#room sprays
maceofpentacles · 1 year
hi everyone!! i have decided to soft launch an apothecary-esque sort of service for anyone who might be interested :)
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i’ve been crafting spell jars, oils, sprays, and other types of spell work for myself for a while now and i know that not everyone has access to certain things for whatever reason ((maybe you’re in the broom closet)), hence why i want to offer my services!!
all of these are custom made to order so there is some processing time before i send out but all you have to do is message me with your desired product and intention or entity, then we can talk about different ingredients and everything else!
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as of right now i am offering:
custom spiritual oils - $10 for roll-on or $18 for 2 oz glass dropper bottle
these can be made for a wide range of purposes like protection, strength, road opening, etc. as well as custom oils made for any deity/entity you work with to bring you closer to them.
custom room sprays - $10
can also be made for a wide range of purposes! my personal favorites of mine are my cleansing spray, divination spray, and protection spray.
custom spell jars/custom spell workings - price varies from $8-$12
i have experience creating custom spell jars for people as well as doing specific workings for them! this can be for just about anything from self love to semi baneful workings to stop people from talking about you behind your back
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all oils are made with avocado oil, if you’re allergic please let me know so i can use a substitute that won’t harm you!
my prices have shipping included. sadly i can only afford to send things within the united states, i don’t think liquids would travel well worldwide :( BUT!! anyone can purchase a custom spell working ((not spell jars)) since those don’t require me to physically send anything to you.
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cjdsignsworld · 8 months
Hi, Sweet Friends! Lavender Sheets and Pillows Spray. Photos by CJD.Sign Sleep has been evading me in the night and slamming me in the morning! I have flipped my inner clock and I want to flip it back again! Sleep rejuvenation! I have found some good advice that I would like to share with you! Green tea is very beneficial to the body and healthy. Drink green tea in small sips in the evening…
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myckicade · 10 months
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Hello, All!
Howlet & Fawn is back, with a new favorite fragrance!
NEW! To the World
This enchanting blend of champagne, cashmere and sugar sets the perfect romantic mood. Toast to our beloved Ineffable Husbands with one of our available options:
8 oz. Wax Candle 2.7 oz. Wax Melt Clamshell
Do hurry! Only small batches of each are available!
Get yours here.
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emacrow · 23 days
When Diana and her twin Jason was born after her, Jason was left to be disposed off in Amazon, only for him to disappear a second later.
Clockwork saw the possibility and took the freshly wet newborn swapping him with The Fenton's stillborn.
For what he saw in the possibility of the future was nearly endless as he did what he had to do.. for the best outcome to come forth..
A pebble here, a rocket ship toy there, an inch of furniture moved then so that incident doesn't happen, a poster paper on that tree. Minor tiny changes to help bring the visual to the present.
All leading to clockwork giving 19 year old sleep deprived danny an small yet important task to deliver a scroll in another dimension leading up to his body regressed in that dimension timeline the moment he slipped in and out the portal.
Diana knew she had a twin brother out there.. and she was going to find him.
What she didn't know that he was literally falling into her arms, when she and Superman went to check on the Glowing lararus pit portal made near metropolis.
Tiny little boy who look completely tired as he went unconscious holding a purple and green scroll in his hands, wearing clothes 3 times his size.
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pralinesims · 10 months
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Gamer Girl™
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m00ngbin · 3 months
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See that cat? That cat is me RIGHT NOW
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box-box-blorbos · 1 year
you’re podium pretty,
my champagne in
lips sticky with success.
podium pretty.
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one-bunny-a-day · 1 year
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cleaning crew
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mako-neexu · 4 months
"Senpai?" Mash calls out.
"Yeah?" And Ritsuka responds without looking up from her tablet. The report is due in a couple of hours. She'd really like to pass it on time and have time to kill before lunch starts.
Before her kouhai could respond, she already has an inkling as to what Mash was worried right now.
"Senpai, those... creatures hovering around you like a bee swarm... What are they?" There's great confusion in her tone. Totally understandable.
-Considering there's a bunch of flying bean plushies hovering around her and even making her hair and shoulders a place to rest on.
"They seem to resemble... Oberon-san?" Mash was genuinely confused and if Ritsuka could, she'd give her a reassuring pat on the back.
Unfortunately, these Obe-beans would immediately be the first to claim her hand for those 'pats'. As if the original wasn't already possessive.
She sighed. "Sorry, it's kind of a weird encounter. They basically were already on me when I woke up. Don't worry though. I'll find Oberon and give him a good beating."
As she says that, several of the flying beans started assaulting her face by bumping their soft bodies against her. "What the- Hey, quit it. I know you guys were the ones to eat the leftover chocolate I got from the other Servants!"
Mash left shoftly after that, presumably to call for help or find where a certain Pretender was to help her get rid of the creatures crawling around her body.
She really has never known peace. Still, since they were soft and cute (not that she'd admit that out loud and luckily, these didn't have Oberon's Fairy Eyes) she didn't mind their presence at all.
Her hand even started petting one while she was still focused on her report. There were three kinds of Obe-beans hovering around her, each representing his different outfits in all three ascensions.
The first one, the 'Fairy King Obe-beans' seemed content on resting on whatever available surface she had on her body. The same went to the second version and third version..
(And same as the original, some of them really attempted to wriggle inside her clothes, especially trying to get under her bra and underwear. Naturally, Ritsuka forced them out and sternly scolded them. It only worked just for a little bit before doing their attempts again, this time unsuccessful as she made sure they can't sneak in.)
There is one bean plush that had that permanent smirk though. It's part of the third ascension group, just creepily staring at her while it rested beside her laptop.
...The urge to flick this fly away was really strong.
Still, it was the only one that wasn't actively hogging for space on her lap or on her body for that matter.
The other beans were distracted.. so she decides to gently pick it up under her hand before bringing it to her cheek to nuzzle it quietly.
...No matter the version, it really was soft and squishy. She had this urge to bite him from cuteness and maybe... kiss it...
Now that the thought entered her mind, she kind of wanted to try it.
So, with both hands, Ritsuka cups the now-eager dark Obe plush, slowly bringing it to her lips-
She hears something drop from the floor at the entrance of her door.
Time freezes everything in place.
Oberon Vortigern stands dumbstruck with a mix of confusion, jealousy and anger, a bag of chips now scattered on the ground as soon as he saw her and his......creations(??).
"...What the fuck?" was the only thing the bastard could say.
Ritsuka felt a vein pop in her head. Wasn't he the one who summoned these things?
As revenge, she ordered the swarm crowding around her to attack Oberon, which wasn't really an attack but mostly annoying him to death.
Heh, serves him right.
In the end, in addition to the creatures that fought for space on her body, one extremely clingy and giant bug was the one to hog her personal space, but the beans and Oberon himself seemingly growled at each other over it.
Are they really one and the same? This is really going to get annoying...
And where was the insect repellant when she needs it?
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thedawningofthehour · 9 months
I've fucking forgotten what a normal chapter is like lol, I'm at 4500 words right now and thinking "ok so this is where that'll happen and I'll add this and then it's time to think about wrapping it up" and it feels so goddamn short. It's not I've just been driven clinically insane these past two chapters.
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sleepis4theweak · 10 months
Drawing request:
Donnie college update. What’s he up to?
He's doing what I'm doing:
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I think my roommate sprayed something in the room because it smells like a fucking cookie in this room
and not like a good cookie, like the "vanilla sugar cookie <3" fake smelling stuff....
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“Jason’s so rebellious”, “he’s the problem child” bro is NOT. He THINKS he is. But if anything he’s the kiss ass child trying to seem cool and rebellious. He’ll blow up a building and immediately be like “did Bruce see that?” “Did he see how rebellious I am??” “What’d he say???”. Rebellious my ass.
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simplyghosting · 30 days
Having a moment and by moment I mean me I am doing not so good
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wheresarizona · 4 months
Me writing: I can’t have them go into this room alone together because they’ll end up fucking.
*Has them go into the room anyways*
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Me: Goddammit, they’re fucking!
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bueris · 29 days
I... I think I'm going to- uh *twitches* stay in my room... yeah. it's it's safer in my room I have prepared stakes *shivers* ah I'm only a defensive midfielder I'm easy pickings eughhb what if I'm next *jerk* what was that sound?
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gideonisms · 9 months
No don't make every basic life task nearly impossible to accomplish yuor so sexy aha
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