#plus it makes a lot of sense :O
elitadream · 8 months
Idk if you’re doing it for this purpose at all but “Mario’s” eyes in the body swap art are so intense with the shading, they look so sunken and hollow. I just imagine Bowser is doing absolutely nothing to maintain the health of Mario’s body. They’re gonna swap back and Mario is gonna feel so exhausted and hungry bc Bowser didn’t bother with any of that, he had more important things to do (like be a total creep)
Oh I'm so happy that someone has pointed this out! :D Okay, so here's a direct comparison:
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One thing I did right away to give Bowser a more evil gaze was make the pupils a lot smaller. That's where a good portion of the intensity comes from. The size of the pupils and irises always plays a huge part in a character's overall friendliness, and it applies for both extremes.
As for the shadows and wrinkles, they make the white areas of the eyes stand out more, which tends to further accentuate that intensity. Even when he's relaxed, my Bowser indeed has those visible creases, but that's mostly because he squints a lot. He's got that typical "evil glare", if you will! 😆 Though I gotta say I love your interpretation of Bowser also neglecting Mario's body to the point where it shows! 👀 I'm definitely keeping that! 👏
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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did we even watch the same show
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
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toji-girl · 3 months
Toji with an s/o who loves his muscles!!! (Sfw) plz
I would worship his muscles at any given moment. I mean, look at him and his very sassy pose. I love him sm
tags: fem reader + fluff + modern au + y'all are married
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Any time you had the chance, you were admiring your husband's physique. "You're so handsome, do you know that? The best man in the world." You would always coo in his ear.
He'd grumble a little, not letting on to how much it affected him but still let you lather him with praise as your hands roamed his sculpted chest.
It was something he worked hard on, and you loved to encourage him, plus he really is the most handsome man to ever exist.
You loved taking pictures of him too, always asking him to pose and smile. He'd give you a goofy one a few times, the other when his lips were in a tight light, clearly irritated with you.
Sometimes you caught him in a bad mood but still wanted to capture a picture anyway.
A lot of the time, you'd ask him to buy compression shirts and shorts that clung to corded muscles that bulged against the fabric.
"What are you doin' woman?"
That was a common question when you started to nuzzle your face into his pecs when you laid on his chest cuddling him late at night.
You couldn't help but shrug your shoulders and smile inhaling his natural scent. "I'm admiring my husband." You cupped his cheek, a gentle gesture as your thumb traced his scar.
He let you do so, the touch comforting then they descended down to his chest and arms giving them a squeeze. "Flex for me, please?"
Toji acted like it bothered him to do it but still smiled when you grabbed your phone to take a picture of him acting like a photographer.
Your phone gallery was chock full of pictures of Toji, you and him were your lock screen on your computer. "You work so hard, I appreciate you."
You always spoke good into him even though at first he denied it unable to take such compliment until he met you.
That was something he loved about you. The way you spoke love into him, always rubbing his back and telling him how good he looked.
"Ugh! You look so good." You groaned anytime he wore loose sweats or just his boxers around the house giving you a view of his body.
There was a never a moment you passed up to compliment your husband or run your palm over his broad back and shoulders.
You truly do have a handsome husband so it just makes sense to show him that.
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nnnyxie · 29 days
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dabi, hawks, bakugo, & kirishima with a civilian s/o
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requested by @crimsonredlotus
“I would like to do a request!
Head canons for Dabi, Hawks, Bakugo, and Kirishima, with a civilian lover/partner?😩🫶 Maybe you could also add on how their friends react? I think it would be funny.👀
Plus any other you might wanna throw in <3”
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dabi / todoroki touya:
⤷ him having a civilian partner is so….. interesting.
⤷ i think you’d have to really sympathize with him or just be completely oblivious. i just can’t really see him being with a civilian considering his status.
⤷ but if he was with one— it was possibly because you treated him like a human being despite how he looks/who he is.
⤷ dabi would definitely make sure your relationship wasn’t known to any rivals or pros, as they could weaponize you against him or take you to jail for being an ‘accomplice’.
⤷ if the LOV (pre season 6) found out he was dating a civilian, there’d be mixed reactions—
⤷ toga, twice, and compress would be supportive. at least that’s what i think.
⤷ kurogiri and spinner would be very cautious and on edge.
⤷ and shigaraki would hate it. he feared you’d end up becoming a liability but!! thanks to much convincing (from dabi and most of the league), he let it pass.
⤷ anyways.
⤷ i think he’d be more careful with a civilian partner.
⤷ like— when you both go out, he takes a lot more precautions. he covers up more than he usually would and he doesn’t steal as much or at all.
⤷ he’s not a good partner at first, he didn’t have the best example growing up. his views are warped.
⤷ but he grows and learns (and gets scolded by toga), he becomes a good bf!
hawks / takami keigo:
⤷ had to subside my hatred for him to do this request…
⤷ anyways,
⤷ hawks having a civilian s/o just makes sense.
⤷ he likes the normality you bring him after a long day of hero work.
⤷ he appreciates his fans, he really does— but, it gets tiring being the ‘mellow, happy’ hero all the time.
⤷ and the emotional toll that comes with being a pro— he just needs that comfort. that safe warmth you provide at the end of a long day.
⤷ he never intended for your relationship to become public.
⤷ one day, it just sort of happened.
⤷ he saw you while on patrol and on instinct he went to you.
⤷ normally it’d be seen as a cute fan interaction but before he left he said “see you at home” and everyone lost it.
⤷ it surprised his fans that he’s with a civilian but to his colleagues, they weren’t shocked at all.
⤷ when the talk of relationships found their way into conversations, he would always mention how he’d want a civilian partner.
⤷ they already knew of you, obviously. you always attended any gatherings with him.
⤷ i think he’s very attentive but he has those moments where he gets completely sucked into work and accidentally ignores you.
⤷ him ignoring you is never intentional but when he realizes that’s what he’s doing or when you communicate that with him, he snaps out of it and does his best to make it up to you.
⤷ he likes buying you things— that’s definitely his love language. even if it’s something small, he’ll get it cause it reminds him of you!
⤷ he wants to treat you the best he’s able to—
⤷ he wants to give you everything he can.
bakugo katsuki:
⤷ i think bakugo having a civilian s/o is so cute bc it’s so out of the ordinary for him.
⤷ like— you’d never guess he’d ever look at anyone that regard, let alone a civilian.
⤷ but the first time you both had met— it was the sweetest thing. it was as if love at first sight was real.
⤷ you probably caught his attention by warding off a villain on your own or something of the sort.
⤷ hence, the love at first sight.
⤷ i think he finds your quirk super useful and sometimes berates you for not becoming a hero.
⤷ of course he respects your choice not to— but, still. he thinks you would’ve been a badass pro.
⤷ i don’t think his friends would find out about your relationship until he casually mentioned having them over to meet you. (he loves his friends and wants their approval)
⤷ now— when the public finds out about the relationship, all hell breaks loose!!
⤷ it’s on every headline. ‘pro hero dynamight spotted with secret lover!’
⤷ the two of you end up sitting down and talking about this for hours— deciding to confirm and reveal your relationship.
⤷ once that happens, he’s a openly affectionate with you.
⤷ he’s very big on dates, absolutely loves to take you out on them—
⤷ so now that your relationship is public, he’s so happy bc he can take you to more places.
⤷ he’s a bit of a worry wart, believe it or not.
⤷ he knows that you can handle your own but, still. he needs to know you’re safe at all times.
⤷ he’s big on acts of service so he’s always doing something for you. whether it be organizing something you’ve been putting off or learning to cook your favorite meal.
kirishima eijiro:
⤷ i don’t think anyone would be surprised that he has a partner that’s not a hero.
⤷ he doesn’t care about status or things that most (superficial) heroes do.
⤷ he’s the classic ‘personality first, beauty second’ type of man and we love that!!
⤷ i think he’d be very open about your relationship!!
⤷ i picture him being with a childhood friend— he just screams ‘childhood friends to lovers’
⤷ his friends are very aware of who you are. he talks about you as if you are a god(dess).
⤷ he practically worships the ground you walk on!!
⤷ the media definitely tries to spin your relationship but he never lets that shit slide. he always calls out their bullshit!!
⤷ there are points where he gets a bit too aggressive with them so you have to reel him back and help his pr team out a bit. (he’s just a silly fella!)
⤷ he’s like,,, the dream bf.
⤷ attentive, patient, gentle (with you), kind, etc etc
⤷ weaponized incompetence? never heard of her!! he’s willing to do anything and everything for you.
⤷ he learns about all of your favorite things— shows, movies, music, etc. he wants to like what you like (though sometimes he just can’t).
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my hatred for hawks is justified!! i cannot forgive him for what he did to my pookie bear…………
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 7 months
I liked your gally headcannon <3
could i request some headcannons for a reader he meets after the glade like they work for Lawrence and stuff? Thank uu
meeting gally in the last city would include
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ahhh thank you so much! ofc, i love making relationship headcanons <3 reader is a little softie. i'm sorry!! i love writing soft readers too much. suggestive themes.
before relationship
you two first met in an altercation with lawrence's men upon entering the last city's outskirts. he had suggested taking you back to lawrence to join his cause.
it took a while for him to talk to you. he didn't want to leave a bad impression, especially given his track record.
plus, he thought you were really pretty which to him, was intimidating.
he was surprised by how kindly you treated him and how warm the smiles you gave were. such pure-heartedness was a rarity in this world.
you started spending a lot of time together. he would train you in combat; you'd take watch together, and even sometimes talk on the roof at night.
people would definitely notice the connection.
the other men would blatantly tease him about liking you in front of you.
his attraction to you would reach its peak whenever you used a gun. something about a gun and girl really got him going.
there would be moments where you two flirted and then became all flustered when you realised what you were doing.
he would start distancing himself.
he'd never feel worthy of having you in his life. his past would always haunt him.
one night, he caved and told you everything he had done.
you kissed him for the first time and told him he was the strongest person you had ever met.
that was when he knew he had fallen in love with you.
during relationship
pet names would include baby, angel, beautiful, and short-stuff.
his sense of humour used to be self-deprecating, but your constant reassurance and loving words changed that.
now he'd do anything, say anything, to make you laugh or smile. he loved your smile. your laugh even more so.
he would be extremely protective over you. your gentle nature would make you more vulnerable, something he felt he needed to protect.
especially during missions and supply runs.
"don't leave my side, alright?"
"please be careful."
"i don't want you in any danger. i cant lose you too."
you'd always protect each other in combat, even though he's like, way taller than you.
sometimes he needed a little protection though, given the fact that he only had one good lung which affected his fighting capabilities.
sometimes you would sit on his lap during car rides with his arms wrapped around you as your seatbelt.
he wouldn't care about anyone watching. he liked having everyone know you chose him of all people.
he'd tease you about your height all the time. expect a joke at least once a day.
would love hugging you from behind, just enveloping your body with his.
kisses would be so tender. he'd bend down and cup your jaw so delicately while pulling you in by the waist.
forehead kisses, temple kisses, basically just kisses all around. not much in public though, that was something he liked keeping private.
when the relationship progressed, he'd still hold out on you. but gentle wasn't all that you were.
"touch me, gally".
and he would. he would brush his fingers along your jaw, up and down your arms, and hold the side of your neck as he kissed you.
"no," you'd whispered. "gally... be rough with me"
at first, he would be hesitant. but once he saw your insistence, he'd pick you up and plant you on a table, allowing his old rougher self to take over as he kissed you, touched you, and well...
that would be how you first sleep together.
he could lift you up like you weigh absolutely nothing. you're basically like a rag-doll to him. in an innocent way. most of the time ;)
his hands are so big that they completely cover the sides of your head.
you would wear his hoodies and sweatshirts to bed. he'd love how big they were on you.
people would hold parties in the ruins of old buildings. there'd be music, bonfires, and alcohol.
gally wouldn't be able to help himself. you'd just look so beautiful in the firelight, he'd bring you somewhere secluded and take you against a wall.
these were the only times he was harsh with you and you loved it—the contrast between having someone who was lovingly gentle and sinfully rough was exhilarating.
when thomas and the others came to the last city, they were genuinely shocked by how he managed to score you.
thomas especially.
"you know about the things he's done, right?"
you instantly come to his defence.
"i know. i also know that people can change. he's not the same person you knew. he's brave and strong and the most caring man i've ever met."
gally's a bit of a snoop, so of course he 'accidentally' eavesdropped on your conversation.
"did you really mean all that? what you said to thomas."
"of course i did. i love you, you big idiot."
"i love you too... little idiot."
damn this was kinda long. my bad.
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
Hello! Can you write Baraka, Syzoth, Kenshi and Liu Kang reacting to an s/o who likes to trace their tattoos. (Also tattoos are hot)
hiya and i certainly can anon! (i fully agree. whenever i see THAT raiden skin i literally want to jump through a closed window)
mk1 hcs: how baraka, syzoth, kenshi, and liu kang react to their s/o tracing their tattoos
warnings: none; fluff
Would be confused at first. He had lost most of his sense of humanity since his affliction, so he'd think you just got bored or wanted his attention
When you explained how his tats were interesting and wanted to know the reasons/origins of them, he was genuinely surprised. Nobody has ever asked him such a thing, let alone pay that much attention to him or his tattoos
Now he doesn't mind it and lets you do as you please. He purposely wears sleeveless shirts around you all the time just so you'll get the idea to trace his tats later
Since the first noticeable tattoo is on his face, he'd get startled the first time you did it. You were waiting for him to wake up one day and became interested in them suddenly
He'd ask what's so cool about tattoos in the first place since he's not originally human. It's not that he doesn't value them, but to him they are more important in the sense of they reminded him of his family (i made that shit up don't quote me), not necessarily "cool" and you had to explain you took interest in all the above
Now he fully welcomes it and would probably go as far as being around you more often to get you to notice and engage in some form of physical touch that ends up in tracing his tattoos
Kenshi Takahashi
I feel like sometimes he didn't like his own tats. Being a former Yakuza and all, he wouldn't get why you think they're cool. You tell him despite their origin they objectively look really cool and make him look even cooler/finer and now he's a happy camper
Whatever his thoughts were slowly vanished out of his own mind. Though he can't really see them anymore, he likes that someone he's in love with is for one not scared away by his past but also thinks they make him look cooler? After a while he'd start appreciating them himself
Also the type of man to walk around the house either shirtless or a tank top more often because "he gets hot easily" righttt righttttt. He loves the sensation of your touch on his body too. I'll never stop advocating for him appreciating other senses more post losing his sight!!!
Liu Kang
He has a lot of tats so like, he's going to think you're asking for a lil alone time wink which he doesn't oppose to but sometimes you simply just find interest in appreciating his ink
He will not shy away from telling you the origins and history behind each and every one. He'd even show you the ones he got for fun. He may be a god, but he was human first who lowkey liked to have as much fun as his comrade, Kung Lao, he was just better at hiding it
He now offers you to do it while you're cuddling or just chilling around each other; in reality he looks forward to it since he's never heard of such a fascinating with something like tattoos and it brought you two closer
a/n: i hope this was good enough! i've been writing so much lately just in general my brain is kinda mush ngl but i ain't no bitch! plus i gotta think more for smut so i went for fluff lol
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bluemari23 · 2 months
bts and how they would love their plus size s/o
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pairings: bts x reader genre: fluff, smut, warnings: suggestive but also more, face sitting, thigh riding, body worship, possessive jungkook, hobo is a boob man, mr tongue technology, masterlist
loves to kiss your stretch marks. like absolutely loves them. loves to trace them as well
"they give me a map to loving you"
insists on cuddling on the couch, knowing there isn't a lot of room so you have to lay on him
"it's okay, baby, come lay on me"
loves when you where his clothes, especially when you only wear one of his shirts (loves how they barely cover your thighs)
his favorite physical part about you is your thighs, they literally make him drool
"c'mere babygirl. let me help you" when he sees you struggling with your thoughts. he knows you constantly think you're too heavy or big for him. he's not having it
holds your hips and guides your movements as you ride his thigh. loves knowing he can make you cum with just his thighs, flexing it and holding you tight.
also a thigh man but for different reasons (kind of)
loves wrapping his arms around you and holding you from behind
loves to make new recipes for you to try and test out
loves that he can provide for you and your shared love of food
"just one more minute, baby" when you try to get out of bed but he isn't done cuddling you yet
will happily hype you up in new clothes
"world wide beautiful" is your new title
his love of eating translates to other things as well
"please babygirl" as he pleads for you to sit on his face
will happily die under your pussy and the way your thighs clench around his head when you cum
loves to take care of you and provide for you
doesn't take anyone's shit when it comes to you
very protective lover
don't have to think around him at all
will only do interviews with weverse if even one person does an unflattering article about you (will sue anyone and everyone)
at first you are uncomfortable with his constant touches and hungry gazes but then they become almost comforting
always keeps snacks for you two to share, especially tangerines
writes numerous songs for you
loves to hold you with his hand resting on your stomach (will rub at the stretch marks and whisper absolute desire in your ear)
loves to claim you in his studio, vocal about his desire and love for you
passionate in his body worship of you, especially when he finds out how much you love his tongue and how it feels on you
"feel so good against me, princess"
loves to dress you and help expand your fashions sense
is the one to help you feel more confident in your body and happy to show it off
loves when you come home and do a fashion show of him in your new clothes (especially when you buy some lingerie)
can't keep his hands off of you
loves how soft your skin is and is constantly fondling your curves
wants to just hold your breasts in his hands
says his hands could be a better bra for you (hates how you end up with marks from the wires in your bras and how they hurt at the end of the day)
loves to just randomly nibble at your skin (thinks it looks delicious and loves the giggles you make every time)
"all of this, just for me" as he thrusts deeply into you, kissing at your breasts
loves how warm you are and will always be found cuddling you no matter where you both are
finds you absolutely adorable and smiles wide every time you come into a room
loves to dress you up and take pictures of you (keeps you as his lock screen and home screen)
can get jealous when other people look at you
"say you're mine, baby"
is there to listen and help you with your own body image issues,
is always there to remind you how beautiful you are
is completely into body worship
"look so pretty for me, all dressed up like this"
would also love face sitting to be honest. like cannot get enough of the way you look down at him, pulling at his hair as you cum
thinks nothing of your weight until he sees you looking in the mirror, holding and becoming insecure over every one of your "problem areas"
will have nothing of you thinking you have problem areas
thinks you're a goddess
"all art work must be thoroughly examined to be fully appreciated"
will spend hours making you feel good and loving on each of you "problem areas" tell you each reason why he loves you
loves to see you in his jackets,
ends up buying matching outfits for you to wear out
will kiss you every couple minutes, just because he loves the feeling of your lips
would be the person to keep going to the gym for you
"I will always be able to carry you"
loves to manhandle you (knowing you get absolutely horny for him when he does so)
is possessive of you and your body
loves when you were dresses that are sort of revealing because it means you're feeling good in your body (and he's the only one who can touch you)
his favorite position is when you ride him so he can see all of you
especially loves watching your breasts bounce from each thrust up he makes
loves seeing his handprints on your hips or ass from you riding him
is also into body worship because he loves your body and just how perfect it is for him
"so perfect for me, baby. take my cock so well"
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
i saw that u did a cartman confesses out of horniness could u do one for kenny if comfortable
It fits Kenny tbh
Btw this isn’t proof read at all I wrote it, read over it once and called it a day
Kenny confessing out of horniness hcs
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• Yeah, Kenny's a perv and he's pretty horny but he has to be EXTREMELY pent up to confess out of horniness
• Like he's always kinda horny ya know? It's nothing out of the ordinary
• Then you come along, and his sense of self respect is out of the window. It's dead, you killed it
• He absolutely believes you're the prettiest person he's ever seen, like his breath was taken away. He's probably joked about how you're this goddess
• And his friends are like, side eyeing him all concerned. They haven't even seen you so they're wondering what the hell he was going on about. Kyle straight up puts his hand to Kenny's forehead to see if he was ok because he really didn't seem like he was 💀
• He's a complete simp before y'all even start dating, and tbh he's probably tried making you jealous before. Jokes on him, it didn't really work
• Kenny doesn't really feel bad about jerking off to you, it's natural right?
• When he does confess to you he's pretty straight forward and kinda romantic, he doesn't want you to think the reason he's in for anything is because him being horny. No, he genuinely likes you and thinks you're super nice!
• He treats you really well, he might go a little fast but it's always up to you. He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable LIKE EVER
• Y'all work up to sex tbh, he doesn't go immediately to thigh fucking like Cartman does
• Tbh I like to think you're a smidge inexperienced, like you can get off by yourself but it feels awkward and kinda weird ya know? Kenny probably makes a joke about being inexperienced and you're like “wellllll 👉👈”
• Yeah anyway back to my point, he's definitely the one who kinda showed you everything you love. He knows you and exactly what you like
• He's super good at eating you out tho, it's his favorite thing to have you sit on his face. Bonus points if you're more on the plus sized side/plus sized. HEAR ME OUT, TALL ASS TWIG KENNY AND HIS PLUS SIZED GF???? SKINNY NERD AND HIS THICC GF <3333333
• Kenny loves eating you out, he likes being under you and having you ride his face. It's like, his favorite past time. He feels good when you do
• Yeah anyways it's starts off as fingering/handjobs and oral because he wants to ease you into everything
• Sex is fucking mind-blowing tho, he knows what he's doing (cough somewhat cough) and he always makes sure you're good with everything he does
• Bro goes multiple rounds and probably eats you out at the end because he has a problem
• You're probably like, on the verge of passing out because shit, that was g o o d
• And Kenny's just like "hey sweetheart I can run you a bath or get you food or something, you want anything?"
• I like to think he's really doting when he's doing aftercare because he cares about you a lot, also he wants to make sure he wasn't doing too much
I HAVE A F E E L I N G someones gonna ask for Kyle next and I'm already preparing myself/brainstorming for when someone does
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sugurus-fave-monkey · 4 months
J e a l o u s y
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Starring; Toji Fushiguro, Cult Leader!Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Choso Kamo & Reader
Cw: Smut, MDNI/18+,Swearing, AFAB reader. Slight plot, Mean: Toji, Gojo, Geto, Dirty Talking, Rough Sex, Oral (m & f receiving), DubCon, Breedinng kink, Exhibition, Degradation, Praise, Restraints, Collar & Leash, Murder, Blood, Overstimulation, P in V, Creampie, some AU(no curse for Toji)a whole lot of filth, not proofread, written on mobile.
WC: 5800 oops
Toji Fushiguro:
Toji Fushiguro:
Toji knew that living with a younger woman would be a pain in the ass sometimes, but today you really had him pissed. Toji had claimed you as his girl, though not in a dating sense, more so in a fuck buddy sense, because he didn’t know if he was capable of maintaining an actual relationship. Plus the two of you lived together, so it was all the benefits of dating without having to actually date. Win-win.
Toji had been downstairs at the gym of the apartment building, when you had texted him saying that you were going to have a friend over, and apologizing in advance for being loud. Toji had thought nothing of it at the time, typical college girl stuff, having a girl friend over and being obscenely loud.
He had decided to spend a bit longer in the gym, doing a few extra sets, just to give you and your girl a bit of privacy. He thought nothing of it when some kid with weird bangs, and the rest of his hair in a bun that he had never seen before walked into the gym. The kid had asked Toji if he could spot him for a couple of sets, saying that a friend of his was visiting someone, and he didn’t want to be a third wheel. The two of them had conversed, mostly about gains, protein, and other gym bro things, before the kid asked Toji if he wanted to join him in the pool. Toji had politely declined, before excusing himself, and putting his headphones back on.
When he entered your shared apartment the gears in his brain started turning when he noticed a pair of men’s shoes beside yours. He took his headphones off and heard music coming from your room, and other noises, moans and grunts. Toji wasn’t stupid, it just took him a bit to figure out things. That kid he met was obviously friends with whoever was in your room.
Toji wanted to go back downstairs, pull that kid out of the pool by his stupid bun, and beat the shit out of him for letting his friend come and fuck his girl. But Toji also did not want an assault charge, so he cracked a beer, and sat on the couch. He could see your room, and he had patience.
A short while later he heard the music stop, and your door open. You came out of your room followed by a kid with white hair, whose appearance pissed Toji off. the kid was tall, lanky, and wearing sunglasses. Who the hell wears sunglasses inside. He wore a crooked smile as he noticed Toji.
“Oh shit, I guess your roommate’s home!” The kid smirked at you.
Your hair was dishevelled, your make up a mess as you glanced at Toji.
“Yeah. Toji this is Satoru, Satoru this is my roommate, Toji.” You mumbled.
Toji watched you say goodbye to Satoru, hugging him at the door. You tried to dart away but Toji grabbed you by the neck.
“Where d’ya think you’re going?” Toji asked.
“To shower?” You bit your lip.
“Nah, I think you need to be reminded whose girl you are.” Toji said as he started guiding you into his bedroom.
Toji pushed you down roughly onto his bed.
“Close your eyes.” he ordered.
You did so, and shortly felt the cool leather of a collar being wrapped around your neck. Toji yanked both your hands behind your back, securing them to the cuffs attached to the collar. You opened your eyes, and Toji was smirking down at you.
“So, my girl thinks she can just fuck whoever she likes huh?” Toji takes his shirt off, and you lick your lips at the sight. His beautiful muscles, glimmering under the LED lights in his room. “Better hope he stretched you out real good.”
Toji pulls his sweats down and your eyes widen. His cock was monstrous. His tip, angry and red, with precum dribbling is thick. He usually needed to make you cum at least once and use lube just to get inside you. His length was just as mean, veiny and a curve that could send you into overdrive.
Toji pushes you onto your back, and spreads your legs, palming his cock a few times before lining himself up at your entrance, and pushing slightly. It feels like you’re ripping.
“Nngh Toji! It won’t fit!” You protest.
“Tch.” Toji pulls back a little bit before leaning his head over yours. “Open your mouth.”
You do so and he gathers saliva in his mouth, before spitting it into your awaiting mouth. You feel yourself become more aroused, and swallow his spit while looking him dead in the eyes.
“Good girl.” Toji says while grabbing the bottle of lube off his dresser, before smearing it over your entrance, and around his cock.
He lines himself up once again, pushing into you. You yelp and clench your fists behind your back, sweat coating your face.
“Mmm fuck mama, you’re takin’ it so good.” Toji’s tongue is between his teeth as he slowly pushes himself into you, your walls enveloping him. “That little boy couldn’t even make you cum huh?”
The pain and pleasure of Toji stretching you out mingle together. A moan escapes your lips. Toji slaps you in the face, and wraps his fingers around your throat.
“I asked you a question, slut.” Toji asks through gritted teeth. “He didn’t make you cum did he?”
“N-no daddy! He didn’t!”
Toji slams into you, bottoming out. “Then. Why. Would. You. Bother?” Thrusting into you with every word.
Tears spill out of your eyes, your mouth is open as Toji drills into you. His thumb finds your clit and starts circling it. You thrust your hips upwards, chasing your high. Your stomach flutters, and your cheeks grow hot.
“You wanna cum huh? Such a greedy girl. Fuckin’ cum all over this cock then girl.” Toji groans out.
“F-fuuuuuck! Daaaaadddyyyy!” You practically scream out, as your orgasm racks through your body. Your muscles tighten, your vision goes white, as pleasure consumes you. Your walls clench around Toji’s dick, as he fucks you through your orgasm.
When it subsides, and you’re twitching, and panting, Toji pulls out and flips you over. He pulls your hips up, so you’re arching your back, and grabs the leash of your collar with his free hand. He gives you no time to adjust, before he’s bullying his cock back into you.
He pulls on your leash, forcing your head up, and drool spills out of your mouth. You’re so fucked out already, your eyes rolling in the back of your head, stars clouding your vision.
Toji sends his hand flying towards your ass, leaving a mark, his pace quickens.
“F-fuuuuck daddy, slow down!” You groan. “M’gonna cum.”
Instead of slowing down, Toji somehow speeds up, spearing you on his cock. “Yeah? Gonna cum again pretty girl?”
Toji’s words send you into overdrive, and you squirt all over him. Your legs are shaking, your arms are burning from being restrained, but you wish you could stay like this forever. Being fucking into oblivion by Toji’s cock. But you can tell he’s getting close to his peak. His muscles are contracting, his thrusts are getting sloppier, he’s grunting and groaning.
“Fuck mama, M’gonna cum inside you. Fill you up. Put a baby in you. Make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” Toji moans as his seed shoots into you, painting your walls and kissing your womb.
Toji pulls out, watching his cum drip out of you, before finally letting you out of your restraints. Your senses slowly start to come back to you.
“So, I’m actually your girl huh?” You ask.
“Guess so. If it means you ain’t gonna be fucking that idiot again, then you’re my girl.” Toji replies before grabbing a towel, and heading to the bathroom. “Y’gonna join me?”
“Yeah just a minute.” You call back, before pulling your phone out. You open up your texts with Satoru, and type out a message.
-Your plan worked! You’re honestly the best! And tell Suguru he’s the best boyfriend ever for letting you pretend to fuck me.-
Suguru Geto:
Geto regarded all of his followers in the same manner, monkeys. But they all served a purpose, so he allowed most of them to live. Piss him off though, and he would have you killed. All of them were interchangeable, he could kill all of them, only to have a new group flock in the next day.
You, however were different. Geto had found you, sheltering yourself from a rainstorm close to his dwelling. He had offered you a deal, shelter indefinitely, so long as you were either useful, or willing to follow his principles. You had agreed, and while you got settled, Geto manifested a Surveillance Curse, sending it into your room. You had managed to incapacitate it, meaning you had cursed energy, which meant you could be of slight use to him.
Geto would never admit it, but he was enthralled by you, the way you looked at him with admiration, the way you were always the first one in when he called everyone to come listen to a speech. The way his eyes would zero in on you.
So when you were absent from his preachings for a few days in a row, he found himself growing concerned. He sent one of the monkeys to find you, and see what was wrong. When that follower reported their findings, Geto executed them on the spot.
The monkey had followed you around the facility, until he watched you enter another followers chambers. He had watched through a slight opening in the curtain, as you shed your clothes and gave yourself to that other man.
Geto was furious. After all, you should be entirely devoted to him, allowing no other to have you in that manner. He was the one in charge, and to be disrespected by someone he allowed to grovel before him, who was beneath him, almost shattered his facade. Rather than succumbing to the anger, he pushed it aside, he would have to teach you what happens when your loyalty slips.
The next day Geto ensured you would be present, by having a different monkey go to your chambers and escort you. You took your usual seat, front row, but refused to even look at Geto. You were nervous and rightfully so. When the rest of his followers piled in he addressed the crowd.
“Hello everyone.” Geto began, a fake smile plastered on his face. “Today you shall witness a special performance.” Geto stood up and pointed at you. “Would you be so kind as to come up to the stage?”
Your stomach flipped, anxiety coursing throughout your body. You gulped. “Me?” You squeaked out.
“Yes, you.” Geto dialed up the warmth in his voice. “Come onto the stage.”
Every fiber of your being is screaming at you to not go up there. But what else could you do? You knew if you ran, Geto would catch you, and kill you right then and there. Your legs shake as you stand up, time seeming to stand still as you take a step.
Geto’s lips curl as he sees the fear on your face, the sheen of sweat coating your body as you unsteadily step towards him. His eyes zeroing in on yours, like a predator, ready to pounce on their prey.
When you’re finally on the stage, Geto cups your chin with one of his large hands, forcing you to look up at him. He smiles down at you, but his eyes have malicious intent behind them. The hairs on your arm stand on end. Geto uses his hand to guide your gaze to the crowd, when you notice the man you had been sleeping with in the middle of the crowd, being held in place by two bigger men. You gasp when Geto jerks your head back towards him, and presses his lips against your ear.
“I hope you’re not shy in front of a crowd. Gotta show everyone what happens when they can’t keep control of their dicks. I’m not going to hurt you though.” Geto whispers, before pulling away and addressing his followers.
“Do I not provide for you? Have I not cured you of your ailments, your sicknesses? And yet, it seems that one of you displays no loyalty. No gratitude for what I have done for him. He must think of me as below him, inferior to him. Why else would he take what’s not his? You all serve me, you all belong to me, and you’re all mine to use as I please.” Geto’s voice is low, all the cheer drained from it.
He tosses the mic down to the floor, his body towering over yours.
“Strip.” That singular word. Your body felt like a shock ran through it. There was no way Geto was serious. This had to be some sort of joke. You couldn’t move.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Geto warned.
Your hands shook as you began undressing yourself, the robes you wore falling into a pool at your feet. You unclasp your bra and shrug it off your shoulders, using an arm to cover your nipples. You inhale harshly as Geto pulls your arm away from your body, the cool air making your nipples erect. Your lip trembles as you pull your panties down, exposing yourself to the hungry eyes of Geto’s followers. Your thighs close on instinct, and you close your eyes, willing this to be a dream.
“Open your legs.” Geto commands, his focus solely on you. You do so, and Geto uses a finger to swipe at your entrance. “Look at you, you’re already dripping, pathetic.”
Geto pushes his finger into your mouth, never breaking eye contact with you. A shiver runs down your spine at the intrusion, but you also feel aroused. Being in front of all of these people, while Geto invaded your body, just did something to you. You decide to suck on his finger, and he smirks at you.
He pulls his finger out of your mouth and stands behind you, before slapping your ass. He snaps a finger, and two followers bring out a chair. Geto sits down, and pulls you onto his lap.
“You ready to put on a show?” Geto whispers in your ear, and you can’t help to bite your lip and nod.
Geto uses a hand to lift your hips up, while he pulls his dick out, and slowly lowers you onto it. A moan spills out of your lips as he fills you up. Fuck he’s so thick, you’re so full already and he’s not even halfway inside. His fingers snake around your throat, as he tips your head back, as he pushes the rest of his length into you.
“Mmm fuck Geto, y’so big.” You moan out. Your eyes trail over the crowd. Every single one of them has lust in their eyes, they look so hungry. The men wishing they were the ones fucking you, the women cursing you for getting what they always desired.
Geto bounces you on his dick, causing your head to reel. You had always fantasized about fucking him, touching yourself to the thoughts. You never imagined you’d actually get the opportunity, so you had settled with the first guy to pay you attention. You had needs after all, but fuck, you were sure you’d never want to fuck anyone else as long as you lived.
“Fuck you’re so tight, you’re taking me so good.” Geto grunts in your ear, before nibbling on it. Your hand shoots down to your clit, rubbing circles around it. Geto slams into you, pulling moans from your throat as you work at your bud. Your stomach begins to coil, you’re so fucking close. A sheen of sweat is coating your body, your eyes are half lidded, you’re already feeling fucked out.
“Uhnnn, G-Geto, m’gonna cum, fuck don’t stop.” You whimper, as stars cloud your vision. You clutch onto Geto’s robes as your orgasm ravages you. Your mouth is open in an O, and you fucking squirt, soaking Geto’s pants and spraying the crowd.
“Fucking good girl!” Geto squeezes your throat as he fucks you through your orgasm, feeling his own approaching. He finally got to fuck you, and put his followers in their place. Before he loses all sense a rationality he summons a cursed spirit, and targets the man who had the courage to sleep with you.
Blood splatters onto both of you. And that sends Geto into overdrive, his hips rutting into you, as his orgasm courses through him. You feel his dick pulsing as his cum shoots into you, thick ropes, coating your walls.
You haven’t even come down yet, before Geto pulls you off his dick, grabs your hair and pushes your face into the pile of your fluids.
“Clean up your mess, monkey.” And you do so, licking up both of your fluids. When you’re done, Geto snakes his arm around your waist. “You’ll be staying in my chambers now, and I’ll have you whenever I desire.”
“If anyone of you chooses to be disloyal, the same fate will await you. Dismissed.” Geto addresses the crowd one last time, before exiting the stage with you in tow.
Satoru Gojo:
Satoru Gojo was very lonely, after all his girlfriend and his best friend had been assigned a mission together, and he was stuck at Jujutsu Tech by himself. There was absolutely no reason why he couldn’t have gone with the two of you, which he made sure to whine about.
“No fair, why do you two get to go out of country and I don’t.” He had groaned.
“It’s a surveying mission, Satoru. We need to be stealthy.” Suguru had explained.
“Okay, and? What’s your point?” Satoru had pouted.
“You’re not exactly the quietest, or sneakiest person. The minute we’d find our objective, you’d come barrelling in with-“ you had mimicked his hand signs. “Blue”
Both you and Suguru had started laughing your asses off right then, and Satoru couldn’t help but join in.
But now, he was bored, bored , b-o-r-e-d. And he figured that now was as good a time as any to use one of his handy techniques; teleportation. He had badgered Suguru, until he had informed him of where exactly they were going, with a “What if something happens to you two?” So he knew exactly where he was going.
He figured he would surprise the two of you, maybe go out shopping, and he could even help the two of you finish the mission faster.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive at the location, which was not what he was expecting. There were a ton of dilapidated old buildings, and there was a ton of residuals, both human and curse alike. Satoru frowned before setting out to follow your residuals, and he noticed the two of you, before you noticed him.
Satoru couldn’t explain what made him duck at the side of a building and watch the two of you, but now he was pissed.
Satoru saw the two of you fending off a Cursed Spirit, you were distracting it, while Suguru had begun to manipulate it. Satoru watched as his best friend collapsed the curse into itself, making it take the shape of a ball. He watched as you cheered him on. He watched as Suguru swallowed the curse in one go, and your eyes lit up, and you gushed at how great it is he can swallow curses. He watched as Suguru put his arm over your shoulders and the two of you walked away. He could hear you still ecstatic about how great Geto was at swallowing.
Satoru put a plan in motion at that very moment, and decided to wait a few hours to enact it. He didn’t know which he was more hurt by; the blatant lie involving the mission, you swooning over his best friend, or the way Suguru just draped his arm over you.
You had just finished in the shower, and decided to get comfy for the night, the mission for today was finished, Suguru was resting in his hotel room, and you planned to order room service. You wrapped yourself in the satin robe the hotel had provided. You were about to flop down on the bed, when you heard a knock at the door.
Figuring it was probably Suguru, you got up and unlocked the door, without even looking through the peep hole. You swung it open to be met by… your boyfriend? What was he doing here?
“Satoru?! What- how?” You babbled, eyes widening.
Satoru said nothing as he pushed the door open and stepped in, before searching your hotel room for something. You cocked an eyebrow while watching him in silence.
“What’s going on?! Is everything okay? What are you looking for?” You ask.
Satoru stands before you, glaring at you, his eyes seemingly filled with anger. He takes you in, seeing the worried expression, the way you chew your lip.
“Kneel.” Satoru commands.
“I-what? Kneel?” You sputter out, your cheeks growing hot.
Satoru grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you down until you kneel. “I said kneel.”
You were still totally confused as to why Satoru showed up, but the way he was acting right now had you nervous, but kind of turned on. The two of you usually had sex at least once daily, and you had been on this mission for two and a half weeks now.
You looked up at Satoru through your eyelashes and he smirked at you. He took your hand in his, pulling it towards his crotch, forcing you to feel his erection. He pulled the waistband of his sweats down, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants.
“Open your mouth.” Satoru orders, and when you do, he pushes his cock into your mouth, giving you no time to adjust as he starts thrusting. “Mmm fuck, that’s my good girl, swallowing my cock.”
Satoru’s dirty talk always had you practically creaming, you squeeze your thighs together and moan around his cock, as you suck, using your tongue to increase his pleasure.
His hold on your hair tightens, keeping you in place so he is fully in control. Fuck your mouth made him practically delirious, the way you devoured him as though he was your last meal. When you bring your hand up to stroke him, he bats it away. “Nuh-uh. Just your mouth, see if you can handle swallowing all of me.”
As he says that, he pushes himself deeper, past your uvula. You gag, and your mouth waters, as his cock slides down your throat. Your eyes are watering, but you know you can take him. You look up at him to find him glaring down at you, his lip curled.
Satoru pulls out, before snapping his hips forward, fucking into your throat. He lets a groan escape, furrowing his brows. He wraps his free hand around your throat, feeling how it bulges as he throat fucks you.
He slows it down, only to bully his cock impossibly further down your throat. You’re light headed, his dick cutting off oxygen, and his hand wrapped around your throat making it even worse.
He pulls out of your throat, allowing you a moment to catch your breath, before ramming his length right back down your throat. “Mmmmmph.” You groan against his cock as tears spill out of your eyes.
“Aw what’s wrong Princess?” Satoru coos. “Thought ya liked swallowing. Or is that only when Suguru does it, hmm?”
Your blood runs cold, and your eyes widen.
“F-fuck.” Satoru moans, while continuing to abuse your throat. “Y-yeah, I saw you two. Fuckin’ lucky that y’make me feel s’good.”
You couldn’t even explain the truth. How Suguru needed you to support him after your battle. That’s the only reason he had his arm around you. How after seeing the face of disgust he made, you tried to distract him by telling him how cool it was that he could swallow curses. You tried to pull away, hoping to explain, but Satoru held you in place. Tears flowed down your face.
“You cryin’? That’s rich. Think you’re real smooth huh? Like I wouldn’t have seen it with my six eyes. Just means, I gotta f-fuck, remind you who you belong to.” Satoru growls out.
Again, your thighs grind together, you’re so desperate for stimulation. You shove your fingers between your legs, rubbing at your clit before Satoru pulls your hand away, smirking.
“Nah, you don’t deserve to touch yourself. If ya wanna cum y’better make sure to swallow all my cum.” Satoru’s thrusts become sloppy, he feels his balls clench, and he bottoms out, pushing his cock as far as it will go, before sloppily humping against your face.
“Ahn ah, fuck.” Satoru hisses as he feels his balls release. “Fuck take it all, fuckin don’t waste a single drop.”
His release fills up your throat as he pulls out, somehow spilling more into your mouth. You swallow, and instantly start coughing and sputtering. Air fills your lungs, and you inhale and exhale deeply.
Satoru stuffs his dick back into his pants, before grabbing your phone and firing off a text.
“S-Satoru, what are you doing?” You whisper, your throat to raw to properly speak.
“Told Suguru to come over. Think I need to teach him a lesson too. And see if his swallowing is worth the hype.” Satoru says as he ruffles your hair. “Maybe if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you cum.”
You feel yourself dripping, your hole clenching around nothing, as you hear a knock at the door.
Choso Kamo:
Choso had wanted to help you train but the fact is: he is not good at training people. He just lacks the finesse to take what he’s doing and slow it down for you.
You were a curse user, part of Geto’s group, you had participated in the Night Parade of 100 Demons, and had found Geto shortly afterwards. You hadn’t questioned how he was still alive, assuming the stitches were from healing himself up. You met Choso right after he gained a body, and seemingly formed a bond. After Choso had exposed Geto as a fake, you immediately turned on Geto, allying yourself with Choso.
Choso glances over to where Noritoshi is guiding you, and instantly starts to feel annoyed. Surely you could move your body on your own? Why were his hands all over you? What was so funny that you were giggling over?
Choso huffs out a sigh, before turning away from you and Noritoshi, figuring he may as well train also. He was sure of his abilities but it didn’t hurt to improve them, and he could also use that as an opportunity to get his frustrations out.
After a while of training, and continuing to ruminate, he decides enough is enough. He had talked to Yuji about how you made him feel, and Yuji had told him he probably has feelings for you. Yuji had then sat Choso down and made him sit through several romance movies. After that he had directed him to Hakari, for additional knowledge, because Yuji “hasn’t really done that stuff”.
Choso made his way to the door of your quarters quickly, and knocked softly on the door. You pulled the door open, and beamed up at him before pulling him into a hug and inviting him in.
Choso could smell your perfume on you, the aroma getting to his head. He was so captivated by every part of you. You were wearing a very small pair of shorts and a crop top, both of which hugged your curves. He was almost salivating.
“What’s up Choso?” You asked him with a smile.
Choso didn’t speak, instead he snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him. His lips crashed against yours, and for a brief moment you were still, before opening your mouth, allowing Choso’s tongue free rein of your mouth. You moan into his mouth, as his tongue explores. When you suck on his tongue, he groans, and his hips thrust against you, grinding his erection against your thighs.
Choso breaks the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting your lips, and trails his lips down to your neck. He’s sloppy, biting down and sucking, licking, all while whining, fucking whining, because he wants all of you, all at once, forever. He pulls up your crop top, exposing your plush breasts, and pulls away to admire them.
His mouth actually salivates. “C-can I?”
“Sure.” You giggle, your cheeks growing warm. You allow Choso to guide you to your bed, and he sinks down beside you.
Choso feels light headed as he takes a nipple into his mouth. Fuck, your skin tasted so sweet. He feels you grab onto his hair as you let out a moan when he nips gently at the bud. He can’t help but to roll his eyes back into his head, as he squeezes your other breast with his hand. He releases your nipple from his mouth and bites down on your shoulder, and when your blood enters his mouth, he loses all sense of rationality.
He pushes you down on the bed, pulling off your shorts, trailing bites all the way down from your shoulder to your waist, before sitting on his knees on the floor. He grabs your thighs, pulling your heat towards his mouth, and spreading your legs.
He slowly licks at your entrance, causing you to arch your back, and his mouth waters at the taste. He uses a hand to spread your folds open, before plunging his tongue inside of you. You both moan at the same time, Choso grinding his hips against the bed frame. He’s sloppy as he fucks you with his tongue, his saliva mixing with your slick. His free hand comes up to play with your nipple.
Your hands are wrapped in his hair, as you allow pleasure to wrack through you. “Nngh, fuck Choso, feels so good.”
The praise goes right to his head, and his dick, somehow making him even harder. He pulls his tongue out of your cunt, and brings it to your clit, licking it slowly, almost teasingly. Your moans fill the room. Choso pulls his dick out, and starts stroking it slowly.
“P-please, faster Cho.” You groan.
Choso obliges, sucking your clit into his mouth, rolling his tongue over it, swirling it around, until he presses his tongue flat against it and starts moving his head up and down, left and right.
You’re so close, your hips matching Choso’s movements as you grind on his face. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt an orgasm like this coming on.
“Oh fuck- fuckfuckfuck, Choso, fuck!” Your mind goes blank as you cum on Choso’s tongue. Your body twitches, your hole clenches around nothing, and you pull Choso by the hair. Your thighs try to close, but Choso is using his hands to keep them open. A few tears fall from your eyes due to the intensity of your orgasm.
Choso keeps eating you out, he doesn’t even need to touch himself at this point. He practically slurps down your orgasm. He takes a hand off your thighs, and bring it towards you entrance. He pushes one finger in, relishing how your warmth sucks him in. He whines again, he can’t wait to feel your walls against his aching cock. He adds a second finger, curling them inside you, hitting your g-spot. His other hand is pressed on your belly, and he can feel his fingers inside you. He loves the way your muscles clench around his fingers, as he probes you.
He pulls his face away from you, replacing his tongue with his thumb, moving it up and down, and in circles over your clit. He watches your face contort, your eyes squeeze shut, your hands now grasping onto the blanket.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect.” Choso remarks. “I need you to cum again for me.”
Choso’s hand fucks into you skillfully, pulling his fingers out a little bit, before pushing them back in and repeatedly curling them. His pace on your clit is perfect, and goosebumps prick your skin as you approach another orgasm.
“D-don’t stop.” You cry out as pure pleasure shoots through you. Your toes curl, your hips thrust upwards, your whole body spasms, your eyes roll back into your head. You feel Choso’s lips meet yours and open your mouth. You taste yourself on him as his tongue fucks in and out of your mouth.
When he pulls away, you open your eyes, and watch as he palms his cock. Your mouth waters, his dick is absolutely perfect, pale, veiny, and his tip is absolutely oozing pre cum.
Choso lines himself up, and as he pushes into you it takes everything in his being to not cum right then and there. He pulls out, and pushes back in, fucking you slowly, savouring the feeling, he bites on his lower lip, while watching himself slowly fuck you. He brings his thumb to your clit, swirling it over your bud.
“Nngh! Cho I-I can’t cum again. S’too many.” You’re so sensitive right now, overstimulation hitting you hard.
“Fuck yes, y-you can babe. N-need you to cum all over me. Please.” Choso begs, and fuck maybe you could cum again.
You allow your body to relax, your brain to shut down, but something feels weird, like a sort of pressure.
“F-feels weird Cho I-“
Choso bottoms out and fucks into you roughly, increasing the strength of his thrusts. It feels like something inside you snaps, and you squirt all over Choso. You’d never done that before, and feel slightly embarrassed but Choso is loving it.
“Oh fuck, yeah cum all over me.” Choso feels himself ready to burst. His dick contracts, and oh my god, the feeling of cumming inside you was too much. “M’cumming inside you. Oh fuck I need you, fuck I love you, fuck please please don’t ever leave me.”
You milk him for every single drop that he’s got, and when he stops thrusting you wrap your arms around him, pulling his chest over your body, and kissing him sweetly. You’re both panting as you come down. When you’re finally coherent enough to speak, you cup his face in your hands.
“I won’t ever leave you,” you whisper. “I love you too.”
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blues824 · 1 year
What would Savanaclaw trio and Malleus do if their s/o made them a home-cooked meal each day?
Gender-neutral reader
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Leona Kingscholar
Oh, what’s this? His little herbivore wants to make him a meal each day? Well, who is he to refuse? After all, your cooking is the best he’s had in a while.
It makes him feel like he’s living a domestic lifestyle, like he’s not in the royal spotlight. Like you’re his spouse who cares for him like no other.
It gives him a sense of normalcy in the midst of living the life of a member of the royal family. 
Whenever he visits Ramshackle during the evening, he always smells your scent in the air mixed with whatever you’re cooking.
By the way, whenever you fix him a plate, he will eat everything on it. It doesn’t matter if it’s veggies, he will eat it.
When you sit next to him, his tail will place itself in your lap as a way to maintain physical contact with you the entire time.
If Grim ever calls your food nasty, Leona will snarl at him and say that he should be grateful you cook for a freeloader like him
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Ruggie Bucchi
His heart is pounding whenever you give him the container of food. And it smells good too. He could get used to being spoiled.
You both set up a schedule where you make a meal for each other, or you make an extra portion of whatever you made for your dorm.
Then, you sit together at lunch and enjoy what the other made for you while talking about the classes you two suffered through.
If you try your best on one of his grandma’s recipes, he will be down on his knees for you. The fact that you tried to bring him a little comfort makes him feel warm and mushy inside 
Feed him please. Mans wants to be spoiled but he won’t ever admit it. I know you Ruggie simps would agree with me
Also, as he’s eating, pet his ears. He will lean into your touch as he takes a bite of whatever you prepared for him.
The moment he hears Grim insult your cooking, it’s paws on-site. No mercy, he’s beating the shit out of the cat for having the gall and the gumption
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Jack Howl
If you thought that the others were flustered, you got a whole other thing going. Your cooking brings him back to his home 
The place where his siblings and him and his father were sitting at the table while his mother served the food for everyone.
You got his tail wagging and his face blushing as he froze, not knowing what to do when you handed him a warm container of food.
He won’t let any of the others even look upon the meal you prepared for him, especially not Ace since that idiot doesn’t know how much this means to the wolf.
As you both sit next to each other in the cafeteria, his tail wraps around your waist as he holds up a bite of the food to your mouth
It’s pure instinct to make sure his mate eats first, even if you have your own food. Plus, you should be able to taste the food you make.
Don’t get me started if Grim calls your cooking disgusting. Jack is picking him up by the scruff of his neck and yelling at him to shut up and eat the food that you went through the effort of making
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Malleus Draconia
He is grateful that he doesn’t have to suffer through Lilia’s cooking, if one could even call it that.
However, he’s kind of sad that you can’t sit with him so you two can enjoy your meals together. His retainers are the only ones allowed to sit with him 
Fortunately, he still has the food you made for him to allow him to remember that you understand his circumstance and love him anyway
Please don’t make food for anyone else, since he won’t view it as special as it originally was. When you reassure him that he’s the only one, he’s happy
Later that night, he will make sure to thank you with a kiss as he compliments your culinary abilities and tells you that Lilia could learn from you 
If he has the time, he will make a meal for you in return. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a lot of time because he’s running the Diasomnia dorm.
If you tell him that Grim didn’t like a certain meal you made, he will have a personal chat with the problematic cat about gratitude and how you deserved it.
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sailorkamino · 3 months
random (soft) bad batch headcannons
a/n: a lot of these are based on the batch being neurodivergent!
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• from oldest to youngest is 99, hunter, wrecker, crosshair, tech
• tech was bullied the most as a cadet since he was the smallest (and mouthiest)
• plus w/o his goggles he can't see well enough to fight back
• his brothers wouldn't let him go anywhere alone
• tech and crosshair have the same dry, sarcastic sense of humor and find each other the funniest batcher
• hunter and wrecker disagree
• if they're in a situation where they have separate rooms hunter always shares w/ crosshair (aka the quietest)
• wrecker and tech share since they don't mind each other's mess
• crosshair or wrecker is always the 1st to notice when hunter is overstimulated
• wrecker is the most emotionally intelligent
• the batch have a rule to never call wrecker dumb or stupid because he's actually really insecure about his intelligence (which is ridiculous, do u know how smart a demolitions expert is?? he's a himbo but he's not an idiot)
• tech prefers info dumping to crosshair cuz he's the best listener
• crosshair loves all his brothers the same but he has a soft spot for tech
• crosshair gets really mad at wrecker for interrupting/ignoring tech cuz it makes tech feel annoying
• then wrecker explains he doesn't cut him off cuz he finds tech annoying, he just has a short attention span
• wrecker likes to see the best in people and can be quite trusting, something that stresses out his protective brothers
• wrecker will physically carry tech away from his work bench if he's not sleeping
• crosshair is the only one who can lie to hunter and get away w/ it bc his heart rate doesn't change
• most of the boys can ignore shit talk but wrecker is somewhat sensitive, making his brothers very protective
• maker help you if you hurt wrecker's feelings
• crosshair and tech would always get hunter to comfort him so they could plot revenge
• losing eyesight is crosshairs worst fear, watching it happen to wrecker broke his heart (he definitely cried on his big brother's chest when they were alone)
• even if they try to hide it hunter can always hear when someone's crying
• hunter tries to stay strong for his batch 24/7 but if he needs comfort, he goes to wrecker
• big guy gives the BEST hugs
• since they were raised very isolated from regs they missed out on a lot of clone culture, they don't speak mando'a
• wrecker loves cuddles!
• hunter and tech have sensory issues so they don't always want to be touched but they usually don't mind it
• as long as it doesn't get in the way of tech's work he'll chill in pretty much any position so wrecker will just use him as a teddy bear
• tech: *reading in bed*
wrecker: *climbs into tech's bunk wordlessly, puts his head against his stomach and wraps around him*
tech: *doesn't stop reading as he pats wrecker's shoulder*
• crosshair is always cold so he doesn't actually mind cuddling but he pretends to hate it
• wrecker hates sparring with crosshair cuz he bites
• crosshair has an oral fixation and used to chew on his shirts w/o realizing it
• would get very embarassed/defensive if anyone brought it up
• tech made lula from scrap fabrics courtesy of 99 when wrecker kept having nightmares
• anytime hunter hears crosshair audibly laughing his stomach drops cuz that usually means someone got hurt (he's a physical comedy guy, what can i say?)
• the hardest crosshair has ever laughed is when wrecker, wearing rocket boots made by tech, flew into a wall
• cross and wrecker are the most playful but in different ways
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marsfa1ry · 1 year
astrology observation 𓇼
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(pics from pinterest)
capricorn mercury i love their dry sense of humor and dark sarcasm. my scorpio mercury be giggling like a baby when they tell a joke while everyone else blank stare the native, concerned about their dark humor. also their choice of words is so calculated and careful if developed, no sugarcoating tho, with well aspected could also be poetic. it’s so cute. ahhh my favs
lilith 3h knows how and when to push the button and let that intelligent communicator self take over lol literally can talk themselves out of anything and could wrap someone around their fingers by their words. school and/or siblings might be a hit or miss for them. it’s either good or bad, nothing in between.
mars 1h idk if it’s just me or not moving body when mentally in a better place for a whole day can cause natives a great emotion turmoil like (esp in virgo degree i guess💀) that’s why coping mechanism and serotonin booster includes deep cleaning room, groceries … oh maybe it’s just me ok
not to mention that healthy routine HELPS natives a lot i mean i guess it helps every human being but i feel like it emphasizes when it comes to mars 1h let me know if you resonates or not^^
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earth moons with uranus prominent aspects/placements yes earth moons do need a stable routine to help them maintain their mind but with uranus influence esp if making aspects to mc, i think will most likely hate to have a 9-5 work, plus with prominence 9h/sagittarius, spontaneous career life is their go-to. their earth moons still want the stability tho so it could be that they have a stable morning and after work routine etc.
leo moon something about their hair that never fail to catch my attention. it’s like tho they did nothing their hair be thriving.
also something about head bumps because there was this one time i dreamed of a leo moon head bumping me just for me to wake up to an astrology observation (i can’t remember which one😿feel free to inform me so i can put credits here) says head bumping is a lion thing so leo placements tend to do that helpp- but tbh it’s so cute ><
earth moons w fire moons i rarely see astro community talk about this two together like it’s SO underrated. earth moon say the most straightforward, simplest compliments that get fire moon all flustered up and stuff like 😳 and firey do this most random, unprovoked things just to get reaction out of earthy. purely just vibing together. fire moon get earth moon out of their comfort zone, earth moon makes fire moon more grounded. seen them in many long terms relationships.
ex: EDIT : i just found out that brian groomed megan fox and actually so problematic so i deleted this example 🤢
ross lynch (aries moon) - jaz sinclair (capricorn moon)
aishwarya rai (capricorn moon) - abhishek bachchan (aries moon)
ryan gosling (capricorn moon) - eva mendes (leo moon)
moon conjucnt mercury synastry : moon be like ‘bruh you speak my mind’ while mercury ‘you read my emotions and know what to do with them without me talking it out so’ love this
moon conjunct chiron chiron making hard aspect to luminaries (emphasize on moon bcs istg…the pain towards deepest part of ourselves um) can manifest such a big impact in native’s life :,) and which part will be effected depends on houses where it sit in. however, as much as how diverse the conjunction can play out🤭 the same thing that wounded the natives could be the same thing that heal the natives. the key is to mastered the cruel (💀for real like who have this aspect would understand what i mean) chiron. as much as it makes you a severely wounded soldier in inner world’s field ffs, breaking the pattern of chiron can manifests a really great result.
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moon prominent aspect in mother’s chart can be presented in your s/o’s chart or someone you like. for better or worse. 🧍‍♀️
mercury in sagittarius degree (9°,21°) philosiphize their words unintentionally and left people who had a conversation with them thinking about their words a lots esp when they give advice, they brought a whole new perspective to the person.
scorpio/8h prominent the struggle is real when someone they close with or trust don’t also hate their enemies. it’s a sign to retreat for them😠 ride or die. all or nothing.
lilith prominent/dominant men try so hard to hide their feelings and reactions when lilith prominent/dominant women come around. might even bully/pick on them at an extreme end. horrible at it finest when undeveloped ugh
taurus lilith square ascendant attract a lot of taurus mars and i have love-hate relationship with most of them
pisces rising really do get away with things. wittiness and chameleon energy of mutable + slyness of water = slay 💅
aries in big 6 literally always there in charts of ppl who heavily watch or fond of anime, manga
capricorn/cancer sun pair with scorpio/taurus sun no matter what others perceived them individually, they seems like a traditional couple to me lol when they’re together it gives ‘of course they’re together’ vibe. capricorn-scorpio and cancer-taurus more often than vice versa
pluto 3h i found myself thinking about what these natives say a looooot like even if it’s the most silliest stuff they said, it still echoes in my mind like ‘i think yellow is a really bizarre color’ and my mind goes 😮🤯😦😵‍💫🙀 wtff
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; hihi, first i didn’t expect my previous astro notes to blow up this much so i want to say that i appreciated all the interactions and support <33 thank you so much and i hope whoever come across this astro ranting HEHE a really nice day/night and much fun reading this ⭐️
© @marsfa1ry
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
I accidentally became moots with a lot of cool undertale/UTMV artists-
@nobodys-reblogs Like, you were my first idol on here that I befriended 🥺 AND NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE MY IDOL- you legit just seemed cool, and I am very VERY grateful each time I see '#friend tag' with you!! I also love your style, it gives a sense of comfort because of the shades you normally use!! (<- psstt I also like your doors content!)
@inka-boi I love the way you draw chubby and plus sized people, literally helped with my own drawings of different body types! You're also super nice. And well, my mum—I love the purple yarn family, I live for the purple yarn ship, you're super sweet!
@zombiestar1934 Uhm, yeah—Yoink. Your art is very yoinkable, VERY HUGGABLE!! Looks like it was drawn in a library, where you had the peace of only hearing your drawing tablet make 'lil clicks! I love the hearts you add to blush, and the smiles you give them! Yet you're just as capable of making angst, and I love Angst :3
@absurdumsid I want to hug all, and I mean ALL your drawings. ESPECIALLY horrorpills, I love the clean look they all have, I love looking at your art, and I just- aghghgh your so cool!!
@italic-doing-random-shit man you're just very awesome, idk how the hell I manged being moots w/ you but I'm vibing with it, your art is like, yum. It gives me, hm... Oh! Okay it gives me animatic vibes, like you'd be a good animator! /pos!
@inkcat1987 AWE. JUST AWE—I love how sweet your style is, and I'm especially liking the middle school AU!! Once again, soft as angel wings!
@axinfinity there's just- there's something so HOLDABLE about your art! I just wanna pick it up and protect it!
@ant1quarian ah yes, a fellow UTMV enjoyer who collects a very specific sans, that being Dust in your case! /vpos. Your style, it's like moss. It has a natural feel, it looks like it'd smell like rain, like feathers and it's so... like this song, The Moss is how I feel when I look at your pfp!
@dzasterdumpterfire Stars. Your art looks like stars, I'm fairly sure the lighting comes from the stars. I dunno it's just kinda mystifying to look at!
@endless-emptyness Your art >>>> Very pleasant to look at. I really enjoy the facial expressions you do!!
@solusminds your art feels like it was crafted in the cozy darkness, illuminated only by a single lantern, while winter blazes outside. It's so nice and warm feeling!
@kiyo-void A lovely painting! All your works feel like they were painted, painted and set in a cool breeze to dry, especially your digital art, and I am LIVING for it! Plussssss Runetale is super cool!
@iatetheglue YUM it looks so squishable, so fluffy!! I love your art!
@denieatsart HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE that's how I feel looking at what you make!! I love the kinda like, layered look your art gives!!
@largefound can't say a bad thing about ya, you're cool, your art gives cool feelings, cool vibes everywhere!
Annd... it's late, I can't think of anyone else BUT IF I DO I will ADD YOU to the list!!
@rushin-safire. Yeah, your art? Feels like it was drawn with a cat in your lap while you've just come home from the Cafe, still sipping on your coffee. :3
@nashdoesstuff for the LIFE OF ME I can't figure out how the hell to search your art, hpw am I screwing it up?? But anyways it probably tastes like gummy bears. /pos.
@nightmarish-qeuwusha Your art tastes like cotton candy! I think that your art was woven from candy floss and glittered with stardust! ^^
@analexthatexists Containment! I feel like your art gives off SCP vibes, I feel like I'm some sort of entity when I look at it, and that, is, awesome!
@determinedfanartist okay but like, your art is "I drew this specifically bc I love my friends" and I cannot be convinced otherwise. /pos
@mrfellsans Ah, cartoony. Specifically with that dapper charm to it! I'm talking bendy and the ink machine, I'm talking swing, I'm talking pleasant to look at as you have a modern spin on it!
@the-second-reason your art is that chill older kid, the one that helps ou their younger peers figure out stuff. They're the super relaxed big sibling, your art has a mellow style, gives chill big sibling vibes. :]
@dustsansm1 I mean this in the best way possible, your art feels friendly but has anxiety. And that's okay! Your art gives me like, it wants to be friends w/ someone but too shy to do so. It has a sorta 'I'm trying my best' style, when it's already really good!
@spookuzm cover artist! I feel like you'd do well drawing the characters that you put on the cover of stuff, your art vibes me those vibes! Like it's the peak inside a new world! ^^ Hey side note this changed to comfort artist
@mellybabbles Reflections, your art makes me reflect on myself. What was behind it? Every line you etch into it makes me think, ponder, as if it were drawn from a mirror.
@wickjump ICON. Your art is SUCH an icon, you're RADIATING icon vibes. The colours you use seem to naturally give off a hue to it, giving it that pop! It's beautiful and clean and iconic! ✨️
@hialeisanimation I mean this in the most light hearted way possible—It's just happy. Like your art is the definition of :3 and I am VIBING w/ it, very lovely to look at!
@joonebugg your art has PERSONALITY, like they don't take shit from anyone. Like looking at it, feels like they'd be the decals for a 1970s diner and they're like the characters, they work too hard to take orders from ungrateful customers. THAT'S what your style looks like to me.
@milkybnnuy so your style (especially when you draw Fell!NM) is so dark and radiates that dark energy and pretty pretty please I need more angst- /pos (edit: dear cod I got that angst)
@bluu3berry - you really utilize shades of colour really well, I think you've done a wonderful job with Bluu!! /Gen! I think your style really reminds me of an older cartoon with their softer colours, like Charlie brown! And, I love Charlie brown!
@hiro-doodlez - Your art uses ALL of your canvas to your advantage! Like rarely have I ever seen you draw something and leave a blank space, which also helps you create a ton of interesting shading! I like how you draw over colours w/ other colours, so your base colours helps the top layer—Does that make sense? ^^ like, your style is very out there! Very you, very recognizable!
@dustbvnnyy Y2K INVADER ZIM like it's awesome, your artstyle gives me y2k alt vibes!! I love the soft saturated (is that a thing? ^^') colours that go into your pieces!!
@murder-clown-around-town fun!! I saw your pinned post and from what you drew IT LOOKS SO FUN!! Like a balloon animal!! I like how the lines overlap and create a structure!! :D
@miracle-negative soft and heavenly! Your art, even using a darker pallet is soft and smooth!!
@yellow-computer-mouse it's quite relaxed! I like the shading you did on that smoking Dust picture! ^^
@eco-systeme royal! You have a very royal, a very fancy looking style to me!! Like, someone paid you a good amount to draw it! I hope you forever remain creative, love your art!
@kitoto-the-babybones a very awesome sauce bubbly art vibe! :3
@wishtale-blogs spring vibes!! Absolutely beautiful spring, butterflies, meadows and more!! I LOVE MONARCH I've literally never seen orange and pastels work well like yours does!!!
Also, we may not be moots—But honourary mention to @somegrumpynerd you're my comfort artist, I go searching for Dadmare if I'm down and I find your art—I love how it just looks like the embodiment of Marshmallows. I love how you draw each and every scene you've made, the emotions you convey even if it's supposed to just be a silly post! Just ahhhhhh I love looking at what you make!!
Have a good day, night, evening, morning, or whatever time it is for you guys!
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howdoyouwhiskit · 7 months
*deep breath* so I’ve been meaning to make a big post about House re:mobility aids and chronic pain treatment for a LONG time so here we go this is gonna be a long ride that probably won’t make a lot of sense in regards to a linear narrative so buckle up motherfuckers
Disclaimer: I am disabled, have chronic pain, and am an ambulatory mobility aid user. I have experience using a cane, forearm crutches, a rollator, and a walker. I understand everyone’s experiences are different. I am writing this from my personal experience with mobility aids which may influence some interpretations of things
Let’s start with the obvious one, House uses his cane wrong. They recognize this in canon. It isn’t simply a case of “oh the show writers were lazy and it’s never mentioned.” What I haven’t seen people discuss is that using a cane the way House does (in my experience anyways) fucking hurts. It isn’t comfortable at all. It feels awkward and clunky and at least personally within a few minutes of using a cane in that fashion my *entire body* hurts. Plus, it doesn’t even really help take the pressure off of my leg pain.
Given the all of him there’s two conclusions that I’d like to make about this (and remember this isn’t canon, just simply my interpretation as a disabled person):
It’s very obvious that House has Feelings about mobility aids. Society can often make people think that using mobility aids is a weakness. Admitting something is wrong. House very clearly doesn’t like to do either of those things. I personally have incredibly complicated feelings about mobility aids that I can’t even begin to put into words. I see myself in House in this regard.
I can’t help but think that him using his cane incorrectly is some fucked up form of self punishment. It’s been brought up in canon that House has a tendency to self harm in various ways. I don’t think that people realizing that him using a cane incorrectly could be related. For those who are unfamiliar, using any mobility aid (even a cane) incorrectly can cause damage. I do not claim to be a doctor but I imagine that House would be dealing with back and shoulder issues at minimum from using his cane the way he does.
The next thought I have is something I think about a lot. It’s clear House’s pain fluctuates, as it does for a lot of chronic pain patients. What I don’t see a lot of people talking about is realistically he could fluctuate mobility aids with the fluctuations of his pain. Yes, I understand there are limitations within his career as a doctor, but this is House MD were talking about there isn’t exactly always exact medical realism is there? I just can’t help but wonder, what would House’s life look like, if he let himself use something other than a cane?
I know there’s an episode where House does use a wheelchair for access to an accessible parking space, and I really really wish they expanded upon this more in canon. Personally, I think House needing to be (but not necessarily acting on it) a part time ambulatory wheelchair user makes sense.
I’ve read some fic/headcanons about House needing a wheelchair (Berber it be due to an advancement in disability or as an acceptance of his current disability) yet everyone talks about him using a shitty hospital grade chair. He’s a doctor who probably has great insurance plus a lofty department head paycheck. If House were in a position to have a wheelchair, he could very very easily access a top of the line custom made chair.
I understand the representation of the standard hospital chair often comes from a place of ignorance about custom wheelchairs, I really do. I just think that the concept of using a hospital chair permanently can cloud the judgement of if it’s truly a “bad thing” or not. Hospital wheelchairs are fucking uncomfortable and not easy to use. A custom chair, when built right, is none of these things.
Just, I’d love more House fanwork that embraces the idea of mobility aids. No, I don’t mean make House randomly decide “oh I’m gonna accept help now” and make him OOC. No, I mean let’s actually dive into House’s feelings about mobility aids, create some fanworks where maybe he works through some of his internalized ableism and self hatred and lets himself be accommodated. I hate seeing fic after fic that makes it seem like it’s some tragedy that House needs crutches or a walker or wheelchair. I want it to be normalized. Disability can be progressive and that’s just life. Yes, it’s upsetting. Yes, it can be sad to those involved. No, it doesn’t mean the end of the world.
Now I think it’s time to talk in regards to the treatment of his chronic pain, outside of the way he accommodates his mobility. I think that, while this is probably related to the writers wanting to stick to the “addicted to Vicodin” plot line, House’s pain management in the series, sucks, to put it lightly. I’ve been to multiple pain management programs (both at formal PM clinics and informal PM done by other specialists) and any doctor worth their salt would have had him on some sort of nerve pain medication and probably some form of muscle relaxer from the very beginning. While, yes, one could argue that House is on these medications and it’s just not mentioned, I really really don’t think that’s the case. You could also argue that he may have been offered these things, and simply refused them. This could very well be the case. However, that doesn’t erase the fact that these things could be helpful.
When House is off Vicodin, they have him substantiating off of exclusively ibuprofen. I’ve had chronic pain bad enough to need opioids treated with high doses of ibuprofen and in my personal experience, it doesn’t do shit. It just upsets your stomach and risks kidney issues and doesn’t actually help with the pain. The fact that just because he deals with addiction he doesn’t get proper pain management is BONKERS to me.
I understand that they were, within the shows canon, attempting to claim that at least some of the pain was psychological. Just because someone’s pain is psychological doesn’t mean you do not treat it. There are plenty of ways to treat psychological pain. Again, one could argue that House simply refused. Again, I’d say that you might be right.
You notice that I say that House very realistically could’ve refused various treatments that could make his life better. Just like how it is with his cane, I believe this is an effort at self punishment. If these efforts at self punishment are conscious or not is genuinely up to you. I personally view it as unconscious, but again, as I said in the beginning, I’m interpreting this the way I see things.
Anyways, just needed to get my thoughts out there, as a crippled person who’s been obsessed with House since before they realized that their chronic pain wasn’t normal. Since before they realized that the word disabled was something that could be applied to them.
Feel free to reply to this with thoughts or questions and y'all are more than welcome to DM me to pick my brain about this!
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thrasher-slashers · 1 year
Slashers with a Thicc S/O
Basically, a few slashers with a plus sized S/o- some basic relationship HCs sprinkled in- kinda requested by a friend?
Some body dysmorphia
Mainly fluff :)))
Pronouns=They/Them (G/N reader)
I am a plus sized person myself- but I’m still not the best writer! Bare with me if something’s don’t make sense!
Kinda OOC
Bo Sinclair
Holy shit-
Loves your thighs- wether squishy or muscle, loves them
Will pinch your fat, thinks it’s cute
* Lays his head on your legs, a lot…maybe play with his hair???
* He definitely won’t complain…
* If your self couscous about your size? This man will go ham on anyone that says a w o r d.
* He will hype you up to the best of his one tracked southern mind-
* Chubby chaser!!!
* You have stretch marks? Nice! He likes tiger stripes!
* Bo doesn’t say words much to show how he feels, but he try’s his damn best- “Darlin’ I’ll love you, no matter how you feel about yourself.”
* Lots…. I mean… lots of hickeys.
* Your both pretty warm natured,, so summer cuddles are usually a no go- rip.
Lester Sinclair
* Type of mf to squish your cheeks
* “Sorry honey, you just look so cute!”
* Another chubby chaser!
* Pick him up and cuddle him- we know this man is a stick, and couldn’t even pick up one of his brothers if he tried-
* Thigh appreciator, amen.
* Will glow in pride with you by his side!
* Will fight a hoe if they make any comment towards you what so ever-
* Hopes you’d do the same!
* “LOOK AT MY PARTNER!” Lookin ass
* Shows you off, knows he scored big!
* Lots of kisses, all over your body, won’t stop- seriously, you think you have marks on your forehead from him.
* Secretly wants you to crush his head between your thighs… don’t tell anyone.
Vincent Sinclair
* Yet again, like his brothers- a chubby chaser.
* Yes, he draws you a lot, obviously- he thinks your fucking stunning!
* Will ask for you to pose for him, if your comfortable with that of course. If your not good at staying still? Don’t worry! He has a camera!
* Squeezes you- a lot, but he’s gentle-
* Loves how warm you are! His hands are normally cold, he enjoys when you hold them :)
* Will cry if you call him beautiful-
* Literally a whore for your attention, pay attention to him- please- he’ll do anything!
* Likes to touch and feel you a lot, it isn’t inherently sexual? But if that’s what it turns into…
* Makes you little trinkets to carry :)
* Will blush r e d if you play with his hair in anyway
* “I will cherish you will all my heart, Love.”
* Please- please- call him a pretty boy- he will d i e.
Thomas Hewitt
* Enamored. Loves you a normal amount… totally.
* Thomas, as a chubby person himself- actually appreciates the chub more on you then himself!
* Caresses you a lot, just likes physical touch- just being near him makes him happy.
* Likes the way your stretch marks feel under his fingers- odd fixation- but still.
* Not the best at showing how he feels- he just holds you and hopes you get the message-
* Actually will pummel Hoyt if he ever makes any derogatory comment towards you.
* Doesn’t let you near the ‘visitors’ very much, he deems them as a threat to your safety.
* The family likes you, your cool 👍
* Give this man a massage, he’s very tense all the time… he will greatly appreciate it!
* Not a PDA person, but in private- he’s all over you.
* Likes to play with your hair, no matter the texture, it’s you, and he likes that.
* Doesn’t say much, but when he does, he means it. “I Love You.”
Bubba Sawyer
* You??? Love him??? It still surprises him everyday!
* Dotes and fusses over you a lot, very worried about you- for no real reason- he just wants you safe and happy.
* Your bigger like him!!! Now he won’t crush you! :D
* like Thomas, he likes to caress and touch you a lot, he will mumble incoherent things to you, in hopes you get what he’s trying to say.
* Squeals at you a lot, thinks your the most beautiful thing ever, won’t let his brothers even THINK of being mean to you.
* Has actually hit Drayton over the head for an out of pocket comment.
* Kiss him, anywhere, he’ll be so happy!
* Tried to make you a mask at one point- realized you probably won’t like another persons skin on your face- so he used fabric.
* Will cuddle with you no matter the weather- freezing? Holding his arms open. 100+ degrees? Shut up and cuddle, you can sweat it out.
* Likes to sleep with you on top of him, like a weighted blanket.
* Very hyperactive! Wants to do everything with you!
* Excited when you want to do anything with him! Wether it be something like cleaning the house or something like taking a shower together!
This layout sucks- I apologize lmao
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