
You let out a short gasp at the sudden movement and only had a few seconds to register what was happening as eren blew smoke into your parted lips. He was staring intensely into your eyes as the white cloud of smoke swirled between the two of you. You held the eye contact as you breathed in the second hand smoke. “mm.” was all eren hummed as his eyes drifted down to your pretty plump two toned lips. “You’re always so good for me.”
He praised you and you reveled in it. You hadn’t even done anything much but eren seemed very satisfied. He repeated the action of blowing smoke into your mouth. You were prepared for it this time and sucked up the ashy white smoke to blow it back to him but as you were about to; eren kissed you. He kissed you hard, like he had been waiting his whole life to do so. You let out a small “mmph!” into the kiss since it caught you off guard.
You breathed out the residual smoke through your nose as you began to kiss eren back. You parted your mouth for him to slide his tongue into it. You moaned softly into the kiss as his tongue explored your wet mouth; his tongue swirling with yours and pushing against the inner flesh of your chub cheeks. He squeezed at your throat once you began to grind your needy cunt onto his clothed cock that was hardening underneath you.
Your hands moved to pull his cock out with more eagerness than you initially intended. “mm, so impatient sweetheart.” He teased you as he pulled away and broke the kiss. “m’sorry I just..I wanted to..” your words trailed off as you grew sheepish and embarrassed. You had a hand wrapped around Eren’s cock, stroking it slowly in your soft palm. “You don’t have to apologize baby. ‘s all yours.”
Those words gave you a small boost of encouragement. You then moved to position yourself between Eren’s legs, catching him off guard. “oh.” he muttered as he realized what you were trying to do. You tried not to focus on his attention on you since it made you nervous. You spat on his cock and gradually increased the speed of your hand. The mixture of your saliva and his precum slicking up his cock and your hand as you stroked him off.
The soft grunts and moans eren let out only fueled you and made you more confident in your actions. You took the tip of his cock into your mouth, suckling on it softly while pushing your tongue into his slit. “oh fuck.” he moaned out breathlessly as his hand moved to the back of your head. You took more of him into your mouth until you couldn’t fit anymore, gagging on his thick cock.
“shit princess..jus’ like that” he groaned as he assisted you in bopping your head up and down. You whined around his cock as you sucked him off, drooling messily onto his dick and allowing him to use your mouth as he pleased. You continued moving your hand in circular up and down motions on the half of his dick that couldn’t fit into your mouth. “you’re doing so good, love. so fuckin’ perfect.” he praised you in between grunts and whimpers.
Eren’s grip tightened in your hair as he began thrusting up into your warm wet mouth. You moaned around his cock as he did, loving the feeling of him fucking your throat. It hurt in the most blissful way. The sound of it was so lewd. The gargling and spluttering sounds of your mouth swallowing his dick filling the space of Eren’s bedroom. “you eat this dick so fuckin’ good. Made just for me baby.” He moaned out as he threw his head back.
Eren was lost in the feeling of your tight throat around his dick. He felt like he could cum at any second with how good it felt. Not to mention how filthy you looked while eagerly taking his fat cock into your open mouth. Tears were streaming down your cheeks and frothy bubbles of spit spilled from the corners of your mouth as you let him use your mouth like a personal flesh toy. “ungh fuck! ‘m gonna cum baby” he whined pathetically.
You loved that he was falling apart so quickly all because of you. It turned you on so much. Your cunt was wet and itching for some attention — clenching around nothing as your panties grew soaked, sticking to your damp folds. You let out choked moans and gargles as eren fucked up into your mouth harder and faster, chasing his orgasm. You started to rub at your aching clit as eren used your mouth for his pleasure.
Your eyes rolling back at the stimulation to your clit and from being used so degradingly. “fuck! fuckfuckfuck..” eren swore as he let out a loud moan, holding your head down as he came in your mouth. “good girl. take all of it.” he breathed as he watched you swallow up his thick white ropes of cum. You whined as you swallowed as much as you could, some of it dripping down your chin and onto eren’s balls.
You pulled off with a disgusting wet suction sound, a thick web of spit and eren’s cum clinging to your mouth. eren didn’t care at all about the messy fluids, still grabbing you by your jaw and kissing you sloppily. He laid you down so that he was on top of you and slotted himself between your legs. “missed you so damn much.” he reiterated again as he yanked your panties off. He ran his fingers through your sticky folds before sliding two into your needy cunt.
The moan you let out was instantaneous, happy to finally have some proper attention to your pussy. “missed this pretty pussy too.” He muttered as he thrusted his fingers into you, watching the way your cunt eagerly sucked in his tatted fingers. You were so wet that you were already dripping down his hand, your slick seeping through the cracks of his fingers. “feels good baby?” he asked and you nodded fervently as you whined and moaned.
Eren started kissing and sucking possessive marks onto your neck as he rubbed tight circles onto your sensitive clit. You fisted his sheets as you cried out at the pleasure. You hadn’t been touched since the last time you were with eren so you were more sensitive than usual. “so sensitive and noisy baby.” he cooed. “you didn’t let anyone else touch my pretty cunt, did you?” He pressed as he slammed his fingers into you harder, the heel of his palm slamming down onto your clit.
You mewled, and cried out his name; your legs in a war of wanting to close and wanting to spread more for him. “m-mhm! n-no one else” you told him honestly as you squirmed under him and whimpered like a slut. “good girl. this cunt is mine only. to use as I please.” he claimed possessively as he curled his fingers inside you. His knuckles grazed that spot that had your eyes rolling back and your toes curling.
“m-mmfph! m’gonna-“ you wailed out but your cries got cut short by eren pulling his fingers out. You instantly let out a sob at the loss. “shh shh, hold on princess.” he soothed, placing kisses on your teary cheeks as he lined his cock up with your pulsating hole. He slid in with ease due to how wet you were; the two of you moaning in sync as he bottomed out. “fuckin’ hell..” he muttered under his breath as he gripped your hips in a bruising hold.
You were letting out incessant little whines as you squirmed and tried to adjust to his cock stretching you out and filling you up. “stop all that fuckin’ squirming.” he grunted and you whimpered. “‘m’sorry..can’t help it.” you whined and pouted. eren started off with slow thrusts to get you comfortable and relaxed; even though the urge to just pound into you was itching inside him. You appreciated that eren was giving you time to adjust.
“jus’ tell me when, sweetheart.” he murmured as he placed kisses along your jawline. You stopped squirming, relaxing as you fell into eren’s slow deliberate thrusts. It felt so good but eventually it wasn’t enough. “more” you whined as your legs wrapped tightly around Eren’s waist to pull him in deeper. Eren didn’t need to be told twice, pulling out all the way to the tip just to slam back into you hard.
He groaned as he began to pound into you ruthlessly making you squeal and cry out. Your nails scratched down Eren’s back, breaking the skin and drawing blood as he fucked you into the mattress. “shit” he hissed at the sting; he loved the pain and it only fueled him into fucking you harder and faster. The sound of skin slapping growing louder in the room along with the sound of your cries and Eren’s moans.
“ngh- love this pussy s’much. feels so fuckin’ good, sweet girl.” he praised, obsessing over the feeling of the slick plush walls of your cunt squeezing his dick. Your head was hanging off the edge of the bed as eren fucked you like a man starved — his dick abusing your poor cervix as you sobbed in pleasure. slobber and tears poured downwards on your face; your eyes growing hazy and blurred due to the blood rushing to your head.
“‘s s-so good ‘rennie mmph!” you hiccuped, your words slurred and barely intelligible. “look at you. all fucked stupid already. such a pretty slut f’me” he cooed as he grabbed your face to lift up your head. He looked into your glazed over eyes as he continued to ram his cock into you relentlessly — your pupils dilated and your face caked with tears. “fuck..you’re beautiful.” he breathed out as he stared at your face with pure adoration.
You managed a dopey smile at his heartfelt compliment. You knew you most likely looked a mess at the moment but you were glad that he still thought you were beautiful. “t-thank ah uhng- you” you slurred out in a moan. “tell me you’re mine.” he demanded as he drilled into you. He dropped your head to wrap his hand tightly around your neck, cutting off your air supply only slightly as his cock hammered against your gspot.
You let out a strangled scream at the intense pleasure, your nails clawing at eren’s hands and causing him to whimper at the rough scratches. “‘m yours! all yours ‘ren!” you forced out in a choked wail. Eren knew you were his now but he was obsessed with hearing it. He’d never get sick of hearing you say it. “mm fuck, I love hearing you say that so much baby” he groaned as his head rolled back in pleasure.
By now your eyes were crossing, vision turning bleary due to the position you were in and eren’s hand around your neck affecting your air supply. You were just on the verge of passing out when eren let your throat go and pulled you up into his arms. “you still with me baby?” he checked on you as he pulled out. You whined and nodded slowly, regulating your breathing as eren positioned you to lay on your stomach.
“use your words sweetheart.” he urged softly as he gently grabbed your face to get a good look at you. “‘m okay, promise.” you reassured him with a small smile. “good.” he sighed softly in relief and then kissed you tenderly. Eren then lifted your hips up slightly and pushed his cock back inside you. The two of you moaning breathlessly together at the familiar feeling. In this position you felt so full of eren and smothered by him in the best way.
“you take me in so good baby. I love feeding my dick to this needy cunt.” He uttered into your neck as he fucked into you in the prone bone position. He grabbed your hands to intertwine your fingers with his as he fucked you with deep purposeful strokes this time. You were a blubbering mess now as Eren’s dick consistently hit your sweet spot, making that coil in your abdomen threaten to burst.
“you gonna cum for me baby, hm?” he encouraged against your sweaty, dewy brown skin as he fucked you senseless. He was fucking you with less intensity than before but somehow it felt way more intense when he actually took his time. You were too gone to properly form words now, only able to produce sobs and whines. “awh, my princess is being fucked too good to speak.” he teased with a soft chuckle as he placed kisses along your shoulder blades.
Eren let one of your hands go to slide it in between your body and the mattress, he began to rub on your sticky cum covered clit as he continued to burrow his dick deep inside you. The added stimulation to your clit took you over the edge, your legs trembling as you sobbed into the pillows. “there you go, my sweet girl.” he cooed as you came undone around his cock. The way your cunt squeezed around his dick as you came made eren lose his pace, his eyes fluttering as he came almost in time with you.
His thrust came to a slow stop as he filled up your puffy abused cunt. He laid on you as he caught his breath. You were hooked on the feeling of his body weight on you, so warm and heavy like a big personal human heated blanket. You hoped he’d never get up even if he was crushing you. Eren enjoyed the feeling just as much as you did, relishing in the intimate skin to skin contact. The two of you lay like that for a while longer until eren pulled away.
You whined and tried to pull him back, he chuckled. “I know baby, but I gotta get you cleaned up.” He hummed and placed a kiss on the nape of your neck before pulling away again. He gently pulled his cock out of you and then made his way to his bathroom. You had gave up on trying to stay conscious, your eyes drooping and slowly falling shut as you drifted asleep.
Eren gently cleaned up your sleeping form with a warm washcloth before he climbed back into bed with you. He kissed your forehead and pulled you close as he fell asleep alongside you. This time when you woke up inside Eren’s blindingly bright bedroom, you felt at peace. It felt right this time. You woke up before eren did and you took advantage of the time to freely ogle at him while trailing your fingers along his chest.
You grinned as you watched eren start to shift in his sleep. “You enjoying watching me, love?” him speaking so suddenly caught you off guard making you jump slightly. He opened his eyes and burst out laughing at the deer in headlights look on your face. “That’s not funny!” You huffed as you lightly slapped his chest. “It is though, you should’ve seen your face.” He said as he laugher died down.
“Goodmorning though princess.” He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Goodmorning” you repeated back with a smile of your own. “You hungry? this time I’ll make actual food for you, I promise.” He offered with a laugh. “mm, I’m holding you to that. No slick talk, sir.” You stated as you held a finger to his face to emphasize your point. “You got it ma’am” he chucked with a nod.
Eren stood on his word and actually did make you a proper breakfast that you devoured happily. That was the start of your relationship with him. The relationship between you two continued on for three more months and the more time passed the more the two of you fell in love with each other. On one of your mundane days relaxing with eren, he suggested going to a party. “I don’t know ‘rennie..”
“You know I don’t like parties.” You muttered honestly, unsure about going. “I know baby but it won’t be bad. I’ll be with you the whole time. Ony is going and he wants me to join him but I don’t want to go without you.” He tried to persuade you as he gave your hand a small squeeze. You sighed, “okay, but only for an hour. No more than that.” You stated your terms. “yes mama.” he easily obliged and gave you a kiss.
The party was as you expected — crowded and loud, filled with the smell of weed and alcohol. You stayed close to eren as the two of you roamed the party to find his friend ony. Being at this party gave you flashbacks to attending parties with connie; only this time you had a new boyfriend who actually cared about you and paid attention to you. The two of you eventually found ony and it felt strange to actually be acknowledged when eren was with his friends.
You were so used to being ignored in the past that it felt nice to be seen and included for once. Things were going so well until the last person you ever wanted to see again walked in with two girls clinging to him. “Oh fuck, am I seeing things?” Connie laughed as he spotted you and eren. You immediately grew uncomfortable. “You actually turned a hoe into a housewife.” He joked but only he laughed. “Shut the fuck up connie. You’re still a bitch made pussy.” Eren snapped.
“and you still got my sloppy seconds. You know how you get’em is how you lose’em. Don’t be shocked when she leaves you to go fuck someone else.” Connie shrugged in response. “I’d never do that! I only did that to you because you were a piece of shit boyfriend. I actually love eren and he treats me how I deserve to be treated.” You stood up for yourself this time. It felt great to finally speak up to Connie and the shock on his face made it worth it.
Eren smiled down at you with pride, placing a kiss on top of your head. “ew.” Connie grumbled childishly at the sight. “You don’t need to worry about her or our relationship. She’s all mine now and I got it handled.” Eren stated confidently as he stared at Connie. Connie glared at him but accepted defeat as he turned around and stormed off. You let out a sigh once he left. “I told you coming to this party was a bad idea.” You muttered with a bitter laugh.
“Hour’s almost up anyways.” He reminded with a hum — attempting to cheer you up as he cupped your face. “You’re mine, right?” He asked you with an expectant look. You instantly smiled at the question you’ve heard too many times to count now. It was like an inside joke now. Sometimes you’d ask him, most of the time he’d ask you, but the answer always remained the same.
“I’m all yours.”
tags <3
@misscaller06 @erenjaegerwifee @sinsensual1 @blessed-princesa @antichristisbby @undermypersuasion @sheluvsscarti
hopefully y’all ain’t forget about part 3 by now 🫣
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hxney-lemcn · 7 months
Crushcrushcrush — Ranpo Edogawa x gn! reader
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summery: a simple deal turns into more as reader and Ranpo become closer.
tw: idk if it should be counted as objectification but Ranpo refers to reader as a treat (this is all sfw)
a/n: idk how I feel about this, what do y'all think? (title is a song)
wc: 1.6k
Master List
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“I have an offer,” You stated, dragging a lone chair to sit across from Ranpo’s desk. A bored look painted the young detective's face, mindlessly rolling a lollipop over his tongue. Although he didn’t move, his eyes watched you with slight interest. 
Recently Ranpo seemed less and less inclined to do his work. It shouldn’t bother you, he wasn’t your responsibility…well at least when it came to his paperwork. Yet a nagging feeling tugged at you as his pile of work grew, less and less cases likely to be solved. The closure for someone’s loved ones or the safety of others relied on the whims of a childish detective. It didn’t feel right. So, when you were overthinking this problem only you seemed to have for the past week, you believed  you came up with a bulletproof plan.
“I’m listening,” Ranpo hummed.
Running over exactly what you wanted to say, you brought up a deal he couldn’t pass, “If you solve 10 cases every work week then I’ll treat you to whatever you want as long as it’s ¥4,500 or under. I’ll keep track of your monthly average, and if you exceed 40 cases solved in a month I’ll treat you to something worth ¥10,000. What do you say?”
There was a pause as Ranpo considered the pros and cons of this deal, and skeptically he asked “What do you get out of this?”
You hadn’t considered him to ask that. Either he would have agreed or disagreed, not dive into your intentions. Ironically, you felt that your reasoning was somewhat childish, so you hesitated before coming clean, “I just want to help people.”
Ranpo blinked before a smile spread across his face, “Okay! Nothing the world's greatest detective can’t handle.” He leaned back in his chair, arms resting behind his head.
“Oh!” You blinked, surprised he had actually agreed. “Cool, great. We’ll start next month so it’s easier for me to keep track.”
What became a simple agreement between co-workers shifted into a friendship. At first you thought you’d just give him the cash at the end of the week to spend on whatever his heart wanted…yeah you hadn’t thought that part through. When you tried to give Ranpo the cash at the end of the first week, he whined, complaining about how he needed someone to guide him to his favorite candy store. So not only were you giving him an allowance, but you had also become his go to guide. At first you were a bit annoyed, yes you had no grudges against the black haired detective, but all you wanted to do on a Friday evening was to rest in bed. 
Although it was an annoyance at first, your time together had grown on you. You got to know Ranpo better, and although he was very childish, arrogant, selfish…you get the point, he was also quite entertaining. You two worked together, but you hadn’t really interacted with him except for the meetings or greeting as you’d pass by. You felt yourself glued when Ranpo would tell you of his past cases, hands moving around while still holding his spoon with melting ice cream dripping onto the table. 
It didn’t take long for feelings to start forming. This agreement had gone on for 3 months at this point and you found yourself excited for the weekly outing you two shared. His childishness that had endeared you before was your downfall. Ever since you got to know each other better, Ranpo had begun pestering you more. Whether it be poking you for more snacks, or requesting you to join him during his cases, he never failed to gain your attention in one way or another. Which gained the attention of your fellow co-workers.
Dazai drawled your name, moving his chair to join you at your desk. You barely gave the bandaged detective a glance, continuing the report you needed to finish about you and Ranpo’s last case. Dazai disregarded your disinterest and continued, “Why haven’t you offered me a reward for getting work done?” A pout rested on his lips as he stared at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You quickly shut him down, “You wouldn’t do the work.”
He found a way to make himself look even more pathetic as he whined, “You’re so mean! Ranpo gets to hang out with such an attractive person while the rest of us are just chopped liver.”
You stared at him blankly, unsure what his motivations could possibly be, “You just want free food.”
Dazai leaned back in his chair, hand resting over his chest in a dramatic gesture, “You wound me! Is it really such a shock that I may want to spend time with you, Belladonna?”
You squinted at him, very aware that he only used that pet name when he was trying to woo someone, or in this case to bring your defenses down. And even though you knew he was up to something, you felt yourself give in. It’s been a long week and useless bickering wasn’t going to finish your report. 
“Do you want to join us or something?” You asked exasperatedly. 
“You’re inviting little old me?” Dazai asked with a dramatic gasp, a smile replacing his previous pout. “Oh I don’t know…”
“You’d have to ask Ranpo,” You grumbled, turning back to the half finished report. “And you have to pay for yourself.”
Little did you know, Ranpo was watching your entire interaction, a frown painting his features. He wasn’t sure why, but the thought of Dazai encroaching on your shared activity didn’t settle well. He was a selfish man, and you had become a treat all on your own. He wanted your attention on him, and although he knows it’s impossible for you to focus on him at all times, it didn’t stop him from wanting it. The thought was foreign to him, as he only really cared about the President’s praise or Yosano’s opinions, but you had managed to wiggle your way into his life and now he also cared about having your attention, praise, and opinions. 
When you had brought up Ranpo, Dazai looked over to said man, a pleased grin on the brown haired detective's lips. Ranpo’s frown grew, unsure why Dazai seemed so pleased. No way was he letting the lesser detective spoil his treats. 
“Oh Ranpo~” Dazai sang, only to be cut off.
The sternness in Ranpo’s reply stunned you into tuning back into the situation. You watched in slight shock as Ranpo glared over at Dazai.
“You’re both so mean,” Dazai whined, but finally dropped the subject, sending you a smirk before returning to his desk. 
You glanced at Ranpo once more, only for him to have returned to his normal self, opening a bag of chips as if nothing unusual just happened. That was only the start to his unusual behavior towards you. You knew your doting on him would clue him in on your feelings, but you hadn’t expected him to reciprocate. Yes your agreement had started because you wanted to help people, but it had turned indulgent as you enjoyed your time with the detective. What you hadn’t expected was for it to become indulgent for him as well. 
The next sign was how the seemingly touch adverse man had turned into the clingiest motherfucker you had ever met. You didn’t mind until it started to intrude on your work. It started with small things, holding your hand as you walked the streets together, resting his head on your shoulder while you sat on the bus. Small things you could easily mistake as friendly (which you had), but the gestures started to blur some lines. Hugs that lasted longer than you could brush off, getting piggy back rides from you (if/when possible), cuddling with you on the break room couch when you both had a break. Dazai had found it his new goal in life to tease you as much as possible (it seemed that Yosano had taken up the same practice with Ranpo). Finally you both had breached gestures that clearly couldn’t be waved off as friendly. Ranpo had decided that the best seat in the office was your lap (you couldn’t suppress the embarrassment you felt as everyone in the office stared at you both), or how he’d insist you sleep over (you basically live in his dorm at this point).
The biggest sign of how Ranpo felt about you was when he offered you your favorite snack. Not only was it a snack, something he guards with his life, but it was your favorite, something he deemed worthy enough to know. Such a small gesture managed to warm your heart. There was only one problem…neither of you seemed to be able to open up about your feelings for the other. Your agreement had fizzled, as Ranpo settled for receiving your praises in exchange for his work, but you still would buy him an ice cream or some candy as a reward. 
The lines of your relationship continued to blur more and more. It wasn’t until finally Ranpo had introduced you as his partner, and no, not as a work partner. At first you became flustered, a label finally falling onto your relationship, and soon Ranpo had followed as he realized what he let slip. He thought of you both as together, and a wide grin adorned your face. Hoping to get through to him that it was okay as you wanted the same, you had pressed a kiss to his cheek…which only seemed to worsen his flustered state. 
At the end of the day…none of your co-workers were shocked. In fact, when Ranpo had declared your status to the office (much to your dismay), Dazai just had to quip, “Wait, you weren’t before?”
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daisyblog · 2 months
Birthday Surprise
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One Shot (based on this request) Summary: Harry surprises YN on her birthday.
Being in a long distance relationship had its pros and cons. The pros being that any time spent together was cherished, and spent wisely. Making the most of each others company until one or the other had to jet back off again.
Long distance required creativity, whilst other couples would go to the local restaurant for dinner or to the cinema for a date, Harry and YN would order the same takeaway to be delivered to their separate homes and eat together over FaceTime, or press play at the same time to watch their favourite movies together.
One of the many cons to their relationship was missing out on events due to work commitments, not being able to schedule travel arrangements or last minute plans that meant the other wouldn’t make it in time.
Harry knew it was a little harsh, but he couldn’t wait to see the surprise on her face when she realised what had happened. It’s YN’s birthday and he may have told her a tiny little lie.
“I am really sorry I can’t make your birthday, babe”. Harry spoke into the phone, feeling grateful he wasn’t on FaceTime so he could hide his grin.
“Thats okay love, we’re used to these things, plus you’re needed in the studio so it can’t be helped”. Whilst YN was understanding and it was something she had grown used to, it doesn’t mean she didn’t feel upset on the inside.
“You have a good time, yeah? And send me lots of photos”. Harry hated lying but he knew it was going to be worth it in the end.
“I miss you!”. The words slipped from her lips as she noticed the photo of them by the side of her bed.
“I miss you too baby, we’ll see each other soon okay? I promise!”. In a few hours to be exact, Harry thought to himself.
Along with Harry, YN’s family had organised for all her family and close friends to have a small gathering at their house to celebrate her birthday. Each room had been decorated with banners, balloon and photos of YN growing up over the years.
The house was full of YN’s favourite people, apart from the one person she wanted to see. But she didn’t want to let it spoil her night, so she mingled with her family, catching up with her aunts and cousins, she laughed at her Grandpa’s silly jokes and danced with her best friends.
“Things haven't been quite the same…There's a haze on the horizon, babe…It's only been a couple of days…And I miss you, mm, yeah”.
The sound of Harry’s voice through the speaker, caused the house to look in YN’s direction as her boyfriend’s song played.
But YN continued to sing and dance, wanting to enjoy her night, knowing Harry would want her to do the same.
“We've been doin' all this late night talkin'…'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'…Now you're in my life…I can't get you off my mind”.
If YN couldn’t have her boyfriend with her in reality, then she would take the next best thing. Her boyfriend’s songs written about her blaring through the speakers as she danced with her besties.
It was a little later on in the evening and YN couldn’t help but frown as she looked at her messages with Harry. She had sent him multiple photos and texts of her party, but noticed he hadn’t replied once.
The sound of people beginning to sing snapped her from her thoughts as she placed her phone back into hiding. “Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you…”.
But what caught her totally off guard was Harry standing in front of her with a candle lit cake. Her whole body was shocked, unable to move as she tried to process if he was really standing there or if it was her mind playing tricks on her.
“Harry!”. YN’s feet moved quickly towards him, him placing the cake to the side as he opened his arms for her. “What? How? You said you couldn’t make it!”.
He held her tight against him, enjoying the feeling of having her in his arms again, the smell of her perfume circling them. “I wanted to surprise you!”.
Her head nuzzled further into his necks as neither of them make an effort to move. “The best birthday ever”.
YN took her head from under his neck to take a look at the man in front of her. “Happy birthday baby!”. Harry quickly dipped his head to capture her lips with his, for the first time in months.
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sunnasweet · 7 months
Sienna and The Scientist
We've gone from Androids to 🥁🥁🥁 aliens! This one's a little weirder than my last post but such is life.
Literotica summary: Sienna is experimented on by an alien anthropologist.
Critiques are always appreciated I'm trying to improve so that one day I can write an actual novel!
5.5k words, non-con-ish?, oviposition, alien x female reader
Sienna woke with a headache and the smell of ammonia.
Her eyes fluttered open, just barely cracking her lids before they widened at what she found herself looking at.
A white padded room. It wasn't just the cold tile that gave Sienna the chills. She was staring at a prison cell. Every corner had a camera pointing at her, there was a twin bed and a metal sink that had a toilet bowl protruding out of the side.
If the room wasn't enough there was also the fact that she was stark naked, stark naked and shaved. What was once her pussy covered in soft tufts was now completely bare. She rubbed her thighs together and could feel the way her cunt lips rubbed together from the movement now that there was no friction or barrier.
Sienna shook her head, she had bigger problems than her naked pussy.
"H-hello?" she rasped out, "someone?"
She stood and did a full 360, all around her were squares of padded white. No door, not even a gap to suggest one.
She stared at the cameras. Not only was she naked but she was being recorded naked, she banged on one of the padded blocks, and when that did nothing she shouldered against it.
She paced around the room before shouting, "Hello?" she waved her hands, "I know you're watching me!"
She waited for a response.
Sienna began to feel restless, she shouldered the wall once again and hissed when she sunk into the wall. She banged her fists against the material, which was just as useless as all her other attacks.
She walked around the whole square box of the room, looking at everything, which was to say–not much.
How did she get here?
Sienna sat on the bed.
She tried to retrace her steps but the thing was, Sienna had no recollection of the events that led to this room. She could remember her name, her birthday, and the leftover Chinese takeout she ate for breakfast that morning but not anything that happened within the past few hours.
Sienna wasn't going to last long. She was already going insane–she could feel it, that familiar craze you feel in the heat of the moment when you think a man is following you but instead just passes you by.
She started calling out for help again and there was nothing but the echo of her own words. With panic and a twisted gut, tears sprang to her eyes. She pulled at her hair.
She was already breaking, Sienna was not the final girl.
It was so typical really, to be kidnapped. If it was going to happen to someone, of course, it happened to her. She was the weakest link, she could admit that. She didn't do cardio and she didn't lift weights. Her thighs jiggled and her belly was soft.
So sick of her own breathing, Sienna decided to test a theory.
A stupid theory, her brain chimed in.
She looked at the camera, "please let me out," she begged.
She stared off for a moment, one second–two, then three.
She crawled back to the floor, crouched down, planting her palms on the tile. Then. Unceremoniously, craned her head back and slammed it onto the surface.
Sienna groaned, and then she did it again. The pain was agonizing and she could no longer see straight. She was pretty sure her forehead was bleeding. But the sound of the hiss of depressurizing made it all worth it.
Whatever she was here for, it wasn't to be tortured and murdered which made self-mutilation a no-go. She was merchandise.
Sienna tilted her head and nearly blacked out but she saw there was now a long door-shaped hole in the wall.
She almost grinned at her plan to get her kidnapper's attention succeeding until something inhuman stepped through the door. Her eyes bulged. She must have been hallucinating. Green, pale green skin, tall and lean. Four arms. She had just bashed her head into the floor, there was no way what she was seeing was real.
No, it was walking closer, and…and it was talking.
"What do you think you're doing?" hissed the creature.
Sienna gaped like a fish. He spoke a different language, all clicks and hisses, and yet somehow she could understand him!
What the hell was going on?
Sienna scrambled away but she was weak on her feet and stumbled, she was going to pass out. She wiped her nose and realized it was bleeding.
"Let..lemme go." she slurred.
The four armed being moved closer to her. It was prowling forward, baring its sharp shark teeth at her. Holy shit.
Sienna's eyes rolled back and her face fell forward.
The second time Sienna woke, she was strapped to a table and staring at her reflection. There were panels of mirrors on the ceiling. She craned her neck and her eyes widened. She hadn't been hallucinating, there was a tall green…something, staring at her.
"You're awake."
"That wasn't a question." the creature spoke, once again not in her native language but somehow her brain translated the words for her.
"W-who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here?" she questioned rapidly.
The green being stared at her, she almost thought he wasn't going to answer but–
"You're in a laboratory," he said unhelpfully, "I am the scientist assigned to you, and you are here as my test subject."
"A… laboratory?"
"You are on the planet Zorkis."
Sienna's eyes bulged further and her heart rate spiked. She knew that not only from the pain in her chest but because of the incessant beeping of a machine she was connected to. She practically choked on her spit.
"I"m on another planet?" she asked genuinely. Because. Frankly. It was very hard to believe, but then again she was staring at a green 4-armed monster. So what did Sienna really know?
She wasn't getting home, that's for sure.
"This is correct." The alien scientist responded.
Sienna started to struggle against the leather straps horizontally draped over her body. The alien calmly watched her seemingly not caring that she was attempting to escape.
"You will not get out of those." the alien spoke, "not even I would be able to escape those straps and I'm far stronger than you are, pet."
She gasped.
Pet? Is that what he had just called her?
"I'm not your pet!" she hissed, "Let me out of here! Why are you doing this? Huh? Why me?" her voice was getting shrill and she was exhausting herself.
The alien gave a very human shrug, "Why not you?" she swallowed. "Besides…" he trailed, one of his long fingers trailing up her calf, "You're the first human to ever try to self-mutilate so soon," he says like that's a good thing.
It made her interesting.
He was fascinated with her.
"What are you testing me for?" she croaked.
"I've been assigned to learn about your reproductive and mating habits," he said lowly. Reproductive habits? Oh no. No. No. No.
She shook her head, "You can't do that. You can't." she said, the panic once again building up within her.
"I can and I will." he paused, pulling his finger away from the leg he had been stroking. "You see my species has gone through a plague very recently. Nearly half of our population was decimated and we need to rebuild our numbers if there's any hope for the new generation," he explained. "So we have been searching all over the galaxy to find a successful host body. Humans fit the bill."
Sienna stiffened.
No, no, no.
She was going to have a panic attack or throw up or both. Sienna had been brought here to be some sort of baby maker? No way, she couldn't–she wouldn't.
"Now," he spoke, "I am Dr. Xorad and you will address me as such. I will be responsible for you during your stay."
Her ears perked at his words, "My stay? You're going to let me go home at the end of all this?" she could deal with that. Pop-out some half-alien, half-human baby, Whatever it took to make sure she was good to go back home. Fine. Sure. Awesome.
"No." He said, crushing her hope. "You will likely never return home to your home planet but if everything goes well you will be assimilated into my species' society."
Sienna gasps, "No!" she shouts. "Please don't do this, please let me go." she was trembling now, her hands fisted and she began to wriggle around again. "Let me out!" she demanded. "Let me out right now!"
The alien–Dr. Xorad did not respond to Sienna's tantrum, instead, he merely waited until she once again exhausted herself. Sienna breathed heavily.
She was restless but all of her fight had been yelled out of her.
"What are you going to do?" she asks direly.
"I'm going to give you an ultrasound," it says, "then I am going to draw your blood." the way Dr. Xorad speaks makes it all sound so clinical though she was unsurprised that he was unsympathetic to her cause.
"That's it?" She asked nervously."
"No." Sienna's stomach twists.
She licked her lips, "You're a doctor? You've been to medical school?"
"Medical school?" the alien asks, picking up a squeeze bottle, "What is medical school?" Oh god. Was this a translation error or had he really not been given any formal education?
The doctor snaps on a glove and then squeezes a sizable glob of cool blue goo on her stomach. He spreads it around and she shivers.
"It's a place you go to learn to be a doctor," she explains.
"So, did you go to a place like that?"
"No." it says, "Zorkis has no such thing."
She inhales, "Zorkis?"
"The planet we are currently on. My home. Your home."
Before she could say this was not her home, he was gliding a probe over her naked belly. Dr. Zorad seemed very focused on what it was doing.
It didn't wear a lab coat which is what made a doctor in Sienna's mind. In fact, it was completely naked like her. He had a defined torso and nice biceps but where his cock and balls should be was Barbie doll smooth. His thighs were thick and his legs were digitigrade with 3 clawed toes just like the amount of fingers he had. Though she supposed it didn't matter considering he had four arms.
Those arms worked in tandem. One hand was gliding the probe over her stomach, another was scratching at his angular jaw and a third was holding some sort of electronic tablet. She had no idea how a person–or–not person, but an alien, could control four limbs simultaneously like that.
"Do not worry however, I have plenty of experience." he rattles, "I have studied under a mentor for many years. I worked by his side until his death." Oh.
"You have a gender?" she asked curiously.
Dr. Xorad paused. "Yes." it–they, spoke stiffly, nostrils flaring. "I am a virile male.
Sienna's lips thinned. "Virile" is not something she cared to hear, nor did she like the fact that this being was a man–male, whatever. What was clear however was that she had bruised his very human-like male ego from her ignorance because he seemed downright icy instead of cold. Speaking of cold….
"Did you shave me?"
She shivers.
An alien shaved her pussy.
"You didn't shave my head," she remarks.
"I was informed it was ornamentation for your kind and it would cause you distress if I did." the monitor beeped. One of Dr. Xorad's hands wrote something down on the clipboard.
"Well, if you didn't want me distressed you should have locked me in a padded cell or strapped me down to this table," she says. He looks at her, his black eyes boring into her soul. Finally, he shrugs.
"Maybe not." he merely says.
"I mean why did you have to shave my…?"
"For better access." Sienna made an outraged noise.
"It is easier to see now."
"You're a sick bast–Oh!" she gasped as he pricked her with an IV needle. "Ow." Sienna could've sword she saw an upturned curl on his lips when she was startled.
"Mm." the doctor hums and Sienna sighs.
What was she going to do? How was she going to escape this? She did not want to be poked and prodded at. She didn't want to be tested or assimilated into and she certainly did not want to play human incubator.
"Am I your first human test subject?"
"First and only," he responds as her blood goes up, up, up into the tube, and fills into a blood bag. "It's my job to research you personally."
"But there are others?"
"Yes, and you will meet one soon."
"Just one?"
"For now."
Sienna was beginning to feel nauseous. There were more humans here? How many? The look on Sienna's face must have been obvious because Dr. Xorad freely offered up. "You could be quite happy here. Our older humans have adapted very well, pet," he said in a way she could tell was trying to be reassuring.
"I'm not your pet," she says flatly.
"Then who are you?" he asks.
"Sienna." she offers.
"Sssee-en-nah." he hisses. "It is nice to meet you. You will learn soon that I plan to treat you very well." Sienna eyed him wearily. She didn't want to be treated well, she wanted to get the hell out of there.
Dr. Xorad turns around, pressing some buttons on his machines before saying, "You've come up all clear. No pregnancies, no illness, and no abnormalities." Sienna was surprised. Could he seriously test her blood that quickly? Just what kind of alien tech did they have? Dr. Xorad turned back to face her. "Now we can get started."
"W-what?" she stammered. That sounded way too ominous for Sienna's liking. "I thought that was it…"
"No. Those were merely tests to make sure you were fertile and healthy," he says straightforwardly. Fertile. She was nothing but a baby-maker to this male.
Sienna was snapped out of her depressing thought when one of her straps was unbuckled. He lifted her sleeping wrists above her head and then cuffed her there. He did the same thing with the strap on the bottom, cuffing her ankles. She was spread apart. Finally, he got rid of the middle strap altogether.
She began to hyperventilate.
"Stop," she said.
He did.
"Yes?" he looked down at her. His bottom hands were absently rubbing her ankles and it was distracting.
"I don't want this." she croaks. She wanted to kick him off was what she wanted. "I have a family." Lie. "and a boyfriend." Lie. "A future." Another lie.
Sienna Smith was a 25-year-old shut-in with no friends, a dead mom, and a no-show dad. The only time she left her small studio apartment was to go grocery shopping or to work. She didn't entertain co-workers and she certainly didn't entertain men. If it weren't for her therapist–who would be getting a hefty phone call when she figured out a way home–she'd go through life talking to someone less than twice a month.
"I will be careful," he said soothingly. It didn't help. "I have seen many demonstrations in the following weeks. I know what I am doing."
"Demonstrations…of what?"
He moved his bottom hands from her ankles to her calves, rubbing his palms over her up and down.
He spoke gently, "Human mating." What. "I understand this topic is very taboo to your species but there will be no judgment here in my clinic." her stomach dropped. He was going to fuck her?
She grimaced. She was in for a terrible ride.
"What is the problem?" he murmured seeing her face, he spoke…different than mere moments ago. Instead of the clinical stoic anthropologist he now sounded..kind. Caring. His eyes were looking–which you had to pay attention to or you'd miss it–straight between her legs. Her face heated.
"I–oh!" he was leaning forward now, stroking the tops of her thighs. Sienna squirmed.
"Good." he purred. "This is good." Oh god.
She tried to close her thighs but had no such luck due to her restraints. She could just barely bend her knees inward and that was her only range of motion.
Sienna looked back up to the doctor and gulped. He looked transfixed. She glanced at the ceiling and that's when she remembered the mirror panels. All forcing her to watch this happen to herself.
Somehow watching it from the reflection made it feel more intimate than impersonal so she closed her eyes.
His hands were inching closer and closer to her bare newly shaved–sensitive pussy. She bit her lip and breathed out. Oh god. Oh–
"God!" she gasped out when his knuckles stroked up the seam of her cunt. "Ahgn." her hips wriggled and she strained against her bindings.
"Good," he murmured once more. "This is a good reaction." it seemed like he was talking more to himself than to her at the moment. He dipped her fingers inside of her labia and was met with slick. She whimpered.
His hands were working in tandem. The bottom pair were in her pussy and rubbing her hip and the top pair were travelling up her belly to the valley between her breasts before squeezing them.
"These will grow when you are heavy with my young…" he murmured and her heart stopped.
"Y-your young?" she gasps, "I thought you were my doctor…?"
"I am pet, but I will also be the male who inseminates you."
Sienna couldn't focus on that piece of information at the moment, not when he traced over her clit and her hips bucked.
"Found it."
Sienna laughs then moans. Maybe he wasn't so different from a man after all. He circled her nipples the same way he circled her clit and her eyes rolled back while her hips tilted.
"Mmm…yeah." she moaned.
He glanced at her face, "Positive response…" he murmurs, "Next step.." he slowly edged the tip of his finger into her cunt. She groaned and he slipped the entire digit inside–knuckle deep.
"Good…" he said to her, "you are doing very well." he praised and she shivered, maybe this was unlocking a new kink for her. His praise seemed to get her into the moment. When had she started to get into this?
Her eyes were still closed but it wasn't easy to forget that this was not a human doing this to her. Not with his four hands stimulating her everywhere. Her thighs splayed out. She was pulsing around his single finger and it felt amazing when he curled it upward.
Another squeeze to her breast, "Do you want more?" he asked.
"Yes…" she moaned without hesitation, "Please yes."
When she was rescued she wouldn't include this part.
At her acceptance, he prodded her with another finger, but he prodded her excellently. His two fingers curled and his other hand started circling her clit fast at the same time. A noise that couldn't be described as attractive burst from Sienna's throat.
She pulled against her restraint and he chuckled.
"Easy pet," he murmured.
"Aghnn, please untie me!" she begged. He eyed her, his eyes flickering between her contorting face and what was going on between her legs. "I should…"
She whimpered, "please? I want…I need to touch you."
Dr. Xorad's eyes widened. It had not occurred to him that was even an option or possibility. He kept her legs strapped to the table but unbuckled both her wrists.
Immediately, Sienna's hands began to reach for the doctor's.
She held them against her breasts and showed him exactly how she liked to be caressed here as she panted, squirmed, and whined.
"Doctor…" she moaned, "I need more.." she whispered, "More please."
"More…" she whined.
He looked down at her. There had been another thing he wanted to try…but every lesson he had learned on human reproduction advised against it until a deeper bond was formed with his assigned charge.
Still. Dr. Xorad could not help himself. He unstrapped her left leg, draped it over his shoulder, and gave her pussy a lick.
"Ye-ES!" she hissed. She bucked into his face, nearly sobbing. It had been so, so long since she had someone else touching her. Years of masturbation just wasn't the same and at the age she had finally gotten around to doing her firsts, it wasn't exactly great.
Dr. Xorad removed his fingers and replaced them with his wiggling tongue.
"Doctor!" she gasped. He let out a rumble in response, his head buried between her legs. She was spread and ent open, the last restraint was on her right ankle and she didn't even care that she was nearly free.
All she cared about was enjoying this for as long as possible.
Her eyes opened and she watched as Dr. Xorad ate her pussy from above. His back muscles flexed and his ass looked tight. He was groaning from between her thighs.
He pulled back, "I should be recording this session," he said quietly, giving her clit an opened-mouthed kiss. "You're being an exemplary charge. This would have been a very informative document to have." Sienna agreed.
Dr. Xorad was doing a wonderful job at licking Sienna's weeping pussy. She could feel her own slick running down her slit to her ass. The fact that she was hairless made it even better. She'd never been bare before but she felt so much more sensitive shaved like this. Everything was hypersensitive.
Sienna was overwhelmed by all 4 of Dr. Xorad's hands, her breasts were being groped, her pussy licked and clit rubbed. She was going to explode soon. Her hips were thrusting to meet his tongue inside her cunt. God help her but she was going to cum because of an alien anthropologist.
"Doctor!" she called again, her voice high and shrill. She could repeat nothing else but a combination of expletives, his name, and god's.
"Because you're being such a good girl–" he pulled back and she nearly cried, her hips were still humping the air, her pussy pulsing on nothing. He looked down at her, captured for a moment. She could feel tears welling in her eyes.
"Please." she croaked. "I need you!"
That seemed to do the trick. He wordlessly nodded and was now holding a squeeze bottle of some sort of gel that reminded her of the ultrasound goo. He goated his gloved fingers in it, then, he was fucking her again with his fingers. Something was happening inside. She felt warm, tingly, and filled.
She screamed, her inner walls contracted against her own volition, she was twitching and she held onto Dr. Zorrad's shoulders for dear life as she jolted up to a sitting position. Her eyes closed, squeezed tight and her toes began to curl.
She was clenched so tightly, panting and wailing until it all relaxed and warmth filled her abdomen, then, she was gushing.
Dr. Xorad had just made her squirt with his magic fingers and magic gel.
She was crying. Full ugly tears as her hips met his fingers thrusts.
He was right beside her, soothing her with praises, telling her how good she was doing but she wasn't crying because she was in pain or distress, she was crying because this was the best orgasm of her life.
He was guiding her through her orgasm, inserting and curling his fingers inside of her and hitting her g-spot over and over, his thumb rubbed over her clit at the same time and he had gone from groping her breasts to stroking her face. It felt..intimate.
Especially with all his crooning into her ear.
She was gasping, her body still pulsing as she sucked his fingers deeper into her
channel. He let out another rumble.
"Very good," he hummed.
Sienna was spent. She looked at her body from the mirrors above her and she was splayed out loosely, her limbs limp. The doctor ran a hand through her hair and muttered something she could not discern.
He unstrapped the other buckle on her right foot, then, dragged her forward so her bottom half was hanging off the edge of the table.
"What're you doin..?" she asked, lifting her head and her eyes widened.
Dr. Xorad did not appear to be as sexless as he appeared. In fact, currently, there was a slit opening–pulsing as she watched him dip his fingers inside, teasing something out while he lowly hissed. She watched as his fingers stroked the inner walls of his slit. It reminded her of her own pussy, wet and pink on the inside.
Instead what emerged was his cock. Long and already hard, completely hairless like the rest of his strange body. One of his hands stroked himself root to tip while the others were positioning her once again.
"Ohh..wait I don't think I can…"
He stood between her legs, rubbing his lubricated cock against her sloppy slit. She whimpered, her eyes rolling back.
"Fuck it…just stick it in," she said plainly. Her body was trembling with anticipation and the aftershocks of her first orgasm.
He grunted in response and nodded. But before he inserted himself inside her, he fingered more of that magic gel inside her pussy and she was whining again. Her pussy pulsed on nothing and she already felt close to orgasm.
He slid inside her in one ruthless motion.
They both groaned out.
"So tight." he hissed, "You already milk my cock."
"Mmmm…" she had no words for him, she was too busy enjoying the ridges of his cock inside her that she hadn't noticed. She bucked when one of those ridges rubbed her g-spot.
He bent over her and began to thrust, out slowly then in hard. Their skin slapped together and she could feel not only the gel mixing with her fluids, but his as well. This moment cemented Sienna as the weakest link.
But if being the weakest link meant getting fucked like this she didn't care. She was ruined. She was addicted to Dr. Zorad's fingers and cock, with–preferably–or without the gel.
She was making an awful keening noise in the back of her throat, a whine that reminded her of a dog begging for a bone. Tears were still trailing down her eyes and she was sure her face was scrunched in the ugliest ways.
Sienna did not think about being sexy for Dr. Xorad, she simply enjoyed what he was giving her and he seemed to have no complaints. In fact, he seemed to be having a wonderful time if the groans above her were any sign.
He lifted her legs, pushing the backs of her thighs so the tops pressed against her belly, her calves rested on his shoulders and Sienna screamed at the deep reach he now had.
"Oh, yes, yes!" she gasped, "Please keep fucking me, doctor!"
He gave her what seemed to be a pained smile, "I don't think that is the problem, pet." she moaned. "It's stopping I fear for." he thrusted, once, twice, three times–and then there was a warm watery liquid being sprayed inside her. She yelped in surprise.
He had cum and given her absolutely no warning.
When she expected him to stop however he didn't. He was still hard and still pounding at her pussy like a madman.
"Mmm, what's happening?" she moaned.
"I..hngf, I am quite built up," he spoke, his brows were furrowed and he was giving her fast shallow strokes now. "I predict I will need to ejaculate 4 times before we can complete this session."
"4 times?" she questioned bewildered, then her back arched and she could feel the familiar ache in her abdomen, "why so many?"
"I cannot fertilize you until I am completely spent," he explained clinically. The air whooshed out of Sienna. She remembered her purpose here. Baby-maker.
"Wait–" she spoke panicked, still breathless any whiny, "You can't do that! I don't want to be pregnant!"
He stroked her cheeks with his top hands, "Calm now, pet." he crooned, "I assure you I will take very good care of you during your gestation."
"But doctor!" she wailed, her legs were locking again and her thighs began to tremble, "I-I don't want–Ah!" she screamed, releasing once again. Pushing his long cock out momentarily before he forced himself back in. He groaned and once again she was filled more with that cool watery substance that leaked out of her along with what she produced.
Sienna's eyes rolled back and all the fight in her had vanished. She was far away from this room now. Far away from Dr. Xorad and only concerned about her aching pussy that still craved another release.
She laid there limply while Xorad kept pushing. Her body jerked, being shifted up and down as he worked above her. She could do nothing but take it.
There was a gentle squeaking sound mixed in with everything as the metal examination table she was on was completely covered in their fluids and her skin was rubbing against the material.
"Nearly there, pet," he murmured. "This will all be over soon."
She wasn't sure if she wanted it to be over.
"Then you can take a nice rest."
Well, that did sound nice considering her eyes were beginning to fall heavy. Of course, she couldn't sleep. But she could do little more than whine and slowly roll her hips to meet Xorad's.
His top hands were squeezing her breasts and teasing at her nipples while his bottom hands gripped her thighs. He did all the moving for her, pulling her back and forth on his cock. She was like his personal fuck toy.
From everything she had heard about the experiment, baby, and assimilation, that statement seemed to be far more accurate than she originally thought.
Another blast of watery liquid flooded through her and she groaned. Dr. Xorad momentarily collapsed atop her. His head resting on her chin. She absently stroked his bald head.
He purred.
"Turn for me," he murmured, seemingly tired in his own right as his voice was turning lazy.
Sienna had no idea what that meant until he was pulling out of her. A gush of fluid came out when was unplugged.
He gently moved her onto her hands and knees and Sienna wasn't so sure she could maintain this position for very long but she had always liked doggy more than missionary so she would try.
"I've seen humans do it this way as well." he says, running a hand over her ass, squeezing it, "Is this suitable for you, pet?"
"Yes…" she sighed, "It's very suitable."
She nearly fell face forward when the examination table began to lower. She looked around and realized Dr. Xorad had pulled a level so his cock could be at an equal level with her hole.
He aligned himself with her, then, slid home. She moaned roughly, backing up against him, impaling herself. She rocked back and forth on his cock and he began to breath heavily.
"This is not how I saw it done," he murmurs.
Sienna moaned, "This is how I like it." she arched and unarched her back, controlling the pace this time. She was steady and a little weaker than usual but she felt more awake now that he was so deeply buried inside her.
"This will be good for insemination," he seemed to be thinking the same thing, "my eggs will be buried deep inside you."
"Shuddap." she slurred. He was ruining the moment for her.
"Hm." he hummed, not seeming to be offended but not amused either.
They moved together.
"Pull on my hair." she murmured, "I like that, and…grip my hips."
Dr. Xorad did exactly as she asked and Sienna moved faster, the alien behind her groaned. Praising her in his hissed language. It made Sienna feel like she was more than mediocre at sex, it made her feel like a pornstar.
She didn't mind fucking an alien so much.
At least not until he started bucking against her and dug his sharp nails into her hips.
"Oh!" she exclaimed.
He growled with a thrust. Moving so fast against her she could barely even feel him inside because of how slick she was. The only thing that told her he was still inside were the ridges that scraped against her inner walls
Finally, something seemed to snap in the doctor, he let out a long drawn-out hiss and he slumped forward. He was pressing against her back as he let out a high whine. He was cumming again, but this time it was not the watery liquid she had grown familiar with.
This time, she filled her up in a completely unnatural way.
She was being inseminated.
It was overwhelming, the eggs he was talking about putting inside her were pulsing in their own right and she could feel them travelling inside of her. They rubbed and scrubbed around her walls and her eyes rolled back as she too slumped forward.
She fell belly first against the table, twitching as she was being impregnated.
"That's it, pet." he slurred, "you're going to be a wonderful host."
Host. Dear god, what had she done?
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applestorms · 9 days
thinking about how near refers to light at the end of the series— not really as light yagami, not even really as kira, and not quite as L, but rather an amalgamation of titles: L-KIRA, a twisted mix of two personas, masks on top of masks. no longer a person but a series of letters, a filtered voice through a screen. a man who has built his entire life in the space between lies, who cannot let himself stop for a second without the weight of his own guilt, his sins, crushing him. regrets repressed because this is the only way it could ever be, it has to be worth it, it has to, it has to, because you can’t even bring yourself to consider what it all means otherwise.
i am a firm believer that light yagami, the son, the student, the average human person, dies at the same time that L does. at least at the beginning of the series he has some semblance of normalcy to hold himself to, the Serious Student persona that keeps him walking to and from school and talking to people and eating dinner with his family at home. how many times do we really see him going outside, post-L death? how often do we see him outside of some L-based police HQ, talking to people he isn’t trying to manipulate? really, it’s no wonder he falls so far, alienated as he is from the rest of humanity. when was the last time he breathed long enough to remember what the sky looks like? hugged his mom, laughed with his sister? did he ever visit his father’s grave? does he remember what the breeze smells like? was he ever really happy? did he deny himself his only chance?
at least in the case of L and near the isolation feels intentional, a preferable choice, carefully and logically considered for all the pros and cons. light never asked for the position he fell into, that fell upon him, that he created for himself. he denies the death note being a curse, but it’s not like he could ever admit it if it was.
light’s story arc in death note really feels like a tragedy to me, specifically in the sense that he never really gets the chance to change. on a plot level this is true, much of the second half of the story post-L death is light utilizing the exact same strategies as before (taking away his ownership of the DN to Strategize, romancing a woman he doesn’t care for to use her, fighting a snarky troll of a super genius hiding behind a letter whose real name & face he cannot find), but it’s true on an emotional level too. light never really gets to grow up, he never gets the chance to truly question his ideals or goals without the world he’s built by himself crashing down around him.
i keep thinking back to the significance of matsuda asking him about his dad, how he could drag him to his death for the sake of all of this. light’s response, so truthful in its desperation, really sums it all up: he died for a reason. KIRA has to win, or his dad died for nothing. he cannot face the idea that he caused his own father’s death, so KIRA must be justice. there is no other alternative. KIRA is god, or light yagami killed his own father for a fairytale.
really, it’s so fitting that his name uses the kanji for moon. moonlight— not originating from the moon itself but a reflection, of something brighter, greater, more powerful than he could ever be. light dies the same way as every other criminal he passed his judgement upon, on his knees and desperate, pathetic, begging for life even as he knows he is doomed to the same fate of nothingness that he granted to everybody else. godhood denied. he said it himself, that he could never be anything more than a human, but somewhere in the fog he lost track of the person he once was. and it’s near’s cruelest observation that stands out the most to me in that final scene— that he never really had to be this. he could’ve stopped at any point, felt his guilt, paid his regrets, and moved on with his humanity still intact. light has spent far too long repressing and denying to ever consider that an option anymore— but there was still room for sympathy for the 17 year old kid who killed without thinking, long before he built up such a dedicated palace of lies to justify his actions and hide away his guilt.
L-KIRA dies on the floor of a dirty, abandoned building, surrounded by the people he spent years manipulating and lying to and betraying. light yagami dies in a helicopter, locked and chained to his only closest equal, holding a notebook that he would use to sound the death knell of his own fate and wearing his father’s gifted watch.
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five-bi-five-mind · 1 year
Can i request toxic ex!wanda trying to get reader back no matter what it takes after doing her wrong and not knowing her worth? And reader just being extremely mad and done with wanda. I'd love to be manipulated by her 🥰🤝
Me & the Devil
Fandom: Marvel
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Genre: Dark fic (seriously dark!!) + Smut & Angst
Words: 11.5k+
Summary: It took everything ounce of strength you had to leave Wanda behind. When you did you tried your best to rebuild a life for yourself without her. You had a new career in a city far away and you were trying to restart your love life too. Only it was going horribly for you so far. Until Kate Bishop happened. Was she going to be the person to finally get you over Wanda? You thought so, until Wanda showed up at your door. And when she did, nothing prepared you for the measures she took to get you to let your guard down...
Warnings: toxic!Wanda; strap-on use (r receiving); face-fucking/riding (Wanda receiving); unhealthy relationships; oral (Wanda receiving); fingering (r receiving); choking; dub-con; kidnapping; non-con voyeurism kinda; alcohol mention; stalking; top!Wanda; bottom!r; dom/sub dynamics; tiniest bit of mommy kink...
A/N: lol this is the darkest thing I have ever written... you said toxic ex!Wanda and I really gave you toxic. Maybe it's not quite the request you asked for but... oops. But seriously folks take the warnings serious!! And tell me if I need to add more.
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It happens almost every single time. You were starting to think there might be something seriously wrong with you to be ghosted so often. This was a pattern at this point: You’d connect with someone and meet up for a date. The date, in your mind, would go amazingly. Both of you would laugh and chat and they’d usually be the one to say something like “let’s do this again” and you’d happily agree. But then after you both part ways and a few days pass there’s no text, no call, no signs of following up on that hopeful promise to meet again. You’d text them once, maybe twice if you really felt strongly about meeting, but still you’d be met with nothing. You got ghosted. In the past six months, this has happened way more times than you’d like to admit. The first two times, you could convince yourself that they just weren’t that into you. It wasn’t you, it was probably them. But then it kept happening and happening and happening. How long could you say it wasn’t you? What were you doing to repel so many people? 
After the last date you went on and then were subsequently ghosted, you were really considering giving up hope. But then somehow you got convinced to try again. This time it was a little different though. It wasn’t someone you met on a random dating app or a girl who happened to randomly pass her number to you at a coffee shop or a bar. No, this time it was someone you actually kind of already knew. It was someone you worked with, someone you already had a sort of established friendship with. 
Usually, you’d be hesitant to agree to dating someone who had a professional relationship with you. Not to mention, she was kind of above you in the chain of command at your work. But when Kate Bishop waltzed right up to you and asked you out she was so charming and kind. She reassured you she would understand if you said no and that nothing would be weird if it didn’t work out. She smiled at you in the most endearing way and never failed to make you laugh even from your very first day working with her. Why wouldn’t you say yes? Honestly, you were just shocked she saw you as anything more than a work friend. So yeah, you decided to agree to a date. After all, it would be incredibly hard to ghost someone you have to see regularly at work. If things didn’t work out, she promised you’d still be friends and it wouldn’t affect the workplace. And while, yeah, a lot of people probably say that, you really believed that she meant it.
Prepping for the date had you honestly giddy this time. You asked some friends to accompany you to the mall so you could buy a nice outfit. When you asked what the date would be, Kate gave you the name of an entirely too expensive restaurant. She promised it would all be on her dime, no matter how much you protested. Her exact words were that she wanted to “sweep you off your feet” and you couldn’t help the blush that reached your cheeks when she said that. So, if you weren’t paying then the least you could do was invest in something nice to match the place she was taking you to.
Honestly, you were actually really excited about all of this. You had never thought of Kate as more than just a coworker, but you were really ready to see where this night could go. It felt like a turning point for you after all you had been through. Six months of getting ghosted was one thing, but all of that really added salt to the wound that was your horrible breakup that happened prior to all of those failed dates. This would be different though, at least you hoped. While you didn’t get to know all the other people who ghosted you well enough to know their character, you did know Kate. She was almost the exact opposite of your ex. She was kind and patient. She wasn’t so damn serious all the time either. Wanda was… well, you didn’t even know where to start. She was cold, she was controlling, and more than anything she had a darkness in her that put you on edge. She didn’t seem to listen to you and only wanted to pay attention to what you had to say when you said that you were leaving her. It was like all you were was a toy to her and it made you miserable. The fights you two had towards the end still shook you. When you and Wanda got together it all happened so fast. One day she saw you and then suddenly she was everywhere. In a blink you found yourself in a relationship with her and you didn’t even know how it all happened. 
Not that you didn’t want to be with her. You had loved Wanda. You had loved her so profoundly, so deeply, so painfully that it was all you knew when you were with her. But then she grew different. More controlling, less caring. After a while you realized it wasn’t the healthiest situation to be in and you begged her for a change. Maybe you would’ve stayed and even dealt with her temperamental nature if she at least opened up to you, but it just didn’t feel like an equal relationship. She expected too much from you with nothing in return. It didn’t feel like love anymore, it felt like ownership. That change you pleaded for never came, so finally you pried yourself away from her.
The thing is, you knew once you left Wanda, you really had to leave. It wasn’t just that you packed your stuff and found an apartment. It was that you picked up your whole life and moved it to another town across the country. You found yourself an apartment and a job before you even left to make sure you had stability and wouldn’t chicken out. That was ten months ago. It took you four to feel like even trying to get back out there. Even though it went rather horribly up until now, with Kate, you thought maybe you could be ready for something real again. 
Except, when the night you’d found yourself eagerly waiting for came and went with no sign of Kate, all those thoughts of restarting your romantic life plummeted. You had gotten to the restaurant, donning the beautiful dress you had bought for this very night. Bragging wasn’t really your thing, but as you got ready and gave yourself a once over in your apartment, you thought to yourself that you had this in the bag. If she was going to sweep you off your feet with a nice night out, you were gonna make her jaw drop with the way you’d make your entrance. 
Admittedly, you were early to the restaurant than Kate requested you meet her at. She had a reservation for the both of you so when you walked in you immediately asked to be seated. You couldn’t help the way you fiddled with the silverware in front of you as you anxiously waited for her to slide into the chair across from you. Only when the agreed upon time came and went, you felt that pit in your stomach that said your hopes were about to be shattered. At first you told yourself it was Kate, she was often a little bit late to just about anything. But then ten minutes passed and then twenty and suddenly you were feeling embarrassed and sick to your stomach and furious all at the same time. You paid for the glass of wine you had ordered and nervously sipped on before walking out of that gorgeous restaurant that promised a fabulous meal with nothing but an empty stomach. 
You weren’t sure if it was the wine that you had mixed with a lack of food or the fact that your eyes were already tearing up in anger just the tiniest bit when you told the waiter you wouldn’t be eating, but you weren’t pleased. As you stormed your way out of that restaurant and waited for an uber to take you home, you didn’t hesitate to shoot Kate what was probably the tenth text in a row. Each one was a little more angry than the last. Of course, it didn’t start out angry. Your first few were concerned but a little joke-y, but then when it became apparent she wasn’t anywhere to be seen, well, then you didn’t hold back too much. 
What was work going to be like when you finally saw her on Monday? You had this naive little idea in your head that you and Kate would hit it off so well that she’d want to spend the whole weekend with you. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but you really thought you could predict that you and Kate would fall into this crazy, cliche romantic relationship after what was supposed to be a dazzling first date. Honestly, you had kind of expected to not be going home alone, or maybe not going home at all. Kate even joked as much when talking about what to expect for this date. You had rolled your eyes at her bluntness, but if you were being honest with yourself it had given you a little thrill. 
All of that is gone now. The uber picked you up and dropped you off and all the while you somehow managed to keep it together. The tears that threatened to slip through back at the restaurant had been restrained as you sat alone in the back of the car and blankly stared at the thread of messages you had sent to Kate. They all sent, but the last message to be read by her was the one you sent saying you were on your way. Fucking typical, she chickened out at the last second and couldn’t even tell you to turn around.
The more you thought about it as you climbed the stairs of your apartment complex, the angrier you got until you could tell the emotions you were holding back were starting to overflow. Damn, you had been actually excited for this night. Yeah, when you matched with people and agreed to a coffee date with the others you had a little excitement for them too, but not like this. Not like Kate. She felt like this beacon in the darkness that was the last ten months. She felt like she was the one to pick up the pieces from what your last relationship did to you. How could you have been so wrong? 
Now, instead of having a crazy romantic night like you had hoped, you were going to change out of your gorgeous outfit and fall apart alone in your bed in your coziest pair of pajamas. It was a pathetic way to spend the evening, you thought to yourself as you got closer to your unit. How could it possibly get any worse?
“(Y/N),” A familiar voice said from right behind you as you approached your door. You hadn’t realized anyone was even behind you as you made your way to your apartment, so the presence of anyone was going to make you jump out of your skin. But when you heard your name being called your blood ran cold and alarm bells went off. Surely it couldn’t be who you think it is…
You whipped around so fast it made you lose your balance on your heels. A hand shot out quickly though, wrapping slender fingers around your elbow and steadying you. “Hey,” the voice said and you swallowed hard. 
Now that you were face to face, the source of the voice was exactly who you thought it was. Wanda stood there entirely too close to you, with her hand still wrapped around your arm. All you did was gawk at her, in utter disbelief of the turn the night just took. If there was anyone you were expecting to show up, it was certainly not her. You had hoped, as you made your way back home in disappointment, that Kate would be waiting right outside for you. Of course, knowing your luck these past few months, it was the last person you’d ever want to see showing up after such an awful night. 
The circumstances alone made you want to double over in fits of laughter. It was all so just on point with how your life has gone since you left her. Of course Wanda would show up after yet another failed attempt to move on from her. It only feels even more like a cruel joke from the universe that she shows up before you can get home and wipe your face of the frustration tears that you shed as you stomped up the stairs to your apartment. 
It took you a moment to realize that Wanda still had her hand on you and you ripped yourself away from her as if her touch suddenly burned. She didn’t seem phased by your actions, but instead was wearing a surprisingly soft expression. It seemed to add to your embarrassment and frustration. 
There was a moment where you thought maybe you should say something. Right now, the only one to speak was Wanda and all she had to offer after showing up out of nowhere was a measly “hey” so there was a lot that needed to be said right now. For starters, maybe you should ask how the fuck she found you. It wasn’t like when you two broke up you readily gave her your address. In fact, you didn’t tell her much of anything when you left. You knew she had a business trip scheduled for the same time every quarter. So, you took her absence as a means to pack your stuff in a flash and leave. It was that trip that allowed you to prepare, you had given yourself a deadline to find a job and an apartment and leave and that’s exactly what you did. The only thing Wanda knew when she left for that trip was that you were incredibly unhappy with her, to which she just rolled her eyes as she walked out the door. That was the last time you saw her. 
As you settled into your new place the same day Wanda was returning for her trip, you had left her a note and that was it. When that first night alone without Wanda came, you knew she saw the letter. There was one call from her that lit up your phone that night. You ignored it and that was that. She didn’t leave a message and to your surprise, she didn’t try again. 
You thought the book was closed on that relationship after that. Apparently, tonight as she stood right in front of you for the first time in almost a year, you were very wrong about that fact.
“What do you want, Wanda?” You cleared your throat as you spoke. It was rough, you were trying to sound strong and demanding. But after fighting back the urge to sob the whole car ride home, your voice wasn’t coming out the way you wanted. 
“It’s been awhile,” She gave you a small smile, but you didn’t miss the way she absolutely dodged that question.
“Why are you here?” You pressed again. Although, you honestly weren’t sure if you wanted to hear the answer. There were two reasons for that. The first being, you were in a vulnerable state and just wanted to crawl into your bed and lick your wounds. The second being, again, you were in a vulnerable state and if she said the right things she could take advantage of that. She always knew to say the right things. Being near her right now was dangerous. Not only because you were so unprepared to see her again, but because you were feeling so utterly hopeless and your pride was, at this point, completely shattered. 
“I wanted to see you.” Wanda still had that hesitant smile on her face. She looked down at you as if she was actually nervous. Like she was trying to approach you with the utmost caution in fear that you would flee at any second. She wasn’t entirely wrong to think that either, because you were ready to run. Except, she was standing right at your doorstep, so where exactly would you run? You could close the door in her face and lock her out, but you knew Wanda. She was nothing if not persistent. 
There was no response to that statement that would make you feel any stronger or even saner. You wanted to keep your dignity, even if you already looked pretty distraught. So instead you just exhaled, long and slow, before turning to your door.
What was your game plan right now? You couldn’t really tell. It was going to be a horrible decision if you let Wanda take one step inside your apartment, but you had a feeling that was her ultimate goal. Right now, you were running through different things to say. All you could really land on was pleading with her to meet you another day, when you’re less upset and tired. Maybe if you promised her you’d meet with her she would agree. Of course, knowing Wanda, if you said you’d grab coffee and catch up (which is a much friendlier way of putting what would inevitably be a very awkward conversation) she would hold you to that. But anything would be better than letting her slink right on in through your front door.
“Let me help you with that.” Wanda was directly behind you now, her hand reaching out to touch yours. You didn’t realize your hands were shaking so hard until you were trying and failing to get your house key into the lock. The way her hand wrapped around yours as she steadied it and guided the key in, surprisingly helped ground you. It was the familiar touch, even if it was brief and innocent, of her hand on yours that suddenly felt like you were able to catch your breath. 
It was like a shock to your system and now all your nerve endings were finally waking up from a long sleep. It was a weird rush, no matter how brief, to feel with the warmth of her palm pressed to the top of your hand. Accompanied with that was the buzz that you always felt when she was in your personal space as she leaned closer to you from behind. And just like that, once the door was open, her hand slipped from yours and it was all gone.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a minute and took a deep breath. The rush of feelings with just that small of a touch from Wanda was not a good sign for you and definitely not a good sign for your will power either. 
Wanda waited patiently behind you as you began to take the first step into your own apartment. To your surprise, when you turned back around to face her, she hadn’t crossed the threshold. Knowing Wanda, you had expected her to push her way in, to already have one foot in the door as she convinced you to let her stay. But no. Not this time. Instead, Wanda stood there patiently, her eyes boring into yours as she studied your face.
She still had the posture and facial expression of someone who was trying to be incredibly delicate. It was as if she was totally aware that she was walking on eggshells and, for the first time since you’ve known Wanda, she actually cared not to misstep. You were surprised to see her at your doorstep tonight of all nights, but even more so you were in complete disbelief at how patient she was being. If you were to have bet your money on anything, it would have been that the next time you saw Wanda she’d tear you a new one. Maybe she’s changed. Maybe this is why she didn’t contact you after that first night when you left. Was there hope that she could’ve taken a step back and looked at the way she treated you? Why did your brain automatically go to this idea that she actually took the last ten months to work on herself and now she was back to apologize and show you she’d grown? 
Your last thought shot anxiety straight through your veins. That was a slippery slope your thoughts were going down. A slope that might lead into you crashing painfully into the emotionally unavailable wall that was Wanda Maximoff. Except, she was still waiting there, with bright shining eyes that told you she was just relieved to finally see you again. And you, well, you were just standing there in the gorgeous dress you spent way too much money on for a girl you’d known for ten months who didn’t even have the decency to text a rejection to you after promising you the night of your dreams. So why not let the woman who did actually show up and was trying to be kind to you in for the evening? And what’s one more glass of wine? At least this time you’d have company so you wouldn’t just be drowning in your pain and humiliation. 
“Do you…” You paused for a moment watching Wanda’s face for any signs of insincerity or some kind of nefarious plan. She looked back at you with nothing but a soft smile and hope in her eyes. “Do you maybe want to come in for a bit? We can- I dunno… talk?”
“I’d love that.” And just like that you watched as she entered your apartment. When you got this place you had made one promise to yourself and that was to never let Wanda in if she ever found you. You had thought that the minute you’d let her back in she’d consume your life all over again. But here she was, at your doorstep, acting like a completely different person and suddenly that promise to yourself went out the window. You were so taken aback by her patience and gentleness with you in the brief time you’ve been reunited that you didn’t think to ask one important question. How the fuck did she find out you lived here?
“So, she just never showed?!” Wanda leaned back in shock as you nodded vehemently. You two were currently sitting on either side of your couch, with half a bottle of wine already gone through. It had started out as small talk once she entered your apartment. Yes, it was awkward at first, but at least the wine had loosened up some of your nerves. Wanda seemed more relaxed than you had ever seen her. You never thought you’d be describing her this way, but she almost seemed bubbly. It was like a whole new Wanda was sitting right next to you and you were loving everything you were seeing.
The conversation stayed on you the whole time, which also was a bit surprising. Wanda wanted to know how you were doing and even praised you for how independent you had become. It was shocking, but with every proud smile she gave you, you felt your heart swell with pride for yourself as well. 
Somehow, eventually, Wanda asked you why you were so dressed up. That’s when you were surprised by the wave of guilt that hit you in the gut. You shouldn’t feel guilty. It’s been almost a year, so there was nothing to feel remotely bad about. Except, when she asked you that question, you looked down at your lap and fiddled with an invisible string while you mulled over possible ways to respond in a way that made you feel less ashamed.
To your utter surprise, Wanda didn’t even flinch when you decided to tell the truth and confess that you had a date with your coworker who didn’t show. Instead, the part that made her so emotional was the fact that Kate stood you up in the first place, not that you would have a potential new romantic partner that wasn’t Wanda. Where was all the possessiveness she usually showed? You haven’t had the chance to ask Wanda what she had done in these past ten months apart, but you had a feeling you were in for a long, inspiring story about how she’s ready to be a better woman. Even if you didn’t know the full story, you could see in the way she was upset for your pain and only your pain that she had really grown. It was this change that had you so mesmerized by her. It was this display of compassion for your bad night that had you scooting closer to her until your knees were touching. And when Wanda’s hand, after waving in shock as you admitted that you still haven’t gotten a single text from Kate, had innocently landed on your bare knee just below where your dress ended, you didn’t move it. 
“Well, she’s made a huge mistake,” Wanda shook her head. “I mean look at you…” The hand that wasn’t on your knee motioned to your whole body. 
“I know! I paid a lot for this dress, you know.” You giggled, shocked that the sting of tonight’s rejection wasn’t quite as strong as it was a few hours ago. 
“And it was worth every penny.” Wanda’s eyes darkened slightly as they raked up your body. “You look… fucking incredible.” Her voice was slightly lower as she said those last two words and suddenly you felt something shift. It was like something heavy filled the air, an electricity that was almost too much to bear.
Wanda looked back up and locked eyes with you. That gentleness that you had seen all evening was replaced with something else and suddenly you realized you were currently standing on a metaphorical cliff, one more step and you were about to fall right back into Wanda. 
But then she leaned forward and you found yourself leaning too. She was right there next to you, with barely any space separating you two. The smell of her familiar perfume suddenly felt stronger and had your head swimming. The warmth that radiated from her presence was blanketing your entire body, and all you wanted to do was close the gap. Why not jump off that cliff? Obviously, nothing else you’ve been doing has worked so far. This was a sign, the girl you were excited for didn’t even have the respect for you to show up, but who did show up? Wanda. And the whole time she’s been sitting and listening and not pushing anything. She’s changed, that’s what you wanted. You had told her as much when you had all those arguments up until the end. Sometimes it takes a major leap for someone to right their wrongs finally and that seems like what was going on here. That’s what you hoped was happening. So why not indulge? You closed the gap.
The way Wanda let you come to her was surprising. Old Wanda was usually too guarded to let you take the lead, but she was letting you now. Your lips met hers in a hesitant kiss at first, but soon it grew into more. It was familiar and new all at the same time. You surged forward and tangled your hands in her hair and all the while Wanda let you. When you leaned back, pulling her with you, your lips still connected, she happily followed until she was hovering over you. Not once did either of you break the kiss. It was soft, but still had a hint of desperation on your part. Wanda let you take the lead, with your tongue tentatively running against hers when her lips parted for you.
While Wanda’s willingness to let you take the lead shocked you, she still showed that she was enjoying the kiss just as much as you were. When your head met the arm of the couch and Wanda’s body came with you as you leaned back, you felt the way she rolled her body into yours. It was a subtle movement, but you could tell it was her way to get as much contact between the two of you as possible. Meanwhile, the more Wanda pressed her body down against yours, the more your dress rode up. You were so lost in the way Wanda’s lips felt on yours that you jumped when you felt her knee press between your legs. That act felt like someone pouring ice cold water straight on your body.
“Wait!” Your voice was muffled by the way Wanda was still trying to kiss you, but when you pulled back she stopped. Your hands moved down to push at your dress, trying to cover more of you as Wanda shifted her weight so she could still hover over you but get some distance from your face.
For a moment, as you looked up at her, both of you breathing hard from the intensitive of it all, you thought you saw a flash of anger appear in her face. It was brief. A blink and you’ll miss it kind of moment, but you swore you saw it. It was like a crack in the perfect Wanda that sat with you all night. You had stopped the kiss because you thought it was going too far for one night, but when you did you were hesitant if it was the right call. Now, even though admittedly you could be wrong, you were glad you stopped. 
If there was one thing you recognized on Wanda, it was the look she’d get when things didn’t go exactly the way she wanted them to. When you pulled back, it was such a brief moment, but you could’ve sworn you saw that familiar look. But then she was looking back down at you again with that gentleness you had seen all night, except this time things felt different. It was like all the warning bells were going off in your brain now. Something inside your mind told you that you had fallen into a trap and now you were too far into it to get yourself out.
But then another part of your brain wanted so desperately to shake that off. She had been so gentle with you, so kind and caring. It was a whole new side of Wanda and it was one that you had dreamt of for so long, especially in the early months after your break up. It wasn’t even like she was the one who started the kiss. You kissed her. Not only that, but you were the one to pull her on top of you. It wasn’t like it wasn’t enjoyable. It was everything you missed. It was fucking fantastic. Still, something told you to watch your back. 
You were trying so hard to shake that paranoia off. It was probably just a new form of trust issues you’ve developed after being rejected constantly for the last six months. Yeah, that’s what it had to be. Right? 
A moment passed and neither of you had moved after you had tried to push Wanda back. She remained hovering over you and suddenly you felt so small lying there beneath her. Finally, you pressed a hand to her chest, trying to indicate to her to move off you. She didn’t budge.
Instead, she stayed there, staring down at you. The look of anger never came back, but that gentleness wasn’t there either. It was all replaced with an emotion you couldn’t quite place as she cocked her head and flicked her eyes to where your hand pressed against her before looking back at your face. 
It seemed like she was calculating something. Like Wanda was trying her hardest to plan her next move with you and was weighing her options. It was in that very moment that you realized the gentleness, the patience, the lack of anger when you told her you had tried to start dating again, all of that was an act. She really was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and she had you pinned right now. 
A shiver ran down your spine as that realization sunk and it did not go unnoticed by Wanda. It was like a spark that lit a fire in her, when she saw you react like that. You were helpless underneath her and that was all it took for her innocent facade to melt completely away. She leaned back down, attacking your lips with her own in an instant. 
Your hands braced against her chest as she leaned back down, putting more of her weight onto you as she kissed you. Every alarm was going off in your mind as she kissed you with an intensity that had you spinning. Your mind told you to push back, to make her stop, but then it was always this shift in Wanda that got to you. She was kissing you with that same passion that had you weak at the knees. You always hated how possessive she was with you in public, but in private it always had you reacting in a way that you really should’ve felt more shame for. And she was kissing you with that same, desperate, possessive energy you wished you didn’t miss. 
The hands that were bracing Wanda’s chest were now grabbing at the fabric of her shirt as her tongue licked into your mouth. Her knee went right back to where it was, pressing in between your legs. You groaned against her mouth when she pressed it a little harder and you could practically feel how smug she was when she felt your hips roll onto her leg to gain more contact. 
Wanda pulled back on her own this time. You were breathing hard and you could tell your face was flushed from how worked up you were just from a little bit of contact and her kiss. “This is going better than I thought it would,” Wanda let out a low chuckle as she knelt above you. You gave her a skeptical look as you tried to catch your breath. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight, but I guess I didn’t need to try too hard to remind you.”
“Wh- What are you talking about? Remind me?” You stammered, your head swimming.
“That you’re still mine,” she hissed.
Suddenly, a wave of nausea hit you. None of tonight with her had been real. She hadn’t changed, you had just felt sorry for yourself and were vulnerable so you let yourself dream and pretend. Now, you were facing the consequences of your actions. You had fallen back into Wanda and backpedaled on every little bit of healing you had done after leaving her. The worst part was, as she looked down on you with such self-satisfied triumph, you weren’t sure if you could claw your way back out again.
You sat up then, trying to squirm your way out from under Wanda. She didn’t move, but she did let you. When you tried to stand from the couch, it felt like your legs were going to give out from under you. She had you so disoriented from her whole act that you could barely stand on your own two feet. 
“I think…” You kept your eyes glued to the floor as you spoke. “Wanda, I think you should leave.”
“Oh?” Wanda cocked her head to the side as she stood up too. You had taken a few steps away from the couch, but Wanda was quick to rid you both of the distance you had so desperately tried to create. “I don’t think that’s what you really want.”
“Yes, it is.” You weren’t convincing. Anyone would be able to tell you were two seconds away from buckling again and begging for forgiveness. This whole scenario felt disturbingly familiar. 
“I don’t think so,” Wanda taunted. She took another step towards you and you stood there frozen. “I think you’re dying to beg me to stay.” The once exciting charge in the air changed even more until all you felt was the painful buzzing in your ears as your body shook with an excitement you were trying so desperately not to acknowledge. It was impossible to ignore though, especially when Wanda was stepping up into your space again, brushing her whole body against you as she slipped behind you.
“No…” you whimpered your response to Wanda, but even you knew you sounded pathetic.
“Shhh,” Wanda cooed. Her hands moved to brush hair from your neck before you felt the tips of her fingers dance on the exposed skin. You still stood there, locked in place, trying to hold back a shiver as Wanda’s lips pressed to your neck from behind. Your eyes screwed shut when you felt her brush them up to your ear. Her breath against the shell of your ear made you shiver and your hands balled into fists. “Do you really want to be alone tonight?”
She was turning your vulnerability against you. Of course you didn’t want to be alone tonight. But did you really want to spend the night with your apparently still toxic ex-girlfriend? As much as you wanted to say fuck no, you did. God you wanted her. Maybe you had never really even stopped wanting her.
You didn’t have to answer for Wanda to know exactly what you were thinking. She had her hooks into you and you were hers again. Or maybe you were always hers and even when you were free from her you never really were. With how easily you fell back into her after almost a year, you were starting to think you were really overestimating how much progress you made.
Wanda’s lips brushed your ear before you felt her hands on you now. They were making their way up your body, starting at your waist and moving to your chest in a way that almost made you feel manhandled. “You’re going to have to convince me,” Wanda’s voice was sickeningly sweet in comparison to the way she groped and squeezed at your breasts through your dress. 
“Get on your fucking knees,” Wanda growled, the false sweetness leaving her voice and being replaced with a demand that had you jump. To your surprise it was like your body was compelled to do exactly as she said. You dropped to your knees and she stopped in front of you. The grin that spread across her face was menacing enough to make you gulp. She had a glint in her eye that told you any sort of soft, caring charade she had when she appeared at your door was long gone. No, that was all an act to get you to invite her in and invite her in you did. Now you were at her mercy and the thrill of that was clearly getting to the both of you.
As ashamed as you should be to have fallen back into Wanda Maximoff like you said you never would, you couldn’t help but feel anything but nervous anticipation. She licked her lips as she looked down at you. You squirmed under her gaze as you knelt there. Wanda took another step up until she was towering directly above you. Her hand shot out and immediately tangled in your hair, yanking your neck not-so-gently to look directly up at her. She smiled at you, all her teeth showing as she smirked. “Good girl.” She purred. 
Wanda’s hand moved from your hair to stroke down your cheek until she reached your lips. You stared up at her, utterly frozen, as she traced your lips with her fingers before uttering one word. “Open,” she demanded and you did exactly that without hesitation. Two fingers slid into your mouth, the whole time she never broke eye contact. Your body was trembling slightly from where you knelt in front of her and as her fingers pressed down on your tongue you instinctively began to suck. 
A sadistic chuckle left Wanda’s lips as she looked down at you. “Looks like you haven’t forgotten your place.” Her voice was low, threatening almost. Your face flushed, but it was like your brain wasn't in control of your body anymore. Suddenly, you were on some kind of autopilot, fulfilling the role Wanda always wanted you to take. The worst part was, you were okay with it. You didn’t realize you even missed it, but then again you caved so easily to her. Of course you missed it. No, actually you craved it. Your whole being ached for it. 
Wanda’s fingers pushed into your mouth a little deeper and you continued to let her. Not once did you break eye contact, even as Wanda’s twisted smile grew. Finally, after a moment, Wanda pulled her fingers from your mouth, only to grab your chin and keep your head tilted upward in a painful position. “It’s too fucking easy,” Wanda sneered.  She let go of your chin then and you took a moment to look down and give your neck a break. 
You didn’t notice then that Wanda was backing up from you for just a second. When you ran your eyes up Wanda’s legs to meet where her hands were you realized she was tugging at the buckle to her jeans. You watched with wide eyes as she undressed in front of you before stepping right back up to you. All the while, your mind was screaming at you to put a stop to this. All you had to do was kick her out, right? So why did you just stay on your knees and stare? 
“Wanda, maybe we should-” You were cut off by the hand that shot out and tangled in your hair again, giving it a hard tug.
“Shhh, baby,” Wanda cooed. “Let me use your mouth for something else.”
You flushed and those alarm bells in your mind sounded louder, but still you reluctantly nodded. There was something deeper inside you that said you needed this. You needed to please Wanda. It felt so horribly wrong to give into this feeling that you thought you had buried deeper inside yourself. But then Wanda was tugging you closer until suddenly you were between her legs, being practically smothered by her already wet pussy and all of those alarm bells silenced all at once. That feeling you thought you had buried got stronger with the way Wanda was rolling her hips against your face and your hands went out to brace yourself on her thighs. As she began to ride your face the moans she was letting out were just spurring that feeling on until nothing felt wrong anymore and everything about tonight felt just so fucking right. 
You were surrounded by Wanda. Her hands held your head still as she fucked herself on your mouth and all you could do was take in every moment of Wanda as she used you. And it was fucking glorious. You didn’t think you could miss something so much and be totally unaware of it. Or, it wasn’t that you were unaware… It was that you got so good at ignoring it that when you finally acknowledged your need to indulge in your Wanda problem it woke back up with a roar. 
Wanda’s hands were tugging hard at your hair as she kept riding your face. She was moaning your name as she moved and you did your best to encourage more of the sounds she was making above you. Your tongue lapped hungrily at her clit as best as you could with each time she would grind down onto you. You didn’t even care that you were being slightly suffocated by her. Wanda was overloading all your senses right now and all you could do was greedily accept it. It was like a fucked up rush of twisted joy was coursing through your veins as she practically fucked your face. She was using you like an object, no ounce of gentleness left in her as she got herself off, and meanwhile you were just happy to be useful. 
The part of your brain that should feel shame for all of this was finally, utterly switched off as Wanda repeated how good you were being for her and how much she missed your mouth when she came all over your lips. Her hips stopped after a moment and she released your hair. You took in large gulps of air you didn’t realize you needed until you felt the burning in your lungs. Wanda also seemed a little frazzled, like the intensity of her own orgasm had taken even her by surprise. But after a moment of catching her own breath, she slipped back into the collected, controlled Wanda you knew. 
“Get up,” Wanda ordered and you did what she said. Your legs felt a bit weak as you struggled to stand, but Wanda was on you in a second, steadying you by the elbow so that you didn’t topple over on yourself. It was the smallest action that didn’t even really mean kindness, but you were so far gone into Wanda again that even that made your heart swell. 
“Take your clothes off and meet me in your bedroom.” Wanda’s hands were back on you, already tugging at your dress and pulling it off for herself without waiting for you to fulfill her request. You did the rest before looking back up at Wanda. She looked at you with an excitement that had you curious. Seeing the curiosity in your eyes she answered before you could even ask. “I have a surprise for you.”
Your eyes scanned the room you two were in. How did she have a surprise when she came here empty handed? 
Wanda’s grin grew wider until you started to feel the drunkenness that came with being with her start to get replaced with something else. “It’s waiting for you in your bedroom,” She winked.
“Waiting in my…” You were trying to connect some dots. 
“Bedroom,” Wanda finished. “Now, come on.” You felt like your whole body had stalled as you tried to think through things. How was there a surprise there left by Wanda? She hadn’t left your sight since she showed up at your door. 
Wanda tugged on your hand and you realized she was pulling you in the exact direction toward your bedroom. Your apartment had multiple rooms: one your office, one your bathroom, and one your bedroom. So how could she possibly know to go to the right one? Your stomach dropped as she tugged you closer. 
You started to drag your feet and Wanda paused for a second, looking back at you with thinly veiled frustration.
“How do you know where my bedroom is?”
“Lucky guess,” She shrugged and you could hear the irritation in her voice.
“Wanda, what’s waiting for me in there?” Your blood ran cold as you asked that question, realizing you were suddenly terrified of the answer. 
“A surprise.” Wanda’s voice was devoid of excitement as she said it this time. You realized she was getting angry and this was your warning to stop pressing. But there were two things wrong with this moment right now: What was behind your bedroom door and how had Wanda been in there without you noticing?
“Wanda, have you…” You didn’t want to ask it, but you had to. “Have you been here before?”
Wanda snorted at that and gave a hard tug on your hand, pulling you with surprising force right up into her personal space. Her hands then moved to grab hard at your hips so that she could press her own bare body into yours without you being able to escape. “Stop acting stupid,” Wanda leaned forward to whisper into your ear, her voice eerily sweet. “I’ve been here the whole time.”
“W-What?” It felt like the air was knocked out of you. Wanda’s nails dug into your sides as she held you there. 
“Did you think I would just let you leave?” Wanda chuckled. “I’ve been here, waiting the whole time. I know you could feel me… Especially at night.” Wanda’s nails dragged up your bare skin. “When you were alone. I know it was me you were thinking of.”
A flush grew on your cheeks and you wondered, with horror, how much of what Wanda was saying was a guess and how much of it was her watching you when you never even knew. 
“Why now then? Why reveal this to me now?” That’s what was really bothering you. Somehow, the rest of this wasn’t surprising. It was on brand with how she was before you left her. Controlling and secretive. She hadn’t changed a bit. Right now, you were shocked and furious, but still you couldn’t silence the fucked up voice deep inside you that said you wer relieved she was back. Wanda was a piece of you that you desperately wished you didn’t need, but as much as you tried to tell yourself you didn’t belong to her, tonight proved that you might always feel that way. 
“Because,” Wanda seemed to be blatantly annoyed with you now. “That girl was getting too close this time.”
Kate. You had honestly forgotten all about Kate. Letting Wanda touch and use you had wiped any thoughts of any other woman out of your mind. In fact, until this moment,  you forgot that you should feel angry and embarrassed for being rejected and stood up. You had just been so lost in Wanda’s return that everything else melted away. But now… Now you weren’t feeling anger towards Kate. No, with the way Wanda spat out the word “girl” as she spoke, you realized she was probably well aware of who Kate was. You were concerned. 
“What?” You ripped yourself from Wanda’s grasp and took a few steps back. “Wanda, what did you do?”
“Only what I had to.” She followed each of your steps with a long stride of her own. “She wanted what’s not hers. I couldn’t have that, now could I?” The way she was looking at you as she cocked her head to the side sent a chill down your spine. Maybe this wasn’t actually the Wanda you knew. Maybe she had changed. When you were together you had seen a lot of sides of her, but not this one. This one made your palms sweat and your stomach turn. You’d never seen Wanda hurt another person, but just because you didn’t see it didn’t mean she wasn’t capable of it. What did she do to Kate?
“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” Wanda scoffed. “She’s not dead.”
Thank fucking god, you thought. Maybe Wanda was just exaggerating. Hopefully, Kate was just fine. Although, your gut was telling you everything wasn’t quite that simple.
“You’ll see,” Wanda reached out her hand and cupped your chin. Your eyes met hers and you saw the sadistic twinkle in her eye as she grinned down at you. “It’s part of your surprise.” 
You gulped at that, not liking the sound of it one bit. At this point in the night you made a lot of choices with Wanda already that you promised you wouldn’t do and the way she was acting now was making you sick to your stomach. She needed to leave, tonight needed to be over. Tomorrow you’d go to work and hopefully see Kate there in one piece. And if she was then you’d apologize profusely for whatever Wanda did to scare her off from your date. 
“Wanda, you need to leave.” As much as you tried to sound commanding, your voice was weak and shaky. Wanda’s smirk just grew and you realized now she was looking at you like you were her prey and she was about to pounce.
“Now, now,” She tsked as her thumb went up to press against your lips. “It’s really hard to take you seriously when you still have my cum glistening on your lips, pet.” 
You tore your head away from her and wiped at your mouth, as if that would make any difference in erasing what had just transpired between you two. You let her claim you, you let her mark you. You almost let her take you to your bedroom and fuck you senseless until the pain and humiliation of tonight were washed away. Of course, now that humiliation was back tenfold and mixed with it was a gut wrenching fear for Wanda you had never felt before. 
“If I had let that girl show up for your… date,” Wanda practically spit the word out. “Then, you wouldn’t have gotten a taste of mommy’s cum now would you?”
You were speechless. The way she was talking, the way she was acting. Was this how Wanda was all along? It made you scared, so scared that you quaked where you stood. But also… the way she had been handling you all night, claiming you, mixed with the glint in her eyes as she realized she had you right where she wanted you and the demanding tone she was taking… As sickening as it was, it excited you. 
Like a light switch the frustration left Wanda’s face and was again replaced with the excitement she had before. Wanda’s hands were back on you, turning you around and leading you back towards the dreaded surprise that awaited you in your bedroom. Despite what it all meant, you let her guide you without any more protest. “Close your eyes,” Wanda whispered in your ear. “And don’t open them until I tell you to.”
For whatever reason, you did exactly what she said. It was like you were wired to obey her. Like someone else stepped inside your body and now you were doing all the opposite things you should do. Except, you couldn’t blame anyone else but yourself. You knew, this was all you. This was why you ran, because you were Wanda’s little play toy and you wanted to be more than that. At least, you thought you wanted to be more than that. 
The creak of the door swinging open brought you out of your thoughts and you knew your way around your apartment well enough to know Wanda was leading you to your bed. With both her hands on your shoulders, she pushed you down until you were forced to sit on the edge of your bed. Still, you kept your eyes closed. No matter how anxious you were, you were going to be good for her. You needed to be good for her. 
You could hear Wanda take a few steps back from you, but you still had no idea what this surprise was. Something told you, in your gut, that it wasn’t going to be a good one. Yet, still you were so ready to accept whatever Wanda had to give you that, with a wave of shame, you didn’t think you cared whatever it might be. 
“Open them,” Wanda ordered. You opened your eyes slowly, just as you were told. First, you just stared at Wanda. She was beaming as she stood in front of you. Then, you turned your eyes to the side and practically leapt out of your own skin. “Do you like it?”
All you could do was sit and stare. There she was, Kate Bishop, bound and gagged. She was helplessly facing where you sat, restrained on your own office chair. You should’ve felt embarrassed or ashamed that she was seeing you in such a state of undress, but you were still in way too much shock to process much of anything. 
Wanda, in the meantime, was circling the bed. You didn’t really pay much attention to her at this point, still just fixated on the way Kate pulled at her bindings, trying to lean towards you. Kate’s eyes, at first, weren’t even looking at you. They were glaring at Wanda, as if she was trying to break free and protect you. But you knew. You weren’t the one in need of protection. Even in Wanda’s grasp, you knew that in her twisted possessive mind, it wasn’t you she felt threatened by. It was Kate. The woman who, as Wanda saw it, tried to take what was hers. 
You felt a dip in the mattress as Wanda crawled to you from the other side of the bed. Once she reached you, she stopped, kneeling directly behind you. Wanda’s hands came to circle around your waist and you let her. Your mind hadn’t told you to do anything to stop her, to take any kind of action at all. The logical part of your mind told you to untie Kate, but then a larger part of you, the part that told you that you were way too far gone, demanded you don’t displease Wanda anymore. 
Hands moved all over your body, running up and down your sides, groping your breasts, nails leaving marks in their wake. It was causing Kate to practically growl through the cloth muffling her mouth. 
“Oh, look at her,” Wanda pretended to pout as she cupped your chin and turned your head to meet Kate’s desperate eyes. “The poor girl is in love with you. She thought tonight would be the start of some big love story. She was stupid enough to brag about it with anyone who would listen. Too bad she doesn’t know you’re really just a pathetic little thing already ruined by me. Isn’t that right?”
Wanda’s hold on your chin grew tighter and you held back a wince. You knew she was waiting for an answer, but as Kate’s panicked gaze searched your face you felt too ashamed to utter a single word.
“I almost feel bad for her,” Wanda continued when you didn’t speak. “I mean, I can relate. Much like her, I wanted you the moment I saw you too. But she and I have one big difference…” Wanda dropped your chin again and her hands made their way down your body. You let out a gasp when you felt a hand move straight down between your legs and cup your pussy. 
“I already fucking took what I wanted,” Wanda snarled as you felt two fingers enter you. Your hand flew to Wanda’s wrist at the surprise intrusion, but you couldn’t help that your previous gasp had turned into a pathetic moan. “And I’m never letting you have her.” She punctuated each word with a pump of her fingers and you bit down hard on your lip to stop the sounds that were threatening to fall from you. Kate was thrashing in the chair in front of you and your eyes dropped to the floor. Your fingers flexed around Wanda’s wrist, but you still didn’t pull her away. At this point the only thing on your mind was to make her happy, regardless of the horrifying circumstances. Wanda has scared you tonight, she has made you take a giant backstep to which you won’t ever return from and she’s gone to lengths you’d never expect. Except, you were just too far gone now. 
Feeling Wanda inside you again was earth shattering. You’d spent so many nights alone and in those frustrating nights you had told yourself you just wanted somebody, anybody to hold you. That was a fucking lie. You wanted- No, needed Wanda. You were hers and no amount of time or distance changed a damn thing about that. It took one night, less than three hours even for you to fall back into place with her and realize just how deeply you needed to be hers. Wanda’s goal this whole time was to remind you and teach you and Kate a lesson and unfortunately for the both of you, the lesson was learned. You didn’t think you’d ever have the strength, courage, or even sense to leave Wanda ever again after this. 
With Wanda’s fingers pumping inside you and her bare body pressed to your back, your head was swimming. Never mind the poor girl who was forced to watch helplessly. Your eyes squeezed shut at the magnitude of shame you had for enjoying this as much as you were while Kate looked at you with what was possibly the most heartbreaking expression you’d ever seen. 
Before Wanda could make you cum she withdrew her fingers. You couldn’t help the whimper that left your lips at that, but quickly bit your lip again to keep from making too much noise. With the circumstances, it felt wrong to be enjoying all of this as much as you did. but this was Wanda. The one person who knew your body better than anyone else. Even after almost a year apart, she hadn’t forgotten the way you liked it when she curled her fingers inside you or the way you’d get so wet from her treating you in such a rough manner. 
At one point, when you were with her, you wondered what you had become. Never did you think you’d be someone who let another person utterly own your entire being, body and all. When you left you thought you could free yourself of that. But if you learned anything tonight, it was that you still belonged to Wanda. With the measures she had gone to and the way you kept letting her do whatever she wanted to you, that fact was pretty clear. 
You twisted your head around to see what Wanda was doing, only to watch her reach under your own pillow. What she revealed was very familiar to you; a dark red strap on that Wanda used to love to use on you. She kept it. Your eyes widened as you realized she wasn’t going to let you off the hook any time soon tonight. Or Kate for that matter. 
Your head turned back to Kate who had stopped struggling to stare in shock at Wanda too. For a moment you thought to get up and actually help Kate, if only so she didn’t have to watch what was to come next. Only, it seemed like Wanda knew exactly what you were considering, because she was on you before you could move a muscle. 
With a surprised yelp, Wanda had your body turned and your back hitting the bed in mere seconds. She swung her leg over your body at that and you just stared up at her as her predatory smile slowly turned to Kate. “Look at you,” Wanda was directly talking to Kate now. “This is killing you isn’t it?” Wanda’s hands were slipping under your knees now, bending them so that they could hook around your waist. The toy was lined up and your chest was heaving in anticipation. Anxiety was coursing through your veins, but so was this hard to ignore, appalling feeling of anticipation and excitement for what was to come. For what you missed so desperately. 
You held your breath as Wanda entered you with the toy that you never quite got used to back when you two were together. Now, since you were out of practice, the familiar burn of it stretching your pussy out reminded you of the very first time she used it on you. You squeezed your eyes shut again and couldn’t stop the pitiful groan that left your lips. 
Wanda chuckled from above you before she finally bottomed out inside you. “Was this how you planned to fuck her?” Wanda was still talking to Kate as she began to rock her hips. “Or were you going to be gentle? See the thing with her is… She likes to be ruined.” Your fingers tangled in the sheets as you tried your best to get used to how big her cock was inside you. Your desire for Wanda was completely in control at this point, letting Wanda start a steady pace with no intentions of stopping her. The way you could hear Kate struggling made you feel sick, but the way you never wanted Wanda to stop, despite her presence, made that feeling worse. 
Wanda’s pace kept increasing. Her body bent over you until she was pressed against you. The way she pumped into you was making the whole bed rock and the burn of her practically abusing your pussy had finally turned into extreme pleasure in a way that had your body arching into hers. You had totally given into this feeling now, all thoughts of Kate gone and replaced with how much you wanted Wanda to just keep claiming you in the way that she was. 
“Tell me,” Wanda growled into your ear this time as her hips slowed for a moment. “Do you really think she could fuck you like this?” 
“N-no,” you were trying to catch your breath as you spoke. 
Wanda snapped her hips hard and you immediately cried out again. “What was that? I don’t think she heard you.” 
“No!” You cried. “Fuck! No, only you can. Only you. Only-”
“Shhh, that’s my girl.” Wanda’s hand stroked down your cheek as she picked up the pace yet again. Her hand moved down your jaw until it stopped right on your throat. Her fingers wrapped around your neck and she squeezed. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt you, but still enough to make you struggle to take the much needed deep breathes as she fucked you as hard as she did. 
All sounds of Kate’s struggles were lost on your ears. Your body was trembling and you were two seconds from falling apart all over Wanda’s cock. Wanda was loving every second of it. She was moaning in your ear as she kept fucking you harder, just the sight of you turned her on beyond belief. The way her hand flexed and squeezed slightly more on your neck mixed with the way she was pumping herself into you with such a force had strangled moans coming from you with abandon. It took more strong snaps of her hips before you were falling apart on top of her with a miserable cry.
Wanda’s hips slowed when you came down from your orgasm and her hand left your neck. You took loud, gasping breaths for air. Your body was spent and splayed out on the mattress. Wanda was looking down at you with such a satisfied grin on her face and for a moment all you could think of was wanting Wanda to make you cum again. Except then you remembered.
Your head slowly turned to see Kate still there, bound with tears running down her face. What now? That was the only thing running through your mind. 
Wanda’s hand came back to your chin, turning your head so you were facing her again. The shame that was coursing through your veins again felt louder, more painful. Except she was stroking your cheek, looking down at you with more pride in her eyes than you’d ever seen before. 
“Shhh,” she soothed. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything. Then you and I are going to go somewhere far away.”
You couldn’t help the shiver of fear that ran through your body as Wanda kept stroking your cheek in a gentle way that you hadn’t seen since she first arrived. Something told you that you didn’t really have a choice, but to go. 
A thousand scenarios ran through your mind about what Wanda was going to do with Kate. You felt pity for her and embarrassment at what she had witnessed. 
“I’ll go.” You heard yourself before you could even think about what you were saying. “But let Kate go.”
Wanda frowned for a moment, her hand pausing on your cheek. She looked over at Kate and then back down at you, the frown quickly leaving and being replaced with a conniving. “If I promise to let her go, you must promise to never try to leave again.”
You nodded furiously, taking this one chance to get Wanda to do your bidding. Kate would be free, even if it meant that you sealed your fate. Only, little did Wanda know, after tonight you didn’t think you’d ever have the strength to leave her again. She was the one thing you wanted that you wished you didn’t. She was in your veins, she was your entire being. You were hers completely and nothing, no amount of time or space, would ever set you free. 
You surrendered to Wanda the moment you saw her again. Even if you tried to leave once, you knew Wanda was going to spend a lot of time reminding you that you would never be able to leave again. 
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shalotttower · 8 months
A Heart Deceived
Title: A Heart Deceived
Fandom: Far Cry 5
Characters: Jacob Seed x Reader (female)
Summary: AU where soulmates share the same marking and Jacob doesn't have to brand you any further.
Word count: 2900+
Notes: soulmates, yandere!Jacob Seed, Reader is not the Deputy, captivity, violence, emotional manipulation, dub-con kissing, scars and injuries description: Reader has a mutilated ear and facial scars from a wolf attack and is not happy about it, a mild form of Stockholm Syndrome.
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His fingers are surprisingly gentle. You don't expect it from him, the gentleness, Jacob is not kind or caring. Jacob is not warm, not nurturing, not indulgent. Yet his thumb skims across your jaw with quiet focus. Down the side of your neck, up your chin to follow the slanted line there, then it repeats the whole procedure on a different scar. They had long healed by now and turned into uneven ridges of mismatched tissue.
It hurt when the damned wolf bit you, the next day, and for many following days; the effective and precise killing machine aimed for the throat, and if you didn't twist the last moment, would have succeeded.
Jacob never punished the wolf, it was serving its purpose, while you, you were supposed to think before acting and understand the possible consequences.
The pain could be endured and later forgotten, what could not was the humiliation of lying on the dirty ground and the shiny view of Jacob's boots growing larger until they stopped in the line of your vision. A moment of painful awareness: the escape attempt which failed so abruptly and so brutally had become laughable. Jacob grabbed your hair and shook you like a disobedient puppy. "That's on you, sweetheart. Be wary of the quiet ones, they say."
Those last words sounded as if he were talking to himself, rather than anyone else.
"I warned you."
He did.
Jacob is right, not in everything, but in many things. One can try and deny it, another can scoff, but the bottom line is the same: Jacob is right in many things, and at times it's better to listen. Even despite an involuntary gagging reaction.
Your heart hammered and every single beat of it brought to the surface what you already knew — there would be no other attempts. The paleness from fear or perhaps blood loss must've shown on your face, because he let go of you and crouched down. "Pathetic."
It lacked genuine heat, disappointment, or any emotion. Being disappointed would mean that Jacob expected something in the first place. He pulled off his jacket and pressed it to your face, stemming the bleeding. The ground seemed more interesting than ever, dry soil dotted with rocks and grass blades scattered everywhere, trampled by people's feet.
You don't want to look at him or acknowledge the touch to a small sword on your wrist, identical to the one above his left elbow. The mark is a clean reminder and a binding claim for life. You don't want to see it or remember how Jacob's face twisted when he realized just who you were.
Like someone had slapped him.
A lot has happened; Montana turned different from what you saw on TV and the world suddenly shifted under your feet, rearranged from a little road trip across the states into his territory, his commands, his people. A part of you — a foolish, soft part — wished you could've met under different circumstances, in a different place and you told him once about it in a moment of weakness. Jacob stilled at first, but then kept cleaning his gun. "We're here, sweetheart. Nothing we can do 'bout it."
Could've beens and never happeneds weren't worth wasting thoughts on.
Now Jacob is tracing your scars. He's not handsome, not really, there's too much roughness to the lines of his face, dark circles and untrimmed beard, but... you frown. You don't know how to describe Jacob Seed or why you even bother trying. It's odd to think about him this way. Weird.
Jacob catches your eyes. "What?"
You close them. "Nothing."
He makes a noncommittal sound, then leans in. The kiss to your forehead is unexpected and brief. A lot of them are — quick kisses on your temple when Jacob thinks you're asleep, on your nape when he leaves the bed before dawn. They make you wonder just what he wants from you.
He never expects affection back.
Doesn't try anything further, and you both are suspended in this limbo, neither being the first to break it, nor acknowledge its growing significance with every passing day. One part of you craves it, to yield in a different way, not because it is required, but because you want, yet Jacob doesn't ask, so perhaps it's for the better.
Another gets nauseous. He breaks people. Like dry twigs, discarding the pieces when they have no more use. You've seen his Chosen training until they begged, cried and crawled, their pride crushed along with the body.
There are days you can't bear looking at him.
Sometimes, sometimes, you wish him dead and gone from the world, then the mark on your wrist aches like a fresh wound.
"When will you take off the chain?" You ask and wiggle your foot a bit. It's long enough to reach the bathroom, to wander around the quarters, but not to walk outside. Jacob doesn't look up from his book. The cover is worn out and you suspect he read it many times already, military stuff. Strategy. Survival tactics, you have no idea.
"When I know you've learned your lesson."
So, not today.
You sigh and roll onto your stomach. "It's stupid."
He doesn't respond.
It's annoying more than anything. Reason — you're his soulmate, not some runaway cow ready to get lost in Montana wilderness — didn't help and only gained you a blank stare followed by a lock click. The chain rattles with each movement, loud and distracting; Jacob just keeps reading as if nothing happens.
Sometimes, sometimes, you catch yourself thinking that this isn't so bad after all. He treats you well for a cult leader: fed, clothed, clean, sheltered. Compared to the cages his future Chosen sleep in, you don't get to complain. You have a comfortable bed instead of cold dirty floor, normal meals rather than a chunk of raw meat, privacy and silence without old school music 24/7.
You frown. No, it's not nice. It's Stockholm Syndrome, plain and simple. You should be free, away from this place.
"Are you angry?"
Jacob turns another page. "No."
His room smells of pine wood and gun oil, with an undertone of metal. The furniture is scarce and practical. A wardrobe, a desk with a radio placed on top, one bookshelf. Bare walls except for a giant map pinned opposite the bed; you've memorized all the markings on it during your stay. The areas which got liberated by Deputy are red, his outposts are circled in blue. Jacob doesn't talk about Deputy much, but the way he clenches his jaw over the radio frequency makes you think they must be a real pain in the ass.
Secretly you hope they blow Eden's Gate HQ to pieces soon.
What would it mean for you?
These are questions, vague and inappropriately timed, coming to mind. What if Deputy happens to eventually tear the Project apart? They escaped John, escaped Jacob and you were to personally witness his foul mood for two days straight. You overhear bits and pieces of conversations, the Chosen talk if they think no one listens — Deputy is strong and clever. Persistent and cunning. Maybe that's the reason Jacob's so obsessed with them.
What if...
You glance at him from under your eyelashes and rub the mark. They say there's a connection between soulmates. If one dies, another experiences it on a physical level. Jacob said that was bullshit. His brother didn't confirm or deny when you asked him after a sermon.
Joseph Seed unnerves you. Not just because he believes himself to be God's vessel. There is something in his voice, quiet and soothing like the distant rolls of thunder, it raises goosebumps when he starts preaching and you're forced to sit through it. Something in his eyes behind yellow-tinted glasses sends shivers down your spine, very little to do with his religious fanaticism.
What would you feel if Jacob died?
The thought creates an unpleasant twist in your stomach, unwanted bond or not, it leaves you queasy. You curl on the bed. Jacob has reading glasses, you barely held back a snort the first time you saw them propped up his nose. He shoots a flat look from above the pages but doesn't comment on your inquisitive stare.
By now you know when to speak and to remain silent (mostly). He dislikes unruly ones and finds satisfaction showing them just how insignificant they are, how mistaken in every single sense. Weak. That's why you annoy him mildly when feeling particularly brave or in need of interaction, but never play soldier or power. It triggers something which is best avoided, gets people punished, then shot in front of others. Or sent for trials, you're not sure which is worse.
Jacob marks a page and sets the book aside. "What?"
"What 'what'?" You ask back, fiddling with the hem of a grey camouflage shirt. It's way too big on your frame, Jacob likes the look of it, judging by how much of your wardrobe consists of his stuff now that you don't leave the room.
"I can hear the wheels in your head turning, spit it out."
"What would happen to me if something... happened to you?"
You're afraid of saying 'if you die' because it's final, even though Jacob seems invincible most of the times. A mountain against hurricanes. Yet everyone dies eventually and the Deputy keeps winning against all odds set before them.
"Nothing. Joseph takes care of you."
This is news, and frankly not the answer you hoped for.
('You'd go free' was. He didn't say 'I won't die' either.)
Tension seeps into your shoulders without a conscious thought. "Why? I am nobody to him."
"You are my soulmate," Jacob replies, simple as that, like it explains everything. Perhaps in their cult world it does, but not yours.
He pats his thigh.
It's a gesture without much interpretation required, but you stay rooted on the bed. Cautious. You've grown familiar with each other after living together for months — sharing a space tends to do this to people — still tonight is different, full with awkwardness you haven't felt since that time he walked in on you changing.
Jacob's stare is intense. Heavy, cold blue eyes linger on your wrist where the sword surrounded by flames peeks from under the long sleeve. You swallow a lump in your throat and get up on unsteady legs.
"So he will do it out of memory. You're family, pup, whether you wish it or not."
With the same caution you sit on his lap, war memories written in pink-red skin decorate his face. Just like yours, you think, the only difference is the place and origin. There's something intimate about being like this. Jacob holds you in place once you settle down, not comfortable, but not exactly uncomfortable either.
"Never took you for a cuddly type," you say to shield yourself from growing unease. "Why the change?"
Jacob's thumb presses to the corner of your lips. "Got tired of those puppy eyes staring at me the whole evening, sweetheart. You can have a closer look."
"I don't have puppy eyes. And maybe I like looking from afar."
His beard has a prickly feeling to it.
You know your face will never be the same after what happened. From his point of view, Jacob can probably see where the scars begin in the hairline, then continue downwards only an inch away from your eye; small miracles and such. Half of your ear is missing, a good solid chunk. It's not a nice look.
"Don't touch them," you mutter.
You don't mean to share your thoughts in such an abrupt manner, but these intimate moments become a source of discomfort, like a sharp, twisting knife. Jacob doesn't flinch at the sight, he probably saw worse things, still it feels humiliating being reminded of your shortcomings and the fact that this is your face — permanently marked.
Jacob doesn't stop.
"Beauty dies fast, darlin'," he says slowly. "This here... this'll stay."
He never sugarcoats anything. Never lies to spare feelings, ruthless and pragmatic with a clear understanding of what matters and what doesn't. Only the weak need empty reassurances; his words. You hate this side of Jacob just as much as admire it on occasion, right now you wish he said something else. Beauty dies fast.
"Thank you Jacob, very comforting. Top ten phrases you should tell someone who got mauled by a Judge." You cross your arms, wondering why the hell are you talking about this. With Jacob. The worst choice possible to bring up sensitive topics, or maybe the only one, since there's not a lot of people around anyway.
"I ain't here to stroke your ego, sweetheart. This," he traces a scar, "is a lesson to remember. Next time when thinking 'bout running — think again and think good."
There will be no next time regardless of how he phrases it. The chain rattles every night when you shift under the blankets and falls down with an annoying bang as soon as you get up. There's nowhere to run too, the Whitetail Mountains belong to Jacob, he rules them like a king would rule his kingdom, with iron fist and strict order, and who knows what the local Resistance will do to you if they catch you first.
If they figure out whose soulmate you are.
You're trapped between the Deputy destroying outposts and Jacob hunting them across the region, like a mouse stuck in a corner while cats keep prowling around.
The sky outside has an orange-pink hue, casting Jacob's face into soft light and deep shadows. He takes off his glasses, setting them on the book's cover, then wipes a stray tear from the corner of your eye. "You gonna cry over looks?"
You sniffle. "Yes. I wish I never met you."
He stiffens. For a second you worry it might have pushed a wrong button. Jacob never hurt you physically, still there's a healthy dose of fear, not necessarily born out of past experiences. At times his presence just radiates off in silent waves so thick you can feel them crashing into yourself before he walks away and doesn't return for days, leaving you alone with the Chosen stationed behind the doors to watch over and report back to their Herald.
Jacob leans closer until your foreheads almost press into each other.
He doesn't initiate touch often. Once in a while he lets you sleep on his arm instead of a pillow or allows you to sit closer than usual during meals, but that's it. There are boundaries set, most of them are unspoken rules which you picked up along the way: you can ask questions and be generally yourself within reason — as long as it doesn't border on disrespect, Jacob will tolerate occasional attitude in very small doses; you can request certain items provided he approves; he prefers silence during breakfast.
Never challenge him publicly and don't talk bad about his siblings.
This confession can't be taken back, nor do you wish to, because it's true. You regret meeting him, and it was much better to wonder and guess, create images of a faceless man somewhere in the depths of your mind and fantasize about possibilities. How does one even go back to normal life after this?
(Not that any chance of doing so exists in the foreseeable future.)
"I figured, darlin'," Jacob says finally. His voice lacks anger, as if he expected those words one day or another, Jacob isn't naive or stupid and is surprisingly aware of himself in a lot of matters, of the fact that very little would want to end up where he dragged you and being imprisoned under the heavy metal chain doesn't add to fond memories either. "Fair enough."
In all months you two lived together, sharing food and space, in all months, he never kissed you.
Now he does.
His lips are chapped, dry and slightly rough.
You find yourself going rigid at first, unsure what to make out of it. It's different from what you imagined, the fantasy version seemed more... violent and harsh, less intimate and private. He breaks the kiss briefly and then resumes it again.
Slow-slow-quick, Jacob steals your breath away bit by bit until your head spins, until your hands feel clammy and then, when you think you can't take it any longer, he pulls back.
"Won't apologize 'bout the scars, pup. You deserved a lesson."
Your throat feels parched.
"But not of this kind. Never wanted it for you."
It doesn't sound apologetic, neither regretful, but it is what it is, probably the closest to it Jacob will ever be capable of. His hand strokes the back of your neck in slow and repetitive circles, and in an odd way, it does seem soothing.
He takes you to bed minutes later, maneuvers you closer under the sheets and turns off the light. The window is open letting in the sounds of evening wildlife: crickets chirp loudly nearby, some owl hoots in the distance; Montana smells different than other states. Sharper, wilder. You lie like this for a bit, curled against his side and he's always so fucking warm, a human furnace incarnate.
"The moment I saw the marking — I wished you never met me too."
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dearestxiao · 7 months
the color blue: neon [part 2] | yandere xiao x reader, yandere venti x reader
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synopsis: the days until you finally meet your penpal has been ticking by so quickly, but with a new tutor, a clingy roommate, and a professor who seems to only want the worst for you, it's hard to keep track of time. WARNINGS: DARK CONTENT, yandere characters, creepy xiao is creepy (lots of potentially uncomfortable thoughts from his perspective), heavily implied stalking, possessiveness, manipulation, dub-con touching, student-teacher dynamic, age gap (reader is 21+ and zhongli is 27+, feel free to adjust as need be). let me know if I need to add anything! reader is gender neutral.
wc: 10.7k
author notes: I wanted to first say thank you for the wait, and I hope that everybody is able to enjoy the changes and edits I’ve made to the story. I also wanted to say thank you to the mutuals who had helped me create the original version of the story. it has been a long time since then, and I’m not entirely sure if they’re still active (OTZ), so I’m not sure if they would still like to be tagged but I am forever grateful to them. this is the last exposition heavy chapter, as well as my last read edit/re-upload of a chapter, so the next few chapters will be much meatier with new content!!! again, thank you so much for the wait. love you all! as always, reblogs are very appreciated if enjoyed and if possible!
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏” ♡♡♡ [part 1]
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dark content. minors do not interact. do not repost/link.
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from xiao's room, there's a perfect view of the town a bit away from campus that greets him everytime he steps inside. it's a gorgeous sight, which is something he could admit, even though he didn’t choose the place himself, one anyone would be grateful for. the town is bright and bustling even still, and it’s only now starting to dim down. it’s getting late into the night, with flashy lights and beautiful architecture and homey buildings, and so many people, people, people.
there are still families on an outing, and cute couples going on dates. shop owners sweeping around their store. he can see as the everyday salaryman walks back home, accompanying the students on their own way home from classes; he can see so many lives being lived from his isolated little tower.
and yet, on nights like these, no matter how enchanting the view, xiao usually prefers to keep his blinds tightly shutー out of sight, out of mind. jealousy is a vile thing, isn't it? it's nasty, tainting your view of the world, of the things you love. after the first few weeks after xiao had moved in, the view quickly lost the charm it once had. because at the end of the day, to him, the view only serves as a cruel reminder of just how alone xiao is and always has been.
it dangles around a painful reminder of the things xiao can never have. it's so close, yet so far out of reach.
but despite his usual bitterness, xiao doesn’t bother closing the blinds tonight, because tonight, he has hope, hope that he could one day be like the many walks of life he sees everyday from his apartment window. hope that he’ll have something worth wondering about.
xiao sits himself on his bed, the second biggest source of comfort in his life right now. for some reason, he feels awfully nervous. he knows why, but he can’t help but wish that awful feeling away. for a split second, he can’t help but wish he was as confident and fearless as... no. he won’t think like that, not right now, at least. he shakes away the thought. butterflies jitter all up and around his stomach as his shaky hands picks up his phone and dials numbers, your numbers. the digits are already memorized by heart.
he tries to calm his nerves as he presses the phone up to his ear after hitting the call button, nails digging into the pajamas he changed into when he got home. he thickly swallows, waiting as patiently as he can, like usual.
ring. rinnng. rinnnnnggg. 
it doesn't take too long for you to pick up.
"hello?" he finally hears.
it's only one word (and a pretty basic one at that), but xiao can already hear the soft underlying shyness of your voice. his mouth naturally opens a little agape. you've always been nervous around those you weren't close to. your voice sends him into a state of bliss, so much so his brain is too foggy to reply until you coo out another hello, questioning if anyone is there on the other line due to the silence.
he almost has to force himself to speak "It's… xiao," he blinks, not even saying hello back, "from professor zhongli's class," xiao almost slips up by saying the name you know him much better by. “you… we spoke on the train. I don’t know if you remember,” he manages to stutter out.
you had seemed pretty out of it when you two talked earlier that very same day. you must’ve been so exhausted to have fallen asleep like that, right next to him. he’s still replaying the site of it over and over, the way you were struggling so hard to stay awake, head bobbing back and forth. it was probably embarrassing for you, but it was a pleasant sight for him. the soft puff of your cheeks and the furrow of your brows, the shallowness of your breath and how relaxed you looked. it made him feel like a creep, staring at you in that state, such an intimate state, a vulnerable state. 
it’s why he had held back as long as he could before finally tapping you awake, wanting to bask in the precious sight for longer.
he snaps back to finally finish his explanation, “…you gave me your number earlier today," he says it less as a reminder to you, but instead as a reminder to himself. he bites his lip, waiting for you to respond, wishing he could see what you looked like right now.
in the meantime, he remembers how your eyes had begrudgingly opened back up at the feeling of him touching you. he remembers the warmth of your body that felt like it could melt his finger tips from the heat. he wishes he could see and feel both much more often, but xiao is patient. lord, is he patient.
he remembers how embarrassed you looked as you sat up in your seat, trying to reorient yourself. “sorry, what did you say?” you finally had spoken after getting settled. you must’ve been too frazzled to hear him the first time. he cleared his throat before he repeated himself, this time a little louder, a little less shy than the first time around.
“I asked which stop you get off at.” you looked at him with eyes big with confusion. he hoped, desperately (he’s always so desperate), that he hadn’t made you feel anything negative.
he made sure to explain the question in hopes that it made you feel more comfortable and not as confused. “…I can wake you up before you get there, if you’d like.”
despite his wants, he needed to make sure you were safe, and were able to actually get home. if he didn’t ‘protect’ you, who would? definitely not that roommate of yours.
to his (would be short-lived) disappointment you had shaken your head. “no, it’s fine. I really shouldn’t have fallen asleep in the first place.” you had paused for a short second before saying, “thank you, though, xiao.” he doesn’t like to remember how he almost shivered at the sound of his name coming from your lips, nor how he had to turn his head as he nodded because he could feel heat creep up it. 
"oh, yes, xiao! sorry, I wasn't expecting you to call so soon. what can I do for you?"
“you asked on the train if I could tutor you. I wanted to set something up.”
it’s true, even if xiao can’t believe it himself. he knew this day would come, but didn’t expect it to be this soon. after several minutes of silence between you two, (or at least as silent as it could be on a train), you had turned to him, as if remembering something, getting his attention before you asked him something.
“sorry if this is coming out of nowhere. I was wondering if…” you took a breath, and xiao had almost sworn you were bordering scared as you finished your question. “I was wondering if you could possibly tutor me for zhonglis class? I don’t know if you’d be able to, but I spoke to him earlier today, and he recommended asking you for help.”
and of course he had said yes, to your surprise. he remembers thinking, silently, that maybe the universe was rewarding him for being so patient, and he had to keep his cool the best he could. 
now here he is, actually setting something up. “would tomorrow with you?”
"yes!," you let out a nervous little laugh at your uncontrollable excitement. xiao can just picture the smile you have on your face, all shy and awkward and cute. "that would work great, I think. I really wasn't expecting you to set something up so quickly. I'm grateful though."
xiao would make the tutoring session today during the dead of night if he could. of course he would set something up so quickly.
you don't need to know that, though.
xiao hums at your words. "we… we can have our first session at my place, if you're comfortable with that." he realizes he might be coming off too strong, so he adds, "but we can have it somewhere else too." he hopes you agree to the first suggestion though.
"t-that'd be great, yeah. whatever works for you, works for me."
"I'll text you the address and the time, then… and we can discuss more sessions or a schedule and stuff further.”
"that sounds good. thank you so much again." you repeat, and he can hear the relief in your voice. it should be him thanking you, really. 
"of course. goodnight."
“goodnight!” you repeat before you both hang up. a wave of bliss strikes his body.
but he isn’t going to sleep, not yet, atleast. Instead, he’s going to stay up all night, right in front of his window, thinking of all the possible lives he’s about to live.
he’ll make sure to thank zhongli for that in the morning.
ーーー NEW MESSAGE ーーー ☆
[name]: I don't think you understand how nervous I am right now
[name]: my hands are shaking and everything
alatus: why? is something wrong?
[name]: you know how I told you how I wasn't doing the greatest in one of my courses?
alatus: of course. did something happen?
[name]: the most intimidating guy I've ever met in my life is my tutor now
[name]: and I have no idea how this first session is gonna go
alatus: I think you’ll be fine. you shouldn’t worry yourself
alatus: you should let me know how everything goes.
xiao's home is, to put it simply, unique.
you were left awestruck as soon as you stepped into the small but gorgeous studio apartment, shocked by both the feeling of jealousy creeping up your spine and the thought of how someone could possibly afford such an apartment, especially as a college student. no matter how xiao manages to afford his place, though, his home daunts over you. 
there's a large window that lines the wall his bed and desk are propped up against and you can't help but imagine just how xiao would look as he looked out of it and at the bustling city. the glass is frosted and wet from the pitter pattering rain that seems to persist in the cool weather of october. it's a little messy, books scattered about here and there and takeout bags littering the table, and the amount of lighting in this room seems to be as minimal (and as cold) as can be, but it's nothing too bad at all. nothing that you could complain about, at least. 
there's so many things inside his house, so many things your eyes are drawn to, like his big bookcase and comfy bed and his expensive computer setup, and yet it feels so... lonely. devoid of life, even. maybe it's the look of the gloomy black walls and the fact that the only lighting xiao has is a tall floor lamp and the light that comes through his window, but you've never seen such a full home feel so empty. no plants except for one little succulent that's looking worse for wear, no photos of friends or family, no bright colors, no pets to breathe life into the place, no companion to help make this house a home. nothing.
you're suddenly grateful you have such a lively roommate.
it's been a few minutes since xiao had let you in, greeting you in his comfy hoodie and baggy pants, hair put up into a messy bun, before attending to something on his computer (an important email you think, or at least something along those likes, something urgent), telling you to sit wherever you'd like and that he'll be with you shortly. you had nodded while leaving your shoes at the door, asking him if his bed would be a seat he's okay with you being on, garnering a hum in response from him.
"...I'll sit here then, since it'll be close to you and stuff," you murmur, admittedly a bit more nervous and unconfident sounding than you'd like. you plop yourself onto xiao's bed, placing your bag at your feet in front of the bed for easy access. xiao takes what's meant to be a quick glance at you, but he's unable to look away.
he knows it's creepy to say, especially when you're just sitting down so innocently, but the sight is better than what he's fantasized about. he's thought of you so many times in his bed, cuddling with him and running your hands through his hair and letting him press kisses into your face and collar bones. he's thought about waking you up with breakfast and how you'd smile and thank him even if he can't cook very well, but he's willing to learn a couple recipes for you. he's thought about laying there with you after a long day, letting you ramble as he listened like he does as alatus. he's thought about how he'd great you once he comes home like you probably do with venti, watching your form as he wait on his bed for him.
and, most of all, he's thought about the way you'd cry and sob and call him a monster once the day that you find out that his bed is now yours and that this apartment is now your home, trapped forever with him, finally comes.
one day you'll be here permanently, he's sure of it. baby steps first, though.
xiao doesn't realize that in the midst of his thinking, he's been absolutely staring you down, and considering that xiao has a naturally viscous (bitchy) looking resting face, you can't help but squirm under his gaze. "xiao? I can... move, if you'd like."
"no, I just..." he clears his throat before looking back at the work in front of him. "sorry, I zoned out for a second. you can stay there if it feels comfortable. whatever you want." the words come out as a sort of awkward, almost inaudible mumble.
is this supposed to be as awkward and tense feeling as it is?
you nod at his words, albeit a little hesitant, further settling into the soft plush of his bed. your brain is still convinced that he might want you to move, but you decide to just stay where you are. you reach down from your seat, pulling out everything you would need from your bag, waiting patiently for any instructions. the soft clicking of xiao's keyboard and the sound of rain hitting against the window fill the otherwise silent room, and honestly, given the atmosphere and the way xiao's room is so dark and cozy and how warm and inviting his bed is, you're tempted to fall asleep.
xiao's presence, though nerve-wracking, makes you feel at home. it feels familiar. you wouldn't mind falling asleep near him again.
but today's (sadly) not the day for resting. xiao finishes whatever he's working on, closing out of the tab and turning his chair to face your spot on the bed. he brushes a piece of his hair back and out of the way, uncovering the eyebrow piercing the bothersome piece had previously hid. his eyes look dead, tired dark circles laying underneath, and yet he still forces himself to speak, like a zombie who simply refuses to just give up and die.
"did you have anything specific in mind that you want to go over?"
you take a second to think, humming in response. zhongli never truly specified what you needed to brush up upon, only that the last few assignments weren't up to his standards, whatever that means. "I don't know. maybe everything from the last few weeks? I'm not so sure."
he too lets out a soft little hum as he thinks for a moment. he's never tutored before, and he's pretty sure he doesn't even have the qualifications to actually be of any sort of help. he makes it up as he goes.
“on the back of your textbook, there's a study guide that covers all the chapters inside." he gently motions for you to give him the book sitting on your lap, flipping to the page before handing it back to you. "I want you to do the questions of the study guide that cover the chapters we've already read in class. then I'll... assess you from there, and we can come up with a plan.”
it seems like a lot of work, and that's because it is. the longer you spend here (the more he can milk this session for everything it's worth), the better.
you nod, moving to get to work immediately, putting your full effort into the task at hand. you both work silently, xiao clicking at his keys alongside the noise of you flipping through the pages of your textbook and jotting answers down. the noises compliment one another well, creating a lingering sense of peace and calm in the air. you find yourself getting stuck on one or two of the questions, but… surprisingly breezing through the rest, and after a while of working, you gently speak his name, alerting him that you've finished. he’s quick to take your work, starting his inspection of it. 
your hands can’t help but get a little clammy as you watch as he reads through your answers, analyzing each and every single written word. in the meantime, you’re doing a little analysis of your own, trying to distract your mind from feeling any more nervous than you realistically should. 
your eyes flick from his messy hair, to the beauty mark almost right in the middle of his forehead, then to the soft dusting of red eyeshadow under his eyes. you look at how he runs a finger against the words on the page, too, almost subconsciously, and though you can’t really tell from this angle what he’s doing, you think he’s more so tracing the letters you’ve written than using it as a means to follow along. he almost looks entranced. you don’t know what to expect from xiao, can’t even guess what he’s thinking, and the furrowed eyebrows on his face definitely don’t make you feel any better. 
you sit there, idley, awkwardly, fidgeting for what seemed like more than just a few minutes, before xiao finally speaks up. 
you can barely hear him as he speaks, his words hushed and muffled. "you... need a lot of brushing up on the content, and your answers… lack good explanations and reasoning." he hands you back your work, sending you an almost sympathetic look. "I can see why zhongli believes you need help,” he adds.
it's a lie, of course, but you don't need to know that, not when zhongli had so delicately laid down the groundwork for all of this to happen in the first place. most of your answers were just fine as is, at least from what he lightly skimmed through.
still, he can't help but feel guilty when that look of embarrassment washes over your face.
for some reason you feel yourself get overwhelmed with emotion. you thought that maybe, just maybe, zhongli was simply just messing with you, as was notorious with the man and his teaching methods. but there's a stark sense of embarrassment that comes from xiao reaffirming what zhongli had said, an embarrassment so strong it sends your entire body ablaze with heat. 
you can't help but awkwardly shift in your seat as you nod along to his words despite the way your head almost feels too heavy to lift, avoiding eye contact lest he sees you so embarrassed over something so... silly, a miniscule problem at best, something fixable with a bit of elbow grease and time, and yet it means way more than it should to you.
you've worked so hard in this class already. why aren't you improving?
he doesn’t let you really catch your breath before he speaks again. "I think we'll need a couple more sessions than we discussed earlier," he mumbles, again, as though too ashamed to speak up, flipping through his own textbook, face in his hand as he thinks. "I want to make sure we can get as much content covered as possible before the end of the semester and catch you back up, since you seem to be..." xiao takes a quick glance at you, and for a moment, just a split second, he sees you, sees inside of you, sees every little thing you've been keeping bottled up, your fear. he looks away, breath hitching out of complete and utter guilt. he forces himself to continue though.
"...behind," he finishes, the single word said notably softer than the rest of the sentence.
xiao forces himself to swallow down his guilt. truly, he feels terrible about lying about this, because you clearly seem to be doing just fine on you own and lord knows how much stress this entire ordeal is causing you, but what's the use of being presented and blessed by the gods themselves with such an amazing opportunity if his sinning hands can't take it out of greed? xiao hates it, but he's always been more of a taker than a giver, taking all he can from people and leaving nothing left of them.
the simple pure utter bliss at the thought of spending hours and hours with you, in his room, alone, intimately and in person instead of just being with you through a phone screen, extinguishes any guilt he could possibly feel.
you, on the other hand, do allow yourself to feel guilt, though it's a feeling that has much more innocent roots than what xiao feels. it's a feeling that pokes and stabs at you as you fumble for words to say. you're a much better person than xiao is in that regard. you can't help but to feel ashamed, ashamed that you were doing so terrible at a course that goes directly into your major that you would have to force xiaoー a man renowned for being a lonerー who surely would rather spend his free time by himself and not tutoring someone so out of your realm and element as you are.
maybe it's not too late after all to consider switching majors, you think.
"you seriously don't have to do that, I don't want to take more time from you than I'm already taking. honestly, I think I'm a bit of a lost cause at this point if I can't even do the simpler questions."
the truth is, not even xiao knows how scared you are. fear and dread soars through your body at the thought of ending up in the same spot you were in last year.
xiao lets out a sigh through his nose at your words, a noise that does nothing other than make you feel worse, especially when you can't read his emotions and tell what's going on in that labyrinth of a brain he has. maybe he's realized that you're not worth spending his time. maybe you really are a loss cause. maybe you really should change your major. maybe you should call it quits and drop out. maybe you should move countries, marry a rich doctor or a lawyer and spend the rest of your days as a glorified housespー
xiao doesn't let you finish your thoughts (plans), instead getting up from his chair slowly. "let's take a break." he says, and while you feel a break is a little undeserved after you haven't done much studying, you nod, thinking it might be best to just relax before jumping back into things. "taking things slowly is the better way to do things," you nod, although the words just barely register themselves in your head. you're surprisingly vulnerable with him.
"I'm... going to step out for a moment to get some air. I'll give you some time for yourself to think." you nod, giving him a small and meek thank you, genuinely so utterly grateful for all the time xiao has given you. you can't help yourself from bothering him just once more before he leaves, though.
"xiao?" you don't look up at him, eyes fixated on your answers and what must've been so wrong with them. you hear him hum, beckoning you to continue.
“do you think I'll be able to pass?”
"of course you will," he answers, and it's the first truth he's said all day.
"of course," he mumbles, this time lower, a reminder to himself of how you'd be completely fine on your own, and that he should never, ever take this opportunity for granted.
he makes a promise to himself that he won't.
----- NEW TEXT MESSAGE -----☆
zhongli: hello, [name]. xiao informed me earlier today that you two will be conducting your first study session today. I'm glad you spoke to him about tutoring like I had advised you to. how are things going?
[name]: it's going fine, he mostly just reaffirmed what you already told me though. but he's been really kind about it all, I'm grateful that he agreed to help me out.
zhongli: I see. I hope that he could give you a new perspective on things and aid you in your weak spots. xiao is an amazing student in his own right, and I'm sure that together, you two will make an amazing team. I'm glad you two are getting along.
zhongli: I'd like to give you a little heads up for a future assignment, but there will be a project upcoming where I'll be sure to partner you two up. I'm sure you two will impress me on what you come up with.
zhongli: I believe in you, [name], and I expect good things coming forward.
zhongli: I'm sure that xiao is grateful as well.
[name]: thank you.
[name]: I hope to meet your standards as best as I can.
the apartment is even quieter than it was before without xiao.
it's lonely, too.
in a way, you used this little moment to yourself as a justification and way to figure out just what exactly is the enigma that is xiao. now that you're by yourself, you find yourself looking around at his walls, glancing over at one of the two of his cork boards that seems to have a bunch of what looks to be memorabilia of all sorts, stuff like old music concert tickets of local bands you've never heard of, polaroids with some familiar places and even some of his friends, post-it note scribbles of different tasks he has to get done, among other things.
you visualize yourself looking at the corkboard as though it's those ones in those crime movies, where you're using red yarn to connect the pieces of a story together, figuring out with all the clues you have at your disposal who xiao is.
there's other things, too. posters lining the wall and a singular cat shaped plushie on his bed, a wilted bouquet of flowers in a vase on his kitchen countertop meant for decoration, various little knick knacks on his desk, but the part of his room that catches your eye most, though, is his large, expansive bookshelf filled (a little messily) with a variety of different things, almost all of it stuff you actually recognize.
you’re halfway through looking around before you hear the door open back up again. you instinctually freeze, as of you’re a kid who’s been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. you shift your head, locking eyes with him as he steps back inside. to your surprise, he doesn’t look upset, not even annoyed, just intrigued as he watches you awkwardly shuffle away a little from the bookshelves.
you try to apologize with hast. “sorry, I wasn’t trying to snoop or anything, I swear, I was just–“
xiaos quick to interject as he walks right past you over to sit, this time on his bed instead of at his desk. “it’s fine. I don’t mind. you don’t have to apologize.” he crosses his arms once he’s situated in his seat. “do whatever you’d like.” he adds in an attempt to comfort you.
it sounds sarcastic, but you somehow can tell that it’s not. you nod, taking it as (hoping that it’s) permission to keep going. your eyes move over to the other corkboard near the bookshelves, hoping that you’re not stepping over any boundaries by doing so. this board is filled more with many different photos pinned up onto it. there’s all sorts of sites and places, things like concerts or shops or restaurants or nature– the list goes on– with a rare one or two photos with him actually in it. even rarer seemed to be other people that didn’t look like strangers in the background.
you subconsciously speak a thought aloud. “you seem to go out a lot. to really cool places, too.”
the only thing he really says in response is, “all of those aren’t recent.”
you hum in response, eyebrows furrowing a little as you nod in understanding. “oh, I see.” xiao takes it as an opportunity to ask you something even though he knows the answer already. “what about you? do you go out a lot?”
the question takes you a little aback. “I haven’t gotten out a lot recently either.” you try to think about all you’ve done recently, before realizing there’s nothing much to think about at all. you add, in truth, “…you’re honestly the first person I’ve spent time with in a while that wasn’t my roommate, but I don’t think that really counts.”
he cocks his head to the side at that answer, golden eyes staring at you (almost straight through your soul), intrigued. “why haven’t you spent time with anyone else?
a soft pang hits your heart as you think about the reason. the breakup. despite how much time has gone by, you’re still tender about the topic, and would rather not think about everything it’s caused as a result. would rather not think about him, either.
you let out a nervous laugh. “that’s a long story, I guess.” 
xiao seems dissatisfied with that answer. he’s never responded so quickly, without hesitating before.
“I have time.”
you send a look of slight confusion his way. “I thought we were going to study some more today?”
“right…” xiao let’s a lot of dead air slip in whenever he speaks, pausing and hanging onto words as if he’s doing mental calculations to figure out what the right thing to say next. “…in the future, then.”
you nod as your eye continues it’s adventure through the board before another photo catches your attention fully. it’s a pretty photo of a bunch of people standing near the docks, holding up and letting go of lanterns. it looks like, judging from the date scribbled on the bottom of the photo and the contents of the photo itself, the annual lantern rite from a few years back. you remember that day, almost vividly, too. that was your first year at the school. you and venti had gone together that year. it was magical. it seems like xiao really was never too far from you. seriously, you’re surprised you two haven’t talked sooner.
you can’t help but smile as you reminisce on that day. “I remember this exact lantern rite. there was so many people, and the lanterns were so beautiful. they always are.”
you turn around to face him, again. “how long has it been since you’ve gone to the harbor? if I lived as close as you do, I think I’d go to the harbor whenever I have time.”
it takes awhile for xiao to respond, not because he’s thinking of an answer, but because he’s transfixed on your expression right now. you seem so happy that it naturally just pulls on his heart strings. he’s glad you still remember that particular lantern rite, even though he knows you’ve gone to more since then. xiao remembers that day visibly too, but probably (definitely) not for the same you do. he wonders if you remember that part of it deep inside.
“um… since the day of that photo, probably.”
you’re a little taken aback from that answer. xiao lives on the outskirts of the harbor. how could he have not gone back in years? everything you learn about xiao makes you more and more curious as to who he is. “really?” you can’t help but ask. he can’t help but shrug.
you speak without even thinking twice once more. “would you want to go again sometime then?” your eyes dart away from his face. you can’t help but look away before you finish the question, unable to look him in the eye as you clarify, “with me, I mean.” you stumble out the words more confidently than you exprcted. 
he lets out a sigh. “there’s nothing I want from there…” it’s the truth. he hasn’t been very fond of the harbor for what has felt like centuries, especially not the memories he’s tethered to. he can’t help but to regret the accidental roughness of his words, though, when he looks up to see a flash of embarrassment paint across your face. it feels like he picked the wrong answer, but he wants to say the right one, desperately. xiao has never been great at talking, but he’s trying, for you. “but if you’d like… I’d like to go with you.”
you try to hide the way your heart picks up the pace a little at his words. “let’s go soon, then. I can tell you about myself, and you can tell me about you, too.”
he nods, and for a split second you think you’ve gone insane, because you swear, swear, that for a few seconds, the corner of xiao’s lips curve softly into a smile. a smile! smiling at the thought of you two ‘hanging out’ in the future! for all the times you’ve seen xiao, you can maybe only count on one hand how many times you’ve seen him smile. 
“you want to learn about me?” he asks, earnestly, shocked, and it definitely wasn’t a question you were expecting.
“yeah, I mean I've always seen you around. I think we've even been in the same classes before this year, too, and now I’m getting tutored by you  and I still know pretty much nothing about you.” you pause before adding on, “I’d love to learn more. I hope that’s not weird, or anything.”
he shakes his head, the ghost of a smile still etched onto his lips. and if you looked closely (which luckily for him, you weren’t), you’d see the faint dust of blush decorating his cheeks, too. “I don’t have much to tell you, but… that sounds good.”
he feels embarrassed at the fact he can’t control how warm his cheeks feel and how he can’t help but crack a smile at you. he clears his throat, trying to reset himself, suddenly ready to move on, going back to his desk. 
“let’s keep working, I want to make the most out of the time we have together.” he doesn’t look at you as he speaks. you mentally brace yourself for another study session with him.
it’s gonna be a long night.
ーーー NEW MESSAGE ーーー ☆
ven: where have you been?
ven: haven’t seen you all day……….. ):
ven: my flower, the house is so empty without you……….. ))):
ven: are you with somebody? you never tell me these things anymore.
ven: talk to me soon, please.
ーーー ☆
it's late into the night when you're awakened rudely with a few desperate knocks against your bedroom door.
you can't help but groan as you stir awake, upset to be forced out of your dream state, although that irritation is soon replaced with guilt once you realize just why you were being awakened with such urgency in the first place. after whining out a loud, 'come in,' you peak your eyes open to see your best friend standing in your doorway, tears staining his face so much that they're visible even in the darkness.
shit. it's been so long since you've seen venti like this. you thought all of that was over ages ago.
"can I sleep with you tonight?" his voice is shakey yet gentle, filled with fear and something that you can only label as... need, as if he needs you more than he ever has. just his voice alone, paired with the way he looks so in the doorway while he's shivering and fiddling with his pajamas, hair looking almost as distraught as he's feeling, is enough to have you too stunned to speak.
"please?" he adds on when you don't reply immediately.
you nod, scooting over to make room for him as he slowly trudges to your bed like he's done many times before. he's quick to settle in under the covers with you, laying against the plush pillow underneath him. you move closer to him as though it's instinct, an action done out of retained muscle memory from the many nights you've spent doing this exact thing. your eyes, though half lidded and heavy, trace over his face over and over again, noting how his eyes look back at you and you can't help but think that venti is such an expressive person. even if he's so silent right now, his eyes are cloudy and storming, speaking a thousand words with the thunder that rings out within them.
he looks like he's trying to think of what to say, but he doesn't need to say a single thing. you already know why he's here.
his face is contorted in a way that almost showcases utter agony, and it hurts, hurts to see your best friend suffering, especially when the best you can do is guide your hand softly against the smooth the skin of his cheek and brushing away any tears in pity. if nothing else, you truly do hope that, at the very least, your presence can help.
“do you maybe want to talk about it?” you run your hand through his soft, pretty dyed blue locks that seem to almost glow in the moonlight, feeling the light moisture of his skin from his sweat. you’ve forgotten just how easy it always has been to brush your hand through his locks. your voice is gentle and low as if not to startle him, as if not to shatter him more than he already is. “you know you don’t have to, but you can always talk to me if you need to.”
“no, it’s okay... I just want to be with you right now.” his voice is meek as he chooses his words carefully as though they're meticulously chosen to pull at your heartstrings (they do), and he sounds like he’s on the brink of tears once more.
“is it the same dream as before?” you ask, remembering how many nights you've spent with venti just like this when he began getting frequent ‘nightmares’ awhile back, nightmares that till this day you don't know the contents of.
he nods, although hesitantly, as though it’s some sort of secret. and in a way, it is.
he could never, ever, ever tell you that you’re the cause of all of his nightmares after all.
“are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? you look really upset. you've never told me what makes you like this.”
“no, I just want to… I just want to stay like this for a while.”
“okay, ven,” you whisper, soft and quiet, as if your voice could shatter him whole. you pause, thinking of what to say, before you decide that you won’t prode any further, instead bidding him a goodnight. “I love you, venti. get some rest.”
for the first time in maybe months, venti doesn’t tell you he loves you back.
instead he burrows himself as deep as humanly possible, as if being torn away from you would kill him, just like the way his dreams pulled and tugged ruthlessly at his heart strings, shoving images of you with your new 'tutor' down his throat, like they had with him months and months ago.
how cruel is it that he's forced to see you being ripped away from him both in real life and in his dreams?
you're half asleep when you feel him mumble into your skin.
"I miss you. I miss this." he whispers, but you can barely hear him. he misses the way you feel, how comforting you smell, how his hands connect with your body like they're puzzle pieces. he misses having all your attention on him like this, so quick to coo and ask if he's okay. everything’s changed from how it used to be.
you feel venti's hands slip under your shirt, feeling the warm skin of your back as he slowly trails his hands up and down, basking in the way that you feel. "I miss you, cecilia. especially today." his voice isn't shakey anymore. instead it's much more fluid, as though he never had the night terrors that brought him into your room to begin with. you can't help but frown at his words even in your sleepy state.
"venti..." you mumble out, feeling his hands start to dig themselves into your skin. his grip on your waist is tightー not enough for it to hurt, but just enough that it keeps you from pushing him away if you really wanted to, trapping and suffocating you, bordering the lines of sucking the air out of your lungs.
part of you wishes he wouldn't keep things so bottled up from you, because clearly, your constant 'absence' in his life is hurting him more than you'll ever be able to understand, but the more selfish part of you is shamefully grateful that he is. you love venti, but for a man who constantly champions for freedom, he's always been so dead set on taking away yours.
you know deep down that if you gave venti an inch, he'd take a mile, and you don't have many miles left to give. you could spend twenty-four hours of a day with venti and he would still want you to somehow spend twenty-five on him. as much as you love ventiー truly, you love him more than anything else in the worldー, you know it'd be better if you didn't indulge him as much as you want him to. lord knows how quick venti would be to turn you into a hollow, empty shell of yourself by taking every second you have all for himself if he could.
besides, this whole thing will blow over eventually after the party, right?
"I know that I've already whined and complained about it, but god, I miss you. you were gone for so long today with someone I don't even know… seeing you occasionally here and there isn't enough for me. I..." venti somehow manages to pull his body even closer to you, your chest and his chest plush against each other, so close that you can feel the way it rises as he breathes slowly. "I know I'm selfish, but I need you."
he says the word 'need' as if he'd die without you.
you don't think this is a conversation you two should be having when you're so... out of it, exhausted.
"venti, can we talk about this in the morning?"
his grip slowly loosens. "...okay." he says the word slowly and hesitantly, as if he's a child saying a cuss word for the first time, as if agreeing to put his feelings aside until you're in a much more lucid and conscious state is a sin. "I'm... I'm sorry for bothering you and being so clingy and... I just..." venti swallows thickly. "goodnight," venti mumbles, choosing not to finish his thought.
your eyebrows furrow, something about this whole conversation feeling off to you. never in a million years would venti have been so... upfront, apart from the day he invited you to the party. it's like venti's slowly unraveling like a string, just one little tug away from snapping.
it wouldn't be the first time venti's snapped on you though. you need to mend things and shut off the ticking time bomb before things blow up in your face again, like when you...
like when you...
ugh. you'll think about all of this later when you're actually well-rested and capable of forming cohesive thoughts. you softly mumble out a goodnight to venti as well, praying that the storm will blow off soon enough.
it doesn't, though. the winds only get stronger and louder.
venti wasn't in your room by the time you woke up. infact, he wasn't in the apartment at all. not in his room, not in the kitchen or in the bathroom getting ready, nowhere. he didn't even leave a text telling you where he went.
you guess that venti needs time to think after last night, and you decide that it's probably for the best.
you'll see him again later anyways.
it's cold out today, october's chill punishing you for wearing too light of a sweater for the weather, but the freezing temperature of the classroom during today's lecture isn't the cause of the way you squirm in your seat out of discomfort. no, you have professor zhongli to take credit for that.
you're convinced that zhongli gets a kick out of giving you borderline heart attacks.
honestly, that isn't exactly far from the truth. there's something about the way your eyes flicker in complete, utter fear just by him saying, "[name], may you please see me after class? there's something I'd like to discuss with you," that sends shivers down his spine, as egregious as that may sound. it's a shameful feeling for a professor to have, but at least he has much more innocent intentions this time as opposed to the last time he's asked you to stay behind.
the request was given to you right at the start of class (which you were actually on time to, thank god) before he began with his lecture. and once again, you couldn't help but think about just what exactly zhongli wanted to discuss with you throughout the entire lecture, almost too busy coming up with theories to focus. all you can think is, did you do something wrong again? was the assignment you turned in last night bad? all that studying you did with xiao couldn’t have been for nothing, right? you're going to fail the semester at this rate.
you wish zhongli was more dead set on helping you pass like last year than assuring that you failed.
you can’t help but call back to that time. you had been much worse off back then. you were visibly behind everyone else, but it hadn't started that way. so much was happening back then. and that breakup, oh that fucking break up, really made focusing on your school work beyond difficult. you truly did put up a fight, tried to make sure you stayed afloat, and it did work at first. but your responsibilities drowned you completely, and you never really learned how to swim.
it was a rough semester, and one of your classes had been taught by the very same man taking great pleasure in ruining you today. your one saving grace? once again, the very same man, who had seemed to take enough pity onto you that he took matters into his own hands to make sure you did well.
you stood out back then, not because you shone bright, but because you didn't shine at all.
zhongli wanted to light that fire back in you that you had at the start of the year. and he had.
zhongli had took you under his wing, struck you with passion and drive, made you fall in love all over again with the topic you were studying through his ramblings and stories and sheer utter knowledge; he revitalized you, filled a hole. he had kept you after class and in his office on weekends, making time to make sure that you succeeded and through his gentle nurturing that was the hot to his own cold. you had succeeded, to your surprise. and he had looked after you ever since.
it was silly for you to believe that he would grace you with the same mercy this course.
but things are different now. so much more different. you were grateful back then for him striving to push you to do better, but now it's overwhelming. back then, his standards were achievableー finish your assignments on time as often as you could, study a little when you can, at least attempt to attend every class you had. it was doable. but now, now you're almost convinced he wants you to become borderline perfectー no, perfect is an understatement. he wants you to be better than perfect.
perfect, and vulnerable.
back then it felt as though he was trying to help you but now, the back of your mind can't help but tell you that he's always been helping himself, benefiting himself, not you.
it was at the start of this school year that you let yourself fall right into the dragon's lair.
either way, maybe it's the fact that your mind was so occupied, or maybe time simply just decided to speed up, but the class flew by in no time. you had practically tuned out all of zhongli's ramblings and teachings today. you watched zhongli dismiss the class, staying seated despite the way everyone else shuffled out of the door as quickly as possible. once again, it was just you and zhongli in the empty room.
zhongli walks to the front of your desk, running a hand through his hair before letting out a long sigh, and you never knew how such a little harmless action could strike so much fear into your heart. could you just combust already? you're not at all ready for whatever zhongli has to say.
"what a long class we had today, hm? I hope I didn't bore you too much. you looked particularly distracted." zhongli says, smiling gently at you as he attempts to brighten the gloomy mood you're clearly in. "luckily, though, I've been excited to talk to you all class. you truly were my saving grace today."
is this some kind of sick joke? you were kidding when you thought zhongli must get pleasure out of your failure, but you might actually be right.
"don't worry, though, I didn't keep you after class just to complain. I'll get to the point, since I know you hate pointless chatter."
"I know it's far too early to say this, but I'm proud of you, [name]."
that caring nature still shines through, the strict professor he's supposed to be eroded and washed away by time itself.
your eyebrows furrow. "what?" you can’t help but let the word slip out of your mouth in the midst of your confusion.
"the assignment you gave in last night, truly one of your best works this semester. you never fail to amaze me with how fast you manage to make a turnaround when you put your mind to it, [name]."
the assignment? the one you worked on last night at the last second despite having over a week to do it after studying with xiao that you had to keep your eyes pried open to complete? the one xiao had borderline picked apart a dozen times as though trying to break you down even more? that assignment?
"but I... what? if it was any good, it's likely only because xiao was there to help me." you mumble, unsure of your words.
"so? are you really diminishing your accomplishments just because you got a little aid?" zhongli plants a hand on your cheek like he has a dozen times in the past before guiding your face to look up at him. "or are you trying to say that it was xiao who had done your assignment, not you?"
"o-of course he didn't, but-" zhongli is quick to shush you, pressing a gloved thumb against your lips with a soft smile.
"shh. you did well, and that's final. I hope this pattern continues. you know I want nothing but the best for you after seeing what you can achieve." his gloved hand caresses your cheek and you're convinced he can feel the heat your face is producing out of embarrassment even through the layer of fabric. "my little star, you're doing well again." he adds quietly, so quietly that you can just barely make it out, though the nickname is far less shocking than the praise that your brain is still trying to make sense of.
"before I let you go, I just wanted to reiterate that should you ever need my assistance with anythingー and I mean anything at all, whether it's related to your academics or notー know that I am and always will be here."
"I... thank you." it's the only words you can come up with as zhongli leaves you alone with your thoughts. "thank you," you repeat, speaking the words much more quietly. in a hushed whisper.
in the back of your mind, you realize that you should be thinking about how odd it is for zhongli to suddenly be so sugary sweet, how he's touched you so much more intimately than a professor should, how his little nickname for you is weird at best, and yet all you can think about is how he's proud of you.
for some reason, that's all that really matters to you in the moment. you can think about... all that other stuff, later.
it's almost pitch dark out by the time you finally get home. 
"I'm home!" you shout out as soon as you step through the front door, voice a little breathy after having to climb up a few flights of stairs to get up to your apartment, alerting venti that you've arrived in a way akin to how married couples do. you're quick to lock the door behind you, stripping yourself of your shoes that feel more like weights before placing them in the shoe rack near the door and putting your heavy bag down next to venti's violin case, deciding you'll bother with getting whatever you need out of there when you feel like it. you wince a little at the cold tiles of the floor underneath your feet.
maybe one day you'll move into a place with an actual heater, you think.
"I'll be there in just a second!" venti's voice rings out from what you assume is the bathroom down the hall, likely showering given the pitter-pattering sound of running water. you nod, as though responding to him despite the fact he can't see you, flicking on the light switch to the kitchen as you do so. the kitchen table immediately grabs your attention with how different it looks compared to how you left it this morning. two orange pumpkins sit at the center, and alongside it lays an unopened package of carving tools and another package of tea lights, a brown bag filled with what looks to be some house decor and knick knacks (venti truly does love trying to make your run-down apartment as much of a true home as possible), and a bag of groceries yet to be put away.
you sit down at the medium sized wooden table, allowing yourself to rest and bask in the day as you look through everything infront of you. it's been awhile since you've just sat in silence and thought, and even longer since you let yourself really live in this home without just heading straight to your room. your nails drill against the table, pushing one of the two pumpkins closer to you with a soft hum. you trace a finger against it, imaginging what'd you want to carve on it and how it'd glow after you put a candle inside.
this year you should do something new, get a little more fancier with the design that you have in the previous years that you craved a pumpkin. maybe you and venti will carve matching jack-o-laterns this year. you can't help but smile at the thought.
"they're cute, aren't they?"
you tense up when you feel a hand on your shoulder, but you instantly relax when you turn your head to see venti. you guess you were so lost in thought you hadn't heard him come out of the bathroom. you drink in his presence, giving him a glance over out of instinct. the smell of his apple-cinnamon bodywash assault your senses in an oddly comforting way, a scent that makes you feel right at home. he's in a pair pajamas and cute bunny slippers, and his hair is clipped up in a pretty half up, half down ponytail. the blue dyed tips of his hair are losing their signature color (which is odd, considering that despite his inherit laziness, venti's always been one to make sure those tips stay bright blue at all costs) and his skin looks a little damp.
a gummy smile paints his face, and he has a bit of a playful glint in his eye, but he looks notably tired, and a sense of worry pings at your heart at the sight. you were the roommate notorious for having bags under your eyes afterall, not him, so to see him look so exhausted, especially when venti's always been one for getting his 'beauty sleep,' tells you that venti internally isn't feeling his best. it sounds shallow, judging someone's mental health based on their appearance, but you know venti like the back of your hand, and you know that something's wrong.
even moreso, you know exactly what that wrong thing is, given last night's conversation.
"I got them at the grocery store today. thought it might be fun to carve them together before they go bad. that is, if you want to grace me with your undivided time and attention, of course." venti pretends he's joking, but you know deep down he means the sentiment of wanting you to give him your time for once, and you honestly feel awful at his words. nonetheless, you suck it up, smiling up at him. it's a genuine smile.
"why wouldn't I? it is tradition after all. I'm going to make mine extra scary this year."
venti laughs at your words, his heart internally flutter at the thought of how determined your face would look as you try to create the spookiest jack-o-latern he's ever seen. he leans down, pressing a soft, platonic peck to your forehead, finally giving you a welcome home.
"you're home later than usual again, everything go okay?"
you can't help but notice that venti is acting as if he had never said what he said last night, though the air between you is still awkward and tense, and his face does little to hide the fact that deep down, he's still quelling on the things he spoke about. nonetheless, you decide that that conversation is to be had when venti wants it to happen, knowing full well from years of being his best friend that venti prefers keeping a lighter mood at all costs, so you leave things at that until he's ready to speak about it again.
"yeah, I just thought that I'd try to get some work done while I could at campus," you answer, watching as he nods slowly at your words. you can tell he's fighting back the urge to interrogate you, to ask you if you were with anybody and if you really needed to stay at campus, and anything else he can use as a way to rationalize the fact that he's so clingy. he looks around the room, thinking about what else he could say to make sure the conversation doesn't end prematurely.
"oh! I ordered some takeout a bit before you came home. it's still hot, if you want to eat."
you nod, thanking him, and you can tell he's trying to read you, to figure out just how exactly he can stay with you longer without him bringing up anything you two talked about last night. he stands there, presence lingering as though he has something to say, and yet he chooses not to say whatever's on his mind, instead preferring to pick up the unopened bottle of dandelion wine on the nearby kitchen counter.
"you seem all set. I'll get going now, then. I have an urgent date with a bottle of wine that I can't miss for the world." venti moves quickly to leave as though trying to make sure you don't see through to him, turning his back to you without another word, but he doesn't get too far before he's freezing up at your words.
"you're not gonna stay and chat?" you say instinctively, a little surprised by the fact he was so quick to come and go today. you don't know what it is about today, but the thought of venti forcing himself to go when he clearly doesn't want to pains you. maybe it was last night's conversation, or maybe it's how venti radiates warmth that fights against the biting cold that nips at your skin, or maybe you just miss venti, but you want him here with you.
venti turns around slowly, his voice low as he speaks. "oh..." he starts off, "I thought you would've wanted to eat alone like all the other nights," you almost let out a wince at his words. how long has it really been since you last simply hung out with venti? "do you... want me to stay?" you let out a gentle hum.
"I want you here tonight. I want to talk to you."
"about what?"
you think about everything you'd want to tell venti, and you realize that that's exactly it; you want to tell him everything and anything you can. you want to tell him about your new tutor who turned out to be a lot less scary than you were expecting him to be, or that new coffee shop a friend had told you about that opened up near by that you'd love to tell him about, or how zhongli was actually kind to you today. but you also want venti to tell you everything too, about any escapades he's had recently while drunk or new songs he's written, or even how his classes are going and if he's thinking of going to any other parties soon.
you realize that, as much as you'd hate to admit it to yourself, you miss just being with venti a lot too.
"everything," you finally reply after thinking, grinning up at his hesitant form.
"everything? really? this isn't a ploy to tell me horrific news or to try to get out of going to that party, is it?"
"no, I promise. I'm honestly a bit offended you'd think I'd ever be so cruel as to try to get out of going to such an amazing party," you joke.
venti playfully rolls his eyes at your words, but he can't help the smile that creeps up his face. his smile is bright like a star, warm enough for a planet to survive off of, eyelids crinkling at the corners of his eyes as he puts the bottle in his hand down befofe he pulls up one of the kitchen chairs, the legs screeching against the floor so that he's sitting infront of you. he leans in close to you as though you were about to tell him the greatest story known to man. you can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. venti's smile, his real and genuine smile, gives you a feeling like no other. it makes you feel whole, like none of your problems neither exist nor matter and that everything in this world is perfect.
"okay then, dove, tell me everything."
alatus: can you believe it's almost sunday already?
[name]: holy shit, time is going by so fast
[name]: I'm so excited to meet you in person
alatus: I'm excited too.
[name]: I can't believe I've known you for over a year and I'm only going to get to see your face now
[name]: I swear, if you're just some creep...
alatus: I promise I'm not.
alatus: well, maybe.
[name]: ha ha, very funny.
[name]: but seriously, it honestly feels like I've known you for forever.
alatus: maybe you have and you just never noticed
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wandanatrules · 1 year
High school sweet hearts
Pairing: high school nat x fem reader 
summary: your parents are gone for the weekend, so your girlfriend comes over to celebrate your anniversary 
warnings: smut, strap use (r receiving), cum eating, brief ass eating, heavy make out, insecurity, hickeys, cunnilingus, 
You and Natasha have been together for a year now and you couldn't be happier. She was your first girlfriend and the one who made you realize you liked girls. 
You and nat are kind of a "power couple" at your school. Nat had always been a popular person especially among the ladies and you were ecstatic when she asked you to be her girlfriend last year. 
You loved every single part of your relationship with nat, especially what goes on behind closed doors. When you two first had sex with each other you were nervous, because it was your first time. Nat was more experienced, but it was okay because she ran you through everything and made you feel comfortable and secure. Ever since that first night, you broke out of your shell and aren't shy anymore when it comes to sex. You and nat have it as often as you can and since your anniversary is coming up this weekend, just in time for your parents and siblings to go out of town, you want to give Nat the night of her life. 
The truth is you have always been kind of insecure when it comes to your relationship with nat, because of all the girls that want her and try to break you guys apart. You're scared that nat will leave you for someone prettier or better in bed than you, so you try your hardest to make sure all her needs are met. You know you shouldn't be worried, because every time you bring it up to nat she reassures you that she only wants you and all the other girls mean nothing to her. Plus she always whispers in your ear and says, "and baby you're the one I think about when I touch myself, you're the only one I get to fuck dumb and you have the prettiest and tastiest pussy I have ever had. Those girls have nothing on you."
   Friday night came and your family had left you alone in the house. It was 5 pm and you were getting ready for nat to come and pick you up at 7 to take you on your anniversary date. The first thing you had to do was take a shower. After you showered you put on the white lacy lingerie set you had bought, well nat bought it you just picked it out for this occasion. You still had time to kill so you wanted to tease nat and send her a picture of what is to come tonight. You took a mirror picture of you in the lingerie and purposely showed off your breasts and ass.
You- (insert image attached) thought you might want to see the set you bought me, you know to make sure you got your money's worth. 😏💋
natty💋🥵🤎- that was the best money I have ever spent baby, you look so sexy like that and I can't wait to see you 😍🥵. How about you send me another one? 😏
You- sorry natty, but the rest you can see later
natty💋🥵🤎- I'm on my way, we can start our night earlier I just need to see you now
   You weren't ready yet so you put your phone down and decided on a black, body con dress that was tight fitting and short so you could tease your girlfriend. You sprayed yourself in her favorite perfume of yours, you know its the one that makes her go feral so you sprayed extra just for good measure. 
You grabbed your purse and went downstairs to the kitchen. You poured yourself a glass of pineapple juice and sat on the couch scrolling through your phone while you await her arrival. 
Not even five minutes later she rang the doorbell. You walked over and opened it and saw Natasha with a bouquet of flowers. She smiled at you and pulled you by the waist into a kiss. She was wearing a long sleeve black turtle neck shirt tucked into a black and white pair of gingham pants. Her ginger hair was in waves and she was wearing a silver chain and a necklace with your initials on it. Even though you were wearing heels she still towers over you, in a way that is so hot it makes you melt. She had her silver rings on her huge veiny hands and groped your ass while she was hugging you. "I missed you baby." She said in your ear as she started kissing up your neck.
   "Natty, I missed you too", you said as you kissed her one more time and walked away to put the flowers in water. When you came back you found Natasha sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone and she smiled when she looked up at you. She pulled you into her lap and started passionately kissing you everywhere making you moan and whine while bucking your hips for friction. "Nat" you breathed out, "we should get going, we're gonna be late for dinner." You said while trying to get up but she tightened her grip on you.
   "baby please, I want you to be my dinner." She pleaded as she continued kissing you while her hands were traveling south. You worked up all the self control in your body, because if you didn't get up now you would end up having sex on the couch and missing your reservation and spoiling your perfect night.
   You got up much to her dismay and pulled her by the hand out to the car. She broke away from you and went to open the door of the passenger seat for you before closing it and walking over to her side and getting in. She started the car and made her way to the restaurant. You always thought nat looked so good when she drives. She had one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh moving up slowly getting dangerously close to your core.
   That was all you really remembered of your anniversary date with your wonderful girlfriend. Of course the dinner was great and the movie she took you to after was even better, but the part you were most excited for didn't happen until she took you home. 
You told her to pack an overnight bag, because you wanted her to stay with you while your parents were gone. When you guys entered the house you made your way up to your room. She wanted to shower, so you waited on the bed for her. You decided to take your dress off and lie on the bed in the lingerie, because you were eager for her to have you.
 It felt like an eternity, but when she finally left the bathroom she gasped when she saw you on the bed. She was wearing just an oversized shirt and her panties and she could feel them getting wet. She walked to the bed hovered over you and started kissing you everywhere. She got to your lips and started kissing you rough and passionately. Her tongue explored your mouth and pulled whines and moans from you. You kept bucking your hips up seeking friction, so she put her thigh in between your legs to try and ease the ache. She started kissing down your neck leaving dark purple bruises. "I want everyone to see you're mine, so when all those girls come up and tease you you can show them these," she growled in your ear. She removed your bra and sucked your left nipple into her hot mouth. Once she littered your breast with marks she moved to the next one and did the same.
   "Natty, your mouth is so good." You moaned at the feeling as you gripped your hands in her hair. She kissed down your stomach and kissed the wet spot on your panty-clad core. She looked at you asking for permission to take your panties off and you eagerly nodded. She slipped the panties off and licked a stripe through your folds. She sped up the pace and you bucked your hips up to match the pace while moaning and whining and panting. "Oh nat please, I need to come." You said as you gripped her hair even harder as she growled and let out a moan.
   "Don't worry, detka. You can cum when your ready." Nat said before going at an animalistic pace and nipping and sucking at your clit. You came not even a second later and covered nat's face in your arousal. She licked her lips and smirked up at your, before making her way up your body,face to face. Once your breathing got back to normal, you licked your cum off of her cheeks and moaned at the taste of yourself. She pulled you into a kiss and you whined when she took your bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth. "You are the most gorgeous girl in the world, baby. I love you so much." She said to you with a peck on the lips before getting up and stripping her shirt and panties off leaving you both completely naked.
   "I love you more, natty." You said while watching her open your bedside table and grab the strap she left there for times like this. She put the smaller end inside herself with a moan and secured the harness around her waist. She got back on the bed and straddled you while looking at you with lust blown eyes.
   "That's not possible, but get it wet and ready for you detka." She commanded before you spit in your hand and raked it up and down the strap, jerking it off. You repeated doing that until the strap was dripping with your saliva. "How do you want my cock?" She asked while kissing and groping your breasts.
   "I want you to pound into me from behind." You said looking up at her with doe eyes and biting your lip.
   "Your so fucking sexy, baby. Get on your hands and knees!" She growled out while flipping you on your stomach harshly. You assumed the correct position and natasha gripped your ass cheeks before rubbing the tip of the strap through you folds. "You ready?" She asked while reaching up and groping your tits. You nodded your head furiously, "Words baby" she demanded.
   "yess natty please fuck me" you got out with a gasp when you felt her roughly fill you up and grope you from behind. She started of slow until she got a good rhythm and started pounding into you at a fast pace. She gripped your thighs pulling you into her, while she was basically humping you. You were already sensitive from your previous orgasm, so you were close to cumming. "Nat, please I'm so close" and with that she started going at an animalistic pace, fucking into you so hard your whole body was bouncing, your tits were hitting your face, and the bed was banging into the wall. "I'm cumming!" You said as you squirted everywhere leaving the sheets a mess. Nat came too just a few seconds later. After you both came down from your highs nat pushed you down to lay on your stomach and began licking all the arousal and cum from your vagina and ass.
   "Wouldn't want it to go to waste, baby" she looked up and licked her lips as you were panting and moaning like you were in heat. She got up and threw the strap in the shower to be washed later. "Come on baby time for you to clean up, your gonna be sore and sticky."  She said while picking you up and bringing you to the bathroom.
   "Shower with me please, natty." You said with a pout while not letting go of her.
   "Baby, you know how much I want to, but I have to wash the sheets and get new ones, because of your little 'talent'" she said before kissing the pout off your lips and placing you down on the counter. 'But I promise when you get out we can cuddle and kiss in the fresh warm sheets while watching whatever movie you want." She kissed you one more time and walked towards the door. Before she left she said, "Don't forget to wash the strap." As she closed the door and walked out of the bathroom.
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
Stalker Konig
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fem!reader x stalker!konig
Dark content ahead. I do not condone this behavior. Never do this. This is strictly for fantasy only.
another drabble that will probably be very long-winded
TW: smut, stalking, dub-con to con
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you had first met Konig late one night at a convenience store. it was around 3am, and you were having some dire cravings for ice cream. sucking it up and driving to the store, you walked around and picked out your favorite ice cream when you noticed a pair of 6' 10" eyes following you around the store. the man wore a black face mask that covered his neck, the only thing visible were his forehead, eyes, and messy dark-brown hair. you smiled at him tiredly as you walked past him and paid for your dessert.
you went outside and sat on the hood of your car as you began to eat your ice cream. you had been arguing with your roommates and didn't want to go back to them. you just wanted some peace. so when this tall, scary man came up to you, offering a listening ear with his oh so soft voice, you couldn't resist.
you ended up talking to him in the parking lot for an hour, before you realized the time and said you had to go back to bed. when you asked why he was up this late, he said it was for work. you wondered what work kept someone up at 3am. you waved at him and thanked him for listening, and you thought that would be the last time you ever saw him.
but you ran into him again at the grocery store. at your favorite local coffee shop. at the park you always took walks in. each time, he came up to talk to you. you were too scared to ask why he always seemed to be where you were. maybe it was how kindly he looked at you, or how he bought you coffee or paid for your groceries. maybe it was how he would listen to whatever you'd vent to him about, or the way his biceps bulged out of his too tight black shirt.
he eventually asked you for your number. you gave it to him. you hadn't talked to a guy in a while. what was the harm, you thought? surely, if he got weird you could just block him.
but he texted you during all hours of the day. he tried to call you while you were at work, and when you didn't answer, he showed up at your workplace. saying he needed to see your beautiful face. you called him out for being creepy. but the sight of his thick cock was enough to shut you up. you could've lost your job, fucking him like an animal in some forgotten closet. but you gave in anyway.
eventually, he knew your schedule even when you didn't know your own. you couldn't get rid of him, and you were too scared to tell him to fuck off. you had a feeling it wouldn't end well. so you put up with him, and you managed to forget how creepy he was when he buried his thick cock in your wet heat and cooed about how pretty you were like this. you didn't have time to think about how strange it was that he followed you when his dick filled you up to your skull.
and eventually, you stopped caring. you admitted to yourself that you liked the sex, that it was worth putting up with him for it. his cock had ruined you for any other man. there was no turning back. so you willingly sought him out now, and he always gave it to you.
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my next work will be comfort, i promise ~
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candywife333 · 3 months
Moo Moo
I know it has been a while, so sorry about that guys. Here is PART 2, hurried along due to popular request. Thanks babe, @yuna0309, for making this story come out faster😂than it was originally slated to! I definitely needed the push. We will have one more part to this. I intend to not procrastinate the last part and have it out ASAP.
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chubby cow hybrid y/n x alpha wolf jungkook
cameo of Wheein and Hwasa from Mamamoo and a lot of Taylor swift lyric references throughout
triggers: lactation kink, humiliation, dub con, bullying, body shaming, angst, betrayal
He continued crucifying Y/N's gentle heart, "Do you know how many times I did her? She moo'd like a cow every time, as she spilt milk onto the floor. Her pussy is loose and floppy, used up by me. Why would I get with someone with such low self esteem that she gives me unlimited access to her pussy like that, screaming of love every single time. Delusional bitch. As if she would be ever worth my love or undivided attention".
He was so casually cruel in the name of being honest, in the name of telling the truth. What an honest, upright man. Y/N hid behind a potted plant , sliding down to the floor in agony. He had crumpled her like a useless piece of paper , whose words were forgotten.
Maybe she was just a low down cow slut, who wasn't good for receiving love from him or anyone. Maybe it was time she left.
And that is what Y/N did.
She packed her bags and left.
The horrifying debacle had happened the day before graduation incidentally. Y/N said good-bye to her friends and packed up whatever remnants of her life she had in her hometown. Hwasa sniffled loudly, tears spilling down her face as she sobbed ,"Why are you leaving us? BECAUSE OF WHAT SOME STUPID, UGLY ASS , DISGUSTING PREDATOR SAID ABOUT YOU"? To Y/N's dismay, even Wheein hiccuped, tears streaming down in torrents down her pale cheeks.
Wheein mumbled out ,"You know that you are worth more than any of the predators in this town. You are the heart and soul of our town. Without you, all the young hybrids without parents would go without milk. They would go without your care and love that you give them every Saturday at the orphanage".
Even Y/N couldn't help herself as she silently wept, eyes red, riddled with sorrow at her situation. Even as Wheein and Hwasa embraced her, as she sobbed wretchedly on the floor of her room, she could not stop weeping for all she had lost and all she was going to lose. She may not love her classmates or her school, but she loved the young souls in her town. She sure loved the babies of her town, the gentle souls who never judged her by her looks. They held a pure, unconditional love that she had never been the recipient of. A love she was deemed undeserving of, in the eyes of teenagers and adults . She never received that type of love even from her own parents.
She would miss the babies with chubby cheeks, thick thighs, and pudgy arms. The ones who she cooed and stumbled around, as she cradled them in her lap on the cold harsh winds of winter that were not protected by the red brick walls of the decrepit, run-down orphanage. She would miss the ones she would babysit and watch when their parents were not at home, working long hard hours in the town factory. She would miss feeding them her milk, quenching their thirst for love and attention-their little rotund hands fisting and catching on her shirt in silent adoration as they nourished themselves. Feeding was never just about feeding, it was about connection. Connection to another's soul--transferring unto young babies love and care that they deserved. It was about celebrating a child's entry into the world , by bestowing onto him/her, unconditional comfort and warmth.
But the town would not understand...only absence might teach them. And so she would make herself scarce, absent. She thought she would miss Jungkook, but there was no love left within her to give to him anymore. He had ripped her heart open so callously, she did not know if she could ever heal from this. It would leave a scar, a permanent dent in her soul. It would confirm to her, that perhaps she could never be loved by a man or by perhaps anyone --other than the innocent souls who depended on her.
He had blessed her with a revelation, and if Y/N was anything ---she was perhaps naive , but she was not a goddamn fool to stick around as he trampled her heart to prove his worth in the eyes of other foolish men. He had devalued her, maligned her name, called her a slut- a blatant lie , called her delusional for giving him the gift of her love and her presence. He had insulted her body that wasn't merely to serve as an ornament for any singular man's lust, but he insulted her functional, life giving body--the body of a maternal figure to many kids who had none , a nurturer.
Yet the revelation was, that, what she could give--she could very well take away. And the time had clearly come to do that action.
So, she disappeared into the darkness.
The clock had struck 12 , and there was not a sound to be heard in the town square.
Not a sound to be heard, except the squealing and gurgling of babes faintly resounding in the balmy summer night.
----------------6 years later---------------------------
Jungkook was at his wit's end as he sat down at his office, thick black hair askew , perspiration trickling down his temples . He had become the mayor of the town and he could not have a single night of rest for the past few years as he struggled to take on the burden that came with the heavy mantle of power from his dad.
Their town had been doing alright 5 years ago, till they started noticing a decline in the health of infants. Infants of the town, and especially infants from the orphanage, were becoming more prone to sickness, and some were even dying off without explanation. Nobody could truly explain what was happening, not the doctors, not the parents. The only explanation that the town orphanage could come up with, was Y/N's absence.
According to the orphanage, Y/N used to annually pump a year's worth of milk for the town since she hit puberty - on top of the milk she fed to babies at the orphanage . The sheer volume and quality she was capable of providing was unheard of. A fact Jungkook and many of the town's council members were astonished to find out. Before Y/N , they had been providing all the babies a fortified formula of milk that came from the next town over.
But, once that town's supply had dried up and they refused to help, their town had been getting by in terms of milk supply (without having to seek out costly alternatives) by drinking the milk Y/n produced. The town had been skimping and saving money, instead of buying costly formula--and had skated along on Y/N's abundant supply.
Even when Jungkook decided to buy costly formula from a distant city, to make up for the lack---it simply wasn't the same as Y/N's milk. And the effects of Y/N's milk were abundantly clear as , prior to, and after her supply , rates of infection were higher among infants--compared to when she supplied the milk. The babies of the town on Y/n' supply had flourished, they were a smarter, happier, healthier bunch.
The doctors of the town had to beg the question, if it was merely attributed just to the superior quality of her milk---or was it also her interaction with the babies as she had fed them? And as most elders of the town like to say, "True love cannot be bought".
Something the town had clearly lost out on in Y/N's absence. Y/N thought that the adults of the town wouldn't feel her loss. But they had. The adults had lost Y/N's kind presence around their children, and the eagerness with which she cared and provided support for busy working parents and even the elderly of the town.
Nobody understood why she had left so suddenly without warning.
Nobody except Wheein and Hwasa, who glared contemptuously in Jungkook's direction with disgusted gazes anytime he passed in the town square. And Jungkook was left with the horrible feeling, that Y/N had heard or seen something she wasn't supposed to. He had been trying to prove himself as worthy of this position, since he was in highschool- especially their Senior year.
He had said some harsh words about her at the time, to save face for liking someone rather unconventional in appearance. The entire group had been teasing him, and so had to do something to right their perception of him. He couldn't be known as the chubby chaser, if he was to be mayor.
As he matured, he felt tortured by the memory of what he had said about her that day. She hadn't deserved such disgusting, cold words that put her down. Clearly, she was more important than any of the predators in this town, the so called head honchos of this small town. It was abundantly clear just how much power her love had--- that they all had lost because of his stupidity and immaturity.
He realized it now, that she was the love of his life. And he cringed in pain, recounting how he called her a slut-when he very well knew that he had been her first. The memory stabbed him in his gut, reminiscing how he had ridiculed her body--- her life giving beautiful body. All the slurs he had hurled against her to gain the acceptance of a society, that was anyways crumbling without her.
Even the immature kids that they had gone to highschool with, most of whom stayed in the town, had understood what type of blunder they had made. Pushing Y/n away, harassing her for no reason, ridiculing her body that was valuable regardless of what it did , or did not produce. Most of those who did know what Jungkook did, ceased interacting with him.
Jimin had stopped talking to Jungkook after his statement that day. One thing that Y/N never got to see, was the way Jimin had slapped Jungkook for his cruel words, scoffing at him, yelling, "You miserable son of a ****, how dare you put down your childhood friend like that? Can you even call yourself a good person after what you have implied about Y/N"?
She had not looked up to peer at anybody's face during graduation, or else she would have seen the red imprint of a hand on Jungkook's cheek on the day of their graduation. She would have seen Jimin's righteous indignation as he continued to shiver in anger well into their graduation ceremony.
So, now Jungkook had to right his wrong. He had to somehow find Y/N, and convince her to come back to a town that she thought hated her. He had to somehow show her how lost he felt without her love, how what they had was all he could think of day and night. He couldn't get with anybody after what he had done to her, nobody was enough. He couldn't forget her. He couldn't forget her beautiful lush body stretched out beneath him as she mewled rhapsodies of love into his ear.
He couldn't forget how she listened to every one of his fears and insecurities, and smoothed her hands over his forehead, cupping his cheeks as she kissed him well into the night. His brain could not forget how he pounded into her, his sweat dripping onto her chest as he drinking sweet milk from her nipple-- her wrapping her thick legs around his back as she hugged him , hands around his neck - littering his face with tiny kisses ,cradling him as though he was something precious, as though he was worthy of all the love in the world .
He couldn't forget her love, her kindness, her warmth, her body. Her. She was unforgettable. There was not a second that passed, that he did not remember her shy smile and her warm eyes.
She had ruined him for anyone else, imprinted herself onto his soul. He had found out too late. He had to lose her to find out that he loved her.
And she had given him the greatest punishment of all eternity for his sins. By withdrawing the love he had spat upon mercilessly.
By leaving him.
tags: @yuna0309, @ghostlyworld, @cutiethecupcake
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Hello there! If I could make a request please. Femme reader joins the Heart Pirates while after running away from home. Her parents force fed her a devil fruit and abused her well before then. Law knows this, but didn't know which island she was from. Maybe the crew shores up on reader's home island and she doesn't realize it until they surface? It's readers turn to go on land and leave the ship for a bit and she runs into her family and all hell breaks loose. Law comes to her rescue maybe? Can be like a new relationship or maybe they've been flirting but nothing official yet?
You're writings are amazing! Thank you!
Hiya papaya!! I absolutely can, I have an oc i made for OP that's got a little bit of a similar backstory so i incorporated a little bit of that but I hope I can do this justice for you!!
[Heads up! PLEASE READ TAGS: established relationship, fem!reader, unhealthy family dynamic/mentions of abuse and abuse related injuries, healthy dose of angst, mention of anxiety/panic attack, hurt/comfort]
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You don't want to be here.
Pressed to the railing of the Polar Tang's deck, you stare at the island that grows ever closer, jaw taut as the excitement you'd felt this morning completely drain from your system.
You'd been all for getting to be on solid ground, eager to explore a new place ㅡ only to realize that your destination is familiar. Too familiar.
You want to leave. You want to beg Law to find another island to make a supply run on ㅡ anywhere but here. But you know that will lead to questions, ones you don't want to answer.
"Excited to be on land?" Hakugan means well with his question, you know he does, but it still makes you tense.
"Something like that," you answer, hoping nobody noticed that your grip on the railing has bled your knuckles white with the force. Your heart hammers, blood icy in your veins. Maybe it won't be like before, you try telling yourself. Maybe it'll be different.
All you can do is desperately hope that you won't have to be here for long as you approach the island you once called home.
Something is wrong.
Law is far from an idiot or unobservant ㅡ though you try to hide it under your usual cheer, he's aware that your smile is forced, and you try to hide the way you flinch at every sudden noise, every unexpected movement.
"What's wrong." He phrases it more as a demand than a question, watching your expression shift to one of faux-confusion. "Don't try to lie to me," he presses. "You've been acting off since we left the ship."
Damn this man. Damn him for knowing you as he does as of late, afforded the soft vulnerability that comes with being in a relationship, even if new and tentative.
You waffle for a moment, still debating the pros and cons of trying to lie to him ㅡ but it's far from worth it when you know he'll be able to see through it.
"[Name]." The press of your name is intentional, and you last all of two seconds before the dam breaks.
"I'm from this island," you blurt, hate how disgusting it makes you feel to admit connection to this place. For all the idyllic scenery and cheerful townsfolk, you know better. The eyes averted at the bruises on your skin, the carefully deaf ears to the way you were talked to.
They knew, of course. How could they not? It was never like they made it a secret. Especially not after that ㅡ and they'd made it seem like it was your fault. How scandalous, a child eating a devil fruit ㅡ of course you deserved your punishment.
Law stares. You'd mentioned little pieces of your past, prompted by the mandatory physical required of all of his crew, the discovery of scars and bones with clear evidence of breaks long healed.
"You should have said something," Law says, hating the way you flinch, shrinking in on yourself. "We would have found a different island."
"I didn't want to cause problems." Your answer is mumbled, eyes averted. You listen to the approach of footsteps, the weight of a hand on your head.
"We'll make this quick, then get out of here."
You nod, some of the raw pit of anxiety soothed by both Law's touch and his words jefore you take a step forward. "I'll grab some of the dry store supplies we need, I know where to go."
A protest is on the tip of Law's tongue that no, you shouldn't have to go anywhere alone on this island ㅡ but he keeps quiet, abruptly understanding that you're trying to feel as normal as you can.
"Alright," he relents. "I'll grab the other few things. Meet back here, then we'll head back."
You nod. Though your skin still crawls at the very fact you're standing on ground you once did so long ago, you push it down in favor of focusing on the task at hand. The sooner the two of you finish, the better.
You're gathering the last of the supplies when things fall apart. Back to the door of the store, you don't see them walk in ㅡ but the voice that calls to you is horrifyingly familiar, cutting through the air like a knife to sink square into your back.
"Long time no see, [Name]."
You suppose you should have known the tentative peace you've found wouldn't last long enough. After all even with the anonymity the passage of time has afforded you, someone was bound to recognize you. You stiffen, fighting the urge to turn. Maybe if you pretend you don't know them, you can leave.
"Thank-you," you mumble as you're handed the brown paper bag, handing over money before you turn, aiming to walk past them as quickly as you can.
Cold fingers snag around your upper arm, yanking you to a halt. "Is that any way to treat a parent?"
Hot anger ignites in your stomach, indignation that they have the audacity to call themself a parent ㅡ but that flicker of righteous fury is snuffed out when you look up. They smirk, and suddenly you're a child again.
"You're to address me the way you should." Their grip tightens, and you fight not to wince at the protest of your arm beneath their grip. They'd broken this arm before ㅡ and it's clear they can do it again, if they so choose. "Am I clear?"
How many times have you imagined spitting in their face over the years? Fighting back the way you always wished you could, proving you're not a scared child anymore ㅡ only to be reduced to it again. You can't even call on your powers, rooted to the spot as their fingers undoubedly bruise your skin.
"I want an answer," they tell you sharply, and you wince as their nails bite into your flesh as well. "Now."
Bile rises in your throat, burning as your heart hammers with sheer panic, breathing shallow. You hate them. You don't want to go back to this, you were promised you'd never have to, and what good is a promise if it's broken?
Years of progress seems to vanish in an instant as your lips part. "Y—"
"Excuse me."
Nevermore have you been so grateful to hear Law's voice. It's cold, sharp with quiet fury — and when you glance over, Law is glaring at your parent. "Let go of her."
Your parent scoffs, and you fight not to drop the bag in your hold on the floor. "Why should I? She's my daughter—"
"Not anymore." Law's tone is flat and fierce, anger blazing in his eyes as he steps forward. He knows it's not a great idea, but he's not above liberating their hand from their body if they're not going to let go of you. "You don't deserve that title if this is how you treat your own child. Don't make me repeat myself." His eyes flash, the promise of a threat in his words. "Let go of her."
For a moment, you think that they won't. That they're going to make this escalate into something bigger than it needs to be, that you'll be stuck here again, unable to protect yourself ㅡ and then their grip eases just enough that you can wrench yourself free and move towards Law.
You know that they didn't let you go because of him, only to save face and not cause a scene ㅡ but you'll take it, even though you're tempted to turn and offer them a taste of their own medicine with your power.
But where would you be then? No better than them and something they'd always called you, even though they'd been the one to make you into it — a monster.
You're not sure how you get back to the Polar Tang. Whether you walk or Law uses his ability — you can't focus on anything but the lingering panic still thrumming in your veins, rising to a ringing crescendo in your ears.
They talked to you. They touched you.
Law finds you hunched over the bathroom sink, a rag in your grip as you scrub at your upper arm. "Off," you mumble as he approaches, "need to get them off of me."
You've scrubbed your skin red and raw, but it isn't enough ㅡ and you flinch when he curls his fingers around your wrist. "Stop," he says softly, keeps his voice low. "That's enough."
You're taut like a wire under his touch, frozen before you ease up, letting him coax the rag from your hand. You let him guide you from the bathroom to his room, coaxing you to sit on the bed.
"Breathe," Law instructs, hand against your back, rubbing gently. "In and out, slowly."
It takes several long minutes to match your breathing to Law's example, the abrupt sag of your shoulders as tension starts to bleed from your body. You're tired.
You don't protest as he coaxes you into laying down, the soft slip of blankets over you as exhaustion weighs your limbs down. "Law?"
"Hm?" Law hums, lets you reach for him on your own terms, tangle yourself into him before he settles an arm over you, fingers splayed against your back.
"I'm sorry."
Your apology makes Law tense. The last thing that you need to do is apologize — and it invokes leftover anger. Not at you, but at your past, what you'd endured before.
"Shh." Law kisses your forehead, lets his lips stay pressed to your skin as he speaks. "You have nothing to apologize for. Now sleep."
It doesn't take long for you fall asleep, and the peace of your face makes Law's chest ache. You deserve this kind of peace, this kind of safety.
And he plans to give it to you, for as long as he can.
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
Pretend That You Love Me(Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader x Suguru Geto)
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warnings: smut, oral sex(male receiving), threesomes, dub-con, cameras/being recorded, making porn, bodily fluids
word count: 1.2k
pairings: Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader x Suguru Geto
summary: Satoru had some dumb excuse to get you into his apartment, and when you agreed to making a lewd video with him and Suguru, he never knew how much of a natural you would be!
a/n: just a dumb little idea that popped into my head! I really hope you all enjoy!
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A light flashes in your face. You squint, trying to look at the source of it. Satoru smirks when he notices just how messed up your face is. Mascara running down your cheeks, drool and cum sticking to your chin. Oh how you look too good. He thinks he’s never seen you look this sexy, He can’t say he’s got any complaints about this either. When he looks down at his still-hard cock, he’s proud to know that you’ve been able to last this long on your knees, sucking his cock. It's still throbbing, begging for more. The pink tip, now an angry red color, just begging to be sucked on. He taps your cheek with his cock, smirking when you whine that you can no longer do it.
“Shhh…” he hushes you softly. “I know you can take more.”
From the corner of the room, Suguru is watching the two of you. He never knew just how erotic it would be to film his two favorite people having sex. He’s been palming his hard-on for a while now, so desperate to get involved in the act. Though, watching you and Satoru has been so much fun. You’re such a little slut for cock. Just a cockhungry whore, begging to be fucked. Suguru knows that you’ll come to him soon and give him exactly what he needs.
Satoru smirks at you as you open your mouth, drool dripping from your tongue that pokes out to lick the leaking tip of his erection. This is all working out so perfectly. He had given you some lame excuse about helping him out with something in his apartment, and once he got you here, you were so easy to coax into this position on your knees. You’ve had a crush on both him and Suguru for ages, and Satoru has finally decided to take advantage of your affection for them.
“She’s such a good girl,” Satoru calls over to Suguru. The black haired man keeps the camera in his hands steady, the light on your right now is just perfect to show the sheen of the spittle and cum that’s on your face.
“She looks good,” Suguru comments, coming over to the both of you.
Satoru grips your hair and pulls you off his cock. He then gently shoves you over to his lover. Suguru smiles down at you, his touch much gentler than the strongest sorcerer’s. You’re practically purring at the sweet affection that comes from Suguru. He then takes his time to pull down his pants. Your eyes widen when you see just how long his cock is.
“Awh, look at that, ‘Guru.” Satoru comments. “Our little puppy seems to be in shock at your size.”
“Hmm, I don’t blame her.”
Suguru’s hands are soft on your tear slicked face. He cups your jaw, and then one of his hands squeezes your cheeks very gently. You’re so quick to open your mouth, your tongue lolling out of your lips. Both men are so happy with the results of this.
“Let me get the camera ready,” Satoru says, picking up the piece of recording equipment. Then he makes his way over to where Suguru had been sitting, and he shines the light on the scene that’s unfolding before him.
“And action…”
You barely have time to react before Suguru pushes his cock into your mouth, and the head of his erection nestles in the back of your throat. You attempt to squeeze your thighs together for some much needed relief. It’s not long before Suguru begins bucking his hips, using your little mouth as his own personal fuck toy. Your jaw is sore from Satoru using you, but you know it’s all going to be worth it when they’ve both had their fun with you.
“Such a good little mouth,” Suguru hisses between gritted teeth. He looks over at his white haired lover. “How did you manage to last so long?”
Satoru laughs, “It was very hard,”
Their words go straight to your aching cunt. They are complimenting you, in their own sick and twisted way. It’s just such a good feeling to be wanted by the two most amazing sorcerer’s of your time. The way that Suguru keeps moaning and bucking his hips makes you feel so aroused. You look up at him through your lashes, and he’s gripping your hair so tightly.
“Fuck! Oh fuck, don’t you dare look at me like this! I’m gonna lose it…”
Satoru chuckles darkly and he’s goading you on to continue to give Suguru those sultry looks you were just giving him. You decide to listen to Satoru, knowing that if you were to disobey him, it would be much worse than to disobey Suguru. You bat your eyelashes at Suguru, and he feels his balls draw up as his orgasm builds so deep inside of him.
“Fuck you, Satoru! Don’t make her look even sexier than she already does,”
It’s not long before you feel Suguru picking up speed. Satoru moves in closer with the camera, trying to get the perfect angles. He’s going to enjoy watching this video with the both of you later on. If Satoru would have known you’d be willing to make such a sexy video, he would have coaxed you into it a long time ago. Regardless, he knows this isn’t going to be a one and done situation. No, there will be so many more videos.
“Cum on her face,” Satoru guides Suguru. “Pull out and show me that money shot!”
Suguru grunts; just the thought of spilling his seed all over your pretty face is enough to bring him right to the brink. In a last minute decision, he pulls out of your mouth and he strokes himself to completion. The first spurt of his cum lands right on your cheek. You’re quick to open your mouth once more, your tongue desperate to taste some of him. Five more shots of his thick, sticky seed shoots out onto your face. Satoru cheers in the background, and Suguru is moaning so loudly for the both of you. Once he’s spent, he leans back a little and gives you a chance to breathe.
“That’s a good girl!” Satoru praises you. He’s got the camera right in your face, making sure to get the perfect shot of you catching your breath with all that cum on your face. “Fuck, you’re so hot.”
You giggle softly, and your fingers come up to scoop up some of Suguru’s cum. Both men are in awe at just how naughty you are as you lick and suckle the seed off your digits. Then you wiggle your fingers at the camera in a sort of flirty wave. That’s when Satoru stops recording. He then leans down and cups your face to give you a sloppy kiss.
“Baby, you are too good at this. You sure this was your first time doing that?” 
You nod your head, slowly getting up off the floor with the help of Suguru. He helps you over to the chair, a bottle of water waiting for you on the side table. He passes it to you, ready to go get you something to clean your face off with.
“This won’t be the only one you do for us, right?” Satoru asks, his voice has a begging lilt to it. “We could have a lot of fun doing this.”
Suguru watches you carefully as you sink half the bottle of water in one gulp. Then you turn to Satoru and smile.
“Don’t worry, it won’t be the last…”
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