#ritual cleanse
stickandthorn · 7 months
Imogen ruby vanguard nepo baby arc.
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thewoodbine · 2 years
Witchcraft is often far too concerned with sanitization.
"Cleanse your tools weekly!" "Never buy anything second-hand or bring a gift into your home without purifying its energy!" "Your tools won't work if they've sat too long!"
No wonder your craft has the vibrational tone of a department store. I'm looking for that kind of magic that has a ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹patina◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
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grimoiregradient · 10 months
Washing your face? Cleansing.
Exfoliating? Banishment.
Moisturizing? Charging.
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ratbaby15 · 3 months
It is currently 3 in the morning and I can't sleep because I keep thinking about how ahsoka tano was absolutely going to go back to the jedi, she needed to figure out who she was outside of the jedi order first but she was going to go back.
At the end of the day she was always a jedi and she thought she had all the time in the world to make her way back to her people, she just didn't know that the option was going to be forcefully ripped from her, that she would never be able to go back because they would no longer be there to welcome her.
The grief and the guilt she must have felt after, never again feeling like she could call herself one of them because she didn't fall alongside them.
Anyways, I was watching order 66 edits cause I love pain and that's what made me think of this fyi, bye love u.
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Morning Energy Boost Ritual☀️🧡✨
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(GIF is not mine!!)
Some mornings I find it hard to actually get out of bed and get myself ready to face the day ahead. So here is the simple mood boosting ritual I carry out in the mornings (when I have the time!) to give myself that extra kick and really get myself prepared for the day, feeling confident in myself and prepared for whatever may come my way🧡
What you will need:
• Orange or lemon essential oil
• A glass of water
• A small piece of citrine or clear quartz
1. Prepare the Space: Find a quiet space to sit in the morning.
2. Essential Oil: Put a few drops of orange or lemon essential oil on your wrists and take a deep breath.
3. Hold the Crystal: Hold the citrine or clear quartz in your hand.
4. Positive Affirmations: Say positive affirmations such as, “I am energized and ready to take on the day,” and “I attract positive energy.”
5. Drink Water: Drink the glass of water slowly, visualizing it filling you with energy and light.
6. Carry the Crystal: Carry the crystal with you throughout the day to maintain your energy boost!
I hope that this little ritual can help you all feel a bit more positive about the day ahead! Sometimes a quick energy boost is what you need to get you started!✨🧡
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andromedasdomain · 1 year
Prompts for your Grimoire: About You Page.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✦Your name.
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✰Your correspondences✰ ✦Your zodiac signs (Sun, Moon, rising, Venus, etc.!) ✦Your birth chart ✦Your Element ✦Moon phase on the day you were born. ✦Birthstones/ birth gems. ✦Tarot cards associated with your birthday ✦Your numerology ✦Crystals associated with your birthday or birth month ✦Herbs associated with your sun sign or birthday/month ✦Colors ✦Symbols (example: scale for libra) ✦Runes associated with your birthday
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✰Extra Ideas✰ ✦Deity/Deities you worship ✦Spiritual beliefs ✦Type of witch you are/want to be.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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basementstalker · 1 year
You don't understand. You're a god, I can't let others get near you. They'll just taint you, darling.
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Review: Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic
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If there's one book I would always go back to or always look back to or recommend to others it is this book! Seriously, that's how good this book is. To start with, this book is the best because it is direct, to the point, and only 100ish pages. I honestly have to put the following "warning" that the author himself puts in the start of the book:
Because some of these things sound simple and interesting, don't get an idea to “do a variation.” When you try to work “magic” using only your own enthusiasm you are treading in dangerous waters.
How do I sell you on this book? that's a funny way of me saying that this is the best book you will have in your library as a starting beginner. First let me mention some stuff from the book, which is evil eye being the first chapter and get dealt with so swiftly with a beer bath and there's no extra mystification or complicated procedure being given. As this whole book the procedures are simple but application of them consistently will proves their benefits. In the Arbatel itself we find the following:
God and Nature have ordained all things to a certain and appointed end: so that for examples sake, they who perform cures with the most simple herbs and roots, do cure the most happily of all. And in this manner, in Constellations, Words and Characters, Stones, and such like, do lie hid the greatest influences or vertues in deed, which are in stead of a miracle.
Protection while asleep, psychic, attacks, and stuff related to sleep and protecting your loved ones can be seen here where you can help someone who can't help themselves like a child or someone who's too weak to protect themselves at night.
My Favorite Chapter(4) is the bath/spiritual baths chapter. Every part of the bath from beginning to end is filled with gems and wisdom that you will not regret. 4 Cleansing baths, 12 herbal bath, 6 household items baths, 2 love baths, and 4 nut baths, like what's MORE I can say except mention the bath he got the most testimony out of! To add ¼ cup bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to the regular bath water is an amazing cleansing bath both physically and spiritually :) of course praying, doing it with the instructions and so on is the best you can do!
Special mentions go to chapter 6 for teaching how to cleanse with an egg and not making it some tiktokized or 30 seconds or 2 minutes version of it. What can I say more is that it is a VERY amazing chapter, for all kind of cleansing emotional or spiritual, for eyestrain, for protection while asleep, cleansing your home, cleansing the sick, and cleansing your pet!
I will jump over chapter 7 and 8 despite them being EXTREMELY good and mention that chapter 9 is a MUST READ. Mainly these methods of washing the head or feeding the head are used to work with the non-physical part of the human mentation, not exactly a replacement for psychology or psychiatry or medical treatment of mental illnesses but it is an AMAZING addition to anyone who's healthy but feel slightly "off".
The last chapter and appendix is about finding spiritual practitioner to help you, and what Draja describe as "Recommended System of Treatment for General Therapy", I am honestly just going to say good read the book, it isn't that long and the weight of it is in gold with how much jam-packed it is with technique you would pick up from here or there. Go buy it, pirate it, I don't know just get it and see for yourself!
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elminx · 5 months
Elminx's Ritual Walkthrough: A Spell to
Remove Unwanted Things From Your Life
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Note: This ritual is my own creation - it combines the elements of a cleansing spell with cord-cutting. It also involves the basic concepts of sympathetic magic and some candle magic. Feel free to make it your own in any way that fits your personality and practice.
This is one of the most versatile spells in my repertoire - it can be used as a general all-purpose cleansing spell or specifically to target a particular problem you are currently experiencing. I am going to go through the basics of the spell first. The second section will involve how to adapt this spell to varying concerns. Its ingredients are meant to be simple and accessible - you can follow it as written or add more for flare. As always, I assume you will arrange your sacred space before you begin.
At its bare bones, this is a longer-lasting candle ritual of cleansing that involves strong elements of cord-cutting into the mix. You will be asked to actively attend to your candle every 30 minutes while your candle is lit. This is not optional - if you are not willing to do this, this is not the spell for you. A lot of the magic of this spell comes into play with the repetition of action - this is the MOST IMPORTANT element of this ritual, do not skip out on this step.
The Basic Ritual
You will Need:
1 Pillar Candle, preferably a figure candle* A fireproof bowl or tray Salt or Sand 1 or more Cleansing Herbs** A Cleansing oil, olive is fine (optional) A pair of scissors*** A stopwatch (the app of your phone is fine)
*This is especially true when you are new to this ritual. This candle is supposed to represent you and using a figure candle of your gender will reinforce this in your mind. I prefer to use the figure candles by Darknessvoid on Etsy, but any figure candle will do. Beeswax is best for this purpose because it has a long burn time which we want for this rituatl. For those of you who are nonbinary, I know that Madame Pamita sells nonbinary figure candles. Any pillar candle will do in a pinch just keep in mind that we WANT the candle to burn for a long time. I don't find the color of the candle to be important here (I use undyed beeswax) but you can add color magic here if you wish. **This should be a cleansing herb that you have a solid relationship with. I would suggest lemon, mint, sage, hyssop, or cedar as good options for this step but ultimately use what you have and feel comfortable with. For additional fire safety, use fresh herbs when applicable as they are less likely to ignite. ***I use regular old house scissors for this ritual. If you have a cutting device that is sanctified and important to your craft, use that. It does not have to be scissors, a knife or other cutting utensil will be fine
Set up your sacred space - this does not have to be fancy; do what feels right.
Prepare for A Long Burn, aka Candle Burning Safety - This is a long candle ritual - the longer your candle burns, the more effective the end results (in my experience). So we want to set up for candle safety - I do this by choosing a fire-safe plate and lining it with salt (you can use sand as an alternative). I place my candle in a safe space with nothing flammable nearby. Please follow your very best fire safety rules here.
Prepare your candle for burning - Take your pillar candle and become better acquainted with it. This candle is supposed to represent you; you may wish to carve your name and date of birth into the candle. Rub the candle over your entire body - focusing on problem areas (I'll go more into that below). If you do energy work, focus on pulling what you want to remove out of your body and into the candle. You can breathe into the face of the candle - whatever you have to do until you feel like the candle is a representation of you. This is an important step - take as long as you need to here. When this step feels complete, you can anoint your candle with a cleansing oil if you are using it (many traditions will call for holding the candle against your body and anointing the candle from the feet to the wick signifying that we are working on removal.) Place your candle in the center of your plate of salt/sand.
Sanctify or Empower Your Herb(s) - I will not go into details about how to do this because you should have a way that is already in your practice. The goal here is to somehow "wake up" the herbs and inform them of their role in this ritual. I like to arrange the herbs in an ascetic way around my candle, but do what works for you here. They just need to end up on the plate on top of the sand/salt. Keep in mind that dry herbs are quite flammable, so keep them farther away from the candle for fire safety.
Light your candle and begin the ritual - the goal of this ritual is to cut away any problems in your life every 1/2 hour while the candle is burning. The first cut should begin immediately after you have lit the candle and is the most important. I like to speak out loud as I make cuts around the candle with my scissors - I "name" each thing I am cutting as I focus on letting it go to exit my life. As I see it, there are five planes involved in a candle spell like this: to the left and right of the candle, in front of the candle, behind the candle, and above the candle. I was taught that the left side represents the past, the right the future, the back the mental realm, in front the physical realm, and above the spiritual realm. You do not need to use this format, but it can be a helpful way of thinking about WHERE to cut on the candle. Bring whatever is bothering you to mind, speak your intentions to remove it from your life, and then cut the air around the candle in the appropriate location. If you are good at energy work, you may be able to "find" the cord to cut, but it's okay if you can't do this. If something is feeling especially stuck, I sometimes cut the cords from around the candle and then from around my body. I am most likely to do this on the first cut.
Set Your Timer for 30 Minutes - You want to repeat the cutting part of the ritual every 30 minutes for as long as the candle burns. You may find that you are cutting at the same locations every time you return to this action, or you may find areas that need cutting that seem to be revealed as the ritual progresses. You can go with your intuition here or do divination on this subject - I wouldn't start divination for this until you've lit your candle and begun the ritual.
Take an action in your physical life to aid this spell - This is a great opportunity to take real-world steps that reflect the magic you are working on. You could cut your hair. You could clean your space. If you are removing a person from your life, this is the time to block them on social media if you have not done so already.
Rinse and Repeat - You should be cutting as part of this ritual for as long as your candle burns. It is okay to put out and relight your candle as needed; just make sure to burn it in half-hour increments. You could use numerology to your advantage here by burning the candle over nine days (nine is the number of completion). Doing this for the nine days leading up to a new moon would enhance the natural energy of this spell.
Finishing Touches - because this is a spell of removal, you want to clean up and discard any leftover elements of this spell as close to spell completion as possible. These items should be thrown away and I suggest doing so away from your house. I gather the items into a plastic bag and dispose of them in a public trash bin. If you can't do that for whatever reason, at least put them in the bin outside of your house.
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How to Modify This Ritual
This ritual can be modified in any way that you can think of to remove something specific.
To Remove a Person From Your Life - To do a gentle cord cutting, repeat this ritual as written. Specify that you are cutting the ties that bind you and the person you want to remove during the cutting sections. Adding an herb like lavender that has a soft and calming domination element to it can aid in this effect. Here you might put your focus on the past, the future, and the physical sides of the candle.
If you need to forcibly remove a person from your life - add in some banishment herbs. If there is an air of obsession on either of your parts, cut in the mental realms as well.
Hexbreaking - this isn't in and of itself a hex-breaking ritual, but it can be used in conjunction with other magics to mollify some of the effects of baneful magic or the evil eye on your person. In this case, it is best to have a good idea of what effect the baneful magic is having and, from there, cut in the appropriate quadrant of the candle specifying "I am cutting away the baneful magic cast by xxx on my xxx". Add hex-breaking herbs to your ritual for this purpose.
Healing - I can't believe I have to say this, but magic cannot heal you of anything major, life-threatening, or chronic. But this spell is especially good at drawing out SYMPTOMS (I have used it to augment the treatment for my chronic illness and to help with colds and viruses in the past). On the step where you rub your candle over your body, focus on areas where you are symptomatic and draw the symptoms out of your body and into the candle. Add herbs that help you with these symptoms to this ritual.
For Help with Trauma - Please only do this if you have some handle on the trauma you have undergone. If you feel that there is a chance that thinking about the trauma may hurt you further, this is not a helpful ritual for you. When you are at a point where you understand your trauma well and wish to do a ritual to help release it, you can cut it away from your body as part of this ritual. It will help to understand where you are carrying the trauma - cut it away from your mental realm if you keep ruminating on it, or away from the belly of your candle if you carry it as stomach issues. You may need a buddy to be with while you attempt this sort of work; tread with care here.
For Intrusive Thoughts - Again, this ritual cannot cure you of intrusive thoughts, but it can help to manage them for a time. Rub the candle all over your head during step 3, focusing on pushing your intrusive thoughts out and into the head of the candle. During the cutting stage, focus on cutting in the mental realm.
I…could go on. If you need to remove it from your person, this ritual can be adapted for that purpose. If you have an idea in your head but don't know how to actualize it, feel free to send me an ask so I can spitball ideas with you.
A Few Final Thoughts
As humans, we tend to accumulate lots of stuff in our minds and in our bodies. This is a ritual that is designed, at its core, to separate out what is ours to carry forward from what we might just be carrying with us. This may not be the right ritual for you; if so, that is completely okay. You should never perform magic that doesn't feel right.
That said, keep in mind that when you clear out a lot of stuff, you can create a bit of a vacuum. Once whatever you want gone IS gone, you should take steps to protect yourself from its return. As always, I hope that this post was helpful. Do you like my work? You can support me by tipping me on KoFi or purchasing an astrology report written just for you.
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magickmama777 · 1 year
SALT will cleanse your house better than any sage will. Put some salt in the palm of your hand and pray over it. Then throw it all around your house, especially around your bed or the enterance to your home. This will keep out unwanted visitors and spirits.
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adobealmanac · 3 months
Herbal Limpia
There are many ways to perform a limpia, such as the methods I have shared on my blog before. This is another method that I know of. I have been taught these, and here, you can learn from me. Know that all limpias are simply different paths to the same destination.
Performing a limpia is a two person job. it requires cooperation and coordination, as well as trust. However, it does require firm boundaries as every limpia requires some level of either physical or spiritual contact. Be firm, and let your partner know what you are and aren't comfortable with.
The Ritual:
You will need: • A bundle of fresh herbs 1-2 feet in length Rosemary, rue, mugwort, sage, or basil are wonderful for limpias. I typically go into my garden and pick the herbs intuitively, leaving an offering of tobacco or oregano for permission. • An outdoor space • Optionally, copal incense and mezcal
The herbs are used to absorb and transmute the negative energies. The bundle is not like a traditional herbal bundle you purchase from a store. In fact, it is more akin to a bouquet. You may make it as simple or ornate as you like. I typically tie my bundle together with a red ribbon. You beat the client with the bundle, and not lightly may I add. You beat them all over their body with the bundle, head to toe; front and back, as if you are brushing all the negativity out of their aura and body. You may say a small limpia prayer or mantra during this process, or simply enjoy the silence. The intention of this is to bring the spirit back to their body.
Sacred copal is used to purify the mind, body, and spirit. The white smoke of copal perfectly captures its purpose: to turn bad into good; to replenish; to cleanse. It has been used for thousands of years, and should be treated with respect and reverence. Source it ethically, and, if you can you should collect it yourself.
Mezcal alcohol is an alcohol derived from the agave plant. It is grounding. Therefore, it aids in returning the spirit back to the body. It also aids in cleansing and purifying the body. It is typically sprayed from the mouth of the curandero onto the heart, head, abdomen, and appendages. It is an intimate practice. Typically you spray it under their shirt, with permission of course.
And finally, gratitude. The curandero must give thanks throughout the limpia. Give thanks to mother earth and father sky. Give thanks to the ancestors. Give thanks to the allies and tools that aided in the limpia. Give thanks to God, Jesus, and Mary. The participant must give thanks too, often by giving a small gift to the curandero such as copal, tobacco, or mezcal.
Remember, curanderismo is healing magic. Do not treat it as anything else.
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empressessence · 5 months
The Art of Sacred Self-Care: Nurturing Your Inner Empress
Welcome back to Empress Essence, where we continue our journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In our last blog post, we explored the essence of feminine energy and the importance of embracing our inner Empress. Today, let us delve deeper into the practice of sacred self-care—a cornerstone of our journey towards embodying our fullest potential.
Honoring Your Temple: Your body is a sacred vessel—a temple that houses your divine essence. Treat it with the reverence it deserves by nourishing it with wholesome foods, movement, and rest. Practice self-care rituals that honor your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Whether it's a gentle yoga session, a nourishing meal, or a soothing bath, prioritize activities that replenish and rejuvenate your body.
Cultivating Mindfulness: In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to become disconnected from the present moment. Cultivate mindfulness as a means of anchoring yourself in the here and now. Take time each day to pause, breathe, and tune into your senses. Whether it's through meditation, mindful movement, or simply savoring a cup of tea, allow yourself to fully immerse in the richness of each moment.
Embracing Ritual and Ceremony: Rituals and ceremonies hold profound significance in honoring the sacred within and around us. Create rituals that speak to your soul—a morning gratitude practice, a full moon ceremony, or a sacred space for reflection and intention-setting. Infuse these rituals with meaning and intention, allowing them to serve as potent reminders of your connection to the divine.
Setting Boundaries: Boundaries are essential for preserving your energy and maintaining your inner harmony. Learn to discern what nurtures your soul and what depletes it. Set clear boundaries around your time, energy, and relationships, honoring your needs and priorities. Remember, saying no to what no longer serves you is an act of self-love and empowerment.
Cultivating Creativity: Creativity is a powerful expression of feminine energy—a force that flows through you, inspiring innovation, beauty, and growth. Engage in activities that ignite your creative spark—whether it's painting, writing, dancing, or gardening. Allow yourself the freedom to play, explore, and express your unique essence without inhibition.
As we conclude our exploration of sacred self-care, I invite you to incorporate these practices into your daily life with intention and reverence. Remember, nurturing your inner Empress is not selfish; it is an act of profound love and devotion to yourself and those around you. Embrace the art of sacred self-care and watch as it illuminates your path towards wholeness and fulfillment.
We invite you to share your own self-care rituals below, and stay tuned for upcoming  community events focused on sacred self-care practices.
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sappy-witch · 8 months
🌑 Here is your reminder to cleanse your spaces and start afresh this New Moon 🌑
♒ February 9, 2024 - New Moon in Aquarius.
🔮 Magic for innovation, social justice, and humanitarian causes.
🕯️ Best candle colors are electric blue and silver.
🫙 Tip Jar 🫙
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v88sy · 1 month
*rubs good juju all over the tag*
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Simple cleansing ritual🌿✨
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(GIF is not mine!!)
Performing a cleansing ritual can help keep the energy in your space vibrant and positive, supporting your well-being and magical practice. Here are some of the cleansing rituals that I carry out if I feel stagnant or stressed, after illness or conflict, and generally during changes of season or moon phase. Let me know what you do to cleanse your space and if there’s anything else I should know!☺️
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What you will need:
• Essential oils (such as lavender, rosemary, or eucalyptus)
• A bowl of water
• Salt (sea salt or table salt)
• A bell or singing bowl (optional)
• An incense stick or diffuser with essential oils (optional)
1. Prepare the Space: Open windows and doors to allow negative energy to leave your space.
2. Create a Cleansing Solution: Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to the bowl of water and mix in a pinch of salt. The salt is for purification, and the essential oils provide cleansing properties and a pleasant aroma.
3. Sprinkle Water: Dip your fingers into the cleansing solution and lightly sprinkle the water around the room, focusing on corners, closets, and doorways where stagnant energy can accumulate. As you do this, say, “I cleanse this space of all negative energy.”
Sound Cleansing (Optional): Ring a bell or play a singing bowl in each room to break up any negative energy. Sound can be a powerful way to cleanse and elevate the energy in a space.
Diffuse Essential Oils (Optional): If you have an essential oil diffuser or incense, you can light it or turn it on to fill the space with a refreshing and cleansing aroma. Choose scents known for their cleansing properties, like lavender or eucalyptus.
Visualize: As you move through the space, visualize a bright white or golden light filling and protecting each area. Imagine this light driving out any negativity and leaving the space feeling clean and refreshed.
Happy cleansing! 🌿✨🔮
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