#scents headcanons
cupcakeshakesnake · 2 years
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I love that the villagers gossip
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Stolas has an S/O that's obsessed with his scent
His Scent~
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You met the prince when both of you were young, Stolas was, well, a nerd. Book worm, rather, if you felt more polite.
And despite his best attempts to interact with other nobles or even other children, it became painfully obvious to the boy nobody really liked him.
A deeply painful realisation for the owls sensitive soul.
This is where you come in, you being the son of an Imp servant, would too lack any real friends, though you were raised as an Imp, so you never really expected much.
This would be how you found the young prince hiding behind the palace.
It was a nook the servants usually used when they wanted soem fresh air, or simply to hide from their work.
You of course, did the whole formal act, asking if he was alright, if he needed anything.
But when it became obvious he was sad, somberly telling you he was fine, but given his statr you didn't really believe him.
Seeing him in such a state, you'd open up to him, asking him if he was alright.
Stolas was hesitant at first, not sure if he could trust you, but when you genuinely opened up to him, he'd warm up to you, the two of you quickly talking back and forth.
It'd be through your talks, you taking e genuine interest in his books that a genuine friendship would develop, the two of you growing close.
You'd end up meeting In that spot often.
You being his only friend, and with the spot being isolated enough to not draw attention, it became your little sanctuary, the two of you spending countless hours there building a deep friendship with one and other.
But it'd be one day, the Owl having received both a verbal and physical lashing from his father, that you'd find him in tears.
You finding him in such a state did the only thing you could. You hugged him.
You'd hold him close and it seemed almost instantly you both realised 2 very important things.
1. Stolas was incredibly touch starved.
The man feeling so very strange, yet so delightful as you held him close. Your warmth and firm body making him feel incredible in your arms.
And 2. You loved his smell.
You didn't know if it was soap, or his clothes, or just his general musk, but you were instantly hooked.
You held the man for hours, the owl holding you back, adoring the contact, relishing every second of it.
This quickly became routine, the two of you meeting in the back of the palace, changing your meeting spot to the middle of the palaces hedge maze, the two of you free to get nice and close.
Stolas would lay back on a blanket, the man holding you too his chest. You curling up against him, nuzzling his fluffy chest, adoring his stuffy yet deep scent.
You were hooked. His scent like a drug, your mind going numb as you nuzzled his chest fluff, the chest tuft like a drug for you, as you lay against him, breathing deep.
You'd spend a good bit of time with the Owl, like, not just with your nose in his fluff, the two of you spending lots of time together.
You'd play games, read or just spent time together. Enjoying each other's company.
You'd often spend time around his book, reading it together or the avian would just read it to you, you learning a great deal from the man and his books.
But despite this, you spent most of your time craving his scent, usually curled up against him, breathing in that musk, or wishing you could do as much, keeping close to the owl.
You'd become unreasonably close.
You being Stolas' only and closest friend, he'd become deeply dependent on your, care and your intimate contact, loving the way you'd hug him, expecting nothing in return.
You, adoring his scent, became something of a scent junkie. You taking any opportunity to breath in that distinct avian musk, his feathered form creating a unique and distinct scent you couldnt get enough of.
You spent countless hours together, just curled up. You nuzzling his fluff as he read to you, the both of you happy with the arrangement.
But despite your bliss, your relationship's defining moment would be when your mother caught you with the Prince.
She wasn't demon royalty, something you both thanked Lucifer for.
Though that didn't stop her from chewing you both out, though she targeted you specifically, being her son and ya know, not demon royalty.
She chewed you out, berating you as she demanded you never have such inappropriate contact with a Goetia ever again.
After this the two of you would spend several months apart, even as you both desperately craved each other's embrace, you couldn't risk getting caught, and with your increased duties, you both had work to do.
No chance to sneak off.
In the time you spent apart, you quickly became a servant, working your very hardest to become a trusted and valued servant.
With you working your ass off, you'd eventually end up in Stolas' vicinity.
He was eager to greet you, hoping to rekindle the relationship you once had, the man missing you dreadfully during your separation.
Yet as you walked past the man, you stonewalled him, walking past him like he was nothing.
Stolas' hope dampened, the man going back to the depressed state he was in before. His mood always dampened, believing you never wanted to be near him again.
Yet after a few weeks, Stolas finally giving up on you, falling into a deep depression, believing his only friend had abandoned him, was shocked as one day, as he walked down the halls of his palace, he'd suddenly find himself yanked into a nearby closet.
You'd hug the man close, holding him for several minutes, nuzzling his fuzzy chest, practically huffing his scent.
Stolas, recovering from the shock of the sudden turn of events, smiled. Tears forming in his eyes as he held you close, the two of you holding each other for several minutes as Stolas shed tears, so very happy to hold you again.
You'd talk for some time, speaking softly as you apologised for ignoring him, but you had to play your part, not wanting to blow it before working your way to a position of standing amongst the staff. You taking the occasional sniff of the owl as you explained it to him.
Stolas meanwhile just held you close, relishing your embrace, telling you he didn't care. He was just happy to have you back, missing you dreadfully.
You'd talk, quickly agreeing not to act on your mutual impulses in public. Both of you thinking clearly.
It'd quickly become a part of your daily routine, you always snatching him into a nearby closet, stolas loving the surprise, giggling madly as you held him, you huffing his chest, the man happily holding you close as you both stood there, relishing each other.
This was a common occurrence, and the only thing that kept him sane as he endured the monotony of Royal life.
It became even stranger as you grew, Stolas becoming a lanky, yet powerful man, you still remaining the itty bitty Imp you were as kids, the man now more than triple your height.
Stolas came to love this size difference, never stating as much in plain words and yet he adored the difference, the avian relishing the power dynamic.
It was funny.
Once youd been enough to pin him to the ground, yet now. Now he held you so easily, the man holding your form like e would a stack of books, and yet holding you was even easier.
But ehat he really found funny was that you still believed you held the power.
You never outright said it, but it was clear you believed you were in charge, you usually being the one to drag him into a closet or private room.
It'd be not long after Octavias birth, you taking your natural place as his right hand as Stolas ascended to head of the household, though your position mostly worked as a cover to worship the man's form when in private, an arrangement he was mostly satisfied with.
Stolas, maturing, grew more confident, his form becoming more dominant, the man deciding he wanted your relationship to become more than it was.
It'd be one day, you attempting to pull the man into a private room that he'd finally take command.
He'd resist your pull, you freezing before looking towards him, concerned you'd been caught.
But instead, you found your face forced into his chest fluff, holding you there as youd stare up at him, eyes widening as Stolas simply smirked at you, the avian gripped the base of your skill, fingers gripped between your horns as you breathed in his musk.
With a smirk he'd hold you there for several minutes, out in the open, relishing the look of shock, then realisation in your eyes as he felt an odd sense of submission, finally feeling the mans power over you.
He was in control.
In Command.
The man claming and relishing this new and odd power dynamic.
Leaning in, he kissed your forehead, you already hooked on his scent as he cooed, telling you he'd handle it.
It'd be as you finally pulled back, Stolas holding you tight. And after panting hard you'd look to him, the owl smiling smugly, leaning in to tell you bluntly.
"Your mine. And you'll do as I say. Understand?" He spoke softly, yet with a commanding edge, a tone used by royalty, staring down at you.
Seeing the man's crimson gaze staring at you, you'd gulp, nodding your head, submitting to the man. Only for the man to shove your face back into his fluff, relishing the newfound power he held over you. Loving your reaction. Your... submission. The man feeling this power for the first time in his life, yet finding it, delightfully Sinful.
This marked a distinct shift in your relationship, the man taking charge from that moment forwards.
You found your relationship change over night, the man taking a dominant stance from that moment forwards. Taking command on your dynamic.
It was... odd. Yet you adored the affection he showed. His power almost as addictive as his scent.
The man became the dominant partner in your relationship. As he always would, yet lacking the confidence to embrace his role.
It became a power trip for the man.
He was so used to you being in control of your meetings, when and where about them that when he took charge, it took a minute or two to get used to being in charge.
It didn't take long though, the man relishing his new found power over you, adoring the way you submitted to him, Stolas especially loving the way you loved his scent.
It was almost funny how quickly the demon came to dominate you, the owl wearing a near sadistic smile as he'd hold you down, face smashed into your chest, or his pits, knowing you loved it, that only making it even better for the man.
Stolas, while it woukd take time, with Octavia being born and thr boost of his confidence and ego from dominating you, along with his love for you, the man would divorce his wife as he went through a slight power trip, taking you as his lover.
He'd spend days holding you close, holding you to his musky, avian form. Holding you to his musty feathered chest. He'd forgo perfumes, preferring to expose you to his natural scents, loving how docile you became.
It was quite the power trip for the owl, the man relishing having you close, and seeing the power he held over you, the man felt like a lord. A king in his own right, his love for dominating you only eclipsed by his love for you.
You of course, adored him, loving the owl with every fibre of your being, ensuring you treated him like a king, A God, adoring every inch of the man you could, something Stolas relished every second of.
It'd take some time, especially with the divorce in progress, yet after winning, mostly with your moral support and gaining majority custody of his daughter, the man became even more drunk with power over you.
You became a pet, yet in the very best ways. The man adoring you as much as you did to him.
The man loved you, loved being with you, and how youd be with him.
The owl relished the way you'd submit to him, his favourite ability being to grab you and shove you into his chest, making you huff his scent till you were drunk on him, the owl utterly dominating you.
It was an absolutely unbalanced relationship, Stolas holding all the power, thr man loving the fact, but put simply, so did you.
Stolas was your S/O and master, and you loved every second of it, breathing in the man's element yet sinfully delightful scent.
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starmocha · 2 months
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Babe, do you want me to wear your coat??? 😭
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minced-mangoes · 7 months
I'm one of those silly people who uses smell to identify people, so I'm giving you my Demon Brother scent headcanons.
Lucifer: He's alright, he smells very heavily of cinnamon. It's very heady and too much exposure to him might cause a headache
Mammon: He smells very strongly of his expensive cologne, which. Very fresh smell, but not something you can name. Levi: He sleeps in a bathtub, and destroys the concept of otakus not bathing. He smells like dove soap. When he doesn't bathe for whatever reason he smells of fish. Up to you if you like fish or not
Satan: Old book smell, due to his room. Very calming. Sometimes smells of apples, after he eats his favourite pie
Asmo: So much perfume and body butter and oh my lord. Causes near instant headaches with his scent. Very sweet, with floral notes.
Beel: Whatever he last ate, though the smell of ketchup from his burgers tend to linger.
Belphie: He probably smells like body lotion. He seems like the type to lather it on. If not, I'd say he doesn't smell... Pleasant, but it's not a bad smell. It's rather musky. Beel has to get him to bathe sometimes, though
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“Godzilla usually cuddles her every time, inhaling her lovely scent.”
He’s so real for that
"You've got to be kidding me, aren't you Goji?" The Queen asked, her voice muffled by her fluffy fur.
Of course, why would it be? Thought Godzilla, his face squashed on her delicate fur, the loveliest scent of rare flowers are addicted, for a King to his Queen.
Both were tired dealing with almost a month of checking the humans and Titans. So much that the King of the Monsters yearned her scent. When the two finally met each other, they settled down on a huge cozy cave.
That didn't wipe his goofy smile upon landing his golden orange eyes at Mothra's lovely sapphire blue ones.
Something that he really, really meant to cuddle her for a long time.
The King bring his tongue out to lick her fur, nipping it tenderly. She squirmed a bit, almost feared if he squished the moth too much, but he was a gentle King.
"Feeling better?" Godzilla asked, earning a nod to Mothra.
Adjusting one more time of their position, the moth finally fall asleep.
He took one last inhale of her scent, feeling his mind become lightheaded, dreaming of their never ending love and loyatly to one another...
"Good night, My Queen."
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
<- A/B/O Anon
HI- *coughs* well, they aren’t exactly headcanons, just ideas I have that I wanna chat about.
I’m on a big Omega!Bruce kick so here they are. (these can or can’t be connected but I do love the idea of them being connected)
1. Brucie Wayne is a known Omega, one that flits from date to date. The thing is, Batman is known as an omega too. This time he’s the embodiment of an Omegan Mom protecting their nest Territory from all threats. Like Omegas used to do in the Olden Times™️, feral behavior and scenting is common >:3
2. A/B/O Dynamics don’t actually exist outside Gotham. Sure, some Gothamites have moved out so A/B/O is known, but isn’t seen outside Gothamites.
So when Dick Grayson came to Gotham he was very confused and didn’t really understand what was going on.
When Bruce eventually scoops him up and brings him home, Dick is even more confused. Atleast in Juvie the A/B/O behaviors were stifled except for posturing, but now outside of Juvie? In the home of an Omega? He’s gonna get the full brunt of Bruce both fussing over him and trying his best to not cross the line of Bruce being his Pack Guardian and not Pack Omega. (Either way, for Dick it’s very much smothering)
It doesn’t click for Bruce or Alfred until Bruce comes sulking to Alfred about his pup being broken and not even accepting being scented! Doesn’t Dick want to feel safe??? No one’s going to touch Dick if he’s smothered in Wayne Scent!!! (Maybe eventually Dick gets startled when he starts to instinctively responding as a pup would/is able to smell scents/feel pack bonds)
3. When Jason gets tossed into the Lazarus pit, it actually repairs his pack bonds. Sure, it’s not perfect, Jason can’t actually reach out through the bonds to respond- but he can feel his Pack’s love, not to mention their desperation to get him back as soon as they realize Jay’s bonds are back. (Talia, meanwhile, is still trying to convince Jay that Bruce doesn’t love him and how he replaced him, but that doesn’t quite work as Jason can feel his Pack’s love- not to mention the absolute adoration coming from the newest, weakest, and youngest link in the pack)
4. And finally four- One of the Robins vanish from the Teen Titans for quite a bit- and when they come back, they’re questioned on where they went. Robin sighs and just says Batman was being broody again, and the Teen Titans just think that Batman was brooding.
In actuality, the Robin had to deal with Bruce being broody in the chicken sense. AKA, “You Are My Child And I Will Keep You In My Nest And Focus Entirely On You And Your Well-being. ..What do you mean taking care of myself? I have to take care of my PUP!”
I absolutely adore all of this. Love the idea of it being a Gotham thing because Gotham is just Like That. Like there's so many curses and magic and who knows how many chemicals that they're like, still human but also just built different.
Gosh, if heats are a thing I like to think they're more platonic. Just, fussing over pack members and being the Broodiest Thing Ever with every family member and will get Upset if one tries to leave the Nest where they are Safe and can be Taken Care Of.
Pfft, the poor Justice League are not prepared for Batman to get broody on a mission and force them all to take care of themselves with no context. They're not his pack, but well, they have fought together and they're sort-of friends, depending on the timeline.
Poor Damian is going to get smothered, Bruce is going to get Very broody the moment Jason returns, and with Another Pup. Tim & Dick get yoinked back from the Titans Tower to be smothered and snuggled and absolutely covered in the family's scent.
Absolutely love the idea of them learning how to be a pup and pack together and am vibrating in utter glee at all of this.
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buns0fst33l · 3 months
— sub!König —
-Cod men scenarios-
König x GN Reader
MDNI Suggestive themes
TW: brief mention of injury/warfare
Not proofread, also I used Google Translate
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König, who’s secretly a switch but only under very particular circumstances.
Normally, he wants to be in charge. In his head, he wants to be in charge. When he’s with you intimately, he wants to be in charge. But there’s a very particular set of circumstances that have him rolling over to expose a soft underbelly he didn’t know he had.
You have plans to get lunch with him after a three month leave. He comes to you, excited as always. But there’s something about him coming back at the exact moment you’ve finished getting ready to go out that absolutely wrecks him.
Now, he loves you and finds you to be “an enchanting creature”, even when your face is puffy and your complexion is shit and you feel like ass. And he is excited to come home to you and worship your lovely body regardless of what state it’s in. Usually it’s the middle of the night, when you’re in your most natural and comfortable state, which he loves.
But something about this is eating him alive.
You’re wearing your favorite outfit. Your hair is freshly washed, mostly dry but still slightly cool to the touch from the remaining bit of moisture. You’ve just finished lathering yourself in lotions and oils and perfume. The delicate metal of the casual jewelry you’ve chosen compliments your skin tone in the most angelic way, glittering with little reflective shimmers as your body moves around to preen itself.
‘Wie ein Hase,’ (like a bunny) he thinks to himself. The warmth and scent of your shower is still wafting off of your water-softened skin deliciously.
As soon as you notice him, you move so fast it’s funny and bounce your way over to the objectively creepy brute who looks ready to eat you alive. Ugh, the domestic sight of your warm smile and cute bare feet quickly padding over to greet him has his soul fucking melting.
With all the grace of a bull in a china shop, he grabs you, picks you up, and sits on the couch with you straddling him. Both of his massive, too-long arms are wrapped around your torso like pythons and his face is buried in the crook of your neck. He’s shamelessly huffing in deep lungfuls of your scent like an animal, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth noisily. With every breath, he scoots that crooked, handsome nose of his an inch in another direction to get more of your scent. Once he reaches just behind your ear, you squeal and push on his shoulders at the unexpected tickle it causes. His arms are still keeping your body pressed closely to his.
“Hello to you too….Are you having fun?” You tease him lowly, reaching to grab the sides of his face and pry his big head away from your body and into your line of sight. He resists for a second, but then allows it, looking into your eyes with heavy eyelids.
He’s so textbook masculine and somehow adorable at the same time. Those strong, dark brows of his are relaxed and those intense, steel-blue eyes are lidded over even more than usual, droopy and sleepy-looking. The faintest bit of pink dusts over his strong cheek bones and crooked Roman nose. His pretty, thin cupids bow lips are slightly parted and his tongue darts between them briefly as he gives you a slow nod in response to your question. His breathing is quiet, but deep and heavy. A barely-restrained pant.
One of your hands leaves his face to push back the silky black strands of his hair with a gentle but efficient swipe and you can’t help but coo at the way his eyes roll back and flutter shut at your gentle touch. Your hand finds its way back to his jaw right away and you lean in, clicking your tongue lovingly at the pitiful mess he so quickly became.
Oh you have no idea the effect you’re having. All he’s seen for months is ugly, angry, dying and bitter men. Even triumph stunk of unwashed, musty clothes, metal, caked-on sweat, infected stitches, sun-rotted blood stains. And suddenly he has what feels like a newly made doll, crafted by god just for him, finished just in time for his weary soul to lap up like a starved dog. Instead of grime and sweat and oil and god-knows-what-else, his callused fingers greedily smooth over your expanses of clean, delicious, fuckable-smelling flesh.
His palms drag over your sides and back and his fingertips grab at your clothes and drag over your scalp eagerly. You smile softly at the state he’s in and grab his wrists. He allows you to pull his hands off of you, but scoots his hips forward and against your body like he needs to make up for the physical contact you took away.
“Liebling…bitte…” his voice cracks a little. You bite your lip and search his eyes, feeling a power trip wash over you. You grasp it delicately, afraid you’ll accidentally break the spell he’s under if you bring his attention to it.
“What do you need, Kö?” You whisper to him, thumbs stroking his huge forearms you’re holding in front of you. Your hands don’t go around all the way. He is just… allowing you to be in charge of his absolute tank of a body. He is being so mushy for you right now. He bites his lip and whines quietly.
Oh you need to see where this goes. Fuck your lunch date, you can get takeout later.
Please like or reblog if you enjoyed! 💋
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✨banner/divider created by @cafekitsune!✨
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heph · 7 months
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I bought Bloodweave candles from Planeshift Candles and I don't want them to know how much I love and obsess over their candles (we are mutuals) so now I'm yelling about it on tumblr instead of twitter SO!
Gale smells of like a . Sweet masculine cologne and Astarion smells citrusy (bergamot...) and I've been letting them perfume my room for the past few days and yall I'm just thinking about Gale's tent smelling like this 😭😭😭
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bloodandoranges · 8 months
Feel completely free to ignore if uncomfortable but...Im starved of NSFW Gale headcanons \ oneshots...and your writing is ✨Great✨ so uhhh do with this as you will.
✨Gale/Fem!Tav NSFW Headcanons✨
waahh thank you for this prompt, I love doing headcanons! Hopefully will have an one shot out soon 👀 also…should I add more?
— Gale wasn’t lying when he said he had a practiced tongue. He loves to go down on Tav, her thighs clenched around his head, toes digging into his back as he loses himself in her, as he drinks her in. She feels the Weave dance around her skin as he devours her, caressing her where he can’t reach. He seeks her out constantly, settling to his knees in front of her.
— If there’s one thing that will always set Gale off? It’s Tavs scent. A new perfume, and he’s all over her, complimenting her and pressing his nose to her neck, breathing in the sweet aroma. But of course, he prefers her natural scent. When they’ve had a hard day of battle or training; or rather, days…when she’s covered in blood and sweat is when it really sets him off. He’s all over her, hands squeezing at her hips as he breathes her in, as he moves into her…nose nuzzled tightly against her collarbone all the while.
— Of course, while he enjoys taking her wherever he can? His favourite place will always be in the Astral Planes, amongst the Weave… He holds her tight, multiple sets of arms around her as he fucks her, gasping out her name like a prayer. Their bodies, their souls, perfectly intertwined. There was nothing, nothing that could be better than this.
— As any good gentlemen should, he enjoys cuddling after sex…and in general, really. Curled up on his sofa with Tav settled in his lap while he read a book, her arms wound around his neck while she laid her head on his chest. Or the two of them wrapped in a naked embrace, limbs tangled together as he gently strokes her face - thinking on how truly lucky he was that the Gods had blessed him with her.
— Bonus: He loves being praised. He loves when she tells him how good his been, how wells he’s down…he becomes putty in her hands.
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pin3-vin3 · 1 year
I've had enough of vanilla and rain and smoke and whatever the FUCK sandalwood is. Here are some uncommonly used scents I've encountered and enjoyed in this life
Fresh clean laundry
Paper (old or new)
Herbs (maybe not just mint bc her back is TIRED with how much she carries in here)
Any of the holy hard spices. Not just cinnamon‐ but also anise, clove, nutmeg, AND the savory queens like paprika and cardamom
Root vegetables (Listen. Listen. They're all good and unique and tasty and you need to hear me out on this)
Also since things like candles, incense, soaps, candies and teas can come in many different flavors/scents but will always have some underlying scent from their base material attached to them, they make for good layered/complex scents
This is more of a pet peeve than anything but an easy way to make up cooler scents is to just. Be specific. Especially if your starting idea is super broad. "she smelled like trees" pick a tree "they smelled like bread/pastries" pick one "he smelled like flowers" I'm telling you the are so many unique— and maybe even symbolic if that's your plan— flowers at your disposal rn
NOTHING wrong with these scent choices they're all good and I love them dearly but. I can only read about so many flower boys before I go a little crazy. The world has too many amazing scents for us to be running the one okay scent of general flowers into the ground
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cannellee · 19 days
i literally love ur headcanons ❤️ i was just wondering what hcs you have for alpha tokyo rev boys and their scent? like i imagine mikey would probably be really warm and smell like vanilla or sandalwood and baji would probably smell musky, like coffee and leather
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୨୧ alpha! tokyorev x omega! reader (pairing : mikey, chifuyu, mitsuya, baji, ryusei, kokonoi, inupi, kisaki, izana, rin)
— what do they smell like ?
I'm making my comeback after a huuge while. life has been kinda hectic recently so I took a few weeks off my phone to get everything together + my exams didn't help either- but holidays are around the corner so I have much more time to write now!
PS: I forgot to save this earlier, so I had to re-write it, it's not as good as the first version but I hope you don't mind
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mikey's scent is unmistakable, wrapping itself around you in a comforting embrace. it's a blend of caramel and honey, with a gentle aroma of wood. it's soft and warm, yet, the earthy scent grounds everything, it's protective and strong.
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chifuyu's smell is a refreshing blend of citrus and bergamot, sweet with just a hint of sourness. it instantly lifts your spirits, making you smile right away. his scent fills you with enthusiasm, a nice reminder of his optimistic and supportive nature. it literally wraps around you like a ray of sunshine, leaving you really energetic!
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mitsuya's scent is extremely soothing, calming you down in a second. he smells like the ocean and sandalwood that embody his tranquil nature and unwavering reliability. you particularly love the fragrance of rain which is what truly defines mitsuya. his scent reminds you of a soft, gentle drizzle that accompanies a quiet and warm afternoon. it's the smell of clarity, the calm after the storm. his scent gives off a boundless reassurance.
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baji's scent is powerful, a potent mix of burned wood, iron and dark chocolate. it's intense, somehow bittersweet, signaling his raw strength and protective nature, a warning to others. he has a musky aroma to him which adds a primal edge, reinforcing his alpha presence. you can also detect a touch of lavender, it has a calming effect on you. when you breathe in baji's scent, it fills you with a sense of security, wrapping around you like a shield which makes you feel fiercely guarded. you really enjoy this side of his scent, the gentleness baji reserves only for you. it also reminds you that he would go to any lengths to keep you safe.
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ryusei's scent is a blend of popcorn and peppermint, a mix that's both sweet and strong. the popcorn feels gentle and comforting, with syrupy undertones that make everything so much more reassuring for his omega. it reminds you of simple moments, it gives you a carefree feeling and makes you smile. the peppermint feels refreshing and gives an invigorating touch, making you feel really good. when you catch a whiff of ryusei's scent, it fills you with enthusiasm and, the musky fragrance chases your fears away.
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kokonoi's scent is very sophisticated, it's a mix of whisky and vanilla. the whisky brings a rich and manly aroma, exuding strength and confidence. the vanilla feels warm, like a comforting sweetness, which makes it inviting and approachable. when you breathe in kokonoi's scent, it's like being wrapped in a commanding and comforting hug, making you feel secured and valued.
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inupi's scent is a mix of nutmeg and cold air, with hints of wood aromas that feel both warm and grounding. it's calming and composed, making you feel his presence no matter where you are. his scent carries a kindness and worry for you that's undeniably manly, making you feel weak in a good way, instinctively seeking his protection.
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kisaki's scent is very intriguing, a nice blend of eucalyptus and brownie, with a touch of mint that adds a fresh, clean feeling. it's soft and almost beta-like, making him seem less imposing than other alphas. however, subtle undertones of leather hint at his second gender, reminding you that kisaki is your protector and can keep you safe. overall, his scent gives you a cozy sense of familiarity, very calming yet surprising somehow.
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izana's scent is a blend of leather too, of patchouli and fire, with faint hint of cotton candy. the leather and patchouli gives off a dominant and earthy aroma, while the fire adds an intense, almost dangerous edge. the subtle sweetness of cotton candy is deceptively charming, which masks his powerful nature and possessiveness. to you, his scent is both intoxicating and intimidating, which leaves you with a strong compulsion to obey. the sweet undertones provides a bit of comfort, but it's clear that his presence is commanding and that's what makes you feel drawn to him.
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rin's scent is captivating, a powerful blend of cedarwood, musk and cinnamon. it's a honeyed smell which gives you a sense of belonging, the strong fragrance of wood making you feel a rush of excitement and anticipation. every breath you take is filled with relief and a nice feeling of warmth, feeling like you just woke up from a nap, still feeing muzzy and unbelievably relaxed. his scent is actually very primal and dominant, it makes you crave it so much.
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the-angels-share · 2 months
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In which Xiao gets the childhood he deserves. A Grandpa Zhongli and Xiao adventure.
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Out of all the seasons, Xiao loves summer the best. Not only does he get to stay up an hour later than usual, he gets to do things he normally couldn’t the rest of the year. For example, during summer, Xiao gets to sleep in as late as 10 in morning. He can go to the beach and eat ice cream and build sandcastles without worrying about homework. He can watch TV and play outside for as long as he likes, as long as he gets inside the house by twilight. Most importantly, he gets to stay in Grandpa's house for a whole month.
Xiao's Grandpa is Zhongli. Zhongli is the Geo Archon. That means Xiao's Grandpa is the coolest, most awesome being to ever walk the planet. And Xiao gets to spend thirty (30) days with him. Just him and his Grandpa.
No one else in all of Liyue gets to experience that.
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Xiao has spent a total of two days in his Grandpa’s house when he receives his first mission as a Guardian Yaksha.
The mission? Make a new friend. Location: The children’s park.
Xiao’s not gonna lie. He did not expect such a daunting task for his first ever mission. However, if there is one thing that Xiao has learned in his eight years of life, it’s that adepti assignments are to be accepted and seen to completion, whether they are given in Rex Lapis’ office or at the breakfast table over a plate of brown rice and grilled fish.
Which is how Xiao finds himself in the park two hours later, clutching his Grandpa’s slacks like his life depended on it.
Don’t misunderstand, though. Xiao is a brave boy. But sometimes, even brave boys get scared too. He’d much rather stay beside his Grandpa, where he can cling to his leg and be safe from the curious glances of the strange mortals in the sandbox.
“Don’t forget your weapon.”
Ah, yes, his weapon. Xiao wanted to bring one of his Grandpa’s many polearms, but Zhongli told him that the Primordial Jade Winged Spear is simply too long, too heavy, and too sharp for eight-year old boys to carry, even if they were adepti. So, he gave Xiao a jumbo bubble wand instead.
“Go on,” Zhongli tells him once Xiao finally let go of his leg. "Remember the plan."
Right, the plan. Xiao racks his brain for the battle strategy he made with Rex Lapis himself on their way here. Look for your target, wait for an opening, and when you’re ready, engage.
And so, Xiao does exactly that. Tightening his hold on the bubble wand, he takes a step forward and scans his surroundings. There, by the swings, stood two blonde kids around his age, blowing bubbles with their own soapy weapons. Target sighted.
Now for the rest of the plan.
Xiao turns to Zhongli. "Don't leave, okay?"
His Grandpa smiles and pats his head. "I'll be at the bench if you need me."
Xiao nods and walks ahead. Well, here goes nothing.
Ninety minutes later, Xiao goes home with two brand new friends, a play date plan for next week, and a gold coin for a job well done on his first ever mission as one of Liyue's Guardian Yaksha.
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As Geo Archon and oldest of The Seven, it is only expected that Xiao’s Grandpa would keep a lot of treasures in his house. And, well, Xiao’s not claiming to be a treasure expert, but you know what they say.
Where there’s treasure, there’s a guardian.
That’s where Azhdy comes in.
Of all the odd things in the Geo Archon’s house, the most peculiar one is Zhongli’s pet, Azhdaha.
Xiao is not sure exactly what kind of animal Azhdaha is. His Grandpa says Azhdy is a dragon, but he looks more like a dog to Xiao. Either way, Xiao thinks Azhdy is the coolest, most awesome pet ever. (Even if his name is a little hard to spell).
Some people think Azhdy is scary, but really, he’s just a clumsy creature who’s a little too spiky and excitable. It’s true! Azhdy has funny eyes that look in opposite directions. He can’t see very well, and that’s why he always bumps into walls or people. But that’s okay, because it doesn't matter where Xiao is in the house—when Xiao says, "Azhdy, come here", the sound of heavy paws on hardwood floor will reverberate in the whole house, becoming louder and louder the closer he gets.
The sight of Azhdy running towards him never fails to make Xiao smile. Which is why he doesn’t understand why most people look just about ready to call the Millelith whenever Azhdy pounces on his little body to give him wet dog kisses.
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There are days that hold a special place in Xiao's heart. For him, that day is Thursday. It's not because of any particular event or tradition. No, it's because Thursdays mean one thing: spending the most time with his super-duper amazing Grandpa.
For some reason, Thursdays seem to be the day when Zhongli spends the most time at home, away from his duties as the Geo Archon. And for Xiao, that means having his Grandpa all to himself for the day.
As the evening draws near on Thursdays, Xiao eagerly awaits the highlight of his day: bedtime. Not because it means the end of the day, but because it's the time when Zhongli sits by his bedside, tucking him in with gentle hands, a warm smile, and a pat on the head. Sometimes, Azhdy joins them too.
In those quiet moments, the world outside fades away, and it's just Xiao and Zhongli, and sometimes, Azhdy. While Zhongli spins tales of dragons, warriors, and dumplings, Xiao finds out very quickly that the crinkling of old book pages and Zhongli’s smooth baritone are much more effective sleep aides than the bedtime story itself.
Xiao never knows when he dozes off, if his Grandpa ever finishes his story before he starts dreaming. But every time, he wakes up with Zhongli and Azhdaha gone, replaced by the comforting scent of tea and breakfast in the air. It feels like a warm embrace, like he's loved and safe with Zhongli and Azhdy nearby.
Those Thursday nights (and Friday mornings) are the best.
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The big building on Wangshu Street, Xiao learns, is called Wangshu Inn. Inn spelled with two (2) Ns. It means hotel, Grandpa Zhongli tells him one day.
Sometimes, when Xiao has been exceptionally good and Grandpa Zhongli feels particularly nice, they go to Wangshu Inn for a bowl of almond tofu. Xiao loves almond tofu, especially the almond tofu from Wangshu Inn.
How Xiao came to like the sweet treat is actually a funny story.
When Xiao was five, he got lost. It was Lantern Rite and he and his Grandpa were out and about on one of their holiday afternoon walks. Captivated by the vibrant sights and sounds around him, Xiao had wandered off and couldn't find his way back to where his Grandpa was.
Of course, being an adeptus, Xiao hadn't been scared. (He was terrified.) Like a brave and dependable Guardian Yaksha, he took it upon himself to look for the correct way home. (Xiao wandered aimlessly, tears welling up in his eyes.) And just as the day began to turn into night, a calming presence had enveloped him. It was Zhongli, his Grandpa!
He had found him amidst the crowd.
Xiao remembers his Grandpa picking him up from under his arms and rubbing his back to soothe him. Then, he brought them both to Wangshu Inn where they shared a bowl of almond tofu.
"You're okay now," his Grandpa had said. Xiao doesn't remember being not okay, so his Grandpa must have been talking to himself. He must've been super scared when he turned and found Xiao missing! He guesses even cool, strong, Geo Archons like his Grandpa get scared too sometimes. (So, maybe it's okay to say that he felt a little bit scared too when he couldn't see Zhongli anymore back in the harbour.)
Xiao doesn’t remember much of that day, but he does feel a surge of warmth and comfort with every spoonful of the soft sweet treat.
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In the neighborhood where his Grandpa lives, there's a girl named Hu Tao. She's a bundle of energy, always running around with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Hu Tao is Xiao's... not-friend friend, but whenever they meet, she's full of jokes and stories she's read from whatever book she was devouring that week.
She's smart, just like Grandpa Zhongli. She reads those big heavy books he sometimes sees his Grandpa read on quiet afternoons at the den. She says big, hard to say words, like quick sonic (quixotic) and disk consulate (disconsolate). Sometimes, she recites poems with rhymes and more words Xiao doesn't quite understand. It's okay, though, because when she does, she smiles, and when she smiles, Xiao smiles too.
Hu Tao has a pet bunny named Boo Tao. Boo Tao is a fluffy little creature, but too small to play with Azhdaha, so they settle for sitting together in the grass, sniffing flowers and watching the world go by.
Xiao thinks Hu Tao is pretty. He's not quite sure what "pretty" here means, but whenever she laughs, it feels like sunshine breaking through the clouds.
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Sometimes, when the sky is gloomy, Grandpa Zhongli takes Xiao to the cemetery.
Xiao’s only seen pictures of Granny Guizhong but with all the stories that Grandpa has told Xiao about her, it’s as if he’s met her too.
He makes sure to water the Qinxin flowers Grandpa keeps on Granny's grave. He'll take care of the flowers so Granny does not get sad.
Next time, he'll add Glaze Lilies too.
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Amidst the hustle and bustle, Xiao's hand finds Zhongli's, his small fingers entwining with his grandpa's sturdy grip. His Grandpa smiles down at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Shall we see what the harbor has in store for us today, Xiao?"
Xiao nods. He'd be a dummy to say no to Rex Lapis. With a gentle lift, his Grandpa scoops Xiao up into his arms, granting him a bird's-eye view of the lively street below. From this vantage point, Xiao marvels at the vibrant tapestry unfolding before him—the dancers twirling in graceful arcs, the acrobats defying gravity with breathtaking stunts, and the musicians serenading passersby with their melodious tunes.
He thinks he can see Hu Tao and the twins there too.
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As the end of summer draws near, the yard of Grandpa's house becomes a haven for crystalflies. Amidst the delicate dance of these enchanted creatures, Xiao clings tightly to Zhongli, his small form nestled in the safety of his Grandpa's embrace.
With each passing moment, the inevitability of parting weighs heavy on Xiao's heart. As his parents arrive to take him home, Xiao buries his face in the crook of Zhongli’s neck, unwilling to let go of the warmth and comfort he finds there. The air is filled with the soft whispers of crystalflies bidding farewell to the departing summer, echoing the bittersweet emotions swirling within Xiao's heart.
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Summer has passed, and before Xiao knows it, it's summer again. Out of all the seasons, Xiao loves summer the best. Not only does he get to stay up an hour later than usual, he gets to do things he normally couldn’t the rest of the year. For example, during summer, Xiao can go out on walks with Azhdy while the citizens of Liyue look on with amazement at his very big, very cute pet. He can sit by the park and see if a girl with long pigtails and pretty eyes happens to pass by. Most importantly, he gets to stay in Grandpa's house for a whole month.
Xiao's Grandpa is Zhongli. Zhongli is the Geo Archon. And Xiao's most favorite thing in the whole entire world is him.
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brittscafe · 3 months
So a thing that lives in my head rent free is what kind of scents do the lieutenants and captains have? (Be it shower gel, deodorant, cologne/perfume, etc) Like when you hug them what do they each smell like? (Kinda weird but y'know)
omggg I feel like some of these are self explanatory, but I'll provide details on some of these <3
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Jushiro: Lavender and tea.
Shunsui: Sake and a strong cologne that smells like a flower of some sort.
Byakuya: Cherry blossoms and a hint of vanilla ;)
Kenpachi: Uses a strong scented deodorant that can be smelled across the soul society. Makes the hairs in your nose burn off...
Kensei: Like a manly man lol idk how else to describe it, but it smells good. Big beefy men like him smell good and you can't get enough of it.
Toshiro: icy axe body spray (i feel like axe body spray just gives off his vibes yk, bc that shit to me is so goddamn icy and cold)
Shinji: Old spice body wash (Timber with Sandalwood). Maybe a spray of some fancy cologne.
Mayuri: He's not concerned about what he smells like since he's in the lab all day and he probably smells at the end of the day, so he just puts on a cheap deodorant and maybe if he's feeling fancy, a quick spray of colonge.
Soi-Fon: A vanilla perfume or like her honey shampoo and conditioner.
Renji: Old spice deodorant (vanilla + shea butter) and hair gel.
Rangiku: Strawberry perfume or an Ariana Grande perfume that she got from the human world or her strawberry shampoo and conditioner.
Izuru: Something dark and mysterious. Something that when he walks past you, you'll be wanting to know more ;)
Shuhei: He wears a strong, but not overbearing cologne. One that if he walks past you, you'll inhale it for a few seconds and cherish the smell.
Ikkaku: I imagine that he wears a deep scented cologne, combined with his body wash. Honestly, he probably smells the best out of the lieutenants.
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sortingabosincebirth · 11 months
i desperately need more tips/info about scent glands. like placement, sensitivity, stuff like that.
Scent glands! I love scent glands, they're so fun! And integral!
There are 3 (technically 5) scent glands. One on each side of the neck (these are the big main ones. The spot where mating bites happen)
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One on the inside of each wrist
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And one on the tip of the nose
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The nose is the weakest in strength and is used for scenting between friends.
For those who don't like getting up close like that, the inside of the wrist is the way to go. The wrist gland's scent stays a little longer than the nose gland and is a great way to scent subtly and discreetly if needed (but it isn't as cute~).
The neck is the strongest and longest-lasting scent gland on the body. It is the most famously known one, and the most intimate. If people are scenting neck to neck they are likely either mates, close packmates, or family. (Or breaking social norms)
Any of these spots can be rubbed against the other to scent someone. Scenting is done publicly in medium moderation and privately to greet each other. To have someone's scent on you is like saying, "Hey! This person's part of my life!" It's a huge social indicator of who's closest/most important to someone and who's pack.
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I don’t know why, but I feel like Crosshair would really like lemon and citrus scents.
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bg3galore · 5 months
Romanceable Companions Scent Headcanon
Tonka beans, mint and pine
Smoke, musk and faint hints of beer
Jasmine, peony and moss
Cedar, soft hints of lavender and a potent smell of dust (from all his ancient tome and artifact scavenging of course)
Amber, ocean mist and lemon grass
Bergamot, whisky and traces of rosemary
Cinnamon, berries and natural musk
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