#religion is just mythology please stay away from them
Every time I come across a 'Hindu mythology aesthetic moodboard' I go through the stages of grief.
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stupidphototricks · 3 months
I don't have a lot to say about Eric.
I mean, it's hilarious. I love Rincewind getting dropped into absurdly perilous situations and trying to run away from them in creative ways. I love the Luggage being an inexplicably terrifying box on legs. I love the satiric takes on religion and mythology. It's all immensely entertaining.
The thing is, entertaining is kind of all it is.
Of course, most (non-Pratchett) books can't aspire to be as entertaining, as well-written and funny and compulsively readable, as this book. But if you've come to expect to end up gut-punched, mentally reeling, and/or emotionally wrecked from Sir Terry's books... This one doesn't do that, in my estimation.
Which is fine! Not all of them need to change your life. Sometimes a book is just a fun thing to read, and this one definitely is.
Have some quotes:
"Gentlemen--" he began. "Oook." "Sorry, and mo--" "Oook." "I mean apes, of course--" "Oook." -- Terry Pratchett, Eric
"Ah," he said, feeling a familiar and almost comforting sense of helpless dread sweep over him. -- Terry Pratchett, Eric
"Avaunt!" "Right!" said Rincewind. He looked around him desperately. "How?" -- Terry Pratchett, Eric
"Why do you keep saying wossname?" said Rincewind. "Limited wossname. Doodah. Thingy. You know. It's got words in it," said the parrot. "Dictionary?" said Rincewind. -- Terry Pratchett, Eric
Rincewind wasn't used to people being pleased to see him. It was unnatural, and boded no good. -- Terry Pratchett, Eric
"There's a door," he whispered. "Where does it go?" "It stays where it is, I think," said Rincewind. -- Terry Pratchett, Eric
"Centuries," corrected Rincewind gloomily. "Millennia. Iains." -- Terry Pratchett, Eric (Steath joke. I don't think I noticed it the first time I read it!)
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cecilysass · 6 months
Shine On (2/16)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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Chapter 2: Nice Catching Up
Farrs Corner, Virginia Eighteen days later February 20, 2015
Mulder meant to finish the job before she came over. But it got away from him, like everything seems to these days.
So when she finally comes back—the long-anticipated visit home—there are still stacks of books all over the living room, all these untidy towers of hundreds of books. Cryptid encyclopedias, profiling and behavioral analysis monographs, texts about mythology and religion, science, art, language, history. They’re everywhere, chaotic, precariously balanced, piled, heaped, stacked.
“In the middle of a project, Mulder?” she asks as she walks in, gazing blankly around the room.
“Yeah,” he says with forced enthusiasm. “I’m finally reorganizing the books.” He says this like reorganizing the books is something they’d long planned to do, instead of a recent, impulsive middle-of-the-night idea. “I’m organizing them by topic so I can find things more easily when I need them. Good idea, right?”
“Sure,” she says, staring warily at the piles. He hopes she’s not noticing how many of her books still remain in his collection. “Good idea.”
The way she says this chills him, because it’s just so polite. The same distant tone of voice she used sometimes way, way back, when they were brand new partners in the Hoover building.
“Can I take your coat, Scully? Did you want something to drink?”
“Oh,” she says, running her palms anxiously down the front panels of her sleek pale blue coat. “I don’t think so. I don’t mean to stay long. I just need that box of bedding.”
“It’s right there,” Mulder says, gesturing behind a tower of books. “Behind the psychology section.”
“Right,” she says, craning her head to see it. Her eyes meet his again, and they’re soft and reluctant. “Then… I should probably go.”
“No,” he calls out quickly. A furrow appears in her brow. “I mean … please. Scully. Just stay and have a drink. You haven’t been home in so long.”
“It’s not my home any more,” she points out softly.
“I know,” he replies. “Really. I’m not confused about… anything. I just want to talk to you. Sit down for a bit. I have tea. Or that apple cider from Trader Joe’s you like.”
She seems to hesitate. “There are books all over the couch.”
“I can move them. Hold on.” His voice is calm, but inside he’s churning. He moves to the couch, begins moving books. “Just stay a while.”
Her lips lift into that small, closed-lip smile he’s missed so much. “Okay. Just a little while.”
She’s clutching her mug of tea, telling him about work, and he can’t help but notice how physically straight and formal she is right now. It almost looks like she’s bracing herself, worried the couch is going to trap her somehow, like it’s going to try to bundle her up in his Aztec blanket and hold her there.
Mulder doesn’t like this body language. It looks too much like she doesn’t live here anymore.
“So things are really much the same at Our Lady of Sorrows,” she finishes. “Some good days, some bad.”
“It sounds like overall you’re still satisfied at the hospital then,” Mulder says.
“Yes,” Scully says, nodding. “I’d say that’s accurate. I wouldn’t rule out doing something else someday though.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, Mulder,” she says, another tiny smile. “But you know. You have to stay open to extreme possibilities.”
He returns her smile. “And uh… all the other parts of your life are good, too?” He can’t bear to ask her any more directly than that. He picks up his own mug and takes a sip to give himself something to do.
She bites her bottom lip. “Yes,” she says. “Yes, I have a nice new house. Very contemporary. I get together with friends from work occasionally. I see Mom regularly.”
He wonders what she means by “friends from work.” He knows what it meant back when they were “friends from work.”
“What about you, Mulder?” she asks. “What are you doing these days?”
“I told you,” he says. “I’m reorganizing the library.”
“Besides that.”
I miss you terribly everyday. I spend hours cataloging each one of my mistakes. I ponder all the big questions, like: is there any future where I might be with you again? Is there any alternate reality where I could have made you happy? Is there any world where we have our son and live together as a real family, and that grief that’s always in your eyes isn’t there?
“I write articles,” he says. “I’m thinking about a book.”
“That’s great, Mulder,” she says. Again, that false encouraging tone.
If she still lived here—if she was still his Scully—she would have considerably more to say about these messy piles of books and this aimless underemployment. She would have some dry comment. She would be suggesting constructive ideas. She would be pushing him to do better.
This Scully sounds like a stranger. Like she has no place in his life to have an opinion. Like she has no place in his life to care.
There is an awkward pause.
“Well,” she says. “I think it’s probably time I take off.”
“Oh yeah?” he says. Don’t beg, he tells himself. “You sure?”
“Yes,” she says, looking around for a coaster on the coffee table and setting her mug down. She stands up, smiling courteously. “It’s been very nice catching up with you, Mulder.”
The innocuous sentence hits him like getting socked in the stomach. He feels his face flushing red hot. He swallows, unable to politely respond.
“Okay,” he says, too shortly. He stands, too. “Sure. Ever so nice.”
She’s lifting her coat from the coat rack, but turns around to regard him stoically. She seems to debate asking her next question. “Is there a problem?” she says carefully.
Mulder hesitates. He knows he shouldn’t say anything else. Just let her go. Let the visit end pleasantly. “No,” he says with effort. “I … guess not.”
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it’s only …” No. He just can’t hold it in. “Look, I’m sorry,’” he snaps. “It’s just … it’s fucking hard to hear ‘nice catching up with you, Mulder’ come from your lips.”
“It is nice catching up with you.”
“We didn’t used to be people who ever had to catch up,” Mulder says bitterly. “We used to know everything about each other, we used to be everything to each other, and excuse me if I just can’t stand talking to you like we’re old college chums.”
“You invited me to stay and have tea.” Her pitch has dropped a full octave. “You suggested we talk. I was doing what you asked me to do.” Her voice breaks midway through her sentence, and he realizes she’s got tears in her eyes. She closes them, evidently trying to calm herself. “I have to go, Mulder.”
“Yeah,” he says, his voice trembling. “Yeah, okay.”
“I… I’ll see you, all right?” she says, practically a whisper.
“Will you?”
Someday there will be a last time, he thinks. A time visiting him will just be too much trouble. A time she’ll decide her attention is better spent on other things, on other people.
“Of course,” she says. She walks over and picks up her box of bedding. “Of course I will. I always will.”
He watches her turn and hurry out the door. He remains frozen in place near the couch. He doesn’t trust himself to do anything to respond. Not to say good-bye, not to walk with her to the porch, not even to wave. He might do something unbelievably stupid, like tell her he still loves her. Or try to stop her from leaving. Or shout obscenities at her in anger.
Instead, he focuses all of his energy on listening. He listens as her car door opens and closes, her engine starts. There is the rough clatter of her tires down the gravel drive. Faintly, he can hear her car door opening and closing again as she lets herself out the gate and closes it up again. Then finally there is the sound of the motor of her car growing gradually more distant. Far away from him again.
Mulder lets himself sink down again on the couch.
In a flare of angry self-hatred, he kicks the towering pile of novels nearest him. They tumble sloppily into a messy heap on the floor. He watches this destruction morosely and thinks about how good she smelled.
He wishes he’d remembered to wish her a happy birthday.
About thirty feet outside, between two bushes, Jackson sits, hugging his knees, his back pressed uncomfortably against the wooden frames of the side of the farmhouse. Between the branches of the bush he has a clear view of the red-headed woman driving away.
It’s not a very good hiding place. All day long, since he arrived this morning, he hasn’t had to worry too much about hiding. The man inside—the man who lives here— has been distracted, concerned about the woman’s visit, thinking almost nonstop about what she’ll say and do. Jackson’s been able to circle around the house cautiously, trying to examine everything with his eyes and with his mind.
Which is good, because he’s nervous.
Just now, if the red-headed woman had looked up towards the house as she rushed out the door—if she’d turned back to give it one last careful look—she’d easily have seen Jackson there, crouched, watching furtively at the side of the house.
But she didn’t look back. Not even once, quickly.
She only wanted to get in her car and go, go, go. Her mind was so loud Jackson didn’t even have to really use his shine. Her mind broadcast inside his brain without him trying at all.
Jackson watches her car closely, holding his breath, until she’s completely driven away, until he can’t see any sign of her car anymore.
She’s pretty, Jackson reflects, even for a mom-aged lady. Her car is nice, fancy, like she’s got some money. And even though she’s not a kid, even though she’s an adult, with an extremely complex mind— it’s easy to know her thoughts. The easiest it’s been for anyone he’s ever met.
What’s really weird, though, is that with her, it’s really more than thoughts. Something strange was happening with Jackson and her feelings, too.
He felt these little explosive bursts of her emotions, wracking his own body unexpectedly like fireworks and then quickly fading. That’s never happened before. It’s interesting, but it’s also upsetting, like having your own emotions pushed aside by someone else. Her feelings fade, but they don’t entirely go away. They leave a kind of residue for a minute or two.
And just now? She was very, very upset, in about fifty different ways Jackson can only barely sort out. She was angry, for one—angry at the man inside for not being fair to her. She was really guilty, hoping she’s doing the right thing by leaving. She was sad, so sad, wishing she could go back inside and be with him again. Jackson wonders why she doesn’t just go back. He felt her wishing hard for something she thinks is gone now. She’s grieving it. Almost like you grieve for parents that have been shot.
And mixed up in all of this, Jackson feels how much she loves the man inside the house. That’s just this big, enormous feeling, like a tsunami of emotion. More than he can cope with, really. It makes his head hurt. He rubs his temples slowly, trying to massage the feeling away.
Jackson knows who the woman is, of course.
He recognizes her, at least her mind. He wonders if that’s why he is able to feel her feelings and see her thoughts so easily.
It feels weird, seeing her. He always thought that if he ever met his birth mom, he’d want to talk to her right away. But he doesn’t have any urge to chase her down the driveway and introduce himself.
He’s just so afraid. It’s hard to understand, because closed adoption or not, he thinks she’d want to talk to him. In his visions, she’s usually calling for him—not his name, but a name he somehow knows is supposed to be him. So he thinks she wants to see him. She seems to want it very badly, at least sometimes.
But what if when she looks at him, it’s with the same huge sadness she’s feeling about this man inside the house? What if it isn’t what he imagines, meeting this woman? He doesn’t want all that right now. He can’t handle it.
Besides, he’s not supposed to see her. That isn’t why he came. She wasn’t the name he was given.
He doesn’t recognize the man inside, the man she fought with a few minutes ago. When he reaches out to poke his shine into this man’s mind, it’s like a forest at night: it’s dark, disorienting, full of paths that lead unknown directions. He sees a few things he understands: the woman’s face, their conversation just now, the man’s devotion to her, his anxieties. But he sees lots he doesn’t understand, too. The man is very complicated. And broken, Jackson thinks. He has cracks that make his thoughts difficult to follow.
He knows the man’s name. Fox Mulder. He wishes he knew more about who he was, exactly.
Because that’s the man he’s supposed to see.
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pygmi-says-hi · 4 days
writing tips - fictional religion
I'm gonna be honest, writing a religion is probably one of the hardest things you could do as a fiction writer. Religion is such a prevalent topic and so multifaceted. It's fascinating, but hard as hell.
This probably needs to be two parts because of how much information is out there (I'll link some sites below!).
What purpose does it serve?
Why are you creating the religion? Is the main conflict about theological differences? Is it just atmospheric?
Depending on your answer to those questions, it'll change the level of depth required for the development.
If it's a minor addition, don't worry too much about researching all the ins and outs. If it's the main conflict and/or occupation (priest, cleric, etc) of your character and book, you need to put in the effort.
Probably the most common in fantasy, pantheon religions are polytheistic, meaning 'multiple deities.' Pantheons are also commonly misrepresented.
For a pantheon to work, it needs to have balance. Gods are usually associated with common natural, physical, and emotional occurrences. And there are two sides to every coin. If there is a god of death, there must also be a god of life. Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.
Underdeveloped pantheons have uber-specific deities, like the god of fireballs (stay with me) but no god/dess of harvest? Huh.
Pantheons are not excuses to add a religious element to a character's powers. Realistically, a civilization would have no reason to worship a Fireball god. It doesn't help or support their society.
Religion serves its people. If it doesn't have a benefit to them, why is it there?
Societies often structure their methods of worship around the way they structure the civilization. Think of it like a relationship (bear with me).
If you like making pottery, you're going to give the person you care about little pieces of pottery to show your appreciation. You're not gonna randomly start making side tables and give them an ottoman. If you live long distance, you'll arrange your dates so it's an equal commute towards the both of you, not fifty miles away from anywhere convenient.
The methods of worship need to make sense.
Can I use religion to give my character powers?
Religion as a basis for character powers or development is interesting, but you need to do some creative thinking for it to read well.
Suppose you want your character to have fireball powers (we'll just stick with the analogy). Rather than having them worship a fireball god to receive these powers, maybe there is a god of fire. They worship the god of fire dutifully, and in turn the deity bends fire to the cleric's will. Then the cleric can choose to make fireballs.
Why do I need to be so careful about religion? It's fiction, right?
Yes, of course it is! And honestly, as long as the rules your religion subscribes to are consistent and make sense regarding the rules of your fantasy world, anything goes. Problems only arise when the religion is underdeveloped and lacks the explanation needed for the audience to appreciate it.
Major tip before you start writing a religion (specifically religious wars). If you are creating a religion based off of a real ethnicity (West African, Japanese, Indian, Latino, Jewish, Scandinavian, etc) PLEASE GOD HOLY MOTHER OF EVERYTHING do your research. What could seem like an innocuous representation could contain a harmful stereotype. "but silas, why do I have to do all that? won't people understand it's just fiction?"
You are deciding to undertake a very precise responsibility of creating mythology based on a real cultural group. that means you need to be respectful. You're using their background, be nice with it.
xox i love you guys!
Writing Fantasy Religion
Pantheon Religions
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doctorofmagic · 11 months
I saw that one ask about what if strange academy has a sort of Harry Potter thing going on and you put in voodoo magic and shaman,,, aren’t those closed practices? How would that work?
Hello and thanks for dropping an ask!
Just a quick disclaimer that has no relation to the question: I've never been an HP fan, my knowledge was just the basics. But now I really wish to stay away from anything related to that bigot and terf. I couldn't find the post to delete it, sometimes tumblr messes with my search engine. But if anyone has access to it, pls send me the link if possible. I wrote that a long time ago :/
Now, back to the question...
Shamanism and Voodoo are real religions, and so they differ in many aspects. I'm not quite familiar with the former, but I read many articles on Voodoo (especifically the Haitian branch), and how it's similar to brazilian Candomblé Jeje, both being born in Africa and brought to the Americas as consequence of slavery and colonialism. As far as I can tell, Shamanism is often associated with indigenous societies, and is centered around the figure of the shaman, who's able to connect with the spirit world. Meanwhile, Haitian voodoo has a system based on loas (entities/orixás).
Since these two religions are supposed to represent their respective heroes (at least in theory, I don't know how much any of this can be offensive by being adapted into a fictional world), I do believe they're different types of magic. Michael and Elizabeth are of Sarcee origin and use elements of nature in their magic. Jericho is Haitian and his magic is deeply connected to the loas.
Let's just say that Marvel has the potential to conciliate these different cultures and universes. For instance, they finally added more Egyptian mythology to Moon Knight's lore. So, imo, it's perfectly possible for them to co-exist and yet be different in their essence, just like every magic character has their own peculiarities.
PS: I'm not native of neither, so please feel free to correct me in any regard! Always love to learn!
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Caro's Immortals After Dark Cheat Sheet
Listen. I went through a thing this year. I read every single Immortals After Dark book, basically one after the other--and I haven't been the same since. This series has it all--vampires, werewolves, witches, royal politics, fated bonds, that time Lothaire mailed his heart to Ellie and she went "oh fuck that guy", a sorority house full of immortal warriors. It's probably my favorite romance novel series.
Which is impressive! Because there are many books! I recommend reading these in order, but I know that's just not possible for everyone, and some books have triggers that will make them... just not work for all readers.
With that in mind, I've made a cheat sheet regarding the lore of... the Lore, as well as each book, its hook, its tropes, and the triggers (that I remember--please double check on sites like Storygraph if you have something that's a real issue for you to read about). I've also included the books that, in my opinion, should really be read before each book, if necessary. Some people read these totally out of order as standalones. I couldn't do that, but I do think there are a few you could read in groups, potentially.
I also break down the people you really need to know about, as well as the general mythos so that you can ideally have an easier time jumping into a book if you so please.
These are paranormal romances--most of them are fairly high heat for traditionally published romance especially, and they are fairly violent. I.... have never had more fun reading a series.
Anyway, shit is bolded if you wanna scan because there is a lot of info in this guy. I'll probably make a separate post ranking them at some point.
Happy reading!
This series functions within the world of the Lore, where immortals fight each other and work within their factions for power, while remaining secreted away from human notice.
There is currently a major event crossing the whole series, called the Accession. Every 500 years, the immortals fight each other to essentially weed out their numbers. During this time, wacky events often occur, and immortals are more likely to find their fated mates.
Several types of immortals are more likely to find "fated mates" due to their mythologies.
Werewolves (Lykae): The Lykae are exceptionally earthy, and love food, sex, and family. They have an Instinct that guides them, and they struggle to contain their beasts during points of high emotion. The Lykae revere "matehood" above all else--it's basically their religion, and they live what they view as half-lives until they find their mates, who they recognize immediately based off scent. Once a Lykae finds their mate, they must mark them, which usually occurs during the first full moon after that initial recognition. Lykae MUST transform and "let the beast out of its cage" every full moon, so this usually involves a primal chase and animalistic sex outside, during which they bite their mate, leaving a mark that is invisible to all others but immediately recognizable to all other Lykae. The Lykae can only have children with their mate. Another fun and cool thing about Lykae is that they revere matehood so much that if you are like, a Lykae's sister-in-law, he will fucking DIE to keep you alive. Why? Because if a Lykae's mate dies, he just goes fucking crazy and will, unless locked in a dungeon or some shit, kill himself ASAP.
Vampires: Vampires are either born or turned. Either way, once their heart stops (which occurs at maturity for born vampires), they lose all sexual function and desire. Until they recognize their Bride (though to be clear, the Bride does not have to be female--nor does a Lykae's mate). The vampire is then Blooded, which means that their heart starts beating again, their dick starts working, and they are much more powerful. A vampire is not obligated to stay loyal to his Bride the way a Lykae is obligated to stay loyal to his mate, but it's hard to.... resist the pull. Also, a vampire MUST get off for the first time after being Blooded while having skin to skin contact with his Bride. Otherwise, he just stays in a state of sexual frustration and can't get off by himself or with anyone else. Vampires can breed, but vampire women must eat food of the earth in order to be fertile.
Demons: Demons are INTERESTING because they have horns (and sometimes wings, depending on the breed) that act as sexual organs...? Horns straighten due to aggression or arousal, they get swollen, you can use them to... steer the demon.... to where... he should go... But also, demons have fated mates!!!! Unlike vampires, they can fuck before they find their mates, but here's the trick--the orgasm is dry. The demon has a DEMON SEAL. The demon seal can only be broken when the demon is inside his fated mate. At that point, he can ejaculate, which is way more fun for him, and after that he can theoretically come inside and impregnate anyone else. Most demons stay with their mates, and they do have claiming bites, similar to the Lykae. Their bites involve a stunning sensation because demons are usually kinda.... weird... during sex, so you'll get your little bite and then just like. Come and be a bit out of sorts. While the demon is demonic. Fun!!!
Valkyries: Valkyries do not have fated mates, but I'm including them because there are like... a lot of valkyrie heroines in this series. Valkyries have three parents--their moms are warrior maidens who give a mighty battle cry when they die, and Odin and Freya take them up to Valhalla where they promptly put a valkyrie daughter in them. The valkyries are therefore all sisters. They tend to be fun, warlike broads who live in sorority-esque houses and give piercing shrieks that shatter glass. Their weaknesses are basically like... getting distracted by shiny stuff. And sometimes--big dick energy. Has felled many.
Other species include everything from succubi, the fey, phantoms, and more--but you'll most often see a werewolf, demon, or vampire (or a hybrid fo the sort) driving that "fated mate" shit.
Key Characters:
There is only one character, that, to my knowledge, has appeared in every book.
Nix the Ever Knowing: A 3,000+ year old valkyrie, the primordial valkyrie, who is probably steering the entire plot. She's a soothsayer who is incredibly bananas due to her inability to distinguish between the present, the past, and the future. She has been responsible for like... most of the pairings, and is incurring loyalty from various immortals along the way and fucking with alliances. She also is super hot and frequently wears t-shirts that she has custom made. A certain reality TV show host has a restraining order against her, but she got his number!!! Her solo book will probably be the last one. Nix has many sisters whom she lives with, because all valkyrie are girls and they all have two of the same parents (with three parents in total).
Lothaire: Not in every book, but a lot of them, especially up to his solo book (since then, he's been pretending to run a kingdom but mostly pile driving his wife). The Enemy of Old, 3,000+ year old vampire who is the "black king" to Nix's "white queen" on their weird chess board. Tends to set up other characters in horrible situations so that he can jump in and be like "oh, you need help??? Sign my ledger and owe me a blood debt and I'll save you". Is super insane, because like Nix, his concept of time is not great. Really into puzzles and not above being distracted by the right woman taking her top off.
The MacRieves: The ruling werewolf clan, led by Lachlain, King of the Lykae. Super sexy hot, very animal, have a fun Scottish stronghold and a fun Louisiana estate and a Canadian outpost...? Have been known to chase their women through the brush like "ALL I WANNA DO IS MAKE YOU COME IT'S MY PURPOOOOOOOOSE....!"
The Wroth Brothers: Nikolai (the leader!), Sebastian, (the smart one!), Murdoch (the slutty one!), Conrad (the crazy one!). Estonian warlord types. When Nikolai was dying on the battlefield he got an offer from a hot vampire (Kristoff, sexy Not-Evil? Vampire King) to become a similarly hot vampire in exchange for doing battle, and he was like "oh word let's go please also turn my similarly dying brother Murdoch" and he and Murdoch went home to find that most of their family had been slaughtered so they were like "hey Sebastian and Conrad please become vampires" and Sebastian and Conrad went "no" and Nikolai went "well that actually wasn't an offer it was a command" and Sebastian fled to his geek castle and Conrad ran off to be crazy in the woods so now the family is..... struggling.
The Woede: Rydstrom was the king of a demon plane and lost his crown to an ultimate evil and blamed it on his brother Cade, who was missing in action in part because he'd been fostered out BY RYDSTROM'S COMMAND LOL. For centuries since, Rydstrom (the responsible daddy one) and Cade (the sexy hitman one) have been trying to liberate their kingdom, and show up to bicker and hash out shit that should probably be reserved for family therapy.
The Dacians: Ssssh these are super secret vampires who live in the mist and can't find a king so Lothaire is hoping that he can just. Become that.
The Horde: Wacky red-eyed vampires who drink from the flesh and go craaaaazy because when you do that, you often take the person's memories. Whoops!
The Forbearers: Wacky clear-eyed vampires who do drink blood, but not from the flesh, which makes them less crazy. Led by Kristoff the Gravewalker, aforementioned Sexy Vampire King, who has yet to get a book but he will once he finds his Bride, oops LOTHAIRE PUT HER IN THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN AND FORGOT WHERE SHE WAS. The Wroth brothers are Forbearers, except for Conrad because Mistakes Were Made. Sidebar: the Forbearer heroes have a tendency to be like "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!!" about drinking from the flesh once they find their fated Brides because like. A consensual vampire bite is super orgasmic, ya know? Even Kristoff was like "meeeeeh we can just like, let the married guys do that because I know I will be when I find Furie (AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA BECAUSE LOTHAIRE MISPLACED HER) amirite fellas???"
The Morior: They've been around for like... three books, so I still don't fully get them, but they're like the Avengers of the Lore, I think? But they mostly wanna decimate all my favorites, so it's hard for them. However, they do have sex appeal. Especially Rune, the dark fey who has poisonous blood.
Books, in order of release/chronology.
The Warlord Wants Forever. Nikolai Wroth (vampire) and Mysty the Vampire Layer Myst the Coveted (valkyrie) This is a prequel novella, and it is significantly shorter than the rest of the books. I will add! That some aspects of the series lore have not *quite* been hammered out in this one.
One Sentence Tease: Vampire warlord meets femme fatale valkyrie who leaves him with a magical boner for five years--and he ain't happy about it.
You Should Read Beforehand: Nothing, this comes first chronologically--but it is one of the Wroth Brothers books, along with No Rest for the Wicked, Dark Needs at Night's Edge, and Untouchable.
Tropes: Alpha Hero, Enemies to Lovers, more experienced heroine with less experienced hero (he does get insecure about it), much femme fatale activity, EXTREME orgasm denial, a good kidnapping, fucking outdoors and then your sisters walk in while he's still inside you whoops, rough rough sex
TW: The most non-consensual this series gets in a very magical way. Myst must wear a magical chain the gods cursed her with; whoever holds this chain may control her, but nobody has been able to take this chain off her prior to Nikolai; Nikolai grabs the chain and tells her to stop without realizing what it does; he realizes what it does and immediately makes tells her to come. He does not force her to have sex with him, but he does.... get the party started... with the chain. To be very fair, in context........ he has his reasons.
2. A Hunger Like No Other. Lachlain MacRieve (lykae) and Emmaline Troy (vampire/valkrie hybrid).
One Sentence Tease: The one where he cuts off his own leg to escape his eternal prison after catching A SINGLE WHIFF OF HER.
You Should Read Beforehand: Nothing, really, but Nikolai and Myst do make an appearance post-Warlord. This book is a MacRieve book, obviously.
Tropes: Alpha Hero (none of these... are not that, some are just more than others), A Good Kidnapping, Submissive Heroine Discovers Inner Strength, Growly Mean Man Becomes Her Puppy, Virginal Heroine, Primal Chase, lots of extremely wolfy behavior (Lachlain is one of the most animalistic werewolf heroes in the series), Enemies to Lovers, Werewolf/Vampire Hatred Shenanigans, Big Guy/Teeny Fragile Girl,
TW: Lots of dubcon, Lachlain basically snatches Emma out of nowhere and takes her to a hotel shower and makes her jack him off in exchange for a call to her family within the first few chapters. To be very fair, she is inwardly pretty into it. He also later tries to get her drunk through... creative means, in order to make her deflowering less... jarring. Because werewolves.
3. No Rest for the Wicked. Sebastian Wroth (vampire) and Kaderin the Cold-Hearted (valkyrie).
One Sentence Tease: The hot vampire nerd guy enters a magical Amazing Race to win local emotionless badass--complications ensue.
You Should Read Beforehand: Nothing, though some Wroth bros backstory is told in Warlord. A Wroth Brothers book.
Tropes: Inexperience Hero/Experienced Heroine, Nerdy Hero, Heartless Heroine, Amazing Race But Make It Magic, Very Embarrassed By Impromptu Sexual Encounters with the Nerdy Vampire, Mile High Club, Secret Death Sentence, Refusal to Admit Fucking Emotions, Jealousy
TW: I mean, Sebastian does sort of non-consensually bite Kaderin in a club, but it is.... very hot.
4. Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night. Bowen MacRieve (lykae) and Mariketa the Awaited (witch).
One Sentence Tease: A werewolf who's spent centuries trying to resurrect his dead mate is hit with unexpected lust for an all-powerful cheerleading witch.
You Should Read Beforehand: You don't have to read A Hunger Like No Other first, but you do get some Bowen backstory in that, plus the setup for his part in the plot.
Tropes: Widower Hero, Enemies to Lovers, Party Girl/Cheerleader Heroine, a lot of age gap emphasis (he's like 900, she's 23 and hasn't hit her immortality yet), some aphrodisiac shenanigans (immortals get super horny when transitioning into immortality... Mariketa is right in the middle of all that), MUCH FUCKBOY, Primal Chase, Light Magical Bondage, How Can I Compete With A Ghost, LOTS of Witchy Vibes,
TW: I mean, Bowen does in fact kill like five billion people and chase Mariketa through a jungle covered in gore being like "LISTEN IT'S THE FULL MOON WE MIGHT AS WELL ACCEPT IT AND GET IT ON" but that's standard issue werewolfitude.
5. Dark Needs at Night's Edge. Conrad Wroth (vampire) and Neomi Laress (ghost).
One Sentence Tease: Bloodlust-maddened virgin vampire falls in love with a fabulous hot ghost who likes to flash him her panties (as she should).
I Should Read Beforehand: You can read Warlord and No Rest beforehand, but it's not necessary. All of the Wroth brothers appear in this book, as do Myst and Kaderin, briefly.
Tropes: Virgin Hero/Experienced Heroine, CRAAAAAAAAZY hero, former sex worker heroine who isn't ashamed, dirty talk dirty talk dirty talk dirty talk, extreme devotion, everyone thinks he's hallucinating her at one point, just achingly romantic star-crossed lovers vibes because they can't touch
TW: I mean, Neomi is literally murdered by her abusive fiancee in the beginning. She's stabbed, it's quick. Otherwise, standard issue gore. Neomi and Conrad have a pretty consensual relationship, aside from her watching him shower a lot. As you would if you were a horny ghost.
6. Dark Desires After Dusk. Cadeon Woede (demon) and Holly Ashwin (valkyrie/human hybrid).
One Sentence Tease: A roadtrip romance between a sexy math professor who's doomed to carry the Dark Messiah and the mercenary demon guy determined to betray her.
I Should Read Beforehand: The Woede bros make some fairly significant appearances in Wicked Deeds and Dark Needs, but you could hack it without. A lot of Dark Needs plot points are mentioned in this one, because uh, Cade fucked up.
Tropes: Virgin Heroine/Slutty Hero, Trickery and Lies throughout, Nerdy Heroine, Roadtrip Romance, ~Let Your Hair Down And Live A Little Babe~, FWB, some pretty heavy breeding vibes due to Holly's role in the Accession
TW: Cade does lie to Holly for basically this entire book. I don't care, but a head's up. Holly is kidnapped by a demonic cult in the beginning that plans to rape and impregnate her--she stops them before anything happens. Lots of people are trying to get at Holly's womb in this one, and there is in fact a pregnancy.
7. Untouchable. Murdoch Wroth (vampire) Daniella the Ice Maiden (valkyrie). Technically a novella, but it's like... 300+ pages.
One Sentence Tease: Like, if Elsa fell in love with a hot vampire who can't touch her but CAN utilize an icicle in... interesting ways.
I Should Read Beforehand: All the Wroth brothers books, because this is the culmination of their familial arc and overlaps with them. So, The Warlord Wants Forever, No Rest for the Wicked, and Dark Needs at Night's Edge.
Tropes: Slutty Hero/Virgin Heroine, Frozen But with Porn, "Come with Me to My Siberian Palace", They Can't Touch But They Can Use an Icicle Dildo, So Much Sexual Frustration It's Actually Insane
TW: I mean, I guess Murdoch is a bit aggressive with her at points, but nothing big.
8. Kiss of a Demon King. Rydstrom Woede (demon) and Sabine (sorceress).
One Sentence Summary: Morally upright (?) demon king enters the ultimate edging contest with an evil sorceress and discovers that oh, he sure is a dom.
I Should Read Beforehand: Definitely read Dark Desires After Dusk beforehand. There's backstory, there's overlapping timelines, you see the same scene from a different perspective... it's a lot.
Tropes: Dom/sub shenanigans, edging, enemies to lovers, virgin heroine but she gave a lot of head in her day, villainess heroine/"good" hero, gentleman in the streets FREAK in the sheets, Don't Take The Girl dot Mp3 vibes, A Good Kidnapping, lots of restraints
TW: Oh, where to begin. Sabine kidnaps Rydstrom to seduce him and conceive his heir, chains him to a bed, continuously edges him to try to get him to agree to marry her and sire a legitimate heir. At one point she's pissed at him and has a bunch of servants bathe him just to fuck with his head.... Rydstrom subsequently vows to "get parity", which means he's gonna do every single thing right back at her. Also, Sabine and her sister are being held captive by their evil brother who lusts after Sabine, and Sabine has died a million times in the past, some of which is graphically described.
9. Pleasure of a Dark Prince. Garreth MacRieve (lykae) and Lucia the Huntress (valkyrie).
One Sentence Summary: Warrior woman who's taken a vow of chastity plays a game of cat and mouse with the werewolf determined to have her.
You Should Read First: A Hunger Like No Other. Garreth is Lachlain's brother, and the first chunk of this book directly overlaps with the latter part of Hunger's plot.
Tropes: Himbo(ish) hero, Alpha Hero, Vow of Chastity, Primal Chase (this is a chase heavy book), extreme devotion, roadtrip romance, Romancing the Stone/Indiana Jones vibes heavy, recovery after abuse
TW: Lucia was raped in the past by a different character and is recovering from this trauma. Garreth is very patient and gentle with her once he realizes that she needs some TLC. I mean, he still does chase her on the full moon and fuck her on a stone altar, but it is EXTREMELY hot. Lothaire shows up to steal someone's finger. This is not the last time he will carry someone's finger around.
10. Demon from the Dark. Malkolm Slaine (vampire/demon hybrid) and Carrow the Incarcerated (witch).
One Sentence Tease: Local partygirl witch sets out to deceive a seemingly-barbaric demon warrior, discovers he's actually incredibly sweet.
You Should Read First: You can pretty much read this one alone.
Tropes: Virgin Hero/Partygirl Heroine, Single Parent Heroine (adopted child), Jane/Tarzan, Language Barrier, Lots of Sensual Bathing, My Fair Lady But He's A Demon, The Father Who Stepped Up, I'm Lying To Your Fragile Heart the Whole Time, Vampire Boob Biting, Here Have the Heads of Your Enemies
TW: Malkolm Slaine was a sex slave as a child. This is not shown graphically, but it's discussed and it's a huge part of his trauma, obviously. He's pretty sexually aggressive to Carrow at first, but it's kind of more of a cultural lack of understanding/instinct issue. Malkolm is tortured largely off-page, the torture of other characters is discussed.
11. Dreams of a Dark Warrior. Declan Chase (reincarnated berserker) and Regin the Radiant (valkyrie).
One Sentence Tease: Flippant warrior discovers that the man who took her virginity has been reincarnated as her mortal enemy.
You Should Read First: You don't have to read anything first, but Pleasure of A Dark Prince has some backstory for Regin via Lucia, her closest sister. Some of scenes in Demon from the Dark overlap here; in particular, you figure out why they said Declan Chase was being punished for "putting his hand in the cookie jar", and uh. He sure did that.
Tropes: Reincarnation Romance, Villain Hero, Grovel Grovel, Addict Hero, Spunky Heroine, Inexperienced Hero/Experienced Heroine (in this life), You Really Fucking Fucked Up Man, Sensual Bathing, Dirty Talk, Sex Outdoors
TW: LOL WELL. In Aidan's original lifetime, he meets Regin when she is 12 and he is 30 and knows her father, the god Woden, has bestowed her to him. He doesn't plan on doing shit until she's well over 18, and she does depart pretty quickly, but that happens. Their first time (10+ years later) is very "no no yes". Declan Chase, the current iteration, is a heroin addict who tortures immortal creatures for a living and has been brainwashed to hate them. The heroine is in fact vivisected (not by him, under his nose, while he's been drugged) while fully conscious. Lothaire gets tortured but he super doesn't care. This one is pretty violent and intense, but an incredibly daring romance novel if you can get through it, imo.
12. Lothaire. Lothaire Daciano (vampire) and Ellie Peirce (human).
One Sentence Tease: The worst guy you know gets repeatedly emotionally kicked in the balls by a girl who ends up being way more than he bargained for.
You Should Read First: Lothaire does appear in almost every book prior to this one, and I will admit that the buildup makes the book better. Dreams of a Dark Warrior seems especially important to read before this one, though, as you get his POV and the events from that book do directly affect the events of this one.
Tropes: Villain Hero/Virgin Heroine, CrAZY Hero, Defiant Heroine, Enemies to Lovers, Morality Chain, How Do We Fuck Without You Popping Like A Grape, Mistaken Identity Issues, That "A Villain Will Burn Down the World For One More Kiss" Shit, Bloodplay Bloodplay Bloodplay, Blood BJ -> Blood 69, Drink Her Virgin's Blood, Blood Kiss, Wanna Lose Your Virginity On My Nice Couch?, A Good Kidnapping, He's Her Bitch Your Honor, Transformation, Grovel Grovel
TW: LMAO. Lothaire is a fucking dick and the book isn't shy about it. He kidnaps Ellie and plans to rip her soul from her body for like a lot of this book. He constantly mocks her hillbilly origins. Ellie takes it and dishes it back. This is a book about two people who are essentially trying to mastermind.mp3 each other, and a weird demonic goddess inhabiting the body of one of them being like "can you please stop coming on her while I'm sleeping" (he cannot). As a side note, Lothaire has a very traumatic childhood and his father does kill his puppy on the page. It's implied that his mother was raped. Lothaire beheads like five billion people in this book, I don't even know. His "mischievous youth" of skullfucking is mentioned.
13. Shadow's Claim. Trehan Daciano (vampire) and Bettina (demon/sorceress hybrid).
One Sentence Tease: Badass vampire assassin guy enters into a tournament for the hand of a princess, discovers that he should've checked her Amazon Wish List before giving her a bag of severed heads as a token of his affection.
You Should Read First: The plot of Lothaire does basically happen in the background of this book. I'd recommend reading it first.
Tropes: Mercenary Prince/Princess Classic, A Battle Royale for Her Hand, Cold Hero Goes Crazy For Her, Assassin Hero, Mild Love Triangle But Only In Her Head, Virgin Heroine, Mild Bloodplay, Public Fingerbanging, Orgasm Denial, Here Have the Heads of Your Enemies, "I Thought Sex Was Lame But Then I Had It And Actually It Rocks", Sad Masturbation
TW: Bettina is brutally beaten by a gang of evil angels in the beginning of the book. Trehan and Bettina's first encounter is like... a mutual confusion situation. No one was at fault, but still. Lots of violence and gore in this one because fight to the death and all.
14. MacRieve. Uilleam "Will" MacRieve (lykae) and Chloe Webb (human--OR IS SHE).
One Sentence Tease: Incredibly traumatized werewolf guy falls for the daughter of the man who tortured him, and that's BEFORE shit gets hard for them.
You Should Read First: Probably Dreams of a Dark Warrior, if thoust dare.
Tropes: Trauma Rama, Promiscuous Hero/Virgin Heroine, Everything Was Great Until We Found That Thing Out, Asshole Hero (but like... there are reasons), Alpha Hero, Defiant Heroine, Emotional Growth to the Max, Fucking Versus Making Loooove, CHAIN THE BEAST TO LIVE!!!!, And He Has A Sexy Twin, "I Must Now Save Her Life Through Deep Eye Contact Emotional Missionary Sex",
TW: MacRieve (the character) has the most traumatic backstory of any IAD hero, imo. He was raped by a pedophile groomer from the ages of 9 to 13 and thought he was in love with her. This led to his family being pretty decimated, and he has never gotten over it emotionally. He does not know how to function normally as a werewolf and can only have detached, rough sex. He is suicidal at the beginning of the book due to Dreams of A Dark Warrior's events (he was vivisected and succubi attempted to sexually assault him). Once he finds a thing out about Chloe, he is extremely angry (it is not her fault) and is a super big dick to her for a while. Leads to amazing emotional growth, but it is! Difficult!
15. Dark Skye. Thronos Talos (vrekener--think demon/angel thing) and Melanthe (sorceress).
One Sentence Summary: God warrior guy spent five centuries tracking down his former childhood best friend turned enemy--now that he has her, can he convince her to have sex through this weird sheet thing?
You Should Read First: Kiss of a Demon King. Lanthe is Sabine's sister, and they have a shared backstory. Dreams of A Dark Warrior may also explain some things.
Tropes: Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Virgin Hero/Experienced Heroine, Hero is A God Warrior With Antiquated Ideas About Sex, Of Course He's Also Kinky, Hero Has WINGS!!!!, Let's Fuck Through My Weird Religious Sheet Thing, Aphrodisiac By Way of Sex Planet, Breeding Because She's In Heat and He Can Smell It, WHOOPS! Baby,
TW: Thronos slut shames Lanthe throughout the book until he learns a thing. Thronos is drugged by a bunch of nymphs who try to rape him (they fail).
16. Sweet Ruin. Rune Darklight (dark fey) and Josie (vampire--or IS SHE).
One Sentence Summary: 7,000 year old sex assassin has poisonous bodily fluids--when he meets a vampiress who can drink his blood, it is PARTY TIME, motherfuckers!!!!
You Should Read First: Pretty much nothing.
Tropes: Sex Assassin Hero/Badass Heroine, She Gets Under His Cold Unfeeling Skin, He's Poison to Everyone But Her, 7,000 Year Old Man Falls for Local Millennial, Illiterate Heroine, Hero Has Sexual Hangups, Trauma Rama, Roadtrip Romance
TW: Rune was a sex slave in the past; this discussed, but not in detail. It's implied that his stepmother desired him, though she doesn't do anything to him... directly. Rune fucks nymphs for information and this is a pretty big issue between him and Josie because he refuses to commit to monogamy.
17. Shadow's Seduction. Mirceo Daciano (vampire) and Caspion (demon).
One Sentence Tease: Bros (TM) discover that they are in fact fated mates, but one of them is a noted lothario and the other basically grew up in Demon West Virginia.
You Should Read First: Lothaire and Shadow's Claim.
Tropes: Bisexuals Everywhere, Internalized Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Uptight Loves Wild, Bounty Hunter Boyfriends, Local Idiot Refuses to Admit He's In Love
TW: Some of the language around the sex is a bit dated, imo; Mirceo has had a lot of sex but has never bottomed before and this is seen as a form of virginity? Which, I guess, and I can't speak to its relevance to men who fuck men as a cis woman, but it was a bit odd to read because Mirceo has again, fucked SO many people. Cas has a some internalized homophobia based on his culture and the kingdom he hails from. Mirceo does not, as nobody in the Dacian Kingdom cares about that shit.
18. Wicked Abyss. Abyssian Infernis (demon) and Lila (fey).
One Sentence Tease: Beauty and the Beast, but make it demonic and a reincarnation revenge grudge match.
You Should Read First: Maybe Sweet Ruin, but it's not a must.
Tropes: Reincarnation Romance, Beauty and the Beast, Lies and Trickery, Virgin Heroine/Monster Hero, Monsterfucking to the max, YOU CAN STAY HERE AND STAAAAAARVE, Being Blamed For Shit Your Past Life Self Did, Traumatic Horn Amputation
TW: I mean, Sian is pretty mean to Lila based on shit that is entirely not her fault, but otherwise this one is pretty lowkey.
19. Munro. Munro MacRieve (lykae) and Kereny (human).
One Sentence Tease: Everyone's favorite dad friend finally found his fated mate, and boy is he making some bad choices!!!!
You Should Read First: Definitely most MacRieve books, but certainly MacRieve (title).
Tropes: Responsible Hero Loses His Motherfucking Mind, Experienced Hero/Virgin Heroine, Time Travel, Bringing Your Love Back from the Dead, Monster/Huntress, Cucking Her Husband, OOPS!baby, Transformation
TW: This one is the most recently published, and honestly it's the most PC in many ways. There is a fairly traumatic birth scene.
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kingsthunder · 2 years
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ghetsis harmonia, tenth heir of house harmonia, god of the gateway of truth and ideals, keeper of the dragon force, king of kings. by percival (he/him, 30+).
psa! this blog is highly selective and private. headcanon based and canon divergent lmao. formerly idanikou.
with heavy influence from the works of j.r.r tolkien, suzume (2022), mythic archives of dantalian, various mythologies and whatever else i have compiled (a lot)
a study and criticism of religion, perceived truth and unrealistic ideals, loneliness, the horror and beauty of the divine, the inherent evil behind all things good,
public vs private info ╱ ic wiki (wip) ╱ worldbuilding lore blog is under construction! ╱ meta analysis on this blog ╱
rules under readmore 
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affiliated with [ . . . ]
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blogroll: @titanchaser ╱ @godstrain ╱ @sonnevater ╱ @astralend ╱ @areadbheir
𝐨𝐧𝐞. #KINGSTHUNDER is an independent, private, highly selective and mutuals exclusive writing blog for ghetsis harmonia of the pokemon franchise. except the vibe of this blog is just ... not pokémon just a lot of other things.
due to the fact that i am OLD, this blog is 18+. please do not follow me if you are under 18!
on this note, this blog will feature dark and triggering themes. i will make sure to tag these things with the format of #trigger so that they can be filtered out! please tag #trypophobia for me!
𝐭𝐰𝐨. this blog will not be open for shipping. i have a long standing worldbuilding where ghetsis is in fact married and he hasn't bonded with anyone else in that way ever since so uhhh.
i am very open to other sorts of bonds, though!
i should also note that i will accept mains and exclusives!
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. i am known for writing metas across the blogs i have. in the wise words of a friend:
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with this in mind, the metas i write are portrayal specific to this blog, so please give them a read! i know i can be rather wordy- anyone who has followed me elsewhere may know this, but for my first time followers, worldbuilding is one of my favorite things to do. i am particularly fond of analysis of character psychology.
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. to the point above, i do have other blogs! i am in and out of other fandoms, but i am trying to focus on a smaller group of things for my own sanity.
and by this, i mean i work 32-40 hours as a registered nurse in an inpatient psychiatric unit. i am busy, i am tired, and i can't keep letting my focus go all over the place. inevitably, it still may do that because i have a tendency to be scattered, so if i don't get to something immediately, it isn't you, it's me!
also related to that, i do love communication! i struggle with reading the room (it's the Autism tm) and so if something's up or if you're bothered, please be direct with me! i will not take offense, i quite appreciate feedback so that i can be better as a person! in return, i will communicate back! i am learning to curate my space (after 10+ years of being on tumblr).
𝐬𝐢𝐱. there are people i won't interact with due to various reasons- my dni list is on the carrd of my other blogs. i won't interact with genderbent versions of characters, people who are Real Life Individuals (not counting fictional depictions like in the typemoon franchise or whatnot because those really have nothing to do with the actual individual they're supposedly based on?).
please stay far away from me if you fall under the following categories (i'm censoring things because god knows tumblr just picks shit up idk): proshipping, writing inc*st, p*dophilia, r*pe/n*ncon, are transphobic/homophobic- the usual gross behavior! use your moral compass!
on top of that, i am a firm believer that we learn from the media around us. full censorship is just as dangerous as the aforementioned things- the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows! please refer to this post which essentially summarizes the gist of what i'm trying to explain.
𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. anyway, hello, i'm percival / percy, i am 30+ and use he/him pronouns exclusively! i am a hobby artist (it's my side-gig from nursing) and sometimes i post my art, tagged #whats my art tag considering i constantly forget my art tag if it's fancy. please do not repost my art without my permission.
mutuals, feel free to ask me for my discord, since i am much easier to reach there!
i look forward to writing with you!
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neembu · 8 months
(this is very long and pointless, just scroll past)
this is a means for me to clear my thoughts.
my parents really believe in astrology. and even though i dont, i hate to admit that very specific events that i tried to stay away from hv happened in my life that were predicted as early as in 2017.
these are not events that can be generalised but i digress.
accncn to astrology this time period is the worst one in my life. and although admittedly i am not doing well at all, i dont like to put blame on other factors for my incompetence
also it was predicted that i wld lose faith in god and then regain it, and the time periods predicted were unfortunately accurate.
well my mother was pretty happy with the prospect of me worshipping god again. but it is funny that now i am religious in a way that doesn’t please her
i hate calling myself a hindu, even though i do follow shaktism which is a form of hinduism they are separate entities in my mind. even if i call myself a hindu i do not mean it in a way most people do.
i dont have complaints with my religion or rather my religion as it was supposed to be, i do actually believe that hinduism was one of the most progressive religions at it’s birth (baring a few things that can be attributed to human errors and well misogyny, while spinning a mythology), but it doesnt matter anymore. it has been blotched the people who use religion as a tool for violence, the so called dharm-rakshaks (protectors of the religion).
i would rather not be associated with them. their practices and lack of knowledge ab the religion itself has tainted hinduism for me.
and even though i do follow hinduism in a way, i ruthlessly criticise how it is being followed a lot which stings my parents who’d go to lengths to defend hindus no matter how wrong they are.
my parents also dont want me to follow nirakar hinduism, i dont even know what their motive is with that but oh well. and though i can not call my self nirakar completely, but my ideologies certainly tilt that way.
also this has also opened my eyes to how insincere people are with their worship, how religion is just a way for them to integrate themselves into the society. i would not have minded that after all everyone is looking for a place to belong, but the very people who call themselves ‘kattar hindu’ (staunch supporters of hinduism); are the very ones who do the exact opposite as what their religion tells them to do. i asked a couple of them around me, some basic questions that form hinduism (they were incredibly easybecause at that time i myself had minimal knowledge ab the religion), and they werent able to answer those, which gave me complete insight of what religion actually meant for them
there is only one thing i want from god and that is to make my soul kind and empathetic. not only do i think feeling others’ pain in how the society can be corrected, but also i am selfish. i want to free myself from this cycle of birth and death, it becomes more and more unbearable everyday. i dont want to rack up ‘bad’ karm, this thought in itself is selfish which goes against the laws of karm. but this thought also comes second to the fact, i truly have always wanted to help people if i have the means to. it isnt inherently selfish, it became so after seeing the state of the world we live in.
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peaceisadirtyword · 3 years
Heathen V (Ivar/Edlynn)
A/N: Hello! I might have gotten a bit carried away with this(?) Sorry😅 I hope it’s not too boring though🥺 I was just going to rewrite the ending and suddenly... I had 1000 more words💀 anyway, I hope you like it!♥️ In this chapter I talk about norse mythology and christianity, and even if I’ve read about it (norse mythology, at least) I’m by no means an expert, so I had to consult some friends and people I know that are professionals. In any case, I’m sorry if I wrote anything wrong, please tell and forgive me.
Btw, thank you so much for your messages! I’m feeling better now🥰 I watched some videos of Alex and Marco and I calmed down a bit! I suppose I just need to relax a bit, it’s okay, but seriously thank you for your messages and for always being so understanding with me💞🙏🏻
Warnings: talk about religion, mentions of violence, war and all that sh1t... Ivar is too perfect I’d like to marry him but, unfortunately, I can't 
Words: don’t hate me but there’s 5492 words under this... I hope it’s worth it (?)
Heathen Masterlist
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gif belongs to @therealcalicali​
For Edlynn, it was both scary and hypnotizing to see Ivar learning how to read. He seemed to understand things quickly and even if they didn't really have any materials for him to practice writing, Edlynn saw him carving letters on wood more than once, like he did with the runes. In a few days, Ivar could understand some parts of the books, even if he still needed help, and Edlynn remembered bitterly how much time it took for her to learn basic words and how many times the priest that taught her and her siblings scolded her.
In return, Ivar agreed to tell her a bit more about his culture. He talked about the Gods, even showed some runes to her, she asked him to show her their longships, and was amazed by the carvings and the designs. Sometimes, she'd ask him to translate some words from English to Norse, and soon became obsessed with his language, trying to memorize everything she could for when she went back home. Mildrith would love it. 
"Can we go back to reading?" Ivar sighed, raising an eyebrow when Edlynn asked him to translate a few words more. He had spent the entire day with Hvitserk and was on a good mood, but he was also tired. 
"Yes, sorry" she blushed a bit, realizing her eagerness was probably improper "Just one more, please" 
Ivar nodded slowly. He found her excitement adorable, and he had to hold back a smile more than once when she tried to repeat some words with a soft voice. 
"How do you say sun and moon?" she tilted her head, curiously "It's true that they are Gods for you?" 
Mildrith had told her once that the northman she had been with had told her that they worshipped the sun and the moon, as if they were Saints or Gods. And, for some reason, Edlynn became obsessed with it. 
"Those are two words" Ivar smirked "But they are Sól and Máni, and they are Gods, yes, but slightly different from the Aesir and the Vanir" he shrugged "It's a long story"
Edlynn waited a few more seconds, maybe expecting for him to keep telling the story. 
"So the moon is a Goddess?"
Ivar hummed, nodding. 
"She's a woman, sister to Sól, the sun" he shrugged.
"That makes sense" Edlynn bit her lip, interested "But, how can you say they are a man and a woman? They're not humans" she smiled softly, amused "They can't be man and woman" 
"But they are" Ivar frowned "It's like that story of yours about the Virgin, I've heard that one before, how can you tell she was a virgin?" he shrugged. 
"Because God chose her to carry his son, the one who would bring His word to us"
"You christians are too obsessed with virginity" Ivar rolled his eyes. Edlynn felt her cheeks burn, and cleared her throat. 
"It's a sin not to be a virgin when you get married"
"Yes, I've heard a lot about those sins" Ivar nodded "And I still think it's ridiculous, why would your God demand that you deny the pleasure of having sex to yourselves?"
"It's an act of purity, of faith" Edlynn narrowed her eyes. She knew the northmen were much less... Traditional, with these things, and sometimes she felt somehow curious. It wasn't a topic that was very discussed at the court, and much less at home with her father... Once, Edlynn and Mildrith saw a couple on the stables and asked Hilda about it. The nun was so angry at them that she made them pray for hours, and then made them promise they wouldn't go around talking about it.
"It's stupid" Ivar shrugged "You would be much happier if you forgot about that"
The girl pressed her lips together, a bit bothered. Ivar's smirk showed he was trying to get a reaction from her, but Edlynn wouldn't start arguing. 
"I didn't expect a heathen to understand it" she shrugged.
Ivar chuckled, shaking his head. 
"I've spent maybe too much time around christians to understand many things, but I still believe your God is weak" he licked his lips "Compared to Odin and Thor, he's weak and demanding"
She ignored him, looking back at the books and parchments they were studying. Finally, Ivar stood up, making Edlynn raise her head as he walked over to the bed, and sat down to take his braces off. She watched as his fingers worked quickly on them, freeing his legs. When Ivar started taking his clothes, she stiffened, blushing again, and stood up to tidy the books and avoid looking at him. If she had looked, she would have seen Ivar's amused smile. 
"The day and the night are also man and a woman" he continued, startling Edlynn. She turned to look at him, curious, but turned around when she realized he was shirtless "What? Are you also not allowed to look at me?"
"It's not proper" she muttered, looking down. During the nights she had been sharing his tent, she always slept with her back turned to him, and usually she would already be asleep when he went to bed. 
"Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?" 
Edlynn hesitated, but finally turned around. He was doing it to bother her, and wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing it was working. The sight left her breathless. Ivar was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen, but not only his face was beautiful; he was strong, she had already noticed it when he grabbed her for the first time. Edlynn tried her best to avoid staring at his beautiful hair, collected in braids and tied that fell down his back and shoulder. 
"Dagr is the day, and he's the son of Nótt, the night, Odin gave each of them a chariot that they can ride on the sky... And two horses, Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi" his own finger pointed at his chest, which was crossed by dark lines. Those strange drawings on his skin were normal among the northmen; she had seen those on their arms, necks, faces... It was weird but she had to bite her tongue more than once to avoid asking about them. 
Ivar had also another one on his back. Edlynn couldn't see much, but from the few glimpses she had caught, it looked like a snake. The ones he showed now had an intricate pattern, and she frowned softly while looking at them. 
"They don't look like horses" 
That made Ivar chuckle, but he didn't say anything else as she approached him, her eyes still fixed on his chest. When she was close enough, she raised her hand slowly. 
"Can I?" 
Ivar tensed, but finally nodded softly. Edlynn didn't know what to expect when her fingers touched the dark ink, but was somewhat surprised by the feeling of his skin. It was warm and his muscles tensed under her touch when her finger roamed around his chest following the lines. It was hypnotizing, and she couldn't feel anything else that wasn't Ivar. 
She found his necklace. It was always hidden under his clothes, so it caught her attention. The question was written all over her face when she looked at his eyes again. 
"Mjölnir" he answered quietly "Thor's hammer" 
Edlynn nodded. She had heard about that, and thought it would be something like the cross that hang from her own neck. 
Finally, she moved her hand backwards, almost like she just realized what she was doing and was suddenly too shy to keep touching him. Ivar's eyes were still fixed on Edlynn as she turned around, getting away from him faster than he would have liked, and soon she was laying on her side of the bed, with her back turned to him and her body tense and stiff, not bothering to cover herself. 
Edlynn was amazed by the shieldmaidens. She had heard about them more than once, since she was a kid, and sometimes imagined herself with a sword when she watched her brother, Edward, train with their father. But when she said it once, during dinner, everyone turned to look at her with widened eyes. Both her father and her sister reprimanded her; the battlefield is no place for women, you're needed at home, praying and taking care of the children. 
Since then, the thought hadn't crossed her mind again. 
She also saw the two viking women training when they were staying with King Alfred. They moved gracefully, and easily defeated male warriors, it was entertaining and interesting to see, and Mildrith and her would always sit and watch her, but always under the stern gaze of their fathers. Once, the blonde woman she had often seen with Bishop Heahmund offered them to try. Edlynn remembered the soft smile and how she approached them. She was sure her face lightened up, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Lord Eldred was behind her, he gripped her shoulder with maybe too much force. His daughter wouldn't go near a sword, he had said sternly. And the viking woman sighed, shooting her a sad smile before leaving. 
But in that camp, even with her wrists tied and three northmen around her, she was free to watch as much as she wanted. 
There was a group of many women, training with her swords, axes and shields. They fought fiercely, but laughing and hugging each other, and Edlynn was amazed. She barely blinked and didn't know how much time she had been there watching them. The women didn't seem to care, and she felt more at ease around them than around the men. 
But when she turned her head, startled by some other sounds coming from her right, something else caught her attention. The first thing she saw was Hvitserk dodging a dagger as he trained with another viking. She knew that dagger, and soon her eyes fixed on Ivar, who was leant on a tree and smirked softly. He had a horn on his hand, and his eyes shone as they only did when he was around his brother. Next to him, Edlynn saw some arrows and a wooden bow, an axe and another sword.
He hadn't seen her, and she stayed silent and still, watching. He was relaxed, laughing and had a playful smirk on his lips. In some way, he was even more handsome. Soon, he got tired of just watching and grabbed the bow and arrows, tensing it slowly. His gaze was fixed on the tree in front of him, and Edlynn couldn't help but stare at him as his whole body tensed. She remembered when her brother learnt archery, when his arms were always shaking. Ivar didn't move a single muscle until he shoot the arrow. 
"Don't miss, brother, you have an audience" Hvitserk's voice startled both Ivar and Edlynn, and when his eyes finally landed on her, his expression changed. She wasn't able to point exactly what changed, but Ivar barely looked at her. 
"See something you like, princess?" 
Edlynn felt her cheeks burn, and pressed her lips together when she heard the guards and some other men chuckling behind her, refusing to let them see her. Ivar also smirked, leaning to grab another arrow. 
"I was just watching" she muttered. Ivar looked amused when he turned his head to look at her. 
"Want to try?" he pointed at the tree. Edlynn hesitated, knowing that grabbing a bow and shooting arrows wasn't proper. But then again... There was no one there to scold her, right? And probably, if King Alfred reached an agreement with them, she wouldn't have to see any of them again. 
She nodded softly, feeling a strange rush of excitement like the ones she used to feel when she was little and did something that was strictly forbidden. Ivar nodded at the guards and they let her go after untying her wrists. 
"I don't think you have done this before, am I right?"
Edlynn narrowed her eyes at him and snatched the bow from his hands, making him laugh. It was heavier than she ever thought, and nearly let it fall to the ground. But she could already imagine how much the men would laugh if she dropped the bow. 
"Turn around" Ivar ordered, and Edlynn obeyed slowly, still hesitating and nervous because of all those pairs of eyes fixed on her, studying her every move. She wasn't a warrior, but a noble lady that lived  in a castle, so her movements were clumsy and not graceful at all. 
She startled and nearly jumped when Ivar's hands touched her waist. 
"What are you doing?" she whispered, widening her eyes. 
"Don't you want to learn?" Ivar shrugged, an innocent tone on his voice that Edlynn didn't believe. 
His strong hands moved her effortlessly, and she tried not to blush even more when she felt Ivar's body closer to hers. She could even feel his breathing behind her neck. 
Ivar worked in silence, making sure she was on the right position before taking a new arrow. Edlynn frowned when she tensed the bow and her arms started shaking, even if Ivar was the one that practically held it behind her. 
"Stop shaking" he scolded her, and Edlynn could hear some chuckles around her. Some of the shieldmaidens had stopped training and came to watch. The saxon girl making a fool of herself, how amusing. 
Ivar's closeness, his scent and his body practically wrapped around her weren't helping. Edlynn felt her heart beating faster and faster as his fingers touched hers to position them around the arrow. 
"Now" he muttered into her ear when he was finally satisfied "Loose"
Edlynn tried her best to point at the tree, but the arrow flew next to it and got lost into one of the bushes. 
Everyone laughed. She could even hear Ivar chuckling next to her ear, and her cheeks reddened again. She glared at them and scoffed. 
"It's fine, you'll get better if you practice" Ivar had a smile on his lips, but Edlynn couldn't say if he was mocking her or actually being nice. 
One of the northmen said something loudly in their language, making everyone laugh even harder. Ivar sighed and shook his head, but had that small smirk on his face. 
Narrowing her eyes, Edlynn reached for another arrow, making everyone stop laughing and look at her with an eyebrow raised. Ivar had an even bigger smile on his face when she turned to look at him. 
"I want to try again"
Mildrith was furious. She couldn't understand why they kept discussing God knows what in that tent when Edlynn was held as a prisoner in the enemies' camp. It was true that she was more calmed now that the scout came back and assured she was well and unharmed. Mildrith always knew her friend would survive; Edlynn was strong and smart, but she also knew they could have hurt her in many ways. Especially Ivar the Boneless. 
She almost shivered when she thought about him. Mildrith had always wanted to see Ivar at least once, to see if what they said was true, but to be captured by him? Her mind had replayed every single story she had heard about that heathen from the women of York. 
Even that young viking she had had a quick affair with had talked about him; he was the most letal of the sons of Ragnar, a monster. 
And King Alfred knew it! He had met him more than once, he had been fighting in York after the Great Heathen Army killed both his grandfathers. How he had allowed them to keep Edlynn for so long was a mystery to her. 
Hilda kept praying, kneeled at the feet of what one day was Edlynn's bed with a cross between her hands. Mildrith didn't understand what praying would do, God didn't help her before and it seemed he wouldn't help her now. She was also angry at Him. 
More than once, she had wished she could use a sword so she could enter the northmen's camp and free her. 
"Mildrith" the nun sighed. She had dark circles under her eyes and her voice sounded weak. Hilda had barely slept or ate since Edlynn, the little girl she had raised almost as if she was her own, had been taken. She prayed day and night, hoping she would be well and no one would hurt her in any way "Please, stop pacing around the tent, sit here with me and let's pray"
"I don't want to pray" the young, raven-haired girl, clenched her fists, glaring at her "I want them to get out of that tent and go find Edlynn"
"They can't do that" Hilda sighed, her trembling hands rubbing her own face "The king is doing everything he can, Mildrith, and you know it, he appreciates Edlynn a lot, but they're asking for a high price, and he must think about the rest of the country too"
Mildrith scoffed. She hated it, she hated politics, war and negotiations. She couldn't understand it. They were in their own country! They were stronger! Why couldn't they just raise a bigger army to go and free her?
"We have do something" 
"We can't" the nun shook her head "You know we can't, we can only have faith and hope she will be returned to us soon"
The young girl sighed, sitting down on the bed. She didn't want to have faith nor pray, she wanted her friend back. Her only comfort was to know that Edlynn would have many stories to tell, when she came back. 
"They're asking for all of that, for a young woman?" 
Alfred raised his head, narrowing his eyes at the man who just spoke. 
"They're not asking anything, my lord, they demand all of this" he explained, slowly "And Edlynn isn't just a young woman, she is a dear friend, the daughter of one of my most trusted advisors and the sister to one of the men that I trust with my life every day"
"They want gold" Lord Eldred sighed. He was pale and had lost weight, Alfred hadn't seen him sleep nor eat for days "A lot of gold... And land, more land?" he sounded desperate. 
"Yes, but separated from the land I gave to Björn and Ubbe Ragnarsson" the king rubbed his face "They also want a truce, some time to settle on our lands" 
"That's the part that worries me" Lord Eldred shook his head "Why do they want time to settle? Do I have to choose between my daughter's death and a possible invasion?"
"We don't know if they plan an invasion, my lord" Alfred shrugged "For now, I am trying to save your daughter's life before anything else" 
"She must be so scared" her father rubbed his eyes "All alone, surrounded by barbarians, God knows what they are doing to her"
"Our scout assured she was unharmed, Lord Eldred, I believe him" the king softened his tone "Ivar won't hurt her for as long as we don't anger him" 
"I will pay as much as I can" Lord Edmund spoke for the first time since the reunion started "To ensure my lady's safe return"
Her father looked at her with a sad smile. 
"Thank you, my lord" Alfred nodded "The messenger is out there, ready to leave for their camp to give them our reply"
"What do you say, my king?" Queen Elsewith put a hand on his shoulder. Alfred took her hand softly and sighed, looking down at the table. For days, he had been thinking about his decision, trying to find the best solution for all of them. If he agreed, there would be consequences, Ivar would know he had an advantage, many of his lords wouldn't agree with him. If he refused, Edlynn would suffer things worse than death before her head was sent to them, he was nearly sure of that. 
Edlynn was a good girl. Responsible, obedient and polite. They had played together when they were children, and he couldn't stop thinking that it was Elsewith whom they wanted. Would they have so many doubts about saving her or not if it had been his queen?
He sighed. 
"I say we agree" he nodded "And that we will meet them in the forest to give them what they want in exchange for Lady Edlynn"
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Ivar's arms hurt. It had been a while since he practiced so much archery, and the muscles of his back and arms were already sore when he retired to the tent. His face also hurt from laughing so much, and he didn't remember when was the last time he had laughed so much, probably it was when he was still with Igor. He couldn't help but smile softly remembering the kid he had learnt to love as if he was his own son. 
Before entering the tent, he could hear Edlynn whispering some words in English. He supposed she'd be reading, as she used to do since he let her read the books freely. He had to wait outside to force himself to stop smiling like an idiot before entering. 
Edlynn raised her head and smiled softly when he entered the tent. In part, it was because of her he had had so much fun that day, he never guessed that teaching archery to a saxon girl could be that entertaining.
She was also tired. Her arms hurt and she only wanted to get into bed and sleep, but at the same time every time she closed her eyes, with her head leant on the soft pillows and inhaled Ivar's scent her mind went back to his hands around her waist, his breath on her neck and the soft whispers with which he had guided her. She even remembered the small smile she had seen on his face when she had finally managed to struck the tree and her cheeks would redden. Now, seeing him entering the tent leant onto his crutch with clouded eyes from drinking so much mead, laughing with his brother and even letting himself take a nap next to the fire, made her heart beat faster again. 
"How are you, princess?" the playful tone made her nearly sigh in relief. He was still in a good mood.
"Tired" she muttered "But fine, it was... Interesting, to use a bow" 
Ivar hummed softly, sitting down on the bed as Edlynn closed the huge book she had on the bed, leaning to leave it on the floor, next to the bed, she kneeled behind him and watching him as he fiddled with the braces. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say but wanting to keep talking to him. 
"The men were quite impressed with you" he said, not looking at her "A shame we don't have time, I'm sure we could turn you into a fine shieldmaiden" 
Edlynn tried to hide her excited smile. 
This time Ivar turned around a bit. His amazing eyes fixed on her curving lips before landing on her eyes. 
"Yes, I think you have potential, it would be though, we'd have to work a lot with those little arms and small hands, but we could do something" he shrugged "But we can't, you're too eager to go back to your castle, your husband and your dresses"
Her smiled faded slowly as he turned away once again. It was true she really wanted to see and hug Mildrith, Hilda, Edward and her father, but at the same time, she didn't want to say goodbye to Ivar. 
At first, she had been scared, even tried to run thinking those heathens would torture and kill her, remembering all those stories she had heard about the ruthless Ivar the Boneless. But that playful, blue-eyed northman that she had seen giggling with his brother, telling stories about his Gods and who had guided her until she had finally succeeded with the bow didn't look like the monster they described on their stories. It was almost human; a human with his own beliefs and ambitions that wasn't so different from all those men she had met in England. 
"Lord Edmund is not..."
"Not your husband yet, I know, princess" he chuckled "But he will be soon, right? Even if I would advise you to reconsider that marriage, taking in consideration that he didn't came to this camp to cut my head off for taking his woman" 
Edlynn chuckled. She knew Lord Edmund couldn't really make that decision, besides, she didn't expect him to risk his life for a woman he just met. 
"I can't reconsider anything, actually" she smiled sadly "It wasn't my decision" 
Ivar raised his eyebrows, nodding slowly. Then he moved to take off his clothes, and Edlynn looked away with her cheeks flushed. 
"If I was your father, then, I wouldn't give my daughter to a man that wouldn't die for her" 
"I can't ask him that" she smiled, his words warmed her heart "He barely knows me" 
"Wouldn't you prefer to marry someone you loved?" Ivar got rid of his shirt, and Edlynn couldn't help but take a look of the dark lines of his back, shaped like a snake. 
"I..." she frowned "I will learn to love him, he's... He's good, a good man, he's nice and handsome and... I'm lucky that he chose me, I know many women that had to marry old men that didn't treat them well... Also, I don't know anyone who married for love" she chuckled. With time, she convinced herself that love was built, not found. All those tales Hilda had told her when she was little were fantasy. 
"I married for love" Ivar muttered, almost like he didn't mean for Edlynn to hear "I did love the woman I married"
She felt as if someone had kicked her chest. Suddenly, she stopped looking at him and felt stupid for even feeling sad about the fact that he had a wife. Of course he had a wife. 
Ivar groaned as he laid on the bed, covering his legs with the furs and closing his eyes as he relaxed against the pillows. 
"I didn't know you were married"
Ivar opened his eyes, looking up with what she could describe as a heartbroken expression. 
"I was" he muttered "Some time ago" 
Edlynn tilted her head with curiosity. 
"What happened to her?" she almost felt bad for asking, but Ivar didn't seem to mind. 
"She died" his jaw clenched "She betrayed me and she died"
"And... how was she?" 
"She was... Beautiful" he almost smiled, and Edlynn bit her lip, looking down "She looked like Freyja, she was blonde and had blue eyes" 
The opposite of me, she thought, and immediately felt stupid for even thinking it. 
"She sounds pretty" she smiled softly, hating that sad look on his eyes. Ivar then turned his head to look at her, and blinked slowly, almost like he was realizing something. 
"I've only loved three women in my life" he shrugged "And one of them was my mother" 
His face contorted again, almost like it pained him to think about her. 
"And who was the other one?" 
Ivar's lips curved on a smile. 
"The mother of my child" he muttered "She was a princess, like you, but she was mysterious while you are not" he chuckled. Edlynn glared at him, but ignored his comment once again. 
"I'm not a princess, though" 
"Because you don't want to" he shrugged "You could be a princess, even a queen, if you wanted to, you are pretty enough to conquer a king" 
"Me?" Edlynn giggled, blushing softly "No, I don't think so" 
"You would be a good queen" he insisted "You're strong and smart, you respect people" Ivar nodded.
"I still need to find a king" she shrugged "Still pretty impossible" 
"Lord Edmund could be your king" Ivar pronounced her betrothed's name mockingly, as always. 
"No" Edlynn shook her head "He's handsome, brave and good, but he couldn't be my king, nor my prince, I'd have to find another" 
The intensity of Ivar's gaze burned her skin. Edlynn looked away, and moved to lay down and rest her head on the pillows, sticking to her side of the bed as she always did. 
"I never knew my mother" she muttered, changing the topic before the tension on the tent escalated too much "She died not long after I was born... She was from Ireland, from a place called Dubh Linn, have you heard about it?" 
Ivar nodded slowly. His people had raided that place more than once.
"So she wasn't a saxon?" 
Edlynn shook her head. 
"Her father brought her here when his lands were taken from him, trying to procure a good future for her and marry her to a lord, my father asked for her hand... At least, that's what they always told me" she shrugged "Father always said I have her hair, and that I look like her... I think that's why he didn't want to raise me when she died, I think it was painful for him... But I can't complain, Hilda is great" Edlynn groaned and rubbed her eyes when she realized she was talking a lot "Please, forgive me, I talk too much" 
"No, it's fine" Ivar shook his head with a soft voice, he had turned to look at her, and he felt like he was looking at a goddess. Maybe it was the mead, maybe the exhaustion, but he couldn't help but move a bit closer to her. 
"My mother died too" he added "She was killed" he clenched his fists in rage "She always cared for me, she always protected me, even when my father wasn't there" he had a small, sad smile on his lips as he remembered the, sometimes suffocating, love his mother had showed him "And I miss her everyday" 
Edlynn nodded. Even if she didn't remember her mother, she also missed her. And in some way she wished she could have had such a relationship with her, maybe she would have been able to explain to her what was that thing she felt, laying down on a northmen's bed and looking at him closely. 
"You and I aren't so different, then" she pointed out, smiling softly. Was it her or they were closer now?
"I suppose we are not" the thought seemed to amuse him "Even if we worship different Gods and speak different languages" 
When Ivar turned his head again, Edlynn was so close he could feel her quick breathing on his lips. It was nearly as intoxicating as the mead he had drank. 
Ivar's hand reached to caress her hair, making Edlynn shudder and gasp, almost like she realized what she was doing. 
"Is it not... Inappropriate to be so close to a heathen, princess?" he teased a bit, enjoying the way her cheeks turned red once again. 
"At this point..." she sighed, barely able to think about anything that wasn't Ivar "I don't really care" 
That made him laugh and his grip on her hair tightened. Edlynn wasn't lying, she couldn't think about God or anything that weren't his blue eyes and his lips parted. Without even thinking about it, she leant in while closing her eyes, and didn't stop until she felt his warm lips against hers. 
Edlynn had never kissed anyone, unlike Mildrith and some of the girls at the court, that were stolen a kiss or two in the stables or in a hidden corner of the castle. She never looked at the boys, too occupied with her books, her prayers and other important things. But she could understand now what the priests meant when they talked about temptation. Ivar's lips were addictive, better than anything she had ever tasted, and ignited something inside her that she couldn't recognize. 
The kiss was slow, passionate but also shy. They stopped kissing for a moment, but she had barely opened her eyes when Ivar's hand cupped her neck, his thumb caressing her cheek softly before he leant in again. And Edlynn had to put her hand on his warm chest to balance herself, moving her lips against his and leaning more and more into him, feeling like she would die if she wasn’t as close to him as possible. 
When they finally broke the kiss, none of them opened their eyes. Ivar was panting, one hand secured against her neck, to keep her lips close to his, and the other one had landed on her waist when she had leant into him almost straddling his waist, and his heart was beating so fast it was almost scary. Her forehead leant into his and Ivar sighed. It had been a long time since he had felt that warmth inside him. 
Tags:  @mblaqgi​ @alicedopey​ @lol-haha-joke​ @hallowed-heathen​ @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @captstefanbrandt​ @love-hate-love​ @titty-teetee​ @readsalot73​ @moondustmemories​ @therealcalicali​ @blushingskywalker​ @gruffle1​ @justacripple​ @heartbeats-wildly​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​ @inforapound​ @sallydelys​ @hellogabysblog​ @winchesterwife27​ @hecohansen31​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @tgrrose​ @lovessce​ @tootie-fruity​ @didiintheblog​ @alexhandersenx​ @belovedcherry​ @fantasydevil2002​ @xceafh​ @astrape-the-weatherwitch​ @destynelseclipsa​ @momowhoo​ @mcrmarvelloki​ @nanahachikyuu​ @valopz​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @poisonous00​ @whenimaunicorn​ @heavenly1927​ @seeking-a-great--perhaps​ @nukyster-blog​ @alexhandersenblog​ @synnersaint​​ @yummycastiel​ 
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i-is-a-fan-weeb · 3 years
first off:Happy Birthday Percy!! And second:thank you to @percydarling for giving me the inspo for my first fic here! So here we go(also i set this in Percy's fourth year so yea) also TW in the tags
Penny walked into the empty Great Hall and spotted Percy sitting at the end of what is normally the Slytherin table,reading on of his many books on mythology.
"Hi Percy! What mythology sre you reading today?" Penny plumped down next to Percy
"Chinese." Percy simply replied,not looking up.
Percy has always been into mythology,ever since his Uncle Gideon brought a book on Greek myths when he was 4 and Percy read it while Gideon,Fabion and Molly talked downstairs. After that,the onky thing Percy wanted for his birthday and Christmas was a book on Greek mythology,before he branched out to other mythologies and muggle religions when he was 10. Then he asked for books on any myths and religion(Arthur got him an actual Bible on his 11th).
This year,Penny,Oliver and Marcus were planning to do more than that.
"Ooo,Chinese. You're so lucky your parents let you read mythology and explore other religions at home." Penny always complained about not being able to read mythology at home because her parent were over-religious muggles and it took her mother everything to not have her father disown her for being a witch. Penny also wasn't allowed to visit or write any of her friends over breaks either.
Out of nowhere,Oliver and Marcus sat down across from Percy and Penny.
"Hey Perce." Oliver took one hand away from Percy's boom and kissed the knuckles. Then he took the book away from Percy.
"Hey!" Percy cried out,reaching for his book,but Oliver,whose much faster,managed to keep it away.
"Na-ahhh. You're not getting this back until we're done." Oliver said,closing the book shut(but not before taking Percy's bookmark and putting it in Percy's place in the book)
"Done with what?" Percy asked,narrowing his eyes at his friends(and boyfriend)
"We have sonething to ask you." Marcus said
"If it's about me being tiebraker for whatever Quidditch match is coming up,the answer will always be no." Percy said,slowly sitting back down.
"What? No. The next Quidditch match is in November." Oliver said increduosly
"We wanted to ask you if you're ok with surprises." Penny tiredly said,already done with Oliver.
"Huh?" Percy asked,confused by this.
"Are you ok with surprises?" Marcus questioned,bored.
"Um,yeah I guess. I live with Fred and George so I got used to surprises pretty early on." Percy suspiciously said.
"Cool." Marcus said,before getting up and leaving,Oliver and Penny following behind.
Percy looked after them confused,before leaving himself.
A week passes,and Oliver comes into his and Percy's dorm,with two random people.
"Hello Penny,Marcus." Percy greeted his friends who are under the influence of Polyjuice.
"Come on." the boy on the right-who is Marcus-said inpatiently.
"Wha-"Percy didn't even get to finish his sentence before the girl on the left-who is Penny-grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs,followed by Marcus and Oliver.
"Where are we going?" Percy asked as he got dragged by Penny
"You'll see." Oliver whispered in ear teasingly,kissing his cheek.
"Can you save all that romantic sh!t for when you are alone?" Marcus asked.
"Oh shut up."Oliver said said
"All of you shut up!" Penny whisper-shouted,and ponted to Filch and Mrs.Norris up ahead of them.
"The h3ll are we doing?!" Percy whisper-shouted back.
"Shhhh!!" Penny shushed him,and threw out what Percy presumed to be a dungbomb at Filch and his cat.
The dungbomb exploded and Filch and the cat ran away,Filch yelling about who knows what,Mrs.Norris yowling.
"Ok,coast is clear." Penny gestured,and she,Percy(still being dragged by Penny),Oliver and Marcus went in the direction Filch was previously(covering their noses) and out the grand doors.
"Where are we going?" Percy choked out,struggling to get his inhalor out of his pocket*
"I said you'll see." Oliver offhandedly replied
The four of them were walking out towards...Hogsmead?
"Why are we going towards Hogsmead? It's not even close to December!" Percy asked Penny,who didn't give him an answer.
Penny stopped outside of the Three Broomsticks,the Polyjuice finally worn off.
Penny dragged them inside(but not after Marcus took another small dose of Polyjuice).
"Hello,Madame Rosemerta!" Penny gleefully greeted
"Hello,youngsters. Your room is ready,and so are your guests." Madame Rosemerta said,vaguely gestering upstairs,before retreatingto the back room.
"What does she mean by that?" Percy asked,fed up with them keeping these secrets. No one gave him an answer,instead they went upstairs and went all the way down the hall to the very last room.
Marcus went up,the Polyjuice now officially worn off,and knocked some sort of special code.
A little boy with light brown hair and big brown eyes opened the door.
"Hey! We've been waiting!" Cedric Diggory held the door open,and Percy saw birthday decorations,a cake on the table in the middle and a bunch of presents in a corner.
"W-what?" Percy asked quietly.
Penny,Marcus,and Oliver went up and joined Cedric and Adrien Pucey around the table,and they alk started singing "Happy Birthday".
Percy just stood there amazed and confused.
"But-but it's not my birthday?" Percy dazedly said
"We know its not you birthday,which is why we did this!" Adrien said
"We wanted to do something for you because we can't celebrate with you." Cedric said excitedly
"So,you all snuck out of the castle and risked getting expelled,for 𝘮𝘦?" Percy asked
"You act as if we haven't done it before." Marcus snorted
"Yeah,but that's different. Penny and I know which rules to break and how to break them. This is breaking who know how many rules,and Cedric is only a First year,he can't get expelled already." Percy protested.
"Just sit your cute a$$ down and eat some cake." Oliver grabbed Percy by the wrist and sat him down around the table.
"Madame Rosemerta said she'll cover us,as long as we pay for the Butterbeer." Cedric said
"What about this room?" Percy asked
"Madame Rosemerta said we could use it anytine we wanted,no charge unless we damage something." Penny said
"So you and lover boy over here can do what you want behind closed doors." Marcus added
"We have a dorn for that." Oliver countered
"Ew!" Adrien and Cedric exclaimed at the same time
"This is a private room Percy,no one except us and whoever we want to invite can come in." Penny quickly explained
"So,this is some sort of late birthday treat-for me?" Percy asksd quietly
"Yes for you." Oliver said,kissing his boyfriends cheeks
"Can you not do that while I'm here?" Adrien asked,while Cedric stuck out his toungue in disgust.Oliver rolled his eyes.
All of them had a good time eating cake and drinking Butterbeer.
"Here." Oliver handed a gift to Percy.
"What is it?" Percy asked after opening thebpresent which turned out to be a sort of old book.
"It's a Qu'ran. It's another muggle religion book." Oliver explained. Percy's pale,icy blue orbs widened in excitement,almost childlike.
"Here! Here's mine!" Pennt excitedly gave Percy another book-shaped present. Percy opened it,and it turned out to be a empty notebook,with a dark purple cover.
"I put a charm on it,so we can all communicate without having to tire our owls! And I can talk to you all over breaks!" Penny was practically jumping on the tips of her toes in excitement
"Perfect!" Percy exclaimed,and looked up to see everyone pulled out colorful notebooks;Marcus had a dark red,Oliver's was bright green,Penny's was a cheerful yellow,Adrien's was a deep pink and Cedric's was a dark blue.
Percy opened up the rest of the presents-Marcus got him two books,one on how to get away with mûrd3r and the other on how to hide a body.Cedric got him a book on how to speak Latin,a book on how to speek Greek and a book on Russian folklore. Adrien had gotten him a book on Italian myths and superstitions.
"Thank you. Thank you guys so much."
"Don't mention it." Marcus wrapped his arm around Percy,giving the ginger a small grin.
"No,seriously don't mention this to anyone. We can't let the whole castle know that us Slytherins are hanging out with the all of you." Adrien said in a serious yet still sad tone.
"And Fred and George would go the extra 10 miles to make Percy's life even more miserable than the already do." Oliver said grimly
"Enough of this sadness! It's Percy's late birthday and we are going to celebrate it happily!" Penny stomped.
Everyone murmered their agreements and went back to celebrating Percy.
They stayed for another hour before they decided to leave.
As Cedric and Adrien downstairs,Oliver,Percy,Penny and Marcus stayed behind.
"Soo,you wanna do a slumber party?" Marcus asked
"Ok!" Percy exclaimed giddily.
"Who's turn is it?" Penny asked.
"I think it our turn." Oliver gestured to him and Percy
"Ok." Marcus said simply and went downstairs,Penny following him. Leaving Percy and Oliver alone.
"We should-" Percy was cut off by Oliver smashing his lips onto Percys. Percy was at first in shock,but quckly melted into the kiss. The two boys stayed like that for what felt like forever before Oliver slowly pulles away,not really wanting to let go.
"Happy birthday,Percy." Oliver said,putting his face into the taller boys chest.
"Thank you." Percy murmered into the Keepers soft,brown hair.
"Ahem." Oliver and Percy quickly jumped away from each other at the sudden sound,but relaxed when it was only Madame Rosemerta leaning against the doorframe.
"I know you two have hormones and stuff,but please not in my private rooms." She said
Both boys muttered their apologies and quickly walked out
"You forgot your presents!" Madame Rosemerta called out. Oliver quickly ran back up the stairs and ran back down with Percy's gifts.
"Thank you for letting us use this room!" Percy called up to Madame Rosemerta
"Of course! I know what it's like having to hide a relationship!" Rosemerta called down from inside the room.
Percy and Okiver walked the rest of the way back down the stairs and met Penny and Marcus outside.
"What did you think,Perce?" Penny asked,now her and Marcus back to their Polyjuice forms.
"It was great. Honestly,thank you." Percy said gratefully.
"No problem. We know ever since Fred and George took the spotlight,your birthday has been forgotten about." Marcus said grimly.
"What did I say about sadness today!" Penny stomped her foot angrily in the ground.
The four walked back to the castle in a comfortabke silence,snuck back in with no problems and manage to get into Gryffindor tower with out a hitch.
"Here." Percy handed Penny and Marcus some spare pajamas that they all kept in their dorms for whenevr they have sleepovers.
After Penny and Marcus changed and brought out the blow-up matresses that they also keep in their dorms,they all stayed up late and talked and ate some junk food and got drunk off of Firewhisky and Brandy that their House Elf friend Dottie had brought. They stayed up and laughed and had a great time. They all eventually fell asleep at different times(Marcus being the lightweight he is fell asleep first).
Percy will never forget that day.
*Ok so i headcannon Percy to have allergic asthma(if u dont know what that is look it up,i aint google) and that he has like a crap ton of allergies bc who else doesnt like torturing their comfort character? Also before anyone asks,i do have a headcannon that a student that was way before Molly and Arthurs time,much less Percys,also had asthma but couldnt bring her inhalor bc it was muggle technology,so she petitioned for muggle health devices be allowed into hogwarts,and evetually they were allowed but only for health purposes. Im not telling you who that student is tho hehe.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERCY WEASLEY! And once again thanks to @percydarling for giving me this suggestion!
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teacupcollector · 3 years
Loki And His Follower - Part 2
Part 1
Series Masterlist
Summary - When Loki's time on Earth is interrupted by a sudden voice in his head, everyone around him are suddenly suspicious. In order to determine that he is not a danger to those around him with his constant talking to himself they send him to a secluded location in a disguise. What happens when he meets a young woman who is also a  magical practitioner  and has been speaking to Loki all along.
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The voice he has been hearing sounds louder then before. That was what woke him from his sleep. It is early morning the sun just rising with the sky turning a beautiful baby blue. The birds chirping and the crisp, cool air seeps it's way through the blankets This felt much different then waking up in the compound. He was normally greeted with the sound of Steve waking him up for "training" which was more like "I am making sure you are still in your room not causing trouble." He sits up looking around the room, the blanket falling from underneath his chin down to his lap. He looks around the loft area taking in the sights. His dress shirt,  pants, suit jacket, were all neatly folded at the bottom of the bed while his dress shoes were sitting on the floor beside the  wardrobe. 
His suit case was moved to the floor before he went to bed that night. He removes the blanket from his body fully placing his feet on the hardwood floor. He pauses for a moment to listen to the voice that has been inside his head. Whoever they are, they are not talking to him directly at this moment. They seem to be talking to themselves and based on the tone of their voice they seem nervous. "Please have this food be good for them. I have no idea what they like." The voice says. He decides to ignore it for now and stand up. The chilly air doesn't bother him at all since he is cold resistant by being a Jotun something he still despised about himself. He walks over to his suit case after making the bed, something he became accustom to since his time on Earth, and putting it on the bed unzipping it. He had only slept in his boxers the night before so he decides to get  dressed instead of looking indecent in front of the cameras, wherever they are he doesn't know quite yet.
After some time he has put his clothes away in the wardrobe and has gotten dressed in yet another suit despite the fact that he will most likely not see anyone the entirety of his stay. He climbs down the ladder and crosses  to the other side of the cottage to the kitchen. Once he gets there he realizes something, 'I don't know how to cook...' He finds himself feeling slightly insecure, he has the feeling that if someone was watching him they would be laughing right now when he comes to his realization All he can hope for is if this mysterious voice gives him food from wherever they are. He turns around walking back into the living room toward one of the tall bookshelves. His fingers glide over the spines of the books as he reads the titles. When he finds one that peaks his interest  he removes it from the shelf and goes over to the couch  finding a suitable spot and begins to read. His reading was interrupted by steady knocks on the door. He lets out a silent sigh as he stands up and walks over to the wooden door opening it to see someone other then the Avengers standing there with a wide grin on their face.
This is the first time you have ever done this. Your family was very Christian and very strict. The first time you ever heard of magic was a long time ago when you went to a carnival with your friends at the time. You got your fortune told and you were interested by the vast amounts of colorful cards which you later learned were tarot cards. You began your practice in secret collecting books and writing in journals but never have you ever tried worshiping a God other then the one your parents wanted you to. You learned about candle magic and offerings, you read about different Gods from all sorts of religions and practices, you did your own day to day readings, and you would like to say that you became a decently experienced practitioner. That only expanded when you moved away from your life in the city you lived in out into the forest. You enjoyed foraging for plants, you had your own vegetable and herb garden and you were finally confident enough to aim your practice towards the various Gods you were interested in. Norse Mythology  is what interested you the most. The one god you read about the most was named Loki he was the God of Trickery and Mischief. You enjoyed the occasional tricks and pranks and you thought he would be good company. When you first lit a candle to him nothing major really happened. Until recently the flame of the candle would flicker and grow to nearly impossible heights. You spoke and prayed, you learned how to read the soot stains on the candles once they burned down fully. You were very happy to learn that maybe this God is listening to you! It gave you comfort to know that someone was on the other side. As of right now though you are worrying. The energy changed in the forest when as you were foraging the sound of a car on the dirt road caused you to hide in the shrubbery. It went up a gravel drive way which lead to a cottage which was vacant when you moved in, from what you could tell there were multiple people in the car. Being neighborly as you are you decided to trek your way back to the smaller cottage you lived in a mile or so away. You always made sure to stay within your property line which was divided by a small stream you frequented to forage the plants that lived around there. As you made your way home you notice the suns position. It was much later then you anticipated so it will most likely be dark by the time you went to go greet your new neighbors. You decided that tomorrow morning you will make your way back toward the gravel drive way and give them some homemade food. That is why now you find yourself murmuring  and talking to yourself as you pack foods that went from veggies, to fruit, to mainly desserts that you enjoy. You placed everything into a basket or two and then placed it into a small red wagon that you use to carry your various plants, herbs, and magical tools for when you decide to practice in the forest. You are clad in a pair of denim overalls, a (F/C) striped sweater some boots and a small straw hat. Your (H/L), (H/C), was styled the way you liked it and as you tighten your laces you make your way through the forest, across the stream until the neighboring cottage comes into view. Your knuckles wrap on the wooden door with confidence. The door opens to see a very attractive man standing in the door way. He has piercing green eyes, and is wearing a black suit with matching dress shirt and tie, he has a well defined jaw line, and beautifully white toned skin with curly, light brown hair. His aura radiated power and confidence his face stoic and waiting for you to say something.
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sasukeisawake · 4 years
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ANCHOR-POINT— a wip reintroduction by ari (@haldimilks​)
cover art by the incredible @retsof​! 
🏹 genre: young adult / coming of age / dark academia / sports fiction / mythological retelling
🏹 expected length: 130k
🏹 warnings: mental health issues / blood and gore / implications of self harm / casteism / colourism / classism / discussions of internalized misogyny and homophobia 
🏹 logline: Indraprastha Dwara college, 2018. Kriti Sinha picks up a bow, makes an enemy, unravels a secret, falls in love and comes of age. Not necessarily in that order. 
🏹 summary: 
Kriti Sinha had a plan for her life: keep her head down, graduate from a good university, earn a job that would pay the bills, and take care of herself and her ageing parents. When she received a received an offer to study at the prestigious Indraprastha Dwara college (with a full scholarship, no less!) she was convinced that things were falling into place. Sure, the students were bound to be obnoxious and the faculty elitist, but this was private higher education-- it was to be expected. 
She wasn’t expecting to actually enjoy life at her new university, where secrets lurked behind sandstone walls, the depths of mirroring pools contained more than just reflections, and the practice of archery was practically its own religion. And what she certainly wasn’t expecting Arya Pandey, the glacial, shockingly talented star archer of Indraprastha Dwara; who, despite personifying everything Kriti had ever hated, she found impossible to stay away from... 
🏹 main characters: 
Kriti Sinha (19, she/her, polisci student) -- determined / hot-headed / sarcastic / loyal 
Arya Pandey (19, she/her, history student) -- brilliant / focused / cold / insecure 
Deepika Shah (19, she/her, literature student) -- beautiful / vengeful / secretive / thoughtful 
🏹 excerpt: 
There was a moment of silence and then, to Kriti’s great surprise, Arya took off her sneakers and came to lie down on the grass next to her. This close, Kriti could see the measured rise and fall of Arya’s stomach, and the drops of sweat which beaded her skin above the collar of her branded exercise top. A strand of her silky dark hair had come loose from its French braid and tangled into the ends of Kriti’s own ponytail. Kriti thought for a moment that that small point of connection between them was like a string of fate. It made sense, is an absurd way: Arya was the first person Kriti met at Indraprastha Dwara, if you could call what they had a meeting. And if it weren’t for Arya’s provocations, Kriti wouldn’t have won her scholarship and become Dhruv’s student. There was a tether which bound them together, and as much as Kriti usually resented and despised that fact, today she found herself just the tiniest bit grateful for it.
She turned to meet Arya’s steady, pale-eyed gaze. I want to crawl inside your skin, she thought. So I can kill you. So I can be you.
“You have a grass stain on your cheek,” she said instead.
🏹 themes: tainted legacies / the price of perfection / elitism in academia / responsibility and accountability / the fine line between passion and obsession  
🏹 tropes: rivals to friends to (maybe) lovers / the plucky underdog / training montage(s) / (complicated) love triangles / twisty mysteries / grey and grey morality / heel face turns / copious homages to sports anime 
               🏹 please ask to be added to the taglist! 
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terapagosu · 2 years
Hey, I saw your post about Finnish Folklore that you made quite a while ago. As someone who isn't Finnish but is interested in the mythology along with those of other cultures, I feel like the issues that you mentioned in your post have kind of played a huge part in why I've been finding it so hard to enjoy reading up on folklore these days, because it feels like almost everything's either been watered down, appropriated, and christianized, and it feels really disheartening trying to research more about it when you don't really know where to start out on your own, nor any of the right places to look.
I was wondering if you had any recommendations for books or websites that you would consider helpful, since knowing where to look would be really great, but if there aren't any that come to mind, that's fine too!! I think just hearing more about things I should be mindful of when researching is already more than helpful!
Have a nice day, and thank you for reading this if you do :">
Hi, and sorry for taking a while to reply, I've been in the process of moving houses. :) I'd say the hardest hurdle to overcome when researching the traditions of Finland is the fact that most literature on the topic is either in Finnish or Swedish. I'm fluent in both and it's still quite hard for me to find good sources that I can trust; however, there are some English papers written on the topic. I personally mostly research traditions based on my personal ancestry (Ostrobothnia/Pohjanmaa, especially the coast) so I don't have many suggestions outside of that area... So unfortunately I don't really have much to share, I'm afraid!
(But here (X) is a short article written by Karolina Kouvola in case Ostrobothnian tietäjä interests you. Also, please don't equate Swedish speakers with Swedish people! Most of us don't have Swedish ancestry and we speak the language due to colonisation, and one could argue that my local dialects count as their own language(s) as some of them are not mutually intelligible with the Swedish spoken in Sweden.) The best way to research these things in English would be to talk to someone who practises the native religion, but be wary of plastic shamans! Anyone claiming to be tietäjä/indomies would not take money for their services nor work online. In addition, stay away from people who claim ""shamanism"" in any form; be it ""Karelian"" shamanism, ""Finnish"" shamanism or ""Kalevala"" shamanism. We have our own words for these people. However, I myself am open for a chat! So don't be afraid to DM me. I practice my native religion to best of my ability, and I'm constantly figuring things out and doing research of the world and beings around me. :) 👍 Hope you're having a nice day as well!
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stupid-stew · 3 years
character names keep me alive, toh is my lifeblood.
i am literally obsessed and this show really does provide (i still have to add more smh my head dana terrace why do you do this to me jk i love it so much please never stop) COPY AND PASTED FROM DOC UNDER BREAK
Hello and welcome to the ramblings of a mad man. Before we get into it I think you should note that I do write like I talk because I think like a talk and I write how I think, so if you are confused as to why it sounds like i’m not making sense its because I'm not making sense also my capitalization and punctuation suck so sorry about that but we don’t have time for technicalities in this house. TO ADVENTURE!
Ok so because I'm lilith’s bitch we are gonna start with her because her name is so cool and I love her and we should be besties Lilith hmu. Anyways as most people know Lilith is a pre existing mythological character which makes this very much good because that means it’s all outlined. Most people know her as a demonic figure, which I very much dig but similar to our lovely queen of curses out here, that's not all she is. There isn’t going to be a chronological explanation of similarities and conclusions, cope. The basic gist is that Lilith was this chick with fiery red hair (this is important iykyk) who refused to be beneath or below adam, more specifically to subjugate to him, funny because of the tapestry with belos what says subjugation on it, probably a coincidence but I do not believe in coincidence right now. Anyways basically she runs off and becomes this chick who like snatches children and will make them sick if they don’t have an amulet with the names Senoy, Sansenoy, or Semangelof on them, thats a different story but what I find interesting is this one passage,
“(12) Her nobles shall be no more, nor shall kings be proclaimed there; all her princes are gone. (13) Her castles shall be overgrown with thorns, her fortresses with thistles and briers. She shall become an abode for jackals and a haunt for ostriches. (14) Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the Lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. (15) There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none shall be missing its mate. (16) Look in the book of the LORD and read: No one of these shall be lacking, For the mouth of the LORD has ordered it, and His spirit shall gather them there. (17) It is He who casts the lot for them, and with His hands He marks off their shares of her; They shall possess her forever, and dwell there from generation to generation.”
And there are separate part of this that I find relevant, especially the description of the location, i’m not all that familiar with symbolism of animals in religious texts, so i’m gonna take it at face value and say that this is more or less a description that could be given to the physical owl house itself, sort of a place for people who don’t fit in, its a little messy and I guess one could say overgrown, but it’s a place for anyone, a place to rest now hopefully for Lilith away from the coven, there shall the Lilith repose. On top of that we see the “the hoot owl…” and you’re probably thinking what that so crazy wacko because like why are they referring to Lilith as the hoot owl isn't Eda the owl lady, yes she is. That’s why the actual meanings of lilith’s name that come from her mythological depiction as a demon lady are so important. We have night monster, night owl, night spectre, vampires, night hag, night creature, nightjar (which is another kind of bird), and night bird, all of these seem to fit lilith’s dark aesthetic very nicely which is very good for her, but there are two other ones, hot owl and screech owl, which draw her closer to Edaand away from the coven and her depiction in the mid-later episodes of the show as a monster for cursing eda, but also the name night monster could come into play if while sharing the curse Lilith acquired some of its traits, similar to Ed aas the owl beast. Ultimately, we have this little red head girl who eventually fights back against the men who are attempting to get her to be under them, for the character that is belos, for the other Lilith that is adam, god, and his angels, and now hopefully both of them will find solace and repose among the owls in a place they never thought they’d belong. All this talk of owls and god brings us into the other clawthorne baddie:
Lilith did find her repose! I love her staying in the owl house, get it queen oh yuh.
For this I'm going to use her full name edalyn, because you know like that’s just how it be it is her name. There isn’t a wiki page for her name like there is for Lilith which makes this a little bit harder but the general consensus seems to be that it means something along the lines of “gift of god”, which I find very interesting. If you are going to name a child gift of god i’m assuming that you are referring to the child themselves, but I don’t think that really applies to eda. I’m not religious, but its my impression that someone who lies, cheats, pranks, and steals their way to the top and isn’t exactly the most responsible witch on the isles and might not be the best gift god could give. I do really love Eda though, her character flaws are still a part of her character, but I think this refers to her powers. Eda considers herself to be the boiling isles gift to magic, which I mean like, have you seen the woman. In agony of a witch we see her at what probably 30% of her power with how much the curse was already tolling on her and how much magic she was probably using to fight it off, and like goddamn. She was almost beating lilith, definitely beating the shit out of her, but she was almost defeating Lilith who was at her full power, and that is just a fraction of what she used to be able to do. Her powers were a gift of god, and I think that the loss of them will greatly affect her. She’s already admitted that she doesn’t know how to do much without her magic, and I think going straight from the second most powerful witch on this isles to having no power at all is going to be incredibly taxing on her, physically and mentally.
Luckily for her the name edalyn also means patience, another thing about her name is that it not only means gift of god, but also similar things like gifted by the gods or even goddess, and this draws a connection to Lilith who is named after a demonic figure, casted out for having defied god, they are quite literally polar opposites on the name spectrum, and we see that a lot in the show, they are completely different people, I mean have you looked at them they don’t even look related, but the funnier thing is that their personalities do the same thing. You’d expect Edain her youth to be a gift from the devil, just ask principal bump, and Lilith seemed to be a goody two shoes who worked her ass off, their names could be switched based off their characters alone.
A random baby name site I found said that :
“Persons with the name edalyn are usually highly flexible and well equipped to making and accepting change throughout their life. They always seek excitement and are sometimes a bit of a risk taker. They are imaginative, and often, through their unconventional way of thinking, are naturally able to solve complex problems with ease. They are quick thinkers and observers who are clever, analytical and versatile”
Which I mean like very much applies to eda, she takes change like a champ, either genuinely or by pretending she’s ok with everything, and is always seeking excitement. Like literally all of the time. Always. I think she takes felonies as a compliment, and one of the biggest changes in her life that she genuinely was able to adapt to and appreciate was
OH MY GOD HER LEARNING THE NEW GLYPHS WAS SO CUUUUTTTEEE, I love her being able to adapt, she really is doing well. As the beginning of separate tides shows, she’s working around it, and is doing a damn good job, living up to her name.
Ok I think at this point everyone knows that at this point the name Luz means light, and if you didn't, oopsies now you do. The character Luz was named and designed after a real life person the miss dana terrace knew at the time she was starting to really think about the show, Luz ’s personalty comes more from dana herself and we love that, but the character has really started to grow into her name. This is made most obvious when the first spell Luz learns is the light glyph, not only coming into her own as a witch, but also starting to live up to her name, which along with light also has to do with “Our Lady of Light”, which is the virgin mary, fitting her right in with the other biblical names we got going on here. I really want to stress that I know next to zero about religion, and all of the connections I am making come from wikipedia, so bare with me here. But most of the time mary seems to be this pure, saint like figure, which I think is what a lot of people see Luz as, especially on the isles. I’m going to flat out say that this is in no way meant to pass off Luz as simple minded, pure, or oblivious, because we have seen what that girl is willing to do, she faced death and poked him in the with an ice cicle. In terms of life on the isles, however, she is more or less pure and sheltered, she’s completely new to the world she’s in, but she does quickly adapt, and shows more of her strong side, and remains a good person throughout all of it, taking losses as they come, and not letting them remain losses at the same time.
Back to the whole light thing, we already touched on the whole literal bit of her and the light spell, but can you think of a better way to describe Luz ? She literally brings light everywhere she goes, even Eda admits that she’s changed things for the better, for everyone around her too. Willow got a new friend, probably the first friend she’s had in a long time, and even got to begin repairing her relationship with amity, and got placed in the plant track so she could do the things she loves, all because of Luz . Edagot to grow as a person and a mentor, and finally got someone willing to accept all her eda-ness, unconditionally, someone to really care about that really cares about her back, all because of Luz . Amity got a friend who cares about her, not just her family name and money, someone who supports her and will do anything for her because she is her friend, and a bit of self discovery along the way for amity, all because of Luz . Not a single person on the isles who has had more than 2 minutes of interaction with Luz hasn’t had their lives improved, even belos got his portal, and the thing is that even characters who people might not even consider changed have been, characters such as
Luz my beloved, she seems a little bit less of a light this season, and i do mean little. That’s totally fine though, it’s expected, i didn’t want her to just be this bright shining star after the events of the last two episodes of season 1, and appreciate her going and starting to take the fantasy of the isles with more than just a grain of salt. Obviously like in escaping expulsion, she’s still trying her best to make everything better and make friends with everyone, but there’s something a little different about it and i’m here for it tbh.
The name king itself is obvious, he is royalty, the king of demoNS HIMSELF ASMODEUS hahahaha pulled a sneaky on you now accept my ideas as your own. I am on a mythological name kick, deal with it. The most important thing here is in the bible, asmodeus poses himself as a false god, which I know is something we have all considered with king, that he might be a full on liar, not be a king of anything and is just your ordinary street demon, it’s even come up in the show with him calling himself the king of artists and Luz asking him if he was just making it up at this point. It’s a good theory, I can see it, and this could be used as proof. There is also another legend that paints him as a good natured dude, who eventually banishes the king by literally throwing him, and then he loses his powers and is banished, but this is also the same legend where he marries Lilith and that is not something I am down for. There is another text in which he tells the king (the same one he threw in the other one) that his kingdom will one day be divided and the king does not believe him, and this is the same text where he admits to hating water and birds because they remind him of god. Lets think class, who has the god name and is related to birds here? King’s name by itself holds true to his character, who (regardless of if it is truthful or not) holds himself as if he is a king, and he isn't the only one with a name like that, there is also
Ok I know we all thought it, willow, the plant girl, how fiendishly clever. This also happens to be the only descriptor for her name I could find, which is totally fine because I think it’s a very cute name and willow is also very cute. This means we get to go into the symbolism of the willow tree wwwooooOOOOO aren’t you so very excited I know I am. Its kind of interesting, willow trees seem to match the character, understanding, warm, a safe space really, but most of all the ability to let go of pain and suffering, sometimes outright ignore it, and move on. Willow does always say out of sight out of mind does she not? She is willing to ignore, even excuse people bullying her, be it bosha or even amity, and the moment she got the chance her inner willow decided to try and literally burn the painful memories she had, willing to cause damage just to forget. Willow as a character is very willing to move on like nothing happened most of the time, key word most because another thing about willows is the ability to grow from the pain. Before understanding willow, we never really saw willow stand up for herself until she really had to, but hy the end of the episode she is willing to tell amity that she isn’t willing to fully forgive her, but she’s willing to grow and try. Heck, we see this over the entire first season, we see this little girl who can barely pull it together long enough to stand up for herself grow into this amazing character willing to publicly oppose the emperor and break into his castle for her friend, she tried to full out attack Lilith when 19 episodes earlier she wasn’t able to stand up to amity for bullying her. And I am in no way calling willow weak, she never was, she just needed to find the ability to show everyone that she’s strong, god I love willow so much, you wanna know who else loves willow?
Gus, my main man, love you but for this we are gonna have to use the full on augustus sorry babes. The name augustus means majestic, or venerable, which while I must say that the illusion of kiki doing the worm was probably one of the most majestic things I have ever seen, I’m going to focus on venerable a bit more here. Venerable is a big word, it means “accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.”, which for gus the age part might play a smaller part here, but he is good as what he does, Luz and willow both respect him, Eda Respects him, he’s this little dude who is younger than everyone and has to rely on his ability to succeed, not only with his power but with his personality. Gus seems to be confident in himself, communicating with everyone regardless of who they are or what power they hold, similarly to willow he was willing to do anything to help Luz , leading into the second description of venerable, “heroic in nature”. Now, you might be wondering, bestie where ever did you get that description, it totally wasn’t from a religious page okyesitwas but that's fine because being pronounced venerable guarantees a spot in heaven so get it bestie. Overall, the general meaning for augustus is that they are strong, respectable, and powerful, which takes us right into the
Gus, shawty, ily but please stop the obsession with death babes ur starting to scare me. I hope with the upcoming Gus content in TTLGR we will see more of him growing into his powers and such.
The blight first names bring me joy so I am putting amity last because I think its really funny, starting off with alador, the name alador evokes diplomacy, correctness, and confidence. We know zilch about alador, but if the vibes of the blight family have anything to say it’s definitely something along those lines. The name odalia means wealth, which I mean like have you seeeen blight manor? Also back at it again with the fact that it’s a variant of the name odilia, like the saint olilia which I don't have ties for you right now because again, we know nothing about her. Edric also means wealth, fortune, riches, powerful, you get the vibes, same thing with emira which means commander, or prince, princess, leader, or star. So you know like we have all these super powerful names happening, and then, oh boy and then we get to little miss perfect herself, amity blight. It means friendship, or harmony. If I was her I would be so mad at my parents like yall have these mad powerful names and I got stuck with friendship? Hand me the emancipation papers. You know what they say, friendship is the real magic (even if no longer taught in schools due to budget constraints). I hope that this leads more into season 2 with amity working on her friendships and ultimately her relationships in general, which we got a bit of already with her working on repairing her relationship with willow, and making the moves to cut off old toxic friendships and moving into more genuine ones with willow, Luz , and gus. I guess you could say that the only thing ALL the blights have in common with each other is their
They are rich assholes, alador is a little wacko, odalia is hot asf dana seriously what the hell man that was out of pocket. The only thing about alador that lives up to his name is his money, odalia seems more obsessed with image and money, and i too am obsessed with her image literally boy what the hell boy.
The word blight by itself means a plant disease which boy oh boy can you believe how nicely that fits into amity bullying willow because I sure can. Outside of just the plant bit it overall just means like something that damages another thing, and this works beautifully for each member of the family. The parents are damaging their children, the twins just causing general damage, and amity and her goddamn relationships, but fortunately that whole plant thing brings us into the next couple of last names
The last name clawthorne means “cold or exposed thorn tree” which had me kind of like what the heck so I went off and had some fun and got you some presents that I think are funny, so there was this guy right, his name was joseph clawthorne, and he created the term whiffenpoof, which is the name for a wildly fictitious animal, things like a jackalope, or even a griffin with spider breath, though I guess that would be the work of a
Back again with the trees good lord, it means field of nut trees, so again I went into prominent people an found this guy named jorge noceda sanchez, he was a painter and some of his works are kinda baller actually it seems like something that would fit in on the isles, but also not all of the names have a deeper meanings, names like
Ok I am like pretty sure this was just meant to be a play on the fact that gus’ dad’s name is perry and is a reporter, get it, perry porter, perry porter, reporter, but nonetheless I did some digging because why the heck not, it means doorkeeper, or gate keeper, someone who guards something like an important building, which honestly I think this would be a good last name for hooty if he ever gets one, but again not all of these are important names at the moment, or maybe they won't ever be at all, names like
At first I was kinda like l m a o willow park plant girl hahahahah plants in the park parks have trees willow is a tree but then I remembered that someone pointed out that park is a traditionally korean surname and then like a week later disney posted about it for aisian pacific american heritage month which kind of confirmed it, and I don’t know if the whole intention behind it was to establish willow as representation or not, but the surname park by itself means gourd and willow I am so sorry that is so unfortunate LMAOSIFN
To be honest I was not expecting bump to have a last name that meant anything but it means swift walker and I think thats funny so you have to know it now
BIIIITCH LISTEN UPPPP there is a butt tone of mythology surrounding his name and its mostly a different form of it, belus, that is referenced, but same thing different shape. Most of his depiction is as a great king or ruler, in babylonian mythology being the equivalent of zeus of jupiter, which liiikkkkkeeeoajolnjojnkjakjavnjfvdfkjf but its fine everything is great its all ok most importantly, he is recognized as the god or ruler of war, and in that same mythology he lived in babylon, which “... was originally water, and called a sea. But Belus put an end to this, and assigned a district to each, and surrounded Babylon with a wall; and at the appointed time he disappeared.” and idk about you but the smell of him assigning a divide and disappearing smells sour like funky to me babes
I am only putting this here because the fact that it’s totally a play on hieronymus bosch makes me cackle and you all have to know it thank you
B-but brevyn he was only there for like one episode, yeah ok and? Radegast is the slavic god of hospitality, and there is no host like a host that pretends to take you on a mythical quest and then tries to eat you and your mentor and her deranged cat demon, ok? His name translates to “dear guest” or “welcomed guest” and I mean I think if my host tried to suck me into some fantasy would delusion i’d feel pretty welcomed
He is an owl
He is also an owl
First and foremost, she is a little night gremlin who hates children and I think that really fits her, but she is also a little house demon, who is very difficult to get to leave, have we seen her outside the castle? Will she be a spy along with the mask next season? She also has a name that means nightmare or night demon, similar to a certain other night creature we might have heard of a while ago. She tried to strangle children and I love that for her,and she is described as a little old ugly messy haired lady and I feel like her current character has the personality of one so i’ll take it, but what really gets me is her villain origin story, which is that she "grows up with a magician in the mountains. From dawn to sunset the magician’s cat regales Kikimora with fantastic tales of ancient times and faraway places, as Kikimora rocks in a cradle made of crystal. It takes her seven years to reach maturity, by which time her head is no larger than a thimble and her body no wider than a strand of straw. Kikimora spins flax from dusk and to dawn, with evil intentions for the world.”
Ok, the queen herself, haven’t met her yet but like who knows. Not really a whole lot here (my ears are ringing oops one sec ok i’m back hi) anyways um uh rings? Her name right off the bat has a lot to do with rings, and really that only applies to eda, because her ring was a big thing for her, she gave it to lilith, we all watched wing it like witches you know what’s up, but i mean like was that gwen’s ring? I really wanted the hand on eda’s wall to be gwen’s, very upset to see she has all of her body parts so far. I am also not sure if that’s how it’s spelled, but it means the same thing anyways. Also meaning fair or blessed, any woman who created both eda and lilith is probably mad powerful and we love to see it, also she’s a beastkeeper and i like i want to talk about that with eda’s curse but now is not the time for shenanigans (that’s a lie every time is the time for shenanigans i’m just exhausted)
Bitch, sorry, ok listen like um sidebar I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CHARACTER AND YOU ALL NEED TO KNOW IT but also at this point i’m not really sure about this character, is this their name, is that even how it’s spelled, girl idfk but like whooptydooo I do what I want so cope. Right now, we are assuming that they are the new bard coven head character, and like let me tell you the way that I am fully pissing my pants atm like bestie, anyways, if spelled rayne, then it means counsel or song, and this is why, do you see why this is why we spell it like this? It’s also scandanavian which means like nothing but it’s cool. This spelling fits because like counsel, head of the bard coven, you get it it’s fine, and then song, also head of the bard coven, you know. It fits so well, especially since this is supposed to be a friend from eda’s past, and like is supposed to try and recruit eda for a rebellion against the emperor in the episode eda’s requiem, i cannot convey to you how goddamn excited I am like there are not enough words in this realm or any others to tell you how prepared i am for this character to rock my world.
I AM S O B B I N GGGGG apparently one of willow’s dad’s names is gilbert and that is literally so cute I cannot like actually this knowledge makes up for coronavirus anyways it means bright promise and idk what that even has to do with anything but I love it and you should to omg
Now i have to go update the other characters see you in hell <3
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witchyintention · 4 years
Deities: What Are They, How to Work With Them & How to Find Them.
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As a beginner witch deities are exciting and most want to jump into it right away. As someone who works with 7 let me tell you it is draining. Most people will simply tell you a big fat NO! At the mention of deities and not really tell you why it's a no for beginners. For one it takes a lot out of you. For two deities are a big step in your practice and you must work on the fundamentals before you even think of working with them. If you don't work on your grounding, shadow work, mediation and basic knowledge of witchcraft things can spiral out of control. This can get very dangerous very quickly. Deities are gods (or simply higher beings. I refer them to gods often so just keep this as a note) after all and someone weak trying to handle something powerful is disastrous. 
Think of tv, video games or movies. When someone who doesn't know what they are doing trying to summon something they have no business summoning it turns into a horror shit show. 
This is kinda how you should think of deities. However you are more than capable of worshipping them just like any other religion. Pray and leave offerings. You can even ask for guidance from them and that's perfectly fine. But do reframe from actually using them in your spell work.
Let me tell you about the difference. I have yet to go into spell work but you always cast a circle. So working with would be talking with a guide during any point of a spell. Your circle is a sacred space that's intended for your energy. By inventing other beings into the circle you are allowing them access to your energies.
When seeking help you pray and ask for a sign. Remember to keep this way from any sort of spellwork, you do not want just anyone to have access to your energies. 
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Any time that you invite them into your circle, they are able to use your energy and feed off it. Now inviting them can be as simple as saying their name. From that point you are working with them. Because once they can work with your energy they can effect your spellwork. If it's an entity, that can then cause potential harm. By allowing them in your circle you're opening up the chance of that happening. Spells could go wrong or you could end up in the hospital. There are many stories of novice witches opening their circle to these entities because they don't know any better. Many ended up in the hospital and even dead.
I have said witchcraft, as fun and exciting as it is, can be very dangerous. I do not tell you the things I do to scare you but to educate you. You need to know exactly what you're going into. And that is the purpose of this series.
Though I have been saying deities this also includes spirit guides such as the Fae, Angels Ancestors and everything in between. When you do get to this point in your practice you can in fact have a mix of all of them. I primarily work with the greek pantheon however I have called upon others to aid me in the message they were trying to give. For example I do not work with Apollo however a friend of mine had been seeing signs of him along with the name being whispered in the back of their mind. 
(I'll take any chance to include anime. 😅)
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This friend came to me to see if it was realy Apollo or something else that was pretending to be the god. This also frequently happens with beginner witches. They are more prone to believing something that isn't a god when told it is. This friend knew that and consulted me about it. As a result I found out it was Apollo and had him aid me in the message he wished to tell this friend through tarot. 
This was an example of me working with a god who I do not usually work with. However it is very much okay and actually encouraged to do some reading into Spirit  guides such as deities, Angel's and so on. Read about their lore and things associated with them. This will help you later or even now if you have been seeing signs from them. 
However if you anything like me you'll fall far down the rabbit hole of deities. I have been studying on greek and roman mythology since the 4th or 5th grade. Later when I moved halfway through 5th grade I was thrown into a group where we would choose a topic and do research on it. The theme we chose was greek mythology. The god I chose was Hades. I had always felt Hades had a bad reputation. With that I had this crazy goal to try and explain to everyone in my class he wasn't a bad guy. That he was just a guy who loves his wife and dog. 
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Here I am nearly ten years later working with him. Did it take me a while? Yes. Will it take you this long? Maybe not. For me most of the years I have spent being a witch was studying rather than actual spellwork. You learn by doing, sure but when you already know the knowledge, putting it into action is much easier. Not to mention not all of us could do actually spell work due to this and that. Whatever reason you might be in the broom closet for.
Now once you have done your research keep an eye out for potential signs. It's best to look into all the gods. I had a witch who had thought she was dealing with Hades when it actually turned out to be Anubis. They both similar for what they rule over so getting them confused as a beginner is understandable. Especially when you only do research on one type of lore like greek. It's best to explore all the lore of all the different types. You have Egyptian, Greek/Roman, Norse, Celtic, Japanese, Angels, Fae and so many more. Do you have to read up about all of them? No but you probably should.
But let's be real here. Not everyone is going to. So pick maybe five that stand out to you then most and go fall down the rabbit hole of spirit guides. Also do keep in mind that if you see signs of one they could simply have a message for you rather than being a potential deity to work with. Like I had explained earlier with Apollo. He had a message for my friend and it was nothing more than that. Spirit guides of any sort can come and go as they please. Some might only come because you need them then in that moment.
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What I have noticed is most don't have more than three spirit guides. I'm sure there are many who have more but from what I have seen in finding them for people they have had three or less. I find the hardest ones to figure who exactly they are, there the ancestors. I've had a few witches ask me to help find their guides and it was an ancestor who dated back 500 years ago. At that point I have absolutely no idea how to tell you exactly who this person was. Especially since not everyone in the world was written in a history book for doing something worthy of being written in books.
Also not many can actually trace their family tree that far back anyways. I sure as hell can't. 
Now you're probably asking when is the right time to actually start working with them? Well it differs from person to person. You can ask a more established witch like myself. Other times you just know. But I wouldn't trust that "I just know feeling" until you have strong intuition skills. I have many of my Protégés and regulars asking if they are ready all the time. How do I know? Easy divination. I have a strong bond with my deities so they always tell me the truth even when it might hurt me. Sometimes I have to tell them that when I notice a hesitation in their answering.
And truthful you will know when you know. Meeting mine just happened out of the blue. I was doing tarot readings during a live broadcast when I was suddenly hit with fatigue. I had the sudden urge to ask my pendulum if my spirit guides were present. I had a hunch of who they might have been and went through the list. If they said yes I then gave a true or false question about said deities lore. Let me tell you meeting all seven of them was exhausting. That night I did 8 readings with 8 different gods. One wasn't even my spirit guide or Patron God. Zeus just felt like hanging out.
And though I say you will just know when the time is right many will still just take that leap even when they are not ready. When it comes to deities you need to be cautious and actually ready for it. Don't just jump in because it sounds fun and you want them now. If you are uncertain about things in regards to them simply ask for help. I have built a community for exactly that.
Everyone needs help from time to time, even me. Do not be scared to ask for help because it's better you ask then things going wrong. I am always open for you to ask questions about the craft. I am always willing to help. If I do not know the answer I will however find it for you and the information will be trustworthy unlike the internet most of the time.
Witchcraft is exciting. I know. Yes it's a lot of fun. But please, you know yourself better than you think. Do your shadow work, meditate, learn your history and if you need help seek it out. 
That's all I have for today so until next time stay witchy! Blessed Be.
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✩ Don't Steal Other Peoples Work ✩
June 28, 2020
Reine Alicis
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stitchlesswitch · 4 years
Spell Jar to Protect Protestors, Protect Black People, and Bring Racial Justice 🖤
I know it’s not enough, but it’s a start.
I couldn’t find a lot of correspondences for Justice, so it was really tricky and I had to get creative. I tried to include as many ideas and substitutes as I could to make this widely accessible.
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Step One: add your favorite protective correspondence that isn’t a crystal
I recommend using any form of dragons blood you have: burning incense, add the dragons blood crystal when we get to that part, for me, I have a dragons blood “solution” (the red bottle).
If you do not have dragons blood, please substitute it with your Favorite protective correspondence, such as sandal wood (again in any form).
Unless it is a crystal, add that ingredient First.
Step Two: add herbs
Garlic salt (or just garlic) for protection
Black pepper (or any form of pepper) curse breaking, to represent destroying racism
Thyme for strength
Cinnamon for speedy results
Black salt (mix any white salt with ashes from incense) for protection and curse breaking
(Other things you can use to represent protection: sand, eggshells, coffee, nails)
Step Three: add intent (note)
Next, write a note that says “Protect Protestors, Protect Black People, Bring Racial Justice” and place it inside.
Step Four: add crystals
Smokey quartz for protection
Carnelian for Justice
Kyanite—Black kyanite specifically corresponds to Justice, but I only had blue kyanite. Blue corresponds to speaking truth, so I argue they are similar enough if you only have blue like me.
I added literal charcoal, to represent absorbing the toxic racism. (Cut off a piece of sponge as a substitute if need be. Onions also work, but they rot.)
As mentioned earlier, if your favorite protective substitute is in crystal form, add it now.
Step Five: add justice correspondences
Now is where things get complicated. The only correspondences for Justice I could find were “Jupiter, Athens, Ma’at, chestnuts, carnelian, and black kyanite.”
If you have chestnuts, awesome, I didn’t. I had to get really creative on representations of Justice. In American culture a lot of symbolism for Justice is inherently tied to things that represent America, and for obvious reasons I tried to stay away from such imagery. Here’s what I did, with suggestions for ideas.
I added the triforce. Hear me out. Link from the legend of Zelda was the first hero I was exposed to as a child — to me he represents the essence of a literal knight in shining armor.
My idea for you is to use a superhero. Like Spider-Man for example. Some symbol of a superhero to represent justice.
Going off that train of thought, now would be a good time to include Dietes, cultural/mythological figures, and or real historical people. Maybe you have dietes in your religion that represent justice, and have correspondences. Maybe there’s a mythological figure in your culture that you relate to justice (it’s not a culture, but dragons represent justice and protection to me). Maybe you’re a fan of one of the many amazing historical figures that fought against racism, and have something that represents them. Add it!
Next I included two snake teeth, to represent a dragon. One tooth for Justice one tooth for protection.
Next I added two bullets. One for protection. One for Justice.
Next I added my wisdom tooth. Teeth represent protection and strength. I like to think the “wisdom” part represents the righteousness of the protestors. The blood that stained my tooth represented the lives lost.
To me it was important to recognize the lives lost. As a substitute for blood, I recommend dropping (3) drops of red candle wax.
Now, I realize very few of you have bullets and teeth laying around. I’m not saying these are the best choices, I’m saying these are what I had. Like I said, you seriously need to get creative. You have to literally look around and use what you can. Think of animals and elements that represent justice.
If you want to hex the police, I’d recommend adding broken pig bones.
Step Six: cover it with a protective essential oil
I chose frankincense and myrrh. These were brought to Jesus at his birth, so I relate them strongly to what Jesus represents, including justice.
Step Seven: seal
I strongly recommend sealing with black candle wax for protection.
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