#queer commuity
gaychaosdemon · 10 months
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I'm in a new era
I love all types of music. I do. And before this week i would have said the same thing, however i hated country music with a burning passion. I thought it was just the same old 'i'm drinking whisky whlie plowing the field thinking of you!' type stuff. (which is my own fault) I also thought there wasn't alot of acceptance for marginalized people in the country music scene, which there isn't, however i came across a queer country song titled "You wanted a cowboy" by Johanna Wacker and instantly fell in love with it. So i began searching for more queer country music and to my surprise, it wasn't hard to find. From POC and LGBTQ+ singers i have found a new love for country music. One that is free from hate, and instead loving and passionately queer.
I learned more about the wild west and how queer it was by Kaz Rowe's video: "Exploring the Queer History of the Old West... Yeehaw". It was insane to me how it truly was. (not saying that it still wasn't terrible, i mean the whole thing was the catalyst for trying to eradicate Native people [to my limited knowledge]) It was then i remembered another video: "The Battle of Blair Mountain - West Virginia Coal Wars I THE GREAT WAR 1921" by "The Great War". It talks about an amazing labour uprising and the power of unions. It also just so happens that West Virginia, the same place in which this powerful battle took place is not a safe place for marginalized communities today...
I guess what i'm trying to get at here is we need to look at the past to better the present and future, but really, what im saying is we need to stand together as a united front, because to rich capitalists they don't see the difference in us (say city folk vs country, queer vs straight/cis, POC vs. white, etc.). They only care about two things, making money, and making sure we stay divided. I understand it's hard to care for people who don't care for our beliefs, but we need to if we want to make change. (something i am still learning everyday, most likely will learn all my life. that's why im posting this) Maybe this whole thing doesn't make sense and y'all just view this as rambling, but i hope that at least some of you will understand what i am trying to say with this <3. Thank you for reading. Stay educated, and love/care for eachother as we are all we have in the battle.
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I've been mulling over the idea of writing a video on FNaF's unintentional queer themes for a while and IDK if anything will come of it but the conceit is like how can a guy who does not understand my experience and acts towards my commuity's detriment stumble into depicting it I think it's facinating. Is it a reflection of that experience's latent universality? Our ability as queer people to read ourselves into things that were never meant to depict us? Bad writing? It's probably all of them isn't it.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
whaaaaat's this about a whiterose bees shipper being a homophobe??? Spill the teeeeea lol (if you're comfortable with it that is I just don't know where to look to learn what happened lol)
For everyone who sent asks about this, I’ll just answered it with this one. 
A Whiterose artist by the name of  ayaseyzu came out as a homophobe who doesn’t agree with the LGBT community, excusing it with how his best friend was raped by a queer person and left in the street. Obviously, people called him out for using these terrible crimes as means to hate on an entire commuity that’s already targeted.
He pissed himself and left the fndm, and good riddence lmfao.
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As a trans man that still goes by his mildly femme birth name (because I absolutely adore it and no other name compares), I absolutely get giddy whenever I meet another transfemme in the wild that shares my name.
I met a young Trans girl yesterday who also went by my name, and she was a blast to hang out with.
When I was just starting out figuring out my own identity, my name was a HUGE insecurity. I got it into my head that being "stealth" was everything, and I got super paranoid about being safe at all costs, even at the expense of my own comfort, delaying coming out to people in my life who were vocal allies and refusing to believe that there were people around me that were willing to go out of their way to protect me.
My sense of caution wasn't unfounded unfortunately, a commuity group near and dear to my heart allowed and tolerated new transphobic and misogynistic members for far too long, causing me to have to get the owner of the space involved to lay down the law. It got better, but it's heartbreaking knowing that even though the space is accepting, these people will only ever tolerate me.
However, the owner has my back, and he's kicked out more than one bad actor over my time going there.
Anyway, back to my name.
My name has, mostly because of tiktok, morphed into a stereotypical "nonbinary" name.
Honestly, I hate how this community has the tendency to categorize itself and go to war over the littlest things. We are all a part of the same umbrella, and by infighting over things that really don't matter (masc/femme vs. male presenting/female presenting, neopronouns, is-queer-a-slur), we weaken our sense of community and make it easier for bad actors to take root.
Seriously, it doesn't matter. I will use what name you want me to use and make a good faith attempt at any requested pronouns, and laugh as a small portion of the community tries to assign boxes to a community that literally is ostracized for not fitting into them in the first place.
Really, if you are the type to try and assign a social dress code to a group that is infamous for breaking them, you might need to lurk in our spaces a little more before hitting post. It's ok to admit that this community is a LOT at times because it is. We have been organized for such a short time, and we really don't have too many elders (people older then the age of 35) active in the same spaces that a lot of younger people start in. It's weird to think that at 17, I am edging on the older part of the community. (No, really, that's bonkers. The fact that I remember a time before smart boards and going to computer labs should not make me feel old.)
There is SO MUCH to learn, and as someone who has a VERY practical view on identity and relationships, I am used to the feeling of culture shock in some areas. I wish I had some good recommendations on some good people to follow for interacting with older community members/BIPOC perspectives/diverse economic and social backgrounds, but I am new to Tumblr and haven't found many yet. If you fall into the above, please reblog and @ yourself.
My follow list for people who talk almost exclusively about being in the community on here is mostly white and upper middle class, and I would like to break out of that. You learn nothing by never stepping out of your own demographic, and I would like to see the difference between here and tiktok, especially how there's a lot more people in their twenties on here.
So, hi, my online name is Squirrel. My pronouns are he/him, and I already have a pinned post with my boundaries on here.
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bubblebeebuzz · 2 years
do you have a favorite canon jewish character?
obvious shows with jewish rep start with period movies (is that the right term idk like historical ones) im thinking like fiddler on the roof (did i just call fiddler a period drama LMAO YES I DID), ehhhh can't remember many others. and im 100% sure there are more i can't think of sprinkled in random shows and books and that's all cool.
but first answer is that i wish there were more!!! and also jews where it's significant to their character and we see them being jewish in the jewish commuity, and jews who aren't religious, and jews who don't know what they believe in, and jews who say yiddish phrases and reminisce about alllllll those family passover seders etc etc. i mean im sure there ARE some like this but. idk, i feel like ive rarely seen my own experiences, as a young jewish atheist woman, reflected in media.
and dont even get me STARTED with misrepresentation like the bank goblins in harry potter (that whole goblin thing makes me want to throw up i hate it)
but, rant over, actual answer is Lavinia Asimov from The Heroes of Olympus! She is so funky, totally reminded me of myself a good bit when I first read it - loved the bat-mitzvah story, the queerness, the bright pink hair, the tap dancing, she is an icon.
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 2 years
i hate myself and i'm so ashamed of myself. i'm turning 23 years old in april but the way i live and act, i'm still practically a child and i'm behind on everything...
i did not start college until 20 years old (2020) but even then, i took a break after the first semester and didn't start again until spring of 2022. and then with the way i've been doing classes, i won't even start the actual major i wanna pursue until fall of THIS YEAR (and that's only IF i get accepted into the program at my commuity college...) and that degree will take two years (or, if i decide to go even further with it after, then four years total...)
i've only ever had two jobs but i didn't stay at them for long, and the second one i quit impulsively without any sort of 2 week notice bc i was practically having a mental breakdown
i've never had sex or a romantic relationship or anything... idek if i want those things or not, i'm really conflicted on that (that's one of the reasons why i've just started calling myself queer instead of trying to label my sexuality), but either way the fact that i'm almost 23 and never tried it is embarrassing... if i don't want it then that makes it worse bc i feel broken, like there's something wrong with me and like i should put in conversion therapy or something... but then, if i do decide that i want/want to try this stuff, who tf is gonna wanna be with someone who should be old enough to have experience but doesn't?? it's really embarrassing... but it doesn't matter tho either way tho bc i'm ugly and not good at socializing...
also i have no friends irl and likely never will again bc i'm so awful at socalizing...
my parents, especially my mom, help me/do most things for me, except for only like a couple of things
also, i don't drink and likely won't ever, which just makes me feel stupid... what adult doesn't drink...
idk, there is something wrong with me, i'm stupid and broken and i can't do/handle anything, it's no wonder no one likes me... i wanna kill myself finally
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dykeseinfeld · 3 years
not to be littlewomaniamsolonely.jpeg but uh.
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nightmaremybeloved · 2 years
I’m not deep in the dsmp community/fandom but I do look at stuff every one in a while and seeing some of the stuff that queer exclusionist are saying about dream with him being unlabeled and overall what they are insinuating about unlabeled people have really got to me as an unlabeled queer person. I don’t know, I don’t think people are really thinking through everything they are saying and are hurting a lot more people than they realize just because they want to confirm their beliefs on one person. Sorry I’m just kinda ranting, I only vaguely know what’s all been going on but it does seem like a lot of kids need a good queer history lesson and maybe some time outside. Also feel bad for dream for both not being accepted for his sexuality and being called out relentlessly in a way that isn’t beneficial to anyone or helping people grow as a whole. Anyway <3
hullo !!!! fellow unlabeled person ❤️
you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. this is tying so closely into the overarching issue that queer youth (affectionately referred to by myself as "baby gays") dont know the history. and would rather assume they know the answer to everything then look it up. because if they did they'd realize they're talking out of their assholes 🙄. theyre so focused on "who gets to be gay" they dont realize how deeply theyre hurting the commuity. this is why terfs can quite honestly die for all i care. they started this mess, and everyone knows the pipeline from occasional homophobia and queer exclusion (especially of groups like unlabeled, questioning, ace, aromantic, etc) to straight up hateful transphobia is a STEEP slope. the queer community, the lgbt community, was designed to be inclusive. this new push on the internet is frankly ridiculous. i just wish it was surprising.
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nobutigotchezwiz · 4 years
are you in the closet and want to show ur lgbtq without outing yourself  or just want a cool way to write ur identity i have the solution
3 way codes letters of the lgbtq commuity + some cool phrases. feel free to dm me if you want to custom version 
just so everyone knows this is the full transition process using an example;
hi > sr > 19 18 > .---- ----. / .---- ---..
lesbian . ---- ..... / ..--- ..--- / ---.. / ..--- ..... / .---- ---.. / ..--- -.... / .---- ...--
gay  ..--- ----- / ..--- -.... / ..---
bisexual  ..--- ..... / .---- ---.. / ---.. / ..--- ..--- / ...-- / -.... / ..--- -.... / .---- .....
trans --... / ----. / ..--- -.... / .---- ...-- / ---..
non-binary .---- ...-- / .---- ..--- / .---- ...-- / ..--- ..... / .---- ---.. / .---- ...-- / ..--- -.... / ----. / ..---
gender fluid ..--- ----- / ..--- ..--- / .---- ...-- / ..--- ...-- / ..--- ..--- / ----. / ..--- .---- / .---- ..... / -.... / .---- ---.. / ..--- ...--
genderqueer ..--- ----- / ..--- ..--- / .---- ...-- / ..--- ...-- / ..--- ..--- / ----. / .---- ----- / -.... / ..--- ..--- / ..--- ..--- / ----.
queer .---- ----- / -.... / ..--- ..--- / ..--- ..--- / ----.
intersex .---- ---.. / .---- ...-- / --... / ..--- ..--- / ----. / ---.. / ..--- ..--- / ...--
asexual ..--- -.... / ---.. / ..--- ..--- / ...-- / -.... / ..--- -.... / .---- .....
aromantic ..--- -.... / ----. / .---- ..--- / .---- ....- / ..--- -.... / .---- ...-- / --... / .---- ---.. / ..--- ....-
demisexual ..--- ...-- / ..--- ..--- / .---- ....- / .---- ---.. / ---.. / ..--- ..--- / ...-- / -.... / ..--- -.... / .---- .....
pansexual .---- .---- / ..--- -.... / .---- ...-- / ---.. / ..--- ..--- / ...-- / -.... / ..--- -.... / .---- ..... Bonus
fuck 12 ..--- .---- / -.... / ..--- ....- / .---- -....
get over it im gay ..--- ----- / ..--- ..--- / --... / .---- ..--- / ..... / ..--- ..--- / ----. / .---- ---.. / --... / .---- ---.. / .---- ....- / ..--- ----- / ..--- -.... / ..---
Black lives matter ..--- ..... / .---- ..... / ..--- -.... / ..--- ....- / .---- -.... / .---- ..... / .---- ---.. / ..... / ..--- ..--- / ---.. / .---- ....- / ..--- -.... / --... / --... / ..--- ..--- / ----.
were here and were queer ....- / ..--- ..--- / ----. / ..--- ..--- / .---- ----. / ..--- ..--- / ----. / ..--- ..--- / ..--- -.... / .---- ...-- / ..--- ...-- / ....- / ..--- ..--- / ----. / ..--- ..--- / .---- ----- / -.... / ..--- ..--- / ..--- ..--- / ----.
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local-seraph · 4 years
queer is a slur
One must always update their knowledge of the world - here's your update : It's a word that is being reclimed for various reasons by the lgbt+ commuity
Referenced reading: http://queergrace.com/queer/
Have a good day.
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trans-axolotl · 4 years
You know a lot of people who use queer isnt american. Queer means smt different for me than it does for you and i call my community - the queer community - however i want. If youre not comfortable with that and/or feel better using lgbt that understandable and totally valid. But i, personally, dont want to do anything with “the lgbt”, my home is at the “queer commuity”. Its a slur and its mine, and i dont want to do anything with people who dont feel the same.
yeah that’s totally valid! like i feel the same way for me -its a slur and its a slur i’ve reclaimed. and like i’m never mad about people using it to refer to the queer community because like that’s a thing and thats a term that resonates with me. and i would never want people to like. use terms they dont want to so if you dont wanna call your community lgbtq then you shouldn’t have to. 
like, i’m never going to dictate what terms people use for themself or what they use for their community. i just specifically don’t like cis people calling me As An Indivdual queer, if that makes sense.
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thehumorousace · 7 years
So why can’t ace people become their own? Like lgbt exclusionists think it’s based on how people are oppressed(which makes no sense at all cause you can’t measure pain like that), so why can’t the ACE spectrum become an entirely different thing including those who are LGBt and CisHet? Like an entirely different organization thing that just loves everyone in a friendly manner?
Well we do have our own commuity in a way, there are ace forums like AVEN and of course ace centric tumblrs, but the thing is that as far as resources and actual organisation things go we just aren’t enough on our own to do a lot. The same goes for every letter of lgbtqia+ people on their own really. We need to stick together to fight for the things we all deserve and need.
And sure there are exclusionists, but there aren’t actually that many! It’s a loud minority but it’s a clear minority, the overwhelming majority of lgbtqia+ people welcome us with open arms.
Also in real life exclusonists are basically not a thing at all. I’ve never had a queer space reject me or tell me I’m not queer enough. In fact they were all incredibly welcoming and made me feel so much more visible than I usually feel.
 - Mod Fiona
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darklightmiwxo · 6 years
how my faves help me
im going to write how all my faves help me.
dan howell is very special in my life. he has made me be the person i am today he has been there for me when i was alone and i turn to a better person from him i found all my fave singers and bands. he made me love myself and i found who i was from him he understands me. i am just like him. its ok if you are alone you will find people just like you. dan has a very big place in my heart he save my life. he made my life so much better. he makes me smile and makes me feel proud of who i am. 
phil is the superhero of youtube he inspire so many people to be proud of themself and to help others be there for others and to love yourself phil has inspire dan and other people dan wouldnt be here if it wasnt for phil. phil spread love and kindness and make everyone feel welcome try new things its ok to be werid be yourself and to change the world to be a better place he is a sweet heart loving person. that desires love like he always should.
Daniel Howell Phil Lester aka amazingphil they are the only youtubers who show what the real youtube is. they make good videos and they have change me to a better person i met my internet friends from them i got into music that is good im happy for who i am. and i help others. they have made me who i am. they save my life and are my friends for a long time. they show true friendship and that is what i learn from them.
tyler and josh twenty one pilots is the first rock band i first got into. they understand my feelings from their songs. they have inspire me and be cool. be proud of who i am. they are very funny and cool. and they have told me to stay alive. to be cool and try to help others. their songs are so catchy and good. they make good music. tyler is the only rapper i love. they have made me smile and be proud of who i am.
fall out boy patrick,pete,joe,andy this band has help me to be confudent with myself and to help other people when they need it they are the first 100% rock band for me to get into. to cheer others up and show some love and be open to other music. to be emo if i want to be or to be whatever i want to be. patrick has a beautiful angel voice he is very talented and even if there was trouble he stay strong and he made the band come back which is something i learn from the band. be strong everything is ok
brendon urie has inspire many people to be proud of themself and be there for others. he has very catchy songs. he tells us to help others he has the most talented voice in the world no one else has the voice of brendon. brendon has talk to the bisexual people and cares about us. he love us he is wonderful. brendon is king of the clouds
muse matt bellamy,dom howard,and chris w. they have inspire me to follow my dreams to be proud of who i am. even hard rock songs can be turn to new kind of ways. they make me feel like i should be happy. they tell me you are you and you shouldnt care if anyone makes you feel bad for being you just be you. be cool and strong. matt has a beautiful talented voice he is a genius singer he trys new things and that is special. he is a talent man. dom has great ideas. he is really cool. They are the coolest band ever
troye sivan is beautiful singer. his songs are really good and beautiful it warms my heart. it touches my heart and he has a wonderful personailty he is really kind and reaches out to the LGBTQ commuity. he is a gay singer that sings to boys. a icon he is a hero and trys to make the world a better place. troye is amazing. he is king.
olly alexander is a beautiful singer with a talent to sing higher and has very catchy songs he has inspire others to be proud of who they are and has help the queer people understand about themself he is the first singer to talk about a boy in a song. he has reach my soul in places i have never felt he makes me smile when i felt sad. he is very sweet and kind and wants us to be happy. olly is queen he is beautiful and he is special in this world. a great gay singer
olly,emre,mikey has helped me to smile. they make good music and they should be known in this world y&y
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dasha-aibo · 7 years
SJWs prey on the weak.
That’s the saddest part of it all.
Sure, there are a lot of people who want to be offended for the sake of being offended, but a lot of folks are just... misguided. They are in a vulnerable part of their life: breakups, depression, various mental and physical issues... They find a commuity that claims it will accept them no matter what and they believe it.
And a lot of them start by absorbing the easy stuff. “Queer” identities, the equality facade of feminism, various progressive values. They have good intentions and it’s easy to believe in all of that when you’re vulnerable. Victimization is one hell of a drug.
But then they go deeper and deeper and we all know how it ends.
Identity politics. Not even once.
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gender-fear · 8 years
Why would A be for ally and not ace/aro? Why would you exclude people who actually experience things other than heterosexual and heteroromantic attraction, and instead include literally any cishet that says they love gay ppl and says they're an ally. Why A is definitely not for ally: Closeted people will not benefit from labeling as an ally within the lgbtqia community if allies are considered part of the "gay" community. Closeted people cannot recieve direct support and confirmation of their queerness if they are not self labeling as queer in any way. Closeted people are alrady part of the LGBTQIA community, regardless of whether or not they are out. Anyone can access information, regardless of whether they are an ally or not, and there are plenty of anonymous ways for closeted individuals to gain information and support within queer spaces. Closeted people would not be provided with more safety for claiming to be part of the lgbtqia community if being part of the commuity is their reason for staying closeted. (Honestly I'm judging you for not putting this one together on your own) Closeted people pretending to be allies will be spoken over by cishets who are also claiming to be allies if allies are included in the community. Closeted people can not speak and represent their own queerness while still remaining completely closeted. Cishet people have no grounds to speak as queer voices. Closeted people do not not have the experiences of those of us who are out. While they still experience homophobia, transphobia, dysphoria, biphobia, etc. it is, in many cases (aside from dysphoria), indirect. Including allies in queer specific events disenfranchises queerness, as not all allies are closeted people. Closeted people are making a bad life choice of they're marching as a queer person while trying to remain closeted. Questioning is a term that includes people who recognise their queerness and don't have a label yet. It allows people who are unsure of their position to experience the community while easily being able to deflect queerness. It also serves people who don't like queer as a label. It is the safest way for closeted people to get serious personalized support and information from the lgbtqia community without disrespecting the queer community, while simultaneously being able to quickly unalign with the queer community. This is my strong opinion. CLOSETED PEOPLE ONLY BENEFIT FROM LABELING AS AN ALLY AS A LIE TO DEFLECT SUSPICION AND DETATCH FROM THE LGBTQIA COMMUNITY UNTIL THEY FEEL THEY CAN COME OUT. IT DOES NOT HELP THEM IF ALLIES ARE CONSIDERED PART OF THE COMMUNITY.
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