#reblog to spread
kosmogrl · 1 year
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dixpence · 2 months
people need to realize that attacking victims is NEVER okay. harrassing victims for statements is NOT okay. DEATH THREATS are NOT OKAY. drake essentially went through sexual torture at a young age and couldnt get the help he needed for what happened when he needed it. it doesnt make what he did okay, but oftentimes abuse begets more abuse, especially for what these kids went through when they did. no victim OWES anyone anything, not statements, not explanations, not reliving or remembering their trauma just because something finally came to light.
these kids trusted the adults on set and those adults either didnt or couldnt protect them, or ACTIVELY HURT THEM.
no one owes anyone ANYTHING.
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raceispunk · 24 days
please reblog for a bigger sample size
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stqrbov · 9 months
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I’ve been trying to find dialogue/action prompts but whatever.
Please send me an angsty scenario and I’ll write five paragraphs!
RDR2 (Arthur)
Baldur’s Gate 3 (Astarion, Gale)
I’m feeling very angsty and I would like a productive outlet.
Let’s have this going for 24 hours?
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4tarosho · 1 year
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teawan · 1 year
stagedooring: little shop of horrors
I just bought tickets to see LSOH during Jeremy Jordan's run (!!) and I'm curious about the stagedooring situation--does he usually come out to meet fans, and does it matter what show it is (matinee or evening)? I would love to be able to see him and tell him how much his performances mean to me. anyone who has experience, please let me know!!
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ragdollartwork · 1 year
I need to pay for gas and car insurance, among other expenses.
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I'm happy to draw furries, reference sheets, fan art, etc., just shoot me a DM and we'll figure it out!
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Everybody block @/pokeblog5 and @/pokefond blogs.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
reblog to give ur mutuals a soft lil kissy on the head
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elliementarymydears · 6 months
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puninyan-wibwob · 1 year
reblog to headpat the one you reblogued from!!
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stqrbov · 9 months
Tell me more in the tags!!
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modelsof-color · 4 months
Donations for Gaza
Emergency Relief for Gaza
Hygiene Kits for Gaza
Esims for Gaza
Daily Clicks for free
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ab--n · 2 months
I have to tell you guys something.
you see these asks?
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They are scams.
They are bots made by scammers to try and make a profit during a GENOCIDE!
If you see these types of asks in your inbox, report the account and delete the ask.
If you really want to make a difference in helping Palestine, do your daily clicks in arab.org! donate esims and use trusted sources when donating.
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jessiarts · 1 year
[Shut off last version of this post to avoid possible continual spread of misinformation that was corrected by staff. Reposting clean with corrected info]
So I'm sure almost everyone knows about the porn bot problem by now, so here's a post detailing why it's a problem, and what we need to do about it.
First off, yes, always block the porn bots. Don't be mislead into thinking they're ok to keep around because they 'inflate your follower count.'
Firstly, no one cares about, nor can anyone even see, your follower count. Be free from the shackles that are the bullshit other socials told you was important. Don't let your ego be tied to a number. Having a lot of followers won't earn you any clout here.
Secondly, bots only follow blogs to try and legitimize their malware (and other dodgy) links. This post goes into more detail about that.
Now that that's out of the way, you'll need to know how to recognize a porn bot. This round the template seems to be:
A profile photo of a pretty lady or guy, usually in their underwear, with a similar header photo.
A bio with some combination of: [Age] // [Name] // [Location] // [Emoji] // [Top Bullshit% OnlyFans]
URL consisting of a name followed by a number (i.e: firstlast999)
Typically an empty blog, or if there is content, it's all dodgy links. Visible, but empty, Likes Tab, & occasionally a visible Following Tab.
You likely recognize the pattern.
So, what you want to do is, first, report the blog as spam On mobile it'll look like this:
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On mobile you'll need to report spam first, and then go back to the menu again to block.
On desktop it will look like this, and unlike mobile, you'll be able to report spam and block in the same motion:
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If I remember correctly,* be sure to "Report Spam", not "Report sexually explicit material" to feed the bots to the proper channels. Because the blog is empty, they haven't posted anything explicit that would violate TOS. However, staff can recognize a bot, and if you report the blog for spam (the actual problem) they'll take a look, more than likely find that the blog is posting or DMing dodgy links, and dispose of it.
And I think that's it. Here's wishing you all a happy and safe blogging experience!
[UPDATE: It was suggested on another post that the bots track your IP if you click on them to send more your way. However, someone from staff corrected and said this is incorrect. They also corrected the 'guilt by association' myth that bots following you can get your blog flagged by tumblr.
That said, that trail all led to another, easier, way to report/block the bots all from your Follower Tab instead of visiting each blog separately, unfortunately it only works on desktop:
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(For newbies, click on the little person icon at the top right of your screen and scroll to find the Followers tab under the blog/sideblog you need to block a pornbot from.)
*I remember this information from a blog that used to be all about taking down the pornbots. Unfortunately I do not know if that blog is still active, nor can I remember the URL. If anyone knows what blog I'm referring to, and/or if they're still active, please feel free to tag them so others can follow them for more tips!
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