#put a sticker on it to make it cooler
harrysfolklore · 7 months
Harry Styles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
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this was posted on my patreon a few months ago, enjoy ! MASTERLIST | MY PATREON
"Hi I'm Harry Styles and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview."
Harry introduced himself to the camera and you smiled, you were currently at WIRED Studios for Harry's long awaited autocomplete interview that he finally agreed to do thanks to yours and his fans persistence.
You were sitting behind the camera with the rest of the crew, watching him with a small smile.
A crew member passed the first board to him, he looked at it confusedly for a minute before speaking.
"Okay so. I'm answering what I think or what?"
Everyone in the studio laughed and the director quickly explained to him how the game worked once again, you rolled your eyes with affection and he sent a wink your way.
"Alright, how is Harry Styles?" he said after taking the little piece of paper off the board, "I'm good, I'm really enjoying being home in London, I was away for a while on tour and I'm going to stay here for a bit so that's exciting."
"How did Harry Styles," he paused to rip the next paper and reveal the rest of the question, "Become famous? Well, when I was sixteen years old I auditioned for a singing show called The X Factor, I got put in a band with four lads and we didn't win but we put out a song called What Makes You Beautiful," he smiled for a second, "that one put us on the map, we released a bunch of albums and now I'm here."
"How did Harry Styles meet his wife?" at this, he turned his gaze to you to give you a big smile, you immediately mirrored his and nodded your head, signaling that you were okay with him talking about it.
"We could say that it was basically a blind date, we had a friend in common who thought we would be a good match and set us up, we had an amazing first date but then I had to travel to Los Angeles for work so we couldn't really see each other after that but once I was back in London we hung out all the time, and now we're married."
He smiled at you again and you couldn't help but feel your heart melt, you had been married for 6 months now but the married life was still new for the both of you, and everything he called you his wife butterflies made its way to your stomach.
"How is Harry Styles still alive?" his eyes widened in surprise and he looked around the room, making a few present laugh, "Um, that's a weird thing to search on the internet, but I guess, I don't know if I can answer that, I don't think anyone can answer that we're just lucky to still be around and enjoy life."
He gave the camera one of his infamous "frog smiles" and handed the board to a crew member who was ready with the next one.
"Does Harry Styles have tattoos?" he revealed the first question of the new board, "Yes, he does. I have a lot of tattoos actually, they're basically all over my body. The most recent one is right here," he pointed at the back of his right arm, "It's my wedding date, actually, everyone might call me a sap but I was reserving this arm for tattoos about my wife a and future kids, so I guess it's finally time to fill it."
It was safe to say that  fans watching at home and everyone in the studio absolutely melted, especially you.
"Does Harry Styles have siblings? I do I have a sister, she's older than me and her name is Gemma. A lot of people claim she's cooler than me for some reason but I don't thing that's true," he shrugged and revealed the next question, "Does Harry Styles speak Italian? I would like to think that I do, I spend a lot of time there and I've learned how to communicate pretty decently."
"Is Harry Styles an actor?" he said after peeling the first sticker of the new board, "He tries to be an actor that's for sure," he laughed and everyone in the room did as well, "I mean, I've been in a couple of movies, I've auditioned for a bunch of roles and my agent has sent me scripts to go through," he shrugged "So I can say that makes me an actor."
"Is Harry Styles american?" he shook his head at that one, "He is not! He's Britain, born and raised okay? He's very proud of it."
"What's Harry Styles BeReal? I don't have a BeReal, but if I did I wouldn't tell you," he pointed to the camera jokingly, "What are Harry Styles fans called? I think they are referred to as Harries, but I don't like to speak on behalf of them, you should ask them."
"What was Harry Styles first song? My first song was Sign Of The Times, I wrote it with friends that I love, and that is my wife's favorite song I've ever written, right love?"
"That's correct." you said from your spot, pretty audible so you know it would make it to the final cut of the interview.
"What are Harry Styles songs about?" he peeled the last sticker of the board, "They're about a lot of things, life, friends, love, my wife," he shrugged, "I even have one about the female orgasm."
You quietly giggled, knowing that his fans would go crazy over that last sentence.
"Did Harry Styles go to college? He did not, he became a singer."
"Did Harry Styles win a Grammy? He somehow won Album Of The Year last year, which is absolutely insane if you ask him."
"Did Harry Styles finish high school? Oh I'm glad the internet asks," he laughed, "Contrary to popular belief I did finish high school, I completed my GCES and I graduated, I don't know why there's a rumor there that I didn't finish high school tho."
"Anyway, last one!" he comically threw the board to the floor and grabbed the final board a crew member was handling him, "Who is Harry Styles best friend? Um, I have a ton of best friends. Jeff who's also my manager, Mitch who plays in my band, my childhood best friend's name is Johnny, so yeah, I'm very lucky in the friends department, I love my friends."
"Who does Harry Styles look like? My mom, I would say. A lot of people point out that we have the same smile," he shrugged, "My mom is a beautiful woman so I'm flattered."
"Who did Harry Styles write Love Of My Life about? My wife and London."
"And final question," he slowly peeled off the sticker for dramatic effect, "Who does Harry Styles love? Okay, that's cute that people search for that on the internet, um, I love my family and friends, I love my wife that's for sure, I love making music and performing," he listed with his fingers, "And love love, yeah, love is great."
He smiled to the camera and put the board aside to say his goodbyes.
"I thought my Google searches were much more appropriate that I expected. I was fun to see what people wonder about me, so yeah thank you WIRED for having me."
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ckret2 · 8 days
@marsupials-of-mars submitted:
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I was planning to do maybe a fic and more doodles of this but now I'm busy with school so I might as well show what I did do!
Based on how the goldilocks fic seems to posit that Bill at his best is a silly professor who loves to teach his own way
Introducing Professor Locke!
Things about this idea:
-post redemption, however that will go. I'm calling it an AU because I imagine it is not your plan for what happens after lol, but currently canon-compliant.
-Bill is at first not very on board with the idea of working in the higher education system. It's a scam and it's dumb that they tell adult people how to think.
-He's eventually convinced to bless Backupsmore with his tutelage, on the grounds that they're less stuck up there, they seem to care about giving their students opportunities despite their backgrounds, and the kids there care about learning rather than going to college just because their parents said they should.
-Ford uses his academic connections to vouch for Bill even though he is very mysterious and has no academic records. This is another reason why they picked Backupsmore: i's a little more lax when presented with a shockingly smart mystery professor. Bill gets an interview and charms the pants off the university president.
-He teaches "astrophysics" in theory (that's the job description) but he ends up teaching a little bit of everything.
-He's one of those professors you either adore or despise. He's very loud, often outright mean, and if you're too shy to speak up in class he does not give a SHIT about you. You gotta want it!
-However, his class is notoriously easy. He thinks homework and tests are facist, but he's required to have a curriculum, so his "quizzes" are like a few true or false questions and then a short answer where he asks something he thinks would be funny or wants to hear about, like "what's the dumbest thing another student has said in class since the last test and why was it dumb" or "fashion advice: what's the coolest thing I wore this last week? Extra credit: draw something cooler I SHOULD wear."
-as a result, students who have completely unrelated majors will take his class. If they end up being interested, he deems them worthy. If they're just there to be lazy, he will bully them into dropping out.
-Mabel buys him stickers to put on people's tests when they pass, or to just hand out when they something he likes. He gets along most with the college kids who know how to appreciate a classic gold star.
-He really wanted a big pretty lecture hall, where his voice would echo and he could point at a big chalkboard. But all Backupsmore could provide was a cinderblock and linoleum basement classroom. The lights buzz very loudly and it smells musty. They have stools and folding tables. Bill finds he enjoys the more intimate environment where he can walk between the tables and also sneak up on people.
-He's broken multiple folding tables by trying to do the cool professor thing where you hop up onto your desk and cross your legs and talk all casual. He is able to do this on his own desk thankfully. It's aluminum.
-Ford gets a bit nervous if he did the right thing when bill tells his school stories at the dinner table, so he finds an excuse to accompany Bill to a campus event where he can meet some of his students.
-His fears are quickly assuaged when he sees how beloved Bill is and how well he gets along with the kids. When he eventually joins in on one of these conversations, one of the students asks if he's Sixer. The students are excited by this. Bill tries to shut them up, to partial success.
OK I guess I just ended up writing the fic more or less so enjoy I guess lol.
Aww, this is adorable! Thank you! (And the fact that you're imagining a future for Bill makes me so happy.) He's absolutely be the weirdest professor in the school and he'd ADORE having a crowd full of trusting impressional minds whose parents are paying him to change the way they think. Talk about playing to his strengths.
Your idea is so wholesome, meanwhile the moment I saw "Professor Bill" I went,
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nickfowlerrr · 2 months
long way home
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GIF by lilacevans
pairing: dark!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY. cnc smut. spanking. unprotected sex. use of the word ‘daddy’ but not pertaining to lee. fluffy ending!
words: 4.7k
notes: truly cannot believe i finally finished this lol. this is as self indulgent as ever but hey that’s the way fanfic should be imo. 😌 anyway! thank you in advance for reading, and i hope you enjoy!
comments and reblogs always welcome and always appreciated. 🫶🏻
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The sirens that start sounding just moments after you pass the curve of the desolate road have your heart lurching and stomach dropping.
“No, no, no, no, no,” you mutter pathetically as you try to take a deep calming breath.
You signal you’re going to pull over and the sheriff’s car follows behind you.
It’s late and there aren’t any other cars around as the sun sets on the horizon. It’s nearly 90° out, cooler than the day had been earlier, but the heat is still suffocating. You can’t fathom wanting to pull someone over right now.
You get your wallet out and grab the envelope that holds your insurance and technically out of date registration. You’re sure you know what this will be about.
As you watch the Sheriff emerge from his cruiser, you almost pity him as he wears what you can only assume is a very scratchy uniform. Long sleeves, pants, and a ridiculous looking hat. You don’t really feel bad though, he did this to himself.
As he approaches the back of your car, he squints as he looks into your vehicle. His hands find his belt as he saunters closer, a toothpick in his mouth that he plays with.
Your anxiousness builds as he takes his sweet time getting to your window.
You greet him with a forced smile as he leans down, slapping one hand on the hood of your car while he peers down at you, getting closer.
“Hi,” you offer timidly.
“Evenin’, darlin’,” he drawls as he takes you in; clear blue eyes roving you up and down, twinkling with something…off putting. When his gaze meets yours again, his tongue moves his toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. “You know why I stopped you?”
“My tags,” you answer, earning a squint from him.
“Your tags?”
“Was that,” your eyes round, “not why?”
He chuckles, “You got a light out, darlin’.”
“Oh,” you mutter.
“Yeah,” he responds dully. “Expired tags, ya said?”
“Well,” you start, “they’re not exactly expired. The ones on my car are old, but the registration was paid for. I just don’t have the stickers yet,” you try to explain.
“Long way from home, aren’t ya?”
“Uhm,” your brows furrow before you can school yourself at his change of subject, “I- yeah. Just passing through on my way back.”
It’s quiet between you as the air grows tense. You don’t know what to do or say, you just wait for him to continue.
“If I run your plates, am I gonna be catchin’ you in a lie?”
You stare dumbly for half a second. “Uhm, I don’t… I dont know how it’ll look or show up. I need to get my car smogged before I can get the new tags,” you admit, “but the registration is paid for. My dad paid it, he sent me the receipt and everything, I can pull it-“
“Daddy’s girl, huh?”
Your words cut off instantly but your lips stay parted in a sort of shock. Did he actually just say that? Ew. Your stomach roils at his words. At the way he’s looking at you, leaning into your car.
You titter, an uneasy sound escaping you as you give a wince of a smile. What are you supposed to do in a situation like this?
“I,” you breathe, don’t make matters worse, “yeah, I guess I am,” you shrug, offering a close lipped attempt at a smile.
Your response gets a wicked grin from him as he laughs and it makes you feel disgusting. You have to suppress the shudder that threatens to give away your agitation.
He isn’t an ugly guy, far from it if you’re being honest, but this is entirely inappropriate. You’re all alone out here with this man, a sheriff at that, and his creeping on you is verging from annoying to scary.
“Well unfortunately for you, sweetheart, I don’t think your daddy’s gonna be able to get you outta this one.”
His blue eyes are darker now and his voice is lower as he drawls his words.
Your heart stutters in your chest, squeezing as anxiety seizes you.
“What, what do you mean, sir?” you eek out through your tight throat, lashes fluttering as you search his eyes for any sort of humor, a sign that things aren’t as serious as he’s just made them sound.
“Well, you got a tail light out, old tags on your car, and your registration may be paid but that doesn’t mean it’s been renewed. I’d hate to have to take you in for somethin-“
“Take me in?” your voice raises despite yourself, “why would you take me in? You can just give me the tickets, I’m not arguing, I-“
“Did it sound like I was finished talkin’, darlin’?” he says, voice level but firm as he eyes you sharply.
Your mouth is open in your stupor before you answer, “No, sir,” you say quietly. “I’m sorry, I just-“
“As I was sayin’,” he cuts you off, spitting out his toothpick at his feet before his gaze cuts back up to you. He kisses his teeth as he stares down at you, “I’d hate to have to take you in over somethin’ that could be…easily resolved.” He tilts his head, giving you a knowing look.
You’re disgusted.
This man is disgusting.
But there is no way he’s insinuating what he seems to be insinuating.
“Right, sir. I will get everything taken care of right away,” you nod with an anxious smile. Maybe playing dumb is the way to go here.
He tsks and your stomach drops right along with your smile.
“You know, the law here states that a driver gettin’ pulled over in an unregistered vehicle can result in said vehicle bein’ towed and said driver gettin’ their license suspended.”
You swallow hard as you let him continue, trying to will away the welling tears threatening to form in your eyes while you work to steady your breathing.
He sticks his palm out expectantly. Your brows furrow as you look at him until he instructs you. “License, darlin’.”
You scramble and find it in your wallet, handing it to him. His hand closes on yours as you place it in his hand and you force yourself not to jerk away too harshly as you pull your hand from his.
He examines your license as you wait with bated breath. You wish you could just put your car in drive and forget this stop ever happened.
“Really are a long way from home,” he muses. He drawls your name and flashes his eyes back to you for a split second. “Hm. Little old to have your daddy payin’ your bills, don’t ya think?”
You don’t respond. Shame and guilt at the reminder of your folly nipping at you again - worse now under the gaze of this man. You look at his badge as he keeps reading your license. Bodecker.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not judgin’ ya,” he smiles as he hands your license back to you, held between two fingers. You try to meet his eye but your embarrassment and anxiety keep you from holding it long as you slowly reach to take it back.
“I’ve always been under the belief that pretty ladies like yourself shouldn’t have to take care’a things like that on their own. Should have a man to take care of ‘em. 
Seein’ as that man’s still your daddy, I’m assumin’ you haven’t found someone for yourself yet,” he eyes you, “now how’s a gorgeous girl like you single?”
Your skin is crawling but deep down you’re almost grateful for the distraction from your law breaking. 
“Sorry, sir, officer-“
“Sheriff,” he corrects.
“Sheriff. Am I getting ticketed, or…?” you trail off. Agitation ticks in his jaw and you regret not playing along and answering his question immediately.  “It’s just, it’s a long drive and I was hoping to make it home by tomorrow night,” you swallow hard, unconsciously clenching your jaw as you tense up.
“Right,” he scoffs. “Well…” he takes a deep breath, “looks to me like we got two options here, darlin’. And ticketing ain’t one of ‘em. Why don’t you do me a favor,” he says, stepping away from your door slightly, “turn off the engine and step outta the vehicle for me.”
“Sheriff?'' Your voice is quiet, undertoned with the terror you feel creeping up your spine. Why do you need to get out of your car? Why did your taillight have to go out? Why did you have to open your stupid mouth before he even told you what he was pulling you over for? Why did you have to drive through this stupid little town to begin with!
“I’m bein’ nice, sweetheart. Now you can either get outta the vehicle or I can remove you from it and put you in the back’a my own.” The turn of his voice, the dark shift in his eyes, you don’t have it in you to not listen to him.
You shut off the car, unbuckling your seatbelt, and slowly grab the door handle, breathing deeply as you push it open and step out.
God, it’s hot. You hold back a whine at the humidity that surrounds you and shift uncomfortably before the sheriff. He’s tall, and ten times more intimidating now that there’s not a metal barrier between you. You pull on the strap of your tank top as you wait for his next instruction.
“Keys,” he orders, holding out his hand.
You’re frozen despite the heat as you look at him with rounded, unsure eyes. You clutch them tighter in your hand.
You stutter a breath as he steps closer to you. He stares in your eyes as he grabs your hand and takes the set of keys easily before he strides past you back to his cruiser. You follow him with your eyes, turning your head to watch him over your shoulder.
He throws your keys into his car along with his hat before he shuts the door and comes back toward you.
“Two options,” he repeats as he stands behind you. “I think I know which one would be best for both of us.”
You feel heavy hands grip your hips and you shudder under his touch, a sharp gasp leaving you as you’re yanked back into the sheriff’s body. He’s groping you. He’s groping you and there’s no one around to see or stop him. There’s no one around to help you. There’s nothing you can do.
“Either I call a tow and get your vehicle taken down to the yard and take you in the back of my cruiser,” he rumbles in your ear as he leans into you, “or,” he breathes, his lips tickling your jaw as he lowers his head toward your neck,
“And this is the option I’m rootin’ for-” he smirks, “-you get down on your knees and take care’a this,” he intones as he grinds his stiffness into your backside, earning a breathy squeaky from you as you squeeze your eyes shut. Praying to anyone who might be listening that this is all just a bad dream, that it isn’t real. “And I’ll take care’a you, darlin’,” he simpers darkly, his hands slithering down your body as he gropes you without care. You can’t do so much as eke out a word as he touches you. You want to scream, tell him to stop, to just take you to his station and tow the damn car. But you can’t. And even if you could… where does that leave you? Your parents have done so much for you already - too much. You can’t put more on them, can’t keep running to them to solve your problems. The sheriff was right, you realize, your dad isn’t gonna be able to get you out of this.
No one can.
You won’t be able to afford getting your car out, and you won’t have any way home.
He says you have two options. But it seems you both know that you only really have one.
“Mm,” he hums as he squeezes your hips and tummy, his thumb rubbing along the exposed skin at the hem of your top, “you’re soft.”
His hands slide around your body, pressing on your stomach as he works one down the front of your leggings.
It’s in the blink of an eye that you find yourself pressed against the side of your car, the sheriff firm on your back as he holds you in place. He has one arm around your waist as his other is down your pants. He forces a leg between yours as he urges you to spread them for him. Your knees hit the car as you begin to struggle and your chest squeezes.
The sheriff shoves himself hard against you and your body is forced even more firmly to your car as you cry out at the force. You grab onto his forearm as his thick fingers rub against your covered cunt.
“Ah-ah,” he admonishes, “none’a that now, sweetheart,” he rubs himself against your ass. His fingers don’t stop as they pull at the fabric of your underwear, finally getting the access he was looking for.
He chuckles and tears prick at your eyes in your mortification as you mewl pathetically, hiding your face against the car - your wetness undeniable as he delves between your folds. You groan as he pokes at your entrance. He swirls around your wetness and drags his fingers up your sex. He nudges your clit and your breath catches at the shock.
“There she is,” he smirks, his lips against your cheek. He presses on your clit and rubs the button in sloppy circles as your voice raises despite yourself.
“Sheriff, please,” you quake under his touch. You’re firm against your car as he keeps you pressed with his weight.
“You ain’t gotta beg, darlin’, I’ll give ya what you need.”
It sounds like a taunt as you teeter on the edge. His fingers work you closer and closer to your unwanted high and as you tense and a desperate moan leaves you, a deep moan sounds from him in turn. “You’re almost there, ain’tcha,” he breathes harshly. 
Your eyes stay screwed shut as you try to block him out while your nerve endings blaze in the building tension. That coil deep inside you winding tighter and tighter as it threatens to snap.
“That was a question, darlin’, fuckin’ answer it,” he growls meanly in your ear as he jerks you against the car again.
“Yes,” you cry, not bothering to lie. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” you murmur pathetically as that coil finally snaps and your orgasm crashes over you. You hold onto his arm without thinking as you come and barely register when he kisses your hair softly, keeping you upright and against him as you come down; your soft cries like music to his ears.
He slips his hand from your pants and you let go of him, leaning on the car instead as you try to calm your breathing. 
“Much as I’d like to feel that sweet little mouth a’yours around me,” he sniffs, “be a damn shame to not fill you up when your pussy’s cryin’ for me like she is.” The sound of his belt jingling and his zipper cutting through the air has you spinning around in horror.
“No, please. You can’t do this,” you whimper, “please, sir, I-”
You’re cut off by the sheriff’s hand gripping your jaw as he squeezes harshly while you look at him with pleading eyes and puffy cheeks.
“You listen to me, and you listen good, sweetheart,” he sneers in your face, “I can do whatever the hell I want to do, whenever the hell I want to do it, you understand me?”
It’s a question you know he’s expecting an answer to as you struggle out a “yes” through his tight grip.
He lets go of your face and moves to take your arm, his grip still as tight and harsh. You can feel his strength in every move he makes against you. “Walk,” he instructs as he urges you from your car and toward his cruiser.
You can’t breathe as a renewed wave of anxiety flows through you the closer to the back of the car you get. “Wait, you said-”
“I know what I said,” he interrupts you, stopping you in your walk as he gets in front of you to pull open the back door of his cruiser. “You ain’t in handcuffs, now, are you?” 
You shake your head ‘no’. 
“Then quit your blubberin’.”
He grabs you close again, quickly and easily shoving you down face first into the back of the car. You squeal and hold yourself up on the seat as he pulls your hips against him while he stands behind you, his back to the empty road. You’re only half inside the car as you feel him tear down your leggings and underwear. If someone were to drive by right now, they’d get quite the show as the sheriff shimmies down his still undone pants in kind. You’re grateful, at least, that you can’t see anything. Of course you know what’s coming next, but you won’t have to watch it, or have him see your face in this position.
The unexpected slap he lands on your ass has you yelping at the sting as he snickers, rubbing the spot gently before he does it again. 
“You like that, darlin’? I can see you gettin’ wetter already,” he taunts as he pushes the small of your back down, arching you more while he admires your cunt from behind. You feel his fingers as he rubs at you, dipping them past your entrance, slipping them in up to his knuckle while you huff through your nose, trying to hold back a moan as he wiggles them before slipping them back out.
You don’t know why you’re so shocked when the next thing you feel is his cock pushing into you. No verbal warning, just his heavy hand on your hip as he guides himself into your tight hole. He’s thick, thicker than you’ve ever had, and you want to die at the moan that floats past your lips as he groans in his delight as you're wrapped tightly around his length. His fingers flex on your hip as he frames your other side in kind, holding tightly onto you while he inches deeper inside your walls. He gets to your limit and holds himself there for a long moment. Your body moves on its own, your hips wiggling just the slightest in search of some kind of friction. 
You feel yourself heat up more in your embarrassment as he groans again, “knew you’d like this,” he says smugly.
You gasp sharply as he begins to move again, sliding almost all the way out of you before pushing right back in, your tight resistance spurring him on as your walls squeeze him snuggly. In then out, over and over again, his thick cock filling you up. With every thrust into you, he makes sure you feel every single inch of him.
Your wetness is undeniable, you can hear the lewd sounds of your fucking loud and clear as you’re rocked between him and the leather seats. The slapping of his hips against your ass and his heavy pants and growls as he grips you tightly, it all adds to the building, buzzing sensation growing inside of you. 
“Goddamn tight,” he pants, pulling you back into him by your hips as he fucks you hard, his movements growing more erratic the closer he gets. “Gonna make me bust inside a’you, darlin’. Fill you up nice and full’a my jizz,” he breathes heavily, groaning and slapping your ass hard, groping you as he moves you back and forth on his thick length.
You mewl, fingers clawing at the leather beneath you, your eyes scrunched in your thieved pleasure as you meet his thrusts. You don’t want this, but it feels so good. His cock hits that certain spot just right, and you can’t stop yourself from fucking him back in search of more. It’s awful, and it feels like heaven.
“Fuck, I’m gonna bust,” he moans, one hand slipping from your hip down to find your clit. Your walls clench around him as he winds you tighter with his touch. You don’t have a voice as you squeak a moan, eyes rolling as you drone out mindlessly, completely cock drunk as he slams into you, chasing his orgasm.
You're overcome by your own, blindingly so as the sheriff works you through it. You quake beneath him and suddenly feel the hot spurts of his come as he lets go inside of you, curses tumbling from his lips as he does, his hold on you never faltering. 
Slowly he comes down, chuckling through heavy breaths as he loosens his grip on you, instead rubbing circles on your hip.
You’re both breathing hard and you turn around gingerly to look at him, still holding yourself up on your arms. He’s pulling his pants up and zipping his fly when you both hear a rumbling approaching from behind the curve of the road just behind where you’re parked. Your brow is quirked as you listen. Head still foggy from your orgasm, you don’t piece together what the sound is. 
“Shit,” he curses as he fumbles with his belt, working quick to fasten it. “Get in, lay down, darlin’,” he instructs, pushing you back gently and closing the door on you just as you see headlights coming up from around the curve. 
You heed his instructions and lay down on the seat, heart racing, adrenaline pumping as you strain to listen past the doors of the cruiser.
You hear the car that was approaching slow down as they come up on the scene of your two cars, clearly curious. No one ever takes this back road, not even the oldtimers - not unless traffic is really bad on the main highway. But it’s late on a Sunday night, the highway is surely clear, and so should this road be, too.
“Sheriff Bodecker,” an old voice croons, “is that you, dear?”
“Ah, Mrs. Greenly,” the sheriff greets, “how are ya, ma’am?”
“Just fine, Sheriff. Comin’ back in from pickin’ up Walter’s medicine outta town. Everything alright out here?”
“Everything’s fine, ma’am. Just an abandoned vehicle we got a call about, had to come check it out before we call for a tow,” he nods toward your car. “Nothin’ to worry about,” he smiles.
“Oh,” she accepts, “well, you have a nice night, Sheriff. Stay safe.”
“Thank you, ma’am. You have a nice night, now,” he returns.
“And tell your little lady I said hello,”
“I certainly will,” he smiles again, nodding at her as she does the same.
You listen as she drives off, picking back up her speed as she does.
You hear the steps he takes as the sheriff comes back over to the door. You stare hard at him as he opens it to you and you sit up.
“What was it you said about this road never being used?” 
He laughs, leaning down close to you, taking your face gently in his hands before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you deeply as you lean up into his touch, kissing him back just as fervently. A sudden desperation coming over you, you try to pull him down with you, to be closer.
He breaks away with a heavy breath, eyes closed as he presses his forehead to yours. When he opens them, you’re met with brilliant blue eyes gazing back at you. 
“I don’t recall usin’ the word ‘never’,” he evades as you shake your head at him.
“Lee Bodecker,” you say, pulling him down further into the backseat with you as you wind your arms around his neck, “you sir, are a menace. A silver tongued devil.”
He smirks and kisses you again before he gets off of you, getting out of the car and standing up with a groan. He holds his hand out for you and you take it as he helps you out of the car. There’s a sticky mess between your legs but you ignore it as you pull your leggings all the way back up.
Lee closes the door and turns you so your back is against it as he stands in front of you.
“But did you like it?” He asks, leaning into you just a bit.
You bite down your smile and nod, “Yeah, I did.”
“Knew you would,” he says against your lips as he kisses you again. His hands fall to your waist as he holds you. “You were real’ convincin’, too. Almost had me second guessin’ myself.”
You titter at that, “Yeah?” you ask.
“Mhm,” he affirms. “But then I heard that sweet little moan a yours.” 
“Couldn’t help it,” you murmur softly as his lips tickle yours. Just barely touching as you breathe him in.
“Well,” he kisses your lips softly one last time before he pulls away from you completely, “it’s hot as hell out here, sweetheart,” he walks around to the passenger door of the cruiser and opens it for you. “Why don’t I take you home and see if I can’t get any other sounds outta ya,” he simpers. You meet him at the door, standing before him with a raised brow. “Been killin’ me not hearin’ my name fall from your pretty lips all night.”
You smile as you touch his cheek. “You wanna hear me moan your name?” Lee purrs in your attention as he steps closer to you. You smirk and bend to get into the car. “Gonna have to make me.”
He licks his lips as he watches you, closing the door for you once you’re settled. He gets in on the driver’s side and you continues, "But first I'm gonna need a shower. And a lotta cuddles," you add with a soft smile as you peer at him with loving eyes.
"I can do that," he agrees, the corner of his lips turned up in a half smile, his gaze just as soft for you.
"Home we go, then," you simper.
He turns his head back to the windshield and huffs as he takes notice of your car again.
He looks at you in exasperation, sighing. “You and this damn car.”
You look back sharply in challenge.
“Look, I already told ya I’m not lettin’ you drive all the way across the country alone in that thing. And I know your dad already paid your fees, but…” he sighs again and you wait for him to continue as you keep your eyes on his. “What’s it gonna take to get you to finally register it here, huh? It’s been two years. And I shoulda given you a ticket for it 22 months ago,” he adds.
You laugh, “Shoulda, coulda, but you didn’t.”
He narrows his eyes at you but it only makes you laugh more.
“It’s not my fault you flirted instead of ticketing,” you grin as you lean over the console to kiss him. “But I am grateful for it.”
You sit back down in your seat and buckle your belt as Lee hides his own smile at the memory of your first meeting, putting the car in drive as he rolls up to yours. 
“Gotta grab your wallet,” he says as he stops and gets out. You watch him as he does, admiring him - and weighing his previous question.
He gets back in, handing your wallet to you before he starts driving again, heading back into town.
“It’d be a bit of a hassle, ya know,” you muse aloud, “having to register here, getting a new id, new license, all that. Seems a little pointless just to change the state I’m living in…Now if there was something else that needed changing, something more important, something like,” you sigh dramatically, “my name, for instance, well then maybe that’d get me to finally do it,” you shrug. Lee looks over to you so quick at the mention of changing your name, you almost worry he might’ve hurt himself, but the lopsided grin that lights up his face assures you he’s just fine.
“Two years is a good while,” you add with a small smile of your own. “Plus, this place,” you emphasize, hoping he gets your meaning, him, you think as you reach for his free hand while he steers with his left, “feels a lot more like home than home ever has.”
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000-pawz · 3 months
OKAY OKAY (more under the cut cause i got carried away HELP) also this is my new universe guys so if u see more dad bnd posts, THIS IS THE REFERENCE I LOVE DAD BND
⭐ sungho girl dad agenda! no arguments!!! i also think sungho would have the most kids for some reason??? maybe 3? elementary age twins and then a baby (i will hold on to this for as long as i live)
⭐ he always wears the baby harness everywhere he goes
⭐ brings all the snacks to every single game. he's the cooler dad with all the caprisuns and cheese sticks
⭐ wakes up super early to make breakfast for everyone and pack lunches
⭐ helps his kids with all their homework and art projects. if his daughter shows up in your doorway in the middle of the night saying they forgot they had a project due tomorrow, he will run to the store at 1 am to buy glue sticks and cardstock to make sure his baby has a project to show for tomorrow
⭐ can be a little overprotective, but he just wants his babies to be safe!!! always reminds his kids that he'll come running whenever they need him
⭐ i think riwoo would be a toddler boy dad!!! literally like an even minier riwoo
⭐ when his son was a newborn, he spent most of his time doing skin to skin contact, just soaking up the new feelings of being a father
⭐ supports his kid through EVERYTHING like if he wants to dress up as a pretty princess, he'd buying two tutus on his way home
⭐ very gentle with his disciplining. if his son draws on the wall, he'll show him how to clean it up and then softly explain why it's bad!
⭐ has a hard time saying no and WILL give his kid cake for breakfast if he asks
⭐ loves loves loves cuddling while watching animated movies, sharing a big blanket and snacks with his baby <333
⭐ girl dad to two girls!!! they're a year or two apart
⭐ #1 family guy and the leader of the neighborhood dad group chat
⭐ spoils them so so so so much!!! you literally have to tell him to stop buying them new clothes every other day because you're running out of closet space ><
⭐ shows off his kids to EVERYONE and always adds "they look just like their mama <3" with the biggest smile on his face
⭐ organizes all the barbeques and picnics, invites all the kids in the neighborhood (yes, even sungho's gremlin twins)
⭐ cries every time his kids make him a gift and gives them the biggest hug ever
⭐ also cries on every single birthday because why are they growing up so fast!!!!
⭐ i see taesan as a girl dad tbh </3 he'd probably only have one daughter too
⭐ reads his kid the most outrageous bedtime stories like why are you reading "1984" by george orwell to a four-year-old
⭐ would let his daughter record a silly intro for one of his songs and show her how he makes music
⭐ takes soooo many pictures of his daughter, like half of his camera roll is his daughter and the other half is you
⭐ his daughter always has the best outfits!!! would love matching outfits too
⭐ i think his daughter would subtly adopt his opinionated nature and then he would be confused as to why she's so sassy and opinionated >< the apple doesn't fall far from the tree taesan
⭐ boy and girl dada!!! <333 i think the girl would be older too?
⭐ is super annoying during drop-off and probably yells out the window how much he loves them just to embarrass them a bit
⭐ lets his kids do the most random things to his hair... you'll come home and leehan will have a head full of bows, cars, and stickers (you have to help him get the knots out later that night)
⭐ the easiest dad to talk to ever. never gets upset at his kids for confiding in him and always gives them the best advice
⭐ falls asleep in one of the kid's beds every night because putting them to bed is the most exhausting task ever
⭐ teaches his kids how to care for fish and lets them redecorate the take every now and then
⭐ takes his kids on random trips to aquariums, parks, museums (and no, he never asks for permission from you so you always find out in the most random ways, like your son showing you his new shark plushie from the gift shop)
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jareicanon · 2 months
Thinking about how Jason's room never gathers dust but is always empty, waiting for the fifteen year old to come home; an unfinished homework sheet on the desk, a few library books scattered - the due date from years back (bruce payed for them, not wanting to disturb a thing), the sheets clean and replaced, but always done so carefully, with the old product Alfred never uses anymore apart from that, old glow-in-the-dark stickers above the bed, superglued exactly how they were taped up before, messy clothes still lying where they were left, pens scattered on his desk and left there, photographs still in their place, other trinkets on shelves untouched, a weathered copy of Pride and Prejudice still on his bedside table with a carefully folded, aged, family photo of Catherine, Wilis and Jason tucked between its pages, still where he left it behind
The only disturbance is a small dip in the bed where Bruce, then Alfred (maybe Dick if he visits on the day, but he rarely does, caught up in his own grief back home in Blud) come to sit, to absorb the room and the memory of the spitfire, cocky, yet so spirited and caring Robin- No, Jason. Little Wing, Jaylad, Master Jason. Tears are never shed, no one dares disturb the smell and memory of the room with saltiness, but the weight of the room feels heavier that day. It is the only day the door is unlocked, the door opened fully (not just to let air in, but to pretend that Jason is still here, somewhere in the manor, hes just slipped out for a few minutes, because everyone knew when Jason went inside and shut his door, no one was to go inside unless he let them). Maybe someone will trace the spines of the books. Perhaps someone will press their hands in a pillow and remember that terrible deodorant Jay had begun to wear, thinking it made him cooler as a teen. Maybe someone will brush some fluff away from the stuffed bear's eye, or quietly mend where the stuffing is starting to come out, stitching quietly and remembering how a nine year Jason had insisted he didn't need a child's toy, but had melted when it had been won for him (he hadn\t noticed they'd watched and saw how his eyes kept catching on it) and refused to let it go for a week. Maybe they count the stars above his bed, trail a finger over the small pencil markings on the wall showing Jason growing year by year, reapply blue tac to a poster slipping down in its old age.
A few years after Jason comes back, on the same grief filled day (he has returned, yes, and the family are so, so happy, but Alfred has his routines, has his own methods of coping, like all of them do), Alfred returns to the boy's room, intending to do a quick sweep and not linger too much in old memories. His eyes catch on the wall and he can't help but think something is different. Strange.
Alfred can't put a finger on it. But perhaps he is just getting old, and it is just the fact that Master Jason has returned, that is making this is strange. Then he does a final sweep, before his eyes turn back to the wall, a wall he has spent years checking over, gently carefully adding over the fading granite where he could to preserve Master Jason's handwriting, and the duster falls to the floor as tears spring to his eyes. There, marked, tiny and insignificant, certainly something that could be overlooked, dismissed as a chip in the wall, is a new mark of his new height, a small scribble. Jason Todd, 19. A new addition. A continuation. A message; Jason is still here, still growing. And maybe, a part of him does consider this place home, even if he has grown out of the building itself, as Master Dick had.
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risewriter · 3 months
ROTTMNT: Sticker
Tot Mikey: Raphie gets a tiger sticker! Because he protect!
Tot Raph: Aw, thanks Mike!
Tot Mikey: Dee gets a snake sticker!
Tot Donnie: A creature that knows no empathy. Fits me like a glove.
Tot Mikey: Dee dances good like a snake!
Tot Donnie: *Blushes slightly* E-Even though that doesn’t make any sense.. I’ll take it.
Tot Leo: And what does great, amazing and awesome me get?!
Tot Mikey: *Puts sticker on Leo’s shell* Horsie!
Tot Leo: Uh..
Tot Mikey: You don’t like it..?
Tot Leo: I was expecting something cooler..? Like a lion or a dragon!
Tot Mikey: *Frantically scans his sticker sheet, but can’t find any animal Leo would find “cool”*
Tot Leo: It’s fine, Big M!
Tot Mikey: *Whimpers, then ponders* Ah! I know! *Rips the sticker off Leo’s shell, draws on it and puts it back on Leo*
Tot Mikey: There! Now it’s a unicorn! Is that cool enough..?
Tot Leo: Mikey.. *Sobs while hugging his little bro* I LOVE IT!
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wnobin · 8 months
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BIT BY BIT… 💭 anton lee socmed! au
pairing: college student! anton x campus crush! reader
genre: college! au, social media! au with written portions, slow burn, pining, strangers to friends to lovers.
series synopsis: in which the quiet girl in anton’s language class who seems to never sit with anyone catches his attention. anton makes it his mission to get closer to her bit by bit and break down her walls. the only issue? she’s the last to arrive and first to leave, never allowing anton the chance to approach her.
chapter warnings: mentions of blood and injuries, anton and sohee being idiots, sungchan being an idiot and getting karma, fully written chapter
series masterlist | 12: three rules
first rule of being team manager: make sure the boys’ water bottles are always filled before their breaks.
“they only get 5 minute breaks in between sessions so you need to make sure their bottles are filled and ready so they don’t waste any unnecessary time. there’s a water cooler at both ends of the gymnasium.”
it was yours and eunchae’s second time at the basketball team’s training and chaewon was explaining the three main rules managers had to follow while the team was busy warming up and running laps. eunseok and shotaro, the captains, were leading the rest, seunghan and sungchan trying to outrun each other as the other three jogged at a relaxed pace, chatting amongst themselves.
“for the last time anton, i’m not hitting you in the face, or anywhere else for that matter. even i think that’s too far.”
“oh come on, you had no issue doing it last time!”
“that’s because it wasn’t intentional last time! and besides, it was your fault for jumping out and scaring me when the gym’s power went out.”
anton rolled his eyes, increasing his speed and deciding to jog up to sungchan and seunghan in front, trying to see if any of them would be up to giving him a black eye.
“for some reason eunseok doesn’t like his water cold so you have to use the water cooler at the left side of the gym, it dispenses room temperature water.” chaewon explained as the three of you began gathering their bottles, highlighting how the red bottle, which belonged to eunseok, was the only one that had special instructions. eunchae brought the captain’s bottle to the other side of the gym while you and chaewon headed to the other water cooler, busying yourselves with refilling the bottles and talking about how your classes have been.
“so i texted her again and she told me she dropped the class? well, not really dropped it officially, but she stopped showing up and told me she doesn’t mind failing it. she was the only one in that class that i talked to on a regular basis,” you had a somewhat disappointed tone, admitting to your friend that you were struggling to find people to connect with in some of your classes, with most of your classmates already finding their cliques and settling down as it was well into the semester already. it wasn’t that you were unpleasant to be around or unfriendly, it was just that you were too introverted for your own good and didn’t know how to approach people, a flaw that always ended up coming to bite you in the ass.
you handed chaewon a blue bottle with a brachiosaurus sticker on it as she hummed, reassuring you that this phase would eventually pass and you would find someone you click with naturally, just like how she and sakura became friends when they were freshmen. “don’t you know seunghan and anton? they’re in your class too, right?”
“i’m not close to them, i’ve only talked to anton once. they seem to be together all the time.”
“ah, that’s because anton is too shy to go anywhere on his own. he always makes sure he has either seunghan or sohee with him.” chaewon motioned to anton, who was currently chitchatting with seunghan as they were finishing their last lap, the younger male putting his hands together and seemingly begging his teammate for something.
turning off the dispenser, you and chaewon brought the heavy bottles back to the benches just as the team had completed their warm ups. the group of them had collapsed on the floor, panting as they gulped down their water desperately. while they were cooling off, chaewon began to explain what else you and eunchae should remember as managers.
second rule: make sure there are always ice packs ready.
just behind the gym was a small utility room where the team kept extra basketballs, towels, and a mini fridge used to store ice packs. “injuries happen a lot more often than you think. a lot more. i would say we go through about three ice packs a week? minimum three. oh, and sometimes the team members use this fridge to store ice cream for when they finish practice. if they leave without taking it, it’s yours.” you and eunchae bent down, inspecting the contents of the mini fridge which had four ice packs, two bottles of banana milk, and one vanilla ice cream in it. chaewon proceeded to show you two around the room, showing where the first aid kit was and where the spare towels were kept. while that was happening, all three of you were unaware of the chaos outside.
“taro hyung, i told you i needed them today!”
“i’m sorry, i was running late and forgot to bring them! why do you even want my old shoes? they’re so worn out and they have no friction, you’ll basically slip on the court.”
anton whined as his vice-captain continued to question his intentions for wanting his worn out and tattered shoes, confused as to why the younger male was suddenly asking such odd favours from everyone on the team. between initiating a conversation by going up to you and getting someone else to physically hurt him, anton decided the latter was much easier. seunghan and sohee told him that he was insane but he didn’t care, he was just desperate at this point. it had been two months since he started having lessons with you and the furthest he had gotten was that conversation with you in the hallways. sure you two would smile at each other when you bumped into him around campus but anton wanted more and he was willing to do whatever it took. just not approach you first, obviously.
“what’re you doing, sohee?” seunghan creeped up behind his friend who was holding onto a basketball, squinting as he tried to perfect his aim. his aim which was directed towards anton. “i’m trying to see if i can get this ball to hit anton in the face. it’s better to do it when he’s distracted, this way he won’t see it coming.” instead of calling sohee insane too, seunghan held onto his hands, guiding the ball to the left. “this is a better aim.” sohee muttered out a soft thanks, fully focused on making sure his one and only chance of hitting anton would not be wasted. once the both of them were finally satisfied with their position, sohee launched the ball towards anton, hitting him right in the face and making him fall backwards from the impact.
the sound of the ball coming into contact with his face was so loud, it got your attention even from inside the utility room. “sounds like someone just got hit by a ball. y/n, this is your time to shine.” chaewon pushed the first aid kit towards you, ushering you and eunchae out of the room and back onto the court where you were met with the sight of anton holding his face in pain while the other team members surrounded him. you quickly went up to him, helping him up and holding his arm to guide him to the bleachers carefully. you saw a slight trickle of blood and panicked, tightening your grip on his arm. you didn’t even notice how the male had a slight smile on his face and turned around to give his friend a thumbs up, sohee giving him one back as well.
you slowly guided anton and helped him sit down as you opened the first aid kit and got some tissues ready. you gently pressed the tissue to his nose to clean up some of the blood, fingers lightly touching the bridge of his nose to make sure it wasn’t broken. “does it hurt when i do this?” you applied pressure on some areas, your face dangerously close to his. anton held his breath and he nodded, a little faster than he could currently handle, wincing in pain. you held onto his chin, your touch gentle and soft, tilting his head back slightly.
“um… aren’t you supposed to tilt the head downwards for nosebleeds?”
“oh. right,” you awkwardly giggled, changing the position of anton’s head and tilting it downwards with your other hand on the back of his head for support. you gently patted the back of his head, stroking his hair unconsciously as you occasionally replaced the tissues and checked to see if the bleeding subsided. throughout all this, the two of you remained silent but it wasn’t an unpleasant silence, with your gentle caresses and actions, anton felt comforted by you. once his nose stopped bleeding, you threw away the dirty tissues and left to get an ice pack from the mini fridge before returning and holding the cold object to anton’s nose. eventually the male decided it was time to do what he came here to do and speak up. “how’s your assignment with yoon going?”
“sucks. yoon dropped the class so i’m stuck doing it on my own.” anton tried to hide how the corners of his lips were beginning to turn up, internally thanking that so many of the students in this class were dropping it. “really? i got paired with ricky but he dropped it too… he even blocked me when i tried to message him.” the both of you laughed at how you were in the same situation, the awkwardness between you two melting away. “do you… wanna do the assignment with me? since we both don’t have partners! but it’s totally fine if you would rather do it on your own and—“
“i would like that a lot,” anton’s nervous rambling was cut off by you saying yes and he felt like the world just came to a stop. after weeks of never getting the opportunity to talk to you and get paired up with you, it was like the universe finally aligned and gave him what he needed. he was about to reach into his pocket and pull out his phone for you to type your number into when he remembered he kept his phone in his locker. seeing anton reach into his pocket and coming out with nothing, you realised that he must’ve wanted to exchange numbers. you still had your phone with you, so you took it out and gave it to him to enter his number, which he saved as ‘anton :)’. you gave him a small smile before putting your phone away and inspecting his nose again, removing the ice pack and lightly touching the tip. “does it still hurt?” you had your eyes on his nose, which was red and looked like it would bruise, but anton had his eyes on you, pupils dilated and dazed as he shook his head. “that’s good. looks like you can go back to practice now.”
before anton could begin to thank you for taking such good care of him, sungchan’s voice could be heard from the court. “anton, stop flirting with eunseok’s sister and come back!”
the rest of his teammates erupted into giggles only to get silenced by the sound of a basketball coming into contact with sungchan’s face, thanks to no one other than eunseok himself.
third rule: don’t piss off eunseok when he’s holding a basketball because he has the best aim, that’s why he’s team captain.
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i just know the boys were all comparing the chocolates they got.
"I had more chocolates in my box." Mammon's gloats proudly while showing off the varying Grimm shaped chocolates off to his brothers. All of which scoff. Except Beel, who is murmuring about how delicious his chocolates from mc were.
"I'm going to savor that taste forever." Beel is ignored.
"Yeah but yours are glorified chocolate coins mine look way cooler." Levi's showing off pictures of his chocolates, because mc's gift had been placed in a glass display box. Various faces for anime characters, of which he names in the order they appear in the box. Various scoffs again.
"Neither of you can beat cat paw shaped chocolates." Satan almost couldn't bring himself to try any of the chocolates. But considering so much work had been put in just to make giving them possible he managed.
"Well mine are strawberry flavoured, and my box is hand decorated." Asmo's box had cute stickers placed all over, nearly matching the same sticker decorations he had put on his chocolate box for mc.
"Only strawberry flavoured? mc made different flavours for me." Belphie's words make a few heads turn, as arguments break out that more isn't better. (Mammon is the one who says it despite the hypocrisy.)
It's all fun and games until when Lucifer is questioned about the chocolates he got, he dodges the question. "I recall hearing Luke in awe of how much detail went into Simeon's chocolates from mc." Now they're all off to see if Simeon's chocolates are better then theirs.
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 13! Jomies Headcanons! (I got quite a few!)
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💛Unironically listens to boy bands.
💛Has Spotify open 24/7. Is always looking for new artists and songs, and probably has over 3000 songs liked.
💛He’ll listen to any song of any genre, but tends to lean more towards alt-rock.
💛Used to listen to Billie Eilish in Middle School.
💛Whenever it’s too quiet, he’ll either hum to himself or make random noises with his mouth.
💛Physically incapable of standing still.
💛Probably ate an eraser as a kid.
💛Does not believe in closets. Keeps his clothes either on the floor or in his chair. (If it’s in his closet he’ll genuinely forget he even owns the item.)
💛”Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
💛Oh yeah, he definitely has ADHD.
🖤Really likes FPS games.
🖤Always has to have his weight shifted on one leg. He cannot stand up straight to save his life. (Heh cuz he’s gay-)
🖤Small waist. (He’s a twink in my eyes.)
🖤Could probably be picked up by the other Jomies. (Has yet to be tested due to safety concerns.) (The concerns being Drew beating the shit out of them.
🖤Doesn’t like black coffee but drinks it anyways. (Why? We don’t know.)
🖤TERRIBLE eating habits. He’ll literally just have a piece of toast and be like “welp that’ll last me for the next 48 hours.”
🖤Those hot-pink girly desserts are his guilty pleasure.
🖤Listens to a lot of rap music. Mostly emo rap. He says it’s cuz it sounds cooler but it’s actually because he finds the lyrics relatable.
🖤Stalks Jake’s instagram for purely platonic reasons.
🖤Doesn’t know how to show affection so he’ll sometimes just randomly punch Jake in the arm. No warning, no explanation.
🖤Cat person. Doesn’t really like dogs. (Terrified of Oreo but would rather die than admit it.)
🖤Bullies cats relentlessly, but will also meow back at them if he thinks no one’s around.
🖤Likes being cuddled way more than he’d like to admit.
🖤Having his hair played with puts him right to sleep.
🖤Struggled to make friends in Elementary school due to his temper. (His lack of attention at home led to him lashing out a lot.) Other kids found him to be intimidating so Drew didn’t really have any friends until Middle School.
🖤Was put in time-out a LOT in Kindergarten so it basically just became Drew’s Corner.
🖤IPad kid. Definitely had a mascot-horror phase when he was 10.
🖤“Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
🖤Oh yeah, BPD. He has BPD.
❤️Hands are always fucking clammy it cannot be helped.
❤️Definitely listens to Breakcore.
❤️Has a bunch of those weird, perverted anime stickers somewhere in his desk drawer because he thinks they’re funny. (They were included in a random anime sticker pack Henry bought online.)
❤️Had a super edgy werewolf OC back in Middle School. Drawings of it still exist in that same drawer.
❤️Lets Henry play with his hair when they’re alone together.
❤️Refuses to use chairs properly.
❤️Has so many 0.5 photos of the Jomies. (Except Drew because Drew threatened to break his phone if he ever took one of him. But Liam still managed to sneak a few bad photos of Drew as well.)
❤️Type of guy to moan when someone’s on the phone with their parent.
❤️Knows how to drive a manual. (I imagine his mom’s car is an older one soooooo if Liam wanted to drive around he had to learn.)
💚Baby face. (Liam likes to hold his face.)
💚Wears anime merch with pride.
💚Pretends to be a girl online sometimes so people give him free shit.
💚Almost always hits Drew with the 🤓 emoji anytime he says something smart/logical in their group chat.
💚Would definitely like matcha because it tastes like g r a s s.
💚He ate grass as a kid. And leaves. And dirt.
💚The type of kid that always had to be the dog in any game he played.
💚Really likes bunnies. He held one once and felt his life was complete.
💚Oh, and frogs too. He loves frogs.
💚Typically takes the role of mediator during fights, even if he has no context on the situation.
💚Relies way too much on being funny. If a joke doesn’t land he genuinely hates himself for a couple seconds.
💚Sensitive to loud noise. (Unless the loud noise is on his terms.) (Like, he’ll have his music on full blast and shout at his friends standing right next to him and be completely fine, but if a balloon were to suddenly pop right beside him, it’d startle him quite a bit.)
💚Drew glaring at him and telling him to shut up hurts a little more than he’d like to admit.
💚Probably also has ADHD.
🩷This bitch knows how to steal shit. You got a necklace she likes she will find a way to take it.
🩷Can and will find a way to make everything said against her about her gender.
🩷“Oh my God, I am LITERALLY just a girl.”
🩷Definitely took dance for a P.E credit.
🩷Almost everything she owns is covered in flowers.
🩷Everything has to be aesthetic.
🩷Always had to initiate any sort of affection between her and Drew. She was always the one asking him out. Always the one to kiss him first, or reach for his hand. (Whereas Drew never really thought about that sort of stuff.)
🩷Her views on relationships were also very different from Drew’s. She wanted excitement and fun. She wanted to go out and do things. And whenever they were home alone, she wanted to make out with him and stuff, meanwhile, all Drew wanted to do was cuddle and watch stupid videos on his phone with her. (But she just found that boring.)
🩷Honestly, their best dates were their at-home ones. Where they’d watch movies together and Zoey would bring some face masks and they’d pamper each other and cuddle and whatnot. (Fun for Zoey and relaxing for Drew.)
🩷And because of their height difference, Zoey would sometimes grab Drew’s collar and pull him down to her level to kiss him. (And this definitely never once flustered Drew.)
🩷Probably knew Drew cared more about Jake than he did her and that pissed her off.
💜Big fan of Olivia Rodrigo. (And one time, while her and Drew were waiting for the others after school, she was listening to one of her songs and singing along, and Drew ended up correcting her on a lyric, causing her to realize he ALSO listens to her music, and he was super embarrassed about it afterwards and made her promise not to tell anyone.)
💜So anyways Lia now wants to take Drew to an Olivia Rodrigo concert.
💜She’s also a big fan of Nessa Barrett.
💜Surprisingly really good at singing. She never took lessons or anything, she just sings in the shower a lot.
💜Sprays perfume on herself like 50 times in a day.
💜Always comparing herself to people online.
💜“Self-esteem? What’s that?”
💜Genuinely could not describe herself if she was asked to. She’s so used to changing herself for others she doesn’t even know who she is or what she wants to be.
💜Imposter Syndrome 100%
💜Had a huge crush on Hailey in Middle School but didn’t even know being gay was a thing so she didn’t really know how to explain her feelings at all.
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Here’s my official Disney Hercules/Disney Villains/Hades merch haul (so far lol)
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You guys already saw these but here’s the Sega Disney Villain Mystery Prize plush and a limited edition flexing Hades medallion pin lol
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These are 2 Hades Funko pops I have (left: regular glow-in-the-dark Hades, right: throne Hades) and a 25th Hercules Anniversary Christmas ornament of Hades and baby Herc
also btw I bought 2 Funko pops because the glow-in-the-dark one has a defect with the hair in the back (I think it was attached wrong so there’s like a weird gap in the back), also you need a UV light to make the Funko pop glow in the dark and that basically only works if I have the light from my window shining on it (and I’m a hermit that hates light so I never have my curtains open 😂 honestly thinking about putting it in my car as a dashboard ornament and then buying the “chessboard Hades” Funko pop to replace that one in my room lol
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This is the $50 Hercules blanket I mentioned before that I got from the Disney store on my birthday last year lol, it’s really comfy and soft and I actually slept with it last night because it got cold in my room lol
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A Hades T-shirt (also got it last year for my birthday at the Disney store lol)
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You all know I have Horn of Plenty and the book from the Disney Villains book series (also the book sleeve came with random scratches and stuff on it when I got it so that kinda sucks and makes it look dirty but oh well lmao) lol, but I also have a Disney villains coloring book (actually thinking about getting some more Disney villain coloring books! There’s a color by numbers one that I really want to buy!)
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These are actually pictures I got from a 2023 Disney Villains calendar I got for Christmas in 2022 lol. I literally only wanted it for these pics specifically because I just love them so much! Actually, the “I bring the fire” one was actually for the month of March (which is my birth month lol)!
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I believe this was my very first Disney loungefly bag and wallet set of Hades! I actually currently use this one when I travel lol! I just love how gorgeous Hades looks 😍 also whenever I go out and people are like “omg I love your bag!” I have to resist the urge to be completely honest and say “Thanks! I’m in love with him! He’s my fictional husband!” 😂 but instead I’m just like “Haha! Thanks! I just love Hades and I’m obsessed with him!” 😂 it’s literally that meme like “They don’t know I’m in love with a fictional character” 🤣
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I think this was 2nd set I bought? I just ADORE the flowers around Hades! I got it because it just instantly reminded me of Hades and Persephone lol! They also didn’t have a matching wallet so I got one that kinda matched. I know the quote on the wallet is hard to read because of the lighting, but it says “NO PLACE FOR FAIRY TALES” lol (there’s actually another Disney villains bag with Hades with flowers on it and I wanna buy that one too 😂)
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And then my 3rd loungefly set lol! I love this one too because it has 3 pockets and it’s glow-in-the-dark! (I like to use this one around Halloween lol idk why I just think it looks cooler for some reason). My only thing about this set is that the wallet is small and doesn’t have a coin pouch, so there’s no place to put my change. I’ll have to find a cute coin purse to go with it lol.
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And last, but certainly not least, my collection of the Hades comics! I just love the way Hades looks in all of these!!! 😍💙
Anyways, that’s it lol! I also have fan made merch (mainly stickers but also other stuff) of Hades, but I thought I’d just show you guys the official Disney ones. I’ll certainly be adding more to this collection, so stay tuned for more lol! 😁
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
More Reverse Isekai Hcs with the Twins
another one with more focus on Vash, but Nai is there too. V relationship with reader so absolutely nothing going on with the twins.
also mention a not sfw song at the very end
•Vash loves window shopping. there's so many interesting things on Earth! Vash drags you around to each store and always ooo's and ahh's at everything. obsessed with stickers and animal shaped things (especially when it comes to cooking.)
•he bought animal cookie cutters and immediately tried them out and was both slightly disappointed and dying of laughter when the cookies came out way rounder than when they went in. Vash frosts them very seriously either way, holding in laughter at how they look. he can't hold it any longer when you catch his attention, holding up what was meant to be a bear, decorated with nothing but a small 'c:' on its face. you're wavering straight face and almost serious voice saying "he chonky" has him losing it.
•every once in a while when Vash is putting something in the oven, he'll quote that copypasta "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?" Nai wants to smack him everytime he says it.
•speaking of, Vash quite likes internet language. he's not excessive with using them, but sometimes Vash'll be like 'look at the doggo/pupper!' he also starts saying lol and pog. he doesn't say them in public much though. he's still trying to learn about the difference in online culture and offline culture.
•unlike Nai, Vash finds merchandise fascinating. he loves looking at plushies, figurines and charms, he thinks it's all so cool! Vash buys you all matching phone charms. it makes him so happy whenever he spots it dangling from yours and Nai's phones.
•but speaking of, Vash finds out about the figurines of himself and if he can, he's absolutely buying them. he's looking at them and is all like damn I look so cool! and rubs it in Nai's face that he has not only more, but cooler figurines.
•Vash recreates the poses of them too, aiming his finger gun at you, before yelling out a bang, lifting his arm up in fake recoil. you gasp, griping at your torso, dramatically falling to the floor. "help me Nai, I've been shot!"
Nai rolls his eyes at the two of yours antics, making his way towards you and picking you up. As he makes his way towards your bedroom he says, "I have to give her medical attention, don't bother us."
Vash's eyes widen as he gets up to follow Nai. "Now wait a second!"
•the dorks actually do know how to share you. it was a little rough at the beginning but they've learned and figured things out pretty well! they don't fight for your attention, but they do get a little jealous, and pouty if you give too much attention to the other often. they're both pretty touch starved so good luck lol. however they do read eachother well and know when not to try and get your attention from the other.
•Vash would've loved the time when mustaches and the peace symbol were insanely popular.
•speaking of mustaches, Vash once came home wearing one of those fake glasses with mustache and nose disguises. when you turned to welcome him home he responded with a serious face, "who is Vash?" you fake a gasp asking who he is and what he's doing there. before Vash can respond, Nai is getting up with a grin on his face. "well since we don't know him, we can kick him out and make sure he can never get back in."
Vash nervously laughs, waving his hands, "we don't need to go that far haha.."
Nai laughs back mockingly,"why not? you are breaking into our house, stranger."
Vash immediately yanks the glasses off, "look! its me! Vash!" you gasp and run up to him, hugging his side. "Vash! there was a tall scary stranger in here! I'm glad you're here to help Nai protect me!"
Nai watches as Vash coddles you. he'd be lying to himself if he said he hated the antics you two do. he watches you give Vash a kiss on the cheek before walking over and pulling you away from Vash. "I'm the one that protected you, why are you praising him?" he asks, staring at you with narrowed eyes. Nai may look angry but really, he just wants kisses too.
•Vash loves bees! he'll go out to the little garden he's been working on and watch as bees and butterflies come by. it's one of his favorite pastimes.
•Vash is very involved with the community. he always offers the neighbors any extra food he's made and seeing if anyone needs help. he's happy to mow someone's lawn or weed a garden and do any small chores someone may be unable to do. Vash also goes around and tries to volunteer a lot since he can't really work. as much as he likes exploring hobbies, he gets a little restless being at home so much.
•Vash wants to try eating everything and that doesn't just include meals. somehow Vash learned that dandelions are edible and the next time you two take a walk, before you truly realize it, you're watching Vash shove the yellow part of a dandelion flower into his mouth.
•but seriously he really does want to try eating different plants. Vash does a lot of research and is always giving Nai suggestions of foods to incorporate into meals.
•if Vash could, I could absolutely see him working in the medical department as a pediatrician. he loves kids a lot and he's great at playing with kids, comforting them and making sure they feel as happy as they possibly can be at the hospital. he always jokes around with them, gets to know each kid he works with and always tries to be there for them when they're sad or scared.
•likewise, I know I said Nai would work at a book store, but I like to imagine Nai could become a surgeon. he's not lost to the irony in it, that he's saving lives, but it's just something he's taken an interest in. he wants to learn about human anatomy. (idk how to explain it really but it just makes sense to me. he'd be good at it too, never gets tired, steady hands, keen eyes, very precise)
•prank Vash a little bit when it comes to the modern era. tell him that when the plane lands everybody claps and applauds the pilots. Vash almost did that the first time he went flying, he lifted his hands up, but he was confused when no one started clapping. he catches on quickly that it was a prank.
•Vash combusts if you ever sing E.T by Katy Perry. stare at him as you sing it and he'll get so red in the face. he's covering his face with his hands and curling into himself and whining out to stop.(he doesn't want you to though)
•same with if you prank him and show him that The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang. go up to him and tell him you have a cool popular song to show and he lights up, Vash likes pretty much all of the songs you show him. when the song starts, he's bopping his head to the beat and tells you, smiling, it's cool so far. then the lyrics start and Vash's smile immediately falls and he blushes so hard. he can't even look at you and you're laughing your ass off at his reaction.
•Nai, the boring fucker, would just raise an eyebrow at you. he either doesn't fall for your pranks or just has no reaction. shame.
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raspberryjars · 1 year
A little snippet of an upcoming fic , I’m trying hobie’s pov for once since i usually stick to miles so lmk if he’s a bit out of character. I was going to try for his accent but then i realised that it’s mainly his thoughts i’m writing so it wouldn’t make much sense to accent everything if he’s not saying it, i’m from london so i think he sounds okay, when there’s dialogue later is when i actually have to think ab it
His headphones were on, music blasting, and nothing was on his mind except the different possibilities for dinner that night. The noises over the people and trains of the subway muffled as he scrolled aimlessly through his playlist. His eyes glanced up for a second, and shit.
Holy shit. Really that was all he could say. No other words came to mind at the sight. There was this guy, this bloody beautiful guy. He was sitting directly across from him, texting or something. He also had headphones on, some fancy bluetooth ones, the type people put stickers on to make them seem cooler. He wondered what he was listening to, the guy, based on his look it could’ve been some hip-hop, rap, something like that. Maybe not though, he knew better than anyone not to make assumptions based on people's personal styles. This guy could be a die-hard swiftie or something, he didn’t know.
But, God, what he did know was that this guy, no matter the music taste, was absolutely gorgeous. Like not the in-your-face, look-at-me, I’m-amazing, type. More like a cool mysterious way, the way someone that doesn't know they’re stunning is. Yeah, that’s what it was.
He had curly brown hair, tight coils fluffing messily around his head. A glint of a silver nose ring that looked good against his warm skin tone. Full lips that admittedly were a bit chewed up, but honestly who even cares? And christ this guys eyes, big, and brown, and shiny. With long lashes too, he was basically perfect.
And just as he was about to stand up, and sit himself next to this beautiful stranger, the fucking train stopped. Pretty shit timing, and just as he was wondering if he should just do it anyway, the stranger stood up, looked around for a few seconds then walked right out of the doors and away from the possibility of giving Hobie his digits.
Just his luck really.
lmk what u think!
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mikan-angiekinnie · 7 days
Billie Bust Up Bandaid Headcanons
It came to me in the middle of writing fanfics.
Billie keeps those big tan bandaids that are usually in a square shape. Being so adventurous and rough makes them get bruises and cut a lot, usually more than just a simple prick. Therefore she’d carry around those heavy duty bandaids, even if it’s a relatively small cut, just because she thinks it makes her look much cooler.
Aristotle for sure has the bandaids you’d get at a doctors office. They might have patterns on them, or small characters, or just some sort of overall appeal design that makes them pop! They have normal ones as well, of course, but Aristotle personally prefers these cuter ones. Sometimes they may accidentally cut themself while prepping food so he likes to distract himself from the blood by looking at the characters or design instead. Besides, who doesn’t love cute patterns on bandaids? Absolutely loves to help patch others up with them if they can.
Barnaby barely has bandages, he has all out gauze. Being dead and all she can’t actually bleed or be bruised, since that requires a physical form, but she’s seen Barnaboos who suffered from injury upon death and helps them with that! For example, she might wrap up a beheaded ghosts neck in gauze either as a symbol of their death or an accessory, or maybe they’ll simply just play around with it because it’s fun! It’s also very wrappable! What isn’t there to love!
Fantoccio has basic ass bandaids. He will use them on himself, but moreso for enjoyment I presume? Unlike Barnaby, he can bleed, but given that it’s sap it’s very likely a bandaid wouldn’t hold it and it’s better to use something else instead. The bandaids were just left behind the theatre, so he will sometimes use them to fix props or just to add something to a characters costume to show they are a fighter. He has some just in case one of his many numerous hundreds of thousands of guests get injuries as well!
Dutch also has regular bandaids, but he additionally has those super special and specific ones that you need instructions to put on. Like the knuckle bandaids, the heel bandaids, the finger ones, all of them. He just likes to show off how rich he is by doing that because honestly nobody uses those stupid specialized bandaids because they are too hard to figure out. >:(
Elaine has a mixture of large bandaids like Billie and cute ones like Aristotle. Large ones for herself, but most of her crew likes cute things so she lets them use those bandaids. From time to time, she may also indulge herself in a little butterfly sticker on her wrist! Bring it up and you’ll lose your own though.
Bonus: Scrimshaw
This guy raw dogs it, absolutely nothing. Not even disinfectant. If the world wants him to die of infection, then it can try!
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ladyagatsuma · 2 years
Genshin Characters With A S/O Who Likes to Skateboard
Includes - Amber, Albedo, Barbara, Mona, Bennett, Venti, Razor, Yoimiya, Fischl, and Thoma
IMPORTANT MESSAGE - I opened up asks so please send requests! I currently only write for Genshin And Kimetsu No Yaiba. I will NOT accept NSFW requests.
That aside, please enjoy these headcanons!
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She would love it sm!
She’d probably buy you stickers to put on your skateboard
She’d love to try it one day if you let her
I feel like she’d actually be pretty good at it bc she alr has good balance bc of her wind gliding skills
Sometimes she worries about you getting hurt, but she knows you can handle yourself
If you did get hurt though, she’d be so worried
Would probably scold you for doing reckless tricks and hurting yourself, but she couldn’t stay mad bc she loves you too much!
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He would think it’s really cool that you know how to skateboard!
He would definitely sketch you on your skateboard
If you let him, he’d probably even paint on your skateboard
I don’t think he’d be interested in trying it himself, but that’s ok!
I feel like you would go on dates in the park where you skateboard while he watches and takes care of Klee from a park bench
Klee would beg you and Albedo to let her try, but Albedo didn’t want her to fall and get hurt
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Very supportive
She wouldn’t be interested in trying it herself, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy watching
Similar to Albedo, she’d love going on dates in the dark where you skate and she watches
She worries about you getting hurt sometimes
But if you do get hurt, don’t worry!
If you get hurt she’s right there in the blink of an eye
Luckily she can heal you
Like Amber, she may scold you a bit, but only bc she cares
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She would act like she didn’t care much, but she thinks it’s pretty cool
She wouldn’t want to try it
I feel like you and Fischl would go skateboarding sometimes and Mona would secretly be jealous
Late night skateboarding 💯
You skate while she stares up at the sky
It’s a great way for the two of you to bond and it allows both of you to do what you like
Don’t worry about getting hurt if she’s around
If you start to fall, she’ll teleport you back safely onto your skateboard
She’d tell you to be more careful
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He would be your biggest fan!
He’d definitely love to try, but hold his hand if you don’t want him to fall
He’d definitely love going on dates where you try to teach him how to skate
These dates usually end with you taking him to get healed by Barbara
He loves just watching you cruise around, but he’d find your hobby even cooler if you could do cool tricks
Please don’t let him try doing tricks he will break a bone or two
He worries about you getting hurt
If you fall he’ll blame it on his bad luck
He loves to cuddle you after these kinds of dates
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This guy…
He would love it
I feel like he’d steal your skateboard sometimes and sneak away with it
I feel like he’d be pretty good at skating
He’d try doing tricks on your skateboard and almost kill himself if it weren’t for him being immortal or being able to float
Definitely broke your skateboard once or twice
Get him a drink and he’ll replace the broken skateboard
If you fell, he’d be laughing his ass off
He wouldn’t let you live that down
He’ll tease you, but he doesn’t mean it!
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Confused af
If you enjoy it though, then he likes it too!
Please let him sit on your skateboard and push him around
Compliments you
He sometimes worries about you hurting yourself
Makes crying noises if you hurt yourself
Shares wolfhooks with you
His wolf friends have probably scratched up your skateboard pretty bad lmao
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Hell yes
She think it’s literally the coolest thing ever
Definitely tries riding on it
She’s not very good at it, but you’ll be there to catch her
Definitely wants to learn how to skateboard
She LOVES it when you do tricks
There is literal sparkles in her eyes when she watches you skate
You two definitely go on dates around Inazuma where you skate for a bit and then the two of you have some snacks or go to a festival
If you fall, she gets so worried
Definitely starts to cry a bit if you get hurt
If you reassure her that you are alright though, she’d hug you to tightly!
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She definitely knows how to skateboard convince me otherwise
Skateboarding dates 💯
She definitely knows how to do impressive tricks
She’s probably even better at it than you are!
Definitely teaches you how to do some of her weird ass but cool nonetheless tricks
Probably does some sorta trick where she completely flips off of the skateboard. Idk I can’t describe it, but something that shouldn’t even be possible
Doesn’t really worry about you getting hurt
Sometimes she gets a bit competitive about who is better at skateboarding
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This man…
He’s supports it, but worries all day
He doesn’t want you to get hurt
No matter how many times you tell him you’ll be fine, he just kept worrying
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think it’s cool!
No matter what, he’d still support you if it makes you happy
He’d hype you up
Similar to Yoimiya, he would watch you skateboard and then you would stroll around the city and grab some food
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jamethinks · 23 hours
Cannot get the idea of 80s hippie trad goth Anya out of my head. Stacks of silver jewelry, long sleeves and layered skirts, extravagant makeup with creative eyeliner, thick baby bangs, just wearing black from head to toe.
Imagine her going to school in light goth makeup and getting dresscoded because of her accessories but still refusing to stop. The kids at school try to tease her, but she just says anything in Russian, and they run off screaming.
Her room going from a pink princess fairy wonderland to an old wet forest where witches and elves reside. You can still see the mural Twilight painted for her when she was a little girl. She's not even hiding it or anything. She doesn't paint over the walls. it just covers them in posters and tapestry.
Imagine the Forgers continuing to take their family photo, but over time, you see Anya style just getting more and more goth meanwhile her parents just stay the same.
Everyone keeps saying how much she's changed, but when they look at old photos of her, they realise she's always been a little goth girl, just more creative and exprsssive. Like her going with that sparky black gown for prom, yeah, she's an edge lord at heart.
Instead of Bondman stickers, there are now random crystals and sage all over the house. There are so many random rings and earrings that she just puts down and leaves behind. Black lipstick by the front door incase she has to touch up before she leaves.
Twilight taking her to random rock and metal concerts. He refuses to wear all black because it would make it hard to be seen while walking so he just glows in a sea of goths and punks. He looks miserable the entire time but still makes sure to get good photos of her outside and buys her good tickets.
All of Yuri's coworkers are so weary of her whenever she stops by. Fully convinced she's a delinquent or something. Then she just runs up to him all cutesy, and he's just unfazed by the vampire talking to him.
Becky maintained her preppy princess aesthetic, so now they're just on two ends of the spectrum. Every time someone sees them talking, they think Anya is about to bully Becky or something, but now she's chill.
Damian is trying to continue meeting the Desmond standard and not engaging in delinquent activities like Anya (she does engage in delinquent activities btw bc who's gonna stop her), but he thinks she's 1000x cooler now and wants to hang with her even more. Obviously, all the boys can't get enough of her, so he's always seething with jealousy in the background and ready to fight anyone that goes too far.
Like there's a witch in the Forger house and she's only one with a body count.
(Inspo pics from pinterest)
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a1brix · 8 months
A "What If Uzi Died Instead of Nori" Fanfiction
This a first final draft of the opening scene of a new fanfic to post on AO3. I don't expect this to garner much attention in tumblr, but if you see this, please give comments and critiques! I feel like the ending was a little bit weak, and I have no beta readers...
"Mom! Check this out!"
Nori slowly turned from her desk to see Uzi hopping around proudly, holding a gun-looking thing in her hands. Nori sighed internally. That thing was the likely culprit to Nori's charge deprivation; That loud welding noise last night was constantly pulling her off sleep mode. And it was probably a new invention of Uzi's that Nori most definitely doesn't approve of...
She shook it off and smiled. If it would make her daughter happy, then she would entertain the idea of what kind of weapon her little girl had come up with this time.
"What have you got there?"
"My latest weapon!" Uzi began to wave the gun around, pretending like it was some sort of sword. 
“This cool-as-heck railgun!”
Nori stifled a yelp as the barrel whizzed past her head several times. She kept her smile though. The last thing she wanted was for her daughter to stop sharing these things with her. 
She loved seeing Uzi be with her…
But she was still quite uneasy about it! It's not every day your child makes something this... dangerous. Her eyes twitched a little when the barrel approached her again. Nori noted to herself to let Khan show Uzi some gun safety sometime soon, or at least how to keep the barrel pointed away from anyone.
Uzi smiled proudly back at her mom. "Pretty awesome, huh?"
"Sure, Uzi..." Nori reached forward, carefully pushing the barrel down so it wasn't pointed at her face. "Just... Please, try not to point that in anyone's direction, okay?"
Uzi stared blankly.
"Oh right... sorry, Mom." She said, tittering. "I forgot, heh heh..." Uzi set the railgun down on her desk carefully.
"Well... what do you think?"
Nori leaned forwards to inspect it a little. She didn't want to encourage the thought, but... "I can really tell how much thought you've put into making it a lightweight. The design itself is very sleek..." Nori did genuinely admire the craftsmanship. Khan really has been rubbing off on her daughter, hasn't he? She chuckled a little. 
"Although I am surprised you made it violet... and with stickers?"
Uzi crossed her arms and huffed. 
"Hey, I think it looks cooler that way! Don't ruin it for me!"
Nori shook her head, cupping a hand over her mouth and chuckling into her palm. "Well, I wasn't implying anything!"
"You're literally laughing at me!"
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are!"
"So, what if I am?” Nori gave her daughter a playful smack. Uzi stumbled theatrically as a response, before retaliating with an onslaught of light jabs aimed at her mother. Nori held up her arms in defence, laughing softly.
“As your mom, it's my job to bully you for impractical aesthetics!"
"Bite me!" Uzi exclaimed, now giggling. "As your daughter, it's my job to make fun of you for being lame!”
Nori gasped in mock horror. "How dare you?!" She grabbed her daughter by the shoulders, and Uzi squirmed in response, still laughing. "That's it, you're grounded!"
"What?! No!" Uzi cried out, trying to worm out of her mother's grasp. "This is injustice! I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Really? Did you do your homework?"
There was an awkward silence before Uzi’s eyes hollowed, displaying underlines.
"Ah! There it is!" Nori laughed, pointing a metal finger at the lines. "The proof I need!"
“Mom!! That’s cheating!”
Nori laughed again. Uzi was smart, but could never outwit her mom. Well, not yet, anyway. She awaits the day her little genius finally pulls one over on her… but in the meantime, Nori couldn't help but have a little fun with this.
"Yep, it's true. You are grounded. That's also for making me stay up all night with all those sounds, you little gremlin."
Uzi grunted. "In my defence, I was working on something awesome!"
Nori rolled her eyes, playfully pushing her daughter away. It was times like this Nori wished she had a popcorn bucket. These kinds of shenanigans with Uzi were more entertaining than old human movies… and the "definitely-not-pirated” anime Uzi always wanted her to watch? Speaking of, she should really introduce Uzi to some new stuff.
"Well, I hope it's worth giving your poor mother a sleepless night."
"Sorry... But hey, I promise it's good." Uzi picked up her railgun and smiled. "It's going to blast some murder drones' heads off."
Nori chuckled, but it lacked warmth. She still has to care for the safety of her daughter. Just imagining the thought of her little girl facing a murder drone made her—
"Don’t go, please...”
Those words came so suddenly. Too suddenly.
Nori’s eyes hollowed. Something was crawling up the back of Nori's processor. An awful feeling, weighing down on her entire being as she blanked out for a moment. She couldn’t let the cracks show through though, even if just a little bit. 
Her teeth clenched, and Nori swallowed hard. She forced that feeling down.
Uzi maintained her grin.
“Go where?" Uzi asked. "Oh…! Outside? I mean… Yeah. I'm definitely planning to take this bad boy outside once it is fully done, but—”
Nori flinched.
There was a clattering sound that caused Nori to blink. Her eyes glanced down to see her hands grabbing onto Uzi’s wrists tightly, with the railgun now discarded on the floor.
A few moments passed before Nori looked up to see Uzi staring right at her.
For the first time in a while, fear was etched into her little girl’s face.
Stop ruining everything.
Nori let go of her daughter's wrist immediately.
Uzi clutched her wrist, looking down at it while rubbing it gently.
No... She promised would not lose control again. She could not bear to hurt anyone again, especially not her own daughter. Uzi did not do anything wrong. Uzi was only being herself. 
And this was just supposed to be some fun teasing.
"Did you not like what I said…?" Uzi looked up, her eyes void of their usual cheerful light. Her tone of voice seemed too frightened to hide its waver, almost sounding like she was about to cry.
A painful static suddenly blared inside her. 
Nori stumbled back, grabbing her head.
A good mother wouldn't do this to their own child.
Nori's optics widened as she saw her daughter scramble to take hold of her.
"Are you okay?!" Uzi asked.
Nori is okay. Nori will always be okay when Uzi is around.
"I... I... " Nori stammered, “I’m so sorry, Uzi.”
Nori hugged Uzi. Uzi did not reply, but Nori had her daughter with her. Nori wasn't alone. Everything was okay as long as Uzi was here. Nori wouldn't lose her, right? Uzi was her everything, her reason to live for, her ray of hope when everything turns dark. It would destroy her if she could never see those sweet purple eyes again.
In her presence, Uzi will always be safe.
A smile formed as Nori looked up to her daughter’s face again. 
Her visor was completely shattered on the right.
On the left, her remaining purple eyelight flickered weakly.
Everything will be okay…
"Uzi…" Nori smiled, “We can still fix this..."
She pushed the shattered glass away with her foot.
Nori was still okay…
Her eyelight darted around.
"M-mom… What is happening?"
Uzi was still there…
Nori held her tight. "I... I don't know, but we'll be okay."
Uzi's head fell forward, hitting her shoulder.
“Mom… Why…”
Uzi looked up at Nori, before her light flickered out.
Uzi... it still hurts.
"Why did you kill me, Nori?"
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