#probably not a Canon Moment i just wanted to see how they look together y'know
syrcus · 4 months
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good news btw
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sophswritingthings · 7 months
explosive - hazel callahan 
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pairing: hazel callahan x forfem!cheerleader!reader
warning(s): no warnings, actually! it’s just really fluffy <3 swearing, tho!
tropes: fluff, friends to lovers, sort of canon compliant, first kiss
summary: hazel’s had a crush on you forever. and it really comes to a boiling point when you and the girls go to tp and egg jeff's house. and when she, y'know, set offs a bomb.
a/n: was hazel knowing how to make a bomb hot…….. or was that just me?
word count: 1,144 words / 6,176 characters
hazel was watching you from afar; her eyes trailing up and down your figure. your cute, graphic tee to your lazy comfy sweatpants; which, she only knew your wore when you wanted to get messy. since, you only ever wore them during your art class. 
“hazel, your fucking staring her down,” pj glared at the girl beside her. “you're such a stalker.”
“I— i am not!” hazel hissed back, “I’m… gonna go work on that bomb now.”
meanwhile, you were sort of watching her too. the way her eyes creased together into somewhat of an angry look; but you didn’t think you'd ever seen hazel callahan truly angry. 
that was besides the point.
you thought she was adorable, to which, she was. 
and those thoughts were now dragging you toward jeff's car, where hazel was slipped under. her marked up convers were hanging out from the top of the car.
“hey, hazel.”
the car almost jerked up, and you heard a “fuck” from under the car. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, though you did wonder if she was okay. 
“you okay, hazel? I didn’t mean to spook you. probably should have thought about that before I came up on someone under a car, huh?” you chuckle in response.
“I-it’s fine,” she says from under the car, her voice choked up. she was nervous, and her face was best red—glad that it was hidden under the body of the car. 
“you sure?” you cock your head, bending down to be sat on your knees. “that sounded kinda painful.”
hazel hums a little, “mm-hm!” in a response. she slides out from under the car for a moment. she wanted to see your beautiful face, even if hers was currently covered in soot and ash.
and even if it was beat red.
than a loud, shrill beep sounded from under the car.
“um, hazel, is that something we should be concerned about——“
out of instinct, she grasps your hand tight. she pulls herself to her feet, as well as you, and begins to charge for their “getaway” car. she slides into the backseat, pulling you in beside her.
after a few seconds, you feel her hand still clasped around yours. It made your heart beat a million miles a minute, her rough, coarse hands rubbing against yours. In comparison, yours were small and soft. holding a hand like hazel's felt…
… nice.
a few moments later, you feel those same hands covering your ears, pulling your head close to the crook of her neck. instead of covering her own ears, she covered yours, as if you didn’t have the hands to do so.
she was so cute. so thoughtful…
you two were, as of now, in the car alone. despite the damn bomb going off; the girls still hadn’t hopped back in the car, hadn’t driven away.
that left you alone with a hot girl you had a crush on. 
and you were pretty sure she liked you, too.
“so,” you gently nudge your knee against hazel’s. “how the hell do you know how to make a bomb?” you scoff, glancing at her with a playful expression.
“Its… not that hard,” she laughs, looking bashful as ever. “not like I’m some child genius.”
“still impressive,” you nudge your knee against her's again, causing her to look up at you, “learn that in robotics, or somethin’?”
she shrugs, “um, the mechanics of the it, sure,” hazel clears her throat. “rest online…”
“it’s.. it’s. yeah, it’s cool.” you smile softly. you gaze at her, maybe for a moment too long, your eyes locked together. “hazel… I… um—“
your words are cut off. 
the rest of the girls slide into the car. 
two more slide into the back, isabel and brittany. they pressed the two girls closer together, your thigh pressed gently against hazel’s. it made you blush, sure, but—it felt good. It felt… right.
you and hazel glance at each other, laughing softly. it’s a knowing laugh. you know what you were going to say; and you hoped you'd get the chance to finish it later. It was hazel's car that they were driving in, after all. they'd have to drop isabel and brittany off, drop pj off, let josie drive herself home than—
—it would be just you two.
twenty minutes of driving later and it’s just the two of you. you’ve moved into the drivers and passengers seat, the only sound between you two for a moment is the sound of the heater in hazel’s car rumbling to keep you warm in the cold weather.
“.. I have a feeling you knew what I was gonna say.. don’t you?” you chuckle, your cheeks bright red as you gaze out the windshield in front of you.
“.. I-I could guess,” hazel murmurs, her fingers tapping against the leather steering wheel. “because I kind wanted to say it, too.”
you pause. you had a feeling that it was reciprocated, but god to hear it out loud…
“well, than..” you whisper, “good to know.”
hazel chuckles, “yeah.. that’s pretty good to know.”
you laugh right back, realizing how stupid your words actually sounded.
you grab your purse as the car comes to a stop outside your large house. you open the passengers door, stepping outside the car.
and, unsurprisingly, hazel has followed you.
“so,” your eyes trail up her body, landing on her beautiful blue eyes. “could I say it’s pretty evident that i’d really like to kiss you right now?”
“you.. could say that.” hazel murmured, resting a hand on your cheek. she began to lean down, considering your height difference. her lips where inches from yours. “can I—“
before she gets to finish her question, you gently press your lips against hers. they’re warm; and taste almost like a hint of vanilla lipgloss. 
It was good. It was all so good. It felt like your insides were exploding, from the idea. your stomach squirming, your hands twitching on the back of hazel’s neck—which, you were sure she could feel.
when you pulled back, you took in a little gasp of air.
“a date, than?” you prompt, smiling. “how does tomorrow sound?”
“tomorrow?” her eyes light up at the thought. she didn’t think you’d wanna go on a date with her that soon. “sounds perfect. I—I’ll come and pick you up?”
“amazing,” you nod your head, giving her a smile and a wave over your shoulder as you walk toward your house. 
she watched as you slipped inside, leaning against her car with her arms folded. the idea that such an amazing girl would like… her? the loser masc lesbian is who nobody talked to?
the idea was foreign to her.
yet here you were, kissing her and asking her on a date. 
it was all so… amazing, to her.
she couldn’t wait. not one second.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 47 - Indie
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It is cute to see that indie is still friends with all the people he met during his adolescence.
Cough-cough. Unlike certain other people.
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His and Kerubim's life stories are in direct opposition. If one of them ever spoke of their childhood, chances are, the other one would be like, "You have no parents? Well MINE was controlling so you have it better, WET-NOSE" or "You had a shit parent? WELL, AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T HAVE HIM DIE IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU WERE 5."
No wonder they hate each other's asses.
Though, it is funny how both of them had fathers who had always acted like no matter what they do, they will never be good enough.
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It's a shame we hadn't seen these friends of Lou's during the series. They have nice designs, especially the yellow one.
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Not a Jurgen-Crepin food moment, but this might be useful for pinpointing which fruits exist within the setting.
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Patafiks is so funny to me, like... Guys there are 5.5 characters in the animated shows who are canonically queer in some way. One of them fucking sucks, one of them dies within the 20 minutes of being introduced, the 0.5 of them is Kerubim Crepin's ambiguous gender dysphoria, the normal two are Simone and Julie, and the last one is a dogboy yandere (who briefly dated("dated") Kerubim Crepin).
We live in a society.
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Indie talks about Kerubim the same way I talk about him on this blog. We are so alike...
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Insert "this bitch always starting shit" meme here.
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Even though Ouginaks and Ecaflips both follow the same god, — albeit his different sides, — this perfectly showcases the difference in ideology that makes them hate one another.
While Ecaflips are all about mysticism, destiny, prophetising, and simply letting the current flow, Ouginaks are all about making their destiny.
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Though I will be real, considering the things Ecaflip puts his demigods through, — like the, uh, son leaderboard within his dimension, or his treatment of Kerubim, (and his hatred of women, I guess, since there is no daughter leaderboard?) — as well as the Ecaflip City and its Ecaflip Psychward, I think his two personalities are more alike than we are led to believe.
It's just that the kitty personality has more glitz, and is better at masking being just as sadistic.
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This line really puts how long they've known each other into perspective. God.
It also makes me think hard about the tendency of Ankama to not make distinct visual designs for characters aging, — like in Waven. Despite 30 years having passed between season 1 of Wakfu, and the start of Waven, characters like Miranda and Kabrok still look exactly the same.
I had always associated young Kerubim's design with the age range of 19-30 at best, but who's to say he can't, in this episode, be in his 40s-50s? How many years did he and Lou live together for? And how large is the gap of that unaccounted for part of Kerubim's life, the one that he never opens up about, after Lou had left him?
...I think I hauve covid.
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Y'know what, I think I will be insane for a minute, and say this:
Joris, Atcham, and Kerubim really are like platonic soulmates. It feels like every single thing in their lives somehow rhymes, — like every single step they took simply brought them close to the inevitable conclusion of being together.
Sure, whatever, just tell me things like "Atcham knew, and worked with Julith, and they had a pretty amicable relationship", "Yeah Kerubim and Indie rescued the Ivory Dofus that would one day lead to Joris's birth, and then would lead to his orphanhood", "Yeah Kerubim has always wanted to be a father, and felt a certain way about kids being orphaned the same way he was", "Yeah Atcham and Kerubim went to the same war where Julith and Jahash fell in love and were probably their seconds-in-command."
Tell me that. Expect me to be normal about it. I promise I won't disappoint you.
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I always found it very interesting that, despite becoming the Champion of Bonta, it was not Indie who went to that war, but Kerubim.
Perhaps Indie was long happily retired by that point, — perhaps he veered from adventuring into archaeology, for his museum, — while Kerubim was old, with no friends, and not much to live for anymore.
It probably was a self-destruction thing, in the "Atcham, and The Butcher of Brakmar herself, will be there. I'm so bored, and tired... It will be poetic if I defeat them, or die trying to. Then I'll be a legend. Also, there are a lot of people at wars, maybe one of them will be friendly to me :3" way.
World of Twelve heroes are always doing this shit. 💀 though considering he can't die, this isn't even suicidal ideation. It's ideation-ideation. God.
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Despite everything, Kerubim does care about Indie, a lot. Indie seems to have cared for him too, — but, at times, I really do wonder if Kerubim's feelings for him ran much deeper than Indie's.
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Every sign of genuine emotion is laughed at, and a genuine "I had always respected you" gets a downright haunting "yeah, and your taxidermied head will look nice in my museum when you die".
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That must hurt, doesn't it?
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It's funny, how life works out. Just like Kerubim, he ended up raising his kid in a completely opposite way than how he was raised. And then he dies, and his kid gets taken in by Kerubim, — who has already taken in the child of his another enemy.
...The implications of Lilotte's life make me sad. Unlike Joris, she didn't grow up in a hazardous, infested, hoarding environment. Indie was likely not mentally ill to the shits. Yet Joris's worst nightmare, — his father passing away, and him being forced to fend for himself, — actually happened to her, immediately ripping away the normal, maybe even privileged, life she had. And it just compounds the sense of loss she already had for her birth parents.
Unlike Joris, who grew up wondering vaguely about his birth family, it seems like much more of a sore spot, with her attachment to her bell...
(Off topic but, god, it's so Bonta-core, that the adoptive daughter of a previous champion of Bonta, who had a museum and was rich, ended up on the streets like a stray. I hate that city so much, it's unreal.)
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She uses some pretty dark humor to cope with that. I mean, she already lost two families. No way in hell she's losing a third one. Which kinda harkens back to Kerubim's own backstory, and his own loss of the entire Crepin family, save for Atcham.
I think it's cute that, just like him, — she becomes a mother at some point in her life. Maybe it's because she looked up to Kerubim, who had a similar life story to hers, and that inspired her. Maybe it's just something she wanted, even without thinking of Kerubim's own orphan to dad pipeline.
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But either way, it's like poetry — it rhymes.
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
Oh that og lloyd returns and suho goes through the reincarnation gate ask and answer were incredible. I'm usually like happy ending and would have said that what if javier does the same where he goes to verkis and try to get suho lloyd and does bring him, because i can't imagine suho lloyd staying in seoul alone or worst, but then would it have a happy ending? with him there with og lloyd, he'll also have mixed feelings because it's not the og lloyd he talked at the train or its the same buy forgot their conversation
let's not forget the before suho lloyd comes back and weeks passed by already lorasia, the people of the county, the engineers, the white calvary, alicia, solitas, cordius, orcs, elf, sees og lloyd act and well this is not the person the person that they allied and spent time with
I sincerely agree with this "all in all. not a good time for anyone! which i think fucks i love this scenario it really woke up the brain worms <3"
about this
it's such a fun au because it makes everything immediately worse <3
i also tend to like happy endings more than anything else but i do admit i like putting my blorbos in situations even more salkdjsfds
and yeah javier definitely went looking for lloyd in this au too. probably even sooner than he did in canon lol. cause at least in canon he was certain that lloyd had just been reborn, he thought that he was lost to him forever, that the best he could get was to know if he was happy in his next life. in this version he wouldn't be so sure. after all lloyd crossed the gate and now og lloyd is back. so clearly the reincarnation gate doesn't work as straightforwardly as one might first have assumed.
i think the moment he snapped out of his "should i just throw him back" moment and the guilt over his momentary lapse of control passed he would've gone straight to the jewel of truth and asked what happened to lloyd. and then gone bother one of the most powerful beings in the universe into opening a portal to his bf.
fuck the consequences he wants his lloyd back goddammit
this would simultaneously make everything better and also worse.
better because at least now lloyd isn't, y'know, dead and so everyone who cares for him in whatever shape or form isn't mourning him. arcos and marbella would especially be overjoyed, because now they have all of their children together, they're all okay, they're all safe and this time it will probably stick. julian,,, would be conflicted because he now has to deal with the fact the brother he thought he knew had been lying to him for years and (non-maliciously as it might have been) tricked him into forgiving the person who made his life hell almost his entire life and now there's no handy grief to make it easy to overlook all of that. but i do think he would be very, very happy his hyung he loves and admires so much is alive and safe and now they can get to know each other for real.
worse because now lloyd isn't dead and og lloyd gets to see just how much everyone loves him. just how much respect and affection he earned, how much he achieved, how loved he became in just five years compared to what og lloyd did in his entire life. and man would that suck for the guy. like. genuinely would be a terrible thing to go through. but again. i don't think he would do anything about it. like. he wouldn't see the point. he'd be angry, he'd throw some epic tantrums but i don't think he would put in the effort to change his behavior.
in canon og lloyd achieved some kind of resignation and peace with his situation because he saw first hand the kind of stuff lloyd did, he followed him around, he saw how much effort he put in, the kind of things he went through... it's hard to deny someone has earned something when you see them put their sweat blood and tears into it.
in this au, this og lloyd doesn't get that. as far as he knows he passed out one night and then woke up five-ish years later to find that no only did some fucker walk around in his body for all that time but everyone that he knows is mourning the man. the fucking guy who stole his body. like. yeah i would kind of also be pissed i'm not gonna lie.
he doesn't know how bad things got, how hard it was to save the estate, hell, the entire country, he'd only see all the results and none of the struggles. he wouldn't get why people, his family especially, are so happy to have him back. and he'd get very angry about i think.
and to be fair his anger would be mostly outrage at lloyd stealing his body (unintentionally but still), jealousy and some genuinely hurt feelings. i do think he'd be understandably hurt that his family is apparently more concerned about the guy that impersonated him than for him who was gone for years (*cough* even if i do think he kind of earned it *cough*)
as for lloyd,,, yeah no this is not an ideal situation for him either. he'd be over the moon at being able to come back, don't get me wrong, that part wouldn't change, but to come face to face with the guy he accidentally replaced, whose family he kind of took as his, and who doesn't remember the conversation and tentative truce they came to in hell,,, definitely not how he hoped this would go.
i don't know if he would actually feel very guilty cause like. well at least the guy is alive now. and he's no longer doomed to a self-caused premature death. and he gets to live in a debt-free estate that's been turned into the most powerful territory of the whole continent. so like. he thinks og lloyd got a pretty good deal out of it. yeah losing five years sucks but he would've died a couple years ago anyway.
i do think he'd feel very awkward about calling arcos and marbella 'father' and 'mother' like he wanted to. if he already felt awkward in canon it would be even worse in this au with og lloyd glaring at him from a corner any time their parents so much at smile at him. i don't think it would stop him completely, but he'd definitely tone it down when they're all together.
let's not forget the before suho lloyd comes back and weeks passed by already lorasia, the people of the county, the engineers, the white calvary, alicia, solitas, cordius, orcs, elf, sees og lloyd act and well this is not the person the person that they allied and spent time with
ooff yeah, it's one thing in canon when lloyd just goes away and then comes back with a new face. here they would actually have to deal with the original guy and like. he sucks </3
i do wish we had more info about how much of the situation is public knowledge. we know a couple people know about the whole kim suho thing once he comes back but i don't know how much the fronteras would've told anyone about it beforehand. my guess would be nothing, because honestly it was none of their business lol but i guess in this au they would have to offer some kind of explanation. either they tell the truth or they pretend og lloyd has amnesia and that's why he's different of the way people expect him to be. either way i think it would be a very hard sell in either scenario. funny enough i think the lie is actually more believable in this case lol
again. not a great situation for anyone involved! which i think it's fantastic! maybe not to them but to me <3 which is the most important thing here <33
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oboetemasuka · 2 months
Hi pal! I DMed a passage from A More Restricted Existence for director's commentary if you want 👀
Hi! Sorry for the delay. Motivation can be finicky.
You might know from the previews that the original passage was a lot shorter. That was because I really wanted to send out the preview before I went to sleep.
"W-why did you…” Amane wasn’t sure what she was trying to ask Mahiru, but it wasn’t the question so much as the sentiment that needed to get across. Mahiru extended a hand to help Amane sit up. “Look, I get that I can be… overbearing at times… all of us, really. But I really can’t bear to see you so distant. So afraid. So hurt. If you could just let us in, wouldn’t it help us all?” Amane nodded quietly. Why was she the one relying on others now?
You might remember me asking for tips on the ending. I felt that it didn't have enough time to sink in.
So when I went around to revise it, I broke it into parts and fleshed each part out.
Here's what it looked like on paper.
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Now sit back and enjoy the commentary!
Amane tried to breathe slowly, making up for lost air without agitating her injuries. Mahiru waited for her to speak.
Poor girl is trying to calm down, but it hurts. Good thing Mahiru is patient with her. (I'm trying to remember if Mahiru is this patient in canon.)
"W-why did you…" Amane had no real question in mind, just a sentiment.
I, uh… I didn't have a solid question in mind either. Something along the lines of "Why did you come find me?" perhaps, but it didn't feel right. On the one hand, it would have been a rhetorical question. Why? Because the restraints have reset (Yuno probably spent a moment helping Mahiru first) and Amane isn't around and she's terribly injured and who knows where she is and if she's trapped and if she's in danger and how much pain she is in-
Their fears are not unfounded.
Mahiru extended a hand to help Amane sit up. "Look, I get that I can be… overbearing at times… all of us, really. But I really can't bear to see you so distant.”
Amane-chan, stop running away. We're only trying to help :(((
The way Amane averted her eye only proved Mahiru’s point.
Y'know, every time I write OoA, I worry that I'll accidentally mention her "eyes". (The only post-attack exception is the voice drama, when she took off her eyepatch.)
“So afraid.” 
The light from the door shone on Amane’s face. She hated that it let Mahiru see her expression.
I wanted to say something about Mahiru being backlit. So Mahiru can see Amane's face but not the other way around. Ah well. Can't put everything in writing.
“So hurt.” 
Amane moved her hand to cover her right eye, but Mahiru gently pushed it away and clasped it in both of her hands. Despite Mahiru’s calm demeanor, Amane could feel her hands trembling.
This is meant to mirror your first drabble.
“That’s not…” Amane pulled away. Her voice stayed level, despite hiccups interrupting her. A hand reached up to her eyepatch. “It’s this. It’s all of this. It’s sinful. I took it off last night, but he must have…” She started unwrapping it. “They’re going to punish me...”  With a careful motion, Mahiru held it in place and took Amane’s hands into her own. She’d been picking up on the signs ever since they arrived here together, and a final wave of understanding washed over her.  “I can’t let you do that.” Amane’s expression twisted, though words came out far more frantic than fiery. “Let me go.” 
But this time, Amane doesn't resist.
“If you could just let us in, wouldn't it help us all?"
As you can see from the original passage, I drew out this part of the dialogue. I wanted it to sink in more.
Amane didn’t respond for several minutes. She thought she would break if she said anything. She just let Mahiru hold her hand in silence.
Is it a common feeling to be too choked up to speak? To not want to talk when you're about to cry, or else you will cry? 
She leaned forward and rested her head on Mahiru’s shoulder, gripping the sleeve with her free hand. If anyone asked, she was not crying. Not even a little. Mahiru softly patted her on the back.
You know you want the comfort… you know you do. Oh, the reluctance to admit weakness. When I sketched out this scene, though, I kept her right eye away from Mahiru's shoulder, so she was holding the sleeve with her right hand.
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 Amane used to be the one who went around offering help. Why was she the one relying on others now?
Something about Amane being an emotional core even in canon Milgram. She wants to help the other prisoners. (Even if the audience is wary of her, I maintain that she's only trying to help in the way she knows how.)
Take this lyric from "Magic":
Dear wise one,  Is this ok? Is it ok to be weak sometimes?
I imagine the answer she knows is "no".
Supplementary reading material! This ask from the rp blog, regarding Eyepatch Amane's feelings on "Positive Parade.
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puzzleemerald · 5 months
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MORE FANFIC SHIP ART, LET'S GO! (I have a crippling addiction to commissioning art; send help) This piece was a YCH (Your Character Here) done for me by ItsNattie yet again—you'll be seeing a lot of her work on my blog.
Please don't reblog!
Time to wax poetic and ramble about my OC nonsense for five-plus paragraphs again! Remember, none of this is related to RP; I'll be talking about the FanFiction version of Amaterasu! The version of her I roleplay with is a separate thing! The last thing I want is other Inuyasha RPers avoiding me because they think I'll only RP exclusively with Sesshōmaru RPers! >< I'm happy to interact with anyone! ♥️
Sesshōmaru is one of my oldest childhood crushed ever; Inuyasha was such a big part of my childhood because my family had the complete collection of DVDs, so it just makes too much sense I'd end up having an OC shipping with him as an adult. He's such a beautiful character, for one; I am cripplingly weak to guys with long hair. However, he's also so mysterious without being like... super edgy and broody, like this ethereal ghost with his own goal separate from literally everyone. Just flying around, doing his own thing, kicking ass, and looking fabulous doing it.
For me, making an OC for a pairing is the best excuse to get super OCD and channel my autistic brain into hours upon hours of studying a canon character—in this case, studying Sesshōmaru. People just fascinate me. Well... specifically, fictional people fascinate me. Real people are scary. However, when I was conceptualizing Amaterasu—this was long before I'd named her and settled on making her the Shinto Kami of the Sun—I couldn't for the life of me think of what would make good chemistry with such a complex character as him.
Sesshōmaru has so much subtlety to him that it's hard to tell what he's thinking or feeling, even with context clues. As I got older, though, it hit me. If Sesshōmaru is mysterious and powerful, the best counterpart would be someone equally powerful... but more open! (Note: I've never read the Manga, and this was before I'd seen The Final Act, and waaay before Yashahime was a thing... so I had no idea SesshRin was gonna be a canon thing. XD)
...Then my sadist brain had a Metal Gear Solid alert sound effect moment, lol. What if I made her a Kami, thus an opposite to him, and ran with a Romeo and Juliet-esque situation where they can never be happy together in the end? I thought I was being so clever back then, lol.
From there, I was like a woman possessed, writing about ten pages of headcanons, situations, etc., daily for a week. (Unfortunately, it was all on paper, and those old notes have been lost to time... very sad.) I not only wrote about potential interactions between Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru but also possible interactions and dynamics she might (in my FanFic, this doesn't = my expectations for people I RP with) have with other canon characters like Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyō, Koga, Miroku, Sango, etc..
It was one of those magical moments where this fictional person you've made up in your head just comes alive, y'know? I love Amaterasu so much; I love that she's physically, mentally, and spiritually powerful. In many ways, despite seeming like such a calm, carefree queen, she wears her heart on her sleeve with her actions. I relate a lot to her perfectionism and always trying to be someone worthy. It was also entertaining to dive into the psychology of what it's probably like to be someone like Amaterasu... she was born in the highest position there is; she is the personification sun that keeps the world alive, and in Shinto, she's depicted as the mother of Japan (Grandmother to the first ever Emporer) and the most respected woman in the land. She's a god, but I imagine the way she thinks would be very human since the Shinto's depictions of their "gods," the kami, are very different from how modern religions depict gods.
The Kami are spirits of nature itself; they have enormous personalities to explain away why certain things happen, much like the Greek Pantheon. Yet, in my research, the Shinto Kami feel closer to humans than the Greek Gods because the Olympians stay on Olympus 90% of the time while Kami live and breathe their duty, their element. So I write Amaterasu as a figure of strength, warmth, and tenacity with a flaring temper she tries to manage so others don't get hurt. She admires other women who show inner strength and fight with their own hands, but she doesn't scrutinize women who are content to be passive or meek, either. She's protective of humans because she sees them all as her children and wants them to live long, fulfilling lives on whatever path they choose for themselves.
Throughout her story, Amaterasu tries so hard to do her best at everything she does, not just tunnel-visioning on defeating Naraku (her main objective and only ticket home) but stopping to help anyone in trouble or need, even if it might slow her down or delay her from reaching that big goal she's after. It's probably part of her I admire most; she's a good samaritan even if it's "beneath her," or "doesn't benefit her," or could even "hinder her" in some way.
She's an ideal I wish my cynical ass could be, lol.
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ladyseidr · 9 months
okay late sinday thing is late but how about a sinday headcanon dump!! multiple f.naf muses beneath cut <3 small tw for brief mention of self-harm scars/wounds ( not described )
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True Switch in every sense but will shit talk her partner no matter what so y'know—
dirty talk dirty talk dirty talk
bonus: will dirty talk in french hi hello
just a big fan of variety. sensual, rough, trying new things, doing what's familiar—it's all good!
mid-high sex drive
not into choking (although by default my only muse who is is william and perhaps henry LMAO))
as is already canon on @spring-lxcked, can and will peg her partner and is very good at it <3
knows she's hot and not afraid to show it ( ie. lingerie, revealing clothing, striptease, etc )
( laughing at her + my william, they must be the most fucking annoying couple in the world when they're together )
absolutely hooks up with william at least twice post-divorce in very dumb moments of weakness on both sides (wishlist wishlist wishlist—)
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leans top & domme, but not exclusively
don't even look at her unless you're good with humor in the bedroom, she's so annoying
deserves a wife. this isn't a sinday headcanon, it's just a fact. marry her.
so good with her hands, like way too good with her hands
relatively high sex drive
has had numerous friends-with-benefits situations that genuinely were just friends-with-benefits
pretty open to exploring most new kinks within reason
got sucked into a very passionate sexual relationship with a "straight" girl in her 20s. did not manage to keep feelings out of it (mutually). got her heart broken. you know how it goes
sex toys galore lbr. from basic to kinky, she's got 'em if she can afford them
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we don't need to say he likes it rough, that's been established on this blog already LMAO
(doesn't exclusively like it rough, pretty open-minded)
honestly probably a True Switch too. tends to be good with whatever his partner prefers and always down for switching it up
so hard to make him beg. but not. impossible. winks at u.
pull his hair come on do it—
takes a bit of "encouraging" the first time with a new partner but def a dirty talker
hasn't had a ton of sexual partners by choice. just not a very casual sex dude, other than a couple rare occasions
( has had a few committed relationships by the time he's married tho )
views himself as very masculine ( and carries some of the period-typical internalized issues associated with that ). will still melt if you call him beautiful in general, but especially in bed
over-the-clothes shit just really gets him going. grinding / dry-humping is just like. one of his Big Things, but he won't tell you
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haven't gotten to write him yet so this might be sparse
switch again (do you see the pattern with my muses?)
not 100% opposed to casual sex but def enjoys it more in a committed relationship
loves getting dirty talked
will also make jokes in bed at times + is quick to laugh off anything unexpected
tends to be more interested in men and masc-aligned ppl, but pretty open-minded
100% enjoys using sex toys with partners like please if his partner enjoys them, they'll end up with a treasure trove LMAO
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should be a given, but all of this is 18+ and also pre-scooping LMAO
switch who is fully convinced he's exclusively a top please help this man
will Not engage in certain kinks ( ie. bondage ) casually
me when i write mike by default in his like. ~ early twenties knowing he def doesn't ever get laid prior to his early twenties. in other words, your muse could be his first and i think that's <3
sorry but making out with him is a straight road to sex, it's like making out + groping = very hot and bothered
very, very focused on being A Good Partner. so much so that if his partner wants to, like, fully focus on him? he'll be shocked ( not opposed tho lmao )
you want to believe he's a good flirt. i know you do. but that's just not true and, in fact, his response to being hit on is to choke—
( okay i promise he gets better at flirting over time but at first. . . )
literally incapable of friends-with-benefits. he SWEARS he can handle it, but he WILL catch feelings like, sorry, the guy just wants to be loved
receiving body worship will make him, like, squirm off of the bed ( positive )
not necessarily opposed to casual stuff, but wary abt his scars/wounds being commented on
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0tivez · 3 years
i love all ur head canons so much!!! idk if u take requests but i would love to see one about being roommates with gojo and/or geto/nanami/toji i kinda feel like being roommates with them would be horrible but so funny lol
if u don’t take requests no worries and have a good day!!
being roommates with the jjk men
(cause they would all be horrible ones)
note: thank you for your request anon! glad you liked my previous works! i do take requests, so if any of you want me to write something, send em away :)
warnings: gender neutral, slight nsfw
characters: gojo, geto, nanami, toji
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⁜ super interactive
⁜ wants to talk to you all the time
⁜ will bring girls over all the time and make SO MUCH NOISE
⁜ never cleans his dishes
⁜ his groceries consist of sweets and condoms
⁜ he will lay out his groceries, makes sure you notice the boxeS of condoms KWDSKLAMWEDLKMWASEF
⁜ "haha yeah i have lots of sex see??"
⁜ "i'm surprised you even had the decency to use condoms"
⁜ "huh, what does that mean?"
⁜ "wait don't go WHAT DOES THAT MEAN"??"
⁜ will get sick for eating too much sugar. he will give you big puppy eyes so that you feel bad for him and look after him
⁜ he looks happy all the time, but after missions, when he comes home and you're not on immediate eyesight, he will look dreadful. like, straight up depressed. if he realizes you can see him, he will change to the clown he is
⁜ you want to get to know him better but he refuses to talk about himself
⁜ i mean all he does is talk about himself but not like... y'know?
⁜ his room is somehow very tidy??
⁜ if you bring someone over to do the deed, he will walk in your room "on accident" the middle of it. if he walks in in the really middle of it, he will 100% make fun of your partner's penis size
⁜ not even after it, right to his face
⁜ he misses your movie nights a lot while he's away on a mission. he just keeps listing films to watch together to distract himself
⁜ will look after you if you get sick. softens up a lot too
⁜ mostly respects your boundaries, won't walk in your room unless you're away and he desperately needs your underwear for something
⁜ won't accept cheap furniture
⁜ will buy the most expensive choice of everything
⁜ will walk around just in his underwear all the time. if he's not in his underwear, he wears one of those sexy, fuckboy grey sweatpants. sometimes with a shirt on, preferably without any
⁜ opens youtube and leaves it on for hours while doing something (anything) else
⁜ you two get into fights a lot, he apologizes first cause 1) he can't bother 2) he will get bored if you don't talk to him 3) he probably is in the wrong anyways
⁜ he doesn't even realize how much he cares about you. same goes with you too
⁜ slowly, you realize that even if he annoys you a lot, you can't imagine a home without gojo
⁜ and somehow, gojo stops bringing girls home
⁜ won't talk to you unless you talk to him first
⁜ he really only sees you as a stranger in your house at first
⁜ every part of the house he uses is clean and tidied except for his room, which gets messy pretty quickly
⁜ will clean his room at 3 am
⁜ you can see he feels some sort of discomfort if you're in the room with him in the middle of a chore or something, he just really likes being alone
⁜ either in his pajamas or black sweatpants/sleeveless shirts or long, oversized sweats (i'm literally drooling)
⁜ his side of the pantry is so nutritious. he also has lots of different spices
⁜ amazing cook
⁜ it looks and smells delicious all the time
⁜ the first time you ever interacted besides housework etc was over his cooking, actually
⁜ you just sneakily went in the kitchen and started a conversation. which, to your surprise, was a pleasant one. he knew how to hold a conversation and was super kind. with a rush of adrenalin, you then asked him to cook for you one day. he stood there still for a second smiled and said "of course". for a moment, you could swear he was blushing
⁜ doesn't bring girls over if you're home. he doesn't want to bother you
⁜ if you do bring someone over while he is home ONCE, he will bring girls over for a week straight
⁜ mf lasts for hours too
⁜ i can't even tell who is more jealous at that point
⁜ you, who heard this sex god for hours
⁜ or geto, who just can't be interested in the person he is over right now
⁜ when he cooked for you, you two talked for hours, though you really can't say you learned much about him
⁜ his friends are home a lot, and unlike geto, they try to bond with you too
⁜ so, you slowly became someone in his friend group too
⁜ you two started spending more time together. you got a tv show to follow every night. you once fell asleep on his shoulder, and it may or may have not awaken something in him
⁜ geto thinks he really shouldn't think about you this much, thinks it would be bad but oh how badly he wants to knock on your door at this lonely hour
⁜ perfect room mate
⁜ you wonder why such a loner like him wanted to have a roommate honestly
⁜ and to be fair, he wanted one cause he was sure he would die of loneliness if he didn't
⁜ he usually comes home at a reasonable hour, but there are times when he comes late and just heads to his room straight away and just... not leave
⁜ holds small conversations with you
⁜ doesn't go out at the weekends, likes to spend his time home
⁜ he saw your pantry once, lectured you about a healthy diet and then offered to do the groceries and share the bill
⁜ you agreed and it was the best decision you have ever made
⁜ cause he picks so many various food, always chooses the freshest vegetables/fruits and for the first time in years, you feel healthy again
⁜ has high standards in cleaning, so he will want to clean the common areas himself and just ask you to clean your own room
⁜ the house always smells of his cologne. so, if he has to leave for a mission and the smell slowly fades away you find yourself uneasy
⁜ if you come home drunk, he will take care of you
⁜ accidentally left one of his boxers in the washing machine. you found it, it was legit one of those white, grandpa underwears so naturally you just burst out laughing
⁜ "what happened?"
⁜ "sorry gramps, just found your underwear"
⁜ he felt so embarrassed but honestly, you were too amused to care. he quickly took it from your hand and murmured "they are affordable and healthy"
⁜ the next week, he "accidentally" walked out of his room with a shirt and a pair of sexy, black boxers. he walked past you, not noticing you. you just stood there like (°-°)
⁜ sometimes, on the weekends, isn't home in the mornings. he comes home a bit closer to the afternoon with a gym bag. that's when you see him most relaxed. he just has that post workout glow, a relaxed energy flowing out of him, his blonde hair perfectly messy
⁜ yeah you definitely were the first one to fall for him
⁜ sometimes brings you chocolate
⁜ when he's not in the mood, holding a conversation with him is impossible. he just responds dryly and talks about such mundane things that you just want to lock him in his room
⁜ is too organized and wants you to be too organized as well
⁜ won't tell you what bothers him, but he will just correct something he sees in front of you while sighing loudly
⁜ you were sure he was asexual, cause ain't no way this man didn't have women AND men waiting in line for him (don't worry bestie he knows like 3 women in total and 1 manchild in line for him), until he mentioned his previous relationships
⁜ goes to bed early
⁜ once curiosity weighed boundaries, you knocked on his door. nanami isn't dumb, he knew your intentions. though he would refuse this invitation during the day, he decided to welcome you to his room for that one time. after all, everything changes after 2 am.
⁜ my GOD bestie run away
⁜ doesn't pay rent
⁜ "i could pay you in somethin' else if ya know what i mean"
⁜ messy messy messy
⁜ thank GOD he rarely comes home, mostly to sleep
⁜ doesn't really try to interact with you
⁜ will cut you quick if you try to open a conversation
⁜ walks out of his room naked, to take a bath, naked, full on
⁜ you don't know if this man is a blessing or a curse
⁜ if you prepare yourself lunch the night before, he will eat it
⁜ so, after a while, you start preparing food for him too
⁜ has zero boundaries
⁜ will also change the channel you are watching without asking you
⁜ i don't think he even ever told you his surname
⁜ he probably doesn't know yours anyways
⁜ gets into fights with your landlord a lot. he is ready to choose violence but thankfully you're there to stop him
⁜ it's common for him to come home all bruised up, bleeding even
⁜ that's why you have a first aid kit ready on the counter
⁜ "what did you do this time toji"
⁜ "ya should see the other guy, doll"
⁜ there are small things he does without realizing their effect on you
⁜ like he will tower over you in the kitchen, take a look, grunt and leave, which makes your heart skip a beat
⁜ might see you as his personal maid
⁜ for some reason, he starts to buy 2 cans of beer. one for him, one for you
⁜ doesn't think about making a move on you, cause what if you fall in love with him? he has enough lovers
⁜ but then, why are you always on his mind when he's with other women?
⁜ why does the image of you waddling out of the bathroom with your tiny, tiny towel so alluring all of the sudden?
⁜ says stuff out of pocket, just to make you blush
⁜ he doesn't know two can play this game
⁜ you don't even think about making him fall for you or something, you just want to mess with him
⁜ so maybe your tiny towel might accidentally slip and show some more skin
⁜ to your surprise, toji is also in the room!! what a coincidence!
⁜ one night, you were going out with your friends. your shirt was a bit too tight and showed a bit cleavage that didn't go unnoticed by toji, who was just watching tv.
⁜ "i'm leaving!" you yelled, innocently.
⁜ toji got up, walked over to you, towered you. he lowered his head to your ear.
⁜ "all dressed up like this, you're gonna bring men in my house, hm? don't ya have any decency?" seeing your blushed face and widened
⁜ eyes, he grabbed your chin, amused.
⁜ "do i have to teach ya decency?"
⁜ yeah you definitely learned a lot about decency that night
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thanks for reading! i love reading your comments/tags! as always, my inbox is open :) see ya (✿◠‿◠)
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luvring · 2 years
Hcs for felix & mc during the time between CH 11 & 12?? 👀 what do u think they got up to,,,has felix been horny for mc the ENTIRE TIME??? WHAT ABOUT HIS DEPRESSION GIRL HELP IM SO SAD
— felix and mc between chapters 11 and 12
warnings: erm.. angst. horny. note from nia: anon fantastic news there is almost never a moment where felix is not horny! he was infatuated by mc and now he finally has someone to direct it to. horny depression combo. EDJFGJH /hj. /HJ. but everyone who said he knew what he was doing putting on that outfit was Right you should be loud and be proud . i went overboard i don't know what happened to the hcs i got overwhelmed with felix angst i'm so sorry i am not ok
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distraction time...you know how he said he wanted to take mc on a date. first of all, :headinhands: . second of all, i want to think mc was able to take him somewhere. his favourite bookstore maybe...for a walk...just a quiet place without many people around
he probably felt guilty about being so upset and y'know,, it not being the dream first date he wanted. but mc was just like "nope. i don't need a perfect first date or anything, felix. i just want you to know i'm here for you and to help you feel better" SMH SMH
maybe they'll have a canonical real first date later. consider these unofficial outings
fr though i don't even want to imagine felix realizing he can't use his magic. like the devastation of that scenario...help girl..."magic was all i had, all i was ever good at" and he can't even keep his favourite flower bloomed? :/ like the insecurity and genuine depression that would bring me . having mc was a saving grace
i'd think that felix, after some rest y'know, would try to do something he could usually do. even something he'd use as a warmup after exhausting himself and then he just..couldn't.
so he kept trying to do smaller and smaller things and god why is nothing working?
depressive episodes r such Ass and felix seems like the kind of person to struggle with wanting to isolate himself and also wanting mc to just,, hold him and tell him it'll be alright
i'm pretty sure he mentions them bringing him food and generally just being very helpful which is </3 i am so sad. he seems to dislike being reliant on people and :// mc is really helping him work through that
they definitely spent a lot of nights together trying to figure out what had happened to him. mc would not let him stay up alone because he'd probably spiral or stay up too late and feel worse without them
break from the pain: he still goes down in the middle of the night for his olives. actually mc brings it to him themself. he laughs
asian parent bringing up cut up fruit except your partner brings your coping mechanism olives HLESDFSOI
bath . b. bath. bath :thumbs_up: they took more baths together. it's warm and comforting and how are you going to be sad while i put suds in your hair to make you laugh
perhaps mc, seeing how terribly stressed he is, decides to read a book to him. even ask how taxidermy works. what his favourite projects were. things that don't. involve magic.
time to be sad again. he'd try to do simple spells while he was alone and every time he failed he'd get more and more frustrated which eventually boils into. sadness
and the mark would just continue to grow and he'd feel worse. before wearing the new ch 12 outfit where it's visible,, he couldn't even bring himself to look at it in the mirror :/
my god. imagining felix having a genuine breakdown at his desk just crying and venting about how useless and weak he feels and how he feels like nothing and how sorry he is to mc for being this way and having to deal with him and maybe if he was stronger maybe if he could stop messing up and tried harder and he just keeps going and going
help. sorry.
that's grounds for a completely separate hurt comfort scenario. i will tell you rn it ends with him clutching mc almost impossibly close and maybe just maybe accidentally saying i love you (i want a canonical i love you HAS THAT HAPPENED YET? but that scenario would be quite silly and fun if he did it!!!)
suggestive/nsfw starting Now // but also with all the time together and comfort and kisses and shit he was probably on the verge of losing it because Help Him He Is So Down Horrendous
like,, building off that breakdown scene. he wakes up and he's like oh god that really happened and then he looks and their face is(/lips are) so close and he's like oh god.
i would not be shocked if they made out multiple times. not even a little bit. once felix was getting more accustomed to their new routine y'know. ermmm smth smth strong emotions smth smth
i don't fully doubt that the mark is actually uncomfortable but no way in hell that was the only reason he put on that outfit. he sat there putting on the corset then started getting these images in his head of mc kissing him again and touching his chest and taking it off himself and there he goes to shove his face into a pillow absolutely flustered and sweating
his little smut books are on the bookshelf and he passes by that section while trying to research and he physically tenses up. has to lean his forehead against the wall telling himself to get it together. poor guy
once his horny TM overrode his depression TM then mc asked if he wanted to take a bath together again and he yelled No.
sorry but "All I can think of is you. You're on my mind every waking hour. I ache terribly for you...I want you to hold me, and touch me, and..." WHAT!!!! AND WHAT !! fuck. you want to fuck say it with your chest dear god.
that was obviously being pent up for so long he probably got caught staring at them multiple times.
insert cliche scene where their hands brush each other while reaching for a book and they make eye contact like [ ?@?@!# ]
they were both emotionally all over the place. mc is not innocent here mx. check your chest & "i want you to crack me open like one of your books" EXCUSE ME! yeah? what else mc? you want him to pin you down? you want him to try one of his favourite book scenes on you to spoil him? Get Away From Me
and i know it mentions those little awkward silences which first of all, pain. second of all, would only make all of this worse because Oh i want them so bad but Oh No this is awkward Why Is It Awkward
sorry guys i'm dead. if you want explicit nsfw i could try :heart_eyes: but not in this post i need emotional help
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pa1nkill3r · 3 years
It’s My Party [F.W]
[Pairing:] Fred Weasley x GN!Non Gryffindor!Reader, (slight) Fred Weasley x Angelina Johnson
[Summary:] Y/H has won the 1993 interhouse quidditch cup as Y/N, the house’s keeper, gleefully shoved it in their boyfriend, Fred Weasley’s face. Prideful as ever, Fred decided that he can’t be the only sore loser between the two of them.
[Warnings:] angst, Fred being immature, off canon, mentions of smut, not a happy ending, swearing, (please lmk if there’s more :)
[Word Count:] ≈1.4k
[Song:] It’s My Party- by Lesley Gore
[A/N:] please no Angelina slander. Y/H = your house. The first fic I will be posting will be ANGST?? idk what to think about this tbh but i just really want to post a fic out of the many in my drafts so let’s hope this goes alright :D
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Gryffindor’s are chivalrous. Evident in the way Fred Weasley has mastered the art of seduction as he made gallant efforts of persuading the inhospitable Y/N to be his. 
Gryffindor’s are courageous, as he and his brother gave their all into their final game that would lead Gryffindor to victory. Hitting bludger after bludger and making sure they do not give Alicia Spinnet another nose bleed. 
And Gryffindor’s are determined, so much so as their loss has made them into sore, sore losers. 
The Gryffindor’s are pissed and Oliver Wood took to punching the soil. Harry Potter let go of his firebolt and covered his face in frustration. Angelina Johnson took the same approach, aggressively wiping sweat off her face and crouching down to her knees. Not a single damn in the world if her trousers get grubby. Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell held onto their broomsticks as they placed their foreheads on its end, frustrated tears trickling down their faces. 
The sound of wood plopped down onto the dirt as Fred and George Weasley threw their beater's bats and clean sweeps aside. A deathly look splattered across their once haughty exterior.
All of their vigorous training, late nights and early mornings, all of their valiant efforts, all for nothing. They have lost.
What’s worse was that the opposing team was dripping with ecstasy rather than tears or whatever’s on Johnson’s slacks. 3 houses were beaming, but not for the house of red and gold like they wanted. 
It pained Fred that they lost. It hurt him to feel angry and resentful of the prideful smile that graced Y/N’s beautiful lips. Those sweet sweet lips he kissed once, twice, a hundred times now looked so pungent. The fact that the smile he's looking at was full of mock instead of sincerity for his loss made every drop of his blood boil.
Y/N's eyebrows raised once they saw their lover, giving him a cheerful smile and a shoulder shrug. Their hand gripped onto their broom as the other held their soaking leather helmet. They shook their head in celebration, droplets of sweat shooting from the ends of their hair.
They truly looked beautiful, especially with the warm rays of sunlight gracing their skin and robes; Fred was breathless. His heart was thumping so hard from rage as his breathing was suppressed.
He didn't think losing to his partner's house ESPECIALLY if his partner is part of the competition would affect him so negatively, but it did. He wanted to feel happy for them. Genuinely happy for them. But he couldn't, or at least at that moment.
And before he knew it, Y/N was being dragged away by their teammates, whilst roars of celebration followed suit. He wouldn't have a chance to be with them alone now, and probably for the better.
The tension in the Gryffindor common room could be cut smoothly with a butter knife or Colin Creevey's safety scissors. The silence was uncomfortable and Fred's lips were all pouty, leg bouncing up and down, and arms wrapped around his torso.
His mind was clouded with rage as well as a longing to see them, to enrage them like what they did to him, he wanted them to feel how he felt the moment they gave him a cheeky smirk knowing, KNOWING how much Gryffindor wanted to win. To be the one to give their head of house the cup they utterly deserve.
He stood, grabbing a girl's wrist, "Angelina. Come with me, will you?"
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
"Kind of weird not seeing you grinding on Weasley right now, Y/N." Y/N's teammate joked, making Y/N choke on their butterbeer. "Like— he looked pissed. Every one of them did. But like— I dunno, I expected more from angry Fred, y'know? Maybe like angry fucks or something?—" Their teammate continued, making Y/N chortle even harder. If there was such a thing as getting drunk on butterbeer, this would be it.
"—maybe even a heated make out session?"
"Fucking hell, why in the world are you talking about my love life? MINE?" Y/N asked light heartedly, getting a shoulder shrug and a mocking glance of their teammate's eye.
"All seriousness though, Y/N. It's weird not seeing him here. He'd still appreciate you, you know? You did amazing!"
Y/N thought about it, but knowing Fred's quick temper, he's most likely cooling down before he meets them at their house party. "He's probably just pissed off. Or maybe they’re trying to stop Wood from drowning himself again, I don't know. There's endless amounts of possibilities when it comes to Gryffindors." Their teammate nodded in agreement and went back to the usual chatting.
Every minute that passed by without Fred showing his freckled face felt like a stab in the chest. They've never ghosted him when Gryffindor won against them, why's he doing this to them now?
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
"Fred?! Or is this George? OY WEASLEY? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING ME?" yelled Angelina, being dragged out by an angry red head with a face redder than his hair.
"Just trust me, Johnson." he said breathless, speed walking his way through the halls, Angelina in toe. Dragging her towards the Y/H common room.
He reluctantly took off a wire wrapped ring Y/N made for him and placed it on the pads of his fingers. "Wear this."
"Why?!" asked Angelina angrily. "What are you on about Fred? Didn't Y/N make this?!" Not answering or even giving her words a single thought, he put the ring on the nearest finger he could reach, held her hand, and made his way into the entrance.
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
The party was going beautifully, just like every single one that preceded it. It was going as smoothly as a butterbeer running down a drinker’s throat. But something is wrong with the butterbeer. It hit hard. It was bitter. It was burning.
Y/N’s shoulder was tapped by the person next to them, their finger pointing towards the entrance of the common room.
Who in their right mind would put firewhisky in a place no one asked it to be in?
“This party’s beautiful! How come you don’t make Gryffindor party’s this nice?” Angelina said, fingers relaxed in the hand of Y/N’s boyfriend. The man they’ve been with since third year. Now holding onto a pretty girl’s hand instead of theirs. 
And to add insult to injury, a bronze glint shone on her finger, as well as a purple bead. Angelina’s wearing his ring loosely on her thin, nimbly finger.
Y/N froze in their seat, simply staring at the two of them. They looked like they belonged together really. They really did. They looked like royalty, and every time Angelina pointed at something it looked like she was giving a wave. 
It broke them. It finally broke them. The cold Y/N, the stony Y/N, the frigid fucking Y/N broke as a tear ran down their cheek. Shit. He broke them.
“Hey Y/N!” The beautiful Gryffindor chaser waved cheerfully and innocently as she spotted the beater’s partner. But they didn’t respond cheerfully back. Instead, a half empty mug of butterbeer was left at the place they once sat and a fuming Y/N walked away. 
Angelina stood confused until she felt a weight in one of her hands. “What the hell, Fred?” She let go of his hand as soon as it hit her. “Are you using me to make Y/N jealous?! What the fuck is that for?!”
He didn’t answer. It was as if at that instant his once clouded mind became sober. Once drunk with rage now sober with guilt. Yeah, what the fuck was that for? 
“I’m going to find them because apparently you don’t have the fucking decency to do so.” She spat to his face, taking off the ring he put on her finger, throwing it to his face, and following the sounds of sorrow. 
And there the red head stood, face as pale as a ghost and as guilty as a criminal awaiting his charges, knowing, KNOWING that no one would bail him out now. Several heads were looking at him at that moment, but he couldn’t give a single fucking damn.
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
(Anon who started her ask with 'I find it so refreshing' here.) First of all i'm sorry, i didn't intend to prompt you to comment on "mean" people in the fandom, ofc we all have different experiences!
But anyway, yess you understand me! There would have to be textual confirmation first that both buck and eddie are lgbt before going into buddie. It's easy for us to see "hints", but casual viewers? I rewatched some of 911 with my mom and like yours, she is a great example lol. When eddie and ana started dating in s4, my mom was convinced eddie had found the love of his life, you can't just have him say "I am in love with buck" without thoroughly and unambiguously hinting at and pointing towards that first.
I imagine it would be a bit difficult to suddenly have two bisexual awakening story lines without having either of them seem "forced". I'm curious what you think would be good ways to have both sexuality story lines and canon buddie happen, in a realistic way? 👀
oh anon, you're fine!! i just don't tend to venture outside my corner of the fandom so i'm not really one for discussing wider conflicts and such 😅
as for your question, in terms of where canon is right now, i agree doing two sexual awakening stories at once probably wouldn't be the road they'd go down but i still think they could pull it off in way that would make sense for the wider audience. for example, i think what could work is if they focus on eddie first just because his storyline is so prevalent at the moment. i'm quite married to the idea of another character pointing it out to him, or at least observing eddie's feelings while he watches buck from the other side of the room. and then seeing a masterful face journey that i know ryan guzman could pull off as he realises just how important buck is to him.
like to throw out a hypothetical - if someone in the season finale (i'd love if it was hen or karen) made some comment about buck being there for eddie and chris or something similar to the ana "readymade family" stuff and then for eddie to not freak out before wondering why he's not freaking out, you know?? and then he looks at buck across the room with chris and there’s the realisation of oh - this is different. (and what a Stunning full circle moment that would be in comparison to 5x01)
and so if we had a season or half a season of eddie grappling with his feelings for buck they could also tie it in with his therapy and explore his sexuality that way??? like re: his parents and his idea of a family and toxic masculinity etc etc
on the flip side, even in canon, i've always sort of been team "buck knows he likes men". like, it would Not be hard to throw in a line about how back when he was travelling or during his 1.0 phase that he'd slept with men before. and y'know, i'm not a bisexual man so it's not my place to say he doesn't need to experience a big journey like eddie but oh i just think it would be so impactful if the thing that catches buck by surprise isn't his sexuality but his feelings.
like i want eddie to tell him he loves him and i want that to rock buck to his very core. because he's loved eddie so steadfastly and with such conviction for so long that i really don't think he realises just how deeply it runs or what it means because he's never taken the time to examine it. so buck suddenly questioning everything he thought he knew about love and what it means to be a partner and how he's been doing that with eddie the whole time without realising?? that would be DELICIOUS.
again, i do think it'd be a good way to bring his sexuality up organically and maybe spoon feed the audience about how Not Straight some of his and eddie's moments have been too. like if he's thinking back over their moments together and talking through them with maddie and then seeing their dynamic in a new light???
to me, that would all be pretty realistic and within the realms of possibility in the show but again it would probably take a season of commitment to it to get the general audience there, y'know?? idk, either way i think if they decide to go there they'll do it justice. this is just the best way i can envision it in my head 🥰
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 1/?)
Chapter 1: A Nurse for Androids
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Synopsis: You were a biomechanical engineer, a fancy way of saying that you repaired androids. After the revolution, you decided to move back to Detroit to offer aid as, essentially, a nurse. After stopping by to visit an old friend, you began to grow attached to his android partner.
Chapters • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27 • 28 • more coming soon
You can also read on AO3 & thank you for supporting me ♥
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"Lieutenant, this place is-"
Connor stopped himself when he caught the look Hank was giving him. It was something akin to a scowl, though his lip was a bit more crooked and his eyes were more annoyed than angry.
"Hank," Connor corrected himself. "This place is-"
"Can it," the detective groaned, knowing full well he was about to get criticized for living in a dump.
Connor caught himself smiling a little, despite the fact he had just been told to shut up. There was something oddly satisfying about getting on Hank's nerves, especially when it was over harmless things. 'Banter' was what it was called.
Hank had been sober since the revolution, and that was nearing six months ago. It was a little difficult for Connor to get a grasp on how that made him feel. 'Proud' seemed to be the word that came up the most in his searches. He was proud of his partner and wanted to congratulate him.
The older detective insisted 'I don't need nuttin' and 'don't buy me no damn gifts' when Connor suggested they celebrate. After some insistence, Hank reluctantly agreed to let Connor help him clean his house. It seemed to go hand in hand with Hank's new resolve: get your shit together, tidy up the place, buy some new fucking furniture.
"Isn't the point of this whole deviant thing to not do stuff for humans?" Hank asked, mopping the kitchen while Connor loaded up 'Hank's crap' in a box to be donated.
"I'm doing this because I want to," Connor insisted. He paused and turned to Hank. "We could test it? Tell me to do something."
Hank leaned against the broom, eyeing the android suspiciously. "Fine. Trim Sumo's nails."
Connor did not even break eye contact. "No."
Hank let out a howling laugh. "Smartass."
The android smiled and resumed what he had been doing. It all made sense, why humans got such a rise in telling people to fuck off, why Hank had no issue telling Connor to 'mind his own damn business' when he scolded him for his choice in food. Free will felt good. Connor had his own apartment, collected a paycheck. He went to work every day because he wanted to.
The doorbell rang and Connor eyed Hank first.
The lieutenant shrugged his shoulders. "Knock yourself out. Probably just some damn door to door salesman."
Connor trotted over to the front door. When he answered , he was greeted by a pretty woman, a few inches shorter than him, with a bright smile and beaming eyes. She had a curious demeanor: like she had knocked on this door dozens of times. Well, you had, it had just been a long time.
Before he could utter a word-
"Holy shit," you exclaimed through a wild grin. You had expected Hank to answer the door. But, a familiar face did instead. His hair was neatly trimmed with just a few devious strands fallen over his forehead, kind brown eyes and a squared jaw. Most guys grew out of their freckles. You were pleased to see that he did not.
His eyes flickered with confusion at the sight of you. It was to be expected, so you didn't overthink it.
Excitement overwhelmed you and you reached forward, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down into a friendly embrace. He was frozen stiff in the door way, one hand still on the handle while the other hung limp at his side.
"God you got tall," you murmured happily into the space above his shoulder. You pulled back and looked into his confused eyes.
"Cole, don't tell me you forgot your best friend?" you teased. His head tilted slightly and his brow softened.
In the corner of your eye, you could see Hank approaching from the kitchen. When you saw the look on his face, your excitement settled down. He did not look like the police officer you knew growing up. His once clean shaven face was covered in a messy beard. His once neatly trimmed hair was long and shaggy. He had greyed a tremendous amount, likely from stress.
Yet, his kind eyes were the same as you remembered.
"Officer Anderson," you addressed him with a smile.
Hank didn't even have to ponder over who you might be. You were all grown up, sure, but like hell he'd ever forget the kid his kid spent most of his time with. He uttered your name with a sort of fondness that brought you right back to your childhood. However, there was something equally depressing in the way he said it.
"I am very sorry; but, I am not Cole."
Your eyes returned to the young man in front of you, the one you had just embraced. He offered his hand to you. You gawked up at him for a moment, processing what he had just said. It was then that you finally saw it, the solid blue LED on his temple.
Embarrassment flushed your face; so, you took his hand to try to drown it out. "My name is Connor and I am a detective with the Detroit Police Department," he introduced himself proudly.
"I - I'm sorry. That was very rude of me," you apologized, voice so much smaller than it was a few seconds ago. Connor didn't seem bothered at all by what had just occurred.
"Good to see ya', kid," Hank grunted. You nodded at him and forced a smile. Hank did not.
The older detective made a gesture, beckoning you inside. "Why don'tja come in..."
The android, Connor, stepped out of the way and you followed Hank into his living room. It had not changed one bit since the last time you were here: the same shaggy carpets and wrinkly old couch and faded recliner.
He had not said it yet; but, as you took a seat and began to process everything, you knew what was coming. Hank took a seat in his recliner and leaned forward, elbows on his lap. You felt your heart sink into your stomach and blood rush to your ears.
"Cole died, not long after you moved away," Hank explained. "This hunk'a'plastic is my partner." He motioned at Connor with a wave of his arm. "Sorry," he added on gruffly.
He had died... that long ago? And you had no idea... You had grown up, graduated college, lived through a quarter of your life already and Cole was... was gone, had been gone, long before he could experience much of anything.
"Hank - shit - I'm sorry. I came barging in here and-..." Hank waved you down, hoping to calm the storm that was beginning to brew. You continued, however, trying to settle the unease in your voice. "Me being here - it probably brought back painful memories. I should leave."
"Brought back memories, ya. Not painful ones," he replied, tone low, but sincere. "Less you count the time he fell outta the tree and broke his arm. You blamed yourself. So, I had two crying kids. Fucking hell."
His grumpy, yet playful tone, brought a smile to your face, and you choked out a laugh. "It was my fault," you giggled out.
"Yeah, well. That's a'right. He wore that cast like a medal," Hank replied with a soft smile, eyes looking off into nothing for a moment.
"I just wanted to say hi - check in on you guys," you explained, sniffling. You wiped some tears away before standing up. "I'm a mechanic - er, nurse - for androids. Moved back here to help, after the revolution - well, y'know. It's gonna be awhile before we can figure out a healthcare plan for androids."
"Sounds like you got a lot on your plate," Hank replied.
"Well, I'm glad to hear you're still a cop. I imagine you'll be hearing from me a lot - abuse cases, y'know?"
"I'm glad you made something of yourself," the older detective added on, fatherly tone catching you off guard. It forced a sincere smile to your face.
"I better get outta here," you breathed. "Oh! Uhm - here - in case you ever need to get ahold of me." You pulled a card out of your pocket and offered it to Hank before offering another one to the android. You avoided his gaze in the process, but he took the card eagerly.
"I'm mainly gonna be stationed at Thirium Clinic. They just opened a couple weeks ago. Lots of... well, battle wounds and-..." You trailed off when Hank nodding in understanding. Tensions were still running high, violent protests were inevitably going to continue for a very long time.
Hank yanked his wallet out of his pocket and tucked the card away.  In the corner of your eye, you could see Connor do the same with the card you handed him. "Thanks, kid. My cell never changed if you still have it."
"Good to know. Thanks, Hank."
"If we meet again, I hope it is under good circumstances," the android - Connor - stated. Your eyes landed on him, a natural response from trained politeness.
You tried not to be overwhelmed by the site of him. He looked like Cole - like Cole had grown up and matured into a handsome young man. His soft brown eyes and freckles clashed deliciously with his sharp jawline. His designers had even put texture in his skin around his mouth and along his jaw and chin, suggesting he shaved every morning. Most androids had flawless skin; but, Connor had visible pores.
"I hope so, too," you replied, forcing your eyes away from his face.
Did Hank know what Connor looked like? He said they were partners. Did Hank choose Connor? Was he made for Hank? Did Connor know what he looked like? You had lots of questions. But, none of them were even mildly appropriate.
"Hank, thank you for letting me bug you for a bit. It was nice."
He smiled a crooked smile. "Sure thing, kid. Now, get off my lawn."
You returned his smile and saw yourself out.
As soon as the door closed, Connor's mouth was open.
"Don't you apologize or any other dumb shit," Hank scolded him.
Connor's mouth made a quiet sound when he smacked it closed.
"Back to work," Hank groaned.
Luck had it that you saw Hank and his android companion less than a week later. It first came in the form of a text from the older detective.
'connor fucked up his hand you working?' was what it read. You replied with a simple 'yes' and two of Detroit's finest were walking through the sliding door to the Thirium Clinic.
When you approached them, Connor had a towel wrapped loosely around his hand, the cotton stained blue from all the thirium that had leaked out of him.
"Hope you didn't expect something fancy," you said shyly as you ushered the boys over to a booth. The place was clearly an abandoned grocery store turned medical office. They had not yet put up any real walls, just portable ones to give the illusion of privacy. Simply put, it was a shit show
Connor sat down and propped his arm on the chair's operating arm. You took a seat next to him, flipped on the hovering light, and carefully removed the towel.
"Really? Have you seen my house?" Hank barked.
You chuckled at that; but, the laughter died off when you exposed Connor's injuries. The sheeting - skin, if you will - was completely torn off Conner's right hand: his palm, the pads of his fingers, even a few inches down his wrist. The wiring was exposed, and you could already spot several that needed to be replaced. His hand felt stiff as concrete, further proving the damage you had feared.
"Shit," you cursed, spinning away from him in your chair to a nearby filing cabinet. You fished out some wires, and continued fishing until you found the right ones for his model.
Connor had remained quite still, you realized, when you came back around. You looked over his arm again, mentally preparing yourself for the path ahead.
"Aside from the obvious missing tissue and thirium loss, it's like nerve damage," you explained over your shoulder to Hank.
"Damn it, Connor," he grunted.
"Sorry, lieutenant," the android replied, intentionally robotic, but with the slightest smirk on the corner of his lip.
You had to choke down a laugh. "I'm glad it hasn't been hurting you, Connor. But, this might," you warned him as you set down the wires.
"I understand," he replied firmly.
He twitched a little when you plucked the first wire. For the rest, he managed to stay still. With how close you were, you could occasionally hear him let out a quiet, sharp hiss, so quiet that Hank was unlikely to hear it. You ended up replacing almost every wire that ran from his digits, through his palm, and down his wrist to the first joint bracket. Listening to him wince in pain never got any easier.
"Finally. Done with the wires," you breathed once the last one was secured. You leaned back and let Connor flex his fingers and twist his hand. He began to rotate his wrist around when you decided to stop him, gently cupping the back of his hand.
You did this all the time; but, you were faintly aware of heat blossoming on your cheeks as you held Connor’s hand. You silently scolded yourself, feeling a little too old to have a silly crush.
"Gotta patch you up, then a thirium transplant," you breathed.
Before it would adhered to an android and take on a skin tone, their flesh was pale, metallic, shiny and sparkly. It was also something between plastic and silicone, and had to be melted.
Hands were detailed, with corners and wrinkles, and much harder to get right than patching a wound on a thigh, which meant it would take a little longer. You had a handheld device that made it easier. It looked almost like a tattoo gun, and allowed you to carefully adhere it over the gaping wounds on his hand.
Normally, you had to ask your patients to be still. Connor seemed to be doing a great job of handling that without needing to be told. As you finished, you watched in awe as the flesh took on the peachy, light color of his factory default skin tone.
With a sigh, you set your tools down and maneuvered over to a nearby storage container holding bags of thirium. You wished one out and handed it to the detective. His levels weren’t low enough to require manual insertion. He could do it a more conventional way.
It was almost funny that androids were designed this way, that their only existing digestive track was to take in more blood. Keeping their thirium levels in the proper range was the closest equivalent they had to the need for nutrients.
Connor smiled gratefully as he took the bag from your hand. “That should be good,” you stated, trying not to feel so bashful beneath his gaze. “Let me know if anything feels wrong in your han-”
It was an unexpected door slam that shattered the moment. Some gasps sounded from the around room, You stood up and looked towards the entrance to see a severely damaged android limping in, a gun in his left hand and his right cradling a wound. He was wearing scraggily clothes that looked unfitting with his prim and proper haircut.
"I want an android doctor!" he demanded, the gun tight in his hand but pointed to the floor. His posture suggested he was scared to use it. However, that did not stop Connor from drawing his own gun.
"Wait," you hissed at him, pushing his arm down.
Connor uttered your name in a scolding tone as you stepped away from the chair and approached the injured android.
You took slow steps towards him, palms exposed in a display of yielding.
"S-stop!" he stuttered, shouting at you. Yet, he didn't point the gun at you.
"Hi. What is your name?" you asked him, not bothering to try and hide your nervousness. Everyone was staring at him nervously, patients near the door scrambling to get away from him.
He hesitated, looking at you with fear in his eyes. "T-Thomas..."
"Hi, Thomas," you replied, trying your best to steady your voice. "I'm sorry but all the nurses here are human. We came here from all over the country to help androids. You don't need the gun."
"No!" he cried out. "I don't want any humans touching me!"
Thomas was not just handsome, he was gorgeous. He had the type of pretty face people dreamt about and bright blue eyes. It didn't take a genius to determine what he was made for.
"Thomas, no one here is going to do anything that you don't want," you spoke to him, firmly. That was easy to say without fear, because it was the truth. "I promise."
You stepped closer, one foot at a time, and kept your eyes on his. You offered your hand and watched the fear slowly melt away behind his eyes.
"H-humans lie," he uttered, choked up, tears threatening to fall.
"I know. I'm sorry, Thomas," you replied quietly. For a moment, you had forgotten that everyone was still staring. "You're free now. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Thomas, I want to help you. But, before I can, I need you to put the gun down."
"I don't wanna go back," he whimpered. He didn't point the gun at you, but he held it as if to declare that he would use it to make sure that wouldn't happen.
"Are they making you work, Thomas? Your owners?" you asked, watching his face contort in agony. His LED was hidden behind his hair; but, when he turned his head, you could see it blaring red.
"They don't own you anymore," you said, firmly, anger shining through. "Please let me help you."
You stepped a little closer and, this time, he lifted the gun enough that it pointed at you. You almost could see down the barrel.
"It's okay to be afraid. I am, t-too, Thomas," you continued, lifting your hands a little higher. He was sobbing, now, fat tears falling down his cheeks, tinted blue from the stress. His hand, gripping the gun, was shaking.
"Y-you're going into shock from lack of thirium. Please, Thomas, please put the gun down and let me save you!"
His grip had weakened; before you could react, a hand came out of the corner of your field of view and grabbed the gun, effortlessly yanking it from Thomas' grasp. The android collapsed onto his knees in a fit of sobbing, clothing soaked in blue that oozed onto the floor.
Connor stood over the android, Thomas' gun now firmly in his grasp. When did he-? That fast... or had you just not seen him sneaking up behind you?
You brushed past Connor and joined Thomas on the ground. You offered your hand again and he stared at it for a moment. He gasped, once, then twice, before finally taking your hand. Another nurse was at your side in seconds and helped Thomas to his feet. The android was babbling on static, on the verge of powering down.
Connor watched you stagger away with the android, his thirium seeping all over you and staining your scrubs. You were still speaking to him in that gentle voice, ushering him to calm down. All the surrounding patrons had relaxed and continued on as they were. Connor was still holding the gun in his hand. It was covered in buildup, likely uncleaned for years; but, it felt heavy, definitely loaded with a full magazine.
He was so hyper-focused on you that he did not even notice Hank approaching. "You alright, Connor?" Hank asked, knocking the android's arm with his own.
"She's amazing," he replied quietly.
Hank laughed at his declaration. "Look at you getting all doe-eyed." Hank clapped a hand over Connor's shoulder and dragged him towards the door. "Come on, Tiger. With your track record, I'm sure you'll be back in here in no time."
Admiration, Connor realized, is what he felt for you. You were smart, independent, strong. He was impressed with the way you handled an agitated android. He was even more impressed by how much you cared about them. Or, maybe flattered was a better word? He didn't quite know. He just knew that he couldn't stop thinking about you.
"Earth to android," Gavin bellowed, snapping his fingers in the android's face.
Connor looked up at him with an unbothered expression. He was seated at his desk and Gavin, apparently, had been leaning over him, trying to get his attention.
"Watching porn in your head or something, tin can?" he suggested with a sneer.
"I was going over the case files, which happened to be far more important than your whining," Connor replied coolly.
Gavin slammed his hands on the android's desk. "There's still a score to settle. Test me, motherfucker," he growled.
"Sure. Name the game," the android replied with a small smirk.
"Quite the pair on ya' for someone with no balls," Gavin said through clenched teeth.
Connor glared at him slightly, a retort bubbling up in his throat. He did, actually. Without the function of human genitalia, but passable for a real pair, so to speak.
"Maybe if you called him by his name, he would answer," another detective suggested, delivering a harsh slap to Gavin's back as he passed by.
Gavin swung around and hollered at the passerby. "Yeah, when I'm fucking dead!"
Connor rolled his eyes and returned to the computer screen in his mind. He was looking at case files, actually. He just wasn't... thinking about them.
"Another human killed by an android. You'd know all about that. So, enjoy," Gavin declared proudly, dropping a file on Connor's desk. He could care less if Gavin spent the rest of his life hating his wires. But, another detective had... defended him? How... odd. But, not unwelcomed.
Connor opened the case file and took a breath that he didn't need.
Coincidences... Perhaps, a glitch in the matrix? Or just pure luck.
The very morning after patching up Connor, you were in line to get coffee with none other than Hank right in front of you.
"You stalking me?" he teased, hands shoved into his coat pockets and breath visible in front of his face. Most of the snow had thawed, but it was still too damn cold outside.
"Probably," you replied dryly. "This place is the only good place in town."
"Great minds think alike," Hank agreed.
It was your turn to order everyone coffees, so you had several on the way. You and Hank waited together, and even after he got his single mug, he still waited alongside you.
"Whatever it is you wanna ask, just ask, kid," he grumbled.
"Just surprised you got an android partner," you uttered, looking away from him nervously.
"I didn't like him at first. He grew on me, and he's a damn good detective," Hank answered, pausing to take a sip of his coffee. "Don't be embarrassed 'bout confusing him with Cole. I'm not oblivious to the way he looks."
You looked over to Hank, who looked oddly peaceful despite what he was saying.
"Those Cyberlife bastards knew he was gonna be partnered with me. I doubt it was an accident."
Your brow shot up at his implication. "Connor was made to be a detective android, then?"
Hank nodded into his drink. "Yep."
"Does he like being a detective?"
"I asked him that once, when he wanted to come back after all the... protests. He said his programming was gone, no more 'lines of code' telling him what to do... but he still wanted to solve crimes. All I can do is hope it's what he wants, and not choosing the path of least resistance."
"Me too," you whispered, far too fondly for your own good. Hank shot you a look; but, luckily, the barista came to your rescue and called out your name.
"Bye, Hank!" you hollered, rushing to the counter to grab your drinks and see yourself out. It wasn't entirely for selfish reasons. The clinic was waiting, after all.
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shishu-writes · 4 years
Reclined Seat Prank HCs
𝙐𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙖, 𝙊𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙬𝙖, 𝙆𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙖, 𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙏𝙞𝙠𝙏𝙤𝙠 𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙃𝘾𝙨
Warnings: Suggestive b/c Kuroo - what’d you expect, language
A/N: it’s 1AM heres a shitpost 
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You had seen this prank on Tiktok a couple of times, a girl picks up her boyfriend but the passenger seat is reclined all the way back and gets their reactions
Ushi does NOT know who Tiktok is or why his girlfriend finds him funny and he does not care
Honestly, you had no clue how he’d react, he didn’t ever respond to the majority of your cheesy pranks but maybe this would be the one
You had messaged him telling him after practice today you'd pick him up and the both of you could grab something to eat together to which he responded an “Okay 🙂”
Tendou is still teaching him how to use emojis leave him alone
You pull up, placing your phone down so that it records the passenger seat and you recline the seat. 
You pull out a tube of lipgloss and begin applying it in the camera as if you were using it as a mirror and Ushi comes up to the side of the door, knocking twice on it before he opened it.
He does that so you know its him and dont get startled 🥺
He gives you a short greeting, a ghost of a smile on his lips, climbing in
Bro literally just adjusts the seat correctly and puts his bag in the backseat
“Ushi..” “Yes, my love?”
You cant even be mad, the dude trusts you blindly, the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t even cross his mind
With a shrug you lock your phone, sparking normal conversation before pulling out to go get him a well deserved after practice dinner
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Okay THIS motherfucker. 
I feel like Oinks definitely has Tiktok, unlike Ushi, and he is the definition of straight Tiktok
HOWEVER I don't think he has a lot of couple Tiktoks on his FYP and if he does they're like the sitting in your partner's lap pranks, not something like this
Hes also like...7 years old so he probably does his own petty pranks but theyre ones he comes up with himself that he thinks are fucking hilarious like taking a million selfies, posting them on your instagram/snapchat stories until theyre like 10-15 minutes long and filling your storage with them
Oh this is well deserved
You set up your phone in a place that he wouldn't notice, and started recording
He runs to the car, opening the door quickly and tosses his bag in, getting in the car and literally fucking falls flat on his back
“Hey babe” 
“Yes tooru?”
“Who was in my seat?”
“Your seat?”
“MY seat who was in MY seat??”
No longer confused, just panicked
He sat up, leaning over the console looking you in the eyes, you can't tell if he's going to start crying or throw up
Not your intention to make him cry
Carefully explaining that it was a joke while he let out a loud, dramatic huff, placing his forehead on your shoulder
“I’m having heart palpitations”
“I'll pick up milk bread on the way home if you stop the dramatics…?”
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Bro he has 3 brain cells, one for you, volleyball, and milk
Why would you do this
He doesn’t know what the fuck a Tiktok is despite you repeatedly showing him videos or telling him to make an account
He is far too busy watching 10 hr long volleyball compilations
I also HC him as having boomer humor so even if you showed him a fucking FUNNY video, he’d be brain dead, absolutely. He doesn't get the appeal
 He laughs at the minion memes this is fact
You saw this and for whatever god forsaken reason wanted to do it on Kags, the most oblivious person on planet earth
It was like 3 AM and you told him you were coming to pick him up to go on a drive, which was normal for the two of you, it's one of the more peaceful moments in your chaotic lives 
He agreed, ofc, because babie is a huge softie for you. 
You pull up in your jammies, seat reclined and start recording
Kags comes out in sweats and a hoodie you gave him for your anniversary and opens the door, he notices the seat and gets in carefully
“Hey Y/n? Did you sleep in your car?” he asks quietly, turning to look at you, almost concerned.
“Did your parents kick you out or something? You know you can always stay with me..” baby starts rambling because he fr thinks you're living in your car for some reason
The whole concept of cheating doesn't exist to him, you are the one and only person in the world he has complete trust in, so naturally the only conclusion he could come up with was you being homeless
“No..Kags...I’m not sleeping in my car...it was a prank”
Cue explaining to him what the prank was
He doesn’t get it, why would pretending to cheat on your partner be funny
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You know exactly what I’m about to write
This motherfucker
Kuroo for sure has TikTok BUT WAIT
Its canon that Kuroo is just a cocky dork that knows how to shit talk
He would never be on straight or couple tiktok, he's on science/nerd Tiktok and deep Tiktok for sure, he sends the craziest shit to you.
So there is NO way he would know about this prank unless someone explicitly explained it to him
You told him you were going to pick him up for a lunch date since it was saturday and the two of you hadn't seen each other for a couple days
He agreed? Obv he is in ✨🌸love🌸✨with you 
You pull up, seat reclined, and set up your phone after shooting him an “i'm here” text
He runs out, pops the door open and looks in
Does NOT get in, instead, this cocky SOB leans down so you can see his face fully, hands resting on the roof of the car, shit eating grin on his face. “Is this you telling me you wanted a little something before we got lunch…? that'll ruin your appetite y'know..” 
Spit on him
Why didn't you see this coming
It did ruin your appetite
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
AU where it's possible to take Gerry out of the book so that he's alive?
1. Gerry survives by becoming an avatar of the end. It wouldn't be his first choice. He's still fairly aligned with the eye, in a way that his role is to be the Spectre who Observes and catalogues, unbeknownst to the living. He's not really thrilled about being an avatar, especially considering the only people who can See him is those with a connection to the eye, meaning his only human contact is the archives staff. But it doesn't hurt the same way the book did, and he figures he can still find some way to make himself useful. Not ideal, but when has his life ever been ideal?
2. Y'know the bit in the retrospectives where Jonny and Alex say Jon and Gerry would be a great buddy cop duo? Yeah that's Jon and Gerry in this au. Assuming Gerry makes The Choice to be an avatar soon after meeting Jon, they probably spend a lot of late season 3 together, bouncing ideas back and forth, Gerry not letting on everything he knows because he's just really not in the mood to be used shockingly enough, and Jon, despite and insatiable want for knowledge, respects this boundary as much as possible, trying to let Gerry know he doesn't see him as an encyclopedia. For a while it's nice! And then the unknowing happens and when jon wakes up again it's not so nice...
3. Speaking of which, in season 4 Gerry doesn't exactly go out of his way to talk to basira or Melanie at first- basira doesn't trust him (she doesn't trust anyone at that point), and she only talks to him when she needs something from him (a dynamic Gerry really doesn't appreciate considering his history with Julia and Trevor). Gerry and melanie actually got along before everything went down hill. They had similar taste in a lot of things and Melanie was excited to talk to a ghost that didn't want to hurt her, but after a while, Gerry's awkward attempts to reach out just frustrated Melanie. She kept lashing out and Gerry could tell she wanted to be alone. So he left her alone, left basira alone, and consigned himself to being alone too. He never really gets along with basira until the end of it all, and he at least makes up with Melanie before she blinds herself (she stops being able to see him after that)
4. But speaking of being lonely, oh boy the Gerry and Martin dynamic in this au. Look, everyone and their mum has gone on about these two, but I gotta reiterate how much potential there is for their dynamic. Late season 3 when Gerry becomes an addition to the archives martin is predicably jealous. Of course, right when he's starting to think Jon might like him (though martin doubts Jon returns his feelings it's nice to at least be friends), some hot goth has to swoop in and steal his thunder! It's all very funny and petty considering Gerry is really not paying attention to any romantic drama in the archives- including the drama supposedly involving him. Gerry just isn't that type of guy. The period in between seasons 3 and 4 (one of my favorite pieces of unexplored canon tbh) has a different Gerry and Martin dynamic. Lots of them silently sitting beside jon's hospital bed, awkward exchanges. At least one stilted conversation where they almost bond over their relationships with their mothers. Then in season 4 even after martin turns to the lonely Gerry keeps trying to reach out, much to Martin's annoyance considering he's not allowed to talk to people (there's lots of snarky "well I'm not technically a person anymore, am I?" Remarks from Gerry in response). By season 5 martin has basically warmed up to Gerry and considers him a good friend, as does Gerry. It's something neither of them have had in a long while.
5. In season 5 Gerry keeps watch over the archives in the eyepocalypse. He has a domain, the twisted corpse of pinhole books which I can imagine is similar to the "endless library that's always shrinking" idea that Alex mentioned in the Q and A. It's a bit of a metaphor for the way Gerry's life, social circle and opportunities narrowed the more knowledge he gained of the supernatural world, as those trapped in pinhole books learn more and more, gaining more incentives to keep them locked away in the library forever, even if they find the exit, until they waste away and die. You can imagine Gerry wouldn't want to be there very often. He spends a lot of time with wtgfs- Georgie can see him because of her connection to the end and relays all the things Gerry says to Melanie. It's not perfect but they're happy they can talk again. I like to think Gerry is one of the avatars who ends up somewhere else, but honestly? I think his last moments are spent in the newly restored earth, before fading away. He's finally rid of the entities. He can rest now.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
;; 𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖙
otherwise read as: bennett has a crush 
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❧ masterlist
The side of your face was smushed on the table, a bored look on your face as you watched Sara serve customers at the Good Hunter.
"Ugh...I'm so tired..." You closed your eyes, thinking of things you might be able to do, but ultimately coming up with nothing.
"Hey! Watch out!" Not a moment later after the words were yelled, a searing liquid spilled on your shoulders, making you sit straight up as you squirmed, trying to get your shirt to separate from your back.
" Hot hot hot hot!!" You whispered, looking around to see what had happened. Looking up, you saw Sara staring at you with a surprised and slightly horrified look, an empty soup bowl in her hands. It looked as if she was about to say something, but before she could, something cold spilled onto your back, splashing onto your hair and the rest of your clothes.
"What the..."
"Sorry! Um..." You turned around in your seat and saw Eury behind you, standing there with a now empty glass pointed in your direction.
"Oh my Archons, I'm so sorry (Y/N)! Are you alright!?" Sara said in a panicked voice, trying to vigorously wipe off your shoulders with a rag. Wincing, you waved her off, a pained smile on your face from the towel rubbing against the tender skin.
"Ah, it's fine Sara, really, no worries!" You gave her a thumbs-up, although it did nothing to ease the panic off her face.
"I-I'll give you a meal, on the house! Two free meals! Come by whenever, just please don't tell anyone about this!" She begged, almost about to get on her knees and beg.
"It's fine, I'm not gonna go talking to all of Teyvat about it, it's no biggie. I'm gonna go change my clothes though..." You stood up from your seat, waving at her before heading to the Adventurer's Guild, sighing as you looked at your clothes.
Man, and I really liked these too...hopefully it doesn't stain with Cream Stew for eternity...
Bad luck has always followed you wherever you've gone, whether it was slipping on a rock or having an entire camp of Fatui Skirmishers attack you while you were asleep. It was non-stop, so you weren't exactly shocked that something had happened in the short amount of time you had been sitting at the Good Hunter.
There was only one solution to your luck; cancel it out.
"Hey (Y/N), is that you?" An enthusiastic voice called out. A small smile appeared on your face as you waved to the figure running towards you from the direction of the Guild.
"Yeah, hey Bennett." Waving at him, he ran up to you looking like he was about to say something, but then he noticed the mess on your shoulders.
"What happened to your shirt?" You laughed nervously, looking to the side.
"Oh, Sara accidentally spilled some Cream Stew, y'know? That's all!" He looked at you curiously and swiped from some of the soup that was still on your shirt with his finger, tasting it. A slight flush filled your cheeks, as you stared at him in disbelief.
"H-Huh!? Bennett, what're you doing!?" He just gave a big goofy smile and grabbed your hand to start pulling you towards the Guild.
"Well, now that I'm here, nothing else will happen! Also, that stew is still pretty good!" You didn't say anything, attempting to keep calm as you tried to keep up with his fast pace.
The boy looked over towards a nearby windmill, seeing Captain Kaeya salute him with two fingers before striding off towards the Knights of Favonius HQ. His hand slightly tightened it's grip around yours, sudden nervousness making him almost hesitate.
C'mon Bennett, you got this! No hesitating!
Before you knew it, he had dragged you to a patch of grass behind the Guild, where a picnic table had been set up with an array of sweets and snacks.
"Surprise! Fischl told me the other day the adventure you guys went on didn't go exactly as planned because I was gone, so I decided to make it up to you! I, uh, hope you like it!" He said, his hand resting on the nape of his neck.
You didn't even know what to say. Nobody had ever done such a grand gesture towards you before, so it felt surreal, especially since it was coming from Bennett.
"I-! Um, thank you! You really didn't have to though!" You noticed that he was still holding onto your hand with a tight grip, though you weren't sure if it was intentional or not. Your opposite hand rested on your cheek, trying to hold yourself together and not completely fangirl right in front of him.
The two of you sat down, and you inwardly groaned when he let go of your hand, a mumbled apology coming out his mouth accompanied by awkward coughing. A few moments went by before he spoke.
"Well, dig in (Y/N)! It's all yours y'know!" You didn't even know where to start with everything. It seemed that he had put out all of your favorite desserts, and it looked like Razor helped him too by the look of the hashbrowns.
"Ah, okay!" You decided to start off with the Almond Tofu, because who doesn't love it? As soon as you put it in your mouth, the taste was like nothing you had ever had before, and you immediately turned to Bennett.
"This! This is so good! How did you make it!?"
"Oh, is it really that good? I had the Traveler help me with it, and I'll tell you, he is a master cook! I would never have expected it! Here, wait, try this!" You figured that he was just going to point out what to eat, but instead, he grabbed a forkful of cake and held it out to you.
While he might have looked calm and cheery, he was inwardly freaking out.
What if she thinks I'm weird!?  If this plan backfires on me I'm moving to Sumeru and I will never step foot in Mondstadt again.
His heart was pounding as he saw a confused look on your face. The realization probably dawned on you after that, especially when one could plainly see the flushed look on your face as you realized.
Hesitantly, you opened your mouth and ate the cake on the fork that he held out, chewing thoughtfully before your eyes widened at him.
"Uh, yeah...?"
"THIS IS SO GOOD!" The tips of his ears were burning red from the adorable look on your face, and he had to cover the bottom half of his face with his hand as he could feel the red get more and more intense.
"(Y/N)!" You looked up from the cake that you were pigging out on, a look on your face like you had been caught doing something you shouldn't have.
"Uhhhhhh...yeah?" You slowly started moving your forkful of cake towards your mouth as you waited for his answer.
"Listen! I-! I really, really like you! A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same, I just wanted to tell you because I don't like keeping secrets from my friends and I think I made it awkward now so I'm just gonna-mmph!?"  Instead, you shoved the forkful of cake into his mouth, looking away with a furious blush on your face.
"Just shut up okay! Of course, I like you too, why wouldn't I!? So, um!" He looked at you with an incredulous look in his eyes as he chewed the cake, but you just so happened to notice that there was some frosting on his lip.
Yolo it bruh, don't be a coward.
Leaning closer, you swiped your thumb across his lip, collecting the frosting and tasting it as your heart pounded.
"Hmm...still tastes good!" Bennett didn't say anything, he just stared at you, and you started to get nervous and were about to apologize for your actions.
Suddenly, his hand slipped behind your head, pulling you close, but he paused right before his lips could touch yours.
"Um, can I kiss you?" (consent asking king, this is canon, he asks for consent)
"Y-Yeah!!" Not a moment later, he touched his lips to yours. It was a warm kiss, almost as if you were in front of a fireplace, and the way you gently moved his lips in sync with yours felt like you were home.
When the two of you pulled away, you hesitantly leaned your head on his chest, and hearing his accelerated heartbeat made you giggle a little bit.
"H-Hey, what's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing Bennett...just very happy."
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sineala · 3 years
The gay Invaders
Hi, internet! Today I'd like to talk about one of the chronologically-first canonically-gay couples in Marvel Comics history: Brian Falsworth (the second Union Jack) and Roger Aubrey (The Destroyer). (I mean "chronological" in terms of in-universe timeline rather than RL publication date; I'm pretty sure Northstar is still the first to publication as far as unambiguously-gay Marvel heroes go.)
If you are a fan of reading or writing about Captain America being queer, you should care about Brian and Roger, because they were two of Steve's fellow Invaders in the 1940s, meaning that they are two of the people on the list of Steve's Old Gay Friends And Teammates, because, yeah, Steve sure had a lot of canonically gay friends during the war. Probably more than you'd think he would have had in the forties! (The other two are Percival Pinkerton, who's part of Nick Fury's Howling Commandos, and of course Steve's childhood friend Arnie Roth. Pinky is gay by word of Stan Lee, IIRC; Arnie was as canonically gay as DeMatteis could make him in the early 1980s, so they didn't say the word "gay" but it's really, really not subtle. Steve compares what Arnie feels for his "roommate" Michael to what Steve feels for his girlfriend Bernie. Yeah.)
I previously made a Tumblr post about Brian and Roger, rounding up some of the canonical evidence of their relationship, but that post is six years old now, and in the intervening years, Marvel has thoughtfully put the rest of the 70s Invaders run on Unlimited as well as the two Citizen V miniseries that star Roger and retcon his relationship with Brian as romantic. So I've read them now, and I've got panels.
Okay. I should probably begin by saying that Brian and Roger are not canonically gay in their first significant appearance together, which is in Invaders vol 1 #19 and #20, published in 1977. Roy Thomas does not seem to have intended them to be a couple, and they aren't canonically one in any of the original Invaders run. However, if you enjoy gay subtext, it's very nice.
This whole arc is the one that introduces Roger in modern canon. He's been brainwashed by the Nazis and the Invaders rescue him and get him back to his normal self. But in #19 we get his backstory in flashback, as related by Montgomery, Lord Falsworth (Brian's father; yes, MCU fans, the name should look familiar) and it turns out that Roger and Brian were basically best friends since childhood:
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They were the dearest of friends!
Anyway, they both ended up captured by Nazis, they presumably changed their minds about appeasement as a policy, Brian got out and joined the Invaders, then they had to rescue the brainwashed Roger, and it's a fair amount of fun in a two-issue arc.
The subtext is even more prominent in Invaders #34, in which they find out that someone going by the Destroyer (which is Roger's codename) has been doing villainous deeds, and the Invaders worry that Roger's gotten himself brainwashed again. Brian immediately insists that it can't really be Roger because he knows Roger and Roger Would Never:
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Unsurprisingly, Brian is right. It's not really Roger; Master Man is impersonating the Destroyer, and the villains have taken Roger captive, and the Invaders break him out and there is an extremely significant moment where it just so happens that Roger has to catch Brian, saving his life for a change, and they stare deeply into each other's eyes and Brian seems to be having difficulty finishing his sentences:
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Some people who read this therefore concluded that Brian and Roger were extremely gay for each other. While ordinarily this sort of shipping is mostly confined to fandom, in this particular instance, one of the people who started shipping Brian/Roger was Fabian Nicieza, and Fabian Nicieza, as you probably know, writes comics for Marvel. I think you see where this is going.
However, first I must inform you that, sadly, Brian has been canonically dead for years. Captain America vol 1 #253-254 -- the two-parter about Baron Blood in the Stern/Byrne Cap run in the 80s -- establishes that Brian died in a car accident in 1953. (This is also the run where Joseph Chapman -- a friend of Jacqueline Falsworth's son Kenneth -- becomes the third (and current) Union Jack.)
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(Roger then appears in a bunch of T-Bolts issues; I assume there's nothing interesting there on the gay front because I feel like someone would have told me. I should probably read more than three T-Bolts issues someday.)
So, anyway, in 2001, Fabian Nicieza wrote a miniseries called Citizen V and the V-Battalion. Roger, who is still superheroing as the Destroyer despite being pretty old by this point, is part of the titular V-Battalion, and he has a very prominent role in this miniseries. And in #1, we have the usual splash page of character backstory, and there's a very, um, interesting line there:
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Regarding Brian and Roger's relationship, the narration informs us: "It sounds much gayer than it probably was."
This is interesting, obviously for a couple of reasons. One is that, up to this point in canon, as far as I can tell, literally nobody thought any of this sounded the slightest bit gay at all. (Other than, I guess, Fabian Nicieza.) The other reason is that, as we soon find out, it actually was as gay as it sounds. Thanks, Fabian!
In 2002, Nicieza wrote a second miniseries, Citizen V and the V-Battalion: The Everlasting. Issue #1 opens with a flashback set in 1953; specifically, we see Brian's funeral:
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Roger is extremely sad, and when Lord Falsworth expresses his sympathy about the death of Roger's "friend" and saying that he knows how much this hurts him, Roger mutters under his breath that he doesn't have the slightest clue:
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All is revealed on the next page, when one of the other characters tries to ask Roger about superhero business and Roger snaps at him because, as he says, "I just watched my friend die in my arms."
Except "friend" isn't the word he starts to say:
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Yep. That would be "lover." So Roger nearly outs himself. So, yes, now it's absolutely canon. Hooray.
Later on in the issue, which is set in the present day, we have a couple pages of Roger staring at pictures of the two of them and continuing to be sad:
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Yeah. They were a couple.
So the question you -- being a Captain America fan -- might ask yourself is, okay, did/does Steve know about any of this? (The reason I started looking all this up was because I wanted to know if Steve knew.) I don't know if we have a panel of Roger specifically admitting any of this to Steve (and if we do, I would like to know about it), but I would be comfortable saying that Steve probably knew back then -- because, well, he seems like the kind of guy who would actually have been fine with it in the 40s, what with all his gay friends -- and also that I can't think of a reason why he wouldn't know now. Because he's definitely worked with Roger again in fairly recent comics, and also Roger is very much out, these days.
In fact, New Invaders #4 (2004) opens with Roger attending Pride:
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So, yeah, he's out.
(Then he has to fight, as far as I can tell, homophobic Nazi vampires. They're yelling slurs in German. Great.)
In All-New Invaders #10, which is from 2014 (and which is not the same series as New Invaders), Roger shows up to help out the Invaders, and in passing, he just happens to mention to another character (Joseph Chapman, the current Union Jack), that he is in fact gay:
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He and Joseph don't really like each other much; as far as I can tell, their acquaintance in New Invaders consists of Joseph being vaguely homophobic and Roger being bitter about him being Union Jack because he actually wanted to be Union Jack himself to honor Brian's memory -- you know, that thing superheroes sometimes like to do to honor their dead superhero significant others, viz. Hank when Jan was dead after Secret Invasion -- and now Union Jack is this annoying kid and not, y'know, the love of his life. This exchange from New Invaders #4 seems pretty representative of their relationship:
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Anyway, yeah, he's pretty obviously out.
Steve isn't actually present for this conversation in All-New Invaders, but he mentions in a later issue of this run that he knows what Roger and his pals have been up to, plot-wise, so I feel comfortable assuming that he's talked to Roger at some point in the previous ten years or so, and therefore, since Roger is completely out at this point in canon, there's no reason Steve shouldn't know now.
On an unrelated note, it's also a fun issue if you're a Steve/Tony fan because this is clearly running in parallel with Hickman's Avengers run, which means that he spends half a page telling Namor that he's mad at him and the rest of the Illuminati (but mostly mad at Tony because... he's just obsessed with Tony in this run, I guess?) about the mindwipe:
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This is the sum total of my knowledge about Brian and Roger. No, wait, I know one more thing, which is that Brian was a character in the late, lamented mobile game Avengers Academy, in which he was also actually gay; Roger does not seem to have been there. There's a CBR article that you can read about the whole thing, which mentions some of these details from the comics in passing. (I have no idea why it says that their relationship was alluded to in the Stern/Byrne run; unless I missed something big, the only thing those issues do is establish Brian's death. As far as I can tell, no one is gay in them.)
So, yeah, that's Brian Falsworth and Roger Aubrey, the two gay Invaders. Steve sure has a lot of gay friends.
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