#screaming crying he’s so pretty an actual statue
ratskinsuit · 3 months
—𝑀𝑜𝓉𝒽 𝐿𝑒𝒻𝓉 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝐵𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔—
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“You are Vox’a personal assistiant, and recently him and Valentino had a rough fight, leaving Vox a wreck”
Tags/Warning: Dark content, Mentally unstable Vox, Unhealthy behaviors, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Mentions of unhealthy/toxic relationships,Mental breakdowns, Self harm mentions, Slight assault, Crying, Unhealthy dependency, Abandonment issues, Violence, Manipulation mentions, no use of Y/N, not x reader but can be portrayed that way, implied Valentino x Vox
A/N: I have never written full angst (nad I’m shit at comforting) so I hope that this is okay, PLEASE READ THE TAGS. And enjoy!
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You are Vox’s personal assistiant at Vox Tech. You died around 3 years ago in a fatal head-on collision car crash, your airbags had failed and it resulted in you smashing through your front windshield.
You honestly don’t know how you ended up here in hell, you thought you did pretty well in life. I mean yes you messed up a bit, but so hasent? You never did anything that you considered to be completely sinful, such as murder, rape, ect-
Even with your predicament, you knew you went just going to sit there, so you accepted your situation pretty fast. You found a simple abandoned apartment that you spruced up a bit to make it livable, and made your way by scrapping together whatever cash or opportunities you could find. After while of growing adjusted and learning the ways around hell, you decided to try getting a job. Specifically as a computer tech, as it was your job before you died, so you thought it would be a job you could do well.
And of course, the best place you though of what Vox Tech. Even though you heard of the torment that the overlords, the Vees, would put their workers through, but honestly you didn’t mind, you just needed something to live off of. Even if it was temporary, you were going to make sure not to do anything stupid.
So you applied for a position there and hoping that you got the job. But sadly they said you just weren’t quite fit for the position you were applying for, and you guess that the lady felt bad for you, because before you could leave she let you know that the overlord of the part you were applying for, Vox, was looking for a personal assistiant.
Of course you hesitated at first, but ended up accepting the job anyways, mainly because the perks and the pay were pretty great. However before you answered to accept, the hiring personnel said that the last personal assistiant was no longer working here is because they got in the way of Vox after him and Valentino had a fight. Yet, you chose to ignore that fact, planning on this being a temporary job.
So, you started working for him. At first, he treated you like actual shit. He would order you around like a dog, yelling at you anytime you messed up, and even if you didn’t, he would find a reason. He acted as if you weren’t even a human being. Your suprised he didn’t kill hou.
After a while, you grew used to it, somehow keeping yourself from getting killed by learning the boundaries. Making sure to do what he says and keeping away as much as you can.
However one day, you heard that Valentino and Vox had a particularly bad fight. Still, you had to go to work and serve him, so you had headed to his office. When you got there though, you found him sobbing and curled up on the floor in a ball, trembling.
Of course when he saw you he screamed at you to get out, but even though danger was staring at straight at your face, you were a naturally empathetic person.
So you went over to him and asked him what was wrong, and at first he threatened and yelled and screamed at you. But when he found you weren’t leaving, he just broke down.
You spent the next couple hours listening as he rants attentively, and soothing him. After that you two grew closer, still within a boss and worker status, but closer as friends.
You learned all the ways to help him through his breakdowns and comfort him. He would often confide in you and you would listen, making him feel better.
The fights between him and his boyfriend never stopped but you made it much better. He eventually stopped fighting and just let you hold him.
However recently, they had the worst fight they ever have had before. And it ended with Valentino leaving. At first it seemed like Val throwing his normal fist, but he didn’t show after a week, or another, or another. After 3 weeks he showed up but would completely ignore vox, and this honestly broke him.
From what you could tell he’s been burrowing himself in his work, and has been completely emotionless to cope recently, and taht scared you. Because you know that sometime soon, he would break and it would all come crashing down.
So your currrently one your way to his office with a plate of snacks, icecream, and some tea. You heard from your coworkers he hasent been out of his office all day, so your wondering if he finally cracked.
You reach the end of the hallway, landing you infront of Vox’s door. You hesitate, wondering if it was better to know and say something to alert him of your presence, or to just open the door and then have him realize it’s you right away.
After a moment of pondering, you decide it’s easier to go with the latter. Grasping the handle, you turn it and push the door open, making a whooshing sound.
Once open, you take a step in and open your mouth to speak. But before you could, Vox snaps his head to the door, giving a death glare.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, just coming in wit-“ His anger dies down as he recognizes you, and his tense form relaxes a bit.
“Shit, sorry didn’t uh.. realize it was you.,” He mourners, rubbing the back of his neck out of habit. He glances away, resting his hands back his desk, before looking back at you.
You give him a small smile, and glance around the room, a bit suprised at the state of him and his surroundings. His face looks tired and a bit glitchy, small colorful pixels appearing and disappearing on the edge of his screen. His head has some wires sticking out of tear sun places. Other parts are dented and scraped, from what you assume was him banging his head against the seat and scratching at himself.
His jacket is laying on the floor a couple feet away from where he is seated. His bow tie seated next to the dozens of coffee cups that litter his desk. His clothes are wrinkled and messed up. His shirt halfway done and seemily hastily put on.
There is trash all around his desk, strewn about. His trash can is full, papers filling it to the brim. Random wires are hung all around the room, hanging from the ceiling and the floor, some torn and other fully put together. All around his chair and his desk is glass. Broken pieces everywhere, but Vox doesn’t seem to care, as he’s gone back to looking at his cameras.
The most disturbing part being his monitors. All but three are broken. They seem to have been broken by having things thrown at them. You assume he threw the lights, as there are random stage lights on the floor and on his desk with the broken glass. Well at least you know where the glass came from.
On the remaining cameras are three scenes. Alastor’s radio tower, the entrance to the building, and Valentinos room.
Vox stares at the cameras, unblinking and staring up like it’s hypnotizing him, like he’s unable to look away. Not even seeming to notice, or care about you being there. Just stuck, his eyes glued to the screens in-front of him.
You hesitate, taking a deep breath, and then you slowly walk over to where Vox is at his desk, he doesn’t seem to realize or care that your coming over to him until you reach him, and begin to speak .
“Vox.. is everything okay?..” you ask softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and he flinches, glancing at you.
“Yes of course I’m fucking fine, just peachy terrific even.” He says with a glare. “Why would you think otherwise?” He says turning away from you back to the screen, obviously trying to hide it.
You take a deep breath, “You just seem to be a bit ..strung up right now, is…” You hesitate, not wanting to anger him or get him more stressed then he already is. But you don’t want him to stay in this cycle of depression that he gets into occasionally.
It usually is triggered when him and Val would have fights. The would scream at eachother, saying nasty things and throwing random items at eachother. And would usually only end once one of them left, which was almost always Valentino.
For the first hour after the fight, Vox would seem fine. Just a bit more angry and pissy, getting riled up over teh smallest of things. Whether it be someone messing up on some paperwork or their job, pe an employee simply tripping. But during those periods it’s best for the workers to avoid him. You, however, just stay by his side the entire time, waiting for it to all come crashing down.
After a while he would just fall. Once alone he would just start crying, and crying, and crying. You would hold him and comfort him, as he rocked and sobbed in your arms. He would go through stages of being completely silent and unmoving, not wanting to talk, sitting with a blank look on his face. To crying and screaming, calling Valentino over and over again apologizing. To anger, yelling and shouting at anybody that moves, leaving angry voicemails into Val’s inbox.
Of course, you would stay with him the entire time. He may yell, scream, or even try to hurt or threaten you at times. But you knew he coudlent help it, he was in an unstable mindset. So the entire time you would try to comfort him.
So not wanting to throw him into that phase at the moment, you chose your next words carefully. “How are you dealing with… Valentino leaving..? Is everything okay, anything you need? I can get you, or do to he- you begin, but are cut off by Vox snapping his neck to you.
He just stares at you for a moment, maintaining eye contact. The two of you staring at eachother in silence, neither of you breaking eye contact in this silent staring contest.
Suddenly, he breaks out into laughter. He puts a hand against his face, chest bubbling with loud laughter. And not normal laughter, this was hysterical, full of instability. His eyes wide and blown out.
It echos in the room, bouncing against the walls as his chest heaves, while he continues laughing loudly. You stand there, frozen in shock from his sudden outburst. Your going to be honestly, it kind of freaked you out.
After a couple of minutes, he swipes his fingers under his eyes as to wipe away tears. His manic laughter now slowed down to giggles, as he breathed heavily, a wide grin of his face. “I-of course I’m fine, haha… why wouldn’t I be!? I’m perrrfectly okay, heh heh…” He says, his grin widening as you stand there in-front of him unmoving.
“I’m fineeeee, I don’t know what the FUCK your talking about, I’m okay, why? Do I not seem okay!?” He begins, his tone slowly beginning to become more on edge. “Why!? Do you think one thing is fucking wrong with me..!? Why the hell would you think something is wrong with me.!?” He says, beginning to raise his voice as he pushes his chair away from the cameras and stands up suddenly, palms to the desk.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying at all, I just mean that … you tend to get a bit…. Upset when you and Val-“ You try to start, but he interrupts you, anger forming on his face.
“IM NOT UPSET. if- if anything, I’m glad that he’s gone, for once I can actually focus on my work without that dick sucking bitch in my face all the time.” he hisses, starting to stalk over to you, a predatory glint in his eyes, full of malice and anger.
You talk a couple steps back as he starts to get closer. “Why are you backing up? What!? Are you fucking scared??!” He growls lowly, and before you can respond, you blink and he’s in front of you, towering over your form, and you gasp in surprise, not expecting that, stumbling back a bit.
“Why are you scared? Haha, I’m not going to hurt you.” He snickers, looking you up and down. “but Maybe. Maybe I will, havent decided yet “He says, clicking his tongue and tilting his head.
“V…vox you don’t seem to be in the right state of mind right now… why don’t we just sit down and-“ before you finish your slammed into the wall, knocking the breath out of you. Once your burry vision clears you see Vox above you, teeth bared, eyes glaring holes into you as he has you pinned to the wall.
“I.am.fine.!” he says, punctuating each word by pulling you to him and pushing you back into the wall with each word hissed out at you with venom. And you try to prevent your head from bashing against the wall.
You look down fro a moment once he stops, and he suddenly grabs your chin with his fingers, claws digging into your cheeks, drawing blood, and he turns your face to look at him. His eyes blazing into yours. “Don’t you dare fucking look away from me, I’m speaking to you, fucking LOOk AT ME..” He yells, blood getting onto his claws from the gash on your cheek, further smearing it.
You stare at him in terror, realizing that Val really fucked him up. He giggles at the fear in your eyes, smirking. “Awe, are you scar-scared? Hm? That’s fucking hilarious hehe…” he giggles maniacally, eyes wises and blown out as he looks at you.
He stroked your cheek with his thumb as he doesn’t break eye contact. “What to do to you… hm..” he looks at you with hysteria Im his eyes, he’s trembling slightly.
“I could, gut you…” He says, scratching your face with his index finger, leaving a bleeding gash on your face and you gasp, earning you a chuckle. “Hang your intestines alllll across the door like a fucking birthday bash.” He says, grin somehow stretching wider.
“No no, that would kill you ro quick, how about a boy of waterboardung before that? Ha?” He snickers, “oh maybe I could choke you? Or or or, you know what would be fun? Shoving firecrackers down your throat and lighting them.” He says, smiling with sadistic glee as you stare in horror.
If course whenever he goes into these stages, he sometimes threatens to hurt you, but never this gruesome, and honestly, your wondering if coming here this early was a good idea.
“Oh so many posibilityyysss,..!” He sings, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you against him, your arms uncomfortably pushed against his chest. And he leans into your neck whispers into your ear.
“Soo many options…” he hums, giggling lowly as he burys his face into the crook of your neck, soft giggling can be heard from him. You stand there as he mutters to himself, keeping you in his embrace as your terrified of why he will do to you.
After a minute his giggling ceases and you can’t her him murmuring anymore but he’s not letting you go.
You hope that maybe he’s calmed down a bit and you can get him to sit down, but before you can open your mouth you begin to hear soft sniffles coming from him.
You feel wetness begin to run down your shoulder, and it becomes apparent that he’s stated crying. You crane your neck to look at his face, seeing his eyes clenched shut as eas fall from his cheeks.
You sigh, knowing you can’t do anything at the moment to get him out of this state without further digging him deeper.
So instead you go for the safer option as your boss sobs into your neck. You rub soothing circles into his back and shush him as he grips onto you tightly as if your going to lean e him. “Hey hey… your okay.. sh… that’s it let it out..” you sooth and he cries harder.
He begins to let his body go limp, the two on your sliding onto the floor. His sitting inbetween your legs, face still burried into the crook of your neck as you embrace him comfortingly.
“wh-at-zz wrong- mi- with me..” he cries, rocking back in forth in your arms and you just let him, trying to support his weight while not getting crushed.
You slowly push his face away from your shoulder, him looking absolutely wrecked. Tears somehow coming through the screen and dripping down his face. A look of desperation on his features as he scans your face. “Shh… nothing is wrong with you, your just overwealmed that’s all..” you say, putting your hand out and he rests his head in it, sniffling.
“…r-e-eally…?” He asks and you nod, patting his back. You hear him let out shakes breaths as he clings to you, head burried in your neck while you comfort him.
“Don’t worry… I’m not going to leave you..” you say, and he seems to relax a bit more at that statement.
After a couple minutes of sitting like that, him resting against you as you soothe him. You notice he has seemed to calm down a bit, no longer trembling and his beating has evened out. But his fans are still going haywire, trying to cool him down. And his body is overheating h excessively.
So you wait a minute and decide you are going to get him some icepacks and a fan to help him cool off.
So you carefully push him off, and he gives you a confused look. His eyes widening in fear as you stand up. And he goes to acramble afte him but you just motion for him to sit back down. “Don’t worry, I’m just going to get you a fan and some ice packs, your overheating and we need to get your temperature down.” You say.
You turn around, starting to head to the door. And you assume that he is okay with it, because your almost at the door and you hadn’t heard any footsteps.
As you go to step out you are suddenly tackled to the ground, knocking the wind out of you. Your flipped over to see Vox straddling you, teeth bared and eyes widened in anger.
“Why the FUCK are you trying to leave me!?”
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A/N: Sorry I’ve been dead 🙃 I have no motivation, and I have been very busy recently. I have like 25 requests to do so I will start working on those soon, but try not to be be too expectant. Also this was kind of just something I thought of randomly, this is just Pt. 1 I have plans for what happens after but idk if i should do a pt 2., what do you all think? Also this has so many grammar and spelling misstated because I just wanted to get it out soon, so I will be coming back later to fix them.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
Our Life headcannons
-- Cove has at least one child who is autistic and nonverbal. He becomes a master at communicating with this baby, and whenever they are able to use their words he absolutely loses his mind. The first time he hears an "I love you"? Crying, screaming, flat on the ground, bawling his eyes out. Let someone in public try to make any kind of remark if the kid has a meltdown. They will not survive.
-- Derek asked you to prom "as friends." He asked you what you were wearing so his tux could match you, and he got you a corsage too, "as friends." Did it seem kind of like a date? Of course it did, he'd had a crush on you for years. But he was very insistent on the "as friends" part and even if you had a crush on him too, it kind of made you think he couldn't ever see you that way at all.
-- Going to watch a movie with Baxter? Lol, no you're not. Boy runs his mouth trying to be cute and you can never follow the plot because he's sitting beside you with that little smirk, trying to make you laugh and look all adorable. If you really want to see something, leave him home or at least learn how to tune him out -- even if you do he'll keep going.
-- Cove doesn't like to drink but when he does he will not. Shut. Up. He's not like Movie Baxter, he just keeps saying whatever comes to mind, no filter. No real memory on how to properly structure sentences either. He just really needs you to know literally every single thought that pops into his head so please just listen to him, hey, are you listening?
-- Do you want a dog? You better if you end up with Derek, because y'all are getting a dog. It doesn't matter what kind it is, he'll be taking that dog on runs with him, he'll be doing research to get it the best kind of food and to figure out what kind of environment it thrives in. Did he just get another subscription box for the dog even though he already gets one? Yup. That's his dog.
-- Do you like makeup? Cool, Baxter likes you to put makeup on him too, thanks. Not to go out, that's not really his thing, but it's a nice relaxing activity to do at home. He gets you all close to him (once you get back together he's not gonna let you go lol), and he gets to feel pretty. Don't skimp on the mascara, he likes his lashes, and be sure to play up his best features. Maybe try a dark lipstick this time, he'd like to see how that looks. And when you're done having fun, you better get to thoroughly removing everything and then following up with his skincare routine.
-- Sorry, let's double up on Baxter while we're here -- do you have a skin routine too? Because that's a shared interest and he's gonna want to talk about it. What's your favorite cleanser? Do you want to do face masks together? There's this new moisturizer he's interested in that's stupid expensive but he still wants to try it, want to split it? You share a Sephora rewards account so you can get more points. Oops, you accidentally put on too much of your lip mask and your lips are all goofy -- just give him a kiss, he hasn't put his on yet. It's weird how much I could go on about this.
-- You can also put makeup on Cove, but maybe stick to powders so he can rinse it all off easy after. And you can do whatever to Derek, he doesn't care, he's just happy to be there.
-- Everybody makes a big deal about Baxter's dancing, but this is actually another case of Derek Erasure, because he can do stuff too. His dad taught him and his brothers how to properly dance with a partner, and he was too shy to do it if you took him to the Summer Soiree, but if you end up with him? He can hold his own for sure.
-- If Cove doesn't end up with you, he ends up with Xavier. That's it. That's how it goes.
-- Not one of the main boys, but if you and Cove have babies then Cliff absolutely thrives on his GILF status. He tells everyone that he's a grandfather, literally every single person, and he's def proud of Cove and loves his grandbaby to bits, but also, like, look at him. Crazy hot grandpa, right?
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kunikame · 6 months
[06] - dude... | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : cussing, st@bbing mention, sewerslide & kys jokes, is ace developing a crush? is he not? well never know, author real story incorporated (yes the scissor story is real.) ! w/c : 865
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even through your doubts, you chose to accept aces invitation in the end. perhaps this meeting will help clear up said doubts, who knows? plus, you suppose it wouldn’t hurt too much to pay the octatrio a little surprise visit.
upon entering the mirror chamber you immediately notice the ginger waiting for you by the octavinelle mirror, fiddling with his phone angrily. probably texting deuce, you assume. once he takes notice of your nearing footsteps he looks up and immediately brightens when his eyes land on you. “[name]! i didn’t think you would actually come!”
“.. that would be really rude. sounds more like something you would do.”
he winces momentarily, then after a moment, he nods in understanding, “can’t say i blame you for thinking that. shall we go?” 
ace holds his arm out for you to take, which you glance at warily, only to walk past him and through the mirror.
it’s not that you don’t trust ace, you’ve been through a bunch of shit during your time in nrc together, but you don’t really want to be seen arm-locked with him, either. people might get the wrong idea, or something (you fail to realize you’re literally going on something that looks like a “date” to outsiders). 
after a short mirror trip you find yourself outside the magical octavinelle dorm building. due to the dizziness the mirrors effects still have on you, you stumble a bit upon landing and immediately feel aces hand on your arm to help you steady yourself. after the year you spent here, your friends have all learned the mirror makes you dizzy, and there’s always someone reaching a helping hand out whenever you use it. ace himself has done it a million times before.
so why is your heart racing just a tad faster this one time?
and why are aces hands shaking slightly?
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“jadey my dearest!”
“seven save me,” was all the eel got to utter before getting body slammed.
“oh, how i missed you so! i’m so happy to see you’re finally back from war!” you say, wiping some fake tears from your cheeks.
“he is not ‘at war’. he is simply ‘working’. as all humans should, because some clearly have way too much time on their hands.”
“zuzu! … go back to war, i did not miss you.”
azuls expression was a hilarious mix of flabbergasted and backstabbed and you wish you had a free hand to take a picture, but it seems floyd had you covered when you notice his flash go off.
“what’re ya here for today, shrimpy? .. oh, crabby is here too! here for a squeeze?”
“no. nope. absolutely not,” out of the corner of your eye you could see ace slowly backing away from floyd, who wore his signature menacing grin–
“c’mon floyd, back to work you go.”
–before azul (who was still pouting) hauled him away. to this day you still don’t understand how he can do that.
“thank you, zuzu! love you!”
“i hope you explode.” (he’s not pouting anymore)
“so, what are you here for today?”
“ace asked me to hang out. i decided i’d see how it goes.”
“i see,” the eel hums in thought, “alright. give me a call if anything. or floyd. any of us, really.”
“thanks, jade. i hope i won’t need to."
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“he threw you down a well?!”
“he sure as hell did! and our dad just stood by and watched, no words, nothing! like a damn statue!”
you’re pretty sure you’re doing an ab workout with how bad your stomach hurts from laughing so much.
“they couldn’t even pull me out! had to call the fire department, they were all like, “oh yeah, my child tripped and fell in the well in our backyard” tripped and fell my fucking ass, hello?! i was screaming ‘n crying when they got me out.”
“i’m so… so sorry… i can’t-can’t breathe–” you continued your hysterical fit for a short while longer before you finally managed to calm down.
“ohhh my god i can’t believe this, man,” you finally took a drink of the smoothie jade placed on your table about 30 minutes ago, “your childhood days were fucking wild.”
“yeah,” he copied you by also drinking from his drink, “how about yours? if you want to share that is, i understand that’s a.. sensitive topic right now.”
“no, no, it's fine. umm.. let me think..” swirling the contents of the glass before you, you thought deep and far back into your memories, until you found something appropriate, “oh, i stabbed myself with scissors once,” ace nearly chokes on his drink, “intentionally, i think? we were making some christmas cutouts with my mom when i was 7 and she left me unsupervised for 5 minutes. i started playing with the scissors pretending they were planes and the plane was supposed to crash into a mountain, which was my knee, and yeah. boom. scissors i my knee, blood everywhere, mom screaming bloody murder, and im just staring with my stupid little blank face.”
you look up from your smoothie and ace is staring at you like you just told him you ate your foot raw.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone.
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @verity-moon @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster @bontensbabygirl @ars-tral @wrathy-mcwrathface @sinofthesloth @skeet-2 @everettelz @sakuram1nt @shatiyuh @ambigrueity @junebunny06 @norylight @dyedracoonhair // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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neochan · 1 year
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PARING | loki!jeno x reader ft. thor!haechan
SYNOPSIS | the god of mischief wants you
WC | 1k
WARNINGS | kidnapping, implied sexual references, slight cnc / dubcon
A.N | okay i've been super into marvel lately, so here is a little drabble inspired by that. please pay attention to the pairings! btw this will be continued in full over on my marvel blog, though it will be with actual loki and thor
“i didn’t expect to be seeing you on your knees so soon darling.”
the god slouches leisurely against his high-back throne. dark green and golden metal that went beyond that of earth complemented his fair complexion, the jagged spikes at the top reminiscent of the hungry gleam in his eye. one of his legs is dragged towards his chest, a toned arm slung across the knee. it was uncommon to see a god in such a state. unbothered, unproper, inappropriate for someone of his status.
you suppose he could do what he wished. that much was evident in the situation at hand, literally. fingers uncomfortably dig into the skin of your upper arms, half pulling, half dragging, you along the cool marble floor until you were situated on your scraped knees before the god. the binding holding your wrists together behind your back pinches the skin, but you don’t cry out. in fact, you give them nothing.
his guards don’t let go until he flicks a hand in their direction, dismissing them from their duty. he looks unbothered when he does it, as if you hadn’t been the very thing he scoured the multiverse for. years on end, tracking, searching, yearning for you. the very thing needed to satiate that hunger in his eyes; the reprieve for an insatiable creature. it was only by your incompetence that he captured you. falling for his mind tricks – something so simple yet so incredibly careless. you’d beat yourself up every single second you spent in the tiny cell you were in – tucked away in the corner of his ship where no one could hear you yelling obscenities at yourself, the guards, the god.
without thinking, you spit in his direction. you hated him. despised him. the guards go to grab you again but jeno simply waves them off, “no need gentlemen. seem’s like our visitor here needs to learn manners. please occupy yourselves with something else so i can teach her.”
the two men bow low to the ground before retreating to tend to other matters on the ship. not like there was much to do, you were drifting through deep space. some place no one would find you. not even haechan.
“haechan will come looking for me.” you seethe, gritting your teeth when jeno hops up off the stool and tauntingly saunters towards you.
his footsteps echo through the room. the noise makes your stomach churn, and you fear him for a second. he was a god. someone so powerful he could rip your existence from time and space. he should be feared. you knew he could sense it too, a smug smirk lifting the corner of his upper lip.
“my brother isn’t even aware of your disappearance.” the annoyance on his tongue at their familial tie is evident.
that couldn’t be. he knew you were gone. he was probably assembling the avengers as you spoke, he was probably already on his way, maybe even close-
“oh my darling y/n, he’s not on his way. and he’s definitely not close.”
mind reading. you sneer, “fuck off.”
“what filthy words for a pretty girl like you. do i need to wash your mouth out with soap like a child?” his eyebrows raise, features mimicking faux concern.
spit works itself up in your mouth, but right before you’re about to project it in his direction, his hand reaches out and squeezes your jaw, “you are a child. didn’t your mommy and daddy teach you not to spit on people. gods, i expected more from you.” his calloused fingers squeeze harder, “swallow.”
you have no choice but to comply.
“now, why don’t i teach you how to properly use that mouth of yours, hm?”
the heat that was threatening to pool between your legs betrays your brain, which was screaming at you to say no. to break free of the binds and get the fuck out of there.
“darling, i can feel it. you want – need it as much as i do.” he lets go of your jaw and takes a step back, “it’s distracting…overwhelming.” his eyes close and he breathes deep, “your body… it’s tense. waiting for...”he smirks, and you feel the familiar probe of his mind searching your own, “my fingers?” his eyes snap open, “gods, you have a thing for my hands? oh darling it’s too late to deny it now.”
you hated how intrusive he was. how he could take any of the thoughts from your brain and devour them. a personal diary for the picking.
“stop reading my mind! i d-don’t have a thing for your hands. LET ME GO!” your scream rings out through the foyer. this was humiliating. defeating. you just wanted to go home.
“my sweet, i can make this your home. your empire.” he kneels down in front of you, a hand reaching out to caress the same jaw he had nearly crushed earlier, “i didn’t almost crush your jaw. i was stopping you from ruining my suit.”
doe eyes peak up at him with anger, “get your hands off of me.”
“would you rather them be here?” light as a feather, his fingers trail down the side of your throat, favoring the front of the tattered shirt you were in. they slip underneath the hem and slide over the expanse of your stomach.
the gasp that leaves your lips is a betrayal of your own mind.
“i know you want this darling. give in to me.” the god of mischief, chaos, and trickery stares at you through his heavy lashes. you knew he could manipulate someone’s mind, make them bend to his will with one look, but as you nod your head slowly, the words refusing to come out, you realize that there was no manipulation.
he was right all along.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 1 month
now i’m craving streetkid chris waaaaa
if you have some time and energy, could you be persuaded to perhaps write some streetkid chris with jake and the safehouse? i’ve never stopped needing comfort for him
CW: Heavily internalized ableism, referenced past dubcon and noncon, some internal dehumanization, referenced drug use
(Street kid Chris au pieces here and here)
He sobers up, more or less, on the bus ride out of the center of the city, his forehead resting against the cool glass window. It's all a blur that moves through and around him, steel and concrete shifting to grass and trees and little houses placed next to each other like a child's toys.
Baldur hides a smile, imagining a giant toddler hand lining the houses up one by one by one by one, picking doll families to live in the little doll houses. Giant baby god giving this family a dog and this family a goldfish and that one a pretty boy like Baldur to do everything they say-
A laugh catches in his throat, dies there with the chill of sudden grief. What is his Sir doing? Is he at home with some new pet, playing games? Was Baldur replaced that quickly?
Of course he was. He was never special, never really very good even. Pretty, until he got too old. Stupid statue-boy trying and trying to hold still and never winning any of Sir's games. Sir would've ordered someone else right away.
He's probably forgotten about Baldur by now.
His throat tightens even more, heat stinging his eyes, but Baldur fights it back. The only thing worse than his wrong words and his wrong hands is when he cries, of course. Sir always says-
But Sir doesn't want him any longer, isn't there to tell him never to cry and then play games and hurt him until he does it anyway.
"Hey." Kauri, sitting next to him, must catch something in the shift of movement in his throat when he swallows or the stare of his glassy green eyes. "What's up, buttercup? You need some water? I know coming down always makes me so thirsty I could scream."
Baldur shakes his head, curling up as best he can, pulling his knees to his chin with his heels pressed against the edge of the seat, pushing the dirty soles of his shoes against the cushioned fabric. "No thank you," He whispers. "I... I'm fine."
"Yeah, yeah. I've heard that before - or I guess I should say that I've said that before. And you know what, Chris? Never once was I actually fine. So. Here." Kauri holds a bottle of water out, shaking it a little as if trying to lure a stray cat with a can of tuna. "Come on, have a drink. It'll help hold off the headache, I swear."
Baldur's fingers are shaking when he takes the bottle, and it takes three tries to get the cap open, but the water is cool and clean on his tongue and down his throat, and before he realizes it the bottle is half empty, his chest feels cold on the inside as the water trickles through him, and he's gasping for breath.
Kauri's smile is soft, gentle, only a little sad. "There we go. Keep working on it, okay? Hydration is the best defense against hangovers, not that I ever take my own advice. But it is still excellent advice."
By the bus reaches a stop that Kauri declares is theirs, he's had all the water and it's an empty bottle he stashes in his backpack. He can refill it at the first sink he sees, have something he doesn't have to beg for or fuck for to drink later on.
Baldur steps off the bus and into a neighborhood right out of TV.
Houses line the street on either side, and Baldur stares at old trees that rise over his head, dappling the ground with shade that blocks some of the heat of the sun. The air smells like grass, and there's a drone from somewhere nearby that he realizes must be a lawn mower, a sound he's only heard from Sir's windows while watching the landscapers work far, far below.
There's a fence around the yard next to them - a white fence, even, with chips of peeling paint. Baldur moves to it, reaching out and letting his fingertips brush the rough wood, one nail scratching at a bit of paint coming free. He doesn't hear himself humming, low and tuneless, repeating over and over, until Kauri pops back into view in the corner of his eye.
"You never seen a fence before?" Kauri teases, but then Baldur flinches back and away and watches Kauri's smile falter, briefly, before it determinedly returns. "Sorry. I scared you, huh?"
"I'm fine," Baldur says too fast, realizing too late that he isn't answering the question Kauri asked - either of them. The blush heats his cheeks and he turns away, jamming his hands in his pockets as hard as he can, hunching his shoulders. "Fine. I'm... I'm fine."
The word sounds good in his mouth. Soothes his mind. He opens his mouth to say it again, fine fine fine - but Baldur catches himself this time. He can't repeat words he hears, that's wrong. Can't stammer, that's wrong. Can't move, or sway, or use his hands - wrong.
All wrong.
"Right. Well, come on. The house is this way." Kauri walks a little ways away, then looks back over his shoulder. Baldur hurries to catch up, keeping himself hunched. The weight of his backpack is familiar and comforting, all his things in there. The usual headache when the pills wear off teases around the edge of his mind, but it doesn't take hold. Maybe Kauri was right about the water.
Kauri talks, chatting brightly. His hands move constantly, in gestures and emphasis, and Baldur keeps staring at it. Sir would have slapped his hands if he moved them so much, but Kauri doesn't even notice he does it.
The house has people there like them, Kauri explains, although not like them like them, just - other pets. Domestics, mostly. The woman who runs the house, like the shelters Baldur has stayed at but they won't make him pray.
"Trust me," Kauri reassures, "I wouldn't stay there if they did. I've traded a bed and some food for having to go to their church and let them tell me what a bad boy I am enough for one lifetime, thank you. Sinners have more fun, anyway." He winks, and Baldur blinks back at him. "The last time I stayed at one, the pastor hit on me. The very, very married pastor. Which goes to show you - when you are as good in bed as I am, even God doesn't measure up."
Baldur swallows. He should say something - something witty. Kauri seems to have things to say about everything, all of the time, but Baldur's mind is still slow from the pills, even though he's sobering up. He can't think of anything except to say, "Really?"
"Really." Kauri's smile is bright, flash of sun off the hood of a car blinding but with something about it that seems cracked, too. "Once we get there, I'll make introductions. But I promise, everybody is nice."
"... Nice," Baldur murmurs. Nobody is, not really, in his experience. Everybody takes something in return for every bit of nice they offer. Everybody sees his barcode and knows they can do whatever they want to him, and then they do. And if he's lucky it's only to make him eat food that makes him feel sick, or talk to him about how he's walking a dark path, as if there has ever been a lighter one. Or sometimes they tell him to go lay down on the bed-
"We're here!" Kauri's voice cuts into Baldur's thoughts, and he looks up.
In front of him there's a two-story house with white siding, flat-faced with windows that look down on him like eyes. There's a porch with chairs on it, and sitting in one of them is a tall, thin man with a mess of dark hair and sharp, dark almost-feline eyes. He's fiddling with something in his hands, but when he sees them he shoves whatever it was into his pocket and quickly stands.
Baldur hesitates - but Kauri moves right up the overgrown path, flat stones half-covered by grass and weeds. "Hey, Ant! I brought someone."
"I see this," The man says, in a smooth, accented voice. He sounds like velvet. Baldur looks at him, trying to think. Just a blowjob, probably. Easy. Baldur has traded those for lots of things. He barely has to do anything, once they grab his head. "Kauri-"
"Oh, wipe that worry off your face, Antoni, he's one of us." Kauri waves a hand back at Baldur, then grabs at his arm to pull him forward. "I brought him to meet Nat and Jake. Chris, this is Antoni. Antoni, this is Chris."
Antoni looks at him, then turns and silently heads back into the house.
Baldur swallows, shifting to half-hide himself behind Kauri. "... he doesn't... like me."
"Nah, Antoni's just kind of a mood killer professionally. He's a softie once you get to know him, I promise." Kauri half-drags him up the steps and through the front door, into an entryway that has a pile of coats abandoned on a coat rack, shoes on a mat. The house smells like something cooking, and Baldur's mouth waters, his stomach twisting as it remembers how to feel hungry and not just emptied-out and light. "Jake! Hey, Jake!"
"Jake's out," A woman's voice says. Baldur stares as an older woman pops her head in. She has brown hair with bits of gray in it in a braid that lays over one shoulder, a flannel shirt over a t-shirt and ancient jeans, and a soft smile ringed in laugh lines that crinkles at the corners and near her eyes.
She's beautiful.
"Who's this?" The woman looks from him to Kauri, with curiosity - not trepidation, not worry, and not anger. "You brought someone by?"
"Yeah. This is, uh, this is Chris. He's one of us. Chris, this is Nat. She feeds me sometimes."
"Love that description." Nat's voice is wry with good humor, and she steps forward, holding out her hand. "I have hobbies, too, you know. Hello, Chris. I'm Nat, and this is my house. I help runaways from WRU start over."
He stares at her outstretched hand, then back at her, before hesitantly shaking. His grip is limp compared to hers, but she doesn't say anything about it. "I-... I thought... you were... a man."
"No, that's Jake," Kauri corrects him. "He insists on having a life outside of waiting for my beautiful ass to show back up, so we'll see him later."
"... Okay." Baldur studies the woman - Nat - thoughtfully. Then he offers, "I can... do women, too."
Nat's expression changes - so subtly he can't tell what the change is. But he sees it. Baldur knows how to tell when the mood of a room goes sour, to try to protect himself. "Romantic," She murmurs. "I see. Kauri-"
"Don't say he can't come here," Kauri interrupts, bristling, and Baldur stares at him in open terror as his heart drops to his knees. He's angry at one of them. Baldur didn't know you could do that. "He's got as much a right as anybody else does, and you let me come here, and he could use the help, Nat, so don't you dare-"
"Kauri. Hey." Nat puts her hands up, as if surrendering in a fight. "That's not what I was gonna say. I was going to say, Kauri, how about you set him a place at the table for dinner. Okay?"
Kauri's jaw is set, and it takes him a moment to stop looking ready to keep up the argument that isn't even happening. "I-... yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'll do that. Just-... Nat, you know that a lot of places won't-"
"I know. It's okay, honey. It really is okay. Just go get him set up. And you." Nat smiles at Baldur, and he tries to see the mean she's hiding, but it isn't there. Too buried underneath a kind face, maybe. Baldur can't imagine there just isn't any cruelty there at all. "We take all kinds here, and you're welcome. No one touches you here, and I'd prefer if you kept your hands to yourself at first."
Those words don't mean anything. The shelters say that a lot, too, but Baldur still wakes up to a hand over his mouth and a voice whispering to him to be quiet sometimes when he sleeps in one. He'll find out the real cost of staying here at some point.
But he'll find out with food in his stomach, and that's worth something.
"Yes, ma'am," He murmurs, looking up and around at the high ceiling in the entryway, carpet-covered stairs that curve up and disappear around an angle. Bookshelves, and off to one side the corner of a living room with a TV playing.
"Just Nat is fine. Kauri?"
"Got it." Kauri gives a mocking, if still friendly, salute. It makes Baldur smile - but he hides it behind his serious face when he sees Nat look at him. "I'll get him settled in. Maybe we'll stay over tonight? If that seems like a good idea, if not-"
"It sounds great."
Baldur watches her go, heading up the stairs - that creak as she walks, giving away the house's age. Wondering what she'll want him to do later on, to pay for the food, to earn the bed he'll sleep in.
He has more pills in his pocket. He can take some, and drift through whatever staying here costs, let his body and training do all the work. He's done it before, over and over again.
He'll always have to do it again, sooner or later.
When Kauri takes his hand again, he lets himself be led.
He doesn't notice the dark-haired man, Antoni, watching him from a doorway as Baldur digs out two small pills and swallows them dry while following Kauri into the kitchen.
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anystalker707 · 6 months
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〰۰࿐·˚.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.۰࿐·˚〰
Read before requesting
Requests' status
Meet the author
〰 Sleepy and sloppy | Zoro x [gn, amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: A lazy fuck in the middle of the night with Zoro. Tags: soft / he's needy / sleepy sex / bottom Zoro
〰 Stretching session | Zoro x [gn, amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Zoro's (in)convenient help while you want to train. Tags: top zoro / bickering / hes an ass (affectionate)
〰 I'm fine | [OPLA] Sanji x [gn] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Sanji knows there's something wrong, but he doesn't know how to approach you. Tags: comfort / soft / he's doing his best
〰 Birthday surprise | Sanji x [amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Sanji wants to be the first one to wish his lover a happy birthday, and he also has a special gift for them. Tags: needy Sanji / he's a sweetheart / penetration / masturbation
〰 Another night in the pantry | Sanji x [amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Sanji is really needy, wanting a good fuck from you Tags: baby girl sanji / bottom sanji / whimpering / crying / overstimulation / degradation
〰 i lack words | Sanji x [amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: De-stress session with the cook Tags: bottom reader / caring sanji
〰 i need you | Crocodile x [gn] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: It's been a while since Crocodile last saw his partner, and they don't seem to be very happy. Tags: light angst / comfort / he's very sweet ok
〰 What do you think? | Nami x [gn] Reader | Oneshot
Kinktober prompt: Face sitting Tags: Oral / Dom-Sub undertones (if you squint)
〰 Pretty whimpers | Luffy x [gn, amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Luffy decides to make you company while you're on night watch... or that he needs your company, actually. Tags: Edging / Whimpering / Clinging / Fingering / Penetration / Hes just a baby, rip
〰 Scream | Sabo x [gn, afab] Reader | Oneshot
Kinktober prompt: Masked Tags: Also contains roleplay and a little of bondage / Sabo and reader roleplay Scream / Recording / Transmasc friendly
〰 three knuckles deep | Sabo x [gn, afab] Reader | Oneshot
Kinktober prompt: Fingering Tags: transmasc friendly / he teases reader a lot / some orgasm delay
〰 Misused day | Ace x [trans, mtf] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: You think Ace could use his free time doing something better than training. Tags: Worshipping / Light oral fixation / Lingerie / Ace is lovely
〰 be useful | Smoker x [gender-neutral] Reader | Oneshot
Kinktober prompt: Authority Tags: face fucking / oral / sloppy ass writing, sorry
〰 only for me us | Law x [gn, afab] Reader x Kid | Oneshot
Kinktober prompt: cucking Tags: Transmasc friendly / use of 'pussy' / Penetration / Exhibitionism
〰 pink lilies and red carnations | Kikunojo x [ftm] Reader | Oneshot
Kinktober prompt: strap game Tags: very sweet !!! / she's a sweetheart / fingering / penetration
〰 take a look at my girlfriend | Vivi x [gn] Reader | Headcanons
Summary: SFW and NSFW headcanons about dating Vivi! Tags: very sweet ! / she's so lovely / vague but i can write oneshots if requested
〰 way too good | Shanks x [gn, afab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Because your boyfriend bought you a strap-on to fuck him. Tags: bottom Shanks / he kinda loses it / but he has a sharp tongue / obliterate the old man
〰 more than a couple hours | Shanks x [male, amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Shanks and you have been flirting for a while. It was about time things got taken to the bedroom Tags: top shanks / lots of petnames
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byizoyas · 11 months
omfg request time because i cannot stop thinking about how this would go
but could you please write an alhaitham fic with the prompt "who did this to you?" with the whole showing up at his doorstep late in the night thing? no pressure and doesn't have to be long at all!!
~ nessa ♡
genshin impact ; requests
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2023/byizoyas. — pls do not plagiarize or repost and claim as yours ! thank you very much :)
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✘ sfw. modern au. coming to his apartment late at night, crying. bonus ‘who did this to you’ trope for nessa ✘ alhaitham x gn!reader
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incessant sobbing and a sad song was all one could hear from your room at this moment.
you were not usually that dramatic but you didn’t remember someone hurting your feelings so hard before and since it came from your family, you had a hard time calming yourself.
words are meaningless they said; but if they saw you now, would they say the same ? your eyes were all red and swollen from the tears and your body wouldn’t stop shaking, putting you in an even more uncomfortable state.
you looked around yourself. you were alone. but loneliness was most likely the very last thing you needed now. you craved an embrace, not just by anyone; by a friend.
you scrolled down your contacts to find the person that would perhaps be awake as it was pretty late at night.
‘kaveh’ you said to yourself, typing as fast as you could as if your phone would disappear from your hands from a minute to another.
r you home ? need someone rn :(
your text was delivered and as you kept staring at the screen, waiting to see it changed to a read status, your leg started shaking by itself.
the music had stopped by now, and as your tears kept on falling down by themselves, you at least stopped being so loud. you didn’t know if it felt better to cry your heart out, almost screaming on the pillow or not but at least you could breathe in and out more easily now.
you only had to wait a few more minutes before kaveh replied.
come to my place
that was his only text and you needed no more to simply put on your shoes and leave your house.
their words were repeating in your brain, and as you started to think about how you would never forget it, the tears came back. you looked around quickly, making sure no one saw you in this miserable situation.
no one was around. now you started to think the world was sending you a message. you didn’t live in a little city at all, you were in a pretty big one actually. and as it was friday night, there usually was a few people hanging around.
but tonight, on the night you needed to see people, you were left all alone with your thoughts and tears.
you shook your head, throwing all the negative thought away when after a few twenty minutes of walking, you arrived near kaveh’s address. it wasn’t lightened so you started asking yourself whether he was still up.
you didn’t take long to come you thought. perhaps he was in his room then; so you knocked on the door several times.
your phone displayed 3 am. you really went through the city so late at night only to vent to your friend; but the longer you were standing waiting by the door, the more you started to regret your choice. perhaps you were annoying him; perhaps he had things to do, other than listening to you.
you turned around after overthinking it, ready to leave and go back to your house when you heard the door opening, quickly followed by the familiar voice of alhaitham.
‘y/n ? what are you doing here ?’ his voice was monotonous and obviously he had just woken up.
‘a-alhaitham, hi. i wanted to see kaveh but i guess he’s not there.’
you looked away, avoiding his eyes that seemed to read right through you.
‘indeed he went out tonight.’
you looked at your feet now, before looking back at him. ‘oh. i will take my leave then, sorry for disturbing.’ you waved at him and tried to leave for the second time tonight when he took your wrist.
‘wait. are you okay ?’
of course his observant eyes were not going to miss the obvious pain written all over your face. he, who usually remained stoic, seemed quite worried now.
could it be that he worried about you ? or was it just you that needed something to change your mind ? in any case it did make you feel at ease and way better than before.
‘yeah!’ you lied. you always did, but as much as you were close to kaveh, you were never that close to alhaitham. you only exchanged banalities most of the time, and a few jokes around.
yet he didn’t seem to believe you; as if he knew you better than that and in the end, perhaps he did.
‘liar. come in and wait for kaveh.’ he almost ordered. ‘it’s late, i wouldn’t want to have it on my conscience if something bad happened to you.’
now he was the one looking away.
you quickly followed him inside the apartment since he kind of insisted. the excuse of not wanting to have something bad on this conscience was only hiding his genuine worry about you.
you guys went on the couch, watching tv but it was only on to fill the silence. none of you spoke. and none of you were paying attention to the series playing on the plasma screen.
alhaitham wasn’t so good with comforting people. a part of him wished he could just hug you and speak nice words that would ease your pain but nothing came.
meanwhile you were still overthinking your night. you calmed down but somehow it felt like a giant wave was about to drown you when the words echoed again.
you apologized to the man who was sitting next to you and went to the bathroom to refresh yourself with some cold water.
now you looked real messy. your hair half wet half dry, your face fully drowned in tears and your eyes swollen like before.
you despised the way you looked and you despised even more the way you didn’t manage to cry quietly because you heard alhaitham knocking on the door.
‘y/n open the door.’ he asked. but the door wasn’t closed anyway and after some seconds, alhaitham didn’t have the patience to hear your crying and not to anything about it so he opened the door only to find you sitting down, head on your arms.
you looked up at him. alhaitham gulped at the sight. you were often laughing, always the one joking around with both he and kaveh and he couldn’t believe that you were the one crying on his floor now.
‘who did this to you ?’ he asked, his brows frowning; betraying both his annoyance and anger. he hated to see you like that and he wished to never see you that way again.
he kneeled in front of you and took you into his arms. you couldn’t find strength to say anything so you kept on sobbing against his body, tightening the hug.
his embrace felt good, it really did and you were so grateful for that. you intended on kaveh to be there for you but alhaitham was doing good too.
you managed to stop crying, and alhaitham helped wiping away your tears with both his fingers and a tissue he got from the cupboard.
just at this moment did the two of you heard the front door opening.
‘wow wow. stealing away my role tonight alhaitham ?’ kaveh asked when he stepped in on the two of you, very close to each other, and alhaitham caressing your hair and comforting you as best as he could.
‘perhaps i will steal it for a longer time.’ alhaitham replied to tease kaveh. and it did work since the two of them started arguing again over everything and anything but it got quite fun to you.
although as much as you and kaveh laughed, alhaitham seemed very serious with his sentence; almost making it sound like a promise.
but you didn’t mind; after all he was the one who comforted you tonight and who made you feel better despite the horrible things you had heard just before.
you could easily get used to such a sweet alhaitham, and if this softness in him was something that made you like him even more; he, had liked you all this time.
and the fact he could be the one to bring up a smile on your face tonight made him feel kinda victorious.
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bleedingichorhearts · 1 month
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐒𝐜𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: For those who are dangerously curious and greed for their appearance.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
TW // Convinced! SMUT/NSFW.
|°𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬°| |°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| • {𝐒𝐜𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚}
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐇𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐚, 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 & 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐮𝐬
A great, horrid, mythical creature combined from three bodies to make one with the glowing eyes of the deepest blue galaxies. Its height never comparing to the tallest statues made from the hands of Man-Kind.
However, its three heads never fail to scare all when there was supposed to be one. The long, dark blue scales of their necks wrapping around their main solid and scaly body like a python, protecting it. Some spots having a lighter blue where their softest points would be, but don’t be fooled from the obvious. They are always watching. Their 12 midnight blue, squid-like tentacles silently treading the waters it claims, keeping it afloat. Waiting for its next sleepy meal to swallow whole.
𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
All three of them share the same mind, something like telepathy. So it’s extremely hard to find an opening to escape. Especially when one or more heads find you rather appealing to look at. If you do manage to bypass their eyes? Props to you, you have earned yourself some time in air jail.
For being a huge ass myth they are quite a curious monster. They love to watch and watch as you would cook some fish they have gifted you for your survival or try and get a peek at your soft flesh when you undress for a “shower.” They get shooed away however, leaving them all the more curious. What did their little Serpent hide from their eyes?
Three heads will also offer you regurgitated humans for a source of food for you. Their heads all tilting in every direction when you don’t seem to like the offer? How else is he to feed you? …by fish you say? Well why didn’t you say so? He’ll regurgitate all the schools of fish he’s eaten too… How many do you want?
Also, for a monster that eats sleeping captains and crews. This Scylla provides a rather soothing sleep experience with your body laying between their rather warm, scaly pecs(man boobs) of their body as they would just float backwards in the water. Their clawed hand gently cupping over your body, giving you protection against the elements and the splashy waves of his territory.
Sometimes, these connected bois love to waterboard you and watch as you would get increasingly frustrated with the power of the water splashing on you. Your hands gripping at your sides before you finally decide to crawl up into your cubby hole where he can’t reach you. Unless they wanted to water you out of there, but they learnt their lesson quick when they did before, having a rock thrown at them and logged between their scales. Plus, they got “grounded” from staring at their little Serpent.
Sad, sad Scylla. :’(
𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
First of all, the head is phenomenal. The three of them didn’t think their little Serpent tasted so good from the inside when they finally see what she hides from their gaze. Their tongues lapping down at her tiny folds and bud, tongue fucking you, gaining this… tasteful liquid on their tongues. Mmm, this was definitely a far better meal than humans whole. Despite it being very small portion, but damn are their senses strong.
It actually took them a second that “liquid” was your arousal being spent on them, but when they figured that out? They didn’t stop. Getting aroused on your arousal towards them. Their hips thrusting in the air, creating waves in the water with their tongue still fucking you on their hand. Your pretty little cry’s and screams begging up at them for many, many things.
Will fuck you on their tentacles as an alternative, cause I mean, this Scylla is the size of a skyscraper. He’s not going to fit unless he has an ability to get small. So their tentacles will do for their watchful pleasure. All their eyes on you as their clawed hands will work at their cock. Pumping their girth while they (gently) piston into you with their tentacles coated in your climax.
If they do manage to get small, you bet your pennies they would absolutely rail you to The Trenches and back. That ache of being too big for you hooking them quick. Don’t even have a chance to register the size change before you’re pinned underneath them with his pre-cum coated cock sliding though your folds with ease. Driving themselves to the hilt. Their mission? Breed.
Your body will most likely be covered in his semen by the end of the session. All heads nuzzling up against your really breathless form. Cooing at how well you did on their tongues and tentacles while he still paws at his own cock. Their tongues cleaning you up as well of his own cum and yours before they would put you down in his nest/seabed for a much needed rest.
Very happy Scylla! :D
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abigailmoment · 7 months
"Do you want to become art?"
Astarion answered the question correctly. He knelt and clasped his hands and listened to the sounds of the black lacquered box. He held himself as still as a statue. As quiet as a painting. At least for the first circle.
He always thought that the second, smaller circle would take less time, and he was always wrong. He tried so hard to keep all the writhing in his hands. A twitching statue. He tried so hard to keep the crying clenched behind his teeth. A painting that sobbed once. Twice.
"Astarion. Wake up."
Someone was touching his shoulder, which meant he was about to be dragged up and braced against the desk. And no, please no, please not yet. He was supposed to have a circle and a half more of bearable pain before that. Before the pretty nested bowls of Amn-make were filled with salt and horror. Before fleeting wounds became permanent scars. Before he became art that didn't talk but did scream and scream and scream.
"You're not there. Ancunin. Sunshine. Astarion. Wake up."
This can be read as a standalone, but is best enjoyed as the third part of a story that starts with Kindness Is Quiet And Bright.
Full text below.
Full Text On AO3
The hands were wrong. They weren't moving him or cutting him. The voice was wrong. Much, much to soft. And he was lying down, not kneeling. And the room was too dark and small, and there was someone else, looming up on his other side and speaking.
"What's wrong?" this voice was deeper. And there were more hands, and hands could do terrible things.
"Don't TOUCH me," he hissed.
Immediately no one was touching him. Immediately there was more space. He had space to think. Collect his scattered, jagged thoughts. Space was good and when something was good he wanted more. He scrambled back until his back hit the headboard of a bed. He was in a bed. A bed in a room in the upstairs of the Elfsong Tavern.
Context reassembled itself as memories faded. Bed in the corner furthest from the entrance. Bed with Tav, who was sitting a few feet of mattress away from him, looking at him with a wary, unhappy expression that he used to think was pity. Bed next to Halsin, who was crouched up from the floor. Because he slept on a bedroll on the floor next to the actual bed. Not for depraved reasons, no that would be too normal, but because apparently druids were allergic to comfort. And probably also there was something insipidly romantic about wanting to be protective and close to them, but Halsin hadn't mentioned that reason out loud because he knew what Astarion would think of it.
The rest of the room was a gray haze of shadow. Gale was the next closest companion--still audibly asleep behind a wooden privacy partition. The center room was empty and still. The far door was closed. Nothing was moving. Nothing was there, at least that he could see.
Awareness of himself came after Astarion understood his surroundings. He was shaking. Mostly his hands because some stopgap reflex meant that even now he was trying to hold his body as still as possible. He was breathing in hitched, thready gasps. He should stop. Breathing was a graceless habit in a vampire.
No. He hated that thought. It wasn't his thought. But it was planted in his mind deeper than the tadpole. And thinking like that made it feel like Cazador was close. Gods, he was close. They were in the city. And it was dark, and terrible things happened in the dark.
The night felt like it was yawning around him, filled with all of those horrible possibilities.
"No. Wait," he whispered, changing his mind. "Touch me."
They moved carefully and slowly, which made Astarion feel both grateful and like he wanted to scream at them. Tav slid closer and reached out. Astarion gave her his hand and she started tracing her thumb up and down his palm. And that was fine. That was fine.
Halsin shifted until he crouched by the head of the bed, which put him about on level with Astarion because the man was a giant. He ran knuckles gently back and forth over Astarion's forearm, and then up to his shoulder and down again. This was probably what he did to calm down horses, but whatever. It was fine. It meant Astarion wasn't alone in the dark.
Tav leaned closer, like she was about to whisper some sweet nothing into his ear.
"He's going to die," Tav told him. And that was sweet indeed, and she said it with a delicious sort of certainty. Like she was telling a story that had already happened.
"We are going to kill him," she continued. "We are going to chop his fucking head off. We're going to cut off all his limbs. Twice. Normal murder and then special coffin murder. We're going to kill him. You can kill him yourself, or someone else can kill him for you. We'll see how you feel in the moment."
Astarion nodded. He liked that. When choices were laid out like that. Though, of course, he'd want to kill Cazador. Of course he would. It was going to be wonderful.
Halsin had this thing he did where any contact with the man tended to meander towards an embrace. It was like slight of hand, only with his whole body and you were the coin. But he was being unsubtle about it right now, because both he and Tav were both being so damnably careful. And instead of just starting the legerdemain he paused his hand on Astarion's upper arm, squeezed and pulled ever so slightly. An invitation of a movement.
And there was a sting of dread that Astarion felt all along his spine, because having the space under his shoulder squeezed was something like having his shoulder grabbed, and being pulled into an embrace was something like being dragged on to a table. Maybe it would have been fine if Halsin had begun without that touch of warning, sometimes it was easier not to have a choice, but then again maybe it wouldn't have. Astarion knew he could say something. With a word he could have them both scattering and distant. Treating him like spun glass again. But he didn't want that. All the things he wanted and didn't want were tangled. Pain and longing matted together.
And if he talked about it, then this would become a conversation, and he could barely manage thinking in complete sentences right now, nevermind giving them to other people. And if he talked about it every time something upset him, he would literally do nothing else ever except for that. And Halsin was already moving on, going back to long strokes along Astarion's arm. Which was fine. Apparently vampire spawn were enough like horses that he liked that quite a bit, actually.
Tav had stopped talking and Astarion missed it. It felt a little like she'd stopped a story only halfway done, interrupted by something. But she still had his hand, so she was still there, and that was enough. And the idea of being held was transforming in Astarion's mind from something fraught into something that it was completely intolerable that he couldn't have immediately. So the next time the very slight pull came from Halsin's side, near his elbow this time, Astarion let himself be drawn down from the soft bed onto a still-relatively-soft druid.
Tav followed him down, retaining possession of Astarion's hand as Halsin cradled the rest of his body. Astarion's hands were still shaking, but less now. This was fine. This was nice. Being held, but not pressed. People who smelled alive and hands that felt warm and weren't holding anything sharp.
"You know who else we're going to kill?" Tav said, starting up again where she'd left off.
"Godey," Astarion said. He hadn't meant to hiss again, but that's how the name came out.
"Yeah." Tav nodded. "We are going to murder the fuck out of Godey. We're going to break every bone in his body. Crush his skull like a cheap vase. And then we're going to take the pieces and feed them to Scratch."
"No," objected Astarion. Scratch deserved nicer bones than that. Tav understood and amended immediately.
"Feed them to angry dire wolves," she offered. "Throw them in the ocean."
"That one," Astarion chose.
Tav went on rubbing lines up and down his palm and saying good things.
"Gale and Shadowheart know Daylight, and I'm carrying scrolls," she told him. "We have six flasks of holy water. Halsin has the druid bright and glowy spell. What is it?"
"Moonbeam," Halsin supplied, a gentle rumbling word from above Astarion's head.
"Moonbeam," Tav repeated. "Which does not make as much satisfying thematic sense as Daylight, but we don't care because it's going to burn. You've told us everything we need to know. We have fire and lightening for minions. We have counterspells to lock down magic bullshit."
"He." Astarion started, because he genuinely did not remember if he'd mentioned this. "Has people. Creatures. For abductions."
"We have normal alarms and magic alarms," Tav told him. "Also Wyll is awake downstairs and he will Blade of the Frontiers all over anyone who tries to skulk in."
All right. Astarion probably had mentioned it then. He found that he didn't even mind the knowledge that Wyll was being heroic about something. It landed different, when Wyll was being heroic about him.
Halsin shifted, reaching forward to fold Tav in to his embrace. She was also susceptible, given history one might even say particularly vulnerable, to Halsin's gravitational tendency to turn any contact into a hug. They all ended up a tangle of closeness. It should have been untenable, the man's arms were only so big, but Tav was very cooperative as Halsin slotted arms and folded over legs and made the situation somehow comfortable. His competencies were sometimes baffling.
Astarion could tell that Halsin was about to talk before it happened. Breathing people telegraphed it so loudly, and it was even more obvious while leaning against his chest.
"You are not going to be alone until he is destroyed," Halsin said.
Astarion had a general policy of discouraging such insipid declarations. But he didn't feel like doing that right now. Maybe he did respond. Possibly he'd just made some sort of noise. Whatever.
Astarion's hands had stopped shaking entirely. Adrenaline was dispersing into a weary awareness that it was the middle of the night, and nowadays that was when he slept.
Halsin started shifting again and he and Tav contrived to move the entire assembly horizontal. Astarion did not participate overmuch. He ended up bracketed between bard and druid. And that was fine. Good even. Though there was one thing that bothered him.
"Why are we on a bedroll?" Astarion groused. "There are beds. We paid two hundred gold to have beds."
"He's complaining," rumbled Halsin. "He must feel better."
"Hooray," said Tav, and her face was nuzzled so close under Astarion's chin that he could actually feel her smile. "Halsin engineered it. I'm a witness. We should blame him."
"I do," Astarion told her. "For many things."
Halsin responded by squeezing them. And there were thousands of terrible memories in Astarion's head of bodies being pressed together, but somehow none of them seemed reminiscent of this. It was entirely unlike anything that used to happen in the dark.
And that was fine. And that was good. Perhaps even wonderful.
This is the start of a series. The rest of the story is on AO3.
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Decaying Godhood (Persona AU)
I've been rambling and throwing ideas for this AU for a good bit now, here's a much more cohesive post about it!
Shoutout to @the-squeege and @artekai for discussing ideas with me, it was super helpful o(*°▽°*)o
Spoiler warning for P3, P4, P5/P5R, P5S, and P5T!
So let’s meet the main characters and their arcana!
Nyx (Tower)
Ryoji (Death)
Izanami (Empress)
Izanagi (Emperor)
Yaldabaoth (Devil)
Satanael (Justice)
Emma (High Priestess)
Salmael (Lovers)
Azathoth (Hermit)
Adam (Strength)
I’m omitting Pandora, Nyarlathotep, Clockwork God, and Enlil since I haven’t played the games they’re from… I don’t know enough about them to include them properly.
I’m scrapping the usual typings and giving (almost) everyone new typings… mostly because I have no idea who I’d apply fire, wind, etc to, none of these guys scream any particular element. I’m still working out the typings but what I know for sure so far are the “typeless” ones:
Adam: Strictly physical attacks
Azathoth: He is strictly a healer in this, and has no offensive attacks
EMMA: Navigator, can occasionally use almighty attacks
I’m leaning toward making their typings relating to humans, somehow.
As for the plot, at least a quick summary of what I’m thinking so far… all of humanity has come to a standstill. As in, time has stopped progressing for them. However, effects of leaving a living thing out to the elements are still occurring. In other words, humans are kind of just rotting away. It’s a very slow, magic mixed with organic decay kind of process that’s going on here. The appearance of this rot becomes more and more obvious as our group of unlikely heroes progress.
The gods, with the exceptions of Nyx, Thanatos, and Izanagi are dead, so how does this work? For this AU, none of the final bosses really die… their physical forms are abolished and their concepts are left to wander a nothingness, endlessly reflecting on what they’ve done. For Adam’s case, he stuck with Maruki until he died, then he took on a human form and lived among people for many years. Now would be a good time to mention that this takes place years after the events of P5S, so any human characters are long gone.
Let’s start from the beginning of the AU. It focuses on Nyx, Ryoji, and both P3 protagonists. These four are kind of just in a white void. Ryoji is able to move freely, he can see, he could leave too, but doesn’t want to leave Minato and Minako. They’re depicted as statue-ish figures, with a few features a deity would have. Their positions after the events of P3 caused them to go from humans to some sort of gods themselves. They are still mostly human though, this is important for the start of the plot.
Nyx’s sealing is visualized here as having been chained to these two. Until now, she couldn’t move, she was paralyzed along with having actual restraints. Therefore she couldn’t see, her eyes were forced shut. She couldn’t speak either. She could hear though, and the only thing she could do was listen to Ryoji speak to Minato and Minako. Some days, he’d talk to them as if they were still around. Other times, she could hear him mourn. Initially, she didn’t understand it at all. Sure, that’s her kid, and she cared about him somewhat, but she didn’t understand why he’d cry about them so much. There’d be times too, where Ryoji would talk to her, usually it would be him saying he wishes she could understand humans like he did, or sometimes he’d yell at her. Over the course of years and years, Nyx comes to understand Ryoji’s feelings… somewhat, anyway.
This brings me back to the chains she has. Now, all of the sudden, she can see and move again. And these chains, which were once really short, are now much longer, allowing Nyx to walk pretty far from them. This happening is meant to show Minato and Minako’s humanity being affected by the Rot, which is causing them to lose their grip on Nyx.
Upon hearing some movement, Ryoji is quick to become aggressive, but Nyx is still disoriented from suddenly being able to see and speak again, so she doesn’t return any hostility. You can imagine the arguing taking place as they try to figure out what’s happening. After a while, they realize they are able to see into the human realm. That’s when they notice the state of humanity.
Of course, they don’t notice the Rot yet. These two are the first to venture into the human realm to investigate what is going on. It’s mostly Ryoji that wants to figure things out, he takes Nyx with him to keep an eye on her.
This brings me to the motivations of each of the characters… Ryoji going out of his way to help humans makes sense. He did live as one, and made a lot of friends who he cared a lot for. For others, they hate humanity (cough Yaldabaoth), so why’re they here? Simply put, after humans rot away, the realm of gods is next. Also worth mentioning, everyone now has a humanoid form (if they didn’t have one already), so this is something of a second chance for these guys too.
I’ll go through each character:
Nyx: After spending years only listening to Ryoji talk to the twins and voice his affections for humanity, she gains a better understanding of them and obtains a sense of self (much like how Thanatos/Death became Ryoji during P3). She feels like she owes it to Ryoji to help him now.
Izanami and Izanagi: After the events of P4, these two really didn’t feel like doing anything else… Izanami was unable to do much anyway. They are later dragged out of the realm of nothingness they were hanging out in. Izanagi’s time with Yu makes him far more inclined to help out, Izanami is a little heartbroken that after the Investigation Team proved humanity’s worth, they fell into this state.
Satanael: He ditches the Phantom Thieves after Yaldabaoth is taken care of, and left to go cause minor bouts of chaos, nothing too drastic. He doesn’t outright try to end humanity, he just likes “poking fun”, so when everything comes to a standstill, he’s alarmed. Satanael is more neutral compared to everyone else, he does care about mankind, not to the extent that Ryoji and Azathoth do, though. He doesn’t hate them either, so he (probably) helps them for a selfless reason.
Yaldabaoth: For sure is only saving humanity so he also doesn’t rot away. Perhaps by the end, he’s changed a bit, but now that he’s given a physical form again, who knows what he’ll get up to.
EMMA: Upon being defeated, she spent her time watching over Sophia and Ichinose. She chooses to help humanity because of how well the PTs treated Sophia.
Salmael: Toshiro’s anxiousness rubbed off on him a bit… As the god of stagnation, this halt in humanity seems like it’s his doing, but it isn’t. He ventures out thinking that he somehow accidentally did it, and is horrified by the Rot..
Azathoth and Adam: These two genuinely care for humanity, their motivations are completely selfless. While Azathoth can suspend his emotions, Adam spent more time with Maruki, living as a human for years, so he’s much more emotional over the whole situation.
None of these guys are able to have Personas, but are able to “summon” their deity forms as an extension of themselves (so there’s a split-consciousness situation happening). Awakenings are still required for them to be able to do this, though, similar to Persona awakenings.
This ability requires one to first of all realize that their status and power as a god is due to humanity’s perception of them, but then they also must accept that. Only then they can “break free” of their restricted humanoid forms to use their more powerful forms. These forms look similar to their in-game designs, but there’ll be some differences, as I want to give them fun new(ish) designs…
Acquiring this ability is much easier for some than others… Ryoji and Adam as an example, are really quick to accept this once they understand the idea initially, but then a few others refuse to accept that humans are responsible for their power.
As for enemies, Shadows are present due to humans being unable to pass properly. For major bosses, the Rot left some human bodies as empty husks that became aggressive. These husks are attracted to the power the gods have.
Some side characters I also want to include… Jose and Sophia run the shop that provides weapons and other equipment! There’s also the Velvet Room that has specifics I’m trying to figure out… I might make Yu and Ren the attendants.
I think that’s all I have for now! I’d still like to figure out the order in which each god joins the team… It starts with Ryoji and Nyx, Salmael probably second since he’s already out investigating (he can be the navigator before Emma joins), then it’s either Adam since he’s also around, or Emma. This is still a wip! So if anyone has any comments or anything, feel free to send an ask! I'm already doing some doodles for this so hopefully I'll have some art for it soon (❁´◡`❁)
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glitcheslikeslego · 2 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 11)
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Chapter 11 : Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a non-damaging move that heals the user, user’s allies and user’s party of all status conditions. 
You know, with all the back to back adventures and episodic format layout that the first season has, it’s actually pretty nice to have a day where you know nothing is bound to happen. 
You and Sandy had mourned over your shop window, it was nice and clean and even had the design of the ships logo on it. 
It’s since been boarded up with wood, and the shop had to be closed for a few days to make sure everything else was in good working order before you reopened. 
But today, you were in your apartment, finally finishing off the last of your cleaning. 
You had the tv on for white noise, playing some re-run of Monkey King; the Animated Series. 
You put your broom and dustpan away and replaced the trash bag in your bin with a new one. You slipped out of your slippers and into your shoes and grabbed the bag of garbage, plus the gross mop water and went outside to the alleyway between your apartment and some random building. 
You tossed the bag away and dumped the water out, and you turned to go back up to your apartment. 
“Hey!” A yell caught your attention, and you turned to see a duo of yellow and green blues rush at you.
You screamed as MK and Mei tackled you to the ground. 
“You’re okay!” Mei exclaimed happily. 
You tilted your head curiously. “What’s this about?” 
MK excitedly held up your previously injured hand, that you had taken the bandages off. The bruising hadn’t completely healed from the punch you dealt, but it was starting to clear up. “Your hand looks better!”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” You deadpanned. 
The two sheepishly chuckled. “We were kinda worried after that whole window crashing thing, sorry about that by the way.” Mei rambled. 
“Sandy said you were stressed about it too, so we got you some things to de-stress!” MK held up a bag he had and handed it to you. 
There were some diffusers with different scents, as well as some face masks and some packs of instant noodles. 
“We thought that we could all have a relaxing night in, just the three of us.” Mei finished. 
The two looked back at you and were startled. You felt your eyes burn as tears threatened to come out. These two were so sweet…
You feel bad for what’s to come. 
“Wait! Please don’t cry, we’re sorry!” MK frantically apologised, taking you into a hug, with Mei joining immediately after. 
You let out a watery laugh. “Don’t be sorry. You two are such sweethearts.” You ruffled both of their heads with a grin. 
The two smiled and let you wipe your tears away before leading them back to your apartment. 
Of course, with these two around, your apartment was bound to return to its previous state of mess. The packets for the instant noodles were haphazardly thrown in the trash and there were some mishaps with the diffuser before you got it properly set up. 
Now the three of you were sitting on your couch, the episode of Monkey King; the Animated Series you left on had changed to another, and you had absolutely no context for what was going on. 
So with your apartment vaguely smelling of peach blossoms and vanilla, face masks placed carefully onto your faces, a nice bowl of noodles in your lap, and a cup of loose leaf tea in your hand, MK took it upon himself to lore dump every single thing he could to catch you up to speed on the animated series. 
“And then, Monkey King fought the Monstrous King of Havoc and saved his adorable baby monkeys, but we’re not done there! Monkey King decided to make a monkey army so that—“
You nodded and ate as you let MK babble on about his favourite show, letting Mei lay back on your shoulder, periodically interrupting MK to show you something funny or cute on her phone. 
Eventually, the afternoon grew to night. Your food was all done, the teapot was refilled and emptied many times, the TV was shut off at some point, and MK was not done with his story. 
“Turns out he was kidnapped by a scorpion demoness, and so Monkey King flew off to save him after being cured of the poison!”
“That’s quite an interesting story, MK.” You said, adjusting yourself so Mei was more comfortable. 
The girl had fallen asleep at some point, her phone rested on her face, which made you laugh. 
MK hummed. “Sorry for keeping you up, we weren’t supposed to be here for so long…” he apologised as he looked at the time on the clock. 
12:03 am. 
You shrugged. “It’s fine, a little sleepover never hurt anyone.” You winked mischievously.
MK nodded with a smile. “Yeah, that’s a good point. Good thing I don’t have to work so early tomorrow.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” You ask curiously. 
“Every week, Pigsy opens up shop a bit later since he’s out at the local market buying produce for the week.” MK explains, yawning at the end. 
He followed Mei in sleeping on your other shoulder immediately, oblivious to your new state of panic, like that self-care night didn’t even do anything. 
Ah shoot…here we go again.
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earthly-apples · 2 months
Watched Les Visiteurs 3. The plot is not amazing ahjshsjhs and I probably missed all the fart jokes and tbh the screaming scare me but Charlotte was actually fun and had plenty of screentime??? I may be biased but it really feels more like Les Visiteurs 3: Charlotte Robespierre (not complaining…😳) The CSP representation was also like, amazing for a fart joke comedy film. Billaud-Varrene leaves a pretty strong impression. Saint-Just doesn’t talk much but he does have plenty of shots where he shares a frame with Robespierre; they get it. Fouche is not the hiss hiss snake Cheche I had in mind but is ok (I mean he hardly gets a lot of attention any way oops). Couthon too had little presence. Collot is now a clown who is somehow now licking Robespierre’s shoes. Robespierre is a mixture of uh I guess stereotype and pretty accurate stuff?? He’s stiff, stirs up either fear or enthusiasm in people’s hearts, has the wrong foundation shade that isn’t properly applied at the borders of the forehead, but also humble and well meaning amongst his colleagues. He tells Charlotte to not mix in politics but also demands proper respect from others when interacting with her. (Damnnn I really like how they handled Charlotte. She’s trying so hard to be a strong women and trying to girlboss her way out to make her brothers proud of her. She utilizes everything she is capable of: wit, charm, and social status. She has a fiery temper but not downright rude. I’m not a Charlotte expert enough to tell whether that’s historically accurate or not but at least it’s fun.) There are also COLORS COLORS COLORS. COLORS. Coming from Bourboulon to this I’m crying tears of gratitude
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eshtaresht · 1 year
guys how are we feeling? in pain, devastated, or screaming crying throwing up, what's the consensus here? spoilers for ep 11 under the cut (and minor spoiler for manga)
first things first, my theory from the last week is proven wrong. still don't know what the red plants were for (safekeeping? protecting from the last run?), but nai ain't gonna exploit them to "fix" vash. instead he EXPLOITS HIM AND SUBJECTS TO MENTAL TURTURE AND WIPES HIS MEMORIES CLEAN TO ACCES A HIGHER DIMENSION and create more independent babies ig
(yep the plant mpreg moment is sure a thing... for the next week, get ready for mass abortion)
finally, a gate that's an actual GATE. I think the plants lore was pretty self explanatory, but I'm so happy we're getting it and it's much more comprehensive that the manga, even(and 98' anime basically didn't explain anything and I had to spoil myself through fandom wiki to understand who vash and knives were). like, it's changed A LOT but it's in the same lane
this knives is so capable, holy shit!! everyone was already joking that he would put kniveses of the past to shame, and it's so true... he knows what he wants and how he wants it done and when he just goes ahead and does it. what a giga chad, honestly
I'm a bit disappointed they didn't keep the manga version of knives pre-tessla (that was softer than vash and wanted humans to like him), but it's definetely better than the old anime. like, he's colder due to him being the stronger twin, but he's still playful and doesn't hate ppl. he kinda distrusts rem, but they fucked around out of curiosity rather than malice. also, and I can't be the only one who noticed, his file name said "kni"? mmm ok interesting I'll have to think about it
that probably was the sequence code knives was talking about in ep 8, he used it again for the great fall. I wonder what it said, had to be something important to rem that vash could guess. geranium? their birthday?
the tessla sequence was quite short, but DAMN. status: alive. after all they've done to her. they put her on ice in this condition so they can keep studying her later. and the twins made her come alive. I'm gonna be sick it's so much worse..... no comas or suicide attempts this time, but these kids were still traumatized as hell (vash looks worse, like he haven't slept or probably eaten in a couple of days)
it was a serious moment but when nai revealed he was reading THE BIBLE I can't ahajakahajajahah... like, NO WONDER HE STARTED A RELIGION omg... pls put that book down you've got the message wrong
and or birthday boy vash... oh babygirl I'm so sorry. when I said I wanted to see him going through this I didn't mean a literal mental torture gaslight dimension!!! like, it's SO crucial to his character to REMEMBER all the good and terrible things he went through.... to have it taken away while he can't do anything, even when he clings to the memories as hard as he can, knives still takes EVERYTHING away from him, until he's the only thing tying vash to this world.
again, any other knives could never! and even before tearing apart all those memories, he gaslights vash even further, saying that he did the fall for him (which is true) and so it's basically his fault (which is very much not true)... and this BREAKS him quite literally... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
on a brighter note, loved that goofy meryl & nico interaction, remember, when we could still laugh? now it seems like meryl is gonna manage to reach vash in his infinite soup of despair, and that breaks his gate?? I'm so thrilled for the finale it's not at all like I imagined already said this in my previous post, but the flowers are a consistent theme for stampede instead of angels and, like... it's just makes sense for a plant to be a plant, yk. also it's pretty. july is already being destroyed by the roots, I wonder if that's gonna be it or there'll be a big kaboom (in this case it would be hard for meryl to survive, but potentially vash could make a root cacoon to protect her)
also this ep gets bonus points for showing what's going on in the city with the police guys and civilians, 'cause usually stampede isn't great at background and side characters
now making theories about the (potential) second season. amnesia aspect is getting established rlly hard rn! the only question is whether vash gets to remember key moments (like rem, meryl, wolfwood) or if he only retains the vibes of "someone important who said I shoud protect ppl". because it's gonna be interesting if he forgets everyone completely and when nico and meryl (and milly, fingers crossed) eventially find him, he''s like "hi, have we met?"
oh, the POTENTIAL! I think he's gonna get his 98' characterization as super goofy, borderline annoying, because he just doesn't remember all the pain! at least, he doesn't remember the details and fills the blanks with astonishing amounts of cope. and when he's finally able to remember, oh boy, he's gonna crumble.......
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genya-simp568 · 11 months
kny characters with a s/o that as darker skin
We go back to Japan where you know is rare seeing people with darker skin so you often get amused,weird looks let's see how kny characters will react
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•he doesn't really care about your skin colour he finds you beutiful
•if you get weird looks he will give the most deadly look to the person that gave you a dirty look
•he is actually impressed by how you do your hair is ego is to big to ask "can you teach me how you do your hair "
•he finds you very very unique like the most special person
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•she would so many questions about your culture
•she wants to cook food from your culture
•she is inlove with how your hair looks
•she already get weird or amused looks so you both get looks
•she will shampoo your hair and fell in love with the texture and yes she always do your hair after she knows how to do it
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•he will stare sometimes into your souls and you will see the tiniest blush (he is memorising your features)
•when you change your hair he will turn into a tomato and stutter and be like " i-i like y-your hair today" and look away
•if you get weird stares he will look at the person face with that face of is "😶"
•he always wanna learn more about your culture
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•HE IS IN LOVE WITH YOUR HAIR would play with it for hours
•i feel like he would stare into your soul and admire your features while having a bit of blush and a sweet small smile
•nah but if someone says something negative or racist he will say the most brutal insult you have ever heard while he says it like it's nothing and with a straight face..
•if you change your hair he will be like 🧐 "Who are you again?" Just jk🤭
•believe it or not if you have curly hair she will turn it into a nest
•it took her a long while to warm up to you
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•he loves you for who you are
• imagine you change your hair style maybe to locks or box braids or whatever and he screams "YOU LOOK VERY PRETTY TODAY Y/N"
•if you get weird looks he will look at you and hold your hand (crying)
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• she talks to giyuu of how amazing you are and if giyuu doesn't say anything shinobu will give that look 🙂 "tomioka-san don't you have anything to say about y/n"
•if someone give you looks she will just you... know that creepy beutiful smile of hers and they ran away
•she really like how you change your hair
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•he loves you
•if a cult member look at you the wrong way bye bye
•he dresses you in the most fancy outfits you ever imagined
•once he saw you in box braids for the first time he became obsessed and asked the cult members to do your hair
•treat you like a princess
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My bbg genya
•he will blush at every time you change your hairstyle or cook food from your culture
•he will curse all the alphabet if someone look at you the wrong way
•one time zenitsu tried to rizz you up and he may said sm a bit racist he never spoke to you again and he had a black eye 👀 and he was bald for some reason GENYAWORK
• man once tried to compliment you he turned into a red statue he was breathing so heavily that he fainted
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To the Floor, From the rat
Sukuna x Reader crack
@kmayafk and @ari-tart-3114 helped out with this
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Disclaimer: dangerous amounts of crack ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED hehehe 👹. totally scary topics like rats with…penis??
Summary: you are Sukuna’s maid and you’re paid to clean his enormous penthouse (and maybe something ELSE enormous but who really knows 👀). 
Good god not the floors again!
Why does Master Sukuna always have me clean the floors?! Like, I could be cleaning literally anything else, but it’s always the floors *cries*. 
Maybe he just wants to see my non-existent ass? Who fucking knows at this point.
I rarely see the guy too. It's always a little rear glimpse here and maybe a sliver of hair there
He only tells me these things via text too, like I’ve never heard his voice. The other maids are starting to spread rumors around him. 
Some say he’s like ultra hot but an absolute dick but also that he’s like incredibly smart and doesn’t fuck around (his bedsheets really do beg to differ though, like good god the amount of cum stains on his bedspread)
He’s been having female visitors and it always ends with the woman crying and running away (coward). 
Some of the maids say his female visitors run away purely from seeing how enormous his cock is. Some even say it's because he continues till the visitor faints, even after they say no. 
Another says they run away from his expectations and are only there for their own pleasure
So now he just goes to hotels and such because why bring those women to his house and waste his time
Oh geez, thinking about Master Sukuna made me go toward his room.
Though I know he isn’t home and he didn’t ask me to clean up his room but hey what could be the harm though there’s still flooring in there so technically…
So now I find myself in his room with my jaw hitting the floor with how large it is. I look around more and find a wall full of pictures of women with “x” marks on them. 
Is he “thank you next” ing them?!?!
Before I can process, I see a small stash of pictures of the maids.
Oh no, oh no. He isn't-
“And who gave you permission to enter my room?”
I turn around and see him.
“The floor gang!” I shouted at the strange unfamiliar man, supposedly the master of this house. It was almost as if a quest to get fired popped up.
Sukuna closed his eyes and sighs. He grabs a cigarette and proceeds to smoke. I look at him, wondering if he is going to fire me, or worse. 
It was then a tiny little furball scampered across the room. It seemed to be a screaming kitten that appears to have fallen into a trashcan as he was covered in trash. 
“QUICK GET THAT RAT” Sukuna screamed, causing me to jolt. 
“But master Sukuna why would you have a cat and not see it as such?”I chased the supposed kitten, now fearing for my life.
 As I tried to pounce on it, the kitten screamed out a weird noise. “SHEEEEEEESHH”
“Jeez you can’t even catch a small cat, what the fuck did I hire you for again?!?!”
“To make vegan eggs”
“Oh yes. You do make a pretty bussin vegan omlette”
Sukuna laughs, but then realizes something.  “Wait…What even the fuck is a vegan omlette?”
“A spicy version of connect 4” I answered snarkily.
“i-I what?”
Sukuna begins to look at me confused, but proceeds to keep his composure. 
“Don’t change the subject. Why were you in my room?”
“Well you see…” I looked around the room for an excuse and for a moment I didn’t have one
But catching sight of a statue on the floor that was clearly soiled. “That. I had to clean that, it’s clearly a biohazard.” “This?” Sukuna picks up the statue, showing some sort of mythical creature, a groundhog perhaps? No. A rat. Some will say it is a rat penis. 
“Y-yes sir it looked like it made a mess everywhere sir” 
“There is no need.” He quickly pocketed the questionable statue. “But since you’re here, I have a favor to ask of you…”
Ooooooh is it finally happening?!?! The moment all of us maids have been waiting for?!?!
“Can you draw what exactly a rat penis is??”
Before I can even say anything, the world around me begins to fade away. My eyes start to feel exhausted. 
“Why am I feeling so… sleepy?”
“I see the drug is finally taking its effect on you”
I look at him, and gasp in shock. No way, how in tarnation was he able to drug me while we talked about the rat penis?
“By the very statue that led you here. It was diffusing sleep powder into the air that only works on scrubs like yourself.” Sukuna grinned over my collapsed form on the ground. 
I start to feel very dizzy. The last thing i see is Sukuna’s smirking face. 
“You shouldn’t have come in here naughty pet”
“Now put these on” He held out a headband with some strange animal ears along with a long pink tail clip thing. 
Funny how he thinks I have the strength to do so
I wake up, for some reason, very sore, 
My neck.
My back.
I notice a piece of paper next to the bed lamp. The paper said. 
Once a rat, always a rat.
I fume in anger. 
“Ah, it seems you’ve finally awakened” The monster I've come to know as Sukuna walks in, with the most punchable look on his face. If only I wasn’t tied up like this, I’d send this jerk flying. 
“It’s not my fault you hit the ground too hard.” {hehe you thought us 3 did something there} He walks over with an intense stare especially at the rat costume. 
I close my eyes. I look at the handcuffs, and rip it from the bed. 
“You really thought this was going to contain me?” mistake number 1 as I would later find out
“This is what it means to go even further beyond!” I charge at Sukuna, not caring for the consequences. “PLUS ULTRA” I swung as hard as I could, but at the last second my back gave out and I became like a worm on the floor writhing in pain. And he dodged it 
“Pathetic. Did you expect me to praise you?”
I look at him and give him a matching grin
“No, but look what I have”
I grab the same drug he used on me. His eyes go wide
I spray it on him and he immediately goes to sleep. 
I make sure that he is asleep and immediately run out of the room. I grab my things from the servant quarters and run for it. Various maids looked on as I ran, I realized that I am still wearing the rat costume (AHHH SHIIIIIT).  
I then realize that I am like all those other women he fucks with, except dressed like a rat. I cannot be in a room with that… monster.
But is it cowardly to quit? Maybe. Is it the best option for the time being? Yes.
It truly is a shame he’s hot. During our encounter I noticed many MMA awards on his walls on that luscious deep red paint coat.
“I see the rat has found my awards” It was as if Sukuna had teleported behind me. 
“Using my very own rat penis against me… Perhaps you are the one I’ve always been searching for.” With a swift grasp, he grabbed me like a potato sack, but more like a rat sack…
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN” I fought against him, pulling his hair like a child.
He pulled me into an embrace, not letting me go. 
“You really gotta tone down the rat fetish man”
Sukuna’s grin only widened. “You sure are feisty. I think I’ll keep you, my little rat.” He isn’t fazed in the slightest by my attacks. 
I try to think of a smart remark to say back, but I can’t. This weird feeling I am having cannot be described in words. 
“You can keep me, but the rats gotta go,” I blurted out without thinking.
“So you’re saying I can keep you?” Sukuna’s eyes glistened mischievously. Surely he was plotting something to get his way, after all he firmly believed in his favorite quote: “Once a rat, always a rat”.
He grabs me by the waist and carries me bridal style (insert wedding music)
Afraid of falling, I instinctively clutched onto him, which caused Sukuna to have the most annoying grin on his face. At this point, I’d much rather be dropped. Afterall the floor is basically my home in this accursed place. 
“So my little rat…” Sukuna looked down at me, “Where to next?”
I look at Sukuna.
“The Floor, you dumb rat”
“Who’s the rat now?” I cackle.
The end fool.
Or not 👀.
69 likes and it could happen.
The retuuuuurn of the raaat
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
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Day 12: Miracle
(plus bells, and Christmas movies, because they fit in the story and I missed a couple days!)
“Fuck off, Zuzu,” Eddie mutters to the television. On screen, Zuzu and Jimmy Stewart are talking about angels getting wings, and in the trailer, Wayne’s asleep on his chair, and in his heart, Eddie’s really, really, really over the Christmas thing. It’s just a day like any other, and the only half-decent part about it is that Wayne’s off work, and he’s off school, and they got to split a six-pack together.
Whatever. That Ebenezer Scrooge guy had it right. Miracles were for assholes and chumps like George Bailey. And what was so great about George Bailey, really? He lassoed the fucking moon for his girl and ended up stuck in his dumb hometown full of jerks and deadbeats. And while he knows the whole thing about the angel and the what-ifs and how people would miss George if he was gone, personally, Eddie doesn’t think his absence would affect anyone in Hawkins. 
Probably they’d rend their garments over Jason Carver, though. They’d have fifteen memorials, dedicate a statue to him, and name a street after him. Plus, Chrissy would cry at his funeral. Or… well, in this scenario, he wouldn’t have a funeral. He just wouldn’t be there. That would be a bonus for Eddie, though, because then Chrissy wouldn’t be dating that dickwad. 
But Jason’s not actually George Bailey, and Chrissy’s not Mary Bailey, and Eddie’s… Eddie’s not going to jump off a bridge or anything, but he’s not obligated to enjoy another stupid Christmas, either. 
Headlights swing across the front window—probably someone visiting a grandparent or something—and Wayne snuffles in his sleep. Eddie sighs and stands to switch off the TV and cover his uncle with a blanket before heading to his room to roll a joint. 
The knock comes as he sparks up, and he coughs, waving away the smoke with a frown. It’s more than likely Mrs. Barkley, a widow with the hots for Wayne, who came over earlier with a casserole and Christmas wishes. And, sure, Eddie ate the casserole, but Jesus, lady, take a hint.
Scowling, he stomps his way through the trailer and flings open the door. 
Chrissy Cunningham is standing, startled, on his front stoop, and she takes a step back when she sees his face.
Eddie immediately schools his features. “Hey, Cunningham,” he says, like she’s just some chick he sells pot to and that it’s not weird for her to be here on Christmas. 
“Hi.” She shoves her hands into the pocket of her puffy white coat, and he thinks what is it you want, Chrissy? You want the moon? Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down but what he actually says is, “you need something, because—” 
“I broke up with Jason.” 
Eddie stops short. Curls his fingers around the edge of the weathered doorframe as his heart skips two beats. “Uh. Oh. Sorry.” 
“I’m not.” She moves closer. Her mascara’s a little smudged as if she’s been rubbing her eyes. “I like you, Eddie, and I thought maybe you’d, um, you’d want to go out sometime?” 
Yes!!! his brain screams, but before his mouth can catch up, Wayne’s hollering, “god damn, Eds, I’m freezing my balls off in here,” and Eddie would really appreciate the earth opening up and swallowing him whole. 
Chrissy giggles, though. Raises a brow and gestures indoors. “Sorry, Mr. Munson,” she calls, like she and Wayne are old buddies, even though they’ve only met once, when Wayne’d come home early during a deal. Not Eddie’s finest moment, but Chrissy had covered well. “Eddie was just inviting me inside.” 
Eddie was? Oh, right! Eddie was. He steps to the side. Ushers her in. Watches her unwind her pink scarf and say hello to his uncle, and then, suddenly, they’re sitting on the couch in time for Miracle on 34th Street, where her hand finds his beneath the blanket. 
“So,” she whispers after a couple of minutes. “First date?” 
He squeezes her fingers and nods. 
And, like, he doesn’t hear a bell, but he’s pretty sure some angel just got their fucking wings. 
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