#riddles and puzzles
Guess the Logo Quiz | Can You Guess the 100 Logos? Ultimate Logo Quiz Ch...
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catfindr · 5 months
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Puzzle! #83072 - Spoons in the Hoosegow
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6 prisoners are waiting for the annual prison talent show to start. One of the inmates suggest to kill the time by playing a game he and his cousin used to play as children. D: "The rules are simple. Use two spoons and determine whether your position is 'feminine low cross', 'feminine high cross', 'parallel', 'masculine low cross' or 'masculine high cross'." Each prisoner starts to fiddle around with their spoons, until everyone is satisfied with how they're holding them. D: "Now each of us states their position; I am parallel." ME: "I'm obviously masculine low cross, seriously." D: "Correct!" DK: "Uhhh... masculine high cross?" D: "Wrong." DNA: "Oh- oh!! Am I feminine high cross???" D: "Yes, yes you are!" MF: "I suppose that I am parallel." D: "You are correct." This game goes on for ten more minutes, until one of them loses her patience. S: "What!? None of this makes sense!!" D: "It all makes perfect sense."
Can you figure out what the rules and thus the solution to this game are?
The solution is down below.
S: What!? None of this makes sense!! D: It all makes perfect sense
Dr. Drakken was right; this game does make sense but only if you ignore the spoons and focus on the legs of each player.
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This entire time, everyone was so focused on how to hold their spoons that they ended up wobbling and shifting on their chairs. Think of how people with skirts (or kilts) tend to sit with their legs closed off (Feminine) and how some people manspread in public transport; meaning they have their legs in an open position (Masculine).
The high and low are determined on whether the crossing of the legs happens above or below the knee Paralel is when both legs are not crossing each other. Based on the first round we can determine the following: Duff Killigan is sitting in a feminine low cross Drakken, Shego and MonkeyFist ALL are parallels. Motor Ed is a masculine low cross DNAmy is sitting in a feminine high cross position.
This game will continue until everyone in the group figured out the rules on how to play it (or if one of your team mates threatens your life with green firey powers....) My boyfriend introduced me to this game and well... it was frustrating to say the least. Especially when you're the last one to catch on with the rules. TIP FROM BF: If you like this game and want to try it out with your friends, but they're not getting it (even after an hour) you can drop a subtle hint. and tell them "Look at each other's socks." That's a way of not directly saying 'focus on the legs' I hope you guys like this riddle and might play it at parties and if you managed to solve this by yourself, comment a 🌸! And shhhh... Don't tell others the solution in the comments.
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coolguycy · 1 month
Who the fuck defeated Silas Birchtree
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I'm actually very proud of this theory rn and feel like a hawthorne for thinking of this, like I might actually be on to something here
Ok so I had a thought and its stuck in my mind
So we all know that Odette said some vague and confusing thing about “ There are always three”
And I think I have a good theory as to what it means
That being, I think that this phrase is a play on or nod to some of these other common sayings about threes
“Everything comes in threes”
“Bad things come in three” /“Good things come in threes”
“Death comes in threes”
Or “Omne trium perfectum” which means “everything that comes in threes is perfect” in Latin
These are all common saying about things happening in threes or what threes means
And I specifically think that Odette meant something about good/bad or life/death events happening in 3s
Or even about beginning/ending events happening (bc we all know she knows about Alphas and Omegas beginning and end)
I think this BECAUSE if you look back at where Odette says this you'll see that she says this in RESPONSE to grayson saying “she DIED before I was BORN”
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Grayson says his grandmother DIED BEFORE he was BORN and demands she EXPLAIN
He obv meant explain how is it possible for Alice to be the “A hawthorne did this” culprit but he doesnt specify explain what he just says explain and Odette probably choose to interpret that vaguely and gave an answer that “explains” or simplifies the reasons why Alice “died” and Graysons was “born” and says “there are always three”
Like she's saying “well everything comes in threes”/ “life and death happen in threes” that's the karmic reasoning why she “died” and you were born
And so obv Alices death and Grays birth are 2 life/death events and the third (or really FIRST) event would have been Tobys “death”
Which his death would also be the catalyst for both Alice’s death and Graysons birth
Bc Grayson would have never been born is Skye wasn't grieving her brother and although now we know Alice didnt die of grief id still say its safe to assume whatever happened was triggered by the loss of her son.
So the “thee” that Odette is referring to is Toby “died”, Alice “died”, Grayson is born
Everything comes in threes
But while I think this is what Odette meant when she choose to say this in response to Graysons demands for her to explain things I don't think that this is all that this phrase “There is always three” means, it has broader implications and could probably mean a lot of things
Its a vague and versatile phrase that Odette has heard many times, maybe as a warning. But there is definitely more to it, if I am right or heading in the right direction with my theory, then it could mean a lot of things and be important later on.
Also one last thing
I find it interesting how one of the common phrases “Omne trium perfectum” means everything that comes in threes is perfect and if my theory is correct then this would make GRAYSON one of the “things that comes in threes” and how in this phrase that would make him “perfect”
And we all know that he was the grandson who was GROOMED to be “perfect”
Could this be the reason that HE was “the chosen one”?
Was he the one Tobias choose bc he was part of the things that came in threes and has that karmical connection to Alice?
Idk but, its all very intriguing to me, and I can see so much potential and foreshadowing withing this little phrase that JLB very specifically used
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shyvioletlife · 5 months
I adore how quickly the newest episode of game changer became collaborative with Erika, Rekha, and Becca all chiming in to remind each other of the questions and confirm answers - rather the competition was in finding all the different creative places buzzers were hidden
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jessica-leatherman · 11 months
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Surreal short stories from the Fore Square book series. A sampling of stories told from different times and settings.
5th book to be published January 29,2024-Kansas Day. All books available on Amazon.
What happened to Rose Manleather and her sons?
Some things belong and others do not. Can you decide which or can you come to your own Double Cola Talk epiphany and get the answers?
A curious life’s journey of the character Rose Manleather, sorted and collected together in fragmented framed form. All for a reader to enjoy piecing back together through the Fore Square series of short stories, riddles, metaphors, language, codes, innuendos, humor and interpretation.
Our main character is dyslexic and her stories and journal are unedited. Are you smart enough to figure out wha shes telling you and solve the mystery?
More FREE surreal stories HIDDEN in writers Instagram ProFile jessica_leatherman
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maeamian · 1 year
A bit of a riddle for you, not a devilishly tricky one, but an interesting one to consider. I think of it as Lal's Riddle, after the great Indian geophysicist Devendra Lal and I'll provide some details on him and the answer under the cut, but first the riddle itself:
Let us suppose you are provided with a strange length of candle wick, it's knotted and unevenly bunched, but you know, thanks to some engineers with a fetish for oddly specific machines, that it will take exactly one hour to burn if you light one end of it, but not evenly enough to be able to assert that any given length of it being burned can be matched up to any given length of time having passed.
Now say you are given two such wicks, irregular enough that the only property you can be sure they share is taking exactly one hour to burn if you light one end of them, thanks (again) to those engineers. You are then tasked with figuring out a way to use these two wicks to measure out forty five minutes. How do you do it?
The answer is that you start by lighting three of the four total ends of the two wicks you've been provided, when the two flames on the first one meet in the middle half an hour will have passed and there will be half an hour left on the second one, at that point you light the second end of the second wick and when those two flames meet, half of half an hour will have passed since the end of the first half hour for a total of three quarters of an hour.
The reason that I think of this as Lal's riddle is that Devendra Lal was one of my grandpa's closest acedemic collaborators and friends. He married young but never had kids and as a result took a fairly parental role in the lives of my grandpa's kids and then, when the time came, a grandparental role in the lives of his grandkids. Whenever we'd visit my grandparents we'd always at least have dinner with him once and he delighted in riddles and puzzles and seeing us get excited by new information, as any good scientist and grandparent would. One time when I was 12 or so, the actual age isn't important, he stopped us in the car as we were about to go into the house from dinner and demanded we answer this riddle first, which at the time I could not but he enjoyed giving us a chance to work it out before revealing the secret.
He passed a while ago, but whenever I think of him, and I try to from time to time since he had no descendants of his own to do it but loved us as if we were his, I think of this riddle in particular and I know it's a little silly, but I think it's an important part of who he was as a person that his acedemic achievements and wikipedia page couldn't cover. I think that attaching his name to this riddle is a worthy honor for him, so if it was an interesting little puzzle for you to solve something you can do for me is to think of it as Lal's riddle if you tell it to people in your life.
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yayornaypolls · 21 days
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iloveriddles · 7 months
I got creepy things cooking…
Maze mug III =)
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lizallanosborn · 2 months
seeing people doing the 'riddler just wants to tell riddles, he's not into murder' free me. Riddler doesn't go round committing serial murder sure and he often thinks himself as above killing for no reason or real benefit/isn't always interested in doing it but he has and does murder people sometimes, sometimes he does.put people in life and death situations or kills for reasons he tries to justify, especially when he loses his temper or such.
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stone-cold-groove · 5 months
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Promotional poster for the games & puzzles publication, Guess - Riddles and Pictures circa 1893.
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paras1t1c-squ1dd · 5 months
so uh mr puzzles amirite guys that guy i uh i made him evil (or well good) by just inverting his colors so original right guys /sar /j i think i kinda cooked with this version/au design though grumpy ass old fart 🗣🗣🗣🗣‼
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Meet Mr. Riddles chat (dont mind the second image it was for shits anf giggles) i will yap about him once i... actually figure him out
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positivelyprime · 1 year
I think I found some interesting fun mathematical problem, and I could not find any literature on it.
Ok so I was thinking about the two guards riddle where one always tells the truth (guard T) and the other always lies (guard F). These guards protect a crossroads where one road is correct and lets you live and the other leads to death (or at least, wasted time). The worst part: you only have one yes-no question to ask.
The (or at least a) correct answer to this riddle is no doubt familiar with several of you: Ask one guard "If I asked which road leads to freedom to the other guard, what would he say?". This works as follows:
- Asking this question to T will lead to them saying the wrong road, as that is what F would say.
- Asking this question to F will lead them to lie about the correct road T would point to, saying the wrong road.
In either case you get the wrong road, so you simply pick the other option.
Now here is where it gets interesting, how can we generalize this problem? One way to do this is to increase the number of guards as follows:
Suppose we have k guards, with n truth-guards T and m false-guards F (n,m > 0 unknown) guarding two roads. Can we find the correct road with one yes-no question?
The main trick employed in the 2-guard problem cannot be used as it relies on there being exactly one guard of each type. However, if you ask two random guards there is now a possibility they are a TT or FF pair, in which case they will point to the right road instead.
I tried finding some kind of nested question ("if I ask the guard on your right: if I ask the guard on your right what road leads to freedom") but couldn't quite put my finger a good question to ask. Another promising method would be to incorporate some kind of boolean operators (such as AND and OR) to make a perfect question, however this turned out to be hard to do for arbitrary k.
I would love the input of anyone reading this who found textwall this interesting!
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Have anyone call "Twisted Wonderland" as "Three-step-to-wonderlando" as a joke yet?
If not so, let's start doing it
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kingoftieland · 4 months
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Time to put my Batman knowledge to the test with The Riddler Puzzle Box, a one-of-a-kind immersive item straight out of Gotham City! Featuring four challenging puzzles created by Edward Nygma himself, the ultimate payoff prize awaits those who can solve them – a 1:1 scale metal batarang!
An Amazon Exclusive, this McFarlane Gold Label Detective Mode Variant also provides an additional mystery… It includes hidden and helpful clues visible only with the use of a black light! 🕵🏻
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