#regulus x hufflepuff reader
saveregblackordie0726 · 4 months
Sombre et Pur'
Chapter 10
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Sixth Year – 1976 – October 31 
The weeks leading up to Halloween felt like a blur of forced normalcy. Patrols with Regulus became a chilling game of avoidance. He maintained a rigid distance, the very air between us crackling with unspoken hostility. We walked in silence, his icy demeanor a stark reminder of the unsettling encounter in the Astronomy Tower. Surprisingly, I preferred the silent tension to his cruel provocations. It offered a semblance of control, an illusion of peace in the midst of the storm raging within. 
Lily, with her usual enthusiastic flair, had been consumed with costume planning for weeks. Her choice – an angel, of course – was so perfectly fitting that it bordered on cliché. Her halo sparkled with what I suspected were real diamonds, and her flowing white robes were made of silk so fine it seemed to shimmer with celestial light. She had spent hours perfecting her makeup, aiming for an ethereal glow that would put the moon itself to shame. 
Amidst Lily's angelic preparations, I played my own supporting role. I helped James and Sirius spread the word about the Halloween bash, delicately balancing secrecy with generating enough buzz to ensure a decent turnout. There was a reckless thrill in defying the rules, in claiming a space where we could, even for one night, cast off the shadows of the war looming outside the castle walls. 
The night before the party, under the cloak of darkness, Remus, James, and I slipped into the kitchens. Remus, bless his ever-pragmatic soul, had struck a deal. Madam Rosmerta with promises of increased patronage for several weeks and a few extra galleons. The result was a generous supply of whiskey and Fire whiskey that, with a flick of James's wand and a muttered doubling charm, promised enough alcohol to fuel any party. 
With pockets overflowing with enchanted candy and baskets filled with stolen treats, we crept out of Hogwarts kitchens feeling like a band of merry bandits. The weight of stolen pastries in my pocket mingled with a giddy sense of rebellion, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a genuine sliver of joy pierce through the persistent gloom. 
Halloween night arrived with an electric energy that crackled through the ancient castle. Old Nick had generously offered to share their celebration room, with promises of secrecy in exchange for copious trays of rotting meat. The room had been transformed into a den of spooky delights. Glowing jack-o'-lanterns flickered in corners, their grinning faces reflecting the boisterous energy of the gathered students. Cauldrons bubbled with mysterious, sweet-smelling liquids, and cobweb-draped tables overflowed with treats. The scent of pumpkin spice and spiced cider hung heavy in the air, an intoxicating blend that promised both mischief and merriment in equal measure. 
Lily's dormitory was a whirlwind of feathers, glitter, and frantic last-minute adjustments. Dorcas, dressed as a mesmerizing siren with shimmering scales and a crown of seashells, deftly applied shimmering eyeshadow to Marlene, who had transformed into a convincingly rebellious Joan Jett. Alice, her pale features accentuated by dark lips and a enchanted whiskers, checked out her cat-suit in the floor length mirror. Then it was my turn. Lily and Dorcas, armed with an arsenal of hair products and charms, skillfully teased and coaxed my auburn hair into soft, cascading waves. They carefully painted my face, highlighting my cheekbones with a shimmery bronze and subtly darkening my eyes with smoky browns and greens. My costume, the result of weeks of clandestine collaboration with my artistic roommate Beatrice, was an enigmatic creation. It hinted at something nocturnal, yet ethereal. 
My dress, a short concoction of shimmering emerald silk overlaid with delicate layers of brown and bronze chiffon, swirled around my legs with every movement. But the centerpiece, the part that made Beatrice beam with pride, were the wings. They were attached like a backpack of sorts and extended nearly three feet on either side. Each feather, painstakingly crafted from dyed parchment and wire, was a work of art. They shimmered with vibrant yellows and earthy greens, enchanted by Lily to open and close every few seconds, leaving a simmering of glittery dust behind. 
A mask, in the same rich hues as my dress, obscured the upper half of my face. It sparkled with strategically placed flecks of glitter, catching the flickering candlelight as I moved. Beatrice had insisted on a final touch, liberally dusting my hair, shoulders, and exposed skin with a shimmering gold powder that gave me the appearance of having stepped straight out of a moonlit forest clearing. 
As I surveyed myself in the mirror, a strange mixture of nerves and excitement danced in my stomach. The costume felt like an armor of sorts, a way to hide behind a carefully crafted facade. Unlike Lily's overt celestial beauty, or Marlene's edgy rebellion, my disguise was more subtle, a whispered secret rather than an open declaration. 
A collective gasp from the girls snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh, Clem!" Alice exclaimed; her eyes wide with delight. "You look absolutely magical!" 
Marlene whistled appreciatively, and even Dorcas, with her penchant for gothic darkness, grudgingly offered a nod of approval. Their affirmations swirled around me, a warm bath against the lingering chill of the last few weeks. 
A flicker of apprehension gnawed at my edges as I waved the girls on ahead. They disappeared down the corridor, a whirlwind of feathers, leather, and glitter, leaving me alone in the deserted dorm. 
"I'll be down in a minute!" I called after them, my voice echoing slightly in the sudden silence. Turning back to the full-length mirror, I hesitated, a familiar wave of insecurity washing over me. Did the dress make my legs look too long? Was there too much glitter on my collarbone? Was the concept too obscure, too strange? 
Banishing the doubts with a determined shake of my head, I took a deep breath and turned away from my reflection. The costume, the party, the carefully constructed facade – it was all a temporary distraction, a shield against the encroaching darkness. There was no point dwelling on appearances when the weight of a silent war hung heavy between me and Regulus. 
Descending the spiral staircase to the Gryffindor common room, I was startled to find Peter waiting, his customary nervousness amplified beneath a tall, pointed wizard's hat. He straightened hurriedly at my entrance, his eyes widening in surprise as they took in my appearance. 
Peter had changed over the years. His frame, once soft and slightly pudgy, had hardened. Though still on the stocky side, there was a new solidity to him, a hint of strength in his shoulders and the line of his jaw. He was less of a timid boy and more a young man, still navigating the awkwardness of adolescence but with a flicker of determination in his eyes. 
"C-Clem," he stammered, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "You ... Wow." 
A warm smile spread across my face, genuine and unforced. "Peter," I teased gently, tucking an escaped tendril of hair behind my ear, "Why are you still here?" 
He grinned sheepishly, ducking his head in a gesture that reminded me of the shy second-year I'd befriended all those years ago. "W-Waiting for you," he admitted. "Lily." 
Understanding dawned. The worry etched on Lily's face before disappearing down the corridor flickered in my mind. Of course, she wouldn't want me wandering alone, not with the ever-present threat of darkness bubbling just beneath the surface of our revelry. She likely instructed Peter to be my escort, her own version of a watchful guardian angel. I felt a rush of fondness for both of them; their unwavering loyalty was a beacon in the storm. 
“Shall we then, Peter?" I asked with a playful curtsey, offering him my arm. 
His answering smile was wide and genuine as he led me out of the portrait hole. The walk to the dungeons, our usual route to a vacant classroom for shared study sessions, felt different tonight. The flickering torchlight painted the corridors in an air of mystery, and a festive buzz vibrated through the very stones of the castle. Peter and I, normally comfortable in our shared silences, seemed to find our tongues loosened by the unique atmosphere. 
"I saw you practicing with Beatrice in the courtyard," Peter remarked, his voice low. "Your wings, they're ...incredible." 
"She's an artistic genius," I agreed. The wings were Beatrice's masterpiece, the culmination of our whispered conversations about elusive creatures and forgotten lore. 
Sensing an opportunity, I turned the conversation towards him. "So, a classic wizard, Peter? Are you planning on casting any real spells tonight?" I teased. 
He blushed again, a charming contrast to his serious wizarding attire. "Maybe a charm or two," he admitted, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I've been practicing." 
Our conversation continued, a lighthearted blend of observations on the passing costumes, playful bets on how much pumpkin juice James would consume, and Peter's reluctant admission that he'd been working up the courage to dance with a Ravenclaw girl for weeks. The ease of our banter was both comforting and bittersweet. We were growing up, changing, and the unspoken fear was that the threads of our friendship might fray as our paths diverged. 
To avoid the congested main corridors, Peter steered us towards a hidden passage known only to a select few. He navigated the maze of dim corridors and crumbling staircases with a surprising confidence, a stark contrast to the timid boy who used to follow in the confident stride of his friends. 
"Nearly there," he announced as we rounded a corner into a forgotten stretch of corridor lined with dusty portraits. 
A soft glow emanated from behind a iron-barred doorway. With a grin, Peter pushed aside the heavy gate, revealing a pathway pulsating with muffled music and the excited murmur of a crowd. 
The makeshift party space seemed a world away from the rest of the castle. The dungeons, usually cold and imposing, had been transformed into a den of spooky delights. Glowing skulls hung from the ceiling while enchanted bats swooped playfully through the air, narrowly missing the heads of giggling students. The room throbbed with a chaotic energy – masked figures danced with wild abandon, groups huddled by a makeshift bar, exchanging gossip and scandalous rumors, and in one corner, a particularly dedicated group was attempting to levitate a protesting cat. 
The roar of the party hit us like a wave as we stepped through the hidden entrance. Laughter, shouts, and the pounding rhythm of an unfamiliar tune assaulted our senses, a delicious change from the quiet order of our everyday lives. I glanced at Peter, who was surveying the scene with wide eyes and a hint of anxious excitement, and couldn't help but grin. His determinedly calm facade was endearing, a testament to his bravery in venturing into the center of such boisterous chaos. 
Peter followed my gaze as we weaved through the throng of students, their laughter washing over us like a warm tide. He nudged my arm, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Look, isn't that Prongs?" he exclaimed, pointing towards a tall figure clad in surprisingly realistic chainmail. 
My eyes followed his gesture and landed on James, resplendent in a knight costume that seemed far closer to authentic armor than a hastily assembled outfit. He was leaning casually against a stone pillar, his gaze scanning the crowd. Upon spotting us, his face split into a wide grin, and he lifted his tankard in a silent salute. 
We navigated towards him, pushing through groups of giggling vampires, superheroes who had clearly raided their parents' wardrobes, and what appeared to be a colony of particularly enthusiastic house-elves. As we drew closer, a familiar face appeared next to James, her fiery red hair and shimmering halo unmistakable. 
"Clem! Peter! Over here!" Lily called out, a radiant smile illuminating her face. She straightened from where she had been leaning against James, her cheeks slightly flushed. "Have a drink," she urged, extending two intricately carved silver goblets brimming with a suspiciously pink liquid. 
I took a tentative sip, my eyes widening as a fiery warmth burned its way down my throat. "Merlin's Beard!" I choked, fighting back a cough, "I thought Remus was in charge of the punch?" 
James, never one to miss an opportunity for a dramatic reveal, puffed out his chest. "I nicked the job from dear Moony," he announced grandly. "He was far too focused on choosing the perfect party playlist." A smug grin spread across his face as Lily swatted at his arm with playful exasperation. 
"Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you lot ever pass your exams," she muttered, though her lips twitched in amusement. 
The warmth of the alcohol and the contagious energy of the crowd washed away some of the lingering unease that clung to me like a shadow. Here, in this hidden dungeon filled with music and laughter, the darkness gnawing at the edges of my world seemed distant, muffled by the thumping bass and punctuated by the clinking of glasses. 
Peter, emboldened by the punch and the infectious spirit of the festivities, shed his usual reserve with surprising speed. He challenged a group of Hufflepuffs to a particularly raucous game of wizarding charades, his impromptu performance of a banshee earning him raucous applause. Later, I spotted him locked in an intense conversation with the same Ravenclaw girl he had admired from afar, a wide, shy smile on his face. It was heartwarming to see him blossom, to witness the quiet courage that had been growing within him all these years. 
Lily, ever the life of the party, had taken charge of the dance floor. She whirled and twirled with reckless abandon, her laughter echoing through the room. Her angel wings shimmered with every movement, casting dazzling reflections on the stone walls and drawing admiring glances from every corner of the room. 
James hovered nearby, his knightly persona morphing into that of a devoted attendant. He replenished her drink, adjusted her halo when it inevitably slipped, and generally basked in the glow of her radiant smile. I felt a pang of wistfulness, a reminder of the unspoken question lingering between them, the tantalizing possibility of something more than friendship. They were so perfectly in sync, so obviously meant for each other, that it seemed almost cruel the universe was making them wait. 
The crowd pulsed and swayed around us, a blur of shimmering costumes and joyful faces. Yet, amidst the revelry, a lingering awareness of Regulus nagged at the edges of my consciousness. There was a dissonance in my enjoyment, a guilt in letting myself drown in laughter while he lurked in the shadows, his icy gaze a persistent weight upon me. 
It was as if the universe read my thoughts. In a brief lull between songs, as snippets of hushed conversations drifted around me, I caught it – the name that sent shivers down my spine. A hushed whisper, carried on the wind of gossip that wound through any gathering: 
"...Black... heard he crashed the party..." 
Instinct took over. My eyes darted across the crowd, a desperate search for a familiar figure shrouded in darkness, for a glimpse of stormy grey eyes that could extinguish the fleeting joy within me like a snuffed-out flame. My gaze swept over disguised faces, half-hidden by elaborate masks, desperately seeking any sign of him. 
But he was nowhere to be seen. Relief washed over me in a cool wave, followed quickly by a pang of guilt at finding comfort in his absence. The music surged back to life, the crowd roaring its approval, yet the whispers lingered. Regulus, even unseen, was a specter haunting the edges of my joy, a stark reminder of the war that would inevitably seep back into these ancient halls, poisoning even the most lighthearted of celebrations. 
Over the thumping beat and the roar of the crowd, a familiar voice penetrated the haze of merry chaos. My eyes darted across the room, a flicker of recognition replacing the disoriented confusion. 
"Kit!" The call came again, followed by a waving hand and a familiar flash of dark hair. Relief mixed with a flicker of apprehension washed over me as I spotted Sirius weaving through the crowd. Beside him, Remus navigated the party with a quieter ease, his eyes sweeping the room with a watchful attentiveness that never truly faded. They were joined by Katie, resplendent in a figure-hugging blood-red mini dress with elaborate, lacy bat wings, ripped stockings, and a smoldering gaze fueled by smoky makeup and a healthy dose of party punch. 
With a final weave around a group of particularly enthusiastic werewolves, they reached my side at the edge of the dance floor. Sirius wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug, the scent of Fire whiskey strong on his breath. He released me, holding me at arm's length to assess my costume, a drunken grin plastered on his face. 
"Don't get too sloshed, Pads," I teased, grabbing the empty goblet from his hand and accepting the replacement he offered. As I took a sip, the potent punch burned a fiery path down my throat, bringing tears to my eyes. 
"Ugh, don't remind me," he chuckled, the memory of last year's disastrous Halloween party apparently still fresh in his mind. "Kit, you look bloody brilliant!" 
I flushed at the genuine compliment, the warmth spreading through me despite the cool air of the dungeon. My wings fluttered slightly in unconscious response, and a touch of the shy, insecure girl I used to be peeked through. 
His attention flitted to Peter, who stood slightly behind me, a tentative smile on his face. "Pettigrew, fancy a proper drink?" Sirius asked, winking at Peter, who nodded eagerly. The two of them disappeared towards the makeshift bar with surprising speed. 
I returned my attention to my friends. Remus, less talkative than his boisterous counterpart, offered a warm smile and a squeeze of my shoulder. 
"You look beautiful, Clem," he said, his voice low and sincere. 
A comfortable silence fell for a moment as we took in the scene before us. Nearby, a group of spectral figures in tattered clothing glided around a table laden with rotting meat, placed there for their ghostly enjoyment. The acrid smell of smoke filled my nostrils, the source quickly revealed as Katie, Remus, and Sirius passed around a suspiciously rolled cigarette. 
"Clem!" Katie shrieked, drawing me back from my momentary observation of the resident ghosts. She abandoned her post at the spectral snack table and swept me into an enthusiastic hug, nearly knocking the precarious mask off my head. The pungent scent of patchouli clung to her, an intoxicating mixture with the faint hints of smoke and spilled punch. 
Releasing me, she gestured towards a tall boy standing beside her. He had a shock of curly brown hair and a friendly smile that put him oddly at ease in the midst of the drunken revelry. 
"This is Ed—" she began, then paused, a frown momentarily creasing her brow. 
"—Eddie, right?" I finished for her, a jolt of recognition hitting me. I'd seen him around the common room, usually buried in a Charms textbook or quietly playing a game of chess with another student in a forgotten corner. 
"Right!" Katie chirped, clearly relieved that I remembered. "Seventh Year, Hufflepuff," she added proudly. Eddie offered a polite smile and a slightly awkward wave. He seemed sweet, his nervousness endearing in the face of Katie's exuberant confidence. 
I took a drag from the spliff Katie passed me. The smoke filled my lungs, leaving a slightly acrid taste on my tongue. I exhaled slowly, a cloud of hazy smoke dancing before my eyes. The alcohol and the smoke combined to create a pleasantly disorienting effect. The music pounded in my chest, the laughter and conversation swirled around me, and the worries that lingered in my sober mind began to fade. 
As the night wore on, I let myself fall deeper into the haze of smoke and laughter. Tucked into the shadowy corner of the dungeon, Katie, Remus, Sirius, Eddie, and I formed a cozy island amidst the raging sea of partygoers. Peter hovered somewhere nearby, his cheeks flushed as he engaged in an animated conversation with the Ravenclaw girl who, by the looks of it, was thoroughly charmed by my usually reserved friend. 
Katie regaled us with dramatic tales of Quidditch victories and near-death experiences with rogue Bludgers. Her voice rose above the din of the party, laced with laughter and an enthusiasm that was both captivating and infectious. Sirius, never one to miss an opportunity for theatrics, occasionally burst into exaggerated renditions of whatever song was playing, much to Remus's amusement and Eddie's bewildered fascination. 
My eyes flickered towards Sirius and Remus. Their shoulders occasionally brushed as they passed the joint, a flicker of a smile or a whispered comment traded between them. There was a new softness in Remus's eyes when he looked at Sirius, a tenderness I hadn't seen before. A wave of happiness washed over me; after so many years of witnessing their complicated dance of friendship and unspoken longing, the open affection was a heartwarming sight. 
Then, like a burst of vibrant energy cutting through the dimness, ABBA's iconic melodies filled the room. Lily and Dorcas appeared at my side, their laughter echoing as they grabbed my hands and pulled me away from the smoky corner and into the heart of the dance floor. 
The three of us twirled and swayed with reckless abandon, our voices joining the chorus of singing partygoers. Dizzying lights spun around me, casting the world into a kaleidoscope of colors and hazy edges. Lily's angel wings shimmered, catching the flashing lights with every spin. Dorcas let out a wild whoop of delight as she kicked her fishnet-clad legs high in the air. And I, swept away by the music and the infectious joy of my friends, danced as if no one was watching, my moth wings rustling gently with each step. 
In the aftermath of the ABBA craze, James materialized, a mischievous glint in his eyes and a shot glass clutched in each hand. 
"Shots for the Evans girls?" he declared; his voice thick with the effects of the potent punch. 
Never one to back down from a challenge, I grinned and tossed back the fiery liquid. It burned a familiar path down my throat, momentarily grounding me in the swirling chaos. The alcohol warmed my veins, fueling a heady recklessness that danced just beneath the surface of my control. 
More smoke, more shots, more laughter echoed around me. The hours seemed to dissolve, the party transforming into a pulsating blur of colors, music, and carefree moments. My inhibitions, usually so carefully guarded, retreated like a frightened animal. 
At some point, the room began to spin. I stumbled slightly, clinging to a stone pillar for support, and glanced around. The realization hit me like a cold splash of water. It was nearing the end of the night, and couples were beginning to drift away in pairs. 
Lily and James leaned against each other, their laughter quieter, tinged with a sweetness that spoke of plans yet to be made. Sirius had an arm slung casually over Remus's shoulder, their heads bent close in a whispered conversation seemingly oblivious to the thinning crowd around them. Even Katie and Eddie had disappeared, most likely to find a quiet corner of their own. 
A pang of loneliness struck me, an unexpected chill amidst the warmth of the alcohol and the lingering smoke. My meticulously constructed armor, the carefree facade built on laughter and drinks, began to crack under the weight of a bittersweet realization. 
The truth settled over me, as stark and unavoidable as the cold stone beneath my palm: I was alone. 
Oh, my friends were still there, a comforting presence a mere glance away. But in their stolen glances, their shared smiles, their quiet intimacy, there was a reminder of what I lacked. 
The music, moments ago a beacon of joy, now grated on my nerves. The laughter echoing around the dungeon no longer felt like my own. I was adrift, caught between the retreating tide of merry chaos and the sobering dawn that lurked just beyond the castle walls. 
A shaky breath escaped me, and I pushed myself away from the pillar. The world swayed and dipped, the edges of my vision blurring uncomfortably. With a determination born more of desperation than true bravery, I navigated my way out of the dungeon. 
With each wobbly step away from the heart of the party, the weight of isolation pressed down upon me. The laughter and music faded into a muffled backdrop against the pounding in my head. The darkness of the dungeons, previously a source of secretive thrill, now seemed to press in from all sides, mirroring the encroaching shadows within. 
My feet, clad in fishnet stockings and ridiculous platform shoes, seemed to have a mind of their own. The corridors twisted and turned, each corner revealing another stretch of dimly lit stone and echoing silence. With no clear destination and a growing sense of disorientation, I simply kept moving, propelled forward by a stubborn refusal to succumb to the overwhelming weariness that threatened to drag me down. 
Then, like a specter materialized from the dimness, Regulus Black stepped out from a shadowy alcove. His sudden appearance sent a jolt of unpleasant surprise through my alcohol-addled system. Of course, even in the depths of the dungeons, on a night fueled by reckless abandon, I couldn't escape him. His presence was a chilling reminder that the darkness I sought to avoid was woven into the very fabric of our world. 
He wore no costume, no playful mask to hide behind. Just his usual dark clothes and an expression of cool disdain that seemed permanently etched onto his pale features. The flickering torchlight played across his face, casting stark shadows that accentuated the sharp lines of his cheekbones and the icy glint in his eyes. 
"Great," I slurred, the word heavy on my tongue. "Bloody fantastic." A bitter laugh escaped me, echoing strangely in the empty corridor. 
He didn't respond immediately, just observed me with a dark amusement that sent a shiver down my spine. The silence stretched, punctuated only by my uneven breathing and the faint echo of his own footsteps. Finally, he spoke, his voice a low drawl that cut through the haze in my head with unsettling clarity. 
"Fitting, you'd be a moth," he remarked, a sneer twisting his lips. 
Indignation sparked within me, a flicker of defiance pushing back against the creeping despair. I crossed my arms defensively, the motion causing the world to lurch uncomfortably. 
"Figures you'd be the one to get it right," I retorted, my words tripping over each other in my drunken state. Frustration gnawed at me as I fumbled with the intricate fastenings of my mask. "People have been calling me a butterfly all night," I grumbled, finally ripping the mask away from my face. 
He let out a short, humorless laugh. "You're too dark for a mere butterfly, Evans," His words were laced with a cruel amusement, a calculated jab aimed at the shadows he saw lurking within me. 
"Says you," I mumbled, more to myself than to him. "Now, if you'll excuse me," I made a move to step past him, determined to continue my aimless wandering, but he was quicker. 
Before I could react, he shifted, blocking my path. His presence loomed over me, the scent of old parchment and something darker clinging to him like a second skin. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine. 
"Wrong way," he declared with a smirk, "unless you're looking to sneak into the Slytherin dorms?" The suggestion hung heavy in the air between us. 
My face flushed hot with a mixture of anger and a reluctant, traitorous heat. His suggestive tone, the way his eyes raked over me with a predatory gleam, ignited a familiar battle within me. Revulsion warred with a flicker of shameful excitement, a recognition of the dangerous magnetism he exuded. 
"Don't flatter yourself, Black," I spat, struggling to maintain an air of defiance. "I'd rather face a dragon than spend another minute in your company." 
A wave of nausea washed over me. The alcohol sloshed uncomfortably in my stomach, and the room spun with renewed vigor. I needed to get away from him, from the darkness he embodied, from the temptation to dance with the shadows that both horrified and fascinated me. 
"Get out of my way," I demanded, my voice laced with a desperation that bordered on pleading. To my surprise, he stepped aside, a flicker of something I couldn't decipher passing through his eyes. My escape from Regulus was short-lived. The corridor seemed to warp and stretch before me, the floor tilting at alarming angles. Just as I thought I was free, I stumbled, my knees nearly buckling beneath me. A gasp escaped my lips as the world lurched sickeningly. 
Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, a hand shot out, gripping my elbow with surprising strength. The sudden support halted my impending collision with the cold stone floor. I whirled around, my glare fueled by a mixture of indignation and the unsettling dizziness that threatened to send me sprawling. 
There he was, of course. His pale face was etched with a frown, his eyes narrowed in a mixture of annoyance and what might have been reluctant concern. 
"You're sloshed," he stated flatly. There was an accusatory note in his voice, as though my inebriated state was a personal affront to him. 
"What a clever boy you are," I snapped, my words slurring slightly. "Mummy must be so proud." 
He tightened his grip on my elbow, a flicker of anger replacing the disdain in his eyes. "Stop being so bloody difficult, Evans," he hissed, his voice barely above a whisper. 
A defiant hiccup bubbled up from my throat, a ridiculous counterpoint to the seriousness of the situation. The room spun alarmingly, my vision blurring at the edges. "Why don't you," another hiccup interrupted me, "go back to whatever creepy activities you were up to?" I managed, the words dripping with forced sarcasm. 
To my immense annoyance, he didn't let go. His grip remained firm on my arm, a constant reminder of his presence and my own vulnerability. The room tilted dangerously once more, and a wave of nausea washed over me. 
"If you'd like to stumble around like a fool until you pass out, or something," he paused, the unspoken threat hanging in the air, "far worse than me happens upon you, then be my guest." His words were harsh, laced with a bitter truth I couldn't fully process in my disoriented state. 
"N-not many people are creepier than you," I managed to bite out, but the retort lacked its usual conviction. Fear, an unwelcome guest at this drunken party in my mind, began to gnaw at the edges of my bravado. 
He let out a sigh, a sound filled with a strange mixture of exasperation and resignation. 
 "I'm taking you back to your common room." The statement wasn't a question, but a declaration delivered with the same cold certainty he'd used to taunt me earlier. 
My stomach lurched violently, a stark reminder of the potent punch coursing through my veins. The battle was lost. I couldn't fight him, couldn't argue, could barely stand on my own. Defeat, bitter and acrid, settled in my throat as I reluctantly nodded, the gesture causing the room to spin wildly. 
His grip on my arm tightened as he began to lead me forward. The world blurred into a kaleidoscope of torchlight and shadows. With a jolt of disorientation, I realized he was walking in the opposite direction of the Gryffindor common room. 
"Wrong way!" I protested, my voice a hoarse whisper. 
He didn't slow his pace, his strides long and purposeful.  
"Taking a shortcut," he replied curtly. His tone brooked no argument, leaving me to stumble in his wake, fighting back the waves of nausea and the unwelcome realization that I was entirely at his mercy. 
The corridor twisted and turned, each step a perilous journey. Panic bubbled beneath my drunken haze. Where was he taking me? What were his intentions? The darkness, once held at bay by the boisterous energy of the party, now pressed in from all sides. I tried to focus on his back, on the rhythm of his footsteps, but my vision swam, and the world seemed to tilt on its axis. 
The shortcut, it turned out, was a winding labyrinth of narrow passages and forgotten stairwells. It was as if Regulus was leading me deeper into the bowels of the castle, away from the lingering warmth of the party and into the very heart of the ancient stone. 
His grip on my elbow tightened as we navigated the uneven ground. I stumbled repeatedly, my vision blurring and my legs threatening to give out beneath me. It was only his unwavering hold that kept me from collapsing into an unceremonious heap. 
After a particularly vicious stumble, his hand shifted from my elbow to my waist. The unexpected contact sent a jolt through my alcohol-addled system. It wasn't overtly intimate, more a pragmatic adjustment to better support my faltering steps, but the warmth of his hand seeping through my dress sent a strange shiver down my spine. A shiver that had nothing to do with the chill of the dungeon. 
The silence between us was deafening, broken only by our uneven footsteps and my labored breathing. I longed to break it, to hurl accusations, to demand explanations, but my tongue felt heavy and uncooperative. Instead, the quiet gnawed at me, amplifying my disorientation and the growing fear that clawed at my insides. 
Finally, unable to bear the oppressive silence any longer, I managed to croak out a question. 
"Why are you being so..." my voice faltered as a wave of nausea washed over me. I swallowed, forcing back the bile rising in my throat. "Unlike yourself," I finished weakly. 
A harsh laugh escaped him. "It's not as if you know me, Evans," he muttered, the words barely audible over the echo of our footsteps. 
His dismissive response was a slap in the face, a brutal reminder of the chasm that divided us. True, we were bound together by the invisible threads of this war, but our understanding of each other was as shallow as a puddle after a summer rain. 
He continued; his voice laced with a bitter cynicism that mirrored my own growing despair. "Besides, I just don't fancy being blamed..." he paused, searching for the right words, "if something were to happen to you in this state." 
A chill shot through me at his words, his implication hanging heavy in the air like a poisonous fog. The thought sent a fresh wave of shame washing over me. To have stumbled so spectacularly, to need his assistance, was humiliation enough. But for there to be witnesses to my disgrace.  
Our pace slowed as we neared the familiar territory of the castle kitchens. The tantalizing scent of roasting meat and freshly baked bread drifted through the air, a tantalizing reminder of the warmth and comfort that awaited at the end of this treacherous journey. With each step, the realization that I would soon face my housemates settled over me like a suffocating cloak. 
The weight of his hand on my waist was a constant presence, a grounding force amidst the chaos swirling in my head. Yet, beneath the necessity of his touch, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of unease. This strange, forced intimacy was both a source of stability and a constant reminder of my own vulnerability. 
As we reached the top of a short flight of stairs leading away from the kitchens, I finally found the courage to look up at him. Our eyes met, and something shifted between us, an unspoken acknowledgment of the absurdity of the situation. 
"Thank you," I murmured, the words barely audible above the pounding in my head. My voice was thick with a mixture of gratitude, mortification, and the lingering effects of the potent party punch. 
We paused at the bottom of the stairs, the warmth of the brightly lit kitchens a stark contrast to the cool darkness of the corridor. The entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, concealed behind a stack of enormous barrels, was a mere few steps away. 
For an extended moment, he said nothing. Instead, he met my gaze, his own eyes surprisingly unreadable. There was none of the usual cold disdain, nor the cruel mockery I had come to expect. Instead, his expression was... almost guarded, a strange blend of detachment and something I couldn't quite define. 
"For not being a prick," I clarified softly, a flicker of defiance reigniting within me. 
He let out a short, humorless laugh, the sound echoing strangely in the dimly lit corridor. 
 "Don't mention it, Evans," he finally replied, his voice devoid of any warmth but laced with a touch of sardonic resignation. A renewed wave of dizziness washed over me, threatening to send me tumbling. I blinked rapidly, struggling to maintain focus. The alcohol swirled in my veins, making the world tilt and warp at an alarming rate. 
"Sorry," I managed to mumble, feeling the weight of embarrassment crashing down upon me, "I can't... think straight..." 
He seemed to understand. A flicker of something akin to concern flitted across his face, a fleeting emotion that contradicted his carefully manufactured reputation as heartless. 
His gaze drifted down to his polished black shoes, as if seeking an escape from the uncomfortable moment of vulnerability that had briefly settled between us. When he looked back up, the familiar mask of indifference was back in place. 
"Get some rest," he said curtly, any hint of softness gone from his voice. 
The disorientation washed over me in relentless waves. The corridor, once so familiar, seemed to blur and distort. I clung to the barrel beside me, fighting to maintain a semblance of composure as the room spun. In the flickering light, Regulus Black seemed to transform before my eyes. The harsh angles of his face softened, the sneer replaced by a flicker of amusement, the shadows retreating as if the darkness within him was momentarily held at bay. 
For a dangerous, disorienting moment, he was simply a boy. A boy with tousled dark hair and surprisingly kind eyes. I could almost convince myself that this was an ordinary scene, a boy seeing a girl safely home, an echo of countless, innocent teenage interactions. 
Then, the absurdity of the situation hit me with full force. This was Regulus Black, the boy who haunted the Astronomy Tower, who reveled in cruelty and whispered promises of violence. This fleeting moment of unexpected connection was an illusion, a mirage shimmering in the depths of my alcohol-fueled haze. The spell was broken as another wave of nausea crashed over me, leaving me weak and disoriented. I turned away, desperate to find the sanctuary of my common room, to escape both his disconcerting presence and the relentless assault on my senses. 
Fumbling for balance, I glanced back at him, my vision blurring. "You... you're quite pretty, you know that?" I slurred, the words tumbling out before I could comprehend their full impact. 
His head snapped up, his eyes widening in startled amusement. I was instantly mortified, a flush of heat flooding my cheeks as the room spun dizzily around me. But through the haze, I also saw it – the flash of surprise, the way his lips twitched in a hint of an unguarded smile. It was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a cool composure that I couldn't help but admire even in my drunken stupor. 
"Go to bed, Evans," he commanded, though there was a strange gentleness in his tone, as if humoring a foolish child. 
A wave of exhaustion washed over me, rendering further argument impossible. With a final unsteady wave and a slurred
I turned towards the barrels that masked the entrance to my common room. As I fumbled with the rhythm required to open the hidden passage, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had stumbled not only through the dungeons but also through my own preconceptions. 
My vision swam, the barrels blurring and shifting before me. The rhythm, usually as familiar as my own heartbeat, seemed impossible to grasp. Panic began to bubble up, threatening to consume the last vestiges of my composure. Just as I was about to sink to my knees in defeat, a pair of hands appeared before me, their movements sure and steady. Regulus, it seemed, wasn't quite done with his unexpected role as my unlikely savior. 
He tapped the barrels with his wand, a precise cadence I was too far gone to decipher. The massive wooden forms swung open, revealing the cozy warmth of the Hufflepuff common room. 
"Go," he said, his voice low and strangely devoid of mockery. 
With a last grateful glance in his direction, I stumbled over the threshold. As the entrance swung shut behind me, obscuring his figure from view, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me. I had made it. I was safe, at least for now. 
The walk to my dormitory was a blur. My feet moved through familiar motions, propelled by instinct more than any conscious effort. The scent of honey and warm wood, the welcoming yellow glow that seemed to radiate from the very walls, enveloped me like a comforting embrace. 
Finally, reaching the sanctuary of my bed, I collapsed into a heap of disheveled party attire and drunken exhaustion.  
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carpentvrs · 2 months
pairing :: james potter x fem!reader (implied girly!reader)
warnings :: mentions of getting laid (no smut), fluff!! please mind that english isn’t my first language. 1.5k words
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james was truly smitten. he couldn’t not ogle at you at any given moment, heart eyes following you around every single room or corridor, sighs of pure admiration leaving his lungs whenever you would talk to him at breakfast or lunch while his head rested on his hand, dreamy eyes trying to catch yours.
but who was to blame him? you were just so pretty, your hair swaying lightly as you rushed to class, your hand accidentally brushing his as you stepped past him.
„why the rush, darling?“ he asked, keeping up with your pace as well as he could, still tired from last night which had lasted longer than it should’ve; peter, remus, sirius and him too busy sneaking around the castle and setting up shenanigans to sleep. at least there wasn’t ever a single day of boredom with them in the castle.
butterflies erupted in your stomach at the nickname, but you tried to suppress it the best you could. he managed to fluster you with his little pet names everytime without exception, and every yet so small sliver of hope you would get from them, you’d kill off. you’d go mad, otherwise.
„i’m hurrying to class james,“ you smiled at him, „and i think you should be too.“, grabbing his arm to pull him with you. you couldn’t see the way he blushed at your action, and he was glad. it was embarrassing how in love with you he was, considering the amount of attention other boys were giving you.
he could understand, obviously. it was already hard to not fall for your looks, but the fact your bubbly and inviting personality was just as perfect? how could anybody not fall for that? he was sure the sole reason remus and sirius saw you as only a friend was because they knew how enamored with you he was.
but you didn’t know. „he’s just a very sweet and nice person“ was what you said to lily when she asked you about it. you liked him, no question. but you saw the way he would flirt with other girls at parties and in hogsmead, occasionally winking at them even though lily and you were walking just next to him. so to you, he was just a friend, even though you would easily smother him in kisses if he ever just bought you flowers or opened doors for only you like the other stupid guys always did, not only as a friendly gesture but as something more.
you realized he wouldn’t, so there was no point in waiting for him. instead, while he was busy chatting with different girls at parties, you were seated in a quiet corner, talking to your girlfriends and having a drink or two yourself, dancing with guys here and there if they asked you nicely and sometimes, if they were being very polite, you’d give them a tiny kiss on the cheek and a little wave before getting another butterbeer and walking back to your friends once again.
that was probably what made you so irresistible, the fact you would never go as far as even giving a little peck on the lips while other girls were ready to go back to the dorm with said guys. you weren’t one to judge, neither the girls nor the boys, they could do whatever they want, it wasn’t your business. and if they wanted to get laid and got the chance, why not do it? just not with you.
however, they thought you were playing hard to get on purpose, and who wouldn’t be up for a challenge when it’s about a girl like you?
but even when every guys’ head turned to look at you whenever you entered the room, you didn’t care. you didn’t even notice, you were just living in the moment, deeply into the meaningful - or sometimes meaningless - banter with your friends, not a single care in the world.
well, for some reason one nerve of yours always got very terribly struck whenever you would lift your head only to see james‘ hand steadied on some other gryffindor‘s back. „whatever“ was what you always thought, head turning back to whoever was talking right now.
and it didn’t take long for james to leave your mind, at least until you were laid down on your bed at three in the morning where james would haunt your mind in ways you wouldn’t dare to say out loud.
„you got a date for the party today yet?“ he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as he possibly could. „i prefer to go with my friends, as you already know.“
„well, we are friends, no?“
„class starts in a few, we can talk later.“ you said to him, avoiding his eyes as you made your way over to lily who was already sitting at your usual place in the charm‘s classroom, her hands immediately going to fix the little ribbon in your hair when you sat down to her right. she must’ve seen that you were in a rush just a few seconds ago, and the confused look on your face didn’t go unnoticed either. „what’s up with you, you look-“
„james just asked me on a ‚date‘, i think“ you stated, but it came out rather like a question while you knitted your eyebrows in a puzzled manner.
„well, i told you before he has a thing for you“
„but i don’t believe it“
„why not? it’s basically written on his face that he’s head over heels for you“
you were just about to reply, a look of disapproval already plastered on your face, but got interrupted by the professor. after the lesson the topic was already forgotten, lily and you talking about what you were going to wear tonight rather than the, to you very ridiculous, james situation.
it wasn’t until the party, which you attended hand in hand with lily, that james and you began to talk again. you were just about to get yourself another firewhiskey shot when he appeared right next to you at the small bar counter.
„how come you always reject when you get asked out?“
the question caught you off guard. he wasn’t the first to ask you that question, but you’ve never felt so called out after someone interrogated like that. your eyes widened slightly and you nervously bit your lip. what were you supposed to answer? „i realized i don’t have a chance with you so i gave up on relationships completely“?
„i just don’t want to date someone i don’t like like that, i guess.”
it wasn’t a lie, after all. you could just simply wait until the feelings faded, and then maybe you would be open for something new. until then, you would just have to keep on pretending like your feelings towards him did not exist.
„i suppose you don’t like me, then?“
„you rejected me too today, didn’t you?“
you were startled by his questions, and suddenly it felt like it was just you two in this actually very crowded common room, the air around you feeling tighter and more stifling than usual.
„do you like me, james? like, like-like me? because everybody’s been telling me but i feel like i’m going crazy because i like-like you but you keep flirting with other girls and you wink and wave at them and you put your arms around them and i hate that but i don’t want things between us to be weird because i don’t want to lose you as a friend eith-“ you stumbled over your words in hurry, every nerve of yours spinning and pulling and you could feel your own face heat up.
“you like me?”
“i- uh- i asked first!” your heard was racing and you hoped to merlin that he felt the same way and you didn’t just make a fool out of yourself, confessing to a guy who doesn’t even see you like that.
he didn’t exactly answer the question, but he showed you.
his eyes were full of appreciation as he leaned down to you, gently caressing your face as he pressed his lips against yours. and finally, you felt at peace with your own feelings. your lips continued to move in sync until you heard a few claps behind you which broke you apart. when you turned around, you found sirius winking at you and lily eyeing you with a proud look on her face.
it was only when you faced james again that you saw the way he actually looked at you all this time, with his head resting on his hand, dreamy eyes trying to catch yours.
“of course i like-like you, how could i not?”
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luizd3ad · 5 months
You'll Be Fine | Poly!Moonwater x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader x Remus Lupin WC: 430 CW: Slight talks of anxiety, talks of a bad day (not really tbh), no use of Y/N, kinda a comfort fic ig? Author's Note: Idk man this is my first time writing Moonwater so hopefully it’s good. Summary: Remus comes home to you napping on Regulus.
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does anyone even like these? why do I keep making theses collage thing?
When Remus gets home from work he doesn't expect much. Usually you and Regulus would be home before him. Both of you would usually be reading books or talking just typical things that people do when they get home to unwind a bit. 
What he hadn't expected was to come home to what seemed to be an empty and quiet home.
To say he was confused when he walked into their flat would be an understatement, normally there would be some evidence that his partners were home. But there wasn't.  
He started looking around the flat in search of you or Regulus, but he couldn't find either of you. His anxiety started to get the best of him, what if something happened, were you two okay? He felt his mind start to go a mile a minute.
Eventually he made his way to the shared bedroom and he felt his anxiety die down significantly at the sight of you sleeping on Regulus' chest while his hand ran up and down your back with a book in the other hand.
It wasn't necessarily uncommon for Remus to come home to one or both of you to be napping but it was so rare that he didnt think about it.
Regulus looked up, putting his book on his side and then pressing his finger to his lips telling Remus to speak quietly to avoid waking you up. Only then did Remus notice your tear stained cheeks, Remus brows furrowed and he shot Regulus a look that asked ‘what the hell happened?’ Regulus just sighed and spoke quietly.
“They had a bad day, nothing too terrible but it was just one of those days.”
Remus just nods and he crawls into bed next to you so that you're in between both men. He turned so that he could look at you and Regulus better, putting his hand on your hip, rubbing his thumb gently over it. 
“Everythings okay though, yeah?” Remus wisped to regulus, a look of worry still on his face. 
“All things considered, yes.'' Regulus sighs looking away from Remus for a moment but Regulus never stopped rubbing your back, he wanted you to know even in your sleep he was there for you. “They'll be fine, mon cœur. They have us and we will always be there to make sure that everything is fine.” Regulus said, looking back at Remus, who just nodded. 
Remus knew as long as you had each other in your lives that you, Regulus and him would be okay. Sometimes that's all anyone could hope for.
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disasterchild20 · 29 days
Meeting them for the first time (Boys)
Bump into each other after a Quidditch game
He accidentally walks into you while celebrating the win
"Sorry, Love, I didn't see you there."
"You need to get your glasses checked then."
Immediately loves your sense of humour
Get teased by Sirius for watching you walk away
Gets paired with you for potions
Amazed by how good you are
"How come you never answer any of the questions Slughorn asks?"
"Hard to answer them when he clearly has favourites."
Asks for help with potions homework
You agreeing as long as it's in the kitchens
Helps get a book down off a shelf in the library for you
"Here, let me get that down for you."
"Thanks, I've been trying to get it down for at least ten minutes."
Asks you about the book
Two of you getting lost in the conversation
End up being kicked out by Madam Prince due to the library closing
You cover for him when he hides in a classroom cupboard after pulling a prank with the marauders
Surprised that you covered for him
"Why didn't you tell McGonagall where I was?"
"Eh, you guys always do funny pranks."
Thanks you at least three times
Brings you a bar of chocolate a couple of days later to say thank you again
Bumps into you on the train
Knocks you to the floor by accident
"Didn't know I could make someone fall for me so easily."
"When you're not paying attention, it's easy."
Helps you to your feet, smiling at your attitude
Apologises and buys you something from the trolly
Sits next to you in Charms
Doesn't really pay attention to you until he sees how meticulous your notes are
"Your notes are meticulous."
"Thanks, it helps when it comes to revising and homework."
Asks if you'd be willing to revise with him in the library
You agree, telling him that you're there everyday between last class and dinner
Gets paired with you in Defence Against the Dark Arts
Cocky until you manage to get him to the floor easily
"How... How did you do that?"
"It's easy when you know the theory like the back of your hand."
Asks you if you could teach him
You agree as long as he brings sweets as 'payment'
Sits opposite you in library when everywhere else is full
Notices your text books are covered in notes
"You take notes in your text book?"
"I add stuff that it misses, you'd be surprised how much they miss."
Smiles slightly, realising that you do the same as him
Asks if you want to compare notes
Finds you in the greenhouse working on the plants
"Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here."
"That's alright, I was just tending to the venomous tentacula
Immediately asks you about your favourite plant
Two of you discussing plants for the next hour
Lends you his book on rare plants
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 3 months
Y/N x marauders era!slytherins!
Y/n: I have a crush on someone but im kinda scared to say who...
Reg: Rip the band aid off!
Y/n: its Barty
Reg: Put the band aid back on-!...
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b r o t h e r  |  f u c k e r
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b r o t h e r | f u c k e r
Y/n and Regulus have been hiding their relationship for a few reasons, but Y/n is starting to get frustrated having to hide it from one of her best friends, and her boyfriend’s brother. They finally decide to tell him, and things don’t go exactly as planned. 
Warnings and such: 18+ MINORS DNI!! Illusions to sex (nothing explicit), some steamy stuff, tons of fluff, a good bit of angst, defiantly brotherly angst and teasing, swearing, not proof read...I think its funny! 
Word Count: 3427
(I’m not going to always add this, but this one is rather long)
“I think he knows...”
My head was resting on Regulus’ bare chest, fingers tracing the freckles on his sweat dampened skin. I could feel my own skin get warmer as I spoke. He was rubbing painstakingly gently at bruise he left on my hip. I know he felt bad about it, and he would continue to feel bad about it as it healed, but it didn’t hurt. 
“You could just tell him, stop lying about it...”
Regulus laughed. “I’m not lying about anything, but why do I have to tell him?!” 
I untangled myself from the sheets and his limbs. A dull ache in my hips sent another wave of heat though my body. I straddled his lap, reaching down to grab his t shirt from off the floor and slipping it over my head. He exaggerated a frown as I sat up, hands falling onto my thighs, thumbs rubbing circles across the love bites. His frown quickly vanished; a proud, cocky smile taking it’s place.
“He is your brother after all.”
“You were friends with him before you met me.”
I rocked my hips gently as I leaned over, thumb tracing his jaw line before pushing his chin away. His head fell to the side, exposing his neck with no hesitation. What a push over!
“This is true” I sighed, licking from his collar bone up to his jaw. Regulus shuttered, his grip on my thighs tightened immensely. I smiled into his skin, giving a gentle kiss to his pulse point “Would you rather I tell him,” I kissed his neck again, “every,” a little lower, “little,” a little lower, “detail?” I smiled to myself before biting down on his collar bone, my tongue immediately soothing the skin.
Regulus sucked in a deep breath through gritted teeth, holding it for a moment before I began kissing my way up his neck again. His chest shook slightly as he exhaled, the air getting caught in his lungs as he tried to 'play it cool.' I kissed his pulse point again, one hand coming up to tug at a few curls behind his neck before holding his jaw in place.
I didn’t give him a chance to answer before going to work, determined to leave a hickey on one of the most sensitive parts of his skin. He wasn’t a fan of the aftermath, but this man was a puddle beneath me, willing to do anything I asked of him as long as I didn’t stop my attack on his neck. His hips bucked as he groaned loudly. 
“Fuck-” he managed, hands pushing and pulling at my hips, willing himself to not leave another bruise on me, but loosing terribly. 
When I was satisfied, I littered gentle kisses across the rest of his face, intentionally avoiding his lips, though I couldn’t help but kiss the corners of his mouth. 
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He muttered, eyes closed, but the smile on his face told me that if this was how he was going to die, he wasn’t going to complain. 
“I’m sorry, love.” I whispered against his lips, careful to pull away before he could reach me. I got off of him quickly, grabbing a pair of underwear out of my dresser and shutting myself in the bathroom. 
I could hear Regulus throwing himself against the bed. I laughed. *(Think Elio in CMBYN when he gets caught...)*
I emerged a few moments later and watched Regulus from the bathroom door. He was flat out on his back, long, dark curls falling gently on the pillow behind him, his chest rising and falling steadily. The fingers on one hand pinched the bridge of his nose, his other hand lay just below the waistband of his boxers. I couldn’t tell what was sweat and what was saliva, but his skin glistened in the sun- he looked like a sex-ravished God. This is how I would forever picture Regulus Arcturus Black. 
“Reggie?” I sauntered over to him, unsure if he was still awake.
“Don’t touch me,” he peeked at me with one eye and smirked.
He rolled over, reaching for a glass of water on the table. I could see the red lines down his back, the small crescent shaped spots just above his hips - the marks made from my fingers. 
“Shit!” I whispered, finger tips gently tracing the marks. “Baby, I’m sorry!” 
“Don’t be,” he rolled back over, glass in hand and sat up. “I like these ones. You on the other hand,”
He pulled his my t shirt so I was standing closer, raised the hem of it and rubbed his thumb across the same bruise. I looked down at it too. I admit- it looked really bad. It was already many shades of purple, the darkest of them in the center.
“I promise Reg, it really doesn’t hurt!” He eyes searched my face, trying to find a trace of uncertainty- or anything that told him I was lying. He sighed, looking at the mark again. “Here,” I grabbed his wand off the floor (Why was it on the floor? And when did that happen?!) pointed it at my hip, and watched him as he watched it disappear entirely. 
“That’s not the same,” he pouted, “but thank you.” 
I bent down to kiss him, but just before I reached his lips, his hand found my face, stopping me in my tracks. 
“I have a question,” 
“What do you mean by ‘every little detail’?”
His lips barely touched mine as he spoke, but I could feel the smirk on his mouth. Before I could respond, I was falling to the bed, Regulus laying between my legs, his weight a comfort on my still sore body. He held himself up on one arm, the other tracing over my sides, leaving goosebumps in its wake. I didn’t answer him, I don’t think he actually intended for me to have an answer- he just wanted to prove I didn’t have full control over him. 
I reached up, carding my fingers through his hair, and enjoying the comfortable silence. 
“Do you really think he knows?” Regulus finally spoke, his head resting in his hand.
I shrugged
“Sort of...I think he knows I’m lying when I tell him I can’t be somewhere with them, but he doesn’t bring it up. And he isn’t actually mad he just...”
“Does that Sirius thing?” He smiled
“Yeah, exactly!” 
Regulus scooched up higher, resting his forehead against mine and took a deep breath. 
“We should tell him...I’ve never hid anything from him before in my life, and I don’t want to start now. Not with you. I don’t want to feel like I have to hide you.” 
I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, my legs wrapping around his hips. Regulus laughed into my chest, falling on his side so we were, again, face to face. He held my gaze, fingers tucking loose stands of hair behind my ears. I returned the favor. 
“How?” He spoke, barely above a whisper.
“Quietly,” I smiled. “I could have him come here...”
“Whenever you want?”
“Can we do it now? Before I change my mind?”
My eyes widened- I would have thought he would try to push this off as long as possible. Regulus Black was a very rational person; everything he did was well thought out and planned in advance. Nothing was spur of the moment, and I had never known him to do anything that required the spontaneous attention of his brother- or any attention from his brother for that matter, though I know he missed having it. 
“Y-yeah. I can ask him to meet me- us here.” I tried to sound confident, but suddenly I was nervous too. Regulus nodded, rolling over on his back. 
I got out of bed, scribbled down a quick message to Sirius, and sent the paper bird on it’s way. Instantly, I regretted it. Not for any reason other than the state of my room.
“Do you think he’s going to know we were having sex?”
He looked around- school robes and random articles of clothing littered the room. The bed sheets were in a pile, blankets on the floor, and the atmosphere reeked of lust and desperation (though I didn’t mind so much.) The boy dissolved into a fit of nervous laughter, scrambling to his feet.
“Go shower, I will clean this up!” Regulus spun around in a circle a few times, evidently suddenly overwhelmed. “Reg! Go!” He looked at me, hands on either side of my face and kissed me deeply. My hands held his wrist, and in that moment, I couldn’t care if Sirius showed up- well....
The shower turned on and I immediately set to work trying to straighten out my room. Regulus and I were usually never this carefree and messy, but last night we saw no reason to bother. After finding my wand under a blanket on the floor, I remember I could use magic! The shower turned off just as I was finishing up-
*knock* *knock*
No turning back now
I opened the door and smiled at Sirius. I stepped aside, trying to collect my thoughts as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. Before I could say anything he looked at the bathroom, light on, steam pushing its way out from under the door, then back at me, quizzically. He looked me over from my head to my feet, clearly noticing that I had not in fact been in the shower, but someone had- or still was. His face lit up and he pointed excitedly.
“Is this what you’ve been doing- is this who you’ve been doing?!” He whispered.
“Sirius!” I tried not to laugh. Before I could say anything else, the bathroom door opened. 
Regulus emerged, hair dripping and shirtless. He turned to the dresser just outside the bathroom, having not noticed Sirius or I standing on the other side of the room. We, however, could still see the marks on his back. Shit.
“As-tu vu mon pull, mon amour?”
“No!” Sirius screeched, which caused Regulus to jump.
“Shit, shit, shit!” 
Sirius made for the door, but I waved my wand, slamming it in his face and making sure it stayed locked. 
“You’re joking! Please tell me you’re joking?!”
“Oh no, Reggie! Don’t you start with me!” 
“And you!” I stood tall, holding my ground, despite the fact he was quite a bit taller than me. Sirius backed away slightly. “I’ll come back to that.”
He turned back to Regulus and looked at him for a while before;
“Qui pensez-vous être?! (Who do you think you are?!) Elle est ma meilleure amie! (She’s my best friend!) Je n’y crois pas! (I don’t believe this!) ENFOIRE! (Motherfucker/bastard) Je veux dire c’est génial, mon meilleur ami et mon frère…(I mean it’s awesome, my best friend and my brother) MAIS ALLEZ! (BUT COME ON!) Mon meilleur ami et mon frère! (my best friend and my brother!) Si tu lui brises le cœur, je devrai te tuer! (If you break her heart, I’ll have to kill you!) Oh, mais et si elle rompait avec toi? (Oh, but what if she broke up with you?) Je ne peux pas la tuer, c’est ma meilleure amie…(I can’t kill her, she’s my best friend…) Mais c’est “bros” avant- (But it’s “bros” before-)
“Sirius!” Regulus finally stopped him, somewhere between laughing and ready to strangle his brother. Meanwhile, I had resorted to sitting on the bed, Sirius’ pacing had made me dizzy, and my French wasn’t good enough to keep up. 
Sirius looked up, annoyed that his ramblings had been interrupted. 
“Quoi?! Je n’allais pas le dire! (What?! I wasn’t going to say it!)”
“English! Please!” Sirius narrowed his eyes and looked at me, then back at Regulus who had just found a shirt to wear. 
“Did you do that to him?” He asked, pointing to Regulus’ back. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, embarrassment washing over me. That was an intimate detail I would have preferred to stay hidden.
“Because if you did, please teach Remus!” I was at an absolute loss for words. Sirius’ expression was stone cold, unyielding and sharp, but I genuinely couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not?!\
“Wait- what?” Regulus asked, scratching his head
“I’m gay, idiot! Keep up!”
“This is about you, not me. Focus Reggie for fucks sake!” 
Regulus sat down and looked at the ground like he was trying to take in an entire year’s lecture 5 minutes before final exams. 
“Okay, no- separate, please.” Sirius motioned for us to sit farther apart on the bed. Regulus didn’t look up, but I rolled my eyes, not amused. 
“Are you mad?” I asked him after a few minutes of silence.
“I don’t know yet,” he said, as he began to pace again. “Am I the last one to know?”
“First,” Regulus chimed in, still not looking up.
“I’m the first?!” He pretended to get choked up “I’m so honored you guys I-”
“Don’t make it weird.”
“And please don’t say anything! We want to tell people, just,” I held Regulus’ hand “Not yet.” He looked up at me and smiled, squeezing my hand a little tighter.
“Okay, that’s kind of cute.”
It was an overwhelming feeling, having both brothers here at the same time. I don’t think they had spoken to each other in about a year, and while they both wanted to mend their relationship, neither knew where to start. I couldn’t imagine, let alone have planned that I would be, quite literally, the center of all of this! I didn’t know if this would ultimately hurt their relationship even further, strain my relationship with one or both of them or worse- both. 
“How long has this been going on, because y/n, you’re a shitty liar, but you’ve been sticking to the same bullshit for a while now!”
“Sirius,” Regulus sighed, running a hand through his still damp hair. “Y/n and I have been friends since day one-”
“Don’t interrupt.”
“But we didn’t start…”
“Bumping uglies?”
“For fucks sake, Sirius!”
Note to self: kill Remus for teaching Sirius muggle slang. And apparently; only the bad ones.
“Sorry! Sorry. I meant ‘passionately making…’no, I can’t say that, somehow it’s worse.”
Regulus groaned and threw a pillow at him, somehow managing to hit him in the head. 
“We’ve been…together for a few months now…it started before then, but officially…”
“Wait, so this is like, official, official?!”
“Why would we tell you if it wasn’t?!”
We talked for a while longer, answered the genuine questions Sirius had, and made him promise not to say anything to anyone. We knew he would tell Remus, but Remus was great at keeping secrets. Eventually, Sirius decided he wanted to leave, and Regulus had promised Evan, Barty and Pandora that he would study with them. I knew he would be back later tonight, but it still felt weird letting him leave, like things wouldn’t be the same now that someone knew. 
“If you get bored, come study with us, yeah?” I nodded shyly. “Oh come on now, you were quite bold this morning! Don’t tell me that's going to change!” He kissed my cheek, keeping his lips close to my ear “Because I fucking loved it!” He kissed me again and set off on his way. 
A few hours passed and dinner was drawing near. I was famished from the days activities, and decided to force someone to go eat with me, seeing as Regulus wouldn’t be back until later, not that he and I ever went together, and I wouldn’t know what to say to Sirius if I was alone with him.
Much to my relief, Lily and James were sitting in the Gryffindor common room.
“Hey, Y/N!” James smiled, peeling his attention away from Lily for a brief moment. 
“Hey guys! Seen Remus anywhere?”
They both looked at each other but shook their heads
“Library?” Lily suggested. I said goodbye and made my way across the castle. 
There were only a few students when I arrived, thankfully, but Regulus, Evan, Bary, Remus and Sirius were all sitting in the back corner, though at separate tables. Regulus looked up when I walked in, mouthed a small ‘hi’ and smiled. I could see Sirius glaring out of the corner of my eye. I made my way to the Gryffindors.
Remus smiled as I sat down.
“He told you, didn’t he.” 
I kicked Sirius under the table.
“Hey! He doesn’t count!”
“Oi!” Remus kicked him under the table. 
“Okay, fuck you guys!” 
A few moments passed and I could hear the boys at the table behind us begin to pack up.
“Remus, wanna grab dinner?”
“Hey!” Sirius whispered, “You can’t have my brother AND my boyfriend.”
“Yes she can!” Remus smiled. Sirius glared. 
We all walked out of the library and Sirius held the door, stepping though it behind me so his brother had to hold the door for himself. 
“You know, y/n, I’ve been thinking,”
“I had no part in whatever he’s about to say, I swear!” Remus threw his hands up in self defense.
“Shut up. Anyway, We’ve all got nicknames, and even though you belong to a lesser house-”
“I have full access to the kitchens-”
“As I was saying, even though you belong to the second greatest house, you’re our best friend!”
Meilleur ami.
“Thank you?”
“I’ve been thinking really hard about this one, so tell me what you think,” Sirius slowed down so we were within earshot of the boys behind us. He cleared his throat, evidently about to make a grand gesture. “Brother-fucker.” He said proudly, bowing elaborately as he continued to walk. 
The boys behind us stopped (one of them anyway), Remus nearly choked on the chocolate frog he was shoving in his mouth, and I was trying to decide whether or not to laugh or punch him in the mouth. Sirius was doubled over laughing, and after a moment, I realized he meant nothing cruel by the name. 
I sighed, and laughed a little, trying to steal a glance at Regulus, but didn’t dare to turn around entirely. We continued walking, and it seemed as though Evan and Barty were none the wise to what had just been said. I threw an arm around Remus’ shoulder and glared at Sirius.
“Hey, Moony?”
“No!” Sirius tried to protest, horrified.
“Sirius has a secret kink I think you should know about!”
“No!” Sirius continued to protest, trying to get in between Remus and I. It was clear Remus knew what I was doing and, thankfully, he was on board with it. 
“Oh is that right? Do tell! And please don’t spare any details!”
I heard Regulus snort behind me. An overwhelming feeling of relief washed over me. I knew it would still take time for Sirius to come to terms with me and his brother, and eventually we would have to tell the others, but that was a worry for another day. Sirius had taken it surprisingly well, and he was the biggest worry. 
As we entered the great all, the Slytherin boys veered off to the left, and I was finally able to steal a glance at Reggie, who looked incredibly happy as he winked at me, exaggerating a stretch which showed off a small, red and purple bruise on the side of neck. My entire body felt flooded for the 100th time today- I had completely forgotten to hide that! He smiled at me again, pulled a curl down to hide the mark and walked with his head high, proud and poised.
I could see past it though, the image of him this morning looking like a sex-ravished God still burned in my mind-
“Hello?! Earth to brother-fucker? You’re drooling!”
I dragged my attention away from Regulus and back to his brother, who followed my line of sight and pretended to gag.
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that1nerd-20 · 10 months
Regulus black x F!Hufflepuff!reader oneshot
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Regulus never took notice of the quiet hufflepuff girl in his year. when his brother Sirius and his friends dragged him to the first hufflepuff game of the year, he is immediately drawn to her.
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: cussing, metion of missing sibling, very brief mentions of abuse, mentions of alcohol, mostly fluff but some angst
(Tell me if there's others I need to put)
Reader is female and in hufflepuff but there is no physical description other than being shorter than regulus but doesn't go into detail.
The reader is based heavily on Hogwarts mystery. Most of the friends in Hogwarts Mystery will move back in time with the reader (even tonks).
Also, Peter will stay good in this one. I used the Aaron T.J., Andrew G, Timothee, Ben b, and Dane Dehann fancast as my inspiration but any of the fancasts can be used.
Sorry if it's not that good... I did my best and finally got this thing done.
Please enjoy!!
Dictionary -
Nutter - someone who's clearly crazy
Manky - disgusting
Wanker - idiot
Tosser - supreme asshole or jerk
3rd person -
Today was the day of the first official Hufflepuff Quidditch game. Everyone from all four houses was making their way to the stands. While normally only Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws would attend since this was their match, everyone was attending because this was when the Hufflepuffs would announce who the new quidditch captain was.
Orion Amari, the quidditch captain from the last few years, graduated the year before. Everyone was eager to learn who would become the new captain.
A large group made their way to the stadium amongst the other excited students, the marauders and their other Gryffindor friends, and Regulus Black followed by his Slytherin friends. Sirius and Regulus were now on good terms, having gone back to their brotherly love from before Hogwarts. Regulus was a little nervous to be sitting with his brother in the stands but was as excited as every other student to see who was appointed as captain. In a few weeks, Slytherin and Hufflepuff would be facing off, and then again during quidditch cup season. He was slightly intimidated, what if this new captain proved to be better than the last and took Hufflepuff on to win the Quidditch Cup? But for now, he walks with his brother to their seats in the stands.
Everyone waits in anticipation as Murphy McNully comments on the Ravenclaw team who were already out on the field.
“So who do you think the new captain is?” Sirius addresses the group of friends, he turns in his seat to look back at them.
Marlene is the first to speak up, “I bet it’s Parkins,” a few of the others hum in agreement, “I mean she’s a Parkins, her family is crazy famous in terms of quidditch!” Remus nods before speaking up.
“You never know, it could be Waylan Jones,” he proposed. The others waited for him to continue his reasoning, “It's not all about the last name, Waylan is a prominent seeker, and he’s definitely got the leadership skills.” James seemed to ponder it for a moment before shaking his head.
“I have a feeling I know exactly who it is.” The others were about to question who it was until Murphy called out across the stadium that the Hufflepuffs were about to come out. Regulus had never taken an interest in the Hufflepuffs, he thought most of them were too kind for their own good. But he was excited today, Hufflepuff and Slytherin would be facing off in a few weeks, and he wanted to see their potential.
Finally, one side of the stadium started cheering, the students in that section had a clear view of the entrance and could see the Hufflepuffs coming through the tunnel.
Murphy Mcnully started calling out the players' names and positions as they filed in on their brooms “Waylan Jones seeker, Atlan Verdell keeper, Katie Shacklebolt beater, Castor Perren beater, Skye Parkins chaser, Edith Turner chaser….” Murphy paused smiling from ear to ear, “And the person you’ve all been waiting for, Hufflepuff's new captain….Y/N L/N!!” as soon as her name was called the h/c Hufflepuff came out on her broom, everyone erupted into cheers.
James had a smug look on his face, having had a sneaking suspicion that the girl would get the position. The quidditch players circled the stadium, Hufflepuff showing their talent by balancing standing up on their brooms. As Y/N flew by the group of friends she had a wide smile on her features, she waved to James as she passed him before leading the line of quidditch players back to the pitch.
Madam Hooch threw the quaffle up when the teams were situated, Ravenclaw started with the quaffle, and the Hufflepuff chasers went after the Ravenclaw with the quaffle.
The group of friends was in awe as the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws scored points back and forth, but neither team could find the snitch disappointingly. McNully was calling out the plays left and right, talking at the pace of the game. When the 3 Hufflepuff chasers started setting up a Parkin’s pinscher, the crowd started going wild, a trademark move done only by Skye Parkin's dad in the big leagues. While the Hufflepuffs had done a parkin’s pinscher before it was only done in practice. “L/N and Parkin are flanking the sides of the Ravenclaw chaser, Jamie Walker, setting up a Parkin’s pinscher while Turner comes in from the front, hoping to steal the quaffle from Walker,” Mcnully announces from the commentator box.
The marauders and their friends turn their heads to a group near them in the stands cheering for Skye and Y/N, a brown-haired Hufflepuff named Rowan Khanna screams. “C’mon Y/N!! You got this!!” a pink-haired girl beside her cheers in agreement, wanting to encourage the Hufflepuff team.
POV: Regulus Black
I honestly stopped listening to the annoying commentator a long time ago, the new captain of the Hufflepuff team was beautiful. Hearing the name she was given allows me to recognize who she was, she was in my potions class. Professor Slughorn typically favored me in the class for some reason, although the only other person he likes in our class is a quiet Hufflepuff who sits in the back. She is never obnoxious, always does her work on time, and always asks questions that I can tell never help her but help other students in the class. I mean not that I watch her, that would be creepy, but I've noticed her.
I thought she was cute except I didn’t think she was my type, she didn't even seem like the quidditch type. Now that I see her performing these complex quidditch maneuvers, the way she had a confident aura when she was circling the stadium, and even the concentration she has in the game make her all the more appealing to me. What's even crazier to think about is the rumors swirling around about her and the cursed vaults. She's rumored to be looking for them and destroying them. I try not to listen to the rumors, but I know there are more rumors that I don't know about. If she was destroying the cursed vaults that would surprise me but also wouldn't at the same time, I would be surprised that this quiet shy girl was capable of taking the vaults down. Then I wouldn't be because now I see her in a new light.
There was so much more to this girl than I thought, and I must have been staring because my brother nudged me in the side with a knowing smirk on his face. “What is it?” I ask him loudly over the cheering crowds, he just shrugs “It just seems like someone has caught your attention..” he wiggles his eyebrows to get his point across. James, on the bench below them, turns around with a stern look, “You better not be talking about L/N ‘cause I’ll kick your arse, black.” I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks at the accusation.
“What makes you think that, Potter?” I ask him, feigning innocence, he just gives me a look of ‘Are you serious.’ he shakes his head. “I’m just telling you, you may be this git’s brother but L/N is like a little sister to me, you try to hurt her and I’ll snap your fingers off.” Sirius has a look of fake offense at the name, looking towards Remus for some backup. Remus gives a look of ‘Don’t bring me into this’. “Moony you can't be serious…!” Sirius had a skeptical tone, towards the boy he liked, but James chimed in before Sirius could have time to react “Well obviously he’s not you Sirius.” The group started laughing at the joke, while Sirius pouted for a moment.
I turned my attention back to the game, my eyes searching for the h/c girl, before finally spotting her in a thimblerig shuffle, a move that McNully himself invented. The three chasers shuffled the quaffle around before it landed in y/n’s hands and she sped away as the opposing chaser got confused about who had it. y/n scored a goal against Ravenclaw, while everyone cheered.
“It looks like Jones and Verdett have spotted the golden snitch!!” Everyone frantically looked around for the two seekers, before someone pointed, all eyes went to the seekers except one pair, mine. I kept my eyes trained on the gorgeous Hufflepuff, barely paying attention to the rest of the game, the other players kept the game going even though it wouldn't matter once one team caught the snitch. I watched Y/n move gracefully on her broom around the pitch, continuing to score points against Ravenclaw. I missed the fact that Hufflepuff had caught the golden snitch, while I watched her. Finally snapping out of my trance when the entire stadium was screaming.
I kept watching Y/n as she flew up to the stands near where we were sitting, she approached the group of people that I had noticed earlier.
“Hey, Rowan!”
Pov: Reader
“Hey, Rowan!”
I flew up to my best friend who was sitting with some of our friends after the game was won. She waved happily at me as I approached, the others smiled and cheered for me. Although it was funny to see a displeased Talbott in the seat next to Penny, I couldn't tell if it was from losing the game since he was a Ravenclaw or if it was from being dragged to a quidditch game no doubt by Penny.
“Y/N you did awesome!” Penny called me, ever the quidditch enthusiast she is. “I can't believe you made captain!” Rowan practically jumped with excitement, happy for her best friend getting the position she’d always wanted.
I laughed at her enthusiasm, “Yeah, I'm honestly surprised too. But Orion said he wanted it to be me, he didn't think anyone could have filled the spot better.”
We talk for a moment before getting interrupted by a loud James Potter with Sirius Black, Marlene Mkinnon, and Dorcas Meadowes in tow. “By Merlin, L/n, Congratulations!” I look over to James who is leaning against the railing, my eyes briefly drift behind him to the gorgeous Slytherin boy in my year, Regulus Black, before returning James’ wide smile.
“Y’Know Potter you better be careful this year, I’ll be winning that cup for Hufflepuff before you know it. Just because it's your last year doesn't mean I'll go easy on you.” I tease the 7th-year Gryffindor, he laughs loudly “In your dreams maybe!” I laugh with the rest of the group, while Penny argues with Marlene about who will win.
Eventually, James gets called by Lily to hurry up, and the group disperses. My friends started heading down the stadium, and I took one last glance at Regulus to see him already looking at me. I flush in embarrassment and head down to the entrance to the pitch so I can get changed out of my uniform.
Time skip- (Hufflepuff common room.)
Finally, I head down the stairs to the noisy common room with Rowan and Penny, after they make sure I'm dressed up properly, my heart thumps with excitement. The Hufflepuff’s were throwing a party to celebrate our win today, all four houses were invited. That means there's a good chance Regulus would be there, hence why Penny insisted I wear the best outfit I had.
When we reached the base of the stairs we could see people from every house, the music was blasting, and it seemed someone snuck in alcohol because I could definitely see some drunk people. We made our way through the common room, maneuvering between people. Finally, I saw Tonks by the drinks and headed in her direction.
Before I could make it to Tonks, a loud voice started booming over the speakers, “I know I may have caught the winning snitch today…” A few Hufflepuffs cheered as I turned around to watch Waylan, our seeker speak to everyone, sounding slightly drunk. “But I’m not the one we should be celebrating, we could not have done it without our wonderful captain, Y/N! Who led us to victory today and will make sure we win that cup!!" Everyone cheered as I felt someone pick me up and put me on their shoulders.
I squeaked slightly before looking down to see a flash of pink hair, tonks was holding me up. “Tonks put me down!” I laughed loudly.
Everyone encircled Tonks and I and started chanting my name. “Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” I looked around as I laughed at everybody, I spotted the Black brothers, Sirius was yelling with everyone else and Regulus seemed a little uncomfortable. Before I could keep looking at Regulus I was dropped from Tonks’ shoulders onto the floor.
The rest of the night was spent dancing, drinking, and longingly looking at Regulus, Which Rowan and Penny definitely had their comments on.
Time skip - 2 weeks later - Hogsmeade - 3rd person
Regulus, Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, and Peter all walked into the three broomsticks, quickly finding the last available booth, right next to Y/N’s table with all of her friends. Regulus could hear the sound of Y/n’s laughter, it made his heart flutter. Over the last two weeks, regulus has paid more attention to the Hufflepuff.
Of course, he would deny any remark his brother and his brother's friends made about it, because Regulus Black did not fancy non-pureblood girls, but the others knew better than to believe that. It was clear to them that Regulus was head over heels for this girl, although much against James’ protests. Madame Rosmerta, the young barkeep at the three broomsticks, came over to their table to take their orders.
“What can I get for you kids today?” She pulled out a small notebook and pen, ready to write down the orders.
“6 butterbeers please.” Lily spoke up for the group as she leaned against James. Regulus wasn't paying much attention to the friends that surrounded him, his attention was drawn to Y/N who was getting up from her table to head to the bar. He hadn't noticed Madam Rosmerta leaving their table, nor the wide smirks from his friends, or even the giant scowl and staring coming from James across from him. He continued to watch Y/n even as her friends started noticing his heart eyes at her. Nothing mattered to him at the moment other than trying to memorize every little thing about her.
“I'm gonna go get one of the special butter beers, be right back.” I got up from the table as I excused myself from my friends, making my way up to the bar. I waited for Madame Rosmerta to get back. Specialty butterbeers require you to go up to the counter to get one, so I waited until I heard a familiar snarky voice behind me.
“So L/n when are you gonna give up the cursed vaults? I mean we all know I'm going to find and defeat them all, so why waste your time?” Merula Snyde, the bitchy Slytherin herself. “I'm not in the mood Merula..” I dont spare her a glance, but I can feel that she's getting angry.
“You trying to prove yourself to your parents?'' This makes me look at her with unamusement, “You trying to prove you're not worthless?”. I scowl at her as I turn my head fully to look at her before rolling my eyes and turning back to lean against the counter. “Do you want them to love you?” I hear her snicker before I respond., “I don't care about what my parents think so your argument is weak.” she stops and frowns before her scowl turns into a smirk.
“Or is it that you want to find your brother?” my head whips around to look at her; I can feel anger bubbling up inside me. “Well I think you’re gonna find a dead body..” she smiles coyly, and my hand slightly grips the table, trying to calm myself “What is your problem, Snyde?” I snapped. She sneered before replying “You're my problem L/N, I'm just counting the days until you turn into a nutter like your brother!” She laughs loudly and I don't take a second to think about my actions.
I lunged for her, pushing her to the ground before landing a hard punch to her face. She starts hitting me trying to get me off, but I land a few more punches before I am pulled off.
“You Bitch! Dont ever talk about my brother like that!” I scream at her, trying to push the arms around me off. I can vaguely hear Barnaby’s voice but it doesn't register as I continue shouting at her.
“You’re so done L/N! The next time I see you I'm gonna hex you for what you did to my face!” she shrieks as she holds her nose trying to stop the bleeding as one of her goons, Ismelda holds her up. “If you ever talk about my brother again or go near his room, I’ll kill you!” a few tears flow down my face as I scream at her, “he's my brother! That room is the only thing I have left of him, I don’t care if I have to go to Azkaban to keep you from it, you manky tosser!”
I was dragged outside by the person holding me, and when they set me down I recognized Barnaby’s jumper. Barnaby pulled me in for a hug, and I cried a little, but we were interrupted by Professor McGonagall clearing her throat.
I pulled away from Barnaby and stood in front of McGonagall, when Barnaby went back inside she began talking “What do you think you were doing Ms. L/N?!” I shrank a little as she questioned me, “That was highly inappropriate, I understand you're sensitive when it comes to your brother but that does not mean you are allowed to strike another student!” she raised her voice sternly, I felt small in her presence.
“Although I may feel indifferent to you getting a punishment, I am still your professor and rules are rules. So you will serve detention for a week in my classroom, taking care of the transfiguration subjects. And Hufflepuff will lose 10 points” She was about to turn to head into the three broomsticks before she looked back at me, “But do not worry, Ms.Snyde will also receive a punishment.” I nod, wiping my nose while I sniffle. I sit down on a bench right outside the door, wanting to calm down before I see my friends.
Pov: Regulus
“Bloody hell…” Sirius was right, bloody hell.
One minute Y/n was up at the bar clearly annoyed by whatever my housemate Merula was saying, and the next she was on top of Merula screaming at her. We all watched y/n get dragged out by Barnaby, as the girls continued to have a screaming match, but when McGonagall came in and told all of y/n’s friends to stay inside and give the girl a minute I knew it was my chance.
I snuck out of my seat when McGonagall was too busy reprimanding Merula, and made my way outside. When I got out there I found y/n sitting on a bench crying, not sure what to do. I sat down next to her. Oh my god, this is so awkward… How do you console a crying girl? Cmon regulus…think!... Think! For Merlin's sake…
“A-are you alright?” bloody hell, that's the best you can do? y/n turned and looked up at me, seemingly startled by my presence. She quickly wipes her eyes, “Y-yeah… I’m fine.” we sit awkwardly before she speaks up again, “N-no… I'm not fine..” she plays with her fingers as she looks down at her lap.
“Why do you let her words affect you?” I let the words slip out of my mouth without thinking, she looked up at me again. “I-i mean Merula isn't nice to anyone, Y-you um shouldn't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about ever. She's like a walking babbling beverage.” Curse my mouth! Merlin, can I ever shut up? I ramble awkwardly before shutting up and turning red a bit. I mentally curse myself for being so awkward before I'm drawn out of thoughts by a giggle. I look down at her laughing form, “A b-babbling beverage??” I nod a small smile forming on my lips.
“Thank you, that just made my day…” she smiles up at me, “you're welcome..” I flash an awkward smile, before asking “Do…do you want to talk about what happened in there?” she looks down for a second.
“My brother went missing 3 years before we started at Hogwarts, in truth I don't remember a whole lot about him… he started at Hogwarts a year after I was born so he wasn’t at home a lot.” she fiddled with her fingers more as she talked.
“Not that I can blame him, our mother is abusive and our father is a compulsive liar.” my hand clenched in my lap as I thought about her being hit by her parents. I've seen my fair share of abuse, I'd rather suffer my mother's wrath than see y/n hurt by hers. “I know most people think my brother is dead but I won't believe he is, I just won't. I can't give up on him, not like everybody else…” I slowly grab her hand lightly, offering what little comfort I know.
“T-thank you for telling me…” I whisper as she looks up at me, “I'm glad you trust me enough…” she smiles softly, I lift my other hand and wipe a stray tear away.
“Thank you for listening…” We sit for a few moments in silence before I stand up. She looks up at me in confusion, about to speak until I cut her off. “You wanna head back to the castle? I can buy us both butterbeers to take with...” my voice wavers, slightly nervous to ask her.
“You know what it was a stupid idea, you can just forget about it, you probably want to go back to your friends..” I ramble for a moment before I feel her hand grab mine. I look down at her to see her smiling. “I’d like that alot,” I nodded, giving her my smile as well, “then I'll go get them right now.” I headed back inside, quickly ordering two to-go butter beers. As I was walking back out I caught my brother's eye and smiled at him holding the two butterbeers. A silent explanation as to why I was leaving.
Regulus and I trekked the long road back to the castle as we talked and drank our butter beers. We actually had a lot in common. We both loved quidditch, potions, and reading. Although our reading tastes were a bit different we both recommended some of our favorite books to each other.
“You know... I never got to say that you look beautiful today.” he said after a moment of silence, “I-I mean not that you aren't any other day but- and not that I watch you or anything. Oh my god, that came out so weird…I’m going to shut up now…” I laugh slightly at his awkwardness, his cheeks flush red in embarrassment. “Thank you, I'm happy you think so, black” I smile sweetly, placing my hand on his upper arm as a thank you while we stop walking for a moment. I awkwardly jerk my hand back when he looks down at it. I clear my throat as I start walking again, I hear him walking again as he catches up to me.
“Call me Regulus, please…” he stops us for a second, pulling me to face him, “Alright… Regulus.” his first name felt strange on my tongue. It's only now that I realize the proximity of our faces, my face heats up as we both pull away and continue our walk back to Hogwarts.
Pov: 3rd person
Over the next few weeks, Regulus and Y/n become close friends, hanging out in and out of classes, studying together in the library, and even on the rare occasion the students can sit anywhere in the great hall no matter the house, they sit next to each other. Their friends had all taken notice and constantly teased them about getting together, but both parties denied it and claimed all they were, were good friends.
Pov: Y/N (sorry for so many pov changes)
Time skip: a Thursday night in January
My hand was cramping from how long I had been clutching onto the blue quill I owned. There were ink stains all over my fingers, and a few small smudges on my face. My roommates had all long gone to bed, Rowan had stayed up for a little extra, while she helped me with something, but I ended up insisting she go to sleep after she fell asleep on my desk.
Woody, my orange tabby cat had curled up on an empty spot on my desk, his purrs were the only other noises besides the sound of my quill scribbling on paper and my dormmate’s snores. The essay for potions was due tomorrow and I hadn't had any time between quidditch duties, assignments for other classes, classes themselves, and exploring the mysteries of the cursed vaults.
I'm only brought out of my studying trance when there is a tap at my window. I look up to see an owl that looks vaguely familiar. Approaching the window I begin to recognize it as Regulus’s owl, Apollo, I open the window and let the large bird step onto my arm. I close the window so the room doesn't get chilly, bringing him over to my desk while I give him some head scratches.
“What are you doing here, love?” I set him on the perch where my owl, Merlin, normally resides. I pull out a small piece of meat as a treat while taking the note in his talons. I sit back down in my chair as I unfurl the parchment, I get a little giddy as I read the first words.
Y/N Darling, I was hoping you would meet in the astronomy tower tonight at one. You deserve some time away from that essay I know you worked hard on, all night.
I smiled at the handwriting before I saw a small messily scrawled note at the very bottom of the parchment.
And p.s there is no need to give Apollo any more treats he was already bribed with more than he could ever need to even just deliver this note.
I gazed up at said owl who looked down at me sheepishly, I smiled and reached my hand up to give him some more scratches.
“You cheeky bird,” I giggled softly, conscious of the sleeping girls behind me, “don't worry I’ll still give you treats, you deserve it pretty boy.” Apollo cooed as he rubbed his head against my hand.
With a newfound motivation to finish my essay, I quickly got back to work, it was already close to midnight and I knew it would take me at least 30 minutes more to finish. When I finally finished the essay I rolled it up and stored it near my potion textbook, before I changed into something more suitable, comfy, and warm than pajamas. I let Apollo climb onto my shoulder as I started to sneak out of the Hufflepuff common room.
As I walked down the dark halls of the castle I listened intently for any teachers roaming the halls, I didn't plan on getting detention while I tried to sneak up to the astronomy tower. I will admit it was tricky getting up there from all the way in the dungeons, and after a close call with almost getting caught by Professor Kettleburn, I made it to the stairs of the astronomy tower. I took cautious steps up the stairs, careful not to make unnecessary noise.
Finally making it to the top, I spotted Regulus leaning against the railing facing away from me.
My face heated up as I took his appearance in. His curly hair was half pulled up into a small ponytail tail, pulling his bangs away from his face. His Slytherin quidditch sweater was tucked into his dark jeans. I half expected Apollo to fly back to his owner, but he did not indicate wanting to move away from me, seemingly content on my shoulder snuggled up to me.
“Reg?” I called out to the raven-haired boy, his gray-blue eyes met mine as I approached him. His lips turned up into a smile when he saw me, before laughing softly at the way Apollo was cuddled up to my head. He met me halfway, walking away from the railing as he reached his hand up to his owl.
“He hasn't caused you any trouble, has he?” He chuckled while petting the dark bird on the head, I shook my head no in response. “Apollo never causes me any trouble, he's a good boy.” I stroked said owl's chest with a curled finger as we both looked at him. Regulus laughed softly at the comment, “I don't know about that..” he shifted his gaze to me. I feigned offense, “Are you calling me a liar reg? Maybe he just likes me more…” A small coo from Apollo, sounded as though he agreed with me. Regulus rolled his eyes before picking Apollo up. “It's time for you to head back to the owlery, bud.” The dark owl seemed reluctant to leave but finally gave in and flew back to the tower made for the owls. When Regulus turned back to me he motioned to a blanket splayed across the floor near the railing. I sat down on the blanket, letting my feet dangle off the edge of the tower. I crossed my arms over the lowest bar on the railing while Regulus sat down next to me doing the same thing.
“So what constellations do you remember from astronomy class?” my head turned to look at him as I nervously laughed. “uhhh...None of them?” I lifted my shoulders and hands as I admitted I didn't remember. He simply smiled and turned back to look at the night sky, he lifted his hand and pointed at a section of the sky.
“Well, that's Ursa major.” Making a pattern with his fingers, I quickly found the constellation he was talking about. A few things started to come back to me as he pointed out more constellations.
I reached up and pointed to the Leo constellation, “And there's your star…” I glanced at him as I spoke softly, his arm was now wrapped around my shoulders, our faces a few centimeters apart. Despite the cold biting at my face, I could feel my skin heat up. He nodded softly as we continued to gaze into each other's eyes. We both awkwardly pulled away and looked back at the night sky. Eventually, I grew sleepy and laid my head against his shoulder as he continued explaining the different constellations.
When the sun started making its way over the horizon, Regulus and I made our way down the tower, so we would be able to make it to breakfast in time. We parted ways in the dungeon when we went to our respective common rooms. “See you later, Reg.” I gave him a soft smile as I walked through the door.
Timeskip: Saturday afternoon in January, before a quidditch game
My team and I headed out of the changing rooms in our uniforms with brooms in hand, i was the last one out and was a few paces behind my team.
“Y/N!” I hear a familiar voice call out to me, when I turn around I spot Regulus jogging towards me decked out in Hufflepuff pride wear. He finally reaches me, I take in his fake jersey with my number on it. A few of my fellow Hufflepuffs had created fake casual jersey wear for students to support their favorite players. You could get long-sleeved t-shirts with any of the player's name and jersey number on it. I wonder how he got ahold of one of those.
“You like my shirt?” he spun around, grabbing the top of the shirt at the back to show off the bold lettering that spelled out my last name. He turned back around, “I figured I got to show my support for my favorite Hufflepuff.” he then grabbed the hand that wasnt holding my broom, before kissing the back of it. “Good luck out there, L/N.” before I could say anything he was rushing up the stairs to the stands. I stood there frozen for a moment before one of my teammates calling for me, broke me out of my trance. I mounted my broom and sped off through the tunnel.
Throughout the entire game, I kept looking over at Regulus, he was cheering me on the entire time and I could barely contain the flush that invaded my face. This time wasnt any different than any of our games. We always cheer each other on but seeing him wear my name and number made my knees weak.
Timeskip: (sorry) Hufflepuff party later that night.
I had successfully avoided regulus most of the night, I made it as inconspicuous as I could. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but still needed time to process. I stood over by the drink table, sipping on soda, I was startled by hearing his voice next to my ear. He had to be close enough for me to hear but that didn't stop the chill that ran up my spine.
“If I didn't know any better id say you were avoiding me, Y/N” This was one of the many times where he isn't the soft, kind regulus I know but the cocky and dare I say flirtatiously teasing regulus. I turned to look at him, trying to ignore the rate at which my heart was beating.
“I'm not avoiding you.” I do my best to lie, but we both know it's not true. I take another sip of my soda before I feel his hand ghosting over the back of my upper arm, just above my elbow. We continued to look into each other's eyes but a cough interrupted us. I glanced next to me to see Peter who was waiting patiently. I smiled and turned my body towards the 7th year, I had to admit the boy was handsome in his own quirky way.
“Hi y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to dance?” he held a lopsided grin, completely ignoring the dark-haired boy beside me. I glanced up at Regulus for a moment before returning Peter's smile and nodded. I set my cup down on the table behind me and grabbed Peter’s hand as he led me onto the dance floor.
Another time skip: (I know and I'm sorry) Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch game a few weeks later
I stood with Barnaby, Remus, and Lily as we all watched the quidditch players warm up. James had been a little grumpy when he saw the old jersey I was wearing. About 2 nights after the party we had, a package showed up at my doorstep with a spare Slytherin jersey that belonged to Regulus. He wrote a note saying he wanted me to wear it every time I was at one of his games. So here I was wearing a green jersey with the name Black written across my shoulder blades. Sirius was just as mad but said at least it was his brothers and not some other Slytherin. Barnaby on the other hand was very happy.
“So, you see your lover boy yet?” Lily stood beside me as she spoke, she gave me a knowing smirk and a nudge to my side. I gave her a playful glare before answering “We're not dating, Lily.” I watched as the Slytherin players started walking onto the pitch, “you know that.” both quidditch teams mounted their brooms and practiced on each half of the stadium before it was time to start.
I talked to Barnaby as we waited for them to start the match until a voice spoke in front of me. I looked to see Regulus on his broom with a smile. “You wore the jersey.” I rolled my eyes playfully as he got closer. “Yeah, what about it reg?” I leaned against the railing a bit more. “You look good in my jersey, I should give you more of my clothes to wear..” he grinned devilishly, a call of his name from over his shoulder was heard, they were about to start. “You should get back down there, you are the captain after all.” I smiled softly, leaning back away from the railing.
“Yeah that is true but there is something I have to do first.” I was about to ask what but he cut me off by colliding his lips with mine, I could hear wolf whistling and cheering around me as I leaned into the kiss and cupped his face with my hands. His gloved hand held my chin softly before he pulled away with a bright smile and flushed face.
“That was for good luck…” I laughed at his antics while he slowly pulled his broom back. “If you win this game, you'll get as many as you want!” I called out to him as he headed back down the pitch before he called back. “I'll hold you to that.”
My heart raced rapidly in my chest, my lips were tingly, and my face was warm. “Not dating, my ass.” it's safe to say James and Sirius left the game without another win under their belts and Regulus walked out with a new girlfriend and promises of lots of kisses.
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siriusly-parker · 4 months
—harry potter masterlist.
“it’s where we go, it’s where we’ll be.”
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꩜ draco malfoy
ily, bye
flor de maracuja — series, hufflepuff!reader
꩜ headcanons
random lightning era hcs
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eveningstar333 · 6 months
HELP I NEED TO FIND A FIC!!! It was a regulus black x reader. The reader was from another house (i think ravenclaw???). When they met she said something about looking for a scary guy who'll hex her but only finding a boy with pretty eyes. They get closer and he starts writing letters to sirius and andromeda. HELP ME!!!
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saveregblackordie0726 · 4 months
Sombre et Pur'
Chapter 6
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Sixth Year – 1976 
Tryouts were the next morning, and despite sleepless hours spent worrying about both flying and the prospect of patrolling Hogwarts with Regulus, I found a familiar surge of adrenaline as I stepped onto the pitch. Hufflepuffs were known for their loyalty and hard work – flashiness rarely won us matches, but sheer determination did. 
The other contenders were decent, though none truly exceptional. I, however, was on fire. Years of practicing with Sirius and James made dodging Bludgers feel like second nature. I smacked a bludger with my club so hard I heard a satisfying crack as it sailed past our chaser. 
The Hufflepuff captain, Katie Soileau, a solid seventh year with a perpetually overcast disposition, clapped enthusiastically. "Excellent hit, Clem! You've got real power behind that swing." 
I grinned, relief washing over me. This part, at least, felt right. It was normal. 
Yet, the specter of Regulus lingered in the back of my mind. We might be a million miles apart in our attitudes and allegiances, but one thing was clear – he wasn't one to shirk responsibility. If he said he'd meet me at the statue, he'd be there, a begrudgingly competent partner. 
The thought offered little in the way of comfort. This year was going to be a battle on every front – in the classroom, on the Quidditch pitch, and it seemed, even in the deserted corridors of Hogwarts. And the most frustrating part of all? It felt like with every passing day, I was no longer sure which side of the fight I was supposed to be on. 
The trek down the boathouse felt infinitely longer than usual. My legs burned in protest, and every inhale was a reminder of my overexertion. Yet, a familiar sense of anticipation pulsed through me. The boathouse, with its weathered wood and faint scent of lake water, was a common hideout for myself and the boys. It was a haven away from the bustling castle, where the only sound was the gentle lapping of waves and the occasional choked cough from Sirius or James while they snuck a spliff or two.  
Sirius, James, and Peter were already there, stretched out on the sun beached dock. James was animatedly dissecting the latest Chudley Cannons match with a fervor bordering on religious zeal, his words a near incomprehensible blur of quidditch statistics and tactical analyses. 
My arrival caused a brief pause in his commentary. “Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence,” he announced, a grin splitting his tan face. “Tell me, Kit, are you about to claim your rightful place as the newest Hufflepuff beater?” 
I dropped down onto the dock with a tired groan, ignoring the way the wood splinters dug into my sore muscles. “Maybe,” I replied, unable to suppress a smirk. “Soileau seemed impressed, but I'm going to be feeling this for days ...” 
I stretched with a groan and laid back, resting my head on Pete’s lap. My muscles protested the change of position until I had fully relaxed. 
Sirius, who’d been absently blowing smoke rings as he stared blankly out at the lake with a detached air, stirred to life. His stormy grey eyes, so like his brother's, yet carrying a different sort of intensity, fixed on me. “Did Katie give you a hard time?” he asked. 
Katie Soileau, the new Hufflepuff Captain and team seeker was a regular force of nature both on and off the pitch, had a reputation among Gryffindors as being less than welcoming. But beneath the bluster, I knew she respected skill.  
“No, Katie knows talent when she sees it.” James interjected before I could answer, a smirk playing on his lips. “Even if she is insufferable.” 
My hand shot out and slapped him playfully in the arm. “Don’t start, Prongs.” I rolled my eyes.  
I recounted the near-misses, the satisfying thwack of the bat connecting squarely with the Bludger, and even the humiliating moment where I took a tumble trying to dodge a particularly enthusiastic rouge ball. By the time I finished, the tension of the day had melted away, replaced by a bone-deep weariness and the warm glow of friendship. 
“So tell me, Kit,” Peter piped up, breaking the comfortable silence, his hands absentmindedly sweeping through my hair. ‘what’s it like hanging out with the esteemed heir to the house of Black?” 
The question hit me like an unexpected snowball. I could see the effect it had on Sirius as well, the way his back went rigid and his head subtly turned towards our conversation. The playful mood around the dock evaporated in an instant. It was no secret that the Black brothers were barely on speaking terms. Theirs was a long and complicated history that I only understood in fragments – whispered rumors, the occasional outburst from Sirius about family gatherings, and the lingering shadows in his eyes whenever the topic arose. 
Instead of diving into the complexities of my shifting dynamic with my sister or alluding to the simmering tension between Sirius and Regulus, I opted for a deflection. 
"I have patrols with him tonight." I sighed, the thought of the endless walk spent beside him draining my mood. "Poor Evans," James said, mock sympathy dripping from his voice. "Doomed to spend the evening with the resident Slytherin overlord. Try not to be seduced by his charm."  
Sirius, who'd been staring out at the lake, shot upright. There was a flicker of something in his eyes – anger, hurt, maybe a mix of both – before he carefully masked his expression. 
"Whatever," he muttered, his tone laced with a forced indifference that didn't quite ring true. He pushed himself off the dock, the wood creaking in protest, and wandered up the bank towards the castle. "I forgot I, uh, need to practice some spells for Flitwick." 
The awkward silence that descended after his abrupt departure was almost suffocating. My gaze flitted between James, who was fiddling with a loose thread on his robe looking pointedly anywhere but at me, and Peter, whose expression was a mix of concern and a sort of helpless resignation. 
It was Peter who broke the tense quiet. "He'll be alright, you know," he said softly. "He just… sometimes…" He trailed off, unable to find the right words. 
I nodded, not because I truly believed it, but because it seemed like the only thing I could do. We finished the rest of the evening in a subdued sort of camaraderie, the unspoken rift between Sirius and his brother hanging heavy in the air. 
After bidding goodnight to my dormmates later that night, I settled under a mountain of blankets on my bed, determined to make sense of our Professor’s cryptic divination notes. Dreams of swirling tea leaves and wonky crystal balls filled my head, but true understanding always seemed tantalizingly out of reach. Divination was, by far, my least favorite subject. Its frustrating combination of vague predictions and wildly inaccurate prophecies made Potions feel like an exact science by comparison. 
Time slipped away with alarming speed as I tried to decipher garbled scribbles about the significance of the number thirteen and the potential perils of misaligned planets. A glance at the enchanted clock beside my bed jolted me out of my trance. With a gasp, I realized I was perilously close to being late for my dreaded patrol with Regulus. 
Panic fueled a flurry of movement. Divination notes were hastily shoved into my bag, the crumpled pages a testament to my fruitless deciphering attempts. I kicked off my school robes, yanking on a pair of faded jeans and a worn borrowed Gryffindor sweatshirt with more haste than grace. My wand was tucked into the back pocket of my jeans – not exactly regulation, but I was starting to doubt that McGonagall and her love of rules were going to be my salvation this year. A last glance in the mirror revealed copper curls that stubbornly refused to cooperate and a pair of mismatched socks. I let out an exasperated sigh and shoved them haphazardly into my trainers. Perfection would have to wait. 
With a frantic last check for my patrol schedule, I bolted from the dorm room, my worn-out trainers squeaking against the stone floor. The corridors were deserted, echoing slightly with each panicked footfall. The statue in the Transfiguration Courtyard loomed ever closer, a harsh reminder of my rapidly dwindling time. 
As I burst onto the landing, I spotted Regulus, his pristine form leaning casually against the statue. He didn't look up from the parchment in his hands, but I could practically feel the disapproval radiating from him. 
"Sorry I'm a bit late," I gasped out, breathless from my sprint across the castle. "Divination…" I trailed off, offering a half-hearted shrug by way of explanation. 
Regulus didn't respond to my breathless apology, just tucked the parchment back into his robes with practiced ease. Internally, I groaned. My hopes for a quick, minimally-awkward patrol were dashed in that single, silent gesture. It was going to be a long night. 
"Shall we?" he asked, his voice cold and flat. His eyes travelled to my sweater, a mocking smirk spreading across his face. With a curt nod, he turned on his heel and began walking. 
Scrambling to catch up, I found myself struggling to match his brisk pace. It was maddening. He moved with the effortless grace of someone who spent far too much time brooding in shadowy corners, while I felt like a clumsy hippogriff attempting its first flight. A flare of irritation bubbled beneath the surface. It wasn't just the patrol itself that was the problem; it was him. The way he carried himself, the barely-concealed disdain in his eyes, it all grated on my nerves. 
After what felt like an eternity of silence punctuated only by the echo of our footsteps, Regulus finally spoke. "This route is incredibly inefficient," he declared, a hint of disdain creeping into his voice. "We'll double back twice before we reach the Astronomy Tower." 
I bristled. I knew this castle like the back of my hand, every hidden passageway and shortcut etched into my memory from years of exploration with my friends. "It's fine," I retorted, trying to keep the bite out of my tone. "It's the route I always use." 
His answering laugh was devoid of any amusement. "While these might be the routes you and your delinquent friends use to get around, the more efficient route is through the West Wing, cutting past the Charms Corridor." His tone dripped with condescension. 
My annoyance flared into full-blown anger. "Look, if you know the castle so well, why don't you just lead?" I snapped, my control slipping. 
For just a moment, surprise flashed across his face. Then, a smirk – a cold, cruel twist of his lips that made my blood boil – curved across his features. "As you wish, Evans," he said smoothly. 
He took off down a shadowy corridor I'd barely noticed before, his long strides forcing me into an ungainly half-jog to keep up. Of course he'd choose a route I'd never traveled, just another way to remind me I was the bumbling Hufflepuff and he was the all-knowing Slytherin. 
We walked for what felt like hours. The silence stretched between us, broken only by the soft rustle of our robes and the distant hoot of an owl. The atmosphere was so thick with animosity I began to wonder if some sort of malevolent poltergeist had decided to torment us. 
To break the unbearable tension, I cleared my throat. "So," I began and immediately regretted it. "How's… how's Slytherin? Enjoying the new sixth-year dorms?" 
The question was pathetically lame, even for me. Regulus didn't even bother to dignify it with a response, simply continuing his march through dimly lit passages I barely recognized. 
The urge to ask the questions that burned inside me was nearly overwhelming. What was it like to have your brother turn his back on your family? How did you sleep at night knowing the darkness that festered in those ancient halls? But something stopped me, a strange cocktail of pride and a self-preservation instinct that warned me the answers would only lead to more conflict.  
The remainder of the patrol was torture. With each corner we turned, each flight of stairs we climbed, I found myself further away from the familiar comforts and easy camaraderie of my own life. The air felt colder, the shadows a little deeper. Yet, even amidst the discomfort, a strange sort of understanding began to take root. Patrolling with Regulus was never going to be an exercise in pleasantries or cheerful banter. Our shared duty wasn't about forming a connection, it was about fulfilling our roles in this increasingly dangerous game we were all forced to play. 
He was right about one thing, though – his route was far more efficient. We managed to cover the entire patrol area in record time, with minimal detours to avoid particularly grumpy ghosts. As we arrived back at the Transfiguration Courtyard, a sliver of grudging respect stirred within me. 
Regulus turned to face me, his eyes glinting in the dim moonlight.
"Same time, next week, Evans?" he asked, his tone carefully neutral. 
I stifled a sigh. "Don't be late." It was as close to a concession as I was going to get. 
With a raise of one of his perfectly arched brows and a curt nod, he melted back into the shadows, leaving me alone with the lingering echo of his footsteps. 
The walk back to the Hufflepuff common room felt like an uphill battle. My legs, already screaming in protest from the day's Quidditch tryouts, were now burdened by the added weight of exhaustion and the lingering tension of my patrol with Regulus. Each step was a conscious effort, every twist and turn of the castle's labyrinthine corridors a reminder of just how far from home I felt. 
As I passed the flickering torches that lined the walls, my reflection wavered in the dancing light. Smudges of dirt stained my face, my hair had long escaped its haphazard ponytail, and the mismatched socks peeked out from beneath my trainers – a testament to my hasty departure for patrol. I looked every bit the disheveled Hogwarts student battling exhaustion and navigating a world that felt increasingly out of joint. 
Finally, the familiar warmth of the Hufflepuff common room beckoned. The cheerful yellow walls and overstuffed armchairs were a far cry from the austere elegance of the Slytherin dungeons or the bold chaos of the Gryffindor tower. Here, kindness always took precedence over cleverness or bravado. Yet, tonight, even the cozy atmosphere couldn't fully dispel the lingering unease. 
Instead of ascending the spiral staircase towards my dormitory, I made my way to the small tea set near the large fireplace that was charmed to always stay full and warm. A simmering kettle and a tray of half-eaten biscuits awaited, a testament to the ever-thoughtful  house elves. With hands that trembled slightly, I poured myself a steaming cup of chamomile tea, the warmth radiating through the chipped ceramic and into my chilled fingers. 
As I sipped the sweet, floral brew, my mind replayed the events of the evening. The satisfying whoosh of the bludger narrowly missing my head, Sirius's conflicted expression, Regulus's icy stare… It was all too much. With a defeated sigh, I surrendered. I didn't have the energy to change or decipher my Divination notes or even brush my teeth. Crawling onto my bed, I burrowed under the patchwork quilt that had been a welcome gift on my first day at Hogwarts. The scent of lavender and worn cotton was strangely comforting. With the last vestiges of my waning resolve, I managed to nudge my trainers off my feet, a final token offering to the gods of aching muscles.  
Sleep washed over me in a relentless tide, pulling me into its inky depths. Dreams of swirling tea leaves, Bludgers the size of Quaffles, and a pair of mismatched grey-green eyes danced behind my eyelids. Even in the sanctuary of sleep, the world of Hogwarts, with all its contradictions and complexities, refused to release its hold on me. 
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luizd3ad · 4 months
Loss | Remus Lupin x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Remus Lupin x GN!Reader WC: 504 CW: talks of death (non descriptive), talks of grief, feelings of guilt, no use of Y/N. Author's Note: I lost someone that I grew up with today and I just needed somewhere to express myself. Summary: Remus is there for you while you mourn the lost of an old friend.
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Once you get off the phone you just stare at the wall, into nothingness. 
When your mom called you, you just thought it was just to check in on you; catch up maybe gossip a little. The last thing you expected was her telling you that someone you grew up with was now dead. That someone you were close to at one point in time was now gone.
It's a strange feeling. Mourning someone you haven't seen or talked to in years. You felt guilty. Not only for being estranged from that person but for mourning them at all.
What right did you have to be sad that he's gone? You hadn't seen or talked to him in years, but at the same time you grew up with him. You had seen him almost everyday for years. You had spent birthdays, holidays and milestones together. Your families were once close. You were once a part of each other's family. He was family.
But now he's gone.
It feels weird when someone dies. It's weird to know that there's one less person in the world. When someone dies it's hard not to feel like the world got just a little bit smaller. The world feels different.
You didn't realize Remus was home until he was crouching in front of you with a worried look on his face, you also didn't realize you were crying until you felt him softly brushing your tears from your face. When your eyes met his, you just sent him a weak smile through the tears that continued streaming down your face. 
“What happened darling? Why are you crying?” Remus spoke so softly and quietly that if it hadn't been almost completely silent in your home you were sure you wouldn't have heard him at all.
You took a deep breath trying to ground yourself before speaking. “Mum called. She told me that someone I grew up with passed today.” You whispered feeling as if you said it louder than it would make it more real.
Remus just sighed pulling you into a hug softly running his hand up and down your back. You couldn't help but cry more. Remus always made you feel safe enough to be vulnerable around him, so you knew you could cry your eyes out without any judgment from him. You didn't have to be strong in front of him. You could just let your inner child out and them cry for their friend.
Remus held you for the rest of that night just listening to you cry and laugh as you told him stories about your friend. Sometimes you would laugh so much that for a second you would forget that he's gone, then after you would cry because you would remember that he's gone. 
It was a long night to say the least and you knew it was going to be a hard few days but you knew it would be manageable as long as Remus was by your side. Which he always was.
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hiii :) I'm requesting a marauders match up plz <3
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: demi-sexual/pan-romantic
Appearance: white, dirty blonde hair that's just past the shoulders and messy/wavy, glasses, green eyes, plus size (large belly and butt), I have two cartilage piercings and usually wear fun, colorful earrings and rings.
(MBTI &/or Engram if you would like to take the tests and add it): when I took the test, I got a 9, but my therapist told me I'm a 4 (do with that what you will)
Personality: big platonic lover - love telling friends I love them, but I'm pretty shy with romantic/sexual attraction. I'm loud when I start to feel comfortable in social situations, I'm very anxious about how others perceive me and I like to be prepared for anything (e.g. I always have band-aids, safety pins, allergy medicine, tums, etc.)
Likes (at least like three things): hanging out outside when the temperature is like the perfect fall crisp (kind cold, but not quite) - extra points if there's a fire pit; hosting a party to get all of my friends together; feeling cared for; putting together legos/puzzles; card games; laughing
Dislikes (at least three things): olives; when it's too hot outside (like 75+F); people who are passive aggressive/can't hold space for others
Extra fun fact (this is about whoever you are describing to me): I have, on multiple occasions, flown across the country or driven 6+ hours to surprise my friends/family.
thank you so much <3<3<3
(ps. If you match me with Peter, I will trust your instincts, but I will also cry thank you)
~~~~~ MATCHUP ~~~~~
Marauders Era
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Regulus Balck
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
He is a quiet man himself. He noticed you hanging out with his younger brother's friends, and something about your warmth melted his icy heart.
He loves how you care for his brother in a way he can't.
He admires your beauty from afar and asks his brother when they talk about you often.
After Sirius left their home to live with James, he bucked up the courage to talk to you.
He knew it was a risk, but your light was so warm that he couldn't bear to miss out on you.
He was terrified of any physical contact for a while.
He always asks for permission before he does anything to you out of fear you will abandon him.
One night, he snuck into the Gryffindor common room with all of you and sat around the fire with everyone, actually smiling and laughing for once.
That same night, you two shared your first kiss.
Sirius thanks you every day for saving his brother.
As Regulus's seventh year approached, he became much more withdrawn and cold to you.
When you found out his family forced him to be a death eater, you stayed by his side in secret, only meeting occasionally and traveling far distances to avoid the eyes of the others on you.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were sitting near the black lake, where a fresh blanket of snow had just fallen the night before. You knew if Regulus was going anywhere after an altercation with his family, it would be out here. Earlier in the day, you heard in the great hall as a Howler from the black family ripped into Regulus; ever since Sirius left, the abuse had only gotten worse on the older sibling. Not too long after the letter chewed itself up, you saw Bellatrix talking to her cousin, and it probably was nothing good. As you were trapped in your thoughts, you failed to notice the presence standing next to you by the water. He cleared his throat, and you turned to look at him. He seemed reasonably okay, but just because the scars weren't visible didn't mean the hidden ones weren't deep.
You smiled at the man and held your hand out; he looked at it before slowly taking your hand, allowing you to lead him wherever you intended to. As you two made it over to the tree line, you pulled out a blanket from your bag and made a somewhat cozy spot to sit until the snow melted through the thick layer. Regulus sat down beside you, looking out on the lake again. You sighed, " I heard what happened; how are you holding up." Regulus shrugged, "As good as I can, now that Sirius is safe out of the house, I am the new target of all problems for the black family." You nodded solemnly as you took in his words. Trying to think quickly on your feet to fix the situation and bring Regulus at least to his default bored expression, you came up with the perfect plan. You stood up and extended your hand out to the boy.
He took your hand once more, trusting you to guide him. You remembered that the boys and Lily planned to go to the three broomsticks today to relax. Nothing made Regulus more happy than seeing you and his brother happy. Leading the way, you soon entered the establishment. As if almost on queue, the group excitedly shouted to the older boy, smiling, waving him over. You could feel Regulus warming up; something about finally belonging always made him happier. As you enjoyed your drinks and games, you noticed your partner relaxing and forgetting all the hateful stuff his family had said. Who could ask for more than to see your partner happy to be alive?
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Regulus and you were sitting at a park swinging on the playground, watching as a storm rolled in.)
Y/N: Do you ever think muggles who believe witches melt in water also believe that all magic folk can do is cast curses.
Regulus: They probably also think we are green with warts.
Y/N: We dork, but they obviously only think magic folk are women. Have you seen all their plays and shows?
Regulus: With these gorgeous locks, I could definitely pass.
Y/N: Maybe we should test their theory by staying out in the rain and seeing if we dissolve.
Regulus: Honey, all you will accomplish is get a cold again.
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disasterchild20 · 26 days
Dating Him Would Include
Him showing off with a snitch
Stealing his hoodies, especially his quidditch one, and him loving it
“You comfy, Love?”
“Very… plus it smells like you.”
Cuddles. Lots of them
Always makes sure that pranks won’t get you
The marauders teasing him for it
Is always touching you in some way. Whether it be holding your hand, or gently brushing arms
Always checking in on you when he sees you, asking how your day has been or if you need something
Surprising you randomly with small gifts; flowers, chocolates, ect
I’m always serious jokes
Arm always round you
“Siri, can you please be serious for one minute?”
“But, Darling, I’m always Sirius.”
Likes it when you play with his hair
Gets you to do his eyeliner
Randomly pulls you onto his lap, burying his face in your neck
Loves it when you ramble about what you’re passionate about
You wearing his quidditch jersey on game days and not giving it back
Painting each others nails
Sharing books and reading them together
Reading aloud to each other
Stealing his sweaters
Him pulling you into his chest when you’re sitting on the sofa together
Burying his face in your hair
“Is that my sweater?”
Eating chocolate in his dorm together
Telling him he could never be a monster
Nose kisses
Cuddles. Lots and lots of cuddles
Raising his sweet draw in his dorm
Him cuddling into your chest/neck
“I’m bored.”
“Okay… you want cuddles, don’t you?”
Loves you running your hands through his hair
Will kiss your cheek every time he sees you
Loves making you blush
Marauders all calling him a love sick puppy
Always asks for your help with homework or revision just to spend time with you
Always needing to be touching you in some way
Wraps his arms round you from behind and burying his face in your neck
Neck kisses
Him lying on you for cuddles
“You’re always so warm.”
“And you’re always so cuddly.”
“You playing with his rings
Love playing with your hair
Sneaks into the kitchen with you to bake cookies with you
Gets you flowers every weekend
Speaks French to you
Forehead kisses
Let’s you draw on his hands and arms
“What are you drawing today, mon ami/e?”
“Stars and flowers, they represent you and me.”
Him letting you paint his nails, returning the favour
Takes you star gazing, telling you what stars are where and the stories behind them - making you wear his quidditch jumper if it’s cold
Writes you poetry, slipping them into your books
Links pinkies on the table when sat with you
Loves you playing with his curls
Loves putting his face in your neck when cuddling
Let’s you choose what earring he wears that day
Loves it when you read to him
Interested in your rambles
“Sorry, I’m rambling.”
“No, continue, I’m interested.”
Writes little notes and slips them into your pockets or bag
Let’s you do his makeup
Makes sure you’re eating while revising or doing homework
Asks your opinion on his outfits
Takes time to explain the theory behind potions to you
Loves holding hands
Plays with your fingers
Studying under trees together
“Told you this place is a perfect place to study.”
“It is, thank you for bringing me here.”
Blushes whenever you kiss his cheek
Sneaks snacks into your bag
Legs touching when sat together
Compare notes after class to see if the other has something different
Rambles about different plants
Let’s you name his plants
“This is Sally.”
“Okay, Sally can go between Brian and Samantha.”
Knuckle kisses whenever you’re holding hands
Gives you a flower everyday for two weeks leading up to your birthday
Helps you with Herbology if you need it
Buys you a small plant because you like helping him with his
Napping together
Cuddly when sleepy
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 2 months
marauders tier lists
what they think about ur body<3
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marauders ships<3
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smash or pass...
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idek ... i was bored :)
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c o m f o r t
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c o m f o r t
Sirius has just left home, and regulus isn't handling it well. He and hufflepuff!reader are still developing their friendship, but he comes to her in his time if need
warning and such:
- sx is mentioned in passing , not proofread, written at 3am
Regulus has always just “blended in.” He wouldn’t dare be caught at the center of attention; even being in the foreground was pushing his limits of comfortability. He and Sirius couldn’t be more opposite, but that was the only comparison I would ever make between the two Blacks. 
It wasn’t a secret that the most noble and ancient house of black was nothing shy of cruel and torturous, and the boys dealt with it on polar opposite ends of the spectrum. I have the privilege of knowing them both for who they are, I know first hand that they couldn’t be any more different, and yet still so similar. 
I would like to say that I have gotten “somewhere” with Regulus. The boy who once wouldn’t make eye contact or hold a conversation, will now sit down and study with me. He can manage small talk during meals, and I’ve even seen him laugh when we’re alone. I’ve grown fond of him, but I know better than to push.
So I’m content to exist and let him seek me out. I tell myself that being there, should he need a buffer between him and himself, I’d be happy to play the part. 
Regulus had seemed quiet, more on edge the last few days than I had ever seen him. Rumors spread, and I knew first hand, that Sirius had left home, with no intention of returning. I couldn’t imagine being in the same house, alone, with Walburga and Orion Black. I had met them only once, and that was more than enough to last me in this lifetime and next! Regulus tried to assure everyone who pushed on the subject that he was “fine” and wouldn’t let the conversation continue beyond that. 
I saw right through his charade and knew that he was in fact much less than ‘fine,’ probably the furthest from it, but again, I bit my tongue and tried not to push. I didn’t want to feel as though I was walking on eggshells around him, that he was so fragile he could break with one wrong look, but it was impossible to continue life as if it was “just another day.”
To compensate, I made more of an effort to keep Regulus from being alone. I stayed up later to study in the common room. I got up earlier. I made excuses to pass him in the hallways when I knew he would be wondering about the castle. Anything I could think of, so long as it didn’t border on stalking. I had never been more relieved that I didn’t need much sleep to function, and I did the same for Sirius, of course I did, but I worried about him less. His friends were far more open about being supportive and available. 
It was Sunday, and we only had a few more days before break started and we would be gone for a week. I heard soft knocking on my door, so soft I almost thought I had dreamt it. But it continued, never amplifying. I peered at the clock on the table beside me, it was barely 6am. I stretched, throwing the covers off to the side and stumbled across the cold floor. I opened my door, squinting at the light that poured through the big windows. There, a few feet down the hall and turning back to face my door, was Regulus. 
He was dressed down, a white t-shirt, sweatpants and black socks. For a boy who didn’t wear anything that wasn’t tailored before I met him, I would call this progress. His curls were hanging loosely in front of his face, his eyes were red and puffy, and his whole body showed evidence of his lack of sleep. He tried to smile as he crept slowly back towards my door.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I was already awake,” I smiled, trying to hide a yawn. I pushed my door open further, inviting him in. “Allez, parle-moi.”
Regulus didn’t say anything about my speaking French, though it was normally something that would excite him. I sat on the edge of my unmade bed and watched as he nervously looked around, scratching the back of his arm. This wasn’t the first time he’s been in here, the first time we’ve been alone together, or the first time he’s come to me at odd hours, but there was definitely something going on in that beautiful mind of his. 
“Regulus, are-”
“You don’t have to call me that,” He sighed. 
“I’ll call you anything you want me to call you, love. Reg? Reggie?”
He smiled at ‘Reggie,” nodding quietly,  but the excitement seemed to fade just as quickly as it appeared, and I could see tears brimming in his eyes. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down to sit on the bed beside me, my arm staying on the small of his back, his head resting, reluctantly at first, on my shoulder.
“I know what you’re doing,” he started, trying to collect himself as he spoke. “I see you everywhere I go.”
“Reggie, I’m sorry. I just-” 
“Thank you.” He sobbed. 
I didn’t know whether to feel pride or guilt, so I settled on sympathy. I don’t know how long this had been brewing inside of him, perhaps a few days, perhaps since the night Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor. However long, I was content to sit and comfort him for twice as long. I didn’t press, I just let him let it out. 
Eventually, he stopped and tried to compose himself, rubbing his cheeks quickly and sniffling a few more times. 
“Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”
“Of course not,”
I gestured to the door at the other end of the room, and watched as he disappeared behind it. I could hear the tap running and took a minute to wave my wand around the room, tidying up and making the bed. 
I was pulling a jumper on as he reemerged. 
“I should go. Y/n, I’m sorry again I shouldn’t-”
“Come here,” I smiled, climbing up to the head of my bed, leaving plenty of room for company. I didn’t know what to expect from Reggie, I’ve never known him to be intimate, or otherwise share a bed with anyone before. Why should I be any different?
“I don’t want to take up any more of your time-”
“I’m not asking you to have sex with me Reggie,” I chuckled, patting the bed beside me. “Come sit, let’s talk.”
He hesitated, but sat anyway.
We talked. We talked about school, Reggie's favorite classes, the potions and charms he was working on outside of class. We talked about Barty and Evan and the nonsense they get themselves into.... This was the most I had ever heard him talk, more than all the other times in the last 3 years combined, and so, rather quickly, we ran out of things to talk about, without talking about the elephant in the room. 
“How is he?” Reg eventually asked, playing with a loose thread on my pillowcase. He was laying on his stomach beside me. 
“He’s surviving. Having a go around with James on the daily.” Reg chuckled. “He’s safe, Reggie. He’s worried about you though, he feels guilty for ‘leaving you behind.’”
I watched as the smile dropped from his lips and he buried his face in the pillow, trying to hide the tears that began to fall again. I scooched down next to him, draping an arm over his hips as I began to rub his back again.
“Can you hear me?” He nodded, but didn’t look up.
“Reggie, no one should have to endure what you and Sirius had to. There’s no love in that house. No hope, no admiration, no family. It was only ever you and your brother, and I can’t imagine what it’s like now that he’s gone, but you need to understand that what happened, it’s not your fault!” 
He turned his head, arms still tucked under himself, curls covering his face. I rubbed his knuckles, pulling his arm from his chest and putting it behind my back. His breathing hitched, nerves and unease settling in his body. My fingers danced up his bare arm and across his shoulder. I smiled at him, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, letting my fingers linger in his curls a moment longer than necessary. He closed his eyes again, sighing heavily as he relaxed into my touch. 
I repeated the motion, tucking strand after strand of hair behind his ear, until all the pieces were nestled back into place. My fingers trailed back down his shoulders and to his arm, my nails dragging the skin causing goosebumps at the gentle touch. Regulus smiled, but didn’t open his eyes. He felt for my hand and returned it to his head. 
I carded my fingers through his curls, scratching lightly at the back of his head and repeating affirmations with every pass. 
“You are strong.”
“You are brave.”
“You are smart.”
“You are loved” Regulus shuttered. 
“You are loyal.”
“You are kind.”
“You are careful.”
“You are loved.” Regulus shuttered again, gripping the fabric of my jumper tightly.
“You are gentle.”
“You are confident.”
“You are safe.”
“You are loved.” 
I repeated this, over and over again, each time the word love was mentioned, Regulus pulled himself closer to me. I couldn’t tell if it was embarrassment, or if he was trying to hide himself from the word, as if the word itself was cursed.
Eventually, the shuttering was replaced with heavy breathing, and I resolved to believe that Reg was asleep. I sighed happily to myself, content that he felt at peace, safe enough to sleep. The feeling was overwhelming, and I too found myself beginning to nod off, still tugging lightly on his hair as he slept.
When I woke, Reg was still asleep, though his death grip on my jumper was gone, his cold fingers lay delicately on the bare skin of my stomach, his head on my chest. I stirred quietly, trying not to wake him. I kissed the top of his head, smiling at the realization that, despite knowing he most definitely had been awake at some point, he stayed.
I glanced at the clock and laughed to myself; we had slept for nearly 10 hours. Dinner would be starting soon, and the common room outside was coming to life. (Rather, it had been alive for hours now, but this was the first I was hearing of it.) I reached for my wand, drawing the blinds slightly, silenced the world outside my door, and summoned my book.
I read for about an hour before the boy beside me stated to come to life. He gripped me tightly as he stretched. I kissed his head again, and smiled as he groaned contently.
“Wait a minute,” 
“Hmm?” Regulus let go of me entirely and quickly, looking up at me as his hair began to fall in his face again.
“How did you get in here this morning?!” 
He looked at me, nervous for a moment, before we both dissolved into a fit of laughter. 
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turvi · 2 years
Beauty and The Beast-3
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Sirius started to behave a little bit for the following week. He was determined to prove to Y/n that he can be good. He is not just the mischievous and flirty Sirius everyone thinks he is. There is a sad boy in him that just needs a hug.
He honestly has no idea why he was making so much effort for her but she had captivated him. He would sit with Audrey and Ralph and just pick up random facts about Y/n and slowly he was falling for her more. He was getting to know a different side of this girl. If only she would talk to him. It seems like he has an idea of how he could make that possible
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Y/n was in Transfiguration class taking notes when suddenly a flash of light distracted her. She looked out of the window to see Sirius Black holding a bouquet and a gift in his hand. He gestured to Y/n to meet outside of the class.
Y/n noticed Regulus Black was sitting in front of her. His jaw clenched as he saw his brother's antics. Y/n cleared her throat. "I see you two have quite opposite personalities". Regulus rolled his eyes "he is fine, he is just....Sirius". Y/n chuckled, she enjoyed Regulus' company a lot. They would often solve puzzles together and discuss conspiracy theories. She never thought that Regulus would be the kind of person who would be interested in conspiracy theories. He would say to her "they may not be true, but it doesn't hurt a soul to think that they might be."
"So why has your brother taken a sudden interest in me?" she asked Regulus who paused before replying "honestly y/nn? He is also one of the mysteries I have not been able to solve." Y/n simply nodded at his words when he turned around and added "he is not bad. Once he starts to care for someone, then he truly cares." With that, he went back to his work.
Y/n knew that the younger Black is a man of fewer words. He only speaks when he feels necessary. She didn't mind it gave her time to process what he said.
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After the class was over Y/n spotted Sirius standing up smiling at her. Y/n was surprised that he waited for her patiently.
"I got to know you don't like going outside much. So if you don't mind I have planned a special date for us at Hogsmeade. Oh I also got a bouquet for you"
Y/n tried to bite back her smile. She couldn't help it, it felt like he had made a lot of effort for this.
"You didn't have to do all this"
"I didn't but I wanted to. You don't have to feel the same for me I just want to treat you with a nice date."
"Alright I will"
Sirius was ecstatic "great. You won't be disappointed darling. You know how to keep me on my toes."
Y/n shook her head as he winked at her and ran away but not before handing her the gifts he brought for her.
She opened the gift to find a camera. It wasn't just any camera, it was a movie camera. The kind her father used to own when she was a child but it was stolen when a burger broke into their home. She used to love to record videos even as a young child. Her eyes teared up looking at the camera. She felt like 8-year-old Y/n again, recording shaky videos of her parents.
She didn't know that Sirius was hiding in the corner looking at her reaction, watching her smile. For him, this is his greatest achievement to make his girl smile. She is not his girl yet but he knows she will be......soon hopefully.
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Sirius walked through the Hufflepuff common room wearing a tuxedo. The students couldn't take their eyes off him, they were seeing him in that attire for the first time. Even Sirius couldn't remember when was the last time he wore a tuxedo but this occasion was so special he wanted to dress up nice. He was treating his girl.
Y/n came out of her dorm wearing a purple dress that she made sure hid her body well. Sirus watched in awe as she stood in front of him. Sirius had a flash of imagination of him waiting for her like this at the wedding altar ready to be hers forever. Sirius shook his head. He barely managed to get one date and he is already thinking of marriage. Maybe Remus was not wrong to assume that Sirius is whipped for her
"You will not regret this. This day will become your core memory." Sirius looked at Y/n with determination and love. She couldn't help but smile a bit. She couldn't believe her childhood crush dressed up and planned a date just for her.
Sirius extended his hand "shall we go my love?" Y/n placed her hand in his. He looked into her eyes and kissed her hand. Sirius looked down where his hand met hers. He smiled when she didn't let go of his hand. He squeezed her hand gently. Their night had just started and Sirius didn't want to end it.
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As they walked Sirius led her to Hogsmeade. It was quite late and the crowd was sparse. Y/n looked at him and finally asked.
"How did you do this?"
Sirius teased "you have to be a bit specific doll"
"The camera. How did you know about that"
Sirius shrugged with pride "I have been talking with your best friend. Convinced her I have no intention of hurting you. In fact, if you don't want to see me after this night I will still be ok because this night is just so special no one can take this from me."
Y/n smirked, "not even me?"
He shook his head, and his smile got wider "not even you doll"
Held kissed the back of her hand. He felt like he won a prize when he saw her smile and blush. He thinks maybe he does have a chance.
Sirius looked around and Hogsmeade was now empty. He took Y/n towards the empty street in the Hogsmeade that he had decorated with the help of the marauders. He knew that Hogsmeade will be empty by this time and it would be just him and Y/n. Before they reached the spot he stopped Y/n.
"Ok close your eyes no peeking"
Y/n closed her eyes. Sirius waved his hand in front of her. She smiled "you will have to lead me wherever this spot is I can't see."
Sirius smirked, "how many fingers am I holding?"
"uh...ten thousand and 1"
"hardy har really funny Y/n " he looked at her he could feel himself blushing. He shook his head and gently took her forward to a secluded street where he had set up a table that was surrounded by fake candles and flowers.
"Ok you can open your eyes now"
Y/n opened her eyes. It looked so beautiful under the moonlight. She noticed a picnic basket on the table.
"Yeah I was going to put real candles around here but Remus told me it could be a dangerous idea."
"I love it"
Sirius' heart was beating fast. He kissed Y/n's hand again and led her to the table. He made a mental note to thank his best friends again for helping him set up this lovely date.
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Sirius decided to open up a bit with Y/n. The more he is truthful with her the more she will trust him.
He didn't go into much detail just his likes and dislikes and noticed how Y/n was listening to him carefully. He tried not to giggle when whenever he caught her smiling at him.
"So I am guessing someone broke your heart?" he said breaking a comfortable silence.
"How did you know?"
"Well you would not have been so insecure if someone showered you with compliments regularly"
She nodded "well you are right, I loved someone for a long time, and he gave me a lot of missed signals, and there were rumors of him dating someone else, I approached that girl she said oh it's nothing like that you can go ahead and tell him your real feelings, the next day his friend come up to me and tells me that my crush wants me to stay away and the girl started dating my crush" she said not knowing if it made sense or not but Sirius immediately held her hand.
"You didn't deserve that"
"I didn't mind her dating him of course I was heartbroken because I have had feelings for him for a long time but still she could have told me this instead of embarrassing me like this. I was not even angry at them just disappointed."
After a few seconds, she spoke again "thank you for the camera I loved it. It was very thoughtful of you"
Sirius smirked "I just want to see my girl smile"
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After their dinner, Sirius took her hand. He pulled her closer to him and started to dance.
"Sirius there is no music playing" Y/n giggled
"So what we have the moonlight, the empty Hogsmeade street and I have you so what else do I need?"
She shook her head "You are going to need help to clean up after our date. The table is in the middle of the road"
"oh don't worry about that you enjoy this night"
"Still if you need help, I will help"
Sirius smirked at her and brought her closer "I know you are scared to love me. But give me a chance and I will be the best lover you had"
Y/n nodded "Ok"
Sirius' grip tightened around her waist "Say it. Say you are mine and I will be yours"
Y/n blushed "I am yours"
Sirius smiled and kissed her like there is no tomorrow. Y/n was surprised but she kissed him back. He held her tightly not wanting to let go of her.
Sirius had made another mental note. To love this girl like she has never been loved before. As they parted his smile got wider and he kissed her again. He finally backed away when he made sure she got breathless.
"Just wanted to remind you what my love looks like for you. Like I said y/n you will not regret your decision."
A/N: I am late. This is probably shit but eh. REBLOGS AND FEEDBACKS APPRECIATED
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