#posting again because the previous one had a few errors
bisexualiteaa · 1 month
Nobody Gets me, You Do
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Older!Logan Howlett x Fem Reader (ANGST TO FLUFF)
CW: post Deadpool and Wolverine, breakups, brief mentions of seggs in the past, mentions of alcohol, mention of death, mutual pining, cursing, kissing, angst w/ fluffy ending! Possible spelling and grammar errors
AN: came across this song again after a while of not hearing it and it just all came to me. It came to me very quickly so my apologies if it isn’t up to par with my usual works! 😅 I don’t own the song or characters. If anyone has any requests for our men Logan or Wade, please feel free! My asks are open! Enjoy!! 🥰
The song followed him everywhere since the break up. When he would get in the car, the radio would come on and play it for a few moments before he could switch the station to his usual 80’s rock. When he would come to the bar to drink, it would play at least once per night, making him groan each time he heard it begin to play. Sometimes he would even hear it in the stores he went to, and it pissed him off how much it managed to wedge itself into his brain. It was an ear worm that perfectly managed to place salt on a wound that could never truly heal. Losing you. It was a fitting song he had to admit, recounting the days of when you were together and how you used to cherish every memory and now all he has of you are those memories to look back on. It made his heart wrench in his chest and his throat fill with bile at the thought that he managed to chase you away. The one person who cared for him the most, not only in this time line, but in his previous one too. The only person that brought him a semblance of happiness and he managed to fuck it up completely. He’d come to learn that he was quite good at fucking things up, perhaps it was just the curse he carried with him. He managed to take a healthy relationship, with someone who felt like his most perfect match and fucked it up completely. He hated to admit it, but out of everything, there was one thing the song got right.
“Nobody gets me, you do”
One night he decided enough was enough, the lyrics had been lingering in his mind like a haunting memory. He needed it out, needed to just sit down and fully listen to it so he could rid himself of the sound on repeat. He grabbed his phone, getting lost in the picture of you two together on his lockscreen. You were both so happy then. The way you looked at him with all the love in the world, and the way his hand rested upon your hip that told you he would always keep you safe. The smile that rested on his lips as he looked down at you, it was gorgeous. It wasn’t the best picture, but it was a candid moment Wade managed to capture out on a mission together in the woods. One he’d never forget because it was the last one he’d get with you. Once he could manage to tear his eyes away from the picture, he searched up the song, bracing himself for the emotional rollercoaster that was bound to come with. He gave a deep sigh as he sat up listening to it on the couch, a beer in one hand, looking down at his dog tags that you had given back to him the day you left in the other.
Took a long vacation
No makeup, just Jay-Z
You were balls deep, now we beefin’
Had me butt-naked at the MGM
So wasted screamin’, “Fuck that,”
Love me now, but I’m anythin’
Hurry now, baby, stick it in
‘Fore the memories get to kickin’ in
That portion of the song reminded him of the last time you were intimate together. His mind wandered to the way you both came barreling through your apartment door, so ready to pounce on each other that you could hardly get to the bedroom and decided to do it on your couch. He remembered the giggles of excitement, the gasps, moans and groans as you lost yourselves in one another. He remembered the way that you complained of the pain in your legs and lower back the next day from how long you two stayed up going round for round. He was never very good with intimacy, but with you it felt natural. With you, everything felt natural, everything felt like he was in his own personal heaven.
It’s too late
I don’t wanna lose what’s left of you
How am I supposed to tell ya?
I don’t wanna see you with anyone but me
Nobody gets me like you
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I’m with you
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
Those lyrics hit him the hardest, because they were true. He clung to the last little things he had of you, from the still lingering smell of your perfume on some of his shirts, to the pictures he had of you together in his wallet. Even down to the dog tags he held in his hand. You always kept them tucked under your shirt, keeping it “as close to your heart as you kept him” you would always say. The day you handed them back was the day he knew he lost you for good. He hoped that maybe somehow you still had a space left in your heart for him to reside once more, praying someone else hadn’t come along and taken his place. He couldn’t bear the thought of you with someone else, the thought leaving a sour taste in his mouth. You were his girl, he would always see you that way, even if you didn’t want him anymore.
Took me out to the ballet
You proposed, I went on the road
You was feelin’ empty, so you left me
Now I’m stuck dealin’ with a deadbeat
If I’m real, I deserve less
If I was you, I wouldn’t take me back
I pretend when I’m with a man, it’s you
And I know that it’s too late
I don’t wanna lose what’s left of you
This one wasn’t far off, he understood after everything that he said, after the way he treated you if you didn’t want to take him back. He didn’t even like himself, how could he expect someone to love him in such a state? Closing his eyes, he thought back to the times before your break up, allowing the song to finish.
How am I supposed to tell ya?
I don’t wanna see you with anyone but me
Nobody gets me like you
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I’m with you
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
Nobody gets me, you do
He released a long shaky breath, feeling his eyes begin to grow wet with tears he hadn’t noticed began to well in his lash line. He tipped his head back after he took a drink of his beer, trying his hardest to fight the tears from escaping but he could only do so much to stop it as the song played on repeat.
“Well, now that’s a sight I never thought I’d see” Wade said, making Logan groan as he took another hefty swig of his drink. “Fuck off” he responded coldly, but of course, this was Wade he was talking to. Things were never that easy with him. “Easy Wolvie, I’m here for you” he said, placing a hand to the man’s shoulder only further agitating Logan as he shrugged it off. “I’m fine” he replied, trying to get him to leave but as usual, his efforts were fruitless. “Yeah, totally. Listening to a sad song on repeat while drinking is exactly the definition I think of when someone says they’re fine” Wade quipped, making him roll his eyes at his sarcasm. “Fuck you” Logan responded, not wanting to put up with his bullshit but lacking the energy to fight back full force. “I still live in my angsty teenage years every now and then, though I didn’t picture this to be the music of choice for you” Wade said. “It’s fuckin’ everywhere. Like I can’t get rid of it. It’s followed me everywhere since…” he started to say before stopping himself, not wanting to share with Wade of all people but he really didn’t have anyone else. “The break up?” Wade asked, making Logan grunt in acknowledgment. “Yeah” he answered.
It happened so long ago now, but he remembered it like it was yesterday, the sour memories of your usually soft, sweet voice screaming at him. The tears that streamed down your face not only from sadness but from anger. It haunted his dreams at night on repeat, hearing those words leave you as you stormed out, and hearing the awful response he only wished he could take back. You had every right to be angry with him, to break up with him like you did. It was his fault after all. He’d left you in one timeline already, dying before you had the chance to even tell him one last goodbye, and then he nearly left you in this one. Sacrificing himself to try and save Wade and his world without a second thought of leaving you behind again. So this time you left him. He couldn’t be mad at you, not when your anger was completely justified. “Want me to invite her over? Give you the chance to talk with her?” Wade asked, genuinely wanting to help. It was a wishful thought, but your relationship didn’t end the way Wade’s did with Vanessa. A simple meet up wouldn’t take back the hurtful words he’d said to you and he knew that. “Even if you did, she wouldn’t want to see me. Not after everything I said that night ” Logan replied, finishing off his beer. “Can’t be that bad! Right…?” Wade asked, making Logan look at him. “Good god man, what did you say?!” He asked, making Logan sigh. “Told her I was just trying to help, but that if she couldn’t handle me and the dangerous shit that comes with me, then to find someone else. You can imagine the rest” he answered, making Wade hiss in pain at the words his roommate said. “Ouch” he commented. “Well…it could still be worth a shot. How long has it been?” He asked. “Eight months, haven’t heard a fuckin’ word from her” Logan replied gruffly. “Double ouch” Wade said, making Logan shoot a glare in his direction. “Oh fuck off. Stupid of me to think you of all people would fucking help” he grumbled angrily. “No, no, no! C’mon you helped me, let me help you. Just trust me and give it a shot” Wade begged him, making him sit and think on it. Or at least pretend to, he didn’t need to think on it, the idea of speaking to you finally after so long left him anxious but he wanted you back so badly. “And if it doesn’t work?” Logan asked gruffly. “You can brutally beat the shit out of me and get black out drunk and forget it even happened” Wade responded, leaving Logan rather skeptical but at least it was worth a try. “Let’s turn off the sad music though, you’re scaring the hoes” Wade joked as he text you and asked you to come over.
When Wade invited you over to his place, Logan could hardly believe that you actually showed up. He figured you would rather be the farthest away that you could possibly get from him after everything that had transpired between you two. Yet there you were, looking as gorgeous as ever. A little tired maybe, like stress had been hounding you for some time, but otherwise you seemed to be doing well. He wished he could say the same about himself but he’d been nothing but a wreck since you left. Your eyes flit across the apartment, subconsciously searching for Logan. You found him in the kitchen, cooking what looked to be his own dinner, seeing as Wade and Althia got high, while drinking a beer, and the sight made your chest grow tight. You missed coming home to see him like that on occasion, missed when he would cook for you, especially on holidays or your anniversary. You thought back to Valentine’s Day when he made you dinner after a rogue mission gone sour, walking into your apartment to the smell of your favorite meal being made after a long and troubling day. You missed coming home to him, sharing your bed with him.
You missed him.
You weren’t sure how to speak to him after everything you’d said, and with the distance between you, you hadn’t spoken to him since the night you left. He could hate you for all you knew. You couldn’t blame him if he did, you’d hate yourself too if you were told the awful things you’d said. You couldn’t help but pray that somewhere deep down in that gruff exterior of his, that maybe he could forgive you. That maybe he would take you back, allow you a chance to apologize and mend what had been broken. The scent of a warm, hand made meal snapped you from your thoughts, filling the air as you bravely stepped into the kitchen. The minute you did, your heart slammed against your chest, unsure of where to go from here. “You came” Logan said, sounding almost surprised to see you here in front of him. You were thankful that he started the conversation for you and spoke first, you felt almost as if all words were trapped in your throat. “You called” you answered surely, looking at him with a kind, almost apologetic smile. “Wasn’t sure if you would” he replied, and it made your heart ache to know you made him feel that way. “I’m here now” you answered softly, your hand coming to rest gently on his upper arm, making him look to you with an expression that held so many emotions you didn’t know which to read first. Tension hung in the air between you as you stood and looked at one another, this was the first time standing before each other in nearly a year. You could see longing in his gaze, sadness in his body language, but an unrelenting passion in his eyes. He looked as if he wanted to say something but didn’t know the words to say it. So this time you spoke for him.
“Smells delicious, I see you’re still a wonderful cook” you complimented with a nostalgic smile, trying to start up a conversation the best you could with him to see where you stand. “Want some?” He asked without hesitation, tilting his head towards the food before grabbing a plate for you. You didn’t even need to answer. Maybe he didn’t hate you like you first thought, maybe this could go well after all. You surely hoped it would at least. “That’s your dinner, I don’t want to take it all. I know how much you love that dish, I don’t want to take it from you” you said, reminding him of all the times you would make sure he ate, always fussing over him. At the time he used to tell you he could take care of himself and that you didn’t need to worry yourself over him but now? He’d give anything to hear your sweet voice beg him to eat, to be safe, and take care of himself again. “There’s plenty, bub. ‘sides, I remember how much you liked it too” he replied, making you smile a little at the fact that he remembered how much you liked his cooking before fixing you a plate and then himself one. God you fucking missed him. “Thank you” you responded as you sat down and ate with him in peaceful silence that was only interrupted by the occasional small talk. A few stories here and there, some shared laughs, all almost felt completely natural again. Like you’d fallen back into your normal routine as if it had never been broken, but you knew the pining glances hadn’t gone unnoticed. You needed to talk with him, really talk with him. You couldn’t go about this life without him anymore.
Some time had passed after you both finished dinner, the tension between you and Logan had dwindled a bit as you both made your way over to the couch but there was still an invisible wedge between you. One you weren’t quite sure how to cross. You watched as Wade picked up a set of keys from the kitchen counter and made way for the door, claiming he and Althia were going to get dinner for themselves. “We’ll leave you two alone, but try not to wreck my apartment if you decide to have messy make up sex, ‘kay?” Wade said, making Logan almost snarl in anger and you even shot him a nasty glance. “Wilson!” Logan barked, sending Wade flying through the door with a giggle to be out of his line of sight and potentially his wrath. “He never was the king of reading a room” you said, making Logan scoff in amusement and agreement before taking a swig of his beer. “I did want to talk to you” you both said simultaneously, making you chuckle before you both stumbled over telling the other to go first. It was like being a teenager in love all over again.
“Logan I-“ “you don’t have to say anything you don’t want to. I don’t deserve an apology, not after I hurt you” he said, making you look to him with sympathy in your gaze. You knew that you were hard on him, but you didn’t realize truly how hard you’d been. “But you do” you responded softly grabbing his hand in yours, making him look down at your smaller hand wrapped around his much larger one. “I was selfish to be mad at you. I was selfish and cruel for saying the things that I did. What you did was something beyond heroic, something that I’m sure no one else would have ever even contemplated doing, much less actually have done. You did it because you knew what it was like to lose everyone that ever mattered to you in your timeline, and you didn’t want Wade to have to suffer the same” you added. “I was so blind by the thought of losing you again that I didn’t stop to think what a wonderful thing you’d truly done” you continued, shame lacing your tone as you admitted your wrongs, hoping and praying that he would accept your apology as you presented yourself at the most vulnerable you’d ever been. “I should’ve thought of what I would be leaving behind” he tried to say, and you stopped him before he could finish. “No, you have no need to apologize to me or think that way. I was wrong for treating you as if you’d left me that day, because you didn’t, you’re still here. You’re alive” you replied, your hand coming to rest softly on his cheek as you spoke to him, looking deep into his honey brown eyes that enchanted you since the first day you’d met him. “But I hurt you. I screamed at you, said terrible things that I regret every fuckin’ day. You had every right to walk away” he tried to say but again, you weren’t taking it. “Walking away from you was the worst mistake I have ever made, and I cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am for making you feel wrong for trying to help someone in the way you helped Wade and this whole timeline” you replied, seeing what looked to be the starts of tears welling in his lash line as he looked to you while you spoke. “I’m so sorry Logan. And I know those words will never be enough undo the wrong and the hurt that I’ve caused but I hope you know that I mean it” you added, searching his eyes for any means of anger, any means of rejection. Yet you didn’t find it. All you found was longing. “I love you Logan. I love you so fucking much and I’m so fucking sorry” you apologized, hands cupping his face softly and tears welling to your eyes as a sob caught in your throat, praying it wasn’t too late to mend the bond you broke. “I’ve missed you so much…I don’t want to live this life, or any life without you in it. Nobody gets me like you” you spoke, your voice cracking slightly as tears streamed down your face. “I don’t want to lose you…” you whispered repeatedly through your cries, feeling him press his forehead against yours gently. “You won’t. I’m here, I’m right here bub” he said, and it was everything you needed to hear for so long.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere bub, I’m here” he assured, making you pull back enough to gaze into his eyes. “You promise?” You asked through sniffles and hiccups from your cries, searching his eyes for deceit but once again, you found none. “I promise. Missed you too much to ever do that” he said, making you smile the best you could through your tears. “C’mere pretty girl” he said, his large hand pulling you in closer before his lips slotted against your own. You were quick to loop your arms around his neck and keep him close against you as you kissed him back. It was passionate, filled with desire and warmth but intimate all the same. You chased each other’s lips with your own, not caring for the need for air that made your lungs burn from oxygen deprivation, caring more for the way you finally had one another again. Once you did part, you both panted to try and catch your breath, looking to one another as if to ask what next. “Think this belongs to you” he spoke, holding his dog tags out to you, making you chuckle as you looked down at them. “Are you sure?” You asked, but before you could even finish asking, he was already slipping it over your head, admiring the way it dangled from your neck. “Never been more sure” he answered, making you smile as you held it in your hand before kissing him once more. “I don’t deserve you” you said, pressing your forehead against his once more. “No, I don’t deserve you” he said, making you chuckle. “Yet we get each other in every timeline. Funny how that works, isn’t it?” You replied, making him laugh. “Wouldn’t want it any other way” he responded making you hum as you closed your eyes to enjoy the peacefully intimate moment with him. “Good, I don’t wanna see you with anyone but me” you said, making him laugh again at the irony that it was a lyric from the song that haunted him for the past eight months. “Don’t worry, never gonna happen” he responded, and for a moment he understood the perfect response.
“Nobody gets me like you, bub”
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snaccpopstudios · 9 months
Long time, no see, Tumblr!
Hello Everyone! It’s been a while, and we’re so sorry about the silence on our blog! But we have some big, important updates to share with you all. The entire team has been extremely busy with both personal, real-life responsibilities and with game production! On top of this, we have also had a big change in management and production, so we’ve been getting a handle on that at the same time.
I’ll start this by stating that I’m Tobias (he/him), the new social media and community manager, and I’ll be bringing this update to you all! And, all Patreon links provided (minus the ones near the end) are public posts, so you don’t need to be subscribed to a tier to view them, but you still need to be 18+! Now, this goes a bit back, so get a warm drink and get comfy to read this big post because if you haven’t been on the Twitter or Patreon, you’ve missed quite a lot (which is on us entirely! We’re sorry again!) In September 2023, we released a few screenshots on our Patreon showing off some script revisions for the demo of “Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack.” (read them + the update more in detail here!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-jack-90099502) As stated in that post, “A lot of grammatical errors, run-on sentences, etc.. are also being combed out in favor of: - Content that foreshadows future events in the game - Content that is easier to read - And content that more clearly portrays the rules, lore, and restrictions of the supernatural/horror elements in this world
Additionally, more content in general, will be added. Not a substantial amount, but enough to flesh out scenes and make things make more sense now that the world/game has been almost completely outlined.” This post was met with a lot of confusion, as SDJ fans mentioned that they feared the game was being toned down from its original concept. And while our re-writes do actively remove dialogue that unintentionally may be perceived as dubious consent or pressuring the player into sexual/romantic choices, there are no intentions to remove yandere/horror content! We cleared this all up in another Patreon post; a small QnA (here’s that one, again, more in detail!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-yandere-is-to-91034309). 
You may be saying “But Tobias! On the Kickstarter, it said there was soft, dubious consent!” And yes, that is true. However, as stated in the 2nd link provided, Our publisher at the time, Project Enso, originally put that warning up. Sauce (they/them) was not happy with that, but PE properly explained that people who were uncomfortable with the infamous "No Route" hadn't had that warning, and thus felt surprised.
This twitter post was the beginning of Sauce’s quest to remove that warning. (https://x.com/SunnyDayJack/status/1560782320533118976?s=20)
[Disclaimer: PE had nothing to do with the writing of the content. They just had to do what was safest!]
Now, you may have noticed that at the beginning of this post, I mentioned a big change in management. In a post made on Patreon in late October 2023, we got introduced to our new Director, Biscuit (she/her)! She’s previously made devlogs on the Patreon, but she’s since been made the Head of Operations for SnaccPop! These are big and important posts, so I really recommend reading them (as well as the previous posts I’ve linked) in their entirety on the Patreon! - Status Update: New leadership, steps moving forward, future of SnaccPop: https://www.patreon.com/posts/status-update-of-91558879 - Q&A: Project Enso departure, AphroDesia, Deadlines and more: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-project-enso-91850042
But the main points of these two posts above are, 
Sauce will no longer be taking a management role at SnaccPop anymore. Instead, they will take a much necessary backstep to focus solely on creating art and supporting the studio through their continuous work.
The studio has Biscuit as its front-facing figure, but she will be helped out by Perrie (she/her, our current Voice Acting director), Nana (she/her, our current Art director), and other individuals who are key to keeping the content going smoothly at a decent pace. 
SWWSDJ is no longer being released as a full game in November 2024, and is now having Episodic Releases! (Acts 1, 2, 3, and 4)
The Patreon rewards will remain entirely the same. Sauce, as it has been said before, will keep working with us all the way!
Some of you may be wondering what happened with Project Enso and why we parted ways with them, you can read their parting message here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/official-from-92484578
We want to say thank you to Project Enso for all the great work they did for us, however, we believe this decision is the best next step forward to make Sunny Day Jack as best of a game as it can be.
Now, onto some fun stuff! Speed round!
An AphroDesia Game?! The customer is always right! But that doesn't mean that they're necessarily pleasant to deal with…   Available to our $10+ Patreon supporters, you can play a demo of the upcoming mini dating-sim featuring our beloved cutie-pie, TMon, called “ConciUrges.” Featuring 4 endings, two of which are NSFW!
Bachelor of the Month is back! We’re introducing our new icy, and first plus-sized bachelor for the month of December, Jacob Frost (who’s voice has yet to be revealed, but his look has been!) He’s draped out in front of a cozy fireplace, waiting for you to get to know him for $5+~
Another SDJ Demo? You betcha! We understand that there's been lots and lots of content for Sunny Day Jack, and that includes multiple demos that we've released in the past. However, we want to release one last demo. One that includes our new artstyle and script changes that reflect our ideology much more clearly so there aren't any doubts as we move into the future. The release date is TBD!
WE'RE HIRING!! Are you an 18+ NSFW writer and/or an audio engineer? Then you're the person(s) for us! Apply for the position(s) on the Patreon post or the Twitter post!  THE POSISTION IS ONLY FOR THOSE 18+. PROOF OF AGE WILL BE REQUIRED.
Project: DramaBoy As stated in the above linked posts in #5 (more in detail on the Patreon link!) We’re starting up a new project, Project: DramaBoy! As an explanation to non-paying patrons who may have missed our upload of our first teaser (Impish BF Surprises You on Christmas),  we'll be looking to release (hopefully) weekly NSFW and SFW POV Boyfriend audios! Sometimes they'll include characters you know and love-- such as Jambee or Sunny Day Jack. However-- sometimes, they'll include interesting beta concepts voiced by the same VAs from our mainstay projects! Read all about it and see the SLIVER of the list of BFs we’re planning to bring you at https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-dramaboy-94652067 (available to read for free!)
That's all for this update! We know it's lengthy and long overdue, so thank you for your continued support and for taking the time to read! ^_^
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sleepy-platonic-yan · 9 months
(Platonic) Yandere Spirits + Teenage Reader.
Hello This Is My First Post. I Hope You Can Enjoy This And The Rest My Blog Will Have To Offer. Please Forgive Any Grammatical Errors.
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Reader is gn, but the ghosts refer to them as their son—————
You and your mother had moved into a new house. After the tragic death of your brother and father, the house held way too many memories that made it so even walking down the hall could leave you sobbing.
Your mother wanted to really get away from it all, to go out in the country side and ‘blend with nature’, but that was not unexpected of her, she’s always been distant and ready to abandon things at a moments notice for work or her own personal desires. She would have put you and your brother up for adoption if it weren’t for your dad.
but at the end of the day all this really meant for you was that you have to do school online now cause mom bought a farm house in the middle of nowhere.
she made sure you were fine with it which was a bit unexpected, and at the time you really were! It’s just, the house was built in the Victorian era and had seen years of use, hundreds of families and many deaths. And although the house has had new things added like heating and hot water, the house freaked you out still is all.
As you pulled up to the house, its tall figure landing ominously against the moon in the sky, the house looks like it belongs in a horror movie. The large willow tree beside the house with a rope swing that sways in the wind making a ‘creeeek’ every once in a while doesn’t help either. You suck in a breath and don’t open your door, but your mother either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care about your fear as she opens her door.
she goes to the back of the car and opens the trunk before shouting “(Readers name) get out of the car and carry your luggage! I ain’t carrying all of this” you mumble an affirmative and open your door. You keep an eyes on the swing, making a note of how it seems to have stopped for an odd amount of time before getting back into swinging ‘wind must be different over there?..’ you think.
you grab your one duffel bag and a few of moms bags before heading to the front door with her. The gravel path to the front door makes crunching noises with each step, making you hyper aware of how loud you’ve been since the second you got here. You shake your head, it’s fine. This is your house. ‘Is it tho?..’
As your mother grabs her key from her purse, you her a weird ‘crunch’ behind you, like the sound of something starting to walk up the path. You whip around but no one’s there. Damn, barely five minutes here and your already paranoid. Your mother opens the door and you walk in.
as you step in, you step into what seems to be the family room, wood floors throughout the house or as far as you can see. The room has a white couch with soft pink flowers as the pattern and white wood legs. That pattern stays with all the furniture in the family room. There is also a old-ish tv.
“hey mom, do you know why the previous owners left their stuff” you ask a bit suspicious, a huge house with good looking furniture selling for a absurdly low price yet it was on the market for months. There’s gotta be something off.
your mom shrugs and tells you it must just be because they don’t need them. You decide to just go with that. Yeah, they just didn’t need them. You and your mother walk around the first floor of the house a bit before ascending the stairs. The stairs are creaky and give a bit to much for your liking with each step. Again your mother doesn’t mind.
as you get to the next floor, it seems most of the rooms are old bedrooms. Your mother immediately goes to the master bedroom with a small yell of “just take any room, I don’t care”
as you look at the hall full of rooms, non seem particularly interesting or safe. You know you have to pick one tho so you peak in each.
Each room contains different items, but each have a painting of a different person. The only one the not have a creepy painting is one of the smallest, with no windows and the bare minimum items.
you end up picking the one that doesn’t have much furniture other then a bed and a desk. The desk is creaky and wobbles at the slightest push. As you toss your duffel bag on the bed the bed creaks loudly as well. You don’t mind, it’s better than being watched by a bunch of most likely dead guys.
You also don’t have much that you brought, so you don’t need much room. You lay down on the bed. This is fine, your just being paranoid.
as you sit down on the bed, or it’s yours now you suppose, you grab your phone from your jacket pocket. As you turn it on you are blinded for a minute by how bright it is, turning down the brightness, you quickly put in your passcode and flip to discord.
as you open up a group chat between you and a bunch of your friends, you begin to talk to them. You talk for a few hours, even hoping on call and showing them your room (they agree it has a creepy vibe to it), you finally say you have to go to sleep at around 3 am.
you remove the blanket that came from the house as you fear it could be moldy, so you’d prefer to just wash it. You take the duffel bag off the bed and open it, grabbing a blanket. The blanket that came with the house is admittedly much better, your blanket is thin and warm with a few holes. But never the less you turn off the lights and hurry back over the bed.
you realize a bit to late you didn’t change clothes, but in all honesty you don’t want to change in this house.
as you lay back on the bed with a creak, you can’t help but think you see things moving around in the darkness.
you wake up pretty late in the day. It’s summer break so you don’t have school, or else you would have never stayed up that late. As you sit up you notice oddly enough you’re covered in both blankets, not just yours. You could have sworn you just wore yours but but, uh you must have put it on in the middle of the night!
yeah, that’s what you did. You probably got cold, and put the thicker blanket on for warmth, and if you don’t remember it that’s fine.
As you sit up you notice something on your desk, a piece of paper with a cup of water. As you stand you walk over to the note, it’s from your mom
hey (reader’s nickname), I got a urgent call from work and i need to get back to the office by next week, and I have to leave now to make it. I know I said I work on line these days but they really need me. I know you’ll understand, your nearly a adult you can handle yourself for a few weeks, when I get home I’ll spend lots of time with you.
There’s money attached to the back of the note, and I put all our food from the car in the kitchen.
love - mom
You sigh. it’s always been like this. Seems no matter where you guys live, mom will never be home. You know she works hard but it feels she doesn’t see you as a priority.
although in the back of your mind you recognize the writing looks different then her writing, and she always signs off with her real name and not ‘mom’
As turn the paper around you see that yes, there is money, and it is way too much. 500 bucks. You blink. What. You shake your head, you are not using all of that. You remove the money from the paper and throw the letter in the trash.
For some reason you have a gut feeling not to leave your room. Something feels wrong with this house and it’s even worse with no one else here. You grab your phone again and hop on discord, as you talk to your friends you let them know where you live.
Turns out some friends you met online live real close to you, and they’re cool to come over tomorrow to hang out and keep you company till your mom gets home. You just have to survive today and tonight.
After your friends have to go you’re left sitting on your bed with nothing to do, so you remove the bigger blanket again and decide ‘hey, best way to lose time is to sleep!’ After a bit you slip into unconsciousness.
//change of POV//
as the many pairs of eyes watched their sons eyes close, they can’t help but coo
their sons ‘Mom’ is not fit clearly, so they had to step up. And so far they’ve been doing great, their lovely son is even gonna bring friends over to meet them!
their son is adorable. And all theirs
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justtwotired · 4 months
Whispers of the night Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
(Credits to artist are in the picture)
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Lloyd is getting to the 100 in this one🤭^
(Reader too but let’s not mention that)
Tag list: @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvlloyd @viannasthings
GUYS. Guys… please forgive me I am so so sorry for not posing, I just lost motivation and don’t feel like writing anymore so I stopped, and everytime I started I lost motivation at the first word so I didn’t write on… so now, I finished this one, and the next is coming tomorrow, inalready have that completely written and controlled for errors, so I hope that makes up for my absence, I’ll try to post another one next week<3
Part 1 - previous - next
Your pov:
The next time I saw Lloyd was New Year’s Eve, we didn’t have time between Christmas and today because he had been on a mission with the others.
I had asked my parents if I could celebrate with him and his family and they were all for it, excited even. Ace wasn’t that excited, but he allowed it anyway. (I probably wouldn’t have gone if he hadn’t agreed).
So, late in the afternoon, Lloyd picked me up with his elemental dragon. He landed on our property at the front of the house and waved at me with a grin, making me wave back.
“You’ve got everything right?” My mom asked me and I nodded with an excited smile. We stood at the front door, I had a bag with me, containing clothes and a few other necessities, she had already triple checked it.
“Yes, I got everything, I don’t need that much, mom,” I assured and she pulled me into a hug, holding me tight.
“Promise you’ll call after twelve?” She put me at arms length and a laugh escaped my lips.
“Mom, I promise, don’t worry, it’s not like I have never spent new years away from you guys,” I said and she sighed sadly.
“Oh I know, but this is the first time you celebrate it with a boyfriend- let me worry about you!” She fussed and my father chuckled and rested a hand on her shoulder.
“Y/n will be fine, honey,” he reassured and than looked at me. “Take care of yourself and call us if things don’t feel right,” he said, turning serious for a moment before smiling again, “now go to your boyfriend, he’s waiting,” he winked and I stood on my toes to kiss his cheek, before running off towards Lloyd.
I crashed into his open arms, hugging him close to me. Five days apart where five days to long and I had missed everything about him. From his goofy smile to his flirty comments.
He chuckled when he caught me and pressed a soft kiss into my hair. “Missed me?” He asked teasingly and I took a step back.
“I haven’t seen you for multiple days, of course I fucking missed you!” I pointed a finger at him and he smiled before dipping down and catching me in a sweet kiss.
I closed my eyes and rested one of my hands on his cheek. “Ready to go?” He asked after pulling away and I smiled, a bit red in the face.
“Ready to go,” I repeated and he climbed back onto the dragon after taking my bag and he then reached a hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up to sit behind him. My arms curled around his waist and I pressed my face into his shoulder.
He took off and in less than ten minutes we arrived at the Monastery. The moment we landed, the door flew open and Nya came running out. I jumped off of Lloyds dragon and seconds later was crushed into a hug.
“Hello to you too?” I laughed confused and she quickly put me at arms length, giving me a wide eyed look.
“Do you know how hard it is to live with these idiots without you around?” She questioned, sounding absolutely exhausted, “of course you don’t, because you couldn’t come on our mission!” Nya yelled and Lloyd covered his ears.
“Do you mind?” He asked, a tat irritated, but she ignored him and let go of my shoulders to take my arm and drag me inside. Lloyd scoffed and quickly followed after us. “Hey- she can walk on her own Nya!” He called but she ignored him making me chuckle.
“It’s fine Lloyd, we’ll get some girl talk in, besides, we need to get ready,” I chuckled at his baffled stare. “I’ll see you later, promise!” I waved at him and he huffed but let us be anyway.
Nya took me to her room. I’d seen it once before when Kai was giving me a house-tour, but I’d never really stepped foot in it. It gave me the time to look around a bit. I smiled at the pictures in her room and my eyes glittered when I saw the swords displayed in her wall.
I snapped out of it when she closed the door behind her and I remembered why I was here.
“You got everything? I brought some of my own stuff,” I gestured to the duffle bag hanging around my shoulder and she glanced at it before smiling.
“Oh no, I’m all set, but do show me what you’ve got,” she said excitedly. “We’re going to look so fabulous,” she grinned and I saluted her.
I opened my bag and took a small separate bag from it, handing it to Nya who inspected the make-up haul. I had also thrown in some hair decorations and skin care products.
“You know, sometimes I forget you’re rich, and then there’s moments like this and I remember,” she said in amazement and looked up at me. “This shit is awesome, sit down, I’m doing your hair,” she gestured to her chair and I raised an eyebrow.
“You promised I could start on you first,” I pouted and she paused for a second and sighed in defeat.
“I curse my past self for agreeing to that,” she mumbled before taking a seat in the chair herself, making me grin wickedly.
“Are you two done yet?” There was a knock on the door as Lloyd’s voice sounded on the other side and Nya groaned.
“No!” She yelled back, “be patient, we need our time to get ready, I’m almost done with N/n, you can have her to yourself after, loverboy!” She assured and we heard Lloyd huff on the other side off the door.
I snorted at the nickname she had given him and was scolded by her for moving, so I quickly sat up again. Maybe I should start calling him loverboy, I’m sure he’d love that.
Even though we were teasing him, I couldn’t deny that I did kind of want to leave this chair to go and spend time with him, but I had to have one patience.
“Give me some time, Greenie, I’ll be out in a minute,” I chuckled, trying to sit as still as possible while Nya gently held my chin, applying my mascara. I’d already done her hair and makeup, and she was just finishing mine.
“All done,” she took a step back. “You look beautiful, now, we just need a picture and then Lloyd can have you all to himself,” she announced. I knew she was extending her time with me to annoy Lloyd but I didn’t remark on it and posed as she took out her phone to make a selfie of the two of us.
“You ready now?” Lloyd asked from the other side did the door and I unlocked and opened it.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re done,” I teased, poking a finger into his stomach, but he didn’t react and just blinked at me for a second, mouth slightly agape as his eyes roamed my face, making me look at Nya with a questioning look. “Is he alright?” I whispered and she chuckled into her hand.
“He’s flustered beyond words because of you’re beauty,” she elbowed me slightly and I looked back at Lloyd who snapped out of it and smiled, a bit flushed.
“You look gorgeous, love,” he said and kissed my forehead, making my heartbeat speed up and I saw his grin grow at that, making me narrow my eyes playfully.
“Alright, get your lovey-dovey shit out of here,” Nya shooed us away and Lloyd shot her a quick glare before leading me to his room.
“We have dinner in an hour and than it’s just a night full of games, jokes and laughing,” he promised and I beamed at him.
“Can’t wait,” I said softly and followed him into his room. “How was your mission,” I asked and he meekly shrugged, making me lightly frown, “was it bad?”
“No, not really” he mumbled, looking at the ground, “you just weren’t there,” he admitted with red cheeks and I let out a small, breathy laugh.
“You cheeseball,” I poked his shoulder and he looked down at me with a grin, before dipping down to catch me into a kiss, but my hand shot up to cover his mouth. “Lloyd, you’ll ruin my lipstick,” I warned and he let out a sad noise, making me shake my head.
Suddenly his tongue licked my hand making me jerk it back with a yelp. He laughed and I scrunched my nose, wiping the saliva of on his hoodie, making him roll his eyes.
“Is my tongue that dirty to you?” He asked and I grimaced, glaring up at him. “Doll, my tongue has been on many more places than your hand, but only now you find it disgusting?” He raised a brow and my face flushed.
Without my permission, my mind flew back to James teasing me on Christmas Eve, making me slightly scold myself as my brain shamelessly drifted off to a lot of other things.
Lloyd looked amused as he watched my flushed face and could definitely hear my racing heart. He rested his hand on the back of my neck, gently pulling me forward as he leaned towards me, his lips gracing the shell of my ear.
“What are you thinking about, doll?” He whispered and my blush spread even further, he pulled back to look into my widened eyes and he chuckled, the bastard.
“Nothing,” I quickly answered, my voice high pitched, making him raise his eyebrows and smirk.
“If you say so,” he said with a smug grin before planting a whisper of a kiss to my neck and going to leave the room. “I’ll go see if mom and Zane need any help in the kitchen,” he casually strolled off while I stood baffled in his room for a few more moments.
We never really talked about topics like this, and technically we didn’t really talk about it, but we both knew very well where my thoughts had led me too and he had not hesitated to act upon it.
I swallowed thickly before composing myself and heading to the kitchen aswel, where Koko embraced me into a tight hug.
“Y/n! I am so happy you could make it,” she beamed at me and I smiled.
“Thank you for inviting me, I love being here,” I said and her smile grew, it surprised me that it was even possible. “Can I help you with anything?” I offered and she nodded.
“Lloyd is setting the table, do you mind helping him?” She asked, gesturing to Lloyd who just entered the kitchen from the dining room, I quickly averted my gaze, “we are with quite a bunch of people and with this much food, setting the table takes a while,” she chuckled and I nodded.
“Yeah, of course,” I said and quickly went off to grab some of the bowls of food Zane had finished and were ready to be moved. He smiled at me in greeting before returning to cooking.
I followed Lloyd out to the dining room and put the food down on the table. I looked up at him to see him already looking at me, he winked when I caught his eyes, making me quickly divert my gaze again.
I heard him chuckle, making me shoot him a glare while he gave me an amused look back. I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh to before playfully rolling my eyes and returning to the kitchen.
Ten minutes later all the others had joined and Zane had finally finished the food. The moment he sat down, the others immediately started digging in, causing Koko to scold them about their manners, yet they all just laughed it off.
“Here,” I looked at my plate where Lloyd just placed a few pieces of chicken. “You already love chicken, now let me tell you, this’ll be the best you’ll ever have,” he promised and I chuckled at him, shooting him a sceptic look.
I put a piece of chicken in my mouth and my eyes closed in delight. It was indeed the best I had ever had, if only I could eat here everyday.
The meal went on and eventually Jay picked up a conversation with me and I happily listened to him babble in about their mission. Koko and Wu had left for the kitchen with the promise of dessert, there had not been disclosed what it was exactly.
Unexpectedly, I felt a hand rest on my thigh and I had to clench my teeth while my breath hitched. I felt my face grow warmer and tried to make out Jay’s words but they were all a blur at this point.
I shot a look at Lloyd who gave me as mischief one back before winking. I quickly looked back at Jay who didn’t notice anything, Nya besides him, however, wiggled her eyebrows at me, making me bite my lip in embarrassment.
She laughed, throwing her head back while I gave her a scolding frown.
“Hey? What’s so funny?” Jay asked his girlfriend confused while she tried to breath trough her chuckles.
“Yeah, sis,” Kai began, “do you have something to share with the class?” He asked, a raised eyebrow and she quickly waved them off.
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing, I promise,” she giggled and shot me a look while I just kept staring at my plate. Next to me Lloyd snickered, making me elbow him in the side.
“What ya doing with that hand there, Lloyd?” I felt Lloyd’s hand stiffen in its place on my thigh as his head shot to Cole.
“Im not doing anything!” He insisted quickly, yet his hand remained where it was. Cole, Nya and Kai laughed while Jay scoffed at them.
“Guys! Not at the dinner table!” He scolded. At this, Lloyd did pull his hand away in horror while I choked on my food.
“Jay!” Lloyd called out in shock while the others -except a rather confused Zane- where all dying of laughter.
“What is so funny here?” Wu entered the kitchen followed by Koko who carried a beautiful cake.
“Nothing,” multiple voices immediately answered as everyone stopped laughing and looked at their plates.
It was Cole breaking the silence, being a bit to excited to have a taste of that cake.
After dinner, the adults promised they’d clear the table, so me and the others headed outside, climbing onto the monastery roof to watch the fireworks in the distance.
I sat next to Lloyd and our hands were locked together, while I talked to Nya sitting on my left, I was telling her all the juicy gossip she was missing now that she had left school.
“Who’s up for a game of truth or dare?” Kai spoke up, making me and Nya frown and exchange looks.
“What kind of seventh grade sleepover is this?” Nya snorted making her brother let out an offended noise. “You know what’s fun? Truth or drink!” She said and Cole immediately protested
“Absolutely not, the evening just started, besides, Y/n is seventeen, she’s not allowed to drink,” he stated with his arms crossed and I huffed.
“Please, you think I never drank before?” I asked with a raised brow and he shook his head.
“Not happening, we are playing regular truth or dare,” he stated and Nya rolled her eyes while Jay cheered.
We played a few rounds, mostly truth was chosen, but when Kai chose dare, Nya dared him to jump into the pond, he refused so she pushed him off the roof.
Aren’t siblings just lovely?
“N/n, truth or dare?” Kai pointed at me as I sleepily rested my head on Lloyd shoulder, who was tracing figures on my hands.
“Truth, I guess,” I answered, “I am to tired to jump into the pond or whatever,” I smiled and he gave me a look before he seemed to think for a moment.
“Did you ever date someone before Lloyd?” He asked and Lloyd froze for a moment before hesitantly continuing.
“You want the whole list?” I joked, causing Nya to poke me in the side and I giggled, “just kidding,” I swatted her hand away before continuing. “When I was six, me and James had a relationship and it lasted a whole month,” I put up a finger in a matter of factly way.
“It’s the moment you think you like him but you’ve actually just found your best friend,” Cole clarified with a small smile, “I’m guessing,” he added and j nodded with a chuckle.
“Indeed,” I said before continuing, “and when I was fifteen, I had a boyfriend, but we broke up shortly after my sixteenth birthday because he had to move cities, we both didn’t want to do long distance because we where still young,” I explained, “Damon, that’s his name,” I added.
Lloyd was quiet and I wondered if he didn’t like me talking about my ex boyfriend, I would understand that of course.
“So, you two didn’t zekerste in bad terms?” Zane asked and I shook my head.
“No, not at all! We held contact for a while, but I haven’t spoken to him in months,” I revealed, “it didn’t take long for me to get over him, I don’t even think I ever really loved him, not now I know how that actually feels like,” I smiled up at Lloyd who gave me an excited smile back.
“You two cheesy little fuckers,” Kai whined, cause ing both Cole and Nya to calm him out on his behaviour around Skylor, making the others laugh at him.
Yeah, I liked celebrating here.
It was almost three when we sat alone in the garden. The others where playing video games on the X-box while Koko and Wu had already gone to bed.
Lloyd had asked if I wanted to go outside with him and I had agreed. There where sounds of fireworks in the distance, I could barely hear them, yet I bet Lloyd heard them perfectly well.
I felt my eyelids slowly grow heavier while my head rested on Lloyd’s shoulder and he was softly stroking my back.
“I think it’s time to go to bed, love,” he whispered and I groaned. I was incredibly comfortable here, curled up besides my boyfriend in a wonderful garden with faint firework sounds in the distance? Yes please.
“No,” I grumbled, “hmm, am comfortable,” I was almost worried he wouldn’t hear until I remembered my boyfriend is basically a Demi-god and could, in fact, hear me.
“It’s getting cold,” he whispered back, “and you’re almost falling asleep here, you still need to get ready for bed,” he said softly, lips close to my ear and he planted a kiss right above it.
I was silent for a moment before groaning. “Fine,” I tried getting up and stumbled a bit, causing him to chuckle and swoop me off my legs.
“My lady,” he said with a charming smile as he started to walk towards the door. I let out a tired chuckle and tried holding open my eyes to admire him but they fell close every so often, making me force them open again.
He stood still outside the living room door and quickly popped his head in. “We’re going to sleep,” he announced making a chorus of goodnight come from the room.
In his bedroom he gave me one of his shirts, making me squeal softly in excitement, he gave me an adoring smile before turning back to his closet to grab his own sleeping attire.
I pulled the shirt over my head and grabbed my sleeping shorts out of my bag. I felt like immediately getting into bed but he took my hand before I could.
I looked at him and really did my best not to stare as he was only wearing a pair of sweatpants. I blinked and my eyes traced the scars across his chest and maybe his abs too, making me turn pink.
“My eyes are up here, sweetheart,” he teased making me quickly look away while he lead me to the bathroom.
He dug up a spare toothbrush from the cabinet, put some toothpaste on it and handed it to me with a goofy smile. I tiredly took it, muttering a soft ‘thanks’ and started brushing my teeth.
I wobbled a bit on my feet, almost falling asleep right then and there and he wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping me on my feet while he brushed his teeth aswel. I heard him chuckle but didn’t comment on it.
After brushing our teeth, we headed back to his bedroom and I could finally get comfortable under the covers.
He pulled me into him, making us spoon and he hid his his face in my hair, making me hum in content.
“Love you, goodnight,” I whispered, or at least, I hope I said that, I’m not sure if it was coherent as I fell asleep seconds after hearing his ‘i love you’ he said back.
Lloyd POV:
I was almost asleep when I phone buzzed and illuminated the room when a message came in. I sighed and turned it around, deciding to ignore it, but with the second and third message I got curious.
I frowned when I saw it was an unknown number, though the questions flying around in my head where quickly answered.
What is up Lloyd it’s the James
Send 03.08
I wondered why he would text me at such a time and why he would text me to begin with, but he was Y/n’s best friend so I didn’t mind.
Yeah so as N/n best friend and best wignman I do have to live up to my name
Send 03.09
I wondered if he was drunk… because it wouldn’t surprise me.
I was actually supposed to send this earlier so maybe the bitch is asleep but if she ain’t, Im very hapy to tell you that she is waiting to get laid
By you of course
Send 03.10
I paused my reading and looked down at the girl peacefully sleeping in my arms with probably the reddest face ever. I swallowed thickly, my heart hammering in my chest.
I looked back at the screen when I heard a new message come in.
Yeah she will kill me if she finds out about this but we speaked about this christmas eev and yeah so I now evrything
I got your number frim hr phone btw, she dienst know so sshhhh
Send 03.12
I hesitated, what did I answer to this? Did I ignore it? It felt weird to ignore it, but I really did not know what to answer. Sure, I thought about it before but we had never even talked about it. I swallowed again and decided to just answer.
She’s asleep
Thanks for the information?
Damn to bad dude, but np np
I turned the sound of my phone off and put it away, resting my hand back on Y/n’s waist. My face still felt incredibly hot.
How could I sleep after this?
Your POV:
I groggily opened my eyes, being woken by the sun shining trough the cracks of the curtain. My head laid on Lloyd’s chest and my legs were tangled with his.
I moved my hands up to wipe the sleep from my eyes and I used my tongue to wet my dry lips. I lazily looked up at Lloyd who was staring up at the ceiling, having not noticed me waking up. His arm was wrapped around my waist, his thumb rubbed small circles in my side.
His shoulders leaned against the headboard of the bed as he sat up only half. It didn’t really look comfortable but whatever suited him I guess.
Tough it surprised me he didn’t notice me waking up, knowing him he’d definitely notice, seeing my heartbeat would change, plus he’d notice the movement.
“Morning, love,” I greeted and that was what grabbed his attention. He blinked for a moment and looked at me, a small smile appearing on his face.
“Goodmorning, beautiful,” his smile turned into a teasing grin as he assessed me and I narrowed my eyes.
“Are you poking fun at my morning hair?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and his just wiggled his and kissed my cheek. He then went to kiss my lips but I stopped him with my hand, making his lips hit my palm. “Stop, I have morning breath,” I said with a scrunched up nose and he rolled his eyes.
He reached up a hand and pulled away mine by the wrist. “I don’t care, give me a kiss,” he leaned down and I rolled my eyes but kissed him anyway. When we pulled away he scrunched his nose. “Ugh, morning breath,” he said and I looked at him in offence.
“Yeah, that was the end of your morning cuddles, bye, I’m going to get some breakfast,” I started getting up and he whined, grabbing my hand but shook it off.
“No, stay,” he pouted but I narrowed my eyes. “Please,” he begged and I rolled my eyes.
“Get up, loverboy, it’s time for breakfast,” I stated and he sighed but followed me out of the room anyway, quickly catching up to hold my hand, making me smile in content.
Little did I know about the scenarios plaguing him in his head.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 10 months
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Alternate title: Soaked Sweethearts
This is simply a fan translation of the game. Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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I turned my gaze outside the window upon hearing the sound of the rushing wind.
(It's windy today.)
I stopped sewing and watched the trees sway.
Kicho: "Mai, can I come in?"
Mai: "Sure. Something smells nice."
Kicho: "I made some tea. How about taking a break together?"
Mai: "Okay. Thanks!"
Putting my sewing kit back on the shelf, I sat with Kicho at the table, and he gracefully poured tea into the teacups.
(Being alone with my lover like this is so blissful.)
Kicho: "Are you really that happy?"
Mai: "Huh? Did I say it out loud?"
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Kicho: "No, even without saying anything, I can tell just by looking at your face."
(It must have been obvious that he could tell so easily.)
Kicho: "Why are you turning to the side?"
Mai: "Because I'm embarrassed about having my feelings read."
Kicho: "It's too late to be feeling shy now."
Feeling my cheeks getting warm, I took a sip of the warm tea he handed me, and a sweet, familiar scent tickled my nose.
Mai: "This has honey in it, doesn't it?"
Kicho: "Yeah. I remember seeing someone drizzle it into tea back in the future."
Kicho: "Do you like it?"
Mai: "Yes, I can even savor the aroma."
Kicho: "I see."
(If he wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to drink it in this era.)
With every sip, the sweetness of the honey soothed my heart.
Mai: "It's delicious. Can I have another cup later?"
Kicho: "Of course. I added it to make you happy. Feel free to drink as much as you want."
(Ah, he smiled.)
My soft gaze met his emerald eyes, and my heart beat faster.
Mai: "This tea tastes even better because I'm sharing it with you."
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Kicho: "……..."
Kicho: "You really say the cutest things."
Gently, he reached his hand out and stroked my cheek.
(Hehe. It tickles.)
Mai: "By the way, it's rare to see you taking a break at this hour."
Kicho: "One business negotiation got canceled."
Mai: "So you came to see me in your free time?"
Kicho: "Of course."
(He's so straightforward.)
Heat spread to my cheeks again with happiness and embarrassment.
Afterward, we exchanged plans for the week and engaged in small talk while enjoying the tea.
(Since we’re both busy, it looks like it’ll be just another ordinary day.)
That’s why sharing a warm cup of tea and talking like this felt so precious.
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Kicho: “Mai, how about going somewhere on our next day off?”
Mai: “Really? Okay!”
Kicho: “Then choose where you want to go.”
Suddenly, a knocking sound interrupted our conversation.
Subordinate’s voice: “Excuse me. Lord Kicho, are you here?”
(It seems like he’s looking for Kicho.)
Kicho: “I’m here. What is it?”
Subordinate’s voice: “We need you to handle an urgent matter at the port.”
Kicho: “I’ll be right there.”
Subordinate’s voice: “Yes, sir.”
Kicho stood up and returned the tea set to the tray.
Mai: “Are you heading to the port now?”
Kicho: “Yeah. I’ll probably be home late.”
Kicho: “By the way, about our previous conversation, think about the place you want to go.”
(Even though he’s so busy, he still cares about me.)
Mai: “Okay, I’m looking forward to it.”
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Kicho: “Yeah, me too.”
I saw him off as he left the room, then returned to work.
(I wonder where we should go on our outing.)
A few hours later一
(I did a great job today.)
Having completed my work quota, I stretched my body and realized that the outside had already become completely dark.
As I turned on the lights, it started to rain.
(Come to think of it, Kicho went to the port.)
(It’s raining. I hope he’s okay.)
(He said he’d be late, so I should probably bring him an umbrella and pick him up.)
I hurried out of the room and bumped into someone with a thud.
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Kicho: “Mai, where are you going?”
Mai: “Kicho? You’re back?”
Kicho: “Just now.”
(He’s not drenched.)
(I’m glad he made it back to the trading post before the rain started. But...)
Kicho: “........”
His expression was so tense.
(Did something happen?)
Kicho: “I’ll be working late tonight. You should go to bed first.”
Kicho: “I’ll be in the reception room, so if you need anything, just call me.”
Mai: “Okay.”
I nodded, and he walked away.
(I'm curious, but I guess it's better if I'm not by his side tonight.)
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The next afternoon, I left the room to go to the market to buy some fabrics.
(In the end, I couldn't see him this morning either. I wonder what happened after that.)
As I left the room, I heard whispers from the end of the hallway.
Kicho's Subordinate 1: "Is that true?"
Kicho's Subordinate 2: "Yeah. It looks like there's a spy targeting Lord Kicho among those who visited the trading post."
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The unexpected words left me breathless.
(A spy targeting Kicho? Who on earth?)
Even after his subordinates left, I couldn't move from that spot.
Kicho: "Mai."
Mai: "........."
I snapped back to reality when someone called my name.
I looked at the source of the voice and saw Kicho staring at me.
Mai: "Are you being targeted by a spy?"
Kicho: "It looks like you already heard about it."
Mai: "Yes. Is it true that there's someone in this trading post who is after you?"
He frowned and let out a small sigh.
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Kicho: "I have such information, but I still don't know who the spy is."
Mai: "So, it's true after all."
Kicho: "Sorry for surprising you. But don't worry, it will be over soon."
Kicho: "You can continue to live normally without any concerns."
(I understand that he's trying to reassure me, but...)
I couldn't nod sincerely because his tense expression from last night crossed my mind.
Mai: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
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Kicho: "Don't try doing anything stupid. Besides, I'm pretty good at finding spies, especially those from Azuchi."
He chuckled, and I pursed my lips.
Mai: "Are you talking about me!?"
(I want him to take me seriously, not make fun of me.)
Just as I was about to try again to offer my help一
Kicho: "Are you really that worried?"
Mai: "Eh? Ah..."
I felt my feet gently lift off the ground.
With one arm holding me, he opened the door to my room.
As soon as he entered the room, he closed the door behind him.
Kicho: "There's no need for you to be anxious."
Mai: "Nnn..."
He embraced me in his arms, and our lips met abruptly.
(Why did this happen so suddenly?)
He slowly slipped his tongue in and entwined it with mine, slowly melting me.
Unable to stand, I collapsed into Kicho, and the arm around my waist supported me.
Kicho: "No matter what happens, I will never let any harm come to you."
Kicho: "I'm currently investigating the identity of the spy, so it's only a matter of time until I find out."
Mai: "Ah…nnn…"
He deepened the kiss as if to reassure me.
(No, that's not it.)
(What I'm worried about is not myself, but him.)
He's a kind person, but it's true that he has earned some resentment through his past actions.
(If something happens to him…)
Even thinking that, my objections were sealed with a kiss, preventing me from saying a word.
Kicho: "It's about time."
He whispered this reluctantly and released his arm from me.
Breathing out a sigh, we gazed at each other, and someone knocked at the door.
Subordinate: "Lord Kicho."
Kicho: "I know."
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Kicho: "Then Mai, I'll be going now."
After lightly stroking my head, he disappeared beyond the door.
(I couldn't convey anything.)
I was left standing there, my cheeks flushed.
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The next day, after finishing my errands and leaving the shop一
(Huh? You're kidding, right?)
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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seresinsbabe · 2 years
Dream of Me: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: Jake made the dumb mistake cheating on the only girl he every really loved. Fast forward a few years, he's a Navy pilot and you're now a famous singer.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Angst, mentions of STI’s, mentions of cheating. Nothing generally bad this chapter.
Chapter Songs: I'm Not Mad
I do not consent to having any of my work shared on any other platform. If you see any rendition of my works on another site know that it has been posted without my permission.
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Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Four Years Later…
Jake had never really moved past you. It didn’t take him long to realize the error of his ways and those around him never really let him live it down. When his family heard of what he’d done they were beyond pissed. The two of you had been together so long that by the time it all went down you were practically family. 
The chlamydia diagnosis a week later was also another bit of instant karma. He was just thankful it was curable. Jake never should have slept with that girl. He’d kicked her out just minutes after you’d left and then had his own meltdown. 
Since then he never committed again. It was sex only for him. He was a broken man that had caused his own demise. Because of it he’d turned cold. Jake had always been a confident man, but he’d gone overboard after you left. Veering right into overly cocky, caring only about himself and no one else. It had earned him the call sign Hangman in flight school. He wasn’t well liked by the other pilots, only a handful could really tolerate his presence and he was more than alright with that. Jake didn’t need to be liked by anyone.
After you left him he tried to win you back. It was when you sent back the necklace he’d given you, the one that had belonged to his grandmother, that he knew you were really done. That was when he really broke. Because Jake had made the conscious decision to cheat. He’d known it was wrong when he was doing it and he’d still done it. There was no excuse for it. The only reason he’d done it was because he felt touch starved. You’d been working so hard, not only on your music but at the hospital that the relationship had been put on the backburner. Jake knew that what he should have done was stick it out. He should have waited for you, because ultimately you would have come back. When you’d done what you needed to do you would have come back. But he didn’t. Instead he chose to be selfish, a trait that more often than not landed him in hot water. 
To make matters even worse you had achieved your dream. It took a couple years for you to go mainstream, but then it was like Jake couldn’t get away from you. Your voice was everywhere, haunting him. Even his sisters would make it worse. The year you’d performed the Super Bowl half-time show was the worst. Somehow his younger brother had managed to hook the TV up to the whole house stereo system his father had just gotten installed. So no matter how far away Jake walked in the house he could never get away from your voice. He had to hear you sing to millions of people about how he’d hurt you, betrayed you. No one knew it was him. That was the one thing he was thankful for. As far as he knew you’d never revealed his name. 
After that he went on a boycott of modern music. Strictly only sticking to playing the songs on his phone. Never the radio. He couldn’t bear to hear your voice anymore. He stayed off the internet as much as he could, his way of avoiding any tabloid or press photos of you. It wasn’t easy, but he’d managed to do it and he was going to for as long as he could.
Most guys that cheated didn’t have to deal with this kind of aftermath. For Jake it was like some sick, twisted Karmic retribution that the girl he’d destroyed went on to become famous. Jake Seresin had truly fucked himself over on that one. 
“Hey, Seresin, you free Saturday night?” Jake’s head popped up to find Javy standing there with Phoenix and Rooster. 
“Uh yeah, think so. What’s up?” He was assuming they wanted to go to the Hard Deck, their normal Saturday night hang. It was one of the few bars Jake could go to where he didn’t hear one of your songs playing over the speakers while some heartbroken women screamed along to the lyrics. That was only because Penny refused to have any other music system than the jukebox. 
“We’ve got tickets to a concert, Bob had something come up and he can’t go, you want to take his place?” Jake shrugged.He knew most of what his squad mates listened to and he was sure whatever the concert was it would be good. And he would put money down that it wasn’t your concert. None of them seemed like the type to be that into your songs, so he felt like he didn’t need to worry about that. 
So he agreed, looking forward to a night with a handful of people he actually enjoyed. Even if he did but heads with Rooster and Nat every so often. They were still two of his closest friends. Even they didn’t know about you, though. Jake had never told anyone about you. As far as he was concerned no one else needed to know just how much of a douchebag he truly was. 
The rest of the week flew by fast and before Jake knew it he was piling into Rooster’s Bronco and headed for the arena. It wasn’t until the electric billboards on the arena came into view that he realized he had indeed fucked up agreeing to come. He should have asked who the concert was for, because if he knew it was yours he definitely never would have agreed. Now he couldn’t back out because they were already here and even if that wasn’t the issue he’d have to come up with an excuse as to why he didn’t want to watch you perform. It wasn’t like he could say ‘Sorry guys, gotta jet. I cheated on the headliner and all of her songs are about me.’ 
Fuck. He was really screwed. Even more so when he realized just how close up their seats were. So close he knew you’d be able to see him. You’d be able to spot him the crowd and Jake wouldn’t be able to handle that he knew that for a fucking fact. 
Natasha was buzzing with excitement next to him and Jake immediately knew this was mostly for her. “Didn’t know you were such a big fan of this girl.” He mentioned nonchalantly. It was more so he could gauge just how much of a fan Natasha was. If she knew she was standing next to your ex, the one who’d made you become this way, how would she react?
“Oh my god yeah! She’s such an amazing artist, I mean there’s so much pain behind her words but she sings them so beautifully.” Jake couldn’t disagree with that. You’d always had a beautiful voice. Of course when you were with him you mostly sang country. Now it was pop music, which he couldn’t lie, from what he had heard your voice was much better suited for this genre than it was country. 
“Not to mention she’s hot as hell,” it was Rooster who chimed in. “She’s got those big doe eyes, a great rack and damn those lips.” It was taking everything in Jake not to deck Rooster for talking about you that way. “Whatever guy broke her heart is a fucking idiot.” That made Jake want to punch him even more. Even though Rooster was right. Jake was a fucking idiot.
The only response Jake could muster without making any of them suspicious was a nod. How the hell was he going to get through this?
The first act was good, not as good as you, but still good. Jake enjoyed the music, but each song was just one song closer to your performance. When you finally did step on stage it was like everything from all those years ago came flooding back. 
You were still the same woman he’d fallen in love with but you were different. You really looked like a woman now and not some girl in her early twenties chasing a dream. He’d seen pictures of you here and there. As much as he tried it was almost impossible to completely avoid your face with as big as you’d gotten. 
Your look was grungier. It wasn’t the sweet sundresses or bell bottoms you used to wear. The mesh top with the black leather bustier and skirt wasn’t something you’d worn with him, but it looked damn good. And your legs, the ones that had always gone on for miles, looked even longer in the thigh high heels you had on. Fuck. Is this the route you still would have taken if he hadn’t broken your heart or would you still be performing in a sundress?
None of his friends seemed to notice how mesmerized by you Jake was. Likely because they were all just as mesmerized by you and no one could blame them. You were in your element up there on stage and he couldn’t help but be in awe. Of course he’d watched you perform before, but this was much different than those small town dive bars. For more than just the fact that you were singing your heart out about just how badly he had broken you.
It was nearing the end of the set when you noticed him. Those piercing green eyes watching your every move. Why was he here? It had been so long since you’d seen his face, heard his voice or anything. Every so often his family would check in on you, but they never brought him up. They knew better and they had been almost has upset as you were over the whole thing. 
Your stomach was in knots. The man who broke you in two was here, watching you sing about him on stage. Once you notice him you couldn’t stop noticing him, but you did your best. Focusing on the music and the lyrics coming in through your ear piece. 
“Change up the last song.” You rushed out of your mouth when you went back stage for a brief break.
“Change it. I want to do I’m Not Mad.”
“But it hasn’t been released yet, are you sure?” Everyone was looking at you like you’d sprouted three heads but you just nodded. Adamant on your decision and they finally relented. “Alright, we’re full sending it.”
Most of your songs were written about Jake, but this one has been written the night of another passed anniversary. You’d been rummaging through your stuff trying to find the wine glass a friend had given you years ago when you came across a framed picture. It was you, in one of Jake’s t-shirts, lying in the mess of your blankets with a cup of coffee in hand. It was the first morning after you guys had moved in together and Jake had taken the picture. Spouting something about wanting to memorialize how pretty you were in the morning sun. The wine glass was forgotten for the need of pen and paper.
“I'm not even mad anymore
Oh really I ain't even mad anymore
Yeah, I don’t even want you back anymore
I don’t remember what we had anymore, yeah”
You tried to keep your focus on the crowd as you sang but your eyes kept traveling back to Jake’s. Singing to him because you want him to hear it. To really listen to you.
“I hope your back aches and your knees hurt
I hope you think about me sleeping in your t-shirt
I hope your little brother turns out to be nothing like you
I hope that you hurt more than I do,”
He did. God, did Jake ever hurt more than you did. Neither of you were the same and while you had channeled your pain into something productive, Jake had managed to make himself a nuisance to anyone that he could. All because of the idiotic choice he’d made seven years ago. Because it was a choice. He knew that then  and he knew that now. 
“And honestly I still wish you nothing but the best
I know that you're still self-obsessed
I hear the wicked get no rest
But when you do I hope you'll dream of me,”
Crowd be damned at this point. Your feet had carried you closer to the edge of the stage Jake was closest to. Conviction in your voice as you sang to him. This felt like it was teetering close to the edge of the closure you’d never allowed yourself to have.
“I don't even hope you die these days
I hope you live 'til eighty-five these days
Regretting that you'd ever lied these days
I hope it's eating you alive these days
Yeah, I hope you're up late in the bathroom
Just wishing Imma change my mind and come back soon
I hope that when you're thirty-five years
You’ll wish that you tried to 'cause I know that I'd do.”
Each verse had images of your relationship playing in Jake’s mind. It wasn’t a power ballad by any means, but damn it was still getting your point across. 
Jake did regret it all. He regretted ever caring so much about himself that he lost sight of you and brought that girl home. And when he was thirty-five he was no doubt going to wish things had been different just as he was now.
By now the crowd had noticed you were singing to someone and eyes were turned towards Jake. There would be articles about this in no time flat. That you were sure of. Videos anywhere and everywhere from fans’ phones showing the way you two were looking at each other as you sang. Texts from your friends and family, texts from his family. Rumors would fly. The world might figure out who he was and that he was the one you sang about. And really it was likely about time. How no one had figured it out yet was beyond you, but this definitely wasn’t the way you figured it would come out.
“I ain't even mad about it anymore
No really, I ain't even mad about it anymore
Maybe just a little less than I was before
I've got a twenty dollar bill that says that you never ever ever gonna change,”
You wondered if he had changed. Likely not, he was Jake after all. If anything you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d only gotten worse. 
“I still wish you nothing but the best
I know that you're still self-obsessed
I hear the wicked get no rest
But when you do I hope you'll dream of me.”
Your eyes were still on him when you sang the last verses. Holding his gaze as the music faded out. Someone was in your ear yelling for you to close it out, to say thank you and goodnight. You had a meet and greet to get to. Eventually you did, tearing yourself away from him to focus on your job.
Jake swallowed hard, watching as you finally disappeared off stage. He turned to look, finding his friends staring him down with wide eyes.
“Dude, what the hell was that?” Javy was the one to finally ask and Jake swallowed hard again. He knew he wasn’t going to get out of this, but he didn’t want to answer in this crowd. So Jake just started moving, pushing through the people to get to the Bronco. 
“Hangman?” Nat started just as they’d reached the Bronco. 
Jake squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath before he opened his mouth. “She’s my ex.”
“What? No way.”  Jake rolled his eyes at Rooster’s denial, but continued on.
“We dated before she got big, I cheated, she caught me and…”
Rooster scoffed loudly again. “No way, this is just another one of your inflated stories. You? Date her? I don’t believe it.” Jake didn’t really give a shit if Rooster believed him or not. It didn’t matter at this point. Jake just shook his head and reached for the door handle, wanting to get out of there as fast as he could. 
Javy seemed to notice Jake’s distress and became the voice of reason, somehow convincing the other two to drop the topic. Jake knew it would only be dropped for a short time. And whether he wanted them to or not, he was already well aware they would press him for the full truth of it. A truth he hadn’t spoken out loud since it had happened. Out of pure embarrassment and guilt. Jake had always been an asshole, but he never would have guessed he’d become a cheater.
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@cherrycola27 @clancycucumber2300 @bradshawseresinbaberesinbae @brittanyovensns @rolisinhaa @phoenixssugarbabyby @deaddumblbumble @caitsymichelle13 @whateverbagman @avengersgirllorianna @izz-ayes-world @novagreen04 @percysaidnever @leafsfan02 @anurst @rhirhikingston @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @flrboyd @mrsjaderogers @alldaysdreamer @gabicalicota @jstarr86
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Thoughts on Off to Neverland: 70 Years of Disney’s Peter Pan by Jim Korkis
Now that I have finished reading Off to Neverland, I’d like to share some thoughts on it—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let’s start with the negatives and get that out of the way, shall we?
As mentioned in a previous post, the book starts out sounding rather clunky and more like a list of facts than an actual book. However, once we move past the original history of Peter Pan as imagined by J.M. Barrie and start getting into the history of Disney Peter Pan material specifically, it starts to improve. Korkis was, after all, considered a Disney historian, so I guess it’s no real surprise that he writes more excitedly about that side of things. That said, there are still some things that bugged me and made me feel like the book was slapped together in a hurry. I noticed several spelling errors, missing words, and/or weird punctuation throughout the book and while that doesn’t take away from the info itself, it’s rather distracting and unprofessional for a published book. It’s also troubling that Korkis has neither a bibliography nor footnotes in his book to indicate exactly where he got his information from. Some of it was, undoubtedly, from interviews he conducted himself, but even then, there is a way that you are supposed to write up interviews as source material for professional writing…and Korkis just…doesn’t for some reason. So if I want to look up more info on, say, a specific fact…I can’t really do that because I have no proof of an original source. Lastly, some of the “facts” he includes—and I’m being nitpicky here but the guy is supposed to be a Disney historian so I think I’m allowed to be—are straight-up WRONG. For example, in the Disney film, Hook is said to have a harpsichord in his cabin (it’s not; it’s a piano—listen to a harpsichord…it doesn’t sound like that) and a cutlass as his weapon of choice (cutlasses are curved on one side; his blade is definitely more akin to a rapier or a fencing sword). Smee is also said to be the first mate in the original film, and while it’s true that in some later Disney media like Jake and the Neverland Pirates has portrayed Smee as a first mate, the original film does not. Heck, the man has a bosun’s whistle that he uses to pipe up the crew and specifically mentions the first mate as one of the people spreading rumors about Pan having banished Tink during the scene where he’s pouring hot water on Hook’s feet. So clearly he isn’t the first mate, and you don’t have to be a Disney expert to know that. You just have to actually watch the film. The author also says that Cubby is referred to as Curly in the sequel, Return to Neverland…which, again, just listen to the film for yourself and you’ll quickly learn that isn’t true. Oh, and did I mention that he essentially defends the racist portrayal of the “Indians” in the original film? Yeah, so…there’s that.
On a more positive note, I did learn some interesting new things about Peter Pan in the Disneyverse (though, of course, since there is no bibliography, I can’t prove any of them…). So, here are a few fun facts for you fellow Peter Pan nerds, as promised.
(1) There were a LOT of changes made to the original script and storyline between its initial inception and the final version of the film we have today. A few things that were considered but ultimately not used include the following:
Wendy was originally going to be the one who wanted to go to Skull Rock while Peter warned it was too dangerous to go there, only giving in when she finally dared him to take them there.
In one version, Nana came with the kids to Neverland while John stayed home, being “too grown up” for Neverland.
There were several different suggested starting points for the film. One would have had an adult Wendy as narrator reading the story to her daughter, Jane. Another started with Peter’s backstory similar to his origins in The Little White Bird. In either this or another version with a backstory for Pan, we would have seen Tink as the queen of the fairies who, on being presented with the foundling baby Peter, decided that he should be raised by the fairies to protect them against the pirates and other threats and, in exchange, gave him the power of flight.
One version of the story that would have followed much more closely to Barrie’s storyline had Hook creeping down part of the way into Hangman’s Tree to poison Peter but getting stuck and weeping frustrated tears that land in Peter’s “medicine.” These tears, of course, turned out to be poison from the red of his eye as in the 2003 film. This version also would have featured Hook voluntarily jumping ship and being nabbed by a silent crocodile whose clock had run down.
Disney debated for a long time whether to make Peter Pan a live-action film, an animated film, or a hybrid of the two. In the case of the latter, Wendy and her brothers would have been live-action characters with Hook, Peter, and the other residents of Neverland as animated characters who sprung to life from Wendy’s storybook.
There was gonna be a fairy ball. And a scene with the fairies feeding the kids at a kind of banquet. Also a fairy jazz band. Yes, you read that right. Fairy. jazz. band.
(2) The very first Tink to fly over one of the Disney parks to head off the fireworks was a 70 year-old Hungarian woman of Jewish descent and former burlesque dancer. This lady, known as “Tiny” Kline, slid down a 784 ft long cable nearly 150 ft off the ground at speeds up to 30 mph nearly every night for three years…while fighting cancer.
(3) There was an earlier version of Return to Neverland titled Peter and Jane featuring Kathryn Beaumont reprising her role as Wendy and Corey Burton in both the roles of Hook and Smee. Most of the voice recording for this version was already complete when the directors decided to go a different direction with the film. Beaumont was ultimately replaced by Kath Soucie, and the role of Smee went to Jeff Bennett.
(4) Somewhere out there, a live-action reference model version of Return to Neverland exists, and I need it. I have no idea if any of the voice actors were used as models as in the original film, but either way, I really wish we had some way to access the recording, or at least stills.
(5) Apparently, the filmmakers’ reasoning for replacing the crocodile with the octopus was that they thought a toothy crocodile would be “too threatening” for younger members of the audience. That, and they wanted to come up with a new, creative way to torture Hook. (For some reason, Korkis seems to think that the octopus can’t see well because he views Hook and the crew as fish. This is another “fact” which I’m pretty sure is wrong. I always assumed the vision of the characters as fish was just to show that the octopus considered them all potential food, not an actual indication of the creature’s sight…but whatever.)
(6) And last but not least, I have to include Hans and Corey’s takes on Hook as a character because my thoughts on the book wouldn’t be complete without them. I’ve shared some of this before but it bears repeating.
Hans Conried:
“He is a much maligned character. If you read the lines with any sensibility at all, you must have an animus against Peter Pan who could fly, and took outrageous advantage of this one-armed man. Hook was a gentleman. Pan was not. His behavior was bad form.”
Corey Burton:
“He’s the nastiest of Disney’s comical villains. He’s conceited and bombastic and takes great relish in his evil and that makes him really fun to play. Captain Hook is so theatrical, like an old ham actor of the vaudeville and music hall days. It’s not that he really scares anyone because you can see right through all of his bluster. He’s really just scrambling for the recognition afforded Blackbeard and the other great pirates.”
I find it interesting that Burton, though his take on the character is more comedic than Conried’s, still has a rather sympathetic view of Hook—that his attempts at villainy are, in fact, so over-the-top precisely because they are meant to cover up a deep insecurity that he isn’t living up to what everyone expects him to be.
Overall, the book had some fun and interesting bits but wasn’t quite what I was hoping for. I’d love to send Korkis an email and ask him about some of the issues I had with the book and pick his brain. Unfortunately, he just passed away in July of 2023, so that’s no longer an option.
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diino8081 · 2 months
i have uncovered something large and dangerous
this will be a long post. there will be a summary at the bottom but it's a few paragraphs long.
(this is about people who are using the genocide in palestine to take advantage of other people's kindness to donate. essentially it's about scammers lol)
update: this is false info, check the comments, i'm sorry. i take full accountability for my error
edit: actually possibly untrue, also an update on one of the accounts listed at the bottom: helpfamily is vetted
i am copying these words off of my notes app so they may be a little messy. i hope they are still legible.
i will add in any additional notes with colour text
-- i had received an ask and so searched the user's page to check it's legitemacy
most things do seem pretty legit
however in their ask they said the campaign was documented by 90-ghost. i checked 90-ghost's profile and searched for noor's username but came up empty
i then searched the reblogs of their top post, both empty reblogs and comments with tags since that's usually what 90-ghost does when vetting. i came up empty handed
but that's just one post
-- i check the reblogs of the other posts
ok now upon checking, i have seen that all 3 of these posts do not have any reblogs from 90-ghost
additionally, this account is new, being created on the 27th of july.
-- i return to their pinned post and read through it again
i may have uncovered something
i copied this phrase from noor's ask:
"I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith, and I ask for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them."
and i put it into the search bar and it appears to be copied word for word from an account called "mahmoud66262"
now, mahmoud as well states that their fundraiser is documented by 90-ghost, nabulsi and el-shab-hussein
i have searched all 3 accounts for mahmoud's username and came up with nothing
mahmoud does however have a second account
perhaps they reblogged that one
-- forgot what i meant by this but they do in fact have a second account
nothing on 90-ghost's page
nothing on el-shab-hussein's page
nothing on nabulsi's page (but there was another mahmoud)
now, i'm not sure if this is because they moved account after being terminated/banned but if they said they were vetted by these 3 people then surely their username would appear on these accounts
i tried as well to just search "mahmoud" but still came up empty except on nabulsi's page
i have reason to believe this is a large scam ring who are all verifying and vouching for each other.
to summarise:
noor678 sent me an ask stating that they need help and that they were documented by 90-ghost. i scrolled through the reblogs of their posts to try and find ghost, absolutely nothing.
i copy a part of their ask, search it. a secondary account copying the words from the paragraph verbatim. i check that account, see they too are vetted by ghost, now with nabulsi and el shab hussein. like the previous one i search and there is nothing.
they have reblogged multiple other posts from an account with a similar username. i check both of these usernames on each person's account where they've apparently been vetted. absolutely nothing.
an update: -- still in the note
i never actually continued to scroll upon searching for the ask paragraph. there are multiple other accounts giving asks with the same script.
"I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith, and I ask for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them."
the accounts in question:
*helpfamily is vetted
another account with similar words, only slightly changed, is mohammedalanquer. they say:
"I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and faith, asking for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them."
this one however, is vetted legitimately by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi and is #174 on their list. the ask i've seen is from 13/7/2024
i have reason to believe they have copied the words and are using them to attempt to scam others.
if i am wrong, then sure. but this does seem really fishy.
-- end of note
i have noticed as well that some of these likely-scam fundraisers have gotten revenue from this which is unfortunate but we can stop it by being more careful and verifying before donating.
instead of seeing someone saying they're vetted and just trusting them, check for sources first. (reblogs from large accounts, vetted fundraiser lists, searching parts of the ask to see if it's copied).
some scammers have scripts they go by, a common one is if it begins with "this is a long shot call" or talking about insulin. (note that not all insulin asks are fake, it's just a common theme the scammers go for)
scammers as well will create their accounts, post their donation post and then only reblog things after that. they may usually only be a few days old too.
i think i'm going to leave this post here. do with this information what you will.
have a great day
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tornrose24 · 2 months
(If TGAMM had Amphibia’s plot): Seeing posts about this, I’m quite intrigued. I do have two questions, though:
1. When Molly, Libby and Andrea first become ghosts, do any of them immediately assume they’re dead, and if so, for how long?
2. If Jinx and the Chairman are still the Big Bads here, how do their roles play out in this AU?
So to answer the first question, I need to clarify once again–because of how this AU’s Calamity Box works, anyone who gets sent to the ghost world is turned into a ghost, but they are still alive. However, in order to be part of a Calmity Trio and obtain the powers, you DO need three people.
Anyway, the girls all assume that they are dead at first, but that length of time varies with each girl-
-Andrea assumed she was dead the longest. She got to a point where she just accepted that was what happened and tried to make the best of her new ‘afterlife.’ Though she does secretly miss her parents even if she doesn’t show it that much. She doesn’t realize that she’s actually still alive until she reunites with one of the other girls (haven’t figured out if it’s just Molly or both Molly and Libby, because Molly and Libby reunite, only to get separated once more before we get to the capital/‘season 2’ stuff.)
-Libby was the second longest since she was on her own for a long time, and she was upset about leaving her mom alone. When she explained things to The Traveler/Adia upon meeting her, Adia–who had been doing her research about the box–was quick to assure Libby that she’s still alive. However, if the box sent her and two others, then that might complicate things…
-Molly was the quickest to discover her actual fate because a part of her was optimistic that she couldn’t have died that easily. What proved it? Well, during the first few days she met Scratch, she tried to get him out of a tricky situation and momentarily tapped into her powers as the Heart part of the trio–which also was able to briefly turn her back into a human for a super brief time. (This is a nod to that ‘it wasn’t an error regarding the eyes’ in the first Amphibia episode). This cues her in on the fact that she and the others are actually still alive.
(I also want to add something in case this raises curiosity since I mentioned Adia and Scratch has experience with the box. She found it during her travels and despite several warnings, she took it to Brighton to show Scratch and then things went horribly wrong. Since there wasn’t a third person, they didn’t get the powers. Adia doesn’t assume that she’s dead, based on her research, and her determination to ‘right the wrongs’ is what’s motivating her to find the box. Meanwhile Scratch assumed the worst and was resigned to his fate until he found out that Molly was still alive, which had to mean that he was still alive as well, though it would take awhile before he knows for sure that he DOES want his life back. I imagine Adia would have been aligned with Wit and Scratch would have been aligned with Heart if he wasn’t such a ball of anxiety and depression at the time.)
2. Oh this took a while to figure out, but I do see Jinx and The Chairman as the Andrias and Core equivalents.
See, the previous Calamity Trio were the ones who defeated The Chairman and imprisoned him in such a way that you need the powers of the Trio to free him–in fact, you might need all three. As a final precaution, the box was sent somewhere to the Living World and the barriers between worlds was sealed to keep any ghosts from trying to find it. Over time, the box became a legend and while the ghosts were happy to be free from The Chairman, they were a bit bummed out that they could never revisit the Living World.
Jinx–a loyal follower of The Chairman as per usual–was none too happy for a long time. However, when she found out through Andrea about the Calamity Box and Molly and Libby, she realized it was likely the box returned to the Ghost World. The council were none too pleased about this and wanted the box destroyed (and sent others after it). Jinx secretly played Andrea like a fiddle–tell her to let her friends find the box and bring it to the captial so that all three of them could go home. And because everyone else had their reasons to find the box, they didn’t realize something was wrong until it was too late, when Jinx had the box in her posession.
Though she made the dumbass mistake of harming a lot of people Molly cared about–especially Scratch. And this activated Molly’s powers long enough to face off against Jinx who quickly realized just how much of a threat Molly–and the other girls–could be.
While Jinx was able to keep the box, she wasn’t too keen on letting the girls or Adia and Scratch leave and tried to prevent them from escaping. While she was able to capture Andrea, Scratch and Molly were able to escape back to the Living World–Libby and Adia would have gone with them, had they not been stopped/pulled away in the last few moments. And as a final attempt at a ‘screw you’ Jinx tries to attack Scratch again in some fashion, and this is what ends up causing him to have the problem of having his soul too easily detachable from his human body upon returning to the living world.
Jinx does succeed in freeing the Chairman, but he has to possess Andrea since he is currently too weak to regain his form and full power. Though his return is also what starts to weaken the barriers between the Living and Ghost Worlds.
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markipliers-madhouse · 11 months
Hello? Hello Hello?
...Well, this place has been dead for a little bit, hasn't it?
Mentioned a little bit before on that collab piece I did, but figured I'd be better to do a full post bout it here!
So, this AU...has been laying dormant for quite some time, and there's not really any excuses for that. I've just been a little busy with school and life in general, but mainly...haven't had much motivation to do it in all honesty, and their's two main factors to that unmotivation.
1. I kinda realized I'd be needing to write a lot for this story, and though I love writing in general...the scope of this would be like writing a few novels if I continued on, and I just wouldn't have the time or sanity to do that, but more on that later for a solution...
And 2. ...I kinda fell out of FNaF for a moment. Well- Not entirely, I'll always love this series, but I guess it was mainly...the state of the fandom after one certain game...Security Breach. After that game came out, it kinda broke the fandom in half. One half being those who hate the game and left the franchise entirely, now seeing it as nothing but for kids and not taken seriously, and the other...well, actually kids. Y'know the ones. You know.
So that kinda left me kinda unsure for my AU, since I thought if I put stuff out now...it wouldn't really be that appreciated. From the start it was meant to harken back to the original classics of FNaF, but with the fandom mostly filled with newcomers for just this one game, and the original fans gone and unhopeful for the franchise, I just kinda...left this place dorment till I felt motivated again.
...And then the Ruin DLC happened, which gave me a spark of motivation. Seemed this franchise was starting to to head to a better place, getting some old fans back, so that's nice. Got me thinking more bout this AU again...
And then the movie happened, and now i've been slapped in the face with motivation.
SO- Guess that's my excuse for why things have been so empty, but now...I AM READY TO OFFICIALLY SAY IT IS STARTING BACK UP! And not just that...but starting fresh! ...Which, isn't saying much, since I only wrote two chapters for it...y e a h - But there's a reason I'm starting fresh, not just for improved art or retconing some of the mistakes of what I did give out, but mainly because...
I'm turning the AU into a comic!!
That's right! Gonna be drawing the whole thing start to finish! Figured this would be better to me since it's quicker then writing it all, and get to show and improve more of my art, so works out! (You can already kinda see some of that with the new pfp and header) Maybe might get some help in the future, maybe might dable in some animation, maybe a lot of things, but guess we'll just hafta see where it goes from here!
What does that mean for the previous content though? All...f o u r of it? Well, that stuff is gonna be non-canon from here on out! It'll be easier this way since those stuff have either some continuity errors that'll effect the story in the long wrong, or just simply I've changed my mind on some things and it'll be a bit more different! I'm still leaving them up, however! Just cause I think it'll be fun to see how far I've come, and ey some art pieces there weren't bad! ...Too bad...okay like one or two were d e c e n t
TLDR of it tho is this: AU's getting a reboot, gonna be made into a comic now, previous stuff is non-canon, and this page should be a bit more active now!
But yeah! Big things are coming, and I am excited to start up this AU again! I have so many plans for this story that I'm just hoping you guys will love, wanna do justice to both sides of the story! So keep an eye on this blog, might take a little longer, but hoping to get things officially and finally started soon!
And to prove some of that, before I go...you guys deserve a a bit of a sneak peak of what's to come, so...hope you enjoy these redesigns >:]
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veryloovy · 1 year
The "Uzi is Cyn/the unknown mansion drone" Theory Masterpost because I have been driven insane by stuff I've noticed.
Choosing to believe I was right in my post-episode 2 theories in that the unknown drone in the mansion and Uzi were connected, but specifically because of these screencaps.
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N, J, and V had white eyes in the flashback (if you level adjust the colors), unknown drone girl clearly has yellow eyes. Uzi's color briefly turns yellow in the pilot when Absolute Solver becomes enabled on her. Unknown girl's introduction glitches her eyes a few times in a purple tint.
So now I'm returning to this observation after episode 4 where this goldmine was dropped:
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This goldmine, whatever it means.
This goes in one of two ways. One, Cyn is a disembodied AI/horror that can possess drones with Absolute Solver enabled. Cyn possessed the body of the drone from the mansion before. Or...
Or: It's MUCH more fun to consider that Cyn is the drone from the mansion... and is Uzi's previous identity. Or at least is part of Uzi's psyche somehow. Before I get into this idea, let me talk about N's reboot message from the pilot. It's "STRING "ABSOLUTE SOLVER" BLOCKED BY ADMINISTRATION "CYN"" and I wanna point out that it doesn't actually refer to Cyn as an administrator. It's "Administration" and Cyn is placed into quotes, perhaps as a codeword? We know now from episode 4 the mansion drone did something terrible using Absolute Solver, so her name may have become the name of a failsafe placed on N, J, and V.
So, where is evidence for Uzi and Cyn being the same drone? I wanna point out something from the season 1 teaser:
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Wow, that looks a lot like the mansion from N's flashbacks!
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Same record player, wall lights, maybe same window even? It's very similar. So why's Uzi in this place she's supposedly never been in? Perhaps "Uzi" never lived there, but her life as Cyn did. If this theory is right, then the killed drones on the floor below her may represent J and V, whom she saw as competition to N's attention.
And also consider this:
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Uzi sees this figure while investigating the campgrounds. This figure looks a lot like Tessa. That, or it's Cyn (with black hair for some reason?). They both wear bows so that's no help lol. It'd be very strange for her to see either of these characters in this sort of hallocination way because she should have never seen either of them before. Perhaps it's old memories resurfacing? There's also a hand she sees peeking from the side, which is exactly what Cyn does when she first introduces herself to N, V, and J.
On a weird note, it'd been pointed out to me that if you brush Cyn's hair down and cut her longer locks shorter, it would pretty closely resemble Uzi's hair style. I only find that interesting because Cyn's bangs are so weird there's gotta be some reason for them looking that way. Idk take a look.
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Also while I'm at it, potential other clue to this theory or something AS-specific. When Uzi turns the arrow to flesh, her AS ability turns yellow. It turns red when it actually overheats later in the cabin (one wonders how this works on Doll). Every time we've seen AS and flesh it's yellow? Note Cyn showing off the tasty human hand in her mouth while her naturally yellow AS is activated. Uzi turns yellow when she decides to kill humans and later again when she turns the arrow to flesh. It was at the arrow scene where V became convinced that Uzi was Cyn. Yeah, this is all mighty suspcious lol.
Let's get into some weird stuff. Solver Drones have this zombie theme going on and Uzi does Fatal Error during this episode, so she's technically dead. Whether or not she's only dead now or has been for a while is debatable. See my last theory post on if she's even a Worker (anymore?) for additional doubt into our understanding of Uzi because we have never seen her Worker symbol at all for some bizarre reason.
On a related note, Eldritch J telling Uzi that "it hurts our feelings you don't remember us" is curious. It proceeds to show her an image of her and Nori. Nori's the key to whatever this is, this theory or not. Considering the "Uzi is dead" flags, perhaps the original Uzi died and whatever happened at Cabin Fever Labs led to Cyn becoming Uzi, who is only now beginning to remember this other past she had. The old Uzi being "reborn", so to speak, would provide an actual explanation for Khan thinking she had a totally different personality during the talk with the teacher and her classmates forgetting who she is. Might be a reach, but hey that's how it be when you talk about Liam's stuff.
Also wanna point out that Eldritch J's VA has been liking tweets about Cyn/mansion drone, most of which are theories like this where Cyn is the mansion drone. I can see that as only a confirm on her being Cyn's VA, but maybe a point for this theory.
Alternatively, this was all a huge red herring and Cyn is something entirely different. I am merely trying to read into this specific theory and see what connects.
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felidacy · 1 year
The effects of Tim's blood consumption and consequences
Tim scars
Tim compared to every other vigilante in the family has the least amount of scars, but makes up with it in the fact that the ones he has are the most gruesome. The batfamily always wonders how that is possible when in too many cases they saw him getting very badly hurt or almost dying, yet far too quickly he seemed fine again to them. And even when Alfred -- ever strict -- performs check-ups on him, there is truly nothing wrong.
The blood consumption and healing cycle system is nothing complicated. The more fatal a wound is, the more blood he needs to take in. The longer he waits with consuming blood, the slower the healing effect is. It is simple with some handicaps that he learned down the line through trial and errors and causes the dilemma of Tim needing to know when he is safe to drink blood. This is all so Tim has some edge to himself and may seem powerful, but in actuality because of his fears and desire to belong he chooses to hide it away instead. As such, Tim is still a quite human-ish vigilante.
A few examples from the story and what scars he should have
Like in many of my AUs, one headcanon of mine is that the Joker Junior case with Tim is happening here as well. While the joker serum certainly had an affect on Tim, he was also kidnapped for days and hungry. Starved he was more on edge and lost more of his rationality, which is why he shot the joker and nearly killed him. (Jason won't know for a while that both his siblings in fact did kill that awful name and he still pulled through. That even Bruce tried even when he doesn't want to acknowledge it) This causes some new tension with Bruce again, but that gets blamed on the Joker serum later on though Bruce in typical fashion holds that against Tim at times anyway. It gets better with time but Bruce is awful with emotions and a hypocrite. While kidnapped Tim was heavily tortured and with the lack of blood to heal him, I believe that Tim has muscle spasms because of the electro shocks at times and Glasgow smile scars in the face.
Like stated in the previous post, after the attack of Jason and because of the Pit blood Tim will have a scar left on his throat. It took his body a while to get every last remnant of the Pit out of his body again (Vampire metabolism works different than humans one, which is why Jason needed to learn to adapt around the Pit even years later.) and as such it takes Tim longer to heal. It were the months after the attack that got to Tim, not even the attack itself unlike many believe.
When Tim was gutted, he took higher responsibility in saving Pru than to even consider drinking blood from Z or Owen. Honestly, it was because Tim always refused to drink blood from people that he cared about that he didn't (he was called stupid for it by Pru, but they both knew that Tim would have accidentally kill the person then just because he wouldn't be able to stop.) As such, the gruesome scar remained there.
The spleen + Pit Water effect
When Tim became Red Robin and therefore more distant from the family in an act of more independence, he rarely let Alfred check up on him anymore or even just shown much of his body any longer. Or that is at least what the family believes, in reality is far less of the suspected teen angst.
At the time when Tim lost his spleen he wasn't put in the Pit to be revived, however Ra's at that point had an unhealthy obsession with the teen (like in canon but worse because Ra's was able to tell Tim wasn't quite human) and did not want to lose such an interesting new asset. As such a little amount of the Pit was put into Tim.
This does not give Tim any rage-episodes or just in general higher aggression/bloodlust, however because of that Tim does need to consume more blood than before and if he doesn't drink enough, that puts Tim in great pain just like if he were to drink Pit infested blood itself.
Pit infested blood
Tim's invulnerability isn't perfect as stated through hints. Jasons blood has changed because of the pit and at best only puts Tim in more pain. The slowing down of the bloodflow and cauterization that takes place is a high risk play, seen as -- if he can't get blood quick enough the effect sinks drastically.
Blood of the dead
Drinking blood of the ones that are already dead, no matter how long ago that occurred, is never a good idea. It doesn't put Tim in pain or heats his unnaturally cold body up, however it has the similar effect of sickness. Tim is unable to consume blood of any kind then for a long while because his body will violently reject it.
Now, one would think that is easy to avoid especially after Tim learned that. Funnily enough it happens a lot though. (It isn't really that funny, but his siblings would taunt him for that if they knew.) A vampire easily slips into a haze and when animalistic instincts take over it becomes significantly harder to distinguish between the living and the dead, as bizarre and easy that sounds.
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shearlin · 7 months
Word count: 2678
Chapter 7: Time
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Happy International Women's Day that was yesterday! As a gift, have a cameo!
Fun fact! I noticed that on average I'm adding 1k words to my "final" drafts when I search for typos and errors before posting. Good thing I put an uploading schedule for myself in place or I would ended up in the editing limbo.
(I also discovered I cannot write accents for the life of me. There was an attempt, but I had to scrap it because I just couldn't do it justice. The accents live in my head and in my heart.)
Enjoy! :D
Another day, another fight, another close call. This time it was… well, Time.
They were on their way to Lon Lon Ranch, landing in old man’s Hyrule only a day's walk away from it. Their spirits were high, the sunbeams bright and the monsters stupid enough to think they didn’t notice them hiding in sparse shrubbery on the side of the road.
The fight didn’t look like anything special. They were so used to working together by that point, it felt more like a choreographed dance routine than a real battle. Legend twirled the ice rod in his hand, wielding his sword in the other, freezing and shattering any monster coming too close, while being covered by Sky with the Master Sword and a whip. Hyrule was dancing around the Darknut with ease giving Wind and Four an easy shot at his back, the two of them making quick work of its armour. Wild was giving them all multiple heart attacks by letting a giant moblin stab the air inches from his face, only to kill it in a rapid fire of blows in a blink of an eye. He would later claim he was ‘training his magic abilities’ and acting all innocent, the madman. Twilight was going after archers, covering the distance between him and them in a blink of an eye as a wolf, coming out of the shift with his sword already swinging. Warriors was taking care of the supposed leader of the pack, separating it from the rest and not letting it bark out any orders or call retreat.
And Time was dealing with a pair of black lizalfos from Sky’s era.
Legend didn’t see how it happened, not that it mattered, only heard the old man coming down with a yell of pain as the spiked metal ball connected with his left knee and rendering him vulnerable and unable to fight.
Twilight and Wars were to his side in an instant, covering him while Time tried to do his best to not move so as to not upset the crushed joint any further. Sky went absolutely ballistic on the monsters he and Legend were dealing with, allowing the veteran to provide additional aid to the old man's defence with his ice rod, allowing Wars to start on the first aid.
They might have been overeager in making sure Time was okay, but to be fair, they were just a few hours away from Malon. They were not going to bring to her doorstep her husband all broken and beaten up.
They defeated the monsters quickly after that, powered by their righteous fury. A fairy that was travelling with them for the past few hours, straight up phased through the glass of her bottle as soon as the last monster fell, so she could heal his leg, despite old man's insistence he would be fine with a red potion, since they were going to the ranch to rest anyway. She had none of that, healing him in a tirade of bells and chimes and then zipped ahead to have her fill of sugar water as a reward.
Legend might not be able to speak with the pink fairies, but by the way Time chuckled as she offered her farewells, he was convinced that that particular one had enough excitement for her life .
Once the injury was mended and Time led them back on the road, the good mood from earlier returned to their group and they started joking around again. Just their local old man being too slow with his reflexes and not being able to keep up with them younglings.
But Legend couldn’t help but feel the uneasiness prickle under his skin once more, as he fell to the back of the group, brushing off Sky’s questioning look and Hyrule’s attempts at conversation. They got the hint easily enough and he was left alone with his thoughts.
The ‘old man’ jokes were all in good fun. The old man himself was often pointing out with humour, how he can’t possibly rival their vigour during training sessions or with the long days of trekking across the lands of Hyrule, no matter his ability to move with deceptive ease and speed when he really wanted to.
And it wasn’t like those jokes were unfounded. He was the oldest. If anyone, Legend would know how years of heroing can weigh on one’s body. Time might have only two (three?) official quests under his belt, but he did spend his teenage and young adult years hunting monsters, clearing and cleansing dangerous cursed places and doing all sorts of work for the crown as the Hero of Time. He might have found peace and tranquillity in the life on the ranch with Malon once he officially “retired” that title, but it didn’t erase years of injuries, scarred tissues or impaired-or-possibly-lack-of vision in his right eye. The entire chain could attest that it would be weird if that life didn’t leave any strain on his body.
Occasional injuries caused by slower reflexes or lingering stiffness was to be expected.
Logically, Legend knew that. But it was happening too often.
Well, not really, it was happening too often for his taste.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
nineteen | forelsket
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things didn't turn out so well when scaramouche got a flat tire whilst heading for the hotel, yet maybe, it turned out for the better.
warnings: swearing, just a blurb of scaramouche's lore (if you could even say that it's lore), me and my love for the only one bed trope, reverse comfort at the end i think, a lot of unnecessary scenes but probably still important to the plot
a/n: sorry for the late update... i keep procrastinating on this chapter lmao. this is pretty long since i'm posting once a week now, like around 4.5k words of complete garbage, but whatever, just think of this as a filler chapter i guess. happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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“you have got to be kidding me.”
“i'm sorry, there's really only one room left that is available, all of the other rooms are fully occupied by the students of snezhnaya university.”
scaramouche scoffed. “we are students of snezhnaya university.”
the hotel receptionist stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at him confusedly. “oh... you guys are um, students?” the woman scratched her head in confusion. “i had a thought that you two were in your late 20's... seems like i was wrong.”
she wasn't wrong. at all.
“are there seriously no rooms left except for that one?” you asked frustratingly, cutting off the previous subject.
the receptionist sighed. “i'm sure of it, though, i'd be more than happy to inform you if there were any changes.” she averted her gaze back to the computer screen.
“...fine. we'll take the room.” scaramouche said shortly after, making you quickly snap your head to him.
“you cannot be serious right now. no way in hell am i gonna share a room with you!” you whisper-shouted, tugging his shirt slightly.
the ravenette rolled his eyes. “it won't be that bad.”
the young woman gave the key card to scaramouche, and he mumbled out a thanks before heading for the elevator, along with his bag. you grumbled out a few curse words, but reluctantly followed suit.
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oh it was that bad.
“everyone's fucking with me today.” was all you said at the moment as you and scaramouche stood in the entrance of the hotel room, baffled at what you're witnessing right now.
one. stupid. bed.
things were already going bad when you two were held off from arriving to the hotel early because scaramouche got a flat tire on the way here. you never expected to actually share a bed with the guy you've always hated, multiple times at that, but here you were, once again.
scaramouche groaned, bringing up a hand to rub his face in annoyance. “i can't believe this is happening.”
“you're taking the floor.” you flatly announced, brushing past him to land yourself on the only bed in the room.
the ravenette stopped from his actions to glare at you. “w— why do i have to sleep on the floor?! i drove us here! what did you even contribute to this trip for you to get the bed?!” he argued, stomping to you.
“simple. i exist. i think that's enough contribution, to teyvat even.” you simpy replied, relishing in the comfort of the soft sheets.
“you–!” scaramouche tried arguing further, but no words fell out of his mouth. he only sighed as he walked off and started unpacking his stuff.
you stared at the ceiling. “you know, we can share the bed if you want.”
“and why should i do that?” he asked, stopping from his actions to look over at you.
you fixated your eyes on his indigo ones in return. “well, the bed's pretty big, and we can make a barrier like last time, it kinda worked.” you explained from your lying position on the bed.
scaramouche widened his eyes the moment you mentioned about the pillow barrier. the stupid makeshift barrier that absolutely did not work last week. you only think it worked because you were too busy sleeping like a log to even realize you were tangled up with the ravenette in bed, instead of the makeshift barrier separating you two.
he averted his eyes from you, focusing back on unpacking. “no thank you.”
“guess you're on the floor then.”
“sure, whatever.”
he'd rather sleep on the most uncomfortable place than to even have the same events possibly repeating again.
and he's afraid you might wake up this time.
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you groaned for the hundredth time.
“why the hell is he not picking up...” you stared at your phone screen as your friend, once again, left you on voicemail.
childe hasn't been in contact with you for over two weeks now. ever since the trial, you've never heard of childe updating you on any upcoming leads. if anything, childe was always the one who'd share the details to you first before anyone else, yet things left you dumbfounded as he never returns your calls now.
you've asked your other colleagues about it, well, signora to be specific. she only told you that childe's been going through a rough patch lately and that you should leave him be for some time, though he's still always present at the precint, which makes you even more clueless.
i'll try again later, you thought to yourself. he's fine, i'm sure he is.
“you wanna check out the hotel before it gets crowded?” scaramouche asked out of the blue, making you fixate your eyes on him from the bed.
you pondered on it for a moment before answering. “yeah, sure, who knows we might get new leads.”
standing up, you sauntered over with your phone in hand, scaramouche already waiting for you by the opened door.
“do you know what room yun jin and viktor are in?” he asked, holding the door for you.
“not sure, i haven't really asked her about it.” you said, eyeing the number on the door of your hotel room, 515, it read. “viktor's been kind of acting strange lately, so i don't really want to bother him.”
scaramouche hummed, taking the key card with him before closing the door. “what do you mean by that?” he asked, walking with you to the lift lobby.
“by what? viktor?”
“obviously i'm talking about him.”
you and scaramouche halted to a stop in the lobby.
“he's kind of been ignoring me for the past week, have no idea why.” you paused, pushing the down button beside the elevator. “i asked yun jin about it, but she told me it was normal of him to be like that sometimes, which is pretty weird.” you said, focusing your eyes on the number at the top of the elevator that's slowly coming to your floor.
the male beside you raised a brow. “you haven't confronted him about it?”
“of course i have, silly. um, tried at least. he's been avoiding me all the time, doesn't even sit with me in class now.”
the chiming sound of a ding can be heard, and the elevator door slowly opens.
“you don't even see him out of class?”
“see who?”
both you and scaramouche snapped your heads to the familiar voice. viktor and yun jin were in the elevator together, hands interlaced.
calling what you were witnessing right now weird would be an understatement. for the past few days, viktor has done nothing but avoid and ignore yun jin, yet here he was acting normal again, with his hand in hers. the tall man even had the slight audacity to speak up those two words in front of you, the other person he's been avoiding all week.
“oh, it's luna and ivan! where are you guys headed to?” yun jin beamed, walking out the elevator with viktor trailing behind.
you rubbed the nape of your neck, not expecting for them to appear right in front of you. “um, we were just gonna go to the car and get some stuff that we didn't manage to bring along.” you lied. “are you guys on this floor?”
yun jin smiled and nodded. “yup, room 516!”
“516?” scaramouche inquired. that's just right beside yours.
“yeah, it was one of the only rooms left, glad that we even managed to get one considering that we were kind of late.” yun jin said awkwardly, fidgeting her clothes.
you tugged scaramouche's sleeve lightly, making him look at you. the ravenette raised his brow, and you gestured your eyes to the elevator, a signal that you two should get going.
scaramouche nodded at you, looking back at the couple in front of him. “we really need to go, luna left her plush and didn't want it to be left alone in the car for far too long.” he made up an excuse, a dumb one at that, making you glare at him.
“a plushie? that's cute.” viktor said, chuckling along with yun jin.
you faked a smile, gritting your teeth. “well, ivan, we should go, now.” you said furiously, grabbing scaramouche's arm to drag him to the elevator.
“see you two soon!” yun jin grinned, waving at you two until the elevator doors closed.
letting out a scoff, you folded your arms and sent a death glare to scaramouche, in which he paid no mind to. “seriously? a plushie? i'm not a child.”
“it's fun seeing you get all embarrassed, sort of like entertainment for me.” the ravenette said, slightly smirking at the thought.
“it's not funny.”
“it– it kinda is.”
scaramouche was laughing now, much to your dismay. you tried suppressing the urge to not join him on this, but failed miserably when the male beside you snorted, completely falling into a fit of giggles at his actions.
“oh come on! you need to stop putting me in embarrassing situations!” you said while giggling, slapping his arm playfully while doing so.
“or what?” he teased, finally looking at you and leaning closer.
you stared into his indigo eyes in return. “well, i'll...” the words you intended to say died down momentarily as you both look into each others eyes, seemingly like time has stopped.
the distance between you two was long abandoned, face just inches away from each other. looking at scaramouche's flawless face in awe, your breath hitched just for a moment.
you can't remember the last time you were this close to scaramouche. was it when you were sick? was it the time when you both hid in a closet to not get caught? or was it during trial day when you fixed up scaramouche's tie? you really can't tell.
looks like this just adds to the many list of times you've ever been this close with the man you hated the most.
the elevator doors suddenly opens and out of instinct, you both jolt in shock and immediately turned away from each other, flustered by what just happened.
a small group of people, snezhnaya uni students you assumed, walked in the elevator, ignoring the way that you and scaramouche were standing awkwardly at the back. you rubbed the jawline of your face nervously and stared at the mirror beside you.
the elevator had mirrors on all sides except for the doors, so you could basically see what everyone is doing at the moment.
and, if you look a little more closely, you could see the faint crimson that's creeping up onto scaramouche's neck and ears, as much as he tries hiding it with his hands.
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“i'm not gonna lie, this venue is ginormous.” you said in awe, looking at the huge place that will hold the grad ball. presumably, you had thought that it'd be a bit smaller, but it seems like you were wrong in so many ways.
the venue was almost fully decorated— with lots of round tables, a big space in the middle (for the classic dance, you assumed), and buffet tables were already set up. some bits of other decorations like lightings, drapes, and a disco ball even, were being decorated by the organizers. though still on the works, the ballroom already looked dazzling.
“don't think we're even allowed to go here yet.” scaramouche commented, eyeing the red tape across the ballroom.
“how are we gonna know every corner of the ballroom then?”
the male beside you did not answer, making you glance at him. he had his signature smirk, and a very knowing look that only you could ever read.
“no, you're joking.”
his smirk only grew bigger at your sentence, and at this point, you might think he was smiling like an idiot instead.
and that's how you two ended up decorating the ballroom, disguised as the many other workers in the area.
“how the hell are you so sure we won't get caught?”
scaramouche looked at you, stopping himself from decorating the round table. he tilted his head to a direction, as if gesturing for you to look over at what he's pointing at. “see that dude?”
averting your gaze to a male a few feet away from you two, you nodded. “yeah, why?” you asked, looking at him warily. the man was sitting on one of the chairs, legs propped up on the table while he scrolled on his phone lazily.
“that's the head organizer.”
“why is he just... lazing around? shouldn't he be the one going back and forth to make everything look as perfect as possible?”
scaramouche hummed. “exactly. seeing how stupid that guy is, he probably couldn't care less if there were people sneaking around as 'workers', much less if there were more additional workers, probably makes him more at ease.”
“do you think we could sneak around and possibly get the files for the plans of the event?”
“he looks kind of clumsy to be honest.” you said, and as if to prove your sentence, the man suddenly fell to his butt on the floor, and quickly regained his composure to sit back on the chair embarrassingly. “it's gonna be easy getting those files, i assume.”
scaramouche shrugged, continuing on fixing up the round table to avoid suspicions. “sure, we'll try later.”
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and again, that's how you two ended up sneaking in the back of the ballroom, where you assumed the organisation's office is.
“isn't this kind of silly?”
“what is?” scaramouche asked, walking along the halls, careful not to make much noise.
“sneaking around, kind of feels like we're kids trying to avoid getting caught stealing cookies by our parents.”
the ravenette snorted. “that's a very specific description.” he said, scanning his eyes at a closed door of a room, reading the text on it to see if it was the office you two were looking for.
“isn't that basically what being a detective is? sneaking around to get evidence, secretly go on many undercover duties and disappear to months end?”
you looked at him. “well, yeah, but it's pretty funny if you think about it. two grown adults, sneaking around people, going all out just to get some promising leads, it really just reminds me of my childhood days. isn't it the same for you?”
scaramouche was surprisingly silent upon hearing your question, not even taking his eyes off the door he was inspecting just now. you looked at him, puzzled, and nudged his shoulder.
“dude, you okay?”
it took a moment for scaramouche to finally move. “i'm fine.” he mumbled, already heading off to the next location, leaving you behind.
you stared at his figure, confused as to why he's suddenly changed his demeanor and did a whole 180. did you say something that bugged him?
“found it.” scaramouche said, pointing at a closed room ahead of you. he looked at you across the hall, one hand shoved in the pocket of his pants.
you smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, walking over to him.
you've already reminded yourself to ask him about it later on. for now though, you'll have to focus on your plan.
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“for a klutzy guy, he sure is pretty organised with the files.” you said, flipping through the files in one of the steel cabinets.
you two have been in the room for about ten minutes now, and much to your displease, you have yet to find the file you were looking for.
scaramouche rummaged through the files on the desk, letting out another curse when the files on there were pretty much useless.
“i don't think we'll find anything here.”
“this is stupid, we should just head back.” scaramouche muttered, heading over to the door. he stopped abruptly when he heard footsteps from outside, quickly turning around to face you. “someone's coming.”
you widened your eyes, and frantically searched for a place to hide. the room wasn't that big, with only a small number of cabinets filled with files, so there were technically zero spots to hide.
out of nowhere, scaramouche took your hand in his and dragged you under an old desk at the corner of the room, secluded from the open space. if someone were to stumble inside the office, they won't be able to notice the two of you hiding under the old desk, lest they went further in the room, in which you silently prayed it won't be the latter.
it's pretty tight space, but it was still able to fit in the two of you, even though you were squished up with scaramouche. you looked at the ravenette, but he avoided your gaze, opting to look out on the person coming inside instead.
the door opened, and a voice popped up. “is the ball really going to go smoothly, boss? i feel like we're still missing a few things for the event.”
“don't worry, everything's perfectly fine. it's not like we haven't done this a hundred of times before, and who cares if we miss out on a few stuff? it's not gonna affect the event.” another voice said, footsteps walking in the room.
the other cleared their throat. “what about that spotlight? i heard there were a few screws loose, and the workers didn't manage to find them.”
the sound of a file being landed harshly on the desk echoed throughout the room. “who the hell cares?! we already don't get paid enough for this shit, i couldn't care less about some stupid screws being loose or a backdrop being slightly off, as long as you get the job done we are out of the responsibility.”
“hurry up and go home, i don't want to be here any longer.”
soon after, the footsteps slowly fade out, and the door closed once more.
you let out a breath of relief the second they left, and looked at scaramouche again. he still had his eyes on the door, not even budging to move from the uncomfortable space.
“they're gone. we can go now.”
scaramouche finally looked at you after what felt like decades. “oh.”
getting out from under the old desk, you stretched out your limbs, the ravenette awkwardly followed you after.
“don't think that file was there before.” he said after a moment of scanning through the room, sauntering over to the desk in the middle of the room. “y/n.”
you glanced at him, bringing down your hands from the stretch you were doing. “what?”
“it's the file we're looking for.”
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it was well past 9, you and scaramouche were back in your hotel room sitting on the provided chairs, with your laptop propped up on the small round table showing the pictures you took of the event planning from the file.
“it just looks like any other planning i've seen before.” you said while slurping on the instant noodle cup you made a few minutes ago. given how you and scaramouche were too busy sneaking around the hotel until late evening, you two didn't even manage to get proper dinner by the time you were done.
“there's no use in wasting our time on this if it's useless then.”
you squinted your eyes to look at the planning details better, reading on and on about backdrops, lighting timings, and whatnot. it was all useless, just like what scaramouche had said just now.
letting out a huff, you leaned back on the chair. “let's just wait until tomorrow. we still have time before the grad ball starts.” you glanced at scaramouche. he has been zoning out a lot recently, and it was no doubt that he was doing the exact same thing right now.
“are you tired?” you nudged his shoulder.
scaramouche slowly looked at you, face blank. “huh? why? are you?”
“stop twisting the question around, i'm asking about you.” you pressed, a frown plastered on your face. “you look tired.”
“i'm fine.”
“no you're not.”
now scaramouche was the one frowning instead, glaring at you furiously. “if i say that i'm fine, then i am fine.” he slammed his hands on the table as he stood up, walking away, making you more puzzled than you already were.
sighing, you closed the laptop on the table. guess there's no use in pushing him on the subject, you thought as you continued on finishing your food.
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“you sure you don't want to sleep on the bed? there's still plenty of space here.” you asked, looking at him lying on the carpeted floor from the bed you were sitting on. “i feel bad.”
scaramouche had his back to you, so you weren't able to see what expression he was making as of now. “it's fine. hog the bed all you want, i'm not going up there.”
you raised a brow, but didn't question any further. “okay, just tell me if you wanna get up here. i don't mind sharing.”
the ravenette only replied with a hum as you got under the covers, getting ready to finally sleep after a long day of sneaking around.
except that you couldn't sleep at all.
it's around midnight— you think. it had been a few hours since you got into bed, but you haven't even managed to get a wink of sleep. scaramouche was sound asleep now, his soft snores can be heard if you listen close enough.
groaning, you turned to the other side of the bed in hopes of the new sleeping position helping you enter dreamland faster, but to no avail. you groaned in frustration once more.
“you should really stop doing that.” scaramouche said from the floor, voice husky from just waking up.
you propped yourself up with your elbow, and turned to look at scaramouche. “'m sorry, did i wake you?”
scaramouche slowly sat up, raking a hand through his bed hair. “it's fine.” he said, rubbing his eyes. “why're you still awake?”
“couldn't sleep.” you mumbled through the dark room, laying back on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. “been like that for the last couple of weeks.”
the ravenette raised his brow, but it went unnoticed by you. hearing the sound of rustling, you turned your head to the side, just to see that scaramouche had placed his pillow on the bed.
he sat at the edge of the bed, looking at you. “you okay?”
you scoffed. how ironic, you thought. he was the one who's been odd the whole day, yet he was asking you if you were okay, when he should be asking himself that.
“i could ask you the same question.”
at that, scaramouche fell silent. you turned your head back to continue on staring at the ceiling, again, in hopes that it'd bore you out to the point that you're asleep. unfortunately, the archons above really, really hates you.
you heard the sound of rustling sheets once again, and you turned to look at scaramouche, who was now suddenly under the covers, his back to you. “thought you said you didn't want to be up here.”
“you look like you needed company.”
you looked at him confusedly. at the lack of an answer from you, scaramouche huffed and turned to you. it was dark, you could barely make up most of the view in the room, but it was still enough to see the male beside you up close.
“i can sleep just well without you here.”
“sure you can.”
“wh– of course i can!”
scaramouche only shrugged, continuing on staring at you with a fond expression on his face. “what's on your mind?”
“...what d'ya mean?”
rolling his eyes, he brought up a finger to poke at your temple a couple of times, as if to further prove his question. “what's stopping this mind from resting?”
“ugh, stop that.” you swatted his hand away, though not harsh enough like you always do. “was just thinking about you.” you blurted out, making the ravenette widened his eyes.
scaramouche barely believes in the archons, yet he fervently thanks celestial above for the dark room, for you wouldn't get to see how red he's getting from just a single sentence.
eyes wide, you quickly fumbled for an excuse. “n–not in that way! i was just thinking about how you were kind of quiet the whole evening.” you said awkwardly, fidgeting the hem of your shirt. “did i say or do anything?”
“...no, you didn't do anything.”
“then why have you been acting weird today?”
scaramouche looked away from you, sighing. “it's just... when you mentioned about childhood, it just reminded me of mine.” he muttered.
from the years you've known scaramouche, he has never, ever, talked about his family background. you never questioned why, afraid that you were crossing boundaries. now that he's willing to even mention about it, you were shocked to say the least, but stayed quiet nonetheless.
“i didn't respond to your question because i... never experienced any of those stuff.” he paused, glancing at you. “my mother, she, abandoned me when i was little.”
“oh archons, i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have asked that.” you said, scratching your head.
“it's fine. it's been decades now, i rarely care that much anymore.” he let out a breath of a chuckle, somehow amused. “it just hit home when you talked about childhood.”
you stared at him for a long while, and he did the same to you. sighing, you went closer to him and pulled him into an embrace, leaving the ravenette in complete shock.
“you're a strong guy, i'm sorry all those shit happened to you.” you mumbled, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. scaramouche hovered his hand over your hip for a moment, before reluctantly wrapping an arm around your waist, relishing in the comfort you're willingly giving him.
scaramouche is anything but strong. he had always thought that he was the most weakest among all, yet you make it seem like he was far from fragile, which is ironic, truly. you've always made him feel like a different person, you always never fail to make him feel alive, make him feel like his emotions matter, make him feel important.
it was one of your greatest qualities. you always bring out the best out of someone, and never ask for anything in return. you've made him feel things he never even thought he had, and you've made him feel like he was a perfect human being, despite the many flaws and imperfections of his.
for the last couple of months, your efforts for him only grew bigger. in spite of you two not being able to stand each other, you never stopped making him feel like human. and for the past few weeks, his views of you have changed very differently.
he never thought of himself being in love, just the thought of those four letters make him gag. but with you, he thinks, anything is possible. and after many sleepless nights of being in thought, he has now come to terms at this moment that maybe, just maybe, he has the slightest feelings for you.
it's not something he'd ever tell you of course, and he has never planned on doing so in the future, afraid that he might ruin what you two currently have. he has come a long way with you, from not able to stand being in the same room together, all the way to you being in his arms right now. he does not think it's worth the risk of ruining whatever the hell you two are at the moment.
he sighed after what felt like forever, and hugged you more tightly. “thank you, y/n.”
no response.
he looked down, just to see that you were sound asleep, in his arms. he smiled fondly after a few seconds, brushing your hair just a bit. you looked so peaceful right now, and he slightly missed this view of you.
he wishes he could see you like this every day, every morning, and every single night, but then again, he does not feel like you'd reciprocate his feelings anyways.
he sighed again, bringing you more closer than before.
looks like you do need company to sleep better.
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forelsket. from: norwegian. means: that overwhelming gut-rush euphoria exclusive to the beginnings of falling in love. (please correct me if i'm wrong lmao i got this from google)
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garden-of-violets · 2 years
hi i love your blog !! i hope you're doing well :D
can i pls request fluff of fugo and abbacchio (or just one of the two) with an insomniac s/o? it could be fic or hc, either would be great! thank you ^^
Abbacchio with an Insomniac s/o !!
Literally so sorry for the late post. I had exams and was unmotivated so I only did Abbacchio.
I did look up some things about insomnia but it may not all be accurate so I do apologize in advance.
And there many be some spelling errors as I didn’t read this through more than twice
Abbacchio with an Insomniac S/O
♡︎ He understands how frustrating it is to not be able to fall asleep, and how especially frustrating it is after a long, tiring mission. Your frustration and tiredness is understood and he’ll try to do what he can to help you.
♡︎ That being said, he can’t sleep either, ever. This means that you two regularly end up sitting together on his bed either reading or watching tv—maybe sometimes listening to Abbacchio’s music as well.
♡︎ He actually prefers classical music, it helps him fall asleep and it’s something calming he can listen to after dealing with the rest of the noisy household. He’ll (subtly) encourage you to listen to it as well, he thinks it might be able to help you sleep better.
♡︎ It’s more likely that when you can’t sleep, he can’t sleep either because as much as he won’t admit it, he worries about your insomnia and it keeps him up when he knows you’re struggling to sleep.
♡ He understands not being able to sleep and he doesn’t want you to have to deal with that as well.
♡︎ Late night conversations.
♡︎ Late night conversations nearly every night that the two of you are left awake. Whether it be you talking and debating on some random things you heard the others discussing, or if you’re having those rare deep 3AM conversations.
♡︎ Occasionally, he’ll make himself some tea before bed that he can have while he reads— if he knows you might not be able to sleep well, or you haven’t been sleeping well in the previous nights, he’ll make you some tea as well. He’ll usually prefer to make some chamomile or lavender tea for himself, as that’s what usually helps him sleep. He’ll encourage you to drink it as well.
♡︎ When you finally do get to sleep, if he’s still awake (he usually will be) he’ll gently brush any stray hairs from your face before leaving you be. He won’t move much, and will try to keep still to prevent you from waking.
♡︎ If you end up stealing the blankets from him in your sleep, he’ll begrudgingly let you sleep peacefully and will allow you to keep the blankets all to yourself. He’d rather sleep cold than risk waking you up in an attempt to steal some of the blankets back. He’d never admit this though and would be grouchy about it the next morning lmfao.
♡︎ On the days you wake up early, there’s an equal chance he’ll be awake as well. Everyone else thinks he always sleeps in, which he does sometimes. Most of the time though, he’s up early and just hangs around in his room for a few hours. He’s more than okay with you hanging around with him during this time, even if he seems a bit annoyed.
♡︎ When he’s awake early, the two of you lay in his bed for a bit longer before getting up. He’ll start the day off with some more tea, he’ll just drink whatever kind you want to have.
♡︎ If you’re still feeling tired after a full night of sleep, he’ll send you back to bed; maybe he’ll even have a cup of tea ready for you when you awake again.
♡ Overall, Abbacchio is there when you need him. He has all the tea, blankets, and music you could want and need to sleep properly.
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teeth--thief · 7 months
Hi. Your previous anonymous speaker, again. I’m reading Midnight in Chernobyl, as I’m fortunate enough to have found a copy. Notes? Thoughts? Thank you, again. I liked your last reply much.
- R
Welcome back R, so glad to see you! I'm happy you liked my reply ♡! I shall continue replying for as long as you'll continue asking.
It's probably the best English language book about the disaster out there. As I've mentioned in my previous post, it does a great job showing the people involved as, well, people, which a lot of other books fail to do. It does repeat certain myths and misinformation, though, mainly when the source is Medvedev, so I guess that's on him. Everything is on him. We (me) hate Medvedev in this household.
> One of my least favourite things it repeats is that there was some kind of a disagreement in the control room. There were calm conversations and the closest thing to an "argument" was when, allegedly, Dyatlov snapped and told Akimov to hurry up because he was taking too long looking over the test program during the beginning of the shift. Nobody reported anything else - if they did, it would have most definitely been used against Dyatlov himself during the trial - and yet, seemingly neither Akimov's nor Toptunov's testimonies said anything about being forced to do anything or getting yelled at by the Deputy Chief Engineer.
It is unclear to me why this kind of narrative persisted even after people realised the operators weren't at fault and that Medvedev had it out for Dyatlov for some reason. Drama is what makes things interesting and it's easier to say "oh, well, the operators did not agree to XYZ, actually" when you don't want to blame them, I suppose. But you might as well be perfect obedient and be innocent and the same time - after all, it's not like any of them were exactly planning making the reactor go boom that night...
> It's not clear why there was a power drop to begin with. Higginbotham says that the SIUR "made a mistake", while Dyatlov and a few others say it was an equipment error. RBMK is a beast of a reactor, reportedly hard to control when the power is low and an inexperienced SIUR, which Toptunov was, would probably have problems keeping up with everything. If it was the case of the SIUR messing up, then it's not as simple as the author presents, you don't just miss one step and it all goes to shit, you actively have to not recognise and/or not be fast enough with your actions. But that's nitpicking, it's not that relevant.
> The fuel channel caps never jumped or at least were never actually SEEN by anyone to have been jumping, my god. Perevozchenko was in the control room when it was "going on". That Chernobyl Guy made a really good (and fun!) video on the topic if anyone's interested. Love that guy, he's doing a great job!
> I'm pretty sure that the description of the control rods and the positive scram effect (and the purely technical, nuclear bits) is not that accurate. I'm going to be very careful with both of these because pure physics is outside of my comfort zone and will actually recommend you do your own research on both of these, if you're interested, from the fear that I might start sounding like Medvedev (without proper education)
Other than that, it's really really good! It includes some relevant pictures, which is always nice (I'm looking at you, Kate Brown's book), it covers a great time duration - from before Prypiat to after Chernobyl. And the author interviewed a ton of people, we have to give him that.
All in all, I absolutely need to reread this book again because my memory of it is a little foggy and I'll report back to you in case something of importance will come up!
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