#preview analysis
shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
Jason waking up in his grave in Under The Red Hood
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Jason waking up in the hospital in Robin Lives
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transmascutena · 7 months
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in the episode previews for episode 37 utena and anthy have this conversation, which i think surprises a lot of people because of their uncharacteristic directness. and i think that often leads to people believing it's true, that anthy does hate utena and for good reason; look at this victim blaming happening right now! and, i mean, yes it is true, but also it's not? it's more complicated than that.
generally speaking, utena and anthy tend to be more open and direct in their conversations during the previews (my favorite example being the one for episode 31 where they talk about blood types and each other's flaws) and i kind of wonder whether or not they're literal. i think moreso they are reflective of their feelings in some way. neither of them would actually say these things to the other's face, but they are thinking it. this preview in particular is i think their very surface level feelings after the end of the episode, and utena's discovery of anthy's abuse. utena feels angry and betrayed (for a variety of complicated reasons) and lashes out at the wrong person; anthy is fed up with utena's ignorance to the situation at hand and has been for a while. but the next episode itself isn't really about that, it's almost about the exact opposite: acceptance of the ways they've hurt each other. this is the episode with the cantarella scene and anthy's suicide attempt (we don't see the full rooftop conversation here but it is when it happens), the two scenes where utena and anthy are the most honest with each other. and what we hear from them is the opposite of what we hear in the preview: utena realizes that what she was initially blaming her for isn't anthy's fault, and can forgive her for the things she has actually done. and anthy hasn't always despised utena, in fact she's currently trying to protect her by telling her to get away from ohtori, because she loves her.
yes, there is truth to what they both say in that preview, but it's not the whole truth. the episode itself gives us true honesty between them.
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anthurak · 4 months
Small preview of some posts I’m doing theorizing on Ruby’s and Yang’s upcoming family drama in V10 and beyond:
Ever since Volume 1, the fact that ‘Yang raised Ruby’ has been a proverbial Sword of Damocles hanging over Team STRQ representing how they ALL completely and utterly FUCKED UP as parents to these two girls.
And I have no doubt that in Volume 10/11, we are going to see that proverbial sword fall.
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cherriko-art · 6 months
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I haven't even started Leah's romance route yet but I've already got their entire relationship and dynamic mapped out in my head.
Rambling into the void, but my female farmer OC, Mili, is basically a female himbo. I'd like to think that she doesn't really get all the passive aggressive jabs Leah makes to the farmer in the beginning of the game, and it makes Leah feel kinda bad abt it later on. As they grow more familiar with each other, I'd believe Mili's tenacious attitude eventually wears down Leah's defensive walls and she starts to grow fond of Mili and her lil' antics (much to Leah's own horror).
And since Mili is kinda airheaded but kind, she's easy to take advantage of, even if others don't exactly have any ill intentions. This would start to annoy Leah as she sees Mili running around helping everyone and their dog around town, and she starts to get kinda overprotective of Mili, and chastises her for never being able to say no to anyone (both farmer siblings are like this tbh). I kinda headcanon that Leah hates Scott bc 1. She's lowkey jealous that Mili and Scott hang out a lot in the mines (but she can't bring herself to go to there herself, its gross and dirty and also there's no reception) but mainly bc 2. She thinks Scott is absolutely full of shit with his museum that exists purely due to all the donations Mili makes to it, but he essentially takes all the credit for. Mili disagrees, but regardless, Leah and Scott don't get along.
After they start dating, Leah becomes an overprotective but proud gf who loves showing Mili off to her followers. The only thing is that she despairs over Mili's lack of fashion sense, esp since Mili's older sibling, Lu-Ran, is perfectly well-dressed themselves. So it becomes her hobby to dress Mili up in cute but practical clothes.
On Mili's end, she's just a simple girl with simple thoughts. Leah is a drop-dead gorgeous gf with a heart of gold (according to Mili, disagreed with by many others). She doesn't really get all the influencer stuff but she's supportive and likes to chat with Leah's followers on livestreams. She doesn't know that Leah's followers have basically formed a Mili Fan Club/Protection Squad.
I also like to think that Leah is a lifestyle influencer and environmental advocate. She donates the money made during livestreams and sponsorships towards environmental research and causes. My headcanon is that she's one of Ling's main sponsor (anonymous of course) for her coral research.
Overall, I'm a big fan of "opposites attract" tropes, so I am obsessed with my OC Mili and seeing how the relationship dynamic with Leah would work out. Mili would help Leah become more emotionally vulnerable and be less rigid, while Leah would be a solid rock in Mili's chaotic life who helps keep her grounded and remind her to take care of herself and not just others. Leah is a bit antisocial though, despite being an influencer, so being together with the social butterfly that Mili is would be quite interesting. With Mili as the bridge, Leah would eventually open up to other villagers too and become friends with Mili's friends too (other than Scott of course). From the get-go, Leah would get along very well with Mili's older sibling (my other farmer OC), Lu-Ran, as they're very down-to-earth, quiet and acceptably-dressed (to Leah's standards).
Anyways, if you actually read my word vomit, thank you for entertaining my 2am brain ramblings.
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joelletwo · 4 months
have we found the academically published gintama gender essay posted anywhere or does anyone wanna pool together $50 for the book its in
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bird-inacage · 2 years
Love in the Air: Episode 13 (THAT Preview) *Contains GIFS*
-No novel spoilers please!-
This hit me like a bullet at the end of today’s episode. We all knew this was coming, but actually seeing more of the scenes filled me with complete and utter dread. I actually felt physically, viscerally sick. I thought maybe we were going to get this storyline started in Episode 12. The fact they’re leaving this all to the last episode worries me.
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This all takes place in Prapai’s condo. There is something so, so awful about this. Seeing the person you love being attacked in your own home is just unfathomable. Gun really is going to be THE WORST, MOST DEGENERATE PIECE OF SHIT.
What we do know for a fact now is yes, the entire Sky Protection Squad will be coming to Sky’s rescue. Prapai, Payu and Rain.
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This is going to make the whole situation so much more emotionally charged. Not only are we going to see Prapai lose his damn mind, but we also have Rain in tow. And I really don’t know how he’s going to take this. He doesn’t have an inkling about Sky’s abuse. We know Prapai’s immediate response will be all-encompassing fury, but I have no idea how Rain will react.
Also the fact that Payu is there, watching his boyfriend and best friend potentially lose their utter shit once they see what’s happened to Sky, is going to be A LOT. Payu will absolutely need to be the rock in this situation.
The way that Prapai races into the apartment, means he knows Sky’s in serious trouble. Someone must have tipped them off about Gun. And Prapai, having had enough clues about Sky’s ex, immediately registers that this is really, really bad.
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But the worst part was this. THIS. I’m sure this entire episode is just going to put me through the absolute wringer until not a single drop of moisture in me remains. Seeing Sky after what happens to him is going to be what kills us all. However bad I think it’s going to be, its going to be a hundred times worse actually seeing it.
This poor, poor, child. He looks so utterly empty, numb and shell-shocked, which is somehow far, far, worse than seeing him cry. Because it means Gun has completely broken him and he can’t feel anything anymore.
This is why I’m very concerned they’ve left this all to the last episode. I really hope they ensure there’s enough time to address the aftermath, Sky healing especially - because we NEED to see him healthy, or at least on some path to healing by the end of the series. We also need some serious healing for all those involved - Prapai obviously, Rain too probably.
PRAYER CIRCLE FOR ALL PRAPAISKY FANS NEXT WEEK. It’s going to be a real tough one 😭😭😭
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i've started a new save file in pla for the purpose of compiling all the minor npc names and dialogue from the major settlements, and noting changes over time, because i have a normal amount of interest in pla trivia and minutia, and one thing that immediately jumped out to me that i didn't notice in previous go-rounds b/c i probably wasn't paying too much attention:
the protagonist's room has visibly been previously occupied.
even upon your first arrival, there are strings of veggies and two pairs of sandals hung up around the hearth. there's a survey tips notebook that looks to have been haphazardly thrown onto the end table. mismatched dishware and bottles stacked up on the shelves. a shirt hanging up on the wall you can't wear. most striking to me are those two glass jars full of pretty rocks that have been left on the windowsill. investigating them gets the comment that "someone" must have found them and collected them, "...but they're just plain old stones."
it's honestly always been sort of weird to me that in jubilife, this developing town where everyone's constantly commenting on how scarce resources are and how tough life is, there was just this entire spare lodging available complete with furniture and food and they were all fine with letting some random survey recruit use it as their solo personal quarters. but if that room was recently deserted, that might actually be a pretty good explanation. leaving just the one question,
whose was it, and what happened to them?
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lightstar789 · 1 year
Link clickers how are we feeling about that finale?
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Preview of Playlists
So, apparently y'all care about my thoughts and opinions for some reason.
This is a lil preview of the kind of songs that I think would fit the Sides, and maybe some other characters too.
I spent all day analyzing the Sides' official playlists to make sure this specific list was as in-character as I could get it. A lot of the songs moving forward may be very ooc. Plus, it was also the first time hearing the Sides' playlists, so that was fun.
For future reference, all of the songs were thought of/picked BEFORE I ever listened to the playlists. So, prepare for inaccuracy.
These ones are explained, but the bigger lists/playlists may not be. I want to give more in-depth analyses of these, but I don't have room. Always feel free to ask about the songs I choose!
Trigger/Content Warning: Putting Others First/SvS Redux spoilers, themes of self-doubt & self-deprecation, discussions of--> religious themes, morals & morality & moral-related mindsets, worthlessness & self-doubt (suicidal undertones?), Hero/Saviour Complex & perfectionism
•Read under the cut•
> Infinitesimal by Mother Mother
I've mentioned this one before in another post (this post). It has a big theme of space and stars and mentions the Big Bang. It fits the general vibe of Logan's official playlist, with all the facts included in his songs. So, as I've said before, it includes facts and scientific things in the lyrics. Its main theme revolves around the word and meaning of "infinitesimal", which is a neat lil reference to that one mistake Logan made in canon. It also has a part of the song where it speaks rather than sings, which is when it talks more about the facts. The lyrics, "Strangely, I've been feeling like a big bang / 'Cause I've been making mountains out of concaves" has a lil saying or a reference to a saying. Making "mountains out of concaves" is essentially making something out to be bigger than it really is. When something feels or seems like it's a bigger deal than it really is (cognitive distortions, anyone?). Also, the lyrics, "Like my soul, just like my soul / You think it's so infinitesimal" are important. It makes me think how Logan may feel like his input or problems or feelings are not very important compared to others. As far as I can see in the main canon storyline, he keeps getting disregarded. If it's not logic and facts, he seems to be made fun of as if it's not a big deal.
> Gilded Lily by Cults
It was a little easy picking this one, tbh. It mentions a "slow heart", and doesn't that just scream Patton? I know it's more on the angstier side of things, but it fits (in my opinion). Especially with all the drama and self-doubt that popped up in POF/SvS Redux. The lyrics, "But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?" is quite literally and basically what happened with Patton as Morality. He usually has a black-and-white mindset, but then got hit with the reality that life isn't always like that. Life, and humanity, is very grey. There's a lot of in-betweens. Also, the lyrics, "Always the fool with the slowest heart" is just- yeah. Yep, that's Patton. He seems to be confused a lot in canon and is slow to certain realizations. It can take him a bit to catch up to the others in some regards. Then, of course, the lyrics, "Haven't I given enough?" has multiple meanings and uses for Patton specifically. He tries so hard to do the right thing, have the "right" morals, and yet it never seems to be enough in the grand scheme of things. He gives a lot of love, but sometimes he can be overbearing and is learning a middle ground for that. Lastly, the lyrics, "Now that it's been long enough to talk about it" makes me think of upcoming episodes, aka: the season finale. Perhaps the previous episode(s) will be addressed, or at least affect, the future videos? (Another theory for another time; I have a lot of theories, sorry).
> Average by Sushi Soucy
This song has been on my mind, and it seemed to fit Roman. I'm not very good with getting songs right for Roman, but I think this is the most accurate that I've picked. The themes of self-doubt, the topic of acting, feeling like you're worthless because you can't be perfect/the best? Yeah, definitely Roman. He is a perfectionist, and debatably has a Hero/Saviour Complex going on. As Thomas' Ego, he is very fragile. Comments are taken to heart, no matter how harmless they were intended to be. He's very insecure. The lyrics, "If you never show off, your only critic is yourself" seems to describe Roman pretty well. He is a critic of himself: he must be perfect, a classic Disney hero, a protective prince of the innocent. He critiques himself harshly, as addressed in an earlier episode (Am I Original?). He still does throughout the series, though it's more in the background. He believes himself a failure if he cannot be the best at what he is and what he does. Also, the lyrics, "You got the skills of an idiot who got too much praise" reminds me of Roman. Being praised for his results and habits, especially with his perfectionist mindset, really f*cked with him. He isn't prepared, mentally nor emotionally, to take rejection or be less-than in any way. If his work isn't the absolute greatest, then it's sh*t. That's his mindset. He may think he's worthless if he cannot produce excellence every time. If he's worthless, then... what's the point? What's the point of him creating if it's not received well? He also seems to be clinging to every single praise, no matter how little it is.
> Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (feat. Willaim Beckett) by Set it Off
It took me a while because a lot of the songs I have for Virgil are more about him and Janus specifically, rather than just him. But, here we are! I choose a song by Set It Off because a good amount of their songs remind me of Virgil, and I think he'd like the band in general. This specific song I picked because it makes me think of how Virgil may view/may feel about Janus and Remus, and all their recent appearances/involvement. It's clear in canon that whatever happened for Virgil to leave the dark Sides, it was mainly between Virgil and Janus. He feels betrayed and hurt. Remus- well, he's just unsettled by him. Not much drama goes on between those two. The lyrics, "Beware, beware, be skeptical / Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold / Deceit so natural" are important. It literally says "deceit", so it fits with Virgil's and Janus' enemy-thing going on. He's warned the others and c!Thomas against lying before. Remember the episode, A New Year of Lying to Myself... In Song!, where they sing a song about lying? How Virgil was so insistent that c!Thomas be truthful with himself, rather than make promises he knew he'd break? Yeah, Virgil has been very opposed to deception from the beginning (probably because of his relationship with Janus). ALSO: this song is literally about a "wolf in sheep's clothing", or someone who is disguising themself as more innocent and "good" than they really are. Again, this is how Virgil views Janus. It may not be the truth of the situation, cause it's Virgil's opinions and thoughts. I have a lot more to say, but this is already really long. Ask about it if you want me to explain more.
> Until It Doesn't Hurt by Mother Mother
Listen, okay. Knowing Janus' official playlist and the amount of jazz/jazz-adjacent songs that were there, this one fit that jazzy trend. Plus, with all the recent angst of POF/SvS Redux, it makes me think of Janus. I'd imagine he'd just let things be because he doesn't want to make it worse. Janus is petty, yes. BUT, he's also trying to be accepted and stay accepted, so I doubt he wants to f*ck things up more than they already are. This song also gives into Janus' more petty and vengeful side. The lyrics, "I wanna tear all my bridges down" reminds me of how petty and selfish Janus can be. He wants to tear down all the bridges that don't serve him. All those connections that aren't good or self-serving in a way. All those "alliances" that seem to be turning into the opposites, the connections with people who've turned into rivals or even enemies. All in the name of self-preservation and self-care. He doesn't want to keep connections that could hurt him. Also, the lyrics, "I wanna swallow all the light" are important for Janus, in my opinion. It reminds me of pre-SvS/pre-POF Janus, specifically him in Can Lying Be Good? when he was first introduced. Back when everyone (including us Fanders) believed him to be nothing but a villainous antagonist, put in place to "swallow all the light". To be the darkness that balanced out the light Sides. Makes me think of how Roman hurt Janus in POF/SvS Redux, and how Janus could be tempted to hurt the others back because he is petty. More to say on these specific lyrics, but I'm running out of room. Lastly, the lyrics, "If I can't make it right / Then I won't make it worse" are something to discuss. Janus knows he messed up with the famous line, "Roman, thank God you don't have a mustache. Otherwise, between you and Remus- well, I wouldn't know who the evil twin is." Cause that was a very low blow. They BOTH attacked each other's insecurities, but I wonder if that specific line also affected Remus, as well? (A theory for another time). Anyway, I like to think Janus knows he can't make it better right now, so he refuses to make it worse by trying to do anything.
> Can't Go to Hell by Sin Shake Sin
Not going to lie, it took me very long to pick just one for Remus. I apparently had a lot that seemed to fit him perfectly and canonically, and that seemed to work for his official playlist. The reason I picked this one specifically is because of the religious themes and the cover art is a familiar sight for those of us who saw that one easter egg in Moving On (Part 2?). Plus, it fits Remus' general vibe of being a chaotic and reckless gremlin. The lyrics, "Deafened by the naive while we silence the wise" is just yus. Kind of a nod to Remus being repressed/ignored, and sharing that in common with Logan (think back to that one scene in WTIT, the orange outburst Logan had). Also, the lyrics, "This romance with ignorance has left us behind" speaks volumes to c!Thomas being ignorant to some things about himself. For example, before he confronted Remus and his existence, or even before he confronted his capacity for deception and learned about Janus. Ignorance, or Denial (also Janus? That's a theory for another time), has left c!Thomas in the dark for a lot of things. It "left him behind" in regards to knowing himself, and it only seemed to created problems for him. Also, Remus seems to reference Hell a lot, so the point of "we're already in Hell" makes me think of him.
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pochapal · 1 year
shannon umineko tell me what you know Right Now
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
The eye that was really bloodshot when Jason came back to life is wrapped up in Robin Lives.
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This attention to detail has made me even more excited for this book.
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la-regina-scrive · 1 year
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Preview of my Zine piece for Geass Fragments: A Code Geass Fanzine!
You can find them here on Tumblr: @geasszine
I'd like to thank @tofucasserole and @fury-brand for helping me with the Absolute Mess™ that was my first draft of this essay.
Additional very special thanks to @alchimique and the editors working on the zine who helped me polish the subsequent drafts to a shine, and to my fellow zine contributors who talked through ideas with me, helped me choose areas of focus, and encouraged my use of the (working) title The Chad Char vs The Virgin Lelouch.
It was a pleasure to work collaboratively with passionate fans of Code Geass on this project, and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to participate. I can't wait to see the final zine when it's all done.
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cheesy09 · 2 years
[CN] Upcoming Kiro S2 Chapter Karmas
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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You asked what would remain, after the spotlight dissipates.
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I will find you, no matter how long it takes.
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(preview of Ada’s perspective)
(to be read within my everyday with you series)
(currently editing it and might words may be different from the final fic! will be posted on ao3 before cross posted onto here)
Act 1: the façade of Ada Wong
In the quiet of night, she stares in the ghostly wet reflection of the mirror. The mists obscuring her visage until she unceremoniously wipes it with her hand. She appears like an apparition, lost in the fog. 
Her skin is hot, nearly burning with the boiling waters poured onto her naked body. The burning sensation was a gentle sensitive reminder; that she was still here. 
The aftermath of her daily ritual clouds the rest of the room in a humid air. The smallest breaths of the autumn night air slips in as the fiery heat escapes out a tiny cracked open window.
She sees herself and yet she doesn’t. The image of the woman in front of her... isn’t her. The elusive Ada Wong. She’s not really Ada Wong, but she is. It’s her face, her eyes, her lips. She reacts to the name, but she can’t see herself anymore. Her birth name was lost, forgotten so long ago. Her new name imprinted on her and rings in her ears in the sound of his voice.
Water droplets drips from her wet tresses, her dark black hair sticking to her forehead and the sides of her face. She wasn’t naive to her own vanity, using her beauty to her advantage if she saw fit. And yet every little imperfection she saw was a weakness she had to cover, to shield away from the world. 
The counter was littered with expensive products. Creams and lotions, toners and acids, all meant to turn back the wheel of time. Gold covered tubes held reds and pinks, ones that she coated on her lips with gentle dabs of her ring finger. Long tubes filled with a dark midnight black coated her lashes. An eyelash curler was used to bend and open her lashes. Such a tool was nicknamed a “torture device” from Leon, unaware of the intricacies of a woman’s beauty routine. 
As the rest of her shower fades away, the mirror growing clearer, the facade of Ada Wong appears again. Her sharp sleek black hair combed into a straight cut bob. Flicked out eyeliner that frames her eyes to pierce into anyone’s soul who dared to meet her gaze. Glossy red lips that pout innocently, but smirk into a viciously sly grin. 
She swallows, lifting her head up high. Face framing strands of her hair fall against her cheek. Her shoulders drop, her chest falling with a slow exhale. 
Ada Wong, the mercenary appears.
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sumitava3 · 5 months
The Kiwiman Daryl Mitchell is gonna be the most crucial player for CSK tonight, he's gonna dictate the terms,the fate of CSK in the game tonight. Replacing a stalwart like Ambati Rayudu at CSK is very tough, he's been a true legend of the league and to fill in the big shoes, he's the most suitable candidate because he bats in the middle order and plays spin, pace both equally well, has the timing game as well as the power game to hit effortless sixes down the ground. The potential is there, the performance has also been there for the Blackcaps. Now it's high time tonight to start replicating those in the CSK colours and repay the huge faith shown towards him, the continuous backing has to reap the Rewards tonight onwards. If he doesn't get going, CSK can't win on flat decks and shouldn't dream of clinching the record sixth title they're running running after. The bowling is the weaker side, and with the uncertainty over the availability of Pathirana, it's evident that you've to score 230+ at least at the Wankhede against this destructive MI batting lineup and Mitchell holds the key for CSK if they wanna reach that score and compete neck to neck, otherwise the game is over in the first innings itself, more so considering a full loaded gun, a magician named Jasprit Bumrah will be charging at you from the MI arsenal. The simple funda is chasing at the Wankhede, and I'd love to see Santner bowling in place of Theekshana if Baby Malinga doesn't turn up on the ground tonight. CSK will be desperate to see their two most vital weapons bowling at the death in tandem to give them some respite and a glimpse of hope against this vintage, clinical and professional MI unit. CSK badly needs Mitchell to fire tonight, he has to come good, come to the party finally, he's had a poor run up till now but they've backed him and will continue because there's no better option than Mitchell at 4, replacing Ambati. Hopefully the big game player will come to the rescue of the yellow army. Mitchell has to play long and big. He's an asset for CSK and will be the most vital wicket for MI to clinch the game in the CSK batting innings to choke them so Expect Hardik to save Boom's overs, bowl him only one in the powerplay and unleash the speedster as soon as Mitchell comes to the crease. You've to utilise your best weapon differently every game depending upon the demands of the particular match, you've to be adaptable and felxible, there's nothing called predetermined in captaincy or cricket. You've to go with your gut feel, and back your instincts, take the onus and make those instant brave calls when it's close calls and the intensity is really creeping on on the ground at the moment and you gotta have a plan B or Plan C, D in the el classico, this is a high pressure game and it's gonna decide mi rising up on the ladder, so the context is very big and with the rich legacy of the two teams, expect an intense battle, a nailbiter on the cards for all of us. You can't comment like I don't mind losing the IPL final to Mahibhai, it's written on the destiny because of the personal camaraderie when you're getting paid a whopping sum for being a professional and a skipper of a team with a rich legacy in the league, to go with. So fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a mouthwatering clash at our hands
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goldennika · 6 months
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Blonde OT5 expectations vs reality
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