#powers back but im addicted to this now show i found called the last of us
ellies-enrichment · 1 year
Realizing my hearing is not 100% and I need to rewatch the entire show with headphones
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hiddenscribblin · 2 years
Song fic AU : I'm not a Vampire Revamped
Shall we start with my angst vampire boy
I was super into im not a vampire revamped and had it on repeat this was the only way to soothe the need to listen to it on repeat for another 24 hrs stright XD
Thank you XD
Seren knew he had fucked up but it was all so much he had been starving but right in the middle of a fucking set the venue owner limp in his arms. She was fine he had barely sunk his fangs in but when he looked up and saw vals back running and he could no longer continue. He hadn't meant to lie before when Val asked him what he was hiding. That mystery was what kept him and the few he had found safe. Away from trouble and the authorities. “Fuck.” he threw a bottle of blood infused whisky from where he had been pacing . He didn't get drunk but it helped with appearances. Rockers always had women and drugs right….parties late into the night …he honestly detested such things but he had to watch over the others to ensure they fed within the law. No changing or killing what an example he was.
Valarians face when he walked to stage haunted him as he walked up to the mic. This could be the last show with him…his only chance to explain. So he closed his eyes and began his powerful chord. 
“Well, I'm not a vampire but i feel like one
Sometimes I Sleep all day because I hate the sunlight.”
There he was, his face peering down from the empty 3rd floor balcony his heart quivered when their eyes met and he tore his back down to the crowd “ My hands are always shaking, Bodys always aching, and the Dark is when I Feed.”  It was the only way he could think to push the truth to get him to listen, maybe he wouldn't, maybe val would kill him…perhaps that was easier. 
Voice cracking over the next few lines “ Well, I can lure any woman that I want into my bed, with me. And Whisky seems to be my holy water. Mothers better lock your doors and hide your daughters. Cuz I'm insane.” He sure felt like it as he dared to look back up emotions overwhelming. “Well, I can feel it in my bones , coursing through my veins. When did i Become so Cold? For goodness’ sakes Where is my self Control?” 
For once he fell into it the pain breaking any mask he may have had, making it clear to val he was trying to let him in. He was going to loose himself if he didnt make a choice and this was it he just needed an answer… anything “ If home is where my heart is then my heart has lost all hope.”
The artificial tabs were failing and the whisky carried no life but he needed to finish this show so he took what he had left in the office anything. He could feel the effort to hold back even now “ Well i'm not a zombie but i feel like one. Today Self-induced comatose, Chemical daze. My head is always spinning from this dizzy, blurry vision and my stomach has had enough. I feel like a lady that is pregnant with a baby ‘cause im always throwing up.”
“HI my name is Seren, I'm an addict” Fuck it, seren hummed in his head takeing the mic and lifting the stand “Daddy should’ve never raised me on Black Sabbath” Chucking it aside he walked the stage repeating the chorus “ Im Insane, I can feel it in my bones , corseing through my veins, When did i Become so Cold? For goodness’ sakes Where is my self Control? If home is where my heart is then my heart has lost all hope.” 
It almost felt like a prayer…Funny. The ‘crowd’ called behind him “ When will you mortals believe ‘he’s not a vampire’, I just want the world to bleed ‘he's not a vampire’, Lust at the sight of your blood ‘he’s not a vampire’, And i swear i am not a ‘ he is not a , he is not a’ .”  He felt the Frustration tint his voice as a cry and continued rallying them and responding to the energy
 “God Bless all of you now, Cause I’m going straight to hell and i'm taking you all down with me ‘cause you know damn well.”
Relenting for a moment to breathe he continued closing his eyes feeling the words his own fangs dropping like props, “So I sharpen my teeth, 'cause I love the way it feels
When I sink into your skin and draw the only thing that's real …You don't believe me, should I write it in blood?” the anger drove inward as he screamed like his own well placed stake.
“You better drive that fuckin' stake right through my heart and try to run
Motherfucker, I'm a vampire. I'm Insane Well, I can feel it in my bones , coursing through my veins, When did i Become so Cold? For goodness’ sakes Where is my self Control? If home is where my heart is then my heart has lost all, My Heart has Fucking lost All….”
Please… he thought as he raised his voice to the sky and locked eyes once more praying  “My heart has lost all Hope 'he's lost all hope, he's lost all hope’  LONELY ‘ hes lost all hope’ My heart has lost all hope.” as he slowly ended the song he dropped the mic and bowed in one motion to hide his face, and walked to the back the sound of thundering cheers and the questioning looks of his peers too much everything in his heart open as his hands shook nowhere to hide from his own breaking heart when he was out of sight he ran stopping only once he reached the roof and could go no higher….Valarian was already there.
“I thought you’d come here…When you need an escape … you always go where you can be under the stars.” Valarian was perched on a railing. For a moment he debated running, the fluttering in his heart shook like birds in flight but he could no longer put off what was needed as Valarian waited for something…. “...Are you going to look at me?”
He heard the soft thump of valarian sliding off the rail. Hesitant steps followed as Seren drew his eyes up valarian began to speak again “ I think… somehow… I always knew. About you. What you are… and why you would be so afraid to tell me.” Eyes locked together, Val seemed to search for something, maybe some flicker of hope amongst the sheer sea of sadness consuming him. “ …How long have you suffered in Silence? Did you think I would run? After everything, did you think I'd give up on you?”
Seren folded his hands nervously before giving up and moving beside Val and reaching a hand in offering to hold before looking up at the stars to calm his heart. “ I was unsure …Panicked and in some ways I'm sure it was worse… I know you well enough to know you’d come looking for answers but not enough to know if you'd stay once you had them.” it was a soft and strained reply as his eyes drifted back “ Too long…I have hope but it's as fragile as glass. A flame that could easily get away from me.”
“Then come here…Let me protect your flame and you can tell me all that you wish to say.” Valarian's voice was softer now as he accepted Seren’s hand pulling him into a comforting hug , running a hand soothingly through his hair. “I’m listening Seren.”
Seren couldn't help but fold himself into the welcome embrace daring to hope “Love …” he couldn't get more out but val seemed to take mercy on him as his heart skipped a beat at the pet name, a smile gracing his features. Reaching over he gently curled a finger under serens chin to lift his head . “The night brings out the loveliest colors in your eyes. I've always thought so …and now I know the truth …and if I dare say so, I’m not in the least bit deterred in knowing it.” a soft laugh came at the loving look seren could feel pouring from his own eyes as val admired him. “ All I wish to know is how I can help. How can I ease whatever hurt you’ve been feeling?”
Seren felt a deep shaky breath he hadn't known he was holding leave him as he leaned in and captured Vals lips in a gentle languid kiss breaking it only after a moment. “I’ve never been in such a spell Valarian …Enchanted to my Very core. I’m afraid I'm lost in such unknown territory but if you are here with me as human or eternally bound then I will never cease in rejoicing…I know now you never left.”
“Of course not…” Valarian affectionately touched their noses together. “You needn’t fear about that any longer, My song in the night.”  A broad smile passed over valarian as he relaxed closing his eyes “Im glad your safe.”
Seren felt foolish for a moment but it was easily brushed aside with his love in his arms. “ Love, la mia stella nella notte… “ he hummed listing names he had used before until he rested on the last one beginning to sway them gently to a silent tune “My Heart…Thank you truely.”
Valarian sighed moving with seren as his sincere voice carried gently as a lullaby and the sincerity of his love was as clear as it had ever been. He wanted to stay like this forever. 
“...always.” He replied happily, stealing another kiss as they swayed in the light of the moon.
Seren found himself also wanting to remain and indulged in a few more moments of gentle care “I'm afraid I need to leave love. The night calls me and i can wait no longer to feed or ill get sick from the tabs i took.” Punctuating his disdain to leave with a gentle nuzzle and kisses to valarian’s Jaw. Leaning back just enough for the moon to caress the man's accented features casting him as an angel driving him to steal one last kiss. This was truely harder than rolling from bed.
“Go...” valarian urged, still flushed and giggling from the kisses “...Do what you need to do. Ill wait for you at the hotel.” With a soft smile slowly and reluctantly they began to part “ Just come back to me safe.”
“Always.” Seren echoed back heart aflutter. Taking his leave with a leap from the edge and Shifting into a large raven he circled once and darted away into the night.
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Grunge-Metal Geralt
Hi, im fucking trash for the idea of Geralt being the front man for a Five Finger Death Punch type band and my brain wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. This music genre is my bread and butter and I think Geralt’s repressed but highly emotional ass would fit right in. Yes im using another Hozier song, no i dont wanna hear anything about it. I’m a basic bitch and ive made my peace with it
Warnings: i honestly have no idea, its a little horny, little emotional, but theres no actual character interaction?, its at a concert venue? idk yall.
Jaskier was… out of his comfort zone.
It’s not that he didn’t like the grunge-metal music, he just hadn’t listened to much and he was not used to the energy. People were yelling and screaming and the opener hadn’t even come on yet. He didn’t feel unsafe, far from it. Several people had checked to see if he was okay, seeing as he was the only person in the entire arena wearing a sweater that wasn't ripped or faded to hell. It was just a far cry from the shows he was used to. 
He played folky-blues. This was nothing like his shows. 
When the lights went down the crowd was deafening, all moving as one to rush the front of the floor, not giving a single fuck about tickets. 
The openers were exciting, and Jaskier was surprised by some of the concepts and messages behind the music. It wasn’t what he’d expected at all and he found himself searching them up on Spotify to listen later. 
Then came The Witchers. 
Eskel and Lambert made their energetic entrance, followed by Aiden calmly walking to his drums and sitting as if he were walking into a college class. But Geralt was nowhere in sight. The one person Jaskier had actually come to see. 
He’d seen a video clip from a previous concert where they covered one of his songs, and he was praying they’d do it again. It was lovely in a haunting-almost-threatening way, and the expression in Geralt’s posture alone was enthralling. He had to see it live. 
But Geralt was still absent as the band started to build a song. First Aiden with the beat, then Eskel’s bass, then Lambert with a melody on his electric guitar. It built and built and built to a fever pitch, taking the crowd with it. People were already jumping and screeching. Jaskier had to stand on his seat to see the stage clearly. 
Geralt’s voice echoed through the venue, low and closer to a growl than singing, but he was still nowhere to be seen.
Jaskier thought he’d been prepared, but his whole body was covered in goosebumps. He briefly wondered if this was what his friends were feeling when they listened to ASMR.
Geralt remained hidden for the whole first verse, getting the crowd even more excited than Jaskier thought possible, only for the band to go completely silent for a whole measure. When the crowd's screams reached their absolute loudest, Geralt dropped from on top of one of the jumbotrons, landing on one of the horse-sized speakers before launching into the chorus. 
Oh fuck, he was even more beautiful in person. 
He was… well he was a beast of a man. Jaskier really didn’t have another word for the way his muscles bulged and how lithe and powerful he looked springing from the speaker to join his bandmates on the main stage. His thighs filled out his black, tattered jeans and there were clear faded spots where his muscles strained the fabric too often. The thin black tank he wore did nothing but pretend the man was semi-modest. It was so tight, the only thing left up to the imagination was tan lines and the color of his nipple piercings. 
Jaskier was most entranced by his long, white, wavy hair falling past his shoulders. As the show continued and he started to sweat, a lot, it got curlier and curlier at the root. Jaskier wanted to give him a mask and some curl cream, but only after a, uhm, rough night of getting to know each other. He’d heard rumors about Geralt from hitting arenas not long after they’d left. He was quite sure they’d have a great time.
As he focused on the lyrics more and more, he was more inclined to want to wrap Geralt up in a hug and worship every part of him until he felt whole again. 
Either he’d been shown the shitty side of the genre, or The Witchers were exceptions to the rule of content. Jaskier was almost moved to tears a few different times.
Finally, about an hour into Jaskier mindlessly feasting his eyes on the front man, Geralt leapt onto another speaker and sat down, breathing hard and grinning from ear to ear. 
“You still with us?”
The unholy screech from the crowd left no doubt they were just as excited, if not more so, than when they’d arrived. 
“Good! Good..” he trailed off, chuckling as he lowered the mic to take a breath, “We’re gonna slow it down for a minute,” he leaned forward and held the mic away as Eskel shouted something up at him to which he laughed and flipped him off. 
“As I was saying, we’re gonna yearn for a minute or two and do a cover. Song by Jaskier called ‘Talk’.”
The crowd lost their shit again, various pride flags popping up throughout the stands. 
Geralt chuckled and raised his combat boot, showing off the bi flag colored treads, earning another round of screams. If this is what the grunge-metal scene was like, Jaskier had been missing out his entire life. Sure his fans were sweet and supportive and loving when he’d come out. But this was electric and feral and completely addictive.
Lambert struck the opening chord to Jaskier’s song and the crowd settled to a gentle hum, setting the tone immediately, as if they all knew exactly what was coming. 
Geralt closed his eyes as he tapped his thigh with one finger, keeping time before his rumbling baritone hit Jaskier like a freight train. 
“I’d be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found…”
Jaskier could have collapsed right there. He knew he was staring like a lovesick idiot, but hell, everyone around him was too. When the chorus hit and Eskel came in with a heavy bass line he nearly fell off his chair. Geralt’s intensity raised with the addition of the backup but he didn’t move. He stayed seated, swaying slightly, with his eyes closed as he crooned out the words Jaskier had sobbed as he wrote, broken hearted and miserable. 
It was surreal. 
Sure he’d seen other covers. Sure they’d been lovely. But he wanted to listen to this and only this as he fell asleep for the rest of his life. He’d never play it again if he could only hear it one more time. 
After the last verse Lambert launched into a guitar solo while Geralt jumped off the speaker and meandered to the center of the stage to slot his mic back in it’s stand. He gripped it like a lifeline when Lambert held one last note for as long as his instrument would allow and only started singing the last chorus when it was almost silent. 
“I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things I would do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you
I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we could do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you”
His expression looked hopeless and utterly desperate as he crooned out the last two lines. He let his hair fall to cover his face and Jaskier could just barely hear his panting breath over the sound system as the crowd exploded. Geralt tipped his head back and took two deep breaths before straightening up and getting on with the show but Jaskier was stuck. 
He was vaguely aware of someone taking a picture of him, but he really couldn’t care less. The fact that Geralt moved right on to a song called ‘Burn Motherfucker Burn’ didn’t matter either. 
Jaskier jumped down from his arena seat, whipping out his phone and sending the band a tweet, because apparently that’s what musicians did now?
“Record it. Please. It’s either that or sing me to sleep every night. You choose.”
He stayed for the rest of the show and walked to his car in a haze. Before he backed out of his spot he checked his phone like always and his heart nearly stopped at the two top notifications. 
One public reply: “Both? -G”
And one direct message: “If you’re still here and want to grab a drink, I’m just backstage.” 
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tv-music · 3 years
Umbrella Academy Review 1.09
The penultimate episode begins with a look at Vanya’s childhood, back when she still had powers, and boy, did the writers do a great job convincing me that Reginald may have been spot on about hiding Vanya’s powers from her - how many people did we watch a very young Vanya kill? It also explained to us why their Mum is a robot - so Vanya couldn’t kill her. 
A grown up Vanya seems to be in shock after slitting her sister’s throat at the end of the last episode, as Leonard continues to try to manipulate her. She thinks Alison's dead and all she wants is to explain to her siblings what happened, but Leonard convinces her she’s special.
Vanya later finds her Dad’s journal at Leonards house and finally sees him for what he really is (it’s about damn time) Leonard tries to manipulate her once more but it seems as though the fog has finally lifted. Leonard then tries a different tactic, at least I think that’s what he was doing, by berating her and calling her ordinary, just like dear old dad used to but this backfires in a major way. Her powers kick in (and really do seem to possess her) and she kills Leonard. Well I can’t pretend I’m sad about that
The siblings arrive back at the house and Alison is somehow still breathing (Im no medical expert but surely she wouldn’t have survived that in the real world) and Pogo and their Mum start working on trying to save her
She wakes up with Luther by her side but due to the damage to her vocal chords, she can’t speak. She grabs a notepad and tells Luther about Vanya’s powers, Pogo steps in and finally reveals all
Klaus decides he’s had enough of being sober and goes searching for pills while being lectured on life by Ben, as Klaus continues to be, well, Klaus, Ben punches him and for the first time since dying, makes physical contact. It seems that now Klaus is sober, his powers are growing - is this what Reginald meant by how he hasn’t scratched the surface of what he can do? 
Five and Diego continue with their mission to try to stop the apocalypse and make Klaus join them. When they arrive at Leonards house they find his body, and Five confirms that this is who the eye belongs to. Five, as usual, has the right train of thought, if Harold doesn’t cause the apocalypse then what does? It’s been clear to the viewers for a few episodes that Vanya must be the cause, it’s about time the siblings caught up.
Hazel shows up at the house while Five is having a lovely little date with Dolores. Just as Hazel is about to tell Five why he’s there, Diego attacks him for his ex's death, while Five just sits back and watches, all he’s missing is a bit of popcorn. He finally knocks Diego out and hears what Hazel has to say, he wants to help stop the apocalypse, Five tells him its done and they part on good terms - but not before Five gets the answers Diego needs, Cha Cha killed his ex and Hazel produces the gun to prove it. 
Agnes returns to her hotel room and finds Cha Cha waiting for her. Seriously, what is her deal? Why does she care so much about Hazel moving on with his life? Why can’t she just be happy for him - I’m really not enjoying this part of the show and wish she would just go away. Hazel returns to the motel to find Agnes tied up and Cha Cha waiting for him and the two begin fighting - the handler shows up just in time which to be clear is the only reason i’ve mentioned this part of the episode at all - she survived and now she’s pissed.
Vanya finally arrives at the house and finds Luther waiting, to Vanya’s credit she doesn’t try to lie about what happened, she’s nothing but honest and asks Luther is she can see her. Luther said all the right things and even opened up his arms for a hug, but it was clear from his demeanor that something was off. Instead of just hugging her, he squeezes her until she passes out and locks her up just like their Dad did when they were kids- what the fuck were you thinking Luther?
Diego and Klaus seem less than happy about the situation, both making the point that she’s their sister and that she doesn’t need to be locked up, she needs their help. Alison shows up and also tells Luther to let her go, insisting that it was her fault but Luther won’t budge and let’s face it he’s physically stronger than them all so they don’t have much of an option
Five returned Dolores to the store in what was truly an emotionally charged moment, watching him say goodbye to the inanimate object that was his only company for so long was heartbreaking 
Down in her cell, Vanya began speaking with her childhood self - I’m not sure what to call it - and she tapped into her power once again, this time using the only noise she has, her own heartbeat. Her powers truly are incredible, but they also seem like they’re not actually her. It really does seem like she’s possessed while all this happens and are nothing like the Vanya we see any other time. When any of the other siblings use their powers they are simply them but with powers whereas Vanya doesn’t feel or seem like her at all. Is this how it’s supposed to be? Was this explained and I’ve just missed it? I’m not sure but that final shot of her having broken out of her prison was truly terrifying - her siblings better watch out
Extra Thoughts
Five and Klaus’s conversation about addiction - and Klaus’s very astute observation that Five is addicted to the apocalypse - was brilliant. These two are by far my favourite characters and I love watching them interact
Luther really pissed me off this episode - why could he not understand what Vanya needed in that moment. Klaus literally said it to him - she’s scared, she’s just found out about this new power and doesn’t know how to control it - she needs their help
Surely once Luther was distracted by Alison not speaking to him, one of the siblings could have gone down and let her out 
There’s some irony in the fact that the Five’s spent all this time searching for a way to stop the apocalypse and the first person he told when returning way back in episode 1 was the person who causes it (of course at this point I’m also willing to make an argument that Luther was actually the one that caused it by acting like their awful father rather than just being there for his sister)
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aries-writingblog · 3 years
Atlas (5)
Summary: After years of being imprisoned on the Raft, Tony negotiates freedom for his sister Tessa. When she’s free- so is her past, and it will never stop hunting her.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC(Stark)
Chapter Word count: 383
Warnings: PTSD (subtle ish), trauma, torture (in later parts), suicidal behaviors and thoughts, mentions of death, character death, injury, violence, angst, and a lil bit of fluff in there
Disclaimer: Atlas is my own, original work with characters belonging to Marvel (except Tessa and Dr. Clifton). Plagiarism is not cool kids.
A/N: this is my first work Im posting to this platform and I’m really excited and nervous about it. Hope you enjoy- constructive criticism is always helpful as well!!
Dr. Clifton watched from his perch- waiting for the Avengers to fall directly into the trap he’d laid. The whole plan went off with a hitch, he was delighted to see his toy out of her box once again. After hearing about how her freedom was negotiated, he quickly began a plan to lure her to him. Everyone played their parts so well- he forgot it wasn’t even scripted.
“Williams!” He snapped, watching the woman fire a shot into a man’s kneecap before landing a roundhouse kick to his jaw. The man scrambled forward, standing at attention. “Make sure cell number seven in secure... when we have her, I want to be able to begin work immediately.”
“Yes, sir.” He quickly moved to do as ordered. Clifton smiled once more, seeing a well balanced flame appear on the screen.
“Shit- they keep coming!” Bucky exclaimed, holding a hand up to catch the magazine clip Tessa had thrown to him. He changed clips, firing another round of rapid shots at the men. “Have you gotten your comm unit back online yet?”
“No- I don’t think we will. We’re pinned down and they have no clue we don’t have backup!” Tessa explained, cursing as her gun jammed. She threw it down and ducked behind the crates beside Bucky. “I’m out of extra clips too- I’m down to my knives and this is still a gun fight.”
Bucky didn’t want to admit it but he didn’t see this ending well. He was on his last few bullets and there was a steady stream of men coming from the hallway ahead. The whole thing had been a trap- he knew it had to be. What the trap was set for- he wasn’t sure, he just knew he had to have Tessa’s back.
“If the other levels are overrun like this, they may have retreated.” Tessa admitted, looking to Bucky. “I can’t see a way out though. We’re trapped.”
“I’m aware.” He grumbled, crouching down as he fired his last bullet. He looked to Tessa, meeting her eyes. They were about to have trouble. “We’re gonna have to fight. If we can get back into the hallway, we can find a way back out but right now we’re at a dead end. I need you to use your powers.” Tessa blanched at the idea.
“I don’t think it’s safe.” She admitted, tugging at her vest. Bucky took her shoulders, holding her still. She flinched, eyes shooting back up to his.
“Listen to me- I’m going to be okay. Even if you set my clothes on fire again, I’ll deal. I was taught stop, drop, and roll.” He teased, beginning to hear footsteps again. “I believe in you. Just remember you’re in control. You can do this.”
Tessa knew it was a bad time. Surrounded and alone, it wasn’t a good time for a pep talk and it certainly wasn’t a good time for feelings. But looking at Bucky, truly listening to his words, she couldn’t stop herself. She threw caution to the wind and grabbed his face with both hands, smashing her lips to his. He let a surprised grunt out as she held him close, molding their faces together. His hands squeezed her shoulders and she felt... right. She hadn’t felt this normal since high school.
“Right...” Tessa muttered, pulling apart and standing up. She shook her shoulders out as she psyched herself up. “I’m in control. I have the control.” Then, she leapt out of their hiding place, hands out to her side, white hot flames pouring from them.
As a gun barrel was lifted to her chest, she took hold of the metal, melting it and jamming it backwards into the man’s face. She shoved him back into another soldier, knocking them both to the ground. Tessa managed to land a kick to the chest of a man who was close range, then swinging him by the arm into the pile of men she was creating.
Meanwhile, Bucky was still knelt behind the crates, the heat of her lips still lingering on his. Finally, he took a deep breath and allowed the grin to take over his face. She kissed him. She made the first move. He was so proud in that moment that the first bullet that nicked the crates didn’t even register on his radar. The second, however, brought him spiraling back to his reality of gunfire and actual fire, dancing along the clothes of the men Tessa had already taken down.
He leapt into the fight alongside her, helping push their way through the swarm and finally taking the last one down. That’s when Bucky turned to Tessa and grabbed her waist, yanking her body to his, craving that addictive taste. He rested a hand on her jaw, angling her lips to his and pressing her to him. He tried to convey everything he felt for her into that kiss. He hoped his message got through to her. When they pulled apart, he rested his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away.” Tessa apologized, letting her hand run up his arm and rest against his chest, where her dog tags sat. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“You could never hurt me.” He promised, leaving a lingering kiss to her forehead before backing away. “We can figure it all out later- we just need to get the hell out of here right now.”
“That, I can agree with.” Tessa nodded, quickly searching one of the fallen men for a handgun. She gave one to Bucky and kept one herself, checking the clip. “Let’s move out.”
He nodded and stayed glued to her side as they reentered the hallway. Only to find several rows of armed men on either side- weapons leveled at their chests. Bucky cursed softly, biting his tongue. They’d been played. A loud clapping broke through the silence as the men closed ranks, opening only slightly to let a man walk into the ring. He heard Tessa whimper beside him, her whole body going stiff. Her gun dipped, her arms going numb.
“Well, well...” Dr. Clifton gave her a sickening smile. “That was quite the show. I’m glad to see you putting those talents to good use, Atlas. I was beginning to think you resented my gifts.”
Tessa didn’t respond and Bucky didn’t know what to do. They were surrounded and alone, hilariously outgunned. Dr. Clifton began circling the pair, inspecting them.
“What do you want?” Tessa’s voice was shaky but she was beginning to overcome her shock, her steel coming back slowly. Clifton took a moment, humming as he continued his inspection. Bucky shifted slightly to cover Tessa’s body with his own- the look in the doctor’s eyes too wild to be contained. Clifton took notice.
“My darling phoenix, I only want to see you thrive...” he stopped his pacing and stared at her. “You were my best project- the top of the class, my muse... such a pity you misbehaved. Bad little girls always get time outs.” He pouted at her before a smirk pulled at his lips. “But here you are- and you brought a friend. My, my, you’re on track to being on top again.”
“I’ll never be anything to you except your worst nightmare.” Tessa snapped, holding a hand out and engulfing it in flames. That’s when she felt a prick in her neck. It felt like she’d been doused in cold water- her limbs felt heavier and her eyes started to close before she even hit the floor.
“No, my dear...” Clifton’s face appeared above her. “You will be magnificent once more.”
“I’m not leaving my sister here.” Tony argued, already beginning to suit up again. Steve sighed, and stepped in front of him.
“We don’t have a choice right now, Tony. You think I want to leave either of them here?” Steve snapped. “We just have to hope they can make the rendezvous point. We have to hope they’re alright.”
After taking care of the first few levels, both Steve and Tony realized the comm units went down. They found each other and then the rest of the team, save Bucky and Tessa. Then, soldiers began pouring out of the buildings, almost surrounding them until they retreated to the quinjet, forced to take off. Leaving two members behind. Of course, the team had coordinates in place as a rendezvous in case they were separated. Today was one of the days they had to be used. Tony clenched his jaw, looking Steve directly in his eyes.
“If something happens in there and Tessa... if anything happens to her, it’s on you.” Tony shoved past him, colliding shoulders with the brick wall of a super soldier. Steve exhaled sharply, feeling that anxiety begin to eat at his gut. He didn’t want to leave them, he was taught no man left behind. And he left two. But they were tough. Tessa and Bucky could handle themselves. He had to believe in their combined strength. He had to believe he made the right call- for everyone’s sakes.
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shemetan · 4 years
rapper hc part 1
hi guys!!! so i’ve had this idea in my head forever and just didn’t have anyone to share it with but i told hedy about it yesterday and she scammed me into creating tumblr acc and sharing it here lol but when i went to write it down i  realized that i have a lot more to share so it’s gonna be just the 1st part for now, which was the only thing i had in my mind originally but now i’m working on expanding it.
i have a lot of ideas from the songs and this is no exception. this time the inspiration was NF - an amazing rapper and song writer. his songs uncover so much trauma and the things he raps and sings about are so real for a lot of us that you can’t help relating to them. NF’s real name is Nathan which also played part in this idea. lyrics of the songs are what the hc is based on so please listen to the songs i mention and pay attention to the lyrics.
ok i don’t wanna waste more of your time bc the hc is big as it is so without further ado let’s dive into it. p.s. it’s the first time i do a thing like that so im sorry in advance for any inconsistencies or the general drama:)))
TW!! (everything is just mentioned, nothing too graphic) physical abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, alcohol, drinking, drug addiction, overdose, death from overdose, kidnapping, torture (beating, skin burning, cuts – all of it not descriptive), violence, breaking one’s own bones, putting bastards to prison. also NF’s lyrics got a lot of triggers and cover very serious issues so if you decide to listen to some more of his music be careful with that. some of the things mentioned in the songs i’ve used here: depression, grave digging, guns, blood (in a non-violent way).
neil’s story: he grew up in an abusive family. his father was drinking a lot and abused him physically and verbally saying that he was nothing and nobody and would not amount to anything in his life. he despised neil’s love for music and laughed at him. he also hit him more when he noticed anything related to neil’s passion (neil humming some melody or listening to music in his headphones or trying to create smth). his mother tried to protect him but she couldn’t do much bc of her drug addiction. she overdosed during his last year in hs and surprisingly left him some money. when Nathan found out about that he was enraged and beat the shit out of neil so he would give him that money. to run away from his father neil goes to university to study his passion – music. he’s always had some kind of knack for creating music and rapping and now he could explore it more and not be afraid of nathan. he tries to overcome his trauma and even makes some friends (the foxes).
during the freshman year andrew and neil spend a lot of time together. they find the reflections of their hurt in each other and they find understanding. they share some of their past and their traumas; their view of the world and their dreams. andrew feels like he is falling because he’s never met anyone like neil. slowly there are soft touches and furtive glances but neither is ready yet to cross that line.
neil seemingly gets better even though there are a lot of hard moments on the way. however at the end of his freshman year nathan finds him and he and his cronies kidnap and beat neil up for Mary’s money keeping him in the basement for several days. this money is all neil’s got to survive and build his life so he doesn’t say anything and thinks of the ways to run. im not good with making up torture techniques and nathan is not so imaginative here but they still leave neil with scars on his face, his torso and hands (mostly burns from cigarettes, iron, cuts from glass bottles). by the end of the third day neil is physically and morally exhausted so he gives up and transfers all the money to them (he’s got a little of it left on his other acc) and they drunk on their win leave him in the basement. he breaks his fingers to get out of the handcuffs and gets out through the small basement window and runs outside. not long after that he collapses from all the exhaustion and blood loss and someone notices him. they call the cops and the ambulance. after that nathan and his cronies are put into prison and neil is left with almost no money. he leaves the state and a year later with a lot of effort, practicing and self-advertising he successfully signs with a music label under the name N/A.
andrew’s story: tilda didn’t give him up but was a shitty mother (obv) with drug addiction. andrew and aaron’s parents were divorced and their father didn’t live with them but tried to be there when he could. andrew started creating music as an outlet bc tilda’s boyfriends were physically abusing him and he tried to protect aaron from that. he and aaron were close bc they only had each other but andrew still didn’t share his trauma with aaron trying to protect him from that hell. of course he was only a child and couldn’t always take aaron’s place in beating but most of it lay on him. while at hs they became a band with the help of nicky and performed with their songs were they could and tried to self-advertise and wymack (he’s the head of the music dep at uni and also one of the profs) noticed them and offered them partial scholarships. they had some money left after tilda’s overdose (they lived for some time with their father after her death) so they went to get actual education on music production (at this point I don’t care how plausible it sounds, just don’t think too much about it ok lol)
the story:
ok so nathaniel once went to uni with the foxes (is there such a major as music production and singing or smth?) but at the end of his freshman year he disappeared. he was not very sociable so no one really cared where’d he go except for the foxes with whom he became somewhat friends. 1-2 years later he pops up as a new young and very talented rapper named N/A and he’s got burn scars all over his face and hands which he doesn’t hide so very intriguing right??? nobody knows much about him and that his name stands for Neil Abram so they take it literally as ‘no data available’ or smth (hedy also proposed “not applicable”!). foxes are like WTF we know that guy!! and wymack is also like isn’t that nathaniel??
Andrew’s become a huge fan of neil’s music. only renee knows that andrew’s been listening to neil’s songs non stop bc he can relate so hard to them and they just hit him right where it hurts. at the end of their last year they have like a huge final concert or smth and wymack organizes it to be held in one of the palmetto clubs. at the same time neil is coming back to Palmetto bc he is nostalgic of the time he spent in the uni with the foxes and he wants to escape his real life for a moment. he wants to visit the city and reminisce and he believes that none of the foxes really remembers him bc he was a nobody. I know the plot is getting ridiculous but bear with me
so it’s the evening of the gig and the students perform their music (songs, instrumentals, as solos/duets/bands etc). andrew majorly produces rap songs at this point and he performs in duet with renee with their song (NF’s “Can you hold me”). everyone is like shit it was so good but then andrew performs his solo song (NF’s “How could you leave us”). aaron is standing there and is a fucking mess bc he never knew andrew was that affected by their past and their mother’s death bc he never showed it and didn’t ever want to talk about his issues. (be warned this is a heart-wrenching song and it fits fucking perfectly). after that andrew almost runs outside for a smoke, trying to light a cigarette with his shaking fingers and thats when he sees a strange all covered up figure in a black hoodie entering the club but also cautiously looking over their shoulder like they don’t want to be caught. andrew ever the protective one follows him but loses in the crowd of the low lit club. 10 mins later there is quiet and the figure goes on stage – obv its neil. “Intro III” starts playing.
andrew is in awe and he’s never heard this song before so it must be new. he also never saw neil perform live so he cant really move bc the performance is so powerful and magnetic. *neils sitting on one of the disconnected amplifiers in the dark and the music starts building up. At 2:00 of the song after the words “I mean, what are you, outta your mind? 'Cause both of us will be, come on, let's go outside!” he pulls off his hood, his movements are fierce and aggressive and he’s almost screaming in the mic. at words “You had me scared for a second, I thought we were diggin' my grave” theres his fathers smile, vicious, crazy and cruel – thats how he remembered it spending 3 days in that basement. (fyi in the song NF’s talking to his fear and they go back and forth).* 
andrew is mesmerized, the foxes are in shock, the whole crowd does not understand who that is but they watch with open mouths. the song ends and the crowd goes wild. that’s when neil starts talking.
“hello palmetto. this is a great concert you got and some of you guys are fucking talented. my name is neil and I used to go to PSU a long time ago so you prolly don’t know me but professor wymack out there let me come here on this stage and sing a couple of my songs for you. one of them is my old song, and another is new but they both tell my story and I hope you like’em”. 
people cheer and applaud and after a moment another song starts playing. its the one andrew knows (it’s Paralyzed). the atmosphere gets way calmer but everyone is just as hypnotized. during the chorus neil is standing under the dim lights, head turned up facing the ceiling, eyes closed, his scars are illuminated. he looks almost peaceful but there’s pain and apathy showing on his face and in his posture. the song ends and neil leaves the stage. andrew cant make his legs move but he has to meet neil (he just realized that neil’s shared his name with them and it wasn’t “nathaniel” and andrew’s got so many questions).
he forces himself to move and almost runs backstage. neil is already leaving but andrew stops him by grabbing him by his arm. they stand there looking at each other, andrew panting, his body shaking a little, neil wide-eyed.
“Andrew…” he whispers obviously surprised by seeing Andrew here.
“Nath- Neil.” suddenly Andrew cant ask a single question. he’s got so many that it feels like a waste of time to ask them one by one. Neil looks down at where Andrew is still grabbing his arm and Andrew lets go off him like its burnt him. “You are here” he lets out on the exhale like he still can’t believe it.
Neil averts his eyes and puts the hood of his sweater on his head so that the shadows obscure half of his face. “Yeah” he replies and after a few seconds follows with hesitant “How are you?” It is a stupid question, Andrew thinks but he answers nonetheless with simple fine. Neil holds his head low, and Andrew can’t help but wonder if Neil doesn’t wanna look him in the eyes after his disappearance so many years ago or if he simply doesn’t want to see Andrew’s face. Both options hurt him but he doesn’t have the heart to ask.
the end of part 1. come yell at me on twt or here hihi
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ardentaislinn · 4 years
Yuletide Letter 2020
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional.
Here you’ll find:
My general likes
And prompts for the following fandoms:
Peninsula: Train to Busan 2 (2020) - Jung Seok, Min Jung, Joon Yi, Yoo Jin
Stranger | 비밀의 숲 - Hwang Si Mok, Han Yeo Jin
Kingdom | 킹덤 - Prince Lee Chang, Seo Bi
Illang: The Wolf Brigade | 인랑 (2018) - Im Joong Kyung, Lee Yoon Hee | Kim Seo Hee
A quick note on the Korean names - I’m fine with however you choose to transliterate them. Hyphen/no hyphen, Shi Mok/Si Mok, etc. Just do what you are comfortable with and I’ll adjust no problem. No need to add the honourifics, though
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, rivals-to-lovers, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) Also, casefic, epistolary fic, consent, forbidden pleasures, beta heroes, bed sharing, masquerades, military kink, physical imperfections, ladies being badass and female relationships (whether romantic or friendship), relationships that build tension before exploding, equal relationships, trapped together, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve sweet and occasionally broken men being head over heels for awesome ladies, (and usually not feeling worthy). So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunnilingus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Possibly my favourite kink ever? Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
Miserable endings. Major character death. Baby/Pregnancy fic. Humiliation. Drug use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. A/B/O. M-Preg. Incest. Bestiality, animal harm etc. Underage sexual content. 1st person POV (unless for epistolary). Not big on high school AUs or Rock band AUs. Unbalanced power dynamics in ships without acknowledging/exploring that. (This effects one particular ship below, which I’ll discuss in more detail in the fandom section).
I think that’s it?
And so, to the fandoms, in no particular order:
Peninsula: Train to Busan 2
Jung Seok, Min Jung, Joon Yi, Yoo Jin
While maybe objectively not as good a film as the first one, I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Given that it was essentially a cross between Escape From New York and Mad Max, what isn’t to love? I loved the expansion of the world and the clever uses of zombies in the chase scenes. And I loved that the message was that being logical and self-sacrificing isn’t always the right choice - sometimes you should be driven by heart and empathy. And I really liked the idea that anything can mean happiness when you love and are loved in return - particularly in regards to Joon Yi, but also Jung Seok (and his found family?).
What would interest me the most in this fandom is post-movie fics. But if you wanna do a canon divergent/au thing, I’d be cool with that, too. Some prompts:
Joon Yi struggles a lot more than her sister to readjust to a “normal” life
In order to stay together after being rescued, Jung Seok and Min Jung have to pretend to be married
After four long years of loneliness, Min Jung just wants to be touched
Jung Seok isn’t surprised to find himself in love with Min Jung - and wanting to be a father to her girls - but is he good enough for them? He’s left them behind once - can he forgive himself? Can Min Jung?
The zombie plague escapes from Korea - and Jung Seok, Min Jung, and her girls are the closest thing to experts on how to fight back and contain it that the authorities have. Will their nightmare never be over? Or is this a chance to end it once and for all?
With Min Jung in hospital while her leg heals, Jung Seok suddenly finds himself a surrogate father to two very unruly girls.
Stranger | 비밀의 숲
Han Yeo Jin, Hwang Si Mok
This show is just so good, and Si Mok and Yeo Jin - and their relationship - is a big part of that. He’s logical and doesn’t feel things the way most other people do, but that doesn’t mean he’s given a free pass to be an asshole. He’s a good man who always does what’s right. And Yeo Jin is just as smart as he is, and equally committed to doing what’s right, but in a different way. They make a perfect team.
I love how much they absolutely, completely, trust and respect each other. Si Mok cares about her as much as he is capable - probably more so than he cares about anyone else. There isn’t any drama or jealousy or anything like that in their relationship. They are both practical adults. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have a deep bond. I do ship these two - and would love getting together fic if you can!
Yeo Jin will probably have a tough time of it from now on. How will Si Mok support her through it?
How will Yeo Jin and Si Mok keep in touch now that he’s moved away again? Late night phone calls that slowly become more intimate? Texts or emails (epistolary style)?
In the last episode, there was a hint that Si Mok had a prophetic dream. What if he really did develop a power? And Yeo Jin was the only one he trusted with the truth?
What if Yeo Jin and Si Mok had to travel somewhere for an investigation - and there’s only one bed…
Si Mok isn’t incapable of noticing when a woman is attracted to him. But what if that woman is Yeo Jin? Do they try to make a friends-with-benefits arrangement work? Or do they like each other two much for that?
Everyone already knows Yeo Jin and Si Mok are close - but why do their friends suddenly think they are dating? What’s changed? And how do they stop the rumours - without disappointing all the friends who were hoping they’d finally become a couple?
Yeo Jin had drunk one too many shots of soju and thought she might never see Si Mok again - so she’d jumped his bones and snuck out before he woke, full of regrets. But what happens now they have to work a case together again?
Feel free to bring in the other characters, too, as long as Yeo Jin and Si Mok remain the focus! I love the various dynamics they have with the people around them.
Kingdom | 킹덤
Prince Lee Chang, Seo Bi
Like with Si Mok and Yeo Jin above, so much of what I like about these two is that they are great characters separately - but work so well together as a team. They trust each other. He has great faith in her abilities and respects her so much. And she is loyal to him and respects him in return because she knows he’s a good man and a good leader.
I also love how the show uses both politics and horror elements, both to best advantage. It’s so well-written and compelling.
Now, I can see how this ship skirts close to my “no unbalanced power differentials in relationships” DNW, since he’s a prince, and she’s very much not royalty, so I thought I would clarify my position on this. I would most like fic set after he gives up his place in the royal family, since I think that mitigates basically all the issues. Even though I don’t think he would have intentionally abused his power over her, and Seo Bi was never particularly deferential to him, it still would have effected the relationship. Now that they are on more equal footing, there may be some lingering, residual issues surrounding this, but I feel like it’s at the level of bringing some interesting angst into the equation without feeling icky, if that makes sense.
Lee Chang and Seo Bi are somehow transported into modern day Korea. How will they adapt?
Both Lee Chang and Seo Bi have seen horrifying things - and they have the nightmares to prove it. How do they help each other through?
I feel like there are a million stories you could tell within the time jump at the end of the second season. Seo Bi and Lee Chang are travelling together, but no doubt keeping their mission to find the resurrection plant a secret. Are they pretending to be married? Is there anything Lee Chang has to adjust to now that he’s no longer, technically, the crown prince? How are they making money? Is Seo Bi hiring out her medicinal knowledge, while Lee Chang sells his sword? How far will they go to find the answers they seek?
The properties of the resurrection plant are still largely unknown. What horrors will they have to face next, now that another outbreak is looming? 
Lee Chang decides that Seo Bi needs formal fight training - and takes it upon himself to teach her.
What moments of levity can they find together amongst the horrors?
Lee Chang knows he shouldn’t think of Seo Bi in that way - they are colleagues, and despite everything he is still from a royal family. He needs her too much to risk everything because of his desire. But oh, how he wants her…
Illang: The Wolf Brigade | 인랑 (2018)
Im Joong Kyung, Lee Yoon Hee | Kim Seo Hee
So much about this movie is absolutely my jam. The action scenes, the exploration of what desperation can drive people to, the unclear loyalties that are slowly revealed. That whole sequence when they first meet and spend time together is like a distillation of so many of my favourite things. He sees her and is just instantly gone on her. And she for him. And from then on it’s just a quiet, intense longing between them. They are so aware of each other, every sense drawn towards the other. But he’s so broken, and he sees himself as more animal than man. And it’s revealed that she has equally deep wounds, too.
An argument can be made that at least some of it was an act, of course. They were both trying to deceive each other after all. But I think it’s pretty obvious that there were real feelings there, particularly because she tries to warn him that he’s walking into a trap, and he comes back to save her. Maybe even they don’t know how deep their feelings go, or the other’s feelings, but the audience knows.
And yet...I’ve seen it twice now, and the ending is still no clearer to me. Like, is he dead? It doesn’t seem like it, since both she and her brother saw him at the train station. But maybe he’s like a guardian angel now? And if he’s not dead, where did the shot come from? A hidden gun? The sniper? And most importantly of all, if he’s not dead...why aren’t they together??? Like, aren’t all the potential impediments to their relationship gone by that point?
So, I guess most of all I would like fic that makes more sense than that ending - preferably by giving them the happy ending they deserve.
Joong Kyung watches over Yoon Hee from the shadows - but she always knows he’s there. How can she convince him to come into the light, and back into her life?
Yoon Hee’s brother gets himself into trouble, and the only person she can turn to for help is a man she hasn’t seen in too long - Joong Kyung.
Joong Kyung now walks the line between the living and the dead, but he can’t stay away from Yoon Hee. (Paranormal/magic AU?)
Has there been too many lies between them to make a relationship work? Neither think they are worthy of the other, but when they are pulled back together (to give evidence for an official inquiry?) they can’t quite keep their distance.
Joong Kyung is on the run, and he doesn’t know who to trust - except the one woman he’s never forgotten.
Misunderstandings and lies abound between them - but what happens when they are trapped together and must wait for rescue?
If you don’t want to do a post-canon fic, how about canon divergence? What would have happened if the phone hadn’t rung in that warehouse at that moment? Might Yoon Hee have told herself that she could use her body to prove her loyalty to him? And might Joong Kyung have told himself that it couldn’t hurt to succumb - that it didn’t mean anything?
I think that’s everything. Thank you so much!
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#34)
And we continue with 5x11, the stage is set for quite a playoff episode, and i am HERE FOR IT.
my reactions / recap / flailing under the cut
Omg there are “welcome home Tim” signs up?? Poor Luke is jealous of Becky and Tim talking.
Damn, Tim definitely seems fucked up from prison from just that convo with Becky about the Landing Strip alone. Tortured boy.
Aw, we love to see excited Eric with a bunch of excited East Dillon Lions in the locker room after a winning playoff game!
Anddddd here come the budget cuts to burst the bubble. “Anyone need a donut? Some of you won’t have a job next semester.” Damn worst he’s seen it in 27 years? “Anyway, uh...pray.” Damn.
“Where’s the union in all of this, you know?” damn, they have a union at this Texas school? That’s good, but it seems like a weak one, which i’m not surprised about because, again...Texas.
OOOOH Tami’s getting recruited to a Philly college and they’ll fly her out to interview her?
LOL the dudes are yelling “state, state, state!” jumping up and down in their front yard? “Get out of my front yard, you’re making me look bad!” this is so wholesome.
Oh jesus poor Vince, his dad is trying to bring alcohol home when his mom is a recovering addict? What a selfish fuck! “I just don’t know.” OK BYE.
Ahhh Smash Williams is on the TV, playing football in a professional game while Tim Riggins works at Buddy’s bar...this show is just *chef’s kiss*
Oh he sounds so sad and “meh” as Buddy tries to make small talk about Smash’s success. Oh my poor Tim.
OH Jess noooo you taped another team in the division? The fear and drive in her eyes as she nervously tells a very stressed Eric she wants to be a coach herself...I love that.
REALLY? One of the coaches had to do the laughing and “you’ll never be a football coach.” “What, because I’m a girl?” “I didn’t say that.” “Yeah, you did.”
OMG I’m dying, the subtitles while Luke and Becky make out on the coach say SMOOCHING. Adorable!
“Don’t stop for me.” Wow, growth for Becky that Tim is the one walking in on her relationship now. “Use protection this time.” MUST YOU TIM?
Oh shit, football is “revenue neutral.” Truly wild that Tami, Eric, and Levi are having a convo about the whole program possibly being cut while the team loudly celebrates making it to the quarter finals all around them! The visuals in this show are superb.
The sound of “all the way to state, all the way to state, all the way to state!” in the background as the camera focuses on Tami and Eric, watching over everything with sighs on their faces. They carry so much for this town and this team.
Oh shit it’s Bryn Mawr she wants to interview at? And omg they want to interview on the Friday of the semi-final. It’s all happening!
Oh yes some high-stress practice in the pouring rain while Eric has budget cuts and Tami’s interview on his mind!
Okay i get you’re stressed Eric, but calling Jess a “pest” for showing you an article of a female football coach is not it! Although it is WILD Jess took a physical newspaper clipping out to show Eric in the pouring rain. I love her.
Yes, Billy, you are def on the chopping block with these budget cuts. But LOL at him making fun of that dude who repeats everything everyone else said
Tim is so much quieter and more stoic. It tracks. Billy, are you really surprised he doesn’t want to relive his former glory days rn? (Although i have a lil feeling Tim will show up at this game at the last minute!)
Oh shit they’re on Billy’s front lawn now? This is so cute, the parallel moments of “wait a minute, I hear something” and coming outside to find this team with so much heart!
Oh wow they are getting BOOED at this away game. You know they’re good now!
“You never saw so many people so quiet.” I love Vince and his mom’s relationship so much, my heart.
Oh god is daddy all drunk kissing up on his wife who is SOBER? Sir, what do you not understand about sobriety?
Oop and he’s got “gifts.” What shit is he back into?
Wow, hands on the mom and he’s clearly dropped the drugs he’s flipping. There it is.
Yes to the BBQ people asking if the MOM is alright and kicking the dad’s sorry ass out. That’s how we do it.
I really love the way they’re transitioning through this period of playoffs—the locker room updates to their progress with the radio in the background, the chants after each win — then making way for Eric dropping Tami off at the airport. Semifinals are here.
“The time when I need you the most?” “You really gonna bring this up now, on the way to the airport?” Tami’s right, she’s been nothing but straightforward all along! Tami supports you, Eric, let her have her fucking moment.
“Well, you’re kicking my ass.” “Yes, that’s right. Your ass needs some kicking.” “Who’s going to cook dinner for me?” “Oh, poor baby. Gracie.” LMAOOOO yes Tami! Get him! I’m dying.
Okay, Eric, you are forgiven—he looked up the female football coach to talk to Jess about but got the last name wrong!
“14,000 high school football coaches in the country, and that’s one. One out of 14,000. You like those odds?” “No, I think they kind of stink.” “So do I.” Awwww.
“I’m not asking to play.” YES JESS! I love the growth she’s shown over her two seasons. Now she knows what she wants! And her persistence is paying off—Eric’s gonna let her shadow him?! My heart!
Damn Tim is VERY bothered by Becky working at the family business (The Landing Strip.)
Oh God what i feel like Tim sees in “one of Becky’s regular customers” is someone he has an excuse to let out his aggression on. He’s clearly just so fucked up by his life not being what he wanted it to be—and by even the life of those he loved and left behind on the outside not being what he wants for them.
“She’s 17 years old!!!! A high school junior!” I mean, FAIR. Fair fucking point.
Oh fuck this emotional scene between Tim and Billy in the parking lot...DAMN that was a hard punch in the face Tim just gave Billy.
WOW Tim is gonna hold onto taking the fall for Billy for a long time. Fuck. “For the rest of my life, if that’s how I feel it needs to be.”
Billy looks so fucking sad on his knees in the parking lot.
Regina changed the locks! Yes gurl, do not let that man back into your home!
He’s trying to break down the door...oh honey, no. “You’re blowing it, Pop!” I’m so proud of Regina for standing up for herself and Vince.
The visual of Luke riding up next to Tim’s car, and then driving past Becky and Tim fighting, as they pause to watch him go...ART. Also, why is Tim so resolutely like “I got to go. I got to go.” Intrigued.
“There’s only gonna be one football team in Dillon next year.” “Well, which program are they cutting?” “That’s next week’s fight.” DAMN. So much is happening in one night!
Yep, Eric just summed it up to that reporter: “One of those teams is going to state. And i don’t think you’re gonna eliminate a team that goes to state.” They’re fighting for the very existence of their team AND the state championship in one! This show!
Oh wow Luke does NOT want to hear Becky’s apology. Oh nooo!
Aw Regina and Vince communicating about how she needs to “take a meeting” so she can’t come to the game and him saying that’s more important...again, the growth! My heart!
OH they made up Braemore? Really sounded like Bryn Mawr LOL. Go Tami!!!
(These white dudes do not want to hear a woman saying they should rethink their approach. STOP YELLING AT HER, SHE’S RIGHT.)
Oh Mindy, crying at Tim not to go, about how much Billy cries at night, how much they both love Tim. IM EMOTIONAL
“You’re different, you know that?” “Yeah. I am.” ABOLISH PRISONS.
DAMN this semi final game is a NAILBITER
They did it at the last minute, YES!!! Nothing beats the excitement on the team’s faces as they embrace!
Damn Tim returning to his old trailer? Drinking beers alone and doing very not well as he listens to the radio static. Sigh, poor angsty boy.
Aw the woman who interviewed Tami is so kind. Telling her she did well at dinner.
I literally gasped then went AHHH! when the college dude came to dinner and Tami’s all politely like “thanks for the opportunity!” And the guy’s like, “yeah yeah i have two kids to put to bed, anyway we’re offering you that old asshole’s job.” “Dean of Admissions???” YES QUEEN
Damn Eric and Tami are BOTH killing the game, what a fucking power couple.
Eric has the whiteboard on the bus to accompany this “we’re going to state” chant. Amazing.
“We missed the field house.” “We’re not going to the field house.” OMG all their fans are waiting outside to cheer for them as they return?? How beautiful!
Oh my poor babe Vince, all he wants is to know his mom is safe.
YES he found his mom! My heart dropped when Vince’s face betrayed some fear he couldn’t find her. I’m so glad they can celebrate together, oh my heart.
And then you see Eric looking around for Tami, lost because she’s across the country contemplating a life-changing job offer...WOW. Two episodes left and the deck is truly STACKED. This show is art.
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alittleoptimistic · 6 years
Favorite Character Tropes as Wish Fulfillment?
I wrote that title after I analyzed this stuff because I realized a thing about myself I was unaware of. I always get attached to the Same Character. Like, they are literally the same person in different stories. And I want to know why. So I did a little digging and thinking and all that good, good stuff. 
Here are a few examples of my typical favorite character
Charlie from Lost
Virgil from Sanders Sides
Philip from Travelers
the Doctor from Doctor Who (specifically 10)
Klaus from Umbrella Academy
Stiles from Teen Wolf
Riley from Sense 8
Cisco from Flash
Peter Pan from any version of this story
Jim from the Office
Peter from Heroes
Merlin from Merlin
Will from Hannibal
Felix from Orphan Black
Chuck from Chuck
Josh (the werewolf ) from Being Human
Jessica from Jessica Jones
Castiel from Supernatural
Loki from Marvel
Skylar from Heroes
Sherlock from Sherlock
Zuko from The Last Airbender
Killian from Once Upon a Time
I could probably find more but you get the idea
General similarities seem to be:
out of 23
21 are male?
15 have some type of addiction/problem they have difficulty controlling? (drugs, attention, adventure, eating people, killing people, ya know, etc)
17 have a secret
‘neuro-divergent’ in some way? (ADD, PTSD anxiety, depression, something? the kids are not alright)
All 23 have grey morals (probably chaotic good-ish? they all would break the rules for a good reason or get what they want)
19 have a crappy homelife/large tragedy in the past
20 have ‘superpowers/special ability’
18 are physically weak in appearance
18 are Underdogs, underestimated but actually powerful/very intelligent?
7 have a redemption arch
17 have dark hair lol
18 have a sarcastic, sense of humor
14 talk too much
mostly white in one form or another :/
So... why?? Why do I tend to like these characters more than others?
male. I am female and there are a few female characters that I LOVE. They happen, but, in all honesty, they are far and few in between. Wonder Woman, Jessica Jones, Hermione, Rey, Riley, Rory (Gilmore girls) Perhaps it is the way girls are often written? I like Jessica Jones because she is a hilarious mess and I relate. Same with... all of the ones I like, actually. They have that grey-moral vibe of real people, but lack the sexy Cat Woman, I’m-so-bad-I-can-kill-you-with-my-massive-butt-and-boobs?? Thing?? yeah? how unfortunate. They are small breasted or, at least, that is not drawn attention to too much. Could it be. holy moly, ya’ll. could it be I like women characters when they’re written... like people? like. like, as if girls are screwed up humans! not objects?? isn’t that incredible.
srry but not srry
an addiction. now, why do I tend to go here? Its a kind of a painful trope. They always go back, and back and back again to what we know is horrible for them. Perhaps there is enjoyment in watching the struggle and seeing them inevitably win their struggle, whatever it is? The strength to conquer the darkness within themselves and do the right thing. It might just make you think you can conquer your own battles?? Maybe I feel like I can relate in some sort of way, going back to old habits, struggling to be the person I want to be. Year after year of the same new year goals...
a secret. This is honestly just a nice trope and its neat, fun writing. Creates tension, and it is usually connected to the addiction. You get invested in this secret!!! It builds up to the inevitable discovery of that secret and the aftermath and all the reactions of their friends. (merlin, Will graham, chuck, etc.)
Neurodivergent. I think this is just me relating to these people. I have bouts of depression and anxiety and am currently researching the possibility of having ADD (thats a whole new weird thing idek) so this is just something that I think I see in myself.
Grey-morals. Again. This is my moral alignment, shocker. So, again, me relating to the characters. Also, characters that obviously have flaws are just well-written, well-rounded characters? No one is actually Clark Kent. characters that seem perfect either come off as plastic and fake because real people do not act like that, or they come off as kind of creepy?? because they must have some darkness lurking beneath the surface (when this is done on purpose, i actually like this quite a lot. Rose Quartz is an example of a character who seemed perfect on the surface, but as the show moved on, is revealed to be a Real Disaster Queen. she isn’t evil, just kind of a brat, but that redeemed what seemed to be sloppy storytelling because it was realistic)
Tragic past. This is just something that authors give to Disaster People to justify their screwed-up-ness. Course, not all of them had tragic pasts, but something bad happened to all of them (except Jim from the Office I think??, but then again, that is a sitcom...)
Special Ability Again, wish fulfillment. Not even gonna lie. I often feel powerless and out of control, this Freaks Me Out. I think there is comfort in seeing the ‘little guy’ (aka le me) having with a BAMF hashtag
 Weak And once more on Relatable-Station. This is in connection with relating to feeling and looking powerless, but finding comfort in the secret strength these characters have whether through supernatural means, superior intelligence, biting humor, a quick tongue, etc.
Underestimated the cap on this trio. The last 3 points could be summed up as one thing. A weak, underestimated person actually has some secret strength. These characters might just be a coping mechanism I have to deal with feeling weak and overlooked and powerless, whether or not those feelings accurately portray reality. I wonder where those feelings came from in the first place.
A redemption arch This trope is often a result of having grey morals. These also help deal with feelings of inadequacy or guilt in the reader?? It makes you think, if they can be loved, surely I can. (i am really dragging myself in this post, which was not the plan lol but here we are) 
Dark hair/brown hair. I have dark hair, I also wanted black hair as a child and found it very beautiful. Also, I think the dark hair goes with the personality trope as a Screw Up. Not gonna lie, messy brown/black hair on boys and girls, honestly, but the short messy thing, is great. and when they go evil for a bit and the hair gets Extra Messy?? That. That’s. Good. (for reference see: Stiles, Killian, Peter, Virgil, Loki)
Sarcastic my flavor of humor. this is turning into the realization that we do, in fact, like characters we relate to the most. I thought that might be far fetched because I’m ‘nothing like’ these characters, but let's get real. They’re me but as a cute boy or girl.
Talk too much This isn’t me. but This is who I want to be, I think. I’ve always struggled with anxiety about being the quiet one while my brother was so much better at talking, making friends, etc. so this is, again, wish fulfillment. i swear i didn’t think this was going to be this self-indulgent but i obviously was wrong
White They aren’t all white. Zuko is Asian. Cisco’s actor is Columbian American. But that’s... thats a really small amount of diversity. Like, I’m concerned. (when i say white btw, I don’t mean just American or British or whatever, because there are characters on here that are from all over. I just mean overall white-looking for the sake of this analysis) 
So, First Hypothesis: prejudice is very ingrained and even with good intentions, i could be subconsciously avoiding characters that are POC??? If this is all a ‘projecting myself’ thing, then I relate to white people the most? Im sure im screwing this up, but i’m not gonna chicken out and avoid this because thats what I’d usually do to keep from dumbly saying something offensive, but if I dont address a problem, then no one is getting anywhere 
Second Hypothesis: Its been known the fiction industry as a whole has a problem with representation,,, I don’t want to discount me being white, but I don’t think this is just me and my tiny entitled butt. There probably isn’t as much access to that type of character for POC. How often do creators have well-rounded, stick-around-for-a-long-time, flawed, funny, sometimes-problematic-but-well-meaning characters that are also POC? not often enough. Maybe it’s not always on purpose. But because of ‘Diversity Points’, character development might get pushed aside, and then the character’s personality becomes Their Race, which is... a crappy way to build a character? The industry has a hard enough time with diversity in general. Maybe people just don't write POC as that type of character. Which makes characters like Cisco unique. I’ve never even thought about that... Good on you, Flash writer crew.
let's fix this??
need more Ciscos???
 if any POC feels inclined to call me out on my bull or give their insight (only if you want to, of course), pls do.
In conclusion: this was interesting, and it makes sense, I guess, why people like different types of characters if their favorite characters are projections in one way or another of them. I’m not saying that we all relate to our favorite characters, but me, because I have this weird, dozen or more of the same type of character that I love, it might be reasonable to assume there’s something about that character I see in myself or wish I saw in myself? Anyway, an interesting thought. What do you guys think? Do you see yourself in your favorite characters?
This has been an honest essay that got too long. I wish I was as invested in writing school essays as I am in Tumblr posts.
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notalwaysthevillian · 6 years
Lost and Found
Beta Readers: @hi-disappointed-im-daughter and @infinitesimalsolemnvow
Word Count: 2.6k
Pairings: Logicality, eventual Prinxiety
Warnings: Manipulative Deceit, revenge, disguise, mention of labor, knife, kidnapping, babying
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Over the years, Dorian had become addicted to the flower. It was the only thing that reversed his wretched curse. The only thing that kept him human.
If only he hadn’t been caught as a spy. His master had been furious, insisting that if he was going to act as a snake, he may as well be one. If he hadn’t already begun his escape incantation...he didn’t want to think about how far gone he would be now.
He took extra caution with his flower, making sure to hide it after each use. No one would take his flower away, he would make sure of it.
It would’ve been easier if he stopped using the flower, and figured out the counter-curse on his own, but it was far too late now. Nothing would stop this curse. Nothing but his flower.
He couldn’t resist the euphoric feeling the flower gave him. The feeling of life, a feeling he hadn’t felt since his youth. It was too much, giving him withdrawal symptoms too quickly.
But he never expected the royals to find his flower. Certainly not so soon.
Hearing someone powering through the brush on the beach, Dorian threw the basket haphazardly over his flower and darted off into the trees. He stayed close enough to see his flower, but far enough away that he wouldn’t be seen.
As he watched, a mage stumbled onto the beach, looking around frantically. The man dove into the sand, digging with his hands. He pulled out a coin and looked devastated. After a moment he leaned back, hitting his head on Dorian’s basket.
Dorian’s eyes flew wide as the man tossed the basket away. The man started crying and conjured a spade. Dorian could only watch, pained as the man took his beautiful flower away. The mage then shouted something and disappeared.
Ad regum.
The king.
Of course. He’d heard a rumor that one of the kings had been locked in the castle. He must’ve had a serious illness that only the flower could cure.
Dorian charged through the forest, making a desperate plan. That mage was going to regret taking his flower away. He would cross any line to get it back, even if it meant killing the king.
He disguised himself as a servant just before entering the gates. The guards waved him through with ease, causing Dorian to hold in his laughter at their stupidity. He entered the castle, picked up a duster and stalked toward the king’s chambers.
“Did you hear? King Patton is saved!”
“That means the heir is too.”
The heir.
A grin spread slowly over Dorian’s face as a much better plan formed in his head.
He would get his flower back.
Over the next two months, he successfully managed to infiltrate the palace staff. He kept his head low and did as he was asked, occasionally calling upon his own magic to help him.
As more days passed, more of his scales came back. If the baby wasn’t born soon, he would be lost to the curse, having spent his last days as a servant.
It disgusted him.
Finally, finally, the day arrived. King Patton had been whisked off to his room in the early hours of the morning. Dorian hovered as close as he dared to the king’s chambers. He was nearly run over by the mage at one point. Luckily the mage didn’t spare a second glance.
The idiot.
After that encounter, Dorian stayed a floor below the kings. He could hear everything in the room below, which happened to be a storage closet. He’d taken it upon himself to relieve the servant stuck with organizing duty. She had thanked him profusely, as she much preferred dusting, and couldn’t stand the cries of the king in pain.
As the day neared its end, the screams above stopped. Dorian listened hard, but he could hear no more.
The heir had arrived.
Biding his time, he waited for the kings to retire to their bedroom. He found the doctor, the one called Lynette, feeding the baby.
“Pardon me, miss, but one of the servant girls has asked for you. I’m afraid that she has eaten some bad fish. One of the other girls tells me that she’s been in the washroom for the better part of an hour.” He rasped, disguising his voice.
“The cook warned everyone that the fish was bad.” Lynette shook her head, looking down at the baby and back at Dorian. “Sir, I’m terribly sorry, but could you finish feeding Virgil? I will make sure that you do not get in trouble for shirking your duties.”
“Of course, ma’am. Anything for the heir.” Dorian just managed to keep the smirk off his face as the heir, Virgil, was handed to him.
“Thank you,” the doctor said, before rushing out of the room.
Dorian conjured a knife, slicing off the barest hint of hair.
To his horror, the silver color faded immediately, replaced with brown.
“No. No!” He whispered, throwing the knife at the wall. It stuck with only a small thud.
The gears turned in Dorian’s mind and gave him a solution. He snapped his fingers, conjuring his basket, and placed the heir, Virgil, inside. The baby’s eyes were sliding shut as he did so.
Dorian covered him with a blanket, before rearranging the pillows in the bassinet. He would be out the front gates before they even knew Virgil was gone.
He scurried down the servant’s hallway, nodding to the others. No one suspected anything from the loyal servant who’d been at the castle for months.
As he neared the gates, his heart began to beat faster. Almost there. Almost-
Shouts of alarm rang through the castle as he opened the gate. Fear filled his chest as he disappeared into the forest, heading for the old, crumbling tower he had lived in as a child.
Locking himself in the tower, he put the basket down and lifted Virgil out. If this didn’t work, at least he had ruined the lives of the kings who had stolen his precious flower.
The baby squirmed in his arms until Dorian opened his mouth and began to sing. The man prayed to every deity he could think of that his plan would work.
“Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the curse reverse, bring back what once was mine.”
As his deep baritone rang hauntingly around the room, Virgil’s hair began to glow. Dorian’s eyes widened as he watched, forgetting to continue until the glow started to slightly fade.
“Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate’s design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine.” Dorian paused, taking in a deep breath.
“What once was mine.”
The familiar euphoric feeling returned. Dorian felt his scales receding as his skin smoothed out. He looked out the window, toward the barely visible castle in the distance and grinned.
As the years passed, Virgil grew into a fine young man with a beautiful voice. When he reached the age of 5, Dorian taught him the song. He requested that Virgil sing it once a day, otherwise thieves would come and steal him right out of the tower.
Virgil grew up absolutely terrified of leaving the tower, just as Dorian had planned. When Virgil was 13, he asked if he could simply head down to the creek. Dorian had taught him all the dangers of hypothermia, and Virgil never asked to leave again.
Instead, Virgil stayed in the tower. Dorian bought him a few books-one on botany, one on geology, and one on cooking.
Virgil read through the books carefully, learning which flowers were poisonous, which types of rocks were the hardest (and were therefore more likely to hurt him), and how to cook everything perfectly so there was no chance of food poisoning.
Dorian continued to have Virgil sing to him daily as he got older. After nearly 18 years of singing, he figured out that he could leave for up to 4 days now before the curse took hold. Over those years, Virgil had taught himself all sorts of skills, such as cleaning, sewing, ballet, and many others.
Virgil had also taught himself art.
Dorian had noticed the walls start to become covered in paintings, but he said nothing. His flower needed to rely on him so that he would stay in the tower.
In fact, he criticized the art, despite the fact that it was breathtaking.
“Father, what do you think?” Virgil asked biting his lip. He didn’t make eye contact with Dorian, something the man had ingrained into him.
Dorian’s eyes raked over the painting, searching for a flaw and finding none.
“Your colors are muddied.” He deadpanned, running a finger through the still drying paint. He heard Virgil gasp behind him as he smeared the paint. “And the creek is flowing the wrong way.”
Virgil made a noise of protest behind him.
Dorian whirled around, sending Virgil scrambling toward the wall. The young boy tripped over his hair, falling to the floor.
“Do you doubt me?” He asked, his tone icy.
Virgil shook his head. “N-no, sir.”
Dorian gave him a nod, before grabbing the stool. “Good. Now sit.”
Virgil did as he was told, handing Dorian a brush. “F-father, there is something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Oh?” Dorian began to run a brush through Virgil’s long flowing hair. Virgil hadn’t asked for anything since he was 13. “Sing for me first, Virgil.”
“Flowergleamandglow,letyourpowershine,” Virgil sang as quickly as possible. Dorian protested, but Virgil continued. “Makethecursereverse,bringbackwhatoncewasmine. Healwhathasbeenhurt,changethefatesdesign,savewhathasbeenlost, bringbackwhatoncewasmine. Whatoncewasmine.”
Dorian barely managed to run the brush through Virgil’s hair, sweeping the magic into himself. Virgil turned to face him, a smile on his face. It morphed into a grimace of fear as Dorian frowned at him.
“Next time, you will sing at a regular speed. Understood?” Dorian threw the brush at Virgil.
It hit the boy in the chest, hard, and he scrambled to catch it. “Y-yes Father.”
“Now, what was it you were going to ask me?” Standing in front of the mirror, Dorian began to examine his face, making sure the scales weren’t coming back.
Virgil darted across the room, pulling back a curtain, revealing another impeccable painting on the wall. It showed Virgil, sitting on the windowsill, gazing out at blobs of yellow that floated through the sky.
“I-I was hoping that-could you-”
“Virgil, you know I hate stuttering. Out with it.” Dorian turned back to the mirror, keeping an eye on the boy’s reflection.
“I want to see the floating lights!”
Dorian turned around, examining the blobs in the painting once more. “Virgil, I thought you knew better than this. Those are stars.”
“I’ve charted stars,” Virgil started, swinging his hair up to open the skylight. Beams of sunshine lit up a star chart on the opposite wall. “They’re always constant. These lights, they only appear once a year. On my birthday. I just-I can’t help but think that maybe they’re meant for me. I need to see them. In person, not from the window. Please.”
It was rare for Virgil to stand up for himself.
Dorian hated it.
“You want to go outside?” He moved towards the window and closed it. Virgil wouldn’t be content to simply sit and listen to him lecture, so Dorian began to sing. “Why, Virgil-
“Look at you as fragile as a flower, still a little sapling, just a sprout. You know why we stay up in this tower-”
Virgil cut him off. “I know, but-”
“That’s right. To keep you safe and sound dear.” Dorian interrupted, running his fingers through Virgil’s hair as he moved toward the window.
“Guess I always knew this day was coming.” He sang, closing the curtain. “Knew that soon you’d want to leave the nest! Soon, but not yet-”
“Shh!” Dorian made a grabbing motion with his hand, and Virgil fell silent. “Trust me, pet. Father knows best.”
He punched one of the wooden beams, activating the pulley that closed the skylight. Virgil gasped as the room plunged into darkness.
A light filled the room as Virgil lit a candle. Dorian crept up behind him.
“Father knows best, listen to your Father, it’s a scary world out there.”
Virgil let out a yelp and scrambled backwards as Dorian appeared in the light, his hands held above him like claws. Dorian vanished into the darkness again, tugging on Virgil’s hair before looping it around a hook.
Virgil began to tug back on his hair as Dorian snuck around to his back.
“Father knows best, one way or another, something will go wrong I swear!”
He caught Virgil as he fell into the one spot of light in the room, before darting back into the shadows.
“Ruffians, thugs,” Dorian sang, using his magic to make shadow puppets realistic enough to terrify Virgil. “Poison ivy, quicksand.”
“Cannibals and snakes,” he flipped a voodoo doll in a frying pan, emphasizing his point, before snapping his fingers and changing it into a lantern with an eerie green glow. “The plague.”
“No!” Virgil cried out, starting to sink into his hair.
“Also large bugs.” Snapping his fingers again, a portrait of his true self appeared on the floor. “Men with pointy teeth. And stop! No more, you’ll just upset me.”
Virgil wound his hair around himself and lit another candle, quaking with fear. Dorian grabbed the boy, afraid that he would catch his hair on fire, and pulled him to his feet.
“Father’s right here. Father will protect you.” Virgil threw his arms around Dorian. Disgusted by this, Dorian quickly switched places with a mannequin, appearing at the top of the stairs, summoning lit candles for effect. “Darling here’s what I suggest! Skip the drama, stay with papa. Faaatheeeer knows best!”
He let out a low chuckle, sweeping his cape around himself to plunge Virgil into darkness once more. He continued to sing as he walked behind the boy, putting out the candles behind him.
“Father knows best, take it from your popsy, on your own you won’t survive.”
He saw Virgil heading towards the mirror and grabbed the back of it, tipping it downward.
“Sloppy, underdressed,” Dorian moved out from behind the mirror, tugging on Virgil’s hair once more, “immature, clumsy. Please, they’ll eat you up aliveeeeeee!”
He rolled Virgil up in his hair tightly, keeping the boy tied up. “Gullible, naive. Positively grubby.”
Grabbing one end, he yanked. Virgil spun around as he unraveled, stumbling around the room. “Ditzy and a bit...well, hmm, vague.”
“Plus, I believe, getting kinda chubby. I’m just saying cuz I wuv you,” Dorian sang, pressing Virgil’s cheeks together, treating him like a child. Virgil’s face flushed with embarrassment as Dorian let go and walked back into the darkness.
“Father understands, Father’s here to help you.” Virgil looked around, whimpering. Dorian took pity on the boy and opened the skylight, standing where Virgil could see him. “All I have is one requeeeestttt.”
Virgil looked relieved and sprinted over, throwing himself into Dorian’s arms. Though he looked at the boy with disdain, Dorian let him have his moment.
Dorian petted Virgil’s hair. “Virgil?”
“Yes?” Virgil said, his eyes bright with hope.
Dorian put his hands on the boy’s shoulders, squeezing them tightly, before looking at him with complete sincerity. “Don’t ever ask to leave this tower again.”
The hope fled from Virgil’s eyes in an instant, replaced with tears. He looked down to the floor. “Yes, Father.”
“Oh, I love you very much, dear,” Dorian said, tilting Virgil’s head up to see if any tears had fallen. He’d discovered early on that Virgil’s tears also contained magic.
Virgil’s face was clear as he looked up, repeating what had been conditioned into him. “I love you more.”
“I love you most,” Dorian said, kissing Virgil’s hair.
“Don’t forget it. You’ll regret it. Father knows best.”
General Tag List:  @anxiously-romantic @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @breloomings @certifiedtrashxx @ravenclawangst @squiggle-squish @theresneverenoughfandoms
Lost and Found Tag List:  @0angelicmelody0 @ab-artist @abigail-kaulitz @abzee24 @afs123000 @allofmygay @allsortsofgeekery @allycat31415 @am-i-heaven-or-am-i-hell @anony-phangirl @cats-with-blogs @certifiedtrashxx @chaosgaminggirl @chipsanddip23 @confinesofpersonalknowledge @creepy-crawly-death-dealer @dead4sevenyears @ethospathoslogan @fallsehood @frigglishsprite413 @fullmetallovr21  @hailthedragonlord @hanramz-the-fander @hellomusicalnerdhere @hungryandverybi @importantrunawaystudentstuff @imsotrancy2 @itsthemoooooooooon @ivepromisedthatbefore @justanotherpurplebutterfly @kingalexdreaming @lucifer-in-my-head @midknight-mania @miniporcupine @my-happy-little-bean @nervousarts @ninjago2020 @nye275 @phlying-squirrel @pr0bablypr0crstinating @princey-in-a-feminine-way @quietwords-loudthoughts @reba-andthesides @royallyanxious @royallyscrewed-up @samathekittycat @sandersmarvel @sanderssidestrash27 @sanderstalker @scorching-scotch @sleepyssnail @sortablue @spottybob @strawheartist @supremestoverlord @tatergator27 @thatgaydemigodnerd @thequeensqueer @timeywimeygalaxy  @v-doodles @valeandra79 @vir-gull @wicked-delights @wildheart49 @xx-this-is-a-mess-xx
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sammorzz · 6 years
Tumblr media
Lyle Lawrence Crock, the youngest child of Lawrence Crock, started going along with his father on missions when he was ten, after training for the majority of his life. Lyle grew up under abusive conditions, but would has only recently come to recognize this. He was trained to lie, manipulate, and cheat until he got what he wanted. To conceal emotions in favor of the game. Unfortunately, these are all traits that stuck and are ingrained in him to this day.  Sam is, and this is important, incredibly apathetic to most things and people in his life. There are some exceptions.
ANYWAY, A team of heroes eventually busted them (both Artemis and M’Gann were in attendance), Lawrence bounced w/o Lyle, and 14 year old Lyle thew his hands up. “He killed my parents when I was 9, I’ve just been along for the ride since!”
“What’s your name?”
“Sam!” (a name he pulled from nowhere)
From that day on, his name was Sam. And his last name was M’orzz. With no next of kin in sight (LOL) or able to be found (lol x2), Sam was taken in by M’Gann. From then on, he was Sam M’orzz. Walking the straight and narrow. No one knew a thing about Lyle Crock, or even knew he existed. 
He eventually became less closed off with his adoptive mother and told M’Gann, who had already gone through his mind and knew, everything. His true name, what he had been training to be, the apathy he felt toward most things. But he reassured her that he no longer felt the urges that he had while he was with his father. He just wanted to go to school and be normal. And maybe he didn’t back then, maybe he wanted to give normal a try. How dull could it be??
He enrolled at Paragon as an undergrad in Chemistry. Lawrence Crock made contact with Sam shortly after he turned 21. And in a series of dumb decisions, Sam started doing minor missions for his dad. Around 23, he was doing small missions under the Sportsmaster Moniker. Hockey mask and all.  
He purposefully selected jobs that wouldn’t be big enough to attract the attention of say, Artemis or his mother. But the jobs kept getting bigger and bigger and, yeah, he got caught. All of his lies came out. His real biological connection to OG Sportsmaster and Artemis. How he’d been back doing crime for years now. His lack of emotional attachment to the people he’d been with for the last decade. 
Sam’s been in jail for the last year, while originally set to face something like 20 years, the charges that were brought against him were mostly dropped due to a convenient technicality. The year he served counted as time served for the one charge they could get him on, and now he’s out on parole. 
The terms of parole: has to reside at home with M’Gann, no contact with Lawrence Crock’s, must wear an ankle monitor, must re-enroll in his graduate studies, has to meet once a week with his official parole officer and another, court approved, mentor. Meets with a therapist once a week. Must volunteer every other weekend. 
Sam has only been on parole for..not that long at the start of me introducing him. He doesn’t know what to do with himself just yet, besides follow the schedule that’s basically been laid out for him as his conditions for parole. He’s trying to make things right with his mom, for sure. Sam still doesn’t see the things that he did as /wrong/ but he knows that he’s fucked up in M’Gann’s eyes and is actively trying to be something resembling a good son again. 
As hinted at above, Sam’s emotional range is limited. Growing up, he was taught to conceal what he was feeling, in favor of appearing the emotion that best suited him at the time. He has a limited emotional range. He’s never differentiated between right and wrong in his own in his own mind. He understands what others view as right and wrong and is able to fall in line with that, but he doesn’t reconcile with that. 
I feel like a lot of this post-prison time is going to be filled with Sam really figuring out who the hell he is? Is he Sam? Lyle? Sportsmaster? Someone else entirely? He doesn’t know. 
The Facts:
He goes by Sam. Call him if you want Lyle but he won’t care. But he still writes Sam on his papers and introduces himself as Sam. 
He’s good a sports!!! Who would have thought?? He did both varsity track and field and soccer throughout high school. He was the guy that always gets carded and thrown out of soccer matches for rough play.
Sam is intelligent. He’s an average student, but he’s always got a plan. or a strategy. or a new idea for something in the lab. 
is honestly so disinterested in most things? A lot of the time he sort of speaks in sort of a trademarked monotone? Unless he’s trying to make you like him?
Fun fact: I think in another life where he hadn’t felt constrained to this future as Sportsmaster or become like, addicted to the adrenaline that comes with crime, Sam would be kind of a goofus? Dad jokes? Obsessed with going to watch baseball? Alas. Maybe in 25 years. Those who were like, genuinely close with him (see wanted connections), would probably see this side of him. 
Final fact: This is a fact, y’all shouldn’t trust Samyle M’Crock. He can’t trust himself tbh. Sam’s lied, stolen, he’s killed people, little of which he shows remorse for. He doesn’t see the problem with what he’s done. Sometimes he’s done “good” things, sometimes he’s done “bad” things, they sort of go either way for him. 
Wanted connections:
Wow real life feelings?? // Friends!! //
Super limited due to Samyle’s lack of emotional range. I imagine that there are at least a couple of people, outside his mother, that he actually formed some sort of attachment to. They likely did not know about his becoming Sportsmaster, so it would have been a shock to them. But hey, he tried to call them from prison so that’s how you know it’s real
// “friends” //
People who were absolutely floored when they heard about the arrest. Wasn’t Sam the nice kid M’Gann adopted? Who the fuck is Lyle Crock? Probably people Sam pretended to be close with for years, probably feel v. Betrayed by him being Sportsmaster, please give me this angst.
// hello, fellow criminals //
People that he worked with at some point during his tenure as Sportsmaster. They could have known who he is or not, we’ll plot that out. I also think it would be interesting if he were “romantically” involved with during his time as Sportsmaster. Mostly a tension fueled relationship.
// Parole officer(s) //
Sam has a couple of people he is court ordered to meet with once a week. This should be an adult who’s, ya know, out there being successful in life. 
// science peeps //
Sam’s forced back to grad school! The man enjoys science and it would be interesting for him to connect with someone who is nearly unaware of all he’s gotten into.
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Hi if you’ve really made it this far ur grand please come plot with me
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Some Republicans Are Feeling Shame
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-some-republicans-are-feeling-shame/
Why Some Republicans Are Feeling Shame
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Who Are These People
Why some conservatives feel targeted by social media companies
Earlier this week, as the challenge by congressional Republicans of the choice of electors by six states loomed ahead of us, I shared with my spouse how miserably dispirited I had become as an American citizen. The realization weighed heavily on me that I have nothing in common with nearly half the electorate in this country: not my social values and attitudes; not my political beliefs and allegiances; not the value that my ethical sensibilities place on rationality, cooperation and the common good; not even my fundamental moral principles.
I cannot relate to these others, nor do I want to. I already know what they represent, and what they represent, I despise. I feel alienated from them. They make me feel that I am a stranger in my own homeland. I suppose the alienation felt is mutual between us. But I cannot reach out to them. Like addicts, they need to recognize and claim their own demons and crawl away from them. Neither I nor anybody else can do that for them. This may be a harsh and uncharitable comparison. But I would be dishonest with myself to think and to say otherwise.;
Steven Pokorny, Urbandale
Senate Republicans Are Bathed In Shame
Theres no impartial justice, just protection of Trump at all costs.
By Frank Bruni
Opinion Columnist
The impeachment trial of Donald John Trump began on Thursday when John Roberts, the chief justice of the United States, directed all of the senators to stand and raise their right hands. Ever since I cant get two questions out of my head.
The first: How in Gods name and it was in Gods name can the Republicans who have already decided to acquit President Trump take a solemn oath to administer impartial justice? Theyre partial to the core, unabashedly so, as their united march toward a foregone conclusion shows. A mind-meld this ironclad isnt a reflection of facts. Its a triumph of factionalism.
The majority of the partys senators have said outright or clearly signaled that they have no intention of finding the president guilty and removing him from office. Yapping lap dogs like Lindsey Graham and obedient manservants like Mitch McConnell have gone further, mocking the whole impeachment process.
So the oath they took: How does that work? Did they cross the fingers on their left hands? Do they reason that American politics has reached a nadir of such fundamental hypocrisy and overweening partisanship that no one regards that pledge as anything but window dressing?
If there were nothing to this, why would Trump stonewall Congress to the extent that he has? Thats not how the innocent act.
A pathological liar, Cruz called Trump.
What To Watch For
It is highly unlikely Cruz or Hawley will resign or be forced out, but their political prospects both within and outside the senate appeared to have dimmed. In addition to alienating possible donors, one anonymous Republican senator told Politico the caucus would face a reckoning over Hawley and Cruz.
Also Check: How Many Republicans Are There In The Senate
Think Republicans Are Disconnected From Reality It’s Even Worse Among Liberals
A new survey found Democrats live with less political diversity despite being more tolerant of it with startling results
In a surprising new national survey, members of each major American political party were asked what they imagined to be the beliefs held by members of the other. The survey asked Democrats: How many Republicans believe that racism is still a problem in America today? Democrats guessed 50%. Its actually 79%. The survey asked Republicans how many Democrats believe most police are bad people. Republicans estimated half; its really 15%.
The survey, published by the thinktank More in Common as part of its Hidden Tribes of America project, was based on a sample of more than 2,000 people. One of the studys findings: the wilder a persons guess as to what the other party is thinking, the more likely they are to also personally disparage members of the opposite party as mean, selfish or bad. Not only do the two parties diverge on a great many issues, they also disagree on what they disagree on.
This effect, the report says, is so strong that Democrats without a high school diploma are three times more accurate than those with a postgraduate degree. And the more politically engaged a person is, the greater the distortion.
Should the US participate in the Paris climate accord and reduce greenhouse gas emissions regardless of what other countries do? A majority of voters in both parties said yes.
Our Very Right To Vote Under Fire
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The foundation of the American democracy is the absolute right of the people to choose their own leaders through the ballot box. Historians label this the sovereignty of the people. We are our own authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order.
This absolute right of the people is under severe attack. Many of our fellow citizens believe that votes legitimately cast and counted are illegitimate. I do not know how or even if we will return to a culture of trust in the sovereignty of the people, and if we cannot go back, how will American democracy survive?
;Karen Merrick, Guttenberg
Recommended Reading: Why Do Republicans Still Back Trump
Hes Destroyed Conservatism: The Republican Case Against Trumps Gop
Stuart Stevens was a winning GOP operative. Now he feels terrible about what hes done to the country.
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky
Link Copied
Michael Grunwald is a senior staff writer for;Politico Magazine.
Stuart Stevens spent four decades helping Republicansa lot of Republicanswin. Hes one of the most successful political operatives of his generation, crafting ads and devising strategies for President George W. Bush, Republican presidential nominees Mitt Romney and Bob Dole, and dozens of GOP governors, senators and congressmen. He didnt win every race, but he thinks he had the best won-lost record in Republican campaign world.
And now he feels terrible about it.
Stevens now believes the Republican Party is, not to put too fine a point on it, a malign force jeopardizing the survival of American democracy. Hes written a searing apologia of a book called It Was All a Lie that compares his lifelong party to the Mafia, to Bernie Madoffs fraud scheme, to the segregationist movement, even to the Nazis. Hes pretty disillusioned.
It Was All a Lie is really about the party that spawned Trump and now marches in near-lockstep behind himthe party to which 67-year-old Stevens has devoted his career. The GOPs abject surrender to its unorthodox and unconservative leader was a surprise to Stevens, but he has concluded that he shouldnt have been surprised.
Aboard Mitt Romney’s campaign plane in Sept. 2012, senior adviser Stuart Stevens speaks to the press. | AP Photo/Evan Vucci
Hart Is Doing The Right Thing
I know Rita Hart personally and in my experience, she is the kind of person who is always trying to do the right thing, even if its difficult and an uphill battle.
Hart would likely win if just the uncounted 22 ballots were counted, but she is going a step further to ensure everyone can be confident in the election outcome by asking for a full recount. In a situation like this, a bipartisan commission in the U.S. House will likely ask the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office to conduct the recount so we can trust that politics will not interfere with the review of the election.
It is commendable that Hart is fighting to protect our sacred right to vote and the trustworthiness of our elections. Every vote must be counted to ensure Iowans continue to have confidence in their election system. Count every vote
;Maria Dickmann, Davenport
Also Check: How Many Registered Republicans In Illinois
Executive Action Is A Slippery Slope
The rationale given by the editorial board Jan. 3 to have Joe Biden issue executive orders to undo Donald Trumps executive orders is that some issues are too important to just wait for Congress. ;
Im sure this was the belief of Barack Obama when he issued his orders and the belief of Trump when he issued his orders. In other words, this rationale could be employed by any president at any time and it poses a real danger to the separation of legislative power and executive power provided by the U.S. Constitution. ;
Do the board members really want to combine these powers in the office of the presidency ?
Lonny Wilson,;West Des Moines
Democrats Werent Violent But Chose A Different Dishonorable Path
Why Do We Feel Shame?
I agree with the Jan. 7 letter Shame, shame, with the closing statement, This is one of the saddest days in our history.
And yes, when Trump won in 2016 there was no mob violence by Democrats. There was just four years of disbelief by the Democrats that Trump won and four years of trying to impeach him.
William D. Blohm, Carroll
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Why Some Republicans Are Feeling Shame
Back in the fall, when Donald Trump dubbed Jeb Bush low-energy, Carlos Gimenez grew a little concerned. By last month, when Marco Rubio and Trump engaged in childish name-calling, the Republican mayor of Miami-Dade County thought the GOP presidential race had gotten out of hand. Now, after a tawdry week that has focused on the wives of Trump and Ted Cruz, Gimenez is certain that the race has moved totally out of bounds.
Politics is a contact sport, Gimenez said, but there should be contact in other ways.
Gimenez is watching with disgust, as are many Republicans across the country, as his partys presidential race turns into a tabloid talk show. After a winter that featured anatomical insults, violent clashes at rallies, and fierce accusations of lying and dirty tricks, Republicans say the past week has been particularly dispiriting.
At a moment when the party had hoped to turn its attention to;a general-election matchup against Hillary Clinton, Republicans were instead caught in;an;uncomfortable back-and-forth over allegations of adultery and jabs at the physical appearance of the wives of Trump and Cruz.
That dispute took on renewed vigor Sunday, when the two candidates went at it again on the morning shows.
Dont forget, I call him Lying Ted. I call him that because nobody that Ive known Ive known a lot tougher people over the years in business, but Ive never known anybody that lied like Ted Cruz, Trump said.
Republicans Said President Obama Would Raise Taxes Sky High
It never happened. Income taxes for over 95% of Americans remained the same or lower than they were before Obama was elected. The only people whose income taxes increased were those who make more than $400,000 per year, and their taxes rose only 3%. For most Americans, taxes are still lower now than they were under Reagan.
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Conflict Over Health Vs The Economy
Masks are also linked to the broader debate about the disease threat from the coronavirus versus and the devastating impact that social distancing has had on our economy. This controversy again has fallen out on political lines, with the right placing a relatively greater emphasis than the left on the need to restart the economy.
Within this debate, some may see masks as playing up the disease side of this balancing act, while those who don’t wear masks might be seen as prioritizing a swift return to normalcy over concerns about health and safety.
Why Republican Voters Say Theres No Way In Hell Trump Lost
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By Brad Brooks, Nathan Layne, Tim Reid
12 Min Read
SUNDOWN, Texas – Brett Fryar is a middle-class Republican. A 50-year-old chiropractor in this west Texas town, he owns a small business. He has two undergraduate degrees and a masters degree, in organic chemistry. He attends Southcrest Baptist Church in nearby Lubbock.
Fryar didnt much like Donald Trump at first, during the U.S. presidents 2016 campaign. He voted for Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries.
Now, Fryar says he would go to war for Trump. He has joined the newly formed South Plains Patriots, a group of a few hundred members that includes a reactionary force of about three dozen – including Fryar and his son, Caleb – who conduct firearms training.
Nothing will convince Fryar and many others here in Sundown – including the towns mayor, another Patriots member – that Democrat Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 presidential election fairly. They believe Trumps stream of election-fraud allegations and say theyre preparing for the possibility of a civil war with the American political left.
If President Trump comes out and says: Guys, I have irrefutable proof of fraud, the courts wont listen, and Im now calling on Americans to take up arms, we would go, said Fryar, wearing a button-down shirt, pressed slacks and a paisley tie during a recent interview at his office.
This is dystopian, Light said. America could fracture.
Recommended Reading: How Many Republicans Are Running For President
Republicans Said Waterboarding And Other Forms Of Enhanced Interrogation Are Not Torture And Are Necessary In Fighting Islamic Extremism
In reality, waterboarding and other forms of enhanced interrogation that inflict pain, suffering, or fear of death are outlawed by US law, the US Constitution, and international treaties. Japanese soldiers after World War II were prosecuted by the United States for war crimes because of their use of waterboarding on American POWs.
Professional interrogators have known for decades that torture is the most ineffective and unreliable method of getting accurate information. People being tortured say anything to get the torture to end but will not likely tell the truth.
An FBI interrogator named Ali Soufan was able to get al Qaeda terrorist Abu Zubaydah to reveal crucial information without the use of torture. When CIA interrogators started using waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation methods, Zubaydah stopped cooperating and gave his interrogators false information.
Far from being necessary in the fight against terrorism, torture is completely unreliable and counter-productive in obtaining useful information.
Shame Can Last A Lifetime If We Let It
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Shame is one of the hardest emotions to talk about. It can also be the hardest emotion to recognize in ourselves, and it can feel the most painful. So, what is shame and how do we know if were feeling it?
Shame is often confused with embarrassment or guilt. Embarrassment arises when the way we want people to see us isnt the way they do. We want people to think were cool, but then we walk out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to our shoe. The feeling usually doesnt last long. Guilt arises when we think weve broken societys or our own moral code. We feel guilty when we lie, for example. Guilt can last a long time, but we usually know that well feel better when we come clean.
Shame can last a lifetime if we let it. It isnt caused by a single event, but an amassing of wounds to our self-worth. We feel guilty when we think weve done something wrong and embarrassed or humiliated when weve erred in public. But we feel shame when we think we are wrong. We may feel powerless to change whatever it is that makes us feel it, which then leads us to feel even more of it. Shame can feel unfixable, because it binds to all emotions. So even when we feel good, we can feel shamelike we dont deserve it.
Its never too late. Love yourself and forgive yourself. Begin today.
Read Also: How Many Registered Republicans Are In The United States
Senator Grassley Was It Worth It
Dear Senator Grassley:
It was impossible to not see the events of Jan. 6 as inevitable.;Some in your Republican Party are assigning blame to the president, acknowledging the role he played. ;
The blame for the;insurrection, loss of life, and the tenuous state of our democracy lies elsewhere.;Truth be known, anyone paying attention knew who Mr. Donald Trump was, and remains: a lawless, narcissistic, racist, immoral, and corrupt human being.;More could be said. ;
Perhaps it is time for you to accept responsibility for the indisputable role you played in empowering this despot.;The examples of his malfeasance in office are legion. ;
You had a chance to put an end to;Trump’s tyranny when you cast your senatorial vote after House impeachment.;The evidence of his offense could not have been clearer,;ignored by you and everyone in your party,;save for Sen. Mitt Romney, your own former presidential nominee. ;
Repercussions of your cowardice, including the treatment of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a whistle-blower, which you made a career off pretending to protect, are too numerous to count.;Your tepid statements supporting other whistle-blowers who were also subjected to vicious attacks, and the rarity of public admonitions of these and other wrongdoings, are a disgrace to your office. ;;
Nevertheless, you certainly have achieved what must have been foremost in your agenda.;You personally helped to pack the Supreme Court, and countless other lifetime appointments have been confirmed. ;
Republicans Claim That Raising The Minimum Wage Would Kill Jobs And Hurt The Economy
Why are Shame & Trauma so Connected?
There is far more evidence to the contrary. Cities and states that have higher minimum wages tend to have better rates of job creation and economic growth.
Detailed analyses show that job losses due to increases in the minimum wage are almost negligible compared to the economic benefits of higher wages. Previous increases in the minimum wage have never resulted in the dire consequences that Republicans have predicted.
Republicans have accused President Obama of “cutting defense spending to the bone”. This chart of 2014 discretionary spending firmly disproves that argument.
Also Check: How Many Senate Seats Do The Republicans Have Right Now
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sqoiler · 7 years
family swap au stuff
haley’s circus was in smallville for a rest stop and john and mary went out and were killed in a car crash
it was the talk of the town and martha and johnathan decided to take in their orphaned son, as he was around kara’s age (kara had just landed a few months ago and they thought she could use some company)
they tried to keep the alien thing a secret from dick but it was hard for kara not to brag (i mean come on she’s like 10 have u ever met 10 year olds)
so dick knew and demanded to meet superman and thought clark was the COOLEST EVER
and dick and kara become besties and then one day they’re on a field trip and they go to a lex corp lab for a field trip and one of the workers “accidentally” spills something on kara and dick sort of.jumps in front of her? and then it gets on them both and there’s an electric shock that gives dick kara’s powers. she still has powers but now he has a weird version of them, too
after this clark takes kara & dick and they both move into his apartment in metropolis so he can keep an eye on them and be there for their training
this all ended up with dick and kara sneaking off to the fortress as soon as they could both fly and making themselves suits and supergirl and superboy were born
dick & kara co-found the titans which consist of kid flash, speedy, aqualad, aquagirl, wonder girl, and starfire
the titans eventually disbanded but before that happened kara & babs dated for a while. they mutually broke up when babs decided to move back to atlantis and quit being aquagirl 
when the titans disbanded dick and kara decided to. move on and be a lil more solo so they became nightwing and flamebird
they were still partners but they worked less with clark or the titans and more with each other or justice leaguers 
their home base is still metropolis but they worked on cleaning up bludhaven and work worldwide
b’ara is an atlanteian and she’s the adopted daughter of orin & mera
she grew up a princess and she learned magic from her mom
when garth became aqualad, b’ara (who’s around his age) forced her dad to let her be aquagirl alongside him and garth and babs joined the titans together
babs & garth were always friends but never super close?
babs dated supergirl for a lil bit but when the titans disbanded babs decided she wasn’t so sure about being aquagirl anymore so she went home to atlantis to work with her mom some more
at some point babs went up to visit with her friends for a titans reunion and while she was up there she got shot in the back of the spine by a mugger and was paralyzed 
she had to stay up in the surface for a while after that and started doing tech stuff to help her dad with heroing
this led to her going up to the watchtower and helping the whole jl once she got really good at tech
she still goes to atlantis & can swim around still (her arms are ripped af)
cass & jason were twins born of shiva and given to cain
when they were around seven shiva showed up and killed cain and rescued her kids, leaving them with someone to take care of them. that person, of course, immediately dumped the kids in the first waste hole they could find. 
jason & cass are left in gotham and they’re both mini killers who cant talk, all alone on the streets. fun times
black canary, who occasionally teams up with batman, was in gotham and found the two of them, cold and alone
dinah was sorry for them and took them in, just for winter to get warm so she could dump them in the foster system
then she got attached and taught them how to talk and they got cursed by the wizard (who approached dinah about some sort of alternate timeline or something) and now they both had the same canary cry and before dinah knew it she made ollie pull some strings to legally adopt them and jason & cass lance were born
dinah worked to re-train them and when they were 11 cass and jason decided that it was far past time they became superheros and snuck out as gold & red canary
dinah loves them a lot but they really give her a headache sometimes
the three of them live in an apartment in star city and crash at ollie’s place a lot and when roy got addicted and ollie kicked him out dinah brought him in (cass & jason were still pretty little then) and they all bonded and roy’s basically their brother now
when tim & kon restarted the titans cass and jason became reserve members since they were a lil older 
cass & raven became really close friends through the titans
jason is close with gar and kid devil and others idk
cass and steph, another reserve member, become pretty close and become known as a nightmare pair
speaking of steph, 
she and her parents move to central when she’s like 3ish and crystal dies when steph is six
when steph’s 11 flash brings down cluemaster and adopts her
steph pressures wally into telling her how to get powers and executes the procedure and survives 
around this time, wally hung up the KF mantle, so she took it on
it only lasted a few years before she, too, had to give it up
when barry died and wally became the flash, steph picked up the mantle of dart and bart showed up soon after 
steph was a reserve member of the titans and befriended cass lance
she dated courtney whitmore when she was kid flash but when she retired they broke up
when she was dart steph & cassie got together and have been going strong since
she and damian became friends and ever since whenever hal looks at steph he gets a mini heart attack
t’hym m’orzz came to earth at the same time as his sister m’gann did, and they both sort of hung around before j’onn introduced them to kon, who’d recently come into existence, and the three of them hit it off and from kon’s older brother dick’s encouragement they re-started the titans
soon enough people like bart and cassie joined, bringing along steph and cass and jason and raven and gar an
t’hym and kon started dating and making plans to see the stars and generally being gay
duke thomas’s parents were killed by a wonder woman villain, and diana took duke in
duke convinced her to train him and she did 
the gods found out about this and blessed him with some powers (strength and flight) and he became wonder boy
he’s never been to themescyria and doesn’t really want to intrude or anything
he and cassie are best friends and when cassie joined the titans he wasn’t far behind
duke & diana have a mother/son relationship and cassie jokingly calls him her nephew since she and diana are sisters
duke and bart have mutual crushes on each other and are skirting around the issue atm
damian was dropped off with bruce and he was trying to convince him to be batboy or something when a green ring descended from the sky and announced that damian was the youngest green lantern of earth ever
bruce begrudgingly took him to hal who stuck him with jessica and simon
damian and jess immediately got along really well and it took longer but he and simon eventually got along, too
the three of them are known menaces among the green lanterns of earth and hal is eternally faceplanting at them all
damian & steph met when hal & barry started dating and all the lanterns decided to shovel talk barry
damian voice: allen PLEASE break jordan’s heart i don’t want him to be happy
steph: [snorts in laughter]
anyway damian & dick met when jon befriended damian (as new members of the new titans) and jon invited him over and dick was like “this is my new brother”
damian: hey father i have a new brother and sister now
bruce, tiredly: who
damian: stephanie allen and dick kent
bruce: im moving to ethiopia 
(feel free to ask me or my artblog @sam-and-crystal if you have any questions! <3)
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topimagines · 7 years
Abused Part 1- Twenty One Pilots
Request- Hey I know you won't be able to write this for a little bit but I just wanted to tell you so I won't forget about it. Could you do one where the reader works for top and are good friends with them and Jenna. And one night the readers boyfriend sexually assaults her and she goes in to work the next day and is a mess and they yell at her. She just breaks down and they find all the marks from him. SORRY IM A SUCKER FOR ANGST!
You were able to cover the smaller bruises and you would take the day off when they were too big to hide. 2 years of being in an abusive relationship you were no longer scared to leave, you were petrified. Every time you threatened to leave your boyfriend Conor he would ‘make things right and get better.’ It never changed. Fight after fight,punch after punch, bruise after bruise. It was an awful cycle and you hated going home, but if you didn’t you were scared he might really hurt you, or even kill you. It wasn’t just the constant yelling. There was unwanted sex, broken bones, and awful words through at you.
“Y/N me and the boys are going out after the show. Do you wanna come?” Jenna asked you as you set up the stage for the boy’s show tonight.
“Um, no. I have to get home tonight.” you said.
“Oh come on. You haven’t been out with us in over two months. What is Conor keeping you hostage or something?” Jenna joked and you laughed it off not knowing how to reach out for help. “Please. We miss our best friend.” she begged.
“It’s been a long day. I really need to get home, Conor and I are going out tonight.” you came up with an excuse.
“Fine, but I’m taking you out tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at 5 tomorrow.” Jenna said then left you to finish your work.
You had started working for Twenty One Pilots about 3 years ago. You grew extremely close to Jenna, Tyler, and Josh. You loved hanging out with them, but Conor prevented you from being near them besides at work.
“Y/N, you’re seriously ditching us for Conor. You’re a loser.” Tyler joked.
“I’m sorry. We have a date planned I think.” you lied again. “Look I really need to finish up here. I’m heading out right after the show. I’ll say bye before I go.” you said going back to work.
“Okay, but tomorrow it’s all of us without Conor at the club. We’ll pick you up at 5.” He said then dismissed himself.
You finished your work and the show started. You stood on the side stage with Jenna listening to Tyler and Josh play. You loved watching the shows, you were able to feel free. You knew you were going to have to lie and get out of tomorrow night. Conor didn’t let you go out without him unless it was to work.
You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and pull you aggressively against the body.
“I thought you said you would be home at 8. It’s 9, why did you lie?” Conor’s voice whispered in your ear sending fear throughout your body.
“I-i’m sorry. I just wanted to watch the show. We can go home now i-if you want.” you stuttered.
Jenna looked back at you as you smiled in Conor's arms. It was fake of course, but you had to sell your happiness. You sold it pretty well, they all thought you were happy and safe in your relationship. They weren’t Conor’s biggest fans, but they supported you. Only if they knew what you went through once you go home every night.
“Yeah we are. Let’s go.” He said pulling you out of the building and to his car.
“I’ll drive myself. I have my car here.” you said as he opened the passenger door to his car for you to get in.
“I can’t trust you. Get in now.” He said sternly and you got in with a shove from him.
His voice was bitter and you knew not to fight back. He had control over you and he knew it. He used his power over you against you. He got in on his side and drove away fast.
“You disgust me. You lie to me and go watch other guys. What are you cheating on me?” he yelled as he drove.
“N-no it’s my job. I’m supposed to be there to make sure nothing goes wrong. I’m not cheating on you.” you defended yourself, but he wasn’t listening.
You felt small, defenseless, stupid. His harsh words and tone was only half of it. The physical abuse was the other half. You knew what was going to happen when you got home. There would be a fight, he would scream at you as you fell to the ground in tears, then his hand would strike your body. Sometimes only once others it would feel like hours as you lied numb on the ground as he hit and kicked your body.
When you pulled into the driveway you went to get out of the car, but Conor grabbed your arm hard.
“Slut.” he muttered under his breath in disgust before letting go and getting out of the car.
You met him in the house where he was sitting in front of the tv. You sat on the other end looking at him. You were waiting for his reaction. He would soon erupt, but right now it was a waiting game.
“Um, can I go out with Jenna tomorrow?” you asked sheepishly and Conor’s eyes met yours.
“Are you really asking me that? After you decide to cheat on me you want to go out with them. Why? Is it that drummer, because I’ll beat his ass if he comes near you. You’re mine.” he said standing up from the couch, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to your feet aggressively.
The first slap came and your breath stopped in your throat. You looked back up to him as he stared coldly at you. His jaw was clenched and is grip on your wrist was tight.
“Bedroom now.” he demanded and you went straight there.
This happened at least once a week. You never wanted it, but your body always just froze and you didn’t get help. You begged him at first not to do it, but it was no use. The more you begged him to stop and said no the more her hurt you.
As you laid naked on the bed still on your back you felt so numb. Tears fell from your eyes without you knowing. Although you were still Conor wasn’t. He was busy using your body. Once he finished he walked out of the room leaving you to cry.
After you got enough of yourself together you crawled under the covers of you and Conor’s shared bed. It was silent as you stared up at the ceiling, the only thing breaking you from your gaze was Conor sliding under the covers next to you.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered bringing you hand up to his lips.
You flinched at his touch and he sighed.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry I’m like this. I promise I’m working on it and I’ll get better. You can’t leave me I love you.” he told you, just like every time.
“I know. I love you too.” you said rolling over and closing your eyes.
“You can go out tomorrow if you want. I trust you, just don’t break my trust and be home by 10.” he said turning you back over to face him and kissing you.
“Thanks Conor.” you let yourself relax into him.
When Conor wasn’t hurting you he was your best friend. You hated him, but you loved him. He was addicting and you couldn’t get away from him, no matter how bad he hurt you.
The next day you didn’t have work. You and Conor woke up and everything was like a normal couple. He drove you to get your car at last night’s venue and you even went out to lunch. It was one of those days when you really believed he meant what he said, that he was getting better. It was later when you were getting ready to go out with Tyler, Jenna, and Josh when Conor’s attitude changed.
“You can’t go anymore.” he said as he came into the bathroom where you just finished your makeup.
“Conor please. I’ll be home at exactly 10.” you tried to convince him.
“I said no.” he took a step closer to you and for some reason you challenged him.
“I got all ready and now you’re telling me I can’t go. I really thought you said you were gonna change.” you said turning around to meet the angry eyes of Conor.
His jaw was clenched, fist at his side, and eyes boring into yours.
“I’m sor-” before you could get the rest out you were push hard against the bathroom sink and your wrist in Conor’s tight grasp.
“After all I do for you, you’re going to challenge me. You’re a fucking slut and you know it. You never give me anything you bitch. I do everything myselt and for you.” he yelled in your face.
You let an ‘ouch’ escape your lips as he yanked you to stand straight. You heard him lightly chuckled under his breath. His fist came in contact with your cheek and you were knocked to the ground where he kicked your ribs, legs, and shouted hateful words. You were covering your head with your arms as you sobbed through the pain, words and regret.
“Don’t worry about telling them you're not coming. I took your phone earlier and told Jenna that you weren’t feeling well and that you would be staying home.” he stopped and said.
You watched as he walked off leaving you on the floor. It was the same every time. You now had to pick yourself up and clean yourself and the blood off the floor.
You looked yourself in the mirror. Shame was written all over yourself. You use to be so strong, but Conor had a power over you. You cleaned your bloody nose and the floor. You went to the kitchen to grab ice to put on the quickly forming bruises on you sides and legs. You noticed Conor had left. Probably to go get you flowers and some groceries. If it was earlier in the day when he would hurt you he always did chores and got you something as a ‘i’s sorry’. You were so use to it all. You wanted to run, but where would you go? What if he found you? He was getting more aggressive and you feared for your life.
Your phone was ringing from the table beside you. It was Josh calling. You answered it as fast as the pain would allow you to. You winced in pain as you held the phone to your ear.
“Hey Y/N. Why did you leave so soon last night? I never got to say goodbye” his voice was filled with concern.
You could tell you were on speaker phone, probably Tyler and Jenna in the same room as him.
“I was feeling sick so Conor came and picked me up.” you followed Conor’s lie from earlier.
“You didn’t look sick when we were together.” Jenna said. “Are you still feeling down?”
“I’m coming by to drop off your purse you left here. Also some soup.” Josh said and you quickly reacted.
“No, no you can’t.” you said.
“Why?” he asked.
“I mean. I’ll come over tomorrow and get my purse. I’m fine, Conor is at the store getting soup right now and I’m headed to bed anyways. Good night you guys.” you said then hung up.
You took a deep breathe which only caused more pain in your chest. You hoped they believed you and that you could just forget this all happened.
From Jenna
We’re stopping by to drop it off now. To bad if you don’t want us to. We’ll be there in 20 minutes.
Received 5:14pm
You knew they weren’t taking no as an answer. You went to the bathroom to see your one arm basically all bruised. You had a black eye and your shirt had blood stains. You grabbed a sweatshirt and painfully put it on. Your ribs felt broken and your breathing was heavy. Your lungs felt like they were going to collapse.
There was a knock on the door and you went to answer it hoping Conor wasn’t close to being home. You put the hood over your head and open the door looking down to hid your face.
“There she is.” you heard Tyler’s voice quickly fade from happy to concern.
“What are you hiding Y/N? Look at us.” Jenna said and you picked your head up just a bit, but they could see the black eye.
“Holy shit Y/N, did Conor do that?” Josh quickly asked in shock.
You couldn’t hide it anymore so you nodded letting a tear fall from your eye.
“Oh my god Y/N. Where’s Conor? I’m going to beat the shit out of him.” Tyler said getting all defensive.
“He’s at” before you could finsh a car pulled up and Conor got out with flowers and a few bags.
“Y/N?” you heard him call, sounding innocent. Fear shot through your veins.
He probably thought you called them for help, or that they were going to take you. They saw the fear written all over your face as you stuttered over your words. You saw Conor stepping closer and with each step your body felt weaker. You couldn’t think straight as Josh helped you out of the house and over to Jenna. Tyler and Josh were approaching Conor and you were shaking.
Jenna helped you to their car and sat in the backseat as Conor and you made eye contact the entire time.
At this point you were a shaking mess, tears streaming from your eyes as Jenna held you. It hurt to cry but it hurt even more hearing the screaming from inside your house. You knew it was Conor’s voice, you would know that from anywhere. Time slowed and the screams dulled and the car started moving. The movement and feeling of being safe lulled you to sleep in the backseat with your head in Jenna’s lap.
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pokefanbri · 4 years
Fucking told him its a huge red flag if someone doesn't get rid of their apps. Multiple apps. Smh 😠 "oh yea i don't use them anymore" proceeds to use fb dating app" for real come on bro!
Some comments of the post:
"If you have to be checking up on your Partner then you shouldn't be with that person.. Idk how people have time for all this .. love yourself and know your worth.."
"If you're in a serious committed exclusive relationship you should not be on tinder. That's how I met my fiance and as soon as we said we are gf and bf and exclusive we both deleted it. Honestly if I was her I would have broken up with him too"
"a person also has a right to trust their gut feeling and check things out if something's not feeling right. Knowledge is power"
I've already discussed this but this news clip further validates my point of the topic, nothing more. I could call him out on hs bs further with detail, but I won't....yet, out of respect even though he probably doesn't deserve it. Til he reaches me & apologizes for everything he's done, i can say whatever tf I want & i could make a whole damn list.
Its the events of this what happened that started our downfall to begin with cuz i didn't trust him & he didn't even try to gain it back just left it as is when I could've turned my back right then & there, no apology either. Didnt apologize much actually, not even when i last saw him. But from then we spiraled & he got bored of me. I wasn't giving him what he wanted in whatever way & he wanted to find more. Closed himself off from the beginning & that created his boredom 😒
Would've had a blast together like a normal fucking couple if he was less closed off, & wouldn't have felt the need to do shit behind my back.
I'll stop talking about it for now, I have the anger & urge to keep going but I wont...actually no Screw it im pissed 😡 but ill keep it light. Its just not fair, I did so much for him but I was disrespected in different aspects of the whole relationship. Fuck! I've talked about the positives alot cuz i do love him..but the negatives are such bs too.
I want a good ass sincere apology for all of it so I can forgive him & move on, ive already apologized myself even though I dont think I should have to 😒. Didnt even give me a straight answer for the breakup, it was always a different excuse when I know he just wanted to pursue other women without me around im not fucking stupid. His own toxicity was too much even for himself & I was in the line of fire, to where i was the toxic one? No fuck that its unacceptable, he always lied when it came to covering his own ass.
For all i know he's watching me squirm & taking pleasure in all the pain I'm going through over him cuz he likes the attention. But no I actually don't think so on that one he's still good & ill give him credit where its due. But I gave him all the attention he wanted/needed & still wanted more from someone else. Really dude fucking really!?
Man up & own up to your mistakes, speak to me where I can actually hear ur voice speaking back to me with sincerity. We'll apologize together. Yea ull be pissed about this, but after u get over it & calm down. Give in & call me, granted when ur ready, & open up for once in your damn reserved life. Itll help us both with more closure & may even take a weight off our shoulders if we just talk it out, no arguing...since we're done there's no point anyway..a friendly non judgment zone cuz idc, i won't think of u any less.
U confused me during & especially after the relationship cuz i didnt know who u really were, i know the good cuz that's what u allowed me to see, ive accepted the bad that I knew already & from what ive learned...i accepted u regardless.
I always forgave u & not cuz im passive, cuz forgiveness is what the Bible teaches.. ive forgiven u & myself the best i could especially with the last things ive showed u, (accept this part cuz im pissed rn & standing up for myself, ill delete eventually maybe if u ask cuz nobody wants to be seen any less of a person. but I can make it alot worse, calling me the mistake was the worst thing u ever said to me & pointing out your faults so u can be better throughout the relationship was my only toxicity to u) we actually never really fought except the 1 time, just argued a tiny bit rarely about little things.
Ive tried using every ounce of my courage to show u how much im sorry for any wrong ive done. but its up to u now to make things right. U know me, ive always said that u can talk to me about anything. I want to be able to trust again & move on whilst staying friends. What else do u have to lose, might even have a great heart to heart convo dude to dudet
Everything ive ever said up to this point lies all my Questions. But here's most of the list, we both were equally in control of the relationship. Maybe u didn't want me to? But doing everything I had to for myself & the household, what u & ur parents wanted of me & just me being me cuz i had to, u had your own part to play & did provide...but did u actually not want me to cater to u if it were a sign u were lazy or something? Like did u not feel worthy of me? What is it u think is my "addicting personality" that isn't fixable on the surface? What is it really that u didnt like about me? This is why i don't have closure, u left me like this, confused as well as wanting more since u held back so much. Was that on purpose to give me even more false hope & want me to pine over u? Did u ever or do u still, love me at all? What did u want from me & out of the relationship, what was the purpose of it from ur perspective & why do u think i couldn't give that to u? What did i lack that u felt compelled to not tell me so I could improve & vise versa so we both could improve? Why wouldn't u allow me to help u become a better man when (I shouldnt have to btw), its exactly what u wanted but maybe didnt see it? Do u realize your own faults even as u do them? Lol. Like i genuinely want to know as much as the good ive seen, cuz to be better the more open of a person u are the more u understand yourself too.
Unless claiming u want to be a better man is part of ur alluring charm in love bombing process to land a caring girl on purpose lol...god I hope not, that would just mean u rinse & repeat like a for real narcissist 🤔 seriously tho look into that im not even kidding, im asking cuz i care. Im pissed now but 1 thing is that im trying to not put ur behavior against u cuz maybe u can't help it, its just the way u are, all ive seen & experienced points to maybe 50% of u lol. Ive always suspected narcissism, a real psych problem that might be worth looking into. But yea 1 of the reasons especially why im so forgiving & trying not to put it against u, why i still care despite u being a dick lol. I chose to look past it, all the time & up to now cuz I understand what its like to have psychological ailments. The worst part about it is most dont realize it, so i encourage u to do some research & self reflection & admitting it to urself are the 1st steps. Okay? There's different kinds & levels to being 1 too, i found that fascinating. bryan is definitely a different type, ur more lighter than that...definitely not the worst which is the physical harm type. Trust me its worth finding out more about yourself, just dont use it to ur advantage in a bad way but i trust u to do right & grow. Not sure a discarded supply (ie me) has ever tried telling a narcy what they might be for the benefit of their own self awareness 🤔,idk if its ever been done, but theres a 1st for everything? U can find alot on it in quora digest alone but Google is also ur friend.
You always were worth every effort of mine to help u in any way to be happy, & i was most happy when u were. U mean alot to me still, its the effect u had on me, I was under ur spell lol its hard to rid myself of it still, not sure when it'll pass. I chose to see it as a gift rather than a curse, that ur effect on me is still so strong when I shouldn't give a damn. If u really are a narcy, then I understand & don't put alot against u cuz its just the way u are & i need to accept it, but if it somehow helps u to help yourself cuz of it, then whats the harm? But, even in doing this or having my socials public for u...maybe just feeds into what u want...i still dont care, I want u to see how bad or good im doing without u in my life, so u know im okay at least. U promised friendship, least I can do is allow u to keep tabs on me too we spoke of, on my end of things.
The 18th of June was the last time i saw u. It'll soon be a month ago in about a week & a 1/2 & your birthday would mark 2 months. Cant believe we couldn't even last through to that 😔
Mark my words playa I will be contacting u on that day lol. Can't ghost your homie forever sweetie
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(( This is a little back story about Kristhiana and her ex. Not many know her past and why she is the way she is, so I thought it’d be fun to write about it. TRIGGER WARNING: blood gifs and images will be used in this post. Please keep scrolling if that triggers you. I dont want anyone getting upset. <3 ))
The wedding was beautiful.  The whole crew was there. Every officer, every thug, even the other sniper that was Tirrah’s partner. It was an amazing day on the ocean as everyone sailed on the boat. Ghost and Tirrah had just said their vows to each other, promising to love one another for the rest of their lives. Little did Tirrah know that her new husband was lying on his end…
Tirrah didn’t seem to notice the wink Ghost had shot to another female in the crowd as she was looking down at the diamond on her left ring finger. She thought they were perfect for each other, and couldn’t wait to run The Marked together as husband and wife. Maybe they would even start a family and teach the young ones how to be successful like their mamma and poppa. And oh how the children would have such a large family! Everyone in The Marked adored Ghost and Tirrah’s relationship. Well… almost everyone.
She was the only one who didn’t seem to approve of their relationship. Why? Because she wanted Ghost for herself. Caitlyn was the type of female that started sleeping her way up the tree of power until Ghost was the last one. Sure, Tirrah was power hungry as well, but she didn’t feel that way until after dating Ghost for a few months. Rather than leaving for their honeymoon after the wedding, Tirrah had to take a weeks leave for training. It was something that was ordered by her teacher at the time, not caring if she was just wed or not. As much as she wanted to spend a week away with her new love, they both knew it was better for their crew that she get some training in. They would always be able to take a vacation any other time. The first night of them being husband and wife was spent saying their goodbyes, knowing she was going to be leaving early the next morning. Kisses, hugs, cuddles and a few other provocative activities took place in the bedroom of their ship. The following morning, she left with a glow in her face but a sadness in her heart. “I will be back home soon, my love…”
The days came and went as she waited for the time she could come home to her husband. Anticipation filled her heart as the day finally arrived. The smile on her face could not be erased as she rode back to Stormwind. The Marked had a hub in the city, and Ghost’s ship was not far from the docks. The wind blew through her long blonde hair as her stead ran as fast as it could, trying to get its mistress back home. Through the gates and down the streets of Stormwind, she rode. A greeting to the rest of her crew could wait. It was her husband that she wanted to see! Upon arriving to the docks near the boat, she noticed an extra horse that was next to Ghosts. She knew all the horses and other mounts that belonged to her crew mates. So why didn’t she recognize this one? Tirrah was gone for a week, after all. Perhaps someone had to get a new one, or maybe Ghost had a friend over that she had never met. The possibilities were practically endless considering the work that they did. Tirrah jumped off of her horse and began to run onto the ship when she suddenly heard a noise that made her stomach flop.
A moan…?
Tirrah stopped dead in her tracks, standing in the middle of the boat, only a few feet away from the bedroom where the noise came from. She slowly approached the door, careful not to make a sound as she listened in. Surely she misheard that sound. Maybe it came from somewhere else. Not her bedroom…_right? _Tirrah was right outside the door of her own room when the moans didn’t stop. The creak of the bed moving in a steady rhythm made it all too clear as to what was happening on the other side of the wood plank.
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There aren’t any words that can explain the pain that she felt in her heart. Its impossible to explain what it feels like to have your heart suddenly snap into a million pieces. Tears welled up and began overflowing onto her skin that was no longer glowing. A pain struck her chest as Tirrah felt like she could no longer breathe. Weak in the knees, she stumbled to find her way to a nearby chair. Not a single noise escaped her lips. The pain she felt couldn’t even make her cry out loud. The shock was still too much, and she was still trying to register what she had just heard. In fact, she could still hear it. The moans never stopped. Minutes felt like hours until the other woman and Tirrah’s husband stopped their affair. Another moment passed, and there went the door to the bedroom. Out came Caitlyn with messed up hair, flushed cheeks and an outfit that looked to be rushed back on. Perhaps the two knew that Tirrah was going to be home that night. Idiots.
Tirrah stood up from her chair after Caitlyn had left and slowly made her way to her bedroom. Being the huntress and trained sniper she was, it was easy for her to be quiet. She looked into her room, eyeing her husband on their bed. No. His bed. It no longer belonged to her. Not after what was taken place inside of it. Tirrah stood there with hate in her heart, anger very apparent on her face as she stared him down. The feeling of being watched must have finally gotten to Ghost as he peeped open one single eye, looking towards the doorway. It could be described that Ghost nearly turned into the name that everyone called him the second that he laid eyes on his heartbroken wife.
“T-Tirrah! Babe.. What.. How.. Uhm.” He couldn’t find the words to try and form up a question. It was as clear as day as to why she looked the way she did. “How was the trip?” Was he really trying to act like nothing happened? The whole room reeked of sex and sweat. Tirrah began steppinf forward, closing the space between them. As she neared, the expression on her face changed from anger to…happiness? Something inside of Tirrah snapped. She was more than angry. She was far more than just upset, and heart break couldn’t even start to explain the feeling she was experiencing in that moment. “Uhm… Tirrah, honey.. Look, lets just-” She cut him off with a cant of her head. “I just want a hug, honey. I haven’t seen you since we were married,” she said with a faux sweet tone. Ghost hesitated, but he slowly did as she requested, stepping towards her to hold her close. The two formed an embrace, his arms over top of hers as he held her into his chest, her arms curling under his.
Tirrah leaned up on her toes, resting her cheek against his for a moment. The tension could be cut with a knife if someone else were to walk in to the cabin, but they wouldn’t have to. In her right hand, Tirrah had a blade resting on top of her other hand. When she spoke, it was softer than a whisper. Ghost had to listen carefully.
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Before Ghost could try and defend himself, knowing exactly why she was saying what she did, the last of his breathing stopped. The sound of ripping skin filled his ears as a wetness grew on his chest. Ghost’s eyes darted down to the blade that was now inside of his torso before looking back up to Tirrah’s green eyes, searching for an answer. 
“Not even being stabbed in the heart will be enough to show you the pain your wife is feeling. I hope it was worth it…” 
His now lifeless body dropped to the wooden floor, but it wasn’t enough. The thing with Tirrah is that she had an addiction to blood. Most called her crazy, or they would if they knew about it. She kept it a secret. You see, Tirrah had this special flask. It was red and black with intricate designs all around it. What remained inside wasn’t alcohol. It was blood, and she would drink from it whenever the feeling of killing someone would emerge from the shadows within. That past week during her training, she didn’t have any of that blood. She wouldn’t drink from animals. Tirrah had a special supply that she got from specific people. So when she came home, she was already lusting for blood. Seeing what her husband did while she was away after only being married for a week topped it off for her. After looking over him with a demonic grin, Tirrah knelt down and removed the blade from his heart…only to repeatedly stab it back into the organ.
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It was a bloody mess.
The crimson liquid dripped off of her finger tips and fell onto the floor, meeting up with the bigger puddle that she had created. The dark grin on her lips remained, but the pain in her heart had disappeared.
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With her head canted to the side, looking over her masterpiece, Tirrah slowly brought her hand up to her lips, sliding her finger tips into her mouth and sucking gently. Her tongue danced across her skin, tasting the iron from the red liquid. Her green eyes closed as she took in the moment, exhaling from being content with her work.
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“Im not finished…”
Tirrah had another person to pay a visit to. As she made her way through Azeroth, searching for Caitlyn, word got around her crew that Ghost was murdered by his own wife. Ironically, none of them knew why she did it. The crews numbers started growing short, one by one. It was assumed that Tirrah was killing off each person that she said killed her husband. They weren't wrong. Caitlyn was last on Tirrah’s list. Save the best for last, right? Tirrah didn’t bother with big entrances or an announcement. When she found Caitlyn, she simply had her up against the wall, her hand around her throat with a revolver in the other. “T-Tirrah! L-Look! I’m s-so sorry! Im nothing but a slut, o-okay?! Please don’t kill me!” For the first time in a month, Tirrah couldnt help but laugh at the sound of her enemy begging for her life. It was music to her ears. Tears streamed down Caitlyn’s face like a water fall, her mascara and eyeliner falling down with it. “Ill do anythi–”
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“Dont call me Tirrah, by the way,” she growled to the corpse.
"It's Kristhiana now..."
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