#sambucky friendship
wenellyb · 1 year
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livstarlight · 2 years
I don't know but the idea of Shuri and Bucky having that kind of bond where they wouldn't hesitate to drop everything to help and be there for the other is so precious to me.
Bucky being the type to ask how she has been doing, if she has been eating, sleeping, what has she been working on lately. Almost thinking of himself as a self appointed protector/big brother surrogate (even if Shuri doesn’t need protection and could most likely crash him in a blink if she wanted to now)
And Shuri loving the normalcy of spending time with him like one would with the fun uncle who comes to visit from time to time (even if above mentioned old uncle used to be a supersoldier killing machine she helped getting out of brainwashing and built a vibranium arm for) teasing him and trying to convince him to give up on his utter refusal to adapt to the modern world and use anything remotely newer than the 90s.
Add to the mix Namor being jealous of how close and familiar with each other they seem to be. Just livid because he can't wrap his mind around the fact of someone else. A foreigner, a white man. Being able to make Shuri smile and feel understood aside from him.
He has no idea they see themselves as just friends, borderline family on occasions. The annoying-affectionate type.
And also that what Shuri enjoys more than anything, is roasting the asbolutely living headlights out of Bucky, and him letting her get away with it, ("You do know that if you want something to happen between you two, you actually have to do more than stare until he gets the message and asks you out... these aren't the 40s anymore. People actually don't wait around for the other to start noticing they like them... and it’s not like you are getting any younger." "I just asked you to take a look at my arm, Shuri.") for his not so subtle growing crush for his flying partner.
("By the way, who's shirtless guy with wings on his feet?"
"New ally. Temporary one hopefully."
"He has been glaring at me since the moment I stepped foot in here. Thought was gonna jump me when you said you wanted to show me something in your lab."
"He's more of a nuisance than anything, really. But we need him. Just ignore him, like I do."
"Right... does the nuinsance know that you want to be more than temporary allies?"
"Don't you know that you should talk to people, instead of staring at them at council meetings..."
"I do not-"
"... and asking friends to come your lab in front of everyone as an excuse to just spite them?"
"Shut up, Bucky."
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 28. We all have our reasons
Fandom: Marvel
Ship: Sam/Bucky
Summary: Sam and Bucky have a conversation while looking at the stars in Wakanda.
Words: 985
Note: Tbh there's a reference to them meeting before, and it kinda can be a call-back to prompt 2 - Nobody warned you about me? - since this one kinda fits as a follow-up, tho I didn't intend that haha
The moon shines brightly above them among glittering stars, and the breeze is pleasantly cooling during the hot, summer Wakandan night. The grass they’re sitting on is cold and damp, but it doesn’t bother them. It’s just the two of them now – Bucky and the angel with wings – Sam, his mind supplies. His memory is still wonky at times, he tends to forget things momentarily, but somehow never Sam.
Steve and Natasha went to bed already, but Sam wanted to stay up and sit with him. Bucky doesn’t mind. He’s relieved, actually. People can be overwhelming, but he likes Sam’s company. He treats him like a normal human being, doesn’t talk to or look at him as if he could snap or break at any moment – and he knows Steve means well, but they’d apparently known each other before, which clouds his judgment – Bucky remembers only bits and pieces. The only other person who treats Bucky like Sam is Shuri, but it’s different, since she’s also trying to cure him. Everyone’s really nice and supportive and trying to help him, which is also a bit overwhelming. After everything he’s done… why would they do this?
“Sam.” he says suddenly, clearly surprising him. They rarely talk – well, Bucky rarely talks, but he likes to listen to Sam. Right now they’re just enjoying the quiet night, though, and it’s not like Bucky to break the silence first. Sam looks at him with a curious expression.
“Why are you here?” Bucky asks after a few moments, not sure how to phrase it. Sam snorts. So, maybe Bucky’s tone didn’t sound very nice, so what? He’s still adjusting.
“What do you mean?” he smiles. He has a very nice smile. Bucky involuntarily tries to shyly smile back.
“I mean, why- I get why Steve helped me. Why did you, though?” he frowns. “Why did any of you? And why are the Wakandans?” he looks back at the moon. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“We all have our reasons.” Sam responds quietly. Bucky hears him lie down. “As for me, originally I was trying to help Steve. Captain America showed up on my doorstep, what was I supposed to do?” he chuckles. It’s a nice sound, Bucky wants to hear it again and again. “And later I went chasing a ghost for him. Until that time we met and talked in Europe. Then, it was for you.” his voice is quiet, but firm. Bucky recalls them meeting, and Sam being so casual and unafraid. It was a welcome change. That was the first time since Bucky died that he felt almost normal.
“Do you regret it?” Bucky dares a glance at him. Sam meets his eye. “Since you’re on the run now and can’t go home because of all that?”
“Nah.” Sam answers immediately, grinning. “I wasn’t sure about you at the beginning, but now I know that it’s worth it. That you’re worth it.”
“Why?” Bucky frowns again, even more confused now. And slightly uncomfortable. Why is Sam being so nice?
“Hm. Maybe I’ll tell you one day.” Sam just says with a playful smile. His eyes shine in the moonlight. “Let me be the mysterious one for once.” he adds teasingly. A short laugh escapes Bucky. It’s not like he tries to be mysterious. He just tries to find who he even is. “You should do that more.” Sam muses.
“Do what?” Bucky tilts his head, curiously.
“Laugh. Smile.” he shrugs. “It’s nice.”
“Um-” Bucky doesn’t know what to say and feels his cheeks get warm. What is happening? Is he blushing? He doesn’t blush. Sam didn’t even say anything that crazy. But he looks at Bucky in a weird way, that he can’t really name now. So, instead of responding, he lies down, too, next to Sam, feeling the dew from the grass seep into his shirt. He’s not close enough to Sam to be touching him, but he feels the warmth radiating off of him. It’s pleasant and comforting, having someone next to him. Particularly Sam, he doesn’t think he’d feel this good with anyone else. “I like nights here.” he whispers.
“Yeah?” Sam’s tone sounds genuinely curious, prodding, like he wants to know more, like he wants Bucky to keep talking. It makes Bucky blush harder, and smile. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Sam observing him, smiling, too.
“Yeah. It’s quiet. Peaceful.” Bucky’s looking at the night sky, but is aware of Sam still looking at him. “The stars are beautiful.” he adds quieter.
“They are.”
“I like just lying here and looking at them.” he’s saying more this evening than he has any day he’s been here. It just feels like he can open up to Sam. Maybe not completely, not yet, but he just feels good with him. Like himself. “I can’t remember the last time I could do that, before.” he clears his throat. He doesn’t want to think about before. Not right now.
“You know any constellations?” Sam asks gently, as if sensing Bucky’s mood was about to change.
“Yeah, actually.” he smiles widely, which feels weird on his face, he hasn’t smiled like that since before, probably. “Shuri got me a book-” he starts talking. And talking. For a long time. He’s not sure why, this is all very new and weird. He just enjoys Sam’s company so much. 
And Sam – Sam listens attentively, all the time. He’s genuinely interested and asks questions, and then they try to find constellations in the sky, and it’s all just so nice. Bucky never wants him to leave. He wants to spend every night like this.
He still has a lot of questions, there’s so much that he wants to know. For now, though, he likes just being with Sam, having a normal, casual conversation under the stars. Even years later, this night remains one of his fondest memories.
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My first thundershield fic is out! Although like half of it is sambucky because I have no self-control hahaha. This is just a very cute meet-cute at the gym which then follows first day at pre-school. Steve and Bucky are single dads who love to tease each other and who would do anything for the other to go after the man of his dreams ft. a lot of chaos, as always.
(oneshot, rated T for one swear word)
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imposterogers · 11 months
“"I think platonic is the word. I think we don't see enough platonic, healthy, beautiful relationships between men in TV. And I think that is why that relationship was so beautiful and disarming to people, is because how often do you see two men being able to open up and actually speak about their feelings? And I think that that was something in that first episode, that Mobius was able to do really beautifully. He was basically saying, "I see you, I see the pain that you're in. I see the bad things that you did. That's ok. I'm not judging. Let's talk and find a way to you becoming the best version of yourself," and I think that was exciting." — Loki Exec. Producer on Lokius ship
the amount of no-homo-ing marvel studios does w/ every project is beyond me 😭 the “can’t we see healthy friendships” excuse only works so many times guys (did this w/ stucky, sambucky, carolmaria, etc)
"we don't see enough platonic, healthy, beautiful relationships between men in tv" AS IF MARVEL HASN'T BEEN RUINING EVERY SINGLE PLATONIC HEALTHY BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP THEY CAN GET THEIR HANDS ON SO PPL DON'T CALL THEM GAY...................................................speechless
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siancore · 2 months
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I created this moodboard for the wonderful SamBucky College AU by @cobrafantasies - Leave the Door Open.
Summary: A month into Sam’s freshman year of college, he's asked to assume a third roommate — his actual roommate’s best friend who mysteriously needs a place to stay most nights. It wouldn’t be such a big problem except that Sam might be falling for the guy who’s sleeping on his floor.
Commentary: I love this fic so much. I have a love for college AUs, and this one hits all of those sweet spots, especially the pining and the angst. I love that it's from Sam's POV and that we get to see so many facets of his personality. The friendship between Sam, Steve, and Bucky is also delightful. Do yourselves a favour and check this out.
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Hi!! Do you have any fav Jason Todd- centric fic recs?? I like your taste in Jason's hc and takes hehe
Needles or Pines by Lanternwisp.
Sometimes Little Reds walk the path of needles, forbidden forests are urban jungles, the Woodsmen don't make it in time and disobedient children get eaten by wolves. It's when the story doesn't have the decency to end there that things get complicated.
No One's Son by Lanternwisp.
When it's revealed to Gotham's underworld that Red Hood is the second Robin and without the Bat Clan's protection, it's not long before every gang, cartel and rogue he's pissed off has him in their crosshairs. It's almost as bad as the "family"'s determination to find him first.
"Maybe Mike had been right after all - Jason is a Gotham kid. A real one, assembled and built with dirt and blood and dark alleyways, and he can't be washed clean of what's him."
Ugly Organs by One_Step_Closer_To_Death.
Jason Todd’s love is a wretched and terrible thing to be on the receiving end of. His grief, on the other hand, is incapacitating.
"How do you say – I think when you held me last, your rib fused with mine, and my marrow now creates your blood, my heart beats in tandem with yours – bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh, brother."
Things That Make it Warm by One_Step_Closer_To_Death.
“I’m not ordering Hawaiian,” Jason says immediately as he pulls up the menu for the local pizza place. [...] “Not even if I say please?” “Fuck that.” Jason says, and orders Hawaiian anyway.
All Roofs of Uncertainty by Kieron_ODuibhir.
For all the blood on his hands, Red Hood was never just a villain. And Nightwing never gives up on family, not for good.
Reclaiming Innocence by MurtaghMorzanson.
Jason Todd was kidnapped at nine-years-old and given two options. Work for his keep, or be forced to to work for his keep.
When Everything's made to be Broken by WorkingChemestry.
Nobody knows Jason Todd, not really, but there are a few who know these three facts: Jason Todd is a comet—frozen, poisonous, gas and fragmented rock that burns and evaporates as it passes closer to the sun. Jason Todd is a dancer—spinning spinning spinning on shattered bones and slipping on the blood that soaks through his slippers. Jason Todd is laughter—red streaked giggles ringing like tinnitus in a roaring crescendo that drowns out even his own heartbeat.
And since I know you are into SamBucky (stalker-ish of me to be aware of, I know) here's my top 5;
Not the End but The Start Of All Things by Notcaycepollard.
They keep driving, for lack of anything better to do. A mission, Sam had said, and maybe that's true; maybe wherever they're headed is the way out, the way up.
Guard The Angel by Silentnun.
A Couple Rebel Top Gun Pilots by Notcaycepollard.
That seems to be the thing that breaks the ice between them; Bucky's never really hung out with Sam before, past being jammed into a too-small car for six hours and then two uncomfortable months in a safehouse trying not to get on each other’s last nerve. [...] He doesn’t notice, is the thing; doesn’t notice how ever since Sam's slept on his couch that night, he’s been letting Bucky closer bit by bit. That, as Bucky’s been wondering about the boundaries and structures of friendship, Sam’s been drawing in.
"There are weeks where he and Sam don't talk, where Bucky realizes they've gone days and days without seeing each other, and it always makes him think of the interiority of Sam's life. All the people he must know who Bucky's never met, the friends he has that are just names in his mouth.
It leaves this strange ache in his chest.[...]And he remembers what it was like to pour himself into somebody, the boundaries of their life and his blurring until it’s difficult to find the edges."
Diving Blind by Yukla.
Sam's about to exit out of the page and nag at Sarah for becoming a gossip-rag-follower when a voice starts piping out of his phone’s speaker. “Breaking news on our favorite superhero couple,” says the host of the show, bright and plasticky under the studio lights. “That’s right, folks! We’ve got solid evidence that the Cap and Winter Soldier romance is real—” Sam’s finger slams down on the pause button. What, he thinks, the hell.
I want to Feel Your Hearlines by Notcaycepollard.
The first time he watches Sam fall asleep, they’re in the stupid tiny car on the autobahn. Bucky stares at the back of Sam’s head, ignores how cramped his legs are. Watches Sam’s head slowly sink back and sideways until it’s slumped into the gap between the seat and the window. If he triangulates between the wing and rear-view mirrors, Bucky can see Sam’s face, slack with sleep, mouth soft. He wants to look and he doesn’t. He doesn’t know Sam Wilson at all, knows only that he doesn’t trust Bucky - an accurate assessment of Bucky’s threat level, Bucky thinks - and that he does trust Steve (also accurate, although probably stupid). Sam looks vulnerable, like this.
“It's fine,” Bucky says again, and means, you're warm, and means, you make me want to be gentle, and means, touch me again like I'm a person. Like you can take comfort from me."
"They sleep, and they sleep, fitting together in every bed for months, breath mingling and heartbeats blurring together until Bucky thinks Sam must carry both their hearts in his own chest."
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Pairing: Sambucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes) 
Summary: Sam and Bucky swim together as Bucky recalls the past. 
Bingo Fill: ‘Cookout/Summer Camp/Stargazing/Hiking’ on my ‘Vacation’ card for @sambuckylibrary’s sambucky summer bingo!
Warnings: brief mention of something bad happening (non-specified), let me know if anything else should be tagged.
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Bucky folded another table cloth, looking around and making sure there was no garbage on the ground.
Sam was doing the same at another table, and Bucky glanced at him every so often. 
It was the day after the party, and now they were just cleaning up anything that hadn’t been cleaned up the day before.
“After we finish this, you up for some swimming?” Sam called. “Shit, it’s hot out here.” 
Bucky hesitated for a moment, pausing. And then, he nodded. “Sounds good to me.” 
Sam also nodded, before going back to cleaning. Bucky couldn’t help but notice how his shorts hugged his ass. He mentally slapped himself, cursing himself for even thinking that.
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When they were done cleaning, both boys went inside the house and went to their separate rooms to get changed. 
Bucky had been around so often that Sarah had cleaned out the old guest room for him. The gesture—though she argued it was small—meant a lot to him. He grabbed his swim trunks from his bag, staring at them. 
They were basic dark blue swim trunks. But the idea of being shirtless—he didn’t like it. Being shirtless outside was already a horrible idea, but shirtless outside fully knowing that people would see—that Samwould see? It made him want to shrivel up and die. 
He glanced at his left hand, eyeing it anxiously. He knew all too well about the gnarly scarring on his left shoulder, along with all of the scars on his torso. He had plenty of those, too. He was muscular—he wasn’t insecure about his physique, surprisingly, but he definitely wasn’t confident in his skin. And he was pale, too. Isn’t that not a good thing these days? It is, but it isn’t. 
He didn’t have the time to contemplate modern trends right now. He needed to just grow up and get over it. 
He begrudgingly got changed. He slipped on some Hey Dude shoes he’d gotten, and they were one of his favorite pairs of shoes he’d ever had. They were comfy, easy to get on and off, and they had a pretty design, too.
And just as he was about to leave the bedroom—his bedroom——
—he turned around and grabbed his shirt and slipped it back on. Goddamnit.
He walked down the stairs and found Sam, who was waiting by the door with two towels. He tossed Bucky one, and then snickered. 
“You need some sunscreen?” He teased. Bucky looked around to check if the kids were around before flipping Sam the bird.
Bucky followed Sam out to the water. His swim trunks were red, and he wore a black shirt. 
When the reached the water, Sam dropped his towel on the dock and pulled off his shirt. Bucky glanced away, though he desperately wanted to look.
He dropped his towel on the dock, too, before taking off his shoes. And then..he pulled off his shirt. He took a second to get used to the feeling, taking a few deep breaths.
He followed Sam into the water, swimming around with him. 
“Where’d you learn how to swim?” Sam asked suddenly. Bucky glanced down. Did he look weird? Is that why Sam was asking? 
He glanced back up at Sam’s face, realizing there was no judgment on his face. 
“Summer camp. In 1927. I can’t remember what it was called, but I do remember that there was a lake.” Bucky recalled. He remembered that summer camp. 
He’d been ten, and sleeping in a cot in a huge tent with other boys. They swam together, ate together, got changed together. He made a lot of friends, he thinks. None of those friendships lasted, obviously, most likely due to the lack of communication options in the time period. 
He felt himself zoning out as he found the memory.
There was a lake. A large tent. A mess hall for them to eat in. Trails for hiking. Places for crafts. Things like working with leather and crafting knives. Typical 1927 boy stuff.
Something happened at that camp. Something did, he was sure of it. He couldn’t remember if it was good or bad. No, whatever had happened there was definitely bad. Something told him that his brain was blocking it off for now for a reason.
He did know that he had started to realize that he was gay there. He’d never fully understand that until seven years later, but that summer had kickstarted the whole thing. 
What the hell had happened there that he couldn’t remember?
“Yeah? How was that?” Sam chuckled, snapping Bucky from his thoughts. They treaded the water, facing each other. They were a comfortable three feet apart.
“Fine. We were all butt-naked and it counted as bathing, but fine.” Bucky said, purposefully being expressionless.
Sam couldn’t keep himself from breaking into a smile. “Man, it’s like every time I talk to you, you just drop some random detail that throws off my entire day.” Sam laughs. Bucky grins, too, his lack of a shirt long forgotten.
“Okay, well, how did you learn to swim?” Bucky asked after a long moment of laughter. 
“Right here. I think I was five or six.” Sam grinned.
“You learned to swim here?” Bucky echoes. Sam nods.
“I grew up here, man.” Sam reminds him. 
Bucky nods, reminding himself of that.
“There were hiking trails, and the stars were beautiful. Yeah, we had pollution too, but not like now. You could see the stars every night, there.” Bucky murmured. He remembered that. The stars—there was one trail, that led to a field where there weren’t any trees and it was the best place to stargaze.
“Yeah?” Sam looked at Bucky, and Bucky tried his hardest not to stare at his chest.
He nodded. “Mhm.” 
“I can’t say it’s the same as 1930s summer camp, but the stars are pretty nice out here, too.” Sam raised a brow a little, a soft smile on his face.
“Oh, yeah?” Bucky felt a grin on his own face.
“Yeah. Y’know, I think Sarah’s got some camp chairs. If you want, you and I could see how it compares.” Sam said, a shameless look in his eyes.
Bucky smirked softly, before nodding. “We’ll see if it’s as good as it used to be.”
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a/n: yeah uh I did actually combine the last couple of prompts but uhm merry Christmas
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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oreolesbian · 2 years
y’all will just brand two characters who hate each other and then end up together as enemies to lovers. but no. there’s layers to this stuff**:
friends to enemies to lovers (i.e., catradora): grew up together, started out close (platonic only for this one, will accept lingering crush/feelings, but never acted upon); had a falling out/tragic “breakup”, eventually worked it out and got into a romantic relationship they never got to have before
friends to lovers to enemies to lovers (i.e. wolfstar): similar to the previous, but they worked their shit out and actually had a relationship before the big “breakup,” which makes the back to lovers after all the enemy stuff all the more satisfying
lovers to enemies (i.e., satosugu; cherik; the doctor x the master): l loved you once, but you turned to the dark side and I can never forgive you despite the lingering sadness of having once trusted you like no other. i am vulnerable because you knew me. 😵‍💫😭 or just bickering bitter exes 🤪
enemies AND lovers (i.e., lawlight): i feel like this is so specific to light and L, but i’m sure there’s more. yeah, they hate each other and they also want to fuck each other. self-explanatory. toxic but in a fun way
enemies to friends to lovers (i.e., eruri; sambucky; violyn; gigolas; lumity): this is the peak of the content. this is what people really want in that enemies to lovers package. that middle ground of friendship where they dance around each other in a nice slowburn, denying romantic feelings whilst still getting used to tolerating one another’s presence bc they used to hate/extremely dislike each other…yeah 😎
**i just used ships i’m very familiar with, plus my own personal headcanons for the non-canon ones, but i’m sure there’s a trillion more examples of all these plus more
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
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Here it is! The first chapter is based on the @sambuckylibrary's SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2023's prompt "Candlelit Dinner". It'll also count for my 4K: "Secret Relationship" fill and my 4Y: "First Time" fill for the @winterfalconevents' WinterFalcon Bingo Round 2. Enjoy! 🥰
You'll Never Be My Maybe
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: M | Chapter 5/5+1 | WC: 21.9K |
Summary: Is Sam Wilson dating Bucky Barnes?
Oh wow, Bucky was red now. Wait, was this a date? Nope. Just a. Candlelit Dinner of Friendship. With a vase that sort of looked like Sam that was filled with flowers. Yeah. It was that. Just a friend dinner. With Candles. And flowers. Definitely a friend dinner. Sam tried not to think of that intrusive question as he turned his gaze down to the food.
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samsseptember · 1 year
Samtember 2023 Week 2 Fills:
Here are the fills for the second week of our Samtember 2023 event! Enjoy all these wonderful pieces!
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First Aid by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K words | Figaro, Hurt Comfort, Bucky Takes Care of Sam | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #10 - Changes by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Mission Fic, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Samtember Day 08: Figaro | Sick Day by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Figaro, Moving, Fresh Starts |
"Long, Separate Vacations, Eh?" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Vacation, Domestic Fluff, They're Going On A Long Vacation All Right |
Kissing Sam Wilson #11 - Workout by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Established Relationship, Workout, Kissing |
"BREAKING NEWS: SAM WILSON AND BUCKY BARNES INTERVIEW EACH OTHER? CONFUSING NEWS REPORTER" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Established Relationship, Interview, Ignore Me I'm Being Goofy |
A Dead Tree Casts a Shadow by @abarbaricyalp | Pairing: SamRiley | Rated: G | WC: 2K words | Death, Grief, Title from the Laura Gilpin Poem “Life After Death” | AO3 | (updated with AO3 link)
Samtember Day 09: Carnival | King of Mardi Gras by @sammy-souffle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: G | WC: 841 words | Carnival, Fluff, Cute Date |
Close Quarters by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.4K words | Mission Fic, Getting Together, Based on “stuck in a tight space” SamBucky art | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #12 - Legacy by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | Legacy, Reflection. Kissing |
Moonshine by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.5K words | Bootlegger AU, Coworkers to Lovers, Louisiana | AO3 |
Samtember Day 10: Cap Quartet 2.0 | Mission by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Cap Quartet, Mission, Friendship |
Lunch Date by @katatonicimpression | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 1.1K words | Undercover, Established Relationship, Mission Fic | AO3 |
Goodbye, Stranger by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Amnesia, Heist, Strangers to Lovers |
Kissing Sam Wilson #13 - Rumor by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: G | WC: 590 words | Rumor, Sexuality, Kissing |
[Podfic] When You Awake voiced by @funsized-loser | Pairing: Sambucky | Rated: E | Length: 1:53:34 | Based on When You Awake by @the-lunar-pull, Angst, Memory Loss | AO3 |
Lost Memories by noe3489 | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K words | Mission Fic, Undercover, Amnesia | AO3 |
Magnifico by @abarbaricyalp | Gen Fic | Rated: G | WC: 1.6K words | Guilt, Depression, Figaro |
Kissing Sam Wilson #14 - Multiverse by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 650 words | Multiverse, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Captain Variant by @sygoflyy | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 629 words | Captain America Week, Variant!Sam Wilson, Established Relationship |
Kissing Sam Wilson #16/17 - Undercover by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 600 | Undercover, Madripoor, Kissing |
Samtember Day 13: Interview | Rumor by @sammy-souffle | Graphic | Pairing: SamBucky | Rumor, The Daily Bugle, Exclusive Photos Definitely Not Provided by Peter Parker |
Samtember Day 14: Magic | Multiverse by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Multiverse, Kid Fic, Variant!Sam Wilson |
We’re so excited about what you all will make for week three and remember that we have an AO3 collection for September 2023 that you can find here.
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wenellyb · 2 years
I just saw a post about Samsteve in the Sambucky tag saying that Steve wasn't good enough for Sam because he had too many issues and had to get his sh*t together before even considering dating Sam. Then they said they felt the same way about Sambucky. And I couldn't disagree more.
While I love Samsteve as a ship, I agree with the part about Steve but I can't agree with the part about Bucky.
I might be saying something controversial but Sam doesn't "deserve better" than Bucky.
Samsteve and Sambucky have very different relationship dynamics. Sam and Steve are best friends but it's like Steve has a very biased view of Sam. He puts him on a pedestal and thinks Sam Can handle anything on his own, so he lets Sam handle everything on his own without ever wondering if Sam might need extra support from him or not. That's why we always see Sam being there and supporting Steve but it's rarely the other way around.
Bucky isn't like that. Bucky doesn't push Sam but he also doesn't let him hide behind his mask of being tough or invincible, he's there for him. He notices when Sam needs someone and always actively choses to be that someone.
He was there for Sam when Sam was having doubts about the Shield in Endgame.
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And he was there for Sam when Sam needed him to go with him to meet Karli but wouldn't say the word.
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He was there when Sam was repairing his family boat but wasn't daring to ask for help.
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He knows what to say to Sam to comfort him, make him relax or make him laugh.
Bucky is not perfect in any way but I can give a dozen of examples of how Bucky knows Sam and he know him enough to be there for him when Sam needs him.
Steve left Sam without even telling Sam because I guess he thought Sam could take it or sometimes like that. Steve didn't mind sending Sam on a mission all around the World to try and find Bucky.
If you think for a minute that Bucky "I'm coming with you x2" would have let Sam go on a mission for him without going with him, then I don't know what to tell you.
Bucky knows Sam could handle everything on his own if he had to, but he wouldn't put Sam on that position if he had a say in it.
I remember watching the therapy scene in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier and thinking "I can't wait to see how the show will wrap this up" because it was a good scene. I would have had a problem if the show had never adressed Bucky's behavior but they did, Bucky apologized and he apologized using the words, they didn't go with that "I don't see color" bullsh*t.
Bucky is there for Sam, and yes Bucky was a jerk with Sam on the first 4 episodes but that was actually good storytelling because a lot of couples/friendships go through the exact same thing, with one of the partner being dismissive or clueless about what the other person is going through. Especially in interracial relationships.
Bucky actually put his head out of his *ss and got his sh*t together.
So no, Sam, doesn't deserve someone better than Bucky. Because he has actually found someone who's there for him, who takes care of him and who's ready to put in the work to be the man Sam deserves. Bucky is it for Sam.
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jakeonao3 · 6 months
what friends are for
sambucky, 1.2k words, rated M
Bucky dreams of being the Winter Soldier and not having control of his body. He kills Sam and tries to kill himself, only to wake up and realizing it was all a dream. Real Sam comforts him.
tags under the cut
Additional Tags: Nightmares, Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Bucky Barnes Has Panic Attacks (implied), Getting Together, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Friendship/Love, Idiots in Love, Sam dies in Bucky's nightmare (he's fine irl), Mild Blood, mild death (in the dream), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Gets a Hug, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes (dream), Implied/Referenced Suicide (dream), Bucky Barnes Loves Sam Wilson, Sam Wilson Loves Bucky Barnes
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 31. I'm not alone and neither are you
Fandom: Marvel
Ship: Sam & Bucky; Sam/Bucky (pre-slash)
Summary: When Bucky continues to ignore Sam's texts, Sam pays him a visit to check on him.
Words: 1020
Note: Started fictober with sambucky, only fitting that I finish with them, too haha (and it's the only idea I got haha) I can't believe I managed to write 31 fics (most of it buddie sns) in 31 days, and posted them. It's insane, I never finish things like that haha
The knock on the door was a surprise. Bucky never had any guests, he barely talked to two people regularly, one of them being his therapist. There was no one who could’ve visited him. So, a little bit wary, and automatically prepared to either fight or flee if necessary, he looked through the peephole to see who was on the other side of the door. This made even less sense. Relaxing a bit, he opened the door, trying not to look as confused as he felt.
“Hey, Buck.” Sam grinned, holding a case of beer and a backpack. “Hope I’m not interrupting.”
“Why are you here?” Bucky tilted his head and frowned. They weren’t friends. They barely knew each other. They had a mutual friend who was gone now. There was literally no reason Sam would just show up at his place. Then again, he was trying to contact Bucky for a while now, which he also didn’t understand in the slightest.
“You’re not answering my calls or texts. Wanted to make sure you’re alive. Gonna invite me in?” he raised his eyebrow. He was always so relaxed and confident, and the way he talked to Bucky sometimes made him feel like they actually were close friends. Sam was just really friendly and chatty, and created this atmosphere of familiarity and comfort. They never hang out much, not at all since Bucky moved in here, and Sam went back to DC, but now Bucky was reminded of how enjoyable Sam’s company could be. 
“Uh, okay.” he stepped aside, letting Sam in and closing and locking the door behind him. Sam put his backpack by the door, kicked off his shoes, shrugged off his jacket, then went inside. He took two bottles of beer out of the package, then put the rest in the fridge. He offered one to Bucky, who trailed behind him. Sam seemed to have already made himself at home. Bucky didn’t mind, it was kind of nice having someone there.
“So how are you, man?” Sam sat on the couch and smiled, opening his beer.
“I’m- I’m fine.” Bucky responded, feeling kind of out of place. It wasn’t because of Sam acting like he’d been at his place countless times, by any means. It was Bucky’s apartment, but he never really felt at home there. Even less now, seeing how Sam acted. It was weird. “How about you?” he asked just to be polite. Now that Sam was here he also felt a little bad about ignoring him for so long.
“I’m okay. Been down in Louisiana to visit my family a few times.” his smile turned into something soft and affectionate. He had a nice smile. It almost made Bucky smile back. Almost. “My nephews are so big now. It’s so weird. Five years.” he shook his head. “I’m still kind of having a hard time settling in, getting used to everything.” he gave Bucky a long look.
“Uh, yeah, me too.” he finally decided to stop just standing there awkwardly, and he moved to sit on the other end of the couch. It was difficult to have missed five years. But Bucky missed 70 before, it wasn’t that much different. Even better, to be honest, because at least he didn’t experience this alone, and he didn’t have more memories of him killing people within the last years haunting him. “Why did you come here?” he asked again.
“Why were you ignoring me?” Sam countered.
“I didn’t think we had anything to talk about.” Bucky answered quietly, for once wanting to be fully honest with at least one person. “I didn’t want you to feel obligated to check up on me, just because of Steve.” his voice was barely a whisper now. Sam just had this calming, relaxing presence, that made it so easy to be honest and open up to him.
“What? I don’t feel obligated. Jesus.” Sam scoffed. “Is it that hard to believe that I just wanted to make sure you’re okay?”
“Why though? Why do you care?”
“Because we’ve all been through a lot, but you’ve been through even more than anyone I’ve met, and I was worried. I like you, for some godforsaken reason – I blame Steve, he’s the one who kept telling me all those stories about how awesome you are all the time.” he chuckled. “I know it’s difficult, and I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone.”
“I am, though.” Bucky said after a few moments of silence and mulling over Sam’s words. “Alone, that is.” he didn’t really mind being alone, usually. He got lonely sometimes, but it was okay. He needed alone time to get better, to get to know himself again, discover who he was. But sometimes he wished he could talk to someone who’d understand. A couple of times he almost answered Sam’s calls. He never did, though. “I was ignoring you, because I didn’t want to- I didn’t want to get attached, and then-” he couldn’t finish the sentence. He already opened up more than he should’ve. “Sorry.” he muttered.
“It’s fine.” Sam sighed. “And listen, it took me a while to get there, and if I’m being honest I’m not sure I’m a hundred percent there yet, but I know I’m not alone, and neither are you.” he said earnestly, looking at Bucky with such intensity, he had to avert his gaze. “I’m always here, whether you like it or not.” he added, a bit teasingly.
“So there’s no getting rid of you, huh?” Bucky felt a smile tugging at his lips. Shit, what was happening?
“No way.” Sam grinned. “So, now, how about we order take out and watch a movie?” It sounded nice. A movie meant less talking, but still having company. 
“Sure.” Bucky responded, surprising himself. He was rarely in the mood for company, but again, there was just something about Sam that made Bucky want to be around him. Right then, he promised himself that next time Sam called, Bucky would respond. It wouldn’t hurt to have one friend he could honestly talk to.
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ineffable-snowman · 5 months
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms! (I cheated and made it five different ships from four different fandoms.)
Thanks for tagging me @sky-kenobye!
1. Ineffable husbands/wives/partners/idiots (Good Omens)
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My comfort show and ship. What's not to love about the slowest of slow burns hereditary enemies to lovers? For this ship, almost everything works, even several tropes I've never seen the appeal of before make sense to me now (wing fic, gender bending... just to name a few).
On a personal note, it was through this show (or rather its fandom) that I figured out I might be on the aro/ace spectrum, just the experience of "There are other people who feel like that? There are names for that?" was wonderful and so that's also why it holds a special place in my heart. It's just overall a really positive fandom. Plus Neil Gaiman is on tumblr, which - although I hate celebrity culture - is cool.
2. Obikin (Star Wars)
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My oldest ship. I started shipping them in 2005 when ROTS came out, I was gripped by the tragedy of the Obi-Wan&Anakin relationship (it was my introduction to Star Wars, I had no idea who Darth Vader was) and started writing fix-it fics to cope. The first fanfic I posted online was an epic Qui-Gon lives (for a while) AU ending in a Vader redemption arc through the power of friendship. I really like reading platonic Anakin & Obi-Wan, but usually go for the Obikin tag on AO3 because I'm too scared of antis and I know the Obikin writers are cool people. Although the Star Wars fandom as a whole has some ugly sides, I really enjoy the smaller Obikin fandom. Shoutout to my Obikin mutuals, who all are such nice, positive and chill people! No purity wanks, no shitting on other people's ships or kinks... maybe because we know we ship one of the most *problematic* pairings and that fiction =/= reality.
3. Stony (MCU)
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I ship them not inspite of Civil War but BECAUSE of it. As a seasoned shipper of Obikin, Cherik and Grindeldore (insert obligatory fuck JKR here), I was like: ooooh, nice, this is the good stuff! Unfortunately, most of the fandom doesn't seem to share my excitement.
4. Sambucky (MCU again)
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Boat montage, enough said.
In terms of fandom, it was an eye-opener regarding casual or subtle racism in fandom.
5. Kirk/Spock/McCoy (Star Trek)
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Normally I'm not that interested in OT3s but I make an exception for these three. I also enjoy any combination of them (Spirk, Spones and McKirk are all great ships) but I need the third one to be there as well, and not just as a friend who sometimes gives advice to help the other two get together but as an important character in his own way.
Let me end with a controversial opinion: Star Trek V - The Final Frontier is my favourite Star Trek movie.
no pressure tagging @starwalkertales, @piecesofeden11, @fangeek-girl, @fulcrum843, @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie, @gingiekittycat and everyone else who hasn't done it yet!
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ao3feed-sambucky · 5 months
4 Times The Avengers Shipped SamBucky (1 time they shipped themselves)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/WVir6oO by proudasgardian (purple07) Words: 1549, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Oblivious Sam Wilson, Oblivious Bucky Barnes, Bickering, Fluff, Comedy, Bucky Barnes Feels, Avengers Team Friendship (Marvel), Romance, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson Bickering, Protective Sam Wilson, I Ship It, Not Canon Compliant, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, The Avengers Live at the Avengers Compound (Marvel), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/WVir6oO
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