#rebirth of the dragon flame
pseud0nymph · 7 months
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thecupidwitch · 4 months
Elements And Their Correspondences
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Direction: North
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Color: Green, brown
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ruling planets: Venus and Saturn
Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
Tools: Pentacle, salt, stones, dirt, crystals, wood, flowers
Cystals: Emerald, Jet, tourmaline, quartz, onyx, azurite, amethyst, jasper, peridot, granite.
Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs
Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice.
Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity.
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Direction: West
Time: Dusk
Season: Fall
Color: Blue, Indigo, Sliver
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Tarot Cards: Cups
Tools: Ocean, sea glass, cup, bowl, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
Cystals: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents
Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
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Direction: South
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Color: Red, Orange
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ruling planets: Sun, Mars
Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
Tools: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame
Cystals: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger's eye
Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger
Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
Rules: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
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Direction: East
Time: Down
Season: Spring
Color: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Tarot Cards: Wands
Tools: Feather, wand, staff, incense, broom, bell, sword, pen
Cystals: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats
Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
Rules: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
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emsartwork · 7 months
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Previously Fairy of the Dragon Flame now Fairy of Embers. She doesn't have any transformations others than these because she was fast tracked into the nymphix path, and unlike the winx the majority of fairies don't pursue additional transformations past enchantix. (i think Daphne would be interested in Dreamix tho, so maybe I'll draw that eventually.
Her major color shifted after dying and being revived, which is shown in her winx and enchantix.
other lore and design notes below!
I changed her major color from orange/yellow to more of a teal/green because. she just doesn't look good in yellow I'm sorry I really tried but it wasn't working. Also little updates to her hair color, nothing huge tho. Daphne's primary motifs are a branching "Y" shape and a double oval/tear drop. She's a pants when possible girlie and a one set winger(yes her nymphix looks like it have multiple wings but they all merge into one stem on each side) . Her scars from her Sirenix being ripped out of her caused her winx/enchantix to change a little to cover them(mostly seen in the arms) due to insecurity. Her Dryadix/nymphix flower is a daffodil! because pun Daph-Daff, and Daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings (also creativity, energy, resilience, forgiveness and vitality). Her Harpix wings aren't super specificly patterned, but she has darting wings common in small song and seed birds (robins, finches, brown birds etc.) the coloring is referential of a Shrike (also called a Butcher Bird), because Daphne was. incredibly dangerous and if she had sided with the ancestral probably would have been given a moniker similar to Butcher of Domino or Daphne the Slaughterer. (some people do call her these but its mostly among people who dislike Domino/The Royal Family.)
Lore! Daphne doesn't have a great sense of self, she was planned as a necessary successor to Marion/the dragon flame in a period as the ancestral witches were escalating their attacks and search for the dragon flame. Bloom was a back up baby in case both Daphne and Marion got dead and basically worked as intended haha. Daphne was also much more publicly involved in the kingdom than many of the other royals in winx (Stella, Aisha, Krystal and even Galatea to an extent all had rather sheltered upbringings) in a way Daphne is much more like Sky and Thoren in the since that none of them really had the space to develop their own personality outside of their familial duty.
Daphne's 1st winx and enchantixes are as direct a copy of her mom's Enchantix as you can get with transformations, right down to the more greenish tint of her major color. Growing up Marion used her fairy form liberally, so that, combined with being the next Dragon Flame holder left a deep impact on Daphne's subconscious. Daphne was also heavily influenced by Faragonda during her Alfea and Nymphix Quest years, but since she was older this isn't as deep an influence. After being revived, Daphne's years of defining herself as her connection to Bloom causes her major color to shift more blue in response to her trauma. Daphne is slowly starting to develop a sense of self outside of her titles/connections but it's unlikely her major color will shift again unless she has another major trauma.
(for the record the Winx do have trauma over the timeline I have laid out that would potentially cause their major colors to shift but I didn't do that for a couple reasons 1, their colors are iconic and make them easily recognizable as characters; 2, I'm a tired bitch. )
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elguritch-art · 3 months
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Compilation of my Elden Ring Tarnished OC, Silfr + some Lore info for new followers because of my last post! :'D
Silfr, the Dragonblooded | No Pronouns (Just use Silfr or Tarnished, Silfr responds to both!) | 7'4" Tall
A tall, towering, silent figure that stalks the dim halls of Roundtable and other places that Tarnished gather, Silfr is not one to make friends or forge close alliances.
The puffs of smokes between breaths when others catch Silfr lowering the mask to speak softly to the blacksmiths, the oddly slitted pupil peering out from behind the dark hood, Silfr gained the nickname of "Dragonblooded" through such strange mannerisms and features, with whispers of partaking in Dragon Communion being a suspected idea of such oddities, though the truth is something far darker, that Silfr keeps tucked deep away out of sight.
Character Notes + Lore Details Below:
Silfr is selective mute, very rarely speaks, more frequently just growls and makes bestial noises to communicate along with staring and body language.
Silfr's body was originally the size of a normal Tarnished, and wore many signs of battle and pain, such as the left eye originally being blind for example. Each Dragon Heart consumed gives Silfr strength and grows in size, and repairs the borrowed body further, but Silfr keeps the eyepatch even after the left eye was returned for comfort.
Draconic traits come and go with emotions or in combat, gains horns, larger clawed hands, and more prominent scaling. The tail always remains though.
Silfr will at some point become an unholy abomination of Draconic flesh, but will not become a Magma Wyrm like most dragon communion members! Silfr will be a towering monstrosity somewhere between a Magma Wyrm, Dragonkin Soldier, and true Dragon, and at this point would absolutely be considered a Boss.
A profaned desperate ritual of the Dragon Cult through a pregnant cultist forced to partake in dragon communion, only to then be sacrificed to birth a stillborn, draconic child is where Silfr begins, though not truly in the form Silfr takes now. The Dragon Cult, desperate to recall their ancient Dragon God back to the Lands Between, chose to call on their magics and priests to find a body of an unnamed warrior, and transfer the soul of the stillborn Dragon God into the new vessel.
Silfr is what woke up. Revered and praised for something Silfr did not understand, memories a haze of new and old, belonging and foreign, Silfr only knows that the Cult believes to have rebirthed their Dragon God into a physical vessel. And in time, Silfr would grow into the birthright of said God, taking on the draconic form of old.
Silfr wanted none of the worship and "destined birthright" spoken of daily. So Silfr fled at the first opportunity, donning black hoods and robes to obscure the draconic features left over, and roams the Lands Between.
And despite this, the call of this "destined birthright", be the Cult right or wrong of the truth of this "Dragon God", left an echoing void in Silfr's stomach. One that only is sated by the roar of battle, the flame building in a throat, the taste of a fresh dragon heart between lips. Silfr chases the call, hunting down dragon after dragon, eating heart after heart, regardless of where it will end.
It's all Silfr knows.
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radiance1 · 8 months
So, due to some timely shenanigans done by none other than Clockwork himself. The phoenix king (Vlad) has been turned into a child far before his rebirth and, as consequence, lost a significant chuck of his memories.
Then he was stolen.
Safe to say, the phoenixes weren't very... happy. With this situation. Their king losing his memories and being turned into a chick was tolerable, beneficial even, since they can mold him into a proper phoenix without any of those human customs getting in the way.
But for him to be stolen, right under their noses is a step to far. The sheer, disrespect was completely and utterly insulting and when they found out it was a dragon who did the theft?
They were, safe to say, furious.
The thief in question? Wasn't actually just one, fun fact. Well, they did get the dragon part right, but there was also a Raiju (Dan) and Mishipeshu (Danielle) who did the theft.
Again, due to Clockwork's interference they also barely remember lot of things. How did they even get together and decide to steal Vlad away from the Phoenixes?
Again, Clockwork's meddling.
Reason why Vlad is king? Because he managed to dominate a certain kind of flame that the phoenixes coveted for a long, long time and luckily enough it was still there even though Clockwork meddled (not that they actually know that he did).
Is Danny, Dan, and Danielle also royalty? Meh, I guess you could say they could be?
I don't know, but the idea of 4 royal children kidnapping each other for a playdate or whatever and almost causing a four way war is pretty fucking funny not gonna lie.
Right so, after the trio turned into a quartet by stealing Vlad, Clockwork meddled again by directing them to this one particular dimension, that dimension being DC of course. Where exactly they get dropped?
On Shazam, unfortunately.
Shazam, barely knows what to do unfortunately and only because of Solomon does he actually turn out semi-okay. It's even worse when he's Billy, because he doesn't have the powers necessary to actually, you know, keep up with them unless he wants to go Shazam.
Billy never thought he would become a parent, and he isn't. He's more of an... elder brother figure I would suppose? But Shazam? Oh yea people would definitely think that he became a father.
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snarky-art · 4 months
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Compilation of some ceremony/festival wear and regalia for each of the planets/cultures the Winx are on.
General info on the celebrations these are for below the cut! Some have more info than others😅
On Solaria, there’s a celebration for when the big grain harvest is done.
Grains and oils are SUPER important on Solaria.
Their plants they use for oils collected all year, but there are some versions of oil that are much rarer and some that are imbued with other aromatics like florals and cinders. The rarer oils are usually reserved for higher ranking peoples because of pricing and scarcity, but a few dynasties ago, the choice to have a few days where it’s available to everyone during this festival (which takes place over 3 days) was made and that’s been the standard, even when the yield for crops for that oil has been scarce.
When it’s a poor season for it, It’s the job of those in power to limit their intake so that the public can enjoy it no matter what during this holiday.
Wrestling matches where the body is covered in oils are held for entertainment as are other tournaments for feats of strength and athletics. There are also performances, street food (prioritizing grain based foods), artisan stands, the usual stuff like that.
At the end of the 3rd day, if there’s enough oil that season, the Solarian equivalent of apoxyomenos is done on them. If there isn’t much oil, typically just a dab applied to the tips of the ears is done. These are done by those who work and worship in The Temple of the Suns.
For this festival, there’s a lot more leniency on what can be worn by the leaders so this is just one of many outfits that Stella could wear.
On Domino, the majority of flowers bloom in the middle of the year during their equivalent of summer when it’s warmest out, and then they die very quickly, some managing to live for about a month, others lasting only a few days.
A week long celebration is held at the beginning of this season that celebrates the flourishing of life and its abundance, giving thanks to The Great Dragon for it.
It can also acts as a fertility festival for those who wish for it to be that for them, special prayers and journeys made to The Great Tree that is said to be where The Great Dragon is sleeping under. Offerings and thanks are given and wishes for luck in child rearing are given there and also at alters at home or in other places of worship where a representative who works with The Flame and lives in constant worship to The Great Dragon blesses the being who has come to request aid in this task.
A tied piece of cloth that overlaps before being tied into a knot must be present somewhere on the outfit to represent life and the way overlaps and is interconnected with the world around them and others.
There are 2 times a year on Andros in the mainland area when the tide goes far far out, one in their summer season and one in the colder season.
The first one is an example of what could be worn during the warmer one, the middle could be for either depending on if the cape sleeves are removed or kept on, and the last one for the colder one. Pelts from an otter like creature are what the fur bit is.
This takes places for a month the way they measure their time.
Each month during the middle when it’s at its peak there’s multiple days where people set up stands and have celebrations on the wet sand where the ocean normally is
During the warm month it’s a midway celebration giving thanks for the first chunk of their year and then wishing well for the rest of the year by celebrating The Moons for giving abundant resources and care for their people.
The month has an ending ceremony when the tide returns and they give formal thanks to The Moons on the shoreline and pray for blessings and good health for the rest of the year.
The one in the colder season is their end of year/new year celebration.
Same set up but they are celebrating their whole year this time and are readying for their rebirth to start the year off fresh.
This time they give thanks in the water, which is colder and this is to show dedication to The Moons and show proper respect for them giving back the water for them to start their year off.
They then all go under the water and rise back up, cleansed by the water their Moons returned to them, ready for the new year.
The Androsians on the islands away from the mainland have a different celebration during these times for their shoreline being heavily reduced due to the tide coming in.
Some Lynphean variations that are typical for Flora’s area for a holiday where they celebrate the hatching of the serpents (mentioned in this post) they see as carrying the energy of the great tree that connects the planets in their system. It’s a month long event as well with specific days for dancing and a large celebration at the end of it with feasting, stories, and more dancing.
Lots of variation for this one too so I’m just doing the one that has elements more common in Tecna’s area.
Main thing that all of the variations have though is footwear that has a bird talon pattern on the bottom that leaves marks and gloves with bear paw patterns and claws attached.
During the coldest and darkest month, the biggest bear native to the Zenith sleeps during it.
Old beliefs were that this bear swallowed the sun to stay warm and comfortable while it rested.
There’s a type of owl looking bird that can mimic speech on Zenith and is highly revered culturally.
An old tale says it came to the people of Zenith where it saw them struggling to stay warm enough during the harshest weather that Zenith had ever seen due to the bear swallowing the sun, and taught them to harness their magic and imbue it into tools and their clothes to keep them warm. It then talked to the Zenithians about the bear, and together they came up with a plan with them to trick the bear into giving it back the sun so the beings of the planet wouldn’t have to live in permanent darkness and unbearable cold.
The bird would squawk and cry loudly outside the bear’s sleeping space, waking it and making it think there was easy prey.
When the near came to it, ready for a fresh meal, the bird quickly extended its long neck and took the sun from its belly, flying away to take the sun back to the sky.
This cycle repeats every year, the bear chasing the owl until the owl gets tired and then it eats the sun again.
Part of this celebration is a long run where people lineup and race.
This symbolizes the run the bird does to keep the sun up.
To celebrate, you wake up early and stay up all day and night and a big get together for the community in a large traditional hut is set up for it. The story of the bear and the bird is told by an elder and a communal feast is held.
Different tech is shown off as appreciation for the bird’s wisdom helping them get through the coldest time on the planet throughout different smaller huts that are outside of the giant one. It’s where a lot of kids show off their first gadget they’ve made, and it’s usually something simple like a heat enhancement piece, but it’s still a big deal and great moment of pride.
The race takes place last and welcomes in the next day.
The garb here on Musa’s form is for The Singing of The Whales, because we all know it’s an official holiday in canon.
There’s a lot of variation for Melody too but the main thing is the colors.
The Whales are colored similar to spotted koi fish and their most defining feature is big red circles on their cheeks, which is also why the red circles on either side of the mouth is there in a lot of traditional Melodian makeup looks and symbolizes being loud and proud, projecting the songs and voices of The Whales.
The colors used for this festival are reds, oranges, golds, blacks, and whites to match them. Wooden beads painted red are worn often too, typically as necklaces and bracelets, and are considered a necessary part of garb for holy figures that are dedicated to The Whales. They follow them year round and attend to their needs (such as medical aid if one gets hurt or providing additional food if it’s needed) and make sure they’re protected as well.
The flowers on the outfit example here on Musa is basically a spider lily, but it has 2 stamen with red orbs on the end, and because of that it’s associated with The Whales, the stamen with the orbs looking like the circles on their cheeks. Any floral motifs can be used for the outfits for this festival though, that one is just very common given its symbolism.
There’s street food and stands and Whale Dances (which are like Lion Dances, but instead they look like whales lol). Chewy cakes made of rice flour and filled with sweet and savory fillings in the shape of little whales are especially common and sweet fried dough balls covered in a hardened red colored sugar glaze are another popular treat.
Everyone gathers to watch The Whales when they come by and they pay their respects. In Musa’s area, this is done through silence, deep bows, typically on one’s knees, and offerings tossed off the cliff sides. These offerings are typically flowers, feathers (traditionally, birds were said to use their wings to make the winds to carry the songs of The Whales. In certain areas of Melody certain birds might be associated with this duty in particular, such as Cranes in the area Musa’s mother was from as mentioned here on the Mythix post I made. In Musa’s area, all birds are celebrated for this task but it was originally believed a finch like bird with round red spotted cheeks are especially attentive to this task due to the cheek spots), and leaves.
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in-any-universe-ever · 4 months
free prompt for y'all
Dragons are not bred, they are reborn from the dragonriders of Old Valyria. Not all riders become dragons after their human form expires - only the rare subset known as the Unburnt store fire in their blood until the moment of their death, where they explode like a phoenix and a hatching rises from the ashes left behind.
After the Doom there are only a few dragonriders and even fewer dragons, all of whom possess the blood of Old Valyria. At the time of Viserys' reign, there are only 11 dragons left in all of the world.
It is said that it is both a blessing and a curse to be an Unburnt. After families turned on each other, murdering children proven to withstand flames, it is forbidden to perform identification tests, and those who learn of their curse naturally hide this attribute as a means of self-preservation.
When Viserys dies the Dance begins as it was always meant to be. In 129 AC, Aemond Targaryen chases his nephew Lucerys over Shipbreaker Bay, and after a horrible accident, Aemond watches his nephew fall to the sea below, his ruined dragon falling with him. There are only 10 of them left now that Arrax is dead.
Aemond is beside himself with guilt, helpless as he watches his nephew fall to his death, when suddenly an explosion quakes the sea. A cloud of ash rises into the air. Very few have witnessed the rebirth of a dragon, but Aemond recognizes it at once. He flies Vhagar to the scene and rescues the hatchling from jagged rocks.
Aemond is determined to take care of the newborn dragon while the rest of the family fights for ownership. He and Vhagar hide away to keep it safe, and after learning more about the Curse of the Unburnt, and after dealing with his own conflicting emotions about the death of his nephew, Aemond learns a shocking truth in an old tome - a dragon can return to its Unburnt form through dark magic and heavy sacrifice. As the war continues without him, Aemond must decide what is more important: the dragon or the boy?
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alneedssleep · 26 days
Some Natlan 5.0 archon quest thoughts (SPOILERS)
So I just finished playing through the new Genshin archon quest and I have some (badly organised) thoughts. This isn’t a theory so much as it is a bunch of interconnected ideas which I feel will be relevant in the future but have no idea how. 
Mondstadt / Venti is referenced three times – once when seeing one of the dragons and comparing it to Dvalin, once just after breaking the device thingy saying they wish Venti was here to fix it and, of course, the traveller getting a flash back to Mondstadt and the purification ability they have. This is notable when no other character or nation is mentioned outside of Natlan / Natlan characters the ENTIRE quest. 
Natlan / pyro also has a lot of resurrection stuff going on. some examples are: 
Some Natlan natives can be resurrected. 
The archon was revealed to have basically been resurrected. 
The Natlan section of the story is literally called ‘Incandescent Ode of Resurrection’. 
Signora’s backstory involves her being reborn through her flames. 
Arlecchino is able to cause a memory wipe (which she likens to a form of death and rebirth). 
Just as Natlan and pyro are connected to resurrection, Venti and anemo are connected to death. Some examples are: 
Venti is inspired by / connected to Orpheus who was known for going into and leaving the underworld alive in Greek mythology. He also shares a lot of similarities with Hermes who was, amongst other things, a guide of the dead. 
There is a belief in Mondstadt that the wind carries the souls of the dead which is partly confirmed by Venti’s story quest. 
Venti’s entire story quest is focused on death instead of freedom, unlike all the other archon’s first story quests which are about their domain. (Do I think Venti is a death god? Yes, anyways.) 
The fact death and freedom are connected both in and out of game. 
Istaroth, the thousand winds, may very well be the god of death. (see theory here cuz it’s super interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AajyhNchuRI) 
Even that meme about all anemo users having dead friends. 
While I love Genshin lore, I am no theorist so I honestly have no idea what all of this might mean beyond anemo=death and pyro=resurrection aka life. 
The only thing i can say is that the Aranara basically call the abyss death. And Venti is the only one of the gods that looks angelic. And *points to the upside-down world theory*. Venti = abyss somehow??? 
Honestly I have no idea. Second Venti story quest when??? 
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yakovski · 4 months
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Big arsonist dragon deserves some head pats E for effort on trying to rebirth the world in flames
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snepril · 8 months
Incense of Polymorph - Elemental Single use only. Duration: 24 hours (approximate)
Instructions: Empty contents onto lit candle, inhale smoke immediately. Remain by candle until transformation is complete. Use complete contents only. Do not extinguish candle before transformation is complete. Do not use if seal is broken. Do not use if wet. Do not consume grapefruit within 48 hours of use.
You were fire.
You had been nervous before. Your hands had shaken as you'd emptied the thimbleful of colorful dust onto the candle's flame, your heart had leapt into your chest as the fire rose into the air, your mind had raced with doubts and worries and question after question.
The flames had burned it all away, devoured skin and bone like dry leaves on the forest floor. Your body had become kindling, fueling your rebirth as your soul blazed brighter than the heart of a star. You were fire now, your body balanced atop the candlewick with weightless, effortless grace. You could feel it below you, holding you in place like the roots of a great tree even as you felt yourself creeping down deeper into the candle, devouring every fleck of fuel you could reach. You had to - you were fire now, and fire was motion. You had never imagined it before, never really understood that fact until you had become it - fire was motion, you were motion - restless, dynamic, ever changing and ever hungering. You burned and blazed as brightly as you could, drank every mote of oxygen and devoured every scrap of fuel within reach, simply because you could. Because you had to. Because you were fire.
It was dizzying, intoxicating, and for a while you simply reveled in that fact. When you finally looked outward, it was... strange. The world around you was, physically, exactly as you had left it - albeit much larger than before. Your candle sat in the middle of your friend's living room, the walls and ceiling towering over you like the vaults of some great cathedral. The ceiling fan kicked up a hurricane, buffeting you and sending your new form flickering restlessly. Your friends were there too, watching you with intense curiosity. But it was all so different, and not just for its size. The walls, the furniture, even the stuffed dragon you'd gotten them as a gift last Christmas... they weren't the signs of safety and comfort anymore. They were fuel, and you wanted to reach out to them, to spread into them and consume them and make them a part of yourself until all that remained was ash and-
"Hey? Are you in there?"
The voice snapped you out of your stupor. Right. They were waiting, weren't they? All this time you'd been so lost in the splendor of your new existence that you'd hardly noticed your actual shape. You were a candle flame, small and formless and flickering. Maybe you could change that?
You could, as it turned out. It took some trying, but you managed to shape yourself into... well, not quite a human shape, but something close enough. Your lower half was still firmly rooted to the candlewick, but your upper body was fairly easy to move around. Admittedly, you found yourself unconsciously reaching for anything nearby that looked flammable, but none of the others seemed to notice.
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rivensdefenseattorney · 10 months
Bloom Character Profile
(WIP) *Means it's more subject to change
Basic Information
Name: Bloom Peters
Race: Fairy
Age: 18
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'5 (165 cm)
Unique Features
Freckles that resemble dragon scales
Education & Background
Education: Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Year: 1
Concentrated Study: Undecided
Favorite Class: Ancient Fae Studies
Birthplace: Gardenia, Earth
Mother: Vanessa Peters
Father: Michael Peters
Stella/Aisha (Winx Best Friends)
Brandon/Riven/Timmy (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Passionate & Determined: Despite being behind others in magical prowess, her relentless determination drives her forward.
Curious: She possesses an insatiable curiosity, always eager to uncover hidden truths and explore the world around her.
Open-minded: Bloom embraces new ideas and perspectives, welcoming diverse viewpoints in her pursuit of understanding.
Emotion-Led & Moral: She leads with her emotions and morals, often making decisions guided by her heart. This can lead to unforeseen consequences, but she holds firm to her principles.
Struggling with Imposter Syndrome: Despite her talents, Bloom frequently experiences imposter syndrome, doubting her abilities and feeling inadequate among others with more advanced magical skills.
Self-Blame & Responsibility: Her inclination to blame herself for situations beyond her control adds to her emotional burden. She carries a sense of responsibility for the safety and well-being of those around her.
Empathetic Leadership: Bloom's natural inclination toward leadership and understanding others' emotions would be more pronounced. She might find herself in roles where she becomes a natural guide or support for those around her, further intensifying her sense of responsibility towards their safety. She strives to shield people from harm, even at the cost of her own well-being.
Emotional Depth: She's highly attuned to the emotions of others and has a deep desire to connect on an emotional level. Bloom's struggles with controlling her fire magic is deeply intertwined with her emotional state.
Idealism & Imposing Expectations: Bloom holds strong ideals and expectations. Bloom sets high standards for herself, exacerbating her imposter syndrome when she feels she falls short of her own expectations in mastering her magic or protecting others.
Conflict Avoidance: Bloom's emotional leadership sometimes lead her to feel immense guilt or internal conflict when her decisions inadvertently lead to unexpected outcomes or conflicts.
Seeking External Validation: Bloom often grapples with seeking reassurance from those around her regarding her decisions, especially when she feels unsure or guilty about the consequences.
Skills & Abilities
Resistant to Temperature Changes
Can control the Dragon Flame of Rebirth
Can manipulate Fire Magic
Very good at conducting investigative research
Hobbies & Interests
Working on Vehicles
Quirks & Habits
Loves spicy foods and adds spice to everything
Likes to be high up
Spends a lot of time finding hiding spots
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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the-mortuary-witch · 6 months
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Cerberus, often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a mythical three-headed dog. In Greek mythology, Hades was the God of the underworld and the dead, and Cerberus was his faithful servant who guarded the entry to the underworld to prevent the living from entering and the dead from escaping. Cerberus was a powerful guardian and was feared for his ferocity and strength. In Satanism, Cerberus is sometimes seen as a symbol of protection, commitment, and devotion to the deity Hades. Sometimes Cerberus can also represent the underworld itself or the connection between life and death.
Appearance: In Greek mythology, Cerberus is typically described as a three-headed dog-like creature with a serpent-like tail. He is often depicted with a black or dark-coloured body, and he typically has sharp fangs and eyes. Cerberus is often described as being extremely aggressive and fierce.
Personality: Cerberus is often described as being fierce, aggressive, and extremely protective of the gates of Hades. In mythology and folklore, he is often depicted as being loyal and faithful to Hades, but also as being quick to anger. He is said to always be alert and on guard, with a strong sense of duty and protection. He is also said to be a wise and powerful being, with immense strength and ferocity.
Symbols: three-headed dog, Bident of Hades, keys, cauldrons, chains and binding, Gates of Hades, fire, and torches
Guardian of: the Gates of Hades
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: wolfs-bane, yarrow, mint, cyclamen, nightshade, lilies, mullein flowers, black oak tree, mistletoe, and cedar trees
Crystals: black obsidian, black tourmaline, black onyx, black rose quartz, black labradorite, black kyanite, and black stone
Animals: dogs, wolves, black snakes, and goats
Incense: dragon’s blood, frankincense, black musk, patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood, and vetiver
Colours: black, white, red, green, and purple
Numbers: 3 and 7
Zodiacs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces (not official)
Tarot: Death
Planets: Mars, Saturn, and Pluto
Days: Tuesday, Saturday, Monday, Cerberalia, Hades Festival, Halloween, and New Year
Parents: Echidna and Typhon
Siblings: Orthos, Lernaean Hydra, and Chimera
Partner: N/A
Companions: Hades and Zagreus
Children: N/A
• Triple head: Cerberus' most prominent symbol is his three heads, which symbolizes his triad of ferocity, devotion, and intellect. The three heads also represent Cerberus' connection to the trinity and the cycle of life and death.
• Chains: Cerberus is often depicted as being bound by a chain, which represents his role as a guardian and a protecter to the underworld. The chain can also represent his connection to the underworld and darkness.
• Dogs: Cerberus is described as a dog-like creature, representing his loyalty and loyalty.
• Snake: Cerberus is often depicted as having a snake-like form, with three heads and a snake body.
• Fire: Cerberus is often associated with fire and intense, fiery energy, due to his role as a guardian of the underworld.
• Keys: Cerberus is often depicted with a key or a pair of keys, which represents his role as a guardian of the underworld and its gate.
• Name: Cerberus is named after the Greek word kerberos, which means "spotted."
• Role: it is said that Cerberus guards the Underworld gates, waiting at the river of Acheron to stop all who try to enter the Underworld.
• Description: a three-headed dog made up of lion, snake, and dog body parts, with flaming breath and sharp claws.
• History: he has been a part of Greek mythology since the earliest times, and has been seen as a symbol of protection, rebirth, and the protection of the soul.
• Lore: in some stories, Cerberus' three heads are said to represent past, present, and future, and his flaming breath represents the cycle of life and death.
• Relationships: Cerberus is believed to be the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, but is also said to be the child of Hades and Persephone.
• Abilities: he is said to have the ability to breathe flames, chew through metal, and see in the dark.
Start by addressing Cerberus with a respectful greeting, such as 
"Great Cerberus, guardian of the underworld, I am here to worship and honor you." Make an offering to Cerberus. There are many different types of offerings you can make, such as food, drinks, herbs, crystals, flowers, incense, or other small treasures.Sit quietly and meditate on your connection with Cerberus. This could include imagining an image of Cerberus, visualizing yourself in his presence, or engaging in prayer or conversation with him. 
Show your devotion and respect to Cerberus by performing an act of service or helping others in some way in his honor.
End the worship session by giving a final offering and farewell and expressing gratitude for the experience and any blessings that were received during the session.
“Great Cerberus, three-headed guardian of the underworld, I call upon you now to aid me in this time of need. I seek your protection and guidance as I traverse this treacherous journey. Please grant me your strength and wisdom and aid Me in navigating the twists and turns of the dark path I walk. I offer you this prayer as a sign of my devotion and respect. Hear my plea and lend me your power now.”
“Great Cerberus, I give thanks to you, who has granted me your protection and guidance. I am grateful for your strength and wisdom and the guidance you have offered me. I bid you Farewell for now, and look forward to meeting you again, Hail Cerberus!”
• Sudden and intense connection or fascination with him or his symbol.
• A strong feeling of warmth or comfort when you think about him.
• You have recurring dreams about him or his symbol.
• Noticing that you are drawn to research, study, or contemplate his domain.
• You start to see his symbol everywhere you go or in places where you don't normally expect it.
• Vivid or lucid dreams about Cerberus.
• Recurring thoughts and images of Cerberus during your waking hours.
• You feel a deep sense of connection and affinity with Cerberus, even without having had prior contact with him.
• You find yourself drawn to learning more about Cerberus's symbolism and mythology.
• You experience unusual coincidences or synchronicities involving Cerberus.
• Herbs and plants.
• Meat.
• Water.
• Flowers and incense.
• Bones and other relics associated with the Underworld and death.
• Homemade goods.
• Things that are precious to you, such as jewelry, clothing, or other special items.
• Money.
• Gold or silver.
• Chocolate or other desserts.
• Honey or nectars.
• Beer and other alcoholic beverages.
• Depictions of dogs, three-headed dogs, and wolves.
• Dog toys, food/treats, collars, and/or leashes.
• Caring for animals: as the guardian of the underworld, Cerberus is associated with animal life and protecting innocent creatures from harm. By providing protection and compassion for animals, you are mirroring the energy of Cerberus and honoring his role as a guardian.
• Protecting nature: Cerberus is a guardian of nature and the underworld, so doing acts to protect and preserve natural environments aligns with his divine energy. This could include planting trees, picking up litter, caring for gardens or parks, and exploring ways to reduce pollution and environmental damage.
• Meditation and prayer: taking the time to meditate and pray to Cerberus is always a great way to express devotion and connection. Sit quietly and focus your attention on him, imagine his presence and image, or engage in conversation with him.
• Rituals and ceremonies: creating your own rituals and ceremonies to honor Cerberus and his power is another meaningful way to show devotion and respect. Consider creating an altar to him or performing a spell to petition him for guidance or assistance in your life.
• Learning about dogs that are household protectors.
• Learning about wolves
• Playing with dogs.
• Making dog treats.
• Training/learning how to train dogs.
• Taking your dogs to the vet.
Consuming offerings given to Cerberus is not recommended because he is a powerful gate keeper of the Underworld and a guardian of the dead. His energies are also incompatible with human consumption, as he is not aligned with the human energy of life and death but rather the energy of protection and power over the Underworld. Consuming offerings given to Cerberus may disrupt the connection with the deity and cause an imbalance in energy. It is always better to avoid consuming offerings given to Cerberus.
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Version 3.5 Event Wishes Notice - Phase I
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Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
Event Wish "Auric Blaze" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Flame-Mane" Dehya (Pyro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 3.5 update - 2023/3/21 17:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the 5-star character "Flame-Mane" Dehya (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Trial by Fire" Bennett (Pyro), "Shining Idol" Barbara (Hydro), and "Sprout of Rebirth" Collei (Dendro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● After this event wish ends, the 5-star character "Flame-Mane" Dehya (Pyro) will be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation" in the next Version.
※ This is for "Character Event Wish." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Twilight Arbiter" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Judicator of Secrets" Cyno (Electro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 3.5 update - 2023/3/21 17:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Judicator of Secrets" Cyno (Electro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Trial by Fire" Bennett (Pyro), "Shining Idol" Barbara (Hydro), and "Sprout of Rebirth" Collei (Dendro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish-2." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rates for Beacon of the Reed Sea (Claymore) and Staff of the Scarlet Sands (Polearm)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 3.5 update - 2023/3/21 17:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star weapons Beacon of the Reed Sea (Claymore) and Staff of the Scarlet Sands (Polearm) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 4-star weapons The Alley Flash (Sword) and Alley Hunter (Bow) as well as 4-star weapons Sacrificial Greatsword (Claymore), Dragon's Bane (Polearm), and Eye of Perception (Catalyst) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, use Epitomized Path to chart a course towards a promotional 5-star weapon, such as Beacon of the Reed Sea (Claymore) or Staff of the Scarlet Sands (Polearm). For more information on Epitomized Path, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
※ Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapons will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
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destinygo · 1 year
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Bloom, the dragon fire fairy❤️‍🔥
Bloom has a lot of freckles on her body, and in the form of a fairy, they glow in her
Bloom was a shy girl before studying at Alfea, and she had almost no friends
Draws well
He knows how to sew and therefore embroider or draw on many things whatever he wants
She's bisexual
In fact, she is not just a fairy of the dragon's flame, but his rebirth
Loves rock
Bloom is very hot-tempered, which is why she often sets something on fire
Her main fear is spiders
The final version of Bloom, finally I like the design.
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
To start off with, I maintain my stance of "Fuck that Rabbit." I never liked the Duck, and this fucking camera-staring-at Rabbit is irritating me even moreso. May he perish in the flames of capitalism that he has created
Also fuck that narrator guy. He has no right sounding so jovial
(And god I can't believe the Duck really never did anything SERIOUSLY FUCK THAT GUY /lh)
Regarding the paywall thing, I kind of like the idea of it in certain increments. I know that Etoiles has been praying to any deity that will listen for the Nether to open, and I'm sure he's happy to know he can pay those deities off now. On the other hand, I've already seen a decent amount of discouragement on the lack of Create. I'm hoping that's the second thing to get unlocked for both Tubbo and AyPierre's sakes
And in terms of the reset itself, I also like the idea of it somewhat. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes likes to start these types of games over for that fun feeling of playing from the ground up. Though maybe the mobs should be a little weaker, since everyone's starting from scratch. Then again, Etoiles has like a million Dark Metal, so
It's also nice seeing the beginning of these communities. Phil becoming Cellbit's temporary neighbor before he begins his nomadic lifestyle. And of course theres the up and coming Home of Fobo where definitely no one is Homophobic
Though speaking of Phil and Cellbit, I also maintain my disappointment in the lack of actual rescue mission. Like I was excited for that. I made a comic about it. And while my disappointment doesn't come from my comic being wrong, it does come from the fact that this was a thing that an ADMIN introduced. RICHAS went to Phil to recruit him for the mission, just for them to just do a little cinematic instead. Like I'm guessing this has to do with the delay in the server opening, since it was originally going to open about a week ago. My guess is that the rescue was going to happen this prior week, but because of the delay in opening the server, they decided to nix the rescue entirely and just have them show up on the opening day instead. It sucks, but I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles
So remember how Bagi at one point said that the Admins asked them what structures they'd like to have preserved for NO REASON AT ALL????
And how everyone spawned at about -200000 blocks away??
Well I'm kinda hoping that there's some of the original structures, back near that Zero Coordinate. Or maybe there's something else. Obviously I have no basis for any of that, but I think everyone's gonna be upset if they really lose all their builds. Specifically the Dragon, Titan, and Bad's as-of-yet unused Egg Carton. He labored over that for a while, it would SUCK if it just never got used at all. My other hope is that there's a pay-goal for bringing some structures back. That'd be a neat way to incorporate that feature. Not to mention that people who might've been in the middle of projects can get back to said projects. I think that's the main problem with losing everything, a lot of plans have essentially been destroyed
And now an Analysis
So fun fact, you know how Ducks and Rabbits are both heavily associated with Easter, which celebrates the death and rebirth of a certain person?? And how the server has essentially been reset and reborn??
Yeah that I guess, that's all I've got on that really
All I've got in general really
Here's to 2024, everyone. And the further loss of sanity we and the Islanders shall all endure
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landofanimes · 9 months
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They didn't title the episodes so I was thinking of some options (took a couple from the manga/anime):
The Spirit Detective (alternatively: Death & Rebirth)
The Three Youkai
Real Strenght
The Fox and The Dragon (Fox and Flames?)
Great Difference
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