#regular pathways
migrantsday · 4 months
(4th meeting) International Dialogue on Migration 2024.
"Facilitating Regular Pathways to a Better Future: Harnessing the Power of Migration" is the the of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) 2024 (organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Watch the (4th meeting) International Dialogue on Migration 2024!
United Nations Headquarters
IOM - UN Migration; IOM - UN Migration in West and Central Africa, IOM Asia-Pacific, IOM Central Asia, IOM Arabic - المنظمة الدولية للهجرة, UN Global Compact for Migration, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency,
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sandwichhour · 5 months
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Name's Ninni, welcome to StupidTown 🐟👍
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appleciderp · 2 years
Task Force 141 Age Guesstimates (WITH sources)
Price is the oldest at around 38
Ghost is a close second at around 36
Soap and Gaz are roughly 25-27
↓ All information on how the fuck I got to those numbers below ↓
Ignore the fact that the bio's in-game are absolute trash. For some reason, I cannot access anything past the random cut-offs.
Oh, the info after the in-game screenshot but before the verdict is legit random other info that I found. More specifically actor's age and previous game info if it isn't clear with the current info we have. That you can choose to make your own decisions if you want to ignore my verdicts!
Price: Easy start. His page says 1985.
But his current in-game bio says the exact same info as this Activision link that's from 2019. So I'm assuming they just haven't updated it from 2019, since it would cut 3 years off his age.
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Barry Sloane is 41 (1981) No previous canonical birthyear and I didn't go actively searching for much more information
Verdict: Pretty solid 1985 for the dilf.
Gaz: We already have conflicting information; on his page, it says he was born in 1990, yet the timeline says he was born in 1996, neither of which has a proper source. So he would be turning anywhere from 27-33 this year. He joined in 2008 (according to his page and in-game bio shown), needing to be at least 16, so technically the youngest possible is 1992.
But, the same source from Activision that I used for Price says he joined in 2014, if he enlisted at 16, would make him a 1998 baby. Which directly opposes his current bio, which, as said previously, states that he joined in 2008.
I am settling on Activision's ORIGINAL bio being canon, as his in-game bio says he joined in 2008 and at the end of the paragraph says "rounding out a decade in service" which would only bring him to 2018, which would be 4 years prior to the Release of MW2 2022. Whereas 2014 would be near his decade in service next year. It makes more sense to round 1 year under vs 4 years+ over.
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Elliot Knight is 32 (1990; probably the cause of his birthyear is listed as 1990) No previous canonical birthyear and I didn't go actively searching for much more information.
Considering Price is only turning 38, I personally prefer scrapping the 1990-1992 date for optimal father-son dynamic.
Verdict: 1996-1998, he'll be turning 25-27 this year.
Soap: This boy's gonna be a doozie.
According to his official page, he was born in 1996 or earlier. It also said that he tried joining the SAS at 16, but was caught that he was too young; which directly contradicts his current in-game bio, which says that he lied about his age and got in.
Considering the information on his page doesn't have any source linking back to it, we will consider he joined the SAS at 16 (which is wild and would have to make him forge a birth certificate) So if we take 2014 (keep in mind I have no clue where they whipped that year out of) minus 16, makes his birth year potentially 1998.
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Neil Ellice is clearly ageless as his age isn't listed anywhere online. Previous canonical information hints that he is younger than Gaz, as Gaz had already completed Selection when he joined. According to the old MW timeline, he was born in 1980 (no sources listed) making him 31-36 during the original MW.
Considering the position and name change (all new information is Johnny, not John) I'm just going to discard that information though.
Also, he canonically punched a cop. not important, but I feel like people should know.
Verdict: Legit the only information (even if it's contradicted) we get is <1996 or 1998, so I've gotta go with that. Turning 25-27+ this year. Roughly the same age as Gaz.
more info on why I picked the younger range is in Ghost's info.
Ghost: I struggled with Soap, now onto the one with ~redacted~ information
His current in-game bio cuts off before any actual dates or anything is said. Literally "Ghost lives with a redacted past and an..."
The wiki bio is equally as uneventful, giving us no information about him joining the military or his childhood. At least it wasn't full of information from before the reboot.
Al Mazrah is his first mention in the Reboot timeline, he's not even listed in the section pertaining to Ghobrani's assassination.
So I'm going to be pulling information out of the army straight up. FBI agent watching this, I fucking hate the military IRL <3 If I get one email or text asking to join I'm gonna waste your time asking 2000 questions.
The average age of the UK military is 30 a paid account is required to see the graph, but the information is listed just under it, meaning an officer would probably be above the average.
According to the UK Army, after joining it takes about 20 years to reach Lieutenant. If he joined at 16, he would be ~36y/o, add 2-3 years to go from Lieutenant to Captain, and you've got Price's age.
(~12 years of Service for Sergeants, which makes Soap & Gaz's mid-20s work, especially with them being really fucking good. ~23 years to become a Captain, which again roughly fits with Price being a young Officer)
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Samuel Roukin is 42 (1980) this man looks too good for his age omg. The only canonical age-related thing is that he joined the military after 9/11. If we assume he was 16 at joining, it would make him born in 1985. Which fits with the mid-30s right now, but would place him mid-20s in the original timeline.
Verdict: ~1987, making him mid-30s. Younger if you want to make him match the quick rank-ups of the rest of the 141.
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wordwizards · 28 days
Was discussing with my roommate how you always have that animal that people just Know when they can't think of a gift for you. But I was having an identity crisis because I didn't know Mine. So she said "I don't know, swans? That doesn't make sense, but somehow it does." Then she showed me a video of a swan aggressively biting someone. So maybe
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tchaikovskym · 11 months
I have to admit I never even imagined witches to be evil until I came here on tumblr and read some of y'alls analysis of literature and other media. The whole evil laugh and brewing potions did not connect to being evil in my mind ever. I was just raised with everyone around me thinking witches were cool as hell.
#my grandmother used to tell me that she was a witch and that her daughters and also me were ones too#and tbh i believed that bc she used to take the pain away with her magic#which was just her hovering her hand above the painful place#and istg it worked every time be it placebo or the#im not going to explain the neural pathways that make thermal and tactile sensations lessen the pain#but its a thing#and all my aunts liked witchy stuff#they made runes on pebbles by painting the sigil with a nailpolish on them#my grandmother also told the future by regular playing cards#i was taught the thing where you hold a necklace and ask a question and if it swings one way its yes the other - no#both my mom and grandmother have had at some point protective spells in their wallets#my grandmother always made a protective spell on us when we were leaving#i was taught to always greet and thank the mother of forest when going mushroompicking/collecting berries#me and my younger aunts (i had 5 year difference with the youngest) were always up to some weird stuff#like you know lighting a candle by the window and repearing a phrase to see how your fated one will look like#a lot of things in midsummer with flower crowns were done for luck or once again to predict the future#oh and the whole holding a metal object that started turning in your hand when you went above underground water junction#there were. a lot of things.#oh and we even collaborated with ghosts#and we had two completely black cats when i was little#and i remember i once found a part of an animal skull on the ground and i felt overjoyed#so yeah thats how i never even imagined witches could be evil#until late teens
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tearsofrefugees · 1 month
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5-htagonist · 5 months
bro i remember being young and my grandma telling me if i dont learn to clean my room then i wont do it when im older. while there is some truth there what she did not account for was the audhd
#hated cleaning bc i didnt have proper places for stuff#my grandma would clean my room for me when she deemed it too bad which meant shoving everything out of sight and#throwing away what she thought was trash#now i can actually fucking designate places for my stuff where i can trust it will stay there and i desire to keep the place clean bc it#puts me in a better headspace#the demand avoidance though! the object permanance issues! the executive dysfunction!#now i can avoid all of those by 1. taking adderall LOL but also#putting things in plan sight#the only things that go in drawers are things that have specific or regular use#like i have drawers for my art supplies#clothes in drawers kitchen stuf fin cabinets etc#but stuff that can easily be forgotten i keep in plain sight#i keep a binder with all our important documents#its just much easier starting from scratch with a place and being able to actually learn to manage my self and posessions#plus adderall. ithonestly helps create new coping skills though likeim still adhd on it but i can regulate better which means forming#pathways and stuff#idk!#i love sharing a place with people who at least have a certain respect for my things#even if the roommate that isnt my husband doesnt have housekeeping sense god gave a goose (<- stole that one from my great grandma)#i mean good lord ive never seen anyone go so long without cleaning#Anything#At All. Ever.#like BRO MY HUSBAND AND I BOTH HAVE ISSUES WITH DEPRESSION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING AND IMPULSE MANAGEMENT#BUT WE DO NOT BUY DELIVERY ALMOST EVERYDAY THEN COME UP SHORT ON RENT!!!!!!#nor does our room emanate a Stink#nor do we habitually leave trash out without (also habitually) picking it up#like i get it yk? but in common areas dont leave your trash around Constant#i get a wrapper or box on the counter or whatev.. but you just do a pass through occasionaly where you pick your stuff up and throw it away#or at least get it in one place#idk how i got into this my roommate pisses me off. also the type of motherfucker to have opportunity stare him in the face and reject it
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octarineblues · 2 months
supporting communities & people impacted by the Southport attack and the far-right riots in the UK
here is a list of community fundraisers I found, starting with those aiming to support the Southport community after the appalling attack at a children dance party, to the fundraisers helping those affected by the subsequent racist and Islamophobic far-right/nazi riots
Edited on 5 August to include Middlesbrough fundraisers. Edited on 6 August to correct the link on the Books for Spellow Lane fundraiser, to adjust the name change for the Belfast fundraiser, and to adjust the wording in the second last paragraph.
Southport Strong Together Appeal - organised by the community foundation for Merseyside, for those affected by the Southport knife attack
United for Southport families - the funds will be distributed among the nine families of the children who were at the party
Swifties for Southport - a fundraiser for the Alder Hey Children's charity, which supports the victims and the affected families, as well as first responders and clinicians. Extra funds will also support the wider Southport community
Fundraiser for the Southport Mosque - a fundraiser to aid rebuilding or possibly re-locating the Southport Mosque after the damages it suffered during the riots
Rebuilding Windsor Mini Mart - fundraiser to rebuild the locally-owned grocery store that was targeted during the attacks, broken into, and looted
Fundraiser for the Spellow Hub - the Spellow Hub was broken into, looted and set on fire at night during the riots. The Spellow Hub is a newly created one-of-a-kind (in the UK) institution, which consists of a library as well as a community centre with a mission to help people get education and pathways to work
Books for Spellow Lane - another fundraiser for the library in the Spellow Hub, to replace the books and rebuild the library there edit: included the correct link
Fundraiser for the Nasir Mosque - the Nasir Mosque was attacked following Southport riots; this fundraiser is organised by Hartlepool citizens to help the mosque deal with the damages as well as to show appreciation for the role of the mosque in the community. edit: the funds will be also distributed to the local community!
Rebuilding the Farm Shop - the shop was targeted during the riots, and when the owner and his son tried to protect it, they were also violently attacked. The fundraiser is to help fix the damages to the store.
help rebuild Citizens Advice Sunderland offices after arson - two of the Citizens Advice Sunderland offices were set on fire during the riots, and one of them is completely destroyed.
Hull Help for Refugees - a local fundraiser to support the Hull Help for Refugees charity, the donated money will be re-distributed to community members affected by the riots
Fundraiser for Hull Help for Refugees and Welcome House in Hull - collected money will be donated to the two charities
help fix racially motivated damages - originally the fundraiser for the Sahara Shisha Cafe which was targeted by the far right in Belfast during the riots, now a fundraiser for all affected businesses in the area. edited to reflect the change of the name of the fundraiser to avoid any confusion
Supporting residents after the riots - Middlesbrough has suffered so much during the riots, lots of businesses as well as just regular family homes were vandalised, had their windows smashed or even were broken into. This fundraiser wants to distribute the funds between affected people to help them fix the damages, and to generally support the local community. the newest fundraiser, imo potentially the most urgent one
Fundraiser for a Care worker's car which was set on fire - a car belonging to an employee of a care agency was set on fire during the riots while he was on shift at a care home.
If you want to donate locally but there is no fundraiser to support where you live, consider donating to your local charities oriented towards Muslim or PoC communities, or towards anti-racist and refugee organizations! And go support your local Muslim/Arab/Black/Asian/Refugee owned businesses!
If you have any information about other local fundraisers, feel free to add to the post or don't hesitate to let me know and I will add them here! We have seen so much hate in the past few days, we have to stay strong and keep supporting each other!
Stay safe everyone 💛
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #24
June 21-28 2024
The US Surgeon General declared for the first time ever, firearm violence a public health crisis. The nation's top doctor recommended the banning of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, the introduce universal background checks for purchasing guns, regulate the industry, pass laws that would restrict their use in public spaces and penalize people who fail to safely store their weapons. President Trump dismissed Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy in 2017 in part for his criticism of guns before his time in government, he was renominated for his post by President Biden in 2021. While the Surgeon General's reconstructions aren't binding a similar report on the risks of smoking in 1964 was the start of a national shift toward regulation of tobacco.
Vice-President Harris announced the first grants to be awarded through a ground breaking program to remove barriers to building more housing. Under President Biden more housing units are under construction than at any time in the last 50 years. Vice President Harris was announcing 85 million dollars in grants giving to communities in 21 states through the  Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO) program. The administration plans another 100 million in PRO grants at the end of the summer and has requested 100 million more for next year. The Treasury also announced it'll moved 100 million of left over Covid funds toward housing. All of this is part of plans to build 2 million affordable housing units and invest $258 billion in housing overall.
President Biden pardoned all former US service members convicted under the US Military's ban on gay sex. The pardon is believed to cover 2,000 veterans convicted of "consensual sodomy". Consensual sodomy was banned and a felony offense under the Uniform Code of Justice from 1951 till 2013. The Pardon will wipe clean those felony records and allow veterans to apply to change their discharge status.
The Department of Transportation announced $1.8 Billion in new infrastructure building across all 50 states, 4 territories and Washington DC. The program focuses on smaller, often community-oriented projects that span jurisdictions. This award saw a number of projects focused on climate and energy, like $25 million to help repair damage caused by permafrost melting amid higher temperatures in Alaska, or $23 million to help electrify the Downeast bus fleet in Maine.
The Department of Energy announced $2.7 billion to support domestic sources of nuclear fuel. The Biden administration hopes to build up America's domestic nuclear fuel to allow for greater stability and lower costs. Currently Russia is the world's top exporter of enriched uranium, supplying 24% of US nuclear fuel.
The Department of Interior awarded $127 million to 6 states to help clean up legacy pollution from orphaned oil and gas wells. The funding will help cap 600 wells in Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, New York and Ohio. So far thanks to administration efforts over 7,000 orphaned wells across the country have been capped, reduced approximately 11,530 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions
HUD announced $469 million to help remove dangerous lead from older homes. This program will focus on helping homeowners particularly low income ones remove lead paint and replace lead pipes in homes built before 1978. This represents one of the largest investments by the federal government to help private homeowners deal with a health and safety hazard.
Bonus: President Biden's efforts to forgive more student debt through his administration's SAVE plan hit a snag this week when federal courts in Kansas and Missouri blocked elements the Administration also suffered a set back at the Supreme Court as its efforts to regular smog causing pollution was rejected by the conservative majority in a 5-4 ruling that saw Amy Coney Barrett join the 3 liberals against the conservatives. This week's legal setbacks underline the importance of courts and the ability to nominate judges and Justices over the next 4 years.
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migrantsday · 4 months
(3rd meeting) International Dialogue on Migration 2024.
International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) 2024 on the theme "Facilitating Regular Pathways to a Better Future: Harnessing the Power of Migration" (organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Watch the (3rd meeting) International Dialogue on Migration 2024!
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
Taking Your Crown
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Alexia has booked you for a special night.
Warning - smut, fingering, anal play, choking, strap, bdsm play, fluff & after care
You heard a notification come up on your phone, you looked at the screen.
“Gold Package Booking’ 9pm - 9am Tonight”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, this was the most expensive service you provided. You looked over the details, not that there really was much detail, there never was. Not in your line of work. 
You did look at the tick box that they had to fill out before submitting, their “wants and needs”. And surprisingly they had ticked many of the options. 
Foreplay (Yes), 
Penetration (Yes),
Giving (Yes),
Receiving (Yes),
Praise kink (Yes), 
Pain threshold - (High), 
Toys - (Yes),
Anal play (Yes), 
Air Restriction (Yes), 
Bondage (Yes), 
Orgasm denial (Yes), 
Sensory play (Yes), 
But what really made you smile was seeing that it was a woman who had booked you. You had women book you before but they weren't your most regular customers. Maybe 1 in 30 bookings would be a woman, but most of the time it was men, rich men. Business men, famous men, men in oil, men in tech, men in law, men in government, you had even had a Prince once.
But you never had sex with them, that wasn’t part of your services, not for the men. That was the ‘silver package’, The silver package included many things but nothing that involved you and the customer having any sexual intercourse. Not even kissing, you hardly really touched them. The ‘gold package’ was only for the ladies. And the only package that included sex. 
With the gold package she had the option to pick your outfit, and this particular woman had picked your personal favourite. It consisted of your leather thigh high boots, the heels stood just short of 6 inches. A fitted black leather corset, that showed off your breast perfectly. She requested for your hair to be tied back in a slicked back ponytail. 
You studied her safe words, her ‘do’s and don’ts’. This was always sent over beforehand so you didn't have to break character during your session, or constantly ask if she was okay, unless you felt you needed to. You began to get yourself ready for your night ahead, starting with a long hot shower. You couldn't help but be intrigued on who she was. The customers that booked you had to have money, you weren't cheap, and the company you worked with was a very high brow type of organisation. Only the rich and famous were able to be a member of your place of work, and sometimes not even all of them were allowed to join. It was a very exclusive club. You had to be somebody, and even then you weren't always guaranteed to be a member.
You had to book months in advance to see certain ‘workers’ and you were one of them, you were one of the best after all. Even, you didn't find out anything until that day, like the message you got this morning. Giving the customers the discretion they paid for.
After your shower you got yourself ready in the customer's desired outfit of choice. You got in your car and made your way to your destination, but not before covering yourself with your long brown trench coat of course. This view wasn't free. 
You pulled up to the gated fence. “Good evening, Miss Porsche.” The security guard who had been working there since even before you, smiled politely, opening the gates for you. ‘Miss Porsche’ wasn’t your name, he didn’t know your name, it’s what he called you as that was your car of choice. 
“Hey, Frank.” You nodded and smiled at him as you drove through the gates. You didn't know his name either, he just looked like a Frank and he never corrected you.
You drove up the pathway to the main entrance of the Victorian manor, parking your car in your usual spot.  You climbed the old wooden staircase, passing large golden floor length mirrors that draped the walls, mirrors that you had seen yourself in many times, in many different positions, from an array of sex parties.
You made your way to your room, you unlocked the door and got yourself ready. No one but the cleaners was allowed in your room. Everyone who worked here had their own private rooms, giving the customers full privacy. No one entered or left at the same time, it was a tight clock. 
You made sure the room was perfect, you had scented candles lit, making the room smell of vanilla and coconut, the lights dimmed low. The room was a naturally dark room, a four pillar wooden king size bed sat in the middle of it. The oak pillars stood tall giving it a royal feel to it. The small fire burning gave the room the perfect temperature, you wanted to keep your guest comfortable after all, there was nothing worse than a cold room when having sex. You looked over her checklist once more, smirking as you read it. You had a feeling you were going to have fun with her. 
That's when you heard a knock on the door. Show time.
“Enter.” You called out.
The door opened with a young woman standing behind one of the “Toys” Both their faces half covered with masquerade masks. The ‘toys’ were like house butlers but half naked, they greeted the guests on arrival and escorted them in and out of the building. They confiscated phones or any kind of device that could record, you wanted your privacy to. They were in charge of taking the customers to change out of their clothes and into something more appropriate, and into the robes provided. They were young apprentices, shall we say. They got the name ‘toy’ because they were ‘played’ with constantly by workers like you in the best kind of way, of course, they were like shiny new toys, hence the name. You and other workers taught them the ways of your work, they were literally learning on the job.
“You, come in.” You pointed at your partner for the night. She hesitantly took a step forward into your room. 
“Leave us.” you said to the ‘toy’.  She took a step back, closing the door behind her. 
You locked the door, giving yourself and your guest privacy. You turned around to see the blonde woman standing straight ahead, her body looked rigid, most of them did when they first entered. 
“Take off your robe.” You said it softly, but with a dominant tone.
The blonde took a deep breath and removed her robe down to her waist, she was nervous to take it completely off. But that's why you were there.
“All of it.” You demanded.
She took another deep breath and allowed the clothing to drop to the floor. You smiled.
You took a good look at her body, she was stunning. She was wearing a beautiful, very expensive looking red laced set that complimented her olive skin perfectly. You could tell she worked out, her muscles in her back alone were impressive. Your eyes drifted down to her pretty perky arse, her red thong sat neatly between her cheeks and fuck, it was perfect. You had the urge to slap those perfect cheeks and watch them jiggle, but that could wait, you had 12 hours to play with her. 
You could see she had tattoos scattered across her skin, her blonde hair flowing down her back was covering parts of the art. Her muscles were tensing beneath her skin, you could see she was nervous, you wanted her in many ways, but nervous was not one of them.
You stepped closer to her, gently touching her shoulder, she jumped at the contact. 
“Oh we don't want that, no need to be nervous around me.” You purred.
You finally stepped in front of her, and you nearly lost your own nerve. Even with the mask you knew who she was. The women standing in front of you was none other then Alexia fucking Putellas. Fuck.
You didn't have many celebrity crushes, you weren't really one to obsess over the latest hot new movie star. But, you were a sucker for a female footballer. And in some sick twist of fate, the one you lusted over most was standing half naked right in front of you. Ready to be dominated.
You prided yourself on being a professional, you have seen many faces that you recognised in this room before, faces you saw in films, in music, even in politics. You had never batted an eyelid. You would even use it as part of your play with them. Use it as a tool to either put them down or build them up, depending on the service of course. 
You were a little taken back when you recognised her, you nearly faltered, nearly. But you were a professional, this was your job, but god, this was going to be hard. 
You stepped closer to the Spaniard, you put your finger under her chin and lifted her head slightly, making her look at you. “You’re a pretty little thing aren't you?.” You smirked.
The blonde casted her hazel eyes to the floor, a small smile at her lips. “Thank you.” She said quietly. 
You were a bit shocked to see the footballer so timid. On social media she seemed a lot more confident, but you knew more than most people, that not everyone was the same in and outside of the bedroom. 
You looked over her body one last time, before you left her where she stood. You sat on the end of the king size bed, spreading your legs wide. 
“Come here my pretty pet.” You point to the space between your legs.
Alexia looks between your legs and back up at you, almost scared to be caught looking. She starts to walk but you stop her.
“No. Not like that. On your hands and knees, crawl. You’re my pretty pet.” You smirked devilishly at her. 
She looked a little taken back but she got on her hands and knees like you said and crawled to you. Her perfect arse swaying as she did. You felt a little excitement in your stomach at the view, but you knew you had to keep it professional. Crush or no crush. She was still your guest.
You looked down at the girl between your legs, she kept her head down, you watched her hazel eyes look everywhere but at you. Even behind the gold mask you could see she was still nervous. You gently placed your hand on her cheek, she leaned into your palm instantly. You were definitely going to have fun with her tonight. 
“I like the name 'Pretty pet' for you, you are so very pretty. Are you going to be a good, pretty pet for me?” 
She nodded. That wouldn't do. You grabbed her chin, her cheeks were squashed between your fingers pushing her lips out.
“When I ask you a question I want a verbal answer.”
“Sí. Yes, s-sorry.” She stuttered.
You roughly released her face, leaning back from her. 
“You’re not the queen in this room, do you understand?”
“Yes.” She nodded.
“Good. In fact you will refer to me as Miss Queen.” 
“Yes, Miss Queen.” She nodded.
You smiled. “Good, I like an obedient pet. Let's take this mask off you. We don’t need it anymore.” You untied the mask and removed it from her. Finally seeing her full face, she was even more beautiful in real life.
You take your time looking at her, this stunning woman in front of you was specifically here for you, for her pleasure. 
With this kind of job it was easy for it to get to your head. You have someone paying thousands to specifically spend a night with you, just to fulfill their own sexual needs. But you had learnt from early on that it wasn't just a sex thing, it was almost like a therapy session for your guest, something they needed. Fantasies that society made them feel weird for wanting, so they seeked out their pleasures privately. It was a safe space for you and them, a place where nothing would be used against them. And if you were rich and famous then it was the perfect space for you. And you were there to provide that service for them.
You smiled down at the girl below you, you caught her eyes on your sex, her hazel eyes locked with your own, she looked embarrassed to be caught red handed.
“Like what you see, pretty pet?”
She nodded. “Yes, very much Miss Queen.”
You hummed. “My thighs need some attention, give it to them.” 
“Yes, Miss Queen.” Alexia shuffled closer on her knees. She started to place gentle kisses on your skin, your leather boots covered half of your thighs, only giving her lips space closer to your pussy, not that you minded. She began to use her tongue, slowly licking and sucking on your flesh. You leaned back, stroking her hair, watching the girl beneath you. You watched as her tongue darted out, and then her lips would suck. She got closer to your pussy, as she sucked at the crease of where your thigh and leather suit met. 
You let out a sigh.“That's good my pretty pet. I can see your pretty mouth can work, I’ll definitely enjoy that later. Stand up” 
Alexia stood in front of you, her red lingerie hugged her body perfectly. You stood up right in front of her, even with your heels she had the height leverage, not that it mattered. Not in this room.
“Stay facing the bed. Put your hands up.” 
Alexia did what she was told. You grabbed the restraints that were hanging from the top of the beds banister above her head, you secured her wrists to the restraints, keeping her in place. You walked over to your draw of toys, looking specifically for a certain item. You smirked as you found it. 
You walked over to her, the accessory in your hand. Her beautiful body was tense, as her muscles in her arms and shoulders flexed from the position. You stepped closer to her, enjoying your view up close. You pressed your body against hers, her own body tensed instantly on feeling you. You were close enough to smell her perfume, it smelt expensive. 
“I’m going to give you 10 lashes and the only thing I want to hear coming from your mouth is ‘Thank you Miss Queen.’ Understood?”
“Yes, Miss Queen.” 
“Good, if you’re a good girl for me, you’ll be rewarded. Does that sound good, my pretty pet?” 
“Yes Miss Queen, thank you.”
“Perfect. Let’s begin.” You kissed her shoulder, Your eyes roamed her pretty arse, her perfect pretty arse. Just waiting to be red like her thongs. You brought the black leather paddle board up, and lashed it across her cheeks. 
Crack. “Thank you Miss Queen.” She took the first hit well. You brought down the paddle again, watching her arse shake from the impact. 
Crack. She hissed out. “Thank you Miss Queen.”
You got to the 8th slap, and her body was shaking, her breathing was hard. 
“You are doing so well, you’re such a good pet.” 
“Thank you Miss Qu- ahh!….Queen.” Crack. 9th hit.
“Last one. It's a shame, I enjoy watching your pretty arse shake.” You smirked.
It was the last one and your hardest one. Her head flew back, as her body shook from the feeling of your paddle. “T-thank you, Miss queen.”
You knelt down and gave both her cheeks a delicate kiss. Humming as you did. “Thank you, pretty pet. I'm going to have so much fun with your arse.” You peppered her cheeks with your lips. She slightly flinched from the sensation, her arse was more than likely on fire, but she still signed in pleasure.
You took a step back, looking over her red cheeks. “You’re just perfect aren't you? Turn around, let me see you.” Alexia turned her body, now standing in front of you, her face was flushed, her cheeks a cute shade of pink. Her red lingerie hugged her body perfectly, but as pretty as it was it needed to come off.
You took a step closer to her, your face inches from hers. You looked between your bodies smiling. “Thank you for making such an effort for me tonight, pretty pet.” You glided your fingers over her bra, you could feel her erect nipple through the thin fabric. 
Alexia suddenly became shy at the compliment, it embarrassed her that you knew she tried to make an effort, buying the outfit specifically for tonight, for you. 
You gently cupped her chin like you did earlier. You moved your lips inches from hers, you could see the desperation in her eyes. “Even though you look so pretty in your lingerie, I want to see all of you.”
“Please.” She begged.
You gripped her face tighter. “Are you losing your manners, pet?” 
She shook her head as much as she could with your tight grip. “No. Sorry, Miss Queen. I’m sorry.”
You smiled at her, your eyes glazing over her lips. “Good. Don’t upset me.” 
You untied her from the restraints and removed her bra from her chest, revealing a beautiful pair of breasts.
“Pretty girl.” You whispered. 
You slowly took her left nipple into your mouth, sucking on the perked flesh. Her head tilted back as a quiet moan escaped her lips. Just like she did before, she moved closer to your touch, desperate to feel you. A simple gesture like that made you understand the kind of touch she needed tonight. You moved over to the other side, gently squeezing her tight bud between your teeth, earning you a beautiful moan. 
You released her nipples with a wet pop from your lips. “Turn around, get on the bed. I want that pretty arse in the air.”
Alexia got on the bed, shuffling on her knees, just like you told her to. You went back to your draw of toys, looking for the item you had in mind. Once you found the object, you accompanied it with a bottle of lube.
You turned around to see a truly pornagraphic site. Alexia had her arse in the air, her face down on the bed waiting for your next command. You stood behind her, greedily looking over her body. You stroked her thighs, making her jolt at your delicate touch. You moved your hands up to her red thongs and peeled the skimpy fabric down her thighs. 
The girl was drenched, you watched as her shiny streaks of wetness clung to her lips, as you removed the clothing. You felt your mouth water at the sight, you let out your own appreciative groan. Of all the female footballers that could have been in your room tonight it had to be the one you lusted over the most, the one that you literally pictured in this room many times. Now here she was. All wet and waiting.
Alexia heard your moan, it made her chest swell with pride. It felt like she had done something right for you. 
“Look at you, you may have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen.” You smiled as you took a swipe from her wet lips. You lifted your wet finger to your mouth and smeared her essence on your lips, like she was your own personal lip gloss. 
You groaned. “Fuck, she taste pretty too, what a sweet little thing you are.”
Alexia moaned from your words, you could tell the girl was starting to visibly relax.
“I’m going to play with your pretty little arse for a little bit. I have a beautiful red diamond plug that I think will suit you perfectly.”
“Yes, Miss Queen. I’d like that.” her voice trembled.
You had a feeling you knew why Alexia had booked with you, it was always the same. People who booked with you who were always in a leading role, a job that everyone counted on you to make the decisions. The people who got the most blame for a mistake that wasn't even theirs, it was just because they were the main face that they would get the most backlash. And with jobs like that they were always in charge, so coming here was a break, a release from the stress. They didn't get to make any decisions here.
You smirked as you covered the plug generously with lube, but not without covering your fingers too. You slowly started to ease one finger into her tight hole. Her breathing picked up straight away, small moans left her mouth as you got the tip of your finger past her tight muscles. “Such a good girl.” 
She moaned at your words. Her back arched as she felt your finger slowly ease depper in, she clearly wasn't a stranger to this, you couldn't help imagine her outside this room and in your own bed training her arse to stretch. After some slow and gentle pushing your knuckle was pressing into her hole. You allowed her to get used to the feeling, ever so slowly moving your finger in and out, stretching her out. Her soft moans were beautiful, you watched as she held onto the bed sheets needing something to hold.
You stroked her back with your free hand. “So good.” She pressed her arse back into you, she was definitely a praise kink kind of girl. Your favourite kind of girl. After a while of manipulating her hole, you slowly removed your finger and began to ease the shiny but plug.
“You’re so good, taking this like a pro. You’ve done this before haven’t you? Hmm? You like your pretty arse played with.”
“Sííí. Sí M-miss Queen.” Alexia groaned.
“I thought so. Such a dirty pet.” 
Finally the plug was sitting perfectly between her cheeks. You looked down proudly at your work, a red gem next to her red cheeks. Another shiney substance caught your eye, that’s when you noticed her juices had dribbled halfway down her thighs. 
“Oh my poor pretty pet, you've made such a mess of yourself.” You said it with a hint of tease to your voice. “Let me clean you up.” 
You got on your knees in front of Alexia’s thighs, you dipped your head closer and ran your tongue up each strong thigh, catching her body's juices. Alexia let out a groan at the feeling of your tongue, cleaning her up. You had tasted many girls in your time but wow, Alexia was something special. You sucked and licked on her skin, you grabbed her cheeks as she began to push backwards, clearly wanting your tongue somewhere else.
“Ohh she's a desperate girl.” Your voice was teasing.
She really was, Alexia had been looking forward to this appointment for months, she found out about this establishment through a friend of a friend, and when she came across your profile she enquired instantly. 
You began to kiss up close to her sex, her lips were dripping. You slowly moved closer to where she wanted you most, but teased her with purposefully slow kisses, inch by inch getting closer. You smirked as you heard her breathing getting quicker. Ever so gently you kissed her lips, your own lips topped back up with the beautiful gloss that was Alexia. 
A whimper dripped from the girl's mouth, god she was desperate. You could tell she needed this. You kissed her again, this time you pushed your tongue past her lips and into her velvety folds, finally having her on your tongue. You weren't ready for the filthy groan she let out, making your own pussy throb. 
You lapped a few times before you began to eat her out properly, your tongue stroking teasingly at her hole, but not once touching her clit. She tried to open her legs further, but her thongs still on her thighs only allowed her so far. 
As much as it pained you to do, you pulled away from her. You wanted to have more fun with her before she was allowed to come. But of course she protested when you stopped. 
“Please Miss Queen. I’ve been so good.”
Fuck. Alexia begging was music to your ears. “You have been good, so good, but I’m not done playing with you.”
The blonde let out a moan, but before she could even finish your hand smacked her arse. Making her yelp.
“Lay on the bed, on your front now!” You put on your most dominant voice. 
The girl couldn't move quicker, she laid on her front waiting for you. You pulled her thongs down off her thighs, freeing her legs. “Put your arms up near your head.” You commanded.
She did as she was told. You grabbed her hands and locked her wrist in the restraints attached to the front of bed. Her naked body laid there waiting for you. The red gem between her cheeks caught your eye as you approached her.
“I’m sorry, Miss Queen. I j-just. Your tongue feels so good.” 
You stroked her hair from her neck, you moved closer to her ear, licking the shell as you did. “You wont get my tongue if you carry on being a brat. Is that what you want?”
Panic set in her eyes. “No, no. Please. I’m sorry, Miss Queen. Ho sento molt” 
You hadn’t prepared yourself for Alexia speaking in Catalan. You felt yourself becoming wet again, but you gritted your teeth and held down your own hornyness for now. You grabbed a fistfull of her hair and yanked her head up. “Make me angry one more time. I promise you won't like it.”
You released the hold on her hair and walked over to the candles on the side, picking up one in particular. This one had a lip on the side for a certain use. You walked back over, your heels hitting the wooden floor boards with purpose. You climbed on the bed and sat just below Alexias arse. 
“Make sure to breathe, baby girl.” 
“Yes, Miss Queen.” The Spaniard breathed out.
You tilted the candle slowly on its side and watched as the hot melted red wax dripped over her back, she cried out as the burning liquid came into contact with her skin. 
The noises she let out made your own eyes roll back. Alexia was writhing underneath you. The hot sensation of the wax made every nerve in her body scream. It felt like a bolt of electricity had coursed through her skin, she gasped as she felt more drips gather just above her cheeks, the feeling was intoxicating, she could feel her cunt pulsate from the burn. 
“I would normally gag my pet but the noises you make are delicious.” 
“Graci-gr- ….aghh. Thank you. Th-ank you, Queen.” 
Her accent had become thicker, she was clearly struggling to form her words, you loved it. You didn't even care that she messed up. “Hmm, such a good, pretty pet.” You moved the candle away, you watched as the blonde breathed hard beneath you. You climbed off her, putting the candle back on the side.
You went into your dresser to get your next prop. “You ready to be a good girl? Be my good, pretty pet?” You began to remove your corset, the Spaniard's hazel eyes popped open comically as your corset hit the floor, she watched you like a hawk. You were now completely naked other than your thigh high boots. You slinked over to her, she was still trapped by the restraints, unable to move. 
“Sí Miss Queen, I want to be your good girl, please.” Her voice was raspy. 
You smiled as you stroked her hair, she was such a good submissive, it nearly took your breath away. You began to attach your item in your hand around her neck. She watched you closely, her hazel eyes were dripping with want, she looked at you like she wanted to devour you. As much as she was a sub you could tell she could switch it up. The look she gave you almost made you nervous, almost.
You untied her from her wrist restraints but she was now attached to a new type of restraint. “Come pretty girl. Follow me. I think you deserve a treat.” You smiled devilshy at her, and she smiled back, fuck, this girl was breaking your resolve. You watched as Alexia followed you, you held the lead in your hand that was now attached to her neck. You walked backwards watching her movements. My god what a sight it was.
You walked in front of the lit fireplace, and stood in front of the big black leather chair. A chair fit for a queen. You gently pulled the blonde closer by her lead, just shy of your mouth. You could feel her heavy breathing on your lips. You smirked up at her, her hazel eyes were locked on to your mouth. She truly was beautiful. 
You slowly inched impossibly closer to her mouth, your lips millimetres from touching hers. You scraped her hair back gently and slowly attached your lips to hers, kissing her for the first time tonight. You kept it slow, her lips were so delicate and soft. You were exploring her mouth the way you wanted, you gently dipped your tongue past her lips, earning you the cutest groan. 
Alexia could kiss, her mouth fit perfectly against yours, both enjoying the feeling of the other. She delicately slipped her tongue in your mouth, you allowed it as it was still the pace you set. Her skilful tongue danced over your own, making you groan. She clearly liked that she was able to pull a noise from you, as she made small muffled noises that made you want to throw her on the bed and fuck her relentlessly. 
That's when she forgot her place.
You felt her hand come up to touch your hip slightly squeezing you, just as she decided to push her tongue further, trying to control the kiss. You pulled away, her eyes were still closed as she tried to chase your lips. You chuckled at her neediness, but really you just wanted to give her anything she wanted. Fuck. Get it together. 
You pulled her lead again close to your mouth, eyeing her up. “Has someone forgotten who's in charge here?” Before she could answer you pulled her leash harder. She gasped from the jolt. “Because I know for a fucking fact it isnt you.” That knocked her down a peg, but you knew you'd give it to her later. She knew it too. 
“I’m sorry, Miss Queen, your mouth is perfecte.”
You pulled the lead, making her pant. “On your knees, pretty pet.” She obeyed and slowly dropped to her knees, never taking her eyes off of you. The glow from the fire illuminated half of her face, causing her hazel eyes to glow a golden colour, making her look even more beautiful. She stared up at you like you were some kind of god, like she was ready to drop any religion she believed in before tonight and worship you instead.
You sat on the leather chair, spreading your legs wide. Her eyes went straight to your core, she saw instantly how wet you were, causing an excited look to flash across her face. Her mouth was slightly parted; you didn't miss the way her tongue darted out, wetting her kiss swollen lips. You let out a deep sigh as you leaned back into the seat, making yourself comfy, your cocky bravado on full show. You lent your hand under your chin, a devilish smile plastered your face. You looked at the girl sitting in front of you, she was a completely different girl from the one who walked in this room tonight. There were no nerves in sight, no more tense muscles, and you hadnt even fucked her yet. You gently pulled the lead to get her attention, as she was still unashamedly gazing at your wet lips. 
“Are you ready for your treat, pretty girl?” 
She nodded quickly. “Sí, sí. Please Miss Queen, I’m ready.”
You smirked. “Good. You’ve made me a bit of a mess. Come and clean me up.” 
She shuffled closer to you on her hands and knees, you placed your heel on her back to rest and to remind her who was in charge. You jerked the lead just before she could inch any closer to you.
“Do not stop until I tell you to.” 
“Sí, Miss Queen.” Her voice was desperate.
“Clean me up.” 
She began to kiss up your thigh, but made quick work of it, clearly impatient as her tongue was on your clit a lot quicker than you wanted. You yanked the leash, moving her away from you.
“Do not rush. Do not make me warn you again, or you'll be tied up and spanked until you can no longer feel your skin. Do you understand?”
She bit her lip in remorse, and once again it nearly made you slip, this girl was driving you crazy and you had a feeling she knew it too. “Ho sento, Miss Queen.” She kissed your thigh gently.
“Good, get back to it. Make sure to swallow, don’t waste a drop.” You pulled her closer by the leash, not giving her time to respond. This time her lips were slow on your thighs, licking and sucking gently. She took small bites on your flesh, making you grit your teeth. “Good girl.” You rewarded her. Her golden eyes looked up at you, clearly happy to be praised again. She kept her eyes glued to yours as her tongue finally made contact with your wet lips. You made a point not to react, she was going to have to work for this. You didn’t want her to get any more cocky than she already was. 
Did it annoy Alexia? Yes. She knew she was good with her tongue, actually if she was being honest she was amazing with her tongue. When she saw you didn't even flinch it jarred her, she didn't really know why but she wanted to prove herself to you, but she didn't mind putting on a show for you. She dipped her tongue into your cunt and up your folds, soaking her tongue in your juices, she leaned slightly back so you could see just how wet you were. 
You watched as your shiny wet streaks clung from her tongue to your core, she looked at you as she greedily licked your arousal into her mouth and swollowed. Fuck, this was going ot be hard. She got to work on pleasuring you, lapping her tongue through your velvet folds, her eyes closed in concentration, slurping and swallowing your juices. The sight before you was breathtaking, you had Alexia Putellas on her hands and knees eating you out like she had a point to prove. 
The fire's flames licked over her body, her olive skin was glowing from the small blaze. She moved her tongue higher, you couldn't hold the moans any longer as her talented tongue toyed with your clit. You brought your hand into her blonde hair, pushing her head closer. She groaned from the touch, happy to feel your contact. 
“Quite a talented mouth you have on you. You feel so good, pretty pet.” You praised her.
You pushed her further into your pussy, she was building you up quicker then you normally would like, but a part of you didnt care, she felt too good, and she was definitely making a point. She sucked gently on your swollen bundle of nerves, your hand in her hair getting tighter as she sucked and licked. You could feel the coil in the bottom of your stomach start to build. Your moans only pushed Alexia further, wanting so badly to make you come. As your pleasure built you heard a small noise come from the girl below you, she started to fucking whimper as she suckled on your erect clit. You looked down at her, her eyes were closed as her head bobbed up and down between your legs. 
“You’re such a good, pretty pet. I’m going to come in your pretty mouth. S-so good. So fucking good.” You rasped out.
Her noises alone made your hips start to move, you began to push into her mouth, she had the most perfect suction on your bundle of nerves. You pulled on her leash to get her closer, her whimpering getting louder as your hips moved against her tongue. The heated wave of your orgasm rushed through your body, you grabbed her head, needing her to stay exactly where she was, you pushed her impossibly closer as she sucked on your clit. Her name was on the tip of your tongue, as you shakily whimpered out, but you were able to hold it down. 
Alexia was in heaven, she felt your juices seep out and coat her tongue. She swallowed you down like you told her to, her own head swelled at seeing you so out of breath. She stayed on her hands and knees, lapping you up. You were sensitive but you allowed her to stay on, you watched her tongue lick between your folds, it wasn't long before she coaxed another orgasm out of you, making you completely fall apart. 
You let out a shaky breath as you moved her head away. You hated to admit it but no one had ever made you come like her, most of the time your guest wasn't even able to make you come, let alone twice. You watched as the blonde sat on her heels, her mouth was smeared with your essence, she smiled up at you, clearly happy with herself. 
You chuckled. “Wow. Not just talented on the pitch then are you.” 
You saw the glint flash in her eyes at the praise, she broke out in a genuine smile, a smile that melted your insides, fuck sake. You would only praise her from now on if that's how she reacted. But you still had to remind her who was boss.
“Come pretty girl, unzip my boots.” 
Alexia unzipped your boots, pulling them off you and placing them to the side.
“Up.” You snapped.
You both stood up, you were glad to be out of your heels as your legs felt like jelly as you stood.
“Come pretty pet.” You pulled on the leash and Alexia followed. 
You snapped your fingers, pointing to the middle of the bed. “On your back, arms up.”
Alexia did what she was told and climbed on top of the bed with her arms up.
You heard a small gasp come from the girl. “A mirror?” She smirked. 
You had a large mirror placed under the roof of the bed, so your guest had a view from the angle on their back. 
You smiled. “Best view in the house.”
You attached her wrist to the restraints on the bed, making sure they were tight. You could feel her eyes watching your every move. You untied the leash around her neck, you wrapped your fingers gently around her neck and squeezed her throat, earning you a whimper. 
“Hmm, I love the sounds you make.” You gently squeezed again. 
She moved forward trying to connect her lips to yours, and you gave in, gently kissing her. If that’s what she wanted then that’s what she would get.
The Spaniard was giddy, you could see she was excited. And so was you. You walked over to your drawer of goodies and grabbed the harness you wanted, you slipped it on with the 8 inch dark navy dick attached to it. Alexia was staring at you, her muscular thighs were already rubbing together. 
“Is someone desperate?” You teased.
“Sí, Miss Queen. I-I need you.” 
“You need me? Hmm, la Reina needs me?” 
“Sí, so bad. My queen.” 
“Hmm I like that.” You chuckled. 
You covered the strap with lube, and made your way over to the bed. You sat kneeled at Alexia's legs that were closed.
You eyed her up. “Open.” 
She almost looked hesitant to do it, but she did, she shakily opened her legs and you nearly forgot how to speak. She was dripping wet. You felt your core tighten just at the sight. The red diamante plug was covered in her wetness, what a sight to see.
You smirked deviously.. You pushed her legs open wider. “You’re a messy kind of girl aren’t you?”
“I-I don’t normally. I’ve never been this wet before.” She said it so quietly it nearly broke your heart. 
You rubbed her thighs soothingly “That's okay my pretty girl. It’s exactly how I want you.” 
She smiled, letting out air that was stuck in her lungs. 
You moved your hand to her soaking wet entrance and circled her clit. 
“Merda.” She husked out. 
You watched her face as you ran your fingers through her folds, just feeling her, remembering her, she moaned and wiggled under your touch. Then without warning you pushed two fingers inside her. The groan she let out made your pussy clench. She closed her eyes, her mouth gaped open from the sudden intrusion. You allowed her to get used to you before stroking your fingers in and out. 
You slowly rubbed your thumb on her erect clit, causing the blonde to tense on your fingers, you could feel her walls already starting to shake. You dipped your head and replaced your thumb with your mouth, wrapping your lips around her swollen pink head. 
Alexia’s moan was pornagraphic, her hips came off the mattress, her back arched as you suckled on her.   
“Please, déu mio.” Her eyes were screwed shut as she begged. You moved your fingers harder in her, making sure to hit that beautiful g spot of hers. Your tongue eagerly lapped at her clit, flicking it, pushing her closer. Her wetness was seeping into your mouth, almost making it hard to breathe, you swallowed as you sucked, making sure she could hear your throat gulp her juices down.
It didn’t take long before her body started to completely shake, she pulled her arms on the restraints, wanting so badly to touch you. She would normally have some kind of control when a girl was in between her legs. She felt her muscles tighten as her body tipped over the edge, she came hard, she cried out as her body rutted against your mouth.   
You kept your mouth on her until it was too much, she faintly cried out. “I can’t take anymore.” You reluctantly moved your head away, kissing her thighs on the way up. You sat up, your mouth gleaming with her essence. You lined yourself up to her entrance, one hand on her thigh, one hand holding the 8 inch appendage. You started to tease her entrance.
“Tell me what you want.”
“What do you want from me, pretty pet?”
“To fuck me, hard.” She huffed.
“Hmm I don’t know if you can take it.” Your voice was teasing.
“I can take it.” She rolled her eyes and smirked. 
“Hmm, but do you deserve it?”
“Yes. I’ve been so good. Please.” God she was desperate
“You’re so needy aren't you? Such a needy pretty girl.”
“Sí. I need you so bad.” Her voice was straining now.
“Tonight this pussy is mine, got it?” You circled her clit gently.
“S-sí, it's yours.” She moaned.
“You are mine, isn't that right pretty pet?” 
“Sí, I'm all yours. All y-yours, I belong to you.” She husked out. Her eyes were full of lust, her face and cheeks blushing red, her hair was a slight mess. She looked perfect. “Please amore.” 
You smiled at the term of endearment. “Only because you asked so nicely “Ready?”
“Sí, please. Sí us plau fot-me.” 
You slowly pushed the head of the dick into her core, watching it enter her inch by inch. She started to let out small gasps as the girthy dick stretched her out, it almost felt too much, the air felt cold as it left her lungs. 
“Breath, baby girl.” You didn't move, you were only half way in but you allowed her to get used to the thickness of you. You watched her take a few deep breaths, and her body relaxed. She lifted her hips for you to keep going. You squeezed her thighs as you began to push deeper, her whimpers were errotic, the noises this girl made were something you wish you could have heard every damn day.
You slowly began to pump your hips, you were kneeling between her legs, able to watch and move at the pace you wanted. You couldn't stop staring as you sunk in and out of her, her pussy swallowing each thrust. You began to move faster, her moans becoming louder as you stretched her out. 
You placed your hands on the back of her thighs for support as you started to really fuck her. The sounds of her moaning and wet pussy were filling the room. You pushed her legs further to her chest and began to move your hips at a relentless speed. She tried to moan but no sound came out, your hips were moving like they were on speed. 
“Perfect girl. So perfect. Taking my dick so well.”
Alexia just had to lay there and take the rough pounding you gave her, watching you fuck her in the mirror above, her hands were still restrained above her head. She tried to respond but she was a mess of filthy moans. Her face was pure bliss as you hit deep in her tight walls, pushing her body deep into the mattress below, as you pressed your body into hers.
You were close to her face now, you kissed her roughly, she was just about able to form a kiss, you sucked on her lower lip and sunk your teeth into her plump flesh, causing her to whimper. You let go of one of her legs and moved your hand to her throat, wrapping your fingers around her neck. You squeezed with just enough pressure to hear her moan slip into a broken cry.
You could have stayed like this all night, if her body would allow it, just watching her face as she was fucked by you, you could feel your clit throbing from the site. You kept your pace up for a while, you felt your body start to sweat, making both your skin stick, the fire in the room was definitely keeping you warm.
That's when you felt her legs begging to shake, she wrapped them around your waist pulling you deeper, her moans became high, her head flung back into the pillow. You leaned into her ear.
“That's it, pretty girl, let that pretty pussy come over my dick. You’ve been so good, taking me so well.”
You thrusted faster, you grabbed her face and kissed her, her whimpers vibrated on your lips, her eyes were shut as her body started to rut. “Estic venint!” You were glad you knew enough Catalan to understand that was a good thing. Her body shook as she came, you kissed her as her body became dead weight. You dropped her legs and gently pulled out of her. You wanted her in a new position, not caring about her protests.
“Turn around.” 
Before she could even move you moved her body for her, you brought her hips up in the air, putting her on her knees. The ruby coloured plug was still in place. You didn't wait around, you sunk your dick inside her, right until your thighs were slotted with hers.
Alexia's eyes rolled into the back of her head, the pressure from the plug in this position was a whole different feeling, she could feel your dick pressing against the plug between her walls, the pressure was amazing. She didn’t have time to get used to it, you began to fuck her hard. 
You pushed her head down as your hips slapped her cheeks on every thrust, you thought you’d heard her moan before, but nothing compared to this. She gripped the bed sheets as you went to town, her moaning made your own eyes roll. You stole a glance upwards at the mirror above, you watched her cheeks slap roughly against your thighs, your clit was rubbing perfectly against the base of the strap. You looked down at the ruby plug sparkling between her cheeks, your eyes then panned to the blue dildo, working in and out of her pussy. You smirked to yourself, they were the colours of Barcelona's kit. 
Alexia was mumbling and moaning in the bed sheets below, you could make out some words, most of it in Catalan, swearing and gibberish. You pushed deeper, feeling a perfect spot for your clit, you could feel the warm pressure in your stomach begin to rise, but Alexia was already close. Her legs began to shake again, her moaning becoming high pitched. 
“No baby, wait for me.” You demanded.
“I-I can’t” She groaned.
You slapped her arse hard. “You will.” 
But it was too late, Alexia tried when she heard you but the slap of the arse may have been the thing to push her. She came hard around your dick, her choked moaning was loud, her throat would definitely hurt tomorrow. She realised what she did, apologising instantly.
“I’m, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to I - merdaaa!” 
You started to thrust again, not caring about how sensitive she was, she disobeyed you, she would have to wait for you to come now.
“You’re going to take it until I come. Do you hear me?” Your voice was harsh.
“Sí, sí I’m sorry.”   
Your hips went at a back breaking pace. Alexia started to moan, her body was in complete overdrive. You pushed her closer to the head board, where her restraints were attached, and pulled her body up so her back was against your front. You sunk your teeth into her neck as you fucked her, the wet noises coming from her pussy were filthy. She whimpered at the pleasurable pain from your teeth and your dick thrusting into her. She was so sensitive, it was a lot, her whole body was vibrating, thrumming from the pressure between her legs. 
She gritted her teeth as you used her body to come. She knew she could say the safe word and you would immediately stop but it turned her on knowing she was being used in this way. And yeah, that she maybe disobeyed your orders on purpose to be a brat, so what. 
You pulled her right up against your body, you grabbed her throat holding her neck giving you full access. You began to suck and bite on her pulse points, feeling her heartbeat thump under your tongue. Your hips never stopped, her whimpers and cries were right in your ear, pushing you to the edge. 
“So good. Your moans are so fucking good.” 
She couldn't respond Alexia was teetering on her 3rd orgasm of the night, and you were right behind her (literally) You felt her legs shake, you pushed your fingers on her clit, rubbing her at a furious rate. You pushed her down at the head board to grab. You leaned into her putting the pressure you needed on your clit. You felt the rush of your pleasure sweep through your body as you came against the strap, you grinded against her pushing your orgasm right to the edge. Your fingers stopped on Alexia as you caught your breath.
“Please, please don’t stop.” Alexia begged.
You chuckled roughly into her ear, making her shiver. “You are such a good girl, such a good pretty girl.” 
You picked the pace back up and rubbed on her erect, sensitive clit, you brought her back up against your chest, both your bodies were slick with sweat, it didn't take long before she started to scream, she threw her head back, you captured her lips in a fierce kiss. That's when you felt a gush of water splash against your legs, Alexia had squirted all over your dick. This night was only getting better.
“M-merda.” She was completely out of breath.
You laughed softly, gathering her hair in one hand and blowing air on her sweaty neck. You both just stayed there catching your breath. 
“I’m going to pull out okay?” 
“Sí, slowly please.” 
“Of course.” You kissed her shoulder as you gently pulled out. You climbed off the bed and unlocked the Spaniard from the restraints. She fell to the mattress, clearly exhausted from your activities. It made you smile. You walked into the onsweet bathroom and started to run a bath. You put plenty of lavender soak in to make it bubbly, and started to light the candles that sat alongside the bath. You came back in to see Alexias hooded eyes looking at you, a satisfied smile plastered her face. 
“Looks like my pretty pet is all fucked out.” You smiled playfully.
She let out a throaty laugh. “Hmm, no. I think you are.” 
Your smirk was sadistic. “No honey, why do you think you still have the plug in?” 
Before Alexia could respond you grabbed her by the legs and turned her arse to the edge of the bed. You knelt to your knees and started to suck on her clit. She cried out her hands grabbing the sheets, too scared to touch you in case you stopped. Her body was so sensitive she was already guiding towards her 4th orgasm, you pushed two fingers into her core, at a fast rate. The blonde let out a throaty moan from the pace. You brought your other hand to her arse and began to push the plug in and out of her whole. That's when her hand did find your hair. But you allowed it.
You felt her legs start to shake, you sucked and licked at her very swollen, very sensitive clit, your fingers still thrusting deep inside her cunt. That familiar sound of her whimpers started to drip from her mouth, those sweet beautiful sounds. She pushed your head down further into her. That's when you felt her pussy pulsate around your finger and at the same time you pulled the plug out of her arse. The Spaniard let out a deep throaty scream you hadn't heard tonight as she came completely undone, giving her a whole different kind of sensation.
Her chest heaved heavily as she struggled to catch her breath, you kissed her thighs as you came up from her between her legs. You got back on your feet looking down at the girl, smirking at the mess you made of her. You wiped your thumb across your lips, gathering her wetness, her eyes were on you now. You sucked her wetness off your thumb and winked.
“You may be my new favourite flavour.”
Alexia's mouth gaped open, she groaned as she covered her eyes and laughed. Her laugh was rough, probably from all the screaming she had done tonight. 
You quickly checked the bath and it was the perfect height, you turned the taps off and made your way back to Alexia. 
“Follow me.” You put your hand out for her to take and she eagerly did. You guided her to the bathroom on her jelly like legs and helped her into the hot tub. You tied her hair into a bun, and showed her where everything was, if she needed it.
“Just relax okay, I’m just going to get this room sorted, do you need anything? I’ll get us some water, but would you like anything specific?”
She looked to be thinking. “No, I’m good. Water is fine. Gracias.” She smiled. Her voice was hoarse. 
You nodded and smiled, you closed the door and called the number for room service. 
“....Thank you, yeah erm, let's have a selection please, great, thanks chef.”
The cleaners came and changed the sheets at a rapid speed. Once they were done you thanked them and returned to Alexia.
“Hello pretty pet, how are we doing?” You smiled at her.
This was also part of the package, the after care. It was just as important as the sex side of things, it could sometimes get rough in the sheets and the body and mind sometimes had a habit of going into a weird kind of emotional shock if not properly looked after.
You helped her wash her body and helped her out of the bath. You wrapped her up in a warm fluffy towel and walked her back into the room. “There's fresh pjs on the bed. You don't have to wear them.” You winked, and she giggled. Fuck. You felt your knees go weak. You continued. “Fresh water is just on the table. Relax and make yourself comfortable. You kissed her forehead. “I’m going to take a shower and once I'm done I have a special cream for your arse that I’m going to apply.” 
“Okay, thank you Miss Queen.” She smiled with teeth. What a completely different girl.
Once you were done you wrapped yourself in your robe and came back to the room. Alexia was watching TV laying on the bed completely naked. 
“No pjs for you?” You smirked playfully. “Would you like a preference for me?” 
“Oh erm, no, whatever you’re comfortable with. But I do like you naked.” She smiled shyly.
Just before you could answer, room service was at the door. You opened only enough to take the tray from the toy butler. 
You turned around with a silver tray with a variation of ice cream. Alexia looked over and smiled.
“What's this?” 
“For your throat, it helps trust me.” 
The smile that spread across her face was breathtaking. “Gracias. Thank you so much.” She beamed.
“That's okay. I asked for a couple of flavours, as I wasn’t sure, but if these aren't what you like I can ask for whatever you want.” 
“No this is perfect, thank you, Miss queen.”
You both ate ice cream naked, while you watched ‘The office’ on netflix, a completely different atmosphere settled in the room. Once you were done you left the bowls outside. 
“On your front, let me cream that perfect arse.” 
Alexia laughed and did what she was told. You gently applied the cream to her cheeks, it was a cream to make sure the blisters would heal. The blonde was close to falling asleep, yawning as you creamed. You laced kisses up from her cheeks up to her neck.
“Done. Are you ready for bed, pretty pet?”
She smiled with sleepy eyes. “Sí, thank you for that. It feels good.”
You got into bed and before you could ask, Alexia threw herself into your chest, laying her head just under your neck. You instantly held her closer, you could feel her warm breath on your skin, making you shiver.
“Is this okay?” She asked, her voice almost sounded worried.
“Definitely.” You kissed the top of her head. Both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
The clock alarm went off the next morning, pulling you from your deep sleep. Alexia started to stir before you could turn it off. You had 3 hours left with the girl, it made your heart break a little. The blonde made a cute but very sexy groan as she stretched her body, she nuzzled her nose and lips into your neck. “Nu vull.” Her morning voice was raspy.
You laughed at the childlike version of Alexia. You kissed her head as you pulled her closer. You stayed there for a couple of minutes, stroking her back, feeling her soft skin under your fingertips. She let out a deep sigh as she moved her hips a little into your thigh that was between her own. You pushed your thigh deeper into her and to no surprise you were met with wetness. You smirked as you pushed deeper, making Alexia groan. 
“Is my pretty pet wet for me already?”
Her sleepy smile gave you butterflies that you knew had no right being there.
“Sí” She grinded her hips harder on your leg, making a point.   
You started to kiss her neck, making sure to kiss every spot, she smiled as she felt your lips press against her skin. You pushed her gently on her back and started to move down her body, you sucked and licked at her olive skin, you could smell the lavender on her skin from the bubble bath. You kissed at her nipples that were still soft, clearly not as awake as Alexia's other regions. You sucked the soft flesh into your warm mouth, you couldn't help but moan as you felt the nub begin to perk under your tongue. Alexia watched you as you worshiped her body, you sank further down in between her legs, her lips glistened with her morning arousal, it made your mouth water, you could feel your own wetness begin to pool between your legs from the sight alone.
You gently ran your tongue between her wet lips, Alexia groaned above you, her body waking up to the feeling of you. You were slow with it, just taking in her body, her flavour, her sounds, the way she bit her bottom lip when you sucked her in a certain way, the crease between her brows when you pushed your tongue inside her, lapping and drinking her down. Her hands laced your hair, you couldn't stop her, not when she looked so good, you also wanted her to do what she wanted, if this was the way she wanted things to go then you wouldn't stop her. 
She slowly began to move her hips, pushing herself deeping into your tongue. Her morning voice mixed with a ragged throat from last night made her moans sound rough. “La teva boca és perfecta.” She whispered, you watched her as your mouth worked against her. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open, just feeling you eat her out, she didn't mind that you were taking it slow, she loved the thought of you just being there, she was in heaven. A new wave of wetness dripped into your mouth every so often, you could hear how wet she was as you lapped at her folds. You gently wrapped your lips around her soft clit, sucking the nub into your mouth.
Her fingers laced your hair, pulling you closer, she began to make the cute little whimpers she did ash she got close. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” She begged. 
You didn't dare stop. You allowed her to gently fuck your face as she came in your mouth. She let out a deep groan as her legs clamped around your head. You stayed between her legs for most of the morning, sucking on her clit until she came 2 more times. When you finally released her she looked spent. Her face was a picture of bliss. 
You ordered room service for some actual breakfast, even though you wished eating pussy classed as a meal it wasn’t sustainable. You both sat out on the balcony of your room, in your robes as you ate your breakfast. You spoke about her upcoming match, in a week. Sometimes you dreaded these mornings with the women, they could sometimes be awkward, no matter how hard you tried, but it wasn't like that with Alexia, she was completely at ease.
She even asked about your work, only one other guest asked about it before, no one ever asked, it was like they became weird at the fact that they paid for this service, but didn’t mind when you was fucking them an hour before. Alexia looked to be deep in thought when you spoke about it, she asked so many questions and you didn't mind answering.
“So no sex with men?” She asked.
“Nope. Just punishment, name calling, make them clean my room. Things like that.” You drank your oj. 
“I see, this is good, no? They pay you, but they clean.” She giggled at her own joke.
You couldn't help but laugh at her, she was a completely different person from what you saw in the media, she was funny, gentle and a complete softy.
“I want to ride you.” She smirked into her glass as she said it.
But clearly she still had the confidence to take over a room. 
“You’re going to suck it first.” You winked.
10 minutes later you found yourself on your back with the goddess that she was, riding your dick, she moaned as she fucked herself. Once again it wasn’t rushed, her hips moved slowly on you. You pinched at her nipples as she whimpered at the sensation, her eyes never left yours, it felt like you were making love to her. It was different but it was nice, it was what she needed. You circled her clit gently, teasing her, you made her beg for it. You reminded her who she belonged to. You told her she had to think of you when she touched herself, to remind her that her pussy was yours. 
She came with a low groan, her throat sounded like it couldn't take anymore, her back arched, her head tilted back. You kissed her chest as she came down from her high. She helped you take the harness off and before you knew it her head was between your legs, you clit in between her lips. Just like you did, she was slow, painfully slow, you could feel her tongue exploring every crease of you. You came embarrassingly fast, but you couldn’t help it, Alexia had put some kind of spell on you. The second time wasn't so fast, her three fingers in you made you crumble beneath her, she kissed your mouth as you came, making you whimper into her lips. 
Your time with her was coming to an end, you called room service to bring up her bags. You both showered, together of course. You couldn't help but find your hands between her legs once more, pinning her to the shower wall as your fingers fucked her roughly. Her moaning bouncing in the tiled room sounded even better. 
You were both dressed now, you held her hands kissing her knuckles, you couldn't believe how quick the time had gone with her. 
“I don’t even know where to start. Thank you so much for everything.” The blonde smiled shyly. 
“You’re more than welcome. I’ve had a lot of fun with you.” You smirked.
“I don’t know if you would want to but I have some spare tickets for my gam -, No sorry. I don’t know why I said that. I - I - erh,”
You stopped her with a kiss. “I'd like that actually.”
Her eyes lit up. “Yeah?” Her cheeks blushed for a whole other reason.
“Yeah, you can get my details off the team. I’ll let them know I’m okay with it.” You smiled.
“Okay, great. I can't wait.” She kissed your cheek. 
“Yeah, Lucy Bronze is my favourite, I can't wait to see her.” You smirked.
She gave you a fake laugh and rolled her eyes. Smiling as she nudged you away. “Ha ha! So funny.” 
What was happening to you? You never allowed this but Alexia was something else, someone completely different, you genuinely liked the girl. 
“Good bye, my Queen” Alexia kissed your lips. 
You pulled back “Good bye la meva Reina.”
You opened the door, one of the ‘toys’ was waiting outside to accompany Alexia out. You said your final goodbyes and watched the Spaniard leave. A weird feeling sat in your stomach, you had never felt like this before, but a weird empty space had overtaken you. The only thing you could hope was that she didn't chicken out wanting to see you next week.
A couple days had passed and you hadn't gotten anything from the girl you assumed she didn't do it, or she changed her mind. Until one evening you heard a notification on your phone. You smiled as you read it.
‘Link Attachment - Tickets, VIP access for Barcelona grounds.’
Alexia - Sorry it took a while, my team hadn't sent it over. I hope you can still make it x
You - I was starting to think I’d have to watch it from home lol. Thank you, I can't wait x
Alexia - ahaha, no! I got you amazing seats. How have you been? X
You spoke throughout the night, you couldn't get over the way Alexia made you feel. There was a connection you had with her that felt so natural, butterflies fluttered in your stomach for the next week, until you were face to face with La Reina again.
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
We have three brains: The head brain, the gut and the heart.
🧠 Head (Brain): This is where our logic, intellect, and conscious thought processes are centered. Despite its importance, 90% of our behavior is influenced by our unconscious mind.
How to take care:
🧠 Do activities that stimulate your brain, such as puzzles, reading, learning new skills, or practicing mindfulness meditation. These activities can help improve cognitive function and maintain brain health.
🧠 Healthy nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and managing stress are crucial for brain health. Physical health directly impacts your cognitive abilities and mental clarity.
🧠 Keep your brain active by learning new things regularly. This could involve hobbies, courses, or activities that challenge and stimulate your intellect.
🍽️  Gut: Often referred to as our "second brain," the gut produces a significant amount of serotonin, which plays a crucial role in mood regulation and overall emotional management.
How to take care:
🍽️  Eat a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and probiotics (like yogurt or kefir) to promote a healthy gut microbiome. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods.
🍽️  Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support digestion and overall gut function.
🍽️  Stress can negatively impact your gut health. Practice stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, yoga, or meditation to maintain a healthy gut-brain axis.
❤️ Heart: The heart has neural pathways that communicate with the brain, suggesting a bidirectional flow of information. This connection emphasizes the role of emotions, intuition, and feelings in our decision making and overall cognitive processes.
How to take care:
❤️ Maintain positive relationships, express your emotions constructively, and engage in activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment.
❤️ Regular exercise not only benefits the heart but also helps manage your emotions by releasing endorphins and reducing stress.
❤️ Take time for your self care activities that nurture your emotional and psychological health.
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bloomzone · 3 months
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"pain is a price to pay for happiness"
-kim seungmin (straykids)
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© bloomzone!!
✉️:Finding a meaningful life purpose is a profound journey that many people embark on at different stages of their lives. It involves discovering what brings fulfillment, direction, and satisfaction. Identifying a purpose can help guide decisions, inspire actions, and provide a sense of meaning in both personal and professional aspects of life.
1.Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to Finding Your Life’s Purpose
﹙ 💌 ﹚ we will explore the concept of Ikigai, a Japanese term that means “a reason for being.” Ikigai is important to know because it offers a pathway to finding purpose and joy in life. It involves harmonizing four key elements: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be rewarded for...
Basically, ikigai is seen as the convergence of the following four core elements:
1. What you love (your passion)
2. What the world needs (your mission)
3. What you are good at (your vocation)
4. What you can get paid for (your profession)
The word ikigai, that space in the middle of these four primary elements, is seen by the Japanese as the source of value or what make one's life truly worthwhile.
1. Stay Active, Don’t Retire:
- The idea behind this rule is to keep your mind and body engaged in meaningful activities. Retirement doesn't mean stopping all productive work. It encourages finding activities you enjoy and continuing to contribute to society, which can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
-Benefits: Staying active helps maintain cognitive function, physical health, and emotional well-being. It can prevent feelings of uselessness and isolation.
2. Take It Slow:
- Embrace a slower, more deliberate pace of life. Instead of rushing through tasks, take time to savor and appreciate the process.
- Benefits:This can reduce stress and anxiety, improve the quality of your work and help u enjoy life more fully. It encourages mindfulness and living in the present moment.
3. Don’t Fill Your Stomach:
- The 80% rule, also known as "hara hachi bu" advises stopping eating when you're 80% full, rather than completely sated.
- Benefits: This practice promotes better digestion, prevents overeating, and can lead to a healthier weight. It’s associated with longevity and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
4. Surround Yourself with Good Friends:
- Build and maintain strong, positive relationships. Spend time with people who uplift and support you.
- Benefits: Good friends provide emotional support, reduce stress, and enhance your sense of belonging. Strong social connections are linked to better mental health and increased life expectancy.
5. Get in Shape for Your Next Birthday:
- Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining health and energy. Aim to improve or maintain your fitness level each year.
- Benefits: Exercise boosts physical health, mental clarity, and mood. It helps prevent chronic diseases, improves sleep, and enhances overall quality of life.
6. Smile:
- Adopting a positive attitude and smiling can improve your mood and the mood of those around you.
- Benefits: Smiling releases endorphins, reduces stress, and promotes a positive outlook. It can improve social interactions and relationships.
7. Reconnect with Nature:
- Spend time outdoors and appreciate the natural world. This can involve walking in parks, hiking, gardening, or simply enjoying a sunny day.
- Benefits: Nature exposure reduces stress, boosts mood, and improves mental health. It can also enhance physical health and encourage a sense of wonder and connection to the world.
8. Give Thanks:
- Practice gratitude regularly by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life.
- Benefits: Gratitude enhances happiness, reduces negative emotions, and improves mental health. It can also strengthen relationships and foster a more positive outlook on life.
9. Live in the Moment:
- Focus on the present rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Engage fully in whatever you are doing at the moment.
- Benefits:This practice, also known as mindfulness, reduces stress and enhances enjoyment and satisfaction. It can improve mental clarity and emotional regulation.
10. Follow Your Ikigai:
-Discover and pursue your Ikigai—the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Let this guide your life choices and actions.
- Benefits:Finding and following your Ikigai leads to a fulfilling and meaningful life. It helps align your passions with your skills and societal contributions, resulting in a sense of purpose and happiness.
3.Discover Your Ikigai: Guided Journal Prompts for a Meaningful Life
Ikigai journal prompts can help you explore and clarify your purpose and passions. Here are some prompts to guide your reflection:
Exploring Your Passions
1. What activities make you lose track of time?
2. What did you love to do as a child that you may have forgotten about?
3. What topics or activities are you naturally drawn to?
4. When do you feel most alive and engaged?
5. If you could do anything without worrying about money or other obligations, what would it be?
Identifying Your Strengths
6. What skills or talents do you excel at?
7. What do people frequently ask for your help with?
8. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
9. What feedback have you received that highlights your strengths?
10. When have you felt most competent and capable?
Understanding What the World Needs
11. What issues or causes do you care deeply about?
12. How do you want to make a difference in the world?
13. What problems do you see in your community that you wish you could solve?
14. What do you believe the world needs more of?
15. What impact do you want to have on others' lives?
Finding What You Can Be Paid For
16. What professional roles or careers have you considered?
17. How can you monetize your skills or passions?
18. What services or products can you offer that others would pay for?
19. What industries or fields are you interested in exploring for potential income?
20. What value do you bring to your current job or any job you’ve held?
Integrating Ikigai
21. How can you combine your passions, strengths, and what the world needs into a potential career or hobby?
22. What small steps can you take to start aligning your daily activities with your Ikigai?
23. What changes can you make in your life to focus more on your Ikigai?
24. Who can support you on your journey to finding and living your Ikigai?
25. What would a typical day look like if you were fully living your Ikigai?
Reflecting on Progress
26. What have you learned about yourself through this journaling process?
27. How has your understanding of Ikigai evolved over time?
28. What obstacles have you encountered in pursuing your Ikigai, and how can you overcome them?
29. What successes have you experienced in aligning your life with your Ikigai?
30. How can you maintain balance and avoid burnout while pursuing your Ikigai?
ıllı ⠀ : ⠀Let ur passion be your guiding star, leading you to a life filled with joy, purpose, and unshakable fulfillment.stay healthy I love u <143 ❛ ⠀ ♡ ⠀ !!
© bloomzone
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nightbunnysong · 13 days
A detailed look at the physical and neurological impact of prolonged screen exposure
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Social media is quietly reprogramming your brain, and the effects are more harmful than you think. The endless stream of content from platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram is eroding your mental health, weakening your focus, and impacting your physical well-being in ways you may not yet notice.
Neurological Effects
At the core of social media's addictive power is the brain’s reward system, particularly the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for motivating behaviors that lead to rewards, reinforcing actions that give us pleasure. Every time a user receives a like, view, or comment, it triggers a dopamine release, creating a brief feeling of satisfaction and reinforcing the desire to engage more. The problem is that social media platforms are designed to exploit this system by providing a continuous cycle of rewards. This constant stimulation has several neurological consequences:
1. Dopamine desensitization and addiction
With frequent social media use, the brain begins to expect regular dopamine spikes. Over time, it becomes desensitized to lower levels of dopamine, which means users need increasingly larger amounts of stimulation to feel the same level of pleasure. This is the same process seen in substance addiction, where overexposure to a drug alters brain chemistry, leading to cravings and compulsive use.
A study published in the journal Behavioral Brain Research (2019) found that excessive use of digital devices, including social media, leads to a reduction in dopamine receptor sensitivity. This results in users experiencing anhedonia, or the inability to feel pleasure from activities that would normally be enjoyable, such as face-to-face interactions or hobbies. The compulsive use of social media thus becomes a form of behavioral addiction that mimics the same pathways as drug addiction.
2. Reduced gray matter in key brain areas
Excessive use of social media also affects the brain structurally. Research indicates that prolonged social media engagement can lead to a reduction in gray matter in areas associated with emotional regulation, decision-making, and impulse control. A 2018 study published in the journal NeuroImage revealed that individuals who spend an excessive amount of time on their smartphones had reduced gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). These brain regions are critical for functions such as attention, emotion regulation, and impulse control.
Over time, this shrinkage can impair one’s ability to concentrate, control impulses, and make decisions, making it harder to disengage from the social media feedback loop. This contributes to attention-deficit symptoms and may even lead to cognitive impairments in the long term.
3. Fragmented attention and reduced memory consolidation
The rapid-fire nature of short-form content, such as YouTube Shorts and TikTok videos, conditions the brain to expect fast, high-intensity stimulation. This can lead to fragmented attention, where the brain becomes accustomed to quickly switching between tasks or pieces of information. A 2020 study published in the journal Nature Communications found that frequent multitasking, such as switching between apps or scrolling through social media, reduces the brain's ability to focus on a single task for an extended period. This weakens the brain's capacity for deep work, which requires sustained attention and focus over long periods.
Moreover, constant switching between stimuli interferes with memory consolidation, the process by which short-term memories are converted into long-term memories. The hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memory, is less active during multitasking, meaning that people who constantly engage with social media may find it harder to remember information or retain knowledge over time.
Physical Effects
1. Digital eye strain and blue light exposure
Physically, prolonged social media use on screens can lead to Digital Eye Strain (DES), also known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This condition results from focusing on a digital screen for extended periods, causing symptoms such as dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and difficulty focusing. According to the American Optometric Association, more than 50% of computer users experience symptoms of DES. The problem is exacerbated by the blue light emitted from screens, which can penetrate deep into the eye and cause damage to the retina over time.
Blue light also suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to blue light during the evening can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep and leading to poor sleep quality. A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine (2019) found that individuals exposed to blue light for just two hours before bed experienced reduced sleep duration and lower-quality sleep, with significant impairments in cognitive functioning the following day.
2. "Text Neck" and musculoskeletal problems
Constant smartphone use also impacts posture and musculoskeletal health. The repetitive motion of looking down at a phone for long periods places significant strain on the neck and upper back, leading to a condition known as text neck. In this position, the head tilts forward, which increases the load on the cervical spine. A 2014 study in Surgical Technology International found that tilting the head forward by just 45 degrees places the equivalent of 22 kilograms of pressure on the neck. Over time, this can lead to chronic neck pain, herniated discs, and other degenerative spinal conditions.
Additionally, prolonged periods of sitting while using digital devices contribute to sedentary behavior, which is linked to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. A study published in The Lancet (2015) concluded that sitting for more than 8 hours per day is associated with a 90% increase in the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.
Recommendations for Healthy Screen Time
Limiting phone use to a maximum of two hours a day offers numerous benefits for both your mind and body. First, it helps improve sleep quality by reducing blue light exposure, which allows your natural melatonin production to regulate your sleep cycle properly. This leads to deeper, more restful sleep and improved energy levels throughout the day.
Mentally, staying under the two-hour mark preserves your focus and cognitive function by preventing the brain from becoming dependent on constant, fragmented bursts of information. It encourages longer attention spans and better memory retention. Emotionally, reducing phone time lowers the risk of anxiety and depression by minimizing social comparison and the pressures of being constantly connected.
Other tips
1. Practice the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away to reduce eye strain.
2. Set time limits: Use smartphone apps or built-in screen time trackers to limit your usage of social media.
3. Blue Light Filters: Activate night mode on your devices or use apps that reduce blue light exposure, especially during the evening.
4. Posture Awareness: Keep screens at eye level to prevent text neck, and use ergonomic chairs to support your back.
5. Digital detox: Regularly schedule periods of no screen time, such as during meals or weekends.
[photos from Pinterest]
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gravegroves · 4 months
Okay, little stream-of-consciousness-moment:
Billy, who's mind is like a steel trap, who isn't a scared little child, but a healthy, angry young adult. And the mindflayer doesn't even know what hit it. One second it's infiltrating grey matter, overtaking neural pathways and becoming one with this new vessel and the next second it's burning alive, it's crumbling and shrinking and screeching in agony as the human body does what is does best to foreign invaders: try to kill it.
I've always loved the posts on tumblr that explore how deeply weird humans would be to aliens. Our physiology, our mentality, when spoken of as animal traits they are all deeply disturbing. We're persistence predators. We're built to last. We can survive unimaginable horrors (and also die from the stupidest, most everyday things). Our main predator, is ourselves. A bite from a child can kill another human just from the bacteria alone if left untreated. Our bodies are designed to kill entities both within and without.
Humans are fucking terrifying.
So the mindflayer is so unprepared for an adult human who's been through too much shit already. Not just a tired little slip of a kid, but a healthy, entering-his-prime human and is eradicated with extreme prejudice by nothing more than a good immune system going into overdrive.
But it's too deeply imbeded, so the body again does what it can to protect itself, it encases it. Within the body, but separate. Calcified. Caged.
So here's Billy, who has a rather spotty memory of a car crash and feels like he has a head cold for a couple of days before he gets on with his life. Only weird shit keeps happening to him, now. Like that time he encounters a pack of dogs while out drinking by the quarry, except they look really fucked-up the closer they get, not like any dog Billy's ever seen before, and just as he's prepared for an attack from these things, they just walk up to him and sniff around a bit with their weird flower heads blooming and closing, but otherwise leaving him unharmed. And Billy's just this side of drunk where terrible ideas seem kinda brilliant and he tells the things to sit. And they do. Amazed, he tosses his beer bottle and tells them go fetch, and again, one does.
And then when it's time to go home Billy offhandedly tells them to get lost and they run off back into the woods, and when he wakes up in the morning it's easy to rationalise it away. Probably the beer had been rolling around in the car for too long and it went bad and fucked him up. Should just have thrown the whole sixpack out. Those were just regular dogs, for sure. Except the next day, when he's out behind the pool building trying to find a good spot to smoke, he steps onto soft soil or something and falls down into a weird ass tunnel and a bunch of those same monster dogs just appear out of nowhere and pile themselves on top of each other for him to be able to climb out. And a couple of days later when Neil smacks Billy around for being out late again, one of those dogs honest to God comes crashing through the living room window to shred Neil's leg up and leaves just as quickly at the first sign of panic from Billy.
And yeah okay, by this stage Billy's figuring out things are kinda fucky around Hawkins, and so it's just Billy having his own little side adventure in the background while the rest of the gang are running around Hawkins trying desperately to find the Mindflayer, not knowing that Billy unknowingly trapped it within himself and is just living his life, teaching these weirdly obedient alien dogs to do tricks because they keep helping him or seeking him out.
Anyway, upside down is doomed because their leader is literally trapped inside Billy and Billy is just teaching these dog-things to steal cigarettes from the gas station and volunteering for the closing shift at the pool because he can just get the dogs to bring the pool noodles back into the shed.
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pronoun-fucker · 1 year
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IN 1986, Sophie Ottaway was born with a very rare condition which required immediate surgery.
Cloacal exstrophy happens when the organs in the abdomen do not form correctly in the womb, resulting in babies born with organs such as the bladder or intestines outside the body.
Doctors had to operate to save her life.
Sophie was actually a boy, with a tiny, damaged penis but healthy testes.
But doctors advised Sophie’s parents that their baby’s male ­genitalia should be removed to avoid further complications.
The baby had to be registered by the following day, which meant they had to decide whether to tick male or female on the form.
Sophie’s parents Karen and John followed the surgeons’ advice.
“They were told not to tell me,” says Sophie, a warm and friendly 37-year-old who has since fully forgiven her parents for their decision.
“We are very close,” she tells me, “despite going through some rocky times in the past.”
Life changed for Sophie, who grew up in Beverley, East Yorks, when she was 22 years old and visiting her GP surgery for tonsilitis.
She says: “I saw on the computer screen that I had XY chromosomes, had been castrated hours after birth, and an incision was made where a vagina would be.”
Although Sophie exploded at her parents in the moment, she buried her feelings about it all until 13 years later when, hospitalised during a Covid lockdown, it was discovered she had developed sepsis that had ended up in her intestines.
‘I went into 13 years of absolute denial’
This was what led her to decide to speak out.
Sophie was already aware that many children and young people were being groomed in gender ideology, persuaded to take puberty blockers, then set on a medical pathway for life.
She says: “At age 11, as I approached puberty, they put me on oestrogen because there’s no ovaries, and no testes to produce testosterone.
“This is what doctors are doing now to kids who wish to change gender — putting them on blockers.”
It was a lie when Sophie was told she had to take oestrogen for life because her ovaries had been removed at birth as a result of damage.
Sophie was born biologically male. “So obviously there were never any ovaries,” she says wryly.
She adds: “The time to tell me and try to get informed consent was at the point we introduced the endocrinologist. This is the time puberty blockers are being offered to kids, so I make that connection with what’s happening today.”
When feminists and others critical of the medicalisation of children with gender dysphoria have said that these drugs and interventions are harmful, we are often labelled bigots. But Sophie is speaking from personal experience, in the hope that she will be listened to rather than dismissed and vilified.
About five years ago, Sophie chose to stop taking the hormones, because “I was adamant that many problems in my life were being caused by them.
“I was about 4st heavier than I am now, and I wasn’t eating badly. I was having bladder pain beyond belief.
“I had fatigue and was quite angry a lot of the time.”
By then, Sophie had been taking oestrogen for 20 years, and decided enough was enough. She was told she should keep taking it because it was for bone density, to which she replied that she would have regular bone scans.
Sophie had no choice but to go on oestrogen, because the doctors prescribed it to her as a child — but surely she should be listened to when she warns of the effects cross-sex hormones have on the body?
Now that she no longer takes it, all her symptoms have improved.
She says: “We’re selling this idea of perfection in the guise of changing gender. You’ve got all of these problems and might be struggling because you don’t fit in at school, or because you like boys’ toys and you’re a girl, or vice versa. As someone who knows all about decisions made under time pressure and who has paid the price, Sophie’s understanding of the sales pitch being made to children before puberty is crystal clear.
She says: “You’ve got a sale based on a time pressure.
“We’re going to push you through this for the puberty blockers, we’re going to make that sale.”
Keen to stress that there is a big difference between a girl behaving “like a boy”, wearing boys’ clothes and haircuts, Sophie adds: “Puberty blockers are a different level to how we dress and which toys we favour.”
The idea being sold is that gender reassignment is the answer to all your problems, but Sophie says: “What you get is genital mutilation, castration, and a lifetime of dangerous hormones, which was my experience.”
As she points out: “Children can’t vote, they can’t drink, can’t drive.
“But you can choose to do something life-changing.”
Sophie hopes that by speaking out and telling her unvarnished truth, some children — and parents — might make a different choice.
She says that when she found out that she’d been born male, “I obviously knew I had urological problems, and I knew that I had no vagina because of the surgeries.
“I didn’t address it at that point. I was 22, in second year at university.
“I had a plan of my life. And dealing with this monstrosity was not in the plan. I got up the next day and went to university.
“I still had the same connection with my friends. I was still the ­person I was 24 hours ago.
“But I went into 13 years of ­absolute denial.”
She never told anyone about it, not even close friends.
‘When I came out of hospital I was raging’
Then, during the pandemic, Sophie found herself in hospital a couple of times, and it all came crashing down.
She recalls: “They thought it was a kidney infection, but they couldn’t get to the bottom of it.
“When I was born they had fashioned some female genitalia. Brown putrid fluid starting leaking out of the hole and it would not stop.
“I presented at the hospital and I had to tell them for the first time about what had happened to me.”
When doctors examined her, they saw that there was something very wrong.
It turned out there was a mass in her abdomen, which was the neovagina — inserted when she was a baby — and left to rot.
Sophie says: “I found out from my mum that they had inserted it when I was two days old, and that one day it popped out and was found in my nappy.”
Surgeons replaced it during a later operation, sealed it up, and left it, which is why it led to sepsis many years later.
“No one had been told it had been put back in,” says Sophie.
Up until this point she had thought that the surgeon had simply operated to save her life — “which he did, but he also did a hell of a lot of other stuff that was unnecessary.”
What’s more, the doctors failed to do something that was necessary — namely, address the complex urological problems that have plagued Sophie all her life.
She says this “is one of the things that has the biggest effect on having any kind of intimate relationship. And yet the one thing that they could have fixed is my incontinence.”
She tells me: “When I came out of hospital, I was raging at that point.”
And she thought that by speaking out, she might be able to help those who think they are in the wrong body.
Sophie says: “A lot of them are being groomed to feel that way or question those thoughts in the first place by the school and the system and the media. Those kids need help.”
A much better solution, she argues, would be to divert funding currently being used for puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery and ­allocate it to children’s mental health services and counselling.
Sophie says: “We can work with that person to find out why they are feeling like this.
“Then, maybe when they become an adult, they might be mature enough to be properly informed and consent to any changes to the outer body.
“It is often assumed I am transgender, but I really don’t like labels. I am just Sophie.
Poised for a backlash from the more extreme trans activists, Sophie makes it clear that she respects any adult’s decision to choose that path — so long as they are properly informed.
But she is clear that this is never appropriate for children.
“I don’t want this to happen to any other baby born with this condition,” she says.
“We have to find better ways to support kids to live in the body they are born with.”
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