#remus doesn't do anything intentionally
sophsicle · 1 year
Nah that James and Sirius kiss was 100% cheating 💀💀 even tho regulus said they’re not dating they are and you can’t just kiss someone else while dating someone even if you didn’t mean it romantically🤯 how is this any different then Remus and Sirius kissing while remus is dating Fabian? I think the only one here obsessed with cheating is you
it is sad to me
that this is how you think
but you are entitled to your opinion
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 4 months
"What's your problem, Wormy?" Remus smiled as he tried to tickle his friend. But Peter pushed him away.
"The problem is that nobody listens to me!"
Remus stopped teasing Peter. He sounded really serious and angry. And Remus felt immediately guilty.
"What do you mean?"
Remus had a special care for Peter. He was older than him according to age. But Peter was so vulnerable, innocent and young. Remus had learned that his overprotective mom had made him that way. Not intentionally of course. Peter was funny most of the time, trying to act cool like James and Sirius. But sometimes Remus saw something underneath that gave him the urge to protect him. He was the baby of The Marauders after all.
"I tried to talk to one of you, remember?"
Remus remembered now. Peter had asked him to talk but he had been too busy staring at Sirius to notice. To be fair, Sirius was eyeing him as well. It happened that morning.
"Prongs, can we have a word?" Peter had gone for James first. Of course. James was like Peter's bigger brother and guardian angel. It was comical how Peter tried to be more and more like him sometimes.
"Sorry, Wormy. Breakfast with Evans. Gotta go" James had been in a hurry. He kissed Peter's forehead. He murmured an apology as he got dressed and bathed himself in cologne and ran to meet his girlfriend. James was infatuated with the girl. So much that lately she was all he talked about. Sirius was irritated about this.
He rolled his eyes as Peter approached him next.
"Fucking romantic prick. Am I right?" Peter had said trying to gain Sirius’s attention. Sometimes he agreed with him to impress him "Lily this, Lily that... Can we talk, Pads?"
Sirius had all his attention on Remus at the moment. And viceversa. Their little secret affair got them like freaking animals in heat. All Remus remembered was Sirius’s intense gaze on him as he got dressed. Remus could not focus on anything else than those gorgeous eyes.
"Hey... Earth to Padfoot!"
Sirius snapped out of it.
"What? What do you want, Pettigrew?" Sirius asked irritated "I'm not lending you my jacket. Told you! It doesn't fit you!"
Sirius was tackless with Peter sometimes. Especially when he was angry or irritated about something. Poor Peter mostly paid for Sirius’s bad moods.
"That old jacket?" Peter wrinkled his nose "I have better style than an old man..."
Sirius chuckled and tutted, his eyes still on Remus.
"You can stop looking at Moony" Peter added "I mean you are drooling and Prongs is going to notice the stains of drool on the floor..."
Sirius blushed because he hated being bothered with that. He wasn’t comfortable telling James about his feelings for Remus yet. They had been too obvious or Peter had been to clever to notice.
Sirius sneered and patted Peter's cheek a bit too hard.
"Fuck off, will you, Ratty boy?"
"But I wanted..."
"Peter, I am getting dressed!" Sirius snapped "The process of perfection takes time and concentration. Like you would know"
Peter faked a laugh as he backed away "Of course, of course... You, wanker!"
Remus had taken only bits of the previous conversations because he had been lost in the beauty of watching Sirius get dressed. It was art, truly. His body. The way his hands moved. How his gorgeous hair got slowly drier. Remus had been pretending to be bored and reading a book while he "waited for his friends to get ready". But damn he had been eyeing at Sirius above his book. And he was doing the same. So it wasn't that weird.
He remembered Peter approaching his bed though and kneeling to face him.
"Remus. I beg you!" he pleaded "Can I please talk to you about something?"
Remus bit his lip as he saw Sirius combing his hair. Peter rolled his eyes.
"Shit, I get it! You are gay for each other"
Remus finally looked at him.
"You promised you are not going to tell Prongs"
"I am not gonna..." Peter groaned loudly "Can you listen to me?"
Remus nodded, putting his book down "Yeah, Wormy. What is it?"
Peter smiled "Well... You know how I've been lonely lately... I am talking about girls...."
Remus was listening really. But his attention kept drifting towards Sirius again. The way he bottomed his shirt. And put on his tie. Remus kept thinking about how he wanted to revert the process.
"Yeah I am listening" Maybe not the entire thing. Though Peter couldn't go on.
"Moony?" Sirius was on the door, leaning on the frame and smirking like a winner. "Want a cigarette before class?"
It was Remus's favorite question lately because he knew what that meant. And yes, he fucking want it.
"You haven't even had breakfast!" Peter protested.
"What are you, our mother, Wormy?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.
"Later Wormy" Remus added, raising to his feet.
"But I was talking!"
Remus walked to the door. He smiled at Sirius. Sirius smiled at him.
"Can I go with you?"
"No!" Sirius and Remus shouted at the same time.
"You don't smoke" Sirius said.
"You hate cigarettes" Remus added.
"Yeah but..." Peter raised to his feet but his friends had already crossed the door.
"I know you are not actually going to smoke cigarettes! You are going to do each other, aren't you?"
The door closed blocking Peter's words. So Remus didn't know what he did next. How he sighed, sat down sadly and murmured under his breath.
"All alone again, aren't you Peter?... Of course"
As Peter retold the story from his point of view, Remus felt guilty. Sirius and James were not around. But Remus could make things right. He cannot be a wanker that got distracted by how hot his best friend was. His other best friend needed him.
"I am sorry, Pete..." Remus bit his lip and sat down on the corner of Peter's bed "What did you want to talk about?"
Peter shook his head. He looked tired, so small.
"It doesn't matter anymore" Peter looked down.
Remus swallowed his guilt. He wanted to make it up to him.
"Of course it matters"
"Everything that matters to you is Sirius’s dick at the moment"
Remus chuckled as he felt himself blushing.
"It's not like... We haven't..." Remus sighed. Then he got closer to Peter, crawling to sit next to him "Tell Uncle Moony what is your problem. Is it about Mary?"
Peter shrugged but Remus noticed he was blushing as well.
"I'm nothing compared to her" Peter said "She is a ten. I'm a... Four. Goddammit! I am a four!"
Remus smiled with compassion.
"I think you underestimate yourself, Worms"
"Do you think The Marauders are in danger?"
"Danger of what?"
Peter's eyes were locked on the front. They were truly a beautiful shade of blue. Peter was more than a four.
"Of dying" Peter said "It's not like before. I miss the old days. Pranks. Codes. Rules. It was the four of us against the world. Now everything is about girls... Or boys in your case.... It is our last year. Soon, we will be done with school and will probably do different things or choose different paths. And what then?"
Remus put an arm around Peter protectively. He knew he had to. And he wanted to.
"I am not a hero like James. Or brave like Sirius. Or smart like you. What will happen with me?"
Remus kissed the blond hair. It was James who gave Peter this kind of affection. And it was James who knew exactly what to say to make Peter feel better or cheer him up. But James wasn't here. It was Remus's turn. He had to try his best.
"I am sure we will be fine, Peter" he said "We are not just friends. We are family." It was what Remus felt about them anyway. James would say something like that "And family is always there for each other. No matter if they are apart or don't see each other often. Family would always be family".
"But I want to see Prongs everyday. And Padfoot. And you. I wouldn't mind seeing Mary..." That made Remus smile "Naked. In my bed. As my wife..."
"Okay" Remus giggled as he ruffled Peter's head.
"James is probably marrying Lily. And you and Sirius are going to live together..."
"We don't know about that" They didn't even know what they were. Sirius didn't even know if he was gay or not.
"What if we see each other and it is not the same?"
Remus was scared of that as well. He had grown attached to these boys very quickly. Remus loved them. He loved living with them. Hearing about their problems. Even hearing their snores or farts. He couldn't imagine what would be not to live with them.
Even Peter being Peter, being left out, ignored or bothered, even he would miss this. Remus didn't know what to tell him. If they would continue being friends and close forverer. Remus was constantly scared that one day, James and Sirius or even Peter would get tired of him. That this fantasy would be over. They were too good to be true.
"We will do our best not to let it happen" Remus answered "You know Prongs. He will invite us over all the time, that generous bastard. And even if he lives with Lily. Lily is truly an angel who will accept us there. We will be like Uncles for their children, I am sure. They will never leave us alone..."
Peter swallowed and nodded unsure.
"I mean we are talking about James Potter, right?"
That made Peter smile "We are talking about James Potter" he agreed.
Remus squeezed Peter closer "Sorry for being a dick in the morning"
"I get it, you like dicks, Remus"
Remus laughed.
"Thank you, Moony. For listening"
Peter rarely used that nickname but it felt nice when he said it.
"You are welcome, Wormy"
"Can I tell you about my dream with Mary last night?"
Remus smiled as he relaxed on the pillow. He was going to listen now. And pay attention.
"Tell me..."
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pencilpat · 2 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey there :D
I heard ya wanted asks about your personal headcanons for the Sides? I'm curious about your thoughts on Remus & Roman, and just them being brothers. You always have the coolest takes and fanarts with them!
So, yus: ✨the twins✨
And also Virgil's and Remus' relationship with each other if ya want :3
Anyway, have fun :D
Hello my favourite breakfast food mutual! /j
I have so much to say about the twins and their relationship to each other.
To start with, I want to clarify that the two of them very clearly have a lot of issues to work out, and although I love them being brotherly, I do think a lot of their fighting might be a little... more genuine than that. They are very much pitted against each other both by their natures and by the other sides, and Remus is intentionally antagonistic to Roman a lot. It's not healthy, but they are brothers nonetheless, and like most sibling relationships they have a lot of complexities to them and their feelings on each other.
Now getting into headcanon territory!
I don't really ascribe to the common fanon of a big "splitting" event that resulted in the two of them. I also don't think there was a King as fun as that headcanon is. I think the original creativity was something more childlike, like a puppet/muppet looking fella or a stereotypical cartoon character trope - maybe something disney based. When Logan talks about them splitting like an ovum, he seems to be talking about a much slower, gradual process as Thomas had those catholic ideals of thought crimes and repentence forced into him. Religious thought like that is integrated into a child's mind in a much slower fashion than that of which would cause a sudden and massive separation.
I like to think that Remus came about the way mold or a nest parasite does. Slowly growing off of and out of the original creativity until he was his own being entirely. Strong enough to pull off of the 'host' and grow on his own. I like comparing him to a cuckoo bird baby. He didn't understand why he's so much hungrier, so much bigger, than his sibling. He didn't understand why he was so out of place and different from his foster siblings in the nest. He didn't understand why he had done something very bad, but he knew that he had. He is so hungry. So much bigger than the rest. He is so much - too much. He has done something very bad. He doesn't know what he's done. He's done something... horrible. He is something horrible.
Remus and Roman have been compared to each other and placed above or below the other their entire time of existing. That creates really difficult feelings about your sibling when you're raised like that. Remus having to always be seen as 'worse' created self esteem issues that manifest as him purposefully making himself as unlikeable as possible. He absolutely can't handle positive attention or praise, and tends to see it as not genuine or that the person is fooling themselves when he does receive it. Roman, heralded as the 'good creativity' and always put on a pedestal, is the opposite. He cannot handle negativity towards his creations or himself, and being the Ego doesn't help with that. Roman is very easily hurt by criticism because he used to always be praised for anything he made, when Thomas was a child.
Remus and Roman get in a LOT of physical fights, being imaginary has its perks such as "I can decapitate my annoying brother and he will be fine and still yelling at me." It helps them blow off some of the animosity between them, and usually they patch each other up after which also helps with that. I think they drum up entire battle scenarios in The Mindpalace with dragons and manticores and all sorts of beasts to tear each other apart, only to laugh and put each other back together.
I think that sometimes, even though most of their relationship is fighting and bickering, they really are the only one that can comfort each other. They understand each other's painful emotions and self esteem issues so well that the other sides couldn't get anywhere close to the ability they have to make each other feel better. They're brothers, no matter how much they dislike that fact, and they know each other inside and out.
This is very long so I will talk about Remus & Virgil at a later date! You can see a tiny bit of my thoughts in this post though.
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Back at it again being So Normal About worldbuilding about the cesitail beings and reread Syzygy for the billionth time, and missing so much foreshadowing like, how the fuck did I not see this coming. Bro, My guy, I just-- GRABS SYZYGY BY MY MOUTH AND SJKDFHSDJFHSKDHFDSKFHSDKFHS Cough Anyhoots. I may… have not climbed out of the "Flavors/Herbs/FOOD being a part of Syzygy magic" rabbit hole, But it's been 2 weeks and I wanna explore something new, I'll get back to the Food Magic later A-hem
Hollows, amiright? Skin and bodies of Hollows just magically work similar to humans, right? They can get drunk without a liver; I assume that when Juice touched Janus, his skin sizzled like how a human's would. I assume they run normal temperture. They give off everything to be perceived as humans SO MUCH, from needing actual sleep to food for energy, and to the tastebuds etc.
The only thing that keeps them being alive is just perceiving themselves to be alive, right? What's the limit on that? Can you cut off an arm of a hollow? I'm very aware that would painfully hurt, but would they deflate? Could you reattach it? I imagine you can't regrow it, seeing that you need so much much energy to match what a singular arm do. Much more easier to attach said arm. What if it's your head, though?? Hollows actually need air in them to function because deflation is A THING.
If someone, stupidly determined, to find the limit of being alive, what would they find out, is this whY REMUS COULDN'T BE HOLLOW? BECAUSE HE WOULD NO DOUBT FIND THE LIMIT?! LET MY BOY BE HOLLOW FOR SHIT AND GIGGLES. I ASSUMED THAT THE REASON WHY ROMAN AND REMUS BECAME GHOSTS BECAUSE SOMETHING MUST'VE HAPPENED TO SPLIT THEM FROM THE REST BUT I BET THIS IS THE REAL REASON /j/j/j/j/j/j (Smhh, the Sun is so godsdamned powerful but can't split a man's personality into perfectly 6 hollows? smhh)
Taking a brief break from writing Folk Music Academic Analysis to answer this to the best of my abilities. HELLO! The reason you missed so much foreshadowing is because I intentionally crammed the first few chapters of Syzygy with so many 'what the fuck?' moments of worldbuilding to distract anyone reading the first time. It's only because you're desensitized to the weirdness of dragons being real and everything being back-to-front and the city being clockwork that you start to notice things the second time and onward. But that wasn't the question!
Can you cut off the arm of a hollow? Obviously you can! You can cut the arm off anything, with enough effort! But you can think of hollows as very slowly deflating paper bags. When Janus slices himself open as a demonstration in chapter four, he doesn't immediately deflate and collapse into a heap of skin, because it's a pretty small wound, all things considered. The bigger the breach, the quicker the complete bodily collapse is, and the more deflated a hollow is the harder it is to bring them back - a bit like when your heart stops beating or when you stop breathing, for a normal human person. So, in that respect, cutting off a hollow's arm is about as dangerous as cutting a flesh-and-blood person's arm off - if you move quick, you can probably cauterize/seal the wound quick enough that they'll survive. But it's certainly not going to be fun or easy to recover from.
If you cut off a hollow's head, you will hear a comical squeal of air like a deflating balloon, and then their body will go flying everywhere (like a deflating balloon), and they will be pretty much completely dead and deflated before you can catch up to them, also their head will collapse. Hollow Beheadings were outlawed in the mid-1700s because they were just too silly to take seriously. (This started out mostly a joke but it's making me laugh thinking about it, so it might actually be canon now. Whoops.)
You have hit the nail on the head for why Remus in particular is not a hollow, in an out-of-universe me-writing-it sense. He would be such a menace to deal with. He'd burn the Stacks to the ground. In-universe (and I think I mentioned this in the comments at some point? can't remember, I've written a lot of explanations/extra worldbuilding in the comments) Roman and Remus are ghosts and not hollows because they function at a much more conceptual and unrealistic level than the other sides - they're more Imagination Juice and Creative Power than the others, so they wouldn't quite fit into the hollow suits that the others could, there just wasn't enough of them to make entire real people. Maybe if there was only one Creativity, they could make another non-ghostly addition to the Hollow Side Squad, but as it was... they ended up as leftover energy clinging onto reality, with most of their personalities/memories intact, but not enough power to, like, really affect things or push the plot in any solid direction. Not until the ball properly got rolling, anyway.
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missmoonfrost · 4 months
Physiotherapy - a wolfstar short fic
~ 800 words
TW: self-hate
"Get up and do your physiotherapy, Moony!"
"I don't want to." Remus sinks an inch deeper down into his pillow without looking up from his book.
"Madam Pomfrey says it's important."
"But it's boring."
"You can come work out with me?"
Remus sits up.
"Yeah? And pull my stupid rubber bands while you work out for real? Not embarrassing at all."
"Your body is just different than mine, that’s all."
"No shit." He rolls his eyes.
"You know I didn't mean like that. There's nothing wrong with your body."
"That's exactly what it is, something wrong with my body!"
Sirius sighs and sits down on his bed, straight across from Remus.
"There's no winning this one, is there?"
"Babe? Are you crying?"
"Don't look at me!"
"Oh, babe, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry."
Despite Remus' weak attempts to push Sirius away, he sits as close to the distressed boy as he can, wrapping him tight in his arms. It doesn't take long before Remus hugs him back and cries against his shoulder.
"Me and my stupid mouth", Sirius continues, still not entirely sure what he said wrong, but well aware this is a sensitive topic. "I love you."
"I love you, too. I don't deserve you. Sorry, I'm such a mess." Remus mumbles against his shoulder.
"Don't say that. I love you. I love your body. I love every scar."
Remus lifts his head and looks at him, smiling a little through the tears.
"I know you do. However vain I might be, that’s not it, really."
Sirius almost bites his tongue not to ask more, he just holds Remus tight, plays a little with his hair and waits for him to catch his breath, and collects his thoughts.
After a big shaky inhale, it comes. "Most werewolves don't live to be older than fifty. And as crippled as I feel now, what if I won't even be able to walk? And the pain, and... Almost every month it's something new. If it's not the back, it's a shoulder, or a hip, or a knee... I just don't want to think about it. As if I don't think about it all the time anyway. And then I have to add to that, once a day, and intentionally do something with my body that reminds me just how much I hate it?"
Sirius is quiet. He gets that, in a way.
"You hate your body?"
Remus shrugs. "I guess. I mean - intellectually: of course not. I like to live and breathe and whatnot. I just wish I'd have to think about it as little as possible."
"So, you, like, hate the experience of your body?"
Remus nods thoughtfully. "Yeah."
Sirius strokes Remus back, in quiet thoughts again.
"I think I have another sort of practice for you. No, hear me out! I think you really need to practice experiencing your body without hating it. How about once a day you should have a pleasurable experience with your body?"
Remis smirks and raises an eyebrow in a way that Sirius immediately catches on to.
"No! Well, yes, it can be that. But it can be anything: Taking a bath and, you know, trying to feel the water with your entire body. Eating something good and trying to taste all the flavors. Dancing and, ok, no, you hate dancing. But you get the idea?"
"Could you give it a try?"
Remus winces a little.
"Please? I don't want you to hate your body forever."
Remus scoffs, but eventually smiles. "Ok. Sure."
“Ready to start right now?”
“Give me a minute to get in the mood and I’ll be ready”, he half-jokes and wipes his face.
“You’re hopeless. Going for the advanced stuff first ting.” Sirius half jokes back, “No, really. I mean this. Just lay down and let me kiss you, ok?”
His eyes search Sirius' face for sincerity, then nods once. “Ok. And I'll try to focus on the experience of being in my body while.”
Remus lays down and closes his eyes. Sirius sits beside him, leans in, and plants a kiss on his lips. A kiss on his chin. A row of kisses on his collarbone. He strokes his arm through the shirt. Kisses the back of his hand, then all the fingers one by one. In a way, it’s not very romantic. Remus is fully clothed and motionless. Sirius is gentle more than passionate. But in a way, it’s perfectly intimate, how Remus lays trusting and unguarded before him with heavy breaths.
When Remus' whole body is peppered in kisses and tender strokes Sirius draws back up only to see tears on Remus' cheeks again.
“You’re crying?”
“In a good way”, Remus responds and waits another moment before opening his eyes. “I think you’re right. I need this.”
“Then I’ll do it every day.”
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dykefever · 11 months
wolfstar tumblr has started again to claim that we shouldn’t describe sirius as short and feminine because it’s “heteronormative”, that we shouldn’t describe remus as tall and masculine because it’s, you know, un-canon (a terf’s?). it feels like terfs are coming to the fandom and we are going back to the time back then when popular writers who turned out terfs were dominating the fandom. seems the fandom is adopting the old terfs’ claims again and even shamelessly applauding it. how are you bearing these days, laura. as for me as a trans person who hates jkr and her holy “canon”, it’s horrible. feel like everything the few good people (such as you) in the fandom had tried was vain. sorry for disturbing you.
well it's been about three or so months since i last made a post about this stuff so sounds about right that more terfy posts are coming out all surrounding height discourse. it's a cycle in the r/s fandom and im afraid these terfs and transphobes aren't coming to the fandom they've all probably been here a while because this fandom is rife with them due to the source material and general politics of the people that write the fic (liberals who are so totally for gender neutral bathrooms but transwomen make them obviously uncomfortable irl)
i've already talked a bit about how harmful and also dumb this line of thinking is re: short and fem s so i'll link this post on gender essentialism i made but i'll say again it's just so tedious how it's often the same people who don't seem to inspect where their assumptions are coming from. people stick terfs dni in their bio and perhaps disagree with the openly transphobic lawmakers but that doesn't mean their biases against trans people don't exist. transphobia is far more insidious than that!
like people seem to go: short s -> s is "whiny" and "annoying" -> he's feminine (whether he actually is or not) -> thus he's being written like he's a girl and that's bad because that's heteronormative
the media heuristic that exists that "whiny" and "weaker" men (ie. complaining, relying on their boyfriend/partner for things, idk being the fucking little spoon) are women-coded does not mean you shouldn't make any character whiny or annoying or whatever because then you are essentially making them a woman and that's Bad -- the response is to unpack the very idea that there are certain traits connected to men and women and when applied to people of the opposite or other genders somehow still has a connection to an innate gender of 'man' or 'woman'.
also, s characterisation is varied but not as prolifically dramatic and bad as people seem to say. they're latching on to the 'feminine short s characterisation' where he acts dramatic as if i have not ready many a fic where he is tall and stereotypical masculine with similar personality traits. however, these traits are viewed differently when packaged differently. the difference is s wearing a skirt or being perceived as feminine in a way that they do not view as aligned with their perception of how gender should operate.
whether intentionally transphobic or not, the shorthand people use in these discussion always ties in with this belief that there are innate gendered characterisitics that if acted out in certain relationships makes them heteronormative. i am afraid that's not how queer relationships work! they are still gay even if one of them is short and the other tall and one is fem and the other masc like? you can dislike certain relationship dynamics but that doesn't make them inherently problematic or homophobic or anything. i avoid plenty of r/s fic because it's not how i personally view them. i don't try and morally justify my dislike because i don't like how they wrote r i just click out. as for saying one thing is canon and another is not like idgaf whatever!! most of canon is quite horrible and problematic and of course we are all engaging with it to some degree but to use it to argue something as meaningless as height should be adhered to. well i'm scrolling away frankly.
idk people are always telling on themselves in these discussions and you can pretty much always track one degree of separation between them and a pretty outward terf. i block and unfollow a lot of people but at the end of the day i engage with far less content than i used to because it sucks seeing so much transphobic and often anti-queer discussion. it's exhausting and it's why so many trans people especially transfem people leave this fandom. people can slap anti-jkr in their bio as much as they want, a terf is still a fucking terf.
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elvendorx · 2 years
Do you think James and Sirius would ever keep secrets from each other? It’s really just my gut feeling but I think James wouldn’t. However, I’m not sure about Sirius, he seems to me the type to bottle up his emotions and put up a tough front because he wouldn’t want James to worry about him. Would Sirius talk to James about how his family makes him feel?
On the whole, no, I think that the trust that we see they share would effectively dissolve any boundaries or reservations they'd have and it wouldn't even be a question of "I can talk to Sirius/James about this".
However, as you say, I think James sort of never has those reservations. I think James is naturally very open and he wants to share things with Sirius so he does, for him it's mostly as simple as that. James "trusted Black above all his other friends" and that is presented without question, there's no competitor, and I think it's as simple as that for James.
For Sirius it would take longer, he'd sit and stew on things a while privately but he would always tell James sooner or later. I agree that he bottles his feelings up more and he puts on this almost bored exterior. When Sirius tells Harry about his family, it's just "they're dark wizards and I hate them" and he doesn't really go into depth, he seems almost annoyed that he has to talk about them. Sirius takes things in his stride so I think conveying difficult things in his life would always take the form of an inconvenience in his delivery to minimise the sympathy, maybe, but I think his actual feelings would be stronger than that, he'd just regulate them alone - perhaps as a result of being expected to compose himself by his family.
I think James would always know about Sirius' family, but the specifics of Sirius' feelings and specific incidents might come later. I think it would be like "my mum and dad are strict", "my whole family believe in blood supremacy", "my cousin married Lucius Malfoy" rather than going into real detail and at 11, 12 years old James is kind of satisfied with those as facts and maybe doesn't feel the need to dig deeper or realise the wider implications until they're a bit older and he realises the severity/regularity of these snippets.
As they go through school I think Sirius would gradually be more revealing but I still don't think they're conversations that Sirius would want to last long. Sirius is quite clear about marking his difference within the family home so I don't see why he would try to hide that at school, I just think it would be a factual thing publicly and it would just be James who he'd be like "She made the house-elf spy on me all summer" kind of details to, again in a venting way. We don't get much sadness from Sirius about his parents in the books, just hatred and a desire for distance so I think at Hogwarts he'd largely be content just by dint of being away from them.
Also I think with Remus' werewolf secret, with the Animagus secret that they all share responsibility for, the trust is there. Sirius goes to James after he's told Snape about the Whomping Willow - I feel risking James' anger/disgust/whatever negative feeling James may have felt overwhelms any other things Sirius may have found difficult to share.
By the time Regulus joins the Death Eaters, I think Sirius and James would be at a stage where sharing things would be natural, and I think Sirius would go to James to vent about it unprompted - "What the fuck is he doing? Is he stupid? He's sixteen years old, I can't believe this, I bet you he thinks our doting mother and father will love him more, the idiot".
James I see as being more protective of his information in regards to Sirius, but I also don't really see James as having any secrets. I don't think they'd intentionally hide anything from each other and I don't think they'd be able to. James and Sirius have a very equal bond in terms of intellect and ability and I think the other would always be the person who would "get it" best and who would be thinking within the same parameters, thinking most as the other would, who would come up with the most fitting solution for each other, so it would be natural for them to want to share and to have the other's opinion.
Ultimately, I don't see any meaningful secrets between them. I think they know each other well enough to recognise when something is being concealed, and I think they'd both actively want to share, to a point where it's not even something they have to weigh up. Even straying into fic territory where they hide their feelings for each other, I think they'd both either work it out or have to tell the other eventually.
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Just wanted to say that I love the artwork of Teddy and Hope. Also, how did you come up with Teddy’s sister?
I haven’t read your story yet but once I get some free time I’ll definitely check it out. I know that I’ll love it, I’m glad to have discovered your writing 😍😍
Also, if I may add my name is Hope and it got me excited to see that name as a character that you are writing about. 🥹🥹
Well, thank you, Hope and I hope that if/when you read Cariad, which features Hope more prominently, you'll enjoy it! I'm also glad you liked the art :)
I'd love to tell you about Miss Hope Lupin (the second). Per Remus's bio page on wizarding world, his mother was called Hope Howell (get it? HOWL? As if Werewolf McWerewolf wasn't enough for Remus, lol). As a lot of the characters in the HP universe seem to name their kids after dead people, Hope's name was easy, but I do like that name for the Lupins' daughter, because like Bill and Fleur's Victoire, it shows something brighter for the future.
This is an AU story, and below I've got some mild spoilers, but nothing that should give away the whole story:
In Collide and Cariad, I gave the Lupins four children. I like giving Remus a whole brood of kiddos whenever I can. Dad!Remus is one of the best things. To tell you about Hope, I will also tell you about Teddy.
In Cariad, I wanted the Lupins to have a daughter after Teddy. She comes 3 years later, and when she does arrive, she's inherited some of her dad's lycanthropic tendencies. In chapter 25, Daughter, I explain how this works. She's not a werewolf, but she's like Bill, where she's got some symptoms and it's chronic. I liken it to a mild form of anemia and chronic fatigue. As a result, Hope is born smaller than expected and will always be small for her age. Physically she's not as big or strong, but she's bright and determined.
I have her look a lot like Tonks, without the morphing. I intentionally made Hope an 'average' witch, in that she's not a Metamorphmagus. This creates an interesting dynamic for her in the family, as she doesn't have anything especially unique about her; Tonks and Teddy are Metamorphmagi and Remus is a werewolf. Not that Hope wants to be a werewolf, but she's the second child in a family where there are many expectations. Tonks is a celebrated, talented Auror. Remus is a decorated war hero. Teddy gets the brunt of this because he's the firstborn, the oldest, and he deals with prejudices very early in his childhood, which later impact his view of the world. He understands, from an early age, that he's got a lot to live up to, and even worse, with his dad as a werewolf, he's very aware he's got to be on his best behavior to avoid any scandal.
Hope doesn't quite get that message. She instead sees a near-perfect older brother, two incredibly talented parents, and then she's just...her. She's a little sickly, a bit small, but clever and stubborn. She gets the feeling early in life that she's going to be just as talented as the rest of her family, even if it's hard.
She later becomes an older sister to twins. That makes her a middle child, and in doing so, she begins shouldering some of the same 'older sibling' responsibilities that Teddy has, but she's now a middle child who longs to stand out. Her younger brother, Alex, will suffer a similar feeling, as the other twin, Minnie, is also a Metamorphmagus and will easily stand out for that trait.
Hope is motivated by love of her family, desire to prove herself worthy and strong, and dismay that the world isn't as cheerful as she once believed. Teddy learned early on that the world wasn't fair and he was a good brother, hiding Hope from it as much as he could. But Hope does learn, accidentally and purposefully, that werewolves aren't always welcomed, her parents are flawed, and she's just one small witch in a bigger world.
She's stubborn, determined, and while she takes after her mother in looks, she's an extraverted version of Remus. Meanwhile, Teddy is an more reserved, introverted version of Tonks. Hope gets the extraversion from her mother, Teddy gets the introversion from his father. As a result, Hope will be a Gryffindor, because while Teddy is brave, he is above all loyal to his family, extremely hardworking, and perfectionistic. Hope is all these things, but with the distinction that she is more daring and willing to take risks that Teddy wouldn't.
In Collide, I gave her the pairing of Frank Longbottom, the son of Neville, but I've been thinking of changing that in Cariad. I haven't decided yet. Either way, I do plan on having her become an Auror, because like her mother, she wants to make the world a better place. Teddy will be a Healer.
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spindrifters · 1 year
Hey I don't know if it's too late for the directors cut thing but just in case ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Or your thoughts on peters or madame Pomfreys role in the story :) 🧡
Yes yes, definitely not too late! And I love this ask. Let's talk about Peter, shall we?
This was an interesting one to tackle, because I will never not write him as anything but a good and close friend to the other three during their school days. That's what makes the betrayal in canon so profound. Otherwise it just doesn't work. But the canon divergences in marginalia accounted for three new factors at play: 1) Fewer students at Hogwarts resulting in stronger inter-house closeness. 2) Peter's social status. 3) The mounting conflict ahead looking very different from the civil war in canon. All of these complicate Peter's role in the story.
1) Fewer students at Hogwarts resulting in stronger inter-house closeness.
In canon, there are at least around forty students per year, maybe even twice that if you buy into the idea that Harry's class was notably small due to being a war generation. We know that Peter -- for better or for worse -- is a follower. He latches onto his friendships with James and Sirius and Remus, with whom he shares a house and dorm. That's an easy clique to fall into. In this AU, there aren't eighty or even forty students in their class. There are fourteen. Which means it's going to be a lot easier for Peter to make friendships with people who aren't James and Sirius -- though he does spend his early years feeling more comfortable sticking to them. But he's also going to be close with Marlene, who functionally takes Remus' place as the fourth Gryffindor in their year, and with Fabian and Pandora and Dorcas, who they've all become friends with, and so on and so forth. Fundamentally, the result is that it becomes a lot easier for Peter to stand on his own two feet and feel comfortable in his skin. This means that, by the time Remus shows up, Peter doesn't exactly view James and Sirius with the air of hanger-on hero-worship he might have in another world. He understands that they're each other's best friend, and is still quite close with both of them -- particularly James, who he grew up with -- but he does have other friends, too, so the dynamic is altogether less codependent than in canon.
2) Peter's social status.
Peter is pureblood. In both canon and this AU, this puts him at the top of the social food chain, but the contexts of that look very different. In canon, purebloods largely feel threatened by the liberal policies that allow half-bloods and muggleborns equal legal status to them, resulting in the pushback that is the Death Eaters. In marginalia, that equal status was done away with a long time ago. Peter has never felt any pressure whatsoever from family or peers to be particularly nasty to servants or muggles, because why would he? As a result, it's easy for him to think of himself as an ally for doing sort of the bare minimum, and I do see Peter as analogous to the white people who were all about anti-racist reading lists in the wake of the 2020 BLM protests. "I've done the reading, I've done the work." So long as it doesn't disrupt his comfortable life in any way, though he hasn't self-reflected quite enough to understand that. Which is why he's never going to be as close with Remus as the others.
3) The mounting conflict ahead looking very different from the civil war in canon.
The first wizarding war is a guerilla street conflict. It's messy and unpredictable and consists of two shadow organizations pitting different ideologies against each other. In marginalia, no one really knows that there's a conflict mounting, unless they're actually part of Phoenix. This means that while James has been intentionally inducted into the fight -- and now Remus and Sirius by necessity -- Peter is still blissfully unaware and (at the time of me writing this) on a family holiday in Mallorca. In canon, he gets swept into the Order through his association with his friends, and you can interpret the reasoning there as you want, but I do like to think he's a Gryffindor for a reason and went in with a pretty idealistic and naive concept of what violence is, only to be disillusioned later on and make terrible choices as a consequence. But without that tangled codependency with his friends, it's just not going to happen the same way.
These are my very long and slightly scattered thoughts, and I hope they made sense. 😎
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anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Need To Fight
for mine and @lostcephalopods mafiau
Summary: The journey of Roman learning to fight including Summer growing an interest in fashion and his husbands trying not to let him fight.
I have reread some of our posts and may have shifted how Summer gets his name, oops, but it fit the story and his interests
As much as Roman dreamt of being the hero and saving someone, this hadn't been something he'd taken the time to learn. The most he had ever needed to know about fighting was how to escape Remus when his twin got into a wrestling mood.
Then he'd wanted to learn when Remy finally shared some of the things that were happening around his brother's marriage. It seemed sensible, and a way that his boyfriends might actually tell him more information over what was going on. Besides, if he could convince Janus to teach him how to fight there must be plenty of touching involved.
Roman hadn't seen any flaws to his logic, but Janus had refused, smiling in their teasing way while stating there would never be a need for Roman to fight anybody. They'd protect him and everything would be under their control soon enough.
The words didn't seem entirely realistic given the little he'd known at that point was pretty dangerous for even one wrong move to be made.
It was simply annoying that Remy also agreed with Janus but he did still teach Roman some fighting techniques. Mostly though Remy's method of teaching him to fight focused on weapons, specifically being able to shoot at people trying to attack him, or at worst stab them.
Roman did get given a relatively decorated knife before Remy stopped training him though.
“Such violence, Roman. I still don't believe there was a cause for you to learn these skills. Perhaps you intend to include stage fights within the plays you're writing?” Janus observed when they saw his knife. “Would you prefer to assist instead in our schemes?”
That was the offer that caught Roman's attention. The most he'd learnt since being pulled into the entire thing was that his brother, Janus and Virgil were in danger of the mafia attacking them, and that Remy was as well, but intentionally so having infiltrated the mafia in order to spy on them. “I thought that for my protection, you weren't telling me anything.” He countered still, sheathing the knife.
Janus nodded a little at that. “Well it is safer for you to know less until we are able to remove the threat from the mafia, but the androids we've been speaking with still need help that doesn't include you being shown everything that's occurring, darling.”
“How so? Is Remus not confusing them to sentience well enough?” Roman blinked, sure that he'd heard something regarding that get mentioned.
“Gaining sentience doesn't necessarily mean they know who they are. The androids that Virgil or Remus have been speaking to are essentially reacting to the traumas or still trying to carry on with their previous roles since they don't quite know how to figure out their identity beyond doing things and learning what they hate or enjoy.” Janus mused, describing the situation as a curiosity but Roman could see some concern beneath the words. “As an actor and writer, I thought perhaps you could try helping one or two of them to figure out what they might like. Or maybe just introduce them into some different names as every android who's now sentient is against using the mafia names they were assigned.”
Roman frowned, gesturing to himself for a moment. “You want me to teach the androids acting?”
“Not as such. Really I just want you to spend time with a few of them. We're all going to do so if the androids wish to do so. But one that Virgil managed to bring sentience to via programming has shown some interest in make-up. He's asking if there's anything more he can learn about it and I thought he'd be ideal to ask as a sort of bodyguard for you.” Janus explained, gesturing behind him for someone to come over.
At the description of what the android had liked so far, Roman was already accepting the ploy to give him a bodyguard. He'd have someone to do makeovers with, and possibly even help with costuming if that took his interest. “Well I'm always willing to demonstrate make-up and costuming. Do you have a name in mind already, or shall we focus on your interests first?”
“Colour names possibly? He/him pronouns if you need to refer to me, but I'd prefer to focus on make-up or fashion. That was what Janus said you and he bonded over.” He stated.
“Shopping trip then.” Roman grinned. “Come with us, Janus. Let's get coffee on the way.”
“Of course, Darling. Let's go.”
Summer ended up deciding his name based on the mentions of dressing for the season or people being suited to summer colours that he found in the fashion magazines he'd read with Roman. He'd been the one to return to the other sentient androids with the suggestion that they theme their names together also. He'd thought it would be a fashionable way to build a family as well as help the others struggling to figure out their names.
He also loved the discovery of stilettos, both the small knife and the shoe. It quickly became the shoe of choice for Summer and Roman if they weren't doing anything to strenuous, or for Summer even if they were. The idea of wearing weapons on his feet that could either be taken off to stab and whack or just kicked in to do more pointed damage was to his mind the greatest invention ever.
Roman also liked the idea when that was pointed out, but found his balance wasn't the best to try fighting in stilettos. Instead he spent hours with Summer learning the best ways they could harm assailants wielding the shoe in his hand.
Summer took that beginning and ran with it, figuring out the different ways fashion had concealed weapons in history, as well as the ways femininity could be either oppressive or attacking the status quo. He uncovered so many ways self defence could be built into dress, hand bags, shoes, and given Roman was his charge as a bodyguard, everything was shared and taught to him as well.
“Is there a specific way to punch someone which prevents most harm to yourself?” Roman muttered after one run through the latest way an accessory could be used as a weapon. “Other than stage punches where no contact should be made, I mean.”
“How do you not know that when you're one of the leaders of us all?” Summer had exclaimed, staring at him. “Put the accessories down, we are learning proper fighting techniques for hand to hand combat right now, Roman.”
Things hadn't been put away so fast since Roman's childhood as the space was cleared. “Do you mean sparring or just demonstrating techniques?” He checked but stood ready for either.
“Both. We'll start with demonstrations though. How about we schedule some time to teach you this everyday until you decide something else needs your attention?” Summer offered.
“Sounds good to me, so long as I'm not going to be breaking my hand hitting an android.” The concern wasn't a serious one. He knew Summer wouldn't intentionally let him get hurt, even if that meant moving back from his punches if he got a strong enough force behind them.
“Well well well, Babes. It seems I've been missing out on tons of fun and all our morning coffee breaks too.” Remy drawled from the doorway just as Roman managed the first throw Summer had decided he should learn.
“Hi Starlight. Do you need us?” Roman didn't pause in getting up to kiss Remy hello.
Remy looked him over, glancing at Summer for a fraction of a second too. “Not at all, though I have been bereft of the time you'd usually spend with me recently. I thought I'd come learn what's been consuming your mornings.”
“I did say I wanted to learn how to fight.” Roman nodded, gesturing over to Summer. “And he got insulted when I questioned the best way to punch someone. We're going to practise sword-fighting some more after I'm able to hold my own in hand-to-hand fighting.”
“Janus won't know what to do with himself. Actually, neither will I. You're too hot to touch already and that was before I saw you throw Summer.” Remy half admitted, half teased.
Roman just smiled. “Well when my husbands have taken over a mafia, I need to be prepared to fight.” He agreed. “If it helps me put you where I want you, all the better.”
With those words he twisted them while going to his knees and ending up with Remy pinned to the floor. He knew it hadn't been fought at all but was still happy to have managed the move without falling or dropping Remy.
“I can't argue with this.”
“I'll leave you two to it then shall I?” Summer's voice was wry and got no reply as he left the room chuckling.
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demonbanisher · 2 years
Jily Prompt: Lily finally realizes that she is in love with James, and tries to ask him out as he never tries again because he thinks she doesn't like him. But, James thinks it's some kind of prank and gets hurt, so Lily confesses that she likes him
Thanks for the prompt! It was a lot of fun getting to write some Jily. Added an italicized 'oh' just cause.
As anyone who has been the subject of someone's unrequited love can probably tell you, persistence is never going to win their heart over. It goes from being sweet to making you feel horribly guilty, then annoyed and then angry. Lily had experienced all of this first hand and was immensely grateful when James finally decided to leave her alone. Although, she imagined some of this was Remus's doing, knowing he likely explained to James the issue with the whole 'wearing her down' idea.
But something had changed about James since then. It wasn't just that he'd seemed to realize his mistake, no, there was something else going on there and Lily was determined to figure out what it was. After almost two weeks of scrutinizing with no discernible conclusion, Lily finally relented and turned to her friends.
"Does James seem different to you?" Lily asked at breakfast one morning, watching him help Peter with his homework at the other end of the table. She turned to find Alice smiling into her breakfast while Marlene smirked at her. "What? He just seems more... I don't know, grown up or something? I can't figure it out."
"And oogling him 24/7 is going to help you figure that out?" Marlene teased.
"I was not -" but her protests died in her mouth. Oh. Oh. Maybe the thing that had changed the most wasn't James but the way that Lily saw him.
"Yeah," Alice said. "I get it. I was like that with Frank at the beginning."
Lily looked at her friend's in horror. She'd had crushes before sure but they'd been minor fleeting things. Something about this felt solid and heavy and absolutely terrifying. "What do I do?"
"Don't worry," Marlene assured her. "Knowing him he'll ask you out any minute now and you can confess your undying love for him."
Except he didn't. It seemed that James had meant what he said when he told Lily he wasn't going to bother her anymore, which meant that no matter how often Lily placed herself around James or intentionally ensured they'd have time alone together, he still never asked. Frankly, she was getting annoyed and tired of this and never being one to back down from a challenge, she figured if James didn't have the balls to do it then she would.
They were halfway through the rounds that were part of their duties as heads of house. James was babbling on to her about the ins and outs of the latest Quidditich match in a way that Lily found hopelessly endearing and suddenly she couldn't wait anymore.
"Will you go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
James froze and Lily took a few more steps before realizing he wasn't following her anymore. She turned back to face him.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes?" Lily replied, a bit surprised by the bite in his voice.
James shook his head and took another step back from her. "Okay, I don't know if it was Marlene or Dorcas or hell, even Sirius who put you up to this. I get it. Use you to lure me out there and then hit me with flying snowball or hexes. It's a good prank but it's not funny." He looked away from her. "You know how I feel Lily and I get that you don't like me but it isn't fair to play with my feelings for your own amusement."
And there was something hiding underneath his words, a sense of hurt that she'd never seen in him before. He seemed so small standing there in the hallway and she didn't know what to do. The James who had approached her in years past was all bravado and charisma and this, this was someone else. She was right. James had changed.
"Listen," James added when she didn't say anything. "I think we should split up the rest of the rounds. I'll head back this way and cover the washrooms if you finish up the rest. I'll meet you back in the common room, okay?" He turned on his heel and headed back the way that they'd come.
Lily was left standing alone in the hallway before she could think of anything to say and so instead she hurried her way through the rest of their rounds hoping that she could at least catch James in the common room before he went to bed.
When she was nearly done she paused, hearing voices coming from up the hall. They were hushed but clearly coming from the common room. She approached slowly and on reaching the door peeked in to see James slumped over with his head in his hands as Remus comforted him. She made to leave but a squeaky floorboard gave her away and they both looked up to see her standing there.
Remus smiled at her before getting up. "I'll see you in the room soon, okay Prongs?"
James nodded but didn't say anything. Remus slipped by Lily, squeezing her shoulder as he went past.
Lily didn't know what to do, but she did know she didn't want to makes James feel any worse than he already did so she took a seat far away from him. Not wanting him to think she was pitying him by sitting close.
"I'm sorry," James said finally, his voice coming out scratchy and rough. Had he been crying? "If that's how I made you feel all those years I wouldn't leave you be. I shouldn't have done that and I acknowledge my mistake but what you said really hurt me. I understand if you felt the need for some sort of payback but I promise you've gotten it in full."
Lily sat there, baffled. She didn't know what to say to that, except, of course, the truth. "I like you."
"I like you too and I thought we were getting closer these past couple months. I thought all that nonsense was behind us. I'll admit I still having feelings for you but that's on me, okay? I want us to be friends."
She pushed on. "James, I like like you. I-I've been watching you lately and you've changed. You're kind and gentle. You help Pete with his homework but never let him feel stupid, you're always guiding first years around the castle, you stood by Remus's side after the incident with Snape even when it was your own brother caught in the crossfire, and something changed. You changed and I guess I changed too or how I feel about you did and I was hoping you were going to ask me but clearly you're too respectful of our past to do that so I'm asking you now James. Do you want to go on a date with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?
James looked up at her in awe. "I'm not dreaming right?"
"Unless we're in the same dream, which would be kinda weird."
James beamed up at her then. "And you really meant all of that? Everything you just said?"
"Of course. I don't think I've been very discreet about it lately, but I'm mad about you."
"Well that's good," James said. "I've been mad about you forever. At least if we're gonna go crazy we can do so together, right?"
"Right," Lily said and got up so that she could sit beside him and take his hand in her own. "Let's take this adventure together, okay?"
"Okay," James said, reaching out to brush a loose lock of hair away from her face and then the one thing that in all his years of fantasies James had never thought would happen occurred. Lily Evans lean in and kissed him first.
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alastorseye · 3 years
About Remadora
When I say I really hate the HP fandom, I'm talking about the "fans" that hate everything about the saga, but still having Harry Potter accounts. They change the original story, claim that fanonical facts are canon, and launch hatred and death threats at those who simply like HARRY POTTER JUST THE WAY IT IS. Yes, I'm mostly talking about Marauders fans, which I joined after reading the books because I thought it would be interesting and funny. I suddenly realized how toxic and hateful that fandom was, it's like a cult dedicated to deifying Remus, Sirius, James and Regulus, and it seems that hating Snape, Dumbledore, and Remadora is a requirement to be a part of it.
At the beginning I used to consider Wolfstar as something funny, a bromance, it never bothered me, I mean... every fandom has fanon ships and I respect that, but the way they always hate Remadora and their shippers is something that MUST stop.
"You see!" said a strained voice. Tonks was glaring at Lupin. "She still wants to marry him, even though he's been bitten! She doesn't care!"
"It's different," said Lupin, barely moving his lips and looking suddenly tense. "Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely -"
"But I don't care either, I don't care!" said Tonks, seizing the front ofLupin's robes and shaking them. "I've told you a million times. . . ." And the meaning of Tonks's Patronus and her mouse-colored hair, and the reason she had come running to find Dumbledore when she had heard a rumor someone had been attacked by Greyback, all suddenly became clear to Harry; it had not been Sirius that Tonks had fallen in love with after all."
"And I've told you a million times," said Lupin, refusing to meet her eyes,staring at the floor, "that I am too old for you, too poor . . . too dangerous. . ."
When I read this part of the HBP I realized that Remadora was my favorite Harry Potter ship. Of course I wasn't aware of the death threats I'd receive later. I've read some "reasons" why some fans hate Remadora.
"Tonks forced him!"
We all know how insecure Remus was. I don't have to explain what's written in Wizarding World (Pottermore). This is the Remus bio:
Well, we can read that Remus was really attracted to Dora.
"Remus, so often melancholy and lonely, was first amused, then impressed, then seriously smitten by the young witch. He had never fallen in love before. If it had happened in peacetime, Remus would have simply taken himself off to a new place and a new job, so that he did not have to endure the pain of watching Tonks fall in love with a handsome, young wizard in the Auror office, which was what he expected to happen. However, this was war; they were both needed in the Order of the Phoenix, and nobody knew what the next day would bring. Remus felt justified in remaining exactly where he was, keeping his feelings to himself but secretly rejoicing every time somebody paired him with Tonks on some overnight mission".
This is so sad and cute, and that's undeniable. I cried when I read it. If someone still thinking that Dora forced Remus to marry her after reading this paragraph... I mean... they're probably talking about another book series.
"The age gap!"
I'm so satisfied to know that some Remadora shippers have explained this. When it's about a kid and an adult... OF COURSE IS HORRENDOUS! Because children are not physically and mentally prepared to have romantic relationships. Wizards are legally adults at 17, REMUS MET TONKS WHEN SHE WAS 21!
I mean, many old people abuses of young people innocence, or something. But we all know that Remus wasn't one of those! He really loved Tonks, and that's canon. I don't know what's doing in the fandom people who denies canon facts.
Remus and Tonks were two physically, mentally, and legally adults loving each other.
"Remus didn't love her!"
He was an introvert, Tonks was an extrovert, she made his life better. And of course, I loved the way he introduced himself when he was trying to prove he wasn't a Death Eater:
"I am Remus John Lupin, werewolf, sometimes known as Moony, one of the four creators of the Marauder's Map, married to Nymphadora, usually known as Tonks, and I taught you how to produce a Patronus, Harry, which takes the form of a stag." (Remus Lupin, DH)
Maybe I'm not the only one who perceive he was proud to be Nymphadora Tonks husband.
"I.. I made a grave mistake in marrying Tonks. I did it against my better judgment and have regretted it very much every since". (Remus Lupin, DH)
This phrase makes more sense after reading Remus bio. He used to think that he was "too poor, too dangerous" for her. He thought he wasn't enough for her. He never imagined that she would love him back. He was a werewolf, and of course he knew he was dangerous, you only need to be emphatic to realize he tried to get away from Tonks because he loved her, he didn't want to hurt his beloved woman!
If you don't believe me, read this again. It's in the chapter 11 of Deathly Hallows:
"Don't you understand what I've done to my wife and my unborn child? I should never have married her, I've made her an outcast!"
So, if Remus was trying to escape it's because he loved them, he thought he spoiled their lives. And of course, no one likes to feel that their influence is bad for someone they love!
"Their relationship came from nowhere! They don't have a development"
Well, the saga's name is HARRY POTTER, not The Love Life of Remus Lupin. The story is about the tragic life of this kid and everything he went through to save the world of a cruel and dark villain. I know many readers are young people in love, and they only want to ship everything, but that's not the main topic here, maybe mother's love would be the topic. Of course Ron and Hermione had a development because they were HARRY'S BEST FRIENDS, and they were always with him, from Philosopher's Stone to Cursed Child. Remus and Tonks are minor characters, and it's funny the fact that this usually comes from Wolfstar shippers, so... is Wolfstar more developed than Remadora?! I mean... they can ship whatever they want, Snape and the Sorting Hat, Dobby and Voldemort, anything, but that does not give them the right to disrespect such a cute, tragic and beautiful canon ship as Remadora.
"They are queercoded! Their relationship is homophobic!"
It's surprising to hear this. It's like... people gets angry just because the author doesn't make queer their favourite characters? I will explain why I don't think Remus and Tonks are "queercoded":
Whether through their dress, their behavior, their language, or other subtle forms of implication, queer characters were written or designed to communicate their unstated queerness to those who were searching for representation.
And this is the definition on the website Pride.com:
"Using LGBTQIA tropes and stereotypes to allude to a character's sexuality without explicitly confirming it in the text."
We all know that Disney used queercoding on characters like Ursula, Scar, Jaffar. And why do we know that? Because DISNEY WANTED TO PORTRAY THEM LIKE THAT, get it? Disney, THE CREATORS MADE THESE CHARACTERS INTENTIONALLY QUEER. How? BASED ON STEREOTYPES.
And going back to Remadora, I was really happy to see by first time a bada*ass woman, with short hair who wasn't portrayed as a lesbian just because the way she looks. This character didn't follow the: "Straight women have long hair and are girly", and "short dyied hair is for lesbians". I'm very very very surprised the fandom follows these stereotypes.
About Remus: I don't know how the phrase "being a werewolf is a metaphor about people with HIV AIDS" means "he's gay". Fenrir Greyback bit him when he was a kid. Many people interpret this as "r4pe". Okay, even thinking that it is the meaning of the "bite", I still cannot understand how being "r4ped" and "infected" makes him queer. Is this (again) a stereotype about people with AIDS and gay?
"JK Rowling created Remadora because she didn't like people shipping Wolfstar!"
It is true that fans love shipping everything, they queerbait and queercode everything. That's great, that's not the problem. The problem is when people starts bashing fans who ship canon straight couples. A very good example is the polemic on Falcon and Bucky relationship, some fans wanted them to be a gay couple, Anthony Mackie said that two men can only be friends, and there is no need to always give them a romantic connotation. People cancelled him, they called him homophobic. Yes, just because a person with authority (on the story they're following") didn't like the fact of queercoding their favourite characters. It's the same about Remadora.
Grindeldore is a very interesting and underrated couple by the way. You can love or hate JK Rowling, but the truth is that Harry Potter story is hers, and even if Remadora was "because she didn't like Wolfstar", she is the author, it was her mind where these characters first appeared, as a big Harry Potter fan I respect and like the original story, that's not a sin. An author has the right to make some changes if some characters were misunderstood by the readers.
(Yes, I wrote this a bit angrily since I've seen too much hate towards Remadora shippers)
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logically-asexual · 2 years
I can tell I've rotted in your brain
another take on Logan becoming a Dark Side because Thomas just doesn't want him anymore. this one narrates the process through which is Logan is slowly pushed away until he has to leave. Janus and Remus are nice to him throughout (with tiny subtle hints of Loceit).
warnings: Logan becomes the Orange Side, so this involves lots of anger and arguments and insults between all the characters, but no one is intentionally written as unsympathetic.
Read on AO3
Chapter 2
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words: 1383
Thomas had more than one mental crisis after changing his career, but always concluded that it had been the best decision he could have made, improving his general emotional state and his self esteem, so Logan supported it. Still, it was exhausting to be the designated solver of all the most difficult situations, even more so when Thomas and the other two Sides refused to recognize him as such.
There were a few occasions on which Logan returned to Thomas’ subconscious, seeking refuge from the chaos of emotions that ruled Thomas’ mind: During particularly heated discussions after Vine was permanently disabled, when Logan couldn’t understand their reluctance to move forward. The couple times in which Thomas tried to approach a new potential romantic partner. When Thomas’ most eccentric friends came over. For the most part, they were inconsequential situations in which Logic wouldn’t be needed for more than providing the basic reasoning Thomas needed to operate.
One remarcable occasion was when he arrived in the Dark Sides’ common room in an attempt to escape an argument between Patton and Roman, only to find himself in the middle of another, more heated altercation.
“I have to confront him! He doesn’t understand!” Anxiety yelled.
“You don’t understand! What do you think will happen when one of the so-kindly-named “Dark Sides” shows up to Thomas unannounced, huh? They’ll love it, I'm sure. Throw you a party, even.” Deceit replied, throwing his gloved hands in the air. “Come on, V, wake up! It won’t work for anything. If you show up there you’ll only make things worse!”
“Things ARE worse! Because I’m not there to warn him before he does stupid shit! I need to be there!”
They didn’t even notice Logic was now watching them from his spot beside the stairs.
“Fine!” said Deceit. “But don’t come crying back here when they prove me right.”
Anxiety turned around to walk away from the Dark Sides’ leader, but stopped as soon as he found Logic staring at them. With renewed fury, he stomped towards him.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” He pointed at Logan. “I still don’t understand why you keep coming to this dumpster… and to complain of not being listened to! If you really wanted to be heard you’d be out there speaking up.”
Logan just stood there, frozen.
“At least you got the chance,” Anxiety added quietly, before leaving, not without shoving Logan out of his way.
After he left, Logan didn’t know what to do, so he stayed where he was. The air felt figuratively tense, until Deceit dropped down on the couch with a sigh and patted the spot next to him, motioning for Logan to sit there, which he did.
“That must have been fun to watch, huh?“ Deceit said, leaning his elbows on his knees.
“I know. Sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s alright. I did come without previous notice.”
They sat there in silence for a minute, before Logan spoke up again.
“I uh— I don’t think Anxiety was angry at you particularly.”
Deceit raised his eyebrow, apparently intrigued.
“Thomas is… well, everyone in the mind is feeling alike, due to Thomas feeling somewhat stressed himself.” Logan looked down at his own hands, waiting for Deceit to dismiss him. When that didn’t happen, he explained further. “I came here avoiding the other two, who are in a similar predicament. I might be the one to blame for it, so I should be the one apologizing to you.”
Deceit sat up slightly at that. “What happened?”
Logan swallowed. “Thomas was going to meet a friend earlier. They agreed on a time and place but the friend never showed up. Thomas was ready to “let it slide” but I… I mentioned that we could have spent that time doing something productive, instead of waiting.” He started fidgeting with his fingers. “Surprisingly, Roman agreed with me and began to list unfinished projects and ideas they could have been working on. Thomas felt angry with his friend for making him waste time, which prompted Patton to intervene in their defense. In a matter of minutes they were all yelling at each other and… now here we are.”
Deceit nodded in understanding, while Logan refused to look at him, ashamed for the trouble he triggered.
“You’re angry, too, aren’t you?”
Logan bit his lip. “I don’t feel anything.”
“No, of course.” Deceit chuckled.
After a moment, Logan remembered how secure the Dark Side really was, with no one to hear his words and get hurt by them. He found Deceit’s presence comforting, as well, like he could tell Deceit anything, knowing that any secret would be well kept.
“I… guess I am frustrated… by the fact that a short comment like mine can have such a great impact… on all of us.” Logan met Deceit’s eyes. Somehow, his expression seemed to tell Logan that he didn’t blame him for Anxiety’s earlier outburst. “They do listen to me but— just— just never the right thing.”
“I know.” He heard Deceit say, and felt a hand come to rub his shoulder.
He took a deep breath, shakier than he expected, and relaxed into the sensation.
That day turned out to be the first of many times Anxiety would show himself to Thomas, in desperate attempts to be heard. It was tough at first, and it took a while for him and Logan to get along, but it seemed to be working for Thomas, especially after he accepted anxiety as a necessary part of himself. Logan didn’t need to leave one of their conversations until after Virgil had shared his name with them, when they were in Patton’s room.
Virgil had seen Logan show up in Thomas’ subconscious mind palace several times, but that had been the first time he had been on the other side of the situation. It was understandable that he was frightened by Logic leaving, more so than the other two sides, who were used to it, though he was able to comprehend it later.
Anxiety becoming a big part of Thomas’ decision making possibly worked in Logan’s favor, since now the sides of the discussion often appeared more balanced between the outgoing Sides and the reserved ones. However, this compromise couldn’t last forever, and eventually the scale seemed to be tilted against Logic’s role once more, now with three overly-emotional Sides against one.
The Duke and Deceit exasperated Logan to no end, truthfully, but he couldn’t stay away. At least with them there were no expectations, there was no pressure to prove that he was worth paying attention to. It was quite the opposite, actually, they both influenced him into following their ideas, instead of relying on him to make the difficult decisions. Their ideas of entertainment were sure… interesting… but Logan’s reasons to stay consisted more of the pleasant company than the activities they partook in.
After long afternoons of experimenting with Remus’ most unexpected hypotheses, or reviewing the logistics of hypothetical criminal plans they would never commit, Deceit would always join him in the common room, where they could read, share their opinions on different topics, ranging from tea types to philosophical theories, play games of strategy, or simply accompany each other in silence. It was always hard when Logan had to eventually leave.
“Why don’t you stay here?” Deceit asked him one time.
Logan had to think a moment before answering. “Because I can’t.” They both knew it was the truth. “They need me, and… I do appreciate it there sometimes.” He shrugged with a laugh, which Deceit mirrored. “There are times… Sometimes, when we reach a satisfying conclusion to a conversation I contributed to, when we come out of it with a solid plan. Those occasions when not only was I able to teach them something,” Deceit watched as Logan’s face illuminated, “but I also learned something new myself.”
“You don’t get much of that any longer, though, do you?”
“I don’t. But I’m Logic. Working is what must drive me,” he looked at Deceit’s eyes briefly, turning away immediately when he felt his face heat up, “not feelings.”
“Maybe they should,” Deceit whispered.
If Logan heard, he showed no sign of it, and stayed silent until it was time to return to his room.
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exclipssesss · 4 years
Ok so I love all of the Sanders Sides characters equally but that doesn't stop me from being overly protective with the Dark sides Namely Remus And it doesn't help when people make him even more adorable and baby! Anyway there's a version of Remus that's touch starved and I jUST WANT TO HUG HIM- So can I have a X reader (Platonic or romantic either is fine were Remus accidentally reveals he's touch starved and reader just grabs a blanket and cuddles him until he falls asleep??? PLEASE??thx!
I love this???? I don't even know about this hc wtf?? AAAA I LOVE THIS HC SO MUCH- and duh, who doesn't love Remus lmao.
Here For You.
Remus x Reader
;;Type: Angst(?), Fluff
;;Character(s) involved: The trash man himself.
;;Warning(s): sad Remus :(, /bad/ words.
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It's been a while since you and Thomas were friends, and seeing the sides was nothing more than an ordinary tuesday night. Well, that is until you met the rest of the 'dark' sides. And honestly? You never were to judge them so quickly. Even Virgil himself refers to them as the 'others', despite being the one who dislikes them the most, but there has to be a reason, right?
Anyways, you were trying to comfort all the sides after whatever just happened. With Janus suddenly getting accepted and Roman having a breakdown, not to mention Patton starting to doubt himself and Logan who's beginning to think he's replaced and/or unwanted, the mind palace is a mess.
But there is a certain side you haven't seen a lot today- which is kinda weird considering he's the loudest of them all, and it kinda worried you. With how the world turned upside down, the last thing you wanted was to see him suddenly turned gloomy-; so you looked for him, top or bottom, in and out. You made sure every place is checked. The mind palace- heck, Thomas' place in general is quiet. No bickering, no yelling, no songs, it's empty; almost unrecognizable. And with that you took a step further, going into his room.
Remus' room was awfully dark, not like what it's used to. He would always have weird creations or flashy super-gosh-darn-bright lights on to annoy whoever came into his room. So this is unusual. Without thinking, you turned on the lights, and in the corner of your eye you can see him at the edge of his bed, startled. He doesn't even seem to notice you're getting into his room, which is again; unusual.
He immediately fixed his posture when he realized you're in his room, grabbing the nearest notebook and a big spiky slimy pen, acting as if he was working on something the whole time. "Hello, (y/n)!" He said cheerily, summoning his normal gigantic creepy-esque smile he normally has. "Sneaking up on me in the dark eh? That's awfully dangerous of you~" He gave another smile, the type where you would roll your eyes on him. You brushed off whatever he just said, walking towards him in confusion.
"I haven't been seeing you anywhere, were you here the whole time?" You asked, raising a brow. He furrowed his own brows at the question, before shrugging both of his shoulders. "Why of course, why wouldn't i be?" He shot back, looking at you with another one of his quizzical looks. "I don't know, you were always the loudest of the bunch, so i assumed something's wrong when you didn't even make a peep."
He tensed, blinking a few times as if thinking of what he was supposed to say. When he looked back at you, it's almost he's choking out words just to make it seem real, funnily enough you see through his facade. "Awww did you miss me?" "That's it? No comebacks? Or rhetorical questions? This isn't like you Remus." You folded your arms, daring him to continue. He gulped a little, before somehow his emotions just.. Fell off. And he goes back to his notebook.
"I was writing down ideas for me to use, which just like Roman or how Creativity works in general, will need time and energy. So there's my reason, are you happy?" He said in a monotone voice. Avoiding your gaze and kept his stare to the stacks of papers in his hand, you didn't seem to believe him though.
"Who in the world writes ideas down in complete darkness?" You pushed again. Remus looked at you and gave an unamused look, raising an eyebrow of his towards both you and your question. "You do realize who you're talking to right?" He answered, or well, asked. "Yeah, but this isn't... You." words came out of your mouth like lava as you tried forcing it out. Remus thankfully noticed this, he puts down his little book and moved towards you, sighing as he finally gives you his full attention.
"Really? Tell me, (y/n), what am i like?"
"I don't know... You were always loud, all over the place, dare i say cheerful. Seeing you like this just doesn't spell 'Remus' to me."
He gave a little sigh again, before chuckling. But then that chuckle turns to giggles, that turns into laughs. You don't know exactly what he's laughing about, so you tried asking him about it.
"What's so funny?"
"Everything! Absolutely everything is hilarious!" He breathed out in between his howling laughs, you were too afraid to ask further, afraid that.. That you pushed an unwanted button. "Oh gosh! I can't believe this!" His laughter ceased after some time, leaving you still stoned on your spot.
"You're so nice (y/n), too fucking nice actually." His hair is messy, way more than usual. He wipes a 'tear' away with his hand, breathing steadily as to not break into another laughing fit. "You're like, the only person who actually cares about me now!" He chuckled again, this time with a headshake to accompany it.
"Wha-? No! Of course not, Janus cares about you, don't he?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, whatever. I mean, he's 'accepted' by Thomas now, so i can't really expect anything from him." He shrugged oh so calmly as if thoughts like that doesn't even remotely hurt him anymore, but it hurted you. "What? So you're not even gonna admit that you're lonely? Or even bored?" You pressed him - although with a gentle voice, somehow feeling your own heart shatter at the thought of him being left alone. Not enough to make you cringe or summon a tear. But enough to make you clenched your heart if only he isn't with you.
"What? You're kidding me?" He snickered, looking at you almost amused by your answer. "Me? Lonely? Bored? Pfft-- Look, me wanting attention? HAH, that's normal! Me being desperately touch starved? Eh, i can work with it. But me being lonely-? And bored?! I can easily wreck Roman's day and that's enough for me to have a good laugh for about a week, not including the teasing and-"
"Wait a minute, you're touch starved..?" You asked slowly, looking at him. He was lost for a second before the flustered look finds itself on his face after a few flying moment. "W-what?! No! What are you talking about? Where did you even heard that? Of course not you silly billy!" he waved his hand at you, defensively, and looks away in an attempt to quietly curse himself.
You sighed. Feeling as if you were gonna giggle at his own dumbfounded reaction but in the same time just wanna cuddle and wrap yourself around him, which is kinda weird since you and Remus isn't /that/ close. Sure you guys laugh over immature things, and maybe mess around with Roman a little, but he isn't your go-to when something were to came up. But now? You just felt as if you were to comfort him...
Screw it.
And with that, you immediately made it your priority for Remus to feel appreciated, or well- wanted. You sprung up from your position and immediately grab the blanket he has which is trashed on the floor. Before using it however, you shook the blanket up and down to get rid of the dusts on it, and immediately pushed Remus down on his bed. You did the same thing to yourself and layed down beside him, covering both of you with the blanket and cuddling close to him.
Though Remus only watched, he watched you with an amused gaze. Small smiles turning to a giant grin as you making yourself close to him, and slowly after that he spoke up with his usually high pitched voice, didn't bother to move away from you. "Not what i expected, but great nonetheless!" His hand wrapped around your body dangerously and you can only give him a warning glare, he acted out as though he wasn't doing it intentionally but come on, hand perfectly landed on your ass? Yeah, no.
You moved his arm up, landing it on your waist. And even though he gave you a little whine, he slowly shuts up when you just kept him close, giving him a dose of affection to cure him from being touch starved. He didn't even say anything after that, not sure from the sleepiness or if he just doesn't want to ruin the moment, but the silence was definitely comforting. Your hand reached his messy hair, running through his locks to calm him even more, which in a way kinda worked. And in a count of minutes, he dozed off, small snores coming through him. You can feel yourself dozing off too, smiling at the sight of him being so relaxed in your touch. That's it until you discover something under your pillow.
Two deodorants tucked neatly under it, brand new and untouched. You knew he loves eating these stuff, as gross as that is, and yet you can only giggle at the thought of him having 'snacks' right under his pillows.
Well, he's definitely a dork.
And the good kind.
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bastard-snake-man · 4 years
Sorry Roman stans, but this is a call out post. It probably has been by someone better than me, but still. This is also decently negative so be weary of that. Also
Deceit is not in the wrong in the slightest for getting angry at Roman when he revealed his name. (I'm using Deciet here because I don't want to spoil it, still, in case someone just comes across this and their eyes go to an unfamiliar name, like mine did)
Look at him beforehand. He takes a deep breath, then kind of says it almost quickly like Virgil did, albeit much smoother and less fast. He's clearly,, nervous.
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He also puts his right, human hand up, of which is not hidden by a glove. Also it's the same one that we see an arm attached to in the is video when he throws his arms around a little, but I think that's just physics. This is body language that is seen normally, but obviously Deciet is doing it intentionally here.
Showing your palms to someone or something is a surrender, a sign that you don't have any weapons on you, that you won't hurt them. If a wounded animal lashes out at you, you show your palms to it to try and show it that you mean no harm, and only want to help it. In a similar vein, it is subconscious for people to show parts of / their whole palm (according to Iwaha) when they are being truthful. It's a sign of emotional vulnerability, as opening up can be hard, especially if it's something as important as a name. This series has put an extremely high emphisis on the names, so it only makes sense. Deceit is nervous, and he's showing his palm, then putting it up for the camera to see to show that he is being truthful. The sides know that viewers are watching, they talk to the camera multiple times throughout the series, and you couldn't have seen his hands otherwise. He is showing this side (ha) to the audience aswell, not just the other sides. His head is also tilted to the side, allowing us less of a view of his left. Not to mention the music. He's being sincere, no doubt about it.
Thomas and Patton, just like most everyone in the fandom, was very surprised when Deciet suddenly started opening up and showing us things we haven't seen before, even if it's a single hand. Then he says his real name, and they're even more surprised. But... not Roman. After like a second or two, he bursts out laughing in his face, and the music stops. We see Deciet for like a half second here, and he's clearly taken aback.
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He glances over at Thomas when he first says this, (at least I think, I have a lot of trouble with telling where all the sides are in the room), but then turns to Roman quick enough for me to have trouble grabbing a good screenshot.
Then Roman mockingly exclaims his name, and calls him a middle school librarian.
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Deciet lowers his hand down, again hiding his vulnerability below the cut, and furrows his brows.
Roman continues to blatently insult him and say it's a stupid name.
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It's not something I have to explain that Deciet is upset. His lips part, and he turns more towards Roman, and I think he takes a double take but that might be me remembering wrong. He's very clearly hurt, here. The names of these sides are incredibly personal, Deciet was nervous to say his name to the other sides, Thomas, and the thousands of people watching. Millions, in a few weeks/months.
And Roman laughed at him, mocked him, teased him, then blatantly insulted him.
Deciet lashes out, then, taking advantage the weakness that Roman doesn't like to be compared to his brother. With, primarily, his left side facing the camera. And when he's done, he looks at him like this.
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It's something I can't really explain, I may write for 50% percent of my time, but I'm nor very good at it, so I'm sorry for the fanders that can't see the image. All that I can say is that he's truely offended and hurt. It takes a lot for a side to come out and say their name (unless they're Remus, or possibly, the last dark side), he showed us all a sixe of himself weve never seen before, and Roman doesn't think twice before insulting him.
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The next shot is of him lowering his hands. He's just put his glove back on offscreen, while Roman was talking. I have a lot of chances to be condescending here, but I'm not, so don't call me mean in the comments. You can tell, also, because I got a really good screenshot where his other hand is also in frame.
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His left hand comes up and hides the vulnerable part that he's just showed while he looks to the left. Then he puts his hands down again, looks down, and takes a small breath in.
We're not shown his reaction to Roman saying that he's evil, which goddamnit, Sanders, I would be so much more mean to Roman if we did see him.
He doesn't say anything before Roman sinks out, and watches him silently. He doesn't smile. He has this small sort of frown on his face, he's not outwardly happy that Roman is gone, which tells us that it was not his intention in the first place.
I could talk more about him in this episode, specifically how his eyes move when Patton gets hurt by what he says. I won't get into it, though, because this is a call out post.
All in all, you're not allowed get angry at Deciet for lashing out when a very personal aspect and side of him is being insulted, on my watch.
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parselmouthingoff · 7 years
Promt here- young wolfstar in a pretend relationship to help the other one out somehow but they've both secretly been pining for the other one for ages and they have to kiss to prove their fake relationship isn't fake or maybe they practice kissing in so it doesn't look fake in case they need to in front of whoever they're trying to fool so yeah they kiss and then whatever feels right to you lol
“Remind me again why we’re doing this.”
“It’s simple Moony. If we do this right, they won’t come looking for me this summer when I bugger off to James’ place.”
Sirius sounded excited. He had been trying for two years, unsuccessfully, to leave the “Most Noble and Ancient House” of Crap, but time was up. Over Christmas break, he had overheard his father planning the imminent announcement of Sirius’ arranged marriage, something which he had not even discussed with Sirius. Immediately after returning to Hogwarts, he had come to Remus to ask for his help, and by Easter, they had a working plan. And so they were here, standing on the doorstep of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, hands intertwined and palms sweaty, ready to face whatever wrath lay on the other side of the door. Remus was the one to knock.
“You’re what?!” The voice of Orion Black was deep and booming, and filled with more than a little anger.
“Dating. Courting. Going steady. Fucki-” Sirius ducked as a no doubt priceless china plate came flying at his face.
“I don’t believe you.” His mother’s voice was calm, which was never a good sign.
“I don’t know how many other ways I can say it.” Sirius had grasped Remus’ hand again, but showed no sign he had done it intentionally. Remus had always been his rock, and now was no different.
“Then don’t. Besides the hand holding, I haven’t seen anything different about how you act around each other.”
Well, I only met you after I was already head over heels for your son, so that might have something to do with it. Remus thought with a small smirk, but didn’t speak. He jumped slightly when he felt Sirius brush his lips across his ear.
“Kiss back,” he whispered quietly enough for only Remus to hear before kissing him fiercely. Remus responded quickly, but tentatively at first.This hadn’t been part of the plan, but if you asked either boy later, it damn well should have been. The kiss was, in all reality, a mess of chapped lips, awkward hand placement, and sounds of protest from the Black elders, but none of it mattered right then. All that mattered was that the other boy was there. 
“So Pads, was it worth it? Tapestry and all?” The two boys were curled up on a couch in the common room. 
“Are you kidding me? I got everything I’ve been wanting for the past two years.” Sirius rubbed circles into Remus’ hand with his thumb. Remus sunk further into Sirius’ side. 
“You mean that?”
“Yeah, Moons, I do.”
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