#self hatm
purepain · 4 years
i wont burn in hell
because im already there.
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~I’ve never been so suicidal in my life~ is
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etho-slab-time · 3 years
Do u remember when earlier in last life scar got bamboozled during one of the only moments he was trying to b helpful? And he said that thing, almost as if he was making the decision for the last time, about never being genuine?
And remember when he was Finally genuine (because he couldnt find a better deal) and gave the enchanting table like he said he would?
And remember when bdubs was trying to get B.E.S.T. to kill themselves to join him on red?
And remember when skizz was nothing but kind to him every chance he got, until he asked cleo why she wasnt killing him already?
And remember how that was because skizz had finally decided he was done trying to get B.E.S.T. to b heroes of the server.
And how that included no longer giving anyone access to the table?
No thots head empty :)
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kitsunerokko · 7 years
Tfw your complex, your need to be a "good kid" means hitting yourself so to get disciplined without getting anyone else in trouble
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Lemme just say when it comes to Eugenia Cooney. You cannot blame HER for some one else's actions. Yes she is triggering but the thing is if someone is gonna do that to themselves. If someone has this illness. They will find that inspiration. If its not her then it will be someone else. She's just as sick as us. And you can't blame her for what happens to anyone.
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pupchouli · 8 years
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woodenbees · 6 years
Wow I'm so stressed and depressed
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sleepyaches · 7 years
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deqdyke · 7 years
Can't read more so 🤷
TW: self harm
Don't read the tags if I know u irl?
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purepain · 4 years
even though theres no water around me
im still drowning.
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kyrtsad · 7 years
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blockbutton · 3 years
tw self hatm
when u cut urself bc of one of ur friends and he hears and doesnt even give enough of a shit to say anything or even talk to u other then when he needs something or is bored 💕 i love my life
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kleptotello · 7 years
Apriltello one shot/short fic suggestions? I'm running out of adorableness to read
Ooooh! Well, I have good news for you! Apritello Week is next month, so hopefully there will be some new adorableness out there to make the world a better place very soon.
I’m not sure what you have already read, but I’ll recommend a few one shots that I really love…
By Arrangement by @theherocomplex
Bee also wrote the three chapter one shot- High as the Moon and if you want really flippin’ adorable I strongly suggest reading it. Search for it on her page and you should also find a couple of cute shorts in which Donnie preps to introduce April to the family, the pair go camping with Raph and Casey, and some pre-HATM summer angst. :)
Twilight Galaxy by @hotmilkytea :D Tea wrote this for Apritello Day 2016. It takes place during the Space Arc and is far better than anything else that happened in space in season 4!
All Dowhill From Here by @hotmilkytea. Donnie suddenly realizes… he’s DATING April O’Neil! Short but oh so sweet.
Preludes also by @theherocomplex. These stories are special to me because they all take place before the major events of her GAVG Novel (seriously, it’s a novel and it’s beautiful). These mini fics are great on their own, but also set the stage for an amazing Apritello story that will keep you reading until 4am for a week!
And of course, Finding the Pattern by @theherocomplex. An “Oops, we accidentally got married fic.” That’s the good stuff…
Tea has tons of one-shots on her page as well, but right now Tumblr is being a butt and not allowing me to search for them. I would say pop onto her page though and just take a peek!
@onthespectrumwriting has also been working on a great post-The Power Inside Her fic called I Hear Static, I Hear You. It’s angsty and I believe still a work in progress, but I’ve really been enjoying it. This author also writes some very cute Capritello. Though I am primarily an Apritello fan, I think Capritello can be executed well. I love that @onthespectrumwriting allows these three to fall in love with each other. I get really uncomfortable and sad whenever this ship starts out with April cheating on Donnie with Casey or vice versa. In OTS’s Capritello fics, Donnie and Casey love one other as much as they both love April. Polyamory at it’s finest.
That’s what I have right now because, tbh, I mostly read the long, sprawling fics that take weeks to finish. It just happens that I particularly love Bee and Tea’s long, sprawling fics and, when I don’t have time to reread them and I just need “a fix” I scrounge for their drabbles, ficlets, and head canons.
I don’t really like to self promote but I did write one short fic called Light the Way. People have written the kindest reviews but of course, we are always our own harshest critic. I hope it makes someone smile, though!
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Am incercat.. Iar
Si am reusit.
Am simtit ca apartin, ca vreau sa ma conectez cu oamenii din jurul meu. Cred ca era doar un instinct reprimat intr-atat ca devenise amortit. Made friends with a lot of people in my music classes. They are like... Great, friendly, human, nice. And the best part? I dont feel like a weird creature anymore despite tge fact that i have self hatm scars on my whole body while the only things on this bitches butts is stretch marks.
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tagoras · 6 years
@everyone who tags s/elf har/m
Thank you and I love you
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angelbastard · 8 years
Anxiety and panicking yes? Red red red red red red redredredred red red?? Self harm?? CuTINGYESYESHESTESYESYESYES CURCUTFUTUCTUCUTYES SELF HATM HURT HUMRT HEURT Yes?
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