#reblogs are important! i was able to save some of my writing because people had reblogged it and i was thankful to the people who had <3
once again i’m profusely thanking you for archiving some of my old works and sending them to me to repost that was actually one of the nicest things someone has ever done to me ever… there were actual tears in my eyes ilysm cee
I'm glad that I could be of help 😊💕 so much was lost, but at least some of it could be saved through the power of reblogs!
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prince-liest · 2 months
i know you didn't mean anything bad by it, but it really discouraged me to see you rb that anti-reader-insert post. i write and enjoy both reader-insert and shipfic (my 2016 baby-in-fandom roots were in shipfic, but i'm pretty active in the reader-insert community as well these days). i really look up to you as both a current med student would to a resident (i'm an m2) and a writer would to a more-experienced/established writer, so i guess seeing you agree with a post that disparages a part of the fanfic community that we both engage in made me feel upset.
i definitely understand where people come from when they complain about xreader fics flooding the tags. i've felt that exasperation and annoyance of scrolling through the tags both on ao3 and tumblr, searching for fanart or shipfics of my favorite characters, only to be inundated with reader-insert works that i'm not in the mood to read. so, i get it.
i guess my point is: i look up to you. i really enjoy your writing. and because of my parasocial connection to you (i.e., enjoyment of your fandom takes and writing), it hurt my feelings that you seem to hold a pretty negative opinion about a side of the fandom writing community that i happen to pour a lot of myself into.
please don't feel pressured to respond to this at all-- residency is hard enough without some random anon on the internet nagging at you about some random reblog that is not nearly as important as patient care or saving lives. i don't even really know what the purpose of telling you this was; i'm not trying to change your opinion about reader-insert or anything like that. i think i just wanted to let you know how i felt seeing your reblog, with no expectations that you do anything with that information /gen. but yeah. i hope you're able to get some rest and take some time for yourself soon, and i look forward to continuing to your fics in the future.
Hey, there anon! First of all, it may make you feel better to know that I actually have absolutely nothing against x reader fics at a baseline. It's not my thing, I don't read it, but I don't have enough of an opinion on it to dislike it. I'm a big proponent of "write what you want" and while I've never written x reader content, I've roleplayed plenty of canon x OC ships back in the day, and write a lot of stuff that needs the dead dove tag. This post, to my understanding and in my intent, was meant to express humorous frustration with the ongoing issue specifically of a lot of x reader fics (particularly in the last several months, I suspect either because of Tiktok or due to Twitter's downward spiral) being tagged with irrelevant tags. I've actually had to ask on multiple posts something like "Why is this tagged with [canon ship]?"
Most people have kindly removed the tag and explained that they thought it was good exposure and didn't realize that wasn't how things work on Tumblr, which is great, but it's still frustrating that it's hard to scroll through a lot of tags without seeing lengthy and explicit x reader fics that are either tagged with unrelated ships/characters/fandoms, or undertagged with blockable x reader tags.
Even if I did dislike x reader, though, I just want to emphasize to you: I really appreciate that you look up to me and I'm really happy that I'm able to provide some encouragement to you in the form of someone with a similar creative hobby on the same career path, but also, my opinions on matters of personal taste really don't matter. I am, at the end of the day, A Random Person On The Internet Who Has A Blog, and I encourage you to look at opinions of mine that grate on you and think: "Eh. Just another random person I don't happen to agree with. Whatever, I guess." and move on, because in the long run this will be more fair to both yourself and me. There are indeed actually popular but harmless parts of fandom that I'm growing to dislike a little bit, and it feels strange to be unable to casually refer to or joke about that without being worried that it will hurt someone's feelings that I don't personally like the same thing they do. This is actually some of why I'm on Tumblr and not Twitter - the parasocial issues tend to be stronger on there! I confess that I don't really know exactly what to do about this problem yet, but I'm going to endeavor to not censor myself (as long as I'm not being a dick, ofc) while also encouraging people to not put me up on too much of a pedestal.
At any rate, I'll clarify in the tags of the post what I meant by my reblog, and I hope this at least offered some reassurance to you!
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pastafossa · 2 years
Warning About A Plagiarizing Fic Author
*edit: FIC HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN OFF AO3! Her blog posts here on tumblr however remain up so I ask that this keep circulating. *Edit again: all accounts appear to have been taken down, and all blogs look down save for her @k-9bails account which she had the audacity to use to try to follow me again. I’ve got a reblog with all the relevant updates but I’m adding it here, too. Original post: Right. Time for the callout post, since the thief has refused to answer my messages or take down the fic. Before we start: do not send her hate mail. At most, I’m looking for firm requests that she take down her fic and, as you’ll see, all the blog posts where she’s stolen content from me. Mostly I’m just trying to apply firm pressure so she takes all the stolen work down, and so that people are aware of what she’s doing so she can’t do this to anyone else. So, let’s start. If you’re in the Daredevil fandom on tumblr and AO3 at all, you might have heard of my fic The Red Thread about a psychic reader/OC referred to as Jane Hind/The Hound, who can see, via third eye, psychic threads of connection between people, animals, and beloved objects. It’s this fic that’s been blatantly plagiarized by @k9bails (who’s blocked me at present, so here’s the link to her main blog which I managed to access before I was blocked). Her fic on AO3 is called Legend, under the username K9bails. She’s also got a side blog called @k-9bails​ which appears less active, and a wattpad profile here, so please, if you write, make sure your work hasn’t been stolen. She’s only got the first chapter as of today, but it’s already full of stolen material, and her blog is absolutely bursting at the seams with things she’s stolen from me. Fortunately, before she blocked me, I was able to get screenshots, both of the fic just in case she edited it later, and her blog (which I had to screenshot on PC, so apologies for messiness).  I’ve made a report to AO3 (please DO NOT report it on AO3, they prefer only one person do the reporting so that the volunteer team isn’t overwhelmed) and I am awaiting word back. But she’s also got my stuff all over her tumblr, and since she’s ignored my messages, it’s time to post it, since she’s active in the fandom and I don’t want her taking anyone else’s work.
Let’s start with the main bit from her fic. Left side is my first chapter, right side is her fic. If you’ve read TRT, you know that the concept of psychic threads seen through the third eye is incredibly important. They connect friends and acquaintances, family, pets, and even beloved childhood objects, with each type of connection denoted by a different color. She’s rotated some colors around, and taken some of the colors I introduce later like white, black, and purple, but this is very much my concept. Note she’s stolen a line almost directly word for word here: ‘Silver threads always struck Scout as the saddest,’ to compare to my, ‘That last always struck you as the saddest.’
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In this case, she’s also taken the kaleidoscope effect line from a few chapters later:
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I thought this was blatant, but it only got worse: she lifts two of my other original characters, and doesn’t even bother to change their fucking names. In this case, in her very first chapter, she’s lifted both Ciro, my OC’s Italian father figure (I’ve added a screenshot on the upper right from Ch17 of the first time his name is used), and Eli, an OC adopted by Ciro (also added to screenshot, bottom right). Eli doesn’t even appear until ch 36 so this stretches a long ways.
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The rest of this I’m going to put behind a see more tag, cause we got a lot to go.
But we’re not done, believe it or not, considering there’s only a single chapter of hers so far - a single chapter containing a very similar opening line, and a bizarre lift of my frequent End Note message that leads to my tumblr??? That one puzzled me because there’s no real reason to steal that.
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Yet another: she’s made use of the Hound theme, and made a barebones attempt to change the summary line enough to slide under the radar. If you’ve read TRT then you know, but if not: my OC’s code name is Hound, she’s frequently referred to as Hound or the Hound of Los Angeles, there are Hound metaphors galore, and Matt has taken to calling her his Hellhound, and those references are honestly so common it’d take hours to list them all. 
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I also happened to notice, after all this, that she’d linked to her tumblr, much like I did. So I wandered over. And it only got worse from there. Her own ‘answers’ to asks mimic mine, including lifting answers from posts I made here on tumblr. I’m not going to keep having side by sides because the post will get crazy long but if anyone wants receipts on any of these, I’ll go find it on a case by case basis.
Here’s where she mentions her character using threads to track people down for Bad Figures who want to kill them, along with tracking down threads for information, aka a major plotline of my fic and literally my character’s stated profession. Screenshot:
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Here’s where she describes more about how ‘her’ threads and abilities work (starred paragraph is an almost exact summary of how my character’s abilities work, including how she can send them images and feelings, down to how a red thread is needed to control a person, definitely her taking my major plotline involving body jumping via red threads). She also, SURPRISE! Steals my psychic animals that inhabit the threads, that I’ve hinted relate to the subconscious, and that usually have some traits from the character. Oh, and the part about how doing all that makes her sick, yet again lifted from my fic, where my character gets incredibly sick the more she pushes herself doing all this.
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Here’s another section in which she lifted Ciro - my Ciro that adopted Jane Hind is a native Italian, founded the particular family-like group he’s a part of, and also basically adopted Eli - who was raised in the US.
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This section is where she’s roughly stolen Jane Hind’s mental trauma and the cause: her childhood arc. I’ve discussed at length here on tumblr (going to work on finding those posts in my tumblr history and update here when I can) and in the fic itself all the things she’s missed, using exactly this sort of phrasing. In fact, our major arc we’re currently going through in the fic (chapters 130 or so)... hm, references frequently missed out Christmases, birthdays, and little things we take for granted. This is one reason I’m sure she’s reading the fic as it’s getting posted. On top of that, she decided she’d also lift how Jane had never seen a beach and fell in love with it the first time she did. It’s a small detail but it’s just yet another thing she’s acting like is hers, just like the details about how this is all new and her Nelson and Murdock friends have taken her in. 
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Perhaps most bizarrely, her blog has even been reblogging posts friends have tagged me in that I’ve responded to. In this one, though, she gets a little too obvious - not only is she reblogging a post, maybe a few days after another friend tagged me in it and I reblogged it, but she also tried to tag her fic ‘the psychic thread’ as opposed to ‘the red thread’, which is my own series tag.
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I have no idea why she’s done this. I have no idea why she was so blatant, why she thought she could get away with it. She also appears to have a few sock puppet accounts - for example, she makes a claim lifted straight from a half-joking post I made about my OC’s potential pokemon and then makes her own post using the same pokemon for her OC, and credits it to another account that seems to just exist to make her look more realistic. It was one of the more bizarre things stolen, since my post about it didn’t get much attention, but it proves she’s actively following me on tumblr quite closely, proven by a friend who snagged a few screenshots of her likes tab where she’d liked my posts.
She’s blocked me now, so I can’t see her main blog. I can’t ask her to take it down anymore, outside of the comment I’ve left on her fic and the report I made to AO3. But she knows, 100%, that she’s stolen my work, and just as frustrating, has gone on at length on her blog about how all your characters should be original, and truly yours, and how you should never imitate other authors. It’s a ballsy move considering how small the Daredevil fic circle is here on tumblr and AO3.
And look. I don’t want her to drown in hate mail. I really don’t. All I want is for her to take down the fic, and remove the posts in which she blatantly stole content from me. I’ve worked on TRT for years, I’ve poured hours and hours and almost a million words into this story, and the fact that this person is still reading it as they’re plagiarizing it is both incredibly insulting and incredibly hurtful. If you’re an author in the Daredevil fandom, I highly recommend blocking her. She’s mentioned a few very popular authors in the fandom in the blog posts, so I know she’s reading your work, too, and I don’t want yours stolen anymore than I do. If you see someone commenting about her fic, tell them its stolen. Warn your DD author friends. And if you’re going to say something to her, let it be a request to take down her fic and delete the blog posts that have plagiarized my content. That’s my end goal - not to burn her life down but to just pressure her to stop stealing something very, very dear to me, and hopefully learn not to do this in the future.
That’s all I want. *Edited 12/20: as of today, her fic on AO3 has been taken down! The scores of comments, or AO3′s plagiarism team, has done the job so this is a huge win, and I’m grateful to everyone that helped! Her tumblr posts on her k9bails account, however, are still up, and she has yet to respond, so let the pressure continue. I’m also hunting for her other accounts since it’s become clear the k9bails account and the @k-9bails​ account are both not her main blog. If anyone has any leads or knows who this person is, please send me a message! I want to find their main blog in case it’s following me so I can block it, and potentially apply pressure there to get her to take my work down on her k9bails account.
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Rehabilitation | Part 2
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | After your mission went completely sideways, you started drinking away the pain and guilt, without success. It became so bad that Bucky had to sign you up for rehab, and it was quite a shift at first. The longer you're there, the better you're doing, and the more you realize how deep your love for Bucky goes.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Light angst, mentions of alcohol withdrawal, flashback to a traumatic event,
A/N | This is the follow-up to my fic called Rehabilitation. Nobody asked for this but I needed to write it, so here you go 😉 This part will have a lot less angst than the first, and will mostly be fluff with some angst sprinkled in here and there.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Readjusting to the program and routine inside the rehab facility was hard at first because you were going through a pretty severe case of alcohol withdrawal. Your most prominent symptoms were hand tremors, sweating, an extremely high heart rate, headaches, and a loss of appetite. The staff kept a very close eye on you, as well as the medical wing at the facility, but it still felt like you were dying every single day you had the endure more of this. However, because they took very good care of you, you were able to get through it without too many problems, and within a week you were starting to feel better.
You started eating more regularly and even ate with the rest of the people on your wing. You took more walks and exercised a little bit, you were still an Avenger after all so you still wanted to stay in shape just a little bit. This first week you also went to both group therapy and individual therapy, although you didn't quite take part in the group part yet, you were mostly there to observe and you were perfectly fine with that. Individual therapy wasn't as easy however, your therapist was very understanding about your situation, but he didn't take 'no' for an answer when you said you didn't want to talk about what happened.
''Y/N, I understand it is a lot to deal with, and I understand that what you went through isn't anything to take lightly. However, it is very important to talk about what is bothering you, and what happened that day so you can slowly learn to accept what happened that day,'' he explained, and when you thought back to that day, you couldn't get through the story without breaking down and sobbing, the pain was still extremely fresh, and your need for another drink grows more and more now. Ultimately you tell him what happened:
The mission started like most of the others, nothing out of the ordinary. You were supposed to evacuate innocent people out of the building before it would be too late, but you couldn't get to them all, the building collapsed before you could get everyone out. The worst of all is that you saw how a small girl got crushed by the huge pieces of rubble falling on her, you were completely helpless at that moment. ''NO, WATCH OUT!'' is all you could get out before it was too late and you got pulled back when you started to run in the child's direction. ''It isn't safe, doll, go back to the jet!'' Bucky ordered, but you didn't listen, you wanted to save everyone, even if it meant that you might lose your own life.
When you finally got it off your chest, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted, and when you finally talked about it in group therapy the second week, everyone listened carefully, not wanting to make you feel worse. You still cried when telling the story of course, but the pain seemed to subside a little bit, now that you finally started talking about it. During the rest of those two weeks, you already made incredible progress, and couldn't wait to tell Bucky all about it. He was on your mind constantly when you weren't busy with the program, and you usually had quite a lovestruck smile on your face when he crept back into your mind.
Bucky, however, wasn't doing as well as you were, seeing how he was just a constant distracted mess without you at the Compound. It was a good thing he didn't have to go on a mission right now because he was sure it wouldn't go well, all he thought about was you, and how much he misses you. He spends most of his time either in the gym to take out his frustrations, or pent up in his bedroom, thinking about you - more often than not fantasizing about you in all kinds of compromising positions with him pounding deep inside you. Right now, he's lying on his bed, scrolling through photos of you, and he can't take his eyes off the genuinely happy smile you sported in those photos. All he wants right now is to talk to you again, so he can tell you how much he loves you, how much in love he is with you.
~ The first phone call ~
The first two weeks were hard, but you were looking forward to your first phone call now that you were officially settled and doing better. Of course, the only person you wanted to tell how good you were doing is Bucky, and he had been waiting by his phone for this phone call the entire morning. By the time 3 PM rolled around, you were finally allowed to call after you did your chores for the day. You had 30 minutes to call, there was individual therapy right after. The woman looked up Bucky's phone number and handed it to you so you could call in the privacy of your room. Your fingers were shaking when you punched in the numbers on the phone, and you brought the phone to your ear, waiting to hear that voice you'd missed so much.
And there they were, the words you've longed to hear ever since he walked out the door 2 weeks ago, leaving you behind to get the help you needed. ''Hi doll,'' he said, the relief seeping through in his voice. ''Hi Bucky,'' you said, tears pricking in the corners of your eyes, ever since the moment you've met him, you never spent this much time away from each other. ''How are you doing in there? Are they taking good care of you?'' he asks, curious about how your progress is coming along. ''Yeah, it's okay. I'm happy there is a routine I follow every day, it certainly helps with me getting better. Made some friends on the inside which is nice,'' you told him, and he had a smile dancing around his lips. ''Glad to hear it,'' he almost whispered, god he missed you so much.
''I miss you, it isn't the same without you here, doll,'' Bucky said and finally, the tears he kept in were rolling down his cheeks now. ''I miss you too, Buck, but we both know it's for the better that I'm in here, as much as I don't want to be...'' you said with a sigh, still fighting against your tears. ''Just say the word and I'll break you out of there without a second thought!'' he joked and it made you laugh, a genuine laugh that Bucky hasn't heard in months, but he misses more than anything. The two of you were talking a little bit more about the program and his upcoming visit in a month. ''I believe there are two people allowed to visit, so could you maybe bring Steve too? I miss seeing his face too,'' you said and Bucky agreed. ''Anything for you, doll,'' he said.
A few more minutes of small talk and it was almost time for your therapy session, so you both said your goodbyes. ''I love you, Bucky, and I am very thankful for getting me the help I so desperately needed when I wasn't able to. I can't tell you how grateful I am for you,'' you said with a sniffle, your chest ached with how much you missed him, how much you miss the touches of his hands, how his lips felt on yours... ''I also can't wait to kiss you again,'' you said with a soft voice, earning a chuckle from the super soldier. ''Believe me, neither can I, I barely thought about anything else these last few weeks. I love you, doll, and I can't wait to see you in 4 weeks. Please call me whenever you can, okay?'' he asked and you agreed, saying your last goodbyes before hanging up and heading to individual therapy.
The next 4 weeks felt like they went by agonizingly slow for both of them. The days seemed to get longer and longer the closer the visitation date came, but they powered through with their weekly phone calls now, she always called him on Wednesdays, exactly at 3 PM, right before her therapy. ''Y/N, I have to say, now that you talk to your support system at home, I've seen great progress in your recovery. You seem to be doing well in all aspects, physically, mentally, emotionally, all of it. And I'm very proud of you for all the progress you made. I can't wait to see what the visit will do next week. Who will be coming?'' your therapist asked.
''Bucky and Steve, my two best friends,'' you said with a small smile on your lips. A best friend doesn't describe what you feel for Bucky anymore, but the two of you haven't made anything official, so he wasn't your boyfriend, as much as you'd want him to be. ''They're both Avengers, like me, so I hope they'll still be able to come up here if they don't have an emergency mission,'' you sighed thinking about the very real possibility they might not be able to visit. ''I'm sure they'll be here, you just wait and see!'' he said, he didn't say that he already for the conformation they would be there, he had called ahead and made sure both of them would be able to come, the two of them had the entire day off. This would be a surprise for you, and he couldn't wait to see the look on your face when they would show up.
~ Bucky and Steve visit after 6 weeks ~
Here it is, the day both you and Bucky have been looking forward to for a month and a half now, and neither of you could wait any longer. Bucky has been up since 5 AM and was restless, today is the day he would see you again, and see in person how you were doing. To get some of his energy out, he went for a longer run than usual, but it didn't do much for his restlessness. He even bought you a little present to get you through the last 6 weeks and wrote you a letter as well. Finally, it was time to leave and Steve was also a little restless, but not to the same degree as Bucky. ''Can't wait to see our Sunshine again, I wonder how she will react when we're there. Also, I can't wait to see how she's looking now, she was looking very rough before...'' Steve said, remembering how you looked before going into rehab.
The two super soldiers drove to the rehab center and parked their car, they were still early but they kind of hoped they could go in regardless. Bucky got the teddy bear and bouquet out of the back seat, of course, he called ahead to see if he could bring them and it was okay, so they got a nice bouquet of purple roses on the way to their visit. ''Ready to go in, Buck?'' Steve asked and he nodded, so they walked towards the front door. ''Hi, we're here to visit Y/N Y/L/N, we were told we could come to visit her today,'' Steve said to the lady at the front desk. ''Ah yes, she's been expecting the two of you! She has talked my ear off all about the both of you yesterday, so I'm sure she'll be very excited to see you,'' she said before getting up and showing them to the common room, where there would be more visitations going on today.
During this visitation day, they could walk all around the center to show their loved ones every part of their process, but the welcome and goodbye would always be held in the common room, to make sure the same people that came there, would also leave again. The two of them were early, so they picked out a table to sit at and wait, you were just done showering and doing your makeup before the lady knocked on your door, notifying you they were here. ''Y/N? Your visitors are here, they are in the living room to see you whenever you're ready,'' she said and you replied saying you'd be out soon. You picked out a maxi dress with brown sandals as your outfit for today, the weather was nice and you always felt very comfortable in this dress. Your hair was loose around your shoulders, showing off your natural waves and you couldn't feel any better than you did right now.
You made your way to the living room and right before you were about to walk around the corner, you stopped yourself and did a short breathing exercise you learned during group therapy. When you walked the corner, you immediately spotted your two favorite super soldiers and practically ran into their arms as they got up. ''I can't believe you guys are here!'' you beamed up at both of them, and first, you pulled Steve in an unbelievably big hug, and he kissed you on the top of your head, he was very happy to see you. ''You look great, Sunshine, not just the outfit, but you look like your old self again,'' he said as he held your face in his hands. He was glad to see the old you again, the one he missed so deeply.
Now it was Bucky's turn, and he was already waiting with his arms spread wide to welcome you with open arms. ''You look gorgeous in this dress, doll. It looks like you're floating right now,'' he said as he closed his arms around you, your arms holding his waist tightly as you let out a deep sigh and melted into his embrace. ''I'm so happy the two of you are here right now, I missed you guys,'' you said as you let go of Bucky, and as an answer Bucky held your face in his hands, softly tracing your cheekbones with his thumbs before leaning in and placing a soft yet loving kiss in your lips, showing you just how much he missed you. God, you could stay like this forever, but the visitation only lasted until 5 PM, and it was already 2:15 PM. When you pulled away you had a slight blush on your cheeks, making you look even more beautiful in his eyes.
''I got you something, doll,'' Bucky said, picking up the bear and the flowers, and handing them to you. ''Oh wow, they're gorgeous Buck! I'm going to ask for a vase in the kitchen so I can put them on my desk,'' you said and you thanked him with a big kiss on his cheek. You took the teddy bear too and the three of you walked to the kitchen to get the vase you need, which they give you without a problem. You've been doing very well, so you had gotten extra privileges and they were a little less strict, meaning you could have things like flowers in your room, and work in the kitchen as well. ''Welcome to my bedroom!'' you said as the three of you entered the room. You managed to make it a little cozier by stringing up some fairy lights you brought with you before you came in, and there were piles of books everywhere since you loved to read. You put the flowers on your desk and you look at them before Bucky comes up behind you, hugging you from behind.
''Thank you so much for coming, guys. I missed both of you, and the rest too of course,'' you chuckled, and after that you led both of them to the garden, occupying a picnic table after getting something to drink and some snacks from the common room. ''So, how's life back at the Compound?'' you ask, and you've heard little things here and there from Bucky, but you were curious to hear all about it now that you finally have the time. Bucky sat next to you and Steve was opposite both of you, so you constantly had to move your head from side to side, but you didn't mind. They told you all about life inside the Compound, and Steve told you he finally asked Natasha out on a date, for which you couldn't be any happier.
''Oh my god, that's such great news! Where do you plan on taking her for your date?'' you informed, but he shrugged. ''I'm not sure, but I think dinner might be nice, a nice romantic place would be nice. Do you happen to know anything?'' he asked, and you always did, you helped everyone multiple times with a date, including Bucky, but that would be in the past now. ''Hm, I think I know the perfect place. It's called 'La Mercerie' and is located in Soho, it's a gorgeous place with delicious French food, and the atmosphere is the most romantic in there,'' you said, already seeing yourself sitting there again. ''I've been there before and I believe it would be exactly what you're looking for,'' you told Steve and he wrote it down, so he could make a reservation there later.
The rest of the visit they talked about you and how you're doing, how you're getting along with everyone, and the fact that you're working in the kitchen now. ''I enjoy working in the kitchen, it helps me take my mind off of things, and I work with other people in the program too, so it also serves as a bit of a bonding exercise actually,'' you say and you're beaming when you tell them about it. Bucky has been holding your hand this whole time, and it felt right, your two favorite people in this world were here with you, and you wouldn't change it for the world. ''Thank you both again for coming by, it means the world,'' you said as you walked back inside. The three of you went back to your room again, and Steve excused himself to the bathroom, although that was mostly to give the two of you a little privacy now.
''C'mere and let me show you how proud I am of you, doll,'' Bucky purred in your ear before snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer for a heated kiss. As soon as your lips touched you felt like your nerve endings were on fire, and the only thing that could make it better was Bucky's kiss. With a soft swipe against his lower lip, you asked for access which he happily granted, the two of you deepening the kiss for a good few minutes before coming up for air. ''I'm in love with you, Bucky, and I wish I could be your girl,'' you said softly as you rest your forehead against his. ''Oh doll, you don't know half how happy I am to hear that, because I've fallen head over heels for you too, and nothing would make me happier than you being my girl,'' he said, and with that, you gave each other one more passionate kiss to seal your relationship. ''Congratulations guys,'' Steve said, he was leaning against the doorframe, waiting for the two of you to be done.
''I think it's time we leave, it's almost 5 PM, so visitation is over,'' Steve sighed as he knew he had to leave you behind again, he didn't want to, not again. ''Alright, I'll walk you to the common room,'' you said as you walked in front of the guys, still holding Bucky's hand as he walked close behind you. ''I'm going to miss both of you so much, but I promise to call every chance I get, okay?'' you said and the two men gave you big hugs before letting you go again. Bucky pulled you in for one more kiss before leaving you, now he wouldn't see you until you could finally go home, which would be another 6 long weeks away. The two men walked out and waved a few more times, and you ran to your bedroom to wave them goodbye again, just like the last time they left, and you sent Bucky another kiss through the air.
~ The day you're going home ~
The last 6 weeks have been great, especially since you saw Bucky and Steve during visitation, which is exactly what you needed. You kept going to therapy and working hard on yourself, exercise was also part of your daily routine, and you worked yourself up in the kitchen to the point where you were 'head chef' some days, meaning you could decide the menus and even steer the other people in the kitchen as you worked to prepare the meals. You heard from Steve that the date with Natasha was a success, and you gave the perfect recommendation, which made you happy. Bucky called you every single week and promised you he would pick you up today, and you couldn't wait. But little did you know, he wouldn't show up alone today. He brought every single Avenger with him, just like when they dropped you off. You got all of your stuff together and were waiting in the common room until Bucky showed up to take you home.
That morning, you decided to wear a simple outfit with a floral element to fit perfectly with the weather, and you couldn't feel any better than you did at that moment. You were reading your book when you heard some murmuring in the hallway leading to the common room, causing you to look up. In less than a minute you were crowded by all the Avengers who wanted to give you hugs and tell you how much they missed you. ''There's our little ray of Sunshine again!'' Tony said as he pulled you in for a hug, and you were very happy to see every single one of them again. ''I heard through the grapevine you had a very successful date?'' you asked Nat, and she beamed at you, ''I did, thank you so much for giving him the idea. It was perfect thanks to you,'' she said. Steve never told her it was your idea, but Nat wasn't stupid and knew perfectly well where he got the idea from.
10 minutes later the entire group of Avengers walked out of the building, and you were happily glued to Bucky's side. His arm was around your shoulders and yours was holding onto his waist, and he planted a firm kiss on your temple. ''I love you, and I'm proud of all the hard work you did here,'' he said and you tilted your head up, asking him for a kiss which he happily gave. You got into the car with Steve and Bucky, and the rest of them were in the other cars they brought, happy to finally have their Sunshine back, the one they missed so deeply over the last three months. ''I'm happy to be back,'' you said after one last look at the rehab center, ''And I hope I will never go back here again!'' you said with a huge smile and you got into the car, driving away to your new life.
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bvckandeddie · 9 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
i was tagged by @captain-hen, thank you! 🥰
i was tempted to skip the top five blorbos/fandoms/pairings section because let's be honest, it's really only been buck and eddie for the entire year, but i do have other interests even if i'm not as involved in them as i am in buddie. so enjoy learning more about my ao3 history, i guess? 😂
top 5 blorbos:
evan "buck" buckley (9-1-1)
eddie diaz (9-1-1)
roy kent (ted lasso)
clint barton (marvel)
billy butcher (the boys) (i literally started watching this show two weeks ago but y'know what? i'm adding it. butcher is just so blorbo shaped.)
top 5 fandoms:
avatar: the last airbender (for anyone who doesn't know, my atla sideblog is @zukkababey!)
ted lasso
teen wolf
top 5 pairings:
evan buckley/eddie diaz (9-1-1)
roy kent/jamie tartt (ted lasso)
clint barton/bucky barnes (marvel)
arthur/eames (inception)
billy butcher/hughie campbell (the boys)
shoutout to some new friends:
i've talked to so many new people this year who have really made me feel included in the 9-1-1 fandom, namely @devirnis, @colonoscopys, @shitouttabuck, @housewifebuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @vampbuckley and @buck2eddie. i love seeing you all in my notifications, and so many of you have been so encouraging, especially during my writing drought that's been persisting for months. y'all are great 🥹🫶
shoutout to some old friends:
i'm kinda new here but @eddiediaaz, i'm pretty sure you were my first ever 9-1-1 mutual that i talked to and you really made me feel so so welcome in the fandom when i posted my first buddie fic back in 2022. i will always be grateful for that and you!!! ❤️
favourite creation you posted this year:
it's definitely gotta be what a heart can do. i love dad buck so much, i had such a fun time writing it, and i think it's some of my best storytelling. it makes me really happy that so many people have read and enjoyed it!
favourite creation posted by someone else this year:
THIS VIDEO by @butchdiaz. holy fucking shit. i'm sure everyone reading this has already seen it, but ohhhhh my god. this video rearranged my molecules. i can't listen to ceilings without thinking about it. the way you edited it to match so many important buddie moments, it genuinely makes me feel so insane. i re-watched it last night and i'm still vibrating just thinking about it.
people who brightened your year:
so many people!!! @negansmiith made a graphic for hurt locker that basically made my whole year! it is saved in my camera roll and i look back on it frequently. 🥰 @housewifebuck made a beautiful hat that i am genuinely obsessed with. check out their shop!!! anyone who has ever read my silly tags on a post i reblogged and dm'd me to chat about it—i love you.
anyone else you'd like to mention:
everyone who has read my fics or commented on them telling me your thoughts, thank you. seriously. just know that when i read your comment(s), i was twirling my hair and kicking my feet back and forth and squealing and smiling so hard my cheeks started to hurt. every single comment made 2023 that much brighter.
five of your favourite authors this year:
@gayhoediaz - every time i get an email that you've posted a buddie fic, i know that i have a bedtime story for that night. i know it's gonna be a good one, every single time.
@devirnis - i read your fic about buck and eddie ring shopping and getting caught up in a robbery and i've never looked back. i've read so many of your fics this year (and tbh, thank god i still have more to read) and i'm looking forward to reading all the ones that you have in the works!!!
@colonoscopys - i’m pretty sure that i binged basically all of your fics this year and i don’t regret a single thing (except maybe going through them too fast). god, i love your writing.
@rewritetheending - gosh the way you’re able to get to the heart of emotions and describe them in a way that puts an ache in my chest makes me want to claw the ground until my fingernails break off. my fave fic of yours is still while we do what lovers do and i know it wasn’t posted in 2023 but i needed to shout it out here because goddddddd. i still think about it all the time.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - i enjoyed reading your halloween fics this year so much, particularly your dark buddie au. sometimes you just gotta imagine your wholesome, already in love blorbos be absolutely unhinged and crazy about each other, and that’s perfectly normal. i actually remember looking for a dark buddie fic when i first joined the fandom and there were none, so i’m glad my wish was fulfilled, especially when it was done so damn well.
five of your favourite artists/gifmakers/podficcers/etc. this year:
@try-set-me-on-fire - you could have gone under fave authors too, but i fucking love your art style. i don't know art terms so forgive me, but something about the messiness and abstractness scratches this itch deep in my brain and they evoke such unnameable feelings that want to burst out of my ribcage. ugh!!!!!! if you sold prints i'd be checking out in two seconds flat.
@butchdiaz - i know i already waxed poetic about your ceilings edit, but i love your edits/gifs too, particularly this one. it's so simple but so beautiful and fucking devastating. the gif aspect is subtle but intentional (buck fading to black and white while the blood stays red?????? KILL ME!). i'd eat your gifs if i could.
@shitouttabuck - you could go under fave authors too (hello i love you like a dog fic) but i wanted to shout you out here because you are so fucking funny. every single edit you post makes me giggle out loud. tbh i didn't even realize they were all from you until i started scrolling through your edit tag looking for this post. i can't get over it. i literally laughed at it AGAIN when i found it.
@eddiediaaz - you are constantly feeding the 911 fandom. you make so many gifsets on so many different sideblogs that i'm sure no one actually knows how many gifs you're constantly making. and every single one is so goddamn good??? and they're so creative. like this one??? there are so many things going on, i can't even fathom how the hell you did it. gifmakers are magic, i swear.
@iinryer - YOUR ART FUELS ME. your style is so *clenches fist* fucking cool. the lines are simple but they still look like the characters?? i admire that so, so much because i know if i ever tried that they'd look so wonky, lol. i think about juice box chim all the damn time and i don't know where i've been lately but this one with buck and chris??? it's so soft and sweet and vulnerable, with the way buck is holding him and chris is nestled. GOD. everything you make is gold.
three (+1) things you're looking forward to in 2024:
getting my masters degree!
getting a job, maybe???
posting more buddie fic 👀
+ season 7 of 911, obviously.
i’m sure i’ve missed some people inadvertently but this was really fun to do! at this time of year, with the short days and cold weather (at least for some of us), i think we could all do with a little bit of joy and a brighter day. i really love this fandom and i'm so grateful to be a part of it!
tagging everyone i mentioned in this post, if you haven’t already done it and want to participate! ❤️
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happytaffeta · 6 months
Not going to reblog the post because I respect and agree with the op and I don't wanna write a fucking essay about my feelings on their post, but I finally stumbled across a photo of the calf and I haven't had a great afternoon, and i haven't had a great week. So uh. Here's your warning: Animal husbandry is important to me. I grew up in a rural area and I, and every kid I knew, and all my neighbors, kept various animals and a lot of them were livestock. I never kept cattle but I knew kids who did. I am going to be sad and angry below the cut, and I'm putting it below a cut because it's gonna be a bit long and maybe not super articulate, and definitely not always as kind as I maybe could be. I don't expect to change the minds of people who think that what's happening to that poor thing is okay. But I need to get some thoughts out.
I kept rabbits, goats, chickens. Mom had(still has) horses. we had cats and dogs and occasionally would capture reptiles and amphibians, look at them for a bit in a secure container, and then release them in a safer location where they wouldn't get hit by a tire or spotted as easily by the dog, or my kid brother(gentle, but young, so both clumsy and curious) or the rowdy neighbor boys(less gentle, just as young). You breed livestock, even on a small, 4-H kid, backyard scale, you end up on a first name basis with death. Wildlife happens. Sometimes there's a nasty outbreak of something and it hits half your flock. Sometimes there's stress from a hot summer day or general social group aggression. There are ways to avoid a lot of things but when you're a first time keeper of a given animal type trying to start a little show flock, or a nice little herd for your project book, no matter how much you read up first, there are things you learn by running up against the reaper. Some eggs never hatch. Some kids are stillborn. A first time mother gives birth on the wire instead of in the nest box. Now and then there's an invisible but fatal physical defect that kills a critter later. My first doe kid died a week and a half after I brought her home, heart defect. No one knew. She was weaned and everything, cause I didn't bring her home until after she was full time eating solid food.
This calf is not going to be okay, ever. This is a blue eyed white foal kind of situation, except those are pretty avoidable for the most part. You cannot save these babies, and trying only adds more pain to an inevitably early death. Trying makes you into the monster, it makes you be the one causing pain. This is an infant who is never going to be able to understand why the world consists of suffering, and there is no way for us to explain it, and there is no way to make it stop that is not death. This isn't a life to save. This is not someone who can consent to life-extending medical intervention. This is a creature who needs as gentle and quick a farewell as we have the power to give. Please don't do things like this. Please don't make us into monsters. Please, let the suffering baby beasties go.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
hello, darling! How are you? I love your writing, and I'm obsessed with your blog aesthetic as well! <3 take good care of yourself because you obviously deserve it from how hard you're working
my request is quite simple! please don't feel forced to write anything you don't want to, and feel free to ignore this if desired! I was listening to "My Girlfriend is a Witch" (October Country) and I thought to myself: the obey me brothers with an s/o who's a witch/sorcerer! I wasn't thinking about ALL characters (because my favorite is Lucifer), but feel free to actually include anyone you want! Thank you for your time and I appreciate the effort!
> if you desire something more specific: the MC would be a human exchange student like Solomon, using magic to some things and making potions, having also very good cooking, and admiring storytelling. Any trouble envolving dark magic among the brothers? MC can resolve it! Or at least try to help. Another witches are bothering Mammon again? MC will talk to them, since the witches in question are on their class anyways.
(also, may I be 🍓 anon? hehe <3)
lucifer x witch!mc
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includes: lucifer x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: this was so cute!! i also have a longer series with sorcerer mc here! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hi!! and yes, you can absolutely be 🍓 anon hehe
please reblog <3
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at first, lucifer hadn’t trusted you in the slightest. sure, he’d technically been the one to choose you as the new applicant, but he hadn’t actually looked at your application, something that was definitely coming back to bite him.
at least you weren’t part of the coven that mammon was entangled in, he had thought to himself, trying to look on the bright side, dim as it was.
slowly though, you grew on him. though some of your pursuits had ended poorly, like when you’d accidentally burned off your eyebrows making a potion, or had a spell go wrong and made everyone in rad only able to tell the truth, he began to feel more amused by them than irritated, a sure sign you were endearing yourself to him.
and some of your skills were quite helpful, he had to admit. when belphie had gotten sick with some form of rare illness, you’d saved the day by cooking up a remedy when even simeon and solomon were unable to. and some of your teas and herb mixtures were useful, not to mention delicious.
now, lucifer mused, he was completely head over heels for you. sure, there were still things that you did that gone on his nerves, or thins you said that he didn’t fully agree with, but you truly were one of a kind and now incredibly important to him. plus, your sense of humor was amusing, even if he’d never admit it.
(for halloween you’d decided to dress up as a classic witch, complete with a black hat and broomstick. somehow, he’d been convinced to join you as a vampire, and diavolo had been a werewolf. it was silly and lowbrow, but he had one of the pictures saved as his phone background.)
“what are you thinking so hard about?” you ask him, drawing him back to the present. a grimoire is open in front of you, and he can see your chicken-scratch handwriting in the margins.
“you,” he replies simply, and you make a face.
“what about me?”
“i didn’t really like you when we first met,” he confesses, “so it’s quite strange how much that has changed.”
“you know, i get that a lot,” you reply, unbothered. “a lot of people find me irritating.”
“i cannot fathom why.”
“oh, shut it,” you chide light-heartedly. “if you keep going i might have to curse you or something.”
the threat, which you used often, was empty, something you both knew. “right,” lucifer says, giving you a smile. “well, we don’t want that. i’ll be on my best behavior from now on, i swear.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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apricotbuncakes · 5 months
I Need Top Surgery ASAP
My dysphoria is off the charts. I've been doing literally anything I can to reduce the dysphoria around my chest but it is way too costly for me to buy trans tape that doesn't work well for me and chest binders that stretch out even with proper washing. Binding regularly makes it near impossible to breath and with my job as a lifeguard it's really unsafe to bind because of how hot the pool room is and the physical demand of the job. I end up having to bind anyway though because daily dysphoria is more crippling than milder dysphoria and some breathing troubles.
I've wanted top surgery since I was 14. For years I've had dreams of getting top surgery and crying when I wake up because it wasn't real. Now at 20 the possibility is finally here to make my dreams come true, for me to resolve my chest dysphoria and back pain, to make me feel more comfortable as myself. I've needed top surgery for YEARS but am just now reasonably able to get it.
If you donate ANY amount of money (a few cents, a dollar, five, ten, twenty, whatever!!) to this gofundme you will get your name personally written on a trans flag that I will share online! Anonymous donors will have their own section of the flag so you can still get recognition without your name being displayed publicly! So far the GoFundMe has raised $255! Through my own savings, the total money saved is a bit past $310.
Can't donate? Reblog, repost this GoFundMe to other platforms. Share with friends who may be able to financially contribute. Just share it around (and be sure to link the GoFundMe too!!).
More Info:
I realize some people are hesitant to just donate money to those they don't know so my ask box is open for any questions you might have about the GoFundMe, but I'll go over the broad strokes here too!
"Do you have someone willing to perform the surgery on you?"
I already have a surgeon willing to perform top surgery on me AND a therapist willing to write a letter to said surgeon to also verify that this surgery is appropriate for me!
"Why is it so expensive?"
The surgeon I chose has told me the price for the surgery itself is $8,500 BUT! My goal is $10,000 because of other costs associated with the surgery! Things like aftercare supplies (things to help with scarring, comfort items, etc), bills (car, phone, pet supplies, student loans) that I won't be able to earn the money for during recovery, and after surgery visits. There are other smaller expenses to take into account as well that I haven't listed. All of those things cost A LOT. I likely won't be able to work for a few months after surgery due to not only recovery time but also my line of work, which is why I'm including them in the surgery cost. All of these things have to be taken into account for the pricing, hence why my goal is $10,000.
"Why can't you just go through your insurance?"
The fuckers gave me an out of date list of surgeons in my area, most of which don't specialize in top surgery or related procedures, and SEVERAL of the surgeons on there are actually deceased. They have been of no further help on this. Of the surgeons eligible on the list, ONE responded (and he was an absolute dick who told me I had to lose weight before he would even consider performing it on me). They also have a load of requirements like being a whole year on HRT (I'm only 7 months at the end of April 2024), having a certain BMI (a bullshit requirement for ANYTHING), and a handful of other factors that I wouldn't be able to meet reasonably soon Truly, out of pocket is the safest and best option for me.
"Why can't you just get a breast reduction?"
What's the point of a reduction if I'm going to bind what's left anyway? I don't want my breasts. They distress me and make me dysphoric. Top Surgery is the best option for me.
"What happens if you don't need all the money you raised?"
In the unlikely event that I don't need all the money I'm asking for, I will likely use it for other important things in my life or donate the money to someone else who needs top surgery. I'll likely donate through GoFundMe, but I'll look around locally too in case there's someone who needs money in my community.
My ask box is open if you have any other questions not addressed here.
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stagmage · 1 month
I'm back briefly because I'm in need of microblogging. Don't read if you're disinterested in the ugly details of a stranger's life. And if you are interested in the ugly details of a stranger's life, that's trashy but I feel you.
I have lived with a domestically violent person for over a decade. Half that time I thought I was in love, and the other half I've been economically compelled to stay - turns out when you're socially isolated, your abuser can offer an unbeatable deal on rent.
Last year, in August, I got diagnosed with autism/ADHD, in addition to cPTSD. I put my foot down and said I need support and I need the violence to stop. Spoiler alert, it didn't.
In March, they were violent again and I went "wow, no, not what I signed up for, I'm not paying rent on a house I'm not safe to be in". And I withheld my rent for three months to build a safety net. And things slowly calmed down again. I felt safer with my emergency savings.
In June, they broke their finger and stopped working. I had to hand over all my savings in order to keep us from being kicked out. They then sat around the house for a month berating and belittling me.
In July, they assaulted me again.
None of the recommendations or habits that I've tried to institute since my diagnosis have been implemented.
I currently spend my days on the computer trying to distract myself from the hell I live in. When they get out of bed at 4pm I go hide in my room. If I don't go hide in my room I get abused. Only the performance of total neutrality keeps their aggression at bay, and only sometimes.
I have an occupational therapist's recommendations pending, and psychiatric treatment booked in for next week. This cost a thousand dollars that I don't have.
I hate living with animals who are also obviously afraid of my abuser, and not being able to do anything for them. I can't keep them as I can't afford to provide for them. I can't take care of them here because that escalates the abuse, and I can't ignore them because I love them. It's actually torture.
My one goal when I left home as a teenager was "let's find a place where people don't use hitting each other to address their problems". Now my one goal is "get other human beings the fuck away from you, none of them can be trusted not to hit". Everything I've ever tried to build has been taken away in violence. I can't handle it anymore.
The most important things to do now are A) stop wallowing and B) be patient. I've organised a lot of medical care that I sorely need, and the world will look more manageable soon. I'm collapsing right now, but bemoaning my situation only heightens my distress. I have to believe that this isn't permanent and that keeping good boundaries will lead to positive change and growth for me.
Fuck, it's hard, though. Hence this post. I lose track of what's happened, and what's happening, and I internalise the abusive language, and I despair a little and hate myself. Writing it all out reminds me that it's a heavy scene and that I deserve some sympathy, even if only from myself.
Anyway, reblogging silly memes doesn't really match where my head is at, so I'm still avoiding tumblr for now. I'm too short on sanity for social media. And I don't know how to end this post, so...end post.
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cupcraft · 1 year
I think why it's important to support victims too is the reality of being a victim is that not everyone is going to have collected the evidence that ppl always ask for (and even then people always say the evidence is fake/not good enough).
Like I wont get too personal on details bc im not comfortable with that, but I want to use myself as example for my point because I don't want to speak for other people's experiences.
I was a victim of emotional abuse from a friend group for years that i only very recently went no contact with 1 year ago just about (2 ppl in the group specifically the most). And I didn't collect screenshots. I didn't collect video/recording (and even if i planned to thats illegal in my state without their consent). And for a lot of that relationship though I suffered and was in a bad place I never really quite realized it was abuse until I got out and had someone some else give me a wakeup call. And I currently still have no plans to report it or go through legal trouble with it personally (for reasons not important to this post's point.
And why I say this is because when I share my story with people I'm close to all I have is my word. My word of the things they did to me. My word on how the abuse was subtle, how I knew from a tone of voice if I'd get in trouble with them. How they'd belittle me under the guise of jokes and "game lobby culture". Etc.
And so when you think all victims need to come with you with a mountain of evidence you're really saying you won't believe people at their word which is my reality and many other people's realities for any type of abuse and harm. At the end of the day you're going to trust me or not if you're someone I'm comfortable enough telling my story to. At the end of the day you're going to see the post and decide if I'm making shit up or not.
Of course I wish I had scs of things for many reasons, but even then a lot of my experiences were verbally related with no recording (some of which is subtle anyway ill get into that in a second) The angry comments on Instagram I got were quickly changed while I was too panicked to sc them at the time. A lot of my texts were over kik of which never saved the history.
Sometimes people's words are going to have to be enough for people because that's all you're going to have. Because when you say evidence is important you're really saying that I expect every person in a situation to: know they're a victim, and once knowing theyre a victim collect evidence (even if that evidence collection could harm the victim/or isnt possible) and to somehow make sure that evidence is enough for people, plus be able to have evidence for abuse that is publicly subtle.
And on another point this expectation doesn't really cover how abuse can sometimes be so fucking subtle. You know? How can you explain to people how a tone of voice is a part of the abuse? How can you explain something that could be a joke between friends wasnt a joke in that situation and a part of the torment? How canyou explain to someone when they say something normal its the smile that tells you its belittling/anger? Like even if I had a believable recording of the interaction for the smile example, like it may not be noticeable to you because thats the pt in why its so fucking subtle! you're just gonna have to trust ppl when they know something is sinister or not idk how to explain this. How do we collect evidence for the things that are so subtle and innocuous and meant to fly under the radar in public?
So when people tell you to check your victim blaming rhetoric this is part of the reason why.
You may reblog this btw and you free to rb with additions of your own too this is an important and open conversation. And before it's said this is not specifically about any one situation it's something I've wanted to write about for a while based on both fandom experiences, irl experiences, and just witnessing how abuse victims are treated in various situations. So it's not a vague.
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Hello, I've been a big fan of your blog for at least three years now but I wanted to ask what you recommend to people thinking about posting their writing/art online?. I'm a poet and I really want to post my work online but I'm terrified for a number of reasons. Mainly, about not being able to grasp people's attention. (And my work being stolen/ reblogged w/ credit but yk). I love your work and would really like to get your opinion on this.
Hi there lovely!
Thanks so much for the ask, I'm genuinely honored to be sent an ask of this nature; I'll do my best to give you my thoughts on the subject. <3 (I got a little long-winded, I'm really passionate about this. tldr; sharing a piece of yourself in your writing is absolutely terrifying but you should do it anyway.)
When I first started posting my writing (7 years ago?!) in the Sherlock fandom, I was so afraid that people were going to be mean. Literally the only way I could start posting was by telling myself that if everyone hated it, I could just delete it and pretend it had never happened. And I was terrified when I started posting drarry stuff on this blog and I told myself that if even 10 people liked it, that would be enough (I couldn't have imagined how many people would engage with this blog and my fics). Over 350 stories (ranging from 50-100k words) later, I still regularly get nervous about posting things.
I don't know how to get people not to steal other peoples' work. I don't know how to stop ai bots from consuming writing/art and popping out soulless shit because of what it consumed. There are no answers that I can give you on this front.
And if I'm being honest, I don't have the foggiest clue how to grasp peoples' attention. The follows this blog gets and the posts that get attention continue to be a mystery to me; I can't ever guess which things will gain traction and which stories will go dark (and sometimes I get pissy about it- my fic on AO3 with the most kudos is a stupid 1k story that I wrote in 30 minutes while stories that I've spent literal years writing do half as well, but I digress). And there are stories that I see other people writing that I'm obsessed with- their prose, their imagery, their crafting- that don't receive anywhere near as much love as they should and I can't understand that either. It often seems like there is no rhyme or reason to what "does well" and what doesn't.
Which is why I can't let myself get caught up in which stories are well received and which aren't. For me, writing and sharing things can't be about what will get the most reach because I can't base the story's worth (or my own worth) off of that or I'd never post anything at all. Don't get me wrong, I love for my fics to receive kudos/likes, comments, and reblogs- it's a euphoric high. But in the end writing has been about giving myself permission to be free to be an entire person without the constraints I put on myself day in and day out. It's been about putting into words all of my darkness, my fears, my failings, my desires, my wants and needs along with all of my beauty, and strength, and joy, and hope. It's been putting my heart down on a page and believing that the response I receive is less important than the process of self discovery. Over and over, I've written myself the life I want to have; I've written the type of partner I want to have, the type of partner I want to be; I've written about healing and self discovery. Writing for me has been a way to fall in love with myself over and over again, to heal woundedness, to offer myself some hope, some comfort, a dose of encouragement and bravery, a little bit of tenderness when it was scarce.
Reading fanfiction when I was in my early twenties saved my life. I'm not saying this to be dramatic, it is actually true. Reading fanfiction saved me from an abusive relationship and helped to keep me from going back. Reading fanfiction taught me what it meant to be loved well and it changed my standards for myself forever. Part of my desire to pour back into this community stems from that. If there is even one person whose life can be touched in that way, who can realize how lovable they are, who can see how they deserve to be treated and loved, my time was well spent.
I'm not saying that has to be your reason for sharing the gift of yourself. We all write and create for different reasons. But I do believe that all humans were made to create and we were all made to share ourselves in what we make. Share your words for you. Share them as an act of rebellion. Share them as an act of war or change. Share them as a way to express the deepest emotions of your being. Share them because they are a part of your own soul. Share them as an act of self-love and a way of honoring the unrepeatable, beautiful person that you are. Whatever your reason for sharing your words, make it a reason that is about you. You deserve to be seen and loved, to be known in a way that can only happen when you give yourself permission to be vulnerable. There are, in my humble opinion, few things that bare your soul the way that sharing something you've created does. Love yourself enough to give yourself away.
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thirtheenprimes · 7 months
I'm afraid I've been enamored with a series, with a fandom, with a relationship dynamic, that is very controversial. Again. Last time I was /not/ on Tumblr until after the time relevancy of the controversy had faded. I hadn't really been swept into the 'everyone hates this thing and my posting about it makes me annoying/lesser in people's eyes' issue. If you post about Homestuck nowadays, you're just some weirdo.
And look, I /know/ the controversies and upset people have with this series. I don't have any problem with people being upset over these things. I don't fully (fully is an important word here) understand the hate, the seemingly very emotional response some people seem to have against the whole thing.
But I love it. I love them. They give me so many emotions. Most of the anti-this particular thing I see, especially the anti-this particular couple shit, just doesn't make sense! Not in a way that makes me feel like I should feel the same way. The diversity of the human experience is AMAZING and I genuinely have no problem with other people choosing to avoid it because it rubs them the wrong way.
But your honor, I LOVE them.
I'm trying to keep my reblogging of the posts and fanart I find on here that make me so happy to a side blog, what I've started using to keep track of lots of different fan art that I want to be able to find easily, but there is no way I'm going to keep this off my main blog, so to anyone who hates the show and the creators, I am sorry.
I am not ignorant of the problems people have posted about the show and the creator. And I'm going to avoid acknowledging them here, reblogging critical shit, because I use Tumblr to be happy. Just because a person engages with media that has some problems doesn't mean they aren't unaware of those problems.
I engage with media that makes me feel things. HelluvaBoss makes me /feel/ things. It is consuming me, and I'm sorry to anyone for whom the controversies surrounding Vivienne and her choices/whatever cannot be separated from watching her shows, but when I consume media none of the background shit comes into factor. This is nothing close to the HP issue for me.
Anyways, I can't stop writing for those two troubled dumbasses who have my favorite flavor of 'I can't communicate to save my life' and 'I love you but I'm not comfortable discussing shit like that so I'm just going to make things worse'.
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the-au-collector · 7 months
I have no backing for this but I feel like every post about KH I’ve been making lately has been very negative??? Idk I reblogged a post today and realized it was really really negative? And like. I don’t like KH3. I stand by that. And it’s because I fucking love this series. I love it’s characters. I love how much of a madman Nomura is.
But. I can also feel the lack of love that went into KH3. That’s not to say there wasn’t any love. The world designs are phenomenal (did you know they modeled a specific city block in San Francisco for San Fransokyo’s level? I need to post that comparison soon). The gameplay, while too flashy and breaking the flow of gameplay constantly, looks really good. The game looks good. It feels good to play. I hate the game yet it’s my most replayed KH game to date.
Yet I can’t help but feel like Nomura was tired when writing it. He was tired of these characters. Tired of this arc. He wanted to move on. I don’t blame him. He’s been working on the Xehanort arc for around a decade. Damn, I would be tired too. But it’s a problem when I can feel that tiredness in the story.
And it permeates the story. The sequel-baiting. The bringing up things out of left field. Fucking Verum Rex. It’s just. KH3 feels tired. It feels tired of its own IP. It feels tired of the arc it’s supposed to be ending. It feels tired of Disney and Sora and the characters we’ve been following for years.
Idk, I mostly just feel disappointed about KH3. At this point, I’m just tired of it. I loathe the game because I love the series and I hate how lackluster of an ending KH3 got because Nomura got tired/wants to do other things with the series (*side eyes the hideous rebrand of Versus XIII as Verum Rex*). This series is near and dear to my heart and it’s just sad. When the game came out, I felt betrayed. There was too much coming out of left field. Too much focusing on what was ahead instead of closing off arcs. It was too little too late.
We waited thirteen years—and for what? For Sora to be sent left and right with no direction across 6 Disney worlds? For everything to be wrapped up in a nice little bow with little to no struggle or emotional agony that all of the previous games have consistently given us? For Sora to just be able to fix things with no consequences? For every world Sora was sent to to feel inconsequential (and I can see the effort there. I can see so, so much effort to make something. Each movie featured has themes of loss and sacrifice but it’s just not there in KH3)? For Sora to not even take a front-seat in most of the story? He’s just there, a vessel for the player to watch events that he has nothing to do with unfold? What happened to Sora, the main character? Why does no one want to involve him on anything? Now he’s just the dues ex machine all the important people get to call when they get in trouble. Where’s the setup? Where’s the payoff? Where’s the hours of Lea agonizing over Roxas and Xion? Where’s Aqua and Ven trying desperately to save Terra, knowing he might be too far gone? Where’s Sora, facing up against the biggest foe of his life, who’s supposed to be the most conniving, deceitful man ever? It all just gets shoved to the end, barely mattering outside of a single world.
The worst part is—I know Nomura can write something good. I know he can do the setup and payoff. He explained why Mickey was shirtless in KH1 for Pete’s sake! He did really good at Union X’s story and making us really care about the new characters we have never met! He made impeccable Disney Worlds in Dark Road that had plot relevance! I know he can make something good, great even! So why didn’t he with KH3?
Sorry for the long post. Figured I’d explain some of my disappointment in KH3. I really do love the series, and it’s what makes KH3 so disappointing and bad to me. I know this is a 5-year old conversation but I’d figured I’d put my 2 cents into the pot.
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indecentpause · 11 months
Hi! I decided to check your stories on ao3 and see that you have 20?? original stories!
I am gonna start reading some but if you don't mind I have a question.
how you were able to write so much? and they seem to have similar themes but how can you write a whole different story 20 times?? that's pretty cool. I have not even written 1 yet but you inspired me now
Hello Anon!
So, the first answer didn’t come out right, and the second I accidentally deleted. Third time’s a charm? Heads up, I'm autistic and I overexplain things, so this is going to be kind of long.
Most of the stories labeled with Sheraton Academy, with the exception of two (one which is not finished yet), they were results of my wife @ohsugarfoot and I bouncing ideas back and forth on long drives. Most of those characters are from an old pbp rpg from decades ago, where we met through her character Josselin and my character Meara. We are two huge nerds who are not afraid to write self-indulgent self-fanfic! Something would remind us of a character, and we’d laugh about it, and sometimes that was it, but sometimes it would spark a conversation of ‘What if this happened? Then ‘what if this happened?’ And soon enough we have a bare bones plot, or at least some beats.
I highly recommend getting yourself a person like this! Whether you meet irl or just talk online, having a person willing to be a sounding board is SO helpful. Writing takes a long time, and it can get lonely! Having someone to cheer you on helps so much.
Some of others were often based on alternate scenarios with some of my characters (Stars in Our Hands was a genderbent ‘what if Darcey and Jordan were women, how would their lives be different in a similar setting and what would their relationship be like?) SOME were things I’d been mulling over since I was a teenager, and now I’m in my late thirties, so they’ve had plenty of time to marinate. (I wrote three chapters of the first Feeling Is First in high school, and then dropped it for fifteen years until I found an idea where the characters really worked). Most of the non-Sheraton stories were based on those initial characters and ideas, just bouncing around in my head for a decade or so! Most of them I kept to myself until they were finished, occasionally asking Sugar to look at things if I was stuck. Those were a little more lonely, but I loved the characters and telling there stories was really important to me.
In the meantime, I was sharing prompt-inspired short stories here on writeblr. I slammed them out three times a week. The first dozen or so got a lot of likes, but don’t let that fool you —most of them were people just saving the prompts I was using. I even had people reblog and delete my story so they had reblogged just the prompt (this was back when you could edit other people’s posts). It sucked! But I wrote them because I loved to write them, and I shared them here because I have a handful of friends who liked to read them. Again, look for the cheer-readers! Those are the people who will get you through the rough times.
Short stories and longform stories are totally different monsters, though, and writing something longform can take years. It’s a totally different skillset. It’s not like some other kind of art that take a few days or weeks to finish before you have something to share. That’s where things like writeblr come in! If you feel comfortable sharing works in progress, and you have a Tumblr, I’d highly suggest starting one of your own and sharing ideas! You can share excerpts, make playlists, if graphics are your thing you can make those! Involve yourself in tag games (there’s always someone making a list, and it’s a good way to meet people and make friends and acquaintances). Jump on the trends going around on Tumblr like the Comic Sans Powerpoint or the Netflix show template, off you’re able.
The internet is a big place. Eventually you will find your people. Knowing there are friends and followers and mutuals online who want to read your work is inspiring! Even if you’re a slow writer, knowing people are interested in your ideas helps so much. I know plenty of incredibly talented people who often just ramble about characters and worldbuilding ideas, too, and even that can be helpful. And it’s fun for you and for people who like your ideas to read! You can also maybe find a local writing group or discord group, although with those ymmv. There are a lot of crap ones. There are some great ones too, though! You just have to be patient and dig.
Also, keep in mind that despite the dates I posted them, I finished my first full length novel (Two Heartbeats on One Page) back in 2012. (Then of course there was beta-ing and editing and stuff, but that was when I finished the first draft.) And before that I wrote all the time in high school, even though I only finished one novel, and it wasn’t very good, haha. I had been storing these up for years (I didn’t post my first novel until 2016) and was hoarding them like dragon because I was plagiarized in high school, and I was so scared of it happening again. But then I realized that the community was worth the risk, so I jumped in.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HERE, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH: I am unable to work a normal job due to physical and mental disability, and my wife is the breadwinner. While I am not always able to write, often because of those things, I still have more chances to pop out a paragraph here and there. If I can’t get out of bed that day I can jot down notes on my phone. When I was writing and working before all that, I wrote much much less. If you have to work, or go to school, or take care of someone, or take care of a property, it is much, MUCH harder. It’s totally doable! But it’s a difficult balancing act so it might very well take you longer than it would if you weren’t.
As for ideas, it sounds trite, but they can literally come from anywhere. Something you overhear on the train, the taste of a certain cookie from a coffee shop you visited for the first time, a song someone is playing too loud on the radio in the car next to yours, seeing something pretty at a park. Inspiration can come from not so happy places, too, bad events that happened to or around you or loved ones, things or people you’ve lost, ways your community is failing you. Not every story is happy or has to have a happy ending.
And most of all!!! Just WRITE. Write great stuff and good stuff and bad stuff and even worse stuff. Just write, and don’t delete anything. You might hate that one scene you wrote BUT perhaps it can serve some other person in a project later. I have so many bits and bats and scraps of writing saved up. Many I will probably never use! But every word you write is a good one, because you are practicing and getting better.
I’m so glad to have inspired you!! I know this was long, I hope you got to the end. ;-; And thank you for being interested in my stories. Good luck in your future endeavors, Anon!
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Hey there Hazel! I've found myself in a bit of a..predicament. Recently, I decided to revisit the new account of a writer whose old account I'm currently following only to realize that I had been blocked on their new account. Confused by this, I sent them a message pointing it out and apologizing in case I did something to upset them (i.e spam liking since they are one of the few authors I've come across to not exactly be fond of that, and I've been guilty of such in the past) but then I realized I had only interacted with their new account once, which made me even more bewildered. So I decided to ask what another author may have thought about this and they said that it may have been because I have a "blank blog" and that I shouldn't reach out to anyone to ask why I've been blocked (keeping in mind, I never did ask why. Just apologized.) because it can make someone uncomfortable and they "don't owe me an explanation for protecting their own space" which I completely understand. It is never EVER my intention to make anyone uncomfortable.
I had not the faintest clue that a blank blog can be seen as..offensive somehow? In reality, I had been building the courage to start reblogging and even possibly writing one day, but I've been moving at my own pace since I'm a generally nervous person in almost everything I do. Just recently I've been quite proud of myself for being able to send in asks/messages without being as nervous as the first time (I was an nervous wreck that time) but now because of this situation, I feel like I've moved 10 steps back. I've been overthinking this for almost the entire day and it's honestly extremely overwhelming since on one hand "wow, I can be blocked for a blank blog?" And the other "wow, now I've upset 2 of my favorite writers".
This has been weighing so heavy on my mind that truly, I feel quite deterred from interacting with anyone because of it but I want to keep trying since one day, I would like people to read my stories and I wouldn't want reblogs or anything in return, just to know that people are content with my writing. You are the only person that I've thought about reaching out to since you're so understanding and give amazing feedback and I hope to be as mature as you one day(once I get past my anxiousness).
TLDR: In case of anyone being in the same boat as me, do you have any advice on publicly writing and handling the anxiety that comes with putting out that first piece? I'm deeply sorry for the ramble and hope I was as clear and concise as possible. (And as you can see this whole thing was exhausting to the point that I'm not bothering with any anonymity)
This got a little long so read more below the cut! (Also I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna italics below... because ...work)
I can't imagine the confusion of returning to check out an author you love only to find out they've blocked you. Especially if you aren't sure what happened to cause the block.
So you've asked a question here, but your comments are of a different issue so I wanna answer both
There are so many reasons why a blog might block another. I've seen all sorts of rules posted, so I want to explain some perspectives as to why. --
Don't spam like :: some people get overwhelmed by notifications, others believe it'll lead them to being shadowbanned (this isn't true, idk why people think that), lastly - and in my opinion the most important - likes do nothing for creators. They are nice, but they don't help creators get their work seen
I know you said your working up the courage to reblog and interact, so think about your blog as a little scrapbook that you want to save and look at later. That's what Tumblr is.
Creators need your reblogs or their posts die. That's it, that's how Tumblr works.
Ageless and blank blogs :: these are more comfort level for creators. They are different person to person. Ageless is scary for adult vs minor interactions, and blank blogs are often bots (spam accounts) - so some blogs block all of them
My advice is make your blog your home before you go out into the world..it's your safe space, your happy place, so make it how you want!
DNI/BYF :: DNI (do not interact), BYF (before you follow) are great things to check out when first encountering a blog. It'll outline the rules of the author and it's possible you did something on that list that they didn't like (it can be hard to know, so check for those before interacting)
These are just a few reasons why, and I know it doesn't tell you what happened but maybe it'll bring a little background.
I'll also say that while people are allowed to set their rules, of course, still I'm sorry you were treated the way you were when figuring out why. No wonder your nervous to interact with people. Some of the interactions I've seen are ... Kinda not nice.
You're always welcome here to practice and grow more comfortable! I'm happy to help and encourage you!!
As for your second question, honestly, you just have to go for it!! If you've written something and you love it, you have to rip off the band-aid and post it.
See how it goes and learn from everything around you. I made plenty of mistakes when I first started so ask if you get lost, be open to feedback if you've made an error, and stick to your values ♥️♥️
Check out my pinned post on my blog for some writing blog 101 guides if you want more info!! And reach out if you need something.
Here's another thing, if those blogs are not going to give you a chance, there are others that will and who want you to succeed. Shrine bright firekeeper, you got this 🔥🔥
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werewolfwriter323 · 29 days
Hello and welcome to my Blog
I am Werewolfwriter323 and this post is basically just a way for me to organize all the stuff I post or reblog, so that I can find my own stuff and whatnot easier. And to find posts that I want to look at or reblog again.
Here’s the most used tags that i’ve included
#not tma (these are for most posts that aren’t tma or other fandoms)
#other’s art (art that I didn’t create)
#free palestine (any post that I reblogged about palestine)
#werewolfwriter does stuff (my tag for any “original” stuff that I post, whether it’s art, aus, writing, shitposts, memes, edits, etc.)
#werewolfwriter [ ] draws, edits, writes etc. (A more detailed tag for whatever “original” thing that I posted)
#important news/info (Anything that I reblogged that I think will be important to look back on, or important info or links, or the like)
#queer stuff (Any Queer/Gay/LGBTQ+ posts. To note I usually use the term Queer to speak about the community, just because for me it works better as an umbrella term, it fits better for what I identify with.)
#random stuff (random posts that I found interesting or funny enough to reblog)
#memes (It’s memes, what do you want from me?)
#writing stuff (Posts that usually include writing tips and the like that I know that I’ll want to look back on)
#art stuff (Posts that usually include art tips and the like that I know that I’ll want to look back on)
#save for later (Posts that I want to look back on for whatever reason)
I have been using tumblr for a while, and I had an older blog that I was often on, but it wasn’t until a few months ago with this new blog that I finally figured out how tagging works. I hadn’t really given it though until recently, and now I am glad to be able to use it to organize my stuff somewhat.
Despite being a mostly TMA and WTNV blog here's some other fandoms that I love and will gush about given the chance.
Gravity Falls
Danny Phantom
Avatar The Last Airbender
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures
Mob Psycho 100
Kingdom Hearts
Sonic The Hedgehog
Other Random tidbits
Most relistened to TMA eps:
MAG 01 Anglerfish
MAG 13 Alone
MAG 15 Lost John's Cave
MAG 22 Colony
MAG 51 High Pressure
MAG 50 Trail Rations
MAG 77 The Kind Mother
MAG 81 A Guest For Mr.Spider
MAG 91 The Coming Storm
MAG 125 Civilian Casualties
MAG 132 Entombed
MAG 170 Recollection
MAG 177 Wonderland
MAG 178 The Processing Line
Podcasts I've listened to:
The Adventure Zone (Balance & Amnesty)
Welcome To Nightvale
Random Number Generator Horror Podcast No.9
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Magnus Archives
Scared Gay
Wolf 359
Wooden Overcoats
Red Valley
Jar of Rebuke
And finally this is a safe space for any queer/gay/LGBTQ+ folks (including aroace people, or anyone else on the acesexual spectrum, trans folks of any sort (gender can be whatever you want or don't want it to be), and Bi and Bi adjacent (Pan for example) folks.
It's also a safe space for any neurodivergent folks.
And honestly a safe space for anyone else who isn't an exclusionists of any kind, I try to be a pretty open minded person, and I try to not judge others, but if you are going out of your way to harass people online for no good reason, then I won't deal with you on my blog, you will be blocked.
That's all for now, thanks for reading if ya did, and I hope that you enjoy what stuff I've got here.
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