#science teacher au
madmanwonder · 2 months
College Science Teacher
Aunt May visits her nephew, who is trying everything in his power to convince her to not enter, so she doesn't find out his secret. But when Gwen comes in wearing only his shirt, acting like his wife, him sleeping with one of his students is found out by his aunt of all people.
Implied Sex, Older Man and Younger Woman
“Peter are you there?” May knocked on the door to her precious nephew door.
“Aunt May! Whatever you do. Don’t come in!” Peter voice said behind the door in a very terrified voice.
May lifted up a sole eyebrow at the tone from her nephew and was about to call out her nephew name when the door opened and standing in front of her was a beautiful young woman wearing nothing but plain shirt that stopped at her slim thighs.
“Hello. My name is Gwen Stacy which I hopefully it’ll change to Gwen Parker when he popped the question to me.” Gwen greeted the stunned woman while a mortified Peter was standing in the background.
May looked at the woman and to her nephew and thought. ‘Like father like son.’ May thought.
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ikiprian · 4 months
Mr. Fenton is a competent teacher. Almost too competent.
If Mr. Daniel Fenton had any more than a BS (with a minor in education), Tim would’ve flagged his profile as a potential Rogue. That’s the way of most charismatic academics, at least in Gotham. (Got a PhD? Instant watchlist.) Instead, he’s Gotham Academy’s newest celebrity, as a young, passionate, out-of-towner substitute while the chemistry teacher’s on maternity leave.
Tim gets the hype. Fenton seems to genuinely love teaching, and is invested in the welfare of the student body. He hands out bananas during exam week, hosts a “study habits seminar” each month to coach effective learning strategies, and the third time Tim falls asleep in his class, he even pulls Tim aside to ask if he’s doing okay. With all the late work he accepts and the protein bars he sneaks Tim, he’s every teen vigilante’s dream teacher. He could’ve been Tim’s favorite.
In fact, Mr. Fenton was Tim’s favorite. Up until Tim walks into Mr. Fenton’s chemistry classroom for a forgotten textbook, an hour after the final bell.
On the board where tallied scores for today’s review game had been kept, “THE CHEMISTRY BEHIND DR. CRANE’S FEAR GAS: ANXIOGENICS, NERI’S, & YOU,” is now scrawled. A detailed diagram of the human endocrine system projects in front of a small crowd of adoring and attentive students.
Fenton is wrist-deep in the skull cavity of an anatomical model. A short tug, and out pops the brain.
It’s plastic. It’s fake.
Tim identifies the nearest emergency exit.
Fenton turns to the door, and in the dark classroom with the projector illuminating half his face, his eyes almost seem to flash red. “What’s up, Tim?” he asks. His friendly grin is too big for his face. “I didn’t know you wanted to join the Just Science League!”
[OR: Danny’s a science teacher at Tim’s school. Gotham’s a pretty wild place, even for someone who grew up a superhero in a ghost-infested town, so he takes it upon himself to start a club teaching kids how to manage themselves in the event of a crisis. These Gothamites are pretty hardy, but a little extra training never hurt anybody! And he suspects one of his students might be a teen vigilante, like he’d been, back in the day. As a senior super, it's Danny’s duty look out for him! Surely, this is the subtlest and most appropriate way to give the kid pointers.]
[Tim immediately assumes supervillain.]
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bound-tosydney · 3 months
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Welcome to the world, little ones!
We've all been waiting to meet you
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The first step is always the hardest
But we knew you could do it!
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You are always surprise us
We are proud of you!
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We'll always be by your side
Please don't forget this
" You are my blessing. "
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" I love you. "
-Another story : daddy's new cross
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mothinabottle · 2 months
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"Well, yes, Sydney is actually my little brother. How did you know?"
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...I mean, I am pretty sure that's not the case, but it would actually be really funny for an AU lol
Like, turns out you actually had a secret sibling and guess what? It's your fucking mentor. Maybe your dad had too much fun in his teenage years 😭
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@troycattribunny you are giving me wayy too many ideas with only your reblog 🤔
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nheystyle · 4 months
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Teacher au!
Comment which subjects you think they teach
art by @nheyguys
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aro-in-danyl · 1 year
Combat-Fashionista Paulina AU
Paulina is horrified by the ugliness of patented Fenton wearable combat technology like the Specter Deflecter and Fenton Peeler. (Fenton Lipstick is okay though). So she decides to design something just as efficient in combat but with style. 
Paulina moves to Gotham to get sponsors and test out her new combat fashion line. Her first shop is set up in Crime Alley.
For maximum amounts of hilarity, imagine her in the same AU as GCPD!Dash and Science Teacher!Fenton. 
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puppiesandnightlock · 5 months
or just normal ages where damian picks up a next gen kid like mar'i
or maybe lizzie
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digenerate-trash · 2 months
Yandere faction leader sydney x reader headcanons (reader joins the faction originally but after Sirris dies it takes a turn for the worse…)
Sydney- such a sweet innocent presence. him and his dad have been doing everything they can too keep everyone feeling safe and calm.
Sirris keeps everyone fed and clothed. there are fires every night where people share stories and talk and laugh
youre close with Sirris and Sydney. They're the only two people at school that feel like family. and now that you have no home to go back to they might as well be.
when Sirris starts to get sick you worry. you offer him food and water but he readily gives it away to students he thinks need it the most. he gets sluggish and over time
the morning Sydney stops talking is when you know Sirris is gone. you offer to comfort him but Sydney has his own plans. he locks the library and keeps everyone trapped inside. he writes down a lengthy list of rules and posts them up for everyone to see. Sirris is dead and Sydney is now in charge...
the first week goes well. some other students stay silent along with Sydney some offer to do chores to keep the library clean and safe. people are working to make things easier for everyone and despite the tragedy people are calm.
Sydney starts insisting you sleep in the back office with him. he grabs your sleeve and drags you there every night. It's secluded and cold but safe... away from the others...
sometimes in the middle of the night, you think you hear Sydney singing... but that might just be a dream.
after a couple weeks, the isolation is getting to some of the others. they want to see their friends. they want to leave the library. they shout and cause problems. they throw tantrums and refuse to follow the rules. the next day they're gone.
everyone assumes they left. and some of the other people who cause to many problems are gone too. rule breakers escape the library it seems...
still Sydney's closest "disciples" have the first good news since Sirris' death. they've found a hoard of rats they hunt at night. scraps of meat are soon cooked over open fires, it's a miracle everyone gets to eat.
not only that but some of the most devoted followers are allowed to leave the library. they come back with good news from the outside. they bring bottles and buckets of water. though they mention that the world outside is hostile and almost everyone is dead...
eventually, the library becomes quiet. and Sydneykeeps to the back room. he only leaves when he's needed and in the meantime, he keeps you with him. constantly.
you're clean. he pampers you. you get the best cuts of meat and he makes sure you're always clean. he brushes and braids your now long hair keeping you as presentable as possible. but he never lets you leave anymore.
Sydney sometimes leaves at night when he thinks you're asleep and when he comes back his hands are dripping with blood. to much blood... he washes them in a bucket ritualistically before he returns to your side
"Sorry for leaving you" he whispers. his voice a harsh rasp "I had to deal with the Rats again..."
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hangesfavles · 5 months
Kitties and Compromises
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4.3k words. nonbinary hange x fem reader, but readers gender is only mentioned twice.
Summary: Hange really wants a cat, and you don’t. On your way to work one day, you hear a distant meowing in a sewer drain.
No warnings btw! This is sfw and just fluffy <3
a/n!: hi! i don’t usually write fanfics. this is actually my first time seriously sitting down and trying to write a fic, but i was inspired by an experience that happened to me fairly recently!! i’m not sure if i’ll write any more fanfiction, but if y’all like my writing you can send in a request, but i can’t promise it’ll be done quickly 😓 i’ll probably only write wlw, nblw, or nblnb! as for characters, i’d be interested in writing for hange, yelena (from aot), moira o’deorain, junker queen, chloe price, or hazel callahan! also ik not that many people will probably see this, but if you like hange fanfics puh LEASE check out @abbyslev on tumblr and @sweetgirl_r on ao3! bc i love their works and they’ve both indirectly inspired me so much! pls read their work its amazing <3 cross posted on tumblr and ao3, pls don’t steal my writing btw :3
What were the odds of something like this happening to you? ​​Hange simply must’ve been manifesting this into the universe. The day started just like any other, waking up in the morning next to your spouse, Hange. You always wake up before them, reluctant to leave the warm comfort of Hange’s embrace. Even when they’re asleep they find ways to be clingy, whether that be trapping your body against their own as they cage you with their arms or simply latching onto your back and nuzzling your hair, it always makes mornings that much harder. You always admire their sleeping face before leaving your shared bed; Their peaceful expression and lack of their usual eyepatch reminds you how much they trust you. You groggily slip out of their arms, eliciting their normal whimpers and sleepy pleas for you to rejoin them. You kiss their cheek, not even bothering to respond to their words. You know they won’t remember their words or your own regardless. You get yourself dressed in your boring, formal work attire required for your office job. After fixing your hair in the mirror, you head to the bathroom first. You grab your toothbrush from the holder, smiling as you do so. The sight of Hange’s toothbrush next to your own always makes your heart flutter. Despite having lived with them for quite some time, you always fall victim to the butterflies in your stomach when you see your items mixed with their own. Simple things, like their “Best teacher” mug gifted to them by one of their students next to your plastic and faded Hello Kitty cup you’ve had since childhood, or your coat hanging on the same rack as theirs.
Your next stop is the kitchen. You always make lunch for yourself as well as Hange the night before, otherwise they’ll skip lunch entirely or on rare occasion buy fast food. It never bothers you, though. You love being able to do nice things for them. You know they appreciate it, because they send sweet ‘thank you’ messages along with a photo of them eating it every day without fail. Seeing their smile while eating the food you prepared specifically for them makes your effort completely worth it. You grab your food, placing it into your bag.
The third and final place you head towards is the living room. You grab your laptop- previously discarded- from the coffee table and place it in your bag as well. You groan softly with annoyance as you remember how Hange had distracted you last night from finishing a particularly long assignment from your boss. You had been working diligently for a few hours before Hange arrived home, demanding attention from you. You can’t even blame yourself, because how could you say no to your loving spouse’s puppy eyes? Not to mention the fact they had also enticed you by offering to watch a new movie with you until it was time to make dinner. That’s another action that never fails to make your heart beat faster in your chest. They make dinner while you prepare tomorrow’s lunch, always on the counter closest to them. You sigh as you think about the fact you’ll have a little bit of extra work to do while you leave the house and enter your car to drive to work.
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Hange loves you. Everything about you, and anything that comes with you. They love your day-to-day routine, never growing bored even when doing monotonous tasks and chores. Things they had hated previously have magically become more interesting, like grocery shopping or doing laundry. But even so, something felt… missing. They were 100% sure this feeling has nothing to do with the love they have for you, or the love you have for them. They undeniably and unconditionally love you, otherwise they wouldn’t have proposed to you. They knew early on into your relationship that they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you by their side. Because of this, they want to have a family with you. Neither of you had been particularly fond of the idea of having children- at least, not yet. Having a child is a lot of work, as well as an incredibly big time and financial commitment. They want a cat. They knew that they wanted a pet cat before they had even moved out of their parents’ house… However, they also knew that you were against the idea. They’ve been begging for the past few months about how badly they want to adopt one, only to be shut down by you, saying how expensive it would be to buy one, as well as the essentials for it: a collar, carrier, grooming supplies, litter box, litter, a scooper, toys, food bowls, food in general, as well as occasional vet visits. Between both of your jobs, you and Hange live comfortably. If the two of you agreed to cut back on recreational spending, they were sure buying a pet was within reason, but they knew you didn’t want to. You enjoyed being able to go on nice dates with them on occasion, to the movies, aquarium, dinner, art museums, and sometimes you even do escape rooms together. They also savor the dates you go on together, but that doesn’t stop them from asking you at least twice a week if you’ve warmed up to the idea of owning a cat. Spoiler alert, you haven’t. So imagine their surprise when they receive a video call from you in the middle of class, revealing you holding a dirty, gray kitten with one hand.
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Really, what were the odds of this happening? After getting out of your car when you arrived at the office building, you hear loud, high-pitched cries coming out of a nearby sewer. Your kind heart wouldn’t and couldn’t ignore it. You follow the sound, crouching in front of the drain, that’s when you see it. The tiniest kitten you’ve ever laid eyes on, seemingly trapped at the bottom of a sewer drain. You jog as fast as your heels can take you, alerting your boss about the situation, telling him you’ll clock in as soon as you can help the poor thing. He graciously allows you to do so, a perk of being a dedicated manager. You jog back towards the drain, kneeling down to look at the kitten again. You were sure if you called the cops that they would take hours to show up, if at all. Instead, you search for the phone number of your local fire department.
Saving this goddamn cat was a long process. Who knew removing the cover of a drain would take so long? It had taken over two hours to remove the cover, and then another forty five minutes to lure the kitten close enough for the firefighter to grab. The kitten was left in your care after it was safely removed from the drain. Luckily, it was dry except for its paws. You were considering what you should do at this moment. The kitten doesn’t seem to have a collar, and you can see a few fleas crawling around on its back. You realize that you simply can’t place it on the ground to roam free once more, what if it’s hungry? What if it gets hurt or stuck again? You’re not sure you would be able to sleep at night knowing you abandoned the cat. You figure you should first and foremost take it to the vet to see if it possibly has an owner who microchipped it. Before doing so, you decide to do what any rational person would do, call Hange. You feel bad for bothering Hange when you know that they’re working, but you wanted to tell them what you’ve dealt with for the past three hours.
When Hange feels the vibration of their phone in their pocket, illuminating from your call, they know that they should answer. They hold their phone in their hand before glancing around their classroom, the eyes of their students peering at them curiously. They chuckle nervously. “...Ah, pardon me for a minute! My wife is calling me. Feel free to chatter while I’m away, just be sure to keep it down, okay?” They give the class an awkward thumbs up and a matching smile. They aren’t sure if you’ve ever called them while they were working, and they feel a pang of worry as they step out of their classroom and into the hallway to answer the call.
The look on their face was priceless. Their eye widens a little with confusion, their lips parting as if they wanted to say something, but they clearly have trouble finding the words. You speak before they do, explaining briefly how you heard the kitten crying, the amount of time it took to save the small creature, and how you plan to take it to a vet to see if it has an owner. After you’re finished speaking, Hange is quick to ask you “Can we keep it if it doesn’t have a chip? C’mon, pretty please? This opportunity is perfect! We won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to adopt one, we just gotta cover the essentials!” They beg you, barely even stopping for breath as they plead quickly. “I don’t know, Han… Let me take it to the vet first. I’ll let you know what happens from there.”
Hange has been on the edge of their seat all day. You’ve been sending them updates, albeit slowly, considering the kitten is being tested for multiple things, like parasites, ear and eye infections, and other long term health conditions like feline leukemia. What they know so far is that the kitten is- according to the vet- probably a girl, not microchipped, and the poor thing is infested with fleas. You had mentioned to Hange that the vet said it’s a little bit early to tell if she’s really a girl, but that she currently looks like one. Hange has never been so attached to their phone at work before. They can’t help but glance at it between sentences, hoping to see their screen lit up by a message from you.
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Today has been tiring, despite not even truly having gone into work. You’re stressed, nervous, and worst of all, bored. Your boredom doesn’t help your running thoughts. Instagram can only distract your brain so much when all you can think about is this kitten you’ve unwillingly bonded with. The longer you sit in the waiting room, the more you realize how worried you really are about being able to keep the kitten, despite your initial reservations about keeping a stray animal. She was just that cute. Throughout the whole car ride to the vet, she sat in your lap obediently, even curling up into a ball and purring. Not once did she cry or try to escape your lap. She had only started crying once you left her alone with the vet, and that broke your heart more than you’re willing to admit. You already feel like you have a bond with her, and it would be devastating if she happened to be sick or injured. What you’re waiting for right now is for her to use the bathroom. Number two is preferable, but they would work with number one if that’s all she could do. You silently thank yourself for stopping by a grocery store to get her some canned cat food, which she had eaten in the car on the way here. After waiting in the vet for a whopping 4 more hours, they had concluded all of the proper tests. The vet calls you back into the exam room, ready to talk about the results. Apparently, she ended up doing number 2 when she was left alone in a kennel. “Hello Mrs. Zoe!” He says with a friendly smile. “So, I’ll start with the bad news. Our little friend here has plenty of fleas, which I’m sure you saw already, and after running tests on her stool, I found that she does indeed have a parasite.” After hearing his words, you feel your nervousness festering more than ever. You nod at his words, urging him to continue. “But, there’s plenty of good news. The parasite is nothing life-threatening. She just needs to be medicated every day for a week. Other than that, she is entirely healthy. Do you plan on keeping her?” You think about your answer for a moment, but inside, you knew your mind was already made up. You had plenty of time to think about it in the waiting room, and you can’t deny the fact you’re already smitten with the small animal. You nod at him, a small smile appearing on your face as well. “Well, that’s great! You’ll have to come back tomorrow or the day after to pick up her medicine. We’ll give you a call when it’s ready to be picked up.” He flashes you another award-winning smile before leaving the room to retrieve the kitten. “Congratulations, she’s very well behaved.” He comments as he hands her back to you carefully. “Thank you, doctor. My spouse is going to be absolutely over the moon.” You giggle softly as you hold her once more and leave the office. You hold the kitten in one hand, and reach into your pocket to check the time on your phone. By now, it was almost time for Hange to get off of work. You sit in the car, the kitten once more making herself comfortable on your lap. You try not to think about her fleas as you take a moment to video call Hange once more.
Hange had just finished their last class of the day when you called. They were sitting at their desk, grading some old assignments before they officially left school. This was typical for them, because they absolutely hated dealing with the traffic caused by all of the other teachers, as well as students and school buses leaving the area at once. They see your call and immediately answer with a huge, dopey smile on their face. “Hi, love!” They exclaim, evidently excited for whatever updates you’re going to give them. When the video loads, they aren’t met with your dazzling beauty, but another small, adorable face. You can’t help but giggle as you look down at your phone, the angle making the kitten look funny. She paws the screen in front of her. “D'aww!! She’s so cuteee!” Hange squeals with excitement at the view. You giggle lightheartedly at Hange’s childish excitement. Their enthusiasm for the world around them was something that drew you in immediately about them, and it is still a trait that you adore. “Isn’t she? She’s so sweet and well behaved.” You move the phone away from the kitty, instead showing Hange your face. “Has she melted your cold heart already?” They tease with a soft chuckle. “Oh, shut up Hange!” You giggle at their joke anyways. “I’m just teasing, love. Soooo… Is she ours? Is she healthy?” They ask excitedly, but they already assume that the answer is yes, considering how happy you seem to be. “I just got done speaking with the vet, apparently she has a parasite.” You notice Hange’s lips part into an ‘o’ shape as you say this. You can also notice the concern morphing its way into their features. “But he said that after being medicated for… like… a week or so, she should be perfectly fine.” Hange’s earlier excitement makes a comeback, the worry melting off their features as they squeal a bit. “C’mon, we have to keep her!” They whine and plead. “You love her already, it’s obvious. Stop avoiding the question.” A pout forms on Hange’s lips as they try to convince you for the umpteenth time to have a pet. You sigh softly at their cute expression, giggling breathily at their antics. “I do love her. And you’re right, this is a perfect chance for us to have a pet since we didn’t have to buy her. I guess love is about compromise, or whatever… And since I know how much you’ve always wanted a cat, we can keep her.”
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Hange had rushed home in record speed. It’s shocking that they got home in one piece without any tickets or crashes. You were right in the assumption that they would be over the moon about this perfect coincidence, Hange wanted to meet her more than anything. You have been home for a bit by the time Hange arrives at your shared home. They practically launch through the door, before realizing their excitement might startle the kitten. When you hear the door opening, you greet them at the door with your arms open wide. They quickly rush into your embrace, lifting you up and enthusiastically shaking you around. They place a chaste kiss on your lips before putting you on the floor once more. “Not that I’m not excited to see you, but where is she?” They ask with childlike excitement. They’re practically bouncing off the walls. As if on cue, a high pitched cry emits from the bathroom. “I have her in the bathroom right now and I put a blanket in there with her. We’re-” Your sentence is cut off by Hange making their way to the bathroom, carefully opening the door. You smile at their excitement, following after them. “Make sure she doesn’t get out. We’re gonna need to give her a flea bath before she can leave the bathroom.” Hange mumbles out a ‘mhm’ before kneeling beside the bathtub. The kitten is looking up at them with big doe eyes. Hange is doing all they can not to squeal and shout from how utterly adorable she is. You decide to take a seat on top of the closed toilet, simply content to see your partner so lively. Hange carefully outstretches their hand to the animal, who seems to back away the tiniest bit. “Heeeeyyyyyyy baby…” They whisper quietly. “Pspspsp…” The kitten sniffs Hange’s finger skeptically, but doesn’t react otherwise. They take this as a sign that it’s okay to pet her. Two of their lithe fingers scratch at the top of the kitten's head, much to her content. Hange mumbles sweet, hushed words to the animal that you can’t really hear. The world around you seems to grow blurry, as you tune out everything else that isn’t your partner and your newfound pet. There wasn’t anything else worth caring about at the moment. The tenderness Hange displays, a stark contrast from their typical erraticism, has your heart thumping in your chest. Hange has always been equally caring as they are observant. While Hange will probably always be excitable, they’re very aware of other’s emotions. They know when someone is overwhelmed or tired, or maybe shy and nervous, meaning they always know when they should turn it down a notch. Quiet moments with them were always your favorite moments. Moments where you two could simply be, without the need for conversation or action. Moments like this morning, where you can stare at their tired face without any ounce of uncomfort. Hange scoops up the kitten into their arms, holding her near their chest, seemingly unbothered by the fleas littering her body. They look up at you, smiling with their teeth and giggling. Their eyes are squinted shut by how much they’re smiling. Even as you’re lost in thought, not fully aware, you smile back at them unconsciously because it’s second nature. You snap out of your trance when you see a flea jump off of her body. “Yuck.” You say, squishing the bug with your shoe and picking it up with a piece of toilet paper. “I picked up some flea shampoo when I went to get her something to eat.” You say, holding up a purple bottle. “She won’t like this, but put her in the sink.”
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The two of you have spent the better part of an hour picking the rest of the bugs out of the kitten's fur. The flea bath helped substantially, but there were still some that crawled around. Neither of you have spotted bugs for a few minutes, so you retire from your task, wrapping the small animal in a towel as Hange holds her, trying to transfer their own warmth to her. “She’s such a sweetie.” They coo softly, bouncing the kitty as if she’s a small child. “We should feed her soon. Did you get anything else from the pet store?” They ask, tilting their head at you as they ask. “No, she got really antsy when she was alone for too long, so I tried to run in and out as fast as possible. We’re gonna have to go back.” “Oh, but we can’t leave her to go out, what if she thinks we abandoned her!?” They ask you with puppy eyes. “We can’t take her out, she could still have fleas. I can ask someone to watch her while we go out.” You say, pulling out your phone to text one of your and Hange’s shared friends.
Levi and Erwin step into your home, the former appearing to be intensely displeased. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this on a weekday.” Levi grumbles, while Erwin smiles politely at you and Hange. “He’s being dramatic, it’s no trouble. You two will only be gone for an hour before we head home again.” Erwin chuckles, walking to the living room, where the now dried kitten sits on the couch. She runs and hides at the sight of so many people. “Thank you guys for doing this, I know it’s last minute.” You chuckle nervously at Levi’s obvious irritation. “We didn’t exactly have the luxury to give you notice, Shorty.” Hange teases, grinning as Levi rolls his eyes. “Whatever, three eyes. Get going so we can get home already.” Hange pouts, not only from the nickname, but also at the fact they’re being rushed out of their own home. You try not to burst out laughing at the nickname. “Three eyes is diabolical.” You choke out, opting to take their hand and head out, hopefully so Hange doesn’t feel embarrassed. “We’ll be back soon, thank you again!” You wave, before hopping in the car with a pouting Hange to get supplies for your currently unnamed pet.
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Who knew shopping with Hange would take so long? You knew, actually. You were vaguely aware of the fact that Hange’s erraticism isn’t the best trait when trying to go shopping quickly. You’ve only been shopping with them a few times, and after an hour of bouncing around the store, it becomes a little bit tiring. This doesn’t even account for the many different random items they tend to pick up and insist they need. A similar thing happens when you attempt to shop for your cat. You asked Hange to find a decently sized litter box, and they come back to beg you for toys they think look funny, a bed shaped like a ramen cup, a hat for the kitten, and a matching onesie for her. You have to refrain from twitching your eye as they entirely forgot to get the litter box you tasked them to find. You end up putting the toys, bed, and hat in the basket, since you planned on buying her these things anyway. “Han... My beloved... You forgot the litter box.” You watch as they chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of their neck. “Right... Be right back.” They turn away, determined to get the litter box, (and only the litter box,) while you decide between two bundles of kitten food.
Hange finds you once more, looping their arms around your waist. You’re momentarily shocked, but you quickly recognize the scent of them surrounding you. They place their head on your shoulder, proud of the fact they managed not to pick up anything except the litter box. They poke your cheek, giving you a grin. When you turn your head towards them, they tap their finger against their cheek, silently asking to be rewarded for completing the task you gave them. You roll your eyes playfully and give them a soft peck.
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You return home after an hour and a half, being slightly delayed by Hange’s typical short and ever-changing attention span. Erwin helps you and Hange bring in the bags of cat necessities. You and Hange tiredly plop down on your couch once you’ve finished, feeling tired from all the events of the day. Levi sighs from beside you. You and Hange look at him, seeing the cat curled up and sleeping on his lap. “This damn cat wouldn't leave me alone. Always craving attention, like it can't survive without constant petting. Needy little furball.” He grumbles. Despite his attitude, he still allows her to sleep in his lap, which you and Hange are both grateful for. He carefully picks her up, shifting her into Hange’s lap instead. They both try their best to ensure she isn’t disturbed by the transfer. You stand up as Levi does, seeing the couple out. “Thank you both again for doing this. We’ll see you guys on Sunday for dinner. It’s our turn to cook this week!” You giggle. Erwin pats your shoulder in a dad-like fashion. “Don’t mention it. Levi was loving the attention she gave him. See you Sunday.” He smiles. To this, Levi rolls his eyes, elbowing his lover lightly as you see them out.
Once again, you plop on the couch beside your own lover. They look at you with worry. “What are we going to do with her? She’s gonna be so scared if we leave her at home, all alone...” You raise your eyebrow, wondering where this conversation is leading. “I’m sure she’ll get used to it. It’s impossible for us to have someone watch her every day while we’re at work.” In response to your words, they cover the kitten's ears. “You’re evil! How could you talk about our daughter that way?” They pout, giving you puppy eyes. You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully at their joke. “You know...” They start. You look at them tiredly, knowing you probably won't like whatever comes next. “We could always get another to keep her company.”
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nakanemiya · 1 year
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made some teenage mutant neglected turtles propaganda (have no if Im late or not but oh well) teenage mutant neglected turtles au: @nerves-nebula
they have made me realize a little too much about bad home life irl, god ily them so much
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madmanwonder · 2 months
College Science Teacher
Does Gwen keep her relationship with Mr. Parker a secret, or not?
"Ms.Stacy tried to our relationship to the people but I beg her not to because it will not go well for us." Peter replied as he looked at the unconcerned young woman who was on her phone.
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graciousvoid · 4 months
AF2 OC?!?!?!?!
Oh my god I can't believe this took me 2-3 months and a total of 20 hours and 30 minutes I just LOVE myself
I had JUST finished drawing these group of besties for my lil AF2 AU. The first half of it takes place 150* years after the events of AF1, which is these people's time :]
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wyrdle · 2 years
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The Last to Leave
AU where Oro joins Tsunade in leaving Konoha post the 2nd Shinobi war, rather than getting with Danzo and terrible experiments and such. More info under the cut
I was partially inspired by this wonderful Tsunade centric fic, and thought about how Tsunade, even in grief, channeled it into something productive. In this case, I thoroughly enjoy the idea of her creating a whole new system/organisation that prioritises saving lives/improving wellbeing. And the only way to do that is to leave the system of militaristic shinobi villages.
In this au, Oro decides to join her as head researcher, and the two go on to set up their own ways of doing things I guess???? Idk. But yeah, it kinda kills my soul to think about how the Sannin, if banded together and away from Konoha, could cause a paradigm shift in the Shinobi world, with Tsunade at the helm rejecting the shinobi way of life.
Jiraiya isn’t here because.. it kinda sucks that it’s canon??? That Dan dies sometime after he decides to stay in Ame. sdlkjfgsd. The trio is all toxic, but I think this AU’s tsuna is less so and her and oro keep each other in check.
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They keep accidentally setting Lurien's city on fire
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quillisadoll · 25 days
Ok y'all I have another story idea from my dreams.
Does it make sense? Kinda but whatever the story is really cool and I'll probably work out the logistics later
Kyoya is a robot that was designed by his father to befriend rich kids and learn their family secrets, then travel back in time to tell him so his father can use it for blackmail (stay with me here)
After doing this hundreds and hundreds of times Kyoya gets the assignment to learn about the Suoh family.
He goes through middle school for the hundredth time and actually talks to Tamaki.
But something is different, even though he cannot feel he feels like he's getting a feeling of deja vu like he's done this before.
Time passes and he's in high school now. He has grown closer to Tamaki, he still hasn't spilled any family secrets though how bizarre.
More time passes and Kyoya thinks he's malfunctioning, he feels weird near Tamaki his chest starts to hurt and his skin blushes inappropriately, he should time travel back but he doesn't want to come back empty handed and be a disappointment.
As time passes, they start a club the malfunctions get worse he makes friends this isn't right he hasn't been focusing on his main objective why is this all so familiar..?
Then one night during his charging cycle he finds a file in his system that he doesn't have access to (idk computer language just bare with me guys)
It takes him a couple days but he hacks into it.
He has done Tamakis assignment multiple times.
78 times to be exact.
All of the details about what went wrong was right there
"fallen in love" 48
"disobeyed" 40
"didn't travel back" 17
Were the most common reasonings.
Suddenly he found his memories of all of those times
Tamaki complimenting him
Attempting to punch his dad
Exploring the world without traveling back
Telling Tamaki he's a robot and him accepting him
Kissing Tamaki
He needed answers, could he love? Why did he do this? It's all to much
And I would love to keep on going in this story format but I am not that creative rn so here's how it ended (in my dream at least, maybe I'll turn this into a real fic if I get good feedback)
OK so in my dream it ended with Kyoya trying to get around his Fathers safety features so he could actually kill him and or hurt him enough to let him free so he could live w tamaki
WELL it doesn't go well turns out he had this backup backup plan that if kyoya went rogue he has this remote that basically shuts him down.
He gets restarted and his assignment is Tamaki Suoh
Round 79
Andddd yeah!
Now you might be asking "why is Kyoyas dad obsessed with the Suoh family?" Tbh it's just bc he is pissed that Kyoya isn't listening to him and now he's obsessed with finding out with what's up with the Suohs
(I'm silly in tags!)
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doeneb · 2 months
May j have your permission to put my oc(Miss Roslyn/Mary Roslyn) in the UniversityOfHome Au?
Of course! I don't have a lot of rules for it and you can be practically anything in the au!
Only rules so far:
• If you are a teacher please put a lanyard/ID on the character and have the school's "UH" logo somewhere on the outfit!
That's about it do far lol
But yeah go wild ❤️
(Remember to read the tags! I ramble in there so posts aren't too long and put information in there!)
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