#scrolled past the first picture and had to do a double take
First Noeul was in his Felix era 😊
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But now he is in Hyunjin’s and Oh My Gawd🫣🥰
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starzshopoflove · 9 months
Worlds biggest snoop
Soap is nosy as fuck and drags poor Gaz into his nonsense, Ghost just misses you.
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Notes: fem reader! sfw mostly ,size kink if you squint, literally just me projecting onto reader, Soap is nosy, drabble! (WC:936)
Okay, it was bound to happen eventually. Simons on deployment and his poor little civilian girlfriend is left all alone in her little bookshop while he's away on base. Of course he told you before he left and, you both made sure to spend plenty of time together on dates (and in bed)
You send him off with plenty of hugs and kisses reminding him to call whenever he has time and not to forget to take care of himself. Simon would probably keep a few photos of you in his gallery in a locked album that he looks at every night before sleeping once he’s called you.
This man is so paranoid, he even changes his wallpaper. It was a photo of you holding a pie you both made together ( he stood on the side reading the instructions while you did all the work bc you were to scared he would mess with the dough, this man has lived off of mre’s and meat his ass can NOT bake) with a little ghost dough shape baked on the top. Now its just a picture of a pile of books with your glasses on the top of the stack. Easy enough to pass off as a nice photo and still something to remind him of you.
He makes sure he has no trace of you on him once he's on base. Save for the one picture he has of you both holding a big bouquet of flowers side by side, he's staring at you stare at the camera like a love sick puppy, while you're smiling so wide your eyes are shut. That's the only thing he will keep on him, if he dies on the field he wants the last thing he sees to be you. Other than that he risks nothing.
Plain clothes that don't have your smell, none of the fancy lotions you’ve forced him to use, none of the little trinkets you slip in his pocket, none of the little letters you've slipped in his bag (He saved those to read when he came back).
But he was bound to fuck up eventually no?
Soap was the first to get nosy. His LT was never this calm or relaxed on deployment. He rushed a little more to get to his office each night. What was even weirder is he would lock the door this time, he never locked the door.
So of course he started taking matters into his own hands. Standing behind Ghost when he was sitting down on his phone, once he even saw him scroll past the locked album. He didn't open it of course. He never opened that unless he was alone, but he scrolled past it and Soap could see the album title.
Your Initial with a heart next to it.
This is when all the bells actually went off in his head. At first he thought Ghost finally went to therapy (LMAO NO) or maybe picked up a hobby (DOUBLE NO), but heart emojis? What on Gods green earth had moved thee Ghost to using a heart emoji
Soap was sticking like glue to Simon, reluctantly he tolerated this. Except of course when 9pm rolled around and he was kicking him out of the office. 
“Come on Lt, what you gettin 'rid ‘f me for? Not like yer gonna wank in the office yeah?” 
“Get out” 
“Aw come on can't spare ya favorite sargent a couple hours to entertain?”
Soap was whining at this point just being an annoying little shit to try and break him.
Ghost just dragged him out by the collar like a misbehaved kitten.
Making a show of it Johnny walked down the halls wailing about how Ghost must hate him and that their friendship means nothing, while Simons just watched him tumble around dramatically wrapping his arms around Gaz. 
Once he hears the click of Ghost's office door locking he instantly straightens up, face locked on like he's on a mission and arm wrapped around Gaz like iron. 
Gaz the poor boy, is verily confused watching this interaction, more confused as to why Soap is dragging him to their Lt’s door.
Soap hisses pressing his ear on the door motioning Kyle to do the same. 
“Fuck is you doing?”
Gaz is looking as Soap like a child who's about to get a shot, lips pursed tightly, eyes narrowed up. Course Johnny just pulls him to press up too.
Price probably just walks past them mumbling some nonsense about kids these days ignoring it, the less he knows the better
The 2 stand there in silence for a good moment until they hear the classic dialing of a number and the shifting of what sounds like Ghost taking off his mask. 
Then, the sound of a woman's voice?
“Well you look awfully tired”
Oh my god Lt’s calling a woman
Your voice is chirpy and bright probably since you’ve got the night shift and had enough sleep to run the shop for the night. You little chitters of how your day went and questions of concern filled the room soothing Simon's nerves of whatever he was worrying about that day. 
Soap and Gaz are jaw slacked behind the door staring at each other listening to this. Lt’s bird chirping through the little phone speaker and him actually replying in full sentences in a soft warm tone they didn't know existed 
The 2 scatter before the call ends giggling to each other, well Soap giggling Gaz trying to process how Lt got a girl before him
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cat3ch1sm · 10 months
🐇~ HI EVERYONE! welcome back to my account :) im excited for today’s post because this is my first across the spiderverse writing! i hope you guys like it lol i couldn’t stop thinking about it (spiderman is my entire life now)
🐇𓆩♡𓆪☁️ fem!reader, sfw
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 <𝟑
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~ miles g really does not like admitting he likes someone/ or even the idea of liking anyone at all. he obviously has things that are higher priority and he thinks it’s really a waste of time for the most part.
~ but then you come along,and he’s immediately enamored. like, imagine you’re just casually walking by miles while he’s sitting on his phone or whatever, and you accidentally bump into his leg. he looks up immediately to tell you to watch it, but instead is met with the most beautiful face he has literally ever seen. he legit double takes and completely forgets to even talk. you look down abruptly and are like “oh, i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention!” you wait for him to say “it’s okay” or something like that, but when you look at him his expression is just blank. you kinda wave awkwardly and leave after that, and he watches you leave until you’re out of sight.
~ after you’re gone, he just sits there for a second before frowning and cursing at himself for being so caught up.
~…. “shit.”
~ miles g isn’t really the type to watch from afar, at least not for long. but for a short time, he does just watch you, admiring the way you do every little thing- smiling at your phone, the way you walk, how nice your voice sounds- things like that. it’s not long before he decides to make his move.
~the next time he sees you, he makes his move, cornering you when you’re alone and putting one arm beside your head so you can’t leave. needless to say, you’re definitely caught off guard when you turn around and are met with miles’ face- expression nonchalant and that unreadable glint in his eyes as usual.
~ yeah, don’t be fooled. miles is nervous as all hell and praying to every god imaginable that you don’t notice him shaking. but he isn’t the type to let fear or apprehension get in the way of something he wants.
~ “hey, you’re that guy i ran into the other day… um… hi!”
~ your smile almost makes him keel over. Jesus Christ
~ “hey, ma- glad you remember me. was wondering if you was tryna let me take you out sometime? i thought you were pretty.”
~ (yes, the whole atsv fandom has collectively agreed that prowler miles would call you “ma.” argue with the wall)
~ miles is crazy nervous for your response as he watches your expression furrow thoughtfully- but when you smile that smile again and say yes, he feels like a million weights have been lifted off his shoulder. sure, he’s the prowler, but he’s still a 15-year-old boy who probably hasn’t had a lot of experience in the dating arena.
~anyway, that was a fun little scenario- now let’s talk about miles actually going out with you, like how he is during the time where you’re going out but not quite exclusive.
~ the second he gets your socials, he’s all over them. he’s spending an amount of time he isn’t willing to disclose just stating at your pictures and admiring your beauty. he watches your TikToks religiously, liking them all, but literally immediately scrolls past the ones where you’re with any guy. he’s not jealous because he isn’t insecure, but he just does not care to see you with anyone else.
~ whenever you text him, unless he’s busy with prowler stuff, he’ll respond within like ten minutes at most. miles doesn’t want you to think for a second that he’s ignoring you or forgot about you. he has caught himself smiling slightly at his phone while he’s texting you every now and then, which he is so embarrassed about for no reason😭
~ yes, uncle aaron notices.
~ “aye, g, what’s got you cheesin’ at yo phone like that?”
~ “…nothin’, unc.”
~ “you know i can tell when you lyin’, right?”
~ “aw, c’mon-“
~”don’t even bother.”
- and rio notices, too.
~ “ay, miles, why are you on your phone so much lately? you know i don’t like- miles? what’s so funny on your phone?”
~ “nothing, mama.”
~ “nothing’s funny? then why are you smiling at your phone?”
~ “…uh…”
~ “waaaait…” *pause, hands on hips* “miles, are you talking to a girl?”
~ “mami!”
~ “so it is a girl! is it the same girl whose pictures you’ve been looking at lately?!”
~yes, she noticed that too.
~ “…mami!!”
~ “let me see!”
~ the next two minutes are miles and rio madly wrestling for his phone. (spoiler alert, rio wins.)
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patito-oward · 10 months
First Times
WC: 1.8k
Summary: a first date with Pato
Tags: tooth rotting fluff
I wrote this all today, and I think it’s really cute, also could become a multi part series of like all the firsts with Pato, idk let me know what y’all think. please like and reblog i love y’all 🫶🏼🫶🏼
YN doesn’t know why she’s doing this. Dating always seems like more of a hassle than it’s worth. At the end of the day, she knows she’s doing it because of the voice in the back of her mind saying “what if he’s the one?”. The hopeless romantic in her is apparently winning, because despite how frustrating it is to get dressed up and look her best for a mediocre night filled with boring conversation, she’s still going.
She’s being set up with a friend of a friend’s brother, who’s honestly one of the most attractive men she’s ever seen, at least on his instagram. From what she knows about him she’s very apprehensive. He’s a famous race car driver, which has her hesitating in so many ways it’s hard to list them all, and his instagram honestly makes him look like a slut. Applying the finishing details to her makeup she steps back to take a final look at herself in the mirror and smoothes out her outfit. They’re going to a pretty fancy place, so she’s wearing a black satin maxi dress with black heels, simple yet elegant she thinks.
As her uber pulls up to the restaurant she quickly notices that all the cars in the parking lot are incredible fancy. She double checks her appearance in her phone camera before heading in. The host leads her to the table where he’s already waiting for her, but quickly stands up.
He reaches his hand out “Hi, I’m Pato.”
“YN, It’s nice to meet you.”
He grabs her chair and pulls it out for her, then quickly sits down across from her.
Pato was stunned as the woman that just sat down in front of him may be the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen. He’d never let her know this but he spent a borderline stalker ish amount of time scrolling through her instagram before going out with her. Dating was something that made him incredibly nervous.
When he was younger he didn’t date much because he was a bit of a late bloomer, and now he tries his best to avoid it. It’s not that he doesn’t want someone in his life, he wants it more than almost anything, it just seems so impossible with his lifestyle. He’s on the road for seven months of the year which makes it really hard to not only meet someone but maintain a relationship. It’s not that he doesn’t have his choice of gorgeous women, he’s never failed to find someone to spend the night with if that’s what he wants, but it usually only lasts a night. In the past year the few girls he’d been on multiple dates with had made it clear that they were more interested in his fame and money than him.
His sister had set him up with YN, she’s convinced that he’s lonely and needs someone to play matchmaker for him. At least one of those things is true. As he sat across from her now, all of his annoyance at Elba for making him go is fading away. She’s beautiful but not in a lip filler and face lift way, she’s got the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, and he can feel himself falling for her already.
He kicks himself as he can already see himself marrying and starting a family with her. It’s what he always tries to picture with other women but is never able to.
The restaurant has an incredible atmosphere to it. Candles on each table and dim lighting overhead setting the mood, and quiet classical music playing in the background. “I hope you weren’t waiting too long for me.”
“Oh, no I just got here. You look amazing by the way.”
She smiles and looks down at her lap, “Thank you.”
As she starts looking over the menu she sees that all of the food has a ridiculous name and description that you’d have to spend an hour trying to understand. She finally settles on some sort of salad, just hoping that it’ll be good. When the waiter comes over, Pato tries to show off by ordering an almost $200 bottle of wine for the table. Her jaw drops a bit as she starts to wonder how she’s going to afford to split this bill, she’ll have to put dinner on a credit card.
She can’t help but feel out of place in this environment, hands fidgeting with her dress the entire night. As the night goes on they learn more and more about each other, sharing anything and everything. From favorite color to deepest fears, if YN’s being honest, it’s the most she’s connected with a date in a while. Then they start telling about their families, and how they grew up.
She realized quickly that he grew up with more money than she did. As he talked about the large house he grew up in and his father’s job, she felt out of place all over again. She grew up in a small apartment in New York, always wearing hand-me downs and eating off brand cereal. It’s not like she was ungrateful, her mother gave her and her sister everything she could with what she had, being a single mother and all, but it did make her feel looked down on when she was around people who had so much.
Pato felt like a moron as she began to tell him about how she grew up. It wasn’t until she brought up her single mother and how she moved to texas with $35 in her bank account that he realized how uncomfortable she was. He noticed how she was playing with the extra fabric on her dress that bunched around her thighs, and how stiff her posture was.
“This isn’t really your place is it?”
She tries to shrug it off. “It’s a nice place.”
“But you’re uncomfortable.” It’s not a question but a statement. She nods her head and looks down at her lap sheepishly. “Man, I feel like such an idiot. I wanted to impress you, but it’s clear none of this impressed you and now I’ve made a fool out of myself.”
“Can we just get out of here?”
He sighs, knowing he fucked up the date and calls for the bill. When it gets there she starts digging through her purse to find her credit card.
“What are you doing?”
She looks at him confused, “Um, getting my card?”
“No I took you on this awful date, I’ll pay for it.” She wants to argue, but knows that she quite literally can’t afford to, so instead offers a hushed thank you.
When they walk out to the parking lot he tells her to at least let him drive her home, and she agrees. He walks her over to his car but stops right in front of it. “I guess this doesn’t impress you either.”
She stares at the light blue sports car, “Not really, no.”
He laughs self-deprecatingly, “Strike two, I’m on a role tonight.”
She climbs into the car, but doesn’t hesitate to look at him sideways when the door opens upwards. He starts to drive towards her apartment when she rattles off the address, he knows the area vaguely. They don’t say much on the drive home, the radio softly plays in the background, and she gives the occasional direction.
“Turn in here.”
“Turn. In. Here.” He turns into an In-N-Out parking lot but looks thoroughly confused. “Go through the drive through.”
He does as she says and she orders for the both of them. As they pull up to the window to pay she pulls out her card. “The first part of the night was on you, let me get this part.”
”You’re not tired of this yet?”
“Well you still have a third strike.” He smiles at her as they accept the food from the second window. “The place was not so great, but the date wasn’t going so bad.”
“I’m so glad you’re giving me a second chance.” He pulls into a parking spot and they continue their date where they left off. They click so well, and YN knows that this definitely won’t be their last date.
“This is an american monstrosity.”
“How have you never tried it?”
“Come on, you’re messing with me.”
“No I’m not,” YN takes another fry and dips it into her shake, then holds it out to him. “Eat it.” He gives her an unsure look, but eats it anyways. He makes a show of eating it, but doesn’t say anything. “You liked it, didn’t you?”
“It’s not as bad as I thought.”
“Ha! You did like it.” She’s laughing at him even though there’s nothing to really laugh at, she’s just very happy.
He’s smiling at her also happy to be with her, “You look really beautiful.”
She’s not laughing anymore, but there’s still a smile plastered on her face. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
The smallness of the car has them close together anyways, but they’ve also leaned into each other. Pato’s voice is hoarse, “I really want to kiss you right now.”
YN closes the gap between them, and the kiss is everything a first kiss should be. She feels as if there’s fireworks going off in her stomach, and she’s a little dizzy. The kiss is soft and slow and sweet, his hand is resting on her face and caressing her cheek. YN has her hand resting on his shoulder. He tastes like chocolate and french fries and something else that she thinks she wants to be buried with.
When they pull away her head is swimming and she needs a moment to get her thoughts together. He’s the first to speak, “It’s getting pretty late I should probably take you home.”
“Yeah, you probably should.” but she makes no effort to move away from him.
He finally moves away from her, and he takes their trash to a can that was outside. They continue talking on the way to her apartment, the car less tense now. He walks her up to her door, but stops when they arrive. “Thank you for going out with me tonight, I had a great time.”
“I can honestly say I did, too.”
“So did I get a third strike, or am I going to get to see you again?”
“When we’re you thinking?”
“Tomorrow night?” He gives her a bit of a sheepish grin, really hoping she’ll say yes.
She tilts her head at him, “That quickly?”
“I don’t see the point in waiting,” he grabs her hand in his. “I won’t get much done anyways, I’ll be distracted thinking about this incredible girl I went out with.”
“Your flirting will get you far in life.” She turns her key in the door and opens it.
“Is that a yes?”
“Pick me up at 5.” He can’t believe his luck as she begins to shut the door and he turns away. “Oh, and Pato?”
He turns back towards her door, “Yes?”
“Bring a normal car this time.”
He laughs, and she breaks into a 1000 watt smile. “Yes, darling, whatever you say.”
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dearmura · 1 year
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new hair, who dis?
☆ cw. some swearing, (not beta read)
☆ pairings. idol! Ni-Ki × fem! reader
☆ synopsis. Jokingly replying to Ni-Ki's latest post, you expected to be left on sent for the rest of life. Instead, you get a reply back...you're joking right?
You sigh to yourself for the nth time that past hour, scrolling mindlessly in utter boredom. An image posted a few days ago catches your eye, one of Ni-Ki with his new blond hair. You scoff, could the company make it any more obvious they're having a comeback?
As much as you loved the new look, you couldn't deny your love for his previous Oreo hair. With a pout, you repost the picture, captioning to your few followers how much you hate hybe for changing his hair
As your eyes shift to the clock, you hiss, realizing how unproductive you're being
Peeling yourself away from your pillows, you shuffle your way into your kitchen, practically dragging yourself to your fridge with how lazy you're feeling
Grabbing a bottle of water, you bring it to your lips, about to take a sip when a buzz is heard from your phone
Not having any human interaction that day, you opted for checking the source, guessing somebody messaged you. Not to your surprise, it was nobody, but rather a notification indicating enhypen had made a new post
With enhypen's lack of content in-between promotional periods, you were thrilled to see an update. Shuffling back into your room, you lay back on your bed, clicking the post
You mentally squeal at the image of Ni-Ki posing for a selfie, double tapping your screen with so much enthusiasm one would've thought he'd come to life if you did so. In the midst of your fangirling, you came up with quite the stupidest, most delulu idea ever. To be fair, you had nothing to do, what else could a girl do to keep herself busy?
Opening up your dms, you search for Ni-ki's profile. You're hopeless, really
You scoff at yourself
Clicking on his profile, you conjure up quite the worst first message ever, failing at an attempt to be funny
Wait...have we met before? Cuz you look a lot like my future boyfriend
Before you back out of it out of pure cringe, you click send, immediately throwing your phone to the other side of your bed. You knew that idols don't even open their dms but the embarrassment lingered, nevertheless
After a few minutes of self-hatred, you open up your phone again, too bored to continue staring at the ceiling. Taking another sip of water, you hear a second buzz
You spray water all over your bed at the notification before your eyes. You slapped yourself to make sure you weren't seeing things, unfortunately, the sting on your skin confirmed your greatest fear that you were, in fact, not in a nightmare
I've got to admit, you've wooed me with that one
You scream into your pillow in pure embarrassment, avoiding the situation you got yourself into for a second
Your heart clenches once more when you hear another dreadful buzz
Leaving me on seen now? I thought you were interested, darling😞
You almost scoff at how dumb you looked right now. Nevertheless, you begin typing to not upset him further
If you're a hacker, this guy isn't even that famous, it's not worth it
You joke in hopes of lightening the mood, more for yourself though
I come in peace
You giggle to yourself, still not processing your chat with THE nishimura riki
Sorry bub, if it makes you feel any better, I love your new hair, its almost as pretty as you
You don't know where all this confidence came from but all you know is that you're very obviously flirting with a literal idol. What have you done with your life...
Never thought I'd like being called pretty but here I am
He answered back wittily, making you scoff
Just as you're about to respond, your phone notifies you of a follow request...from him?
How about we make this our little secret, yea?
He texts almost immediately after the notification. Not entirely believing the current situation, you reply
Enough messing around
If you're gonna hack his account, just enjoy your followers and leave me alone
Rather than a text, you receive an image as a reply. A selfie. Of Ni-ki. One you know for a fact he's never posted on any socials
Yea? And what if I told you I wasn't a hacker, princess?
You almost cry, realizing your stupid pick up lines and attempts at jokes were actually received by the real Ni-Ki. Hesitantly, you accept the follow request
Yes, you were embarrassed, but who were you to pass up the opportunity?
Thanks babe😘
He texts back teasingly
Your story from earlier that day pops up with a reply underneath, knowing immediately you were screwed
Wait what happened to liking my hair, princess???
You really hurt my feelings:(((
Blushing in embarrassment for the nth time that day, you couldn't help but want to shrivel up into a ball and die already
Oh God
I'm so sorry
I didn't expect you to see that
I really like your hair
It looks really good on you
Fuck I'm sorry
You panic, tears coming to your eyes, hit with the realization you just offended your idol. Before you could beat yourself up further, you hear another buzz
No worries princess, I like my old hair better too:((
Though I am still a little hurt
Don't think I'll forgive you for that one love😞
Maybe if you take me out I can leave it behind us...
You practically cry at this point. Was he trying to flirt with you? And lowkey asking you out? Knowing you weren't in the right state of mind, you ignore your thoughts, opting for leaving this problem for future you
I uh need to go to bed
Good night, I hope I didn't bother you
You mentally curse at yourself for how stupid you sound
Oh love you could never bother me if you tried
I'll be expecting a reply on that offer next time;)
Sweet dreams angel
Next time? God you were about to throw up. You quickly like his message before throwing your phone, utterly flabbergasted at what just happened. You squeeze your eyes shut, praying what just happened was some weird dream
Author's note: Wrote this for a drabble request but clearly got too into it🥹🥹
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yukoii1 · 1 year
╭﹐✪﹕ Jealousy Jealousy ﹒〣 ﹕‹𝟹 - 𝖡𝖠𝖱𝖮𝖴 𝖲.
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★ Request By: @the-blue-gangsta46 - “HELLO 👋🏾 Can I request a baro Shoei x black reader oneshot in which baro is upset about the reader playing with his little sisters instead of spending time with him ?”
cw/tw. fluff, jealous Baro, SOFTIE BAROOO 🫶🏽, black!reader
an. AHHH I AM SO SORRY FOR GETTING BACK TO YOU LATE. I’ve been writing other stories for other people, so i apologize but i hope you like your request!
summary. - Barou gets jealous because his sisters takes you away from him.
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He invited you to hang out with YOU. Not for you to hang out with his little sisters, he should’ve known the minute when his sisters looked at him with a devilish smile when hearing you were coming over for today. He should’ve known they were gonna take you away from him.
Now he’s sitting in his room waiting patiently for you to come and hang out with HIM. At first he was happy that you and his sisters were bonding but soon he was starting to get annoyed every hour without you. His sisters were little brats that do anything to just annoy the fuck out him knowing how hot headed he is, whenever he wants to scold them or yell you’re always there to protect them and side with them. He founded offensive how you stuck up for the little brats but he brushed it off not liking how you looked at him like how his mom would when getting scoldings.
He was scrolling through his phone looking at instagram pages still waiting for you, he looked up to see what time it is and it was 2:15pm in the afternoon. He invited you almost three hours ago, this was starting to get ridiculous, he was starting to get fucking upset with this. He groaned clenching his phone in hand before throwing it on the side of his bed getting up to grab a towel. He figured he would take a nice cold shower to get himself to calm down before he ends up ranting to himself, as he was taking a shower you were in his little sisters room playing with them. You’ve been playing with them for past two hours, playing dress up, playing with dolls, even having a fake tea party. But now they had put a crown on your head as well as doing your nails saying, “A pretty princess shouldn’t go without having her nails painted” Which ended you sitting on the floor with pink nails, you sighed softly with a smile on your face looking at Saki painting your nails. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she looked concentrated of not messing up, as Masaki was playing with your hair. You used your free hand to double tap on your phone to check the time, it was 2:20pm shit, you lost track of time. You hummed turning off your phone facing your attention back to Saki.
“I’m sorry to tell you both but after this i have to leave okay?” In response they both whined and pouted looking at you, “But why (N/NNNN)..” Masaki asked sadly, you turned your head to look at her with a smile, “Because, i promised your brother i would spend time with him. And i don’t think it’s fair to him that i’m spending time with two and not him now is it?” You raised a brow as she bit her lip looking down, “No..” She pouted, you chuckled patting her on top of her head, “Next time i come over we can watch a movie and we’ll hang out the entire day, okay? We can have a girls day.” When you finished your sentence they both shot up excitedly disposing the sadness they once had, “Okay!” They said in sync, you couldn’t help but laugh at their excitement. They were just both so cute and adorable.
When Saki finished up your nails, you said bye to them before making your way towards Baro’s room. You knocked softly waiting for an answer but got nothing, you knocked again but still got nothing, so you opened his door to reveal an empty spotless bedroom but sounds of a shower running. ‘He must be taking a shower then..he won’t mind if i wait for him’ You thought walking inside his room closing the door behind you. As you walked in you couldn’t help but smile at the pictures on his walls, those were never there the last time you were in here. You looked closely at them and they were photos of you and him of the different dates you been to, and the vacation photos, your heart warmed up the more you looked at the pictures. When you were done looking at the pictures he had you sat on the bed waiting patiently for your boyfriend.
After 10 minutes or so you finally heard the water go off and heavy footsteps. From the corner of your eye you saw the bathroom door swing open revealing your boyfriend, you sat up with a smile looking at him. “Hi baby.” You greeted but soon frowned watching how he ignored you walking towards his closet to change into some sweat pants, you clicked your tongue getting off the bed to follow him. “Are you perhaps ignoring me?” You questioned looking at him as you leaned against the door frame, he grunted in response pulling up the black sweat pants. “Go back to hanging out with my sisters.” He grumbled keeping his back turnt, you raised a brow in confusion but soon it clicked. He was upset..you smiled rolling your eyes walking towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist back hugging him. “Are you jealous?” You asked giving his back small and soft pecks feeling him relax in your touch, he scoffed. “No.” He was lying, you could tell in his tone. You shook your head with a chuckle continuing to kiss his back, “Sure..” You teased pulling back to turn him around so he’s facing you, he didn’t fight it letting you do as you pleased.
You looked in his eyes seeing how hard he’s trying to stay mad at you but you knew he was gonna break any minute now. He’s always had a soft spot for you only, he wasn’t gonna be mad for too long. “Shouu..talk to mee.” You pouted wrapping your arms around his neck hearing him scoff at your attempt, “No.” He said simply avoiding eye contact with you, you raised a brow unwrapping your arms from his neck, “Okay then..i’ll just go back to Saki and Masaki.” You turned to leave the closet room but got stopped by hands on your waist and a heavy sigh, “Fine.” You grinned, he finally gave in after being so stubborn. You turned back around to face him with his hands still on your waist, “I am jealous..upset even dammit.. i hate to admit but i am.” He grumbled looking away, “All they do is take you away from me when i wanna be with you. I barley got to spend time with you today and that pisses me off.” He answered, you couldn’t help but feel bad at how long he waited for you to get done with them so you two could hang out, you leaned up to peck his lips with yours before mumbling, “I’m sorry my love, i didn’t mean to make you wait for so long. But you have my attention now, no more distractions. Just me and you.” You reassured, Shouei didn’t say anything but just move his hands towards your thighs lifting you up, wrapping your legs around his waist leaning in to kiss you.
It was rough but gentle at the same time, you smiled in between the kiss feeling him squeeze your thigh as he placed you ontop of the bed in between your thighs continuing to kiss you. You both moved in synced in the kiss, groaning softly as he rubbed your thigh with his bigger hand. For a few seconds he was first to pull away going towards your neck cuddling in the crook of it holding you close to him. You giggled combing your hands through his hair feeling his soft kisses on your skin, “You’re such a big baby.”
“Shut up.”
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ladylooch · 9 months
Road Visit with Timo Meier
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A/N: I'm uh... just gonna drop this here and run away. K thanks bye. Don't even come at me for making this sweet at the end either. You know how I am!!!!!!! Okay, love you, bye.
Word count: 3.2k
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I’m almost disappointed he hasn’t seen me yet. Almost. But the view from the bar where he scrolls through his phone is delectable. He’s in a suit, thinking he is meeting Nico and Jesper for a fancy steakhouse dinner.
What he doesn’t know is he is meeting me. In this dimly lit hotel bar and then I’m taking him upstairs for the much needed distraction that I am. 
I watched him when he walked in. He didn’t even look around, just went right to the bar, asking for an old fashioned. He had sighed deeply, taking out his phone and sending a heart to the distraction picture I sent earlier of me and Lio from last night. 
I miss those faces. Give Lee a kiss for me. Had been his response.
When the old fashioned was set in front of him, he gulped down half of it angrily. 
My husband is in a mood. And that’s why I got on the first flight out to Denver this afternoon.
Timo gently sets the glass back on the table. He presses a button on his phone, then brings the phone up to his ear. I jolt when my phone starts vibrating against the bar, quickly silencing it and sending him to voicemail. I watch as he frowns deeper, clicking off before leaving a message. His thumbs type feverishly against the screen.
Call me when you can. Need to hear your voice.
Another gulp of his drink.
I down the rest of my cosmo, then step away from the long bar. I tug my black skirt down, trying not to be subconscious about being a mom to an almost three year old and wearing something so sinfully short. Timo still scrolls through his phone. A smile quirks a corner of my mouth up. I’m glad his eyes aren’t wandering, not that I ever worry about that to begin with. I get close to his table, taking a head on approach that has his blue eyes looking up from his illuminated screen. A double take happens, then a huge, stunned smile stretches his lips apart. He tosses his phone onto the table, standing before coming around to grab me into his arms.
“Em.” He sighs into me. I close my eyes, tilting my face into him for a moment. But just one. 
“I saw you sitting across the bar and had to come say hello.”
“Why didn’t you come over right away?”
“I’m a little intimidated by handsome men.” I trail my gaze up the buttons of his shirt, lingering where the one button is undone, giving me a peek of his chest. I slide past his strong jaw, then to his blue gaze. 
“You’re my wife?” He chuckles, confused. He isn’t catching on.
"Let's not talk about your wife." Timo furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"You need a distraction. That's what I'm here for. A very... sexy... needy distraction." I pout my dark red lip at him. 
“I love my wife though…” He says as he cocks his head to the side.
“She offered to share you. Just for tonight. For the sake of the team.” I swipe my finger over my lips in a shush. His eyes finally sparkle in recognition of what I'm doing. He reaches for his ring, taking it off. He pulls mine off too, then reaches for the clasped necklace with our son's name on it, undoing that with a brief kiss against my neck. He takes the pile of expensive jewelry and slides it into his inner suit pocket for safe keeping.
“In that case, what's your drink of choice, beautiful?"
“A woman of sophistication. Admirable.” He murmurs. “I’ll grab you one. Have a seat.” 
He squeezes my fingers briefly, then wanders up to the bar. I watch his back as he leans against the bar top waiting. Tonight, I’m going to drag my fingernails down his skin until he’s marked for practice tomorrow. The boys will give him shit and he’ll love it. I nibble my bottom lip at the thought until it’s puffy and red when he returns. He sets the pink drink in front of me, then wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me onto his lap. 
“More comfortable here.” He insists, eyes looking at my lips. I nod in agreement. I take a sip of my cosmo, savoring the bite with an appreciative sigh.
“You in town for business or pleasure?” I ask him. 
“I thought it was business. But something hints at pleasure tonight.” I suck my cheeks in to keep from breaking character.
“I’m only here for pleasure.” Timo grins back, white teeth sparkling in the low lighting of the bar. 
“How long you in town?”
“Until Thursday morning. I’m going to the Devils game tomorrow night.”
“You need tickets?”
“No, I know a guy.” Timo can’t help but laugh at that.
“Am I the guy?” He asks.
“No, Nico Hischier.”
“Ah. So, Why aren’t you in his bed tonight?” I snort on my cosmo, then cough. Ew.
“Heard his wife doesn’t share like yours.” I wipe the back of my hand over my mouth as both Timo and I giggle.
“I am a lucky man. She’s good to me.”
“Thought we weren’t talking about her.”
“Can’t help myself.”
“I think I can help you.” I lean down, brushing my lips over his. I watch his eyes close, thick eyebrows turn inward as he appreciates the feeling of my fingers trailing along his upper thigh.
"I have something I know your wife has never worn for you.” I grab his hand, putting it on my thigh and using it to push the fabric of my skirt up. He moans when he reveals my red lingerie. He gets bold, running a thick finger along the edge, sighing when he pulls it away to watch it snap back into the crease of my thigh.
“No. My wife has never worn this.” He knows all of my sets. This one is new. I slide his hand back down, covering the bold lace back up. Timo’s blue eyes are yearning now. Almost desperate enough to head upstairs.
“We probably shouldn't be seen together." He murmurs as he slides a card into my palm, just like in Ibiza. “I’ve got family ties on the team.” His nose trails along my cheek until he gets to my ear lobe, sucking it into his mouth. "You go up first. I'll be there in a minute." His thumb comes to stroke my lips, igniting fire and setting my heart beat racing.
I stand, watching Timo’s face as my dress sticks a little high, showing him more of my lingerie. I wiggle it all back into place, then slowly saunter from the bar. In the lobby, I see a few Devils players lingering. I give a brief wave, not stopping my pursuit to the elevators. Once inside, I punch the button for the 8th floor. 
I walk down the hall to room 821, putting the key card in and stepping into the dark room. I go to the bedside table, turning the lamp on then surveying the room. Timo is neat, much more so than any other man I’ve been with. He has all his clothes tucked away in the closet and dresser. Only his sneakers sitting by the dresser are an indication that someone is staying in here. My eyes find the picture of Lio and I he brings with him every road trip. It’s from when he was barely 1. Our cheeks are pressed together as we both laugh, noses scrunched enjoying the fall day at the start of training camp. I turn the picture facing down, knowing my husband won’t want to see our son with what he’s about to do to his mother.
My fingers gather the silky fabric of my black dress, pulling it over my head and tossing it into the dresser. I stretch my neck and shoulders out, then set myself on the bed to wait.
It isn’t a long one.
“Okay, this is kinda funny. Nico was in the elevator- Oh my god.” Timo pauses when he sees me on the bed. He’s comatose for a moment seeing my lingerie set completely exposed. Peek-a-boo lace covers my skin but barely. His mouth literally drops open as his blue gaze scours my body. I lay back, then slide my legs apart as he steps forward so he can see the lack of fabric between my legs. He gropes at his belt while sliding a finger through my wet folds.
“Take me. However you need to. For however long you want.” I moan as his middle finger plunges into my entrance unannounced.
“You’re making all my dreams come true tonight.” The metal of his belt clangs together as he gets it apart. He leans forward, placing his lips against my wetness. His tongue comes out, lapping along my slit until he finds my clit. He sucks it into his mouth, humming against the sensitive bud until my back arches.
“You’re so sweet.” He whispers, breath teasing as he pulls back. “Are you sweet here too?” He leans down, sucking my nipple through the lace of my bra. He cups the bottom of my breast, plumping it up to devour more of me. It feels so good as his fingers circle my clit simultaneously. The way he explores my body with rough touches of familiar places makes me ache. “Mmm, you are.” He murmurs, pulling away. “You wanna taste?” I nod vigorously, grabbing his neck as our lips touch. His tongue assaults my mouth, leaving trails of me and him there.
“Be a good girl and get on your knees.” He says. He gets off the bed, unbuttoning each of his buttons while he watches me stand. Slowly, I bend over in front of him, rocking side to side before crawling back onto the bed on all fours. He reaches for me, crudely shoving his bare cock through my folds. He grips my hips, rocking me back onto him until he’s fully sheathed by my heat.
“Fuck, baby.” He stutters. 
“Am I being good? You like the way I take you?” I whisper, biting my lip at the way he already groans behind me after his first thrust.
“God, yeah. Perfect.” He connects my back with his chest, groaning at the way my ass bounces against his abdomen with each forceful pump. His lips explore the valley of my shoulder blades. I swear he whispers I love you, but then he turns wild and I don’t have the opportunity to ask what he said.
“Oh…. My.” My mouth drops in shock. He’s hitting depths I don’t think I’ve ever taken him before. My throat constricts, trapping more sound into it as I feel my inner walls begin to flutter around him. He pauses for a moment, adjusting his grip on my hips as he rises back up to his knees behind me. “Right there.” I sob, reaching my hand back to grip his wrist. My finger nails pierce his skin briefly.
“No. Only my wife gets to touch me.” He grabs my wrist harshly, pinning it against my lower back and fucking harder into me. My face is shoved into the comforter. I can barely breathe between the sheets and my hair. Timo reaches around musing my brown strands off my face and groaning as I pant heavily from each thrust into my tightening core.
“Fuck. Ohmygod.” My words are mouthed. Not even completely spoken as the orgasm rips through me. He doesn’t stop when he feels the convulsions of my walls. He doubles down, harder and harder as my jaw practically unhinges. Timo brings my hand down, placing it on the bed again. I grip the comforter tightly to ground myself while I shudder.
“You feel so fucking good cumming around my cock.” He grits his teeth.
My walls hug him tightly, coming harder than the first time as the scream lodged in my throat tears loose. It’s primal and raw, a sound I don’t remember hearing from my mouth before. Timo chuckles triumphantly, then slows his thrusts to ease me back down. He leans forward, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. 
“That’s it… Let me teammates here how good I make you feel." He bruises my skin harshly with his teeth. I whimper as he slides all the way out of me. He taps my thigh. I flip onto my back, cheeks pink, breasts bouncing, lingerie twisting slightly off center. Timo plunges into me again after a hefty suck of my left nipple. 
“This what you wanted when you saw me tonight?”
“Wanted to be fucked like a slut?”  I close my eyes, giggling.
“How can I be the slut here when it’s so clear how much you want me?”
“I don’t like my women sassy.” I snort, then reach up, slapping his face lightly.
“No?” I purse my lips as he laughs, clearly enjoying everything that is happening between us.
“Now, I gotta fuck the brat out of you.”
“You can sure try.” He rolls his eyes at my ever persistent challenges. 
He leans forward, scooping me up into his arms like I’m nothing for him. I chomp down on my lip, drawing blood as my eyebrows pull inward. He fucks me deep, at an angle, that has my spent walls overstimulated.
“You good, baby?” He asks. I nod. “Open your eyes so I can see.” I do and he grins, seeing how absolutely wrecked I am from what he is doing to me. “One more.” He begs, leaning down to kiss me. Our heavy breathing makes it hard to stay connected. I choke as my orgasm grips me again, taking Timo with me into the delicious abyss. Jerky pumps push his seed deeper into me as he drops me onto the bed, unable to hold my weight up anymore with the intensity of his orgasm. His fingers pin my hips down as he finishes his sloppy thrusts. 
Almost instantly, Timo's touch on my hips changes.  Gone is the possessive franticness and in it's place comes a tender caress. His fingers spread wider, trying to gather as much of my flesh into his hands as possible. He pulls me down, forcing himself as deep as possible until our mixed sex smears across his lower abdomen.
"Babe." I whisper breaking our role play. "Are you okay?” My words are met with nothing but his heavy breathing. “I’m worried about you.” I murmur.
“How do you just know?”
"I heard it in your voice last night when you called.” My hand threads through his hair. His nose smooshes into my collar bone. I run my other hand along his back, pressing down so he collapses his weight onto my frame, still buried inside of me. My legs wrap around his waist, heels pressing into his butt.
“I’m…” Timo starts then trails off. I wait patiently, stroking my finger nails along his back. Goosebumps protrude from his skin. He melts further into me, smooshing his lips in wet kisses. “I’m having a hard time focusing on hockey.” 
“Yeah… I just.. wanna be at home with you and Lio.” This is the second season since Lio has been born and I’m surprised to hear this is the struggle. “It is so hard leaving you.” His earnest groan has me turning my face to caress his head with mine. “Feel like I’m missing so much of his life.” He sighs, then rolls off and out of me. His back hits the mattress next to me in a heavy thud. “Missing so much of our life.” 
I reach out, holding his abdomen, stroking my fingers into the deep groves of muscle.
“You’re going to have to find a way over this.” I whisper the truth we both recognize. 
“I know.”
“Is this harder because Lee cried when he said goodbye to you this time?” Timo purses his lips then nods. “Yeah. That sucked.” I roll onto my side. “You’re such a good daddy.” I soothe him, stroking vertically along his torso. “He’s going to adjust. He’s in a clingy phase right now.”
“Did he cry when you left?”
“Yeah. I had to sneak out of the house while my mom distracted him with his stuffed puppy.”  A soft smile stretches his lips.
“I love our kid.” He leans forward, asking for my lips. 
“Me too.” I murmur against his mouth. He sighs into our kiss.
“That made me feel better for some reason.”
“You feel comforted knowing I’m also doing damage to our son. He’ll talk about us both in therapy.”
“Yeah, kinda.” He laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to pull me up into his chest. He strokes my hair, then kisses the crown of my head. 
“I can’t believe Nico didn’t come over with how hard the headboard was slamming against the wall at the end. He rooms next to me.” My face turns white, mouth dropping open in horror.
“Just kidding.. He’s at dinner. I was trying to tell you I saw him in the elevator so we were clear. But then you opened your legs and I didn’t remember what I was gonna say.”
“T!” I yell, slapping his pec. “You got me all scared.”
“What that you’re in trouble with your little brother for fucking your husband?”
“No, that he was gonna come kill you cause he heard you with someone.”
“As always, you’re worth the risk baby.” I can’t help but laugh at his cheery smile. 
“Do fornicaters usually eat afterwards?” I wonder, feeling the rumbling of my stomach.
“I don’t think so, but nothing about that was adultery, so I think we are safe to order something.” He reaches around me to the nightstand. He studies the menu while I study his face.
“Lee and I are so lucky.” I murmur, stroking his jaw where light, brown stubble dusts his cut chin. “So glad you are my baby’s daddy.” I press my lips on the underside of his chin. Timo pulls me in closer, dropping the menu to wrap both arms around me.
“I’m the lucky one. I love you, Em.”
After ordering room service, and eating entirely too much food, we both fall back into bed, watching Pretty Woman play out on USA Network. Timo strokes my hair. Each pass over the strands has my eyes dipping closed longer and longer with every blink. The room goes black when Timo turns the TV off for good. His arms curl me into him deeper.
“Don’t even think about rolling away from me during the night.” I smile against the skin of his shoulder. I press myself further into his chest. His fingers dig more into my back. A silence falls over us. 
“T?” I murmur after awhile.
“Mmm?” Its barely an acknowledgment.
“You love me so well. Lee too. I hope you know how much we love you in return. And miss you when you’re gone.” I squeeze his back. “I think I’m here as much for myself as I am for you.” He leans down, searching for my lips in the darkness. When they connect, we both melt into each other.
“I love you so much.” His whisper has a depth I’ve never heard before. The deep darkness of the room adds an intimacy and safeness to us. 
Neither one of us needs to say anything else. Instead, our bodies awaken. Our fingers wander. Our lips greedily take until we have each other like husband and wife- familiar and knowing. Soothing, briefly, the eternal ache we have for each other that I know is never going to diminish. 
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jonquilandlace · 1 year
So anyway I was bored and this was fully out of my typical fandom but I found this forest fairy maker by @elequinoa on my old favorite dress up game website from when I was a kid, Doll Divine, and proceeded to brainrot and say hey what if I made all the Disney Fairies in this, except creepy and weird and more my idea of fey? So anyway here's all of the fairies and the goofy redesigns (under the cut because I feel horrible for people who were never in this fandom having to scroll past seven sets of fairies lol)
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Tumblr crop is bad so I apologize in advance. (Also disclaimer for minor photoshop on Rosetta and Periwinkle to make their body colors more unearthly, as my intent was None Of These Fairies Should Look Human, and to make Periwinkle's mask an arctic fox instead of a fox; I attempted to look at TOU and it seemed like this should be alright, but if not, I apologize for overstepping!) (Also minor edit for less pixelated banner image)
Fawn - She was the first one I did and wound up more muted in color scheme, but I really like how she turned out. She was meant to look somewhat like a moth or bark, with some faun-ish inspiration, as well.
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Iridessa - As a fairy focused on light, there were two ways I could see taking her (the alternate being distinctly holographic), but in the end liked the double entendre of "light" when leaning towards "biblically accurate angel," so there's bird motifs and just general cherub vibes.
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Vidia - The opposite of Iridessa, really; the goal here was to lean into lightning motifs and dark or gothic elements to emphasize the opposite elements in comparison to Iridessa's classical elements. Dragonfly wings for speed, of course.
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Rosetta - As in her original, meant to resemble a flower, just amped up a bit to where she resembles a rococo/art deco fusion when viewed naturally, but could literally flip upside down and pretend to be a flower if she wanted to.
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Silvermist - Yes this picture isn't from the first movie I couldn't find a good one lmao. Anyway, her wings reminded me of that specific type of dragonfly that skims over my uncle's lake, so I riffed on that alongside the almost pseudo-waves of the petal shirt. She is more directly meant to be an embodiment of water, but more lake or even bog-ish water, where she could peek out of the water at the top and an onlooker would only register her as perhaps a frog, as emphasized in the monochrome eyes, or a ripple in the waves.
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Periwinkle - Where options did really start to limit what I could do, lol. I decided to lean into the mysterious and crystalline vibes of the winter, with her visage taking on the arctic fox and even reindeer-ish antler look of something moving in the snowy woods, but yet draped in a finery like freshly fallen snow. She's also the only one with "normal" fairy wings, but I could see it for her, with them perhaps being made of frost.
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And finally, Tinkerbell - One that I definitely took some more risks with in design, she is nevertheless the most openly friendly-looking of the fey batch, despite her green hue, which is really in character for a fairy best known for hanging out with Peter Pan and being fascinated by humans. For clothing, I leaned heavily into artificer and witch vibes, mirroring a bit more of the human world, with a touch of goblin to temper it. I did shift away from her typical dress in favor of more adventurous wear, more suited for pretending to be a mushroom or even mouse in the corner of someone's eye.
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Overall, idk, I just really had fun with this mini-project. I don't intend to do anything with it, ofc; it was just for fun, but I had a fun time with it!
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bcacstuff · 1 year
Okay... here we go
First of all, I'm sorry but as you can understand I have watermarked all the footage heavily. Trying to erase or to blur it will ruin it so much that nothing can be seen anymore.
The video is, as noted CC-BY-NC-ND, you can share but not edit and you need to credit. I've seen some on IG doing so who take information from my blog. Thank you for that!
Okay, first back to the fan pic I posted a bit earlier. I edited that one too, as noted to hide the fans face, but I whited out the recognizable location as well. I feel more secure now to give that away. ( did some see some hinting in the comments it was in front of his hotel, but that is not correct, see for yourself)
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As you can see it is at Jacks wife Freda in NYC. A location we've seen him before in the past.
I'm also posting this picture another time, to explain why I was not convinced about the exact date the picture was taken. According to the FB poster, on Saturday 6 May. But as I already pointed out, he's wearing the same sweater and only another jacket (a jacket we've also seen him wearing before in NYC) as the fanpics taken on Friday 5 May. So my conclusion is more like this is not Saturday but Friday.
And more reason I'm convinced about that is because of the 2nd sighting I was talking about which leaves no doubts, was taken on Saturday May 6, at the very same location. Not by a fan, but on the background of a random person at the location and timestamped it.
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You will also notice totally other outfit than the fan pic, but at the same location
Well, I think you're all ready for the next chapter, the video... and of course the who's he with...
Again sorry for the way I had to watermark it, I do regret it makes it less clear, but people have left me no other choices.
It goes fairly quick, it's a very sighting on the background, I doubled first part and even slowed it a bit down.
Here are some stills from it:
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So lunch at Jack's wife Freda, with a blonde woman. His pose is as usual arm on the back of the chair where his company is seated. No PDA or kisses or anything like that. It seems like a 'normal' lunch to me. Fun detail, see the bags at her feet... those are a lot!
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(I did look up the Kith Brand, it's a street wear clothing line, more for men imo although they seems to have a women's line as well. There's a shop on Lafayette street, Jacks Wife Freda is on Lafayette street as well, and his hotel is in the middle on Crosby street)
Who she is? I don't know, not Cinderella (and also not KE, MC, or any other woman people tried to connect to him lately) imo.
Also take into account that he was on socials all evening posting, liking RTing a lot, until deep in the night. As well as today, he's been posting a lot on it and clearly scrolling his timeline. Just to point out, in case he had some 'hot' date, and taking into account finally some free time, I wouldn't think he'd been scrolling and active on sm all the time. Or the 'hot date' must have had a terrible time 😉
For the record, I don't think it is a 'hot date' nothing that makes me think so. But I leave it all to your own conclusions.... (I'm sure you'll have them)
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jpitha · 11 months
Dreams of Hyacinth 27
First / Previous / Next
In a flash of pure white light, Tinker Toy linked into the system.
As soon as she appeared, she was immediately pinged.
"Contact! Active Ping! Someone is out there and sees us!" Tink, Eastern, Nick, Hat and Chloe are connected into Tink's mindspace. Tink glances over her shoulder at something nobody else can see. The nuance of ship sensors in the mindspace can look odd.
Chloe looks over at Tink, surprised. "Who is it?"
"Scanning... The ships have Xenni signatures. Eastern, take the data and run it against my database of known ships."
"What? Um, okay, sure." Eastern started scrolling through the settings in her seat, trying to figure out where the data was. In Tink's mindspace, it looked like a console had appeared in front of her, and she was sitting at it. "Got it!" Eastern sounded triumphant. "The three ships match Xenni Warfinders! They're not exactly like how you have them Tink, but they're close enough that it says they are probably new versions of Warfinders." Eastern looked up from her console. "Chloe, you said the wouldn't be a problem!"
Chloe crossed her arms and sounded testy. "It's not a problem... yet. They just pinged us. Tink can you open a channel?"
Outside of the mindspace, Nick and Eastern look at each other while strapped into their acceleration couches. Nick moves his hand to sit up and start loosening the seat. Nick can hear Chloe tip her head up, creaking in the tight seat. "Keep your seat tight Nick, we might have to start maneuvering to avoid missiles."
"I'm sending them a standard greeting and request to transit their space right now. Hold please." Tink bustles with activity.
Much sooner than Nick or Eastern expected, She calls out again, oddly calm. "Missiles inbound, we're getting painted with targeting lasers. I need everyone to assist with defense, we're going to try and duck them."
As Tink called this out, Nick felt his stomach sink past his toes. He heard the characteristic double boom of the juke charges firing to slide out of the immediate path of travel. At the same, time, over the speakers all over the ship he started hearing...
"Music?" Nick looked around, confused.
"Yeah, it helps me when I'm trying to time the shots and to duck out of the way." Tink sounded distracted, but since she still had the ability to answer Nick's question, he assumed things weren't that bad."
The song had a driving beat and felt very classic, almost antique. It sounded fun, but Nick had no idea which one it was. Tink had the volume up very loud. "I don't know this one."
Even with all that was going on and all the effort that Tink was putting into work, she managed to sputter, "You don't know Adam Ant?!? He's a New Wave classic. This song is called Goody Two Shoes, you should listen while we try not to die."
Nick could hear Chloe scoff over the loud music. "Tink you still do this? It's not funny."
"I never meant it to be funny Chloe. It really helps."
"Unless any of you all have an opinion, I'm going weapons free and going to defend myself. Nick, Eastern, get on sensors, I need your help choosing targets."
Eastern's voice over the comm sounds calm. "Wait. Tink, before you go weapons free, how many missiles did they fire?"
"I see two missiles inbound, Eastern. You're already on sensors, check and see if anymore are coming."
Eastern runs another local scan, trying to build an accurate picture of the area around them as Tink ducks and dodges and runs her engines at random intervals to try and defeat the already incoming missiles. The sweep finally complete, Eastern shakes her head. "Tink, there are only two missiles incoming. Nobody else has fired anything else, and the Warfinders turned off active targeting. Their weapons look free but..." Eastern looks up at everyone in the mindspace. "Tink, I don't think this is an attack. I think it's more... a warning. Can two missiles actually hurt you?"
"Hmm, it depends on where they hit, but no, two missiles isn't really a threat." Tink sounds thoughtful as he replies to Eastern.
Eastern disconnects from the sensor suite and looks at everyone in the mindspace. "Uh, Tink, Chloe, Nick? Are we just going to... shoot back at the Xenni? We are kind of in their space, and we didn't actually ask permission to be here. Dodging their missiles is one thing, but they haven't broken out their exawatt laser batteries or slug throwers yet either. I feel like if we shoot back, we're going to cross a line."
"I mean, they did shoot first..." Tink trails off. Nick notices that Tink's movements are slowing down and leveling off too. Once the missiles went past and no new ones appeared, there was no point in dodging things that didn't exist.
Eastern nods to herself and connects back to the communications suite. "I'm going to contact them again."
After a few minutes, the radio crackled to life with a reply. "Unknown Human starship, name yourself and state your business, you are trespassing!"
Eastern keys the mic. "Uh, this is Tinker Toy, and we were attempting to reach a Gate."
There was a pause, longer than could be accounted for with their distance.
Eastern looked over at Nick and Chloe in the mindspace. Chloe shook her head no very slowly, while Nick shrugged. Hat held up his hands in a 'don't ask me' kind of expression. "Uh... it's complicated. Can we stop shooting and talk for a bit? We noticed you stopped firing missiles, and we haven't returned fire, just dodged."
Again, a very long pause. This time it was nearly an hour. While they waited, Nick, Eastern and Chloe unstrapped from their acceleration couches and configured them back into seats. Tink's support frames were bustling around cleaning up the books that fell, though most of them did stay strapped into her bookshelves. Eastern felt a small measure of pride that they stayed where she and Tink put them.
Finally, the Xenni replied. "You have permission to dock at our station attached to the Gate. A delegation will meet you and we can discuss why you trespassed into our territory in a calm and civilized manner. We do not wish to bring humanity down upon us... again."
"That's not likely." Hat muttered darkly.
"Shh" Chloe glared. Hat raised an eyebrow and met her stare.
Eastern rolled her eyes and keyed the mic to the Xenni. "Thank you. We will dock, and meet with you." She closed the connection and looked at Nick and Eastern. "So... Has anyone here ever met a Xenni? I haven't."
"Me neither. I remember reading about the War in school, but that was it."
"I met one before." Chloe stands and stretches. Nick thought to himself about how odd it was that someone with an artificial body was always stretching and trying to move their muscles. "They're just... people mostly. They're a bit odd looking to us, and there are nice ones and assholes. Their culture is more... hierarchical than what we tend to do? They place a lot of weight on ceremony. But, they're reasonable and we should be able to talk them into letting us visit the Gate, especially since we're alone and aren't part of any particular polity."
Nick leaned forward and disconnected his cybernetics. Tink's support frames had printed and installed a clip and holder to the acceleration couches so that Eastern and Nick could be connected while also secured. It still made his neck itch to be connected to them all the time though, so Nick had a tendency to disconnect as soon as he could. "Are we going to tell them that we want to touch the Gate?"
Eastern shrugged. "At this point, we should probably be as truthful as we can. I don't see why we wouldn't tell them. They'll probably chalk it up to 'some strange human thing'."
Chloe practically blew up. "You don't see why? Maybe because we're not sure that if another human touches the gate we won't wind up with another Empress who can also give orders that can't be obeyed?"
Eastern stands up and crosses her arms. "Chloe. You said that nobody was going to be here, and if they were they weren't going to mind that we showed up. We get here and they fire missiles at us. We talk them out of shooting more and now you want to keep things from them. I'm beginning to wonder if you're not worried enough about things that you should really be more concerned about."
Chloe raised her eyebrow and looked at Eastern. "It will be fine Eastern, trust me. I've done this lots of times before."
It was at that point, that the door to the command deck opened. Medicine Hat... walked in. He was wearing a body, and it looked just like the body he wore in the mindspace, dungarees and flannel and all. Nick and Eastern looked on in surprise, but Chloe rolled her eyes. "Tell me Chloe, how many times have you gone with two humans to a Gate and came across the Xenni who fired upon you, then agreed to meet on their station? Three? Four?"
Chloe glared, and said nothing. Eastern grinned broadly. "Hat! You had a body onboard? You're going to come with us?"
Hat nodded and smiled warmly at Eastern. "Yeah, I keep this old thing around for special occasions. I don't want to miss the excitement and I don't have any support frames like Tink does, so I decided to get small for a bit." He stretched and twisted his shoulder. "It's still as cramped as I remember though. I won't be in here long." He looks over at Chloe. "I still don't know how you can do it. I've been decanted for only a few minutes and I'm itching to get back."
Chloe sat back down in the chair and looked away from Hat. "I feel the other way when I'm a ship. I'm too big. Everything feels wrong. I can't control myself enough."
Hat tipped his head and raised both eyebrows very slightly. "It takes all kinds, I suppose." One of Tink's support frames walked in, and looked at everyone. "I'll go in this frame. I can split my attention and keep everything running in case."
"In case what?" Nick looks at everyone. It feels like they all know something he doesn't."
"Just... in case." Tink's support frame clicks their heels and they salute dramatically.
The trip down to the station attached to the Gate takes a couple of hours. Chloe and Hat spend the time arguing about what the Xenni want while Tink practices splitting her attention among the frame while also being the ship. Nick and Eastern head back to their room to rest.
"This whole thing feels off to me, you know?" Eastern hands Nick a mug of tea and joins him on the bed. They're both sitting up. Nick has a pad on a fold out table on his side of the bed. Eastern sees that he's reading up on the Xenni.
Nick sips his tea. "How does it feel off, hon? I think that's just how Chloe and the AIs are. They're not people, so maybe we're wrong in expecting them to act like people."
Eastern shakes her head. "No, it's not like that. Chloe just isn't worried. About anything I think. But mostly about this. Twice now she's told us that everything was going to be fine, and it wasn't. If I hadn't spoke up, she and Tink might have started firing back. Tink is an old Starjumper and sold weapons, so I'm sure she has a trick up her sleeve or two, but going three to one against Xenni Warfinders? Nick, I looked them up after we figured they weren't going to fire any more missiles. They have a crew of five thousand, each! They're equipped for boarding action. They can drill into a ship and attack the crew. They were used to devastating effect during the K'laxi war." She looked at Nick, and he felt her eyes boring into him. "If they wanted us destroyed, it would have happened, there would have been nothing we could do about it. No, they let us survive."
Nick sighs. "Well, then what's up? Are they going to lure us onto their station and splat us there?"
"No, I don't think so. I think at this point they're more curious about what our deal is, just what we're doing." Eastern looked off into the distance. "I wish I knew what they knew about Melody. Did they ever learn about her? What she could do?"
"I suppose we'll just have to... ask them"
"Ugh, I don't think I want to do that either." Eastern downs her tea, finishing it. "I can't come up with a way to explain what we're doing that doesn't sound wild."
Nick also finishes his tea. He puts the mug down and leans against Eastern. "I think we're just going to have to tell them the truth. It sounds wild, but what we're trying to do is wild. If it works... then we'll have a dose of Nanites and you might be an Empress."
Eastern leans back onto Nick. She can feel his breathing slow as he relaxes. "You're touching that stone too, Nicholas North. I'm not going to be an Empress alone."
He chuckled and Eastern felt the rumble in her chest. "Does that make me an Emperor? The reports said that Melody said it was only ever women in charge. Maybe I'll be an Empress too!"
Eastern scoffed. "It's just a title, Nick. An Empress or an Emperor needs an Empire to rule. Otherwise they're just a megalomaniacal idiot."
Nick and Eastern sat together in their room, just being around each other until Tink pinged them over the room's comm. "Nick? Eastern? We're going to dock in about 10 minutes. Come on down and join Chloe, Hat and my support frame outside the airlock, okay?"
Nick sat up and yawned. He had almost fallen asleep on the comfortable bed. "Sure thing Tink. We'll be right down." He stood and dramatically held out his hand. "Come my dear. Let us go accept our destiny, and rule the galaxy together."
Eastern giggled and took Nick's hand. "Of course. But, we shall do it, together, okay?"
Nick nodded. "Together."
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deltaclaws · 1 year
Thinking about Monkie Kid S4 and need to share my thoughts n’ theories on something before I explode with excitement.
Spoilers of course, so click the read more if you want to see. It ended up being A LOT.
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This first part is about Azure Lion’s actions in the last three or so episodes compared to what we’ve seen with Sun Wukong.
When Azure Lion accidentally cuts the piece of the scroll Wukong’s sealed in due to PTSD flashback triggered by MK diving for the scroll piece, his immediate reaction is regret and remorse, but he tells MK that they were planning to release him once they took over heaven. An interesting and awfully convenient detail to admit after you accidentally sliced your former sworn brother’s prison in half!
Most likely he was going to release Monkey King, I think. The thing that sticks out to me is his shifting the blame to MK. If he hadn’t acted, hadn’t tried to save his teacher and friend, Wukong would be ok and Azure Lion would’ve tooootally let him go after! Because his word has been faithful to that point and he hasn’t already double-crossed, totally.
Which is also pretty damn dirty on his part. For what little he knows of MK, he hit him where it hurt with that, and poured salt on the metaphorical aggravated wounds. He then proceeds to take away the pieces and put them on his belt as some kind of messed up memento. Wukong is dear to both of them, but Azure Lion decides that he should be the one to take his tiny maybe-not grave, and MK has to see Monkey King be taken away from him for a third time.
Where this compares to Wukong’s actions is how they would’ve handled the situation. Past Monkey King would’ve shifted the blame away from himself too- because hey, everyone should’ve known what to do, not his fault! But the Monkey King we know now, whose grown and lived long enough to see all of the consequences of his past actions, would’ve taken responsibility. He would find a way to fix things and make it his sole problem to deal with. (Not a completely healthy way to go about it, but by comparison he has more self awareness)
Azure Lion has had the same amount of time as Wukong to see how his actions affect the future and affect those around him, but his takeaway is completely different. He’s been stuck on what happened to him and their brothers, how they “failed”, and doesn’t bother to think about what could happen if/when they did overthrow heaven. Revenge against his former friend and everyone in heaven has just about narrowed his focus, and thus clouded his judgement. He’s stuck in the past and in many ways stunted his own growth.
Which brings me to some bullet points.
“Sun Wukong isn’t that great either“- No, he’s 100% flawed and still reaping what he sowed over his lifetime, but he’s had growth, like a lot of growth. Taking partial/a whole lot of responsibility with MK and interacting with his friends more has helped him relearn what it means to be a part of a group, and MK has had a positive influence on him. As the lead(?) writer said on Twitter, he’s actively working on being more honest with MK, and is going to tell him everything. He wants to change and is trying to not let himself be held back from that by his past. Also he’s working on undoing everything’s he’s done that’s both directly and indirectly hurt others.
(Almost) everyone’s motivations against Monkey King- As I’ve seen several people point out, all the characters that have had a valid reason to hate Sun Wukong have shared their side of events, Wukong hasn’t. Presenting a very black and white picture on things.
(1) Macaque was scorned and abandoned, and wants his former sworn brother and best friend to feel even worse and be tortured by what he did. We know what he said happened, we saw how he saw Wukong delivering the killing blow, but we don’t see the strike connect, and he was shortly taken out of the afterlife/hell/the underworld by Lady Bone Demon. Revived to serve under her and give him a chance to get back at Monkey King- keeping his motivation going so he follows her game of chess to a T. It’s still very possible that Wukong didn’t kill him- the way he acted in Ep.9 in the first season when he sees Macaque suggests to me he thought Macaque slunk away after their fight to nurse his wounds and lay low for a loooong while. Macaque has also been pretty damn deceitful and used MK as his own pawn to secure his freedom (and also get back at Wukong.)
(2) Spider Queen wanted him to die and get him out of the way of her world domination, pretty simple revenge plot there. Dunno what else could be said for that.
(3) Lady Bone Demon was a person who sought to give mortals salvation from heaven’s actions and negligence, which twisted into wiping out everyone who walked all over those less fortunate and did not have the same privileges, and then just straight up total annihilation because everyone, at some point, would hurt others and make the world worse.
(4) Azure Lion, Golden-Winged Eagle, and Yellow Tusk Elephant. Sun Wukong’s brothers and former family. There’s a WHOLE lot there that Azure Lion is definitely leaving out on purpose (like his brothers were sealed away in the scroll to atone for their actions, but we don’t know what they did besides rebelling against heaven to earn such a punishment). He and his brothers make most of their hate about their leader turning their back on them and becoming part of the system/people that oppressed them. Valid reason to be upset and never forgive Wukong, because he either never told them what happened or he also withheld information. That said, the flashback of Wukong coming back with the JttW group is framed in a similar way to Macaque’s flashback- Monkey King comes in, there’s a fierce battle, and it ends with Wukong bearing down and hitting them with the staff. It’s even mirrored with MK’s fight against him, but we know MK was coming down to grab Monkey King and leave with his injured friends. Azure Lion could only see Wukong coming back to hurt him, and lashed out in the worst possible way, leading to destroying his friend and unable to take the blame.
The implications of Azure Lion taking the Jade Emperor down and becoming the new ruler of the Celestial Realm- Azure Lion and his brothers succeed at the current end of season 4, and he asserts himself as the new ruler. When he does, reality between all of the realms nearly tears itself apart, and we see Macaque, Nehza, and MK feel the effects of the sudden power shift. What that implies could possibly means their individual powers are affected, orrrr since they’re all celestial beings, their souls are linked to the Celestial Realm and they have some kind of sixth sense that alerts them to these changes. Now that Azure Lion has control and all of the powers of the Emperor, he might just attempt a total party wipe like Lady Bone Demon tried to do. Most definitely going to try to manipulate and take advantage of MK’s slew of commplicated feelings with his true origins, and what Monkey King has done to MK in the time they’ve known each other. 
Now for theories/guessing what’ll happen in the S4 special.
Wukong tells MK very early on that his body can’t handle him overexerting his powers, and now that everything is on the line, again, and he’s lost Wukong, again, he may just tear himself apart to set everything right, and sacrifice himself so his friends survive and Monkey King can come back. We can see it happening now, after fighting his literal demons and intrusive thoughts personified, and triggering his transformation from a mortal to the celestial monkey he’s (possibly) always been. I’ll say along with that he might be having a hard time adjusting because he’s been away so long- from Monkey King, from Flower Fruit Mountain, his birthplace- and even though the staff unlocked most of it, his powers have laid dormant for a very long time, and he’s had a short time to train plus very little time to adjust having so much back all at once. Like a muscle that’s atrophied, he’s got to build it back up.
One of MK’s flaws is his tendency for self sacrificing, and while he does think of what’s important for his wellbeing, he still puts others before him, to his detriment. Carrying the trauma from everything that’s happened over the past year, he may feel that giving up his powers or his own life is what he has to do to set everything right and atone for the accidents he caused.
Azure Lion has literally gone godmode, and there’s not gonna be much he and his brothers can do to make up for taking it too far. It’s also very muddy, some morally grey areas, super emotionally charged. Also didn’t know where else to fit this but damn was he selfish for taking Wukong’s broken pieces away and threatening to break them even more if MK tried to fight him again. Like dude, wow.
MK won’t be alone, but he’s going to be facing a hard choice to make. If Azure Lion & co. walk away, he may just attempt everything again, and then they’re all gonna be living under the fear of brutal revenge for undoing someone’s very big mistake that they feel they had every right to do; Monkie Kid team doesn’t stop the cycle, and Azure Lion can continue to be willfully ignorant
Putting them all back in the scroll is a temporary solution and would be a little antithetical to everything our heroes have done so far. A punishment sure, but that also continues the cycle, and very little is learned. No matter what, Azure Lion will have to be kept from perpetuating the cycle of hurt and I don’t think they’re going to nuke him out of existence a la LBD. That would also not line up with everything they’ve done.
I sincerely hope we do see Monkey King bounce back like he did in the final fight against LBD, though there’s the chance if S5 happens, it’ll be the quest to restore Monkey King and MK has to figure things out on his own/with the assistance of a slightly calmer but still rogue Macaque. Angst, solving mysteries, and bonding galore! (but really Flying Bark, I will not be able to handle that. I want my cheesy but still very good resolution of Wukong coming back at the end and further paving the way for him and MK to bond and discover why he was created, and by who. I want to see these two catch a break and be happy! And grow as a family!)
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Silk Sheets
Summary: You’ve seen the weirdest things working in retail. But when you saw a hot blind man trying to figure out which silk sheets would be best for his delicate skin you did ask yourself… Why was it always the hot ones that are so weird?
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem. Reader
Wordcount: 2k
Rating: E
Warnings: flirting, a little judgement, smut (unprotected sex, oral; f receiving)
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Why did you agree to take a double shift?
It was almost 9pm on this way too warm Friday evening. People were out, enjoying their weekends or having dinner with their loved ones and you were here, in a department store in the middle of hell's kitchen, sitting in front of the only working fan in an attempt to cool yourself down. 
At least no one was bothering you and probably wouldn’t be until you had to close up in an hour. 
And then you… would just have to make the twelve blocks home.
In the middle of the night. 
But hey at least the pay was great and nothing had ever happened to you. 
You sighed, scrolling through your phone when the bell above the door rang, announcing a customer. 
“Great,” you muttered to yourself before you schooled your face into your customer friendly smile when a man stepped into your path of vision. 
He was…. He was fucking hot. 
Wearing slacks and a white button up tucked into his pants, the sleeves rolled over his elbow. The first few buttons were undone. 
When you finally looked into his face you saw a smile playing on his lips, his eyes hidden behind red glasses.
You noticed the cane in his hand. 
He was blind.
“Uhm… Can I help you?” you asked, rounding the counter so you were standing in front of him. 
He nodded, the smile still playing around the corner of his lips. 
“I need new bedsheets,” he said. 
“Oh of course. We have a wide variety of bedsheets in different fabrics,” you fell into your role. 
“Would you show me?” he asked. He held up his elbow and you took a deep breath as you stepped to his side, carefully laying your hand on his arm.
“Of course,” you said shy all of the sudden as you began to guide him towards the aisle. 
“Any particular colour?” you asked, flinching in the next moment. 
You heard a chuckle from your side and you looked up, seeing an amused smirk on his lip. 
“Surprise me,” he winked and you let out a nervous laugh. 
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“Silk sheets then?” you asked and he nodded. 
“I’m… a little sensitive? I think when I lost my eyesight my other senses went on overdrive and… I find that silk is the less disturbing fabric to sleep in,” he explained and you raised your eyebrows, nodding to his words. 
Sensitive…. You rolled your eyes. Of course there had to be something a little weird about him. 
His fingers brushed over the fabrics you had laid out, bringing it to his cheek. 
You were… confused and yet fascinated watching him try to figure out which material worked best for his precious skin. 
Though the mental picture of him naked in those silk sheets was doing something to you. Something you would explore later on in the comfort of your home, with your most trusted toy between your legs. 
“Which colour is this?” he asked and you huffed a laugh. 
“If I say pink, would you still buy it? Wait, do you know colours? Like… do you know how they…. look?” you frowned and he smiled. 
“Haven’t been blind all my life. So yes I do remember colours. Even if only vaguely.”
“Okay,” you smiled. “It’s not pink for the record. It’s light grey.”
“Good. I’ll take two. Surprise me with another colour if you have it,” he teased and you chuckled. You packed everything together before you helped him back to the front.
You put everything in a bag for him, billing everything in and printing the receipt after he paid, glancing at his card. 
Matthew Murdock. 
You frowned, having heard that name before as you glanced at the clock, noticing it was already past 10. 
“Thank you for your great service,” he said, taking the bag. 
“Just doing my job, Mr. Murdock,” you smiled and he chuckled. 
“Call me Matt please.”
“Okay, Matt,” you grinned.
It seemed like he was lingering around.
“Uhm… How long do you have until you close?” he asked. 
“We’re officially closed for the last fifteen minutes,” you said and he tilted his head, biting his bottom lip as if he was thinking. 
You wanted to be the one biting that lip. 
“Can I invite you for a drink?” he asked. “As a thank you for helping the weird blind guy.”
Your eyes got big.
“Did I say that out loud?” you asked and he laughed. 
“No but now I know you were thinking it,” he said and you wanted the earth to swallow you up. 
“You’re the worst,” you mumbled and he grinned. 
“That a yes?” he asked and you shook your head with a smile. 
“Yeah. Let me just grab my stuff.”
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“Fuck… right there,” you moaned, your hands in his hair as his arms held you pinned to his mattress while he was eating you out. 
This certainly wasn’t how you planned your day to end but you sure as hell weren’t complaining. 
He wanted to take you out to a bar but had to stop at his place to leave his stuff there, so he didn’t have to carry everything. Which made sense. Theoretically. 
Safe to say you did not make it to the bar after the door closed behind you and he kissed you for the first of many times. 
Now you were naked in his, admittedly very soft silk sheets, while he brought you closer to your second orgasm (he had made you cum riding his thigh on his couch before he carried you to his bedroom) with every stroke of his tongue through your pussy. Flicking our clit before he sucked it into the warm column of his mouth, two of his fingers filling you, making you cry out. 
“I’m… I’m so close… Please…” you whined. You wiggled in his grasp, trying to move your hips against his tongue. 
“Stay still,” he hummed, biting into the skin just under your hip bone, before he spit on your pussy, smirking up at you as he moved his fingers inside of you. 
“I can feel you. You’re so close… What do you need? Do you need… this?” he hummed, one finger rubbing over your clit while his other hand continued to move inside of you. 
“Or this?” he whispered, his lips closing around your clit before he sucked. Hard. 
“Fuck,” you let your head fall against the mattress, your muscles tensing as your orgasm crashed over you. You pulled at his hair, making him groan into you as he kept licking you until you were pushing him away from you, overwhelmed and oversensitive. 
He pulled his fingers from you, cleaning them up with his tongue like an ice cone before he softly kissed up your body.
You pulled him down on you when he finally was close to your lips, making him chuckle against your lips as he kissed you. 
You could heel him against your inner thigh, hard and throbbing. 
“I really want to you to fuck me,” you mumbled against his lips and he groaned. 
“Good. I want to fuck you too,” he said and you grinned, your hands pushing into his hair. 
“I want you to fuck me so hard I can feel you all weekend when I’m back home,” you whispered against his air, before you bit his earlobe. 
“Who said you were going to leave?” he asked with a smirk, kissing down your neck.
“Are you planning on keeping me here?” you asked. 
“If you let me,” he mumbled against your skin and you released a nervous breath, butterflies fluttering in your belly. 
“Fuck me, Matthew,” you whispered, parting your legs wider for him. 
“Do we need a condom?” his face was between your boobs, his attention with your nipples. 
“I’m clean and on birth control. If you’re clean and don’t have a condom somewhere where you don’t have to get out of this bed…”
“I’m clean. Fuck I really just wanna fuck you,” he let his head fall in between your boobs and you smiled, stroking your fingers through his hair. 
“Then fuck me. Make me cum on your cock,” you whispered and he groaned. 
“Give me a second. I think if I sink into you now I'm gonna cum immediately,” he mumbled into your boobs and you giggled. 
“Think about bed sheet fabrics?” you teased and he laughed before he pulled himself up and kissed you. 
He lined himself up, the tip of his cock slipping through your obscenely wet pussy before he slowly pushed inside. You closed your eyes, one hand on his back, the other hand on his ass.
“You feel… perfect.. Fucking…” he mumbled into your neck, kissing himself up while his length filled you until he was filling you to the brink. He kissed you then, giving you time to get used to him inside of you, your hand on his back wandering into his hair as his tongue pushed into your mouth before he began to move.
Fucking into you with deep thrusts. 
“Matt…” you moaned against his lips, one of his arms pulling you closer against him as he moved faster. It changed the angle in which he was fucking you, making you cry out in pleasure, parting from his lips.
“There… please… Please….” you whimpered and he fucked you harder. 
“There… I can feel you squeezing me…” he groaned and you looked at him, sweat running down his temple before his lips came down on yours. Hard and wanting, while your orgasm took you by surprise, your pussy pulsing around him as he continued to fuck you. 
“So fucking good…” he whimpered, before you felt him roll you to the side. 
“Wanna hold you when I cum inside of you,” he mumbled, pulling out of you. You turned around, pushing your ass against his cock as one of his arms pulled you up, your back against his chest, his hand on your boobs. He wasted no time filling you from behind, his other arm pulling you even closer towards him.
His face was buried in your neck, his lips on your skin. 
It felt intimate. More intimate that it should feel with someone you had only met hours ago. 
“Gonna cum,” he mumbled into your skin, one of his hands wandering down your body until you felt his fingers between your legs, rubbing your clit. 
“I… I can*t….” you whimpered, letting your head fall back against his shoulder. 
“You can…” he whispered and you turned your head towards him. 
“And you will,” he slapped your clit and your eyes rolled back. His lips found yours as you shattered around him, crying out his name as you came for the fourth time this evening. He cursed against your lips, groaning loudly before you felt him pulse inside of you, filling you with his warmth as he continued to fuck into you sloppily. 
He stayed there, deep inside of you, both of you sweaty and out of breath in each other's arms.
“That was….”
“Not at all how I expected this day would end,” you finished his sentence and you both laughed lightly. You turned your head to look at him.
He was smiling at you, his fingers brushing up your thigh. 
“This day is not over yet,” he hummed before he kissed your neck. 
You began to giggle all of the sudden and he looked at you with a smile on his lips. 
“At least you have new sheets to change,” you giggled and he laughed, his body shaking against yours. 
“True. But… These smell like you now, I don’t wanna change them… At least not now,” he mumbled and your heart swelled.
“You’re pretty damn cute, you know that?”
“You only say that because I’m still inside of you,” he grinned and you pushed against his shoulder playfully making him laugh. 
“Such a weirdo,” you shook your head with a grin. 
“But a weirdo with great sheets,” he hummed before he kissed you again. 
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ratcatcher0325 · 2 years
A Fraction of Justice (Chapter #23)
Alright, here we go with another angsty mess nightmare hospital chapter. 
So grateful to @not-a-space-alien, @kitn-underfoot, and @thegodmother007 for beta reading and giving me some awesome feedback!  
Chapter #23. Will our hero make it out of surgery and finally be done with this mess?
Previous: Chapter #22
Next: Chapter #24
Word Count: 8,904 Read Time: Approx. 60 mins
CW: adult language, extreme angst, dehumanization, infantilization, fearplay, injury, blood, surgery
Tag list: @gatlily @grbene @patrocolus3 @beautifulunknowntrash @titan-god-420 @andraimeide @themarlo @cup-o-chai @lucentbliss @raccoontoaster @tolsizedlove @not-a-space-alien , @thegodmother007, @honey-olive, @bittykimmy13 ,@aceouttatime, @imvenusasaboy, @liminaldaze, @windshield-patent, @joxter-coded, @rosella35, @narrans, @rubeau-art, @littlescaryinternetguy, @jae-from-discord, @kitn-underfoot, @secretly-small, @writing-forever, @iinogongju, @tales-of-aestus
Btw, DM me if you wanna be added to the tag list!
A Fraction of Justice
Chapter #21: Malpractices
[Natalie’s POV]
My leg bounced feverishly up and down as I sat up, board straight, teetering on the edge of the hard, plastic chair. It’d been 47…. No, make that 48 minutes since he’d been taken away. I couldn’t help but worry. Who could blame me? It was the first time since I’d found him that we’d been apart and I didn’t know he was somewhere safe and sound. 
I pictured him making fun of me for stressing so much, like some overly protective mother hen. He had no problem standing up for himself, I knew that. But then, the image of his little face when he was plucked out of my hands came to mind: his clear, blue irises wide and glistening with fear. He was strong, devilishly smart and extraordinarily brave, but he was still so very, very small, and, as much as I knew he’d resent the accusation, he was, also, fragile. I pictured just how tiny his hand was, fingers spread as he squeezed the tip of my pinky, barely able to grip onto the whole of it. Alexander could hiss and spit all he wanted, but the tech that had taken him away could still pin him down with just one finger. 
But it was fine, right? They can’t run and operate a business with neglect and not be called out for it, right?? Was he all worked up for nothing? Was I? I mean, I couldn’t blame the little man…. Being handed off to strangers who were twenty times bigger, a hundred times stronger and not likely to explain just what they were going to do to him, would terrify anyone. They were just running tests though, right? I imagined they’d need to take his vitals and possibly x-ray his knee to see how damaged it was.
But it wasn’t that, alone, that had made him tremble from head to toe and cling to the fabric of my shirt…. He seemed convinced that they might hurt him, mess up his treatment, kill him. He seemed keenly aware that it’d happened before, which utterly broke my heart. 
For the past half hour, I’d furiously scrolled through every review site I could find, double and triple checking for any sign that something could be amiss. I found nothing. Just run-of-the-mill posts about treating a cat’s ear infection or resetting a parrot’s broken wing. Still, I couldn’t seem to drop this chilling sense of dread. It didn’t escape my notice that there was practically nothing in-depth about treating little people like Alexander in any of the reviews, just mostly animals. I chewed on the beds of my nails absentmindedly as I fought to stay calm. 
 My knee continued to bounce, the rubber heel of my shoe keeping time on the discolored linoleum tile. Why did I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach? It wasn’t just because the environment around me was cheap and dilapidated…. Was it because the doctor had been dismissive of him in his initial exams? The thing was, he was just right there, beyond that metal door. I could rush in there and pluck him up before they could call security. Maybe? I didn’t know. I had no idea what kind of labyrinth of hallways and doors and operating rooms laid beyond the metal threshold before me. 
The thought of him being afraid or in pain in any way, was unbearable to me. What if he needed me and I wasn’t there? What if he was trembling head to toe like he had just a little less than an hour ago, whimpering in my cupped hand? What if he was scared and all alone, right now, and all I was doing was just sitting here… waiting…. Had I let him down? Had I put him in danger by trying to get him help? 
Or was I just having some sort of savior complex because I felt this intense need to control the world around Alexander?
I knew I had the best of intentions, but still…. I felt this need to know exactly where and how he was at all times. I shuddered remembering when I’d plopped him down in a box and expected him to stay there all afternoon, or when I’d trapped him inside my bedside table drawer, all alone, because he’d hurt my feelings. Was this another instance of me being overly controlling? Was I underestimating him, even now? To me, he was such a breakable little thing, easily bruised by this world that was much too big for him. 
The way he’d clung to my fingers, the fabric of my shirt…. I’d never seen him so vulnerable and afraid before. I’d never seen him look so small before. I jumped to my feet, my heart in my throat. He was just beyond that door. I took a few steps forward, watching with fixated curiosity as the wavy and warped reflection of my figure mocked me in the metal surface like some kind of twisted fun house mirror.  What if I just checked on him? For a second? They wouldn’t kick us out for that would they? The tips of my fingers journeyed through the ever-shrinking gap between my body and the boundary separating him and me. In the next beat of my heart and bat of my eyelashes, the whorls of my fingertips pressed into cool metal. Just for a second. I just want to see his little eyes and know he’s okay. 
Before I could apply any pressure, the door pushed back. I had no time to react before the doctor and a tech, the same girl in the purple scrubs that had carried him off, burst through the threshold. All three of us jumped, startled by what we unexpectedly found right in front of us. 
The doctor had been the one to shove the door open, and now here we stood toe to toe. Had I noticed before how much taller he was than me? He was the first to wrestle his words into speech after the shock, “E-excuse me, Ms. Marquez, what do you think you’re doing?” We stood uncomfortably close, neither giving ground.
“Where is he?” My voice wavered in such a way that exposed how nervous I really was. I clenched my jaw, trying to pull it together.  
“There’s nothing to worry about ma’am…. Please, have a seat…” The words, meant to be reassuring, came from a voice I hadn’t heard very much before: crisp, coaxing, female. On my left, the vet tech was halfway through the door which she propped open with an elbow. I searched her bare hands, feverishly, for a shock of blonde bangs and blue eyes. They were empty. I panicked. 
 “Wait… w-where is he? Why’s he still back there? Is he okay? Is he all alone? Is he scared? I need to know he’s okay—“ 
 “Of course! Of course, you’re concerned. Don’t worry, he’s perfectly safe and comfortable. If you’ll just take a seat, Doctor Greene will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have….” Her smile was blindingly bright, her eyes shimmering and earnest. The doctor nodded along with her as she spoke, raising his brows expectantly in my direction, when she was finished. I froze. Was I being a complete idiot right now? Was Alexander perfectly okay and I was looking insane for wringing my hands over him? But then why wasn’t he back in my arms safe and sound? What did they need to tell me? I just wanted to see him. Before I could process, those disappointingly empty hands with their chipped, dark polish, were lightly resting on my shoulders, guiding me away from the door and back where I began, seating me in that hard plastic chair. 
 I stammered, “W-what’s wrong with him? Why won’t you bring him out here? All he needed was medicine for the infection, right?” As I hurled my volley of questions, the doctor, who I just now noticed had a file tucked under his arm and no longer sported his white coat, sat down and wheeled over to the examination counter, placing the file flat on its surface and resting his elbows so that his poised hands came to rest below his chin. As he did this, the tech settled in the back corner of the room, leaning against a cabinet in the corner halfway in front of the door that lead to Alexander. My pulse pounded away in my skull, that tan folder with its unknown contents burned a hole in my periphery as I stared into the veterinarian’s bespectacled eyes. 
 He cleared his throat as I gripped the rough underside edge of my seat, “First off, I want to apologize for the lengthier than usual wait time on our initial examinations. It’s nothing at all to worry about. I promise, your companion is in very attentive and focused hands, here. Isn’t that right, Nina?” The tech nodded in agreement, smiling again. Why did his tone shift ever so slightly when he included her in the narrative? “Now, to the matter at hand. Unfortunately, the damage is, well, worse than we thought…” my stomach dropped at those words. As he continued, he reached for the file between us, “If we take a look at these… Nina, if you will?” 
 He flipped the file open to reveal a paper splotched with deep, inky blacks and ghostly, silvery whites. I couldn’t tell what I was looking at. Nina stepped forward at his command, clutching the paper, she turned from me and flipped on the light box mounted on the wall to my left. 
She spoke as she worked, “Your little friend is awfully cute. I can tell he’s a little spitfire, though, too! But, hey, don’t worry, he just needed some gentle coaxing and he was the perfect little patient!” Why did my hackles raise at that? I had a hard time believing her. It wasn’t easy to get Alexander to do anything he didn’t want to. Was he really just scared enough to be docile for once in his life? That didn’t seem like the fiery little man I knew at all. 
 Before I could follow up with more questions, the room was cast into darkness, as she flipped off the lights and clipped up the paper on the illuminated display. Suddenly, the smoky shapes came in to clear focus in the backlight. It was an X-ray. It was his x-ray. I was looking at Alexander’s skeleton. My blood pumped faster in my veins, as my brow furrowed and I felt a tightness in the back of my throat. I couldn’t help but clamor to my feet to get a closer look. Because he was so small, he fit head to toe inside the image, the only part of him that was cut off was his left shoulder and leg on the right side of the display. That was him, his tiny little skeleton, blown up larger than life on a pitch black background. This image of him was at least four of five times larger than the real thing. Even then, how fragile those little bones looked! None of them were thicker than two fingers pressed together. My eyes went immediately to his right knee joint. I was no medical professional, but I didn’t need to be to see the sharp, black line that cut across his bone just above the knee. A complete break, not just a fracture. The blurry white mess that was his actual knee seemed to show how damaged it was. Poor little Alexander had been hobbling around on a broken leg? 
 With a grunt, the doctor rose from his seat and shuffled over to the display, “As you can see, the joint is severely damaged and there appears to be a significant break on the very base of the femur. Have you been allowing him to exercise? Put any unnecessary strain on it?” 
 “N-no. Not that I know of. I’ve been trying really hard to keep him still and off his feet as much as possible…” But it was anyone’s guess what he’d endured before I found him. He wouldn’t tell me anything. 
 “It appears the damage has been exacerbated by too much weight on the wound… wear and tear from strenuous over-use…” for some reason, he darted a glance at the black-haired tech, before clearing his throat, “In any case…. Nina, turn on the light, if you want it to heal right, he’ll need surgery to reset the bone and to flush out the infection, which has spread to a critical extent…” the room was flooded with blinding fluorescent light, once more, making me wince as my eyes fought to adjust and I struggled to understand him. 
 My world stopped as what he was saying finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I managed to stutter out just one word, “S-surgery??” I parroted it back like an idiot. The thought of his tiny little body being operated on by their comparatively massive hands sent shivers down my spine. 
 “Yes.” His response was simple and blunt, I stood, rooted to the spot, in shock, “Please sit.” As he beckoned for me to be seated he fetched the X-ray from its no longer illuminated display box and sat down, pulling a sharpie pen from the breast pocket of his scrubs, “So, we’d make an incision here, just above the break—“ he began marking the ghostly image of Alexander’s leg with the pitch black ink. I interrupted.
 “W-wait, wait, wait. Surgery? Are you sure there’s no alternatives? He can’t just, like, I don’t know, have a stint or something?” 
 The doctor’s exhale sounded almost amused as he removed his glasses to polish them on the bottom hem of his scrubs. “My understanding is you have no insurance. Is that correct?” 
 “…. Well, y-yes….”
 “I want to be completely honest with you. The fact of the matter is, this particular procedure will be costly without insurance. And, not only that, performing these kinds of operations on such small animals carries with it a significant risk—“
 “—He’s not an animal…He’s a person, just like you or me… he’s just littler, that’s all….”
 “O-of course! Of course he is! He seems very smart, too!” Nina was smiling brilliantly again. I clenched my teeth. I was beginning to dislike her.
 “It is my professional opinion that an operation will be necessary to save Alexander’s life. Now, I understand you may be hesitant, due to the upfront cost–”
 I snapped back, a newfound edge in my voice, “I don’t give a fuck what it costs, I just want him to be okay. Is that a clear enough answer for you? And, anyway, he should have some say in this. It’s his body, after all. Have you told him yet? Bring him here, and I’ll make a decision with him.”
 Another exchange of charged glances, and then a blunt response from the doctor, “Unfortunately we can’t do that.” 
 My heart was pounding faster and the room suddenly felt hot, I scowled and spoke through clenched teeth, on the razor’s edge of holding it together, “What do you mean you can’t??? You most certainly can. I have a right to see him. If he’s fine, like you say, then there’s no reason why you can’t let me talk with him, right now.” 
 The doctor leaned away from me, rolling his chair a bit further back, almost as if in a protective stance between myself and the door that continued to bar my way, “To clarify, what I mean is that would be a very bad idea. You see, in our experience, reintroducing the patient to…. The human they’re most familiar with after they’ve been properly acclimated and relaxed, will only serve to significantly agitate and generate an undue amount of stress for the patient right before major surgery. It is best to keep them calm and in one location prior to operating. You wouldn’t want to frighten him, would you?” 
 “Well, no, of course not, but—“ 
 “—and, as for his consent to the operation, we, of course, agree with you wholeheartedly, that your companion should have a voice, however, we, unfortunately, live in a world where only your signature is binding.” By the time he finished his speech, he’d rolled back to the edge of the counter opposite me. 
 I swallowed, my nervous system awash with adrenaline, my mind abuzz with fear and frustration. I just wanted to see him, to know he was okay, to hold him and never let him go again, “You say he’s just waiting back there? He’s not in pain? He hasn’t asked for me?” 
 The vet tech replied, her intended reassurance somehow unsettling to me, “Believe me, we made sure he was as relaxed as possible before we came in here to talk to you. He’s in no pain, whatsoever.” 
 “A-and there’s no alternative to keep him from having to go under?” 
 “Unfortunately, no.” It was her boss’s turn to reply. All I could think about was the look on Alexander’s face when he begged me not to let them put him to sleep. My chest tightened, the doctor carried on, “The infection is getting worse by the minute. It’s highly possible, if not probable, that if left untreated, it will develop into sepsis, which can lead to organ failure. In addition, he likely won’t walk again if the leg doesn’t have the chance to heal properly. He’s stable at the moment, but he needs to be treated now to prevent further complications…” I blinked hard, trying to settle the fire alarm fire blazing in the back of my skull. I gaped, like a fish, my eyes darting from my own hands, clasped tightly together, and back up to the doctor. 
 “I-I just want him to come out of this okay…” As I stammered, the tech fished for and offered me a document, flipping it open to a signature line, while the doctor offered me a hefty ballpoint pen from his front pocket. 
 “Then all you have to do is sign and date right here and we’ll get your little guy all patched up!” A painted nail tapped along the dotted line. I stared hard at the black blocks of text on white printer paper, but couldn’t make sense of any of them.
 It didn’t seem like I had any choice. He could die if something wasn’t done, and fast. My heart was thundering in my chest. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do everything I could to help him. He was a fighter, he’d fight through this too. The least I could do was give him a chance. Then, when it was all done, I’d do everything I could to help him get back to normal as soon as I could hold him in my arms again. The sound of an impatient cough broke me from my train of thought. 
 “So? How would you like to proceed?” 
 I bit my lip, my head on fire. I reached for the pen, unable to think about anything other than those two frightened little eyes, “You promise me you’ll take good care of him? That you’ll be gentle? He-he means a lot to me. I don’t— I don’t know what I’d do if anything….” I choked on the words as my eyes welled. I cleared my throat to hold it down. “I’m not going anywhere until I’m holding him again and I know he’s safe and sound.” 
 “You’ve got nothing to worry about. Like we said, we think he’s just precious. It’s always such an honor to take care of other people’s companions. He’ll be back to normal in no time.” That blinding smile. Paper pushed forward. The pen, slippery between my clammy fingers. I swallowed, hands trembling, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. 
I was floating, weightless, not quite alive, not quite dead. I felt nothing, I had no sense of my body, where I was in space, or time, for that matter. I was asleep, but dreaming in vivid color of nothing put velvety blackness stretching on for eternity. Who and what was I? I didn’t have the faintest idea. 
Then, as if honing in on some distant frequency, like sudden static from an alien satellite transmission, I heard a babbling of noises, coupled with a repetitive sound, like a beeping, that cycled at seemingly regular intervals.  
They were incomprehensible at first, these sounds, just irritants, loud and untranslatable. But slowly, slowly, this floating, weightless, thing that was and wasn’t me, whoever that was, began to stitch the sounds together into… words. 
Floating above my consciousness like some ethereal notes in some unknown symphony, I found descriptors for these sounds, or, I think they were called, voices? One sounded female, the other male. I couldn’t, at that moment, remember what those descriptors implied, but I, somehow, knew they were apt. As I floated along in darkness, those words began to form snatches of sentences. 
 The male was first, “Wait, wait, you actually said that?” 
Then the female, “Fuck yeah, I did. I was like, ‘Lady, your little dude literally could not be more relaxed’ and she was just all, ‘Oh, o-okay’. Like, I won’t lie, for a minute there I thought we were gonna have to call security, but she totally ate it up after a while…” 
“No shit?” 
“That’s the thing, Greene pegged her for one of those overly-concerned types. So, it wasn’t hard to build up the drama of it all. These little guys are, like, cash cows if we put them under the knife…”
“Really? Why? Cuz they’re basically the same as people?”
“Yeah. Dude, look I know you’re new and everything but did you not pay attention at all in school? You have to take a whole extra semester of classes just to be qualified to operate on ‘em. And, yeah, he’s still sorta in hot water from the shit that went down a few months ago, but, like, it’s not like Miss Worry Wart and her pissed off little chihuahua here, will ever know about it. I think Greene’s smart to go after the money. Anyway, he showed her how bad the break was and pushed her to go for it. Don’t tell Greene this, but I think the full break in his femur might be our fault. We might’ve been a little too rough– Don’t say a fucking word, Jason, you toyed with him just as much as I did…” 
More sounds accompanied my non-existence as I heard things I think I remember calling footsteps and the scraping of chair legs on a linoleum floor, a new gruff voice, male. Barking, commanding. All the while that same beeping sound, keeping rhythm like a… metronome? Was that the proper term? 
I heard words like scalpel, incision, stable, antibiotic. I had a sense I was once familiar with them. 
However, as the unknown length of time pressed on, my endless floating began to change. Numbness no longer permeated all around. I slowly began to sense that I was…. Lying down? That I was…. Cold? Very, very cold. Or was I hot? That rhythmic sound changed its beat, getting faster. I heard, “vitals shifting” from… one of those voices? Or all three? I knew, now, I had a body, even if I couldn’t feel it. Well, not all of it. 
As though waking from a dream, second by second, feeling returned. Like a kettle slowly rising to a feverish, shrieking boil, I too, began to feel a tingling, which turned into a hazy ache, that cascaded into a burning, a searing, an excruciating wildfire of pain exploding from my leg. The background rhythm was beeping like crazy now, inconsistent and frightening. The part of me I remembered as a chest was heaving up and down. 
Above all that, came loud, thundering, angry voices, like gods threatening to rent the sky in two with their rage. 
The gruff, male voice was accusatory, “How much, Nina? How much did you administer?” 
A female voice, high, defensive, “W-well, I didn’t wanna over do it! Look at him, he’s tiny!”
A third, panicked, “His heart rate is spiking, he’s destabilizing… h-he’s coming to!” 
“Nina, you have to tell me what you gave him or I’ll end up killing the little bastard. How much?” 
“Shit! I gave him 0.2 milliliters, okay??” 
The panicked male rejoined, “I told her that wasn’t enough, sir! I said—“ 
“Oh shut up, why don’t you? I can’t trust  either of you. It’s a simple fucking task… and you two still fuck it up—“ 
Like being suddenly and forcefully pulled from the quiet, rocking depths of the ocean to flounder helplessly on the deck of a boat, gasping for air and waiting for death, all medicinal haze was ripped away and I was fully aware, fully awake and fully alive to the absolute horror that was my situation. 
The sounds of my own screaming seemed separate from me, as I sat up, flailing, bloodshot eyes wide and twitching. I heard the voices of the creatures so much bigger than me up above. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, restrain him before he fucks this up!” 
 In one panicked, fear filled heart beat, I took it all in: blinding, painful overhead light, blue, monstrous tendrils, encased in latex, like some kraken with twenty powerful appendages instead of just eight, surrounded me. The human fingers were all so huge and overwhelming. There was something shoved down my throat, slick, clear, it snaked off to an unknown destination, on my chest, something adhesive, thick, stiff, with wires protruding from it, an electrode for an electrocardiograph, but seemingly for a much larger life-form than myself. Without hesitation, I pulled on the tube, but was barely able to wrap a fist around it before.. 
“Oh no you don’t, stay still!” Those disembodied fingers wrested it away from me and pinned me back down against the metal surface below. I didn’t want them to touch me, I had to get free. Snarling and screaming, I writhed and kicked, but that quickly came to an end when my entire body was suddenly wracked with a sharp, biting, fresh sensation: the most excruciating pain I’d ever felt in my life. 
Through the tears welling in my eyes, I hazarded a glance down at my leg. What I saw there made me nearly pass out. 
 Blood was spewing, thick, red, hot, horrendous. My knee was all red, open flesh, slick and horrific. The source of this brand new pain? Still pinched between his fingers, the blade of the scalpel, massive, razor sharp, was buried in the flesh of my knee. I was screaming and wailing, trembling from head to foot. 
 Meanwhile, the man wielding the instrument of death above my head, simply scowled as though he’d found a bruise on his apple or a fly in his drink. He grimaced at his surgical tool in my leg like it was some mildly frustrating inconvenience that was interrupting his work. Planting a finger on my ankle and a thumb on my thigh, he pinched the handle of the blade and ripped it from my leg. My ears rang as my vision faded momentarily. 
 He replaced the bite of the scalpel with pressure from a thumb pressing a strip of gauze to staunch the bleeding, over his shoulder, he regarded his inferior, “Well, at least this one isn’t dead because of your little mishap. Where’s Lindsey? She’s the only person here I can trust to do anything right the first time.” 
 “Y-you put her on laundry…. Sir….”
 “Go get her.” The young man stared at his boss, with a dumbfounded expression, “That means now, Jason! Goddammit, I’m surrounded by idiots! As for you, Nina. This is the last straw. Pull this shit again and you’re fired. I’ve already got the AHA crawling up my ass about the last case. Go home, I don’t want to see you till Monday.” 
 “-But… I was just having fun with the little guy, I didn’t mean—“ 
 “Monday. 6 am. Got it?” 
 “You know this little fucker bit me? Maybe we shouldn’t waste all our time and effort and just put him down for aggressive behavior!” 
 “Nina, go home!” And with a dissatisfied sigh, she was gone from my field of vision. He spoke, but not to me, “I’m getting way too old for this shit…” I felt eyes trained on me for a split second, before the sound of a door squealing open, caused us both to turn our heads in its direction. 
 Lindsey practically ran in, Jason, seemingly with no sense of urgency whatsoever, following behind. 
 Breathless, the kind woman rushed over to where I lay. The man pressing his thumb into my open flesh, bellowed at her, “Lindsey, finally! I’ve staunched the bleeding. Clean up this godforsaken mess, intubate him, suture the site of incision, blah, blah. You know what you’re doing. I need a fucking cigarette… or ten. Come get me when it’s time for client delivery. Ah, and Jason…. You’ve proven today to be utterly useless, too. Go home and get out of my hair before you make my migraine any worse.” 
 The grumbling voices and movements of the men faded from my notice as the young woman with bright, hazel eyes stared down at me with true compassion. I was a pathetic mess, face streaked with tear stains, the plastic tubing thrust down my throat, half naked and trembling as my knee lay cut open and thoroughly rent. 
 “You poor, poor little thing. What’d they do to you? Are you in pain?” I nodded furiously, tears threatening to fall again. My breathing was ragged. Every muscle in my body ached. I didn’t have the energy to make noise anymore, let alone put up a fight. 
 “Of course you are. Okay, well I promise you I will help you. I’ll do everything I can to help. It’s Alexander, right? I’m Lindsey. I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve this, Alexander. Look at me, hey, it’s okay. Don’t cry. You’ll be back home in no time. But first, I need your help, alright? Will you help me? I need to close up this wound here, so you can start to heal. But, that’s going to be extremely painful if you’re awake. Do I have your permission to put you to sleep so you won’t feel anything?” I jumped, snarling and shaking my head,  “I promise, I know how to do it correctly. You won’t wake up in the middle of it, this time. Look, here, I’ll show you exactly what I’m gonna do. You see your knee, how it’s still all cut open and exposed? I’m going to stitch that all back together, with one line down the middle and a horizontal line above your knee. You’ll have a “T” shaped scar once it heals. All the infection is cleared out and, hopefully you’ll regain full use of that joint after the bone in your leg fuses back. But I don’t know for sure, now that you got an abrasion from a scalpel on top of everything else. Hey, don’t squirm… try to lie still… I know you don’t know me, but I need you to trust me, okay? I wanna see you reunited with… What’s your friend’s name? Is it… Natalie?” I nodded, noticing how my heart fluttered and the machine with its beeping gave away the increase in my heartrate, “I wanna see you reunited with Natalie as soon as possible. You want that, too, don’t you?” I nodded, gritting my teeth through the constant pain, “I’ll make you another promise in return, okay? I won’t leave your side and I won’t let anyone else lay a finger on you until you’re back in Natalie’s hands. Do we have a deal?” I nodded sheepishly. Feeling utterly spent, but still completely terrified, I laid back down, flat on my back, and began counting backwards from one hundred to calm myself. 
 “Okay, Alexander, I’m turning on the anesthesia now. All you have to do is take a deep breath, in through your mouth and out, through your nose… Good, perfect. That’s perfect. You’re going to be okay, Alexander. Natalie’s waiting for you. It’s time to sleep, now… jussstttt relaaaaaxxxxxxx…” My eyelids felt extraordinarily heavy as her voice melted and faded. Then, within another cycle of breath, I was fast asleep. 
 I’d long since chewed my cuticles to bits until I drew blood. I’d paced every square inch of this hellish little room that was starting to feel more like a cage than a waiting area. I’d driven the secretary crazy asking time and time again if they’d be done soon. Her flat, insincere, “Any moment, I’m sure” made my blood boil. I was about to tear my hair out at the roots when the squeal of the door made me leap to my feet and fly across the linoleum tiles.The woman who entered the room was a stranger to me. She came in pushing the door with her shoulder, her back to me, initially. As she turned around, I saw why she’d come in that way. Her hands were otherwise full with a tiny little body.
 He was cradled very gently in her cupped hands, completely unconscious. He lay there, peacefully, his knee wrapped thickly in a massive bandage of white gauze. I reached out for him immediately, “Let me! I have to hold him. Is he okay?” Wordlessly, she very carefully slid his limp little form from her hands to mine. I cupped both palms, trembling just to feel his skin on mine again. The second his tiny weight landed in my grasp, my eyes welled with tears. 
 He lay there, completely disheveled, his lips parted, his hair sticking up all over the place, his skin looked pallid and shiny from sweat. I cradled his little head on the pad of my pinky finger. The same one he’d squeezed before being carted off. The rest of him nestled safely in the hammock of my two palms pressed together, his heels resting just over the edges of my hands, balancing atop my wrists. I was so grateful just to hold him again, I leaned in and whispered, “Alexander. You’re okay. You’re coming home… I was so worried about you…” I rubbed his hair from his eyes, caressed his little cheek, traced his chin, rubbed his pecs and relished in the pounding of his tiny heart, all with the tip of my thumb. 
 I had forgotten for a moment that he and I were not the only ones in the room. I glanced up to notice the new vet tech standing politely, staring at the little man in my hands with an expression that mirrored my own. I cleared my throat, hurling a barrage of questions at her, “So? How is he? How’d he do? Is he going to heal successfully?”  
She seemed to hesitate at these questions. My pulse quickened as I watched her cast her eyes down, before meeting my gaze. I furrowed my brow, she cleared her throat, “… He, he was… incredibly brave. The good news is he should be free of infection and after a round of antibiotics, he will be back to normal. Um… However, the surgery involved… well, a little more trauma than expected…” 
“W-what? What does that mean?” 
She was hushed to silence as Doctor Greene chose this incredibly inopportune time to make his appearance. The second he walked in the door the smell of cigarettes wafted in with him. Did the tech’s shoulders seem to slump a bit when he entered the room? “I see you’ve already gotten acquainted with Lindsey…” he then whipped around to her and mumbled under his breath, “I thought you were going to tell me when you were ready to return him…” She didn’t say a word as he turned to me, his voice back to being chipper and light, “…And your little friend is back where he belongs. Wonderful. Now, as you can see, everything went just fine. He’s still under the influence of anesthesia at the moment, and it will likely take him several hours before he’s fully alert and awake again. Now I will tell you, when he does come to, it is highly possible that he will be disoriented and confused. He may not know himself or you at first. He may ramble on about half truths and hallucinations from his experience with us. This often happens. Their little brains get flooded and they become highly overwhelmed. They often exaggerate the details. Don’t worry if he acts a little skittish, or upset by the ordeal, they almost all do. We do everything we can to keep them calm, but it can still be frightening simply because they don’t understand. Just lay him in some dark, isolated place and he’ll quiet down soon enough.” I wasn’t going to put him in solitary confinement after one of the most traumatizing experiences of his life! He’d be right by my side until he made a full recovery. That was non-negotiable. 
I stared at his sleeping form in my hands. Alexander, his head was no bigger than the tip of my pointer finger. His hair stuck to his forehead in a sticky, sweaty mess, his little chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm. I carefully slid him into one cupped palm, gently taking up his tiny left hand on the tip of my, now free, finger. Even in his unconscious state, his body fully limp, the weight of his hand, his arm, felt like nothing. 
Alexander, were they good to you? Are you going to be okay? What did she mean there was more trauma? I wish you’d open your little eyes and talk to me. I want to hear it from you, no one else. He, of course, stayed motionless. The doctor continued on, “I’ve filed a prescription for a round of antibiotics, as well as pain medication, those will stave off infection and help with recovery. Now, the bandages will have to be changed at regular intervals, and please don’t forget to wrap the sutures in plastic wrap before dipping him in water, otherwise you’ll be right back where you started. Keep the area as dry as possible and, of course, keep him from bearing any weight on it for the first four weeks. Speaking of…”
He began to fish in his pocket. I continued to stare at the sleeping little life taking refuge in my hands, my heart skipping a beat when his tiny hand flexed and squeezed my finger. I looked up long enough to see the vet reveal, in the flat of his palm, something sealed in a little plastic bag printed with labels that obscured what was inside, “Now, he, almost guaranteed, won’t need that walking aide long term, but just in case, or at least for those first few weeks, after the initial month off, he’ll have it. You can give it to some dollhouse enthusiast afterwards.” I reached for the tiny aluminum cane, approximately three inches long, and pocketed it, before caressing his bright, golden hair, “And, if you think he’ll try to mess with his bandages too much, these are highly effective at dissuading them…” He’d fished around in a drawer before offering something else in his outstretched hand. This time, it was a tiny little surgical cone. I set my jaw. Absolutely fucking not. He’d kill me if I put that on him. My disapproving sneer was enough to express my opinion on the matter, “Alright, then. Just a suggestion…. I have one more form that I’ll need from you for our exit paperwork and otherwise, Trisha should settle payment at the front desk.”
“You know he’s gonna tell me if you did something….” I tore my eyes away long enough to burn holes into his bespectacled ones. 
He raised his brows, smirking a bit in surprise, “Of course, miss. But, like I said, they come up with all kinds of fanciful tales when under the influence of medication. He’ll likely be quite disoriented and confused.” 
“You have no clue who you’re messing with, do you? If you so much as bent a hair out of place, I promise you, you’re going to regret it. He won’t hesitate to come after you.” 
A stifled chuckle and the clearing of a throat on his part told me what he thought about that. The tech just stared at the floor, clearly unamused. 
I raised a brow, challenging him, “Just wait and see what happens….” It was enough to make the veterinarian and his tech exchange a worried glance. Satisfied, I left that godforsaken room and checked out. It was a blur of curt interactions. I tried not to balk when the total was read aloud. I just wanted to get him home and away from this place. 
The drive home was drizzly, cold. It’d gone from morning to dusk since I’d first arrived, to now, as the hospital finally faded from my rearview mirror. As I drove, I cradled him with one hand against my pounding heart, caressing his head and chest with a thumb. 
 Returning home, finally, after picking up his medications, I collapsed on the bed, unwilling to let him out of my sight for more than the length of a single heartbeat. “You’re gonna be okay, Alexander. You’ll heal up, good as new. I’m right here with you, I’m not going anywhere, never again.” I stroked his head, his cheek, his chest. When I laid the length of my finger down on top of his body, he, as if from instinct, wrapped his tiny arms around it, just like he had the day I’d watched him sleep in my nightstand drawer. 
 I couldn’t help myself, my throat got tight again. Poor Alexander. He was such a fighter, a survivor, but at the end of the day he just needed a little bit of tenderness and love, like everyone else. I burst into tears, “You’re so sweet under all of it. You’re such a sweetheart. So small…. Look at you, look at how little you are. I can feel your tiny heart pounding away. What’re you dreaming about? Do you know you’re safe? Do you know you’re with me?”
 His brow twitched and I held my breath, hoping to watch him stir awake. But no, his little arms went limp again, one sliding off of my finger and landing, limply, by his side. I pinched his other wrist between the pads of my fingers and kissed the inside of his palm with careful lips, “You’re so brave. You’re so incredibly brave. Do you know that? I’m in awe of you. You’re so much stronger than I could ever be…And…I’m so sorry.” My chest hurt as my throat clamped down, the tears cascading down the planes of my face, “I’m sorry if you’re hurting. I never meant to hurt you. You have to know that. I wanted to help. I just wanted to help you get better. Please, please wake up. Alexander? C’mon, open your eyes. Please tell me you’re okay. Tell me that bad feeling I had was just a feeling and nothing more. Did I fuck up? Were you scared? Alone? Did you need me to come rescue you? If they hurt you, I’ll help you kill them and hide the bodies. I swear. I’ll help you make them pay. You deserve so much better than this, Little Nightmare. Let me help make it better. In whatever way I can. Please. Just wake up….” 
 I took his tiny hand and splayed it out on the tip of my finger. It was his left hand, his writing hand. Tiny little veins protruded from the back of it and along his forearm. His fingernails were hard to even see, slightly purple against the rest of his skin. The fingers were lithe, slender. He had ‘perfect piano playing hands’ as my mother had always called them. I adored this little hand. I rubbed the back of it, with an ever so delicate brush of my right thumb. You’re going to do great things with these hands. I know you will. 
 Almost as if on cue, he started to stir and twitch. My heart leapt to my throat, as I watched wide-eyed and breathless. I laid his little hand back down over his chest. I wasn’t sure if he’d be blitzed out from the drugs and think I was trying to grab him. His brow furrowed deeply as he tossed his head to the side. His whole body shivered and his little hands twitched and then relaxed. My heart was thundering away. Then, in a sudden rush, he opened his brilliant little eyes with a gasp, and stared up, directly at me. Good morning, Little Nightmare. 
 “Hello. How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Are you okay?” I spoke just above a whisper, trying to be as soft and comforting as I could. His brow furrowed as he listened to the timbres of my voice. He looked confused, his eyelids seeming far too heavy for him to keep open. He didn’t say a word, just blinked lazily, his little mouth slightly open, “Alexander? Talk to me. How do you feel?” 
 His eyes batted in rapid succession, he sucked in air, as if shocked, “You know my name???” Did he not even recognize me? Was he still disoriented like the doctor had mentioned?
 “Alexander? Of course I know your name…. Do you know mine? Do you know who—“ 
 He scoffed, blowing air through his lips, interrupting me. He did this far too loudly and for far too long, even after I’d gone silent. As he laid back in my hand, every muscle relaxed, his cheeks flushed, his jaw slack and his speech lazy as though speaking through a mouthful of cotton, that little know-it-all brain of his still managed to shine through, “Of course I know who you are! Easy…” he paused for a full five seconds, searching for the next word, “…peasy…” Oh my fucking god, this tiny man is still high off his fucking ass!
 He blinked, once, twice, three times, as he lifted himself up on an elbow. But he was barely able to do that before he came crashing back down with a little grunt, his head lolling a bit. I tried to stifle my laughter, reminding him to be careful. “No, nnno! D-don’t, don’t you laugh at me!” 
“I’m not! I’m not laughing at you, Alexander, I promise!” I protested, literally fighting to keep my composure as I spoke. 
His brow furrowed as he huffed, all the while pointing his little finger up at me, jabbing the air like a professional swordsman, “You are! You think I don’t know! B-but I’m nnot stupid! I know! I know exactly who you are! Ex-ac-tly!” He punctuated each syllable while his head lolled about and he blinked sleepily, “So don’t… don’t act like I don’t know! I do! I’d recognize you anywhere!!” Okay, little man, we get it. You’re right, I’m wrong, what’s new? Even high you’re always ready to pick a fight with me. 
 I’d gone from weeping over his limp little body, to biting back tears of laughter. He was entirely in his own little world right now. I couldn’t believe I was watching the same super serious, uptight, angry little bastard I’d come to know and love now rambling nonsense in his post-surgery daze. I tipped my chin, having way too much fun, “Oh yeah? Who am I, then, smarty pants? What’s my name??”  
“You…. You are unmistakably–  Mmmm, the air tastes funny…”  
“Hmm??” His eyes were halfway to closing as he mumbled. Poor thing. He’d been through so much. I should let it go. 
“Never mind, forget it… you should rest—“ 
Then, with a sudden burst of energy that made me jump, he stared me straight in the eye and pointed up at me, “Arwen Undómiel!! Th-that’s… that’s your name…” He was grinning from ear to ear, absolutely delighted with himself for cracking the case. 
“I’m sorry… what?!” He thought I was a Tolkien elf. And he’d said it in perfect elvish, no less. The smartest man I’d ever met genuinely believed I was a fictional elf. Oh god, I hope he remembers this, so I can tease him about it later. I couldn’t help myself: I burst into laughter.
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weaselle · 1 year
so now that i work outside with dogs i seem to have a tick-sense.
the first time i noticed it i was driving home. And you know how sometimes you’ll have a hair somewhere between your clothes and your skin that’ll tickle, or some thread from some seam or something?
I kept feeling that near the top of my sock under my pants. And i’d brush at it absentmindedly and it would stop bothering me and i didn’t think anything of it.
But. I did keep randomly remembering all the times i’ve come into contact with ticks, removing them from dogs etc. Spacing out on my drive home and my thoughts kept getting hijacked by all my memories of ticks.
And right when i noticed hey, weird, i been thinking about ticks this whole drive home... i felt the tickle again. And I Knew. 
Sure enough there was a tick crawling around trying to find a way down into my sock
Since then, i’ve had similar experiences. Like of course I still feel the hair/thread thing and sometimes there’s actually a spider or a gnat or something... but every once in a while, i’ll feel the tickle a couple times without really noticing and then i’ll suddenly get interrupted by Knowledge of Tick. Not all ticks will feed from humans, but if any were going to, I got to them before they could. And once I sense there’s a tick on me, I’ve never been wrong.
Just now, scrolling tumblr here, i felt the brush of some thread or whatever a couple times, scratching at it a bit, then Suddenly Knew of Tick. So i pinched the spot with one hand, undid my belt and buttons with the other removed my pants, flipped them inside out around the pinched part opened my pinch and of course there was a tick, so i flushed it
As i did so, i realized the whole thing about how the tick sense hadn’t been wrong yet. Even that ant on the back of my neck last week hadn’t set it off in error. And then i was like, okay, but now that you’ve noticed that, you’ll get up in your head about it and wind up going tick hunting after some piece of lint down your pant leg or something.
Walking pants-less back into my room i thought about how for a little while after finding a tick or a spider or something on you, you tend second guess every itch and tickle and get the phantom crawlies (just me? surely not) Anyway, i wanted to alleviate that as much as possible, so i checked over my legs carefully, grabbed a pair of sweat pants that never leave the house and changed out of the shirt I wore outside today.
so i wasn’t wearing anything i’d been outside in. And yet, like 20 minutes later... Suddenly Tick Sense. On my leg almost the same spot as before. 
And i’m like, no way, there’s no way, this is it, this is where the phantom crawlies get me, or i’m going to find a piece of lint or something, and break my streak. But it’s going off like crazy, the Tick Sense, so i pinch off the spot and flip my sweatpants inside out, and y’all,
And as far as super powers go, knowing the difference between a tick touching me versus literally anything touching me isn’t, like, it’s not going to get me on the Avengers or anything... but i’ll take it. 
OH and Watson wouldn’t have to wake up Sherlock to figure out the second tick must have crawled off my dog who was napping at my feet after being out walking with me all day.
He has a luscious double coat that’s thick even for a husky (whose insulation is so good they can sleep on top of snow without their body heat melting any) and i’ve found ticks on him hours after a walk, still struggling to find a way past his super thick fur with its tangle-crimp undercoat. So it’s no surprise if one on him picks me for an easier target if he’s leaning on me
don’t you worry, i took a comb to him. They do find a way through his fur sometimes, and even though i give him a good rubdown and check between is toes and in his ears and armpits and things, after the second tick i gave him a good going over just to be sure
here, have a picture of my dog, Badger
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girlsrawesome64 · 3 months
heyy!! I just found your acc and you look pretty cool and i’m lowkey interested in your cod matchup!!
some stuff :
i’m 5”6, I have shoulder length curly brown hair, i’m midsize girlie (thick thighs save lives my friends)
I crochet, I love reading but i’m in a reading slump rn so it’s not it
i’m quite sarcastic when I can be, I do like to think i’m nice?! but I can be a cunt so you know take that as you will.
i’m english! midlands girlie so my accent is shite
and I have a leopard gecko called hercules after the disney film <3
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LMAOO of course pookums, thank you so much Everyone here is so nice is2g /pos
I matched you with….
SOAP!!!!!!! SOOOAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! or gaz but for this purpose SOOOOOOAPPPPP 🧼💧🌊💙
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W: all implied/off-screen consent, manhandling(carried), (implied flirting in a) drinking environment, soap drinks a lil implication, dog kill shelter mention/ euthanasia waiting list (the dog was ok they were just on the list before), childhood (late/died happy of old age) doggy conversation, slight domestic intimidation (playful, but jealousy+ is man), in order but vague/gaps
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The first time he saw you across the room his stare lingered before his mate patted him out of it. Oh- yeah, right. He was a little nervous, but he thought this would be fun.
And when you talked with others, he'd glance to poke his head over at your social vitality.
Greeted you like he would anyone else on the team. Respectfully, heartily offered a hand out to dap you up with a nod, a smiley glint in his eye.
Thank fuck, someone else with a normal accent. All these Horrible Histories-ass team members. When you got misunderstood once Soap just bumped your shoulder in camaraderie. "Hah! See Ghost, ye eejit. Ye can't even recognize yer own- it's not just me, yer just due hearing aids at yer big age."
Would 'casually' invite you out to hit a pub with a group on downtime in case you weren't invited already.
He'd exhale and shrug his shoulders seeing you across the room, trying to psyche himself up to approach you. Be normal, MacTavish.
You both worked under the Allegiance, your unit a flexible help/home-base support to use for specialist brigades like Task Force 141.
Soap had always kept an eye out when he walked past your worksite. One day, he noticed you working late, swamped with gun repairs that'd fallen hard off cargo transport.
"Wanna bet I can fix that?" He pointed to (for him) an intimidatingly complex mess of parts. "If I win, I can take you out. Or- I can just have your gratitude. Ladies choice." He nodded his chin up as he spoke to pretend he wasn't shitting himself internally.
If you agreed he relievedly sat down next to you, double-taking at some tools he didn't know how to use before just using his hands for the most-part. He studiously re-assembled (?) the parts- with some definite back and forth- with surprising swiftness. Any of your teasing just made him playfully curse back at you and work harder.
He...made..something? It looked like it worked, but definitely not OSHA certified. Would definitely have to take this verdict to the judges.
Makes the highest pitch noise you've heard him make as he leant towards you to look at your phone. Holy shit: lizard. Uh- gecko, right.
"Ah, handsome fucker isnae." He peered with focused breath.
Aye, Hercules? Suits him. Oh-! No fucking way. He put his finger up, urging you to wait as he whips out his phone to focusedly scroll for something, swaying as he stood. Waaait. Waittt..
Here. He leant down close over your shoulder. A picture of a Shetland sheepdog (that glam long-hair orange, white, black short-medium herding dog).
"Ariel." Uh-huh. He leant on his hand now on your seat behind you in-between scrolling to more pictures of her. "Designer adult dog in the shelter 'caus her last owner couldn't hack her. Lively, good eye, biter: perfect. Was on the kill list. I begged me mam for her." He swiped to a picture of kid him beaming, hugging her. "She kept me in shape better than any Sarg. I was gonna call her Shit Nugget or something, but mam wouldn't let me, so I settled for my favourite princess instead." ("Mermaids are fuckin cool.")
Soap rubbed your shoulder. "Ahh, c'mon. I'm sure the little guy'll survive without its mam for a bit."
"Tough seeing them grow up, huh?" He offered, tilting his head playfully before he searched your face, trying to think of something: "-Besides, you got a hercules right here." He joked, making a show of backing up to pat his scarred bicep.
"No? Yer breaking my back, lass.. Hmm.." He decided to stand and tried to cross his eyes to impersonate a gecko, I guess (??). So embarrassing. "Whats the difference. Thas right, indistinguishable."
Uses your shoulders as an arm-rest when standing in public in front of your team, pretending to be oblivious to your protest.
Would absolutely throw you over his shoulder for shits and giggles, or if you got too smart with him. Easy. Would obviously pretend to wobble and cackle, before adjusting your weight over his shoulder again and casually pretending to go about his business (to prove a point of just how much of a non-issue it was for him).
In-between deployments he'd lay back on your cot behind you, leaning on his elbow to try and precisely comb out/untangle any knots while your hair was still damp. He'd faux curse under his breath to himself and sit up, adjusting and getting you to sit 'properly' in front of him so he can do a better job. To attention please; this was a matter of pride /j.
When he comes back from work sore and groaning exasperatedly, he insists on cuddles whilst you're focused on crocheting. He climbs onto your bed situation and lays with a huff hugging your waist.
Remarks and looks over each crotchet project wholly whether it's half done or finished. " Waa!! Look at this wee fucker." -Shows it off to everyone.
"Ah yeh, my girlfriend, she can make all sortsa shit. She's like a lego character from those wee lego games."
Rolls his eyes to himself when he sees you staring at the others, sneaking up on you and leaning down to hug you over your shoulders.
His head lowered next to yours: "What're we looking at?" He'd question faux-softly.
"Uh-huh?" He follows your eyes to Ghost. "No. Be real lassie, thassa grim Christmas."
After he was finally reassured by a sufficient back and forth with a threateningly teasing tone he lets up, lulling his head to the side. "Yeah? Aye, that's what I thought. Atta girl." He kissed you on the cheek and released you.
He'd weaseled his way into your life, and you weren't too mad about it. He was your..weasel?
~divider by v6que (tumbr)
~soap:3 by JimMiIton (pinterest)
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hennythejetsmith · 6 months
Woodford 12/30
It isn't a lack of truth; I overthink entirely too much, but level with me..this isn't the first time & very similar circumstances & I'm not sure if this is some universal test? Karmic retribution for my past mistakes, maybe this is nothing at all, but if that were the case, then why am I up at 5:53 on a Saturday morning deep in a glass of whisky untangling the infinite hypotheticals...? Surely, this pusillanimous state I'm in, the endless synapses firing off that are slowly drowning in the double oak barrel reserve being forced down my throat for the fear of any unpleasant crossroad because I LOATHE the lows .. potential for them anyhow. Happy New Years Eve Eve
Christmas was good. We spent time with her family to which I discovered that crime, specifically shoplifting, was decriminalized in New York? The jury is still deliberating this no pun intended. In all seriousness, it was a beautiful experience. I remember when my Grandamommy's house was once teeming with love. Granted, we didn't have nearly as many members, that's not to say my mother's house isn't overabundant in love, but I lost track of the amount of people & being quizzed 5 minutes on Aunt Dina & Cousin Madelyn & who has on the orange top with black bottom versus who has on black top with orange bottom can somewhat paint the picture for the swaths of individuals. Uncle Shawn's a good guy. Eagles fan or not, I could talk sports & shoot the shit with him until the last grain of sand fell from my hourglass, as long as some cowboys fans were there hah
I'm going to try therapy soon. I wonder how Kurt felt, or was that just a fleeting thought. The most recent still of he playing a guitar juxtapose a girl wearing something of a tie dye Nirvana shirt with the bold print "Disrespectful" stamped across the screen shot through my mind like a comet. I'm not sure it would've mattered to him at this point of his life had he still been with us. Fathering his daughter seemed to be of utmost importance to him prior to his death, why should we believe that would change? My focus is similar, despite my vice to the brown stuff, I want to nurture & grow all my relationships. Maybe therapy is the answer for me. One office turned me down & another didn't respond. The third said they couldn't help while they offered a suggestion, so maybe they did help after all. We'll see, I hope. As I sit here at 6:13, contemplating what's next... I know I'm going to keep reading. My father would appreciate that. Oh, Update on my Pop Pop, he is doing better from last I spoke with Aunt Pat & my dad. I wish I wasn't under the weather so I could see him.
What was the root cause of the Civil War? That is the new point of contention for the internet discourse among troglodytes, or at least one of them. I'm just glad it isn't "if he invites you on a date, should you split the bill if he asks" because i'm tired. WE are not a monolith either, but damn! Well, who am I to judge, I find joy in watching minecraft videos from time to time & my humor is so broken... I cannot be the first to cast a stone or call the kettle black.
I'm not sure if i'm drunk or it does feel good to write like this. I used to be a poet, you know? if you take some time & scroll, you'll see. That's if anyone else is actually reading this. Or, & I sometimes feel like these little rants are for me to look back over, maybe you should scroll down, yourself, writer & see what you've done. Give yourself a bit of a jolt that you need. Lil prognostication here. Put it together 2024.. all of it. Make the people around you proud. Whoever isn't around, wish them the same. No need to say fuck em, that mantra is adopted by one too many & we
see how the world is turning out now, don't we. Genocides are filmed with no definite end in sight. Whether it be for something like this: a laptop to type my first world problems on or the direct attempt at the erasure of a Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.. we've lost sight of Humanitarianism. I know, these are the hot button topics, but what happens when they turn cold? What happens when the news cycle filters in a new story that captivates the audiences across the world? Are we to forget the atrocities that occurred under our watchful eye. This needs its own section(see here for the reason of break midsentence). Are we doomed to these primitive ways of conflict resolution? I'd hope not, otherwise dystopian novelists have some explaining to do & why were they not picking lotto tickets instead of shaping the landscape for my future? How selfish of me...so many other people in desolate corners of the world, with little to no hope of survival & here we are.. what type of Chai would you like, sir? Pathetic. Even though a chai latte sounds nice, from your local coffeeshop, because its f*** the Bucks, it just confirms this whole disconnect from the rest of the world. That isn't to say that I don't face my own issues as a Black man, but I could rant less...I could do a bit more for other people...being denied from a therapist really frustrated me while people gave birth & lost their newborn because one group of people, backed by an empire, decided that they were not important enough to live.
I pocket these thoughts...because...well I don't know... Jigglypuff
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