#prompt: solitary confinement
serickswrites · 8 months
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, solitary confinement, small spaces, sensory deprivation
"SHUT UP!" Whumper growled at Team Leader. Whumper had, for the better part of an hour, been trying to hurt Teammate One, but each time Whumper raised their hand, Team Leader began to scream. Scream at their top of their longs, breaking Whumper's concentration.
Team Leader didn't relent. They couldn't. As long as Whumper wasn't distracted, they wouldn't hurt any of the team. Team Leader wouldn't let Whumper hurt their team.
"If you do not shut up, I will make you." Whumper said as they stalked away from Teammate One.
But Team Leader didn't stop. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Their throat was ragged from screaming, but they wouldn't stop. Couldn't stop.
Whumper stalked forward and boxed Team Leader's ears, disorienting them quickly. Team Leader's scream faltered as they listed sideways from the blow. Whumper took advantage and began to drag Team Leader out of the room. "I will have my way with your team. I will. There is nothing you can do to stop me."
Team Leader opened their mouth to start screaming once more, but Whumper shoved a filthy rag in their mouth. "You will not spoil my fun."
Team Leader began to struggle in their restraints, trying to free their fingers enough to rip the rag out of their mouth. Whumper quickly pulled a blindfold down over Team Leader's eyes. Team Leader struggled violently against being blinded, but Whumper boxed their ears once more before lifting them into the air.
"You will not spoil my fun," they growled in Team Leader's ear as they dropped Team Leader.
Team Leader's heart fluttered as they had no way to gauge how long they would fall. Their fall was broken abruptly by cold metal. They were enclosed on all sides by metal. They thrashed against the sides. They had to get out of the box.
"Let's see how you do with some time alone with your thoughts, Team Leader." Whumper whispered in their ear before shoving something thick and cottony in both their ears.
Team Leader was cut off from their senses. Cut off from the world. Cut off and in a tight space. Cut off and unable to help their team. Cut off and unable to do anything but try and calm their breathing.
Time passed. Or didn't. Team Leader had no way of knowing. Had no way of knowing anything. They only had their hope that Whumper would come for them soon. And then they would have their revenge.
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yourwakingnightmares · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Ra's al Ghul (mentioned) Additional Tags: Febuwhump 2024, Prompt: Solitary Confinement, Reverse Robins A/U, Captivity, Kidnapping, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Unreliable Narrator, Food Deprivation Series: Part 2 of WakingNightmare's Febuwhump 2024 Summary:
Dick isn’t a baby, alright? He’s ten years old, dammit, and he knows stuff. He’s been Robin for almost six months now so he knows… He knows that this probably isn’t gonna end well for him or his brothers.
 Reverse Robins A/U
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runredrabb1t · 2 months
Love me some good old fashioned psychological whump.
Defiant whumpee expecting and being ready/ used to violence but instead being met with the punishment of solitary confinement.
After a day or two, or maybe weeks, they finally crack, they break down. Sobbing, begging, pleading.
Scratching and banging at the door.
Screams of “let me out!” Turn into sobs of “I’m sorry” and “I’ll be good”
When Whumper opens the door, whumpee is huddled in a corner, both physical and mental exhaustion written all over them.
Whumpee looks up, tears welling up “I’m sorry”
Whumper “I’m glad to see you’ve learned”
Now any threats of solitary confinement are met with complete obedience from whumpee
Why is it so appealing ?
Why whump gotta be like daydreaming crack ?
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So...anyone remember that version of the Rejected Soulmate AU where Danny turns Tim into a Halfa against his will and Tim developed picture powers and trapped Phantom in a painting?
Well I do and I'm about to make it everyone else's problem.
When Danny is finally released from the painting he is not okay. He had been trapped in an attic where pretty much no one went to and then everyone outright avoided for years.
He was essentially stuck in solitary confinement for Ancients know how long. People don't just walk away from that and get to be perfectly sane afterwords. Whats more was that Dannys core was damaged right before being picturefied. Usually the damage sustained would have been nothing more than the equivalent of a skinned knee but being surrounded on all sides by the essence or not only another ghost but another Halfa...well...when two ghosts mix thier essences together they can create a new core.
A baby.
Unfortunately for Phantom both of them were Halfas and Danny had no access to human requirements such as food and water.
Phantoms body couldn't handle the strain of a pregnancy and he had a miscarriage. Worse still, he was constantly surrounded by Tim's essence so he just...kept getting pregnant and kept having miscarriage after miscarriage. When Danny was released he sobbed. It wasn't unusual so hear sobbing or crying from what was dubbed "Dannys room" all around him were the empty cores of the children he had lost, splayed across the floor without a glow and without a life. He looked up at the wall he had been hanging on and saw a distinct discoloration where his portrait used to be. For the love of the Ancients, how long had be been trapped there??
Danny eventually managed to calm down and went over to one of the boxes that hadn't been touched since Alfred stopped coming he tried not to think about that and quietly dumped the contents out onto the floor and used the box to gather up the so many far too many cores.
He would hold a funeral for them all at a later date, but for now he needed to escape the manor.
Sneaking down the stairs he kept his senses sharp. There seemed to be no one in the manor and it appeared to have been that way for quite some time. Alfred would rise from the grave himself if he knew how much dust had accumulated in his absence.
Danny walked past a puddle on the living room floor absently noting the large stain on the ceiling that periodically let a drop splash down into the dampness below. What had happened here? Clearly Tim hadn't died the rest of the way anytime soon after locking Danny up and throwing away the key, so what was up with the manor? How long had Danny been gone? Did they abandon him along with the house? That thought sent his stomach churning.
He knew Tim didn't want him. He had been okay with that so long as he played with him. Most soulmate bonds were platonic and Danny wasn't above pestering someone for attention. Red Robin had almost always seemed annoyed by his presence though and never really gave him a chance even when he seemed to be having fun with whatever "mini game" he had constructed (he made sure to base them off of Reds own hobbies and likes) he had seemed to be holding himself back. Tim never opened up to Danny.
Now Danny was the one trying to avoid Tim as he slipped out one of the manors secret passageways. Thank you old school money and your paranoid aristocrats. He wondered it Bruce even knew of all the secret passageways the Phantom had scoped out in Wayne Manor as he slipped out of a bush behind some old house on another property. Judging on how he had to phase his way out of the hidden door and under the bushes roots he'd go out on a limb and guess no one had used this one in quite a while.
He decided to still stick to the shadows. Even if he had escaped the manor it didn't change the fact that if Tim didn't already know he escaped he would soon enough and would be out looking for him with the rest of the furry patrol.
What about Hood? Did he still hate him? Danny wasn't even sure what went wrong. One day they were friends and then the next he wouldn't even look at him. Did Tim say something? Would he stoop so low? Either way he didn't think Hood would help him. He could feel Hoods Ecto-signature over in the direction of Crime Alley so he couldn't have been trapped for two long, right?
Wrong. So so wrong. According to the date on the electronic billboard he had been trapped for 133 years. Ancients. In other news Tim Drake had been attacked and fallen into a coma not too long ago, which would explain why Danny was free and not being chased. That and his collar that hid his ecto signature. Every day he's thankful for it.
Now would be the best time to leave Gotham. Now while everyone is distracted and Tim can't shove Danny back into his own private Hell.
By the time Tim realizes Danny is missing he will already be long gone.
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whumpshaped · 8 months
tw solitary confinement, captivity, starvation, conditioning
whumper who doesnt scream. or yell. or get angry in a way whumpee expects. their face is neutral and theyre silent. then they leave.
whumpee is still screaming at the locked door, "serves you right" "run, you coward" "cant handle a bit of confrontation?" but then it gets exhausting and boring. at the end of the day theyre still the one stuck on the wrong side of the door, without food and water.
when whumper comes back, theyre more desperate. not enough to behave or apologise, not yet. but when whumper still regards them so coldly and still doesnt say a word to them, whumpee knows theyre expected to do something. and yet still, they dont.
whumper leaves again.
when they come back, whumpee is perfectly behaved. they dont want to apologise to their captor. they wont apologise. they can play along but they wont apologise. whumper doesnt look like someone who thinks thats enough.
just when whumper is about to leave, whumpee blurts out a desperate apology. theyre in tears, miserable, lonely, starved, and so so in need of some kind words. or any words. any contact at all.
whumper turns back around and looks down at them with at least some expression, even if that expression is condescension and disapproval. "ready to listen now?"
whumpee has never been happier to be scolded and lectured.
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kabie-whump · 8 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 2: Solitary Confinement ♡
Solitary confinement is fun and cool when Whumpee has absolutely no access to the outside world but consider this: Whumpee can see everyone else going about their lives and is still completely alone.
Maybe they’re in a cage, hanging above Whumper’s lair. Peeking through the bars, they can see Wumper moving about below them. At first, they are grateful for the lack of attention from their torturer. Anything is better than being hurt again.
But as time goes on the loneliness starts to get to them. Whumpee watches Whumper constantly, praying for any glance upward; any indication that Whumper was thinking about them.
They yell through the gag in their mouth. Nothing. They bang their head against the bars. Nothing. Tears fall without permission every time Whumper walks by and their eyes don’t even flick in the direction of the hanging cage.
Did Whumper forget about them?
Whumpee would take any punishment just for the proof that someone knows they exist.
When Whumper finally lets Whumpee out and subjects them to a brutal beating, Whumpee smiles through it and finishes it with a weakened “Thank you.”
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isolation is not used enough as whump.
i love my whumpers (why do you think I have so many of them as ocs compared to whumpees), but sometimes the whumper doesn't need to be there. Sometimes you leave your guy stuck, alone, forever. And then just see what happens.
Drifting in the emptiness of space? free to roam but unable to talk to people or interact with the world in any capacity? just a plain, fully furnished, completely uneventful room, but with no door? Incredible. showstopping. flawless.
like, we all love starvation and dehydration and torture via the elements or weather or nature, but I think we all are sleeping on boredom. boredom is a slow, patient killer, that'll tear apart your mind, bit by unstable bit.
boredom is what pushes a whumpee to be a whumper. it's been so long without stimulus - you might turn to... alternative methods. because if you make them scream, it might just remind you that you still exist.
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seldompathic · 8 months
"When Shadow catches wind that Sonic is still alive on the Death Egg, he makes a promise to his rival's charge to return the hedgehog in one piece.
As it turns out, he might need a little more tape than he bargained for."
[My browser is freaking out and won't allow me to directly link it from Ao3 so that's the best I can do until I figure it out :')]
It's been a while since I've written a fic, but I HAD to take a crack at Febuwhump this year >:)) Welp, time to make hedgehogs dance around emotions like they're fitted with spikes 💃
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pluralprompts · 7 months
Prompt #1,477
Kidnapped and stuck in isolation, Person A semi-accidentally creates a headmate to keep them company.
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kybercrystals94 · 8 months
Roaring Silence
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 2 | Prompt 2: Solitary Confinement
Rated: G
Words: 180
Summary: Omega faces a test. (Character Focus: Omega)
“I don’t like this test,” Omega says quietly, stopping short of the door, resisting the hand that presses against her back between her shoulder blades.
“Growth is rarely comfortable, Omega,” Nala Se says. “It is only forty-eight standard hours. You will be fine.”
Omega can’t seem to make herself move, staring at the windowless door to the windowless room. She has grown to dread it with a deep seeded fear she cannot quite grasp. Omega stumbles when Nala Se gives her a firm push, but the Kaminoan’s hand moves to grip Omega’s shoulder, keeping her upright.
“What does it do?” Omega asks, stalling. “What does this test prove?”
“That is classified,” Nala Se tells her.
Another push, and the door slides open with an airy swish of movement. Another push, and Omega is standing inside.
“I don’t want to do this,” Omega pleads, spinning around to face the scientist. “Don’t make me do this, please?”
Nala Se blinks. “It will be over soon,” she replies, and the door closes with silent finality.
Omega is left alone with the roaring silence.
✨Let me know if you’d like to be on my taglist!✨
Taglist: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424
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serickswrites · 1 year
Except the Moon
Warnings: captivity, torture, touch starved, loneliness, self sacrifice
Whumpee hadn't bothered to get out of the makeshift bed they had made in the room Whumper locked them in for the last several days. And they knew it had been days based on the progression of light and changes in the night. But they couldn't be bothered any longer. They had been here for so long. So terribly, terribly long. And they just couldn't care anymore.
When they had volunteered in Caretaker's stead, begged Whumper to take them instead, that had thought that Whumper would hurt them until they died and that would be it. They didn't think they would be locked in a room, alone, for weeks with no one to talk to, touch, or even see. All they had was the small window near the top of their cell where they could see the sky, the sun, and more often than not, the moon.
They had screamed and hollered the first several days they were there. Beat on the door. Tried to scale to the small window. But it had all been to no avail.
They had thought that Whumper would come for them then. Begin their torture then. But Whumper hadn't. Other than the slat opening in the wall and food appearing at regular intervals, Whumpee had not seen nor heard from Whumper since Whumper threw them in the room.
And they were so terribly lonely. They had nothing. No one. Except the moon. "I wish Caretaker was here. Not here instead. But here with me," they whispered to the moon. In the last few days, they found themself talking to the moon, hoping she would listen, but not daring to hope she would grant their wish.
Whumpee knew all they had to do was beg Whumper to make it stop, to trade places with Caretaker, and they would be free. But they couldn't do that. Though they longed to be seen, to be heard, and most of all to be touched, they couldn't do that. They couldn't let Caretaker be tortured like this. Or like anyway.
And so they would stay. Alone in this room with no company, except the moon.
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graviitron · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Bill Cipher & Ford Pines, Ford Pines & Stan Pines Characters: Ford Pines, the rest aren’t even here they’re just haunting the narrative 
Additional Tags: Isolation, The Journals (Gravity Falls), Hallucinations, Sleep Deprivation, Psychological Trauma, Paranoia, Episode: s02e12 A Tale of Two Stans, Childhood Trauma, Extended Metaphors, Missing Scene, Whumptober 2023 
A small glimpse into the life of a recently betrayed Stanford Pines from the 80s, running off of nothing but spite and coffee. We come to three conclusions; yellow is the worst color in the rainbow, Ford is a bit more stuck in the past than he’d like to think, and eyes suck. These are very important lessons.
FIRST DAY OF WHUMPTOBER WAHOO!!! Month long challenge full of fic and pain?? HELL YEAH!! this is also the most prompts I’ve combined into one fic. the rest are like one or two other days, maybe three if we’re pushing, but this one’s good. I’m very excited for all this month and I’m going to bed now. ougrh
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Placing a hand gently against A's little palm behind the glass partition, B can feel the warmth ever so slightly making its way through the glass. He tries not to think about how long A must have been sat there, in the corner of his cell closest to the entrance with his hand against the glass, for the warmth to get through to the other side.
“I’m sorry…” A's already heartbreakingly quiet voice is muffled by the floor-to-ceiling glass partition.
“I’m getting you out. I’m getting you home,” A insists with gentle fire, "Someday."
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coffeeangelinabox · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 2: Solitary Confinement
He paced. Sixteen one way. Twelve the other. Sixteen by twelve paces, twenty nine cracks, forty six chips. The light was greenish fluorescent and only served to highlight the fingers of creeping moss. Twice a (day? Regularly enough that he never felt that he was starving) there were a few clanking footsteps, a rattle, and a blue plastic tray of some kind of unappetising mush was pushed through the slot.
His only companion was the stink from the drain in one corner into which he relieved himself. A miasma of foulness made all the worse by the crushing isolation. There wasn't even an echo.
Sixteen. Twelve. Sixteen. Twelve. Break the monotony and back again. Twelve. Sixteen.
"Hello?" His voice was harsh. Cracked.
Torture he could've withstood, but this...
He would bargain a few secrets for a little company, for a few words.
He would bargain them just to be taunted, beaten. Acknowledged.
Sixteen. Twelve. Twelve. Sixteen.
No one comes.
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tantive404 · 1 year
Summary: Taken captive by Darth Vader, Leia makes a desperate attempt to escape. It doesn't go well.
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Bad Things Happen Bingo Prompt: “Please don’t leave me.”
Whumptober Day 3: Solitary confinement and “make it stop”
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Whumptober 2023 No.3 - Solitary Confinement, 'Make it stop'
Screaming. That’s all they could hear. They didn’t know how long it had been since it started. They didn’t know if it would ever end. Villain paced back and forth, back and forth, slamming their hands into their ears – desperate to stop the endless cries. Did they even want it to end? At least it would mean he was still alive. The screaming suddenly cut short, and shortly after the door to their pitiful cell swung open – causing them to look up in apprehension.
Of course. It was Superhero. The only person who could even access his cell. She leant against the cell door, a lazy smile dancing on her lips. It made their blood boil. Villain opened their mouth ready to demand where Hero was, what she did to him, a million questions on the tip of their tongue – but Superhero was quicker.
‘Are you enjoying yourself, Villain?’ Her smirk only growing at Villain’s murderous glare. ‘What’s wrong?’ Her voice was laced with sickly sweet mock confusion, ‘I thought you wanted this? After all, you’re the reason our precious Hero is back with us.’
Her words stung but they might’ve been able to brush her taunts off had they not seen the blood splashed across her shoes. Villain’s face dropped, the colour draining from their face.
‘What did you do to him?’ Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t disguise the slight quiver in their voice. Superhero simply sneered at their trembling voice and gaunt face, turning on her heel and slamming the door without more than a word.
Left alone in the cramped room, wincing from the fluorescent bright lights overhead. It didn’t take long for the screaming to start again. Drawn-out and guttural. They couldn’t stand it. The horrifying images of what she could possibly be doing to Hero. It was maddening.
‘Make it stop!’ they screamed and screamed and screamed until their throat was raw and bloody. But unlike Hero, no one would ever hear their screams.
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