#rather than writing him off as like. a control freak and a bad guy
mymarifae · 28 days
sunday was such a good character...
i don't want to call him a villain i feel like that oversimplifies everything he did. he was all compassion and love, just born from a deep-set pessimism. he wanted to make the world a better place but just didn't believe it to be kind enough for any other path
the philosophy tackled here was interesting... he's not wrong. the astral express crew + firefly weren't wrong either. how do you, in good conscience, set people free when you know they'll just march into an early grave or lose themselves in otherwise miserable situations? like. the problem with the baby bird. what are you supposed to do in that case? when you have the power to preserve and nurture at the cost of certain autonomy (but under your preservation and nurturing would the bird even know what it was missing?), or do you relinquish all that to let it go just to Die? truly. honestly. which of these options is the inhumane one?
i don't have an answer here either.
you could always argue that sunday was wrong because the lives of Humans require more nuance but, ? do they? why does one life have more value than the other? sunday's perspective was literally that all lives have the same value, and that's why he was willing to do what he did. because he believed All should be comfortable and happy. safe. preserved.
idk it was just really interesting. it's a good thinkpiece. there's no right or wrong answer. it's just something you have to chew on while you examine your own perspective of the world
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desmond69miles · 2 years
auahaagg i saw you write for big mouth and i’m here now to give you a request…
if you write nsfw for big mouth, could you do nsfw headcanons of judd being a hard dom with a sub/fem!reader?
thank you in advance!
im gonna do sex on a laddyyyy and the ladys gonna do sex on meeee
hello anon! thank you for a big mouth request <33 and the first one for BM too! if you want to request anything from BM, I only write smut for characters above 18, so I will not write anything NSFW for andrew, nick, or any other characters.
I also find this funny because I wrote this while my health science teacher was talking about sex haha
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warnings: nsfw headcanons (ofc), knife play, this is not vanilla, HOLY SHIT I SPELT VINALLA RIGHT, hate fuck??, d/s, fem! reader, CNC.
by clicking read more you consent to anything and everything in the warnings
-judd would not be a virgin. he 100% lost his virginity right out the womb HHAHA. but saying he’s not a virgin would make him a cherry popper, change my mind. i know for a fact this man has a weird obsession with taking your virginity and making sure he’s the only one who does. 
-omg would fuck you in his t-shirt because he hates when you wear it.
-hard. core. kinks. does smoking count? because you guys will get high and/or smoke while having sex, preferably, while your on your knees and hands while he gently (or not so gently) pushes into your warm cunt. knife play, breath play, iceplay, bondage, CNC. nothing is better to him than having a hand around your neck while he presses a knife to your stomach, gently tracing circles with the tip of the knife; or playing around with some CNC. judd is dark, and I mean d-a-r-k. he probably enjoys a fantasy of drugging your drink/food, watching you fall unconscious next to him, Judd then tying you up on his bed and cutting your clothes off and watching you until you wake up. (with consent, that's the whole idea of CNC)
-face fucking!!!! he’ll have you on your knees, or your head hanging off the back of his bed while he fucks your mouth. he would keep going until your face and throat are numb, fingernails causing little crescents in his hips. he much prefers to receive rather than give, but he’s not opposed to doing 69, or going down on you if you asked nice enough. (aka begged until you were thoroughly embarrassed with yourself.)
-did judd have a bad day? is judd jealous? did you do something to piss him off? he’s 100% a hard dom and would slap you around/manhandle you during sex.
- early morning quickies before your job in the back of his van. (let's be honest, if your dating judd, your probably skipping school.) saying you were on birth control, he’d probably cum inside and make you sit in it for the rest of the day. (please don’t do this tinkle after you sex)
-don’t try to dom him, it aint gonna work. it’ll be a cold day in hell before judd birch becomes a sub. and, no pegging. sorry my ladies and lads.
-OK OK he’ll throw around orders without too much care, telling you exactly how he wants his dick sucked, to speed up or slow down, to get on his lap. and he’s so blunt about it too, like he’s been doing it since he was three. 
-low/deep groans. those sounds can turn blake Sheldon gay. 
-his degradation skills are dangerous. it’s pretty rare, but sometimes he’ll throw i a small praise at the end of a degradation sentence. “your such a slut, whining from something so little? my good little whore.” D56FYG7UHIJ
-his favorite is when he can make you cry from pleasure. that's when he knows he did a good job, that and when you can’t walk the next day. 
-SADISM. he’s such a big sadist, and you better be a masochist. he loves, loves LOVES to scratch/bite, or slap you. he also finds it accomplishing when you leave scratch marks down his back. it lowkey freaked diane out when she saw all the marks and bruises, but understood it was just rough play once she saw the same marks on judd. 
-also big on somnophilia? something about watching you sleep so peacefully stirs his dick. maybe its the fact your so helpless? he just loves watching your sleepy breath pick up as he runs his fingers over your folds. 
-and then to wrap things up, his aftercare game is ass. most he’ll do is throw his shirt at you and then watch a movie with you. sometimes he’ll shower with you, but then it turns to shower sex. haha.
PLEASE send more bm requests I love writing for it
vergilsladyfriend 2022. do not repost without permission. reblogs are appreciated!
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Reader comforting Gangle, Kinger, Jax, and Caine after they have a bad dream
"but caine likely doesnt sleep-" shhh i need you to hear me out on something hushush let me have this going to write this then im going to go stretch my legs since uhuhuhuh before i got to writing i was drawing for three hours and i am SORE
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imagine he decides to try to sleep, or try to the closest he can get to it.. and just, hes so unused to it that it stresses him out. now sure, this isnt a "hes had a bad dream" buuuuut... okay i just wanted to write for caine... or imagine he does manage to fall 'asleep', in order to have something else to relate to you with, but his first 'dream' is something... not good
i think, while he would be a little unnerved he wouldnt be TERRIFIED... though i do think he would play up how distressed he actually is in order to get some extra special attention from you. i dont think he would try sleeping again, though... might still lay down next to you and pretend, though! oh please please rub his back and pepper him in kisses! thats the only way to console him! (winks)
i think he would try to brush it off and deny any comfort you try sending his way. i commonly write jax to reject comfort and affection, and generally try to deny any perceived weakness in hopes that hes not... well seen as weak... you know? thats his whole coping mechanism in the circus, asides of course being a menace to everyone else. though... i dont think he would push you away if you tried to smooth out his fur, maybe even kiss his head... just dont say a word about this to anyone else..! i dont think he would go back to sleep, unless he felt truly exhausted
oh hes going to freak out, especially if the dream is about you abstracting or about his late wife... (does she count as late if shes abstracted...?), actually him suddenly yelping out and shooting to scramble around for you is going to wake you up. definitely not going to be going back to sleep anytime soon. please help him get his breathing under control, and reassure him that you're still here. i would say hold him, but i dont think that would be the best thing to do, at least not until hes composed himself enough to gives you the go ahead. good thing is, in the digital world you guys dont NEED to sleep... i say this because i can easily see kinger not going to sleep for a while after this (he just like me frfr). recommend taking him out to the grounds and having a nightly stroll so he can have 'fresh air'
i dont think she would wake you up, actually i dont think she would cling or cuddle onto you out of fear that she would wake you up... i mean she knows she shouldnt feel bad, but she would rather abstract than risk bothering you. probably cries, and that might be what wakes you up. turn on the light and sit up with her. it might take some coaxing, but let her know youre not mad about being woken up (and perhaps even state that she has permission to wake you up whenever and that shes not going to bother you and youre not going to be angry with her). you guys probably talk until morning, starting with the contents of the dream before spiraling into something totally unrelated
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
▪️  You had met both Bucky and Druig during a mission. 
▪️ Although you weren’t considered an Avenger, you hated the term ‘hero.’
▪️ You preferred anti-hero, if you had to put a label on it
▪️ Your powers had appeared during a freak accident, that you still didn’t like to talk, or even think about. 
▪️ But the end result; you could manipulate the natural world
▪️ Air, Earth, Water, Fire - 
▪️ It made you a formidable opponent
▪️ And the best teammate 
▪️ Although sometimes it was difficult to reign in your power. That made you really insecure... but that was before Druig & Bucky.
▪️ With their help, you were able to control your power, truly make it your own. It was a deliriously happy moment - when you were able to completely integrate you and your power
▪️ It was in those hours that Druig and Bucky seemed to take to each other, like they formed a background crush on one another
▪️ Where it was obvious that they both had a thing for you. A deep thing. 
▪️ So yes, it did start off as a love triangle, with both men having a competition to gain your favour. 
▪️ But the world is crazy and you never know what will happen next, so you said: 
  “I’m not going to choose. I either have both of you, or neither.”
▪️ And damn, that was a boss moment, because both men looked at each other and shrugged
▪️ “Together then,” Druig had said, breaking the silence 
▪️ From then on, the three of you were always grouped together. Whatever happened before you got together was never talked about. 
▪️ Your relationship was the start of your story 
▪️ Druig’s favourite thing to do is piss off Bucky, and at the very least - tease him relentlessly
▪️ Although he can’t go with the old man jokes because ... he’s older than Bucky 
▪️ You all work because Bucky is the backbone of the relationship, but can become very depressed, Druig has humour and mischief but too can become grumpy with too much outside human interaction, and you’re their hope. Their light in life. 
▪️ It really works because you’re all introverts
▪️ You’d rather be at home, reading, writing, or watching tv with the guys
▪️ And they feel the same way
▪️ Druig has seen the world, the best and worst of it
▪️ Bucky has sacrificed a lot for the world
▪️ And you have endured a lot of trauma
▪️ So you all live in your own little bubble 
▪️ Bucky is actually a pretty good cook
▪️ But Druig hates cooking - he doesn’t want to waste his time making anything too complicated 
▪️ So you and Bucky are usually in the kitchen, cooking up a storm, while Druig makes sarcastic remarks from across the room 
▪️ Oh and you have two cats, one black and one white
▪️ Their names are Sam and Magnus
▪️ Yes one is named after Sam Wilson, and when he visited your place and found out, all he did was laugh
   “You know what Buck? I’m flattered!” 
▪️ And no, Druig doesn’t use his mind-control, you and Bucky have forbidden it. 
▪️ But he can do it to assholes when you’re out and about. Especially drunk ones 
▪️ After a while, you guys would go and do vigilante stuff
▪️ Because you felt bad that awful things were happening and the police were doing nothing about it 
⭑ Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Asshole (Bucky) x Also An Asshole But It’s Hard To Tell Because Of Their Cute Exterior (You) x Even More Of An Asshole (Druig)
  ✧ Just a bunch of anti-heroes, bickering about when/why they should help
  ✧ This Probably Shouldn’t Work But Hey, It Actually Does
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
▪️ Druig is a sub, and he gets into that headspace quite easily. He wouldn’t normally be so easy to let others control him, but he feels safe with Bucky and yourself. 
▪️ Bucky automatically takes control; knowing what he wants and what he wants the both of you to do. 
▪️  And on special occasions, you have both men tied up, begging for you to touch them. 
▪️ Druig likes to be kissed on his chest, especially his nipples 
▪️ Bucky likes when you pull his hair and bite his earlobe 
▪️ Bucky likes to be pegged, and would most definitely take it from Druig. 
▪️ Druig isn’t a bottom though, only a sub. He likes the teasing, the edging and nearing orgasm. 
▪️ Bucky was against the sex toys at first, feeling somewhat hurt that his body alone wasn’t enough. But you both had to explain to him that that was not the reason at all
▪️ And now he’s a sex toy fiend 
▪️ He’s constantly *slyly* suggesting to go to the sex store 
▪️ Druig barely gets embarrassed, seriously, about anything. And at the beginning of the relationship, he took great pride in getting Bucky as red in the face as he could 
▪️ They both love playing with your chest, sucking on your nipples 
▪️ Oh and they both adore giving head
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Can I request an Angst to happy ending Eddie Munson x fem. reader long oneshot where reader is Jason’s sister and Eddie and reader are dating and vey happy together and Jason sabotages the relationship by writing a note saying awful things about Eddie and he shows it to Eddie and makes Eddie believe his girlfriend wrote it and when she finds Eddie later, she tries to hug him and he pushes her away from him and she’s confused why he’s acting this way and he starts yelling at her in anger and confronts her about the note and shows it to her and she starts sobbing and tries to convince him that she didn’t write it and she would never do something like that because she loves him and it’s the first time she’s told him she loves him and when he finally realizes Jason set him up, he apologizes to reader and hugs her and kisses her and he tells her how sorry he is as he keeps kissing her and he tells her he loves her too and they end up going back to his place and show each other just how much they love each other and have their first time together?
I love that!
Pairings: Eddie munson x Fem!Carver!reader
Summary: ^^^^
Word count: Idk but its definitely over 1k. Maybe 2k?
Warnings: swearing, the note contains his parents leaving, smut (piv) (unprotected sex!) oral (F!Receiving) so 18+.
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Jason watched from afar as his sister was wrapped up in the arms that he despised the most. Eddie Munson.
He did not like them together one bit, he would rather you date his friend chase, than him.
Seeing you all cuddle-y with the freak made his blood boil, out of all the guys in Hawkins, she chose him.
But Jason merely blamed you for it, he blamed him for corrupting you, for tricking you into going out with him, and he'd be damned if Eddie did his satanic-ritual sacrifice on you.
Eddie hadn't done anything of a sort to you, he was kind, sweet, loving and caring to you and hasn't done anything to hurt you in any way shape or form.
You knew and didn't care that Jason knew about you, so it wasn't a surprise when he came up to you when he saw Eddie kiss your cheek 2 months ago and yelled at you for being with him, but you just stood in front of him, looking confused as to why he thought he would have control over who you were with.
"You can't be with him, Y/n, I won't have that" he had told you
"Deal with it" you shrugged
"You're going to break up with him" he ordered
"To hell I will" you stormed off to find Eddie
Jason folded the piece of paper in his hands that held despicable words about the town's freak written in it.
Jason smirked proudly when the bell went, signalling the end of the day.
He got up from his desk, and collected his things as he shoved the note in the pocket.
He went looking for you, he wanted it to seem like you had written it, so he tried his best to copy your writing, but he needed your signature, to make it seem more real.
"Y/n!" He yelled out to as he spotted you at your locker, packing your things up for the day.
You turned to see your brother running up to you, you rolled your eyes at the thought that he would yet again, try to say something bad about your loving boyfriend
"What now, dear brother" you said sarcastically
"Can you sign this for me?" He asked politely
"I'm trying to get everyone's signature for a petition I'm doing" he lied quickly on the spot
"Where's all your friends signatures?" You questioned
"On the inside, I got a lot of them so I just folded it to get more on" he dodged your other question easily
"Oh, ok then" you grabbed the piece of paper and pen off him and leaned it against your locker, signing your name neatly
"There you go" you handed it back to him with a slight smile
"Thank you" he nodded his head as if he was bowing to you and walked away from you, catching up to him friends.
It was the next morning, people were gathered in the corridors, getting to their lockers to gather their things for the first period
"Hey, sweetheart" Eddie sneaked up from behind you and gripped your shoulders with his ring-clad fingers. His palms pressed into your neck as his frizzy curls tickled your face as he pressed himself against you lovingly and leaned over you.
"Hi, Eds" you smiled at the contact.
He brushed your hair off your shoulder so he could access your neck that was adorned with a few necklaces, he pressed a light kiss near your jaw and dropped his hand down to your waist, pulling your hips back onto him gently.
He spun you around to face him and kept his smile on his face the whole time, just happy to see you.
You gave him a peck on the lips, but he craved for more when you pulled away from his lips, but you didn't get far as he pulled you closer, putting more and more kisses on your pink lips that he loved dearly
"How was your morning?" He hummed
"I could barely get out if bed, I just couldn't sleep much, I don't know why" you yawned
"Oh" he basically purred "that's no good"
"Yeah, how was yours?" You leaned against him
"It was good" he shrugged
"Hey Munson!" Eddie heard the deafening yell from the one and only
"What do you want, Jason?" Eddie asked when Jason had caught up to him
"I wanted to give this to you, Y/n wrote it" he handed the note over to Eddie
"Ok? Thanks" Eddie spoke confusedly
Eddie opened the piece of paper in front of Jason, who, as much as he didn't want to be near the freak, was still in front of him, waiting for his reaction
Eddie read it in his head, he felt as though he shouldn't read it aloud for her privacy and just kept it to himself, he figured that the blonde in front of him already knew what words were written behind the paper but it wasn't really his business
When writing the note, Jason made it seem like the letter was part of a diary, almost, but just on a loose, blank piece.
Eddie read every word carefully, his eyes slowly moving word to word as he examined what this letter was about.
Eddie couldn't comprehend the unimportant filling words written, he could only notice the things about him that 'she' had listed. It's the little things that he thought she would love about him that 'she' actually hated
It was all there, written neatly in front of him.
She hated it all.
I don't know why I'm even with him, he's a disgusting pig who thinks he's so special. Well he's not, He's an ugly freak. It's no wonder they call him the freak, but I just added ugly because well look at him, I'd much rather be with Chase, and I should've listen to Jason. Eddie is such a weirdo and he's the worst kisser, I can't stand having his lips on mine, not to mention his breath always stinks, he stinks in general. I can't even act like I like him anymore, I can't risk being one of his ritual sacrifices for the devil. And don't get me started on the music he likes, They're horrible, and loud, he could be Satan himself to be honest. Everything about him is disgusting, his hair, his clothes, pervy words and thoughts, his nose is so big too, and his voice, he. Is. Disgusting. He always goes on about his parents leaving and all I think of is that they should've left sooner, it's really no wonder why they left. Oh! And I went to see his band the other night, They're so shit, they sounded horrible I wanted to go deaf. Anyway, I'm going to break up with him soon, I mean I never liked him anyway.
The note continued saying things he wished he would never hear about himself, saying things about him that made him want to throw up and scream. The note continued saying things he never thought a person could even think of another. Let alone about him. The person who wrote this would have been satan himself if he didn't know it was you who said all those things, all the things he thought you loved.
When Eddie finished reading the note, he scrunched it up in his fist
"What the hell is this!?" He questioned the blonde boy
"Y/n wrote it, and since it's about you I thought you have the right to see it" Jason said
"Why are you giving me this?"
"I thought you should know what she really thinks of you" Jason spoke cockily, was a small smirk making it's way onto his face
"Right" Eddie huffed
"Look. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way-" Jason sarcastically apologised
"Yeah- right" Eddie said through gritted teeth and shoved past Jason, who, to his pleasure, smiled in satisfaction and made a gun sign with his fingers and pretended to shoot at in the air taking the situation as a win for him
At lunch, Eddie was a but late, not being there as you sat down in your usual spot, to the left of your boyfriend. But you didn't notice your brother staring at you from his table
Eddie was standing at the doors of the cafeteria, glaring at you from afar as he watched your every move, as if, if he were to look away from you for a second, when he would turn to you again, you would be in front of him, jabbing him with a metaphorical knife that were actually just words.
You didn't deserve to be there, laughing with his friends, sitting at his table, wearing one of jackets to keep you warm. not after what you did, not after what you thought of them, not after what you said.
So when you saw him almost about to sit down in his seat, when you got up to greet him with one of your hugs, he pushed you away, making you stumble back a bit
"What's wrong, Eds?" You questioned him as you rebalanced yourself correctly
"Go" he demanded bluntly
"W-what?" You stuttered confused
"You heard me, leave, we don't want you here" he spoke coldly towards you
You looked down at the rest of the guys seeing them bewildered and clueless as well and it made you more confused
"What h-"
"Did you not hear me!? I told you to leave! You're not welcome to sit here anymore, not after what you said about us, about me, why didn't you just tell me you thought I was an ugly freak? Why didn't you just tell me? I mean you were the one to ask me out! I didn't even want to go out with you! So leave, satanic bitch. I. Don't. Want. You" he yelled loudly, you froze, you couldn't move after his statement and all the eyes in the cafeteria were looking at you made you feel weak.
"What?" You whispered
"Don't fucking act dumb! I'm not an idiot" he reminded you.
"It's all there, all the cruel things you've said about me and my friends, all written on one simple page" he chuckled bitterly
“what do you mean?” you asked
“oh please. the letter” he laughed dryly while rolling his eyes and crossing his arms defensively
“letter? what letter?” you said confused, where is this coming from? 
“stop playing dumb, this letter” he got it from his pocket and shoved the piece of paper to you.
"I didn't-" he cut you off
"Its right there, you can't deny it, it's all written on there!" He shouted at you. You held the page and examined it, only seeing a few of the cruel things written within it
"I didn't write-" yet again, he ignored you and cut you off
"Stop denying it! Stop lying and just own up to it cause I know you did it anyway!"
"I-..." you could barely speak, all the stares and yelling made you feel so small and freeze up again, you don't know who wrote that, but they were horrible
A moment went by before there was any movement or sound from anyone. Everyone was dead. Silent.
"Give me my jacket" Eddie said lowly, looking down at the ground with his hand reached out for his jacket
"Give me. My. Jacket. I want it back" he muttered the last bit, almost as if he's ashamed
Your bottom lip quivered as you tried your best to stop tears from flowing down your eyes. You slowly slipped his jacket off and passed it to him, his hand quickly moving away from yours as you gave it back to him.
You would've felt cold without it on your body, but your body felt like it was on fire, your cheeks were burning up and Eddie's hard stare made the hair on your arms and legs stand up, giving you chills.
"Go, I don't even look at you" he lowered his head, you can feel the sadness written in his voice.
You looked down at the guys to see their sad and broken faces, they thought you were their friend, they though you weren't like the other girls in the school.
You nodded your head as none of them would even look at you either.
You gathered your things and left the cafeteria, leaving the food that actually looked ok today.
It had been five days since the incident, Jason felt relieved that he didn't have to see you near Eddie anymore, he felt like he accomplished something and that he protected you, but in reality he had broken up something beautiful.
It was Friday afternoon, and you had caught up to Eddie as he was getting into his car
"Eddie" you called out to him but he didn't wait for you, he opened his van door and was about to get in until you got close enough to pull him back
"Eddie" you panted softly
"What?" He spat, turning around and surprisingly not pushing you away
"Please just listen to me this time. It wasn't me who wrote that, I would never write such things about you, let alone anyone" you cried out to him
"I fell for it ok, it was funny, Haha, see I'm laughing, but Its not funny anymore, it's over so stop trying" he stated and moved his hand away from yours
"Don't you realise I wouldn't do that to you?!" You started sobbing and sniffling "don't you realise that I love you and would never do anything to hurt you like that. It was all Jason! You know how he doesn't want us together, you know how he was always trying to break us up. So why don't you trust me?" You rambled while crying hardly against his stare
"Y-you love me?" He questioned
"Why don't you trust me?" You ignored his question
He realised now the it was so obvious that it was Jason, even if it was a note from her, why would he have it? How would he have gotten it?
A part of him thought something seemed off with it, that something wasn't right. But he was too angry at what was written about him that to notice how wrong it felt. He let his insecurities get the best if him and let Jason get want he wanted
"I-I'm sorry-" you interrupted him
"You called me a satanic bitch" you said quietly
"I know, you're anything but. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I said those things." He stepped close to you and slowly pulled you into him
"you said you never wanted to go out with me" you murmered
"I know, I was just angry and upset, I didn't mean to say any of that and I'm forever sorry for it"
You cried against his chest and let it all out, the anger you felt towards your brother, your sadness, your pain. And he felt like crying with you. He felt like he had to, but he wanted to seem strong, for you.
He leaned down to hug you better and leaned back a bit, looking down at you as you sobbed
"I'm so sorry" he apologized, pressing a sweet kiss on your lips
"Please forgive me, sweetheart" he mumbled as he kissed you again
"Please" you could hear the little crack in his voice.
He kissed you again softly, and again, and again. And pulled you closer to him by snaking his arms around your waist and tagging you in, pressing a long, passionate and loving kiss on your lips
"I know it's only been 5 days, but I missed you" he said against your mouth
"I missed you too" you mumbled
"I love you" you confirmed his question from only minutes ago
"I love you more, you don't even know" he pulled away from you and stared at you
"I'm really fucking sorry"
"I'm sorry too" you spoke softly
"C'mon, sweetheart, let's go" he dragged you into his van.
"C'mon" he grabbed your hand and directed you to his trailer, unlocking the door and guiding you in, shutting the door and leading you to his room.
“you know how much I love you?” he questioned
“no” you shook your head
“want me to show ya?”
you only nodded as you watched him drag you to his bed, pushing you down on your back.
he crawled on top of you, his necklace hanging down to just scape the tip of your nose, tickling you as it dangled down from his neck.
"I'm gonna need verbal consent here, sweetheart" he raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer
"show me, Eddie"
he leaned down to you and pressed a wet, passionate kiss full of longing and lust, making you want more
you always thought about what he would be like, what he would look like when making love. you had imagined it many times before, even before you went out together.
Eddie trailed desperate kisses down your jaw and all the way to your collarbone, making slight noises and whines roll off your tongue
he slightly pulled you up, taking your shirt off at a painfully slow pace, the only thing stopping him from your breasts was the lacy bra you wore
"you're so beautiful" his voice was low and husky, making you weak in the knees
"god" he cursed under his breath before going to attack your cleavage with the hottest of kisses.
he took his shirt off from the back and watched as you studied all of his tats
"you like them?" he asked cockily.
you've never even seen Eddie without a shirt, so all you've ever seen of his tats is the bats on his forearm that was on show from his mid sleeves on his Hellfire shirt he wore all the time
you hummed in response, moving underneath of him as you stared at his tats with your bottom lip between your teeth
"do they...turn you on?" he realised
"a bit" you saw the look on his face when you lied "a lot" you blushed
"which one's ya favourite?" he quizzed with a smirk on his face
you examined all of them briefly
"that one" you motioned to the one on his arm, which was resting next to your face as he used it to hold himself up. the puppet one, your eyes fixated on it for a while and he noticed
"I like that one too" he leaned down to get a better look at it.
You couldn't stop looking at his toned biceps and arms that were right in front of you
"baby you're staring" he snapped you out of your ungodly thoughts about him
"sorry" you apologized softly
"don't be sorry, sweetheart. what were you thinking about?" he questioned you, leaning down more.
you felt his hot breath brush on your face, his breath smelling like a distant cigarette and mint, as if he took a mint after smoking. That's probably what he did
"uhm. stuff" you sighed, like you were caught.
"mm. what stuff?"
"you" you whispered, looking up at him through your eyelashes
"what about me, Sweetheart?" he chuckled
"Eddiee" you dragged his name out as you whined, not wanting to talk about it and just want him to touch you
"so desperate for my touch, ay'? you needy girl"
he crawled down the bed, to where your feet were and took off your worn out sneakers and socks, then crawled back up, towering over you as he admired you
"you're beautiful" he shook his head, astonished by the sight of you half naked on his bed.
he hopped off the bed and stood up.
he unbuckled his jeans and shook them off desperately, leaving him in nothing but his boxers, his took his shoes off when you got there so he didn't have to worry about that.
he unzipped you pants and pulled them off.
"I think purple is my new favourite colour, Sweetheart" he sighed in satisfaction, noticing that your underwear and bra were a matching set of a pretty, light purple.
"please, Eddie" you whined once again, just wanting him to touch you.
"damn, I didn't know you were so whiney" he rolled his eyes playfully and pushed his hand behind your back, trying to get your bra off.
"you got it?" you ask impatiently
"almost" he grunted before it popped off "got it"
he pulled it off you and threw it across his room, not caring to know where it went
"nice tits" he chuckled to himself before going down, attacking one with his mouth and the other, massaging it was his hands.
he twirled his tongue along you breast, teasing the bud with his teeth as he nibbled on it.
you let out the most beautiful noise that rung in Eddie's ears
"god. Eddie" you moaned out, feeling your core heat up and get wet from the sensation of his mouth on your trembling body
"this isn't acts of god, sweetheart, so don't pray right now" he said huskily, retracting his mouth off you.
by him just saying that alone you made out the most desperate moan Eddie never thought he would hear from you, it almost sounded like it could be in a porno.
Eddie reached down to spread open your legs and settled himself between them, leaning down to get a view of the wet patch on your underwear that was growing at a fast pace.
"my, my, now that's a sight for sore eyes" Eddie muttered to himself, almost drooling at the sight of your dripping core in front of him
he hooked you finger around the fabric and pulled your panties down slowly. throwing them across him room, finding it's way to the mix of rubbish, mixtapes and all the other clothes he had carelessly thrown away, to now become one with his room.
he looked down and leaned his face closer, smelling your strong scent only inches away from is face
"didn't know I could get you this wet" he stated with small chuckle
he took his finger and slipped it up and down your slick folds, making you let out a little whine. he played with your juices between his fingers, smiling to himself
"we're gonna have some fun" he said before attaching his tongue to your wet pussy. licking in up and down motions, he smirked to himself as he heard the noises you made from his touch.
Eddie pushed a finger in you, pumping in and out of you at a fast pace as he teased your clit with his tongue
"My- god- Eddie" you panted, throwing you head back at the sensation.
"Yes, sweetheart?" He mumbled, sending vibrations that gave him orgasmic moans in return.
"You, in. I ne-need you in me" you moaned out as you gripped his hair with one hand
"Not right now, babe, I'm kind of busy at the moment" he said against you sending chills down your spine
He felt you grip and pull on his hair, which made him grunt at the feeling.
You held onto his mattress to give you some sort of support to stay still.
"Stop moving" Eddie told you before grabbing ahold of the space right between your waist and hip and moved you against his mouth, giving more friction into his movements.
You're breathing got heavier, and your chest rose up and down so quick you would think you've ran a marathon, so when you had told Eddie you thought you were close, he laughed and pulled away.
"Just wait, I was just getting you warmed up" he crawled back ontop of you and wrapped your legs around his waist, wanting you to pull down his boxers with your feet.
Once they were off him, he lined himself up to your dripping core and slowly pushed in
Eddie knew he wasn't small, and you knew he wasn't small. You had always pictured what he was hiding beneath those tight jeans of his, and it was not that big.
So when he pushed into you, you let out a cry in pain, making Eddie go still in you.
You didn't know how you were supposed to take him, he felt 10 times bigger inside you and he was only half way in.
"It's ok, just a little more, you can do it, m'kay, sweetheart? Just a little more" he grunted as he slowly pushed the rest in.
He stayed still for a moment, waiting for the signal for him to move in you and that you were ok.
You nodded your head and shifted agaisnt him, feeling a completely full with him in you
He slowly moved into you, pulling out and in and a pace that made you get used to him, and he slowly got faster as he heard the pleasure you were getting from him in your moans
"F-fuck, Eddie" you threw you head back again and dug your head back into his pillow
"You doing so well, you feel so good" Eddie groaned, feeling him deep inside you
Eddie knew he would never forget how good you felt, how good it was to be inside you, pleasuring you. That's all he'd ever want to do.
You've both waited for this moment, you told each other you would wait for the perfect time and not rush into things like every other couple these days, they have sex so soon. And God did you both like it.
All Eddie ever wanted to do was to please you, to make you feel loved. And this is what it was, this was nothing but making love. This was no fucking or pure sex, this was making love, and that's all Eddie wanted to do, nothing more, nothing less. This was making love in his eyes.
"How good do you feel? How good do I make you feel, sweetheart?" He said as his thrusts became fast and sloppy due to your dripping cunt.
"So- so good, Eddie. Yo- make me f-feel so good" you moaned out.
"Good, cause you feel heavenly, sweetheart"
Eddie gripped your hips and moved you along with his thrusts, making him go deeper inside you.
The room was filled with Eddie grunts and your sinful screams and moans. The sounds were music to Eddie's ears, hearing your pants and whines and the sloppy clapping from your skin hitting each other. It was like one of Eddie's dreams.
"This. Sweetheart, is how much I love you" Eddie confessed and quickened his thrusts
"Eddie- god- I think, I think I'm- close" you struggled to tell him.
You never knew what it felt like to be close, nearing the edge of spilling out and letting yourself go. But your stomach was telling you something your brain couldn't comprehend
Eddie felt himself nearing the edge as well, feeling himself start to twitch inside you, but he tried his best to hold it in to let you go.
It's her pleasure before mine Eddie thought to himself.
"Come on, sweetheart. You can- you can do it" he moaned, feeling himself nearly come undone.
You felt yourself let go and something spilling out of you, hearing yourself scream out the most orgasmic moan.
"There you go, sweetheart, that's it"
Eddie pulled himself out and let himself go, seeing the milky liquid come out of him.
After a moment, Eddie let himself drop beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him, digging his face in your neck, kissing it softly
"Thank you" he smiled into your neck
"Whatever for?" You laughed tiredly, lifting a hand up to stroke his hair
"For letting me take care of you like that, for giving me another chance"
"Eddie I wouldn't ever want anyone else but you" you confessed and yawned subtly
Eddie told you to get some rest while he cleaned up, so that's what you did. You let yourself drift off in the arms of your boyfriend and he cleaned everything up.
He gently pulled your underwear back on you after trying to find it for five minutes and slipped on one of his shirts on you, giving you some sort of cover up as you slept in his bed. He smiled to himself.
Eddie cuddled up next to you, digging his face in your stomach and his feet hanging off the bed as he hummed in content.
Tag list:
@tommyriddleobsessed @anangelwhodidntfall @stephanie-lkj @phantomxoxo @bellevsoares
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list or removed from it!
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
This is embarrassing but...I really like your stories with plus-sized readers and as a plus-sized gal (300+) could you maybe write something about The Riddler (specifically Paul Danos) being into a bigger girl? I've seen a few floating around but they kind of focus on the rogues defending their girlfriends from mean comments? And I would rather just see a positive interpretation of them being into a bigger lady?
baby i GOT YOU 💜 please there's like 300lbs of me for that bean pole man to wrap himself up in and i fully believe he would adore every single bit of a bigger body
i wrote specific things for each riddler BUT i think they all apply to all of them because they would all simp for a plus size partner, trust 💚
also pls i haven't read much else with plus size characters but i HATE that trope it makes me so sad ;-; and shout out to my husband for listing what he likes about sex with my plus size body lmao
minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff and language and kinks etc
my thing here is that he has a mommy kink SO BAD which i feel lends itself to a plus size babe who can smother him with their breasts, belly, thighs, arms, WHATEVER and he will apologise for fetishizing you but he won't stop lmao he loves LOVES being held by soft arms. he loves looking at you on his sofa while he streams and imagining curling up into you when he's done trying to change the world/commit acts of domestic terrorism. his favourite thing in the whole world is when you wear shorts, because then he can see every bit of your thighs, and a big t-shirt that he painted his logo on to for you. will fall asleep on your stomach because he says it's softer than any expensive pillow and he loves to hear and feel you breathing he's a desperately clingy man, which extends to sex. he loves grabbing onto you and holding you. favourite things to grab, even above tits and ass, are love handles/chunky hips while he's pulling you on to him, a waist dent that he can really sink his hands into and run them over any adorable chubby bits, and inner thighs. loves to pull out and cum on your stomach.
the mechanics of everything intrigue him, especially your body. he's actually quite shocked by how hypnotic/erotic he finds the way you move. his two favourite positions are having you on your back, watching your stomach and breasts move as he thrusts, and having you bent over, so he can see your ass jiggle when he slams into you GOD you're like the opposite of every medium he usually works with. you're like clay, you're like clouds, you're like liquid almost. where his hands are used to rough textures, metals and wires, you're a treat for his calloused hands. you're soft, pliable, and he fkn loves touching every single bit of you to make sure it's as soft and cushiony as the last time he touched it, which was probably five minutes ago going back to mechanics, if you wear something with buttons down the front he will spend the entire day admiring them for taking the strain but willing them to give up and just burst already because fuck that would be hot
young justice:
will show you off at every available opportunity because the boy is happy to have someone thick as all hell who is willing to be seen with him in public. he's a sucker for losing all control to you, and will state multiple times with strong conviction that being smothered by you as you sit on his face would be a heavenly way to die PLUS he's a nervous and self-conscious kind of guy and is worried about how well he performs, so having you on top is a PLUS because your weight and how hard you can press down on him makes him feel like he's deeper inside of you freaks out about the way you look in high-waisted jeans and no he can't put his finger on it, but it probably has something to do with your ass because that's his BAG. if you at any point bend down near him, the whole rest of his day is wasted because all his mind can think about is whatever fabric was covering you stretching tight against your thighs and your butt under his bed you will find quite a few magazines with spreads of plus size lingerie models, man knows what he's into y'know?
capullo/zero year:
i don't know if he has a specific thing for plus size women, or even a specific thing for women, he's an any hole's a goal kind of fucker and i love him for it. seems like he could charm his way into your pants by telling you how gorgeous you are and how hot you'd look wrapped around him. if he told me he liked a lil meat on his women i'd be his, anyone else would get their dick punched he absolutely loses it for your thighs smothering him while he eats you out, loves a pussy he can grab and smack too because he's VULGAR. he uses the term bbw way too much but the enthusiasm he has for your body makes up for it loves LOVES making you wear tight dresses, he's a sucker for sins of the flesh and the more flesh there is, the more sin there is too. he's obsessed with how your body looks when it's squeezed into something and all of your curves and rolls are accentuated and very obvious. and if you feel shy and embarrassed honestly that's all the better because he takes it as a challenge to loosen you up and make you feel absolutely thirsted over...or perved over
"did you know that women were more often portrayed as being thicker and curvier in art from the renaissance period as this symbolised true beauty and power? i understand this fully now, having been allowed to appreciate your body" he is a complete sucker for a soft, warm body pressed into him and takes appreciative to a new level. is gentle and slow with his touches, like he's taking in a masterpiece at an art gallery. which is funny because he does kind of act like he's about to get caught touching the art sometimes, embarrassed and flustered by how long he's just been stroking you and taking you in. sticking with the art form theme, he also loves ropes, is all up in the business of shibari and kinbaku and is OBSESSED with how your skin looks, pressing out over the ropes where they're tightest against your biggest parts. the texture and the look are enough to drive him wild and photographing you for research is a must
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hollabastiongirl · 8 months
Monday Six (thousand, minus about 5k)
tagged by @ornstein
I could indeed give six lines of a WIP I've been ignoring for months and months at this point, but instead I'm gonna post a thousand or so words of a piece that I never intend to finish, but amused me to write as an exercise nonetheless since I haven't written much at all for the My Hero fandom before. What follows is a strange mix of goofy and angsty, but I figure I may as well post it somewhere so it'll stop sitting accusingly in my drafts. Thanks for the tag, ornstein, and here I'll tag @nightfallrevel @snarkyauthor @castershellwrites & anyone else that wants to share six (or however many, go wild) lines of a WIP.
"Holy fuck," Katsuki blurts suddenly and rather loudly, because for all that he's been a fucking ace at everything he's tried since he was old enough to walk, he somehow still hasn't mastered the art of volume control, "I'm in love with that little shit."
From across the library table that they're (reluctantly, on Katsuki's part) sharing, Todoroki barely reacts. He scribbles down a few more meticulously crafted notes on the bullshit hero politics course they're being forced to take and says, quiet and distracted, "I should hope so. Haven't you been together for awhile now?" 
"What??? No?"
Katsuki screeching at near-maximum volume is apparently enough to actually get the bastard's full attention, as heterochromatic eyes deign to lift away from the neat scrawl on his notebook paper in order to level him with a look that's more flat than anything, but skirts the edges of annoyance all the same. Guy's a freak like that, and Katsuki can't figure out how he does it.  "Come on, Bakugou. I'm not blind. Or deaf. He gushes about you and your supposed 'manliness' all the time." 
"WHAT," Katsuki shouts, because seriously, what. The librarian shoots him a nasty look and he just barely resists the burning urge to give her the finger. That hag has some serious pull around here, as he unfortunately learned the last time he pissed her off and received two full weeks of detention for his efforts—most of which he had to spend being one of Dominatrix-sensei's personal bitch boys. And if that wasn't bad enough, Ball Head had served almost as many detentions as Katsuki had. He still shudders just thinking about that whole fiasco. Not fucking worth it. He manages to lower his voice to hiss, "are you actually talking about Kirishima right now," right at Todoroki's stupid, blank face.
"Well, yes. Who else would I be talking about?" IcyHot pauses with a blink upwards, as though an alternate answer will drop from the ceiling and bash him over his stupid candy-cane colored head if he thinks about it hard enough (likely not, but Katsuki might hit him anyway. On principle). None is apparently forthcoming, so he glances back at Katsuki with a shrug. "But from your reaction, I'm assuming I'm off the mark. So…Kaminari?" 
Shit, now that's just insulting. To both of them, even. Katsuki would be willing to bet serious cash that they'd both rather drop dead than somehow fall in love with each other. This idiot, he thinks. What a goddamn joke.  
"NO, dumbass. Not Dunce-Face."
There comes a flash of something that could be interesting to consider in Todoroki's mismatched eyes as he mentions the Human Tape Dispenser, or would be if only Katsuki wasn't preoccupied with NOT leaping across the table to strangle this dumb bastard with his bare hands. Instead, he very calmly says, in his calmest voice, really, really calmly, "ARE YOU STUPID. NO. IT'S DEKU, YOU FUCKING HALF-N-HALF WIT."
"If I'm a half and half wit, doesn't that actually imply I'm a whole wi—"
"For fuck's sake," Katsuki cuts him off with a groan, letting his forehead drop against the cool wooden grain of their study table with a thunk. He'd rather glare a hole through the tabletop right now on the off chance he suddenly develops the ability to explode people (Todoroki, namely) with his eyes. He can't afford to add a manslaughter charge onto his current list of problems. Being in love with Deku is problem enough.
Actually, it's probably the biggest problem he's ever had.
"Are you….okay?" Turd-oroki asks him, seeming curiously wary but looking more constipated than anything. The words sound strange as they pass through the space between them, strained and sour as though Strawberry Shortcake is having some sort of sudden internal crisis about the idea of trying to comfort Katsuki, of all people. Can't really blame him. Katsuki doesn't know how to comfort himself, either. Never has. "You seem…off." 
"Off." Katsuki huffs, though he doesn't bother denying it. "Brilliant fuckin' analysis. Screw being a hero, you should be a goddamn therapist."
There's a pause, like either Todoroki is actually considering a career change or maybe just considering bashing Katsuki over the head with his textbook to put them both out of their misery, and then he says, quietly and with palpable concern, "you seem really off. You didn't even tell me to go to hell just now."
"Go to hell," Katsuki mumbles after the fact. Any vitriol that would otherwise sharpen his voice is tempered by the way his cheek is still smushed morosely against the table. Even Katsuki can't remain intimidating while feeling so pathetic, though he can't bring himself to care much. Not when he feels like this, sick and hot and twisted up inside. "Eat shit and die. Shut the fuck up and get out." 
Todoroki ignores all that, which…fair. "Do you…want to talk about it?" 
"Are you sure?" As Katsuki finally sits up, all the better to glare at him, IcyHot leans forward a bit and gives him the single most horrifying look of commiseration Katsuki's ever experienced in his shitty life. He's obviously trying to empathize with Katsuki in some way, and even seems to be managing it, and this is… Well, it's too pathetic to stand any longer. He doesn't want to have this conversation. He can't believe he'd been stupid enough to open his fat mouth and blurt this shit out in the first place. Why can't he ever keep his fuckin' mouth shut when it counts?
He does keep it shut, now. He can't think of a thing to say. Nothing that doesn't make him sound like a lovesick loser. Instead, he meets Todoroki's probing gaze and shrugs. He can't be sure of anything, anymore.
Under the table, Katsuki's hands ball into tight fists, fingernails digging savagely into his palms. It eases some of the tension in him as the skin breaks, as though the confusion and longing and misery he's stubbornly holding inside is escaping through the cuts little by little, like air from a sad, deflating pool toy. 
He feels a bit like that, right now. Collapsing into himself and wilting from the steady force of gravity. Inescapable. Inevitable. Inexorable. A weight that doesn't push, but pulls—a force that reels you in so gently that you barely even notice it's happening. Not until you're already falling. 
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 years
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐀, 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐀 ~ 𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚡 (𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎) 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛     [PREVIEW]
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here’s a lil sneak peek of something i’ve been working on :) this is me puttin on my fix it hat, and giving eddie the ending that he deserved. so, this obviously contains spoilers for season 4. this is NOT the full piece, we all know i have no self control when it comes to writing so the actual thing is long as fuck and i hope to have it up soon! this is just the beginning, aka the beginning of your friendship turned relationship with eddie. below the cut, enjoy!
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You met on the first day of the school year. Being a new student, word had somehow gotten around that you transferred schools because you failed senior year at your last one. And while that was true, there was a lot more to it than just some bad grades. But you didn’t like to talk about that.
Second class of the day, you slid into a seat in the back row. A boy and a few of his friends walked in, and he loudly ‘whispered’ that everyone should avoid the new girl or the stupid might rub off on them. He even had the nerve to smirk as he spoke, as if he genuinely thought that was such a clever line.
After class, you walked out to find him waiting for you. He looked you up and down, then asked what your name was.
Is this guy fucking serious? You rolled your eyes and kept walking.
“Hey what’s your problem freak?”
Without missing a beat, you turned around and smiled. “I’d rather be a freak than a loser who seems to get joy from being an asshole. I’m gonna go now, but you have the day you deserve.”
Eddie was just down the hall, and he paused when he heard your response. He had never heard someone else refer to themselves as a freak when standing up to someone before. From that moment, he knew he wanted to be your friend. And luck was on his side, because you just so happened to have 3 classes together.
One day at lunch, Mike and Dustin broke the news that Lucas wouldn’t be able to make it to Hellfire due to his ‘balls in laundry baskets’ game. After asking them if he heard them correctly, were they really asking to postpone the campaign rather than find a substitute? They both gulped, shared a single glance, and then said they’d find someone.
After school that day, Mike ran next door to your house. He begged you to come and substitute for one of his friends for a campaign that was in just a few hours. You stood there, arms crossed, wondering how the hell he knew you sometimes played. When you asked him, he said when he noticed someone moving in next door he’d come outside and watched the movers help your family unload boxes. And he immediately noticed the Players Handbook sticking out of a box. Since he didn’t see any other people your age or younger moving in, he assumed that you were an only child and that the book was yours.
You admitted that it was, but you hadn’t actually played in a while. Years ago a kid that used to live next door to you begged you to let him and his friends teach you how to play. Someone in the friend group had moved away, and they were in dire need of someone to take his spot. They actually paid you $20 to let them teach you, and you got pretty good if you did say so yourself (and you did). The book had been a gift when him and his friends found out you were moving. You still flipped through it every once in a while, but said you weren’t sure how it would go. Dustin ran up to you both just then, out of breath as he tried to ask Mike if he asked yet.
“He has, and—”
“Please! I will do anything. I will literally do anything. You’re a senior right? I’ll find a way to do your homework. I’ll wash your car or walk your dog or—”
You cut him off just then, laughing as you said that they were lucky you didn’t have any plans that night.
When you walked in behind them wearing an extra Hellfire Club shirt, Eddie’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.
So not only were you the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, and not only did you not seem to mind being called a freak, but you played Dungeons & Dragons too? God, Eddie was ready to get down on one knee and propose to you right there.
It didn’t take long for you to become good friends. And it didn’t take long for Eddie to admit to himself that he maaay have had a crush on you.
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
TftW: Don’t Call Me Freak
Sometimes it doesn’t pay to bully those who are weird or are different from you, and today’s villainous protagonist certainly will learn that lesson. Stephanie Hadingham was a former school rival of Nathan’s, she was a manipulative and controlling diva who wanted things her way and when she didn’t get that, she berated and berated until she did.
She never believed anything Nathan said and viewed him as a freak just because he wrote transformation fiction about Dan Aykroyd or rather about being him, of course she didn’t know that it was a bad idea to do that. ‘Nathan is targeting me on my account just because I liked one post that says that people that believe in the supernatural are freaks. It staggers me that this person is a huge part of the Aykroyd fandom and he ruins it with his
“Nate are you going to stand for this?”
“Of course not, time to take out this trash.”
Nathan rolled his eyes…’I’m not even the main part of the fandom, dummy.’ ‘But you are ignoring the part about attacking me based on a post I liked.’ ‘Does that even matter? Why do you even hate me anyway? It seems all you ever do is whine about how i’m fetishizing John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd by wanting to be them.’
“Which you do, you do that…’
‘Oh…I suppose you think that your trashy taste in men justifies your reason for attacking me, then?’ ‘But you seriously do some not normal insane things, you fetishize poor Dan and John by fetishizing them and writing about them in a way that sounds like porn.’
“Really? I should be so lucky if I get that good.”
“Are you even listening to me?”
“No, I figured that if you are going to keep on like this..”
‘You what? Are you going to fetishize me like you did to two very real people? Because don’t act like you don’t that, I have been raised on Deviantart and all the weird fandoms, you so want to be them and it is totally gross and shit. Do you think Dan would like this if you met him IRL? Uh no, he’d think you’re a creepy and not normal, fans don’t do what you do, not normal, freako, freako, eeew!’ ‘Really? What? Haven’t you ever seen the Changed, FNF, Madness Combat, or Guilty Gear fanbase? Those guys are pretty fucked up, even worse than I ever could be.’
“So…that doesn’t matter, what you do isn’t right.”
‘You think you can speak for what Dan likes and doesn’t like? That’s cute, he’s not yours, you cannot make him do whatever you want, that’s something I establish in my work, I don’t claim I am him, or that I can control him. Also…the man is a weirdness magnet, he slept with a ghost once, he had dreams about mutant babies, he has seen actual aliens and ghosts, i’m sure one little story wouldn’t be enough to weird him out.’
“What? How dare you…”
‘How dare I..what, question you, yeah i’m questioning you. Trust me, you need help more than I do.’ ‘But you don’t belong in the Aykroyd fandom. You’re not normal.’ ‘Well you’re a freak yourself, nobody is normal, nobody knows what normal is. In this world if you cannot put up with the strange and unusual, you’ll just have to change to fit it.’
“What does that mean?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
Nathan’s eyes gave off an ominous glow as he chanted, his chants began to echo in Stephanie’s ears, which made her squirm a little. ‘How are you doing that?’ ‘I have actual supernatural powers, don’t you remember?’ ‘Uhhhh…’ ‘Of course you do. But be glad that i’m not as horrifying as what is about to happen to you.’
Stephanie attempted to get answers out of him but he disappeared before she could, only to run into a rather nasty surprise an hour later. An hour later while waiting for her boyfriend to call her, she found herself entering what appeared to be some kind of combined asylum and therapy building.
Looking around she could see a koala-girl doctor with green hair…’Hello, Stephanie. You must be my next patient, I am Doctor Eucalyptus. Now my friend tells me there is something wrong with you.’ ‘There’s nothing wrong with me, i’m a normal person.’ ‘Not from what Nathan has told me, Nathan says you were bigoted to him for being an Aykroyd fan that is different than normal fans. He also told me you think that supernatural beings are freaks.’ ‘Well they are.’
Eucalyptus hit Stephanie with her notepad…’What was that for?’ ‘Trust me, just be glad I don’t have any weapons with me. Now there is a term for what you have, what you have is Extreme Hypocrite Disorder.’ ‘I don’t have any disorders.’ ‘Oh yes you do and you are in denial of it.’ ‘Stop this..’ ‘I won’t stop this just because you told me to, I am the doctor here and unless you want me to use your internal organs to make lunch meat for the asylum’s cafeteria, you better listen to me.’
“I must be dreaming.”
‘You are not dreaming…you’re delusional. Here, let me show some of the other patients.’ The koala-girl showed Stephanie down a hall-way of patients she had encountered before. One patient was a male who thought they were Martin Short despite not being them, and one thought that they were a reincarnated god.
“I’m not like these people.”
“Oh yes, you are.”
‘I don’t belong here…’ ‘Oh but you do, let me help you, help you to get rid of that disorder you have.’ ‘This is going to get horrifying isn’t it?’ ‘It doesn’t have to.’
She attempted to try and make a run for it only to run into a couple of members of the hospital staff, the staff in this case all being Dan Aykroyd characters. ‘Aykroyds? So many Aykroyds.’ ‘Oh yes, they’re all ours..and I treat them better than you treated Dan to be honest.’
The Aykroyd characters saw Stephanie and began to chase her around the hospital, Dr Eucalyptus smirked as she saw what was happening. ‘Now now, don’t run away from these guys, they only want to help you, and so do I. You act like you don’t want this but yet you do, sounds like you’re jealous.’ ‘Jealous of what? You? You’re a freak, just like all of these people.’
“I may be a freak but I am trying to help you.”
“I don’t want your help, I want out of here!”
She screamed and then tried to pull out her phone, as she pulled out her phone she made a call to her boyfriend. ‘Thomas, baby doll..could you come here and get me out of this hell hole please? I am begging you, please come and save me.’ Unfortunately for her the message she got was…’Thomas cannot reply to your message because he is currently unavailable.’
Stephanie screamed when she saw Thomas with a nasty looking gash on his neck, looking like someone had just slit his neck as he collapsed on the floor and blood dripped down from it. ‘My boyfriend!’ ‘He is doing just fine.’ ‘No he’s not, someone must have killed him.;’
Dr Eucalyptus chuckled, watching as she attempted to get away. ‘I need to find a way out of here.’ She tried to pull the fire alarm level only to get covered in blood, and it was real blood, not special effects.
A couple of patients popped up from behind her and she attempted to convince them to follow her. ‘Come on, let’s get out of here.’ ‘Why? We belong here and so do you. We work here too.’ ‘What? But you’re supposed to be like my mutuals.’ ‘Join us, it’s not so bad.’
She screamed several times as the patients swarmed around her, she attempted to hit one of them with a chair only for Eucalyptus to intervene, she chuckled and smirked. ‘I didn’t think it had to come to this but it’s for your own good, since you won’t let me help you, i’m going to have to fix you myself.’ ‘Fix me?’
“Oh yes, you are very broken, and you need to be fixed.”
“No I don’t.”
Eucalyptus chuckled as she floated over to Stephanie….’Now now, it won’t hurt, at least not in the way that it will mentally scar you or anything, don’t be afraid.’ ‘Why shouldn’t I be?’ Her eyes gave off a supernatural glow as she turned into a tall demonic version of herself with a tail like the one scorpions have complete with a stinger.
She hit Stefanie with her scorpion-like tail, knocking her out before dragging her down-stairs into the lab, with the Aykroyd characters following her. Tom Everett, Austin Milbarge ,Elwood, and Grocer were helping her. ‘You’ve brought us another subject for the experimentation process.’ ‘Indeed I have, boys. Boys, meet Stephanie. She has Extreme Hypocrite Disorder and needs to be fixed.’
“We can do that.”
“As can I…I figured since this one loves Dan so much, how about she becomes him?”
“Oooh, that is such a clever idea.”
The koala-girl placed Stephanie on a table and turned on a machine of sorts which binded her in place, she chanted as dark supernatural energy entered her body, Stephanie squirmed and tried to break free but before she could, invisible needles were jammed into her arm, which caused her to yelp in pain.
She then saw what appeared to be brown hairs growing on her arms, as her arms broadened, the hairs were on her hands too as her hands enlarged and her skin matured, a ring popped off one of her fingers and shattered on the floor as she screamed. ‘What’s going on? My ring…my boyfriend got me that one as a gift.’ ‘Oh you won’t be needing that at all.’
The changes spread through her body as a couple buttons on her top popped off while her chest and torso broadened, her breasts retracted into the former as hair grew on her chest and stomach. ‘Aaaw no, not my figure, how am I going to be attractive to my mutuals, if I don’t have my figure?’ She groaned as her stomach broadened and her hips retracted in size, as her privates altered into the more masculine variant.
There were a couple of crunching sounds as her back and shoulders broadened and she slowly grew in height to 6’1, her neckline altered while her hair darkened a little in color and shortened, as her shoes burst open while her feet enlarged, two of the toes sticking together and giving her the appearance of having webbed toes. She felt her face as it altered, her forehead growing a bit as her brow altered and her eyebrows thickened, her left eye turning from blue-ish to greenish while the other turned brown, giving her heterochromia. ‘I’m a monster…’ ‘Why yes, you are. You are indeed a monster but you’re getting better.’
She groaned as her nose broadened and developed a cleft in the middle of it, she felt her rear plumping up a little…’Oh yes, the sexiest part of turning, Eukie definitely thinks so too.’ Of course she didn’t need a mirror to see that she was turning into Dan as her features morphed into an identical copy of his and her voice altered, deepening and contorting, developing Dan’s signature voice and tone.
“There we go, it’s a success.”
“What have you done to me?”
“Well since you love Dan Aykroyd so much, we’ve turned you into him.”
‘You monster, this isn’t fair, turn me back or else.’ ‘Or else what? You’re going to talk about it to your friends, calling me insane?’ Eucalyptus sneered. ‘I am seriously going to do that.’ ‘Nobody is going to believe you, not your friends, not your family, no one.’
“Why would they believe someone who they don’t even know?”
Stephanie attempted to berate Eucalyptus for what she had done only for Eucalyptus to chuckle. ‘Aaaaw i’m sorry, but I cannot take your empty threats seriously when you look and sound like Dan. You just sound so cute when you try to be tough.’ ‘What?’ ‘Oh yes, come here you, Dr Eucalyptus has special huggle treatments just for you.’
A sinister smile crept across Eucalyptus’s face as she got closer and closer to Stephanie before stretching her arms to inhumanly long lengths and pulling her or ‘him’ in this case in for a hug. ‘There there, it’s okay, I know this sounds like i’m torturing you but I am doing this to help you, and clearly that old persona of yours was way too annoying and stubborn. So I fixed that a little too.’
“What do you mean by that?”
Stephanie pondered what the koala-girl meant by that but as she or ‘he’ did, she realized that she partially had been given half of Dan Aykroyd’s personality and mannerisms. ‘That’s what I meant by fixing you, you are much nicer like this.’ She was still herself but now she was a lot nicer and she realized what she had done was a mistake. ‘I am sorry I acted the way I did.’ ‘There there, you’re all better now. But there’s two more people you have to apologize to.’
Just then Nathan appeared next to someone who appeared to be another doctor, but the doctor pulled at his face like it were a mask and revealed himself to be the actual Dan Aykroyd underneath. ‘Danny?’ ‘Yes, Stephanie..I heard about what you said. I appreciate that you were thinking of me and all but you were very selfish with me,I am not yours to be controlled, nothing and no one can control me, physical, spectral or otherwise.’ ‘I realize that I have been selfish. Sorry Dan, I should have let others have you too because sharing is caring.’ ‘And what about me?’ ‘Oh alright Nate, I am sorry for insulting your tastes and your stories, I realize now that some people actually do enjoy these sort of stories and that is perfectly fine.’
“There you go, all is better now.”
Stephanie/Dan left the hospital and she/he left a much better person as Doctor Eucalyptus smiled. ‘Ah, another happy patient. I love my job.’ She hummed to herself as she went to go and check on another patient. ‘You did a good job Dr Eukie.’ ‘Thanks.’
After she went back to check on another patient, the scene cut to a Tales From The Crypt style bookend of Dan Aykroyd as a horror host. ‘Well then, did you all enjoy this story? I did. Nathan certainly got what he wanted in the end, poor Thomas finally got to know how it felt to be a real pain in the neck but at least he got to appear in the final CUT.’
Dan laughed at his own horror related pun as he held up Thomas’s head…’And also I really got to HAND it to Doctor Eucalyptus for her absolutely top tier treatment of her patients.’ He picked up a severed hand and waved it around for a little bit. ‘You will be happy to know that I have picked Stephanie to be my substitute whenever i’m unavailable, and she does a bang up job, nobody even knows she used to be female. That’s Dr Eucalyptus for you, a true miracle worker. She no longer has anything wrong with her attitude or her head…I think you’ll find she prefers this as opposed to how she used to be, and she learned her lesson. Remember, be careful how you simp. Because some of your mutuals may not agree with you, in fact that you’ll find that the only thing they mutually agree on is that they want you dead, or just to have your head on a plate in general. But don’t worry, she gets to keep hers. Oh don’t you just love it when someone gives you head and lets you keep it?’
He did a Cryptkeeper-esque laugh as he looked over at his table of heads in jars including the dad from The Suicide Shop, the Rankin Bass version of Dracula, the Child Catcher, and Ed Grimley and even one of Martin Short in general. ‘For now we can relax, but there are more stories to come, and of course with more stories come more ways to bring the scares and to teach a lesson they won’t so forget. So I hope you’ll come visit again next time for another special bedtime scarytale, of corpse I will always be here to tell them.’
Doctor Eucalyptus laughed…’I love your horror related puns, Dan.’ ‘Thanks Eukie, and thanks for letting me be the host for this end segment, you really do an amazing job.’ ‘Coming from you Dan, it means a lot.’
Dan turned to give one more speech…’Remember, simping over a famous person or character is alright, just don’t be too rabid about it because there can be dire consequences to your actions, and also remember it never pays to be a hypocrite, if you attack others, expect them to do the same to you…and leave you in…pieces. And look, here are some pieces of someone now. Any parting words? I didn’t think so. Then again, kind of hard to keep your head straight when you’re all in pieces anyway. But nevermind, hope tonight’s story provided you with some real top tier screams. Good night, and don’t let the monsters bite, or rather do…because they might find that you taste good!’
“Oh absolutely.”
‘And one more thing, be careful about who you call a freak in middle ghoul, for they might turn out to be the one that leads you to your undoing and of course, you probably won’t even have a leg to stand on, at least not anymore you won’t.’ He gave one more Cryptkeeper-esque laugh as his bit ended and thus so does our story in general. Remember, simping over a famous person or character is alright, just don’t be too rabid about it because there can be dire consequences to your actions, and also remember it never pays to be a hypocrite, if you attack others, expect them to do the same to you…and leave you in…pieces.
Not everyone has to conform to what is normal, fandoms in general tend to always have a crazy one in the bunch, and if there isn’t one, chances are, you are that one, but don’t worry I am sure Eucalyptus and Dan both know where you can get a head check. You’ll come in as you were, but will come out a totally reformed person. If not, you’ll be a total different person in general when you come out.
Kinkshaming others for their specific quirks can definitely lead to dire and horrifying consequences, so be careful what you say, or you might yourself in your very own scarytale with an ending that is definitely twisted in so many ways.
0 notes
animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Bakugou headcanons
Anon: Pssssss imma need some more omega Bakugou like now no it make him jealous too because why not
Anon: hi! could you do some omega!bakugou x male alpha!reader? nsfw and sfw pls <3
nesting too pls!! idk why but I love the idea of nesting sjdjsnd, pregnant bakugou fluff would be lovely too <3
Anon: Hi I was wonder if you could do omega Bakugou sfw and nsfw please 🥺
(Hey, everyone!! Bakugou is very popular in my inbox! Okay, let’s write some omega!Bakugou headcanons <3 I have another request for pregnant!Bakugou, so I’ll add that part of the middle request to another post 😊 Also, I only write for a gender neutral reader. I hope you all enjoy~)
Warnings: N-sfw under a cut, suggestive behaviour multiple times not under the cut.
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Bakugou is not an omega who is big on nesting. He does nest and he’s very proud of his nest, but he doesn’t feel the urge to nest super often.
He doesn’t keep a permanent, all year-round nest, he’s kind of a clean freak so having to constantly clean all the blankets in his nest would drive his nuts.
He does nest during his heat and late term pregnancy, and also after periods of extreme stress, but not often outside of these times.
But if he knows his alpha likes his nests, he might build them for his alpha when they’re stressed, although he’ll claim he just felt like making it and it shouldn’t go to waste.
It’s not a very convincing lie.
His nest is not in a very popular style, mainly because Bakugou overheats so easily.
It’s a simple double mattress on a very low frame, with a couple of pillows and sheet like blankets that he normally uses as a base rather than a covering.
He has a black and red colour scheme that he thinks is the coolest thing ever, and he definitely has an All Might pillow hidden somewhere at the back that he threatens his alpha to keep a secret, it’s very cute.
He likes his nest to be in an easily defendable position, whether that be inside a large cupboard or wardrobe, or a small room with one door and a small window.
Bakugou also keeps a mini fridge by his nest, as a lot of omegas do, to store water and food, but what he has that a lot of omegas don’t, is a mini freezer too.
He keeps ice packs and ice lollies in there to help when he’s in heat because his temperature tends to get way too high.
Bakugou doesn’t like being vulnerable, so his nest is a sensitive topic for him.
It takes him quite a while to let his alpha into his nest, but he’s quicker to let them chill outside of it, holding his hand and keeping him company. He would probably let them outside his nest after courting for a year and knowing them for at least two years. When he lets them inside depends on a lot of factors, including how well they deal with him from the outside of his nest. It could be anywhere from three months to another year.
Bakugou has always wanted some pups, but in a removed and distant kind of way. After all, becoming the No. 1 hero was far more important than any of that ‘family’ nonsense.
He only really considers pups when he’s in a very committed relationship and at a comfortable place in his career. He’s not prepared to take time off at a vulnerable career moment, after all.
Bakugou wants two children, because, while he would never admit it, he always wished he had a sibling when he was a kid, so he wants to give that to his children.
But he’s very conflicted about it.
Firstly, two pregnancy leaves would be a huge blow to his career. Prime hero years and prime ‘having children years’ are the same years, so in a way, he has to decide how to balance these two priorities. He isn’t sure he wants to risk his career with that much leave so close together (heroes can’t be in the field while pregnant at all, so it would be a huge sacrifice.)
Secondly, he’s nervous about how useless he would likely feel while pregnant. He’s a workaholic and being confined to his house and losing control over his quirk would drive him nuts.
So, he doesn’t really know what to do. He doesn’t share any of his concerns with his alpha, but he does take their wishes into account too. If his alpha really wants two children, Bakugou does keep that in mind. But he’s not a push over. If he decides that two maternity leaves are too many, then it’s too many. It’s his body and he won’t let anyone tell him otherwise.
So, with all this in mind, Bakugou is fucking thrilled when he finds out he’s having twins.
Two pups for the price of one pregnancy leave?? Sign him the hell up!
Bakugou has twin boys, both alphas, and Bakugou just cannot believe his luck that all his problems just fixed themselves.
“But I don’t want to go!” came a defiant voice from the back seat of the car. Both you and Bakugou sighed, not keen on restarting the disagreement that had plagued the household for the entire morning. It had taken twice as long as normal this morning to get the twins dressed and in the car because of this very argument.
You could see Bakugou about to open his mouth to tell him that they had to, but you held up a hand to stop him.
“Why don’t you want to go, sweetheart?” you cooed at your oldest son.
“I don’t want you and daddy to leave…” whimpered your youngest son, answering in his brother’s stead.
Bakugou winced and reached a hand into the back and squeezed each of his son’s hands in turn.
“I know.” He said simply. You could feel his guilt, even though you both knew it was the best for all of you that the twins get used to nursery so that both you and Bakugou could go back to focusing on your careers. They would be fine, you tried to convince yourself. Millions of kids do this every year and it works out fine.
The nursery came into view, and you refocused your attention onto finding a parking space in the little car park on the side of the building. You could hear your sons shifting anxiously in the back and it pulled at your heart strings. You pulled into an empty space and turned off the engine. You and Bakugou shared a single look before moving to get your children out of the car with practiced ease.
“No,” your eldest son shouted. “I’m not going to go. I’m staying here!”
You had tried to take him out of the car seat, but he had refused to cooperate. You didn’t want to pull him out in case you hurt him. Bakugou came to stand behind you, your youngest son clutching his neck desperately.
“Let me talk to him,” he spoke softly, handing the younger twin over into your arms.
“Hey,” Bakugou said softly, leaning down to peer inside the car where his eldest son stubbornly sat with his arms crossed. “It’s okay to be scared to go to nursery, you know.”
Your oldest son visibly flinched and avoided looking at Bakugou in the eyes.
“I’m not scared, daddy. I just don’t want to.”
“Uh huh,” Bakugou said, eyebrow raised.
“I’m not!” Your son exploded. When he realised that he’d just shouted at his father, the colour drained from his face and his bottom lip started to quiver. Bakugou wordlessly held out his arms and his eldest son accepted the embrace just in time to burst into heavy tears on Bakugou’s shoulder.
“It’s alright,” Bakugou hushed. “I’m not angry at you.”
In your arms, your youngest son was watching his brother cry and letting out little whimpers into your neck. You rubbed his back soothingly and whispered that everything was going to okay.
Out of the corner of your eye, you realised another parent was staring judgementally at your family. Bakugou clearly also noticed because he bared his teeth as a warning and the parent quickly moved on. You scoffed at the idiot who thought it was a good idea to antagonise an omega who was looking after a distraught pup, let alone when said omega was a top ten hero.
“W-What if they don’t l-like me?” your eldest whimpered out.
“Here,” Bakugou wiped some of the tears away with his thumb. “How about this, you tell me if anyone is mean to you and I’ll sort it out, how does that sound?”
“But…” your son hesitated. “But what will you do?”
Bakugou grinned.
“I’ll make their parents regret doing such a shitty job at parenting.”
You gasped, halfway between scandalised and amused.
“Katsuki!” you reprimanded and smacked his lightly on the shoulder.
It did seem to cheer up your sons, though, who were now giggling at your antics.
“Daddy said a bad word,” your youngest twin giggled to you.
“He did,” you pressed your lips together. “And it was very naughty of him.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and instead placed the pup in his arms on the floor, taking him by the hand. You did the same and slowly, you both made your way toward the school gate. The mood dropped, but neither of your children tried to resist.
You could see a teacher standing at the gate to escort the new students and you made your way over.
“Remember,” Bakugou said before you reached the gate, stopping you all for a moment. “We’ll be back in this many hours,” he held up three fingers. “Can you guys tell me how many this is?”
“One… two… three…” they both said together.
“That’s right! See? You guys are going to be the smartest ones in there,” Bakugou boasted, ruffling their hair.
“Careful,” you teased. “They’ll turn into you.”
“Are you saying I’m always the smartest person in the room?” Bakugou grinned back.
“No, I’m saying you always think you’re the smartest person in the room.”
“Oi!” he growled, knocking his shoulder with yours. The pups giggled again, seeming to be in higher spirits. You escorted them to the gate at the front of the playground and let the teacher introduce herself.
And with one final goodbye, your pups were off into the nursery and out of sight.
You and Bakugou walked to the car in silence, digesting what had happened and processing that your little ones were now old enough for nursery. You both slipped back into the car and began the drive home.
It was weird to think that your children were neither with you, nor at home waiting for you, but that kind of existential deep dive could wait until later.
Bakugou’s hand settled just a little bit too high on your thigh. For the moment, it was time to appreciate the novelty of an empty house.
I don’t think anyone would be very surprised to find out that Bakugou can get quite jealous on occasion.
In the early days of your relationship, he’s very nervous that his alpha is going to find a ‘better’ omega, an omega who is more traditional, and leave him for them. It takes a lot of bravery for him to leave himself vulnerable to being abandoned, and occasionally the insecurities seep through.
He hates the whiny, simpering omegas that plaster themselves onto the nearest alpha, and it makes him furious to see anyone doing that to you.
He has no subtlety, no brooding angst, he just threatens the other omega(s) away to their face, and then drags you somewhere private to cover you in his scent.
Later in the relationship, things change. He’s extremely confident that his alpha is his. Why would they ever leave him? He’s the best fucking omega ever!
Instead, he gets jealous if he isn’t getting enough attention because you’re spending too much time with someone else.
He doesn’t do this in a possessive way, it’s just that he doesn’t get a whole lot of free time and when his alpha spends that free time with someone else? Another omega? He’s pissed.
He gets surly and passive aggressive about it, and it’s extremely obvious.
The best way to fix it is to just give him lots of attention, he won’t behave like this is you have to leave for something important (he understands duty like the best of them), so it’s very easy to address.
Bakugou idly stirred a pot of miso soup as the radio in the kitchen blasted out whatever awful top 40 song it had picked this morning. He had only put it on to fill the silence really, which was the only thing this awful excuse for music was good for in his opinion.
He was making breakfast for the two of you as a kind of mini celebration. He had two days off in a row, the first time in a couple of months because of his crazy work schedule and he wanted to make sure he spent every moment that he could with his alpha. And so, here he was, getting up early to prepare breakfast for your both.
There was a lull in noise as the radio switched between songs, and in the few moments of silence, Bakugou could hear shuffling coming from the bathroom. He grinned. Perfect timing.
He put down the last plate and waited for you to come out, you should be here any second now.
 Fiddling with your shirt one last time you swung open your bedroom door, bag on your shoulder, finally ready to leave. You were interrupted momentarily by a delicious scent in the air. Bakugou must be cooking, so you followed the smell to the kitchen and walked in to say goodbye to him, vaguely sad that you were going to be missing his food, but he was probably only making himself something to bring to work, anyway.
And then you saw the elaborate breakfast spread your heart stopped. Had you forgotten an anniversary? Bakugou looked just as shocked to see you dressed up and ready to leave. However, his shock soon melts into frustration.
“Why are you all dressed up?” he growled, the excitement that had been on his face when you walked in now gone. “You said you weren’t working today.”
“I’m not,” you said quietly, confused as to why he was so upset. “Izuku messaged me while I was getting dressed and invited me for brunch, I was just going to meet him.”
Bakugou’s face screwed up at your words. He went to open his mouth but then stopped. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was doing the breathing exercises that his therapist taught him for when he was angry. What had you done to make him this upset?
The relaxing exercises clearly weren’t working for him because he stood up from the table and stalked out of the room suddenly, shutting himself in your bedroom. You winced as the door slammed shut behind him.
Oh dear… you had made your mate so upset that he had shut himself away in your bedroom. Your stomach twisted itself into a knot. It was time for some damage control (and a quick check of the calendar to makes sure you hadn’t actually forgotten an anniversary or something.)
You shot a quick text to Midoriya, apologising for cancelling and letting him know that something had come up. He sent back a ‘don’t worry!’ message and about six smiling emojis. Well, at least he wasn’t also mad at you.
Fishing out a tray from the cupboard above the sink, you stacked it up with as much food from the table as you could, thankful that it appeared to still be warm, and carried it to your bedroom door.
“Katsuki?” you called out, knocking on the door with your foot. “I’m coming in, is that okay?”
There was silence. Well, silence was better than swearing, so you carefully slid open the door and moved towards the brooding lump on the bed.
“The fuck do you want?” he growled. “I thought you were going out to eat with Deku?”
You froze at his vicious tone. Was he jealous? Well, that was a lot easier to solve than forgetting an anniversary, at least.  With a smile, you slid the tray onto the bedside table and climbed on the bed behind you mate, letting out a reassuring scent. You wrapped your arms around him, ignoring how he tensed in your embrace, and whispered into his ear.
“Why would I spend time with Midoriya when I could be spending time with you, hmm?” you whispered, purposefully blowing hot air onto his neck. You revelled in his full body shiver. “The only reason I accepted plans with Midoriya was because I thought you were going to work.” You pressed as close to him as you could and placed a single kiss right behind his ear. Bakugou melted at the affection.
“Come on now,” you continued, a coy smile on your face. “Let’s not let this delicious breakfast go to waste.”
You reached over and scooped a little bit of rice onto your fingers before holding it up to his lips. Bakugou opened his mouth with only a small grumble in complaint, and you made sure to push your fingers a little deeper inside than perhaps absolutely necessary.
“I promise I’ll make this morning’s misunderstanding up to you.”
Bakugou’s scent is fairly sweet but still quite smoky.
When he’s upset/stressed, his scent is like burnt sugar, and when he’s very happy/excited, he smells like almost like a marshmallow roasting on a bonfire.
It’s a very pleasant scent but it does tend to divide people. Some love it, and others hate it.  Bakugou doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about his scent (except his alpha, but shh, that’s a secret!)
In his family, his father is an omega and his mother is an alpha and while they are happy together, Bakugou always promised himself that he would never end up in a relationship like that. He didn’t want some alpha bossing him around like his mother bossed around his father.
Bakugou finds meek alphas (and people) annoying, but he doesn’t like super aggressive alphas either. He’s attracted to people who exist in the middle of those extremes.
Bakugou knew he was an omega from birth, and it was something he was very insecure about for a long time. It was a big part of why he turned out the way he did as a child, he was making up for something that he viewed as a weakness by being as aggressive as possible.
His mother wasn’t great at making him feel secure in his secondary gender, assuming he would like certain things and pushing him in certain directions simply because he was an omega.
His father said that he was there if Bakugou had any questions, but he let Bakugou reach out to him instead of reaching out to Bakugou, and Bakugou was too proud to make the first move.
Bakugou ends up deciding that being an omega wasn’t going to stop him becoming the No. 1 hero. He decided that he could overcome being an omega.
It wasn’t until he was an adult that he actually started to accept being an omega was a part of him that he didn’t need to overcome, but that he could instead embrace and that it didn’t make him weak to do so.
When he does become a mainstream hero, he makes sure to always tell the omega children that he meets that they can do whatever they want and still be an omega.
N-sfw under the cut
Bakugou is a switch, mostly.
Oftentimes he switches multiple times in the same session, so his alpha needs to be quite the brat tamer to keep him from getting frustrated and trying to get on top so that he can control the pace.
He has a very high sex drive, and he likes to have a partner who can match him because he way prefers sex to masturbating.
It would be hard to find someone whose chest and nipples are as sensitive as Bakugou’s, and when he’s in heat, he can definitely orgasm just from his chest being stimulated.
Bakugou is also definitely a squirter, something which he was very shocked and embarrassed to find out.
Bakugou generally prefers slightly rougher sex. He gets bored when the pace is too slow and definitely scratches and bites (and is happy to receive the same in return).
When he’s in heat, Bakugou is a bit different.
He’s not a pillow prince by any means, but he is definitely a lot more passive than he is normally.
He’s not super loud, but he definitely swears a lot, even between waves of heat when he gets grumpy that he’s too hot and sticky. That swearing is a lot less sexy though.
Bakugou’s sexual side doesn’t really come out outside of his own home. He doesn’t like flaunting anything in public and can even get uncomfortable talking about sex with his friends, especially when they tease him with personal questions. He’s definitely a private person when it comes to sex.
Although that is not to say he isn’t confident in the expression of his own sexuality, much to opposite is true. He is definitely the kind of person to order some new toy or outfit on the internet every month to surprise his alpha.
He’s sexy and he knows it, so why not?
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ruined, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Why is there a mostly shirtless man in your bedroom and why is it Kim Namjoon's, your roommate's, fault? All you want to do is play League of Legends, not be visually attacked by ridiculously attractive Jeon Jungkook as his six friends perform living room karaoke at the top of their very drunk lungs.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; classic Namjoon ripping clothes; you don't have to know how to play LoL, I explain most of it; smut (fem reader, dirty talk, begging, scratching / marking, nipple play, edging / orgasm denial, handjob, (unintentional?) voyeurism, little bit of cum-eating, choking, cowgirl, cock warming); non-idol!BTS – purple-haired, kind-of-a-brat, sub!Jungkook x gamer, noona, dom!reader, ft OT6 being chaotic in the background XD
@yn-the-reader linked me in this and I was already writing about him. a prophet, maybe? XD
You died.
Not literally, but also literally.
Now you had thirty-seven seconds of gray screen to figure out why the fuck Jeon Jungkook had busted into your bedroom on this cheerful night with his black dress shirt three-quarters of the way unbuttoned, revealing most of his – oh, sweet Satan, very muscular – pecs and the upper half of his abs. He was holding something in his hands, looking helpless and sad, while you were panic buying Liandry's Anguish and experiencing a special form of anguish yourself.
“Noona, um–”
That’s right, because you were in the middle of a League of Legends game, playing Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace, also known as half-snake lady or the lamia of the champion roster or a mean version of Monster Musume’s Miia (if you know, you know, and if you don’t, be glad you don’t). Your roommate was having friends over after going drinking. All this was fine and dandy with you, because you were going to spend all night wearing headphones and playing League of Legends, therefore ignoring the outside world, until the outside world came to bother you in the form of Kim Namjoon’s – your roommate’s – mostly shirtless friend Jeon Jungkook.
He wasn’t mostly shirtless most of the time, only right now.
“Noona, Namjoon-hyung ripped my shirt…” Jungkook whimpered hesitantly, chewing on his lip. He looked awkward and distraught despite his long dark purple hair giving him a rather fierce, bad-boy look.
Namjoon was a great roommate. He was smart, conversational, and insightful. A chat with him usually led to an enriching, open-minded perspective. He was relatively clean, considerate, communicative, nonjudgmental, fun to be around, and only set the kitchen on fire twice.
The second time was your fault.
You shouldn’t have let Namjoon in the kitchen the second time.
Also, Namjoon with his friends was a wildly chaotic time. All of his friends, especially drunk, were fucking nuts. Normally, they were probably relatively calm people (maybe not Kim Seokjin or Jung Hoseok, they were very excitable), but together they were a mess. You often wondered how they could function as a group.
Currently, however, you were trying to collect your brain cells as you had mere seconds before respawning onto the platform and were forced to play again. Timing in League of Legends was very important. Seconds can mess up wave management of minions and wave mismanagement can lead to game losses if you weren’t careful. The nuances of the game were often ignored by casual players.
You were, in short, a nerd about it.
“Fucking s-shit, what h-happened?” you sputtered out, turning back to your screen, unable to look at mostly shirtless Jungkook because he was MOSTLY SHIRTLESS. Honestly, he had quite nice pecs, and you should not be thinking about that, but it was incredibly distracting, just like how it used to be distracting when Namjoon was shirtless, but several years of living with him made you accustomed to his impressive pectoral muscles, to the point where you could joke about them with him.
But this was not Namjoon – this was his younger friend Jungkook and you had no idea Jungkook was ripped, mostly because you didn’t pay attention to Namjoon’s friends.
There were too many of them and you were too introverted for that.
“I don’t know, he just grabbed my shirt and it ripped and I managed to find all the buttons, but, but…”
Cassiopeia respawned on the platform and you couldn’t ignore the snake lady any longer. You had to play the game because four random people on your team were counting on you and you couldn’t exactly type, sorry, there’s a hot man in my room with his shirt practically off and I don’t know what to do with my life, so you had to suck it up and play the damn game.
Right-clicking and keeping your eyes only on your computer monitor.
Half-listening to that trembling, silvery voice coming up behind you, making your hairs stand on end even though all he was doing was dumping the tiny buttons on your desk.
Oh, fuck me, you thought to yourself.
“Can you repair it? Please? My mom bought me this shirt and Namjoon-hyung said you can sew, so maybe you can sew them back on? Please?”
“Yes, Jungkook, I can, just not right now, I’m in the middle of a game,” you rambled, suddenly trading damage with the enemy Viktor, trying to avoid the laser from the Machine Herald, swearing under your breath as you stutter-stepped and stunned him, poisoning him quickly enough with your abilities to avoid dying. “I will help you, I just – fucking shit, get the fuck away from me Udyr, fuck!”
“Wow, you curse a lot, noona. It’s kind of funny.”
“I – fuck– I mean, sometimes, and what are you guys doing out there? It sounds like a deranged cabaret club,” you remarked, ticking your head towards the direction of your bedroom door.
“Karaoke!” Jungkook replied brightly, still standing behind you, why was he standing behind you, it was freaking you out a little, but Ocean Dragon was being taken and a team fight was about to happen, so you had to ignore it and support your teammates in chasing down the enemy support.
Seokjin hit a high note that was so shrill that you heard it through your headphones.
“… Wow, he’s got some lungs on him.”
“Do you wanna join us, noona?”
“I can’t sing.”
“Neither can we.”
“Pretty sure all of you can sing better than I can, even Yoongi and Namjoon. I’m fucking terrible.”
“I’m not that good.”
You barely survived with thirty hit points after that debacle of a team fight, but your team had the dragon and you all were slowly on your way to victory. You pressed the ‘B’ key to return to base, but kept your eyes on the screen, lest Udyr, the Spirit Walker and serial bear stun-slapping enemy jungler, ran your ass down and killed you.
“Jungkook, your voice is absolutely heavenly. Fucking beautiful. I’m sure every human being on Earth would want to be serenaded by you.”
Silence that you didn’t notice was awkward for him because you were too busy letting out a sigh of relief and building your next item, typing quickly to your teammates. You all were about to set up for vision around Baron Nashor, a large purple worm-dragon monster that when killed provided a significant, sometimes game-ending buff.
“R… really?”
“Yeah, and you’re handsome, gorgeous, and hot as hell too, so the whole damn package,” you responded absentmindedly, realizing the enemy were trying to split-push and trade objectives so you sent some pings to your teammate to take care of that as you accompanied the main group to help clear waves of minions.
You heard him shift beside you and suddenly his face was next to yours, watching your screen closely.
Side-step, cast your ultimate, cast your Miasma ability to ground the enemies and prevent them from dashing away, switching between auto-attacking and piercing them with Twin Fang, all in the span of a mild freak-out because why was Jungkook so FUCKING close?
“Wow, you’re so good at League.”
“I’m Diamond rank, so not that good, but definitely better than all seven of you combined.”
“Haha, true, we’re all pretty bad,” Jungkook laughed next to your ear and, oh, shit, is warm breath feathered on your neck, why weren’t you wearing a turtleneck or something and not your self-cropped oversized band t-shirt and slinky black leggings, why weren’t you cocooned in layers of clothes, because you were quickly highly aware of how attractive Namjoon’s friends were.
To top it all off, you were in the middle of a game, so you just had to tolerate it and stay calm for the sake of your teammates and your elo.
“Maybe you could teach us and we’ll teach you something in return.”
“You guys don’t even listen to each other, why would I assume you all would listen to me?”
“I’d listen to you, noona.”
Now your team was doing the Baron dance, skirting in and out of vision, daring the other team to make a move, daring each other to make a mistake so the other could capitalize on it, slowly, slowly, watch the waves, watch the minimap. Careful. You could control the situation if you were calm and not too trigger-happy. Tension in your fingers and tension in your neck because your roommate’s friend was right next to your head, observing your every move.
His violet hair brushed your shoulder.
Soft, delicate strands against your skin.
“You’re more experienced, so you would know what to do.”
Your support snap-engaged a fight and you were immediately in the zone, right clicking rapidly, cycling through your abilities, keeping track of the opponents’ spells, determined not to let any of them get away, following your teammate’s calls and not hesitating, because hesitation as death and loss, and you were so close to winning you could taste it, going after it with passionate vigor and a slow-forming grin, seeing and hearing the in-game announcer declaring, QUADRA KILL.
You didn’t kill all five of them because someone took the pentakill from you.
You might have cared about that except your ear exploded into clapping as Jungkook excitedly applauded for you, cheering you on, reminding you that a mostly shirtless man was standing right next to you.
Thanks, Namjoon, you thought sarcastically.
“Wow, you played that so well, dodging the Viktor ult and stunning three people like that–”
You felt your cheeks heat at the compliments, busying yourself with your team killing Baron. You didn’t usually have someone commenting on your games. Your eyes flickered to the small buttons on your desk.
Especially not a mostly shirtless guy.
Mostly shirtless hot guy.
Back to screen, seeing your jungler’s typed instructions, suggesting you all to destroy as many structures as you could and then prepare for the next fight for Ocean Dragon Soul and – oh? Your eyebrows raised as the screen abruptly jerked to the enemy base, the nexus inside exploding into shiny gem-like fragments that became the VICTORY banner.
“They surrendered?” you uttered with surprise, clicking on the CONTINUE button. “Why?”
Your eyes flickered to the kill score.
“Oh, thirty-two to nine… maybe that’s why….”
Your team had the nine deaths and the opponent team had thirty-two so, well, maybe that’s why they surrendered the game.
“Aw, that’s no fun,” Jungkook pouted as you clicked on the damage screen. Second most damage. Okay, you could take that. You were a little distracted.
“So, about your problem–”
You spun around to, ack, realize that, yes, Jungkook’s shirt was still flapped wide open to expose his chest like an unwrapped piece of caramel candy. He seemed to realize it too, making a surprised face and yanking the sides closed, as if you hadn’t gotten a damn eyeful already.
“I can resew the buttons back on, but you should borrow a shirt from Namjoon in the meantime,” you managed to say, clearing your throat. “Because I, ah, can’t really sew it when you’re still wearing the shirt.”
“Oh… Oh, right, yeah.”
Then he started yanking his shirt out of his slacks.
Usually, you didn’t care about this stuff. Men were men. They had chests. But you had things you liked too. Just like how men like tits and ass, you liked well-built pecs and forearms. Actually, you appreciated a nice ass and thighs too. And cute faces. Fuck, you loved a cute face.
“Uh, Jungkook…”
He looked up, questioningly. Big round brown eyes, his violet bangs framing his chiseled jaw, parted pink lips, the small mole underneath his lower lip looking so, so kissable, quivering slightly.
Fuck, Jungkook had a cute face.
His shirt was very open.
Fuck, his lightly tanned skin.
He was hesitating around a button, his deft fingers flexed, ink black tattoos standing out on his knuckles and the back of his hand. Your legs were slightly spread, thighs flush to your gaming chair. Half a second and Jungkook’s eyes flickered back up to your face, pretending he hadn’t been looking.
You raised your eyebrows.
“Are you really just gonna strip in my room and walk out asking Namjoon for a shirt and hope none of the six guys think anything about it?”
His eyes shifted around your room. Bed with black sheets and black velvet duvet. Television with your gaming consoles. Your collection of character figurines from various games. Your black denim jacket hanging on a hook, covered in monotone patches that you had sewn yourself, mostly occult-themed, skeletons, skulls, cats, ghosts, potions, eyeballs, that kind of thing. Back to your desk.
Your legs.
Really staring at your thighs, hips, and crotch.
Up your torso, your hands, your exposed collarbones.
Your face.
Guarding his expression, testing the waters.
“Maybe,” Jungkook said slowly. His eyes darted away and back, teeth catching his lower lip. “I really am hoping you can fix my shirt.”
You watched his face carefully, the flare of darkness in those brown orbs, a hint of naughtiness, dancing with danger. Jungkook had a mischievous streak. You could tell by the way he interacted with his hyungs, listening but talking back, helping them with things but not without a roll of his eyes or a smart remark added, probably because all his friends were older and he was the youngest. He knew he could get away with it.
In short.
“What would you like in return, noona?” Jungkook purred, smile dancing on his lips.
Honorifics were supposed to honor you. Show a sign of respect and all that shit.
All I wanted to do was play video games, you grumbled internally. Not suddenly have a thirst fest for one of Namjoon’s best friends. You narrowed your eyes a little, seeing the smirk on that perfectly shaped mouth. He’s not stopping either.
Outside your room, something fell with a loud crash. Probably Namjoon by the depth of that startled yelp. Everyone else started laughing and a very loud, cheerful melody was blasting from the living room television. Nobody was coming to investigate you and Jungkook.
“Turn around and ask for a shirt,” you sighed, waving a hand. “Then take off your shirt in the bathroom and then, only then, do you come back and give me your dress shirt.”
You saw Jungkook frown, not expecting that as your answer.
“Oh. Okay.”
He seemed disappointed, lowering his hands.
The silky fabric of the dress shirt slid off his right shoulder, partly revealing his tattoo sleeve and fully revealing his right collarbone and shoulder.
You sucked in a breath, eyes flickering to it. Then his face. Then back to his body. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Jungkook jumped, startled by the fallen fabric and reached over to grab the fallen collar. Your hand moved faster than you had time to think. You had good reaction time. It was the gaming obsession.
You slapped his hand down.
Jungkook squeaked, head snapping up, purple hair floating around him, gold chain on his neck glittering as he swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing. Strangely, his chain resembled your sterling silver choker that you were wearing right now, except you also wore another necklace with a circular white gold pendant with your zodiac sign.
Not that anyone was ever close enough to inspect it.
“N-Noona?” he breathed, sounding strangely winded.
You hadn’t meant to do that. Your body reacted faster than your head.
Fuck, he had a nice body. His pecs. Even had a nice dark nipple – well, he probably had two, but you could only see one at the moment – and it all trimmed down to a slim waist and shapely hips. You could tell because of his tailored black slacks. He had been wearing a blazer earlier in the evening too. It was probably on a chair somewhere in the apartment.
What did Jungkook need to look so damn good for?
“Where did you guys go to be dressed like that?”
Yes, you were really just going to interrogate him with his shirt dangling off like that.
Jungkook chewed on his lower lip, the tiny mole underneath bouncing up and down as he spoke. “We went to a fancy hotel rooftop bar to celebrate Yoongi-hyung’s award that he won at the music show for producing that song–”
“Ah, right, Namjoon mentioned that earlier today.” Dress code must have been black tie.
Those dark brown eyes found yours, observing you carefully.
“I would have liked to see you there, noona.”
You stopped staring at the tattoos on his bicep and made eye contact. Fuck. Those eyes. Sparkling with deviousness. Trying to see how far he could push your buttons.
“I wonder what kind of dress would you have worn?” he murmured, musing to himself. “I bet you would have looked hotter than any girl there.” Jungkook smiled, playful and boyish. He wasn’t being sleazy about it. Every word was light and honest. “A tight little black dress? Maybe bright red? Short, because you have incredible legs. It would be a crime not to show them off.” He was only complimenting you. His tone wasn’t trying to be suggestive.
You didn’t close your legs. You had nothing to be shy about.
Instead, you leaned back in your gaming chair as if it was a throne, resting your left elbow on the armrest and your chin on two fingers, thighs wide open, and your other hand in between them, fingers curled inward to your inner thigh.
Jungkook’s pink lips curved ever higher, ever more roguish.
“Whatever you would have chosen, you would have looked so, so sexy.”
You ticked your head.
“I know.”
Because you did.
Look here, Jeon Jungkook, I’m here minding my own damn business and you’re here inserting yourself into my life, so if you can’t handle me knowing my self-worth, you can fuck right off.
He reached up and tucked a bit of his purple hair behind his right ear, grinning at you.
“You sure you don’t want anything from me?” he asked, a slight flicker of pink tongue between white teeth. “I can give first and then you can decide whether or not you want to help.”
Honestly, those sultry eyes could stop a heart.
You removed your hand from your chin, tapping the air with those two fingers in a dismissive manner.
Outside, Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok were singing a soulful duet and Park Jimin was hooting at inappropriate moments to ruin the atmosphere as much as possible. That raspy, breathless laugh was Min Yoongi, who was probably doubled over on the floor in his expensive suit. Classic genius music producer of the year behavior right there.
Jungkook tucked his hands in his pockets, shirt sleeve falling down, revealing his blacked-out inner elbow. Mountains with a dark sky. It must have hurt, doing something like that. Still, he did it. For aesthetics?
You heard the smirk rather than seeing it, mostly because you were looking at his body.
“I would look so damn good on you, noona.”
You closed your eyes slowly and reopened them to look directly into those dangerous, dangerous eyes.
“Lock the door.”
Not really an order. More of a statement. Jungkook could do it or not, you knew. He couldn’t be coerced to do anything. He did things because he wanted to do them. He was nice because he wanted to be nice. He was childish when he wanted to be childish.
Jungkook was obedient when he wanted to be obedient.
He turned around, went to your bedroom door, and locked it.
Well then.
He came back and stood in front of you. A little closer now.
You cocked an eyebrow. “They’re going to come looking for you.”
Jungkook smiled down at you. “I’m sure they will.”
You frowned, lowering your hand to tap the end of the armrest. “They’re going to think I started this.”
“You kind of did.”
Your eyes narrowed sharply. He grinned, taking a step closer.
“Because it’s not my fault you look so good,” Jungkook breathed, voice deepening, leaning down, your expression unchanging, not pulling back but not encouraging anything either. “Not my fault your body is hotter than a summer. Not my fault your confidence is the biggest turn-on I’ve ever had in my life.”
Your thighs were still as open as his shirt.
Jungkook put his knee in between them.
His dress shirt was basically almost completely off his body now, falling off the left shoulder too and dangling off his forearms, exposed collarbones and shoulders, tan skin taut over muscle. A delicious body line, so fucking close to you that you could feel the heat. You still didn’t do anything. You weren’t going to do anything. You didn’t prompt this. You were simply minding your own business commanding a snake lady to victory, not expecting to get seduced by a mischievous bunny-like smile and a tiny black mole under a cute pout.
“I can’t help myself around you.”
You usually didn’t say more to Namjoon’s friends than a mere hello, not wanting to bother them with your presence. They were all men after all. You expected them to want bro time or whatever. Also, you were too busy being obsessed with men that didn’t exist in real life to pursue men that did exist in real life.
At least League of Legends had 3D models so no one could say you lived only the 2D lifestyle.
That didn’t mean that you didn’t partake when the dinner laid themselves out to be eaten. They often had to, because you wouldn’t pay attention otherwise.
Purple hair drifted into your vision, surrounding you in a curtain of violet and dark brown eyes, warm exhale and trembling pink lips, trapping you in Jungkook’s gaze, but you refused to relent, keeping your gaze even. Steady breaths to disguise your racing heart.
You kept your hands closed to prevent him from seeing your shaking fingers.
“Every time I see you, I want you to touch me,” he whispered, trying to hide the edge of nervousness by lowering his voice, enticing you to lean in to hear him better because someone was wiping a damn window in the living room outside your door or was that Kim Seokjin laughing?
There was no difference.
Jungkook’s forehead touched yours and you stopped thinking about Seokjin.
“I just want you to feel me up, rip my clothes off, and fuck me until I can’t think straight. Use me, abuse me, wreck me, ruin me,” he shuddered, definitely thinking about it, and one blink and you spied the obvious tent in his pants.
“Maybe I’m a lazy girl,” you finally said, touching your nose to his, inhaling his breath, a little bit of alcohol, a little bit of fruitiness, and that hint of cologne, fresh, clean, and intense. Something else too. Musk, maybe his pheromones or something like that. Whatever it was smelled fucking delicious, just like you. What did your perfume smell like? Spiced fire blended with addictive sweetness.
You shrugged casually.
“Maybe I’m a pillow princess.”
Jungkook chuckled.
“I can tell you’re not.”
You had to smirk.
Of course, you weren’t.
You closed your thighs around his knee and squeezed, raising to your tiptoes. He gasped softly, shivering at the simple touch of your soft thighs pressing around his muscular leg. It was disturbingly noisy out there, but here it was silent, pared down to your breathing and Jungkook’s breathing, mixing together, blazingly hot, closer, closer, doing the careful dance, daring each other to make the move that was so obviously going to happen.
“What are you gonna say when they ask you where you’ve been all this time?” you whispered, avoiding letting your lips brush against his.
“The truth.”
His tongue flickered out and barely touched your lips.
You didn’t make a sound.
Jungkook moaned, the sound drifting into your throat, and you could taste his desire.
“I tripped and fell into your lap.”
Your lips curved into a smirk.
He kissed you.
His hands on the armrests of your rolling chair, pushing it back into your desk, pressing his lips to yours, inhaling deeply, wanting to breathe you, wanting to taste you, wanting you, shivering as you finally touched him with your hands, but this was you, and your first touch wasn’t going to be wasted on a conventional innocent touch.
Your fingers closed in on his rock-hard erection and stroked him through his pants.
Jungkook moaned your name right in your mouth, eyes half-lidded, his violet hair encircling your face as he rolled his hips into your palm, whining deep in his chest.
“Fuck, yes, noona, play with me…”
You flitted your tongue between his lips and he chased it, begging you for more, and yet you continued to tease, light flicks between those soft pillows, nipping at them, even pushing up his lower lip so the tip of your tongue could draw a small heart around that mole, kissing it, so gentle, so delicate. His entire body shook, your hand palming his hardness through his pants, nails scraping against his balls, caressing all of it, acting like you owned it. Jungkook was certainly humping your hand like you did.
“You only want me because I didn’t want you,” you taunted, not bothering to hide your smirk and your slight disapproval.
“That’s not true,” he panted, attempting to get you to touch his chest, pushing you back into your chair, and yet you kept the fingers of your free hand on the cusp of what he wanted, heat close but no contact, causing him to whimper every time your fingernails barely nicked his skin. “I want you because you’re pretty, gorgeous, and hot as hell.”
Hm, that sounded familiar.
“I want you because I love watching you play your favorite games,” he chuckled, kissing the side of your lips, nose to nose. “I want you because I love that little smirk you make when you do something good. I want you because I love that aggressiveness that comes out and how you seem to lose your filter. Shit, it’s so fucking hot when you’re focused. Makes me wanna see your face when you’re pinning me down and having your way with me. Makes me want to obey you and disobey you at the same time, because I want you to reward me and punish me, I just can’t decide, fuck, you make life so hard for me.”
He punctuated hard by violently humping your hand, rattling your desk with his force.
Outside you heard Namjoon yelling “CANNONBALL” and throwing himself onto that giant gray furry beanbag you paid far too much for about six months ago. It was now a household party favorite, due to its massive size and fluffiness. At the moment, it sounded like a pile of six guys in semi-formal clothing was beginning and, instead of watching this heap of hot dudes being constructed, you were making out with the seventh guy’s face and grabbing his dick.
You’ll take this trade.
You felt Jungkook’s hands groping around, undoing his pants and the zipper, trying to get you to touch more, more, desperate for you to be all over him.
“P-Please… please, I don’t know when they’re going to notice…” he pleaded. “You’re so close, so close, ah, I can’t think, please…”
“Shh…” you soothed. “The door is locked.”
Your fingertips finally touched his chest, not disappointed in the slightest when you touched those delicious-looking pecs. They felt just as nice under your palm, his pounding heart and wanton moan vibrating up your arm.
“Aren’t you a needy little brat trying to distract me from my games, hm?”
Your fingertips hooked over the waistband of his boxer briefs.
“You’re going to have to face the consequences, Jungkook.”
You said his name like a delicious sweet about to be eaten, growl in your throat as you yanked down his underwear, capturing his lips, robbing him of his cries as you clawed down his chest, grasping his cock and pumping him, long, complete strokes from base to tip, curling your fingers around his balls, juggling them with your fingers teasingly as he squirmed and groaned. Your free arm shot around his back, digging your nails into his spine, not letting him get away. His black dress shirt was falling, falling to your floor, his bluish-purple hair in your face and his strong hands on your shoulders, sliding down, kneading your breasts through your clothes, whining that you were still wearing a bra – of course, you were, six dudes were coming over and they didn’t need to see your magnificent nipples on display, although clearly one of them wanted to see – and he was trying to get to the hem of your shirt, but you smacked his hands away, building the pressure and speed, pre-cum leaking between your fingers and adding slickness to lessen the dry friction.
Fuck, you could smell him and he smelled so fucking good.
“Noona, please…” Jungkook gasped, hands on the armrests of your chair, tipping his head back at the pleasure, pants at his fucking knees, chest, crotch, thighs on display. “This is… embarrassing…”
He meant him being mostly naked and you being dressed.
You shrugged, acting indifferent. “Not for me.”
He whimpered at your words, so noticeably dominant despite not using an aggressive or commanding tone. Either that or he was very invested in you jacking him off. You suspected it was a combination of the two, considering how eagerly his cock twitched when you answered.
“What should I do, Jungkook? Should I let you cum? Or should I play with you and stop, make you put your clothes back on and walk out there, desperate to be finished off?” you mused aloud, running your nails up his back, not that hard, but he leaned back into it so they sank into him, wordlessly begging you to do it harder, so you did, setting your jaw and scratching at his back, forcing him back into position. His cock throbbed in your hand, pulsating wildly.
Hm, he really loved it, huh.
“P-Please… wanna cum, please don’t be mean…” he gasped, thrusting his hips into your punishingly tight grip.
“Hm, why does it matter? You’ll just run to the bathroom and finish yourself off anyway, right?”
“Want you to do it, please,” he begged, his long hair curling around his jaw, dark purple locks framing the sharpness, lashes fluttering as you rubbed your thumb against the underside of the head, smearing pre-cum over the slit. “Your hand feels so good, so fucking good, better than I thought, please, I need you to touch me or I can’t get off, please…”
You removed your hand.
Jungkook cried out in denied despair, pitch hiking, the sinful sound clearly audible despite the debaucherously loud ruckus outside your bedroom door that included not one, but two people howling like werewolves for some unknown reason. At this point, you were mildly curious.
But you had a job to do.
He grabbed the front of your shirt, almost sobbing with need. Somehow his violet hair was a mess and you hadn’t even touched it. It cascaded over one of his eyes, an indigo curtain, the other chocolate orb shaking and pupil dilated, black prominent in the dark brown.
“Please don’t–”
You shoved two fingers from your right hand into that pleading mouth and raised your left.
He choked, gagging a little on your fingers.
You stuck your tongue out and licked your palm, slathering it with a thick layer of slick saliva.
Jungkook’s eyes widened at the dirty action and then rolled back into his head as you wrapped your hand around his aching cock once more, now covered in saliva, swiftly and fervently jacking him off, hard, fast, tight, nearly choking his cock, pushing his chin up and his chest to your hungry mouth, tongue and teeth and lips, all over those dark nipples hardening under your persistent touch, heedless to his rising moans, so very obvious now what was happening in your bedroom.
It didn’t bother you at all. Jungkook walked in here and asked you to wreck and ruin him, so you did exactly what he asked you to do, leaving harsh bite marks and slippery saliva all over his soft skin, your perfume rubbing off onto his body, coating his chest in your scent and his pulsating thick length with your spit, and he was so fucking hard that you were impressed, feeling his mouth suck on your fingers desperately and wetly, your name a messy garble above your head.
“Fuck, yes, umpf, oh fuck, I’m so close, so close, gonna cum, goona cum for you…!”
You had no idea who called his name through your door, because the next second Jungkook was pitching forward and shooting his cum up your thigh and chest, thick white strings painting your leggings and band t-shirt, soaking into the fabric and creating a sticky mess on your skin, your head lifting in response to his movement to avoid knocking into him, your fingers sliding out of his lips, strings of saliva snapping as they left, and suddenly Jungkook’s face was in your face, his lips on yours in a passionate kiss, rutting into your hand to increase the sensitivity, shoulders and hips flinching, whimpering gratitude and ecstasy into your mouth, his hands in your hair, kissing you deeper, more ravenously, ignoring the questioning voices, lost in the pleasure of his orgasm.
You heard Namjoon say outside your door, “I think he made his move.”
You asshole, at least warn me, you thought irritably.
“You’re so good… so good, exactly what I need… I knew you would be… fuck…”
You thrust your tongue into his lips once and backed off, chuckling as he whined for more.
“Go ask for a shirt.”
Jungkook shook his head rapidly, violet hair flying everywhere. Your hand was still wrapped around his semi-hard cock, his cum dripping onto your wrist. His ears were turning red.
“I can’t… They know something is going on…” he mumbled, scooting closer to you, as if your body heat could somehow mask the fact that you just jacked him off with six of his friends standing outside your bedroom door whispering.
“Maybe you wanted them to know.”
You squeezed his ass and he trembled, clutching your shoulders.
“Easy way to tell them that you want to be owned by me, right?”
You could tell by the way his eyes were darting around rapidly that the thought crossed his mind more than once.
You said it loud enough for a keen ear to hear it if they were really eavesdropping. You looked up at Jungkook, his eyes immediately fixating on yours because of your tone.
In control, not to be questioned.
“Get on your knees.”
Dead silence outside your bedroom.
“B… but…”
His cheeks flushed pink.
You took his chin and pulled him down to your face, murmuring to that mole under his lips, pecking it daintily, almost innocently, his wispy moan drifting over your nose. Your words were barely above a whisper, only for him.
“You made a mess. Clean it up.”
You stroked Jungkook’s chin with your thumb, your other hand tucking his long hair behind his ear.
“I’ll let you sleep in my bed tonight, so be a good boy for me right now and I’ll let you be a bad boy in bed.”
His head tilted and Jungkook whispered your name into your mouth, drenched with desire.
You smirked, stroking his jaw fondly.
He got to his knees, in between your open thighs, leaning forward, subservient eyes on your face as his pink tongue extended, licking at his own cum staining your clothes, eyes closing at your hand on the top of his head, not directing the movement, but reminding him who was in charge here, reminding him with nails in his scalp that he was going to be fucked until he couldn’t think straight.
Used, abused, wrecked, ruined.
“I don’t wanna.”
“We both know you do.”
“But I want to fuck you,” Jungkook protested, speaking softly because everyone was sleeping, or at least it seemed that way, not that either you or Jungkook cared, because you were forcing him to his knees on your bed, pushing his torso back, nails digging into his chest, towering over him, his naked body already covered in your bites and scratches, focused on his inner thighs and chest, none on his neck because that’s where he wanted it the most.
And you knew it.
“Noona, please…”
He said please a lot for someone who did not, in fact, want to be pleased, but tortured.
You grabbed him by the chin, cocking an eyebrow.
His hands were behind him, arms shaking as they held him up, shivering delightfully under your petrifying gaze.
“Please what? Hm? Saying please when you come crawling into my room, begging for dirty things with your friends right outside, saying please when you interrupt me and distract me, jeopardizing my chances to win my game?”
You leaned in close, you knowing you were only crafting a scene, him knowing that you didn’t actually care, but Jungkook wanted to hear the words, wanted you to put that malice in your tone to caress his ears, wanted you to cannibalize his sanity and put him in a different headspace, his cock already responding to it, bobbing in the air, purple-red and achingly hard from multiple orgasms, and he still wanted more.
“Saying please so you can say please when you’re under me, helplessly begging me to let you cum?”
You could hear his whines vibrating under your fingertips, pupils blown wide, lower lip trembling, begging you already, such a needy little thing, those lovely brown eyes full of submission, muscles tense with anticipation, every passing second spiraling him into increased frustration, because instead of doing anything, you were only smirking wider and wider, pushing his head back.
“Well? Tell me if you’re a dirty boy or not. Maybe I’ll do what you want.”
His violet hair cascaded to his shoulder blades, his low moan coursing through your fingertips and the heated air of your bedroom.
“Y… Yes, I’m a d-dirty boy…”
“Noona,” you prompted.
Just because you could.
His lips curved into an open smile, two of your fingers hooked over his lower lip, fingertips rubbing his tongue. Your thumb nail pressed into his mole.
You ripped the condom open with your teeth, which was not advisable unless you were the kind of person that practiced that for hours on end, spending an obscene amount of money on unused condoms to perfect your technique, because nobody wants a broken condom or lube in their teeth. Why would you want to learn such a thing? You were a stickler for details. A perfectionist in perfecting a perfect display of raw dominance.
You spat out the torn corner onto Jungkook’s chest and he whimpered, unashamedly amazed.
Your left hand removed the condom from the package and your right slid out of his mouth and encircled his neck.
You inspected the condom, lazily turning it to the correct position, fingers pressed to the sides of his neck, leaving plenty of space for his trachea between your thumb and forefinger. You didn’t bother looking at his face. Instead, you spread your legs, poised and naked over him and his throbbing cock.
Your right hand started choking him.
Your left hand started rolling the condom down his thick, hard length.
Your name leaked out of his lips in a thin gurgle, his eyes rolling back into his head.
“Say please, Jungkook.”
A sharp, distinct order.
“P… Please…” he gasped out, chest shuddering.
Your hand tightened around his throat and your pussy clenched around his cock as you forced yourself down on him.
“Oh, fuuuuuuuck…”
You didn’t bother asking if he liked it. His vicious fisting of your sheets and trembling body, cries and cock included, told you everything you needed to know. You only watched the color of his cheeks, knowing there were limits to how long you could choke him. Therefore there was no time to be wasted, already starting your favorite pace, rough and hard, filling yourself with that delicious cock built to take your abuse, jaw set, gripping his throat, blood pounding under your fingertips, slapping hips to crotch, heat sparking though your veins, hotter, hotter, your smirk growing more and more smug, tongue tracing your lips as you witnessed Jungkook’s descent into sin, raising his head so he could watch you bounce on his cock with hazed brown orbs, mouth open, tongue lolling out, circulation thinning, purple hair wild around that cute, distressed face.
You let up the pressure on his neck, dark snicker rumbling in your chest.
“This pussy worth it, brat?”
The rush of missing blood into his brain, the suffocating pleasure of your pulsating walls wrapped around his twitching cock, your authoritative growl and merciless words tearing through him – you saw it all taking over Jungkook, forced to respond honestly from pure instinct because there was no time to compile pretty words or a smart comeback.
“Yes, noona, yes, I love it, I love it, this brat fucking loves what you do to him…”
You immediately choked him again and slapped your pussy onto his cock like you were whipping him.
His eyes rolled back and a wild moan tore out of his chest, cut off by your hand.
The bed creaked under you, bearing the weight of your roughness.
“I know you love it,” you snarled, leaning in, fucking him into your bed with vigor, straining his knees, so uncomfortable and so comfortable for him at the same time, pain and pleasure, clearly something he craved and loved from how hard he was. “You said you need me to touch you or you can’t get off.”
You knew that couldn’t be true.
Jungkook probably got off hundreds of times thinking about you, otherwise he wouldn’t be so ecstatic about you violently riding his dick right now.
His teeth sank into his swollen lower lip, staring at you through his lashes, his voice a thin whisper laced with insatiable need.
“I can’t cum without you anymore.”
You removed your hand.
Your hips stopped abruptly, fulling sheathing his cock inside you.
His shout was so loud and desperate that you had to conceal your surprise, not expecting the frantic ferocity of his tone, nearly an agonized sob as he grabbed your upper arms in a crushing grip, his indigo locks crashing into his high cheekbones, sticking to his sweaty face and sharp jaw. It took everything in you to stay calm, everything to not give in and let him have what he wanted. Maybe it was stubbornness, maybe it was knowing the role you were playing, maybe it was the sadistic side of you, who the fuck knew, but there was only a beat of hesitation, a second of you staring into those beautiful dark brown eyes, so perfect.
Just perfect.
Perfectly wrecked, willing to do anything in this moment for you to continue.
Before he could utter a peep of a plea, you shook out of his grip and seized his head, crashing his lips onto your neck.
Jungkook bit you.
Instant, searing pain, taking out all his sexual frustration on your neck, sucking at the skin, hot tongue lapping, groaning, moaning, half-crying because you didn’t move. You just sat on his dick and forced his mouth onto your neck, gleefully savoring his despair, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to feel the pleasure, his hands and nails digging into your waist, his teeth latched to the side of your throat, his stiff cock shuddering inside you, your tight heat keeping him hard but not letting him cum, repeatedly squeezing the engorged head brutally, driving him insane.
You could feel his lips move, but you muffled his words, pushing his head into your neck.
Deep inhale, his wonderful scent filling your nose.
Riding the high that was Jungkook’s desire for you, fingers tangled into violet strands.
He felt so, so good, spoon-feeding the dom in you with his tiny whimpers and distraught sniffles.
“P… Please…”
You pressed your lips to his hair, murmuring his name sweetly.
No quiver to your tone, only serene calm.
His hands slid up your back as your hips began to rock, slow, so painfully slow, building the frenzy layer by layer, his hardness swelling inside you, his soft lips pressed to his hickey onto your neck, even more turned on because he knew you let him mark you, he knew in this moment you were his and only his, everything he wanted and more, his hips rising to meet yours, deepening your thrusts, matching your force, burying his face into your skin and your scent, wanting nothing more than your command over his body.
You turned his head, tucking his hair behind one ear, speaking dark whispers into that curve.
“You look the best when on your knees for me, Jungkook.”
He shivered, your name falling sloppily from his lips, drunk from your power and lost in his service.
You let go of his head and grabbed his shoulders instead, putting all of your weight onto him, now letting yourself chase it, chase the orgasm that you had been building for yourself all this time, letting yourself feel Jungkook and feel the full force of the pleasure he gave you, because, yes, of course, you served him first before you, even if it didn’t seem like it.
Because when it came down to it, Jungkook came to you, opening himself petal by petal to show you his vulnerable side, testing the waters, hoping, wishing, praying that maybe, just maybe, you were the kind of person that he was expecting, wanting, needing, and you, knowing how difficult that was because, well, you had made it difficult, only focusing on games and not on those longing eyes that watched you whenever you came into his view.
Eyes that you looked into now.
Half-lidded, glazed over, fucked-out, still honest.
His large hands were still on your waist, holding you to him as you rode him with furious slaps, muscles flexed in his chest and arms, tattoos on his right arm tense and taut from holding this position for so long. He looked so good. Felt so good. Had an amazing cock.
And fuck.
Jungkook had a cute face.
You genuinely smiled.
“I’ll take care of everything,” you drawled, injecting your words with conviction and adoration.
That did it.
His lips parted, low groan emitting from his throat as his head tipped back, purple waterfalling onto his back, thrusting up into you and shooting into the condom with fierce jolts, unable to hold back any longer, his entire length flinching uncontrollably, sweet whimpers at his release, feeling sorry that he didn’t let you cum first, but that didn’t matter, because you rode through it, already there, falling, falling, your sigh like laden smoke as your orgasm slammed into you, welcoming the bolts of cruel pulses flying through you, concentrated onto your core, Jungkook’s moans hiking into pitched ecstasy at the convulsing clenches of his oversensitive, overused cock, arms embracing you tightly, hugging you for dear life, chest to chest, pounding heart against yours.
Your fingers tangled into his hair.
His hand fitted around your head.
Lips to lips and you took care of everything, claiming that mouth as yours, holding him up even though you were the one in his lap, your kiss onto that perfect mole under that pretty pout, cherishing every mumble of your name, lowering him onto your pillows, soft kisses in between. You took care of everything, lifting yourself off him, chuckling as he whined, pawing for you to come back, but you rapped his knuckles and calmed him, removing the condom and cleaning him off gently with a towel, soft kisses in between because he wanted the attention, deliberately not closing his eyes until you crawled back into the bed, tucking the covers around you and him, Jungkook immediately turning and yanking you into his chest, nose against your skin.
“Who’s the pillow princess?” you teased, ruffling his long violet locks.
His lips pressed onto your hickey, his mark on you, and he sighed in content, drifting into sleep.
In the morning, you found a pile of five guys in the living room sleeping in various positions on the giant gray furry beanbag and the sofa. Jungkook was in your bed, passed out. The last guy, Min Yoongi, was in Kim Namjoon’s room, sleeping on his bed, because he was a smart man and took advantage of a perfectly good bed that five drunk hooligans undoubtedly forgot about.
You chuckled and rubbed your neck as you brushed your teeth, seeing yourself and the large purple hickey Jungkook had made last night in the bathroom mirror.
You went back to your room after retrieving the sewing basket from the living room, spending the morning calmly stitching the small buttons back onto his black dress shirt as the seven guys in your apartment continued to snore away.
Then you went back to playing League of Legends.
Ah, Cassiopeia, I had an eventful evening, but I have returned to you.
drabble morning-after hungover breakfast
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workofheart · 3 years
eren jaeger relationship hcs
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eren’s turn! modern relationship hcs. nsfw under the cut as per usual <3 levi ver.
really clingy. when ur away on a trip or something, he definitely cuddles your pillow and buries his head in it. might also spray your perfume on his hoodie so he can be reminded of you throughout the day (as if you aren’t already on his mind 24/7)
on that note, LOVES seeing you in his clothing. i feel like for most guys this is true and people mention it all the time, but eren especially. it makes him feel mushy and horny at the same time (more on that later) bc it just drapes over your shoulders perfectly. like he sees you and has to suck in a breath and look away to collect himself or else he’ll just become a puddle on the floor
likes hearing verbal affirmations. when you compliment him, tell him you’re proud of him, he gets all warm and fuzzy inside. it means so much coming from you and he knows you're genuine
really goofy, this is to be expected - tries to get you to laugh bc it raises his self esteem and confidence. he just likes looking at you being happy and smiling, it makes him feel so warm inside
definitely hides behind corners when he hears you walking or coming down the stairs so he can jump out and scare you. don’t worry though, because he always proceeds to hug you and kiss your forehead or temple to say he’s sorry but only kind of bc ur reaction was priceless. the little whack u give his arm in annoyance? he lovessss it bc it’s like he knows u still love him even when he is a little obnoxious
eren is definitely one of those enemies to lovers kind of guy bc he desperately wants someone to love him not necessarily in spite of his flaws, but with his flaws. he needs u to acknowledge that he’s far from a perfect person but still love him regardless
his favorite kind of dates are park dates. he likes going on warm & sunny days to throw a frisbee around with you in the open fields. i feel like he’s a basketball guy so he’ll bring you onto the court and play knockout... when he loses, will tell you he let you win on purpose for the sake of his ego 
lolll imagine him critiquing your free throw form or something and coming up behind you to fix it (it wasn’t actually that bad, he just wanted an excuse to be near you)
really needs physical touch. he’s the kind of guy who will always be in contact w you in some way or another. when driving, his hand will be on your thigh or holding yours on top of the center console, same for if you’re out at restaurants but under the table. he’d definitely try and play footsies with you if you’re sitting across from him rather than beside him. when sleeping, he holds you really tight and won’t let you roll over so you better just get comfortable. 
doesn’t mind being ur photographer and taking pics for you. he takes some time to learn the methods for the best pics but he eventually gets it
this is kind of random but when playing minecraft, he always blows up creepers and never fills in the creeper holes :| sorry. to make up for it he’ll get you music discs. also likes just going on little adventures to find a sand biome two thousand blocks away and just walking with you in game
on this topic actually i LOVE the idea of gamer bf eren. like not the league-and-monster-drinking kind but sumn about him in a headset and sitting at the edge of his bed... but he’ll definitely teach you how to play shooter games and will be so nice about it, won’t get mad at you, will give you little kisses when you’re not doing well and getting frustrated, and if you’re playing in online lobbies together he’ll stick by you the whole time and carry you
always sending you tiktoks & tries to get you to do all the trends with him. they never go viral but he goes back and watches them when he misses you
i peg him as a cat guy! really good with animals in general. i think most people would expect him to be a dog person since he can be loud and rowdy and excited, but on an emotional level i think he also just likes to be calm and relaxed and would get along with cats well. also teases you when animals reject you for him.
definitely writes about you in his journal. he jots down funny things you say or do or moments you shared so he never forgets any of them, and when he misses you he’ll read through them :( imagine when you’re so much older and he has documented proof of his love for you back when he was young please it makes me cry
also writes down little poetic words or things that remind him of you. he’ll hear a quote in a movie or a book or a song that instantly makes you pop into his head and he just has to write it down. he’s probably tried writing poems or songs about you, but he keeps those really secret because he’s embarrassed
this is kind of random but i think he’s a total beach person! likes going to spend days in the sun, builds sand castles and asks for your rating, drags you into the water to swim with him, will dive under and grab your ankles to freak you out, also looks really good in swim trunks but that's besides the point
he hates to see you upset and tries to cuddle the sadness out of you. when needs be, he’s a really good listener and doesn’t mind letting you just vent. when you cry, he pulls you in for a really tight hug and cradles your head - also because if he sees you crying, he’ll start to cry too because he genuinely feels for you 
tries his best to take care of you when you’re sick. not really a good cook or anything, but he’ll make you a grilled cheese or a pop tart, albeit a little crispy even though it’s his third attempt. doesn’t mind being near you and isn’t afraid of getting sick so he’ll cuddle you anyway
loses focus when you’re talking to him sometimes but it’s not because he’s not listening, it’s because he just gets caught up in staring at you and how you look when you talk bc he just adores you. when you snap him out of his, he always gets all red and blushy :(
nsfw under the cut (18+)
really likes sending & receiving nudes/lewds. he always goes for the torso selfie to show off his chest/abs when sending, and it doesn’t matter to him what you send back because he’ll like anything you have to offer
and his responses aren’t lame either. NOT the type to send you a thumbs up or a “ayo you sexy as hell fr doe” - he will hype you up with dirty talk because he seriously means it. honestly might just send you a voice message, or call you if you’re alone and available bc while he might look at pics of you from time to time for aesthetics, the majority of the time he’s jacking off
so you know how i said he likes seeing you in his clothing? he especially likes nudes of you in his clothes. send him a pic wearing his zip up hoodie & nothing else and he’s yours 
he prefers being in control/being on top but doesn’t mind if you want to take the reigns every once in a while
throws his head back and groans when u give him head. that's the image.
one of his favorite positions is when you’re in doggy but he pulls you up by the arms so your back is against his chest. he’ll snake a hand around to rub tight little circles on your clit, might put his hand around your throat if you like it. heavenly.
reallyyyy dirty mouth omg. asks sooo many teasing questions, likes hearing you say his name. “you like that, princess?” “louder for me” “who’s making you feel this good?” ugh and it’s not awkward either he makes it sound so good
has a lot of energy and a lot of stamina. stroke game will make you pass out, he’s so smooth and sets such a rhythm with his hips
things that get him going: kissing under his jaw, especially up by his ear. sucking his fingers. tugging on his hair. running your nails down his back.
pins your thighs to the bed when he eats you out. likes to make you squirm and loooves to edge you. super teasing in every way
can we just talk about his voice for a sec... he has the prettiest moans and isn’t afraid to let you know how he’s feeling. when you’re in missionary, he’ll hold himself up with one elbow, hold your hand with the other, and will lean down to moan right in your ear. sometimes does it on purpose bc he knows it turns you on from how you clench around him
usually has a death grip on that sensitive spot between your hips and your waist so he has something to hold on to while he pounds you
when he cums, he 100% buries his face in the crook of your neck, might even bite down from time to time 
can totally see him going harder if he knows there’s people around, he doesn’t care who it is that’s outside the door but they’re gonna hear how good he’s making you feel whether you like it or not
wants to see your face when you cum. will definitely tell you to cum for him and keep your eyes open when he’s really feeling it - your expression makes him nut so fucking hard lawwddd
daps u up after sex just cause he’s weird like that lol
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I’m the Doll!MC Anon and I just wanna say I’m so glad that you enjoy a soft/delicate!MC and I really didn’t expect it to get so much love!
Since I kinda want to be evil and see the boys be overprotective, can I request hc’s of them seeing Doll!MC getting hurt by some lesser demon that bumps her into the ground and she gets a bruise? 🌚
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Omg Doll Anon I wasn’t expecting it to get so much love either (here’s the original Doll!MC HCs if anyone wants to read)!! So I actually had your request saved for when I was done with the prompt special bc it’s so good, so I decided to combine them and I have definitely been waiting to write this 😈😈 Reader is gender neutral!
CW: mention of blood (nothing graphic) and spoilers for Lesson 16 (Lucifer, Mammon, Beel, and Belphie’s part)
The Brothers and Diavolo with Doll!MC who Gets Hurt
Okay whoever is dumb enough to hurt you in front of him deserves this 100%
The air around this man is already more than intimidating, so whoever tries this is a poor, stupid soul
When he saw you fall down the stairs, he felt his stomach turn. He already caught you before you could injure yourself further, but after seeing the blood coming down your face, the damage was already done
Now, Lucifer is the brother who always has control over himself and what he does. But, we also know that how his temper can get, especially when it comes to his family
This demon is dumb enough to push you but not dumb enough to crack a smile in front of him, especially with how tense Lucifer is getting right now
He sat you up and tried to remember some first aid techniques to stop the bleeding. You’re on the verge of losing consciousness, but you’re okay right now. He’ll take you home, but first-
His glare is making the demon freeze in place right now, and the anger radiating off of him is petrifying
How dare- how dare this fool harm you, in front of him no less?! Did they think that he wouldn’t do anything? That Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, one of the strongest demons to ever grace the Devildom, would just idly stand by and let this happen?
He’s stalking towards them, and he can feel his fangs showing and his diamond appearing on his forehead, growling out how they will pay for this-
But he’s stopped by Lord Diavolo, who was shocked by the scene. You’re unconscious, and Lucifer has this poor student hanging in the air by their uniform, claws ready to slice through them. Needless to say, he understands why his close friend is upset, but for everyone’s safety he should just take you home like planned
You thought Lucifer was a helicopter parent before? You haven’t seen NOTHING yet
He would start inviting you more to his room to sleep in his bed while he works away, and it started happening so much that he didn’t even ask anymore and started expecting you to always be in there
So instead of him being glued by your side, you’re glued to his. It’s obvious that he can’t let you out of his sight without something happening (again), so hope you’re ready to see experience Lucifer’s daily routine from sunrise to sunset and a whole new set of rules. Basically playing follow the leader, but with a lot more handholding and kisses
You had to practically beg to be back into the kitchen, and he only relented when he could be the one to supervise you, and even then he still didn’t want to hold anything sharp or be near anything that could injure you (which is pretty much everything)
The main one to put a stop to his brothers’ schemes, handing out harsher punishments than before each time they try to involve you. This man is not playing any games with anyone
You know he means well, he was already overprotective from the start, and this is just his way of showing that he cares about you. You can tell every time he gives you that soft look in his eyes, and the regret that he shows every time he catches sight of your bruise. He may not like to be vulnerable, but he couldn’t hide his emotions from you too long. You’re like a weakness to him, one that he isn’t against indulging in
And he hasn’t forgotten about that student, oh no. He made sure to have a nice lengthy chat with them when you both returned to RAD. You didn’t question it when he informed you that the student had been rightfully punished and no longer an issue, and you tried to ignore the red dots splattered on his shoes, or that sadistic gleam in his eyes...
This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening-
The blood is pouring from your head, and your eyes are closing too fast for him, and his heart stops
You look lifeless, like when Belphie killed you, when he was too late to save you-
He’ll never forget that image, it’s drilled deep into his mind, forever a reminder of his failure to protect you. And now he failed again-
This demon is gloating about this, and that’s when he snaps
He was already in his demon form and beating the life out of them when he was restrained. Many people were shocked that he was capable of this, that Mammon the scumbag, Mammon the dummy, Mammon the punching bag was capable enough to be this dangerous, this deadly. He’s the second born after all, and he’s the strongest right under Lucifer himself, and he holds a lot in
He could- he would do a lot more because they deserve it, but just seeing you so still, it snaps him out of it. You’re more important to him than getting his anger out, and you’re the one he needs to be focusing on right now. But rest asssured, this isn’t over
You thought he was attached to you before? He is glued to your side 24/7 and will not be leaving anytime soon. Ever since you woke up he never let go of you, calling you “his human” and just hugging you tight
Also if you have to go down the stairs you guys are FLYING no exceptions! The stairs are the devil in his eyes (how ironic) and he will not be risking anything with you
If you guys aren’t out and about under his careful and watchful eye (and I mean very careful, he’s like your very own bodyguard but with a lot more growling and snapping on strangers than usual), then you’re in his room doing whatever. Watching movies, playing cards and somehow beating him every time (he swears that he isn’t letting you win! Lies), whatever you wanna do. As long as you’re with him, giggling and safe, he’s happy and stress free
You mean so much to Mammon MC, he can’t even tell you if he tries. Under his tsundere traits, he really loves you, like really loves you! He’s just so scared of being rejected and losing you a second time. But now that he knows you’ll always be there for him, he’s going to do the same for you (but he already was even if you didn’t like him) He hates looking at that bruise right now, but it’s set as a reminder to not let something happen to you again
Also, another thing that people forget about Mammon is that he can talk to crows. So it wasn’t much to have them track down the person who caused you pain, and it didn’t take long for him to find them either. He thinks that the aftermath will set a good lesson for everyone else who continues to underestimate him when it comes to you: don’t
See, this is why he never leaves his safe haven AKA his room!
After he saw your head hit the ground hard, he was freaking out. He doesn’t know what to do, he wasn’t prepared for this! He tried shaking you to keep you awake, but your eyes were steady closing
Everything is happening in slow motion. You’re slumped over on the ground while the person who did it is laughing at him
If anything, the person who did it should be the one on the ground, not you, not his Henry. It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair!
The demon stopped laughing when their windpipe was getting crushed by the second. They couldn’t even try to loosen the grip, Levi’s tail is rather strong, and so is he. He is the third strongest out of his family and the Grand Admiral of the Navy, yet people tend to forget that
Everyone knows how bad Levi’s tantrums can be, but this isn’t just a tantrum, it’s much worse. Had the brothers not intervene, he would have done much worse than summoning Lotan (which he was on the brink of doing anyway)
When you did wake up, he was so upset. Of course he let this happen, he’s just a worthless otaku who couldn’t even keep his crush safe-
OMG why are you hugging him and patting his head?! Quit it- well wait, this does feel kinda nice...Ugh you’re such a normie! Getting hurt so easily and still trying to put a smile on his face. But it does make him feel better
He rarely left his room before, and you guys are definitely not leaving it now. It’s like having a sleepover, but it never ends. That sounds great, right MC? Endless marathons of TSL and other anime, co-op video games, trying on his cosplay outfits that he made (some even made just for you and he needs to cover that bruise somehow), it’s going to be so fun and you’ll be safe with him! Who wouldn’t want that??
We all know that Levi is very self conscious. He knows that he isn’t confident like Lucifer and Mammon, or attractive like Asmo, or smart like Satan or Belphie, or physically fit like Beel, he knows. But every time you listen to him ramble on about this new anime show that he wants you guys to binge, or when he rants about a stupid move his teammate did in an online match, he feels valued. He feels loved. And while it’s hard for him to express his feelings, it’s no doubt in his mind that you’re important to him, and that he’s beyond happy that someone like you is his best friend
One day he’ll get the courage to say those three words, but he hopes that you already know with everything that he does for you
For example, Levi is an aquatic demon, and he has the ability to communicate with all types of sea creatures. Granted, he knows right from wrong, but in his eyes he’s taking care of the problem. So it wouldn’t be a huge issue if he used them to clean up the remaining mess of said problem, right? I mean, his venom can only do so much, and he doesn’t need anyone questioning him, and Lotan does get hungry...
He could only see red. Both from his anger surfacing and from the fact that you’re bleeding
He had his claws wrapped around the neck of the one responsible before they could even think about running. This- this filth dared tried to escape after he hurt you? And they thought that Satan would just let them get away with it?
They must forget that he’s the Avatar of Wrath, the one who doesn’t show mercy
He just kept pounding the demon into the ground, over and over and over and over. He didn’t even care about the blood splatter it was leaving on the lockers or on him
He was this close to finishing them off when he heard you call out for him, and it took everything in him to drop them. He squeezed their neck a final time, not even close to being satisfied with the whimper he heard, and growled out a promise of that he will find them and will make sure that they suffer before he threw them down. They better count themselves lucky that they get to crawl away in one piece (for now), because had you not been there-
Oh, he is seething the more he thinks about it
But you bleeding is a distraction from it, even if it is making his stomach turn, it’s helping him know that he needs to help you now
He didn’t have to let his brothers know as they came to see what the commotion was, and Lucifer (even if he didn’t want to believe it himself) was anxious that he was the cause of it. But after he saw the hold he had on you and another demon barely clinging onto life, he knew otherwise
It was decided that you two going home would be the best course of action (which it didn’t matter to Satan, you both weren’t going to stay here whether it was demanded or not), and he calmed down enough to properly treat you
You didn’t leave his room for the rest of the day, and he even gave up his bed for you to lie in so that he can do some research. The human body is a complicated thing, but Satan can learn it like the back of his hand just for you. So just go ahead and rest for now MC- or maybe not, you might have a concussion according to this book and if you do he needs to monitor your condition!
Even after you were healed, he didn’t let you out of his sight and daily checkups were a must. Dr. Satan is in the building!
You eventually moved back into your room (you would have stayed longer but he’s a little nervous with his towering stacks of books and doesn’t want anymore accidents), but he practically moved in with you with how much he comes over, either falling asleep at your desk reading a book or falling asleep in your chair right next to your bed
Very reluctant to have you around stairs, it makes the hairs on his neck stand up. He’ll let you go down the stairs ONLY if you’re holding his hand. If you’re upset with those conditions (spoiler alert you’re not), then you better be ready to learn some teleportation spells (but even then he’s still not leaving your side)
He doesn’t hold his temper back with the others when it comes to you for the time being. If he even senses that Mammon, Asmo, or Levi is coming to you with something that can cause trouble, he’s growling at them to leave you alone, horns slowly coming out and tail whipping furiously
However, he tries not to lash out in front of you. He realizes that he lost control with that demon, and how it could have terrified you had you been fully conscious, but he doesn’t want you to think that he’s just a monster. He wants you to continue to treat him like you do now, and not have the image of bashing someone’s bloody body on the floor repeatedly
Speaking of bashing someone, Satan made well on his promise of coming back. The demon thought that avoiding coming back to school would save them, but Satan is a genius, and has many associates that he can sweet talk to get what he wants. It didn’t take much to figure out where they went, and he made sure to get out all of his pent-up frustrations from that fateful day. He felt better when he came home, but he needed to take a shower before he went to see you...
Besides from that, he does appreciate the peace that you do bring him. You just have this aura around you that’s so calming to him, and he needs to steal you away more he realizes
Also you make better cat-themed desserts than the cafe and he can’t risk Beel eating them all again
He’s shook, and not in the good way
He just had your hand in his, complaining about how you cuticles look so good and his is lacking and how guys have to go to the nail salon after class, and then your hand is jerked from his, your form at the bottom of the stairs
The blood staining your uniform is alarming, but he can’t worry about that now. He’s trying to keep you talking, but you’re already on the verge of passing out
“MC, you can’t sleep yet! We have plans to go to the nail salon remember? And I need you awake so we can talk about what matching color we’re getting! So what color should we get now, MC? MC? MC!”
He’s trying to keep himself from panicking, but he can’t help it! You’re suppose to be smiling and laughing with you, loving him, but you’re unconscious on the ground, and he’s scared
Quickly dials Lucifer and tells him the whole situation, and he’s surprised to find himself blinking back tears
The demon who did this is long gone by the time Lucifer and Diavolo come, but he remembers the face, and he has something exciting planned when he comes face to face with them
Obviously you have to go home, but Asmo is so distraught that he has to go home with you. But when you wake up, prepare to be tackled to the bed with him crying his eyes out. All you can do is try to comfort him and tell him that okay, giving him little kisses on his cheek
But now that the sadness is out of the way (all this crying and worrying is causing him stress wrinkles), it’s time for a makeover/stress relief!
Fashion shows, makeovers, painting nails, face masks, the whole nine yards. All in the comfort of his dazzling room!
It’ll make you both feel and look better, and honestly you two need that right now. It also gives him the opportunity to cover that unappealing bruise. Your beauty outshines it but it’ll be best to cover it up for your and his sake (mainly his)
Every time Asmo sees your bruise, he gets upset and he’s tired of being reminded of what happened. He knows that he’s only loved for his looks, his vanity, but you see more in him than that
You’re...you’re the first person that loves him for him entirely, not because of his features. And when he tells you that he loves you, he honestly means it. He would have never thought he would fall so deep for someone, let alone a human, but...he’s glad that it’s you. He’s happy that it’s you
Which is why he wants to keep you safe and injury-free. Plus, your skin is too pretty and doll-like to be roughed up!
You guys still go out of course, he just has a better eye on you now. This one incident isn’t going to hold him back for picking out new cute outfits for you!
And don’t think he forgot about that demon who caused all of this in the first place. He actually waited by their locker, and convinced them to come with him. But what should Asmo do with them? He could always have them steal Beel’s food, annoy Lucifer, say something horrible about Ruri-Chan, the possibilities are endless! As long as they don’t cause him to get dirty, of course
Or maybe they should do something so severe that they have no reason than to leave RAD forever, or even leave the Devildom forever, depending on how far he’s willing to take it. He’ll do anything if it means you’re safe and he gets to keep you all to himself
He thought it was an accident at first, you get so excited about things that you stumble over your own feet sometimes, but he’s always there to catch you or pick you up
You keep saying that you’re okay as he’s holding onto you, and after he sits you up he’s confused because he smells blood. His heart is beating a little quicker, and you’re not talking anymore, and your head is drooping, and that’s when he sees the blood running down the side of your face
He’s starting to panic, and he’s so scared that if he tightens his hold against you he’ll just make things worse, that he’ll just hurt you more. But he needs to go find Lucifer, he needs to get you help, you’re feeling so light in his arms and it reminds him of the Celestial War when he witnessed his sister dying-
He hears someone snickering behind him, and that’s when he loses his temper
You’re a part of his family now, someone that he loves and cares for more than he can describe, and they did this to you? Someone who wouldn’t even squish a bug, someone who made him late night snacks without even asking, always there to give him hugs after his games no matter how sweaty, someone that put his family back together and they did this to you?
Lucifer and Mammon struggled to hold him back after they found the demon flung through the wall, laying under the rubble. Beel just kept growling, fangs bared and wings buzzing. He won’t stop trying to get out of their hold, and he keeps inching closer and closer to the demon, and it’s only a matter of time before he finishes what he started
You were already in the infirmary getting treated, and Beel isn’t calming down anytime soon so you were both escorted home
You woke up to Beel upset and pouting. He’s so worried about you that he couldn’t even eat. Beelzebub could not eat, that’s how you knew this was a something serious
Poor Beel was so terrified of hurting you himself that he failed to protect you from the people that do want to hurt you, or worse
But this won’t happen again, he swears, both to you and himself. Move over Mammon, Beel is officially your new bodyguard!
Wherever you go, Beel is right behind you, literally. He’s like your shadow, just bigger and a lot more...menacing. Also isn’t taking any chances with Mammon’s schemes, just carrying you away before he can even open his mouth about another get rich quick plan
Speaking of carrying, you are not allowed to walk down the stairs anymore. As soon as you step near some you find yourself in his arms like it’s nothing. Both at home and at school, it doesn’t matter to him
Also he’s very cautious to have you around people besides his brothers, and the exchange students (but he’s still hesitant about Solomon, anyone who can cook food like him is automatically getting the side eye)
Also you practically moved in with the twins, and it’s nothing compared to the sleepovers before. Belphie sleeps easier, Beel’s stomach is satisfied (eating your homemade sweets with you is better than everything combined at Hell’s Kitchen, and trust me he knows) he feels all warm inside, and you’re protected. Everyone’s happy!
Beel is a sweet guy, just don’t come in between his family or his food. After that whole incident with the demon, everyone has come to understand that, especially after seeing just how much damage he caused both to the demon and the school in so little time...
If he was sleepy before, he’s completely awake now
You’re holding the side of your head, and he can see the blood seeping through your fingers, groaning in pain. You keep trying to say that you’re okay, but your words are starting to slur and he’s getting nervous, he’s getting scared
It’s reminding him too much of his worst mistake, of what he did to you, when he murdered-
No. He doesn’t need to be thinking about that right now, especially when the person who did this is bragging about it while your body is slumped over. Right there, he knows what exactly needs to be done
Belphie was already in front of them before they even registered it, and didn’t give him any time to form an excuse. His claws were already at their throat, inching deeper and deeper the more they swallowed
“I should just slit your throat now, it’ll be easy and not a lot of work. But you deserve much worse than that. You’ll wish I did by the end of this.”
After a tap to the demon’s forehead, they just collapsed before him, unmoving. He didn’t even look down when he stepped over them (or rather stepped on them) to get to you. You’re passed out, but still breathing. You can’t stay here like this, and he refuses to tell Diavolo or Lucifer. He’ll figure something out, maybe Satan has some books in his room on what to do...
When you woke up, you found yourself wrapped in blankets and Belphie sleeping beside you, arms wrapped tight. You were confused, when did you get home? You remember walking with him down the stairs, but everything was blurry after that. What happen-
“You’re always thinking so hard MC, you’ll never be able to get good rest if you keep that up. But Satan did say to check on you every couple of hours, so I guess it’s fine. And quit touching your head!”
“Oh, sorry Belphie, I didn’t mean to-”
“Tch, how annoying...”
But he’s lying. Even as he’s carefully re-wrapping the bandages, he’s relieved that you’re awake, that your eyes are still full of life, not like the dullness that he saw that fateful night
When Lucifer finds you he is not happy with Belphie, but he doesn’t care and tells him that everything is already under control and that he isn’t needed. Belphie didn’t miss the scowl that he sent his way, but he just smirked in response. You didn’t need Lucifer as Belphie is already taking care of you, as it should be
You know how he always carries around his favorite pillow? Yeah he’s doing that with you basically, minus the carrying. You’re practically attached to his side, wherever he goes you’re either right there with him or in his room, which is mainly just you two lazing around or sleeping (as usual)
Honestly, the only demons who he’s okay with disturbing you two is Beel and maybe Satan. Beel because that’s his twin and it’s his room too, and Satan only if he’s checking on you medically or if he has some new ideas to mess with Lucifer. Everyone else is just trying to bother you and be annoying, and you don’t need that
Of course he blames himself for this! How is he suppose to keep you safe, to make up for his mistake? But then it clicks
It’s not the fact that he’s weak, people think that he’s weak. But he realizes that this is fine, he’ll use that to his advantage.
Diavolo is upset and Lucifer is running out of excuses for him, but Belphie just plays stupid and says he can’t remember how to remove it (even though he does). Let the demon lose some more sleep until they learn their lesson, whether it’s from the constant nightmares or from sleep deprivation trying to stay awake to avoid said nightmares. He’ll remove it when he feels like it, and he doesn’t see that happening anytime soon
Let people think the Avatar of Sloth is weak, that he’s not a threat, and he can show them exactly how wrong they are. Better yet, this demon can be the perfect example, and many more if they become a bother to you (and him)
You’re too nice MC, too delicate. You treat him so good, like he’s not a demon, like he’s not the monster who took your life, and he has to thank you for that somehow. He feels like whatever he does won’t be enough for the kindness you give him, but protecting you from others who used to be like him could be a good start
Also now he can hog all of your head pats and cuddles for himself, and he doesn’t feel bad at all. Everyone else had their time with you when he was locked up, so he’s finally got the opportunity to be selfish
First of all...this demon is dumb enough to harm you in front of him??? The Demon LORD???? The FUTURE KING OF HELL??!
They have more than just a death wish
It all happened so quick, he just crossed paths with you in the hallways and started to ask about your day (and maybe invite you for a small tea date after school) but he didn’t even get the chance to open his mouth
One second he saw your eyes light up and hand extended to excitedly wave, then he saw your fragile form tumbling down the stairs
Barbatos was soon called to his side as Diavolo saw the red coating his palms and you barely staying conscious, trying to say that you’re okay and not to worry
See...he feared that this would be a problem. While Diavolo is a very kind and understanding ruler, there are still some demons out there who think he’s too lenient, too soft. But that’s where people are mistaken. Diavolo is kind, but do not mistake his kindness for weakness
He felt his anger rising, his demeanor starting to crack, but he set aside his emotions. You’re his first priority, and he needs to make sure that you’re okay! He’s still a ruler, and you’re his responsibility (and first love)
However, he made sure that Barbatos took the demon who did this and kept them in the dungeon until he was done treating you. He won’t let this go unpunished, he can’t and he won’t
You’re an important part of the exchange program, and you’re most important to him, and he’s upset with himself that you got hurt. You’re so delicate, and you don’t deserve any of this happening to you, but what can he do? While he trusts the brothers to keep you safe, he wants to keep an eye on you personally, but how?
Then it struck him
You liked to stay in the castle, always smiling and having fun whenever you spent time with him there, so why not relocate you there?? It’ll be like an extended sleepover/retreat with just you two!! You guys can do all of your favorite activities and won’t have to worry about going home because you won’t have to leave!! Why didn’t he think of this sooner?!
The brothers are very upset with this incident, and even more so when he announced this. Diavolo decided that your condition needed to be monitored closely, and since he’s the person directly in charge of the exchange program AND the ruler over the Devildom, there was no room to argue. You weren’t going to stay in the castle forever, just until he deemed it right to return to the HoL
Which would be...some time soon, maybe. He’s not really worried about that now, his number 1 concern is you after all!
You’re getting the royal treatment, literally. This is the chance that he gets to pamper you without interruptions and he is not wasting it!
You kept trying to convince him that you’re fine, but he wasn’t hearing any of it, especially after he sees the nasty bruise that was left. “MC, please! You still need to rest. How about I have Barbatos bring us some tea to help, and we can even have the royal staff bring us some outfits of your choosing if you like? Oo, we can even have our portrait painted!”
“Dia, I promise that I’m fine, you have more things to worry about than me-”
“Nonsense, MC. You’re what’s important to me, now and always. Don’t ever forget that.”
Even finished it with a hand kiss, UGH he really is a Prince Charming
Once you did return to RAD bruise free, Diavolo, being the gentleman that he is, walked with you everywhere in the beginning. Coming into the building, walking to class, lunch, even to the student council meeting, he was by your side. But he couldn’t avoid his duties forever (unfortunately), but he always made up for lost time afterwards
You never realized that when he wasn’t with you, someone else always was. Whether it be Lucifer who miraculously had spare time, or Barbatos who decided to escort you back to the castle to try a new recipe for his Lord, it was always one of them that stayed with you
Also, it never dawned on you why people were starting to be so nice to you. You thought it was because of what happened, not paying attention to how tense they would get, the fear in their eyes. You did notice that the demon who caused your fall never came back to class, and their desk is starting to collect dust...
When you did ask Diavolo about it, he just pat your head and said that what happened was unacceptable and that the demon has been dealt with accordingly.
You don’t need to hear about what really happened to them, he doesn’t want to scare you or taint your innocence! But he doesn’t mind if anyone else hears it, he’ll be more than happy to explain in full detail what happened and what will happen to demons that even think about attempting to harm you or think that he’s “too soft”. They won’t think he’s a soft ruler after that
Diavolo is a very sweet man, one that treats you as if you’re ruling by his side as his partner and one that you never have to be scared of, but even you didn’t miss the deadly glint in his eyes whenever he spoke about that demon...
But enough about that, he wants to try that new recipe that you made just for him!
He enjoys the time that he gets to spend with you, and after this, you’ll be in his company a lot more. He can’t risk having this happen again to his love- I MEAN favorite exchange student right?
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @_Milla_7849_
SCP 073 (Cain)
I feel like Cain normally wouldn't be scared
Like if you made him watch a horror movie, he might flinch slightly but wouldn't be terrified of it
So when you try to scare him like a prank sort of way, he would flinch a little more than usual but would recover seconds later
Like that one time when he was alone walking down the hallway looking zoned out since he was thinking of something
And you just crept up to him like the sneaky little child you are and jumped onto his back
He did get a load yelp but realised it was you
Luckily for you, Cain didn't give you a lecture like before and actually laughed with you
However, if you were kidnapped or taken hostage or used for an experiment, it would obviously frighten him and he wouldn't forgive himself
So to prevent this, he would keep you within his line of sight at all times
Anyways, as I've mentioned before, Cain would probably also give you a tight hug after your little stunt and unbeknownst to him, the researchers recorded it for a laugh
Cain did give you a lecture but forgave you since you were so young and he couldn't resist those eyes
And the researchers did give you some sweets
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Now, a warrior like Abel wouldn't be so easily frightened
Especially if it was a child, even more so if it's you since he knows you too well and has personally trained you from the age of 5
Basically, Abel would notice your movement and body language well since you're both stuck together
So you have devices a plan with your scientist friends to try and scare him
And yes, it's working
Because Abel got extremely distracted by Iris
Iris basically got yahooted into this mess and was told to wear a lingerie
Yes, you did scare him by shoving him into Iris
I wouldn't say he got a scare, but more like a surprise
Poor girl she just wanted to sleep
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster) 999 would most likely be scared the easiest out of everyone on this list
Aside from Glass
He's like a close second
Back to 999, you both were just chilling and wandering around the facility aimlessly
Because yall are boring (TBF you're both trapped in this giant mf blop of a building)
Anyways, let's just say that it was Bright and Clef who introduced you to the world of pranks and you guys thought it would be funny to scare our 999 here
Basically, yall decided to play dead and then pretend to turn into zombies with some makeup
Yes, it did work since you've managed to scare the living daylights out of 999
And he was about to have a cardiac arrest (if he even has a biological heart)
And yes, it almost ended in another breach
And 999 did give you a lecture on how to not scare people like that
He does sound like a grandpa though XD
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
I would say that scaring 682 would be difficult, but I won't since he's already terrified of that rabbit
You, along with the other researchers, thought it'll be fun to pull a prank on 682 in form of a magic trick
It's a classic rabbit in the hat trick and yes, you did pull SCP 524 out of the hat
But, little did your tiny brain know, that rabbit basically eats everything, including itself
So you just watched 524 approaches the already terrified 682 and nibble on his feet
And yes, you and the other researchers laughed hard since he crawled up the wall to get away from the rabbit (I'm now officially adopting 524 as my other pet)
Sadly, 524 didn't stay for long since another doctor needed him for a test with Josie (yes, the cat)
682 basically shouted at you for doing such a thing on him, your dad
But you ignored him anyways since you knew he never meant what he said and he wouldn't be mad at you for long
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Our bird boy here is pretty much neutral when it comes to being scared
Like, he can be quite unfazed by many things, so it's no surprise if you or any other SCPs tried to jump on him
So as part of an experiment, you and your friends had decided that you would try to play dead and see if 049 would be terrified
Well, 049 was somewhat concerned and when you carried on playing dead, he became scared since you weren't so conscious, or so he thought
Since you played dead extremely well for such a young child, he tried to see if he could fix you
And before he could do anything, you jumped up at him like Bonnie from FNAF
Yes, he looked like he jumped out of his skin and was so stunned that he just sat in the corner with his head down for an hour
You all had to check up on him and he said he was 'fine'
He wasn't
049 gave you a lecture about playing dead like that unless there's a dangerous SCP
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Now, since 035 is a mask and is very much a master manipulator and an award-winning actor/actress, you would most likely be able to take on those traits from him
When you were younger, you were eager to learn from 035, who you see as not only your best friend but also an idol, so he taught you everything he could
As you got older, you've gotten better at manipulation and acting, so much so that even 035 couldn't tell if you were just being you from time to time
So one day, you've decided to prank your dad because you were hella bored (like you always are :((( cuz yall never be productive and just sit on your flat bum all day and watch YouTube, Netflix or play games then sleep)
You basically produced a fake body of yourself and wrapped it in a black bag and sent it to 035's cell
Then, you've got one of your researcher buddies to write a note of your passing and that you do love him very much
035 did receive the message and made sure that there was a dead body in the package
He was pretty much convinced that it was you since you were able to disguise the fake body like bone and flesh
Which of course scared him to death because he was about to attack everyone on site
Luckily you got there on time to stop him which freaked him out and yes, you've gotten a lecture about being such a prankster (You got grounded for life but that didn't stop a rebellious child like you)
At least everyone at the facility has gotten a laugh about it for the next 3 months
SCP 105 (Iris)
Pranking Iris wouldn't be hard, but that doesn't mean she's fazed, but not in a sense like 049 who wouldn't get a good scare from some SCPs which could do him harm
Iris is very much a self-aware and open-minded individual who has common sense (unlike you, who don't even move out of your bed or even use your non-existent brain cells)
She's very much like every other person you'll meet on the streets who wouldn't just believe the first thing that she hears since she is very much a rational person
So, if you want to devise a plan to scare her, it'll have to blend in with everything or be quiet out there with realistic effects
You'll have to use your head to think of a good prank to scare her, which you did since you've inherited her intelligence (that's a lie because you don't have any intelligence left in you)
As her child, you have decided to prank her by making her a fake copy of her camera but instead of her being able to control objects within the photo, she would end up destroying it
You gave it to her as a gift and she accepted it with suspicion since you don't normally get her anything and encouraged her to try it (you're such an ungrateful child)
Cain, Dr Glass, Dr Kondraki and a couple of others wanted to see as well, so they stayed and watch
Much to everyone's horror, the illusion camera did exactly how you designed it to and Iris was furious and saddened
Later on, you told her about the prank since you feel bad and she was extremely mad
So instead of grounding or lecturing you, she decided to have revenge
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Now, scaring this old man would be rather interesting because he doesn't seem too fazed by the other, more dangerous and unpredictable, SCPs
But, you can still scare him to a certain degree
I mean, he is an old man after all, so scaring him would be fun
As long as you don't give him a heart attack then it's fine I guess (cuz yall be evil for scaring such an old man)
So, you have decided to scare 106 by giving off little bits of harmless pranks at first so 106 would let his guard down for a moment
Like, giving him a box full of spiders (he's quite disgusted by them just like how he sees your face every time) and popping an air-filled bag (Don't lie, you've all done it and it's hella fun)
Later on, you would gradually move to play with the more dangerous things, such as getting him to look at a picture of 096's face (Probs ugly like yo-)
As time moved on, 106 seemed to be relaxed and expected you to bring him random things and soon realised that there was something off
You didn't show up to him for almost a week and he was ready to get his dad mode on
Luckily, some of the guards caught you with Abel and got 106 involved since they were afraid of causing a massive breach
106 panicked and picked you up, giving you a lecture on how you shouldn't be with other SCPs like Abel
You managed to tell him that you've befriended Abel and he was stunned and gave him the dad glare (you know the one where dads would give to warn others to not hurt their kids right?)
And because it's Abel, he would even make sure to be with you whenever you were with him which made it difficult for you to play with Abel because he might steal you away (Yes I'm looking at you right now kiddo, don't play with Abel)
So in conclusion, if the prank involves you being in a dangerous position, he wouldn't necessarily be scared but would start to panic about your safety
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
I think 096 would be similar to 106 in a sense but less logical and unfazed
It's more like he would be pretty panicky every time you weren't there with him and his anxiety would act up (like you every time you're preparing for your exams where you didn't even revise)
Like if you were with Safe class SCPs, he would be more relaxed than you being with a Euclid class, but it kinda depends on who it is
If it was Cain then it would be fine, but if you were to be with 173, he would be quite wary at first and would tell you to try and avoid being with that peanut
So if you wanted to scare him, it wouldn't be too hard
All you had to do was to be with another Keter class SCPs and play with them
He would be extremely cautious and terrified if you were with one and knowing this, you've decided that playing with 682 instead of playing with Walter the rabbit (SCP 524 | He's my other pet), you've decided to go up and pet 682
When 096 got a hold on the commission on you being with that lizard, he ran out of his cell, causing a huge containment breach on the way like he's bulletproof, and went yeehaw with 682
All you did was sit there in confusion as they entertained you with some pole dancing
Basically, if you scare 096, he would go from anxious to paranoid to berserk then to we're all going down to hell and back again
Dr Jack bright
This mf right here is unpredictable af
Like in his own body, he would remain unfazed and would even go as far as pranking you back
I mean he still would act all fun and games but since he can possess multiple bodies, the outcome of him being scared would vary which would surprise him too since he wouldn't know
Unless he decided to possess someone he knows well, but he knows better than to do that
Dr Bright would most notably be scared, like everybody else on the list, if you were to put yourself in immediate danger, but since you were just as crazy as your dad, he would most likely go along with it until you deliver your prank
Like, you could be juggling knives while standing on top of 682's head while singing 'Painted Smile' by Madam Macabre (If you haven't heard it, you should, it's amazing)
Also, he would sometimes find you having your back faced towards peanut and still be fine after having your neck being snapped (Yall be like surprise mf)
Anyways, one time Jack had made a promise to you to meet you at a certain place and he was late
So you stormed into his office (like the entitled little nugget you are) and went 'tick-tock mf' to your dad
Well it worked and you showed him your trick with the Keter classes
By causing a containment breach and somehow you managed to bribe the Keter classes to perform with you
Let's just say that just because you've inherited his craziness doesn't mean that you could go as far as doing this prank
Bright was about to drop dead from a heart attack and he banned you from doing such things in the future
Dr Simon Glass
With Simon Glass, you could give him a fright relatively easily
Just because he's a psychologist and can read people rather well, he still would be terrified and paranoid about whatever you were planning on doing
Even if he told you not to
Like that time when you were told to not make toast because you can't cook and you almost burnt the whole facility and Glass stood there and said "I told you so" (he did ask for toast, as in toasted bread, not toasted humans)
Anyways, being the child of Simon Glass meant that you would learn a lot about the human mind and behaviour
He would teach you everything you were curious about and would sometimes ask Diogenes, Light, Kondraki, Cain and Iris to help teach you the things he wouldn't have much knowledge on
And sometimes Clef and Bright would appear and spoil you (not that Glass doesn't, he's just busy and trying to be the best dad he could by being anxious about you being alone in the facility with so many dangerous SCPs)
So this often meant that you, Bright and Clef would pull pranks on each other, usually on Kondraki and Iris
Except for this time, you've decided to pull a prank on your dad, Dr Glass
You've handed him over a realistic model of SCP 058 and he freaked out and called the MTFs
They've checked the model and realised that it was all fake and poor Simon had a heart attack from you
Simon was about to yeet that spider looking thing but it was able to move so he planned to carry you and yeet you both out
He did give you a lecture on doing that stunt and you did shed a few crocodile tears
And yes, Glass gave in and comforted you
He then went to grab Clef and Bright's ears and lectured them about helping you make the prank
Dr Alto Clef
I feel like Clef would be similar to Bright but without the whole process of changing bodies because of some curse
Like Clef wouldn't be all that scared since he's dealt with SCPsbefore and dies an extremely good job at it
So for Clef to be scarred for life, it'll either be an extremely dangerous SCP, he's drunk and/or high, he must care about you a lot and you must've been out of your mind to do something seriously stupid or you're evil enough to piss off a Simon Glass (Or all of the above if you're evil enough)
You would most likely want to take the easier and quicker route out of all the ones mentioned on the list which is to put yourself in an immediate danger
So you had asked Dr Bright for some help and so he did
Moments later, midway through preparing your prank, Clef came to Bright asking if he saw you and he did
However, they heard a familiar scream from down the hallway and they both rushed to your aid and soon realised that it's you
You were about to get eaten by 939 and they had to signal for the MTFs to help (Because you mfs didn't ask me for permission when you wanted to pet 939 D:<)
Clef gave you a big lecture and comforted you after he cooled down
Bright on the other hand wasn't so lucky as Clef wanted to murder him (But in his defence, you didn't tell Bright how dangerous the prank was cuz yall are as stubborn as a rock)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki would be pretty much average when it comes to being scared but with a little more logical since he works with the Foundation
He's that type of dad who would let you go to sleepovers every now and again as long as they weren't of the opposite gender (Unless yall are Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Pan, Alien, Basketball etc then he's screwed)
We support BLM and LGBTQ+ in this community and anyone who says otherwise must leave now
Heck, even our friends here, especially Kondraki, Glass, Bright, 999, Cain, Iris and Josie (SCP 529, my new pet) supports them
Anyways, back to the main plot
Depending on what age you're at and whether you were planning to prank him with the Foundation staff or SCPs will lead to a different outcome
Like if you told him you were dating someone he would've died right there and then
No dating until you're 50
Anyhow, you've decided that it'll be funny to scare your dad with Clef and Bright by getting his Bootyflies to shapeshift into various Keter class SCPs and acting like it
And yes, you somehow managed to persuade the Bootiflies to do just that
And no, Kondraki didn't know about this even though he found it odd that his bootiflies didn't obey him that day
You got Kondraki to sit down in a room with Clef while you and Bright was setting up everything
The bootyflies shifted into the Scarlet King and boy sis Kondraki called the MTFs and was boutta shoot him
Everyone in the room had to get him to stop and that it was just a prank (And by everyone I mean just you, Bright and Clef)
Kondraki did manage to stop and was boutta drag you out for a big girl/boy lecture
Well, he did but not before kicked Bright and Clef in their privates first
Needless to say, nobody wanted to prank Kondraki again (Shush, no you don't, yes I'm looking at you from behind the screen and I know that you'll do it again)
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Protection Forever - William Lennox
Lennox x Reader
Description: Running into an old flame at the worst possible time.
Warning: nah. Bad writing? Kinda. Unedited because I was excited. I’ll not when it’s been fixed. Somethings may not be fully aligned with the movie but I tried 😩
Word count: 2500+
Dedicated to @merakiaes hey fren!
All gifs from @meragifs too!
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You were an EMT.
The two of you pulled up to meet with the other Autobots, you exiting the vehicle before he transformed. You were in awe as he and the rest of the cars all changed.
The biggest one, their leader, gave a rundown of everything that was happening once he confirmed Sam’s identity. This was just a recap for you as Ratchet had already explained. The teenage boy just stood there stuttering not really knowing how to process everything and you frowned again. That was when you really took notice of two teens just standing there. Having known what was expected of Sam Witwicky you frowned slightly.
“I don’t know about this Ratchet, he’s just kid.” You commented to the alien you had formed a quick bond with.
“And who might you be?” The one called Optimus inquired.
You gave him your name before the other yellow autobot, who you’d later learned was Bumble Bee, uttered something through his radio. It was hard for you to hear but the other robots seemed to be use to it as Ratchet responded immediately.
“The human. I like her.” Ratchet sounding irritated.
Bumblebee made another comment and right before Ratchet could respond one of the others chimed in.
“Wait why do they get humans?” Jazz asked incredulously. “I want one too!”
“Enough! Humans are not pets.” The one call Optimus Prime stated sternly, clearly tired of their bickering. You held your laugh, highly amused.
They were like siblings. A family.
“Exactly I’m just here to help and be a better tour guide than these kids can be.” You confirmed practically forcing your services on them. “Besides they need adult supervision. From the looks of it, you all do.” You grinned at everyone around you. Optimus gave a nod, agreeing.
“She stays. Let’s move.”
In that short amount of time things moved rather quickly. You watched the Autobots accidentally destroy Sam’s backyard when attempting to retrieve the glasses, you were all arrested, you escaped thanks to the Autobots, only to be arrested again.
Finally you ended it some secret base. How get you weren’t alone. The government had apparently been on a roll with kidnapping civilians who “knew too much “.
Things weren’t going great but quickly went left when the Decepticons, the Autobot rivals, came to retrieve Megatron.
A war from another planet had officially made Earth its battleground.
You were nervous, trying to figure out how to calm everything down before things started to escalate. Nobody was going to get anywhere with all the bickering. That’s when you saw him.
It had been what? Two years?
Still, without even knowing it, without even knowing you were present, he was still able to make your heart be slow and fast at the same time. The army had aged him, but for the better making him all the more attractive but you couldn’t focus on that right now. Especially when you heard:
“The cryogenic system is failing! We're losing NBE One!”
All the soldiers begin to pack everything that they could to prepare in a fight the way they always did. It was an mirable the way Linux game orders in his men took them without a second thought. The trust there.
“That’s good. Get all the ammo you got.”
“Everything you can carry. Bring it.”
Tearing your eyes away from your former lover you grab Sam.
“Come on, we need Bee.” You reminded him, nodding in Simmons direction
“You got to take me to my car.” Sam said, then repeated when he was ignored. “You have to take me to my car. He’s gonna know what to do with the Cube.”
“Your car? It's confiscated.”
“Then unconfiscate it.” You stared blankly.
“We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing! -“
“You don't know.”
“Maybe you know, but I don't know.”
You rolled your eyes at the insufferable mans rambling.
This was really was more about ego who was in control more than anything. The guy running the ship, clearly was on a power trip. Unfortunately for him he was facing off against soldiers . The Captain who’s eyes you could feel staring at the side of your face.
A Captain and his soldiers. Ones that really dont like to lose and take serving their country seriously.
The guy who arrested you earlier continue to argue with Sam about getting him back to bumblebee when Lennox finally pulled out his gun sick of the back-and-forth.
“Take him to his car!”
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As soon as he did so all hell broke loose and everyone from both parties pulled out a weapon.
“Drop it!”
It wasn’t until One of the sector seven agents pointed a gun at the back of Will’s head that you disable to another agent and took his gun and pointed it directly and held it directly at the one pointing the gun at your ex.
“I really wouldn’t.” You warned.
You were no soldier, but Will have taught you plenty before you broke up. So did your brother, before he passed away. He actually served alongside Will but died in combat. Biking. That’s part of why you were so hurt when Will re-enlisted. When he got promoted to Captain and chose the army over you. You were terrified of losing him the way you lost your brother. The break up wasn’t that messy but you both said things you didn’t mean. In attempts to mask your own pain and hurt one another.
You know. Hurt people, hurt people.
It’s still came to no surprise that you put a bullet in someone to protect him. Together or not you’d never let anything happen to him.
“I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction-“ Simmons ranted.
“S-Seven don't exist.” You interjected, earning a quick appreciative glance from Will.
“Right. And we don’t take orders from people that don’t exist.”
“I’m gonna count to 5. Okay-“ Simmons attempted to threat yet again.
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“Well, I’m gonna count to three.” Will deadpanned.
You knew that look. God did you know that look and it was so wrong that you were so turned on.
Finally the Secretary of defense interfered telling Simmons to do what was being asked of him. Everyone relaxed slight, weapons lowering.
The Captain and couldn’t help but watch you how do you get up and prepare to go.
“So that’s her huh?” Epps commented as Will watched you run off with Sam.
“Yeah..” Will answered, mind racing.
While he knew he’d eventually see you again, he didn’t think it would be like this. You looked breath taking.
“Damn. Shorty had your back that entire time.”
“Gear up,”
“What I’m just saying I thought she was gonna put a cap in his.” Epps shouted after his Captain receiving no response.
Will knew you had his back, you always would, the same way he would always have yours. He thought of you often, the break up between two inescapable, never feeling like he did the right thing. You were always not too far from the front of his mind. Him wondering how you were doing. If you were happy. If you found somebody else. There was no doubt he regretted what had transpired between the two of you. It was his fault. He knew that. You knew that. He had ample opportunity to fight for you and he didn’t. When he was promoted Captain he felt he had to choose between you and the army. He didn’t choose you the way he should’ve. In reality he could’ve had both. However hr so caught up proven himself to his deadbeat dad that he possibly let the best thing that ever happened to him go.
Not to mention trying to atone for your brothers death. It wasn’t his fault, but he still couldn’t shake it. So without talking to you he reenlisted. Needless to say where that got him.
Now hear the both of you were in the middle of an alien war. Yeah. This is the last place he thought he’d see you.
You were numb. The battle on the highway enough to freak you out. For mommy, just a moment you thought this might be a dream but no. This is all very real. One minute you guys were just entering the city trying to lay low, next thing you know - BOOM! The explosion knocked all of you over, injuring some, killing a few. Bumblebee’s legs were partially blown off.
Getting up off the pavement you waited for the ringing in your ear to subside as you stood up, trying to study yourself when you felt a pair of arms hold you still.
You knew it was Will just by the way he touched you, you blinked hard trying not to go down memory lane.
“Are you okay?” The concern in his voice was enough to make your heart skip a bear.
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly. “Yeah I’m fine.”
Slowly you removed yourself from his grip and went to check on Sam and Mikaela. Ratchet on the other hand -
“Hmm. His pheromone levels are-“ you quickly turned on him and glared.
“Ratchet I’ll turn you into a can opener if you don’t shut the hell up.”
The robot nearly held his hands up in the surrendering position as he followed you. Will had arranged an aircraft to pick up Sam and the cube while everyone else defended themselves against the deceptive cons in a hurry to get the cube far far away before Megatron arrived. Sam was in a panic and so Michaela, you could see Will’s short fuse getting ready to exploded. It was then you decided to be an escort.
“Sam, you can’t do this alone.” Michaela fussed.
“He won’t be alone.” You commented, causing all parties involved to look at you.
“I’m going with you.” You declared.
“No.” Will didn’t even hesitated as he stepped closer to you.
“Captain Lennox-“
“No!” You grabbed him by the front of his beer and pushed him back.
“Do you see what going on out there?!” You continued to hold on to him and you yelled at him over there chose. “We’re at a war. One we are extremely ill prepared for. So get your shit together! Sam is my responsibility. I have to get this kid to safety.”
This time your hands slid up the side of his face forcing him to look at you.
“Y/n..” he breathed out leaning down toward you, and for the first time during all this madness you could visibly see he was afraid.
“I’ll be back, Will.” You assured him, briefly resting your forehead against his.
Gathering himself he pulled away, looking toward Sam then back at you.
“Go. Go!”
And then we were running.. With nothing but an M16 strapped to your back and the pistol in your hand, you ran faster than you ever have before.
The four of you were under attack once more, you and Sam doing what you had to, to avoid getting snatched up as a fight Ironhide and Ratchet defended you. Unfortunately you were too close to one of the cars that went up in flames and you were thrown into another car from the blast.
“Y/n!” You could feel the blood on your forehead as you slowly pushed yourself up. As you tried to stand you immediately stopped feeling the pain in your thigh. Looking down could see the damage that had been done. The blood surrounding the afflicted area.
“Wha- what, what do i do?!” Sam asked frantically once he took notice of your injury.
“You gotta keep going Sam. I’ll be fine.”
He stood fo his feet, unsure of what to do. When Ironhide told him the same thing.
“Go!” You screamed once more.
Sam left and continued to run without you as you, as quickly as possible, as you tore your focus away from him to pull the shard of glass in your leg out. Ripping a piece of your shirt off you tightly tied it around your thigh in order to stop the bleeding. There was no point in going forward now but the return back to everyone else and help them fight.
You just had to avoid getting killed in the process.
You seen a car steering wheel, a Mountain Dew vending machine and and Xbox all turn into one of those freaky ass robots right before your eyes. All of which you helped others fight off. It was so surreal. In fact, if it wasn’t for the constant ringing in your ear from all the explosions you definitely think you were dreaming. You almost made it back to Lennox and his men when another Decepticon stood between between you and your destinations. They were definitely taking a beating. You saw Epps shooting a green laser indicating the robot that doubled as a helicopter wasn’t a friendly and decided to do what you could to keep the Decepticon from getting any closer to them and hurting any more civilians. In an attempt to draw it away from everyone else, you begin to fire your weapon giving it everything you had.
Unfortunately, the side effective taking its attention off the others meant putting the attention on you.
You ran trying to duck and dodge a bullets now directed your way.
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But Will. Will’s heart dropped. Seeing you there defending yourself alone. His pause was brief, the air forces plan already in motion, before he started the motorcycle and was speeding in your direction.
“William!” You screamed for him fearfully as he drove straight toward the robot.
The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat pounding in your ears. You almost couldn’t breathe, you don’t remember the last time you ever felt so scared in your life. But it wasn’t your life you feared for was it?
He rushed forward and slid under the robot continuing to firing the launcher. All you could do was watch as he drove toward you. Toward the danger your mind wondering if he did that on a regular basis. Was this the life of a soldier? What he went through day after day when he was deployed?
Standing up he only spared the parts of the dismembered robot a glance before shouting and turning looking for you. In a matter of seconds he was standing directly in front of you and pulling you into his arms.
There was nothing like physically being about to touch someone, hold someone to really know they were okay.
“So…” you began, suddenly feeling nervous. “...That was hot-“
Before you were able to get another word in, he captured your lips with his kissing you roughly and bringing you closer, hands on the small of your back. You couldn’t help it kiss him back just as fiercely put in every emotion you had into that kiss.
Every ounce of passion he had in body, put into this kiss, your lips just as soft, kiss just as pure as he remembered. When you kissed, he knew he was a goner and could never let you go again.
It has been two years since the last time you guys have been this close. This intimate. Reconnected. The feeling it gave you, the indescribable feeling, was one neither one of you ever wanted to forgo again. Pulling back slowly, you both had smiles on your faces, Will pulling you closer to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“Excuse me,” Epps interrupted.
The both of you turning your attention on him.
“As cute as this shit is it’s highly inappropriate in the middle of the battle. I’m just saying we are trying to stay alive and shit.”
Oh my fu- I don’t even know what this isssss
Couldn’t tell you what my original ideas was or nothing. I believed this was going to short-
I enjoyed writing it though! Shoutout again to @merakiaes for being on this lennox train with me lol
I’m just....I’m just gonna leave this mess here.
- Mo
Tags: @merakiaes @lilythemadqueen
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inactiveanimeblog · 3 years
itachi getting you pregnant headcanons
tw : sex, breeding kink, swearing, itachi is kind of yandere-ish
okay so i made this more of fwb type of thing rather than a relationship, i never really see itachi fwb fics or headcanons and i wanted to give it a go !
also this was a request! thank you for requesting because i had fun writing it!
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-the first time itachi seen you, you were volunteering at an orphanage and playing with the children in a small village not far from the akatsuki hideout
-he thought you were absolutely beautiful and kind. he thought it was the cutest thing to see that you were taking time out of your day to make children’s days better
-itachi immediately took a liking to you, watching you from a distance every chance he could until one day he got the courage to talk to you
-you guys hit it off, he was calm, not having an erratic personality and you loved it. it was a very mutual attraction but you didn’t want a relationship
-he was upset and couldn’t understand how you could like him but not want to be with him
-you proposed an idea that you guys could be friends with benefits, where you could have sex and be friends, without all the relationship drama. besides you weren’t looking to be tied down anytime soon
-so naturally he accepted because he wanted to get you pregnant, he acts like he’s okay with the whole deal even though he wants you to be all his and only his
-the sex would be amazing. eye contact, passionate kissing, soft touches. his moans were angelic and he always made sure you came before he did
-he would make sure the first two months you guys were having sex that he wouldn’t cum in you, so you wouldn’t freak out this early on being pregnant
-at some point he switches your birth control pills with vitamins
-then one day he decides to stuff you full of his cum, making sure you get all of it inside you. he pulls your legs up to your chest knowing that it’s the best position to get someone pregnant
-you on the other hand have not a clue that he’s trying to get you pregnant. you’re just enjoying the sex, your soft hands holding his face while he fucks you deeply, stroking in and out of you with a slow pace. you can feel every inch of his dick coming in and out. it feels as though his dick was meant to be in you
-he is already excited, thinking of baby names and thinking about how you’ll look with his baby growing inside you
-a few weeks later after the night he came in you, you found out you were pregnant. you took three tests, all which came out positive
-“i don’t know how this happened itachi.” y/n sniffled. “i’m on birth control, i just— i never would have thought i would get pregnant.”
-“shh, it’s okay my love. i’m here for you, i will always be here for you.” itachi smiled holding her in his arms, his fingers gently gliding through her hair. “you’re gonna have this baby and we’re gonna have our own little family.”
-“bu-but i don’t want that itachi, i don’t want kids right now. this is just all too much for me.” you were basically sobbing at this point.
-“y/n you will have this baby. i don’t care what you want because i know in the end everything will be perfect. how could you say you didn’t want my baby when it’s already growing inside of you.” itachi was starting to get pissed
-“will you ever even be here for this child? you’re in an organization with rogue ninjas that can’t even show their face in public. you’re a wanted man, you’re brother wants you dead as well. how could you be here for this baby?”
-“i promise you i will do my best to be here for you and our baby my darling. i love you so much y/n.” itachi says placing a kiss on your quivering lips. “now i’m not going to say it again you WILL have our child.”
-while you’re pregnant itachi will bring you little gifts. baby clothes, new pregnancy clothes, a crib, toys, you name it
-and he ALWAYS brings you your pregnancy cravings no matter what time of day it is and no matter how far he has to go to get it
-he won’t let you do any type of work while your pregnant, he’ll take care of you when he has the time. cooking for you, cleaning for you, helping you bathe, and cuddling you to sleep
-you two will think of baby names for both a boy and a girl and eventually coming up with one for each gender that you both love
-once you have the baby itachi is in AWE. he tries to take time out of being in the akatsuki to spend with his newborn child. it reminds him of when sasuke was young and itachi taking care of him
-maybe this isn’t so bad you think. maybe this was meant to be
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BRUHHHH i would do anything to be itachi’s baby mama OMFG
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