#revenant's answers
new-revenant · 4 months
Hi, sorry if this is annoying but I've had this idea for a while and I can't get it outta my head and I'm not a good writer. So here it is
Danny inherits an old amusement park from his deceased grandfather, it would've gone to Jack or Jazz but knowing Jack it would've been demolished in a week from him kool-aid manning himself through attraction walls and he didn't think Jazz would want a whole amusement park so he gave it to Danny, especially since he hated Maddie for encouraging the whole ghost nonsense with Jack.
So that's how a nineteen year old Danny found himself in an abandoned amusement park on the outskirts of Gotham and standing over the Joker who he accidentally knocked out with a 2 by 4 while assessing what he needed to fix. In Danny's defense the clown snuck up on him and he had headphones in. Now if only the group of furies would understand this was an accident
This isn’t annoying at all! “Kool-Aid maning” love that.
Danny would have to show them the paperwork he has that show that he now owns the place, but he doesn’t have it on him so he’s freaking out, thinking that he’s going to jail or something for trespassing on his own property. The Bat Fam are smart enough to know that he’s probably not lying about owning the park now, but they are going to need to do a background check and get the paperwork, because he is kinda sus. They are thankful that they don’t have to deal with Joker for a few more nights as he’s sent off to Arkham(idk how to spell) again. Some members jokingly want him to join, and the idea horrifies Danny so much he almost passes out from that alone.
And side note, it was Jack’s side of the family that seemed to be obsessed with the supernatural, see the blood blossom episode. But I do like the idea of different Fenton members believing in different supernatural creatures and not believing in others, so it still works for my head canons ha ha👍
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc wherein learning magic is similar to learning how to play music. 
So basically, the creation of a summoning spell is like a full composition/song made of smaller components or ‘notes’ for things like gravity shifting, and geolocation, and transportation etc. which is why Magic can be taught and spells can be man-made. 
Danny, however, is the equivalent of having Perfect Pitch. He can compose entire songs of spells without really thinking about it due to his royal titles (ambassador/king/high prince) but doesn’t really know how to be specific which lands him in some trouble with Clockwork. His portals are coming along a lot better with the help of Wulf but its critical that Danny learns how to control the range of his magic *something something, for the timestream something* *blah blah according to the will of the ancients blah blah*. 
So put on the course to learn Magic, Danny decides to hunt down the House of Mystery and study up by himself. He’s doing community college online, what could a little bit of Magic self study really do to his schedule? This place has literally every magic resource he could need! 
Turns out he has a roommate in the House of Mystery- John Constantine does not take well to the fact that half of the spells Danny is creating are causing him issues with the JL. Random shit appearing, random shit disappearing, portals everywhere and don’t get him started on the fucking ICE present on every bloody thing the magic reaches. Not to mention there is no reason a normal human kid should be able to have this much power behind his spells. 
John attempts to teach Danny the basics like a little kid gets stickers placed on the keys of a piano. The problem is Danny has the ability to compose entire scores of Magic all on his own, and absolutely abhors the training wheels John is putting on him. 
Danny: You’re patronizing me! 
John: You deserve to be patronized. 
Just like, Danny learning Magic in various ways that you might teach kids to play musical instruments from the various Magic users in the JLD. Causing chaos along the way, found family, the whole nine. Stickers on the instruments for notes, taking away guitar strings that are ‘more advanced’ and replaying Twinkle, Twinkle little star over and over again. 
Danny can play the Magic equivalent of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake but cannot play Chopsticks. 
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reds-skull · 11 months
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Thank youuu
I love them too, I'm thinking of having them as a big brother/little brother duo maybe?? Anyway here's them buying tea for the base like stereotypical Brits
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Ok first time I read this my heart melted because it's so sweet :]
I keep thinking up aus for mw2, but they're all too complicated for a one-off comic, and I just finished a series so I'm not doing another one for the time being. But I had a superpower au for them, that I'm gonna explain under a read more because I know it's gonna be long lmao
But before that thank you for everyone again! I read all your lovely comments and they warm my heart <333
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SO in this au, some people gain powers the first time they die. The powers are based on how they died (also when they die they meet these cool eldritch beings called reapers that have a little chat with them to decide if they're worthy of those powers).
Soap died from an explosion. Got blown out of a building. So his powers are explosion resistance and creation. His fingertips are always on fire because he's practically blowing the air around them all the time.
Gaz fell off a helicopter :( so now he can manipulate gravity, either objects around him or himself. He also floats a few inches off the ground most times.
Price was kinda hard for me to decide but I ended up making him die by abandonment. Now he can telepathically communicate with people.
And Ghost... he died in that coffin. Got pulled out by a reaper and received the powers to control limbo, the space between life and death. He's not authorized to use them unless he's alone, so he gets sent on solo missions only, until Price recruits him to the 141.
That is, until he pairs up with Ghost.
Before being recruited to the 141, Soap mainly defused bombs. Since, even if it's too late, he won't die. Thing is, Soap still gets hurt. His bones get crushed, his heart stops, his limbs get torn apart. He does heal, but the worse the injury, the longer it takes.
That made him kinda depressed. Because he felt like a glorified bomb robot. Except he's cheaper, since it doesn't cost the military any money when he fails to defuse on time.
Ghost isn't immune to bombs. He himself doesn't enter limbo, since that traps anything alive.
He and Soap go on a mission where intel suggests the enemy has rigged various explosives around the intel they need. They split up, Soap goes to defuse them and Ghost slowly makes his way through the facility.
And Ghost does help him. But he treats him like he would a regular, non-powered human. Stops when he's in too much pain, encourages him through it. Does his best to stop the bleeding.
Ghost completes his objective, but Soap gets spotted by an enemy and detonates the bomb he's working on to save himself.
Ghost find Soap after he fails to sitrep, impaled by a rebar. He whimpers and begs Ghost to help him off it, since he can't heal.
Because Ghost sees him as human. He watched as Soap kept trying to make jokes with him, but more importantly, how he treated him no differently from anyone else.
Soap, for his side, isn't used to that... gentleness. And that's how his interest in Ghost begins.
They exfil and return to base. A few months pass, and Ghost keeps an eye on one Soap MacTavish. Looks through his medical records, past missions. Finds out just how much he suffers through.
But Ghost isn't his commending officer, so he can't do anything. Until he's approached by his captain, John Price. He brings up the option of adding a new member to the taskforce. He gives Ghost the candidates he considered, Soap was brought up, Ghost stops him and states that he would agree to a new member if it was Soap.
Now if I had like, better writing abilities I would have absolutely written this as a fic. Butttt I don't and even if I did, I don't have confidence in them so I won't. But this idea is now out there and you can do whatever you want with it.
Also I got like a lot more sketches of this au but I only posted the ones I made for the ask.
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galaxywrites · 1 month
For your new AU
Kabal: I look like a burnt chicken nugget
Tomás: Yeah...
Jade: Tomás...
Tomás: You want me to lie?
Jade: Would it hurt you to lie every once in awhile?
Tomàš: I am many things Jade, but a liar isn't one of them. I'd rather die a third time.
Kabal: I'm sorry, third time? You only died once, with the rest of us.. right?
Tomàš: Oh no, I was burned alive too! As a child. So you know, that's where Enenra comes from.
Kabal: ... They're not just an added accessory?
Tomáš, struggling to not laugh: ... By the gods no
Kabal: We were both burned alive.
Kabal: We share a trauma. That is something that happened
Tomàš: ... Huh. I guess we do.
Jade: Oh brother.
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astralynx · 6 months
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agilident · 7 months
Uoughh,,, your rev transfem propaganda is sooo important to me,,, thank u for converting me to the dark side,,
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UOAUGH i always melt into a sad ugly puddle whenever someone tells me ive successfully drawn them into th transfem rev hcuuuooghh this single hc has irreparably changed my life i wish iwas joking
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fujunfuren · 1 year
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# burn
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mintcrows · 2 years
Where on earth is your icon from??
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its a darkest dungeon rev parody i commissioned from @viktormaru :) (and i added a little hat) (and the text) (and the other text too)
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desertfangs · 3 months
I reblogged an Armand/Nicolas fanart and now my brain rot is festering and I must know, I MUST KNOW YOUR BINGO THOUGHTS ON THIS PAIR TIA 🫦
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OMG I AM SO INTO IT. Here's the thing about Armand and Nicolas: it's hot, it's weird, it's fucked up, and it's like... neither of them is the person the other wants to be with. They both want to be with Lestat.
Yes, Nicolas believed that they'd probably fail and die penniless in the streets, but he wanted to do that with Lestat. He was too afraid to do it alone. And I sort of think maybe if things had gone differently and vampirism was never involved, it's possible they may have lived a relatively happy life for a while (granted, there's no good treatment for the depression Nicolas clearly suffers, so that is an issue).
Meanwhile, Lestat came in and shook apart Armand's whole world and Armand is so enamored with him. He'd give up anything and everything for him. Which is why he'd saddled with Nicolas in the first place. So the situation is messy as heck.
And then there's the dynamic. Armand is pragmatic and Nicolas is cynical af. There is no sunshine one. They're both biting and witty and cruel and it's kind of hot in a twisted way. They can hate-fuck or at least, the vampire equivalent.
So yes, I am super into this pairing and would love to see more fic tackle their messy, weird, screwed up dynamic.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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new-revenant · 3 months
Red Robin was having a night, he was kidnapped by cultists and was currently tied to a chair trying to escape his bindings when he hears a voice. "Sup." Red Robin looks over to see a seventeen year old Danny Fenton zip tied to a pipe, he had a bloody lip indicating he had been hit in the face. Red Robin now had to get himself and this random civilian out of here. Danny meanwhile was regretting letting his guard down while visiting Jazz at college. This was the second time this month he was captured to be used as a cult sacrifice
Love when Danny is a magnet for cultists, honestly one of my favorite tropes. Red Robin isn’t in his hero fit, so now he’s just Tim Drake, the controlling shareholder(not CEO! fanfics lied to you and he actually holds more power than a CEO, as major shareholders typically do. Lucius Fox is the CEO)of Wayne Enterprises. So Danny’s stuck with some rich guy who he only knows of because of Tucker. But Danny does pity the guy, cultists are the worst. They both are surprised about how calm the other is, coming to wildly different conclusions as to why they are so calm.
Don’t know what would happen next, maybe they team up to get out all the while trying to hide their skills/powers. Hijinks ensue.
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bizlybebo · 5 months
revenant and demonkicks for the ship bingo thing hehe
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DMEON,,,,, DMEONKCIKS MENTION..$,:!(!’s3&4!1&)992:$6@
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been rewatching mid-late season 1 recently and honestly revenant is GROWINGGG on me. what’s that post you made that’s like “i enjoy demonkicks cause they’re good for each other and i enjoy revenant cause they’re bad for each other” cause you’re so right. literally the “relationship goals” here is slightly sarcastic cause they are just. a NIGHTMARE couple (slash affectionate). i need a necromancer/revived au with them sosooso bad
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reds-skull · 9 months
Not Alive, Nor Dead
This chapter was very fun to write. I listened to SUPERBLOOM by Silent Planet on loop (it's really good and underrated), if you want to get into the mood you can go listen to it too ig
The plan is practically complete now, the fact doing nothing to calm either Ghost or Soap. The Vaqueros who have been monitoring the bar have informed them they found the PMC’s base of operation - a compound deep in the desert surrounding Las Almas.
They will start by spreading around the compound suspected to house the soldiers of the PMC revenant. 4 teams will form a half-circle, the fifth, composed of himself and Soap, opposite to them. Soap will infiltrate to commence the distraction, Ghost acting as a barrier for any stray soldiers trying to escape, pushing everyone towards the other teams.
Keller and Commander Karim will be the closest team, Farah protecting Alex while he surprises the soldiers, funneling them further towards the Vaqueros and Shadows, Price and Gaz lifting in the air to snipe and allow the Captain to attempt to connect to the revenant’s mind through their servants.
If that fails, their orders are to exterminate all hostiles. Soap was initially charged with that, but the Sergeant vehemently refused, stating his powers are too unpredictable for that.
What interested Ghost is that Johnny didn’t say he couldn’t do it. He just doesn’t want to.
They’re to be deployed tomorrow, using the cover of night to get to their positions covertly. 
Ghost rummages around the small kitchen in one of the common rooms, sighing frustratingly when he goes through the same drawer for the fourth time. Where the fuck does Rudy keep all the bloody teabags?!
Gentle footsteps catch his attention, and he instantly turns to watch the door open. Soap stumbles inside, rubbing tiredly at his eyes, clearly not clocking in the other person in the room.
Johnny crashes into a couch, exhaling loudly and leaning his head back on the headrest. Ghost watches him for a moment, examining the exhausted scrunch to his shut eyes. He steps silently closer, leaning forward to stare directly down at his Sergeant.
“Bed too comfortable, Johnny?”
Ghost smirks at the Scot startling, eyes now wide open glaring at him, “yer a right menace, ye know that?”
His smile widens, “not my fault you all have zero spatial awareness.”
Soap grumbles something under his breath, and shoots an arm up towards his mask. Ghost barely has time to react before Johnny shifts the mask to cover his eyes, “the fuck are you-”
He hears Soap get up, the old couch screeching in protest, and the Sergeant pounces on him, starting to attempt to tackle him down.
Ghost almost laughs when he actually pins him to the back of the couch, his petty technique shifting the fight to his favor.
“What’s that about ‘spatial awareness’, LT?” Johnny breathes in his ear.
He moves slightly in Soap’s hold, “ah, I’m at a disadvantage here, Sergeant. It’s barely fair.”
The arms around him tighten as Soap leans in to whisper, “thought yer good enough to win without sight.”
Ghost turns his head to where he assumes Johnny’s is, “it’s not the blindness that got me. Didn’t have my nightly tea.” he states innocently.
Soap pushes off him with a groan, “awa an’ bile yer heid, fuckin’ Brits…”
Ghost chuckles as he rights the mask, finally seeing Johnny frown at him with (mock) disgust. He can’t help provoke him further, “any chance you know where Rudy hides his stash?”
Soap smiles sarcastically, “aye, I blew it all teh high hell, LT”
Ghost gasps, growling, “you didn’t” 
“Aye, smelled quite nice, burnt to a crisp.”
“I’ll give you ten seconds to run, Sergeant.” Ghost starts stalking closer to Johnny, who continues to smirk confidently at him.
“How generous of ye.” Ghost’s face hurts from smiling.
He stops in front of Johnny, reaching zero in his head, and swiftly crouching to grab Soap by the torso, slinging him over the shoulder while the man thumps at his back, “Oi! Put me down, ye feckin’ brute!”
Ghost hums, “I warned you, Johnny. It’s only fair, no?”
He drops Johnny on the couch, quickly wrapping his limbs around him to cage the Scot.
Johnny wiggles for a few seconds, until the fight in him runs out, and he settles against Ghost’s chest with a small sigh. Ghost tilts his head to look at Soap’s face, the smile slowly melting off his lips.
Johnny lifts a hand to caress the forearm pinning his chest, a mellow and quiet air hanging around him. “I can’t stop having… nightmares.” he starts unprompted, his voice weaker than usual. “Every night, I kill someone. I wake up and remember I didn’t, but it doesn’t change the fact I could.” his eyes look up at his, “I could kill you tomorrow, Simon.”
Simon relaxes his hold on Johnny into something more comfortable, pressing him closer to his heart, “I told you, Johnny. I’m strong. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Johnny twists to face him more properly, “promise me if yer in danger, don’t hesitate to use Limbo. Even if I’ll be in range, even if it kills me.”
His arms flex involuntarily, as if Johnny will fall apart otherwise, perish under his fingertips. He watches fire reflect in blue eyes, sun in grey skies. He wants to be angry at him, for asking something so selfish.
Johnny may follow him anywhere, but Simon will do anything Johnny asks of him. In that way, perhaps they’re both doomed.
Simon sighs, lowering his head to rest on Johnny’s shoulder, murmuring in defeat, “...I promise.”
Johnny pushes further into him, a gentle fire stroking his cheek in gratitude. Something breaks deep inside him, and Simon lays them down on the small couch, hugging Johnny tightly, letting warmth cradle him.
He didn’t mean to fall asleep, but the crackling flames and soft snores became a lullaby for his aching heart, and he drifts off to eternal darkness.
Ghost watches the last team drop off, their Humvee now driving towards the fifth team’s position. Soap has a serious expression, hands grasping tightly at his own tac vest with a white-knuckled grip.
They jump off, the driver shifting gear immediately to return to Los Vaqueros base. Soap comes closer to fist bump Ghost’s shoulder, “I’ll see you on the other side, LT. Don’t miss me too much.” Johnny turns away with a forced smile, Ghost forlornly gazing at his descending figure.
“First team in position.” Commander Karim radios in. The rest of the teams give their own affirmative, and Johnny finishes with, “fifth team in position, awaiting green-light.”
“Good copy, Soap.” Price responds, “you’re authorized for explosion creation.”
Ghost observes the foreboding walls of the compound stand silent for a minute, before brilliant fire erupts and takes them down. The explosions ramp up, the blaze so hot, he feels it several hundred feet away.
He scans the horizon for soldiers, finding none attempting to save themselves from the blasts. 
Did they assume wrong, that the revenant PMC would try to fight back? Ghost grabs his comms, “Sergeant, have you seen any hostiles on your end?”
Soap replies a few seconds later, a little out of breath, “negative. Did you?”
“No, keep burning it down-”
Someone, several hands, tackle Ghost from behind. He growls in surprise, twisting his body to shoot behind him blindly. A body falls to the ground. Three others take its place, grasping at his arms, cold limbs pushing his face to the sand.
Soap shouts in his comms, “Ghost?! Ghost, what the fuck is going on?!”
His comms are still on, he realizes with a flash, “Johnny, get out of there! We’ve been compromised!” he snarls desperately.
“Where are you, I’ll- oh fuck.” Ghost’s rib cage is aching, pressure building inside and out.
“Ghost, there are ballistic missiles here. They’re locking onto something.” 
Fuck, FUCK! Ghost fruitlessly tries to shake off his attackers.
Price’s voice rumbles through the radio, “Soap, Ghost! Get yourself out of there, NOW! The revenant, he’s-!”
One of the soldiers crushes the radio, Ghost gasping at the pain shooting down his left shoulder.
“Ah, Captain Price… figures he’ll be the first to find out. Always was such a pain in the ass.”
Ghost stills, craning his neck to lock eyes with the blank faces of the soldiers. The voice echoes from all of them, surrounding him.
The PMC revenant… he clenches his teeth.
One of the soldiers crouches down, taking hold of his jaw, Ghost unsuccessfully trying to shake him off.
“I told you, you will regret not giving the Sergeant to me.”
Cold ice pours down his veins, and he stills.
It can’t be…
“Graves…” Ghost gasps.
Laughter erupts around him, voices overlapping and distorting, “you really thought I’m a fuckin’ non-rev, Simon?” Graves spits his name like a snake’s venom, “I tried to play nice, I really did. But you…”
The faceless soldier tightens his grip on Ghost, “you decided to fuck it all up. I hope you were happy with your ‘Johnny’, because it’s time we have a little fun.” 
Graves hums, “I’ve always wondered just how strong Soap is… after the carnage he left in Verdansk” the American whistles in reverence, “only you would be able to match something like that, wiping a quarter city in a flash.”
“Ghost! The soldiers activated the missiles, I have to detonate them before the launch, please just fuckin’ answer me!” a desperate voice calls behind him through comms.
Graves clicks his tongue, “well, Ghost? Wouldn’t wanna leave your boyfriend hanging, do we?” he holds a radio in front of Ghost’s face, “you can either let the missiles launch and erase Las Almas off the map, or you can die. Your choice, really.”
Arctic ice numbs his insides. The missiles hit Las Almas, they kill everyone… including their entire team. 
The choice is obvious. And those are the hardest ones to make.
“Johnny…” Ghost rasps at the radio.
“Simon, thank the fuckin’ Reapers-!”
Ghost closes his eyes, indulging in Johnny’s voice for just a little longer, “detonate them.”
A shaky inhale passes through the comms, “are ye far enough?”
Ghost’s neck bows, “I remember the promise.”
Static fills the air for a moment, his breaths loud in his ears. Ghost bites on his tongue just to feel something other than freezing pain.
“It was my choice, Simon. Don’t feel bad about it later, alright?”
Ghost’s voice trembles when he whispers, “I hate you...” 
Johnny laughs for him one last time, the sound bringing tears to his eyes, “I knew you’ve taken a shine to me, LT. I’ll see you on the other side.”
He doesn’t want it to end, not yet, not when he just started to feel like he could have this, not like this, not with those words as the last he ever hears “Johnny, I-”
Graves takes away the radio, “now isn’t that heart-warming? You even got your goodbyes in.” Graves sighs, “it’s an honor to see the Ghost die a second and final time. I’ll make sure they’ll know just how you died, Simon Riley. Alone.”
His voice fades away, only heartbeat and rushing blood passes through his ears.
A deafening sound crackles through the air, Ghost’s eyelids glow reds, oranges, yellow, as the wall of inferno comes closer and closer.
For a moment, he can’t feel the cold anymore. He considers letting go, leaving the world by Johnny’s hand, as he was destined.
For a moment, he considers breaking Johnny’s trust, sacrificing himself to let the other live. He imagines how he would react, how he would hate Simon for the rest of his life. He wants to smile. At least he would be alive to despise him.
He imagines, only for a moment.
Ghost opens his eyes.
Limbo envelopes the world, the dark, cold realm curling around him like death’s last hug. He screams, pushing the soldiers off, leaving them to be consumed by his victims.
Molten light leaks from Ghost’s eyes, pain like no other spreading through him. He doesn’t want to look ahead, to see where the residents run towards, to watch as Johnny is being ripped apart by his own murdered souls.
A strange creature moves in Ghost’s peripheral. He shakily lifts his gaze from the empty ground. A… moth?
A burning moth, wings fluttering and shedding embers of vibrant colors, circling his protective light.
Ghost tilts his head, the creature gentle and soft as it lands on his shoulder, warming him like a small ray of sunlight.
It reminds him of…
Someone screams. Not the gurgled wails of Limbo, a clear, anguished voice.
Ghost finally looks at Johnny.
He stands tall, fire covering his arms, trailing up his shoulders, lighting his back with white flames. Leaving a halo behind him. A single holy being in the void.
 Dark hands grasp at his fire, try to steal it for themselves.
Johnny takes a hand, shouting. 
He explodes the arm. Everything that touches his Sergeant, ignites in beautiful colors, lighting up Limbo in a way Ghost hadn't thought possible. Everywhere he steps, leaves marks of warm light. Everywhere he looks, moths flap softly and spread little sparks.
Johnny’s eyes are glowing, rapidly moving from shape to shape, decimating everything in his path.
Light traces its way down Ghost’s mask.
Johnny is breathtaking.
Their eyes meet, beyond the vast fields of the void.
“SIMON! I CAN’T HOLD ON MUCH LONGER-” One hand leaves a path of shadow on Johnny’s arm, “MAKE IT STOP! SIMON, MAKE IT STOP-!!!”
Simon’s breath restores, he inhales sharply and sends his arms forward, palms taking hold of the imaginary reins on Limbo.
One heartbeat passes.
Simon pulls back his arms, yelling as he feels tendons snapping. Limbo swirls, fights back against him, tries to sink its claws back into Johnny.
He pulls harder.
Simon is flung back several feet as the void rushes back into him. His head hits the ground and then-
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"You know what? Pete is thinking of going to get Mineta since he is getting sick and tired of him running around. Sid is this close in beating him badly." Matt laughs.
"Let me use the bug coffin, Matt..." Pete growled.
"Can we PLEASE sent him off to space now! This little fucker is getting on my nerves!" chuya grumbles pissed off now. Willie sighed but looks to him.
"You know he would be dead before then. I say we just blow him up-"
"WITH WHAT!?" Chuya barked back.
"Will you two calm down...your acting like babies." Ryunosuke said.
"Were not!" they said.
"You are!" he said. "Honestly, Rashomon wants to eat him alive at this point." He said hearing growling from Rashomon indeed making the two quiet. "Though, I don't blame Sid for being angry.." he said.
"I rather skin him alive." Gin hissed gripping her blade.
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galaxywrites · 23 days
Kabal:(sipping on a soda)
Tomás: Kabal can you explain to me...um... what a Pokémon is?
Kabal:(calmly putting his soda down) Very well... but it's a lot.
Tomàš is not good at staying still, but he sits through hours and hours of Kabals explanation of Pokémon. Until he eventually caves and falls asleep against Kabal's shoulder.
The next week some Pokémon cards show up in Tomàš' room.
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lounaticm · 1 year
For the captainsona questions, how about ⭐️, ⌛️, and 🌗?
⭐️ What's your Captain's name? Any Aliases or nicknames? What does it mean? - Kilian Winter, no overarching nicknames, though 'Captain' is starting to feel more like his name than a title for how much he's called that to the exclusion of anything else. Some people he's met in his travels through the wormhole have given him little nicknames, but they vary rather greatly. Gumdrop, starlight, angel, little monster, and more. Some come from people that seemed so very familiar, some come from entirely new acquaintances.
⌛️ What is their favorite timeline to live in/that they've visited? (Any we see in canon or make one up!) - There were a handful of relatively peaceful places he'd ended up in for brief spans as he was thrown through universes, though he has one in particular that he liked most, despite not getting a chance to explore much before being whisked away once more. He'd landed outside some moderately sized manor, in the back garden, standing next to a gazebo.
The garden was filled with what seemed to be every one of his favorite flowers, with honeysuckles and roses being most prominent. The house itself seemed so familiar in such a way that it made his chest ache, and yet it was the first time he'd felt any semblance of peace since the Wormhole Incident began. He couldn't help but to slowly wander through the garden, just soaking up this calm feeling, even though he knew he still had to resolve the paradox as quickly as possible. There was something about this place that made him never want to leave.
The moment he felt the inclination to go into the house, a wormhole tore him away to another, less pleasant universe.
🌗 What Ego would your Captain like, whether as a friend/partner, or just to be around in general? - Well, obviously he's very close to his Engineer. He'd like most of the Egos in some capacity, for varying reasons, though I feel the ones he'd be closest to would be the more calm and/or kind ones.
He's met Yancy and Illinois before... somehow. He can't quite recall the hows and whys of that being possible, but has chalked it up to wormhole bullshittery and just left it at that. He knows he's friends with them, despite feeling like he didn't know either of them too terribly long, and felt glad to see them again.
Bing would fascinate and endear him endlessly, and he, Host, and Eric would make for relatively chill company. He'd find Bim and Murdock friendly enough, but there would be something nagging at him anytime he was near them. The Googles would also intrigue him, but all but Oliver would prove to be too prickly or unapproachable or aloof for him to try to talk to for a fair bit.
The fact and feeling of knowing Yancy and Illinois pales in comparison to the feeling he gets when faced with Wilford, and he could almost remember things that he felt like he shouldn't, that he was certain haven't even happened yet. Still, he knows that Wilford is a friend. Even if he doesn't always make sense.
He, of course, would get along splendidly with Dark... even if Dark would seem to be a bit distant, though not in an uncaring way. More... hesitant than anything.
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scr-ppup · 5 months
hello ! could we request a minecraft allay synpath flag ? ty in advance & no worries if not !
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