#roy wagner
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Roy Wagner and Marilyn Strathern are well-known to have been close and influenced each other intellectually. This rough timeline of their two careers shows how much they were in parallel.
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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The Invention of Culture: Roy Wagner arbeitet an der Geschichte und der Theorie einer Kreativität, die nicht unter dem Zwang steht, schöpferisch zu sein oder jene Qualität zu haben, die in der Perspektive der Theologen die Schöpfung haben soll. Diese Kreativität muss noch nicht einmal zu dem beitragen, was McCloskey die große Anreicherung oder große Bereicherung nennt. Diese Kreativität macht auf wendige Weise (Um-)Welt verfügbar, auch wenn sie dabei was zerstört, verbraucht und (Um-)Welt gleichzeitig verschlingt. Der Begriff der Kreativität, wie Wagner sie entfaltet, muss eventuell von dem Klang unabhängig gemacht werden, denn dieser Begriff durch die Kunst und Werbeschilder (zum Beispiel die Werbung für neuen co-work-space an der Bockenheimer Landstraße) bekommen hat.
Dieser Kreativität macht sich die (Um-)Welt zurecht, schafft schon ganz niedrigschwellig einen Umgang mit ihr oder aber eine Möglichkeit, etwas in ihr zu umgehen. Kleine Türschwellen mit Türen, die man öffnen oder schließen kann, gehören schon zu dieser Kreativität.
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fionapplespiano · 18 days
I’m allowed to HC a character whose had many het relationships as gay if I don’t like any of their het relationships.
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If Marvel comics could exist in the DC universe or vice versa I think it'd be fun to see who each character's fav would be.
I personally think Jason Todd's fav would be Frank Castle or Eddie Brock. I could probably see Roy Harper being into Gambit or another one of the X-Men. I could see Damian Wayne maybe being into Rogue. Conner Kent is an Elektra stan wholeheartedly and he won't shut up about it if you ask him. Bart Allen is still holding out for another Hulk movie despite everyone telling him it'll never happen. Alfred Pennyworth is a Magneto apologist, and he and Bruce argue about it all the time (Dick likes to instigate bc he thinks it's hilarious). Stephanie Brown is a Jubilee stan but her real babygirl is Nightcrawler. Cassandra Cain has all Felicia Hardy merch and even went as her one year for Halloween. Booster Gold, Barda Free, and Scott Free are in the same She-Hulk fan club.
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
DC Comics started a four issue limited series based on the Richard Wagner Opera titled The Ring of the Nibelung. The first issue has a cover date of December, 1989. The adaptation was made by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane. ("Book One: The Rhinegold" The Ring of the Nibelung 1#, DC Comic Event)
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pat1dee · 1 year
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DC house Ad for Richard Wagner’s
Ring Of The Nibelung”
December 1989-March 1990
Words by Roy Thomas, art by Gil Kane
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Breakfast continues!
Wolverine was created by Roy Thomas, John Romita, and Len Wein! Magneto and Professor X were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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Today a program for a Special Concert at the The Metropolitan Opera on March 15. 1931.
Take also a look on the weekly program and the famous names. The advertising was in the same brochure. Click on the pics for better view.
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royfmc · 1 year
The Kremlin Caterer Who is Overseeing The Russian Coup Parlayed A Hot Dog Stand Into Billion-Dollar Catering Fortune And Mercenary Empire
As you may have heard, there appears to be a coup underway in Russia right now. And as is typical with coups from the dawn of time, the side performing the coup is a once-loyal military faction led by a General who has lost faith in the current political regime. In today’s coup, the General is a guy named Yevgeny Prigozhin. Yevgeny Prigozhin is able to pay for his private military force, the…
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poemaseletras · 11 months
Envie sugestões. Leia uma citação no modo aleatório.
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C. JoyBell C.
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Richard Wagner
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Yasmin Mogahed
Yoke Lore
Yoko Ogawa
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threadandlace · 1 year
helping hand- repost
Pairing: Danny Wagner x female reader
Summary: A performance doesn't go quite as planned, leaving Danny rather pissed off
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: ☆ smut- NSFW, 18+ content, Minors DNI
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The door to the green room slammed open, jolting you out of your trance. You had been watching the performance on the screen attached to the wall, absolutely captivated. You turned to see Josh walk in first, his face twisted up. Your bright smile dropped instantly as you strided over to him. He was off-balance and slightly wobbly, so you took a hold of his shoulders to steady him. 
“What’s wrong? Josh, talk to me,” you said, worry etched on your face. His hand lifted to his ear, bumping the in-ear monitors that were draped from his shoulders. You quickly removed them, turning to set them on the side table beside you. Josh’s eyes were starting to fill with tears as he pushed gently past you to take a seat on the couch. 
You were worried- was he hurt? Upset? Exhausted? Moved beyond words? Jake came trailing in behind him and gave you a glance as he removed his jacket, draping it over the back of the couch. Jake took a seat next to Josh and pulled him into his side protectively. You let them have their moment as you turned to look down the hall for the other two band members. 
You could feel Danny’s energy before you saw him. He strode down the hall, pulling at the cape attached to his shirt. “Motherfuckers,” Danny spat as he entered the room. Josh and Jake looked up at him, Josh taking in a deep, rattling breath. Danny was still wrestling with his shirt, so you laid a gentle hand on his back before helping him tug the fabric over his head. He slung it onto the floor, striding over to kneel in front of Josh.
“Josh, you were perfect. Fuck those schmoozers out there, we don’t need their dead energy anyways,” Danny said as he rested a hand on Josh’s knee. Jake was scrolling through his phone, still resting a protective arm around Josh’s shoulders. Danny straightened. “What’s the verdict online, Jake? Do we even want to know?” Jake shook his head, setting his phone down on the side table with a clatter. 
“Do I need to wrangle Samuel or is he coming?” you asked, hoping to break the tension. Danny turned to face you, relaxing for a moment as he caught your eye, although it was a short-lived reprieve. “No, he wanted to watch Jimmy Kimmel talk about whatever. What even was that comment? He compared us to…” he paused, not remembering but clearly irritated by it. “Siegfried and Roy,” you said quietly. “Who the fuck even is that?” Josh asked quietly, still seemingly a million miles away. “A couple of magicians,” you added, hoping they didn’t delve into that more. “Tacky magicians with tacky clothes,” Danny said, “I told them I shouldn’t have worn this bullshit. It wasn’t right for this,” he said, gesturing to the metallic pants he had on. 
You walked over to Danny, placing a hand on his bare shoulder. He took a deep breath before turning to face you, “What did you think? And be honest. Speak from a music lover’s point of view, not my girlfriend’s.” You were stunned- you were still getting used to being referred to as his girlfriend, especially in front of other people. Danny had always been more private, and even though you’d been dating for nearly four months, this was your first time at one of Greta Van Fleet’s performances. The fandom was still in the dark, and you both hoped to keep it that way for as long as possible. 
“I thought it was good. The crowd didn’t give y’all anything to work with. The sound was good though, the song choices were good,” you said, giving an honest opinion. “Josh, I know you don’t feel great and you were nervous, but you sounded crystal clear. The lower register really worked too. It was intimate and moving,” you added, giving him a short smile. 
Josh looked up at you, his face still showing his disappointment “I didn’t even give out my roses. I didn’t think anyone would want them.” This shattered your heart- such a sweet man who didn’t deserve to think such venomous thoughts. “That’s not true Josh- there were a TON of people who were screaming and cheering for y’all. I saw them! They were on the livestream!” you countered. “I saw them. It was hard to look past the front few rows though,” Josh replied. 
Sam walked into the room, “well! That was fun!” Danny turned to give him an icy stare, “you’re joking, right? That was a shit show. The crowd was dead.” Sam stopped, acknowledging the mood in the room for a second before continuing, “who cares? Did you guys see Jimmy Kimmel hug me? He’s got some zingers tonight.”
Danny turned sharply, moving to the other side of the room to rummage through his clothes. He kicked his metallic boots off and began ripping his pants down his legs. You sucked in a sharp breath- even when he was angry and moving hastily, you couldn’t help but admire him. 
“Y/n, can you help me find my shirt please?” Danny said, starting to pull on his jeans. You moved to his side, rummaging through the mess and producing his t-shirt, watching as he hastily put it on. You picked up the pieces of clothes he had thrown onto the floor, placing them back on hangers as he sat to pull his shoes on, lacing them quickly. The other three watched him, gazing from Danny back to you, unsure of what to say. 
You’d only seen Danny this mad once since you’d started dating- his usually quiet and laid back personality had been replaced with pure masculine rage. The group had been hanging out at a bar in a small town outside of Nashville. It was where the band went when they wanted to let loose, but not get noticed. You had been enjoying the evening and had gone up to the bar to order another round when a man approached you, slipping his hand down your shoulder before grabbing your ass. “I think not,” you said, giving him a hard shove. He stumbled back and you had grabbed your drinks when you suddenly felt Danny pressed up next to you. He towered over you and the creep, his voice growling slightly when he spoke. “Back off,” was all it took to send the slimeball scurrying. You watched the darkness and sharp edge in his eyes leave as he turned to face you, checking to make sure you were okay. 
You were brought back to the present when Danny stood up, taking your hand firmly, but not aggressively. “We are leaving,” he said, reaching to hand you your water bottle off of the counter behind you and slinging your purse and his book bag over his shoulder. “Danny, you guys can’t go yet, we need to be here for…” Jake started, looking from you to him nervously. “You guys can handle it. I’m over this,” Danny said, walking forward, pulling you behind him. “We will see you back at the hotel.”
“Fine, go fuck your rage out. Just don’t take it out too much on poor y/n,” Sam said sharply, clearly testing Danny. Danny turned and jabbed a finger into Sam’s bare chest, “shut your mouth Kiszka. Don’t push me more than you have today.” Sam stepped back, raising his hands in defeat. Danny pulled you behind him out the door and down the back hall.
“Ow, Danny, please slow down for a second,” you said, tripping over your feet as he borderline dragged you behind him. He paused and you took the moment to catch up, walking in front of him and turning to face him. “Just take a second with me. Are you sure you want to leave?” He paused, listening to you. “I love you so much, and you know that, but I really need you to back me up right now and get out of here with me,” he said. You nodded and you both started walking to the back entrance. You stopped again and Danny let out a breath, “what?” You hesitated, not wanting to push him more. “I just… there may be paparazzi or fans? They may see us leave together,” you pointed out. Danny contemplated this before continuing, “who cares. They see me leave pissed off with my hot girlfriend? There are worse things that could happen.” You nodded and you both continued weaving your way out of the venue. 
You made your way to the rental, both of you moving quickly so as not to be spotted by any bystanders. “Should I drive?” you asked. “I’m fine to drive,” he said, reaching out to start the car, “besides, are you really that good at driving stick?” You laughed, “better than you think.” He gave you a smirk as he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and he put it into first. 
You watched him drive, effortlessly shifting gears. You admit- it was hot. The rage still etched on his face, the eyeliner from the performance slightly smudged, the way his hands curved over the gear shift and flipped it back and over as he drove down the streets of LA. He caught you staring at him, “what?” he asked, a bite in his tone. You pointed to a parking garage ahead on the right, “pull over.” He shook his head. “Danny,” you said, raising your voice slightly, “I said pull over.” He listened, following your instructions and parking in a back corner. “What?” he spat, pulling up the handbrake and turning in his seat to face you. “Fuck me. Right now,” you said, unbuckling your seatbelt.
He paused, his rational side taking over for a moment. “I’m too pissed off right now, I’m not myself,” he said, giving you a taste of his signature sweetness. You didn’t need that at the moment, as endearing as it was. “Daniel Wagner, I told you to fuck me and I mean it,” you said, reaching over to grab his face. That was all it took for him to lean in and kiss you hard, wrestling with his seatbelt. He grabbed you and pulled you over the console, positioning you in his lap. His hands wrapped around your shoulders, squeezing hard. You gasped, pushing the curls back from his face as you kissed him back. 
Both of you stayed like this for a minute, teeth and tongues thrashing as you both fought for dominance. You started to grind your hips on him and he groaned, flopping his head back into the headrest. You took the opportunity to lick along his throat, sucking on his Adam's apple. He reached up and wound his hands in your hair, forcing your head back. You let out a laugh as he bit along your jaw, leaving soft imprints in your flesh. 
You struggled to focus and complete the task of unbuttoning his pants with the adrenaline and lust coursing through your body. He reached to help, his large hands easily popping the fabric from around the button and wrestling the zipper down. You lifted yourself up as he pushed his pants down. His hand brushed against your soaking wet panties as he moved his hand back towards him. You shivered at the contact and he noticed. 
“Thank fuck for skirts and easy access,” he grumbled, sliding the waistband of your skirt up. He gripped you tightly, his thumbs digging into the divots on your hips. You knew he’d probably leave bruises, but you didn’t care. You reached down to pull his underwear down, your mouth watering at the sight of his cock, already leaking precum against his exposed stomach. You leaned forward as he slid his underwear down to his knees, waiting for him to lean back before you made deep eye contact. You searched his eyes for a moment before opening your mouth slightly, letting a trail of spit splatter onto his cock. He groaned and his pupils dilated at the sight. How you loved being a slut for this man.
You jerked him, starting slowly but quickening your pace. He pushed his left hand against the wet fabric clinging to your core. He stroked you through the cotton barrier, feeling your wetness on his middle finger as he played with you. He finally slid your panties to the side, circling your clit with his middle and ring fingers. You hissed, pressing down into his hand. “Impatient,” he whispered against your hair, sending shivers down your spine. 
“You ready for me?” he asked, taking his cock from you and pushing it forward, angled towards you. You nodded. “Words,” he spat. “Yes sir,” you replied. He grabbed your face, pressing his fingers into your jaw, forcing your mouth open. You complied and he spit into your mouth. You jolted at the feeling- it was a primal, filthy move. He’d never done this before, but it lit a fire in your body. “Fuck me right now,” you said breathlessly before you swallowed. 
Danny complied, pushing into you hard and deep. You both leaned back and moaned, enjoying the feeling of finally being connected. He wrapped his arms around your waist, helping you bounce on his cock at a quick pace. You moaned his name and he dropped his hands back to your hips, using them as leverage as he fucked you. Arching your back, you reached to grip the steering wheel behind you, needing something to hold tight to. You and Danny had fucked before but this was new- animalistic, raw, pure emotion and rage.
“Are you…” you started through gritted teeth as he fucked you deeper, “still pissed?” He let out a growl from deep in his chest, reaching up to wrap his hand around your throat. “Very,” was all he replied before squeezing tightly, disrupting the blood flow of your jugular veins. You gasped, your head suddenly going fuzzy as you struggled to stay coherent with the lack of oxygen reaching your brain. You tapped his shoulder and he instantly let go, searching your face for a reaction. “You like when I choke you?” he asked with a smirk. “Oh, fuck yes,” was all you could get out before you were overtaken by an orgasm, the sudden rush of blood to your head allowing you an almost instant release as he continued to thrust into you, grinding his pelvis on your clit. 
You choked back a sob as you returned back to the present, reaching forward to grasp at Danny’s shirt. You had never cum harder than you just had. Something about this sex was so different, so hot. He leaned forward, pressing his mouth to your ear, “you came so good baby,” he whispered before he sat back, “now it’s my turn.” You bounced on his cock hard, grinding your hips each time you landed as Danny buried his hands in your hips, guiding you. 
Danny started to get sloppy, a sure sign he was close. “Cum for me, cum so deep inside me,” you said in a hoarse whisper. That was all it took and he threw his head back, groaning as you felt him cum hard inside you. You watched him in awe- the same faces you saw on stage as he performed were, in fact, the ones he made when he came. You giggled at the sight and he snapped back to reality, bringing his face forward and catching your eyes. “What?” he said in a soft voice, “what’s so funny?” You were laughing deep belly laughs now. “Your performance face is the same,” you said through giggles. It took him a minute to put the pieces together before he chuckled. He thrust once more inside you and you gasped, your laughter stopping instantly. “Rich of you to laugh when I’m still inside of you,” he said, raising an eyebrow. 
You sat like that for a moment, just being together. The tenseness in his body had left and his face reflected the relaxed, carefree and calm person he typically was. Finally, Danny spoke. “I hope we have napkins or something in here. This IS a rental after all,” he said, giving you a shy smile. You both laughed and you dug into your purse, producing a pack of kleenex. He took them from you, “allow me,” he said, removing one and holding it under you as you slowly lifted yourself up. He hissed, but finished the task of wiping you clean. 
You pulled your panties back over and struggled to move back over the console. Danny turned and lifted you under the armpits, helping you move back into your seat. “Legs not working?” he asked as he wiped himself off, leaning forward to pull his pants back up. You watched him slide the zipper up and pull the cloth over the button, his fingers working nimbly. He glanced up at you, watching you watch him. “Please tell me you’re not ready for another round yet. I need something to eat first,” he said with a chuckle. You bit your lip, sitting back in your seat. “Depends. Are you still angry?” you asked, shamelessly flirting. “I definitely feel better,” he said, turning to buckle his seatbelt. He reached his hand out and gave your thigh a squeeze. “I think I should get pissed off more often,” he said, giving you his signature eyebrow wiggle. “I agree,” you said as he pushed the gear shift over and back into reverse, pulling out of the spot.
Let me know who you want a repost for next! I'm thinking Jake perhaps...
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Vom Zweien
Auch Roy Wagner betreibt in seinem Buch the invention of culture Polarforschung.
Im Vorwort zu einer erweiterten Auflage möchte er gestehen, er habe übertrieben mit den Kontrasten und Gegensätzen (den Oppositionen, der Rivailtät? den Konkurrenzen? den Perspektivwechseln oder den Übersetzungen?). Zu viele Noten, zuviele Notizen, zuviel Zettel, zuviel Wahrnehmung, zu viele Schichten. Wagner vergleicht sich mit Mozart (von der Traufe in den Regen). Für eine Wissenschaft und eine Praxis wie das Recht, deren Gründe Verdoppelungen sind, die gar nicht genug verdoppelt werden können, sieht das halb so übertrieben aus. Anspruchsgrundlagen, Ermächtigungsgrundlagen, Grundrechte, 'Grundmedien' (Schlichte/Haaf), "Grundinstitutionen" (Lomfeld) und alle Rechtswissenschaftler wollen ganz selbstverständlich neben der Dogmatik auch Grundlagen machen, zumindest wenn ein Wissenschaftsrat einmal wieder Agendasetting betrieben hat.
Doppelt gemoppelt hält besser, den Verdoppeln ist, was hält. Darum ist Normieren Formieren und Formieren Symbolisieren. Symbolisieren ist Distanzschaffen, das macht normativ. Das heißt: Teilung, Spaltung und Trennung, jedes aus-eins-mach-zwei, jedes Zweien und Zwisten hält nicht besser als irgendwas anderes. Zweien oder Zwisten ist überhaupt das das einzige, was hält. Muss ja nicht gleich Entzweien sein, man soll mit dem Halten auch nicht übertreiben.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
do you ever read scifi or fantasy in french? i am trying to read more sff that was originally published not in english but it's not easy to find 💀
I do! It’s not my favourite genre but one of my friends loves it so I read a bunch of SFF books every year ahead of her birthday to try and find a gift for her. I’m glad I do this because it’s allowed me to discover N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy which was amazing, and I don’t know if I would have picked it up otherwise!
Here are some French-language authors I’ve read or plan to read (unfortunately English translations are few and far between :( I bolded the names for which I found English translations—if you read in another language you can check out the non-bolded authors, there are often translations available in other languages long before English ones)
When it comes to classics you've got Pierre Boulle (Planet of the Apes of course; also Garden on the Moon, which is (deservedly imo) less known), Jacques Spitz (La Guerre des mouches—it was translated but not into English), René Barjavel (The Ice People, Ravage, Future Times Three—I read them a long time ago but I remember them as very sexist even by French classic standards), Bernard Lenteric (La nuit des enfants rois), Alain Damasio (La Horde du Contrevent—maybe too recent to be a classic but it’s everywhere. I was surprised to find no English translation!), Bernard Werber (I feel like he rehashes the same 3 ideas again and again but some of his earlier stuff was fun), Alexandre Arnoux (Le règne du bonheur), Jules Verne of course, Stefan Wul (Oms en série which was adapted into the film La Planète sauvage—Fantastic Planet in English. I like the film better!) And some I haven’t read: Georges-Jean Arnaud, Serge Brussolo (I liked his Peggy Sue series when I was in middle school but it spooked me so much I haven’t dared to pick up any of his SFF for adults, like Les semeurs d’abîmes), Élisabeth Vonarburg.
Newer authors: Estelle Faye (L’arpenteuse de rêves, Un éclat de givre—I tend to like her worldbuilding more than her plots); Sandrine Collette (The Forests—if you count speculative fiction as SFF) (I didn’t like it at all personally but others might), Jean-Philippe Jaworski (I really liked Janua Vera; didn't like Gagner la guerre but it was mainly because I have a low tolerance for rape scenes in fantasy books) (he’s about to be translated into English according to his editor), Stéphane Beauverger (Le déchronologue)
More authors I haven't yet read: Pierre Pevel (The Cardinal's Blades—I've been told it's "17th century Paris with dragons"), Romain Lucazeau (Latium), Laurent Genefort (Lum’en), Christian Charrière (La forêt d’Iscambe), Roland Wagner (La saison de la sorcière), Aurélie Wellenstein (Mers Mortes—I love the synopsis for this one), Magali Villeneuve (La dernière Terre, trilogy)
And non-French, non-anglo SFF authors: Maryam Petrosyan (my review of the Gray House last year was that I understood maybe 1/3 of it but I liked it anyway!), Hao Jingfang (haven’t read her yet), Arkady & Boris Strugatsky (idem), Jaroslav Melnik (I’ve read Espace lointain (originally Далекий простір) but didn’t like it much), Andreas Eschbach (The Carpet Makers), Walter Moers (I read The City of Dreaming Books back when I was still learning German and found it very charming), Liu Cixin (I loved The Three-Body Problem but The Dark Forest was so sexist it made me not want to pick up the third volume), Lola Robles (El informe Monteverde, translated as Memoirs of an Interstellar Linguist), Elaine Vilar Madruga (Fragmentos de la Tierra Rota), Tatiana Tolstaya (The Slynx), Karin Tidbeck (Amatka), Emmi Itäranta (Memory of Water, The Moonday Letters), Angélica Gorodischer (I’ve read Kalpa Imperial and found it only so-so but it always takes me a while to warm up to characters or a setting so I struggle with short story collections. I’ll still give Trafalgar a try) Also my favourite fantasy book as a kid was Michael Ende’s Neverending Story, I was obsessed with it. I re-read it in the original German a few years ago and it was still great.
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Scenario the DC and Marvel universe collide which Marvel hero would get along best with the following DC heroes and what would their friendship be like
Robin either Tim or Damian
Green Arrow
Wonder Woman
Donna Troy
Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark
Green Lantern either Hal Jordan or John Stewart
And Beast Boy
Thank You! 😃
Oh Ho a Big One
Okey Dokey let’s see what I can think up ;-)
Clark Kent - Steve Rogers
Bruce Wayne - Both Tony Stark and Matt Murdock
Dick Grayson - Both Peter Parker (adult) and Kurt Wagner
Tim(my) Drake - Either Peter Parker (Teen/Ultimate Universe) or Miles Morales
Oliver Queen - Clint Barton though more like friendly rivals
Roy Harper - I can see him be a teacher figure to Kate Bishop
Diana Prince - Maybe she can befriend the Jane Foster Thor, maybe even try out lifting her hammer by herself…she did make it jiggle a little bit
Donna Troy - I can see her actually getting along with either Natasha or Gamora, as the type of the friend that can connect with them and encourage them in taking it easy every once in a while
Cassie Sandsmark - Kamala Khan, plain and simple
John Stewart - I see him being on good terms with Carol Danvers given how the both of them are familiar with differing branches of the military, the former a Marine and the latter an Air Force pilot
Koriand’r - Oh There are so many that can get along very well with her given Kory’s legendary friendliness but keeping in theme with Dick befriending an adult Peter Parker, I see Kory totally hanging out with Mary Jane Watson. Bonus points if MJ has some of Peter’s spider powers as Spinneret
Rachel Roth - Probably I see her sympathizers and talking with Wanda Maximoff. While Magneto is nowhere near a bad of a father as Trigon is, they still can both relate to having less than ideal fathers and how their friends are their real family. Oh And yeah I see Rae getting along well with Wanda’s kids Tommy and especially Billy
Victor Stone - I can see him no doubt fawning and being utterly amazed by the tech at Stark Industries especially all those various Iron Suits. Rhodey is the one giving him the extensive tour and they’d have so much to talk about
Garfield Logan - For him, I can see him paling around with all the Wolvies, in particular Laura and Logan themselves. He looks up to Logan no doubt for the latter’s coolness factor and in turn Logan looks at this green fella with some uncertainty for how overtly excited he is but he finds it charming. Also no doubt Gar can shift into an actual Wolverine if Jonathan the Wolverine needs anything
One things for certain everyone here; they are all very uncomfortable with both Frank Castle and Wade Wilson. For differing reasons but still
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iheartsunset · 3 months
My Papa Louie Last Name HCs
(Finally I get around to making this after an extensive list spanning three years)
2024 Update: I had to change some of them due to a few new flipdecks coming out. I can’t believe Yoko is Prudence’s mom!
Louis “Papa Louie” Bianchi
Rinato “Roy” Bianchi
Allegra “Joy” Bianchi
Penelope “Penny” Nickelson
Alberto Marroquin
Prudence Hime-Wagner
Yoko Hime
Cooper Stripey
Greg Stripey
Taylor Morales
Margeurite “Peggy” Porterhouse
James Plummer
Willow Blackwood (formerly Ionescu)
Utah Mahelona
Nevada Mahelona
Saphira “Scooter” Hernandez
Kylie “Koilee” Takahashi
Olivia Takahashi
Cecilia Jimenez
Manon “Maggie” LeMaire
Timm Bower
Martin “Marty Diamond” Fitzpatrick
Colette “Clover Diamond” Fitzpatrick
Margarita “Rita” Jimenez
Rudy “Rudy Spade” Ramirez
Scarlett “Scarlett Heart” Ocampo
Mordecai “Mousse” Doletti
Whitney “Whippa” Doletti
Lisa Pereira
Daniel “Sarge Fan” Rootless
Allan Curtis
Tohru Yukimura
This probably isn’t all of them, but yeah! Most of them!
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
I have come to realize, I don't quite understand what a back-up story is? Like, do some comic issues just sometimes have too much space for the main story so they include another, smaller comic at the back?
No, it's usually the reverse: the creators have a story they like, but that's too short to make up a full comic, so they attach it as a bonus feature after the A-story.
To me, the acme of how to do backup stories are Chris Claremont's Classic X-Men. In an era before trade paperback and omnibus collections were common, in an era before there were digital comics libraries where you could access the entire back catalogue of entire companies on demand, Classic X-Men reprinted everything from the Roy Thomas/Neal Adams Silver Age through to the big hits of the first hundred or so issues of the Claremont run with edited captions and dialogue and interstitial panels and pages of new art.
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However, Chris Claremont wasn't satisfied with tinkering around the edges, so the first 44 issues of Classic X-Men included backup stories by him and Ann Nocenti. These short (usually ~8 page) stories included a lot of "deleted scenes" - so you get to see how things that are alluded to but not shown in the main narrative, like the beginning of Logan and Jean's attraction in the immediate wake of Giant-Size #1, or Emma Frost's Hellfire Club scheming against Jason Wyngarde or Selene during the Dark Phoenix Saga, or Jean Grey wrestling with what it means to be the Phoenix with the help of Storm and Misty Knight, or why Nightcrawler stopped using his image inducer and came out of the closet as a mutant, etc. These scenes "danced between the raindrops" of canon, where they added richness and flavor to the main story without being essential reading.
But more and more, Claremont and Nocenti used these backup stories to fill out backstories through "period pieces." It is in these stories that we see Max Eisenhardt escape Auschwitz and tragically lose his daughter Anya, or go from being a Nazi hunter in South America to a mutant separatist terrorist when he learns the truth about Operation Paperclip. It is in these stories that we see Jean Grey's psychic powers awaken when she experiences the tragic death of her childhood friend Annie Richardson from inside Annie's mind, and how that shaped her understanding of life and death and what it means to be a mutant.
I would argue that these stories are essential reading, because they're often where Claremont (and Nocenti) found the emotional core of his characters, the motivational drives that make them who they are.
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Alternatively, backup stories are where creators could take advantage of free "real estate" in anthology books, team-up books, and annuals to tell more fantastical and imaginative B-stories that wouldn't have fit within an overarching narrative. So we get weird stuff like Margali Szardos casting her adopted son Kurt Wagner into the literal Inferno of Dante Alighieri, or straight-edge Harlan County miner's son Sam Guthrie romantically abducted by an intergalactic cat burglar who also happens to be a cockney Joan Jett, and so on.
And that's what I like about backup stories - they're like miniature paintings, where the artists get to stretch their creative muscles free of the burden and pressure of the magnum opus.
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